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805.2: Bowen, R. Sidney - DAVE DAWSON At SINGAPORE. Dave Dawson Series #6
4593.4: Bowen, R. Sidney - DAVE DAWSON At TRUK. The War Adventure Series #15
12978: [Western]. Bower, B. M. - The TRAIL Of The WHITE MULE
42783: Bowers, W. W. - Business Manager - DAILY MORNING BULLETIN. Vol. I. No. 87. Saturday Morning, May 25, 1872
44861: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Nineteen. 1966.; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor
44860: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Twenty-Four. 1968.; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor
44857: Bowers, Fredson (ed.) - STUDIES IN BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Twenty-Three
18388: Bowers, Fredson (ed.) - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Paper of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia
14569: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Volume Twenty - Six
14568: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Volume Thirty - One
14567: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Volume Thirty - Two
14566: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Volume Thirty - Three
14045: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Twenty-Seven.; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor
14046: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Thirty
14046.1: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Thirty
14044: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Twenty-Eight
14043: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Twenty-Nine
12959: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Volume Thirty-Seven. 1984
12961: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Volume Thirty-Four. 1981
12957: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Volume Thirty-Six. 1983
12958: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Volume Thirty-Five. 1982
12955: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Fifteen. 1963
12942: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Eighteen. 1965.; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor
12943: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Twenty-One. 1968.; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor
12940: Bowers, Fredson - Editor - STUDIES In BIBLIOGRAPHY. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia. Volume Twenty.; L. A. Beaurline, Associate Editor
23883: Bowles, Paul - UP ABOVE The WORLD. A Novel
16526: Bowman, Robert J. - The SCREAMING BUDDHA
18638: Bowyer, Chaz - SUPERMARINE SPITFIRE
45107: [Blook / Stationery Box] - "ALBUM." [Box Title]
38360: Boyce, James E., John F. Brohm, Grant S. McClellan, John K. Musgrave Jr. - Contributors - PEOPLES Of BURMA
48237: [Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison. 1825 - 1899] - RECREATIONS Of A COUNTRY PARSON. Second Series
30982: [Movie Poster]. Boyd, William, as Hopalong Cassidy - THREE MEN From TEXAS
41507: [Western Film Movie Poster]. Clarence E. Mulford. William Boyd, Russell Hayden, Andy Clyde, Minna Gombell & Morris Ankrum - Contributors - WILLIAM BOYD In CLARENCE E. MULFORD'S DOOMED CARAVAN
8547: Boyd, Malcolm - MY FELLOW AMERICANS
23042: Boyd, James - ROLL RIVER
21731: Boyd, William Harland - A CALIFORNIA MIDDLE BORDER: The Kern River County, 1772 - 1880.; Foreword by Rodman W. Paul
17072: Boyer, Peter J. - WHO KILLED CBS
48025: Boyes, J[ohn]. F[frederick. 1811 - 1879] - LACON In COUNCIL
16286: Boyle, Thomas - ONLY The DEAD KNOW BROOKLYN
28677.2: Boyleston, Helen Dore - SUE BARTON. Superintendent of Nurses
27775: Boynton, Henry Walcott - ANNALS Of AMERICAN BOOKSELLING. 1638 - 1850.; With an Introduction by Joseph Rosenblum
49636: [California History]. Boynton, George W. (fl. 1831 - 1884) - Engraver. Leavitt, Dudley [1772 - 1851] - Publisher - "Mining Regions of California" [as published in] Leavitt's FARMER'S ALMANACK, And Miscellaneous Year Book, for the Year of Our Lord 1853 ... Containing a New Map of California
34593: Brack, O M & Barnes, Warner - Editors - BIBLIOGRAPHY And TEXTUAL CRITICISM. English and American Literature, 1700 to the Present
30312.1: Bradbury, Malcolm - UNSENT LETTERS
30708: Braddock, Gordon - REX KINGDON In The NORTH WOODS. Rex Kingdon Series #2
26845: Braddon, Miss M[ary]. E[lizabeth. 1835 - 1915]. Freiligrath, Ferdinand - Editor - JOSHUA HAGGARD'S DAUGHTER [as serialized in] Hallberger's ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Conducted by Ferdinand Freiligrath
30043: Braden, James A. - The AUTO BOYS' RACE. The Auto-Boys Series #6
10139.1: Braden, James A. - The LONE INDIAN. Boys' Indian Series #3
10139.2: Braden, James A. - The LONE INDIAN. Boys' Indian Series #3
42679: Bradlaugh, Charles [1833 - 1891] - The EIGHT HOURS' MOVEMENT. [Reprinted by permission from "The New Review".]
22464: Bradlee, Benjamin - THAT SPECIAL GRACE
31735: Bradley, Van Allen - The BOOK COLLECTOR'S HANDBOOK Of VALUES
20628: Bradley, David - The CHANEYSVILLE INCIDENT. A Novel
18669: Bradley, Van Allen - MORE GOLD In YOUR ATTIC
44210: Bradley, Edith - The STORY Of The ENGLISH ABBEYS TOLD In COUNTIES. Volume I: The Northern Counties
13480: Bradley, John Ed - The BEST THERE EVER WAS
13483: Bradley, John Ed - TUPELO NIGHTS
24110: Bradshaw, Sidney Ernest - On SOUTHERN POETRY PRIOR To 1860. A Dissertation Presented to The Faculty of the University of Virginia as a Part of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
29411: Braeme, Charlotte M[onica. 1836 - 1884] - MYSTERY Of COLDE FELL; or, Not Proven. The Arm Chair Library. No. 2. January 14, 1893
36743: [Braeme, Charlotte Monica. 1836 - 1884]. 'By the Author of "Dora Thorne"' - MORE BITTER THAN DEATH. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. New Series. Vol. I. No. 83. June 5, 1886
36742: [Braeme, Charlotte Monica. 1836 - 1884]. 'By the Author of "Dora Thorne"' - In CUPID'S NET. The Leisure Hour Library. New Series. Vol. I. No. 72. July, 1885
36715: [Braeme, Charlotte Monica. 1836 - 1884]. 'By the Author of "Dora Thorne"' - A BRIDGE Of LOVE. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. New Series. Vol. I. No. 91. July 3, 1886
36712: [Braeme, Charlotte Monica. 1836 - 1884]. 'By the Author of "Dora Thorne"' - The MYSTERY Of The HOLLY TREE. A Christmas Story. The Leisure Hour Library. New Series. Vol. I. No. 70. May, 1885
36701: [Braeme, Charlotte Monica. 1836 - 1884]. 'By the Author of "Dora Thorne"' - The FATAL LILIES. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. New Series. Vol. I. No. 85
49188: Braeme, Charlotte M[onica. 1836 - 1884] - The SQUIRE'S DARLING. The Arm Chair Library. No. 27. July 8, 1893
51044: [Braeme, Charlotte Monica. 1836 - 1884]. 'By the Author of "Dora Thorne"' - A GILDED SIN. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. No. 92. September 23d, 1896
51045: [Braeme, Charlotte Monica. 1836 - 1884]. 'By the Author of "Dora Thorne"' - FAIR BUT FALSE. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. No. 88. September 9th, 1896
19581: Brahdy, Joseph - BLUEPRINT READING. For the Machine Shop and Related Trades
18754.1: Brahdy, Joseph; Landsman, Samuel - CONSTRUCTION DRAWING. A Textbook of Architectural Drawing for the Building Trades
40951: Better Literature Guild of California & Home Bible Study League Central California Branch - NEW DAY SERIES. Numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 16 & D.
32918.1: Brand, Michele; Hama, Larry; Kirchner, Paul; Reese, Ralph; Wood, Wallace; Shwatzberg, Stu - Contributors - BIG APPLE COMIX
18158: Brandt, Willy - PEOPLE And POLITICS. The Years 1960 - 1975
49441: Branly, Edouard [1844 - 1940] - Subject. Croidys, Pierre - ÉDOUARD BRANLY Qui Découvrit la Télégraphic Sans Fil. Un Grand Savant Catholique
33015: Branson, Carl C. - Director - OKLAHOMA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Fifty Year's Progress Semi-Annual Report of the Director to the Governor of the State of Oklahoma. July 25, 1909 - July 24, 1958
39733: Brassey, Lord. Sullivan, Sir Edward. Watson, G. L. - YACHTING. In Two Volumes. Volume I. Cruising, Construction of Yachts, Yacht Racing Rules, Fitting-Out, &c. From 'The Badminton Library' Series
36466: Bratcher, James T. Kendall, Lyle H., Jr. - A SUPPRESSED CRITIQUE Of WISE'S SWINBURNE TRANSACTIONS. Addendum to An Enquiry. Bibliographical Monograph No. 2
27482: [Typography]. Braun, Placidus Ignatius. 1756 - 1829] - NOTITIA HISTORICO - LITTERARIA De LIBRIS Ab ARTIS TYPOGRAPHICAE INVENTIONE VSQVE Ad ANNUM MCCCCLXXVIIII. Impressis: in Bibliotheca Liberi, ac Imperialis Monasterii ad SS. Vdalricum et Afram Augustae Extantibus. Accedunt VIII. Tabulae Aereae Sexaginta Primorum Typographorum Alphabeta Continentes
49174: Braun, Ferdinand [1850 - 1918] - Subject. Kurylo, Friedrich - FERDINAND BRAUN. Leber und Wirken des Erfinders der Branschen Rohre. Nobelpreistrager 1909
1062.4: Brautigan, Richard [1935 - 1984] - The HAWKLINE MONSTER
29033: [California]. Brawner, Alexander Harrison - PIONEERS: Six Generations
24860: [Maritime]. Braynard, Frank - The TALL SHIPS. Official OpSail '76 Portfolio
12752: Brée, Germaine - CAMUS
28414: Breen, Jon L. - LOOSE LIPS. A Jerry Brogan Mystery
28390: Breen, Jon L. - TRIPLE CROWN. A Racing Thriller
28392: Breen, Jon L. - HOT AIR. A Jerry Brogan Mystery
28389: Breen, Jon L. - LISTEN For The CLICK
47422: [Cruise Liner Menu - Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen] - ALTE DEUTSCHE GASTHAUSSCHILDER. "MS Berlin".; Zum Riesen - Miltenberg / Spessart Altestes Deutschlands
42538: Bremer, Frederika [1801 - 1865] - The PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTERS. A Narrative of a Governess. Library of Select Novels. No. 17. Price One Shilling.; Translated from the Swedish. By A Lady
42537: Bremer, Frederika [1801 - 1865]. Howitt, Mary [1799 - 1888] - Translator - The HOME; or, Family Cares and Family Joys. Library of Select Novels. No. 17. Price One Shilling.; Translated from the Swedish, by Mary Howitt
40821: Bremer, Frederika [1801 - 1865] - The PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTERS. A Narrative of a Governess. Translated from the Swedish
30636: Brennan, Georgeanne [b. 1943] - OLIVES, ANCHOVIES, And CAPERS. The Secret Ingredients of the Mediterranean Table
31058: Brent, Stuart - The SEVEN STAIRS
37776: Brentford, Burke - ROCKY MOUNTAIN SAM. Or, the Wind-Specter of the Black-Feet. Log Cabin Library. No. 397
4565: Breslin, Jimmy - World Without End, Amen
22002: Brett, Simon - DEAD GIVEAWAY. A Charles Paris Crime Novel
48995: Brette, John - Compiler. Cochrane, General John - Grand Marshall - CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Of The EVACUATION Of NEW YORK CITY, Monday, November 26th, 1883, With an Historical Outline and Order of Procession.; Published Under the Direction of the Committee of Arrangements. [Accompanied by]. OFFICIAL PROGRAMME Of The PROCESSION. Issued by John Brette, Under the Direction of the Evacuation Committee
50696: Brettell, Richard R. - PAPER And LIGHT. The Calotype in France and Great Britian, 1839 - 1870.; With Roy Flukinger, Nancy Keeler, and Sydney Mallett Kilgore
4993: Breuil, Abbe Henri - SOUTHERN RHODESIA. The District of East Victoria and Other Sites.; With the collaboration of Mary E. Boyle. Foreward by Roger Heim
4992.1: Breuil, Abbe Henri - ANIBIB & OMANDUMBA And OTHER ERONGO SITES.; With the collaboration of Mary E. Boyle, Dr. E. R. Scherz and R. G. Strey
4991.1: Breuil, Abbe Henri - The TSISAB RAVINE And OTHER BRANDBERG SITES.; With the collaboration of Mary E. Boyle, Dr. E. R. Scherz and R. G. Strey
30294: Brewer, Reginald - The DELIGHTFUL DIVERSON. The Whys and Wherefores of Book Collecting
51381: Brewer, E. Cobham - The READERS'S HANDBOOK Of FAMOUS NAMES In FICTION, ALLUSIONS, REFERENCES, PROVERBS, PLOTS, STORIES And POEMS. Together with an English and American Bibliography and a List of the Authors and Dates of Dramas and Operas
19144: Brewster, Sir David - The MARTYRS Of SCIENCE; Or, The Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler.; Harper's Family Library No.CXXX
8530: [O'Brian, Patrick]. De Beauvoir, Simone - The COMING Of AGE.; Translated by Patrick O'Brian
17504: Bridges, Robert. (1844 - 1930) - DEMETER A MASK
46253: [Restaurant Menu - Bridgeton, Missouri] - BAYOU BELLE - BILL Of FARE. "Come When You Will. We Have A Welcome For Thee".; Bridgeton, Saint Charles, Saint Louis, Natchez, and New Orleans Passenger Packet
12142: Bridgman, Richard - GERTRUDE STEIN In PIECES
441.3: O'Brien, Tim - The THINGS THEY CARRIED
427.2: [O'Brien, Tim]. James, Allston - ATTIC LIGHT
13937: [O'Brien, Conor Cruise]. Gerassi, John - NORTH VIETNAM. A Documentary.; Foreword by Conor Cruise O'Brien
13884.1: [Salesman's Sample Book]. O'Brien, P. J. Rogers, Will - Subject. Thomas, Lowell - Contributor - WILL ROGERS. Ambassador of Good Will. Prince of Wit and Wisdom.; With an Appreciation by Lowell Thomas
34919: [Baseball Fiction]. Brier, Howard M. - SHORTSTOP SHADOW
24480.1: Briffault, Robert - EUROPA In LIMBO. The Days of Ignorance
46558: Briggs, Arthur H. [Prohibition] - TWO TYPED LETTERS, ONE On CALIFORNIA ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE LETTERHEAD.; "These Are Very Critical Days For Prohibition."
20003: Briggs, Doug - OLD BLACK
34855: Briggs, Lawrence Palmer - The ANCIENT KHMER EMPIRE
26676: Bright, R. J. Kimball, Lewis - CALIFORNIA KING GOLD MINES COMPANY [Booklet Thereon] of Picacho California [with] TYPED LETTER [file copy] from Lewis Kimball to B. A. Colonna, Regarding Said Mine
37065: [Poetry]. Brilliant, Alan - At TRIAL
26394: Brine, Mary D. - The DOINGS Of A DEAR LITTLE COUPLE. Altemus Dainty Series, No. 9
4677: Brinkley, William - DON'T GO NEAR THE WATER
17331.1: Brinton, Daniel G. & Anthony, Albert Seqaqkind - Editors. [Zeisberger, David] - A LENAPE - ENGLISH DICTIONARY. From an Anonymous MS. in the Archives of the Moravian Church at Bethlehemk PA. [in] The PENNSYLVANIA STUDENT SERIES. Vol. 1, 1889
47929: "By a New Yorker" [Bristed, Charles Astor. 1820 - 1874] - The UPPER TEN THOUSAND: Sketches of American Society.; Reprinted from Fraser's Magazine
50031: [History of Great Britain] - A SECOND ENQUIRY Into The REASONS Of The CONDUCT Of GREAT BRITAIN, with Relation to the Present State of Affairs in Europe.; In a Letter from a Gentleman in the Country to his Friend in Town
50025: [History of Great Britain] - The ENGLISH NATION VINDICATED From The CALUMNIES Of FOREIGNERS; In Answer to the Hanover Letter: A Late Pamphlet, intitled, Popular Prejudice; Concerning Partiality to the Interests of Hanover, its Subjects, and the Hanoverian Troops in British Pay, freely examin'd, &c. To which is added, A Memorial to King George I. on the Part of Muscovy, and Abstracts of Treaties, with necessary Observations; proving incontestibly the Rectitude of English Prejudice, concerning Partiality to the Interests of H----r
48541: "Britannicus" - The NATURE Of The CHARITABLE CORPORATION, And Its Relation to Trade, Considered in a Letter to a Member of Parliament
10906: [Music]. Britten, Benjamin - BENJAMIN BRITTEN. A Complete Catalogue of His Works
51315: [Railroad Schedule Broadside] - FRISCO LINE. WOODMEN Of The WORLD Are Expected to Attend the Annual Meeting at Clinton, Mo. Wednesday, August 1, 1900; And the Frisco Line will run a Special Train Excursion on that Date as Follows
41597: [Facsimile Advertising Broadside] - GEORGE IZOD BEGS To ANNOUNCE His RETURN From LONDON, With HIS STOCK Of NEW GOODS; In Which will be Found all the Latest Novelties in Dresses, Millinery, Jackets, Ulsters, Skirts, Furs, Ribbons, Flowers, &c., for the Autumn & Winter Season. The Choice Display of Which are Now Ready for your Inspection at your Earliest Convenience
47251: [19th C. Beverage Advertising Broadside] - CIRCULAR. Monumental Export Bottling Co. No. 139 N. Howard Street, Baltimore, MD
44984: [Erotic California Advertising Broadside] - KNEE DEEP.; Every Tues. Night at Longbranch Saloon San Pablo at Dwight Berkely [sic]
40309: [Advertising Broadside] - AIKEN KNITTING MACHINE CO. 429 Broadway, N. Y. Manufacturers of Knitting Machines, Winders, Etc.
