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044992: FRY E. L. B. & ARMSTRONG, A. H. (EDS) - Rediscovering Eastern Christendom: Essays in Memory of Dom Bede Winslow
044444: ULLATHORNE W. B. - Mr Gladstone's Expostulation Unravelled
044443: ULLATHORNE W. B. - Mr Gladstone's Expostulation Unravelled
043257: MORRIS, W. B. & DE VERE, AUBREY - The Apostle of Ireland and His Modern Critics with an Introductory Letter
042923: WEISS, HARRY B. & CARRUTHERS, RALPH H. - Insect Enemies of Books
069140: KOSICKI C.S.B., GEORGE W. - Revelations of Divine Mercy: Daily Readings from the Diary of Blessed Faustina Kowalska
036048: VADAKKEKARA O.S.B., C. M. - Prayer and Contemplation
032938: FRY E. L. B. & ARMSTRONG, A. H. (EDS) - Rediscovering Eastern Christendom: Essays in Memory of Dom Bede Winslow
032860: PUSEY, E. B. & BRADLEY, EDWARD - Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister Prohibited by Holy Scripture As Understood by the Church for 1500 Years: Evidence Before the Commission Into the State and Operation of the Law of Marriage to Which Is Appended a Speech
031918: PUSEY, E. B. & HEURTLEY, CHARLES A. - The Holy Eucharist a Comfort to the Penitent: A Sermon Preached Before the University [Bound with] Tracts for the Times No. 67 Scriptural Views of Holy Baptism [Bound with] a Sermon Preached Before the University of Oxford on Sunday January 27, 1867 in the Church of St Mary the Virgin
021162: WESTMAN, KNUT B. & VON SICARD, HARALD - Geschichte Der Christlichen Mission
019317: FREEMAN, T. W., RODGERS, H. B. & KINVIG, R. H. - Lancashire, Cheshire and the Isle of Man.
018893: DAVIDSON, A. B. & MCFADYEN, JOHN EDGAR - An Introductory Hebrew Grammar Woth Progressive Exercises
038987: BAARDA, TJ. (ED.) - Het Evangelie Van Thomas
062180: PLUTARCH; BABBITT, FRANK COLE - Plutarch Moralia Volume IV
048702: BABIN, V. - Missel Gregorien Note Conforme Aux Editions Typiques a la Sainte Liturgie Et la Volonte Des Souverains Pontifs
021123: BACHMANN, E. THEODORE - Lutherans in Brazil, a Story of Emerging Ecumenism
066523: BACK, LES - New Ethnicities and Urban Culture: Social Identity and Racism in the Lives of Young People (Race & Representation)
058041: BACKES, MAGNUS. REGINE DOLLING - Art of the Dark Ages
038726: BACKHOUSE, JANET - The Illuminated Page: Ten Centuries of Manuscript Painting in the British Library
025529: BACKHOUSE, JANET - The Illuminated Manuscript
063846: FRANCIS BACON - The Miscellaneous Writings of Francis Bacon Baron of Verulam, Viscount of St. Albans and Lord High Chancellor of England
070706: BACQUART, JEAN-BAPTISTE - The Tribal Arts of Africa
16614: BADCOCK, F. J. - The History of the Creeds
031011: BADCOCK, F. J. - The History of the Creeds
066728: WELBORE ST CLAIR BADDELEY - A History of Cirencester
047991: J. F. BADDELEY - The Russian Conquest of the Caucasus
071124: BADHAM, SALLY; OOSTERWIJK, SOPHIE - Monumental Industry: The Production of Tomb Monuments in England and Wales in the Long Fourteenth Century
037451: BADHAM, PAUL - The Contemporary Challenge of Modernist Theology
069825: ALAIN BADIOU - Saint Paul: The Foundation of Universalism
052885: VIVIANE BAEKE - Le Temps Des Rites : Ordre Du Monde Et Destin Individuel En Pays Wuli (Cameroun)
059467: PETER BAELZ - Prayer and Providence a Background Study
049183: MEYER-BAER, KATHI - Liturgical Music Incunabula a Descriptive Catalogue
021399: BAER, GABRIEL - Population and Society in the Arab East
046484: BAETA, C G. - Christianity in Tropical Africa: Studies Presented and Discussed at the Seventh International African Seminar, University of Ghana, April 1965
053138: JOH W. BAGGALLY - Ali Pasha and Great Britain
033201: BAGGLEY, JOHN - Doors of Perception : Icons and Their Spiritual Significance
019038: BAGGLEY, JOHN - Doors of Perception : Icons and Their Spiritual Significance
065314: BAGLEY, ROBERT - Ancient Sichuan: Treasures from a Lost Civilization
067120: AGOSTINO BAGLIANI - Micrologus: Natura, Scienze Et Societa Medievali Nature, Science and Medieval Societies X I Cinque Sensi the Five Senses
061245: BAGSHAW, PAUL - The Church Beyond the Church; Sheffield Industrial Mission 1944-1994.
046874: BAGSHAW, CHRISTOPHER; MUSH, JOHN (ROGERS, D. M. ED.) - A Sparing Discoverie; Declaratio Motuum; a Dialogue Betwixt a Secular Priest and a Lay Gentleman
026707: BAGSHAW, PAUL - The Church Beyond the Church; Sheffield Industrial Mission 1944-1994.
040362: BAGSHAWE, JOHN B. - The Threshold of the Catholic Church. A Course of Plain Instruction for Those Entering Her Communion
029563: BAGSHAWE, JOHN B. - The Threshold of the Catholic Church: A Course of Plain Instructions for Those Entering Her Communion
069434: [SAMUEL BAGSTER] - The Bible of Every Land: A History of the Sacred Scriptures in Every Land, Age and Dialect Into Which Translations Have Been Made Illustrated by Specimen Portions in Native Characters Series of Alphabets; Coloured Ethnographical Maps, Tables, Indexes, Etc
070555: NANKIN BAGUDU - Recrudescent CIVIL Disturbances and Human Rights: The Jos and State-Wide Crises
021940: MEYER-BAHLBURG, HILKE;WOLFF, EKKEHARD - Afrikanische Sprachen in Forschung Und Lehre: 75 Jahre Afrikanistik in Hamburg (1909-1984)
032101: BAIER, STEPHEN - An Economic History of Central Niger
058138: BAIGENT, MICHAEL; LEIGH, RICHARD - The Inquisition
044357: BAIGENT, FRANCIS JOSEPH - On the Martyrdom of St. Thomas of Canterbury and Other Paintings Discovered at St. John's Church, Winchester A.D. 1853
062561: BAILEY, F. G. - Gifts and Poisons: The Politics of Reputation
062167: CICERO: D. R. SHACKLETON BAILEY - M. Tulli Ciceronis: Epistulae Vol. II Epistulae Ad Atticum Pars Posterior Libri IX-XVI
061695: NIKOLAUS PEVSNER; BRIDGET CHERRY; GYLES ISHAM; BRUCE BAILEY - The Buildings of England : Northamptonshire
060254: HENRY IVES BAILEY - The Liturgy Compared with the Bible; or an Illustrations and Confirmation by Scripture Quotations and References of Such Parts of the Book of Common Prayer
069150: BAILEY, SIMON - A Tactful God; Gregory Dix, Priest Monk and Scholar
049610: DERRICK SHERWIN BAILEY (ED.) - Wells Cathedral Chapter Act Book, 1666-83
045362: BAILEY, C. T. B. - Knives and Forks Selected and Described with an Introduction
067791: BAILEY, SARAH - Clerical Vestments: Ceremonial Dress of the Church (Shire Library)
041404: BAILEY, F. G. - Caste and the Economic Frontier: A Village in Highland Orissa
066876: N. BAILEY - Minellius Anglicanus; Sive Publii Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon Libri XV Una Cum Argumentis Cuiusque Fabulae Notisque Minellianus Anglice Redditis
035020: BAILEY, DERRICK SHERWIN - Sponsors at Baptism and Confirmation
031370: BAILEY, CYRIL (ED.) - Legacy of Rome
029250: BAILEY, PAUL - An Immaculate Mistake: Scenes from Childhood and Beyond
063410: TREVOR BAILEY - Essex County Cricket Club Handbook 1963
029226: BAILLIE, JOHN - The Idea of Revelation in Recent Thought
026564: BAILLIE, JOHN - The Idea of Revelation in Recent Thought
069450: ALAN BAIN - World without End: A Teaching Received
061739: BAIN, DAVID M. - Meander: Samia
15195: BAIN, ALAN - Bishops Irregular: An International Directory of Independent Bishops.
