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49728: BROWN Philip Anthony - The French Revolution in English History
168770: NUTTING Anthony - Gordon Martyr and Misfit
178621: TROLLOPE Anthony - The Warden
113759: TROLLOPE Anthony - Rachel Ray
173197: POWELL Anthony - Miscellaneous Verdicts Writings on Writers 1946-1989
149665: TROLLOPE Anthony - The Vicar of Bullhampton
168130: TROLLOPE Anthony - Lady Anna
181821: DEANE Anthony - Nelson's Favourite Hms Agamemnon at War 1781-1809
160659: GLEES Anthony - The Secrets of the Service British Intelligence and Communist Subversion 1939-51
104333: BABINGTON Anthony - For the Sake of Example Capital Courts Martial 1914-18
152117: SUMMERS Anthony - The Arrogance of Power the Secret World of Richard Nixon
143615: READ Anthony - The Devil's Disciples the Life and Times of Hitler's Inner-Circle
81225: TROLLOPE Anthony, BALL Robert - Hunting Sketches
148961: TROLLOPE Anthony - The Landleaguers
165966: TROLLOPE Anthony - Phineas Finn the Irish Member
64289: HYMAN Anthony, STEINMANN George, MACK Gerhard - Gentle Bridges Architecture Art and Science
64401: HYMAN Anthony - The Selfseeker
175188: FOX Anthony - Linguistic Reconstruction an Introduction to Theory and Method (Oxford Textbooks in Linguistics)
181736: LUTTRELL Anthony - Studies on the Hospitallers After 1306 Rhodes and the West (Variorum Collected Studies Series)
171764: SELDON Anthony - Churchill's Indian Summer the Conservative Government of 1951-55
181357: TROLLOPE Anthony - Phineas Redux the Oxford Trollope Crown Edition Volume I [&] Volume II
181358: TROLLOPE Anthony - The Warden the Oxford Trollope Crown Edition
177765: BEEVOR Anthony, COOPER Artemis - Paris After the Liberation 1944-1949
177797: NUTTING Anthony - Lawrence of Arabia the Man and the Motive
173872: ADOLPH Anthony - The King's Henchman Henry Jermyn Stuart Spymaster and Architect of the British Empire
135072: HEWITT Anthony - To Freedom Through China Escaping from Japanese-Occupied Hong Kong 1942
132673: TROLLOPE Anthony - Nina Balatka the Story of a Maiden of Prague
157578: SYMONDSON Anthony - The Victorian Crisis of Faith Six Lectures
125749: TROLLOPE Anthony - The Two Heriones of Plumplington and Other Stories
181356: TROLLOPE Anthony - Can You Forgive Her? the Oxford Trollope Crown Edition Volume I [&] Volume II
173453: WEST Anthony - Heritage
169018: TROLLOPE Anthony - Can You Forgive Her
145573: CHEETHAM Anthony, PARFIT Derek - Eton Microcosm
178310: PRICE Anthony - The Eyes of the Fleet a Popular History of Frigates and Frigate Captains 1793-1815
183198: LEJEUNE Anthony - White's the First Three Hundred Years
172469: TROLLOPE Anthony - Thackeray
182355: THEOPHILUS OF ANTIOCH, GRANT Robert M. [Editor] - Theophilus of Antioch Ad Autolycum Oxford Early Christian Texts
178477: HAMILTON Comte Antione, WALPOLE Horace - Memoires de Comte de Grammont Nouvelle Edition Augmentée de Notes & D'Eclaircissemens Necessaires
78502: BERNHEIM Pierre-Antoine, STAVRDIES Guy - Welt Der Paradiese Paradiese Der Welt
158733: CHENEVIERE Antoine - Russian Furniture the Golden Age 1780-1840
77962: RAAD Antoine, FARAMAWI Said - Sinbad
174266: GILL Anton - Gateway of the Gods the Rise and Fall of Babylon
130842: CHEKHOV Anton - Greatest Plays
183372: CHEKHOV Anton, McVAY Gordon [Editor] - Chekhov a Life in Letters
153620: BERABER Anton - Signes D'Un Flechissement a la Troisieme Semaine Du Jeune
158684: POGORELSKI Antoni - La Poule Noire Ou le Monde Soutérrain
91837: LANT Antonia - Blackout Reinventing Women for Wartime British Cinema
177408: SOUTHERN Antonia - Courtly Love Revisited in the Age of Feminism
182642: FRASER Antonia - Lady Caroline Lamb a Free Spirit
166840: FRASER Antonia - My History a Memoir of Growing Up
117293: HUNT Antonia - Little Resistance a Teenage English Girl's Adventures in Occupied France
181785: NESSI Antonia - A la Croisee Des Mondes Maximilien de Meuron
157426: PETRIS Antonietta, PALMA Loris, CANCIAN Sonia - With Your Words in My Hands the Letters of Antonietta Petris and Loris Palma
137965: MATEJCEK Antonin, PESINA Jaroslav - Czech Gothic Painting
136664: DUFEK Antonin - Jaromír Funke Mezi Konstrukcí a Emocí
108905: MARQUES Jose Antonio - Elementos de Hygiene Militar Ou Colleccao Dos Assumptos E Preceitos Da Hygiene
171963: MARAVALL Jose Antonio - Dictatorship and Political Dissent Workers and Students in Franco's Spain
145414: NASCIMENTO Marco Antonio, MARUANI Jean BRANDAS Erkki J. - Frontiers in Quantum Methods and Applications in Chemistry and Physics Selected Proceedings of Qscp-XVIII (Paraty Brazil December 2013) (Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics)
180675: CARVALHO Antonio - Lusitania Romana Origem de Dois Povos
145416: NASCIMENTO Marco Antonio - Theoretical Aspects of Heterogeneous Catalysis (Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics)
147019: CAVAZZI DE MONTECUCCOLO Antonio - Njinga Reine D'Angola la Relation D'Antonio Cavazzi de Montecuccolo (1687)
139969: BAIAO Antonio - Asia de Joam de Barros Dos Feitos Que Os Portugueses Fizeram No Descobrimento E Conquista Dos Mares E Terras Do Oriente Primeira Decada [&] Segunda Decada
128559: ATTINI Antonio - Italian Countryside
158815: FEROS Antonio - Kingship and Favoritism in the Spain of Philip III 1598-1621
181408: BEEVOR Antony - The Second World War
182290: BEEVOR Antony - Stalingrad
173880: WILD Antony - The East India Company Trade and Conquest from 1600
148838: PENROSE Antony, MACWEENEY Alen - The Home of the Surrealists Lee Miller Roland Penrose and Their Circle at Farley Farm
183384: BEEVOR Antony - D-Day the Battle for Normandy
182293: BEEVOR Antony - Berlin the Downfall 1945
150528: AUGOUSTAKIS Antony - Ritual and Religion in Flavian Epic
174209: BEEVOR Antony - Berlin the Downfall 1945
162056: GORMLEY Antony, RAINALDI Oliviero - Body and Mind Exclusively Drawings
144001: JOHAE Antony - Ex-Changes
140268: TUOMAINEN Antti, ROGERS Lola - The Healer
171287: ALEXANDER OF APHRODISIAS, SHARPLES R.W. - Alexander of Aphrodisias Quaestiones 1. 1 - 2. 15
181992: ALEXANDER OF APHRODISIAS, LEWIS Eric - Alexander of Aphrodisias on Aristotle's Meteorology 4
179656: ALEXANDER OF APHRODISIAS, MUELLER Ian, GOULD Josiah - Alexander of Aphrodisias on Aristotle Prior Analytics 1. 14-22
101027: NIMROD Charles James Apperley, ALKEN Henry - Memoirs of the Life of the Late John Mytton of Halston Shropshire with Notices of His Hunting Shooting Driving Racing
183507: NIMROD [Charles James Apperley] - The Horse and the Hound Their Various Uses and Treatment Including Pratical Instructions in Horsemanship and a Treatise on Horse-Dealing
130957: NIMROD Charles James Apperley, CUMING E.D. - My Life and Times
169572: NIMROD Charles James Apperley, CUMING E.D. - My Life and Times
170098: HENNING April, DIMEO Paul - Doping a Sporting History
183801: BOXER Arabella - Arabella Boxer's Book of English Food a Rediscovery of British Food from Before the War
182413: ADIGA Aravind - The White Tiger
171658: ADIGA Aravind - Selection Day
111088: Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society - Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Proceedings 1853
111087: Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society - Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Proceedings 1859
111092: Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society - Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Proceedings 1860
111091: Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society - Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Proceedings 1856-7
164248: CHASUBLE Archdeacon - The Comedy of Convocation in the English Church in Two Scenes
180416: TAYLOR Archer - General Subject Indexes Since 1548
147978: MARSHALL Archibald - Two Families a Novel
138045: ALISON Archibald - Essays Political Historical and Miscellaneous Three Volumes
147995: MARSHALL Archibald - The Appletons of Herne a Family Chronicle
95466: Royal Institute of British Architects - British Architects' Conference Bath June 20 - 23, 1928
149890: NILAND D'Arcy - The Shiralee
166793: O'HANLON Ardal - Brouhaha
177280: PURWOSEPUTRO Ardian - Wayang Potehi of Java
126726: HALTER Ardyn - The Water's Edge
150635: NEUMANN Ariana - When Time Stopped a Memoir of My Father's War and What Remains
151081: NEUMANN Ariana - When Time Stopped a Memoir of My Father's War and What Remains
160600: GLUCKLICH Ariel - The Joy of Religion Exploring the Nature of Pleasure in Spiritual Life
124486: ARISTOPHANES, ROGERS Benjamin Bickley - The Thesmophoriazusae of Aristophanes Acted at Athens in the Year B.C. 410 the Greek Text Revised with a Free Translation Into English Verse Introduction and Commentary
166177: ARISTOTLE, CHARLTON W. - Aristotle Physics Books I and II Translated with Introduction and Notes
182095: ARISTOTLE, HALLIWELL Stephen - The Poetics of Aristotle Translation and Commentary
179716: DEN BOER Arjan, VAN HOEK Bart, HAAN Martijn, KUIT Martjan, MEURS Teun - Bruut Atlas Van Het Brutalisme in Nederland
179494: IPPOLITOV Arkadii, USPENSKII Vasilii - Russia Palladiana Palladio in Russia Dal Barocco Al Modernismo
165941: PETROV Arkady - Arkady Petrov Catalogue of the Exhibition
177173: STRUGATSKY Arkady , STRUGATSKY Boris, BOUIS Antonina [Translator] - Beetle in the Anthill
165079: FARGE Arlette, REVEL Jacques - The Rules of Rebellion Child Abductions in Paris in 1750
113757: WILSON Arline - William Roscoe Commerce and Culture
146556: GUÉRIN Armand, LACAF Fabien - Les Flammes de L'Archange
153577: ISHOVEN Armand, BOWYER Chaz - The Fall of an Eagle the Life of Fighter Ace Ernst Udet
136916: ROLAND Armande - Adalbert de Mongelaz
104883: ROBINSON J. Armitage - Somerset Historical Essays
142518: BANNERMAN David Armitage, LODGE George E. - The Birds of the British Isles Volume XI
165107: KELLY George Armstrong - Victims Authority and Terror the Parallel Deaths of D'Orléans Custine Bailly and Malesherbes
181714: DE LA CROIX Arnaud - Los Templarios En El Corazón de Las Cruzadas
181483: BAUDIN Arnaud, BRUNEL Ghislain. DOHRMANN Nicolas - L'économie Templière En Occident Patrimoines Commerce Finances
181928: ZETTERSTEN Arne, DIENSBERG Berhard [Editors] - The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle the Vernon Text Edited from Oxford Bodleian Library Ms Eng. Poet. A. I (Early English Text Society 310)
153057: JARRICK Arne - Back to Modern Reason Johan Hjerpe and Other Petit Bourgeois in Stockholm in the Age of Enlightenment
173749: WESTAD Odd Arne - Reviewing the Cold War Approaches Interpretations Theory
172584: DE BOEVER Arne - Being Vulnerable Contemporary Political Thought
180717: HAALAND Arne - Molecules and Models the Molecular Structures of Main Group Element Compounds
119701: WILSON Arnold - A Dictionary of British Marine Painters
180554: BENNETT Arnold, BOYD HARTE Glynn - The Old Wives' Tale
182191: MYERS Arnold - Historic Musical Instruments in the Edinburgh University Collection Catalogue of the Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments Volume I the Illustrations
132899: MALLINSON Arnold - The Leaning Tower or out of the Perpendicular, a Little Melange of Merry Memories, Musings, Meditations and Mythology
169520: RUBIN Arnold - Marks of Civilization Artisitic Transformations of the Human Body
64637: SORSBY Arnold - Systemic Ophthalmology
154602: RUNNING Arnold - Stay But Till Tomorrow
149175: PALMER Arnold - More Than Shadows a Biography of W. Russell Flint
123357: HAMILTON J. Arnott - The Principles of Church Design
154407: JOHNSTON Arnrid - Animals We Use
125665: FLICK Art - Art Flick's Fly-Tying Guide
138634: David Messum Fine Art - Elemental North Jack Attree David Blackburn Maxwell Doig
162242: BELTRONE Art, BELTRONE Lee - A Wartime Log a Remembrance from Home Through the American Y.M. C.A.
