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202719: HOLMES, TIMOTHY - Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie
130993: HOLMES, PEGGY - It Could Have Been Worse: The Autobiography of a Pioneer
130571: HOLMES, JOHN W. - Canada: A Middle-Aged Power
124045: EPHEMERA HOLMES, MARY JANE - Mary Jane Holmes - [Signature]
123725: HOLMES, OLIVER W. - The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table
127075: HOLMES, RICHARD - D-Day the Files
110059: HOLMES, ROGER W. - The Idealism of Giovanni Gentile
123646: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL - Elsie Venner
128667: HOLMES, JOHN W. - The Better Part of Valour: Essays on Canadian Diplomacy
122257: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL - The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table; Every Man His Own Boswell
100222: HOLMES, PEGGY - It Could Have Been Worse: The Autobiography of a Pioneer
100792: HOLMFIELD - By the Old Mill Stream; A History of the Village of Holmfield & District
125333: HOLMLUND, MONA; YOUNGBERG, GAIL (EDITOR) - Inspiring Women; A Celebration of Herstory
127565: HOLST, BERTHA - Lisbeths Første Kærlighed
122834: HOLT, FAYE REINEBERG - Out of the Flames; Fires and Fire Fighting on the Canadian Prairies
105375: HOLT, SIMMA - The Other Mrs. Diefenbaker; a Biography of Edna May Brower
122295: HOLT, FAYE REINEBERG - Settling in; First Homes on the Prairies
122179: HOLT, SIMMA - The Other Mrs. Diefenbaker; A Biography of Edna May Brower
130513: QUINTON; HOLTERMAN, JOSEPHINE - Another Glimpse...Of Quinton & District
116477: QUINTON; HOLTERMAN, JOSEPHINE - A Glimpse in the Past; Quinton & District
123213: QUINTON; HOLTERMAN, JOSEPHINE - A Glimpse in the Past; Quinton & District
200885: HOLTON, ISAAC F. - New Granada: Twenty Months in the Andes
107389: HOLUBIZKY, IHOR (CURATOR) - Curatorial Laboratory Project #3: Word Perfect
128036: HOLZER, HANS - Ghosts; True Encounters with the World Beyond
119038: PRUD'HOMME, L. A. (LOUIS-ARTHUR) - Le Premier Parlement de Manitoba, 1870-1874
108272: SOCIETE HISTORIQUE DE SAINT-BONIFACE; PRUD'HOMME, L.A. - Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, Sieur de la Verendrye... Discoverer of the North-West, 1685-1749
107524: PRUD'HOMME, LOUIS ARTHUR - La Baie d'Hudson - Notes Preliminaires
107523: PRUD'HOMME, LOUIS ARTHUR - La Baie d'Hudson
107521: PRUD'HOMME, LOUIS ARTHUR - Notes Historiques sur la Vie de P.E. de Radisson
107522: PRUD'HOMME, LOUIS ARTHUR - La Baie d'Hudson
109320: HONDERICH, JOHN - Arctic Imperative: Is Canada Losing the North?
109977: HONDIUS - Jodocus Hondius' Wall Map of Europe; Imago Mundi; Supplement V
200887: HONE, JOSEPH - W.B. Yeats 1865-1939
115971: JOHN HONEA - Ruth, a Biography
131009: HONG, W. M. - . . . And so . . . That's How It Happened; Recollections of Stanley-Barkerville 1900-1975
119305: HOOD, HUGH - Near Water
119307: HOOD, HUGH - Dead Men's Watches
110371: HOOD, THOMAS - The Comic Annual for 1842
110183: HOOD, HUGH - The Swing in the Garden
110099: HOOD, THOMAS - Humorous Poems
128838: HOOD, ROBERT; HOUSTON, C. STUART (EDITOR) - To the Arctic by Canoe 1819-1821; The Journal and Paintings of Robert Hood, Midshipman with Franklin
109857: HOOD, THOMAS - The Comic Annual
120006: HOOD, HUGH - The Swing in the Garden
122959: HOOD, HUGH - The Swing in the Garden
105379: HOOD, ROBERT; HOUSTON, C. STUART (EDITOR) - To the Arctic by Canoe 1819-1821; The Journal and Paintings of Robert Hood, Midshipman with Franklin
120224: HOOK, PHILIP; POLTIMORE, MARK - Popular 19th Century Painting; A Dictionary of European Genre Painters
114007: HOOKE, A.J. - The Eclipse of Democracy
108253: HOOKE, ALF - 30 + 5; I Know, I Was There
200888: HOOKER, WILLIAM JACKSON - Journal of a Tour in Iceland in the Summer of 1809
117545: HOOPER, DONALD F. - Birds of East-Central Saskatchewan; Kelvington to Kelsey Trail
127963: HOOPER, RONALD R.; FORT QU'APPELLE AREA OF SASKATCHEWAN - The Flora and Fauna of the Fort Qu'appelle Area of Saskatchewan; A Check-List of Species Known to Occur Within 25 Kilometers of Fort Qu'applelle
113802: HOPE, LAURA LEE - The Bobbsey Twins in Washington
112435: HOPE, GEORGE; GREG, W.R.; MORSE, ARTHUR - The Three Prize Essays on Agriculture and the Corn Law: Shewing the Injurious Effects of the Corn Law upon Tenant Farmers and Farm Labourers
122507: HOPE, LAURA LEE - The Bobbsey Twins and the Horseshoe Riddle
120209: HOPKINS, R.A. - The Long March; History of the Ontario Public School Men Teachers' Federation
127215: HOPKINS, MONICA - Letters from a Lady Rancher
121791: HOPKINS, J. CASTELL; ROSS, G. W. (PREFACE) - Life and Work of Mr. Gladstone; A Great and Varied Career; Early Opportunitieslife and Work of Mr. Gladstone; A Great and Varied Career; Early Opportunities and Surroundings - Love for Christianity - His Share in the Free Trade Movement - Promotion of Liberty and Self-Government in Italy, Greece, Turkey, and the United Kingdom - a Splendid Financier - Loyalty to the Queen, and Remarkable Colonial Policy - His Aid in the Reform of the Franchise - Disestablishment of the Irish Church - Ecclesiastical Controversies and Religious Views - Great Rivals and Contemporaries - Stirring Scenes in Political Struggle and National Statecraft - the Irish Drama and the Peers - a Great Orator, Brilliant Leader, Statesman, Theologian, and Scholar.; His Last
105381: HOPKINS, E.S.; PALMER, A.E.; CHEPIL, W.S. - Soil Drifting Control in the Prairie Provinces
100224: HOPKINS, IDA SCHARF - To the Peace River Country and On
115177: HOPKINS, J. CASTELL - The Story of the Dominion: A History of Canada for Four Hundred Years
112407: HOPSON, WILLIAM - The Last Apaches
118267: [CREE]. HORDEN, JOHN - A Collection of Psalms and Hymns in the Language of the Cree Indians of North-West America
118819: CREE; HORDEN, THE RIGHT REV. JOHN - The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacrements and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of the Church of England; Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, Translated into the Language of the Cree Indians of the Diocese of Moosonee
129375: HORDEN, THE RIGHT REV. [BISHOP OF MOOSENEE] - Bible and Gospel History in the Language of the Cree Indians of North-West America
128713: CREE; HORDEN, JOHN - A Grammar of the Cree Language (Revised Edition in Plain Cree)
105388: CREE; HORDEN, JOHN - A Grammar of the Cree Language (Revised Edition in Plain Cree)
105387: CREE; HORDEN, JOHN - A Grammar of the Cree Language As Spoken by the Cree Indians of North America
128671: CREE; HORDEN, THE RIGHT REV. JOHN - The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacrements and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of the Church of England; Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, Translated into the Language of the Cree Indians of the Diocese of Moosonee
105389: CREE; HORDEN, JOHN - A Grammar of the Cree Language (Revised Edition in Plain Cree)
129044: HORDERN, RICHARD - The Luther College Story 1913 - 2013: A Century of Faithfulness in Education
114244: HORN, COLONEL BERND - In Harm's Way; On the Front Lines of Leadership - Sub Unit Command on Operations
131117: HORNBY, NICK - Juliet, Naked
120887: HORNBY, NICK - Juliet, Naked
105396: HORNE, LEWIS - The Seventh Day
119488: HORNE, LEWIS - The Seventh Day
105400: HOROWITZ, GAD - Canadian Labour in Politics
125208: HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ALBERTA; HORRALL, S.W. [INTRODUCTION] - A Chronicle of the Canadian West; North-West Mounted Police Report for 1875
105401: HORRALL, S.W. - The Pictorial History of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
128391: HORROX, JAMES - A Living Revolution; Anarchism in the Kibbutz Movement
111816: HORSFALL, JAMES G.; COWLING, ELLIS B. (EDITOR) - Plant Disease; an Advanced Treatise
123587: HORST, MARY ANN - My Old Order Mennonite Heritage
120175: HORVATH, MARIA - A Doukhobor Bibliography; Based on Material Available in the University of British Columbia Library: Part I - Books and Periodical Articles
123999: HORWITZ, ELINOR LANDER; MOORE, J. RODERICK [CONSULTANT] - The Bird, the Banner, and Uncle Sam; Images of America in Folk and Popular Art
116051: HORWOOD, HAROLD - Bartlett; The Great Explorer
113615: HOSALUK, MICHAEL - Scratching the Surface; Art and Content in Contemporary Wood
202498: HOSIE, ALEXANDER - Manchuria; Its People, Resources and Recent History
127568: HOSSEINI, KHALED - The Kite Runner
116326: HOSTETLER, JOHN A. - Hutterine Society
112710: HOUGH, ROBERT - The Final Confession of Mabel Stark
112870: HOUGHTON, REV. W. - British Fresh-Water Fishes
123157: HOULE, ROBERT; MADILL, SHIRLEY [CURATOR] - Sovereignty Over Subjectivity
131341: HOUSE, J. D. - The Challenge of Oil
123738: JOHN MARTIN'S HOUSE, INC.; TINGLE, DOLLI [ILLUSTRATOR] - The Traveling Musicians (A Bonnie Book)
124682: HERSHEL HOUSE - Building a Kentucky Rifle [Companion Book Only]
118078: SIMPSON-HOUSLEY, PAUL - The Arctic, Enigmas and Myths
123330: HOUSMAN, A.E. - A Shropshire Lad; Poems by A.E. Housman
120866: HOUSSAYE, ARSÈNE - Les Parisiennes: Le Jeu Des Femmes [And] Mademoiselle Phryné [And] Les Femmes Adultères [And] Les Femmes Déchues
113714: HOUSTON, JAMES - Zigzag; A Life on the Move
124145: HOUSTON, STUART; BALL, TIM; HOUSTON, MARY - Eighteenth-Century Naturalists of Hudson Bay
113092: HOUSTON, JAMES - Ghost Fox
112682: HOUSTON, STUART; BALL, TIM; HOUSTON, MARY - Eighteenth-Century Naturalists of Hudson Bay
123894: HOUSTON, C. STUART; MACLAREN, I.S. [COMMENTARY] - Arctic Artist; The Journal and Paintings of George Back, Midshipman with Franklin, 1819-1822
118176: HOUSTON, JAMES - Spirit Wrestler
118075: HOUSTON, JAMES - Whiteout, a Novel
116998: HOUSTON, C. STUART - Steps on the Road to Medicare; Why Saskatchewan Led the Way
116928: HOUSTON, C. STUART; ANAKA, WILLIAM - Birds of Yorkton-Duck Mountain
116439: HOUSTON, JAMES - Eskimo Graphic Art
130653: HOUSTON, STUART; WAISER, BILL - Tommy's Team; The People Behind the Tommy Douglas Years
115909: HOUSTON, JAMES - The White Dawn; An Eskimo Saga
115880: HOUSTON, JAMES - Confessions of an Igloo Dweller
126155: HOUSTON, STUART; BALL, TIM; HOUSTON, MARY - Eighteenth-Century Naturalists of Hudson Bay
126097: HOUSTON, STUART; WAISER, BILL - Tommy's Team; The People Behind the Tommy Douglas Years
105409: HOUSTON, JAMES - Confessions of an Igloo Dweller
105407: HOUSTON, C. STUART - R.G. Ferguson; Crusader Against Tuberculosis
105406: HOUSTON, C. STUART; STREET, MAURICE G. - The Birds of the Saskatchewan River; Carlton to Cumberland
125672: HOUSTON, JAMES [INTRODUCTION] - Cape Dorset Prints / Estampes 1974
123316: HOVER, CAROLYN F. HOVER; SMITH II, PAUL JORDAN; LASSWELL, DAVID [COMPILERS] - The Celebrated Collection of Americana Formed by the Late Thomas Winthrop Streeter; Volume 6
127585: HOW, W. W. - Hannibal and the Great War Between Rome and Carthage
203587: HOWARD, EDWARD; HOWSE, ARTHUR (EDITOR) - Rattlin the Reefer
118546: HOWARD, PHILIP G. (EDITOR); NORWEGIAN, ANDY (CONTRIB.) - A Dictionary of the Verbs of South Slavey
101636: HOWARD, GORDON S. - The Memoirs of a Citizen Soldier 1914-1945
101637: HOWARD, GORDON S. ANEROID, SK - Sixty Years of Centennial in Saskatchewan 1906-1968
200904: HOWARD, RICHARD - Quantities
200903: HOWARD, JAMES K. - Ten Years with the Cowboy Artists of America; a Complete History and Exhibition Record
117888: HOWARD, JOSEPH KINSEY - Strange Empire of Louis Riel
107232: PALMER, HOWARD & TAMARA - Peoples of Alberta: Portraits of Cultural Diversity
119812: HOWARD, HEATHER A.; PROULX, CRAIG (EDS.) - Aboriginal Peoples in Canadian Cities; Transformations and Continuities
105414: HOWARD, VICTOR - We Were the Salt of the Earth! A Narrative of the On-To-Ottawa Trek and the Regina Riot
121546: SELKIRK; HOWARD, KEN - Stories of Selkirk's Pioneers and Their Heritage: In Commemoration of Selkirk's 125th Anniversary
105415: HOWARTH, DAVID - The Valley of Gold; a Tale of the Saskatchewan
129790: HOWE, IRVING (EDITOR) (EDITOR) - Dissent (A Quarterly of Socialist Opinion); Volume IX, Number 3 Summer 1962
112256: HOWE, COLLEEN - My Three Hockey Players
110653: HOWE, THE HON. JOSEPH - Poems and Essays
120603: HOWE, HELEN D. (ED.) - Seventy-Five Years Along the Red Deer River
109738: HOWE, ELLIC - A List of London Bookbinders 1648-1815
100226: HOWE, HELEN D. (ED.) - Seventy-Five Years Along the Red Deer River
200905: HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN - Their Wedding Journey
118095: HOWERD, GARETH - Dew Line Doctor
100794: HOWES, JOHN H. - "G.H."; the Life and Times of Geo. H. McKeag, Pioneer Winnipeg Businessman.