055319: F. W. BAIN (TRANS.) - A Digit of the Moon: A Hindoo Love Story
068294: ALEXANDER BAIN - Logic: Part Second: Induction
059371: BAINBRIDGE, JOHN; FRITH, FRANCIS - Francis Frith's Worcestershire (Photographic Memories)
052036: HENRY CHARLES BAINBRIDGE - Peter Carl Faberge Goldsmith and Jeweller to the Russian Imperial Court: His Life and Work
030746: BAINBRIDGE, W. S. (ED.) - The Westminster Hymnal
053140: ANON; FREDERICK OAKLEY; JOHN MOORE; THOMAS TEMPEST; M. FRAYSSINOUS; HENRY RUTTER; P. A. BAINES; - Glance at the Institution for the Propagation of the Faith; the Prophecy of Orval Containing a Prediction of All the Remarkable Events; a Few Words of Affection and Congratulation to Fellow Converts;Drunkenness and Its Effects Catholic Temperance Confraternity; Substance of an Address Proposing the Formation of a Catholic Temperance Society ; Sermon Laying the First Stone of a Catholic Chapel at Melton Mowbray 1839;the Christian's Directory or Sentiments of Christian Piety; Maxims of the Catholic Church Respecting the Salvation of Man; General Observations on the Religious State; Maxims and Spiritual Counsels of Saint Teresa; the Calling of St Peter As an Apostle ; a Summary View of the State of Mankind;a Letter Addressed to Sir Charles
063680: P. A. BAINES - A Letter Addressed to Sir Chas. Wolseley Bart. On the Lenten Pastoral of 1840
047577: BAINTON, ROLAND H. - Studies on the Reformation
065596: J. V. BAINVEL - Devotion to the Sacred Heart: The Doctrine & Its History
063505: CHARLES W. BAIRD - A Chapter on Liturgies: Historical Sketches
061307: BAKER, DARREN - With All for All: The Life of Simon de Montfort
070360: JOHN RUSKIN; MARGARET BAKER - Mornings in Florence
059258: DEREK BAKER (ED.) - Schism, Heresy and Religious Protest
057128: ANTHONY BAKER - Battlefields of English CIVIL Wars
056155: BAKER, JOHN AUSTIN - Whole Family of God
055283: TIMOTHY FRY; TIMOTHY HORNER; IMOGENE BAKER - The Rule of St. Benedict in English
068901: RICHARD ST. BARBE BAKER - Africa Drums
048498: BAKER, SAMUEL WHITE - The Albert N'Yanza Great Basin of the Nile and Explorations of the Nile Sources
046747: DEREK BAKER (ED.) - Church Society and Politics
046719: DEREK BAKER (ED.) - Religious Motivation: Biographical and Sociological Problems for the Church Historian
044714: BAKER, HERSCHEL - Hyder Edward Rollins a Bibliography
043908: BAKER, VINCENT - St Philip Neri, Apostle of Rome
064959: ERNEST A. BAKER - The British Highlands with Rope & Rucksack
030188: BAKER, KENNETH - The Turbulent Years: My Life in Politics
029770: BETHUNE-BAKER, J. F. - An Introduction to the Early History of Christian Doctrine to the Time of the Council of Chalcedon
027895: BAKER, JONATHAN; PEDERSEN, PAUL O. (EDS) - The Rural-Urban Interface in Africa : Expansion and Adaptation
026675: BETHUNE-BAKER, J. F. - The Meaning of Homoousios in the Constantinopolitan Creed
018770: BETHUNE-BAKER, J. F. - An Introduction to the Early History of Christian Doctrine to the Time of the Council of Chalcedon
048230: PETER BAKEWELL - History of Latin America Empires and Sequels 1450-1930
051541: SOLRUN W. BAKKER (ET AL.) - Fijians in Town
069801: BAKUNIN, MIKHAIL - God and the State
028460: BALAGUER, JOSEMARIA ESCRIVA DE - That All May Be Saved
067176: BALAKIAN, PETER - The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide
038619: BALASURIYA, TISSA - Mary and Human Liberation: The Story and the Text
040071: BALDOVIN, JOHN F. - Worship, City, Church, and Renewal
028297: BALDOVIN, JOHN F. - Worship, City, Church, and Renewal
061627: H. C. BALDRY - Ancient Greek Literature in Its Living Context
052022: E. BALDWIN - Early Christian Iconography and a School of Ivory Carvers in Provence
066804: STANLEY BALDWIN - This Torch of Freedom
048976: MARSHALL W. BALDWIN - Christianity Through the Thirteenth Century
031082: BALDWIN, FRANCIS - The Old Churches of Our Land: The Why, How, and When of Them
058222: JOHN BALE (J. PAYNE COLLIER ED.) - Kynge Johan a Play in Two Parts
049412: JAMES BALFOUR (JOHN VLADIMIR PRICE ED.) - Philosophical Dissertations
031327: BALFOUR, R. GORDON - Presbyterianism in the Colonies with Special Reference to the Principles and Influence of the Free Church of Scotland
023636: BALGBURN, JAMES - In Memory of Bro. James Blagburn Born 1901 Died 1940
070563: ESTHER BALI - Tarok Folktales
041126: BALIKCI, ASEN - The Netsilik Eskimo
033212: BALIKCI, ASEN - The Netsilik Eskimo
069061: BALJEU, JOOST - Theo Van Doesburg
061203: BALL, STEPHEN - Dublin Castle and the First Home Rule Crisis: The Political Journal of Sir George Fottrell, 1884-1887 (Camden Fifth Series, Series Number 30)
059706: MICHAEL BALL - The Radical Stories of Jesus: Interpreting the Parables Today
052893: ANN BALL - Encyclopedia of Catholic Devotions and Practices
050647: BALL, PETER - Journey Into Truth Spiritual Direction in the Anglican Tradition
048676: TIM HOPKINSON-BALL - The Rediscovery of Glastonbury
047760: BALL, C. J. - The Ecclesiastical Deutero-Canonical Books of the Old Testament Commonly Called the Apocrypha (Variorum Apocrypha)
041690: BALL, ALAN - Somerset Illustrated: The County's Heritage in Prints and Drawings
035821: BALL, T. I. - A Brief Directory of Elementary Ritual: Cheifly Eucharistic
035254: BALL, PETER - Journey Into Truth Spiritual Direction in the Anglican Tradition
032677: BALL, THOMAS I. - The Congregation in Church: A Plain Guide to a Reverent and Intelligent Participation in the Public Services of Holy Church
019903: BALL, WARWICK - Syria: A Historical & Architectural Guide
018628: BALL, MICHAEL - Foolish Risks of God: The Mowbray Lent Book 2003
069813: BALLANCHE, PIERRE-SIMON - La Ville Des Expiations: Et Autres Textes
024748: BALLANTYNE, GEORGE H. - The Flowering Plants of Kinross; a Checklist with Locations of Past and Present Species
057283: HENRY M. FLETCHER; E. B. WHEATLEY BALME - The Church and the Ornaments Rubric: Is the Use of the Vestments Under the Ornaments Rubric Part of the Discipline Which This Church Has Received? Letters
050813: J. R. BALME - American Churches States and Slavery
022065: BALMER, RANDALL H. - Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory : A Journey Into the Evangelical Subculture in America
022703: BALNEAVES, ELIZABETH - Mountains of the Murgha Zerin: Between the Hindu Khush and the Karakoram: Between the Hindu Khush and the Karakoram
068646: VON BALTHASAR, HANS URS - Cosmic Liturgy: The Universe According to Maximus the Confessor (Communio Books)
067216: BALTHASAR, HANS URS VON - Elucidations
068825: BALTHASAR, HANS URS VON - Spirit and Fire: Origen - a Thematic Anthology of His Writings
048764: HANS URS VON BALTHASAR - Man in History: A Theological Study
038790: PASTORAL TEAM OF BAMBAMARCA - Vamos Caminando
068872: BAMBERGER, BERNARD J. - The Story of Judaism
065648: BAMERT, ARNOLD - Africa - Tribal Art of Forest and Savannah
023131: BAMM, PETER - Early Sites of Christianity
058715: [JOHN BANCKS] - A New History of the Life and Reign of the Czar Peter the Great Emperor of All Russia and Father of the Country
039677: BANCROFT, ANNE - The Luminous Vision : Six Medieval Mystics and Their Teachings
029729: BANCROFT, ANNE - The Luminous Vision : Six Medieval Mystics and Their Teachings
069682: BANFIELD, STEPHEN - Gerald Finzi: An English Composer
028653: BANK, ALICE - Byzantine Art in the Collections of Soviet Museums
051340: BANKS, MARCUS - Ethnicity : Anthropological Constructions
036584: BANKS, ROBERT - Paul's Idea of Community
033019: BANKS, MARCUS - Ethnicity : Anthropological Constructions
050797: BANKSY - Banksy: Wall and Piece
052054: C.F.W. HIGHAM; R. BANNANURAG - The Excavation of Khok Phanom Di, Volume 1 the Excavation, Chronology and Human Burials
055639: GEORGE BANNATYNE - Memorials of George Bannatyne Mdxlv- Mdcviii
058774: A. T. BANNISTER - Registrum Ade de Orleton Episcopi Herefordensis 1317-1327
049195: H. M. BANNISTER - Missale Gothicum a Gallican Sacramentary Ms. Vatican. Regin. Lat. 317 Vol II Notes and Indices
062637: BANTON, MICHAEL (ED.) - The Social Anthropology of Complex Societies.
051359: BANTON, MICHAEL (ED.) - The Social Anthropology of Complex Societies
070482: BANTON, MICHAEL (ED.) - The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology
041454: BANTON, MICHAEL - Race Relations
070797: BANTON, MICHAEL (ED.) - Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion
035404: BARASCH, MOHSE - Crusader Figural Sculpture in the Holy Land
071058: WILSON, BARBARA & MEE, FRANCES - The Medieval Parish Churches of York: The Pictorial Evidence
061969: BARBER, DANIEL COLUCCIELLO - Deleuze and the Naming of God: Post-Secularism and the Future of Immanence
061781: BARBER, GILES - Daphnis and Chloe: The Markets and Metamorphases of an Unknown Bestseller
064465: BARBER, CHRIS - Eastern Valley: The Story of Torfaen
064468: CHRIS BARBER - Abergavenny: Historic Market Town
060749: BARBER, ELIZABETH W. - The Mummies of Urumchi
060690: BARBER, R.L.N. - The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
058934: LUKE BARBER (ED.) - Sussex Archaeological Collections Volume 154 2016
068068: BARBER, STEPHEN - Edmund White: The Burning World
058653: BARBER, MALCOLM - The Two Cities: Medieval Europe 1050-1320
058608: RICHARD BARBER - Edward Prince of Wales and Aquitaine: A Biography of the Black Prince
057504: BARBER, MALCOLM - The Two Cities: Medieval Europe 1050-1320
056934: F. HUGH BARBER - The Influence of Reformed Doctrine on English Charity in the Sixteenth Century
054984: BARBER, RICHARD - King Arthur: Hero and Legend
043991: BARBER, MELANIE; TAYLOR, STEPHEN; SEWELL, GABRIEL - From the Reformation to the Permissive Society: A Miscellany in Celebration of the 400th Anniversary of Lambeth Palace Library
043792: BARBER, LYNN - The Heyday of Natural History 1820-1870
062698: PROPERTUS; E. A. BARBER - Sexti Properti: Carmina
070896: BARBER, RICHARD - The Life and Campaigns of the Black Prince: From Contemporary Letters, Diaries and Chronicles, Including Chandos Herald's Life of the Black Prince
030340: BARBER, MALCOLM C. - The Trial of the Templars
018910: BARBER, MALCOLM C. - The Trial of the Templars
041067: BARBIER, JEAN-PAUL - Botschaft Der Steine Indonesische Skulpturen Aus Der Sammlung Barbier-Muller, Genf
029747: BARBIER, JEAN PAUL - A Guide to Pre-Colombian Art
059474: BARCKNEY, WILLIAM H. - Faith, Life and Witness: The Papers of the Study and Research Division of the Baptist World Alliance 1986-1990
058688: FLORENCE L. BARCLAY - The White Ladies of Worcester: A Romance of the Twelfth Century
067454: BARCLAY, WILLIAM - Jesus As They Saw Him: New Testament Interpretations of Jesus
055551: NESTOR [HUGH BARCLAY] - Rambling Recollections of Old Glasgow
051254: HAROLD B/ BARCLAY - Buurri Al Lamaab: A Suburban Village in the Sudan
037176: BARCLAY, WILLIAM - Testament of Faith
017709: BARCLAY, WILLIAM - The Gospels and Acts Volume I
063161: LEONARD BARDEN - The Ruy Lopez Wining Chess with 1 P-K4
020807: BARDIN, PERLA - Artesanias Argentinas Tradicionales-Argentine Traditional Artcrafts
017021: BARDSLEY, CHARLES WAREING - Memorials of St Ann's Church, Manchester in the Last Centuryt: An Attempt to Rectify Several Popular Errors; to Which Is Added a History of the Church Building and Sunday School Work.
