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020090: DE BOER, P. A. H. - Fatherhood and Motherhood in Israelite and Judean Piety
054584: BOERS, ARTHUR - Living Into Focus: Choosing What Matters in an Age of Distractions
021143: BOESAK, ALLAN - Gerechtigkeit Erhoht Ein Volk
043868: BOETTNER, LORAINE - The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
064527: BOFF, LEONARDO - Sacraments of Life: Life of the Sacraments
038784: BOFF, LEONARDO - When Theology Listens to the Poor
038204: BOFF, LEONARDO - Faith on the Edge: Religion and Marginalized Existence
037703: BOFF, LEONARDO - Fundamentalism, Terrorism and the Future of Humanity
16304: BOFF, LEONARDO - Jesus Christ Liberator; a Critical Christology of Our Time
034960: LEONARDO BOFF - Fundamentalism, Terrorism and the Future of Humanity
021083: BOFF, CLODOVIS - Theologie Und Praxis: Die Erkenntnistheoretischen Grundlagen Der Theologie Der Befreiung
059161: R. J. E. BOGGIS - A History of the Diocese of Exeter
030464: BOGLE, JOANNA (ED.) - English Catholic Heroines
043658: BOGNETTI, GIAN PIERO - Castelli E Torri Valtellinesi
057359: ALEXANDER A. BOGOLEPOV - Toward an American Orthodox Church: The Establishment of an Autocephalous Orthodox Church
041557: BOHANNAN, PAUL (ED.) - Law and Warfare: Studies in the Anthropology of Conflict
041854: BOHATEC, MILOSLAV - Illuminated Manuscripts
029937: BOHATEC, JOSEF (WEBER, OTTO ED.) - England Und Die Geschichte Der Menschen- Und Burgerrechte: Drei Nachgelassene Aufsatze
024880: BOHEN, MARIAN - The Mystery of Confirmation; a Theology of the Sacrament
069701: BOHM, DAVID - Wholeness and the Implicate Order
025293: BOIGEY, MAURICE - Introduction a la Medecine Des Passions
062650: BOISSEVAIN, JEREMY - A Village in Malta
040605: BOISSONNET - Dictionnaire Alphabetico-Methodique Des Ceremonies Et Des Rites Sacres
063343: BOISVERT, RAYMOND D. - John Dewey Rethinking Our Time
056016: CURTIS BOK - Star Wormwood
066174: BOLAND, VIVIAN - The Spirit of Catholicism
059833: BOLIN, JAMES DUANE - Kentucky Baptists, 1925-2000: A Story of Cooperation
043213: BOLLMANN, EMIL - Bilder Aus Ult-Zurich
033373: BOLSHAKOFF, SERGIUS - Russian Mystics
037042: BOLSINGER, TOD E. - It Takes a Church to Raise a Christian: How the Community of God Transforms Lives
062675: ROBERT BOLT - The Mission
028103: BOLT, RODNEY - As Good As God, As Clever As the Devil : The Impossible Life of Mary Benson
062485: BOLTON, ROBERT - The Order of the Ages: The Hidden Laws of World History
048002: BOLTON, MELVIN - Ethiopian Wildlands
047986: BOLTON, BERNARD - The Rule of Saint Benedict for Monasteries
065520: BOLTON, JAMES L.; MASLEN, MARJORIE - Calendar of the Court Books of the Borough of Witney, 1538-1610
036896: BOLTON, DIANNE - Nationalization: A Road to Socialism : The Lessons of Tanzania
036621: BOLTON, CHARLES A. - Salford Diocese and Its Catholic Past, a Survey
025551: BOLTON, W. F. (ED.) - The Middle Ages: Sphere History of Literature in the English Language Vol I
023411: BOLTON, MELVIN - Ethiopian Wildlands
065115: J. L. BOLTON - Mediaeval English Economy, 1150-1500
054327: BOMFORD, RODNEY - The Symmetry of God
060115: BON, ANTOINE - Byzantium
065042: BONAVENTURE (EWERT COUSINS ED.) - Soul's Journey Into God and Other Works
069522: FRANCIS BOND - The Chancel of English Churches: The Altar, Reredos, Lenten Veil, Communion Table, Altar Rails, Houseling Cloth, Piscina, Credence, Sedilia, Aumbry, Sacrament House, Easter Sepulchre, Squint Etc
069526: FRANCIS BOND - Screens and Galleries
051560: BOND, FRANCIS - Fonts and Font Covers
051561: BOND, FRANCIS - Wood Carvings in English Churches: I Stalls and Tabernacle Work II Bishops' Thrones and Chancel Chairs [Vol II Stalls]
049576: SHELAGH BOND - The Chamber Order Book of Worcester 1602-1650
047634: BOND, FRANCIS - Screens and Galleries in English Churches
047620: BOND, FRANCIS - Westminster Abbey
069437: FRANCIS BOND - Stalls and Tabernacle Work
069438: FRANCIS BOND - Fonts and Font Covers
045784: HENRY SHERWOOD~ANDREW BOND - The Value of Bread
069849: BOND, FRANCIS - Screens and Galleries in English Churches
036960: BOND, MICHAEL HARRIS (ED.) - Working at the Interface of Cultures: Eighteen Lives in Social Science
031810: BOND, FRANCIS - Screens and Galleries in English Churches
030658: BOND, FRANCIS - Screens and Galleries in English Churches
069527: FRANCIS BOND - Wood Carvings in English Churches: I. Stalls and Tabernacle Work
029920: BOND, FRANCIS - Screens and Galleries in English Churches
029919: BOND, FRANCIS - The Chancel of English Churches: The Altar, Reredos, Lenten Veil, Communion Table, Altar Rails, Houseling Cloth, Piscina, Credence, Sedilia, Aumbry, Sacrament House, Easter Sepulchre, Squint Etc
024956: BOND, FRANCIS - Westminster Abbey
022768: BOND, FRANCIS - Screens and Galleries in English Churches
022746: BOND, FRANCIS - Fonts and Font Covers
019449: BOND, FRANCIS - Westminster Abbey
028954: BONE, DAVID - The Bees of Swanland, a Poem
050579: JOHN BONEHAM - Isaac Williams (1802-65) the Principle of Reserve and the Oxford Movement
053543: BONFAND, ALAIN - Wu Guanzhong
059797: BONFANTE, LARISSA - Etruscan (Reading the Past)
031051: BONHAM, VALERIE - A Place in Life: The Clewer House of Mercy, 1849-83
044895: BONHAMS - Tribal Art 30 November 2000
044893: BONHAMS - Tribal, Islamic and Indian Works of Art 5 December 2002
056064: BONHOEFFER, DIETRICH; ROBERTSON, EDWIN H. (TRANS.) - Voices in the Night : The Prison Poems of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
021044: BONHOEFFER, D., DUDZUS, OTTO (ED.) - Lesebuch
047898: JOSE MIGUEZ BONINO - Revolutionary Theology Comes of Age
021271: BONK, JONATHAN - Missions and Money: Affluence As a Western Missionary Problem
039104: BONNER, CAMPBELL - The Last Chapters of Enoch in Greek
026130: YOUNG, BONNIE & VARON, MALCOLM - A Walk Through the Cloisters
061776: HENRI LE BONNIEC - Ovide: Fastorum Liber Primus (Les Fastes, Livre I)
061775: HENRI LE BONNIEC - Ovide: Fastorum Liber Secundus (Les Fastes, Livre II)
024905: BONOMELLI, GEREMIA - On Religious Worship & Some Defects in Popular Devotions
059847: BONSALL, H. EDGAR; EDWIN H. ROBERTSON - The Dream of an Ideal City: Westbourne Park, 1877-1977
052486: COLLECTIF; PIERRE BONTE - Epouser Au Plus Proche. : Inceste, Prohibitions Et Stratégies Matrimoniales Autour de la Méditerranée
068560: BOOBBYER, PHILIP - S.L. Frank: The Life and Work of a Russian Philosopher, 1877-1950
030493: BOOBBYER, PHILIP - The Spiritual Vision of Frank Buchman
043746: BOODTS, SHARI - Sermones in Epistolas Apostolicas II Sermones CLVII-CLXXXIII (Corpus Christianorum Sli Bb)
064704: PRAYER BOOK - The First Prayer-Book of King Edward VI 1549 Reprinted from a Copy in the British Museum
064705: PRAYER BOOK - The Second Prayer-Book of King Edward VI 1552 Reprinted from a Copy in the British Museum
041417: PRAYER BOOK - The First Prayer-Book of King Edward VI 1549 Reprinted from a Copy in the British Museum
041414: PRAYER-BOOK - The Prayer-Book of Queen Elizabeth 1559 to Which Are Added Some Occasional Forms of Prayer Issued in Her Reign
041415: PRAYER BOOK - The First Prayer-Book of King Edward VI 1549 Reprinted from a Copy in the British Museum
030816: PRAYER-BOOK - The Prayer-Book of Queen Elizabeth 1559 to Which Are Added Some Occasional Forms of Prayer Issued in Her Reign
027273: PRAYER BOOK - The Prayer Book Dictionary
023933: PRAYER BOOK - The First and Second Prayer Books of Edward VI
032021: BOON, GEORGE C. - Silchester, the Roman Town of Calleva
032002: BOON, JAMES A. - Other Tribes, Other Scribes : Symbolic Anthropology in the Comparative Study of Cultures, Histories, Religions and Texts
056444: LEE BOONE - Scientific Results of the World Cruise of the Yacht "Alva," 1931, William K. Vanderbilt, Commanding. Crustacea: Stomatopoda and Brachyura. Bulletin of the Vanderbilt Marine Museum, Volume V
045316: BOONE, MURIEL - The Seed of the Church in China
069255: CHRIS SALEWICZ; ADRIAN BOOT - Firefly: Noel Coward in Jamaica
058811: BOOTH, FRANK - Robert Raikes of Gloucester
069571: MEYRICK BOOTH - Rudolf Eucken: His Philosophy and Influence
065715: BOOTH, P. H. W. - Burton in Wirral: A History
022361: BOOTH, MARK (INTRO.) - Part III : Christian Testament Since the Bible
070114: PETER BARLOW; MARTIN BOOTHMAN (EDS.) - 'Conspicuously Marked': Vehicle Registration in Gloucestershire, 1903-13: 33 (Gloucestershire Record Series)
053038: ATHANASE BOPDA - Yaoundé Et le Défi Camerounais de L'Intégration : A Quoi Sert Une Capitale D'Afrique Tropicale ?
