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103950: CHATENAY, HENRI - The Country Doctors
116323: CHATTERBOX - Chatterbox Vol. 63
202205: PICKERING AND CHATTO - An Illustrated Catalogue of Old and Rare Books; for Sale, with Prices Affixed
123091: CHATWIN, BRUCE - The Viceroy of Ouidah
131027: CHAUCER, GEOFFREY; UNDERDOWN, EMILY (RETOLD BY) - Stories from Chaucer
124253: CHEADLE, WALTER BUTLER - Cheadle's Journal of Trip Across Canada, 1862-63
116573: CHECKLAND, S.G. - The Rise of Industrial Society in England 1815-1885
120849: CHEFF, MICHEL V. (DIRECTOR); MADILL, SHIRLEY J.-R. (CURATOR) - Quotation; Re-Presenting History
200330: CHEKHOV, ANTON - Platonov; a Play in Four Acts and Five Scenes
117334: CHELADYN, LARISA SEMBALIUK - Celebrating Women: Honouring the Pride, Passion & Perseverance of Canadian Women / Célébrons Les Réalisations Des Femmes; Pour Souligner la Fierté, la Passion Et la Persévérance Des Femmes Canadiennes
128996: DU BOIS DE CHÊNE, ANNE MARIE - Young Ladies of Good Family
103952: MANITOBA SCHOOL QUESTION. CHERRIER, ALPHONSE AVILA - Memoire a S.E. Mgr. Stagni, Delegue-Apostolic au Canada, sur la Situation Religieuse Actuelle dans l'ouest Canadien et sur la Question Universitaire au Manitoba
131077: CHERRINGTON, JOHN - Mission on the Fraser
131754: CHERRY, JOHN (EDITOR) - Mythical Beasts
122749: CHERSTERMERE - Chestermere; A Home for All Seasons
113953: MUELLER, CHESTER (COL. USA RET.) & JOHN OLSON - Small Arms Lexicon and Concise Encyclopedia
115366: CHESTER, DONOVAN T.; LEVINE, MARILYN - Chester: A Two-Person Exhibition with Marilyn Levine
203534: CHEUNG, KING-KOK; YOGI, STAN - Asian American Literature; an Annotated Bibliography
111449: LE CHEVALLIER, JULES - Aux Prises avec la Tourmente: les Missionaires de la Colonie de Saint-Laurent-de-Grandin durant l'Insurrection Metisse de 1885
105959: LE CHEVALLIER, JULES - Aux Prises avec la Tourmente: les Missionaires de la Colonie de Saint-Laurent-de-Grandin durant l'Insurrection Metisse de 1885
105961: LE CHEVALLIER, JULES - Batoche; les Missionaires du Nord-Ouest pendant les Troubles de 1885
105958: LE CHEVALLIER, JULES - Equisse sur l'Origine et les Premiers Developpements de Calgary (1873-1913)
112604: CHEYENNE] - Cheyenne Frontier Days: The First 100 Years - a Pictorial History
202233: CHICAGO - World's Columbian Exposition Chicago
129408: CHICAGO, JUDY - The Dinner Party; The 39 Women
115303: CHIEL, ARTHUR A. - Jewish Experiences in Early Manitoba
103954: CHIEL, ARTHUR A. - Jewish Experiences in Early Manitoba
131722: CHILDERS, ERSKINE - The Riddle of the Sands
130879: CHILDRESS, MARK - Tender
130878: CHILDRESS, MARK - Crazy in Alabama
130880: CHILDRESS, MARK - One Mississippi
130881: CHILDRESS, MARK - One Mississippi
130882: CHILDRESS, MARK - A World Made of Fire
130883: CHILDRESS, MARK - V for Victor
130884: CHILDRESS, MARK - Georgia Bottoms
130877: CHILDRESS, MARK - Gone for Good
110719: CHILLINGWORTH, WILLIAM - Nine Sermons: The First Before His Majesty K. Charles I. The Other on Special and Eminent Occasions
120748: CHING, FRANCIS D.K.; JARZOMBEK, MARK M.; PRAKASH, VIKRAMADITYA - A Global History of Architecture
128733: CHIPANSKI, ASTON C. (EDITOR); MCQUARRIE, SUSAN HOPKINS (ILLUSTRATOR) (EDITOR) - The Leper Who Became a Prince and Other Stories
114826: BARRY, BILL; DOUG CHISHOLM AND BETH PARSONS - Age Shall Not Weary Them; Saskatchewan Remembers Its War Dead
118101: CHISHOLM, COLIN - Through Yup'ik Eyes, an Adopted Son Explores the L;ANdscape of Family
114808: CHISHOLM, DOUG - Their Names Live on: Remembering Saskatchewan's Fallen in World War II
103974: CHISHOLM, W.V.C. - Chisholm's Trail Across Canada and the U.S.A
103975: CHISM, JAMES V. - Excavations at Lower Fort Garry, 1965-1967; A General Description of Excavations and Preliminary Discussions
103977: CHODOS, ROBERT - The C.P.R.: A Century of Corporate Welfare
128344: CHOMOS, WILF - In the Blood
130886: CHONG, TOMMY - The I Chong Meditations from the Joint
118097: CHOQUE, CHARLES - Kajualuk, Pierre Henry Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate Apostle of the Inuit
122803: CHOQUETTE, ROBERT - Language and Religion; A History of English-French Conflict in Ontario
130958: CHORNEY, NOELLE - The Political Power of Place; A Case Study of Political Identity in Prairie Literature
203406: CHORPENNING, CHARLOTTE B.; TWAIN, MARK - The Prince and the Pauper; Romantic Play in 3 Acts
109271: CHOWN, ALICE A. - The Stairway
123574: CHRISMAS, LAWRENCE - Alberta Miners; A Tribute
111000: CHRISTENSEN, PETER - Rig Talk
126958: CHRISTENSEN, DEANNA; FIEGUTH, MENNO - Historic Saskatchewan
117367: CHRISTENSEN, JO-ANNE - More Ghost Stories of Saskatchewan
130613: CHRISTENSEN, DEANNA - Ahtahkakoop; The Epic Account of a Plains Cree Head Chief, His People, and Their Struggle for Survival, 1816-1896
115786: CHRISTENSEN, LISA - A Hiker's Guide to the Rocky Mountain Art of Lawren Harris
126090: CHRISTENSEN, PETER - Hail Storm
103981: CHRISTENSEN, JO-ANNE - Ghost Stories of Saskatchewan
103982: CHRISTENSEN, PETER - Hail Storm
113260: CHRISTENSEN, DEANNA - Ahtahkakoop; The Epic Account of a Plains Cree Head Chief, His People, and Their Struggle for Survival, 1816-1896
102442: CHRISTIAN, JANE; GARDNER, PETER M. - The Individual in Northern Dene Thought and Communication: A Study in Sharing and Diversity
116557: CHRISTIANSEN, E.A. - Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Kindersley Area (72-N) Saskatchewan
103986: CHRISTIANSEN, E.A. - Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Qu'appelle Area Saskatchewan
110677: CHRISTIE, R.L. - Geological Reconnaissance of the North Coast of Ellesmere Island District of Franklin Northwest Territories (1954)
122525: ROSENAK, CHUCK AND JAN - Museum of American Folk Art Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century American Folk Art and Artists
124424: NORDHEIMER MENNONITE CHURCH - Nordheimer Mennonite Church of Saskatchewan 1925-1975
127607: KNOX UNITED CHURCH - Through the Years with Knox; Celebrating Sixty-Five Years of Service As a Pastoral Charge 1885 - 1950 and the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Opening of the First Knox Church 1900 - 1950
127501: ST. ALBAN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH (MOOSOMIN) - St. Alban's Church, Moosomin; The First Hundred Years
118272: [CREE]. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - [3 Lines of Syllabics] the First Catechism of Christian Instruction and Doctrine in the Cree Language
126467: ALTONA MENNONITE CHURCH - Altona Menonite Church 25th Anniversary 1962-1987
126468: STEINBACH MENNONITE CHURCH - Steinbach Mennonite Church; 50th Anniversary 1942-1992
126466: SPRINGSTEIN MENNONITE CHURCH - Springstein Mennonite Church Memories 1938-1988
129827: ST. ANNE'S CATHOLIC CHURCH (BLAIRMORE) - St. Anne's Catholic Church 1910-1985 a History of St. Anne's Parish, Blairmore, Alberta
122833: FIRST UNITED CHURCH - The Best in Cooking in Saskatchewan
131584: ST. MARY'S (ANGLICAN) CHURCH, REGINA - The Year Book of the Twenty-First Anniversary of the Founding of the Parish of St. Mary the Virgin, Regina Generally Known As St. Mary's (Anglican) Church, Regina 1934
122394: CLEARBROOK MENNONITE CHURCH - A History of Clearbrook Mennonite Church 1952-1983
103996: CHURCH, GORDON C. - An Unfailing Faith; a History of the Saskatchewan Dairy Industry
203231: CHURCHILL, CHARLES; LAVER, JAMES (EDITOR) - Poems of Charles Churchill
130307: CHURCHILL, THE RT. HON. WINSTON S. CHURCHILL, C.H., M.P. - The Aftermath
131646: CHURCHILL, WINSTON S. - The Second World War: The Gathering Storm; Their Finest Hour; The Grand Alliance; The Hinge of Fate; Closing the Ring; Triumph and Tragedy
119856: CHURCHILL - ...Throught He Years; Churchill, North of 58 (Degrees)
200357: CHURCHILL, WINSTON S. - The Second World War: The Gathering Storm; Their Finest Hour; The Grand Alliance; The Hinge of Fate; Closing the Ring; Triumph and Tragedy
129904: CHURCHILL, WARD - Indians Are Us? Culture and Genocide in Native North America
122830: CHURCHWARD, COLONEL JAMES - The Sacred Symbols of Mu
127323: CIBA - Ciba Review (Various Issues)
127322: CIBA - Index to Ciba Review; Volumes III - VI, No. 25 - 72
109835: CIBBER, COLLEY - An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Comedian and Patentee of the Theatre Royal. Written by Himself; and Interspersed with Characters and Anecdotes of His Theatrical Contemporaries; the Whole Forming a Complete History of the Stage for the Space of Forty Years
112588: CIBOROWSKI, ADOLF - Warszawa; O Zniszczeniu I Odbudowie Miasta
114775: CICANSKY, VIC; DOWNSTAIRS GALLERY - Invitation November 20, 1982
126038: CICANSKY, VIC - Up from Garlic Flats; My Life and the Making of an Artist
121012: CICANSKY, VIC; WOLTJEN / UDELL GALLERY - Invitation: Edmonton - Saturday, Mary 7-21, 1987; Vancouver - Saturday, April 4-18, 1987
119104: CISNEROS, DOMINGO (ARTIST); MARTIN, LEE-ANN (CURATOR) - Domingo Cisneros: Sky Bones
113009: DEPARTMENT OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION [INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH] - Indians of the Prairie Provinces (An Historical Review)
115393: DEPARTMENT OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGARTION - Citizenship, Immigration and Ethnic Groups in Canada; A Bibliography of Research Published and Unpublished Sources 1920-1858
114687: RAPID CITY AND DISTRICT - Rapid City and District; Our Past for the Future
102700: CLAIRMONT, DONALD H.; MAGILL, DENNIS W. - Nova Scotian Blacks: An Historical and Structural Overview
