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6321: Frost, Robert - In The CLEARING
32977: Frost, Robert [1874 - 1963]; Lathem, Edward Connely; Thompson, Lawrance - Editors - ROBERT FROST: FARM POULTRYMAN. The Story of Robert Frost's Career as a Breeder and Fancier of Hens & the Texts of Eleven Long-forgotten Prose Contributions by the Poet, which Appeared in two New England Journals in 1903-05, During His Years of Farming at Derry, New Hampshire
32946: Frost, Robert [1874 - 1963] - A FURTHER RANGE
32583: [Frost, Robert. 1874 - 1963]. Morrison, Kathleen - ROBERT FROST. A Pictorial Chronicle
30936: [Frost, Robert. 1874 - 1963] - AMERICAN POETRY 1922. A Miscellany
11998.1: Frost, Robert [1874 - 1963] - WEST-RUNNING BROOK
47932: [Auction Catalog]. Frost, Robert [1874 - 1973] - Subject - The COLLECTION Of MRS. W GEORGE PARKS Of ROBERT FROST.; Public Auction Tuesday October 1 at 10:30 a.m. and 1:45 p.m.
20750: Frost, Robert [1874 - 1963] - A BOY'S WILL
16847: Frost, David - 'I GAVE THEM A SWORD" - Behind the Scenes of the Nixon Interviews
51362: Frothingham, O[ctavius]. B[rooks. 1822 - 1895] - The RISING And The SETTING FAITH And Other Discourses
49717: Froude, James Anthony - ENGLISH SEAMEN In The SIXTEENTH CENTURY. Lectures Delivered at Oxford Easter Terms, 1893 - 4
12381: Fry, Christopher - A SLEEP Of PRISONERS. A Play
12381.1: Fry, Christopher - A SLEEP Of PRISONERS
27496: Fry, Elizabeth [1780 - 1845]. 'Edited by Two of her Daughters' - MEMOIR Of The LIFE Of ELIZABETH FRY, with Extracts from her Journal and Letters. In Two Volumes
21226: Fry, Christopher - The DARK Is LIGHT ENOUGH
33682: "Jenny Fry" - The MOTHER'S DECOY
25536: [Childrens' Animal ABC Book]. Frykstrand, Ritat av Kerstin - DJUR A B C.
22775: Fuentes, Carlos - DISTANT RELATIONS.; Translated from the Spanish by Margaret Sayers Peden
31182: Fuller, Margaret - The COMPLETE HISTORY Of The DELUGE in Verse and Pictures
47174: [Trade Catalogue]. Fuller, P. C. - Company President. Hoult, J. H. - Treasurer & Superintendent - The LUCE FURNITURE COMPANY. Catalog Number 39
10982: Fuller, Chet - I HEAR THEM CALLING MY NAME. A Journey Through the New South
38256: Fuller, Jack - FRAGMENTS. A Novel
44422: Fuller, J. G. - CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN TWO LAYMEN, on Strict and Mixed Communion; in Which the Principal Arguments in Favor of the Latter Practice, are Stated, as Nearly as Possible, in the Words of Its Most Powerful Advocate, the Rev. Robert Hall.; With Dr. Griffin's Letter of Communion, and the Review of It by Professor Ripley, of Newton
50690: Fuller, R. Buckminster [1895 - 1983] - 50 YEARS Of The DESIGN SCIENCE REVOLUTION And The WORLD GAME.; Prepared for Free Distribution at the Joint National Meeting of the Operational Research Society and American Astronautical Society, Denver, Colorado, 17 - 21 June 1969
43951: [European History / Napoleonic Wars]. Funck, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand [1761 - 1828]. Williams, Oakley - Editor - In The WAKE Of NAPOLEON. Being the Memoirs (1807 - 1809) pf Ferdinand von Funck, Lieutenant-General in the Saxon Army and Adjutant-General to the King of Saxony. From the Hitherto Unpublished MSS. in the Saxon Archives
15986: Funk, Charles Earle - Editor - The NEW STANDARD ENCYCLOPEDIA YEAR BOOK For 1945
25751: Furdell, Elizabeth Lane - JAMES WELWOOD. Physician to the Glorious Revolution
38945: Gable, William F. [Anthony Kroll, George Kinney, Elva Marshall - Contributors] - COLLECTING BOOKS And AUTOGRAPHS
28370: Gaboriau, Emile (1832 - 1873) - OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY
28365: Gaboriau, Emile (1832 - 1873) - FILE No. 113
17964.2: Gabriel, Ralph Henry - ELIAS BOUDINOT. Cherokee & His America
45773: Gaer, Joseph - Editor - BIBLIOGRAPHY Of CALIFORNIA LITERATURE. Monograph #8.; Fiction of the Gold-Rush Period. Drama of the Gold-Rush Period. Poetry of the Gold-Rush Period
50327: Gaige, Amity - SCHRODER. A Novel
42122: Galante, Teddy - The SEVEN ISLANDS
2181.1: Galbraith, John Kenneth - HOW To GET OUT Of VIETNAM
18000.1: Galbraith, John Kenneth - A CONTEMPORARY GUIDE To ECONOMICS PEACE And LAUGHTER.; Essays Edited by Andrea D. Williams
18000: Galbraith, John Kenneth - A CONTEMPORARY GUIDE To ECONOMICS PEACE And LAUGHTER.; Essays Edited by Andrea D. Williams
50660: Gallatin, A. E. Beerbohm, Max [1872 - 1956] - Subject - SIR MAX BEERBOHM. Bibliographical Notes
36345: [Aviation Advertising Booklet]. Gallaudet, Edson [1871 - 1945] - The CALL Of The CLOUDS
8004: Gallico, Paul - The BOY WHO INVENTED The BUBBLE GUM
10485: Gallico, Paul - LUDMILA. A Story of Liechtenstein
19776: Gallico, Paul - TRIAL By TERROR
16331: Gallico, Paul - The FOOLISH IMMORTALS
13900: Gallico, Paul - CORONATION
48239: Le Gallienne, Richard [1866 - 1947]. Le Gallienne, Eva - Contributor - The CRY Of The LITTLE PEOPLES.; Written in 1903. With a Note by Eva Le Gallienne
48225: Le Gallienne, Richard [1866 - 1947]. Cary, Melbert B., Jr. [1892 - 1941] - Contributor / Press Owner. Lambert, Samuel Waldron [1859 - 1942] - Former Owner - EXAGGERATED NATIONALISM.; Foreword by Melbert B. Cary Jr.
48159: Le Gallienne, Richard [1866 - 1947] - The ROMANTIC '90s
48053: Le Gallienne, Richard [1866 - 1947] - YOUNG LIVES
48037: Le Gallienne, Richard [1866 - 1947] - VOLUMES In FOLIO
30119: Galloway, Janice - BLOOD
11983: Galloway, David - LAMAAR RANSOM. Private Eye
38487: Galloway, Sir William [1840 - 1927]. Johnston, Louis Campbell; Slade, Henry - Former owners - A REPORT On A DEPOSIT Of OZOKERITE in the Slanic Valley, Roumania. 1903
36467: Gallup, Donald - On CONTEMPORARY BIBLIOGRAPHY With Particular Reference to Ezra Pound. Bibliographical Monograph No. 2
50557: Galsworthy, John [1867 - 1933]. Waugh, Evelyn [1903 - 1966] - Contributor - The MAN Of PROPERTY.; With an Introduction by Evelyn Waugh
31649: Galsworthy, John [1867 - 1933] - SWAN SONG
21234: Galsworthy, John - The WHITE MONKEY
13210: Galsworthy, John - ONE MORE RIVER
50197: Galt, Tom - KYOTO In WINTER
50196: Galt, Tom - ANY DAY NOW
13332: [Galt, John. 1779 - 1839]. By the Author of 'Annals of the Parish', 'The Entail', Etc. - The LAST Of The LAIRDS: or, The Life and Opinions of Malachi Mailings, Esq. of Auldbiggings
48866: Galvan, [Rivera], Mariano [1782 - 1876] - ORDENANZAS De TIERRAS Y AGUAS, Ó Sea: Formulario Geométrico-Judicial Para la Designacion, Establecimiento, Mensura, Amojonamiento y Deslinde de las Poblaciones y Todas Suertes de Tierras, Sitios, Caballerias, y Criaderos de Ganados Mayores y Menores, y Mercedes de Aguas: Recopiladas; A beneficio y obsequio de los pobladores, ganaderos, labradores, dueños, arrendatarios y administradores de haciendas, y toda clase de predios rústicos, de las muchas y dispersas resoluciones dictadas sobre la materia, y vigentes hasta el dia en la república Mexicana
16063: Galvin, John - Editor - The FIRST SPANISH ENTRY Into SAN FRANCISCO BAY 1775. The Original Narritive, Hitherto Unpublished, by Fr Vincente Maria. And Further Details by Participants in the First Explorations of the Bay's Waters
37750: Doolin, John B. [State Game and Fish Warden]. Compiled by Frank S. Barde - FIELD FOREST And STREAM In OKLAHOMA. "Being the 1912 Annual Report of the State Fame and Fish Warden, John B. Doolin, to the Governor of the State of Oklahoma, the Honorable Lee Cruce"
31720: Gana, Alberto Blest [1830 - 1920] - MARTIN RIVAS
22677: [Music]. Gandolphi, Riccardo [1839 - 1920] - INTORNO Al CODICE MEMBRANACEO di Ballate e di Canzoncine di Autori Diversi, con Musica a due, tre quattro Voci, Esistente Nella Biblioteca del R. Istituto Musicale di Firenze, N. 2440.; Extract from the 'Rivista Musicale Italiana, XVIII'
4494.1: Gann, Ernest K. - The TROUBLE With LAZY ETHEL
18674: Gann, Ernest K. - BAND Of BROTHERS
15109: Gann, Ernest K. - GENTLEMEN Of ADVENTURE
37848: [Bookselling Trade Ephemera]. Gardiner, Avis - LETTER To MR. WILLIAM DAVISSON From (MRS.) AVIS GARDINER, DATED JUNE 21, 1978. Details their acquisition of an 1899 Catalogue of Brockway Carriages Available for Davisson's Purchase
7216.2: Gardner, Ralph D. - HORATIO ALGER, or The American Hero Era
17891: Gardner, John - On MORAL FICTION
14815: Gardner, Maurice B. - ISLAND PARADISE And Others
39485: [Garfield, James. 1831 - 1881]. Gilmore, E. - PRESIDENT GARFIELD'S FUNERAL MARCH. To the American Nation!
30629.1: [Garibaldi, Giuseppe. 1807 - 1882]. Victor, O[rville]. J[ames. 1827 - 1910] - The LIFE Of JOSEPH GARIBALDI, The Liberator of Italy. Complete Up to the Withdrawal of Garibaldi to his Island Home After the Neapolitan Campaign, 1860. Beadle's Dime Biographical Library No. 1
6014.1: Garis, Howard R. - BUDDY And His CHUMS. The BUDDY Series #5
6014: Garis, Howard R. - BUDDY and His CHUMS. The BUDDY Series #5
5992.1: Garis, Howard R. - BUDDY And His COWBOY PAL. The BUDDY Series #11
5991: Garis, Howard R. - BUDDY at PINE BEACH. The BUDDY Series #6
5992: Garis, Howard R. - BUDDY And His COWBOY PAL. The BUDDY Series #11
5990: Garis, Howard R. - BUDDY On MYSTERY MOUNTAIN. The BUDDY Series #8
30528.1: Garis, Lilian [1873 - 1954] - The WILD WARNING. A Melody Lane Mystery #4
11174.1: Garis, Howard R. - BUDDY At RED GATE. The BUDDY Series #17
30528: Garis, Lilian - The WILD WARNING. A Melody Lane Mystery #4
4228: Garis, Howard R. - BUDDY At LOST RIVER. The BUDDY Series #14
4228.1: Garis, Howard R. - BUDDY At LOST RIVER. The BUDDY Series #14
4229: Garis, Howard R. - BUDDY On The TRAIL. The BUDDY Series #15
4229.1: Garis, Howard R. - BUDDY On The TRAIL. The BUDDY Series #15
4227.2: Garis, Howard R. - BUDDY In SCHOOL. The BUDDY Series #2
4224.1: Garis, Howard R. Greene, Julia - Illustrator - The CURLYTOPS In The WOODS or Fun at the Lumber Camp
40388: Garis, Howard R. - The FACE In The DISMAL CAVERN. RICK And RUDDY Series #2
8627: Garis, Howard R. - BUDDY And The INDIAN CHIEF. The BUDDY Series #12
11174: Garis, Howard R. - BUDDY At RED GATE. The BUDDY Series #17
8920: Garland, LTC Albert N., USA (Ret) - Editor - INFANTRY In VIETNAM. Small Unit Actions in the Early Days: 1965 - 66.; Foreward by General William C. Westmoreland
17544.1: Garland, LTC Albert N., USA (Ret) - Editor - INFANTRY In VIETNAM. Small Unit Actions in the Early Days: 1965 - 66.; Foreward by General William C. Westmoreland
33244: Garnett, David [1892 - 1981] - The OLD DOVECOTE And Other Stories. Woodburn Books. #8
33244.1: Garnett, David [1892 - 1981] - The OLD DOVECOTE And Other Stories. Woodburn Books. #8
41401: Garnett, Edward - PAPA'S WAR & OTHER SATIRES
16196.1: Garnett, Porter - Editor - PAPERS Of The SAN FRANCISCO COMMITTE Of VIGILANCE Of 1851. Publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast History Volume 2, Number 2
16196: Garnett, Porter [1871 - 1951] - Editor - PAPERS Of The SAN FRANCISCO COMMITTE Of VIGILANCE Of 1851. Publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast History Volume 1, Number 7 & Volume 2, Number 2
46279: Garrett, Edward [pseudonym of Mayo, Isabella Fyvie. 1843 - 1914] - The OCCUPATIONS Of A RETIRED LIFE
45752: Garrett, Edmund H[enry. 1853 - 1929]. - Compiler & Illustrator. Gosse, Edmund [1849 - 1928] - Contributor - VICTORIAN SONGS. Lyrics of the Affections and Nature.; With an Introduction by Edmund Gosse
38650: Garrick, David [1717 - 1779] - The POETICAL WORKS Of DAVID GARRICK, Esq. Now First Collected into Two Volumes. With Explanatory Notes
51027: Garrity, Shaenon K. & Wells, Jeffrey C. - SKIN HORSE. Volume Two
40848: [Vietnam Anti-War Brochure]. Garson, Marvin - I'M GETTING FED UP With The WAR In VIETNAM
17978.1: Garson, Barbara - MACBIRD!
29424: Garvey, Stan - KING & QUEEN Of The RIVER. The Legendary Paddle-Wheel Steamboats Delta King and Delta Queen
30669: Garvice, Charles [1833 - 1920] - WHO WAS The HEIR? The Cozy Corner Series. No. 148
23041: Gary, Romain - LADY L.