39149: [Catnach Press Broadside] - NAPOLEON'S FAREWELL To PARIS. [with] MOLLY CODDLE
35221: [Event Broadside] - ORDER Of EXERCISES. Second Anniversary of the Pilgrim Sunday School Attached to the Unitarian Church, Stockton Street. On Sunday Evening, August 12th, 1855
51102: [Commencement Broadside] - BROWN UNIVERSITY. Commencement --- Providence, September 5, 1821
7540: [Collection of Poetry Broadsides] - TWOWINDOWS FOLIO VI
47725: Broch, Hermann - JAMES JOYCE Und Die GEGENWART.; Rede Zu Joyce's 50. Geburtstag
51031: [U. C. Promotional Brochure] - CALIFORNIA'S MEMORIAL STADIUM.; To Perpetuate California's Glorious Past - To Build for Her Glorious Future
37182: [Aviation Product Brochure] - SIKORSKY S-62A HELICOPTER. Accompanied by Original Mock-up Artwork
32415: [Promotional Photographic Brochure] - HOOVER (BOULDER) DAM and the Lake Mead Recreational Area
47479: [Automotive Promotional Brochure] - BUICK "Smart Buy for 1951"
50469: [Promotional Literature / Brochure] - OVER FIFTY YEARS Of SERVICE. The ST. HELENA SANITARIUM And HOSPITAL. Sanitarium, California
42978: [Travel Brochure] - SEA - AIR CRUISE To The FAR EAST. Winter 1956 - 57. Japan. Hong Kong. Cambodia. Thailand.; 62 Days. Leaving San Francisco November 23, 1956. Arranged by Bankers & Merchants Travel Service. In Cooperation with American President Lines
50431: [Automobile Promotional Brochure] - CHEVROLET LOOKS DOWN The ROAD... The Chevrolet Biscayne
42800: [Promotional Brochure] - WILLIAM PENN COCKTAIL RECIPES
47416: [Automotive Promotional Brochure] - NEW DODGE "The Smoothest Car Afloat"
42588: [Automotive Advertising Brochure] - METZ "22" $600 with Complete Electric Equipment
50253: [Automotive Promotional Brochure] - PLYMOUTH. Perfection in a Low Priced Car ....
51173: [Promotional Brochure] - MAP Of EUREKA MINING DISTRICT NEVADA. September 1920. Scale: 1000 Ft = 1 In
41874: [Automorive Sales Brochure] - PORSCHE 944
48132: [French Hotel Brochure] - La SALLE À MANAGER De L'HÔTEL De L'ÉTOILE Et De NORMANDIE
45058: [Hotel - Monterey]. Brochure - HOTEL DEL MONTE CALIFORNIA.; Geo. P. Snell. Manager
49971: [Automotive Promotional Brochure] - OLDSMOBILE Six and Eight
35876: [Informational / Promotional Brochure] - NEW YORK GIANTS 1951 TRAINING SEASON. St. Petersburg - Florida. [Cover title]
49699: [Automobile Promotional Brochure] - The NEW LASALLE
35726.1: [Automotive Promotional Brochure] - PLYMOUTH'S FINEST
40028: [Allen Motor Company Brochure] - The ALLEN POCKET AUTOLOG
39936: [Schulz & Wagner Wine Purveyors Informational Brochure] - HERE READER: SCHULZ & WAGNER At FRANKFORT-On-The-MAIN IMPERIAL And ROYAL PURVEYORS. Look at the City of Frankfort-on-the-Main. The Crowning Place of Roman-German Emperors and One of the Centres of the Wine Market of Germany
46346: [Promotional Travel Brochure] - LAS VEGAS HOT SPRINGS, NEW MEXICO.; Prepared for the Information of Tourists, Tired People, Invalids of All Classes, and Those Who Seek a Summer or Winter Resort, with the Benefit to be Derived from Medicinal Baths and Mineral Waters
39632: [Aviation Product Brochure] - HH-3F U. S. COAST GUARD. All Weather Search & Rescue Utility Helicopter. Accompanied by Original Mock-up Artwork
39629: [Advertising / Sales Brochure] - It's here! Chrysler's all-new economy car ... the SIMCA 1000
39630: [Advertising / Sales Brochure] - ARONDE SIMCA From Paris
39627: [Advertising / Sales Brochure] - SIMCA. Imported from Paris by Chrysler
39628: [Advertising / Sales Brochure] - The SIMCA VEDETTE. Imported from Paris by Chrysler
39626: [Advertising / Sales Brochure] - VEDETTE. The BEAULIEU. In the French Tradition of Style, Quality and Craftmanship. Production Simca
39625: [Advertising / Sales Brochure] - SIMCA. Imported from Paris by Chrysler
39623: [Aviation Product Brochure] - SIKORSKY S-61L HELICOPTER. Accompanied by Original Mock-up Artwork
49376: [Promotional Brochure] - UP - TO - DATE SMALL HOMES.; Price $1.00
39373: [United States Military Informational Brochure] - UNITED STATES ARMY, NAVY & MARINE CORPS INSIGNIA
39371: [South American & African Line Cruises Informational Brochure] - A UNIQUE ROUND The WORLD SERVICE. South American & African Line Joint Sailing Schedule and Passage Tariff. No. II - O.S.K. Line
50705: [Automobile Promotional Brochure] - NEW FORD V- 8 CARS For 1939
37955: [Advertising Brochure] - NEW PACKARD CLIPPER For 1946. A Special Preview for Packard Owners
34193: [Advertising Brochure] - THIS Is TULSA. The Oil Capitol of the World
34192: [Advertising Brochure] - HERE's TULSA . The Oil Capitol of the World
34191: [Advertising Brochure] - THIS Is TUSLA. The Oil Capital of the World
34166: [Advertising Brochure] - QUARTZ MOUTIAN STATE PARK LAKE ALTUS
34165: [Festival Brochure] - ENJOY FUN FILLED VACATION NATIONAL SAND BASS FESTIVAL. On Beautiful Lake Texona
34164: [Advertising Brochure] - SEQUOYAH STATE PARK. Northeastern Oklahoma
34163: [Advertising Brochure] - ROMANN NOSE LODGE. Overlooking the Spring-fed Waters of Lake Boecher
34161: [Advertising Brochure] - WELCOME To OKLAHOMA STATE PARKS. Information Location and Park Maps
34160: [Advertising Brochure] - GREAT SALT PLAINS STATE PARK
34158: [Advertising Brochure] - OKLAHOMA. America's Newest Vacationland
34148: [Advertising Brochure] - BEAVERS BEND STATE PARK
34147: [Advertising Brochure] - QUARTZ MOUNTAIN STATE PARK. Southwestern Oklahoma
34146: [Advertising Brochure] - An ADVENTURE TRAIL CENTRAL OKLAHOMA
34143: [Advertising Brochure] - WESTERN HILLS LODGE. Sequoyah State Park
34145: [Advertising Brochure] - LAKE MURRAY STATE PARK. Southeastern Oklamhoma
34142: [Advertising Brochure] - FORT GIBSON DAM And RESERVOIR OKLAHOMA
34140: [Advertising Brochure] - CANTON DAM And RESERVOIR. Flood Control and Irrigation
34141: [Advertising Brochure] - TOURIST GUIDE To PAWHUSKA OAKLAHOMA
47643: [Automotive Promotional Brochure] - 1947 OLDSMOBILE Offering GM General Motors Hydra-matic Drive.; It's SMART To Own an Olds!
45475: [Food & Nutrition Brochure] - TIRED... SLUGGISH
47640: [Automotive Promotional Brochure] - FRONT And CENTER For 1952-- BUICK
37272: [Promotional Brochure] - SANTA CATALINA ISLAND. Time Table, Fares, General Information
28469: [Brock, Charles Edmund. 1870 - 1938.]. Wiggin, Kate Douglas [1856 - 1923] - PENELOPE'S IRISH EXPERIENCES
43610: Brockett, John Trotter [1788 - 1842] - Former Owner - LONDON'S FLAMES REVIV'D: or, An Account of the Several Informations Exhibited to a Committee Appointed by Parliament, September the 25th. 1666. To Enquire into the Burning of London·  With Several Other Informations Concerning other Fires in Southwark, Fetter-Lane, and Elsewhere. By all Which it Appears, that the Said Fires were Contrived, and Carried on by the Papists. Now Humbly Offered to the Consideration of all True Protestants
50819: [Broderick, David C.]. Lynch, Jeremiah - The LIFE Of DAVID C. BRODERICK. A Senator of the Fifties
17756: Brodie, Fawn M. - RICHARD NIXON. The Shaping of his Character
12797: Brody, Jane - GIDEON'S HOUSE
17686: Brogan, D.W. - POLITICS In AMERICA
18676: Bromfield, Louis - The WILD COUNTRY
17452: Bromige, David - CREDENCES Of WINTER
44175: Bromley, Isaac H[ILL. 1833 - 1898]. Depew, Chauncey M[itchell. 1834 - 1928] - Subject. Gibson, Charles Dana [1867 - 1944] & Beard, Daniel Carter [1850 - 1941] - Illustrators - "OUR CHAUNCEY" After Dinner Rhymes.; Delivered at the Annual Dinner of the New York Yale Alumni Association, January 23, 1891
40793: Bronin, Andrew - CALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH 1849. Jackdaw No. A3
50038: [World War I]. Brooke, E. S. - Photographer - KNIGHTS Of COLUMBUS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM. 93 B/W Mounted Photographs, Mostly Silver Gelatin
49746: Brookes, R., M. D. - The GENERAL GAZETTEER; or, Compendious Geographical Dictionary. ... Illustrated by Maps
809: Brookner, Anita - A FRIEND From ENGLAND
21678: Brookner, Anita - The MISALLIANCE
21673: Brookner, Anita - HOTEL DU LAC
745: Brookner, Anita - LATECOMERS
50932: Brooks, Geraldine [b. 1955] - NINE PARTS Of DESIRE. The Hidden World of Islamic Women
9881: Brooks, Van Wyck - OPINIONS Of OLIVER ALLSTON
9888.1: Brooks, Van Wyck - The TIMES Of MELVILLE And WHITMAN
36950: Brooks, Walter R[ollin. 1186 - 1958] - FREDDY And The POPINJAY
36947: Brooks, Walter R[ollin. 1186 - 1958] - FREDDY And The BASEBALL TEAM From MARS
36944: Brooks, Walter R[ollin. 1186 - 1958] - FREDDY The COWBOY
36943: Brooks, Walter R[ollin. 1186 - 1958] - FREDDY RIDES AGAIN
36942: Brooks, Walter R[ollin. 1186 - 1958] - FREDDY GOES CAMPING
42769: Brooks, Sherald [1813 - 1891] - The FIRST SENTENCE. "For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." - Gen. II. 17
9572: Brooks, Van Wyck - A CHILMARK MISCELLANY
42291: Brooks, Jonathan - JIMMY MAKES The VARSITY
28490: Brooks, Walter R. [1886 - 1958] - FREDDY And MR. CAMPHOR
28083: [Carmel California]. Brooks, Charles S[tephen] - A WESTERN WIND
36100: Author of "Bob Brooks" - TRAIN WRECKERS BETRAYED; or Bob Brooks in Kansas. The Favorite Fice Cent Library of Detective Adventure. Bob Brooks Chief of Detectives Library. No. 27
3956.1: Brooks, Van Wyck - The WRITER In AMERICA
34655: Brooks, Noah [1830 - 1930]. Rogers, W. A.[1845 -1931] - Illustrator - The BOY SETTLERS. A Story of Early Times in Kansas
9542.1: Brooks, Walter R[ollin. 1186 - 1958] - FREDDY The PILOT
9991.2: Brooks, Terry - The ELF QUEEN Of SHANNARA. Book Three of "The HERITAGE Of SHANNARA"
47591: [Broome, Ralph. d. 1805]. Burke, Edmund [1729 - 1797] - Subject - LETTERS From SIMKIN The SECOND To His BROTHER SIMON, in Wales; Dedicated Without Permission, to the Ancient and Respectable Family of The GRUNTERS
11934: Brophy, Brigid - The ADVENTURES Of GOD In His SEARCH For The BLACK GIRL
41566: McNeil Bros - OFFICE Of McNEIL BROS 1890 JOB PRINTING
16618: Broszat, Martin - HITLER And The COLLAPSE Of WEIMAR GERMANY.; Translated and With a Forward by V.R. Berghahn
41616: Seargeant Brothers - [Facsimile Advertising Broadside]. The CHARMING INLAND TOWN Of ABERGAVENNY, Pleasantly Situate on the Banks of the Ask, is Now Recognised as the New Tourist Resort
39853: World War I Poster. [Morris Brothers, Inc. Advertising Publication - John L. Etheridge] - THEY GAVE THEIR ALL FOREVER - YOU LEND A LITTLE For A WHILE. The Victory Liberty Loan is in Liquidation of the Debt for Men and Munitions we Amassed, and Which Brought About the End of the War - Saving for Every Day it was Shortened Billions More in Money and Thousands More in Lives
38788: Lord Brougham, John Wood, William Tooke, Thomas Coates - Contributors - The BRITISH ALMANAC Of The SOCIETY For The DIFFUSION Of USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. For the Year 1838, Being the Second After Bissextile, or Leap-Year; Containing the Calendar of Remarkable Days and Terms, Monthly Notices, Sunday Lessons; Meteorological Tables and Remarks; Astonomical Facts and Phenomena; Tables of the Sun, Moon and Tides; with a Miscellaneous Register of Information, Connected with Government, Legislation, Commerce, and Education, and Various Useful Tables
45606: Broughton, Leslie Nathan; Northup, Clark Sutherland; Pearsall, Robert. - Compiled by - ROBERT BROWNING: A BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1830 - 1950
50589: Broun, Heywood [1888 - 1939] - IT SEEMS To ME. 1925 - 1935
42735: Brouwer, G. J. - Contributer - The FIRST KNOWN AUCTION CATALOGUE. Catalogue of the Library of Philips van Marnix van Sint-Aldegonde. Sold by Auction (July 6th) Leiden, Christophorus Guyot, 1599.; Introduction by G. J. Brouwer
32889: [Theology]. Brown, John - Editor - The MOST SUPERB FOLIO And SELF INTERPRETING BIBLE. Containing the Old and New Testaments With a Paraphrase on the Most Obscure and Important Parts. Explanatory Notes and Evangelical Reflections By the Late Reverend John Brown, Minister of the Gospel at Haddington
50549: Brown, Kathan - INK, PAPER, METAL, WOOD. Painters and Sculptors at Crown Point Press
9940: Brown, Rita Mae - VENUS ENVY
30532.1: Brown, Richard. Brett, Stanley - The LONDON BOOKSHOP. Being Part Two of a Pictorial Record of the Antiquarian Book Trade: Portraits & Premises
51049: Brown, John H. - REMINISCENCES And INCIDENTS Of "The EARLY DAYS" Of SAN FRANCISCO. Actual Experience of an Eye-witness from 1845 to 1850
12266: [Brown, Rita Mae; Creeley, Robert; Ferlinghetti, Lawrence] - OUTPOST. Volume 1, Number 1
29389: Brown, W. Norman - The STORY Of KALAKA: Texts, History, Legends, and Miniature Paintings of the Svetambara Jain Hagiographical work, The Kalakacaryakatha (with 15 plates)
41966: Brown, John. Of Osawatomie [1800 - 1859] - SALT PRINT PHOTOGRAPH.; Pho. by Black & Batchelder, 173 Washington St. Boston. From the Original, taken for Dr. Webb
418: Brown, Rosellen; Oates, Joyce Carol, et al. - BANQUET; Edited by Joan Norris
50907: Brown, Pierce - IRON GOLD
41398: Yale & Brown, Booksellers - AMERICANA. Catalogue 38. California- Items 1-181. The West- Items 182 - 368. Miscellaneous- Items 369 - 387. Being a Selection from the Library of Frank Stephen Dolley, M. D.