117799: CLANCY, TOM - Red Rabbit
109272: CLARE, JOHANNE - John Clare and the Bounds of Circumstance
127271: EPHEMERA [CLARIDAD] - Claridad; Enrojo Suplemento; 6 de Marzo 1976
128792: CLARK, TAMSIN FLEGG; DONNELLY, MAUREEN; VEITH, ULRIKE [CURATORS] - Search, Image and Identity: Voicing Our West
115792: CLARK, KENNETH - The Nude; A Study in Ideal Form
203946: CLARK, JOHN AUBREY - Selected Verses and Essays
124209: CLARK, JOHN LIVINGSTONE - Stream Under Flight
113014: CLARK, ELLA ELIZABETH - Indian Legends of Canada
112982: CLARK, S. D. - Church and Sect in Canada
112781: CLARK, BRENDA L. - The Development of Caribou Eskimo Culture
114469: CLARK, BRUCE - Native Liberty, Crown Sovereignty: Existing Aboriginal Right of Self-Government in Canada
117694: CLARK, ELLA ELIZABETH - Indian Legends of Canada
120024: CLARK, KENNETH; SMITH, CHARLES SAUMAREZ (INTRO.) - The Nude; A Study in Ideal Form
109714: CLARK, S.D. - The Social Development of Canada; an Introductory Study with Select Documents
200361: CLARK, ELEANOR - Rome and a Villa
119933: CLARK, JOAN - Latitudes of Melt
114886: CLARK, JOHN LIVINGSTONE - Stream Under Flight
122639: CLARK, RONALD W. - The Life of Bertrand Russell
128202: CLARK, HERBERT R. - Historical Review of Saskatchewan Agricultural Societes' Association and the Agricultural Societies of Saskatchewan
115491: CLARK, AUSTIN H. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume VIII: Mollusks, Echinoderms, Coelenterates, Etc.; Part C: Echinoderms
128286: CLARK, HERBERT R.; UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN - A History of the Saskatchewan Agricultural Societies' Association 1883-1985
128035: CLARK, JANE - Canada; An Open Window on Our People and Places, Past and Present Volume I
130506: CLARK, ROBERT A. (EDITED, WITH INTRODUCTION, BY) (EDITOR) - The Killing of Chief Crazy Horse; three eyewitness views by the Indian, Chief He Dog; the Indian-White, William Garnett; the White doctor, Valentine McGillycuddy
120528: CLARK, ROBERT JUDSON (EDITOR) - The Arts and Crafts Movement in America, 1876-1916
104012: CLARK, W. LELAND - Brandon's Politics and Politicians
104007: CLARK, GEORGE H.; MALTE, M. OSCAR - Fodder and Pasture Plants
104008: CLARK, GEORGE H.; MALTE, M. OSCAR - Plantes Fourrageres: Prairies et Paturages
104011: CLARK, LESLIE M. (EDITOR) - Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: A Symposium Sponsored by the Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists, and the Saskatchewan Society of Petroleum Geologists
104002: CLARK, A. MCFAYDEN (EDITOR) - Proceedings: Northern Athapaskan Conference, 1971
100608: CLARK, ARCH. B. - The Foreign Exchanges
102823: CLARK, ANNETTE MCFAYDEN - Koyokuk River Culture
102443: CLARK, L. DONOVAN - Raisins in the Rice
127821: CLARKE, A. C. G. - Creating Community: A Roundtable on Canadian Aboriginal Literature
121266: CLARKE, GEORGE ELLIOTT - Beatrice Chancy
116733: SOURIS VALLEY; CLARKE, LAWRENCE B. - Souris Valley Plains - a History
114256: CLARKE, J. ERSKINE - Chatterbox 1911
122726: CLARKE, IAN; DICK, LYLE; CARTER, SARAH - Motherwell Historic Park
129679: CLARKSON, THOMAS - Memories of the Private and Public Life of William Penn (in two volumes)
200364: CLARKSON, THOMAS - A Portraiture of Quakerism; Taken from a View of the Moral Education, Discipline, Peculiar Customs, Religious Principles, Political and Civil Economy, and Character of the Society of Friends
122430: CLARKSON, STEPHEN - Uncle Sam and Us; Globalization, Neoconservativism, and the Canadian State
114032: ILLUSTRATED CLASSICS - The Classics Companion of Great Adventure Stories
101396: BRADWELL, CLAVET AND DISRICT. HAY, MERILYN; HEUCHERT, THERESA (EDITOR) - Echoes of Our Past: Bradwell, Clavet and District
122912: BRADWELL, CLAVET AND DISRICT. HAY, MERILYN; HEUCHERT, THERESA (EDITOR) - Echoes of Our Past: Bradwell, Clavet and District
126804: CLAY, ALLYSON; HENRY, KAREN [TEXT]; ROBERTSON, LISA [ESSAY] - Imaginary Standard Distance
104021: CLAY, CHARLES - Muskrat Man
125562: CANADIAN CLAY & GLASS GALLERY; ROBERTS, ANN [EDITOR] - I.A.C. 98: A Question of Identity: Ceramics at the End of the Twentieth Century / Une Question D'identite: La Ceramique de la Fin Du Vingtieme Siecle
126935: CLAYTON, MARIE; THOMAS, GARETH - A Photographic History of John Lennon
100611: CLEARWATER - Through the Years: To the Sixtieth Anniversary of Knox United Church, Clearwater, Manitoba, 1893-1953
124871: CLEARY, THOMAS [TRANSLATION, PRESENTATION] - The Essential Tao; An Initiation into the Heart of Taoism Throught the Authentic Tao Te Ching and the Inner Teachings of Chuang-Tzu
129480: CLEAVER, SOLOMON - Jean Val Jean, as told by Solomon Cleaver
112646: REINICK, ROBERT; BRENTANO, CLEMENS; ET AL - Die Fahrt Ins Wunderland; Marchen Deutscher Dichter
101013: R. M. OF ST. CLEMENTS - The East Side of the Red; a Centennial Project of the Rural Municipality of St. Clements 1884 to 1984
101441: CLEMENTS, CHARLOTTE ROSS - Green Arrows; and Other Poems
117539: CLEMENTS, HORACE; NICKEL, FRANK (EDITOR) - A Little of Everything; "Peoms" by a Teenager and More
128250: CLEMENTS, WILLIAM M. - Native American Verbal Art; Texts and Contexts
101102: ST. CLEMENTS - The East Side of the Red: A Centennial Project of the Rural Municipality of St. Clements, 1884 to 1984
104023: CLEMENTS, MURIEL - By Their Bootstraps: A History of the Credit Union Movement in Saskatchewan
131709: CLEMENTS, JONATHAN (WRITTEN AND COMPILED BY) - Darwin's Notebook; The Life, Times, and Discoveries of Charles Robert Darwin
125725: CLERK, JANIE MCLEOD - Poems
115481: VAN CLEVE, H.J. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume IX; Annalids, Parasitic Worms, Protazoas, Etc, Part E: Acanthocephalat, Southern Party 1913-1916
200365: CLEVELAND, RICHARD J. - Voyages and Commercial Enterprises of the Sons of New England
104024: CLEVER, GLENN - Alberta Days
110583: CLEVERDON, CATHERINE LYLE - The Woman Suffrage Movement in Canada
109274: CLEVERDON, CATHERINE L. - The Woman Suffrage Movement in Canada
200366: CLEVERDON, CATHERINE LYLE - The Woman Suffrage Movement in Canada
123433: CLIFFORD, JOHN (PSEUDONYM OF ) - Temperance Reform and the Ideal State: A Lecture by Dr. John Clifford, M.A., Delivered in the Mechanic's Hall, Nottingham, on Tuesday, December 2nd, 1913, Under the Presidency of A. W. Black, Esq., M.P.
131246: CLIFTON, JAMES A. (EDITOR) - Being and Becoming Indian; Biographical Studies of North American Frontiers
101442: CLIMAX - Prairie Wool. A History of Climax and Surrounding School Districts
112203: MENDEL ART GALLERY. CLIMER, JOHN - Ernest Lindner, 1897-: A Retrospective Exhibition
120129: MENDEL ART GALLERY. CLIMER, JOHN - Ernest Lindner, 1897-: A Retrospective Exhibition
106737: MENDEL ART GALLERY. CLIMER, J. E. - E. Lindner in Retrospect: The Years 1963-1977
106739: MENDEL ART GALLERY. CLIMER, JOHN - Gus Kenderdine 1870-1947: Pioneer
100614: CLINGAN, IDA - The Virden Story
115985: CLINGAN, IDA - The Virden Story
127429: CLINKSKILL, JAMES; HANSON, H.D. [EDITOR] - A Prairie Memoir; The Life and Times of James Clinkskill 1853-1936
112948: M'CLINTOCK, F.L., R.N., LL.D. - A Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and His Companions
131206: M'CLINTOCK, F.L., R.N., LL.D. - A Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and His Companions
115974: M'CLOSKEY, KATHLEEN ANNE CROSS - The Institutionalization of Art Within Two Internal Colonies: A Comparative Study of the Inuit and the Navajo
203634: CLOUSTON, W.A. - The Book of Noodles: Stories of Simpletons; or, Fools and Their Follies
128869: CLOUSTON - Echoes of Our Heritage
125503: WATT-CLOUTIER, SHEILA - The Right to Be Cold; One Woman's Story of Protecting Her Culture, the Arctic and the Whole Planet
125211: MACLEOD SKETCH CLUB - The Story of MacLeod
124180: SASKATOON WRITER'S CLUB - Backroads to Yesterday: A Nostalgic Look at Saskatchewan's Heritage
113254: EASTWAY LADIES CLUB - Trails to Highways
116335: RIVERBUTTE HOBBY CLUB - Memories...
126550: RANCHMEN'S CLUB - A Short History of the Ranchmen's Club (A Light-Hearted Account)
122831: ALEXANDRA CLUB - The Art of Cooking in Regina
130047: ACADIA VALLEY COMMUNITY CLUB - Times to Remember
131093: THE RANCHMEN'S CLUB - The Ranchmen's Club A Slight Historical Sketch 1891-1952
128692: ETHELTON COMMUNITY CLUB - Ethelton Pioneers Onward; A Sequel to Ethelton Pioneers
103656: CANADA PRESS CLUB - The Multilingual Press in Manitoba
102177: SASKATOON WRITER'S CLUB - Backroads to Yesterday: A Nostalgic Look at Saskatchewan's Heritage
102178: SASKATOON WRITERS' CLUB - Wind in the Stubble: 37th Anniversasry Edition
127945: ALFORD COMMUNITY CLUB - As We Remember Alford
102148: SASKATCHEWAN HOMEMAKERS' CLUBS - Retrospect and Prospect; the Silver Cord and the Golden Chain
102149: SASKATCHEWAN HOMEMAKERS' CLUBS - Homemakers' Clubs of Saskatchewan; 1911-1961
200368: CLUNE, FRANK - Captain Bully Haynes: Blackbirder and Bigamist
103635: CAMPBELL, CLYDE & MYRTLE - Challenge of the Homestead: Peace River Letters of Clyde and Myrtle Campbell 1919-1924
129557: CLYNE, CORRINE - Nora's Memoir
121097: L.H. NELSON CO. - Scenes of Modern New York
127545: MILTON BRADLEY CO. - Little Folks Painting Book
120089: THE SCRIBE; T. EATON CO. - Golden Jubilee: 1869-1919 - a Book to Commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the T. Eaton Co Limited
109673: B.F. HARRISON CO. - The Secretary's Catalog and Guide to the Buying and Using of Supplies for Fairs, Expositions, Race Meets, Chautauquas, Poultry Shows, Rabbit Shows, Baseball Parks, Picnics, Street Fairs, Carnivals, Etc., Etc.
