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48713: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - A TALE Of TWO CITIES.; Petersons' Uniform Edition of Charles Dickens' Works. Complete in One Volume. Price Fifty Cents
15682: [Dickens, Charles] - MRS. GAMP
15632: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Sanders, Andrew - Editor - The DICKENSIAN. Volume 79
51473: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - The POSTHUMOUS PAPERS of The PICKWICK CLUB: Containing a Faithful Record of the Perambulations, Perils, Adventures and Sporting Transactions of the Corresponding Members. Edited by "Boz." Part Third
906.3: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Dickens, Mamie; Hogarth, Georgina - Editors - The LETTERS Of CHARLES DICKENS. Edited by his Sister-in-Law and Eldest Daughter. In Two [Three] Volumes
3464.1: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - The POSTHUMOUS PAPERS Of The PICKWICK CLUB
0261.3: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Newman, S. J. - DICKENS At PLAY
10223.1: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Fette, W. Eliot - DIALOGUES From DICKENS. Second Series. Dialogues and Dramas
12964.1: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. By "Boz" - OLIVER TWIST; or, The Parish Boy's Progress
27400: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - STORIES From The CHRISTMAS NUMBERS
1550: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Haines, Charles - CHARLES DICKENS
1549.4: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Darwin, Bernard - Editor - The DICKENS ADVERTISER. A Collection of the Advertisements in the Original Parts of Novels by Charles Dickens
1548.1: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Crotch, W. Walter - The SECRET Of DICKENS
1548.2: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Crotch, W. Walter - THE SECRET OF DICKENS
1547.4: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Kent, Charles [1823 - 1902] - Compiler - The HUMOUR And PATHOS Of CHARLES DICKENS. With Illustrations of His Mastery of the Terrible and the Picturesque. Selected by Charles Kent
9852: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Fitzgerald, Percy [1834 - 1925] - RECREATIONS Of A LITERARY MAN, or, Does Writing Pay
1531: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Lambert, Samuel W. - WHEN Mr. PICKWICK WENT FISHING
1525.1: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Hobsbaum, Philip - A READER'S GUIDE To CHARLES DICKENS
6176.1: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - OLD CURIOSITY SHOP.; From 'T. B. Peterson's Uniform Edition of Charles Dickens' Works'
1516.4: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Welsh, Alexander - The CITY Of DICKENS
7160: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Wilkins, William Glyde - SOME LETTERS Of CHARLES DICKENS
7161.1: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Jaques, E. T. - CHARLES DICKENS In CHANCERY Being an Account of His Proceedings in Respect of the 'Christmas Carol' With Some Gossip in Relation to the Old Law Courts at Westminster
1082.3: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Dexter, Walter - MR. PICKWICK'S PILGRIMAGES
44364: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Waterhouse, Keith; Hall, Willis - Adapted by. Coe, Peter - Director - PICKWICK. The New Musical Comedy.; Based on Dickens' Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
1504.2: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Warner, Slyvia Townsend - Compiler - The WEEK-END DICKENS.; Being Selected Passages from the Works of Charles Dickens with an Introductory Essay by Slyvia Townsend Warner
15028: [Dickens, Charles] - From The BLACK ROCKS, On FRIDAY. A Northland Story. [and] A GOLD DIGGER'S NOTES. Otago in the Gold Rush.; Foreword by Professor W. P. Morrell. Introduction by A. H. Reed
37935: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - SKETCHES By BOZ. Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People. New Edition, Complete
9289: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Shepherd, Richard Herne - Editor - The SPEECHES Of CHARLES DICKENS [1841 - 1870].; With a Preface & New, Revised & Enlarged Bibliography
9289.1: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Shepherd, Richard Herne - Editor - The SPEECHES Of CHARLES DICKENS [1841 - 1870].; With a Preface & New, Revised & Enlarged Bibliography
27559.1: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - The LIFE And ADVENTURES Of NICHOLAS NICKLEBY. By Charles Dickens (Boz)
0081: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Nicoll, W. Robertson - The PROBLEM of EDWIN DROOD: A Study in the Methods of Dickens
0081.1: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Nicoll, W. Robertson - The PROBLEM Of EDWIN DROOD: A Study in the Methods of Dickens
34488: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - The IVY GREEN. Illustrated
3784.1: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Clark, Cumberland - DICKENS' LONDON. A Lantern Lecture
34449: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. McNulty, J. H. - The RETURN Of MR. PICKWICK.; Zabriskie, Geo A. - Designer
34427: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. 'By BOZ' - The LIFE And ADVENTURES Of MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT, His Relatives, Friends and Enemies: Comprising His Wills and His Ways: With an Historical Record of What He Did, and What He Didn't: Showing, Moreover, Who Inherited the Family Plate, Who Came in for the Silver Spoons, and Who for the Wooden Ladles. The Whole Forming a Complete Key to the House of Chuzzlewit. Edited by Boz. In Two Volumes
14697.3: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - Editor - The HOUSEHOLD NARRATIVE Of CURRENT EVENTS 1850 - 1851. Being a Supplement to Household Words
1469.4: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Pope, Norris - DICKENS And CHARITY
3436: [Royal Doulton Mug]. Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - SAREY GAMP. Character from Martin Chuzzlewit
14174.2: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Cooper, James Fenimore [1789 - 1851] - The PUBLIC LIFE Of MR. TULRUMBLE, Once Mayor of Mudfog. By Boz. With Other Tales and Sketches, from Bentley's Miscellany, and the Library of Fiction
51374: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870] - Subject. Nelson, Harland S. - CHARLES DICKENS. Twayne's English Author Series
8016.1: [Dickens, Charles. 182 - 1870]. Ley, J. W. T. - The DICKENS CIRCLE. A Narrative of the Novelist's Friendships
8519: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Matz, B. W. - Editor - The DICKENSIAN. Volume Four
51504: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870] - Subject. Ley, J[ames]. W[illiam]. T[homas] - CHRISTMAS In DICKENSLAND. A Reverie
34265.9: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Forster, John [1812 - 1876] - The LIFE Of CHARLES DICKENS
51298: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]; Collins, Wilkie [1834 - 1889] - Inspiration. Sly, Joseph - The BRIDE And BRIDAL CHAMBER; Extracts from "The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices," by Mr. Charles Dickens.; Presented by Joseph Sly, King's Arms Hotel, Lancaster. Relating to Mr Charles Dickens's Visit to Lancaster. [Wrapper title]
34205: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Lehmann, R. C. - CHARLES DICKENS As EDITOR. Being Letters Written by Him to William Henry Wills His Sub-Editor
1359.4: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Smith, Mabell S. C. - Editor - STUDIES In DICKENS. Chautauqua Home Reading Series
34201: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Mason, Thomas - Compiler - CHIPS From DICKENS. Selected by Thomas Mason
37593: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - The OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, and Other Tales. With Numerous Illustrations by Cattermole, Browne, and Sibson
39958.1: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Hullah, John Pyke [1812 - 1884]. Dexter, Walter [1877 - 1944] - Editor & Publisher - DICKENS'S CORRESPONDENCE With JOHN HULLAH. Hitherto Unpublished From the Collection of Count de Suzannet
869: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Kitton, F. G. - Contributor - To Be READ At DUSK. And Other Stories, Sketches and Essays. Now First Collected
10720.2: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Cary, Thomas G[reaves. 1791 - 1859] - LETTER To A LADY In FRANCE On The SUPPOSED FAILURE Of A NATIONAL BANK, The SUPPOSED DELINQUENCY Of The NATIONAL GOVERNMENT, The Debts of the Several States, and Repudiation; with Answers to Enquiries Concerning the Books of Capt. Marryat and Mr. Dickens
37567: Dickens, Charles - The LIFE And ADVENTURES Of NICHOLAS NICKLEBY. Arundel Library: 25 cent Semi-Weekly
3715.13: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Halliday [Duff], Andrew [1830 - 1877]. Stretton, Hesba [pseudonym of Smith, Sarah. 1832 - 1911]. Collins, Charles Allston [1827 - 1876]. Edwards, Amelia Ann Blandford [1831 - 1892] - MUGBY JUNCTION. The Extra Christmas Number of All The Year Round, Conducted by Charles Dickens, for Christmas, 1866
9853.2: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - Editor - The HOUSEHOLD NARRATIVE Of CURRENT EVENTS, (For The Year 1850).; Being a Monthly Supplement to Household Words, Conducted by Charles Dickens
13449.1: Dickens, Charles - Editor - The HOUSEHOLD NARRATIVE Of CURRENT EVENTS 1851.; Being a Supplement to Household Words
13394.1: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - HUNTED DOWN: A Story. With Some Account of Thomas Griffiths Wainewright, the Poisoner
13394.2: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - HUNTED DOWN: A Story. With Some Account of Thomas Griffiths Wainewright, the Poisoner. Extra-Illustrated
44148: [Dickens in Translation]. Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Lajos, Mikes [1872 - 1930] - Translator - KIS DORRIT [LITTLE DORRIT]. Fordította Mikes Lajos
44149: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - HUNTED DOWN; And Other Reprinted Pieces
51371: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Higgie, Thomas [1808? - 1893] & Lacy, Thomas Hailes [1809 - 1873] - MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT; or, His Wills and His Ways, What He Did, and What He Didn't. A Domestic Drama, in Three Acts, Founded on Charles Dickens's popular Story. Lacy's Acting Edition. 330
37512: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - SKETCHES By BOZ, Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People
34120: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Mitton, Thomas [1812 - 1878]. Johnson, Edgar - Contributor - DICKENS In ITALY. A Letter to Thomas Mitton Written in 1844 and Now First Published for the First Time.; Introduction by Edgar Johnson
3411.1: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Fruttero, Carlo & Franco Lucentini - THE D CASE, or The Truth About the Mystery of Edwin Drood.; Translated from the Italian by Gregory Dowling
47646: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - The OLD CURIOSITY SHOP And Other Tales [with second t.p. of] MASTER HUMPHREY'S CLOCK. By Charles Dickens, (Boz.)
10618: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - Subject. McGowan, John P. - 'David Copperfield: The Trial of Realism' [as published in] NINETEENTH CENTURY FICTION. Vol 34. No 1
45485: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - Subject. Holmes, Oliver Wendell [1809 - 1894]. White, E[dward]. L[ittle. 1809 - 1851] - The STARS THEIR EARLY VIGILS KEEP, SONG. As Sung at the Complimentary Dinner to Charles Dickens Esq.; Written by Dr. O W. Holmes. Adapted to the favourite Scotch Air Gramachree. With Symphonies & Accompaniments by E. L. White
13139.1: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - A CHILD'S HISTORY Of ENGLAND
34037: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Williams, Emlyn - EMLYN WILLIAMS As CHARLES DICKENS. Portrait Photograph
819.5: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Smith, Harry B. - Editor - The DICKENS - KOLLE LETTERS
819.6: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Smith, Harry B. - Editor - The DICKENS - KOLLE LETTERS
819.3: Dickens, Charles - The DICKENS - KOLLE LETTERS.; Harry B. Smith - ed
819.1: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Smith, Harry B. - Editor - The DICKENS - KOLLE LETTERS
33607.1: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Darley, F[elix]. O[ctavius]. C[arr. 1822 - 1888]; Gilbert, John [1817 - 1897] - Illustrators.  - DOMBEY And SON. Works of Charles Dickens. Household Edition
697.7: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Storey, Graham; Tillotson, Kathleen & House, Madeline - Editors - The LETTERS Of CHARLES DICKENS. The Pilgrim Edition. Volume Three: 1842 - 1843
37322: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Klein, Shelley - Compiler & Editor - The WICKED WIT Of CHARLES DICKENS. Compiled, Edited and Introduced by Shelley Klein
12930: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Spence, Gordon - CHARLES DICKENS As A FAMILIAR ESSAYIST
32234.2: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Clark, Cumberland - CHARLES DICKENS And The YORKSHIRE SCHOOLS With His Letter to Mrs. Hall
10176.6: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - CHRISTMAS STORIES. The Nine Christmas Numbers of All The Year Round, Conducted by Charles Dickens
9692: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Canning, Hon. Albert S. G. - LITERARY INFLUENCE In BRITISH HISTORY. A Historical Sketch
10613: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Browne, Hablot K. & R. Young - DOMBEY And SON. The Four Portraits of EDITH, FLORENCE, ALICE, And LITTLE PAUL. Engraved Under the Superintendence of R. Young and H. K. Browne. From Designs by Hablot K. Browne. And Published with the Sanction of Mr. Charles Dickens
10613.1: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Browne, Hablot K[night. 1815 - 1882]. Young, R. - DOMBEY And SON. The Four Portraits of EDITH, FLORENCE, ALICE, And LITTLE PAUL. Engraved Under the Superintendence of R. Young and H. K. Browne. From Designs by Hablot K. Browne. And Published with the Sanction of Mr. Charles Dickens
51512: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. Beard, Jane - Photographer - CARTE De VISITE [CDV] PHOTOGRAPH [Albumen]
9678: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Johnson, Charles Plumptre - HINTS To COLLECTORS Of ORIGINAL EDITIONS Of The WORKS Of CHARLES DICKENS
9678.2: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Johnson, Charles Plumptre - HINTS To COLLECTORS Of ORIGINAL EDITIONS Of The WORKS Of CHARLES DICKENS
33599: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Sibson, Thomas - ILLUSTRATIONS Of MASTER HUMPHREY'S CLOCK In Seventy Plates, Designed and Etched on Steel. By Thomas Sibson. The Old Curiosity Shop. -- Barnaby Rudge
2662.4: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - Subject - DICKENS CRITICISM: Past, Present, and Future Directions. A Symposium
7287: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] & Others; [Mrs. Craik]; Sala, George Augustus [Henry. 1828 - 1895] - TOM TIDDLER'S GROUND. A Christmas Budget. [bound with] NOTHING NEW. Tales. [bound with] The SEVEN SONS Of MAMMON
4296.47: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Podeschi, John B. - Compiler - DICKENS And DICKENSIANA: A Catalogue of the Richard Gimbel Collection in the Yale University Library
31725: Dickey, James - ALNILAM
31098: [Dickey, James. 1923 - 1997]. Bruccoli, Matthew J. & Judith S. Baughman - JAMES DICKEY. A Descriptive Bibliography.; Foreword by James Dickey
504: [Baseball]. Dickey, Glenn - The GREAT NO HITTERS.; Foreword by Jim "Catfish" Hunter
46157: Dickie, Helen M. McInroy, I. G. - Contributor - POCKET BOOK On TRAY And TROLLEY SETTING.; Foreword by McInroy, I. G.
6643: [Dickinson, Emily]. Clendenning, Sheila T. - EMILY DICKINSON. A Bibliography: 1850 - 1966
39519: Dickinson, E. & E. L. Lomax - Contributors - SIGHTS And SCENES In CALIFORNIA For The TOURIST
13777: [Dickinson, Emily. 1830 - 1886]. Cady, Edwin H. & Budd, Louis J. - Editors - On DICKINSON. The Best from American Literature
48361: Dickinson, Anna E[lizabeth. 1842 - 1932] - CARTE - De - VISITE [CDV]
29283: Dickson, Lovat - The HOUSE Of WORDS
49741: Didier, Charles Peale - Compiler - 'TWIXT CUPID & CROESUS or The Exhibits in an Attachment Suit.; To the Sweetest Girl in the World
28244: Diefendorf, Elizabeth - Editor - The New York Public Library's BOOKS Of The CENTURY
47055: Diego, Gerardo [1896 - 1987] - PAISAJE Con FIGURAS
22478: Dilke, Charles Wentworth [1843 - 1911] - GREATER BRITAIN: A Record of Travel in English-Speaking Countries During 1866 and 1867
33345: Dillard, Philip H. - HOW QUAINT The WAYS Of PARADOX! An Annotated Gilbert & Sullivan Bibliography
35292: [Publication Prospectus]. Dillion, Richard H - Introduction - ARTFUL DEEDS. In The Life of The Felon, Grovenor Layton... A Tale of the California Gold Rush
41445: Conrad Dillon, Robert Rae, John T. Rae - Contributors - The WORLD'S TEMPERANCE CONGRESS. London, 9th to 16th June, 1900
35286: [Club Memento]. Dillon, Richard H. - AL SHUMATE, BOOKMAN. 1904 - 1998
13021: Dillon, Richard H. - MERIWETHER LEWIS. A Biography
46384: Dilts, Marion May - The PAGEANT Of JAPANESE HISTORY.; Illustrated by Photogravures from Japanese Art and Drawings by Toyojiro Onishi
17127: Dimbleby, David & Reynolds, David - An OCEAN APART. The Relationship Between Britain and America in the Twentieth Century
44207: [Architecture / England]. Dimock, Arthur - The CATHEDRAL CHURCH Of SAINT PAUL. An Account of the Old and New Buildings with a Short Historical Sketch
16978: DiMona, Joseph - To The EAGLE'S NEST
47645: Dimond, Mr. [William. fl 1800 - 1830]. Attwood, Thomas [1765 - 1838] - Composer.  - The SEA - SIDE STORY, An Operatic Drama, in Two Acts; as Now Performing at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, with Most General and Distinguished Applause.; The Music Composed by Mr. Attwood
32855: Dinesen, Isak - EHRENGARD
12331.1: Dinesen, Isak - EHRENGARD
41263: Dinesen, Isak. [pseudonym of Karen von Blixen- Finecke (1885 - 1962)] - LAST TALES
51274.3: Dingman, Larry [1937 - 2010] - POSTER. Classic Bookseller's Book Description
35077: Dingman, Larry - Text. Grajczyk, Chris - Photographer - HOUSEHOLD REMEDYS
35739: Dionne, Dr. N. E. - 1879 - 1909 TRAVAUX HISTORIQUES Publies Depuis Trente Ans Par
10819: DiPego, Gerald - CHEEVEY
41639: [Theatre Playbill]. Hooton Printing Establishment - F. A. Searle. W. H. Smith - Stage Manager. H. Eckhardt - Musical Director - SPECIAL NOTICE! To Concentrate the Interest of the Public Upon this Illustration of the Home Scenes of a Life of a Politician! First Nights of Batkins at Home Or --- Life in Cranberry Centre. Boston Museum
32823: [County Directory] - The FARM JOURNAL ILLUSTRATED DIRECTORY Of MERCER COUNTY OHIO (With a Complete Road Map of the County)
50153: [California City Directory] - OAKLAND BERKELEY : : ALAMEDA CITY DIRECTORY 1922.; Comprising an Alphabetically Arranged List of Business Firms and Private Citizens of Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda, Piedmont, Emeryville and San Leandro, a Directory of the City and County Officers, Churches, Public and Private Schools, Benevolent, Literary and other Associations, Incorporated Institutions, Etc.
