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100239: KATHRYN IRRICANA KEOMA - Kik Country
120170: KEPPEL, FREDERICK - The Keppel Booklets [First, Second, and Third Series]
105710: KERBY, GEORGE W. - The Broken Trail; Pages from a Pastor's Experience in Western Canada
123968: KEREKES, DAVID [EDITOR]; HEADPRESS (EDITOR) - Headpress #19; World without End
124085: KEREN, MICHAEL - Blogosphere; The New Political Arena
129519: KEROUAC, JACK; CLARK, TOM - Jack Kerouac: A Biography
114853: KEROUAC, JACK - Book of Dreams
121271: KERR, DON - Going Places
121274: KERR, DON; SZUMIGALSKI, ANNE (EDITED BY) - Heading Out: The New Saskatchewan Poets
202255: KERR, JOHN - Curling in Canada and the United States; a Record of the Tour of the Scottish Team, 1902-3, and of the Game in the Dominion and the Republic
128172: KERR, DON - The Garden of Art; Victor Cicansky Sculptor
110357: KERR, DON; HANSON, STAN - Saskatoon: The First Half-Century
126896: KERR, DON - Autodidactic
116348: KERR, DON - A Book in Every Hand; Public Librairies in Saskatchewan
119751: KERR, WALTER - Pieces at Eight
123127: KERR, DON; SZUMIGALSKI, ANNE (EDITOR) - Heading Out: The New Saskatchewan Poets
124880: KERR, DON - A New Improved Sky
105718: KERR, DONALD C. (EDITOR) - Western Canadian Politics: The Radical Tradition
105713: KERR, DON; HANSON, STAN - Saskatoon: The First Half-Century
105714: KERR, DON; SZUMIGALSKI, ANNE (EDITOR) - Heading Out: The New Saskatchewan Poets
105715: KERR, DON - Going Places
105716: KERR, DON - In the City of Our Fathers
122762: KERR, DON - The Dust of Just Beginning
122652: KERR, MICHAEL - What's So Funny About Alberta?
121009: KERR, DON - Going Places
115283: KERR, AUBREY - Leduc
119339: KESEY, KEN - Sailor Song
120632: KESEY, KEN - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
128255: KESEY, KEN - Sometimes a Great Notion
130371: KESSLER, RONALD - The FBI; Inside the World's Most Powerful Law Enforcement Agency
130372: KESSLER, RONALD - Escape from the CIA; How the CIA Won and Lost the Most Important KGB Spy Ever to Defect to the U.S.
130373: KESSLER, RONALD - The CIA at War; Inside the Secret Campaign Against Terror
130380: KESSLER, RONALD - In the President's Secret Service; Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect
130381: KESSLER, RONALD - Inside Congress; The Shocking Scandals, Corruption, and Abuse of Power Behind the Scenes on Capitol Hill
130382: KESSLER, RONALD - A Matter of Character; Inside the White House of George W. Bush
130383: KESSLER, RONALD - The Terrorist Watch; Inside the Desperate Race to Stop the Next Attack
130370: KESSLER, RONALD - The Sins of the Father; Joseph P. Kennedy and the Dynasty He Founded
130374: KESSLER, RONALD - The Life Insurance Game
130375: KESSLER, RONALD - The Spy in the Russian Club; How Glenn Souther Stole America's Nuclear War Plans and Escaped to Moscow
130376: KESSLER, RONALD - The Season; Inside Palm Beach and America's Richest Society
130368: KESSLER, RONALD - The Bureau; The Secret History of the FBI
130369: KESSLER, RONALD - Spy vs. Spy; Stalking Soviet Spies in America
130379: KESSLER, RONALD - Inside the White House; The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Institution
128655: KESTERTON, W. H. - A History of Journalism in Canada
129954: VAN KEUREN, DAVID K. (EDITOR) - 'The Proper Study of Mankind": An annotated Bibliography of Manuscript Sources on Anthropology & Archaeology in the Library of the American Philosophical Society
130738: KEYES, MARY ELEANOR - Western Ontario History Nuggets No. 32 John Howard Crocker LL.D (March 1966)
112740: KEYNES, GEOFFREY - The Life of William Harvey
131381: KEYSER, JAMES D.; SUNDSTROM, LINEA - Rock Art of Western South Dakota; The North Cave Hills (With) the Southern Black Hills
126949: KEYSER, TIM; KAPLAR, CLAYTON B. [PHOTOGRAPHY] - Udderly Art; Colourful Cows for Calgary
131438: KHAYYÁM, OMAR; FITZGERALD, EDWARD (TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH VERSE BY) - Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám The Astronomer-Poet of Persia
129377: KHAYYÁM, OMAR; FITZGERALD, EDWARD (TRANSLATION); POGANY, WILLY (ILLUS.) - The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (Presented by Willy Poganay)
130855: KHAYYÁM, OMAR; FITZGERALD, EDWARD (TRANSLATION); POGANY, WILLY (ILLUS.) - The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (Presented by Willy Poganay)
128802: KHAYYAM, OMAR - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
118121: KHLEBNIKOV, KYRILL T. - Colonial Russian America, Kyrill T. Khlebnikov's Reports 1817-1832
125471: KHNG, GEORGE - Mist Over the Rain Forest
131626: KHRUSHCHEV, N. S. (NIKITA) - Report on the Program of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Volume II October 17, 1961
131100: KHRUSHCHEV, N. S. (NIKITA) - Khruschev in America; Full texts of the speeches made by N. S. Khruschev, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on his tour of the United States Septembe 15-27, 1959
119143: KICK, RUSS (EDITOR) - The Graphic Canon
128975: ROBERT S. KIDD, PROVINCIAL MUSEUM OF ALBERTA - Archaeological Excavations at the Probable Site of the First Fort Edmonton or Fort Augustus, 1795 to Early 1800s
125207: KIDD, ROBERT S. - Fort George and the Early Fur Trade in Alberta
105722: KIDD, KENNETH - Blackfoot Ethnography
123508: KIENDL, ANTHONY [CURATOR] - Little Worlds
127905: DUNLOP ART GALLERY; KIENDL, ANTHONY (CURATOR) - Beautiful Losers; Michael Fernandes and Janet Werner
116832: KILBOURN, WILLIAM - The Elements Combined; A History of the Steel Company of Canada
116831: KILBOURN, WILLIAM - Pipeline; Transcanada and the Great Debate, a History of Buisiness and Politics
119833: KILBOURN, WILLIAM - The Firebrand; William Lyon MacKenzie & the Rebellion in Upper Canada
100958: NORTH KILDONAN - Fiftieth Anniversary of the Mennonite Settlement in North Kildonan, 1928-1978
111766: KILGALLIN, TONY - Lowry
121332: KILIAN, CRAWFORD - Icequake
117455: R.M OF TURTLE MOUNTAIN; TOWN OF KILLARNEY - More Reflections; R.M Of Turtle Mountain; Town of Killarney
125924: KIMMERER, ROBIN WALL - Braiding Sweetgrass
101680: KINCADE, WINIFRED - Saskatchewan Monuments
110961: KINCADE, WINIFRED - The Torch; Ontario Monuments to Great Names
101681: KINCAID - Trails to Crossroads; The History of Kincaid, Saskatchewan and Area, 1909-1980
111055: KINDLE, E.M. - Recent and Fossil Ripple-Mark
124494: KING, ARTHUR W. - Practical Mink Breeding Guide [And] How to Use Practical Mink Breeding Guide
130921: KING, STEPHEN - The Stand
113400: KING, STIRLING (WRITTEN BY) - Changing Challenge
201010: KING, STEPHEN - The Tommyknockers
124048: KING, STEPHEN - Dolores Claiborne
112610: KING, ROSS - Domino
112611: KING, ROSS - Ex-Libris
111858: KING, RICHARD JOHN - Handbook to the Cathedrals of England, Southern Division. Part I: Winchester, Salisbury, Exeter, Wells. Part II: Canterbury, Rochester, Chichester, St. Alban's
111859: KING, RICHARD JOHN - Handbook to the Cathedrals of England, Northern Division. Part I: York, Ripon, Carlisle. Part II: Durham, Chester, Manchester
111857: KING, RICHARD JOHN - Handbook to the Cathedrals of England, Western Division: Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Bristol, Lichfield
111447: KING, JAMES - The Life of Margaret Laurence
127145: KING, THOMAS - The Inconvenient Indian; A Curious Account of Native People in North America
128903: KING, STEPHEN - Bag of Bones
109865: KING, THOMAS STARR - The White Hills; Their Legends, Landscape, and Poetry
131642: MACKENZIE KING, RIGHT HON. W. L. (WILLIAM LYON), PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA - Canada and the War What Canada is Doing; A Tribute to the Canadian People Statement by Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, M.P., Prime Minister of Canada House of Commons, March 25, 1941
123477: KING, ROSS - Domino
122892: KING, STEPHEN - The Tommyknockers
126244: KING, STEPHEN - Rose Madder
105733: KING, CARLYLE - Extending the Boundaries; Scholarship and Research at the University of Saskatchewan, 1909-1966
105732: KING, CARLYLE - The First Fifty; Teaching, Research, and Public Service at the University of Saskatchewan 1909-1959
126264: KING, STEPHEN - Full Dark, No Stars
126261: KING, STEPHEN - Insomnia
105729: KING, CARLYLE (EDITED BY) - Saskatchewan Harvest; a Golden Jubilee Selection of Song and Story
126238: KING, STEPHEN - Revival
126239: KING, STEPHEN - Desperation
105728: KING, ANDREW - Pen, Paper and Printing Ink
130042: KING, JAMES - Virginia Woolf
130043: KING, JAMES - Virginia Woolf
128059: KING, STEPHEN - The Dark Half
128058: KING, STEPHEN - The Dark Half
125341: KING, STEPHEN L.V. - "Your Loving Son" Letters of an R.C.A.F. Navigator
100244: KING, D.R - Beyond the Hills
131308: KING, THOMAS - The Back of the Turtle
124980: KINGSLEY, PERCY LELAND - The First World War As I Saw It
201015: KINGSTON, WILLIAM H.G. - Western Wanderings; or, A Pleasure Tour in the Canadas
126561: KINGSTON, ANNE - The Meaning of Wife
105740: KINGSTON, WILLIAM HENRY GILES - The Frontier Fort; or, Stirring Times in the North-West Territory of British America
131045: ARMSTRONG, JERROLD (BOOK 1); KINISTINO AND DISTRICT HISTORICAL ORGANIZATION - Kinistino; The Story of a Parkland Community in Central Saskatchewan in Two Parts: Book 1 - by Jerrold Armstrong; Book 2 - by a Committee of The Kinistino and District Historical Organization (One volume)
101687: KINLEY, ETHEL A. - A Song Book for Saskatchewan Schools
111480: KINNEAR, MARY - In Subordination; Professional Women, 1870-1970
105746: KINNEAR, MARY - Margaret McWilliams; an Interwar Feminist
105744: KINNEAR, MARY - First Days, Fighting Days; Women in Manitoba History