037399: BARDY, GUSTAVE - Saint Augustin: L'Homme Et L'Oeuvre
055333: BAREFOOT, BRIAN - The English Road to Rome
068746: BARFORD, P. M. - Early Slavs: Culture and Society in Early Medieval Eastern Europe
065604: IVAN BARGNA - African Art
060114: BARGRAVE, RICHARD (MICHAEL G. BRENNAN ED.) - The Travel Diary of Robert Bargrave Levant Merchant (1647-1656)
061658: BARKER, A.J. - The Civilizing Mission a History of the Italo-Ethiopian War
061399: BARKER, SIR ERNEST - Greek Political Theory: Plato and His Predecessors
060192: BARKER, ANDREW - Greek Musical Writings Volume 1
067077: MARGARET BARKER - Great High Priest: The Temple Roots of Christian Liturgy
045361: RICHARD BARBER; JULIET BARKER - Tournaments: Jousts, Chivalry and Pageants in the Middle Ages
064875: ERNEST BARKER - Ideen Und Ideale Des Britischen Weltreiches
040037: BARKER, JOSEPH - Sacrificial Priesthood: Historical Origins and Developments
038125: BARKER, CHRIS - Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
027302: BARKER, ETHEL ROSS - Rome of the Pilgrims and Martyrs: A Study in the Martyrologies, Itineraries, Syllogae, & Other Contemporary Documents
022353: BARKER, BRIAN - The Symbols of Sovereignty
060652: C. BARLEE - Adjumentum or Prayers for Every Sunday in the Year Intended to Precede and Follow the Sermon
057967: BARLEY, MAURICE WILLMORE - European Towns: Their Archaeology and Early History
052543: BARLEY, NIGEL - The Innocent Anthropologist : Notes from a Mud Hut
052465: NIGEL BARLEY - Dancing on the Grave: Encounters with Death
051505: BARLEY, NIGEL - The Innocent Anthropologist : Notes from a Mud Hut
032530: BARLEY, NIGEL - A Plague of Caterpillars: A Return to the African Bush
042434: BARLOEWEN, CONSTANTIN VON - Der Tod in Den Weltkulturen Und Weltreligionen
061385: BARLOW, SHIRLEY A - The Imagery of Euripides: A Study in the Dramatic Use of Pictorial Language
060925: BARLOW, FRANK - Thomas Becket
058768: BARLOW, FRANK - Edward the Confessor
070122: BARLOW, JILL - A Calendar of the Registers of Apprentices of the City of Gloucester 1700-1834
065186: BARLOW, FRANK - William Rufus
070322: BARLOW, FRANK - Edward the Confessor
049051: BARLOW, FRANK - Durham Jurisdictional Peculiars
070125: BARLOW, JILL - A Calendar of the Registers of the Apprentices of the City of Gloucester, 1595-1700
026087: BARLOW, FRANK - Edward the Confessor
058085: L. W. BARNARD - C.B. Moss: Defender of the Faith 1888 - 1964
070622: BARNARD, ALAN - Hunters and Herders of Southern Africa: A Comparative Ethnography of the Khoisan Peoples (Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Series Number 85)
070580: BARNARD, ALAN - History and Theory in Anthropology
026676: BARNARD, P. MORDAUNT - Clement of Alexandria Quis Dives Salvetur Re-Edited Together with an Introduction on the Mss. Of Clement's Works
050780: BARNEA, I. - Christian Art in Romania I: 3rd-6th Centuries; 2: 7th-13th Centuries
048833: JOHN E. BARNES - Cana Revisited: A Personal Pilgrimage
048651: BARRY BARNES - T.S. Kuhn and Social Science
043423: BARNES, RALPH (ED.) - Liber Pontificalis of Edmund Lacy Bishop of Exeter, a Manuscript of the Fourteenth Century
062797: BARNES, JONATHAN - Aristotle (Past Masters)
040836: BARNES, JOHN - Ahead of His Age: Bishop Barnes of Birmingham
035711: BARNES, ARTHUR STAPYLTON - The Popes and the Ordinal, a Collection of Documents Bearing on the Question of Anglican Orders
034632: BARNES, JOHN E. - George Ratcliffe Woodward 1848 - 1934 Priest, Poet and Musician
033721: BARNES, J. E. - We Offer and Present Testimonies to Anglican Teaching on the Eucharistic Oblation
029826: BARNES, W. E. - Canonical and Uncanonical Gospels with a Translation of the Recently Discovered Fragment of the Gospel of Peter and a Selection from the Sayings of Our Lord Not Found in the Four Gospels
029369: BARNES, BERTRAM HERBERT - Johnson of Nyasaland: A Study of the Life and Work of William Percival Johnson, Archdeacon of Nyasa, Missionary Pioneer 1876-1928
020267: BARNES, W. E. - An Apparatus Criticus to Chronicles in the Peshitta Version with a Discussion of the Codex Ambrosianus
019812: BARNES, JOHN ANTHONY GODSMARK - The Titmice of the British Isles
064605: HERBERT BARNETT - Glympton: The History of an Oxfordshire Manor
071024: BARNETT, TONY - The Gezira Scheme: An Illusion of Development
067929: L. D. BARNETT - Panjabi Printed Books in the British Museum: A Supplementary Catalogue
033254: BARNETT, S. A. - Biology and Freedom : An Essay on the Implications of Human Ethology
057215: BARNWELL, P.S. - Kings, Courtiers and Imperium: The Barbarian West, Ad 565-725
070846: JOHN BARON - Scudamore Organs: Or Practical Hints Respecting Organs for Village Churches and Small Chancels on Improved Principles
038377: ARCHIE BARON - An Indian Affair - from Riches to the Raj
057758: HAGOP BARONIAN - Balthazar
057744: HAGOP BARONIAN (MISCHA KUDIAN ED.) - Honourable Beggars: A Satire
067060: BARR, JAMES - The Garden of Eden and the Hope of Immortality: The Read-Tuckwell Lectures for 1990
048531: BARR, JAMES - Escaping from Fundamentalism
046068: BARR, JAMES - Escaping from Fundamentalism
041079: BARR, WILLIAM; WILLIAMS, GLYNDWR - Voyages to Hudson Bay in Search of a Northwest Passage, 1741-47: Volume II the Voyage of William Moor and Francis Smith, 1746-47
030919: BARR, JAMES - Anglican Church Architecture with Some Remarks Upon Ecclesiastical Furniture
067038: JAMES BARR - Explorations in Theology 7 the Scope and Authority of the Bible
067453: BARRACLOUGH, GEOFFREY - The Medieval Papacy
064796: GEOFFREY BARRACLOUGH - Studies in Medieval Germany 911 - 1250 2 Vols Volume I: Introduction; Volume II: Essays
054859: VÉRONIQUE BEAULANDE-BARRAUD - Les Péchés Les Plus Grands: Hiérarchie de L'église Et for de la Pénitence
070536: LA BARRE, WESTON - Muelos a Stone Age Superstition About Sexuality
062191: DAVID B. BARRETT - Schism and Renewal in Africa: An Analysis of Six Thousand Contemporary Religious Movements
059900: BARRETT, C. K. - New Testament Essays
067019: BARRETT, C. K. - The First Epistle to the Corinthians
067020: BARRETT, C. K. - Second Epistle to the Corinthians
067001: BARRETT, C. K. - Essays on John
050328: BARRETT, C. K. - Jesus and the Word and Other Essays
049764: BARRETT, C.K. - The New Testament Background: Selected Documents
062702: ANTHONY BARRETT - Dying and Death Among the Turkana Part II
048503: BARRETT, C.K. - A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans
047545: BARRETT, PHILIP - Barchester: English Cathedral Life in the Nineteenth Century
046255: BARRETT, JOHN - That Better Country: The Religious Aspect of Life in Eastern Australia, 1835-1850
042430: BARRETT, C. K. - The Holy Spirit and the Gospel Tradition
042052: BARRETT, C. K. - The First Epistle to the Corinthians
039882: BARRETT, C. K. - The First Epistle to the Corinthians
039867: BARRETT, C. K. - Second Epistle to the Corinthians
039128: BARRETT, C. K. - Second Epistle to the Corinthians
067014: BARRETT, C.K. - A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans
034291: BARRETT, C. K. - Jesus and the Word
027389: BARRETT, DAVID V. - Sects, 'Cults' and Alternative Religions : A World Survey and Sourcebook
026490: BARRETT, C.K. - The New Testament Background: Selected Documents
050282: BARRETT, C. K. - On Paul: Essays on His Life, Work and Influence in the Early Church
022485: BARRETT, C.K. - New Testament Background: Selected Documents
019718: BARRO, ROBERT J. - Getting It Right: Markets and Choices in a Free Society
068548: GEORGES BARROIS - The Fathers Speak: St Basil the Great, St Gregory of Nazianzus, St Gregory of Nyssa (English and Ancient Greek Edition)
060691: WILLIAM BARROW - Familiar Sermons on Several of the Doctrines and Duties of the Christian Religion (Three Vols)
067857: R. H. BARROW - Slavery in the Roman Empire
021322: BARROW, TERENCE - Art and Life in Polynesia
017744: BARROW, TERENCE - The Art of Tahiti and the Neighbouring Society, Austral and Cook Islands
065416: JOHN D. UNDERWOOD BARRY - Venus Through the Lens
045001: WILLIAM BARRY - Newman
031107: WILLIAM BARRY - Cardinal Newman
037943: DAVID BARSAMIAN, EDWARD W. SAID - The Pen and the Sword: Conversations with David Barsamian
052632: MOSHE BARSASCH - Crusader Figural Sculpture in the Holy Land: Twelfth Century Examples from Acre, Nazareth and Belvoir Castle
061800: BARSBY, JOHN - Ovid
026243: BARSEGYAN, TAMARA V. - Moscow Holy Places
026853: BARSUM, P. ALOYSIUS - Homeliae in Evangelia Dominicalia Et Festiva Yuxta Alexandrinae Ecclesiae Ritum
062547: FREDERIK BARTH - Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Cluture Difference
070051: BARTH, KARL - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
070697: BARTH, FREDRIK - Cosmologies in the Making: A Generative Approach to Cultural Variation in Inner New Guinea
070814: BARTH, FREDRIK - Political Leadership Among Swat Pathans
051242: FREDERIK BARTH - The Role of the Entrepreneur in Social Change in Northern Norway
049210: KARL BARTH - Entretiens a Rome Apres le Concile
041309: BARTH, FREDRIK - Political Leadership Among Swat Pathans
039927: BARTH, KARL ( BRAUN, DIETRICH ED.) - Ethik I Vorlesung Munster Sommersemester 1928 Wiederholt in Bonn Sommersemester 1930
039757: BARTH, KARL - Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe Karl Barth-Eduard Thurneysen Briefwechsel Band 2 1921-1930
039643: BARTH, KARL (FAHLER, URSULA & FAHLER, JOCHEN EDS) - Karl Barth: Predigten 1914
029944: BARTH, KARL - Church Dogmatics Volume IV the Doctrine of Reconciliation Part 3, II
029901: BARTH, KARL - The Epistle to the Philippians
027503: BARTH, KARL - From Rousseau to Ritschl Being the Translation of Eleven Chapters of Die Protestantische Theologie IM 19. Jahrhundert
065376: FREDRIK BARTH - Nomads of South Persia: The Basseri Tribe of the Khamseh Confederacy
066003: BARTH, KARL - A Shorter Commentary on Romans
061475: BARTHES, ROLAND - Mythologies
038015: BARTHES, ROLAND - Criticism and Truth
069869: BARTHES, ROLAND - Michelet
067124: BARTHOLOMEW, ROBERT E. - Exotic Deviance: Medicalizing Cultural Idioms from Strangeness to Illness
048653: D.J. BARTHOLOMEW - God of Chance
034035: BARTLET, JAMES VERNON (CADOUX, CECIL JOHN ED.) - Church-Life and Church-Order During the First Four Centuries with Special Reference to the Early Church-Orders
020123: BARTLETRT, RICHARD D. - In Search of Reptiles and Amphibians
060851: BARTLETT, JOHN R. - Bible: Faith and Evidence - a Critical Enquiry Into the Nature of Biblical History
060778: BARTLETT, ROBERT (ED.) - Medieval Panorama
058921: BARTLETT, W. B. - Agincourt: Henry V, the Man at Arms & the Archer
045552: BARTLETT, ROBERT (ED.) - Medieval Panorama
071033: BARTOLOVICH, CRYSTAL; LAZARUS, NEIL - Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies
060559: BARTON, JOHN - The Spirit and the Letter: Studies in the Biblical Canon
066995: BARTON, JOHN (ED.) - The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation
067966: GEORGE AARON BARTON - A Sketch of Semitic Origins Social and Religious
064025: BARTOS, EMIL - Deification in Eastern Orthodox Theology: An Evaluation and Critique of the Theology of Dumitru Staniloae (Paternoster Theological Monographs)
046650: BASABE, FERNANDO M. - Japanese Youth Confronts Religion: A Sociological Survey
020744: BASADONNA, GIORGIO - Paolo VI, Dono D'Amore Alla Chiesa.