50152: [California City Directory] - POLK-HUSTED DIRECTORY CO'S FRESNO CITY And FRESNO COUNTY DIRECTORY 1916. Volume IX.; Comprising an Alphabetically Arranged List of Business Firms, Professional Men and Private Citizens, an Improved Stree Guide, a Thorough County Directory and Rural Free Delivery Routes, a Complete Householders Guide and a a Classified Business Directory "The Buyers' Guide"
40081: [19th C. City Directory] - MOBILE DIRECTORY And COMMERCIAL SUPPLEMENT, For 1855--6, Embracing the Names of Firms, the Individuals Composing Them, Householders and Freeholders Generally, with the City Limits, Alphabetically Arranged, Also A Synopsis of the History of Mobile, and a Variety of Local, Official and Statistical Intelligence, Advertisements, &c
39327: [California Directory] - BERKELEY BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY With Numerical Telephone Listings. January, 1934
39159.1: [City Directory] - "VADE MECUM" MANUAL Of OAKLAND, BERKELEY And ALAMEDA With New Departure Street Maps, Rail Maps. Up-to-Date Time Tables. Road, Rail and Water Distances. Official Directory State, County and Muncipal. Also Churches, Schools, Hospitals, Public Buildings
39159: [City Directory] - "VADE MECUM" MANUAL Of OAKLAND, BERKELEY And ALAMEDA With New Departure Street Maps, Rail Maps. Up-to-Date Time Tables. Road, Rail and Water Distances. Official Directory State, County and Muncipal. Also Churches, Schools, Hospitals, Public Buildings
39100: [California City Directory] - MONTCLAIR DIRECTORY. 1947
15394: [Trade Directory] - OFFICIAL TRADES And LABOR DIRECTORY Of MINNESOTA. 1894 - 95.; Containing an Accurate Roster of the Subordinate Organizations, with Place and Time of Meeting; Corresponding Secretaries and their Addresses; National Headquarters of All Labor Unions, and Interesting Articles by Labor Leaders
37798: [Business Directory] - A DIRECTORY Of KYOTO And Its TRADERS
20523: Disney, Walt [1901 - 1966] - The GOLDEN TOUCH
16512: Disney, Walt - PLUTO The PUP. A Walt Disney Picture Book
38963: Disraeli, Benjamin [1804 - 1881] - VIVIAN GREY. Parts I & II (Part II in 2 Volumes)
50353: Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee - ONE AMAZING THING
5445.3: Dixon, Franklin W. - The SHORT-WAVE MYSTERY. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #24
5436.3: Dixon, Franklin W. Laune, Paul - Illustrator - The TWISTED CLAW. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #18
5435.1: Dixon, Franklin W. - The SECRET Of The OLD MILL. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #3
3249.6: Dixon, Franklin W. - The GREAT AIRPORT MYSTERY. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #9
5444.3: Dixon, Franklin W. - The PHANTOM FREIGHTER. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #26
28478.1: Dixon, Franklin W. - The CLUE In The EMBERS. The Hardy Boys Series #35
5422.8: Dixon, Franklin W. - The HOUSE On The CLIFF. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #2
5683.3: Dixon, Franklin W. - The CRISSCROSS SHADOW. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #32
3191.3: Dixon, Franklin W. - The SIGN Of The CROOKED ARROW. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #28
31760: Dixon, Franklin W. - The GHOST At SKELETON ROCK. The Hardy Boys Series #37
5575.8: Dixon, Franklin W. - BRUSHING The MOUNTAIN TOP or Aiding the Lost Traveler. Ted Scott Flying Stories #17
677.4: Dixon, Franklin W. - RESCUED In The CLOUDS. Ted Scott Flying Stories #2
5425.4: Dixon, Franklin W. - The MYSTERY Of CABIN ISLAND. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #8
3074.6: Dixon, Franklin W. - The SHORE ROAD MYSTERY. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #6
3074.7: Dixon, Franklin W. - The SHORE ROAD MYSTERY. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #6
5434.4: Dixon, Franklin W. - The FLICKERING TORCH MYSTERY. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #22
4125.4: Dixon, Franklin W. - The HOODED HAWK MYSTERY. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #34
40542.1: Dixon, Franklin W. - The MISSING CHUMS. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #4
5422.6: Dixon, Franklin W. - The HOUSE On The CLIFF. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #2
40541.1: Dixon, Franklin W. - The SECRET Of WILDCAT SWAMP. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #31
6693.2: Dixon, Franklin W. - The CLUE Of The BROKEN BLADE. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #21
11582.3: Dixon, Franklin W. - The SECRET PANEL. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #25
9483.2: Dixon, Franklin W. - CASTAWAYS Of The STRATOSPHERE or Hunting the Vanished Baloonists. Ted Scott Flying Stories #18
4682.4: Dixon, Franklin W. Paul Laune - Illustrator - A FIGURE In HIDING. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #16
21633: Dixon, W. Hepworth - A HISTORY Of WILLIAM PENN: Founder of Pennsylvania
5445.4: Dixon, Franklin W. - The SHORT-WAVE MYSTERY. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #24
6693.3: Dixon, Franklin W. - The CLUE Of The BROKEN BLADE. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #21
9759.2: Dixon, Franklin W. - HUNTING For HIDDEN GOLD. The Hardy Mystery Series #5
5444.4: Dixon, Franklin W. - The PHANTOM FREIGHTER. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #26
7417.4: Dixon, Franklin W. - The MELTED COINS. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #23
40542: Dixon, Franklin W. - The MISSING CHUMS. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #4
9759.1: Dixon, Franklin W. - HUNTING For HIDDEN GOLD. The Hardy Mystery Series #5
5438.3: Dixon, Franklin W. - The DISAPPEARING FLOOR. The Hardy Boys Mystery Series #19
46659: Dizer, John T. Jr. - TOM SWIFT & COMPANY. "Boys Books" by Stratemeyer and Others
48922: Salg do, G mini - The ELIZABETHAN UNDERWORLD
0090: Do, Kiem & Julie Kane - COUNTERPART. A South Vietnamese Naval Officer's War
45542: [Childrens' Literature]. Doane, Pelagie - Illustrator - THREE PRAYERS For CHILDREN.; Now I Lay Me Down * The Lord's Prayer * Heavenly Father
29334: [Dobie, J. Frank. 1888 - 1964]. McVicker, Mary Louise - The WRITINGS Of J. FRANK DOBIE. A Bibliography.; Introduction by Harry H. Ransom
37711: Dobie, J. Frank - GUIDE To LIFE And LITERATURE Of The SOUTHWEST With A FEW OBSERVATIONS. Illustrated
29569: [Exhibition Catalogue]. Dobkins, Rebecca J. - MEMORY And IMAGINATION. The Legacy of Maidu Indian Artist Frank Day.; With Carey T. Caldwell and Frank R. LaPena
16718: Doblin, Alfred - DESTINY'S JOURNEY
284: Dobrée, Bonamy & Batho, E. C. Chapman, Guy - Contributor - The VICTORIANS And AFTER. 1830 - 1914.; With a Chapter on Economics by Guy Chapman
38685: Dobson, Austin - LATER ESSAYS 1917 - 1920
48487: Dobson, Austin [1840 - 1921] - The COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS Of AUSTIN DOBSON
2142: Doctorow, E. L. - LIVES Of The POETS
15205.2: Doctorow, E.L. - WORLD'S FAIR. A Novel
15205.1: Doctorow, E.L. - WORLD'S FAIR. A Novel
33017: [British Government Documents] - DESPATCHES From HIS MAJESTY'S AMBASSADOR At BERLIN RESPECTING An OFFICIAL GERMAN ORGANISATION For INFLUENCING The PRESS Of OTHER COUNTRIES. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. Miscellaneous. No. 9 (1914). September 1914
24197: Dodd, William [1729 - 1777] - THOUGHTS In PRISON: In Five Parts. Viz. The Imprisonment. The Trial. The Retrospect. Futurity. Public Punishment. By the Rev. William Dodd, L.L.D.; To Which are Added, His Last Prayer, Written in the Night before His Death: and Other Miscellaneous Pieces
6400.1: Dodds, John W. - The AGE Of PARADOX. A Biography of England 1841 - 1851
17664: Doder, Dusko - SHADOWS And WHISPERS. Power Politics Inside the Kremlin from Brezhnev to Gorbachev
36059: Dodge, William E. - OLD NEW YORK. A Lecture. Delivered at Association Hall, April 27th, 1880, Upon the Invitation of Merchants and Other Citizens of New York
10651: Dodsley, Robert - The ECONOMY Of HUMAN LIFE
35026: Dodson, Kenneth - AWAY ALL BOATS. A Novel
13265: Doerr, Harriet - CONSIDER THIS, SENORA
22073: Doherty, Paul C. - The FATE Of PRINCES
22940: Dole, Nathan Haskell., editor - The BOOK Of ADVENTURE
11559.2: Dollar, Robert [1844 - 1932] - MEMOIRS Of ROBERT DOLLAR. Combining Volumes 3 and 4
26251: Dolph, Jack [1894 - 1962] - HOT TIP
38179: [F. Edmund Donaghue, Harold T. Mankin, William H. J. Summerskill, Hugh R. Butt, Elda Fritzi Haskell - Contributors] - The PRESIDENT'S DINNER. August 4, 1972. The Twenty-Seventh Dinner of the Wine and Food Society of Rochester, Minnesota. Chartered by the International Wine and Food Society, London England
32401: Donaldson, Stephen R. - A MAN RIDES THROUGH. Mordant's Need, Volume II
9513: Donaldson, Stephen R. - THIS DAY ALL GODS DIE. The Gap Into Ruin
9515: Donaldson, Stephen R. - CHAOS And ORDER. The Gap Into Mandess
1613.1: Donaldson, Stephen R. - The ONE TREE
1611: Donaldson, Stephen R. - The REAL STORY
37862: Donnadieu, Monsr. A. - CATALOGUE Of HIGHLY INTERESTING And VALUABLE AUTOGRAPH LETTERS And HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS, Being the Well Known Collection of Monsr. A. Donnadieu
10114: O'Donnell, Lillian - LOCKOUT.; A Norah Mulcahaney Mystery
50332: Donoghue, Emma - ROOM
15431: Donoso, José - TARATUTA. STILL LIFE With PIPE. Two Novellas.; Translated by Gregory Rabassa
48236: Doran, Dr. [John. 1807 - 1878] - NEW PICTURES And OLD PANELS
1294.1: Dorin, Patrick C. - YESTERDAY'S TRAINS
1294: Dorin, Patrick C. - YESTERDAY'S TRAINS
17101: Dornberg, John - The NEW GERMANS. Thirty Years After
51237: Dorrance, John, Esq. - Moderator. Jackson, Nathan W. - Town-clerk. Brown, Moses [1738 - 1836] - Quoted herein - PROCEEDINGS Of The TOWN Of PROVIDENCE. Saturday, the 28th day of January, A. D. 1809.; The Resolutions of the Town of Providence, officially detailed below, were, after full discussion and mature deliberation, almost unanimously adopted by the most numerous Town-Meeting ever held in this Town
19905: Dorrie, Doris - LOVE, PAIN, And The WHOLE DAMN THING. Stories.; Translated from the German by John E. Woods
32663: [World War I]. Smith-Dorrien, General H. S. - A GENERAL'S LETTERS To His SON On Obtaining His Commission.; With a Preface by General H. S. Smith-Dorrien
10126: Dorris, Michael - WORKING MEN
10126.1: Dorris, Michael - WORKING MEN
13227.2: Dorris, Michael - A YELLOW RAFT In BLUE WATER
13217: Dorris, Michael - The BENCHMARK. From the Collection 'WORKING MEN'
4998.1: Dorsey, George - CHRISTOPHER Of SAN FRANCISCO
41896.1: Doty, Alvah H[unt. b. 1854]., M. D. - A MANUAL Of INSTRUCTION In The PRINCIPLES Of PROMPT AID To The INJURED. Designed for Military and Civil Use
9912: Doubleday, F. N. - The MEMOIRS Of A PUBLISHER
47913: [Philosophy]. Doubleday, Thomas [1790 - 1870]. Turnbull, W. P. - Former Owner - MATTER For MATERIALISTS: A Series of Letters in Vindication and Extension of the Principles Regarding the Nature of Existence of The Right Rev. Dr. Berkeley, Lord Bishop of Cloyne
48720: Dougherty, Dan - The NATIONAL HEN.; A Poem for the Left Hand in Four Parts
31780: [Doughty, Francis Worcester]. 'By a New York Detective' - The BRADYS' FIGHT To A FINISH or Winning a Desperate Chase. And Other Stories. "Secret Service" No. 808. July 17th 1914
31776: [Doughty, Francis Worcester]. 'By a New York Detective' - The BRADYS' HOPELESS CASE or Against Plain Evidence. And Other Stories. "Secret Service" No. 821. Oct. 16th, 1914
4138: Douglas, Norman - In The BEGINNING
4134: [Douglas, Norman. 1868 - 1952]. Tomlinson, H. M. - NORMAN DOUGLAS
37504: Douglas, Amanda M[innie. 1831 - 1916] - GUILTY Or NOT GUILTY. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. Vol. III. No. 278. February 15, 1890
14531: Dove, Rita - THROUGH The IVORY GATE
49318: Dovey, Richard. Hovey, Mrs. Richard; Carman, Bliss - Contributors - The HOLY GRAAL And Other Fragments. Being the Uncompleted Parts of the Arthurian Dramas.; Edited with Introduction and Notes by Mrs. Richard Hovey. And a Preface by Bliss Carman
27263: [Japan]. Downer, Lesley - MADAME SADAYAKKO. The Geisha Who Bewitched the West
24788: Downey, Joseph T. "Filings" - FILINGS From An OLD SAW. Reminiscences of San Francisco and California's CONQUEST.; Edited by Fred Blackburn Rogers
8567: Downie, James M. - The ROCKET RANGE PLOT
3890.1: Downing, Major J. [pseudonym of Davis, Charles Augustus. 1795 - 1867]. Jaffray, J. R. - Former Owner - LETTERS Of J. DOWNING, Major, Downingville Militia, Second Brigade, to His Friend, Mr Dwight, of the New York Daily Advertiser
28514: [Medicine]. Doyen, E[ugene Louis. 1859 - 1916] - SURGICAL THERAPEUTICS And OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE.; English Edition Prepared by the Author in Collaboration with H. Spencer-Browne, M B. Banta., Etc.
