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066568: THOMAS COOK & SON - The Traveller's Handbook for Holland
055740: WEMYSS-COOKE, JACK - Primulas, Old and New: Auriculas, Primulas, Primroses, Polyanthus
055219: WILLIAM COOKE - The College or Chantry of Denston
049173: COOKE, WILLIAM; WORDSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER - Ordinale Sarum Sive Directorium Sacerdotum (2 Vols)
029160: COOKE, KATHARINE - Coleridge
065380: COOKE, BERNARD J. - Christian Marriage (Volume 5) (Alternative Futures for Worship)
069473: WILLIAM COOKSON (ED.) - Agenda: Special Issue on Myth
069509: WILLIAM COOKSON (ED.) - Agenda David Jones Special Issue
044348: COOMBES, WILLIAM HENRY - The Life of St Francis of Sales Bishop and Prince of Geneva Founder of the Order of the Visitation
031076: COOMBS, JOYCE - George Anthony Denison, the Firebrand 1805-1896
028076: COOMBS, JOYCE - Judgement on Hatcham, the History of a Religious Struggle, 1877-1886
061917: COOPER, TERRY D. - Paul Tillich and Psychology: Historic and Contemporary Explorations in Theology, Psychotherapy, and Ethics
058554: JULIAN COOPER - Heaton Cooper: A Family of Artists 1863-2012
064877: DOUGLAS COOPER - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
057815: COOPER, T. (GOODE, WILLIAM ED.) - An Answer in Defence of the Truth Against the Apology of Private Mass
057308: THOMAS COOPER - An Admonition to the People of England Against Martin Mar-Prelate
056957: COOPER, FRANK - Chevington: A Social Chronicle of a Suffolk Village
055723: DOUGLAS COOPER - Braque: The Arts Council of Great Britain 1956 Catalogue Tate Gallery September-November 1956
065584: JEREMY COOPER - The Birkenhead Della Robbia Pottery 1893 to 1906
049461: ARTHUR G. COOPER - Brachiopods from the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Waters
046796: COOPER, W. DONALD - The Portsmouth Papers: Methodism in Portsmouth 1750-1932
045335: TREVOR COOPER - How Do We Keep Our Parish Churches?
044786: JOHN L. SOMER; BARBARA ECK COOPER - American and British Literature, 1945-1975: An Annotated Bibliography of Contemporary Scholarship
043411: COOPER, N. H. (ED.) - The Nottingham Area
064518: COOPER, PAUL C. - Into the Mountain Stream: Psychotherapy and Buddhist Experience
067472: FRANCES M. M. COOPER - The Life of Richard Rolle Together with an Edition of His English Lyrics
034176: COOPER, WIREMU (ED.) - Taonga Maori a Spiritual Journey Expressed Through Maori Art
070000: COOPER, DAVE - The Staffordshire Regiments: "Knotted Together" Imperial, Regular and Volunteer 1705-1919
070757: COOPER, HELEN - Structure of the Canterbury Tales
022145: COOPER, BARBARA M. - Evangelical Christians in the Muslim Sahel
068008: G. W. COOPLAND - Nicole Oresme and the Astrologers a Study of His Livre de Divinacions
066700: OLIVER GOLDSMITH; CHARLES COOTE - The History of England from the Earliest Times to the Death of George the Second with a Continuation to the Treaty of Amiens
062235: COPE, GILBERT (ED.) - Dying, Death and Disposal
036118: COPE, GILBERT (ED.) - Problem Churches
034679: COPE, GILBERT (ED.) - Making the Building Serve the Liturgy; Studies in the Re-Ordering of Churches
023625: COPE, GILBERT (ED.) - Christianity and the Visual Arts
036852: COPELAND, WARREN R. - And the Poor Get Welfare: The Ethics of Poverty in the United States
068476: COPLESTON, FREDERICK - Philosophy in Russia: From Herzen to Lenin and Berdyaev
068647: COPLESTON, FREDERICK - History of Philosophy, Volume IX Modern Philosophy Fromthe French Revolution to Satre, Camus and Levi-Strauss
069818: COPLESTON, FREDERICK - History of Philosophy Volume 7: 18th and 19th Century German Philosophy
057149: COPLESTON, FREDERICK - Contemporary Philosophy: Studies of Logical Positivism and Existentialism
045540: COPLESTON, FREDERICK - A History of Philosophy Vol 3: Late Mediaeval and Renaissance Philsophy Part II the Revival of Platonism to Suarez
038070: COPLEY, TERENCE - Black Tom: Arnold of Rugby, the Myth and the Man
037530: COPLEY, ANTONY - Religions in Conflict: Ideology, Cultural Contact and Conversion in Late-Colonial India
026860: SOCIETE D'ARCHEOLGIE COPTE - Bulletin de la Societe D'Archeolgie Copte, Tome XI, 1945
070955: CORBALLIS, MICHAEL C. - From Hand to Mouth: The Origins of Language
070448: CORBALLIS, MICHAEL C. - The Lopsided Ape: The Evolution of the Generative Mind
061982: ELSIE CORBETT - A History of Spelsbury Including Dean, Taston, Fulwell and Ditchley
061370: ELIZABETH BURGOYNE CORBETT - New Amazonia: A Foretaste of the Future
063899: DENNIS PATRICK SLATTERY; LIONEL CORBETT - Depth Psychology: Meditations in the Field
048897: IAN CORBETT - A Disreputable Priest: Being Gay in Anti-Gay Cultures
069747: CORBIN, HENRY - Suhrawardi D'Alep
069913: CORBIN, HENRY - The Voyage and the Messenger: Iran and Philosophy
058174: SENECA; T. H. CORCORAN - Seneca: Naturales Quaestiones, Books 1-3 (Loeb Classical Library No. 450)
041280: CORDELL, RICHARD - Somerset Maugham, a Biographical and Critical Study
028948: CORDER, J. KEVIN - The Fed & the Credit Crisis
069013: CORDFUNKE, E. H. P - Zita, Kaiserin Von ôsterreich, Königin Von Ungarn
054430: CORDNER, C. - Ethical Encounter: The Depth of Moral Meaning
052581: MICHAEL S. CORDOSI - Contribution to the History and Topography of the Corinth Region in the Middle Ages
057832: PAUL COREMANS, EDGAR RICHARD - Flanders in the Fifteenth Century: Art and Civilization Catalogue of the Exhibtion at the Detroit Institute of Arts
028077: CORLETT, WILLIAM - Now and Then
058702: CORLEY, BRIGITTE - Conrad Von Soest: Painter Among Merchant Princes
070294: ANNE DENIEUL-CORMIER - The Renaissance in France 1488-1559
018489: CORNELIUS, W. A. (ED.) - Mexican Migration and the U.S. Economic Crisis: A Transnational Perspective
056241: LOUIS CORNELL - Kipling in India
055252: MISS JULIA CORNER - The History of France from the Earliest Period to the Present Time Adapted for Youth, Schools and Families
065657: CORNET, J.A.; TURCONI, A. - Zaire: Peuples, Art, Culture
065755: J. CORNET - A Survey of Zairian Art: The Bronson Collection
065577: CORNET, JOSEPH - Art of Africa: Treasures from the Congo
063106: CORNFORD, F. M. - Plato's Theory of Knowledge: The Theaetus and the Sophist of Plato.
063251: FRANCIS MACDONALD CORNFORD - Plato's Cosmology: The Timaeus of Plato Translated with a Running Commentary
040852: GIOVANNI ANDREA CORNIA AND GERALD K. HELLEINER (EDS) - From Adjustment to Development in Africa: Conflict, Controversy, Convergence, Consensus?
064374: CORNWALL, J.C.K. - Wealth and Society in Early Sixteenth Century England
057011: CORNWELL, JOHN - Hitler's Pope : The Secret History of Pius XII
053076: JOHN CORNWELL - Newman's Unquiet Grave: The Reluctant Saint
050196: JOHN CORNWELL - Newman's Unquiet Grave: The Reluctant Saint
069114: CORNWELL, JOHN - Seminary Boy : A Memoir
025345: THE CHURCH HYMNAL CORPORATION - The Proper for the Lesser Feasts and Fasts Together with the Fixed Holy Days
030517: CORREIA, MARGARIDA SERVULO - O Caso de Barbacena. Um Paroco Deaaldeia Entre a Monarquia E a Republica
048387: CORRIE, G.E. (ED.) - Certain Sermons Appointed by the Queen's Majesty to Be Declared and Read by All Parsons, Vicars and Curates Every Sunday and Holiday in Their Churches
062487: CORRINGTON, ROBERT S. - A Semiotic Theory of Theology and Philosophy
064864: CORRINGTON, ROBERT S. - Riding the Windhorse: Manic-Depressive Disorder and the Quest for Wholeness
032789: CORSSEN, PETER - Monarchianische Prologe Zu Den Vier Evangelien Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Kanons
066290: DONALD WEBSTER CORY - The Homosexual in America
064491: COSS, PETER; LLOYD, S.D. - Thirteenth Century England III: Proceedings of the Newcastle Upon Tyne Conference, 1989 (Thirteenth Century England, 3)
026033: COSS, PETER - The Knight in Medieval England, 1000-1400
047928: E. A. DE COSSON - The Cradle of the Blue Nile. A Visit to the Court of King John of Ethiopia (Vols 1 and 2)
060393: D'COSTA, GAVIN - Sexing the Trinity: Gender, Culture and the Divine
031101: BERSELLI, COSTANTE & GHARIB, GEORGES (EDS) - Sing the Joys of Mary: Hymns from the First Millenium of the Eastern and Western Churches
037587: COSTAS, ORLANDO E. - Christ Outside the Gate: Mission Beyond Christendom
061879: COSTELLO, STEPHEN J - Ethics of Happiness: An Existential Analysis
067948: BERNHARD VON COTTA - Die Geologie Der Gegenwart
067901: M. COTTEAU - Description Des Echinides Tertiaires Des Iles St Barthelemy Et Anguilla
048518: COTTER, JIM - Healing More or Less
039967: COTTER, JIM - Prayer at Night
037905: COTTER, JIM - Prayer in the Morning: A Book for Day's Beginning
037622: COTTER, JIM - By Stony Paths: A Version of Psalms 51-100
037488: COTTER, JIM - Healing More or Less : Reflections and Prayers at the End of an Age
027062: COTTER, JIM - Healing - More or Less
024312: JIM COTTER & AVIS MARY SLG - Loving God Whatever; Through the Year with Sister Jane, Community of the Sisters of the Love of God
023990: COTTER, JIM - Prayer at Night
023989: COTTER, JIM - Prayer in the Morning; a Book for Day's Beginning
023988: COTTER, JIM - Healing - More or Less
060751: ARTHUR COTTERELL - China: A Concise Cultural History
021153: COTTERELL, PETER - Mission and Meaninglessness; the Good News in a World of Suffering and Disorder
037907: COTTIN, MADAME - Elisabeth Ou Les Exiles de Siberie
054223: COTTINGHAM, JOHN - Why Believe?
