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Click on booknumber for full information
33997: [De Grazia 1909 - 1982] - De GRAZIA MOODS. In Gold Silver and Precious Gems and Cookies
15751: [Travels - Drake, et al] - LIVES And VOYAGES Of DRAKE, CAVENDISH, And DAMPIER; Including an Introductory View of the Earlier Discoveries in the South Sea, and the History of the Bucaniers. Harper's Family Library #XXX
21366.1.: [Moliere 1622 - 1673] - PLAYS By MOLIERE. Modern Library #78
34732: - JOAN Of ARC. Classics Illustrated Featuring Stories by the World's Greatest Authors. No 78
867.7: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Pierce, Gilbert A. With addtions by William A. Wheeler - The DICKENS DICTIONARY. A Key to the Characters and Principal Incidents in the Tales of Charles Dickens
18261: Abarbanel, Andrew - LOVING MADLY, LOVING SANELY. How to Keep Your Brain from Ruining Your Love Life
21382: Abbey, Henry [1842 - 1911] - The CITY OF SUCCESS And OTHER POEMS
30217: Abbott, Very Rev. Eric S. - Dean of Westminster - WESTMINSTER ABBEY 900 YEARS. The Commerative Book
22710: Abbott, Jacob [1803 - 1879] - The FLORENCE STORIES. Florence's Return
47808: Abbott, John S[tevens]. C[abot. 1805 - 1877] - The MOTHER At HOME; or, The Principles of Maternal Duty Familarly Illustrated
47780: Abbott, Thomas Eastoe - A SOLDIER'S FRIEND; or, Memorials of Brunswick; A Poem,; Sacred to the Memory of His Royal Highness Frederick, Duke of York and Albany, Commander-in-Chief of All His Majesty's Forces
38358: [Department of the Interior]. F. H. Abbott, Frank Pierce - Contributors - AMENDMENTS To The REGULATIONS Of APRIL 20, 1908 GOVERNING LEASING Of LANDS Of MEMBERS Of The FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Effective May 1, 1911
15482.1: Abbott, Jacob [1803 - 1879] - ROLLO'S TOUR In EUROPE. Rollo on the Atlantic (1853). Rollo in Paris (1854). Rollo in Switzerland (1854). Rollo in London (1855). Rollo on the Rhine (1855).; 'Rollo's Tour in Europe' Series, 1 - 5
14062: Abbott, Wilbur Cortez - CONFLICTS With OBLIVION
39127: Mrs. Abdy, Captain Basil Hall, Dryden, Sir N. W. Wraxall, [William] Wordsworth & H. Coleridge, Thomas Keightley, C. Swain - Contributors - "Rich Relations by Mrs. Abdy", "Schloss Hainfeld; or a Winter in Lower Styria by Captain Basil Hall", "Want by Dryden", "Posthumous Memoirs of His Own Time by Sir N. W. Wraxall", "Sonnets by Wordsworth & H. Coleridge", "The Crusaders Part II by Thomas Keightley", & "Dryburgh Abbey; The Burial Place of Sir Walter Scott by C. Swain" [as published in] The SELECT CIRCULATING LIBRARY. Containing the Best Popular Literature, Including Memoirs, Biography, Novels, Tales, Travels, Voyages, &c. Part II - 1836
43325: [History of Electricity]. Abel, Sir Frederick [1827 - 1902] - Chairman - JOURNAL Of The SOCIETY Of ARTS. Friday, November 21, 1884. No. 1670. Vol. XXXIII
36136: [Native American Indians]. Abel, Annie Heloise - The AMERICAN INDIAN As PARTICIPANT In The CIVIL WAR. The Slaveholding Indians. Vol. II
19183: Abel, Annie Heloise - TABEAU'S NARRATIVE Of LOISEL'S EXEDITION To The UPPER MISSOURI.; Translated from the French by Rose Abel Wright
43930: [European History]. Abell, Mrs. [Lucia Elizabeth Balcombe, 1802 - 1871] - RECOLLECTIONS Of The EMPEROR NAPOLEON, during the First Three Years of His Captivity on the Island of St. Helena: Including the Time of His Residence at Her Father's House, "The Briars"
19137: Abercrombie, John [1780 - 1844] - The PHILOSOPHY Of The MORAL FEELINGS. Harper's Family Library No. LVIII
33725.1: Abercrombie, Captain W. R. - Second U. S. Infantry, Commanding - ALASKA. 1899. Copper River Exploring Expedition
33725: Abercrombie, Captain W. R. - Second U. S. Infantry, Commanding - ALASKA. 1899. Copper River Exploring Expedition
13800: Abetti, Giorgio - The SUN.; Translated by J. B. Sidgwick
27607: Abingdon, Roger - The GREEN MAT. A Romance of Askew People
47802.1: Ablett, Joseph - Compiler. Hunt, Leigh [1784 - 1859]; Landor, Walter Savage [1775 - 1864] - Contributors - LITERARY HOURS; by Various Friends
15798: Abraham, Pearl - The ROMANCE READER. A Novel
44826: Abrahams, Israel - BY-PATHS In HERBRAIC BOOKLAND
10736: [Sociology]. Accampo, Elinor - INDUSTRIALIZATION, FAMILY LIFE, And CLASS RELATIONS. Saint Chamond, 1815 - 1914
50191: Ackerman, Franz; ter Heijne, Mathilde; Tal R; Sasse, Jorg; Scheibitz, Thomas - IMAGINATE BECOMES REALITY. An Exhibition Cycle Focusing on the Pictorial Understanding of Current Art.; Part I. Expanded Paint Tools
37754: Adair, John Lynch [Ustinalunti. 1828 - 1896]. Milam, Jess Bartley [1884 - 1949] - Former Owner - COMPILED LAWS Of The CHEROKEE NATION. Published by Authority of the National Council
33035: Adam, George [b. 1846] - EARTHQUAKES. An Astronomical Question. With ALs
32532: Adams, Ansel [1902 - 1984]. Baker, Robert - Contributor - The PRINT. The New Ansel Adams Photography Series. Book 3
31722: [Adams, Ansel. 1902 - 1984]. Alinder, James & Szarkowski, John - Compilers - ANSEL ADAMS: Classic Images
31624: Adams, William T., "Oliver Optic" - Editor. 'By America's Best Writers.' - OLIVER OPTIC'S NEW STORY BOOK. Or, Stories in Rhyme and Prose for Little Folks
36304: Adams, Richard C. - The ADOPTION Of MEW - SEU - QUA Tecumseh's Father and the Philosophy of the Delaware Indians with Unpolished Gems
2689.3: [Adams, John]. Stone, Irving [1903 - 1989] - THOSE WHO LOVE. A Biographical Novel of Abigail and John Adams
26627: Adams, Richard - The UNBROKEN WEB. Stories & Fables
23080: Adams, W[illiam]. T[aylor. 1822 - 1897] - The YOUNG TRAVELERS [in] The Student and Schoolmate and Forrester's Boys and Girls Magazine. Volume X. 1861
22042: Adams, Henry [1838 - 1918] - LETTERS To A NIECE And PRAYER To The VIRGIN Of CHARTRES.; With a Niece's Memories by Mabel La Farge
21293: [Adams, William Taylor]. Jones, Dolores Blythe - An "OLIVER OPTIC" CHECKLIST: An Annotated Catalog-Index to the Series, NonseriesStories, and Magazine Publications of William Taylor Adams. Bibliographies and Indexes in American Literature
21009.1: Adams, Ansel ]. Szarkowski, John - Contributor - The PORTFOLIOS OF ANSEL ADAMS.; Introduction by John Szarkowski
35238: Adams, Rev. H[enry]. C[aldwalder. 1817 - 1899] - WHO WAS PHILIP? A Tale of Public School Life
18721.1: Adams, Henry [1838 - 1918]. Adams, James Truslow [1878 - 1949] - Introduction - The EDUCATION Of HENRY ADAMS
17286: Adams, Ramon F. - The RAMPAGING HERD
45626: Adams, Ansel; Ferris, Melton; Lange, Dorothea; Louie, Ernest; Morgan, Barbara; Newhall, Beaumont ; Newhall, Nancy; Warren, Dody; White, Minor - Founders - APERTURE MAGAZINE. Complete Run, Issue #1 - #227 (Summer 2017)
45612: [Naval Aviation History / Vietnam War Era]. Adams, Rick (?) - NAVAL AVIATOR PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM, 1968 - 1971
13047.1: Adams, Alice - To SEE YOU AGAIN. Stories
13050: Adams, Alice - AFTER YOU'VE GONE. Stories
50305: Addiego,John - TEARS Of The MOUNTAIN
32988: [Auction Catalogue]. Addington, Samuel - CATALOGUE Of The HIGHLY IMPORTANT & VALUABLE COLLECTION Of AUTOGRAPH LETTERS Of Royal, Noble, Learned, and Remarkable Personages Conspicuous in English & Foreign History, The Property of That Well-Known Amateur SAMUEL ADDINGTON, ESQ. Comprising Many of the Most Interesting and the Rarest Examples Known. Which will be Sold by Auction ... On Monday, the 24th of April, 1876 ..
47689: Addington, William [d. 1811] - An ABRIDGMENT [sic] Of PENAL STATUTES; Which Exhibits at One View, in the Following Manner, the Offences | Punishments or Penalties | Mode of Recovery | Application of Penalties, &c. | Number of Witnesses | What Justices | The Enacting Statutes
45373: [Addison, Joseph. 1672 - 1719]. Tickell, Mr. [Thomas. 1685 - 1740] - Contributor/Editor - MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, in Verse and Prose, of the Late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq. In Three Volumes.; Consisting of Such as were never before Printed in Twelves. With some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, By Mr. Tickell
50543: Addison, Joseph [1672 - 1719]; Steele, Richard; Budgell, Eustace. Thackeray, William Makepeace - Contributor - The SIR ROGER De COVERLY PAPERS. From the Spectator, London: 1711 - 1712.; With Some Prefatory Notes by W. M. Thackeray
43427: [John Nash]. Addison, Joseph [1672 - 1719] - The VISION Of MIRZAH
29759: Addison, A. C. - The ROMANTIC STORY Of The MAYFLOWER PILGRIMS And Its Place in the Life of To-Day
23945: [Addison, Joseph. 1672 - 1719] - The ADDISONIAN MISCELLANY: Being a Selection of Valuable Pieces from Those Justly Celebrated and Classic Works, the Spectator, Tatler, and Guardian. To Which is Prefixed, the LIFE of JOSEPH ADDISON, Esq
14254: [WWI]. Addison, The Rt. Hon. Christopher. [1869 - 1951] - BRITISH WORKSHOPS And The WAR
33318: Ade, George [1866 - 1944]. Luders, Gustav - Composer. Marion, George - Stage Manager - The SHO-GUN. An Original Comic Opera in Two Acts
50579: Ade, George [1866-1944] - TRUE BILLS
46356: Ade, George [1866 - 1944] - BREAKING Into SOCIETY
48061: [Adler, Hermann. 1839 - 1911] - Attributed to. Colenso, John William [1814 - 1883] - A JEWISH REPLY To DR. COLENSO'S CRITICISM On The PENTATEUCH.; Issued by the Jewish Association for the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge
11784: Adler, H. G. - Der FURST Des SEGENS. Parabeln - Betrachtungen - Gleichnisse
22721: Adler, Elmer; Stanford, Alfred; Winterich, John T., editors - The COLOPHON. A Book Collectors Quarterly, Part Fourteen
39244: [A New Series Publication]. Adler, Elmer, Alfred Stanford, & John T. Winterich - Contributors - The COLOPHON NEW SERIES. A Quarterly for Bookmen. Autumn 1937. Volume II, Number 4
39243: [A New Series Publication]. Adler, Elmer, Alfred Stanford, & John T. Winterich - Contributors - The COLOPHON NEW SERIES. A Quarterly for Bookmen. Autumn 1936. Volume II, Number I.
41415: Southern California Writers' Project of the Work Projects Administration - SANTA BARBARA. A Guide to the Channel City and its Environs. American Guide Series. Illustrated
21894: Adomites, Paul D., editor - The SABR REVIEW Of BOOKS. Vol. III, 1988
43334.1: [19th C. Promotional Advertisement] - REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE - WRITER
46637: [Political Advertisement] - A DANGEROUS WEAPON.; VOTE "NO" On AMENDMENT No. 27
48027: [Wine Advertisement] - CÔTES DE PROVANCE.; Un Art De Vivre
37822: [19th C. Advertisement] - ANDERSON'S EUROPEAN HOTEL DINING ROOM, BOONE BLOCK, Cor. MADISON & LASALLE STS. New Dining Room. Breakfast, Dinner and Supper. All the Substantials & Luxuries of the Season. Everything First-Class. Prices Moderate. Open from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M.
43247: [Fashion / Advertising] - WE HAVE READY NEW And CORRECT STYLES For The FALL & WINTER SEASONS Of 1884 & 1885 and Will Be Pleased to Serve You. Mattson & Dilkes. 1346 Chestnut St. Philadelphia
43242: [Footwear / Advertising] - LOT Of BOOT And SHOE ADVERTISING CARDS
41562: [Californiana / Advertising] - ALs From The CALIFORNIA FARMER And JOURNAL Of USEFUL SCIENCES to "Mes[r]s Merriam" Regarding Advertising. April 4, 1871
37242: Senate Document. Mr. Morgan. - Committee on Indian Affairs - Report No. 281 [to Accompany S. 1548.] In the Senate of the United States. 52d Congress. 1st Session
45455: Agapida, Fray Antonio [pseudonym of Irving, Washington. 1783 - 1859] - A CHRONICLE Of The CONQUEST Of GRANADA. In Two Volumes
44935: Agnew, Rev. David C. A. - PROTESTANT EXILES From FRANCE in the Reign of Louis XIV; or, The Huguenot Refugees and Their Descendants in Great Britain and Ireland
47175: [Event Menu - Agriculture(?)] - LAS ROBLES THIRD ANNUAL RE-UNION.; Breakfast. July 23, 1899
44978: [Mathematical Teaching Aids] - TANGRAM TASKS
49429: Aiken, Conrad [1889 - 1973] - SKYLIGHT ONE. Fifteen Poems
51256: [Penny Dreadful / Western Literature]. [Aiken, Albert W. (1846 - 1894)]. - BLAKE The MOUNTAIN LION or The Fresh Against the Field.; Aldine "O'er Land and Sea" Library. No. 200
51250: [Penny Dreadful / Cowboy Fiction]. [Aiken, Albert W. (1846 - 1894)]. - The FRESH In MONTANA or Jackson Blake's Full Hand at Hardtack.; Aldine "O'er Land and Sea" Library. No. 204
50572: Ainsworth, Ed - CALIFORNIA JUBILEE. Nuggets from Many HIdden Veins
32687: Ainsworth, Leopold - A MERCHANT VENTURER AMONG The SEA GIPSIES. Being a Pioneer's Account of Life on an Island in the Mergui Archipelago
43234: Ainsworth, William Harrison [1805 - 1882] - CARDINAL POLE: or, The Days of Philip and Mary. An Historical Romance. In Three Volumes
35570: Ainsworth, William Harrison [1805 - 1882] - The MYSTERIES Of The COURT Of The STUARTS
19255: Ainsworth, W[illiam]. Harrison [1805 - 1882] - AURIOL. Fragment of a Romance
5172.1: Aitken, W. Frances. Lincoln, Abraham - Subject - The BOY'S LIFE Of GREATHEART LINCOLN The Martyr President
50158: Aitken, Molly Emma - Editor - A MAGIC WORLD. New Visions of Indian Painting
22771: Aitken, Thomas D., editor - The STANFORD QUAD. Volume XXXIX, June 1932
50316: Akhtar, Ayad - AMERICAN DERVISH. A Novel
30576: Akunin, Boris - The TURKISH GAMBIT. A Novel.; Translated by Andrew Bromfield
29171: Albery, F[axon]. F[ranklin]. D[uane. b. 1848] - MICHAEL RYAN, CAPITALIST. A Story of Labor
43981: [Photograph Album] - USS GENERAL WILLIAM A MANN (AP 112). Slow Boat From China
45197: [Autograph Album] - PARAGON AUTOGRAPHS ALBUM
36270: [Photo Album] - JAPANESE PHOTO ALBUM. 19th C.
