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027215: SEGY, LADISLAS - African Sculpture Speaks
020706: SEGY, LADISLAS - African Sculpture Speaks.
021670: SEIBT, FERDINAND - Vergessene Zeiten: Mittelalter IM Ruhrgebiet Katalog Zur Ausstellung IM Ruhrlandmuseum Essen, 26. September 1990 Bis 6. Januar 1991
048726: SEIDLER, G. L. - The Emergence of the Eastern World Seven Essays on Political Ideas
027411: SEIDLER, VICTOR J. (ED.) - Men, Sex and Relationships : Writings from "Achilles Heel"
039760: SEILDMAYER, MICHAEL - Currents of Medieval Thought with Special Reference to Germany
027809: SEITZ, GEORG - People of the Rain-Forests
058111: ROUNDELL EARL OF SELBORNE - Ancient Facts and Fictions Concerning Churches and Tithes
065846: RIGHT HON THE EARL OF SELBORNE - Speech of Lord Selborne Province of Canterbury House of Laymen, November 1916
060907: SELBY, PETER - Look for the Living: Corporate Nature of Resurrection Faith
059223: SELBY, THOMAS G. - The Theology of Modern Fiction, Being the Twenty-Sixth Fernley Lecture Delivered in Liverpool, July 1896.
036997: SELBY, PETER - Grace and Mortgage : Language of Faith and the Debt of the World
036303: SELBY, PETER - Liberating God: Private Care and Public Struggle
027615: SELBY, PETER - Grace and Mortgage : Language of Faith and the Debt of the World
027023: SELBY, BETTINA - Pilgrim's Road: A Journey to Santiago de Compostela
068803: SELIGMAN, ADAM B. - Modernity's Wager
066509: C. G. SELIGMAN; BRENDA Z. SELIGMAN - Pagan Tribes of the Nilotic Sudan
059601: FAGGIOLI; HUGHSON; HILL; SELL - Vatican II at Fifty Modern Believing
055870: SELLAR, W.DAVID H. - Moray: Province and People
024177: SELLON, [WILLIAM] REV MR - An Abridgement of the Holy Scriptures.
023318: [SELLON, PRISCILLA LYDIA] SUPERIOR OF THE SOCIETY - Reply to a Tract by the Rev J Spurrell, Vicar of Great Shelford Containing Certain Charges Concerning the Sisters of Mercy
069053: S.ACOOK; F. E. ADCOCK; M. P CHARLESWORTH; C. T. SELTMAN - The Cambridge Ancient History Volume of Plates IV
036098: SELVIDGE, MARLA J. - Notorious Voices: Feminist Biblcal Interpretation, 1500-1920
047739: SELWYN, J. R. - Pastoral Work in the Colonies and the Mission Field
046174: PAUL AYRIS; DAVID SELWYN - Thomas Cranmer: Churchman and Scholar
031863: SELWYN, EDWARD GORDON - The White Horseman and Other Sermons
067831: SELYA, ROGER MARK - Taipei (World Cities Series)
062132: SEMONOVITCH, KASCHA; DEROO, NEAL - Merleau-Ponty at the Limits of Art, Religion, and Perception
030298: SEMUSHKIN, TIKHON - Children of the Soviet Arctic
067076: SEN, KSHITMOHAN M. - Hinduism
039328: SENARCLENS, JACQUES DE - Heirs of the Reformation
047245: SENCOURT, ROBERT - The Life of Newman
041956: SENCOURT, ROBERT - Father Jordan and the Salvatorians
069203: ROBERT SENCOURT - Carmelite and Poet a Framed Portrait of St John of the Cross with His Poems in Spanish
020392: SENDREY, ALFRED - Musik in Alt-Israel
058171: SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS (MICHAEL WINTERBOTTOM ED.) - Controversiae Volume I Bks. 1-6
038091: SENIOR, DONALD; STUHLMUELLER, CARROLL - The Biblical Foundations for Mission
036920: SENIOR, DONALD - Why the Cross?
036606: SENN, FRANK C. - The People's Work: A Social History of the Liturgy
040475: SEO, PYUNG SOO - Luke's Jesus in the Roman Empire and the Emperor in the Gospel of Luke
023921: SEQUEIRA, MICHAEL - Understanding Symbolism in the Liturgy
026769: SERNIN, ANDRE - Le Dernier Des Cathares
049793: SERRA, GIANLUCA - Northern Bald Ibis the Most Threatened Bird of the Middle East: The Last Flight of the Ancient Guide of Hajj
053051: MICHEL SERRES - Genèse
064027: ALMA SERVANT - Plague Year 2020: One Woman's Lockdown Journal
059369: SERVICE, ALASTAIR - Architects of London and Their Buildings
040426: COMPILER OF 'THE CHILD'S CHURCH SERVICE' - The Catechism with Pictures and Explantations
023181: SERVICE - Rhymes of a Roughneck, a Book of Verse
023100: SERVICE, ROBERT W. - Ballads of a Cheechako
059708: SERVOTTE, HERMAN - According to John: A Literary Reading of the Fourth Gospel
045964: ERICK SETIAWAN - Of Bees and Mist
068319: SETTON, KENNETH M. - Europe and the Levant in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
058978: GURGEN SEVAK - Mesrop Mashtots the Origin of Armenian Letters and Bibliography
057912: PARUIR SEVAK (GARIG BASMADJIAN ED.) - Selected Poems
061306: SEWARD, DESMOND - The Demon's Brood: The Plantagenet Dynasty That Forged the English Nation
061273: SEWARD, DESMOND - Henry V As Warlord
069148: SEWARD, DESMOND - The Dancing Sun: Journeys to the Miracle Shrines
070313: SEWARD, DESMOND - Richard III, England's Black Legend
071178: DESMOND SEWARD - Renishaw Hall: The Story of the Sitwells
042655: SEWARD, DESMOND - The Dancing Sun: Journeys to the Miracle Shrines
035310: SEWARD, DESMOND - Henry V As Warlord
069665: SEWELL, ELIZABETH - The Orphic Voice: Poetry and Natural History
028356: SEWELL, BROCARD - The Vatican Oracle
044241: SEWING, WERNER - Architecture : Sculpture
045297: SEXTON, W. J. - Catholic and Evangelical Addresses
061648: I. L. FINKEL; M. J. SEYMOUR - Babylon: Myth and Reality
035102: SEYMOUR, M. C. (ED.) - Mandeville's Travels
030231: M. F. S. [SEYMOUR, MARY] - St Michael's Eve, Annie's First Prayer and Only a Picture
023137: SEYMOUR, C. (ED.) - The Tenedos Times, a Monthly Journal of the Mediterranean Destroyer Flotilla During the Early Part of the War
071164: SEZNEC, JEAN - The Survival of the Pagan Gods: The Mythological Tradition and Its Place in Renaissance Humanism and Art
071052: CAVALLI-SFORZA, LUIGI LUCA - Genes, Peoples, and Languages
027965: SHACK, WILLIAM A.;SKINNER, ELLIOT (EDS) - Strangers in African Societies
068648: SHAFER, BYRON E. - Religion in Ancient Egypt: Gods, Myths and Personal Practice
063981: SHAH, IDRIES - Learning How to Learn
063982: SHAH, IDRIES - The Sufis
064226: SHAH, IDRIES - Special Problems in the Study of Sufi Ideas
064157: SHAH, IDRIES - The World of the Sufi
064164: SHAH, IDRIES - The Elephant in the Dark
064165: SHAH, IDRIES - A Perfumed Scorpion
064146: IDRIES SHAH - The Commanding Self
065166: SHAH, IDRIES - Neglected Aspects of Sufi Study
057753: SHAHAN SHAHNOUR - The Tailor's Visitors
064756: J. C. SHAIRP - Culture and Religion in Some of Their Relations
026789: SHANIN, TEODOR (ED.) - Peasants and Peasant Societies: Selected Readings
061799: STEVEN SHANKMAN - Pope's Iliad: Homer in the Age of Passion
035550: SHANKS, HERSHEL - The Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls
023875: SHANLEY, AELRED-SETON (ED.) - Clip Art of the Christian World: Christian Art from Its Origins to the Fifteenth Century
058848: SHANNON, WILLIAM H. - Anselm: The Joy of Faith
054161: SHANNON, WILLIAM H. - Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story
044171: SHANNON, WILLIAM H. - Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story
037534: SHANNON, WILLIAM H. - Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story
025232: SHANNON, WILLIAM H. - Anselm : The Joy of Faith
064263: SHANTALL, TERIA - The Life-Changing Impact of Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy
041137: SHANTEAU, JAMES; HARRIS, RICHARD JACKSON - Organ Donation Transplantation: Psychological and Behavioural Factors
064652: HARRY L. SHAPIRO - Man, Culture and Society
066252: E. CRUWYS SHARLAND - The Story Books of Little Gidding Being the Religious Dialogues Recited in the Great Room 1631-2 from the Manuscript of Nicholas Ferrar
064065: SHARMA, ARVIND - The Philosophy of Religion: A Buddhist Perspective
069246: SHARMA, LALITA RAMA - Musical Heritage of India
057546: IAN C. SHARMAN - Thomas Langley: The First Spin Doctor (C. 1363-1437)
051260: ELIEZER BEN-RAFAEL; STEPHEN SHAROT - Ethnicity, Religion and Class in Israeli Society
054855: ZAHARI DIMITROV; BORIS SHAROV - Mural Ornaments from South-West Bulgaria
052157: EVELYN SHARP - Here We Go Round: The Story of the Dance