110203: COAD, BRIAN W. - A Bibliography of the Sticklebacks (Gasterosteidae: Osteichthyes)
130972: COATES, KEN; MCGUINNESS, FRED - The Keystone Province: An Illustrated History of Manitoba Enterprise
130755: COATES, DONNA (EDITOR) (EDITOR) - Sharon Pollock First Woman of Canadian Theatre
203895: COATES, W.H. - Dora Hamilton; or, Sunshine and Shadow
112550: COATES, DONALD R. (EDITOR) - Glacial Geomorphology
117981: COATES, KENNETH; POWELL, JUDITH - The Modern North, People, Politics and the Rejection of Colonialism
117636: COATES, KEN S.; FISHER, ROBIN (EDITORS) - Out of the Background; Readings on Canadian Native History
126424: COATES, KEN (EDITOR) - Aboriginal Land Claims in Canada; A Regional Perspective
115830: COATES, KENNETH S.; MORRISON, WILLIAM R. - Interpreting Canada's North
104036: COATES, KEN S. - Best Left As Indians: Native-White Relations in the Yukon Territory, 1840-1973
118920: COATSWORTH, EMERSON S. - The Indians of Quetico
120120: GEIKIE-COBB, W.F. (ADDRESS); SALE, CHARLES V. (ADDRESS) - Henry Hudson and the Church of St. Ethelburga the Virgin Within Bishopsgate
110213: COCHRAN, BENTE ROED - Printmaking in Alberta, 1945-1985
131738: COCHRANE, LORD ADMIRAL - Memoirs of a Fighting Captain
119480: COCHRANE, JEAN - Down on the Farm; Childhood Memories of Farming in Canada
202276: COCKAINE, THOMAS - A Short Treatise of Hunting; 1591
127127: COCKBURN, BRUCE - Rumours of Glory: A Memoir
111414: COCTEAU, JEAN - The Human Voice; Performed by Ingrid Bergman
114023: CODY, HIRAM ALFRED - The Frontiersman
125478: CODY, H.A. - An Apostle of the North; Memoirs of the Right Reverend William Carpenter Bompas
121404: COE, RALPH T. - Sacred Circles; Two Thousand Years of North American Indian Art
130888: COETZEE, J. M. - Diary of a Bad Year
130889: COETZEE, J. M. - Diary of a Bad Year
112068: COGSWELL, FRED (EDITOR) - The Fiddlehead
111749: COGSWELL, FRED - The House without a Door
111750: COGSWELL, FRED - In Praise of Chastity
125840: COGSWELL, FRED - The Trouble with Light
131013: COHEN, LEONARD - Parasites of Heaven
128224: COHEN, LEONARD - Stranger Music; Selected Poems and Songs
125481: COHEN, J.M. - The Life of Ludwig Mond
203228: COHEN, L. JONATHAN; LOS, JERZY; PFEIFFER, HELMUT; PODEWSKI, KLAUS-PETER (ED - Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science VI; Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Hannover, 1979
203177: COHEN, MATT - The Spanish Doctor
118497: COHEN, DANIEL - ESP; The Search Beyond the Senses
118429: COHEN, MATT - Getting Lucky
109276: COHEN, MARJORIE GRIFFIN - Women's Work, Markets, and Economic Development in Nineteenth Century Ontario
119756: COHEN, MATT - The Hours of War
119755: COHEN, MATT - Café le Dog
129521: COHEN, LEONARD; SIMMONS, SYLVIE - I'm Your Man; The Life of Leonard Cohen
121375: COHEN, LEONARD - Selected Poems: 1956-1968
122777: COHEN, MATT - The Sweet Second Summer of Kitty Malone
126133: COHEN, OCTAVUS ROY - The Townsend Murder Mystery
128428: COHEN, STAN - The Streets Were Paved with Gold; A Pictorial History of the Klondike Gold Rush 1896 - 1899
130089: COHEN, RICH - The Sun & the Moon & the Rolling Stones
128219: COHEN, LEONARD; NADEL, IRA B. - Various Positios; A Life of Leonard Cohen
123482: COHEN, LEONARD - Book of Mercy
123400: COLBECK, NORMAN - A Bookman's Catalogue; The Norman Colbeck Collection of Nineteenth-Century and Edwardian Poetry and Belles Lettres in the Special Collections of the University of British Columbia; Volume 1 [A - L] & Volume 2 [M - End]
108244: COLBOURNE, MAURICE - The Meaning of Social Credit
125071: COLBOURNE, MAURICE - The Meaning of Social Credit; Revised Edition of "Economic Nationalism"
126731: COLBY, FRANK MOORE - The Colby Essays; Volume One: The Pursuit of Homor and Other Essays
128239: COLDEN, CADWALLADER - The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, Which Are Dependant on the Province of New-York in America, and Are the Barrier Between the English and French Part of the World
114670: COLDWELL, M.J. - Left Turn, Canada
202667: COLE, WILLIAM GRAHAM - Sex in Christianity and Psychoanalysis
125352: COLE, CATHERINE C. (EDITOR) - Norwegian Immigrant Clothing and Textiles
120252: COLE, GEORGE WATSON (COMPILED AND ANNOTATED BY) - A Catalogue of Books Relating to the Discovery and Early History of North and South America; Forming a Part of the Library of E. D. Church [5 Volumes]
116889: COLE, MARTINA - Journey to Caribou Land
122518: COLE, JENNIFER - Ceremonies and Seasons; Exploring and Celebrating Nature's Eternal Cycles
104044: COLE, JEAN MURRAY - Exile in the Wilderness: The Life of Chief Factor Archibald McDonald, 1790-1853
102445: COLE, J. P. - A Geography of the U.S.S.R.: The Background to a Planned Economy
123698: COLEGATE, ISABEL - Deceits of Time
125006: COLEMAN, ELIOT - The New Organic Grower; A Master's Manual of Tools and Techniquesfor the Home and Market Gardner
128137: COLEMAN, HELEN ("BUBS") - Dreaming a Gallery; Saskatoon's Mendel Art Gallery in History and Memory
125081: COLEMAN, ELIOT - Four-Season Harvest; How to Harvest Organic Vegetables from Your Home Garden All Year Long
104045: COLEMAN, MACDONALD - Once upon a Little Town. The Fun, Frolic and Pain of Small Town Life
100577: BRANDON. COLEMAN, MACDONALD - The Face of Yesterday; the Story of Brandon, Manitoba 1882-1957
100105: COLEMAN, MAC - The Wind and the Dream
119403: COLEMAN, HELEN ("BUBS") - Dreaming a Gallery; Saskatoon's Mendel Art Gallery in History and Memory
108233: SNORTLAND-COLES, J. SIGNE - The Duck River or Aschkibokahn Site of West-Central Manitoba; the Role of the Northern Marsh in the Subsistence of Late Woodland Peoples
116888: COLES, ROBERT - The Last and First Eskimos
109639: COLIZZI, GIUSEPPE - The Night Has Another Voice
122290: VARIOUS. [COLLAB. - RICHARD ARTSCHWAGER]; BYRNE, DAVID (INSERT) - Parkett No.23, 1990; Kunstzeitschrift / Art Magazine
122287: VARIOUS. [COLLAB. - KATARINA FRITSCH; JAMES TURRELL]; STREULI, B. (INSERT) - Parkett No.25, 1990; Kunstzeitschrift / Art Magazine
122286: VARIOUS. [COLLAB. - ALIGHIERO E BOETI]; SHERMAN, CINDY (INSERT) - Parkett No.24, 1990; Kunstzeitschrift / Art Magazine
128070: COLLACELLO, BOB - Holy Terror; Andy Warhol Close Up
129633: FREYA'S COLLECTABLES - Trade Silver & Manitokan's (Manitokans); Manitokan from the Forest for the People / Dolls, Effigies & Charms of the Northern Plains
130184: EISENMANN, CHAS. (PHOTOGRAPHS); MITCHELL, MICHAEL (COLLECTED AND EDITED BY) (EDITOR) - Monsters Human Freaks in America's Gilded Age; The Photographs of Chas. Eisenmann
130164: THE GRAPE COLLECTIVE (VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA) - The Grape Vancouver's Oppostion Newspaper Dec. 13-19, 1972 No. 47
131032: WE ACT EDITORIAL COLLECTIVE - Mythogyny; the lives and times of women elders on B.C.
129748: ROSTHERN JUNIOR COLLEGE - Roots & Wings; 100 Years of Rosthern Junior College
106351: MANITOBA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE - Golden Jubilee 1906-1956; a Record of the Years, Commemorating Fifty Years of Agricultural Education and Endeavor
120556: NELSON MCINTYRE COLLEGIATE - The Challenge, 1963. [Yearbook]
129554: CAMPBELL COLLEGIATE (REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN) - Campbell Collegiate; The Lost Years 1964, 1965, 1966
118210: COLLIER, JOHN, JR. - Alaska Eskimo Education, a Film Analysis of Cultural Confrontation in the Schools
127012: COLLIER, JAMES LINCOLN - The Making of Jazz; A Comprehensive History
130462: COLLINS, ROBERT - Butter Down the Well; Reflections of a Canadian Childhood
129941: COLLINS, JUDITH; BELL, QUENTIN (FOREWORD) - The Omega Workshops
120653: COLLINS, ARTHUR - Letters and Memorials of State, in the Reigns of Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, King James, King Charles the First, Part of the Reign of King Charles the Second, and Oliver's Usurpation. Written and Collected by Sir Henry Sydney, Knight of the Garter, Ambassador in France, Four Times Lord-Justice of Ireland, and Thrice Lord-Deputy of That Realm, in the Reigns of Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth, and Lord-President of Wales, &C. The Famous Sir Philip Sydney, and His Brother Sir Robert Sydney, Lord-Governor of Flushing, and Lord-Chamberlain in the Reign of King James. Robert, the Second Earl of Leicester, Ambassador to the Kings of Denmark, and France, and Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, in the Reign of King Charles the First. Philip Lord Viscount L
112047: COLLINS, ROBERT - Prairie People; A Celebration of My Homeland
111291: COLLINS, ROBERT - The Long and the Short and the Tall; an Ordinary Airman's War
112840: COLLINS, WILLIAM WILKIE - A Rogue's Life: Written by Himself
200381: COLLINS, ROBERT - A Great Way to Go: The Automobile in Canada
104056: COLLINS, ROBERT - Butter Down the Well; Reflections of a Canadian Childhood
104054: COLLINS, JOSEPH EDMUND [SUPPOSED AUTHOR] - The Story of Louis Riel, the Rebel Chief.
104052: COLLINS, JOSEPH EDMUND [SUPPOSED AUTHOR] - The Story of Louis Riel, the Rebel Chief.
119440: COLLINS, ROBERT - The Long and the Short and the Tall; an Ordinary Airman's War
131037: COLLINSON, HELEN; WEISS, JOE - One Man's Mountains; John Weiss in Jasper
118222: COLLINSWORTH, DON W. (EDITOR) - Price William Sound - Copper River Comprehensive Salmon Plan, Phase 1, 20 Year Plan (1983-2002)
118943: COLLOCOTT, T.C. (EDITOR) - The Shining Hour
121578: COLMAN, RICHARD - I Was Just Leaving: The Artwork of Richard Colman
119871: ST. JOSEPH'S COLONY, SASKATCHEWAN - Ripening Harvest; St. Joseph's Colony, Saskatchewan; 1905 - 1955
100315: MILLICENT, IMPERIAL COLONY & PATRICIA - Spurs and Shovels Along the Royal Line
114728: COLQUETTE, R.D. - The First Fifty Years: A History of United Grain Growers Limited
104058: COLQUETTE, R.D. - The First Fifty Years: A History of United Grain Growers Limited
128973: COLT, JESSIE (TEXT); MOKER, VAL (ARTIST) - Short Poems, Tall Cowboys
128515: ARCHIVES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA - The British Colubia Historical Quarterly
125541: INDIAN CHILDREN OF BRITISH COLUMBIA - Tales from the Longhouse
111335: ARCHIVES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA - House of Assembly Correspondence Book. August 12th, 1856, to July 6th, 1859.
109597: ARCHIVES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA - Minutes of the House of Assembly of Vancouver Island. August 12th, 1856, to September 25th, 1858.
109598: ARCHIVES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA - House of Assembly Correspondence Book. August 12th, 1856, to July 6th, 1859.
109596: ARCHIVES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA - Minutes of the Council of Vancouver Island. Commencing August 30th, 1851, and Terminating with the Prorogation of the House of Assembly, February 6th, 1861.
101690: KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - Columbianism in Saskatchewan; 1907-1982
109277: COLWELL, FREDERIC S. - Rivermen: A Romantic Iconography of the River and the Source
124949: EDITORS AT TATTOOFINDER.COM (EDITOR) - Tattoo Sourcebook; Pick and Choose from Thousands of the Hottest Tattoo Designs
123685: COMACK, ELIZABETH (ISSUE EDITOR); MACLEAN, BRIAN (EDITOR) - The Journal of Human Justice: The Journal of the Human Justice Collective; (Volume 1, Number 2, Spring 1990) Race, Class, Gender and Justice
114048: COMEAU, PAULINE; ALDO SANTIN - The First Canadians
116850: COMFORT, DARLENE - The Abasand Fiasco
121402: COMFORT, CHARLES F. (DIRECTOR) - A Quarter-Century of Canadian Painting
100180: FORT MCMURRAY. COMFORT, D. J. - Ribbon of Water and Steamboats North: A History of Fort McMurray, Alberta
109960: CHARLTON COMICS - My Little Margie in Beatlemania
109573: CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE - War Service Records 1939-1945; an Account of the War Service of Members of the Staff During the Second World War
123412: REGINA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - Saskatchewan Invites the Tourist
127627: CENTENNIAL COMMISSION - The Founders and the Guardians; Fathers of Confederation, Governors General, Prime Ministers; A Collection of Biographical Sketches and Portraits
114591: INDIAN CLAIMS COMMISSION - Sturgeon Lake First Nation Inquiry; Report on: Red Deer Holdings Agricultural Lease Claim March 1998
114592: INDIAN CLAIMS COMMISSION - Nekaneet First Nation; Report on: Agricultural and Other Benefits Under Treaty 4 March 1999
114589: INDIAN CLAIMS COMMISSION - Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range II; Reprto on: Joseph Bighead Inquiry, Buffalo River Inquiry, Waterhen Lake Inquiry and Flying Dust Inquiry September 1995
114590: INDIAN CLAIMS COMMISSION - Lac la Ronge Indian Band; Report on: Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry March 1996
127443: INDIAN CLAIMS COMMISSION - Young Chipeewayan Inquiry; Report on: Inquiry into the Claim of the Stoney Knoll Indian Reserve No. 107 December 1994
114553: INDIAN CLAIMS COMMISSION - Report on the Mediation of the Muskoday First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Negotiation
114552: INDIAN CLAIMS COMMISSION - Sakimay First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry
107811: SASKATCHEWAN. ROWELL-SIROIS COMMISSION. - A Submission by the Government of Saskatchewan to the Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations. (Canada, 1937.)
119643: SASKATCHEWAN. ROWELL-SIROIS COMMISSION. - A Submission by the Government of Saskatchewan to the Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations. (Canada, 1937.)
121985: SASKATCHEWAN. ROWELL-SIROIS COMMISSION. - A Submission by the Government of Saskatchewan to the Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations. (Canada, 1937.)
128557: OFFICE OF THE TREATY COMMISSIONER - Treaties: The Road to Reconciliation; Interim Report Office of the Treaty Commissioner
122301: OFFICE OF THE TREATY COMMISSIONER - Teaching Treaties in the Classroom; Participants Manual
129746: THE SWARTHMORE BOOK COMMITTEE - Golden Threads Swarthmore 1905 - 1980
128686: PLUNKETT HISTORY COMMITTEE - Through the Fields of Time: Plunkett and District
114644: ST LUKES HISTORICAL COMMITTEE - Unchaga Peace: The Centennial History of St. Luke's Anglican Mission Fort Vermillion, Alberta.