164274: Austin/Desmond Fine Art - Peter Archer Making Scenes
182125: COOPER Artemis - Writing at the Kitchen Table the Authorized Biography of Elizabeth David
103787: PEERS Arthur - Seaford House Papers 1982
140928: LANE Arthur - When You Go Home
178490: LANE Arthur - Greek Pottery Faber Monograph Series
183530: MARSHALL Arthur - A Short Account of Explosives
177639: REDFORD Arthur, RUSSELL Ina Stafford - The History of Local Government in Manchester Volume I Manor and Township [&] Volume II Borough and City
183140: STRINGER Arthur, FAIRLEY James [Editor] - The Experienced Huntsman
172071: MEE Arthur - Devon Cradle of Our Seamen the King's England
155985: CATHERALL Arthur - The Strange Invader
161815: BAKER Arthur, BAKER Sir Herbert - Plas Mawr Conway N. Wales
164876: RUBINSTEIN Arthur - My Young Years
152891: HEARNDEN Arthur - Red Robert a Life of Robert Birley
173676: GARDNER Arthur - Alabaster Tombs of the Pre-Reformation Period in England
181656: MARDER Arthur - Operation Menace the Dakar Expedition and the Dudley North Affair
148726: RAISTRICK Arthur - Dynasty of Iron Founders the Darbys and Coalbrookdale
178558: RIMBAUD Arthur, HALLEZ Jacques - Les Illuminations Poèmes En Prose Eaux-Fortes Originales de Jacques Hallez
183429: CONAN DOYLE Arthur, BAWDEN Edward [Illustrator] - The Hound of the Baskervilles
117805: FLYNN Arthur - The Story of Irish Film
172729: SALTER Arthur - Slave of the Lamp a Public Servant's Notebook
162287: JONES Arthur - The History of Gruffydd Ap Cynan
168200: GRIMBLE Arthur - A Pattern of Islands
172072: MEE Arthur - Cornwall England's Farthest South the King's England
165971: RUBINSTEIN Arthur - My Many Years
182369: ROSENBERG Arthur, MORROW I.F.D. [Tranlator] - Imperial Germany the Birth of the German Republic 1871-1918
127249: BAIRD J. Arthur - Holy Word the Paradigm of New Testament Formation
182136: KOESTLER Arthur - Darkness at Noon
182294: CONAN DOYLE Arthur - The British Campaign in France and Flanders 1914
164489: FREEMAN Arthur - Stet Poems Selected and New 1957-2020
173575: RANSOME Arthur - Oscar Wilde a Critical Study
146412: KING Robert Arthur - Animals in Stone Architectural Sculpture in New York City
146413: KING Robert Arthur - Faces in Stone Architectural Sculpture in New York City
81268: ELTON Arthur, HARRISON Brett, WARK Keith - Researching the Country House
162839: STILL Arthur, VELODY Irving - Rewriting the History of Madness Studies in Foucault's Histoire de la Folie
178059: SYMONS Arthur - Aubrey Beardsley Unicorn Quartos Number Three
178313: BRYANT Arthur - Jackets of Green
161840: Royal Regiment of Artillery - Regimental Heritage a Pictorial Record of the Painting and Silver of the Royal Regiment of Artillery
180320: CORTE-REAL Artur, COSTA Alexandre Alves - Idanha-a-Velha Memorias Em Imagens Recollections in Images
134102: TOSCANINI Arturo, SACHS Harvey - The Letters of Arturo Toscanini
146014: SENGUPTA Arunabha - Apartheid a Point to Cover South African Cricket 1948-70 and the Stop the Seventy Tour
178790: SHARMA Arvind - The Hindu Gita Ancient and Classical Interpretations of the Bhagavadgita
142030: BRIGGS Asa - Secret Days Code-Breaking in Bletchley Park
178741: BRIGGS Asa - A Victorian Trilogy Victorian People, Victorian Cities, Victorian Things
153874: BRIGGS Asa, SNOWMAN Daniel - Fins de Siecle How Centuries End 1400- 2000
179163: GRAY Asa, DUPREE A. Hunter - Darwiniana Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism
180817: AMIN Ash - After Nativism Belonging in an Age of Intolerance
117518: WADE Ashton - A Life on the Line
140858: SEIERSTAD Asne, CHRISTOPHERSEN Ingrid - The Bookseller of Kabul
166869: SHOMAN Assad - Guatemala's Claim to Belize the Definitive History
77387: Publishers Association - A Guide to Royalty Agreements Prepared by the Agreements Committee of the Publishers Association
119385: Old Etonian Association - Eton School Register Being a Continuation of Stapylton's Eton School Lists 1893-1899
182067: Automobile Association - Road Book of Ireland with Gazetteer Itineraries Maps and Town Plans
40034: PALIOURAS Athanasios - The Byzantine Monuments and the Oecumenical Patriarchate
180244: DONALD Athene - Not Just for the Boys Why We Need More Women in Science
169850: SULTAN Atiyab - A Broken Record Institutions Community and Development in Pakistan
179991: SEELOW Atli - Die Moderne Architektur in Island in Der Ersten Hälfte Des 20 Jahrhunderts Transferprozesse Zwischen Adaption Und Eigenständigkeit
177507: QUAYSON Ato, WATSON Jini Kim - The Cambridge Companion to the City in World Literature (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
179468: QUAYSON Ato, MUKHERJEE Ankhi - Decolonizing the English Curriculum
181080: ATTERBURY Paul, et al. - A.W. N. Pugin Master of Gothic Revival
173869: BRILLI Attilio - English and American Travellers in Siena
120717: GUPTA Atul - The Power of Vedic Maths
174126: CLARK Atwood - For Fishermen Only
73383: AUBERT R., et al. - De Universiteit Te Leuven 1425 - 1975
108187: LEWIS Aubrey - Inquiries in Psychiatry Clinical and Social Investigations
91813: BEARDSLEY Aubrey - Zeichnungen Drawings
183549: MALONE Aubrey - Shane Paramount's Classic Western
169388: ECCLES Audrey - Vagrancy in Law and Practice Under the Old Poor Law
115885: WELLS Audrey - The Rule of Reverse Results the Effects of Unethical Policies
146696: LAFONTAINE August - La Famille de Halden Traduit de L'Allemand D'Auguste la Fontaine Par M.V. .