31328: Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. Haining, Peter - The FINAL ADVENTURES Of SHERLOCK HOLMES. Completing the Canon. Collected and Introduced by Peter Haining
42525: Doyle, Arthur Conan [1850 - 1930]. Newnes, George - Editor - "The Adventure of the Reigate Squire" [as published in] The STRAND MAGAZINE. Vol. 5. No. 30. June, 1893
1199: [Doyle, A. C.]. Hardwick, Michael & Mollie - The SHERLOCK HOLMES COMPANION
33977: Drago, Harry Sinclair [1888 - 1979 (or 1980)] - WILD WOOLLY & WICKED. The History of the Kansas Cow Towns and the Texas Cattle Trade
21946: Draper, John William [1811 - 1882] - THOUGHTS On FUTURE CIVIL POLICY In AMERICA
39647: Draper, Benjamin - Executive Producer. Rook, Ernest - Associate Producer. Kever, Bonnie - Musical Hostess. Scobey, Bob - Band Leader - JAZZ SESSION: Television Series. Produced for Station KRON-TV, Channel 4, Wednesday Evenings, 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. 12 Programs. June 13, 1956 - September 12, 1956
17668: Draper, Theodore - A STRUGGLE For POWER
51481: [Penny Dreadful] - A MYSTERY Of The MOUNTAINS. Buffalo Bill's Strange Adventures on a Weird Trail.; Aldine Buffalo Bill Library. No. 458
51482: [Penny Dreadful] - The RIVALS In BUCKSKIN. A Thrilling Romance of the Prairie.; Aldine Buffalo Bill Library. No. 582
51483: [Penny Dreadful] - The TRAITOR Of DOUBLE - BAR RANCH. A Thrilling Tale of Cowboys and Cattle-thieves.; Aldine Buffalo Bill Library. No. 582
51485: [Penny Dreadful] - BUFFALO BILL'S REDSKIN PARD. A Stirring Tale of Indians, Outlaws, Soldiers, and Gallant Scouts.; Aldine Buffalo Bill Library. No. 274
51445: [Penny Dreadful] - The SILENT HUNTER. A Tale of the Mystery of Fort Rane.; Aldine Buffalo Bill Library. No. 617
51246: [Penny Dreadful] - The MAN From DENVER; or, The King Pin Sport's Diamond Deal.; Aldine "O'er Land and Sea" Library. No. 301
51441: [Penny Dreadful] - BUFFALO BILL'S BIG BATTLE. A Story of War with Renegades and Redskins.; Aldine Buffalo Bill Library. No. 453
51156: [Penny Dreadful] - LIFE In A YORKSHIRE NUNNERY or The Extraordinary Disclosures of a Roman Catholic Sister of Mercy; Containing a Full Account of the Sufferings and Harships She Endured, During 18 Years Residence in a Convent.; Saurin, versus Starr and Kennedy
51249: [Penny Dreadful] - BUFFALO BILL'S SECRET SCOUTS; or, The White Rider of the Sierras.; Aldine "O'er Land and Sea" Library. No. 345
51448: [Penny Dreadful] - BUFFALO BILL'S FRIENDLY FOE. A Stirring Tale of Indians, Outlaws, Soldiers, and Gallant Scouts.; Aldine Buffalo Bill Library. No. 528
51447: [Penny Dreadful] - The DAUNTLESS SCOUT. Startling Exploits of Buffalo Bill in Daring Raids and Thrilling Rescues.; Aldine Buffalo Bill Library. No. 587
47449: Dreiser, Theodore. Sinclair, Upton - Subject - UPTON SINCLAIR [as published in] The CLIPPER. A Western Review. Vol. I. No. 2. September 1940
22370: [Dreiser, Theodore] Deal, Borden - The TOBACCO MEN
21602: Dreiser, Helen - MY LIFE WITH DREISER
17717: Drew, Elizabeth - SENATOR
34060: Drexel, Jeremias [1581 - 1638].  Drexel, Lucy Wharton [1867 - 1944] - Prior Owner - ORBIS PHAETHON, sive, De Universis Vitiis Linguæ. Pars Altera
27242: Drieserr, Theodore. Mencken, H. L. Riggio, Thomas P. - Editor - DREISER - MENCKEN LETTERS. The Correspondence of Theodore Dreiser & H. L. Mencken 1907 - 1945. Volume One
22341: Drinker, Cecil K. - NOT SO LONG AGO. A Chronicle of Medicine and Doctors in Colonial Philadelphia
38665: Drucker, Philip - CERAMIC STRATIGRAPHY At CERRO De Las MESAS VERACRUZ, MEXICO. Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 141
38655: Drucker, Philip - CERAMIC STRATIGRAPHY At CERRO De Las MESAS VERACRUZ, MEXICO. Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 141
31370: Drummond, Ivor - The NECKLACE Of SKULLS
42770: Drury, Wells. Drury, Ella Bishop - Contributor - An EDITOR On The COMSTOCK LODE.; Foreword by Ella Bishop Drury
32837: "By W. D." [Duane, William. 1808 - 1882] - LIGAN: A Collection of Tales and Essays
17549: Ducati, Marilyn - BEFORE MY TIME
49239: "The Duchess" [1855? - 1897].  - SWEET Is TRUE LOVE. The Arm Chair Library. No. 65. October, 1894.; [also includes] LYDIA. JOCELYN
50896: Duchscherer, Paul - Text. Vertikoff, Alexander - Photography - INSIDE The BUNGALOW
14998: Dudevszky, Szabinka - CLOSE-UP.; Translation by Wanda Boeke
28781: [Baseball Fiction]. Dudley, A[lbertus]. T[rue] - MAKING The NINE. Phillips Exeter Series No. 2
12764: Dudman, Richard - 40 DAYS With The ENEMY. The Story of a Journalist Held Captive by Guerrillas in Cambodia
45193: Duff, E. Gordon - EARLY PRINTED BOOKS
50980: Duffany, Brett [b. 1951]. LaPierre, Charles M. - Contributor - An ILLUSTRATED VOICE. Poems.; With an Introduction by Charles M. LaPierre
1458: Duffus, R. L. - The TOWER Of JEWELS
11935: Duffy, Maureen - The PARADOX PLAYERS
45628: [Bohemian Club]. DuFour, Pierre [attributed pseudonym of LaCroix, Paul. 1806 - 1884] - HISTOIRE De La PROSTITUTION Chez Tous Les Peuples du Monde; Depuis L'Antiquite la Plus Reculee Jusqu'a Nos Jours
33806: [Dulac, Edmund. 1882 - 1953]. White, Colin - EDMUND DULAC
10249: Dulcken, H. W. - DALZIELS' ILLUSTRATED GOLDSMITH. And A Sketch of the Life of Oliver Goldsmith
35929: Dumanoir, M. [1806 - 1865]. Ennery, Adolphe d' [1811 - 1899]. À Beckett, Gilbert Abbott, [1811 - 1856] & Lemon, Mark [1809 - 1870] - Translators - DON CÆSAR De BAZAN. A Drama in Three Acts. Translated and Adapted from the French of M.M. Dumanois [sic] and Dennery
33762: Robert - Dumas, Charles - CONTES ROSES De Ma Mere - Grand
16134: Dumas, Alexander [1802 - 1870] - The EIGHTH CRUSADE. Munro's Library of Popular Novels No. 254
46632: [Record/Vinyl]. Dumont, Cedric - MUSICAL COCKTAIL PARTY With CEDRIC DUMONT, His ORCHESTRA And His SHAKER.; All Recommended Cocktails are Original Recipes by Cedric Dumont
45928: Dumont, G[eorges. 1846 - 1913] - AUTOMOBILES Sur RAILS
36936: Duncan, Andrew & John - DUNCAN'S ITINERARY Of SCOTLAND; Containing the Roads Through Scotland, and the Principal Roads to London, with the Gentlemen's Seats, and Other Remarkable Objects, on Each Road. With An Appendix, containing some account of the canals, lakes, mountains, harbours, and romantic scenery, deserving of the traveller's notice. With a Map of Scotland
46823: Duncan, Lee. Ex-Convict No. 9256, Oregon State Prison - OVER The WALL
48923: Duncan, Robert [1919 -1988] - EVENT ADVERTISING TICKET. Robert Duncan Reads Passages. Le Conte School Auditorium.; Friday, March 13, 1970. 8: 00 p.m. Admission $1.00
16965: Duncan, Robert L. - CHINA DAWN
16730: Duncan, Robert L. - In The ENEMY CAMP
20393: Dundas, Hon. Mrs - WRECKED, Not LOST; or, The Pilot and His Companions
31648: Dunn, Byron A. - BATTLING For ATLANTA. The Young Kentuckians Series #3
27261: Dunn, Carola - MISS JACOBSON'S JOURNEY. A Regency Romance
19215: Dunn, Douglas - CORPORAL PUNISHMENT. Sycamore Broadsheet 21
8475.1: Dunn, Byron A. - SCOUTING For SHERIDAN. The Young Virginians Series
35854.1: [Baseball Literature]. Dunne, Bert - BATTER UP. Written for Standard Oil Company of California
41555: Dunnell, Mark H[ill. 1823 - 1904] - SPEECH Of HON. MARK H. DUNNELL, Of MINNESOTA, In The HOUSE Of REPRESENTATIVES, MARCH 25, 1874. Commerce by Railroads Among the States
25292: Dunnett, Dorothy - CAPRICE And RONDO. The House of Niccolo
22103.2: Dunning, John [1942 - 2023] - BOOKED To DIE. A Mystery Introducing Cliff Janeway
51080: Dunning, John - That SUMMER With MICHAEL
48694: [U. S. Aviation History]. Dunning, Maj. L. - Former Owner. Cosby, J. T., Vice President, F-111 Program Director - F-111A FIRST FLIGHT. Photodocumentary.; FZM-12-2226. 21 Dec 1964
34305.1: Dunning, John [b. 1942] - The TOWER SHIMMERED In The HEAT, A LIVING THING
48055: Dunphie, Charles J. - WILDFIRE. A Collection of Erratic Essays
49720: Dunsany, Lord [Edward Plunkett. 1878 - 1957] - TALES Of WAR
37139: Duparcque, F. Warrington, Joseph [1805? - 1888] - Editor & Translator - A TREATISE, On The FUNCTIONAL And ORGANIC DISEASES Of The UTERUS. From the French of F. Dupardque. Translated, with Notes, by Joseph Warrington, M.D. of Philadelphia
16797: Dupuy, Trevor N. - HITLER'S LAST GAMBLE. The Battle of the Bulge, Dec. 1944 - Jan. 1945
31249: Durant, Thomas - MEMOIRS And SELECT REMAINS Of An ONLY SON, Who Died November 27, 1821, in his 19th Year, While a Student in the University of Glasgow
3752: Durbin, John P. - OBSERVATIONS In EUROPE, Principally in England and France. In Two Volumes
1235.2: Durden, Charles - NO BUGLES, NO DRUMS
22097: Durer, Albrecht - BUNTES DURERBUCHLEIN: 29 farbige Handzwechnugen von Albrecht Durer.; Foreword by Eberhard Hanfstaengl
14429: Dürer, Albrecht [1471 - 1528] - DAS MARIENLEBEN.; With a Commentary in German, English and French Language by Edweard E. Schriever
15101: Durham, Marilyn - DUTCH UNCLE
51516: Durkee, S[amuel]. C. - State Highway Engineer - HIGHWAY MAP Of The STATE Of NEVADA. Scale: 1 in. = 2.5 mi
41553: [Official Baseball Scorecard]. Durocher, Leo - Club Manager - NEW YORK GIANTS. 1950 Official Program and Score Card
39486: [Official Baseball Scorecard]. Durocher, Leo - Club Manager - NEW YORK GIANTS. 1949 Official Program and Score Card
19853.1: Durrell, Lawrence [1912 - 1990] - TUNC. A Novel
18010.5: [Durrell, Lawrence. 1912 - 1990]. Perles, Alfred - MY FRIEND LAWRENCE DURRELL. An Intimate Memoir on the Author of The Alexandrian Quartet.; With a Bibliography by Bernard Stone
14627: Durrell, Lawrence [1912 - 1990] - MONSIEUR
28649: Durston, George - The BOY SCOUT AVIATORS
27358: Duruy, Victor. Mahaffy, Rev. J. P. - Editor - HISTORY Of ROME, And of the Roman People, From Its Origin to the Establishment of the Christian Empire.; Translated by M. M. Ripley & W. F. Clarke. Edited by The Rev. J. P. Mahaffy
27035: [France]. Duruy, George - Editor - MEMOIRS Of BARRAS. Member of the Directorate.; Edited, with a General Introduction, Prefaces and Appendices by George Duruy
28277: [Duward, Bernard Isaac. 1817 - 1902]. De Alcala, Senorita C. - Editor - CRISTOFORO COLOMBO. (From Palos to San Salvador.) An American Epic
5994: [Dwiggins, W. A.]. Flexner, James Thomas - GILBERT STUART
12310: Dwight, Allan [Pseudonym for Lois Dwight Cole & Turney Allan Taylor] - DRUMS In The FOREST
12308: Dwight, Allan [Pseudonym for Lois Dwight Cole & Turney Allan Taylor] - KENTUCKY CARGO
27996: Dyer, Walter A[lden. 1878 - 1943] - MANY DOGS THERE BE
3873.1: [Dyer, George]. Newton, A. Edward [1864 - 1940] - GEORGE DYER
28502: Van Dyke, Theodore S. - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: Its Valleys, Hills, and Streams; Its Animals, Birds, and Fishes; Its Gardens, Farms, and Climate
22941: Van Dyke, Henry., editor - HISTORIC SCENES In FICTION
20989: Dystel, Oscar - MASS-MARKET PUBLISHING: More Observations, Speculations, and Provocations
49954: By S. M. [i.e., Smedley, Menella Bute. 1820 - 1877].  - NINA. A Tale for the Twilight
23978: Spiller, Robert E. [et al] - Editors - LITERARY HISTORY Of The UNITED STATES. Including BIBLIOGRAPHY
35630: [Songster]. 'By J. E.' - GREEN MONSTERS' SONG. Air - "William Reilly's Courtship."
35337: Garfield, Viola E. and Forrest, Linn A. - The WOLF And The RAVEN
1146: Spiller, Robert E. et al - Editors - LITERARY HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES
37356: Eager, Harriet Ide - TOMMY TIPTOE
48119: By THEMANINTHEMOON [pseudonym for Eagles, Rev. John. 1784 - 1855] - FELIX FARLEY, Rhymes, Latin and English
30335: [Exhibition Catalogue]. [Eakins, Thomas]. Sewell, Darrel - Organizer - THOMAS EAKINS
38590: Eames, Wilberforce - Contributor. Jones, Herschel V. - Collector - ADVENTURES In AMERICANA 1492 - 1897. The Romance of Voyage and Discovery from Spain to the Indies, the Spanish Main, and North America; Inland to the Ohio Country; On Toward the Mississippi; through to California; over Chilkoot Pass to the Gold Fields of Alaska. Being a Selection of Books from the Library of Herschel V. Jones, Minneapolis, Minnesota. In Two Volumes
35468: [Earhart, Amelia. 1897 - 1937]. Pellegreno, Ann Holtgren - WORLD FLIGHT. The Earhart Trail. With TLs & 2 color snapshots
1123: [Earhart, Amelia]. Tanous, Peter - The EARHART MISSION
27395: Earp, Thomas, - Vice President - The TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT Of The BOARD Of MANAGERS Of The HOUSE Of REFUGE. With An Appendix
11741: Eastlake, William - PORTRAIT Of An ARTIST With 26 HORSES
33372: Eastman, Mrs. Mary H[enderson] - The AMERICAN ABORIGINAL PORTFOLIO
45181: Easton, Robert. Brand, Max [pseudonym of Faurst, Frederick (1892 - 1944)] - Subject - MAX BRAND. The Big "Westerner".; A Biography of Frederick Faurst
29813: [University of California Yearbook]. Easton, Kimball G. - Editor - The BLUE And GOLD. '87. Vol. XIII. Published by the Junior Class. University of California
33279: Sadi of Shiraz. Eastwick, Edward B. - Translator - The GULISTAN; or Rose - Garden, of Shekh Muslihu'D-din Sadi of Shiraz. Translated for the First Time into Prose and Verse, with an Introductory Preface, and a Life of the Author, fromt he Atish Kadah
27347: Lutfullah [1802 - 1874]. Eastwick, Edward B[ackhouse. 1814 - 1883]. - Editor - AUTOBIOGRAPHY Of LUTFULLAH, A Mohamedan Gentleman; and His Transactions with His Fellow-Creatures: Interspersed with Remarks on the Habits, Customs, and Characters of the People with Whom He Had to Deal
19952: [Eastwood, Clint]. Schickel, Richard - CLINT EASTWOOD. A Biography
48762.1: Eaton, Charles Edward - COUNTERMOVES
48762: Eaton, Charles Edward - COUNTERMOVES
49826: [New York City Local History]. Ebbinghaus, Otto [fl. 1860s / 70s] - MOUNTED ALBUMEN PHOTOGRAPH. Views of the Metropolis. Cremorne Gardens Cor Third Ave & 72nd St
6513: Eberhart, Dikkon - On The VERGE
15125: Eberhart, Mignon G. - RUN SCARED
14396: Eberhart, Mignon G. - NEXT Of KIN
21414.1: [Architecture]. Eberlein, Harold Donaldson - VILLAS Of FLORENCE And TUSCANY
43940: [European History / Napoleon]. Ebeyer, Pierre Paul - REVELATIONS CONCERNING NAPOLEON'S ESCAPE From ST. HELENA
3340.1: Eckhardt, Major Gen George S. - COMMAND And CONTROL: 1950 - 1969
35496.1: [Home Economics] - INGALLS' HOME MAGAZINE. March, 1890. Vol. III. No. 29
35496: [Home Economics] - INGALLS' HOME MAGAZINE. February, 1890. Vol. III. No. 28
5506: Eddings, David - DOMES Of FIRE. Book One of 'The Tamuli' Series
5178: Eddings, David - THE SAPPHIRE ROSE. Book Three of "The Elenium" series
32430: Eddings, David - The SAPPHIRE ROSE. Book Three Of The Elenium
32429: Eddings, David - The RUBY KNIGHT. Book Two Of The Elenium
31933: [Eddy, Mary Baker. 1821 - 1910]. Wilbur, Sibyl - The LIFE Of MARY BAKER EDDY
17128: Eddy, Paul & Sabogal, Hugo & Walden, Sara - The COCAINE WARS
33438: "S. G. Gent-" - Translator. Johnson-Eden, Sir Robert [1774 - 1844] - Former Owner - The ROYAL CHARTER Of CONFIRMATION GRANTED By KING CHARLES II. To The CITY Of LONDON. Wherein are Recited Verbatim, All the Charters to the said City, granted by His Majesties Royal Predecessors, Kings and Queens of England. Taken Out of the Records, and Exactly Translated into English .. Together with an Index or Alphabetical Table, and a Table Explaining all the Obsolete and Difficult Words in the said Charter
21049: Edge, Arabella - The COMPANY: The Story of a Murderer
13820: Edgerton, Clyde - WHERE TROUBLE SLEEPS. A Novel
13229: Edgerton, Clyde - The FLOATPLANE NOTEBOOKS
13199: Edgerton, Clyde - KILLER DILLER. A Novel
13199.1: Edgerton, Clyde - KILLER DILLER. A Novel
13198: Edgerton, Clyde - In MEMORY Of JUNIOR. A Novel
33528: Edgeworth, Maria [1767 - 1849] - ROSAMOND. A SEQUEL To EARLY LESSONS. In Two Volumes
33529: Edgeworth, Maria [1767 - 1849] - FRANK. A SEQUEL To FRANK In EARLY LESSONS. In Three Volumes
33526: Edgeworth, Maria [1767 - 1849] - EARLY LESSONS. In Two Volumes. Containing Volume I: 'The Little Dog Trusty.' 'The Cherry Orchard.' 'Frank.' 'The Orange Man.' Volume II: 'Rosamond.' 'Harry and Lucy.'