36335: Brown, John [1810 - 1882]. Brookes, Warwick [d. 1882] - MARJORIE FLEMING. A Sketch Being the Paper Entitled Pet Marjorie. A Story of Child Life Fifty Years Ago
47207: [Advertising Placard]. Brown, George - Founder - MILITARY OFFICIALS. Brownbilt Tread Straight Shoes.; Say for better appearance, health and vitality tread straight are designed to help you walk with toes straight ahead
44968: Brown, Gary - Editor - GREMLIN - TWO -; December 1970. Manthee Press No. 34
2648.1: Brown, Rita Mae - Starting From Scratch
49529: Brown, Harry - The VIOLENT. New Poems.; The Poets of the Year
9922: Brown, Rita Mae - HIGH HEARTS
49295: Brown, James - BROWN'S SIGNALLING. How to Learn the International Code and All Other Forms of Signalling as Required at B.O.T. Examinations.; To Which is Appended the Allied Signal Manual By Special Arrangement with the Admiralty. Macroni Wirelss Telegraphy Explained. January, 1920
2079: Brown, Rita Mae - BINGO
2079.2: Brown, Rita Mae - BINGO
2080: Brown, Rita Mae - SOUTHERN DISCOMFORT
2024: Brown, Rita Mae - SIX OF ONE
19588: Brown, James - HOT WIRE. A Novel
6507: Brown, Rita Mae - DOLLEY
15574: Brown, Mary Elizabeth - Compiler - DEDICATIONS. An Anthology of the Forms Used From the Earliest Days of Book-Making to the Present Time
15531: Brown, Molly - INVITATION To A FUNERAL. A Tale of International Intrigue
6667: Brown, Rita Mae - WISH YOU WERE HERE
10820: Brown, William F. - THURSDAY At NOON. A Mid-East Thriller
48548: Brown, George William [d. 1847] - ARCHIVE Of BROWN / SMITH FAMILY LETTERS & PHOTOGRAPHS, Primarily from Texas, Beginning in 1845
13458: Brown, Larry - JOE
44151: Brown, John, M.D. - RAB And His FRIENDS and MAJORIE FLEMING
33237: [Browne, J. Ross]. Goodman, David Michael - A WESTERN PANORAMA 1849 - 1875. The Travels, Writings and Influence of J. Ross Browne on the Pacific Coast, and in Texas, Nevada, Arizona and Baja California, as the first Mining Commissioner, and Minister to China
31884: Browne, Robert Gregory - KISS HER GOODBYE
30027: [Browne, John Ross. 1821 - 1875]. Ramsey, Alexander [1815 - 1903] - Former Owner - CONSIDERATIONS In REFERENCE To The ESTABLISHMENT Of A NATIONAL SCHOOL Of MINES As a Means of Increasing the Product of Gold and Silver Bullion
36568: [Browne, Hablot K.]. Kitton, Fred[eric]. G[eorge. 1856 - 1904] - "PHIZ" (Hablot K. Browne) A MEMOIR. Including A Selection from his Correspondence and Notes on His Principal Works
26390: Browne, Howard - RETURN Of THARN
51370: [Exhibtion Catalogue]. Browne, Hablôt Knight [1815 - 1882] - Subject - CATALOGUE Of The MEMORIAL EXHIBITION Of The WORKS Of The Late HABLOT K. BROWNE ("Phiz").; Exhibited at the Liverpool Art Club, February, 1883
20799: Browne, J[ohn]. Ross [1821 - 1875] - A DANGEROUS JOURNEY: California 1849
32416: Browning, Elizabeth Barrett [1806 - 1861] - The POEMS Of ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. Complete in 3 Volumes. With an Introductory Essay by H[enry]. T. Tuckerman
48152: Browning, Robert [1812 - 1889] - Subject. Nettleship, John T. - ROBERT BROWNING Essays and Thoughts
12161: Browning, Elizabeth Barrett - SONNETS From The PORTUGUESE. A Facsimile Edition of the British Libary Manuscript.; Edited, with an Introduction, by William S. Peterson
28176: Browning, Robert [1812 - 1889] - RED COTTON NIGHT-CAP COUNTRY or Turf and Towers
47269: Browning, Robert [1812 - 1889] - Subject. Hoare, Rev. Edward N., M. A. - ROBERT BROWNING And His WORK.; A Paper Read Before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool February 17, 1896
17987: Browning, Robert [1812 - 1889] - DRAMATIC IDYLS
47789: Browning, Robert [1812 - 1889] - BALAUSTION'S ADVENTURE: Including a Transcript from Euripides
48599: Browning, Robert [1812 - 1889]. Crouch, Arthur F. - The POEMS Of ROBERT BROWNING.; Dramatic Lyrics, Dramatic Romances, Dramas, Men and Women, Pauline, Paracelsus, Christmas - Eve and Easter - Day, Sordello and Dramatis Personae
12945: [Browning, Elizabeth Barrett & Robert]. Kenyon, Frederic G. - Editor - The BROWNINGS For The YOUNG
48107: Brownlow, William G[annaway. 1805 - 1877] - The GREAT IRON WHEEL EXAMINED; or, Its False Spokes Extracted, and an Exhibition of Elder Graves, Its Builder, in a Series of Chapters
13792: Brownlow, W. G. - SKETCHES Of The RISE, PROGRESS, And DECLINE Of SECESSION; With a Narrative of Personal Adventures Among the Rebels
13792.1: Brownlow, W[illiam]. G. - SKETCHES Of The RISE, PROGRESS, And DECLINE Of SECESSION; With a Narrative of Personal Adventures Among the Rebels
36502: Brubaker, John Ryan - STRANGE CITIES. Photographs
6072: Bruce, Donald - RADICAL DR. SMOLLETT
29376: [Exhibition Catalogue]. Bruce, David Wolfe - CATALOGUE Of EARLY PRINTED BOOKS Presented to the Grolier Club by David Wolfe Bruce. Exhibited at the Grolier Club, 1894
27369: [Indian Folk Tale]. Bruchac, Joseph - As Retold By - GLUSKABE And The FOUR WISHES
27711: [Printers' Manual]. Brun, M. (Marcelin) - MANUEL PRATIQUE Et ABREGE De La TYPOGRAPHIE FRANCAISE
27711.1: [Printers' Manual]. Brun, M. (Marcelin) - MANUEL PRATIQUE Et ABREGE De La TYPOGRAPHIE FRANCAISE
49173: Brun, J. - TSF & TELEPHONE Sans Fil Chez Soi
24115: Theory[Art ]. Brunet, John - A PRACTICAL TREATISE On PAINTING. In Three Parts. Consisting of Hints on Composition, Chiaroscuro, and Colouring. The Whole Illustrated by Examples from the Italian, Venetian, Flemish, and Dutch Schools
26940: De Brunhoff, Laurent - BABAR And The WULLY - WULLY
39234: Brunot, Felix R., Vincent Coyler, Columbus Delano - Contributors - THIRD ANNUAL REPORT Of The BOARD Of INDIAN COMMISSIONERS To The PRESIDENT Of The UNITED STATES. 1871
39145: [US Board of Indian Commissioners Publication]. Felix R. Brunot, James Harlan, Thomas K. Cree - Contributors - FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT Of The BOARD Of INDIAN COMMISSIONERS To The PRESIDENT Of The UNITED STATES. 1872
49320: Van Brunt, H. L. [b. 1936] - INDIAN TERRITORY And Other Poems
46506: [Restaurant Menu - Brussels, Belgium] - CAVERNE Du PALACE HÔTEL. BRUXELLES
35981: Van Bruyssel, E[rnest. 1827 - 1914]. [Yonge, Charlotte M. 1823 - 1901]. Becker, Léon [1826 - 1909] - Illustrator - The POPULATION Of An OLD PEAR - TREE; or, Stories of Insect Life. From the French of E. Van Bruyssel. Edited by the Author of "The Heir of Redclyffe."
19399.1: Bryan, Ashley - LION And The OSTRICH CHICKS
44389: [Salesman's Sample / Canvassing Book]. Bryan, William Jennings & Mary Baird - The MEMOIRS Of WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. By Himself and His Wife Mary Baird Bryan
36937: Bidwell. W[alter]. H[illiard. 1798 - 1881] - Editor. Bryant, William Cullen [1794 - 1878] - Contributor - IMPERIAL COURTS Of FRANCE, ENGLAND, RUSSIA, PRUSSIA, SARDINIA, And AUSTRIA. Richly Illustrated with Portraits of Imperial Sovereigns and Their Cabinet Ministers; with Biographical Sketches, and an Introduction by William Cullen Bryant
22738: Bryant, William Cullen [1794 - 1878] - THIRTY POEMS
39767: Bryant, Niles [1868 - 1946] - WINNING INDEPENDENCE. An Illustrated Address, Describing the "Parlor Profession"
38377: Bryant, A. T., Missionary - INCWADI YESINGISI NESIZULU. Zulu Without a Grammar, by Conversational Exercises. For Housekeepers, Farmers, Overseers, Storekeepers, Doctors, Police, and All Such as Come Into Frequent Contact with Natives
7101: Bryant, Edward & Ellison, Harlan - PHOENIX WITHOUT ASHES
50698: Bryant, William Cullen [1794 - 1878]. Untermeyer, Louis - Editor - The POEMS Of WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT.; Selected and Edited with a Commentary by Louis Untermeyer
12744: Bryce, James - SOUTH AMERICA. Observations and Impressions
518: Buchan, John [1875 - 1940] - The KING'S GRACE. 1910 - 1935
518.1: Buchan, John [1875 - 1940] - The KING'S GRACE. 1910 - 1935
47873: Buchan, David Stewart Erskine, Earl of [1742 - 1829] - Attributed to. Hastings, Warren [1732 - 1818] - Subject - LETTERS Of ALBANICUS To The PEOPLE Of ENGLAND, on the Partiality and Injustice of the Charges Brought Against Warren Hastings, Esq., Late Governor General of Bengal
48553: Buchanan, Robert - UNDERTONES
37509: Buchanan, Robert [Williams. 1841 - 1901] - THAT WINTER NIGHT. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. Vol. II. No. 184. March 31, 1888
4375.2: Buck, Pearl S[ydenstricker. 1892 - 1973] - The MOTHER
12621: Buck, Pearl S[ydenstricker. 1892 - 1973] - The BIG FIGHT
2706.1: Buck, Pearl S[ydenstricker. 1892 - 1973] - COMMAND The MORNING
40579: Buck, Solon Justus - TRAVEL And DESCRIPTION 1765 - 1865. Together with a List of County Histories, Atlases and Brographical Collections and a List of Territorial and State Laws
4690.1: Buck, Pearl S[ydenstricker. 1892 - 1973] - MANDALA
38712: Buck, Pearl S[ydenstricker. 1892 - 1973] - The GODDESS ABIDES
387.3: Buck, Pearl S[ydenstricker. 1892 - 1973] - FAR And NEAR
19146: Bucke, Charles. Page, Rev. William P. - Editor - On The BEAUTIES, HARMONIES, And SUBLIMITIES Of NATURE; With Notes, Commentaries, and Illustrations.; Selected and Revised by the Rev. William P. Page. Harper's Family Library No.145
32747: [Civil War]. Buckingham, Wm. A[lfred. 1804 - 1875]. Osgood, H[ugh]. H[enry. 1821 - 1899] - MESSAGE Of GOVERNOR BUCKINGHAM, Accompanying the Report of Col. H. H. Osgood, Giving the Number of Drafted Men in the State, to the General Assembly, December 10th, 1862. Printed by Order of the Legislature
32018: Duke of Buckingham and Chandos [Richard Plantagenet Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos Grenville. 1797 - 1861] - MEMOIRS Of The COURTS And CABINETS Of WILLIAM IV. And VICTORIA. From Original Family Documents
6239: Buckley, William F. - The STORY Of HENRI TOD
7879: Buckley, William F. - HIGH JINX
49927: Buckley, Harold. Udet, Captain Ernst - Contributor - SQUADRON 95.; With Five Drawings by L. C. Holden and Many Other Illustrations. Foreword by Captain Ernst Udet, leading German ace at the end of the war
47877: [Promotional Brochure]. Buckley, Louis W. - Manager - The OAKLAND CIVIC AUDITORIUM And OPERA HOUSE. Oakland, Cal.; A California Million Dollar Amusement and Recreation Palace
23869: Buckstone, John Baldwin [1802 - 1879] - RURAL FELICITY: An Operatic Comedy, in Two Acts.; Performed at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket
38031: Budenholzer, James & Bruce Schauer - 1ST HAND. Seattle Poems
50037: Budgell, Eustace [1686 - 1737]. Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford [1676 - 1745].  - A LETTER To The CRAFTSMAN From EUSTACE BUDGELL ESQ; Occasion'd by His late presenting an humble Complaint to His Majesty against the Rt. Honble Sir Robert Walpole
47650: [Budgell, Eustace. 1686 - 1737] - A SHORT HISTORY Of PRIME MINISTERS In GREAT BRITAIN
31846: Bueschel, Richard M. - NAKAJIMA Ki.84 a/b HAYATE in Japanese Army Air Force Service
30102: Buhler, Curt F. - FIFTEENTH CENTURY BOOKS And The TWENTIETH CENTURY: An Address by Curt F. Buhler, and a Catalogue of an Exhibition of Fifteenth Century Books Held at The Grolier Club, April 15 - June 1, 1952
43656: Bukowski, Charles [1920 - 1994] - 'the reading - Vallejo - virgins' in HARBOR REVIEW. Imagist Number. Spring 1979
22637: Bulfinch, S[teven]. G[reenleaf. 1809 - 1870] - POEMS
33978: Bull, Malcolm. Lockhart, Keith - SEEKING A SANCTUARY. Seventh- day Adventism and the American Dream
49804: [Rhode Island Local History]. Bull, Jireh [d. 1684] - A PRELIMINARY REPORT On The EXCAVATIONS At The HOUSE Of JIREH BULL on Tower Hill in Rhode Island.; Issued at the General Court of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, by its Governor, Henry Clinton Dexter, Esquire and the Council of the Society December 31, 1917
34069: Bullard, Dexter M. - Editor. Weigert, Edith V. - Foreword - PSYCHOANALYSIS And PSYCHOTHERAPY
31502: Bullen, Frank T[homas. 1857 - 1915] - The CRUISE Of The "CACHALOT" Round the World After Sperm Whales
7463: Bullen, Frank T[homas. 1857 - 1915] - The LOG Of A SEA WAIF Being the Recollections of the First Four Years of My Sea Life
30108: Bullett, Gerald - Editor - SEED Of ISRAEL. Tales from the English Bible. Edited with an Introduction by Geral Bullett
16535: Bullins, Ed - The HUNGERED ONE. Early Writings
26070.1: Bulmer, Kenneth & Hamilton, Edmond - LAND BEYOND The MAP [And] FUGITIVE OF The STARS. Ace M-111
32814: Bulstrode, Sir Richard, Kt [1617 - 1711]. Bulstrode, Whitlocke - Contributor - MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS. Viz. I. Of Company and Conversation. I I. Of Solitariness and Retirement. III. Of Nobility. IV. Of Contentment. V. Of Women. VI. Of the Knowledge of God, and Against Atheism. VII. Of Religion. VIII. Of Kings, Princes, and the Education of a Prince. IX. Of Greatness of Mind. X. Of the Education of Children. XI. Of Law. XII. Of Man. XIII. Of Old Age. With the Life and Conversion of St. Mary Magdalen, with Some Reflections Upon the Conversion of the Good Thief; also, the Life and Conversion of St. Paul.; Published, with a Preface, by his Son Whitlocke Bulstrode, Esq
51206: Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton [1803 - 1873]. Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - Editor / Contributor - A STRANGE STORY [as published in] ALL THE YEAR ROUND. A Weekly Journal. Nos 120 - 150.; Saturday, August 10, 1861 - Saturday, March 8, 1862
23441: Lytton Bulwer, Edward - EUGENE ARAM, A Tale
45499: [Bulwer, Edward Lytton (1803 - 1873)]. By the Author of 'Pelham,' 'Eugene Aram,' 'Rienzi,' &c - LEILA; Or, The SIEGE Of GRANADA:; And Calderon, The Courtier
49175: Bundy, Richard [1693 or 1694 - 1739] - Attributed to. Gibson, Edmund [1669 - 1748].  Jackson, John [1686 - 1763] - A PLEA For DIVINE REVELATION: In Answer to a Letter To the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London, called, A Plea for Human Reason
49337: Buntline, Ned [pseudonym of Judson, Edward Zane Carroll. 1822? - 1886] - The KING Of The SEA, A Tale of the Fearless and Free.; By Ned Buntline, Late of the United States Navy. 100 Dollar Tale
9875: Bunyan, John - The PILGRIM'S PROGESS From This World to that Which is to Come; Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream
22899: Bunyan, John [1628 - 1688]. [Burder, George. 1752 - 1832] - A TRUE RELATION Of The HOLY WAR: Made by King Shaddai Upon Diabolus, for the Regaining of the metropolis of the world, or, The Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul.; Illustrated by Explanatory, Experimental, and Practical Notes, by the Rev. George Burder
34701: Bunyard, Edward A. - The ANATOMY Of DESSERT
40351: [Southern Pacific Company]. Burckhalter, F. L., R. L. Ruby, L. U. Morris, G. E. Gaylord, J. W. Corbett, R. E. Hallawell, G. C. Baker, C. H. Grant, J. C. Goodfellow, A. T. Mercier, C. F. Donnatin & L. B. McDonald - Contributors - SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY RAILWAY COLLECTION
33922: Burden, Ernest E. Stitt, F. Allen. Whitaker, Dick [b. 1947] - An EXHIBITION Of A PROPOSED ART CENTER
10189: Burdette, Robert Jones [1844 - 1914] - HAWK-EYES.; By the Burlington Hawkeye Man
47177: Burer, Catherine - Editor - KIREI - Posters from Japan. 1978 - 1993
35899: [The Book Club of California]; [prospectus]; [Burgess, Gelett] - [PROSPECTUS For 'BEHIND the SCENES']
22825: Burgess, Anthony - This MAN And MUSIC
18574: Burgess, Anthony - MOSES. A Narrative
18320: [The Book Club of California]; [prospectus]; [Burgess, Gelett] - [PROSPECTUS For 'Bayside Bohemia: Fin de siecle San Francisco & its Little Magazines']
38247: Burgess, Gellett, et al. - "WHO'LL BE The CLERK?" "I!" SAID The LARK: Book the Second: Nos. 13 to 24. May 1896 to April 1897. [Index Only.]
