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017223: PITOLLET, CAMILLE & BATIFFOL, PIERRE - The Oldest Text of the Gospels
056326: BEDE CAMM - Pilgrim Paths in Latin Lands
044647: CAMM, BEDE - Forgotten Shrines: An Account of Some Old Catholic Halls and Families in England and of Relics and Memorials of the English Martyrs
060419: JOHN M. CAMP - The Athenian Agora: Excavations in the Heart of Classical Athens
045385: JOHN CAMP - Discovering Bells and Bellringing
038514: DE LA CAMPA, ROMAN; KAPLAN, E. ANN - Late Imperial Culture
061014: CAMPBELL, GORDON - Bible: The Story of the King James Version
059761: JOHN MCLEOD CAMPBELL - The Nature of the Atonement and Its Relation to the Remission of Sins and Eternal Life
068483: CAMPBELL, JOSEPH; MUSES, CHARLES - In All Her Names: Explorations of the Feminine in Divinity
068152: CAMPBELL, DAVID A. - Greek Lyric: The New School of Poetry and Anonymous Songs and Hymns: Volume V
069773: HEINRICH ZIMMER; JOSEH CAMPBELL (ED.) - Philosophies of India
057892: CAMPBELL, JAMES - Essays in Anglo-Saxon History
056719: F. W. GROVES CAMPBELL - A Little Orthodox Manual of Prayers of the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church
055909: CAMPBELL, DUNCAN B - Mons Graupius Ad 83: Rome's Battle at the Edge of the World
070243: JOHN CAMPBELL - A Personal Narrative of Thirteen Years Service Among the Wild Tribes of Khondistan for the Suppression of Human Sacrifice
067982: J. Y. CAMPBELL - Three New Testament Studies
066077: CAMPBELL, JOHN - Travels in South Africa (Africana Collectanea XLVII)
041232: CAMPBELL, JOHN R. - Urbanisation, Urban Planning and Urban Life in Tanzania: An Annotated Bibliography
037086: CAMPBELL, BEATRIX - Goliath: Britain's Dangerous Places
029288: CAMPBELL, GORDON - Bible: The Story of the King James Bible 1611-2011
067597: HANS VON CAMPENHAUSEN - The Formation of the Christian Bible
031329: CAMPIAN, EDMOND [CAMPION, EDMUND]; CORLESS, GEORGE; FABER, G. S.; CORLESS, GEORGE - An Appeal to the Members of the Two Universities Presenting Ten Reasons for Renouncing the Protestant and Embracing the Catholic Religion; Reply to the Review of a Pamphlet Entitled 'Declaration of the Catholic Bishops. . in Great Britain' Paragraph by Paragraph by Rev Geo. Townsend; the Testimony of the Early Church Against the Latin Doctrine of Transubstantiation in Reply to an Attack Upon the Author; the Catholic Doctrine of Transubstantiation Proved from the Early Fathers in Answer to a Pamphlet of Rev. G.S. Faber
031392: CAMPLING, CHRISTOPHER R. - Food of Love : Reflections on Music and Faith
037744: CAMPS, ARNULF - Partners in Dialogue: Christianity and Other World Religions
021020: CAMPS, ARNULF - Oecumenische Inleiding in de Missiologie: Teksten En Konteksten Van Het Wereldchristendom
023987: DE CANDOLE, HENRY - The Church's Offering: A Brief Study of Eucharistic Worship
056589: FLORENCE DU CANE - The Canary Islands
066239: ANDREA CANEPARI - The Italian Legacy in the Dominican Republic: History; Architecture, Economics, Society
058593: DU CANGE, CHARLES DU FRESNE - Glossarium Ad Scriptores Mediae & Infimae Latinitatis in Quo Latina Vocabula Novatae Significationis Uaut Usus Rarioris , Barbara & Exotica Explicantur, Eorum Notiones & Originationes Reteguntur
058365: A. SUTCLIFFE; J. W. CANHAM - The Heights and Weights of Boys and Girls
038081: CANNADINE, DAVID - Making History Now and Then: Discoveries, Controversies and Explorations
032627: CANNAN, EDWARD - Churches of the South Atlantic Islands 1502-1991
024965: CANNAN, EDWARD - Churches of the South Atlantic Islands 1502-1991
029999: CANNING, CHARLOTTE M. - The Most American Thing in America : Circuit Chautauqua As Performance
059285: CANTACUZINO, SHERBAN - What Makes a Good Building? an Inquiry by the Royal Fine Art Commission.
063180: ANSELM VON CANTERBURY - Warum Gott Mensch Geworden / Cur Deus Homo. Lateinisch/ Deutsch
065759: CONVOCATION OF CANTERBURY - Report of Committee on Spiritual Care of Deaf Mutes
065760: CONVOCATION OF CANTERBURY - Report of Committee on the Spirital Needs of Sailors and Soldiers After the War
065761: CONVOCATION OF CANTERBURY - Report of the Joint Committee on the Ministry of Women
065762: CONVOCATION OF CANTERBURY - Report of Committee Appointed to Consider the Report of the Ancient Monuments (Churches) Committee
065764: CONVOCATION OF CANTERBURY - Report of the Joint Committee on the Administration of Infant Baptism
067983: JOSE MARIA CASASSAS CANTO - Noticias Sobre la Iglesia Catolica En la Provincia de Antofagasta
044453: CAPEL, MONSIGNOR - A Reply to the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone's 'Political Expostulation'
043935: CAPEL, MONSIGNOR - Confession and Absolution
038450: ANDERSON, JANICE CAPEL & MOORE, STEPHEN D. - Mark & Method: New Approaches in Biblical Studies
062631: J. DORESSE; E. LANNE; B. CAPELLE - Un Temoin Archaique de la Liturgie Copte de S. Basile En Annexe: Les Liturgies Basiliennes Et Saint Basil
054938: DE CAPELLIS, GIACOMO (PAOLA ROMAGNOLI ED.) - Summa Contra Hereticos. Testo Latino a Fronte
059400: WILLIAM W. CAPES - Registrum Willelmi de Courtenay Episcopi Herefordensis Ad 1370-1375
052296: JOSEPH H. PARRY; WILLIAM W. CAPES - Registrum Edmundi Lacy; Registrum Thome Poltone Episcopi Herefordendsis
037649: CAPEY, CYNTHIA - Faiths in Focus in Ipswich and Suffolk
019277: ERNEST F. H. CAPEY - Sanctuary Worship, Responsive Services, Sentences and Payers Arranged for Public Worship
062402: CAPLAN, JAY - Framed Narratives: Diderot's Genealogy of the Beholder
064731: CAPLAN, PAT - African Voices, African Lives: Personal Narratives from a Swahili Village
041359: CAPLAN, ANN PATRICIA - Choice and Constraint in a Swahili Community: Property, Hierarchy and Cognatic Descent on the East African Coast
064680: CAPLAN, PAT; TOPAN, FAROUK - Swahili Modernities: Culture, Politics, and Identity on the East Coast of Africa
041939: CAPON, HANS-PETER - Hmz Catalog Schweiz Liechtenstein 15. Jahrhundert Bis Gegenwart
059244: APOSTOLOS-CAPPADONA, DIANE - Encyclopedia of Women in Religious Art
050865: DIANE APOSTOLOS-CAPPADONA - Dictionary of Women in Religious Art
056418: JOHN E. CAPPER (FOREWORD) - History of the Ist & 2nd Battalions the North Staffordshire Regiment (the Prince of Wales') 1914-1923
021891: CAPPS, WALTER H. - The New Religious Right: Piety, Patriotism and Politics
069197: CARAMAN, PHILIP - Ignatius Loyola
067476: PHILIP CARAMAN - The Lost Empire: The Story of the Jesuits in Ethiopia
035227: CARAMAN, PHILIP - Saint Angela: The Life of Angela Merici Foundress of the Ursulines (1474-1540)
029976: CARAMAN, PHILIP - Saint Angela: The Life of Angela Merici Foundress of the Ursulines (1474-1540)
065320: CARANFA, ANGELO - Proust: The Creative Silence
068104: ERBERTO CARBONI - Radio and Television Publicity
026101: CARD, HENRY - An Essay on the Holy Eucharist: Or a Refutation of the Hoadlyan Scheme of It [Bound with] Literary Recreations or Moral, Historical and Religious Essays
026898: CARDONA, ANGELES - Rostros: Camino de Santiago (El Rostro Del Paisaje)
056773: CARDWELL, EDWARD - A History of Conferences and Other Proceedings Connected with the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer; from the Year 1558 to the Year 1690
036653: CARDWELL, EDWARD - The Reformation of the Ecclesiastical Laws As Attempted in the Reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI and Queen Elizabeth
031927: CARDWELL, EDWARD - A History of Conferences and Other Proceedings Connected with the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer; from the Year 1558 to the Year 1690
053622: CAREL, HAVI; MEACHAM, DARIAN - Phenomenology and Naturalism: Examining the Relationship between Human Experience and Nature
061505: CAREY, JOHN - The Faber Book of Utopias
059849: WILLIAM CAREY - An Enquiry Into the Obligations of Christians, to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens
064981: PAT WARRENER [CAREY] - The Ways of the Warrener
021299: CAREY, S. PEARCE - William Carey Dd Fellow of Linnaean Society
018689: CAREY, TOM - Desire: Poems, 1986-1996
035335: CARGAS, HARRY JAMES - Encountering Myself, Contemporary Christian Meditations
049690: ROBERT R. CARGILL - The Cities That Built the Bible
067681: [CARKSON, SAMUEL] - Form or Freedom. Five Colloquies on Liturgies Reported by a Manchester Congregationalist
042409: CARLEY - Glastonbury Abbey, the Holy House at the Head of the Moors Adventurous
021856: CARLEY - Glastonbury Abbey, the Holy House at the Head of the Moors Adventurous
058589: ENZO CARLI - L'Arte Nella Basilica Di S. Francesco a Siena
065135: ETHEL LILIAN CARLIN - Legends About Our Blessed Lord and His Little Servants
066796: CARLISLE, CHARLES, (ED.) - My Own Darling: Letters from Montie to Kitty Carlisle
036244: BISHOP OF CARLISLE - Deliverance from Seven Devils, a Sermon Preached in S. Paul's Church, Knightsbridge for the Church Penitentiary Association May 12, 1870
030827: CARLYLE, THOMAS - Die Kirche in Unserer Ziet Ein Wort an Geistliche Und Laiden
044718: J. NEALE CARMAN - Study of the Pseudo-Map Cycle of Arthurian Romance: To Investigate Its Historico-Geographic Background and to Provide a Hypothesis As to Its Fabrication
