Rosemary Pugh Books 59b Old Sarum Airfield, The Portway, SALISBURY, Wiltshire, SP4 6DZ, ENGLAND. Tel/fax/24 hour answerphone +44 1722 330 132 Email: | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
37675: PAN-ANGLICAN CONGRESS 1908 - Christianity and Socialism being problems for consideration at the Pan-Anglican Congress, 1908
12536: MALVERN 1941 - Malvern 1941 - Life of the Church and the order of society: being the proceedings of the Archbishop of York's Conference
36713: HYDRA 2000 - Hydra 2000: proceedings of the XXVIth Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, London, 11-15 September 1995, Volume 4: The hydraulics of water resources and their development edited by J Gardiner
14585: O - O Praise the Lord: Unison Song words from Psalm XXII music by William Boyce edited by Richard Graves (Curwen Edition)
35135: E H - Aids to reverently celebrating the holy eucharist
56381: TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR VROUWENSTUDIES 49 - 1992 Jaargang 13 nummer 1 Het gedeelde verschil: de lezingen de man onder het mes
56383: TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR VROUWENSTUDIES 50 - 1992 Jaargang 13 nummer 2: Omstreden consensus en onbetwiste strijd
49395: PAN-ANGLICAN CONGRESS 1908 - General report with the addresses at the devotional meetings: Pan Anglican Congress 1908 Volume I
55699: DICTIONARY OF INTERNATIONAL BIOGRAPHY 1993/94 - Dictionary of international biography 1993/94 (Twenty Second Edition)
27882: WHO'S WHO 1980 - Annual biographical dictionary: one hundred and thirty-second year of issue
11333: LAMBETH CONFERENCE 1968 - Lambeth essays on faith: essays written for the Lambeth Conference 1968
70751: ANGL-CATHOLIC CONGRESS 1933 - REPORT OF THE OXFORD MOVEMENT CENTENARY CONGRESS July, 1933 in original red cloth binding with blind stamped logo on front board & black/white illuminated initial letter to each chapter
10027: ISAIAH 40-55 - Isaiah 40-55: a short introduction
62862: PAN-ANGLICAN CONGRESS 1908 - Religion and science: being problems for consideration at the Pan-Anglican congress, 1908
11338: LAMBETH CONFERENCE 1988 - Trustworthy and true: pastoral letters from the Lambeth Conference 1988
11339: LAMBETH CONFERENCE 1988 - Lambeth Conference 1988 - The truth shall make you free: the reports, resolutions and pastoral letters from the Bishops
9898: IN - In God we trust: christian reflections on the Nuclear Arms Race
81530: LAMBETH CONFERENCE 1958 - Lambeth Conference 1958 - Encyclical letter from the Bishops together with the resolutions and reports
12362: E A T [RUSSELL E F] - Alexander Heriot Mackonochie: a memoir by E.A.T. edited by Edward Francis Russell
83070: - The Strand Coronation Souvenir 1937: the Coronation of Their Most Gracious Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth May 12th 1937
27883: WHO'S WHO 1972 - Annual biographical dictionary: one hundred and twenty-fourth year of issue
36712: HYDRA 2000 - Hydra 2000: proceedings of the XXVIth Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, London, 11-15 September 1995, Volume 3: Future paths for maritime hydraulics edited by A J Grass
36711: HYDRA 2000 - Hydra 2000: proceedings of the XXVIth Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, London, 11-15 September 1995, Volume 1: Integration of research approaches and applications edited by D A Ervine
36890: Bible English AV 1795 - Holy Bible ornamented with engravings by James Fittler from celebrated pictures by old masters in 2 volumes 25cm (4o)
36894: Bible English AV 1795 - Holy Bible ornamented with engravings by James Fittler from celebrated pictures by old masters one volume edition with tightly fitting book case
17069: SALISBURY GUIDE 1973/1974 - Salisbury: the apple of the eye of England Official Guide 1973/74 by the Town Clerk
16348: RESEARCH 2000 - Research 2000, Stretching the boundaries of chemical engineering: a 2 day symposium held at the University of Bath, 6-7 January 2000
36221: HALDANE R B Viscount 1856-1928 - Mind and reality (Affirmations series section VI)
83142: E M - A catechism that is to say an instruction to be learned of every person before he be brought to be confirmed by the Bishop with notes by E M with many cuts in the text, besides twelve coloured illustrations