055536: WILLIAM BASCOM - African Arts: An Exhibition at the Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology 1967
053426: BASIL, BISHOP - The Healing Word
046845: BASIL (DEFERRARI, ROY J. (TRANS.)) - St. Basil: The Letters
067889: SAINT BASIL (SISTER AGNES CLARE WAY; ROY J. DEFERRARI EDS) - Saint Basil: Letters Volume I (1-185)
068310: BASKERVILLE, GEOFFREY - English Monks and the Supression of the Monasteries
065472: BASSANI, EZIO - Le Grand Heritage: Sculptures de L'Afrique Noire
066378: BERNARD BASSET - Best of Both Worlds: A Guide to Holiness in the Suburbs
059254: FRANCIS TILNEY BASSETT - The Catholic Epistle of St. James a Revised Text with Translation, Introduction and Notes Critical and Exegetical
071077: MARGERY BASSETT - Knights of the Shire for Bedfordshire During the Middle Ages
038642: BASSNETT, SUSAN - Studying British Cultures: An Introduction
036657: BASTABLE, JAMES D. (ED.) - Newman and Gladstone: Centennial Essays
055624: HENRY CHARLTON BASTIAN - The Evolution of Life
051455: H. CHARLTON BASTIAN - The Evolution of Life
069627: BATAILLE, GEORGES - Eroticism
069605: BATAILLE, GEORGES - The Accursed Share: An Essay on General Economy, Vol. I: Consumption [with] Vol. II the History of Eroticism Vol. III Soverignty
069584: BATAILLE, GEORGES - Guilty
057147: H. N. BATE - Faith and Order: Proceedings of the World Conference Lausanne, August 3-21, 1927
067870: BATE, WALTER JACKSON - John Keats
047871: DARRELL BATES - The Abyssinian Difficulty: The Emperor Theodorus and the Magdala Campaign, 1867-68
027865: BATES, ROBERT H. - Essays on the Political Economy of Rural Africa
070798: BATESON, GREGORY - Naven: Survey of the Problems Suggested by a Composite Picture of the Culture of a New Guinea Tribe
035558: BATEY, RICHARD (ED.) - New Testament Issues
032815: BATIFFOL, PIERRE - Catholicisme Et Papaute: Les Difficultes Anglicanes Et Russes
068088: WALTER RUSSELL BATSELL - Soviet Rule in Russia
070679: DEBBORA BATTAGLIA - E.T. Culture: Anthropology in Outerspaces
067734: BATTERSBY, W. J. - De la Salle; Saint and Spiritual Writer
020122: BATTIE, DAVID; TURNER, MICHAEL - The Price Guide to Nineteenth and Twentieth Century British Pottery
042615: BATTISCOMBE, GEORGINA - Charlotte Mary Yonge, the Story of an Uneventful Life
063259: BATTY, JOSEPH - Sussex and Dorking Fowls (International Poultry Library)
068029: BATTY, J.; FRANCIS, CHARLES - Poultry Colour Guide
044592: JOSEPH DR. BATTY - Lewis Wright and His Poultry
023985: BATTY, JOSEPH - The Sussex and Dorking Fowls
047680: PHILIPPE BAUD - La Vie Cistercienne, Hier Et Aujourd'Hui
052573: JEAN BAUDRILLARD - Pour Un Critique de L'Economie Politique de Signe
069274: JEAN BAUDRILLARD - For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign
044753: LOUISE WALDRIP; SHIRLEY ANNE BAUER - Bibliography of Katherine Anne Porter
021000: BAUER, HERBERT - City-Kirchen: Bilanz Und Perspektiven
064279: FREDERICK CHRISTIAN BAUERSCHMIDT - Julian of Norwich and the Mystical Body Politic of Christ
059487: JOHN F. BAUGH - The Battle for Baptist Integrity
055430: F. BAUGH - The Story of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Kate's Hill, Dudley
044712: MATTHEW J. BRUCCOLI; JUDITH S. BAUGHMAN - James Dickey: A Descriptive Bibliography
064585: BAUMAN, ZYGMUNT - Mortality, Immortality and Other Life Strategies
053744: BAUMAN, RICHARD - Let Your Words Be Few: Symbolism of Speaking and Silence Among Seventeenth-Century Quakers
064668: BAUMAN, ZYGMUNT - Intimations of Postmodernity
071004: BAUMAN, RICHARD; SHERZER, JOEL - Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking
068744: BAUMAN, ZYGMUNT - Culture As Praxis
054608: SCOTT-BAUMANN, ALISON - Ricoeur and the Negation of Happiness
052320: NOTKER BAUMANN - 'götter in Gottes Hand': Die Darstellung Zeitgenössischer Kaiser Bei Gregor Von Nazianz
062704: BAUMANN, GERD - National Integration and Local Integrity: The Miri of the Nuba Mountains in the Sudan
066051: CHRISTOPH BAUMER - The Church of the East: An Illustrated History of Assyrian Christianity
030772: BAUMSTARK, ANTONIO - Le Liturgie Orientali E le Preghiere Supra Quae E Supplices Del Canone Romano
035670: BAUNARD - Ozanam in His Correspondence
032936: BAUOT, MARCEL - Normandie Benedictine
037928: BAVERSTOCK, A. H. - The Deposited Book, and the Athanasian Creed
067778: BAVERSTOCK, A. H. - The Priest As Confessor
069855: BAWDEN, C. R. - Shamans, Lamas, and Evangelicals: The English Missionaries in Siberia
050011: RICHARD BAXTER (J. M. LLOYD THMAS; N, H. KEEBLE EDS) - Autobiography
037989: BAXTER, MARGARET - New Testament Introduction: Jesus Christ - His Life and His Church
069065: CAPTAIN D. R. BAXTER - Superimposed Load Firearms 1360-1860
029219: BAXTER, JOHN - Hollywood in the Thirties
019255: BAXTER, RICHARD (JENKYN, THOMAS W.) - Making Light of Christ and Salvation, a Call to the Unconverted, the Last Work of a Believer of the Shedding Abroad of God's Love.
052989: JEAN-FRANÇOIS BAYART - Le Gouvernement Du Monde : Une Critique Politique de la Globalisation
052988: FARIBA ADELKHAH; JEAN-FRANÇOIS BAYART - Voyages Du Développement : Emigration, Commerce, Exil
052986: JEAN-FRANC?OIS BAYART - L'Etat En Afrique: La Politique Du Ventre
052641: JEAN-FRANCOIS BAYART - La Reinvention Du Capitalisme
068566: BAYER, PATRICIA - Art Deco Architecture: Design, Decoration and Detail from the Twenties and Thirties
055968: BAYFIELD, TONY; BRICHTO, SIDNEY; FISHER, EUGENE J. - He Kissed Him and They Wept: Towards a Theology of Partnership
058008: BAYFORD - The Argument of Dr. Bayford on Behalf of the Rev. G.C. Gorham in the Arches Court of Canterbury March, 1849
067668: BAYLAY, ATWELL, M. Y. - A Century of Collects, Selected and Translated.
056888: BAYLAY, ATWELL, M. Y. - A Century of Collects, Selected and Translated
038819: BAYLEY, A. - One New Humanity: The Challenge of Aids
062230: BAYNES, KENNETH - Habermas
064021: NORMAN H. BAYNES - The Hellenistic Civilization and East Rome
018285: BAYOR, RONALD H. - Neighbors in Conflict : The Irish, Germans, Jews and Italians of New York City, 1929-1941
042755: BAZELAIRE, MAX DE - Father Peter Joseph de Cloriviere S.J.