021031: CARMEL, ALEX - Die Siedlungen Der Wurttembergischen Templer in Palastina 1868-1918
029379: EPHEMERIDES CARMELITICAE - S. Teresa Margherita Del Cuor Di Gesu (Redi): Formazione, Spirito, Scritti
056477: ELIZABETH CARMICHAEL - Turquoise Mosaics from Mexico
021372: CARMICHAEL, ELIZABETH - The Hidden Peoples of the Amazon
037221: CARMODY, DENISE LARDNER - The Oldest God: Archaic Religion Yesterday and Today
063093: FRANCIS J. CARMODY - The Astronomical Works of Thabit B. Qurra
066839: CARNEY, MICHAEL - Britain in Pictures: A History and Bibliography
057276: ALBAN D. R. CAROE - Old Churches and Modern Craftsmanship
065658: BECKWITH, CAROL AND ANGELA FISHER - African Ceremonies (Two Volumes Set in Slipcase)
036268: INSKIPP, CAROL & INSKIPP, TIM - A Guide to the Birds of Nepal
057136: EDWARD CARPENTER - Thomas Sherlock 1678-1761 Bishop of Bangor 1728; Bishop of Salisbury 1734; of London 1748
051452: J. ESTLIN CARPENTER - Comparative Religion
050548: THOMAS DAVIDSON; PROFESSOR OWEN; PROFESSOR CARPENTER - British Fossil Brachiopoda Vol I. Witn a General Introduction I. On the Anatomy of Terebratula II. On the Imtimate Structure of the Shells of the Brachiopoda III. On the Classification of the Brachiopoda
049637: CARPENTER, EDWARD - Archbishop Fisher: His Life and Times
025640: CARPENTER, HUMPHREY - Robert Runcie
025171: CARPENTER, EDWARD;HASTINGS, ADRIAN; CAREY, GEORGE - Cantuar: The Archbishops in Their Office
059594: CARR, WESLEY (ED.) - The New Dictionary of Pastoral Studies
059532: CARR, WESLEY - The Pastor As Theologian: The Integration of Pastoral Ministry, Theology and Discipleship
058649: A.D. CARR - Medieval Wales, 1064-1521
043637: CARR, MIKE - Merchant Crusaders in the Aegean, 1291-1352
043394: CARR, THOMAS JOSEPH - Three Lectures by the Archbishop of Melbourne in Reply to the Anglican Bishop of Ballarat and the Rev. Canon Potter
023497: CARR, ROSEMARY F. - Storied Urns; an Illustrated Record of Monuments in Holy Trinity Church, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire
054675: CARRETTE, JEREMY - Foucault and Religion: Spiritual Corporality and Political Spirituality
046517: CARRIER, HERVE - The Sociology of Religious Belonging
056784: CARRINGTON, PHILIP - The Anglican Church in Canada: A History
047417: CARRINGTON, PHILIP - The Early Christian Church (2 Vols Set)
060849: CARROLL, ROBERT P. - Wolf in the Sheep Fold, the Bible As Problematic for Theology
054387: CARROLL, JOHN - The Wreck of Western Culture: Humanism Revisited
054375: CARROLL, JOHN - The Existential Jesus
045336: BARBARA K. ALTMANN; CARLETON W. CARROLL (EDS) - The Court Reconvenes: Courtly Literature Across the Disciplines: Selected Papers from the Ninth Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Society
037452: CARROLL, THOMAS K. - Preaching the Word
061707: CARSANA, CHIARA; SCHETTINO, MARIA TERESA - Utopia E Utopie Nel Pensiero Storico Antico: 30 (Monografie Del Centro Ricerche Di Documentazione Sull'Antich)
069124: W. R. CARSON - Reunion Essays with an Appendix on the Non-Infallible Dogmatic Force of the Bull Apostolicae Curae of Pope Leo XIII in Condemnation of the Holy Orders of the Church of England
057050: CARSON, PATRICIA - The Fair Face of Flanders
050106: D. A. CARSON - The Intolerance of Tolerance
037581: CARSON, D. A. - Christ and Culture Revisited
070813: CARSTEN, JANET - Cultures of Relatedness: New Approaches to the Study of Kinship
070519: CARSTEN, JANET; HUGH-JONES, STEPHEN - About the House: LéVI-Strauss and Beyond
070566: CARSTEN, JANET - After Kinship
065634: HAROLD A. CARTER - The Prayer Tradition of Black People
065864: W. F. CARTER - Pedigree of the Family of Bodington of Great Harborough, Cubbington, and Kenilworth in the County of Warwick
053469: CARTER, JAMES - Ricoeur on Moral Religion: A Hermeneutics of Ethical Life
050750: CARTER, GEORGE A. - Bees and Honey: A Guide to the Better Understanding of Bees, Their Diseases, and the Chemistry of Bee-Keeping
049921: EDWIN S. GAUSTAD; MARK A. NOLL; HEATH W. CARTER - A Documentary History of Religion in America
045940: CARTER, GEORGE A. - The Hive Bee
066860: CARTER, CHERYL B - Messages Drawn from Nature: The Art of Mindfulness Through Adversity
040141: CARTER, T. T. - Spiritual Instructions on the Holy Eucharist
038868: CARTER, E R - History of Bath Road Methodist Church, Swindon, 1880-1980
038694: CARTER, WARREN - The Roman Empire and the New Testament: An Essential Guide
036229: CARTER, T. T. - A Further Plea for Constitutional Liberty
036227: CARTER, T. T. - The Freedom of Confession in the Church of England: A Letter to His Grace the Archbishop of Cabnterbury
036228: CARTER, T. T. - Constitutional Order: The Rightful Claim of the Church of England
035772: CARTER, T. T. - The Life of Penitence, a Series of Lectures Delivered at All Saints, Margaret Street in Lent, 1866
034387: CARTER, T. T. - Harriet Monsell, a Memoir
070803: BETH CARTER - Layers of Meaning: Andaman Islands Costume and Cosmology
032725: CARTER, T.T. - The Imitation of Our Lord: A Series of Lectures Delivered at All Saints' Margaret Street, in Lent 1860
031191: CARTER, T. T. - Harriet Monsell, a Memoir
027462: CARTER, GEORGE A. - The Hive Bee
023378: CARTER, BRIAN - Newman at Deddington
019309: CARTER, C. F. (ED.) - Manchester and Its Region; a Survey Prepared for the Meeting Held in Manchester Aug 29 to September 5, 1962
055754: CARTHUSIAN - The Spirit of Place: Carthusian Reflections
052937: A CARTHUSIAN - The Prayer of Love and Silence
044366: MAC-CARTHY, DENIS FLORENCE - The Two Lovers of Heaven: Chrysanthus and Daria a Drama of Early Christian Rome
059988: CARTLEDGE, PAUL - Alexander the Great: The Hunt for a New Past
028569: CARTLIDGE, DAVID R.; DUNGAN, DAVID L. - Documents for the Study of the Gospels
022474: CARTLIDGE, DAVID R.; DUNGAN, DAVID L. - Documents for the Study of the Gospels
050584: ROBERT KEITH ST CARTMAIL - The Love Ethic
043695: CARTONE, MASSIMO - Ordini Cavallereschi Del Regno D'Italia
067998: CARTWRIGHT, JANE - Hystoria Gweryddon Yr Almaen: The Middle Welsh Life of St Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins
045069: CARTWRIGHT, THOMAS - The Diary of Dr Thomas Cartwright Bishop of Chester
051112: CARTY, CHARLES M. - Padre Pio: The Stigmatist
070785: CARUANA, WALLY - Aboriginal Art.
043036: CARVER, M. O. H. - Medieval Worcester, an Archaeological Framework: Reports, Surveys, Texts and Essays
063648: CARY, PHILLIP - Augustine's Invention of the Inner Self: The Legacy of a Christian Platonist
050436: LUCIUS CARY - Mysteries of Christ: Extracts from the Teaching of Lucius Cary
049545: LUCIUS CARY - Mysteries of Christ: Extracts from the Teaching of Lucius Cary
034463: CARY, WALTER J. - My Priesthood
035014: CASE, MRS (ED.) - The Odour of Sanctity (Letters on Modern Examples of Scenting)
070154: CASEY, P. J. - Carausius and Allectus: The British Usurpers
018691: CASEY, MARY - Christophorous
018690: CASEY, MARY - Full Circle, Poems
068492: CASHFORD, JULES; BARING, ANNE - The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image
067631: CASHMAN, RICHARD (ED.) - The Oxford Companion to Australian Cricket
037301: CASHMORE, ERNEST - Rastaman: Rastafarian Movement in England
064438: AUGUSTINE CASIDAY - Remember the Days of Old: Orthodox Thinking on the Patristic Heritage (Foundations)
045697: CASOON, STANLEY - Greece and Britain
063758: JOHANNES KEPLER; MAX CASPAR - Johannes Kepler Gesammelte Werke Band I Mysterium Cosmographicum de Stella Nova
068839: CASPARY, GERARD E. - Politics and Exegesis: Origen and the Two Swords
055606: CASSANI, SILVIA; SAPIO, MARIA - Caravaggio: The Final Years
070347: CASSAR, CARMEL - A Concise History of Malta
048383: CASSELS, LAVENDER - The Struggle for the Ottoman Empire 1717-1740
028577: [CASSELS, WALTER] - The Gospel According to Peter, a Study by the Author of 'Supernatural Religion'
052383: PAUL SANT CASSIA - Bodies of Evidence: Burial, Memory and the Recovery of Missing Persons in Cyprus
064871: SIR MAURICE CASSIDY - Coronary Disease: The Harveian Oration of 1946
017787: CASSIDY, SHEILA - Light from the Dark Valley : Reflections on Suffering and the Care of the Dying
064990: CASSIRER, ERNST - An Essay on Man: An Introduction to a Philosophy of Human Culture
019112: CASTELLI, E. (ED.) - L'Infallabilita, L'Aspeto Filosofico E Teologico
051400: ARTURO CASTIGLIONI - Adventures of the Mind
062422: CASTLE, BRIAN - Hymns: The Making and Shaping of a Theology for the Whole People of God - a Comparison of the Four Last Things in Some English and Zambian Hymns in... In the Intercultural History of Christianity)
051273: E. B. CASTLE - Approach to Quakerism
062583: CASTORIADIS, CORNELIUS - World in Fragments: Writings on Politics, Society, Psychoanalysis, and the Imagination
062152: CASTORIADIS, CORNELIUS - Figures of the Thinkable (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
070348: J. PAUL DE CASTRO - The Gordon Riots
062120: CATALDI, SUZANNE L.; HAMRICK, WILLIAM S. - Merleau-Ponty and Environmental Philosophy: Dwelling on the Landscapes of Thought