070608: SHARP, LESLEY A. A. - The Possessed and the Dispossessed : Spirits, Identity, and Power in a Madagascar Migrant Town (Comparative Studies of Health Systems and Medical Care
032558: [SHARP, JOHN] - A Discourse Concerning Conscience; Wherein an Account Is Given of the Nature, and Rule and Obligation of It [Bound with] a Discourse of Conscience: The Second Part Concerning a Doubting Conscience
070852: SHARP, ANDREW - The English Levellers
066033: J. C. SHARPE - A Vindication of Anglo-Catholic Principles by Eminent Prelates and Leading Clergy of the Anglican Church
054369: SHARPE, MATTHEW; BOUCHER, GEOFF - Zizek and Politics: A Critical Introduction
044020: SHARPE, KEITH - The Gay Gospels: Good News for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered People
036028: SHARPE, ERIC J. - Faith Meets Faith: Some Christian Attitudes to Hinduism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
064394: REGINALD R. SHARPE - Calendar of Wills Proved and Enrolled in the Court of Husting, London A.D. 1258 - A.D. 1688 Part I A.D. 1258 - A.D. 1358 Part II A.D. 1358 - A.D. 1688
020742: SHARPS, JOHN GEOFFREY - Mrs Gaskell's Observation and Invention; a Study of Her Non-Biographic Works
024644: SHARRATT, MICHAEL - Lisbon College Register, 1628-1813
023675: SHARRATT, MICHAEL - Lisbon College Register, 1628-1813
050031: CHARLES HEFLING; CYNTHIA SHATTUCK - The Oxford Guide to the Book of Common Prayer: A Worldwide Survey
063742: SHAVIRO, STEVEN - Discognition
064257: STEVEN SHAVIRO - Post Cinematic Affect
062418: SHAW, R. DANIEL - Kandila: Samo Ceremonialism and Interpersonal Relationships
069149: G. W. BRIGGS; PEDRCY DEARMER; R. VAUGHAN WILLIAMS; MARTIN SHAW - The Daily Service Book (Revised Edition) with Manchester Supplement
066028: SHAW, SIMEON - History of the Staffordshire Potteries
068889: SHAW, JOSEPH - The Latin Mass and the Intellectuals: Petitions to Save the Ancient Mass from 1966 to 2007
058352: BENJAMIN SHAW - A Reply to Certain Strictures on a Pamphlet Entitled a Brief Enquiry Into the Law of the Church of England with Respect to Private Confession
058072: SHAW, G. P - Patriarch and Patriot: William Grant Broughton 1788-1853 : Colonial Statesman and Ecclesiastic
056748: BENJAMIN SHAW - Folkestone Ritual Case the Substance of the Argument Delivered Before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in the Case of Ridsdale Against Clifton and Others
056087: KOLAWOLE DAVID AIYEDUN; THURSTAN SHAW - Prehistoric Settlement and Subsistence in the Kadura Valley, Nigeria
055916: STEVEN NAGY; PHILIP E. SHAW - Tropical & Subtropical Fruits: Composition, Properties and Uses
052681: THOMAS SHAW - A Methodist Guide to Cornwall
051694: JOSEPH SHAW - The Fiuv Position Papers on the 1962 Missal
046800: SHAW, THOMAS - Foolish Dick and His Chapel: The Story of Porthowan Methodism 1796-1966
044316: SHAW, WILLIAM MAW - A Letter to the Editor of the Guardian Respecting the Proposed Union between the Church and the Wesleyans
068758: SHAW, STANFORD J. - History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey: Volume 1, Empire of the Gazis: The Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Empire 1280-1808
029448: SHAW, THURSTAN - Excavation at Dawu
069447: NANCY SHAW - Food for the Greedy: A Collection of Receipts
070569: LEN SHAW - Into the Hidden Land
058699: ERIC SHAYNES - Turner the Great Watercolours
068141: SHEARMUR, JEREMY - The Political Thought of Karl Popper
048463: F.J. SHEED - Theology for Beginners
045532: SHEED, F. J. - Sidelights on the Catholic Revival
037424: SHEEHAN, THOMAS - The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity
069133: SHEEN, FULTON J. - The Priest Is Not His Own
054699: SHEERIN, DECLAN - Deleuze and Ricoeur: Disavowed Affinities and the Narrative Self
063834: SHEILS, W. J. - The English Reformation 1530 - 1570 (Seminar Studies)
057469: SHEILS, W. J. - Monks, Hermits and the Ascetic Tradition: Papers Read at the 1984 Summer Meeting and the 1985 Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society
055426: SHEILS, W.J.; WOOD, DIANA - The Ministry: Clerical and Lay
062000: SHELDRAKE, PHILIP - Spirituality and History: Questions of Interpretation and Method
061984: SHELDRAKE, RUPERT - The Sense of Being Stared at: And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind
040999: SHELDRAKE, PHILIP - Spirituality and Theology: Christian Living and the Doctrine of God
065250: SHELDRAKE, RUPERT - Ways to Go Beyond and Why They Work: Seven Spiritual Practices in a Scientific Age
028483: SHELDRAKE, PHILIP - Spirituality: A Very Short Introduction
049915: W. BRIAN SHELTON - Quest for the Historical Apostles: Tracing Their Lives and Legacies
056769: TIM SHENTON - Christmas Evans: The Life and Times of the Obne-Eyed Preacher of Wales
032205: SHENTON, ROBERT W. - The Development of Capitalism in Northern Nigeria
066815: E. V. LUCAS; ERNEST H. SHEPARD - Mr Punch's County Songs
060262: WILLIAM SHEPHERD - Family and Parochial Sermons
070860: SHEPHERD, GILL - Forest Policies, Forest Politics (Odi Occasional Paper S. )
023492: SHEPHERD, MICHAEL - Let's Look at North West Turkey, an 'Ornitholidays' Guide
069808: SHEPPARD, LANCELOT C. - Lacordaire, a Biographical Essay
049703: DAVID SHEPPARD - Steps Along Hope Street: My Life in Cricket, the Church and the Inner City
043334: SHEPPARD, STEVE - I Do Solemnly Swear: The Moral Obligations of Legal Officials
034588: SHEPPARD, LANCELOT C. - Lacordaire, a Biographical Essay
069073: J. BRIGSTOCKE SHEPPARD - Litterae Cantuarensis: The Letter Books of the Monastery of Christ Church Canterbury Vol. I (the Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland During the Middle Ages)
026394: SHEPPARD, LANCELOT - True Worship
064659: SHEPPY, PAUL P.J. - Death Liturgy and Ritual: Volume I: A Pastoral and Liturgical Theology
064660: SHEPPY, PAUL P.J. - Death Liturgy and Ritual, Vol. II: A Commentary on Liturgical Texts
056161: COHN-SHERBOK, LAVINIA; COHN-SHERBOK, DAN - A Popular Dictionary of Judaism
051734: COHN-SHERBOK, DAN - The Crucified Jew : Twenty Centuries of Christian Anti-Semitism
035980: COHN-SHERBOK, DAN - The Jewish Faith
034108: COHN-SHERBOK, DAN - The Crucified Jew : Twenty Centuries of Christian Anti-Semitism
018148: COHN-SHERBOK, DAN - The Crucified Jew : Twenty Centuries of Christian Anti-Semitism
017958: COHN-SHERBOK, DAN - The Jewish Faith
017957: COHN-SHERBOK, DAN - The Jewish Heritage
017922: COHN-SHERBOK, DANIEL - The Dictionary of Jewish Biography
017885: COHN-SHERBOK, DAN - Israel : History of an Idea
056742: PURCELL, EDMUND SHERIDAN & DE LISLE, EDWIN - The Life and Letters of Ambrose Phillipps de Lisle
070713: SHERIDAN, ALAN - Michel Foucault the Will to Truth
027235: SHERIDAN, THOMAS L. - Newman on Justfication
025287: PURCELL, EDMUND SHERIDAN & DE LISLE, EDWIN - The Life and Letters of Ambrose Phillipps de Lisle
042539: SHERIFFS, DERYCK - The Friendship of the Lord
044299: SHERLOCK, WILLIAM - A Practical Discourse Concerning Death (Bound with) a Discourse Concerning the Happiness of Good Men and the Punishment of the Wicked in the Next World
041781: SHERLOCK, DAVID; DALLAS, CAROLYN - Baconsthorpe Castle, Excavations and Finds, 1951-1972 (East Anglian Archaeology)
070134: THOMAS PHILLIPPS; SHERLOCK, PETER (ED.) - Monumental Inscriptions of Wiltshire: An Edition, in Facsimile, of Monumental Inscriptions in the County of Wilton, by Sir Thomas Phillipps, 1822 (Wiltshire Record Society S. )
067549: SHERLOCK, DAVID; WOODS, H. - St. Augustine's Abbey: Report on Excavations, 1960-78 (Kent Archaeological Society)
019205: SHERLOCK, ROBERT - The Industrial Archaeology of Staffordshire
030775: SHERWELL, ARTHUR - Life in West London: A Study and a Contrast
048906: KITTREDGE CHERRY; ZALMON SHERWOOD - Equal Rites: Lesbian and Gay Worship, Ceremonies and Celebrations
068637: SHERWOOD, JENNIFER - A Guide to the Churches of Oxfordshire
062417: RICHARD BAUMAN; JOEL SHERZER - Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking
048216: SHIEL, JAMES - Greek Thouight and the Rise of Christianity