127758: KIPLING & DISTRICT HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - Pioneers and Progress; Kipling and District 1882-1998
113828: ROYSTON CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE - History of "Tle-Tla-Tay" (Royston)
130163: N.D.P. WOMEN'S COMMITTEE (BRITISH COLUMBIA) - Priorities Vol. II, No. 3 March, 1974
128459: FAIRVIEW BOOK COMMITTEE - Fairview Country 1984 Aird, Bisley & Greenan
130332: R.M. OF NEWCOMBE HISTORY COMMITTEE - As It Happened; Hitory of the R.M. Of Newcombe #260
129984: MOFFAT BOOKLET COMMITTEE - Moffatt Memories (1884 - 1984) St. Andrew's United Church, Moffat, Saskatchewan
131666: WALLACE HISTORICAL COMMITTEE - Magnified Memories; The Wallace Township
127265: RIGHT TO STRIKE COMMITTEE - The Artistic Woodwork Strike 1973; A Lesson for the Canadian Labour Movement
118236: FISHERIES JOINT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - Beaufort Sea Beluga Management Plan
101388: BLENDED HERITAGE HISTORY COMMITTEE - Blended Heritage. Ada, Mount Ethel, East Bank, Ruth, Madawaska, Happland, Wasteena, Vance, Cairnsview, Thule, Wilbert, Baldwinton, Alada, Winter, Seagram, Dufferin, Blue Bell, Irene, Langemarck
112850: PLUNKETT HISTORY COMMITTEE - Through the Fields of Time: Plunkett and District
129961: FORT MACLEOD HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - Fort Macleod, Our Colourful Past II; A History of Fort Macleod and District 1925 to 1989
109070: WINNIPEG GENERAL STRIKE DEFENSE COMMITTEE. - The Winnipeg General Sympathetic Strike. May-June, 1919: Trial by Jury Destroyed by Stampede Forty-Five Minute Legislation, Workers Arrested and Rushed to Penitentiary to Smash Strike, Lending Lawyers, Members of Employers' Committee of 1000, Engaged by Federal Government to Prosecute Workers: Strikes, Arrests, Trials, Penitentiary: Prepared by the Defense Committee Composed of Delegates from the Various Labor Organizations in Winnipeg, Manitoba
130867: SASKATOON SOLIDARITY COMMITTEE - Partners in Imperialism; The Canadian Labour Congress and Social Democracy in the Third World
119891: HODGSON LEGION HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - Lest We Forget; The Price of Victory
130957: KELVINGTON SOUVENIR BOOK COMMITTEE - 'TheJourney'; An account of the life and times of Kelvington and District
130437: SENLAC HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - Out of the Past; Senlac, Rutland, Cotswold, Abbeywood, Longlake, Canadian, Airedale, Penile (School Districts)
130438: CARROT RIVER HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - Beyond Pioneer Ways to Modern Days; History of the Town of Carrot River and the Rural Minicipality of Moose Range
119766: WINNIPEG GENERAL STRIKE DEFENSE COMMITTEE. - The Winnipeg General Sympathetic Strike. May-June, 1919: Trial by Jury Destroyed by Stampede Forty-Five Minute Legislation, Workers Arrested and Rushed to Penitentiary to Smash Strike, Lending Lawyers, Members of Employers' Committee of 1000, Engaged by Federal Government to Prosecute Workers: Strikes, Arrests, Trials, Penitentiary: Prepared by the Defense Committee Composed of Delegates from the Various Labor Organizations in Winnipeg, Manitoba
126465: DELORAINE HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - Deloraine Meets the Millenium; A History of Deloraine and District 1980-2000 (Volume Ii)
126463: WAWANESA & DISTRICT HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - Sipiweske; Light Through the Trees; 100 Years of Wawanesa and District
126462: GLADSTONE HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - Gladstone Then and Now 1871 - 2001
122907: BLENDED HERITAGE HISTORY COMMITTEE - Blended Heritage. Ada, Mount Ethel, East Bank, Ruth, Madawaska, Happland, Wasteena, Vance, Cairnsview, Thule, Wilbert, Baldwinton, Alada, Winter, Seagram, Dufferin, Blue Bell, Irene, Langemarck
128094: VICTORIA PLAINS CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE - Good Neighbours; Memories of Victoria Plains and Foxleigh Districts
125260: DAVIN. [DAVIN MEMORY BOOK COMMITTEE] - Davin Memories; 60th Anniversary, 1929-1989
128056: COLONSAY HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - Milestones and Memories Volume 2 Centennil 2005; Colonsay R.M. #342
115500: ARCTIC PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE (EDITOR) - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume III: Insects
122544: HOLY CROSS PARISH; 25TH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE - Silver Anniversary Holy Cross Parish; Regina, Saskatchewan 1959 - 1984
131671: SWAN RIVER VALLEY HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - 80 Years in Swan River Valley
121769: YEARLY MEETING'S COMMITTEE - Rules of Discipline of the Yearly Meeting of Friends in Ireland, with Advices Issued and Adopted Thereby [Bound With] Supplement
131395: PRELATE HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - Our Heritage Recalled 1908-1990
131396: GRAYSON AND DISTRICT HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - Grayson and District History Book
101018: RATHWELL. RATHWELL HISTORICAL COMMITTEE - Twixt Hill and Vale: A Story of Rathwell and Surrounding District
115360: ROSEDALE CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE - Rosedale Remembers 1884-1984
128452: HAMLIN COMMUNITY HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - Prairie Echoes; A History of Apenshaw, Nolin (Hamlin), McMillan School Districts Plus a Small Rural Area North and Adjacent to North Battleford, Saskatchewan
119529: [PEMBROKE HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE] - The Pembroke Years; 1919-1968
125069: MCKINNEY HALL HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - Mosquitoes, Muskegs and Memories; A History of Wesley Creek and Three Creeks
128694: FOXWARREN HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - The Fox's Tale; The History of Foxwarren and the Consolidated School District #525
128693: BIG RIVER CENTENNIAL HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - A Century in the Making; Stories of Big River and Area
119461: DAVIN. [DAVIN MEMORY BOOK COMMITTEE] - Davin Memories; 60th Anniversary, 1929-1989
128680: PLUNKETT HISTORY COMMITTEE - Through the Fields of Time: Plunkett and District
102799: UKRAINIAN CANADIAN CENTENARY COMMITTEE - Ukrainian Canadian Centenary. Festivals of Music and Dance, Edmonton-Winnipeg-Toronto Souvenir Program
127949: KIRKELLA HISTORY COMMITTEE - Kirkella Wagon Trails to Hardtop 1881 - 1979
128456: PASWEGIN HISTORY COMMITTEE - Pages from the Past; A History of Paswegin and School Districts: Harrow, North Quill, Quill City, Tiger Lily and Wooler
128695: GUERNSEY & DISTRICT HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - Guernsey & District Roadway of Memories 1905 -2005
102308: TUXFORD HERITAGE COMMITTEE - Heritage of the Wheatlands - Tuxford and Area; Blofield S.D., Buffalo Lake S.D., Clinton S.D., Fairwell S.D., South Lake S.D., Westlake S.D
115015: MENNONITE AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Woher? Wohin? Mennoniten!; 3. Teil. Die Mennoniten in Canada. Lektion Fur Den Unterricht in Den Mennonitischen Schulen.
114970: GLADSTONE CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE - Memories of Home, 1882-1982: A Pictorial History of the Town of Gladstone and Its Pioneers
102134: SASKATCHEWAN GOLDEN JUBILEE COMMITTEE - Final Report of the Saskatchewan Golden Jubilee Committee
102135: SASKATCHEWAN GOLDEN JUBILEE COMMITTEE - The Fiftieth Year; a Speaker's Handbook About Saskatchewan and Its Jubilee
128458: FRONTIER HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE - They Blazed We Followed (Volume I & Volume Ii)
130313: NATIONAL CAUCUS OF LABOR COMMITTEES - The Campaigner; articles on ecology, reconversion, Cuba & Peru May - June, 1970
130177: NEWS AND LETTERS COMMITTEES - News & Letters Vol. 17 No. 5 May, 1972
130178: NEWS AND LETTERS COMMITTEES - News & Letters Vol. 17 No. 4 April, 1972
101717: LEOVILLE AND COMMUNITY - After the Dust
124300: PINWHERRY COMMUNITY - History of Pinwherry and Bushville
128679: PINWHERRY COMMUNITY - History of Pinwherry and Bushville
131273: COMOX - Land of Plenty: A History of the Comox District
125227: THE WERNER COMPANY - Beautiful Britain; The Scenery and Splendors of the United Kingdom, Royal Residences, Homes of Princes and Noblemen, Palaces, Castles and Stately Houses, Beauties of Mountain, Lake and River
130216: RENOUF'S PUBLISHING COMPANY - Renouf's Imperial Reader Book III
130660: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Fur Traders
130661: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Fur Traders
130662: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Fur Traders
130663: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Fur Traders
120415: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Masks of the North West Indians
130664: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Fur Traders
113874: AMERICAN PEKIN DUCK COMPANY - How We Make Ducks Pay
130665: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Fur Traders
113681: INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY - Formulas - Cube Root Logarithms No. 235b
113682: INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY - Electric Welding Book I and II
113684: INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY - Chemistry and Materials of Construction
113685: INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY - Measuring Instruments
113686: INTERNATIONAL TEXTBOOK COMPANY - Elements of Blueprint Reading
109899: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Historical Paintings of the Hudson's Bay Company - Complete with 14 Full Colour Reproductions
124297: THE BEAVER; HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - The Beaver; A Magazine of the North; June 1933 to March 1937
120325: BIGELOW-HARTFORD CARPET COMPANY - A Century of Carpet and Rug Making in America
130666: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Fur Traders
130667: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Fur Traders
130668: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Fur Traders
130669: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Fur Traders
113531: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Oblate Fathers' Centenary in Western Canada
130672: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
124110: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - The Beaver; A Journal of Progress; Volume V, No. 3; June, 1925
124111: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - The Beaver; A Journal of Progress; Volume I, No. 1; October, 1920 [Reprint]
124109: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - The Beaver; A Journal of Progress; Volume VI, No. 1; December 1925
130673: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
130674: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
130675: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
130676: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
130677: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
130678: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
130679: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
113145: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Hudson's Bay Company's Historical Exhibit at Winnipeg
130680: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
130681: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
130682: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
130683: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
130684: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
111361: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Souvenir of the Historical Exhibit of the Hudson's Bay Company
130685: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
125385: THE BEAVER; HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - The Beaver; No. 4 Outfit 261; March, 1931
130686: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Division Des Magazine Nationale Revue Du Personnel
117563: BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY - Sucker Rod Handbook; Handbook 336, Revision of Handbook 282
130418: THE BEAVER; HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - The Beaver; A Journal of Progress, Vol 1, No 1 I, October 1920 [Reprint]
116378: HUDSON BAY COMPANY - A Brief History of the Hudson's Bay Company
126632: THE SAALFIELD PUBLISHING COMPANY - The Children's Best Story Book; A Collection of New Stories and Verse