138414: SCHMIETENKNOP August, RICKERS Margot - Vom Schriftsetzer Zum Schriftkunstler August Schmietenknop 1897-1948
50208: NOEL Augusta - The Story of Wandering Willie
162696: CALAHAN Harold Augustin, TREVOR John B. - Wind and Tide in Yacht Racing
181538: ST AUGUSTINE - Augustine's Confessions or Praises of God in Ten Books Newly Translated Into English from the Original Latin
154610: SEDGEWICK Augustine - Coffeeland a History
175312: AUGUSTINE, WALSH P.G. - Augustine de Civitate Dei (the City of God) Books VIII & IX
152991: AUGUSTINE, O'DONNELL James J. - Augustine Confessions Volume II Commentary on Books 1-7
176921: YOUNG Augustus - The Making of a Pure Poet Rilke's Letters to a Young Poet (1904-1908) and His Life While Writing Them Things That Happen When Reading Rilke Volume One
182950: GRIMBLE Augustus - The Salmon Rivers of Ireland
182767: AGAR Augustus - Baltic Episode a Classic of Secret Service in Russian Waters
178702: MARCUS AURELIUS, LONG George [Translator] - The Thoughts of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Reprinted from the Tranlsation of George Long
159271: AUROUET Carole, BERNARDI Claire, et al. - Apollinaire le Regard Du Poete
157639: SMALL Joe Austell - The Best of True West
177717: MORGAN Austen - Pretence Why the Uk Needs a Written Constitution
172671: CHAMBERLAIN Sir Austen - Down the Years
109011: KARK Austen - The Forwarding Agent
103812: DOBSON Austin - Fanny Burney Madame D'Arblay English Men of Letters
176112: MITCHELL Austin - The Whigs in Opposition 1815-1830
103811: DOBSON Austin - Samuel Richardson English Men of Letters
155629: GROSS Austin, HARE Matt, KROGH Marie Louise - Essays from the Radical Philosophy Archive Volume 1 Critique and Betrayal [&] Volume 2 Philosophy and Nations
102525: Various Authors - A Book of Masques in Honour of Allardyce Nicoll
71181: Various Authors - Byron Shelley Keats in Memoriam Endowed Yearly Prizes Prize Essays by Competitors 4th Set
138869: OLAFSDOTTIR Audur Ava, FITZGIBBON Brian - Butterflies in November
51486: MACKENZIE-GRIEVE Averil - The Great Accomplishment
159777: CAMERON Averil - Procopius and the Sixth Century
174767: SHLAIM Avi - The United States and the Berlin Blockade 1948-1949 a Study in Crisis-Decision-Making
172575: ROSHWALD Aviel - Occupied European and Asian Responses to Axis Conquest 1937-1945
182794: YUVAL-NAEH Avinoam - An Economy of Strangers Jews and Finance in England 1650-1830 (Jewish Culture and Contexts)
166111: RONELL Avital - Finitude's Score Essays for the End of the Millennium
182468: WISHNITZER Avner - As Night Falls Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Cities After Dark
173506: OFFER Avner - The First World War an Agrarian Interpretation
180816: ALPERT Avram - The Good-Enough Life
177576: STONE Avril - The Book of Barnstaple Memories of a Coastal Market Town
168002: SUTZKEVER Avrom - Sutzkever Essential Prose
173314: JESSEL Awn - Absent Friends 1914-1982 Letters from Helen Dana Howard to Priscillalockwood Loomis
176099: KORNER Axel - 1848 a European Revolution? International Ideas and National Memories of 1848
180623: MUNTHE Axel - The Story of San Michele
162691: MUNTHE Axel - Memories and Vagaries
180865: RAHMANI Ayad - Frank Lloyd Wright and Ralph Waldo Emerson Transforming the American Mind
149473: RAND Ayn - The Fountainhead
152787: RAND Ayn - The Fountainhead
86626: DODGE Theodore Ayrault - The Campaign of Chancellorsville
163974: BINEBINE Aziz, NORMAN Lulu - Tazmamart 18 Years in Morocco's Secret Prison
142700: BINEBINE Aziz, NORMAN Lulu - Tazmamart 18 Years in Morocco's Secret Prison
180702: GRIL-MARIOTTE Aziza - Les Toiles de Jouy Histoire D'Un Art Decoratif 1760-1821
170025: BISHARA Azmi - On Salafism Concepts and Contexts (Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Societies and Cultures)
136630: ALBÍSTEGUI Ana Azpiri - La Arquitectura de Luis Tolosa
112816: POMEROY Wardell B. - Dr Kinsey and the Institute for Sex Research
124296: MUKHERJI S.B. - The Poetry of Tagore
181110: SHER Richard B. - The Enlightenment and the Book Scottish Authors and Their Publishers in Eighteenth-Century Britain Ireland and America
182017: CHRIMES S.B. - Henry VII
145502: PYNSENT R.B, KANIKOVA S.I. - The Everyman Companion to East European Literature
149564: CARPENTER Alfred F.B. - The Blocking of Zeebrugge
149569: CORLEY T.A.B. - Beechams 1848-2000 from Pills to Pharmaceuticals
152873: HARRISON G.B. - A Second Jacobean Journal Being a Record of Those Things Most Talked of During the Years 1607 to 1610
50367: JOHNSON Peter B. - Reuter Reporter in Divided Germany 1955 -58 [&] Reuter Reporter Among the Communists 1958 - 59
104820: SOMERSET H.E.B. - Meta the First Comprehensive Survey of the District of Metaponto in Basilicata South Italy Carried out in August 1964 by H.E. B. Somerset Who Designed Wrote and Produced This Report
102545: CHRIMES S.B. - Henry VII
99633: DAVIS George B., PERRY Leslie J., KIRKLEY Joseph W. - The War of the Rebellion Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies Series I Volume XLVIII Part I Reports Correspondence
99635: DAVIS George B., PERRY Leslie J., KIRKLEY Joseph W. - The War of the Rebellion Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies Series I Volume XLVIII Part II Correspondence
146428: LYLE H.B. - The Year of the Gun
144602: MARGULIES Martin B. - The Early Life of Sean O'Casey
169473: GEWERTZ Deborah B., ERRINGTON Frederick K. - Twisted Histories Altered Contexts Representing the Chambri in the World System
182687: CAMPBELL Mary B. - The Witness and the Other World Exotic European Travel Writing 400-1600
167291: PRITCHARD James B. - The Ancient Near East in Pictures an Anthology of Texts and Pictures
178611: DREES Willem B. - Religion Science and Naturalism
124095: HEWESTON W. B. - History of Napoleon Bonaparte and Wars in Europe from the Revolution in France to the Termination of the Late Wars Including Anecdotes of the Most Celebrated Characters in Three Volumes
183861: FALL Bernard B. - Hell in a Very Small Place the Siege of Dien Bien Phu
181124: WHALL W.B., WHALL R.H., REEVES Ernest - Sea Songs and Shanties
174724: FOWLER W.B. - British-American Relations 1917-1918 the Role of Sir William Wiseman
182840: HILLIARD Constance B. - Ancestral Genomics African American Health in the Age of Precision Medicine
173961: AUERBACH David B. - Meganets How Digital Forces Beyond Our Control Commandeer Our Daily Lives and Inner Realities
86291: KELLY D.B. - Excavations at Watergate House Chester 1959
179089: GUINGONA Phillip B. - China and the Philippines a Connected History C. 1900-50 (Asian Connections)
177190: ELLIOTT Shirley B. - Nova Scotia in London a History of Its Agents General 1762-1988
162636: TURRILL W.B. - British Plant Life New Naturalist No. 10
152575: YEATS W.B. - The Poems of W.B. Yeats in Two Volumes
156975: CONE Carl B. - Hounds in the Morning Sundry Sports of Merry England Excerpts from the Sporting Magazine 1792-1836
183103: TOKLAS Alice B. - The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book Plain Edition Illustrated by Sir Francis Rose
183115: STEANE J.B. - Singers of the Century Volume 2
171055: HOBBS J.B. - My Cricket Memories
126229: LEWIS R.W.B. - The Jameses a Family Narrative
178372: PARKES M.B. - Scribes Scripts and Readers Studies in the Communication Presentation and Dissemination of Medieval Texts
171962: MANDERSON-JONES R.B. - The Special Relationship Anglo-American Relations and Western European Unity 1947-56
181303: BLUESTEIN Howard B. - Tornado Alley Monster Storms of the Great Plains
174803: LIGHTFOOT J.B. - The Apostolic Fathers Part I S. Clement of Rome Volume I & II, Part II S. Ignatius [&] S. Polycarp Volume I, II & III
99629: DAVIS George B., PERRY Leslie J., KIRKLEY Joseph W. - The War of the Rebellion Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies Series I Volume XLI Part I Reports
128431: WAINEWRIGHT John B., HARTING Johanna H., BATERDEN James Rae - Miscellanea XIII I Some Letters and Papers of Nicolas Sander 1562-1580, II the Catholic Registers of Hammersmith Middlesex 1710-1838, Iiia the Catholic Registers Kept by Fr Peter Antonius Thompson Op As Chaplain to the Gibson Family from 1715, Iiib
159198: McNEILL Peter G.B., MacQUEEN Hector L. - An Atlas of Scottish History to 1707
178846: McKERROW Ronald B. - An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students
170108: KAPSTEIN Ethan B. - Exporting Capitalism Private Enterprise and Us Foreign Policy
182693: QUINN D.B. - The Hakluyt Handbook Volume I [&] Volume II
183881: MOZLEY J.B., MOZLEY Maria [Editor] - Letters of the Rev. J.B. Mozley D.D.
131926: EMERY Walter B., SMITH H.S., MILLARD A. - The Fortress of Buhen the Archaeological Report Forty-Ninth Excavation Memoir
178735: KEATS-ROHAN K.S.B. - Domesday People a Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents 1066-1166 II Pipe Rolls to Cartae Baronum
170611: SEELY J.E.B. - Adventure
170265: WILKINSON B. - The Later Middle Ages 1216-1485
160550: LEISHMAN J.B. - Translating Horace Thirty Odes Translated Into the Original Metres with the Latin Text and an Introductory and Critical Essay
180162: FORD E.B. - Moths New Naturalist No. 30
144499: WALKER J. B. - Rods How to Make Them
14105: OATTS Lt.-Colonel L.B. - Emperor's Chambermaids the Story of the 14th/20th King's Hussars
147145: BARBIER Edward B. - Scarcity and Frontiers How Economies Have Developed Through Natural Resource Exploitation
83123: JENKINS J.B. - The Removal of Blundell's 1846 - 1882 Town and Gown in Tiverton
162879: BULLOCK F.W.B. - A History of Training for the Ministry of the Church of England 1800-1874 [&] 598-1799
174665: WILLIAMS Franklin B. - Index of Dedications and Commendatory Verses in English Books Before 1641
120823: HARDISON O. B. - Modern Continental Literary Criticism
100249: STEVENSON David B., STEVENSON Wendy - Scottish Texts and Calendars an Analytic Guide to Serial Publications
143195: JOHNSTON A.J.B. - Control and Order in French Colonial Louisbourg 1713-1758
105373: MARCY Randolph B., WALLACE Edward S. - Thirty Years of Army Life on the Border
163713: NAMIER L.B. - Europe in Decay a Study in Disintegration 1936-1940
180906: MANN Vivian B. - Uneasy Communion Jews Christians and the Altarpieces of Medieval Spain
178775: STAUFFER George B. - Bach Perspectives Volume Two J.S. Bach the Breitkopfs and Eighteenth-Century Music Trade
174696: BOSWORTH R.J.B. - Explaining Auschwitz and Hiroshima History Writing and the Second World War 1945-1990
4784: JAMESON M.B. - The Long Day 1883-1983
178281: CARTER Harold B. - Sir Joseph Banks 1743-1820
183606: GENSHEIMER Maryl B. - Decoration and Display in Rome's Imperial Thermae Messages of Power and Their Popular Reception at the Baths of Caracalla
145231: HOLTHUIS L.B. - Zoologische Verhandelingen 268 Marcgraf's (1648) Brazilian Crustacea
177698: GREENFIELD Stanley B., CALDER Daniel G. - A New Critical History of Old English Literature
141425: WARREN David B., BROWN Michael K., COLEMAN Elizabeth Ann, NEFF Emily Ballew - American Decorative Arts and Paintings in the Bayou Bend Collection
133436: MARRIOTT Rev. Wharton B. - Vestiarium Christianum the Origin and Gradual Development of the Dress of Holy Ministry in the Church
159415: YEATS W.B., KELLY John, SCHUCHARD Ronald - The Collected Letters of W.B. Yeats Volume III 1901-1904
144744: DANBY Peter B. - Lake District Grid Squares Explored
156513: MILLER J.D.B., JINKS Brian - Australian Government and Politics an Introductory Survey
150132: COSTAIN Thomas B. - The Black Rose
181739: McCLENDON Charles B. - The Origins of Medieval Architecture Building in Europe 600-900 A.D.