33527: Edgeworth, Maria [1767 - 1849] - CONTINUATION Of EARLY LESSONS. In Two Volumes. Volume I Containing 'The Continuation of Frank,' and the Beginning of 'The Continuation of Rosamond.' Volume II Containing the Conclusion of 'The Continuation of Rosamond,' and 'The Continuation of Harry and Lucy.'
18516: Edgeworth, Richard Lovell & Maria [1767 - 1849] - ESSAY On IRISH BULLS
51446: [Trade Catalogue]. Edison, Thomas Alva [1847 - 1931] - EDISON PHONOGRAPH. The Acme of Realism.; Form 235, Fall Season 1901
34749: Beekman, E. M Editior and Translator - The POISON TREE. Selected Writings of Ruphius on the Natural History of the Indies
43338: Thompson, Alice M. C. - Editor and Compiler - A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of NURSING LITERATURE, 1961 - 1970
35704: Simple, Peter. Herford, Oliver [1863 - 1935]- Editor and Illustrator. [Herzog, Paul M. 1906 - 1986] - The GIDDY GLOBE
51388: Silloway, Mary - Editor and Complier. Koch, Peter - Printer - RARE BOOK & MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS In The LIBRARIES Of The SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA
34724: Coward, Noel. Day, Barry - Editor and Commentator - The LETTERS Of NOEL COWARD
34207: Klinefelter, Walter - Editor and Introduction. Ransom, Will - Former Owner - A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CHECK- LIST Of CHRISTMAS BOOKS
29165: Blair & Rives - Editors - The CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE: Containing Sketches of the Debates and Proceedings of the Second Session of the Twenty - Eighth Congress. Volume XIV. [includes Appendix]
39913: [California Cookery]. [Published by the Berkeley Women's City Club]. Mrs. Douglas W. Ross & Mrs. George M. Stratton - Editors - BERKELEY WOMEN'S CITY CLUB RECIPES
9367: Hutchinson & Rachal - editors - The PAPERS Of JAMES MADISON. Volume 7. 3 May 1783 - 20 February 1784
20308.1: Edmonds, Walter D[umaux. 1903 - 1998] - DRUMS ALONG The MOHAWK
15672.1: [Civil War]. Edmonds, Miss S. Emma (Mrs Seelye.) [pseudonym for Sarah Emma Edmundson. 1841 - 1898] - NURSE And SPY. Thrilling Story of the Adventures of a Woman Who Served as a Union Soldier. Old Glory Library No. 34
33696: Edmonds, Walter D. - CHAD HANNA
14604: Edmonds, Walter S. - The BIG BARN
13212: Edmonds, Walter D. - The STORY Of RICHARD STORM
21512: Wehrenfennig, Edmund and Fritz. Patterson, D. W. - Translator - The ANALYSIS And SOFTENING Of BOILER FEED-WATER.; Translated by D. W. Patterson
43112: Edsall, John T. - Preparer - SCIENTIFIC FREEDOM And RESPONSIBILITY. A Report of the AAAS Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility
32637: Edson, Charles Farwell. Pope, Marion Holden - Illustrator - LOS ANGELES From the Sierras to the Sea
43865: [Education] - PHOTOGRAPH Of SCHOOLCHILDREN. Circa 1900
39198: [Department of Health, Education and Welfare Publication] - JUSTIFICATION Of APPROPRIATION ESTIMATES For COMMITTEE On APPROPRIATIONS For The FISCAL YEAR 1979. Indian Health. Volume VI
36894: Charles Edward, Prince, Grandson of James II, King of England [1720 - 1788].  - CHARLES PRINCE Of WALES, &c. Regent of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging. Charles P.R. Whereas we are certainly informed. That the Elector of Hanover has taken upon him to summon a Parliament ...
12146: Edwardes, Michael - The LAST YEARS Of BRITISH INDIA
13301: Edwardes, S. M [1873 - 1927]. & H. L. O. Garrett [1881 - 1941] - MUGHAL RULE In INDIA
32605.2: Edwards, John [1828 - 1903].  Chamberlin, A[mory] N[elson. 1821 - 1894] - Translator - BAPTISM -- The MODE
50547: [UC Berkeley / Cal Ephemera]. Edwards, Dick - Head Coach - 1972 - 73 CAL BASKETBALL PRESS GUIDE
28985: Edwards, Leo [pseudonym of Lee, Edward Edson. 1884 - 1944] - POPPY OTT And The PRANCING PANCAKE. Poppy Ott Series #7
36572: Edwards, Leo [pseudonym of Lee, Edward Edson. 1884 - 1944] - ANDY BLAKE And The POT Of GOLD. Andy Blake Series #4
26989: Edwards, Harry Stillwell. Townsend, Ernest - Illustrator - ENEAS AFRICANUS
26439: Edwards, Harry Stillwell [1855 - 1938] - TWO RUNAWAYS And Other Stories
26437: Edwards, Harry Stillwell [1855 - 1938] - HIS DEFENSE And Other Stories
20529.1: Edwards, Leo [pseudonym of Edward Edson Lee] - POPPY OTT And The INFERIOR DECORATORS. Poppy Ott Series #9
35054: Edwards, Philip Leget - The DIARY Of PHILIP LEGET EDWARDS. The Great Cattle Drive from California to Oregon in 1837. Rare Americana Series, No. 4.; Introduction by Douglas S. Watson
37560: Edwards, Bob - EDWARD R. MURROW and the Birth of Broadcast Journalism
8511.3: Edwards, Leo [pseudonym of Lee, Edward Edson. 1884 - 1944] - JERRY TODD In The WHISPERING CAVE. Jerry Todd Series #7
4737: [Parody of Egan, Pierce]. An Amatuer - REAL LIFE In LONDON
39167: Eggan, Fred - The AMERICAN INDIAN. Perspectives for the Study of Social Change
29603: Eggleston, George Cary [1834 - 1911] - A MAN Of HONOR
32936: Eglinton, John - IRISH LITERARY PORTRAITS
50073: [18th C. British History]. Egmont, John Perceval, Earl of [1711 - 1770]. Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of [1693 - 1768].  Pelham, Henry [1695? - 1754] - The CONDUCT Of The TWO B----RS VINDICATED; The Examiner's Numerous Contradictions and Inconsistencies Exemplify'd; His False Facts Delineated. And His Romantic Conjectures Exploded.; With A Proper Dedication to a Great Duke
48784: [Egmont, John Perceval, Earl of. 1711 - 1770].  - The QUESTION Of The PRECEDENCY Of The PEERS Of IRELAND In ENGLAND, Fairly Stated.; In a Letter to an English Lord, by a Nobleman of the other Kingdom
17239: Ehrlichman, John - The CHINA CARD
45602: Ehrsam, Theodore G. - A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of JOSEPH CONRAD
46455: Eichler, Lillian. (1902 -) - BOOK Of ETIQUETTE.; Volume II - Illustrated
44423: [Menu / Chicago]. Mickelberry, Eileen and Bud; Gibson, Bob - Owners - MICKLEBERRY'S HIGHWAY INN
24949: [Immigration]. Eiseman, Alberta - FROM MANY LANDS
16817: Eisenhower, John S.D. - AGENT Of DESTINY. The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott
34748: Eisler, Benita - CHOPIN'S FUNERAL
12465: Elder, Art - The BLUE STREAK And DOCTOR MEDUSA. Whitman #2313
23911: Eldridge, Marian - WALKING The DOG & Other Stories
39221: Eldridge, Paul - VIRGINS And OTHERS [sic] STORIES
3164: Eliot, T[homas]. S[tearns. 1888 - 1965] - To CRITICIZE The CRITIC
31573: Eliot, T[homas]. S[tearns. 1888 - 1965] - The MURDER In The CATHEDRAL
10456: Eliot, T[homas]. S[tearns. 1888 - 1965] - The ELDER STATESMAN. A Play
44330: Eliot, George [pseudonym for Evans, Mary Anne. 1819 - 1880] - ROMOLA
12878.1: Eliot, T[homas]. S[tearns. 1888 - 1965] - The CONFIDENTIAL CLERK. A Play
50931: Eliot, Thomas Stearns [1888 - 1965] - Subject. Drew, Elizabeth - T. S. ELIOT. The Design of His Poetry
34978: Elisseeff, Danielle &Vadime. Paris, I. Mark - Translator - ART Of JAPAN
14767: Ellinwood, Dr. Charles N[orman 1837 - 1917] - A LECTURE About The WATER SUPPLY And SEWAGE Of SAN FRANCISCO.; Delivered Before the Cooper Medical College and Lane Hospital, February 16 1900
39365: Elliott, Maud Howe - ART And HANDICRAFT In The WOMAN'S BUILDING Of The WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. Chicago, 1893. Illustrated
35146: Elliott, Blanche B. - JERSEY: An Isle of Romance
44387: [Restaurant Menu]. Elliott, Elmer & Dale - Owners - La PLACITA DINING ROOMS. Old Albuquerque, New Mexico
2696: Ellis, William S. - The Majestic Rocky Mountains
43666.1: Ellis, Edward S[ylvester. 1840 - 1916] - The LIFE Of TECUMSEH, The Shawnee Chief.; Including Biographical Notices of Black-Hoof, Corn-Stalk, Little Turtle, Tarhe (The Crane), Captain Logan, Keokuk, and Other Distinguished Shawnee Chiefs
50803: Ellis, Roy B. - Contributor - PIONEERS WHO BLAZED The TRAIL.; Compiled and Written by Centennial Book Committee F.W.U.A. High Prairie Local 204
34576: Ellis, Edward S [1840 - 1916] - HONEST NED. Brave and Honest Series No. 2
34465: Ellis, E. S. Schonberg, John - Illustrator - TAD; or "Getting Even" with Him
12558: Ellison, Ralph - 'And Hickman Arrives' in THE NOBLE SAVAGE 1
41511: [Western Film Movie Poster]. Jimmy Ellison, Russ Hayden, Fuzzy Knight, Raymond Hatton, Betty Adams, George Lewis & Tom Tyler - Actors - JIMMY "SHAMROCK" ELLISON & RUSS "LUCKY" HAYDEN In "WEST Of The BRAZOS"
47945: Ellison, Rhoda Coleman - A CHECK LIST Of ALABAMA IMPRINTS 1807 - 1870
2151: Ellison, James Whitfield - The SUMMER AFTER The WAR
31327: Ellmann, Richard [1918 - 1987] - GOLDEN CODGERS. Biographical Speculations
19752: [Ellmann, Richard. 1918 - 1987]. Heine, Heinrich [1797 - 1856] - BUCH Der LIEDER Und NEUE GEDICHTE
16936: [Ellmann, Richard. 1918 - 1987]. Wilson, Edmund - The TRIPLE THINKERS
47742: Ellmann, Richard. [Joyce, James. 1882 - 1941] - Subject - JAMES JOYCE'S TOWER.; Sandycove Co Dublin
34517: [Ellmann, Richard. 1918 - 1987]. Esse, James [pseudonym for Stephens, James. 1882 - 1950] - HUNGER. A Dublin Story
24575: Ellsworth, Captain Harry Alanson. USMC - ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY LANDINGS Of The UNITED STATES MARINES. 1800 - 1934. A Brief History in Two Parts. Part I. (Abyssinia to FeeJee Islands)
13211: Ellsworth, William Webster - A GOLDEN AGE Of AUTHORS. A Publisher's Recollections
13211.1: Ellsworth, William Webster - A GOLDEN AGE Of AUTHORS. A Publisher's Recollections
31674: Elton, Arthur - BRITISH RAILWAYS. BritaIn in Pictures Series #83
26140.1: [WWI Literature]. Elton, Godfrey Elton, Baron [1892 - 1973].  - The TESTAMENT Of DOMINIC BURLEIGH
9077: Elwell, Ambrose - DOWN RIVER. A Story of Old Maine
18853: Elwood, Roger (ed) - TOMORROW. New Worlds of Science Fiction
1254.1: Ely, Scott - STARLIGHT
48775: [Bohemian Club Ephemera / Poster]. Ely, Mike - Author. Denke, Frank - Composer. Pabst, William D. - Director - The GOLDEN SPIKE Or How the Railroad Got Laid.; 1960 Low Jinks at Bohemian Grove
27562: Emberton, Wilfrid - The ENGLISH CIVIL WAR DAY By DAY.; Foreword by D. John Adair
35505: Edited by A Corps of Expert Embroiders - EMBROIDERY LESSONS. With Color Studies. Latest and Most Complete Book on the Subject of Silk Embroidery and Popular Fancy Work
31087: [Emerson, Ralph Waldo. 1803 - 1882]. Myerson, Joel - RALPH WALDO EMERSON A Descriptive Bibliography
30549: [Emerson, William. 1701 - 1782] - The PRINCIPLES Of MECHANICS. Explaining and Demonstrating The General Laws of Motion, the Laws of Gravity, Motion of Descending Bodies, Projectiles, Mechanic Powers, Pendulums, Centers of Gravity, &c. Strength and Stress of Timber, Hydrostatics, and Construction of Machines. A Work Very Necessary to be Known, by All Gentlemen, and Others, that Desire to Have an Insight into the Works of Nature and Art. And Extremely Useful to All Sorts of Artificers; Particularly to Architects, Engineers, Shipwrights, Millwrights, Watchmakers, &c. or Any that Work in a Mechanical Way
29982: [Emerson, Ralph Waldo. 1803 - 1882]. Hague, William [1808 - 1887] - RALPH WALDO EMERSON. A Paper Read Before the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society December 14, 1883. With Afterthoughts
41019: Emerson, Earl - The PORTLAND LAUGHER
49345: [Story Paper]. Emmet, R. T. - "REMEMBER The MAINE:" Or, A Yankee Boy's Fight Against Spain. [as published in] HAPPY DAYS. A Paper for Young and Old. Vol. VIII. No. 188. New York, May 21, 1898
51161: [Penny Dreadful]. Emmett, George - WHIP The WIND: or, the White Horse of the Prairie. A Tale of the Prairie.; Hogarth House Library #20
35198: Emmius, Ubbo [1547 - 1625] - GRAECORVM RESPVBLICAE ab Ubbone Emmio Descriptae
48783: [Holy Roman Empire] - The RIGHT Of SUCCESSION To The EMPIRE Of GERMANY, Hereditary and Elective.; Containing I. A Short Account of the Succession of the Emperors of Germany. II. The Coronation, Dignity, and Power of the Emperor. III. The Election of the King of the Romans. IV. The College of the Electors. V. The Golden Bull. VI. The Rights of the House of Austria to the Monarchy of Spain
36517: Emrich, Duncan - IT'S An OLD WILD WEST CUSTOM
17143: D'Encausse, Helene Carrere - The GREAT CHALLENGE. Nationalities and the Bolshevik State 1917 - 1930.; Translated by Nancy Festinger. Foreword by Richard Pipes
21116: Engelmann, Larry - TEARS BEFORE The RAIN: An Oral History of the Fall of South Vietnam
18253: Engh, M. J. - WHEEL Of The WINDS
26937: [Wine]. [England, Parliament]. Cromwell, Oliver [1599 - 1658] - Lord Protector - An ACT For LIMITING And SETLING [sic] The PRICES For WINES. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th Day of September, Anno Domini 1656
35931: Ennery, Adolphe d' [1811 - 1899].  Fournier, Marc [1818 - 1879].  Higgie, Thomas [1808? - 1893] & Lacy, Thomas Hailes [1809 - 1873] - Translators - BELPHEGOR or The Mountebank and His Wife. A Romantic and Domestic Drama in Three Acts. Adapted from the French
21253: [Mexico]. Zayas Enriquez, R[afael]. De [1848 - 1932] - Les ETATS-UNIS MEXICAINS. Leurs Ressources Naturelles. Leur Progres. Leur Situation Actuelle
47015: [Restaurant Menu - Ensenada, Mexico] - MARISCOS De BAHIA De ENSENADA, S. A. De C. V.; Lo Mejor en Toda Clase de Mariscos Preparados
47013: [Restaurant Menu - Ensenada, Mexico] - LAS BRASAS.; Restaurant Bar-Patio
45630: Enser, A. G. S. - FILMED BOOKS And PLAYS.; A List of Books and Plays From Which Films Have Been Made, 1928 - 86
49646: Enzensberger, Hans Magnus - KIOSK. Poems.; Translated by Michael Hamburger and Hans Magnus Enzensberger
45290: [UC / Cal Football Ephemera] - GAME TICKET. California vs Stanford. November Nineteenth 1927.; Sec X Row 73 Seat 17 Price Five Dollars *Tax Exempt*
49642: [Baseball Ephemera] - GAME ANNOUNCEMENT BROADSIDE. Chester Depot vs. Saxton's River. Fuller Field. Wednesday, August 22, at 3 P. M.
