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123828: O'BRIEN, MICHAEL - McCarthy and Mccarthyism in Wisconsin
114724: O'BRIEN, MIKE; FORWARD BY SHARON BUTALA - Calling the Prairies Home; Origins, Attitudes, Quirks and Curiosities
121547: NEW BRIGDEN - From Buffalo Chips to Natural Gas: An Account of the Lives and Times of the People of New Brigden and Area; 1910-1983
110014: BRIGGS - Ain't It a Grand and Glorious Feeling?
128011: BRIGGS, CLARE - Oh, Man! A Bully Collection of Those Inimitable Human Cartoons
127400: BRIGHT SAND, COTTAGE VALLEY, ET AL... - Bright Sand to Green Fields: Bright Sand, Cottage Grove, Deer Valley, Dexter, Elmhurst, Emmaville, May Bell, Moose Head, Pine Ridge, Sky Rock, Spruce Bluff, Spruce Lake, Waskiagon.
116874: BRIGHT, DAVID - The Limits of Labour; Class Formation and the Labour Movement in Calgary in Calgary, 1883-1929
200228: BRIGHT, ELIZABETH S. - A Word Geography of California and Nevada
130279: BRIGHT SAND, COTTAGE VALLEY, ET AL... - Bright Sand to Green Fields: Bright Sand, Cottage Grove, Deer Valley, Dexter, Elmhurst, Emmaville, May Bell, Moose Head, Pine Ridge, Sky Rock, Spruce Bluff, Spruce Lake, Waskiagon.
117068: BRIGHTMAN, ROBERT - Acadohkiwina and Acimomina: Traditional Narratives of the Rock Cree Indians
115580: BRIGHTMAN, ROBERT - Grateful Prey; Rock Cree Human-Animal Relationships
112625: BRINGHURST, ROBERT - The Black Canoe; Bill Reid and the Spirit of Haida Gwaii
115705: BRINGHURST, ROBERT - Prosodies of Meaning; Literary Form in Native North America
125575: BRINGHURST, ROBERT - A Story As Sharp As a Knife: The Classical Haida Mythtellers and Their World
103464: BRINK, JACK (WITH OB DAWE.) - Final Report of the 1985 and 1986 Field Season at Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Alberta
103465: BRINK, JACK; CALDER, JIM - Archaeology in Southern Alberta: Archaeological Investigations at Writing-On-Stone, Alberta
103467: BRINK, JACK, MILT WRIGHT, BOB DAWE, (WITH GLAUM DOUG.) - Final Report of the 1984 Season at Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Alberta
103468: BRINK, JACK - Archaeology in Alberta, 1980
103469: BRINK, JACK - Archaeology in Alberta 1981
202494: BRINKLEY, F. - Japan; Its History, Arts, and Literature
131222: BRISSENDEN, CONSTANCE (EDITOR) - Memories of a Metis Settlement; Eighty Years of East Prairie Metis Settlement
115546: MENDEL; BRISTOL, JOANNE; DUVALL, LINDA; STASESON, RAE;RING, DAN - Antipathies & Correspondences
104989: GREAT BRITAIN - An Act for Enabling Her Majesty to Accept a Surrender upon Terms of the Lands, Privileges, and Rights of "The Governor and Company of Adventurers of England Trading into Hudson's Bay" and for Admitting the Same into the Dominion of Canada
104991: GREAT BRITAIN - Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland, Passed in the Sessions Held in the 32nd and 33rd, 33rd & 34th and 35th, and 35th and 36th Years of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Being the First, Second, Third and Fourth Sessions of the Twentieth Parliament of the United Kingdom
110454: BRITNELL, GEORGE; FOWKE, VERNON C.; TIMLIN, MABEL F.; BUCKLEY, KENNETH A.H. - Workable Competition and Monopoly; the Public Interest and the Control of Combines in Canada
117507: BRITNELL, G.E.; FOWKE, V.C. - Development of Wheat Marketing Policy in Canada
103473: BRITNELL, GEORGE E. - The Wheat Economy
103475: BRITNELL, GEORGE E.; FOWKE, VERNON C. - Canadian Agriculture in War & Peace 1935-1950
123416: BRITTON, DOROTHY (ED.) - B.C. Fruit Preserving Guide
129231: BRIZINSKI, PEGGY - Knots in a String; An Introduction to Native Studies in Canada
111591: BRIZINSKI, PEGGY - Knots in a String; An Introduction to Native Studies in Canada
200232: BROADBENT, UNA - Perilous Grain
127222: BROADFOOT, BARRY - Ten Lost Years 1929-1939. Memories of Canadians Who Survived the Depression
128378: BROADFOOT, BARRY - Years of Sorrow, Years of Shame; The Story of the Japanese Canadians in World War II
119728: BROADFOOT, BARRY; NICHOLS, MARK (EDITORS) - Memories; The Story of Imperial's First Century As Told by Its Employees & Annuitants
103480: BROADFOOT, BARRY - Next-Year Country; Voices of Prairie People
126049: BROADFOOT, BARRY - Next-Year Country; Voices of Prairie People
103477: BROADFOOT, BARRY - Ten Lost Years 1929-1939. Memories of Canadians Who Survived the Depression
103478: BROADFOOT, BARRY - The Pioneer Years 1895-1914: Memories of Settlers Who Opened the West
103479: BROADFOOT, BARRY - My Own Years
114086: BROCK, VERONICA EDDY - The Valley of Flowers
118600: BROCKIE, WILLIAM (PSEUDONYM OF ) - Tales of the Mounted
200234: BRODER, PATRICIA JANIS - Bronzes of the American West
202967: BRODHEAD, L.W. - The Delaware Water Gap: Its Scenery, Its Legends and Early History
128346: BRODSKY, GWEN; DAY, SHELAGH - Canadian Charter Equality Rights for Women: One Step Forward or Two Steps Back?
110620: BRODSKY, JOSEPH - Verses on the Winter Campaign 1980
200235: BRODSKY, JOSEPH - To Urania: Selected Poems 1965-1985
117979: BRODY, HUGH - The People's Land, Whites and the Eastern Arctic
117982: BRODY, HUGH - Living Arctic, Hunters of the Canadian North
103481: BRODY, HUGH - Indians on Skid Row; the Role of Alcohol and Community in the Adaptive Process of Indian Urban Migrants
119172: BRODZKY, ANNE (EDITOR) ARTSCANADA; PRAIRIE FOLK ART (MAGAZINE) - Brodzky, Anne (Editor) Artscanada; Prairie Folk Art
117343: BRODZKY, ANNE (EDITOR) ARTSCANADA; THE ESKIMO WORLD (1 LINE OF SYLLABICS); DECEMBER 1971 / JANUARY 1972 SPECIAL ISSUE NO 162 / 163 (MAGAZINE) - Brodzky, Anne (Editor) Artscanada; The Eskimo World (1 Line of Syllabics); December 1971 / January 1972 Special Issue No 162 / 163
112225: BRONGERS, GEORG A.; KIMM, TIEMEN H. - Nicotiana Tabacum; The History of Tobacco and Tobacco Smoking in the Netherlands [with] The House of Niemeyer, or, the History of a Leading Firm of Tobacco-Manufacturers in the Netherlands
123236: BRONOWSKI, JACOB - The Ascent of Man; With a New Foreward by Melyn Bragg
120111: BRONTË, CHARLOTTE - Jane Eyre
116144: BROOKER, BERTRAM; REID, DENNIS - Bertram Brooker
111791: BROOKES, L. ELLIOTT - The Practical Gas and Oil Engine Handbook; A Manual of Useful Information on the Care, Maintenance and Repair of Gas and Oil Engines with Special Reference to the Diesel Oil Engine
118215: BROOKES, DIANE - Passing the Peace, a Counting Book for Children
113944: BROOKS, DOROTHY - Stories of the Red Children
121805: BROOKS, I.R. (COMPILED BY); A.M. MARSHALL (ASSISTANT) - Native Education in Canada and the United States; A Bibliography
126746: BROOKS, JOHN - The Expert
121804: BROOKS, I.R. (COMPILED BY); A.M. MARSHALL (ASSISTANT) - Native Education in Canada and the United States; A Bibliography
120154: BROOMHEAD, FRANK - The Zaehnsdorfs (1842-1947); Craft Bookbinders
203439: BROPHY, JOHN - Spear Head
200238: BROSNAN, CORNELIUS J. - Jason Lee: Prophet of the New Oregon
115029: GLOBE NEWS STAND BY BLOOM BROTHER (PUBLISHED FOR) - Souvenir Album of Winnipeg, Man.
114422: NATIONAL INDIAN BROTHERHOOD - A Strategy for the Socio-Economic Develepment of Indian People; National Report
113661: BIRN BROTHERS (PUBLISHED BY) - ABC and Counting Book
102818: BROUSSEAU, FRANCINE - Historique du Nouvel Emplacement du Musee National de l'Homme a Hull
118137: BROVALD, KEN C. - Alakka's Wilderness Rails, from Taiga to the Tundra
118138: BROVALD, KEN C. - Alakka's Wilderness Rails, from Taiga to the Tundra
117929: BROVALD, KEN C. - Alakka's Wilderness Rails, from Taiga to the Tundra
202923: BROWER, JAMES H. - The Mills of Mammon
128850: BROWER, JENNIFER - Lost Tracks; Buffalo National Park 1909 - 1939
121864: HAIG-BROWN, CELIA - Resistance and Renewal; Surviving the Indian Residential School
119249: BROWN, WAYNE F - Steele's Scouts: Samuel Benfield Steele and the North-West Rebellion
119247: BROWN, LORNE - Trade Unions and Canadian Democracy: Democracy, Labour Laws and Workers' Rights
121309: BROWN, CAROLINE; JONES, BILL; SPERLING, GERALD B.; WHITE, TERRY - Rain of Death; Acid Rain in Western Canada
120389: BROWN, LARRY; FRYER, JOHN - The Charter of Rights: What's It Worth? Implications for Collective Bargaining
101822: MOOSE JAW. BROWN, BRIAN A. - Opening Tomorrow's Doors, 1884-1984-2084
130979: BROWN, GEORGE W. (GENERAL EDITOR) - Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Includes Volumes 1-12, Index (Volume 13), and Volumes 14 & 15 (Complete Set)
203524: BROWN, MALCOLM - The Politics of Irish Literature from Thomas Davis to W.B. Yeats
127486: BROWN, ALISON K. - First Nations, Museums, Narrations; Stories of the 1929 Franklin Motor Expedition to the Canadian Prairies
118764: BROWN, BRIAN A.; LÉVESQUE, RENÉ (FOREWORD) - Separatism; A Positive Response from English Canada
131195: BROWN, DAMON; ANDERSON, PAMELA (FOREWORD) - Playboy's Greatest Covers
118674: BROWN, CAROLINE; JONES, BILL; SPERLING, GERALD B.; WHITE, TERRY - Rain of Death; Acid Rain in Western Canada
112967: HAIG-BROWN, RODERICK; - The Farthest Shores and Fur and Gold
123937: BROWN, JENNIFER S.H.; BRIGHTMAN, ROBERT - The Orders of the Dreamed; George Nelson on Cree and Northern Ojibwa Religion and Myth, 1823
112791: BROWN, JENNIFER S.H.; BRIGHTMAN, ROBERT - The Orders of the Dreamed; George Nelson on Cree and Northern Ojibwa Religion and Myth, 1823
118284: BROWN, JAMES A. - Aboriginal Cultural Adaptations in the Midwestern Prairies
114809: BROWN, ROBERT CRAIG (EDITOR) - Selected Correspondence of the Glasgow Colonial Society 1825 - 1840
120117: HUTCHINSON BROWN, LYNN (EDITOR); HUTCHINSON, LEONARD - Leonard Hutchinson, People's Artist: Ten Years of Struggle, 1930 to 1940
110274: BROWN, LORNE A.; ROBERTS, JOSEPH K.; WARNOCK, JOHN W. - Saskatchewan Politics from Left to Right '44 to '99
130485: BROWN, DAN - The Da Vinci Code