126503: THE RADFORD ARCHITECTURAL COMPANY - 100 Turn-Of-The-Century House Plans
130617: VARIOUS; STINSON TRADING COMPANY - Modern Songs from Soviet Union in English and Russian
115760: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Bye-Laws of the Governor and Company of Adventurers of England Trading into Hudson's Bay
115761: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Bye-Laws of the Governor and Company of Adventurers of England Trading into Hudson's Bay
125381: THE BEAVER; HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - The Beaver; No. 2 Outfit 263; September 1932
105445: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - The Bay Book of Furs
105441: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - List of Books Relating to Hudson's Bay Company, Incorporated May 2, 1670
130670: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
130671: HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Moccasin Telegraph - Magazine for HBC Northern Staff
125748: MITCHELL BROTHERS PUBLISHING COMPANY - The Book of Wrinkles; A Collection of Handy, Labor-Saving Devices and Ideas for the Use of Millers and Millwrights
130215: RENOUF'S PUBLISHING COMPANY - Renouf's Imperial Reader Book II
103926: CHAMPLAIN SOCIETY. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Copy Book of Letters Outward &C. Begins 29th May, 1680. Ends 5 July, 1687
103925: CHAMPLAIN SOCIETY. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Part of Despatch from George Simpson Esqr. Governor of Rupert's Land to the Governor and Committee of the Hudson's Bay Company London. March 1, 1829. Continued and Completed March 24 and June 5, 1829
103922: CHAMPLAIN SOCIETY. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - The Letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the Governor and Committee - Third Series, 1844-46
103921: CHAMPLAIN SOCIETY. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - The Letters of John McLoughlin from Fort Vancouver to the Governor and Committee - Second Series, 1839-44
103917: CHAMPLAIN SOCIETY. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Colin Robertson's Correspondence Book September 1817 to September 1822
103916: CHAMPLAIN SOCIETY. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY - Journal of Occurences in the Athabasca Department by George Simpson, 1820 and 1821, and Report
125328: YESHE, LAMA THUBTEN; LANDAW, JOSEPH [COMPILED AND EDITED BY] - Introduction to Tantra; A Vision of Totality
125319: GANDHI, MAHATMA; KRIPALANI, KRISHNA [COMPILED AND EDITED BY] - All Men Are Brothers; Life and Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi As Told in His Own Words
120756: COMPTON, R. H. - Our South African Flora / Ons Suid-Afrikaanse Plantegroei
124772: COMSTOCK, EILEEN - No Spring Chicken; Thoughts on a Life Well Lived
115591: COMSTOCK, EILEEN - Aunt Mary in the Granary and Other Prairie Stories
121350: COMSTOCK, EILEEN - Sunny Side Up
111748: CONAN, LAURE - Angeline de Montbrun
131583: CONDON, EILEEN P. - Index to the Census of Canada 1891; District of Saskatchewan
126116: CONDON, RICHARD - Prizzi's Family
131538: CONDUFF, MIKE; GABANNA, CAROL; RASO, CATHERINE - The On Target Board Member 8 Indisputable Behaviors (Includes CD)
110594: INTERNATIONAL BOTANICAL CONGRESS] - Recent Advances in Botany; from Lectures & Symposia Presented to the IX International Botanical Congress Montreal 1959
129833: CONGREVE, WILLIAM; COLMAN, GEORGE; CENTLIVRE, SUSANNA; STEELE, SIR RICHARD - The Double Dealer. A Comedy.; Comus; A Masque of Two Acts: Altered from Milton; A Bold Stroke for a Wife. A Comedy; The Conscious Lovers, a Comedy
111951: CONLY, SUSAN HALLIDAY - Through Prairie Windows
123296: CONLY, SUSAN HALLIDAY (EDITOR) - The Prairies Remember... An Anthology
130956: CONLY, SUSAN HALLIDAY - Our Gift of History Our Stories Saskatchewan 1903 - 2005
128955: CONLY, SUSAN HALLIDAY; VARIOUS (EDITOR) - Saskatchewan 2000 remembers; an anthology
131492: O'CONNELL, MARK; AIREY, RAJE - Symbols. Signs & Visual Codes; A Practical Guide to Understanding and Decoding the Universal Icons, Signs and Symbols that are used in Literature, Art, Religion, Astrology, Communication, Advertising, Mythology and Science
130514: ALLAN CONNERY (ED.) - As Reported in the Herald
111005: CONNOR, RALPH - The Prospector; a Tale of the Crow's Nest Pass
111006: CONNOR, RALPH - The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land
129749: CONNOR, RALPH - The Patrol of the Sundance Trail
129750: CONNOR, RALPH - Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police; A Tale of the MacLeod Trail
126019: CONNOR, RALPH - Torches Through the Bush
104065: CONNOR, RALPH - The Sky Pilot: A Tale of the Foothills
104069: CONNOR, RALPH - The Prospector; a Tale of the Crow's Nest Pass
104072: CONNOR, RALPH - The Doctor; a Tale of the Rockies
104075: CONNOR, RALPH - The Angel and the Star
104076: CONNOR, RALPH - The Foreigner; a Tale of Saskatchewan
104079: CONNOR, RALPH - The Recall of Love
104081: CONNOR, RALPH - The Patrol of the Sundance Trail
104082: CONNOR, RALPH - The Major
104084: CONNOR, RALPH - To Him That Hath; a Novel of the West Today
104085: CONNOR, RALPH - The Gaspards of Pine Croft; a Romance of the Windermere
104089: CONNOR, RALPH - The Rock and the River; a Romance of Quebec
104090: CONNOR, RALPH - The Girl from Glengarry
110694: CONQUEST - Proud Heritage
126702: CONSTANTINE, NATHAN - A History of Cannibalism, from Ancient Cultures to Survival Stories and Modern Psychopaths
124879: CONSTANTINO, MARIA - Picasso Posters
122583: CONSTANTINO, MARIA - Picasso Posters
128768: D. NEUFELD CONSULTING & RESEARCH - The Technology of the Athabasca Oil Sands Since 1950
128767: D. NEUFELD CONSULTING & RESEARCH - Saskatchewan Road Bridges 1898 - 1951
124482: VARIOUS CONTRIB. - SANDERSON, ERIC; ET AL. - Nature's Fury; The Inside Story of the Disastrous B. C. Floods May-June, 1948
120040: GARSONNIN, ERIC (EDITOR); NEWLOVE, JOHN (CONTRIB.); ET AL - Zest; #10 [With] #11 [With] #12
120039: GARSONNIN, ERIC (EDITOR); NEWLOVE, JOHN (CONTRIB.); ET AL - Zest; #12, March 1983
123419: BARCLAY, BYRNA (GUEST EDITOR); SIMMIE, SCOTT (CONTRIBUTOR); ET AL. - Transition - 50th Anniversary Issue; Fall 2000
129802: 20 CENTS MAGAZINE; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - 20 Cents Magazine Collection
124566: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Voyages Autour Du Monde: 2 [Collection of Bulletins of the Société Royale de Géographie D'anvers]
129814: SASKATCHEWAN WHEAT POOL; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Grand Opening of the New Davidson Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Elevator June 25, 1993 at 2:00 P.M.
130071: 20 CENTS MAGAZINE; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - 20 Cents Magazine (Undated)
131660: MINITONAS COMMUNITY CENTRE COMMITTEE; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Tent Town 1898-1979; A history of Minitonas and district
130718: LAKESIDE HOME (WOLSELEY, SK); VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Lakeside Home Love Is Ageless (Cook Book)
131199: 20 CENTS MAGAZINE; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - 20 Cents Magazine Volume One, Number Two
131254: SOCIALIST CHALLENGE; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Socialist Challenge Vol. 2, No. 1 October 1982
131201: THE WARREN FOREST SUN; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Warren Forest Sun No. 6 March 29 - April 11
131281: ABORIGINAL HEALING FOUNDATION; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Truth and Reconciliation / from Truth to Reconciliation: Transforming the Legacy of Residential Schools (2008); Response, Responsibility, and Renewal: Canada's Truth and Reconcilliation Journey (2009); Cultivating Canada: Reconciliation Through the Lens of Cultural Diversity (2011) 3 Volume Set
131257: SOCIALIST VOICE; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Socialist Voice Vol. 7, No. 4 (108) March 7, 1983
130869: WATERTON NATURAL HISTORY ASSOCIATION; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Waterton and Northern Glacier Trails for Hikers and Riders
130926: ONTARIO SOCIETY OF ARTISTS; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - 95th Annual Open Exhibition under the auspices of the Ontario Society of Artists Art Gallery of Toronto, March 31-April 25, 1967
130927: ONTARIO SOCIETY OF ARTISTS; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - 94th Annual Exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists Art Gallery of Toronto, March 25-April 24, 1966
126509: VARIOUS SASKATCHEWAN CONTRIBUTORS - The Great Saskatchewan Today Zucchini Recipe Books
131264: SOCIALIST WORKER; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Socialist Worker No. 822 26 February, 1983
119707: [VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS] - Shadowscapes
131194: 20 CENTS MAGAZINE; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - 20 Cents Magazine Vol 1, No. 4
131539: CANADIAN WOMEN'S EDUCATIONAL PRESS; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Up from the Kitchen; Up from the Bedroom; Up from Under: Women Unite! An anthology of the Canadian Women's Movement
130072: 20 CENTS MAGAZINE; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - 20 Cents Magazine, Volume Two, Number Two October, 1967
131265: SOCIALIST WORKER; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Socialist Worker Number 72 April, 1983
131270: NORTH AMERICAN ANARCHIST; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - North American Anarchist Volume 1 Number 3 February / March 1980
131157: CONWAY, JOHN B. - The Canadian Psychological Association 1938 - 2010 a Chronicle of Its Work
125214: CONWAY, D.J. - By Oak, Ash, & Thorn; Modern Celtic Shamanism
120853: CONWAY, JOHN (PSEUDONYM OF ) - Saskatchewan; Uncommon Views
128381: CONWAY, JOHN (PSEUDONYM OF ) - Saskatchewan; Uncommon Views
119599: CONWAY, JOAN - For the Lost Hunters
130183: CONWAY, J. F. - The West; The History of a Region in Confederation
104105: CONWAY, JOHN F. - The West: The History of a Region in Confederation
122161: CONWAY, JOHN F. - Debts to Pay; A Fresh Approach to the Quebec Question
125549: CONWAY, J.F. - The Prairie Populist; George Hara Williams Aand the Untold Story of the CCF
114039: COOK, MINNIE - Apostle to the Pima Indians
128309: COOK, CURTIS; LINDAU, JUAN D. (EDITOR) - Aboriginal Rights and Self-Government; The Canadian and Mexican Experience in North American Perspective
128995: COOK, EUNG-DO; GERDTS, DONNA B. (EDITOR) - Syntax and Senantics Volume 16: The Syntax of Native American Languages
203320: COOK, H. CALDWELL - Perse Playbooks: No. 5; Lyrics, Play-Songs, Ballads, and Littleman Rimes, by Boys of the Perse School, Cambridge. With an Essay on Littleman's Poetry and the Play Way
110025: COOK, A.J. - The Bee-Keeper's Guide; or, Manual of the Apiary
123632: COOK, RAMSAY - The Maple Leaf Forever; Essays on Nationalism and Politics in Canada
109278: COOK, ELEANOR; HOSEK, CHAVIVA; MACPHERSON, JAY; PARKER, PATRICIA (EDITOR) - Centre and Labyrinth; Essays in Honour of Northrop Frye
126910: COOK, JOHN R.; DARY, DAVID [FOREWORD] - The Border and the Buffalo; An Untold Storyof the Southwest Plains; A Story of Mountain and Plain
106368: COOK, RAMSAY; [JOHN WESLEY DAFOE; SIR CLIFFORD SIFTON] - The Dafoe-Sifton Correspondence, 1919-1927
126647: COOK, LYMAN E. - Comics in the Law
125466: COOK, THEODORE A. (EDITOR) - An Anthology of Humorous Verse
129971: COOK, FRANCIS R. - Amphibians and Reptiles of Saskatchewan
122543: COOK, DAISY - Gems from the Pen of Daisy Cook to Commemorate Her 86th Birthday February 21st, 1978
100630: COOK, LYNN - The Little Magic Fiddler: The Story of Donna Grescoe
100631: COOK, ROBERT - Cha-Ske at the Ball; Including a Bag of Memories
102829: COOK, EUNG-DO - Sarcee Verb Paradigms
100109: COOK, JANET MCLAREN - Through Cloud and Sunshine
117029: COOKE, NATHALIE - Margaret Atwood; A Biography
131760: COOKSON, ARTHUR G. - From Harrow to Hawk
101470: COOKSON, ARTHUR G. - From Harrow to Hawk
117559: COOLEDGE, CHARLES E. - The Sunny Side of Bereavement; As Illustrated in Tennyson's "In Memoriam"
114044: COOLEN, ANTOON - De Drie Gebroders (The Three Brothers)
121367: COOLEY, DENNIS - Perishable Light
104112: COOLEY, DENNIS (EDITOR) - Draft: An Anthology of Prairie Poetry
104113: COOLEY, DENNIS (EDITOR) - Inscriptions: A Prairie Poetry Anthology
114089: COOLEY, DENNIS - Perishable Light