064063: BAZZANO, MANU - The Speed of Angels
059351: V. BDOYAN - Armenian Folk Songs Vol I
069563: BEACH, EDWARD ALLEN - The Potencies of God(S): Schelling's Philosophy of Mythology
037002: BEACH, WALDO - Christian Ethics in the Protestant Tradition
023478: BEADNELL, C. M. - A Picture Book of Evolution
070564: BEAKEN, MIKE - The Making of Language
025827: BEALES, A. C. F. - Education Under Penalty; English Catholic Education from the Reformation to the Fall of James II, 1547-1689
053703: BEARDS, ANDREW - Lonergan, Meaning and Method
036668: BEARE, F. W. - A Commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians
061877: BEARN, GORDON C. F. - Life Drawing: A Deleuzean Aesthetics of Existence
021595: BEASLEY, MARY - Mission on the Margins
021748: BEATON, RODERICK - The Medieval Greek Romance
070879: BEATTIE, JOHN H. M.; MIDDLETON, JOHN - Spirit Mediumship and Society in Africa
071166: BEATTIE, JOHN - Understanding an African Kingdom: Bunyoro
063783: JOHN BEATTIE - The Nyoro State
042112: JUNG, PATRICIA BEATTIE & COARY, JOSEPH ANDREW (EDS) - Sexual Diversity and Catholicism: Toward the Development of Moral Theology
033371: BEATTIE, JOHN - Other Cultures: Aims, Methods and Achievements in Social Anthropology
033251: BEATTIE, JOHN - Other Cultures: Aims, Methods and Achievements in Social Anthropology
033250: BEATTIE, JOHN - Other Cultures: Aims, Methods and Achievements in Social Anthropology
031995: BEATTIE, JOHN - Bunyoro: An African Kingdom
052904: ANDREW BEATTY - After the Ancestors
052769: ANDREW BEATTY - A Shadow Falls in the Heart of Java
070003: MABEL BEATTY - Man Made Perfect: The Science of Spiritual Evolution
054749: PIERRE BEAUSSART - L'Eglise Benedictine de la Charite-Sur-Loire Fille Ainee de Cluny Etude Archaeologique
070123: DANIEL C. BEAVER (ED.) - The Account Book of the Giles Geast Charity, Tewkesbury 1558-1891 (Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, Volume 31)
051345: BEAVER ET AL. - The World's Religions a Comprehensive Guide
040364: LE BEC, E. - Medical Proof of the Miraculous, a Clinical Study
069016: C. BECCARI - Relationes Et Epistolae Variorum Pars Prima Liber III Rerum Aethiopicarum Scriptores Occidentales Vol. XII
024106: BECHER, JEANNE (ED.) - Women, Religion, and Sexuality: Studies on the Impact of Religious Teachings on Women
061759: BECK, HERBERT; BOL, PETER C.; BÜCKLING, MARAIKE - ägypten - Griechenland - Rom: Abwehr Und Berühung
055796: H. G. BECK - Humanismus Und Palamismus
031210: BECK, PETER - Using History, Making British Policy: The Treasury and the Foreign Office 1950-76
022633: BECK, HERBERT (ED.) - Spatantike Und Fruhes Christentum: Ausstellung IM Liebieghaus, Museum Alter Plastik, Frankfurt Am Main, 16. Dezember 1983 - 11. Marz 1984,
066001: BECK, BRIAN - Reading the New Testament Today: An Introduction to New Testament Criticism
018176: BECK, DAVID R. M. - Seeking Recognition: The Termination and Restoration of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, 1855-1984
068042: PROFESSOR BECKER - Charicles: Illustrations of the Private Life of the Ancient Greeks with Notes and Excursuses
062706: BECKER, PENNY EDGELL - Congregations in Conflict: Cultural Models of Local Religious Life
030820: BECKER, F. W. - Die Herrlichkeit Der Letzen Hauses
019165: BECKER, PETER - Inland Tribes of Southern Africa
066890: GILBERT ABBOTT A'BECKETT - The Comic History of England
025618: BECKETT, J. C. (ED.) - Historical Studies : Papers Read Before the Irish Conference of Historians VII
064633: BECKFORD, JAMES A. - Religion and Advanced Industrial Society
064509: JAMES A. BECKFORD - The Trumpet of Prophecy: A Sociological Study of Jehovah's Witnesses
059488: BECKHAM, WILLIAM A. - The Second Reformation: Reshaping the Church for the 21st Century
039644: BECKMANN, JOACHIM - Vom Sakrament Bei Calvin, Die Sakramentslehre Calvins in Ihren Beziehungen Zu Augustin
025350: BECKMANN, JOACHIM - Quellen Zur Geschichte Des Christlichen Gottesdienstes
054917: JOHN BECKWITH - Early Medieval Art: Carolingian, Ottonian and Romanesque
048324: R.T. BECKWITH - Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church and Its Background in Early Judaism
065616: BECKWITH, CAROL - African Ark: Peoples of the Horn
065962: BECKWITH, JOHN - The Art of Constantinople: An Introduction to Byzantine Art 330-1453
042298: BECKWITH, JOHN - The Art of Constantinople: An Introduction to Byzantine Art 330-1453
065836: BECKWITH, JOHN - Early Medieval Art : Carolingian, Ottonian and Romanesque
057814: BECON, THOMAS (AYRE, JOHN (ED.)) - The Catechism of of Thomas Becon with Other Pieces Written by Him in the Reign of King Edward the Sixth.
044053: BEDAUX, R. - Tellem Een Bijdrage Tot de Geschiedenis Van de Republiek Mali
026944: BEDDARD, ROBERT - A Kingdom without a King: The Journal of the Provisional Government in the Revolution of 1688
069394: R. A. BEDDOES - James Gibbs As a Church Designer: An Exhibition Celebrating the Restoration of the Cathedral Church of All Saints at Derby, 1972
035041: WIGMOR-BEDDOES, DENNIS G. - Yesterday's Radicals, a Study of the Affinity between Unitarianism and Broad Church Anglicanism in the Nineteenth Century
053276: W. K. RILAND BEDFORD - Three Hundred Years of a Family Living, Being a History of the Rilands of Sutton Coldfield
031510: BEDOYERE, MICHAEL DE LA - Francois de Sales
027611: BEDOYERE, MICHAEL DE LA - Francis; a Biographty of the Saint of Assisi
026929: BEDU, JEAN-JACQUES - Rennes-le-Chateau; Autopsie D'Un Mythe
069290: C. E. BEEBY - A Defence of Creed and Liife in Reply to the Church Quarterly Review October, 1898
069298: C. E. BEEBY - Reply to the Attack of Earl Beauchamp: Some Account of the Positive Teaching of 'Creed and Life', Two Sermons
069299: C. E. BEEBY - Reply to the Dean of Worcester: The Relation of a Miraculous Birth to a Sinless Christ, Sermon Preached in Christ Church, Yardley Wood, November 27th, 1898
069346: K. J. BEECHAM - History of Cirencester and the Roman City Corinium
041514: BEEK, BERT VAN - Geld Door de Eeuwen Heen
069297: THOMAS O. BEEMAN - Ritualism: Doctrine Not Dress. Notes of Lectures on Ritualism, the Development of Tractarianism Published by Request with Additions, Including Remarks on the Charge of the Bishop of Salisbury
063876: PETER BEER - An Introduction to Bernard Lonergan: Exploring Lonergan's Approach to the Great Philosophical Questions
060176: BEER, PATRICIA - Friend of Heraclitus
065307: BERTRAM V. A. LOW-BEER - The Medical Use of Radioactive Isotopes
067478: JOHN MICHAEL BEERS - A Commentary on the Cistercian Hymnal: Explanatio Super Hymnos Quibus Utitur Ordo Cisteciensis
038059: BEESON, TREVOR - The Canons: Cathedral Close Encounters
034467: BEESON, TREVOR - Canons: Cathedral Close Encounters
043320: BEET, WILLIAM ERNEST - The Early Roman Episcopate to A.D. 384
069407: MICHAEL BEEVERS - St. Michael & All Angels [Brighton]
030388: BEEVOR, ANTONY - Stalingrad
060431: BEGBIE, JEREMY (ED.) - Sounding the Depths: Theology Through the Arts
059650: BEGBIE, JEREMY - Beholding the Glory
050850: HAROLD BEGBIE - The Happy Christ
042905: BEGBIE, JEREMY (ED.) - Sounding the Depths: Theology Through the Arts
031988: BEGBIE, HAROLD - Other Sheep: A Study of the Peoples of India, with Particular Reference to the Collision between Christianity and Hinduism
067848: W. PROUDFOOT BEGG - The Development of Taste and Other Studies in Aesthetics
046931: BEGLEY, WALTER - Breviarium Anagrammaticum
053683: GILLES BEGUIN - Chine de Bronze Et D'or Collection Dong Bo Zhai
051489: T.O. BEIDELMAN (E. E. EVANS-PRITCHARD) - Bibliography of the Writings of E.E. Evans- Pritchard
041318: BEIDELMAN, T. O. - The Matrilineal Peoples of Eastern Tazania (Zaramo, Luguru, Kaguru, Ngulu Etc)
068986: BRYAN P. BEIRNE - British Pyralid and Plume Moths
069810: BEISER, FREDERICK C. - The Early Political Writings of the German Romantics
048018: CHARLESTILSTONE BEKE - The British Captives in Abyssinia
067026: BEKER, CHRISTIAAN J. - Paul the Apostle
022923: BEKKENKAMP, JONNEKE - Sanctified Aggression: Legacies of Biblical and Post-Biblical Vocabularies of Violence
067655: BELA, SOROS - A Magyar Liturgia Tortenete
022669: SOROS BELA - A Magyar Liturgia Tortenete.
023150: BELAN, KYRA - Madonnas : From Medieval to Modern
067638: BELL, DAVID, N. - A Cloud of Witnesses; an Introductory History of the Development of Christian Doctrine.
057985: BELL, TYLER - The Religious Reuse of Roman Structures in Early Medieval England
062768: BELL, ADRIAN R. - War and the Soldier in the Fourteenth Century
071083: BELL, CATHERINE - Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice
067111: JIM BELL - The Earth Book: From the Beginning to the End of Our Planet, 250 Milestones in the History of Earth Science (Sterling Milestones)
063403: W. GODFREY BELL - The Church of S. Leonard, Streatham
034913: BELL, ALAN - Sydney Smith
034262: BELL, ALAN - Sydney Smith
033787: BELL, ROBERT - Studies in Medieval Empathies
031212: WHITE, SYLVIA BELL & LE PAGE, JODY - Sister: An African American Life in Search of Justice
023073: BELL, ELIZABETH TURNER - Twenty-Five New Figure and Character Dances
022092: BELL, S. PETER (ED.) - Victorian Lancashire
020243: BELL, MAURICE F. - Church Music
064974: BELLA, MICHELA - Ontology After Philosophical Psychology: The Continuity of Consciousness in William James's Philosophy of Mind (American Philosophy Series)
062470: ROERT N. BELLAH - Tokugawa Religion: The Value of Pre-Industrial Japan
031089: BELLASIS, EDWARD - Memorials of Mr Serjeant Bellasis 1800-1873
059061: BELLENGER, AIDAN - Downside Abbey: An Architectural History
058385: BELLENGER, DOMINIC AIDAN - English and Welsh Priests 1558-1800, a Working List
037631: BELLENGER, DOMINIC AIDAN; FLETCHER, STELLA - Mitre and the Crown: A History of the Archbisops of Canterbury
043384: BELLERBY, J. R. - A Contributive Society: With Additional Papers
052252: BELLETT, REV G. - The Antiquities of Bridgnorth: Some Historical Notices of the Town and Castle.