170195: INFIELD Glenn B. - Disaster at Bari
171483: EDWARDS C.B., LAMBOURN John D. - The British Expeditionary Force in Salonika with 66th Brigade 22nd Division Some Memories Recorded by Lt C.B. Edwards While Serving with 8th King's Shropshire Light Infantry
183340: VALE Robert B. - Wings Fur and Shot a Grass-Roots Guide to American Hunting
182953: BOUGHAN Rolla B. - Shotgun Ballistics for Hunters
175749: ELLIS Colin D.B. - Leicestershire and the Quorn Hunt
179121: BOSWORTH R.J.B. - Politics Murder and Love in an Italian Family the Amendolas in the Age of Totalitarianisms
99634: DAVIS George B., PERRY Leslie J., KIRKLEY Joseph W. - The War of the Rebellion Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies Series I Volume L Part I Reports Correspondence
100507: OSTRANDER Alson B. - An Army Boy in the Sixties a Story of the Plains
47747: PATTERSON Sarah Elizabeth B. - Dunellan Manse or Times and Trials of the Disruption
167282: GOTTSCHALK H.B. - Heraclides of Pontus
171760: NAMIER L.B. - Conflicts Studies in Contemporary History
91055: HAINSWORTH J.B. - Homer Greece & Rome New Surveys in the Classics No 3
138407: PIERROT R.B. - Les Bryophytes Du Centre-Ouest Classification Determination Repartition
177331: PLUMMER D.B. - Modern Ferreting
183860: FALL Bernard B. - Street without Joy
175900: ROBERTS K.B., TOMLINSON J.D.W. - The Fabric of the Body European Traditions of Anatomical Illustration
153351: PRIESTLEY J.B. - Bright Day
123229: WILSON John B. - Us Army Campaign Streamers Colors of Courage Since 1775
171822: FRYDE E.B., MILLER Edward - Historical Studies of the English Parliament Volume 1 Origins to 1399 [&] Volume 2 1399 to 1603
146429: LYON John B., TUCKER Brian - Fontane in the Twenty-First Century
138860: McLEISH John A.B. - September Gale a Study of Arthur Lismer of the Group of Seven
93817: MARCHAND John B., SYMONDS Craig L. - Charleston Blockade the Journals of John B. Marchand U.S. Navy 1861 - 1862
143640: TAJANI R.B. - The Rape of Literature and Other Poems
160974: LLOYD Alan B. - What Is a God? Studies in the Nature of Greek Divinity
86919: COTTERILL H.B. - A History of Art Volume I Down to the Age of Raphael [&] Volume II Later European Art with Chapters on Oriental Sculpture and Painting
144225: WILLS Matthew B. - In the Highest Traditions of the Royal Navy the Life of Captain John Leach Mvo Dso
133599: WILKINSON Michael B., CAMPBELL Hugh N. - Philosophy of Religion an Introduction
133603: BARNARD E.A.B. - A Seventeenth Century Country Gentleman Sir Francis Throckmorton 1640 - 80
131749: KIDD John B., RICHTER Frank-Jurgen - Infrastructure and Productivity in Asia Political Financial Physical and Intellectual Underpinnings
181091: McKERROW Ronald B. - Printers' & Publishers' Devices in England and Scotland 1485-1640 (Bibliographical Society Illustrated Monographs No. XVI)
157019: SCOTT Derek B. - German Operetta on Broadway and in the West End 1900-1940
134646: HARRISON G. B. - Elizabethan Plays and Players
149630: MAGOR R.B. - African General Service Medals
162878: BULLOCK F.W.B. - The Evangelical Conversion of Great Britain 1696-1845 [&] 1516-1695
163042: BULLOCK F.W.B. - The History of Ridley Hall Cambridge 2 Volumes
157940: HALDANE A.R.B., MUNRO Helen - The Path by the Water
173441: WHITE E.B., FRASCINO Edward - The Trumpet and the Swan
146686: DUPATY The Abbe [ J. B.] - Travels Through Italy in a Series of Letters Written in the Year 1785... Translated from the French by an English Gentleman
166603: FREEMAN Joanne B. - Affairs of Honor National Politics in the New Republic
50595: MILLER J.D.B. - The World of States Connected Essays
148018: URALSKI B., DEINEKA A. - El Electricista
176025: LODGE A.B. - The Fall of General Gordon Bennett
151994: RHINE J.B., PRATT J.G. - Parapsychology Frontier Science of the Mind
148824: MARSHALL A.B. - Taking the Adventure
125505: WORKMAN Herbert B. - Persecution in the Early Church
163880: TAFRESHI Babak - The World at Night
182991: CAINE Babara - Bombay to Bloomsbury a Biography of the Strachey Family
150518: MACAULAY Thomas Babington, ROWLAND Peter - The History of England from the Accession of James II in Five Volumes
150251: MACAULAY Thomas Babington, TREVELYAN Lady - The Works of Lord Macaulay in Eight Volumes
183889: BACON Francis, et al. - Francis Bacon
181697: ZEWDE Bahru - A History of Modern Ethiopia 1855-1991
182821: BHATTACHARYA Baidik - Colonialism World Literature and the Making of the Modern Culture of Letters (Cambridge Studies in World Literature)
171957: LEE Ki-baik, WAGNER Edward W., SHULTZ Edward J. - A New History of Korea
136102: HOOK Van Bailey - The Virgin & the Dynamo Public Murals in American Architecture 1893-1917
175603: BAINBRIDGE, Beryl - Every Man for Himself
174219: BAINBRIDGE, Beryl - Every Man for Himself
148168: RAJAN Balachandra - The Dark Dancer
169833: KATZ Maya Balakirsky - Freud Jung and Jonah Religion and the Birth of the Psychoanalytic Periodical
181000: BASRA Celina Baljeet - Happy
177321: FLETCHER Sir Banister - A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method
142878: GASTINNE Jean-Baptiste - Le Havre 1517-1789 Histoire D'Une Identité Urbaine
111228: LOPEZ Jean-Baptiste, TUSTIN Rebecca - Yemen Beyond the News
182567: LEVICK Barbara - Augustus Image and Substance
131687: WOOTTON Barbara - Social Science and Social Pathology
160821: WEINBERG H. Barbara, BARRATT Carrie Rebora - American Stories Paintings of Everyday Life 1765-1915
164348: SICHERMAN Barbara - Well-Read Lives How Books Inspired a Generation of American Women
42813: WRISTON Barbara - Rare Doings at Bath
157489: TAYLOR BRADFORD Barbara - A Man of Honour
183837: GOWARD Barbara - Telling Tragedy Narrative Technique in Aeschylus Sophocles and Euripides
162477: KELLERMAN Barbara - The Enablers How Team Trump Flunked the Pandemic Ad Failed America
165366: CARTLAND Barbara, HULL E.M., GLYN Elinor, DELL Ethel M., HAY Ian, WYNNE Pamela, FARNOL Jeffrey, RUCK Berta - Barbara Cartland's Library of Love 22 Volumes the Sheik His Hour Knave of Diamonds Safety Match Hundredth Chance Reason Why Way of an Eagle Vicissitudes of Evangeline Bars of Iron Man and Maid Sons of the Sheik Six Days Rainbow in the Spray Great Mom
179901: LORENZKOWSKI Barbara, ALEXANDER Kristine, BURTCH Andrew - Small Stories of War Children Youth and Conflict in Canada and Beyond
178259: WINSLOW Barbara - Revolutionary Feminists
141517: CLEVERLY Barbara - The Last Kashmiri Rose
115181: EVANS Barbara - Caduceus in Saigon a Medical Mission to South Viet-Nam
182661: PYM Barbara - A Glass of Blessings
178232: CHASE-RIBOUD Barbara - Monumentale the Bronzes
156842: MORGAN Barbara, PEREZ Maya - On Story Screenwriters and Filmmakers on Their Iconic Films
169034: MEARNS Barbara, MEARNS Richard - Biographies for Birdwatchers the Lives of Those Commemorated in West Palearctic Bird Names
109610: BRYANT Barbara - G.F. Watts Portraits Fame and Beauty in Victorian Society
182911: BURMAN Barbara - The Point of the Needle Why Sewing Matters
182912: CHASE-RIBOUD Barbara - I Always Knew a Memoir
162145: EUPHAN TODD Barbara, RABIER Benjamin - Gertrude the Greedy Goose
164263: BLOEMINK Barbara - Florine Stettheimer a Biography
116408: EINHORN Barbara - Cinderella Goes to Market Citizenship Gender and the Women's Movements in East Central Europe
177103: CASTLE Barbara - The Castle Diaries 1964-70 [&] 1974-76
159485: SWINDELLS Barber - Mining Couture a Manifesto for Common Wear
168469: RICHLIN Johanna Bard - In the Hands of God How Evangelical Belonging Transforms Migrant Experience in the United States
159422: BARDET Jean-Pierre, et al. - Atlas Historico de Ciudades Europeas II Francia
137775: MILIUS Pierre Barnard, PRATT Kate - Milius le Dernier Commandant de L'Expedition Baudin le Journal (1800-1804) 2 Volumes
172445: SLOANE Barney - The Black Death in London
180203: SLOANE Barney, MALCOLM Gordon - Excavations at the Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem Clerkenwell London (Molas Monograph 20)
171695: NORRIS Barney - Undercurrent
181467: WHITE-SPUNNER Barney - Baily's Hunting Directory 1999-2000
145800: NORRIS Barney - The Wellspring Conversations with David Owen Norris
136793: ORCZY Baroness - The Scarlet Pimpernel
175980: PITT Barrie - Special Boat Squadron the Story of the Sbs in the Mediterranean
161698: SHERWOOD Barrie - The Macanese Pro-Wrestler's Cookbook
171817: SABRETACHE [A.S. Barrow] - A Gentleman and His Hounds
171925: EICHENGREEN Barry - Europe's Post-War Recovery
177591: UNSWORTH Barry - Sacred Hunger
182300: CUNLIFFE Barry - Iron Age Communities in Britain an Account of England Scotland and Wales from the Seventh Century Bc Until the Roman Conquest
182299: CUNLIFFE Barry - Iron Age Communities in Britain an Account of England Scotland and Wales from the Seventh Century Bc Until the Roman Conquest
182319: CUNLIFFE Barry - Wessex to Ad 1000 (a Regional History of England)
145136: PARKER Barry, UNWIN Raymond - The Art of Building a Home a Collection of Lectures and Illustrations
175069: CUNLIFFE Barry - Europe between the Oceans Themes and Variations 9000 Bc - Ad 1000
176125: RUBIN Barry - Secrets of State the State Department and the Struggle over Us Foreign Policy
165940: SINTON Barry - Disregarded Territories Newlyn Photographs by Barry Sinton
136826: TURNER Barry - Countdown to Victory
158394: SIEGEL Barry - Dreamers and Schemers How an Improbable Bid for the 1932 Olympics Transformed Los Angeles from Dusty Outpost to Global Metropolis
143885: HALPENNY Bruce Barrymore - Action Stations 2 Military Airfields of Lincolnshire and the East Midlands
148721: PEER Barsharat - Curfewed Night a Frontline Memoir of Life, Love and War in Kashmir
167708: McDOWELL Bart - Gypsies Wanderers of the World
148880: BARTIMEUS - Under Sealed Orders a Tale of Yesterday
172693: JOHNSON Paul Barton - Land Fit for Heroes the Planning of British Reconstruction 1916-1919
131991: Lorenzo Basegio - Vocabolario Degli Accademici Della Crusca Compendiato Volume Primo a-N
18865: WINSTON Basil - Amor Immortalis
126829: LUBBOCK Basil - The Western Ocean Packets
178740: BUNTING Basil - Collected Poems
172027: FULLER Basil - Bid Time Return
126828: LUBBOCK Basil - The Opium Clippers
171474: COLLIER Basil - Heavenly Adventurer Sefton Brancker and the Dawn of British Aviation
92598: LIDDELL HART Basil - The War in Outline 1914 - 1918
175987: COLLIER Basil - Brasshat a Biography of Field- Marshal Sir Henry Wilson
136384: MUSALLAM Basim - The Arabs a Living History
173390: NEARY Hilary Bates - A Black American Missionary in Canada the Life and Letters of Lewis Champion Chambers
98558: VAUGHAN Henry Bathurst - St George and the Chinese Dragon
135543: BUCCARELLI Gio. Batta. (Giovanni Battista), ERNST Giorgio (George) - L'Amico de' Fanciulli O Sia IL Morale Instruttore Della Gioventu`
147112: VAN DER POL Bauke - De Voc in India Een Reis Langs Nederlands Erfgoed in Gujarat Malabar Coromandel En Bengalen
178636: BAYLE Pierre, LABROUSSE Elisabeth, et al [Editors] - Correspondance de Pierre Bayle Tome Premier 1662-1674 Lettres 1-65 [&] Tome Deuxieme Novembre 1674-Novembre 1677 Lettres 66-146
177485: RICE Barrie Baz - We Were Blackwater Life Death and Madness in the Killing Fields of Iraq
183424: WATKINS-PITCHFORD Denys BB, ARMOUR G.D. - The Sportsman's Bedside Book
176215: WYSS Beat, ROSSLER Patrick, KRAUSSE Joachim, BLUME Torsten, PERREN Claudia - Big Plans Modern Figures Visionaries and Inventors on Applied Modernism in Saxony-Anhalt 1919-1933
136951: CHOMATOWSKA Beata - Lachert I Szanajca Architekci Awangardy
141796: DE PASTRE Béatrice - Le Cinéma Fantastique En France 1897-1982
131020: POTTER Beatrix - The Tailor of Gloucester from the Original Manuscript
142141: SAULE Beatrix, ARMINJON Catherine - Sciences & Curiosites a la Cour de Versailles
141163: BRICE Beatrix, PULTENEY William - The Battle Book of Ypres
165592: DE ALBA-KOCH Beatriz - The Ibero-American Baroque
157663: BRESLIN Beau - A Constitution for the Living Imagining How Five Generations of Americans Would Rewrite the Nation's Fundamental Law
167656: ANDREWS Becca - No Choice the Fall of Roe V. Wade and the Fight to Protect the Right to Abortion
177004: RYDEN David Beck - West Indian Slavery and British Abolition 1783-1807
182529: STOWE Harriet Beecher, SKLAR Kathryn Kish [Editor] - Harriet Beecher Stowe Three Novels Uncle Tom's Cabin, the Minister's Wooing, Oldtown Folks
179310: STOWE Harriet Beecher, BULLEN George - Uncle Tom's Cabin or Life Among the Lowly and a Bibliography of the Work Together with an Introductory Account of the Work.