35988: [Souvenir View Album] - The LEPORELLO ALBUM Of CRYSTAL PALACE VIEWS. Entered at Stationers' Hall. Sold Wholesale by Hyman A. Abrahams
46342: [Photo Album] - FAMILY PHOTO ALBUM.; Oakland - San Francisco - Milwaukee - New York - Rochester - St. Paul
35384: [Souvenir Photo Album] - SOUVENIR Of ... ... SACRAMENTO, CAL ... Photo-Gravures
39041: [Photograph Album] - On BOARD The SS MONGOLIA. San Francisco to New York, via the Panama Canal
37521: [Promotional Souvenir Photograph Album] - SCENIC MOUNT LOWE
40522: Alciatore, Jules - Proprietor - ANTOINE'S DINNER MENU. "Allons Chez Antoine." Established 1840
45060: Alcott, Louisa M[ay 1832 - 1888] - THREE PROVERB STORIES.; Kitty's Class-Day, Aunt Kipp, Psyche's Art. Illustrated by Augustus Hoppin
41159: Alcott, Louisa M[ay. 1832 - 1888] - POPPIES And WHEAT
46770: Alcott, Louisa M. (1832-1888) - EIGHT COUSINS, Or The Aunt-Hill
20272: Alcott, Louisa M[ay. 1832 - 1888] - UNDER The LILACS. Beacon Hill Bookshelf Series
17873: Alden, John - The CROSSWAYS. [In: POEMS In PAMPHLET XII]
44744: Aldin, Cecil [1870 - 1935] - Illustrator - CATHEDRALS and ABBEY CHURCHES of ENGLAND
43025: Aldington, Richard - D. H. LAWRENCE
28073: Aldington, Richard - LAWRENCE Of ARABIA. A Biographical Enquiry
27956: Aldington, Richard [1892 - 1962] - WOMEN MUST WORK. A Novel
46570: Aldington, Richard [1892 - 1962] - DEATH Of A HERO. A Novel
17765: Aldington, Richard - PINORMAN. Personal Recollections of Norman Douglas, Pino Orioli and Charles Prentice
37689: Aldington, Richard - SOFT ANSWERS
32316: Aldis, Harry G. - The PRINTED BOOK
32569: Aldrich, Thomas Bailey [1836 - 1907] - The BALLAD Of BABIE BELL And Other Poems
36778: Alexander, Mrs - WHAT GOLD CANNOT BUY. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. Vol. IV. No. 323. January 1, 1892
22404: Alexander, Lamar - WE KNOW WHAT TO DO. A Political Maverick Talks with America
22228: Alexander, Gary - BLOOD SACRIFICE
22227: Alexander, Gary - DEAD DINOSAURS
22226: Alexander, Gary - KIET And The OPIUM WAR
22224: Alexander, Gary - UNFUNNY MONEY
22225: Alexander, Gary - KIET And The GOLDEN PEACOCK
39633: Alexander, B. S.; Lightner, C. W. - REPORT Of The COMMISSIONERS Appointed to Examine the HARBOR Of SANTA CRUZ And SALINAS SLOUGH, in the Bay of Monterey
16678: [Railroad] Alexander, Edwin P. - The PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. A Pictorial History
14693: Alexander, Holmes - SHALL DO NO MURDER
33756: Alexandro, Alexandri Ab [1461 - 1523] - ALEXANDRI Ab ALEXANDRO, Iurisperiti Neapolitani, Genialivm Diervm Libri Sex, Varia ac Recondita Ervditione Referti, Accuratius & maiore side quàm antehac vsquam impressi, cum duplici indice
45870: Alford, Henry [1810 - 1871] - The POETICAL WORKS Of HENRY ALFORD
43947: [European History / Napoleon]. Fremeaux, Paul. Rieu, Alfred and Fremeaux, Paul - Translators - The DRAMA Of SAINT HELENA
51204: Alger, Horatio - LUKE WALTON. Victory Alger Series #8
8254.1: [Algren, Nelson. 1909 - 1981]. Bruccoli, Matthew J. - NELSON ALGREN A Descriptive Bibliography
40577: Alighieri, Dante. Johnston, David - Translator - A TRANSLATION Of DANTE'S PURGATORIO
43603: Allen, Lewis & Dorothy - The ALLEN PRESS BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Facsimile with Original Leaves and Additions to Date Including a Checklist of Ephemera
32463: Allen, Benjamin Shannon - Editor - CALIFORNIA. From 1769 to 1909. An Illustrated History. Volume II. Issued in Commemoration of the Portola Festival.; With Special Writers from All the Leading San Francisco Papers
7776: [Travel]. Allen, W. E. D. - editor - RUSSIAN EMBASSIES To The GEORGIAN KINGS 1589 - 1605. Hakluyt Society Series II, Volume CXXXIX.; Texts Translated by Anthony Mango
28560: [Theology]. Allen, Rev. Benjamin [1789 - 1829] - HISTORY Of The REFORMATION. Being an Abridgment of Burnet's History of the Reformation of the Church of England. Together with the Sketches of the Lives of Luther, Calvin and Zuingle, The Three Celebrated Reformers of the Continent
21560: Allen, E.A. - LABOR And CAPITAL: Containing an Account of the Various Organizations of Farmers, Planters, and Mechanics, for Mutual Improvement and Protection Against Monopoly
21300: Allen, Captain Quincy - The OUTDOOR CHUMS In The FOREST
10950: Allen, Edward - MUSTANG SALLY
17090: Allen, Thomas B. & Polmar, Norman - MERCHANTS Of TREASON
34587: [Allen, Ethan. 1738 - 1789]. Holbrook, Stewart H[all. 1893 - 1964] - ETHAN ALLEN
51331: Allen, Paul. Egan, Beresford - Subject - BERESFORD EGAN. An Introduction to His Work
37476: 'By an Old Housekeeper' [pseudoynm for Allen, Ann H.] - The HOUSEKEEPER'S ASSISTANT, Composed Upon Temperance Principles, with Instruction in the Art of Making Plain and Fancy Cakes, Puddings, Pastry, Confectionary, Ice Creams, Jellies, Blanc Mange, Also for the Cooking of All the Various Kinds of Meats and Vegetables; with a Variety of Useful Information and Receipts Never Before Published
790: Allende, Isabel - EVA LUNA
19523.1: Allende, Isabel - The STORIES Of EVA LUNA.; Translated from the Spanish by Margaret Sayers Peden
37307: Allestree, Richard [1619 - 1681] - Attributed to - The WHOLE DUTY Of MAN, Laid Down In a Plain and Familiar Way, for the Use of All, but Especially the Meanest Reader. Divided into XVII Chapters; One Whereof Being Read Every Lord's-Day, the Whole may be read over Thrice in the Year. Necessary for All Families
47856: Allingham, William; Arnold, Edwin; Dobson, Austin; Gosse, Edmund - Contributors - AULD LANG SYNE. Selections from the Papers of the "Pen and Pencil Club."
22211: [Allis, William Phelps] Woods, Frederick; Goodwin, Harry; Keyes, Frederick; Moore, Clarence., editors - JOURNAL Of MATHEMATICS And PHYSICS. Vol. VI, No. 3
20032: Allman, Kevin - HOT SHOT. A Mystery
50082: [Publisher's Promotional Poster]. Van Allsburg, Chris [b. 1949] - The MYSTERY Of HARRIS BURDICK
50482: [Women's Pocket Almanac] - CALENDRIER De La COUR Pour L'Année bissextile 1820
26821: [Almanac] - The MASSACHUSETTS REGISTER And UNITED STATES CALENDAR; For the Year of Our Lord 1809, the Thirty-Third of American Independence.; Containing Civil, Judicial, Ecclesiastical, and Military Lists, in Massachusetts; Associations, and Corporate Institutions, for Literary, Agricultural, and Charitable Purposes. A List of Post-Towns in Massachusetts, with the Names of the Post-Masters. Also, Catalogues of the Officers of the General Government ..
15878: [Almanac] - The AMERICAN ALMANAC And REPOSITORY Of USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, For the Year 1833
23076: Gerstacker [also, Gerstaecker], Frederick [1816 - 1872] - HOW A BRIDE WAS WON; Or, A Chase Across the Pampas.; Translated by Francis Jordan
50718: [Art History]. Alsop, Ian; Rossi, Anna Maria & Fabio; Gyatso, Gonkar - Contributors - VISIONS From TIBET. A Brief Survey of Contemporary Painting
6364: Alther, Lisa - ORIGINAL SINS
12250: Alther, Lisa - KIN-FLICKS
3857.1: Altick, Richard - The ART Of LITERARY RESEARCH
28538: Alton, Edmund - AMONG The LAW-MAKERS
28048: Altsheler, Joseph A. - The GREAT SIOUX TRAIL. A Story of Mountain and Plain. The Great West Series #1
46557: Alvin, Rev. Paul W. - ALs To LT. MURRAY SANDS MARVIN From REV. PAUL W. ALVIN
50842: Luiz do Amaral, Manoel - THIS IS PARANÁ
50067: Ambalal, Amit - KRISHNA As SHRINATHJI. Rajasthani Paintings from Nathdvara
9595: [Americana] - A CENTURY Of CALIFORNIA LITERATURE. An Exhibition Prepared for the California Literary Centenial
44759: [Americana] - The DELAWARE & MARYLAND FARMERS' ALMANAC for the Year 1842: Being Second After Bissextile or Leap Year
19897: [Americana] - The FLATELY BOOK And Recently Discovered Vatican Manuscripts Concerning America as Early as the Tenth Century.; Documents Now Published for the First Time, Which Establish Beyond Controversy the Claim that North America was Settled by Norsement Five Hundred Years Before the Time of Columbus
18367: [Americana].; [Bicentennial] - ['Buy Centennial, 1776 - 1976, America's Business is Business' Poster]
47661: [Kissam Family - Americana] - RECEIPTS FOR ESTATE OF CORNELIUS DURYEA
32755: [Amory, Thomas C. 1812 - 1889] - GENERAL SULLIVAN Not A Pensioner of Luzerne
45858: Amory, Hugh & Hall, David D. - Editors - A HISTORY Of The BOOK In AMERICA. The Colonial Book in the Atlanic World. Volume 1
7317.1: L'Amour, Louis - OVER On The DRY SIDE
768: L'Amour, Angelique - A TRAIL Of MEMORIES.; Foreward by Louis L'Amour
7440: L'Amour, Louis - 'WAR PARTY' in The SATURDAY EVENING POST. June 13, 1959
31414: Amsden, Dora - The MACARONI TREE. A Medley of Fancies and Fairies from the Land of Make Believe
47595: [Hotel Menu - Amsterdam] - HÔTEL, CAFÉ-RESTAURANT "KRASNAPOLSKY" - AMSTERDAM.; Menu
1050: Amter, Joseph A. - VIETNAM VERDICT. A Citizen's History
36771: Nai-An, Shih. Jackson, J. H. - Translator - WATER MARGIN
33818: Anafesto, Paolo [pseudonym of Possevino, Antonio [also Possevinus, Antonius]. ca 1532 - 1611] - RISPOSTA Del Sig. PAOLO ANAFESTO Aall'Avviso del Sig. Antonio Qvirino, Nobili Venetiani, Circa la Scommunica della Santità di Papa Paolo V. contro il Duce, & Senato di Venetia
42129: Andersen, Hans Christian [1805 - 1875] - The NIGHTINGALE
13599: Andersen, Christopher - CITIZEN JANE. The Turbulent Life of Jane Fonda
12739: Anderson, Jim - BILLAROOBY
48317: Anderson, William Dale [b. 1936] - SCRAPBOOK. Pomona College. 1954 - 1957
36420: [Anderson, James Maxwell. 1888 - 1959]. Avery, Laurence G. - Compiler - A CATALOGUE Of The MAXWELL ANDERSON COLLECTION at the University of Texas
46465: Anderson, Thomas (1832-1870); Archer, William (1830-1897); Babington, C[harles]. C[ardale]. (1808-1895); Bentham, George (1800-1884); Gray, Asa (1810-1888); Hogg, John (1800-1869); Hooker, J[oseph]. D[alton]. (1817-1911); Lowe, R[ichard]. T[homas]. (1802- - JOURNAL Of The PROCEEDINGS Of The LINNEAN SOCIETY. BOTANY. Vol. V; [Bound with] Supplement to Vol. V - Botany. Florula Adenensis. A Systematic Account, with Descriptions, of the Flowering Plants Hitherto Found at Aden.[by] Thomas Anderson, Esq.; Second Supplement to Vol. V - Botany. Containing Notes on Aurantiaceæ by Daniel Oliver, Esq. and on Menispermaceæ, Tiliaceæ, Bixaceæ, and Samydaceæ. By George Bentham, Esq.; [and] Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London
35436.3: Anderson, Poul. Schmitz, James H. Jones, Raymond F. Fyfe, H. B. Russell, Eric Frank. de Camp, Spague. Coupling, J. J. - "Quixote and the Windmill" [as published in] ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION. November, 1950 Vol XLVI. No. 3.; Illustrations by Cartier, Miller and Ward
35436.16: Anderson, Poul. Russell, Eric Frank. Fyfe, H. B. Locke E. L. van Vogt, A. E. - "Genius" [as published in] ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION. December, 1948. Vol. XLII. No. 4.; Illustrations by Cartier, Orban and Rogers
18063: Anderson, Gwyneth - A TIME To SPEAK. [IN: Poems in Pamphlet No. VI]
13593: Anderson, Alison - HIDDEN LATITUDES
8548: Anderson, Charles R. - VIETNAM: The Other War
39262: Andre, Michael - Editor. Erika Rothenberg, Lois Berk, Annette Green, Janet Heettner, Caryn Leland, Loren Michaels, & Tom Wirth - Contributors - UNMUZZLED OX Vol. IV, No. IV / Vol. V. "Poets' Encyclopedia" Proof Copy with Corrections
42763: [Photograph Album]. Andretti, Mario [b. 1940]; Rutherford, Johnny [b. 1938]; Lammers, Jan [b. 1956]; Arnoux, Rene [b. 1948] - Pictured racer(s) - NASCAR WINSTON CUP STOCK CAR RACE - 1981 [accompanied by] GRAND PRIX WEST FORMULA ONE - 1981
49514: Andrews [also Andrewes], Lancelot [1555 - 1626]. Drake, Richard - Contributor - A MANUAL Of The PRIVATE DEVOTIONS And MEDITATIONS Of The RIGHT REVEREND FATHER In GOD, LANCELOT ANDREWS Late L. Bishop of Winchester. [bound with] A MANUAL Of DIRECTIONS For The SICK: With Many Sweet Meditations and Devotions ...; Translated out of a fair Greek MS. of His Amanuensis. By R. D. B. D.
44020: Andrews, Miss [Lucy C.] - CHOICE RECEIPTS ARRANGED For The GAS STOVE
45131: Andrews, C[larence]. L[eroy. b. 1862] - The STORY Of SITKA. The Historic Outpost of the Northwest Coast.; The Chief Factory of the Russian American Company
29902: Andrews, John [1736 - 1809] - ANDREW'S NEW TRAVELLING MAP, Of ENGLAND And WALES, from Actual Surveys, Exhibiting all the Turnpike and Principle Cross Roads with the Distances from Town to Town according to the Mile Stones & other exact Admensurations Rivers, Roman Stations with the Coast of France from Ostende to Brest and La Rochelle
44843: Andrews, E. A. & Stoddard, S. - A GRAMMAR Of The LATIN LANGUAGE; For the Use of Schools and Colleges
2270.35: Andrews, Malcolm, et al. - editors - The DICKENSIAN
21406: Andrews, Ralph W. - PICTURE GALLERY PIONEERS: First Photographers of the West 1850 - 1875
51467: Andrews, Ralph W. - THIS WAS SAWMILLING
35389: Andrews, Philip - Editor - AIR NEW YEARBOOK
34680: Andrews, Barry G. Wilde, William H. - AUSTRALIAN LITERATURE To 1900. A Guide to Information Sources. Volume 22 in the American Literature, Enligh Literature, and World Literature in English Information Guide Series
44054: [Cocktails / Los Angeles] - WINE LIST of the World Famous Los Angeles Ambassador
44066: [Menu / Los Angeles] - PIECES OF EIGHT. Marina Del Rey
43829: [Cookery / Los Angeles] - SMITH BROS. FISH SHANTY MENU. [Los Angeles]
47392: Restaurant Menu - Los Angeles] - THANKSGIVING - MELODY LANE
47395: [Restaurant Menu - Los Angeles, Ca.] - MELODY LANE
47350: [Restaurant Menu - Los Angeles] - SUPER SUPPER SUGGESTIONS.; McHenry's Tail O' The Cork
47188: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco/Los Angeles] - Ye PIG'N WHISTLE CANDIES.; San Francisco - Los Angeles
46932: [Restaurant Menu - Los Angeles] - KELLY'S. TURRIS FORTIS MIHI DEUS.; Washington and Atlantic - Los Angeles
46289: [Beverage Menu - Los Angeles] - The ROSSLYN, LIQUOR MENU.; Liquor Wine and Beer
47822: [Restaurant Menu - Los Angeles] - The GRENADIER RESTAURANT.; 9229 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles
20851: Anglund, Joan Walsh - A BOOK Of GOOD TIDINGS From the Bible
18268: Anissimov, Myriam - PRIMO LEVI. Tragedy of an Optimist.; Translated by Steve Cox
49940: Anjirbag, Feruzi - Text - UNDER The EMBROIDERED SKY. Embroidery of The Ahirs of Kutch.; With a Foreword by Professor Anne Morrell
49810: Barber, Willetta Ann and Schabelitz, R[udolph]. F[rederick. 1884 - 1959] - PENCIL POINTS To MURDER. A Christopher Storm Mystery
50445: Anna, Comtesse de Brémont - The WORLD Of MUSIC. The Great Composers
34726: Rumphus, Georgius Everharddus. Beekman, E. M - Translator, Editor, Annotations and Introduction - The AMBONESE CURIOSITY CABINET
42110: [Anon.] - An ANTHOLOGY OF SONG. [Long Beach District Song Book, Rally Edition.]
33232: Anonymous - REMINISCENCES Of An OFFICER Of ZOUAVES. Translated from the French
31106: [Provincial Printing]. Anonymous - The BLUE WREATH
47325: [Anonymous] - ANNE Of BRITTANNY. An Historical Romance. Three Volumes in One
29307: Anonymous - NITROGEN And ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES. Photo Industrial Study No. 1
27176: [Gothic Romance]. [Anonymous] - The CASTLE Of The MIST.; The Family Story-Teller No. 156
27177: [Gothic Romance]. [Anonymous] - VIOLET'S VICTORY.; The Family Story-Teller No. 155
26236: [Erotica]. Anonymous - The OLD MAID'S LAST PRAYER And FREE CONFESSION; with the Author's Petition to Cupid on Their Behalf
47075: [Philosophy]. Anonymous - The BODY, MIND, And SPIRIT; or, The Life of Nature, of Reason, and of Heaven, Separately Traced in Man
40604: [Anonymous] - EARLY 20th CENTURY "REWARD Of MERIT" CARDS
22863: [English History]. [Anonymous] - Some MODEST REMARKS On Dr. SHERLOCKS NEW BOOK About the CASE of ALLEGIANCE Due To SOVEREIGN POWERS, &c. In a Letter to a Friend
39783: Anonymous - SILVER GELATIN PHOTOGRAPH. B. C. Electric Rly. Co. Observation Car. Vancouver, B. C. 1927. "Teddy" Lyons, Conductor
22084: [Anonymous] - The CHILD Of THIRTY-SIX FATHERS. A Serious, Comic and Moral Romance. Translated from the French
46117: [Anonymous] - NEUES PANORAMA Des RHEINS Von MAINZ Bis CÖLN. Mit 37 Randbildern nebst Beschreibung.; New Panorama of the Rhine from Mayence to Cologne/ Nouveau Panorama du Rhin de Mayence á Cologne
39117: Anonymous - DON RODRIQUEZ; The Terror of the Indies. "The Aldine Half-Holiday Library. A Complete Story of Adventure Weekly." No. 400
9863: [Anonymous] - The AMERICAN CHESS PLAYERS HANDBOOK.; Based on the Work of Staunton and Modern Authorities
45848: [Anonymous] - Los JUDIOS. Su Historia Su Aporte a la Cultura
48552: Anonymous - The EMPIRICK By a Correspondent of the High-German Physician's; And Address'd to the Author of a Pamphlet Lately Publish'd under that Title
48365: Anonymous - VETERINARY MEDICAL INDEX, And Key to the Homoeopathic Treatment of the most common Complaints of Horses and Cattle
46703: [Anonyomous] - The EPICUREAN.; Guide to Parisian Restaurants, Tea Rooms, Cafés, bars, Dancings, Cabarets and French Wines
12738: Anouilh, Jean - LEGEND Of LOVERS.; Translated by Kitty Black
38944: [Publication Anouncement] - PETER WILLIAM BRADLEY. Now Nearing His Fifth Birthday, Began the Drawings for this Folio in July 1964. The Original Drawings Were Executed in Pencil on Paper, then Transferred to Linoleum Blocks and Cut by his Father. Peter's Works Include - Vehicles, Houses, a Portrait, and A Christmas Tree
48108: Ansted, David Thomas [1814 - 1880] - The GREAT STONE BOOK Of NATURE
47862: Anstey, F. [nom de plume for Guthrie, Thomas Anstey. 1856 - 1934] - BABOO JABBERJEE. B.A.