38115: Burgess, Larry E. - LINCOLN COLLECTIONS In SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Featuring the Lincoln Memorial Shrine
28379: Burke, Jan - LIAR.; An Irene Kelly Mystery
46980: Burke, James Henry - DAYS In The EAST. A Poem
39827: Burke, James Lee - BLACK CHERRY BLUES
18412: Burke, James - SPY STORY. A Novel
38071: Burke, Clifford. [Michael Myers - Illustrations] - GRIFFIN CREEK
41537: Burkman, John - Subject. Wagner, Glendolin Damon - OLD NEUTRIMENT
33138: [University of California Yearbook]. Burks, J. D. - Editor. Norris, Frank [1870 - 1902] - The BLUE And GOLD. '93. Vol. XIX. Published by the Junior Class of the University of California, Berkeley, California
35893: [Burland, Rebecca. 1793 - 1872] - A TRUE PICTURE Of EMIGRATION: or Fourteen Years in the Interior of North America; Being a Full and Impartial Account of the Various Difficulties and Ultimate Success of an English Family Who Emigrated from Barwick-in-Elmet, Near Leeds, in the Year 1831
32667.1: Burley, Major Andrew S. - The ARMY BOYS ALONG PERSHING'S TRAIL. The Army and Navy Series
39354.1: Burlingame, Cynthia & Whiteman, Bruce - The WORLD From HERE. Treasures of the Great Libraries of Los Angeles
50887: Burlingame, Roger - Of MAKING MANY BOOKS. A Hundred Years of Reading Writing and Publishing
5453: Burman, Ben Lucien - MIRACLE On The CONGO. Report from the Free French Front
12529: Burn, Robert Scott - MECHANICS And MECHANISM: Being Elementary Essays and Examples for the Use of Schools and Students
32220: Burnett, Frances Hodgson [1840 - 1924] - PICCINO And Other Child Stories
12012: [Compton-Burnett, Ivy]. Sprigge, Elizabeth - The LIFE Of IVY COMPTON-BURNETT
44673: Burnett, Frances Hodgson [1840 - 1924] - MANUSCRIPT LEAF [from Chapter XXV of] THAT LASS O' LOWRIES
44672: Burnett, Frances Hodgson [1840 - 1924]. Smith, Jesse Wilcox - Illustrator - In The CLOSED ROOM
38194: [Randy Burnett, D. L. Emblen, Eve Green, Diane Mareck, Alix Shor, Stan Smith, Branko Rakocevic, James Kenney, Catherine A. Boehm, Bird Thompson, Bill Meese, John Spillane, Roxanne Evans, Carole Maurice - Contributors] - FIRST LEAVES. Santa Rosa Junior College 1981
47648: Burnett, Thomas [1694 - 1753] - The NECESSITY Of IMPEACHING The Late MINISTRY. In a Letter to the Earl of Hallifax
34027: Burnett, Ruth - DANCING HEARTS
40799: Burns, Robert. 1759 - 1796]. Carlyle, Thomas [1795 - 1881] - BURNS
47558: [UC Berkeley Reunion Program] Burque, Arthur - Previous Owner - BLUE And GOLD - CLASS Of 1910.; Fortieth Reunion - 1950
44147: Burr, Amelia Josephine - In DEEP PLACES. A Book of Verse
10471: [Early Photography]. [Burritt, Joseph Curtiss. 1817 - 1889] - Photographer. Spencer, Spence - Editor - The SCENERY Of ITHACA And The HEAD WATERS Of The CAYUGA LAKE, as Portrayed by Different Writers
4517.5: Burtis, Thomson - FLYING BLACK BIRDS. Air Combat Stories for Boys #4
2469.2: Burtis, Thomson - REX LEE, NIGHT FLYER. Rex Lee Series #5
1602.4: Burtis, Thomson - FOUR ACES. Air Combat Stories for Boys #2
3768.3: Burtis, Thomson - WING For WING. Air Combat Stories for Boys #3
25783: Burton, Sir Richard - The SOTADIC ZONE
34995: Burton, Richard F[rancis]. Kennedy, Dane - Introduction - GOA, And The BLUE MOUNTAINS; or, Six Months of Sick Leave
34750: [Burton, Richard. 1821 - 1890] - Subject. Hayman, John - Editor - SIR RICHARD BURTON'S In ARABIA And AFRICA. Four Lectures from a Huntington Library Manuscrpit
2386.1: [Mod Lib]. Burtt, Edwin A. - Editor - The ENGLISH PHILOSOPHERS From Bacon to Mill.; Edited, with an Introduction, by Edwin A. Burtt, Professor of Philosophy, Cornell University
13985: Buruma, Ian - PLAYING The GAME
16453: Busby, Thomas [1755 - 1838] - A COMPLETE DICTIONARY Of MUSIC. To Which is Prefixed, A Familiar Introduction to the First Principles of that Science
9948: Busch, Charles - WHORES Of LOST ATLANTIS
27005: Busch, Dr. Moritz - BISMARK. Some Secret Pages of His History. Being a Diary Kept by Dr. Moritz Busch During Twenty-Five Years' Official and Private Intercourse with the Great Chancellor. In Two Volumes
22831: Bush, Barbara - BARBARA BUSH
39035: Bushnan, John S. - NOTICE Of A NEW SCOTTISH LOCALITY For The LINNOEA BOREALIS. From the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal for April 1829
20837: Bushnell, George Herbert - From BRICKS To BOOKS. A Miscellany
15635: Butenschoen, Johann Friedrich [1764 - 1842] - CAESAR, CATO, And FRIEDRICH Von PREUSSEN: A Historical Reader
48921: [Souvenir Event Menu]. Butler, Nicholas Murray [1862 - 1947] - Honoree - DINNER GIVEN To NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER. President of The Lotos Club.; New York April 14th 1923
50593: Butler, Samuel [1835 - 1902]. Dreiser, Theodore - Contributor - The WAY Of ALL FLESH.; Introduction by Theodore Dreiser
50337: Butler, Katy - KNOCKING ON HEAVEN'S DOOR
1236.1: Butler, Robert Olen - The ALLEYS Of EDEN
1236.3: Butler, Robert Olen - The ALLEYS Of EDEN
48093: [Butler, William Howard Allen. 1825 - 1902]. Lodge, Henry Cabot - Former Owner - NOTHING To WEAR: An Episode of City Life. (From Harper's Weekly.)
237.1: Butler, Robert Olen - The DEUCE
237.2: Butler, Robert Olen - The DEUCE
2293: Butler, Robert Olen - WABASH
2292: Butler, Robert Olen - COUNTRYMEN Of BONES
22449: Butler, Reginald - The POETICAL WORKS Of REGINALD HERBER, Late Lord Bishop of Calcutta
13600: Butler, Brett - KNEE DEEP In PARADISE
13457: Butler, Robert Olen - THEY WHISPER
13457.1: Butler, Robert Olen - THEY WHISPER
37217: Butt, Hugh R. - CAMELOT: an English Dinner. Sixteenth Dinner. Wine and Food Society of Rochester, Minnesota. Camelot Restaurant
39019: [Hugh R. Butt, Markham B. Coventry, Elda Fritzi, Benny Haskell, Daniel C. Connolly, M. Robert Wilson, F. Edmund Donoghue, George F. Waters - Contributors] - MINNEAPOLIS DINNER, MINNEAPOLIS CLUB. May 24, 1968 8:00 pm. Fifteenth Meeting of the Wine and Food Society of Rochester, Minnesota
38193: [Hugh R. Butt, Markham B. Coventry, John C. Ivins, Elda Fritzi & Benny Haskell, F. Henry Ellis Jr., Daniel C. Connolly - Contributors] - NINETEENTH MEETING of the WINE And FOOD SOCIETY Of ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA. March 21, 1969
15200: Butterworth, Rev. John [1727 - 1802]. Clarke, Adam - Contributor - A NEW CONCORDANCE To The HOLY SCRIPTURES.; A New Edition, with Considerable Improvements, by Adam Clarke, LL. D.
15395: Buxtorf, Johann [1564 - 1629] - LEXICON HEBRAICUM Et CHALDAICUM: Complectens Omnes Voces, Tam Primas Quam Derivatas, Quæ in Sacris Bibliis, Hebraeâ, & Ex Parte Chaldaeâ Linguâ Scriptis, Extant: Interpretationis Fide, Exemplorum Biblicorum Copiâ, Locorum Plurimorum Difficilium Ex Variis Hebraeorum Commentariis Explicatione, Auctum & Illustratum. Accessit Lexicon Breve Rabbinico - Philosophicum, Communiora Vocabula Continens, Quae in Commentariis Passim Occurrunt. Cum Indice Locorum Scripturae & Vocum Latino
46540: [Temperance] The Literature Committee of the International Supreme Lodge - Edited by - The INTERNATIONAL GOOD TEMPLAR. March, 1984 {typo, reads 1894 on title leaf}. Vol. VII., No. 2.; Our Principles: Abstinence and Prohibition - Our Field: The World - Our Mission: To Save and Reclaim
46539: [Temperance] The Literature Committee of the International Supreme Lodge - Edited by - The INTERNATIONAL GOOD TEMPLAR. February, 1894. Vol. VII., No. 2.; Our Principles: Abstinence and Prohibition - Our Field: The World - Our Mission: To Save and Reclaim
28960: Byatt, A. S. - The BIOGRAPHER'S TALE
5003: Byatt, A. S. - PASSIONS OF THE MIND
5003.1: Byatt, A. S. - PASSIONS OF THE MIND. Selected Writings
36451.1: [Miniature Book]. Bynon, A. A. - The CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION 1878. State of California
51286: Bynum, W. F. Browne, E. J. Porter, Roy. - Editors - DICTIONARY Of The HISTORY Of SCIENCE
18545: Bynum, Lindley & Jones, Idwal [1887 - 1964] - BISCAILUZ. Sheriff of the New West.; With an Introduction by Erle Stanley Gardner
12563: St. Clare Byrne, Muriel - Editor - The LISLE LETTERS.; Selected & Abridged by Bridget Boland. Foreward by Hugh Trevor-Roper
5029: [Byron, Lord]. Jovanovich, William - NOW, BARABBAS
6847: [Byron, Lord. 1788 - 1824]. [Rogers, Samuel. 1763 - 1855] - LARA, A Tale. JACQUELINE, A Tale
6847.1: [Byron, Lord. 1788 - 1824]. [Rogers, Samuel. 1763 - 1855] - LARA, A Tale. JACQUELINE, A Tale
39861: Byron, Lord [1788 - 1824] - Ascribed author - The FORBIDDEN FRUIT. Lord Byron's Suppressed Poem
49147: Byron, John [1723 - 1786] - BYRON'S NARRATIVE, CONTAINING ACCOUNT Of The GREAT DISTRESS SUFFERED By HIMSELF And COMPANIONS On The COASTS Of PATAGONIA; From the Year 1740, till their Arrival in England 1746, with a Description of St. Iago de Chili, And the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants; Also a Relation of the Loss of the Wager Man of War, One of Admiral Anson's Squadron. Juvenile Library
11133: Byron, Lord - CHILDE HAROLD's PILGRIMAGE: Canto the Third
47111: [French Restaurant Menu - (Washington D.C. ?)] - L'ESCARGOT RESTAURANT.; 1120 Connecticut Ave. - Phone Republic 9660
30369: Cabell, James Branch [1879 - 1958] - STRAWS And PRAYER-BOOKS. Dizain des Diversions
50706: Cabell, James Branch [1879 - 1958]. Wagenknecht, Edward [1900 - 2004] - Contributor - JURGEN. A Comedy of Justice.; With an Introduction by Edward Wagenknecht
35480: Cable, George W[ashington. 1844 - 1925] - BONAVENTURE. A Prose Pastoral of Acadian Louisiana
11538: [Cable, George W.]. Waring, George E. - GEORGE W. CABLE' in The Century Magazine. Vol XXIII. No. 4
32079: Cabot, Isabel - The MISSING WITNESS
21665: Cadnum, Michael - SLEEPWALKER
41496: [Party Menu]. Rusty Spoon Caffay - JIGGS PARTY GIVEN At RUSTY SPOON CAFFAY. Lot of 4 Menus for the Rusty Spoon Caffay for Wednesday, July 21, 1937
4002: Cain, James M. - The INSTITUTE
34770: [Movie Poster]. Caine, Michael. Quinn, Anthony. Bergen, Candice. Karina, Anna. - Actors Green, Guy - Director - What is the Vicious Game The MAGUS Plays
34768: [Movie Poster]. Caine, Michael. Quinn, Anthony. Bergen, Candice. Karina, Anna. - Actors Green, Guy - Director - The MAGUS. Plays A Vicious Game. The Game is Love. The Game is Lust. The Game is Life Itself. Or is it Death?
47120: [Restaurant Menu - Cairo, Egypt] - METROPOLITAN HOTEL - CAIRO.; Carte du Jour
37984: Calandrelli, Susana. [Jose Hernandez, Luis Ramon Macias - Contributors]. Athos Cozzi - Illustrator - MARTIN FIERRO. Sintesis del Poema de Jose Hernandez
26401: Caldecott, Randolph [1846 - 1886] - A FROG HE WOULD A-WOOING GO. Randolph Caldecott's Picture Books #11
26402: Caldecott, Randolph [1846 - 1886] - The PANJANDRUM PICTURE BOOK. Containing -- 'Come Lasses and Lads.' 'ride a Cock-Horse to Banbury Cross, and A Farmer Went Trotting Upon His Grey Mare.' 'Mrs. Mary Blaize.' 'The Great Panjandrum Himself.'
25291.1: [Caldecott, Randolph. 1846 - 1886]. Blackburn, Henry - RANDOLPH CALDECOTT: A Personal Memoir of His Early Art Career
41578: Richard Halliburton [1900 - 1939]. Calderari, Thomas [Edward Richardson 1921-1995] - Recipient - ARCHIVE Of FOUR TLS LETTERS FROM RICHARD HALLIBURTON'S CHINESE JUNK "The SEA DRAGON"; November 1938 to February 1939. Two Photographic Images of the "Sea Dragon" included
17364: Calderon, George - The FOUNTAIN. A Comedy in Three Acts
36716: Caldor, M. T. - The EVIL GENIUS. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. New Series. Vol. I. No. 120. October 13, 1886
38504: Caldor, M. T. Church, Ella Rodman - Contributor - The RED CROSS. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. Vol. III. No. 183. March 24, 1888
40608: [G. Caldwell] - A NEW HISTORICAL CATECHISM; Containing Answers to Questions in Ancient History, Relative to the Light of the Heathen World - the Miracles that Happened at Our Saviour's Birth - the Usurpation, and Miserable Death of Herod - the Death of Pontius Pilate, etc.
11387: Caldwell, Taylor - The BALANCE WHEEL
18729: Caldwell, Erskine - THIS VERY EARTH
46514: [Restaurant Menu - Calgary, Alberta] - CANADIAN PACIFIC - PALLISER HOTEL - CALGARY
44079: [Wine / California] - WINE LIST. Log Cabin Restaurant and Continental Bakery. Big Bear Lake, California
43900: [Cocktails / California] - 29 WAYS To USE CORNET V. S. Q. The Highball Brandy
43887: [Cookery / California] - DINNER At CHARLEY BROWN'S. [Restaurant Menu]
43702: [Cookery / California] - CASABLANCA. Souvenir Menu
43554: [Cookery / California] - MENUS And RECIPES To DIET DELIGHT - FULLY
43552: [Cookery / California] - CANDY And HOW!
45312: [Restaurant Menu - California] - IMPERIAL RESTAURANT FRENCH DINNERS.; 8641 Garden Grove Boulevard
42874: [Knights of Pythias / California] - HO! YE SIR KNIGHTS, FAIR LADIES And STRANGERS WITHIN THE GATES . . . Welcome To The Golden City, to the Land of Sundown Seas. Greetings from the California Promotion Comittee. August, Nineteen Hundred and Two
42850: [Wine / California] - CALIFORNIA PORT WINE. [Wine Label].; Pacific Pharmacy. J.V. Schnier Prop. Cor. Second and F Sts. Phones 9 and 39. Eureka, Cal. The NYAL Store
42851: [Wine / California] - CALIFORNIA SHERRY WINE. [Wine Label].; Pacific Pharmacy. J.V. Schnier Prop. Cor. Second and F Sts. Phones 9 and 39. Eureka, Cal. The NYAL Store
29731: [Alameda County California] - RICHMOND - SAN RAFAEL BRIDGE. Third Annual Report. September 1, 1954, to September 1, 1955
41489: [Bank of California] - BANK Of CALIFORNIA TELEGRAPHIC ORDER, Dated October 16, 1865
41323: Regents of the University [of California] - REGISTER Of The UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA. 1895 - 96
40442: [Orange County Nursery Co. - "Largest Producers of Deciduous Fruit Trees in Southern California"] - ORANGE COUNTY NURSERY CO., Growers of Choice Deciduous Fruit Trees Raisin and Table Grape Vines Bush Fruit Plants. Especially Adapted to the Prevailing Soil and Climatic COnditions in California and Adjacent States. Quality of the Best and Prices Always Reasonable
47980: [Restaurant Menu - California] - CALIFORNIA SUN EXPRESS
40210: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "Cable Car Terminal - Late 70s"
40208: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "California and Sansome Streets - 1871"
40206: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "Kearny Street, North from California (Pattern for a Movie Set)"
40207: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "Steamer Day"
40205: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "The Marina - 1856"
40204: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "The Embarcadero"
40202: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "San Francisco"
40203: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "Battery Street - 1865 - Looking North from California Street"
40200: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "U.S.S. Hartford"
40199: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "Gold Rush to Nevada"
40197: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "Battery and Washington Streets 1857"
40196: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "Stockton and Filbert Streets - July 4 1862"
40190: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "Transportation Over the Sierra: 1860 - 1869"
40191: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "First Immigrant Train"
40189: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "East Side of Montgomery Street North from California 1856."
40114: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "Taking Possession of Yerba Buena"
40113: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "Fort Ross 1812"
40108: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "The First Custom House"
40105: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "San Francisco Blues"
40103: Bank of California - BLOTTER / TRADE CARD. "Benicia - U. S. Military Post"
44618: [Menu / California] - STICKNEY"S HICK'RY HOUSE.; The Brand of Quality
44620: [Menu / California] - LA MARMITE RESTAURANT FRENCH BISTRO MENU.; Try Our New Fall Menu!