109829: BROWN, C.R. (EDITOR) - The Scottish Annual, 1859
117355: BROWN, MICHAEL - Jew or Juif?; Jews, French Canadians, and Anglo-Canadians, 1759-1914
123443: BROWN, DOUGLAS [EDITOR]; VARIOUS AUTHORS - Copperfield; Volume 1 (Late 1969) Through to Volume 6 [The Ancestor Issue], (1977), Complete
123441: BROWN, DOUGLAS [EDITOR] - De Profundis; Being the First Complete and Accurate Version of 'epistola: In Carcere Et Vinculis' the Last Prose Work in Engish of Oscar Wilde; The Complete Text
120952: BROWN, LORNE - When Freedom Was Lost; The Unemployed, the Agitator, and the State
130689: BROWN, DAN - The Da Vinci Code
126492: BROWN, GEORGE W. (EDITOR) - Canada
122714: BROWN, ELIZABETH [CURATOR] - Exceptional Pass; The Quests; The Expeditions; The Explorations
122560: BROWN, LORNE A.; ROBERTS, JOSEPH K.; WARNOCK, JOHN W. - Saskatchewan Politics from Left to Right '44-'99
126022: BROWN, LARRY; STIRLING, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Prairie Forum; Volume 31, Number 2; Fall 2006
129847: BROWN, JOSEPH EPES (RECORDED AND EDITED BY) (EDITOR) - The Sacred Pipe; Black Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux
115241: BROWN, ROY (WORDS AND MUSIC) - How I Hate to Say Good Bye: Wartime Waltz Ballad
103490: BROWN, JENNIFER S.H.; BRIGHTMAN, ROBERT - The Orders of the Dreamed; George Nelson on Cree and Northern Ojibwa Religion and Myth, 1823
103492: BROWN, JENNIFER S.H.; ECCLES, W.J.; HELDMAN, DONALD P. (EDITOR) - The Fur Trade Revisited: Selected Papers of the Sixth North American Fur Trade Conference, Mackinac Island, Michigan, 1991
100574: BRANDON. BROWN, ROY - The Fort Brandon Story
125598: BROWN, CHESTER - Louis Riel; A Comic Strip Biography
115008: BROWN, RALPH H. (EDITOR) - Mirror for Americans: Likeness of the Eastern Seaboard, 1810
114963: BROWN, ROBERT (EDITOR) - The Adventures of John Jewitt
114738: BROWNE, VERONICA: INTERNATIONAL PLANNED PARENTHOOD FEDERATION - Proceedings of the Regional Conference; Western Pacific Region Held in Seoul, Korea
128658: BROWNE, G. P. (EDITOR, INTRO.) - Documents on the Confederation of British North America; A Compilation Based on Sir Joseph Pope's Confederation Documents Supplemented by Other Official Material
100055: BROWNFIELD - Lengthening Shadows of the Neutrals
203898: BROWNING, ROBERT; RUSKIN, JOHN - The Pied Piper of Hamelin with the King of the Golden River
202166: BROWNING, ROBERT; GREENAWAY, KATE - The Pied Piper of Hamelin
129834: BROWNING, ROBERT - Selections from Robert Browning
112552: BROWNING, K.A. (EDITOR) - Nowcasting
119958: BROWNING, ROBERT - The Inn Album
119957: BROWNING, ROBERT - Red Cotton Night-Cap Country; Or, Turf and Towers
119955: BROWNING, ROBERT - Aristophanes' Apology; Including a Transcript from Euripides Being the Last Adventure of Balaustion
119737: BROWNING, ROBERT - The Ring and the Book
126139: BROWNING, ROBERT - Paracelus
128253: BROWNLIE, ROBIN JARVIS; KORINEK, VALERIE J. (EDITOR) - Finding a Way to the Heart; Feminist Writings on Aboriginal and Women's History in Canada
118934: BROWNLOW, W. G. - Sketches of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of Secession; With a Narrative of Personal Adventures Among the Rebels
126574: BROWNMILLER, SUSAN - Femininity
103494: BROWNSTONE, MEYER; PLUNKETT, T.J. - Metropolitan Winnipeg; Politics and Reform of Local Government
113518: BRUCE, TODD - Jiggers
124135: BRUCE, JEAN - The Last Best West
124134: BRUCE, JEAN - The Last Best West
112795: MORRISON, R. BRUCE & C. RODERICK WILSON - Native Peoples; The Canadian Experience
119917: BRUCE, TOBI (EDITOR / CURATOR) - Lasting Impressions; Celebrated Works from the Art Gallery of Hamilton
125897: BRUCE, ROBERT V. - Bell; Alexander Graham Bell and the Conquest of Solitude
103495: BRUCE, JEAN - The Last Best West
114979: BRUCE, TODD - Birdman
114011: BRUCHAC, JOSEPH (TOLD BY) - The Native Stories from Keepers of the Animals
125574: BRUCHAC, JOSEPH (EDITOR) - Songs from This Earth on Turtle's Back; Contemporary American Indian Poetry
118201: BRUEMMER, FRED - The Arctic World
103498: BRUMLEY, JOHN H.; DAU, BARRY J. - Historical Resource Investigations Within the Forty Mile Coulee Reservoir
126085: BRUNANSKI, NELSON - Crooked Lake
103500: BRUNING, OTTO H. - The Life of an Illiterate Pioneer
118780: BRUNO. - Up to Now
119989: HUGO-BRUNT, MICHAEL - The History of City Planning; A Survey
103501: BRUNVAND, JAN HAROLD - Norwegian Settlers in Alberta
127233: BRYAN, LIZ - Stone by Stone: Exploring Ancient Sites on the Canadian Plains
118196: ALEXANDER, BRYAN AND CHERRY - The Vanishing Arctic
118197: ALEXANDER, BRYAN AND CHERRY - The Vanishing Arctic
127227: BRYAN, LIZ - Stone by Stone: Exploring Ancient Sites on the Canadian Plains
103502: BRYAN, LIZ - The Buffalo People; Prehistoric Archaeology on the Canadian Plains
123327: BRYANTON, ROB - Imagining the Tenth Dimension; A New Way of Thinking About Time, Space and Strong Theory
128237: BRYCE, GEORGE (REV.) - A Short History of the Canadian People
103506: BRYCE, GEORGE - Problems of Greater Canada. Being an Inaugural Address
103513: BRYCE, GEORGE - A History of Manitoba; Its Resources and People
103519: BRYCE, PETER H. - The Value to Canada of the Continental Immigrant; a Series of Articles
103503: BRYCE, GEORGE - Manitoba: Its Infancy, Growth, and Present Condition
103083: BRYCE, GEORGE - Our Canadian Prairies
103084: BRYCE, GEORGE - Prairie Agriculture: Containing a List of Experiments; a Series of Experiments on the Growth of Seeds; a Description of How Plants Grow;..
127979: BRYDE, JOHN F. - The Indian Student; A Study of Scholastic Failure and Personality Conflict
111350: BRYK, ALEXANDER S. - My Life Experiences
119745: CANADA; BRYMNER, DOUGLAS (ARCHIVIST) - Report on Canadian Archives, 1882 [Bound With] 1883 [Bound With] 1884
119623: CANADA. BRYMNER, DOUGLAS (ARCHIVIST) - Report of the Minister of Agriculture of the Dominion of Canada, for the Calendar Year 1872 [Bound With] ...1873 [Bound With] ...1874
119620: CANADA; BRYMNER, DOUGLAS (ARCHIVIST) - Report on Canadian Archives (1897)
114015: BUCHAN, JOHN - The Long Traverse
129817: BUCHAN, SUSAN - Funeral March of a Marionette Charlotte of Albany
119398: BUCHAN, JOHN - A Book of Escapes and Hurried Journeys
111140: BUCHANAN, DONALD W. (EDITOR) - Canadian Painters; from Paul Kane to the Group of Seven
117433: BUCHANAN, DONALD W.; NEWTON, ERIC (FOREWORD) - The Growth of Canadian Painting
200251: BUCHANAN, JAMES - Message of the President of the United States, Transmitting to Congress the Constitution of Kansas. February 2, 1858
200250: BUCHANAN, ISAAC; MORGAN, HENRY J. (EDITOR) - The Relations of the Industry of Canada with the Mother Country and the United States, Being a Speech by Isaac Buchanan.
116122: BUCHANAN, DONALD W, - James Wilson Morrice
116092: BUCHANAN, DONALD W. (EDITOR) - Canadian Painters; from Paul Kane to the Group of Seven
115868: BUCHANAN, JUDD - Abstracts of Publications of the Northern Research Division
103520: BUCHANAN, ANGUS - Wild Life in Canada
124604: BUCHHEIM, LOTHAR-GÜNTHER - The Graphic Art of German Expressionism
103524: BUCHNER, ANTHONY P. - Cultural Responses to Altithermal (Atlantic) Climate Along the Eastern Margins of the North American Grasslands 5500 to 3000 B.C
103529: BUCHNER, ANTHONY P. - Investigations at the Sinnock Site 1980 and 1982
103522: BUCHNER, ANTHONY P. - The 1978 Caribou Lake Project, Including a Summary of the Prehistory of East-Central Manitoba
103523: BUCHNER, ANTHONY P.; CALLAGHAN, R.T. - Studies in Eastern Manitoba Archaeology
103530: BUCHYNSKY, VERA (EDITOR) - The 25 Year Endeavour: Ukrainian Catholic Women's League of Canada in Manitoba
129813: BUCK, TIM - 30 (Thirty) Years 1922 - 1952 The Story of the Communist Movement in Canada
202387: BUCK, JAMES S. - Pioneer History of Milwaukee; from 1840 to 1846, Inclusive. Volume 2
129491: BUCK, TIM - We Fight for Canada
118962: BUCK,TIM - Beat the Threat of Depression
123763: BUCK, PEARL S. - Imperial Woman
116999: BUCK, RUTH MATHESON; FORSYTH, LOUISE H. - The Doctor Rode Side-Saddle; The Remarkable Story of Elizabeth Matheson, Frontier Doctor and Medicine Woman
116763: BUCK,TIM - Canada's Choice; Unity or Chaos
116765: BUCK,TIM - Wages and Inflation; A Reply to Donald Gordon
116775: BUCK,TIM - "Atomic Diplomacy" a Threat to World Peace!
116755: BUCK,TIM - Canada, the Communist Viewpoint
129136: LABOR-PROGRESSIVE PARTY; TIM BUCK - For Peace Progress Socialism
130531: BUCK, PEARL S. - The Good Earth
130532: BUCK, PEARL S. - Dragon Seed
130393: BUCK, TIM - The Yankee Occupation of Canada
130533: BUCK, PEARL S. - Peony
130392: BUCK, TIM - Keep Canada Independent; ; Summary of Report to Meeting of Labor - Progressive Party, National Committee, Toronto, January 6th-9th, 1948
130534: BUCK, PEARL S. - Imperial Woman
130537: BUCK, PEARL S. - The Promise
128751: BUCK,TIM - Canada: The Communist Viewpoint
130535: BUCK, PEARL S. - Kinfolk
130488: BUCK, TIM; MORRIS LESLIE (INTRODUCTION) - Our Fight for Canada; Selected Writings (1923 - 1959)
130530: BUCK, PEARL S. - House of Earth
122477: BUCK, CHARLES NEVILLE - Hazard of the Hills
130536: BUCK, PEARL S. - Fighting Angel; Portrait of a Soul
130901: BUCK, TIM - A National Front for Victory
103532: BUCK, ALANSON L. - The Outlaw; and Other Poems
103533: BUCK, RUTH MATHESON - The Doctor Rode Side-Saddle; The Remarkable Story of Elizabeth Matheson, Frontier Doctor and Medicine Woman
130538: BUCK, PEARL S. - God's Men
113704: BUCKAWAY, CATHERINE - Blue Windows. New and Selected Poems
121368: BUCKAWAY, CATHERINE - Blue Windows: New and Selected Poems
120083: BUCKINGHAM, GEORGE VILLIERS - A Letter to Sir Osborn, One of His Majesties Privy Council, upon the Reading of a Book, Called, the Present Interest of England Stated.
