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106210: CLAPHAM A.C. - Flora of Derbyshire
172709: McKERCHER Brian J.C. - Transition of Power Britain's Loss of Global Pre-Eminence to the United States 1930-1945
136528: MULLINS Lisa C. - The Early Architecture of the South Volume 2 the Architectural Treasures of Early America
178761: MASTERMAN J.C. - The Double-Cross System in the War of 1939 to 1945
180024: THORNTON Christopher C., EIDEN Herbert - The Victoria History of the County of Essex Volume XII St Osyth to the Naze North-East Essex Coastal Parishes Part 2: The Soken Kirby-le-Soken Thorpe-le-Soken and Walton-le-Soken
147880: HUTCHINSON R. C. - Testament
176398: PIERI Caecilia - Bagdad la Construction D'Une Capitale Moderne (1914-1960)
158190: CAILLOT Antoine Caillot - Le Voltaire de la Jeunesse Ou Choix Des Morceaux Les Plus Propres a Former le Coeur Et a Orner L'Esprit Tires Des Ecrits de Cet Auteur Celebre
177613: KILLIAN Caitlin - Failing Moms Social Condemnation and Criminalization of Mothers
179403: SMITH Caleb - Thoreau's Axe Distraction and Discipline in American Culture
151135: WINK Callan - August
162519: TOMKINS Calvin - Duchamp a Biography
171574: LAYE Camara, HUTCHINSON J. - Laye L'Enfant Noir
171092: BRUCE Camilla - The Witch in the Well
148075: CAVENDISH Camilla - Extra Time 10 Lessons for an Ageing World
171743: COROT Jean-Baptiste-Camille,THOMSON D. Croal - The Landscapes of Corot 1796-1875
182769: SAINT-SAENS Camille, FAURE Gabriel, NECTOUX,Jean-Michel [Editor], JONES J. Barrie [Translator] - The Correspondence of Camille Saint-Saens and Gabriel Faure Sixty Years of Friendship
167851: DEJARDIN Camille - John Stuart MILL Liberal Utopique Actualité D'Une Pensée Visionnaire
178155: REESMAN Jeanne Campbell - Jack London's Racial Lives a Critical Biography
182484: STUART Sir Campbell - Opportunity Knocks Once
135375: BUTLER Jean Campbell - Danger Shark!
136218: KANTARCI N. Can - Yûzyillik Ask Türkiye'de Sinema Ve Seyirci Iliskisi One Hundred Years of Love the Affair between Film and Audience in Turkey
173554: McWILLIAM Candia - Debatable Land
183630: MOSS Candida - God's Ghostwriters Enslaved Christians and the Making of the Bible
111019: MARRYAT Captain - Percival Keene
165903: GRECH Prosper Cardinal - What Was from the Beginning the Emergence of Orthodoxy in Early Christianity
177095: BIRKBY Carel - It's a Long Way to Addis
159424: BLOTKAMP Carel, KOOPMANS Ype - Magie En Zakelijkheid Realistische Schilderkunst in Nederland 1925-1945
170709: PETERS Carl - The Eldorado of the Ancients
175451: DAHLMAN Carl - The Open Field System and Beyond a Property Rights Analysis of an Economic Institution
169329: JOUBERT Carl - Russia As It Really Is
169355: JOUBERT Carl - The Truth About the Tsar and the Present State of Russia
164698: DAHLHAUS Carl - Ludwig Van Beethoven Approaches to His Music
120987: DAWSON Carl - Matthew Arnold the Poetry the Critical Heritage
183567: MUNOZ Carl - A Fool's Journey to the Beach Boys and Beyond
155153: IPSEN Carl - Fumo Italy's Love Affair with the Cigarette
134413: DANTE Carla, FERZOCO George, GILL Miriam, SPUNTA Marina - Proteus the Language of Metamorphosis (Studies in European Cultural Transmission)
168377: BAUER Carlene - Girls They Write Songs About
159128: BATLLE I JORDÀ Carles, BRAVO Isidre, COCA Jordi - Adria Gual Mitja Vida de Modernisme
174568: BROWN Carleton - Religious Lyrics of the Xivth Century
169207: TUFNELL Edward Carleton - British Labour Struggles Character Objects and Effects of Trades' Unions 1834
164473: COETZEE Carli - Written Under the Skin Blood and Intergenerational Memory in South Africa
150380: MENOTTI Gian-Carlo, DUVOISIN Roger - Amahl and the Night Visitors
156781: D'ESTE Carlo - Warlord a Life of Winston Churchill at War 1874-1945
164547: GEBLER Carlo - August in July
77957: CRESTI Carlo - Orientalismi Nelle Architetture D'Occidente
165233: CABALLERO Carlo - Faure and French Musical Aesthetics (Music in the Twentieth Century Series 13)
183563: BAKER Carlos - Ernest Hemingway a Life Story
164383: LOWENBERG Carlton - Musicians Wrestle Everywhere Emily Dickinson and Music
178502: CARLYLE Thomas, CARLYLE Jane Welsh,SANDERS Charles, FIELDING Kenneth, RYALS Clyde, et al [Editors] - The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle Duke-Edinburgh Edition in 19 Volumes
161867: GROSS Carmela - Um Azul Um Amarelo Dois Vermelhos
139835: LISON-TOLOSANA Carmelo - Belmonte de Los Caballeros a Sociological Study of a Spanish Town
177277: POPESCU Carmen - (Dis)Continuitati Fragmente de Modernitate Romaneasca in Prima Jumatate a Secolului Al 20-Lea
142782: LAFORET Carmen - Nada
158824: GALLO Carmenza - Taxes and State Power Political Instability in Bolivia 1900-1950
148846: STOPES Marie Carmichael - Wartime Harvest
179700: LINO Maria do Carmo - Raul Lino Natureza E Tradição Nas Artes Decorativas
70704: CLEWLOW Carol - Keeping the Faith a Novel
182674: WAX Carol - The Mezzotint History and Technique
171289: KIDWELL Carol - Sannazaro and Arcadia
50601: TWITCHETT Carol, TWTCHETT Kenneth - Building Europe
157658: BIRCH Carol - Cold Boy's Wood
115242: MICHAELSON Carol - Gilded Dragons Buried Treasures from China's Golden Ages
104407: BECKWITH Carol, FISHER Angela - African Ark Peoples of the Horn
165221: ARMSTRONG Carol - A Degas Sketchbook
179323: OMAN Carola - Sir John Moore
180421: OMAN Carola - Napoleon's Viceroy Eugene de Beauharnais
172681: FINK Carole - The Genoa Conference European Diplomacy 1921-1922
157183: McENTEE-TAYLOR Carole - Herbert Columbine VC
165349: KLEIN Carole - Doris Lessing
172682: FINK Carole, FROHN Axel, HEIDEKING Jurgen - Genoa Rapallo and European Reconstruction in 1922
161169: MOOREHEAD Caroline - Dancing to the Precipice Lucie de la Tour Du Pin and the French Revolution
181856: MOOREHEAD Caroline - Dancing to the Precipice Lucie de la Tour Du Pin and the French Revolution
143172: EHRHARDT Caroline - Evariste Galois la Fabrication D'Une ICône Mathématique
162032: CAMPBELL Caroline - Temptation in Eden Lucas Cranach's 'Adam & Eve'
182109: WEBER Caroline - Queen of Fashion What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution
118573: BINGHAM Caroline - The History of Royal Holloway College 1880-1986
182156: BINGHAM Caroline - James V King of Scots
183233: ALEXANDER Caroline - The Bounty the True Story of the Mutiny on the Bounty
165171: WEBER Caroline - Terror and Its Discontents Suspect Words in Revolutionary France
171953: KENNEDY-PIPE Caroline - Stalin's Cold War Soviet Strategies in Europe 1943 to 1956
157590: JORDAN Caroline - Picturesque Pursuits Colonial Women Artists and the Amateur Tradition
180405: FRASER Caroline - Prairie Fires the American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder
164998: CHRISTOV-BAKARGIEV Carolyn, LEITH MAC GIOLLA Caoimhin - Willie Doherty False Memory
179757: BURKE Carolyn - Lee Miller
171136: HAYS Carolyn - A Girlhood a Letter to My Transgender Daughter
179335: DEVER Carolyn - One Soul We Divided a Critical Edition of the Diary of Michael Field
177980: ABRAHAM Carolyn - Possessing Genius the Bizarre Odyssey of Einstein's Brain
146402: JENKINS Carrie, NAPPI Carla - Uninvited Talking Back to Plato
183401: SELLAR Walter Carruthers, YEATMAN Robert Julian - 1066 and All That a Memorable History of England
174482: WILSON Chris Carse - Fray
161583: THOMPSON George Carslake - Public Opinion and Lord Beaconsfield 1875-1880 in Two Volumes
151667: JONES Carwyn, GIBBARD Alun - Not Just Politics
111245: PHILLIPS Caryl - Crossing the River
32757: PHILLIPS Caryl - The Nature of Blood
48814: BRAHMS Caryl - Gilbert and Sullivan Lost Chords and Discords
154732: BRAY Carys - When the Lights Go out
156902: KAYSER Casey - Marginalized Southern Women Playwrights Confront Race Region and Gender
154532: FORD Casey, McCULLAGH Suzanne M., HOULE Karen L.F. - Minor Ethics Deleuzian Variations
172199: WEINBERGER Caspar - Fighting for Peace Seven Critical Years at the Pentagon
172900: DE OLIVEIRA Cassio - Writing Rogues the Soviet Picaresque and Identity Formation 1921-1938
70110: KINNVALL Catarina, JONSSON Kristina - Globalization and Democratization in Asia the Construction of Identity
182442: CARDONA Caterina, VILLA Giovanni Carlo Federico - Antonello Da Messina
164208: LAMPERT Catherine, DUMAS Ann - Daumier Visions of Paris
177658: OSBORNE Catherine - Rethinking Early Greek Philosophy Hippolytus of Rome and the Presocratics
163631: AIRD Catherine, AMBLER Eric, BRETT Simon, DEIGHTON Len, FRASER Antonia, GILBERT Michael, HILL Reginald, JAMES P.D., KEATING H.R.F., LOVESEY Peter, RENDELL Ruth, SIMS George ,UNDERWOOD Michael - The Man Who... Stories by Detection Club Authors
148839: PHILLIPS Catherine and ors - Treasures of Catherine the Great
183275: FRANK Catherine - Emily Bronte a Chainless Soul
179844: WILSON Catherine - Moral Animals Ideals and Constraints in Moral Theory
157361: DAVIES Catherine, BREWSTER Claire, OWEN Hilary - South American Independence Gender Politicstext
147155: BROMLEY Catherine, CURTICE John, HINDS Kerstin, PARK Alison - Devolution Scottish Answers to Scottish Questions
153524: MILLET Catherine - Dali and Me