105745: KINNEAR, MARY; FAST, VERA - Planting the Garden; an Annotated Archival Bibliography of the History of Women in Manitoba
128185: KINNELL, GALWAY - The Past
119289: KINSELLA, W. P. (CANADIAN AUTHOR ) - Born Indian
127750: KINSELLA, W.P. - Box Socials
202298: KINSELLA, W.P. - Five Stories
202297: KINSELLA, W.P. - The Thrill of the Grass
202294: KINSELLA, W.P. - Chapter One of a Work in Progress
202295: KINSELLA, W.P. - Five Stories
110898: KINSELLA, W.P. - The Ballad of the Pub-Lic Trustee
128142: KINSELLA, W. P. (CANADIAN AUTHOR ) - Born Indian
105749: KINSELLA, W.P. - The Winter Helen Dropped By
105748: KINSELLA, W.P. - Scars
122760: KINSELLA, W.P. - Dance Me Outside
122605: KINSELLA, W.P. - Box Socials
202730: KINSEY, ALFRED C.; POMEROY, WARDELL B.; MARTIN, CLYDE E. - The Kinsey Reports [3 Volumes]: Sexual Behavior in the Human Male [With] Prospectus Sample for Sexual Behavior in the Human Male [With] Sexual Behavior in the Human Female
120360: KIPLING, RUDYARD; STAMPA, G. L. (ILLUS.) - Thy Servant a Dog, Told by Boots
203672: KIPLING, RUDYARD - Departmental Ditties and Other Verses
203114: KIPLING, RUDYARD - France at War
203038: KIPLING, RUDYARD - The Phantom Rickshaw; and Other Tales
201029: KIPLING, RUDYARD - Independence: Rectorial Address Delivered at St. Andrew's, October 10, 1923
201025: KIPLING, RUDYARD - A Fleet in Being: Notes of Two Trips with the Channel Squadron
201026: KIPLING, RUDYARD - The Dead King
201023: KIPLING, RUDYARD - Twenty Poems
201024: KIPLING, RUDYARD - The Dead King
120264: KIPLING, RUDYARD - Just So Stories for Little Children
201020: KIPLING, RUDYARD; DE LA MARE, WALTER - St. Andrews: Two Poems Specially Contributed
120262: KIPLING, RUDYARD - Puck of Pook's Hill
120261: KIPLING, RUDYARD - Kim
112906: KIPLING, RUDYARD - City of Dreadful Night and Other Places Depicted by Rudyard Kipling
114185: KIPLING, RUDYARD - Actions and Reactions
125882: KIPLING, RUDYARD - Kim
121839: KIRBY, WILLIAM (CURATOR) (EDITOR) - William Kurelek; A Retrospective
202731: KIRBY, DANIEL B. - Surgery of Cataract
113488: KIRBY, C.L.; BAILEY, W.S.; GILMOUR, J.G. - The Growth and Yield of Aspen in Saskatchewan
203297: KIRK, MALCOLM - Man As Art; New Guinea
112028: VAN KIRK, SYLVIA - Many Tender Ties; Women in Fur-Trade Society in Western Canada, 1670-1870
105754: KIRK, D.W. - The Motherwell Story
118454: KIRKBY, MARRY-ANN - I Am Hutterite
116325: KIRKBY, MARRY-ANN - I Am Hutterite
128133: KIRKBY, MARRY-ANN - I Am Hutterite
105757: KIRKCONNELL, WATSON - Stalin's Red Empire
105755: KIRKCONNELL, WATSON - A Skald in Canada
119633: KIRKCONNELL, WATSON - Kapuskasing - an Historical Sketch
102747: KIRKCONNELL, WATSON - Our Communists and the New Canadians
118933: KIRKE, EDMUND (PSEUDONYM OF JAMES GILMORE) - Among the Pines: Or, South in Secession Time
116811: KIRKLAND, GELN; DAVIES, RICHARD; MCKENZIE, DEAN MORRISON - Spiritus; Selected Poems of Spiritus
124944: KIRKNESS, VERNA J.; ARCHIBALD, JO-ANN - The First Nations Longhouse; Our Home Away from Home
123613: KIRKWOOD, HILDA - Phoenix Time
102748: KIRSCHBAUM, J.M., B. HEYDENKORN, V. MAUKO; GAIDA, REV. P. (EDITOR) - Twenty Years of the Ethnic Press Association of Ontario
129736: KITCHIN, C. H. B. - The Sensitive One
129080: SHAMAN CHIEF KITPOU - The Tribal Laws of the Children of Light
118009: KITTEREDGE, FRANCES - Neeluk, an Eskimo Boy in Nthe Days of Whaling Ships
105760: KITTO, F.H. - Manitoba Canada - Its Development and Opportunities
105761: KITTO, F.H. - The Hudson Bay Region
105762: KITTO, F.H. - The Peace River Country, Canada
105763: KITTO, F.H. - Manitoba Canada - Its Resources and Development
105759: KITTO, F.H. - The Province of Saskatchewan, Canada; Its Development and Opportunities
119731: KITTSON, HENRY - Church History from the Archives
102401: ROSTHERN; KLAASSEN, WALTER - The Days of Our Years; A History of the Eigenheim Mennonite Church Community: 1892-1992.
102105: ROSTHERN. KLAASSEN, H.T - Birth and Growth of Eigenheim Mennonite Church 1892-1974
118372: KLAMKIN, CHARLES - Barns; Their History, Preservation, and Restoration
120484: KLAMKIN, MARIAN; KLAMKIN, CHARLES - Wood Carvings; North American Folk Sculptures
129842: KLAR, BARABARA; WILSON, PAUL (EDITOR) - Fast Forward New Saskatchewan Poets
124457: KLASSEN, HENRY C. - Eye on the Future; Business People in Calgary and the Bow Valley, 1870 - 1900
126499: KLASSEN, JOHANN - Klassen; A Family Heritage
105764: KLASSEN, HENRY C. - The Canadian West; Social Change and Economic Development
115565: KLASSEN, CLARA NIESSEN SCHULZ - Schulz Genealogy
100826: KLASSEN, ANNIE - The Tribe of Dan
129681: KLEE, PAUL; HUGGLER, MAX (INTRODUCTION BY) - The Drawings of Paul Klee
116367: KLEE, PAUL; MOHOLY-NAGY, SIBYL - Paul Klee: Pedagogical Sketchbook
114124: KLEIMAN, ED - A New-Found Ecstasy
118113: KLEIN, DAVID R.; WHITE, ROBERT G. - Parameters of Caribou Population Ecology in Alaska
109338: KLEIN, A.M.; CAPLAN, USHER (EDITOR) - Beyond Sambation: Selected Essays and Editorials 1928-1955
121609: KLEIN, KELLY - Cross
100133: DIXONVILLE. KLEIN, MARY (ED.) - Ten Dollars and a Dream
119793: KLEINSCHMIDT, SAMUEL (TRANS.) - Testamantitâk' Tássa Nâlagkavta Ánáussissivta Jîsusip Kristusip Tastamantianik Agdlagkat Ivdlernartut
105768: KLIMKO, OLGA (WITH JOHN HODGES.) - Last Mountain House: A Hudson's Bay Company Outpost in the Qu'appelle Valley
113438: KLINCK, CARL F. - Robert Service; A Biography
123620: KLING, JOSEPH - The Story of Benjamin
130109: KLUNDER, HAROLD; FRASER, TED (CURATOR) - In the Forest of Symbols
111476: KLYMASZ, ROBERT B. - A Bibliography of Ukrainian Folklore in Canada, 1902-64
105770: KLYMASZ, ROBERT B. - Folk Narrative Among Ukrainian-Canadians in Western Canada
117532: KNAPTON, RICHARD W. - Birds of the Gainsborough - Lyleton Region (Saskatchewan and Manitoba)
123796: KNEEHILL, GORE, L. GRACE - M.D. Of Kneehill 1904 - 1967
109585: CUT KNIFE AND DISTRICTS - Where the Cut Knife Waters Flow
113576: BRUNO, ELSA KNIGHT AND SAMANTHA SMITH - Down the Rabbit-Hole
111701: KNIGHT, JOHN (EDITOR) - Mechanics' Magazine, and Register of Inventions and Improvements
118115: KNIGHT, LOWRY R.; BARNETT, DON C. - This Land Saskatchewan
128783: KNIGHT, ROLF - Anthropology Papers National Museum of Canada; Ecological Factors in Changing Economy and Social Organization Among the Rupert House Cree; Number 15 March, 1968
125180: KNIGHT, DAMON (EDITOR) - Westerns of the 40's; Classics from the Great Pulps
123059: KNIGHT, SIRONA - Faery Magick; Spells, Potions, and Lore from the Earth Spirits
128801: KNIGHT, WILLIAM ALLEN - The Song of Our Syrian Guest
105773: KNIGHT, JAMES; KENNEY, JAMES F. (EDITOR, INTRO., NOTES) (EDITOR) - The Founding of Churchill; Being the Journal of Captain James Knight, Governor-In-Chief in Hudson Bay, from the 14th of July to the 13th of September, 1717
126027: KNIGHT, CHARLES - Half-Hours with the Best Authors with Short Biographical and Critical Notices (Six Volumes in Three)
115426: KNIGHT, JOHN T.P. - Canadian Banking Practice
115197: KNIGHT, LOWRY R. - Manitoba: A People and a Province
114667: KNIGHT, LOWRY R.; BARNETT, DON C. - Saskatchewan: A People and a Province
131575: KNOCK, A. G. - Willow Basket-Work
109747: KNOTEL, RICHARD; KNOTEL, HERBERT; SIEG, HERBERT - Handbuch Der Uniformkunde; Die Militarische Tracht in Ihrer Entwicklung Bis Zur Gegenwart
100074: CALGARY. KNOTT, LEONARD L. - The Children's Guide to Calgary
113616: SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE - Wanderings Through the Conservatories at Kew
129792: KNOWLES, RACHELLE VIADER; ART GALLERY OF REGINA - Life Elsewhere April 19 - May 15, 2010
201036: KNOWLES, JOHN - Morning in Antibes
201035: KNOWLES, F.H.S. - The Glenoid Fossa in the Skull of the Eskimo
126583: KNOWLES, CAROLINE - Family Boundaries; The Invention of Normality and Dangerousness
117776: KNOWLES, STANLEY - The New Party
107699: RIEL. ONE WHO KNOWS. (PSEUD.) - The Gibbet of Regina; the Truth About Riel; Sir John A. MacDonald and His Cabinet Before Public Opinion
105775: KNOX, OLIVE - Red River Shadows
105778: KNOX, OLIVE - John Black of Old Kildonan
125455: KNUCKLE, ROBERT - In the Line of Duty; The Honour Roll of the RCMP Since 1873
129670: KNUCKLE, ROBERT - In the Line of Duty; The Honour Roll of the RCMP Since 1873
118713: KNUDSEN, VALERIE - Bestefar Bestemor, 1889-1953; A Glance at the Past
127676: KNULLAR - It; Non-Space Issue It / 63 Aug 29-Sept 11,1969
131645: KNUPP, LILLIAN - Heritage on the Highwood
119619: KNUPP, LILLIAN SHORT (EDITOR) - "In the Spirit of Good Medicine": A Story of Health Care in the High River Hospital District
116925: KNUTTILA, MURRAY; STIRLING, BOB (EDITOR) - The Prairie Agrairian Movement Revisited
105780: KNUTTILA, MURRAY - That Man Partridge: E.A. Partridge, His Thoughts and Times
121364: UNIVERSITY OF REGINA; KNUTTILA, K. MURRAY (EDITOR) - Heritage and Hope: The University of Regina into the 21st Century
116062: KOBALENKO, JERRY - The Horizontal Everest; Extreme Journeys on Ellsmere Island
130200: KOBBÉ, GUSTAV - The Complete Opera Book; The Stories of the Operas, together with 410 of the Leading Airs and Motives in Musical Notation
118458: KOCH, ADOLF - FÜRST Alexander Von Bulgarien / Mittheilungen Aus Seinem Leben Und Seiner Regierung Nach Persönlichen Erinnerungen Von Adolf Koch
112421: RAY-BRET-KOCH - Reseau Clandestin; Huit Lithographies Originales
111849: KOCH, WILLIAM J. (EDITOR) - Mycological Studies Honoring John N. Couch
202299: KOCIEJOWSKI, MARIUS - The Machine Minders
201038: KOCIEJOWSKI, MARIUS - The Machine Minders
105782: KOEHN, LALA - Portraits
105783: KOEHN, LALA - Portraits
127587: KOENIG, ROBERT - Abriß Der Deutschen Litteraturgeschichte. Ein Hilfsbuch FÜR Schule Und Haus.