47671: Gascoyne, David. (1916 - 2001) - JOURNAL 1936 - 1937.; Death of an Explorer - Léon Chestov
33246: Gash, Jonathan [pseudonym of Grant, John. b. 1933] - JADE WOMAN. A Lovejoy Narrative
33247: Gash, Jonathan [pseudonym of Grant, John. b. 1933] - The SLEEPERS Of ERIN. A Lovejoy Novel of Suspense
19495: Gash, Jonathan [pseudonym of Grant, John. b. 1933] - The GRAIL TREE
13420: Gash, Jonathan [pseudonym of Grant, John. b. 1933] - DIFFERENT WOMEN DANCING
22655: Gaskel, Jane - ATLAN
50625: Gasper, Howland - The COMPLETE SPORTSMAN. A Manual of Scientific and Practical Knowledge Designed for the Instruction and Information of All Votaries of the Gun
12586: Gassée, Jean-Louis - The THIRD APPLE. Personal Computers and the Cultural Revolution.; Translated from the French by Isabel A. Leonard
48002: [WWI Propaganda]. Gastind, Odette - A MESSAGE FROM FRANCE
41671: Gastineau, Edward T. - A HOBBLE THROUGH The CHANNEL ISLANDS In 1858; or, The Seeings, Doings, and Musings of One Tom Hobbler, During a Four Months' Residence in Those Parts.; With a View of Bouley Bay, Drawn from a Rough Sketch by Tom Hobbler
16093: Bernos de Gasztold, Carmen. Godden, Rumer [1907 - 1998] - Translator - PRAYERS From The ARK
8687: Gates, Doris [1901 - 1987] - APOLLO. The Golden God
45130: Gates, Jean Key - GUIDE To The USE Of BOOKS And LIBRARIES
8693: Gates, Doris - A MORGAN For MELINDA
8690: Gates, Doris - ATHENA. The WARRIOR GODDESS
8689: Gates, Doris [1901 - 1987] - LORD Of The SKY: ZEUS
27325: Gaunt, Peter - The CROMWELLIAN GAZETTEER. An Illustrated Guide to Britain in the Civil War and Commonwealth
26929: Gay, Romney - The NEW ROMNEY GAY MOTHER GOOSE
51507: [Burning Man Ephemera]. Gazetas, Calliope; Jason1969; Throne, Rebecca - Editors - BURNING MAN. 2011. Rites of Passage. What When Where
40297: Geary, Riley W. - Compiler - ABSTINENCE SONGS
39450: [RPPC]. Geckle, Leslie [R.] - GREETINGS From - - FRANCE. Carte Postale, Dec. 8, 1918
40149: [Pacific Coast League/ New York Baseball Relic / Artifact]. Gehrig, Lou [1903 - 1941]. DiMaggio, Joe [1914 - 1999] - SPALDING'S OFFICIAL BASE BALL SCORE BOOK. No. 2
31111: Gehry, Frank. Rogheb, J. Fiona - Editor - FRANK GEHRY, ARCHITECT
34947: Geikie, Walter [1795 - 1837]. Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick [1784 - 1848] - Contributor - ETCHINGS ILLUSTRATIVE Of SCOTTISH CHARACTER And SCENERY Executed After His Own Designs by the Late Walter Geikie, Esq., R.S.A. With Biographical Introduction by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, Bart., F.R.S.E., &c
43128: [History of Technology]. Geipel, William - On The POSITION And PROSPECTS Of ELECTRICITY As APPLIED To ENGINEERING.; For private circulation only
47030: [Temperance] - Geisel, Carolyn E. - "WOMAN'S BUSINESS - MAN RAISING"; From Speeches of The Flying Squadron
20972: [Genealogy] - The NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL & GENEALOGICAL REGISTER, For the Year 1850. Volume IV
48242: [French Menu - Geneva, Switzerland] - MENU.; Hôtel Métropole et des Bains
47882: Gent, Thomas [1693 - 1778] - The LIFE Of MR. THOMAS GENT, Printer, of York; Written by Himself
36185: Genthe, Arnold [1869 - 1942] - CHILDREN. Reprinted from Christmas "Camera Craft"
29416: St. George, Harry [pseudonym for St. George Rathborne. 1854 - 1938] - ROARING RALPH ROCKWOOD, The Reckless Ranger. Beadle's Half Dime Library. Vol. XLIV. No. 1110. February, 1901
24695: St. George, Eleanor - The DOLLS Of YESTERDAY
11636: George, Henry [1839 - 1897] - A PERPLEXED PHILOSOPHER Being an Examination of Mr. Herbert Spencer's Various Utterances on the Land Question, with Some Incidental Reference to His Synthetic Philosophy
20009: George, Elizabeth - In PURSUIT Of The PROPER SINNER
36111: Gerard, James W. - The OLD STADT HUYS Of NEW AMSTERDAM. A Paper Read Before the New York Historical Society, June 15th, 1875
33852: Gerdts, William H. - IMPRESSIONIST NEW YORK
51118: [Bookseller Catalogue]. Gerhardt, C[hristian. 1866 - 1955] - CATALOGUE Of BOOKS RELATING To AMERICAN HISTORY. No. 52. 1916.; Offered for Sale by C. Gerhardt, 331 Amersterdam Avenue New York Books and Autographs Telephone: Schuyler 8569
14790: Gersdorf, A. G. - SELLING USED BOOKS By MAIL. A Grass-Roots Guide for the Homeworker
30737: Gerson, Virginia - LITTLE DIGNITY. Pictures & Rhymes of Olden Times
26508: Gerstaecker [also Gerstacker], Frederick [1816 - 1872]. Weir, Harrison - Translator - WILD SPORTS In The FAR WEST. Translated from the German
44463: Geste, Edmund - Subject - EDMUND GESTE And His BOOKS. Reconstructing the Library of a Cambridge Don and Elizabethan Bishop
48564: Gettelson, Leonard - Editor - ONE For The BOOK For 1962. Complete All - Time Major League Records
47729: Gheerbrant, Bernard. -exhibtion realized by; Gevin, Serge - exhibition presented by - JAMES JOYCE ET PARIS. [caption title]
20906: Ghose, Zulfikar - DON BUENO
33463: Ghosh, S[rikanta]. K. [b. 1913] - CHALLENGE
14878: Gibbings, Robert - SWEET CORK Of THEE
40718: Gibbon, Charles [1843 - 1890] - For LACK Of GOLD. Library of Select Novels. No. 364. Price 50 Cents
18647: Gibbon, Maureen - SWIMMING SWEET ARROW. A Novel
27458: Gibbs, Jim - WEST COAST WINDJAMMERS In Story and Pictures
30469: Gibbs, Philip - The AGE Of REASON. A Novel
50787: Gibbs, Robert - A KIND Of WAKEFULNESS
50786: Gibbs, Robert - EARTH CHARMS HEARD SO EARLY
5349: Gibson, William - VIRTUAL LIGHT
22889: Gibson, William - A MASS For The DEAD
20379: [Gibson, Charles Dana]. Beach, Rex - The AUCTION BLOCK. A Novel of New York Life
18151: Gibson, James William - The PERFECT WAR. Technowar in Vietnam
11993: Gielgud, Val - OLD SWORDS
28196: Giesy, J[ohn]. U[lrich. 1877 - 1947] - PALOS Of The DOG STAR PACK
44588: Gifford, William - Translator - The SATIRES Of DECIMUS JUNIUS JUVENALIS, Translated into English Verse. With Notes and Illustrations
35182: Gifford, E. W. - The KAMIA Of IMPERIAL VALLEY. Smithsonian Instistution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 97
16720: Gifford, Thomas - HOLLYWOOD GOTHIC
10765: [Gifford, William - Editor] - POETRY Of The ANTI-JACOBIN
33095: Gilbert, W[illiam]. S[chwenck, Sir. 1836 - 1911]. Sullivan, Arthur [1842 - 1900] - HER MAJESTY'S SHIP PINAFORE; or, The Lass That Loved a Sailor. An Entirely Original Comic Opera, in Two Acts
29508: Gilbert, W[illiam]. S[chwenck, Sir. 1836 - 1911] - The "BAB" BALLADS. Much Sound and Little Sense. With Illustrations by the Author
40787: Gilbert, Benjamin F. - The STATE Of CALIFORNIA. Jackdaw No. A18
25880: Gilbert, Henry & Crane, Walter [1845 - 1915] - ROBIN HOOD And the Men of the Greenwood
17094: Gilbert, Felix - A EUROPEAN PAST. Memoirs 1905 - 1945
33426: Gilbert, W[illiam]. S[chwenck, Sir. 1836 - 1911] - The "BAB" BALLADS. Much Sound and Little Sense. With Illustrations by the Author
34842.1: Gilcrease, [William] Thomas [1890 - 1962] - GILCREASE HISTORICAL LEAFLET No 1 - 10
34842: Gilcrease, [William] Thomas [1890 - 1962] - GILCREASE HISTORICAL LEAFLET No 1 - 10
35584: Gilder, J. L. & J. B - Editors - The CRITIC. Vol. II No.'s 27 - 52
17811: Giles, Janice Holt - JOHNNY OSAGE
4817.1: Gill, Evan R. - Bibliography of ERIC GILL.; With a Foreward by Walter Shewring
22063: Gill, B.M. - TIME And TIME AGAIN
21664: Gill, B.M. - The FIFTH RAPUNZEL
48967: [Poetry]. Gill, John [b. 1924] - YOUNG MAN'S LETTER
16948: Gill, Eric [1882 - 1940] - AUTOBIOGRAPHY
18946: Gillette, Martha Hill - OVERLAND To OREGON And In The INDIAN WARS Of 1853. With an Account of Earlier Life in Rural Tennessee
10130: Gilliatt, Penelope - QUOTATIONS From OTHER LIVES. Stories
49541: Gilman, Don E. - LETTER To A SON
38262: Gilman, Arthur - KINGS, QUEENS And BARBARIANS; Or, Talks About Seven Historic Ages
34568: [Songster]. Gilmores, P[atrick]. S[arsfield. 1829 - 1892]. - Composer - GOOD NEWS From HOME
21901: Gilmour, Pat - ARTISTS In CURWEN
39776: [Gilpin, Bernard. 1517 - 1583]. Gilpin, William [1724 - 1804]. Carleton, George [1559 - 1628] - The LIFE Of BERNARD GILPIN, Collected from His Life, Written by George Carleton, Bishop of Chichester, from Other Printed Accounts of the Times He Lived in, from Original Letters, and Other Authentic Records
22065: Gimson, Andrew - The DESIRED EFFECT
14369: Ginestet, Bernard - MARGAUX.; Foreword by Hugh Johnson. Translated by John L. Meredith
11980: Gingerlox - BERRIGAN. A Novel
22435: Gingrich, Newt - To RENEW AMERICA
20876: [Ginsburg, Roy A.; Robinson, Paul A. ] Norman, Haskell F. - SIGMUND FREUD: An Exhibitition of Original Editions, Autographed Letters, and Portraits from the Library of Haskell F. Norman
48496: Ginzburg, Ralph - Editor - EROS. Volume 1, Number 4. Winter, 1962
48057: Girard, Stephen [1750 - 1831] - Subject - ARGUMENTS Of The DEFENDANTS' COUNSEL, And Judgment of the Supreme Court U. S. in the Case of Vidal and Others ... versus The Mayor, Etc. of Philadelphia, the Executors of Stephen Girard ... January Term, 1844; To Which is Added the Will of Stephen Girad. Printed by Order of the Commissioners of the Girard Estates
22679: De Girardin, Emilio [1806 - 1881]; About, Edmundo; Michon, J. H.; Ferreiro, D. Martin; Otero, D. Rafael - La LIBERTAD, Por Emilio de Girardin. Traduccion de D. Tomas Hinojosa. [bound with] RESENA GEOGRAFICA De TODOS Los PUEBLOS del Teatro de la Guerra. [Italy] [bound with] RESENA GEOGRAFICA De SICILIA. [bound with] La PRUSIA En 1860. [bound with] El EMPERADOR NAPOLEION III Y La ITALIA. [bound with] PROYECTO De SOLUCION De La CUESTION ROMANA. Por El Abate J. H. Michon. [bound with] DESCRIPCION Del IMPERIO De MARRUECOS, Y Esplicacion del Nuevo Mapa del Teatre de la Guerra, por D. Martin Ferreiro. [bound with] DESCRIPCION Del PLANO De La BATALLA De TETUAN. Por El Colonel Graduado de Infanteria D. Rafael Otero
12388.1: Gissing, George [1857 - 1903] - EVE'S RANSOM. A Novel
50223: Gissing, George [1857 - 1903]. Hastings, George Everett; SStarrett, Vincent [1886 - 1974]; Mabbott, Thomas Ollive - Contributors - BROWNIE.; Now first reprinted from The Chicago Tribune together with six other stories attributed to him. With Introductions
50222: Gissing, George [1857 - 1903]. Phillips, Catherine Coffin [1874 - 1942] - Former owner - The PRIVATE PAPERS Of HENRY RYECROFT
50220: Gissing, George [1857 - 1903] - BY The IONIAN SEA. Notes of a Ramble in Southern Italy
50218: Gissing, George [1857 - 1903] - VERANILDA. A Romance
50194: Gissing, George [1857 - 1903] - A VICTIM Of CIRCUMSTANCES And Other Stories
50192: Gissing, George [1857 - 1903] - In The YEAR Of JUBILEE. A Novel
50193: Gissing, George [1857 - 1903] - The TOWN TRAVELLER
50187: Gissing, George [1857 - 1903] - WILL WARBURTON. A Romance of Real Life
50186: Gissing, George [1857 - 1903]. Shafer, Robert - Editor - WORKERS In The DAWN. In Two Volumes.; Edited by Robert Shafer
50180: Gissing, George [1857 - 1903] - The PAYING GUEST.; Cassell's Pocket Library Edited by Max Pemberton
50181: Gissing, George [1857 - 1903] - The CROWN Of LIFE
19234: Gittinger, Roy - The FORMATION Of The STATE Of OKLAHOMA 1803 - 1906
33750: Giuglaris, Luigi [1607 - 1653] - AVVENTO Del PADRE LVIGI GIVGLARIS Della Compagnia di Giesv', Et Altre Prediche Insigni. Con Dve Tavole
42834: [Cookery / Trade Literature]. Givens, Howell - Manufacturer's Agent - DRYFRUIT. Fruit Without Water. Dry Fruit Products Corporation, 950 - 56th Street, Oakland, California
30624: Givins, Robert C[artwright. 1845 - 1915] - A THOUSAND MILES An HOUR
42565: [Gladstone, William Ewart, 1809 - 1898] - TRIED, TRUSTED, TRUE. The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M. P. Woven in Pure Silk
7472.1: Glancy, Ruth F. - A TALE Of TWO CITIES An Annotated Bibliography. The Garland Dickens Bibliographies (Vol. 12)
2186.2: Glasser, Ronald J. - ANOTHER WAR, ANOTHER PEACE
2186.1: Glasser, Ronald J. - ANOTHER WAR, ANOTHER PEACE
38890: [Sheet Music Book]. Glover, Chas. W. [1806 - 1863], J[ohann]. B[ernhard. 1777 - 1846], [Ludwig van] Beethoven [1770 - 1827], Henri Herz [1803 - 1888], [Friedrich] Kuhlau [1786 - 1832], Adolphe R[obert]. Logier [1820 - 1864], Ch[arles]. Chaulieu [1788 - 18 - EARLY 19th CENTURY INTERMEDIATE PLAYER SHEET MUSIC BOOK. 34 Pieces (or Sets) of Music. Volume Includes Arrangements and Variations of Well-Known pieces such as Handel's "Harmonious Blacksmith", Diabelli's Arrangement of Spohr's Polonaise in the Opera "Faust", Beethoven's Celebrated Waltzes as arranged by J. B. Logier, the Celebrated Last Waltz of Carl Maria Von Weber, as well as Polkas, Czerny Scales / Studies, and folk tunes such as the "Blue Bell of Scotland", "Rise Swiss Lad", and the May Fair Quadrilles
16676: Glover, Micheal - The NAPOLEONIC WARS: An ILLUSTRATED HISTORY 1792 - 1815
7803: Glyn, Dr Alan - WITNESS To VIET NAM. The Containment of Communism in South East Asia
34549.1: Glynn, Jenifer. Smith, George [1824 - 1901] - Subject - PRINCE Of PUBLISHERS
49510: [Theology]. Godbey, W[illiam]. B[axter. 1833 - 1920] - BORN From ABOVE
31683: Godden, Rumer - KINGFISHERS CATCH FIRE. A Novel
31384: Godden, Rumer [1907 - 1998] - The DRAGON Of OG
43628: Godfrey, Benjamin - DISEASES Of HAIR: A Popular Treatise Upon the Affections of the Hair System, with Advice Upon the Preservation and Management of Hair
46051: Godfrey, Captain E. S. - "Who Commanded Co. K in the Fighting" - An ACCOUNT Of CUSTER"S LAST CAMPAIGN And The BATTLE Of The LITTLE BIG HORN, U.S.
32478: Godschall, William Man - A GENERAL PLAN Of PAROCHIAL And PROVINCIAL POLICE. With Instructions to Overseers and Constables, for Better Regulating Their Respectives Parishes ... and Also his Majesty's Proclamation Against Vice, Profaneness, and Immortality, Lord Sydney's Letter to the Several High Sheriffs of England, and the Resolutions of the Quarter Sessions for the County of Surrey, Holden at Guildford, in July 1787
5970.1: Godwin, Parke - ROBIN And The KING
50972: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [1749 - 1832]. Eckermann, Johann Peter [1792 - 1854]. Soret, Frédéric Jacob [1795 - 1865]. Oxenford, John [1812 - 1877] - Translator - CONVERSATIONS Of GOETHE with Eckermann and Soret. In Two Volumes.; Translated from the German by John Oxenford
50973: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [1749 - 1832]. Falk, Johann Daniel [1768 - 1826].  Müller, Friedrich von [1779 - 1849].  Austin, Sarah [1793 - 1867] - Translator - CHARACTERISTICS Of GOETHE. From the German of Falk, Von Müller, &c. In Three Volumes.; With Notes, Original and Translated, Illustrative of German Literature, by Sarah Austin
18904: Goff, Frederick R. - The PERMANENCE Of JOHANN GUTENBERG
2328: Gogarty, Oliver St. John - Morning Became Mrs. Spendlove, and Other Portraits, Grave and Gay
8494: [Printing]. Goggin, Joseph D. - MANUAL Of STEREOTYPING
42493: Goh, Sin Tub [b. 1927] - The BATTLE Of The BANDS And Other Stories
32294: Gold, Herbert [b. 1924] - The YOUNG PRINCE And The MAGIC CONE
50293: Gold, Glen David - SUNNYSIDE
36237: Gold, Herbert [b. 1924] - SALT. A Novel
14013.2: Gold, Herbert [b. 1924] - BIAFRA GOODBYE
13722: Gold, Herbert [b. 1924] - WAITING For CORDELIA
543: Golding, William - DARNESS VISIBLE
45443: Goldsmith, Oliver [1728 - 1774] - ESSAYS. By Mr Goldsmith. Collecta revirescunt
5911: Goldsmith, Margaret - FREDERICK The GREAT
5687: Goldsmith, Oliver [1728 - 1774] - The HISTORY Of ENGLAND, From the Earliest Times to the Death of GEORGE II. In Four Volumes
29766: Goldsmith, Oliver [1730? - 1774] - The VICAR Of WAKEFIELD. A Tale. Illustrated with Numerous Engravings. With an Account of the Author's Life and Writings by J. Aiken, M. D., Author of Select Works of the British Poets
41919: Goldsmith, Oliver. Caldecott, Randolph [1846 - 1886] - Illustrator - An ELEGY On The GLORY Of Her Sex. MRS MARY BLAIZE. Randolph Caldecott's Picture Books #15
49535: Goldsmith, M[iddleton. 1818 - 1887] - A REPORT On HOSPITAL GANGRENE, ERYSIPELAS And PYAEMIA, as Observed in the Departments of the Ohio and the Cumberland, with Cases Appended.; Published by Permission of the Surgeon General U.S.A.