158730: RADZIWILL Princess Catherine - Nicholas II the Last of the Tsars
183033: HANLEY Catherine - Two Houses Two Kingdoms a History of France and England 1100-1300
179439: TAN Catherine - Spaces on the Spectrum How Autism Movements Resist Experts and Create Knowledge
140126: SCALES Catherine - Gay Company
173036: BAILEY Catherine - The Secret Rooms a True Gothic Mystery
154505: BARBOUR Catherine - Contemporary Galician Women Writers (Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures)
86154: CLINTON Catherine - Public Women and the Confederacy Frank L. Klement Lectures No 8
183928: LAMPERT Catherine - Lucian Freud Recent Work
148323: CHALMERS Catherine, GRICE Gordon - Foodchain Encounters between Mates, Predators, and Prey
183612: HANLEY Catherine - 1217 the Battles That Saved England
156225: MEDWICK Cathleen - Teresa of Avila the Progress of a Soul
166821: THOMAS Cathy - Islanders
176728: MACLEOD Catriona, SHEPARD Alexandra, AGREN Maria - The Whole Economy Work and Gender in Early Modern Europe
176694: WARD Catriona - Looking Glass Sound
165683: LIVINGSTONE Catriona - Virginia Woolf Science Radio and Identity
91029: CATULLUS, LYNE R.O.A. - Selections from Catullus
151453: LYTTON Edward Bulwer [Pisistratus Caxton] - My Novel or Varieties in English Life in Two Volumes
147758: ILLINGWORTH Cayley - A Topographical Account of the Parish of Scampton in the County of Lincoln and of the Roman Antiquities Lately Discovered There Together with Anecdotes of the Family of Bolle
169496: ALDIN Cecil, DU GENESTOUX Magdeleine - Joyeux Amis Maitre Coin-Coin
138505: ALDIN Cecil, HASSALL John - The Happy Annual
131447: ROBERTS Cecil - And So to America
180196: HUMPHREY-SMITH Cecil - Anglo-Norman Armory the Constance Egan Lecture Incorporating an Edition of Herald's Roll from Fitzwilliam Museum Ms 297 [&] Anglo-Norman Armory Two an Ordinary of Thirteenth Century Armorials
166719: ROBERTS Cecil - Victoria Four-Thirty
109082: TURNER J.W. Cecil - Kenny's Outlines of Criminal Law
167008: HAMPSHIRE A. Cecil - The Blockaders
178762: LEWIS Cecil - Sagittarius Rising
40803: WALL Cecil - The London Apothecaries Their Societies and Their Hall
163064: LUBELL Cecil - Textile Collections of the World Volume 1 United States and Canada, Volume 2 United Kingdom and Ireland, Volume 3 France
169577: ALDIN Cecil - The Romance of the Road
163490: WALSH Cecil - Indian Village Crimes
145863: MUSIALSKI Cécile, ALTMANN Matthias, LECHTENBÖHMER Stefan, ZITTEL Werner - Shale Gas in Europe a Multidisciplinary Analysis with a Focus on European Specificities European Energy Studies
177509: ALEMANI Cecilia - Paula Rego Letting Loose
141715: DE JONG Cees, PURVIS Alston W., LE COULTRE Martijn F. - Wendingen 1918-1932
181880: SISAM Celia, SISAM Kenneth [Editors] - The Salisbury Psalter Edited from Salisbury Cathedral Ms 150 (Early English Text Society 242)
183059: PAUL Celia - Self-Portrait
153655: DOVEY Ceridwen - Life After Truth
148605: SAERCHINGER Cesar - Artur Schnabel a Biography
113538: SAERCHINGER Cesar - Artur Schnabel
79217: LAVAGETTO Paola Ceschi - IL Seicento a Reggio la Storia la Città Gli Artisti
114383: CH'EN Ta-Tuan, LINK Perry, TAI Yih-Jian, TANG Hai-Tao - Chinese Primer Lessons
86034: BAILLEUL J. Ch - Réponse de L.N. M. Carnot Citoyen Français L'Un Des Fondateurs de la République Et Membre Constitutionel Du Directoire éXécutif Au Rapport Fait Sur la Conjuration Du 18 Fructidor Au Conseil Des Cinq Cents
174857: NABHAN Chadi - Toxic Exposure the True Story Behind the Monsanto Trials and the Search for Justice
182297: CHADWICK Nora K., JACKSON Kenneth, HUNTER BLAIR Peter, et al. - Celt and Saxon Studies in the Early British Border
183110: RAPHAEL Chaim - The Jewish Manual or Practical Information in Jewish and Modern Cookery Facsimile of the First Jewish Cookbook in English Published in 1846
103404: HERZOG Chaim - Living History a Memoir
60970: WELLS Chales - Historic Bristol
138364: COKER William Chambers, COUCH John Nathaniel - The Gasteromycetes of the Eastern United States and Canada with a Supplementary Article the Gasteromycetes of Ohio
123979: PASQUIER Chancellor, D'AUDIFFRET-PASQUIER, Duc de [Editor], ROCHE Charles E. [Translator] - A History of My Time Memoirs of Chancellor Pasquier Volume II
163413: GHOSH Suresh Chandra - The British in Bengal a Study of the British Society and Life in the Late Eighteenth Century
135402: HSIN-HAI Chang - The Fabulous Concubine
181359: CHANNON, H.J. - History of Queen's College Taunton
169079: SEVIGNE Marie de Rabutin-Chantal - Lettres de Madame de Sevigne a Sa Fille Et a Ses Amis Nouvelle Edition in Twelve Volumes
153591: MAJDALANI Charif - Beirut 2020 the Collapse of a Civilization a Journal
182623: BREMER-DAVID Charissa - Woven Gold Tapestries of Louis XIV
182449: BREMER-DAVID Charissa - Paris Life and Luxury in the Eighteenth Century
158358: McADAMS Charity - Poe and the Idea of Music Failure Transcendence and Dark Romanticism
153186: SCOTT-DRAKE Charity, LUMB Alan - Sir Francis Henry Drake 1723-1794 Letters from the Country Letters from the City
182929: ASKINS Charles - Wing and Trap Shooting
148577: MAROWITZ Charles - The Sounds of Music Early Recording Artists
172447: DARWIN Charles, DE BEER Sir Gavin - Darwin's Notebooks on Transmutation of Species Volume 2 Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
64858: DURNFORD Charles, EAST Edward Hyde - Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench Vol V from Michaelmas Term 33d George III to Trinity Term 34th George III
105803: MORGAN Charles - Epitaph on George Moore
174223: FRAZIER Charles - Cold Mountain
169525: STANISH Charles - Ancient Titicaca the Evolution of Complex Society in Southern Peru and Northern Bolivia
178171: DARWIN Charles - Darwin on Humus and the Earthworms the Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms with Observations on Their Habits
145668: SIMPSON Charles - Trencher and Kennel Some Famous Yorkshire Packs Including the Bramham the York and Ainsty Lord Middleton's Hunt the Sinnington the Bilsdale & the Farndale
178495: DARWIN Charles, BARRETT Paul H., FREEMAN R.B. [Editors] - The Works of Charles Darwin 29 Volumes [Complete]
146823: TRACY Charles - Continental Church Furniture in England a Traffic in Piety
162862: FOX-DAVIES Arthur Charles - Armorial Families a Directory of Some Gentlemen of Coat-Armour Showing Which Arms in Use at the Moment Are Borne by Legal Authority
53005: GRANT Charles, VALASEK Tomas - Preparing for the Multipolar World European Foreign and Security Policy in 2020
181039: KORR Charles - West Ham United the Making of a Football Club
181243: JONES Charles - An Introduction to Middle English
151465: BEAUCLERK Charles - Nell Gwyn a Biography
139363: ALLEN Charles - The Buddha and Dr Fuhrer an Archaeological Scandal
103192: SAROLEA Charles - The Curse of the Hohenzollern
170847: HOLTZAPFFEL Charles - Turning and Mechanical Manipulation Volume 1 Materials, Volume 2 the Principles of Cutting Tools, Volume 3 Abrasive and Miscellaneous Processes
127543: LAMB Charles - The Essays of Elia
181098: BUKOWSKI Charles, CALONNE David Stephen - Portions from a Wine-Stained Notebook Uncollected Stories and Essays 1944-1990
178463: DARWIN Charles - The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication in Two Volumes
120113: LAMB Charles - Last Essays of Elia
150294: ROLLIN Charles - Histoire Romaine Depuis la Fondation de Rome Jusqu'a la Bataille D'Actium Nouvelle Edition
125647: MARTINDALE Charles - John Milton and the Transformation of Ancient Epic
177716: MOORMAN Charles - Editing the Middle English Manuscript
141093: AVERY Charles - Finger Prints of the Artist European Terra-Cotta Sculpture from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections
91723: WHITING Charles - Bounce the Rhine Spellmount Siegfried Line
138048: ROLLIN Charles - De la Maniere D'Enseigner Et D'étudier Les Belles-Lettres Par Rapport à L'Esprit & Au Coeur
157230: WHITING Charles - Papa Goes to War Ernest Hemingway in Europe 1944-45
124749: DOYLE Charles - William Carlos Williams the Critical Heritage
95678: DICKENS Charles - Nicholas Nickleby
142680: HERBERT Charles - Roster College
183508: BENTINCK Lord Charles - Lord Henry Bentinck's Foxhounds
122091: REARICK Charles - The French in Love and War Popular Culture in France 1914-1945
141611: MILLER Charles - Khyber British India's North West Frontier: The Story of an Imperial Migraine
175846: PETRIE Charles - The Triumph of Evil Genocide in Rwanda and the Fight for Justice
176866: DARWIN Charles - The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex
102807: NEWTON-ROBINSON Charles - Moods and Metres New Lyric Poems
173545: WEBSTER Sir Charles - The Foreign Policy of Castlereagh 1812-1822 Volume One 1812-1815 Britain and the Reconstruction of Europe [&] Volume Two 1815-1822 Britain and the European Alliance
43746: KINGLSEY Charles - Hypatia or New Foes with an Old Face
50649: GRANT Charles - Eu 2010 an Optimistic Vision of the Future
108786: WILCOCKS Charles - Health and Disease in the Tropics
182221: MOSLEY Charles - Burke's Peerage and Baronetage Volume I [&] Volume II
147825: DANTZIG Charles - Remy de Gourmont Cher Vieux Daim!