170827: GIN & BEER - The Foxhunting Reminiscences of 'Gin & Beer' and Two Turpin Romances of Local Interest.
170090: BOOCHANI Behrouz - Freedom Only Freedom the Prison Writings of Behrouz Boochani
150250: PORTEUS Beilby - Sermons on Several Subjects [&] Lectures on the Gospel of St Matthew
177028: YIHUN Belete Belachew - Ethiopia and Eritrea Insights Into the Peace Nexus
113758: YOUNG John Bell - Liszt a Listener's Guide to His Piano Works
181923: MILLETT Bella, DOBSON E.J., DANCE Richard [Editors] - Ancrene Wisse a Corrected Edition of the Text in Cambridge Corpus Christi College Ms 402 with Variants from Other Manuscripts Volume I Text [&] Volume II General Introduction Notes and Glossary (Early English Text Society 325 & 326)
112791: KIERNAN Ben - The Pol Pot Regime Race Power and Genocide in Cambodia Under the Khmer Rouge 1975 - 79
179353: WILDAVSKY Ben - The Career Arts Making the Most of College Credentials and Connections
163167: CREED Ben - A Traitor's Heart
149157: REES D. Ben - The Life and Work of Owen Thomas 1812-91 a Welsh Preacher in Liverpool
169118: OKRI Ben, EJAITA Diana - Every Leaf a Hallelujah
165858: WEIDER Ben, FORSHUFVUD Sten - Assassination at St Helena Revisited
183922: KATCHOR Ben - The Dairy Restaurant
182733: COWELL Ben - The British Country House Revival
163840: LAMB Ben - You'Re Nicked Investigating British Television Police Series
162967: HINSHAW Ben - Exactly What You Mean
165638: OKRI Ben - The Last Gift of the Master Artists
148166: PIMLOTT Ben, RAO Nirmala - Governing London
171994: TONRA Ben - The Europeanisation of National Foreign Policy Dutch Danish and Irish Foreign Policy in the European Union
160338: King's Bench - The Proceedings and Tryal in the Case of William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury... In the Court of the King's Bench 1688
182255: GUMMER Benedict - The Scourging Angel the Black Death in the British Isles
158254: PARRY Benita - Delusions and Discoveries Studies on India in the British Imagination 1880-1930
146951: MARKOVITS Benjamin - Christmas in Austin
181024: DISRAELI Benjamin, GUNN J.A.W., MATTHEWS John, SCHURMAN Donald M., WIEBE M.G. [Editors] - Benjamin Disraeli Letters Volume I 1815-1834
181025: DISRAELI Benjamin, GUNN J.A.W., MATTHEWS John, SCHURMAN Donald M., WIEBE M.G. [Editors] - Benjamin Disraeli Letters Volume II 1835-1837
181026: DISRAELI Benjamin, WIEBE M.G., CONACHER J.B., MATTHEWS John, MILLAR Mary S. [Editors] - Benjamin Disraeli Letters Volume IIII 1838-1841
181027: DISRAELI Benjamin, WIEBE M.G., CONACHER J.B., MATTHEWS John, MILLAR Mary S. [Editors] - Benjamin Disraeli Letters Volume V 1848-1851
177440: ABRAMS Benjamin - The Rise of the Masses Spontaneous Mobilization and Contentious Politics
161584: DISRAELI Benjamin, ZETLAND Marquis of [Editor] - The Letters of Disraeli to Lady Bradford and Lady Chesterfield Volume I 1873 to 1875 [&] Volume II 1876 to 1881
147383: HULME-CROSS Benjamin, TRUNFIO Alessia - King Arthur Thor Odysseus Hercules
173000: BRYCE Benjamin - The Boundaries of Ethnicity German Immigration and the Language of Belonging in Ontario
166578: DISRAELI Benjamin, GUNN J.A.W., MATTHEWS John, SCHURMAN Donald M., WIEBE M.G. [Editors] - Benjamin Disraeli Letters 1815-1834 [&] 1835-1837
182680: WOOLLEY Benjamin - The King's Assassin the Fatal Affair of George Villiers and James I.
179409: HALL Benjamin - Saved a War Reporter's Mission to Make It Home
183037: HO Benjamin - Why Trust Matters an Economist's Guide to the Ties That Bind Us
180883: ARBEL Benjamin - Cyprus the Franks and Venice 13th-16th Centuries (Variorum Collected Studies)
176571: TAYLOR Benjamin - Proust the Search
167889: BENNETT-CARPENTER Benjamin - Explaining Jesus an Interdisciplinary Exploration of a Phenomenon
136316: WARDHAUGH Benjamin - Poor Robin's Prophecies a Curious Almanac and the Everyday Mathematics of Georgian Britain
183592: BREEN Benjamin - Tripping on Utopia Margaret Mead the Cold War and the Birth of Psychedelics
164163: NIGHTINGALE Benjamin - Lancashire Nonconformity or Sketches Historical & Descriptive of the Congregational and Old Presbyterian Churches in the County 6 Volumes
182743: POHL Benjamin - The Cambridge Companion to the Age of William the Conqueror (Cambridge Companions to Culture)
183827: WELLES Benjamin - Sumner Welles Fdr's Global Strategist a Biography
183316: STEIL Benn - The Battle of Bretton Woods John Maynard Keynes Harry Dexter White and the Making of a New World Order
172001: WOODS Randall Bennett - A Changing of the Guard Anglo-American Relations 1941-1946
168826: GREEN Benny - Wisden Anthology 4 Volumes 1864-1900, 1900-1940, 1940-1963, 1963-1982
165919: SMITH Dorothy Bentley - No Ordinary Surgeon the Life and Times of William Binley Dickinson
152707: CELLINI Benvenuto, BULL George - The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
178862: UPDIKE Daniel Berkeley - Printing Types Their History Forms and Use a Study in Survivals Volume I [&] Volume II
172403: HAMILTON Bernard - Religion in the Medieval West
173842: CORNWELL Bernard - Gallows Thief
127682: LANG Bernard - The Hebrew God Portrait of an Ancient Deity
169121: VENABLES Bernard - The Angler's Companion
72588: IRELAND Bernard - The War in the Mediterranean 1940 - 43
153007: LONERGAN Bernard, RYAN William F.J., TYRELL Bernard J. - A Second Collection Papers by Bernard J.F. Lonergan S.J.
