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045020: RITES - The Rites of the Catholic Church As Revised by Decree of the Second Vatican Council Published by Pope Paul VI
025200: RITES - The Rites of the Catholic Church As Revised by Decree of the Second Vatican Council Published by Pope Paul VI
070832: RITT, NIKOLAUS - Selfish Sounds and Linguistic Evolution: A Darwinian Approach to Language Change
061115: GERHARD RITTER - Luther His Life and Work
065746: SANDOR RITZ - The Supreme Creation of the Past, Present, and Future : The Everlasting Temple of Santo Stefano Rotondo in Roma : The New Jerusalem of the Book of Revelation
017991: RITZER, GEORGE - The Mcdonaldization of Society: An Investigation Into the Changing Character of Contemporary Social Life
053702: NELSON RIVERA - The Earth Is Our Home: Mary Midgley's Critique and Reconstruction of Evolution and Its Meanings
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044354: RIVINGTON, LUKE - The Church Visible a Sermon Preached in Substance on the Occasion of the Investiture with the Pallium of the Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh
042078: RIVINGTON, LUKE - Rome and England or Ecclesiastical Continuity
036232: RIVINGTON, LUKE - The 'Inward Part' or 'Thing Signified' in the Lord's Supper
067567: ROACH, ANDREW - The Devil's World: Heresy and Society 1100-1300
064599: ROBBINS, THOMAS; PALMER, SUSAN J. - Millennium, Messiahs, and Mayhem: Contemporary Apocalyptic Movements
066515: R. H. A. ROBBINS - Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia and the Garden of Cyrus
050075: LESLIE J. FRANCIS; MANDY ROBBINS - The Long Diaconate 1987: 1994 Women Deacons and the Delayed Journey to Priesthood
065787: ROBBINS, W.M.; NOOTER, N.I. - African Art in American Collections
062274: EISENMAN, ROBERT & WISE, MICHAEL - The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered
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044152: MORGAN, ROBERT & BARTON, JOHN - Biblical Interpretation
044150: COTTON, ROBERT & STEVENSON, KENNETH - On the Receiving End: How People Experience What We Do in Church
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036037: KASTENBAUM, ROBERT & AISENBERG, RUTH - The Psychology of Death
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066386: ROBERTS, MARY NOOTER; ROBERTS, ALLEN F. - The Shape of Belief: African Art from the Dr. Michael R. Heide Collection
065654: ROBERTS, ALLEN F.; CAROL THOMPSON - Animals in African Art: From the Familiar to the Marvelous
063504: C. M. ROBERTS - A Treatise on the History of Confession Until It Developed Into Auricular Confession A.D. 1215
057033: ROBERTS, EILEEN - The Hill of the Martyr: An Architectural History of St. Albans Abbey
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052136: MICHAEL ROBERTS - Swedish Diplomats at Cromwell's Court, 1655-56: The Missions of Peter Julius Coyet and Christer Bonde
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032396: ROBERTS, BRYAN R. - Organizing Strangers: Poor Families in Guatemala City: Poor Families in Guatemala City
023051: ROBERTS, STEPHEN K. - Recovery and Restoration in an English County; Devon Local Administration 1646-1670.
021394: ROBERTS, BRYAN R. - Cities of Peasants: The Political Economy of Urbanization in the Third World
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061632: ROBERTSON, MARTIN - A Shorter History of Greek Art
061250: ROBERTSON, EDWIN - Bonhoeffer's Heritage; the Christian Way in a World without Religion
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051591: ROBERTSON, A. F. - People and the State: An Anthropology of Planned Development
051529: A. F. ROBERTSON - Beyond the Family: Social Organization of Human Reproduction
066365: JOHAN ADAM MOEHLER; JAMES BURTON ROBERTSON - Symbolism: Or Exposition of the Doctrinal Differences between Catholics and Protestants As Evidenced by Their Symbolical Writings with a Memoir of the Author
042407: DADE-ROBERTSON, CHRISTINE - Furness Abbey: Romance, Scholarship & Culture: Romance, Scholarship and Culture (Centre for North-West Regional Studies, Resource Papers)
041576: ROBERTSON, A. F. - People and the State: An Anthropology of Planned Development
037088: ROBERTSON, IAN - Community Self-Surveys in Urban Renewal
036770: ROBERTSON, JAMES CRAIGIE - How Shall We Conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England?
033512: ROBERTSON, A. F. - The Dynamics of Productive Relationships : African Share Contracts in Comparative Perspective
027866: ROBERTSON, A.F. - Community of Strangers: A Journal of Discovery in Uganda
037164: GILL, ROBIN & KENDALL, LORNA (EDS) - Michael Ramsey As Theologian
024259: GILL, ROBIN & KENDALL, LORNA (EDS) - Michael Ramsey As Theologian
037405: POST M. JERROLD; ROBINS, ROBERT S. - When Illness Strikes the Leader: The Dilemma of the Captive King
16461: ROBINS, R. H. - General Linguistics, an Introductory Survey
061860: ROBINSON, THEODORE H. - Paradigms and Exercises in Syriac Grammar
060970: ROBINSON, O.F. - The Register of Walter Bronescombe, Bishop of Exeter, 1258-80: III (Canterbury & York Society) (Volume 94)
060963: ROBINSON, O.F. - The Register of Walter Bronescombe, Bishop of Exeter, 1258-1280: I (Canterbury & York Society) (Volume 82)
060961: ROBINSON, O.F. - The Register of Walter Bronescombe, Bishop of Exeter, 1258-80: II (Canterbury & York Society) (Volume 87)
060198: ROBINSON, T. H. - Paradigms and Exercises in Syriac Grammar
059844: H. WHEELER ROBINSON - The Life and Faith of the Baptists
059698: ROBINSON, JAMES M. - A New Quest for the Historical Jesus
065210: JANE ROBINSON - Angels of Albion: Women of the Indian Mutiny
056943: DAVID ROBINSON - The Register of William Melton, Archbishop of York, 1317-1340, VI: 6 (Canterbury & York Society)
056167: DONALD W. B. ROBINSON - Josiah's Reform and the Book of the Law
054718: B. W. ROBINSON - Persian Miniature Painting
054715: ROBINSON, NORMAN H - Royal Society Catalogue of Portraits
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051746: THEODORE H. ROBINSON - An Outline Introduction to the History of Religions
068329: ROBINSON, DAVID M. - The Cistercians in Wales: Architecture and Archaeology 1130-1540 (Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London)
067519: J. ARMITAGE ROBINSON - The Passion of S. Perpetua with an Appendix on the Scillitan Martyrdom
049105: J. ARMITAGE ROBINSON - Gilbert Crispin, Abbot of Westminster: A Study of the Abbey Under Norman Rule
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044349: ROBINSON, JOHN ED. - The Clergyman's Assistant or a Collection of Acts of Parliament Forms and Ordinances Relative to Certain Duties and Rights of the Parochial Clergy to Which Are Prefixed the Articles of Religion and the Constitutions and Canons of the Church of England
041526: ROBINSON, E. S. G. - A Guide to the Exhibition of Roman Coins in the British Museum
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039380: ROBINSON, JAMES M. - The Problem of History in Mark and Other Marcan Studies
032592: ROBINSON, CHARLES HENRY - Dictionary of the Hausa Language
031880: ROBINSON, CECILIA - The Ministry of Deaconesses
029267: ROBINSON, JOHN A. T. - Truth Is Two-Eyed
068959: ROBINSON, DUNCAN - Stanley Spencer: Visions from a Berkshire Village
025584: ROBINSON, HASTINGS (ED.) - Original Letters Relative to the English Reformation During the Reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI and Queen Mary, Chiefly from the Archives of Zurich: The First Portion
023901: ROBINSON, W. H. (ED.) - Walsall Records; Translations of Ancient Documents in the Walsall Chartulary at the British Museum
042785: ROBO, ETIENNE - The Story of a Catholic Parish: S. Joan's, Farnham
065880: JAMES ROBOSN - A Chess Maqama in the John Rylands Library
064174: ROBSON, J. A. - Wyclif and the Oxford Schools: The Relation of the 'Summa de Ente' to Scholatsic Debates at Oxford in the Later Fourteenth Century
058277: ROBSON, MICHAEL - The Franciscans in the Middle Ages
058224: JOHN ROBSON - Three English Metrical Romances with an Introduction and Glossary
057639: ROBSON, MICHAEL J. P. - The Cambridge Companion to Francis of Assisi (Cambridge Companions to Religion)
056821: ROBSON, GEOFF - Dark Satanic Mills: Religion and Irreligion in Birmingham and the Black Country
065835: ROBSON, J. A. - Wyclif and the Oxford Schools: The Relation of the 'Summa de Ente' to Scholatsic Debates at Oxford in the Later Fourteenth Century
022990: ROBY, JOHN - Traditions of Lancashire
055330: ROBYNS, GWEN - Geraldine of the Albanians: The Authorised Biography
052694: JOEL PERRIN; VASCO ROCCA - Thesaurus: Religious Objects of the Catholic Faith
063220: HENRI HUGONNARD-ROCHE - L'Oeuvre Astronomique de Themon Juif Maitre Parisien Du Xive Siecle
050313: KENNEDY F. ROCHE - Rousseau: Stoic and Romantic
064524: T. W. E. ROCHE - The King of Almayne: A 13th Century Englishman in Europe
069544: JOHN M. E. MCTAGGART; GERALD ROCHELLE - Some Dogmas of Religion
056617: ROCK, DANIEL (HART, G. W. & FRERE, W. H. EDS) - The Church of Our Fathers As Seen in St Osmund's Rite for the Cathedral of Salisbury with Dissertations on the Early Belief and Ritual in England Before and After the Coming of the Normans Vol II Only
066884: ROCK, DANIEL (HART, G. W. & FRERE, W. H. EDS) - The Church of Our Fathers As Seen in St Osmund's Rite for the Cathedral of Salisbury with Dissertations on the Early Belief and Ritual in England Before and After the Coming of the Normans Vol II Only
066885: DANIEL ROCK - The Church of Our Fathers As Seen in St. Osmund's Rite for the Cathedral of Salisbury with Dissertations on the Belief and Ritual of the Church of England Volume III Part I
067527: RODD, RENNELL - The Princes of Achaia and the Chronicles of Morea
029822: RODD, C. S. - The Book of Job
057351: RODGERS, RICHARD - A Commentary on Judges
033152: RODINSON, MAXIME - Marxism and the Muslim World
065032: KIERAN KAVANAUGH; OTILIO RODRIGUEZ (EDS) - Teresa of Avila: The Interior Castle
057513: WARWICK RODWELL - The Archaeology of Wells Cathedral: Excavations and Structuiral Studies 1978-1993 (2 Vols Set)
057457: RODWELL, WARWICK - St Peter's, Barton-Upon-Humber, Lincolnshire: Volume 1, History, Archaeology and Architecture (2 Parts)
057385: RODWELL, WARWICK - The Fishermen's Chapel Saint Brelade Jersey
046373: ROE, W. G. - Lammenais and England: The Reception of Lammenais's Religious Ideas in the Nineteenth Century
019105: ROE, JAMES MOULTON - A History of the British and Foreign Bible Society 1905-1954
017660: ROE, JAMES MOULTON - A History of the British and Foreign Bible Society 1905-1954.