147826: DANTZIG Charles - Pourquoi Lire
178921: DARWIN Charles, BURKHARDT Frederick, SMITH Sydney [Editors] - The Correspondence of Charles Darwin Volumes 1-11 [&] 14
172947: GATI Charles - The Bloc That Failed Soviet East European Relations in Transition
179781: DICKENS Charles, GREEN Charles [Illustrator] - Great Expectations
167339: SINGER Charles - Galen on Anatomical Procedures de Anatomicis Administrationibus Translation of the Surviving Books with Introduction and Notes
160329: CAPPER Charles - Margaret Fuller an American Romantic Life the Private Years
169876: DICKENS Charles - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club (Lombard Street Edition)
183778: MANSON Charles - The Second Karmapa Karma Pakshi Tibetan Mahasiddha (Lives of the Masters)
169867: MORDAUNT Sir Charles, VERNEY W.R. - Annals of the Warwickshire Hunt 1795-1895 from Authentic Documents Volume I [&] Volume II
128273: O'NEIL Charles - The Military Adventures of Charles O'Neil
158449: CAPPER Charles, GIORCELLI Cristina - Margaret Fuller Transatlantic Crossings in a Revolutionary Age
173486: GILBERT Charles - American Financing of World War I (Contributions in Economics and Economic History Number 1)
165382: RYCROFT Charles - Imagination and Reality
148772: DICKENS Charles, BROWNE H.K. - Little Dorrit
158428: BEARE Charles, CARLSON Bruce - Antonio Stradivari the Cremona Exhibition of 1987
178504: DARWIN Charles, BARRETT P.H., GAUTREY P.J., HERBERT S., KOHN D., SMITH S. [Editors] - Charles Darwin's Notebooks 1836-1844 Geology Transmutation of Species Metaphysical Enquiries
121045: WALL J. Charles - Alfred the Great His Abbeys of Hyde Athelney and Shaftesbury
176542: FREGER Charles - Yokainoshima Island of Monsters Japanese Folk Rituals
134951: DE SOUZA Count Charles, MacFALL Major Haldane - Germany in Defeat a Strategic History of the War First Phase
166272: DICKENS Charles - Works 12 Volumes Pickwick Papers Oliver Twist Great Expectations Nicholas Nickleby Barnaby Rudge & Hard Times Martin Chuzzlewit Dombey & Son Bleak House Our Mutual Friend Uncommercial Traveller Pictures from Italy
166976: KINGSLEY Charles, SAMBOURNE Linley - The Water-Babies a Fairy Tale for a Land-Baby
175747: ALLEN Charles - Duel in the Snows the True Story of the Younghusband Mission to Lhasa
145633: MACLEAN Charles - The Silence
168105: CHENEVIX TRENCH Charles - Viceroy's Agent
67219: KINGSLEY Charles - Charles Kingsley His Letters and Memories of His Life in Two Volumes
70378: MORGAN Charles - The Empty Room
178494: HOLME Charles - The Gardens of England in the Southern & Western Counties
166291: JENNEY Charles, SCUDDER Rogers V., BAADE Eric C. - Second Year Latin
160403: DIDIER Charles - Sojourn with the Grand Sharif of Makkah
168199: ROLLIN Charles - A History of the Arts and Sciences of the Antients Under the Following Heads the Art Military... Vol XI Part II
175867: ELIOT Charles - Japanese Buddhism
181798: DICKENS Charles - The Oxford Illustrated Dickens 19 Volumes
159822: DICKENS Charles - A Tale of Two Cities
182194: KIDD Charles, SHAW Christine - Debrett's Peerage & Baronetage 2011
155139: HALIDAY Charles - The Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin
150257: SHAKESPEARE William, COWDEN CLARKE Charles and Mary - The Works of William Shakespeare Edited with a Scrupulous Revision of the Text
171495: RANDOLPH Mrs Charles - A Chaplet of Pearls Rhymes & Fragments Ancient & Modern Verse Illustrated and Lithographed
178503: DARWIN Charles, GREGORIO Mario A., GILL N.W. [Editors] - Charles Darwin's Marginalia Volume I.
174096: RICHARDSON General Sir Charles - Flashback a Soldier's Story
99502: LEVER Charles - The Widow Malone
149059: GUTHRIE Charles, QUINLAN Michael - Just War the Just War Tradition Ethics in Modern Warfare
176415: GLASS Charles - Tribes with Flags a Journey Curtailed
127980: MAROWITZ Charles - Confessions of a Counterfeit Critic a London Theatre Notebook 1958 - 1971
117980: KINGSLEY Charles - Charles Kingsley His Letters and Memories of His Life in Two Volumes
179796: LAMB Charles, LAMB Mary Anne, MARRIS Edwin W. [Editor] - The Letters of Charles and Mary Anne Lamb Volume I 1796-1801, Volume II 1801-1809, Volume III 1809-1817
150277: JENNER Charles - Placid Man or Memoirs of Sir Charles Beville in Two Volumes
165408: RYCROFT Charles - Anxiety and Neurosis
170982: NOON Charles - Parson Jack Russell the Hunting Legend 1795-1883
183743: FOSTER Charles - A Little Brown Sea
178075: MOORE Charles - Margaret Thatcher the Authorized Biography Volume One Not for Turning
176929: BROWNLOW Field-Marshal Sir Charles - Stray Notes on Military Training and Khaki Warfare
182167: FORD Charles - Making Musical Instruments Strings and Keyboards
178204: DARWIN Charles, BARRETT Paul H. [Editor] - The Collected Papers of Charles Darwin Volume One [&] Volume Two
159301: BENSON Charles - The Dublin Book Trade 1801-1850
64857: DURNFORD Charles, EAST Edward Hyde - Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench Vol VIII from Michaelmas Term 39 George III 1798 to Trinity Term 40 George III 1800
178622: DARWIN Charles - The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life First Reprint of the 1859 Edition.
90552: CONNELL Charles - Catt Among the Pidgeons
84323: SIMPSON Charles - The Harboro' Country
175923: BURNETT Charles - The Introduction of Arabic Learning Into England the Panizzi Lectures 1996
70179: MORGAN Charles - The Voyage
182482: VINEY Charles - London Doors
182758: MOSELEY Charles - Etheldreda's World Princess Abbess Saint
108448: WHYMPER Charles - Egyptian Birds for the Most Part Seen in the Nile Valley
148011: KINGSLEY Charles - Hereward the Wake Last of the English
183433: ST JOHN Charles, ARMOUR G. Denholm [Illustrator] - Wild Sports & Natural History of the Highlands
167846: RENOUVIER Charles - Philosophie Critique de la République
178162: DARWIN Charles, MOULINE J.-J. [Translator] - L'Origine Des Especes Au Moyen de la Sélection Naturelle Ou la Lutte Pour L'Existence Dans la Nature
163041: LEVER Charles - Charles O'Malley the Irish Dragoon in Two Volumes
163052: KNIGHT Charles - Half-Hours with the Best Authors Including Biographical and Critical Notices in 4 Volumes
161607: ARTHUR Charles - Social Warming the Dangerous and Polarising Effects of Social Media
164788: FREDERICK Sir Charles - Fox-Hunting Lonsdale Library Volume VII
149171: KINGSLEY Charles, COX Charles, COX E.A. - Westward Ho! or the Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh Knight of Burrough in the County of Devon. .
178746: DICKENS Charles, ROWLAND Peter - My Early Times
167604: SPICER Charles - Coffee with Hitler the British Amateurs Who Tried to Civilise the Nazis
150230: DORIS Charles - Memoires Secrets Sur Napoleon Buonaparte Ecrits Par Un Homme Qui Ne L'a Pas Quitté Depuis Quinze Ans
174965: GLASS Charles - Americans in Paris Life and Death Under Nazi Occupation 1940-44
145180: DANTZIG Charles - Dictionnaire Egoiste de la Litterature Francaise
167852: DANTZIG Charles - Proust Océan Essai
153510: WILSON Charles - Holland and Britain (the Nations and Britain)
169639: SIMPSON Charles - Leicestershire and Its Hunts the Quorn the Cottesmore and the Belvoir
137703: GAVARD Charles - Galeries Historiques de Versailles Publiées Par Ordre Du Roi Et Dédiées à S.M. La Reine Des Français Galerie Napoléon Aile Du Midi Rez-de-Chaussée Peinture
166427: CHARLESWORTH Michael, et al. - Churches in Retirement a Gazetteer
145266: LOUTH Charlie, McGUINNESS Patrick - Gravity and Grace Essays for Roger Pearson
183031: GILLETT Charlie - The Sound of the City the Rise of Rock and Roll
151654: HAILEY Charlie - The Porch Meditations on the Edge of Nature
156907: TROTTER Charlie - Charlie Trotter Cooks at Home
138843: HUMAN Charlie - Apocalypse Now Now
171187: RIVERS Charlotte - Dvd Art Innovation in Dvd Packaging Design
183794: GERE Charlotte - Victorian Jewellery Design
179269: BRONTE Charlotte, Anne & Emily, GASKELL E.C., SCOTT Temple [Editor] - The Novels of the Sisters Bronte Thornton Edition 12 Volumes Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Villette, Shirley, Agnes Grey, Wildfell Hall, the Professor, the Life of Charlotte Bronte
167788: NORTHEDGE Charlotte - The People Before
183036: HIGGINS Charlotte - Greek Myths a New Retelling
149514: BRONTE Charlotte, BRONTE Emily, BRONTE Anne - The Life and Works of Charlotte Bronte and Her Sisters Haworth Edition on Thin Paper 6 Volumes Jane Eyre, Shirley, Villette, the Professor & Poems, Wuthering Heights & Agnes Grey, the Tenant of Wildfell Hall
181075: FIELL Charlotte, FIELL Peter - William Morris 1834-1896
182734: VAN REGENMORTEL Charlotte - Soldiers Wages and the Hellenistic Economies
171210: VAN DEN BROECK Charlotte - Bold Ventures Thirteen Tales of Architectural Tragedy
182452: BRONTE Charlotte, BRONTE Emily, BRONTE Anne - The Complete Novels Jane Eyre the Professor Villette Shirley Agnes Grey the Tenant of Wildfell Hall Wuthering Heights
172125: BOOTH Charlotte - Horemheb the Forgotten Pharaoh
179671: RIBEYROL Charlotte, GHIGO Tea - William Burges' Great Bookcase and the Victorian Colour Revolution
179704: VIGNON Charlotte, BAULEZ Christian - Pierre Gouthiere Gilder Virtuoso Gilder at the French Court
181709: SOLOMON Charmain, HARRIS Nina - The Complete Asian Cookbook
142963: EDWARDS Charman - Rain Brother
142962: EDWARDS Charman - Terror Ship
166183: BOWYER Chaz - Albert Ball V.C.