051764: HENRY WALTER BELLEW - A Dictionary of the Pukkhto or Pukshto Language in Which the Words Are Traced to Their Sources in the Indian and Persian Languages
065137: HILAIRE BELLOC - A General Sketch of the European War: The Second Phase
061600: HILAIRE BELLOC - The Road
052117: BESSIE R. BELLOC - Historic Nuns
042982: BELLOC, HILAIRE - On Everything
029651: BELLOC, HILAIRE - Tristan and Iseult
023638: BELLOC, HILAIRE - A Moral Alphabet in Words of from One to Seven Syllables
040643: BELLOS, ALEX - Futebol, the Brazilian Way of Life
030835: BELLOTTI, FEILICE - Fabulous Congo
023059: A RING OF BELLS - Betjeman, John
061492: BELSEY, CATHERINE; MOORE, JANE - The Feminist Reader: Essays in Gender and the Politics of Literary Criticism
041506: BELSHAW, CYRIL S. - Traditional Exchange and Modern Markets
021585: BELTRAN, BENIGNO P. - Philippinische Theologie: In Ihrem Kulturellen Und Gesellschaftlichen Kontext
066762: AUDREY M. BENBOW - How to Raise and Train a Scottish Deerhound
051468: E. BENDANN - Death Customs: An Analytical Study of Burial Rites
062397: BENDER, COURTNEY; KLASSEN, PAMELA - After Pluralism: Reimagining Religious Engagement (Religion, Culture, and Public Life, 8)
037284: BENDROTH, MARGARET L. - Growing Up Protestant: Parents, Children and Mainline Churches
049747: ROBERT BENEDETTO - The New Scm Dictionary of Church History: Volume 1: From the Early Church to 1700
022888: KRANEMANN, BENEDIKT & RASCHZOK, KLAUS (EDS.) - Gottesdienst Als Feld Theologischer Wissenschaft IM 20. Jahrhundert: Deutschsprachige Liturgiewissenschaft in Einzelportrats
061209: B. S. BENEDIKZ - A New Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of Lichfield Cathedral
055690: BENER, PETER CHRISTIAN; SCHMID, DANIEL - The Invention of Paradise
066809: EDUARD BENES - Democracy Today and Tomorrow
059396: BENEZIT, E. - Dictionnaire Des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs Et Graveurs (14 Vols Set)
045680: BENFIELD, ERIC - The Town of Maiden Castle
056539: BENGELII, J. A. - Gnomon Novi Testamenti
047792: BENGELII, JOANN ALBRECHT (WERNER, C. F. ED.) - Gnomon Auslegung Des Neuen Testamentes in Fortlaufenden
037897: BENGELII, J. A. - Gnomon Novi Testamenti
055603: HERMANN BENGTSON - Greichen Un Perser Die Mittelmeerwelt in Alterum I
031875: BENHAM, W. - A Short History of the Episcopal Church in the United States
052515: JACQUES BENJAMIN - Les Camerounais Occidentaux
050375: GORDON-TAYLOR, BENJAMIN & JONES, SIMON - Celebrating Christ's Victory: Ash Wednesday to Trinity
042866: BENJAMIN, ALISON; MCCALLUM, BRIAN - Keeping Bees and Making Honey
029849: BENKO, STEPHEN - The Meaning of Sanctorum Communio
063671: VICTORINUS BYTHNER; N. L. BENMOHEL - The Lyre of David or Analysis of the Psalms Wherein All the Words Are Given Also in English, Eachaccented, Translated, Analysed and Explained with a Hebrew and Chaldee Grammar and Augmented with Seven Tables of the Imperfect Verbs
069256: GOTTFRIED BENN - Primal Vision: Selected Writings
049772: JEFF A. BENNER - A Mechanical Translation of the Book of Exodus
069156: BENNET, GEORGE - One Fold, One Shepherd: Challenge to the Post-Reformation Church
061971: BENNETT, MICHAEL JAMES - Deleuze and Ancient Greek Physics: The Image of Nature
061075: N.H. BENNETT - The Register of Richard Fleming, Bishop of Lincoln 1420-143: Vol. II
060989: BENNETT, MICHAEL - The Battle of Bosworth
060251: JOHN W. WHEELER-BENNETT - Brest-Litovsk the Forgotten Peace March 1918
067656: BENNETT, CANON - Father Nugent of Liverpool.
058745: BENNETT, IAN - Oriental Carpet Identifier
058683: BENNETT, ARNOLD (JAMES HEPBURN ED.) - Letters of Arnold Bennett: Volume III 1916-1931
058682: BENNETT, ARNOLD (JAMES HEPBURN ED.) - Letters of Arnold Bennett: Volume IV Family Letters
058679: ARNOLD BENNETT - Arnold Bennett Journal 1929
13544: BENNETT, ALAN - Talking Heads.
057779: BENNETT, MICHAEL - The Battle of Bosworth
063996: N. H. BENNETT - Register of Richard Fleming Bishop of Lincoln 1420 - 31 Volume I
056944: N.H. BENNETT - The Register of Richard Fleming, Bishop of Lincoln 1420-143: No. II (Canterbury & York Society)
056130: RICHRD BENNETT - The Black and Tans
067829: MARGARET BENNETT - The Last Stronghold: Scottish Gaelic Traditions of Newfoundland
071078: MICHAEL BENNETT - Lambert Simnel and the Battle of Stoke
050824: CLINTON BENNETT - Victorian Images of Islam
16268: BENNETT, A. H. - Through an Anglican Sisterhood to Rome
063949: BENNETT, WILLIAM J. E. - The Eucharist Its History, Doctrine and Practice with Meditations and Prayers Suitable to That Holy Sacrament.
037312: BENNETT, CLINTON - In Search of the Sacred: In Search of the Sacred, Anthropology and the Study of Religions
035882: BENNETT, WILLIAM J. E. - A Plea for Toleration in the Church of England in a Letter to the Rev E.B. Pusey
035460: BENNETT, WILLIAM J. E. - The Last Sermons Preached at Saint Paul's, Knightsbridge and Saint Barnabas, Pimlico
033900: BENNETT, R. F. - The Early Dominicans : Studies in Thirteenth Century Dominican History
070898: H. S. BENNETT - Life on the English Manor
030166: BENNETT, WILLIAM J. - Our Children and Our Country: Improving America's Schools and Affirming the Common Culture
063094: JONATHAN BENNETT - Kant's Analytic
024911: BENNETT, WILLIAM J. E. - The Principles of the Book of Common Prayer Considered, a Series of Lecture Sermons
071194: H. S. BENNETT - Chaucer and the Fifteenth Century
023756: BENNETT, ARNOLD - The Strange Vanguard; a Fantasia
021827: BENNETT, J. A. W. - The Parlement of Foules, an Interpretation
032641: BENOIST, J. M (ED.) - L'Identite: Seminaire Interdisciplinaire Dirige Par Claude Levi-Strauss Profeseur Au College de France 1974-1975
030931: BENOIT, PIERRE - Fort de France
056370: E. F. BENSON - Trouble for Lucia
056368: E. F. BENSON - Lucia's Progress
056366: BENSON, E. F. - Lucia in London
054696: A. C. BENSON - Cambridge Essays on Education
039392: BENSON, EDWARD WHITE - Cyprian, His Life, His Times, His Work
036133: BENSON, EDWARD WHITE - Cyprian, His Life, His Times, His Work
025711: BENSON, EUGENE,TOYE, WILLIAM (EDS.) - The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature
16012: BENSUSAN, S. L. - The Children's Story of the Bee.
066082: BENT, J. T. - The Ruined Cities of Mashonaland Being a Record of Excavation and Exploration in 1891.
048305: BENT, JAMES THEODORE - The Sacred City of the Ethiopians: Being a Record of Travel and Rsearch in Abyssinia in 1893
023956: BENT, J. T. - The Ruined Cities of Mashonaland Being a Record of Excavation and Exploration in 1891
062976: EDWARD BENTHAM - An Introduction to Logick 1773
069491: BENTLEY, JAMES - The Way of St. James : A Pilgrimage from Paris to Santiago de Compostela
050921: BENTLEY, JAMES - Restless Bones: Story of Relics
048161: BENTLEY, JAMES - The Way of St. James : A Pilgrimage from Paris to Santiago de Compostela
048137: GERALD EADES BENTLEY - The Professions of Dramatist and Player in Shakespeare's Time, 1590-1642
044564: BENTLEY, JAMES - Restless Bones: Story of Relics
062975: NORMAN BENTWICH - Philo-Judaeus of Alexandria
069549: BENVÉNISTE, EMILE - Le Vocabulaire Des Institutions Indo-Européennes: Tome 1, Economie, Parenté, Société Tome II Pouvoir, Droit, Religion
046595: BENZ, ERNST - Die Ostkirche Und Die Russische Christenheit
065251: BERARDI, FRANCO "BIFO - And: Phenomenology of the End
071005: BERARDI, ANDREA - Savannas and Dry Forests: Linking People with Nature
065244: BERARDI, FRANCO - The Soul at Work: From Alienation to Autonomy
024528: DI BERARDINO, ANGELO (ED.) - Dictionnaire Encyclopedique Du Christianisme Ancien
067715: BERBERIAN, SCHAHAN R. - 50 Songs by Schahan R. Berberian
069564: BERCKEN, WILLIAM VAN DEN - Holy Russia and Christian Europe: East and West in the Religious Ideology of Russia
027868: BERDICHEWSKY, BERNARDO (ED.) - Anthropology and Social Change in Rural Areas : The Impact of Agrarian Reform Upon Local Communities
070666: BERESFORD, MAURICE - New Towns of the Middle Ages: Town Plantation in England, Wales and Gascony
057092: BERESFORD, MAURICE - History on the Ground: Six Studies in Maps and Landscapes
070665: BERESFORD, MAURICE - The Lost Villages of England
070397: GUY BERESFORD - The Medieval Clay-Land Village: Excavations at Goltho and Barton Blount
053957: VAN DEN BERG, EVA DESIREE - Language of the Heart: A Sufi Interpretation of Form (Sura) and Meaning (Mana) in Contemporary Society
032014: BERG, WILLIAM - Early Virgil
064692: PETER L. BERGER - The Desecularization of the World: Resurgent Religion and World Politics
062199: BERGER, TERESA - Theology in Hymns?: A Study of the Relationship of Doxology and Theology According to a Collection of Hymns for the Use
064578: BERGER, PETER L.; HUNTINGTON, SAMUEL P. - Many Globalizations: Cultural Diversity in the Contemporary World
051724: JOHN A. BERGER - The Franciscan Missions of California
041746: BERGER, RIC - Les Chateaux de la Suisse
021444: BERGER, KLAUS - Hermeneutik Des Neuen Testaments
062237: BERGLUND, AXEL-IVAR - Zulu Thought-Patterns and Symbolism
068853: BERGSON, HENRI - The Creative Mind: Introduction to Metaphysics
068509: BERGSON, HENRI - The Two Sources of Morality and Religion
070197: HARLAN J. BERK - Roman Gold Coins of the Medieval World 383 - 1453 A.D.