052337: ANTHONY ROEBER - Mixed Marriage: An Orthodox History
033111: ROEDIGER, DAVID R. - Towards the Abolition of Whiteness : Essays on Race, Politics, and Working Class History
070793: ROEPSTORFF, A. - Vocabulary of Dialects Spoken in the Nicobar and Andaman Isles
044148: ROETZEL, CALVIN J. - The Letters of Paul: Conversations in Context
039659: ROETZEL, CALVIN J. - World That Shaped the New Testament
022181: ROETZEL, CALVIN J. - The Letters of Paul : Conversations in Context
063757: ROGER, M. E; GAUSS, C. F. - Recherches Generales Sur Les Surfaces Courbes Par M.C. F. Gauss Traduites En Francais Suivies de Notes Et D'Etudes
058252: GREENACRE. ROGER - Lord Halifax
042064: GREENACRE, ROGER & HASELOCK, JEREMY - The Sacrament of Easter
061324: W. H. HAMILTON ROGERS - The Strife of the Roses and Days of the Tudors in the West
061244: ROGERS, DAVID - Politics, Prayer and Parlaiment
059857: CLEMENT F. ROGERS - Nietzsche of Christ? a Contrast
058832: H. C. B. ROGERS - The Pageant of Heraldry: An Explanation of Its Principles & Its Uses to-Day
055545: CHARLES ROGERS - Rental Book of the Cistercian Abbey of Cupar-Angus with the Breviary of the Register
055508: JOSEPH BAIN; CHARLES ROGERS - Liber Protocollorum M. Cuthberti Simonis Notarii Publici Et Scribae Capituli Glasguensis A.D. 1499-1513 Also Rental Book of Diocese of Glasgow A.D. 1509-1570
053514: RICHARD ROGERS - Aspects of Anthony Caro
052098: CHARLES ROGERS - Rental Book of the Cistercian Abbey of Cupar-Angus with the Breviary of the Register
069359: ROGERS, NICHOLAS (ED.) - Catholics in Cambridge
046336: ROGERS, FRANCIS M. - The Quest for Eastern Christians; Travels and Rumor in the Age of Discovery
034009: ROGERS, J. G. - Anglican Church Portraits
069224: W. H. ROGERS - Records of the Cheriton Otter Hounds
069226: W. H. ROGERS - Records of the Cheriton Otter Hounds
032924: ROGERS, FRANCIS M. - The Quest for Eastern Christians: Travels and Rumor in the Age of Discovery
063471: ROGERS, MELVIN - The Undiscovered Dewey: Religion, Morality, and the Ethos of Democracy
026406: ROGERS, FRANCIS M. - The Quest for Eastern Christians; Travels and Rumor in the Age of Discovery
022745: ROGERS, J. GUINNESS - Church Systems of the Nineteenth Century, the Sixth Congregational Union Lecture
022260: ROGERS, ALAN - Approaches to Local History
020759: ROGERS, E. S. - Forgotten Peoples, a Reference
068160: ROGERS, PAT - Johnson and Boswell: The Transit of Caledonia
050719: JOHN WILLIAM ROGERSON - Strength in Weakness: The Scandal of the Cross
047683: ROGERSON, JOHN - Old Testament Criticism in the Nineteenth Century: England and Germany
047606: ROGERSON, JOHN - The Oxford Illustrated History of the Bible
058082: AMEDEE ROGET - Histoire Du Peuple de Geneve Depuis Reforme Jusqu'a L'Esclade
067090: ROGGE, CHRISTINE - Das Kind Und Seine Krankheiten in Der Griechischen Medizin: Von Aretaios Bis Johannes Aktuarios (1. Bis 14. Jahrhundert)
048739: ROHDE, JOACHIM - Rediscovering the Teaching of the Evangelists
038431: ROHDE, JOACHIM - Rediscovering the Teaching of the Evangelists
070489: ROHDE, SHELLEY - L.S. Lowry: A Biography
062562: RONALD P. ROHNER; EVELYN C. ROHNER - The Kwakiutl: Indians of British Columbia
055201: ROKEWODE, JOHANNE GAGE (ED.) - Chronica Jocelini de Brakelonda de Rebus Gestis
070283: ROKEWODE, JOHANNE GAGE (ED.) - Chronica Jocelini de Brakelonda de Rebus Gestis
036016: ROKEWODE, JOHANNE GAGE (ED.) - Chronica Jocelini de Brakelonda de Rebus Gestis
039794: ROLES, D. GRENVILLE - Rare Pheasants of the World: A Study of Birds in Captivity
067041: ROLHEISER, RONALD - The Holy Longing: The Search for a Christian Spirituality
059157: G. WASHINGTON ROLLS - The Vicars Choral of Southwell Minster (Collegiate Church of St. Mary) and Their Mediaeval Lands at Rawmarsh (South Yorkshire)
065363: C. H. ROLPH - Women of the Streets: A Sociological Study of the Common Prostitute
070841: ROMAINE, SUZANNE - Language in Australia
051545: GIOVANNI ROMANO - Piemonte Romanico
049019: ROMANOFF, H. C. - Sketches of the Rites and Customs of the Greco-Russian Church
029692: ROMASCO, ALBERT U. - The Poverty of Abundance: Hoover, the Nation the Depression
066220: ROMERO, PATRICIA W. - Women's Voices on Africa: A Century of Travel Writings
032178: ROMERO, PATRICIA W. (ED.) - Life Histories of African Women
066350: H. DE ROMESTIN - St. Ambrose: Select Works and Letters the Principal Works of St. Ambrose: A Selectlibrary of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church Second Series Volume X
061342: ROMILLY, JACQUELINE DE - Les Grands Sophistes Dans L'Athe`Nes de Pe?Ricle`S
027894: COHEN, RONALD & MIDDLETON, JOHN (EDS) - From Tribe to Nation in Africa: Studies in Incorporation Processes
030874: ROOME, W. J. W. - Through the Lands of Nyanza Central Africa
060386: NIGEL ROOMS - The Faith of the English: Integrating Christ and Culture
051892: RUTH HARRIS; LYNDAL ROPER - The Art of Survival: Gender and History in Europe, 1450-2000: Essays in Honour of Olwen Hufton (Past and Present Supplements, 1 2006)
050142: TREVOR-ROPER, H. R. - Archbishop Laud 1573-1645
064329: JOHN S. ROPER - Wolverhampton: The Early Town and Its History: A Study of the Early Town Based on Manuscripts from the Sutherland Collection in the County Record Office Stafford and on the Wolverhampton Town Deeds
057680: ROPES, JAMES HARDY - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle of St. James
067438: H. DANIEL-ROPS - Cathedral and Crusade: Studies of the Medieval Church 1050-1350
045237: DANIEL-ROPS, H. - Our Brothers in Christ 1870-1959
070893: FRITZ RORIG - The Medieval Town
061515: ROSAND, DAVID - Places of Delight: The Pastoral Landscape
052914: E.M. CHILVER; UTE RÖSCHENTHALER - Cameroon's Tycoon: Max Esser's Expedition and Its Consequences
052535: UTE ROSCHENTHALER - Purchasing Culture: The Dissemination of Associations in the Cross River Region of Cameroon and Nigeria
063825: JOHN ROSCOE - The Banyankole: The Second Part of the Report of the Mackie Ethnological Expedition to Central Africa
054610: ROSE, NIKOLAS - Inventing Our Selves: Psychology, Power, and Personhood
052140: JOHN HOLLAND ROSE - Select Dispatches from the British Foreign Office Archives Relating to the Formation of the Third Coalition Against France 1804-1805
050488: MICHAEL S. ROSE - Priest: Portraits of Ten Good Men Serving the Church Today and Striving to Serve Him Faithfully
047466: ANNE C ROSE - Beloved Strangers: Interfaith Families in Nineteenth-Century America
064390: ROSE, KENNETH - The Light of the Self: A Memoir of a Spiritual Awakening
029498: ROSE, MELODY (ED.) - Women & Executive Office: Pathways and Performance
069749: T. K. ROSE - The Metallurgy of Gold
070835: HILL, ROSEMARY & OTHERS (EDS) - Victorians Revalued: What the Twentieth Century Thought of Nineteenth Century Architecture
068756: ROSEN, WILLIAM - Justinian's Flea: Plague, Empire and the Birth of Europe
028795: ROSENBERG, CHAIM M. - Life and Times of Francis Cabot Lowell, 1775-1817
028439: ROSENBERG, CHAIM N. - The Life and Times of Francis Cabot Lowell, 1775-1817
056264: ROSENBLUM, ROBERT; JANSON, H.W. - Art of the Nineteenth Century: Painting and Sculpture
041848: ROSENHEAD, LOUIS - When I Look Back 1973-1933
021128: ROSENKRANZ, GERHARD - Religionswissenschaft Und Theologie, Aufsatze Zur Evangelischen Religionskunde
038403: ROSENMULLERI, ERNESTI FRIDERICI CAROLI - Institutiones Ad Fundamenta Linguae Arabicae Accedunt Sententiae Et Narrationes Arabicae Una Cum Glossario Arabico-Latino
058619: JOEL T. ROSENTHAL - The Purchase of Paradise: The Social Function of Aristocratic Benevolence 1307-1485