78584: LIANQING Chen, YAN Fong Yuk - Flooding the Forbidden City Paintings by Chen Lianqing
166734: COWDY Cheryl - Canadian Suburban Reimagining Space and Place in Postwar English Canadian Fiction
180510: JORDAN William Chester - The Apple of His Eye Converts from Islam in the Reign of Louis IX (Jews Christians and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modern World Book 4)
179688: VAN DUZER Chet - The World for a King Pierre Desceliers' World Map of 1550
183039: HSIA R. Po-Chia, LEHMANN Hartmut - In and out of the Ghetto Jewish-Gentile Relations in Late Medieval and Early Modern Germany
143496: LIN Chia-Chia - The Unpassing
169494: YEE Chiang - Yebbin a Guest from the Wild
182575: THUMIGER Chiara - A History of the Mind and Mental Health in Classical Greek Medical Thought
182719: BOZZONE Chiara - Homer's Living Language Formularity Dialect and Creativity in Oral-Traditional Poetry
154901: MIEVILLE China - The Census-Taker
36672: Tchen Yu-Chiou - Portraying Taiwan the Beautiful
180242: COLWELL Chip - Stuff Humanity's Epic Journey from Naked Ape to Nonstop Shopper
167653: HOOPER Chloe - Bedtime Story
171156: LEE David Choong - God Made Dirt and Dirt Don't Hurt Volume 1
142639: BLENCOWE Chris, LEVINE Judith - Moholy's Edit the Avant-Garde at Sea August 1933
171118: EVANS Chris - How to Win the World Cup Secrets and Insights from International Football's Top Managers
183813: COCKS Chris - Survival Course
180248: ELCOCK Chris - Psychedelic New York a History of Lsd in the City
141671: GEARY Chris - International Aces First World War Series 4 Volumes
180334: GIVEN-WILSON Chris - The Royal Household and the King's Affinity Service Politics and Finance in England 1360-1413
179772: PALLANT Chris - Beyond Bagpuss a History of Smallfilms Animation Studio
141529: DARNELL Chris - The Return
173959: STEPHENS Chris - Barbara Hepworth Centenary
157719: LIDDELL-WESTEFELD Chris - They Said This Day Would Never Come the Magic of Obama's Improbable Campaign
181070: BECKETT Chris - Tomorrow
180260: KAPOSY Chris - The Beautiful Unwanted Down Syndrome in Myth Memoir and Bioethics
179365: IMPEY Chris - Worlds without End Exoplanets Habitability and the Future of Humanity
170163: SOUTHCOTT Chris, ABELE Frances, NATCHER David, PARLEE Brenda - Extractive Industry and the Sustainability of Canada's Arctic Communities
173406: RYAN Chris - Cold Red
178443: CRADOCK Chris - Cradock on Shotguns
171728: WRIGLEY Chris - A.J. P. Taylor a Complete Annotated Bibliography and Guide to His Historical and Other Writings
117136: ACHILLEOS Chris, SUCKLING Nigel - Medusa
176962: GIVEN-WILSON Chris - Henry IV Yale English Monarchs
173540: COOK Chris, KIRK Tim - Sources in European Political History Volume Two Diplomacy and International Affairs
121318: AGEE Chris - Irish Pages a Journal of Contemporary Writing 13 Volumes Volume I Numbers 1 and 2, Volume II Numbers 1 and 2, Volume III Number 2, Volume IV Number 2, Volume V Numbers 1 and 2, Volume VI Numbers 1 and 2, Volume VIII Number 2, Volume IX Number 2, Vol
141486: ALLEN Benedict, BONINGTON Chris et al. - More Great Railway Journeys
149827: BANKS Chrissy - Frank
149698: PARRAVANI Christa - Loved and Wanted a Memoir of Choice, Children, and Womanhood
161862: LAURENT Christelle - Bertrand Renaudin la Lumière Du Noir Et Blanc
176294: PETLEY Christer - White Fury a Jamaican Slaveholder and the Age of Revolution
161295: STURMARK Christer, HOFSTADTER Douglas - The Flame of Reason Clear Thinking for the Twenty-First Century
181031: WOLMAR Christian - Blood Iron and Gold How the Railways Transformed the World
169062: WINTHER Christian - Dansk Lyrik 1800-1873
140102: SCHETKY John Christian - Reminiscences of the Veterans of the Sea a Series of Photographs Illustrative of the British Navy of by-Gone Times from the Professional Works of J.G. Schetky
72279: LENZER Christian, PHIPPS Colin, VALLEIX Jean, SURREY John - Energy and the Environment Democratic Decision Making Highlights of the Parliamentary Colloquy on Energy and the Environment Strasbourg 1977
177916: WOLMAR Christian - Fire and Steam a New History of the Railways in Britain
178237: FERNANDEZ Christian, MAZZOTTI Jose Antonio - Approaches to Teaching the Works of Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
168679: WINTHER Christian, SCHMIDT Alfred - Flugten Til Amerika
180850: LEUPRECHT Christian, FERRILL Jamie - Dirty Money Financial Crime in Canada
170848: ELLING Christian, NYGAARD Axel - Det Gamle Kobenhavn
150600: LAES Christian, STRUBBE Johan - Youth in the Roman Empire the Young and the Restless Years
181508: JURY Jean-Christian - Vegan the Cookbook
166413: MARCADET Christian - Paris En Chansons
159302: ANTZ Christian, GRIES Christian, MAASBERG Ute, PRINZ Regina - Neues Bauen Neues Leben Die 20er Jahre in Magdeburg
137366: DEWALD Christian, GROSCHUP Sabine, MATTUSCHKA Mara, RENOLDNER Thomas - Die Kunst Des Einzelbildes Animation in ôsterreich 1832 Bis Heute
132686: JACQ Christian, BERTHIER Catherine - Fascinating Hieroglphics Discovering Decoding and Understanding the Ancient Art
169061: WINTHER Christian - Traesnit
139150: PAYNE Christiana - Rustic Simplicity Scenes of Cottage Life in Nineteenth-Century British Art
182044: BONNELLE Christiane, SPECTOR Nissan - Rare-Earths and Actinides in High Energy Spectroscopy (Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics)
86037: BRUNINGS Christianus - Compendium Antiquitatum Graecarum E Profanis Sacrarum Editio Altera Auctior Et Emendatior
145268: MARGRAVE Christie - Writing the Landscape Exposing Nature in French Women's Fiction 1789-1815
140308: BROWN Christie, CISCATO Carina, RENA Nicholas, TWOMEY Clare - Marking the Line Ceramics and Architecture
172489: KARAGEORGOU-BASTEA Christina - Beyond Intimacy Radical Proximity and Justice in Three Mexican Poets (Mcgill-Queen's Iberian and Latin American Cultures Series 7)
161759: LUCKYJ Christina - Liberty and the Politics of the Female Voice in Early Stuart England
174136: FITZGERALD Christina - Mrs Killick's Luck
140820: LAMB Christina - Waiting for Allah Pakistan's Struggle for Democracy
159155: HARDYMENT Christina - Novel Houses Twenty Famous Fictional Dwellings
139285: FRANZEN Christine - The Tremulous Hand of Worcester a Study of Old English in the Thirteenth Century (Oxford English Monographs)
144019: McNEILL Christine - Sehnsucht
169300: RIDING Christine - Art and the War at Sea 1914-45
164997: BORLAND Christine - Christine Borland Preserves
166137: PULLEIN-THOMPSON Christine - Phantom Horse 4 Volumes Phantom Horse Goes to Ireland, Phantom Horse in Danger, Phantom Horse Goes to Scotland, Wait for Me Phantom Horse
168883: REIMER Christine - Nordfynsk Bondeliv I Mands Minde
141016: OSBORNE Christine - An Insight and Guide to Pakistan
174870: TOOMEY Christine - When the Mountains Dance Love Loss and Hope in the Heart of Italy
164325: JUST Marcel, KUBLER Christof et al. - Arosa Die Moderne in Den Bergen
181322: HERRMANN Christofer, WINTERFIELD Dethard von - Mittelalterliche Architektur in Polen Romanische Und Gotische Baukunst Zwischen Oder Und Weichsel Band 1 [&] Band 2
182673: VOGTHERR Christoph, COSENTINO Leda - Francois Boucher Sociability Mondanite and the Academy in the Age of Louis XV
147343: RANSMAYR Christoph, PARE Simon - Cox or the Course of Time
171137: HEILIG Christoph - The Apostle and the Empire Paul's Implicit and Explicit Criticism of Rome
114863: VON FURER-HAIMENDORF Christoph - South Asian Societies a Study of Values and Social Controls
143764: BUISSON Jean-Christophe - Histoire de Belgrade
183043: JAFFRELOT Christophe - Modi's India Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy
182849: JAFFRELOT Christophe - Gujarat Under Modi Laboratory of Today's India
148748: WEST Christopher - Journey to the Middle Kingdom
177513: MILLER Christopher - The War Came to Us Life and Death in Ukraine
95147: HOPE Christopher - Kruger's Alp
131087: HIBBERT Christopher - George III a Personal History
172688: HALL Christopher - Britain America and Arms Control 1921-37
183672: HITCHENS Christopher - Hitch-22 a Memoir
138118: BROWN Christopher, VLIEGHE Hans - Van Dyck 1599-1641
138630: WALLACE Christopher - The Pied Piper's Poison
180079: BROOKE Christopher, LOVATT, Roger, LUSCOMBE David, SILLEM Aelred - David Knowles Remembered
176876: HARPER-BILL Christopher - English Episcopal Acta 41 Norwich 1289-1299
183920: HASSALL Christopher - Edward Marsh Patron of the Arts a Biography
176810: ARNANDER Christopher - Private Lord Crawford's Great War Diaries from Medical Orderly to Cabinet Minister
143294: GILBERT Christopher - Furniture at Temple Newsam House and Lotherton Hall a Catalogue of the Leeds Collection in Three Volumes
137912: COLE Christopher - Royal Air Force Communiques 1918
137911: COLE Christopher - Royal Air Force Communiques 1915 - 1916
176875: HARPER-BILL Christopher - English Episcopal Acta 40 Norwich 1266-1288
181850: SYKES Christopher - Troubled Loyalty a Biography of Adam Von Trott Zu Solz
163312: INNES Christopher - The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
172743: THORNE Christopher - Border Crossings Studies in International History
161831: BULLOCK Christopher - Britain's Gurkhas
155914: HIBBERT Christopher - A Soldier of the Seventy-First the Journal of a Soldier of the Highland Light Infantry 1806-1815
167150: DONALDSON Christopher - Martin of Tours Parish Priest Mystic and Exorcist
182053: LOGUE Christopher - The Man Who Told His Love 20 Poems Based on Pablo Neruda's Los Contes D'Amores
182069: GARDNER Christopher, GARDNER Basak - Flora of the Silk Road an Illustrated Guide
176733: WARNES Christopher - Writing Politics and Change in South Africa After Apartheid
176735: D'ADDARIO Christopher - Urban Aesthetics in Early Modern London the Invention of the Metaphysical
183425: WARD Christopher - And the Band Played on
77386: ONDAATJE Christopher - Journey to the Source of the Nile
179788: HILL Christopher - Milton and the English Revolution
180152: PERRINS Christopher - British Tits New Naturalist No. 62
180220: HAWORTH Christopher - March to Armistice 1918
170915: MARTIN Christopher - Head over Heels in the Hot Seat at Millfield School
158451: CLAPHAM Christopher, PHILIP George - The Political Dilemmas of Military Regimes
171788: HITCHENS Christopher - Prepared for the Worst Selected Essays and Minority Reports
50227: MORGAN Christopher - Don Carlos and Company
167178: KUTZ Christopher - On War and Democracy
156124: BOOKER Christopher, NORTH Richard - Castle of Lies Why Britain Must Get out of Europe
179417: BIGSBY Christopher - American Dramatists in the 21st Century Opening Doors
182265: PELLING Christopher - Herodotus and the Question Why
182168: GILBERT Christopher - English Vernacular Furniture 1750-1900
144100: CHANT Christopher - Warfare and the Third Reich the Rise and Fall of Hitler's Armed Forces
179238: GILBERT Christopher, JONES David [Editor] - Christopher Gilbert Selected Writings on Vernacular Furniture 1966-98
183068: ISHERWOOD Christopher - Goodbye to Berlin
121007: ISHERWOOD Christopher - Kathleen and Frank
164565: BENFEY Christopher - American Audacity Literary Essays North and South
175062: NYANGONI Christopher, NYANDORO Gideon - Zimbabwe Independence Movements Select Documents
181083: FLEET Christopher - Scotland Mapping the Nation
164439: WOOD Christopher - Tissot the Life and Work of Jacques Joseph Tissot 1836-1902
176391: FRAYLING Christopher - The 2001 File Harry Lange and the Design of the Landmark Science Fiction Film
139010: NORRIS Christopher, BENJAMIN Andrew - What Is Deconstruction
159788: ROBINSON Christopher - Lucian and His Influence in Europe
182277: HIBBERT Christopher - The Marlboroughs John and Sarah Churchill 1650-1744
178889: COLE Christopher - Royal Flying Corps 1915-1916 [&] Royal Flying Corps 1918
182868: PHILLIPS Christopher - Battleground 10 Conflicts That Explain the New Middle East
176418: CAREY Christopher - Democracy in Classical Athens
176121: PRICE Christopher - Britain America and Rearmament in the 1930s the Cost of Failure
183736: WHITE Christopher - Anthony Van Dyke and the Art of Portraiture
180859: OTHEN Christopher - The Men from Miami American Rebels on Both Sides of Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution
147912: PYM Christopher - Mistapim in Cambodia
182137: DRIVER Christopher - The British at Table 1940-80
180345: HARPER-BILL Christopher, HARVEY Ruth - Medieval Knighthood IV Papers from the Fifth Strawberry Hill Conference 1990
182658: REINDORP Christopher - Never Shaken Never Stirred the Story of Ann Fleming and Laura Duchess of Marlborough
168187: HIBBERT Christopher - The Great Mutiny India 1857
95869: ANSTEY Christopher - An Election Ball
120246: POLLITT Christopher, BOUCKAERT Geert - Public Management Reform a Comparative Analysis
112761: FIFIELD Christopher - Letters and Diaries of Kathleen Ferrier
178939: GILBERT Christopher - English Vernacular Furniture 1750-1900
177587: HOPE Christopher - The Love Songs of Nathan J. Swirsky
167039: BREWARD Christopher - British Asian Style Fashion and Textiles/Past and Present
182624: BROWN Christopher, CAMP An Van, VOGELAAR Christiaan - Young Rembrandt
94938: HOPE Christopher - Me the Moon and Elvis Presley
87780: WOOD Christopher - Victorian Painters Dictionary of British Art Volume IV 2 Historical Survey and Plates
183615: HATTON Christopher et al., NEWDIGATE John - Collections XVIII Two Plays from the Decameron Gismond of Salern & Glausamond and Fidelia
163341: KORTLANDER Christopher - Arrow to the Heart the Last Battle at the Little Big Horn the Custer Battlefield Museum Vs. The Federal Government
179983: FYFE Christopher, JONES Eldred - Freetown a Symposium
178881: COLE Christopher - Mccudden V.C.