054450: SHIELDS, PHILIP R. - Logic and Sin in the Writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein
037216: SHIELDS, BRUCE E. - Preaching Romans
025129: SHINDLER, COLIN - A History of Modern Israel
055512: SHINNIE, P. L. (ED.) - The African Iron Age
066093: P. L. SHINNIE - Meroe: A Civilization of the Sudan
065062: ORBY SHIPLEY - Carmina Mariana an English Anthology in Verse in Honour of or in Relation to the Blessed Virgin Mary
043447: SHIPLEY, ORBY - Some Causes of Anglican Secession
017361: SHIPPS, HOWARD FENIMORE - A Short History of Asbury Theological Seminary
023302: [SHIPTON, JOHN NOBLE] FREEHOLDER OF THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET - A Letter Addressed to the Editor of the Gentleman's Magazine on the Much Misunderstood Subject of Tithes
069550: SHIRAZI, MULLA SADRA - Divine Manifestations: Concerning the Secrets of the Perfecting Sciences
057548: JANET SHIRLEY - Garnier's Becket
16108: SHIRLEY, F. J. - Richard Hooker and Contemporary Political Ideas
051374: S. SHIVAPADASUNDARAM - The Saiva School of Hinduism
061055: SHOESMITH, R.; JOHNSON, ANDY - Ludlow Castle: Its History and Buildings
060716: RON SHOESMITH - Hereford: History and Guide
068396: SHOESMITH, RON - Alfred Watkins: A Herefordshire Man
058208: SHOESMITH, R.; JOHNSON, ANDY - Ludlow Castle: Its History and Buildings
068305: RON SHOESMITH - A Guide to Castles and Moated Sites of Herefordshire (Monuments in the Landscape Volume II)
062435: SHORE, CRIS; GODDARD, VICTORIA A.; LLOBERA, JOSEP R. - The Anthropology of Europe: Identities and Boundaries in Conflict
053017: STEPHEN NUGENT; CRIS SHORE - Elite Cultures: Anthropological Perspectives
031144: SHORNEY, DAVID - Protestant Nonconformity & Roman Catholicism: A Guide to Sources in the Public Record Office
060649: THOMAS VOWLER SHORT - A Sketch of the History of the Church of England to the Revolution 1688
051810: SELWYN GURNEY CHAMPION; DOROTHY SHORT - Readings from World Religions
043226: SHORT, EDWARD - Newman and His Family
028249: SHORT, ERNEST - A History of Religious Architecture
062430: SHORTER, AYLWARD - East African Societies
052859: AYLWARD SHORTER - Revelation and Its Interpretation
071172: SHORTER, EDWARD - A History of Psychiatry: From the Era of the Asylum to the Age of Prozac
047719: AYLWARD SHORTER - Jesus and the Witchdoctor: An Approach to Healing and Wholeness
041221: SHORTER, AYLWARD - Chiefship in Western Tanzania: A Political History of the Kimbu
036900: SHORTER, AYLWARD - The Church in the African City
036901: SHORTER, AYLWARD - African Culture and the Christian Church: An Introduction to Social and Pastoral Anthropology
018888: SHORTER, AYLWARD - African Culture and the Christian Church: An Introduction to Social and Pastoral Anthropology
018367: SHORTER, BANI - Susceptible to the Sacred: The Psychological Experience of Ritual
070052: VICE-ADMIRAL SHORTLAND - Nautical Surveying
059789: H. DE S. SHORTT - Divisions in Salisbury Cathedral: A Word About Screens
053778: SHORTT, RUPERT - Rowan's Rule: A Biography of the Archbishop
049660: RUPERT SHORTT - Rowan's Rule: The Biography of the Archbishop
023582: SHORTT, RUPERT - Rowan's Rule : The Biography of the Archbishop
070455: SHOSTAK, MARJORIE - Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman
070457: SHOSTAK, MARJORIE - Return to Nisa
041308: SHOSTAK, MARJORIE;NISA - Nisa, the Life and Words of a !Kung Woman
064657: SHOSTAK, MARJORIE - Nisa: The Life and Words of a Kung Woman
017929: SHOWALTER, ELAINE - Inventing Herself : Claiming a Feminist Intellectual Heritage
045606: SHOWLER, KARL - The Observation Hive
058577: NICHOLAS SHRADY - Sacred Roads: Adventure from the Pilgrimage Trail
059340: RUTH SHRIGLEY - Inspired by Design: The Arts and Crafts Collection of the Manchester Metropolitan University
066150: SHRIMPTON, PAUL (ED.) - Lead Kindly Light. Essays for Fr Ian Ker
043865: SHROPSHIRE, DENYS W. T. CR - Concerning Christian Prayer
034031: SHROPSHIRE, DENYS W. T. - The Church and Primitive Peoples
018920: SHROPSHIRE, DENYS W. T. - The Church and Primitive Peoples
062713: SHRYOCK, ANDREW - Off Stage/on Display: Intimacy and Ethnography in the Age of Public Culture
066455: E. S. SHUCKBURGH - Herodotos VI Erato
061973: SHULTS, F. LERON - Iconoclastic Theology: Gilles Deleuze and the Secretion of Atheism
037273: SHUPE, ANSON - Wolves Within the Fold: Religion, Leadership and Abuses of Power
054587: SIA, SANTIAGO - God in Process Thought: A Study in Charles Hartshorne's Concept of God
042829: SIBILLOT, C. - Pigeon Messager Et Ses Applications
064733: J. R. SIBLEY - Tanganyikan Guerilla East African Campaign 1914 - 18
031666: SIBLIK, JIRI - Twentieth-Century Prints
063682: RICHARD WALDO SIBTHORP - A Further Answer to the Enquiry: Why Have You Become a Catholic? in a Second Letter to a Friend
064205: SIDDIQUI, MONA - Christians, Muslims, and Jesus
070631: SIDDLE, DAVID J.; SWINDELL, KENNETH - Rural Change in Tropical Africa: From Colonies to Nation States
038937: SIDEBOTTOM, E. M. - James, Jude and 2 Peter
066544: SIDGWICK, A. (ED.) - Aeschylus: Persae with Introduction and Notes
064053: SIDGWICK, HENRY - Outlines of the History of Ethics
063315: SIDGWICK, F.; CHAMBERS, E. K. - Early English Lyrics: Amorous, Divine, Moral & Trivial
047334: SIDNEY, PHILIP - Modern Rome in Modern England: Being Some Account of the Roman Catholic Revival in England During the Nineteenth Century
060190: F. W. SIEBER - Travels in the Island of Crete in the Year 1817
020688: SIEBER, ROY;WALKER, ROSLYN ADELE - African Art in the Cycle of Life
020673: SIEGMANN, WILLIAM - African Sculpture from the Collection of the Society of African Missions
018474: SIEMERS, DAVID J. - Presidents and Political Thought
070987: NICHOLAS OF CUSA; PAUL E. SIGMUND - Nicholas of Cusa: The Catholic Concordance
067803: J. G. SIKES - Peter Abailard
070623: SILBERBAUER, GEORGE B. - Hunter and Habitat in the Central Kalahari Desert
062188: KEN COATES; RICHARD SILBURN - Poverty, Deprivation and Morale in a Nottingham Community: St. Ann's
031369: THIEL-SILING, SABINE (ED.) - Icons of Architecture : The 20th Century
060089: SILLITOE, ALAN - Leading the Blind: A Century of Guide Book Travel 1815-1914
068400: SILOUAN, PRIEST-MONK - Wisdom Songs: A Book of Wisdom Chapters in Five Centuries
044715: SILVER, ROLLO G. - Government Printing in Massachusetts-Bay, 1700-1750
035492: SILVER, ABBA HILLEL - Where Judaism Differs: An Inquiry Into the Distinctiveness of Judaism
069909: HUGH J. SILVERMAN - Philosophy and Non-Philosophy Since Merleau-Ponty
052586: ERIC HIRSCH; ROGER SILVERSTONE - Consuming Technologies
039193: SCHOTTROFF, LUISE; SCHROER, SILVIA & WACKER, MARIE-THERES - Feminist Interpretation: The Bible in Women's Perspective
035444: SIMCOX, CARROLL E. - Living the Lord's Prayer
040638: SIMKIN, C. G. F. - The Traditional Trade of Asia
071133: GEORG SIMMEL - Essays on Religion
068378: SIMMEL, GEORG - On Women, Sexuality and Love
020455: SIMMINS, S. - A Modern Bee Farm and Its Economic Management
019662: SIMMINS, S. - £300 Per Annum from 30 Acres or a Modern Bee Farm and Its Economic Management
018902: SIMMS, W. G. (KIBLER, JAMES EVERETT ED.) - Selected Poems of William Gilmore Simms
064700: SIR E. D. SIMON - The Anti-Slum Campaign
067759: SIMON, DIETER - Religiöse Devianz: IM Westlichen Und östlichen Mittelalter
056066: SIMON, BERNARD - The Essence of the Gnostics
050857: SIMON, JOHN S. - John Wesley and the Methodist Societies
048733: SIMON, MARCEL - Recherches D'Histoire Judeo-Chretienne
063916: JOHN SIMON - Report on the Contagious Diseases Act (Showing the Expense, Impolicy and General Inutility of Its Proposed Extension to the CIVIL Population
064635: SIMON, DAVID - Cities, Capital and Development: African Cities in the World Economy
046002: SIMON, L. ANDRE - In Vino Veritas: A Book About Wine
037332: SIMON, ULRICH - The Trial of Man
035410: SIMON, BORIS - Abbe Pierre and the Ragpickers
021608: SIMON, GOTTFRIED - Mission Heute?