64625: BECKER Bernard, SHAFFER Robert N. - Diagnosis and Therapy of the Glaucomas
179110: MURPHY James Bernard - The Third Sword on the Political Role of Prophets
159126: DUPAIGNE Bernard - The History of Bread
146103: TOULIER Bernard - Architecture Et Patrimoine Du Xxe Siecle En France
182385: PORTER Bernard - Critics of Empire British Radicals and the Imperial Challenge
180879: AIKEMA Bernard, BROWN Beverley Louise - Renaissance Venice and the North Crosscurrents in the Time of Dürer and Titian
181724: HAMILTON Bernard - Crusaders Cathars and the Holy Places
135223: BURKE Sir Bernard - Vicissitudes of Families in Two Volumes
178773: HARRISON Bernard - Haydn's Keyboard Music Studies in Performance Practice
175118: COMRIE Bernard, STONE Gerald, POLINSKY Maria - The Russian Language in the Twentieth Century
166242: SAMUELS Bernard - Ben Hartley a Retrospective
177991: DYER Bernard, MITCHELL C. Ainsworth - The Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists Some Reminiscences of Its First Fifty Years and a Review of Its Activities
169343: FERGUSSON Bernard - The Trumpet in the Hall 1930-1958
150221: WICKSTEED Bernard, LANCASTER Osbert - It's Fun Finding out
155269: MAC LAVERTY Bernard - Grace Notes
176537: DE VAIVRE Jean-Bernard, VISSIERE Laurent - Tous Les Deables D'Enfer Relations Du Siège de Rhodes Par Les Ottomans En 1480
155822: NOBLE Bernard - Noble Endeavours
142239: MARTIN Robert Bernard - With Friends Possessed a Life of Edward Fitzgerald
94369: DENVIR Bernard - A Most Agreeable Society a Hundred and Twenty Five Years of the Arts Club
164270: SAMUELS Bernard - Ben Hartley
181365: WASSERSTEIN Bernard - On the Eve the Jews of Europe Before the Second World War
177780: CORNWELL Bernard - Azincourt
164685: O'CONNOR Bernard - Operation Lena and Hitler's Plots to Blow Up Britain
170488: SHAW Bernard - Caesar and Cleopatra a History
177245: BOUSMANNE Bernard - Verlaine En Belgique Cellule 252 Turbulences Poétiques
160972: DARWIN Bernard - Historic Golf Courses of the British Isles
162986: LIGHTMAN Bernard - Rethinking History Science and Religion an Exploration of Conflict and the Complexity Principle
141074: WATNEY Bernard - English Blue and White Porcelain of the Eighteenth Century Monographs on Pottery & Porcelain
137641: POOL Bernard - The Croker Papers 1808-1857
174694: BERNSTORFF, SUTTON Eric - The Memoirs of Count Bernstorff
148843: RITCHIE Berry - Portrait in Oil an Illustrated History of Bp
70721: HEURLIN Bertel - Germany in Europe in the Nineties
138861: MORISOT Berthe - Berthe Morisot 1841-1895
182338: WOLPE Berthold - Vincent Figgins Type Specimens 1801 and 1815
182232: BRECHT Bertolt, BENTLEY Eric [Editor] - Seven Plays by Bertolt Brecht Swamp, a Man's Man, Saint Joan of the Stockyards, Mother Courage, Galileo, the Good Woman of Setzuan, the Caucasian Chalk Circle
162542: EVANS Bertram - Industrial Arts the Magazine of Applied Art in Manufacture Marketing No. 1 Vol. 1 Spring 1936
178567: RUSSELL Bertrand - Power a New Social Analysis
178577: RUSSELL Bertrand - Freedom and Organization 1814-1914
177021: TAITHE Bertrand - The Killer Trail a Colonial Scandal in the Heart of Africa
179784: RUSSELL Bertrand, FEINBURG Barry, KASRILS Ronald [Editors] - Dear Bertrand Russell... A Selection of His Correspondence with the General Public 19501968
179817: RUSSELL Bertrand - A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz with an Appendix of Leading Passages
167722: RUSSELL Bertrand - Justice in War-Time
179828: RUSSELL Bertrand, FEINBURG Barry, KASRILS Ronald - Bertrand Russell's America His Transatlantic Travels and Writings Volume One 1896-1945
179829: RUSSELL Bertrand, GRIFFIN Nicholas [Editor] - The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell Volume 1 the Private Years 1884-1914
178563: RUSSELL Bertrand, RUSSELL Patricia - The Amberley Papers the Letter and Diaries of Lord and Lady Amberley Volume One [&] Volume Two
183701: RONDOT Bertrand - Discovering the Secrets of Soft-Paste Porcelain at the Saint-Cloud Manufactory Ca. 1690-1766
179819: RUSSELL Bertrand - Human Knowledge Its Scope and Limits
179821: RUSSELL Bertrand - Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy Muirhead Library of Philosophy
179823: RUSSELL Bertrand - Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays
179824: RUSSELL Bertrand - Our Knowledge of the External World As a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy
179826: RUSSELL Bertrand - The Principles of Mathematics
147985: SYMONS Beryl - Daffodil Jane
71863: BAINBRIDGE Beryl - According to Queeney
182100: BAINBRIDGE Beryl - The Bottle Factory Outing
156115: BAINBRIDGE Beryl - Watson's Apology
174214: BAINBRIDGE Beryl - Master Georgie
183815: CUTHBERTSON Margaret Beth - Rhodesian Rambles
177835: SUTTON-RAMSPECK Beth - Harry Potter and Resistance
157491: BEARDSLEE Bethany - I Sang the Unsingable My Life in Twentieth-Century Music
139289: GIBSON Bethany - Bull Terrier
168466: PRIOLEAU Betsy - Diamonds and Deadlines a Tale of Greed Deceit and a Female Tycoon in the Gilded Age
181386: MALLE Bettina, SCHMICKL Helge - Artisanal Vinegar Maker's Handbook Crafting Quality Vinegars Fermenting Distilling Infusing
173895: HARDEN Bettina - The Most Glorious Prospect Wales Garden Visiting in Wales 1639-1900
141986: John Betts - The London Modern Atlas
177442: JOSEPH Betty - From Empire to Anthropocene the Novel in Posthistorical Times
154704: RADICE Betty - Abelard & Heloise the Story of His Misfortunes and the Personal Letters
150850: RADICE Betty - Praise of Folly
157315: WOOD Betty, LYNN Martin - Travel Trade and Power in the Atlantic 1765-1884 (Camden Fifth Series Series Number 19)
183161: GRAY Bettye - Oh Get on!
182835: MILTON-EDWARDS Beverley, FARRELL Stephen - Hamas the Quest for Power
46497: NICHOLS Beverley - Powers That Be
173217: HILLIER Bevis - The Virgin's Baby the Battle of the Ampthill Succession
171418: HILLIER Bevis - Elgarado How I Cracked Elgar's Enigma
118338: HILLIER Bevis - Posters
126291: HILLIER Bevis - Early English Porcelain
174145: STENDHAL Marie-Henri Beyle, EDWARDS H.L.R. [Translator] - Lucien Leuwen First Book the Green Huntsman [&] Second Book the Telegraph
130401: BHUSHAN Bharat - Springer Handbook of Nano-Technology
176528: Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao - Mensajes Desde la Pared Carteles En la Coleccion Del Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao (1886-1975)
167739: GERTZ Bill - Deceiving the Sky Inside Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy
182286: SPARKS Bill - Cockleshell Commando the Memoirs of Bill Sparks Dsm
183538: GULICK Bill - Chief Joseph Country Land of the Nez Perce
183539: GULICK Bill - Custer's Last Fight the Battle of the Little Big Horn (Battle of the Little Big Horn Series Volume One)
166569: BRYSON Bill - Seeing Further the Story of Science and the Royal Society
130666: HARNEY Bill, CLARK Manning - Bill Harney's War
166884: FOX Bill - Trump Trudeau Tweets Truth a Conversation
144723: BIRKETT Bill - Lakeland's Greatest Pioneers One Hundred Years of Rock Climbing
178738: SMITH Bill - D.Y. Cameron the Visions of the Hills
158459: ARNOTT Bill - Gone Viking a Travel Saga
183582: PRONZINI Bill, GREENBERG Martin H. [Editors] - The Arbor House Treasury of Great Western Stories
171553: DODGEN Bill - Recollections of a God Botherer
156497: JAMIESON Bill - Britain Beyond Europe
113415: COUTH Bill - Grantham During the Interregnum the Hall Book of Grantham 1641-1649 Publications of the Lincoln Record Society
139113: GRINNELL George Bird - The Fighting Cheyennes
174623: JOHNSON Birdie - Reflections Life Portraits of Exmoor
183393: LASKOWSKI Birgit - Piero Della Francesca Masters of Italian Art
176036: BEUMERS Birgit - World Film Locations Moscow
149188: BEUMERS Birgit - Directory of World Cinema Volume 4 Russia
145166: CHRIST Birte, MORISI Eve - Death Sentences Literature and State Killing
134050: LOMBORG Bjorn - Global Crises Global Solutions
177694: FRANK Bjorn, BULLOCH Jamie - In the Long Run We Are All Dead the Lives and Deaths of Great Economists
164887: BLACKWELL Adrian, et al. - Fuse Magazine Volume 30 Number 3 2007
178891: MONLUC Blaise, ROY Ian [Editor] - The Habsburg-Valois Wars and the French Wars of Religion (Military Memoirs Series)
158457: ALLMENDINGER Blake - Geographic Personas Self-Transformation and Performance in the American West
180908: McHAM Sarah Blake - The Chapel of St Anthony at the Santo and the Development of Venetian Renaissance Sculpture
173917: HENREY Blanche - No Ordinary Gardener Thomas Knowlton 1691-1781
182723: MISIC Blanka, GRAHAM Abigail - Senses Cognition and Ritual Experience in the Roman World (Ancient Religion and Cognition)
159966: HEYNOLD-VON GRAEFE Blida - Manzu's Doors for the Tower of the Great or St Lawrence's Church in Rotterdam
78413: BRAMSEN Bo - Den Gamle by I Arhus Kobstadmuseets Historie Topografi
165460: CHAPPELL Bob - The Bbc Micro Adventurer
151334: CRAMPSEY Bob - Mr Stein a Biography of Jock Stein 1922-85
183220: DYLAN Bob - The Philosophy of Modern Song
3416: PEEDLE Bob - Encyclopaedia of the Modern Territorial Army
53199: KLADNIK Bogdan - Terra Mystica
165519: ST JOHN Henry Viscount Bolingbroke - Letters on the Study and Use of History Volume I [&] Volume II
167225: BABALOLA Bolu - Honey and Spice
127567: DOBREE Bonamy - Restoration Tragedy 1660-1720
113029: DOBREE Bonamy - English Literature in the Early Eighteenth Century 1700-1740