028690: CATALOGUE - Catalogue Des Editions Du Musee Royal de L'Afrique Centrale
071039: CATCHPOLE, CLIVE K.; SLATER, PETER J. B. - Bird Song: Biological Themes and Variations
034978: CATCHPOLE, DAVID - Jesus People, the Historical Jesus and the Beginnings of Community
052796: KEVIN J. CATHCART - Nahum in the Light of Northwest Semitic
043279: TWO CATHOLICS - Catholicism or Ritualism a Letter to a Ritualist in Answer to That Addressed to Him by Monsignor Capel
055060: WILLIAM CATHRALL - The History of Oswestry Comprising the British, Saxon, Norman and English Eras the Topography of the Borough and Its Ecclesiastical and CIVIC History
039017: CATLOW, AGNES - Popular Field Botany; Containing a Familiar and Technical Description of the Plants Most Common to the Various Localities of the British Isles Adapted to the Study of Either the Artificial or Natural Systems
068468: PAUL CATTERMOLE - The Church Bells of Norfolk (5 Parts in 4 Vols)
048778: CATTERMOLE, PAUL (ED.) - Wymondham Abbey: A History of the Monastery and Parish Church
045837: M. CATTO & C. FERLAN - I Gesuiti E I Papi
054459: CAUDWELL, IRENE - Ceremonies of Holy Church: Simple Explanations
047835: RICHARD CAULK - Between the Jaws of Hyenas - a Diplomatic History of Ethiopia (1876-1896)
030402: CAUNEGRE, GUY - Les Cathares
044134: CAUNT, PETER - North Western Road Car Company Limited: A Driver's Reminiscences
044425: CAUNTER, HOBERT - The Oriental Annual or Scenes in India
058552: ANDREW CAUSEY - Paul Nash 1889-1946
067189: DE CAUSSADE, JEAN-PIERRE - The Sacrament of the Present Moment
068266: CAUTLEY, H. MUNRO - Royal Arms and Commandments in Our Churches
068258: CAUTLEY, H. MUNRO - Royal Arms and Commandments in Our Churches
071113: CAUTLEY, H. MUNRO - Norfolk Churches
042767: DELLA CAVA, JOHN - Miracle at Joaseiro
069510: CAVALIERO, GLEN - John Cowper Powys: Novelist
034849: CAVALIERO, GLEN - Charles Williams, Poet of Theology
067950: CAVANAGH, JOHN - British Theatre: A Bibliography, 1901 to 1985
071068: CAVE, C. J. P. - Roof Bosses in Medieval Churches, an Aspect of Gothic Sculpture
048695: CAVE, SYDNEY - The Religious Quest of India: Redemption Hindu and Christian
068446: CAVE, LYNDON F. - Smaller English House: An Introduction to Its History and Development
066753: CAVENDISH, GEORGE - Thomas Wolsey, Late Cardinal: His Life and Death
058643: CAVILL, PAUL - Vikings: Fear and Faith in Anglo-Saxon England
068163: H. W. CAVILL - English Draughts Association Individual Championship Games 1935
050093: TIM CAWKWELL - The Filmgoer's Guide to God
038389: CAWLEY, A. C. - Everyman and Medieval Miracle Plays
057961: MARY ANN CAWS - The Art of Interference: Stressed Readings in Verbal and Visual Texts
069947: STUART CAWTHORNE - St Lawrence Whitchurch: Its Memorials and Its People
066550: EGNATIUS CAZZANIGA - Carmina Ludicra Romanorum: Pervigilium Veneris Priapea
021266: CCA - Reunification, Peace and Justice in Korea, Christian Response in the 1980s
068589: CECIL, DAVID - Some Dorset Country Houses: A Personal Selection
031592: GAPOSCHKIN, M. CECILIA & FIELD, SEAN L. (EDS) FIELD, LARRY F. (TRANS.) - The Sanctity of Louis IX: Early Lives of Saint Louis by Gregory of Beaulieu and William of Chatres
045231: MAX CELERIER - Regards Sur la Symbolique de la Toison D'or
049935: HAGIT AMIRAV; FRANCESCO CELIA (EDS) - New Themes, New Styles in the Eastern Mediterranean: Christian, Jewish, and Islamic Encounters, 5th-8th Centuries
044345: LE CENE, CHARLES - An Essay for a New Translation of the Bible Wherein Is Shewn from Reason and the Authority of the Best Commentators, Interpreters and Criticks That There Is a Necessity for a New Translation
057763: AZIZIAN BOOK CENTRE - Azizian Book Centre: Armenian Book Catalogue 1986 and 1987
066865: WORLD CONSERVATION MONITORING CENTRE - World Checklist of Threatened Amphibians and Reptiles
027109: CERAM, C. W. - El Misterio de Los Hititas
049978: CERAVOLO, TONINO - Vito Capialbi
039248: ANTHONY R. CERESKO - Introduction to the Old Testament: A Liberation Perspective
062610: CERTEAU, MICHEL DE - Heterologies: Discourse on the Other
071132: DE CERTEAU, MICHEL - The Practice of Everyday Life
070346: CESARE, R DE - The Last Days of Papal Rome
028513: CESARETTI, PAOLO - Theodora: Empress of Byzantium
068737: CHAADAYEV, PETER YAKOVLEVICH; MATRY-BARBARA ZELDIN - Philosophical Letters & Apology of a Madman
052747: PATRICK CHABAL - Power in Africa: An Essay in Political Interpretation
027899: CHABAL, PATRICK - Political Domination in Africa : Reflections on the Limits of Power
018544: CHABOT, I. B. - Iacobi Edesseni Hexameron Seu in Opus Creationis Libri Septem
033570: BRAND, CHAD & PRATT, TOM - Seeking the City: Wealth, Poverty and Political Economy in Christian Perspective
069308: CHADD, DAVID - The Ordinal of the Abbey of the Holy Trinity, Fecamp: Fecamp, Musee de la Benedictine, Ms 186, Vol. 2, Parts 2, 3 & 4 (Henry Bradshaw Society)
060544: OWEN CHADWICK - Western Ascetism
060525: CHADWICK, HENRY (ED) - Not Angels, But Anglicans: A History of Christianity in the British Isles
059825: CHADWICK, JOHN - Linear B and Related Scripts
067825: CHADWICK, ANDREW - Augmenting Democracy: Political Movements and Constitutional Reform During the Rise of Labour 1900-1924
051983: CHADWICK, HENRY - The Early Church, Pelican History of the Church
050248: HENRY CHADWICK - History and Thought of the Early Church
048237: CHADWICK, OWEN - The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century
048116: CHADWICK, OWEN - The Spirit of the Oxford Movement: Tractarian Essays
043364: CHADWICK, OWEN - Michael Ramsey: A Life
070897: MYLES DILLON; NORA K. CHADWICK - The Celtic Realms
069122: CHADWICK, OWEN - Michael Ramsey : A Life
037997: CHADWICK, OWEN - Michael Ramsey : A Life
034633: CHADWICK, OWEN - Michael Ramsey : A Life
034468: CHADWICK, OWEN - Hensley Henson : A Study in the Friction between Church and State
034149: CHADWICK, OWEN - Hensley Henson : A Study in the Friction between Church and State
033354: CHADWICK, OWEN - Hensley Henson : A Study in the Friction between Church and State
033341: CHADWICK, HENRY - Tradition and Exploration : Collected Papers on Theology and the Church
031180: CHADWICK, OWEN - Newman
025564: CHADWICK, NORA - The Celts
025229: CHADWICK, OWEN - The Founding of Cuddesdon
070718: CHAGNON, NAPOLEON A. - Yanomamo - the Last Days of Eden
071066: MACK CHAHIN - The Kingdom of Armenia
068238: MACK CHAHIN - The Kingdom of Armenia
054945: PAUL B. DU CHAILLU - A Journey to Ashango-Land and Further Penetration Into Equatorial Africa
030727: CHAILLU, PAUL B DU - A Journey to Ashango-Land and Further Penetration Into Equatorial Africa
035666: BERMANT, CHAIM & WEITZMAN, MICHAEL - Elba: An Archaeological Enigma
040674: CHALKE, STEVE; BLAIR, CHERIE - Stop the Traffik: The Crime That Shames Us All
070479: CHALKER, BILL - Hair of the Alien: Dna and Other Forensic Evidence of Alien Abductions
065557: C. W. CHALKIN - Surrey Gaol and Session House 1791 - 1824
067190: BISHOP CHALLENOR - Meditations for Every Day in the Year
044905: CHALLINOR, A.M. - Francis Bacon: Philosopher, Statesman, Poet: An Index to Baconiana and Its Predecessors 1886-1999
058295: BISHOP CHALLONER - Martyrs to the Catholic Faith: Memoirs of Missionary Priests and Other Catholics of Both Sexes
066044: PATRICK R. CHALMERS - At the Sign of the Dog and Gun
067373: THOMAS CHALMERS ET AL. - Remembering Zion: To Scotchmen in London
051737: CHALMERS, THOMAS (HANNA, WILLIAM ED.) - A Selection from the Correspondence of the Late Thomas Chalmers
024960: CHALMERS, THOMAS - Discourses on the Christain Revelation Viewed in Connexion with the Modern Astronomy
027438: CHAM, STEPHEN A. - Dragonflies of Bedfordshire
069645: LESLEY CHAMBERLAIN - The Philosophy Steamer: Lenin and the Exile of the Intelligentsia
069648: LESLEY CHAMBERLAIN - Motherland: A Philosophical History of Russia
070171: ROBERT C. SELF; AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN - The Austen Chamberlain Diary Letters: The Correspondence of Sir Austen Chamberlain with His Sisters Hilda and Ida, 1916-1937 (Camden Fifth Series)
018179: CHAMBERLIN, WILLIAM H. - America's Second Crusade
055437: RALPH F. CHAMBERS - The Strict Baptist Chapels of England Volume 4 the Chapels of the Industrial Midlands, Including: Worcestershire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire, Rutland, and South-West Lincolnshire
054757: DAVID CHAMBERS - Joan Hassall: Engravings and Drawings
043520: CHAMBERS, PAUL - Bones of Contention: The Archaeopteryx Scandals
070743: CHAMBERS, ROBERT - Rural Development: Putting the Last First
026343: CHAMBERS, E. K. - The Oxford Book of Sixteenth Century Verse
023601: CHAMBERS, JOHN DAVID - Divine Worship in England in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries
022936: CHAMBERS, R. - The Book of Days, a Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with the Calendar Including Anecdote, Biography & History, Curiosities of Literature and Oddities of Human Life and Character
020691: CHAMERLAIN, RUSSELL - The Idea of England
058722: FRANCOIS CHAMOUX - Greek Sculpture from the 16th to the 2nd Century B.C.