83463: MURPHY-O'CONNOR J - Becoming human together: the pastoral anthropology of St Paul (Good News Studies 2)
82142: MURPHY-O'CONNOR J - Theology of the second letter to the Corinthians (New Testament Theology)
82143: MURPHY-O'CONNOR J - St Paul's Corinth: texts and archaeology (Good News Studies 6)
25898: SCADDING G & O'CONNOR B - Key advances in the effective management of Asthma
53761: MURPHY-O'CONNOR J - Paul: his story
82616: MURPHY-O'CONNOR J - Ecole Biblique and the New Testament: a century of scholarship (1890-1990) with a contribution by Justin Taylor (Novum Testamentum et Otbis Antiquus 13)
83461: MURPHY-O'CONNOR J - What is religious life? a critical appraisal
38106: HEAL F & O'DAY R - Church and society in England: Henry VIII to James I (Problems in focus)
43804: TAKENAKA M & O'GRADY R - Bible through Asian eyes
54361: JONES A & O'NEIL J - Seasons of grace: the life-giving practice of gratitude
59098: JENKINSON W & O'SULLIVAN H - Trends in mission toward the 3rd millennium
60952: BENTZEN Aage - INTRODUCTION TO THE OLD TESTAMENT: (2 volumes in one)
82796: AAGESON J W - Paul, the Pastoral Epistles, and the Early Church (Library of Pauline Studies)
81050: AARON D H - Genesis ideology: essays on the uses and meanings of stories
38753: ABAILARD P [McCallum] - Abailard's ethics translated with an introduction by J Ramsay McCallum
58638: ABBA R - Nature and authority of the Bible
21: ABBA R - Nature and authority of the Bible
47842: SHERBORNE ABBEY - Life as we know it; an anthology
57282: MALLING ABBEY - Birth of the word
51223: MALLING ABBEY - Exploration into love
56110: KYLEMORE ABBEY - Light to the world
57299: MALLING ABBEY - Heart wisdom
57300: MALLING ABBEY - Freedom
57301: MALLING ABBEY - Communion
57302: MALLING ABBEY - What is man?
57303: MALLING ABBEY - Paschal mystery
23902: ABBEY C J - English church and its bishops 1700-1800 in two volumes
41083: WESTMINSTER ABBEY - Service of thanksgiving for the life and ministry of Max Warren 1904-77, Canon of Westminster 1963-73, on Tuesday 11 October 1977 at 6 pm
57287: MALLING ABBEY - Other and like
39069: QUARR ABBEY - Monastic life
57283: MALLING ABBEY - Heart knows
26976: DOWNSIDE ABBEY - Catholic prayerbook from Downside Abbey: school prayers
54193: MALLING ABBEY - Challenge and response
36385: MALLING ABBEY - Prayer in simplicity
57284: MALLING ABBEY - Whence? Wither?
57286: MALLING ABBEY - Adventure in spirit
32387: MALLING ABBEY - Life in Christ: series of talks given to the Community
81892: ABBOTT T K - Critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistles to the Ephesians and to the Colossians (International Critical Commentary)
38750: ABBOTT E A - Indices to Diatessarica with a specimen of research
31: ABBOTT E A - Oxford sermons: preached before the University
38751: ABBOTT E A - Fourfold Gospel, Section I: introduction
30: ABBOTT E A - Cambridge sermons: preached before the University
60010: ABBOTT E A - FROM LETTER TO SPIRIT: an attempt to reach through varying v (Diatessarica part lll)
23556: ABBOTT D - AS and A level sociology revision
56194: ABBOTT D - Mark we make
38752: ABBOTT E A - Notes on New Testament criticism
58640: ABEL F-M - Histoire de la Palestine depuis la conquete d'Alexandre jusqu'a l'invasion Arabe viii 510pp/x 407pp paperbacks, discoloured/foxed covers, discoloured pages, volume II pages uncut, shabby set but stitching sound and text unmarked
83066: ABERBACH D - Bialik (Jewish Thinkers)
56322: ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY: KINGS COLLEGE, Dept of Divinity with Religious Studies - But where shall wisdom be found? A volume of essays relating theology and university, in celebration of the Quincentenary of the University of Aberdeen, 1995
80720: DAVID (Metropolitan of Sukhumi and Abkhazia - To deliver the oppressed from their bonds: Metropolitan David reflects on liberation theology
58642: ABRAHAM W J - Divine inspiration of Holy Scripture
49060: ABRAHAM K - King and the beast: a student New Testament: contemporary English version
36319: ABRAHAM W H - Church and state in England (OLPT)
58644: ABRAHAM W J - Divine revelation and the limits of historical criticsm
60016: ABRAHAMS, Israel - BY-PATHS IN HEBRAIC BOOKLAND damp stain at top of pages: illustrated: published in USA