101151: THOMPSON. BUCKINGHAM, GRAHAM - Thompson; a City and Its People
130217: BUCKLAND, REV. A. R.; HORDEN, JOHN - John Horden Missionary Bishop; A Life on the Shores of Hudson's Bay
101407: BUCKLAND - Buckland's Heritage
119024: BUCKLAND, JAMES - The Value of Birds to Man
130218: BUCKLAND, REV. A. R.; HORDEN, JOHN - John Horden Missionary Bishop; A Life on the Shores of Hudson's Bay
130561: BUCKLEY, KENNETH - Capital Formation in Canada 1896 - 1930
129731: BUCKLEY, HELEN - From Wooden Ploughs to Welfare; Why Indian Policy Failed in the Prairie Provinces
120204: BUCKLEY, JR., WILLIAM F. - Overdrive; A Personal Documentary
117505: BUCKLEY, KENNETH - Historical Estimates of Internal Migration in Canada
117504: BUCKLEY, KENNETH - Capital Formation in Canada
103541: BUCKLEY, HELEN - From Wooden Ploughs to Welfare: Why Indian Policy Failed in the Prairie Provinces
103538: BUCKLEY, HELEN; TIHANYI, EVA - Canadian Policies for Rural Adjustment; a Study of the Economic Impact of Arda, Pfra, and Mmra
202278: BUCKMINSTER, THOMAS - An Almanack and Prognostication for the Year 1598
122451: BUCKNER, P.A.; FRANK, DAVID (EDITORS) - The Acadiensis Reader [Two Volumes]; Volume One: Atlantic Canada Before Confederation [And] Volume Two: Atlantic Canada After Confederation
103546: BUDD, ARCHIBALD C. - Budd's Flora of the Canadian Prairie Provinces
120497: BUDD, ARCHIBALD C.; BEST, KEITH F. - Wild Plants of the Canadian Prairies
118960: BUDDEN, ALF. - The Slave of the Farm; Being Letters from Alf. Budden to a Fellow Farm Slave and Comrade in Revolt
119502: BUDDICOM, JACINTHA - Eric and Us; A Remembrance of George Orwell
114102: BUEL, J. W. - Fighting in Africa; England's Battles with the Boers in the Transvaal Including an Exhaustive Hilstory of the Settlement of Cape Colony, Wars with the Kaffirs, Matabeles, Zulus, the Diamond and Gold Mines of South Africa and a History of Exploration, Discovery, Conquest and Development by All the Famous Travelers That Have Traversed the Dark Continent
126983: BUERKLE, JACK V.; BARKER, DANNY - Bourbon Street Black; The New Orleans Black Jazzman
116174: BUERSCHAPER, PETER - Arctic Journey; Paintings, Sketches and Reminiscences of a Vanishing World
116159: BUICK, ALAN J. - The Little Coat; The Bob and Sue Elliott Story
112950: SHIP-BUILDING AND MARINE ENGINEERS - Directory of Shipowners, Shipbuilders and Marine Engineers 1962
118940: BUISSON, RENÉ (DIRECTEUR); MUSÉE MARC-AURÈLE FORTIN - Paysages Du Québec, 1900-1948
120959: BUKOWSKI, CHARLES - The Movie: "Barfly"
118727: BUKOWSKI, CHARLES - Barfly; The Continuing Saga of Henry Chinaski
129035: BUKOWSKI, CHARLES; CRUMB, R. [ILLUSTRATIONS] - The Captain Is Out to Lunch and the Sailors Have Taken Over the Ship
128887: BUKOWSKI, CHARLES - On Drinking
128888: BUKOWSKI, CHARLES - Notes of a Dirty Old Man
128079: BUKOWSKI, CHARLES - Open All Night
115626: BUKOWSKI, CHARLES - Betting on the Muse; Poems & Stories
115625: BUKOWSKI, CHARLES - Septuagenarian Stew, Stories & Poems
121003: BUKOWSKI, CHARLES; COONEY, SEAMUS (EDITOR) - Selected Letters (Complete in 3 Volumes) - Screams from the Balcony; Selected Letters, 1960-1970 [And] Living on Luck; Selected Letters, 1960s-1970s [And] Reach for the Sun; Selected Letters, 1978-1994
125701: BUKOWSKI, CHARLES - Pulp; Traduction de L'anglais (Etats-Unis) Et Postface Par Gerard Guegan
131070: BUKOWSKY, NIKANDER - 40th Anniversary of the New Community Savings & Credit Union Limited in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada
115095: BULIARD, ROGER - Inuk "Au Dos de la Terre"
112444: BULL, GEORGE - Defensio Fidei Nicaenae; A Defence of the Nicene Creed
130406: BULLCHILD, PERCY - The Sun Came Down
124890: SASKATCHEWAN INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR NEWS [BULLETIN] - Swift Current, Saskatchewan Invites You
124887: SASKATCHEWAN INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR NEWS [BULLETIN] - Prince Albert, Saskatchewan Invites You
124884: SASKATCHEWAN INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR NEWS [BULLETIN] - Lloydminster, Saskatchewan Invites You
124882: SASKATCHEWAN INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR NEWS [BULLETIN] - Saskatchewan Invites You; Premier's Message for C.I.T.F. (Canadian International Trade Fair)
122449: BULLION, JOHN L. - A Great and Necessary Measure; George Grenville and the Genesis of the Stamp Act, 1763-1765
110548: BULLOCK, MICHAEL - A Savage Darkness
121084: NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES; BULYEA, G.H.V. (AG.); ROSS, J.H. (PUB. WORKS) - Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture of the North-West Territories, 1899 [Together With] the Annual Report of the Department of Public Works of the North-West Territories, 1899
101409: BULYEA, DUVAL, STRASBOURG - Between Long Lake and Last Mountain: Bulyea, Duval, Strasbourg Volume 1 and 2
120518: BUMGARDNER, GEORGIA B. - American Broadsides; Sixty Facsimiles Dated 1680 to 1800 Reproduced from Originals in the American Antiquarian Society
121961: BUMPHREY, HARVEY - From the Prairies to the Sea; The Way I Want to Be Remembered
103553: BUMSTED, J.M. - The Red River Rebellion
118695: BUMSTED, J.M. - Dictionary of Manitoba Biography
130786: BUMSTED, J.M. - The Scots in Canada
120806: BUMSTED, J.M. - The University of Manitoba; An Illustrated History
102360: WILLOW BUNCH - Centennial of St. Ignace des Saules Parish, Willow Bunch, Sask 1870-1970
119432: WILLOW BUNCH - Poplar Poles and Wagon Trails: A Mosaic of Willow Bunch R.M. #42 (Two Vols Complete)
203792: BUNNER, FREDA NEWTON - Orphan and Other Poems
202185: BUNTING, RUSSELL W. - Oral Hygiene and the Treatment of Parodontal Diseases
111725: BUNYAN, JOHN; FORREST, JAMES F. - The Holy War; Made by Shaddai upon Diabolus for the Regaining of the Metropolis of the World; or, The Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul
202217: BURAUD, GEORGES - Les Masques; Essai
109264: BURCH, GEORGE BOSWORTH - Alternative Goals in Religion: Love, Freedom, Truth
122604: BURDETT, BOB; ROUNDSTONE COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS - Canadian Artists in Exhibition / Artistes Canadiens: Expositions
122603: BURDETT, BOB; NEWELL, PETER; LEUNG, PAULINE - Canadian Artists in Exhibition / Artistes Canadiens: Expositions
120534: BURDETT, BOB; NEWELL, PETER; LEUNG, PAULINE - Canadian Artists in Exhibition / Artistes Canadiens: Expositions
127490: SASKATCHEWAN C.C.F. RESEARCH BUREAU - C.C.F. Research Review
110874: VAN BUREN, MARTIN; JACKSON, ANDREW - Trade with British Colonies: Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting the Papers Relating to the Recent Arrangement in Relation to the Trade Between the United States and the British Colonies, &C
124399: BEAVER. BURGESS, HELEN (EDITOR) - The Beaver: Magazine of the North; Autumn 1983 (Special Issue)
124296: BURGESS, THORNTON W. - The Three Bears
130419: BURGESS, THORNTON W.; CADY, HARRISON [ILLUSTRATIONS] - The Adventures of Prickly Porky
126726: BURGESS, THORNTON W.; CADY, HARRISON [ILLUSTRATIONS] - The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat
126727: BURGESS, THORNTON W.; CADY, HARRISON [ILLUSTRATIONS] - The Adventures of Buster Bear
126725: BURGESS, THORNTON W.; CADY, HARRISON [ILLUSTRATIONS] - The Adventures of Old Man Coyote
120787: BEAVER. BURGESS, HELEN (EDITOR) BEAVER: MAGAZINE OF THE NORTH; AUTUMN 1972 (OUTFIT 303:2) (MAGAZINE) - Beaver. Burgess, Helen (Editor) Beaver: Magazine of the North; Autumn 1972 (Outfit 303:2)
123148: BURGESS, CATHERINE; GRENVILLE, BRUCE [ESSAY] - Things As They Are; The Recent Sculpture of Catherine Burgess
122966: BURGESS, ANTHONY - A Long Trip to Teatime
122965: BURGESS, ANTHONY - Any Old Iron
122963: BURGESS, ANTHONY - The Devil's Mode
122964: BURGESS, ANTHONY - But Do Blondes Prefer Gentlemen?; Homage to Qwert Yuiop and Other Writings
113442: BURK, DALE - A Brush with the West
116370: BURKE, STANLEY; PETERSON, ROY - Frog Fables and Beaver Tales
116371: BURKE, STANLEY; PETERSON, ROY - The Day of the Glorius Revolution
125752: BURKE, OLIVER J. - The History of the Chancellors of Ireland, from A.D. 1186 to A.D. 1874
113645: BURLAND, COTTIE - Eskimo Art
125242: BURLES, MARY-JO - First and Second Kings, Maurice and Harold; The True Story of Eccentric Millionaires Who Lived Like Paupers
103558: BURLEY, DAVID - Archaeology in Alberta 1983
103559: BURLEY, DAVID - Archaeology in Alberta 1984
103556: BURLEY, DAVID (EDITOR) - Contributions to Plains Prehistory: The 1984 Victoria Symposium
103557: BURLEY, DAVID - Archaeology in Alberta 1982
124409: BURNARD, BONNIE - Women of Influence: Stories
113705: BURNARD, BONNIE - Women of Influence: Stories
129524: BURNARD, BONNIE - Casino & Other Stories
117728: BURNARD, BONNIE - A Good House
124817: BURNARD, BONNIE - Suddenly
103561: BURNARD, BONNIE (EDITOR) (EDITOR) - The Old Dance: Love Stories of One Kind or Another
103562: BURNARD, BONNIE - Women of Influence: Stories
103563: BURNARD, BONNIE - A Good House
200267: BURNELL, JOHN; SHEPPARD, SAMUEL T.; COTTON, EVAN; ANSTEY, L.M. (EDITOR) - Bombay in the Days of Queen Anne: Being an Account of the Settlement
119780: BURNET, JEAN - Next-Year Country; a Study of Rural Social Organization in Alberta
103564: BURNET, JEAN - Next-Year Country; a Study of Rural Social Organization in Alberta
103565: BURNET, JEAN - Next-Year Country; a Study of Rural Social Organization in Alberta
121491: BURNETT, BRYCE - Homegrown and Other Poems
113111: DALE-BURNETT, LISA - Saskatchewan Agriculture
118302: DALE-BURNETT, LISA - Agricultural Change and Farmer Adaptation in the Palliser Traingle, Saskatchewan, 1900-1960
116139: BURNETT, DAVID - Masterpieces of Canadian Art from the National Gallery of Canada
110518: BURNEY, FRANCES (FANNY) - Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay
117887: BURNFORD, SHEILA - Bel Ria; Dog of War
114344: BURNHAM, ROBERT JR. - Burnham's Celestial Handbook; An Observer's Guide to the Universe Beyond Our Solar System (In Three Volumes)
128960: BURNHAM, DOROTHY K. - To Please the Caribou; Painted Caribou-Skin Coats Worn by the Naskapi, Montagnais, and Cree Hunters of the Quebec-Labrador Penninsula
118608: BURNS, CLIFF - Sex & Other Acts of the Imagination
118606: BURNS, CLIFF - The Reality Machine
110778: BURNS, C.A. - Geological Notes on Localities in James Bay, Hudson Bay, and Foxe Basin Visited During an Exploration Cruise, 1949; Including Lists of Collected Fossils Identified by Alice E. Wilson (Report and Figure)
117160: BURNS, BILL - Bird Radio / Vogelradio
119952: BURNS, ROBERT; SHARP, WILLIAM (GENERAL EDITOR); SKIPSEY, JOSEPH (EDITOR) - Poems of Robert Burns: With a Prefatory Notice, Biographical and Critical, by Joseph Skipsey
114346: BURNS, ROBERT - The Songs and Poems of Robert Burns
200268: BURNS, CAROL - The Narcissist
200270: BURNS, ROBERT - The Cotter's Saturday Night; A Poem
121018: BURNS, ROBERT - Two Titles Bound in Tartan - Burns' Poems [And] Poems and Songs of Robert Burns
124635: BURNS, CLIFF - The Algebra of Inequality & Other Poems (2012-17)
124636: BURNS, CLIFF - Disloyal Son; A False Memoir
203940: BURNSIDE, HELEN MARION - Harbour Lights
110030: BURNSIDE, DAVID - A Few Thoughts on Hearing of the Death of H.R.H. Prince Albert, Who Died at Windsor Castle, 14th December, 1861; Together with a History of Death in Various Forms, Containing Many Useful and Instructive Lessons. Concluding with an Epitaph and Elegy on the Prince
121777: BURPEE, LAWRENCE J. - Songs of French Canada
119341: BURROUGHS, WILLIAM S. - Cities of the Red Night
110802: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Tarzan Y El Leon de Oro
110803: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Tarzan El Terrible
110804: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Tarzan El Indomito
110805: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Tarzan Entre Pigmeos
110806: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Tarzan El Gran Jeque
200271: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
128921: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - The Tarzan Twins
128660: BURROUGHS, PETER (ED., INTRO.) - The Colonial Reformers and Canada, 1830-1849; Selections from Documents and Publications of the Times
122352: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
129703: BURROUGHS, WILLIAM - Junkie
112104: BURROWS, G. EDMOND - Canadian Clocks and Clockmakers
121273: BURRS, MICK - The Blue Pools of Paradise
124878: BURRS, MICK - Children on the Edge of Space
122958: BURRS, MICK - Children on the Edge of Space
122957: BURRS, MICK - Dark Halo
126045: BURRS, MICK - Sonnet's End & Other Lyrical Catastrophes
125976: BURRS, MICK - The Blue Pools of Paradise
125967: BURRS, MICK - In the Dark the Journeyman Landed
125966: BURRS, MICK - Walls