056402: CHAMP, JUDITH - The English Pilgrimage to Rome: A Dwelling for the Soul
054456: JUDITH CHAMP - Oscott College Chapel
027229: CHAMP, JUDITH - William Bernard Ullathorne : A Different Kind of Monk
026163: CHAMP, JUDITH - The English Pilgrimage to Rome: A Dweling for the Soul
069414: CHAMP, JUDITH F. - Oscott
019802: CHAMPDOR, ALBERT - Babylon
059470: L. G. CHAMPION - Tyndale Baptist Church Bristol 1868 - 1968
035081: CHAMPLIN, JOSEPH M. - The Mystery and Meaning of the Mass
051040: ANTHONY CHAMPNY (ROGERS, D. M. ED.) - A Treatise of the Vocation of Bishops
048194: E. BERESFORD CHANCELLOR - The Diary of Philipp Von Neumann 1819 to 1850
060991: CHANDLER, ANDREW; HANSEN, CHARLOTTE - Observing Vatican II: The Confidential Reports of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Representative, Bernard Pawley, 1961-1964
060667: RICHARD CHANDLER - Travels in Greece
067495: CHANDLER, ANDREW (ED.) - Brethren in Adversity: Bishop George Bell, the Church of England and the Crisis of German Protestantism
060000: CHANDLER, RICHARD (EDITH CLAY ED.) - Travels in Asia Minor 1764-1765
059370: CHANDLER, GEORGE - Victorian and Edwardian Manchester and East Lancashire from Old Photographs
057482: CHANDLER, MICHAEL - An Introduction to the Oxford Movement
056554: CHANDLER, MURRAY - Sicilian 2c3
064074: CHANDLER, JOHN - The Register of John Chandler, Dean of Salisbury, 1404-17
052264: RUSSELL CHANDLER - Doomsday: The End of the World-a View Through Time
041648: CHANDLER, JOHN - Devizes and Central Wiltshire (Wiltshire: A History of Its Landscape and People 2)
041635: CHANDLER, JOHN H. - Marlborough and Eastern Wiltshire
038611: CHANDLER, MICHAEL - The Life and Work of Henry Parry Liddon
033865: CHANDLER, MICHAEL - The Life and Work of Henry Parry Liddon
065844: RCHARD CHANDLER - Travels in Asia Minor and Greece (2 Vols)
050839: CHANDOS, JOHN (ED.) - Examples of Preaching in England from the Act of Supremacy to the Act of Uniformity 1534-1662
031399: CHANDOS, JOHN (ED.) - Examples of Preaching in England from the Act of Supremacy to the Act of Uniformity 1534-1662
019992: CHANDOS, JOHN (ED.) - Examples of Preaching in England from the Act of Supremacy to the Act of Uniformity 1534-1662
064502: CHANEY, DAVID - Fictions of Collective Life: Public Drama in Late Modern Culture
045214: BRIAN-CHANINOV, NICOLAS - The Russian Church
032100: CHAO, PAUL - Chinese Kinship
057239: HESTER W. CHAPMAN - Lady Jane Grey October 1537 - February 1554
069430: CHAPMAN, A. D'ARCY - A Honey-Bee and Her Master
044567: CHAPMAN, A. D'ARCY - A Honey-Bee and Her Master
041938: CHAPMAN, JOHN - Bishop Gore and the Catholic Claims
041440: CHAPMAN, MARGARET - Lancashire Halls
035345: CHAPMAN, RAYMOND (ED.) - Godly and Righteous, Peevish and Perverse: Clergy and Religious in Literature and Letters: An Anthology
034809: CHAPMAN, A. D'ARCY - A Honey-Bee and Her Master
017820: CHAPMAN, JENNIFER - Last Bastion: Women Priests the Case for and Against
051762: MRS CHAPONE - Letters on the Improvement of the Mind Addressed to a Lady with the Life of the Author
065659: T. J. H. CHAPPEL - Decorated Gourds in North-Eastern Nigeria
069723: CHARBONNIER, G. - Conversations with Claude Levi-Strauss
046445: CHARBONNIER, GEORGES - Entretiens Avec Levi-Strauss
069981: TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, PIERRE - Writings in Time of War
035330: TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, PIERRE - Letters from a Traveller
034241: TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, PIERRE - Le Milieu Divin: An Essay on the Interior Life
028999: CHARDIN, PIERRE TEILHARD DE - Letters to Leontine Zanta
060760: CHARLES, R. H. - Lectures on the Apocalypse
070064: MARSHALL, CHARLES & MARSHALL, WILLIAM W. - The Latin Prayer Book of Charles II : An Account of the Liturgia of Dean Durel Together with a Reprint and Translation of the Catechism Theirein Contained with Collations, Annotations and Appendices
068881: R. H. CHARLES - The Book of Enoch
043515: VARLEY, CHARLES & CLARKE, DESMOND - The Unfortunate Husbandman: An Account of the Life and Travels of a Real Farmer in Ireland, Scotland, England and America
040083: ANGELL, CHARLES & LA FONTAINE, CHARLES - Prophet of Reunion: The Life of Paul of Graymoor
038928: CHARLES, R. H. - Lectures on the Apocalypse
064102: MARC PRUYN; LUIS M. HUERTA-CHARLES - Teaching Peter Mclaren: Paths of Dissent
033692: MARSHALL, CHARLES & MARSHALL, WILLIAM W. - The Latin Prayer Book of Charles II : An Account of the Liturgia of Dean Durel Together with a Reprint and Translation of the Catechism Theirein Contained with Collations, Annotations and Appendices
024591: CHARLES, RODGER - Social Teachings of Vatican II: Its Origin and Development--Catholic Social Ethics, an Historical and Comparative Study
066414: J. K. CHARLESWORTH - The Geology of Ireland
052229: M. P. CHARLESWORTH - The Lost Province or the Worth of Britain
045884: CHARLESWORTH, M. P. - The Lost Province or the Worth of Britain
038770: CHARLESWORTH, JAMES H - Jesus Within Judaism New Light from Exciting Archaeological Discoveries
023005: [CHARLESWORTH, MARIA LOUISA] A CLERGYMAN'S DAUGHTER - The Female Visitor to the Poor: Or Records of Female Parochial Visiting
035677: CHARLEY, JULIAN W. - The Anglican-Roman Catholic Agreement on the Eucharist: The 1971 Anglican-Roman Catholic Statement on the Eucharist with an Historical Introduction and Theological Commentary
027057: O'BRIEN, CHARLOTTE & PARKINSON, C. - Wild Flowers of the Undercliff, Isle of Wight
048256: D. G. CHARLTON - New Images of the Natural in France: A Study in European Cultural History 1750-1800
069789: H. B. CHARLTON - Ratseis Ghost, or the Second Part of His Mad Prankes and Robberies
050004: GEORGES CHARRIERE - L'Art Barbare Scythe de la Siberie a la Mer Noire
046494: SIMON R. CHARSLEY - Rites of Marrying: The Wedding Industry in Scotland
059114: UN CHARTREUX - La Grande Chartreuse
052894: UN CHARTREUX - Le Chemin Du Vrai Bonheur
052741: UN CHARTREUX - Vers la Maturite Spirituelle
052721: UN CHARTREUX - La Priere, Entre Combat Et Extase
052705: UN CHARTREUX - Les Richesses de la Pauvrete
063817: CHASE, STEVEN - Contemplation and Compassion: The Victorine Tradition
041171: CHASE, FREDERIC HENRY - The Old Syriac Element in the Text of the Codex Bezae
032975: CHASE, FREDERIC HENRY - The Old Syriac Element in the Text of the Codex Bezae
041721: CHATELAIN, ANDRE - Evolution Des Chateaux Forts Dans la France Au Moyen Age
045341: ALBERT CHATELET - Early Dutch Painting : Painting in the Northern Netherlands in the Fifteenth Century
017873: CHATFIELD, MARK - Churches the Victorians Forgot
019600: CHATTERBOX - Chatterbox
022094: CHATWIN, PHILIP B. (ED.) - The Records of King Edward's School Birmingham Vol V
056971: CHATZIDAKIS, MANOLIS - Mystras; the Medieval City and the Castle; a Complete Guide to the Churches, Palaces and the Castle
070421: CHAUCER (ROBINSON, F. N. ED.) - The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
042342: CHAUCER (ROBINSON, F. N. ED.) - The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
026736: CHAUMEIL, JEAN-LUC - Le Tresor Des Templiers
025194: CHAVCHAVADZE, MARINA (ED.) - Man's Concern with Holiness
037663: CHAVEZ, ANGELICO - The Song of St Francis
018048: CHAZAN, ROBERT; RAPHAEL, MARC LEE - Modern Jewish History: A Source Reader
069516: ROBERT CHEADLE - A History of Ss Mary and Chad Church, Longton
063745: CHEAK, AARON; DALLA VALLE, SABRINA; ZAHRT, JENNIFER - Diaphany: A Journal and Nocturne Volume One
062461: CHEATER, ANGELA P. - Social Anthropology: An Alternative Introduction
070584: ANGELA CHEATER - The Anthropology of Power
065331: PAUL CHEESEWRIGHT - The University of Worcester: An Illustrated History
067572: CHEETHAM, FRANCIS - English Medieval Alabasters with a Catalogue of the Collection in the Victoria and Albert Museum
070318: FRANCIS W. CHEETHAM - Medieval English Alabaster Carvings in the Castle Museum, Nottingham
070920: CHENEY, DOROTHY L.; SEYFARTH, ROBERT M. - How Monkeys See the World: Inside the Mind of Another Species
064256: CHENEY, C. R. - Episcopal Visitation of Monasteries in the Thirteenth Century
051888: CHENEY, C. R. - From Becket to Langton: Church Government 1170-1213
044930: ROBERTA CARKEEK CHENEY - The Big Missouri Winter Count
056019: CHERKOVSKI, NEELI - Bukowski: A Life
066029: J. L.CHERRY - Stafford in Olden Times
055191: J. L. CHERRY; KARL CHERRY - Historical Studies Chiefly Relating to Staffordshire
055063: J. L. CHERRY; KARL CHERRY - Historical Studies Chiefly Relating to Staffordshire
070913: CHERRY, JOHN F. - Mediaeval Decorative Art
065628: CHESI, GERT - The Last Africans
065404: CHESI, GERT; SCHLORHAUFER, DAPHNE - Kunst Der Völker Asien /Afrika. Kunst Und Ritualobjekte. Der Katalog Der Sammlungen IM Haus Der Völker
052484: ROGER CHESNEAU - Aircraft Carriers of the World, 1914 to the Present an Illustrated Encyclopedia
068945: CHESTERTON, G. K. - St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Francis of Assisi
045239: CHESTERTON, G. K. - St. Francis of Assisi
043925: CHESTERTON, G. K. - Club of Queer Trades
042995: CHESTERTON, G. K. - The Crimes of England
043001: CHESTERTON, G. K. - A Short History of England
062998: G. K. CHESTERTON - Wine, Water and Song: Poems
062945: CHESTERTON, G. K. - A Short History of England