60018: ABRAHAMS, Peter - OUT OF REACH OUT OF EARSHOT: pastoral ministry within and beyond the church - a model for today
57924: ABRAMOVIC P et al - Painting in Israel: 15 reproductions in colour
20793: SARDAR Z & ABRAMS I - Introducing chaos [previously pub as Chaos for beginners] edited by R Appignanesi
68298: ABRECHT A - HISTORY'S LESSONS FOR TOMORROW'S MISSION: milestones in the history of missionary thinking
46556: ABULAFIA D - Western Mediterranean kingdoms 1200 - 1500: struggle for dominion
29564: INST OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS - Official ICAEW directory of firms 1999: London - a guide to professional business advice
29546: INST OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS - Official ICAEW directory of firms 1999: East Midlands and East Anglia - a guide to professional business advice
45960: MARTIN-ACHARD R - Approach to the Old Testament
80335: ACHTEMEIER E - Jeremiah (Knox Preaching Guides)
48755: ACHTEMEIER E - Preaching hard texts of the Old Testament
60023: ACKEN B van - Handbook for sisters (authorised adaption)
80994: ACKERLEY G J - Importing faith: the effect of American 'Word of Faith' culture on contemporary English Evangelical Revivalism foreword by Martyn Percy
69: ACKROYD P R - Freedom in action: studies in the Acts of the Apostles
58929: ACKROYD P R - Old Testament tradition (Problems in Christian Education No 7)
63: ACKROYD P R - Doors of perception: a guide to reading the Psalms
71: ACKROYD P R - People of the Old Testament
35732: ACKROYD P - London: the biography
3922: CHURCH ACTION - Action on unemployment: 100 projects with unemployed people
76: ADAIR J - Becoming church
56580: ADAIR J - Puritans: religion and politics in seventeenth century England and America
3684: ADAM K - One and holy
82371: ADAM D - Searchlights: the all-age resource for Common Worship Year C - Lamps - 6 to10's with photocopiable worksheets
82372: ADAM D - Searchlights: the all-age resource for Common Worship Year C - Complete Resoure Book
53285: ADAM M B - Our only hope: more than we can ask or imagine (Distinguished dissertations in Christian theology)
82430: ADAM A - Liturgical year: its history and its meaning after the reform of the liturgy
36959: ADAM A M - Plato: moral and political ideals
82693: ADAM D - Searchlights: the all-age resoure for Common Worship Year B (Complete Resource Book)
82: ADAM D - Rhythm of life: celtic daily prayer, illustrations by Monica Capoferri
47723: ADAMS S - Star of Bethlehem
30675: ADAMS D - What is prayer?
103: ADAMS W H D - Great English Churchmen: or Famous Names in English Church History and Literature
70045: PHYTHIAN-ADAMS W J - WAY OF AT-ONE-MENT studies in biblical theology
51605: ADAMS W H D - Catacombs of Rome: historical and descriptive with a chpater on the symbolism of early christian art
47771: ADAMS T et al - Short preludes for organ (Book I) (Contents list available on request)
91: ADAMS G B - Civilization during the Middle Ages especially in relation to modern civilization
52698: ADAMS A D - 4000 questions and answers on the Bible: including help to Bible study and new practical course in Bible reading
46875: ADAMS I - Cave refectory road: monastic rhythms for contemporary living
43588: ADAMSBAUM B - Time has come: a study of Jesus' words as he looked ahead to the Cross
28905: ADAMSON D - Starting English for business
104: ADAMSON J B - Epistle of James (NICNT)
56907: ADAMSON J B - James the man and his message
38761: ADDERLEY J - New earth: sermons, addresses and lectures
44532: ADDINALL P - Philosophy and biblical interpretation: a study in nineteenth-century conflict
109: ADDISON W G - Religious Equality in Modern England 17l4-19l4
55698: ADDISON J T - Way of Christ: a book for young readers: readings and prayers for boys and girls from eleven to fourteen
41836: ADDISON J [GREEN J R] - Essays of Joseph Addison: chosen and edited by J R Green (Golden Treasury series)
50602: ADDLESHAW G W O - Holu island or Lindisfarne: a short history and description of the island and its ancient buildings
53284: ADIPRASETYA J - Imaginative glimpse: the trinity and multiple religious participations (Princeton Theological Monograph Series)
115: ADOLFS R - Church is different
52581: ADOLFS R - Grave of God: has the church a future?