46936: [19th C. Yale Class Ephemera] - YALE '84 S CLASS SUPPER Ticket. Friday, June 23, 1882
39444: [Advertising Ephemera] - PAR. Perfect Concentrated Soap Informational Brochure
45857: [College Baseball Ephemera] - BASEBALL SEASON TICKET. Princeton University Athletic Association. Book No. 504
37846: [Bookselling Ephemera] - DAWSON'S BOOK SHOP (ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS SINCE 1905) INVOICE. Order for Paul F. Faberman, 5 Croydon Circle, Piedmont. March 2, 1966
224: Ephron, Delia - FUNNY SAUCE
38755: [Eppelsheimer, Hanns W.] Wilhelm Sternfeld & Eva Tiedemann - Contributors - DEUTSCHE EXIL-LITERATUR 1933 - 1945. Eine Bio-Bibliographie. Mit Einem Vorwort von Hanns W. Eppelsheimer
11723: Eppinger, Prof. Dr. Hans [1879 - 1946] - Die LEBERKRANKHEITEN. Allgemeine und Spezielle Pathologie und Therapie der Leber
13379: Epstein, Sam & Beryl - ALL ABOUT The DESERT
51277: [Heavy Industry Equipment] - FOUR PHOTOGRAPHS Of 66" x 84" JAW CRUSHER. Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co. Casparis Stone Company
23478: [Erasmus, Desiderius. 1466 - 1536] - Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami APOPHTHEGMATVM, Ex Optimis Utriusque Linguae Scriptoribus Collectorum, Libri Octo
10864: Erdman, Paul - ZERO COUPON
10867: Erdman, Paul - The SWISS ACCOUNT
12693: Erdoes, Richard - SALOONS Of The OLD WEST
8282: Erdrich, Louise - TRACKS
51431: Erdrich, Louise [b. 1954] - LOVE MEDICINE. A Novel
50911: Erdrich, Louise - The BINGO PALACE
13309: Erickson, Steve - TOURS Of The BLACK CLOCK
4461.1: Cowan, Robert Ernest and Cowan, Robert Granniss - A BIBLIOGRAPHY of the HISTORY of CALIFORNIA 1510 - 1930
46649: [Erotica] - The OLD MAN YOUNG AGAIN or Age - Rejuvenescence in the Power of Concupiscence.; Literally Translated from the Arabic by An English "Bohemian". With Translator's Foreword, Numerous Important Notes Illustrating the Text, and an Excursus on the History, Nature and Uses of Aphrodisiacs
31541.1: [Early Hospital Administration]. Erskine, Mary - Founder - The RULES And CONSTITUTIONS For GOVERNING And MANAGING The MAIDEN - HOSPITAL, Founded by the Company of Merchants, and Mary Erskine, in Anno 1695. Allowed and Confirmed by an Act of Parliament of Her Majesty Queen ANNE, dated the 25th of March 1707, Amended and Approven in a General Meeting of the Contributer, Upon the 9th February 1708. Ratified by the Lord Provost, Baillies and Town Council, Upon the 9th March the said Year, except in so far as the same have been altered by an Act of the Contributers, dated 10th February 1718
30531: Erskine, John [1879 - 1951] - GALAHAD. Enough of His Life to Explain His Reputation
41611: James G. Erskine - [Facsimile Advertising Broadside]. JAMES G. ERSKINE, LETTERPRESS And MUSIC PRINTER, NOTICE Of REMOVAL. Has Pleasure in Intimating that, Owing to Continued Increase of Business, he has Found it Necessary to Remove to Larger and More Accessible Premises, and also Greatly to Extend his Plant
25803: Erskine, John [1879 - 1951] - The PRIVATE LIFE Of HELEN Of TROY
39863: [Early Hospital Administration]. Erskine, Mary - Founder - STATUTES Of The MAIDEN HOSPITAL, Founded by the Company of Merchants, and Mary Erskine. [bound with] 2 Ms notes, "List of Presentations to the Maiden Hospital" & "Presentations to the Merchant Maiden Hospital from 1853 to 1859" [bound with] LIST Of APPLICATIONS Unto The MERCHANT MAIDEN HOSPITAL [bound with] MERCHANT MAIDEN HOSPITAL (From the "Witness" of Saturday, July 8)
12908: Erskine, John - TRISTAN And ISOLDE. Restoring Palamede
45738: Ertz, Susan - NOW EAST, NOW WEST
47573: Esberg, A. I. - Compiler - FORTY-NINE OPINIONS On Our JAPANESE PROBLEM
45650: Eschelbach, Claire John & Shober, Joyce Lee - ALDOUS HUXLEY: A BIBLIOGRAPHY 1916 - 1959
0835: Esdaile, Arundell - A STUDENT'S MANUAL Of BIBLIOGRAPHY.; Revised by Roy Stokes
35053: "A Rural DD" [pseudonym of Esdaile, David. 1811 - 1880] - CONTRIBUTIONS To NATURAL HISTORY Chiefly in Relation to the Food of the People
49844: Eshleman, Clayton - Editor. Duncan, Robert - Contributor - FOLIO. Summer 1960. Volume XXV. Number 3
46754: [French Restaurant Menu]. Esnault, Elie - Named individual - 24 MAI 1900
20257: Sculptor Esq., Satiricus [Ireland, William Henry. 1777 - 1835] - CHALCOGRAPHIMANIA: Or, The Portrait-Collector and Printseller's Chronicle, with Infatuations of Every Description. A Humourous Poem. In Four Books. With Copious Notes Explanatory
157.2: Estep, James - COMANCHE 6. Company Commander, Vietnam
27925: L'Estrange, Roger [1616 - 1704] - An ANSWER To The APPEAL From The COUNTRY To The CITY
27926: [L'Estrange, Roger. 1616 - 1704] - LESTRANGE'S NARRATIVE Of The PLOT. Set Forth for the Edification of His Majesties Liege - People
50731: [Trade Catalogue / History of Social Etiquette] - VOGUE In FLOWERS. Wedding Flowers. Vogue in Corsages.; With Supplement -- A Guide to Correct Wedding Customs
30804: Euer, Samson [d. 1659] - A SYSTEM Of PLEADING. Including a Translation of the Doctrina Placitandi; or, The Art and Science of Pleading: Originally Written by Samson Euer, Serjeant at Law, and Now First Translated from the Obsolete Norman French. ... Together With an Introduction, Explaining the Different Terms Made Use of in the Proceedings of Each Respective Court; also a Preface and Table. By a Gentleman of the Middle Temple
42966: [Europe] - The SEAT Of WAR In SWABIA &c
43177.1: [Bookseller Ephemera]. Evans, Henry & Patricia - ORDER SHEET. ENVELOPE
32390: Evans, Thomas. Evans, R. H. - OLD BALLADS, Historical and Narrative, with Some of Modern Date; Collected from Rare Copies and Mss. A New Edition, Revised and Considerably Enlarged from Public and Private Collections, By His Son. In Four Volumes
28564: [Maritime Fiction]. Evans, Vice-Admiral E. R. G. R. - SPANISH DEATH
27050: Evans, Joe M. - A CORRAL FULL Of STORIES
22900.1: Evans, Patricia - WHO'S IT
20013: Evans, Nicholas - The LOOP
11020: Schramm-Evans, Zoë - A PHOENIX RISING. Impressions of Vietnam
45767: Evans, Charles - AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHY.; A Chronological Dictionary of all Books, Pamphlets and Periodical Publications Printed in the United States of America from the Genesis of Printing in 1639 Down to and Including the year 1820 with Bibliographical and Biographical Notes
51294: Evans, J. G. - Photographer - STEREOVIEW. No. 7 N. Wing M[ain] B[uilding] From the East.; Great International Cotton Exposition
34444: Evans, Charles [1850 - 1935] - AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Chronological Dictionary of all Pamphlets and Periodical Publications Printed in the United States of America from the Genesis of Printing in 1639 Down to and Including the Year 1820 with Bibliographical and Biographical Notes. Volume 12. 1798 - 1799
34442: Evans, Charles [1850 - 1935] - AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Chronological Dictionary of all Pamphlets and Periodical Publications Printed in the United States of America from the Genesis of Printing in 1639 Down to and Including the Year 1820 with Bibliographical and Biographical Notes. Volume 9. 1793 - 1794
34441: Evans, Charles [1850 - 1935] - AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Chronological Dictionary of all Pamphlets and Periodical Publications Printed in the United States of America from the Genesis of Printing in 1639 Down to and Including the Year 1820 with Bibliographical and Biographical Notes. Volume 11. 1796 - 1797
17312: [Evarts, Jeremiah] - ESSAYS On The PRESENT CRISIS In The CONDITION Of The AMERICAN INDIANS; First Published in the National Intelligencer, Under the Signature of William Penn
49292: Eveleth, Samuel F[owler. 1837 - 1889] - SCHOOL - HOUSE ARCHITECTURE. Illustrated in Seventeen Designs, in Various Styles.; With Full Descriptive Drawings in Plan, Elevation, Section and Detail
29374: [Evelyn, John. 1620 - 1706]. Bray, William - Editor - MEMOIRS, ILLUSTRATIVE Of The LIFE And WRITINGS Of JOHN EVELYN, ESQ. F.R.S.
51552: Everett, Edward [1794 - 1865]. Russell, Hon. Judge - ANs Recipient - AUTOGRAPH NOTE, SIGNED [ANs]. 3 June 1864. [accompanied by] Lithograph, "The Library: Mr Everett's residence, Boston."
35617.1: Everett, Edward [1794 - 1865] - SPEECH Of MR. EVERETT, Of MASSACHUSETTS, In The House of Representatives, On the 14th and 21st of February, 1831, On the Execution of the Laws and Treaties In FAVOR Of The INDIAN TRIBES
49472: Everett, Edward [1794 - 1865] - An ADDRESS DELIVERED BEFORE The LITERARY SOCIETIES Of AMHERST COLLEGE. August 25, 1835. Published by Request
44406: [Salesman's Sample / Canvassing Book]. Everett, Marshall. McKinley, William [1843 - 1901] - Subject - COMPLETE LIFE Of WILLIAM McKINLEY and Story of His Assassination
43651: [Fine Press]. Everson, William [1912 - 1994] - RENEGADE CHRISTMAS
12439.1: Everson, William - ARCHETYPE WEST: The Pacific Coast As A Literary Region
11774: Everson, William - The VERITABLE YEARS 1949 - 1966.; With an Afterword by Albert Gelpi
11755: Everson, Bill - THESE ARE The RAVENS
11757: Everson, William - On WRITING The WATERBIRDS and Other Presentations. Collected Forewards and Afterwords. 1935 - 1981.; Edited by Lee Bartlett
11751: 'Brother Antoninus'. [pseudonym of Everson, William. 1912 - 1994] - The LAST CRUSADE
11754: [Everson, William]. Brother Antoninus - ROBINSON JEFFERS: Fragments of an Older Fury
18520.1: Everson, William [1912 - 1994] - WAR ELEGIES
25290: Ewing, Juliana Horatia [Gatty. 1841 - 1885] - DANDELION CLOCKS and Other Stories
8694: Ewing, Juliana Horatia [1841 - 1885] - JAN Of The WINDMILL. A Story of the Plains
20846: Exman, Eugene - The HOUSE Of HARPER: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Publishing
38127: Exner, Richard - A PERSONAL PRAYER At YEAR'S END
43914: [Menu / Transportation / Golden Gate International Exposition] - SOUTHERN PACIFIC MENUS. Lot of 4 Golden Gate International Exposition Menus for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
42826.1: [World's Fair / Golden Gate Exposition] - HOW CALIFORNIA GOT ITS NAME. Golden Gate International Exposition. 1939
30734: [Panama Pacific International Exposition] - FINE - ARTS. French Section. Catalogue of Works in Painting, Drawings, Sculpture, Medals-Engravings and Lithographs. Panama Pacific International Exposition. San Francisco. 1915
0022.1: Eyre, David - FLOAT
32930: Wallace, John F. [with Lieutenant Robert H. Rankin] - U.S. ARMY In ACTION!
32928: Wallace, James F. [with Lieutenant Robert H. Rankin] - WARPLANES In ACTION!
45940: Friedman, William F. and Elizabeth S. - The SHAKESPEAREAN CIPHERS EXAMINED.; An Analysis of Cryptographic Systems Used as Evidence That Some Author Other Than William Shakespeare Wrote the Plays Commonly Attributed to Him
32047: [Fabens, Joseph Warren. 1821 - 1875]. Kimball, Richard B. - Contributor - In The TROPICS By A Settler in Santo Domingo. With an Introductory Notice by Richard B. Kimball
19490: Fagan, James O. - The NEW ENGLAND SQUEAK And Other Stories. Being the Strange Adventures of Heoric Yet Primitive People
27046: Faherty, Terence - LIVE TO REGRET
11361.1: [Cookery / California / World's Fair] - 100 SELECTED DRIED FRUIT RECIPES Chosen by 100,000 Homemakers at Golden Gate International Exposition. Treasure Island California
33780: Fairbrother, Trevor J. - The BOSTONIANS. Painters of an Elegant Age, 1870- 1930
35165: Fairless, Michael [pseudonym of Barber, Margaret Fairless. 1869 - 1901] - The GATHERING Of BROTHER HILARIUS
26492: de Falbe, John - The BEQUEST
29732: Falk, Richard A. - Editor - The VIETNAM WAR And INTERNATIONAL LAW. Sponsored by the American Society of International Law
42813: [Oakland / California / Politics]. Fallon, Malachi [1814 - 1899] - Candidate - REGULAR DEMOCRATIC TICKET. OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. Fourth Ward, First Precinct. "Economy and Reform"
40770: [Souvenir Photograph]. Temperance House of Niagara Falls, NY - TEMPERANCE HOUSE - NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y.