38135: Goldsmith, Oliver. Loren R. Rothschild - Contributor - OLIVER GOLDSMITH. Verses in Reply to an Invitation to Dinner at Dr. George Baker's
15448: Goldsmith, Oliver - ESSAYS
0191: Goldstine, Herman H. - The COMPUTER From Pascal to von Neumann
38532: [Airlines Travel Poster / Golf] - PHOENIX. Western Airlines
18575: Gollub, Matthew - The TWENTY-FIVE MIXTEC CATS
45844: Golwarz, Sergio [b. 1906] - La MUJER Que Se MURIO De FEA
48195: Gontrum, John F. [1857 - 1909] - POEMS
39219: Goodale, Jane C. - TIWI WIVES. A Study of the Women of Melville Island, North Australia
27609: [Western Fiction]. Gooden, Arthur Henry - The SHADOWED TRAIL
50050: Goodman, Paul [1911 - 1972] - The COPERNICAN REVOLUTION.; A Beacon for Tomorrow. One of the Beacon Series
49021: Goodman, Paul - NORTH PERCY
29742: [Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. 1793 - 1860]. 'By the Author of Peter Parley's Tales' - LIVES Of CELEBRATED WOMEN. Parley's Cabinet Library #6
29741: [Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. 1793 - 1860]. 'By the Author of Peter Parley's Tales' - A GLANCE At PHILOSOPHY, Mental, Moral and Social. Parley's Cabinet Library #14
27891.1: [San Francisco]. Goodrich, Mary - The PALACE HOTEL
51436: 'Peter Parley' [pseudonym of Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. 1793 - 1860] - The TALES Of PETER PARLEY ABOUT EUROPE. With Engravings
11033: [Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. 1793 - 1860]. By the Author of Peter Parley's Tales - FAMOUS MEN Of ANCIENT TIMES
34914: [Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. 1793 - 1860] - PARLEY'S MAGAZINE. August, 1836
14971: [Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. 1793 - 1860]. 'By the Author of Peter Parley's Tales' - LIGHTS And SHADOWS Of EUROPEAN HISTORY. Parley's Cabinet Library #8
14970: [Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. 1793 - 1860]. 'By the Author of Peter Parley's Tales' - LIGHTS And SHADOWS Of AFRICAN HISTORY. Parley's Cabinet Library #10
14958: [Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. 1793 - 1860]. 'By the Author of Peter Parley's Tales' - The WORLD And ITS INHABITANTS. Parley's Cabinet Library #20
33265: Goodrum, Charles A. - TREASURES Of The LIBRARY Of CONGRESS
36901: Goodwin, C. C. - AS I REMEMBER THEM
39849: Goodwin, C[harles]. C[arroll] - The WEDGE Of GOLD
34996: Goodwin, Godfrey - The PRIVATE WORLD Of OTTOMAN WOMEN
44592: Goold, Nathan - The WADSWORTH - LONGFELLOW HOUSE Its History & Its Occupants
500: Gordimer, Nadine - A SPORT Of NATURE
50957: Gordon, General Jas. A. - SLIPPERY STEVE; or, The Cunning Spy of the Revolution. "Pluck and Luck. Stories of Adventure." No. 498. December 18, 1907
30809: [Anthology]. Gordon, Giles & Hughes, David - Editors - BEST ENGLISH SHORT STORIES II
50960: Gordon, General Jas. A. - LAUGHING LUKE, The Yankee Spy of the Revolution. "Pluck and Luck. Stories of Adventure." No. 370. July 5, 1905
50312: Gordon, Jaimy - LORD Of MISRULE. A Novel
50969: Gordon, General Jas. A. - TWENTY BOY SPIES; or, The Secret of Band of Dismal Hollow. "Pluck and Luck. Stories of Adventure." No. 342. December 21, 1904.; A Story of the American Revolution
28639: Gordon, Richard - DOCTOR In CLOVER
50966: Gordon, General Jas. A. - The RIVAL RANGERS; or, The Sons of Freedom. "Pluck and Luck. Stories of Adventure." No. 234. November 26, 1902
50967: Gordon, General Jas. A. - The SCOUTS Of The SANTEE; or, Redcoats and Whigs. "Pluck and Luck. Stories of Adventure." No. 318. July 6, 1904
50952: Gordon, General Jas. A. - FIGHTING With WASHINGTON; or, The Boy Regiment of the Revolution. "Pluck and Luck. Stories of Adventure." No. 523. June 10th, 1908
40286: Gordon, Anna A[dams. 1853 - 1931] - SONG BOOK Of MARCHING SONG SERIES No. 4. Senior Loyal Temperance Legion
40243: Gordon, Anna A[dams. 1853 - 1931] - MARCHING SONGS For YOUNG CRUSADERS. Temperance Songs for the Cold Water Army
51468: Newell, Gordon and Williamson, Joe - PACIFIC LUMBER SHIPS
39072: Gordon, General Jas. A. - YOUNG IVANHOE; Or, The Robin Hood of America. "Pluck and Luck. Stories of Adventure." No. 657. Jan 4th, 1911
17802: Gordon, Thomas F[rancis 1787 - 1860] - GAZETTEER Of The STATE Of NEW YORK: Comprehending Its Colonial History; General Geography, Geology and Internal Improvements; Its Political State; A Minute Description of Its Several Counties, Towns and Villages; Statistical Tables, Exhibiting the Area, Improved Lands, Population, Stock, Taxes, Manufactures, Schools and Cost of Public Instruction, in Each Town.; With a Map of the State, and a Map of Each County, and Plans of the Cities and Principal Villages
16728: Gordon, Sarah - HITLER, GERMANS, And The "JEWISH QUESTION"
50954: Gordon, General Jas. A. - The LITTLE SWAMP FOX; A Tale of General Marion and His Men. "Pluck and Luck. Stories of Adventure." No. 482. August 28th, 1907
40259: Gordon, Anna A[dams. 1853 - 1931] - MARCHING SONGS For YOUNG CRUSADERS. No. 2. Temperance Songs for the Cold Water Army
18714: Gores, Joe - COME MORNING
51425: Gores, Joe - A TIME Of PREDATORS
50646: Gorey, Edward [1925 - 2000] - The ECLECTIC ABECEDARIUM
6369: Gorling, Lars - 491.; Translated from the Swedish by Anselm Hollo
26583: Gorman, G. E. - The SOUTH AFRICAN NOVEL In ENGLISH SINCE 1950. An Information and Resource Guide
14232: O'Gorman, Donal - DIDEROT The SATIRIST. Le Neveu de Rameau & Related Works: An Analysis
18230: Goschen, Sir Edward - The ONE CONDITION Of PEACE
30231: Goscinny - ASTERIX The GAUL.; Translated by Anthea Bell and Derek Hockridge
51500: [Obscure Theology / Prophecy]. Goshorne, Dr. Compte, C. P.; Josh-Horn, John Wallace - HINTS From The HORNOGRAPH on the Sign of the Times or the Unsealing of the "Hermetic Books" of Joseph the Hebrew.; Book II. HERMES' HORNBOOK for Babes in Jeshurun or an Introductory "First-Book" to a Revelation of the Mysteries of the Word. By John Wallace Josh-Horn (Jeshurn)
13791: Goss, Warren Lee [1835 - 1925] - RECOLLECTIONS Of A PRIVATE. A Story of the Army of the Potomac
43223: Gossip, G. H. D. - The CHESS PLAYERS' TEXT BOOK. An Elementary Treatise on The Game of Chess. Illustrated by Numerous Diagrams Specially Designed for Beginners and Advanced Students
30857: Gottfried, Manfred - PRELUDE To BATTLE
3960.6: Gottlieb, Samuel Hirsh. Joe Servello - Illustrator - OVERBOOKED In ARIZONA. A Novella
6477.1: Goudy, Frederic W. [1865 - 1947] - ELEMENTS Of LETTERING
9620: Goudy, Frederic W. - TYPES Of The PAST. TYPE REVIVALS.; With a Few Words on Type Design in General. An Address at the New York Press Association Dinner September 12, MCMXXXVI. Foreward by Howard Coggeshall
18303.1: [Press of the Woolly Whale]. [Goudy, Frederic] - [Publisher's List of Frederic Goudy books published by The Press of the Woolly Whale]
28978: [Baring-Gould, Sabine. 1834 - 1924]. "By the Author of 'Mehalah''' - JOHN HERRING. A West of England Romance. In Three Volumes
17941: Gould, Charles N. - TRAVELS THROUGH OKLAHOMA
47777: [Gould, Sir Nathaniel. 1661 - 1728] - A DEFENCE Of An ESSAY On The PUBLICK DEBTS Of This KINGDOM, &c.; In Answer to a Pamphlet, entitled, A State of the National Debt, &c. By the Author of the ESSAY
48468: [Gould, Sir Nathaniel. 1661 - 1728] - An ESSAY On The PUBLICK DEBTS Of This KINGDOM.  Wherein the Importance of Discharging Them is Considered; the Provisions for that Purpose by the Sinking Fund, and the Progress Therein Hitherto Made, are Stated and Explained; the Sufficiency of those Provisions are Demonstrated; Some General Mistakes about the Nature and Efficacy of this Expedient Examined and Removed; and the Progress of the Sinking Fund Described and Computed from Midsummer, 1727.; To which is Subjoined, An Enquiry into the General Convenience of Reducing Farther the Interest of our Publick Debts below 4 per Cent. per Annum. In a letter to a member of the House of Commons
35669: [United States Government] - OFFICIAL ARMY REGISTER For January, 1882
35672: [United States Government] - OFFICIAL ARMY REGISTER For JANUARY, 1889
25772: Grabianski, Janusz - GRABIANSKI'S HORSES
6129: Grabien, Deborah - EYES In The FIRE
15105: O'Grady, Anne - OPERATION MIDAS
22051.3: Graf, Richard - COLLECTED POEMS
10095.2: Grafton, Sue [1940 - 2017] - "A" Is For ALIBI. A Kinsey Millhone Mystery.; A Rinehart Suspense Novel
51419: Grafton, Sue [1940 - 2017] - KEZIAH DANE. A Novel
50480: Graham, R. B. Cunningham. Páez, José Antonio [1790 - 1874] - Subject - JOSE ANTONIO PAEZ
31449: Graham, John W. - NEAERA. A Tale of Ancient Rome
29529: 'By a Physician' [Graham, Thomas John. 1795? - 1876] - The MANUAL For INVALIDS
50997: Graham, W. S. - The WHITE THRESHOLD
50979: Graham, Stephen - A PRIVATE In The GUARDS
49167: Howgrave-Graham, R. P. - WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY For AMATEURS.; A Handbook on the Principles of Radiotelegraphy and the Construction and Working of Apparatus for Small Stations
39036: Graham, Thomas - EXPERIMENTS On The ABSORPTION Of VAPOURS By LIQUIDS. From the Edinburgh Journal of Science, No. 16
17776: Graham, Margaret - SWING SHIFT
36358: Grand, Sarah [pseudonym for Clarke, Frances Elizabeth Bellenden. 1854 - 1943] - OUR MANIFOLD NATURE
34973: Sandys, Celia (Churchill's granddaughter) and Littman, Johathan - WE SHALL NOT FAIL. The Inspiring Leadership of Winston Churchill
35928: Grange, MM. E[ugene. 1810 - 1887]. de Montepin, X[avier. 1826? - 1902]. Dumas, Alexandre [1802 - 1870] - Les Freres Cores; or, The CORSICAN BROTHERS. A Dramatic Romance in Three ACts and Five Tableaux. Adapted from the Romance of M. Dumas ..
16869: Granger, Bill - The BRITISH CROSS
27671.1: [Baseball Fiction]. Grant, Robert [1852 - 1940] - JACK HALL or the Schooldays of an American Boy
25231: Grant, Charles L. - The PET
21335: Foreman, Grant and Carolyn Thomas - FORT GIBSON. A Brief History
39029: Grant, Robert E[dmond. 1793 - 1874] - COMPARATIVE ANATOMY And ZOOLOGY. Professor, Robert E. Grant, M.D. F.L.S. F.R.S.E. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. [Drop title]
18155: Grant, Michael - The TWELVE CAESARS
13948: [Grant, James. 1802 - 1879]. 'By One of No Party' - RANDOM RECOLLECTIONS Of The HOUSE Of COMMONS, From the Year 1830 to the Close of 1835, Including Personal Sketches of the Leading Members of All Parties
37517: [Grant, General Ulysses S. 1822 - 1885]. Peters, W. A. - The LIFE Of GENERAL U. S. GRANT. The Leisure Hour Library. New Series. Vol. I. No. 112. September 15, 1886
49241: Grapes, Jack - SOME LIFE. Poems
36296: Grass, Günter [b. 1927] - CAT And MOUSE.; Translated from the German by Ralph Manheim
20302: Grass, Günter [b. 1927] - The PLEBEIANS REHEARSE The UPRISING. A German Tragedy.; With an Introductory Address by the Author. Translated by Ralph Manheim
40244: [Christian Comradeship Series]. Gratz, W. E. J. - Editor - HYMNS And SONGS Of CHRISTIAN COMRADESHIP. That Youth May Sing Along "the Way." "Those of the Way" is the Earliest Known Designation of the Followers of Jesus
34328.1: Grauer, Ben - Printer. De Pol, John [1913 - 2004] - Wood Engraving. [Rogers, Bruce. 1870 - 1957] - A HAPPY BIRTHDAY To YOU, BRUCE ROGERS MAY 14, 1955
34329: Grauer, Ben - Printer. De Pol, John [1913 - 2004] - Wood Engraving. [Rogers, Bruce. 1870 - 1957] - HAPPY BIRTHDAY To You BR From The BEWTWEEN- HOURS PRESS - 1954
34330: Grauer, Ben - Printer. De Pol, John [1913 - 2004] - Wood Engraving. [Rogers, Bruce. 1870 - 1957] - HAPPY BIRTHDAY B. R. MAY 14, 1956
50481: Gravel, Fern [pseudonym] - OH MILLERSVILLE!
14275: Gravelle, Barbara - KEEPSAKE
31910: Graves, Robert [1763 - 1849] - A POCKET CONSPECTUS Of The LONDON And EDINBURGH PHARMACOPOEIAS: Wherein the Virtues, Uses, and Doses, of the Several Articles and Preparations Contained in Those Works, are Concisely Stated; Their Pronunciation, as to Quantity, is Distinctly Marked; and a Variety of Other Particulars Respecting Them Given, Calculated More Especially for the Use of Junior Practitioners. From the Second London Edition, Corrected and Improved
42513: [California Stereoview]. Graves, C. H. - GLACIER POINT, YOSEMITE VALLEY, CAL. 5416
27953: Graves, Robert [1895 - 1985] - OCCUPATION: WRITER
12926: [Publisher History]. Graves, C. L. - LIFE And LETTERS Of ALEXANDER MACMILLAN
44093: Gray, Sylvester - The UNITED STATES LICENSE POLICY And Its Crimes or The Magnitude of Each Voter's Crime for the License Law as Foretold in Prophecy
50448: Gray, Thomas [1716 - 1771] - GRAY'S ELEGY. The Borders Designed & Illuminated by Lady Willoughby
23914: du Plessix Gray, Francine - WORLD WITHOUT END. A Novel
39070: Gray, John - PARK. A Fantastic Story
18954: Gray, Thomas [1716 - 1771] - The POETICAL WORKS Of THOMAS GRAY, English and Latin. Illustrated.; Including 'An Original Life of Gray' by Rev. John Mitford, M.A. 'Introductory Stanzas' by Rev. John Moultrie, M.A. 'A Lecture on the Writings of Gray' by the Right Hon. The Earl of Carlisle
14298: Gray, Don - The SAGA Of SAM & MARTHA
45101: [Graydon, William Murray 1864-1946].  - THIRTY YEARS AFTER.; Or, The Case of the Prospector's Legacy. The Sexton Blake Library No. 180. 4d
46993: Greard, Vallery C. O. - MEISSONIER His Life and His Art.; With Extracts from his Note-Books, and His Opinions and Impressions on Art and Artists, Collected by His Wife. Translated from the French by Lady Mary Loyd and Miss Florence Simmonds
27800: [Ancient Greek, to 1453]. Dalzel, Andrew [1742 - 1806] - ANALEKTA HELLENIKA HESSONA, Sive, Collectanea Græca Minora: ad usum Tironum Accommodata: cum Notis Philologicis quas Partim Collegit, Partim Scripsit. Accedunt Parvum Lexicon et Index Rerum
41988: Greeley, Horace [1811 - 1872] - Editor - "California-- Deaths on the Land Route" and "Trail of the California Emigrants" [as published in] NEW - YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Vol. IX No. 2. Saturday, September 15, 1849
47295: Greeley, Horace [1811 - 1872] - Presidential Candidate - PROCEEDINGS Of The LIBERAL REPUBLICAN CONVENTION, in Cincinnati, May 1st, 2d and 3d, 1872.; Horace Greeley's Letter of Acceptance. Address of the New York State Committee to Their Fellow - Citizens
9482: Greeley, Horace [1811 - 1872] - ESSAYS DESIGNED To ELUCIDATE The SCIENCE Of POLITICAL ECONOMY, While Serving to Explain and Defend the Policy of Protection to Home Industry, As a System of National Cooperation for the Elevation of Labor
45982: Greeley, Horace (1811-1872) - ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS.; Their Essential Nature and Necessary Effects on the Human Constitution
7567: Green, Gerald - NOT In VAIN
33949: Green, Ben K [1912 - 1974]. Bjorklund, Lorence [1911 - 1978] - Illustrator - WILD COW TALES
28300: Green, Kate - BLACK DREAMS.; A Theresa Fortunato Mystery
28145: [Literary History & Criticism]. Green, Martin - DREAMS Of ADVENTURE, DEEDS Of EMPIRE
49634: [Automobile Promotional Booklet]. Green, Anne - WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS -But Men Seldom Understand
46317: Green, Samuel Abbott. Foster, John - Subject - JOHN FOSTER. The Earliest American Engraver and the First Boston Printer.; Published by the Massachusetts Historical Society at teh Charge of the Waterston Fund, No. 2
17760: Everett-Green, E. - The SECRET CHAMBER At CHAD
4777.1: Green, John Richard [1837 - 1883] - HISTORY Of The ENGLISH PEOPLE
14694: Green, F. L. - AMBUSH For The HUNTER
27373: Greenaway, Kate [1846 - 1901] - ALMANACH De KATE GREENAWAY Pour 1891
22176: [Greenaway, Kate] Dobson, Austin - DE LIBRIS: Prose and Verse
38774: Greenaway, Kate [1846 - 1901] - ALMANACK For 1886
44920: Greenaway, Kate [1846 - 1901] - ALMANACH De KATE GREENAWAY Pour 1888
43084: Greene, Graham [1904 - 1991] - The RETURN Of A. J. RAFFLES. An Edwardian Comedy in Three Acts Based Somewhat Loosely on E. W. Hornung's Characters in The Amateur Cracksman."