054218: COTTINGHAM, JOHN - On the Meaning of Life
062281: COTTLE, SIMON - Tv News, Urban Conflict and the Inner City
060583: R. L. COTTON - Lectures on the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
048873: COTTON, CHARLES - The Grey Friars of Canterbury 1224 to 1538 a Contribution to the 700th Anniversary of Their Arrival in England
066855: IZAAK WALTON; CHARLES COTTON - The Complete Angler
036604: COTTON, ROBERT; STEVENSON, KENNETH - On the Receiving End: How People Experience What We Do in Church
061006: COTTRELL, LEONARD - The Lion Gate, a Journey in Search of the Mycenaeans
060744: LEONARD COTTRELL - The Mountains of the Pharaoh: 2000 Years of Pyramid Exploration
060717: LEONARD COTTRELL - The Penguin Book of Lost Worlds (2 Vols Set)
060311: COTTRELL, LEONARD - The Bull of Minos: The Discoveries of Schliemann and Evans
062936: COTTRELL, LEONARD - The Bull of Minos: The Discoveries of Schliemann and Evans
039895: QUILLER-COUCH, ARTHUR - Charles Dickens and Other Victorians
067541: VERNON WILLIAMS COUILLARD - The Theology of John Cennick
051392: RUSHTON COULBOURN - The Origin of Civilized Societies
068177: COULLING, SIDNEY - Matthew Arnold and His Critics: A Study of Arnold's Controversies
026925: COULON, VICTOR (ED.) - Aristophane: Tome I Les Acharniens, Les Cavaiers, Les Nuees
026926: COULON, VICTOR (ED.) - Aristophane: Tome III Les Oiseaux, Lysistrata
065192: COULSON, CHARLES L. H. - Castles in Medieval Society: Fortresses in England, France, and Ireland in the Central Middle Ages
042014: COULSON, JOHN (ED.) - Theology and the University, an Ecumenical Investigation
036871: COULSON, ANDREW - Tanzania: A Political Economy
029021: COULSON, JOHN (ED.) - Theology and the University, an Ecumenical Investigation
027725: COULSON, JOHN (ED.) - Theology and the University, an Ecumenical Investigation
068456: COULT, DOUGLAS - A Prospect of Ashridge
052745: CHRIS COULTER - Being a Bush Wife: Women's Lives Through War and Peace in Northern Sierra Leone
062429: COULTHARD, MARGARET - An Introduction to Discourse Analysis
058396: WILLIAM BEGG; THOMAS COULTHARD - A Statement of Facts Concerning the Expulsion of Six Members from the Congregational Church Assembling at Cannon Street Chapel, Preston November 3rd, 1869
052092: G. G. COULTON - Scottish Abbeys and Social Life
067533: COULTON, G. G. - Chaucer and His England
036325: COULTON, NICHOLAS (EDS) - The Bible, the Church and Homosexuality
026346: COULTON, G. G. - Social Life in Britain from the Conquest to the Reformation
026059: COULTON, G. G. (ED.) - Commentary on the Rule of St Augustine by Robertus Richardinus
025677: COULTON, G. G. - Art and the Reformation
070767: COULTON, GEORGE G. - Chaucer and His England
060837: LICHFIELD DIOCESAN COUNCIL - Lichfield Diocesan Magazine 1889-91
060836: LICHFIELD DIOCESAN COUNCIL - Lichfield Diocesan Magazine 1895-97
056611: THE SUPREME AWQAF COUNCIL - A Brief Guide to the Dome of the Rock and Al-Hara Al-Sharif
037834: ARTS COUNCIL - Delacroix: An Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Lithographs Arranged by the Arts Council of Great Britain in Association with the Edinburgh Festival Society
035123: ARTS COUNCIL - English Romanesque Art, 1066-1200
048499: L. WILLIAM COUNTRYMAN - Dirt Greed & Sex Sexual Ethics in the New Testament and Their Implications for Today
069151: COUNTRYMAN, L. WILLIAM - The Poetic Imagination: An Anglican Spiritual Tradition
057692: COURATIN, A. H. - Edward Craddock Ratcliff 1896-1967: A Bibliography of His Published Works
040054: COURATIN, ARTHUR - Union of Christendom: International Convention 1940 Essential Principles of Catholicism (Section V. ) 3. Grace and the Sacraments
017219: DE COURCILLON, EUGENE - Le Cure Manque or Social and Religious Customs in France.
023142: COURT, JOHN;COURT, KATHLEEN M. - The New Testament World
061285: HEIKO A. OBERMAN; DANIEL E. ZERFOSS; WILLIAM J. COURTENAY - Defensorium Obedientiae Apostolicae Et Alia Documenta
058139: HEIKO A. OBERMAN; DANIEL E. ZERFOSS; WILLIAM J. COURTENAY - Defensorium Obedientiae Apostolicae Et Alia Documenta
066954: COUSTON, ROBERT - Principles of Practical Beekeeping
065841: LE COUTEUR, J. D. - English Medieval Painted Glass
045434: COUTURIER, J. - Comment Reconnaitre Une Eglise Catholique
029017: COUTURIER, J. - The Book of Common Prayer and the Anglican Church
059461: COUZENS, DOMINIC - Atlas of Rare Birds
059974: COWAN, JANE K. - Dance and the Body Politic in Northern Greece
066192: COWAN, BENJAMIN A. - Moral Majorities Across the Americas: Brazil, the United States, and the Creation of the Religious Right
064261: COWAN, JAMES G.; VERSLUIS, ARTHUR - Timelessness: Conversations on Life, Literature, Spirituality, and Culture (Hieros)
064510: COWAN, JAMES - Desert Father: A Journey in the Wilderness with Saint Anthony
065386: MICHAEL A. COWAN - Leadership Ministry in Community (Alternative Futures for Worship, Vol. 6)
064270: COWAN, JAMES - A Spanner in the Works: Science, Technology and the Modern World
068991: T. A. COWARD - The Birds of the British Isles and Their Eggs Third Series
047754: HAROLD COWARD (ED.) - Experiencing Scripture in World Religions
040853: COWARD, ROSALIND - Female Desire
070267: T. A. COWARD - Life of the Wayside and Woodland: When, Where and What to Observe Aand Collect
068987: T. A. COWARD - The Birds of the British Isles and Their Eggs Second Series
021915: COWARD, COLIN (ED.) - The Other Way? Anglican Gay and Lesbian Journeys
017489: COWARD, HAROLD - Scripture in the World Religions: A Short Introduction
070707: COWELL, ADRIAN - The Tribe That Hides from Man
065067: COWLEY, PATRICK - Advent, Its Liturgical Significance
045548: COWLEY, PATRICK - Advent, Its Liturgical Significance
070735: COWLEY, CLIVE - Fabled Tribe: A Journey to Discover the River Bushmen of the Okavango Swamps;
026996: COWLEY, DEBORAH (ED.) - Georges Vanier: Soldier the Wartime Letters and Diaries 1915-1919
059207: J. MEADOWS COWPER - The Lives of the Deans of Canterbury 1541 to 1900
069524: J. CHARLES COX - Pulpits, Lecterns and Organs
058622: PETER A. COX - Dwarf Rhododendrons
056484: COX, BERNARD - Paddle Steamers
056437: J. CHARLES COX (ED.) - Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Vol. XIII
056186: COX, MURRAY - Coding the Therapeutic Process: Emblems of Encounter - a Manual for Counsellors and Therapists
055982: COX, HARVEY G. - On Not Leaving It to the Snake
046844: COX, GEORGE W. - The Life of John William Colenso, Bishop of Natal
046643: COX, JOHN EDMUND (ED.) - Writings and Disputations of Thomas Cranmer Relative to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
036635: COX, HARVEY - Fire from Heaven: The Rise of Pentecostal Spirituality and the Reshaping of Religion in the Twenty-First Century
070146: D. H. COX - Coins from the Excavations at Curium 1932 -1953
033010: COX, CLAUDE E. - Hexaplaric Materials Preserved in the Armenian Version
030332: COX, WARREN, E. - Lighting and Lamp Design
029918: COX, J. CHARLES - Pulpits, Lecterns, & Organs in English Churches
025430: COX, CHARLES, J. - The English Parish Church: An Account of the Chief Building Types & of Their Materials During Nine Centuries
060615: R. C. COXE - Practical Sermons
024003: [COXE, H. O.] ED. - Forms of Bidding Prayer with Introduction and Notes
062663: COYLE, MARTIN - Niccolo Machiavelli's the Prince : New Interdisciplinary Essays (Texts in Culture)
022170: COYLE, TOM - Christian Ministry to the Sick
063519: CRABTREE, ADAM - Memoir of a Trance Therapist: Hypnosis and the Evocation of Human Potentials
056051: CRACE, JIM - Six
037179: CRADDOCK, FRED B. - Overhearing the Gospel
067835: CRAGG, KENNETH - The Event of the Quran: Islam in Its Scripture
048771: CRAGG, KENNETH - The Lively Credentials of God
037742: CRAGG, KENNETH - Muhammad and the Christian: A Question of Response
036483: CRAGG, KENNETH - The Dome and the Rock: Jerusalem Studies in Islam
032929: CRAGG, KENNETH - The Arab Christian: A History of the Middle East
016839: CRAGG, KENNETH - Muhammad in the Qur'an : The Task and the Text
056650: ARCHIBALD CRAIG - The Statue of Mrs John Elder Govan: A Record of the Movement for and the Unveiling of the Statue with Some Account of the Elder Free Library, the Elder Cottage Hospital and the Cottage Nurses' Training Home and an Obituary
055911: CRAIG, WILLIAM D.; OWEN G. INGLES - The Revenue and Railway Stamps of Tasmania
055501: SIR WILLIAM CRAIGIE - A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue from the Twelfth Century to the End of the Seventeenth Part I to Part XVI
058063: HENRY CRAIK - A Century of Scottish History from the Days Before the '45 to Those Within Living Memory Vol. I Only
039593: CRAMER, J. A. - Catena in Acta Ss. Apostolorum E Cod. Nov. Coll.