105784: KOESTER, C.B. - Mr. Davin M.P
201043: KOESTLER, ARTHUR - The Age of Longing
201040: KOESTLER, ARTHUR - Arrival and Departure
102867: KOEZUR, POLLY; WRIGHT, J.V. - The Potato Island Site, District of Kenora, Ontario
127016: KOFSKY, FRANK - Black Music, White Business; Illuminating the History and Political Economy of Jazz
115682: KOHL, J.G.; FRIDLEY, RUSSELL W. - Kitchi-Gami; Wanderings Round Lake Superior
120946: THE GERMAN AMERICAN; KOHLER, RUDOLF (EDITOR) - What Will Happen with Germany? The Manifesto of the National Committee "Free Germany" and It's Significance
201045: KOHLER, CARL - A History of Costume
117126: KOHN, WENDY (EDITOR) - Moshe Safdie
121248: KOLA - Kola Korner
201046: KOLBE, HERMANN - The Electrolysis of Organic Compounds
116049: KOLBERT, ELIZABETH (EDITOR) - The Arctic; An Anthology, Essential Reading on the Polar Region and Its Future
119527: KOLLER, KATHERINE - Working the Beat; The Edmonton Neighborhood Foot Patrol
128546: KOLLONTAI, ALEXANDRA - The Workers Opposition; Solidarity London Pamphlet 7
111151: KOMISARJEVSKY, THEODORE; SIMONSON, LEE - Settings & Costumes of the Modern Stage
201047: KONEWKA, PAUL; KURZ, HERRMAN - Falstaff und Seine Gesellen
131300: KONING, HANS (PSEUDONYM OF HANS KONINGSBERGER) - The Conquest of America; How the Indian Nations Lost Their Continent
123406: DE KOONING, WILLEM - The Late Paintings, the 1980s
128723: DE KOONING, WILLEM; STEVENS, MARK; SWAN, ANNALYN - de Kooning: An American Master
201048: KOONTZ, DEAN R. - Whispers
121869: KOOP, WANDA; EAKIN, WILLIAM, - Wanda Koop: See Everything / See Nothing
115555: KOOP, WANDA; LONG, TOIMOTHY - Wanda Koop: Sightlines
115556: KOOP, WANDA; EAKIN, WILLIAM, ENRIGHT, ROBERT - Wanda Koop: In Your Eyes, Book 3, Venice 2001
128060: KOOP, WANDA; GLENBOW MUSEUM - Nine Signs
201049: KOREN, JOHN (EDITOR) - The History of Statistics: Their Development and Progress in Many Countries
123916: KORINEK, VALERIE J. - Prairie Fairies; A History of Queer Communities and People in Western Canada, 1930-1985
203075: KORN, GRANINO A.; KORN, THERESA M. - Electronic Analog Computers; (D-C Analog Computers)
102750: KOSA, JOHN - Land of Choice: The Hungarians in Canada
119322: KOSINSKI, JERZY - The Hermit of 69th Street
201051: KOSINSKI, JERZY - Being There
201050: KOSINSKI, JERZY - Steps
116996: KOSTASH, MYRNA; BURTON, DOUG - Reading the River; A Traveller's Companion to the North Saskatchewan River
131239: KOSTECKI, PAUL T.; CALABRESE, EDWARD J.; BARKAN, CHRISTOPHER P. L. - Principles and Practices for Diesel Contaminated Soils Volume II
117346: KOSTEK, M.A. - Looking Back; A Century of Education in Edmonton Public Schools
127792: KOSTENEVICH, ALBERT - Hidden Treasures Revealed; Impressionist Masterpieces and Other Important French Paintings Preserved by the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
121838: KOSTYNIUK, RON - Relief Structures 1972-1977
120924: KOSTYNIUK, RON - The Evolution of the Constructed Relief, 1913-1979
112309: KOTHE, GOTTFRIED - Topologische Lineare Raume I
130828: KOTZWINKLE, WILLIAM - Swimmer in the Secret Sea
201052: KOTZWINKLE, WILLIAM - Elephant Bangs Train
201053: KOTZWINKLE, WILLIAM - Elephant Bangs Train
110728: KOTZWINKLE, WILLIAM - Fata Morgana
110729: KOTZWINKLE, WILLIAM - Seduction in Berlin
130827: KOTZWINKLE, WILLIAM; SERVELLO, JOE (ILLUSTRATED BY) - Trouble in Bugland; A Collection of Inspector Mantis Mysteries
130830: KOTZWINKLE, WILLIAM - Superman III
123035: KOTZWINKLE, WILLIAM - The Hot Jazz Trio
101688: KIPLING. KOVACS, MARTIN L. - Peace and Strife: Some Facets of the History of an Early Prairie Community
105793: KOVACS, MARTIN LOUIS (EDITOR) - Ethnic Canadians: Culture and Education
118596: KOVEL, RALPH; KOVEL, TERRY - The Label Made Me Buy It: From Aunt Jemima to Zonkers - the Best-Dressed Boxes, Bottles, and Cans from the Past
112358: KOWALCHUK, MARIAN MORRIS - Only the Lands Were Cheap
126033: KOYCZAN, SHANE L. - Inconvenient Skin; Nayehtawn Wasakay
105795: KOZIAK, METHODIUS - Ukrainian in Saskatchewan Schools; (A Brief History)
113401: KRAHN, GEORGE - The Saskatchewan Nursery Trades Association
202324: KRAMER, HILTON - The Sculpture of Gaston Lachaise
123449: KRAMER, EDNA E. - Treasures of the Heart
116200: KRAMER, BOB - Bob Dylan
116201: KRAMER, BOB - Bob Dylan
129663: KRASIN, Y. - The Dialectics of Revolutionary Process; Problems of Methodology
124219: KRASOWSKI, SHELDON - No Surrender; The Land Remains Indigenous
121490: KRAUSE, CARL A. - You Can Keep the Duck
121272: KRAUSE, JUDITH - What We Bring Home
113652: KRAUSE, JUDITH - What We Bring Home
118544: KRAUSE, PAT - Acts of Love; A Memoir
110257: KRAUSE, PAT - Best Kept Secrets
120784: KRAUSE, PAT - Freshie
121255: KRAUSE, JUDITH - Half the Sky
115658: KRAUSS, MICHAEL E.; FRIEDRICH, PAUL - On the Meaning of Tarascan Suffixes of Space; On the Classification of the Athapaskan, Eyak, and the Tlingit Verb
129161: KRAWETZ, GAIL - Risk & Reward; The Birth & Meteoric Rise of the Saskatchewan Party
102527: KRECH, SHEPARD - Native Canadian Anthropology and History; a Selected Bibliography
114787: ADAM; RIFFEL; LUTERBACH; KREDA - A Birdfinding Guide to the Regina Area
116243: KREIDER, ROBERTA SHOWALTER - The Cost of Truth; Faith Stories of Mennointe and Brethren Leaders and Those Who Might Have Been
105802: KREISEL, HENRY - The Almost Meeting; and Other Stories
111535: KREPPS, REX G. - Sparks of Flame
116934: KREPPS, REX G. - As Sparks Ffly Upwards
125823: KREPPS, REX G. - As Sparks Fly Upward
124012: KRESKIN, THE AMAZING KRESKIN - Kreskin's Super Secrets
110679: KRETZ, R. - Study of Pegmatite Bodies and Enclosing Rocks, Yellowknife-Beaulieu Region, District of MacKenzie
116157: KRIEGHOFF, C. - Exhibition of Prints in Honour of C. Krieghoff 1815-1872
110632: KRISHNAIAH, PARUCHURI R. (EDITOR) - Multivariate Analysis - III; Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Multivariate Analysis Held at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, June 19-24, 1972
105805: KRISTJANSON, W. - The Icelandic People in Manitoba; a Manitoba Saga
110456: KRISTJANSSON, ADALSTEIN - Svipleiftur Samtidarmanna; Meth Tuttugu Myndum
127166: KROEBER, THEODORA; HEIZER, ROBERT F.; HALES, F. DAVID [EDITOR] - Almost Ancestors; The First Californians
105808: KROEKER, IRVIN - Manitoba
124975: KROESE, IRVIN B. - The Beauty and the Terror: Shelley's Visionary Women
119281: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Completed Field Notes; The Long Poems of Robert Kroetsch
119280: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Hornbooks of Rita K
119237: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Puppeteer
119175: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Crow Journals
119041: KROETSCH, ROBERT - What the Crow Said
131587: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Seed Catalogue; Poems
131588: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Stone Hammer Poems: 1960-1975
131589: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Stone Hammer Poems: 1960-1975
118252: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Alberta
112097: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Stone Hammer Poems: 1960-1975
111445: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Man from the Creeks
111418: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Words of My Roaring
111419: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Words of My Roaring
111420: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Badlands
129539: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Seed Catalogue; A Poem
114975: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Seed Catalogue
119786: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Words of My Roaring
119739: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Advice to My Friends; A Continuing Poem
105810: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Sundogs; Stories from Saskatchewan
105811: KROETSCH, ROBERT - But We Are Exiles
105812: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Words of My Roaring
105813: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Alberta
105815: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Gone Indian
105816: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Badlands
105819: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Ledger
105822: KROETSCH, ROBERT - What the Crow Said
105823: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Sad Phoenician
105824: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Crow Journals
105825: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Alibi; a Novel
105826: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Advice to My Friends; a Continuing Poem
105827: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Lovely Treachery of Words; Essays Selected and New
105821: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Seed Catalogue
105817: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Ledger
122793: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Hornbooks of Rita K
131599: KROETSCH, ROBERT - But We Are Exiles
128213: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Seed Catalogue
119483: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Puppeteer
125630: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Badlands
115073: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Badlands
120969: KROETSCH, ROBERT - The Man from the Creeks
128481: KROOTH, RICHARD - Mushrooming Empire: a bicentennial appraisal
129659: KROPINAK, ROBERT - Highlights in the Sex Life of Robert Kropinak; Authentically Described and Accurately Illustrated
113943: KROTZ, LARRY - Urban Indians: The Strangers in Canada's Cities
117678: KROTZ, LARRY - Indian Country; Inside Another Canada
129174: FIRST REVIEW; KRUEGER, LEONARD - First Review Square Government Vol. 1 No. ! May 25, 1939
123350: HUNTOON; KRUEGER, IVOL - Huntoon Sask. And Area 1900 - 1983; Hope, Home, Happiness
122541: KRUZENISKI, QC, RONALD J.; HAK, LL.B., MARTIN - Wills for Manitoba and Saskatchewan; How to Make Your Own Will
115060: KUBASTA, VOITECH (ILLUSTRATOR) - Sleeping Beauty
109339: KUBIJOVYC, VOLODYMYR - Ukraine. A Concise Encyclopaedia Volume II Only.