041716: BORCHERT, FRIEDRICH - Burgen Stadte Deutsches Land Baudenkmaler in Ost- Und Westpreussen Und Ihre Geschichte
036902: BORCK, SEBASTIAN (ED.) - Okumenisches Lernen Von Stadt Zu Stadt/Creating an Urban Church Network
030549: BORDEAUX, HENRY - Voyageurs D'Orient Des Pelerins Aux Meharistes de Palmyre
064207: BORDEIANU, RADU - Dumitru Staniloae: An Ecumenical Ecclesiology (Ecclesiological Investigations)
069057: EMILE BOREL - Leçons Sur la Théorie de la Croissance Professées à la Faculté Des Sciences de Paris, Recueillies Et Rédigées Par Arnaud Denjoy
020479: BORER, MARY CATHCART - Covent Garden
054174: MARCUS BORG - Jesus and Buddha: The Parallel Sayings
067046: BORG, MARCUS J. - Reading the Bible Again for the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously But Not Literally
048016: MARCUS J. BORG - Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time: The Historical Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith
067068: BORG, MARCUS J. - Days of Awe and Wonder: How to Be a Christian in the Twenty-First Century
034976: BORG, MARCUS J. - Jesus in Contemporary Scholarship
065994: BORG, MARCUS - Convictions: A Manifesto for Progressive Christians
060805: ERIK BORGMAN - Edward Schillebeeckx: A Theologian in His History: Volume I: A Catholic Theology of Culture (1914-1965)
054613: BORGMANN, ALBERT - Power Failure
054602: BORGMANN, ALBERT - Holding on to Reality: The Nature of Information at the Turn of the Millenium
068836: BORLAND, MAUREEN - Wilde's Devoted Friend: A Life of Robert Ross, 1869-1918
056157: BORNKAMM, GUNTHER - Paul
050254: BORNKAMM, GUNTHER - Early Christian Experience
048372: BORNKAMM, GUNTHER - Paul
048360: BORNKAMM, HEINRICH - Luther in Mid Career 1521-1530
036030: BORNKAMM, GUNTHER - Early Christian Experience
031507: BORNKAMM, HEINRICH - Luther in Mid Career 1521-1530
030744: BORNKAMM, GUNTHER - Early Christian Experience
028319: BORNKAMM, GUNTHER - Paul
027529: BORNKAMM, GUNTHER - Jesus of Nazareth
033470: BOROS, LADISLAUS - We Are Future
069153: LADISLAUS BOROS - Pain and Providence
069589: BOROS, LADISLAUS - Open Spirit
023498: ZNOSKO-BOROVSKY, EUGENE - The Middle Game in Chess
025391: BOROWITZ, EUGENE B. - Liberal Judaism
047202: BORRIE, W. D. - The Cultural Integration of Immigrants: A Survey Based Upon the Papers and Proceedings of the Unesco Conference Havana, April 1956
035992: BORSCH, FREDERICK H. - The Christian and Gnostic Son of Man
031670: BORST, SALLY - Self Deficiency: The Real Truth About Country Life
069573: BERNARD BOSANQUET - What Religion Is
069643: BERNARD BOSANQUET - Three Lectures on Aesthetic
069644: BERNARD BOSANQUET - The Philosophical Theory of the State
069608: BERNARD BOSANQUET - Science and Philosophy and Other Essays
050002: ATANA BOSCHKOV - La Peinture Bulgare Des Origines Au Xixe Siecle
019302: VON BOSELAGER, PHILIPP - Valkyrie, the Plot to Kill Hitler
056849: IRA BOSELEY - The Independent Church of Westminster Abbey (1650-1826)
045340: MIKLOS BOSKOVITS - Early Italian Painting 1290-1470: The Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection
029381: BOSSCHE, LOUIS VAN DEN - Anne de Jesus: Coadjutrice de Sainte Therese D'Avila
069507: BOSSILKOV, SVETLIN - 12 Icons from Bulgaria
067429: BISHOP JACQUES BÉNIGNE BOSSUET - The Continuity of Religion from Discourse on Universal History
068579: BOSSUET, JACQUES-BENIGNE - Bossuet: Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
068386: BOSSUET, JACQUES-BENIGNE - Letters of Spiritual Direction
042472: BOST, A. - History of the Bohemian and Moravian Brethren
069192: CECILIA LADY BOSTON - The History of Compton in Surrey
060881: JAMES BOSWELL (WALLACE WILLIAM ED.) - The Life of Samuel Johnson L.L. D.
066717: JAMES BOSWELL - The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson LL. D.
038526: BOSWELL, JOHN - The Kindness of Strangers. The Abandonment of Children in Western Europe from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance
031330: BOSWELL (BIRRELL, AUGUSTINE ED.) - Boswell's Life of Johnson
049980: GIOVANNI BOTERO - Botero: The Reason of State
063227: HANS-CASPAR V. BOTHMER - Kalila Und Dimna
060926: ALAN BOTT - The Monuments in Merton College Chapel
051322: BOTT, ELIZABETH - Family and Social Network: Roles, Norms, and External Relationships in Ordinary Urban Families
041494: BOTT, ELIZABETH - Family and Social Network: Roles, Norms, and External Relationships in Ordinary Urban Families
043811: BOTTALLA, PAUL - The Papacy and Schism, Strictures on Mr Ffoulkes' Letter to Archbishop Manning
040602: BOTTALLA, PAUL; WARD,WILLIAM GEORGE; GILBERT, D.; BISHOP HEDLEY - Pope Honorius Before the Tribunal of Reason and History; Science, Prayer, Free Will and Miracles an Essay Reprinted from the Dublin Review of April, 1867; Five Discourses on Miracles, Prayer and the Laws of Nature; Religion for Children, an Address at the School at Aberkenfig, Glamorganshire, May 6, 1879
030897: BOTTERO, JEAN - Archives Royales de Mari VII Textes Economiques Et Administratifs de la Salle 110
026733: BOTTINEAU, YVES - Le Chemins de Saint-Jacques
027936: BOTTOMORE, T. B. - Marxist Sociology
067051: DE BOTTON, ALAIN - Religion for Atheists
062592: BOTWINICK, ARYEH - Michael Oakeshott's Skepticism
069578: BOUCHER, DAVID - The British Idealists
026967: BOUCHEZ, DANIEL (ED.) - Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle Un Chemin Initiatique
058316: A. J. BOUET - Unity of the Church a Protest Against the Hindrances to the Unity of the Church in England by the Preaching of the So-Called 'Anglo-Catholic' Pretended Church Principles
063473: DU BOULAY, SHIRLEY - Beyond the Darkness: A Biography of Bede Griffiths
023769: BOULTBEE - The Presence of Christ in the Lord's Supper
034482: BOULTER, B. C. - Robert Grossetete: The Defender of Our Church and Our Liberties
021080: BOUMAN, JOHAN - Augustinus; Lebensweg Und Theologie
064638: BOUNDS, ELIZABETH - Coming Together/Coming Apart: Religion, Community and Modernity
051814: A. C. BOUQUET - Hinduism
019875: BOURDEAUX, MICHAEL - Land of Crosses: The Struggle for Religious Freedom in Lithuania, 1939-78
018977: BOURDEAUX, MICHAEL - Gorbachev, Glasnost and the Gospel
018964: BOURDEAUX, MICHAEL - Land of Crosses: The Struggle for Religious Freedom in Lithuania, 1939-78
062569: BOURDIEU, PIERRE - The Logic of Practice
062568: BOURDIEU, PIERRE - Homo Academicus
062149: PIERRE BOURDIEU - Sketch for a Self-Analysis
053013: PIERRE BOURDIEU - Distinction
068812: BOURDIEU, PIERRE - Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste
026856: BOURGET, PIERRE DU - Les Coptes
024220: DU BOURGUET, PIERRE - Early Christian Art
069502: PIERRE DU BOURGUET - Coptic Art: Art of the World
032636: BOURGUIGNON, ERIKA - A World of Women: Anthropological Studies of Women in the Societies of the World
024889: BOURKE, VERNON J, - Augustine's Quest of Wisdom; His Life, Thought and Works
020290: BOURKE, JOHN - Baroque Churches of Central Europe
068205: CARDINAL BOURNE (PREFACE) - The Blessed Sacrament Guild Book for the Use of the Archconfraternity and Guild of the Blessed Sacrament
057100: E. C. E. BOURNE - The Anglicanism of Wiliam Laud
052132: KENNETH BOURNE - Letters of Third Viscount Palmerston to Laurence and Elizabeth Sullivan, 1804-1863 (Camden Fourth Series)
064453: PETER BOUTENEFF - How to Be a Sinner
064454: PETER C. BOUTENEFF - Sweeter Than Honey: Orthodox Thinking on Dogma and Truth
064208: BOUTENEFF, PETER C. - Beginnings: Ancient Christian Readings of the Biblical Creation Narratives
067611: BOUTFLOWER, DOUGLAS SAMUEL (ED.) - The Life of Ceolfrid Abbot of the Monastery at Wearmouth and Jarrow
065028: BOUYER, LOUIS - A History of Christian Spirituality: Volume I: Spirituality of the New Testament and the Fathers Volume II: The Spirituality of the Middle Ages Volume III: Orthodox Spirituality and Anglican Spirituality
038245: BOVE, PAUL A. - Edward Said and the Work of the Critic: Speaking Truth to Power
038187: BOVE, PAUL A. (ED.) - Boundary 2: Edward W. Said, a Special Issue
059434: E. W. BOVILL - The Golden Trade of the Moors
018916: BOVILL, E. W. - The Niger Explored
069015: DANIEL BAUD-BOVY - Peasant Art in Switzerland
068206: BOWDEN, JOHN EDWARD - The Spirit of the Cure of Ars Translated from the French of Abbe Monnin with Seventeen Additional Exhortations
036592: BOWDEN, JOHN - Karl Barth
023308: BOWDLER, THOMAS - A Letter Addressed to the Evangelical Members of the Church of England in Consequence of an Appeal by the Vicar of Islington
065587: W. BUTLER-BOWDON - The Book of Margery Kempe 1436 a Modern Version
062411: BOWEN, JOHN R. - Muslims Through Discourse: Religion and Ritual in Gayo Society
061754: A. BOWEN - Aeschylus: Choephori
061736: BOWEN, A. J. - The Malice of Herodotus (de Malignitate Herodotii) Translated with an Introduction and Commentary
065550: A. H. BOWEN - About Queens
038820: BOWEN, ROGER - So I Send You: Study Guide to Mission
037985: BOWEN, ROGER - A Guide to Romans
034903: BOWEN, DESMOND - The Idea of the Victorian Church : A Study of the Church of England 1833 -1889
034010: BOWEN, DESMOND - The Idea of the Victorian Church : A Study of the Church of England 1833 -1889
056994: H. M. BOWER - The Fourteen of Meaux: An Account of the Earliest Reformed Church in France Proper Organised by Estienne Mangin and Pierre Leclerc Who with Twelve Other Persons Suffered Death by Fire in 1546
067994: BOWERS, BARBARA S. - The Medieval Hospital and Medical Practice
069650: BOWERSOCK, G. W. - The Crucible of Islam
069872: BOWIE, ANDREW - Schelling and Modern European Philosophy: An Introduction
052286: MARGARET BOWKER (ED.) - An Episcopal Court Book for the Diocese of Lincoln 1514-1520
050203: BOWKER, JOHN - The Meanings of Death
042794: BOWKER, JOHN (ED.) - Das Oxford- Lexikon Der Weltreligionen
037267: BOWKER, JOHN - Worlds of Faith: Religious Belief and Practice in Britain Today
029049: BOWKER, JOHN - The Meanings of Death
027395: BOWKER, JOHN - The Sense of God: Sociological, Anthropological and Psychological Approaches to the Origin of the Sense of God
063412: BOWKER, JOHN - Why Religions Matter
017788: BOWKER, JOHN - Problems of Suffering in Religions of the World
017588: BOWKER, JOHN - The Meanings of Death