017418: SIMON, LINDA (ED.) - William James Remembered
020966: WAISBARD, SIMONE & ROGER - Masks, Mummies and Magicians; a Voyage of Exploration in Pre-Inca Peru
026247: SIMONOPETRITIS, ANDREW - Holy Mountain: Bulwark of Orthodoxy and of the Greek Nation
025674: SIMONOPETRITIS, ANDREW - Holy Mountain; Bulwark of Orthodoxy and of the Greek Nation
071074: SIMONS, JOHN - From Medieval to Medievalism (Insights)
040089: SIMONS, THOMAS G. - Holy People, Holy Place: Rites for the Church's House
071042: SIMPSON, KEN; DAY, NICHOLAS; PETER TRUSLER - Field Guide to the Birds of Australia
069467: SIMPSON, JACQUELINE - The Folklore of the Welsh Border
059185: LLEWELLYN LLOYD SIMPSON - The Registers of Repton Co. Derby 1578 to 1670
070128: JOHN SIMPSON - Managing Poverty : Cheltenham Settlement Examinations and Removal Orders 1831 - 52
068115: SIMPSON, MERCER - Rain from a Clear Blue Sky
068116: MERCER SIMPSON - Enclosures and Disclosures: Poems 1996- 2006
070224: SIMPSON, JAMES - Burning to Read: English Fundamentalism and Its Reformation Opponents
068117: MERCER SIMPSON - East Anglian Wordscapes
049365: W. DOUGLAS SIMPSON - The Celtic Church in Scotland a Study of Its Penetration Lines and Art Relationships
045183: SIMPSON, D. P. - Cassell's New Latin-English English-Latin Dictionary
042462: SIMPSON, DAVID - A Plea for Religion and the Sacred Writings Addressed to the Disciples of Thomas Paine
037930: SPARROW SIMPSON, W. J. - The Eucharistic Canon: Why the Invocation Should Come First
037362: SIMPSON, MARK - It's a Queer World
033780: SIMPSON, W. DOUGLAS - The Celtic Church in Scotland, a Study of Its Penetration Lines and Art Relationships
024173: SIMPSON, KEN; DAY, NICHOLAS - Field Guide to the Birds of Australia
018224: SIMPSON, MICHAEL - Anglo-American Naval Relations 1919-1939
055450: RICHARD SIMS - Borough of Walsall: Calendar of the Deeds and Documents Belonging to the Corporation of Walsall in the Town Chest
039946: SIMS, NICHOLAS A. - Explorations in Ethics and International Relations
037728: SIMS, MICHAEL - The Adventures of Henry Thoreau: A Young Man's Unlikely Path to Walden Pond
056400: SIMSIC, WAYNE - Praying with John of the Cross
029240: SIMSON, OTTO G. VON - Sacred Fortress: Byzantine Art and Statecraft in Ravenna
056761: WILLIAM MACDONALD SINCLAIR - Points at Issue between the Church of England and the Church of Rome
065917: CATHERINE SINCLAIR - Modern Accomplishments or the March of Intellect
050702: R.W.D. FENN; J.B. SINCLAIR - The Bishops of Hereford and Their Palace
043312: ROHDE, ELEANOUR SINCLAIR & KING, FRANCIS - The Story of the Garden
040648: SINCLAIR, ANDREW - The Savage: A History of Misunderstanding
046724: HARVEY J. SINDIMA - Drums of Redemption: An Introduction to African Christianity
064694: SINGER, ANDRE; STREET, BRIAN V. - Zande Themes: Essays Presented to Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard
051588: SINGER, ANDRE; STREET, BRIAN V. - Zande Themes: Essays Presented to Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard
018473: SINGER, MARGARET FUCHS - Legacy of a False Promise: A Daughter's Reckoning
052169: B. S. SINGH - Letters of the First Viscount Hardinge of Lahore to Lady Hardinge and to Sir Walter and Lady James 1844-1847
041089: SINGH, MADANJEET - Himalayan Art; Wall-Painting and Sculpture in Ladakh, Lahaul and Spiti, the Siwalik Ranges, Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan
026535: SINKER, ROBERT - Biographical Notes on the Librarians of Trinity College on Sir Edward Stanhope's Foundation
032189: SIPIKIN, ALHAJI MUDI - Tsofaffin Wakoki Da Sababbin Wakoki
061703: SIPIORA, PHILLIP; BAUMLIN, JAMES S. - Rhetoric and Kairos: Essays in History, Theory, and Praxis
029554: SIPOVIC, CESLAUS (ED.) - The Pontifical Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom a Manuscript of the Seventeenth Century in the Slavonic Text and Latin Translation
051472: MAHENDRANATH SIRCAR - Comparative Studies in Vedantism
041539: SIREN, KIRSI - Suuresta Suvusta Pieneen Perheeseen: Itasuomalainen Perhe 1700-Luvulla
068202: SIRGES, HORST - Elsevier's Football Dictionary: English-German/German-English
063090: SISAM, KENNETH - Fourteenth Century Verse and Prose
045777: THEKLA SISTER - Prayers of the Day: The Services of the Hours
045286: KATHERINE, SISTER & THEKLA, SISTER (EDS) - St Andrew of Crete: The Great Canon; the Life of St Mary of Egypt
041337: SITHOLE, MPILO PEARL - Unequal Peers. The Politics of Discourse
060072: SITWELL, SACHEVERELL - British Architects and Craftsmen
069487: SITWELL, SACHEVERELL - For Want of the Golden City
055307: SITWELL, SACHEVERELL - Valse Des Fleurs: A Day in St. Petersburg in 1868
017425: SULAK SIVARAKSA;SIVARAKSA, SULAK - Loyalty Demands Dissent: Autobiography of an Engaged Buddhist
017256: SULAK SIVARAKSA;SIVARAKSA, SULAK - Conflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing World
055822: DAVID J. SIVETER - British Silurian Beyrichiacea (Ostracoda) Part I Pages 1-76, Plates 1-27
035348: DYCH SJ, WILLIAM V - Karl Rahner
067575: WALTER W. SKEAT - The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
055113: WALTER W. SKEAT - The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
063248: WALTER W. SKEAT - The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: Poems
044831: SKEAT, WALTER, W. - The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer Volume VI: Introduction, Glossary, Indexes
041797: SKEAT, WALTER W. - The Gospel of Saint Mark in Gothic According to the Translation Made by Wulfila
026348: SKEAT, W. W. - Langland's Vision of Piers Plowman, Text B
069859: WALTER W. SKEAT - The Gospel of Saint Matthew in Anglo-Saxon, Northumbrian, and Old Mercian Verisons Synoptically Arranged with Collations Exhibiting All the Readings of All the Mss
026268: SKEETERS, MARTHA C. - Community and Clergy : Bristol and the Reformation, C. 1530-1570
020912: SKEETERS, MARTHA C. - Community and Clergy : Bristol and the Reformation, C. 1530-1570
053374: MONKS OF NEW SKETE - In the Spirit of Happiness
038929: SKIADARESIS, IOANNIS G. - Leitourgikes Skines Kai Ymnoi Stin Apokalypsi Tou Ioanni
070233: SKIDMORE, CHRIS - Edward VI the Lost King of England
060352: SKILTON, ANDREW - A Concise History of Buddhism
058693: SKINNER, DENNIS - Sailing Close to the Wind: Reminiscences
065136: A. J. SKINNER - The Popular Fox-Terrier
047828: ROBERT PEET SKINNER - Abyssinia of to-Day
031530: WALROND-SKINNER, SUE - Double Blessing: Clergy Marriage Since the Ordination of Women As Priests
024320: SKINNER, JAMES - A Plea for the Threatened Ritual of the Church of England
066245: H. P. K. SKIPTON - The Life and Tmes of Nicholas Ferrar
070762: SKLUTE, LARRY - Virtue of Necessity: Inconclusiveness and Narrative Form in Chaucer's Poetry
046513: WESLEY G. SKOGAN - Disorder and Decline: Crime and the Spiral of Decay in American Neighborhoods
070790: SKORUPSKI, JOHN - Symbol and Theory: A Philosophical Study of Theories of Religion in Social Anthropology
027115: SKOVGAARD, JOAKIM - A King's Architecture: Christian IV and His Buildings
070021: SKOVORODA, GREGORY S.; DAN B. CHOPYK - Fables and Aphorisms: Translation, Biography and Analysis
054060: DAVID SKRBINA - World As Sanctuary: The Cosmic Philosophy of Henryk Skolimowski