063044: GEORGE BERKELEY - A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge to Which Are Added Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous
056924: G. C. BERKOUWER - Divine Election
069582: BERLIN, ISAIAH - The Magus of the North: J.G. Hamann and the Origins of Modern Irrationalism
029586: BERLINERBLAU, JACQUES - The Vow & the 'Popular Religious Groups' of Ancient Israel: A Philological & Sociological Inquiry
069152: BERLINSKI, DAVID - The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions
064888: BERMAN, MICHAEL P. - Merleau-Ponty and God: Hallowing the Hollow
043702: BERMAN, RONALD - Henry King and the Seventeenth Century
060707: BERNAL, MARTIN - Black Athena : The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilisation Volume I: The Fabrication of Ancient Greece 1785-1985 Volume II the Archaeological and Documentary Evidence
048677: GEORGES BERNANOS - The Diary of a Country Priest
065611: SAINT BERNARD - The Nativity
052393: RUSSELL H. BERNARD - Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology
043049: SAINT BERNARD - In the Steps of Humility
029354: BERNARD, MARY SISTER - Japan's Martyr Church
025284: BERNARD, REGIS - L'Image de Dieu D'Apres Saint Athanase
048489: BERNARDI, PAOLA - Carthusian Monastery of Pavia
041109: BERNARDI, BERNARDO - Age Class Systems: Social Institutions and Polities Based on Age
052081: ENZO BERNARDINI - Toscana Antica
054595: BERNAUER, JAMES WILLIAM - Michel Foucault's Force of Flight: Toward an Ethics for Thought
062342: BERNSTEIN, RICHARD J - Hannah Arendt and the Jewish Question
070040: LEONARD BERNSTEIN - The Unanswered Question: Six Talks at Harvard
035478: BERNSTEIN, ELLEN (ED.) - Ecology & the Jewish Spirit: Where Nature & the Sacred Meet
070853: BERNSTEIN, EDUARD; STENNING, H. J. - Cromwell & Communism: Socialism and Democracy in the Great English Revolution
028330: BERNSTEIN, ELEANOR (ED.) - Disciples at the Crossroads : Perspectives on Worship and Church Leadership
020822: BERNSTEIN, GEORGIO HENRICIO - Lexicon Syriacum, Chrestomathiae Kirschianae Denuo Editae
030599: BERREMAN, GERALD D. - Hindus of the Himalayas
061404: BERRY, CICELY - Text in Action: A Definitive Guide to Exploring Text in Rehearsal for Actors and Directors
059669: BERRY, R. J. - The Care of Creation
056891: C. LEO BERRY - A Plea for the Prayer of Oblation
052952: JO BOYDEN; JOANNA DE BERRY - Children and Youth on the Front Line: Ethnography, Armed Conflict and Displacement
16666: BERRY, R. J. - God's Book of Works: The Nature and Theology of Nature
038384: BERRY, FRANCIS - I Tell of Greenland: An Edited Translation of the Saudarkokur Manuscripts
032763: BERRY, SARA - Cocoa, Custom, and Socio-Economic Change in Rural Western Nigeria
029580: BERRY, DONALD K. - The Psalms and Their Readers : Interpretive Strategies for Psalm 18
070774: BERRY, JOHN W.; POORTINGA, YPE H.; SEGALL, MARSHALL H.; DASEN, PIERRE R. - Cross-Cultural Psychology: Research and Applications
019894: BERSELLI, CONSTANTE (ED.) - Hymns to Christ and a Concert of Miniatures
056797: EUGENE BERSIER - Liturgie a L'Usage Des Eglises Reformees
070159: TOMMASO BERTELE - L'Imperatore Alato Nella Numismatica Bizantina
069055: L. E. BERTIN - Observation de Roulis Et de Tangage Faites Avec L'Oscillographe Double à Bord de Divers Bâtiments; [with] Note Sur la Resistance Des Carenes Dans le Roulis Des Navires Et Sur Les Qualites Nautiques
068040: GIULIO BERTONI - Dizionario Di Marina Medievale E Moderno
056738: BERTOUCH, BARONESS DE [BEATRICE CAROLINE] - The Monk of Llanthony: The Life of Father Ignatius O.S. B.
068259: BERTRAM, JEROME - Lost Brasses
049008: BERTRAND, SIMONE - La Tapisserie de Bayeux Et la Maniere de Vivre Au Onzieme Siecle
021357: BERWICK, DENNISON - Savages : The Life and Killing of the Yanomami
069622: BESANÇON, ALAIN - La Confusion Des Langues: La Crise Idéologique de L'Eglise
069041: SIR WALTER BESANT - London in the Eighteenth Century
069040: SIR WALTER BESANT - London North of the Thames
054680: BESLEY, TINA; PETERS, MICHAEL A. - Subjectivity and Truth: Foucault, Education, and the Culture of Self
048377: [BESSANT, WALTER] - Twenty-One Years' Work in the Holy Land (a Record and a Summary) June 22, 1865-June 22, 1886
063812: [WALTER BESSANT] - Palestine Exploration Fund: Twenty-One Years' Work in the Holy Land
040320: BESSON - Frederick Francis Xavier de Merode, Minister and Almoner to Pius IX, Archbishop of Melitiensis, His Life and His Works
059647: BEST, RICHARD - A Commentary on the First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians
050263: ERNEST BEST - Paul and His Converts
039489: BEST, RICHARD - A Commentary on the First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians
038986: BEST, ERNEST - The Letter of Paul to the Romans
022954: BEST, ERNEST - 1 Peter
064759: ERNEST CRAWLEY; THEODORE BESTERMAN (ED.) - Oath, Curse and Blessing
070610: ERNEST CRAWLEY; THEODORE BESTERMAN (ED.) - Oath, Curse and Blessing
059562: BETHGE, EBERHARD - Bonhoeffer, Exile and Martyr
018157: BETHGE, EBERHARD - Dietrich Bonhoeffer : Theologian, Christian, Contemporary
050297: PETER FERRIDAY; JOHN BETJEMAN - Victorian Architecture
070380: BETJEMAN, JOHN - Ghastly Good Taste
019394: BETT, HENRY - The Hymns of Methodism in Their Literary Relations
039398: BETTENSON, HENRY - The Later Christian Fathers: A Selection from the Writings of the Fathers from St. Cyril of Jerusalem to St. Leo the Great
037841: BETTENSON, HENRY - The Later Christian Fathers: A Selection from the Writings of the Fathers from St. Cyril of Jerusalem to St. Leo the Great
035110: BETTENSON, HENRY - Documents of the Christian Church
070102: JOSEPH BETTEY (ED.) - Archives and Local History in Bristol and Gloucestershire: Essays in Honour of David Smith
041044: BETTEY, J.H. - Church and Community: Parish Church in English Life
040131: BETTEY, J. H. - Suppression of the Religious Houses in Bristol
017165: BETTEY, JOSEPH (ED.) - Historic Churches and Church Life in Bristol; Essays in Memory of Elizabeth Ralph 1911-2000
028660: BETTINI, SERGIO - Mosaici Di San Marco
020329: BETTIS, JOSEPH D. (ED.) - Phenomenology of Religion; Eight Modern Descriptions of the Essence of Religion
058939: BETTS, ROBERT BRENTON - Christians in the Arab East : A Political Study
047708: BETTS, R. R. - Essays in Czech History
045951: BETTS, ANNIE D. - The Diseases of Bees: Their Signs, Causes and Treatment
042839: BEUKEL, A. VAN DEN - More Things in Heaven and Earth: God and the Scientists
060806: BEUMER, JURJEN J. - Henri Nouwen: A Restless Seeking for God
060549: EDWYN BEVAN - Hellenism and Christianity
032715: BEVAN, EDWYN - Jerusalem Under the High-Priests: Five Lectures on the Period between Nehemiah and the New Testament
028798: SEWELL, BEVAN & LUCAS, SCOTT (EDS) - Challenging Us Foreign Policy : America and the World in the Long Twentieth Century
027399: BEVAN, LYNNE - Worshippers and Warriors: Reconstructing Gender and Gender Relations in the Prehistoric Rock Art of Naquane National Park, Valamonica, Brescia, Northern Italy
047660: BEWER, JULIUS A. - The Literature of the Old Testament
054717: THOMAS BEWICK (EDMUND BLUNDEN ED.) - Memoir of Thomas Bewick
049463: SALMA MARDAM BEY - Syria's Quest for Independence 1939-1945
064868: ESSAD-BEY - Stalin: The Career of a Fanatic
027963: BEYARAZA, ERNEST - Contemporary Relativism with Special Reference to Culture and Africa
042387: BEYER, KLAUS G. - Burgen in Sachsen Und Thuringen
067926: M. W. BEYERINCK - Beobachtungen Uber Die Ersten Entwicklungsphasen Eininger Cynipidengallen
020876: BEYERLIN, WALTER - Herkunft Und Geschichte Der Altesten Sinaitraditionen
055600: GUSTAVO BEYHAUT - Sud- Und Mittelamerika II Von Der Unabhangigkeit Bis Zur Krise Der Genenwart
059653: FFRENCH-BEYTAGH, GONVILLE - A Glimpse of Glory
028655: BEZA, MARCU - Byzantine Art in Roumania
050003: NARKISS, BEZALEL & STONE, MICHAEL (EDS) - Armenian Art Treasures of Jerusalem
064786: BHASKAR, ROY; ESBJÖRN-HARGENS, SEAN; HEDLUND, NICHOLAS; HARTWIG, MERVYN - Metatheory for the Twenty-First Century: Critical Realism and Integral Theory in Dialogue (Ontological Explorations (Routledge Critical Realism))
064416: JAN BIALOSTOCKI - The National Museum in Warsaw: Handbook of the Collections
029633: BIBLE - The Book of Books: The Story of the English Bible
033418: INSTITUT BIBLIQUE ET DE MISSION ORTHODOXE - De la Theologie Orthodoxe Roumaine Des Origines a Nos Jours
063235: BICKERMAN, E. J - Chronology of the Ancient World
035056: BICKERSTETH, M. CYRIL - Letters to a Godson, How to Read the Old Testament in the Light of the New
049325: W. B. BICKLEY & CARTER, WILLIAM FOWLER - Abstract of the Bailiff's Accounts of Monastic & Other Estates in the County of Warwick 1547
032755: BIDDISS, MICHAEL D (ED.) - Images of Race
069416: MARTIN BIDDLE - The Old Minster: Excavations Near Winchester Cathedral 1961-1969
033796: BIDDLE, MARTIN - King Arthur's Round Table : An Archaeological Investigation
023881: BIDDLE, MARTIN - The Tomb of Christ
019227: BIDLAKE, J. P. - Physical Geography for Children Adapted for the Use of Schools and Private Families.