118028: HOWEY, WILLIAM - Canadian Carols
113385: HOWGATE, BERNIE - Around the Rock in a Bad Mood
113386: HOWGATE, BERNIE - Lazy Days in Summer
200907: HOWLAND, JOHN A. - James Whitcomb Riley in Prose and Picture
105291: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. PANTON, J. HOYES - Gleanings from Outcrops of Silurian Strata in the Red River Valley
105297: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. PANTON, J. HOYES - Notes on the Geology of Some Islands in Lake Winnipeg
122674: HOYT, EDWIN P. - The Vanderbilts and Their Fortunes
116904: HRDLICKA, ALES - The Eskimo Child
116905: HRDLICKA, ALES - The Eskimo Child
118549: HRYNIUK, MARGARET; KORVEMAKER, FRANK - Legacy of Worship; Sacred Places in Rural Saskatchewan
112563: HRYNIUK, MARGARET; PERRY, META - Regina: A City of Beautiful Homes
127188: HRYNIUK, MARGARET; KORVEMAKER, FRANK; EASTON, LARRY - Legacy of Stone; Saskatchewan's Stone Buildings
117580: HRYNIUK, MARGARET; KORVEMAKER, FRANK - Legacy of Stone; Saskatchewan's Stone Buildings
122546: HRYNIUK, MARGARET; KORVEMAKER, FRANK - Legacy of Worship; Sacred Places in Rural Saskatchewan
126734: HRYNIUK, MARGARET; PUGH, GARTH (EDITOR) - A Tower of Attraction: An Illustrated History of Government House, Regina, Saskatchewan
128171: HRYNIUK, MARGARET; PERRY, META - Regina: A City of Beautiful Homes
105423: HRYNIUK, MARGARET; PUGH, GARTH (EDITOR) - A Tower of Attraction: An Illustrated History of Government House, Regina, Saskatchewan
109322: HSIEH, YVONNE Y. - Victor Segalen's Literary Encounter with China: Chinese Moulds, Western Thoughts
130641: HUBACH, ROBERT R. - Early Midwestern Travel Narratives; An Annotated Bibliography 1634 - 1850
113342: HUBBARD, ROBERT H. (EDITED BY) - An Anthology of Canadian Art
113349: HUBBARD, L RON - Slaves of Sleep
118754: HUBBARD, R.H. (EDITOR) - Scholarship in Canada, 1967; Achievement and Outlook; Symposium Presented to Section II of the Royal Society of Canada in 1967
113096: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys to the Home of the American Statesmen Volumes 1 & 2
109548: HUBBARD, ELBERT - Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Business Men: James Oliver
119903: HUBBARD, TASHA; POITRAS, MARILYN (EDITORS) - The Land Is Everything; Treaty Land Entitlement
116657: HUBBARD, ELBERT - The Note Book of Elbert Hubbard
116135: HUBBARD, R.H. - Thomas Davies in Early Canada
116110: HUBBARD, R.H.; OSTGUY, J.R. - Three Hundred Years of Canadian Art
116111: HUBBARD, R.H.; OSTGUY, J.R. - Three Hundred Years of Canadian Art
122547: HUBBARD, ROBERT H. (EDITED BY) - An Anthology of Canadian Art
125144: HUBBARD, ELBERT - The Complete Writings of Elbert Hubbard (Author's Edition) [10 Volumes]
125767: HUBBARD, ALICE - The Myth in Marriage
122321: BALGONIE. HUBER, GERALD - Balgonie; Celebrating the History of a Saskatchewan Town
129838: HUBERMAN, IRWIN - The Place We Call Home; A History of Fort McMurray as its people remember 1778 - 1780
203288: HUBERT, HENRI - The Greatness and Decline of the Celts
105426: HUBICZ, EDWARD M. - Father Joe, a Manitoban Missionary; a Biographical Account of the Life of Father Ladislaus Joseph Kreciszewski
105427: HUBICZ, EDWARD M. - Polish Churches in Manitoba; a Collection of Historical Sketches
203017: HUDEC, KAREL - Fauna C S S R - Svazek 23; Ptaci - Aves; Dil Iii / 1 & 2
203016: HUDEC, KAREL; WALTER, CERNY - Fauna C S S R - Svazek 21 - Ptaci - Aves; Dil II
131245: HUDSON, JOHN (COLLECTED BY) - Filton to Severn Beach in Old Photographs
110091: COLERIDGE; HUDSON, ROGER (EDITOR) - Coleridge Among the Lakes & Mountains; from His Notebooks, Letters and Poems 1794-1804
126719: HUDSON, DON - 360 & Other Journeys
114195: HUDSON, S.C., R.A. STUTT, WM. VAN VLEIT - Types of Farming in Canada
105481: HUDSON, JOHN H. - Taxonomic Reminder for Recognising Saskatchewan Plants
113399: HUEL, RAYMOND JOSEPH ARMAND - Archbishop A.-A. Tache of St. Boniface; The "Good Fight" and the Illusive Vision
105482: HUEL, RAYMOND JOSEPH ARMAND - L'Association Catholique Franco-Canadienne de la Saskatchewan: un Rempart contre l'Assimilation Culturelle 1912-34
121493: HUFFMAN, JOYCE (EDITOR) - I Celebrated in Biggar
113606: HUGHES, BOB - The Big Dig; The Miracle of Wascana Centre
120295: HUGHES, KENNETH JAMES - Jackson Beardy - Life and Art
200911: HUGHES, RUPERT - No One Man
114492: HUGHES, KEN (CHAIRMAN) - Unfinished Business: An Agenda for All Canadians in the 1990's. Second Report of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs.
122879: HUGHES, BOB - Regina Rams; A Winning Tradition; A Celebration of 50 Years of Excellence
105486: HUGHES, KENNETH JAMES - Manitoba Art Monographs
105488: HUGHES, TERRANCE - Gabrielle Roy et Margaret Laurence: deux chemins, une recherche
126070: HUGHES, BOB - The Big Dig; The Miracle of Wascana Centre
102508: HUGHES, CHARLES CAMPBELL (WITH JANE M. HUGHES.) - An Eskimo Village in the Modern World
118980: HUGOLIN, R.P. - Par la Lutte Et Par L'Amour
114665: HUISMAN, P., AND M.G. DORTU. - Lautrec by Lautrec
111284: HULCOOP, JOHN - Three Ring Circus Songs
200912: HULL, T.E. - Introduction to Computing
112194: HULL, JOHN T. - The History of Co-Operation in Western Canada
117113: HULL, JOHN T. - The History of Co-Operation in Western Canada
117104: HULL, JOHN T. - What to Read on Co-Operation
117099: HULL, JOHN T. - Reform Movements and Ideas
117100: HULL, JOHN T. - Reform Movements and Ideas - Revised
117098: HULL, JOHN T. - The History of Co-Operation
117097: HULL, JOHN T. - The History of Co-Operation Revised
116795: HULLEY, CLARENCE C. - Alaska Past and Present
101639: HUMBOLDT - The Best of Humboldt
118436: HUME, G.S. - The Lower MacKenzie River Area, Northwest Territories and Yukon
105492: HUME, MARY - Brandon: A Prospect of a City
128022: HUME, VERN; MILTHORP; MCALEAR, DONNA [CURATOR] - Personal Territories; Vern Hume and Robert Milthorp
100578: BRANDON. HUME, MARY - Brandon; a Prospect of a City
115376: HUMES, LILLIE J. - The Pottinger Kid
130113: HUMM, MAGGIE - Modernist Women and Visual Cultures; Virginia Woolf, Vanessa Bell, Photography and Cinema
128948: HUMM, MAGGIE - Snapshots of Bloomsbury; Te Private Lives of Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell
119749: HUMM, MAGGIE - The Dictionary of Feminist Theory
200913: HUMMEL, BERTA - The Hummel-Book
113932: HUMPHREY, JOHN P. - The Inter-American System; A Canadian View
114443: ROLLESTON, SIR HUMPHREY ET AL. - The British Encyclopedia of Medical Practice Including Medicine Surgery Obsetrics Gynaecology and Other Special Subjects
106814: MITCHELL, KEN; HUMPHREY AND THE DUMPTRUCKS - Cruel Tears; a Country Opera
121650: MITCHELL, KEN; HUMPHREY AND THE DUMPTRUCKS - Cruel Tears; a Country Opera
128080: HUMPHREY, SETH K. - The Indian Dispossessed
101643: HUMPHRIES, A.S - Rhymes of the Small Town and Poems of the Prairies
101644: HUMPHRIES, A.S - Random Verse: Book VII: "Optimo Sperando Spiro"
125826: HUMPHRIES, A.S. - Rhymes of the Small Town and Poems of the Prairies
125827: HUMPHRIES, A.S. - Rhymes of the Small Town and Poems of the Prairies
105495: HUNCHAK, N.J. - Canadians of Ukrainian Origin; Population
202900: OLD FOGY; HUNEKER, JAMES (EDITOR) - Old Fogy; His Musical Opinions and Grotesques
202637: HUNEKER, JAMES GIBBONS; HUNEKER, JOSEPHINE (EDITOR) - Letters of James Gibbons Huneker
121224: HUNGERFORD, EDWARD - Wells Fargo; Advancing the American Frontier
125646: HUNGRYWOLF, ADOLF - The Tipi; Traditional Native American Shelter
101913: PENSE. HUNT, JENNIE (ED.) - Pense Community 1882-1982
124361: HUNT, W. BEN - The Complete How-To Book of Indiancraft; 68 Projects for Authentic Indian Articles from Tepee to Tom-Tom
113537: HUNT, T.W., H.C. ANDREWS - Summer and Fall Wildflowers
109852: HUNT, LEIGH - The Town; Its Memorable Characters and Events
103185: BANCROFT-HUNT, NORMAN; FORMAN, WERNER - The Indians of the Great Plains
100073: CALGARY. HUNT, ELNORA B. - Twenty-Five Years Proud: A History of the Rehabilitation Society of Calgary for the Handicapped.
116798: HUNTER, ANDREW - Billy's Vision
105501: HUNTER, ARCHIE - Northern Traders: Caribou Hair in the Stew
120886: HUNTER, JOHN - A Treatise on the Blood, Inflammation and Gun-Shot Wounds.