182579: STAR Christopher - Apocalypse and Golden Age the End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought
176874: HARPER-BILL Christopher - English Episcopal Acta 32 Norwich 1244-1266
179320: HEROLD J. Christopher - Bonaparte in Egypt
178274: LLOYD Christopher - St Vincent and Camperdown Batsford British Battles
131289: DOBB Christopher - Freddy Temple
177687: EHRET Christopher - Ancient Africa a Global History to 300 Ce
111256: SOMERVILLE Christopher - Greenwood Dark a Traveller's Poems
176816: THORNTON Christopher, EIDEN Herbert - A History of the County of Essex Volume XI Clacton Walton and Frinton North-East Essex Seaside Resorts (Victoria County History)
178305: PAGE Christopher - The Christian West and Its Singers the First Thousand Years
181115: NEWSHOLME Christopher - Willows the Genus Salix
140844: ONDAATJE Christopher - The Man-Eater of Punanai a Voyage of Discovery to the Jungles of Old Ceylon
119063: MIDDLETON Christopher - A Company of Ghosts Poems
178327: HURST Christopher - The View from King Street an Essay in Autobiography
183322: WALLACE Lieutenant-General Sir Christopher, CASSIDY Major Ron - Focus on Courage the 59 Victoria Crosses of the Royal Green Jackets
180941: ALLMAND Christopher - Henry V English Monarchs
169863: HADJIYIANNIS Christos, POTTER Rachel - The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century Literature and Politics (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
176902: LEFTERI Christy - The Book of Fire
177526: PALAHNIUK Chuck - Not Forever But for Now
176667: DUFFY Cian - The Cambridge Companion to the Romantic Sublime (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
149822: McMENAMIN Ciarán - The Sunken Road
166760: HAVELY Cicely - A Marble Column Jane Eyre in India
174679: CICERO, ATZERT C. - M. Tulli Ciceronis Scripta Quae Manserunt Omnio Fasc. 48 de Officiis [&] de Virtutibus
158694: CICERO, MACDONALD C. - Cicero de Imperio Cn. Pompei Ad Quirites Oratio Pro Lege Manilia
177930: CICERO, SANDYS John Edwin - M Tulli Ciceronis Ad M Brutum Orator a Revised Text with Introductory Essays and Critical and Explanatory Notes
179116: ERMUS Cindy - The Great Plague Scare of 1720 Disaster and Diplomacy in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World (Global Health Histories)
164269: WEINSTEIN Cindy - The Cambridge Companion to Harriet Beecher Stowe (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
141678: English Porcelain Circle [&] English Ceramic Circle - English Porcelain Circle Transactions Volume I 1928-1932 [&] English Ceramic Circle Volume 1-10 1933-1980
182752: ISBEL John Claiborne - Stael Romanticism and Revolution the Life and Times of the First European (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism Series Number 146)
168589: McDONALD Clair - The Eighteenth-Century Landscape of Stradbally Hall Co. Laois (Maynooth Studies in Irish Local History)
181568: BREAY Claire, STORY Joanna - Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms Art Word War
180073: TAYLOR Claire - Heresy Crusade and Inquisition in Medieval Quercy Heresy and Inquisition in the Middle Ages Volume 2
154263: LEHMANN Claire, WRIGHT Colin, PALMER Jamie, KAY Jonathan, YOUNG Toby - Panics and Persecutions 20 Tales of Excommunication in the Digital Age
176627: CATENACCIO Claire - Monody in Euripides Character and the Liberation of Form in Late Greek Tragedy
180308: BREAY Claire, STORY Joanna - Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms Art Word War
171716: ROBERTS Claire - Go Figure Contemporary Chinese Portraiture
177578: MESSUD Claire - The Emperor's Children
167155: EUSTANCE Claire, RYAN Joan, UGOLINI Laura - A Suffrage Reader Charting Directions in British Suffrage History
181770: BREAY Claire, MEEHAN Bernard - The St Cuthbert Gospel Studies on the Insular Manuscript of the Gospel of John
181085: TOMALIN Claire - Thomas Hardy the Time-Torn Man
142769: PHILLIPS Claire - A Room with a Darker View Chronicles of My Mother and Schizophrenia
144918: FOSTER-GILBERT Claire - The Moral Heart of Public Service
177243: BAISIER Claire - Divine Interiors Experience Churches in the Age of Rubens
183280: HARMAN Claire - Charlotte Bronte a Life
168958: WILCOX Claire, MENDES Valerie - Twentieth-Century Fashion in Detail
163099: TSCHUDI Clara - Elizabeth Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary
146922: DUPONT-MONOD Clara - The Revolt
182447: FOSTER Clare, MONTGOMERY Andrew - Winter Gardens
153605: CHADD Clare - Postregional Fictions Barry Hannah and the Challenges of Southern Studies (Southern Literary Studies)
183455: LEIGHTON Clare - Four Hedges a Gardener's Chronicle
146771: LILLEY Clare - Alfredo Jaar the Garden of Good and Evil
182248: FINNEY Clare, SEABROOK Liz, FILOSE Florence - The Female Chef Stories and Recipes from 31 Women Redefining the British Food Scene
181775: FREESTONE Clare - Yevonde Life and Colour
159764: COLVIN Clare - A Fatal Season
176934: ANDERSON Clare - Subaltern Lives Biographies of Colonialism in the Indian Ocean World 1790 - 1920
156360: LEIGHTON Clare - The Wood That Came Back
146817: STOBER Clare, BURROWS Danny - Another Life Is Possible Insights from 100 Years of Life Together
182754: HAYES-BRADY Clare - David Foster Wallace in Context (Literature in Context)
166731: CLARK Clare - Trespass
169825: MIDGLEY Clare - Gender and Imperialism
13767: GEORGE Clare - The Evangelist
176932: AASEN Clarence - Architecture of Siam a Cultural History Interpretation
150242: HYDE Edward Earl of Clarendon - The History of the Rebellion and CIVIL Wars in England [&] the Life of Edward Earl of Clarendon. .