180066: WHEELER Bonnie, PARSONS John C. - Eleanor of Aquitaine Lord and Lady
183125: IBHAWOH Bonny, AYELAZUNO Jasper Abembia, BAWA Sylvia - Truth Commissions and State Building
170014: BONO - Surrender 40 Songs One Story
179594: BONO - Surrender 40 Songs One Story
183745: CHAPMAN Emilee Booth - Election Day How We Vote and What It Means for Democracy
168978: BORDERER - Hunting and Sporting Notes in Shropshire and Cheshire Season 1884-85
136167: VALLEJO Boris - Dreams the Art of Boris Villejo
159153: JOHNSON Boris - The Churchill Factor How One Man Made History
176544: GORELIK Boris - An Entirely Different World Russian Visitors to the Cape 1797-1870
176956: FAUSTO Boris, FAUSTO Sergio, BRAKEL Arthur - A Concise History of Brazil
115301: UXKULL Boris, Von UEXKULL Detlev, CARMICHAEL Joel - Arms and the Woman the Diaries of Baron Boris Uxkull 1812-1819
136168: VALLEJO Boris, BELL Julie - Twin Visions
147502: BEBEK Borna - Santhana One Man's Road to the East
160055: KOSAREV Borys et al. - Borys Kosarev's View of Earth
177818: BOSTON E.R. Boston, NICHOLSON Peter - Font to Footplate the Illustrated Story of the Rev E.R. Boston and the Cadeby Light Railway
181541: MONTOLIEU Isabelle Pauline Polier de Bottens - Anécdotes Sentimentales Par Madame de Montolieu
158576: SANSAL Boualem - Lettre D'Amitie de Respect Et de Mise En Garde Aux Peuples Et Aux Nations de la Terre
178170: BOUCHER, David, KELLY Paul - The Social Contract from Hobbes to Rawls
45929: BURGESS Boughey - A Brief History of the Royal United Service Institution
137678: ST LEGER Francis Barry Boyle - Mr Blount's Mss Being Selections from the Papers of a Man of the World in Two Volumes
161775: WITCHER Heather Bozant - Collaborative Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century Sympathetic Partnerships and Artistic Creation (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture)
181608: MELTZER Brad, MENSCH Josh - The Nazi Conspiracy the Secret Plot to Kill Churchill Roosevelt and Stalin
183572: ELLIOTT Brad - Surf's Up the Beach Boys on Record 1961-1981
165658: SOMER Bradley - Extinction
102517: W. Bragg - Trial of the Taunton Election Petition Before a Committee of the House of Commons February 23rd 1831
177855: CHUA Brandon, HO Elizabeth - The Routledge Companion to Global Literary Adaptation in the Twenty-First Century
142593: POULSEN Mogens Brandt - Axel Hoeg-Hansen
163851: THORPE Simon Brann - Toy Soldiers War Games of Non-Resolution in Western Sahara
103165: GRAY Herbert Branston, TURNER Samuel - Eclipse or Empire
140321: DE OLIVEIRA Joao Bras - Os Navios de Vasco Da Gama Capitao-Tenente Da Armada
144323: BRASSAI - Lettres a Mes Parents 1920-1940
181305: BRAUN Alexander, et al. - Pioniere Des Comic Eine Andere Avantgarde
57243: PERKINS James Breck - France Under Mazarin with a Review of the Administration of Richelieu Volume I [&] Volume II
136889: MONTESQUIEU Charles-Louis de Secondat Baron de La Brède - Oeuvres de Monsieur de Montesquieu de L'Espirit Des Loix
164849: WALKER Brenda, STOICA Ion - Young Poets of a New Romania
110006: ALMOND Brenda - Introducing Applied Ethics
167845: HILLMAN Brenda - In a Few Minutes Before Later
179583: ATKINS Brendan - The Naturalist the Remarkable Life of Allan Riverstone Mcculloch
157329: O'CATHAOIR Brendan - John Blake Dillon Young Irelander
177452: CEBUL Brent - Illusions of Progress Business Poverty and Liberalism in the American Century
179404: ZOOK Kristal Brent - The Girl in the Yellow Poncho a Memoir
155080: GHELFI Brent - Volk's Shadow
158939: PLATE S. Brent - Walter Benjamin Religion and Aesthetics Rethinking Religion Through the Arts
124555: BETTS Robert Brenton - Christians in the Arab East a Political Study
105396: YOUNG Francis Brett - Jim Redlake
161090: HOOTON Brett, KONING Robin, THURSTON Meaghan - With the World to Choose from Celebrating Seven Decades of the Beatty Lecture at Mcgill University
105397: YOUNG Francis Brett - The City of Gold
105399: YOUNG Francis Brett - This Little World
153430: FAIRFAX-LUCY Brian - The Cat Did It
182550: PLUMMER David Brian, KNOWELDEN Martin [Illustrator] - Lepus the Story of a Hare
122898: JOHNSON Brian, COZENS H.I. - Bombers the Weapon of Total War
125962: MOORE Brian - The Magician's Wife
125865: HARDING Brian - Nathaniel Hawthorne Critical Assessments
122731: FALLON Brian - Irish Art 1830 - 1990
156261: SEDGEMORE Brian - Pitiless Pursuit
158288: BOYDELL Brian, BOYDELL Barra - Rebellious Ferment a Dublin Musical Memoir and Diary
181050: LAVERY Brian - Churchill Goes to War Winston's Wartime Journeys
181277: MOORE Brian - Brian Moore 5 Volumes the Great Victorian Collection, the Doctor's Wife, the Mangan Inheritance Black Robe, the Colour of Blood
165490: LAVERY Brian - Nelson's Navy the Ships Men and Organisation 1793-1815
140927: LAVERY Brian - Churchill's Navy the Ships Men and Organisation 1939 - 1945
158154: MOORE Brian - The Colour of Blood
170258: PLUMMER D Brian - Trog a Novel
113672: FOTHERGILL Brian - Sir William Hamilton Envoy Extraordinary
182955: HOLTON Brian - Aa Cled Wi Clouds She Cam 60 Lyrics Frae the Chinese Translations in Scots and English
179691: CATLING Brian - The Vorrh
174441: PAYNE Brian - Eating the Ocean Seafood and Consumer Culture in Canada
178530: VESEY-FITZGERALD Brian - British Game New Naturalist No. 2
175777: BUTTERWORTH Brian - The Mathematical Brain
182586: VESEY-FITZGERALD Brian - The Book of the Dog
175558: O CUIV Brian - The Irish of West Muskerry Co. Cork a Phonetic Study
182902: JUDGE Brian - Democracy in Default Finance and the Rise of Neoliberalism in America
180333: GITTOS Brian, GITTOS Moira - Interpreting Medieval Effigies the Evidence from Yorkshire to 1400
180138: MOSS Brian - The Broads the People's Wetland New Naturalist No. 89
150439: SUTTON-SMITH Brian - The Games of New Zealand Children
109390: VESEY-FITZGERALD Brian - British Game the New Naturalist
179016: FOTHERGILL Brian - The Cardinal King [Prince Henry Stuart Cardinal Duke of York]
178875: FOTHERGILL Brian - The Mitred Earl an Eighteenth Century Eccentric
171398: MORRIS Brian - The Collected Poems of Brian Morris
174584: CAMPBELL Brian - The Roman Army 31 Bc - Ad 337 a Sourcebook
163982: BRIVATI Brian - Icarus the Life and Death of the Abraaj Group
168359: GIRVIN Brian - From Union to Union Nationalism Democracy and Religion in Ireland Act of Union to Eu
129536: HENHAM Brian, SHARP Brian - Badges of Extinction the 18th and 19th Century Badges of Insurance Office Firemen
181441: SIBLEY Brian, HOWE John - The Map of Tolkien's Middle-Earth [&] There and Back Again the Map of the Hobbit
158996: BOND Brian - The Unquiet Western Front Britain's Role in Literature and History
183224: MASTERS Brian - French Short Stories
168022: KNIGHT Brian - Plymouth Argyle a Complete Record 1903-1989
164651: RAILSBACK Brian, MEYER Michael J. - A John Steinbeck Encyclopedia
134914: STABLEFORD Brian - Promised Land
177346: VESEY-FITZGERALD Brian - British Game New Naturalist No. 2
182919: SPOONER Brian, ROBERTS Peter - Fungi New Naturalist No. 96
154579: MOYNAHAN Brian - Leningrad Siege and Symphony
155764: GARFIELD Brian - Wild Times
96783: WYLDBORE-SMITH Sir Brian - March Past the Memoirs of a Major-General
164289: O'DALAIGH Brian - The Strangers Gaze Travels in County Clare 1534-1950
126069: HILL Brian - Such Stuff As Dreams
183301: MORTON Brian - Shostakovich His Life and Music
113842: GARDNER Brian - The Wasted Hour the Tragedy of 1945
178448: ADAMS Brian - Sidney Nolan Such Is Life
183654: STRATFORD Brice, SOTES Jesus [Illustrator] - Anglo-Saxon Myths the Struggle for the Seven Kingdoms
134756: MONTA Susannah Brietz - Martyrdom and Literature in Early Modern England
173187: BROPHY Brigid - The Prince and the Wild Geese
154299: PEUCKER Brigitte - Aesthetic Spaces the Place of Art in Film
141783: THANNER Brigitte, SCHMUTZ Hans-Konrad, GEUS Armin - Johann Rudolf Schellenberg
169611: Parsons Brinckerhoff - Bridge Inspection and Rehabilitation a Practical Guide
180067: BOUCHARD Constance Brittain - Holy Entrepreneurs Cistercians Knights and Economic Exchange in Twelfth Century Burgundy
126913: DEAN Britten - China and Britain the Diplomacy of Commercial Relations 1860-64 East Asian Monograph
122489: AUSTIN F. Britten - According to Orders
150056: WEIGALL Arthur E.P. Brome - A History of Events in Egypt from 1798 to 1914
183022: EVERILL Bronwen - Not Made by Slaves Ethical Capitalism in the Age of Abolition
169088: NORTHEY W. Brook, MORRIS C.J. - The Gurkhas Their Manners Customs and Country
162774: WHITING Brooke - The Ahmanson-Murphy Aldine Collection a Check-List of the Books from the Press of Aldo Pio Manuzio
113025: CRUTCHLEY Brooke - Siberch Celebrations 1521-1971
122853: ATKINSON Brooks - The Cingalese Prince
170981: PENNELL-ELMHIRST Captain E. (Brooksby) - E. Pennell-Elmhirst (Brooksby) 3 Volumes the Cream of Leicestershire Eleven Seasons' Skimmings Notable Runs and Incidents of the Chase, the Best Season on Record Selected and Republished from the Field, Fox-Hound Forest and Prairie
170805: SCOTT Brough - Galloper Jack
70584: NICHOLSON Susan Brown - Teddy Bears on Paper
181434: WILLIS Browne - Notitia Parliamentaria Containing an Account of the First Returns and Incorporations of the Cities Towns and Boroughs in England and Wales That Send Members to Parliament Their Returning Officers Number of Electors and Coats of Arms. .