82425: ADAMNAN/ADOMNAN [Fowler] - Adamnani vita S. Columbae, edited from Dr Reeve's text with an introduction on early Irish church history, notes and a glossary by J T Fowler [latin text], BOUND WITH Prophecies, miracles and visions of St Columba written by St Adamnan, published by Henry Frowde 1895 [English text]
52381: VAN KAAM Adrian - Personality fulfillment in the spiritual life
66627: VAN KAAM Adrian - VOWED LIFE: dynamics of personal and spiritual unfolding
117: ADVANCES - Advances in fertility control & the treatment of sterility: proceedings of a symposium at World Congress on Fertility & Sterility Congress 11th Dublin June 1983
120: ADVISORY - Advisory Board for redundant churches: 1993 Annual Report
119: ADVISORY - Advisory Board for redundant churches: 1995 Annual Report
137: ADY C M - Role of women in the church
54890: VAN DAMME J & AERTS W - Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp
143: AFTER - After a hundred years: a popular illustrated report of the British and Foreign Bible Society for the centenary year 1903-4
61014: BIBLE SPEAKS AGAIN - BIBLE SPEAKS AGAIN: a guide from Holland, commissioned by the Netherlands Reformed Church (foreword by William Barclay)
83501: NICODEMUS and AGAPIUS (Cummings) - The Rudder (Pedalion)...of the Orthodox Christians or all the sacred and divine canons...translated into English from 5th ed 1908 by D Cummings [images including title and half title page available on request]
83966: AGELASTO C - Catechism of the Orthodox Eastern Church
57010: ERNEUERTE AGENDE - Erneuerte agende: Vorentwurf Textteil Seite 141 bis 776
57009: ERNEUERTE AGENDE - Erneuerte agende: Vorentwurf
29195: AGER C - Business administration: student guide, NVQ level 3
26422: AGH A - Politics of Central Europe
41312: AGNELLO G E S - Siracusa Barocca
57597: BEAUMONT Agnes [Harrison] - Narrative of the persecution of Agnes Beaumont in 1674 edited with an introduction by G B Harrison
4679: AGNEW J - Dealer's record: Agnew's 1967-81
13049: MODERN EUCHARISTIC AGREEMENT - Modern eucharistic agreement: ARCIC - 1971, Lutheran-RC 1967, Group of Les Dombes, WCC 1971
35220: AGUDO P - Affirming the human and the holy
20945: AHARONI Y - Archaeology of the land of Israel: from the prehistoric beginnings to the end of the First Temple Period
50938: AHMAD H M G - Our teaching
28701: AHMED S et al - Social work with black children and their families
26917: MCDERMOTT M Y & AHSAN M M - Muslim guide: for teachers, eployers, community and social administrators in Britain
36418: AICHELE G - Culture, entertainment and the bible (JSOT SS309)
3890: CHRISTIAN AID - Act Justify: or 15 drama sketches to solve the worlds problems
50306: AIK O C - Turning faces towards heaven: everyone can advance the gospel [with study guide]
50307: AIK O C - Final reward in Paul's thoughts
32556: AIKEN N - Working with teenagers
31020: ANGIER P & AIKEN N - Big ideas for small youth groups
39970: AIKIN K W - King's School Maccelsfield: quincentenary directory of former pupils and staff
51996: AINGER A - Charles Lamb
156: AINGER A - Gospel and human life: sermons
43363: AITKEN J - Heroes and contemporaries
46978: AITKEN J - English letters of the XIX century
52597: AITKEN J - Book of Job
80979: AJER P C - Death of Jesus and the politics of place in the gospel of John
48796: AKENSON D H - Surpassing wonder: the invention of the Bible and the Talmuds
27840: AKHTAR R - Pakistan year book 1986-87
58036: AKYOL M - Islam without extremes: a Muslim case for liberty
30472: ALAND K - Did the early church baptize infants? (Library of History and Doctrine)
60084: ALAND K et al - Authorship and integrity of the New Testament (SPCK theological collections 4)
83842: BARNES Albert - Notes on the New Testament explanatory and practical: Revelation edited by Robert Frew
61327: BOURKE Albert E et al - Religious life in the modern world: selections from the Notre Dame Institute of Spirituality, Volume IV: Prayer and sacrifice
60090: ALBERTZ R - HISTORY OF ISRAELITE RELIGION IN THE OLD TESTAMENT: 2 VOLUME SET [No additional UK postage, overseas cost £10 priority airmail]
13521: ALBERTZ M - Die Botschaft des Neuen Testamentes
54269: ALBIN H O - Thomas More and Canterbury: selected addresses for the annual commemoration of Thomas More in the church of St Dunstan Canterbury