112370: HUNTER, ERNEST - Aboriginal Health and History; Power and Prejudice in Remote Australia
118151: HUNTER, J. G. - A Distribution Atlas of Records of the Marine Fishes of Arctic Canada in the National Museums of Canada and Arctic Biological Station
123678: HUNTER, E. R. - Thoreau MacDonald
116715: HUNTER, BEATRICE TRUM - Last Chance Well; Legends & Legacies of Leduc No. 1
124964: HUNTLEY, MARJORIE - A Celebration of Memories
115512: HUNTSMAN, A.G. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18; Volume V: Botany: Part B: Ascidiacea
105508: HURLBURT, ISOBEL - Faunal Remains from Fort White Earth, N.W. Co. (1810-1813)
117524: HURLEY, RON; DOUGLAS, IAN - Ritorno in Italia; 1943-1945; Thirty Years After
100517: HURST, WILLIAM D. - The Red River Flood of 1950
105510: HURT, LESLIE J. - A History of Writing-On-Stone, N.W.M.P. Post
100799: HURT, ALICE SELINA - Turtle Mountain Corduroy
122148: HURTIG, MEL - The Truth About Canada; Some Important, Some Astonishing, and Some Truly Appalling Things All Canadians Should Know About Our Country
126814: HUSAR, NATALKA - Burden of Innocence
122365: HUSER, BEATRICE DAILY - The Big Gate
115841: HUSTON, PETER - Visions and Voices
115780: HUSTON, BARBARA; TAGG, JAMES; BAKER, WILLIAM M.; WICK, DON C. (EDITOR) - A Preliminary Guide to Archival Sources Relating to Southern Alberta
105511: HUSTON, NANCY - Plainsong
131065: HUTCHENS, ALMA R., N G TRETCHIKOV; NATALIE K TRETCHIKOFF - Indian Herbalogy of North America : A Study of Anglo-American, Russian and Oriental Literature on Indian Medical Botanics of North America
130952: HUTCHINGS, STEPHEN - The Bush Series
116881: HUTCHINS, ROSEMARIE - From One Room to Another; (Rosie Besenski Loroff Hauser 1902-1990)
129431: HUTCHINS, D.E. - Journal of a Forest Tour
113747: HUTCHINSON, A.S.M. - The Book of Simon
124173: HUTCHINSON, DAVE; DORION, ANNE; DESJARLAIS, RICK - Remembrances: Metis Veterans; Interviews with Metis Veterans
124174: HUTCHINSON, DAVE; DORION, ANNE; DESJARLAIS, RICK - Remembrances: Metis Veterans; Interviews with Metis Veterans
121969: HUTCHINSON, GERALD M. - The Meeting Place; Rundle's Mission at Pigeon Lake, Alberta
113340: HUTCHISON, LEONARD - Leonard Hutchison, People's Artist; Edited by Lynn Hutchison Brown
122064: HUTCHISON, BRUCE - Canada / A Year of the Land
101648: HUTTON, WINNIE E. - No "Coppers" in Saskatchewan; Pioneer Memoirs
200918: HUTTON, JOHN E. - Trout and Salmon Fishing
113910: HUXHOLD, WILLIAM E. - Managing Geographic Information System Projects
112350: HUXLEY, ALDOUS; FERRUCI, PIERO (EDITOR) - The Human Situation; Lectures at Santa Barbara, 1959
123662: HUXLEY, THOMAS H. - Darwiniana; Essays
128066: HUXLEY, ALDOUS - Ape and Essence
122088: HUYSHE, GEORGE LIGHTFOOT. - The Red River Expedition
122089: HUYSHE, GEORGE LIGHTFOOT. - The Red River Expedition
115783: MANITOBA HYDRO - The Story of the Split Lake Transmission Line
203902: HYETT, FLORENCE B. (EDITOR) - Fifty London Rhymes for Children
121313: HYLAND, GARY - Just Off Main
121312: HYLAND, GARY - Just Off Main
124243: HYLAND, GARY - Love of Mirrors
116700: HYLAND, GARY - Street of Dreams
116699: HYLAND, GARY - Street of Dreams
105521: HYLAND, GARY - After Atlantis
105520: HYLAND, GARY - Just Off Main
105518: HYLAND, GARY - Home Street
121515: HYLAND, GARY - Street of Dreams
125975: HYLAND, GARY - Just Off Main
125957: HYLAND, GARY - Street of Dreams
119586: HYLAND, GARY - White Crane Spreads Wings
119588: HYLAND, GARY - The Work of Snow
125271: HYLAND, GARY - The Work of Snow
128337: HYLTON, JOHN H.; FONTAINE, PHIL (FORWORD) (EDITOR) - Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada; Current Trends and Issues (Second Edition)
128349: HYLTON, JOHN H. (EDITOR) - Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada; Current Trends and Issues
129230: HYLTON, JOHN H.; FONTAINE, PHIL (FORWORD) (EDITOR) - Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada; Current Trends and Issues (Second Edition)
202896: VOLTAIRE; WOOLF, H.I. & JACKSON, WILFRID S. - Zadig and Other Romances by Voltaire
130807: IACOVETTA, FRANCA - The Writing of English Canadian Immigrant History
112002: STEER, DON; SUMPTER, IAN; ET AL - Parks Canada Archaeology in Western Region, 1984
100856: MACDONALD, IAN AND HAVERLUCK, BOB (EDS.) - Exercising Devils: Or Who Knows What Orville Leaks in the Hearts of Men?
119047: IBSEN, HENRIK - Four Plays
203034: IBSEN, HENRIK - Samtliche Werke in Deutscher Sprache
125855: IBSEN, HENRIK - Three Plays of Henrik Ibsen; An Enemy of the People; The Wild Duck; Hedda Gabler
115216: CLARK, AUSTIN H. ICELAND AND GREENLAND (MAGAZINE) - Clark, Austin H. Iceland and Greenland
129333: IDLE, ERIC; MONTY PYTHON (EDITOR) - The Brand New Monty Python Papperbok
116340: IGLAUER, EDITH - Seven Stones: A Portrait of Arthur Erickson, Architect
116053: IGLAUER, EDITH - Inuit Journey
118145: IGLOLIORTE, JOHN - An Inuk Boy Becomes a Hunter
117166: JANSEN II, WILLIAM HUGH - Eskimo Economics: An Aspect of Culture Change at Rankin Inlet"
124693: HANSON III, CHARLES E. - The Trade Rifle Sketchbook
115328: ILIFFE, BARRY - Latitudes West
116101: ILLINGWORTH, FRANK - Highway to the North
115127: ILLINGWORTH, FRANK - Highway to the North
114427: IMAI, SHIN - The 1998 Annotated Indian Act; Including Regulations and Related Constitutional Provisions
114428: IMAI, SHIN - The 2002 Annotated Indian Act; Including Regulations and Related Constitutional Provisions
114417: IMAI, SHIN - The 1999 Annotated Indian Act; Including Regulations and Related Constitutional Provisions
121991: IMMERMANN, KARL - Der Oberhof
113314: INDEPENDENT CURATORS INC. - Large Drawings
114496: MANITOBA METIS FEDERATION INC. - The Struggle for Recognition: Canadian Justice and the Metis Nation
114494: M.E.D.T.P. INC - Surrents of Change: Metis Economic Development
114980: WESTERN CANADA PICTORIAL INDEX - Western Canada Pictorial Index
115739: DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS - Contemporary Indian Legislation, 1951-1978
100882: MANITOBA. DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY AND CO - Facts About Portage la Prairie; an Industrial Survey..
113771: YOUNG-ING, GREG (EDITED BY) - Gatherings: The En'owkin Journal of First North American Peoples
109549: INGERSOLL, ROBERT G. - Crimes Against Criminals
128343: INGLE, LORNE (COMPILED AND EDITED BY) - Meech Lake Reconsidered
129299: INGLIS, RICHARD - Skeena River Pre-History
120818: INGLIS, STEPHEN - Something Out of Nothing; The Work of George Cockayne
105527: INGLIS, ALEX - Northern Vagabond; the Life and Career of J.B. Tyrell - the Man Who Conquered the Canadian North
104001: CITIZEN'S INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM - Initiative, Referendum and Recall
125025: INNES, MICHAEL (PSEUDONYM OF J. I. M. STEWART) - The Man from the Sea
119817: INNES, ROBERT ALEXANDER - Elder Brother and the Law of the People; Contemporary Kinship and Cowessess First Nation
122826: CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HISTORICAL SOCIETY; INNES, CAMPBELL (EDITOR) - Canon E.K. Matheson, D.D. Being a History of the Development of the Church of England in North-Western Saskatchewan
122825: CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HISTORICAL SOCIETY; INNES, CAMPBELL (EDITOR) - The Story of the Press; Written by Pioneers Intimate with the Early History of the North-West
103802: CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HISTORICAL SOCIETY; INNES, CAMPBELL (EDITOR) - Canon E.K. Matheson, D.D. Being a History of the Development of the Church of England in North-Western Saskatchewan
103803: CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HISTORICAL SOCIETY; INNES, CAMPBELL (EDITOR) - The Story of the Press; Written by Pioneers Intimate with the Early History of the North-West
200933: INNIS, HAROLD A. - Political Economy in the Modern State
111376: INNIS, MARY QUAYLE - Travellers West
105540: INNIS, MARY QUAYLE - Travellers West
201716: SCOTT POLAR RESEARCH INSTITUTE - The Scott Polar Research Institute
113973: GLENBOW-ALBERTA INSTITUTE - Selections: Alberta Art Foundation
113971: GLENBOW-ALBERTA INSTITUTE - Alberta Society of Artists: A Juried Exhibition
113970: GLENBOW-ALBERTA INSTITUTE - Recent Drawings: Bill Laing & Dennis Evans
202723: HYSTOGENE INSTITUTE - Facial Restoration; by the Hystogene Plastic Process Based on 7,000 Treated Cases
117336: GLENBOW-ALBERTA INSTITUTE - Glenbow; Past and Present
116548: WATER STUDIES INSTITUTE - Water and Climate; A Symposium; Report 2
106861: MOHYLA UKRAINIAN INSTITUTE - Iuvileina Knyha 25-Littia Instytutu Im. Petra Mohyly V Saskatuni (Twenty-Five Years of the P. Mohyla Ukrainian Institute in Saskatoon)
125294: GABRIEL DUMONT INSTITUTE - Metis Women's Traditional Art Series [DVD]
129439: CENTRAL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE - Ye Flame 1925 - 26
124838: MOHYLA UKRAINIAN INSTITUTE - Iuvileina Knyha 25-Littia Instytutu Im. Petra Mohyly V Saskatuni (Twenty-Five Years of the P. Mohyla Ukrainian Institute in Saskatoon)
100962: OAK BLUFF. OAK BLUFF WOMEN'S INSTITUTE - Oak Leaves; A History of the Oak Bluff District
103796: CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL GRAINS INSTITUTE - Grains and Oilseeds: Marketing, Processing
100363: PRAIRIE BIBLE INSTITUTE - With God on the Prairies; Miracle of Prairie Bible Institute
125666: ROSSER WOMEN'S INSTITUTE - Rosser Ripples; A History of the Rosser Municipality
100979: PERIODICAL. COLONIST: A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS & DEVELOPMENT OF MANITOBA AND WESTERN CANADA GENERALLY (MAGAZINE) - Periodical. Colonist: A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Interests & Development of Manitoba and Western Canada Generally
129982: SASKATCHEWAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AND ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS - Saskatchewan Royal Reflections The Prince of Wales in Saskatchewan April 2001 / Réflexions royales sur la Saskatchewan Le prince de Galles en Saskatchewan avril 2001
114530: COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS - Indian Claims Commission Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1975
114531: COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS - Indian Claims Commission Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1974
114533: COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS - Status of Federal Lands in Alaska
114528: COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS - Authorizing Appropriations for the Indian Claims Commission for Fiscal Year 1977
114529: COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS - Indian Claims Commission Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1976
114526: COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS - To Amend the Micronesian Claims Act of 1971
114524: COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS - Briefing on Territorial Matters
114523: COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS - Disposition of Judgement Funds Awarded to the Sac and Fox Indians
118475: CANADA. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. - Annual Report of the Department of the Interior for the Year 1899
118472: CANADA. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. - Annual Report of the Department of the Interior for the Year 1883