064488: ROSENTHAL, JOEL T. - Nobles and the Noble Life, 1295-1500
065663: JOEL T. ROSENTHAL - The Purchase of Paradise: The Social Function of Aristocratic Benevolence 1307-1485
070170: IBN KHALDUN; FRANZ ROSENTHAL - The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History 3 Vols Set
030128: ROSENTHAL, FRANZ - Die Aramaistische Forschung Seit Th. Noldeke's Veroffentlichungen
029559: ROSENTHAL, G. D. - Ageless Stories
029558: ROSENTHAL, G. D. - Festival and Fast
065647: J. S. ROSKELL - The Commons in the Parliament of 1422 English Society Amd Parliamentary Representation Under the Lancastrians
061186: ROSKELL, JOHN S. - Impeachment of Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, in 1386: In the Context of the Reign of Richard II
067380: ROSKELL, JOHN S. - Parliament and Politics in Late Medieval England, Vol. II
045418: ROSKELL, J, S. - The Commons in the Parliament of 1422: English Society and Parliamentary Representation Under the Lancastrians
065171: J. S. ROSKELL - The Commons and Their Speakers in English Parliaments 1376 - 1523
066749: CAROLINE ROSLINGTON - The King's School Worcester and a History of Its Site: 450th Anniversary
062716: ROSMAN, ABRAHAM; RUBEL, PAULA G. - The Tapestry of Culture: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
042745: ROSMAN, DOREEN - The Evolution of the English Churches, 1500-2000
051120: [ROSMINI] - Rules of the Institute of Charity
018297: ROSMINI, ANTONIO - Anthropology in Aid of Moral Science
067805: FRED ROSNER - Medical Encyclopedia of Moses Maimonides
052545: ERIC DE ROSNY - L'Afrique Des Guerisons
052541: ERIC DE ROSNY - La Nuit, Les Yeux Ouverts
061268: ROSS, CHARLES - Edward IV
058917: ROSS, CHARLES - Richard III
058861: ROSS, CHARLES - Richard III
058839: ROSS, CHARLES - Edward IV
055188: MARVIN C. ROSS - George Catlin: Episodes from Life Among the Indians and Last Rambles
054526: ROSS, STEPHEN DAVID - Enchanting: Beyond Disenchantment
054487: ROSS, STEPHEN DAVID - Ethical Fullness: Thinking of Animals, Believing in Things
052228: ALDO RICCI; E. DENISON ROSS - The Travels of Marco Polo
050022: ROSS, MARVIN CHAUNCEY (ED.) - Early Christian and Byzantine Art an Exhibition Held at the Baltimore Museum of Art Organised by the Walters Art Gallery
037929: ROSS, H. - Some Reasons for Rejecting the Proposed or Deposited Prayer Book
067867: SIR RONALD ROSS - Iteration by Explicit Operations
070305: ROSS, CHARLES - Richard III
067868: SIR RONALD ROSS - The Solution of Equations by Iteration
067869: SIR RONALD ROSS - Solid-Space Algebra: The Systems of Hamilton and Grassmann Combined with Extracts from His Paper the Algebra of Space, 1901
030680: ROSS, MARVIN CHAUNCEY (ED.) - Early Christian and Byzantine Art an Exhibition Held at the Baltimore Museum of Art Organised by the Walters Art Gallery
064113: W. D. ROSS - Aristotelis: Ars Rhetorica
068178: ALEXANDER J. ROSS - Memoir of Alexander Ewing Bishop of Argyll and the Isles
020273: ROSS, JEAN (ED.) - Wycliffe Baptist Church, Bristol Road, Birmingham, a Jubliee Record 1861 to 1911
018610: ROSS, DAVID - The Works of Aristotle, Volume I Categoriae; Alalyticae Priora and Posteriora, Topica [and] de Sophisticis Elenchis
066415: VIRGILE ROSSEL - Code CIVIL Suisse Et Code Federal Des Obligations. Edition Annotée Renfermant En Outre Les Textes Complementaires, Etc. Troisieme Edition, Revue, Mise Au Point Et Considerablement Augmentée
042714: ROSSETTI, STEPHEN J. - Slayer of the Soul: Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church
061797: L. E. ROSSI - Due Seminari Romani Di Eduard Fraenkel Aiace E Filottette Di Sofocle
059218: J. M. HONE ; M. M. ROSSI - Bishop Berkeley: His Life, Writings, and Philosophy
052379: BENEDETTA ROSSI (ED.) - Reconfiguring Slavery: West African Trajectories
059365: C. J. ASTLEY COOPER; W. PEASCOD; A. P. ROSSITER - Great Gable, Green Gable, Kirkfell, Yewbarow, Buckbarrow Second Series
068527: ROSSITER, PAUL - On Arrival
067978: FRIEDRICH PRYM; GEORG ROST - Theorie Der Prym'Schen Funktionen Erster Ordnung IM Anschluss an Die Schopfungen Riemann's
038390: ROSTON, MURRAY - Biblical Drama in England from the Middle Ages to the Present Day
070356: JOSEPH ROTH - The Emperor's Tomb
040452: ROTH, JOHN K. - The Failures of Ethics: Confronting the Holocaust, Genocide, and Other Mass Atrocities
035165: ROTH, LEON - Judaism, a Portrait
033312: ROTH, HANS JURGEN - Haus Zweier Welten: 1200 Jahre Aachener Dom
054373: ROTHENBERG, DAVID - Survival of the Beautiful: Art, Science, and Evolution
054325: ROTHENBERG, DAVID - Why Birds Sing: A Journey Into the Mystery of Birdsong
063357: ROTHENBERG, DAVID - Always the Mountains
030310: ROTHENSTEIN, JOHN - The Life of Christ: Paintings of the 11th-15th Centuries with Passages from the Gospels
056459: MIRIAM ROTHSCHILD - A Collection of Fleas from the Bodies of British Birds with Notes on Their Distribution and Host Preferences
070765: ROTHWELL, W.,W.R.J.BARRON, DAVID BLAMIRES, LEWIS THORPE, EDITORS - Studies in Medieval Literature and Languages in Memory of Frederick Whitehead Hardcover
028339: ROUKEMA, RIEMER - Gnosis and Faith in Early Christianity : An Introduction to Gnosticism
025051: L'EGLISE ORTHODOXE ROUMAINE - L'Eglise Orthodoxe Roumaine
017824: ROUNDELL, EARL OF SELBORNE - Hymns: Their History and Development in the Greek and Latin Churches, Germany and Great Britain
036826: ROUNER, LEROY S. (ED.) - CIVIL Religion and Political Theology
067844: E. B. COWELL; W. H. D. ROUSE - The Jataka or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births Translated from the Pali Vol. VI
051932: ANDREW C. ROUSE - The Remunerated Vernacular Singer: From Medieval England to the Post-War Revival
051856: R.H. ROUSE; M.A. ROUSE - The Catalogus of Henry de Kirkestede (Corpus of British Medieval Library Catalogues)
048981: ROUSE, E. CLIVE - Medieval Wall Paintings
069907: ROUSSEAU, JEAN-JACQUES - Rousseau: 'the Discourses' and Other Early Political Writings
057845: ROUSSEAU, PHILIP - The Early Christian Centures
040162: ROUTH, MARTINUS JOSEPHUS - Reliquae Sacrae Sive Auctorum Fere Iam Perditorum Seciundi Tertiique Saeculi Post Christum Natum
040161: ROUTH, MARTINUS JOSEPHUS - Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Opuscula Praecipua Quaedam
066236: W. SCORESBY ROUTLEDGE; KATHERINE ROUTLEDGE - With a Prehistoric People: The Akikuyu of British East Africa
061259: ROUTLEY, ERIC - Twentieth Century Church Music
046550: ROW, JOHN - The Miscellany of the Wodrow Society Volume First
039294: ROWE, A. L. - Friends and Contemporaries
030317: ROWE, FREDERICK L. - Conseil Protestant Du Congo: Minutes-Meeting 24, Leopoldville, Conge, Belge
037613: ROWELL, GEOFFREY (ED.) - The English Religious Tradition and the Genius of Anglicanism
031935: ROWELL, GEOFFREY (ED.) - The English Religious Tradition and the Genius of Anglicanism
024561: ROWELL, GEOFFREY (ED.) - The English Religious Tradition and the Genius of Anglicanism
070674: ROWLAND, BERLYN - Animals with Human Faces: A Guide to Animal Symbolism
066355: ROWLAND, TRACEY - The Anglican Patrimony in Catholic Communion: The Gift of the Ordinariates
044518: ROWLAND, CHRISTOPHER - Christian Origins
034967: ROWLAND, CHRISTOPHER - Christian Origins
034812: ROWLAND, CHRISTOPHER - Christian Origins
065173: ROWLAND, S. - C.G. Jung and Literary Theory the Challenge from Fiction
065874: ROWLANDS, KENNETH - The Friars: A History of the British Medieval Friars
044593: ROWLANDS, JOHN - Welsh Family History: A Guide to Research
064325: ROWLANDS, MARK - Can Animals Be Persons?