056071: HART CRANE (BROM WEBER ED.) - Complete Poems
053353: PAUL CRANE - Gays and the Law
069191: CRANE, ARTHUR - The Kirkland Papers, 1753-1869: Ferrers Murder and the Lives and Times of a Medical Family in Ashby-de-la-Zouch
044746: WALTER CRANE - Of the Decorative Illustration of Books Old and New
039864: CRANFIELD, C. E. B. - A Commentary on Romans 12-23
030170: CRANKSHAW, EDWARD - Bismarck
051781: TITUS CRANNY (ED.) - Father Paul and Christian Unity: An Anthology
025385: CRANSTONE, B. A. L. - Melanesia, a Short Ethnography
064554: VINCENT CRAPANZANO - The Fifth World of Enoch Maloney: Portrait of a Navaho
065369: CRAPANZANO, VINCENT - The Hamadsha: A Study in Moroccan Ethnopsychiatry
055704: G. -A. CRAPELET (ED) - Anciens Monuments de L'Histoire Et de la Langue Francasies IV Partonopeus de Blois
053222: BERNARD CRAPLET - Auvergne Roman
058959: [CRAUFURD, JAMES] - The History of the House of Este, from the Time of Forrestus Until the Death of Alphonsus the Last Duke of Ferrara: With an Account of the Pretended Devolution of That Dutchy Unjustly Usurped by Clement VIII Wherein Likewise the Most Considerable Revolutions of Italy from the Year 452 to the Year 1598 Are Briefly Touched.
028578: CRAUFURD, STANDISH G. - Our Celtic Heritage
069135: J. B. CRAVEN - History of the Episcopal Church in Orkney 1699-1882 with Some Notes on the Church in Caithness and Shetland During That Period and Introductory Sketch of the Earlier Ecclesiastical History of Orkney
064234: S. J. CRAWFORD - Anglo-Saxon Influence on Western Christendom 600 - 800
058151: S. J. CRAWFORD - Anglo-Saxon Influence on Western Christendom 600-800
065429: O. G. S. CRAWFORD - The Eye Goddess
037487: CRAWFORD, ROBERT G. - The God/Man/World Triangle: A Dialogue between Science and Religion
026277: CRAWFORD, E. MARGARET (ED.) - The Hungry Stream: Essays on Emigration and Famine
051391: CRAWLEY, ERNEST (BESTERMAN, THEODORE ED.) - The Mystic Rose, a Study of Primitive Marriage and of Primitive Thought in Its Bearing on Marriage
071112: CRAWLEY, ERNEST (BESTERMAN, THEODORE ED.) - Dress, Drinks and Drums; Further Studies of Savages and Sex
062760: ERNEST CRAWLEY - Studies of Savages and Sex
021452: CRAWLEY, ERNEST (BESTERMAN, THEODORE ED.) - The Mystic Rose, a Study of Primitive Marriage and of Primitive Thought in Its Bearing on Marriage
066740: CRAZE, MICHAEL - King's School Worcester 1541-1971
068798: CRAZE, MICHAEL - King's School Worcester 1541-1971
069125: CREAN, THOMAS - Letters to a Non-Believer
049785: CREED, JOHN MARTIN - The Gospel According to St. Luke: The Greek Text with Introduction, Notes and Indices
070481: CREED, BARBARA - Body Trade: Captivity, Cannibalism and Colonialism in the Pacific
040254: CREED, JOHN MARTIN - The Gospel According to St. Luke: The Greek Text with Introduction, Notes and Indices
060406: WILHELMUS H. M. CREEMERS - Shrine Shinto After World War II
064616: CREHAN, KATE - Gramsci, Culture and Anthropology (Reading Gramsci)
070201: MANDELL CREIGHTON - Cardinal Wolsey
057598: CRENSHAW, JAMES L - Theodicy in the Old Testament
028193: CRENSHAW, JAMES L. - Old Testament Wisdom : An Introduction
026915: CRENSON, MATTHEW A. - Neighborhood Politics
032182: CRESSANT, PIERRE - Levi Strauss
062609: CRESSWELL, JAMIE; WILSON, BRYAN - New Religious Movements: Challenge and Response
060225: CRESSY, DAVID - Birth, Marriage, and Death: Ritual, Religion, and the Life Cycle in Tudor and Stuart England
062437: J. D. CRICHTON - Christian Celebration: The Prayer of the Church
062238: CRICHTON, J. D. - Christian Celebration : The Mass
054933: J. D. CRICHTON - The Liturgy of Holy Week a Companion to the Revised Order of 1970
054755: G. H. CRICHTON - Romanesque Sculpture in Italy
033803: CRICK, MALCOLM - Explorations in Language and Meaning: Towards a Semantic Anthropology
055391: WILFRED JOSEPH CRIPPS - Old English Plate: Ecclesiastical , Decorative and Domestic, Its Makers and Marks
045569: CRISP, FREDERICK ARTHUR (ED.) - Visitation of Ireland Volume 4
040487: CRISP, OLIVER D. - Jonathan Edwards Among the Theologians
065076: CRISTIANI, LEON - St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
069546: CRITCHLEY, SIMON - The Faith of the Faithless: Experiments in Political Theology
053938: CRITCHLEY, SIMON; WEBSTER, JAMIESON - The Hamlet Doctrine: Knowing Too Much, Doing Nothing
053931: CRITCHLEY, SIMON - The Faith of the Faithless: Experiments in Political Theology
069954: BENEDETTO CROCE - History As the Story of Liberty
069514: CROCKER, III, H. W. - Politically Incorrect Guide to the British Empire (the Politically Incorrect Guides)
023096: CROCKER, PETER - Around Gillingham in Old Photographs
062827: CROCKETT, CLAYTON - Interstices of the Sublime: Theology and Psychoanalytic Theory
065734: CROCKFORDS - Crockford's Clerical Directory 1969 - 70 a Reference Book of the Clergy of the Provinces of Canterbury and York and of Other Anglican Provinces and Dioceses
066424: CROCKFORDS - Crockford's Clerical Directory 1959 - 60 a Reference Book of the Clergy of the Provinces of Canterbury and York and of Other Anglican Provinces and Dioceses
069374: CROFT, L. R. - Profitable Beekeeping
070888: CROFT, STUART - Culture, Crisis and America's War on Terror
047480: CROFTS, BRUCE (ED.) - At Satan's Throne: The Story of Methodism in Bath over 250 Years
038861: CROFTS, BRUCE (ED.) - At Satan's Throne; the Story of Methodism in Bath over 250 Years
023760: CROFTS, BRUCE (ED.) - At Satan's Throne; the Story of Methodism in Bath over 250 Years
061654: DEMOSTHENE; MAURICE CROISET - Demosthene: Harangues Tome II
065227: DEMOSTHENE; MAURICE CROISET - Demosthene: Harangues Tome I
027987: CROMPTON, JOHN [LAMBURN, JOHN B. C.] - The Hive
070202: CRONIN, JILL; RHODES, FRANK - Ardwick (Images of England)
028282: CRONIN, DANIEL P. - Priesthood : A Life Open to Christ
022970: CRONIN, DANIEL P. - Priesthood : A Life Open to Christ
022231: CRONIN, DANIEL P. - Priesthood : A Life Open to Christ
067021: JAY R. CROOK - The Bible: An Islamic Perspective - Introduction to the New Testament
068217: JOHN CROOK - The Wainscot Book: The Houses of Winchester Cathedral Close and Their Interior Decoration, 1660-1800
070823: CROOKS, KEVIN R.; SANJAYAN, M. - Connectivity Conservation (Conservation Biology, Series Number 14)
065687: CROPPER, MARGARET - Evelyn Underhill
051908: PHILIPPE CROS - Chateaux, Manoirs Et Logis: Le Tarn
045436: MRS BLUNDELL OF CROSBY - Mrs Eden Pins It Down
043670: CROSBY, ALFRED W. - Throwing Fire: Projectile Technology Through History
062826: CROSBY, DONALD A. - Partial Truths and Our Common Future
061110: ST JOHN OF THE CROSS (E. ALLISON PEERS ED.) - Dark Night of the Soul
059536: JOHN H. Y. BRIGGS; ANTHONY R. CROSS - Baptists and the World: Renewing the Vision Papers from the Baptist Historical Society Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2008
055355: CROSS, TOM - Painting the Warmth of the Sun: St Ives Artists, 1939-1975
050862: CROSS, F. L. (ED.) - The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
049207: HALCYON C. BACKHOUSE (ED.) SAINT JOHNOF THE CROSS - The Dark Night of the Soul
048683: ST JOHN OF THE CROSS (PEERS, E. ALLISON ED.) - The Dark Night of the Soul
048607: ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS - The Dark Night of the Soul
047315: CLAIRE C. CROSS - The Royal Supremacy in the Elizabethan Church
047271: CROSS, CLAIRE - Church and People, 1450-1660: Triumph of the Laity in the English Church
063964: CROSS, STEPHEN; HERBERT, JACK - Inward Lies the Way: German Thought and the Nature of Mind
030655: CROSS, A. J. - Pilkington's Royal Lancastrian Pottery and Tiles
055919: MARCUS J. BORG; JOHN DOMINIC CROSSAN - The First Paul: Reclaiming the Radical Visionary Behind the Church's Conservative Icon
038506: CROSSAN, JOHN DOMINIC - Who Killed Jesus?
034247: CROSSAN, JOHN DOMINIC - God and Empire: Jesus Against Rome, Then and Now
034223: CROSSAN, JOHN DOMINIC - Who Killed Jesus?
025504: CROSSAN, JOHN DOMINIC - The Power of Parable; How Fiction by Jesus Became Fiction About Jesus
071127: CROSSLEY, FRED H. - English Church Monuments A.D. 1150 - 1550
044958: CROSSLEY, FRED H. - English Church Craftsmanship: An Introduction to the Work of the Mediaeval Period and Some Account of Later Developments.
019521: CROSSLEY, FRED H. - English Church Craftsmanship: An Introduction to the Work of the Mediaeval Period and Some Account of Later Developments.