118473: CANADA. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. - Annual Report of the Department of the Interior for the Year 1884
118474: CANADA. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. - Annual Report of the Department of the Interior for the Year 1886
118471: CANADA. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. - Annual Report of the Department of the Interior for the Year 1882
118440: CANADA. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. - Annual Report of the Department of the Interior for the Year 1897
127757: THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL - The Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International; The Transitional Program Adopted by the Founding Conference of the Fourth International with the Statutes of the Fourth
127664: INTERNATIONALISM - Internationalism No. 5; Portugal Bourgeoise & Crisis Lip
123957: KARDOSH, ROBERT [INTRODUCTION AND CATALOGUE; ZEPP, NORMAN [AFTERWORD] - Vision and Form; The Norman Zepp- Judith Varga Collection of Inuit Art
115218: INDIAN AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS CANADA INUTTITUUT (MAGAZINE) - Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Inuttituut
114167: INVERARITY, ROBERT BRUCE - Art of the Northwest Coast Indians
114001: IOANNOU, SUSAN - Where the Light Waits
201458: OPIE, IONA AND PETER - The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes
124489: SCHWARTZ IRON & METAL CO. LTD. SCHWARTZ IRON & METAL CO. LTD. - CATALOGUE (MAGAZINE) - Schwartz Iron & Metal Co. Ltd. Schwartz Iron & Metal Co. Ltd. - Catalogue
119389: IRVING, JOHN - The Hotel New Hampshire
119390: IRVING, JOHN - The Fourth Hand
119352: IRVING, JOHN - The Hotel New Hampshire
129048: IRVING, JOHN - A Prayer for Owen Meany
130950: IRVING, JOHN - My Movie Business; A Memoir
124191: IRVING, JOHN - A Prayer for Owen Meany
111415: IRVING, WASHINGTON - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow; Read by Ed Begley
129027: IRVING, JOHN - A Sound Like Someone Trying Not to Make a Sound
129026: IRVING, JOHN - The Imaginary Girlfriend
123509: IRVING, JOHN - Until I Find You
119393: IRVING, JOHN - A Prayer for Owen Meany
129029: IRVING, JOHN - The 158-Pound Marriage
129050: IRVING, JOHN - The Hotel New Hampshire
129030: IRVING, JOHN - My Movie Business
105553: IRVING, JOHN A. - The Social Credit Movement in Alberta
129049: IRVING, JOHN - Until I Find You
129051: IRVING, JOHN - The Cider House Rules
128316: IRVING, JOHN - The Hotel New Hampshire
129047: IRVING, JOHN - The Water-Method Man
114689: IRWIN, FRANK - Herbal Woodcuts and Legends
104490: REGINA PUBLIC LIBRARY ART GALLERY (DUNLOP). ESSAY BY JED IRWIN. - Inglis Sheldon-Williams. (1870-1940) Paintings and Drawings
127603: ISAAC, THOMAS - Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in the Maritimes; The Marshall Decision and Beyond
114481: ISAAC, THOMAS - Aboriginal Law: Cases, Materials and Commentary
128291: ISAAC, THOMAS - Aboriginal Law: Cases, Materials and Commentary
104520: EAGLESHAM, ISABELLE; ET AL - Wake the Prairie Echoes; the Mounted Police Story in Verse Collected by the Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society
105555: ISERN, THOMAS D. - Custom Combining on the Great Plains; a History
105556: ISERN, THOMAS - Custom Combining on the Great Plains; a History
122186: ISHAQ, IBN; EDWARDS, MICHAEL (ED.) - The Life of Muhammad; Apostle of Allah
124466: ISHERWOOD, CHRISTOPHER - The World in the Evening
112303: ISHIGURO, KAZUO - On The Summability Methods of Divergent Series
100753: GROSSE ISLE - The Grosse Isle Story and the Grosse Islie Story Continued (In Two Volumes)
109325: ISMAEL, JACQUELINE S. (EDITOR) - Canadian Social Welfare Policy: Federal and Provincial Dimensions
105557: ISTRATI, KONRAD C. - Virgin Sod; Opening and Settling the Prairies of Southern Saskatchewan
126991: CHARTERS IV, SAMUEL BARCLAY - Jazz New Orleans 1885-1963; An Index to the Negro Musicians of New Orleans
200937: IVENS, WILLIAM H. JR. (EDITOR) - Poodles in America: A Comprehensive Record from 1929 to 1959
105559: IVES, JOHN W. - Archaeology in Alberta 1985
105558: IVES, JOHN W. - A Spatial Analysis of Artifact Distribution on a Boreal Forest Archaeological Site
114558: USHER, PETER J. AND GRAHAME BEAKHUST - Land Regulation in the Canadian North
121238: HOUSTON, C.J. & C. STUART - Pioneer of Vision; the Reminiscences of T.A. Patrick, M.D
124086: NICHOLS, KAREN VOGEL; BURKE, PATRICK J. AND HANCOCK, CAROLINE - Michael Graves; Buildings and Projects 1982 - 1989
105408: HOUSTON, C.J. & C. STUART - Pioneer of Vision; the Reminiscences of T.A. Patrick, M.D
105374: HOLMGREN, ERIC J. & PATRICIA M. - 2000 Place Names of Alberta
105333: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. MCLEAN, W.J. - Notes and Observations of Travels on the Athabasca and Slave Lake Regions in 1899
104799: GAIDA, PR.; KAIRYS, S.; KARDELIS, J; ET AL - Lithuanians in Canada
102807: ARTIBISE, ALAN F. J. & IRENE - Index for the Urban History Review 1972-1977
123986: JABLOW, JOSEPH; FOSTER MORRIS W. [INTRODUCTION] - The Cheyenne in Plains Indian Trade Relations 1795-1840
124365: JACKEL, SUSAN - A Flannel Shirt and Liberty; British Emigrant Gentlewomen in the Canadian West, 1880-1914
105561: JACKEL, SUSAN - A Flannel Shirt and Liberty; British Emigrant Gentlewomen in the Canadian West, 1880-1914
121849: JACKSON, DEBORAH DAVIS - Our Elders Lived It; American Indian Identity in the City
101660: JACKSON, D. MICHAEL - The Canadian Monarchy in Saskatchewan
123924: JACKSON, GRAHAM - The Apothecary Jar
127081: JACKSON, D. MICHAEL; LAGASSE, PHILIPPE - Canada and the Crown; Essays on Constitutional Monarchy
109943: JACKSON, DANIEL F. (EDITOR) - Algae, Man, and the Environment; Proceedings of an International Symposium Sponsored by Syracuse University and the New York State Science and Technology Foundation, June 18-30, 1967, Syracuse, New York
109840: JACKSON, WILLIAM - Book-Keeping, in the True Italian Form of Debtor and Creditor by Way of Double Entry; or, Practical Book-Keeping, Exemplified from the Precepts of the Late Ingenious D. Dowling, Author of Mercantile Arithmetic. With the Addition of Computations in Exchange, and Tables Shewing the Proportion That the Weights and Measures of the Principal Cities in Europe Bear to Each Other
129510: JACKSON, A.Y.; MASSEY, RT. HON. VINCENT (FOREWORD) - A Painter's Country the Autobiography of A. Y. Jackson
123176: JACKSON, CHRISTOPHER E. [ASSISTANT CURATOR OF ART]; GLENBOW MUSEUM - With Lens and Brush: Images of the Western Canadian Landscape 1845-1890
129286: JACKSON, CHRISTOPHER E. [ASSISTANT CURATOR OF ART]; GLENBOW MUSEUM - With Lens and Brush: Images of the Western Canadian Landscape 1845-1890
115963: JACKSON, CHRISTOPHER - An Alien Land, Arctic Prints of the 19th Century
105566: JACKSON, JAMES A. - The Centennial History of Manitoba
128231: JACKSON, D. MICHAEL; LAGASSE, PHILIPPE - Canada and the Crown; Essays on Constitutional Monarchy
105567: JACKSON, JOHN C. - Children of the Fur Trade; Forgotten Metis of the Pacific Northwest
128630: JACOB, PAUL L. - Œuvres de F. Rabelais; Nouvelle Édition, augmentée de plusieurs extraits des chroniques admirables du puissant roi Gargantua ainsi que d'un grand nombre de variantes et de deux chapitres inédits du Vè livre d'après un manuscrit de la Bibliothèque Nationale et accompagnée de notes explicatives et d'une notice historique contenant les documents originaux relatifs à la vie de Rabelais
127933: GRIMM, JACOB AND WILHELM; EGAN, LOUISE BETTS (RETOLD BY) - The Classic Grimm's Fairy Tales
113064: JACOBI, PRINGLE, J.J. - Portfolio of Dermochromes Volume 2 (Parts 3 & 4)
117925: JACOBIN, LOU - Tourists & Sportsmen's Pictorial Guide to Alaska
114036: JACOBS, W.W. - Many Cargoes
128794: JACOBS, HAROLD (EDITOR) - Weatherman
117904: JACOBS, JANE (EDITOR) - A Schoolteacher in Old Alaska, the Story of Hannah Breece
117905: JACOBS, JANE (EDITOR) - A Schoolteacher in Old Alaska, the Story of Hannah Breece
125178: JACOBS, JANE (EDITOR) - A Schoolteacher in Old Alaska; The Story of Hannah Breece
115280: JACOBS, HAROLD S. (PHOTOGRAPHER) - Vistas of Romance
120432: JACOBSEN, CHARLES W. - Oriental Rugs; A Complete Guide
130520: JACOBUS, DR. - Untrodden Fields of Anthropology; Based on the Diaries of His Thirty Years' Practice As a French Government Army Surgeon and Physician in Asia, Oceania, America, Africa Recording His Experiences, Experiments and Discoveries in the Sex Relations and Racial Practices of the Arts of Love in the Sex Life of the Strange Peoples of Four Continents (Two Volumes in One)
202303: TRILLING, LIONEL; BARZUN, JACQUES; ET AL (EDS.) - Perspectives
116735: APPELBAUM, LOUIS; HEBERT, JACQUES; ET AL - Report of the Federal Cultural Policy Review Committee
130312: MARXISM TODAY; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS; JACQUES, MARTIN (EDITOR) - Marxism Today Theoretical and Discussion Journal of the Communist Party, Volume 24, Number 3 March q079
120553: SHUMIATCHER, JACQUI AND MORRIS (CO-CURATORS); PHILLIPS, CAROL A. (DIRECTOR) - The Jacqui and Morris Shumiatcher Collection of Inuit Art
114803: JAENEN, CORNELIUS J. (EDITOR AND INTRODUCTION BY) - The French Regime in the Upper Country of Canada During the Seventeenth Century
130805: JAENEN, CORNELIUS J. - The Belgians in Canada
120645: JAHNKE, GARY - Oh
130649: JALETA, TED; DRIVER, DEANA (COMPILED AND EDITED BY) (EDITOR) - Never Give Up; Ted Jaleta's Inspiring Story
130463: WYETH, BETSY JAMES AND ANDREW - Wyeth at Kuerners
203291: JAMES, MERLIN; ROLAND, ANTHONY - Videos on Art; a Resource Guide to Films and Videos Available Worldwide from the Roland Collection
200944: JAMES, WILL - Lone Cowboy; My Life Story
112843: BONAR, JAMES AND J.H HOLLANDER EDS. - Letters of David Ricardo to Hutches Trower and Others
130122: MORROW, JAMES AND MORROW, KATHRYN (EDITOR) - The SFWA European Hall of Fame Sixteen Contemporary Masterpieces of Science Fiction from the Continent
125185: JAMES, WARREN S. - Return of the Fearsome Creatures
127058: VAUGHN-JAMES, MARTIN - The Cage
129788: JAMES, DEBORAH - Preverbs and the Function of Clauses in Moose Cree
126993: JAMES, MICHAEL - Miles Davis
109326: JAMES, PATRICK - Crisis & War
117253: CREE. VICARIAT APOSTOLIQUE DE LA BAIE JAMES - Recueil de Prieres En Langue Crise [1 Line in Cree Syllabics]
105575: JAMES, WILLIAM C. - A Fur Trader's Photographs; A.A. Chesterfield in the District of Ungava, 1901-4
100807: JAMES, LAURA (ED.) - This Makes Fifty: A History of the Women's Institutes in the Winnipeg-Interlake District of Manitoba
100690: EMERSON. MCCLELLAND, JAMES AND LEWIS, DAN (EDS.) - Emerson 1875-1975; a Centennial History
100234: JAMES, PHYLLIS - Power of the Peace
100164: ENDIANG. JEAN JAMES - This Was Endiang
125606: JAMES, GEORGE WHARTON - Indian Basketry
120495: JAMES, GEORGE WHARTON - Indian Blankets and Their Makers
123420: JAMESON, VERE; DEWDNEY, SELWYN (ILLUS.) - Omar from Nishapur
120137: JAMESON, SHEILAGH S.; ERICKSON, NOLA B. - Chautauqua in Canada
130768: JAMESON, SHEILAGH - Ranchers , Cowboys and Characters; Birth of Alberta's Western Heritage