126522: KUBIJOVYC, VOLODYMYR; STRUK, DANYLO HUSAR (EDITOR) - Encyclopedia of Ukraine; Volumes I - V; Map & Gazetteer
128855: KUBIK, WENDY; MARCHILDON, GREGORY P. - Women's History; History of the Canadian West Series, Vol. 5
115799: KUCEY, ROBERT NICHOLAS - Giving Something Back
105831: KUCH, PETER - Five Years of Following John. Kuch Cartoons; A Selection of Cartoons Appearing in the Winnipeg Free Press and Other Canadian Daily Newspapers.
127163: EPHEMERA; KUCZYNSKI, J.; WITT, M. - The Economics of Barbarism; Hitler's New Economic Order in Europe
129786: KUCZYNSKI, JÜRGEN - The Condition of the Workers in Great Britain, Germany and the Soviet Union 1932 - 1938
116093: KUHLMANN, RUTH T. - At Sunset
124423: KUIKEN, THIJS; MCCONNELL, JOHN G.; YOUNGBERG, GAIL (EDITOR) - The Dore / Smoothstone Lakes Area; An Accessible Wilderness
131130: KULCHYSKI, PETER; TESTER, FRANK JAMES - Kiumajut (Talking Back): Game Management and Inuit Rights 1900-70
121818: KULCHYSKI, PETER; MCCASKILL, DON; NEWHOUSE, DAVID (EDITORS) (EDITOR) - A In the Words of Elders; Aboriginal Cultures in Transition
121819: KULCHYSKI, PETER; MCCASKILL, DON; NEWHOUSE, DAVID (EDITORS) (EDITOR) - In the Words of Elders; Aboriginal Cultures in Transition
113819: KUN, DR. ANDREW - A Country Men Forget
127011: KUN, JOSH - Audiotopia; Music, Race, and America
123868: KUNELIUS, RICK - Animals of the Rockies
123841: KUNELIUS, RICK; BIEDERMAN, DAVE - Ski Trails in the Canadian Rockies; A Guide to Banff, Jasper, Kootenay and Yoho Parks
123840: KUNELIUS, RICK - Ski Trails in the Canadian Rockies
113954: KUNKEL, REINHARD - Elephants
116291: HAUS DER KUNST - Simplicissmus: Eine Satirische Zeitschrift, Munchen 1896-1944
115187: HAUS DER KUNST - Simplicissmus: Eine Satirische Zeitschrift, Munchen 1896-1944
130324: KUNZRU, HARI - The Impressionist
113716: KUPSCH, W.O. - Annotated Bibliography of Saskatchewan Geology (1823-1965 Incl.)
119879: KUPSCH, W.O. - Annotated Bibliography of Saskatchewan Geology (1823-1970 Incl.)
105834: KUPSCH, W.O. - Annotated Bibliography of Saskatchewan Geology (1823-1970 Incl.)
105833: KUPSCH, W.O. - Pioneer Geologists in Saskatchewan
120489: KUPSCH, W.O. - Annotated Bibliography of Saskatchewan Geology (1823-1965 Incl.)
102528: KURATH, GERTRUDE PROKOSCH - Dance and Song Rituals of Six Nations Reserve, Ontario
127738: KURELEK, WILLIAM - Someone with Me; The Autobiography of William Kurelek
111143: KURELEK, WILLIAM - The Last of the Arctic
110875: KURELEK, WILLIAM - Exhibition of Paintings March 26 Until April 7
116259: KURELEK, WILLIAM - A Prairie Child's Year
116207: KURELEK, WILLIAM; MURRAY, JOAN - Kurelek's Vision of Canada
105835: KURELEK, WILLIAM - Another Person with Me (Exile; A Literary Quarterly Vol. 1, #2)
105837: KURELEK, WILLIAM - A Prairie Boy's Winter; Paintings and Story by William Kurelek
105838: KURELEK, WILLIAM - A Prairie Boy's Summer; Paintings and Story by William Kurelek
105839: KURELEK, WILLIAM - A New Mural
125142: KURELEK, WILLIAM - Canada 1982 William Kurelek Calendar
101693: KUROKI - Seems Like Only Yesterday; 1892-1980
112979: KURT, FRANKLIN T. - Water Flying; Everything a Pilot Should Know About Sea Planes and Flying Them
124372: KURZ, IRVING - Policing the Central Peace; A History of Law Enforcement in the Spirit River Detachment Area
100412: SHADY NOOK, BURNT LAKE, CENTERVILLE, PINE HILL, MARIANNE, KUUSAMO AND EVART - Along the Burnt Lake Trail; A History of Shady Nook, Burnt Lake, Centerville, Pine Hill, Marianne, Kuusamo and Evarts
130002: KUYPERS, JOSEPH A. (EDITOR) - Men and Power
130542: KWAVNICK, DAVID (EDITOR) - The Tremblay Report; Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Constitutional Problems
105841: KYBA, PATRICK - Alvin; a Biography of the Honourable Alvin Hamilton, P.C
120043: RUDNYC'KYJ, JAROSLAV B. (COMPILED BY) - U.M. Slavic Studies; "25", 1949-1974
101045: RUDNYC'KYJ, J.B - Thomas Bilous: Ukrainian Canadian Flute Player
100331: NORTH PEACE. KYLLO, EDITH - The Peacemakers of North Peace; Hudson's Hope Section
125393: MERRIAM, ROBERT L. ET AL. - The History of the John Russell Cutlery Company 1833-1936
109039: WILSON, M.L. ET AL - Report of Commission Appointed to Report on the Lethbridge Northern and Other Irrigation Districts in Alberta
127027: LABARGE, MARGARET WADE - A Small Sound of the Trumpet: Women in Medieval Life
105845: LABISSONIERE, JEAN - Providence Trail Blazers
130496: NATIONAL ADVISORY ON FARM LABOR - Farm Labor Organizing 1905-1967; A Brief History
203908: LABORDE, E.D. - Tales of the Wind King; a Story Book for Children
127157: EPHEMERA; ONTARIO FEDERATION OF LABOUR (RESEARCH DEPARTMENT) - Ontario Federation of Labour; Facts and Figures
130866: SASKATCHEWAN FEDERATION OF LABOUR - Submission to the Advisory Planning Committee on Medical Care
107959: SASKATCHEWAN. DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS, LABOUR & INDUSTRIES - The Hudson Bay Route and the Port of Churchill in the Centre of Canada
105847: LACASSE, PIERRE ZACHARIE - Difficulté scolaire de Manitoba par Questions et Réponses á la Portée de Tous
201182: M'LACHLAN, ALEXANDER - Lyrics
114410: LACKENBAUER, P. WHITNEY - Battle Grounds: The Canadian Military and Aboriginal Lands
119999: LACKENBAUER, P. WHITNEY; MANTLE, CRAIG LESLIE (EDITORS) - Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian Military: Historical Perspectives
105851: CREE; LACOMBE,ALBERT - Petit Manuel pour apprendre a lire la Langue Cris. Small Manual to Learn the Reading in the Cree Language
128272: LACOMBE, BRIGETTE - Forward: Twenty Years of TimesTalks
125925: LACOMBE, ALBERT - Dictionnaire de la Langue Des Cris (Bound With) Grammaire de la Langue Des Cris
124033: LACOURSIERE, ALLAN - Les Trente-Six Mois: The Life and Times of Nicolas Rivard Sieur de Lavigne
131237: LADHA, YASMIN - Blue Sunflower Startle
127114: EPHEMERA; LAFARGUE, PAUL - Socialism and the Intellectuals
125723: LAFFAL, KEN - Vivolo and His Wooden Children
124378: WOOD RIVER; WOODROW VILLAGE; LAFLECHE - Memoreis of the Wood River District 1940 - 2000
123966: LAFOND, MIKA - Nipe Wanin; My Way Back
119924: TURPEL-LAFOND, M.E. - Maskêko-Sâkahikanihk: 100 Years for a Saskatchewan First Nation
124937: LAING, WILLIAM; THE NICKLE ARTS MUSEUM - William Laing; A Journey
120027: LAING, G. BLAIR - Memoirs of an Art Dealer 2
116598: LAIR, JACK - Bad Company; Photoplay Title of "Put on the Spot"
112643: LAIRD, JOHN - Mind and Deity; Being the Second Series of a Course of Gifford Lectures on the General Subject of Metaphysics and Theism Given in the University of Glasgow in 1940
119018: LAJEUNESSE, MARTIN - Monseigneur Charlebois Et Les Saintes Règles
119343: IDDESLEIGH, ATLEE, JENNER, TIDE LAKE & BINGVILLE - Prairie Crucible; 1891 - 1991 Roads of History
129106: RABBIT LAKE, MEETING LAKE & MULLINGAR - Fond Recollections; Rabbit Lake, Meeting Lake, Mullingar
127628: GULL LAKE - Centennial Chronicles; Gull Lake 100 Years of Progress
101792: MIDDLE LAKE - The Vintage Years: A History of the Village of Middle Lake Including School Districts of Grove Lake, Middle Lake, Merrywood, Mackintosh, Lake Ignace, Lucien Lake, and Wilfred
111755: CANDLE LAKE - Fur Fish and Forest; A Candle Lake Legacy 1912-1990
100058: BURNS LAKE & DISTRICT - Burns Lake and District: A History, Formal and Informal
131274: RABBIT LAKE, MEETING LAKE & MULLINGAR - Fond Recollections; Rabbit Lake, Meeting Lake, Mullingar
100963: OAK LAKE - Ox Trails to Blacktop
101601: GULL LAKE - CARMICHEAL AND DISTRICT - Yesteryear History of Our Pioneers: Stone Pile, Alpine, Grassy Hill and Carmichael
111610: DUCK LAKE - Their Dreams... Our Memories; A History of Duck Lake and District in Two Volumes
131323: DUCK LAKE - Their Dreams... Our Memories; A History of Duck Lake and District Volume 1 Only
110951: RED LAKE AND DISTRICT - Warm Prairie Winds; Brooksfield, Camlachie, City View, Quincy, Newberry, Ranch, Red Lake, Thomson's Lake Districts
122891: MANITOU LAKE - Big Manitou Country, 1905 - 1980 Volume I I Only
128422: MANITOU LAKE - Big Manitou Country, 1905 - 1980 (2 Volumes)
128424: MIDDLE LAKE - The Vintage Years
101386: BLAINE LAKE AND DISTRICT. CROWDER, BLANCHE (ED.) - Bridging the Years: Era of Blaine Lake and District 1790-1980
128045: SLAVE LAKE, ASSINEAU, CANYON CREEK, WIDEWATER, WAGNER, MITSU, NORTH SHORE - Pioneers of the Lakeland: A Homespun History of Slave Lake and Surrounding Communities
131394: ST. LEONARDS; ST. ANDREWS; OSBORNE; ISLAND LAKE; MAIDEN LAKE - Along the South Branch Trail 1990; St. Leonards; St. Andrews Osborne Island Lake Maiden Lake
125923: EMERALD LAKE, SASKATCHEWAN - Emerald Lake; Saskatchewan's Hidden Gem
121988: EIGHT MILE LAKE, HIGHGATE, TULIP, WINDING RIVER - Between Two Rivers; Eight Mile Lake, Highgate, Tulip, Winding River (Includes Thunderchild and Moosomin Reserves)
124777: LALANDE, JEFF - First Over the Siskiyous; Peter Skene Ogden's 1826 - 1827 Journey Through the Oregon - California Borderlands
117195: LALIBERTE, RON F. - Expression in Canadian Native Studies
122416: LALLEMAND, HENRI - Manet; A Visionary Impressionist
101382: BJORKDALE. LALONDE, ALEX - A Valley Town Grows; History of the Bjorkdale Valley, 1900-1960
114369: LALONDE, MEIKA; LACLARE, ELTON - Discover Saskatchewan; A Guide to Historic Sites
123145: LALONDE, SHIRLEY BYERS - Never Sell Your Hen on a Rainy Day; A Handbook of Weather Signs, Rhymes and Reasons