125954: BURRS, MICK - Moving in from Paradise
125951: BURRS, MICK (EDITOR) - The Waking Image Bedside Companion
103576: BURRS, MICK (STEVEN MICHAEL BERZENSKY) - Game Farm; Poems for Interreflection 1967-1975
103577: BURRS, MICK - Moving in from Paradise
103578: BURRS, MICK - Children on the Edge of Space
103579: BURRS, MICK - The Blue Pools of Paradise
103581: BURRS, MICK (EDITOR) - The Waking Image Bedside Companion
121543: BURRS, MICK - Dark Halo
120743: BURT, MURRAY - Winnipeg's Ladies from Hell; How the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada Fought, Remembered and Grew in the Regiment's First Century of War and Peace
103582: BURT, A. L. - The Romance of the Prairie Provinces
100586: BURT, A.L - Manitoba High School Civics
124807: BURT, A. L. - The Romance of the Prairie Provinces
129298: BURTON, WILFRED; PATTON, ANNE - Fiddle Dancer
119966: BURTON, JOHN - Potash; An Inside Account of Saskatchewan's Pink Gold
118175: BURTON, PIERRE - Drifting Home
110412: BURTON, W.E. - The Literary Souvenir, a Christmas and New Year's Present for Mdcccxl
123186: BURTON, WILFRED; PATTON, ANNE - Fiddle Dancer
123185: BURTON, WILFRED; PATTON, ANNE - Dancing in My Bones; La Daans Daan Mii Zoo
129291: BURTON, RANDY; HALL, DON (EDITOR) - Between Time and Place: Contemporary Saskatchewan Photography
117943: BURTONSHAW, GEOFF - A Metis Newsletter (Vol. 1-38)
200272: BURWASH, DOROTHY - English Merchant Shipping 1460-1540
128700: BURY, DR. JOHN - A Pioneer of Medicare
200273: BUSBY, ROGER; HOLTHAM, GERALD - Main Line Kill
127580: BUSCH, D. MORITZ - Le Comte de Bismarck Et Sa Suite Pendant la Guerre de France 1870-1871
113315: BUSCH, WILHELM - Humoristische Hausschatz; Mit 1500 Bildern
109265: BUSCH, BRITON COOPER - The War Against the Seals: A History of the North American Seal Fishery
120671: BUSH, JACK (ARTIST); WILKIN, KAREN (CURATOR) - Jack Bush: Works on Paper
125402: BUSHNELL, JR., DAVID I. - Native Cemeteries and Forms of Burial East of the Mississippi
127748: BUTALA, SHARON - Upstream: le Pays d'en Haut
127747: BUTALA, SHARON - Wild Stone Heart; An Apprentice in the Fields
127746: BUTALA, SHARON - The Perfection of the Morning: An Apprenticeship in Nature
130722: BUTALA, SHARON - The Fourth Archangel
121539: BUTALA, SHARON - The Girl in Saskatoon
127505: BUTALA, SHARON - Coyote's Morning Cry; Meditations & Dreams from a Life in Nature
127241: BUTALA, SHARON - Wild Stone Heart; An Apprentice in the Fields
111893: BUTALA, SHARON - Fever
130492: BUTALA, SHARON - Wild Rose
116011: BUTALA, SHARON - Wild Stone Heart; An Apprentice in the Fields
126432: BUTALA, SHARON - The Perfection of the Morning: An Apprenticeship in Nature
114862: BUTALA, SHARON - Old Man on His Back: Portrait of a Prairie Landscape
122322: BUTALA, SHARON - Old Man on His Back: Portrait of a Prairie Landscape
103597: BUTALA, SHARON - Coyote's Morning Cry; Meditations & Dreams from a Life in Nature
103591: BUTALA, SHARON - Fever
103593: BUTALA, SHARON - Upstream: le Pays d'en Haut
103594: BUTALA, SHARON - The Fourth Archangel
103595: BUTALA, SHARON; KOROL, TODD [PHOTOGRAPHY] - Harvest: A Celebration of Harvest on the Canadian Prairies
103589: BUTALA, SHARON - The Gates of the Sun
103590: BUTALA, SHARON - Luna
103588: BUTALA, SHARON - Queen of the Headaches
103599: BUTCHER, DENNIS L.; MACDONALD, CATHERINE; MCPHERSON; SMITH; WATTS (EDITOR) - Prairie Spirit: Perspectives on the Heritage of the United Church of Canada in the West
130358: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - The Hot Country
130359: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Coffee, Cigarettes, and a Run in the Park
129655: BUTLER, WILLIAM FRANCIS - The Great Lone Land: A Tale of Travel and Adventure in the North-West of America
129656: BUTLER, WILLIAM FRANCIS - The Wild North Land; The Story of a Winter Journey, with Dogs, Across Northern North America
130294: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Wabash
101413: BUTLER, H.K.W - The Barr Colony (1903)
130345: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Mr. Spaceman
130346: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Mr. Spaceman
130347: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Mr. Spaceman
130348: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Fair Warning
110308: BUTLER, K.J. (JACK) - Art / Science Tables; March 21 - April 7, 1983
130349: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Fair Warning
130350: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Fair Warning
130297: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - They Whisper
130356: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Hell
130355: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Intercourse
120021: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - The Deuce
109812: BUTLER, JACK - K J B: Works, 1977-1981
109558: BUTLER, SAMUEL - Hudibras; with Dr. Grey's Annotations
130234: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - A Small Hotel
130236: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Tabloid Dreams stories
130237: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Tabloid Dreams stories
130238: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Tabloid Dreams stories
130351: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Had a Good Time; Stories from American Postcards
130352: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Had a Good Time; Stories from American Postcards
130353: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - From Where You Dream; The Process of Writing Fiction
121036: BUTLER, SAMUEL - Hudibras [Three Parts Bound in One]
130281: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain
130282: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - A Small Hotel
130284: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Sun Dogs
130285: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Countrymen of Bones
130286: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - On Distant Ground
130287: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - On Distant Ground
130288: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - The Deep Green Sea
130289: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - The Deep Green Sea
130290: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - The Deuce
130354: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Severance
130291: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - The Deuce
130295: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - They Whisper
130357: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - The Empire of Night
130296: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - They Whisper
103602: BUTLER, WILLIAM FRANCIS - The Great Lone Land: A Narrative of Travel and Adventure in the North-West of America
103605: BUTLER, WILLIAM FRANCIS - The Wild North Land: Being the Story of a Winter Journey, with Dogs Across Northern North America.
125556: BUTLER, JACK; HEATH, TERRANCE [TEXT]; MENDEL ART GALLERY - Jack Butler: Constructions
101433: CENTRAL BUTTE - Nuggets of Gold: A Historical Sketch of Central Butte and District; Honoring Our Forefathers and Pioneers 1914-1964.
117197: CENTRAL BUTTE - Our Heritage; A View from the Butte - Two Volumes
119539: CENTRAL BUTTE - Our Heritage; A View from the Butte - Volume 1
120336: BUTTERFIELD, JAN (CURATOR); RUSSELL, BONNIE LAURIE (DESIGN) - Richard Shaw / Ceramic Sculpture
120704: BUTTERFIELD, DAVID; BUTTERFIELD, MAUREEN DEVANIK - If Walls Could Talk; Manitoba's Best Buildings Explored & Explained
126075: BUTZ, RICHARD; MONTAGUE, JOHN - Building the Weekend Skiff
124608: BYARD, DAVID (PAINTINGS); BYARD, MARDI (TEXT) - The Kidman Centenary Art Exhibition
120119: BYERS, MARY; MCBURNEY, MARGARET - The Governor's Road; Early Buildings and Families from Mississauga to London
109266: BYERS, MARY; MCBURNEY, MARGARET - The Governor's Road; Early Buildings and Families from Mississauga to London
117975: BYRD, RICHARD E. - Skyward, Man's Mystery of the Air...
130721: BYRNE, OLIVER; OECHSLIN, WERNER (INTRODUCTORY ESSAY) - The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid in Which Coloured Diagrams and Symbols Are Used Instead of Letters for the Greatest Ease of Learners
131168: BYRNE, DAVID - How Music Works
113493: BYRNE, ED - Poems 1968-1970
103612: BYRNE, M.B. VENINI - From the Buffalo to the Cross: A History of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary
103613: BYRNE, WILLIAM J. - The Archaeology and Prehistory of Southern Alberta As Reflected by Ceramics
103614: BYRNE, WILLIAM J. - Archaeology in Alberta, 1977
102820: BYRNE, W. J. - Archaeological Salvage Projects 1972
102821: BYRNE, W. J. - Archaeological Salvage Projects 1973
109567: BYRON, R. (EDITOR) - The King's Royal Rifle Corps Chronicle
109531: BYRON, JOHN; GALLAGHER, ROBERT E. (EDITOR) - Byron's Journal of His Circumnavigation 1764-1766
116736: BYRUM, ISABEL C. - Our Darlings' ABC Book
117035: WOLFART, H.C. AND FREDA AHENAKEW - The Student's Dictionary of Literary Plains Cree (Based on Contemporary Texts)
119000: C.L.C. - C.C.F. JOINT NATIONAL COMMITTEE - A Political Party for Canada; Labour - Farmers - CCF - Liberally Minded Individuals; Why Is It Needed? What Can It Do? What Should Its Program Be? How Should It Be Organized?
101480: CRATH, PAUL C. & KIRKCONNELL, WATSON - Prince Ihor's Raid Against the Polovtsi
100821: KILLARNEY AND TURTLE MOUNTAIN. NORRIS, FRED C. (EDITOR) - Then and Now; Stories from Early Days of Killarney and Turtle Mountain - a Condensed History of Turtle Mountain Municipality and the Town of Killarney Marking Their 75th and 50th Anniversaries July 11th to 14th, 1957
104569: ELLIS, J.G.; ACTON, D.F.; MOSS, H.C.; ET AL - The Soils of the Rosetown Map Area 72-0 Saskatchewan
115113: WOLFART, H.C. AND FREDA AHENAKEW (EDITED AND TRANSLATED BY) - Âh-Âyîtaw Isi Ê-Kî-Kiskêyihtahkik Maskihkiy / They Knew Both Sides of Medicine: Cree Tales of Curing and Cursing Told by Alice Ahenakew
115114: WOLFART, H.C. AND FREDA AHENAKEW (EDITED AND TRANSLATED BY) - Ana Kâ-Pimwêwêhahk Okakêskihkêmowina / the Counselling Speeches of Jim Kâ-Nîpitêhtêw.
115115: WOLFART, H.C. AND FREDA AHENAKEW (EDITED AND TRANSLATED BY) - Ana Kâ-Pimwêwêhahk Okakêskihkêmowina / the Counselling Speeches of Jim Kâ-Nîpitêhtêw.
200279: CABELL, JAMES BRANCH - Quiet, Please
126454: CABELL, JAMES BRANCH - Something About Eve; A Comedy of Fig Leaves
110638: CACOULLOS, T. (EDITOR) - Discriminant Analysis and Applications
130331: CADILLAC - Prairie Heritage - Cadillac
120384: CAFIK, NORMAN (MINISTER OF STATE, MULTICULTURALISM) - Multiculturalism and the Government of Canada / Multiculturalisme Et le Gouvernement Du Canada
128543: CAGLA (CHICAGO AREA GROUP ON LATIN AMERICA) - CAGLA Newsletter November, 1971 Uruguay
121736: CAIN, JAMES M. - The Baby in the Icebox
125112: CAINE, R.W. (BOB) - Rigs, Rooms and Ranches
130123: CAIRNS, STEPHEN; JACOBS, JANE M. - Buildings Must Die a Perverse View of Architecture
128305: CAIRNS, ALAN C. - First Nations and the Canadian State; In Search of Coexistence
129548: CALDER, ALEXANDER; THE SOLOMON R. GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM - Alexander Calder A Retrospective Exhibition
117786: CALDER, ALISON; WARDHAUGH, ROBERT (EDITORS) - History, Literature, and the Writing of the Canadian Prairies
114372: CALDER, RITCHIE - Men Against the Frozen North
114836: CALDWELL, J.R. - Guide to Saskatchewan Marsh Plants
100068: CALGARY - They Gathered at the River
130430: CALIBABA, TIM - Seeding for Success; a commonsense approach to financial planning for farmers
109267: CALIN, WILLIAM - A Muse for Heroes: Nine Centuries of the Epic in France
119043: CALKIN, JOHN B. - A History of the Dominion of Canada
130433: CALLAGHAN, MORLEY - No Man's Meat & The Enchanted Pimp
120905: CALLAGHAN, MORLEY - Strange Fugitive
118433: CALLAGHAN, MORLEY - A Fine and Private Place
111079: CALLAGHAN, MORLEY - Rigmarole
128904: CALLAGHAN, MORLEY - Strange Fugitive
114763: CALLAGHAN, BARRY - The Hogg Poems and Drawings
200286: CALLAGHAN, MORLEY - A Native Argosy
128270: CALLAGHAN, BARRY - The Black Queen Stories
122780: CALLAGHAN, MORLEY - Close to the Sun Again
122606: CALLAGHAN, MORLEY - A Time for Judas
122209: CALLAGHAN, MORLEY - That Summer in Paris; Memories of Tangled Friendships with Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Some Others
122028: CALLAGHAN, BARRY - The Hogg Poems and Drawings
114765: CALLAWAY, NICHOLAS (EDITED BY) - One Hundred Flowers
113396: CALLIN, E. MANLEY - Birds of the Qu'appelle, 1857-1979
115498: CALMAN, W.T. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume VII: Crustacea: Part C: Cumacea
126681: CALOREN, FRED; CHOSSUDOVSKY, MICHEL; GINGRICH, PAUL - Is the Canadian Economy Closing Down?