123548: SAMS, JAMIE & CARSON, DAVID; WERNEKE, ANGELA [ILLUSTRATIONS] - Medicine Cards; Revised, Expanded Edition; The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals (Book Only)
131236: JAMIE, KATHLEEN - The Queen of Sheba
105577: JAMIESON, HEBER C. - Early Medicine in Alberta; the First Seventy-Five Years
102513: JAMIESON, KATHLEEN - Indian Women and the Law in Canada: Citizens Minus
129359: JAMISON, RICK - The Trapper's Handbook
117339: HILLABOLD, JANE; ET AL. - Ms. & Myth; Prepared by the Women & Religion Study Group of the Regina Unitarian Fellowship
109492: JANES, J. ROBERT - Stonekiller
113261: JANKIUS, F.J. - Southern Alberta, a Regional Perspective
123444: JANTZ, HAROLD [EDITOR] - Leaders Who Shaped Us; Canadian Mennonite Brethren: 1910 - 2010
102860: JANUSAS, SCARLETT EMILIE - A Petrological Analysis of Kettle Point Chert and Its Spatial and Temporal Distribution in Regional Prehistory
126009: JANUSKA, MICHAEL - Grey Cup Century
121551: JANVIER, ALEX; HILL, GREG A. - Alex Janvier
123413: JANZEN, HENRY H. - A Brief Outline Study of the Seven Churches; Revelation Chapters Two and Three
122226: JANZEN, RUSSEL H. (COMPILED BY) - Janzen: 1780-1989; A Family History and Genealogy of Jacob F. And Susanna (Baerg) Janzen, Their Ancestors and Their Descendants
114854: JAQUES, EDNA - Roses in December
114840: JAQUES, EDNA - The Best of Edna Jaques
114841: JAQUES, EDNA - The Best of Edna Jaques
114587: JAQUES, EDNA - Beside Still Waters
124031: JAQUES, CARROL - Unifarm a Story of Conflict & Change
117150: JAQUES, EDNA - Aunt Hattie's Place
117151: JAQUES, EDNA - Aunt Hattie's Place
117147: JAQUES, EDNA - Beside Still Waters
117148: JAQUES, EDNA - Beside Still Waters
117149: JAQUES, EDNA - Beside Still Waters
105580: JAQUES, EDNA - My Kitchen Window
105582: JAQUES, EDNA - Beside Still Waters
105586: JAQUES, EDNA - Uphill All the Way
105587: JAQUES, EDNA - Prairie Born, Prairie Bred; Poetic Reflections of a Pioneer
105588: JAQUES, FLORENCE PAGE - Canadian Spring
115285: JAQUES, EDNA - My Kitchen Window
131258: THE MILITANT; JAQUITH, CINDY; JENNESS, DOUG (EDITORS) - The Militant Vol. 48 / No. 17 May 11, 1984
129545: JARVIS, MURIEL A.; VANDERGOOT, MARY E. - Thin Pink Lines; My Life as a Nurse and Beyond
123277: JASON - What I Did
115832: JASON, VICTORIA - Kabloona in the Yellow Kayak; One Woman's Journey Through the Northwest Passage
120116: JAVORSKI, MARY - The Canadian West Discovered; An Exhibition of Printed Maps from the 16th to the Early 20th Centuries
101765: MAP. MOOSE JAW - Dunmore Lots for Sale by F.W. Smith
101554: MOOSE JAW - St. Andrew's United Church, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
113369: MOOSE JAW - Not Only a Name; A Long Lost Love Letter from Hometown Moose Jaw
101810: MOOSE JAW & PAMBRUN. - Links of Gold 1932-1982
127257: WARDY-JAY - Wardie-Jay Circus
103286: BERCUSON, DAVID JAY AND PHILLIP A. BUCKNER (WITH HILLIP A. BUCKNER.) - Eastern and Western Perspectives: Papers from the Joint Atlantic / Western Canadian Studies Conference
100432: SPONDIN AND AREA. JAMES, JEAN (EDITOR) - Prairie Rose Country; A History of the Region Between the Pioneer Centres of Richdale, Stanmore and Scotfield, North Through the Spondin Area to the South Coronation District
114236: STOUFFER, LCOL. JEFF AND DR. KELLY FARLEY - Command Intent: International Perspectives and Challenges
202924: JEFFERIES, RICHARD - Wood Magic; a Fable
202609: JEFFERIES, RICHARD - Hodge and His Masters
105591: JEFFERSON, ROBERT - Saskatchewan Verse
122847: JEFFERY, CORINNE - Arriving; 1909-1919; Book One of the Understanding Ursula Trilogy
127521: JEFFERYS, CHARLES W. (DRAWINGS BY); VARIOUS CONSULTANTS (TEXT) - Discoverers and Explorers in Canada; No. I 1497-1763; No.Ii 1763-1911; No. III: The Rebellions of 1837 in Upper and Lower Canada; No. IV: The Story of the Pioneers and How They Settled Canada; No. V: The Indians of Canada (Complete, in 5 Portfolios, As Issued)
124044: JEFFERYS, CHARLES WILLIAM; STACEY, ROBERT [INTRODUCTION] - Charles William Jefferys 1869-1951
130151: JEFFERYS, CHARLES W. (DRAWINGS BY); WALLACE, W. STEWART (TEXT) - The Story of the Pioneers and How They Settled Canada
116618: JEFFERYS, CHARLES W. (DRAWINGS BY); PARKS, MALCOLM G. (TEXT) - Discoverers and Explorers in Canada, 1497-1763
119496: JEFFERYS, CHARLES W. (DRAWINGS BY); PARKS, MALCOLM G. (TEXT) - The Rebellions of 1837 in Upper and Lower Canada
115078: JEFFERYS, CHARLES W. (DRAWINGS BY); PARKS, MALCOLM G. (TEXT) - Discoverers and Explorers in Canada, 1763-1911
119866: JEFFRERY, MARY DUECK - Aeltester Johann Funk: A Family Tree with Notes on His Life and Work
120644: JEFFS, ROBIN (GENERAL EDITOR) - The English Revolution; I, Fast Sermons to Parliament; Volume I, Nov. 1640 - Nov. 1641
200947: JEHL, FRANCIS - Menlo Park Reminiscences: Volume One
118815: JELLICOE, DUKESBURY, TOLEDO, WHITE HURON, IVY, OAKWOOD, NORRIS - Our Community; History of Jellicoe, Dukesbury, Toledo, White Huron, Ivy, Oakwood, Norris
113182: JENKINS, REV. JOHN - Life of the Rev. Alex. Mathieson, D.D., Minister of St. Andrew's Church, Montreal; With a Funeral Sermon, [Etc.], and Three Discourses, Preached by Dr. Mathieson, at Different Periods of His Ministry.
118667: JENKINS, R. S. - Canadian Civics; Saskatchewan Edition
118089: JENKINS, MCKAY - Bloody Falls of the Coppermine, Madness, Murder and the Collision of Cultures in the Arctic, 1913
116943: JENKINS, PHIL - Fields of Vision; A Journey to Canada's Family Farms
120098: JENNER, EDWARD - An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolæ Vaccinæ
124136: JENNESS, DIAMOND - The Indians of Canada
200950: JENNESS, DIAMOND - Eskimo Language and Technology: Part A: Comparative Vocabulary of the Western Eskimo Dialects
200951: JENNESS, DIAMOND - The Copper Eskimos: Part B: Physical Characteristics of the Copper Eskimos
118217: JENNESS, DIAMOND - The People of the Twilight
117610: JENNESS, DIAMOND - The Indians of Canada
114340: JENNESS, DIAMOND - Myths and Traditions from Northern Alaska, the MacKenzie Delta and Coronation Gulf. Volume XIII. Eskimo Folklore.
126479: JENNESS, DIAMOND - The Indians of Canada
126477: JENNESS, DIAMOND - The Indians of Canada
115475: JENNESS, DIAMOND - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume VIII; Eskimo Folk-Lore, Part B: Eskimo String Figures, Southern Party 1913-1916
115458: JENNESS, DIAMOND - Eskimo Administration: 1. Alaska; 2. Canada; 3. Labrador; 4. Greenland; 5. Analysis and Reflections.
129700: JENNESS, DIAMOND; BENTLEY, WINNIFRED K. (ILLUSTRATIONS) - The Corn Goddess and Other Tales from Indian Canada
102514: JENNESS, DIAMOND - The People of the Twilight
102518: JENNESS, DIAMOND - The Indians of Canada
118298: JENNINGS, JOHN NELSON - The North West Mounted Police and Indian Policy, 1874-96
123628: JENSON, L. B. - Vanishing Halifax
108267: SOCIETE HISTORIQUE DE SAINT-BONIFACE; JEREMIE, NICOLAS - Relation du Detroit et de la Baie d'Hudson par Monsieur Jeremie
105594: JEREMIE, NICOLAS - Twenty Years of York Factory 1694-1714; Jeremie's Account of Hudson Strait and Bay
125732: JEREMIE, NICOLAS - Twenty Years of York Factory, 1694-1714; Jeremie's Account of Hudson Strait and Bay
130582: JEROME, V. J. - A Lantern for Jeremy
120177: JESSOP, GERALD - The Moose Jaw Art Museum and National Exhibition Centre Permanent Art Collection
121093: KELLOGG'S; JEWELL, BESS DEVINE (DESIGN AND ILLUS.) - Kellogg's Story Book of Games; Book Number One
200955: JHABVALA, RUTH PRAWER - Amrita
123453: JILES, PAULETTE (CANADIAN AUTHOR ) - Waterloo Express
126061: JILES, PAULETTE (CANADIAN AUTHOR ) - Sitting in the Club Car Drinking Rum and Karma-Kola
128446: JILES, PAULETTE (CANADIAN AUTHOR ) - North Spirit: Travels Among the Cree and Ojibway Nations and Their Star Maps
117735: WARREN, JIM AND KATHLEEN CARLISLE - On the Side of the People; A History of Labour in Saskatchewan
130794: TAN, JIN AND PATRICIA E. ROY - The Chinese in Canada
203906: JOAN, NATALIE - Ameliaranne in Town
110578: RADU, KEN; DURIE, ELSPETH; COVENEY, JOAN; ET AL - Nunny Bag 5; Canadian Stories for Six- to Nine-Year-Olds
127053: JOANS, TED - Afrodisia; New Poems by Ted Joans
126975: JOANS, TED - Black Pow-Wow; Jazz Poems
122848: JOBB, DEAN - Calculated Risk; Greed, Politics, and the Westray Tragedy
124629: JOBB, DEAN - The Acadians; A People's Story of Exile and Triumph
130940: JOBÉ, JOSEPH (CHOSEN AND DISPLAYED BY) - Extended Travels in Romantic America: Being a Nineteenth Century Journey through the most Picturesque Portions of North America, Reconstructed from Accounts by European Visitors; the Whole Embellished with Watercolour Drawings and Engravings of the Period
101402: BROWN, JOE AND JOHNSON, SHELLEY - Good Morning Susan: The Life and Times of Dr. Joe Brown
130695: JOE, RITA - Song of Rita Joe Autobiography of a Mi'kmaw Poet
122334: TILSON, JOE AND WADDINGTON GALLERIES - Joe Tilson; Recent Works 1985-7
122853: JOERG, W.L.G. (EDITOR) - Problems of Polar Research; A Series of Papers by Thirty-One Authors
102519: JOERG, W.L.G. (EDITOR) - Problems of Polar Research: A Series of Papers by Thirty-One Authors
115140: JOHANNESSON, GUDLAUG - I Remember
123516: JOHANNSON, JOAN - Discovering the Bright Warrior; Confessions of a Social Activist
115511: JOHANSEN, FRITS - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18; Volume V: Botany: Part C: General Observations on the Vegetation
115504: JOHANSEN, FRITS - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume III: Insects; Part K: Insect Life on the Western Arctic Coast of America
109329: JOHANSON, CHRISTINE - Women's Struggle for Higher Education in Russia, 1855-1900
127846: KURTZ, JOHN AND MONICA - Treasured Moments
113662: KURTZ, JOHN AND MONICA - Treasured Moments
127617: SMYLY, JOHN AND CAROLYN - Those Born at Koona; The Totem Poles of the Haida Village of Skedans, Queen Charlotte Islands
202885: JOHN, EVAN - Time in the East; an Entertainment
129846: BURTON, WILFRED; TROUPE, CHERYL, WITH JOHN AND VICKI ARCAND - Master of the Métis Fiddle John Arcand: The Man, The Music, The Festival
120656: MIHEVC, JOHN (GENERAL EDITOR); ET AL. - Sacred Earth, Sacred Community: Jubilee, Ecology & Aboriginal Peoples
123593: MAPPIN, JOHN & ARCHER, JOHN - Bernard Amtmann 1907-1979; A Personal Memoir
117008: KURTZ, JOHN AND MONICA - Treasured Moments
128407: PENNINGTO, JOHN ET AL.; STUDENTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY - New Left Notes (SDS) September 20, 1969 (Vol. 5, No. 4)
130104: JOHN, ELTON - The Red Piano
115516: GEDDIE, JOHN [ET AL.] - Rivers of Great Britain; Rivers of the East Coast
105319: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. MACBETH, JOHN - The Social Customs and Amusements in the Early Days in the Red River Settlement and Rupert's Land
105322: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. SCHULTZ, JOHN - A Forgotten Northern Fortress; (Fort Prince of Wales)
125547: BOYKO. JOHN - Into the Hurricane: Attacking Socialism and the CCF
131277: JOHNS, MAUREEN - Roses, Potato Salad and Bologna Sandwiches
112399: JOHNS, WALTER H. - A History of the University of Alberta 1908-1969
111081: JOHNS, CAPT. W.E. - Biggles Flies East; Being a Hitherto Unrecorded Adventure in the War-Time Career of Captain James Bigglesworth, M.C., D.F.C. (known in the R.F.C. as 'Biggles'), and His Friend the Hon. Algernon Lacey, R.F.C.