9554: [Anstey, Christopher. 1724 - 1805] - The NEW BATH GUIDE: or Memoirs of the B - N - R - D Family. In a Series of Poetical Epistles
37173: [Anthology] - FAIRY WISHES [as published in] BEADLE'S DIME DIALOGUES NO. 18
41544: [Anthology] - The DRAMATIC SCHOOL SPEAKER. De Witt's School Speakers. No. 5
1902: [Anthology] - America's Wild Woodlands
50883: [Baseball Anthology] - The LOVE Of BASEBALL
37425: [Anthology] - The DIME DIALOGUES No. 3. A Choice Collection of Original School and Parlor Dramas Comediettas, Burlesques Farces, Etc., Etc.
980.1: Anthony, Evelyn [pseudonym of Ward-Thomas, Evelyn. b. 1928] - VOICES On The WIND
41853: Antoniewicza, O. Karola [anglicized as Antoniewicz, Charles Boloz. 1807 - 1852] - PRZEZ KRZYZ DO NIEBA. Z Pism o. Karola Antoniewicza Tow. Jezusowego
49193: D'Anvers, Caleb [pseudonym for Bath, William Pulteney, Earl of (1684 - 1764)] - Addressed to. Hervey, John Hervey; Baron [1696 - 1743] - Attributed name - A LETTER To CALEB D'ANVERS, ESQ; On His Proper Reply to a Late Scurrilous Libel, Entitled Sedition and Defamation Display'd, &c
23952: Appelfeld, Aharon - To The LAND Of The CATTAILS.; Translated by Jeffrey M. Green
9964.1: Appelton, Victor - TOM SWIFT And His AIRLINE EXPRESS. Tom Swift Sr. Series #29
32459: Appert, Richard. Author of "Famous Ships". Student in Printing, San Francisco Continuation School. Coats, Martin D., Instructor - SAN FRANCISCO
26517: Appignanesi, Richard - ITALIA PERVERSA. Part Three. Destroying America
26515: Appignanesi, Richard - ITALIA PERVERSA. Part One. Stalin's Orphans
835.4: Appleton, Victor - TOM SWIFT CIRCLING The GLOBE or The Daring Cruise of the Air Monarch. Tom Swift Series #30
4731.4: Appleton, Victor - TOM SWIFT And His TALKING PICTURES or The Greatest Invention on Record. Tom Swift Sr. Series #31
9975.6: Appleton, Victor - TOM SWIFT And His SUBMARINE BOAT. Tom Swift Series #4
27106: Appleton, Nathan. Palfrey, John G. - CORRESPONDENCE Between NATHAN APPLETON And JOHN G. PALFREY Intended as a Supplement to Mr. Palfrey's Pamphlet on the Slave Power
47966: Appleton, Victor - TOM SWIFT And His OCEAN AIRPORT or Foiling the Haargolanders. 2164
43763: Appleton, Daniel - Subject. Overton, Grant - PORTRAIT Of A PUBLISHER And The First Hundred Years of the House of Appleton 1825 - 1925
33648: Appleton, Victor - The MOVIE BOYS And The FLOOD or Perilous Days on the Mighty Mississippi. The Movie Boys Series #6
33206: Archer, H. Richard; Ritchie, Ward - MODERN FINE PRINTING. Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, March 11, 1967, by H. Richard Archer and Ward Ritchie
51019: [Archer, Charles S.; Peltz, George A.] - The LATEST And BEST COOK BOOK. A Comprehensive Treatment of the Subject of Cookery - Ancient and Modern - Cooking Utensils, &c., with Abundant Instructions in Every Branch of the Art - Soups, Fish, Poultry, Meats, Vegetables, Salads, Bread, Cakes, Jellies, Fruits, Pickles, Sauces, Beverages, Candies, Sick-Room Diet, Canning, Carving, Serving Meals, Marketing, &c., &c., Including Over 800 Valuable Recipes.; Edited by A Skilled Corps of Practical Experts
20993: Taylor, Archer and Arlit, Gustave O. - PRINTING And PROGRESS: Two Lectures
31210: 'By a Member of the Lichfield Society for the Encouragement of Ecclesiastical Architecture' - A TRACT UPON TOMB - STONES; or, Suggestions for the Consideration of Persons Intending to Set Up That Kind of Monument to the Memory of Deceased Friends
25027: [Architecture] - CHRONOLOGICAL CHART Of BRITISH ARCHITECTURE With the Genealogy of the Sovereigns of England and Parallel Tables of the Most Important Events in British and General History
14301: [Architecture] - OUR NATIONAL CATHEDRALS (The Richest Architectural Heritage of the British Nation): Their History and Architecture from Their Foundation to Modern Times. With Special Accounts of Modern Restorations
17245: Ardagh, John - GERMANY And The GERMANS. An Anatomy of Society Today
13629: [Telephone History]. Armengaud, M. Jules - INSTALLATION Et EXPLOITATIONS Des LIGNES TELEPHONIQUES
15365: [Armitage, Merle]. Smithback, John B. - The LONELY DARK
45095: [Armour, R. Coutts. 1874 - 1942]. - The MAN WHO FORGOT.; A Tale of Sexton Blake & Dr. Ferraro. The Sexton Blake Library No. 185. 4d
5316.2: [Armstrong, Margaret]. Van Dyke, Henry - The RULING PASSION. Tales of Nature and Human Nature
9172: Armstrong, Margaret - FANNY KEMBLE. A Passionate Victorian
9173: Armstrong, Margaret - TRELAWNY
9663.1: [Armstrong, Margaret. 1867 - 1944]. Barrie, J[ames]. M[atthew. 1860 - 1937] - TOMMY And GRIZEL
2757.1: [Armstrong, Margaret]. Ford, Paul Leicester - WANTED- A MATCHMAKER
49964: Armstrong, N. W. - Compiler. Janssen, George A. [b. 1882] - Chairman, Board of Supervisors - PICTORIAL MAP Of ALAMEDA COUNTY.; This Brief Outline on Alameda County is Presented by the Board of Supervisors through the Alameda County Development Commission
3596.2: [Armstrong, Margaret]. Page, Thomas Nelson - The OLD GENTLEMEN Of The BLACK STOCK
9181.2: [Armstrong, Margaret. 1867 - 1944]. [Rackham, Arthur. 1867 - 1939]. Irving, Washington [1783 - 1859] - BRACEBRIDGE HALL or The Humourists
51528: Armstrong, Robert D. - NEVADA PRINTING HISTORY. A Bibliography of Imprints & Publications, 1858 - 1880
9115.1: [Armstrong, Margaret]. Cable, George W. - STRONG HEARTS
9196: [Armstrong, Margaret. 1867 - 1944]. Michelson, Miriam - In The BISHOP'S CARRIAGE
17514: [Indian Rights Associaiton]. [Armstrong, S.C.] - REPORT OF A TRIP MADE In BEHALF Of The INDIAN RIGHTS ASSOCIATION, To SOME INDIAN RESERVATIONS Of The SOUTHWEST, By S.C. ARMSTRONG, Principal of Hampton School, Va
16966: Armstrong, Campbell - JIG
16075: [Civil War]. [Armstrong, Gen. Frank C. 1834 - ]. Joyce, Col. John A [lexander 1842 - 1915] - JEWELS Of MEMORY
48567: [Arnall, William. 1699 or 1700 - 1736] - Attributed to. Budgell, Eustace [1686 - 1737]. Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford [1676 - 1745]. - A LETTER To EUSTACE BUDGELL Esq; Occasioned by his late Complaint to the King Against the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole.; With Proper Remarks on his Speech at Court, his Letter to the Craftsman, his Poem to the King, and other extraordinary Proceedings
30716: Arnett, Peter - LIVE From The BATTLEFIELD. From Vietnam to Baghdad. 35 Years in the World's War Zones
51412: Arnold, Allan - JOE The GYMNAST: or, Three Years Among the Japs. And Other Stories. "Pluck and Luck. Complete Stories of Adventure." No. 978. February 28, 1917
50958: Arnold, Allan - The NIGHT RIDERS Of RAVENSWOOD; A Strange Story of Arizona. "Pluck and Luck. Stories of Adventure." No. 532. August 12, 1908
48213: Arnold, Matthew [1822 - 1888] - HIGHER SCHOOLS & UNIVERSITIES In GERMANY
48175: Arnold, Matthew [1822 - 1888] - MEROPE. A Tragedy
42317: Arnold, George [1834 - 1865]. Ritchie, Harry Ward [1905 - 1996] - Printer - NUT-BROWN BEER NUT-BROWN. Being a Very Careful Analysis of Life's Major Joy
48148: Arnold, Matthew [1822 - 1888] - LITERATURE & DOGMA. An Essay Towards a Better Apprehension of the Bible
48091: Arnold, Matthew [1822 - 1888] - ESSAYS In CRITICISM
48052: Arnold, Matthew [1822 - 1888] - MIXED ESSAYS
47993: Arnold, Matthew [1822 - 1888] - LITERATURE & DOGMA. An Essay Towards a Better Apprehension of the Bible
47926: Arnold, Matthew [1822 - 1888]. Russell, George W. E. - Editor - LETTERS Of MATTHEW ARNOLD. 1848 - 1888.; Collected and Arranged by George W. E. Russell
7875: [Literary Selections]. Arnold, Maxwell - An AMERICAN READER
2066: Arnold, Matthew. Trilling, Lionel - Contributor - The Portable MATTHEW ARNOLD. Edited by Lionel Trilling. Viking Portable Series #45
47860.2: Arnold, Matthew [1822 - 1888] - POEMS. Second Series
47860: Arnold, Matthew [1822 - 1888] - POEMS. Second Series
39073: Arnold, Allan - MY BROTHER JACK; Or, The Lazy One of the Family. "Pluck and Luck. Stories of Adventure." No. 660. January 25, 1911
39074: Arnold, Allan - BOLD RORY O'MORE; Or, The Wild Crows of Castlebar. "Pluck and Luck. Stories of Adventure." No. 638. August 24th, 1910
33465: Arnold, Allan - WE THREE; Or, The White Boy Slaves of Soudan. And Other Stories. PLUCK And LUCK. Complete Stories of Adventure. No. 1153. July 7, 1920
16885: Arnold, James R. - The FIRST DOMINO. Eisenhower, the Military, and America's Intervention in Vietnam
37787: Arnold, John P. & H. C. H. Kernkamp - ONE HUNDRED YEARS Of PROGRESS. The History of Veterinary Medicine in Minnesota. Edited by Thomas H. Boyd
18455: Arnothy, Christine - I AM FIFTEEN & I DO NOT WANT To DIE
33835: Aronson, Arnold. Ostergard, Derek E. Smith, Matthew Wilson - Contributors - ARCHITECT OF DREAMS. The Theatrical Vision of Joseph Urban.; With Essays by Derek E. Ostergard and Matthew Wilson Smith
34562: Arrian [also Arrianus, Lucius Flavius. ca 86 - 160]. Perrot d'Ablancourt, Nicolas [1606 - 1664] - Translator. [Alexander III of Macedon. 356 - 323 BC] - Des GUERRES D'ALEXANDRE
12913: Arsdale, Sarah Van - TOWARD AMNESIA
43326: [California / Art] - EXHIBITION Of PAINTING And SCULPTURE By The SAN FRANCISCO CHAPTER Of The SOCIETY For SANITY In ART, INC. California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, November 1st to December 31st 1943
21114: Griswold, H. Jack; Misenheimer, Mike; Powers, Art and Tromanhauser, Ed - An EYE For An EYE: Four Inmates on the Crime of American Prisons Today
34771: [Theatre poster]. McClelland, Les - Art and Photo - JOHN STEINBECK Of MICE And MEN. Jan 21 - Feb 6. Theater Tulsa
35691.1: Arthur, T[imothy]. S[hay. 1809 - 1885]. - Editor - The CHILDREN'S HOUR. A Magazine for the Little Ones. August, 1871. Vol. X. No. 2
35691: Arthur, T[imothy]. S[hay] [1809 - 1885]. - Editor - The CHILDREN'S HOUR. A Magazine for the Little Ones. September 1871. Vol. X. No. 3
44078: [19th C. Californiana / Los Angeles Artifact] - LOS ANGELES CAL. Nov. 21, 1899. [Souvenir Cameo Shell]
49861: [Nursing Artifact] - RED CROSS NURSE'S CAP, Circa World War I.
43880: [WWII Poster]. Mendoza - Artist - 'WARE HITLER'S GREATEST ALLY. Herr Septicaemia (Alias Bloodpoisoning). Uses Blitz Methods ... Don't Help Hitler!; Issued by the Ministry of Labour and National Service and Produced by the Industrial Accident Prevention Department of the N.S.F.A., 52, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.1
12493: Artman, Wm. & L. V. Hall - BEAUTIES And ACHIEVEMENTS Of The BLIND
12493.1: Artman, Wm. & L. V. Hall - BEAUTIES And ACHIEVEMENTS Of The BLIND
35494: [Domestic Arts] - HOME NEEDLEWORK MAGAZINE. July 1900. Vol. II. No. 3
17594: [Book Arts] - BOOKBUILDERS WEST BOOK SHOW 1993
23408.2: Artzybasheff, Boris - POOR SHAYDULLAH
38554: Ash, Bill; Blackett, Juliet - Contributors - VIETNAM, UNITED STATES & BRITAIN. The Facts of Entanglement. The March Project
16801: Ash, Timothy Garton - In EUROPE'S NAME. Germany and the Divided Continent
14502: Ashbaugh, Nancy - JUNO. A Novel
47057: Ashley, Allen G. - CIVIL WAR ERA JOURNAL
27010: [Anti-Slavery]. Ashmun, George [1804 - 1870] - SPEECH Of MR. ASHMUN, Of MASS., Upon the Slavery Questions, in Committee of the Whole of of the United States House of Representatives, March 27, 1850
31845: Ashton, Wendell J. - VOICE In The WEST. The Biography of a Pioneer Newspaper
29758: [English History]. Ashton, John [b. 1834] - OLD TIMES. A Picture of Social Life at the End of the Eighteenth Century. Collected, and Illustrated from the Satirical and Other Sketches of the Day
27497: Ashton, John - The DAWN Of The XIXth CENTURY In ENGLAND. A Social Sketch of the Times
3903.2: Ashton, John - Compiler - HUMOUR, WIT, & SATIRE Of The SEVENTEENTH CENTURY
15391.1: Ashton, John - CHAP-BOOKS Of The EIGHTEENTH CENTURY
6007: Asimov, Issac [1920 - 1992] - CHANGE!
7991: Asimov, Issac [1920 - 1992] - ENVIRONMENTS OUT THERE
37255: American Historical Association - ANNUAL REPORT Of The AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 1941. In Three Volumes. 77th Congress, 2d Session. House Document No. 512. Vol III. List of Doctoral Dissertations in History Now in Progress at Universities in the United States and the Dominion of Canada, with an Appendix of Other Research Projects in History Now in Progress in the United States and Canada. December 1941
28314: Atherton, Nancy - AUNT DIMITY BEATS The DEVIL
28315: Atherton, Nancy - AUNT DIMITY TAKES A HOLIDAY
27596: [Athletics] - LAWN SPORTS Comprising Roque - Croquet - Golf Croquet - Clock Golf - Archery - Tether Ball - Garden Hockey - Lawn Hockey - American and British Croquet Rules. In Addition to Which Are Included Rules for Volley Ball and Pin Ball - Basket Goal - Badminton - Hand Tennis - Hand Polo - Wicket Polo - Drawing Room Hockey.; Spalding's Athletic Library. Group XII, No. 43R
22690: Atkins, Frederick A., editor - The YOUNG WOMAN. An Illustrated Monthly Magazine. Volume 5
35579: Atkins, Q. F. - Editor - The DECLARATION Of INDEPENDENCE. Published Monthly, in Cleveland, Ohio. October, 1842. Vol I. -- No. 10
43352: Atkinson, Thomas Witlam [1799 - 1861] - TRAVELS In The REGIONS Of The UPPER And LOWER AMOOR and the Russian Acquisitions on the Confines of India and China. With Adventures among the Mountain Kirghis; and the Manjours, Manyargs, Tougous, Touzemts, Goldi, and Gelyaks; the Hunting and Pastoral Tribes
36840: Atkinson, T. R. - IRRIGATION In NORTH DAKOTA. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations -- Bulletin 219
36416: Atkinson, Henry - Subject. Nichols, Roger L. - GENERAL HENRY ATKINSON. A Western Military Career
8679: Atkinson, et al. - SPECIAL REPORT On DISEASES Of CATTLE
27123: [Japan Atlas] - ATLAS. Appendix to "Administrative Subdivisions of Japan".; Department of State Publication 2749, Far Eastern Series 19
36329: Atwater, W. W. - The VERMONT DIRECTORY And COMMERCIAL ALMANAC 1856. With an Appendix
31434: Atwood, W. F. - The PILGRIM STORY. Being Largely a Compilation from the Documents of Governor Bradford and Governor Winslow, Severally and in Collaboration; Together with a List of Mayflower Passengers
47340: Aubineau, Léon - VIE De La VÉNÉRABLE MÈRE ÉMILIE De RODAT.; Fondatrice Et Premiére Supérieure Générale Des Religieuses de la Sainte-Famille De Villefranche-de-Rouegue
41079: Jean-Aubry, Gerard. Helen Sebba - Translator - The SEA DREAMER: A Definitive Biography of Joseph Conrad
4931: Auchincloss, Louis - SKINNY ISLAND. More Tales of Manhattan
19218: Auden, W.H. - SUE. Sycamore Broadsheet 23
47730: Auden, W[ystan. Hugh. 1907-1973]. Bawden, Edward (1903-1989) - illustrated by - MOUNTAINS.; Ariel Poem. [with original envelope]
42687: Audiffrent, Dr. [Georges. 1823 - 1909] - PARIS Et La SITUATION
38822: Augusta, Clara [pseudonym for Jones, Clara Augusta, later Trask, Mrs Elbridge S] - OUT Of The SEA. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. New Series. Vol. I. No. 122. October 20, 1886
47008: [Restaurant Menu - St. Augustine, FL.] - MENU. COMBINATION ORIGINAL SEA FOOD PLATTERS - COOKED To The KING'S TASTE.; Rector's Restaurant - The Place to Eat
25283.1: [Aulnoy, Madame Marie-Catherine d', 1651 - 1705.] - The STORY Of The LITTLE WHITE MOUSE: Or the Overthrow of the Tyrant King
21647: [Aumale, Henri d'Orleans] D'Aumale, M. Le Duc - HISTORY Of The PRINCES De CONDE In The XVIth And XVIIth CENTURIES. Vols. I & II.; Translated by Robert Brown Borthwick
7783: [Travel]. Aurousseau, M. - Editor. Leichhardt, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig [1813 - 1848] - The LETTERS Of F. W. LUDWIG LEICHHARDT.; Hakluyt Society Series II, Nos CXXXIII, CXXXIV & CXXXV
48084: Austin, Alfred [1835 - 1913] - The GOLDEN AGE. A Satire
18311: [The Book Club of California]. [Austin, Mary] - [PROSPECTUS For 'Mother of Felipe']
47260: [Bohemian Club]. Bee, Lonie [1902 - 1995] - Artist; Ferguson, Ken - Author and Composer. Harris, Fred O. - Director - ONCE A KNIGHT Low Jinks • Bohemian Grove • 1959
34543: Dunn, Laurence. - Author and Illustrator - MERCHANT SHIPS Of The WORLD 1910 - 1929 In COLOR
31621: 'By the Best Authors and Artists.' - OLIVER OPTIC'S ANNUAL 1889. Stories, Poems, and Pictures fro Little Men and Women
19164: [Divers Authors] - PURSUIT Of KNOWLEDGE UNDER DIFFICULTIES; Its Pleasures and Rewards. Illustrated by Memoirs of Eminent Men. In Two Volumes. Harper's Family Library No. XCIV & XCV
45953: [Railroad History]. 'By Various Authors' - ROUND The WORKS Of OUR GREAT RAILWAYS
8442: [Automotive] - 'Vette Parts Guide' in HOT ROD CORVETTE Magazine
30983: [Movie Poster]. Autry, Gene. Britton, Barbara - LOADED PISTOLS. Your Favorite Western Star is Loadin' His Pistols... for a gal in distress... a cowboy in danger... a killer in hiding!