065143: CROSSMAN, RICHARD C. - Paul Tillich: A Comprehensive Bibliography and Keyword Index of Primary and Secondary Writings in English
044423: CROSTHWAIT, H. L. - Survey of India: Professional Paper No. 13 Investigation of the Theory of Isostasy in India
070310: CROUCH, DAVID - William Marshal: Court, Career and Chivalry in the Angevin Empire 1147-1219
071080: CROUCH, DAVID - The Beaumont Twins: The Roots and Branches of Power in the Twelfth Century (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series, Series Number 1)
065808: CROUCH, DAVID - William Marshal: Court, Career and Chivalry in the Angevin Empire 1147-1219
068693: HENRI CROUZEL ET AL - Origene: Homelies Sur S. Luc Texte Latin Et Fragments Grecs Introduction, Traduction Et Notes
068835: HENRI CROUZEL - Origene Et la Philosophie
068834: CROUZEL, HENRI - Origen
068564: COPLESTONE-CROW, BRUCE - Herefordshire Place-Names
070878: CROWDER, MICHAEL - West African Resistance: The Military Response to Colonial Occupation
070189: CROWDER, MICHAEL - West Africa Under Colonial Rule
033166: CROWDER, MICHAEL - Revolt in Bussa: A Study of British 'Native Administration' in Nigerian Borgu, 1902-1935
017536: CROWDER, COLIN - God and Reality: Essays on Christian Non-Realism
047780: CROWFOOT, J. W. - Early Churches in Palestine
063249: ALFRED CROWQUILL - Seymour's Humorous Sketches Comprising Eight-Six Caricature Etchings Illustrated in Prose and Verse
029910: CROXALL, T. H. - Kierkegaard Studies with Special Reference to (a) the Bible (B) Our Own Age
042352: CROZET, RENE - Chauvigny Et Ses Monuments Etude Archeologique
060877: ALEXANDER CRUDEN - A Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testament or a Dictionary and Alphabetical Index to the Bible
050890: ALEXANDER CRUDEN - A Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testament or a Dictionary and Alphabetical Index to the Bible
062301: CRUM, J. M. C. - The Original Jerusalem Gospel: Being Essays on the Document Q
044144: CRUM, J. M. C. - The Original Jerusalem Gospel: Being Essays on the Document Q
049410: S. E. CRUMB - The Larvae of the Phalaenidae
047701: DONALD CRUMMEY - Priests and Politicians: Protestants and Catholic Missions in Orthodox Ethiopia, 1830-1868
058879: CRUMP, C. G.; JACOB, E. F. - The Legacy of the Middle Ages
058781: CRUMP, C. G.; JACOB, E. F. - The Legacy of the Middle Ages
068401: SOR JUANA INES DE LA CRUZ - Sor Juana inés de la Cruz: Selected Writings
065065: CRUZ, JOAN CARROLL - The Incorruptibles: A Study of the Incorruption of the Bodies of Various Saints and Beati
068569: DE LA CRUZ, JUANA INÉS - Sor Juana inés de la Cruz: Selected Works: A Norton Critical Edition
063800: CRUZ, JO ANN MORAN - An Account of an Elizabethan Family: The Willoughbys of Wollaton by Cassandra Willoughby, 1670-1735
030021: CRUZ, JUAN JOSE - Desnudos, Muertos Y Ofendidos : La Experiencia de Estados Unidos En Vietnam Y Su Construccion En la Narrativa Norteamericana
044322: CRYBBACE, T. T. - Right of Preaching in Public Parks to the Right Honourable Viscount Palmerston
070445: CRYSTAL, DAVID - English As a Global Language
070930: CRYSTAL, DAVID - Language and the Internet
044035: MARGARET MAGDALEN CSMV - Hidden Face of Jesus : Reflections on the Emotional Life of Christ
068975: RALPH CUDWORTH - The True Intellectual System of the Universe (4 Vols)
027534: CUENOT, CLAUDE - Science and Faith in Teilhard de Chardin
067735: CUGNO, ALAIN - St John of the Cross; the Life and Thought of a Christian Mystic
062210: CULLEN, PHILOMENA; HOOSE, BERNARD; MANNION, GERARD - Catholic Social Justice: Theological and Practical Explorations
038278: CULLEN, BILL - It's a Long Way from Penny Apples
052388: JONATHAN CULLER - Saussure
037417: CULLER, JONATHAN - On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism After Structuralism
037083: CULLER, JONATHAN - Barthes
16344: CULLMANN, OSCAR - The Johnannine Circle: Its Place in Judaism, Among the Disciples of Jesus and in Early Christianity
039369: CULLMANN, OSCAR - Petrus: Junger, Apostel, Martyer Das Historische Und Das Theologische Petrusproblem
039273: CULLMANN, OSCAR - The Christology of the New Testament
039036: CULLMANN, OSCAR - Baptism in the New Testament
039033: CULLMANN, OSCAR - Early Christian Worship
029851: CULLMANN, OSCAR - The Johannine Circle: Its Place in Judaism, Among the Disciples of Jesus and in Early Christianity.
025901: CULLMANN, OSCAR - The Christology of the New Testament.
024642: CULPEPPER, R. ALAN - John, the Son of Zebedee : The Life of a Legend
022378: CUMING, G. J. (ED.) - The Mission of the Church and the Propagation of the Faith
021056: CUMING, G. J. (ED.) - The Mission of the Church and the Propagation of the Faith
064892: W. CUMMING - Swatches O' Hamespun or Yarns Spun in the Dialect of Buchan
066152: CUMMING, DUNCAN - The Gentleman Savage: The Life of Mansfield Parkyns, 1823-1894
024182: CUMMING, ALAN - Tommy's Tale : A Novel
049963: BRIAN CUMMINGS - The Book of Common Prayer: A Very Short Introduction
061111: CUMMINS, NORBERT - Freedom to Rejoice: Understanding St. John of the Cross
070044: CUMONT, FRANZ VALERY MARIE - The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
069658: FRANZ CUMONT - The Mysteries of Mithra
044774: CUMSTON, CHARLES GREENE - An Introduction to the History of Medicine from the Time of the Pharaohs to the End of the Xviiith Century
019929: CUNINGGIM, MERRIMON - Uneasy Partners: The College and the Church
065205: CUNLIFFE, JULIETTE - Popular Sight Hounds
067649: BARRY CUNLIFFE - Iron Age Communities in Britain: An Account of England, Scotland and Wales from the Seventh Century Bc Until the Roman Conquest
060687: BARRY CUNLIFFE - Greeks, Romans and Barbarians: Spheres of Interaction
059233: CUNLIFFE, BARRY - The Oxford Illustrated Prehistory of Europe
057127: CUNLIFFE, BARRY - Coinage and Society in Britain and Gaul: Some Current Problems
059906: CUNNINGHAM, DAVID S. - These Three Are One: The Practice of Trinitarian Theology
064735: ALFRED CUNNINGHAM - To-Day in Egypt: Its Administration, People and Politics
064431: MARY B. CUNNINGHAM - Gateway of Life: Orthodox Thinking on the Mother of God
053363: LAWRENCE S. CUNNINGHAM - Things Seen and Unseen: A Catholic Theologian's Notebook
035723: CUNNINGHAM, LAWRENCE S. (ED.) - Ecumenism: Present Realities and Future Prospects
031970: CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM - A Dissertation on the Epistle of S. Barnabas Including a Discussion of Its Date and Authorship
028175: CUNNINGHAM, MICHAEL - By Nightfall
024538: CUNNINGHAM, GILBERT F. - The Divine Comedy in English, a Critical Biography 1782-1900
065029: ALLAN CUNNINGHAM - The Poems, Letters and Land of Robert Burns Illustrated with a New Memoir of the Poet and Notices, Critical and Biographical of His Works
056781: R. H. CUNNINGTON - Stonehenge and Its Date
16653: CUPITT, DON - After God; the Future of Religion.
061248: CUPITT, DON - Radicals and the Future of the Church
061239: CUPITT, DON - Christ and the Hiddenness of God
054120: DON CUPITT - Above Us Only Sky
064092: DON CUPITT - Creative Faith: Religion As a Way of Worldmaking
029834: CUPITT, DON - The Leap of Reason
021920: CUPITT, DON - Life Lines
021599: CUPITT, DON - The Old Creed and the New
017531: CUPITT, DON - The Leap of Reason
017471: CUPITT, DON - The New Christian Ethics
017470: CUPITT, DON - Creation out of Nothing
017443: CUPITT, DON - Only Human
017272: CUPITT, DON - The Long-Legged Fly : A Theology of Language and Desire
016930: CUPITT, DON - After All: Religion without Alienation
068101: SLOBODAN CURCIC - Gracanica: King Milutin's Church and Its Place in Late Byzantine Architecture
041244: CURLEY, RICHARD T. - Elders, Shades and Women: Ceremonial Change in Lango, Uganda
042932: CURRAN, CHARLES E. - Faithful Dissent
061395: CURREN, RANDALL - Philosophy of Education: An Anthology
055031: CURRIE, C. R. J.; LEWIS, C. P. - A Guide to English Country Histories
064061: CURRIE, GREGORY - Narratives and Narrators: A Philosophy of Stories
055712: JACQUES COUSIN; ALVIN-ALEXSI CURRIER - Eikon Volume II Orthodox Christians from Antioch : Chretiens Orthodoxes D'Antioche
065640: CURRY, ANNE - Agincourt 1415
043760: CURRY, JOHN - Catholicity, Liberty, Allegiance: A Disquisition on Mr. Gladstone's Expostulation Written for the Bradford Catholic Club
043275: CURRY, JOHN - Catholicity, Liberty, Allegiance: A Disquisition on Mr. Gladstone's Expostulation Written for the Bradford Catholic Club
043014: CURRY, GERARD - Fine Lines
065779: CURRY, ANNE - Agincourt: Great Battles
070551: CURTIN, PHILIP D. - The Rise and Fall of the Plantation Complex: Essays in Atlantic History
052038: JEREMIAH CURTIN - The Mongols in Russia
044232: CURTIS, C. D. - Sedgemoor and the Bloody Assize: A History and Guide
066212: GREGORY CURTIS - Disarmed: The Story of the Venus de Milo
066341: GEOFFREY CURTIS - William of Glasshampton: Friar, Monk, Solitary 1862-1937
025140: CURTIS, TONY (ED.) - The Art of Seamus Heaney
023642: CURTIS, WALTER L. - Hebrew and Assyrian Records Harmonized
061571: ERNST ROBERT CURTIUS - European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages
065451: SILVIO CURTO - Nubien: Geschichte Einer Ratselhaften Kultur
068807: E. CECIL CURWEN - Prehistoric Sussex
042983: CUTHBERT, FATHER - The Romanticism of St Francis and Other Studies in the Genius of the Franciscans
040524: CUTHBERT, FATHER - The Capuchins: A Contribution to the History of the Counter-Reformation
067474: CUTHBERT, FATHER - The Capuchins: A Contribution to the History of the Counter-Reformation
064963: CUTROFELLO, ANDREW - All for Nothing: Hamlet's Negativity
065637: CUTTINO, G.P. - English Medieval Diplomacy
054909: G. P. CUTTINO - The Gascon Calendar of 1322
059749: CUTTS, EDWARD L. - Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages
067686: CUTTS, EDWARD L. - History of Early Christian Art
051954: CUTTS, EDWARD L. - Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages
030545: CUTTS, E. L. - Christians Under the Crescent in Asia
024934: CUTTS, EDWARD L. - History of Early Christian Art
059727: R. P. CUZZORT - Humanity and Modern Sociological Thought
049982: FREDERICK J. CWIEKOWSKI - The Church: Theology in History
048123: CWIEKOWSKI, FREDERICK J. - The Beginnings of the Church
022490: CWIEKOWSKI, FREDERICK J. - The Beginnings of the Church
034681: ST CYRES, VISCOUNT - Francois de Fenelon
041346: SOFER, CYRIL & SOFER, RHONA - Jinja Transformed
017627: THEODORET OF CYRUS, ETTLINGER, GERARD H. (ED.) - Eranistes : Critical Text and Prolegomena
063775: ARTHUR CZWALINA - Kleomedes: Die Kreisbewegung Der Gestirne
062296: HITCHCOCK, ROSWELL D & BROWN, FRANCIS; J. RENDEL HARRIS - The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles Recently Discovered and Published by Philotheos Bryennos, Metropolitan of Nicomedia Edited with a Translation, Introduction and Notes; the Teaching of the Apostles and the Sybilline Books'
057485: JASPER, R. C. D. & CUMING, G. J. - Prayers of the Eucharist Early and Reformed
036640: KILNER, JOHN F.; PENTZ, REBECCA D. & YOUNG, FRANK E. - Genetic Ethics: Do the Ends Justify the Genes?