122330: LALONDE,CHRISTINE; RIBKOFF, NATALIE - Itukiagatta!; Inuit Sculpture from the Collection of the TD Bank Financial Group
131398: LALOR, GEORGE; BÉRARD, RÉAL (ILLUSTRATIONS) - The Foot of the River
203945: LAMB, CHARLES - Mrs. Battle's Opinions on Whist
202564: LAMB, CHARLES - The Essays of Elia
124017: LAMB, JAMES B. - Jingo; The Buckskin Brigadier Who Opened Up the Canadian West
128592: LAMB, RUTH S.; MISURACA, SONIA - Cuentos Misteriosos
129192: LAMB, DR. FRANK W. - Indian Baskets of North America
102254: A TRANSLATION BY LAMBERT AND TILLIE SCHNIEDER - St. Joseph's Colony 1905-1930
115840: LAMBERT, RICHARD S. - Franklin of the Arctic
121139: LAMBERT, GARTH R. - Dethroning Classics and Inventing English; Liberal Education and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Ontario
113875: LAMOND, ELIZABETH - Walter of Henley's Husbandry
128622: LAMOTHE, M. H. DE - Excursion au Canada et a la Rivière Rouge du Nord
120707: LAMPMAN, ARCHIBALD - Hans Fingerhuts Frog Lesson; A Fairy Tale
130954: LANCASTER, CLAY - Architectural Follies in America or Hammer, Saw, Tooth & Nail
109590: BEETHOVEN; LANDE, LAWRENCE - Beethoven & Quebec
109593: LANDE, LAWRENCE - Confederation Pamphlets; A Check-List
125764: CASTELEIN DE LA LANDE, A. - L'appel Du Grand Nord
120521: LANDE, LAWRENCE; COLLARD, EDGAR ANDREW (INTRODUCTION) - The Lawrence Lande Collection of Canadiana in the Redpath Library of McGill University; A Bibliography
125514: CASTELEIN DE LA LANDE, A. - L'appel Du Grand Nord
109340: LANDER, J.R. - The Limitations of English Monarchy in the Later Middle Ages: The 1986 JoAnne Goodman Lectures
119637: LANDER, TIM - Except That You're Here
128653: LANDON, FRED - Western Ontario and the American Frontier
119026: LANDRY, AUGUSTE CHARLES PHILIPPE - Speech by Hon. P. Landry on Manitoba Boundaries, Ottawa, Monday, March 25, 1912
119027: LANDRY, AUGUSTE CHARLES PHILIPPE - Speech of the Honourable Mr. Landry on Province of Alberta Autonomy Bill; Ottawa, Wednesday, July 12, 1905.
105864: LANDRY, AUGUSTE CHARLES PHILIPPE - Le Bill d'autonomie des Provinces d'Alberta et de Saskatchewan devant les Chambres Hautes; Discours ...Prononce le 12 Juillet, 1905
119646: LANDRY, AUGUSTE CHARLES PHILIPPE - Speech of Hon. Senator Landry and Debate on the Manitoba School Question; Ottawa, Tuesday, June 12, 1900
129325: LANDSMAN, ANNE CHEEK - Needlework Designs from the American Indians; Traditional Patterns of the Southeastern Tribes
101582: GOVAN. LANDSTROM, OSCAR - Pioneer Homestead Stories; from 1868 to Present Time
121319: LANE, JOHN - Return Fare
119167: LANE, PATRICK - Old Mother
130486: LANE, PATRICK - Deep River Night
203458: LANE, EDWARD WILLIAM - The Thousand and One Nights, Commonly Called, in England, the Arabian Nights' Entertainments
202735: LANE, BENJAMIN I.; ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN - The Mysteries of Tobacco. & the Conscript: A Tale of the French War of 1813
101708: LANE, GRACE - Saskatchewan's Sturdy Strands of Faith
123527: LANE, PATRICK - For Rita - in Asylum
129807: LANE, PATRICK; MCLEAN, BONNIE (ILLUSTRATIONS) - Milford & Me (includes original typewritten poems, as well as a hard and soft cover copy of the published book)
105866: LANE, PATRICK; UHER (CROZIER), LORNA - No Longer Two People
105869: LANE, PATRICK - Passing into Storm
105870: LANE, PATRICK - Beware the Months of Fire
105871: LANE, PATRICK - Unborn Things; South American Poems
105874: LANE, PATRICK - The Measure
105876: LANE, PATRICK - Old Mother
105877: LANE, PATRICK - A Linen Crow, a Caftan Magpie
105878: LANE, PATRICK - A Linen Crow, a Caftan Magpie.
105879: LANE, PATRICK - Selected Poems
128073: LANE, PATRICK - Red Dog Red Dog
119571: LANE, PATRICK - Mortal Remains
119570: LANE, PATRICK - The Bare Plum of Winter Rain
114850: LANE, GRACE - Brief Halt at Mile "50"
125498: LANE, PATRICK - Unborn Things; South American Poems
120361: LANES, SELMA G. - The Art of Maurice Sendak
127834: LANG, ANDREW (EDITOR) - The Red Fairy Book
124412: LANG, REG; ARMOUR, AUDREY; ENVIRONMENT CANADA - Environmental Planning Resourcebook
127312: LANG, ANDREW - The Brown Fairy Book
127313: LANG, ANDREW (EDITOR) - The Crimson Fairy Book
113225: LANG, ANDREW (EDITOR) - Poet's Country
111962: MANITOBA. LANG, S.E. - Manitoba's Diamond Jubilee 1870-1930
110883: LANG, KENNETH R. - Astrophysical Data: Planets and Stars
123584: RUSSELL, LANG & CO - Glimpses of Winnipeg, Manitoba: Photo-Gravures
114374: LANG, ANDREW - The Blue Fairy Book
101709: LANG - Lang Syne; A History of Lang, Saskatchewan
122550: LANG, ANDREW (EDITOR) - The Red Fairy Book
127316: LANG, ANDREW - The Rainbow Fairy Books Folio Society 12 Volume Set
122073: LANG, ANDREW (EDITOR) - The Violet Fairy Book
121889: LANG, ANDREW (EDITOR) - The Yellow Fairy Book
121265: LANGDON, JOHN E. - Clock & Watchmakers and Allied Workers in Canada 1700 to 1900
201075: LANGDON, JOHN E. - American Silversmiths in British North America, 1776-1800
118004: LANGDON, STEVE J. - The Native People of Alaska
105883: LANGEVIN, LOUIS PHILIPPE ADELARD - Memoire Confidentiel sur la Situation Religieuse et Statistiques de la Population Catholique de l'Archdiocese de Saint-Boniface
122155: LANGEVIN, ANDRÉ - L'élan D'amérique
110432: LANGLOIS, W.J. (PUBLISHED BY) (EDITOR) - Sound Heritage
100839: LANGRUTH - Langruth Along the Crocus Trail
130868: LANGSHAW, RICK - Geology of the Canadian Rockies
123667: LANKESTER, RAY - Diversions of a Naturalist
129284: LANNOO, MARIE (ARTIST); NASGAARD, ROALD (ESSAY); VARGA, VINCENT (DIRECTOR) - Marie Lannoo: Through and Through and Through
111153: LANSDOWNE, J.FENWICK; LIVINGSTON, JOHN A. - Birds of the Eastern Forest
100840: LANSDOWNE - Legacies of Lansdowne; A Sequel
102530: LANTIS, MARGARET (EDITOR) - Ethnohistory in Southwestern Alaska and the Southern Yukon: Method and Content
102531: LANTIS, MARGARET - Eskimo Childhood and Interpersonal Relationships: Nunivak Biographies and Genealogies
112626: LAPOINTE, RICHARD; TESSIER, LUCILLE - The Francophones of Saskatchewan; A History
105885: LAPOINTE, RICHARD - La Saskatchewan de A a Z
105886: LAPOINTE, RICHARD - Saskatlas
119611: LAPOINTE, RICHARD; TESSIER, LUCILLE - The Francophones of Saskatchewan; A History
131119: LAPOINTE, ANNETTE - Stolen
109342: LAPONCE, J.A. - Languages and Their Territories
126412: LARCOM, LUCY - The Poetical Works of Lucy Larcom
202978: LARGE, HECTOR - Le Costume Militaire a travers les Ages
102533: LARGE, R. GEDDES - Drums and Scalpel: From Native Healers to Physicians on the North Pacific Coast
201077: LARIAR, LAWRENCE - The Man with the Lumpy Nose
130929: LARKIN, DAVID (EDITOR) - Innocent Art
113916: LARMOUR, W.T. - Inunnit - the Art of the Canadian Eskimo
116437: LARMOUR, W.T. - Eskimo Carvings Contemorary Period
105888: LARMOUR, JEAN - University Women's Club of Regina: A History
128874: LARMOUR, JEAN B.D - A Matter of Life and Breath; The 75 Year History of the Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League and the Saskatchewan Lung Association
117644: LAROCQUE, EMMA - When the Other Is Me; Native Resistance Discourse, 1850-1990
117809: LARSEN, JOHN; LIBBY, MAURICE RICHARD - Moose Jaw; People, Places, History
113445: LARSEN, CLARK SPENCER, ROBERT L. KELLY - Bioarchaeology of the Stillwater Marsh: Prehistoric Human Development in the Western Great Basin
118235: LARSEN, HENRY - The North-West Passage 1940-1942 and 1944: The Famous Voyages of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Schooner "St. Roch"
118234: LARSEN, HENRY - The North-West Passage 1940-1942 and 1944: The Famous Voyages of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Schooner "St. Roch"
118233: LARSEN, HENRY - The North-West Passage 1940-1942 and 1944: The Famous Voyages of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Schooner "St. Roch"
105897: LARSEN, VERNON W. - The Community Development Council: Case Studies in Success and Failure
105895: LARSEN, HENRY - The North-West Passage 1940-1942 and 1944: The Famous Voyages of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Schooner "St. Roch"
105896: LARSEN, VERNON W. - The Minister and the Church; an Exploratory Study of Some Characteristics and Attitudes of United Church of Canada Clergymen in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
101695: KYLE. LARSON, MARGARET - From Basket to Bridge 1905-1980; Kyle, White Bear & Matador Districts History
123016: KYLE. LARSON, MARGARET - From Basket to Bridge 1905-1980; Kyle, White Bear & Matador Districts History
128447: LARSON, FREDERICK - The The Epoch of Imperialism: The Theory of Decay and the Decay of Theory (Part Two)
130699: LASCU, TRAIAN - Valerian 1951 - 1984
105900: LASKIN, RICHARD - Voluntary Organizations in a Saskatchewan Town
112466: LASSELL, MARGARET - Wellington Road
123314: LASSWELL, DAVID [COMPILER] - The Celebrated Collection of Americana Formed by the Late Thomas Winthrop Streeter; Volume 2
113767: LATHAM, ANNA - Frost King Picture and Storybook for Little Folks
201078: LATHEN, EMMA - Pick Up Sticks
105901: LATTA, WILLIAM - Summer's Bright Blood
131443: CONFUCIUS; LAU, D.C. (TRANS., INTRO.); GRAYLING, A.C. (PREFACE) - The Analects Lun Yu