30090: D'Avenant, Sir William [1606 - 1668] - GONDIBERT: An Heroick Poem
45320: Averley, G.; Flowers, A.; Robinson, F. J. G.; Thompson, E. A.; Wallis, R. V. & P. J. - EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY BRITISH BOOKS A Subject Catalogue.; Extracted from the British Museum General Catalogue of Printed Books
2979.4: Avery, Al - A YANKEE FLIER With The R.A.F. Air Combat Stories for Boys #8
1558.2: Avery, Al - A YANKEE FLIER On A RESCUE MISSION. Air Combat Stories #15
37068: [Aviation] - UP UP & AWAY With READY GATES CALIFORNIA'S FIRST BALLOONIST. The Flight of the California as Reported in the San Francisco Herald August 1853
12545: D'Avigdor, E. H. - WATER WORKS, Ancient and Modern.; A Course of Papers Delivered at the Austrian Institution of Engineers and Architects December 1875 and January 1876
18275: Hobsb awm, E.J. - The AGE Of EMPIRE 1875 - 1914
15276: [WWII]. Aycoberry, Pierre - The SOCIAL HISTORY Of The THIRD REICH, 1933 - 1945.; Translated from the French by Janet Lloyd
46678: [Specimen Book]. Ayer, Dr. J[ames]. C. [1818 - 1878] - AYER'S ALMANAC For 1881.; In English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, French, Spanish, Portugese, and Bohemian
10956.1: [Photography]. Ayres, George B. - HOW To PAINT PHOTOGRAPHS In WATER COLORS And In OIL. Also, How to Retouch Negatives. A Practical Hand-Book Designed Especially for the Use of Students and Photographers, Containing Directions for Brush-Work in All Kinds of Photo-Portraiture
45469: Aytoun, William Edmondstoune (1813 - 1865) - LAYS Of The SCOTTISH CAVALIERS And OTHER POEMS
23114: Azeglio, Massimo d' [1798 - 1866] - ETTORE FIERAMOSCA o La Disfida di Barletta, racconto di Massimo d'Azeglio
36724: "Par M. B ***" - Le TRIOMPHE De La TENDRESSE, ou Historie de Victor et D'Ursule, Par M. B ***
45116: [Early Automotive Literature / History]. Babbitt, Charles J. - The NEW MASSACHSETTS MOTOR VEHICLE LAW; Arranged for the Use of Owners, Dealers, Garages, Operators, and Chauffeurs Courts, Public Officials, and Lawyers
51307: [19th C. US Printing History]. Babcock, Nathan [1824 - 1902]. Maxson, Charles B. - Company President - PROMOTIONAL LEAFLET. The Babcock Printing Press Manufacturing Co. World's Fair, Chicago. 1893
19568: Babcock, Bernie - The HEART Of GEORGE WASHINGTON. A Simple Story of Great Love
37042: Bacheller, Irving [1859 - 1950]. Williams, Gaar [1880 - 1935] - KEEPING UP With WILLIAM: In Which the Honorable Socrates Potter Talks of the Relative Merits of Sense Common and Preferred
35549: Bacheller, Irving [1859 - 1950] - SILAS STRONG. Emperor of the Woods
43378: Bachin, Leonard, S.J. [1602 - 1665] - CORONA MARIANA Complectens Duodecim Viridarii Parthenii LILIA, Seu Totidem Castorum Juvenum Vitas Virgineae Matris Honori, Partheniae Juventutis Utilitati.; Typis Redditas, Impensis Aureae Eleemosynae S. Joann Bapt. in Collegio Soc. JESU
30451: Bacon, Francis [1561 - 1626]. Godwyn [also Godwin], Francis. Godwyn, Morgan - The HISTORY Of The REIGNS of Henry the Seventh, Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, and Queen Mary
33722: [Bacon, Francis 1561 - 1626] - The HISTORIE Of The REIGNE Of KING HENRY The SEVENTH. Written by the Right Hon: Francis Lo : Virulam, Viscount S. Alban. Whereunto is now added a very useful and necessary Table
1383.1: Bacon, Charlotte - A PRIVATE STATE. Stories
51253: [Penny Dreadful / Western Literature]. [Badger, Jos. E. (1848 - 1909)]. - HEADLONG HUGH; or, The Hunted Miner's Death Grapple.; Aldine "O'er Land and Sea" Library. No. 348
35948: [Food history]. Badham, Rev. C. David - PROSE HALIEUTICS or Ancient and Modern Fish Tattle
2555.2: Baedeker, Karl - BELGIUM And HOLLAND Including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Handbook for Travellers
2555.1: Baedeker, Karl - BELGIUM And HOLLAND Including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
45572: Baedeker, Karl (1801 - 1859) - BAEDEKER'S SWITZERLAND And The ADJACENT PORTIONS Of ITALY, SAVOY, And TYROL.; Handbook for Travellers
45564: Baedeker, Karl (1801 - 1859) - BAEDEKER'S SOUTHERN FRANCE INCLUDING CORSICA.; Handbook for Travellers
13376: Baedeker, Karl - SUD DEUTSCHLAND. Oberrhein, Baden, Württembert, Bayern und die Angrenzenden Theile von Osterreich
7954: Baetzhold, Howard G. - MARK TWAIN & JOHN BULL: The British Connection
12992: [Baez, Joan]. Van Toai, Doan & David Chanoff - PORTRAIT Of The ENEMY. The Other Side of Vietnam, Told Through Interviews with North Vietnamese, Former Vietcong and Southern Opposition Leaders
33969: [Bagby, George W. 1828 - 1883] - 1860 - 1880. JOHN BROWN And WM. MAHONE. An Historical Parallel, Foreshadowing Civil Trouble
33817: Baglioni, Lelio [1550 - 1620] - APOLOGIA CONTRO Le CONSIDERATIONI Di FRA PAOLO Da VENEZIA, dell' Ordine de Servi. Sopra le Censvre della Santità di N.S. papa Paolo Qvinto e Contro il Trattato de sette Theologi di Venezia, sopra l'Interdetto di Sua Santità. Divisa in Dve Parti, Doue si tratta della Potestà, e Libertà Ecclesiastica
38225: [California Song Slip]. [Bagnall, Sam - Attributed to] - A STARRY NIGHT For A RAMBLE
27639: Bagnold, Enid [1889 - 1981] - The GIRL'S JOURNEY
42899: Bailey, John - REPORT Of The COMMITTEE Of ELECTIONS, to Whom was Referred the Petition of Sundry Citizens of the District of Norfolk, in the State of Massachusetts, Remonstrating Against the Return of John Bailey, Esq. as a Representative of said District, in the 18th Congress. February 20, 1824.; 18th Congress. 1st Session. No. 67
42562: Bailey, Lydia [1779 - 1869] - Printer. [Kendall, Edward Augustus] - KEEPER'S TRAVELS In SEARCH Of HIS MASTER
48102: Bailey, Ebenezer [1795 - 1839]. Barnard, Henry [1811 - 1900] - Editor - SKETCH Of The LIFE And EDUCATIONAL LABORS Of EBENEZER BAILEY.; Republished from Barnard's American Journal of Education
18475: Bailey, Arthur Scott [1877 - ] - The TALE Of JASPER JAY
18170: Bailey, Anthony - ALONG The EDGE Of The FOREST
50796: [20th C. American Folk Art]. Baily, Ethel Davis [1913 - 2014] - EMBROIDERY SAMPLER COMMEMORATING WWII SERVICE In The ARMY NURSE CORPS
43954: [European History / Napoleonic Wars]. Anonymous [Baines, Edward (1774 - 1848)?] - HISTORY Of The WARS Since The FRENCH REVOLUTION, from the Commencement of Hostilities in 1792 to the Termination of the War and Resoration of a General Peace, after the Memorable Battle of Waterloo, in 1815; Comprehending the Civil, Military, and Naval History of That Most Eventful Period, and Biographical Sketches of Public Characters. Embellished with Portraits of the Most Distinguished Characters, and a Plan of the Battle of Waterloo
36621: Baines, Mrs. W. M. - Editor - HOUSTON'S PART In The WORLD WAR. Edited November 11, 1919. One Year from the Signing of the Armistice
30107: [Railroad Locomotive Trade Catalogue]. Baird, Matthew. Burnham, George. Parry, Charles T. Williams, Edward H. Henszey, William P. Longstreth, Edward - BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. Illustrated Catalogue of Locomotives. M. Baird & Co., Philadelphia
29174: [Trade Catalogue]. Baird, Henry Carey - CATALOGUE Of PRACTICAL And SCIENTIFIC BOOKS, Published by Henry Carey Baird, Industrial Publisher, 406 Walnut St., Philadelphia. For Sale by William Wood & Co., Publishers, Booksellers, and Importers, No. 61 Walker Street, New York. February 15, 1870
21658: Baird, Henry Martyn (1832 - 1906) - The HUGUENOTS And HENRY Of NAVARRE. Vols. I and II
29570: [Exhibition Catalogue]. Baizerman, Suzanne - Editor - MARVIN LIPOFSKY. A Glass Odyssey
5922: Baker, Ray Stannard - WOODROW WILSON: Life & Letters
8203: Baker, Russell - The RESCUE Of MISS YASKELL and Other Pipe Dreams
48142: Baker, Wm. M. - The NEW TIMOTHY
50470.1: Baker, Hozial H. Egan, Ferol - Editor - OVERLAND JOURNEY To CARSON VALLEY & CALIFORNIA
49688: [Stereoview Photograph]. Baker, Leander [ca 1842 - 1925] - Photographer - NAVY YARD [Mss title from verso].; Boston & Suburbs
49579: [Boston Local History / Stereoview]. Baker, Leander [ca 1842 - 1925] - Photographer - BOSTON And SUBURBS. City Hospital
20895: Baker, Nicholson - The FERMATA
1881: Baker, Leonard - The JOHNSON ECLIPSE
38670: Baker, Wilma Sinclair LeVan - The SILK PICTURES Of THOMAS STEVENS. A Biography of the Coventry Weaver and His Contribution to the Art of Weaving. With an Illustrated Catalogue of His Work
16268: Baker, Larry - The FLAMINGO RISING
2057.1: Balaban, John - COMING DOWN AGAIN
42113: Bald, F. Clever - Historical essay - A PORTRAIT Of ANTHONY WAYNE. Painted from Life by Jean Pierre Henri Elouis in 1796 and now reproduced from a unique print for the schoolchildren of Detroit
37098: Baldacci, David - FIRST FAMILY
30640: [Base-Ball] - SAN FRANCISCO DAILY EVENING BULLETIN. Volume LXVI. Number 59. Friday Evening, June 15, 1888
41475: [Broadside Ballad] - The CHILDREN In The WOODS: Being a True Relation of the inhuman Murder of Two Children of a deceased Gentleman in Norfolk .... this wicked Uncle ... contrived to have them destroyed by two Ruffians ..
22180: Ballantyne, Sheila - LIFE On EARTH
50632: Balsamo, Luigi - BIBLIOGRAPHY. History of a Tradition.; Translated from the Italian by William A. Pettas
4819: Balston, Thomas - WILLIAM BALSTON Paper Maker 1759 - 1849
48346: Balzac, H. De [1799 - 1850]. Bell, Clara - Translator. Saintsbury, George [1845 - 1933] - Contributor - The ATHEIST'S MASS And Other Stories (La Messe de l'Athée); Macmillan's Colonial Library No. 267
48322: Balzac, H. De [1799 - 1850]. Marriage, Ellen - Translator. Saintsbury, George [1845 - 1933] - Contributor - The COUNTRY DOCTOR (Le Médecin de Campagne).; Macmillan's Colonial Library No. 247
48306: Balzac, H. De [1799 - 1850]. Bell, Clara - Translator. Saintsbury, George [1845 - 1933] - Contributor - A BACHELOR'S ESTABLISHMENT (Un Ménage de garçon).; Macmillan's Colonial Library No. 283
48302: Balzac, H. De [1799 - 1850]. Bell, Clara - Translator. Saintsbury, George [1845 - 1933] - Contributor - MODESTE MIGNON.; Macmillan's Colonial Library No. 291
48300: Balzac, H. De [1799 - 1850]. Marriage, Ellen - Translator. Saintsbury, George [1845 - 1933] - Contributor - The PEASANTRY (Les Paysans).; Macmillan's Colonial Library No. 304
48502: Balzac, H. De [1799 - 1850]. Marriage, Ellen - Translator. Saintsbury, George [1845 - 1933] - Contributor - The QUEST Of The ABSOLUTE (La Recherche de l'Absolu).; Macmillan's Colonial Library No. 254
48484: Balzac, H. De [1799 - 1850]. Marriage, Ellen - Translator. Saintsbury, George [1845 - 1933] - Contributor - OLD GORIOT (Le Père Goriot).; Macmillan's Colonial Library No. 266
48482: Balzac, H. De [1799 - 1850]. Marriage, Ellen - Translator. Saintsbury, George [1845 - 1933] - Contributor - EUGÉNIE GRANDET.; Macmillan's Colonial Library No. 245
48465: Balzac, H. De [1799 - 1850]. Bell, Clara - Translator. Saintsbury, George [1845 - 1933] - Contributor - PIERRETTE And The ABBÉ BIROTTEAU (Le Curé de Tours).; Macmillan's Colonial Library No. 284
48462: Balzac, H. De [1799 - 1850]. Marriage, Ellen - Translator. Saintsbury, George [1845 - 1933] - Contributor - The WILD ASS'S SKIN (Le Peau de Chagrin).; Macmillan's Colonial Library No. 243
48428: Balzac, H. De [1799 - 1850]. Bell, Clara - Translator. Saintsbury, George [1845 - 1933] - Contributor - URSULE MIROUËT.; Macmillan's Colonial Library No. 255
49725: Bancroft, Hubert Howe [1832 - 1918]. Robinson, Charles - Former Owner - HISTORY Of BRITISH COLUMBIA. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft. Volume XXXII
39488: Bancroft, A. L. - Publisher. McCullough, John & Barton Hill - Managers. Mr. S. Behrens - Musical Director - OPENING NIGHT Of The C. D. HESS ENGLISH OPERA TROUPE. The Performance Will Consist of Donizetti's Charming Opera "Lucia di Lammermoor". Wednesday Evening, May 2nd, 1877. [Rear Side Advert]: Presented by Ross' Millinery Emporium - Straw Goods, Flowers and Feathers, Ribbons, Silks, Etc. Etc.
45487: [Restaurant Menu - Banff, Alberta] - MOUNT ROYAL HOTEL.; Coffee Shoppe
46665: Bang, William H. - Captain/Master - TRADE WINDS. Souvenir Edition.; Issue #29
44345: [Cookery / U. S. Navy]. Bang, William H. - Master; Chionsini, William A. - Chief Steward - CAPTAINS DINNER. William H. Bang Master. U. S. N. S. General C. G. Morton
11519: Bangs, E. Geoffrey - PORTALS WEST. A Folio of Late Nineteenth Century Architecture in California.; Preface by Robert Gordon Sproul
40940: Publicity Deparment of the Glendale Branch Security Trust & Savings Bank - FIRST Of The RANCHOS. The Story of Glendale
13596: Banks, Russell - AFFLICTION
13566: Banks, Russell - RULE Of The BONE
28412: Bannerman, Helen [1862 - 1946] - HISTOIRE Du PETIT NEGRE SAMBO (The Story of Little Black Sambo). Traduit de L'Anglais par Madeleine Bleriot Johnson
45405: [Restaurant Menu - Santa Barbara] - SAN ROQUE STEAK HOUSE.; 3524 State Street Santa Barbara, California
48283: [Restaurant Menu - Santa Barbara] - IRELAND'S S SANTA BARBARA.; Pour Votre Plaisir
46238: [Restaurant Menu - Santa Barbara, Ca] - BLUE ONION DRIVE-IN RESTAURANTS.; 1701 State at Valerio - Hollister at the Wye - Coast Highway at Depot Road - Cafe 834 Coast Highway, U.S. 101, South Santa Barbara, California
37516: Barbauld, Mrs. [Anna Laetitia. 1743 - 1825] - HYMNS In PROSE For CHILDREN
27316: [Barber, Margaret Fairless. 1869 - 1901]. Fairless, Michael - The ROADMENDER
37983: Barber, Rowland - The NIGHT THEY RAIDED MINSKY'S. A Fanciful Expedition to the Lost Atlantis of Show Business
27528: "Countess Barcynska" - ROSE O' The SEA. A Romance
32602: Barde, Fredrick S. - Complier - OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA
30177: Bareham, T. & Gatrell, S. - A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of GEORGE CRABBE
36905: Bark, Don H. - IRRIGATION In KANSAS. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations -- Bulletin 211
30996.1: Barker, Nicolas. Ryskamp, Charles - Contributor - The OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS And The SPREAD Of LEARNING 1478 - 1978. An Illustrated History.; With a Preface by Charles Ryskamp
47083: Barker, Lady [Mary Anne. 1831 - 1911] - SPRING COMEDIES
22759: Granville-Barker, Harley - The EIGHTEEN - SEVENTIES. Essays by Fellows of the Royal Society of Literature
39748: [Class Photograph Album]. Barker, C. F. - Former Owner - BROWN UNIVERSITY. Class of '75. [Cover title]
47683: Barker, A[udrey. Lilian. 1918 - 2002] - FEMINA REAL.; Stories by A. L. Barker
27077: [WWII]. Barlone, D. - A FRENCH OFFICER'S DIARY (23 August 1939 to 1 October 1940).; Translate from the French by L. V. Cass, M.A. With a Preface by General P. L. Legentilhomme
43720: Barlow, William P. Jr., et al. - REMEMBERING ALBERT SPERISEN
36361: Barlow, C[hester. d. 1902] - The STORY Of The FARALLONES
38009: Barman, Christian. [British Transport Commission] - TYPOGRAPHY For HOSPITALITY. The Monotype Recorder. Volume 41, Number 2. Spring 1958
33134: Barnard, Robert - DEATH In A COLD CLIMATE
47894: Barnard, Rev. Edv. Will. Wrangham, Archdeacon. Falminio, Marc-Antonio - FIFTY SELECT POEMS Of MARC - ANTONIO FLAMINIO, Imitated by The Late Rev. Edv. Will. Barnard. M. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, with a Short Memoir of the Author.; Edited by the Venerable Archdeacon Wrangham, M.A. F.R.S.