114125: JOHNS, LINDA - Sharing a Robin's Life
121696: JOHNSON, JOSEPHINE - Now in November
130557: JOHNSON, J. K. (EDITOR) - Historical Essays on Upper Canada
127715: JOHNSON, BONNY; DORION. LEAH MARIE - Sinapan Kiskasakas; A Guide to Making Contemporary-Style Metis Ribbon Skirts
128340: JOHNSON, HAROLD - Two Families; Treaties and Government
203285: JOHNSON, ROSSITER (EDITOR) - A Dictionary of Famous Names in Fiction, Drama, Poetry, History, and Art; [A Unit of the Authors Digest Series]
113427: JOHNSON, SANDI - The Wonderful Naked Man
200964: JOHNSON, SAMUEL - A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland
101663: JOHNSON, JANE; GREUTZNER, A. - The Dictionary of British Artists, 1880-1940; An Antique Collectors' Club Research Project Listing 41,000 Artists
120192: JOHNSON, JANE - Works Exhibited at the Royal Society of British Artists, 1824-1893 [Two Volumes]
117865: JOHNSON, E. PAULINE - Flint and Feather: The Complete Poems of E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
109937: JOHNSON, WILLIAM A. - Christopher Polhem; the Father of Swedish Technology
123533: JOHNSON, DUNCAN W. - Souvenir Views of Jasper - Lake Louise Highway, Alberta, Canada; A Dominion Series View Book
123534: JOHNSON, DUNCAN W. - Souvenir Views of Jasper - Lake Louise Highway, Alberta, Canada; A Dominion Series View Book
117176: JOHNSON, MICHAEL R. - North American Indian Art; American Painting and Sculpture
116903: JOHNSON, H.U. - From Dixie to Canada; Romances and Realities of the Underground Railroad; Vol. 1, Second Edition
116082: JOHNSON, HAROLD - Billy Tinker
105603: JOHNSON, SHERRY - Pale Grace
128183: JOHNSON, HAROLD R. - Firewater; How Alcohol Is Killing My People (And Yours)
131241: JOHNSON, GEORGE; BROOKS, MICHAEL (INTRODUCTIONS) - The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments
131332: JOHNSON, DONALD J.; JOHNSON, JOAN E.; CLARK, LEON E. - Through Indian Eyes; The Living Tradition
127943: JOHNSTON, JACK - Birch Hills, My Home Town
113600: JOHNSTON, TERRY C. - Winter Rain
202269: JOHNSTON, LYNN - I've Got the One-More-Washload Blues..
123996: JOHNSTON, FAITH - A Great Restlessness; The Life and Politics of Dorise Nielsen
200968: JOHNSTON, JAMES F.W. - Notes on North America; Agricultural, Economical, and Social
200967: JOHNSTON, JAMES F.W. - Lectures on the General Relations Which Science Bears to Practical Agriculture, Delivered Before the New-York State Agricultural Society
112789: JOHNSTON, RICHARD B. - The McIntyre Site: Archaeology, Subsistence and Environment
130790: JOHNSTON, HUGH - The East Indians in Canada
123797: JOHNSTON, GLEN - Rocks, Stones or Old Bones the Johnston Family of Pakenham Mossbank
131214: JOHNSTON, BASIL; NOEL, MAXINE (IOYAN MANI) - ILLUSTRATIONS - Tales of the Anishinauback
200966: JOHNSTON, BASIL - Ojibway Ceremonies
123615: JOHNSTON, GEORGE - Ask Again
121214: JOHNSTON, J. P.; DENSLOW (ILLUS.) - More Hus'ling
109330: JOHNSTON, DOUGLAS M. - The Theory and History of Ocean Boundary-Making
123438: JOHNSTON, RICHARD (ED.) - The Artists - a New Power; Proceedings and Recommendations of the Calgary Conference on the Visual Arts - January, 1969 / Un Nouveau Pouvoir... Les Artistes; Procès-Verbal Et Recommandations de la Conference de Calgary Sur Les Arts Visuels - Janvier, 1969
131132: JOHNSTON, BASIL - Manitous; The Spiritual World of the Ojibway
116116: JOHNSTON, GEORGE - Carl; Portarit of a Painter from Letters and Reminisces
131030: JOHNSTON, DUDLEY E. (EDITOR) (EDITOR) - Exotic Animal Medicine in Practice Volume 1 and Volume 2
105605: JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER - The C P Rail High Level Bridge at Lethbridge
105606: JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER - Boats and Barges on the Belly
105607: JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER - The Battle at Belly River; Stories of the Last Great Indian Battle
105609: JOHNSTON, W.A. - Winnipegosis and Upper Whitemouth River Areas, Manitoba; Pleistocene and Recent Deposits
122565: JOHNSTON, RUBY F. - The Development of Negro Religion
122491: JOHNSTON, ALVA - The Great Goldwyn
115416: JOHNSTON, HUGH - The Voyage of the Komagata Maru: The Sikh Challenge to Canada's Colour Bar
124798: JOHNSTON, JAMES R. - Accouterments III
124803: JOHNSTON, JAMES R. - Accouterments II
127971: JOHNSTON, DAVID - The Idea of Canada; Letters to a Nation
125614: JOHNSTON, BASIL - Crazy Dave
105611: JOHNSTONE, CATHERINE LAURA - Winter and Summer Excursions in Canada
122631: JOHNSTONE, MICHAEL - The Freemasons; The Illustrated Book of an Ancient Brotherhood
115347: LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC; CHEVALIER JOHNSTONE - The Campaign of 1760 in Canada; A Narrative Attributed to Chevalier Johnstone
121157: JOHNSTONE, ANN - I Need You When I Need You, Dad; By Myself
102740: JONAITIS, RAMUNE; SENKEVICIUS, CESLOVAS; KARKA, AUSRA (EDITOR) - Lithuanians in Canada 2001: Proceedings of the Conference on Education and Culture April 25-26, 1992.
128807: JONES, CAROLYN; DAYTON, GEORGIANN - Shamrocks Among the Bitterroots
127772: JONES, TIM E.H.; JONES, S. LOUISE - St. Victor Petroglyphs; The Place of the Living Stone
131164: JONES, WILLIAM - Fox Texts (Volume I)
120680: JONES, LAWRENCE F.; LONN, GEORGE - Pathfinders of the North
124298: JONES, ALLEN; WADDINGTON GRAPHICS - Allen Jones Islands 1987 - 1988
203316: JONES, HARRY - Prince Boo-Hoo and Little Smuts
202710: HANDFIELD-JONES, R.M. - Surgery of the Hand
131342: DUNHAM-JONES, ELLEN; WILLIAMSON, JUNE - Retrofittting Suburbia; Urbn Design Solutions for Redsigning Suburbs
124075: JONES, ALLEN; WADDINGTON GRAPHICS - Allen Jones; Greasepaint
200971: JONES, EVAN ROWLAND - The Emigrants' Friend: Containing Information and Advice for Persons Intending to Emigrate to the United States
112683: JONES, GERRY - Saskscandal; The Death of Political Idealism in Saskatchewan
120188: JONES, BEVERLEY - High Heels 'N' Oil Rigs
118006: JONES, J.Y. - Impossible to Fail
127110: EPHEMERA; JONES, ALAN; THOMPSON, RON - After the Miners' Strike - What Next?
127022: JONES, LEROI / BARAKA, AMIRI - The Autobiography of Leroi Jones / Amiri Baraka
126979: JONES, LEROI - Black Music
109273: CLARK-JONES, MELISSA - A Staple State: Canadian Industrial Resources in Cold War
116935: JONES, BEVERLEY - When Irish Eyes Were Crying
116914: JONES, BEVERLEY - High Heels 'N' Oil Rigs
116915: JONES, BEVERLEY - Terror in the Oil Patch
114320: JONES, REV. CANON T.E (INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY BY) - Bulletin 202: Extracts from "Native Rights in Canada"
130544: JONES, RICHARD - Community in Crisis; French Canadian Nationalism in Perspective
125467: JONES, REVEREND PETER (KAH-KE-WA-QUO-NA-BY) - Life and Journals of Kah-Ke-Wa-Quo-Na-By (Rev. Peter Jones); Wesleyan Missionary
105627: JONES, T.E.H. (EDITOR) - Annotated Bibliography of Saskatchewan Archaeology and Prehistory
105628: JONES, W. REG - The Saskatchewan Story
105617: JONES, DAVID C. - Midways, Judges and Smooth-Tongued Fakirs; the Illustrated Story of Country Fairs in the Prairie West
105619: JONES, DAVID C. - We'll All Be Buried Down Here; the Prairie Dryland Disaster, 1917-1926
105620: JONES, DAVID C.; MACPHERSON, IAN (EDITORS) (EDITOR) - Building Beyond the Homestead: Rural History on the Prairies
105621: JONES, DAVID C.; WILSON, L.J. ROY; WHITE, DONNY - The Weather Factory; a Pictorial History of Medicine Hat
105624: JONES, ROBERT LESLIE - History of Agriculture in Ontario 1613-1880
105625: JONES, ROBERT LESLIE - History of Agriculture in Ontario 1613-1880
130822: UNOFFICIAL REFORM COMMITTEE; JONES, R. MERLYN (INTRODUCTION) - The Miners' Next Step Being a Suggested Scheme for the Reorganisation of the Federation No. 4
119614: JONES, TIM E.H.; JONES, S. LOUISE - St. Victor Petroglyphs; The Place of the Living Stone
114137: JONES, D.G. - A Throw of Particles
125499: JONES, GERRY - Saskscandal; The Death of Political Idealism in Saskatchewan
104311: DE JONG, KLAAS - Cauliflower Crown
105629: JONKER, PETER (EDITOR) - Saskatchewan's Endangered Spaces; An Introduction
127944: JONKER, PETER M.; ROWE, J. STAN - The Sand Dunes of Lake Athabasca; Your Adventure in Learning
105630: JONQUET, R.P.E. - Mgr. Grandin; Oblat de Marie Immaculee, Premier Eveque de Saint-Albert
101667: JONSSON, BALDUR - Leaves from the Unwritten Note-Book of an Idler: Together with Letters Written in a Cloister and Dedicated to the Hearth
130750: JORDAN, TESSA - Feminist Acts; 'Branching Out' Magazine and the Making of Canadian Feminism
116442: JORDAN, WENDY ADLER - By the Light of the Quilliq; Eskimo Life in the Canadian Arctic
130906: JORDAN, MARY V. - Survival: Labour's Trials and Tribulations in Canada
203510: LA FONTAINE, JEAN DE; AUSLANDER, JOSEPH AND LE CLERCQ, JACQUES - The Fables of Jean de la Fontaine
123054: JOSEPH, CLIFTON - Metropolitan Blues
130623: STALIN; JOSEPH - Dialectical and Historical Materialism
115320: RUSE, JOSEPH AND C.A. OWENS - Calgary; That Was and Is & Will Be
131072: BACON, JOSEPHINE ET SYLVIE VINCENT - Tshishenniu-Maninuish Umishta-Aiatshimun. [Elder Marie-Louise's Long Story]
105633: JOSEPHY, ALVIN M. - The Artist Was a Young Man; the Life Story of Peter Rindisbacher
126976: JOST, EKKEHARD - Free Jazz
117850: JOUDRY, PATRICIA - The Selena Tree
202658: BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL - War Wounds and Air Raid Casualties
106445: MANITOBA. LAW. JOURNALS - Journals of the Legislative Assembly
106446: MANITOBA. LAW. JOURNALS - Journals of the Legislative Assembly
200980: JOUSSE, M. - Nouveau Commentaire sur l'Ordonnance Civile du Mois d'Avril 1667. Nouvelle Edition, Augmentee de l'Idee de la Justice Civile
113962: DE JOUVANCOURT, HUGUES - Cornelius Krieghoff
125545: DE JOUVANCOURT, HUGUES - Suzor-Cote
202463: JOY, WILLIAM; PRIOR, TOM - The Bushrangers
130543: JOY, RICHARD J.; VALLEE, FRANK G. (PREFACE) - Languages in Conflict: The Canadian Experience
113127: SZUR-SZABÓ JÓZSEF - Karikatúrái
112835: PRUITT JR., WILLIAM O. - Wild Harmony: The Cycle of Life in the Northern Forest
124729: CLARK JR., JAMES B. M. - Along the Old Melita Trail
108794: VAN DYKE JR., HENRY - The Red River of the North
126590: CHANDLER JR., ALFRED D.; SALSBURY, STEPHEN - Pierre S. Du Pont and the Making of the Modern Corporation
126153: PARAMORE JR., EDWARD E. - The Ballad of Yukon Jake
119608: JAMES JR., HENRY - Nathaniel Hawthorne
128448: LAROUCHE JR., LYNDON H. - U.S. Labor Party Presidential Platform '76 Supplement; The Emergency Employment Act of 1976 by Lyndon H. Larouche, Jr. U.S. Labor Party Presidential Candidate
127385: SASKATCHEWAN DIAMOND JUBILEE AND CANADA CENTENNIAL CORPORATION - Cannington Manor Historic Park; A Saskatchewan Historic Site
129975: SASKATCHEWAN DIAMOND JUBILEE & CANADA CENTENNIAL CORPORATION - Territorial Government Buildings; A Saskatchewan Historic Site
102137: SASKATCHEWAN GOLDEN JUBILEE - When a Community Celebrates
115499: JUDAY, CHANCEY - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume VII: Crustacea: Part H: Cladocera
130734: JUDD, WILLIAM W. (EDITOR) - Western Ontario History Nuggets No. 35 Catalogues of Columns on Natural History by W. E. Saunders and J. K. Reynolds in London (Ontario) Newspapers, 1929-1963 by William W. Judd Professor of Zoology in the University of Western Ontario and Archivist of the Mcilwrith Field Naturalists' Club February 1969
109331: JUDD, W.W.; SPEIRS, J. MURRAY; HAHN, SYLVIA - A Naturalist's Guide to Ontario