123182: LAUF, DETLEF-INGO; FORD, JOHN GILMORE - Verborgene Botschaft Tibettischer Thangkas; Bildmeditation Deutung Lamaistisher Kultbilder / Secret Revelations of Tibetan Thangkas; Pictire Meditation and Interpretation of Lamaist Cult Paintings
202490: LAUGHLIN, JAMES (EDITOR) - New Directions Number Seven, 1942
113706: LAURENCE, MARGARET - Dance on the Earth; A Memoir
124338: LAURENCE, MARGARET - The Diviners
118687: LAURENCE, MARGARET; ROY, GABRIELLE - Intimate Strangers; The Letters of Margaret Laurence & Gabrielle Roy
112863: LAURENCE, MARGARET - Dance on the Earth; A Memoir
111443: LAURENCE, MARGARET - Jason's Quest
111442: LAURENCE, MARGARET - Heart of a Stranger
111441: LAURENCE, MARGARET - Heart of a Stranger
123028: LAURENCE, MARGARET - The Prophet's Camel Bell
105933: LAURENCE, MARGARET - A Bird in the House
105929: LAURENCE, MARGARET - The Fire-Dwellers
105925: LAURENCE, MARGARET - Long Drums and Cannons; Nigerian Dramatists and Novelists 1952-1966
105927: LAURENCE, MARGARET - The Fire-Dwellers
105920: LAURENCE, MARGARET - The Tomorrow-Tamer
105907: LAURENCE, MARGARET (COLLECTED BY) - A Tree for Poverty; Somali Poetry and Prose
105910: LAURENCE, MARGARET - This Side Jordan
105911: LAURENCE, MARGARET - This Side Jordan
105913: LAURENCE, MARGARET - The Prophet's Camel Bell
105915: LAURENCE, MARGARET - The Prophet's Camel Bell
105916: LAURENCE, MARGARET - The Tomorrow-Tamer
105905: LAURENCE, MARGARET - Margaret Laurence: A Celebration
130317: LAURENCE, MARGARET; STOVEL, NORA FOSTER (EDITED BY) - Embryo Words; Margaret Laurence's Early Writings
119559: LAURENCE, MARGARET - The Diviners
119560: LAURENCE, MARGARET - The Diviners
122090: LAURENCE, MARGARET - The Fire-Dwellers
105928: LAURENCE, MARGARET - The Fire-Dwellers
122434: LAURENT, LAVAL; VILLENEUVE, J.M. RODRIGUE (PREFACE) - Québec Et L'église Aux États-Unis Sous MGR Briand Et MGR Plessis
124452: LAUT, A.C. - Lords of the North
111215: DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC, HENRI; SANDS, W.H.B.; SCHIMMEL, HERBERT D.; CATE, PHIL (EDITOR) - The Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec W.H.B. Sands Correspondence
114922: LA GALERIE D'ART LAVALIN - Voies Intimes Voix Intimes
203820: LAVALLEE, OMER - Van Horne's Road; an Illustrated Account of the Construction and First Years of Operation of the Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Railway
111404: LAVALLEE, OMER - Van Horne's Road; An Illustrated Account of the Construction and First Years of Operation of the Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Railway
118907: LAVALLEE, MICHELLE (CURATOR) - 7: Professional Native Indian Artists Inc.
128386: LAVALLEE, OMER - Van Horne's Road; The Building of the Canadian Pacific Railroad
106407: MANITOBA SCHOOL QUESTION. LAVERGNE, ARMAND - Les Ecoles du Nord-Ouest. Discours prononce a Montmagny par M. Armand LaVergne, Depute, le dimanche 17 Septembre 1905
128779: LAVIGNE, BRAD; CHOW, OLIVIA (FOREWORD) - Building the Orange Wave; The Inside Story Behind the Historic ise of Jack Layton and the NDP
125612: LAVOIE, GERMAIN O. - Maskikhiwino the Medicine Man; The Story of a Northern Doctor
106444: MANITOBA. LAW - Judgments in the Queen's Bench, Manitoba, 1875. Reported by Daniel Carey, (Clerk of the Crown and Peace)
129322: UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN / COLLEGE OF LAW - University of Saskatchewan College of Law Grand opening event: March 14, 2008
119310: LAWRENCE, D. H. - The Plumed Serpent
203876: LAWRENCE, ROBERT - Aida; the Story of Verdi's Greatest Opera
202913: LAWRENCE, W.J. - The Elizabethan Playhouse; and Other Studies - Second Series
201100: LAWRENCE, FRIEDA; TEDLOCK, E.W. (EDITOR) - Frieda Lawrence: The Memoirs and Correspondence
201098: LAWRENCE, D.H.; SKINNER, M.L. - The Boy in the Bush
201099: LAWRENCE, FRIEDA - "Not I, But the Wind..."
201095: LAWRENCE, D.H. - Reflections on the Death of a Porcupine and Other Essays
201097: LAWRENCE, D.H.; ZYTARUK, GEORGE Z. (EDITOR) - The Quest for Rananim: D.H. Lawrence's Letters to S.S. Koteliansky 1914 to 1930
201091: LAWRENCE, D.H. - Kangaroo
201092: LAWRENCE, D.H. - Sea and Sardinia
201088: LAWRENCE, D.H. - St. Mawr: Together with the Princess
201087: LAWRENCE, D.H. - Look! We Have Come Through!
201084: LAWRENCE, D.H. - Touch & Go: A Play in Three Acts
120647: LAWRENCE, D.H. - The Collected Poems of D.H. Lawrence (2 Volumes)
110846: LAWRENCE, WILLIAM (PHOTOGRAPHER) - The "Emerald Isle" Album Series: Views of Belfast and the County Down; Seventy-One Platinatone Views with Descriptive Guide
108429: [LAWRENCE, KIM; STONECHILD, A. BLAIR] (EDITOR) - Survival of a People
125412: LAWRENCE, KATHERINE - Lying to Our Mothers
121403: LAWRENCE, BONNIE J.; LEIGHTON, ANNA L. - Prairie Phoenix; Lilium Philadelphicum, the Red Lily in Saskatchewan
118316: LAWS, RICHARD - Antarctica; The Last Frontier
118223: LAWS, RICHARD - Antarctica, the Last Frontier
121440: LAWSON, MARY - The Other Side of the Bridge
122686: LAWSON, C.D., Q.C., BRIGADIER W. J. - The Canadian Constitution; A Study of Our System of Government
129278: LAXER, JAMES - Centralism, Regionalism, Continentalism: Problems of Canadian Nationhood
131103: LAXER, ROBERT; CRAVEN, PAUL; MARTIN, ANNE - Canada's Unions
105954: LAYCOCK, DAVID - Populism and Democratic Thought in the Canadian Prairies, 1910 to 1945
115806: LAYNG, T.E. - Sixteenth-Century Maps Relating to Canada; A Check-List and Bibliography
119332: LAYTON, IRVING - For My Neighbours in Hell
119319: LAYTON, IRVING - Wild Goosederries; The Selected Letters of Irving Layton
119314: LAYTON, IRVING - The Improved Binoculars
119316: LAYTON, IRVING - Fortunate Exile
119317: LAYTON, IRVING - The Darkening Fire
119313: LAYTON, IRVING - Taking Sides
119312: LAYTON, IRVING - Fornalutx
203647: LAYTON, IRVING - The Laughing Rooster
203431: LAYTON, IRVING - The Swinging Flesh
201104: LAYTON, IRVING; CAMERON, ELSPETH (EDITOR) - A Spider Danced a Cosy Jig
201103: LAYTON, IRVING - For My Neighbours in Hell
112535: LAYTON, IRVING - A Red Carpet for the Sun
109882: LAYTON, IRVING - The Whole Bloody Bird (Obs, Aphs, & Pomes)
122993: LAYTON, IRVING - The Swinging Flesh
122994: LAYTON, IRVING - Balls for a One-Armed Juggler
122846: LAYTON, IRVING - A Laughter in the Mind
122845: LAYTON, IRVING - The Improved Binoculars
122844: LAYTON, IRVING - Selected Poems
122842: LAYTON, IRVING - The Shattered Plinthes
122843: LAYTON, IRVING - Periods of the Moon
114149: LAYTON, IRVING; DAVID O'ROURKE - Waiting for the Messiah
121153: LAYTON, IRVING - The Pole-Vaulter
114105: LAYTON, IRVING - The Tightrope Dancer
109480: LAZAREVICH, GORDANA - The Musical World of Frances James and Murray Adaskin
201112: LEACH, CHRISTOPHER - A Portion of the Wilderness
110152: LEACH, FREDERICK - 60 Years with Indians and Settlers on Lake Winnipeg
114381: LEACH, ANGELA - Paintings
203374: LEACOCK, STEPHEN - National Problems of Canada; Ocean and Inland Water Transport
203372: LEACOCK, STEPHEN - National Problems of Canada; Reciprocal and Preferential Tariffs
201115: LEACOCK, STEPHEN - Imaginary Persons
201116: LEACOCK, STEPHEN - My Fishpond
123648: LEACOCK, STEPHEN - The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice
116630: LEACOCK, STEPHEN; PRIESTLEY, J.B. - The Best of Leacock
115690: LEACOCK, STEPHEN - Moonbeams from the Larger Lunacy
115688: LEACOCK, STEPHEN - Moonbeams from the Larger Lunacy
115689: LEACOCK, STEPHEN; FISH, A.H. - Behind the Beyond & Other Contributions to Human Knowledge
125948: LEACOCK, STEPHEN - The Hohenzollerns in America and Other Impossibilities
101997: REGINA LEADER. - Peter Mcara, Jr
129489: REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALIST LEAGUE - Permanent Revolution: Black Liberation and the American Revolution
131266: REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALIST LEAGUE - Torch April 15-May 14, 1983 Volume 10, Number 4 / La Antorche 15 de Abril-14 de Mayo unio de 1983 Ano 10, Numero 4
131267: REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALIST LEAGUE - Torch May 15-June 14, 1983 Volume 10, Number 5 / la Antorche 15 de Mayo-14 de Jumio Unio de 1983 Ano 10, Numero 5
105970: LEAH, VINCE - Pages from the Past
120881: BETHUNE-LEAMAN, KATIE; WEINBERG, ABBIE (MANAGING EDITORS) - Volute: Concordia Fine Arts Magazine; Fall 1995, Number 7
119797: MARIE-SAINT-LÉANDRE, SOEUR P.M. [PSEUD.] - L'œvre Véridique de Louis Riel, 1869-701, 1885
124229: O'LEARY, SARA - Comfort Me with Apples
107148: O'LEARY, PETER - Travels and Experiences in Canada, the Red River Territory, and the United States
114275: O'LEARY, TIMOTHY J. - Ethnographic Bibliography of South America
112598: LEATHERS, VICTOR - Creole Profiles
116754: LEBLANC, MAURICE - Le Triangle D'or, Aventure Extraordinaire D'arsene Lupin, Premiere Partie: La Pluie D'etincelles; Le Triangle D'or 2me Partie; Les Dents Du Tigre 1re Partie Don Luis Perenna; Les Dents Du Tigre 2e Partie le Secret de Florence; L'eclat D'obus; Les Huit Coups de L'horlogue
124120: LEBRET, SASKATCHEWAN - Mission to Lebret 1865 - 1989
131558: GALEZOWSKI, LECH AND GRAZYNA - In the Footsteps of Polish Pioneers in Western Canada; Building a Community 1914-1950
126945: GALEZOWSKI, LECH AND GRAZYNA - In the Footsteps of Polish Pioneers on the Canadian Prairies: Exploring Churches and Chapels 1899-1914
123865: LECHLEITNER, R. R.; AVERITT, MAX WADE (ILLUS.) - Mammals of Glacier National Park