059607: SKRESLET, STANLEY H. - Picturing Christian Witness: New Testament Images of Disciples in Mission
066693: SKROBUCHA, HEINZ - Icons in Czechoslovakia
049599: SKROBUCHA, HEINZ - Icons in Czechoslovakia
017241: SKROBUCHA, HEINZ - Icons in Czechoslovakia
068599: SKROBUCHE, HEINZ - Icons
049015: SKROBUCHE, HEINZ - Icons
052382: VIEDA SKULTANS - The Testimony of Lives: Narrative and Memory in Post-Soviet Latvia
037024: SLANE, CRAIG J. - Bonhoeffer As Martyr: Social Responsibility and Modern Christian Commitment
058391: R. SLATE ET AL. - The Report of the Committee Appointed at a Public Meeting Held December 5th, 1856 for the Erection of a New Congregational Chapel in Grimshaw Street, Preston, Lancashire
061885: SLATER, MICHAEL R. - Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Religion
069400: TERRY R. SLATER - A Centenary History of St. Agnes, Moseley 1884-1984
064780: DENNIS PATRICK SLATTERY; GLEN SLATER - Varieties of Mythic Experience: Essays on Religion, Psyche and Culture
044694: SLATER, JOHN ROTHWELL - Printing and the Renaissance: A Paper Read Before the Fortnightly Club of Rochester New York
063679: EDWARD SLATER - Letters on Roman Catholic Tenets As They Have a Reference to the Duties of Subjects Living Under Acatholic Governments and the Supposed Connexion of Catholicism with the Late Rebellion in Ireland
060750: SLATTER, ENID - Xanthus: Travels of Discovery in Turkey
062104: SLATTERY, DENNIS PATRICK - A Pilgrimage Beyond Belief: Spiritual Journeys Through Christian and Buddhist Monasteries of the American West
064785: SLATTERY, DENNIS PATRICK - Creases in Culture: Essays Toward a Poetics of Depth
022298: SLAVIN, ARTHUR J. - Henry VIII and the English Reformation
030069: SLINGERLAND, H. DIXON - The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: A Critical History of Research
047679: ROBERT BOAK SLOCUM - A Heart for the Future: Writings on the Christian Hope
065496: A. E. SLOMAN - Calderon: La Vida Es Sueno
048755: SLOSSER, GAIUS JACKSON - World Conference on Faith and Order the Communion of Saints
062924: ISRAEL W. SLOTKI - Kings
070510: SLOTTEN, ROSS - The Heretic in Darwin's Court: The Life of Alfred Russel Wallace
039219: SLOYAN, GERARD S. - Preaching from the Lectionary: An Exegetical Commentary
068424: SLY, DOROTHY I. - Philo's Alexandria
067875: ANNIE H. SMALL - Suwarta and Other Sketches of Indian Life
059686: SMALLEY, STEPHEN S. - Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 51: 1, 2, 3 John
068090: SMALLEY, BERYL - English Friars and Antiquity in the Early Fourteenth Century
026666: SMALLEY, STEPHEN S. - Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 51: 1,2,3 John
023641: SMALLEY, R. T. W. - The Breaking of Bread
059671: NINIAN SMART - The Phenomenon of Religion
056621: E. E. AUSTEN; JOHN SMART - The House-Fly As a Danger to Health: Its Life-History and How to Deal with It
068216: SMART, C.M. - Muscular Churches: Ecclesiastical Architecture of the High Victorian Period
056042: SMART, ELIZABETH - By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept
052267: JOHN SMART - Instructions for Collectors No. 4a Insects
047104: NINIAN SMART - The Phenomenon of Religion
046979: SMART, NINIAN - Historical Selections in the Philosophy of Religion
042884: SMART, NINIAN - The Phenomenon of Christianity
068820: SMART, NINIAN; CLAYTON, JOHN; SHERRY, PATRICK; KATZ, STEVEN T. - Nineteenth-Century Religious Thought in the West, Vol. II
037104: SMART, HARRY - Criticism & Public Rationality: Professional Rigidity and the Search for Caring Government
036110: SMART, NINIAN - A Dialogue of Religions
027696: SMART, NINIAN - Historical Selections in the Philosophy of Religion.
017931: SMART, NINIAN - Historical Selections in the Philosophy of Religion
042395: SMEDLEY, NORMAN - Life and Tradition in Suffolk and North-East Essex
046114: SMEDT, CAROLUS; FRANCISCUS VAN ORTROY (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XXV
046112: SMEDT, CAROLUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XVII
046111: SMEDT, CAROLUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XI
046108: SMEDT, CAROLUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus I
046107: SMEDT, CAROLUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus III
046106: SMEDT, CAROLUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XV
046105: SMEDT, CAROLUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XIX
046103: SMEDT, CAROLUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus IV
046102: SMEDT, CAROLUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus VI
046101: SMEDT, CAROLUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XXII
046100: SMEDT, CAROLUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus VII
046093: SMEDT, CAROLUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus V
046092: SMEDT, CAROLUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus VII
046091: SMEDT, CAROLUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus II
046088: SMEDT, CAROLUS (ET AL.) - Analecta Bollandiana Tomus XII
041194: SMELSER, NEIL J. - The Sociology of Economic Life
033233: SMIT, INEKE - Reasonable and Reverent: The Critical Orthodoxy of Charles Gore and Lux Mundi
062640: SMITH, KEVIN - Dogma
062521: SMITH, ANTHONY PAUL - A Non-Philosophical Theory of Nature: Ecologies of Thought
062387: SMITH, JAMES - Terry Eagleton
061752: OLE LANGWITZ SMITH - Scholia Graeca in Aeschylum Quae Exstant Omnia Pars I Scholia in Agamemnonem; Choephorus Eumenides; Supplices Continens
064583: DAI SMITH - Raymond Williams a Warrior's Tale
064336: SMITH, ANDREW PHILLIP - Gnostic Tendencies: Collected Writings on Gnosticism and Lost Gospels
060761: GEORGE ADAM SMITH - The Early Poetry of Israel in Its Physical and Social Origins
060595: SMITH, A. L. - Church and State in the Middle Ages
060137: SMITH, KATHRYN - Frank Lloyd Wright: America's Master Architect
068060: ARTHUR H. SMITH - Village Life in China
059785: HELY SMITH - A Reply to Mr. Sidney Boucher's Leaflet Against Evening Communion
059692: JOSEPH SMITH - Bibliotheca Anti-Quakeriana a Catalogue of Books Adverse to the Society of Friends' Books or Books Written by Members of the Society of Friends Alphabetically Arranged
059691: JOSEPH SMITH - A Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books or Books Written by Members of the Society of Friends Commonly Called Quakers from Their First Rise to the Present Time
059576: SMITH, ALAN - God-Shaped Mission: Theological and Practical Perspectives from the Rural Church
059290: KATHLEEN LAWRENCE-SMITH - Tales of Old Worcestershire
059149: B. BOSWORTH SMITH - Life of Lord Lawrence
069493: SMITH, MORTON - Jesus the Magician
067999: DAVID M. SMITH - A Calendar of the Register of Richard Waldby Archbishop of York 1397
068333: SMITH, PAMELA H. - Entangled Itineraries: Materials, Practices, and Knowledges Across Eurasia
064603: SAVAGE-SMITH, EMILIE - A Descriptive Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts at St John's College, Oxford
069920: SMITH, WILLIAM ROBERTSON - Lectures on the Religion of the Semites: First Seies: The Fundamental Institutions
057034: RILEY-SMITH, JONATHAN - What Were the Crusades?