161067: DOERN G. Bruce, STONEY Christopher, HILTON Robert - Keeping Canada Running Infrastructure and the Future of Governance in a Pandemic World
181202: CHATWIN Bruce - What Am I Doing Here
170654: HUDSON Bruce - Post-War British Thoroughbreds Their Purchase and Restoration
177636: MAIN-SMITH Bruce - The Second Post-Vintage Racing Scene (1931-1953)
183098: KRAIG Bruce - A Rich and Fertile Land a History of Food in America
120121: MAZLISH Bruce - James and John Stuart MILL
141736: PERIL Bruce - Rocket to the Moon
157447: SHOEMAKER Bruce, ROBICHAUD William - Dead in the Water Global Lessons from the World Bank's Model Hydropower Project in Laos
115490: ROBERTSON Bruce - British Military Aircraft Serials 1912-1963
137587: COVILLE Bruce, GEISLER Deb - The One Right Thing
155984: CARTER Bruce - Target Island
148882: BANNERMAN W. Bruce - Miscellanea Genealogica Et Heraldica Volume III Fourth Series
102361: CROFTS Bruce - At Satan's Throne the Story of Methodism in Bath
165951: ARNOLD Bruce - Jack Yeats
181087: SANDISON Bruce - Trout Lochs of Scotland
174280: KING Bruce - Robert Graves a Biography
179372: RIEDEL Bruce - Beirut 1958 How America's Wars in the Middle East Began
173718: MAIN-SMITH Bruce - The First Velocette Scene
181462: HEYWOOD Bruce - A Singular Exmoor Man
182859: WELLS Bruce - The Cambridge Companion to Law in the Hebrew Bible (Cambridge Companions to Religion)
96679: ALLSOPP Bruce - The Historic Architecture of Newcastle Upon Tyne
125939: SCHULLER Bruno, HEINEGG Peter - Wholly Human Essays on the Theory and Language of Morality
154568: LE MAIRE Bruno - L'Ange Et la Bete Memoires Provisoires
57600: APPLEYARD Bryan - The First Church of the New Millennium
126079: LITTLE Bryan - Cambridge Discovered
179331: DIAMOND Bryan - Claude Montefiore Jewish Scholar Communal Leader Philanthropist
170895: GUINNESS Bryan - The Clock Poems and a Play
170961: GUINNESS Bryan - Afterthought for Christmas 1980
174164: SMALLEY Bryan - Aft Through the Hawsepipe
99333: GUINNESS Bryan - The Giant's Eye
175446: SYKES Bryan - Human Inheritance Genes Languages and Evolution
68944: LATHAM Bryan - Victorian Staffordshire Portrait Figures for the Small Collector
152342: PERRETT Bryan - The Hawks a Short History of the 14th/20th King's Hussars
164754: DAVIES Bryan, DUVAL Steven - Privacy
92818: PERRETT Bryan - A History of Blitzkrieg
157644: COOKE John Bryne - The Snowblind Moon a Novel of the West
182611: JONES Bryony - The Music of Lord Berners (1883-1950) the Versatile Peer
173334: SCHULBERG Budd - The Disenchanted
162482: LECLERC Georges-Louis LE COMTE DE BUFFON, ZALASIEWICZ Jan, MILON Anne-Sophie, ZALASIEWICZ Mateusz - The Epochs of Nature
180426: SIMEON II OF BULGARIA, DE COURTOIS Sebastien - A Unique Destiny the Memoir of the Last Tsar of Bulgaria Prime Minister of a Republic
181760: THIELE Marie Louise Bulst, PARDI Renzo - Sacrae Domus Militiae Templi Hierosolymitani Magistri Ricerche Sulla Storia Dell'Ordine Dei Templari 1118/9-1314
145583: DONALD Elsie Burch - A Model American
42014: DONALD Elsie Burgh - Nashborough
136105: JAMES Burnett - Wagner and the Romantic Disaster
147232: RICHTER Burton - Beyond Smoke and Mirrors Climate Change and Energy in the 21st Century
173709: RYAN Henry Butterfield - The Vision of Anglo-America the Us-Uk Alliance and the Emerging Cold War 1943-1946
114299: HILTON John Buxton - Passion in the Peak
114303: HILTON John Buxton - The Sunset Law
113866: HILTON John Buxton - The Asking Price
169895: FARWELL Byron - Prisoners of the Mahdi the Story of the Mahdist Revolt from the Fall of Khartoum to the Reconquest of the Sudan Fourteen Years Later and of the Daily Lives and Sufferings in Captivity of Three European Prisoners a Soldier a Merchant and a Priest
41274: WILLIAMSON George C. - Andrew & Nathaniel Plimer Miniature Painters Their Lives and Their Works
169943: GROVES P.R.C. - Behind the Smoke Screen
183710: SUTTON David C. - Location Register of Twentieth Century English Literary Manuscripts and Letters a Union List of Papers of Modern English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh Authors in the British Isles Volume I a-J [&] Volume II K-Z
131866: BODLEY J.E.C. - La France Essai Sur L'Histoire Et le Fonctionnement Des Institutions Politiques Françaises
164690: OSBORN HANN Mrs A.C. - Ronnie 3 Volumes Ronnie and the Lord's Prayer, Ronnie and the Creed, Ronnie and the Commandments
81907: HANSON R.P.C. - The Acts in the Revised Version New Clarendon Bible
121782: DUTT R.C. - Civilisation. Of Ancient India Based on Sanskrit Literature Volume I.
169066: WILSON Brian C. - The California Days of Ralph Waldo Emerson
161527: FLEMING N.C. - The Marquess of Londonderry Aristocracy Power and Politics in Britain and Ireland (International Library of Twentieth Century History)
104433: WESTERMAN John F.C. - Bringing Down the Air Pirate
103838: MACAULAY G.C. - James Thomson English Men of Letters
103841: BENSON Atrthur C. - Rossetti English Men of Letters
170943: SQUIRE J.C. - Collected Poems
168566: SNELL Daniel C. - A Companion to the Ancient Near East Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World
168702: MOLBECH C. - Danske Ordsprog Tankesprog Og Riimsprog Af Trykte Og Utrykte Kilder Samlade, Ordnede Og Udgivne
168707: ALBRECHT Milton C., BARNETT James H., GRIFF Mason - The Sociology of Art and Literature a Reader
113057: GRIERSON H.J.C. - Cross Currents in English Literature of the Xviith Century
151478: PETTY Frederick C. - Italian Opera in London 1760-1800
160233: PONGRACZ Patricia C. - Louis C. Tiffany and the Art of Devotion
132857: FARBER Joseph C., HOPE REED Henry - Palladio's Architecture and Its Influence a Photographic Guide
178366: FINUCANE Ronald C. - Miracles and Pilgrims Popular Beliefs in Medieval England
153212: MARDRUS J.C. - Le Livre Des Mille Nuits Et Une Nuit Traduction Littérale Et Complète Du Texte Arabe 16 Tomes
157461: TOPIK Steven C. - Trade and Gunboats the United States and Brazil in the Age of Empire
151189: COCKERELL Sydney C. - The Gorleston Psalter a Manuscript of the Beginning of the Fourteenth Century in the Library of C.W. Dyson Perrins. .
162577: BEASLEY Jerry C. - Tobias Smollett Novelist
148219: KEITH E.C., HARRISON J.C. [Illustrator] - Gun for Company
106223: LAVIN J.C., WILMORE G.T.D. - The West Yorkshire Plant Atlas
90648: MURRAY Arthur C. - At Close Quarters a Sidelight on Anglo-American Diplomatic Relations
158490: DESSEN Alan C. - Jonson's Moral Comedy
152946: MASTERMAN J.C. - Bits and Pieces
180559: TAYLOR C. - First Folio a Little Book of Folio Forewords
136460: MAJUMDAR R.C. - British Paramountcy and Indian Renaissance [the History and Culture of the Indian People Volume IX]
164691: OSBORN HANN Mrs A.C. - Ronnie 4 Volumes Ronnie and the Catechism, Ronnie and the Collects, Ronnie and the Sacraments, Ronnie and the Saints
183188: KEITH E.C., HARRSION J.C. [Illustrator] - Shoots and Shooting
180388: SAHNER Christian C. - Christian Martyrs Under Islam Religious Violence and the Making of the Muslim World
183086: SUTTON David C. - Location Register of English Literary Manuscripts and Letters Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries Volume I a-J [&] Volume II K-Z
183089: LUBENOW W.C. - The Cambridge Apostles 1820-1914 Liberalism Imagination and Friendship in British Intellectual and Professional Life
142620: STURM Christopher C., CLARKE Adam - Reflections on the Being and Attributes of God and on His Works... In Two Volumes
183344: YOUNG Carolin C. - Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver Stories of Dinner As a Work of Art
176107: McKERCHER B.J.C. - Anglo-American Relations in the 1920s the Struggle for Supremacy
177307: BEHRENT Michael C. - Becoming Foucault the Poitiers Years
160692: O'BRIEN Maureen C., BERGSTEIN Mary - Image and Enterprise the Photographs of Adolphe Braun
176139: WRIGHT J.R.C. - Above Parties the Political Attitudes of the German Protestant Church Leadership 1918-1933
183026: FULLER Major General J.F.C. - The Army in My Time
183027: FULLER Major General J.F.C. - The Dragon's Teeth a Study of War and Peace
182968: HERNTON Calvin C., GRUNDY David, SCHEYER Lauri [Editors] - Selected Poems of Calvin C. Hernton
177311: HANSON R.P.C. - Saint Patrick His Origins and Career
181445: TOWNER Donald C. - The Leeds Pottery
65326: GRIER Sydney C. - The Advanced-Guard
114565: MEARNS David C. - The Lincoln Papers in Two Volumes
181848: DAVIS R.H.C. - King Stephen 1135-1154
116368: LONGUET-HIGGINS H.C. - The Psychological Mechanisms of Language a Joint Symposium of the Royal Society and the British Academy Held on 11 and 12 March 1981
152746: GRAYLING A.C. - The Good State on the Principles of Democracy
183453: POLLARD Hugh B.C., HOLIDAY Gilbert [Illustrator] - Hard Up on Pegasus or Riding and Hunting for Those Who Can't Afford Them
74884: JOSLIN E.C. - Spink's Catalogue of British and Associated Orders Decorations and Medals with Valuations
178100: DARBY H.C., WELLDON FINN R. - The Domesday Geography of South-West England
178101: DARBY H.C., CAMPBELL E.M.J. - The Domesday Geography of South-East England
48354: GREVILLE Charles F.C., REEVE Henry - The Greville Memoirs a Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William IV in Three Volumes
175339: WELLS J.C. - Accents of English Volume 1 an Introduction, Volume 2 the British Isles, Volume 3 Beyond the British Isles
179457: ALSTON R.C. - Order and Connexion Studies in Bibliography and Book History Selected Papers from the Munby Seminar Cambridge July 1994
175863: CROMBIE A.C. - Augustine to Galileo Volume I Science in the Middle Ages 5th to 13th Centuries [&] Volume II Science in the Later Middle Ages and Early Modern Times 13th to 17th Centuries
175785: GARDINER S.C. - Old Church Slavonic an Elementary Grammar
177609: HABERLEN Joachim C. - Beauty Is in the Street Protest and Counterculture in Post-War Europe
176982: METCALF Alida C. - Family and Frontier in Colonial Brazil Santana de Parnaiba 1580-1822
178716: LYONS M.C., MATTOCK J.N. [Edtors] - Arabic Technical and Scientific Texts Volume 1 Kitab Tadbir Al-Amrad Al-Hadda LI-Buqrat (Hippocrates Regimen in Acute Diseases), Volume 2 Maqala Tashtamil 'Ala Fusul Min Kitab Al-Hayawan LI-Aristu (Tract Comprising Excerpts from Aristotle's Book of A.
167355: HOSTETTER Edwin C. - An Elementary Grammar of Biblical Hebrew
175554: MULLINS E.L.C. - Texts and Calendars an Analytical Guide to Serial Publications
180444: LOUDON J.C., GILBERT Christopher - Loudon's Furniture Designs from Loudon's Encyclopaedia of Cottage Farm and Villa Archtiecture and Furniture
183356: BRIDGETT R.C. - By Loch and Stream Angling Sketches
180231: SMITH Peter C. - Pedestal the Malta Convoy of August 1942
180239: BROWN Jonathan A.C. - Slavery and Islam
135825: THOMSON H.C. - The Chitral Campaigna Narrative of Events in Chitral Swat and Bajour
176937: BAILEY Anne C. - The Weeping Time Memory and the Largest Slave Auction in American History
58054: GASKELL E.C., SCOTT Temple, WILLETT B.W. - The Life of Charlotte Bronte Reprinted from the First Edition and Edited with an Introduction and Notes
64696: MARTIN-DOYLE J.L.C. - A Synopsis of Ophthalmology
146474: ROSS Alan S.C. - What Are U.
76093: CAWLEY A.C. - The Wakefield Pageants in the Towneley Cycle Old and Middle English Texts
177934: FAURIEL C.C., ADLER G.J. - History of Provencal Poetry with Occasional Notes and References to the Authorities Cited or Alluded to in the Volume Specimens of Verses in the Original and an Introduction on the Literature of the History of Provencal Poetry
154829: KEITH E.C., HARRISON J.C. - Gun for Company
183586: ATHERTON David C. - Writing Violence the Politics of Form in Early Modern Japanese Literature
160608: TREADWELL Terry C. - Knights of the Black Cross
181363: JANOS Andrew C. - East Central Europe in the Modern World the Small States of the Borderlands from Pre to Postcommunism
183681: TREVELYAN R.C. - Rimeless Numbers
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