016916: BOWKER, JOHN;BOWKER, JOHN WESTERDALE - The Sacred Neuron: Extraordinary New Discoveries Linking Science and Religion
064191: MARGARET BOWKER - The Henrician Reformation: The Diocese of Lincoln Under John Longland 1521-1547
046553: BOWLER, HUGH - London Sessions Records 1605-1685
046283: BOWLER, HUGH - Recusant Roll No. 3 (1594-1595) and Recusant Roll No. 4 (1595-1596), an Abstract in English
024101: BOWLER, HUGH - Recusant Roll No. 2 (1593-1594) an Abstract in English
023780: BOWLER, HUGH - Recusant Roll No. 2 (1593-1594) an Abstract in English
023674: BOWLER, HUGH (MCCANN, TIMOTHY J. ED.) - Recusants in the Exchequer Pipe Rolls, 1581-1592
055733: MICK GIDLEY; KATE BOWLES - Locating the Shakers: Cultural Origins and Legacies of an American Religious Movement (Exeter Studies in American & Commonwealth Arts)
047538: DONNA BOWMAN - The Divine Decision: A Process Doctrine of Election
023920: BOWMAN, LEONARD J. - A Retreat with St. Bonaventure
062389: BOWMER, JOHN C. - The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in Early Methodism
061745: C. M.BOWRA - Tradition and Design in the Iliad
060379: C. M. BOWRA - In General and Particular
048190: BOWRA, C. M. - The Heritage of Symbolism
040952: BOWYER, GEORGE - The Private History of the Creation of the Catholic Hierarchy in England, a Letter to the Right Hon. The Earl of Stanhope
040523: BOWYER, GEORGE - Commentaries on Universal Public Law
056521: BOX, HILARY O - Organisation in Animal Communities: Experimental and Naturalistic Studies of the Social Behaviour of Animals
032899: BOX, REGINALD - Make Music to Our God: How We Sing the Psalms
038429: BOYACK, KENNETH (EDS) - Catholic Evangelization Today: A New Pentecost for the United States
060902: ZABELLE C. BOYAJIAN - In Greece with Pen and Palette
049477: S. C. BOYANUS & N. B. JOPSON - Spoken Russian: A Practical Course
052362: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND - Lead Kindly Light: Studies of the Saints and Heroes of the Oxford Movement
045416: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND - God and Everyman
035859: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND - A Tapestry of Toil
035533: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND - Fields of Yesterday
035455: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND - Mystic Glow: Being Words on the Cross of Christ Addressed to All Sorts and Conditions of Men
035257: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND - A Pilgrimage of Song: The Times and Chimes of the St. Mary-of-the-Angels Song School 1919 to 1972
035251: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND - Fields of Yesterday
035249: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND - God and Everyman
035248: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND - Is It a Sin?
035162: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND - Saith the Preacher
035161: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND - How Can I Be Happy?
033378: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND - Lead Kindly Light: Studies of the Saints and Heroes of the Oxford Movement
019367: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND - A Tramping Parsons Message: Thirty-One Practical Sermons
068994: T. A. COWARD; A. W. BOYD - The Birds of the British Isles and Their Eggs Second Series
048675: JAY BOYD - Zeal for Thy House: Suffering Through Mass
025323: BOYD, ROBIN - The Witness of the Student Christian Movement; Church Ahead of the Church
063225: CARL B. BOYER - The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development
017480: BOYLAN, MICHAEL - The Extinction of Desire: A Tale of Enlightenment
068019: BOYLE, ELIZABETH - History and Salvation in Medieval Ireland
056601: BOYNTON, JOHN - Rails Across the City: Story of the Birmingham Cross City Line
034897: BOYS, JULIAN M. - The King's Daughters, a Book of Devotion for Girls
037237: BRAATEN, CARL E.; JENSON, ROBERT W. - The Two Cities of God: The Church's Responsibility for the Earthly City
060026: C. P. BRACKEN - Antiquities Acquired, the Spoilation of Greece
053738: BRACKEN, JOSEPH A. - The Divine Matrix: Creativity As Link between East and West
063361: BRADATAN, COSTICA - Dying for Ideas: The Dangerous Lives of the Philosophers
060858: BRADBURY, JIM - The Medieval Siege
044858: JIM BRADBURY - The Medieval Archer
037837: BRADBY, M. K. - Psycho-Analysis and Its Place in Life
024590: BRADBY, DAVID - Modern French Drama, 1940-1980
061811: JOSEPH BRADDOCK - Sappho's Island: A Paen for Lesbos
052754: B. BRADFIELD - The Book of Switzerland for the Intelligent Traveller Part I: From Alps to Jura (Geneva, Montreux Gd St Bernard Etc)
056945: BRADFORD, PHIL; MCHARDY, ALISON K. - Proctors for Parliament: Clergy, Community and Politics, C. 1248-1539. (the National Archives, Series Sc 10): Volume I: C. 1248-1377 (Canterbury & York Society) (Volume 107)
047083: BRADFORD, JOHN (TOWNSEND, AUBREY (ED.)) - The Writings of John Bradford Martyr, Fellow of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge and Prebendary of St Paul's, Martyr 1555.
069391: F. H. BRADLEY (CAROL A. KEENE ED.) - Collected Works of F.H. Bradley Vols 1-5 Volume I a Pluralistic Approach to Philosophy 1865-1882; Volume 2 a Focus on Metaphysics and Psychology 1883-1902; Vol 3 Refinement and Revision 1903-1924; Vol 4 Selected Correspondence June 1872 - December 1904; Vol 5 Selected Correspondence January 1905 - June 1924
068662: BRADLEY, F. H. - Ethical Studies
060286: BRADLEY, IAN - The Call to Seriousness: The Evangelical Impact on the Victorians
059561: BRADLEY, IAN - Grace, Order, Openness and Diversity: Reclaiming Liberal Theology
068553: BRADLEY, F. H. - Collected Essays (Two Volume Set)
049927: CATHERINE A. BRADLEY - The Montpellier Codex: The Final Fascicle
065949: H. DENNIS BRADLEY - Not for Fools
047165: BRADLEY, JAMES - Newman 1845-1852 the Honeymoon Years, an Anthology
045263: BRADLEY, JOHN - Illuminated Manuscripts
044156: BRADLEY, IAN - Abide with Me the World of Victorian Hymns
042016: BRADLEY, IAN - The Celtic Way
042015: BRADLEY, IAN - Colonies of Heaven: Celtic Models for Today's Church
041677: BRADLEY, HOWARD W. - Handbook of Coins of the British Isles
068493: F. H. BRADLEY - The Principles of Logic Revised with Commentary and Terminal Essays
034311: BRADLEY, IAN - Abide with Me the World of Victorian Hymns
067561: A. G. BRADLEY - The Wye
030755: BRADLEY, IAN - The Celtic Way
029659: BRADLEY, JOHN - Illuminated Manuscripts
026609: BRADLEY, IAN - Abide with Me the World of Victorian Hymns
023151: BRADLEY, TOM - The Old Coaching Days in Yorkshire
068657: BRADLEY, F. H. - Writings on Logic and Metaphysics
017655: BRADLEY, IAN - The Power of Sacrifice
060303: BRADSHAW, PAUL - The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship: Sources and Methods for the Study of Early Liturgy
060054: BRADSHAW, TIMOTHY - Praying As Believing
067781: J. BRADSHAW ET AL. - Kent and East Sussex Underground
036307: BRADSHAW, TIMOTHY (ED.) - The Way Forward: Christian Voices on Homosexuality and the Church
033939: BRADSHAW, PAUL F. (ED.) - Essays in Early Eastern Initiation
030590: BRADSHAW, PAUL - The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship: Sources and Methods for the Study of Early Liturgy
023271: BRADSHAW, PAUL - The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship: Sources and Methods for the Study of Early Liturgy
022179: BRADSHAW, PAUL - The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship: Sources and Methods for the Study of Early Liturgy
018939: BRADSTOCK, ANDREW - Saints and Sandinistas: The Catholic Church in Nicaragua and Its Response to the Revolution
068003: HENRY BOWNMAN BRADY - A Monograph of Carboniferous and Permian Foraminifera (the Genus Fusulina Excepted)
043950: BRADY, W. MAZIERE - Rome and Fenianism: The Pope's Anti-Parnellite Circular
043258: BRADY, W. MAZIERE - The Alleged Conversion of the Irish Bishops to the Reformed Religion at the Accession of Queen Elizabeth; and the Assumed Descent of the Present Established Hierarchy in Ireland from the Ancient Irish Church Disproved
040785: BRADY, W. MAZIERE - The Alleged Conversion of the Irish Bishops to the Reformed Religion at the Accession of Queen Elizabeth; and the Assumed Descent of the Present Established Hierarchy in Ireland from the Ancient Irish Church Disproved
062577: MARC ANTONIO BRAGADIN - The Italian Navy in World War II
062478: BRAGUE, RÉMI - On the God of the Christians: (and on One or Two Others)
054863: BRAID, ANGUS J - Mysticism and Heresy: Studies in Radical Religion in the Central Middle Ages (C. 850-1210)
029990: BRAID, ANGUS J. - Mysticism and Heresy: Studies in Radical Religion in the Central Middle Ages (C. 850-1210)
052207: J. W. BRAILSFORD - A Guide to the Antiquities of Roman Britain
024576: BRAIN, J.B. - The Catholic Church in the Transvaal
024249: BRAIN, J. B. (ED.) - The Cape Diary of Bishop Patrick Raymond Griffith for the Years 1837 to 1839
043274: BRAITHWAITE, R. - No-Worship, Hero-Worship, and Christianity
022959: BRAKE, GEORGE THOMPSON - Policy and Politics in British Methodism 1932-1982
066361: BRALL, ROBERT - John Middleton and the Norwich School
060983: BRAMLEY, PETER - The Wars of the Roses: A Field Guide and Companion
069294: H. R.. BRAMLEY - Justification, Five Sermons Preached in S. Barnabas Church, Oxford in Michaelmas Term, 1879
069295: K. B. HANCOCK; H. R. BRAMLEY - The Prayer Book and Services of the Church in Ancient and Modern Times: A Course of Three Lectures
056050: HENRY BRAN - The Calvary of My People: : the Gospel, Alive in El Salvador
044757: BRANCH, EDGAR - A Bibliography of James T. Farrell's Writings 1921-1957
064751: ROSE BRANDEL - The Music of Central Africa: An Ethnomusicological Study
062186: HENRY R. T. BRANDRETH - Unity and Reunion : A Bibliography
060278: BRANDRETH, HENRY R. T. - The Oecumenical Ideals of the Oxford Movement
057369: BRANDRETH, H. R. T. - Episcopi Vagantes and the Anglican Church
057113: BRANDRETH, H. R. T. - Episcopi Vagantes and the Anglican Church
045741: BRANDRETH, H. R. T. - Episcopi Vagantes and the Anglican Church
024778: BRANDRETH, HENRY R. T. - Dr Lee of Lambeth, a Chapter in Parenthesis in the History of the Oxford Movement.