065662: SMITH, RALPH BERNARD - Land and Politics in the England of Henry VIII: West Riding of Yorkshire, 1530-46
056520: MICHAEL SMITH - The Nottinghamshire Miscellany
056414: S. C. KAINES SMITH - The Italian Schools of Painting
056086: GEORGE SMITH - Stephen Hislop: Pioneer Missionary & Naturalist in Central India from 1844 to 1863
055972: MARTIN L. SMITH - Compass and Stars: Meditations on Finding Your Way: Reflections on Spirituality for Daily Life
055961: HYLSON-SMITH, KENNETH - The Churches in England from Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II: Volume I 1558-1688
055960: HYLSON-SMITH, KENNETH - The Churches in England from Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II: Volume II 1689-1833
055914: SMITH, MARTIN L. - A Season for the Spirit: Readings for the Days of Lent
055657: JOHN SMITH - Burgh Records of the City of Glasgow Mdlxxiii-Mdlxxxi
055352: W. BERNARD SMITH - Staffordshire
054705: A. H. SMITH - A Guide to the Exhibition Illustrating Greek and Roman Life
070810: SMITH, JOHN MAYNARD - Games, Sex and Evolution
053688: ROBERT ROWLAND SMITH - Autobiophilosophy: An Intimate Story of What It Means to Be Human
053470: SMITH, NICHOLAS H. - Charles Taylor: Meaning, Morals and Modernity
053301: JEREMIAH FINCH SMITH - Notes and Collections Relating to the Parish of Aldridge in the County of Stafford
052084: WALDO E. L. SMITH - Episcopal Appointments and Patronage in the Reign of Edward II: A Study in the Relations of Church and State
051846: A. H. SMITH - The Place Names of Gloucestershire Parts One, Two, Three, Four: The River and Road-Names of the East Cotswolds; the North and West Cotswolds; the Lower Severn Valley, the Forest of Dean; Introduction, Bibliography, Analyses, Index
069412: ROSEMARY BOWDEN-SMITH - The Chinese Pavilion, Boughton House, Northamptonshire
051465: F. HAROLD SMITH - The Buddhist Way of Life: Its Philosophy and History
051427: F. HAROLD SMITH - Outline of Hinduism
051181: VENERABLE DONALD J. SMITH - Charges Delivered to the Churchwardens and Clergy of the Archdeaconries in Suffolk from 1976-1991
050604: J.RUSSELL SMITH - Bibliotheca Cantiana or Antiquarian Kentish Books: Vol. 1
049839: H. MAYNARD SMITH - Pre-Reformation England
049766: RYDER SMITH, C. - The Bible Doctrine of the Hereafter
049426: SMITH, R. E. F. (ED.) - The Russian Peasant 1920 & 1984
049233: L. M. SMITH - Cluny in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries
048810: RILEY-SMITH, JONATHAN - The First Crusaders, 1095-1131
068605: BARNEY ROLFE-SMITH - The Knight Family of Downton Castle Volume 1 1698-1852
048453: RILEY-SMITH, JONATHAN - The Knights of St John in Jerusalem and Cyprus 1050-1310
048019: HORACE FRANCIS HARRISON SMITH - Through Abyssinia. An Envoy's Ride to the King of Zion
047990: GILBART-SMITH, J. W. - The Cradle of the Hapsburgs
047775: GEORGE ADAM SMITH - The Early Poetry of Israel in Its Physical and Social Origins
047694: HORTON-SMITH, L. GRAHAM - George Acworth: A Full Account of His Life Together with a Translation of His Letters Written in Latin and a Complete Refutation of All Aspersions
064683: IRWIN PRESS; M. ESTELLE SMITH - Urban Place and Process: Readings in the Anthropology of Cities
047573: J.B. SMITH - Greek-English Concordance to the New Testament: A Tabular and Statistical Greek-English Concordance Based on the Authorised Version with an English-to-Greek Index
047181: H. MAYNARD SMITH - Henry VIII and the Reformation
047014: GRIGG-SMITH, T. - Intinction and the Administration of the Chalice
046953: JODY BRANT SMITH - The Guadalupe Madonna: Myth or Miracle?
065518: VERENA SMITH - The Town Book of Lewes 1837 - 1901
046568: SMITH, J. P. - Lancashire Registers IV Brindle and Salmesbury
046467: SMITH, J. P. - Lancashire Registers III Northern Part
046411: SMITH, J. P. - Lancashire Registers II. The Fylde II
046319: SMITH, RICHARD L. - Lancashire Registers V. Fernyhalgh, Goosnargh and Alston Lane
046298: SMITH, J. P. - Lancashire Registers III Northern Part
046290: SMITH, J. P. - Lancashire Registers II. The Fylde II
046095: KATHLEEN LAWRENCE-SMITH - God Hath Made Me to Laugh: An Autobiographical Story of Life between the Wars in Worcester
045585: SMITH, FRANCIS G. - Beekeeping in the Tropics
065932: RILEY-SMITH, JONATHAN - The Atlas of the Crusades
044978: SMITH, REGINALD - Sketches from Penhalonga
044668: NOWELL-SMITH, SIMON - The House of Cassell 1848-1958
044640: SMITH, JULIA A. - Sunshine and Shade in Central Africa
044539: HYLSON-SMITH, KENNETH - Christianity in England from Roman Times to the Reformation: II from 1066 to 1384
044235: SMITH, NORRIS KELLY - Here I Stand: Perspectives from Another Point of View
044031: SMITH, MIKE - Bonsall: A Portrait of the Village and Its Church
066049: W. BERNARD SMITH - Staffordshire
042582: MICHEL IZARD; PIERRE SMITH - Between Belief and Transgression: Structuralist Essays in Religion, History, and Myth (Chicago Originals)
042267: SMITH, A. H. - The Parker Chronicle 832-900
042142: KAYE-SMITH, SHEILA - Saints in Sussex
068699: JOHN E. SMITH - Royce's Social Infinite: The Community by Interpretation
040368: SMITH, GEORGE ADAM - Jerusalem: The Topography, Economics and History from the Earliest Times to Ad 70
040223: RYDER SMITH, C. - The Bible Doctrine of Grace and Related Doctrines
039953: SMITH, RONALD GREGOR - The Doctrine of God
039544: SMITH, J. P. - Lancashire Registers II. The Fylde I
039533: SMITH, J. P. - Lancashire Registers III Northern Part
068277: R. BOSWORTH SMITH - Life of Lord Lawrence
064942: SMITH, GUY N. - Ferreting and Trapping for Amateur Gamekeepers
063987: RUMI; PAUL SMITH - Divan of Rumi: Selected Poems
038872: SMITH, HAMILTON - The Revelation, an Expository Outline
037249: HORNSBY-SMITH, MICHAEL P. - Roman Catholic Beliefs in England: Customary Catholicism and Transformations of Religious Authority
065309: SMITH, ANDREW PHILLIP - The Lost Teachings of the Cathars: Their Beliefs and Practices
035919: SMITH, SYDNEY - A Letter to Archdeacon Singleton on the Ecclesiastical Commission
035875: SMITH, SYDNEY - Second Letter to Archdeacon Singleton Being the Third of the Cathedral Letters
070550: SMITH, M. G. - Government in Zazzau, 1800-1950
034263: HORNSBY-SMITH, MICHAEL - Catholics in England 1950-2000 : Historical and Sociological Perspectives
032992: SMITH, B. A. - Dean Church: The Anglican Response to Newman
032973: PYE-SMITH - Rebels and Outcasts: A Journey Through Christian India
032723: KAYE-SMITH, SHEILA - The History of Susan Spray, the Female Preacher
070277: HARRY SMITH - Hucknall (the Archive Photographs Series)
032691: SMITH, ERIC H. F. - St. Peter's, the Founding of an Oxford College
071122: SMITH, ROBERT DOUGLAS; DEVRIES, KELLY - The Artillery of the Dukes of Burgundy, 1363-1477
032147: SMITH, M. G. - Corporations and Society
069230: DAVID E. GARDNER; FRANK SMITH - Genealogical Research in England and Wales Vol. 1 & Vol. II
031410: HYLSON-SMITH, KENNETH - The Churches in England from Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II, Volime I: 1558-1688
030358: SMITH, JAMES EDAWRD - An Introduction to Physiological and Systematical Botany
030239: SMITH, H. F. RUSSELL - The Theory of Religious Liberty in the Reigns of Charles II and James II
030015: SMITH, A. L. - Church and State in the Middle Ages
029710: SMITH, NICOLE D. - Sartorial Strategies: Outfitting Aristocrats and Fashioning Conduct in Late Medieval Literature
029073: PYE-SMITH, CHARLIE - Rebels and Outcasts: A Journey Through Christian India
028707: SMITH, M. A. - The Church Under Siege
028298: HYLSON-SMITH, KENNETH - The Churches in England from Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II: 1558-1688
028119: SMITH, JOHN F. - The Introduction of the High Church Movement to St Mary's Stamford, 1890-1925
028010: SMITH, VICTOR J. - Down Among the Beefolk: Pen-Pictures for Young People
026255: SMITH, H. EASOM - Bantams for Everyone
024826: SMITH, DENNIS E.;TAUSSIG, HAL E. - Many Tables: The Eucharist in the New Testament and Liturgy Today
023813: SMITH, J. P. - Lancashire Registers IV Brindle and Salmesbury
023757: NOWELL-SMITH, SIMON - The House of Cassell, 1848-1958
068176: SMITH, KENNETH GEORGE VALENTINE - Insects and Other Arthropods of Medical Importance
023479: SMITH, C. J. - Berkeley William Randolph, a Memoir
022266: SMITH, JAMES - Eucharistic Doctrine of the Later Non Jurors
020897: SMITH, H. L. - A Diagram to Define the Lives of the Patriarchs and Their Early History of the Seed of the Serpent, and the Seed of the Woman Particularly in Reference to the Origin of Disease and the Danger of Unsanctified Knowledge
020017: SMITH, B. A. - Dean Church; the Anglican Response to Newman
019780: BERWICK SMITH, J. (ED.) - Dod's Parliamentary Companion 1982, 150th Year
069879: SMITH, WILLIAM ROBERTSON - Lectures on the Religion of the Semites: Second and Third Series No. 183 (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement S. )
055571: ROGER SMITHELLS - News of the World Better Homes Book
036916: SMITHER, EDWARD L. (ED.) - Rethinking Constantine: History, Theology, and Legacy
041845: SMITHERS, DAVID WALDRON - Castles in Kent
043618: SMOCK, DAVID R.; BENTSI-ENCHILL, KWAMENA - The Search for National Integration in Africa
030591: SMOLARSKI, DENNIS C. - How Not to Say Mass: A Guidebook on Liturgical Principles and the Roman Missal
022408: SMOLARSKI, DENNIS C. - Eucharistia: A Study of the Eucharistic Prayer
048494: SMOUT, T. C. - A History of the Scottish People 1560-1830
055693: J. C. SMUTS - Freedom
069266: SINCLAIR HOOD; DAVID SMYTH - Archaeological Survey of the Knossos Area
043730: SMYTH, JONATHAN - Robespierre and the Festival of the Supreme Being: The Search for a Republican Morality
039700: SMYTH, C.H. - Cranmer & the Reformation Under Edward VI
038518: SMYTH, ALFRED P. - The Medieval Life of King Alfred the Great: A Translation and Commentary on the Text Attributed to Asser
052344: FRANK S. SMYTHE - The Mountain Top: An Illustrated Anthology in Words and Pictures
044606: SNAFFLES (JOHNSON-PAYNE, C.) - More Bandobast
067490: MICHAEL SNAPE - The Back Parts of War: The Ymca Memoirs and Letters of Barclay Baron, 1915 to 1919: The Ymca Memoirs and Letters of Barclay Baron, 1915-1919 (Church of England Record Society)
042008: SNELDERS, PHILIP - A Beginner's Plainsong
050724: SNELGROVE, L. E. - Swarming, Its Control and Prevention
045953: SNELGROVE, L. E. - Swarming, Its Control and Prevention
069349: SNELGROVE, L. E. - The Introduction of Queen Bees
068789: FREDERICK JOHN SNELL - The Chronicles of Twyford Being a New and Popular History of the Town of Tiverton in Devonshire with Some Account of Blundell's School
051865: SNELL, LAWRENCE S. - The Suppression of the Religious Foundations of Devon and Cornwall
069997: SNELLING, JOHN - Buddhism in Russia: The Story of Agvan Dorzhiev : Lhasa's Emissary to the Tsar
067117: MICHAEL SNODIN - Rococo: Art and Design in Hogarth's England
046416: SNOW, W. G. SINCLAIR - The Times, Life and Thought of Patrick Forbes Bishop of Aberdeen 1618-1635
070484: D. W. SNOW - A Study of Blackbirds
028586: SNOW, KEITH R. - Insects and Disease
069628: SNYDER, TIMOTHY - The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999
059754: SO, DAMON W. K. - Jesus' Revelation of His Father: A Narrative-Conceptual Study of the Trinity with Special Reference to Karl Barth (Paternoster Theological Monographs)
043148: SOBOTKA, BRUNO J.; STRAUSS, JÜRGEN - Burgen, Schlosser, Gutshauser in Sachsen.