1224: [Greene, Graham]. [Doyle, A. Conan]. Green, Richard Lancelyn. Gibson, John Michael - A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of A. CONAN DOYLE.; Foreword by Graham Greene
45013: [Santa Clara College - California]; Greene, Clay M. [1850-1933] - "NAZARETH" [as published in] SOUVENIR GOLDEN JUBILEE SANTA CLARA COLLEGE. 1851. 1901
49845: Greene, Jonathan; Marcus, Bruce - Editors - GNOMON. Number One. Fall 1965
36082: [California Library History]. Greene, Charles S[amuel. 1856 - 1930] & Ross, Prof. Edward Alsworth [1866 - 1951] - MAGAZINE PUBLISHING In CALFORNIA. The RELATION Of LIBRARIES To RIGHTEOUSNESS. Publication of Library Association of California. Number 2
17474: [Greene, Graham]. Roberts, Denys Kilham - Editor - "The INNOCENT. A Short Story" [in] ORION (4)
1581.1: Greene, Graham - A SORT Of LIFE
16117.1: Greenhood, David - Editor - The LEAFLET. Number One
51129: Greenleaf, Benjamin - INTRODUCTION To The NATIONAL ARITHMETIC, On The INDUCTIVE SYSTEM; Combining the Analytic and Synthetic Methods with the Cancelling System; in Which the Principles of Arithmetic are Explained and Illustrated in a Familiar Manner. Designed for Common Schools.; Greenleaf's Introcuction, Improved Sterotype Edition
40594: Greenlees, Stephen. Ivan H. Crowell - Editor - HOW TO TIE TROUT FLIES. Craftsmen's Library 19
50854: Greenspan, Ezra & Rose, Jonathan - Editors - BOOK HISTORY. Volume 12. 2009
51133: Greenspan, Ezra & Rose, Jonathan - Editors - BOOK HISTORY. Volume 15. 2012
45610: Greenspan, Ezra & Rose, Jonathan - Editors - BOOK HISTORY. Volume 17. 2014
48224: [Greenville, George Nugent, Baron. 1788 - 1850] - PORTUGAL. A Poem. In Two Parts
28.1: Greenwood, Robert - editor - CALIFORNIA IMPRINTS, 1833 - 1862.; A Bibliography
8319: Greenwood, Ernest - PROMETHEUS U.S.A.
15262: Greer, Germaine - The OBSTACLE RACE. The Fortunes of Women Painters and Their Work
22426: Greider, William - WHO WILL TELL The PEOPLE: The Betrayal of American Democracy
26984: Grenard, Fernand. White, Homer & Glaenzer, Richard - Translators - BABER. First of the Moguls.; Translated and Adapted by Homer White and Richard Glaenzer
21855: [Grenville, William Wyndham, Baron. 1759 - 1834] - CONSIDERATIONS On The ESTABLISHMENT Of A REGENCY; With an Appendix: Containing Proceedings Relative to the Settling the Form of Government During the Minority of Henry VI. and During the King Being Disqualified by Infirmities
31486: Gress, Edmund G. - FASHIONS In AMERICAN TYPOGRAPHY 1780 to 1930 With Brief Illustrated Stories of the Life and Environment of the American People in Seven Periods and Demonstrations of E. G. G.'s Fresh Note American Period Typography
34509: Gretser, Jacob [also Jakob. 1562 - 1625] - RUDIMENTA LINGUAE GRAECAE, Ex primo Libro Institutionum Jacobi Gretseri... Pro infima, & pro media Schola Grammatices
48074: Gretton, F[rederick]. E[dward. 1803 - 1890]., B.D. - MEMORY'S HARKBACK Through Half - A - Century 1808 to 1858
26789: Greville, Henry [pseudonym for Durand, Mrs. Alice. 1842 - 1902]. Sherwood, Mary Neal - Translator - DOSIA. A Russian Story. Translated from the French
28150: [Grey, Elizabeth Caroline (Duncan). 1798 - 1869]. "By the Author of 'The Gambler's Wife', 'Daughters', 'Sybil Lennard,' &c, &c., &c - ALINE: An Old Friend's Story. Three Volumes in One
10186.3: Grey, Zane [1872 - 1939] - KEN WARD In The JUNGLE
35466: Grey, Richard [1694 - 1771] - A NEW And EASY METHOD Of LEARNING HEBREW Without Points, To Which is Annex'd, by the Way of Praxis, The BOOK Of PROVERBS, Divided According to the Metre: with the Masoretical Reading in the Roman Letters, the Interlinear Version of Santes Pagninus, &c. A Grammatical Analysis, and Short Notes Critical and Explanatory. The Whole Design'd for the Speedy and Perfect Attainment of the Hebrew Tongue
33469: Grey, Zane [1872 - 1939] - The REEF GIRL.; Foreword by Loren Grey
18222: Grey, Viscount - The LEAGUE Of NATIONS
14236: [WWI]. Grey, The Right Honorable Viscount - The CONFLICT For HUMAN LIBERTY.; From the Preface to 'America and Freedom', an English edition of Woodrow Wilson's Statements on the War
48425.2: Grey, Zane [1872 - 1939] - The YOUNG PITCHER
50976: Grierson, Francis [pseudonym of Shepard, Benjamin Henry Jesse Francis (1848 - 1927)] - The HUMOUR Of The UNDERMAN And Other Essays
50977: Grierson, Francis [pseudonym of Shepard, Benjamin Henry Jesse Francis (1848 - 1927)] - PARISIAN PORTRAITS
1431: Griest, Guinevere L. - MUDIE'S CIRCULATING LIBRARY And the Victorian Novel
49095: Grieve, C. M. - Editor MacDiarmid; Muir, Edwin; Spence, Lewis - Contributors - HENRY W. NEVINSON. The Augustan Books of Poetry
48984: Grieve, C. M. - Editor MacDiarmid; Muir, Edwin; Spence, Lewis - Contributors - LIVING SCOTTISH POETS. The Augustan Books of Poetry
36513: Griffin, W. E. B. - The FIGHTING AGENTS
41243: Griffis, William Elliot [1843 - 1928] - The JAPANESE NATION In EVOLUTION. Steps in the Progress of a Great People
15322: Griffith, John William [1819? - 1901]; Rees, G. Owen [1813 - 1889] & Markwick, Alfred [1822? - 1881] - MANUAL On The BLOOD And URINE
51332: Grigson, Geoffrey [1905 -1985] - The CREST On The SILVER. An Autobiography
643.4: Grimaldi, Joseph. 'Boz' - Editor. [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870] - MEMOIRS Of JOSEPH GRIMALDI
16003.1: Grimaldi, Joseph. 'Boz' - Editor. [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. [Currier, Nathaniel. 1813 - 1888] - MEMOIRS Of JOSEPH GRIMALDI
44182: Grimm, Herman. Bunnètt, Fanny Elizabeth - Translator. Michaelangleo [1475 - 1564] - Subject - LIFE Of MICHAEL ANGELO.; Translated with the Author's Sanction by Fanny Elizabeth Bunnètt
37176: Grinnell, George Bird. Grinell, Elizabeth C. - Photographer - BY CHEYENNE CAMPFIRES
34455: Grinstein, Alexander - The INDEX Of PSYCHOANALYTIC WRITINGS. 9 Volumes.; Preface by Ernest Jones
27761: Grisham, John - The CLIENT
27759: Grisham, John - The STREET LAWYER
14218: Grizzard, Lewis - The LAST BUS To ALBUQUERQUE.; Edited by Gerrie Ferris
14041: Grizzard, Lewis - YOU CAN'T PUT NO BOOGIE-WOOGIE On The KING Of ROCK And ROLL
14000: Grizzard, Lewis - CHILI DAWGS ALWAYS BARK At NIGHT
30462: [Philosophy]. Gros, Johan. Daniel - NATURAL PRINCIPLES Of RECTITUDE, for the Conduct of Man in all States and Situations of Life, Demonstated and Explained in a Systematic Treatise on Moral Philosophy
45859: Gross, Robert A. & Kelley, Mary - Editors - A HISTORY Of The BOOK In AMERICA. An Extensive Republic: Print, Culture and Society on the New Nation, 1790 - 1840. Volume 2
47244: [California Local History]. Gross, Alexander [1879 - 1958] - The PREMIER STREET MAP Of OAKLAND And Vicinity, Featuring Transit Lines and House Numbers
27205: [Theology]. [Grove, Robert. 1634 - 1696] - A PERSWASIVE [sic] To COMMUNION With the Church of England
32827: [Music / Opera Playbill]. German Opera Troupe [Company]. Grover, Leonard - Director. Anschutz, Carl - Conductor. Mitchell, Maggie - Performer - FAUST. Boston Theatre. May 14, 1864
31562: Gruelle, Johnny. Miller, Charles - RAGGEDY ANN'S JOYFUL SONGS
21681: Grumbach, Doris - The LADIES
32659: Gual, Enrique - TORERO. A Bullfighter's Day
27932: La Guardia, Fiorello [1882 - 1947] - CORRESPONDENCE, Including La Guardia's Wedding Invitation (8 pcs total)
49745: [Guénée, Antoine. 1717 - 1803].  Le Fanu, Philip [c. 1735 - ] - Translator. Voltaire [Arouet, François-Marie. 1694 - 1778)] - LETTERS Of CERTAIN JEWS To MONSIEUR VOLTAIRE. Containing an Apology for Their Own People, and for the Old Testament; with Critical Reflections and a Short Commentary Extracted from a Greater. In Two Volumes.; Tanslated by the Rev. Philip Lefanu, D. D.
47383: [Event Menu - Guerneville, Ca.] - The KORBEL VINEYARDS HOST To The SOCIETY Of MEDICAL FRIENDS OF WINE.; Gureneville - Sunday, June 14, 1953
25986: Gueulette, M. [Guellette, Thomas - Simon 1683 - 1766]. Stackhouse, Rev. Mr. [Thomas. 1706 - 1784] - Translator. Addison, Mr. [Joseph. 1672 - 1719] - Contributer - CHINESE TALES: Or, The Wonderful Adventures of the Mandarin Fum-Hoam. Related by Himself, To divert the Sultana, upon the Celebration of her Nuptials.; Written in French by M. Gueulette. And Translated by the Rev. Mr. Stackhouse, Author of the History of the Bible and Body of Divinity with Some Thoughts concerning Transmigration. By the Late ingenious Mr. Addison
46944: [Travel Guide] - COME TO JAVA. 1922-23.; Issued by the Official Tourist Bureau - 18 Ryswyk-Weltevreden - Java -
46137: [Glass Collectors' Guide] - The CAMBRIDGE GLASS CO.; [accompanied by] Cambridge Glass Value Guide No. CG-178
38376: [Travel Guide] - INDIA, BURMA, And CEYLON. Information fro Travellers and Residents. With Four Maps
2881.1: Guiliano, Edward - LEWIS CARROLL: An Annotated International Bibliography 1960-77
20034: Guillermoprieto, Alma - SAMBA
40734: Guillou, Charles F. B. Emily Blackmore & Elliot A. P. Evans - Contributors - OREGON And CALIFORNIA DRAWINGS. 1841 and 1847
19911.3: Guinn, J[ames]. M[iller] - HISTORY Of The STATE Of CALIFORNIA And BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD Of OAKLAND And ENVIRONS.; Also Containing Biographies of Well-Known Citizens of the Past and Present
31308: Guinness, Alec - A POSITIVELY FINAL APPEARANCE. A Journal 1996 - 98
15494.1: Gulick, Sidney L. - A CHESTERFIELD BIBLIOGRAPHY To 1800.; Reprinted from the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America Vol XXIX, 1935
14934: Gulick, Bill - A THOUSAND For The CARIBOO
30747: Gumbert, J. P. & De Haan, M. J. M. - Editors - VARIA CODICOLOGICA. Essays Presented to G. I. Lieftincik. I. LITTERAE TEXTUALES. A Series on Manuscripts and Their Texts
13062: Gummerman, Jay - WE FIND OURSELVES In MOONTOWN
13062.1: Gummerman, Jay - WE FIND OURSELVES In MOONTOWN
50534: Gunnison, Charles A[ndrew. 1861 - 1897] - In The SAN BENITO HILLS Etc.
19808: Gunther, John - The LOST CITY. A Novel
14101: Gur, Batya - LITERARY MURDER. A Critical Case
22535: Gurganus, Allan - The PRACTICAL HEART
13076: Gurganus, Allan - WHITE PEOPLE. Stories and Novellas
3747.1: Guthrie, Feliz - The LAST CALIFORNIAN
51261: [African-American Literature]. Guy, William E. - The MESSAGE Of The NEGRO SPIRITUAL.; Foreword by Bishop Reverdy C. Ransom
48211: Gyll, Gordon Wiloughby James [1818 - 1878] - A TRACTATE On LANGUAGE.; With Observations on the French Tongue, Eastern Tongues and Times, and Chapters on Literal Symbols, Philology and Letters, Figures of Speech, Rhyme, Time, and Longevity
32940: [Epistolary Fiction]. "Miss H--" - The FATAL CABINET; or the Profligate Mother. Two Volumes in One
2811: Shaw, Bernard [1856 - 1950]. Laurence, Dan H. and David H. Greene - Editors - The MATTER With IRELAND
2496.1: [Dickens, Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Harper, Henry H. and Marguerite - The MASTER Of GADSHILL: Dickens Returns to Youth
30480: [Habberton, John. 1842 - 1921] - HELEN'S BABIES. With Some Account of Their Ways Innocent, Crafty, Angelic, Impish, Witching, and Replusive. Also, A Partial Record of Their Actions During Ten Days of Their Existence. By Their Latest Victim
14120: Hacker, Marilyn - TAKING NOTICE. Poems
16659: Hackett, General Sir John - The PROFESSION Of ARMS
38083: Hadley, Ted - FRAGMENTS. Poems & Verse
22978: Haeder, Herman - A HANDBOOK Of The STEAM ENGINE, With Especial Reference to Small and Medium-sized Engines. For the Use of Engine Makers, Mechanical Draughtsman, Engineering Students, and Users of Steam Power.; Translated from the German by H.H.P. Powles
35199: [Germanic History]. Hagelgans, Johann Heinrich [1606 - 1647] - DESS THEWREN FURSTEN Vnd BESCHURMERS Teutscher Freiheit Arminii glorwürdige Thaten: Allen jungen anwachsenden Teutschen Helden, wie auch andern dess Vatterlands Liebhabern Zu frewdiger Auffmunterung, auss den Römischen Historien
45539: Haggard, H. Rider [1856 - 1925] - PEARL - MAIDEN. A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem
23223.1: Hague, Michael - MOTHER GOOSE. A Collection of Nursery Rhymes
43114: Haight, Gordon S. - GEORGE ELIOT & JOHN CHAPMAN With Chapman's Diaries
33770: Haiko, Peter. Schezen, Robert - Photographer - VIENNA 1850- 1930 ARCHITECTURE
7864: Hailey, Arthur - STRONG MEDICINE
51200: [Football Fiction]. Haines, Donal Hamiton - PRO QUARTERBACK
38550: O'Hair, Madalyn. Jon G. Murray - Contributor - WAR In VIET NAM ; The Religious Connection
21236: Halasz, Nicholas - CAPTAIN DREYFUS: The Story of a Mass Hysteria
45381: Hale, Edward Everett [1822 - 1909] - The MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY
29785: Hale, Edward E[verett. 1822 - 1909] - KANZAS (Kansas) And NEBRASKA: The History, Geographical and Physical Characteristics, and Political Position of Those Territories; An Account of the Emigrant Aid Companies, and Directions to Emigrants. With an Original Map from the Latest Authorities
41895: [Hale, Edward Everett. 1822 - 1909] - HOW THEY LIVE In BOSTON, And HOW THEY DIE THERE. [Drop title]
23931: Hale, Edward Everett - MEMORIES Of A HUNDRED YEARS
38959: Hale, Richard L[unt. 1828 - 1923] - THOUGHTS Of IDLE HOURS. Volume 1, 1862 - 1890. Volume 2, 1889 - 1893
37426: Hale, Richard Lunt. Russ, Carolyn Hale - Editor - The LOG Of A FORTY - NINER. Journal of a Voyage from Newbury-port to San Francisco in the Brig Genl Worth Commanded by Capt. Samuel Walton. Kept by Richard L. Hale. Newbury Mass
25307.1: Haley, Gail E. - GO AWAY, STAY AWAY
43627: [American Wit / Humor]. Haliburton, Thomas Chandler ["Judge" 1796 - 1865] - Attributed to - NOTHING To EAT. Illustrated.; NOT By the Author of "Nothing to Wear."