022691: CHESTO, KATHLEEN O. - Rituals and Icebreakers: Practical Tools for Forming Community
061597: SIR GEORGE CHETWYND - Racing Reminiscences and Experiences of the Turf
017575: CHETWYND, TOM - Zen & the Kingdom of Heaven: Reflections on the Tradition of Meditation in Christianity and Zen Buddhism
030449: CHEVERTON, EILEEN (ED.) - A Use of Gifts: The Newman Association 1942-1992
046030: GRISWOLD, ALEXANDER B.; KIM, CHEWON & POTT, PETER H. - Art of the World: Burma, Korea, Tibet
059414: WALTER CHEWRING - Letters of Eric Gill
067902: T. K. CHEYNE - The Mines of Isaiah Re-Explored
067900: T. K. CHEYNE - Traditions & Beliefs of Ancient Israel
067842: C. H. H. CHEYNE - The Earth's Motion of Rotation Including the Theory of Precession and Nutation
041296: CHEYNE, GEORGE - An Essay of Health and Long Life
061327: A.C.CHIBNALL - The Certificate of Musters for Buckinghamshire in 1522. [Buckinghamshire Record Society Volume 17] (Publications / Buckinghamshire Record Society)
031673: CHIDESTER, DAVID - Christianity : A Global History
018267: CHIKANE, FRANK - No Life of My Own: An Autobiography
053146: MRS CHILD - The American Frugal Housewife Dedicated to Those Who Are Not Ashamed of Economy
060658: BREVARD S. CHILDS - Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments: Theological Reflection on the Christian Bible
070212: CHILDS, JESSIE - God's Traitors: Terror and Faith in Elizabethan England
036988: CHILDS, JAMES M. - Faith, Formation and Decision: Ethics in the Community of Promise
017909: CHILDS, JAMES, M. - Faithful Conversation: Christian Perspectives on Homosexuality
061770: A. J. FESTUGIERE; C. W. CHILTON - Epicurus and His Gods (Epicure Et Ses Dieux)
060301: CHILTON, BRUCE D. - The Kingdom of God in the Teaching of Jesus
028347: CHILTON, BRUCE - Beginning New Testament Study
022365: CHILTON, BRUCE - Beginning New Testament Study
037160: CHINAS, B. L. - The Isthmus Zapotecs: Women's Roles in Cultural Context
070961: CELESTINE CHINN - Mission San Xavier Del Bac, Tucson 1783
065879: G. A. CHINNERY - Records of the Borough of Leicester Volume V, Hall Books and Papers 1689 - 1835
029004: CHIRICO, PETER - Infallibility: The Crossroads of Doctrine
070647: CHISHOLM, N. G - Response of Some Rural Communities in South-East Ghana to Economic Recession 1982 (Cambridge African Monographs)
035596: CHISNALL, PETER - John Henry Cardinal Newman: A Man of Courage, Confict and Conviction
059354: CHITOUNI - The History of the Copper City
059353: CHITOUNI - Ascension "Customs' Armenian Traditons
043420: CHITTENDEN, RUSSELL, H. - The Nutrition of Man
042683: CHITTISTER, JOAN D. - The Fire in These Ashes: Spirituality of Contemporary Religious Life
029678: CHOCHEYRAS, JACQUES - Ensayo Historico Sobre Santiago En Compotela
068474: CHODKIEWICZ, MICHEL - The Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and Sainthood in the Doctrine of Ibn Arabi (Islamic Texts Society)
050913: STANISLAW. CHOJNACKI - Portare le Icone: Arte E Pietà Religiosa Dell'Etiopia Cristiana
062537: CHOKR, NADER N. - Unlearning: Or How Not to Be Governed?
057343: CHOMSKY, NOAM - Middle East Illusions: Including Peace in the Middle East? Reflections on Justice and Nationhood
070869: NOAM CHOMSKY - Aspects of the Theory of Syntax
066171: CHOY, RENIE CHOW - Ancestral Feeling: Postcolonial Thoughts on Western Christian Heritage
057914: E. K. SARKISIAN; R. G. SAHAKIAN; ELISHA B. CHRAKIAN - Vital Issues in Modern Armenian History: A Documented Expose of Misrepresentations in Turkish Historiography
061065: CHRIMES, S. B., ROSS, C. D., GRIFFITHS, R. A. (EDS) - Fifteenth-Century England, 1399-1509 : Studies in Politics and Society
025486: CHRIMES, S. B., ROSS, C. D., GRIFFITHS, R. A. (EDS) - Fifteenth-Century England, 1399-1509 : Studies in Politics and Society
023634: CHRISTADELPHIAN - Church Unity, Some Candid Comments
062251: CHRISTENSEN, PIA - Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices
027867: CHRISTENSEN, HANNE - Sustaining Afghan Refugees in Pakistan: Report on the Food Situation and Related Aspects
058268: LARRY CHRISTENSON - A Message to the Charismatic Movement
067754: CHRISTESEN, MARIANNE CECILIA; FIELD, SEAN L. - The Sanctity of Louis IX: Early Lives of Saint Louis by Geoffrey of Beaulieu and William of Chartres
057013: CHRISTIAN, WILLIAM A - Oppositions of Religious Doctrines: A Study in the Logic of Dialogue Among Religions
040034: BRATEN, OLE-CHRISTIAN & MYRSETH, OTTAR MIKAEL (EDS) - Motstand & Tilbedelse: Festskrift Til Roald Nikolai Flemestad
040708: BRUSSELMANS, CHRISTIANE & HAGGERTY, BRIAN A. - We Celebrate the Eucharist: Celebrations
064595: CHRISTIANO, KEVIN J. - Religious Diversity and Social Change: American Cities, 1890-1906
053230: CHRISTIE'S - Christie's London Tribal Art 26 June 1995
044896: CHRISTIE'S - Important Tribal Art London 29 June 1994
044892: CHRISTIE'S - Tribal Art Tuesday 24 March 1992
043223: CHRISTIE'S - American Indian Art 13 January 2005
043201: CHRISTIE'S - Paris Art Africain, Oceanien Et Precolombien Decembre 2005
068449: CHRISTIE, CHRISTOPHER - The British Country House in the Eighteenth Century
041498: STACUL, JARO; MOUSTOU, CHRISTINA & KOPNINA, HELEN (EDS) - Crossing European Boundaries: Beyond Conventional Geographical Categories
060899: CHRISTLEIN, RAINER - Die Alamannen. Archäologie Eines Lebendigen Volkes
040509: CHRISTMAN, VICTORIA - Pragmatic Toleration: The Poltics of Religious Heterodoxy in Early Reformation Antwerp 1515-1555
026160: BUCKTON, DAVID; ENTWISTLE, CHRISTOPHER & PRIOR, ROWENA - The Treasury of San Marco, Venice
059656: RICHARD A. CHRISTOPHERS - George Abbot Archbishop of Canterbury 1562 - 1633 a Bibliography
035933: CHRISTOPHERSEN, PAUL - The Ballad of Sir Aldingar, Its Origin and Analogues
028917: CHRISTOU, PANAYOTIS C. (ED.) - Man and World in the History of Salvation
023562: CHRISTOU, PANAGIOTIS C. - Athos the Holy Mountain: History, Life, Treasures
047446: CHRYSOSTOM, JOHN - The Homilies of S. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople on the Statutes, or to the People of Antioch Translated with Notes and Indices
031270: CHRYSOSTOM, FRANK - St Bernard of Clairvaux and the Eastern Christian Tradition
040270: CHRYSOSTOME ( DE MAUCROIX ED.) - Homelies Ou Sermons de Saint Jean Chrysostome Au Peuple D'Antioche, Augmentez En Cette Seconde Edition Des Homelies Sur L'Incomprehensibilitie de Dieu Contre Les Anomeens. .
064015: CHRYSSAVGIS, JOHN - Soul Mending
031345: CHRYSTOMOS - The Holy, Royal Monastery of Kykko Founded with a Cross
024775: CHRYSTOMOS - The Holy, Royal Monastery of Kykko Founded with a Cross
067634: TERRY CHURCH - Lost Cricket and Football Clubs and Grounds in the South of the Black Country
061305: STEPHEN CHURCH - King John: England, Magna Carta and the Making of a Tyrant
064977: ALFRED CHURCH - Lords of the World: A Tale of the Fall of Carthage and Corinth
054371: CHURCH, IAN M.; SAMUELSON, PETER L. - Intellectual Humility: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Science
048353: EPISCOPAL CHURCH - Poposed the Book of Common Prayer According to the Use of the Episcopal Church
045320: CHURCH, R. W. - The Oxford Movement, Twelve Years 1833-1845
044326: AUTHOR OF 'ESSAYS ON THE CHURCH' - A Letter to the Hon. And Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Carlisle
034702: CHURCH, MARY C. (ED.) - Life and Letters of Dean Church
028771: ANGLICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - The Order of Service for the Installation of the Right Reverend Dale David Doren As First Bishop of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic States, Anglican Catholic Church
028220: CHURCH, R. W. (BEST, GEOFFREY ED.) - Oxford Movement Twelve Years, 1833-1845
025214: UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - A Proposed Ordinal with Introduction and Commentary for Official Alternative Use
025101: CHURCH, MARY C. (ED.) - Life and Letters of Dean Church
019393: EPISCOPAL CHURCH - The Book of Common Prayer According to the Use of the Episcopal Church
070437: CHURCHER, C.S. - Athlon: Essays on Palaeontology in Honour of Loris Shano Russell
044212: FRIENDS OF ESSEX CHURCHES - Essex Churches and Chapels: A Select Guide
028906: WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES - Worshipping Ecumenically: Orders of Service from Global Meetings with Suggestions for Local Use
028813: WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES - One Baptism, One Eucharist, and a Mutually Recognized Ministry: Three Agreed Statements
026613: CHURCHILL, J. H. - Finding Communion
058466: A CHURCHMAN - A Few Words to My Fellow Parishoners of Worthing Touching Three Sermons Lately Published by Rev. F. Cruse, Vicar of Christ Church
051878: MANUELA CHURRUCA - Influjo Oriental En Los Temas Iconograficos de la Miniatura Espanola Siglos X Al XII
060581: EDWARD CHURTON - The Early English Church
058483: H. B. W. CHURTON - A Sermon Preached in Chichester Cathedral on Sunday, October 18th, 1866 ''Will a Man Rob God''
035568: CHURTON, TOBIAS - The Gnostics
034045: CHURTON, EDWARD - Memoir of Joshua Watson
053833: JACK CIANCIO - Where Christ Presides: A Quaker Perspective on Moral Discernment
066547: CICERO (PETERSON, GUILELMUS ED.) - M. Tulli Ciceronis: Orationes Divinatio in Q. Caecilium; in C. Verrem
035649: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS - Hortensius; Lucullus; Academici Libri