018766: BRANDRETH, H. R. T. - Episcopi Vagantes and the Anglican Church
021132: BRANDT, HERMANN - Gottes Gegenwart in Lateinamerika: Inkarnation Als Leitmotiv Der Befreiungstheologie
069942: BRANDWOOD, GEOFF (ED.) - Seven Church Architects, 1830-1930
028810: BRASFIELD, JAMES M. - Health Policy: The Decade Ahead
034669: BRASO, GABRIEL M. - Liturgy and Spirituality
021298: BRATSIOTIS, PANAGIOTIS - Die Orthodoxe Kirchr in Griechischer Sicht
065050: NAHMAN OF BRATSLAV (BAND, ARNOLD ED.) - Nahman of Bratslav, the Tales
024443: NAHMAN OF BRATSLAV (BAND, ARNOLD ED.) - Nahman of Bratslav, the Tales
062977: F. GLADSTONE BRATTON - A History of Egyptian Archaeology
017864: NACHMAN OF BRATZLA - The Tales
060023: BRAUN, HUGH - English Mediaeval Architecture
065980: BRAUN, HUGH - Parish Churches: Their Architectural Development in England
030403: BRAUN, HUGH - English Abbeys
025626: BRAUN, HUGH - An Introduction to English Medieval Architecture
020704: BRAVMANN, RENE A. - West African Sculpture
057863: GERALD BRAY - Augustine on the Christian Life: Transformed by the Power of God
057674: GERALD BRAY - Records of Convocation XII: Canterbury, 1761-1852 (Volume 12)
057673: BRAY, GERALD - Records of Convocation XVI: Ireland, 1690-1869 (Part I)
057672: BRAY, GERALD - Records of Convocation I: Sodor and Man, 1229-1877 (Volume 1)
057671: BRAY, GERALD - Records of Convocation II: Sodor and Man, 1878-2003 (Volume 2)
057670: BRAY, GERALD - Records of Convocation XV: York, 1625-1861 (Volume 15)
057665: BRAY, GERALD - Records of Convocation III: Canterbury, 1313-1377 (Volume 3)
057661: BRAY, GERALD - Records of Convocation IV: Canterbury, 1377-1414 (Volume 4)
057660: BRAY, GERALD - Records of Convocation IX: Canterbury, 1701-1708 (Volume 9)
020970: BRAY, WARWICK - The Gold of El Dorado
067858: BRAYBROOKE, DAVID; BROWN, BRYSON; SCHOTCH, PETER K. - Logic on the Track of Social Change
036709: BRAYBROOKE, MARCUS (ED.) - Stepping Stones to a Global Ethic
021018: BRAYBROOKE, MARCUS - Pilgrimage of Hope : One Hundred Years of Global Interfaith Dialogue
040926: BRAYE, [ALFRED] LORD - Catholic Prospects, Address Delivered at St. Helen's, Lancashire May 118, 1881
043624: BRAYLEY, E. W. - The Graphic and Historical Illustrator an Original Miscellany of Literary, Antiquarian and Topographical Information
065179: BRAZIER, DAVID - Beyond Carl Rogers
064893: JAMES HENRY BREASTED - Ancient Records of Egypt: Historical Documents Volume V Indices
043343: BRECHTER, HEINRICH SUSO - Lexikon Fur Theologie Und Kirche: Das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil Konsitutionen Dekrete Und Erklarungen Lateinisch Und Deutsch
036097: BRECKENRIDGE, IAN - Reclaiming Jesus: Making Sense of the Man without the Miracles
067775: BREDEKAMP, HORST - Der Schwimmende Souverän: Karl Der GroßE Und Die Bildpolitik Des Körpers
029706: BREDERO, ADRIAAN H. - Bernard of Clairvaux: Between Cult and History
047604: LOUISE A. BREEN - Transgressing the Bounds: Subversive Enterprises Among the Puritan Elite in Massachusetts, 1630-1692 (Religion in America)
068521: BREEZE, DAVID J. - Roman Frontiers in Britain
024228: BREHIER, EMILE - The History of Philosophy, Volume VI: The Nineteenth Century: Period of Systems, 1800-1850
067767: BREMMER, R. H. - The Fyve Wyttes. A Late Middle English Devotional Treatise. Ed. From Bl Ms Harley 2398 with an Introduction, Commentary and Glossary. (Costerus New Series) (English and Middle English Edition)
036652: BRADSHAW, BRENDAN & MORRILL, JOHN (EDS) - The British Problem C. 1534-1707 State Formation in the Atlantic Archipelago
060010: BRENDON, PIERS - Thomas Cook: 150 Years of Popular Tourism
033442: BRENDON, PIERS - Hurrell Froude and the Oxford Movement
052325: SEAN BRENNAN - The Priest Who Put Europe Back Together: The Life of Father Fabian Flynn, Cp
068075: BRENNER, ELMA - Leprosy and Charity in Medieval Rouen
039231: BRENNER, ATHALYA; VAN HENTEN, JAN W. (EDS) - Bible Translation on the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century: Authority, Reception, Culture, Religion
032583: BRENNER, LOUIS (ED.) - Muslim Identity and Social Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
044723: ROBERT BRENTANO - Two Churches: England and Italy in the Thirteenth Century
049527: PERCY S. BRENTNALL - Tales of Brettell or the Story of an Idea
065902: MAURIZIO BRESCIA - Mussolini's Navy: A Reference Guide to the Regia Marina 1930-1945
060095: BRETT, SIMON - Take a Spare Truss: Tips for Nineteenth Century Travellers
036641: BRETT, PAUL - Love Your Neighbour: The Bible and Christian Ethics Today
021955: BRETT, WALTER (ED.) - Honey from Your Garden: A Handy Guide to Bee Keeping
068936: J GIRARDIN; A. DU BREUIL - Cours Elementaire D'Agriculture (2 Vols)
061476: DEREK BREWER - Classic Mythography and Romantic English Literature
036012: BREWER, DEREK (ED.) - Medieval Comic Tales
063659: BERNHARD FRITSCHER; GERHARD BREY - Cosmographica Et Geographica: Festschrift Für Heribert M. Nobis Zum 70. Geburtstag (Algorismus) (German Edition)
068561: L. I. BREZHNEV - Our Course Peace and Socialism
038449: MAHAN, BRIAN & RICHESIN, L. DALE - The Challenge of Liberation Theology
068309: THOMAS, BRIAN AND RICHARDSON, EILEEN - Directory of Master Glass Painters
042231: BRIAULT, M. - Catholic Library of Religious Knowledge XVIII: Polytheism and Fetishism
065929: SEWARD BRICE - The Law Relating to Public Worship with Especial Regard to Matters of Ritual and Ornamentation and to the Means for Securing the Due Observance Thereof
054501: JONATHAN BRICKLIN - Sciousness
058312: W. SIMCOX BRICKNELL - Protest Against the Consecration of a Stone Altar, Crucifix and Other Illegal Ornaments in the New Church at Freeland in the Parish of Eynsham
061346: BRIDGE, GARY; WATSON, SOPHIE - A Companion to the City
059578: BRIDGE, DONALD; DAVID PHYPERS - The Meal That Unites? (Ecclesia Books)
048955: BRIDGE, ANTONY - Theodora: Portrait in a Byzantine Landscape
023216: BRIDGE, ANTONY - Theodora: Portrait in a Byzantine Landscape
041594: BRIDGER, SUE (ED.) - Women in Post-Communist Russia
056535: BRIDGES, R.C.; HAIR, P.E.H. - Compassing the Vaste Globe of the Earth: Studies in the History of the Hakluyt Society, 1846-1996
043035: BRIDGES, TIM - Churches of Worcestershire
044352: BRIDGETT, T. E. - England for Our Lady: A Sermon
043234: BRIDGETT, T. E. - Infamous Publications: Who Wrote Them? an Answer to Mr Leckie and Mr Fitzgibbon
040783: BRIDGETT, T. E. - Infamous Publications: Who Wrote Them? an Answer to Mr Leckie and Mr Fitzgibbon
025999: BRIDGETT, T. E. - A History of the Holy Eucharist in Great Britain
063203: O'BRIEN, DAN - An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge
057037: O'BRIEN, HARRIET - Queen Emma and the Vikings: Power, Love, and Greed in 11th Century England
034505: O'BRIEN, FELICITY - Not Peace But a Sword: John Henry Newman
031131: O'BRIEN, NIALL - Revolution from the Heart
027919: O'BRIEN, D. B. - Saints and Politicians: Essays in the Organisation of a Senegalese Peasant Society
027898: CRUISE O'BRIEN, RITA - The Political Economy of Underdevelopment: Dependence in Senegal
028294: BRIENNE, DANIEL RAFFARD DE - Lex Orandi: La Nouveau Messe Et la Foi
056110: BEN BRIERLEY - Irkdale: Tales and Sketches of Lancashire Life
037272: BRIERLEY, PETER - Prospects for the Nineties: North West Region: Trends and Tables from the English Church Census
036366: BRIERLEY, MICHAEL (ED.) - Public Life and the Place of the Church: Reflections to Honour the Bishop of Oxford
029886: BRIERLEY, MICHAEL (ED.) - Public Life and the Place of the Church: Reflections to Honour the Bishop of Oxford
054597: BRIGDEN, ROY - Victorian Farms
069451: BRIGGS, KATHARINE M.; TONGUE, RUTH LYNDALL - Folktales of England
061162: BRIGGS, MARTIN S. - Puritan Architecture and Its Future
056614: MARTIN S. BRIGGS - The English Farmhouse
056523: BRIGGS, MARTIN S. - Puritan Architecture and Its Future
056494: RICHARD N. BAILEY; ERIC CAMBRIDGE; H. DENNIS BRIGGS - Dowsing and Church Archaeology
064760: CHARELS AUGUSTUS BRIGGS - Messianic Prophecy the Prediction of the Fulfilment of Redemption Through the Messiah
066821: JOHN BRIGGS - Newcastle-Under-Lyme 1173-1973
026577: BRIGGS, MARTIN S. - Puritan Architecture and Its Future
066169: BRIGHAM, ERIN - Church As Field Hospital: Toward an Ecclesiology of Sanctuary
022605: BRIGHENTI, KENNETH; TRIGILIO, JOHN, JR. - Catholicism for Dummies
060657: BRIGHT, JOHN - Covenant and Promise: Future in the Preaching of the Pre-Exilic Prophets
048422: R. G. T. BRIGHT (SHARF, F. A. & PANKHURST, R. EDS) - Expedition from the Sudan to Abyssinia (1899 1900): The Diary of Major R.G. T. Bright
031483: BRIGHT, JOHN - The Authority of the Old Testament
031291: BRIGHT, WILLIAM - Waymarks of Church History
030096: BRIGHT, JOHN - A History of Israel
027708: BRIGHT, JOHN - A History of Israel
025207: BRIGHT, WILLIAM - Eighteen Sermons of S. Leo the Great on the Incarnation, Translated with Notes and with the 'Tome' of S. Leo in the Original
024876: BRIGHT, WILLIAM - Some Aspects of Primitive Church Life
048051: BRIGHTMAN, F. E. - What Objections Have Been Made to Anglican Orders?