105635: JUDD, CAROL M. (WITH RTHUR J. RAY. EDS.) - Old Trails and New Directions: Papers of the Third North American Fur Trade Confernece
203905: JUDSON, CLARA INGRAM - Jerry and Jean, Detectors
115977: JUDSON, L. CARROLL - The Masonic Advocate; Being a Concise Exposition and Full Defense of Free Masonry
122623: SMITH, HEATHER; KRUEGER, JULIA ET ELDER, ALAN C. - La Poterie Hansen-Ross:PIonniere Des Metiers D'Art Dans Les Prairies Canadiennes
203399: JULIAN - Two Orations of the Emperor Julian, One to the Sovereign Sun, and the Other to the Mother of the Gods
113051: JULIER, KEITH - The Period Ship Handbook
113052: JULIER, KEITH - The Period Ship Handbook 2
127406: JUNG, C.G. - The Black Books 1913-1932: Notebooks of Transformation
115704: JUNKER, MARIE-ODILE - Quantification in East-Cree and Linguistic Relativity
109710: JURY, WILFRID; JURY, ELSIE MCLEOD - Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons
111528: JUSSERAND, J.J. - English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages (Xivth Century)
128754: CANADIAN INSTITUTE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE - The Canadian Charter of Rights ad Freedoms: Initial Experience, Emerging Issues, Future Challenges; La Charte Canadienne des Droits et Libertes: Ses Debuts, Ses Problemes, Son Avenir
200986: JUSTICE, DONALD - The Summer Anniversaries
117348: NUNAVUT DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. - No More Secrets; [1 Line of Inuinnaqtun Syllabics]; Ljirartuaqarunnirniq
130527: DAY, GORDON M.; FOSTER, MICHAEL K. AND COWN, WILLIAM (EDITORS) - In Search of New England's Native Past; Selected Essays by Gordon M. Day
110640: KABE, D.G.; GUPTA, R.P. (EDITOR) - Multivariate Statistical Inference; Proceedings of the Research Seminar at Dalhousie University, Halifax, March 23-25, 1972
130753: KADING, TERRY (EDITOR) - No Straight Lines; Local Leadership and the Path from Government to Governance in Small Cities
129246: KAFKA, FRANZ; KILCHER, ANDREAS (EDITOR) - Franz Kafka the Drawings
200987: KAGAWA, TOYOHIKO - Songs from the Slums
102742: KAGE, JOSEPH - With Faith and Thanksgiving: The Story of Two Hundred Years of Jewish Immigration and Immigrant Aid Effort in Canada (1760-1960)
102390: YORKTON. KAHAN, F.H - Brains and Bricks; the History of the Yorkton Psychiatric Centre
114165: KAHN, SHOLOM J. - Mark Twain's Mysterious Stranger; A Study of the Manuscript Texts
119061: MOHAWK COUNCIL OF KAHNAWAKE - Institutions of Mohawk Government in Kahnawake
200988: KAHNWEILER, DANIEL-HENRY; GRIS, JUAN - Juan Gris: His Life and Work
130744: KAISER, CHARLES - The Gay Metropolis; The Landmark History of Gay Life in America
126362: KALBFLEISCH, HERBERT KARL - The History of the Pioneer German Language Press of Ontario, 1835-1918
112239: KALLMANN, HELMUT; POTVIN, GILLES; WINTERS, KENNETH (EDITOR) - Encyclopedia of Music in Canada
118391: KALMAN, HAROLD - A History of Canadian Architecture
130016: KALMAN, HAROLD - A History of Canadian Architecture Volumes 1 & 2
200992: KAMBAN, GUDMUNDUR - I See a Wondrous Land: A Story of the Colonisation of Greenland and the Discovery of America by the Norsemen at the End of the Tenth Century
125567: KAMCHATKI, OPISANIE ZEMLI - Explorations of Kamchatka North Pacific Scimtar
115323: KAMSACK - Spinning Stories a Woven History Kamsack
203126: KANE, ELISHA KENT - Arctic Explorations: The Second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, '54, '55
118896: KANE, ELISHA KENT - The United States Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin; A Personal Narrative
118895: KANE, ELISHA KENT - Arctic Explorations: The Second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, '54, '55
123902: KANE, ELISHA KENT, M.D., U.S.N. - Arctic Explorations; The Second Grinnell Expeditionmin Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, 54, 55 [The Lakeside Classics]
124932: KANE, PAUL; AMON CARTER MUSEUM OF WESTERN ART - Pauk Kane 1810 - 1871
117769: KANE, LUCILE; HOLMQUIST, JUNE; GILMAN, CAROLYN (EDITORS) - The Northern Expeditions of Stephen H. Long; The Journals of 1817 and 1823 and Related Documents
110319: KANE, PAUL - Wanderings of an Artist Among the Indians of North America from Canada to Vancouver's Island and Oregon, Through the Hudson's Bay Company's Territory and Back Again
114357: KANE, PAUL; J. RUSSELL HARPER (INTRODUCTION AND CATALOGUE RAISONNE) - Paul Kane's Frontier Including Wanderings of an Artist Among the Indians of North America
128249: KANE, EILEEN - Trickster; An Anthropological Memoir
126403: KANE, MARGO - Memories Springing Waters Singing
100813: KANE, ANTON - The Prey of Injustice
125407: KANE, PAUL; VAUGHN, THOMAS [EDITOR] - The Columbia Wanderer; Sketches, Paintings, and Comment, 1846-1847
125406: KANE, PAUL; VAUGHN, THOMAS [EDITOR] - The Columbia Wanderer; Sketches, Paintings, and Comment, 1846-1847
121688: KANTOR, MACKINLAY - Andersonville
123913: KANU, YATTA - Integrating Aboriginal Perspectives into the School Curriculum; Purposes, Possibilities and Challenges
111400: KAPLAN, BESS - Corner Store
105644: KAPLAN, BESS - Corner Store
203074: KAPP, REGINALD O. - Towards a Unified Cosmology
105645: KARAMANSKI, THEODORE J. - Fur Trade and Exploration; Opening the Far Northwest 1821-1852
105646: KARAMITSANIS, APHRODITE - From Terra Incognita to the Prairie West; a Map Exhibit
105647: KARAMITSANIS, APHRODITE - Place Names of Alberta; Volume I: Mountains, Mountain Parks, and Foothills
115730: KARAMITSANIS, APHRODITE - Place Names of Alberta; Volume 2: Southern Alberta
118525: KARGES, CRAIG (WITH JON SAINT-GERMAIN.) - The Wizard's Legacy; A Tale of Real Magic!
112593: KARKLINS, KARLIS - Trade Ornament Usage Among the Native Peoples of Canada; A Source Book
105648: KARKLINS, KARLIS AND ALLEN, ROBERT S. (WITH ROBERT S. LLEN.) - Nottingham House: The Hudson's Bay Company in Athabasca 1802-1806 (Karklins); Peter Fidler and Nottingham House, Lake Athabasca 1802-1806 (Allen)
102863: KARP, ELLEN - Many Are Strong Among the Strangers
106746: MENDEL ART GALLERY. KARPUSZKO, KAZIMIR - Eli Bornstein: Selected Works
114506: KARR, CLARENCE - The Canada Land Company: The Early Years, an Experiment in Colonization 1823 - 1843
119004: KARRAS, A.L. - North to Cree Lake
202492: KARSH, YOUSUF - Karsh Portfolio
130615: PROGRESS BOOKS; KASHTAN, WILLIAM (FOREWORD) - Canada's Party of Socialism; History of the Communist Party of Canada 1921-1976
130870: COPELAND, KATHY AND CRAIG - Don't Waste Your Time in the Canadian Rockies; An Opinionated Hiking Guide to Help You Get the Most from This Magnificent Wilderness
128998: KATZ, YOSSI; LEHR, JOHN - Inside the Ark; The Hutterites in Canada and the United States
127009: KATZ, BERNARD [EDITOR / INTRODUCTION (EDITOR) - The Social Implications of Early Negro Music in the United States with Over 150 of the Songs, Many of Them with Their Music
116434: KATZ, C.J, - Taste; Seasonal Dished from a Prairie Table
131242: KATZEN, MOLLIE - The New Moosewood Cookbook
124681: KAUFFMAN, HENRY J. - The Pennsylvania-Kentucky Rifle
105652: KAUFFMAN, ANDREW J.; PUTNAM, WILLIAM L. - The Guiding Spirit
203678: KAUFMANN, HERBERT - The Lost Sahara Trail; a Story of Men, Camels, Thirst, and Sand
127395: KAUR, RUPI - Milk and Honey
130756: KAVANAGH, JULIE - Nureyev; The Life
105654: KAVANAGH, MARTIN - The Assiniboine Basin; A Social Study of Discovery, Exploration and Settlement of Manitoba Centennial Edition
105655: KAVANAGH, MARTIN - La Verendrye; His Life and Times - a Biography and a Social Study of a Folklore Figure, Soldier, Fur Trader, Explorer
115230: KAVANAGH, MARTIN - La Verendrye; His Life and Times - a Biography and a Social Study of a Folklore Figure, Soldier, Fur Trader, Explorer
123285: KAWAKITA, MICHIAKI [DIRECTOR] - Contemporary Ceramic Art Europe and Japan
122782: PARLEY, KAY ET AL. - Friends and Fences; Glimpses of Western Canadian Heritage; 23 Selected Stories by Canadian Authors
118531: KAYE, MARVIN - The Stein and Day Handbook of Magic
129157: KAZAKEVICH, EMILY G.; KAZAKEVICH, VLADIMIR D. (TRANSLATION) - Political Economy in the Soviet Union Some Problems of Teaching the Subject
101671: KAZYMYRA, BOHDAN Z.; NAKONECHNY, FRED; SHTENDERA, EUGENE (EDITOR) - Conviction-Dedication-Effort: Jubilee Book, 1925-1975 Saint Basil the Great Ukrainian Catholic Parish
105659: KAZYMYRA, BOHDAN Z. - Early Ukrainian Settlement in Regina (1890-1920)
120371: KEALEY, GREGORY S. - Toronto Workers Respond to Industrial Capitalism, 1867-1892
130777: KEALEY, GREGORY S.; WARRIAN, PETER (EDITOR) - Essays in Canadian Working Class History
126575: KEALEY, LINDA; SANGSTER, JOAN (EDITOR) - Beyond the Vote; Canadian Women and Politics
124232: KEARLEY, JOHN A.W. - Chore / O Graphy
123616: KEATING, DIANE - In Dark Places
115867: KEATING, BERN - The Northwest Passage: From the Mathew to the Manhattan 1497-1969
131363: KEATS, JOHN; BARNARD, JOHN [EDITED BY] - John Keats Selected Poems
131121: AH KEE, VERNON - Blow Your House In
124224: KEEFER, JANICE KULYK; WILKS, CLAIRE - We Left the Camp Singing; The Etty Hillesum Poems and Drawings
118878: KEEFER, JANICE KULYK - Transfigurations
109333: KEEFER, JANICE KULYK - Under Eastern Eyes: A Critical Reading of Maritime Fiction
119909: KEEGAN, JOHN - The First World War
123600: KEENEY, PATRICIA - The Book of Joan
129952: KEESING, FELIX M. - The Menomini Indians of Wisconsin; A Study of Three Centuries of Cultural Contact and Change
113708: KEHOE, ALICE B. - Saskatchewan Indian Religious Beliefs
118763: KEHOE, JOHN - Achieving Cultural Diversity in Canadian Schools
105672: KEHOE, THOMAS F. - The Gull Lake Site; a Prehistoric Bison Drive Site in Southwestern Saskatchewan
105663: KEHOE, ALICE B. - Hunters of the Buried Years; the Prehistory of the Prairie Provinces
105664: KEHOE, ALICE B. - North American Indians; a Comprehensive Account
105666: KEHOE, THOMAS F. - Indian Boulder Effigies
105670: KEHOE, THOMAS F. - The Distribution and Implications of Fluted Points in Saskatchewan
121226: KEITH, W.J. - Epic Fiction; The Art of Rudy Wiebe
109334: KEITH, W.J. - Regions of the Imagination; The Development of British Rural Fiction
116633: KEITH, W.J.; SHEK, B.Z. EDITORS (EDITOR) - The Arts in Canada; The Last Fifty Years
118103: KEITHAHN, EDWARD L. - Alaskan Igloo Tales
117918: KEITHAHN, EDWARD L. - Eskimo Adventures, Another Journey into the Primative
105676: KELLER, BETTY - Blackwolf; the Life of Ernest Thompson Seton
126683: KELLETT, JOHN R. - The Impact of Railways on Victorian Cities
105678: KELLS, EDNA - Elizabeth McDougall, Pioneer
129654: KELLY, LEROY VICTOR - The Range Men; the Story of the Ranchers and Indians of Alberta
127367: KELLY, KEN [EDITOR] - Ann Arbor Argus; Vol. 1, No. 14, Nov. 18 - December 3, 1969
200999: KELLY, CELSUS (EDITOR) - La Austrialia Del Espiritu Santo: The Journal of Fray Martin de Munilla O.F.M. And Other Documents Relating to the Voyage of Pedro Fernandez de Quiros to the South Sea (1605-1606) and the Franciscan Missionary Plan (1617-1627)
118605: KELLY, WILLIAM; KELLY, NORA HICKSON - Policing in Wartime: One Mountie's Story
118604: KELLY, NORA HICKSON - My Mountie and Me: A True Story
112644: KELLY, ARTHUR D - Aequanimitas
111194: KELLY, WALT - Equal Time for Pogo
105682: KELLY, LEROY VICTOR - The Range Men; the Story of the Ranchers and Indians of Alberta
126208: KELLY, D. JOE - "Tales of the Rails" and Other Poems
119577: KELLY, A.S. - Random Rimes of a Roving Roustabout
119170: KELSEY, HENRY. EPP, HENRY (EDITOR) - Three Hundred Prairie Years: Henry Kelsey's "Inland Country of Good Report"
105691: KELSEY, VERA - Red River Runs North!