016778: ROWLANDS, MARK - The Philosopher at the End of the Universe
062298: H. H. ROWLEY - The Zadokite Fragments and the Dead Sea Scrolls
060782: ROWLEY, H H - New Century Bible Commentary : The Book of Job
060764: H. H. ROWLEY - The Zadokite Fragments and the Dead Sea Scrolls
060626: H. H. ROWLEY - From Joseph to Joshua: Biblical Traditions in the Light of Archaeology
059876: ROWLEY, H H - New Century Bible Commentary : The Book of Job
067022: ROWLEY, H H - New Century Bible Commentary : The Book of Job
049739: ROWLEY, H. H. - Men of God: Studies in Old Testament History and Prophecy
066019: JAMES HASTINGS; FREDERICK C. GRANT; H. H. ROWLEY - Dictionary of the Bible
062933: H. H. ROWLEY - The Zadokite Fragments and the Dead Sea Scrolls
056956: RUTH ROWNTREE - 'Religious Devills' of Hampstead: Individually Respected, Collectively Reviled
032717: ROWSE, A. L. - Friends and Contemporaries
055152: A. L. P.ROXBURGH - Know Your Town: Stafford Being a Reprint with Revisions of Articles Published in 'the Staffordshire Chronicle'
065453: CHRISTOPHER D. ROY - Kilengi: Afrikanische Kunst Aus Der Sammlung Bareiss
050816: J. ROY - History of Canada for the Use of Schools and Families
070182: LE ROY, ALEXANDER - The Religion of the Primitives
022797: ROY, CLAUDE - Arts Sauvages
021391: ROY, SARAT CHANDRA - The Agaria
020992: ROY, HUBERT VAN - Les Byaambvu Du Moyen-Kwango: Histoire Du Royaume Luwa-Yaka
020625: ROY, CHRISTOPHER D. - The Dogon of Mali and Upper Volta
058691: MAUREEN DONALDSON; WILLIAM ROYCE - An Affair to Remember: My Life with Cary Grant
068882: ROYCE, JOSIAH; ROTH, JOHN K. - The Philosophy of Josiah Royce
068691: ROYCE, JOSIAH - The Philosophy of Loyalty
068714: ROYCE, JOSIAH - The Spirit of Modern Philosophy: An Essay in the Form of Lectures
068870: JOSIAH ROYCE - The World and the Individual: Gifford Lectures Delivered Before the University of Aberdeen First Series the Four Historical Conceptions of Being
052777: LAURA ROYCHOWDHURY - The Jadu House: Intimate Histories of Anglo-India
041852: ROYE, S.M. - The Inner Cohesion between the Bible and the Fathers in Byzantine Tradition: Towards a Codico-Liturgical Approach to the Byzantine Biblical and Patristic Manuscripts
028191: ROYLE, DAVE - Pleasing the Punters
023970: ROYLE, DAVE - Pleasing the Punters
060520: RUANE, KEVIN - To Kill a Priest : The Murder of Father Popieluszko and the Fall of Communism
071173: ROBERT C. RUARK - Horn of the Hunter: The Story of an African Safari
067846: R. KENT RASMUSSEN; STEVEN C. RUBERT - Historical Dictionary of Zimbabwe (African Historical Dictionaries, No 46)
065668: RUBIN, MIRI - The Hollow Crown: A History of Britain in the Late Middle Ages
056724: RUBIN, JAMES H - Manet Silence and the Poetics of Bouquets
045826: ULINKA RUBLACK - The Astronomer and the Witch: Johannes Kepler's Fight for His Mother
061787: RUDD, NIALL - Horace 2000: A Celebration: Essays for the Bimillenium
070693: RUDE, GEORGE - The Crowd in History: Study of Popular Disturbances in France and England, 1730-1848
058770: RUDLOFF, DIETHER; EGGENBERGER, CHRISTOPH - Zillis Images de L'Univers Roman
065007: LOIS PALKEN RUDNICK - Mabel Dodge Luhan: New Woman, New Worlds
039366: KNOPF, D. RUDOLF & KRUGER, KRUGER, GUSTAV - Ausegewahlte Martyrerakten
029367: ARETZ, JURGEN; MORSEY, RUDOLF & RAUSCHER, ANTON (EDS) - Zeitgeschichte in Lebensbildern, Band 6 Aus Dem Deutschen Katholizmus Des 19. Und 20. Jahrunderts
064565: RUDOLPH, SUSANNE HOEBER; PISCATORI, JAMES - Transnational Religion and Fading States
040774: RUDOLPH, W. - Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: Liber Chronicorum
066052: RUDY, KATHRYN M. - Postcards on Parchment: The Social Lives of Medieval Books
062612: RUE, LOYAL - Religion Is Not About God: How Spiritual Traditions Nurture Our Biological Nature and What to Expect When They Fail
048605: JOHN RUEF - Paul's First Letter to Corinth
052787: MALCOLM RUEL - Leopards and Leaders: Constitutional Politics Among a Cross River People
033519: RUEL, MALCOLM - Leopards and Leaders : Constitutional Politics Among a Cross River People
018738: LE RUEZ, NAN - Jersey Occupation Diary: Her Story of the German Occupation 1940-1945
065853: RUGGIERI, VINCENZO - Byzantine Religious Architecture (582-867). Its History and Structural Elements
070428: RUGGIERS, PAUL A. - Editing Chaucer: The Great Tradition
043308: RUGGLES, ROBIN - Christian Apparition Shrines: Places of Pilgrimage and Prayer
019759: RUIZ, JEAN-MARIE - Une Tradition Transatlantique; L'Impact Du Relaisme Politique Sur la Fondation Des Etats-Unis Et la Pensee Politique Americaine Du XIX Siecle.
057540: RULE, MARTIN - The Missal of St Augustine's Abbey Canterbury, with Excerpts from the Antiphonary and Lectionary of the Same Monastery
062841: RUMI, JALAL AL-DIN - The Masnavi, Book One
062842: RUMI, JALAL AL-DIN - The Masnavi: Book Two
047101: H. MARTIN RUMSCHEIDT - Revelation and Theology: An Analysis of the Barth-Harnack Correspondence of 1923
068242: RUNCIMAN, STEVEN - Byzantine Style and Civilization
049860: RUNCIMAN, STEVEN - A History of the Crusades: The First Crusade; the Kingdom of Jerusalem; the Kingdom of Acre
044814: RUNCIMAN, STEVEN - The First Crusade
042585: RUNCIMAN, W. G. - Sociology in Its Place and Other Essays
042541: RUNCIMAN, W. G. - A Critique of Max Weber's Philosophy of Social Science
071057: RUNCIMAN, STEVEN - Byzantine Style and Civilization
038472: RUNCIMAN, STEVEN - Byzantine Style and Civilization
069028: RUNCIMAN, STEVEN - The Sicilian Vespers: A History of the Mediterranean World in the Later Thirteenth Century
037560: RUNCIMAN, STEVEN - The Second Council of Nicaea 787 A.D. : Address Given by Sir Stephen Runciman to the Nikaean Club March 17th, 1987
036014: RUNCIMAN, STEVEN - The First Crusade
029948: RUNCIMAN, STEVEN - The First Crusade
071017: RUNCIMAN, STEVEN - Mistra: Byzantine Capital of the Peloponnese
062754: RUNICMAN, R. G. - Relative Deprivation and Social Justice: A Study of Attitudes to Social Inequality in Twentieth-Century England.
060182: RUNNELS, CURTIS - The Archaeology of Heinrich Schliemann: An Annotated Bibliographic Handlist
028480: RUOZZI, FEDERICO - IL Concilio in Diretta. IL Vaticano II E la Televisione Tra Informazione E Partecipazione
057290: RUPP, GORDON - Religion in England, 1688-1791
048361: RUPP, GORDON - Just Men: Historical Pieces
040039: RUPP, GORDON - Luther Studies: A Reconsideration of the Character and Work of Martin Luther
036337: RUPP, GORDON - Just Men: Historical Pieces
022033: RUPPELL, GERT - Einheit Ist Unteilbar: Die Menschheit Und Ihre Einheit Als Thema in Der Okumenischen Diskussion Zwischen 1910 Und 1983
061539: KARL RUPPRECHT - Einfuhrung in Die Griechische Metrik
054754: ERNST GERHARD RUSCH - Tuotilo Monch Und Kunstler: Beitrage Zur Kenntnis Seiner Personlichkeit
045812: RUSCH, WILLIAM, G. (LUTHERAN WORLD FEDERATION) - From Conflict to Communion: Reformation Resources 1517-2017
054378: RUSE, MICHAEL - Charles Darwin
054366: RUSE, MICHAEL - Darwinism and Its Discontents
047426: RUSHFORTH, G. MCN. - Latin Historical Inscriptions Illustrating the History of the Early Empire
069250: JOHN RUSKIN - Unto This Last: Four Essays on the Principles of Political Economy
070359: JOHN RUSKIN - Frondes Agrestes Readings in ''Modern Painters'' Chosen at Her Pleasure, by the Author's Friend, the Younger Lady of the Thwaite, Coniston
070364: JOHN RUSKIN - Lectures on Art Delivered Before the University of Oxford in Hilary Term, 1870
025394: RUSKIN, JOHN - The Lord's Prayer and the Church; Letters to the Clergy
027500: RUSSEL,L D. S. - From Early Judaism to Early Church
064437: NORMAN RUSSELL - Fellow Workers with God: Orthodox Thinking on Theosis (Foundations)
061427: RUSSELL, D.A. - Criticism in Antiquity
068779: RUSSELL, G. W. E. - Edward King, Sixtieth Bishop of Lincoln
060351: RUSSELL, G. W. E. - Dr Pusey
059081: JOHN RUSSELL - Shakespeare's Country
055552: JAMES B. RUSSELL - The Evolution of the Function of Public Health Administration As Illustrated by the Sanitary History of Glasgow in the Nineteenth Century
069734: BERTRAND RUSSELL - A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz: With an Appendix of Leading Passages
050840: EDWARD RUSSELL - Prospects of Eternity: Debunking Death
067782: RUSSELL, ALAN - The Community of the Holy Cross Haywards Heath, 1857-1957; a Short History of Its Life and Work
049160: RUSSELL, JEFFREY BURTON - Medieval Civilization
049100: RUSSELL, JEFFREY BURTON - Dissent and Reform in the Early Middle Ages
046161: RUSSELL, GEORGE W. E. - Saint Alban the Martyr, Holborn : A History of Fifty Years
045255: RUSSELL, RICHARD - Ss. Patrum Apostolicorum: Barnabae, Hermae, Clementis, Ignatii, Polycarpi Opera Genuina Una Cum Ignatii & Polycarpi Martyriis
045190: RUSSELL, G. W. E. - Basil Wilberforce a Memoir
16488: RUSSELL, GEORGE W. E. - Seeing and Hearing.
039267: RUSSELL, LETTY M. (ED.) - Feminist Interpretation of the Bible
066450: BERTRAND RUSSELL - The Analysis of Mind
037589: RUSSELL, D. S. - Daniel, an Active Volcano
036861: RUSSELL, HILARY - Poverty Close to Home: A Christian Understanding
034379: RUSSELL, G. W. E. - Dr Liddon
034052: RUSSELL, GEORGE W. E. - Arthur Stanton: A Memoir
066502: BERTRAND RUSSELL - Our Knowledge of the External World
031276: RUSSELL, GEORGE W. E. - Arthur Stanton: A Memoir
030802: RUSSELL, JOHN - Francis Bacon
027640: RUSSELL, D. S. - The Method & Message of Jewish Apocalyptic : 200 Bc-Ad 100
017687: RUSSELL, ANTHONY; HERBERT, GEORGE - The Country Parson
017226: RUSSELL, ARTHUR T. - Sermons Upon the Principal Festivals and Holydays of the Church.