37063: The Don Olsen Family - WISE MEN STILL ADORE HIM
49562: [Promotional Booklet / Minnesota Local History]. "The Palmer Family" - The MATTERHORN ROOM
49221: Fanchette, Jean - Directeur. Corso, Gregory [1930 - 2001]; Durrell, Lawrence [1912 - 1990]; Thomas, Dylan [1914 - 1953] - Contributors - TWO CITIES. La Revue Bilingue de Paris. Trimestrielle 4. 15 Mai 1960
44005: [Sociology]. La Farge, John [1880 - 1963] - NO POSTPONEMENT. U. S. Moral Leadership and the Problem of Racial Minorities
24621: La Farge, Christopher - EACH To The OTHER. A Novel in Verse
17909: La Farge, Oliver - Editor - The CHANGING INDIAN.; From a Symposium Arranged by the American Association on Indian Affairs, Inc
29605: Faris, John T. - The NEW WINNING THEIR WAY. Boys Who Learned Self-Help
31619: Farjeon, B[enjamin]. L[eopold. 1833 - 1903] - BLADE - O' - GRASS
36779: Farjeon, B[enjamin]. Leopold. 1838 - 1903] - SELF - DOOMED. A Novel. / A DETECTIVE'S STRATAGEM. The Leisure Hour Library. Vol. IV. No. 327. March 1, 1892
21361.1: Farley, Walter [1915 - 1989] - The BLACK STALLION'S FILLY
1621: Farmer, Philip Jose - The MAGIC LABYRINTH
1620: Farmer, Philip Jose - Dayworld
42305: Farquhar, Francis P. - Chair of the "Committee on an Exhibition of Books" - A BRIEF CATALOG Of The PUBLISHED WORKS Of BOHEMIAN CLUB AUTHORS
25533: [Yosemite]. [Farquhar, Francis P.] - In The DEPARTMENT Of The INTERIOR. In the Matter of the Complaint of John L. Howard, et al., Against Col. S. B. M. Young, U. S. A., Superintendent of the Yosemite National Park, California. [1896]; Introduction by Francis P. Farquhar
48892: [Souvenir Event Menu]. Farrand, Livingston [1867 - 1939] - Honoree. Sindelar, Thomas A. [1867 - 1923] - Artist - DINNER GIVEN To Dr. LIVINGSTON FARRAND. President of Cornell University.; By the Lotos Club New York March 10th 1923
40482: [Temperance Song Book]. Farrar, Elden R. - NEW SONGS And CHORUSES
44739: Farrar, Frederick W., D. D. - The CATHEDRALS Of ENGLAND.; First Series. Second Series
44048: Farrell, David. Duncan, Harry - Foreword - COLLEGIATE BOOK ARTS PRESSES. A New Census of Printing Presses in American Colleges & Universities
28222: Farrell, James T. - BERNARD CLARE
33531: [Native American Indian Sheet Music]. Farwell, Arthur [1872 - 1952] - Compiler. Troyer, Carlos [1837 - 1920] - Transcriber - TWO PIANOFORTE COMPOSITIONS. SMYBOLISTIC STUDY NO. I. By Arthur Farwell. GHOST DANCE Of The ZUNIS. By Carlos Troyer. From the 'Wa-Wan Series of American Compositions. Vol. III [Spring Quarter] Part II: April
33381: [Historical Fashion] - DUTCH DRESSES
32542.1: [Ladies Fashion] - GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. 1861. Vol. LXII. Vol. LXIII
2387.1: [Mod Lib]. Fast, Howard - The SELECTED WORK Of TOM PAINE & CITIZEN TOM PAINE
22101: Fast, Howard - The STORY Of LOLA GREGG
21496: Fast, Howard - CITIZEN TOM PAINE
34536: Fast, Howard [1914 - 2003] - The STORY Of LOLA GREGG
34473: Fast, Howard [1914 - 2003]. Jaques, Faith - Dust jacket illustrator - TORQUEMADA. A Novel
50576: Faulkner, William [1897 - 1962] - INTRUDER In The DUST
2871.1: Faulkner, William [1897 - 1962] - The MANSION
40096: Faulkner, William [1897 - 1962] - The TOWN
51015: Faulkner, Frank - The THEORY And PRACTICE Of MODERN BREWING, A Re-Written and Much Enlarged Edition of "The Art of Brewing;" with a Complete and Fully Illustrated Appendix, Specially Written for the Present Period
45920: [San Francisco / California History]. Faust, Henry W. - Publisher - FAUST'S MAP Of CITY And COUNTY Of SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA
27691: Fawal, Ibrahim - On The HILLS Of GOD
25901: Fawcett, Quinn. [Pseudonym for Chelsea Quinn Yarbro & Bill Fawcett] - AGAINST The BROTHERHOOD. A Mycroft Holmes Novel
49171: [La Fayette, Madame de (Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne). 1634 - 1693]. Segrais, Jean Regnauld de [1624 - 1701]. Porter, P. - Translator - ZAYDE, A Spanish History, or, ROMANCE. Originally Written in French. By Monsieur Segray. Done into English by P. Porter, Esq;
45395: [Wine List Menu - Santa Fe] - WINE LIST. Nov. 21, 1942.; Mudheads - The Clown Dancers of Certain Southwestern Indian Tribes
45631: Feather, John - A DICTIONARY Of BOOK HISTORY
15946.1: Feintuch, David - CHILDREN Of HOPE
30874: Feist, Raymond E. - FAERIE TALE
41732: Fellowes, E. - Publisher - MINIATURE ALMANACK And POCKET MEMORANDA For the Year of Our Lord 1838.; Being the 2d after Bissextile or Leap Year Calculated for New England
10117: By the Archbishop of Cambray. (Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe) - The ADVENTURES Of TELEMACHUS, The Son of Ulysses.; In French and English. Carefully Compared with the Best French Editions; and Revised and Corrected by L. C. Vallon
47745: Fénelon, Gabriel Jacques de Salignac, Marquis de la Mothe- [1688 - 1746] - A SPEECH Of The MARQUIS DE FENELON, Ambassador from the King of France, to the Lords States General,; On the 25th of April, at taking Leave of their High Mightinesses, in a Publick Audience
49426: Fenner, Albert G. - Former Owner - FIRST ANNUAL CATALOGUE And CIRCULAR Of The STRAFFORD COUNTY COMMON SCHOOL ASSOCIATION, 1850.; Organized Nov. 9, 1850
3003.1: Ferber, Edna [1885 - 1968] - A PECULIAR TREASURE
29055: Ferber, Edna [1885 - 1968] - GREAT SON
47585: Ferguson, Betty - The SENSUOUS MOUSE (Of SAN FRANCISCO)
32488: Ferguson, Donald - CHUMS Of SCRANTON HIGH At ICE HOCKEY
32489: Ferguson, Donald - CHUMS Of SCRANTON HIGH or Hugh Morgan's Uphill Fight
32486: [Baseball Fiction]. Ferguson, Donald - CHUMS Of SCRANTON HIGH OUT For The PENNANT; or In the Three Town League
50355: Ferguson, W[illiam]. B[lair]. M[orton. 1881 - 1967] - CRACKERJACK
0836: Ferguson, James [1710 - 1776] - An INTRODUCTION To ELECTRICITY. In Six Sections. I. Of Electricity in General. II. A Description of the Electrical Machine. III. A Description of the Apparatus (belonging to the Machine) for Making Electrical Experiments. IV. How to know if the Machine be in good Order for performing the Experiment, and How to put it in Order if it be not. V. How to Make the Electrical Experiments, and to Preserve Buildings from Damage by Lightning. VI. Medical Electricity. Illustrated with Copper-plates
51573: FerlinghettI, Lawrence [1919 - 2021] - The MEXICAN NIGHT. - Travel Journal - A New Directions Paperbook. NDP300. $1.50
51570: FerlinghettI, Lawrence [1919 - 2021] - ROUTINES. A New Directions Paperbook
51571: FerlinghettI, Lawrence [1919 - 2021] - TYRANNUS NIX
51582: FerlinghettI, Lawrence [1919 - 2021] - NORTHWEST ECOLOG
51578: FerlinghettI, Lawrence [1919 - 2021] - A CONEY ISLAND Of The MIND. Poems. A New Directions Paperbook
51569: FerlinghettI, Lawrence [1919 - 2021] - UNFAIR ARGUMENTS WITH EXISTENCE. Seven Plays for a New Theatre
51576: FerlinghettI, Lawrence [1919 - 2021] - OPEN EYE, OPEN HEART. A New Directions Paperbook. NDP361. $1.75
49770: Feroe, Paul - Editor. Bly, Robert - Contributor - SILENT VOICES. Recent American Poems on Nature
51454: Ferrarelli, Rina [1939] - The BREAD WE ATE
40129: Pat & Bob Ferraro - The PAST In GLASS
50354: Ferris, Joshua - THE UNNAMED
19277: Ferris, H. B. - The INDIANS Of CUZCO And The APURIMAC. Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, Vol. III, No. 2
41967: Ferroni, Ferruccio [1920 - 2007]. Amati, Silvana - Presidente de Consiglio Regionale delle Marche - PORTFOLIO Of 10 PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGES. Consiglio Regionale dell Marche. Pio Soldalizio dei Piceni. 1 / 10 Luglio 1999. Roma
17130: Feshbach, Murray & Friendly Jr, Alfred - ECOCIDE In The USSR
33572: Fessenden, Thomas G[reen. 1771 - 1837]. Attorney at Law - The AMERICAN CLERK'S COMPANION, And ATTORNEY'S PROMPTER; A Collection of the Most Useful and Approved Froms of Legal Instruments, Precedents in Pleading, &c. With Observations Relative to the Varieties of Practice, Introduced or Sanctioned by the Statutes and Courts of Different States
49299: Fessenden, R. A. - Contributor. Walcott, Charles D. - Secretary - "Wireless Telephony" [as published in] ANNUAL REPORT Of The BOARD Of REGENTS Of The SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Showing the Operations, Expenditures and Condition of the Institution for the Year Ending June 30 1908
18121: Feuerstein, Phyllis; Roberts, Carol - The NOT - SO - EMPTY NEST. How to Live With Your Kids After They've Lived Someplace Else
39807: Fewkes, J. Walter & Charles D. Walcott - Contributors - FORTY - FIRST ANNUAL REPORT Of The BUREAU Of AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY TO The SECRETARY Of The SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 1919 - 1924
20151: [WWI Poster]. "FGC" - ORDER YOUR COAL NOW. Get It Out of Uncle Sam's Way -- He Needs the Railroads for War.; United States Fuel Administration
26541: [Civil War Fiction], Kirke, Edmund [pseudonym for Gilmore, James Robert] - On The BORDER
34792: [Serialized Fiction] - The GREAT SACRIFICE. The Tragedy of an Unwanted Bride. Nos. 3-16, 22, 30, 32 - 34, 45 - 62, 81 - 82
45306: Field, Ophelia - The KIT-CAT CLUB. Friends Who Imagined a Nation
36861: Field, Eugene [1850 - 1895] - LITTLE WILLIE. A Poem
50378: Field, Sara Bard [1882 - 1974]. O'Day, Edward F[rancis. 1883 - 1959] - Prior owner - The PALE WOMAN And Other Poems
8572: [Field, Eugene]. Below, Ida Comstock - EUGENE FIELD In His HOME
7741.1: [Grabhorn Press]. Field, Sara Bard - DARKLING PLAIN
28690: [Nabokov]. Field, Andrew - NABOKOV. His Life in Part
27545: [Auction Catalogue]. Field, Thomas W[arren. 1821 - 1881] - CATALOGUE Of The LIBRARY BELONGING To MR. THOMAS W. FIELD, Author of "An Essay on Indian Bibliography," Etc. Including an Unrivalled Collection of Books Relating to the American Indians, Collections of Historical Societies, and American History and Biography in General. [bound with] SUPPLEMENT To The CATALOGUE Of The LIBRARY Of MR. T. W. FIELD, Including Books Omitted in that List; also, Valuable Manuscripts, and a Collection of Books Relating to America From Another Collection... May 29, 1875
22752: Field, Henry M. - OLD SPAIN And NEW SPAIN
46340: Field, Eugene [1850 - 1895] - An AUTO - ANALYSIS [with] HOW ONE FRIAR MET The DEVIL And TWO PURSUED HIM
39528: [Colonial Currency]. Field, John; Usher, Abraham; Meredith, Charles - Signers - FIFTY SHILLINGS NOTE. According to an Act of General Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of his Majesty Geo. the Third. Dated the First Day of October, 1773. Fifty Shill. To Counterfeit is Death. No. 7668
31020: Fielding, Henry [1701 - 1754] - A HISTORY Of TOM JONES, A Foundling.; An Introduction by Louis Kronenberger
47277: Fielding, Henry - Subject. Hahn, H. George - HENRY FIELDING: An Annotated Bibliography
23286: [Exhibition Catalogue] . [Law]. Fielding, Henry - An INSTITUTE Of The PLEAS Of The CROWN
1110: [Fielding, Henry. 1707 - 1754]. Rogers, Pat - HENRY FIELDING. A Biography
34676: Filby, P. W. - Compiler. Howard, Edward E - Director - STAR- SPANGLED BOOKS. Books, Sheet Music, Newspapers, Manuscripts and Persons Associated with "The Star-Spangled Banner"
33509: [Advertising Pamphlet - 3 panel]. Filkins, L. W. - General Passenger Agent - The GREAT PROVIDENCE LINE. Between New York & Boston
40250: Charles M. & J. H. Fillmore. Fred A. Fillmore, Dr. J. B. Herbert, Chas. H. Gabriel - Contributors - FILLMORES' PROHIBITION SONGS. A Collection of Songs for the Prohibition Campaign, Patriotic Services, and all Meetings in the Interest of Reform
39974.1: [Filmer, Robert. 1588? - 1653]. Capell, Algernon, 2nd Earl of Essex [1670 - 1710] -Former Owner - The FREE-HOLDERS GRAND INQUEST, Touching Our Sovereign Lord the King and His Parliament
14166: Oxford Scientific Films - HOUSE MOUSE
32451: Finck, Henry T. - MY ADVENTURES In The GOLDEN AGE Of MUSIC
20326: Findlay, Phillip - The VACATION. Daisy Dell Series #5
40826: Fine, A[rthur Henry. b. 1928] - Designer - The STORY Of CALIFORNIA. The Colorful and Romantic History of California is Divided into 5 Parts in this Series: Main Indians. Early Explorations. Spanish Settlements. Pioneer Trails. American Towns
17824.1: Fineran, Richard (ed); Harper, George Mills (ed); Murphy, William M. (ed); [Yeats, W.B.] - LETTERS To W.B. YEATS. Volume 2
44736: Finnie, T. J. - DIARY Of A TRIP To SOUTH AFRICA 1951 - 1952. S. S. Stirling Castle. [cover title]
16387: Finucane, Ronald C. - SOLDIERS Of The FAITH. Crusaders and Muslims at War
23881: Firbank, Ronald [1886 - 1926] - The PRINCESS ZOUBAROFF. A Comedy
21895.1: Firbank, Ronald [1886 - 1926 - SANTAL
21895: Firbank, Ronald - SANTAL
33036: [San Francisco Fire] - SAN FRANCISCO IMPERISHABLE
35258: Fischer, Bruno - HOUSE Of FLESH. Gold Medal Book 123
35075: Fischerm, Oswaldo Almeida. Rosa, Santa - Cover. Abramo, Livio. Goeldi, Oswaldo. Kerr, Yllen - Illustrators - O HOMEM De DUAS CABECAS Contos
43222: [Fish, Henry Clay. 1820 - 1877] - The AGENT'S MANUAL Of LIFE ASSURANCE. Exclusively for Agents
12817.1: Fisher, Leonard Everett - The SEVEN DAYS Of CREATION. Adapted from the Bible
921: Fisher, Ron - Still Waters White Waters
49003: Fisher, Howard S. - LIGHTNING In The EAST
14738: Fisher, Anne - IT'S A WISE CHILD. A Disorderly Comedy of Fatherhood
14207: [WWI]. Fisher, H[erbert]. A. L. Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield University - The BRITISH SHARE In The WAR
39146: [US Board of Indian Commissioners Publication]. Clinton B. Fisk, T. O. Howe, John B. Sanborn, W[illiam]. T[ecumseh]. Sherman - Contributors - SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT Of The BOARD Of INDIAN COMMISSIONERS For The YEAR 1874
37859: Fiske, John. Frank Alpine Hill - Contributor - A HISTORY Of The UNITED STATES. With Topical Analysis, Suggestive Questions and Directions
42449: Fitch, Clyde [1865 - 1909] - The WOMAN In The CASE. A Play in Four Acts
16504: [Travel]. Fitch, George Hamlin - The CRITIC In The OCCIDENT
12847: [Fitts, Dudley]. Aristophanes - LYSISTRATA. The Famous Greek Comedy of War Between the Sexes.; A New English Version by Dudley Fitts
48192: Fitzgerald, Joseph - CASEINE: Being Rural Meditations
51334: Fitzgerald, F. Scott [1896 - 1940] - Contributor. Van Dyke, Henry; Croll, Morris William; Burt, Maxwell Struthers; Creese Jr., James - Editors - A BOOK Of PRINCETON VERSE II 1919
17665: Fitzgerald, Frances - CITIES On A HILL. A Journey Through Contemporary American Cultures
17481.1: [Fitzgerald, F. Scott]. Bruccoli, Matthew J. - F. SCOTT FITZGERALD COLLECTOR'S HANDLIST
9852.1: Fitzgerald, Percy - RECREATIONS Of A LITERARY MAN, or, Does Writing Pay
5263.3: Fitzhugh, Percy Keese - TOM SLADE At BLACK LAKE. Tom Slade Series #9
5263.2: Fitzhugh, Percy Keese - TOM SLADE At BLACK LAKE. Tom Slade Series #9
24648.1: [Boy Scouts]. Fitzhugh, Percy Keese - WESTY MARTIN. Westy Martin Series #1.; Published with the Approval of the Boy Scouts of America
39624: Fitzhugh, Percy Keese - ROY BLAKELEY'S ADVENTURES In CAMP. Roy Blakeley Series #2
39511: Fitzhugh, Percy Keese - ROY BLAKELEY, PATHFINDER. Roy Blakeley Series #3
39512: Fitzhugh, Percy Keese - ROY BLAKELEY'S TANGLED TRAIL. Roy Blakeley Series #11
39453.1: Fitzhugh, Percy Keese - ROY BLAKELEY His Story. Roy Blakeley Series #1
39453: Fitzhugh, Percy Keese - ROY BLAKELEY His Story. Roy Blakeley Series #1
21428: [Flagg, James Montgomery] Brennan, George H. - BILL TRUETELL: A Story of Theatrical Life
31847: O'Flaherty, Liam [1896 - 1984] - RED BARBARA And Other Stories. The Mountain Tavern, Prey, The Oar
49768: Flanagan, Robert - NOT For DIETRICH BONHOEFFER
31630: Flandrau, Grace [1889 - 1971] - FRONTIER DAYS ALONG The UPPER MISSOURI. Compliments of the Great Northern Railway
31633: Flandrau, Grace [1889 - 1971] - RED RIVER TRAILS. Compliments of the Great Northern Railway
31626: Flandrau, Grace [1889 - 1971] - HISTORIC NORTHWEST ADVENTURE LAND. Compliments of the Great Northern Railway
31629: Flandrau, Grace [1889 - 1971] - ASTOR And The OREGON COUNTRY. Compliments of the Great Northern Railway
15144: Flannagan, Roy - AMBER SATYR
18738.2: Flaubert, Gustave - MADAME BOVARY. Modern Library #28.; Translated by Eleanor Marx Aveling
38226: Flegel, George C. - The TELEGRAPHERS' HAND BOOK. A Book of Instruction and Reference for Telegraph Operators, Containing Information, Relative to All the Various Parts of the Electric Telegraph, Including the Theory of the Telegraph, Care of Instruments, Testing, Switches, Batteries, etc.