043147: SOBOTKA, BRUNO J.; STRAUSS, JURGEN - Burgen, Schlosser, Gutshauser in Sachsen- Anhalt
043146: SOBOTKA, BRUNO J. - Burgen, Schlosser, Gutshauser in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
066380: JOURNAL OF THE ANGLICANORUM COETIBUS SOCIETY - Shared Treasure, Vol. IV No. 10: Candlemas 2020
069355: SAFFORDSHIRE RECORD SOCIETY - Staffordshire Advertiser: Index to Births, Marriages and Deaths 1795-1820
067072: LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY - The Missionary Magazine and Chronicle Relating Chiefly to the Missions of the London Missionary Society Vol. XVIII 1854
067186: THE ECCLESIOLOGICAL LATE CAMBRIDGE CAMDEN SOCIETY - Hierurgia Anglicana: Documents and Extracts Illustrative of the Ritual of the Church in England After the Reformation, Edited by Members of the Ecclesiological Late Cambridge Camden Society
067808: ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY SOCIETY - The Bible in the Medieval World: Essays in Memory of Beryl Smalley (Studies in Church History : Subsidia 4)
061207: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society Vol. XXII: Sixth Series
066379: JOURNAL OF THE ANGLICANORUM COETIBUS SOCIETY - Shared Treasure, Vol. IV No. 12: Easter 2021
066967: LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY - Missionary Chronicle for February, 1827
051629: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 22 No. 1
066968: LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY - Missionary Chronicle for March, 1827
066969: LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY - Missionary Chronicle for January, 1832
066970: LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY - The Report of the Directors to the Forty-Ninth General Meeting of the Missionary Society Usually Called the London Missionary Society on Thursday, May 11th, 1843 with List of Contributors &C
051079: CHURCH MISSION SOCIETY - 365 Days of Yes: Daily Prayers and Readings for a Missional People
051053: THE CHURCH SERVICE SOCIETY - A Book of Common Order Being Forms of Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Ordinances of the Church
046666: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea IV
046665: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea II
046664: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea I
046562: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea
046463: CATHOLIC RECORDS SOCIETY - Miscellanea X
046412: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea
046318: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea V
046312: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea II
046311: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea IV
046310: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea V
046308: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea VI Bedingfield Papers &C
046299: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea XI
046293: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea X
046292: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea IX Poor Clares, Gravelines Etc
045734: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 30 No. 2
045732: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 31 No. 4
043116: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 26 No. 4
043115: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 28 No. 4
043114: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 28 No. 3
043113: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 28 No. 2
043112: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 30 No. 4
043111: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 30 No. 1
043110: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 25 No. 1
043109: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 25 No. 3
043108: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 17 No. 1
043106: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 31 No. 2
043105: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 31 No. 1
043104: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 23 No. 1
043103: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 23 No. 2
043101: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 28 No. 1
043102: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 23 No. 3
043097: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 29 No. 2
043095: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 29 No. 4
043094: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 19 No. 2
043093: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 20 No. 4
043092: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 21 No. 2
043089: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 22 No. 4
043088: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 22 No. 1
043087: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 12 No. 6
043086: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 24, No. 4
043084: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 24, No. 2
043083: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 24, No. 1
043082: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 10, No. 2
043081: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 10, No. 5
043080: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 8 No. 1
043079: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 5 No. 1
043078: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 27 No. 4
043077: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 27 No. 3
043074: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 27 No. 1
043073: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 25, No. 2
043072: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 25, No. 4
043070: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 9, No. 1
043069: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 9, No. 2
043068: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 9, No. 5
043067: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 9, No. 6
041829: WILLIAM SALT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY - Collections for a History of Staffordshire Part II Volume VI
040586: WILLIAM SALT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY - Collections for a History of Staffordshire 1926
040585: WILLIAM SALT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY - Collections for a History of Staffordshire 1910
040572: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 22 No. 3
040571: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 22 No. 2
040570: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 17 No. 4
040569: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 21 No. 1
040568: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 26 No. 1
040566: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 20 No. 2
040567: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 20 No. 1
040565: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 18 No. 4
040564: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 21 No. 4
040560: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 23 No. 4
040559: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 26 No. 3
040558: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 17 No. 3
040557: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 25 No. 4
040556: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 18 No. 3
040555: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 16 No. 3
040554: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 25 No. 2
040553: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 19 No. 4
040552: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 19 No. 3
040551: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 18 No. 2
040550: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 18 No. 1
040549: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 20 No. 3
040548: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 21 No. 3
040517: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 12 No. 1
040516: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 12 No. 2
040512: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 15 No. 4
040511: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 15 No. 5
040507: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 15 No. 2
040505: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 5 No. 5
040450: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 10, No. 3
040448: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 11 No. 1
040447: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 11 No. 2
040446: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 11 No. 3
040445: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 10, No. 4
040444: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 25, No. 1
040443: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 17 No. 1
040441: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 11 No. 5
040439: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 6 No. 5
040423: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 25, No. 3
040420: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 9, No. 4
040419: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 9, No. 3
040418: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 10, No. 1
040417: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 19 No. 2
040416: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 7 No. 2
040413: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 8 No. 2
040412: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 11 No. 4
040411: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 15 No. 3
040410: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 7 No. 1
040403: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 7 No. 6
040401: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 8 No. 3
040400: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 8 No. 5
040399: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 8 No. 4
040397: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 5 No. 2
040395: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 5 No. 4
040206: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 13 No. 1
040205: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 13 No. 2
040204: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 14 No. 3
040203: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History Vol. 14 No. 4
039564: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea IV
039556: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea XI
039553: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea IX Poor Clares, Gravelines Etc
039552: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea V
039543: CATHOLIC RECORDS SOCIETY - Miscellanea X
039532: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Dominicana: Cardinal Howard's Letters. English Dominican Friars, Nuns, Students, Papers and Mission Registers
033752: ECCLESIOLOGICAL SOCIETY - Transactions of the Ecclesiological Society 1950
033751: ECCLESIOLOGICAL SOCIETY - Transactions of the Ecclesiological Society 1949
033750: ECCLESIOLOGICAL SOCIETY - Transactions of the Ecclesiological Society 1951
033749: ECCLESIOLOGICAL SOCIETY - Transactions of the Ecclesiological Society 1951
033748: ECCLESIOLOGICAL SOCIETY - Transactions of the Ecclesiological Society 1953
033392: CATHOLIC TRUTH SOCIETY - Papers on Subjects Connected with Catholic Work, Religious and Social Read at the Catholic Truth Society's Conference at Manchester 1889
030561: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Chronology, Conquest and Conflict in Medieval England: Camden Miscellany XXXIV
029634: RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY - The Journeys of the Children of Israel and Their Settlement in the Promised Land
029628: CATHOLIC TRUTH SOCIETY - Publications of the Catholic Truth Society Vol XXXVII
040561: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Recusant History: A Journal of Research in Reformation and Post-Reformation Catholic History in the British Isles Vol. 19 No. 1
020654: PLAINSONG AND MEDIEVAL MUSIC SOCIETY - Antiphonale Sarisburiense: Fasciculi [III-IV] V, VI, VII & VIII
025885: CATHOLIC FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY - The Registers of the Venetian Chapel in London : Baptisms, 1744-1796, Marriages, 1744-1754, 1772-1788
025485: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Fifth Series, Volume 34
024645: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea I
024611: MEMBER OF THE SAME SOCIETY - Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus, Second, Third and Fourth Series
023803: CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY - Miscellanea I
023360: OXFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Collectanea; Fourth Series
020097: BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY - The Leaves of the Tree; a Popular Illustrated Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society for the Year Mdccccvi-VII
019189: RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY - The Bible the Best Teacher: Containing Questions for Every Day in the Year and Answers in the Words of Scripture, by a Parent for the Use of His Children.