128773: CAMARA, J. MATTOSO; NARO, ANTHONY J. (TRANSLATION) - The Portuguese Language
112859: CAMEHL, ADA WALKER - The Blue China Book
119320: CAMERON, ELSPETH - Irving Layton; A Portrait
124449: CAMERON, ANNE - Daughters of Copper Woman
113752: CAMERON, W.J. - The Ford Sunday Evening Hour Talks
203212: CAMERON, (LUCY) - Margaret Whyte; or, The Life and Death of a Good Child
203056: CAMERON, A.T. - Radiochemistry
113527: CAMERON, JIM - Carry on; Reflections from a War
119500: CAMERON, DUNCAN (DIRECTOR) - The Spirit Sings; Artistic Traditions of Canada's First Peoples
118644: CAMERON, ANNE - Daughters of Copper Woman
118645: CAMERON, ANNE - Daughters of Copper Woman
120210: CAMERON, JAMES C.; YOUNG, F. J. L. - The Status of Trade Unions in Canada
111280: CAMERON, IAN - The Midnight Sea
110692: CAMERON, JAMES R. - Motion Pictures with Sound
109268: CAMERON, ELSPETH - Hugh MacLennan: A Writer's Life
116414: CAMERON, E.M. - A Geological Method of Correlation for the Lower Cretaceous Strata of Alberta
115476: CAMERON, JOHN (PSEUDONYM OF A. G. MACDONELL) - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume XII; The Copper Eskimo, Part C: Osteology of the Western and Central Eskimos, Southern Party 1913-1916
103626: CAMERON, ELSPETH - Earle Birney; a Life
130516: DE CAMP, L. SPRAGUE; DE CAMP, CATHERINE COOK - Science Fiction Handbook, Revised
127692: CAMPBELL, R.J. (EDITOR) - The Discovery of the South Shetland Islands 1819 - 1820; The Journal of Midshipman C. W. Poynter
103641: CAMPBELL, MARIA - People of the Buffalo; How the Plains Indians Lived
131238: CAMPBELL, MARJORIE WILKINS - The Silent Song; A Daughter's Tribute to a Reluctant Pioneer
124769: CAMPBELL, H.C. - Canadian Libraries
121478: CAMPBELL, ANGUS R. - The Grand Vision: A History of the Bureau on Alcoholism and the Saskatchewan Alcoholism Commission
203322: CAMPBELL, ROY - Pomegranates; a Poem
114570: BEUG, LORNE, ANNE CAMPBELL AND JEANIE MAH (EDITORS) - Regina's Secret Spaces; Love and Lore of Local Geography
126099: CAMPBELL, MARIA - Halfbreed
127411: BEUG, LORNE, ANNE CAMPBELL AND JEANIE MAH (EDITORS) - Regina's Secret Spaces; Love and Lore of Local Geography
127378: CAMPBELL, BRUCE - The Mystery of the Plumed Serpent
124059: CAMPBELL, DAVID (EDITOR) - Native American Art and Folklore; A Cultural Celebration
112648: CAMPBELL, BRUCE - The Mystery of the Iron Box
111940: CAMPBELL, DON - The Sins of the Lion
111506: CAMPBELL, ROY - The Wayzgoose; a South African Satire
111136: CAMPBELL, WILFRED - Sagas of Vaster Britain; Poems of the Race, the Empire and the Divinity of Man
127211: CAMPBELL, ANNE - Death Is an Anxious Mother
120173: CAMPBELL, JAMES D. - The Asymmetric Vision; Philosophical Intuition and Original Experience in the Art of Yves Gaucher
110829: CAMPBELL, ANNE - Death Is an Anxious Mother
123791: CAMPBELL, SUSAN - Fort William; Living and Working at the Post
109871: CAMPBELL, ROY - The Flaming Terrapin
117425: CAMPBELL, ROBERT - A History of the Scotch Presbyterian Chruch; St. Gabriel Street, Montreal.
123523: CAMPBELL, JAMES D.; FAVRO, MURRAY [ARTIST] - Murray Favro: The Guitars 1966 - 1989
200288: CAMPBELL, ELIZABETH BETHUNE - Where Angels Fear to Tread
123239: CAMPBELL, MARIA (TRANS.); RACETTE, SHERRY FARRELL - Stories of the Road Allowance People
126596: CAMPBELL, MARY E. - In Yesterday's Footsteps
103651: CAMPBELL, ROBERT E. - I Would Do It Again; Reminiscences of the Rockies
126491: CAMPBELL, JAMES D. - Masks & Shadows; The Art of Ivan Eyre
123102: CAMPBELL, HENRY C. - Early Days on the Great Lakes; The Art of William Armstrong
128132: CAMPBELL, ANNE - Red Earth, Yellow Stone
120840: CAMPBELL, MARIA (TRANS.); RACETTE, SHERRY FARRELL - Stories of the Road Allowance People
128131: CAMPBELL, ANNE - Angel Wings All Over
131348: CAMPBELL, MARIA - Halfbreed
103645: CAMPBELL, MARJORIE WILKINS - The Saskatchewan
122774: CAMPBELL, MARJORIE WILKINS - The Saskatchewan
124853: CAMPBELL, COLONEL ROBERT; HOLLOWAY, DREW ALAN [EDITOR] (EDITOR) - A Narrative of Colonel Robert Campbell's Experiences in the Rocky Mountain Fur Trade from 1825 to 1835
128191: CAMPBELL, JOHN W. - A Pettigrew Family; Ancestors and Descendants of Quintin Pettigrew and Mary Allan
130706: CAMPBELL, ANGUS R. - The Grand Vision: A History of the Bureau on Alcoholism and the Saskatchewan Alcoholism Commission
125772: CAMPBELL, DAVID - Man of Many Colours
119585: CAMPBELL, ANNE - Angel Wings All Over
103632: CAMPBELL, ANNE - No Memory of a Move
103633: CAMPBELL, ANNE - Death Is an Anxious Mother
103634: CAMPBELL, ANNE - Red Earth, Yellow Stone
103636: CAMPBELL, DONALD N. - Wings of Mercy: A Living History of Saskatchewan's Air Ambulance Service
103650: CAMPBELL, MARJORIE WILKINS - The Silent Song of Mary Eleanor
116940: CAMPEY, LUCILLE H. - The Silver Chief
103654: CAMSELL, CHARLES - An Exploration of the Tazin and Taltson Rivers North West Territories
120446: CANADA - Report on the State of the Militia of the Dominion of Canada for the Year 1879
120444: CANADA - Report on the State of the Militia of the Dominion of Canada for the Year 1875 [Bound With] Statement Showing the Name, Age and Residence of Militiamen of 1812-15, Who Have Applied to Participate in the Gratuity Voted by Parliament in 1875, with the Name of the Corps or Division and Rank in Which They Served
127824: TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION OF CANADA - Canada's Residential Schools: The History, Part I: Origins to 1939; Part II: The History, Part 2 1939 to 2000 / the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (Two Volume Set)
114008: SOCIAL CREDIT ASSOCIATION OF CANADA - The Manifesto of the Social Credit Association of Canada
125225: NATIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA - Some Aspects of Contemporary British Painting
201403: NATIONAL MUSEUM OF CANADA - Annual Report of the National Museum of Canada for the Fiscal Year 1954-55
113883: GAZETTER OF CANADA - Gazetteer of Canada: Saskatchewan
124422: LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT / GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - Governors General of Canada 1867-1975; Select Bibliography
124415: SCOUTS CANADA - The Leader; The Canadian Leader Magazine; February 1977; Volume 7, Number 6
127619: INDIAN AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS CANADA - Claire and Her Grandfather / Claire Et Son Grand-Pere
113675: CANADA (PUBLISHED BY LUCIEN CARDIN) - Report of the Special Commitee on Hate Propaganda in Canada
114601: NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA - Indian-Inuit Authors; An Annotated Bibliography
114421: NATIVE COUNCIL OF CANADA - A Declaration of Metis and Indian Rights
203360: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA - Colloquium III; National Library of Canada Ottawa, 19-21 October 1978
103713: CANADA. - Indian Treaties and Surrenders. [3 Volume Set: Treaties 1-138, 140-280, 281-483]
119023: CANADA - Report of the Surveyor General of Dominion Lands, for the Year 1880
127514: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - Guide to Federal Initiatives for Urban Aboriginal People
113533: CANADA, ABORIGINAL TREATIES - Treaty No. 3 Between Her Majesty the Queen and the Salteaux Tribe of the Ojibbeway Indians at the Northwest Angle on the Lake of the Woods with Adhesions
124204: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - The Criminal Code and Other Selected Statutes of Canada; With the Amendments Passed Up to the End of the Session of Parliament, Held in 1932-33, Incorporated Therein
113534: CANADA, ABORIGINAL TREATIES - Treaty No. 6 Between Her Majesty the Queen and the Plain and Wood Cree Indians and Other Tribes of Indians at Fort Carlton, Fort Pitt and Battle River with Adhesions
113408: CANADA - JELETZKY - Geological Survey of Canada: Illustrations of Canadian Fossils; Lower Cretaceous Marine Index Fossils of the Sedimentary Basins of Western and Arctic Canada. Paper 64-11.
124042: PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF CANADA - Towards C.N.: From Portage Railway to a National System; Direction C.N.: Du Chemin de Fer de Portage Au Reseau National
113193: INDIAN AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS CANADA - Reaching for the Sun
112992: CANADA, ABORIGINAL TREATIES - Treaty No. 5 Between Her Majesty the Queen and the Salteaux and Swampy Cree Tribes of Indians at Beren's River and Norway House with Adhesions
112990: CANADA, ABORIGINAL TREATIES - Treaties 1 and 2 Between Her Majesty the Queen and the Chippewa and Cree Indians of Manitoba and Country Adjacent with Adhesions
112991: CANADA, ABORIGINAL TREATIES - Treaty No. 4 Between Her Majesty the Queen and the Cree and Salteaux Tribes of Indians at Qu'appelle and Fort Ellice
129607: CANADA COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS / CONSEIL DES ARTS DU CANADA - The Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts 2007 / Les Prix du Gouverneur Gouverneur Générale en Arts Visuels et en Arts Médiatiques 2007
118480: NATIONAL MUSEUM OF CANADA - Annual Report for 1926
118482: NATIONAL MUSEUM OF CANADA - Annual Report of the National Museum of Canada for the Fiscal Year 1952-53
118476: CANADA. - Journals of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada / from the 4th February to the 8th April, 1875, Both Days Inclusive / in the Thirty-Eighth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lady, Queen Victoria. Being the 2nd Session of the 3rd Parliament of Canada / Session, 1875.