10657.1: [Haliburton, Thomas Chandler. 1796 - 1865] - The CLOCKMAKER; or, The Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickville. Second Series
10657: [Haliburton, Thomas Chandler. 1796 - 1865] - The CLOCKMAKER; or, The Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickville. Second Series
45370: Hall, Nathan Kelsey [1810 - 1874] - Postmaster General. Slocum, Joseph - Recipient - ALs to JOSEPH SLOCUM, February 8, 1851
43451: Hall, Carroll D. McWilliams, Carey - Introduction - BIERCE And The POE HOAX
22542: Hall, James W. - HARD AGROUND
17068: Hall, Adam - The PEKING TARGET
14377: Hall, Sam - COUNTER TERRORIST.; WIth Larry Hussman and Felicia Lewis
9705: Hall, James Norman [1887 - 1951] & Nordhoff, Charles [Bernard. 1887 - 1947] - The DARK RIVER
48244: Hallam, Arthur Henry [1811 - 1833] - Subject. Brown, John - ARTHUR H. HALLAM
48837: Hallam, Arthur Henry [1811 - 1833] - Subject. Hallam, Henry [1777 - 1859] - Editor. Maine, Henry Sumner [1822 - 1888]; Lushington, Sir Franklin [1823 - 1901] - Contributors - REMAINS In VERSE And PROSE Of ARTHUR HENRY HALLAM With a Preface and Memoir
40360: [Interurban Electric Railway Company]. R. E. Hallawell, C. F. Donnatin, J. W. Corbett, W. B. Kirkland, J. C. Goodfellow - Contributors - INTERURBAN ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY COLLECTION
28032.2: Halley, William - The CENTENNIAL YEAR BOOK Of ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, Containing a Summary of the Discovery and Settlement of California; A Description of the Contra Costa under Spanish, Mexican and American Rule; An Account of the Organization and Settlement of Alameda County, with a Yearly Synopsis of Important Events, Down to the Centennial Year of American Independence, Together with the Important Events of the Year 1876. Also, A Gazetteer of Each Township, Useful Local and General Statistical Information, Appropriate for the Present Time. To Which are Added Biographical Sketches of Prominent Pioneers and Public Men
21595: Halliburton, Richard (1900 - 1939) - The GLORIOUS ADVENTURE
51153: Halliday, Wm. H. - Photographer. Hawthorne, Nathaniel [1804 - 1864]; Emerson, Ralph Waldo [1803 - 1882]; Longfellow; Henry Wadsworth [1807 - 1882]; Whittier, John Greenleaf [1807 - 1892]; Holmes, Oliver Wendell [1809 - 1894]; Lowell, James Russell [1819 - - SIX NEW - ENGLAND AUTHORS. Hawthorne, Emerson, Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes and Lowell
29370: Halliwell, James Orchard - Editor. Parker, Martin. Johnson, Thomas - The LITERATURE Of The SIXTEENTH And SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES Illustrated by Reprints of Very Rare Tracts. [containing] "Harry White His Homour." "The Two Italian Gentlemen." "Tailor's Travels." "Wyl Bucke." "The Book of Merry Riddles." "All for Money." "Wine , Beere, Ale, and Tobacco." "A New Booke of New Conceits." "Love's Garland."
44187: Halpine, Charles G[raham. 1829 - 1868]. Roosevelt, Robert B. - Editor - The POETICAL WORKS Of CHARLES G. HALPINE (Miles O'Reilly). Consisting of Odes, Poems, Sonnets, Epics, and Lyrical Effusions Which Have Not Heretofore Been Collected Otherwise. With a Biographical Sketch and Explanatory Notes
51185: Hambleton, Jack - FISHERMAN'S PARADISE
51171: Hambleton, Jack - CUB REPORTER
10859.1: Hamblin, Ken - PLAIN TALK And COMMEN SENSE. From the Black Avenger
4761: Hambly, Barbara - The UNSCHOOLED WIZARD
37058: Hamilton, Edwin - Illustrator - A SIXTEENTH CENTURY TEXT: The Great Astonishment
50852: Hamilton, Alexander [1755 - 1804] - Subject. Chernow, Ron - ALEXANDER HAMILTON
27648: Hamilton, Sinclair - EARLY AMERICAN BOOK ILLUSTRATORS And WOOD ENGRAVERS 1670 - 1870. A Catalogue of a Collection of American Books Illustrated for the Most Part with Woodcuts and Wood Engravings in the Princeton University Library.; With an Introductory Sketch of the Development of Early American Book Illustration by Sinclair Hamilton. With a Foreword by Frank Weitenkampf
49653: Hamilton, Fritz [b. 1936] - BENEATH The RAGS
50982: Hamilton, Patrick [1904 - 1962] - The WEST PIER
50983: Hamilton, Patrick [1904 - 1962] - UNKNOWN ASSAILANT
51525: [Early 19th C. Pennsylvania Newspaper]. Hamilton, Hugh [1785 - 1836] - Publisher - HARRISBURG CHRONICLE. Vol. XXI. --- No. 7. Thursday, December 13, 1832
50981: Hamilton, Patrick [1904 - 1962] - The SLAVES Of SOLITUDE
48927: Hamilton, John. Hickey, Joseph. Hervey - Solicitor - HICKEY AGAINST HAMILTON And HERVEY: Or, a Proper REPLY to the Case of JOHN HAMILTON, As set forth by His Honourable Solicitor, In Relation to the Acquittal of JOSEPH HICKEY, Attorney
986.2: Hamilton, Jane - A MAP Of The WORLD
46663: Hamm, Lillie E. - HISTORY And BUSINESS DIRECTORY Of HUMBOLDT COUNTY; Descriptive of the Natural Resources, Delightful Climate, Picturesque Scenery, Beautiful Homes. The Only County in the State Containing No Chinamen
37343: [Photograph]. Hammer, William - YOSEMITE. Half Dome
32003: [Journalism]. Hammond, William M. - REPORTING VIETNAM. Media and Military at War
36507: Hammond, George P. - Contributor - The CALIFORNIAN. Volume One. Facsimile Reproductions of Thirty-eight Numbers, a Prospectus, and Various Extras and Proclamations, Printed at Monterey between August 15, 1846 and May 6, 1847. Introduction by George P. Hammond
47941: Hammond, George P. - Edited By - A GUIDE To The Manuscript Collections Of The Bancroft Library.; Volume II - Mexican and Central American Manuscripts
35245: Hammond, Charles - CASES DECIDED In The SUPREME COURT Of OHIO In BANK. At December Terms, 1837, 1838. Reported in Conformity with the Act of Assembly. Volume VIII
30118: Hampton, Gloria - DESIRE
5273.2: Hancock, H. Irving - DAVE DARRIN'S THIRD YEAR at ANNAPOLIS. Annapolis Series #3
5274.1: Hancock, H. Irving - DAVE DARRIN'S SECOND YEAR at ANNAPOLIS. Annapolis Series #2
42512: Hancock, H. Irving [1868 - 1922] - The GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOYS SNOWBOUND or Dick & Co. at Winter Sports. The Grammar School Boys Series #2
28053: Hancock, H. Irving - UNCLE SAM'S BOYS As SERGEANTS or Handling Their First Real Commands. Boys of the Army Series #3
28036: [Baseball Fiction]. Hancock, H. Irving - The HIGH SCHOOL PITCHER or Dick & Company on the Gridley Diamond. The High School Boys Series #2
11063: Hancock, H. Irving - The YOUNG ENGINEERS In NEVADA. The Young Engineers Series #3
11063.1: Hancock, H. Irving - The YOUNG ENGINEERS In NEVADA. The Young Engineers Series #3
18538: [Los Angeles]. Hancock, Ralph - FABULOUS BOULEVARD
0860: Handover, P. M. - PRINTING In LONDON From Caxton to Modern Times.; Competitive Practice and Technical Invention in the Trade of Book and Bible Printing, Periodical Production, Jobbing, &c
50978: Hanley, James [1897 - 1985] - The OCEAN
29472: Hanley, James [1897 - 1985] - EBB And FLOOD
14859: Hanley, James [1897 - 1985] - The SECRET JOURNEY
45233: [Temperance] - Hanly, J. Frank (1863 - 1920) - FALLACIES EXPOSED.; From Speeches of The Flying Squadron
51529: Hanna, Archibald - A MIRRIOR For The NATION. An Annotated Bibliography of American Soical Fiction, 1901 - 1950
50306: Hannah, Kent - BURIAL RITES
15933: Hannah, Barry - YONDER STANDS YOUR ORPHAN
50254: Hannay, James [1827 - 1873] - HEARTS ARE TRUMPS. An Amphibious Story
46977: Hannay, James [1827 - 1873] - SATIRE And SATIRISTS. Six Lectures
49329: Hannay, James [1827 - 1873] - SINGLETON FONTENOY, R.N.
41459: Hannon, J. Walter [1890 - 1955] - INDIANA TELEPHONE COMPANY / BELL Services / AT&T PLANT SUPERVISOR'S ARCHIVE. Photograph albums, Labor and conference reports, trade magazines, etc., Circa 1920 - 1957
49966: Hannum, Hurst & Fischer, Dana D. - Editors - U.S. RATIFICATION Of The INTERNATIONAL CONVENANTS On HUMAN RIGHTS.; The American Society of International Law
48503: "By a Friend to Hanover, tho' an Englishman." - A VINDICATION Of Our PRESENT ROYAL FAMILY PRINCIPALLY With REGARD To HANOVER.; In which the Conduct of King George I, relating to Sweden, Mecklenburg, and the Czar Peter I, is particulary Vindicated, in Answer to several Papers and late Pamphlets on these Subjects, but more especially one, Intitled, the English Nation Vindicated, &c. Containing a long insulting Memorial from the Czar's Resident in 1719; which is here fully Answered and Confuted, from undoubted Testimonies
23920: Hansen, Joseph - STEPS GOING DOWN
38543: Hansen, J. Vincent. Gleen Good Thunder - Contributor - BLESSED Are The PIECEMAKERS [sic]. A Collection of Poems and Uncertain Notions
49792: Hanson, A. S. - General Passenger Agent - LOT Of 10 BOSTON & ALBANY RAILROAD "NOTICE To PASSENGERS" BROADSIDES / POSTERS, 1889 - 1890
17930: Hanson, Dirk - The NEW ALCHEMISTS. Silicon Valley and the Microelectronics Revolution
884: O'Hara, John [1905 - 1970] - The HAT On The BED
885: O'Hara, John [1905 - 1970] - The TIME ELEMENT and Other Stories
886: O'Hara, John [1905 - 1970] - The INSTRUMENT
18270: O'Hara, John [1905 - 1970] - The HORSE KNOWS The WAY
1804.1: O'Hara, John [1905 - 1970] - SWEET And SOUR
15097: O'Hara, Kevin - DON'T TELL The POLICE. A Chico Brett Thriller
49560: Harasymowicz, Jerzy [1933 - 1999]. Leach, Catherine & Mayne, Seymour - Translators - GENEALOGY Of INSTRUMENTS.; Translated by Catherine Leach and Seymour Mayne
562.1: Hardesty, Steven - GHOST SOLDIERS
49939: Hardie, Martin - ENGLISH COLOURED BOOKS. The Connoisseur's Library
50550: Hardy, Thomas [1840 - 1928] - The CHANGED MAN The Waiting Supper and Other Tales. Concluding with The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid
50528: Hardy, Thomas [1840 - 1928] - The FAMOUS TRAGEDY Of The QUEEN Of CORNWALL At Tintagel in Lyonnesse.; A New Version of an Old Story Arranged as a Play for Mummers in One Act Requiring No Theatre or Scenery
50529: Hardy, Thomas [1840 - 1928] - WINTER WORDS In Various Moods and Metres
50449: Hardy, Thomas [1840 - 1928] - The WELL - BELOVED. A Sketch of a Temperment
50417: Hardy, Thomas [1840 - 1928] - WINTER WORDS In Various Moods and Metres
50413: Hardy, Thomas [1840 - 1928] - HUMAN SHOWS FAR PHANTASIES. Songs, and Trifles
50411: Hardy, Thomas [1840 - 1928] - The HAND Of ETHELBERTA. A Comedy in Chapters.; Leisure Hour Series
31026.1: Hardy, Thomas [1840 - 1928] - FAR FROM The MADDING CROWD.; With an Introduction by Robert Cantwell
2850.2: Hardy, Thomas [1840 - 1928] - LATE LYRICS And EARLIER With Many Other Verses
2850.1: Hardy, Thomas [1840 - 1928] - LATE LYRICS And EARLIER With Many Other Verses
50661: Hardy, Thomas [1840 - 1928] - The DYNASTS. A Drama of the Napoleonic Wars, in Three Parts, Nineteen Acts, & One Hundred and Thirty Scenes
3597: [Hardy, Thomas]. Webb, A. P. - BIBLIOGRAPHY Of The WORKS Of THOMAS HARDY
46408: Hardy, Thomas [1840 - 1928] - The THREE WAYFARERS. A Play in One Act.; Dramatized from his story, "The Three Strangers"
35282.1: [Publication Prospectus]. Hardy, Thomas - [Prospectus for] The VINEYARDS And WINE CELLARS Of CALIFORNIA. An Essay on Winemaking by Thomas Hardy. First Published in Adelaide, Australia, in 1885 Editied and with an Introduction by Thomas Pinney and a Foreword by Robert Mondavi
29866: Hargrove, E[ly. 1741 - 1818] - ANECDOTES Of ARCHERY; From the Earliest Times to the Year 1791. Including an Account of the Most Famous Archers of Ancient and Modern Times; with some curious Particulars in the Life of Robert Fitz-Ooth Earl of Huntington, Vulgarly called Robin Hood. The Present State of Archery, with the Different Societies in Great Britain, Particularly those of Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Durham
21684: Harkness, Claire - TIME Of GRACE
12203.1: Harlan, Robert D. - At The SIGN Of The LARK. William Doxey's San Francisco Publishing Venture
36087: Harlan, James - SPEECH Of HON. JAMES HARLAN Of, IOWA. Delivered in the United States Senate, Januray 4, 1860. Shall be Territories be Africanized
49911: [Ladies Fashion]. Harland, Marion - Contributor - RIZPAH'S IDOLS [as published in] GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK And MAGAZINE. Vol LXXII. Vol LXXIII. 1866
49542: Harmer, James [1777 - 1853]. Holloway, John [d. 1807]; Haggerty, Owen [d. 1807] - Defendants. Steele, John Cole [d. 1802] - Victim - MURDER Of MR. STEELE. Documents and Observations, Tending to Shew A Probablility of the Innocence of John Holloway and Owen Haggerty, Who were Executed on Monday the 2nd of Febuary [sic], 1807, as the Murders of the above Gentleman.; By James Harmer, Attorney at Law
41563: [Antislavery]. Albert Barnes & William Harned - [Advertisement]. OUR POSITION. A Sermon & Barnes on Slavery
13965: Harpman, Jacqueline - ORLANDA.; Translated from the French by Ros Schwartz
37181: Harrington, John P. - An INTRODUCTORY PAPER On The TIWA LANGUAGE, Dialect of Taos, New Mexico. Archaeological Institute of America. Papers of the School of American Archaeology. Number Fourteen
20389: Harrington, Alan - The REVELATIONS Of DR. MODESTO. A Novel
50926: Harris, John - The CLAWS Of MERCY
32658: Harris, Robert - POMPEII. A Novel
7577: Harris, Jed - A DANCE On The HIGH WIRE. A Unique Memoir of the Theatre
42667: Harris, W[illiam]. T[orrey. 1835 - 1909] - The KINDERGARTENS CONNECTED With The PUBLIC SCHOOLS At ST. LOUIS, MO. Kindergarten Tract No. 17
36501.1: Harris, Thomas - BLACK SUNDAY
26728.2: Harris, Joel Chandler. Moser, Barry [b. 1940] - Illustrator - JUMP AGAIN! The Adventures of Brer Rabbit.; Adapted by Van Dyke Parks
47100: Harris, Charles [1885 - 1988]. Hayes, Roland [1877 - 1977] - Subject. Wragg, Rev. S. A. - Presented to - REMINISCENCES Of MY DAYS With ROLAND HAYES
14600: Harris, Cyril - The TROUBLE At HUNGERFORDS
7972.1: Harrison, Kathryn - THICKER THAN WATER
6420.1: Harrison, Frederic - The CHOICE Of BOOKS and Other Literary Pieces
7972: Harrison, Kathryn - THICKER THAN WATER
27084: Harrison, Molly & Wells, A. A. M. - PICTURE SOURCE BOOK For Social History. Seventeenth Century
20660: Harrison, Colin - MANHATTAN NOCTURNE
19529: Harrison, J[onathan]. B[axter 1835 - 1907] - The LATEST STUDIES On INDIAN RESERVATIONS
11214: Harrison, Harry - WEST Of EDEN
18731: Harrison, Kathryn - The BINDING CHAIR, or A Visit from the Foot Emancipation Society
48699: Harrison, E[dward]. S[anford. b. 1859] - NOME And SEWARD PENINSULA. A Book of Information About Northwestern Alaska
37825: Harrison, Morton R. - President of Oklahoma Travel Association - VISIT OKLAHOMA: TRAVEL STAMP ALBUM. Miss Oklahoma Invites You to Visit the Historical, Educational and Recreational Points of Interest in the Land of the Red Men and Oil Wells
37481: Harrison, E[dward]. S[anford. b. 1859] - RESOURCES Of ALASKA. Department of the Interior. Alaska Exhibit. Alaska - Yukon - Pacific Exposition, Seattle, 1909
13092: Harrison, Kathryn - EXPOSURE
35030: [Harsha, William Justin]. Theamba, Inshta, aka 'Bright Eyes' [psuedonym of Tibbles, Susette (La Flesche)] - Contributor - PLOUGHED UNDER. The Story of an Indian Chief Told By Himself. With an Introduction by Inshta Theamba (Bright Eyes)
4959.1: Hart, Philip - The GOLDEN LURE. The Philip Hart Adventure Series (#2)
47861: [Hart, Dudley] - Attributed to - JOHN JERNINGHAM'S JOURNAL
20242: [Hart, James D.]. Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell - MOLLY MAKE-BELIEVE
18439: Hart, Ellen - A SMALL SACRIFICE. A Jane Lawless Mystery
12977: Hart, Henry H. - Translator - The WEST CHAMBER. A Medieval Drama.; Foreword by Edward Thomas Williams
43468: Harte, Bret [1836 - 1902] - A WAIF Of The PLAINS. Two Schillings
43431: [Grabhorn Press]. Harte, Bret [1836 - 1902] - The STORY Of ENRIQUEZ. Chu Chu / The Devotion of Enriquez / The Passing of Enriquez
32029: Harte, Bret [1836 - 1902] - A PROTEGEE Of JACK HAMLIN'S Etc.