124607: COOMBS, KATHERINE - British Watercolours, 1750-1950
113988: COOPER, ALLAN - Bloodlines
131073: COOPER, CLARA (EDITOR) - Iskweuch Kaaisi-Nachiskahko Ewaapamaausuto [What Women Went Through Giving Birth]
121213: COOPER, J. FENIMORE - The Prairie; A Tale
116556: COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE - Chapters
115480: COOPER, A.R. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume IX; Annalids, Parasitic Worms, Protazoas, Etc, Part G-H: Trematoda and Cestoda, Southern Party 1913-1916
104116: COOPER, CHARLOTTE SLOAN - The Mennonite People
104115: COOPER, BARRY - Alexander Kennedy Isbister: A Respectable Critic of the Honourable Company
121990: COOPER, THOMAS - Triumphs of Perseverance and Enterprise, in Learning, Science, Art, Commerce, and Adventure
113345: SANAVIK COOPERATIVE - Baker Lake; Sculpture 1974
127657: COPE, JULIAN - The Modern Antiquarian; A Pre-Millenial Odyssey Through Megalithic Britain, Including a Gazetteer to Over 300 Prehistoric Sites
113868: COPELAND, VIOLET M. - The Black and White Christmas
104118: COPLAND, A. DUDLEY - Coplalook: Chief Trader, Hudson's Bay Company 1923-1939
123284: COPLANS, JASON - Wiayne Thiebaud
104120: COPPING, ARTHUR E. (WITH HAROLD COPPING.) - The Golden Land; The True Story and Experiences of British Settlers in Canada
120184: COPWAY, GEORGE; HULAN, SHELLEY (AFTERWORD) - The Traditional History and Characteristic Sketches of the Ojibway Nation
119808: COPWAY, GEORGE; HULAN, SHELLEY (AFTERWORD) - The Traditional History and Characteristic Sketches of the Ojibway Nation
116933: CORBET, ELISE A. - Frontier of Medicine
102702: CORBETT, DAVID C. - Canada's Immigration Policy. A Critique
104124: CORBETT, G.O. - Notes on Rupert's Land; Notes on Rupert's America
128095: CORDWOOD - MACDOWALL - Communities of Courage & Cordwood: Deer Park, Donnybrook, Gerrond, Macdowall, Red Deer Hill and Sunbeam Valley
130119: COREY, JAMES S. A. (DANIEL ABRAHAM AND TY FRANCK) - The Expanse: Leviathan Wakes; Caliban's War; Abaddon's Gate (Boxed Set)
123690: CORMACK, R.G.H. (TEXT) - Wild Flowers; Banff - Jasper - Kootenay - Yoho National Parks
130767: CORMACK, DR. R. G. H. (TEXT) - Wild Flowers Banff Jasper Kootenay & Yoho National Parks
100112: CORMACK, BARBARA VILLY - Landmarks: A History of the Girl Guides of Alberta
100111: CORMACK, BARBARA VILLY - The Red Cross Lady; Mary H. Conquest, M.B.E
104131: CORMAN, DON - Comfort and Cleanliness: A Guide to the Hospitality Industry
120744: CORN, WANDA M. - The Art of Andrew Wyeth
115702: CORNE, CHRIS - Metchif, Mauritian and More: The "Creolisation" of French
127728: CORNFORTH, JOHN - London Interiors from the Archives of Country Life
203006: CORNFORTH, MAURICE - Marxism and the Linguistic Philosophy
100632: CORNWALLIS - Municipal Memories; Municipality of Cornwallis, 1884-1984
101471: CORONACH, HART BUTTE - From the Turning of the Sod: The Story of the Early Settlers in the R.M. Of Hart Butte No. 11
120017: SASKATCHEWAN WETLAND CONSERVATION CORPORATION - A Land Manager's Guide to Grassland Birds of Saskatchewan
115103: CANADIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION (CBC) - The Way of the Indian: Thirteen Documentary Programs Broadcast on CBC Radio
122982: CORRADO, PH.D., RAYMOND R.; COHEN, PH.D. IRWIN M. - Mental Health Profiles for a Sample of British Columbia's Aboriginal Survivors of the Canadian Residential School System
110783: CORTESAO, ARMANDO; THOMAS, HENRY - Carta Das Novas Que Vieram a El Rei Nosso Senhor Do Descobrimento Do Preste Joao (Lisboa, 1521)
203944: CORY, HARPER - Grey Owl; An Appreciation
104134: COSBEY, ROBERT C. - All in Together Girls: Skipping Songs from Regina, Saskatchewan
122172: COSBEY, ROBERT C. - Watching China Change
130811: COSENTINO, FRANK - Afros, Aboriginals and Amateur Sport in Pre World War One Canada
124275: DE COSTER, CHARLES; TRANSLATION BY ALLAN ROSS MACDOUGALL - The Glorious Adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegl
124202: DE COSTER, CHARLES; TRANSLATED BY F.M. ATKINSON - The Legend of Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak, and Their Adventures Heroical, Joyous and Glorious in the Land of Flanders and Elsewhere (Two Volumes)
125972: COSTOPOULOS, OLGA - Muskox & Goat Songs
130228: COTE, L. LYNN; COTE, MARGARET R. - Maci-Anihšinapemowin Beginning Sauteaux
117063: COTE, MARGARET, EDITOR - Nenapohs Ahtahsokewinan; Nenapohs Legends Memoir 2 First Nations Language Readers
104135: COTE, J.B. - Originaux et Aventuriers: (L'ouest pittoresque)
101474: COTEAU - Echoes of Coteau. A History of the Area and Residents, Past and Present, Within the Boundaries of the Rural Municipality of Coteau, #255
116588: COTT, JONATHAN; SENDAK; MAURICE - Victorian Color Picture Books
126756: COTTERELL, GEOFFREY - Tiara Tahiti
109608: COTTON, H. - Electricity Applied to Mining
118866: COTTRELL, MICHAEL - Sprigs of Shamrock in the Wheat; A History of the Irish in Saskatchewan
130008: QUILLER-COUCH, ARTHUR (RETOLD BY); NEILSEN, KAY (ILLUSTRATED BY) - In Powder & Crinoline Old Fairy Tales
120781: COUDRILLE, JONATHON - A Beastly Collection
130441: COUGHLIN, BING (WILLIAM GARNET) - This Army Vol. 2
119182: PLUM COULEE - Plum Coulee; A Century - Plus
122595: COULTER, CATHERINE R. - Portraits of Homeopathic Medcines; Psychosocial Analyses of Selected Constitutional Types; 2 Volumes
104138: COULTER, JOHN - Riel; a Play in Two Parts
113960: CANADIAN ESKIMO ARTS COUNCIL - Sculpture / Inuit : Masterworks of the Canadian Arctic
120385: CANADIAN FOLK ARTS COUNCIL - Canada's Cultural Riches; A Submission to the Federal Cultural Policy Review Committee / le Canada, Une Richesse Culturelle; Mémoire Présenté Au Comité D'étude de la Politique Culturelle Fédérale
123728: STEELE & CO. (PHOTOS); WINNIPEG CITY COUNCIL - Winnipeg, Canada.
128545: PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM OF ART CRAFT SHOW; SASKATCHEWAN CRAFT COUNCIL - Saskatchewan Discover a Treasure of Fine Craft; tough to pronounce hard to find worth the effort
108745: UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC COUNCIL - Jubilee Programme; 25th Anniversary of the Eparchy of Saskatoon and 18th Convention of the Ukrainian Catholics of Saskatchewan
130652: LUNENBURG COUNTY, NOVA SCOTIA; WILLA J KAIZER - Western Shore Gold River Martins Point
200405: COUPER, ARCHIBALD SCOTT - On a New Chemical Theory and Researches on Salicylic Acid
123478: COUPLAND, DOUGLAS - Microserfs
119391: COUPLAND, DOUGLAS - All Families Are Psychotic
119392: COUPLAND, DOUGLAS - Girlfriend in a Coma
130199: LA COUR, TAGE; MOGENSEN, HARALD; SYMONS, JULIAN (FOREWORD) - The Murder Book; An Illustrated History of the Detective Story
202214: COURTHION, PIERRE - Le Visage de Matisse
101976: RADVILLE. COUSINS, FLOYD A. (ED.) - Our First 50: A History of the Town of Radville, Saskatchewan, and District, Compiled for the Occasion of Radville's Golden Jubilee 1910-1960
125146: COUTIÈRE, HENRI; GUIGNARD, M. L. (PREFACE) - Le Monde Vivant; Histoire Naturelle Illustrée
104142: COUTTS, H.T.; WALKER, B.E. - G. Fred; the Story of G. Fred McNally
114940: COVIT, LINDA - Orienter le Regard
111333: REGINA. COWAN, PAMELA - The Milk Train, the Silk Train and the Skunk; the Story of Regina's Union Station
200408: COWAN, MARY EDITH - Rainbow of Life
102703: COWAN, HELEN I. - British Emigration to British North America: The First Hundred Years
119370: COWASJEE, SAROS - Goodbye to Elsa
117033: COWASJEE, SAROS - Goodbye to Elsa
115532: COWLEY, RETA; FENTON, TERRY - Reta Summers Cowley
119454: COWLEY, MICHAEL - Sex and the Single Prime Minister; Or How Pierre Elliott Trudeau Seduced Canada with the Lights On
131234: COWLING, BILL - On the Night-Time Sky; An Essay
131469: COWLING, BILL - 1413 Days: In the Wake of a Canadain DEMS Gunner
117051: COWPER, ELIZABETH A. - The Complexities of the English Simple Present
126723: COWPER, WILLIAM - Poems of William Cowper, Esq.; With a New Memoir Compiled from Johnson, Southey and Other Sources
114616: COX, ROSS - Adventures on the Columbia River, Including the Narrative of a Residence of Six Years on the Western Side of the Rocky Mountains, Among Various Tribes of Indians Hitherto Unknown: Together with a Journey Across the American Continent. Volumes 1 & 2
118106: COX, BRUCE (EDITOR) - Cultural Ecology, Readings on the Canadian Indians and Eskimos
130022: COX, LIEUTENANT COMMANDER VIVIAN A.; THORNE, NICK - Seven Christmases; Second World War Memoirs of Lieutenant Vivian A. Cox, R.N.V.R.
126309: COX, MICHAEL; SMITHSON, HELEN (EDITOR) - The Cream of Noel Coward
203636: COXWELL, C. FILLINGHAM - Siberian and Other Folk-Tales; Primitive Literature of the Empire of the Tsars, Collected and Translated, with an Introduction and Notes
111871: COY, HELEN; FITZGERALD, L. LEMOINE - Fitzgerald As Printmaker; A Catalogue Raisonné of the First Complete Exhibition of the Printed Works
120096: COY, HELEN; FITZGERALD, L. LEMOINE - Fitzgerald As Printmaker; A Catalogue Raisonné of the First Complete Exhibition of the Printed Works
128789: COYHIS, DON L.; WHITE, WILLIAM L. - Alcohol Problems in Native America: the Untold Story of Resistance and Recovery - The Truth About the Lie
128260: CRADDOCK, HARRY; RUMBOLD, GILBERT (DECORATIONS) - The Savoy Cocktail Book (Revised Edition)
202895: CRAICK, W.A. - A History of Canadian Journalism II; Last Years of the Canadian Press Association 1908-1919 with a Continuing Record of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association 1919-1959
123813: CRAIG, GERALD M. - The United States and Canada
116861: CRAIG, JOHN R. - Ranching with Lords and Commons; or, Twenty Years on the Range. Being a Record of Actual Facts and Conditions Relating to the Cattle Industry of the North-West Territories of Canada; and Comprising the Extraordinary Story of the Formation and Career of a Great Cattle Company
126601: LORD DURHAM (JOHN GEORGE LAMBTON); CRAIG, GERALD M. (ED.) - Lord Durham's Report
104151: CRAIG, G.H. (WITH . COKE.) - An Economic Study of Land Utilization in Southern Alberta
104152: CRAIG, IRENE - First Footers; Tales of Explorers of the North-West
104154: CRAIG, JOHN R. - Ranching with Lords and Commons; Or, Twenty Years on the Range. Being a Record of Actual Facts and Conditions Relating to the Cattle Industry of the North-West Territories of Canada; And Comprising the Extraordinary Story of the Formation and Career of a Great Cattle Company
128852: CRAIG, GERALD M. (EDITOR) - Early Travellers in the Canadas 1791 - 1867
117931: CRAIGHEAD, CHARLES, KREPS, BONNIE - Arctic Dance, the Mardy Murie Story
110320: CRAIGIE, WILLIAM - The Northern Element in English Literature
101479: CRAIK. - Craik: Friendliest Place by a Dam Site
101478: CRAIK - Craik's Golden Jubilee Story
111383: CRAIL, ARCHIE - The Bonus Deal
116840: CRANE, DAVID - Controlling Interest; The Canadian Gas and Oil Stakes
130637: CRAVEN, NORM - Just Gotta Liberate the Saint
127120: EPHEMERA; CRAVEN, PAUL; CLARK, DAVID - Corporate Research Guide (Revised)
130636: CRAVEN, NORM - Just Gotta Liberate the Saint
202171: CRAWFORD, CAROLINE; FOGG, ELIZABETH ROSE - The Rhythms of Childhood; to the Little Children Who Dance for Joy
118402: CRAWFORD, ALAN - C. R. Ashbee; Architect, Designer & Romantic Socialist
111736: CRAWFORD, ISABELLA VALANCY; GARVIN, J.W. (EDITOR) - The Collected Poems of Isabella Valancy Crawford
111508: CRAWFORD, ALEXANDER W. - Poems of Yesterday
128156: CRAWFORD, GAIL - Studio Ceramics in Canada 1920-2005
129735: CRAWFORD, JAMES M. - Studies in Southeastern Indian Languages
115725: CRAWFORD, ALEXANDER W. - Poems of Yesterday
121998: CRAWFORD, L. I. [LESLIE INGRAM] - In the Admiral's Wake; A Romance
123936: CRAWLEY, ANNE (EDITOR) - Contemporary Verse; A Canadian Quarterly
126893: CRAY, ED; TERKEL, STUDS [FOREWORD] - Ramblin' Man; The Life and Times of Woody Guthrie
110424: CREAL, MARGARET - Singing Sky
113350: CREASEY, JOHN - The Dissemblers; A Superintendent West Story
126413: CREASEY, JOHN (AS GORDON ASHE) - Day of Fear
121635: CREBILLON, CLAUDE PROSPER JOLYOT DE - Oeuvres de M. De Crebillon [Two Volumes]
108237: SOCIAL CREDIT - Typed Letter, Signed by W.A. Willcox, Director of Social Credit Publications, London, to Frank Cusack, Calgary
108236: SOCIAL CREDIT - The Douglas System of Social Credit; Evidence Taken by the Agricultural Committee of the Alberta Legislature, Session 1934
203840: CREDLE, ELLIS - Janey's Shoes
110918: CREE - Recueil de Cantiques Cris. Ayamihewinakamowina.