149535: McCARTHY Elaine Clark - The Falconer
179343: DAVIS Clark - God's Scrivener the Madness and Meaning of Jones Very
182615: AMOR Anne Clark - William Holman Hunt the True Pre-Raphaelite
89927: BOWMAN John Clarke - Pocahontas
170340: LYR Claude - Les Carnets de Claude Lyr
148507: DEBUSSY Claude - Pelleas & Melisande English National Opera Guide 9
179680: MIGNOT Claude - Francois Mansart Un Architecte Artiste Au Siècle de Louis XIII Et de Louis XIV
120567: DEBUSSY Claude, JOHN Nicholas - Pelleas & Melisande English National Opera Guide 9
146169: AZIZA Claude - Dictionnaire Frankenstein
183147: LEVI-STRAUSS Claude, JACOBSON Claire, SCHOEPF Brooke [Translators] - Structural Anthropology
181328: MARCADE Jean-Claude, PRAT Jean-Louis - De Chagall a Maleuitch la Révolution Des Avant-Gardes
162892: ARNAUD Claude, DUSINBERRE Deke (Translator) - Chamfort a Biography
36673: PRETRE Jean-Claude - Ariane le Labyrinthe
179573: SEIGNOLLE Claude - Les évangiles Du Diable Selon la Croyance Populaire Documents Rassemblés (Les Littératures Populaires de Toutes Les Nations Tome XII)
173978: CRAVENS Claudia - Lucky Red
157344: CARLI Claudia, WATKINSON Laura - As Long As I Hope to Live
181729: KINMONTH Claudia - Irish Country Furniture 1700-1950
172547: MOSER Claudia - The Altars of Republican Rome and Latium Sacrifice and the Materiality of Roman Religion
179483: YAGHOOBI Claudia - Temporary Marriage in Iran Gender and Body Politics in Modern Iranian Film and Literature (the Global Middle East Series Number 12)
164623: LOMNITZ Claudio - Nuestra America My Family in the Vertigo of Translation
177969: MANSEL-PLEYDELL John Clavell - The Flora of Dorsetshire with a Sketch of the Topography River System and the Geology of the County
147239: SHIRKY Clay - Cognitive Surplus Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age
182400: LARGE David Clay - Germans to the Front West German Rearmament in the Adenauer Era
61395: CALTHROP Dion Clayton - The Charm of Gardens
164635: MOORE Clayton - Lancaster Valour the Valour and the Truth
60191: STAFFORD Clayton - The Swan and the Eagle and Other Poems
176408: GARWOOD Ellen Clayton - Will Clayton a Short Biography
172988: MICHALLON Clémence - The Quiet Tenant
172883: WURM Clemens - Business Politics and International Relations Steel, Cotton and International Cartels in British Politics 1924-1939
182483: KING Jere Clemens - Generals and Politicians Conflict between France's High Command Parliament and Government 1914-1918
181834: CLEMOES Peter, LAPIDGE Michael, GODDEN Malcolm, KEYNES Simon, LOVE Rosalind, ORCHARD Andy, et al. [Editors] - Anglo-Saxon England Volume 1-47
177404: SLOAN Cliff - The Court at War Fdr His Justices and the World They Made
167840: TODD Cliff - Explosive Bringing the World's Deadliest Bombers to Justice
161156: WILLIAMS Clifford - Courage to Be Organised Gay Youth in England 1967-1990 a History of the London Gay Teenage Group and Other Lesbian and Gay Youth Groups
171207: THOMPSON Clifford - Big Man and the Little Men a Graphic Novel
128501: LONGLEY Clifford - The Worlock Archive
160326: HOROWITZ Maryanne Cline - Race Class and Gender in Nineteenth-Century Culture
155781: HEYLIN Clinton - No More Sad Refrains the Life and Times of Sandy Denny
57237: BIRCH Clive - The Book of Aylesbury an Historical Anthology in Pictures
183823: KILEFF Clive, KILEFF Peggy [Editors] - Shona Customs Essays by African Writers
183119: HAMILTON Clive, HAMILTON Myra - The Privileged Few
182549: COOPER Clive, CHADWICK Andy - Sixty Years of Wildfowling & Conservation
175784: GAMBLE Clive - The Palaeolithic Societies of Europe
171240: DUNN Clive - Permission to Speak an Autobiography
121367: KING Clive - The Sound of Propellers
158693: EMSLEY Clive, WALVIN James - Artisans Peasants and Proletarians 1760-1860 Essays Presented to Gwyn A. Williams
121443: BLOOM Clive - The Occult Experience and the New Criticism Demonism Sexuality and the Hidden in Literature
178603: ROUSE Clive - The Old Towns of England (British Heritage Series)
97604: EMSLEY Clive - Crime and Society in England 1750 - 1900
180818: ASLET Clive, SVANTE HELMBAEK Tiren, OLSSON Fern Scott - Collecting Nature the History of the Herbarium and Natural Specimens
109392: WHITFIELD Clovis, MARTINEAU Jane - Painting in Naples 1606 - 1705 from Caravaggio to Giordano
53069: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 24 No 1 - 5
53049: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 13 No 1 - 6
53051: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 14 No 1 - 6
53057: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 17 No 1 - 12
53056: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 16 No 7 -11
53054: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 15 No 7 - 11
53070: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 24 No 6 - 11
53067: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 23 No 1 - 6
53066: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 22 No 7 - 11
53048: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 12 No 7 - 12
53045: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 9 No 1 - 12
53055: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 16 No 1 - 6
53044: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 8 No 1 - 12
53064: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 21 No 7 - 11
53060: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 19 No 7 - 11
53046: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 11 No 1 - 12
53047: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 12 No 1 - 6
53052: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 14 No 7 - 12
53053: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 15 No 2 - 6
173865: Bugatti Owner's Club - Bugantics Bugatti Owner's Club Volume 20 No. 2 Summer 1957
53061: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 20 No 1 - 6
53062: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 20 No 7 - 11
53063: Antique Collectors' Club - Antique Collecting the Journal of the Antique Collectors' Club Volume 21 No 1 - 6
178984: ROSS Margaret Clunies - Old Icelandic Literature and Society
120921: John Allan & Co - The Gas World Volume LIII July to December 1910
130695: J.H. Parry & Co - Book of Jasher Referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel
120920: John Allan & Co - The Gas World Volume LI July to December 1909
120922: John Allan & Co - The Gas World Index to Volume LXIX from July to December 1918
120074: James Wisbey & Co - Our Animal Friends
120918: John Allan & Co - The Gas World Volume XLIX from July to December 1908
173703: Kelly & Co - Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland 1888
120919: John Allan & Co - The Gas World Volume L January to June 1909
152141: A.H. Baily & Co - Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes 24 Volumes
180463: Sampson Low Marston & Co - The English Catalogue of Books 1907 71st Year of Issue
180287: ULRICHSEN Kristian Coates - Qatar and the Gulf Crisis
183811: COCKBURN Archie, BROOKES-BALL Peter, KROG Walter, et al. - Mountain Club of Rhodesia Journal Volume 6 1972
175642: COCKBURN Sir J.A., et al. - Australasia the British Empire Series Volume IV
149683: BURKS Ruth Coker, O'LEARY Kevin Carr - All the Young Men a Memoir of Love Aids and Chosen Family in the American South
165218: AHL Diane Cole - Benozzo Gozzoli Tradition and Innovation in Renaissance Painting
158507: GOLDBACH Eliese Colette - Rust One Woman's Story of Finding Hope Across the Divide
178551: COLETTE, BRIANCHON Maurice - Le Ble En Herbe Lithographies Originales de Maurice Brianchon
182819: BRULL-ULMANN Colette, PORTES Jean-Christophe, LANDAU Anne [Translator] - Through the Morgue Door One Woman's Story of Survival and Saving Children in German-Occupied Paris (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights)
150797: WARD Colin - Chartres the Making of a Miracle
157125: FOX Colin, CHAPMAN John, McINTYRE Martin, CULL Ian, WEBB Len - On the Somme Kitchener Battalions of the Royal Berkshire Regiment in 1916
169251: WELLS Colin - The Roman Empire
181253: BURROW Colin - Imitating Authors Plato to Futurity
180512: RENFREW Colin - Prehistory the Making of the Human Mind
81020: THUBRON Colin - The Lost Heart of Asia
156222: McGINN Colin - The Space Trap
178766: BOOTH Colin - Did Bach Really Mean That? Deceptive Notation in Baroque Keyboard Music
156588: TIMMS Colin, WOOD Bruce - Music in the London Theatre from Purcell to Handel
182008: WILLOCK Colin, THORPE Mackenzie - Kenzie the Wild Goose Man
119202: TURPIN Colin, TOMKINS Adam - British Government and the Constitution Text and Materials
164537: THUBRON Colin - Falling
176796: SIMMS Colin - Movement
173797: NARBETH Colin - Admiral Seymour's Expedition and Taki Forts 1900
180390: JONES Colin - Charity and Bienfaisance the Treatment of the Poor in the Montpellier Region 1740-1815
88361: WAKEFIELD Colin - Doctrina Arabum Science and Philosophy in Mediaeval Islam and Their Transmission to Europe an Exhibition at the Bodleian Library
170493: THUBRON Colin - To the Last City
175063: HARRISON Colin - Turner's Oxford
160775: HOLDEN Colin - Anglo-Catholicism in Melbourne Papers to Mark the 150th Anniversary of St Peter's Eastern Hill 1846-1996
179935: WEBSTER Colin - Tools and the Organism Technology and the Body in Ancient Greek and Roman Medicine
183443: WILLOCK Colin, McPHAIL Rodger [Illustrator] - Town Gun
115584: McINTYRE Colin - Monuments of War How to Read a War Memorial
170364: PLATT Colin - King Death the Black Death and Its Aftermath in Late-Medieval England
178795: McWILLIAM Colin - Lothian Except Edinburgh the Buildings of Scotland
164536: THUBRON Colin - Distance
164448: THUBRON Colin - The God in the Mountain a Novel
85597: HARBURY Colin - Descriptive Economics
181632: Collectif - Tarots Enluminés Chefs-D'Oeuvre de la Renaissance Italienne
159544: Collectif - Jardins D'Orient de L'Alhambra Au Taj Mahal
160646: COLLECTIF - La Gloire de L'Alexandrie Musee Du Petit Palais 7 Mai - 26 Juillet 1998
159528: Collectif - Tristan Tzara L'Homme Approximatif
147023: Collectif - Commemorations Nationales 2012
159008: Collectif - Le Cubisme a Prague Catalogue D'Exposition
159546: Collectif - Napoléon à Sainte-HéLène la Conquête de la Mémoire
159548: Collectif - Les Universalistes 50 Ans D'Architecture Portugaise
148325: Collectif - Soleils Mexicains
160647: Collectif - Le Fauvisme Ou L'Epreuve Du Feu Eruption de la Modernite En Europe
173237: Collectif - Peintures Murales Des Hautes-Alpes
181313: Collectif - Gaudi
179755: Collective - Santorini & Revolution of 1821
181314: Collective - Nelly's [the Work of the Photographer Ellis Souyoultzoglou-Seraidaris 1899-1998]
121785: DYBLE Colleen, BAUGH Jean - Freedom Champions Stories from the Front Lines in the War of Ideas
165612: HUBBARD Colleen - Housebreaking
138437: CIBBER Colley - An Apology for the Life of Mr Colley Cibber Comedian and Late Patentee of the Theatre-Royal with an Historical View of the Stage During His Own Time
66050: Crown Agents For The Colonies - Hints on the Preservation of Health in Tropical Africa
174139: McCANN Colum - Transatlantic
162798: COMENIUS Johann Amos [Iohannis Amos Comenii] - De Rerum Humanarum Emendatione Edito Princeps Consulatatio Catholica Tomus I Panegersiam, Panaugiam, Pansophiam Continens [&] Tomus II Pampaediam, Panglottiam, Panorthosiam, Pannuthesiam. Necnon Lexicon Reale Pansophicum
148766: PARFOND Commandant - Pilotes de Suez
106428: Indian Law Commissioners - A Penal Code Prepared by the Indian Law Commissioners and Published by Command of the Governor General of India in Council
106154: House of Commons - Report from the Select Committee on CIVIL Service Appointments Together with the Proceedings of the Committee Minutes of Evidence Appendix and Index
173864: Standard Motor Company - Instruction Book of Flying Standard Cars 1939 Eight Ten Super Twelve de Luxe (Independent Suspension)
163046: READE Compton - The Smith Family Being a Popular Account of Most Branches of the Name However Spelt from the Fourteenth Century Downwards with Numerous Pedigrees Now Published for the First Time
152856: COUGHLIN Con - Khomeini's Ghost
168897: CONDREN Conal - Satire Lies and Politics the Case of Dr Arbuthnot
167395: IGGULDEN Conn - Lords of the Bow the Epic Story of the Great Conqueror
135222: MORRIS M. O'Connor - Dublin Castle
180088: KOSTICK Conor - The Crusades in the Near East Cultural Histories
151083: O'CALLAGHAN Conor - We Are Not in the World
149668: VOSS BARK Conrad - Mr Holmes and the Fair Armenian
153868: RUSSELL Conrad - An Intelligent Person's Guide to Liberalism
152641: BERGENDOFF Conrad - Luther's Works Volume 40 Church and Ministry II
133504: GILL Conrad, ROBERTSON Charles Grant - A Short History of Birmingham from Its Origin to the Present Day
158075: VOSS BARK Conrad - Fishing for Lake Trout with Fly and Nymph
147887: LIGHTON Conrad - Cape Floral Kingdom
116131: HASLEWOOD Constance - Young England's Nursery Rhymes
172897: WU Constance - Making a Scene
165043: BACKHOUSE Constance, MILTON Cynthia E., KOVACH Margaret, PERRY Adele - Royally Wronged the Royal Society of Canada and Indigenous Peoples
182791: VOLNEY Constantin, KIDD Colin, KIDD Lucy - Volney the Ruins and Catechism of Natural Law (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
181771: CARREDANO Consuelo, ELI Victoria - Historia de la Musica En España E Hispanoamerica Volumen 8 la Musica En Hispanoamerica En El Siglo XX
163097: GINANNI Marco Antonio Conte - L'Arte Del Blasone Dichiarata Per Alfabeto Con le Figure Necessarie Per la Intelligenza de' Termini in Molte Tavole Impresse in Rame. .