105687: KELSEY, HENRY - The Kelsey Papers
124311: KELVINGTON, BATESTOWN, HILL PEAK, KINLOCK, KINROSE, PIPESTONE, NUT LAKE - Story of Kelvington and District; Tears Toil and Triumph
203739: KEMP, PENNY - Changing Place
111384: KEMP, H.S.M. - Northern Trader
105693: KEMP, VERNON - Without Fear, Favour or Affection; Thirty-Five Years with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
126947: KENDALL, ALAN - The Chronicle of Classical Music; An Intimate Diary of the Lives and Music of the Great Composers
105695: KENDERDINE, AUGUSTUS - Views of Saskatchewan
105696: KENDERDINE, AUGUSTUS - To the Youth of Saskatchewan
105697: KENDLE, JOHN - John Bracken; a Political Biography
117828: KENDREW, W.G.; CURRIE, B.W. - The Climate of Central Canada; Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and the Districts of MacKenzie and Keewatin
120683: KENNEDY, JAKE - Light & Char
120681: KENNEDY, MONTY; SAMWORTH, THOMAS G. (EDITOR) - The Checkering and Carving of Gunstocks
129063: KENNEDY, MARSHA - The Rapture of Flora
201004: KENNEDY, RUTH WEDGWOOD - The Renaissance Painter's Garden
201003: KENNEDY, MARGARET - The Game and the Candle
123599: KENNEDY, MURRAY - Effective Lobbying
105705: KENNEDY, TOM - Quest: Canada's Search for Arctic Oil
105698: KENNEDY, DAN. (OCHANKUGAHE); STEVENS, JAMES R. [EDITOR, INTRODUCTION] (EDITOR) - Recollections of an Assiniboine Chief
125825: KENNEDY, I.F. - Black Crosses Off My Wingtip
127460: KENNEY, GERARD - Ships of Wood and Men of Iron; A Norwegian-Canadian Saga of Exploration in the High Arctic
127461: KENNEY, GERARD - Ships of Wood and Men of Iron; A Norwegian-Canadian Saga of Exploration in the High Arctic
111379: KENNEY, MART - Mart Kenney and His Western Gentlemen
129198: KENNEY, JAMES F. - Catalogue of Pictures; Including Paintings, Drawings, and Prints in the Public Archives of Canada with an Introduction and Notes
116810: KENT, TOM, EDITOR (EDITOR) - Bookshelf; Free Press Vol.1; A Selection from the Winnipeg Free Press 1955-1956
129137: KENT, ROCKWELL - Greenland Journal
127929: MONKMAN, KENT ET AL. - Shame and Predjudice; A Story of Resilience
122566: KENT, JOHN (ARTIST); MASSEY, IAN (EDITOR) - John Kent 1937 - 2003
128005: KENT, ROCKWELL; ARMITAGE, MERLE - Rockwell Kent
100239: KATHRYN IRRICANA KEOMA - Kik Country
120170: KEPPEL, FREDERICK - The Keppel Booklets [First, Second, and Third Series]
105710: KERBY, GEORGE W. - The Broken Trail; Pages from a Pastor's Experience in Western Canada
123968: KEREKES, DAVID [EDITOR]; HEADPRESS (EDITOR) - Headpress #19; World without End
124085: KEREN, MICHAEL - Blogosphere; The New Political Arena
129519: KEROUAC, JACK; CLARK, TOM - Jack Kerouac: A Biography
131282: KEROUAC, JACK - On the Road
114853: KEROUAC, JACK - Book of Dreams
121271: KERR, DON - Going Places
121274: KERR, DON; SZUMIGALSKI, ANNE (EDITED BY) - Heading Out: The New Saskatchewan Poets
202255: KERR, JOHN - Curling in Canada and the United States; a Record of the Tour of the Scottish Team, 1902-3, and of the Game in the Dominion and the Republic
128172: KERR, DON - The Garden of Art; Victor Cicansky Sculptor
110357: KERR, DON; HANSON, STAN - Saskatoon: The First Half-Century
126896: KERR, DON - Autodidactic
116348: KERR, DON - A Book in Every Hand; Public Librairies in Saskatchewan
119751: KERR, WALTER - Pieces at Eight
123127: KERR, DON; SZUMIGALSKI, ANNE (EDITOR) - Heading Out: The New Saskatchewan Poets
124880: KERR, DON - A New Improved Sky
105718: KERR, DONALD C. (EDITOR) - Western Canadian Politics: The Radical Tradition
105713: KERR, DON; HANSON, STAN - Saskatoon: The First Half-Century
105714: KERR, DON; SZUMIGALSKI, ANNE (EDITOR) - Heading Out: The New Saskatchewan Poets
105715: KERR, DON - Going Places
105716: KERR, DON - In the City of Our Fathers
122762: KERR, DON - The Dust of Just Beginning
122652: KERR, MICHAEL - What's So Funny About Alberta?
121009: KERR, DON - Going Places
115283: KERR, AUBREY - Leduc
119339: KESEY, KEN - Sailor Song
120632: KESEY, KEN - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
128255: KESEY, KEN - Sometimes a Great Notion
130371: KESSLER, RONALD - The FBI; Inside the World's Most Powerful Law Enforcement Agency
130372: KESSLER, RONALD - Escape from the CIA; How the CIA Won and Lost the Most Important KGB Spy Ever to Defect to the U.S.
130373: KESSLER, RONALD - The CIA at War; Inside the Secret Campaign Against Terror
130380: KESSLER, RONALD - In the President's Secret Service; Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect
130381: KESSLER, RONALD - Inside Congress; The Shocking Scandals, Corruption, and Abuse of Power Behind the Scenes on Capitol Hill
130382: KESSLER, RONALD - A Matter of Character; Inside the White House of George W. Bush
130383: KESSLER, RONALD - The Terrorist Watch; Inside the Desperate Race to Stop the Next Attack
130370: KESSLER, RONALD - The Sins of the Father; Joseph P. Kennedy and the Dynasty He Founded
130374: KESSLER, RONALD - The Life Insurance Game
130375: KESSLER, RONALD - The Spy in the Russian Club; How Glenn Souther Stole America's Nuclear War Plans and Escaped to Moscow
130376: KESSLER, RONALD - The Season; Inside Palm Beach and America's Richest Society
130368: KESSLER, RONALD - The Bureau; The Secret History of the FBI
130369: KESSLER, RONALD - Spy vs. Spy; Stalking Soviet Spies in America
130379: KESSLER, RONALD - Inside the White House; The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Institution
128655: KESTERTON, W. H. - A History of Journalism in Canada
129954: VAN KEUREN, DAVID K. (EDITOR) - 'The Proper Study of Mankind": An annotated Bibliography of Manuscript Sources on Anthropology & Archaeology in the Library of the American Philosophical Society
130738: KEYES, MARY ELEANOR - Western Ontario History Nuggets No. 32 John Howard Crocker LL.D (March 1966)
112740: KEYNES, GEOFFREY - The Life of William Harvey
131381: KEYSER, JAMES D.; SUNDSTROM, LINEA - Rock Art of Western South Dakota; The North Cave Hills (With) the Southern Black Hills
126949: KEYSER, TIM; KAPLAR, CLAYTON B. [PHOTOGRAPHY] - Udderly Art; Colourful Cows for Calgary
129377: KHAYYÁM, OMAR; FITZGERALD, EDWARD (TRANSLATION); POGANY, WILLY (ILLUS.) - The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (Presented by Willy Poganay)
130855: KHAYYÁM, OMAR; FITZGERALD, EDWARD (TRANSLATION); POGANY, WILLY (ILLUS.) - The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (Presented by Willy Poganay)
128802: KHAYYAM, OMAR - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
118121: KHLEBNIKOV, KYRILL T. - Colonial Russian America, Kyrill T. Khlebnikov's Reports 1817-1832
125471: KHNG, GEORGE - Mist Over the Rain Forest
131100: KHRUSHCHEV, N. S. (NIKITA) - Khruschev in America; Full texts of the speeches made by N. S. Khruschev, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on his tour of the United States Septembe 15-27, 1959
128975: ROBERT S. KIDD, PROVINCIAL MUSEUM OF ALBERTA - Archaeological Excavations at the Probable Site of the First Fort Edmonton or Fort Augustus, 1795 to Early 1800s
125207: KIDD, ROBERT S. - Fort George and the Early Fur Trade in Alberta
105722: KIDD, KENNETH - Blackfoot Ethnography
123508: KIENDL, ANTHONY [CURATOR] - Little Worlds
127905: DUNLOP ART GALLERY; KIENDL, ANTHONY (CURATOR) - Beautiful Losers; Michael Fernandes and Janet Werner
116832: KILBOURN, WILLIAM - The Elements Combined; A History of the Steel Company of Canada
116831: KILBOURN, WILLIAM - Pipeline; Transcanada and the Great Debate, a History of Buisiness and Politics
119833: KILBOURN, WILLIAM - The Firebrand; William Lyon MacKenzie & the Rebellion in Upper Canada
100958: NORTH KILDONAN - Fiftieth Anniversary of the Mennonite Settlement in North Kildonan, 1928-1978
111766: KILGALLIN, TONY - Lowry
121332: KILIAN, CRAWFORD - Icequake
117455: R.M OF TURTLE MOUNTAIN; TOWN OF KILLARNEY - More Reflections; R.M Of Turtle Mountain; Town of Killarney
125924: KIMMERER, ROBIN WALL - Braiding Sweetgrass
101680: KINCADE, WINIFRED - Saskatchewan Monuments
110961: KINCADE, WINIFRED - The Torch; Ontario Monuments to Great Names
101681: KINCAID - Trails to Crossroads; The History of Kincaid, Saskatchewan and Area, 1909-1980
111055: KINDLE, E.M. - Recent and Fossil Ripple-Mark
124494: KING, ARTHUR W. - Practical Mink Breeding Guide [And] How to Use Practical Mink Breeding Guide
130921: KING, STEPHEN - The Stand
113400: KING, STIRLING (WRITTEN BY) - Changing Challenge
201010: KING, STEPHEN - The Tommyknockers
124048: KING, STEPHEN - Dolores Claiborne
112610: KING, ROSS - Domino
112611: KING, ROSS - Ex-Libris
111858: KING, RICHARD JOHN - Handbook to the Cathedrals of England, Southern Division. Part I: Winchester, Salisbury, Exeter, Wells. Part II: Canterbury, Rochester, Chichester, St. Alban's

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