036603: JSEPER, R. C. D. & BRADSHAW, PAUL F. - Companion to the Alternative Service Book
035660: F. T. D. - Curso Preparatorio de Gramatica Castellana
032338: HITCHCOCK, ROSWELL D & BROWN, FRANCIS - The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles Recently Discovered and Published by Philotheos Bryennos, Metropolitan of Nicomedia Edited with a Translation, Introduction and Notes
029441: HILL, M. O.; PRESTON, C. D. & SMITH, A. J. E. (EDS) - Atlas of the Bryophytes of Britain and Ireland Volume I Liverworts (Hepaticae and Anthocerotae)
022330: GRIFFITH DAVIES, J. D. & WORTS, F. R. - England in the Middle Ages, Its Problems and Legacies
020729: GEORGE, A., DELORME, J. MOLLAT, D [ET AL.] - Baptism in the New Testament: A Symposium
019185: HARVEY, P. D. & THORPE, HARRY - The Printed Maps of Warwickshire 1576-1900
045459: DAVID H.VAN DAALEN - Real Resurrection
037987: VAN DAALEN, DAVID H. - A Guide to Galatians
037979: VAN DAALEN, DAVID H. - A Guide to Revelation
027510: VAN DAALEN, DAVID HENDRIK - The Real Resurrection
065523: DADE, H. A. - Anatomy and Dissection of the Honeybee
069958: DAFTARY, FARHAD - The Isma'Ilis: Their History and Doctrines
041179: DAHL, GUDRUN - Suffering Grass: Subsistence and Society of Waso Borana
068655: DAHM, HELMUT - Vladimir Solovyev and Max Scheler: Attempt at a Comparative Interpretation: A Contribution to the History of Phenomenology: 34 (Sovietica, 34)
067914: SAMUEL DAICHES - The Jews in Babylonia in the Time of Ezra and Nehemiah According to Babylonian Inscriptions
055688: C. DAICOVICIU; H. DAICOVICIU - Sarmizegethusa Monuments de Roumanie
026928: DAIN, ALPHONSE ; MAZON, PAUL (EDS.) - Sophocle: Tome III: Philoctete, Oedipe a Colone
047025: ALAN DAKERS - Fordritishope: History of a Shropshire Parish
040123: DAKERS, LIONEL - Beauty Beyond Words: Enriching Worship Through Music
068076: EDWIN FRANDEN DAKIN - Mrs Eddy: The Biography of a Virginal Mind
054810: ARTHUR DAKIN - The Relation of John Wiclif and the Lollards to the Friars Being a Dissertation Presented Th the Theology Faculty of the University of Heidelberg
061508: DALBY, ANDREW - Siren Feasts: A History of Food and Gastronomy in Greece
058035: DALE, THOMAS E.A. - Relics, Prayer, and Politics in Medieval Venetia: Romanesque Painting in the Crypt of Aquileia Cathedral
050989: RONALD W. DALE - Windows on Matthew an Anthology to Amplify the Revised Common Lectionary Gospel Readings for Year a
050988: RONALD W. DALE - Windows on Luke: An Anthology to Amplify the Gospel Readings for Year C of the Lectionary
050985: RONALD W. DALE - Windows on Mark: An Anthology to Amplify the Gospel Readings for Year B of the Lectionary
066633: EDWIN W. SMITH; ANDREW MURRAY DALE - The Ila-Speaking Peoples of Northern Rhodesia
068447: ANTONY DALE - James Wyatt Architect 1746-1813
067891: JAMES W. DALE - Classic Baptism: An Inquiry Into the Meaning of the Word Baptiso As Determined by the Usage of Classical Greek Writers
063667: BENNO VAN DALEN - Ancient and Mediaeval Astronomical Tables: Mathematical Structure and Parameter Values
051960: DOUGLAS DALES - Light to the Isles: Missionary Theology in Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Britain
051150: DOUGLAS DALES - Living Through Dying: The Spiritual Experience of St. Paul
049338: DOUGLAS DALES - Divine Remaking: St Bonaventure and the Gospel of Luke
064993: DALES, DOUGLAS; ROWELL, GEOFFREY; WILLIAMS, ROWAN - Glory Descending: Michael Ramsey and His Writings
068593: DALEY, BRIAN - Gregory of Nazianzus
065086: DALGAIRNS, JOHN BERNARD - The Devotion to the Heart of Jesus with an Introduction on the History of Jansenism
063008: DALGAIRNS, JOHN BERNARD - Lives of the Fathers of the Desert
055584: GEORGE DALGARNO - The Works of George Dalgarno of Aberdeen
070701: USMAN DALHATU - Malam Ja'Afaru Dan Isiyaku the Great Emir of Zazzau
052674: JAMES DALLEN - The Dilemma of Priestless Sundays
028379: DALMAIS, IRENEE-HENRI - Les Liturgies D'Orient
060171: WILLIAM DALRYMPLE - From the Holy Mountain: A Journey in the Shadow of Byzantium
069180: DALRYMPLE, THEODORE - Our Culture, What's Left of It: The Mandarins and the Masses
062589: DALTON, THOMAS - Becoming John Dewey: Dilemmas of a Philosopher and Naturalist
070811: DALTON, GEORGE - Tribal & Peasant Economies: Readings in Economic Anthroplogy
054878: J. N. DALTON - Ordinale Exon. (Exeter Chapte Ms. 3502 Collated with Parker Ms. 93) Volume I
054750: O. M. DALTON - British Museum Guide to Mediaeval Antiquities and Objects of Later Date
036985: DALTON, GEORGE - Tribal & Peasant Economies: Readings in Economic Anthroplogy
033860: DALTON, H. W. - Walter Farquhar Hook, Vicar of Leeds, His Work for the Church and the Town 1837-1848
028633: DALTON, O. M. - East Christian Art: A Survey of the Monuments
028535: DALTON, O. M. - Byzantine Art and Archaeology
023944: DALTON, O. M. - Catalogue of Early Christian Antiquities and Objects from the Christian East in the Department of British and Medieval Antiquities and Ethnography of the British Museum
042721: CAHAL DALY - Steps on My Pilgrim Journey: Memories and Reflections
042698: CAHAL DALY - Steps on My Pilgrim Journey: Memories and Reflections
042689: DALY, CAHAL B. - The Price of Peace
067426: VAN DAM, RAYMOND - Saints and Their Miracles in Late Antique Gaul
057894: RAYMOND VAN DAM - Gregory of Tours: Glory of the Martyrs
031957: PAPANDREOU, DAMASKINOS & DUPREY, PIERRE (EDS) - Tomos Agaiios Vatican-Phanar (1958-1970)
052725: UNE MONIALE DE LA CHARTREUSE NOTRE-DAME - Prier 15 Jours Avec Saint Bruno
028243: SISTERS OF NOTRE DAME - The Foundations of the Sisters of Notre Dame in England and Scotland from 1845 to 1895
043709: DAMKAER, MARIA - Time, Domesticity and Print Culture in Nineteenth-Century Britain
043542: DAMMEM, ANNEMIEKE VAN - Spectacular Display: The Art of Nkanu Initiation Rituals
040652: DAMPIER, W. C. - A History of Science and Its Relation to Philosophy and Religion
063305: DAMROSCH, DAVID - We Scholars: Changing the Culture of the University
061298: GUNNAR DANBOLT - Gunnar Torvund
064620: DANBY, HERBERT - The Mishnah Translated from the Hebrew with Introduction and Brief Explanatory Notes
053065: DANBY, HERBERT - Tractate Sanhedrin: Mishnah and Tosefta the Judicial Procedure of the Jews As Codified Toward the End of the Second Century A.D.