168: ALBION G - Church in the Modern World
81833: ALBREKTSON B - Gammalt vin i nya laglar: om bibelkommissionens nyoversattning av Gamla testamentet cover title: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala
38557: ALBRIGHT W et al [MOWINCKEL] - Interpretationes ad Vetus Testamentum pertinentes Sigmundo Mowinckel, septuagenario missae (Studies in English, French & German)
46166: ALBUS J et al - Japanese technology assessment: computer science, opto- and microelectronics, mechatronics, biotechnology
52477: ALDERSON W R - Mass: notes on doctrine, ritual, ceremonial and symbolism
80738: ALDWINCKLE R F - More than man: a study in Christology
30750: ALEXANDER G M - Handbook of biblical personalities
60110: ALEXANDER, Archibald BD - ETHICS OF ST. PAUL,
58368: ALEXANDER G - Following the silence: a contemplative journey
60117: ALEXANDER, Linda - UNPROMISED LAND, The: the struggle of Messianic Jews Gary & Shirley BERESFORD
82441: ALEXANDER L - Images of empire (JSOTSS 122)
50304: ALEXANDER C - There must be another way: it's time for a new reformation radical why's and how's
37101: ALEXANDER J - Our rulers from William I to Edward VII with fifty-four illustrations (portraits copied from originals in the British Museum)
61478: BROADIE Alexander - GEORGE LOCKERT: late-scholastic logician
38762: ALEXANDER W - Primary convictions
195: ALEXANDER N - Epistles of John (TBC)
37344: ALEXANDER H G - Religion in England 1558-1662
196: ALEXANDER W P - Education Act: a parents guide
58758: ALEXANDRE M - Rhetorical argumentation in Philo of Alexandria (Brown Judaic Studies 322/Studia Philonica Monographs 2)
83453: CYRIL St of Alexandria - Catechetical lectures of S. Cyril: Archbishop of Jerusalem translated with notes and indices (Library of Fathers of the Catholic Church Vol II)
5167: CYRIL St of Alexandria - Catechetical lectures of S. Cyril: Archbishop of Jerusalem translated with notes and indices (Library of Fathers of the Catholic Church)
5168: CYRIL St of Alexandria - Commentary on the Gospel according to St John in two volumes (Library of the Fathers...)
57330: CYRIL St of Alexandria - Commentary on the Gospel according to St John Volume I Chapters I-VIII (Library of the Fathers...)
52875: PHILO OF ALEXANDRIA [tr WINSTON] - Contemplative life, the giants and selections
198: ALFARO J I - Justice and Loyalty: a commentary on the book of Micah (International theological commentary)
39548: ALFORD H - How to study the New Testament: the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles
56930: ALFORD H - State of the blessed dead
60122: ALGISI, Leone - JOHN the twenty-third: a biography Translated by Peter Ryde
24250: ALI A - Islam
8262: NAZIR-ALI M - Martyrs and magistrates: toleration and trial in Islam (GE 73)
23504: NAZIR-ALI M - Citizens and exiles: Christian faith in a plural world
82212: LAFFEY Alice L - Introduction to the Old Testament: a feminist perspective
41835: ALINGTON C A et al - Sermons for the Jubilee: issued in connection with the twenty-fifth year of the accession to the throne of their majesties King George V and Queen Mary
56935: ALIQUIS - Retropect: or the review of providential mercies with anecdotes of various characters and an address to naval officers
38146: ALISIO G - Monte di Pieta
50598: ALISON J - Knowing Jesus
41532: ALKER A - Together in hope: proclaiming God's justice, living God's love
52369: ALLAN P et al - English kyriale: music for the Eucharist
47080: MOZART ALLAN [publisher] - Favourite march book
60133: ALLAN, John - RESCUE SHOP: 10 Workshops to give Christians the skills they need to recover people for Jesus
216: ALLAN J A - Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians (TBC)
43555: ALLBERRY S - Lifted: experiencing the resurrection life
57673: ALLCHIN A M - N F S Grundtvig: an introduction to his life and work with an afterword by Nicholas Lossky
221: ALLCHIN A M - Dynamic of tradition
37195: ALLCHIN A M - Taste of liberty (Fairacres Publication 83)
27284: ALLCHIN A M - Ann Griffiths: furnace and the fountain
52621: ALLCROFT A H - Making of the monarchy: a history of Rome 78 - 31 B.C. (University Tutorial Series)
80987: ALLEN T M - Heaven and the popular imagination
32960: ALLEN R - Polanyi (Thinkers of our time)