019019: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Camden Miscellany XXXIV: Chronology, Conquest and Conflict in Medieval England
018337: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Royal Historical Society Transactions 6th Series Vol XIX
018335: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Sixth Series Vol 3
018333: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Sixth Series
018334: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society Vol. 8 : Sixth Series
017336: CATHOLIC FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY - The Registers of the Venetian Chapel in London : Baptisms, 1744-1796, Marriages, 1744-1754, 1772-1788
017029: CATHOLIC FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY - The Bishops' Register of Confirmations in the London District of the Catholic Church in England 1826-1837 and 1843.
061301: SODEN, IAIN - Ranulf de Blondeville: The First English Hero
039221: SOELLE, DOROTHEE - Celebrating Resistance; the Way of the Cross in Latin America
042479: SOGGIN, J. ALBERTO - Judges
027595: SOGGIN, J. ALBERTO - Introduction to the Old Testament: From Its Origins to the Closing of the Alexandrian Canon
022083: SOHN, KYOO-TAE - Kirche Aund Nationalismus; Eine Studie Uber Die Rolle Des Nationalismus in Der Koreanischen Kirchengeschichte Unter Der Japanischen Kolonialzieit
045924: SOLLOWAY, JOHN - The Alien Benedictines of York Being a Complete History of Holy Trinity Priory, York
033887: SOLOMOS, JOHN - Black Youth, Racism and the State : The Politics of Ideology and Policy
044794: ELIZABETH SOLOPOVA - Manuscripts of the Wycliffite Bible in the Bodleian and Oxford College Libraries
068552: VLADIMIR SOLOVYEV - Lectures on Godmanhood
068480: VLADIMIR SOLOVYOV - The Meaning of Love
068562: SOLOVYOV, VLADIMIR SERGEYEVICH - The Justification of the Good; an Essay on Moral Philosophy
043717: SOLOVYOV, VLADIMIR - The Burning Bush: Writings on Jews and Judaism
068412: SOLOVYOV, VLADIMIR - Philosophical Principles of Integral Knowledge
068477: VLADIMIR SOLOYYEV - God, Man and the Church
057927: J. E. SOMERVILLE - The Song of a Redeemed Soul: Notes of an Address
055591: THOMAS SOMERVILLE - George Square Glasgow; and the Lives of Those Whom Its Statues Commemorate
066618: MARTHA SOMERVILLE - Personal Recollections from Early Life to Old Age of Mary Somerville
049934: ERIK EYNIKEL; ELISABETH HERNITSCHECK; VERONIKA NIEDERHOFER; MICHAEL SOMMER - Mosebilder: Gedanken Zur Rezeption Einer Literarischen Figur IM Fruhjudentum, Fruhen Christentum Und Der Romisch-Hellenistischen Literatur
045293: SOMMERFLEDT, JOHN R.(ED.) - Cistercian Ideas and Reality
063107: SOMMERHOFF, GERD - In and out of Consciousness: The Intimate History of a Search for Certainties
067706: SONG, CHOAN-SENG - Theology from the Womb of Asia.
021234: SONG, CHOAN-SENG - Theologie Des Dritten Auges; Asiatische Spiritualitat Und Christliche Theologie
026846: SONNENSCHEIN, EDWARD A. - T. Macci Plauti: Mostellaria
043284: SOOKHDEO, PATRICK - Freedom to Believe : Challenging Islam's Apostasy Law
029266: SOOKHDEO, PATRICK - The Challenge of Islam: To the Church and Its Mission
028168: SOOKHDEO, PATRICK - Freedom to Believe : Challenging Islam's Apostasy Law
069142: PATRICK SOOKHDEO - Faith, Power and Territory: A Handbook of British Islam
028751: SOOS, DE MARIA BERNARD - Le Mystere Liturgique D'Apres Saint Leon le Grand
047049: J.CHRISTOPHER SOPER - Evangelical Christianity in the United States and Great Britain: Religious Beliefs, Political Choices
040459: HACHE, SOPHIE & FAVIER, THIERRY (EDS) - A la Croisee Des Arts : Sublime Et Musique Religieuse En Europe (Xviie-Xviiie Siecles)
064404: SOPHRONY, ARCHIMANDRITE - His Life Is Mine
053659: RICHARD SORABJI - Self: Ancient and Modern Insights About Individuality, Life, and Death
047697: SORABJI, RICHARD ED. - Philoponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science
053991: SORABJI, RICHARD - Gandhi and the Stoics: Modern Experiments on Ancient Values
049460: GIROLAMO SORANZO - Bibliografia Veneziana in Aggiunta E Continuazione Del Saggio Di E.A. Cicogna
069924: SOREL, GEORGES - Sorel: Reflections on Violence
059338: SORGOUDJE, SOPHY - San Lazzaro the Armenian Monastery Near Venice
021035: SORKIN, DAVID JAN - The Berlin Haskalah and German Religious Thought: Orphans of Knowledge
067908: W. R. SORLEY - On the Ethics of Naturalism
041946: SOTEROUDES, P. - Katalogos Hellenikon Cheirographon Tomos Ia' (1387-1568)
059426: SOTHEBY'S - The Library of H. Bradley Martin the Original Watercolours for Selby's Illustrations of British Ornithology
071156: SOTHEBY'S - The Beck Collection of Illuminated Manuscripts Sale Ln7382
053136: SOTHEBY'S - A Magnificent Collection of Botanical Books Being the Finest Colour-Plate Books from the Celebrated Library Formed by Robert de Belder
066736: SOTHEBY'S - The Library of Henry M. Blackmer II London Wednesday 11th, Thursday 12th, Friday 13th October 1989
048819: SOTHEBY'S - Icons and East Christian Works of Art
043202: SOTHEBY'S - Important Tribal Art November 21 1996
043200: SOTHEBY'S - Important Primitive Works of Art the Property of a European Nobleman and Other Owners Tuesday, 23rd June 1981
068810: SOTHEBY'S - The Wardington Library: Important Atlases and Geographies Part One a-K
067772: SOTHEBY'S - The Magna Carta
054777: SOTIRIOU, G. MARIE - Mistra Une Ville Byzantine Morte
041535: SOTSILOVSKI, KANNI - 1940. Aasta: Eel- Ja Jarellugu
043913: SAOUF, SOUBHI & MILLER, GEORGE F. - Qal'at Sem'an the Monastery of St. Simeon and Its Environs Qalh Lozeh and Its Environs
049284: MICHEL KAZANSKI; VANESSA SOUPAULT - Les Sites Archeologiques En Crimee Et Au Caucase Durant L' Antiquite Tardive Et le Haut Moyen - Age (Colloquia Pontica) (French Edition)
021839: SOUTER, ALEXANDER - The Earliest Latin Commentaries on the Epistles of St Paul, a Study
043921: SOUTH, RICHARD - The Moths of the British Isles
062317: SOUTHALL, AIDAN - Urban Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies of Urbanization
051607: SOUTHALL, AIDAN (ED.) - Social Change in Modern Africa
041339: SOUTHALL, AIDAN (ED.) - Social Change in Modern Africa
028458: SOUTHALL, AIDAN (ED.) - Urban Anthropology; Cross-Cultural Studies of Urbanization
027932: SOUTHALL, AIDAN (ED.) - Social Change in Modern Africa
051898: R. W. SOUTHERN (ED.) - Essays in Medieval History
070995: R. W. SOUTHERN - Robert Grosseteste: The Growth of an English Mind in Medieval Europe
031318: SOUTHEY, ROBERT - The Book of the Church
051107: SOUTHGATE, W. M. - John Jewel and the Problem of Doctrinal Authority
047026: SOUTHGATE, W. M. - John Jewel and the Problem of Doctrinal Authority
055056: SOUTHWOOD, T. R. E. - Ecological Methods: With Particular Reference to the Study of Insect Populations
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