036647: DANGAMBO, ABDULKADIR - Rabe-Raben Adabin Hausa Da Muhimmancinsa Ga Rayuwar Hausawa
056676: K. N. DANIEL - Mar Thoma Church in Peril
042900: ZOHARY, DANIEL & HOPF, MARIA - Domestication of Plants in the Old World: The Origin and Spread of Cultivated Plants in West Asia, Europe, and the Nile Valley
035447: ROCK, DANIEL & WEALE, JAMES - Hierurgia: Or the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with Notes and Dissertations Elucidating Its Doctrines and Ceremonies and Numerous Illustrations
028806: HAMILTON, DANIEL & VOLKER, KURT (EDS) - Transatlantic 2020 : A Tale of Four Futures
023900: ROCK, DANIEL & WEALE, JAMES - Hierurgia: Or the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with Notes and Dissertations Elucidating Its Doctrines and Ceremonies and Numerous Illustrations
061566: DANIELL, DAVID - William Tyndale: A Biography
068328: DANIELL, CHRISTOPHER - Death and Burial in Medieval England 1066-1550
038525: DANIELL, CHRISTOPHER - Death and Burial in Medieval England 1066-1550
057992: DANIELOU, JEAN - The Gospel Message and Hellenistic Culture
070344: C. EVELEIGH WOODRUFF; WILLIAM DANKS - Memorials of the Cathedral & Priory of Christ in Canterbury
049428: W. DANMAR - Modern Nirvanaism: The Philosophy of Life and Death
054518: DANN, G. ELIJAH - After Rorty: The Possibilities for Ethics and Religious Belief
054353: A. D. YONGE; G. H. SCOTT; G. D. DANN - Church Acts and Measures Being a Reprint of the Title Ecclesiastical Law from Halsbury's Statutes of England
021612: DANNOWSKI, HANS WERNER - Gotter Auf Der Durchreise: Knotenpunkte Des Religiosen Verkehrs
061363: DANTO, ARTHUR COLEMAN - Sartre (Modern Masters)
054334: DANTO, ARTHUR C. - Connections to the World: The Basic Concepts of Philosophy
054333: DANTO, ARTHUR C. - After the End of Art
054315: DANTO, ARTHUR C. - The Body/Body Problem: Selected Essays
054313: DANTO, ARTHUR C. - Philosophizing Art: Selected Essays
065603: DANTO, ARTHUR; R. M. GRAMLY; MARY LOU HULTGREN; ENID SCHILDKROUT; JEANNE ZEIDLER - Art/Artifact: African Art in Anthropology Collections
070886: DANZ, HAROLD P. - Cougar
065126: CHARLES DARAS - La Cathedrale D'Angouleme Chef-D'Oeuvre Monumental de Girard II
043449: DARBISHIRE, A. D. - Breeding and the Mendelian Discovery
068591: DARGYE, YONTEN - The Biography of Pha Brug-Sgom Zhig-Po Called the Current of Compassion
028705: DARLING, PAMELA W. - New Wine: The Story of Women Transforming Leadership and Power in the Episcopal Church
055791: DARLINGTON, JOHN - Stafford Castle: Surveys V. 1: Survey, Excavation and Research 1978-1998
059327: JOSEPH DARRACOTT - England's Constable: The Life and Letters of John Constable
048603: LEO DARROCH - Una Voce: The History of the Foederatio Universalis Una Voce
069370: DARTINGTON, ROBIN - New Beekeeping in a Long Deep Hive
046914: MICHAEL DARTON (EDITOR) - Modern Concordance to the New Testament
059435: CHARLES DARWIN - On the Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs Also Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands and Parts of South America
070387: CHARLES DARWIN - The Descent of Man
069236: BIDHU BHUSAN DASGUPTA - Assamese Self-Taught
048988: ERPENSIUS THOMAS ; DATHE, IOANNES AUGUSTUS - Psalterium Syriacum Recensuit Et Latine Vertit
060616: CHARLES DAUBENEY; H. W. B. DAUBENEY - The Protestant's Companion; or a Seasonable Preservative Against the Errors, Corruptions and Unfounded Claims of a Superstitious and Idolatrous Church
056352: CHARLES DAUBENY - The Protestant's Companion or a Seasonable Preservative Against the Errors, Corruptions and Unfounded Claims of a Superstitious and Idolatrous Church
066087: T. ARBOUSSET; F. DAUMAS - Narrative of an Exploratory Tour to the North-East of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope (Africana Collectanea XLVII)
060206: DAVARAS, COSTIS - Guide to Cretan Antiquities
030857: DAVENPORT, KAY - Lancashire Hotch Potch : A Second Helping
053526: DAVEY, NICHOLAS - Unquiet Understanding: Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics
065522: ROGER DAVEY (ED) - Sussex Maps III East Sussex Parliamentary Deposited Plans 1799 - 1970
037213: DAVEY, ANDREW - Urban Christianity and Global Order: Theological Resources for an Urban Future
069387: DAVID, CHARLES - Somerset Beekeepers and Beekeeping Associations: A History, 1875-2005
067581: KALHOUS; DAVID - Historiography and Identity VI: Competing Narratives of the Past in Central and Eastern Europe, C. 1200 -C. 1600 (Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages)
069468: A. ROSALIE DAVID - Ancient Egyptians: Religious Beliefs and Practices
070788: DAVID, NICHOLAS; KRAMER, CAROL - Ethnoarchaeology in Action
070634: PARKIN, DAVID & NYAMWAYA, DAVID (EDS) - Transformations of African Marriage
043887: SYLVESTER, DAVID & BEATTIE, MAY H. - Islamic Carpets from the Collections of Joseph V. Mcmullan
041406: MIDDLETON, DAVID & TAIT, DAVID (EDS) - Tribes without Rulers: Studies in African Segmentary Systems
029736: ROTHWELL, W., BARRON, W. R. J.; BLAMIRES, DAVID & THORPE. LEWIS, (EDS) - Studies in Medieval Literature and Languages in Memory of Frederick Whitehead
022240: SPENCER, WILLIAM DAVID & SPENCER, AIDA B. - God Through the Looking Glass : Glimpses from the Arts
051375: MRS RHYS DAVIDS - Indian Religious Survival a Study
060896: DAVIDSON, JAMES N. - Courtesans & Fishcakes: The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens
065652: BASIL DAVIDSON - Africa History of a Continent
052867: BENJAMIN DAVIDSON - The Elements of Syriac Grammar with Reading Lessons Consisting of Copiuos Extracts from the Peshitta Version of the Old and New Testaments and the Crusade of Richard I from the Chronicles of Bar Hebraeus
066226: BASIL DAVIDSON - The Growth of African Civilization East and Central Africa to the Late Nineteenth Century
066237: DAVIDSON, BASIL - The Africans: An Entry to Cultural History
050554: THOMAS DAVIDSON - A Monograph of British Tertiary Brachiopoda Part I; a Monograph of British Cretaceous Brachiopoda Part II
066070: BASIL DAVIDSON - Old Africa Rediscovered
048684: DAVIE, GRACE - Religion in Britain Since 1945: Believing without Belonging
044540: DAVIE, GRACE - Religion in Britain Since 1945: Believing without Belonging
061247: DAVIES, J. G. - New Perspectives on Worship Today
061066: R. R. DAVIES - The Revolt of Owain Glyn Dwr
061047: DAVIES, R. G.; DENTON, JEFFREY H. - The English Parliament in the Middle Ages
060978: DAVIES, R. G.; DENTON, JEFFREY H. - The English Parliament in the Middle Ages
060711: DAVIES, STEVAN - The Gospel of Thomas : Annotated and Explained
068056: A. S. B. DAVIES - Skeealyn Cheeil-Chiollee
060355: DAVIES, J. G. - The Architectural Setting of Baptism
059896: DAVIES, PETER N. - Trading in West Africa 1840 - 1920
059794: DAVIES, W. V - Egyptian Hieroglyphs
059595: DAVIES, HORTON - Worship and Theology in England, Book 2: From Watts and Wesley to Martineau, 1690-1900
059568: DAVIES, BRIAN - Language, Meaning and God: Essays in Honour of Herbert Mccabe
059559: DAVIES, HORTON - Worship and Theology in England, Book 1: From Cranmer to Baxter and Fox, 1534-1690
059558: DAVIES, HORTON - Worship and Theology in England, Book 3: The Ecumenical Century, 1900 to the Present
059301: DAVIES, PETER N. - Trading in West Africa 1840 - 1920
059023: DAVIES, MICHAEL - The Tridentine Mass
058833: A. C. FOX-DAVIES - Complete Guide to Heraldry
057297: STEPHEN DESSAIN; JOHN COULSON; DEREK HOLMES: MERVYN DAVIES; - Spode House Review Occasional Papers 3 Cardinal Newman Newman Conference 1976
055892: DAVIES, STEVAN - The Gospel of Thomas : Annotated and Explained
053438: DAVIES, STEPHEN - The Philosophy of Art
053010: G. CHRISTOPHER DAVIES - On Dutch Waterways: The Cruise of the S.S. Atalanta on the Rivers & Canals of Holland & the North of Belgium
052810: WAYNE K.D. DAVIES - Theme Cities: Solutions for Urban Problems
071102: JAMES CONWAY DAVIES - The Welsh Assize Roll 1277 - 1284
051843: GODFREY DAVIES - The Early Stuarts, 1603-1660
051090: J. G. DAVIES - Every Day God: Encountering the Holy in World and Worship
051077: J. G. DAVIES - The Spirit, the Church and the Sacraments
050939: DAVIES, J. G. - The Origin and Development of Early Christian Architecture
066759: CARLYLE WITTON-DAVIES - Journey of a Lifetime
050636: GRAHAM I. DAVIES - Hosea (Old Testament Guides)
050080: JON DAVIES - Ritual and Remembrance: Responses to Death in Human Societies
050025: DAVIES, J. G.(ED.) - A New Dictionary of Liturgy & Worship
068604: DAVIES, KATHRYN - Artisan Art: Vernacular Wall Paintings in the Welsh Marches, 1550-1650
048854: HORTON DAVIES; MARIE-HELENE DAVIES - Holy Days and Holidays: Mediaeval Pilgrimage to Compostela
048828: P. C. W. DAVIES - The Forces of Nature
047516: DAVIES, HORTON - Worship and Theology in England from Newman to Martineau 1850-1900
047403: DAVIES, ERYL W. - Prophecy and Ethics: Isaiah and the Ethical Traditions of Israel
044865: R. R. DAVIES - The Revolt of Owain Glyn Dwr
044284: DAVIES, JOHN HUMPHREYS - The National Library of Wales: Catalogue of Manuscripts, Vol I. Additional Manuscripts in the Collections of Sir John Williams Bart. , Gcvo
044279: CERI DAVIES - Latin Writers of the Renaissance
038124: DAVIES, IOAN - Cultural Studies and Beyond: Fragments of Empire
067710: DAVIES, J. G. - The Early Christian Church.
069419: IVOR DAVIES - The Apparitions at Llanthony
037759: DAVIES, D. R. - Reinhold Niebuhr: Prophet from America
037614: DAVIES, OLIVER - God Within : The Mystical Tradition of Northern Europe
037278: DAVIES, OWEN - Witchcraft, Magic and Culture 1736-1951
037233: DAVIES, HORTON - Varieties of English Preaching 1900-1960
036860: DAVIES, HORTON - Bread of Life and Cup of Joy: Newer Ecumenical Perspectives on the Eucharist
035466: DAVIES, HORTON - Worship and Theology in England: The Ecumenical Century 1900-1965
035194: DAVIES, HORTON - Worship and Theology in England from Cranmer to Hooker 1534-1603
035193: DAVIES, HORTON - Worship and Theology in England from Newman to Martineau 1850-1900
034825: DAVIES, HORTON - Worship and Theology in England, the Ecumenical Century 1900-1965
034673: DAVIES, IOAN - African Trade Unions
033090: DAVIES, J. G. - The Architectural Setting of Baptism
065374: AULL DAVIES, CHARLOTTE - Reflexive Ethnography: A Guide to Researching Selves and Others (the Asa Research Methods)
031534: DAVIES, J. G. - A Dictionary of Liturgy & Worship
030450: DAVIES, JOHN - The British Catholic Diaspora : A Handbook
026774: DAVIES, DAVID - A Dictionary of Anthropology
020650: DAVIES, JOHN HUMPHREYS - The National Library of Wales: Catalogue of Manuscripts, Vol I, Additional Manuscripts in the Collections of Sir John Williams Bart. , Gcvo
019173: DAVIES, HORTON - Bread of Life and Cup of Joy: Newer Ecumenical Perspectives on the Eucharist
018629: DAVIES, OLIVER - God Within; the Mystical Tradition of Northern Europe.