118441: NATIONAL MUSEUM OF CANADA - Annual Report of the National Museum of Canada for the Fiscal Year 1948-1949
118442: NATIONAL MUSEUM OF CANADA - Annual Report for 1927
118445: CANADA, MINISTÈRE DE L'INTÉRIEUR - Rapport Annuel Du Ministère de L'intérieur Pour L'année 1898
112758: NATIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA - Artists in Canada; A Union List of Artists' Files
112074: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA - Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada
111684: CANADA - Annual Report of the Department of the Interior for the Year 1882
111561: CANADA - Documents Relative to the European War Comprising Orders in Council, Cablegrams, Correspondence, and Speeches Delivered in Imperial House of Commons; Sessional Paper No. 40
110877: CANADA - Province du Manitoba et Territoire du Nord-Ouest du Canada; Informations a l'Usage des Emigrants
110781: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA - The British American Almanack for the Year 1792 [Saint John, 1791]
114491: INDIAN-ESKIMO ASSOCIATION OF CANADA - Native Rights in Canada
117804: THE NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF CANADA - T.C. Douglas; A Biographical Essay
117753: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - The Yukon Territory; Its History and Resources
117648: LAW REFORM COMMISSION OF CANADA - Report 34: Report on Aboriginal Peoples and Criminal Justice; Equality, Respect and the Search for Justice / Rapport 34: Rapport Sur Les Peuples Autochtones Et la Justice Pénale; Égalité, Respect Et Justice À L'horizon
120074: CANADA. - Information for Intending Emigrants
124716: CANADA - The Canadian Handbook and Tourist's Guide Giving a Description of Canadian Lake and River Scenery and Places of Historical Interest with the Best Spots for Fishing and Shooting
123688: PARKS CANADA - Wild Flowers of Waterton Lakes National Park
109777: NATIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA - Exhibition of Contemporary American Prints
109780: NATIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA - The Development of Painting in Canada, 1665-1945
109173: WORKERS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF CANADA - Friends in Need; The W B A Story, a Canadian Epic in Fraternalism
108514: SUPREME COURT OF CANADA - In the Matter of a Reference As to Whether the Parliament of Canada Had Legislative Jurisdiction to Enact the Farmers' Creditors Arrangement Act, 1934
117236: CANADA - Report upon the Suppression of the Rebellion in the North-West Territories, and Matters in Connection Therewith, in 1885
116617: INDIAN AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS CANADA - Canadian Inuit Sculpture
200295: CANADA - Report of the Minister of Finance on the Reciprocity Treaty with the United States: Also, the Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of St. Paul, Minnesota, and Report of Congress, U.S., Thereon
116426: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - Canadian Government Publications Mines Branch: Sectional Catalogue 12; Biliography 12
116394: NATIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA - Polish Prints and Textiles
123344: PAUKTUUTIT [INUIT WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF CANADA] - Arnait; The View of Inuit Women on Contemporary Issues; Ihumagijain Inuit Arnaita Pibjutigiblogin Hajjaujumi Pibjutaujun
116297: VANCOUVER ART GALLERY; NATIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA - Masterworks from the Collection of the National Gallery of Canada
116290: NATIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA - Exhibition of French Painting of Nineteenth Century
116292: NATIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA - The Bronfman Gift of Drawings
116279: NATIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA - Contemporary Prints of Czechoslovakia
116280: NATIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA - Picasso and the Vollard Suite
106382: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - Return to an Address of the House of Commons, Dated 14th March, 1892;- For a Copy of the Judgement of the Supreme Court in the Appeal Case of Barrett vs. The City of Winnipeg, Commonly Known As the "Manitoba School Case."
116251: NATIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA - The National Gallery of Canada Bulletin / Galerie Nationale Du Canada - See Description for Numbers and Dates
126639: STATISTICS CANADA - Metropolitan Atlas Series; Regina 98-109
124620: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - A Summary of Regulations and Recent Departmental Rulings Relating to Dominion Lands for the Guidance of Agents, Sub-Agents and Other Officials, and for the Information of the Public.
116025: GEOGRAPHICAL BOARD OF CANADA - Place-Names of Alberta
126505: CITY OF REGINA; GREEN STREETS CANADA - Tree Tour Guide Book; A Self-Guided Tour of Trees and Shrubs Located in Rotary, Kiwanis, & Les Sherman Parks
112995: CANADA, ABORIGINAL TREATIES - Treaty No. 10 and Reports of Commissioners
119714: SOLICITOR GENERAL CANADA - A Vision of the Future of Policing in Canada: Police-Challenge 2000; Discussion Paper / Une Vision de L'avenir de la Police Au Canada: Police-Défi 2000; Document de Réflexion
119716: CHURCH OF ENGLAND IN CANADA - Journal of Proceedings of the Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Ontario; Volume IX. - Part III; Fifty-Second Session, May 28-30, 1918
103764: CANADA - South Saskatchewan River. Report of the Royal Commission on the South Saskatchewan River Project
131343: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - Canada: Indian Treaties and Surrenders from 1680-1902 - in Two Volumes; Volume I (Nos. 1-138); Volume II (Nos. 140-280). Volume III: Indian Treaties and Surrenders from No. 281 to No. 483 (3 Volume Set, in Slipcase)
119641: CANADA. - Canada Grain Act: Chapter 25, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1952 with Amendment Chapter 308, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1952
119631: CANADA. - The Civil Service List of Canada, 1894; Containing the Names of All Persons Employed in the Several Departments of the Civil Service, Together with Those Employed in the Two Houses of Parliament, on the 1st July, 1894, Showing Date of First Appointment, Promotion to Present Rank, Age and Salary in Each Case. To Which Are Added "The Civil Service Act" and Amending Acts (C. 12, 51 V., C. 12, 52 V., C. 14, 55-56 V., C. 18, 57-58 V.) Consolidated, and "The Civil Service Superannuation Act," As Amended by C. 12, 56 V., Consolidated, and the Civil Service Insurance Act, with an Analytical Index to Each.
119630: CANADA. - Report of the Minister of Justice As to Penitentiaries in Canada for the Year Ended 30th June 1894
119629: CANADA. - Appendices to the Report of the Minister of Public Works, for the Fiscal Year Ending 30th June, 1872
121352: AGRICULTURE CANADA - Canada's Agri-Food System: An Overview
130630: GOUVERNEMENT DU CANADA / GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - La collection d'art autochtone; Oeuvres choisies 1967 - 2017 / The Indigenous Art Collection; Selected works 1067 - 2017
129629: CANADA COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS / CONSEIL DES ARTS DU CANADA - The Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts 2002 / Les Prix Du Gouverneur Gouverneur Générale En Arts Visuels Et En Arts Médiatiques 2002
128006: DOMINION OF CANADA - Sessional Papers of the Dominion of Canada Session 1897; Volume 11 Second Session of the Eighth Parliament
121015: CANADA. - Règlements Et Formules Du Bureau Des Brevets Canada (Revisés Et Modifiés), 23 Février 1904
130905: ASSOC. OF UNITED UKRAINIAN CANADIANS; WORKERS BENEVOLENT ASSOC. OF CANADA - AUUC Six Decades of Progress 1918 - 1978 Proceedings Special Joint Convention Association of United Ukrainian Canadians and the Workers Benevolent Association of Canada May 19, 1978 Winnipeg
103700: CANADA - Return (In Part) and Supplementary Return to an Address of the House of Commons, Dated 4th March, 1886; for Copies of All Papers Found in the Council Room of the Insurgents, or Elsewhere at Batoche, Especially Including: 1. The Diary of Louis Riel. 2. The Minute Book and Orders in Council of the Insurgent Council. 3. The Correspondence of Louis Riel
103708: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - An Act Respecting the North-West Territories ("The North-West Territories Act") [Together With] an Act Respecting Real Property in the Territories ("The Territories Real Property Act") [Together With] an Act Respecting Homestead Exemption Estates in the Territories ("The Homestead Exemption Act") [Together With] an Act Respecting the District of Keewatin ("The Keewatin Act")
103709: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - An Act Respecting the Representation of the North-West Territories in the Parliament of Canada ("The North-West Territories' Representation Act")
103727: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - A Summary of Regulations and Recent Departmental Rulings Relating to Dominion Lands for the Guidance of Agents, Sub-Agents and Other Officials, and for the Information of the Public.
103732: CANADA CANADA WEST. CANADA - THE NEW HOMELAND (MAGAZINE) - Canada Canada West. Canada - the New Homeland
103733: CANADA - Canada West. Canada - the New Homeland
103734: CANADA - Canada West
103739: CANADA - The Peace River Country. A Compilation of All Authentic Information Available As to the Resources and Possibilities of the Basins of the Peace & Hay Rivers 1916
103740: CANADA - Annual Report of the Topographical Surveys Branch. 1914-1915
103741: CANADA - Dominion Lands Hand-Book for the Information of the Public
103745: CANADA - The Canada Grain Act 1925
103748: CANADA - Place-Names of Manitoba
103750: CANADA - Report of the Royal Commission on the Transfer of the Natural Resources of Manitoba
103751: CANADA - Agreement Made on the Fourteenth Day of December, 1929 Between the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Manitoba on the Subject of the Transfer of the Natural Resources of Manitoba
103753: CANADA - Geological Survey: Summary Report, 1931, Part B
103754: CANADA - Canada: Descriptive Atlas
103758: CANADA - Report of the Canadian Farm Loan Board for the Year Ended March 31, 1939
103759: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - Fifty Years of Progress on Dominion Experimental Farms. 1886-1936
103761: CANADA - Report of the Royal Commission on Co-Operatives
103766: CANADA - Saskatchewan
103679: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - Return to an Address of the Senate, Dated 15th February 1878;- For Copies of All Specifications on Which Tenders Were Invited to Construct the Lake Superior and Fort Garry Sections of the Canadian Pacific Telegraph; Also Copies of All Correspondence Between the Government and Persons Tendering for the Same; Also Copies of All Contracts for the Construction of the Several Portions Thereof
103684: CANADA - La Province du Manitoba et le Territoire du Nord-Ouest; Informations pour les Immigrants
103686: CANADA - Reports of Tenant Farmers' Delegates on the Dominion of Canada As a Field for Settlement
103687: CANADA - Canada in 1880; Reports of Tenant Farmer's Delegates on the Dominion of Canada As a Field for Settlement. Second Series
103689: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - Return to an Order of the House of Commons, Dated 23rd March, 1885;- For Copies of All Reports, Correspondence and Surveys, If Any, in the Department of Public Works, As to the Improvement of the North Saskatchewan River for the Purpose of Navigation
103690: CANADA - Equisse Generale du Nord-Ouest du Canada ou entendue, Bois et Forets, Richesses Minerales et Climatologie des Quatres Districts Provisoires d'Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, Alberta et Athabasca
103691: CANADA - Orders in Council, Proclamations and Other Documents Issued Under Authority of Law
103692: CANADA - Les Faits Relatifs a l'Administration des Affaires des Sauvages au Nord-Ouest
103699: CANADA - Census of Manitoba 1885-6. Recensement de Manitoba
103677: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - Return to an Address of the House of Commons, Dated 21st February, 1878;-- for Copy of the Report, with Accompanying Map, of the Engineer Employed Last Year in Determining the Probable Boundary Line Between British Columbia and Alaska; Also, Copy of His Instructions, with Copy of the Treaty or Convention Between Great Britain and Russia, Respecting the Said Boundary; And Also, Such Other Papers As Relate to the Defining of the Boundary Line Between Alaska and British Territory, and the Navigation of the Rivers Passing from Columbia, Through Alaska to the Sea.
103674: CANADA - Province of Manitoba; And North West Territory of the Dominion of Canada.
103667: CANADA - Geological Survey of Canada: Report of Progress for 1872-73
103669: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - Return to an Address of the House of Commons, Dated 18th May, 1874; For Copies of All Tenders and Correspondence Relating to the Contract for Carrying Passengers and Freight Between Thunder Bay and Fort Garry, with the Names of Parties Tendering and Amount of Bonus Asked; The Rate Per Head to Be Charged for Passengers, and Rate Per Ton for Freight; The Number of Passengers and Amount of Freight Which Said Contractors Are Bound to Carry, and the Time Agreed upon to Make the Trip, with Statement of Any Other Arrangements Made Which Were Not Included in Original Tender, Also Names of Sureties Offered with Amount for Which Said Sureties Are Liable.
103661: CANADA - Return to an Address of the Honorable Legislative Assembly, Dated 16th March, 1857, Requiring Copies of Any Charters, Leases, or Other Documents, Under Which the Honorable Hudson's Bay Company Claim Title to the Hudson's Bay Territory, or Any Maps Relating Thereto in the Possession of the Government
103665: CANADA - Return to an Address of the Senate Dated 24th April, 1874; For Copies of All Instructions Given to Any Engineer or Other Person to Examine into the Practicability of a Mixed Land and Water Trans-Continental Communication with British Columbia; And for Copies of Any Reports Received from Such Engineer or Other Person; And for Copies of Any Other Reports or Papers on the Subject of the Feasibility of Using the Waters of the Saskatchewan River for Navigation Purposes During a Portion of the Year.