32017: Harte, Bret [1836 - 1902]. Stewart, George R. & Fussell, Edwin S. - Editors - SAN FRANCISO In 1866. Being Letters to the Springfield Republican
50472: Harte, Bret [1839 - 1902]. Lewis, Oscar [1893 - 1992] - Contributor - TALES Of The GOLD RUSH.; With an Introduction by Oscar Lewis
50345: [California Fiction]. Harte, [Francis] Bret [1836 - 1902] - From SAND HILL To PINE
28484: Harte, Bret [1839 - 1902]. Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870] - Subject - POEMS
49361: Harte, Bret [1836 - 1902] - The HEATHEN CHINEE
17192: [Photoplay]. Harte, Bret - SALOMY JANE'S KISS. Photo-Play Edition.; Revised and Elaborated Version of the Famous Story by Bret Harte
18908: Hartley, L.P. - A PERFECT WOMAN
22181: De Hartog, Jan - STAR Of PEACE
20589: de Hartog, Jan - The LAMB'S WAR. A Novel
20338: de Hartog, Jan - The LITTLE ARK. A Novel
39840: Haruf, Kent - PLAINSONG
51460: [Burning Man Ephemera]. Harvey, Larry [1948 - 2018] - Co-Founder - BURNING MAN 2018 SURVIVAL GUIDE. August 26 • September 3
36814: [Photograph Album]. Harvey, Farrell E. - Compiler [inferred] - U.S.S. ALGONQUIN C. G. 328 Black & White Images
48878: [Souvenir Event Menu]. Harvey, George [1864 - 1928] - Honoree. Sindelar, Thomas A. [1867 - 1923] - Artist - DINNER To HIS EXCELLENCY GEORGE HARVEY Ambassador of the United States to the Court of St. James; By the Lotos Club New York April 30th 1921
49795: Harwood, Lee [b. 1939] - ROPE BOY To The RESCUE. Poems
43624: Haskell, Benjamin [1810 - 1878] - ESSAYS On The NERVOUS SYSTEM, With an Appendix on HYDROPHOBIA
50358: Haslett, Adam - UNION ATLANTIC. A Novel
43000: [Event Program]. Hassler, Mark - Orchestra Director. Randorf, Mr. George - Russian Chorus Director - The "VETEHERINKA" And PROMENADE CONCERT.; Foyer of the Academy of Music, Monday, - May 5th, 1890 - From 4 to 8 p. m.
28931: Hassler, Kenneth W. - The GLASS CAGE
44706: Hassler, Jon; Powers, Michael (Conductor) - An INTERVIEW with JON HASSLER; With a Biliography by Larry Dingman
49920: Hatfield, Lee - BREAKFAST In MYCENAE. Poems
20958: [Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut] - ONE HUNDRED BOOKS ABOUT BOOKMAKING: A Guide to the Study and Appreciation of Printing
20957: [Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut] - SEVENTY BOOKS ABOUT BOOKMAKING: A Guide to the Study and Appreciation of Printing
20850: [Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut] - FIFTY BOOKS ABOUT BOOKMAKING
27764: Hauser, Lisa Kay & Smith, Philip Dale - TURN BACK TIME. A Novel
49708: Hausman, Gerald - CIRCLE MEADOW
50933: Hautman, Pete - The MORTAL NUTS. A Novel
32421: Haven, J. D. - DOWN In DIXIE. Sights and Impressions Gained During a Six Weeks' Trip Through the Sunny South. Reprinted from the Wyandotte (Michigan) "Herald" for Private Circulation
18221: Havergal, Rev. Francis T. - FASTI HERERFORDENSES And Other Antiquarian Memorials of Hereford.; With illustrations by G.C. Haddon
1276: Haviland, Virginia - CHILDREN'S LITERATURE. A Guide to Reference Sources
20400: Haweis, Rev. H. R. - OLD VIOLINS
37802: Hawes, Joel - LECTURES To YOUNG MEN, On The FORMATION Of CHARACTER, &C. Originally Addressed to the Young Men of Hartford and New-Haven, and Published at Their United Request
46996: [Restaurant Menu - Hawick, UK] - MENU. TOWER HOTEL - HAWICK.; Dinner
31893: Hawke, Richard - COLD DAY In HELL. A Novel
17435: Hawkes, Jacquetta - The FIRST GREAT CIVILIZATIONS. Life in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and Egypt
49700: Hawkins, Bobbie Lee - EN ROUTE
51028: Hawley, Walter A. - ORIENTAL RUGS. Antique and Modern
48877: [Publisher Advertising Leaflet]. Hawley, Robert - Press founder - OYEZ PRESS. Recent Titles. Forthcoming
34425: Hawley, A. T. - PORTLAND OREGON, The Metropolis of the Pacific Northwest
36855: Hawthorne, Nathaniel [1804 - 1864] - FAMOUS OLD PEOPLE: Being the Second Epoch of Grandfather's Chair
36854: Hawthorne, Nathaniel [1804 - 1864] - GRANDFATHER'S CHAIR: A History for Youth
29887: [Hawthorne, Nathaniel. 1804 - 1864]. Bridge, Horatio - PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS Of NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE
29884: [Hawthorne, Nathaniel. 1804 - 1864]. Ticknor, Caroline [1866 - 1937] - HAWTHORNE And HIS PUBLISHER
27459: Hawthorne, Nathaniel [1804 - 1864]. Hawthorne, Julian - Editor - DOCTOR GRIMSHAWE'S SECRET. A Romance.; Edited, with Preface and Notes by Julian Hawthorne
26382: Hawthorne, Nathaniel [1804 - 1864]. Hawthorne, Julian - Editor - DOCTOR GRIMSHAWE'S SECRET. A Romance.; Edited, with Preface and Notes by Julian Hawthorne
23905: Hawthorne, Nathaniel [1804 - 1864] - TRANSFORMATION: or, The Romance of Monte Beni. Tauchnitz Collection of British and American Authors Volume 515 & 516
39862: Hawthorne, Nathaniel [1804 - 1864] - The MARBLE FAUN, or The Romance of Monte Beni. Illustrated with Photogravures. In Two Volumes
47787.1: Hawthorne, Nathaniel [1804 - 1864] - OUR OLD HOME: A Series of English Sketches
47787: Hawthorne, Nathaniel [1804 - 1864] - OUR OLD HOME: A Series of English Sketches
6097: Hay, John [1838 - 1905] - JIM BLUDSO of the PRAIRIE BELLE and LITTLE BREECHES
33359: Hay, Walter G. - THRU MAINE BY CAMERA
33081: Hay, Ian - The MIDSHIPMAID. The Tale of a Naval Manoeuvre
43377: Hay, Ian [1876 - 1952] - The SHIP Of REMEMBRANCE. Gallipoli - Salonika
9758: Hay, John [1838 - 1905] - PIKE COUNTY BALLADS and Other Pieces
21997: Hay, Ian - The OPPRESSED ENGLISH
51042: Hay, Mary Cecil [1839 - 1886] - The SORROW Of A SECRET. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. No. 22. January 22, 1896
37465: Hay, Mary Cecil [1840? - 1886] - REAPING The WHIRLWIND. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. New Series. No. 95. October 10th, 1896
48215: Haydon, Benjamin Robert - Subject. Taylor, Tom - Editor & Compiler - LIFE Of BENJAMIN ROBERT HAYDON, Historical Painter, from His Autobiography and Journals.; Edited and Compiled by Tom Taylor, of the Inner Temple, Esq. In Three Volumes
33062: Hayes, J. W. - TALES Of The SIERRAS
30846: [Exhibition Catalogue]. Hayes, James - The ROMAN LETTER. A Study of Notable Graven and Written Forms from Twenty Centuries in Which Our Latin Alphabet Moved Toward Its High Destiny as the Basic Medium of Printed Communication Throughout the Western World
29636: Hayes, Captain M. H. - POINTS Of The HORSE. A Treatise on the Conformation, Movements, Breeds and Evolution of the Horse
27858: Hayes, Clair W. - The BOY ALLIES With The COSSACKS. The Boy Allies of the Army Series #3
49747: Hayes, Dorsha - NEW POEMS From the BELL - RANCH
22704.2: Hayes, Clair W. - The BOY ALLIES With HAIG In FLANDERS or The Fighting Canadians of Vimy Ridge. The Boy Allies of the Army Series #10
11320.3: Hayes, Clair W. - The BOY ALLIES In The TRENCHES. The Boy Allies of the Army Series #4
15741.1: Hayes, Clair W. - The BOY ALLIES In GREAT PERIL or With the Italian Army in the Alps. The Boy Allies of the Army Series #5
15742.2: Hayes, Clair W. - The BOY ALLIES In The BALKAN CAMPAIGN. The Boy Allies of the Army Series #6
15742.3: Hayes, Clair W. - The BOY ALLIES In The BALKAN CAMPAIGN or The Struggle to Save a Nation. The Boy Allies of the Army Series #6
15742.4: Hayes, Clair W. - The BOY ALLIES In The BALKAN CAMPAIGN or The Struggle to Save a Nation. The Boy Allies of the Army Series #6
15739.2: Hayes, Clair W. - The BOY ALLIES With PERSHING In FRANCE. The Boy Allies of the Army Series #11
15575.2: Hayes, Clair W. - The BOY ALLIES On The FIRING LINE or Twelve Days Battle Along the Marne. The Boy Allies of the Army Series #2
48526: Hayes, Alfred [1911 - 1985]; Le Gallienne, Richard [1866 - 1947]; Gale, Norman [1862 - 1942] - A FELLOWSHIP In SONG [comprised of] From Midland Meadows; Nightingales; A Verdant County
1295.4: Hayes, Clair W. - The BOY ALLIES At LIEGE or Through Lines of Steel. The Boy Allies of the Army Series #1
12151: Hays, H. R. - CHILDREN Of The RAVEN. The Seven Indian Nations of the Northwest Coast
33225: Hazen, A. T.; Kirby, J. P. - A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of The STRAWBERRY HILL PRESS With a Record of the Prices at which Copies have been Sold Including a New Supplement. Together with a Bibliography and Census of the Detached Pieces
6597.3: [Hazlitt, William. 1778 - 1830] - The PLAIN SPEAKER: Opinions on Books, Men, and Things. In Two Volumes
24715: Hazlitt, William [1778 - 1830] - LECTURES On The DRAMATIC LITERATURE Of The AGE Of ELIZABETH.; Delivered at the Surry Institution
19165: Head, Major Sir Francis B. - The LIFE And ADVENTURES Of BRUCE, The AFRICAN TRAVELLER. Harper's Family Library No. CXXVIII.; From the Last London Edition
14251: [WWI]. Headlam, J. W. [1863 - 1929] - The STARVATION Of GERMANY
14255: [WWI]. Headlam, J. W. [1863 - 1929] - The GERMAN CHANCELLOR And The OUTBREAK Of The WAR
50616: Headley, Hon. J[oel]. T[yler. 1813 - 1897] - SACRED HEROES And MARTYRS. Biographical Sketches of Illustrious Men of the Bible; with Historical Scenes and Incidents, Illustrating Their Heroic Deeds, Eventful Careers, and Sublime Faith, Which Have No Parallel in Human History. Sold by Subscription
51455: Heaney, Seamus [1939 - 2013] - STATION ISLAND
21394: Heard, H.F. - The GREAT FOG And OTHER WEIRD TALES
38160: Hearle, Kevin; Sharon Kessler, David Leedy, Andrea Lerner, Michael Perez, Nancy Smigel, David Weissmann - Contributors - SEVEN POETS At STANFORD
5403: Hearn, Lafcadio - JAPAN An Attempt at Interpretation
3035: Hearn, Lafcadio - LECTURES On TENNYSON.; Edited by Shigetsugu Kishi
46596: Hearn, Lafcadio [1850 - 1904]. Lewis, Oscar [1893 - 1992]. Tunison, Joseph [1849 - 1916] - HEARN And His BIOGRAPHERS.; The Record of a Literary Controversy. Together with a Group of Letters from Lafcadio Hearn to Joseph Tunison Now First Published
46562: Hearn, Lafcadio [1850 - 1904]. Mordell, Albert - Editor - ESSAYS In EUROPEAN And ORIENTAL LITERATURE.; Arranged and Edited by Albert Mordell
46529: Hearn, Lafcadio [1850 - 1904]. Erskine, John [1879 - 1951] - Editor - PRE-RAPHAELITE And Other Poets. Lectures by Lafcadio Hearn.; Selected and Edited with an Introduction by John Erskine
20810: [Hearn, Lafcaido], Yu, Beongcheon - An APE Of GODS: The Art and Thought of Lafcaido Hearn
18897: Hearn, Lafcadio - LIFE And LITERATURE
18887.1: Hearn, Lafcadio. Tanabe, R. - Editor. Blake, William - Subject - SOME STRANGE ENGLISH LITERARY FIGURES Of The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.; Edited by R. Tanabe
15091: Hearn, Lafcadio [1850 - 1904]. Bronner, Milton - Editor - LETTERS From The RAVEN. Being the Correspondence of Lafcadio Hearn with Henry Watkin.; With an Introduction and Critical Comment by the Editor - Milton Bronner
45500: Hearn, Lafcadio [1850 - 1904]. Hutson, Charles Woodward - Editor - EDITORIALS.; Edited by Charles Woodward Hutson
38501: Heartman, Charles F.; Weiss, Harry B. - Editors - The AMERICAN BOOK COLLECTOR. A Monthly Magazine for Book Lovers. January, 1932. Volume 1 - Number 1. [to] December 1933. Volume IV. Number 6
34256: Heartman, Charles F. - AMERICAN PRIMERS - INDIAN PRIMERS - ROYAL PRIMERS. And Thirty- seven Other Types of Non- New- England Primers. Issued Prior to 1830
49901: Hecht, Anthony & Hollander, John - Editors - JIGGERY - POKERY A Compendium of Double Dactyls
9562: Hecht, Ben - GAILY, GAILY. The Memoirs of a Cub Reporter in Chicago
33970: Heckel, Edouard [Marie. 1843 - 1916] - Du MOUVEMENT VEGETAL. Nouvelles Recherches Anatomiques et Physiologiques su la Motilite dans Quelques Organes Reproducteurs des Phanerogames
17757.1: Hegan, Alice Caldwell [1870 - 1942] - MRS. WIGGS Of The CABBAGE PATCH
26995: Heil, Walter - [Exhibition Catalogue]. VINCENT VAN GOGH
31033: Heine, Heinrich [1797 - 1856] - POEMS Of HEINRICH HEINE.; Selected and Translated, with an Introduction, by Louis Untermeyer
34751: Heineken, Ty & Heineken, Kiyoko - TANSU. Traditional Japanese Cabinetry
461.8: Heinemann, Larry - PACO'S STORY
31820.2: Heininger, Charles Peter [1857 - 1943] - SOUVENIR Of ALAMEDA COUNTY, CAL
5963: Heinlein, Robert A. - JOB: A Comedy of Justice
17210: Heinrichs, Waldo - THRESHOLD Of WAR. Franklin D. Roosevelt & American Entry into World War II
43333: Heinsbergen, A[nthony] B. [1894 - 1981] - "The Dream" [as pictured on] ONE Of TEN MURALS By A. B. HEINSBERGEN In The PERSIAN ROOM, Hotel Sir Francis Drake, San Francisco. Douglas Dacre Stone, Architect
11030: Heise, Kenan Joseph - AUNT ELLA STORIES
19859: Heisenfelt, Kathryn - JANE WITHERS And The SWAMP WIZARD. Whitman #2301.; An Original Story Feathuring 'Jane Withers' Famous Motion Picture Star as the Heroine
5995.2: Heller, Joseph - SOMETHING HAPPENED
17230: Heller, Mikhail - COGS In The WHEEL. The Formation of Soviet Man
6180: Heller, Joseph - GOOD AS GOLD
2215: Hellman, Lillian - MAYBE
14762: Helm, Peter - A WALK INTO MURDER
32564: Jim Thompson [1906 - 1977] - Director. Helms, Ennis C. - Director. Simpson, Wallce - Cowboy Artist. Boone, Walker - Indian Artist - AMERICAN GUIDE SERIES CALENDAR Of ANNUAL EVENTS In OKLAHOMA. Written and Arranged by Federal Writers' Project of Oklahoma. Works Progress Administration in the State of Oklahoma. Sponsored by the Oklahoma State Travel and Tourist Bureau
25719.2: [California Gold Rush]. Helper, Hinton R[owan. 1829 - 1909] - The LAND Of GOLD. Reality Versus Fiction
13569: Helprin, Mark - Editor - The BEST AMERICAN SHORT STORES. 1988.; With an Introduction by Mark Helprin
13390: Helprin, Mark - MEMOIR From ANTPROOF CASE
37702: [Helps, Arthur] - FRIENDS In COUNCIL: A SERIES Of READINGS And DISCOURSE THEREON. In Two Volumes: Vol. I & II
18653: Hemans, Felicia. Hemans [Dorothea 1793 - 1835] - The POETICAL WORKS Of FELICIA HEMANS. Complete in One Volume. With a Memoir, By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney
37464: Hemans, Felicia [Dorothea. 1793 - 1835] - RECORDS Of WOMAN: With Other Poems
51159: Heming, J[ohn]. W[inton] - The PIRATE FAIRIES. A Fairy Thriller.; A Currawong Children's Book
9843.5: [Hemingway, Ernest. 1899 - 1961]. Lugin, Alejandro Perez [1870 - 1926]. Franklin, Sidney [1903 - 1976] - Translator - SHADOWS Of The SUN.; Translated from Alejandro Perez Lugin's Spanish novel, "Currito de la Cruz" by Sidney Franklin
25036: [Hemingway, Ernest]. Ross, Lillian - PORTRAIT Of HEMINGWAY
28142: Hemming, John - RED GOLD. The Conquest of the Brazilian Indians
13616: Hempel, Amy - TUMBLE HOME. A Novella and Short Stories
45347: Hench, John B. - Editor - THREE HUNDRED YEARS Of The AMERICAN NEWSPAPER. Essays
39024: [Advertisement / Publishing Prospectus]. Henderson, Richard - The ESTATE MANAGER; with 133 Illustrations. A Useful Work to Solicitors. Contents Summary
19057: Hendricks, Michael - FRIENDS In HIGH PLACES. A Rita Noonan Mystery
16808: Henggeler, Paul R. - In HIS STEPS. LYNDON JOHNSON and the Kennedy Mystique
28162: Henige, David - In SEARCH Of COLUMBUS. The Sources for the First Voyage
38053.7: Hennefrund, Bill, Saul Levitt, Georg N. Meyers, Merle Miller, Elliot A. Witten, Harold D. Schwartz, Tom Shehan - YANK. British Edition. The Army Weekly. March 19, 1944. Volume 2, No. 40. "Triple Duty", "The Army's Gypsy-Builders", "The Mounties Get Unhorsed", "After the Battle at Kwajalein", "Thoughts in the Night", "The Truth About Superman", "Sports: French Sailor Looks Like Future Champ to Sharkey", "What are the Girls Wearing?"