059433: F. RUSSOLI - Poldi Pezzoli la Pinacoteca
050039: MEPISASHVILI, RUSUDAN & TSINTSADZE, VAKHTANG - The Arts of Ancient Georgia
029199: MEPISASHVILI, RUSUDAN & TSINTSADZE, VAKHTANG - The Arts of Ancient Georgia
021065: ROUSE, RUTH & NEILL, STEPHEN CHARLES (EDS.) - A History of the Ecumenical Movement 1517-1948
070859: RUTHENBERG, HANS - Farming Systems in the Tropics
021027: RUTHER, GUNTHER;KONRAD-ADENAUER-STIFTUNG - Geschichte Der Christlich-Demokratischen Und Christlich-Sozialen Bewegungen in Deutschland: Grundlagen, Unterrichtsmodelle, Quellen Und Arbeitshilfen Fur Die Politische Bildung
062457: RUTHERFORD, RICHARD - The Death of a Christian: The Rite of Funerals
061723: RUTHERFORD, R.B. - The Art of Plato
067921: ADAM RUTHERFORD - Pyramidology Book I Elements of Pyramidology the Science and Christian Message of the Great Pyramid Revealing the Divine Plan for Our Planet
054085: MALISE RUTHVEN - Islam a Very Short Introduction
070475: CHRIS A. RUTKOWSKI - Abductions and Aliens: The Psychology Behind Extra-Terrestrial Experience: The Psychology Behind Extra-Terrestrial Experience
063394: RUTKOWSKI, BOGDAN - The Cult Places of the Aegean
070336: DENYS RUTLEDGE - Cosmic Theology: The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy of Pseudo-Denys: An Introduction
020760: RUYSCH, W. A. (ED.) - Antiquity and Survival; New Guinea
049976: MOSHE BLIDSTEIN; DANIEL STOKL BEN EZRA; SERGE RUZER - Scriptures, Sacred Traditions, and Strategies of Religious Subversion: Studies in Discourse with the Work of Guy G. Stroumsa (Studien Und Texte Zu... And Texts in Antiquity and Christianity)
064572: RYAN, DESMOND - The Catholic Parish : Institutional Discipline, Tribal Identity and Religious Development in the English Church
070688: RYAN, LYNDALL - Aboriginal Tasmanians
065555: SHEILA RYAN - Untold Stories: Beachy Head
051117: FREDERICK W. RYAN - The House of the Temple: A Study of Malta and Its Knights in the French Revolution
050429: FAINCHE RYAN - The Eucharist: What Do We Believe?
034270: RYAN, DESMOND - The Catholic Parish : Institutional Discipline, Tribal Identity and Religious Development in the English Church
069737: RYAN, N J: - The Cultural Heritage of Malaya
021865: RYAN, DESMOND - Catholic Parish: Institutional Discipline, Tribal Identity and Religious Development in the English Church
023186: RYBAR, CTIBOR - Jewish Prague: Gloses on History and Kultur a Guidebook
059110: P. S. BARNWELL; CLAIRE CROSS; ANN RYCRAFT - Mass and Parish in Late Medieval England: The Use of York
051788: J. C. RYLE (J. I. PACKER ED.) - Practical Religion: Plain Papers on the Duties of Professing Christians
051256: J. C. RYLE - Knots Untied: Being Plain Statements on Disputed Points in Religion from the Standpoint of an Evangelical Churchman
047304: RYLE, JOHN CHARLES - Light from Old Times or Protestant Facts and Men with an Introduction for Our Own Days
069082: J. C. RYLE - A Word to the Churches: Being Thoughts on Rev. III. 22
042630: RYLE, J. C. - Scattered and Gathered!, a Tract About the Jews Being Thoughts on Jer. XXXI. 10
063406: RYLE, GILBERT - Dilemmas: The Tarner Lectures 1953
061181: FREITAG, S. & WENDE, P. - British Envoys to Germany 1816-1866; Vol I 1816-1829
063284: VERNET GINE?S, JUAN - Estudios Sobre Historia de la Ciencia Medieval
054170: CUNNINGHAM. LAWRENCE S. - Thomas Merton and the Monastic Vision
052126: ORWIN, C. S. & ORWIN, C. S. - The Open Fields
050062: BADALIAN, ROUBEN S. ET AL. - Armenie: Tresors de L'Armenie Ancienne Des Origines Au Ive Siecle
037376: DRYZEK, JOHN S. & SCHLOSBERG, DAVID (EDS) - Debating the Earth: The Environmental Politics Reader
032241: KAHN, JOEL S.& LLOBERA, JOSEP R. (EDS) - The Anthropology of Pre-Capitalist Societies
063039: VERNET GINE?S, JUAN - De ?Abd Al-Rah?Ma?N I a Isabel II: Recopilacio?N de Estudios Dispersos Sobre Historia de la Ciencia Y de la Cultura Espan~Ola Ofrecida Al Autor Por... De Su LVX Aniversario (Spanish Edition)
066531: KIRK, G. S. & RAVEN, J. E. - The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection of Texts
020213: KUHLMANN, W., HARTMANN, V., EL KOHLI, S. & SPIEKERMANN, B. - Die Deutschen Humanisten Zur Uberlieferung Der Antiken Und Mittelalterlichen Literatur in Der Fruhen Neuzeit. Part I. Die Kurpfalz. Part II. David Pareus, Johann Philipp Und Daniel Pareus
049166: ERIC LELAND SAAK - Luther and the Reformation of the Later Middle Ages
022360: SAARINEN, RISTO - Baptism and the Unity of the Church
068327: SABATÉ, FLOCEL - Ideology in the Middle Ages: Approaches from Southwestern Europe
070162: M. CRUSAFONT I SABATER - El Sistema Monetario Visigodo: Cobre Y Oro
055527: PAUL SABATIER (PREFACE) - St. Francis of Assisi 1226-1926: Essays in Commemmoration
029773: SABBE, MAURITS - Studia Neotestamentica: Collected Essays
026266: KASHANI-SABET, FIROOZEH - Frontier Fictions: Shaping the Iranian Nation, 1804-1946
040619: SABIN, V. P. - A Catalogue of Watercolour Drawings by Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827)
064684: [JOHN SABIN] - A Brief Description of the Collegiate Church and Choir of St. Mary in the Borough of Warwick and of the Antiquities and Curiosities of the Same and of the Chapel
029592: SABINI, JOHN - Armies in the Sand: The Struggle for Mecca and Medina
049612: RICCARDO SACCENTI - Debating Medieval Natural Law: A Survey
018033: SACHAR, HOWARD M. - The Course of Modern Jewish History
068334: ROBERT P. BLAK; WILHELM KOEHLER; PAUL J. SACHS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Number 3
070851: SACKS, OLIVER - Oaxaca Journal
055811: MARINA SACOPOULO - Asinou En 1106 Et Sa Contribution a L'Iconographie
029209: SACOPOULO, MARINA - Asinou En 1106 Et Sa Contribution a L'Iconographie
028852: SACOPOULO, M. A. - La Fresque Chretienne la Plus Ancienne de Chypre
046512: MARGARET PEIL; PIUS O. SADA - African Urban Society
049974: MICHAEL SADGROVE - Durham Cathedral: The Shrine of St Cuthbert
15541: SADLER, MICHAEL E. - Arts of West Africa (Excluding Music).
029624: SAEZ, MANUEL - Manuel Saez
057327: WILLIAM E. KLINGSHIM; LINDA SAFRAN - The Early Christian Book
053410: SAGAR, KEITH - The Life of D.H. Lawrence: An Illustrated Biography
069466: SAGAR, KEITH - The Art of Ted Hughes
069223: MICHAEL SAGAR - History of the Border Counties (N.W. ) Otter Hounds
048050: JOSE MARIA DE SAGARRA - The Montserrat
056440: BRYAN SAGE - The Ecology of the Egyptian Goose at Holkham Park, Norfolk
064696: MARSHALL SAHLINS - Waiting for Foucault
070524: MARSHALL SAHLINS - Culture and Practical Reason
052308: CHARLOTTE WALKER-SAID - Faith, Power and Family: Christianity and Social Change in French Cameroon
065948: JOHN S. SAINSBURY - A Dictionary of Musicians from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time Comprising the Most Important Biographical Contents of the Works of Gerber, Choron, and Fayolle, Count Orloff, Dr Burney, Sir John Hawkins &C Together with Upwards of a Hundred Original Memoirs of the Most Eminent Living Musicians and a Summary of the History of Music
069007: SAINT, ANDREW - London Suburbs
048395: LE SAINT, WILLIAM (ED.) - Tertullian: Treatises on Penance: On Penitence and on Purity
047000: LE SAINT, WILLIAM (ED.) - Tertullian: Treatises on Marriage and Remarriage; to His Wife an Exhortation to Chastity Monogamy
063657: SAITO, NAOKO - The Gleam of Light: Moral Perfectionism and Education in Dewey and Emerson (American Philosophy)
054372: SAITO, YURIKO - Everyday Aesthetics
064386: NICHOLAS V. SAKHAROV - I Love, Therefore I Am: The Theological Legacy of Archimandrite Sophrony
059323: SAKI (JOHN LETTS ED.) - Short Stories
055310: MALCOLM C. SALAMAN - Modern Masters of Etching: Frank W. Benson
055310: MALCOLM C. SALAMAN - Modern Masters of Etching: Frank W. Benson
051142: SALAVILLE, SEVERIEN - An Introduction to the Study of Eastern Liturgies
062756: SALAVILLE, SEVERIEN - An Introduction to the Study of Eastern Liturgies
070759: SALDA, MICHAEL; JOST, JEAN E. - Chaucer Yearbook: 5. 1998: A Journal of Late Medieval Studies: V. 5
070109: SALE, A.J.H. - Cheltenham Probate Records, 1660-1740 (Gloucestershire Record Series Vol. 12)
017160: SALE, D. M. - The Hymn Writers of Hampshire
063875: SALENSON, CHRISTIAN - Christian de Cherge: A Theology of Hope
019133: SALEWICZ, CHRIS - George Lucas
021275: SALEY, RICHARD J. - The Samuel Manuscript of Jacob of Edessa: A Study in Its Underlying Textual Traditions
024171: SALFORD - Singing Manual [Hymnal] St John's Cathedral [Salford]
051269: SALIEGE, CARDINAL (GARRONE ED.) - Spiritual Writings an Anthology
032378: WESTWOOD, SALLIE & BHACHU, PARMINDER (EDS) - Enterprising Women: Ethnicity, Economy, and Gender Relations
021368: BADHAM, SALLY & NORRIS, MALCOLM - Early Incised Slabs and Brasses from the London Marblers
050882: W.A. SALMON - Churches and Royal Patronage: A History of the Royal Patronage in the Churches of England and Wales
040042: SALMON, J R. (ED.) - Saint Silas the Martyr, Kentish Town, London Nw5
039806: SALMON, PAUL B. - Literature in Medieval Germany
066348: E. W. WATSON; L. PULLAN; S. D. F. SALMOND - St. Hilary of Poitiers Select Works; John of Damascus: Exposition of the Orthodox Faith a Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church Second Series Volume IX
017207: SALMOND, S. D. F. - The Works of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius of Alerxandria and Archelaus 'Syriac Documents'.