50382: Fleming, Robert [1630 -1694]. Foxcroft, Mr [Thomas. 1697 - 1769] - Contributor - The FULFILLING Of The SCRIPTURE. Or An Essay shewing the exact Accomplishment of the Word of God, in his Works performed and to be performed. For confirming of Believers, and convincing Atheists of the Present Time : Containing some rare Histories of the Works and the Servants of God in the Church of Scotland.; By the Reverend Mr. Robert Fleming, Late Pastor of a Church in Rotterdam.With a Preface by Mr. Foxcroft, Pastor to the first Church in Boston
2277: [Fleming, Ian]. Gardner, John - For SPECIAL SERVICES
3962: [Fleming, Ian]. Gardner, John - ICEBREAKER
39211: Fleming, J[oseph]. Landis. Dr. John C. Hubbard - Contributor - An OKLAHOMA REBEL
38257: Fleming, Alice - REPORTERS At WAR. From the Crimean War to the Conflict in Vietnam
38540: Fletcher, Harvey D. - VISIONS Of NAM. In Three Volumes. Volumes I - III
19107: Flick, Stephen R. - The UNCOLLECTED POEMS Of STEPHEN R. FLICK
43810: Flint, Helen E. Price, Margaret Evans [1888 - 1973] - Illustrator - The ANGORA TWINNIES
34109: Flint, Eric. Kosmatka, Marilyn - TIME SPIKE
47518: [Restaurant Menu - Florida] - NEW ENGLAND OYSTER HOUSE. SEA-FARE.; Same Family Ownership Since 1946
28752: [Rome History]. Florus, Lucius Annaeus. Salmasius, Cl. [1588 - 1653] - L. ANNAEUS FLORUS Cl. Salmasius, Addidit Lucium Ampelium, & cod. MS. Nunquam Antehac Editum
11671: Flugel, J. C. - MAN, MORALS And SOCIETY. A Psycho-analytical Study
28707.2: Fogarty, Francis X. - RED Is The GRASS. The Sixty-Sixth Annual Play of the Bohemian Club.; Directed by Robert England
32313: Fogazzaro, A[ntonio. 1842 - 1911] - MALOMBRA
35462: Folger, W[illiam]. M[ahew]. - Translator - The FRENCH MITRAILLEUSE: A Full and Complete Description of Its Construction, Service, Etc. Translated from the German by Lieutenant-Commander W. M. Folger, U.S.N.
502: Follett, Ken - LIE DOWN With LIONS
27763: Follett, Ken - NIGHT OVER WATER
27763.1: Follett, Ken - NIGHT OVER WATER
20000: Follett, Ken - The THIRD TWIN
28362: Sigaud de la Fond, [Joseph-Aignan. 1730 - 1810] - PRECIS HISTORIQUE Et EXPERIMENTAL Des PHENOMENES ELECTRIQUES, Depuis L'Origine de Cette Decouverte Jusqu'a ce Jour
35133: Fontanella, Luigi [b. 1943] - MILESTONE e Altre Storie
39107: [Infant Diet / Food] - PEPTOGENIC POWDER Modifies Cows' Milk So That It Becomes Practically Identical with Mothers' Milk and Thus a Suitable and Adequate Food for Infants During the Entire Nursing Period
11947: Foote, Henry Wilder - JOHN SMIBERT Painter.; With a Descriptive Catalogue of Portraits. And Notes on the Work of Nathaniel Smibert
48499: Foote, Samuel [1720 - 1777] - The ORATORS. As It Is Now Performing at the New Theatre in the Hay - Market.; Written by Samuel Foote, Esq
28570: Footner, [William] Hulbert [1879 - 1944] - The UNDER DOGS
5612: Forbes, John Maxwell - WILBUR CRANE'S HANDICAP
31999: Forbes, Elena - DIE WITH ME
31365: Forbes, Colin - The JANUS MAN
36823: Forbes, R. H. - IRRIGATION In ARIZONA. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations -- Bulletin 235
50684: [California Missions]. Forbes, J[ames]. Alexander [b. 1838] - The GOLDEN WEST. Souvenir Respectfully Dedicated to the Native Sons and Native Daughters of the State. Primitive Years in California
17763: Forbes, Colin - The STOCKHOLM SYNDICATE
17057: Forbes, Bryan - The ENDLESS GAME
17031: Forbes, Colin - The JANUS MAN
41612: Ford and Cole. Tillotson & Son - Contributors - [Facsimile Advertising Broadside]. FORD And COLE Are NOW PREPARED To SHOW For The COMING SEASON, SPRING FASHIONS, CHOICE FRENCH MILLINERY, MANTLES, COSTUMES, DRESSES, BONNETS, HATS, CAPS. Special Show Days Every Wendesday During the Season
27571: Ford, Hugh - FOUR LIVES In PARIS.; Foreword by Glenway Wescott
47103: Ford, Ford Madox [1873 - 1939] - GREAT TRADE ROUTE
24156.1: Ford, Richard - ROCK SPRINGS. Stories
35356: [Baseball Fiction]. Ford, Edward "Whitey" [b. 1928]. Lang, Jack - The FIGHTING SOUTHPAW. The Argonaut All*Star Baseball Series
19528: Ford, Paul Leicester [1865 - 1902] - The GREAT K & A TRAIN-ROBBERY
47701: Ford, F[ord]. M[adox]. - Editor. Cummings, E. E.; Coppard, A. E.; Pound, Ezra; Conrad, Joseph; Hueffer, F.M.; Ionides, Luke; Cassou, Jean; McAlmon, R.; Chaucer, D.; Wells, H.G.; Eliot, T.S. - The TRANSATLANTIC REVIEW. Paris. Vol. 1 No. 1 Jan. 1924
13568: Ford, Richard - Editor - The BEST AMERICAN SHORT STORES. 1990.; With an Introduction by Richard Ford
36762.1: Foreman, Grant - The OKLAHOMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY
50903: Foreman, Michael - WAR BOY. A Country Childhood
16932.2: Foreman, Grant. John R. Swanton - Contributor - The FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES
16920.4: Foreman, Grant - INDIANS & PIONEERS. The Story of the American Southwest Before 1830
35547: De Forest, John W. - HISTORY Of The INDIANS Of CONNECTICUT From the Earliest Known Period to 1850
35547.1: De Forest, John W. - HISTORY Of The INDIANS Of CONNECTICUT From the Earliest Known Period to 1850
37815: De Forest, J. W., Anthony Trollope, Charles Nordhoff, and [Anne] Thackeray [Ritchie] - Contributors - HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Volume 44, No. 264. May, 1872
50521: Forgan, Robert - The GOLFER'S MANUAL, Including History and Rules of the Game, with Hints to Beginners
42222: The Women's Division of Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Los Angeles County Chapter - Sponsors - The FIFTH ANNUAL PATRIOTIC BALL
51288: [Forman, Jacob Gilbert. 1820 - 1885] - The WESTERN SANITARY COMMISSION; A Sketch of Its Origin, History, Labors for the Sick and Wounded of the Western Armies, and Aid Given to Freedmen and Union Refugees, with Incidents of Hospital Life
51413: Forrest, Frank - DICK DARESOME'S ROWING MATCH, or, The Prize Oarsman of Merrivale. Wide Awake Weekly. A Complete Story Every Week. No. 159. April 30, 1909
35692.3: Forrester, Mark - Editor - FORRESTER'S BOYS' & GIRLS' MAGAZINE. April, 1852. Vol. 9. No. 4
35692.2: Forrester, Mark - Editor - FORRESTER'S BOYS' & GIRLS' MAGAZINE. September, 1852. Vol. 10. No. 3
35692.1: Forrester, Mark - Editor - FORRESTER'S BOYS' & GIRLS' MAGAZINE. December 1852. Vol. 10. No. 6
35692: [Forrester, Mark - Editor] - FORRESTER'S BOYS' & GIRLS' MAGAZINE. January, 1852. Vol. 9. No. 1
35690.1: Forrester, Mark - Editor - YOUTHS CASKET And PLAYMATE. A Magazine for Boy and Girls. February, 1864. Volume XIX. Number 6
35690: Forrester, Mark - Editor - YOUTHS CASKET And PLAYMATE, A Magazine for Boy and Girls. November 1863. Volume XIX. Number 2
30777: [Forster, E. M.]. di Lampedusa, Giuseppe - TWO STORIES And A MEMORY.; Translated from the Italian by Archibald Colquhoun. With an Introduction by E. M. Forster
27979: [Forster, E. M.]. Kirkpatrick, B. J. - A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of E. M. FORSTER
4154.2: [Dickens] Forster, John - The LIFE and ADVENTURES of OLIVER GOLDSMITH
4154: Forster, John [1812 - 1876]. Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - Dedicated to. Goldsmith, Oliver [1728 - 1774] - Subject - The LIFE And ADVENTURES Of OLIVER GOLDSMITH
4154.1: Forster, John [1812 - 1876]. Goldsmith, Oliver [1728 - 1774] - Subject. Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - Dedicee - The LIFE and ADVENTURES of OLIVER GOLDSMITH
16984: Forsyth, Frederick - The NEGOTIATOR
16962: Forsyth, Frederick - The FOURTH PROTOCOL
16306: Forsyth, Frederick - The DOGS Of WAR
17702: Forward, Robert L. - CAMELOT 30K
8384.1: [Fosdick, Charles A.]. Castlemon, Harry - JOE WAYRING At HOME
6455.1: [Fosdick, Charles A. 1842 - 1915]. Castlemon, Harry - BOY TRAPPER
4684.4: [Fosdick, Charles A.]. Castlemon, Harry - FRANK On The LOWER MISSISSIPPI. Gunboat Series #5
22866: [Fosdick, Charles A. 1842 - 1915]. Castlemon, Harry - GEORGE At The WHEEL; or, Life in the Pilot - House
22865: [Fosdick, Charles A.]. Castlemon, Harry - The ROD And GUN CLUB. The Rod and Gun Series #2
22860: [Fosdick, Charles A. 1842 - 1915]. Castlemon, Harry - TRUE To HIS COLORS
22856: [Fosdick, Charles A. 1842 - 1915]. Castlemon, Harry - FRANK AMONG The RANCHEROS
22858: [Fosdick, Charles A. 1842 - 1915]. Castlemon, Harry - SAILER JACK, The TRADER
22813: [Fosdick, Charles A. 1842 - 1915]. Castlemon, Harry - WINGED ARROW'S MEDICINE. The Castlemon Series #2
22809: [Fosdick, Charles A. 1842 - 1915]. Castlemon, Harry - The FIRST CAPTURE. The Castlemon Series #1
11051.1: [Fosdick, Charles A.]. Castlemon, Harry - FRANK On A GUNBOAT. The Gunboat Series #2
11052.1: [Fosdick, Charles A.]. Castlemon, Harry - The TEN TON CUTTER
6450.2: [Fosdick, Charles A.]. Castlemon, Harry - SPORTSMAN'S CLUB AFLOAT. Sportsman Club Series #2
6451.1: [Fosdick, Charles A.]. Castlemon, Harry - BURIED TREASURE. The Boy Trapper Series #1
13467.1: [Fosdick, Charles A.]. Castlemon, Harry - FRANK On The PRAIRIE
31458: Fossum, Paul R. - "Early Milling in the Cannon River Valley" [as published in] MINNESOTA HISTORY. A Quarterly Magazine. Vol 11, No. 3. September, 1930
32931: Foster, Bob - MYRON MOOSE FUNNIES. #2
41917: Foster, G. L. - The PAST Of YPSILANTI: A Discourse. Delivered on Leaving the Old Presbyterian Church Edifice, Lord's Day, September 20th, 1857. Also, AN APPENDIX, Containing a History of Schools, Secret Societies, &c
41447: Charles Foster, Judson Crews, Gene Fowler, David Sandberg, Ed Bullins, John Montgomery, Normal Moser, Caryl Porter, Doug Palmer, Jim Thurber - Contributors - ILLUMINATIONS 1. Summer 1965
40368: [Yosemite Valley Railway Co.]. Foster, L. A. & W. L. White - Contributors - YOSEMITE VALLEY RAILWAY CO
38811: [Foster, Stephen C. 1826 - 1864]. Whittlesey, Walter R; Sonneck, O. G. - Editors - CATALOGUE Of FIRST EDITIONS Of STEPHEN C. FOSTER (1826 - 1864). Library of Congress
48895: [Baseball Literature]. Foster, John B. - Editor - SPALDING'S OFFICIAL BASE BALL GUIDE. Fifty-sixth Year. 1932.; Spalding's Athletic Library. No. 100x. Price 35 cents
48832: [Baseball Literature]. Foster, John B. - Editor - COLLEGE BASE BALL GUIDE. Containing Official Rules as Recommended by the Rules Committee of the National Collegiate Athletic Assocation. 1930.; Spalding's "Red Cover" Series of Athletic Handbooks. No. 130R. Price 25 cents
15524: Foster, Harry L. - A TROPICAL TRAMP With The TOURISTS
27346: [Fothergill, Jessie. 1851 - 1891]. By the Author of 'The First Violin' - PROBATION. A Novel
47695: Fortuné De Fournier, Jean Baptiste [1798 - 1864] - ALBUM Of PORTRAIT SKETCHES, Mainly Pencil.; Souvenier. Firenze. 1827. [Spine title]
25484: Fowler, Connie May - RIVER Of HIDDEN DREAMS
35790.2: Fowler, Frank - The BRONCHO RIDER BOYS DOWN In ARIZONA or A Struggle for the Great Copper Lode. The Broncho Rider Boys Series #2
13989: Fowler, Wilfred - The OLD ORDER And The NEW. A Novel of Africa
2171: Fowles, John - MANTISSA
20622: Fowles, John - The FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN
16009: Fowles, John - The EBONY TOWER
48268: 'By an Officer of Rank.' Fox, Charles James [1749 - 1806] - Subject - REMARKS On MR. FOX'S HISTORY Of JAMES II. In a Letter to a Friend
21757: Fox, Gardner - The ATOM. No. 23
35483: [Anthology]. Fox, Charles L. [1811 - 1846]; Osgood, Samuel [1812 - 1880] - Editors - The NEW HAMPSHIRE BOOK. Being Specimens of the Literature of the Granite State
21515: Fox, Stephen - TRANSATLANTIC: Samuel Cunard, Isambard Brunel, and the Great Atlantic Steamships
35259: Fox, William Price. Davis, Jack - Illustrator - SOUTHERN FRIED. Gold Medal K1232
38506: Fox, Charles Kirby [b. 1883] - The COLORADO DELTA. A Discussion of the Spanish Explorations & Maps, The Colorado River Silt Load, and its Seismic Effect on the Southwest
7371.1: Fox, Celina - LONDONERS
16495: Fox, Laurie - MY SISTER From The BLACK LAGOON. A Novel of My Life
33669: Foxcroft, Frank - Editor - WAR VERSE
12442: Fracchia, Umberto - ROBINO And Other Stories.; Translated from the Italian by Sir S. H. Scott
50544: France, Anatole [1844 - 1924]. Evans, A. W. - Translator. Van Doren, Carl [1885 - 1950] - Contributor - PENGUIN ISLAND.; With an Introduction by Carl Van Doren, and a Preface by the Author
28628: France, Anatole [1844 - 1924] - The AMETHYST RING.; A Translation by B. Drillien
46502: [Restaurant Menu - France] - MAXIM'S
46501: [Restaurant Menu - France] - RESTAURANT Du HAVRE.; 109, Rue St. Lazare et Passage du Hâvre
49336: [Restaurant Menu - France] - MAXIM'S. Menu du Diner
993.1: Francis, Dick - BOLT
47844: Francis, Sir Frank - A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL GHOST REVISITS HIS OLD HAUNTS.; Bibliographical Monograph Series No. 5
4457: Francis, Dick - DECIDER
1610: Francis, Dick - BREAK IN
1610.2: Francis, Dick - BREAK IN
1609.1: Francis, Dick - STRAIGHT
45437: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - The OYSTER LOAF
45433: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - BAY CITY GRILL.; The Landmark of San Francisco
43920: [Menu / San Francisco] - WORLD FAMOUS DI MAGGIO'S Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge. On San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf. Phone ORdway 3-2266
43921: [Menu / San Francisco] - WORLD FAMOUS DI MAGGIO'S Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge. On San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf. Phone ORdway 3-2266
43919: [Menu / San Francisco] - FISHERMEN'S GROTTO. No. 9 Fishermen's Wharf. Foot of Taylor Street. San Francisco, California
43918: [Menu / San Francisco] - TARANTINO'S. World Famous Food on Historic Fishermen's Wharf, San Francisco
43917: [Menu / San Francisco] - WORLD - FAMOUS EXPOSITION FISH GROTTO NO. 1. On Fisherman's Wharf. San Francisco, California. Sunday, April 26, 1964
45402: [Wine List - San Francisco] - WINE LIST LUCCA RESTAURANT.; Powell and Francisco Sts. San Francisco, California
45398: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - RETIREMENT DINNER HONORING DUKE. C. ORMSBY GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT Of TRANSPORTATION.; Municipal Railway Terrace Room Fairmont Hotel Friday April 20 1951
45387: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - VINS ET LIQUEURS.; Ripley's French Restaurant
45365: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - NEW TIVOLI RESTAURANT.; 1434 Grant Avenue
46867.1: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco(?)] - SHANGHAI LOW.; 532 Grant Avenue
45364: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - MILLIGAN'S QUALITY FOOD.; Geary at Arguello San Francisco, American and Mexican, Open Twenty Four Hours
45360: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - OLD BUDAPEST.; Hungarian Food as Served in the Old Country, Prepared for you by Andor, Famous Hungarian Chef
45358: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - MAISON PAUL GRILL.; Menu
45302: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - RITZ FRENCH RESTAURANT
45294: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - ALOUETTE The LARK.; French Restaurant
45270: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - ROOM SERVICE DINNER.; Fairmont Hotel and Tower San Francisco
42868: [Promotional Literature / San Francisco] - EL PRADO. San Francisco
47417: [Hotel Menu - San Francisco] - HOTEL MARK HOPKINS. ; Luncheon
47400: [Event Menu - San Francisco] - DINNER MEETING. The CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF MEDICINE.; The Stanford Court Hotel - San Francisco
47389: [Hotel Menu - San Francisco] - The PALACE HOTEL - SAN FRANCISCO.; Garden Court Dinner
47349: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - HENRY'S FASHION RESTAURANT
48161: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - DINNER GIVEN BY MADAME DARGIE XO HER FRIEND.; Camille's Rotisserie. June 19 1923
47317: [Hotel Menu - San Francisco] - THANKSGIVING DINNER - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1962.; Hotel Mark Hopkins
47304: [Hotel Menu - San Francisco] - MEXICO And The SPANISH.; One of the Seven Mural Paintings by Albert Herter in the Grill of the Hotel St. Francis, San Francisco
47233: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - CANCAN - Au DINER
47230: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - RICKEY'S
47224: [Wine Guide - San Francisco] - An EVALUATION Of SELECTED WINE From ITALY. [with a pamphlet titled] ITALIAN WINE GUIDE.; Organized by The Italian Trade Commissioner - Hotel Mark Hopkins - April 5, 1978
47217: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - GRISON'S STEAK & CHOP HOUSE.; Beverage List
47209: [Wine List - San Francisco] - The LOUVRE - WINE LIST; Wm. Bogen, Proprietor. Corner - Eddy and Powell Sts
47203: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - PIG'N WHISTLE - SOUVENIR MENU.; Tower of the Sun at Night
47204: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - PIG'N WHISTLE - SOUVENIR MENU.; Pacifica at Night
47202: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - PIG'N WHISTLE - SOUVENIR MENU.; Segment of Magical City. Foreground is the Court of Reflections
47200: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - PIG'N WHISTLE.; Los Angeles - Hollywood - Pasadena - San Francisco
47199: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - PIG'N WHISTLE.; Los Angeles - Hollywood - Pasadena - San Francisco
47197: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - PIG'N WHISTLE.; Food as you like it - and you'll like it
47192: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - PIG'N WHISTLE.; Dinner Service - 5 to 8:30 P.M.