32208: Barnes, James J. - FREE TRADE In BOOKS. A Study of the London Book Trade Since 1800
42146: Barnes, Elliott - A TRAMP ACTOR
36557: Barnes, George T. - OKLAHOMA TERRITORIAL BILL. Speech of Hon. George T. Barnes, of Georgia, in the House of Representatives Saturday, December 18, and Wednesday, December 22, 1886
111: Barnes, James J. - AUTHORS, PUBLISHERS And POLITICIANS. The Quest for an Anglo-American Copyright Agreement 1815 - 1854
18402: Barnes, Trevor - A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S KILLING
47726: Barnes, Djuna - subject - A FESTSCHRIFT For DJUNA BARNES.; One Her 80th Birthday
41508: [Western Film Movie Poster]. Sheila Ryan, Robert Livingston, Vince Barnett and Pat Buttram, Gerald Geraghty, John English, Armand Schaefer - Contributors - COLUMBIA PICTURES PRESENTS GENE AUTRY, WORLD'S GREATEST COWBOY And CHAMPION, WORLD'S WONDER HORSE In MULE TRAIN. Action-Lashed Autry Adventure of Western Songs! Gene Rides CHampion to the Stirring Thythym of the Great Song Sensation
49821: Barnett, John W. - Patentee - INSTRUCTIONS For USING JOHN W. BARNETT'S PATENT PROCESS For CURING LEAF TOBACCO. Patented January 7th, 1879
46485: Barnhisel, Greg; le Roux, Beth & Rose, Jonathan - Editors - BOOK HISTORY. Volume 21. 2018
17999: [Barnum, P. T.]. "Written by Himself." - STRUGGLES And TRIUMPHS Or, FORTY YEARS' RECOLLECTIONS Of P. T. BARNUM. [Biography Complete to April, 1871]
51281: Baron, Sabrina Alcorn - Compiler & Editor. Walsh, Elizabeth & Scola, Susan - Assists - The READER REVEALED
51383.1: [Maritime Fiction]. Barr, Capt. Luther [pseudonym of De Morgan, John] - PAUL JONES And The LETTER Of MARQUE or, Clipping the Tiger's Claws.; John Paul Jones Weekly. Formerly "Red Raven Library." Stories of the American Revolution. No. 16. January 13, 1906
51521: [Maritime Fiction]. Barr, Capt. Luther [pseudonym of De Morgan, John] - PAUL JONES' DOUBLE or, Cruise of the "Floating Feather".; John Paul Jones Weekly. Formerly "Red Raven Library." Stories of the American Revolution. No. 11. December 9, 1905
51382: [Maritime Fiction]. Barr, Capt. Luther [pseudonym of De Morgan, John] - PAUL JONES' PLEDGE or, The Tiger of the Atlantic.; John Paul Jones Weekly. Formerly "Red Raven Library." Stories of the American Revolution. No. 3. October 14, 1905
28388: Barr, Nevada - BLIND DESCENT
28384: Barr, Nevada - ILL WIND
41514: [Railway Time Table]. Barr, Wm. R. - Gen'l Pass'r Ag't, New York - CONDENSED TIME TABLE Of The ERIE RAILWAY. Broad Gauge Double Track Route. From New York to All Principal Points South, South-West, West & North-West, Also to the Great Oil Regions of Pennsylvania. June. 1868
51384: [Maritime Fiction]. Barr, Capt. Luther [pseudonym of De Morgan, John] - PAUL JONES' DEFIANCE or, How the Virginia Planter Invaded "Robber Roost".; John Paul Jones Weekly. Formerly "Red Raven Library." Stories of the American Revolution. No. 10. December 2, 1905
21219: Barr, George - EPITAPH For An ENEMY
51386: [Maritime Fiction]. Barr, Capt. Luther [pseudonym of De Morgan, John] - PAUL JONES AMONG The REDCOATS or, The Fight Off Tobago.; John Paul Jones Weekly. Formerly "Red Raven Library." Stories of the American Revolution. No. 15. January 6, 1906
51385: [Maritime Fiction]. Barr, Capt. Luther [pseudonym of De Morgan, John] - PAUL JONES AGAINST ODDS or, The Story of a Wonderful Fight.; John Paul Jones Weekly. Formerly "Red Raven Library." Stories of the American Revolution. No. 13. December 23, 1905
31829: Barra, E[zekiel]. I. - TALE Of TWO OCEANS; New Story by an Old Californian. An Account of a Voyage from Philadelphia to San Francisco, Around Cape Horn, Years 1849 - 50, Calling at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and at Juan Fernandez, in the South Pacific
10162: Barrett, Monte - SMOKE UP The VALLEY. An Historical Novel of Texas in the '70s
49772: Barrett, Thomas J. - The PRUNING KNIFE. Being a Prospectus of the American Appendicitis Corporation (Unlimited)
1011: Barrett, Charles - KANGAROO and His KIN
39133: Barrett, S. M. - SOCIOLOGY Of The AMERICAN INDIANS. Illustrated from Photographs and Drawings
34682: Barrett, Ellen C. - BAJA CALIFORNIA II 1535 - 1964. A Bibliography of Historical, Geographical and Scientific Literature Relating to the Peninsula of Baja California and to the Adjacent Islands in the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean. Including a Chronological Index to Books I and II
31093: Barrie, J[ames]. M[atthew. 1860 - 1937] - A HOLIDAY In BED And Other Sketches. With a Short Biographical Sketch of the Author. Neely's Tourist Library. No. 22. March 4, 1898
44125: Barrie, J[ames] M[atthew, 1860 - 1937] - A WINDOW In THRUMS
19138: Barrow, John [1764 - 1848] - MEMOIR Of The LIFE Of PETER The GREAT. Harper's Family Library No. LXV
11113: [Barrow, George]. Shorter, Clement King - GEORGE BORROW And His CIRCLE.; Wherein May be Found Many Hitherto Unpublished Letters of Borrow and His Friends
19378.2: Barry, Ada Loomis. Howard Harmon Arens - Illustrator - YUNINI'S STORY Of The TRAIL Of TEARS. A Brief but General Accounting of the History of the American Indian Since the Coming of De Sota, and the Specific History of the Tribe of Cherokees, Whose Dramatic Fate was Synonymous with that of all North American Indians
38221: [California Song Slip]. Barry, Ned - BEHIND The SCENES
38213: [California Song Slip]. Barry, Ned - NEW YEAR'S SONG, 1876. As Sung by Ned Barry, at Buckley's Varieties
13682.3: [Pan-Pacific Expo]. Barry, John D. - The CITY Of DOMES. A Walk with an Architect About the Courts and Palaces of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition with a Discussion of Its Architecture - Its Sculpture - Its Mural Decorations - Its Coloring - And Its Lighting - Preceded by a History of Its Growth
8771: Schwarz-Bart, André - A WOMAN NAMED SOLITUDE.; Translated from the French by Ralph Manheim
16469.2: Schwarz-Bart, Andre - The LAST Of The JUST.; Translated by Stephen Becker
5004: Barth, John - The LAST VOYAGE Of SOMEBODY The SAILOR
18089: Barth, Chr. G. - DER ARME HEINRICH, Ober die Pilgerhutte am Weizenstein
49915: Barthelme, Frederick - NATURAL SELECTION. A Novel
46188: Barthelme, Donald [1931 - 1989] - OVERNIGHT To MANY DISTANT CITIES
20950: Barthelme, Frederick - TRACER
20951: Barthelme, Donald - OVERNIGHT To MANY DISTANT CITIES
13476: Barthelme, Frederick - MOON DELUXE. Stories
45314: Bartholomew, J[ohn. 1831 - 1893] - ENGLAND & WALES. Philips' Series of Travelling Maps.; Price 3/6
50711: [Lettersheet]. Bartlett, William - Artist - PRESCOTT From OGDENSBURGH HARBOUR
11434: Bartlett, Robert Merill - Our ROLE In The PILGRIM ADVENTURE
45846: Bartlett, John - FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS: Being an Attempt to Trace to Their Sources PASSAGES and PHRASES in Common Use
8325.1: Bartlett, John - FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS: Being an Attempt to Trace to Their Source PASSAGES and PHRASES in Common Use
50710: [Lettersheet]. Bartlett, William - Artist - PRESCOTT From OGDENSBURGH HARBOUR
50664: [Lettersheet]. Bartlett, William - Artist - KINGSTON, LAKE ONTARIO (Ontario See)
14513: Bartok, Ian - The CIRCUS BOOK. A Book for Early Childhood
47447: [Artist Book Exhibit Catalogue]. Barton, Carol & Barrow, Henry - Exhibit Curators. Lefcowitz, Allan B. - Editor - BOOKS & BOOKENDS. Sculptural Approaches. 1989 - 1991 Traveling Exhibition
41347: Barton, Clara [1821 - 1912] - Inscriber. Gardner, Joseph [1833 - 1918] - Inscribed to - TROISIEME CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE Des SOCIETES De LA CROIX-ROUGE Tenue a Geneve du 1er Au 6 Septembre 1884. Compte Rendu
40007: National First Aid Association of America. Barton, Clara, Roscoe G. Wells, Mrs. J. Sewall Reed, Mary I. Kensel & H. H. Hartung - Contributors - REPORT Of The SECOND ANNUAL MEETING Of The NATIONAL FIRST AID ASSOCIATION Of AMERICA HELD At The PARKER HOUSE, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. Friday, June 7th 1907
40005: National First Aid Association of America. Barton, Clara, Roscoe G. Wells, Mrs. J. Sewall Reed, Mary I. Kensel & H. H. Hartung - Contributors - REPORT Of The FIRST ANNUAL MEETING Of The NATIONAL FIRST AID ASSOCIATION Of AMERICA HELD At The NEW CENTURY BUILDING, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS
46671: Barton, Phyllis Settecase - PICTUS ORBIS SAMBO. A Publishing History, Checklist and Price Guide for the Story of Little Black Sambo
39949: [California Restaurant History]. Barton, Joanne Schulman - Artist - HIGH SOCIETY. A Restaurant - Coffee House. 1466 Haight St. Between Masonic and Ashbury. San Francisco, California
37904: Barton, Clara - Subject. Day, Ava Dianne - CUT To The HEART. Clara Barton and the Darkness of Love and War
31987: Bartoy, Mitchell - The DEVIL'S OWN RAG DOLL. A Novel
35185: Bartsch, Paul - The OPERCULATE LAND MOLLUSKS Of The FAMILY ANNULARIIDAE Of The ISLAND Of HISPANIOLA And The BAHAMA ARCHIPELAGO. United States National Museum Bulletin 192
35103: Bartsch, Paul [1871 - 1960] - CONTRIBUTIONS To The BIOLOGY Of The PHILIPPINE ARCHIPELAGO And ADJACENT REGIONS. The LAND SHELLS Of The GENUS OBBA From MINDORO PROVINCE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Smithsonian Institution United States National Museum Bulletin 100 Volume 6 Part 8
12794: Baruch, Dorothy W. - ONE LITTLE BOY.; Medical Collaboration by Hyman Miller, M. D.
40740: Baruch, Bernard M[annes. 1870 - 1965]. Hugh S. Johnson & Richard H. Hippelheuser - Contributors - AMERICAN INDUSTRY In The WAR. A Report of the War Industries Board (March 1921). Including, besides a reprint of the report of the War Industries Board of World War I, Mr. Baruch's own program for total mobilization of the nation as presented to the War Policies Commission in 1931, and current material on priorities and price fixing
45676: Basart, Ann Phillips - SERIAL MUSIC.; A Classified Bibliography of Writings on Twelve-Tone and Electronic Music
27248.1: Basbanes, Nicholas A. - PATIENCE & FORTITUDE. A Roving Chronicle of Book People, Book Places, and Book Culture
40488: Bascom, E. H. - The SCHOOL HARP: A Collection of Pleasing and Instructive Songs. Music and Words, Original and Selected. Designed for the Use of Schools and Singing Classes
45140: [Baskerville, John]. Milton, John - PARADISE REGAINED. A Poem in Four Books. To Which is Added Samson Agonistes: and Poems Upon Several Occasions.; From the Text of Thomas Newton, D.D.
45139: [Baskerville, John]. Milton, John - PARADISE LOST. A Poem in Twelve Books.; From the Text of Thomas Newton D. D.
31728: Baskin, Leonard. [1922 - 2000]. Kaplan, Sidney - Contributor - PORTRAITS Of ARTISTS By LEONARD BASKIN
50329: Bass, Rick - NASHVILLE CHROME
41171: Bass, Althea - The STORY Of TULLAHASSEE
13040: Bass, Rick - OIL NOTES
12850: Bastide, Francois-Regis - LES ADIEUX.; Translated from the French by Richard Howard
39998: Bate, George [1608 - 1669] - Attributed to. Capell, Algernon, 2nd Earl of Essex [1670 - 1710] -Former Owner - The REGALL APOLOGY: or, The declaration of the Commons, Feb. 11. 1647. Canvassed. Wherein Every Objection, and their whole Charge against His Majesty is cleared, and for the most part, retorted
33592.1: Bates, Capt. Gordon - The KHAKI BOYS At CAMP STERLING or Training for the Big Fight in France. The Khaki Boys Series #1
4200: Bates, Joseph D., Jr. - SPINNING For AMERICAN GAME FISH
48114: [WWII]. Bates, H[erbert]. E[rnest. 1905 - 1974] - The TINKERS Of ELSTOW
26460: Bates, Colonel Charles Francis. United States Army, Retired - CUSTER'S INDIAN BATTLES
47942: Bates, Elisha - The DOCTRINES Of FRIENDS: or, The Principles of the Christian Religion, as Held by the Society of Friends.; MountPleasant, Ohio, Printed
44667: Bates, Capt. Gordon - The KHAKI BOYS On The WAY or Doing Their Bit on the Sea and Land. The Khaki Boys Series #2
46068: Bates, H[erbert]. E[rnest. 1905 - 1974] - The COUNTRY Of WHITE CLOVER
46067: Bates, H[erbert]. E[rnest. 1905 - 1974] - The CRUISE Of The BREADWINNER
46050: Bates, H.E. (1905-1974); Parker, Agnes Miller (1895 - 1980) - THROUGH The WOODS.; The English Woodland - April to April
13811: Bates, Barclay - LAST Of The WHITE GUYS
42093: Batuman, Elif - The POSSESSED: Adventures with Russian Books and the People Who Read Them
46047: Baum, L. Frank (1856-1919) - The ROAD To OZ
13038: Bausch, Richard - The FIREMAN'S WIFE And Other Stories
47237: [Event Menu]. Baxter, William Joseph - Honoree - DINNER In HONOUR Of WILLIAM JOSEPH BAXTER • Naval Constructor • United States Navy; Tendered by a Few of His Professional Friend and Associates on Monday the Twenty - Second of May One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eleven at the Engineers Club
6892: [Baxter, George]. Mudie, Robert - The AIR
13039.1: Baxter, Charles - SHADOW PLAY
49531: Bayes, Ronald H. - CHILD OUTSIDE MY WINDOW ... And Other Poems
15338: Bayldon, Oliver - The PAPER MAKERS CRAFT. Verse
51335: [Commencement Broadside]. Baylies, William [1776 - 1865] - Graduate, Valedictory Address - COMMENCEMENT Of RHODE - ISLAND COLLEGE, September 2, 1795
41484: [Service / Unit Year Book]. Baylis, Captain Chares D. - Editor. Arnold, General H. H. - Contributor - WINGS OVER AMERICA. Army Air Forces. Hobbs Army Air Field. Army Air Forces Flying Training Command.; Forward by General H. H. Arnold
12698: Baylor, Byrd - Compiler - AND IT IS STILL THAT WAY. Legends Told By Arizona Indian Children.; With Notes by Baylor
33177: Horace [65 BC - 27 BC] - QUINTUS HORATIUS FLACCUS. From Pickering's Diamond Classic series
19841.2: Plato [~ 428 BC - ~ 348 BC] - The PHILOSOPHY Of PLATO. The Jowett Translation. Edited, with an Introduction, by Irwin Edman. Modern Library #181
8041: Sallust [86 - 34 BC] - C. SALLUSTI CRISPI OPERA Omnia, Quæ extant, Interpretatione et Nois Illustravit Daniel Crispinus, in usum Serenissimi Delphini
5826.1: Beach, Charles Amory - AIR SERVICE BOYS: Flying For Victory. Air Service Boys Series #5
1242: Beach, Rex - The MATING CALL
33644: [Native American Indian Sheet Music]. Beach, John - MONOLOGUE For PIANOFORTE. Vol. VI. No. 41. January, 1907
7294: Beach, Rex - VALLEY Of THUNDER
16529: [Gay Literature]. Beale, Elaine - MURDER In The CASTRO. A Lou Spencer Mystery
50027: Beals, Carleton - FIRE On The ANDES
38664: Beals, Ralph L. - The CONTEMPORARY CULTURE Of The CAHITA INDIANS. Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 142
25024: Bean, L. L. - HUNTING - FISHING And CAMPING
30599: Beard, Charles A. & Mary R. - AMERICA In MIDPASSAGE
43939: [European History / Napoleon]. Beardsley, E. M. - NAPOLEON: The Fall
5418: [Beardsley, Aubrey. 1872 - 1898]. Harris, Bruce S. - Editor - The COLLECTED DRAWINGS of AUBREY BEARDSLEY.; With an Appreciation by Arthur Symons
32119: Beattie, Ann; Coover, Robert; Doyle, Roddy - Contributors - McSWEENEY'S. Issue No. 16
48209: Beattie, James [1735 - 1803]. Blair, Robert [1699 - 1746]. Falconer, William [1732 - 1769]. Gilfillan, Rev. George [1813 - 1878] - POETICAL WORKS Of BEATTIE, BLAIR, And FALCONER.; With Lives, Critical Dissertatons, and Explanatory Notes, by the Rev. George Gilfillan
13570: Beattie, Ann - Editor - The BEST AMERICAN SHORT STORES. 1987.; With an Introduction by Ann Beattie
13296: Beattie, Ann - ANOTHER YOU. A Novel
47896: Beaufoy, Henry [d. 1795] - The SUBSTANCE Of The SPEECH Of HENRY BEAUFOY, Esq. to the British Society for Extending the Fisheries, &c.; At Their General Court, Held on Tuesday, March 25, 1788. To Which is Added A Copy of the Act for the Society's Incorporation
10869: Beauman, Sally - DANGER ZONES. A Novel
33157: [De Beauvoir, Simone. 1908 - 1986]. Bennett, Joy & Hochmann, Gabriella - SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR An Annotated Bibliography. The Garland Reference Library of the Humanities (Vol 774)
21936: Bechtel, Louise Seaman - BOOKS In SEARCH Of CHILDREN.; Selected and with an introduction by Virginia Haviland