19280: [The Book Club of California] - EARLY CALIFORNIA STOCK CERTIFICATES 1978. No. 1 - 10 [Keepsakes Series #41]
19294: [The Book Club of California] - VIGNETTES IN CALIFORNIA MEDICINE 1976 - 1977. No. 6 - 10. [Keepsakes Series #40)
19258: [The Book Club of California]; [Prospectus] - [Prospectus for] PIONEERS Of The SACRAMENTO. A Group of Letters By & About Johann Augustus Sutter, James W. Marshall & John Bidwell
18372: [The Book Club of California] - EARLY THEATRES Of CALIFORNIA. [1974 Keepsake Series of the BCC, Nos. 1 - 10]
18331: [The Book Club of California] - EARLY CALIFORNIA MAIL BAG [Book Club of California Keepsake Series No. 1 - 9]
18330: [The Book Club of California] - EARLY CALIFORNIA TRADE CARDS. [Book Club of California 1966 Keepsake Series, No. 1 - 9]
49048: [Restaurant Menu / Northern California] - SYCAMORE INN
47369: [Restaurant Menu - California] - MENU - For COWBOYS UNDER 12.; Handlery Hotels of California
44412: [Menu / Southern California] - ANTHONY'S FISH GROTTOS. San Diego. La Jolla. La Mesa
44411: [Menu / Southern California] - GHOST TOWN GRILL. Knott's Berry Farm. Buena Park[,] California
44401: [Menu / Southern California] - PANCAKE COTTAGE. 7712 Fay Avenue. La Jolla, California
44352: [Menu / Southern California] - DELICIOUS SEAFOODS ONLY At ANTHONY'S. Anthony's Fish Grotto "By the Sea". San Diego and La Jolla
48587: [Restaurant Menu -California] - The GATE HOUSE
43852: [Art / Californiana] - ITO HAMASHI MASTERPIECE Of HIMSELF Is on Display at the World Famous Cliff House. At Seal Rocks. San Francisco
48203: [Californiana] - A NEW MAP Of OAKLAND Alameda & Berkeley.; Compliments of Central National Bank - Central Savings Bank
48202: [Californiana] - MAP Of OAKLAND Berkeley • Piedmont • Alameda • Emeryville • San Leandro • Albany; Compliments of Henry Z. Jones Real Estate
44921: [Californiana] - THOMAS BROS. MAP Of ALAMEDA COUNTY
35803: [Californiana] - HUMBOLDT COUNTY SOUVENIR. Being a Frank, Fair and Accurate Exposition, Pictorially and Otherwise of the Resources, Industries and Possibilities of this Magnificent Section of California
14658: [Californiana] - ALAMEDA COUNTY TELEPHONE DIRECTORY (Except Alameda, Berkeley, Oakland and San Leandro)
16799: Callahan, David - DANGEROUS CAPABILITIES. Paul Nitze and the Cold War
11274: Callcott, George H. - A HISTORY Of The UNIVERSITY Of MARYLAND
30065: Callis, Robert (fl. 1634) - The READING Of That FAMOUS And LEARNED GENTLEMAN, ROBERT CALLIS Esq; Sergeant at Law, Upon the Statute of 23 H. 8. Cap. 5. of SEWERS: As it was Delivered by Him at Grays-Inn, in August, 1622
37871: Calvert, Harry J. - Editor & Publisher - The BOYS' GAZETTE. New Series Vol. I. No. 1. April, 1878 - Vol. I. No. 5 - 6. Aug. - Sept., 1878
51073: Calvin, Samuel [1811 - 1890] - Attorney for Plaintiff in Error - DANIEL K. REAMEY, Versus JAMES A. M'CAHAN. In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Middle District
51074: Calvin, Samuel [1811 - 1890] - Former Owner - NICHOLAS WALKER, Who Was Defendant Below, Plaintiff in Error, versus, DANIEL K REAMY, Who Was Plaintiff Below, Defendant in Error. BANKS, MacDOWELL & MURRY, Attorneys for Plaintiff in Error. In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. In the Commons Pleas of Blair County. No. 43. October Term, 1855
47101: [Cambreleng, Churchill C.]. Baldwin, Henry - Subject - An EXAMINATION Of The NEW TARIFF Proposed by The Hon. Henry Baldwin, A Representative in Congress.; By One of the People
5130: Campbell, Bebe Moore - YOUR BLUES AIN'T LIKE MINE
32434: Campbell, Vivian - Editor & Compiler. Pach, Walter - Contributor - A CHRISTMAS ANTHOLOGY Of POETRY And PAINTING.; Foreword by Walter Pach
48228: Campbell, Thomas [1777 - 1844] - GERTRUDE Of WYOMING; A Pennsylvanian Tale. And Other Poems
48190: Campbell, George - INDIA AS IT MAY BE; An Outline of a Proposed Government and Policy
48172: Campbell, Ronald - The FOSTER - BROTHERS
28127: Campbell, Thomas - SPECIMENS Of The BRITISH POETS; With Biographical and Critical Notices and An Essay on English Poetry. A New Edition
40803.1: Campbell, Margaret [b. 1898] - Author. Fine, A[enry. b. 1928] - Designer - AMERICAN HOME LIFE. 1650 ... 1905. American Adventure Series No. I. Text Booklet (only)
40803: Campbell, Margaret [b. 1898] - Author. Fine, A[rthur Henry. b. 1928] - Designer - AMERICAN HOME LIFE. 1650 ... 1905. American Adventure Series No. I.
3973.2: Campbell, Bruce - The RIDDLE Of The STONE ELEPHANT. Ken Holt Mysteries #2
18240: Campbell, Bruce - The SA GENERALS And The RISE Of NAZISM
18039.1: [Creek Indians]. [Campbell, John Bert] - CAMPBELL'S ABSTRACT Of CREEK INDIAN CENSUS CARDS And INDEX
18034: [Creek Indians]. Campbell, John Bert - CAMPBELL'S ABSTRACT Of CREEK FREEDMAN CENSUS CARDS And INDEX
33704: [French Literature in Translation]. Camus, Jean-Pierre; Bishop of Belly [1584 - 1652]. Bevilacqua, Conte Honofrio [also Onofrio. 1598 - 1680] - Translator - ELISA, Ouero l'Innocenz a Colpeuole. Historia Tragica del Vescouo di Belley, Seguita Durante il Regno del Christianiss. Henrico III. rè di Francia, e di Polonia ... Tradotta dalla Lingua Francese Nell'Italiana dal Sig. Co. Honofrio Beuilacqua
44628: [Menu / Canada] - SOUVENIR OF HOTEL ST.-LOUIS INN.; Recommended by Duncan Hines
49629: Canan, Janine [b. 1942] - WHO BURIED The BREAST Of DREAMS
49628: Canan, Janine - HER MAGNIFICENT BODY. New & Selected Poems. 1968 - 1985
50794: Canby, Margaret T. Homer, Winslow [1836 - 1910] - Illustrator - "Birdie's Walk in the Woods" [as published in] OUR YOUNG FOLKS. An Illustrated Magazine for Boys and Girls. June, 1868. Number 42
35313: "Versicus." [pseudonym for Candage, Rufus George Frederick. 1826 - 1912] - MORE GATHERED AUTUMN LEAVES
28034: Canetti, Elias - The TORCH In MY EAR.; Translated from the German by Joachim Neugroschel
45179: Canfield, Cass - UP & DOWN & AROUND. A Publisher Recollects The Time of His Life
34591: Canfield, Cass - UP And DOWN And AROUND. A Publisher Recollects the Time of His Life
7200.1: Canick, Michael - Compiler - A PRICE GUIDE To MAGIC BOOKS: 1639 - 1990
545.1: Canin, Ethan - BLUE RIVER
10094: Canning, Victor - BIRDS Of A FEATHER
50785: Cannon, Hal - Editor - COWBOY POETRY. A Gathering.; Edited and with an Introduction by Hal Cannon
35124: Canu, Ferdinand [1863 - 1932]. and Bassler, Ray S[mith] [1878 - ?] - CONTRIBUTIONS To The BIOLOGY Of The PHILIPPINE ARCHIPELAGO And ADJACENT REGIONS. BRYOZOA Of The PHILIPPINE REGION. Smithsonian Institution United States National Museum Bulletin 100 Volume 9
31005: [Confederate Sheet Music]. Capers, Capt M. C. - Lyrics. Von La Hache, T. - Composer - CARRIE BELL. Ballad, Words by Capt W. C. Capers, C.S.A. Music by T. Von La Hache
2112: Caputo, Philip - HORN Of AFRICA
45196: [Cigarette Card] - MURAD CIGARETTES - CARTHAGE COLLEGE.; "The Metropolitan Standard" College Series 76-100
48039: [French Menu / Advertising Card] - MENU.; Liqueur Izarra - procure douce digestion
48038: [French Menu / Advertising Card] - MENU.; Liqueur Izarra - procure douce digestion
46566: [Post Card] - The FAMOUS PUMP CAMP MEETING GROUND.; Alton Bay, N. H.
46008: [Photograph - Cabinet Card] - PRICILLA And JOHN ALDEN PLAY
35328: Carew, Rachel - TANGLED. A Novel
48486: Carew, Thomas [1595 - 1640]. Ebsworth, Joseph Woodfall - Editor - The POEMS And MASQUE Of THOMAS CAREW. Gentleman of the Privy-Chamber to King Charles I, and Cup-Bearer to His Majesty.; With an Introductory Memoir, an Appendix of Unauthorized Poems from MSS., Notes, and a Table of First Lines
49935: Carey, Steve - SMITH GOING BACKWARD
40639: [Trade Catalogue]. Carey, Matthew [1760 - 1839]. Carey, Henry Charles [1793 - 1879] - MODERN PUBLICATIONS, And NEW EDITIONS Of VALUABLE STANDARD WORKS, Printed for M. Carey & Son, No. 126, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Oct. 1817
24472: Carleton, Osgood [1742 - 1816] - CARLETON'S ALMANACK, (Enlarged and Improved) for the Year of Our Lord 1794 ..
49654: Carlisle, Thomas John - TALES Of HOPKINS FOREST
34575: [World War I]. Carlisle, Robert J. - A SEVEN YEARS' RECORD Of The SOCIETY Of ALUMNI Of BELLEVUE HOSPITAL 1915 to 1921 being the Year-Book with Memorials of Those Who Died in the Great War
49133: Carlson, Warren H. - POEMS By CLARKSON
37811: Carlson, Victor I. Henri Matisse - Contributor - MATISSE As A DRAUGHTSMAN. The Baltimore Museum of Art
9525: Carlton, W. N. C. - ENGLISH LITERATURE
32985: Carlyle, J. D. - SPECIMENS Of ARABIAN POETRY, From the Earliest Time to the Extinction of the Khaliphat, with Some Accout of the Authors
15809: [Carlyle, Thomas]. Baumgarten, Murray - CARLYLE And His ERA
48226: Carlyle, Thomas [1795 - 1881] - LATTER - DAY PAMPHLETS
13157: Carlyle, Thomas - REMINISCENCES.; Edited by James Anthony Froude
49366: Carneal, Georgette. DeForest, Lee [1873 - 1961] - Subject - A CONQUEROR Of SPACE. An Authorized Biography of the Life and Work of Lee DeForest
30067: [Medical]. Caron, J. B. F. - NOUVELLE DOCTRINE Des MALADIES VENERIENNES, ou La Syphilis et Son Traitement Rappeles a Leurs Veritables Principes..
36589: Carpenter, Edwin H. - PRINTERS And PUBLISHERS In SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 1850 - 1876
20582: Carpenter, Horace W.; James Miller & Richard N. Snowden - State Prison Inspectors - ANNUAL REPORT Of The INSPECTORS Of STATE PRISON, To The LEGISLATURE Of The STATE Of CALIFORNIA, February 15, 1855.; Document No. 13. In Senate. Session 1855
45674: Carpenter, Frederic Ives - A REFERENCE GUIDE To EDMUND SPENSER
43246: Carr, Sir John [1772 - 1832] - POEMS
37804: Carr, Harry. Hart, William S. - Contributor - "VAYA CON DIOS, WILL" (GO WITH GOD). Introduction by William S. Hart
14678: Carr, John Dickson - FIRE, BURN! A Novel
34304: Carrier, Scott - From RUNNING AFTER ANTELOPE
50683: Carrigan, Andrew G. & Hecht, Warren Jay - BABYBURGERS
49777: [Exhibition Catalogue]. Carroll, Lewis - Subject - YOURS VERY SINCERELY, C. L. DODGSON (alias "Lewis Carroll").; An Exhibition from the Jon A. Lindseth Collection of C. L. Dodgson and Lewis Carroll on View at the Grolier Club April 1 through May 29, 1998
24289.1: Carroll, Lewis [pseudonym for Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. 1832 - 1898] - ALICE'S ADVENTURES UNDER GROUND. A Facsimile of the Original Lewis Carroll Manuscript
20911: Carroll, James - MORTAL FRIENDS
45853: Carroll, Lewis - ALICE'S ADVENTURES In WONDERLAND [And] THROUGH The LOOKING GLASS, And What Alice Found There. Two Volumes
16008: Carroll, James - FAMILY TRADE. A Novel
45250: [Temperance] - Carswell, E. - The PUG And JUG.; No. 143
48782: [Carte, Thomas. 1686 - 1754].  - A FULL And CLEAR VINDICATION Of The FULL ANSWER To A LETTER From A BY-STANDER.; In Which All the Cambridge Gentleman's Cavils and Misrepresentations of that Book, in his Letter to Mr. Thomas Carte, are exposed and refuted. By the Author of the Full Answer
31547: Carter, Jimmy - KEEPING FAITH. Memoirs of a President
29140: Carter, John. Pollard, Graham - The FIRM Of CHARLES OTTLEY, LANDON & Co. Footnote to an Enquiry
27689: Carter, Jimmy - LIVING FAITH
27575: Carter, Jimmy - TURNING POINT. A Candidate, a State, and a Nation Come of Age
26859: Carter, John [1748 - 1817]. Britton, John [1771 - 1857] - The ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE Of ENGLAND Including the Orders During the British, Roman, Saxon, and Norman Eras; and Under the Reigns of Henry III. and Edward III. A New and Improved Edition with Notes and Copius Indexes by John Britton, Esq., F.S.A., Etc.
35925.1: Carter, John. Sadleir, Michael - VICTORIAN FICTION. An Exhibition of Original Editions at 7 Albemarle Street, London January to February 1947
35842: Carter, Herbert - The BOY SCOUTS ALONG The SUSQUEHANNA or The Silver Fox Patrol Caught in a Flood. The Boy Scout Series #10
6617.3: Carter, Herbert - The BOY SCOUTS In The ROCKIES or, The Secret of the Hidden Silver Mine. The Boy Scout Series #6
7532: Bonham-Carter, Victor - AUTHORS By PROFESSION. Volume I.
32050: Carteret, John Dunloe - A FORTUNE HUNTER; or, The Old Stone Corral. A Tale of the Santa Fe Trail
23044: Cartier, Xam - MUSE - ECHO BLUES
546: Cartland, Barbara - LOVE In The CLOUDS
51327: "Micha" - Cartoonist - OO - LA - LA. Paris in the Nude. Naughty French Humor.; A Collection of Naughty French Cartoons. A Lawrence Magazine
50344: [College Lettersheet]. Carver, Henry, A. M. - Pricipal - SUSQUEHANNA SEMINARY. Binghamton, Broome County, New York
28325: Carver, Carolyn - DEAD HEAT
15297.1: Carver, Field Marshall Sir Michael - The WAR LORDS. Military Commanders of the Twentieth Century
15297: Carver, Field Marshall Sir Michael - The WAR LORDS. Military Commanders of the Twentieth Century
12742: Cary, Joyce - The CAPTIVE And The FREE.; Introduction by David Cecil. Editor's note by Winifred Davin
7878: Cary, Joyce - AISSA SAVED
10129: Cary, Lorene - The PRICE Of A CHILD
40603: "Cary" - A KEY To NATURE'S LOCK. Die-Cut Children's Poem
18307: [Press of the Woolly Whale]; [Cary, Melbert]; [Goudy, Frederic] - [ANNOUNCEMENT For 'A Bibliography of The Village Press']
18110: [Cary, Joyce]. White, S.J. (editor) - "CHARACTER On A MANHATTAN STEAMBOAT" [In] Irish Writing No. 30, March 1955
17985: Casanova, John N. - PHYSIOLOGY And MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE: A Contribution to the Prospective Reformation of Several Erroneous Doctrines in Relation to Human Reproduction
42557: [Textile Sample Display Case] - PACIFIC MILLS. Cotton. Wooden Display Case
40220: [Buick Dealer's Backlit Showroom Display Case] - The TURBINE DRIVE BUICK... BUICK'S ALL-TIME BEST. 1960 Dealer's Backlit Showroom Display Case Complete with 33 Transparencies Displaying Interior & Exterior Design Choices and Three Upholstery Sample Catalogues
37246: Case, Ralph H., Nebeker, Frank K., Boudinot, Frank J. - In The COURT Of CLAIMS Of The UNITED STATES. No. L-46. No. L-268. The Cherokee Nation, v. The United States
37244: Case, Ralph H., Nebeker, Frank K., Boudinot, Frank J. - In The COURT Of CLAIMS Of The UNITED STATES. No. L-46. No. L-268. The Cherokee Nation v. The United States. Plaintiff's Reply Brief
44769: [Walt Disney / Snow White / Caselotti, Adriana (1916 - 1997)] - WALT DISNEY'S MASTERPIECE SNOW WHITE and the SEVEN DWARFS SPECIAL EDITION LITHOGRAPH.; "Let Me See Your Hands."