053990: MARTIN BIDNEY - God the All-Imaginer: Wisdom of Sufi Master Ibn Arabi in 99 Modern Sonnets
053906: BIDNEY, MARTIN - A Unifying Light: Lyrical Responses to the Qur'an
051255: DAVID BIDNEY - The Concept of Freedom in Anthropology
067440: ALEXANDRE-BIDON, DANIELE; LETT, DIDIER - Children in the Middle Ages: Fifth-Fifteenth Centuries
021293: BIEBUSCH, WERNER, SCHWEBEL, KARL H. (ED.) - Revolution Und Staatsstreich; Veroffentlichungen Aus Dem Staatsarchiv Der Frein Hansestadt Bremen
16099: BIEMER, GUNTER - Newman on Tradition
067089: BIEN, CHRISTIAN G. - Erklaerungen Zur Entstehung Von Missbildungen IM Physiologischen Und Medizinischen Schrifttum Der Antike
048431: CRYSTAL-M. BENNETT; PIOTR BIENKOWSKI - Excavations at Tawilan in Southern Jordan
019870: BIENKOWSKI, PIOTR - Treasures from an Ancient Land: The Art of Jordan
048693: ROBERT BIERSTEDT - Emile Durkheim
063836: BIES, JEAN - Returning to the Essential: Selected Writings of Jean Bies
065795: ROWLAND BIFFEN - The Auricula
052400: FLORIAN MAZEL; JEAN-LOUIS BIGET - Féodalités : 888-1180 Histoire de France
067180: CHARLES BIGG - The Doctrine of the Twelve Apostles
057712: CHARLES BIGG - A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles of St. Peter and St. Jude
033007: BIGG, CHARLES - The Doctrine of the Twelve Apostles Translated Into English with Introduction and Notes
031871: BIGG, CHARLES - The Doctrine of the Twelve Apostles Translated Into English with Introduction and Notes
030761: BIGGER, STEPHEN (ED.) - Creating the Old Testament: The Emergence of the Hebrew Bible
028292: BIGGER, STEPHEN (ED.) - Creating the Old Testament: The Emergence of the Hebrew Bible
070106: BIGLAND, RALPH - Historical, Monumental, and Genealogical Collections Relative to the County of Gloucester Part 2 Daglingworth - Moreton Valence (Gloucestershire Record Series 3)
070113: BIGLAND, RALPH - Historical, Monumental and Genealogical Collections Relative to the County of Gloucester: Pt. 4
059075: BILBEY, DAVID - Church Stretton: A Shropshire Town and Its People
060972: HARPER-BILL, CHRISTOPHER - The Register of John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury 1486-1500: Volume III: Norwich Diocese Sede Vacante, 1499 (Canterbury & York Society) (Volume 89)
057577: HARPER-BILL, CHRISTOPHER - The Pre-Reformation Church in England 1400-1530
020762: BILLARD, JULES B. (EDITOR) - The World of the American Indian
068254: BILLETT, MICHAEL - English Thatched Churches
068300: BILLETT, MICHAEL - Thatching and Thatched Buildings
068318: BILLINGS, MALCOLM - Cross and the Crescent: History of the Crusades
017559: BILLINGTON, RAY - Living Philosophy: An Introduction to Moral Thought
058953: B. M. BILLON - The Early Eastern Tradition of the Papacy
043413: BILLSON, PETER - Churches in Nottinghamshire
024686: BINDING, WYN (ED.) - Poems '70
067182: T. HERBERT BINDLEY - The Epistle of the Gallican Churches Lugdunum and Vienna
022603: BINDLEY, T. H. - Early Forms of Service for Holy Communion
066698: S. T. BINDOFF - The History of Parliament: The House of Commons 1509-1558 (3 Vols Set)
067851: S. T. BINDOFF - The History of Parliament: The House of Commons 1509-1558 (3 Vols Set)
067996: BINGEN, HILDEGARDE DE - Opuscules Monastiques - Tome 1
061251: BINGHAM, JUNE - Courage to Change; an Introduction to the Life and Thought of Reinhold Niebuhr.
036421: BINGHAM, JUNE - Courage to Change, an Introduction to the Life and Thought of Reinhold Niebuhr
030379: BINGHAM, ROGER K. - The Church at Heversham: A History of Westmorland's Oldest Recorded Church
053084: MARCUS BINNEY - Save Britain's Heritage 1975 - 2005
049495: GAIL BINNEY-WINSLOW; EDWIN BINNEY - Homage to Amanda: Two Hundred Years of American Quilts
066064: BINNS, C.T. - Warrior People: Zulu Origins, Customs and Witchcraft
046507: BINNS, JOHN - An Introduction to the Christian Orthodox Churches
044966: JOHN S. PEART-BINNS - Wand of London
037003: PEART-BINNS, JOHN S. - Living with Paradox: John Habgood, Archbishop of York
035874: ELLIOTT-BINNS, L. E. - English Thought 1860-1900: The Theological Aspect
034713: PEART-BINNS, JOHN S. - Graham Leonard : Bishop of London
032799: PEART-BINNS, JOHN S. - Eric Treacy
029717: BINNS, L. ELLIOTT - The History of the Decline and Fall of the Medieval Papacy
018812: PEART-BINNS, JOHN STUART - Archbishop Joost de Blank: Scourge of Apartheid
063781: WIM M. J. VAN BINSBERGEN - Religious Change in Zambia: Exploratory Studies
035500: BINYON, T. J. - Murder Will out, the Detective in Fiction
035349: BINYON, GILBERT CLIVE - The Christian Socialist Movement in England, an Introduction to the Study of Its History
060449: BIOT, FRANCOIS - The Rise of Protestant Monasticism
045035: BIOT, FRANCOIS - The Rise of Protestant Monasticism
024580: BIOT, FRANCOIS - The Rise of Protestant Monasticism
057947: S. BIRCH (PREFACE) - Records of the Past: Being English Translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian Monuments Published Under the Sanction of the Society of Biblical Archaeology Vol. IV Egyptian Texts
057940: S. BIRCH (PREFACE) - Records of the Past: Being English Translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian Monuments Published Under the Sanction of the Society of Biblical Archaeology Vol. X Egyptian Texts
057939: S. BIRCH (PREFACE) - Records of the Past: Being English Translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian Monuments Published Under the Sanction of the Society of Biblical Archaeology Vol. VI Egyptian Texts
055651: W. DE GRAY BIRCH - Catalogue of a Collection of Original Manuscripts Formerly Belonging to the Holy Office of the Inquisition in the Canary Islands and Now in the Possession of the Marquess of Bute
036820: BIRCH, BRUCE C.; RASMUSSEN, LARRY L. - The Predicament of the Prosperous
036365: BIRCH, BRUCE C. - Let Justice Roll Down: The Old Testament, Ethics, and Christian Life
068287: BIRCH, WALTER DE GRAY - The History, Art and Palaeography of the Manuscript Styled the Utrecht Psalter
055082: LINUS BIRCHLER - Zur Karolingischen Architektur Und Malerei IM Munster-Mustair
055164: BIRD, VIVIAN - Staffordshire
043169: BIRD, A. B. - Groton Suffolk, a Short Illustrated Guide
065780: RUTH BIRD - The Turbulent London of Richard II
020595: BIRD, VIVIAN - Warwickshire
031073: BIRKBECK, [ROSE, KATHERINE] - Life and Letters of W.J. Birkbeck
063786: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS; GEORG KLAUS (HRSG.); ALEKSANDER BIRKENMAJER - Die Kreisbewegungen Der Weltkorper (de Revelutonibus Orbium Caelestium)
020031: BIRKHEAD, GEORGE (QUESTIER, M. C. ED.) - Newsletters from the Archpresbyterate of George Birkhead
023551: BIRKS, T. R. - The True Place of the Sacraments in the Christian System
030889: BIROT, MAURICE - Archives Royales de Mari IX Textes Administratifs de la Salle 5 Du Palais
046400: BIRRELL, T. A. - The History of English Persecution of Catholics and the Presbyterian Plot, Part II
046285: BIRRELL, T. A. - The History of English Persecution of Catholics and the Presbyterian Plot
065020: JACQUES BROUSSE; T. A. BIRRELL - The Lives of Ange de Joyeuse and Benet Canfield
023701: BIRRELL, T. A. - The History of English Persecution of Catholics and the Presbyterian Plot, Part II
023693: BIRRELL, T. A. - The History of English Persecution of Catholics and the Presbyterian Plot
041767: BISCHOFF, BERNHARD - Palaographie Des Romischen Altertums Und Des Abendlandischen Mittelalters
059444: GABRIEL BISE - The Hunting Book by Gaston Phoebus
070573: BISHOP, EDMUND - Liturgica Historica: Papers on the Liturgy and Religious Life of the Western Church
059343: EDMUND BISHOP - On the History of the Christian Altar
040264: BISHOP, EDMUND - Liturgica Historica: Papers on the Liturgy and Religious Life of the Western Church
034843: BISHOP, SELMA L. - Isaac Watts, Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707-1748, a Study in Early Eighteenth Century Language Changes
071186: BISHOP, IAN - Pearl in Its Setting: A Critical Study of the Structure and Meaning of the Middle English Poem
030872: BISHOP, BILLY - Cley Marsh and Its Birds: Fifty Years As Warden
050081: A WORKING PARTY OF THE HOUSE OF BISHOPS - Some Issues in Human Sexuality: A Guide to the Debate
067981: EDWIN CONE BISSELL - Genesis Printed in Colors: Showing the Original Sources from Which It Is Supposed to Have Been Compiled
021939: BIZIMANA, NSEKUYE - Mussen Die Afrikaner Den Weissen Alles Nachmachen
052454: RICHARD BJORNSON - The African Quest for Freedom and Identity: Cameroonian Writing and the National Experience
056570: BJURSTROM, PER - Art of Drawing in France: French Master Drawings, 1600-1900
062287: BLACK, MATTHEW - The Scrolls and Christian Origins: Studies in the Jewish Background of the New Testament (Brown Judaic Studies 48)
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