050684: A. E. W. SALT - Military Geography of the British Commonwealth
057881: SALTER, MIKE - Medieval English Friaries
067520: NICHOLAS OF CUSA: EMMA GURNEY SALTER - Nicholas of Cusa the Vision of God
055251: JOHN E. SOWERBY: JOHN W. SALTER - British Wild Flowers Illustrated, Re-Issue to Which Is Added a Supplement Containing 180 Nfigures of Lately Discovered Flowering Plants and the Ferns, Horsetails and Club-Mosses
054985: G. J. TURNER; H. E. SALTER - The Register of St. Augustine's Abbey Canterbury Commonly Called the Black Book Part I and Part II
053066: A. T. JOHN SALTER - Anglicans and the Holy See
045269: SALTER, H. E. - Snappe's Formulary and Other Records
024785: SALTER, K. W. - Thomas Traherne, Mystic and Poet
070409: SALU, MARY - Essays on Troilus and Criseyde
070195: F. DE SALUCY - Narrative of a Journey Round the Dead Sea and in the Bible Lands Vol. II
070194: F. DE SALUCY - Narrative of a Journey Round the Dead Sea and in the Bible Lands Vol. I
056472: SALWAY, PETER - The Oxford Illustrated History of Roman Britain
041507: SALZBERGER, RUTH CARO - Cancer: Attitudes and Social Action in Two Cambridgeshire Villages
049313: KATHRYN SALZER - Vaucelles Abbey: Monastic, Political, and Social Ties in the Borderland of the Cambresis, 1132-1330
065560: L. F. SALZMAN - The Town Book of Lewes 1542 - 1701
054841: L. F. SALZMANN - English Industries of the Middle Ages Being an Introduction to the Industrial History of Medieval England
054799: L. F. SALZMANN - English Industries of the Middle Ages Being an Introduction to the Industrial History of Medieval England
070946: SALZMANN, ZDENEK - Language, Culture, and Society: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
027945: AMIN, SAMIR & FORDE, DARYLL (EDS) - Modern Migrations in Western Africa: Studies Presented and Discussed at the Eleventh International African Seminar, Dakar, April 1972
070799: SAMMANI, MOHAMED OSMAN - The Jonglei Canal: Dynamics of Planned Change in the Twic Area
066861: SAMPATHGE, CHULAN - Tranquillity Leading to Insight: Exploration of Buddhist Meditation Practices
049638: FRED O.FRANCIS; J. PAUL SAMPLEY - Pauline Parallels
067731: SAMPSON, GERARD (ED.) - Mission Hymns for Use in Teaching and Other Missions
057584: ERIC SAMS (ED.) - Shakespeare's Edward III: An Early Play Restored to the Canon
064142: JOSEP CASULLERAS; JULIO SAMSO - From Baghdad to Barcelona: Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences in Honour of Prof. Juan Vernet Vol. I & II
068765: SAMSON, JIM - The Music of Szymanowski
031360: SAMSON, S. DE JEAN - La Mort Des Saincts Precieuse Devant Dieu Ou L'Art de Partir Et Mourir Sainctement Tant Selon le Corps Que Selon L'Esprit
045882: SAMUEL, VISCOUNT - Leisure in a Democracy
029487: TOTTEN, SAMUEL & HITCHCOCK, ROBERT K.; (EDS) - Genocide of Indigenous People : A Critical Biographical Review: Volume 8
024317: [WILBERFORCE] SAMUEL - A Charge Delivered to the Diocese of Oxford at His Seventh Visitation, December, 1866
036019: SANCHA, SHEILA - The Castle Story
030779: SANCHEZ, THOMA - Disputationum de S. [Anct]to Matrimonii Sacramento
026740: FERNANDEZ SANCHEZ, FRANCISCO - Cataluna Y El Camino de Santiago
059057: GUILD OF SERVANTS OF THE SANCTUARY - Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary: Object; Rules; Guild Office
067958: SANDAY, W. (ED.) - Studies in the Synoptic Problem by Members of the University of Oxford
049665: WILLIAM SANDAY - The Criticism of the Fourth Gospel: Eight Lectures on the Morse Foundation Delivered in the Union Seminary, New York in October and November, 1904
048341: SANDAY, W. - Divine Overruling
036215: SANDAY, W. - The Catholic Movement and the Archbishops' Decision with a Note on Certain Resolutions
070587: SANDAY, PEGGY REEVES; GOODENOUGH, RUTH GALLAGHER - Beyond the Second Sex: New Directions in the Anthropology of Gender
064119: MEANDER: F. H. SANDBACH - Meandri: Reliquiae Selectae
056046: CARL SANDBURG - Chicago Poems
067838: JOSEPH SANDELL - Memoranda of Art and Artists Anecdotal and Biographical
052306: JOCHEN SANDER - Heaven on Display: The Altenberg Altar and Its Imagery
070682: SANDERS, CAROL - The Cambridge Companion to Saussure
058263: T. W. SANDERS - The Flower Garden: Its Design, Formation, Planting and Management, Including the Description and Cultivation of All Hardy and Half-Hardy Plants, Trees and Shrubs Adapted for Outdoor Culture in the British Isles
055897: SANDERS, E. P. - Jesus and Judaism
070476: HARRY G. WEST; TODD SANDERS - Transparency and Conspiracy: Ethnographies of Suspicion in the New World Order
067000: SANDERS, E. P. - Jewish Law from Jesus to the Mishnah: Five Studies
050706: SANDERS, E. P.; DAVIES, MARGARET - Studying the Synoptic Gospels
050173: SANDERS, E. P. - Jewish Law from Jesus to the Mishnah: Five Studies
16174: SANDERS, JACK T. - Schismatics, Sectarians, Dissidents, Deviants; the First One Hundred Years of Jewish-Christian Relations.
044508: SANDERS, E. P. - Jewish Law from Jesus to the Mishnah: Five Studies
035556: SANDERS,JACK T. - The Jews in Luke-Acts
034870: SANDERS, JACK T. - Schismatics, Sectarians, Dissidents, Deviants; the First One Hundred Years of Jewish-Christian Relations.
033637: SANDERS, E. K. - S. Francois de Sales
063694: J. H. SANDERS - The Velocity of Light
027884: SANDERS, DAVID;CARVER, RICHARD - The Struggle for Health: Medicine and the Politics of Underdevelopment
027496: SANDERS, E. P. - Jesus and Judaism
16623: SANDERS, JACK T. - Schismatics, Sectarians, Dissidents, Deviants; the First One Hundred Years of Jewish-Christian Relations.
023333: SANDERS, THERESA - Tenebrae: Holy Week After the Holocaust
022366: SANDERS,JACK T. - The Jews in Luke-Acts
066002: SANDERS, E. P. - The Historical Figure of Jesus.