12746: O'Casey, Sean - COLLECTED PLAYS. Volume III
18858: O'Casey, Sean - The GREEN CROW
45860: Casper, Scott E. Groves, Jeffrey D. Nissenbaum, Stephen W. Winship, Michael - Editors - A HISTORY Of The BOOK In AMERICA. The Industrial Book, 1840 - 1880. Volume 3
25458: [French Music History]. De Cassagnac, Louis - CHANTS D'AUTREFOIS. [Songs of Another Time]
37816: Castelar, Emilio, Charles Nordhoff, Caroline A. Merighi, Anthony Trollope, Rose Terry, & [Anne] Thackeray [Ritchie] - Contributors - HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Volume 45, No. 265. June, 1872
37817: Castelar, Emilio, Anthony Trollope, [Anne] Thackeray [Ritchie], Bayard Taylor, Edgar Allen Poe (handwriting facsimilie) - Contributors - HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Volume 45, No. 268. September, 1872
24113: Castle, Agnes [d. 1922] & Egerton [1858 - 1920] - The GOLDEN BARRIER
10153.2: [Castlemon, Harry]. Blanck, Jacob. - compiled by - HARRY CASTLEMON Boy's Own Author. Appreciation and Bibliography
47944.1: [Auction Catalog] - The LIBRARY Of EDWARD HERRILL. PART II, With Additions.; Literature & History - Modern Firsts & Signed Editions - Illustrators & Illustrated Books
47944: [Auction Catalog] - The LIBRARY Of EDWARD HERRILL.; Fine Press Books & A Limited Editions Club Collection
47937: [Auction Catalog] - BOOKS On ARCHITECTURE. And On FURNITURE - SCULPTURE - IRON WORK - GARDENS - COSTUME - TAPESTRIES And OTHER SUBJECTS.; The Important LIbrary of John Vredenburgh Van Pelt, A.D.G., F.A.I.A. Sold By the Order of Mrs. Margaret Van Pelt Villas
47934.4: [Auction Catalog] - LIBRARY Of AUGUST W. SCHATRA - PART II.; Thursday, March 23, 1989
47934.3: [Auction Catalog] - LIBRARY Of AUGUST W. SCHATRA - PART I.; Thursday, February 23, 1989
47934: [Auction Catalog] - EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS.; Collection of Buzz Bunin - Thursday, April 12, 1990
47924: [Auction Catalog] - COMPLETE CATALOGUE Of The LIBRARY Of JOHN QUINN.; Sold By Auction in Five Parts
46196: [Dodge - Car Catalog] - DODGE DART CATALOG. Including one slip.; The GT Series. The 270 Series. The 170 Series
43958: [Trade Catalogue] - EDWARD C. ALMY & CO. MEN'S, WOMEN'S, BOYS'. GIRLS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Catalogue, No. 29. Fall and Winter, 1890 - 91
45427: [Exhibition Catalogue] - 2000 YEARS Of SILK WEAVING.; An Exhibition Sponsored by the Los Angeles County Museum in Collaboration with the The Cleveland Museum of Art and The Detroit Institute of Arts
50651: [California Trade Catalogue] - KINDEL & GRAHAM. Catalog No. 128. Importers, Manufacturers and Wholesalers. Largest in the West
32826: [Aviation Trade Catalogue] - STURTEVANT AERONAUTICAL MOTORS. Model 5A. Type 8. 140 H. P. Sturtevant Engineering Series. Bulletin No. 229. August, 1916
32786: [Trade Catalogue] - G. B. BARRETT & CO. WHOLESALE JEWELERS And IMPORTERS Of DIAMONDS. Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Bronzes and Fancy Goods, Silver and Plated Ware, Etc. American Movements, Gold and Silver Cases, and Watchmaker's Materials, a Specialty
32777: [Trade Catalogue] - WALTER A. WOOD HARVESTING MACHINES. Twenty-Eighth Annual Circular. 1881
28531: [Trade Catalogue] - M. D. KNOWLTON CO. Manufacturers of Paper Box Machinery. Paper Tube and Can Machinery. Fiber and Corrugated Shipping Case Machinery. Catalogue Number Four
50564: [Automobile Trade Brochure / Catalogue] - CADILLAC MOTOR CARS. Details of Construction. Type 57
45350: [Trade Catalogue] - AMERICAN BRASS & COPPER CO. Catalogue "36"; Everything in Metal Supplies
37077: [Automotive Trade Catalogue] - POWER. Correctly Generated. Correctly Controlled. Correctly Applied to the Rear Axle. Stanley Motor Carriage Co. Newton, Massachusetts
37049: [Bookseller Catalogue] - 50 GIANTS Of WESTERN CIVILIZATION: Catalogue 100
43196: [Exhibition Catalogue] - MURALS Of WOOL
31916: [Aviation Trade Catalogue] - The WACO "225"
43140: [Trade Catalogue] - PRICE LIST Of ELECTRICAL MACHINERY, 1884. The Hammond Electric Light and Power Supply Company, Limited, Electrical Engineers and Contractors for Electric Lighting
43132: [Trade Catalogue] - The ELPHINSTONE And VINCENT CONTINUOUS CURRENT DYNAMO - ELECTRIC MACHINES.; Patents granted to Lord Elphinstone and Charles W. Vincent, F.R.S.E., F.C.S., F.I.C.
37004: [Trade Catalogue] - PRAIRIE STATE INCUBATOR CO. Annual Catalogue
42920: [Fashion/Fabric Trade Catalogue] - SOCIETE PARITYS Et Les TISSUS LEBOTYS. Collection Été 1959
42919: [Fashion/Fabric Trade Catalogue] - SOCIETE PARITYS Et Les TISSUS LEBOTYS. Collection Hiver 1958 - 59
42918: [Fashion/ Fabric / Trade Catalogue] - SOCIETE PARITYS Et Les TISSUS LEBOTYS. Collection Hiver 1957 - 1958
36985: [Automotive Trade Catalogue] - WATERHOUSE & LESTER CO. Of CALIFORNIA. MOTOR VEHICLE SUPPLIES. Catalog No. 12
7987.1: [Typography - Exhibition Catalogue] - ERIC GILL 1882 - 1940.; With an Introduction by Evan R. Gill
42703: [Exhibition Catalogue] - WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION 1893 CHICAGO. Catalogue of the Russian Section.; Published by the Imperial Russian Commission, Ministry of Finances
50320: [Trade Catalogue] - OLD DUTCH MOULD- MADE PAPER And BOARD
45127: [Auction Catalogue] - HOLLYWOOD And EARLY CINEMA POSTERS.; New York, Monday, 1 Decemeber 1997
45125: [Auction Catalogue] - ROCK, POP, & CLASSIC CINEMA POSTERS.; Los Angeles, Sunday, December 15th, 1996 at 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm
41977: [Automobile Trade Brochure / Catalogue] - BUICK. 1942. Out of the Needs of the Nation
29281: [Trade Catalogue] - ART PANELS From the HAND LOOMS Of The ORIENT
29272: [Trade Catalogue] - "DIAMOND" TOOTH FORM for Roller Chain Sprokets And A Catalogue of Diamond Chains
4196: [Trade Catalogue] - I. HALL & SON: Jewelry. Catalogue #34
29178: [Trade Catalogue] - The MOSHER BOOKS. 1903
29179: [Bookseller / Publisher Trade Catalogue] - The MOSHER BOOKS. 1911
28105.2: [Railroad Trade / Exhibition Catalogue] - EXHIBIT Of LOCOMOTIVES By The BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co., Proprietors, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. The World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, May - October, 1893
36537: [Trade Catalogue] - CATALOGUE Of PRINTING MACHINERY & SUPPLIES. No. 53
27879.1: [Exhibition Catalogue] - A TIME And PLACE. From the Ries Collection of California Painting
36376: [Maritime Trade Catalogue] - NIAGARA MOTOR BOAT CO. Manufacturers of the Knock-Down Frames and Patterns. Catalog No. 16
51087: [Fashion Trade Catalogue] - E. BUTTERICK & CO'S CATALOGUE For FALL 1878.; G. D. Gorman, 37 & 39 West Broad Street, Hazleton, PA., Agent
40877: [Trade Catalogue] - FASHION. Fall & Winter, '77 - 78. Catalogue and Price List. Edw'd Ridley & Sons, ... New York
33507: [Paper Trade Catalogue] - ENGRAVED GREETING CARDS. Felix Birr & Company
40825: [College Catalogue] - ANNUAL REPORT Of INDIANA UNIVERSITY, Including the Catalogue for the Academical Year, MDCCCLXV - VI. Bloomington. Lux et Veritas
36106: [Trade Catalogue] - MONITOR CANNERS' MACHINERY. Catalogue No. 68
49783: [Automotive Trade Catalogue] - The GREATER NASH SIX. Model 691 Series
44901: [Exhibition Catalogue] - A SOCIETY'S CHIEF JOYS; An Exhibition From the Collections of the American Antiquarian Society
35864: [Trade Catalogue] - The COLEMAN. Combined Evaporator, Baker and Refrigerator. Evaporating and Fruite Preserving Company, of Western Maryland
35857: [Trade Catalogue] - The DOOR BEAUTIFUL. Manufactured by Morgan Company
44837: [Automotive Trade Catalogue] - REFLEX SPARK PLUGS
47972: [Trade Catalogue] - MILITARY EQUIPMENTS And UNIFORMS. B. Pasquale & Sons. Catalogue 50. Established in 1856
35813: [Exhibition Catalogue] - The PRESS Of The WOOLLY WHALE. An Exhibition. January, 1972
40315: [Chevrolet Dealer's Showroom Sample Catalogue] - 1976 CHEVROLET PASSENGER CAR BUYER'S GUIDE
35767: [Bookseller Catalogue] - OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. Clarendon Press Books
35763: [Bookseller Catalogue] - LIST Of STANDARD POPULAR WORKS
35764: [Bookseller Catalogue] - WELLS GARDNER, DARTON, & CO'S CATALOGUE OF BOOKS
35766: [Bookseller Catalogue] - A CATALOGUE Of BOOKS
35762: [Bookseller Catalogue] - LIST Of BOOKS PUBLISHED By DAVID DOUGLAS
35760: [Bookseller Catalogue] - A COMPLETE CATALOGUE Of The PUBLICATIONS Of W. & R. CHAMBERS, LTD
35761: [Bookseller Catalogue] - WORKS In CLASSICS, MATHEMATICS, MODERN LANGUAGES, PHILOSOPHY, And SCIENCE. University Tutorial Series
35759: [Bookseller Catalogue] - A CATALOGUE Of BOOKS
35757: [Bookseller Catalogue] - A CATALOGUE Of The PUBLICATIONS Of GIBBINGS And COMPANY, LIMITED, 18 Bury St London, W. C.
35755: [Bookseller Catalogue] - CATALOGUE Of BOOKS Published for The Syndics of the University Press
35751: [Bookseller Catalogue] - HODDER And STOUGHTON'S PUBLICATIONS. Alphabetically Arranged
35753: [Bookseller Catalogue] - A LIST Of MR. HEINEMANN'S PUBLICATIONS
35754: [Bookseller Catalogue] - MESSRS. HUTCHINSON & CO'S CATALOGUE
35748: [Bookseller Catalogue] - HURST And BLACKETT'S CATALOGUE
35749: [Bookseller Catalogue] - GINN & COMPANY
35750: [Bookseller Catalogue] - CATALOGUE Of BOOKS
35747: [Bookseller Catalogue] - CATALOGUE Of STANDARD And POPULAR WORKS For The Study Of EUROPEAN LAGUAGES. Holzels Historical, Geographical and Conversational Wall Pictures and Exercise Books; Natural History Plates; the Metric System; First Steps in Painting; Swedish Gymnastics; Etc., Etc.
40225: [Automobile Trade Brochure / Catalogue] - DURANT FOUR. Touring. Roadster. Coupe. Sedan
40219: [Chevrolet Dealer's Showroom Sample Catalogue] - HERE Is The SPECTACULAR 1958 CHEVROLET. A Car that Beautifully Captures the Flair of Contemporary Living. Lower and Longer, Wider and Stronger. Truly a Giant Step Forward in Motoring!
40218: [Spanish: Ford Dealer's Showroom Sample Catalogue] - SI DESEA ADELANTOS... ADELANTESE CON EL 1941 FORD. [If you Want to Get Ahead... Get Ahead with the 1941 Ford - Cover Title]
49572: [Automobile Trade Catalogue] - EQUIPMENT SALES MANUAL And Dealers Reference Book.; Interboro Hoist and Body Corp
39973: [Automotive Trade Catalogue] - 1915 MAXWELL. At Its Price The Worlds Greatest Automobile. [with] MAXWELL SERVICE
39953: [Automotive Trade Catalogue] - FRANKLIN MOTOR-CARS. 1906
49516: [Publisher Trade Catalogue] - CATALOGUE Of S & S NOVELS 15¢ Revised to January, 1927.; The Right Books at the Right Price
39871: [Salesman's Sample Catalogue] - The CLOTHES AMERICANS WEAR. Reliable Tailoring Company. Spring and Summer 1923
39860: [Chevrolet Dealer's Showroom Sample Catalogue] - 1967 CHEVROLETS
39825: [Chevrolet Dealer's Showroom Sample Catalogue] - CHEVROLET For '51
35475: [Publisher Catalogue] - A CATALOGUE Of BOOKS Published by Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly. April, 1858
49359: [Trade Catalogue] - DESCRIPTIVE LIST And CATALOGUE Of FIRE - WORKS, ETC. Published by Masten & Wells, 18 Hawley St., Boston, Mass. 1891
39349: [Chevrolet Dealer's Showroom Sample Catalogue] - CHEVROLET 60. The Elegant Look... the Fine-Car Feel... of Deep-Down Chevrolet Quality. Impala Sport Sedan, Bel Air Sport Sedan, Biscayne 4-Door Sedan, Nomad 4-Door 6-Passenger Station Wagon, Corvette & Corvair 700
20875: [Bookseller Catalogue] - SCIENCE And MEDICINE Catalogue #53
39201: [Bookseller Catalogue] - VICTORIA RI. A Collection of Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Original Drawings, etc., by the Lady Herself and her Loyal Subjects, Produced During her Long and Illustrious Reign. Parts I - III
45947: [Trade Catalogue] - PEERAGE. Brassware At Its Best. Catalogue No. 8.; Manufactured by Pearson - Page - Jewsbury - Co. - Ltd
35207: [Plumbing Fixture Trade Catalogue] - FRED ADEE & CO., SANITARY SPECIALTIES. Catalogue No. 29. March 1st, 1898
35201: [Machinery Trade Catalogue] - DETAILS For AUTOMATIC FEEDER. John Hetherington & Sons, Limited
49115: [Automotive Trade Catalogue] - MAXWELL. New 1915 Model $695 with 17 New Features
38421: [Peters Serum Co. Laboratories Advertising Catalogue] - PETERS VETERINARY GUIDE. Veterinary Preparations for the Farmer
38352: [Trade Catalogue] - CATALOGUE Of SHORT - HORN CATTLE, The Property of S. S. Brown, Hazelwood Farm, Galena, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois
38252: [Mercedes Benz Catalogue] - MERCEDES- BENZ: The Standard by Which Other Cars are Judged. Automobile Catalogue and Specification Sheet
44444: [Photography Trade Catalogue] - FILMS, PLATES, And FILTERS For COMMERICAL PHOTOGRAPHY
8126: [Bookseller Catalogue] - MEMOIRS, BIOGRAPHY, HISTORY
8127: [Bookseller Catalogue] - The NOVEL, POETRY And The DRAMA (With an Addenda of Shakespeariana). Catalogue #596
7822: [Fine Press Trade Catalogue] - CATALOGUE Of The PUBLICATIONS Of WILLIAM EDWIN RUDGE [and by "The Studio" Limited]
7051: [Philately Trade Catalogue] - UNITED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS. Illustrated and Identified
34703: [Hardware Trade Catalogue] - BROWN BROTHERS & Co., Successors to Butler, Brown & Co., MANUFACTURERS Of SHAW'S U. S. STANDARD RING TRAVELERS, Belt Hooks, Wire Goods, Etc., and Dealers in SUPPLIES for Cotton, Wollen, Silk, Jute and Flax Mills. September, 1881
38080: [Book Shop Catalogue] - HINKEL'S, STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA. The Boomer No. 57
38079: [Book Shop Catalogue] - HINKEL'S, STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA. The Boomer No. 67
38078: [Book Shop Catalogue] - HINKEL'S, STILLWATER, OKLA. The Boomer No. 69
38076: [Book Shop Catalogue] - WESTERN AMERICANA INDIANS And A Choice Selection of Scarce, Out of Print, & New Books of General Interest. The Boomer No. 70
38077: [Book Shop Catalogue] - AMERICAN WEST. Oklahoma, Gunmen and Outlaws, the Southwest. The Boomer No. 66
38074: [Book Shop Catalogue] - WESTERN AMERICANA. The Boomer No. 65
38075: [Book Shop Catalogue] - WESTERN AMERICANA. Indians, the Southwest. The Boomer No. 64
38025.3: [Bauer Type Foundry Incorporated Instructional Catalogue] - WITH SEASON'S WISHES ABUNDANT As The BRANCHES Of This TREE. 1937. Bauer's Family Tree of Printing Types. Printed on the Occasion of the Hundredth Anniversary Celebration of our Foundry 1837 - 1937
37956: [Advertising Catalogue] - PACKARD CLIPPER For 1957. Where Pride of Workmanship Comes First!
37954: [Advertising Catalogue] - The NEW 1946 PACKARD CLIPPER. The No. 1 Glamour Car of America
37951: [Advertising Catalogue] - 1978 THUNDERBIRD. Thunderbird Ford Division
33689: [Trade Catalogue] - The STURTEVANT - LARRABEE COMPANY. Builders of Fine CARRIAGES And SLEIGHS. Binghamton, New York. Catalogue No. 46
37850: [Bookseller Catalogue] - The GROWTH And DEVELOPMENT Of The NOVEL From ANTIQUITY To The PRESENT DAY. Catalogue 621
34419: [Trade Catalogue] - ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE And PRICE LIST Of PRESSES, DIES, &c. Manufactured by E. W. Bliss, Successor to Bliss & Williams, Plymouth, Pearl & John Sts, Brooklyn, N. Y.