245: ALLEN E L - Christianity among the religions
55013: ASKEW E & ALLEN O W - Beyond heterosexism in the pulpit
50014: ALLEN D - Love: Christian romance, marriage, friendship
58452: ALLEN P S - Age of Erasmus: lectures delivered in the Universities of Oxford and London
56583: ALLEN D W - Mary in the Bible: paper read by the Principal of St Stephen's House to a conference at Walsingham
250: ALLEN E L - Structure of life
31217: ALLEN E L - Christianity and society: a guide to the thought of Reinhold Niebuhr
60153: ALLEN, R Earl - TRIALS, TRAGEDIES & TRIUMPHS meditations
60147: ALLEN, James - MORNING AND EVENING THOUGHTS illustrations by Maggie Jarvis
31106: ALLEN R - Ministry of the spirit: selected writings of Roland Allen with a memoir by Alexander McLeish edited by David M Paton
26463: ALLEN G - Education at risk
74229: ALLEN R E - Winnie-the-Pooh on management: in which a very important bear and his friends are intoduced to a very important subject
22830: ALLEN C - Evidence [Q & A series]
53548: ALLEN J L - All the Pope's men: the inside story of how the Vatican really thinks
243: ALLEN D - Philosophy for understanding theology
240: ALLEN A V G - Life and Letters Phillips Brooks with portraits and illustrations complete in 2 volumes
39965: ALLEN E L - Prophet and Nation: a reconciliation of divided loyalties
41055: ALLEN G F - Railways of the twentieth century
39636: ALLEN J J - Orthodox Synthesis: the unity of theological thought
26628: ALLEN R - Missionary principles
46683: ALLEN A - Story of the book
36188: ALLEN C et al: - Sunday Monday faith in the world: Linking faith on a Sunday and life on a Monday (Resources book)
81023: ALLEN P - Morning resolve: to live a simple sincere and serene life
45509: ALLEN D - Garland of love
60159: ALLIES, Thomas William - SEE OF ST. PETER the Rock of the church, the source of jurisdiction and the centre on unity
82810: ALLISON H E - Lessing and the Enlightenment: his philosophy of religion and its relation to eighteenth-century thought
50303: ALLISON C F - Cruelty of heresy: an affirmation of Christian orthodoxy
56855: DAVIES W D & ALLISON D C - Matthew a shorter commentary [based on the three volume International Critical Commentary]
44441: ALLISON D C - Silence of Angels
83967: ALLISON C F - Cruelty of heresy: an affirmation of Christian Orthodoxy foreword by George Carey
48806: ALLISON R - Queen: the life and work of Elizabeth II
24758: ALLMEN J J VON - Vocabulary of the bible
58707: ALLMEN D von - La famille de Dieu: la symbolique familiale dans le Paulinisme
264: ALLSHORN F - Notebooks: selected & arranged by a member of St Julian's Community (RBC 120)
270: ALNWICK W [WOOLLEY] - Award (Laudum) of William Alnwick, Bishop of Lincoln AD 1439 edited and translated by RM Woolley, pref, intro & chronological table by C Wordsworth
51749: ALSTON R C - British Library: past present future
42059: ALT A - Herkunft der Hyksos in neuer sicht
32129: ALTER R - Art of Biblical poetry
47455: BARRAL I ALTET X - Compostelle le grand chemin
29788: ALTHAUS P - Der Brief an die Romer (Neue Testament Deutsch 6)
286: ALTHAUS P - Der Brief an die Romer (Neue Testament Deutsch 6)
54163: ALTHAUS P - Ethics of Martin Luther
37841: ALTHAUS P - So-called kerygma and the historical Jesus
21989: ALTHOUSE L - When Jew and Christian meet
26703: ALTIZER T J J - Contemporary Jesus
60183: ALTMAN, Roger with LEONARD, Ch - THROUGH THE COUNSELLING MAZE a guide for those who help others
53957: ALTMANN A - Moses Mendelssohn: a biographical study
47827: ALTON D - Signs of contradiction: twelve outstanding people who changed the world
61574: ALTON D - Citizen 21: citizenship in the new millennium
34028: ALTON D - Passion and pain: the suffering church today
60184: ALTON, David & HOLMES, Alison - WHOSE CHOICE ANYWAY?: the right to life: the letters & commentaries on (authors) Bill to limit abortions
22672: ALVAREZ M - Easter remembered: reflections in poetry and prose
44905: ALVES R A - Protestantism and repression: Brazilian case study
36067: AMALADOSS M - Walking together: practice of inter-religious dialogue (Jesuit theological forum reflections 7)
29077: AMBLER R - Global theology: the meaning of faith in the present world crisis
41138: AMBROISE Y - Building up the Church in Andhra Pradesh: inter-disciplinary study