47187: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - ALFRED'S. COCKTAILS - RESTAURANT.; Souvenir Menu
47183: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - MIRAMAR FISH GROTTO.; See Special Suggestions To Take Home
47168: [Restaurant Place mat - San Francisco] - FRANCISCAN RESTAURANT.; Fisherman's Wharf - San Francisco
47148: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - MENU - RIVIERA.; Distinctively Continental
40559: Pacific Novelty Company of San Francisco - SOUVENIR VIEWS Of The PANAMA - PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA. Opened by President Wilson, February 20th Closes December 4th, 1915
47003: [Restaurant Menu - Mark Hopkins Hotel/San Francisco] - "Ten Talented Fingers" JACK FINA And HIS ORCHESTRA.; Now Appearing in the Beautiful Peacock Court
46897: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - The FRONT ROOM.; 823 Clement Street
46893: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - The FRENCH CORNER.; Hiton Inn - San Francisco
46869: [Menu - San Francisco] - WOMAN'S ATHLETIC CLUB Of SAN FRANCISCO.; Luncheon
46838: [Hotel Menu - San Francisco] - HOTEL ST. FRANCIS SAN FRANCISCO.; Cold Buffet
46839: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - EL MASÓN RESTAURANTE.; The Food, The Wine, and The Music of Spain
46816: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - MARTIN'S ESPAÑOL.; Basque Restaurant
46811: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - WELCOME To The PICADILLY INN.; Where Courtesy, Quality and Cleanliness Rule Above All - FEATURING American and Hungarian Cooking ~ Chicago "Kosher Style" Corned Beef
46810: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - CAPTAIN'S TABLE.; Captain's Table at the Fisherman's Wharf
46801: Hotel Menu - San Francisco] - TUDOR ROOM At The PALACE CORNER.; Sheraton-Palace Hotel San Francisco
46800: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - PRESS GRILL - BILL OF FARE
46799: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - BILL OF FARE - PRESS GRILL ...And... OYSTER HOUSE Inc
46792: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - NEPTUNE FISH GROTTO.; Try Our Special Neptune-Chioppino
46699: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - LUNCH - CAMILLE'S ROTISSERIE.; Tendered by Mr. A. B. Spreckles to Mr. John McLeran Before his Departure for Europe
46373: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - The BREAD & HONEY TEA ROOM.; The King George Hotel
46699.1: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - LUNCH - CAMILLE'S ROTISSERIE.; Tendered by Mr. A. B. Spreckles to Mr. John McLeran Before his Departure for Europe
46368: [Wine Menu - San Francisco] - BERNSTEIN'S S.F. - FINE WINE
46362: [Menu - San Francisco] - SAN FRANCISCO COMMERCIAL CLUB ANNUAL DIRECTORS DINNER.; Tuesday, February 20, 1962
46291: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - CRILLO'S SPECIALTY KITCHEN.; Golden Gate International Exposition San Francisco 1939
46288: [Beverage List - San Francisco] - RIVIERA.; Wine & Cocktails
46273: [Wine List - San Francisco] - CONNIE'S WINE LIST.; 1909 Fillmore Stret - San Francisco, Calif
45889: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - The PARIS RESTAURANT. FINE FRENCH DINNERS.; Banquet Rooms Available for Large or Small Parties
45892: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - The J. M. BREWER CLUB ANNUAL DINNER.; St. Germain Cafe San Francisco
45898: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - SEVEN HILLS.; 26 California Street
45899: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - The WHITE WHALE. GHIRARDELLI SQUARE
45888: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - REDWOOD ROOM & TERRACE.; The Clift San Francisco
45887: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - ROCCA'S SAN FRANCISCO
45885: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - MAYE'S.; Over 100 Years of Fine Food. Since 1867
45872: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - RIVIERA
45876: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - JOHN'S STEAK & SALAD SHOP.; Under the Supervision of Cheff Louis Hanges
45825: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - The KING GEORGE HOTEL. The BREAD And HONEY TEA ROOM. (Includes a Napkin)
48872: [Restaurant Wine Menu - San Francisco] - The GRAND EXHIBITION. Sheraton at Fisherman's Wharf
45522: [Restaurant Menu/Cocktail List - San Francisco] - PROSIT! - The SHADOWS.; Wine with Meals is an Old Tradition at The Shadows San Francisco
45495: [Restaurant Menu/Brochure - San Francisco] - WHY TARANTINO'S?; Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco
45488: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - MENU, In LONDON THEY TALK ABOUT...LUCCA.; "Famous the World Over"
45478.1: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - OLD DIXIE BAR-B-Q; Charcoal Barbecue
48452: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - GRISON'S CHICKEN HOUSE.; "The House That Quality Built"
48372: [Event Menu - San Francisco] - 1905-1934. CELEBRATION Of The TWENTY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY Of The SOCIETY ALSCACE-LORRAINE Of SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA.; St. Germain Restaurant - February 10, 1934
45449: [Restuarant Menu - (San Francisco)] - PLACE UNIQUE.; Classy Dainty Tid-Bits to Eat for the Home and Here. The Key to our Success. 624-632 Post Street
45451: [Restaurant Menu - San Francisco] - HOTEL ST. FRANCIS MURAL ROOM MENU.; One of the Seven paintings By Albert Herter in the Mural Room of The Hotel St. Francis, San Francisco
47390: [Hotel Menu - San Francsico] - The PALACE HOTEL - SAN FRANCISCO
32433: Buttino, Frank. With Lou Buttino - A SPECIAL AGENT. Gay and Inside the F.B.I.
8991.2: Franken, Rose - CLAUDIA And DAVID
43578: Franklin, Colin - THEMES In AQUATINT.; BCC Publication no. 160
31060: Franklin, Benjamin. Farrand, Max - Editor - The AUTOBIOGRAPHY Of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. A Restoration of a "Fair Copy" by Max Farrand
25543: [Franklin, Benjamin]. Wood, Gordon S. - The AMERICANIZATION Of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
18939: [Franklin, Benjamin] - FRANKLIN Of PHILADELPHIA In London
32799: Franzos, Karl Emil [1848 - 1904]. MacDowall, M. W. - Translator - The JEWS Of BARNOW. Stories. Translated from the German
43542: Munro-Fraser, J. P. - Contributor - HISTORY Of SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; Including Its Geography, Geology, Topography, Climatography and Description, ..
30458: Fraser, Antonia - ROYAL CHARLES. Charles II and the Restoration
12058: Fraser, Antonia - YOUR ROYAL HOSTAGE
40756: Fraser, J[ames]. D[uncan] - The GOLD FEVER or Two Years in Alaska. A True Narrative of Actual Events as Experienced by the Author
22081: Fraser, Anthea - The LILY-WHITE BOYS
16689: Fraser, Nicholas & Navorro, Marysa - EVA PERON
20002: Frazier, Ian - On The REZ
34421: Frederic, Harold [1856 - 1898] - The DAMNATION Of THERON WARE
14109: [Frederic, Harold]. [Wilson, Edmund]. O'Donnell, Thomas F. - HAROLD FREDERIC'S STORIES Of YORK STATE.; With an Introduction by Edmund Wilson
42603: Frederici, Fortunato. Volpi, Giovanni Antonio [1686 - 1766] - ANNALI Della TIPOGRAFIA Volpi - Cominiana colle Notizie Intorno la Vita e Gli Studj De'Fratelli Volpi
42683: Frederick, J[ames]. M[ack]. H[enry. 1862 - 1942]. - Compiler - NATIONAL PARTY PLATFORMS Of The UNITED STATES. -- Presidential Candidates and Electorial and Popular Votes
45090: Fredericks, Anderson - 100 COCKTAILS.; How to Make Them and What to Eat with Them (A Laboratory Manual of Cocktail Making with Appetizers to Offset Them)
27270: Freed, Lynn - The BUNGALOW. A Novel
31381: Freeling, Nicolas - The NIGHT LORDS
11658: Freeman, Cynthia - FAIRYTALES
13359.1: Frees, Harry Whittier [1879 - 1953] - Photographer - FOUR LITTLE BUNNIES
43922: [European History]. Frémeaux, Paul; Stokoe, Edith S. - Translator - With NAPOLEON At ST. HELENA: Being the Memoirs of Dr. John Stokoe, Naval Surgeon
40827: Fremont, Brevet Captain J[ohn]. C[harles. 1813 - 1890] - NARRATIVE Of The EXPLORING EXPEDITION To The ROCKY MOUNTAINS In The YEAR 1842, And To OREGON And NORTH CALIFORNIA In The YEARS 1843 - 44. Reprinted from the Official Copy. Published by Order of the Senate of the United States
34659: Fren, Fanny. Coffin, Fred M - Original designes - FERN LEAVES From FANNY'S PORT-FOLIO
6368: French, Marilyn - HER MOTHER'S DAUGHTER
32427: French, Henry W. - Our BOYS In IRELAND
26602: [French, James Clark. Carey, Edward]. 'By a Committee Appointed by the Passengers of the Oceanus' - The TRIP Of The STEAMER OCEANUS To FORT SUMTER And CHARLESTON, SC. Comprising the Incidents of the Excursion, the Appearance, at that time, of the City, and the entire Programme of Exercises of the Re-raising of the Flag over the Ruins of Fort Sumter, April 14th, 1865
46999: [Restaurant Menu - French] - LE GRILL ROOM DE L'HOTEL DU LOUVRE
46706: [Restaurant Menu - French] - MENU.; Hôtel du Cygne, le 17 Mai 1885
46698: [Resturant Menu - French] - BRASSERIE "LIPP"
46615: [Board Game - English/French] - CAREERS - CARRIÈRES.; Fame...Fortune...Happiness... - Célebrité...Fortune...Bonheur..
33765: French, Lillie Hamiltion - The HOUSE DIGNIFIED. Its Design, Its Arrangement, Its Decoration
34911: French, Hannah D. Spawn, William - Contributor - BOOKBINDING In EARLY AMERICA. Seven Essays on Masters and Methods. With Catalogues of Bookbinding Tools Prepared by William Spawn
13079: French, Albert - HOLLY. A Novel
13078: French, Albert - BILLY. A Novel
1372: [Porsche] Frere, Paul - PORSCHE 911 STORY.; Foreword by Dr. Ferry Porsche
27073.1: Freud, Sigmund - The BASIC WRITINGS Of SIGMUND FREUD. Translated and Edited, With an Introduction by Dr. A. A. Brill. Modern Library Giant G-39
27073: Freud, Sigmund - The BASIC WRITINGS Of SIGMUND FREUD. Translated and Edited, With an Introduction by Dr. A. A. Brill. Modern Library Giant G-39
12760: Freund, Philip - PRINCE HAMLET
7920.1: Frey, Hildegard G. - The CAMPFIRE GIRLS DO THEIR BIT or, Over the Top with the Winnebagos
39156: Frick, A. L. - Editor - CITY CHARTER Of The CITY Of OAKLAND CALIFORNIA. Also General Muncipal Ordinances of Said City in Effect December 12, 1903. Annotated and Indexed Under the Supervision of A. L. Frick, Attorney-at-Law. Compiled by the Authority of the City Council
48882: Friedberg, Maurice - RUSSIAN CLASSICS In SOVIET JACKETS
50168: Friedlander, Ginny - The LAST 1000 YEARS
31398: Friedman, Thomas L. - LONGITUDES And ATTITUDES. Exploring the World After September 11
29868: Friedman, Kinky - STEPPIN' On A RAINBOW
50171: Friedman, John B. - FOR NOW. Poems 1957 - 1959
35682: Friedman, B. H [1926 - 2011] - WHISPERS. A Novel
20923: Friedman, Bruce Jay - STERN
18445: Friedman, Bruce Jay - The DICK
49244: Friedmand, Richard - STRAIGHT. Poems 1971 - 1975
12499: Friendlich, Dick - TOUCHDOWN MAKER
38474: Friendlich, Dick - BARON Of The BULL PEN
15009: Frimmer, Steven - DEAD MATTER
50496: [Menu - San Friscisco] - FLEET ADMIRAL NIMITZ CLUB. 4 Feb 1976; U. S. Naval Stations Treasure Island, San Francsico, California
48181: [Friswell, James Hain. 1825 - 1878]. By the Author of "The Gentle Life." - FRANCIS SPIRA, And Other Poems
34452: Frith, William Powell [1819 - 1909] - JOHN LEECH. His Life and Work. 2 Volumes
43373: Froom, Le Roy Edwin - The PROPHETIC FAITH Of Our FATHERS. 4 Volume Set (Complete)

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