45551: [Trade Catalogue] - CARPETS. FURNITURE. UPHOLSTERY. HOUSE-FURNISHINGS.; E. F. Denning & Co., Successors to A. T. Stewart & Co., (Retail)
37513: [Aviation Trade Catalogue] - AUG. C. GOMES & Cie. Aeroplanes. Automobiles. Canots Automobiles. Cerfs - Volants. Petits Aeroplanes. Fournitures Aeronatutiques. Trade and Export
34110: [Bookseller Catalogue] - ENGLISH LITERATURE Of The 19th & 20th CENTURIES. Being a Selection of First and Early Editions of the Works of Esteemed Authors & Book Illustrators and Books on Sports and Pastimes. No. 460
37250: [Book Catalogue] - INDIANS. Including United States Government Publications Pertaining to Mounds and Antiquities. List of publications relating to above subjects for sale by Superintendent of Documents. Price List 24 - 18th Edition
50420: [Sammelband of 20 19th C. Cornell College Catalogues] - CATALOGUE Of CORNELL COLLEGE. Mt. Vernon, Linn Co., Iowa. 1860 - 1880
50256: [Book Auction Catalogues] - The LIBRARY Of H. BRADLEY MARTIN: Highly Important Printed Books and Manuscript Americana. Sale 5972. Part VII. Americana
50257: [Book Auction Catalogues] - The LIBRARY Of H. BRADLEY MARTIN: Highly Important American and Children's Literature. Sale 5971. Part VI. American Literature
50255.1: [Book Auction Catalogues] - The LIBRARY Of H. BRADLEY MARTIN: Highly Important Printed Books and Illuminated Manuscripts. Sale 6036. Part IX
20475.3: [Book Auction Catalogues] - The LIBRARY Of H. BRADLEY MARTIN: Highly Important English Literature. Part VIII. Sale 5998
20476.1: [Book Auction Catalogues] - The ESTELLE DOHENY COLLECTION. Part V. Printed Books and Manuscripts Including Americana, Literature and Fine Bindings
20475: [Book Auction Catalogues] - The LIBRARY Of H. BRADLEY MARTIN
45299: [19th C. Arkansas Photographic Trade / Cabinet Card]. Cate, Judge W. H. [1839 - 1899] - Bank President - BANK Of JONESBORO
5582.2: Cather, Willa [1873 - 1947] - DECEMBER NIGHT. A Scene From "Death Comes For the Archbishop".; Text illustrations by Harold von Schmidt
31437: [Anthology]. Cather, Willa - Contributor - The BORZOI 1925. Being a Sort of Record of Ten Years of Publishing
41674: Cather, Willa [1873 - 1947] - SHADOWS On The ROCK
46640: Cather, Willa [1873 - 1947] - DEATH COMES For The ARCHBISHOP
39567: Cather, Willa [Sibert 1873 - 1947]. John Hollander - Contributor. William Bailey - Illustrator - A LOST LADY
17345: [Anvil Press]. Cather, Willa [1873 - 1947] - FATHER JUNIPERO'S HOLY FAMILY
44689: [Pro-Catholic, Anti-British Canadian Political Pamphlet]. 'Veritas' - Our ORANGE FRIENDS. A Glance at the Past and a Warning for the Present
49443: [US Aviation History]. Cattrell, W. M. - Former Owner - AIRCRAFT DESIGN SKETCH BOOK
29042: [Aviation]. Caulkins, D[aniel]., M.D. - AERIAL NAVIGATION. The Best Method
6871: Caunitz, William J. - ONE POLICE PLAZA
37099: Cavanah, Frances. Hutchinson, Paula - Illustrator - ABE LINCOLN GETS His CHANCE
44929: [WWI / Nursing]. Cavell, Edith [d. 1915] - CORRESPONDENCE With The UNITED STATES AMBASSADOR Respecting The EXECUTION Of MISS CAVELL At BRUSSELS
38798: Caylus, [Comtesse de Marthe Marguerite le Volois de Vilette de Murcay]. [1673 - 1729]. Voltaire [Pseudonym of Francois-Marie Arouet] - Contributor - Les SOUVENIRS De MADAME De CAYLUS
14243: [WWI]. Cecil, Lord Robert - BLACK LIST And BLOCKADE. An Interview with The Rt. Hon. Lord Robert Cecil in Reply to the Swedish Prime Minister
31790: Cellini, Benvenuto [1500 - 1571]. Symonds, John Addington [1840 -1893] - Editor - The LIFE Of BENVENUTO CELLINI Written by Himself. Edited and Translated by John Addington Symonds with a Biographical Sketch of Cellini by the Same Hand Together with aan Introduction to This Edition Upon Benvenuto Cellini, Artist and Writer, by Royal Cortissoz with Reporductions or Forty Original Portraits and Views Illustrating the Life
24609: Cellini, Benvenuto [1500 - 1571]. Symonds, John Addington [1840 -1893] - Translator - The AUTOBIOGRAPHY Of BENVENUTO CELLINI. Modern Library #150.; Translated by John Addington Symonds
21223: Ceram, C.W. - The SECRET Of The HITTITES: The Discovery of an Ancient Civilization.; Translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston
40831: Cervantes, Miguel De [1547 - 1616]. Motteux, P. A. - Translator - The HISTORY The INGENIOUS GENTLEMAN Of DON QUIXOTE Of La MANCHA.; Translated from the Spanish by P. A. Motteux
42936: Armas y Céspedes, José de [1834 - 1900] - FRASQUITO. Novela Original
30080: [Medical]. De Cezan, M. [Louis Alexandre] - MANUEL ANTI-SYPHILLITIQUE, Ou ESSAI Sur Les MALADIES VENERIENNES; Ouvrage fonde sure l'Experience &l'Observation, & redige d'apres les principes des plus grands Medecins. Avec un Preservatif de ces Maladies
32335: Chabon, Michael - MAPS And LEGENDS: Reading And Writing Along the Borderlands
50912: Chadwick, W[illiam]. Edward [1858 - 1934] - ETHEL HARDMAN. A Story of Self - Discipline
51295: [Religious History]. Chainey, George [1851 - 1935] - Pastor. Heywood, John H.; Collyer, Robert - Contributors - FOUNDATION STONES, of the Church of the Unity, Evansville, Indiana
40300: Indiana Prohibition Committee. Virgil C. Finnell - Chairman - VICTORY COLLECTION Of PROHIBITION SONGS. Old and New
17727: Chalfont, Alun - MONTGOMERY Of ALAMEIN
17580: [Napoleon]. Chalfont, Lord - Editor - WATERLOO
51366: Challinor, W[illiam. 1821 - 1896]. Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - Of similar mind - The COURT Of CHANCERY; Its Inherent Defects, as Exhibited in Its System of Procedure and of Fees with Suggestions for a Remedy.; Also an Appendix, Containing Extracts from Evidence Taken Before the Select Committee on Fees
42013: [Automobile Advertising Promotional Booklet]. Chalmers, Hugh - President - CHALMERS MOTOR CARS. 1912
49540: Chalmers, Patrick R. - The LITTLE PAGAN FAUN
15640.2: Chalmers, Claudine - SPLENDIDE CALIFORNIE! Impressions of the Golden State by French Artists, 1786 to 1900. Book Club of California Publication Number 212.; Foreword by James McClatchy
32795.1: Chamberlin, John; Coulson, John; Efroym, Max; Equine, Michael; Fuente, Larry; Mervinius [Mervin Gilbert]; Hathaway, Chuck; Hopkins, Libby; Louzon, Gary; Rudin, Kay; Waldman, Sam - Contributors - MENDOCINO FUNNIES. No. 1
26520: Chamberlin, Edward H.; Bradley, Philp D.; Reilly, Gerard D.; Pound, Roscoe - LABOR UNIONS And PUBLIC POLICY
47639: [California Gold Rush]. Chamberlin, O. D. - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED. "On Board Steamship Washington. Harbor of Pernambuco. Tuesday Eve March 14 My Dear Sister"
32563: Chambers, Henry T. - YOUNG MAN'S COUNTRY. Coronado Chapbook #1
44806: Chambers, E. K. - ENGLISH LITERATURE At The CLOSE Of The MIDDLE AGES.; Edited by F.P. Wilson and Bonamy Dobree
982.2: Chambers, David & Sandford, Christopher - Compilers - COCK-A-HOOP. A Sequel to 'Chanticleer, Pertelote, and Cockalorum' Being a Bibliography of the Golden Cockrel Press. January 1950 - December 1961.; With a List of the Prospectuses 1921 - 1962
38681: Chambers, Robert W[illiam. 1865 - 1933] - The MAIDS Of PARADISE. A Novel
17711: Chambers, James - The DEVIL'S HORSEMEN. The Mongol Invasion of Europe
34101: Chamier, Capt. Frederic [also Frederick], R. N. [1796 - 1870] - WALSINGHAM, The Gamester
30806: [Medicine / Theology]. Chan, Pak-Chue - The MARVELOUS PROMISES. The Miracle of a Chinese Christian Doctor. The True Life Story of Modern Faith in Action Through Dr. Chan and Promise, Inc. As Told by Pak-Chue Chan, M.D. to Wayne T. Messerly and Patricia Lounsbury Bliss
30325: Chancellor, E. Bresford - LITERARY DIVERSIONS
49631: Chandler, Colonel Horton L. [1898 - 1970] - MILITARY SERVICE ARCHIVE, Ca 1916 - 1960s. ~ 150 Items
33546.2: [Childrens Chapbook] - The HISTORY Of VALENTINE And ORSON
37118.1: [Childrens Chapbook] - The PRACTICAL JOKE; or The Christmas Story of Uncle Ned. Third Series. - No. 3
47458: [Childrens Chapbook] - THE PARROT.; Written for the American Sunday-school Union, and revised by the Committee of Publication
47455: [Children's Chapbook] - The TWO ARROWS.; Revised by the Committee of Publication of the American Sunday-School Union
47411: [Penny Chapbook] - The HISTORY Of FANNY MILLS; or, No one too young to do good. Part II.; Cheap Repository
42615: [Childrens' Chapbook] - HISTORY Of PETER BROWN
41773: [Children's Chapbook] - The LITTLE FLOWER - GATHERER. [cover title]
50053: [Children's Chapbook] - CHARLES MURRAY. No. 431. IV. Series.; Revised by the Committee of Publication of the American Sunday School Union
50052: [Childrens' Chapbook] - The HISTORY Of PETER THOMSON. In Two Parts. Series IV. No. IX.; By the author of Noonday and evening; Cottage friends; Shepherd's son, &c
49906: [Children's Chapbook] - TOM THUMB'S FOLIO: or, A New Threepenny Plaything for Little Giants.; To Which is Prefixed, an Abstract of the Life of Mr. Thumb, and an Historical Account of the Wonderful Deeds He Performed. Together with Some Anecdotes Respecting Grumbo the Great Giant
39503: [Chapbook] - TOM, The PIPER'S SON. Walker Toy Book
39501: [Chapbook] - TOM, The PIPER'S SON With PRE-PRODUCTION ILLUSTRATION CARDS. Walker Toy Book
39502: [Chapbook] - POOR COCK ROBIN. Walker Toy Book
38839: [Children's Chapbook] - PICTURES And STORIES For The YOUNG: or Pleasing Tales in Poetry and Prose. Babcock's Moral, Instructive and Amusing Toy Books
10974.5: [Chidrens Chapbook] - The HISTORY Of LITTLE TOM TUCKER
38409: [Childrens' Chapbook] - The ORPHAN'S PRAYER
38410.1: [Childrens Chapbook] - MY FLOWER - POT
38415: [Childrens Chapbook] - LITTLE FRANK And Other Tales. Chiefly in Words of One Syllable. Uncle John's library. First Series. No. 3
48827: [Children's Chapbook] - LITTLE GEORGE; or, Temptation Revisited. Third Series. - No. 4
34546: Chapelle, Howard I [1901 - 1975] - The HISTORY Of The AMERICAN SAILING NAVY. The Ships and Thier Development
10735: Chapin, Kim - DOGWOOD AFTERNOONS
43932: [European History / Napoleon]. Chaplin, Arnold - A ST. HELENA WHO'S WHO. Or a Directory of the Island during the Captivity of Napoleon
42915: [England / 18th Century]. [Chaplin, Charles, 1730 - 1795?] - PARTICULARS And LOTS Of The REMAINDER Of The FREEHOLD ESTATE, Of The Late CHARLES CHAPLIN, ESQ.; At Saltfleetby in the County of Lincoln, Which from Want of Time, could not be put up for Sale on the 12th August Instant, and which will be sold by Auction at the Town-Hall in Louth, on Wednesday the 2d Day of September, 1795. the Sale to begin at ten o'Clock in the Morning
12541: Chapman, Ervin S. - PARTICEPS CRIMINIS. The Story of a California Rabbit Drive
12541.1: Chapman, Ervin S. [b. 1838] - PARTICEPS CRIMINIS. The Story of a California Rabbit Drive
29644: Chapman, Allen (Stratemeyer Syndicate House Name) - FRED FENTON On The TRACK Or The Athletes of Riverport School. Fred Fenton Series #4
49158: Chapman, Raymond. James, J. D. - EARLY POEMS
14947: Chapman, A. Edwards - The READY BLADE
32753: Chapone, Mrs. [Hester. 1727 - 1801] - LETTERS On The IMPROVEMENT Of The MIND, Addressed to a Young Lady
9437: Chaptal, John Antony [1756 - 1832] - CHYMISTRY [sic, i.e., Chemistry] APPLIED To AGRICULTURE
50426: Charles I [1625 - 1649] - The KINGS CABINET OPENED Or CERTAIN PACKETS Of SECRET LETTERS & PAPERS Written with the Kings own Hand and taken in his Cabinet at Nasby-Field June 14. 1645. By Victorious Sr. Thomas Fairfax.; Wherein many mysteries of State, tending to the Justification of that Cause, for which Sir Thomas Fairfax joyned battell that memorable day are clearly laid open; Together, with some Annotations thereupon. Published by Speciall [sic] Order of the Parliment
2740.6: Charles, Edwin [Grigsby, Charles E.]. [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870] - Subject. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith [1874 - 1936] - Contributor - SOME DICKENS WOMEN.; Foreword by G. K. Chesterton
45675: de Charms, Desiree; Breed, Paul F. - SONGS In COLLECTIONS.; An Index
28539: [Exhibition Catalogue]. Charon, Guy [b. 1927] - CHARON.; Preface by Jacques Dubois
43869: Charron, Pierre [1541 - 1603] - De La SAGESSE TROIS LIVRES [bound with] TRAICTE De SAGESS, Composé par Pierre Charron ..
17293: Alain [Emil-Augueste Chartier] - NOEL.; Translated by Richard Pevear
36161: Chase, Dormer Augustus. Phinney, Frank Denison [1857 - 1922] - ANGLO-BURMESE HAND-BOOK; or, Guide to a Practical Knowledge of the Burmese Language
37930: Chatton, Ray. Walt Disney Studio - Illustrations - WALT DISNEY'S JIMINY CRICKET MAGIC SLATE. Safety Activities
22966: Chatwin, Bruce - The VICEROY Of OUIDAH
50653: Chaucer, Geoffrey [c. 1343 - 1400]. Krapp, George Philip - Editor - TROILUS And CRESSIDA. Rendered into Modern English Verse by George Philp Krapp
34989: The Chevalier de Chaumont And The ABBE DE CHOISY. Smithies, Michael - Editor and Translator - ASPECTS Of The EMBASSY TO SIAM 1685 Being Alexandre de Chaumont Relation of the Embassy to Siam 1685 and Francois- Timoleon de Choisy Memoranda on Religion and Commerce in Siam and Reflections on the Embassy to Siam
36990: Chauncy, Charles [1705 - 1787] - FIVE DISSERTATIONS On The SCRIPTURE ACCOUNT Of The FALL; And Its CONSEQUENCES
16840: Cheetham, Nicolas - KEEPERS Of The KEYS. A History of the Popes from St. Peter to John Paul II
15702: Cheever, John - The WAPSHOT SCANDAL
49616: Cheiro - CHEIRO'S LANGUAGE Of The HAND. A Complete Practical Work on the Sciences of Cheirognomy and Cheiromancy, Containing the System, Rules and Experience of Cheiro
45253: [Temperance] - Cherrington, Ernest H. (1877 - 1950) - EDUCATION AGAINST ALCOHOLISM.; A Report and Preview of Educative Effort Against Alcoholism Through the Organized Efforts of the World League Against Alcoholism and the Department of Education of the Anti-Saloon League of America
20591: Chesbro, George C. - VEIL
38686: Chesbro, George C. - SHADOW Of A BROKEN MAN
25406.1: [Chesney, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir George Tomkyns] - The BATTLE Of DORKING. Reminiscences of a Volunteer. From Blackwood's Magazine May 1871
14133: Chesney, Marion - MARRYING HARRIET. A Novel of Regency England.; Being the Sixth Volume of 'The School for Manners'
49146: Chesson, Mrs. W. H. (Nora Hopper) - The BELL And The ARROW. An English Love Story
9071: [Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of. 1694 - 1773].  - An APOLOGY For A LATE RESIGNATION: In A Letter From an English Gentleman to his Friend at the Hague.; [ Price One Shilling. ]
27923: Chevalier, Michael [1806 - 1879]. Bradford, T. G. - Translator - SOCIETY, MANNERS And POLITICS In The UNITED STATES: Being a Series of Letters on North America. Translated from the Third Paris Edition
9272.1: Chevalier, Maurice - I REMEMBER IT WELL.; Preface by Marcel Pagnol of the Académie Française. Translated from the French by Cornelia HIgginson
51079: [History of Technology / History of Chicago] - STEREOVIEW. Interior Water Works, Showing Engines. No. 117
32529: Chielens, Edward E. - Editor - AMERICAN LITERARY MAGAZINES. The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
37132: Dai-Chien, Chang [also Zhang, Daqian. 1899 - 1983] - Subject. Ling-mai, Kao - Editor. Hsin-nung, Yao - English Text - CHANG DAI-CHIEN'S PAINTINGS. With 130 Reproductions of the Master's Paintings Since 1944
6569: (Childrens) - ANIMAL PETS
7744: [Childrens] - A B C ALPHABET BOOK
25613: [Childrens] - MEMORIAL DAYS Of The CHAUTAUQUA LITERARY And SCIENTIFIC CIRCLE. The Chautauqua Text-Books. No. 7
2363.2: [Childrens] - The FARM
20435: [Childrens] - MY ABC Of ANIMALS
9770: [Childrens] - The HISTORY Of The SEIGE And DESTRUCTION Of JERUSALEM: Collected From the Works of Josephius and Other Historians.; Including the History of Jerusalem, with the Final Destruction Thereof by Vespasian and Titus
14682: [Childrens] - TALES Of The JUNGLE. Father Tuck's 'Alphabet' Series
10196: Childress, Mark - CRAZY In ALABAMA
13030: Childress, Mark - TENDER
13031: Childress, Mark - V For VICTOR
45234: [Temperance] - Childs, L. D. - FREEDOM'S FETTERS.; From Speeches of The Flying Squadron
49561: [Photographer Trade Card]. Childs, R. H. - R. H. CHILDS' UNION ART GALLERY; 73 Main Street, Taunton, The Cheapest Place for Ambrotypes and Photographs, Only 15 Cts
12001: Chinn, Laurene - MARCUS. A Novel of the Youngest Disciple
14774: Chislett, Wiliam Jr. - MODERNS And NEAR-MODERNS. Essays on Henry James, Stockton, Shaw, and Others
47989: Chorley, Henry F[othergill. 1808 - 1872] - THIRTY YEARS' MUSICAL RECOLLECTIONS. In Two Volumes
36024: Chourlet, Celine [b. 1969] - CHOURLET
34850: Chowdhury, Siddharth - PATNA ROUGHCUT
34589: Chrisman, Mariam Usher - BIBLIOGRAPHY Of STRASBOURG IMPRINTS, 1480 - 1599
21680.1: Christian, Deborah - MAINLINE
48115: Christie, Thomas [1761 - 1796] - LETTERS On The REVOLUTION In FRANCE, And on the New Constitution Established by the National Assembly:; Occasioned by the Publications of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, M. P. and Alexander de Calonne, Late Minister of State. To Which is Added, An Appendix, Containing Original Papers and Authentic Documents Relative to the Affairs of France, Addressed to Sir John Sinclair, Bart. M. P. by Thomas Christie. Part I.