118883: LECLERC, JEAN-PIERRE - Le Cri Du Pinson; Roland Pinsonneault SE Raconte
126661: LECLERC, SERGE; POLOCHIC, DARLENE - Untwisted; An Extraordinary Journey of Overcoming and Redemption; The Autobiography of Serge LeClerc
112248: LEDEN, CHRISTIAN; SMITH, SHIRLEE ANNE (EDITOR) - Across the Keewatin Icefields; Three Years Among the Canadian Eskimos 1913-1916
105971: LEDEN, CHRISTIAN; SMITH, SHIRLEE ANNE (EDITOR) - Across the Keewatin Icefields; Three Years Among the Canadian Eskimos 1913-1916
122177: LEDERMAN, W. R. [EDITOR] - The Courts and the Canadian Constitution
127553: LEDUC, ALBERTA - Leduc Reflections 1899-1981
106405: MANITOBA SCHOOL QUESTION. LEDUC, HIPPOLYTE - Hostilite Demasquee. Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Ordonnance Scolaire No. 22 de 1892 et ses nefastes consequences
203135: LEE, ARTIS - 42 X 33
202213: LEE, JOHN - Lee Family Quarter-Millenial Gathering; of the Descendants and Kinsmen of John Lee, One of the Early Settlers of Farmington, Conn., Held in Hartford, Conn., Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 5th and 6th, 1884
113330: LEE, DENNIS, FRANK NEWFELD - Nicholas Knock and Other People
120255: LEE, RUTH WEBB - Early American Pressed Glass; A Classification of Patterns Collectible in Sets Together with Individual Pieces for Table Decorations (Enlarged and Revised)
112860: LEE, RUTH WEBB - Sandwich Glass Handbook
112861: LEE, RUTH WEBB - Victorian Glass Handbook
112862: LEE, RUTH WEBB - Handbook of Early American Pressed Glass Patterns
111991: LEE, ELLEN - Archaeological Investigations at Batoche National Historic Site, 1982
110716: LEE, RUTH WEBB - A History of Valentines
131508: LEE, STAN; DITKO, STEVE (EDITOR) - Marvel Masterworks Volumes 1: The Amazing Spider-Man Nos. 1 -10 & Amazing Fantasy No. 15
127178: LEE, JR., THOMAS A. - Los Codices Mayas
120600: LEE, JAMES MELVIN - History of American Journalism
123297: LEE, LEONARD - The Great Saskatchewan Fowl Supper and Literary Contest; A Saskatchewan Centenary Celebration in Ottawa
127876: LEE, HARPER - Go Set a Watchman
128275: LEE, DENNIS - Savage Fields; An Essay in Literature and Cosmology
125138: LEE, BARBARA MAKEDA - Rastafari; The New Creation
129309: LEE, HERMIONE - Virginia Woolf
129310: LEE, HERMIONE - Virginia Woolf
110344: LEECH, JOHN - Follies of the Year. A Series of Coloured Etchings from Punchs Pocket Books - 1844-1864
110044: LEECH, JOHN - Pictures of Life & Character; from the Collection of Mr. Punch
115969: LEECHMAN, DOUGLAS - Eskimo Summer
102535: LEECHMAN, DOUGLAS - Vanta Kutchin
114097: LEECHMAN, DOUGLAS - The Native Tribes of Canada
125965: LEEDAHL, SHELLEY A. - A Few Words for January
130084: LEEMAN, WAYNE A. (EDITOR) - Capitalism, Market Socialism, and Central Planning; Readings in Comparative Economic Systems
117475: LEES, J.A.; CLUTTERBUCK, W.J. - B.C. 1887; A Ramble in British Columbia
130976: LEESON, HOWARD - The Patriation Minutes
117800: LEESON, HOWARD A. (EDITOR) - Saskatchewan Politics; Into the Twenty-First Century
117801: LEESON, HOWARD A. (EDITOR) - Saskatchewan Politics; Crowding the Centre
128212: LEESON, HOWARD (EDITOR) - Saskatchewan Politics Crowding the Centre
112433: VAN DER LEEUW, AART - De Opdracht
121426: LEFEBVRE, FLORENT - The French-Canadian Press and the War
118061: PERIODICAL. LEFÊVRE, LÉON (DIRECTEUR GÉNÉRAL) - Revue Générale Des Matières Colorantes de la Teinture, de L'impression Et Des Apprêts
118058: PERIODICAL. LEFÊVRE, LÉON (DIRECTEUR GÉNÉRAL) - Revue Générale Des Matières Colorantes
110224: LEFF, VERA - The Struggle of Mulvaney Gill
114390: LEFFINGWELL, RANDY - Harley Davidson: Myth and Mystique
130651: LEFKO, PERRY - Sandra Schmirler the Queen of Curling
105974: LEFROY, JOHN HENRY; STANLEY, GEORGE F.G. (EDITOR) - In Search of the Magnetic North; A Soldier-Surveyor's Letters from the North-West 1843-1844
119982: LEGATES, RICHARD T.; STOUT, FREDERIC (EDITORS) - The City Reader (Third Edition)
129900: LÉGER, MARIE; BENNETT, ARNOLD (TRANSLATED BY) (EDITOR) - Aboriginal Peoples Toward Self-Government
105978: LEGGE, ALFRED O. - Sunny Manitoba; Its Peoples and Its Industries
105977: LEGGE, ALFRED O. - Sunny Manitoba; Its People and Its Industries
111382: LEGGET, ROBERT F. (EDITOR) - Soils in Canada; Geological, Pedological, and Engineering Studies
109345: LEGGET, ROBERT - Rideau Waterway
119894: LEGH, M. H. CORNWALL; JACKSON, EDITH - Our Empire Past and Present; Great Britain in Europe
120945: THE CANADIAN LEGION - The Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League: Constitution, Which Includes Principles and Policy, Purposes and Objects, and; General By-Laws, Including Amendments Authorized by the Tenth Dominion Convention Held in Vancouver, B.C., June 4-7, 1944
123992: ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, SASKATCHEWAN COMMAND - The Royal Canadian Legion Saskatchewan Command; Commemorative History Book; A Collection of Memories, Activities and Community Commitment from Our Branches and Members Throughout the Province!
123960: ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, SASKATCHEWAN COMMAND - The Royal Canadian Legion Saskatchewan Command; Military Service Recognition Book [2010]
123940: ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, SASKATCHEWAN COMMAND - The Royal Canadian Legion Saskatchewan Command; Military Service Recognition Book [2009]
123939: ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, SASKATCHEWAN COMMAND - The Royal Canadian Legion Saskatchewan Command; Military Service Recognition Book [2008]
128460: LEGROS, ALTA; DAVIDSON, MARLENE - History of Cadillac and Surrounding District
120885: LEHANE, DENNIS - Mystic River
126360: LEHMAN, JOHN (EDITOR) - The London Magazine; [June, July, August, September, 1958]
127841: LEHMANN, JOHN - Ancestors and Friends
129110: LEHMANN, JOHN - Thrown to the Woolfs
130211: LEHMANN, JOHN - The Whispering Gallery Autobiography I
130212: LEHMANN, JOHN - I Am My Brother Autobiography II
130213: LEHMANN, JOHN - The Ample Proposition Autobiography III
116246: LEHN, CORNELIA - Frontier Challenge; A Story of the Conference of Mennonites in British Columbia
129666: LEHNER, ADOLPH PHILIP - When the Trail Calls; 'A Story of the North Country Portraying the Loves and Perils of Canadian Mounted Police'
128225: LEIBOVITZ, LIEL; COHEN, LEONARD - A Broken Hallelujah; Rock and Roll, Redemption, and the Life of Leonard Cohen
121411: LEIER, CAROLYN (EDITOR) EMERGING ARTS WEST - OCTOBER 1975: JOE FAFARD, EVADNA CHAPMAN, TONY TASCONA, JOHN HERREILERS (MAGAZINE) - Leier, Carolyn (Editor) Emerging Arts West - October 1975: Joe Fafard, Evadna Chapman, Tony Tascona, John Herreilers
122707: LEIER, CAROLYN (EDITOR) - Emerging Arts West
112976: GEORGE C. LEIGHTON - The Illustrated London News Volume XXXV July to December 1859
112975: GEORGE C. LEIGHTON - The Illustrated London News Volume Xxxvi January to June 1860
112911: GEORGE C. LEIGHTON - The Illustrated London News Volume Xxxiv January to June 1859
128564: LEIGHTON, CLARE - Four Hedges; A Gardener's Chronicle; Written and Engraved by Clare Leighton
122037: LEIGHTON, ALASDAIR - Shapeless Flame
121584: LEINES, MATT - You Are Forgiven
125933: LEITCH, MAURICE - Gilchrist
118661: LEMAY, R. P. HUGOLIN - Bibliographie Du Père Louis Hennepin, Récollet Les Pièces Documentaires
131540: LEMBCKE, JERRY; TATTAM, WILLIAM M. - One Union in Wood
123158: LEMECHA, VERA - The Embodied Viewer
201130: LEMELIN, ROGER - Les Plouffe
123849: LEMIEUX, LUCIEN - L'établissement de la Première Province Ecclésiastique Au Canada, 1783-1844
105987: LEMIEUX, RODOLPHE - Discours de l'Honorable Rodolphe Lemieux, M.P., sur la Creation des Provinces du Nord-Ouest
127377: LEMNA, DON - A Visit from Mr. Lucifer
119838: LEMOINE, GEO. (TRANS.) - Dictionnaire Français-Montagnais; Avec Un Vocabulaire Montagnais-Anglais, Une Courte Liste de Noms Géographiques [Bound With] Grammaire Montagnaise; Première Partie: Éléments de la Language Montagnaise; Seconde Partie: Génie de la Langue Montagnaise
119798: LEMOINE, GEO. (TRANS.) - Dictionnaire Français-Montagnais; Avec Un Vocabulaire Montagnais-Anglais, Une Courte Liste de Noms Géographiques [Bound With] Grammaire Montagnaise; Première Partie: Éléments de la Language Montagnaise; Seconde Partie: Génie de la Langue Montagnaise
123207: SCEPTRE AND LEMSFORD - The Past to the Present: 70 Years 1909-1979
102221: SCEPTRE AND LEMSFORD - The Past to the Present: 70 Years 1909-1979
131637: LENIN, V. I. - Opportunism and the Collapse of the Second International
131104: LENIN, V. I. (VLADIMIR ILICH) - What is to be Done?; Burning Questions of Our Movement
131042: LENIN, V. I. (VLADIMIR ILICH) - Marx Engels Marxism Fifth English Edition
130619: LENIN, V. I. (VLADIMIR ILICH); BUCK, TIM (INTRODUCTION) - The Teachings of Karl Marx
130620: LENIN, V. I. (VLADIMIR ILICH) - The Teachings of Karl Marx
130621: LENIN, V. I. (VLADIMIR ILICH) - Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism; A Popular Outline; New, Revised Translation
130622: LENIN, V. I. (VLADIMIR ILICH) - The Paris Commune
130624: LENIN, V. I. (VLADIMIR ILICH) - The State; A Lecture Delivered at the Sverdlov University, July 11, 1919
131542: LENIN, V. I. (VLADIMIR ILICH) - Two Tactics of Social-Democracy in the Democratic Revolution