061578: CICERONIS (R. G. AUSTIN ED.) - M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro M. Caelio Oratio
062782: CICERONIS (R. G. AUSTIN ED.) - M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro M. Caelio Oratio
068093: C. CICOGNANI (ED.) - Officium Hebdomadae Sanctae Et Octavae Paschae Iuxta Ordinem Hebdomadae Sanctae Instauratum Et Rubricas Ad Simpliciorem Formam Redactas Editum
040022: CIEL - The Veneration & Administration of the Eucharist: Proceedings of the Second International Colloquium of Historical, Carmical & Theological Studies on the Roman Catholic Liturgy
024071: CIEL - The Veneration & Administration of the Eucharist: Proceedings of the Second International Colloquium of Historical, Carmical & Theological Studies on the Roman Catholic Liturgy
043829: CIMOK, FATIH - Cappadocia
062221: RALPH CINTRON - Angel's Town: Chero Ways, Gang Life and Rhetorics of the Everyday
025327: CIOLAN, MACARIE - Manastirea Secu
069873: CIORAN, E. M. - The Temptation to Exist
062420: ROBERTO CIPRIANI (ED.) - Religions Sans Frontieres: Present and Future Trends of Migration, Culture and Communication
019125: CIPRIANI, ROBERTO - Religions Sans Frontieres? Present and Future Trends of Migration, Culture, and Communication
055560: AN OLD CITIZEN - The Book of the Fancy Fair with a New History of Glasgow and Account of the Hospital
023177: CIUPA, KARINE - L'Ame Et L'Espirit, Soul and Spirit
029504: CLABOUGH, CASEY - Inhabiting Contemporary Southern and Appalachian Literature: Region and Place in the Twenty-First Century
063594: MARSHALL CLAGETT - Archimedes in the Middle Ages: Volume Four a Supplement on the Medieval Latin Traditions of Conic Sections (1150-1566)
041353: CLAMMER, JOHN - Anthropology and Political Economy: Theoretical and Asian Perspectives
031368: CLANCEY, P. A. - Gamebirds of South Africa: Being a Guide to All the Major Sporting Birds of Africa South of the Cunene, Okavango and Zambezi Rivers
061817: RICHARD CLAPHAM - The Book of the Otter a Manual for Sportsmen and Naturalists
055351: RICHARD CLAPHAM - The Book of the Otter a Manual for Sportsmen and Naturalists
036125: CLAPHAM, A. W. - English Romanesque Architecture [Before] After the Conquest
027127: CLAPHAM, A. R. (ED.) - Flora of Derbyshire
036347: CLAPP, RODNEY - Families at the Crossroads: Beyond Traditional and Modern Options
028085: CLAPP, SUSANNAH - With Chatwin: Portrait of a Writer
039525: CLARE, MARY - Prayer: Encountering the Depths
037999: MARY CLARE - Silence and Prayer: A Paper Read at a Conference for Clergy in Winchester Diocese
037998: MARY CLARE - Learning to Pray
069499: CLARE, JOHN - The Shepherd's Calendar
030800: CLARENDON, EDWARD - The Life of Edward Earl of Clarendon, Containing I. An Account of the Chancellor's Life from Birth to the Restoration in 1660 II. A Continuation of the Same and of His History of the Grand Rebellion from Restoration to Banishment in 1667
068231: CLARI, ROBERT OF - The Conquest of Constantinople
056578: JOHN OSBORNE; AMANDA CLARIDGE - Early Christian and Medieval Antiquities: 2 Vols (Vol. 1) Mosaics and Wall Paintings in Roman Churches (Vol. 2) Other Mosaics, Paintings, Sarcophagi and Small Objects
067796: JOHN CLARK - The Chartae of the Carthusian General Chapter Ms Parkminster B 62 (1504-1513) 2 Vols Set
061728: W. W. HOW; A. C. CLARK - Cicero Select Letters with Historical Introductions Notes and Appendices Volume II: Notes
065289: M. TULLI CICERONIS; A. C. CLARK - Ciceronis: Orationes Pro Tullio; Pro Fonteio; Pro Sulla; Pro Archia; Pro Plancio; Pro Scavro
061187: CLARK, LINDA (ED.) - The Fifteenth Century III: Authority and Subversion
060322: CLARK, STEPHEN R. L. - God, Religion and Reality
060189: CLARK, VICTORIA - Why Angels Fall: A Portrait of Orthodox Europe
068536: TOBY BARNARD; JANE CLARK - Lord Burlington: Architecture, Art and Life
059391: J. W. CLARK - Cambridge
059235: JAMES M. CLARK - Meister Eckhart an Introduction to the Study of His Works with an Anthology of His Sermons
071047: CLARK, J.E.; YALLOP, COLIN - An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
053851: CLARK, STEPHEN R. L. - The Nature of the Beast: Are Animals Moral?
053838: CLARK, STEPHEN R. L - The Mysteries of Religion: An Introduction to Philosophy Through Religion
065439: ROGER SUMMERS; ELIZABETH GOODALL; C. K. COOKE; J. DESMOND CLARK - Prehistoric Rock Art of the Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland
065225: CLARK, THEKLA - Wystan and Chester: A Personal Memoir of W.H. Auden and Chester Kallman
049938: AMANDA C. R. CLARK - China's Last Jesuit: Charles J. Mccarthy and the End of the Mission in Catholic Shanghai
049297: NEVILLE WHITTAKER; URSULA CLARK - Historic Architecture of County Durham
048908: JONATHAN CLARK - The Republic of Heaven: A Catholic-Anglican Future
048634: GRAHAME CLARK - Space, Time and Man: A Prehistorian's View
069456: CLARK, ROBERT THOMAS RUNDLE - Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt
045968: STILLMAN, CLARK & STILLMAN, FRANCES - The Clark and Frances Stillman Collection of Congo Sculpture
044619: CLARK, THOMAS (ED.) - The Union Tune Book, a Selection of Pslam and Hymn Tunes Suitable for Use in Congregations and Sunday Schools Treble and Bass Parts
041052: CLARK, VICTORIA - Holy Fire: The Battle for Christ's Tomb
037802: CLARK, NEVILLE - Call to Worship
037080: CLARK, DAVID B. - Basic Communities: Towards an Alternative Society
065270: Q. ASCONII PEDIANI; A. C. CLARK - Orationum Ciceronis Quinque Enarratio
033895: CLARK, JOHN WILLIS - The Observances in Use at the Augustinian Priory of S. Giles and S. Andrew at Barnwell, Cambridgeshire
070979: JOHN CLARK - The Chartae of the Carthusaiun Genereal Chapter, Lambeth Palace Ms 413 Part 4
021001: CLARK, DAVID - The Liberation of the Church; the Role of Basic Christian Groups in a New Re-Formation
020073: CLARK, GRAHAME - Prehistoric England
065172: CLARK, STEPHEN R L - How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy
017424: CLARK, S. H. - Paul Ricoeur
063718: CLARKE, JOHN J. - In Search of Jung: Historical and Philosophical Enquiries
060967: CLARKE, PETER D.; ZUTSHI, PATRICK N.R. - Supplications from England and Wales in the Registers of the Apostolic Penitentiary, 1410-1503: Volume II: 1464-1492 (Canterbury & York Society) (Volume 104)
059848: ANTHONY CLARKE - Bound for Glory? God, Church and World in Covenant
068200: A. W. HUGHES CLARKE - Monumental Inscriptions in the Church and Churchyard of St. Mary's, Wimbledon
059704: CLARKE, ANTHONY - A Cry in the Darkness: The Forsakenness of Jesus in Scripture, Theology and Experience
065619: CLARKE, DUNCAN - African Hats and Jewellery
058710: J. ERSKINE CLARKE (ED.) - Parish Magazine 1870
065491: COURTNEY-CLARKE, MARGARET - Ndebele: The Art of an African Tribe
063735: CLARKE, J. J. - Jung and Eastern Thought: A Dialogue with the Orient
057089: CLARKE, M. L. - Paley: Evidences for the Man
056937: CLARKE, PETER D.; ZUTSHI, PATRICK N.R. - Supplications from England and Wales in the Registers of the Apostolic Penitentiary, 1410-1503: Volume I: 1410-1464 (103) (Canterbury & York Society)
056527: CLARKE, BASIL F. L. - Parish Churches of London
055356: CLARKE, BASIL F. L. - The Building of the Eighteenth Century Church
055346: CLARKE, B. F. L. - Church Builders of the Nineteenth Century, a Study of the Gothic Revival in England
052085: PETER D. CLARKE - The University and College Libraries of Cambridge
064163: CLARKE, CHRIS - Knowing, Doing, and Being: New Foundations for Consciousness Studies
064160: CLARKE, CHRIS - Wisdon and Isness
049800: GILLIAN CLARKE - Ten Poems from Wales: Fourteen Centuries of Verse
067691: CLARKE, G. N. - The Seventeenth Century
048701: W. HAROLD GRANT; MARY MAGDALA THOMPSON; THOMAS E. CLARKE - From Image to Likeness: A Jungian Path in the Gospel Journey
048507: CLARKE, ELINORA - Vigil: A Book of Catholic Verse
048277: J. WRIGHT CLARKE - Plumbing Practice
046495: PETER B. CLARKE - New Religions in Global Perspective: A Study of Religious Change in the Modern World
045505: CLARKE, BASIL F. L. - The Building of the Eighteenth Century Church
044057: CLARKE, F. L. - George Stephenson: His Life and Career
064241: PETER D. CLARKE - Owen's Historical Essays in Honour of Professor Jeffrey H. Denton Bulletin of the John Rylands Univversity Library of Manchester
068432: G. B. CLARKE - Descriptions of Lord Cobham's Gardens at Stowe (1700-1750) (Buckinghamshire Record Society 26)
063794: CLARKE, PETER D.; QUESTIER, MICHAEL - Papal Authority and the Limits of the Law in Tudor England
017008: CLARKE, G. N. - The Seventeenth Century
032800: CLARKE, M. L. - Paley: Evidences for the Man
065537: P. H. CLARKE - 100 Soviet Chess Miniatures
028141: CLARKE, BASIL F. L. - The Building of the Eighteenth Century Church
027620: CLARKE, M. L. - Paley: Evidences for the Man
026328: CLARKE, B. F. L. - Church Builders of the Nineteenth Century, a Study of the Gothic Revival in England.
025991: CLARKE, BASIL F. L. - Parish Churches of London
025193: CLARKE, B. F. L. - Church Builders of the Nineteenth Century, a Study of the Gothic Revival in England.
023734: CLARKE, BASIL F. L. - The Building of the Eighteenth Century Church
020946: CLARKE, RICHARD F. - Cardinal Lavigerie and the African Slave Trade
020935: CLARKE, RICHARD F. - A Pilgrimage to the Holy Coat of Treves, with an Account of Its History and Authenticity.