045207: BRIGHTMAN, F. E. - What Objections Have Been Made to Anglican Orders?
14252: BRIGHTMAN, F. E. - What Objections Have Been Made to Anglican Orders?
055894: SIMON BRIGHTON - In Search of the Knights Templar: A Guide to the Sites in Britain
055732: BRIGHTON, SIMON - In Search of the Knights Templar: A Guide to the Sites of Britain
024945: BRILLANT, MAURICE - Eucharistia; Encyclopedie Poupulaire Sur L'Eucharistie
068198: H. BRILLIE - Torpilles Et Torpilleurs
036972: BRIM, J.A.; SPAIN, D.H. - Research Design in Anthropology: Paradigms and Pragmatics in the Testing of Hypotheses
048149: BRING, RAGNAR - Tolkning Av Testamentet Galaterbrevet
021282: BRINGMAN, FRITZ - Kindermord Am Bullenhuserdamm
064689: BRINK, JUDY - Mixed Blessings: Gender and Religious Fundamentalism Cross Culturally
037456: BRINK, GIJSBERT VAN DEN (ED.) - Christian Faith and Philosophical Theology: Essays in Honour of Vincent Brummer
032705: BAKHUIZEN VAN DEN BRINK, J. N. - Protestantsche Kerkbouw
043186: BRINKWORTH, E. R. C. - Old Banbury: A Short Popular History
043185: BRINKWORTH, E. R. C. - Old Banbury: A Short Popular History
064891: R. S. BRINTON - Carpets
065052: R. S. BRINTON; J. F. G. BRINTON - Carpets
043386: BRINTON, CRANE - A History of Western Morals
036081: BRISEBOIS, MIREILLE - Saint Paul: Introduction to St. Paul and His Letters
046606: BRISTOW, L. H. - Two Hundred Years of Methodism in Messingham
037634: BRITTAIN, FREDERICK - Fifty Years at Jesus: The Diaries of Frederick Brittain, Fellow of Jesus College Cambridge
070086: ERIC CROZIER; BENJAMIN BRITTEN - Albert Herring a Comic Opera in Three Acts
066025: E. W. BRAYLEY; JOHN BRITTON - Cheshire: The Beauties of England and Wales
065775: THOMAS ALLEN BRITTON - A Treatise on the Origin, Progress, Prevention and Cure of Dry Rot in Timber with Remarks on the Means of Preserving Wood from Destruction by Sea Worms, Beetles, Ants Etc
031712: BRITTON, THOMAS HOPKINS - Horae Sacramentales: The Sacramental Articles of the Church of England Vindicated from Recent Misrepresentations
060996: BROAD, JOHN (ED) - Buckinghamshire Dissent and Parish Life, 1669-1712
069611: C. D. BROAD - Five Types of Ethical Theory
028498: BROAD, JOHN (ED.) - Bishop Wake's Summary of Visitation Returns from the Diocese of Lincoln 1706-1715 Part 2: Outside Lincolnshire (Huntingdonshire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Leicestershire, Buckinghamshire)
028497: BROAD, JOHN (ED.) - Bishop Wake's Summary of Visitation Returns from the Diocese of Lincoln 1706-1715 Part 1: Lincolnshire
066432: H. D. BROADHEAD - Tragica: Elucidations of Passages in Greek Tragedy
044940: BROADLEY, MARTIN J. - Bishop Herbert Vaughan and the Jesuits: Education and Authority
025919: BROADLEY, MARTIN J. - Bishop Herbert Vaughan and the Jesuits; Education and Authority
024131: BROADLEY, MARTIN JOHN - Louis Charles Casartelli; a Bishop in Peace and War
020231: BROADLEY, MARTIN J. - Bishop Herbert Vaughan and the Jesuits; Education and Authority
050162: SEBASTIAN P. BROCK - Syriac Studies a Classified Bibliography (2006-2010)
050057: SEBASTIAN P. BROCK - Syriac Studies a Classified Bibliography (1991-1995); Syriac Studies a Classified Bibliography (1996-2000)
068441: SEBASTIAN BROCK - The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life (Cistercian Studies Series) (Volume 101)
067884: BROCK, COLIN - The Caribbean in Europe: Aspects of the West Indies Experience in Britain, France and the Netherland (Legacies of West Indian Slavery)
022073: BROCK, EDMUND - Morte Arthure or the Death of Arthur Edted from Robert Thornton's Ms
023733: BROCKINGTON, L. H. (ED.) - Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther
061071: BROCKLESBY, REGINALD - The Register of William Melton, Archbishop of York, 1317-1340, IV
060890: BROCKMAN, E. - Two Sieges of Rhodes, 1480-1522: The Knights of St. John at War, 1480-1522
019403: BROCKWAY, ALLAN R. - New Religious Movements and the Churches
052567: RENE DEVISCH; CLAUDE BRODEUR - Forces Et Signes : Regards Croises D'Un Anthropologue Et D'Un Psychanalyste Sur Les Yaka
064042: ALFRED JOHN CHURCH; WILLIAM JACKSON BRODRIBB - The History of Tacitus Translated Into English
051263: BROMILEY, G. W. - Thomas Cranmer Theologian
048125: GEOFFREY W. BROMILEY - Historical Theology: An Introduction
050101: MARTIN BRONS - Augustins Trinitatslehre Praktisch: Ritual Und Unterweisung Auf Dem Weg Zur Taufe (Studien Und Texte Zu Antike Und Christentum / Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity) (German Edition)
068142: BRONSHTEIN, D I - Chess Struggle in Practice: Lessons from the Famous Zurich Candidates Tournament, 1953
041825: BRONSTEIN, JUDITH - The Hospitallers and the Holy Land: Financing the Latin East, 1187-1274
060368: BROOK, V. J. K. - A Life of Archbishop Parker
048262: BROOK, V. J. K. - A Life of Archbishop Parker
052253: J. BROOKE - The Church of Shifnal Alias Idsall
066801: GEOFFREY BROOKE - The Lonsdale Library Volume I Horsemanship, Dressage & Showjumping
049241: BROOKE, ROSALIND B. - Early Franciscan Government: Elias to Bonaventure
049140: BROOKE, CHRISTOPHER - Europe in the Central Middle Ages 962-1154
048842: ROSALIND BROOKE; CHRISTOPHER BROOKE - Popular Religion in the Middle Ages: Western Europe 1000 - 1300
031033: BROOKE, AUDREY - Robert Gray: First Bishop of Cape Town
068265: HAROLD BROOKE - Closed for Business: Ewan Christian's Restoration of Southwell Minster 1848-1888
019775: BROOKE, JOHN L. - Columbia Rising: CIVIL Life on the Upper Hudson from the Revolution to the Age of Jackson
066799: C. BROOKES - A History of Steeple Aston & Middle Aston
034466: BROOKFIELD, FRANCES M. - The Cambridge 'Apostles'
052148: BROOKS, COLLIN - Fleet Street, Press Barons and Politics: The Journals of Collin Brooks, 1932-1940
16556: BROOKS, LESLIE - Faith Never Lost; the Tale of Dissidence in England
050370: ERIC ST JOHN BROOKS - The Irish Cartularies of Llanthony Prima & Secunda
048371: BROOKS, PETER (ED.) - Christian Spirituality: Essays in Honour of Gordon Rupp
047166: BROOKS, PETER NEWMAN (ED.) - Reformation Principle and Practice: Essays in Honour of A.G. Dickens
045994: LINDA BROOKS - Flights of Memory: The Scottish Homing Union 1907-2007
042855: BROOKS, JOHN LANGDON - Just Before the Origin: Alfred Wallace's Theory of Evolution
039732: BROOKS, PETER (ED.) - Christian Spirituality: Essays in Honour of Gordon Rupp
024878: BROOKS, COLLIN - Fleet Street, Press Barons and Politics: The Journals of Collin Brooks, 1932-1940
019108: BROOKS, COLLIN - Fleet Street, Press Barons and Politics: The Journals of Collin Brooks, 1932-1940
016787: BROOKS, RICHARD S.; HIMROD, DAVID K. - Science and Religion in the English-Speaking World, 1600-1727: A Bibliographic Guide to the Secondary Literature
060398: GERALD WEBB BROOMFIELD - Colour Conflict: Race Relations in Africa
045962: BROSE, HENRY L. - The Theory of Relativity an Introductory Sketch Based on Einstein's Original Writings Including a Biographical Note
019877: A CHRISTIAN BROTHER - Edmund Ignatius Rice and the Christian Brothers
062244: JOAN BROTHERS - Church and School: A Study of the Impact of Education on Religion
066841: JERRY BROTTON - The Sale of the Late King's Goods Charles I and His Art Collection
067215: BROUCKER, JOSE DE - Dom Helder Camara, the Conversions of a Bishop: An Interview with Jose de Broucker
066709: HERBERT BROUGHTON - The Spirit Disembodied: When We Die We Do Not Fall Asleep We Only Change Our Place
054978: CASSAGNES-BROUQUET, SOPHIE - La Passion Du Livre Au Moyen Age
036319: BROUWER, WAYNE - Being a Believer in an Unbelieving World: Contemporary Reflections on the Sermon on the Mount
061003: BROWN, ANN C. - Before Knossos: Arthur Evans's Travels in the Balkans and Crete
060895: ASHLEY BROWN - Greece Old and New
060810: IVOR BROWN - Word for Word: An Encyclopedia of Beer
060284: PETER BROWN - The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity 200-1000 Ad
060282: BROWN, SCHUYLER - The Origins of Christianity : A Historical Introduction to the New Testament
060104: BROWN, R.ALLEN - The Normans
069379: BROWN, R. H. - Beeswax
066190: BROWN, FRANCES - Joanna Southcott: The Woman Clothed with the Sun
059083: R. ALLEN BROWN - English Medieval Castles
058958: MICHELLE BROWN - In the Beginning: Bibles Before the Year 1000
057723: DAVID BROWN - Christ's Second Coming: Will It Be Pre-Millenial?