130902: LENIN, V. I. (VLADIMIR ILICH) - The Proletarian Revolution and Renegade Kautsky
131548: LENIN, V. I. (VLADIMIR ILICH) - "Left-Wing" Communism, an Infantile Disorder
124005: LENNARD, ROB - Amazing Time Travel Adventures of the Iron Crow Brothers and Bree Sainte Marie
109346: LENNOX, JOHN; LACOMBE, MICHELE (EDITOR) - Dear Bill; The Correspondence of William Arthur Deacon
113999: LENT, JOHN - The Face in the Garden
121542: LENT, JOHN - Frieze
203511: LENZ, HARALD OTHMAR - Die Reptilien, Amphibien, Fische und Wirbellosen Thiere
127109: EPHEMERA; DE LEON, DANIEL - The Burning Question of Trades Unionism. . . How the Workers Must Organize to Abolish Capitalism
202421: LEONARD, R.M. (EDITOR) - Poems on Sport
126995: LEONARD, NEIL - Jazz and the White Americans; The Acceptance of a New Art Form
123355: LA ROLANDERIE; LEONARD, CAROL - La Rolanderie; A Historical Perspective;
130690: LÉONARD, CAROL JEAN - Mémoire des Noms de lieux d’origine et d’influence françaises en Saskatchewan
118206: LEONG, LESLIE - Our Forgotten North, a Glimpse of the Subarctic in Canada's North
117421: LEONOFF, CYRIL EDEL - Wapella Farm Settlement; the First Successful Jewish Farm Settlement in Canada. A Pictorial History
105992: LEONOFF, CYRIL EDEL - The Architecture of Jewish Settlements in the Prairies. A Pictorial History
105993: LEONOFF, CYRIL EDEL - The Jewish Farmers of Western Canada
113280: LERAT, HAROLD, LINDA UNGAR - Treaty Promises, Indian Reality; Life on a Reserve
126952: LERNER, LOREN R.; WILLIAMSON, MARY F. - Art and Architecture in Canada: A Bibliography and Guide to the Literature to 1981 / Art Et Architecture Au Canada: Bibliographie Et Guide de la Documentation Jusqu'en 1981 [Volume I]
131368: LEROUX, GASTON - The Phantom of the Opera
129337: LEROUX, ODETTE; JACKSON, MARION E.; FREEMAN, MINNIE AODLA (EDITOR) - Inuit Women Artists; Voices from Cape Dorset
111453: LESAGE, GERMAIN - Capitale d'une Solitude
109853: LESAGE, A.R. - The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santilla
116245: LESCHEID, HELEN GRACE - Footprints of Compassion; The Story of the M.C.C.-B.C. 1964-1989
202578: LESLIE, SHANE - The Skull of Swift; an Extempore Exhumation
109347: LESLIE, PETER - Federal State, National Economy
109348: LESLIE, PETER - Federal State, National Economy
129734: LESOURD, PHILIP S. - Accent and Syllable Structure in Passamaquoddy
120479: LESSARD, MICHEL (TEXT); MARQUIS, HUGUETTE (ILLUS.) - Complete Guide to French-Canadian Antiques
123880: LESSER, WENDY - Why I Read; The Serious Pleasure of Books
127768: LESSING, DORIS - Prisons We Choose to Live Inside
119088: LESSING, DORIS - The Good Terrorist
129425: LESSING, DORIS - The Fifth Child
122349: LESSING, DORIS - Walking in the Shade; Volume Two of My Autobiography, 1949 to 1962
122348: LESSING, DORIS - Under My Skin; Volume One of My Autobiography, to 1949
130841: THE GRAPHIC HISTORY COLLECTIVE; LESTER, DAVID - 1919 a Graphic History of the Winnipeg General Strike
130023: LESTER, DAVID; GRAPHIC HISTORY COLLECTIV - 1919 General Strike in Kanada
101719: LESTOCK - Memories of Lestock; A Local History of Lestock and Districts
123706: LETARTE, JACQUES - Atlas D'histoire Économique Et Sociale Du Québec, 1851-1901
131143: LETHEM, JONATHAN; BRESNICK, PAUL (EDITOR) - Da Capo Best Music Writing 2002; The Year's Finest Writing on Rock, Pop, Jazz, Country, & More
130984: LETHEM, JONATHAN - This Shape We're In
201133: LETTS, MALCOLM - Mandeville's Travels: Texts and Translations
109529: LEO OF ROZMITAL; LETTS, MALCOLM (EDITOR) - The Travels of Leo of Rozmital Through Germany, Flanders, England, France, Spain, Portugal and Italy 1465-1467
124841: LEVANT, EZRA - Ethical Oil; The Case for Canada's Oil Sands
106002: LEVASSEUR, DONAT - Les Oblates de Marie Immaculee dans l'Ouest et le Nord du Canada, 1845 - 1967. Esquisse Historique
125392: LAGASSE LEVESQUE, CHARLENE - Miville-Deschenes '2000'; Notes, Souvenirs, Stories & Photos
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125033: LEVIN, MEYER - Compulsion
129620: LEVIN, JOHN, ET AL. (EDITOR) - event (EVENT); Journal of the contemporary arts volume 7 / number 1
113986: LEVINE, ALLAN - The Devil in Babylon
201138: LEVINE, BERNARD - The Dissolving Image: The Spiritual-Esthetic Development of W.B. Yeats
201140: LEVINE, NORMAN - One Way Ticket: Short Stories
119930: LEVINE, NORMAN - Thin Ice
106007: LEVINE, NORMAN - Canada Made Me
129797: LEVINE, LES; ART GALLERY OF ONTARIO - Slip Cover, a place by Les Levine
125947: LEVINE, LOUIS - Biology of the Gene
109941: LEVRING, TORE; HOPPE, HEINZ A.; SCHMID, OTTO J. - Marine Algae; a Survey of Research and Utilization
120448: LEVY, LESTER S. - Picture the Songs; Lithographs from the Sheet Music of Nineteenth-Century America
129785: LÉVY, LOUIS - France is a Democracy
116013: LEWINGTON, PETER - No Right-Of-Way; How Democracy Came to the Oil Patch
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124348: LEWIS, SINCLAIR - Cass Timberlane; A Novel of Husbands and Wives
202739: LEWIS, D. SCLATER - The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada 1920-1960
202228: LEWIS, WYNDHAM - Paleface; the Philosophy of the "Melting-Pot"
120300: LEWIS, G. GRIFFIN - The Practical Book of Oriental Rugs
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125572: LEWIS, CLAUDIA - Indian Families of the Northwest Coast; The Impact of Change
116248: LEWYCKA, MARINA - A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian
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125509: LEXIER, ROBERTA, BANGARTH, STEPHANIE, AND WEIER, JON - Party of Conscience; The C.C.F., The N.D.P., And Social Democracy in Canada
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124864: LI, PETER S. - The Chinese in Canada
127669: SASKATOON WOMEN'S LIBERATION - Prairie Woman; March 1978 Volume II, No. 3
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117731: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY / REGINA PUBLIC LIBRARY - Saskatchewan: Art and Artists
114778: SASKATCHEWAN LEGISLATIVE LIBRARY - Saskatchewan Local Histories at the Legislative Library
106242: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY / REGINA PUBLIC LIBRARY - Saskatchewan: Art and Artists
131210: COLLINS SEAGULL LIBRARY - Collins World Atlas Concise Edition
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123611: LICHT, JENNIFER - Eight Contemporary Artists
125794: LICINIUS - Vote Labour? Why?
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120547: LIDDELL, PETER G. - A Bibliography of the Germans in British Columbia
114960: LIDDELL, KEN - Alberta Revisited
102754: LIEBERSON, STANLEY - Language and Ethnic Relations in Canada
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203103: VON LIEBIG, BARON; BLYTH, JOHN (EDITOR) - Letters on Modern Agriculture
111025: LIEVEN, PRINCE PETER - The Birth of Ballets-Russes
125108: LIEW, SONNY (EDITOR) - Liquid City
114079: STANDARD LIFE - A Canadian Portfolio 1977
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124582: LILLY, JOHN C. - Simulations of God; The Science of Belief
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123426: THE W. W. COOPER CO. LIMITED - The Book That Has Helped Most in Business
116672: HOBBIES LIMITED - A Big Book of Hobbies; Catalogue for the Man Who Likes to Make Things
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131692: INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED - Canadian Official Railway Guide with Airlines including The Canadian Gazeteer and Shippers' Guide May, 1953
128010: VICTOR FOX FOODS LIMITED - Victor Fur Farmer June-July, 1947
201145: LINCOLN, ELLIOTT C. - Rhymes of a Homesteader
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115262: BRIDGE, LINDA AND KNOWLES, KATHY - The Hopelessly Human Nurse: A Marriage of the Art and Science Within
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106022: LINDAL, WALTER J. - The Icelanders in Canada
127584: LINDAU, H. (HANS) - Der Geprellte Alte; Posse in Einem Aufzug
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124280: LINDSEY, CHARLES - An Investigation of the Unsettled Boundaries of Ontario
114983: LINER, CARL - Ausstellung
122745: LINFERT, CARL [TEXT] - Bosch
124820: DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS, UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY - Calgary Working Papers in Linguistics; Volume 1, Issue 1; Winter 1975
119472: LINNAMAE, URVE; MALAINEY, MARY E. - Stone Circles and Tipi Rings at the Coffin Site, Central Saskatchewan [With] the Lozinsky Site: A Late Pre-Contact Bison Processing Camp
101722: LINTLAW - Echoes of the Past; A History of Lintlaw and District
122485: LIPPMANN, JULIE M. - Martha By-The-Day
117523: LIPSET, SEYMOUR MARTIN - North American Cultures: Values and Institutions in Canada and the United States
131097: LIPSET, SEYMOUR M. - Agrarian Socialism. The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation in Saskatchewan
120879: LIPSETT, KATHERINE (CURATOR) - Return to Exceptional Pass
123393: LUNGE-LARSEN, LISE AND PREUS, MARGI - The Legend of the Lady Slipper; An Ojibwetale
127828: LISLE, LAURIE - Portrait of an Artist
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120100: LISTER, JOSEPH - The Collected Papers of Joseph, Baron Lister
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