067576: CLARKE, BASIL - Mental Disorder in Earlier Britain: Exploratory Studies
046033: CLARKSON, THOMAS - Memoirs of the Private and Public Life of William Penn
040218: CLARKSON, TOM - The Wounded
028114: CLARKSON, TOM - The Wounded
067986: CLASSEN, ALBRECHT - Meeting the Foreign in the Middle Ages (Medieval Casebooks)
056862: AN ADDRESS TO ALL CLASSES AND CONDITIONS OF ENGLISHMEN - [Henry Pelham-Clinton] Duke of Newcastle
070708: CLASTRES, PIERRE - Chronicle of the Guayaki Indians
058926: MICHEL HENRY-CLAUDE - Principles and Elements of Medieval Church Architecture of Western Europe
062491: CLAUSEN, IAN - On Love, Confession, Surrender and the Moral Self (Reading Augustine)
049400: CHARLES TRAVIS CLAY (ED.) - York Minster Fasti Being Notes on the Dignitaries, Archdeacons and Prebendaries in the Church of York Prior to the Year 1307 Vol II
049399: CHARLES TRAVIS CLAY (ED.) - York Minster Fasti Being Notes on the Dignitaries, Archdeacons and Prebendaries in the Church of York Prior to the Year 1307 Vol. I
065117: ARNOLD CLAY - Celtic Saints; Their Lives and Legacy
16692: CLAYTON, MURIEL - Catalogue of Rubbings of Brasses and Incised Slabs Classified and Arranged in Chronological Order
046956: JOHN CLAYTON - Ernst Troeltsch and the Future of Theology
044816: CLAYTON, MURIEL - Catalogue of Rubbings of Brasses and Incised Slabs
042586: FEAVER, J. CLAYTON & HOROSZ, WILLIAM - Religion in Philosophical and Cultural Perspective
038709: CLAYTON, MURIEL - Catalogue of Rubbings of Brasses and Incised Slabs Classified and Arranged in Chronological Order
030435: CLEAL, EDWARD E. - The Story of Congregationalism in Surrey
058681: THOMAS CLEARY - Code of the Samurai: A Modern Translation of the Bushido Shoshinshu of Taira Shigesuke
050938: DENIS CLEARY - Antonio Rosmini: Introduction to His Life and Teaching
049922: LAURA CLEAVER - Writing History in the Anglo-Norman World: Manuscripts, Makers and Readers, C. 1066-C. 1250 (Writing History in the Middle Ages)
054973: CLEGG, JUSTIN - The Medieval Church in Manuscripts
027159: CLEMANCE, CLEMENT - Church Claims Tested. The Unity of the Church. Two Sermons on Topics Suggested by the Church Congress at Nottingham
064013: CLEMENT, OILVIER - You Are Peter: An Orthodox Theologian's Reflection on the Exercise of Papal Primacy
060834: BENJAMIN CLEMENT - Sermons on Several Subjects and Occasions
029843: CLEMENT, OLIVIER - The Roots of Christian Mysticism: Text and Commentary
059917: R. E. CLEMENTS - Prophecy and Covenant
059916: CLEMENTS, R. E - Old Testament Theology: A Fresh Approach
059803: CLEMENTS, K.W. - Baptists in the Twentieth Century: Summer School Papers
059495: CLEMENTS, KEITH - Look Back in Hope: An Ecumenical Life
069291: JACOB CLEMENTS - The Reform of Convocation: A Paper Read at the Church Congress, Exeter 1894
050283: RONALD E. CLEMENTS - The World of Ancient Israel: Sociological, Anthropological and Political Perspectives
047703: KEITH W. (ED.) CLEMENTS - Friederich Schleiermacher: Pioneer of Modern Theology
069828: KEITH CLEMENTS - Friederich Schleiermacher: Pioneer of Modern Theology
036625: CLEMENTS, KEITH - Learning to Speak: The Church's Voice in Public Affairs
030588: CLEMENTS, PATRICIA - Sticky Dewi
023620: CLEMENTS, KEITH W. - What Freedom? the Persistent Challenge of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
16681: CLEMINSON, RALPH - A Union Catalogue of Cyrillic Manuscripts in British and Irish Collections, the Anne Pennington Catalogue
070559: CLEMMONS, JANINE R.; BUCHHOLZ, RICHARD - Behavioral Approaches to Conservation in the Wild
058869: CLEMOES, PETER - Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 9
070485: CLENDINNEN, INGA - Dancing with Strangers the True History of the Meeting of the British First Fleet and the Aboriginal Australians 1788
021371: DE CLERCQ, E. P. L. - De Bakongo in Hun Taal
068970: THE CATHEDRAL CLERGY - A History of St Chad's Cathedral Birmingham 1841-1904
031320: CLERICUS - Reply to the Letters of the Rev. G.S. Faber
031864: TWO CLERKS - The Epistle to the Hebrews: An Experiment in Conservative Revision
059415: D. R. VENABLES; R. E. CLIFFORD - Academic Dress of the University of Oxford
049913: ALAN C. CLIFFORD - Richard Baxter: The Gospel Truth
043781: THE BISHOP OF CLIFTON [CLIFFORD, W. H. J.] - Remarks on the Encyclical of December 8, 1864
042376: CLIFFORD, PAULA - Inversion of the Subject in French Narrative Prose from 1500 to the Present Day
016785: CLIFFORD, PAUL ROWNTREE - Interpreting Human Experience: A Philosophical Prologue to Theology
031266: CLIFTON, JAMES - The Body of Christ in the Art of Europe and New Spain, 1150-1800
065909: GEORGE CLINCH - English Costume from Prehistoric Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century
033191: CLINE, SALLY - Radclyffe Hall : A Woman Called John
032760: CLINE, SALLY - Lifting the Taboo : Women, Death and Dying
059661: CLINEBELL, HOWARD - Basic Types of Pastoral Care and Counselling: Resources for the Ministry of Healing and Growth
050434: DAVID J. A. CLINES - The Poetical Books: A Sheffield Reader (Biblical Seminar)
066715: CLINTON, HILLARY RODHAM - What Happened
047856: CLISSOLD, STEPHEN - The Barbary Slaves
044982: STEPHEN CLISSOLD - Saints of South America
037673: CLISSOLD, STEPHEN - The Wisdom of St Francis and His Companions
029151: CLISSOLD, STEPHEN - The Barbary Slaves
038356: CLIVE, JOHN - Macaulay: The Shaping of the Historian
031558: MARSH, CLIVE & ORTIZ, GAYE (EDS) - Explorations in Theology and Film: Movies and Meaning
066092: STUART CLOETE - The African Giant: The Story of a Journey
057471: CLOGG, RICHARD - A Short History of Modern Greece
045696: RICHARD CLOGG - Politics and the Academy: Arnold Toynbee and the Koraes Chair
062222: CLOKE, PAUL; LITTLE, JO - Contested Countryside Cultures: Rurality and Socio-Cultural Marginalisation
064022: CLOONEY, FRANCIS X. - Beyond Compare: St. Francis de Sales and Sri Vedanta Desika on Loving Surrender to God
062886: CLOONEY, FRANCIS X. - Seeing Through Texts: Doing Theology Among the Srivaisnavas of South India
062910: CLOONEY, FRANCIS X. - His Hiding Place Is Darkness: A Hindu-Catholic Theopoetics of Divine Absence
062925: CASULLERAS CLOSA, JOSEP - La Astrología de Los Matemáticos la Mathematics Aplicada a la Astrologia a Traves de la Obra de Ibn Muad de Jaen
058634: FRANCIS CLOSE - Auricular Confession and Priestly Absolution Tested by Scripture, by Antiquity and by the Formularies of the Church of England Being Three Sermons Preached in Carlisle Cathedral,
058314: FRANCIS CLOSE - The Catholic Revival or Ritualism and Romanism in the Church of England Illustrated from the Church and the World a Paper at the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Union for the Diocese of Carlisle
031371: CLOUSTON, K. WARREN - The Chippendale Period in English Furniture
030291: CLOUSTON, D. - From the Orcades to Ind
053121: MARGUERITE VAN BERCHEM; ETIENNE CLOUZOT - Mosaiques Chretiennes Du Ivme Au Xme Siecle
066343: ALCUIN CLUB - A Directory of Ceremonial, Part II : (Seasons)
059071: WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB - Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club Herefordshire Volume 53 2005
059070: WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB - Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club Herefordshire Volume L 2001 Part I and Part II and Part III
059069: WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB - Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club Herefordshire Volume XLII 1977 Part II
059068: WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB - Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club Herefordshire Volume 51 2003
059067: WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB - Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club 1886, 1889
059064: WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB - Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911
059063: WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB - Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club 1898, 1899
059059: WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB - Herefordshire Its Natural History, Archaeology, and History. Chapters Written to Celebrate the Centenary of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club
057816: ALCUIN CLUB - A Directory of Ceremonial Part II
056252: ARCHITECTURE CLUB - Recent English Architecture 1920-1940
064401: WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB - Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club 1886 1887 1888 1889
065811: ALCUIN CLUB - A Server's Manual for the Holy Communion
065813: ALCUIN CLUB - A Server's Manual for the Holy Communion
028721: ALCUIN CLUB - Memorial Services Extracted from 'a Prayer-Book Revised' As Issued in 1913
028131: THE PUG DOG CLUB - The Pug Dog Club, Handbook for 1968
057124: CLUTTERBUCK, IVAN - Marginal Catholics: Anglo-Catholicism a Further Chapter of Modern Church History
043265: CLUTTERBUCK, IVAN - Marginal Catholics: Anglo-Catholicism a Further Chapter of Modern Church History
040078: CLUTTERBUCK, IVAN - According to Luke: A Gospel for a New Millennium
034537: CLUTTERBUCK, IVAN - Marginal Catholics: Anglo-Catholicism a Further Chapter of Modern Church History
032646: CLUTTERBUCK, IVAN - Marginal Catholics: Anglo-Catholicism a Further Chapter of Modern Church History
031228: CLUTTERBUCK, IVAN - Marginal Catholics: Anglo-Catholicism a Further Chapter of Modern Church History
067874: MEDICINE AND HEALTH PUBLISHING CO - The Manual of China's Current Acupuncture Therapy
067847: DAVIS COAKLEY - Robert Graves: Evangelist of Clinical Medicine
041139: COAKLEY, J. F. - A Catalogue of the Syriac Manuscripts in the John Rylands Library
017808: COATE - Sin Guilt and Forgiveness
063698: COBB, NOEL - Archetypal Imagination: Glimpses of the Gods in Life and Art
035915: COBB, GERARD FRANCIS - Separation Not Schism, a Plea for the Position of Anglican Reunionists
033135: COBB, GERARD FRANCIS - The Kiss of Peace: Or England and Rome at One on the Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist, an Essay in Two Parts Together with a Sequel or Answer to Criticisms on the Same
032878: COBB, PETER - Doctor Pusey
061099: ALAN B. COBBAN - The King's Hall Within the University of Cambridge in the Later Middle Ages
060998: COBBING, BERYL; PRIESTLAND, PAMELA - Sir Thomas Stanhope of Shelford: Local Life in Elizabethan Times
049563: A. COBOS - Eucnemidae Del Musee Royal Du Congo Belge (Coleoptera)
052190: J. S. COCKBURN - Western Circuit Assize Orders 1629-1648, a Calendar
035048: COCKSHUTT, A. O. J. (ED.) - Religious Controversies of the Nineteenth Century: Selected Documents
056384: R. H. CONNOLLY; H. W. CODRINGTON - Two Commentaries on the Jacobite Liturgy by George Bishop of the Arab Tribes and Moses Bar Kepha: Together with the Syriac Anaphora of St James and a Document Entitled the Book of Life
068806: CODRINGTON, THOMAS - Roman Roads in Britain
052612: CATI COE - Dilemmas of Culture in African Schools: Youth, Nationalism, and the Transformation of Knowledge
16751: COE, RALPH T. - Sacred Circles; Two Thousand Years of North American Indian Art
069686: COEDES, GEORGE - Angkor
062013: IVO COELHO - Brahman & Person: Essays by Richard de Smet
037667: COELHO, CHRISTOPHER - A New Kind of Fool: Meditations on St. Francis
026893: COELHO, PAULO - Pelerin de Compostelle
023888: COFFEY, GEORGE - Guide to the Celtic Antiquities of the Christian Period Preserved in the National Museum, Dublin
047658: DAVID COGHLAN - Renewing Apostolic Religious Life
064002: COHEN, RICHARD A.; MARSH, JAMES L. - Ricoeur As Another: The Ethics of Subjectivity (Suny Series in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences)
068027: COHEN, MEREDITH; FIRNHABER-BAKER, JUSTINE - Difference and Identity in Francia and Medieval France
064069: COHEN, JOSH - How to Live. What to Do. : In Search of Ourselves in Life and Literature
063947: ARTHUR A. COHEN - The Natural and the Supernatural Jew: An Historical and Theological Introduction
052869: A. COHEN - The Five Megilloth
051487: COHEN, ABNER - Custom and Politics in Urban Africa: A Study of Hausa Migrants in Yoruba Towns
070833: STANLEY COHEN - The Manufacture of News: Social Problems, Deviance and the Mass Media
063969: JOSH COHEN - Not Working: Why We Have to Stop
046527: ABNER COHEN - Two Dimensional Man: An Essay on the Anthropology of Power and Symbolism in Complex Society
062711: COHEN, D.W.; ODHIAMBO, E.S. ATIENO - Siaya: The Historical Anthropology of an African Landscape
035138: COHEN, A. - Everyman's Talmud
067118: COHEN, ROBIN - Migration: The Movement of Humankind from Prehistory to the Present
032132: COHEN, ABNER - Custom and Politics in Urban Africa: A Study of Hausa Migrants in Yoruba Towns
030018: COHEN, STEPHEN D. - Cowboys and Samurai : Why the U.S. Is Losing the Battle with the Japanese and Why It Matters
063041: COHEN, A. - The Twelve Prophets
019128: COHEN, ABNER - Arab Border-Villages in Israel: A Study of Continuity and Change in Social Organization
019047: COHEN, YEHUDA - Why Religion?