128670: CREE - The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Four Gospels Harmonized0 in Cree Language - Line of Syllabics
104180: CREE - Cantiques
104167: CREE. - Watts's First Catechism for Children, the Lord's Prayer, the Apostle's Creed, and the Ten Commandments. Translated by Mrs. Mason into the Language of the Cree Indians of Rupert's Land, North-West America
100358: PINCHER CREEK AND DISTRICT - Prairie Grass to Mountain Pass
101802: MIRY CREEK - Memories of Yesteryear: Rural Municipality of Miry Creek No.229, 1913-1963
129690: PINCHER CREEK AND DISTRICT - Unfolding the Pages.Recollections of Education in the Pincher Creek Area
100383: RIBSTONE CREEK AND AREA - Echoes Along the Ribstone
102365: WILLOW CREEK. - R.M. Of Willow Creek No. 458: Jubilee Year 1912-1962
128755: CREEL, H. G. - Chinese Thought from Confucius to Mao Tse-Tung
128068: CREELEY, ROBERT; ALLEN, DONALD (EDITOR) - A Quick Graph: Collected Notes & Essays
119304: CREELMAN - Prairie Memories; Creelman and District
116479: CREELMAN - Prairie Memories; Creelman and District
203532: CREIGHTON, DONALD - The Empire of the St. Lawrence
116384: CREIGHTON, HELEN - A Folk Tale Journey Through the Maritimes
128124: CREIGHTON, HEIDI; KAMLOOPS ART GALLERY - Heidi Creighton - Drawings
122019: CREIGHTON, PROF. DONALD G. - "John A. MacDonald, Confederation and the West"
127327: CRERAR, ADAM (EDITOR) - The Letters of Adam Hope 1834 - 1845
119015: CREW, F.A.E. - Our Changing Civilization: Whither and How?
130943: CREWS, HARRY - The Knockout Artist
130946: CREWS, HARRY - The Mulching of America
130947: CREWS, HARRY - Scar Lover
130890: CREWS, HARRY - Florida Frenzy
130891: CREWS, HARRY - Blood and Grits
130892: CREWS, HARRY - A Childhood: the biography of a place
130945: CREWS, HARRY - Body
130948: CREWS, HARRY - Celebration
130949: CREWS, HARRY - All We Need of Hell
130934: CRICHTON, MICHAEL - Congo
116793: CRISLER, LOIS - Arctic Wild
122719: CRISP, TONY - Dream Dictionary; An a to Z Guide to Understanding Your Unconscious Mind
200418: CRISSEY, FORREST - Alexander Legge 1866-1933: The Life Story of a Truly Great American Who Loved and Served His Country Well, Who Achieved World-Wide Distinction As an Industrial Leader, As a Patriotic Public Servant and As the Devoted Friend and Champion of All Who Till the Soil
102264: STONEHENGE / LAKENHEATH. CRISTO, KAY (EDITOR) - Along the North Shore of the Twelve Mile: A History of Lakenheath, Stonehenge and Twelve Mile Lake School Districts.
129932: CRITIQUE - Theses of the Left Communists (1918)
131223: CRNKOVICH, MARY (EDITOR) - "Gossip"; A Spoken History of Women in the North
200421: CRONIN, A.J. - The Spanish Gardener
108606: CRONKITE, F. C. (CHAIRMAN) - Report of the Saskatchewan Reconstruction Council
124097: ANDERSON, MARK CRONLUND AND ROBERTSON, CARMEN L. - Seeing Red; A History of Natives in Canadian Newspapers
128233: ANDERSON, MARK CRONLUND AND ROBERTSON, CARMEN L. - Seeing Red; A History of Natives in Canadian Newspapers
119581: CROOKS, SALLY - That Saturday Night
203914: CROPP, MARJORIE E. - The Tremendous Adventure of the Peace Fairy
123700: CROSBY, DONALD F. - God, Church, and Flag; Senator Joseph R. McCarthy and the Catholic Church, 1950-1957
200422: CROSBY, PERCY - A Cartoonist's Philosophy
119001: CROSS, MICHAEL S. (INTRO. / ED.) - The Decline and Fall of a Good Idea; CCF and NDP Manifestoes, 1932 to 1969
125474: CROSS, W.K. - The Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Coins
120326: CROSSMAN, CARL L.; DODGE, ERNEST S. (FOREWORD) - The China Trade; Export Paintings, Furniture, Silver & Other Objects
121526: CROSSMAN, EDWARD C. - The Book of the Springfield
104201: CROUSE, NELLIS M. - In Quest of the Western Ocean
117916: CROWE, KEITH J. - A History of the Original Peoples of Northern Canada
102449: CROWE, KEITH J. - A Cultural Geography of Northern Foxe Basin, N.W.T
127806: THE EQUINOX; CROWLEY, ALEISTER - The Equinox; The Official Organ of the A/A/; The Review of Scientific Illusminism; Vol. I, No. VI (September Mcmxi O.S.
119166: CROZIER, LORNA (ALSO WRITES AS LORNA UHER) - Angels of Flesh, Angels of Silence
118639: CROZIER, LORNA (ALSO WRITES AS LORNA UHER) - Angels of Flesh, Angels of Silence
111015: CROZIER, LORNA (UHER) - Crow's Black Joy
126127: CROZIER, LORNA (ALSO WRITES AS LORNA UHER) - Small Beneath the Sky
128796: CROZIER, JEAN - No Corner Boys Here (2 Volumes)
125962: CROZIER, LORNA (UHER) - Crow's Black Joy
125953: CROZIER, LORNA (ALSO WRITES AS LORNA UHER) - Everything Arrives at the Light
119567: CROZIER, LORNA (ALSO WRITES AS LORNA UHER) - Inventing the Hawk
119568: CROZIER, LORNA (ALSO WRITES AS LORNA UHER) - Apocrypha of Light
119569: CROZIER, LORNA (ALSO WRITES AS LORNA UHER) - Bones in Their Wings; Ghazals
104204: CROZIER, LORNA; HYLAND, GARY - A Sudden Radiance: Saskatchewan Poetry
104208: CROZIER, LORNA (UHER) - Crow's Black Joy
104209: CROZIER, LORNA (UHER) - Humans and Other Beasts
104211: CROZIER, LORNA (ALSO WRITES AS LORNA UHER) - A Saving Grace; the Collected Poems of Mrs. Bentley
122175: CROZIER, LORNA; HYLAND, GARY (EDITORS) - A Sudden Radiance: Saskatchewan Poetry
128747: CRUIKSHANK, JULIE - The Stolen Women: Female Journeys in Tagish and Tutchone
109859: (DALTON, JAMES); CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE - The Gentleman in Black
129857: CRUIKSHANK, JULIE - The Social Life of Stories: Narrative and Knowledge in the Yukon Territory
113328: CRUISE, DAVID; GRIFFITHS, ALISON - Lords of the Line
127214: CRUISE, DAVID - The Great Adventure; How the Mounties Conquered the West
104214: CRUISE, DAVID - The Great Adventure; How the Mounties Conquered the West
115084: CRUISE, STEPHEN - Stephen Cruise
129546: CRUMB, ALINE KOMINSKY - Need More Love
124401: CRUMP, T.N. H. [COMPILED BY] (EDITOR) - Historical Extracts from the Canadian Surveyor
203901: CRUMPTON, M. NATALINE - The Silver Buckle; a Story of the Revolutionary Days
104215: CRUNICAN, PAUL - Priests and Politicians: Manitoba Schools and the Election of 1896
200479: DE ROHAN-CSERMAK, GEZA - Sturgeon Hooks of Eurasia
117257: DUMMER. CUDMORE, DOREEN - Their History, Our Heritage: Dummer and Area; Hawthorne, S.D. Maple Stone, S.D. Oregon, S.D. Wagner, S.D.
125804: DUMMER. CUDMORE, DOREEN - Their History, Our Heritage: Dummer and Area; Hawthorne, S.D. Maple Stone, S.D. Oregon, S.D. Wagner, S.D.
120275: CUISENIER, JEAN - French Folk Art
120776: CULLEN, MICHAEL - The Curried Chicken Apocalypse
104216: CULLEN, MICHAEL - The Curried Chicken Apocalypse
125588: CULLETON, BEATRICE - April Raintree
104218: CULLETON, BEATRICE - In Search of April Raintree
124337: CULLIMORE, ROY - A Survey of the Uses and Abuses of the Prairie Elevator
116584: CULLIMORE, ROY - A Survey of the Uses and Abuses of the Prairie Elevator
131501: CULLITON, JOHN THOMAS; LEACOCK, STEPHEN (PREFACE) - National Problems of Canada; Assisted Emigration and Land Settlement with Special Reference to Western Canada
110258: CULLITON, E.M. - Report of the Honourable E.M. Culliton, Former Chief Justice of Saskatchewan, on the Matter of Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy in the Province of Saskatchewan
128282: CULLITON, JOHN THOMAS; LEACOCK, STEPHEN (PREFACE) - National Problems of Canada; Assisted Emigration and Land Settlement with Special Reference to Western Canada
104219: CULLITON, JOHN THOMAS. (LEACOCK, STEPHEN) - Assisted Emigration and Land Settlement with Special Reference to Western Canada
126504: HERITAGE UNIT; SASKATCHEWAN MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS, CULTURE AND HOUSING - Directory of Provincial and Municipal Heritage Property in Saskatchewan - 2000
122650: GOVERNMENT OF SASKATCHEWAN; TOURISM, PARKS, CULTURE AND SPORT (TPCS) - Moving from Reflection to Action; Towards a Cultural Policy for Saskatchewan; March 2010
109281: CUMBERLAND, GEORGE; BENTLEY, G.E. JR. (EDITOR) - The Captive of the Castle of Sennaar: An African Tale in Two Parts: Part I: The Sophians (Printed in 1798 and 1810); Part 2: The Reformed (Manuscript C. 1800)
120182: CUMMING, W.P.; HILLIER, S.E.; QUINN, D.B.; WILLIAMS, G. - The Exploration of North America, 1630-1776
118110: CUMMING, PETER A. - Canada: Native Land Rights and Northern Development
120512: CUMMING, W.P.; SKELTON, R.A.; QUINN, D.B. - The Discovery of North America
113376: CUMMINGS, TOM - Gopher Hills
127889: CUMMINGS, E. E. - Collected Poems 1922 - 1938
128274: CUMMINGS, E. E. - 100 Selected Poems by e. e. cummings
102705: CUMMINGS, MRS. WILLOUGHBY - Our Story: Some Pages from the History of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada 1885-1928
117558: CUMMINS, WILLIS - Calypsos, Symphonies and Incest
116429: CUMMINS, PAULINE; VIDA, SANDRA - Locus Suspectus: Where the Hidden Comes to Light
119997: CUMYN, ALAN - Burridge Unbound
120968: CUMYN, ALAN - Losing It
111166: CUNDALL, JOSEPH - A Brief History of Wood-Engraving from Its Invention
109282: CUNEO, MICHAEL W. - Catholics Against the Church: Anti-Abortion Protest in Toronto, 1969-1985
126457: DA CUNHA, EUCLIDES; PUTNAM, SAMUEL [TRANSLATION] - Rebellion in the Backlands; Translated from Os Sertoes
125900: CUNNINGHAM, ROBERT - Bluenose Coasting; A Tradition Lost
116225: CURRELLY, JUDITH - Landmarks; Judith Currelly
102277: SWIFT CURRENT - Golden Furrows: An Historical Chronicle of Swift Current
112621: CURRIE, ROBERT - Things You Don't Forget
111064: CURRIE, ROBERT - Moving Out
125914: CURRIE, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Salt; A Little Magazine of Contemporary Writing; #16 (Summer, 1977)
125913: CURRIE, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Salt; A Little Magazine of Contemporary Writing; #15 (Fall, 1976)
125910: CURRIE, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Salt; A Little Magazine of Contemporary Writing; #12 (Winter, 1974-75)
125912: CURRIE, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Salt; A Little Magazine of Contemporary Writing; #13 & #14 (Winter, 1975-76)
125909: CURRIE, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Salt; A Little Magazine of Contemporary Writing; #10 (Winter, 1973-74)
125908: CURRIE, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Salt; A Little Magazine of Contemporary Writing; #9 (Summer, 1973)
125907: CURRIE, ROBERT [EDITOR-IN-CHIEF] (EDITOR) - Salt; A Little Magazine of Contemporary Writing; #6 (Summer, 1971)
104239: CURRIE, ROBERT; HYLAND, GARY; MCLEAN, JIM - 100% Cracked Wheat
104232: CURRIE, ROBERT - Sawdust and Dirt
104233: CURRIE, ROBERT - Moving Out
104235: CURRIE, ROBERT - Yarrow; Prairie Poems
104236: CURRIE, ROBERT - Night Games
104237: CURRIE, ROBERT - Learning on the Job
104229: CURRIE, ROBERT; HYLAND, GARY; SAPERGIA, BARBARA; URSELL, GEOFFREY - Number One Northern; Poetry from Saskatchewan
131613: CURRY, DEAN C. - Global Transformation and Foreign Economic Policy; The Case of United States- European Community Agricultural Relations, 1958-1979
104242: CURTIS, FRED A. (EDITOR) - Energy Developments: New Forms, Renewables, Conservation
104241: CURTIS, FRED A. - Face of the Prairies: 2003; a Visionary Study of the Canadian Prairies
200429: CURTISS, DANIEL S. - Western Portraiture and Emigrants' Guide: A Description of Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa, with Remarks on Minnesota and Other Territories
124588: CURWOOD, JAMES OLIVER - The River's End
118635: CURWOOD, JAMES OLIVER - Steele of the Royal Mounted (Philip Steele); A Story of the Great Canadian Northwest
115955: CUSHMAN, JOSEPH A. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume X; Plankton, Hydrography, Tides, Etc., Part M: Foraminifera, Southern Party 1913-1916
115477: CUSHMAN, JOSEPH A. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume IX; Annalids, Parasitic Worms, Protazoans, Etc., Part M: Foraminifera, Southern Party 1913-1916
119270: CUTHAND, DOUG - Askiwina; A Cree World
129511: CUTHAND, BETH - Horse Dance to Emerald Mountain
112624: CUTLER, MICHAEL M. - Great Hockey Masks - Les grands masques de hockey
122244: CUTNER, H. - The Devil's Chaplain; Robert Taylor (1784-1844)
115175: CUYLER, THEODORE L. - Our Christmas Tides
128289: CYR, JOSEPH - Aiamieu Tipatshimun
106614: MCDOUGALL, D. ET AL - The History of Pharmacy in Manitoba 1878-1953
125799: A LITTLE BIR-R-D - "This Child's" Pedestrian Tour; A Poem, in Four Cantos
117413: DABBS, FRANK - Ralph Klein; A Maverick Life
114069: DABINETT, DIANA - Silken Shorelines
113098: DAFFORNE, JAMES - The Works of J.M.W. Turner, R.A.