51529: AMBROSE - Select works and letters (Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Second Series, Volume X) edited by P Schaff & H Wace
22488: AMBROSE G et al - Together for a season: all-age seasonal resources for Advent Christmas and Epiphany
82200: KELLE B E & AMES F R - Writing and reading war: rhetoric, gender, and ethics in biblical and modern contexts (SBL Symposium Series number 42)
27252: AMIN M et al - Journey through Pakistan complete with slip case and inscription
60197: AMIOT, Francois et al - SOURCES FOR THE LIFE OF CHRIST Faith & Fact books 67
56360: HOFFMANN P AMON J E et al - Q 12:8-12 Confessing or denying; Speaking against the Holy Spirit; Hearings before synagogues (Documenta Q)
73823: SANTA ANA J de - SEPARATION WITHOUT HOPE?: essays on relation between church and the poor during the Industrial Revolution and the Western Colonial Expansion, edited by Julio de Santa Ana
17182: SANTA ANA J de - Towards a Church of the poor: the work of an Ecumenical group on the Church and the poor
309: ANALYTICAL - Analytical Greek Lexicon: consisting of an alphabetical arrangement of every occuring inflexion of every word contained in the Greek New Testament scriptures with a Grammatical....
48272: NARAYAHI & ANANDA - Pathway to peace
57902: ANDERDON J L - Messiah
48050: ANDERSEN W - Towards a theology of mission [IMC Research Pamphlet No 2]; study of the encounter between the missionary enterprise and the Church and its theology
333: ANDERSON D - Kindness that kills: the churches' simplistic response to complex social issues
39515: ANDERSON J D - To come alive!: new proposal for revitalising the local church
60215: ANDERSON, Herbert & FOLEY, Edw - MIGHTY STORIES , DANGEROUS RITUALS weaving together the human and the Divine
1817: ANDERSON D - Ultrasound edited by V Challen (Open Tech Project)
355: ANDERSON P B - People, church and state in modern Russia (RBC 38)
44873: ANDERSON R A - Signs and wonders: commentary on the book of Daniel (International theological commentary)
53281: ANDERSON B P - Chosen nation: scripture, theopolitics and the project of national identity
50202: ANDERSON J L - Life of Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells by a layman
356: ANDERSON P B - Russia's Religious Future: a survey of the situation with documentary evidence from Soviet Sources
31022: ANDERSON N - God's word for God's world
30621: ANDERSON H - Gospel of Mark (NCB) based on the RSV
28108: ANDERSON D - Futon fever: a comedy of mating-game errors
53627: ANDERSON K - Contemporary concordance of Bible topics: entire Bible indexed by subject matter
60829: ANDERSON D - Rainbows through the rain: a selection of poetry
325: ANDERSON G W - Tradition and Interpretation: essays by members of Society for Old Testament Study
83968: ANDERSON P B - No East or West edited by Donald E Davis
44599: ANDERSON B W - Living world of the Old Testament
44689: ANDERSON G H - Christian mission in theological perspective; an enquiry by Methodists
52604: ANDERSON A A - Book of Psalms Volume I Psalms 1-72 (New Century Bible Commentary on the RSV)
338: ANDERSON G W - Critical introduction to the Old Testament (Studies in theology no 52)
25966: ANDERSON D - Losing friends
340: ANDERSON G W - Prophetic Gospel: studies in the servant songs
33344: ANDERSON E - World of Albert Schweitzer: a book of photographs with text and captions by Eugene Exman
82261: ANDERSON N T - Core of Christianity
346: ANDERSON J L - Life of Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells by a layman
345: ANDERSON J C - New York Cruciform Lectionary
60235: ANDERSSON, Efraim - CHURCHES AT THE GRASS ROOTS: a study in Congo-Brazzaville (World studies of Churches in Mission)
56939: ANDORRA - Andorra romanica: 1 col leccio de monografies del Patrimoni Artistic Nacional
41139: ANDRAE T - Mohammed: the man and his faith
61078: BLAIR Andrew - THIS IS THE WAY (American revision of 'The why and the wherefore of the church' first published in 1946
58766: ANDREW M - Set in a long place: a life from North to South
60443: ANDREW J - Best of both worlds
83636: ANDREWES L - Preces Privatae of Lancelot Andrewes: selections from the translation by F E Brightman, edited with an introduction by A E Burn (Library of devotion)