115217: INDIAN AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS CANADA - The Evolution of Public Governments in the North and the Implications for Aboriginal Peoples
115158: CANADA - Report of the Expedition to Hudson Bay and Cumberland Gulf in the Steamship "Diana" Under the Command of William Wakeham, Marine and Fisheries Canada in the Year 1897
115139: GOVENMENT OF CANADA - Annual Report on the Implementation of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement
102694: CANADA. - The Royal Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Immigration of Italian Labourers to Montreal and the Alleged Fraudulent Practices of Employment Agencies: Report of Commissioner and Evidence
115049: THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA - William Blake, 1757-1827
115052: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA - Return to an Order of the House of Commons, Dated 19th February, 1883;- For Copies of All Applications for Sales or Leases, and All Correspondence or Reports Touching All Leases of Coal Lands in the North West, Not Already Brought Down; And Statement of Payments Made Under Any Leases of Coal Lands
114994: DU MUSEE DES BEAUX-ARTS DU CANADA - Chefs-D'oeuvrre Impressionnistes
129651: NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA - An Exploration of Canadian Children's Literature; The Secret Self / Une Exploration de la Littérature de Jeunesse Canadienne
122427: CANADIEN - Notice Sur la Destruction Des Archives Et Bibliothèques Des Deux Chambers Législatives Du Canada, Lors de L'émeute Qui a Eu Lieu À Montréal le 25 Avril 1849
103143: ASSOCIATION CATHOLIQUE FRANCO-CANADIENNE - Quinze Ans de Vie Francaise en Saskatchewan, 1912-1927
129451: CANCRO, ROBERT, M.D. (EDITOR) - intelligence genetic and environmental influences
125795: CANDIDUS - Labour's Great Lie
122370: CANETTI, ELIAS - Auto-Da-Fe
130587: CANIN, ETHAN - America America
130594: CANIN, ETHAN - The Palace Thief
130588: CANIN, ETHAN - A Doubter's Almanac
130589: CANIN, ETHAN - Blue River
130590: CANIN, ETHAN - Blue River
130591: CANIN, ETHAN - Blue River
130592: CANIN, ETHAN - For Kings and Planets
130593: CANIN, ETHAN - For Kings and Planets
130595: CANIN, ETHAN - The Palace Thief
130596: CANIN, ETHAN - Emperor of the Air
130597: CANIN, ETHAN - Emperor of the Air
130598: CANIN, ETHAN - Carry Me Across the Water
130599: CANIN, ETHAN - Carry Me Across the Water
130363: CANIN, ETHAN - The Palace Thief (Pre-Publication Exclusive Extract)
117204: CANTAUR - Reflections
101423: CANWOOD - Chronicles of Canwood and Districts
116450: CAON, MARY A. - A Selection of Short Stories
126807: CAPOTE, TRUMAN - The Thanksgiving Visitor
126806: CAPOTE, TRUMAN - A Christmas Memory
119548: CAPOTE, TRUMAN - One Christmas
113381: CAPPON, JAMES - Bliss Carman
130469: CAPUTO, PHILIP - Exiles; Three Short Novels
130472: CAPUTO, PHILIP - Means of Escape
130473: CAPUTO, PHILIP - Means of Escape
130474: CAPUTO, PHILIP - Indian Country
130475: CAPUTO, PHILIP - In the Shadows of the Morning; Essays on Wild Lands, Wild Waters, and a Few Untamed People
130476: CAPUTO, PHILIP - 13 Seconds; A Look Back at the Kent State Shootings
130471: CAPUTO, PHILIP - Horn of Africa
130470: CAPUTO, PHILIP - DelCorso's Gallery
130467: CAPUTO, PHILIP - A Rumor of War
130477: CAPUTO, PHILIP - Acts of Faith
130478: CAPUTO, PHILIP - Ghosts of Tsavo; Stalking the Mystery Lions of East Africa
130479: CAPUTO, PHILIP (EDITOR) - The Voyage
130480: CAPUTO, PHILIP (EDITOR) - The Voyage
130481: CAPUTO, PHILIP - Equation for Evil
130468: CAPUTO, PHILIP - A Rumor of War
117834: CARAGATA, DALE MARTIN HOWE - The Family of Ingebrigt & Eli Haugen of Etne Hordaland, Norway
103833: CARAGATA, WARREN - Alberta Labour: A Heritage Untold
118903: CARBONE, STANISLAO - Italians in Winnipeg
126437: CARBONNEAU, HECTOR - Gabriel Et Genevieve, Recit de la Mer
118929: CARDINAL, H.; HILDEBRANDT, W. - Treaty Elders of Saskatchewan; Our Dream Is That Our Peoples Will One Day Be Recognized As Nations
109947: CARDUS, NEVILLE - Close of Play
130977: CAREFOOTE, PEARCE J. (EXHIBTION AND CATALOGUE) - Struggle and Story: Canada in Print 20 March - 9 September 2017
118382: CARELESS, VIRGINIA - Bibliography for the Study of British Columbia's Domestic Material History
119326: CAREY, PETER - True History of the Kelly Gang
203525: (BAUDELAIRE, CHARLES); CARGO, ROBERT T. - Baudelaire Criticism 1950-1967; a Bibliography with Critical Commentary
112928: CARIGNAN, ODETTE - La Saskatchewan En Rimes Et Monologues
115085: CARIGNAN, ODETTE - Clementine of Grasslands Park
117370: CARIOU, WARREN - Exalted Company Roadside Martyrs - Two Novellas
119666: CARIOU, WARREN - Lake of the Prairies; A Story of Belonging
125072: CARIOU, WARREN - Lake of the Prairies; A Story of Belonging
117820: CARL, JULIE (PROJECT EDITOR) - The Greatest Manitobans; They Made a Better Province and a Better World
126938: CARLIN, JOHN; KARASIK, PAUL; WALKER, PAUL [EDITORS] (EDITOR) - Masters of American Comics
119743: CARLSON, NATALIE SAVAGE; FAVA, RITA (ILLUS.) - Sashes Red and Blue
101425: CARLYLE - Prairie Trails to Blacktop; Carlyle and District 1882-1982
100668: DUFFERIN AND CARMAN - Up to Now; A Story of Dufferin and Carman
117069: ROBERTSON, CARMEN & RACETTE, SHERRY FARRELL (EDITOR) - Clearing a Path; New Ways of Seeing Traditional Indigenous Art
130491: CARMICHAEL, STOKLEY; HAMILTON, CHARLES V. - Black Power; The Politics of Liberation in America
103847: CARMICHAEL, PATRICK H. - A Descriptive Summary of Blackduck Ceramics from the Wanipigow Lake Site Area (Egkx-1), 1975 and 1976
103849: CARMICHAEL, PATRICK H. - Prehistory of the Turtle Mountain District: An Initial Sketch
103844: CARMICHAEL, LLOYD T. - Woodland Wildflowers of Eastern Saskatchewan
103846: CARMICHAEL, LLOYD T. - Saskatchewan Wildflowers: Western Area
101426: CARNDUFF - A Stake in the West; Carnduff and District
101427: CARNDUFF - This Way Homesteader; 1905-1955
122864: CARNDUFF - A Stake in the West; Carnduff and District
200309: CARNEY, R.J.; FERGUSON, W.O. - A Selected and Annotated Bibliography on the Sociology of Eskimo Education
127777: ESQUIVEL, LAURA; TRANSLATED BY CHRISTENSEN, CAROL & CHRISTENSEN, THOMAS - Like Water for Chocolate; A Novel in Monthly Installments, with Recipes, Romances, and Home Remedies
127771: DAVIDSON, CAROLINE ET AL. - Lines on the 49th Parallel; An Anthology of Stories and Poetry by the Ladysmith Writer's Circle
130816: CARON, CAROLINE-ISABELLE - The Acadians
129593: CARPENTER, DAVID - Jokes for the Apocalypse
112665: CARPENTER, DAVID - God's Bedfellows
118160: CARPENTER, ANDY; HANBRIDGE, BRUCE M.V.; BINDER, RICHARD M. - Co-Management of Wildlife in the Western Canadian Arctic, in Inuvialuit Perspective
110343: CARPENTER, DAVID - Courting Saskatchewan. A Celebration of Winter Feasts, Summer Loves & Rising Brookies
117587: CARPENTER, DAVID (EDITOR) - The Literary History of Saskatchewan; Volume 2 - Progressions
117586: CARPENTER, DAVID (EDITOR) - The Literary History of Saskatchewan; Volume 1 - Beginnings
120022: CARPENTER, DAVID - Niceman Cometh
121537: CARPENTER, DAVID - A Hunter's Confession
116422: CARPENTER, JAY A.; ELLIOTT, RICHARD RUSSELL; SAWYER, BYRD FANITA WALL - The History of Fity Years of Mining at Topopah, 1900-1950
123130: CARPENTER, DAVID - Trout Stream Creed
103853: CARPENTER, DAVID - Fishing in the West: A Guide to Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba
103854: CARPENTER, DAVID - Jewels
103855: CARPENTER, DAVID - Jokes for the Apocalypse
103856: CARPENTER, DAVID - God's Bedfellows
103857: CARPENTER, DAVID - Courting Saskatchewan. A Celebration of Winter Feasts, Summer Loves & Rising Brookies
103859: CARPENTER, J.H. - The Badge and the Blotter
121099: CARR, EMILY (ARTIST); ALEXANDER, DAVID; O'BRIAN, JOHN (CURATORS) - Gasoline, Oil, and Paper; The 1930s Oil-On-Paper Paintings of Emily Carr
203519: CARR, EMILY - The Book of Small
120121: CARR, EMILY; CLIMER, J.E. (DIRECTOR) - An Exhibition of Paintings by Emily Carr, 1871-1945
131075: MANVERS (ONTARIO); CARR, MRS. ROSS N. - The Rolling Hills
103861: CARR, EMILY; FOREWARD BY MARIA TIPPETT - Pause. A Sketchbook
103864: CARR, EMILY; WALKER, DOREEN (EDITOR) - Dear Nan; Letters of Emily Carr, Nan Cheney and Humphrey Toms
130487: LE CARRÉ, JOHN - Call for the Dead
129652: CARROLL, LEWIS; STEADMAN, RALPH (ILLUSTRATED BY) - Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There
113295: CARROLL, LEWIS - The Diaries of Lewis Carroll; Volumes I & II
127176: CARROLL, LEWIS; TENNIEL, JOHN [ILLUSTRATIONS] - The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll
126760: CARROLL, LEWIS; BRYKSENKOVA, YELENA [ILLUSTRATIONS] - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Classics Unfolded)
121194: CARROLL, LEE - Alchemy of the Human Spirit: A Guide to Human Transition into the New Age; Kryon Book III
121193: CARROLL, LEE - Don't Think Like a Human!: Channelled Answers to Basic Questions; Kryon Book II
121192: CARROLL, LEE - The End Times: New Information for Personal Peace; Kryon Book I
123101: CARROLL, LEWIS - The Hunting of the Snark; An Agony in Eight Fits
109715: CARROTHERS, W.A. - The British Columbia Fisheries
102697: CARROTHERS, W.A. - Emigration from the British Isles: With Special Reference to the Development of the Overseas Dominions
130853: CARSON, DINA C. (EDITOR) - Directory of Genealogical and Historical Societies in the US and Canada 1994 Edition Volumes 1 & 2 (set)
127470: CARTER, DAVID - Prairie Profiles
127469: CARTER, DAVID - Prairie Profiles
129745: CARTER, DAVID J. - Behind Canadian Barbed Wire, Alien, Refugee and Prisoner of War Camps in Canada 1914-1946
118648: CARTER, CHARLOTTE; CARTER, DYSON - We Saw Socialism (Part Two)
112886: CARTER, DYSON - Science and Revolution
129398: CARTER, DAVID J. - Inspector Francis Jeffrey Dickens 0.29 of the North-West Mounted Police; 'the Christmas Carol' Baby
123838: CARTER, JOHN; LEIGHTON, DOUG - Exploring the Southern Selkirks; Including the Valhallas and Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park
124896: CARTER, DAVID E. - Letter Heads in the Third Dimension
130745: CARTER, DAVID - Stonewall; The Riots that Sparked the Gay Revolution
109955: HARVEY FAMOUS CARTOONS - Casper's Ghostland Annual
202663: CARTWRIGHT, FREDERICK F. - The Development of Modern Surgery
119045: CARUSO, DONNA - Under Her Skin
121475: CARUSO, DONNA - Under Her Skin
123520: CARUSO, DONNA - Journey without a Map; Growing Up Italian: A Memoir
130327: CASAS, BARTOLOME DE LAS - Historia de Las Indias Escrita / Por Fray Bartolome de Las Casas, Obispo de Chiapa Ahora Por Primera Vez Dada a Luz Por El Marques de la Fuensanta Del Valle Y D. Jose Sancho Rayon
201438: O'CASEY, SEAN - The Green Crow
202922: O'CASEY, SEAN - I Knock at the Door; Swift Glances Back at Things That Made Me
111412: O'CASEY, SEAN - Sean O'Casey Reading from Juno and the Paycock, Pictures in the Hallway, Inishfallen, Fare Thee Well
126646: CASHDAN, SHELDON - The Witch Must Die; How Fairy Tales Shape Our Lives
124930: CASHMAN, TONY - Edmonton Exhibition; The First Hundred Years
126556: CASHMAN, A.W. (TONY) - The Edmonton Story; The Life and Times of Edmonton, Alberta
125070: CASHMAN, A.W. (TONY) - The Edmonton Story; The Life and Times of Edmonton, Alberta
103874: CASHMAN, TONY - An Illustrated History of Western Canada
103875: CASHMAN, TONY - Singing Wires: The Telephone in Alberta
103876: CASHMAN, TONY - The Best Edmonton Stories
103877: CASHMAN, TONY - Edmonton's Catholic Schools: A Success Story