38029: Christie, A. V. - NINE SKIES. The National Poetry Series
3006.3: [Christy, Howard Chandler - Illustrator]. Riley, James Whitcomb [1849 - 1916] - An OLD SWEETHEART Of MINE
2842.1: [Christy, Howard Chandler - Illustrator]. Howells, W[illiam]. D[ean. 1837 - 1920] - HEROINES Of FICTION
41316: Christy, S. B. - BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE Of JOSEPH Le CONTE. A Paper Read Before the American Institute of Mining Engineers, at the Mexican Meeting, November 1901
25754: [Christy, Howard Chandler]. Johnson, Owen [1878 - 1952] - The WOMAN GIVES. A Story of Regeneration
13858: [Russian Literature]. Chukovskaya, Lydia - The DESERTED HOUSE.; Translated by Aline B. Werth
0154: Qui Chung, Ly - ed - BETWEEN TWO FIRES: The Unheard Voices of Vietnam
36962: Published by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Congregational Church - STOUGHTON COOK BOOK. Compiled from Receipts Gathered from Ladies of Unquestioned Ability in Ministering to the "Creature Comforts of Man." 1889
48230: Church, A[rthur]. H[erbert. 1834 - 1915] - CORINIUM MUSEUM. A Guide to the Museum of Roman Remains at Cirencester
41501: [Advertising Brochure]. Heck Church, Frank Crane, George Gibson & George Swain - Contributors - SAN FRANCISCO AMBASSADOR HOTEL. Eddy and Mason Sts. 200 Car Garage Under Same Roof
39713: Ladies of Saint Anselm's Church - San Anselmo ..... Cook - Book
47696: Church, A. H. - PRECIOUS STONES Considered in Their Scientific and Artistic Relations.; With a Catalogue of the Townshend Collection of Gems in the South Kensington Museum
36283: [Churchill, Winston S. 1874 - 1965]. Berlin, Isaiah - MR CHURCHILL In 1940
16528: Churchman, Deborah - CROSS A DARK BRIDGE
4497.1: Cibber, Colley [1671 - 1757]. Bellchambers, Edmund - Editor & Contributor. Cavendish-Bentinck, William John Arthur Charles James, 6th Duke of Portland [1857 - 1943] - Fprmer Owner - An APOLOGY For The LIFE Of MR. COLLEY CIBBER, Comedian and Patentee of the Theatre Royal. Written by Himself; and Interspersed with Characters and Antedotes of his Theatrical Cotemporaries;; The Whole Forming a Complete History of the Stage for the Space of Forty Years. With Many Critical and Explanatory Notices; by Edmund Bellchambers
34041: Cicale, Annie - The ART & CRAFT Of HAND LETTERING. Techniques Projects Inspiration
32036: Cicero, Marcus Tullius [106 BC - 43 BC]. Smart, John G. - Editor - M. T. CICERONIS. Quaedam Selectae, in USUM Delphini, cum Interpretatione et Variantibus Aliquot per Singulas Orationes Lectionibus. Quibus Praefigitur Vita Ciceronis per Annos Consulares Digesta. In this Edition are Introduced All the Valuable Notes of the Dauphin Edition Translated into English, Selections from Duncan and Other Commentators, and Original Observations; Also Translations of the Notes from Asconius, P. Manutius, & c, on Three of the Orations. By John G. Smart
21870: [Children's Book Reference]. [Gumuchian & Cie] - Les LIVRES De L'ENFANCE Du XVe Au XIXe SIECLE.; Preface de Paul Gavault
50908: Cieradkowski, Gary Joseph - The LEAGUE Of OUTSIDER BASEBALL
45820: [Restaurant Menu - Cincinnati] - GIBSON HOUSE.; Table D'Hote Dinner 6 to 7:30 P.M.
45078: [Trade circular] - CALYTON'S PATENT TILE MACHINE
45055: [Trade circular] - EXCELSIOR VEGETABLE CUTTER
30078: [Medical]. Cirillo, Dominique. Auber, Charles-Edouard - TRAITE COMPLET Et OBSERVATIONS PRATIQUES Sur Les MALADIES VENERIENNES, ou Nouvelle Methode de Guerir Radicalement la Syphilis la Plus Inveteree. Par Le Dr. Dominique Cirillo. Traduit de L'Italien, Avec des Notes. Par Charles - Edouard Auber
48402: Cisin, Harry G. [b. 1892] - HOME TV TROUBLE TRACER. Find It and Fix It Yourself
36825: Clahoun, James S. [1803 - 1852]. Abel, Annie Heloise - Editor - The OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE Of JAMES S. CALHOUN While Indian Agent at Santa Fe and Superintendent of Indian Affairs in New Mexico
25519: St. Clair, Victor [pseudonym of George Waldo Brown 1851 - 1930] - For HOME And HONOR or A Brave Boy's Battles
40073: [Wine]. Hotel Sainte Claire, San Jose, CA - WINE LIST Of The HOTEL SAINTE CLAIRE. San Jose, Calif
6955: de Clairmont, Col. R. - REFORM. An Essay on the Political, Financial and Social Condition of the Unite States. Showing Dangers, Defects and Remedies
6010: Clancy, Tom - The CARDINAL of the KREMLIN
6252: Clancy, Tom - The SUM Of All FEARS
39997: Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of [1609 - 1674]. Capell, Algernon, 2nd Earl of Essex [1670 - 1710] -Former Owner - A FULL ANSWER To An INFAMOUS And TRAYTEROUS [sic] PAMPHLET, Entituled, [A Declaration of the Commons of England in Parliament Assembled, Expressing their Reasons and Grounds of Passing the late Resolutions Touching No Further Addresse or Application to be Made to the King]
43598: Clark, Stephen Merrill [d. 1821] - Subject - EXECUTION Of STEPHEN MERRILL CLARK, Which Took Place on Winter Island, Salem, on Thursday, May 10, 1821. For the Crime of Arson
43494: Clark, George Rogers. Quaife, Milo Milton - Editor - The CONQUEST Of The ILLINOIS. The Lakeside Classics Series #18
48174: Hannam - Clark, Theodore - DRAMA In GLOUCESTERSHIRE (The Cotswold County); Some Account of Its Development from the Earliest Times till To-day
27124: [Anti-Slavery]. Clark, Daniel - SLAVERY EXTENSION And PROTECTION - Its Tendencies and Dangers. SPEECH Of HON. DANIEL CLARK, Of NEW HAMPSHIRE. Delivered in the Senate of of the United States, February 20, 1860
49822: [True Crime]. Clark, William A. - The GIRL On The VOLKSWAGEN FLOOR
35482: Clark, L[ewis]. Gaylord - KNICK - KNACKS From An EDITOR'S TABLE
38499: Clark, Robert A. & Brunet, Patrick J. - The ARTHUR H. CLARK COMPANY. A Bilbiography and History 1902 - 1992
34105.1: Clark, Galen [1814 - 1910] - The BIG TREES Of CALIFORNIA. Their History and Characteristics
6612.1: Clarke, J. Erskine - Founder - CHATTERBOX The King of Juveniles
50086: Clarke, Covington - MYSTERY FLIGHT Of The Q2
47891: Clarkson, Edward. Montgomery, Robert [1807 - 1855] - Subject. Byron - ROBERT MONTGOMERY And His REVIEWERS. With Some Remarks on the Present State of English Poetry, and on The Laws of Criticism
47147: Clater, Francis [1756 - 1823] - EVERY MAN His OWN CATTLE DOCTOR; or, A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Horned Cattle:; Being a Concise and Familiar Description of All the Diseases Incident to Oxen, Cows, and Sheep; With the most simple and effectual method of curing each Disorder, in all its various stages; and the most efficacious treatment of Cows, before, at, and after the time of calving; and also of Ewes during the lambing season
12257: Clausen, Jan - MOTHER, SISTER, DAUGHTER, LOVER. Stories
50999: Clavigero [also Clavijero], Francesco Saverio [1731 - 1878] - STORIA ANTICA Del MESSICO cavata da' migliori storici spagnuoli, e da' manoscritti, e dalle pitture antiche degl' Indiani; divisa in dieci libri ... e dissertazioni sulla terra, sugli animali, e sugli abitatori del Messico
861.2: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Calthrop, Dion Clayton and Max Pemberton - Editors - The DICKENS SOUVENIR Of 1912
50294: Cleave, Chris - LITTLE BEE
37675: Cleland, Robert Glass. Edited by John Russell McCarthy - PATHFINDERS Of The SERIES CALIFORNIA
8162: (Clemens, Samuel). Twain, Mark - ENGLISH As SHE Is TAUGHT. With a Biographical Sketch of the Author by Matthew Irving Lans
42999: Clément, Dr. J. - TABLE Des MATIERES Continues Dans les 21 Premiers Volumes de la Revue Occidentale (Mai 1878 à Janvier 1889)
48930: [British History]. Clement, Simon (c 1654 - c 1730) - Referred to - AN ANSWER To That PART Of The PAMPHLET ENTITUL'D, Faults on Both Sides, Which Relates to the Deficiency of the English Army in Spain, at the time of the Battle of Almanza.; Being the Substance of Her Majesty's Message to the House of Commons concerning it
13145: Clement, Cloara Erskine - NAPLES. The City of Parthenope and Its Environs
41472: [Cleveland, Grover & Thomas A. Hendricks - Subjects] - DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET. For President Grover Cleveland of New York. For Vice-President Thomas A. Hendricks of Indiana
33567: Cleverly, Barbara - The DAMASCENED BLADE
40606: [Rosamond Clifford, before 1150 - 1176] - HISTORY Of FAIR ROSAMOND, Otherwise Eleanor Clifford; and Her Royal Paramour, Henry the Second, King of England. With an Affecting Account of her Melancholy and Horrible Death, at the Hands of the Injured Queen Eleanor in the Bower of Woodstock
30495: Clise, Michele Durkson - OPHELIA'S WORLD or The Memoirs of a Parisian Shop Girl
37647: Clodfelter, Micheal - The PAWNS Of DISHONOR
16609: Cloete, Stuart - The HILL Of DOVES
50111: [Restaurant Menu]. Close, Sally - Host - WAGON WHEEL. Waikiki's Unique Garden Restaurant. Sunday, May 9, 1943
48829: Clough, Arthur Hugh [1819 - 1861]. Meade, L. T. [pseudonym of Smith, Elizabeth Thomasina Meade (1844 - 1914)] - Inscriber - SELECTIONS From the Poems of ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH
20999: [Exhibition catalogue - Grolier Club] - NINETEENTH CENTURY FICTION: Principally "Three Deckers."
43277: [Botanical / Promotional Material / L. Prang & Co.] - CHROMOLITHOGRAPH TRADE CARD With 1877 CALENDAR. Greives & Co. Decorative Florists. 1161 Broadway, Cor[ner]. 27th St. Importers and Growers of the choicest Exotic Plants and Flowers
41595: J. Chilcott & Co - [Facsimile Advertising Broadside]. J. CHILCOTT & CO., TAILORS, HABIT And BREECHES MAKERS, HOSIERS, HATTERS, &c. A Select Stock of Gentlemen's Hats from the Best Makers
41573: [Salesman's Fashion Sample Catalogue]. Chicago Patent Shirt Co. - HERE'S A REAL SHIRT. Chicago Patent Shirt Co. Cloth Sample Catalogue / Portfolio
41405: Walker Lithograph Co - WALKER'S VEST POCKET MAP Of BOSTON. Giving All Points of Interest with Every Railway and Steamboat Terminus
41026: [United States Print & Lithograph Co.] - MY DADDY BOUGHT ME A GOVERNMENT BOND Of The THIRD LIBERTY LOAN. World War I Poster
39924: Alex D. Shaw & Co., Inc - SIMPLE FACTS About WINES, SPIRITS, ALE And STOUT
22055: [Chevrolet Motor Co.] - INSTRUCTIONS For The OPERATION And CARE Of CHEVROLET MOTOR CARS. Universal Series A D. April 1, 1930
48078: Coale, Lieutenant Commander Griffith Baily, U. S. N. R. Benét, Stephen Vincent [1898 - 1943] - Contributor - NORTH ATLANTIC PATROL. The Log of a Seagoing Artist
33357: Cobb, Irvin S[hrewsbury. 1876 - 1944] - MANY LAUGHS For MANY DAYS. Another Year's Supply (365) of His Favorite Stories as Told by Irvin S. Cobb
33210: Cobb, Sylvanus, Jr. - The GUNMAKER Of MOSCOW or Vladimir the Monk
5609.1: Cobb, Frank - BATTLING the CLOUDS. Aviator Series No 1
50588: Cobb, Irvin S[hrewsbury 1876 - 1944]. Cohen, Aveve "Viv" Brown [1909 - 2001] - Former Owner - GOIN' On FOURTEEN. Being Cross-Sections Out of a Year in the Life of an Average Boy
31485: Cobb, Irvin S[hrewsbury. 1876 - 1944] - OLD JUDGE PRIEST
35522: Cobb, Irvin S[hrewsbury 1876 - 1944]. Newell, Peter [Sheaf Hersey 1862 - 1924] - Illustrator - COBB'S ANATOMY
39163: [California History]. Cobb, H. A. - Acutioneer - OAKLAND PROPERTY. 150 LOTS in the Whitcher Tract to be Sold at Auction on Friday 24th December 1869 at Sale Room 327 Montgomery St. by Maurice Dore & Co
1115: Cobb, Frank - DANGEROUS DEEDS. Aviator Series No. 3
30601: [Cobbett, William. 1762 - 1835] - COBBETT'S WEEKLY REGISTER. Vol. 43 - No. 8. Saturday, Aug. 24, 1822
30602: [Cobbett, William. 1762 - 1835] - COBBETT'S WEEKLY REGISTER. Vol. 40 - No. 6. Saturday, Aug. 25, 1821
28759: Cobbett, William [1762 - 1835] - ELEMENTS Of REFORM, or An Account of the Motives and Intentions of the Advocates for Parliamentary Reformation
38470: Cobbett, William [1763 - 1835] - COBBETT'S LEGACY To PARSONS, Or Have the Clergy of the Established Church an Equitable Right to the Tithes, or to Any Other Thing Called Church Property, Greater than the Dissenters Have to the Same? And Ought There, or Ought There Not, to be a Separation of the Church from the State? In Six Letters, Addressed to the Church Parsons in General, Including the Cathedral and College Clergy and the Bishops with a Dedication to Blomfield, Bishop of London. Bound with: COBBETT'S LEGACY To LABOURERS; Or, What is the Right Which the Lords, Baronets, and Squires Have to the Lands of England? In Six Letters, Addressed to the Working People of ENgland with a Dedication to Sir Robert Peel, Bart
13447: Cobbett, William [1762 - 1835] - A GRAMMAR Of The ENGLISH LANGUAGE In a Series of Letters.; Intended for the Use of Schools and of Young Persons in general; but, more Especially for the Use of Soldiers, Sailors, Apprentices, and Plough-boys
13402: Cobbett, William [1762 - 1835] - TWELVE SERMONS
48318: Cobbold, Rev. Richard - MARY ANNE WELLINGTON, The Soldier's Daughter, Wife, and Widow. In Three Volumes
35012: Cobbold, The Rev. Richard [1797 - 1877]. Cobbold, Robert Russell [1853 - 1925] - Former Owner - VALENTINE VERSES; or, Lines of Truth, Love, and Virtue
18839: Coblentz, Stanton A. - MARCHING MEN. The Story of War
50116: Cobley, Evelyn - REPRESENTING WAR. Form and Ideology in First World War Narratives
35121: Cochran, Doris M[able] [1898 - 1968] - The HERPETOLOGY Of HISPANIOLA. United States National Museum Bulletin 177
26513: Cockton, Henry [1807 - 1853] - The LIFE And ADVENTURES Of VALENTINE VOX, The Ventriloquist
44556: [Menu / Cape Cod] - LANDFALL
36105: Cody, W.M. F. - GOLD BULLET SPORT; or The Knight of the Overland. Beadle's Dime New York Library. Vol. VII. No. 83
12218: Cohen, Stephen Paul - HEARTLESS
38562: Cohen, Janet - ESTIMATING PITCH LOCATION. 1991 - 1996
28066: [Law]. Coke, Edw[ard. 1552 - 1634] - The SECOND PART Of The INSTITUTES Of The LAWS Of ENGLAND. Containing the Exposition of many ancient, and other Statutes; Whereof you may see the Particulars in a Table following
25321: Colasanti, Arduino - L'ANIENE
43609: Colbatch, John [c. 1666 - 1729] - A RELATION Of A VERY SUDDEN And EXTRAORDINARY CURE Of A PERSON BITTEN By A VIPER, by the Means of Acids. Together with Some Remarks upon Dr. Tuthill's Vindication of His Objections against the Doctrine of Acids. Wherein are contained several things in order to further clearing of the said Doctrine
37161: Colbert, E.D., Barrows, D.B., McKenney, Wesley - IN The SENATE Of The UNITED STATES. REPORT Of The COMMISSION To The FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES

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