020027: SANDERS, E. K. - Vincent de Paul, Priest and Philanthropist 1576-1660
070286: P. O. SANDERSON - St. Aidan's Church Leeds and the Brangwyn Mosaics
060086: JOHN SANDERSON (WILLIAM FOSTER ED.) - The Travels of Sir William Sanderson in the Levant 1584-1602 with His Autobiography and Selections from His Correspondence
070543: SANDERSON, STEPHEN K. - The Evolution of Human Sociality
035147: SANDFORD, E. G. (ED.) - Memoirs of Archbishop [Frederick] Temple by Seven Friends
029789: SANDFORD, E. G. (ED.) - Memoirs of Archbishop [Frederick] Temple by Seven Friends
035976: SANDMEL, SAMUEL - A Jewish Understanding of the New Testament
023282: SANDON, NICK - The Octave of the Nativity : Essays and Notes on Ten Liturgical Reconstructions for Christmas
056119: LORD SANDS - Sir Walter Scott's Gonge
043368: SANDS, P. C. - Literary Genius of the Old Testament
039501: SANDSMARK, SIGNE - Is World View Neutral Education Possible and Desirable? a Christian Response to Liberal Arguments
046434: SANDYS, EDWARD (AYRE, JOHN ED.) - The Sermons of Edwin Sandys to Which Are Added Some Miscellaneous Pieces
070728: SANGINGA, PASCAL - Innovation Africa: Enriching Farmers' Livelihoods
041325: SANGREE, WALTER H. - Age, Prayer & Politics in Tiriki, Kenya
070934: SANJEK, ROGER - Fieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology
052805: LUIS NICOLAU PARES; ROGER SANSI - Sorcery in the Black Atlantic
026762: SANTANGELO, ANTONIO - Brain Network and Cultural Shape
069259: GEORGE SANTAYANA - The Life of Reason or the Phases of Human Progress
068702: SANTAYANA, GEORGE - The Sense of Beauty Being the Outline of Aesthetic Theory
068717: SANTAYANA, GEORGE - Scepticism and Animal Faith: Introduction to a System of Philosophy
069721: SANTAYANA, GEORGE - Scepticism and Animal Faith: Introduction to a System of Philosophy
069702: SANTAYANA, GEORGE - Egotism in German Philosophy
060239: MAURICE WILES; MARK SANTER - Documents in Early Christian Thought
040963: SANWAL, B. D. - Agra and Its Monuments
034860: MAITLAND, SARA & MULFORD, WENDY - Virtuous Magic: Women Saints and Their Meanings
067696: CROIX; SARAH - Materiality and Religious Practice in Medieval Denmark (Acta Scandinavica, 12)
037034: IRWIN SARAH - Rights of Passage: Social Change and the Transition from Youth to Adulthood
025044: SMYTH, SARAH & KINGSTON, STANFORD (EDS.) - Icons 88 : To Celebrate the Millennium of the Christianisation of Russia: An Exhibition of Russian Icons in Ireland: The National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, 1988
038342: SARDAR, ZIAUDDIN - The a to Z of Postmodern Life: Essays on Global Culture in the Noughties
038169: SARDAR, ZIAUDDIN - Desperately Seeking Paradise: Journeys of a Sceptical Muslim
022114: SARDELLA, LOUIS-PIERRE - Demain, Une Revue Catholique D'Avant Garde, 1905-1907
069988: SARDESAI, D.R. - Southeast Asia: Past & Present
049136: SARGEANT, FRANK P. - A Complete Parish Priest: Peter Green (1871-1961)
058821: G. K. SARGSYAN - Armenia of the Hellenistic Era and Movses Khorenatsi
039840: SARKIS, PAUL ED. - Cent Ans D'Histoire 1879-1979 'College de la Sainte Familie'
057916: KAREKIN SARKISSIAN - A Brief Introduction to Armenian Christian Literature
057766: KAREKIN SARKISSIAN - A Brief Introduction to Armenian Christian Literature
022637: SARKISSIAN, KAREKIN - The Council of Chalcedon and the Armenian Church
041333: SARMELA, MATTI - Reciprocity Systems of the Rural Society in the Finnish-Karelian Culture Area with Special Reference to Social Intercourse of the Youth
064593: SARTRE, JEAN-PAUL - Colonialism and Neocolonialism
054282: SARTWELL, CRISPIN - The Art of Living: Aesthetics of the Ordinary in World Spiritual Traditions
043866: SARWAR, GHULAM - Islam: Beliefs and Teachings
028097: SASSON, DIANE - The Shaker Spiritual Narrative
067833: SATOW, ERNEST MASON - The Satow Siam Papers: The Private Diaries and Correspondence of Ernest Satow, Volume I 1884-1885
036274: HOLY SATURDAY - The Order for Holy Saturday When the Restored Paschal Vigil Is Observed in the Night Time
046341: SAUDEE, JACQUES DE BIVORT DE LA - Anglicans Et Catholiques le Probleme de L'Union Anglo-Romane 1833-1933
032965: SAUDEE, JACQUES DE BIVORT DE LA - Documents Sur le Probleme de L'Union Anglo-Romane (1921-1927)
040437: SAUER, CHARLES MARQUARD - Italian Conversation-Grammar a New and Practical Method of Learning the Italian Language
024931: SAUGET, J. M. - Bibliographie Des Liturgies Orientales (1900-1960)
070894: SAUL, NIGEL - Fourteenth Century England V (Volume 5)
058709: JOSEPH SAUL - The Tutor and Scholar's Assistant: Being a Complete Treatise of Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetic Consisting of a Greater Variety and a More Extensive Collection of Original Questions Than Are to Be Met with in Any Other Work on the Subject
057214: SAUL, NIGEL - A Companion to Medieval England
070904: SAUL, NIGEL - Death, Art, and Memory in Medieval England: The Cobham Family and Their Monuments, 1300-1500
024204: [DU SAULT, PAUL] MONACO BENEDETTINO - Avvisi E Riflessioni Sopra le Obbligazioni Dello Stato Religioso; Per Animare Quelli Che L'Hanno Abbracciato, Adempire la Loro Vocazione
051885: O. ELFRIDA SAUNDERS - English Illumination
049018: SAUNDERS, J. J. - Aspects of the Crusades
045130: M.R. APTED; R. GILYARD-BEER; A.D. SAUNDERS - Ancient Monuments and Their Interpretation: Essays Presented to A.J. Taylor
039172: SAUNDERS, ERNEST W. - Searching the Scriptures a History of the Society of Biblical Literature, 1880-1980
037094: SAUNDERS, PETER - Social Theory and the Urban Question
036286: SAUNDERS, STANLEY P. - Philippians and Galatians
026147: SAUNDERS, FRANCES STONOR - Hawkwood : Diabolical Englishman
024677: SAUNDERS, LEWIS - A School of Welsh Augustans
051397: DENIS SAURAT - A History of Religions
052475: FERDINAND DE SAUSSURE - Cours de Linguistique Generale
066453: DU SAUTOY, MARCUS - The Music of the Primes: Why an Unsolved Problem in Mathematics Matters
053263: STEPHEN SAVAGE - Mission Accomplished: Five Lost Churches of Leeds
049492: STEPHEN SAVAGE - Mission Accomplished: Five Lost Churches of Leeds
065945: H. E. SAVAGE - St Chad, Bishop of York
019142: SAVAGE, GEORGE - Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century French Porcelain
065409: SAVARY, CLAUDE; MICHEL HUET - Africa Dances
052446: CLAUDE SAVARY - Sculptures Africaines D'Un Collectionneur de Geneve
063737: SAVARY, LOUIS M. - Teilhard de Chardin: The Human Phenomenon Explained
053039: PAMELA FELDMAN-SAVELSBERG - Plundered Kitchens, Empty Wombs: Threatened Reproduction and Identity in the Cameroon Grassfields
052732: HELENE SAVERNY - Le Sceau Des Trinitaires: Sa Symbolique Au Xiieme Siecle Son Actuality Vivante
057231: ALAN SAVIDGE - The Foundation and Early Years of Queen Anne's Bounty
055544: SAVONAROLA ( PÁDRAIG Ó SÛILLEABHÁIN ED.) - Buaidh Na Naomhchroiche
055741: JOHN SAVORY - George Lodge: Artist Naturalist
070264: SAVORY, THEODORE H. - The Spiders and Allied Orders of the British Isles
068988: T. H. SAVORY - The Spiders and Allied Orders of the British Isles
070088: SAWA, RYUKEN; SAWA, TAKAAKI - Art in Japanese Esoteric Buddhism
062239: SAWYER, REX - Honey Identification
063431: SAWYER, DANA - Huston Smith: Wisdomkeeper: Living the World's Religions: The Authorized Biography of a 21st Century Spiritual Giant
070099: JOHN SAWYER - Cheltenham Parish Church: Its Architecture and Its History
042595: SAWYER, EDWIN A. - These Fifteen, Pioneers of the Moravian Church
038691: SAWYER, MARY R. - The Church on the Margins
041021: SAYCE, A. H - Fresh Light from the Ancient Monuments by-Paths of Bible Knowledge II
031438: SAYCE, R. U. - Primitive Arts and Crafts: An Introduction to the Study of Material Culture
022830: SAYCE, R. U. - Primitive Arts and Crafts; an Introduction to the Study of Material Culture.
036705: BADER-SAYE, SCOTT - Following Jesus in a Culture of Fear
047720: MAXIMOS IV SAYEGH - The Eastern Churches and Catholic Unity
034195: MAXIMOS IV SAYEGH - The Eastern Churches and Catholic Unity
070601: SAYER, JEFFREY; CAMPBELL, BRUCE - The Science of Sustainable Development: Local Livelihoods and the Global Environment (Biological Conservation, Restoration & Sustainability S)
069424: H. SAYERS - Bluntisham-Cum-Earith a Short Account of the Bells of St. Mary's Church
065018: DOROTHY L. SAYERS - Strong Meat
064997: SAYERS, DOROTHY L. - Spiritual Writings
065807: DOROTHY L.SAYERS - The Emperor Constantine: A Chronicle
063669: AYDIN SAYILI - The Observatory in Islam and Its Place in the General History of the Observatory
061045: G. O. SAYLES - The Medieval Foundations of England
058215: H. G. RICHARDSON; GEORGE SAYLES - Rotuli Parliamentorum Anglie Hactenus Inediti MCCLXXIX-MCCCLXXIII
058191: G. O. SAYLES - The Medieval Foundations of England
066805: SAYRE, ANNE - Rosalind Franklin and D.N. A.