35445: [Henningsen, Charles Frederick. 1815-1877] - The WHITE SLAVE; or, The Russian Peasant Girl. Library of Select Novels. No. 60. Price Twenty-five Cents.; By the Author of "Revelations of Russia."
39971: [Vietnam Fiction]. Henrickson, Gary P. - TA-50 and X, Y, Z. Two Short-rounds from a Distant War
48126: Henries, H. C. - TRADE CARD. U. S. Sanitary Commission, "The Home," for Mothers, Wives, Nurses and Relatives of Solders, Annapolis, Md
33045: Henry, Jennie D[ow. b. 1865] - FARNSWORTH - DOW. 1583 - 1934. [Wrapper title]
27202: Henry, Alexander - President - The SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT Of The HOUSE Of REFUGE Of PHILADELPHIA. With An Appendix
27201: Henry, Alexander - President - The FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT Of The HOUSE Of REFUGE Of PHILADELPHIA. With An Appendix
49278: Henry, M[orris]. H[enry. 1835 - 1895]., M.D. - The TREATMENT Of VENEREAL DISEASES: A Monograph on the Method Pursued in The Vienna Hospital, Under the Direction of Prof. Von Sigmund, Including All the Formulae.; Adapted and Arranged from the German
49198: Henry, Joseph [1797 - 1878] - Subject. Coulson, Thomas - JOSEPH HENRY. His Life and Work
15056: Hensley, Joe L. - FORT'S LAW
33934: Henty, G[eorge]. A[lfred. 1832 - 1902] - RUJUB, The JUGGLER
27181: Henty, G[eorge]. A[lfred. 1832 - 1902] - FACING DEATH or The Hero of the Vaughan Pit. A Tale of the Coal Mines
24436: Henty, G[eorge]. A[lfred. 1832 - 1902] - With The ALLIES To PEKIN. A Tale of the Relief of the Legations
23531: Henty, G[eorge]. A[lfred. 1832 - 1902] - At The POINT Of The BAYONET. A Tale of the Mahratta War
22916: Henty, G[eorge]. A[lfred. 1832 - 1902] - In The HEART Of The ROCKIES. A Story of Adventure in Colorado
21536: (Henty, G[eorge]. A[lfred. 1832 - 1902]). Dartt, Robert L. - Compiler - G. A. HENTY: A Bibliography
21541: Henty, G[eorge]. A[lfred. 1832 - 1902] - OUT On The PAMPAS
33934.1: Henty, G[eorge]. A[lfred. 1832 - 1902] - RUJUB, The JUGGLER
22428: Hepburn, Katharine - ME. Stories of My Life
35227: Herber, Reginald [1783 - 1826]. Schell, Frederic B - Illustrator - From GREENLAND'S ICY MOUNTAINS. 20 Illustrations by Frederic B. Schell
14991: Herber, William - The ALMOST DEAD
48234: Herbert, Henry - AUTO - BIOGRAPHY Of HENRY HERBERT, A Gloucestershire Shoemaker, and Native of Fairford
25982: Herbert, A. P. - HOLY DEADLOCK
40495: Herbert, Dr. J[ohn]. B[unyan. 1852 - 1927]. - Compiler - The LIVE WIRE. Collection of Prohibition Songs
40238: Herbert, Dr. J. B. - Compiler - RODEHEAVER COLLECTION For MALE VOICES. One Hundred and Sixty Quartets and Choruses for Men Consisting of Gospel Songs - New and Old - the Popular Songs Used in the "Billy" Sunday Campaigns; Many Adaptations from Standard Authors; Old Familiar Hymns, Newly Arranged; Secular Songs; Plantation Melodies; Prohibition Songs and Special Selections
16796: Herf, Jeffrey - DIVIDED MEMORY. The Nazi Past in Two Germanys
32739: Herford, Oliver - NEITHER HERE Nor THERE
31412: Herge [1907 - 1983] - The SECRET Of The UNICORN. The Adventures of Tintin
36479: [Hergesheimer, Joseph. 1880 - 1954]. Stappenbeck, Herb - Compiler - A CATALOGUE Of The JOSEPH HERGESHEIMER COLLECTION at the University of Texas
17328: Hergesheimer, Joseph - The PRESBYTERIAN CHILD
35675.2: Hermann, Binger [1843 - 1926] - The LOUISIANA PURCHASE and Our Title West of the Rocky Moutains, with a Review of Annexation by the United States
15628: Herndon, Joan V. - MARIA X.
50172: [Saleman's Sample / Subscription / Canvassing Book]. Heron, Addie E. - FANCY WORK For Pleasure and Profit
46224: Herrick, Steven - COLONIAL SETTLEMENTS Of NEW ENGLAND.; A Directory of Over 1,000 Towns, Villages and Plantations During the American Colonial Period of 1607 - 1850
48376: [Popular Medicine]. Herrick, L. R. - The HORSE OWNER'S FRIEND. A Treatise on Diseases of The Horse, Cattle and Fowl
19750: Herriot, James - EVERY LIVING THING
35450: Hersholt, Jean - General Editor. De Beaumont, Mme, Le Prince. Lawson, Robert. Kingston, William H. G. - The EVERGREEN TALES; or, Tales for the Ageless. Beauty & the Beast. The Story of Dick Whittington & His Cat. St. George & the Dragon.; Beauty translated from the French by P. H. Muir
6474: Hertzler, Arthur E. - The HORSE And BUGGY DOCTOR
38544: Hertzler, Terry - The WAY Of The SNAKE; And Other Poems. Writings from the War in Vietnam
47283: Hervey, Hon. Thomas [1699 - 1775]. Hanmer, Sir Thomas, Bart. - Recipient - A LETTER From the HON. THOMAS HERVEY, To SIR THOMAS HANMER, BART
5051: [Herzog, E. S. W.]. Maurois, Andre - Un ESSAI Sur DICKENS
34348: Herzog, Maurice [b. 1919]. Ichac, Marcel [1906 - 1994] - REGARDS VERS L' ANNAPURNA.; Devies, Lucien - Preface
17184: Herzstein, Robert Edwin - WALDHEIM. The Missing Years
50754: Hesse, Herman [1877 - 1962]. Lesser, Rika - Translator - HOURS In The GARDEN And Other Poems. Cape Poetry Paperbacks.; Translated by Rika Lesser
263: Heuterman, Thomas H. - MOVABLE TYPE.; Biography of Legh R. Freeman
29464: Heward, Constance - AMELIARANNE CAMPS OUT
47130: [18th C. British Army]. Hewett, George - Adjutant General - INSTRUCTIONS RELATIVE To The BAGGAGE And MARCHES Of The ARMY
26229: Hewlett, Maurice (1861 - 1923) - EARTHWORK OUT Of TUSCANY Being Impressions and Translations of Maurice Hewlett
19205: Hewlett, Maurice - A BALLAD Of "The GLOSTER" & "The GOEBEN"
49856: Heyen, William - PIG NOTES & DUMB MUSIC. Prose on Poetry
35845: Heyliger, William [1884 - 1955] - BEAN - BALL BILL And Other Stories. Buddy Books for Boys #21
49801: Heylynn, Peter - Contributor - CALIFORNIA And The OPENING Of The GATEWAY BETWEEN The ATLANTIC And The PACIFIC
28004: Heyman, Therese - Editor - PICTURING CALIFORNIA. A Century of Photographic Genius. Photographs from the Colleciton of the Oakland Museum.; Introductory Essay by Bill Barich. Edited, with an Afterword, by Therese Heyman
38102: Heyn, Ernest V., Heyworth Campbell, Ruth Waterbury, Fred R. Sammis, Francis Hughes, Paul Hesse - Contributors - PHOTOPLAY, The Aristocrat of Motion Picture Magazines. Vol. LIII, No. 10. October 1939. "Tenth Avenue Girl", "What Pain Can Teach You", "How to Disguise Your Weight"
49520: Heynen, Jim - NOTES From CUSTER
33542: [Heywood, Joseph Converse. d. 1900] - SALOME, The Daughter of Herodias. A Dramatic Poem
51492: [Civil Engineering Reference]. Heywood, John - Publisher / Bookseller - The PRACTICAL ENGINEER POCKET BOOK For 1901
13326: Hiaasen, Carl - STORMY WEATHER
33296: Hiatt, Charles - PICTURE POSTERS. A Short History of the Illustrated Placard, with Many Reproductions of the Most Artistic Examples in All Countries
45308: Hibbert, Christopher - The VIRGIN QUEEN. Elizabeth I, Genius of the Golden Age
16891: Hibbert, Christopher - The DESTRUCTION Of LORD RAGLAN
34182.1: Hibbs, Ben - Editor. Wallace, Irving - Contributor - "This is Life Under Franco" [as published in] The SATURDAY EVENING POST. July 5, 1947
32132: Hichborn, Naval Constructor Philip, U.S.N. - REPORT On EUROPEAN DOCK-YARDS
5026: Hichens, Robert - SECRET INFORMATION
49130: Hickey, Joseph - Subject - A LETTER To A GENTLEMAN In The COUNTRY, Concerning the Acquittal of JOSEPH HICKEY, Attorney, Upon an Indictment for Perjury, before the Lord Chief Justice Lee, on Thursday, the 11th Instant
36526: Higgins, Jack - The EAGLE HAS FLOWN. A Novel
409: Higgins, George V. - The PATRIOT GAME
18137: Higgins, George V. - The JUDGMENT Of DEKE HUNTER
17070: Higgins, George V. - IMPOSTORS
17069: Higgins, George V. - The RAT On FIRE
17025: Higgins, Jack - STORM WARNING
17024: Higgins, Jack - DAY Of JUDGMENT
16953: Higgins, George V. - OUTLAWS
16841: Higgins, George V. - A CHOICE Of ENEMIES
16827: Higgins, George V. - PENANCE For JERRY KENNEDY
16791: Higgins, George V. - KENNEDY For The DEFENSE
16707: Higgins, George V. - The DIGGER'S GAME
16709: Higgins, Jack - TOUCH The DEVIL
18461: Highsmith, Patricia - MERMAIDS On The GOLF COURSE And Other Stories
46948: [Restaurant Menu - Hightstown, N.J.] - OLD YORKE INN.; Route 130
13400: Hijuelos, Oscar - The MAMBO KINGS PLAY SONGS Of LOVE
49080: [Hildrop, John. 1682 - 1756] - A MODEST APOLOGY For The ANCIENT And HONOURABLE FAMILY Of The WRONGHEADS.; In a Letter to the Right Honourable the E. of C----
33011: Hill, Thomas [1818 - 1891] - Inventor. Farley, C. H. - Manufacturer - DESCRIPTION Of The NAUTRIGON, with Directions for Its Use; an Instrument for Solving Problems in Navigation, Invented by Thomas Hill, D.D. LL.D. Patented February 22, 1876
43661: Hill, Janet McKenzie - The UP-TO-DATE WAITRESS. Illustrated with half-tone Engravings of Tables, Prepared Dishes, Appliances, etc.
33984: Hill, Janet McKenzie [1825 - 1933] - The WHYS Of COOKING
32259: Hill, Grace Livingstone [1865 - 1947] - TIME Of The SINGING Of BIRDS
47480: Hill, John, M.D. [1714? - 1775] - VALERIAN. Or, The Virtues of that Root in Nervous Disorders; and the Characters which distinguish the True from the False
41608: Market Hill, Diss. Lusher Bros - Contributor - [Facsimile Advertising Broadside]. MARKET HILL, DISS. ANNUAL SALE Of DRAPERY. S. Bobby Begs to Announce that the Above Sale has Commenced, and that his Entire Stock of Jackets, Dolmans, Fur Cloaks... Will be Offered at Extraordinary Low Prices
5002: Hill, Carol de Chellis - HENRY JAMES' MIDNIGHT SONG
49904: [California Loca History]. Hill, Laurance L[andreth] & Parks, Marion - SANTA BARBARA Tierra Adorada. A Community History
40813: Hill, Janet McKenzie - The UP-TO-DATE WAITRESS. Illustrated with half-tone Engravings of Tables, Prepared Dishes, Appliances, etc.
40755.1: Hill, J. L. - The PASSING Of The INDIAN And BUFFALO
15551: (Poetry). Hill, Thomas - WHALES
8025.1: Hill, Hamlin - MARK TWAIN. God's Fool
47651: [Hill, John. 1714? - 1775] - CIRCUMSTANCES Which PRECEDED The LETTERS To The EARL Of ------; and May Tend to a Discovery of the Author
12476: Hiller, Tobey - CROSSINGS
219.1: Hillerman, Tony - TALKING GOD
219: Hillerman, Tony - TALKING GOD
20020: Hillerman, Tony - HUNTING BADGER
20018: Hillerman, Tony - The FALLEN MAN
20016: Hillerman, Tony - COYOTE WAITS
38754: Hillerman, Tony - The GREAT TAOS BANK ROBBERY. And Other Indian Country Affairs
14563.2: Hillerman, Tony - FINDING MOON
13391: Hillis, Rick - LIMBO RIVER
35769: Hills, William H. - Editor - The AUTHOR. A Monthly Magazine for Literary Workers. Three volumes
45666: [Restaurant Menu - Beverly Hills] - SOMERSET HOUSE
51172: Hillyer, Anthony - ELIZABETH'S IRREGULAR HUMORIST. Sir John Falstaffe
13677: Hilton, John [1804 - 1878] - On REST And PAIN: A Course of Lectures on the Influence of Mechanical and Physiological Rest in the Treatment of Accidents and Sugical Diseases, and the Diagnostic Value of Pain. Delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in the Years 1860, 1861, and 1862.; Edited by W. H. A. Jacobson, F.R.C.S.