167855: Le Grand Continent - Politiques de L'Interregne Chine Pandémie Climat
179213: ZIRKLE Conway - The Beginnings of Plant Hybridization Morris Arboretum Monograph 1
179314: ZIRKLE Conway - Death of Science in Russia the Fate of Genetics As Described in Pravda and Elsewhere
155190: READ Conyers - Bibliography of British History Tudor Period 1485-1603
183357: RICHARDS Coombe - Tight Lines Fishing Anecdotes and Incidents
57696: PERRY Walter Copland - Greek and Roman Sculpture a Popular Introduction to the History of Greek and Roman Sculpture
156531: KAPLAN Cora, SCHWARZ Bill - James Baldwin American and Beyond
164153: JEAFFRESON John Cordy - Middlesex County Records (Old Series) Volume 1, 2, 3 & 4
162509: ROSTAING Corinne - Une Institution Dégradante la Prison
183864: SMITH Denys Corley - Two Drops of Blood
36424: CORNEILLE - Theatre Tome I [&] II
169873: BERTRAM Bonaventure Corneille - De Republica Ebraerum Recensitus Commentarioque Illustratus Opera Constant L'Empereur Ab Oppijck
147017: CABUK Cornelia - Carry Hauser Monograph and Catalogue Raisonne
111462: FUNKE Cornelia, WIGRAM Lionel - Reckless
178883: KNIGHT Cornelia, FULFORD Roger [Editor] - Autobiography of Miss Cornelia Knight Lady Companion to Princess Charlotte
180718: LANCZOS Cornelius - Albert Einstein and the Cosmic World Order Six Lectures Delivered at the University of Michigan in the Spring of 1962
137696: TACITUS Publius Cornelius - C. Corn. Taciti Opera Ex Recensione Joh. Augusti Ernesti Denuo Curavit Jer. Jac. Oberlinus Argentoratensis Instit. Litter, Francici Socius
136369: CORREIA Alda, BERKELEY Alice, et al. - Actas Do I Congesso Internacional de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses
127794: BARNETT Correlli - The Sword-Bearers Studies in Supreme Command in the First World War
169849: HAROL Corrinne - The Postsecular Restoration and the Making of Literary Conservatism
4291: COSENTINO, Frank J. - Edward Marshall Boehm 1913 1969
180773: CLARK Cosmo - The Tin Trunk Letters and Drawings 1914-1918
177163: MEYER Esther da Costa - Dividing Paris Urban Renewal and Social Inequality 1852-1870
178415: Alfred Costes - Atlas Anatomique de L'Homme Et de la Femme Anatomie Et Physiologie Du Corps Humain
103866: MORISON J. Cotter - Macaulay English Men of Letters
103868: MORISON J. Cotter - Gibbon English Men of Letters
120986: COULTON, Barbara - Louis Macneice in the Bbc
148745: The Design Council - Royal Designers on Design
49841: Devon County Council - Devon's Traditional Buildings
101350: MANZONI Count - I Promessi Sposi
137338: BJORNSTJERNA Magnus Count, LLOYD H. Evans - The British Empire in the East
157203: REPINGTON Charles a Court, MORRIS A.J.A. - The Letters of Lieutenant-Colonel Charles a Court Repington Cmg Military Correspondent of the Times 1903-1918
146051: TREATT Stella Court - Stampede a Romance of Arab Life
176894: THORSSON Courtney - Sisterhood How a Network of Black Women Writers Changed American Culture
174128: WILLIAMS A. Courtney - A Dictionary of Trout Flies and of Flies for Sea-Trout and Grayling
125555: PATMORE Coventry - The Angel in the House
175511: RAINE Craig - Areté the Arts Tri-Quarterly Fiction Poetry Reportage Reviews 27 Volumes Issues 32-39, 40 (Retrospective), 42-52, 55-60
183241: BROWN Craig - One Two Three Four Beatles the Beatles in Time
166789: MOYES Craig, PALMER Steven - Expo 67 and Its Worls Staging the Nation in the Crucible of Globalization
182114: KOSLOFSKY Craig - Evening's Empire a History of the Night in Early Modern Europe (New Studies in European History)
176041: CLUNAS Craig, HARRISON-HALL Jessica - Ming 50 Years That Changed China
158035: RAINE Craig - Rich
160593: SANDERS Craig - Limiteds Locals and Expresses in Indiana 1838-1971 (Railroads Past and Present)
173943: HARTLEY Craig, McPHERSON Craig - Darkness Into Light Craig Mcpherson and the Art of Mezzotint
157141: HARRIS Lillian Craig - Cemeteries and Memories the Second World War in Tunisia
146498: TOOMEY Craig - Up and to the Right the Story of John W. Dobson and Formula Growth
144406: CRAMP Stanley, SIMMONS K.E.L., FERGUSON-LEES I.J., et al. - Handbook of the Birds of Europe the Middle East and North Africa the Birds of the Western Palearctic Volume 1 Ostrich to Ducks
183821: MUTWA Vusamazulu Credo - Indaba My Children African Tribal History Legends Customs and Religious Beliefs
139611: DELGADO Daniel Crespo - Arboles Para Una Capital árboles En El Madrid de la Ilustración
168716: WRIGHT Crispin - Wittgenstein on the Foundations of Mathematics
143157: CASTEL-BRANCO Cristina - A India Nos Jardins Portugueses
151340: GARSTIN Crosbie - High Noon
177080: SMITH Crosbie, WISE M. Norton - Energy and Empire a Biographical Study of Lord Kelvin Part 1 [&] Part 2
170967: GARSTIN Crosbie - The Sunshine Settlers
161931: KEMPER R. Crosby - Winston Churchill Resolution Defiance Magnanimity Good Will
83119: SHARLAND E. Cruwys - Ways and Means in a Devonshire Village a Book for Mothers' Meetings
179495: ALVES Paulo Cunha, ALVES Filomena Cunha - From East to West the Quest for Chinese Export Porcelain with Western Themes (1965-1815)
53553: GUALBERTO Ricci Curbastro, PINTI Paolo - Immagini Di Cultura Contadina
176707: NAVAKAS Michele Currie - Coral Lives Literature Labor and the Making of America
165516: SITTENFELD Curtis - Rodham a Novel
121394: SITTENFELD Curtis - Eligible
72127: BRADLEY Cuthbert, CHAPLIN Henry - Good Sport Seen with Some Famous Packs 1885 - 1910
146740: FITZHERBERT Cuthbert, BALFOUR-BROWNE V. - The Prince and the Pedlar Stalking Memories
156973: BRADLEY Cuthbert - The Reminiscences of Frank Gillard Huntsman with the Belvoir Hounds 1860 to 1896
174302: SIMMONS Cynthia, PERLINA Nina - Writing the Siege of Leningrad Women's Diaries Memoirs and Documentary Prose
183598: DAVIS Cynthia, MITCHELL Verner D. - Images in the River the Life and Work of Waring Cuney
171861: HARNETT Cynthia - Ring out Bow Bells
181239: BLAGDEN Cyprian - The Stationers' Company a History 1403-1959
173968: BRIDGE Admiral Sir Cyprian - Some Recollections
178834: HART Cyril - Forest of Dean New History 1550-1818
143725: YOVITCHITCH Cyril - Forteresses Du Proche-Orient L'Architecture Militaire Des Ayyoubides
117087: DAVENPORT Cyril - Mezzotints
127011: PEARCE Cyril - Toys and Models
180218: FALLS Cyril - Caporetto 1917 Great Battles of History
148516: EHRLICH Cyril - Harmonious Alliance a History of the Performing Right Society
154360: RAY Cyril - The New Compleat Imbiber
183517: FALLS Cyril - War Books a Critical Guide
105930: HANDCOCK W.D. - English Historical Documents Volume 9 1833-1874
164833: PAINTER George D. - Chateaubriand a Biography Volume One 1768-93 the Longed-for Tempests
159669: MACER WRIGHT D. - The Fly-Fisher's Plants Their Value in Trout Waters
181681: CURTIN Philip D. - Economic Change in Precolonial Africa Senegambia in the Era of the Slave Trade
163858: MITCHELL Verner D., DAVIS Cynthia - Encyclopedia of the Black Arts Movement
103869: TRAILL H.D. - Coleridge English Men of Letters
183177: LA FLEUR J.D. - Fusion Foodways of Africa's Gold Coast in the Atlantic Era (Atlantic World Europe Africa and the Americas 1500-18360 Volume 26)
159690: STIMELING Travis D. - The Oxford Handbook of Country Music
158857: LANGER Erick D. - Economic Change and Rural Resistance in Southern Bolivia 1880-1930
160021: BILSKI Emily D. - Berlin Metropolis Jews and the New Culture 1890-1918
181249: FITZGERALD Monica D. - Puritans Behaving Badly Gender Punishment and Religion in Early America
163629: JAMES P.D. - Innocent Blood
163630: JAMES P.D. - Original Sin
163632: JAMES P.D. - Devices and Desires
158538: MAYO Robert D. - The English Novel in the Magazines 1740-1815
179082: ROSENFELD Gavriel D., WARD Janet - Fascism in America Past and Present
163625: JAMES P.D. - The Omnibus P.D. James an Unsuitable Job for a Woman, Death of an Expert Witness, Innocent Blood
177661: SMITH Wesley D. - The Hippocratic Tradition (Cornell Publications in the History of Science)
180468: CULTER B.D., STILES Villa - Modern British Authors Their First Editions
183133: LAWRENCE Neil D. - The Atomic Human Understanding Ourselves in the Age of Ai
178993: WHITELOCK D., BRETT M., BROOKE C.N.L. - Councils and Synods with Other Documents Relating to the English Church I Ad 871-1204 Part I 871-1066 [&] Part II 1066-1204
155928: DIVINE A.D. - Destroyer's War a Million Miles by the Eighth Flotilla
118913: REEVE F.D. - The Brother
179665: DICKERSON C.D., BELL Esther - The Brothers le Nain Painters of Seventeenth-Century France
177312: KENDRICK T.D. - A History of the Vikings
183428: KELLY J.N.D. - Golden Mouth the Story of John Chrysostom Ascetic Preacher Bishop
174546: TRACY James D. - Erasmus of the Low Countries
161324: WRAIGHT A.D. - The Story That the Sonnets Tell
140518: MOULE C. F. D. - The Birth of the New Testament Companion Volume I [Black's New Testament Commentaries]
179008: WRIGHT Charles D. - The Irish Tradition in Old English Literature [Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England 6]