070826: DAVIS, MIKE - Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster
059567: DAVIS, STEPHEN; KENDALL, DANIEL; O'COLLINS, GERALD - The Trinity: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Trinity
058872: JOHN PAUL DAVIS - The Gothic King - a Biography of Henry III
056632: N. W. MOORE; M. D. HOOPER; B. N. K. DAVIS - Hedges: I. Introduction and Reconnaisance Studies
054078: DAVIS, CHARLES - What Is Living, What Is Dead in Christianity Today: Breaking the Liberal-Conservative Deadlock
053828: DAVIS, CHARLES - Theology and Political Society
053829: CHARLES DAVIS - A Spirituality for the Vulnerable
052294: F. N. DAVIS - Rotuli Roberti Grosseteste Episcopi Lincolniensis Ad MCCXXXV-MCCLIII
064238: JOHN F. DAVIS - Heresy and Reformation in the South-East of Engand 1520-1559
047623: DAVIS, HENRY (ED.) - St. Gregory the Great Pastoral Care
070282: R. H. C. DAVIS - The Kalendar of Abbot Samson of Bury St. Edmunds and Related Documents
069371: G. H. DAVIS - Down to the Grass Roots of Beekeeping: The Management of Honey Bees in the Swarming Season
069343: CECEIL. T. DAVIS - The Monumental Brasses of Gloucestershire
037061: DAVIS, STEPHEN T. - Risen Indeed
036837: DAVIS, CHARLES - Religion and the Making of Society: Essays in Social Theology
068283: DAVIS, PAUL R.; LLOYD-FERN, SUSAN - Lost Churches of Wales and the Marches
035167: DAVIS, AVROHOM - Pirkei Avos, the Wisdom of the Fathers, a New Translation with Classical Commentaries
029615: HART-DAVIS, ADAM - Stringlopedia: Unravel the Secrets of Knots and Rell in Lashings of Twine-Related Trivia
027553: DAVIS, CHARLES (ED.) - English Spiritual Writers
026103: DAVIS, H. W. C. (ED.) - Medieval England
018866: DAVIS, KORTRIGHT - Can God Save the Church? Living Faith While Keeping Doubt
060835: JOHN DAVISON - Remarks on Baptismal Regeneration
057716: JOHN DAVISON - Discourses on Prophecy in Which Are Considered Its Structure, Use and Inspiration Being the Substance of Twelve Sermons Preached in the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn
067605: DAVISON, GRAEME; HIRST, JOHN; MACINTYRE, STUART - The Oxford Companion to Australian History
051447: DOROTHY DAVISON - Our Prehistoric Ancestors: The Story of Man's Evolution to the End of the Old Stone Age
071184: DAVLIN, MARY CLEMENTE - A Game of Heuene: Word Play and the Meaning of Piers Plowman B
070361: DAVRIL, ANSELME - The Monastic Ritual of Fleury: (Orleans, Bibliotheque Municipale Ms 123 [101]) (Henry Bradshaw Society) (Volume 105)
055022: DAVY, M.-M - Initiation a` la Symbolique Romane: Xiie Sie`Cle Nouvelle E?Dition de L'Essai Sur la Symbolique Romane (Champ Religieux) (French Edition)
064248: M.M. DAVY - Essai Sur la Symbolique Romane
065195: GEORGE DAVYS - Village Conversations on the Liturgy of the Church of England
050133: GREGORY W. DAWES - The Historical Jesus Quest: Landmarks in the Search for the Jesus of History
066780: DAWKINS, PROF RICHARD; WONG, YAN - The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Life
050551: E. W. BINNEY; DUNCAN; WRIGHT; J. POWRIE; E. RAY LANKESTER; BOYD DAWKINS & W. A. SANDFORD - Palaeontographical Society Volume XXI: Containing the Flora of the Carboniferous Strata Part I; Supplement to Thje Fossil Corals Part IV No. 2; Fossil Cretaceous Echinodermata Vol I; Fishes of the Old Red Sandstone Part I; Pleistocene Mammalia Part II
034533: DAWLEY, POWEL MILLS - John Whitgift and the Reformation
024980: DAWLEY, POWELL MILLS - The Story of the General Theological Seminary; a Sesquicentennial History 1817-1967
058881: DAWSON, RAYMOND - The Legacy of China
062723: DAWSON, ANDREW - Summoning the Spirits: Possession and Invocation in Contemporary Religion
033389: DAWSON, C. B. - The Mirror of Oxford
021451: DAWSON, E. C. - James Hannington, First Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa, a History of His Life and Work
019639: DAWSON, M. L. - Lays and Legends of the Celtic Church
060936: O'DAY, ROSEMARY - The Debate on the English Reformation
059297: DAY, ROBIN, SIR - But with Respect: Memorable Television Interviews with Statesmen and Parliamentarians
057995: O'DAY, ROSEMARY; HEAL, FELICITY - Princes and Paupers in the English Church
057596: O'DAY, ROSEMARY - The Debate on the English Reformation
068363: DAY, JERRY - Voegelin, Schelling, and the Philosophy of Historical Existence
048183: O'DAY, ROSEMARY - English Clergy: Emergence and Consolidation of a Profession, 1558-1642
047955: DAY, GARDINER M. - The Biograph of a Church: A Brief History of Christ Church Cambridge, Massachusetts
035871: DAY, E. HERMITAGE - Ober-Ammergau and the Passion Play, a Practical and Historical Handbook for Visitors
034917: DAY, CHRISTOPHER - Places of the Soul: Architecture and Environmental Design As a Healing Art
033320: O'DAY, ROSEMARY;HEAL, FELICITY (EDS) - Church and Society in England: Henry VIII to James I
067714: HERMITAGE DAY, E. - Some London Churches, Twenty-Six Plates from Pencil Drawings by G.M. Ellwood with Historical and Descriptive Notes.
030978: DAY, JULIETTE - Proclus on Baptism in Constantinople
029739: DAY, JULIETTE - Baptism in Early Byzantine Palestine 325-451
022225: DAY, JULIETTE - Baptism in Early Byzantine Palestine 325-451
019329: DAY, PETER - A Dictionary of Religious Orders
036917: DAYTON, DONALD W.; STRONG, DOUGLAS M. - Rediscovering an Evangelical Heritage: A Tradition and Trajectory of Integrating Piety and Justice
043815: COCCOLA, RAYMOND DE & KING, PAUL - Ayorama
042175: HAAS, C., JONGE, M. DE & SWELLENGREBEL, J. L. - A Translator's Handbook on the Letters of John
023974: GRUNWALD DE, CONSTANTIN - Saints of Russia
021979: SCHREVEL DE, MICHEL - Les Forces Politiques de la Decolonisation Congolaise Jusqu'a la Vielle de L'Independence
020633: MONBRISON, ALAIN DE & AMROUCHE, PIERRE - Collection Robert Lebel
049304: MALCOLM DEACON - Philip Doddridge of Northampton, 1702-51
060389: DEACY, CHRISTOPHER; ORTIZ, GAYE WILLIAMS - Theology and Film: Challenging the Sacred/Secular Divide
059539: DEAN, KENDA CREASY; HEARLSON, CHRISTY LANG - How Youth Ministry Can Change Theological Education If We Let It
054708: ALDHELM DEAN - Practical Plainsong
049970: JONATHAN DEAN - To Gain at Harvest: Portraits from the English Reformation
023307: RURAL DEAN - A Letter to Most Rev John Bird, Archbishop of Caterbury and Thomas, Archbishop of York in Reference to Gorham V Bishop of Exeter
034991: DEANE, WILLIAM J. - Pseuepigrapha: An Account of Certain Apocryphal Sacred Writings of the Jews and Early Christians
021306: DEANE, DAVID J. - Robert Moffat of Kuruman
018642: DEANE, A. C., CARPENTER, S. C., RAVEN, C. E., & H. F. B. MACKAY - Pillars of the English Church; Biographical Studies of Eminent Churchmen
057248: MARGARET DEANESLY - The Lollard Bible and Other Medieval Biblical Versions
049334: DEANESLY, MARGARET - Side-Lights of the Anglo-Saxon Church
033799: DEANESLY, M. - A History of the Medieval Church 590-1500
069386: DEANS, ALEXANDER S. C. - Beekeeping Techniques
045165: DEANSELY, MARGARET - The Lollard Bible and Other Medieval Biblical Versions
056751: DEARING, JOHN - The Church That Would Not Die: New History of St. Mary's, Castle St. , Reading
064628: DEARING, TREVOR - Wesleyan and Tractarian Worship, an Ecumenical Study
057379: DEARMER, PERCY - The Ornaments of the Ministers
057225: DEARMER, PERCY - The Ornaments of the Ministers
057096: DEARMER, PERCY - The Truth About Fasting with Special Reference to Fasting-Communion
035181: DEARMER, PERCY - The Truth About Fasting with Special Reference to Fasting-Communion
033653: DEARMER, PERCY - The Truth About Fasting with Special Reference to Fasting-Communion
065730: [MALCOLM DEAVILLE] - The Parish of St Philip Penn Fields: Its Church and People 1859 - 1981
063300: MARIE-THERESE DEBARNOT - Al-Biruni: Kitab Maqalid ILM Al-Haya la Trigonometrie Spherique Chez Les Arabes de L'Est a la Fin Du Xe Siecle
056102: JANE SCHABERG; MELANIE JOHNSON-DEBAUFRE - Mary Magdalene Understood
033899: DECARREAUX, JEAN - Moines Et Monasteres a L'Epoque de Charlemagne
055026: MARC DÉCENNEUX - Les Abbayes Me?Die?Vales En France
043757: DECHAMPS - La Morale Universelle Et Independante, Lettres Aux Chiefs Des Loges Maconniques
027172: DECOURDEMANCHE, J. A. - Grammaire Du Tchingane Ou Langue Des Bohemiens Errants
070405: CECIL DEEDES - Registrum Johannis de Pontissara Episcopi Wyntoniensis Ad MCCLXXII - MCCCIV
045274: JOHN DEEDY - Retrospect: Origins of Catholic Beliefs and Practices
066671: DANIEL DEFOE - Serious Reflections During the Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe with His Vision of the Angelic World Written by Himself
052891: GE?RARD DEFOIS - Pour Une E?Thique de la Culture
028328: DEGIDIO, SANDRA - Rcia: The Rites Revisited
067943: P. ANTON DEIMEL - Sumerische Grammatik Mit Ubungsstucken Und Zwei Anhangen
045836: ROLAND DEINES - Jakobus: IM Schatten Des Grösseren (Biblische Gestalten) (German Edition)
028736: DEISS, LUCIEN - It's the Lord's Supper: The Eucharist of Christians
039577: DEISSMANN, ADOLF - The Epistle of Psenosiris: An Original Document from the Diocletian Persecution
068830: DEKKERS, MIDAS - Dearest Pet: On Bestiality
064675: DELAMONT, SARA - Appetites and Identities: An Introduction to the Social Anthropology of Western Europe
052788: MARK DELANCEY; VIRGINIA DELANCEY - A Bibliography of Cameroon
052450: VIRGINIA DELANCEY; MARK DELANCEY - A Bibliography of Cameroun Folklore
065643: DELANY, SHEILA - Medieval Literary Politics: Shapes of Ideology
070659: DELANY, SHEILA - Medieval Literary Politics: Shapes of Ideology
071179: DELANY, SHEILA - Chaucer's "House of Fame": Poetics of Skeptical Fideism
046069: DELDERFIELD, ERIC R. - The Lynmouth Flood Disaster
046059: DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XLV
046058: DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XLVI
046057: DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus LI
046054: DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XLII
046053: DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XLVII
046042: DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XLIV
046041: DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XLVIII
046040: DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus LIV
046039: DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XLIII
046037: DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XL
046036: DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XLIX
046035: DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus LII
046034: DELEHAYE, HIPPOLYTUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus LVI
062032: DELEUZE, GILLES - Essays Critical and Clinical
070602: DELEUZE, GILLES - Desert Islands and Other Texts 1953 - 1974
021296: DELFS, HERMANN (ED.) - Aktiver Friede, Gedenkschrift Fur Friedrich Siegmund-Schultze (1885-1969)
065725: DELIO, ILIA - Crucified Love Bonaventure's Mysticism of the Crucified Christ
065848: FRANZ DELITZSCH - Jewish Artisan Life in the Time of Christ
065529: RICHARD F. DELL - Rye Shipping Records 1566 - 1590
026386: DELLING, D. GERHARD - Worship in the New Testament
042512: DELORME, J. (ED.) - The Eucharist in the New Testament
070791: SUZETTE HEALD; ARIANE DELUZ - Anthropology and Psychoanalysis: An Encounter Through Culture
054786: C. DELVOYE - Chronique Archeologique
055641: ALBERT DEMANGEON - La Picardie: Les Regions Voisines: Artois, Cambresis, Beauvaisis
019980: DEMARIA, ROBERT - The Life of Samuel Johnson: A Critical Biography
070560: DEMENY, PAUL; MCNICOLL, GEOFFREY - The Earthscan Reader in Population and Development
046196: DEMERS, JAMES W. - The Last Roman Catholic?