057168: BROWN, HOWARD M. - Music in the Renaissance
057012: RAYMOND E. BROWN - The Birth of the Messiah, a Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke.
056979: BROWN, RICHARD - Church and State in Modern Britain 1700-1850
056599: BROWN, STEWART J. - Dennis - 100 Years of Innovation
067376: WILLIAM BROWN (ED.) - The Register of Walter Giffard, Lord Archbishop of York 1266 - 1279
066713: A. SAMLER BROWN - Brown's Madeira, Canary Islands and Azores a Practical and Complete Guide for the Use of Tourists and Invalids with Twenty-Two Coloured Maps and Plans
068667: TATTON-BROWN, TIMOTHY - Lambeth Palace: A History of the Archbishops of Canterbury and Their Houses
054974: BROWN, MICHELLE P. - Understanding Illuminated Manuscripts : A Guide to Technical Terms
069027: BROWN, PETER - Authority and the Sacred
051626: A. R. RADCLIFFE-BROWN - African Systems of Kinship and Marriage
051618: RADCLIFFE-BROWN, A. R. - Structure and Function in Primitive Society
051217: RAYMOND E. BROWN - The Birth of the Messiah, a Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke.
067457: BROWN, RAYMOND E.; FITZMYER, JOSEPH A; MURPHY, ROLAND E. - The New Jerome Biblical Commentary
060299: BROWN, RAYMOND E. - An Introduction to the New Testament
050653: ROGER L BROWN - Reclaiming the Wilderness: Some Aspects of the Parochial Life and Achievements of the Diocese of Llandaff in the 19th Century
050471: ROGER LEE BROWN - In Pursuit of a Welsh Episcopate (University of Wales - Bangor History of Religion)
050419: ROGER LEE BROWN - A-Z of Welsh Clerics
049981: CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN - Wieland; or the Transformation: With Related Texts
049647: RAYMOND E. BROWN - A Once-and-Coming Spirit at Pentecost: Essays on the Liturgical Readings between Easter and Pentecost
049644: RAYMOND E. BROWN - An Adult Christ at Christmas
049635: BROWN, RAYMOND E. - A Crucified Christ in Holy Week: Essays on the Four Gospel Passion Narratives
067963: JAMES BALDWIN BROWN - Stoics and Saints: Lectures on the Later Heathen Moralists and on Some Aspects of the Life of the Mediaeval Church
048761: BROWN, STUART C. (ED.) - Reason and Religion
048365: JOHN P. MEIER RAYMOND E. BROWN - Antioch and Rome New Testament Cradles of Catholic Christianity
048254: BROWN, TOM - Amusements Serious and Comical and Other Works
047030: KENNETH D. BROWN - A Social History of the Nonconformist Ministry in England and Wales 1800-1930
046765: D. CATHERINE BROWN - Pastor and Laity in the Theology of Jean Gerson
046504: KATHY BROWN & SOKOL, FRANK C. - Issues in the Christian Initiation of Children: Catechesis and Liturgy
046204: BROWN, WILLIAM ERIC - The Catholic Church in South Africa: From Its Origins to the Present Day
044267: BROWN, ROGER L. - Church and Clergy at Castle Caereinion
044266: BROWN, ROGER L. - Lord Powis and the Extension of the Episcopate
044096: BROWN, MALCOM - Tensions in Christian Ethics: An Introduction
066972: RAYMOND E. BROWN - The Birth of the Messiah, a Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke.
065525: BROWN, R. H. - Beeswax
069024: G. BALDWIN BROWN - The Art of the Cave Dweller: A Study of the Earliest Artistic Activities of Man
068430: BROWN, RODERICK L. - The Architectural Outsiders
040148: BALDWIN BROWN, G - The Arts in Early England (6 Vols Set in 7)
039857: BROWN, COLIN (ED.) - The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (3 Vols Set)
037976: BROWN, DAVID A. - Guide to Religions
037531: BROWN, DEBORAH A. (ED.) - Christianity in the 21st Century
037510: BROWN, MILTON PERRY - The Authentic Writings of Ignatius: A Study of Linguistic Criteria
037135: BROWN, KENNETH L. - People of Sale: Tradition and Change in a Moroccan City, 1830-1930
036551: BROWN, RAYMOND E. - A Crucified Christ in Holy Week: Essays on the Four Gospel Passion Narratives
033393: BURTON-BROWN, E. - Recent Excavations at the Roman Forum 1898-1904
033123: BROWN, COLIN - Black and White Britain: The Third Psi Survery
031407: BROWN, STUART C. (ED.) - Reason and Religion
027337: BROWN, R. ALLEN - Castles from the Air
026625: BROWN, DAVID - Invitation to Theology
025173: BROWN, JOHN - An Exposition of Our Lord's Intercessory Prayer
022729: SAMLER BROWN, A. (ED.) - The South and East African Year Book and Guide with Atlas and Diagrams
022631: BROWN, R. ALLEN - Castles from the Air
022489: BROWN, RAYMOND E. - A Risen Christ in Eastertime
017005: BROWN, PETER F. - On the Road to Rome
016906: BROWN, DAVID - Through the Eyes of the Saints: A Pilgrimage Through History.
069141: BROWNE, ANTHONY - The Retreat of Reason: Political Correctness and the Corruption of Public Debate in Modern Britain
062904: BROWNE, JANET - Charles Darwin: Volume II of a Biography: The Power of Place
062714: BROWNE, RAY BROADUS; MARSDEN, MICHAEL T. - The Cultures of Celebrations
045365: BROWNE, J. - Celebration of the Holy Hour: A Hand-Book for the Use of Priests and People
026228: BROWNE, EDITH A. - Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
025966: BROWNE, G. F. - Boniface of Credition and His Companions; Based on Lectures Delivered in the Cathedral Church of Bristol in 1906
025443: BROWNE, G. F. - The Importance of Women in Anglo-Saxon Times: The Cultus of St Peter and St Paul and Other Addresses
020477: BUCHANAN-BROWNE, JOHN - The Remains of Thomas Hearne, Reliquae Hearnianae, Being Extracts from His Ms Diaries
060020: BROWNING, ROBERT - Justinian and Theodora
042287: BROWNING, ROBERT - The Byzantine Empire
035985: CHRISTOPHER R. BROWNING - The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939 - March 1942
063329: BROWNING, ROBERT - Medieval and Modern Greek
028643: BROWNING, ROBERT - The Byzantine Empire
019640: BROWNING, ROBERT - Christmas Eve
055990: BROX, NORBERT - A History of the Early Church
068102: BRUBAKER, LESLIE - Vision and Meaning in Ninth-Century Byzantium: Image As Exegesis in the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus (Cambridge Studies in Palaeography and Codicology, Series Number 6)
044704: BRUCCOLI, MATTHEW J. - James James Gould Cozzens: A Descriptive Bibliography
058231: JOHN GOUGH NICHOLS; JOHN BRUCE - Wills from Doctors' Commons a Selection from the Wills of Eminent Persons 1495-1695
052203: JOHN BRUCE - Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI of Scotland
039473: BRUCE, F. F. - Men and Movements in the Primitive Church
037473: MULLIN, ROBERT BRUCE & RICHEY, RUSSELL E. (EDS) - Reimagining Denominationalism: Interpretive Essays
030145: BRUCE, F. F. - The Secret Gospel of Mark
026019: JORDAN, WILLIAM C.; MCNAB, BRUCE & RUIZ, TEOFILO F. (EDS.) - Order and Innovation in the Middle Ages; Essays in Honor of Joseph R. Strayer
022724: EELES, FRANCIS, M'EWEN, BRUCE & CURTIS, W. A. (EDS.) - Epistolare in Usum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Aberdonensis
018273: BRUCE, STEVE - God Save Ulster: The Religion and Politics of Paisleyism
025152: BRUDERKIRCHE - Das Zehnte Kapitel Des General Synodal Berlasses
060693: BRUEGGEMANN, WALTER - The Book That Breathes New Life: Scriptural Authority and Biblical Theology
037050: WALTER BRUEGGEMANN - Mandate to Difference: An Invitation to the Contemporary Church
037045: BRUEGGEMANN, WALTER - The Word That Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship
037019: BRUEGGEMANN, WALTER - Threat of Life: Sermons on Pain, Power, and Weakness
037013: BRUEGGEMANN, WALTER - The Word Militant: Preaching a Decentering Word
034918: WALTER BRUEGGEMANN - Deep Memory, Exuberant Hope: Contested Truth in a Post-Christian World
034863: WALTER BRUEGGEMANN - An Unsettling God: The Heart of the Hebrew Bible
062351: YOUNG-BRUEHL, ELISABETH - Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World
045823: MICHAEL W. BRUENING - A Reformation Sourcebook: Documents from an Age of Debate
018875: BRUIJN, J. DE;KERK-HISTORISCH GEZELSCHAP - Geen Heersende Kerk, Geen Heersende Staat: De Verhouding Tussen Kerk En Staat 1796-1996
052310: BARBARA BRUMBAUGH - Apocalyptic History and the Protestant Cause in Sir Philip Sidney's Revised Arcadia
060773: RENE-YVON LEFEBVRE D'ARGENCE; AVERY BRUNDAGE - Avery Brundage Collection: The Ancient Chinese Bronzes
057623: BRUNDAGE, JAMES A. - The Profession and Practice of Medieval Canon Law
060157: ORIANA BADDELEY; EARLEEN BRUNER - The Monastery of Saint Catherine
045098: ORIANA BADDELEY; EARLEEN BRUNER - The Monastery of Saint Catherine
047453: P.H. BRUNKER - Life, Letters and Sermons of Jesse Delves