159851: KNIGHT Denise D., NELSON Emmanuel S. - Nineteenth-Century American Women Writers a Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook
79184: DALGETY A.W.H.D. - Twenty Poems
154267: LOPEZ William D. - Separated Family and Community in the Aftermath of an Immigration Raid
174894: GREENBERG Robert D. - Language and Identity in the Balkans Serbo-Croatian and Its Disintegration
166598: HEDRICK Joan D. - Harriet Beecher Stowe a Life
167677: GRMEK Mirko D. - Diseases in the Ancient Greek World
155030: ARMOUR G.D., CRASCREDO [SIMPSON Charles] - Humour in the Hunting Field
130680: WILKINSON James D. - The Intellectual Resistance in Europe
175593: CLAY Lucius D., SMITH Jean Edward - The Papers of General Lucius D. Clay Germany 1945-1949 Volume II
180200: DODDS Jerrilynn D., MENOCAL Maria Rosa, BALBALE Abigail Krasner - The Arts of Intimacy Christians Jews and Muslims in the Making of Castilian Culture
165140: POPKIN Jeremy D. - Revolutionary News the Press in France 1789-1799
122540: LOCOCK C.D. - A Selection from Modern Swedish Poetry Translated in the Original Metres
103846: TRAILL H.D. - Sterne English Men of Letters
141730: FOOT M.R.D. - Soe in the Low Countries
107415: STEPHENSON D. - The Grampian Highlands British Regional Geology
145406: SCHWARTZ Steven D. - Theoretical Methods in Condensed Phase Chemistry Volume 5 (Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics)
160416: BROWNE A.D., SELTMAN C.T. - A Pictorial History of the Queen's College of Saint Margaret and Saint Bernard Commonly Called Queens' College Cambridge 1448-1948
118121: HOLMES Lowell D., THOMSON John W. - Jazz Greats Getting Better with Age
183680: RENNER H.D. - The Origin of Food Habits
144697: MORENO Jonathan D. - The Brain in Context a Pragmatic Guide to Neuroscience
181067: ROTHMAN Joshua D. - The Ledger and the Chain How Domestic Slave Traders Shaped America
86079: WRIGHT John D. - A Chronology of the CIVIL War the Ultimate Guide to the War That Defined America
153001: DAVIES W.D. - Jewish and Pauline Studies
174636: COMRIE John D. - History of Scottish Medicine in Two Volumes
122534: INNES A.D. - The Maritime and Colonial Expansion of England Under the Stuarts 1603-1714
101109: SLADE A.D. - That Sterling Soldier the Life of David A. Russell
175924: CONNOR R.D. - The Weights and Measures of England
163845: LUCKETT Sharrell D. - African American Arts Activism Aesthetics and Futurity
169198: SERJEANTSON D., REES H. - Food Craft and Status in Medieval Winchester the Plant and Animal Remains from the Suburbs and City Defences
142499: BAXTER A.D. - Professional Aero Engineer Novice CIVIL Servant
171937: HARMON Mark D. - The British Labour Government and the 1976 Imf Crisis
182564: BUNDRICK Sheramy D. - Athens Etruria and the Many Lives of Greek Figured Pottery (Wisconsin Studies in Classics)
171610: GREEN S.J.D. - Religion in the Age of Decline Organisation and Experience in Industrial Yorkshire 1870-1920
183397: HARVEY A.D. - Sex in Georgian England Attitudes and Prejudices from the 1720s to the 1820s
176946: CHILDS Matt D. - The 1812 Aponte Rebellion in Cuba and the Struggle Against Atlantic Slavery (Envisioning Cuba)
129407: HARVEY A. D. - A Muse of Fire Literature Art and War
148404: ZIRIN James D. - Supremely Partisan How Raw Politics Tips the Scales in the United Staes Supreme Court
147299: JACKSON W.D. - Afterwords or Occupying No Man's Land
119116: ELSWORTH J.D. - Andrey Bely a Critical Study of the Novels
169264: PRESTON C.D., PEARMAN D.A., DINES T.D. - New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora an Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Britain Ireland the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands
182158: COTTON Bernard D. - The English Regional Chair
182872: McINTOSH P.D. - Death and Desire in Shakespeare's Sonnets
176081: FELDMAN Gerald D. - Army Industry and Labor in Germany 1914-1918
182509: EISENHOWER Dwight D., FERRELL Robert H. [Editor] - The Eisenhower Diaries
182510: EISENHOWER Dwight D. - Waging Peace the White House Years 1956-1961
172442: SCIAMA Lidia D., EICHER Joanne B. - Beads and Bead Makers Gender Material Culture and Meaning (Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Women 17)
171909: BURRIDGE T.D. - British Labour and Hitler's War
159751: KEEHN J.D. - Master Builders of Modern Psychology from Freud to Skinner
177073: WATSON James D. - Genes Girls and Gamow After the Double Helix
65123: HOBSON G.D. - Developments in Petroleum Geology 1
153696: GODSEY John D. - The Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
170829: BRUCE C.D. - The Essex Foxhounds 1895-1926 and Adjacent Hunts with Notes on Hunting in Essex
164374: ARMOUR G.D. - Pastime with Good Company
176961: GENOVESE Eugene D., FOX-GENOVESE Elizabeth - Fatal Self-Deception Slaveholding Paternalism in the Old South
183689: NUTTALL A.D. - Two Concepts of Allegory a Study of Shakespeare's the Tempest and the Logic of Allegorical Expression
162349: JAMES P.D. - Devices and Desires
162347: JAMES P.D. - The Children of Men
162346: JAMES P.D. - The Children of Men
162345: JAMES P.D. - Original Sin
162342: JAMES P.D. - Innocent Blood
162341: JAMES P.D. - Original Sin
162340: JAMES P.D. - Devices and Desires
162337: JAMES P.D. - Devices and Desires
162336: JAMES P.D. - A Certain Justice
162335: JAMES P.D. - Original Sin
162333: JAMES P.D. - A Certain Justice
161996: WALLIN Jeffrey D. - By Ships Alone Churchill and the Dardanelles
90433: ROBERTS Charles G.D. - The Secret Trails
90430: ROBERTS Charles G.D. - Neighbours Unknown
90431: ROBERTS Charles G.D. - The Backswoodsmen
172660: BOYCE Robert W.D. - British Capitalism at the Crossroads 1919-1932 a Study in Politics Economics and International Relations
157635: ESTLEMAN Loren D. - The Wister Trace Classic Novels of the American Frontier
169687: CHAPMAN-HUSTON D. - The Private Diaries of Daisy Princess of Pless 1873-1914
109131: ALEXANDER Ann D. - Women of the Morte Darthur Twelve of the Most Romantic of the Worlds Love Stories Selected from Malory's Morte Darthur
153380: MISCALL Peter D. - Isaiah 34-35 a Nightmare a Dream
144302: ESTLEMAN Loren D. - Billy Gashade an American Epic
175147: MARTIN James D. - Davidson's Introductory Hebrew Grammar
177753: FOOT M.R.D. - Six Faces of Courage Secret Agents Against Nazi Tyranny
168549: PHILLIPS E.D. - Aspects of Greek Medicine
172454: WHITEHOUSE Ruth D. - Gender and Italian Archaeology Challenging the Stereotypes [Volume 7 Accordia Specialist Studies on Italy]
105931: HANDCOCK W.D. - English Historical Documents Volume 10 1874-1914
178524: IMMS A.D. - Insect Natural History New Naturalist No. 8
179000: FULK R.D. - A History of Old English Meter
172675: CUFF R.D., GRANATSTEIN J.L. - Ties That Bind Canadian-American Relations in Wartime from the Great War to the Cold War
77777: ACHESON E.D. - Seminar to Discuss the Carcinogenicity and Mutagenicity of Wood Dust
136055: SILVEIRA GODINHO Isabel da - A Rainha D. Maria Pia Iconografia
167207: SMITH Dai - In the Frame Memory in Society 1910-2010
164349: SMITH Dai - Raymond Williams a Warrior's Tale
40112: WAUGH Daisy - What Is the Matter with Mary Jane
182239: DUNN Daisy - In the Shadow of Vesuvius a Life of Pliny
50229: POGGETTO Paolo Dal - Capolavori Per Urbino Nove Dipinti Gia Di Collezione Cini Ceramiche Roveresche E Altri Acquisti Dello Stato 1983 - 1988
179428: MAWAD Dalal - All She Lost the Explosion in Lebanon the Collapse of a Nation and the Women Who Survive
113378: MORRIS William Dale - The Christian Origins of Social Revolt
173151: GIROUX Dalie - The Eye of the Master Figures of the Québécois Colonial Imaginary
164095: Galerie d'art Frédéric Damgaard - Les Artistes Singuliers D'Essaouira 23 Juin-15 Septembre 2002
140759: BARR Damian - Maggie & Me
135886: DOMBROWSKI Damian, MAIER Markus, MÜLLER Fabian - Julius Echter Patron Der Künste Konturen Eines Fürsten Und Bischofs Der Renaissance
180928: SMITH Damian, BUFFERY Helena - The Book of Deeds of James I of Aragon a Translation of the Medieval Catalan Llibre Dels Fets (Crusade Texts in Translation 10)
182834: LEWIS Damien - Sas Great Escapes Three Gripping True Escape Stories Executed by World War Two Heroes
183780: STONE Damien - The Hittites Lost Civilizations
175701: HIRST Damien, BURN Gordon - On the Way to Work
166725: BLACKBURN Lizzie Damilola - Yinka Where Is Your Huzband
183430: RUNYON Damon - Dream Street
142448: HILL Damon - My Championship Year
134534: RUNYON Damon - Runyon a la Carte
161050: CASSINO Dan, BESEN-CASSINO Yasemin - Gender Threat American Masculinity in the Face of Change
105547: VAN DER VAT Dan - The Atlantic Campaign the Great Struggle at Sea 1939-45
183629: MORRISON Dan - The Prince and the Poisoner the Murder That Rocked the British Raj
118951: SNOW Dan, POTTLE Mark - The Confusion of Command the Memoirs of Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas D'Oyly Snow 1914 -1915
157960: JACOBSON Dan - The Price of Diamonds
155817: MORAIN Dan - Kamala's Way an American Life
157959: JACOBSON Dan - The Confessions of Josef Baisz
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