21302: Him, George., editor - ISRAEL: The Story of a Nation
5938.2: Himmelfarb, Gertrude - POVERTY And COMPASSION. The Moral Imagination of the Late Victorians
33930: [Maritime Manual]. Hind, J. R. - Superintendent, Nautical Almanae Office - Contributor of the Preface - The NAUTICAL ALMANAC And ASTRONOMICAL EPHEMERIS For The YEAR 1872; With An APPENDIX, CONTAINING ELEMENTS And EPHEMERIDES CERES, PALLAS, JUNO, VESTA, And ASTREA
45501: Hindley, Charles - Editor - The OLD BOOK COLLECTOR'S MISCELLANY (Volume One); Or, a Collection of Readable Reprints of Literary Rarities, Illustrative of the History, Literature, Manners, and Biography of the English Nation during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
29051: Hinds, James R. - GENTLEMEN And RASCALS: The U.S. Army on the Frontier 1784 - 1845
23963: [Russia]. Hindus, Maurice - The GREAT OFFENSIVE
50756: Hine, Daryl - SELECTED POEMS
35888: [Lea Tom. 1907 - 2001]. Hinshaw, Glinnis & Lisabeth Lovelace - Compilers - A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of WRITINGS And ILLUSTRATIONS By TOM LEA. An Illustrated Catalogue of the Exhibit
41503: [Civil War / Confederacy / Education]. Hinton, Presley Lewellyn, Jr. - Student - CIVIL WAR - ERA MANUSCRIPT NOTEBOOK,1858 - 1892. Containing Unrelated Writings by Several Members of the Hinton Family of Mecklenburg, Virginia
48934: Hirsch, Edward - For The SLEEPWALKERS. Poems
19198: [Exhibition Catalogue]. Hirth, Mary; Connolly, Cyril - CYRIL CONNOLLY'S ONE HUNDRED MODERN BOOKS. From England, France and America 1880 - 1950
44072: [American Indian History] - PUBLIC LAW 726 - 79th CONGRESS. CHAPTER 959 - 2d SESSION. H. R. 4497. An ACT To Create an Indian Claims Commission, to Provide for the Powers, Duties, and Functions Thereof, and For Other Purposes
37197: [California History] - SAN FRANCISCO VIEWS. 1850 - 1915
33018: [U S Legal History] - In The DISTRICT COURT Of The UNITED STATES For The DISTRICT OF WYOMING. In Equity No. 1431. United States of America, Plaintiff, vs. Mammoth Oil Company, a Corporation of the State of Delaware, Sinclair Crude Oil Purchasing Company, a Corporation of the State of Delaware, and Sinclair Pipe Line Company, a Corporation of the State of Maine, Defendents. Oinion of the Court
48557: [Great Britain History] - REMARKS OCCASION'D By The PLAIN REASONER: Particularly by the National Aspersions of that Pamphlet.; In a Letter to the Author
50873: [U. S. Hospital History] - REPORT Of The BOARD Of ADMINISTRATORS Of The CHARITY HOSPITAL, to the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana. 1898
43821: [Massachusetts Local / Political History] - DEMOCRATIC MEMBERS Of The HOUSE Of REPRESENTATIVES, 1853
45379: [California Printing /California History] - The REGISTER Of The SOCIETY Of COLONIAL WARS In The STATE Of CALIFORNIA.; Whereunto is Added A Brief Account of the Formation of the Society, also Three Copper Engravings of Prominent Officials; to which is appended Lists of Past Officers, Officers for Ano. 1927, and Officers-Elect for Ano. 1928
43652: [California Local History] - GENERAL ELECTION RETURNS, Of MENDOCINO COUNTY, 1871. Election Held September 6, 1871. Independent Disptach Supplement
32621: [Texas History] - ANNUAL REPORT Of The AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION For The YEAR 1908. In Two Volumes. Diplomatic Correspondence of the Republic of Texas. Part II & III
32544: [Aviation History] - AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK. 1925
43457: [California Local Culinary History] - PASTRY CHEF SILVER GELATIN CABINET CARD PHOTOGRAPH. Mr. Louis Aeckerle. Arroyo Grande. San Louis Obispo Co. California
45553: [English History] - PHOTOGRAPH Of OATLANDS PARK HOTEL
45293: [Worcester Massachusetts Local History] - ASSUMPTION COLLEGE TORANDO RECONSTRUCTION FUND
45286: [Motorcycle Mercantile History] - WALNECK'S JAPANESE MOTORCYCLE "CLASSIC'FIEDS" Volume 1 - Number 1
50468: [University of CA History] - PHOTOGRAPH. "Building of the Affiliated Colleges of the University of California under construction, San Francisco, July 6th, 1897"; "View from West. With the compliments of the College of Pharmacy."
50467: [University of CA History] - PHOTOGRAPH. "Building of the Affiliated Colleges of the University of California under construction, San Francisco, July 6th, 1897"; "View from North-east. With the compliments of the College of Pharmacy."
47454: [Linen Industry History] - A COLLECTION Of The ACTS Of PARLIAMENT, Now in Force, Relating to the Linen Manufacture.; With an Abstract Thereof under proper Heads. And An Alphabetical Index of such Words as seem most likely to lead to any particular Article
45184: [San Francisco California Local History] - COPY - - OFFICIAL RETURNS. General Election, November 8, 1960. Precinct No. 82 District No. 22; City of San Francisco State of California Form 37
45154: [Nursing History] - PHOTOGRAPH Of A NURSE
42518.1: [Publisher Advertising Insert / Publishing History] - NEW LIFE Of GOLDSMITH. DOMBEY And SON
42455: [Library History] - CATALOGUE Of The MILFORD FREE LIBRARY, Milford, N. H.
29026: [California History] - The BLUE BOOK. Oakland - Alameda - Berkeley. Nineteen Hundred Two and Three
41848: [Nursing History] - HISTORY Of The ESTABLISHMENT Of The BELLEVUE TRAINING SCHOOL For NURSES.; Read at the Waldorf-Astoria on the Evening of March 6, 1899
28659: [Maine History] - CATALOGUE Of The OFFICERS And STUDENTS Of BLOOMFIELD ACADEMY, Maine, For the Academical Year Ending May 7, 1859
47243: [California Local History] - E-Z GUIDE MAP Of OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA With Patent Indicatior.; Shows at a glance the exact location of depots, railway offices theatres, stores, apartment houses and street locations
50009: [Oakland California Local History] - BY - LAWS Board of Trustees California College, Oakland. 1892
49989: [Maritime History] - PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM COMPRISING 14 ALBUMEN IMAGES Of TURN-Of-The-CENTURY VESSELS, Including Battle-ships
41287: [Newspaper History] - The SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE And ITS HISTORY.; The Story of Its Foundation, The Struggles of Its Early Life, Its Well-Earned Success. The New Chronicle Building, The Edifice and Machinery Described, Comments of the Press
35967: [Aviation History] - "FIFI" BOEING B - 29 SUPERFORTRESS. American Air Power 1939 - 1945
51236: [US Bookseller History] - TRADE CATALOGUE. Saunders Books. Medicine. Surgery. Dentistry. Science. Veterinary. Nursing
40584: [English History] - A LIST Of His MAJESTY'S REGALIA, Besides Plate and other Rich Things, at the Jewel-HOuse in the Tower of London
40582: [California Educational History] - UNIVERSITY Of The PACIFIC: Medical Department. Annoucement of Lectures, Sessions of 1859
49712: [Interior Design / New York City Retail History] - NEW GLIMPSES From The HAMPTON SHOPS EXHIBITS.; A Little Book of Photographs with Suggestions for Planning Beautiful Interiors
50905: [Los Angeles Local History] - The EBELL Of LOS ANGELES. Year Book 1927 - 28
49657: [Japanese Local History] - GRADUATION PORTRAIT ALBUM NO. 8 [English Translation].; March of 10th Year of Showa Period
51198: [Colonial History] - CERTAIN INDUCEMENTS To WELL MINDED PEOPLE Who Are Here Straitned in the Estates or Otherwise: or, Such as are willing, out of Noble and Publike Principles, to transport Themselves or some Servants, or Agents for them into the West Indiies, for the Propagating of the Gospel and Increase of Trade.; Sabin's Reprints, Quarto Series. No. IV
47247: [Los Angeles History] - CABINET CARD ALBUMEN PHOTOGRAPH. No. 220. Cor. Figueroa and Jefferson Sts. Winter Scene, Los Angeles, Cal
49624: [U.S. Nursing History] - PHOTOGRAPH 3702B1. Visiting Nurse Service, Bronx, New York
47943: [Publishing History] - ONE HUNDRED YEARS Of PUBLISHING 1837 - 1937
46788: [Los Angeles Local History] - INTERIOR VIEW - F. M. REICH JEWELRY STORE.; "The FAIR 226 S. SPRING L.A." [penciled verso annotation]
51345: [Baseball History] - OFFICIAL PROGRAM. San Francisco GIANTS vs. Oakland ATHLETICS. 1989 World Series
35670: [Native American History] - MEMORIAL Of The CREEK NATION On The Subject of Lands in Severalty Among the Several Indian Tribes, with Accompanying Papers. Allotment of Lands in Severalty Among Indian Tribes
49564: [American Sports Car History] - CORVETTE C4 PHOTOGRAPHY SALES PORTFOLIOS From a Florida Custom Corvette Dealership
44763: [Antiquarian Book Trade History] - INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY Of ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS. 1973
39996: [Library Design Sample Envelope / Library History] - DESIGN SAMPLE CATALOGUE For A PORTLAND LIBRARY DESIGN FURNITURE GROUP
23025: [American History] - REPORTS Of COMMITTEES Of The HOUSE Of REPRESENTATIVES. First Session Nineteenth Congress
35620: [Native American History] - MEMORIAL Of INDIAN DELEGATES Remonstrating Against the Passage of an Act Providing for the Organization of a United States Territorial Government Over the Indian Country. Senate. 46th Congress 2d Session. Mis. Doc. No. 41
49506: [San Francisco California Local History] - WOOD ENGRAVING. The Pacific Bank of San Francisco is an Unlimited Bank. Jan. 1st, 1885
46318: [Photograph - California Local History] - MATER MISERICORDIAE HOSPITAL. 23rd St. Q & R Sacramento 1895 [caption title]
46313: [California Local History] - CHICO, BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA
47893: [Nottingham Local History] - A LIST Of The SHERIFFS For The COUNTY Of NOTTINGHAM; From the Year M, DCC to the Present Time
44674: [Nursing History] - LONGITUDINAL STUDY Of NURSE PRACTITIONERS. Phase III.; DHEW Publication No. HRA 80-2
49374: [Bookbinding History] - CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN BOOKBINDING. An Exhibition Organized by the Grolier Club
51060: [California History] - SANTA BARBARA CALIFORNIA CITY DIRECTORY 1943 Including Montecito.; Containing an Alphabetical Directory of Business Concerns and Private Citizens, a Street and Avenue Guide and Directory of Householders, Numerical Telephone Guide and Much Information of a Miscellaneous Character. Also A Buyer's Guide and a Complete Classified Business Directory for Detailed Contents see General Index
20646: [American History] - NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER. Fourth Series: No. 1 - Vol VIII
51469: [20th C. Kentucky History] - LOT Of 80 COLOR POSTCARDS, All Kentucky - Themed
51136: [California History] - GUIDEPOSTS To HISTORY. La Jolla Edition.; People and Places of Historical Significance in Early La Jolla, California
39161: [California History] - The SOCIETY BLUE BOOK. 1903 - 1904 For Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley
49196: [18th C. British History] - A SUCCINCT And IMPARTIAL HISTORY Of All The REGENCIES, PORTECTORSHIPS, MINORITIES And PRINCES Of ENGLAND, or Great Britain and Wales, that have been since the Conquest.; With A Proper Dedication to a Great Duke
49182: [Ottawa Canada Local History] - The CARILLON. Peace Tower, Ottawa, Canada. Programmes of Summer Recitals 1929
49137: [18th C. English History] - A DEFENCE Of The MEASURES Of The PRESENT ADMINISTRATION. Being an Impartial Answer to What has been objected against it: in A Letter to -----
38926: [California History] - The STATE REGISTER And YEAR BOOK Of FACTS: For the Year 1857. Published Annually. [Second Year of Publication]
44527: [Art History] - HANDBOOK Of The COLLECTIONS. City Art Museum of St. Louis. A Pictorial Outline with Brief Explanatory Text
51059: [California History] - SANTA BARBARA CALIFORNIA CITY DIRECTORY 1945 Including Montecito.; Containing an Alphabetical Directory of Business Concerns and Private Citizens, a Street and Avenue Guide and Directory of Householders, Numerical Telephone Guide and Much Information of a Miscellaneous Character. Also A Buyer's Guide and a Complete Classified Business Directory for Detailed Contents See General Index
49522: [Viticulture History] - ALBUMEN PHOTOGRAPH. Irrigating Grape Vines
47754: [Early 19th C American History] - The ACT Of INCORPORATION, Regulations, and Members of the Massachusetts Congregational Charitable Society; with a Brief Sketch of Its Origin, Progress, and Purposes
38452: [Aviation History] - The FLIGHT ACROSS The ATLANTIC
51190: [Nursing History] - LAMPS On The PRAIRIE. A History of Nursing in Kansas.; Compiled by the Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Kansas. Sponsored by the Kansas State Nurses' Association
34865: [Aviation History] - The NEW YORK TIMES. Rotogravure Picture Section. Sunday March 23, 1919
48817: [English History] - PAX In BELLO; or, A Frew Reflexions on the Prospect of Peace, Arising Out of the Present Circumstances of the War
44219: [US Textile Production History] - AMERICAN WOOLEN COMPANY
48506: [British History] - An ADDRESS To The FREEHOLDERS Of The COUNTY Of OXFORD, on the Subject of the Present Election
44152: [Hungarian History] - SCHEMATISMUS INDIGITANS HOSPITIA EXCELSORUM PROCERUM Et INCL. STATUUM Et ORDINUM REGNI HUNGARIAE, ad Generalia Regni Comitia in Liberam Regiamque Civitatem Posoniensem pro 11. Septembris 1825. indicta convocatorum
51058: [California History] - SANTA BARBARA CALIFORNIA CITY DIRECTORY 1942 Including Montecito.; Containing an Alphabetical Directory of Business Concerns and Private Citizens, a Street and Avenue Guide and Directory of Householders, Numerical Telephone Guide and Much Information of a Miscellaneous Character. Also A Buyer's Guide and a Complete Classified Business Directory for Detailed Contents see General Index
48466: [British History] - A DUTIFUL ADDRESS To The THRONE Upon The PRESENT STATE Of G******T B********N
51531: [Nevada History] - RAND McNALLY INDEXED POCKET MAP TOURISTS' And SHIPPERS' GUIDE Of NEVADA.; Railroads, Electric Lines, Post Offices, Express Telegraph and Mail Service Counties, Congressional Townships, Cities, Towns, Villages, Rivers, Lakes, Islands Air Service Landing Fields Population According to the Latest Official Census Main Highways
48398: [Civil War History] - SOLDIER'S MEMORIAL.REGIMENTAL ROSTER. 207th REGT. PENNA. VOLS. 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 9th Army Corps.; Organized at Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 5, 1864
33841: Hitchcock, Henry - Russell - ROCOCO ARCHITECTURE In SOUTHERN GERMANY
22897: [Drug / Narcotic / Temperance Literature]. Hitchcock, Edward [1793 - 1864] - An ESSAY On ALCOHOLIC & NARCOTIC SUBSTANCES, As Articles of Common Use. Addressed Particularly to Students.; Published Under the Direction of the American Temperance Society. It Being the Essay to Which a Premium was Awarded
49179: Hitchcock, H[arvy]. R[exford. 1835 - 1891] - An ENGLISH - HAWAIIAN DICTIONARY; with Various Tables: Prepared for the Use of Hawaiian - English Schools
33347: Hitrec, Joseph George - SON Of The MOON. A Novel
11996: Hitschmann, Eduard - Die GESPENST Aus Der KINDHEIT KNUT HAMSUNS
34263: Hittel, J. S. - Attributed To - ALL ABOUT CALIFORNIA and the Inducements to Settle There. [For Gratuitous Circulation]
28030: [Hittell, John S(hertzer. 1825 - 1901)]. Mackintosh, Sir James [1765 - 1832]. Mackintosh, Robert James - Editor - MEMOIRS Of The LIFE Of The RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR JAMES MACKINTOSH. In Two Volumes
177: Hixson, Richard F. - ISSAC COLLINS A Quaker Printer in 18th Century America
10860: Hjortsberg, William - NEVERMORE
14759: Hobart, Alice Tisdale - The INNOCENT DREAMERS
47064: [Economics / Monetary Theory]. Hobbs, Franklyn - GOLD. The Real Ruler of the World
18028: Hobdell, Roger - JOURNEY BEYOND The CARAPACE
12741: Hobson, Harold - THEATRE 2
12733: Hobson, Harold - THEATRE
50277: Hobson, Dorothy - LET THERE BE LIGHT
18132: Hobson, Fred - MENCKEN. A Life
43380: Hodasevich, Captain R. - A VOICE From WITHIN The WALLS Of SEBASTOPOL: A Narrative of the Campaign in the Crimea, and of the Events of the Siege. With Original Plans by the Author
35024: [Benefit Cookery / Recipe Book]. Hodges, H. & Harding, S. C. - Compilers - GLEANINGS From GLOUCESTERSHIRE HOUSEWIVES. Published by The Gloucestershire Federation of Women's Institutes, Community House, Gloucester
13006: Hodgkins, Louise Manning - A GUIDE To The STUDY Of NINETEENTH CENTURY AUTHORS
43214.1: [Publishing / Greeting Card]. [Hodgson, Caspar Wistar, 1868 - 1938] - THERE IS Hereby WISHED On YOU A HAPPY 1915 By The HODGSONS Of KANYONKRAG Which Is at the Sign of the Stone Lanterns and the Japanese Gates on Park Hill in Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York. [cover title]
43211.1: [Publishing / Greeting Card]. [Hodgson, Caspar Wistar, 1868 - 1938] - The HODGSON FAMILY WISH YOU HAPPINESS In 1914 And EVER AFTER. From Kanyonkrag at the sign of the stone lanterns on Park Hill in Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York. [cover title]
36155: [Native American Indians]. Hodgson, W. B. Hawkins, Co. Benjamin. Shipp, J. E. D. - CREEK INDIAN HISTORY As Comprised in "Creek Confederacy" and "The Creek Country" ... to Which is Added "The Last Night of a Nation, Oration of J. E. D. Shipp" ..
48830: [Baseball Literature]. Hoff, Ernie - Compiler - PIONEER LEAGUE RECORD BOOK 1949; Approved by Pioneer League
7129.1: Hoffer, Eric [1902 - 1983] - The TEMPER Of OUR TIME
30827: Hoffman, Charles - GRAY DAWN. The Jews of Eastern Europe in the Post-Communist Era
27760: [True Crime]. van Hoffman, Eric - A VENOM In The BLOOD
9744: Hoffman, Alice - SECOND NATURE
26380: Hoffman, C[harles]. F[enno. 1806 - 1884] - The PIONEERS Of NEW - YORK. An Anniversary Discourse Delivered Before the St. Nicholas Society of Manhattan, December 6, 1847
40301: Hoffman, Rev. Elisha A[lbright. 1839 - 1929] - ANTI - SALOON CAMPAIGN SONGS
20902.1: Hoffman, Dr. Henry [1809 - 1894] - SLOVENLY PETER or Cheerful Stories and Funny Pictures for Good Little Folks. Illustrations Colored by Hand After the Original Style

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