054990: GERHARD BRUNNER - Durer, Holbein, Grunewald Meisterzeichnungen Der Deutschen Renaissance Aus Berlin Und Basel
047650: BRUNNER, EMIL - Revelation and Reason: The Christian Doctrine of Faith and Knowledge
039646: BRUNNER, EMIL - Dogmatics: Volume II - Christian Doctrine of Creation and Redemption
030120: BRUNNER, EMIL - Dogmatics I the Christian Doctrine of God
068526: BRUNO, GIORDANO; GOSNELL, SCOTT - Thirty Seals & the Seal of Seals (Collected Works of Giordano Bruno)
068574: LEON BRUNSCHVICG - La Raison Et la Religion Nouvelle Edition
069333: LEON BRUNSCHVICG - L'Actualite Des Problemes Platoniciens
069004: LEON BRUNSCHVICG - L'Experience Humaine Et la Causalite Physique
062874: BRUTEAU, BEATRICE - Other Half of My Soul: Bede Griffiths and the Hindu-Christian Dialogue
062638: SEVERYN T. BRUYN - The Human Perspective in Sociology: The Methodology of Participant Observation
066955: BRUYN, CLIVE DE - Practical Beekeeping
044789: HARRISON BRYAN - University Libraries in Britain: A New Look
053937: BRYANT, LEVI R. R. - The Democracy of Objects
048338: BRYANT, T. HUGH - County Churches Suffolk Vol. II Eastern Division
032528: BRYCESON, DEBORAH FAHY (ED.) - Women Wielding the Hoe : Lessons from Rural Africa for Feminist Theory and Development Practice
053287: A BOY BLOWING BUBBLES - Stories and Essays Reprinted from the British Baker
060521: BUBER, MARTIN - I and Thou
059077: BUCHAN, URSULA - The English Garden
052580: WILLIAM BUCHAN - Advice to Mothers on the Subject of Their Own Health and on the Means of Promoting the Health, Strength and Beauty of Their Offspring
061260: BUCHANAN, COLIN (ED.) - Bishop Hugh - with Affection, a Retirement Tribute
058905: ROBERT BUCHANAN - The Life and Adventures of Audubon the Naturalist
055413: R. A. BUCHANAN - Industrial Archaeology in Britain
045764: BUCHANAN, COLIN O. - Latest Anglican Liturgies, 1976-1984
038771: BUCHANAN, COLIN - Development of the New Eucharistic Prayers of the Church of England
032917: BUCHANAN, COLIN (ED.) - Modern Anglican Ordination Rites
018614: BUCHANAN, COLIN O. - Latest Anglican Liturgies, 1976-1984
018348: BUCHANAN, COLIN OGILVIE - Latest Anglican Liturgies, 1976-1984
067913: A. BUCHLER - The Political and the Social Leaders of the Jewish Community of Sepphoris in the Second and Third Centuries
065228: BOETHIUS; KARL BUCHNER - Anicius Manlius Serverinus Boethius: Philosophae Consolationis Libri Quinque
067614: BUCHWALD, HANS - Form, Style and Meaning in Byzantine Church Architecture (Variorum Collected Studies)
053986: BUCK, DOROTHY C. - Louis Massignon: A Pioneer of Interfaith Dialogue
051399: PETER HENRY BUCK - Anthropology and Religion
053970: BUCKINGHAM, WILL - Introducing Happiness: A Practical Guide
040345: BUCKLAND, FRANCIS T. - Curiosities of Natural History, Fourth Series
057374: [ELIZABETH BRAITHWAITE BUCKLE] - We Bless Thy Holy Name for All Thy Servants Departed This Life in Thy Faith and Fear Especially William, Bishop of Gibraltar and Mary, His Wife
044549: BUCKLER, J. C. - A Description and Defence of the Restorations of the Exterior of Lincoln Cathedral with a Comparative Examination of the Restoration of Other Cathedrals, Parish Churches & C
028512: BUCKLER, GEORGINA - Anna Comnena: A Study
069807: BUCKLEY, TERRY - Aspects of Greek History 750 - 323 B C: A Source-Based Approach
068805: BUCKMASTER, JOHN - A Village Politician the Life of John Buckley
028544: BUCKTON, DAVID (ED.) - Byzantium, Treasures of Byzantine Art and Culture from British Collections
024766: BUCKTON, DAVID (ED.) - Byzantium, Treasures of Byzantine Art and Culture
023222: BUCKTON, DAVID (ED.) - Byzantium, Treasures of Byzantine Art and Culture
061822: BUDD, MALCOLM - Music and the Emotions: The Philosophical Theories
027374: BUDD, SUSAN - Sociologists and Religion
028117: BUDDEN, CHARLES W. - English Gothic Churches; the Story of Their Architecture
023631: BUDDEN, D. W. - Israel Fulfils Bible Prophecy
068686: BUDGE, E. A. WALLIS - The Gods of the Egyptians, (2 Vols Set)
052176: E. A. WALLIS BUDGE - A Short History of the Egyptian People with Chapters on Their Religion, Daily Life Etc
069684: BUDGE, E. A. WALLIS - The Book of the Dead
029233: BUDGE, WALLIS, E. A. (ED.) - Texts Relating to Saint Mena of Egypt and Canons of Nicaea in a Nubian Dialect, with Facsimile
067486: E. A. WALLIS BUDGE - The Nile: Notes for Travellers in Egypt
030783: BUDGE, E. A. WALLIS - Texts Relating to Saint Mena of Egypt and Canons of Nicaea
027938: BUDGE, ERNEST WALLIS - A General Introductory Guide to the Egyptian Collections in the British Museum
024531: WALLIS-BUDGE, E. A. - The Rosetta Stone
050799: BUFFON (D. SAUCIE) - Ouvres Choisies de Buffon Precedees D'Une Notice Sur Sa Vie Et Ses Ouvrages
050603: MARWAN R. BUHEIRY - Formation and Perception of the Modern Arab World
038688: BUHLMANN, WALBERT - The Coming of the Third Church: An Analysis of the Present and Future of the Church
038535: BUHLMANN, WALBERT - Forward Church: Essays in Ecclesial Spirituality
030765: BUHLMANN, WALBERT - With Eyes to See : Church and World in the Third Millennium
029148: BUHLMANN, WALBERT - The Coming of the Third Church: An Analysis of the Present and Future of the Church
021286: BUHLMANN, WALBERT - With Eyes to See: Church and World in the Third Millennium
059445: ADAM BUJAK - Zamki W Polsce the Castles in Poland Les Chateaux En Pologne Burgen in Polen
069874: BULGAKOV, SERGEI - Holy Grail and the Eucharist (Library of Russian Philosophy)
064924: BULKELEY, KELLY; WELDON, CLODAGH - Teaching Jung
059991: GEORGE BULL - Venice: The Most Triumphant City
049529: J. F. BULLAR - On the Development of Parasitic Isopoda
058178: BULLEY, MARGARET H. - Ancient and Medieval Art: A Short History
050845: CYRIL BULLEY - Glimpses of the Divine: A Spiritual Anthology for Use on Every Day of the Year
029705: BULLEY, MARGARET H. - Ancient and Medieval Art: A Short History
059018: BULLIVANT, STEPHEN - Mass Exodus: Catholic Disaffiliation in Britain and America Since Vatican II
042556: BULLIVANT, BRIAN M. - Pluralism: Cultural Maintenance and Evolution
058318: CHARLES BULLOCK - The Only Faith and Fold: Correspondence with Archbishop Manning
023897: BULLOCK, F. W. B. - The History of Ridley Hall Cambridge, 2 Vols
024385: BULLOUGH, SEBASTIAN - Gerald Vann: Pangeyric
060714: JOAN BULMAN - The Mound People: Danish Bronze-Age Man Preserved
064987: BULMAN, RAY; PARELLA, FRANK - Religion in the New Millenium: Theology in the Spirit of Paul Tillich
059918: BULTMANN, RUDOLF (JOHNSON, ROGER A. ED.) - Rudolf Bultmann: Interpreting Faith for the Modern Era
055903: BULTMANN, RUDOLF (JOHNSON, ROGER A. ED.) - Rudolf Bultmann: Interpreting Faith for the Modern Era
047377: BULTMANN, RUDOLF (JOHNSON, ROGER A. ED.) - Rudolf Bultmann: Interpreting Faith for the Modern Era
069898: RUDOLF BULTMANN - History and Eschatology
039492: BULTMANN, RUDOLF - The Johannine Epistles; a Commentary on the Johannine Epistles
027833: BULTMANN, RUDOLF - Theology of the New Testament: Volume 2
027656: BULTMANN, RUDOLF - Theology of the New Testament
025352: BULTMANN, RUDOLF - Theology of the New Testament, Volume One
019683: BULTMANN, RUDOLF - Die Geschichte Der Synoptischen Tradition
021057: BULU, JOEL - Joel Bulu, the Autobiography of a Native Minister in the South Seas
053021: HELLE BUNDGAARD - Indian Art Worlds in Contention: Local, Regional and National Discourses on Orissan Patta Paintings
050841: L. F. BUNGENER - History of the Council of Trent
055681: CYRIL G. E. BUNT - Russian Art from Scyths to Soviets
016890: BUNTING, JABEZ; HAYES, A.J.; GOWLAND, D. A. - Scottish Methodism in the Early Victorian Period: The Scottish Correspondence of the Reverend Jabez Bunting, 1800-1857
063045: JOHN BUNYAN - Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners 1666
062590: BURBIDGE, EDWARD - Liturgies and Offices of the Church for Use of English Readers in Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer
048026: BURCKHARDT, JACOB - The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy
033948: BURDON, ADRIAN - The Preaching Service : The Glory of the Methodists a Study of the Piety, Ethos, and Development of the Methodist Preaching Service
063593: OSMANIA ORIENTAL PUBLICATIONS BUREAU - Al Quanunu'l Masudi (Canon Masudicus) an Encyclopedia of Astronomical Science (3 Vols Set)
053310: E. DOUGLAS VAN BUREN - Figurative Terra-Cotta Revetments in Etruria and Latium in the VI and V Centuries B.C.