028112: COHN, NIK - The Heart of the World
022572: COIT, STANTON - National Idealism and the Book of Common Prayer, an Essay in Re-Interpretation and Revision
052577: ANDREAS EDWARD COKAYNE - Illustrated Handbook to Bakewell and Its Vicinity: A Day in the Peak Being a Brief Description of Bakewell Church, Haddon Hall and Chatsworth with Some Mention of Places in the Immediate Neighbourhood
033579: COKE, THOMAS (VICKERS, JOHN A. ED.) - The Letters of Dr Thomas Coke
070067: COLCHESTER, W.E - Hampshire Church Bells: Their Founders and Inscriptions
054086: SVAVA BJARNASON; PATRICK COLDSTREAM - The Idea of Engagement: Universities in Society
065403: COLE, HERBERT M. - Icons: Ideals and Power in the Art of Africa
055662: JOHN C. VAN DYKE; TIMOTHY COLE - Old Dutch and Flemish Masters
052271: CHARLES AUGUSTUS COLE - Memorials of Henry the Fifth, King of England: I. Vita Henrici Quinti II. Versus Rhythmici III. Elmhami Liber
052012: R. LEE COLE - History of Methodism in Ireland (Volume IV) One Methodist Church
049578: DRUSILLA COLE - Textiles Now
070977: COLE, JENNIFER S.; KISSEBERTH, CHARLES - Perspectives in Phonology
067210: COLEGATE, ISABEL - A Pelican in the Wilderness : Hermits, Solitaries and Recluses
059296: COLEMAN, A. P. - A Special Corps: The Beginnings of Gorkha Service with the British
070527: COLEMAN, DAVID; SCHOFIELD, ROGER - The State of Population Theory: Forward from Malthus
046864: COLEMAN, LEIGHTON - The Church in America
042461: COLEMAN, DELPHINE - Kingstone: The Story of a Herefordshire Village from Domesday to the Present Time
042107: COLEMAN, GERALD - Homosexuality: Catholic Teaching and Pastoral Practice
039970: COLEMAN, B. I. - The Church of England in the Mid-Nineteenth Century: A Social Geography
036853: COLEMAN, B. I. - The Church of England in the Mid-Nineteenth Century: A Social Geography
021434: COLEMAN, BRUCE IVOR - The Idea of the City in Nineteenth-Century Britain
069730: COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR (JOHN MORROW ED.) - Coleridge's Writings, Volume 1: On Politics and Society
029318: COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR - Specimens of Table Talk
069704: COLERIDGE, S. - Coleridge's Writings on Religion and Psychology
060713: COLES, BRYONY; COLES, JOHN M. - People of the Wetlands: Bogs, Bodies and Lake-Dwellers
060565: COLES, RICHARD - Fathomless Riches: Or How I Went from Pop to Pulpit
052428: ROBERT COLES - The Political Life of Children
027397: COLES, BRYONY - Anthropology for Archaeologists: An Introduction
027341: COLES, BRYONY (ED.) - The Wetland Revolution in Prehistory: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the Prehistoric Society and Warp at the University of Exeter, April, 1991
022576: COLES, ROBERT - The Spiritual Life of Children
030971: COLEY, MAY - Wild Flower Preservation: A Collector's Guide
043874: COLIJN, H. - Neerlands Indie: Land En Volk, Geschiedenis En Bestuur, Bedrijf En Samenleving. . 2 Vols
068113: PLATT, COLIN & RICHARD COLEMAN-SMITH - Excavations in Medieval Southampton, 1953-1969. 2 Volumes Volume I the Excavation Reports Volume II the Finds
036082: BARTHOLOMEW, CRAIG; GREENE, COLIN & MOLLER, KARL (EDS) - Renewing Biblical Interpretation
057624: COLISH, MARCIA L. - Studies in Scholasticism
029819: COLLANGE, JEAN-FRANCOIS - Epistle of Saint Paul to the Philippians
067592: COLLARD, FRANCK; SAMAMA, EVELYNE - Handicaps Et Sociétés Dans L'Histoire: L'Estropié, L'Aveugle Et le Paralytique de L'Antiquité Aux Temps Modernes (French Edition)
028078: COLLARD, CYRIL - Savage Nights
065285: COLLECTIF - Dictionnaire Des Eglises de France IV C Paris Et Ses Environs
064699: COLLECTIF - Rencontres Internationales de Bouake: Les Religions Africaines Traditionnelles
066287: COLLECTIF - Dictionnaire Des Eglises de France Iib Auvergne, Limousin, Bourbonnais
066288: COLLECTIF - Dictionnaire Des Eglises de France Iid Alpes, Provence, Corse
066289: COLLECTIF - Dictionnaire Des Eglises de France IIC Cevennes, Languedoc, Rousillon
065286: COLLECTIF - Dictionnaire Des Eglises de France V B Champagne, Flandre, Artois, Picardie
057778: COLLECTIF - L'Art Armenien de L'Ourartou a Nos Jours
065262: COLLECTIF - Dictionnaire Des Eglises de France Iiib Guyenne
067672: COLLECTIF - Nouvelle Histoire Du Moyen Age
056386: COLLECTIF - Chine : Tresors Du Quotidien
064614: COLLECTIF - Gestes Et Paroles Dans Les Diverses Familles Liturgiques
055080: COLLECTIF - Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale Xe-Xiie Siecles Iie Annee No 2
055077: COLLECTIF - Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale Xe-Xiie Siecles Ire Annee No 2
055078: COLLECTIF - Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale Xe-Xiie Siecles Ire Annee No 3
055076: COLLECTIF - Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale Xe-Xiie Siecles Ire Annee No 4
053042: COLLECTIF - Terrain, N° 45, Septembre 200 : L'Argent En Famille
052766: COLLECTIF - Piete Populaire En Namurois
052765: COLLECTIF - Traditions Et Saints de L'Ete
052764: COLLECTIF - Traditions Et Saints Du Printemps
052763: COLLECTIF - Trésors D'Ardenne. Art Religieux Et Croyances Populaires En Ardenne Et Luxembourg
052756: COLLECTIF - Geneses N. 66 - Esclavage Et Droit
052742: COLLECTIF - Naitre Autrefois: Rites Et Folklore de la Naissance En Ardenne Et Luxembourg
052736: COLLECTIF - Beau Dimanches D'Autrefois: Orfevrerie Et Ornements Liturgiques Dans la Province de Luxembourg
052728: COLLECTIF - Les Vivants Et Leurs Morts: Art, Croyances Et Rites Funeraires Dans L'Ardenne D'Autrefois
067570: COLLECTIF - Le Beau Et le Laid Au Moyen âge
050917: COLLECTIF - Au Fil de la Parole
048048: COLLECTIF - Les Heures Monastiques Latin-Francais L'Abbaye Saint Pierre de Solesmes 4 Laudes & Vepres Des Fetes
048047: COLLECTIF - Les Heures Monastiques Latin-Francais L'Abbaye Saint Pierre de Solesmes 3 Vepres Au Temps Ordinaire
065263: COLLECTIF - Dictionnaire Des Eglises de France Iia Bourgogne, Nivernais, Lyonnias
043689: COLLECTIF - Dictionnaire Des Eglises de France Ivd Ile-de-France
043448: COLLECTIF - Masterpieces from the Musee Du Quai Branly Collections
065287: COLLECTIF - Dictionnaire Des Eglises de France III a Pyrenees, Gascogne
065264: COLLECTIF - Dictionnaire Des Eglises de France Iiid Val-de-Loire, Berry
065265: COLLECTIF - Dictionnaire Des Eglises de France Ivd Ile-de-France
065266: COLLECTIF - Dictionnaire Des Eglises de France V a Alsace, Lorraine, Franche-Comte
065267: COLLECTIF - Dictionnaire Des Eglises de France IIIC Poitou, Saintonge, Angoumois
065268: COLLECTIF - Dictionnaire Des Eglises de France Ivb Normandie
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