117078: DAFOE, JOHN W. - Canada; An American Nation
126603: DAFOE, J. W. - Laurier: A Study in Canadian Politics
104257: DAFOE, JOHN W. - Clifford Sifton in Relation to His Times
104256: DAFOE, JOHN W. - Over the Canadian Battlefields: Notes of a Little Journey in France, in March, 1919
124222: DAGG, MEL - The Women on the Bridge
113980: DAHL, ROALD - Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator; The further adventures of Charlie Bucket and Willy Wonka chocolate-maker extraordinary
115700: DAHLSTROM, AMY - Topic, Focus and Other Word Problems in Algonquian
129098: MCGILL DAILY - McGill Daily Vol. 58 - No. 53 Friday, January 17th, 1969
129103: MCGILL DAILY - McGill Daily Vol. 59 - No. 9 Wednesday, September 25, 1969
129101: MCGILL DAILY - McGill Daily Vol. 59 - No. 8 Thursday, September 24, 1969
129099: MCGILL DAILY - McGill Daily Vol. 59 - No. 11 Monday, September 29, 1969
129100: MCGILL DAILY - McGill Daily Vol. 59 - No. 48 Thursday, November 20, 1969
129102: MCGILL DAILY - McGill Daily Vol. 59 - No. 8 Wednesday, September 24, 1969
131139: DAIX, PIERRE; BOUDAILLE, GEORGES, WITH THE COLLABORATION OF JOAN ROSSELET - Picasso: The Blue and Rose Periods a Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings, 1900-1906
118520: DALAL, SAM - Magic with an ESP Deck
118484: DALAL, SAM (EDITOR) - Swami and Mantra
117417: DALE, THOMAS - The Poetical Works of William Cowper, Esq., Of the Inner Temple; With a Biographical and Critical Introduction
104266: DALE, EDMUND H. (EDITOR) - Regina: Regional Isolation and Innovative Development
104264: DALE, ARCH - $25.00 a Month: Adventures in Aberhartia
104263: DALE, ARCH - Five Years of R.B. Bennett
127991: DALES, JOHN H. - Hydroelectricity and Industrial Development Quebec 1898 - 1940
102832: DALLAIRE, LOUISE (EDITOR) - Edward Sapir's Correspondence: An Alphabetical and Chronological Inventory, 1910-1925
100288: LYALTA-ARDENODE-DALROY - Along the Fireguard Trail; A History of Lyalta-Ardenode-Dalroy Districts
121829: WHITE, JERRY P., PETERS, JULIE, BEAVON, DAN AND SPENCE, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Aboriginal Education; Current Crisis and Future Alternatives
127592: DANA, JR., R.H. - Two Years Before the Mast and Twenty-Four Years After
110531: DANA - Dana; a Magazine of Independent Thought
121486: DANGE, SINDHU SADASHIV - Hindu Domestic Rituals: A Critical Glance
121385: DANICA, ELLY - Don't: A Woman's Word
111068: DANIEL, LORNE - Towards a New Compass
121499: DANIELLS, ROY - The Chequered Shade
200439: DANIELLS, ROY - The Chequered Shade
124369: DANIELS, CALVIN - Guts and Go Overtime; More Great Saskatchewan Hockey Stories
110889: DANIELS, SALLY - The Inconstant Season
131227: DANIELS, BELINDA; CUSTER, ANDREA; RATT, SOLOMON (FOREWORD) - nehiyawetan kikinahk Speaking Cree in the Home A Beginner's Guide for Families
122943: DANN, JACK (EDITOR) - Wandering Stars; An Anthology of Jewish Fanatsy and Science Fiction
202737: LE DANTEC, FELIX - Theorie Nouvelle de la Vie
131228: DANYSK, CECILIA - Hired Hands: Labour and the Development of Prairie Agriculture, 1880-1930
104278: DAOUST, CHARLES R. - One Hundred and Twenty Days of Active Service: A Complete Historical Narrative of the Campaign of the 65th in the North West
104277: DAOUST, CHARLES R. - Cent-Vingt Jours de Service Actif; Recit Historique tres complet de la Campagne du 65eme au Nord-Ouest
203913: DARBY, RAY - The Adventures of Glen Alan
203912: DARBY, RAY - Peter Smith and the Bugs
110979: DARBY, RAY - Oomah
115451: DARCOVICH, WILLIAM; YUZYK, PAUL - A Statistical Compendium on the Ukrainians in Canada, 1891-1976
113466: DARLING, FRASER F. - A Herd of Red Deer
119181: DARLINGFORD - The Darlingford Saga; 1870-1970
130404: DARNELL, REGNA; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS (EDITOR) - Linguistic Diversity in Canadian Society
203866: DARTON, F.J. HARVEY - Alibi Pilgrimage
128262: DARVEAU, ADRIEN; ISABELLE, JEAN-PAUL (PREFACE) - 52 Ans au Service des Cris et des Dénés du Keewatin - Le Pas
128266: DARVEAU, ADRIEN; ISABELLE, JEAN-PAUL (PREFACE) - 52 Ans au Service des Cris et des Dénés du Keewatin - Le Pas
131710: DARWIN, CHARLES; KEYNES, RICHARD (INTRODUCED BY) - On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
131711: DARWIN, CHARLES; DAWKINS, RICHARD (INTRODUCED BY) - The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex
131712: DARWIN, CHARLES; PINKER, STEVEN (INTRODUCED BY) - The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals and The Autobiography
123660: DARWIN, CHARLES - Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle Round the World, Under the Command of Capt. Fitz Roy, R.N.
123659: DARWIN, CHARLES - The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication
104280: DARWIN, OLIVER - Pioneering with Pioneers; an Autobiography
119883: DASCHUK, JAMES - Clearing the Plains; Disease, Politics of Starvation, and the Loss of Aboriginal Life
128135: DASCHUK, JAMES - Clearing the Plains; Disease, Politics of Starvation, and the Loss of Aboriginal Life
109721: DASSANAYAKE, M.D. (EDITOR) - A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon; Volume IV
124503: DAUDET, ALPHONSE - Jack; Histoire D'un Ouvrier (Two Volumes)
112426: DAUDET, LEON - A Propos de J.K. Huismans
129853: DAUENHAUER, NORA MARKS; DAUENHAUER, RICHARD (EDITOR) - Haa Shuká, Our Ancestors Tlingit Oral Narratives
119902: DAUGHERTY, JAMES - Trappers and Traders of the Far West
100646: DAUPHIN. - Canada's National Ukrainian Festival; August 3 to 6 1972
121877: LEEMING, DAVD AND PAGE, JAKE - The Mythology of Native North America
100240: KAY, DAVE AND MACDONALD, D.A - Come with Me to Yesterday: Tales Retold of Pioneer Days in East Kootenay
126015: RIDGWAY, DAVE; WITH POULSEN, DAVID A. - Robokicker
109963: DAVENPORT, FRANCES GARDINER - The Economic Development of a Norfolk Manor 1086-1565
119189: DAVEY, ARLINE; GAMBLE, PARICIA - From Boys' and Girls' Clubs to 4-H; In the Portage Agricultural Area 1913-1991
130656: WARHOL, ANDY; ANTIN, DAVID & ROTHENBERG, JEROME (EDITORS) - some / thing; A Vietnam Assemblage Volume Two, Number One, Winter 1966 (Andy Warhol 'Bomb Hanoi' cover)
127462: DAVID, RICHARD (EDITOR) - Hakluyt's Voyages; A Selection
128605: CURRIE, DAVID AND RON SMITH (EDITORS) - Socialist Economic Review 1981
128606: CURRIE, DAVID AND MALCOM SAWYER (EDITORS) - Socialist Economic Review 1982
128607: CURRIE, DAVID AND MALCOM SAWYER (EDITORS) - Socialist Economic Review 1983
123465: HANCOCK, DAVID AND WOODFORD, JAMES - Birds of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba
114723: DE BROU, DAVID AND AILEEN MOFFAT (EDITORS) - Other Voices; Historical Essay on Saskatchewan Women
131217: DAVID, JENNIFER - Original People. Original Television. The Launching of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network.
123100: ELLIOTT, DAVID; WITH A CONTRIBUTION BY OZAKI, TETSUYA - Bye Bye Kitty; Between Heaven and Hell in Contemporary Japanese Art
126435: DAVID, JACK; LECKER, ROBERT; MCLEAN, KEN (EDITOR) - Essays on Canadian Writing
125418: BREEN, DAVID & COATES, KENNETH - The Pacific National Exhibition; An Illustrated History
122646: BOUCHARD, DAVID ET WILLIER, SHELLEY - Entre Dans la Grande Ronde
125781: DAVID, JACK; LECKER, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Essays on Canadian Writing, Number 11, Summer 1978
122337: BIERK, DAVID AND THE ART GALLERY OF PETERBOROUGH - In the Absence of Paradise; The Art of David Bierk
104282: DAVID, LAURENT OLIVIER - Monseigneur Alexandre-Antonin Tache, Archeveque de Saint-Boniface
104285: DAVIDSON, GORDON CHARLES - The North West Company
104287: DAVIDSON, WILLIAM MCCARTNEY - Louis Riel; 1844-1885
115168: DAVIDSON, GORDON A. - The Ukrainians in Canada: A Study in Canadian Immigration
131743: DAVIES, NIGEL; HAMMOND, NORMAN - Empires of Early Latin America; The Incas; The Maya; The Aztecs (Three Volume set)
130158: LANGDON-DAVIES, JOHN (EDITOR) - The Gunpowder Plot Jackdaw No. 6
113528: DAVIES, JIM, CRANBERRY PORTAGE - Cranberry Snow
118808: DAVIES, WILLIAM GWYNNE (BILL) - The Buffalo Stone
101493: DAVIES, JOAN - Wine and Wheat
130648: DAVIES, ALAN (EDITOR) - Antisemitism in Canada History and Interpretation
200461: DAVIES, W.H. - A Poet's Alphabet
200457: DAVIES, ROBERTSON (CANADIAN AUTHOR ) - The Diary of Samuel Marchbanks
200454: DAVIES, ROBERTSON (CANADIAN AUTHOR ) - The Table Talk of Samuel Marchbanks
200450: DAVIES, JOHN; NEWBURY, C.W. (EDITOR) - The History of the Tahitian Mission 1799 - 1830: With Supplementary Papers from the Correspondence of the Missionaries
119394: DAVIES, ROBERTSON (AUTHOR); GRANT, JUDITH SKELTON (EDITOR) - The Enthusiasms of Robertson Davies
129420: DAVIES, ROBERTSON (CANADIAN AUTHOR ) - The Lyre of Orpheus
200459: DAVIES, ROBERTSON (CANADIAN AUTHOR ) - A Mixture of Frailties
105471: HUDSON'S BAY RECORD SOCIETY. DAVIES, K. (EDITOR) - Letters from Hudson Bay 1703-40
122704: DAVIES, ADRIANA A. - From Realism to Abstraction; The Art of J.B. Taylor
122643: DAVIES, ROBERTSON (CANADIAN AUTHOR ) - For Your Eye Alone; Letters 1976-1995
114843: DAVIES, ROBERTSON (CANADIAN AUTHOR ) - The Lyre of Orpheus
120970: DAVIES, ROBERTSON (CANADIAN AUTHOR ) - Murther & Walking Spirits
121999: DAVIESS, MARIA THOMPSON - Over Paradise Ridge; A Romance

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