038596: SAYRE, GWENDA - Creative Miming
035145: SAYWELL, J. L. - Manual of Occasional Offices for the Use of the Clergy
070427: SCANLON, LARRY; SIMPSON, JAMES - John Lydgate: Poetry, Culture, and Lancastrian England
046465: SCANTLEBURY, ROBERT E. - Hampshire Registers IV. The Registers of Gosport and Portsea
046406: SCANTLEBURY, ROBERT E. - Hampshire (and Dorset) Registers II. The Hampshire Secular Clergy Fund Rules and the Hampshire Ledger; Registers of Sopley, Canford and Stapehill and Tichborne
046351: SCANTLEBURY, ROBERT E. - Hampshire Registers I. The Registers and Records of Winchester
046346: SCANTLEBURY, ROBERT E. - Isle of Wight Registers Newport 1792-1997; Cowes 1796-1856
023782: SCANTLEBURY, ROBERT E. - Isle of Wight Registers Newport 1792-1997; Cowes 1796-1856
023700: SCANTLEBURY, ROBERT E. - Hampshire Registers IV. The Registers of Gosport and Portsea
023698: SCANTLEBURY, ROBERT E. - Hampshire Registers I. The Registers and Records of Winchester
070969: SCARBOROUGH, VANESSA - Farmer-Led Extension: Concepts and Practices
067368: SCARBOROUGH, CONNIE - Viewing Disability in Medieval Spanish Texts: Disgraced or Graced
070220: SCARD - Tudor Survivor: The Life and Times of Courtier William Paulet
063398: GERALD SCARFE - Monsters: How George Bush Saved the World -- and Other Tall Stories
056327: J. J. SCARISBRICK - Selly Park and Beyond : The Story of Geneviève Dupuis and the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Paul the Apostle
030654: SCARSE, CHARLES E. - Catalogue of the Birmingham Library: Supplement (1883-1902)
056845: A. M. E. SCARTH - The Story of the Old Catholic and Kindred Movements Leading Up to a Union of National Churches
060285: SCEATS, DAVID - Experience of Grace: Aspects of the Faith and Spirituality of the Puritans
069193: GODFREY SCEATS - The Liturgical Use of the Organ
070337: SCHACHERL, LILLIAN - Tres Riches Heures: Behind the Gothic Masterpiece
065978: KARL-FERDINAND SCHAEDLER - Erde Und Erz: 2500 Jahre Afrikanishe Kunst Aus Terrakotta Und Metall
046169: SCHAEFER, PAULA - The Catholic Regeneration of the Church of England
022110: SCHÄFER, PETER - Geschichte Der Juden in Der Antike
020008: SCHAFER, DINA - Liturgischer Religionsunterricht, Nach Dem Neuen Lehrplan
063766: SCHAFF, PHILIP - Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: First Series, Volume XIV St. Chrysostom: Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews
068732: SCHAFF, PHILIP; WALLACE, HENRY - Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Second Series:
068874: SCHAFF, PHILIP - Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Second Series, Volume XIII Gregory the Great, Ephraim Syrus, Aphrahat: 13
069767: SCHAFF, PHILIP - Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: First Series, Volume XIV St. Chrysostom: Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews
066613: PHILIP SCHAFF - The Creeds of the Greek and Latin Churches with Translations, 2 Vols Set
069768: SCHAFF, PHILIP; WACE, HENRY - St. Basil: Letters and Select Works
064569: MATT SCHAFFER - Mandinko: The Ethnography of a West African Holy Land
063036: KARLHEINZ SCHALDACH - Ro?Mische Sonnenuhren: Eine Einfu?Hrung in Die Antike Gnomonik
070891: SCHALLER, GEORGE B. - The Deer and the Tiger: A Study of Wildlife in India
056181: SCHAMA, SIMON - The Face of Britain: The Nation Through Its Portraits: A History of the Nation Through Its Portraits
052547: SIMON SCHAMA - Rough Crossings: Britain, the Slaves and the American Revolution
071048: I. SCHAPERA - Ethnographic Survey of Africa; Southern Africa Part III the Tswana
070698: I. SCHAPERA - Rainmaking Rites of the Tswana Tribes
067133: I. SCHAPERA (ED.) - The Bantu-Speaking Tribes of South Africa, an Ethnographical Study
051604: SCHAPERA, I. - Government and Politics in Tribal Societies
049451: SCHAPERA, I. - Select Bibliography of South African Native Life and Problems
070542: SCHAPERA, I. - Government and Politics in Tribal Societies
044666: SCHAPERA, I. (ED.) - Select Bibliography of South African Native Life and Problems
041476: SCHAPERA, I. - Married Life in an African Tribe
041293: SCHAPERA, I. - Government and Politics in Tribal Societies
026600: SCHAPERA, I. - Married Life in an African Tribe
022159: SCHAPERA, I. - Married Life in an African Tribe
027011: SCHARFF, MIKKEL - Mariatavlen Fra Logum: En Hojgotisk Alterbordsforside
061166: F. SCHARFSTEIN - Tiqqun I-Qore'IM Torah Esther
052343: KLAUS SCHATZ - Jesuiten in Schweden: (1879-2001)
040455: SCHATZ, KLAUS - P. Alexander de Rhodes Sj (1539-1660) Und Die Fruhe Jesuitenmission in Vietnam
031636: SCHATZ, KLAUS - Geschichte Der Deutschen Jesuiten, Band III 1917-1945
031634: SCHATZ, KLAUS - Geschichte Der Deutschen Jesuiten, Band V Glossar, Biogramme, Gesamtregister
031632: SCHATZ, KLAUS - Geschichte Der Deutschen Jesuiten, Band II 1872-1917
031884: SCHAUFFELEN, KONRAD BALDER - Aus Dem Auge, Aus Dem Sinn
043735: HEINZ SCHEIBLE - Melanchthon: Vermittler Der Reformation
068598: MAX SCHELER - Formalism in Ethics and Non-Formal Ethics of Values: A New Attempt Toward the Foundation of an Ethical Personalism (Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy)
068623: SCHELER, MAX FERDINAND - On the Eternal in Man
026289: SCHELL, JONATHAN - Fate of the Earth
062374: SCHELLENBERG, J. L. - The Will to Imagine: A Justification of Skeptical Religion
069602: SCHELLING, F. W. J. VON - Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature (Texts in German Philosophy)
069604: SCHELLING, F.W.J. - The Philosophy of Art
069875: SCHELLING, FRIEDRICH WILHELM JOSEPH - Clara: Or, on Nature's Connection to the Spirit World
069876: SCHELLING, F.W. J. (MICHAEL G. VATER ED.) - Bruno or on the Natural and the Divine Principle in Things
069744: VON SCHELLING, FRIEDRICH WILHELM JOSEPH - Philosophy and Religion
069705: VON SCHELLING, F.W.J.; HEATH, PETER - System of Transcendental Idealism
050099: HEINRICH SCHEPERS - Fürstliche Prachtentfaltung in Abwesenheit Des Herrschers: Bedeutung Von Schloss Und Hofstaat IM Fürstbistum Osnabrück Zur Regierungszeit Friedrichs Von York (1764-1802) (Westfalen in Der Vormoderne)
068694: JEAN SCHERER - Entretien D'Origene Avec Heraclide Introduction, Texte, Traduction Et Notes
035899: SCHERER, MARGARET R. (MOREY, CHARLES RUFUS ED.) - Marvels of Ancient Rome
044594: SCHERREN, HENRY - Ponds and Rock Pools with Hints on Collecting for and the Management of the Micro-Aquarium
025692: SCHERRER, HEINRISCH - Duetsche Studentenlieder Mit Einer Volkstumlichen Gitarrebegleitung
067202: SCHEWE, DIETER - Geschichte Der Sozialen Und Privaten Versicherung IM Mittelalter in Den Gilden Europas (Sozialpolitische Schriften, 80) (German Edition)
039385: SCHILLE, GOTTFRIED - Die Apostelgeschichte Des Lukas
061130: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - Church: The Human Story of God
061129: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - Jesus : An Experiment in Christology
056999: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - Revelation and Theology
055975: EDWARD SCHILLEBEECKX - I Am a Happy Theologian
050171: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - Christ : The Christian Experience in Modern World
044140: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - Christ : The Christian Experience in Modern World
042440: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - Christ : The Christian Experience in Modern World
038290: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - God Is New Each Moment: Edward Schillebeeckx in Conversation with Huub Oosterhuis and Piet Hoogeveen
038289: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - Interim Report on the Books Jesus and Christ
038281: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - For the Sake of the Gospel
038280: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - God Among Us: The Gospel Proclaimed
036300: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - Ministry: A Case for Change
035724: SCHILLEBEECKX, E. - Christ, the Sacrament of the Encounter with God
031504: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - For the Sake of the Gospel
029064: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - The Church with a Human Face : A New and Expanded Theology of Ministry
027590: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - Jesus : An Experiment in Christology
027586: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - Christ : The Christian Experience in Modern World
023515: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - The Mission of the Church
022483: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - Jesus : An Experiment in Christology
019827: SCHILLEBEECKX, EDWARD - Jesus : An Experiment in Christology
062790: SCHILLER, VERENA - A Simplified Life: A Contemporary Hermit's Experience of Solitude and Silence
063278: COMBS-SCHILLING, M. E. - Sacred Performances: Islam, Sexuality, and Sacrifice
063101: ANNEMARIE SCHIMMEL - Zeitgenossische Arabische Lyrik
054339: SCHINKEL, WILLEM; NOORDEGRAAF-EELENS, LIESBETH - In Medias Res: Peter Sloterdijk's Spherological Poetics of Being
057647: F. HIRSCH; M. SCHIPA - La Longobardia Meridionale (570-1077), IL Ducato Di Benevento IL Principato Di Salerno
069728: SCHIPFLINGER, THOMAS - Sophia-Maria: A Holistic Vision of Creation
064528: INEZ SCHIPPERS - Sacred Places in the Suburbs: Casual Sacrality in the Dutch Vinex-District Leidische Rijn
069830: SCHLEIERMACHER, FRIEDRICH - On Religion: Speeches to Its Cultured Despisers
069851: SCHLEIERMACHER, FRIEDRICH (ANDREW BOWIE ED.) - Schleiermacher: Hermeneutics and Criticism: And Other Writings
022663: SCHLEIERMACHER, FRIEDRICH - Erziehungslehre. Aus Schleiermachers Handschriftlichem Nachlasse Und Nachgeschriebenen Vorlesungen Herausgegeben Von C. Platz.
022481: SCHLEMMER, ANDRE - En Esprit Et En Verite: Le Culte Dans L'Eglise Reformee
060450: J. F. SCHLEUSNER - Novus Thesaurus Philologico-Criticus: Sive Lexicon in LXX Et Reliquos Interpretes Graecos Ac Scriptores Apocryphos Veteris Testamenti
061010: SCHLIEMANN, HEINRICH - Tiryns: The Prehistoric Palace of the Kings of Tiryns
060740: HEINRICH SCHLIEMANN - Ithaka Der Peloponnes Und Troja
060122: HEINRICH SCHLIEMANN - Ilios, the City and Country of the Trojans
062937: SCHLIEMANN, HEINRICH - Mycenae: A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns
059490: EDMUND SCHLINK - After the Council: The Meaning of Vatican II for Protestantism and the Ecumenical Dialogue
021353: SCHLOSS, MARC R. - The Hatchet's Blood: Separation, Power, and Gender in Ehing Social Life
054112: SCHLOSSER, COURTNEY - The Perennial Wisdom: Mystics, Skeptics, and Pragmatists
053191: BETTY L. SCHLOSSMAN - African Art at Queens College
028993: SCHLUMBERGER, GUSTAVE - Recits de Byzance Et Des Croisades
021851: SCHLUMBERGER, GUSTAVE - Byzance Et Croisades, Pages Medievales
022695: SCHLUNK, MARTIN - Die Weltanschauung IM Wandel Der Zeit, Eine Einfuhrung Fur Suchende
048417: SCHMALENBACH, WERNER (ED.) - African Art from the Barbier-Mueller Collection, Geneva
043480: SCHMALENBACH, WERNER - African Art
067097: VOLKER HERNN; RUDOLF HOLBACH; MICHEL PAULY; WOLFGANG SCHMID - Miscellanea Franz Irsigler Festgabe Zum 65 Geburtstag
059041: SCHMIDBERGER, FRANZ - The Episcopal Consecrations of 30 June 1988
055367: OSCAR SCHMIDT - The Doctrine of Descent and Darwinsim
052781: JAN-GEORG DEUTSCH; PETER PROBST; HEIKE SCHMIDT - African Modernities: Entangled Meanings in Current Debate
048774: JOSEPH F. SCHMIDT - Everything Is Grace: The Life and Way of Therese of Lisieux
045433: SCHMIDT, W. - The Religion of Later Primitive Peoples
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