43987.1: [Crime]. [De Beck, William L.] - MURDER WILL OUT. The First Step in Crime Leads to the Gallows. The Horrors of Queen City. Being an Account of the Two Soldiers Who Were Executed at Old Fort Washington; And the Trials and Executions of John May ; Philip Lewis, (colored) ; John Cowan, the Murderer of his Family ; Washburn and his Associates, Davis and Hoover, the Butchers of over 30 Persons ; Byron Cooley, who killed John Rambo ; Henry Lecount ; Patrick McHugh, the Murderer of his own Wife ; and a Careful History of the Hughes Murderers, with a Precise Account of the Murder of John Brasher, the Watchman ; the Summons Massacre ; Arrison and the Infernal Machine ; Mrs. Howard, who Avenged her Own Wrongs ; Nancy Farrer, the Child Poisoner ; with a Correct Detail of Over a Hundred Other Murders which have Taken Place in this City and County.; By An Old Citizen
29327: Beck, Fred - The FRED BECK WINE BOOK. Fred Beck's Gay, Clear-Cut Explanation of the Wines of the World - With Special Recognition of the Wines of California
49933: Beckett, Tom - SEPARATIONS
17431: Beckett, Samuel - KRAPP'S LAST TAPE And EMBERS
35301: Becklard, Eugene. Howard, Philip M. - Translator - PHYSIOLOGICAL MYSTERIES And REVELATIONS In LOVE, COURTSHIP And MARRIAGE; An Infallible Guide-Book for Married and Single Persons, in Matters of the Utmost Importance to the Human Race. Translated from the Third Paris Edition
14339.1: Beckmann, Frank Harrison - SON Of SIAM
27319: Beddard, Robert - A KINGDOM WITHOUT A KING. The Journal of the Provisional Government in the Revolution of 1688
38741: Beddie, M. K. - BIBLIOGRAPHY Of CAPTAIN JAMES COOK. R. N., F. R. S., Circumnavigator. The Library of New South Wales
10084.1: Bee, Clair - STRIKE THREE! The Chip Hilton Sports Series #3
18828.2: Bee, Clair - CHAMPIONSHIP BALL. The Chip Hilton Sports Series #2
18828.1: Bee, Clair - CHAMPIONSHIP BALL. The Chip Hilton Sports Series #2
32037: Beebe, Lucius - BOSTON And The BOSTON LEGEND
7818: Beecher, Henry Ward [1813 - 1887] - STAR PAPERS; or, Experiences of Art and Nature
37574: Beecher, Henry Ward [1813 - 1887] - BUYING BOOKS. An Article by Henry Ward Beecher from The National Fifth Reader
48400: [Beeching, H.C.; MacKail, J. W.; Nichols, J. B. B.]. Dodgson, Campbell [1867 - 1948] - Former Owner - LOVE'S LOOKING GLASS. A Volume of Poems
49818: Beeding, Francis [joint pseudonym of Palmer, John Lesile (1885 - 1944) & Saunders, Hillary Aiden St. George (1898 - 1951)] - The ONE SANE MAN
3201: Beedome, Thomas [d. ca 1641]. Meynell, Francis [1891 - 1975] - Contributor - SELECT POEMS Divine and Humane
33202: [Exhibition Catalog]. Beerbohm, Max [1872 - 1956] - CATALOGUE Of A MEMORIAL EXHIBITION Of DRAWINGS By SIR MAX BEERBOHM (1872 - 1956). With a Foreword by Sir John Rothenstein
43034: Beerbohm, Max [1872 - 1956] - Compiler - HERBERT BEERBOHM TREE. Some Memories of Him and His Art
18709: Beerbohm, Max - ZULEIKA DOBSON. Modern Library #116
35499.5: Beery, Ray C[oppock] [189 2 - ] - The NEW WAY In CHILD TRAINING. Chart 10 Cultivating Ambition
35499.4: Beery, Ray C[oppock] [189 2 - ] - The NEW WAY In CHILD TRAINING. Chart 9 Training in Thrift
35499.2: Beery, Ray C[oppock] [189 2 - ] - The NEW WAY In CHILD TRAINING. Chart 6 Controlling Ill- Temper
35499.1: Beery, Ray C[oppock] [189 2 - ] - The NEW WAY In CHILD TRAINING. Chart 5 Overcoming Unnecessary Fears
35499: Beery, Ray C[oppock] [189 2 - ] - The NEW WAY In CHILD TRAINING. Chart 4 Curing Harmful Habits
51305: Beesly, Edward Spencer. Verney, Ruth Florence [1879 - 1968] - Former Owner. [Nightingale, Florence. 1820 - 1910] - QUEEN ELIZABETH
29257: [Musical Score]. van Beethoven, Ludwig [1770 - 1827] - QUATRIEME SYMPHONIE Composee Par Louis van Beethoven. Op. 60. Arrangement pour le Piano a Quatre Mains
16347.1: [Behn, Aphra 1640 - 1689]. - LOVE - LETTERS BETWEEN A NOBLEMAN And His SISTER; With the History of Their Adventures. In Three Parts
38307: Beideman, Jacob C. [d. 1865]. Cobb, H. A. - Auctioneer - ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. PUBLIC AUCTION Of The BEIDEMAN ESTATE, in the City of San Francisco, by Maurice Dore & Co., Real Estate Auctioneers, Wednesday, July 24th, 1867, Twelve O'Clock, Noon, at Salesroom, 327 Montgomery St. [Wrapper title]
27478: Beilke, Marlan [1940 - ] - SPRING FIRES
46722: Beizer, Mikhail. Sherbourne, Michael - Translator. Gilbert, Martin - Contributor - The JEWS Of St. PETERSBURG. Excursions Through A Noble Past.; Translated by Michael Sherbourne. Edited, with an Introduction and Maps by Martin Gilbert
50610: Le Bel, Joseph-Achille [1847 - 1930]. Maury, J. Edmunds, Arthur - Translator - LAUGERIE BASSE. The EXCAVATIONS Of M. J. -A. Le BEL. Translated by Arthur Edmunds
17920: [Belasco, David]. Winter, William [1836 - 1917] - The LIFE Of DAVID BELASCO
36865: [U.S. Navy Cruise Book]. Belflower, Lcdr. H. E. - Editor - SEA POWER For PEACE. USS ENTERPRISE. CVAN-65. 1963
34564: Belkap, William W[orth. 1829 - 1890]. - Editor - HISTORY Of The FIFTEENTH REGIMENT, IOWA VETERAN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, From October, 1861, to August, 1865, When Disbanded at End of War
31394: Belknap, D[avid]. P[rice]. Stidger, O. P. - Former Owner - CALIFORNIA PROBATE LAW And PRACTICE. Being a Compilation of All the Statutes of this State ..
17500: Bell, Henry Glassford - MARY QUEEN Of SCOTS. In Two Volumes. Harper's Family Library XXI & XXII
50418: Bell, J[ohn]. J[oy. 1871 - 1934] - The PIE In The OVEN. A Comedy in One Act. Rerertory Plays. No. 27
48183: Bell, Henry Glassford - ROMANCES And Minor Poems
30153: Bell, John [1763 - 1820] & Charles [1774 - 1842]. Godman, John D. - The ANATOMY And PHYSIOLOGY Of The HUMAN BODY. In Two Volumes. The Text Revised, with Various Important Additions, From the Writings of Soemmering, Bichat, Beclard, Meckel, Spurzheim, Wistar, &c
2725.2: Bell, Aldon D. - LONDON In The AGE Of CHARLES DICKENS.; The Centers of Civilization Series
27113: Bell, Madison Smartt - STRAIGHT CUT
36060: Bell, J. Snowden. Adams, J. Foster [1882 - 1962] - Former Owner - The EARLY MOTIVE POWER Of The BALTIMORE And OHIO RAILROAD
37365: Bell, Mrs. Arthur G. - PICTURESQUE BRITTANY
22708: [Natural History / Animals]. Bell, Thomas - A HISTORY Of BRITISH QUADRUPEDS, Including the Cetacea
22078: Bell, Pauline - The DEAD DO NOT PRAISE
18055.1: Bell, W.S. - OLD FORT BENTON. What it Was, and How it Came to be
48831: Bell, Kensil - ICE PATROL; Jim Steele's Adventures with the U. S. Coast Guard
13290: Bell, Madison Smart - WAITING For The END Of The WORLD
13108: Bell, Madison Smartt - ZERO db and Other Stories
37349: Bellenden, William [c. 1550 - 1633?]. [Beloe, William. 1756 - 1817]. [Parr, Samuel. 1747 - 1825] - A FREE TRANSLATION Of The PREFACE To BELLENDENUS; Containing Animated Strictures on the Great Political Characters of the Present Time
3100.1: Belli, Melvin - BELLI LOOKS At LIFE And LAW In JAPAN.; Foreword by Errol Flynn; Preface by Toshio Irie, Justice of the Supreme Court of Japan
48386: Bellow, Henry W[hitney. 1814 - 1882]. - Prest - REPORT CONCERNING The WOMAN'S CENTRAL ASSOCIATION Of RELIEF At NEW YORK, To the U. S. Sanitary Commission at Washington.; Sanitary Commission. No. 32. Oct. 12, 1861
46613: Belsham, William [1752 - 1827] - MEMOIRS Of The REIGN Of GEORGE III, From the Treaty of Amiens, A. D. 1802, to the Termination of the Regency, A. D. 1820. In Two Volumes
37907: Belt, Robert V. & Robert L. Owen. Scarrit & Cox, M. C. Butler, W. T. Crawford - Contributors - In The COURT Of CLAIMS Of The UNITED STATES. No. 10,386 Congressional Case. The Eastern Cherokees vs. the United States. Historical Statement of Case and Request for Findings of Fact. Brief for the Eastern Cherokees
29399: Bemelmans, Ludwig [1898 - 1962] - MY WAR With The UNITED STATES
45409: [Restaurant Menu - Bend, Oregon] - SKYLINE STEAKHOUSE.; 855 Wall Street
11375: Bendick, Jeanne - The FIRST BOOK Of SHIPS
36203: Benedict, John D. - A HISTORY Of MUSKOGEE And NORTHEASTERN OKLAHOMA Including the Counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig and Ottawa
35401: Benet, William Rose [1886 - 1950] - SAGACITY. The Poetry Quartos
1500: Benet, Stephen Vincent [1898 - 1943] - WESTERN STAR
33123: Benjamin, Mary A. - AUTOGRAPHS: A KEY To COLLECTING
9818: Benjamin, Mary A. - AUTOGRAPHS: A Key to Collecting
9818.1: Benjamin, Mary A. - AUTOGRAPHS: A Key to Collecting
32636.1: Bennett, Emerson [1822 - 1905] - ELLA BARNWELL: A Historical Romance of Border Life
32628.1: 'By the Author of "The Prairie Bird"'. Bennett, Emerson [1822 - 1905]; Murray, Sir Charles [1806 - 1895] - Attributed to - The TRAPPER'S BRIDE: or, The Spirit of Adventure
12477: Bennett, John - The ZOO MANUSCRIPT.; Foreward by Chad Walsh
45141: Bennett, James O'donnell [1870 - 1940] - MUCHED LOVED BOOKS.; Best Sellers of the Ages
44828: Bennett, H. S. - CHAUCER And The FIFTEENTH CENTURY
23982: Bennett, Arnold - BOOKS And PERSONS. Being Comments on a Past Epoch 1908 - 1911
49131: Bennett, A. G. - WHALING In The ANTARCTIC
18665.1: [Mod Lib]. Bennett, Arnold - The OLD WIVES' TALE.; Translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff
18665: [Mod Lib]. Bennett, Arnold - The OLD WIVES' TALE.; Translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff
38462: Bennett, Paul A. - SOME NOTES On The ENGAGING BY-PATHS And ENDURING PLEASURES Of FINE BOOKMAKING. This Keepsake Commemorates the Dedication of the Morgan A. and Aline D. Gunst Memorial Library. The Book, Its Art and History - An Exhibition in the Albert M. Bender ROom, Stanford University Libraries, Oct. 18, 1963
9526: Bennett, Jesse Lee - FRONTIERS Of KNOWLEDGE
10655: Apian-Bennewitz, Paul Otto - Die GEIGE, der Geigenbau und die Bogenverfertigung: eine auf Grund der Theorie und Geschichte der Bogeninstrumente, sowie des von den hervorragendsten Meistern des Geigenbaues beobachteten Verfahrens gegebene Anweisung : zur Herstellung der verschiedenen Geigen und ihres Zubehors : eingeleitet durch eine Darstellung der darauf bezuglichen Lehren der Physik : mit Benutzung der neuesten in- und auslandischen Litteratur und teilweiser Verwertung von Wettengel-Gretschels Lehrbuch der Geigen- und Bogenmacherkunst
43396: Benstead, C. R. - RETREAT. A Story of 1918
29077: [Books - On - Books]. Bent, Robert - The LONDON CATALOGUE Of BOOKS, With Their Sizes, Prices and Publishers. Containing the Books Published in London, and Those Altered in Size or Price, Since the Year MDCCCXIV [1814] to MDCCCXXXIX [1839]
46469: Bentham, George (1800-1884); Berkeley, M[iles]. J[oseph]. (1803-1889); Dickie, E. [a.k.a. George] (1812-1882); Dresser, Christopher (1834-1904); Grisebach, N. [a.k.a August Heinrich Rudolf ] (1814-1879); Lindley, [John] (1799-1865); Masters, Maxwell (1833 - JOURNAL Of The PROCEEDINGS Of The LINNEAN SOCIETY. BOTANY. Vol. III.; [Bound with] Supplement to Botany - Vol. I - Containing Musci Indiæ Orientalis; An Enumeration of the Mosses of the East Indies. By William Mitten, Esq.; [and] Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London
28197: Bentley, Professor [Robert. 1821 - 1893] - BOTANY. Manuals of Elementary Science
49600: [Dickens Connection]. Bentley, Nathaniel [1735? - 1809]. Rokeby, Baron Matthew Robinson-Morris [1713 - 1800]. - The ECCENTRIC And EXTRAORDINARY HISTORY Of NATH. BENTLEY, ESQ.; Together with an Accurate Description of his Singular Habitation, Usually Denominated the Dirty Warehouse in Leadenhall Street, with Many Curious and Original Anecdotes, Never Before Published; to Which is Prefixed the Strange and Eccentric Life and Adventures of Lord Rokeby, Whose General Propensity was Living in Water
36748: Benton, Thomas Hart [1782 - 1858] - The ADMISSION Of CALIFORNIA. Speech of Hon. T. H. Benton, of Missouri, in the Senate of the United States, April 8, 1850. On the Compromise Resolutions of Mr. Bell, of Tennessee, and the Proposition to Refer them to Select Committee. [Drop title]
26391: Benton, J. A. - The CALIFORNIA PILGRIM: A Series of Lectures
28229: [History]. Ricardo de Beobide, P. De la P. S. Salesiana - La AGONIA De Un PUEBLO. Pinceladas Tragicas de la Revolucion Rusa. Volumen II.; Biblioteca Vol. XVIII
27664: Berberova, Nina - The LADIES From ST. PETERSBURG. Three Novellas.; Translated by Marian Schwartz
16830: Berdin, Richard - CODE NAME RICHARD
47714: Berdmore, Sept. (Nimshivich). Gooch, Sir Alfred Sherlock [1851 - 1899] - Former Owner - A SCRATCH TEAM Of ESSAYS Never Before Put Together.; Being Reprints from the Quarterly and Westminster Reviews, on 'The Kitchen and the Cellar." - Q. R. 1877. "Thackeray" - W. R. 1864. "Russia" - W. R. 1867. "Carriages, Roads, and Coaches." - Q. R. 1877
11184: Berendt, John - MIDNIGHT In The GARDEN Of GOOD And EVIL. A Savannah Story
38678: Beresford, J. D. - The MONKEY PUZZLE
31242: Berg, Bengt - To AFRICA With The MIGRATORY BIRDS. With 75 Illustrations
3117.1: Berger, Thomas - REINHART'S WOMEN
24155: Berger, Thomas - KILLING TIME. A Novel
35289: [Publication Prospectus]. Berger, Sanford Lionel. Stansky, Petter - In MEMORIAM SANFORD LIONEL BERGER 1919 - 2000
50781: [History of Automation]. Bergmann, Joseph - STEREOVIEW. Bergmann's Automatic and Mechanical Wonder.; The Greatest Production of Inventive Genius. The Result of Seventeen Years hard Labor and Study
45686: Bergquist, G. William. - Editor - THREE CENTURIES Of ENGLISH And AMERICAN PLAYS: A CHECKLIST.; England: 1500 - 1800; United States: 1714 - 1830
31410: Bergsma, Jody - DRAGON
30355: [UC Berkeley] - CALIFORNIA Senior Week 1923
34921: Berkeley, Bishop [George. 1685 - 1753]. [Berington, Simon. 1680 - 1755] - The ADVENTURES Of SIGNOR GAUDENTIO Di LUCCA Being the Substance of His Examination Before the Fathers of the Inquisition, at Bologna in Italy
31082: Berlaymont, Philippus de - PARADISUS PUERORUM, In Quo Primaevae Honestatis. Totiusque Pueritiae rectè Informatae Reperiuntur Exempla: Senibus iuxta et pueris ad speculum, admirationem, Imitationem. Opus novum, et concionibus non minus quam catechismis utile
47578: [Restaurant Menu - Berlin] - SPEISENKARTE
30410: Berlin, Sven [1911 - 1999] - AMERGIN. The White Stag: An Enigma of the Forest. The ORIGINAL 1st DRAFT MSS
47000: [Restaurant Menu - Bermuda] - BREAKFAST.; Castle Harbor Hotel
39595: Bernanos, Georges [1888 - 1948]. Robert Coles - Contributor. Fritz Eichenberg - Illustrator - The DIARY Of A COUNTRY PRIEST
20133: Bernard, Florence Scott - THROUGH The CLOUD MOUNTAIN With Jan and the Story-Book Folk We Love
35107: Bernstein, Maurice - Owner of the Restaurant - BERNSTEIN'S FISH GROTTO. Wine List
34742: Bernstein, Richard - ULTIMATE JOURNEY. Retracing the Path of an Ancient Buddhist Monk Who Crossed Asia in Search of Enlightenment
38053.4: Bernstein, Walter, Ralph G. Martin, Dan Polier, Ray Duncan, Allen Churchill - Contributors - YANK. British Edition. The Army Weekly. December 12, 1943. Volume 2, No. 26. "It Looked Easy on the Map", "AMG: It Pieces Conquered Towns Together Again", "The Two Years Since Pearl Harbor", "A Week of War", "Sports: Knute Rockne Would Have Been Proud of this Notre Dame Football Machine", "The Beautiful Bed Check"
38053.11: Bernstein, Walter, Walter Peters, Dan Polier - Contributors - YANK. British Edition. The Army Weekly. January 30, 1944. Volume 2, No. 33. "Tito and his Partisans", "Night Before a Mission", "Donner and Blitzen", "Training Mountain Fighters in Italy", "Sports: How Many Sports Champions Will Return After the War?", "Northern Way"
50793: Berrigan, Ted [1934 - 1983]. Andre, Michael - Previous owner - In The EARLY MORNING RAIN
4716: Berry, Erick - NANCY HERSELF
22280: Berson, Harold - TRUFFLES For LUNCH
26794: Berthollet, C[laude]. L[ouis. 1748 - 1822]. & A[medee]. B. [1783 - 1811]. Ure, Andrew [1778 - 1857] - ELEMENTS Of The ART Of DYEING; With a Description of the Art of Bleaching by Oxymuriatic Acid. In Two Volumes.; Translated from the French, with Notes and Engravings, Illustrative and Supplementary, by Andrew Ure, M.D. F.R.S.