125740: CASPER, BARRY M.; NOER, RICHARD J. - Revolutions in Physics
109269: CASSEL, JAY - The Secret Plague; Venereal Disease in Canada 1838-1939
109270: CASSEL, JAY - The Secret Plague; Venereal Disease in Canada 1838-1939
128795: CASSELMAN, PAUL HUBERT - The Cooperative Movement and Some of Its Problems
114470: CASSIDY, FRANK (EDITOR) - Aboriginal Title in British Columbia: Delgamuukw V. The Queen
114500: CASSIDY, FRANK (EDITOR) - Aboriginal Self-Determination: Proceedings of a Conference Held September 30 - October 3, 1990
203057: CASSIRER, ERNST - Substance and Function and Einstein's Theory of Relativity
125796: CASSIUS (MICHAEL FOOT) - Brendan and Beverley; An Extravaganza
120715: CASSON, A.J. (ARTIST); GRAY, MARGARET; RAND, MARGARET; STEEN, LOIS - A.J. Casson; Canadian Artists 1
131163: CASTEL, ROBERT J.; WESTFALL, DAVID - Castel's English-Cree Dictionary and Memoirs of the Elders
203917: CASTLEMON, HARRY - Frank on the Prairie
119090: CASTRO, FIDEL - History Will Absolve Me
127535: CASTRO, FIDEL - History Will Absolve Me (Ediciones Politicas)
113429: CATHERS, KEN - Sanctuary
100092: CATLEY, ELAINE M. - Light: And Other Poems
124597: CATLIN, GEORGE - Last Rambles Amongst the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes
113202: CATLIN, GEORGE - North American Indians; Being Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Conditions Written During Eight Years' Travel Amongst the Wildest Tribes of Indians in North America, 1832-1839
128550: CATLIN, GEORGE - Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Conditions of the North American Indians; Written During Eight Years' Travel (1832 - 1839) Amongst the Wildest Tribes of Indians in North America
125597: CATLIN, GEORGE - Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Conditions of the North American Indians; Written During Eight Years' Travel (1832 - 1839) Amongst the Wildest Tribes of Indians in North America
128782: CATLIN, GEORGE; EWERS, JOHN C. (EDIT & INTRODUCTION) - O-kee-pa A Religious Ceremony and Other Customs of the Mandans
122307: CAULFIELD, PATRICK - Patrick Caulfield; White Ware Prints 1990
116100: CAVAICK, WEMYSS - Uprooted Heather: A Story of the Selkirk Settlers
103888: CAVAICK, WEMYSS - Uprooted Heather: A Story of the Selkirk Settlers
118208: CAVANAGH, DEBORAH - Marine Mammals and the Inuit
115941: CAVANAGH, BEVERLY - Music of the Netsilik Eskimos: A Study of Stability and Change
113370: CAVANAUGH, CATHERINE A.; WARNE, RANDI R. - Telling Tales; Essays in Western Women's History
103889: CAVANAUGH, CATHERINE A.; WARNE, RANDI R. - Standing on New Ground: Women in Alberta
103890: CAVANAUGH, CATHERINE; MOUAT, JEREMY (EDITOR) - Making Western Canada: Essays on European Colonization and Settlement
120803: CAVELL, EDWARD - Journeys to the Far West: Accounts of the Adventurers in Western Canada, 1858 to 1885
120538: CAVELL, EDWARD - Sometimes a Great Nation: A Photo Album of Canada, 1850-1925
103891: CAVELL, EDWARD; WHYTE, JON (EDITOR) - Rocky Mountain Madness: A Bittersweet Romance
127034: CAVENDISH, RICHARD; BURLAND, C.A.; INNES, BRIAN {ART DIRECTOR] (EDITOR) - Man Myth & Magic: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mythology, Religion, and the Unknown (4 Volumes: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8)
129023: CAVENO, JOSEF; BELLMAN, DAVID (CURATOR); ART GALLERY OF GREATER VICTORIA - Josef Caveno: Investigations, 1968-76
118209: CAVIN, JACK - Sitka
120874: CBC - CBC; A Brief History and Background
115803: SHARON BUTALA; CECIL, LYNN; BANCROFT, CATHERINE - Outside of Ordinary; Women's Travel Stories
109539: CELL, GILLIAN T. (EDITOR) - Newfoundland Discovered; English Attempts at Colonisation, 1610-1630
112424: CENDRARS, BLAISE - L'Or; la merveilleuse histoire du General Johann August Suter
122823: CENERINI, PAUL A. - L'interne; En Sejour Au College Mathieu 1960-1965
118460: PERIODICAL. CANADIAN PLAINS RESEARCH CENTER - Prairie Forum; The Journal of the Canadian Plains Research Center (Volume 1, Number 1 - Volume 22, Number 1)
127199: LIBERATION SUPPORT MOVEMENT INFORMATION CENTER - The Mozambican Woman in the Revolution
107356: PERIODICAL. CANADIAN PLAINS RESEARCH CENTER - Prairie Forum; The Journal of the Canadian Plains Research Center (Vol.1, No.1 - Vol. 15, No.2)
107358: PERIODICAL. CANADIAN PLAINS RESEARCH CENTER - Prairie Forum; The Journal of the Canadian Plains Research Center
122336: SOUTH BEND ART CENTER - A Beastly Exhibtion: The Schmidgall Collection of Animal Sculpture and Contemporary Counterparts
121878: INDIAN LAW RESOURCE CENTER - Indian Rights-Human Rights
114077: AGNES ETHERINGTON ART CENTRE - April / Davey / Grauerholz
129778: WOODLAND CULTURAL CENTRE - First Nations Art '05 May 8 - July 10 (2005)
114924: THIRD EYE CENTRE - Other Frontiers. Gisele Amantea Lee Dickson Nell Tenhaaf Mina Totino
114399: RESEARCH RESOURCE CENTRE, INDIAN CLAIMS COMMISSION - Indian Claims in Canada; An Introductory Essay and Selected List of Library Holdings
121049: SASKATCHEWAN INDIAN CULTURAL CENTRE - Nehiyawewin Masinahikanis
125557: SASKATCHEWAN LAND RESOURCE CENTRE, UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN - Soil Resource Index of Saskatchewan; March 11, 1999
124988: CHADDERTON, H. CLIFFORD - Up Close and Personal
113475: CHADWICK, LESTER - Baseball Joe on the School Nine
100603: CHAFE, J.W - Extraordinary Tales from Manitoba History
126695: LORD ROGERS OF RIVERSIDE [CHAIR] - Towards an Urban Renaissance
130174: LABOR CHALLENGE - Labor Challenge Vol. 3, No. 21 (67) November 6, 1972
125336: CHALLENGER, ROBERT JAMES - Eagle's Reflection and Other Northwest Coast Stories; Learning from the World Around Us
130328: CHALMERS, JOHN W. (EDITOR) - The Alberta Diamond Jubilee Anthology: A Collection from Alberta's Best Writers
103904: CHALMERS, JOHN W. (EDITOR) - The Alberta Diamond Jubilee Anthology: A Collection from Alberta's Best Writers
127857: CHAMBERLAIN, SAMUEL - Italian Bouquet; An Epicurean Tour of Italy
127693: CHAMBERLAIN, SAMUEL - Bouquet de France; An Epicurean Tour of the French Provinces
119301: CHAMBERLAIN - Chamberlain Crossroads
123198: CHAMBERLAIN, TERRY - The Abcs of Retirement; How to Not Work and Love It
128120: CHAMBERLAIN, TERRY - The Abcs of Farming; A Lighthearted Dictionary of Stubble-Jumper Recipes
115482: CHAMBERLAIN, RALPH V. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume IX; Annalids, Parasitic Worms, Protazoas, Etc, Part D: Gephyrea, Southern Party 1913-1916
115484: CHAMBERLAIN, RALPH V. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume IX; Annalids, Parasitic Worms, Protazoas, Etc, Part B: Polycheta, Southern Party 1913-1916
125635: CHAMBERLIN, J. EDWARD - The Banker and the Blackfoot; A Memoir of My Grandfather in Chinook Country
118246: CHAMBERS, ERNEST J. - The Royal North-West Mounted Police; a Corps History
110991: CHAMBERS, ERNEST J. - The Royal North-West Mounted Police; a Corps History
129794: CHAMBERS, CAPTAIN ERNEST J - The The Montréal Highland Cadets Being a Record of the Organozation and Development of a Useful and Interesting Corps with Some Notes on the Cadet Movements in Britain and Canada
127015: CHAMBERS, JACK - Milestones I: The Music and Times of Miles Davis to 1960; Milestones 2: The Music and Times of Miles Davis Since 1960 (Two Volume Set)
119854: CHAMBERS, CYNTHIA MAUDE - For Our Children's Children: An Educator's Interpretation of Dene Testimony to the MacKenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry
119782: CHAMBERS, ERNEST J. - The Royal North-West Mounted Police; a Corps History
129624: CHAMBERS, JOHN; WOODMAN, ROSS G. - Chambers: John Chambers Interviewed by Ross G. Woodman
103913: CHAMBERS, ERNEST J. (EDITOR) - Canada's Fertile Northland: A Glimpse of the Enormous Resources of Part of the Unexplored Regions of the Dominion
103907: CHAMBERS, EDWARD J.; PERCY, MICHAEL B. - Western Canada in the International Economy
103908: CHAMBERS, ERNEST J. - The Unexploited West: A Compilation of All the Authentic Information Available at the Present Time As to the Natural Resources of the Unexploited Regions of Northern Canada
125561: CHAMBERS, KEN; KRINDLE, DAVE [CURATOR] - Ken Chambers; A Collection of Artwork a Lifetime in the Making
103915: CHAMPAGNE, JOSEPH-ETIENNE - Les Missions Catholiques dans l'Ouest Canadien (1818-1875)
121771: CHAMPAGNY, FRANZ DE - Un Mot D'un Catholique Sur Quelques Trivaux Protestants
129859: CHAN, MARTY - Mom, Dad, I'm Living with a White Girl
125577: CHAN, SUCHENG; DANIELS, DOUGLAS HENRY; GARCIA, MARIO T.; WILSON TERRY P. (EDITOR) - People of Color in the American West
114448: CHANCE, NORMAN A. - Conflict in Culture: Problems of Developmental Change Among the Cree (Document 2)
114423: CHANCE, NORMAN A. - Developmental Change Among the Cree Indians of Quebec
102437: CHANCE, NORMAN A. - The Eskimo of North Alaska
130567: CHANDLER, DAVID - Capital Punishment in Canada
118190: ANN CHANDONNET - Anchorage, Early Photographs of the Great Land
121225: CHANT, EDNA B. (COMPILED BY) - As the Pages Turn...
110992: CHAPLEAU, JOSEPH ADOLPHE - Discours de l'Hon. J.A. Chapleau, M.P. sur l'Execution de Louis Riel. Chambre des Communes 24 Mars 1886
103930: CHAPLEAU, JOSEPH ADOLPHE - Discours de l'Hon. J.A. Chapleau, M.P. sur l'Execution de Louis Riel. Chambre des Communes 24 Mars 1886
130399: CHAPLIN, RALPH - Wobbly; The Rough-And-Tumble Story of an American Radical
118937: CHAPMAN, EDWARD J. - A Song of Charity
200327: CHAPMAN, FRANK M. - Camps and Cruises of an Ornithologist
100095: CHAPMAN, EVANGELINE - Poems for People Over 25; Original Poems
124855: CHAPPELL, LIEUT. EDWARD, R.N. - Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay in His Majesty's Ship Rosamond Containing Some Account of the North-Eastern Coast of America and of the Tribes Inhabiting That Remote Region.
110204: CHAPUIS, ALFRED; JAQUET, EUGENE - The History of the Self-Winding Watch 1770-1931
127782: CHAPUT, JOHN - Saskatchewan Sports Legends; One Hundred Years of Athletic Distinction
103936: CHAPUT, HELENE - Donatien Fremont; Journaliste de l'ouest Canadien
130229: CHARLEYBOY, LISA; LEATHERDALE, MARY BETH (EDITOR) - Urban Tribes; Native Americans in the City
131247: CHARLTON, AYDON (EDITOR);SPROXTON, BIRK (ASSISTANT EDITOR) - The Sphinx; A Magazine of Literature and Society; Winter 1974 Vol. 1 No. 1
101598: GRIFFIN. CHARLTON, MABEL - More Griffin Prairie Wool
123219: GRIFFIN. CHARLTON, MABEL - More Griffin Prairie Wool
129415: CHARLTON, J.E. - The Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper Money Eleventh Edition
129898: CHARON, MILLY (EDITOR) - Between Two Worlds; The Canadian Immigrant Experience
130149: CHARTERS, ANN; KEROUAC, JACK - Kerouac
103946: CHARTERS, DEAN - Mountie 1873-1973; a Golden Treasury of Those Early Years
127371: CHARYK, JOHN C. - The Little White Schoolhouse
130583: CHARYK, JOHN C. - When the School Horse Was King; A Tribute to Faithful Friends and Companions
114735: CHARYK, JOHN C. - Syrup Pails and Gopher Tails
103948: CHARYK, JOHN C. - Pulse of the Community
103947: CHARYK, JOHN C. - The Little White Schoolhouse
202580: CHASE, GILBERT - America's Music; from the Pilgrims to the Present
120164: CHASE, ERNEST DUDLEY; CHAMBERLAIN, JAMES D. (EDITOR); SHANNON, S. (INTRO.) - The Romance of Greeting Cards; An Historical Account of the Origin, Evolution, and Development of Christmas Cards, Valentines and Other Forms of Greeting Cards from the Earliest Days to the Present Time

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