045859: SOTERES PH DEMETRIOU - May Your Name Be Blessed
069960: DEMETZ, PETER - Nathan the Wise, Minna Von Barnhelm, and Other Plays and Writings: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (German Library)
15061: ANDREWS, EDWARD DEMING & ANDREWS, FAITH - Shaker Furniture; the Craftsmanship of an American Comunal Sect.
070163: ZELJKO DEMO - Ostrogothic Coinage from Collections in Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia & Herzegovina
051478: JOHN PUTNAM DEMOS - Entertaining Satan: Witchcraft and the Culture of Early New England
018206: DEMOS, JOHN - The Enemy Within: 2,000 Years of Witch-Hunting in the Western World
029237: DEMOSTHENOUS, D. - The Occupied Churches of Cyprus
019755: DEMOTT, BENJ (ED.) - First of the Year 2010 Volume III
051055: JAMES DEMPSEY - Mission on the Nile
035333: DEMPSEY, MARTIN - John Baptist de la Salle, His Life and His Institute
020516: DEMPSEY, JAMES - Mission on the Nile
069081: THOMAS DEMPSTER - Thomae Demsteri: Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Scotorum Sive de Scriptoribus Scotis, Editio Altera (2 Vols)
070316: DEMUS, OTTO - Mosaics of Norman Sicily
068892: OTTO DEMUS - Byzantine Mosaic Decoration
059966: DEMUS, OTTO - Byzantine Art and the West
055832: OTTO DEMUS ET AL. - Corsi Di Cultura Sull'Arte Ravennate E Bizantina, Ravenna 1956 Riassunti Delle Lezioni
030631: HOLLANDER, A, N. J. DEN & SKARD, SIGMUND - American Civilisation: An Introduction
054253: DENBY, DAVID - Great Books: My Adventures with Homer, Rousseau, Woolf, and Other Indestructible Writers of the Western World
041638: DENCE, COLIN S. - Portrait of a Village: Castle Rising
053330: GEOFF DENCH - The Frog, the Prince & the Problem of Men
020065: DENDEL, ESTHER WARNER - African Frabric Crafts
062622: DENHAM, ROBERT D. - Northrop Frye and Others: Volume III: Interpenetrating Visions
064126: DENHAM, ROBERT D. - Northrop Frye and Others: Volume II: The Order of Words
064127: ROBERT D. DENHAM - Northrop Frye and Others: Twelve Writers Who Helped Shape His Thinking
043031: DENIS, MORIARTY - Buildings of the Cotswolds
027222: STUART, DENIS & EDWARDS, R. J. - People of the Potteries : A Dictionary of Local Biography Volume I
057252: GEORGE ANTHONY DENISON - Saravia on the Holy Eucharist, the Original Latin from the Ms in the British Museum, the Translation
044312: DENISON, GEORGE ANTHONY - The Catechsim of the Church of England the Basis of All Teaching in Parish Schools: A Charge to the Clergy, Churchwardens & People of the Archdeaconry of Taunton
037805: DENISON, LOUISA EVELYN - Fifty Years at East Brent: The Letters of George Anthony Denison 1845-1896, Archdeacon of Taunton
036214: DENISON, HENRY P. - The Catholic Revival, a Retrospect and a Warning: A Lecture Delivered at the Guildhall, Bath, November 16th, 1911
035880: DENISON, GEORGE ANTHONY - The Church of England in 1869 Review of the Position, a Lecture Delivered to the Leeds Church Institute
035879: DENISON, GEORGE ANTHONY - Analysis of 'Essays and Reviews'
035762: DENISON, GEORGE ANTHONY - Supplement to 'Notes of My Life 1805-1878' and ' Mr Gladstone 1886'
035761: DENISON, GEORGE ANTHONY - Notes of My Life 1805-1878
040660: DAS DENKMAL, DER PHILHELLENEN IN NAFPLIO - Roussos-Milidonis, Markus & Jager, Bernhard
017088: DENNETT, DANIEL C. - Kinds of Minds : The Origins of Consciousness
016886: DENNETT, DANIEL C. - Freedom Evolves
048951: DENNIS, GEORGE T. - Byzantium and the Franks 1350-1420
019754: DENNIS, EVERETTE E. &RIVERS, WILLIAM L. - Other Voices; the New Journalism in America
058019: CARMEL DENNISON - The Forsyths at St. Joseph's Church Burslem: Artwork by Gordon Forsyth and His Daughter Moira Forsyth
061765: J. D. DENNISTON - Euripides: Electra
071130: DENNY, NORMAN; FILMER-SANKEY, JOSEPHINE - The Bayeux Tapestry: The Norman Conquest 1066
039507: DENNY, BARBARA - Kings Bishop: The Lords Spiritual of London
034746: DENNY, EDWARD - Ppalism, a Treatise on the Claims of the Papacy As Set Forth in the Encyclical Satis Cognitum
070884: DONALD DENOON (ED.) - A History of Kigezi in South-West Uganda
053289: M.P. DENT - Moving on
046136: DENT, C. M. - Protestant Reformers in Elizabethan Oxford
061396: DENTITH, SIMON - Bakhtinian Thought: An Introductory Reader
065147: DENTON, JEFFREY H. - Robert Winchelsey and the Crown 1294-1313: A Study in the Defence of Ecclesiastical Liberty (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Third Series, Series Number 14)
047522: SALLY DENTON - American Massacre: The Tragedy at Mountain Meadows, September 11, 1857
045614: R. G. DAVIES; JEFFREY H. DENTON - The English Parliament in the Middle Ages: A Tribute to J.S. Roskell
022335: DENTON, JEFFREY H.;DOOLEY, JOHN P. - Representatives of the Lower Clergy in Parliament, 1295-1340
041572: DENYER, SUSAN - Traditional Buildings and Life in the Lake District
044914: URBAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT - Hong Kong Trees (Volume I and Volume II)
026657: DEPPERMANN, KLAUS - Melchior Hoffman: Social Unrest and Apocalyptic Visions in the Age of Reformation
071165: DERR, MARK - Dog's Best Friend: Annals of the Dog-Human Relationship
062927: BEREZINA DERRICK, ANYA - Recollections of Jerusalem
069587: DERRIDA, JACQUES; GIL ANIDJAR (ED.) - Acts of Religion: Jacques Derrida
069593: DERRIDA, JACQUES - The Gift of Death
050536: WILL DERSKE - A Blessed Life: Benedictine Guidelines for Those Who Long for Good Days
070438: DESCARTES, RENÉ - Discourse on Method and Meditations
055050: MARC DESCHAMPS - Homo
056469: DESCHARNES, ROBERT - The World of Salvador Dali
047509: JOHN DESCHNER (ED.) - Our Common History As Christians: Essays in Honour of Albert C. Outler
066006: F. DESHOULIERES - Elements Dates de L'Art Roman En France Evolution Du Style
051294: JANOS DESI - Anti-Semitic Discourse in Hungary in 2002-2003 Report and Documentation
048926: SEWARD, DESMOND & MOUNTGARRET, SUSAN - Byzantium a Journey and a Guiide
018295: DESMOND, COSMAS - Christians or Capitalists: Christianity and Politics in South Africa
022086: DESROCHERS, JOHN - Christ the Liberator
057235: DESSAIN, CHARLES STEPHEN - The Spirituality of John Henry Newman
047250: DESSAIN, CHARLES STEPEHN - John Henry Newman
046239: DESSAIN, CHARLES STEPHEN (ED.) - The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, Volume XII Rome to Birmingham: January 1847 to December 1848
046227: DESSAIN, CHARLES STEPHEN (ED.) - The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, Volume XI Littlemore to Rome October 1845 to December 1846
041869: DESSAIN, CHARLES STEPHEN (ED.) - The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, Volume XII Rome to Birmingham: January 1847 to December 1848
061792: DESSEN, CYNTHIA S. - Iunctura Callidus Acri: A Study of Persius' Satires
060167: DESYLLAS, NIKOS - View to the Aegean Sea: Face and Soul of the Natal Sea
051124: ANDREW DEUCHAR - A Last Embrace: Essays in Honour of Nadir Dinshaw
060185: LEO DEUEL - The Treasures of Time: First Hand Accounts by Famous Archaeologists of Their Work in the Near East
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