47575: Bertie, Lord Robert [1721 - 1782] - Recipient - A LETTER To LORD ROBERT BERTIE, Relating to his Conduct in the Mediterranean, and His Defence of Admiral BYNG
20586: [Fine Press]. Bertin, Charles. [Smith, William Jay]. [De Pol, John] - CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS.; Translated by William Jay Smith
50964: Bertrew, Beron - The BULLET CHARMER. A Story of the Revolution. "Pluck and Luck. Stories of Adventure." No. 611. February 16, 1910
26309: Bertrew, Berton [pseudonym of Doughty, Francis Worcester (d. 1917)]. - NED NORTH, The Young Arctic Explorer; or, The Phantom Valley of the North Pole. "Pluck and Luck. Stories of Adventure." No. 338. November 23, 1904
48461: [Lost Race Fiction]. Bertrew, Berton - 3000 MILES THROUGH The CLOUDS or Dropped Among an Unknown Race. "Pluck and Luck. Stories of Adventure." No. 812. Dec 24th, 1913
16377: [Best, Edna 1900 - 1974]. [Marshall, Herbert 1890 - 1965]. Milne, A. A. - MICHAEL And MARY
14736: Best, Herbert - A RUMOR Of DRUMS
45963: Bett, Wingate H. & Gillham, John C. - GREAT BRITISH TRAMWAY NETWORKS
21443: Comden, Betty and Green, Adolph - BELLS ARE RINGING.; Music by Jule Styne
33430: Beveridge, Albert J. - The RUSSIAN ADVANCE
37305: Bewick, Thomas [1753 - 1828] - Illustrator - A GENERAL HISTORY Of QUADRUPEDS. The Figures Engraved on Wood by Thomas Bewick
50700: Beyle, Marie-Henri (Stemdhal [1783 - 1842]). Scott-Moncrieff, C. K. - Translator. Basso, Hamilton - Contributor - The RED And The BLACK.; Translated by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff. Introduction by Hamilton Basso
18942: [Beys, Christopher] - ACTA CHRISTOPHORI BEISSII
50333: Bezmozgis, David - The FREE WORLD
49184: Bialy, Harvey - The BROKEN POT
50659: Piao [also Biao], Lin [1907 - 1971] - LONG LIVE The VICTORY Of PEOPLE'S WAR!
26056: De Bibiena, Jean-Galli - The FAIRY DOLL (La Poupee).; Translated from the French by H. B. V. With an Introduction by Shane Leslie
24376: [Theology / Bible] - The HOLY BIBLE, Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated Out of the Original Tongues; And with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised
20974: [Bibliography] - BANCROFTIANA 1-50: March 1950 to September 1971 and Index
49485: [Bickerstaffe, Isaac. 1735 - 1812] - LOVE In The CITY; A Comic Opera. As It Is Performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden.; The Words Written, and the Music Compiled By the Author of Love In A Village
48988: [Bickerstaffe, Issac] - The ABSENT MAN; A Farce.; As It is Acted by His Majestry's Servants, at the Theatre Royal, in Drury - Lane
13413: Biderman, Bob - The GENESIS FILES. A Walker Mystery
27870: Bidston, Lester - QUEEN Of The SKIES. The Boys' Friend Library. No. 230 (New Series). 6 - 3 - 30.; Amazing New Story of Air War in 1970 [cover blurb]
50520: Bidwell, General John [1819 - 1900] - MEMORIAL EXERCISES For GENERAL JOHN BIDWELL (Died April 4, 1900); Held Under the Direction of the County Officers of Butte County, in the Court - House at Oroville, California May 7, 1900
41299: Bidwell, General John - ECHOES Of The PAST ABOUT CALIFORNIA. An Account of the First Emigrant Train to California, Fremont in the Conquest of California, the Discovery of Gold and Early Reminiscences
15344: [Biegelman, M. N. & P. M.] - 400 BOOKS From A PRIVATE LIBRARY
51557: 'Dod Grile' [pseudonym of Bierce, Ambrose. 1842 - 1914?] - The FIEND''S DELIGHT
30886: Bierce, Ambrose [1842 - 1914?] - The SHADOW On The DIAL And Other Essays
51583: Bierce, Ambrose [1842 - 1914?] & Danziger, Gustav Adolph [also Adolphe Danziger De Castro, 1859 - 1959]. Harvey, Gladys - Former owner - The MONK And The HANGMAN'S DAUGHTER
36117: [Yosemite Stereoview Photograph]. Bierstadt, Charles [1819 - 1903] - EL CAPITAN, From Colfax Point
35104: Bigelow, Henry B [1879 - 1967] - CONTRIBUTIONS To The BIOLOGY Of The PHILIPPINE ARCHIPELAGO And ADJACENT REGIONS. HYDROMEDUSAEM SIPHONOPHORES, And CTENOPHORES Of The "ALBATROSS" PHILIPPINE EXPEDITION. Smithsonian Institution United States National Museum Bulletin 100 Volume 1 Part 5
16556: Bigmore, F. C. & C. W. H. Wyman - A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of PRINTING
43470: Bigney, M[ark]. F[rederick. 1817 - 1886] - The FOREST PILGRIMS, and Other Poems
41961: [Civil War]. Bill, Henry [1824 - 1891] - Copyright Holder - The FIRST BATTLE BETWEEN "IRON" SHIPS Of WAR.; The "Monitor" 2 Guns and "Merrimac" 10 Guns. The Merrimac was crippled and the whole Rebel Fleet driven off
34883: Billeter, Jean Francois - The CHINESE ART Of WRITING
21900: Billheimer, John - HIGHWAY ROBBERY. An Owen Allison Mystery
37051: [Ex-Libris]. Billington, Mabel Crotty [1905 - 1993] and Billington, Ray Allen [1903 - 1981] - From The BOOKS Of RAY A BILLINGTON. Envelope with 2 Bookplates
18169: Billington, Ray Allen - LAND Of SAVAGERY. LAND Of PROMISE. The European Image of the American Frontier in the Nineteenth Century
37932: Billington, Ray Allen & Albert Camarillo - The AMERICAN SOUTHWEST IMAGE And REALITY. Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, 16 April 1977
48275: [Bindon, David. d. 1760]. - OBSERVATIONS On The BILL Now Depending in the House of Lords, With Relation to the WOOLLEN MANUFACTURE.; By a Clothier
48873: Bindon, David [d. 1760]. Romney, Henry Sidney, Earl of [1641 - 1704] - An ACCOUNT Of The REVENUE And NATIONAL DEBT Of IRELAND. With Some Observations on the late Bill for Paying off the National Debt.; In which is contained, A Speech to the Parliament of Henry Lord Viscount Sidney, Lord Lieutenant in the Year 1692, as also an Order of Council, and several Resolutions of the House of Commons, extracted from their Journals, parallel to the present Juncture of Affairs in that Kingdom
5997: Bingham, John - BROCK and the DEFECTOR
2346: Bingham, Edwin R. - CHARLES F. LUMMIS: Editor of the Southwest
11623: Bingham, Capt. The Hon. D. - The BASTILLE. In Two Volumes
46938: Binyon, Laurence (1869-1943); Holme, Geoffrey (1848-1923) - edited by; [Blake, William. 1757 - 1827] - Subject - The DRAWINGS And ENGRAVINGS Of WILLIAM BLAKE
47987.1: Bird, Joseph - GLEANINGS From The HISTORY Of MUSIC, From the Earliest Ages to the Commencement of the Eighteenth Century
34015: Bird, Patricia - SHAMROCK In The SUN
13986: Birmelin, Blair T. - The DEAD WOMAN'S SISTER
18194: Birnbaum, Jeffrey H. - MADHOUSE. The Private Turmoil of Working for the President
31721: Birney, Betty G. - TYRANNOSAURUS TEX
50790: Birney, James Gillespie [1792 - 1857] - Subject. Fladeland, Betty - JAMES GILLESPIE BIRNEY: Slaveholder to Abolitionist
37231: Bishop, D. M. - SAN FRANCISCO SEMI-ANNUAL TRADES GUIDE And PACIFIC COAST DIRECTORY. Containing a Complete Classified and Alphabetically Arranged Business Directory of 163 Cities and Towns of California, Oregon and Nevada. Vol. IV. No. VII. July, 1874
49849: Bishop, D. M. - Compiler - ANNUAL DIRECTORY Of The CITY And COUNTY Of SAN FRANCISCO For 1877.; Compiled by D. M. Bishop & Co
51456: Bishop, Suzette - HIVE - MIND
48952: Bishop, Rev. Artemas - HAWAIIAN PHRASE BOOK. Na Huaolelo a Me Na Olelo Kikeke Ma Ka Olelo Beritania, a Me Ka Olelo Hawaii.; Copyrighted According to Law
15251.1: [Bishop, Elizabeth]. MacMahon, Candace W. - ELIZABETH BISHOP.; A Bibliography. 1927 - 1979
42570: [California Politics.] Bittner, W[illia]m E. - Candidate. Kuchel, Thomas Henry - Incumbent - "TEAR THIS MASK OFF The CONTROLLER'S OFFICE And GIVE The OFFICE BACK To The PEOPLE!" Bittner Means Business. Vote for Wm. E. Bitter. June 6th. Controller
38356: [Department of the Interior]. Bixby, Tams, E. A. Hitchcock - Contributors - REGULATIONS GOVERNING The UNRESTRICTED ALIENATION Of LANDS For TOWN SITE PURPOSES In INDIAN TERRITORY, PRESCRIBED By The SECRETARY Of The INTERIOR; For the Purpose of Carrying Into Effect a Provision of the Indian Appropriation Act, Approved March 3, 1903
33092: Bizet, Georges [1838 - 1875] - CARMEN. Opera, in Four Acts. In Italian and English. With the Music of the Principal Parts. Music by George Bizet
11116: Bjork, Christina - LINNEA In MONET'S GARDEN
31620: Black, William [1841 - 1898] - A DAUGHTER Of HETH. A Novel
50315: Black, Robin - IF I LOVED YOU, I WOULD TELL YOU THIS.; Stories
27481: Black, William Harman - SCUTTLERS Of PEACE
40537: Black, William [1841 - 1898] - JUDITH SHAKESPEARE. A Romance
40536: Black, William [1841 - 1898] - WHITE HEATHER. A Novel. In Three Volumes
16047: Black, Vernonica - A VOW Of CHASTITY. A Mystery
47554: Blackhouse, Janet - The ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT
50283: Blackmore, R. D. - LORNA DOONE. A Romance of Exmoor
19015: [Magic]. [Blackstone, Harry]. Furst, Arnold - FAMOUS MAGICIANS Of The WORLD
45182: Blagden, Cyprian - The STATIONERS' COMPANY. A History, 1403 - 1959
14479: [Blagdon, Francis William 1778 - 1819]. Johnson, Samuel [1709 - 1784] - The HISTORY Of RASSELAS, Prince of Abissinia.; With a Life of the Author, by F. W. Blagdon, Esq. To Which are Added, Johnson's Miscellaneous Poems
15612: Blagowidow, George - In SEARCH Of The LION TAMER
12613.2: Blaine, John - The ROCKET'S SHADOW. Rick Brant Science-Adventure #1
12614.3: Blaine, John - The LOST CITY. Rick Brant Science-Adventure Series #2
12611.3: Blaine, John - SMUGGLERS' REEF. Rick Brant Science-Adventure #7
37478: Blaine, James G. - Former Owner - SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL REPORTS For the Fiscal Year 1876 - 77, Ending June 30, 1877. Published by Order of the Board of Supervisors
30288: [Blake, William. 1757 - 1827]. Hagstrum, Jean H. - WILLIAM BLAKE Poet and Painter. An Introduction to the Illuminated Verse
29157: Blake, William [1757 - 1827] - The COMPLETE PORTRAITURE Of WILLIAM & CATHERINE BLAKE.; With Essay and an Iconography by Geoffrey Keynes Kt
28645.1: [California History]. Blake, Evarts I. - Editor - GREATER OAKLAND. 1911. A Volume Dealing with the Big Metropolis on the Shores of San Francisco Bay
4988.2: Blake, William [1757 - 1827] - THERE IS NO NATURAL RELIGION
4988.1: Blake, William [1757 - 1827] - THERE IS NO NATURAL RELIGION
47858: Blake, Rev. Mortimer [1813 - 1884] - A CENTURIAL HISTORY Of The MENDON ASSOCIATION of Congregational Ministers, with The Centennial Address, Delivered at Franklin, Mass., Nov. 19, 1851, and Biographical Sketches of the Members and Licentiates
51565: Blake, William [1757 -1827]. Easson, Kay Parkhurst & Roger R. - Editors - The BOOK Of URIZEN.; Edited and with a Commentary by Kay Parkhurst Easson and Roger R. Easson
51566: Blake, William. Murray, John Middleton - Contributor - VISIONS Of The DAUGHTERS Of ALBION.; Reproduced in Facsimile from an Original copy of the Work Printed and Illuminated by the Author in 1793 now in the British Museum. With a Note by John Middleton Murray
9836.1: Blake, N. F. - CAXTON. England's First Publisher
48067: Blakey, Robert - The HISTORY Of POLITICAL LITERATURE From the Earliest Times. In Two Volumes
38214: [California Song Slip]. Blampin, Charles - Composer - MEET ME In The LANE
48149: Blanc, Louis - The HISTORY Of TEN YEARS, 1830 - 1840. In Two Volumes
27435: Blanding, Henriette de Saussure - POEMS By HENRIETTE De SAUSSURE 1909-1910
47048: [Publisher Advert Sheet / Order Blank] - ADVENTURE
49568: [Publisher Price List / Order Blank] - POETRY From The BLACK SPARROW PRESS
19108: Blaser, Robin - CUPS. Writing 17
31184: Bleiler, E[verett]. F. - Editor - The CHECKLIST Of SCIENCE - FICTION And SUPERNATURAL FICTION
26519: Bliss, Robert Woods - IDNIDGENOUS ART Of The AMERICAS. Collection of Robert Woods Bliss
565: [Bibliomystery]. Block, Lawrence - The BURGLAR WHO TRADED TED WILLIAMS
47563: Block, Adolphe [1829 - 1903] - Photographer - STUDIO ALBUM Of 24 ALBUMEN PHOTOGRAPHS DOCUMENTING [Mostly] PARIS Of The 1890s
50458: Block, Andrew. Crow, John - Contributor - The ENGLISH NOVEL 1740 - 1850. A Catalogue Including Prose Romances, Short Stories, and Translations of Foreign Fiction.; With Introductions by John Crow, M.A. Lecturer in English at University of London, King's College
20688: Block, Lawrence - RANDOM WALK. A Novel for a New Age
13231: Block, Eugene R. - GREAT TRAIN ROBBERIES Of The WEST
4324: Bloodworth, Dennis - An EYE For The DRAGON. Southeast Asia Observed: 1954 - 1970
13105: Bloom, Amy - COME To ME. Stories
13105.1: Bloom, Amy - COME To ME. Short Stories
15014: Bloomfield, Robert - FROM THIS DEATH FORWARD
37520: [British Economic History]. Bloomfield, Benjamin, 1st Baron Bloomfield [1768 - 1846]. Canning, George [1770 - 1827] - SWEDISH TARIFFS Of The DUTIES Of CUSTOMS PAYABLE On GOODS, WARES And MERSCHANDIZE [sic]. Lord Bloomfield's Dispatch. 7 volumes
17186: Blotner, Joseph - ROBERT PENN WARREN. A Biography
21068: [Periodical]. Blumann, Sigismund., editor - PHOTO ART MONTHLY, NOVEMBER 1933
40128: Blumenstein, Lynn - BOTTLE RUSH U.S.A. The Story of Our Historic Past Through Old Time Bottles
49887: Blumenthal, Joseph. (1897-1990) - The PRINTED BOOK In AMERICA
20478.1: Blumenthal, Joseph. (1897-1990) - The PRINTED BOOK In AMERICA
16352: Blumenthal, Sidney - PLEDGING ALLEGIANCE. The Last Campaign of the Cold War
51328: Blunden, Edmund [1896 - 1974] - A WANDERER In JAPAN. Sketches and Reflection, in Prose and Verse
35598: [Blunden, Edmund] - A SERVICE Of PRAISE And THANKSGIVING For The LIFE And WORK Of EDMUND BLUNDEN. Thursday, 7th March, 1974
44567: Blunt, John Henry, F.S.A. - TEWKESBURY ABBEY And Its Associations
47801: [Blunt, Wilfrid. 1840 - 1922] - The LOVE SONNETS Of PROTEUS.; With a Frontispiece by the Author
48429: Bly, Robert [b. 1926]. Snyder, Gary [b. 1930] - Subject - HEARING GARY SYNDER READ. Unicorn Broadsheet Series Two Number Three April 20, 1971.; Written in Albuquerque, N.M., in 1966 by Robert Bly
45905: Boag, George L. - The RAILWAYS Of SPAIN
45102: [Bobbin, John William]. - The CASE Of The ISLAND TRADER.; A Romance of Thrilling Adventure and Detective Work in the East Indies. The Sexton Blake Library No. 175. 4d
48828: Thomson, Bobby. With Phil Pepe. McCovey, Willie - Contributor - FEW And CHOSEN. Defining Giants Greatness Across the Eras.; Foreword by Willie McCovey
39576: Boccaccio, John. [Giovanni Boccaccio, 1313 - 1375]. Edward Hutton - Contributor. Fritz Kredel - Illustrator - The DECAMERON. The Modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence and Conversation Framed in Ten Dayes, of an Hundred Curious Pieces, by Seven Honourable Ladies, and Three Noble Gentlemen; Preserved to Posterity
49387: Boccaccio, Giovanni [1313 - 1375] - TALES From The DECAMERON Of BOCCACCIO. The Hand of John Paul Jr. For Private Issue
40491: Devreese, Gabriel. Klassieke Boekhandel [Conventional Bookshop], Schoolmeubelen Boek-en Steendrukkerij - Lithography - "The DANGERS Of ALCOHOL ABUSE" [DE GEVAREN VAN HET DRANKMISBRUIK]. Collection of 12 Violent Dutch-Language Temperance Cards
50727: Bogert, Mayor Frank M. - PALM SPRINGS. First Hundred Years
21532.1: Du Bois, William Pene - GENTLEMAN BEAR
16179: Bojer, Johan - A PILGRIMAGE.; Translated from the Norwegian by Jessie Muir
43525: Boland, Mary A. - A HANDBOOK Of INVALID COOKING. For the Use of Nurses in Traning-Schools, Nurses in Private Practice and Others Who Care for the Sick. Containing Explanatory Lessons on the Properties and Value of Different Kinds of Food, and Recipes for the Making of Various Dishes
50010: Bolivar, Simon - Honoree - ROMANCERO COLOMBIANO.; Homenaje a la memoria del Libertador Simon Bolivar en su primer Centenario -- 1783 - 1883
14939: Bolt, David - ADAM
19354: Bolton, Herbert Eugene - The PADRE On HORSEBACK. A Sketch of Eusebio Francisco Kino. S.J. Apostle to the Pimas
33283: [Bonaparte, Napoleon. 1769 - 1821]. Parker, Willard - Translator - The MANUSCRIPT Of St. HELENA
32878: [Bonaparte, Napoleon]. Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de [1769 - 1834] - MEMOIRS Of NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. To Which Are Now First Added, An Account of the Important Events of the Hundred Days, of Napoleon's Surrender to the English, and of his Residence and Death at St. Helena
32458: [Bonaparte, Napoleon. 1769 - 1821]. Geer, Walter - NAPOLEON And MARIE-LOUISE, The Fall of the Empire
45049: Bonaparte, Napoleon [1769 - 1821]. Réveil, Etienne Achille [1800 - 1851] - Illustrator - The NAPOLEON GALLERY; or, Illustrations of the Life and Times of the Emperor of France
26111: Napoleon Bonaparte [1769 - 1821] - SOUVENIR De 1814, 1815, et 1816
35634: [Baseball Broadsheet]. Bonds, Barry - Subject of - WHO'S PUTTING The HEAT On BARRY BONDS ... And WHY. Reprinted from Revolution Newspaper, #93, June 24, 2007
42156: Bonehill, Captain Ralph - YOUNG HUNTERS Of The LAKE or Out With Rod and Gun. Boy Hunters Series #3
20740: Bonehill, Captain Ralph - YOUNG HUNTERS In PORTO RICO; or, The Search for Lost Treasure. Boys Prize Library Series #12
29871: Bonner, Kit & Carolyn - ALWAYS READY. Today's U.S. Coast Guard. The Power Series
30710.1: Bonner, Richard - The BOY INVENTORS' DIVING TORPEDO BOAT. The Boy Inventors Series #3
51193: Bonner, Richard - The BOY INVENTORS' And The VANISHING GUN. The Boy Inventors Series #2
51342: [View Book] - O'ER CAÑON And CRAG To The LAND Of GOLD. Series 1
33120: [Aviation Scrap Book] - The AMERICAN AIRCRAFT ALBUM. "A Hobby for the Airminded". Contains Spaces for 360 "Plane Pix" ... With Complete Information on Each Type of Plane in the Series. This Collection Consists of the Most Popular Sport, Racing, Transport, Army, Navy, Marine and Coast Guard Type of Airplanes Built in the U.S.A.