067196: FRED W. BURGESS - The Practical Retail Draper: A Complete Guide for the Drapery and Allied Trades Volume IV
067197: FRED W. BURGESS - The Practical Retail Draper: A Complete Guide for the Drapery and Allied Trades Volume II
067198: FRED W. BURGESS - The Practical Retail Draper: A Complete Guide for the Drapery and Allied Trades Volume III
068209: BURGESS, FREDERICK - English Churchyard Memorials
027433: BURGESS, COLIN - The Age of Stonehenge
037192: BURGHARDT, WALTER J. - Preaching: The Art and the Craft
031396: BURGHARDT, WALTER - Preaching the Just Word
064026: G. GILBERT SCOTT: JOHN WILLIAM BURGON - Personal and Professional Recollections by Sir George Gilbert Scott
058912: JOHN WILLIAM BURGON - Canon Robert Gregory: A Letter of Friendly Remonstrance
058910: JOHN W. BURGON - The Oxford Diocesan Conference: And Romanizing Within the Church of England: Two Sermons Preached at S. Mary-the-Virgin's Oxford Oct. 12th and 13th 1873
058633: JOHN W. BURGON - The Oxford Diocesan Conference: And Romanizing Within the Church of England: Two Sermons Preached at S. Mary-the-Virgin's Oxford Oct. 12th and 13th 1873
051149: BURGON, JOHN WILLIAM - Lives of Twelve Good Men
034186: BURGOYNE, PATRICK - Bored: Surf/Skate/Snow Graphics
017805: BURKART, GINA - Finding Purpose in Narnia: A Journey with Prince Caspian
068583: BURKE, KENNETH - A Rhetoric of Motives
059624: ARTHUR MEREDYTH BURKE - Key to the Ancient Parish Registers of England and Wales
056123: THOMAS BURKE - The English Inn
068590: BURKE, KENNETH - Language As Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature, and Method
055041: PETER BURKE - The Public and Domestic Life of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke
066616: THOMAS N. BURKE - Lectures on Faith and Fatherland
048640: DEREK BURKE (ED.) - Creation and Evolution When Christians Disagree
047582: JAMES WAKEFIELD BURKE - Missions of Old Texas
068697: KENNETH BURKE - Counter-Statement
040372: BURKE, CORMAC - Marriage in Crisis
068855: BURKE, KENNETH - On Symbols and Society
068706: KENNETH BURKE - A Grammar of Motives
036789: BURKE, THOMAS - Catholic History of Liverpool
16141: BURKE, L., AND MCCREANOR, J. - Training Missionaries for Community Development, a Report on Experiences in Ghana.
068513: BURKE, KENNETH - The Rhetoric of Religion
022946: BURKE, THOMAS N. - Lectures on Faith and Fatherland [Bound with] Ireland's Vindication, Refutation of Froude and Other Lectures; Historical and Religious
063753: BURKETT, TIM - Nothing Holy About It: The Zen of Being Just Who You Are
047128: DELBERT BURKETT - An Introduction to the New Testament and the Origins of Christianity
035549: BURKETT, DELBERT - An Introduction to the New Testament and the Origins of Christianity (Introduction to Religion)
061858: F. CRAWFORD BURKITT - S. Epraim's Quotations from the Gospel
061845: BURKITT, F. CRAWFORD - The Gospel History and Its Transmission
061157: BURKITT, F. CRAWFORD - Jewish and Christian Apocalypses.
060747: WILLIAM BURKITT - An Help and Guide to Christian Families Also Divine Hymns on Several Occasions
060576: BURKITT, F. C. - Christian Beginnings
068087: F. CRAWFORD BURKITT - Ecclesiastes Rendered Into English
052239: MILES BURKITT - The Old Stone Age: A Study of Palaeolithic Times
047240: BURKITT, F. C. - Church & Gnosis: A Study of Christian Thought and Speculation in the Second Century
040186: BURKITT, F. C. - Texts and Studies: Vol IV. The Old Latin and the Italia with an Appendix Containing the Text of the S. Gallen Palimpsest of Jeremiah
039567: BURKITT, F. CRAWFORD - Two Lectures on the Gospels
039089: BURKITT, F. CRAWFORD - The Earliest Sources for the Life of Jesus
069064: F. C. BURKITT - The Religion of the Manichees
027788: BURKITT, F. CRAWFORD - The Earliest Sources for the Life of Jesus
021154: BURKLE, HORST (ED.) - Theologie Und Kirche in Afrika
025487: BURL, AUBREY - God's Heretics, the Albigensian Crusade.
056335: C. A. BURLAND - Man and Art
030286: BURLAND, C. A. - Man and Art
069111: BURLEIGH, MICHAEL - Blood and Rage: A Cultural History of Terrorism
069090: BURLEIGH, MICHAEL - Sacred Causes: Religion and Politics from the European Dictators to Al Qaeda
038242: BURLEIGH, MICHAEL - Blood and Rage: A Cultural History of Terrorism
053161: JOHN BURMAN - Gleanings from Warwickshire History
042246: BURMAN, EDWARD - Emperor to Emperor: Italy Before the Renaissance
060075: BURN, A. R - The Living Past of Greece: A Time Traveller's Tour of Historic and Prehistoric Places
067574: A. E. BURN - Facsimiles of the Creeds from Early Manuscripts
058561: BURN, LUCILLA - Hellenistic Art : From Alexander the Great to Augustus
067221: BURNABY, JOHN - The Belief of Christendom, a Commentary on the Nicene Creed
065747: S. A. H. BURNE (ED.) - The North Staffordshire Field Club Transactions and Annual Report 1927 -1928 Vol. LXII
065750: S. A. H. BURNE (ED.) - The North Staffordshire Field Club Transactions and Annual Report 1924 -1925 Vol. LIX
055438: S. A H. BURNE - Excursions Into Stafforshire History
065751: S. A. H. BURNE (ED.) - The North Staffordshire Field Club Transactions and Annual Report 1923 -1924 Vol. LVIII
065753: S. A. H. BURNE (ED.) - The North Staffordshire Field Club Transactions and Annual Report 1925 -1926 Vol. LX
065754: S. A. H. BURNE (ED.) - The North Staffordshire Field Club Transactions and Annual Report 1928 -1929 Vol. LXIII
065757: S. A. H. BURNE (ED.) - The North Staffordshire Field Club Transactions and Annual Report 1922 -1923 Vol. LVII
046876: NICOL BURNE (ROGERS, D. M. ED.) - Disputation Concerning the Controversit Headdis of Religion
030825: BURNE, NEWDIGATE HOOPER KEARSLEY - Albury Und Die Apostel-Kapelle, Ansprache in Dundee Am 18 August 1895
060872: GILBERT BURNET - An Exposition of the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England
060229: GILBERT BURNET - A Discourse of the Pastoral Care to Which Is Prefixed a Life of the Author
061731: ANNE PIPPIN BURNETT - Catastrophe Survived: Euripes' Plays of Mixed Reversal
040323: BURNETT, PETER H. - Reasons Why We Should Believe in God, Love God and Obey God
060771: BURNEY, C. F. - Israel's Settlement in Canaan the Biblical Tradition and Its Historical Background
060570: BURNEY, C. F. - The Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel
047778: BURNEY, C. F. - Israel's Settlement in Canaan the Biblical Tradition and Tits Historical Background
030936: [BURNEY, FANNY] - Camilla or a Picture of Youth by the Author of Evelina and Cecilia (Vols II, III, IV and V)
056904: BURNISH, RAYMOND - The Meaning of Baptism: A Comparison of the Teaching and Practice of the Fourth Century with the Present Day
032914: BURNISH, RAYMOND - The Meaning of Baptism: A Comparison of the Teaching and Practice of the Fourth Century with the Present Day
018615: BURNISH, RAYMOND - The Meaning of Baptism: A Comparison of the Teaching and Practice of the Fourth Century with the Present Day
018170: BURNISH, RAYMOND - The Meaning of Baptism: A Comparison of the Teaching and Practice of the Fourth Century with the Present Day
056226: BURNLEY, KENNETH - The Illustrated Portrait of Wirral
051986: DAWSON BURNS - The Popedom Defined and Defended by the Pope: A Dispassionate Review of the Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII Upon the Unity of the Church (de Unitate Ecclesiae)
068943: JAMES BURNS - The Christ Face in Art
047884: EMILE BURNS - Abyssinia and Italy
069980: BURNS, J. H.; IZBICKI, THOMAS - Conciliarism and Papalism (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
052503: RACHEL BURR - Vietnam's Children in a Changing World
069800: BURR, DAVID - Olivi's Peaceable Kingdom: A Reading of the Apocalypse Commentary
022087: BURRAGE, CHAMPLIN - Nazareth and the Beginnings of Christianity, a New View Based on the Philological Evidence, with Critical Appendices Including Precanonical Readings, Discussion of the Birthplace of Jesus, . . That the Messiah Should Be Called a Nazarene
053736: BURRELL, DAVID B. - Faith and Freedom: An Interfaith Perspective
053734: DAVID B.BURRELL - Aquinas: God and Action
062623: BURRIDGE, KENELM - New Heaven, New Earth a Study of Millenarian Activities
029422: BURRIDGE, KENELM - Tangu Traditions: A Study of the Way of Life, Mythology and Developing Experience of a New Guinea People
056074: BURROUGHS, WILLIAM S. - Naked Lunch
055629: EDWARD J. BURROW - The Ancient Entrenchments and Camps of Gloucestershire
061629: RONALD M. BURROWS - The Discoveries in Crete and Their Bearing on the History of Ancient Civilisation
037908: BURROWS, HAROLD - Surgical Instruments and Appliances Used in Operations: An Illustrated and Classified List with Explanatory Notes
030077: BURROWS, MILLAR - The Dead Sea Scrolls
066327: BURT, C DAVID (ED.) - Anglican Embers Volume I 2004-2006: Journal of the Anglican Use Society
16574: BURTON, W. (ED.) - The Apostolic Fathers, Part I. The Epistles of Ss Clement of Rome and Barnabas, and the Shephed of Hermas, with an Introduction Comprising the History of the Christian Church in the First Century.
062086: BURTON, JAMES - The Philosophy of Science Fiction: Henri Bergson and the Fabulations of Philip K. Dick
057711: BURTON, E.DE WITT - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians
051355: O. E. BURTON - A Study in Creative History: The Interaction of the Eastern and Western Peoples to 500 B.C.
047867: RICHARD F. BURTON - First Footsteps in East Africa or an Exploration of Harar
045236: BURTON, KATHERINE - The Deam Lives Forever: The Story of St Patrick's Cathedral, New York
066842: BURTON, MAURICE - The Hedgehog
040104: BURTON, LINDA; WHITEHEAD, ALEX (EDS) - Christ Is the Morning Star: When Celtic Spirituality Meets Benedictine Rule
039363: BURTON, PHILIP - Language in the Confessions of Augustine
038774: BURTON, EDWARD (ED.) - Three Primers Put Forth in the Reign of Henry VIII Viz. I. A Goodly Prymer, 1535 II. The Manual of Prayers or the Prymer in English, 1539 III. King Henry's Primer, 1545
038502: BURTON, JANET; KERR, JULIE - The Cistercians in the Middle Ages
032103: BURTON, RICHARD F. - Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah
033100: BURUMA, IAN - A Japanese Mirror: Heroes and Villans in Japanese Culture
065236: R. G. BURY - The Symposium of Plato Edited with Introduction, Critical Notes and Commentary
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