51347: [An Almost Miniature Book] - HOME BAR HINTS [Running Title]. PIONEER CLUB. Gambling House and Cocktail Lounge. Downtown Las Vegas, Nev. [Cover title]
47492: [Souvenir View Book] - SYDNEY. 40 Full Page Views of Sydney and Surroundings
43251: [Fabric Sample Book] - ORIGINAL AUTOMOTIVE FABRICS. 1971
50769: [California Benefit Cookery Book] - LAKEVIEW CLUB RECIPES; Cover title: Lakeview Club Cook Book
31637: [View Book] - SOUVENIR TRAVELOGUE. Entrancing San Francisco. Picturesque Alameda - Oakland - Berkeley of the Bay Region. A Story in Pictures. 31 Different Views
33967: [Souvenir View Book] - ALBUM Do RIO De JANEIRO. 10 Fotografias. N. 1
42953: [Fabric Sample Book] - ORIGINAL AUTOMOTIVE INTERIOR TRIM. 1979
47453: [Children's Alphabet Book] - The PICTURE ALPHABET.; In Prose and Verse
42873: [Miniature Book] - A HISTORY Of The HOLY BIBLE
42549: [Regional Cookery Book] - The WILLMAR COOK BOOK For PRACTICAL HOUSEKEEPING.; Compiled from recipes contributed by the Ladies of Willmar and other towns, and published for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church, of Willmar, Minn
30039: [California View Book] - SHASTA ROUTE
38438.3: [Cruise Book] - H.M.S. "DORSETSHIRE" An Illustrated Account of Her Commission on the China Station 1935 - 1937
49970: [Company Year Book] - FORT ORD CALIFORNIA. 6th Infantry Division. H Company. 63rd Infantry Regiment
51024: [Cookery Book] - The HOME COOK BOOK And FAMILY PHYSICIAN. The Leisure Hour Library. No. 18. January 8, 1896.; Containing Many Excellent Hints and Receipts for Housekeepers, Directions for the Cure of all Common Complaints by the Simplest Agencies, Likewise Much Valuable Information for Farmers and Gardeners
25496: [College Year Book] - The FRANCISCAN. 1934. Volume Nine
40555: [Souvenir View Book] - ALBUM Of SAN DIEGO And CORONADO BEACH, CAL. [cover title]
49761: [Regional Benefit Cookery Book] - SAN RAFAEL COOK BOOK. 1906.; Compiled by the Ladies of San Rafael San Rafael, California. Price - - $1.00 Copyrighted 1906
49756: [Benefit Regional Cookery Book] - COOK BOOK. First Presbyterian Church. Greeley, Colorado
44918: [Benefit Cookery Book] - OUR NEW COOK BOOK And BUSINESS DIRECTORY.; Published in Aid of the Chirstmas Bazaar, to be Held in the Coral St. M. E. Church, Worster, Mass. December 15 - 20, 1879
4043: [Little Golden Book] - Walt Disney's Donald Duck: Some Ducks Have All the Fun. Little Golden Book 102-56
40386: [California Benefit Cookery Book] - COOK BOOK. Ebell Society of the Santa Ana Valley. 1926
40383: [California Benefit Cookery Book] - LADIES' AID SOCIETY COOK BOOK. Congretional Church. Santa Rosa, Cal. [cover title]
40039: [Spanish American War Souvenir Book] - FIRST REGIMENT. 1898. NEW HAMPSHIRE. [cover title]
46482: [Souvenir View Book] - ERINNERUNG an TIROL Innsbruck. [Cover title]
49447: [California Regional Benefit Cookery Book] - The TWENTIETH CENTURY COOK BOOK
49253: [Airline Cook Book] - CURRYING FAVOURS With The MAHARAJAH. Air - India
39094: [Cookery Book] - The HOME - MADE COOK BOOK, A Complete Manual of Practical, Economical, Palatable and Healthful Cookery
18111: [Childrens Text Book] - MY VERY FIRST LITTLE SPANISH BOOK
33723: [Miniature Book] - LONDON ALMANACK For The YEAR Of CHRIST 1861
34709: [Photo View Book] - SOUVENIR Of SAN FRANCISCO. Photo - Gravures
44398: [Salesman's Sample Book] - The NEW YORK TIMES CURRENT HISTORY. The European War
3773: [Put-Together Book] - ALL ABOARD
45230: Booker, Anton S. - CARRY NATIONS Of KANSAS.; Who Fought the Liquor Traffic with a Hatchet
43864: [Souvenir Booklet] - VIEWS Around MONTEREY BAY CALIFORNIA
43765: [Wine Industry Promotional Booklet] - DEINHARD & CO. Coblenz on the Rhine and Moselle. Growers and Shippers of German Still and Sparkling Wines since 1794
43254: [Promotional Booklet] - STEEL MAKES The HOME
42971: [Japan Promotional Tourism Booklet] - JAPAN TOUR GUIDE 1958
42965: [Japan Promotional Tourism Booklet] - HOW To SEE KYOTO & NARA
42964: [Japan Promotional Tourism Booklet] - HOW To SEE NIKKO
42955: [Japan Promotional Tourism Booklet] - From The CAR WINDOW. Tokyo to Osaka
36911: [Automobile Advertising Promotional Booklet] - STEVENS - DURYEA C-SIX. The STORY TOLD By The SCALE. An Interesting Sidelight on the Value of Getting Down to the Heart of Good Steel in the Building of a Fine Motor-Car
51538: [Whiskey Promotional Booklet] - VIENNA, 1873. Century Whiskey Received a Medal and Grand Dipolma of Merit Being the Only Brand Thus Honored
42474: [Automotive Promotional Booklet] - INTER-STATE MOTOR CARS. 1912
42016: [Automobile Advertising Promotional Booklet] - MITCHELL. Eighty Years of Faithful Service to the American Public
42011: [Automobile Advertising Promotional Booklet] - CUTTING MOTOR CARS. 1913.; The Best that Brains, Ability and Equipment has Produced in Beauty, Efficiency and Durability
42009: [Automobile Advertising Promotional Booklet] - The ACQUAINTANCE BOOK For 1916. Crow - Elkhart
41991: [Automobile Advertising Promotional Booklet] - MOLINE AUTOMOBILES
41984: [Automobile Advertising Promotional Booklet] - INDIVIDUALITY
36253: [Promotional Booklet] - ALAMEDA COUNTY. Its Industries and Environs
48062: [French Menu / Booklet] - PAUL BOCUSE.; Meilleur ouvrier De France - Paris 1961
40395: [Automotive Promotional Booklet] - FORD The UNIVERSAL CAR. A Business Utility. A Valuable Servant in the City and Country for the Manufacturer, Merchant, Contractor, Builder and Farmer, Professional Men and Tradesmen Generally
40394: [Promotional Booklet] - SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. A Valley Which Has Won the Title of the "Garden of the World." Its Resources and Its Progress. Issued by the San Jose Board of Trade
49555: [Automotive Promotional Booklet] - A NEW PICTURE Of CAR VALUE. 1935 Plymouth
39926: [Instituto do Vinho do Porto Informational Booklet] - TOAST YOUR FRIENDS In PORT
49509: [Automotive Promotional Booklet] - FORD V • 8 For 1935
49476: [Automotive Promotional Booklet] - 1936 FORD V • 8
39381: [Souvenir Photograph Booklet] - OAKLAND CAL. The City of Opportunity. Population - 235,000
49195: [Automobile Advertising Promotional Booklet] - JAGUAR
39098: [Souvenir Booklet] - VIEWS Of OAKLAND CALIFORNIA. [Cover title]
38264: [Ford Motor Company - Advertising Booklet] - FINE CAR FEATURES Of The 1936 Ford V-8. "Fine Car Engine, Fine Car Brakes, Fine Car Safety, Fine Car Comfort..."
34416: [Automobile Advertising Promotional Booklet] - The JAGUAR Mark VII Saloon
37786: [Advertising Booklet] - MY CALENDAR Of MEMORY For 1932
37295: [Promotional Brochure / Booklet] - The "QUEEN MARY". The Stateliest Ship Afloat. A Pictorial Souvenir of the "World's Largest Floating Palace"
31390: [Books on Books] - The DOLPHIN. Number Two. A Journal of the Making of Books
29901: [Books - on - Books] - The ANNUAL Of BOOK-MAKING
22383: [Bookseller Catalogue]. Ursus Rare Books - ARS TYPOGRAPHIA. List 16, Fine Press Books
20470: [Books - on - Books] - BOOKS And PRINTS, Past and Future. Papers Presented at The Grolier Club Centennial Convention, 26 - 28 April 1984.; Introduction by Gordon N. Ray
19094.1: [The Mosher Books] - The MOSHER BOOKS 1935 - 1936
18961: [Contact Books] - The ADVENTURE AHEAD
40607: (Printed for the Booksellers) - The HISTORY Of THOMAS HICKATHRIFT
47139: Boone, Daniel [1734 - 1820] - Subject. Bryan, Daniel. Ritner, Jacob B. [1828 - 1873] - Former Owner - The MOUNTAIN MUSE: Comprising the Adventures of Daniel Boone; and the Power of Virtuous and Refined Beauty
38817.1: [Unit Year Book]. Boone, Walter F. - Commanding - U.S. NAVAL AIR STATION ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA
30918: Booth, Richard - Editor - The COUNTRY LIFE BOOK Of BOOK COLLECTING
44955: [Theatre Playbill - San Francisco]. Booth, Edwin - Performer - METROPOLITAN THEATRE. MONTGOMERY STREET. DE SOTO! The Hero of the Mississippi.; Second Night of the Farewell Engagement of Mr. J. E. Murdoch. Tuesday Evening, July 11th, 1854
21011: Haworth-Booth, Mark, editor - The GOLDEN AGE Of BRITISH PHOTOGRAPHY 1839 - 1900
39253: Borchers, Elisabeth. Wilhelm Schlote - Illustrator. Elizabeth Shub - Translator - DEAR SARAH
20505: Borgese, Elisabeth Mann - To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN
33367: Borroff, Edith - AMERICAN OPERAS: A Checklist
45764: Borroff, Edith; Clark, J. Bunker - Editor - AMERICAN OPERAS: A CHECKLIST
14247: [WWI]. Borsa, Mario - ENGLAND And Her CRITICS. Translated from the Italian
44192: Bosson, M. B. - Compiler - AUNT MENA'S RECIPE BOOK.; Sold for the Benefit of the Baptist Orphanage, Angora, Philadelphia
47382: [Boswell, George] - A TREATISE On WATERING MEADOWS. Wherein are Shewn Some of the Many Advantages Arising from that Mode of Practice, Particularly on Coarse, Boggy, or Barren Lands. With Four Copper Plates
1828: Boswell, James - The LIFE of SAMUEL JOHNSON [and] JOURNAL Of A TOUR To The HEBRIDES.; With a Bibliographical Introduction by Clement Shorter
859.1: [Boswell, James. 1740 - 1795]. Pottle, Frederick A. - ed - Boswell's London Journal, 1762 - 1763
15503.1: [Baseball]. Boswell, Thomas - The HEART Of The ORDER
13104: Boswell, Robert - The GEOGRAPHY Of DESIRE
13093: Boswell, Robert - CROOKED HEARTS. A Novel
14601: Bottome, Phyllis - The SECOND FIDDLE
47713: Bottomley, Gordon. (1874-1948) - SCENES And PLAYS
30853: Bouilly, J[ean]. N[icolas. 1763 - 1842] - CAUSERIES Et NOUVELLES CAUSERIES
41375: Boulestin, X[avier]. M[arcel. 1878 - 1943] - WHAT SHALL WE HAVE To DRINK
17538: Boulle, Pierre - The OTHER SIDE Of The COIN.; Translated from the French by Richard Howard
11516: Bourland, George W. - REFUGEES From NOWHERE
47495: Bournon, Fernand (1857-1909) - PARIS - ATLAS.; 28 Cartes Dont 24 En Couleurs. 595 Reproduction Photographiques - 32 Dessins
50862: Bovard, James - LOST RIGHTS. The Destruction of American Liberty
50251: Bowden, Ann & Todd, William B. - TAUCHNITZ INTERNATIONAL EDITIONS In ENGLISH 1841 - 1955. A Bibliographical History
34303.1: Bowden, Charles [b. 1945] - LIES In The DESERT
37725: Bowden, Henry Warner. Edited by Martin E. Marty - AMERICAN INDIANS And CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. Studies in Cultural Conflict
3762: [Genealogy]. Bowditch, N[athaniel]. I[ngersol. 1805 - 1861] - SUFFOLK SURNAMES
5450.5: Bowen, R. Sidney - DAVE DAWSON On The RUSSIAN FRONT. Dave Dawson Series #10
3207.4: Bowen, R. Sidney - RED RANDALL OVER TOKYO. Red Randall Series #3
10437: [California]. Bowen, Helen Gilman - MOUNT SHASTA Or BUST. A Family Travelogue in the 1890's
42384.1: Bowen, R. Sidney - DAVE DAWSON Flight Lieutenant. Dave Dawson Series #5
42380.3: Bowen, R. Sidney - DAVE DAWSON In LIBYA. Dave Dawson Series #3
10334.4: Bowen, R. Sidney - DAVE DAWSON With The EIGHTH AIR FORCE. Dave Dawson Series #14
3638.4: Bowen, R. Sidney - DAVE DAWSON With The FLYING TIGERS. The Dave Dawson Series #11
22973: [Bowen, Elizabeth] Connolly, Cyril., editor - HORIZON STORIES
22498: [Bowen, Elizabeth] Lewis, C.Day; Roberts, D. Kilham; Lehmann, editors - "OUT Of A BOOK" [in] ORION. Volume III
20625: [Bowen, Elizabeth [1899 - 1973]. Ryan, A. P. - Editor - CRITICS WHO HAVE INFLUENCED TASTE (From "The Times").; With a Preface by Elizabeth Bowen
20624.1: Bowen, Elizabeth - Contributer. Chapman, Hester W. & Princess Romanovsky-Pavlovsky - Editors - "The Good Earl" [in] DIVERSION. Published for the Benefit of the Yogoslav Relief Society
805.2: Bowen, R. Sidney - DAVE DAWSON At SINGAPORE. Dave Dawson Series #6
4593.4: Bowen, R. Sidney - DAVE DAWSON At TRUK. The War Adventure Series #15
12978: [Western]. Bower, B. M. - The TRAIL Of The WHITE MULE
42783: Bowers, W. W. - Business Manager - DAILY MORNING BULLETIN. Vol. I. No. 87. Saturday Morning, May 25, 1872
44861: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Nineteen. 1966.; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor
44860: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Twenty-Four. 1968.; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor
44857: Bowers, Fredson (ed.) - STUDIES IN BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Twenty-Three
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