402: ANDREWES L - Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine and other minor works (Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology)
403: ANDREWES L - Preces Privatae of Lancelot Andrewes: selections from the translation by F E Brightman, edited with an introduction by A E Burn (Library of devotion)
83679: ANDREWES L - Devotions of Bishop Andrewes, trans from the Greek and arranged anew (J H Newman) bound with Private devotions translated from the Latin (J M Neale)
51091: ANDREWES L - Private devotions of Lancelot Andrewes: translated from the Greek and Latin by J H Newman and J M Neale
38715: ANDREWES L - Responsio ad apologiam Cardinalis Bellarmini Latin text (LACT)
38716: ANDREWES L - Tortura Torti sive ad Matthaei Torti librum responsio Latin text (LACT)
38720: ANDREWES L, Bp of Winchester - Opuscula quaedam posthuma: with Index Generalis in Opera Latina (LACT)
58269: ANDREWS J et al - Historical and contemporary perspectives on health illness and health care provision in Britain since the seventeenth century; discussion papers
60241: ANDREWS H T et al - LORD OF LIFE: fresh approach to the Incarnation
24504: ANDREWS C - Handbook of parish youth work
54267: ANDREWS W - Old church life
57011: ANDREWS F B - Benedictine Abbey of SS Mary, Peter and Paul at Pershore, Worcestershire
36722: ANDREWS B et al - Instant art for the church magazine, book three (copyright free)
421: ANDREWS L - Purpose of Human Life
58270: ANDREWS C F - Relation of Christianity to the conflict between capital and labour (Burney Prize Essay 1894)
82137: MUSAPH-ANDRIESSE R C - From Torah to Kabbalah: basic introduction to the writings of Judaism
81837: ANDRUP O - Bonds of kinship between the Royal Houses of Great Britain and Denmark
73038: TILBY Angela - SON OF GOD
74560: ANGIER P - Changing youth worship
442: ANGLICAN - Anglican-Methodist Conversations: speeches in the Church Assembly by the Archbishop of Canterbury and Canon EW Kemp 1964
35737: ANGLICAN - Salvation and the Church: an agreed statement by the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission ARCIC II with commentary and study guide by M C Boulding & T Bradshaw
474: ANGLICAN - Theological Review Vol LX No 2 April 1978, LXI No 3 July 1979 & Vol LXII No 1 Jan 1980
452: ANGLICAN - Anglican-Roman Catholic Marriage: the report of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission on the Theology of marriage and its application to mixed marriages
439: ANGLICAN - Anglican-Methodist Conversations and problems of Church Unity: some personal reflections by Lord Fisher of Lambeth
448: ANGLICAN - Anglican-Methodist Unity: an open letter to all members of Diocesan Synods of the C of E
15015: PAN-ANGLICAN - Pan Anglican Review of the World-wide Episcopal Church Vol XII No1 Spring 1961
15016: PAN-ANGLICAN - The church's ministry - Pan-Anglican Congress 1908: Volume IV Section C, speeches and discussions together with the papers published for the consideration of the congress
477: ANGLICAN - Towards reconciliation: the interim statement of the Anglican-Methodist Unity Commission
496: ANGLICAN - Anglican Orders (Latin text): the Bull of his holiness Leo XIII, Sept 13, 1896 & the answer of the Abps of England March 29 1897
472: ANGLICAN - Salvation and the Church ARCIC II: agreed statement (Do 577) ( CTS ISBN 0851836925)
444: ANGLICAN - Anglican-Methodist Unity: a short guide
441: ANGLICAN - Anglican-Methodist Conversations: speeches at the joint session of the Convocations of Canterbury and York by the Bishop of London and the Dean of Carlisle on the interim report....
440: ANGLICAN - Anglican-Methodist Conversations: summary and exposition of the official report by Harold Roberts
495: ANGLICAN - Anglican Orders (English text): the Bull of his holiness Leo XIII, Sept 13, 1896 & the answer of the Abps of England, March 29, 1897
433: ANGLICAN - Agreed Statements: Eucharistic Doctrine 1971 Ministry and Ordination 1973 Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission
28353: ANGLICAN - Anglican Religious Communities Year Book 2000-2001 (Expanded international edition)
426: ANGLICAN - ACC-3 Trinidad Anglican Consultative Council Report of the third meeting Trinidad 1976
463: ANGLICAN - Ministry and Ordination: an agreed statement of the Anglican/Roman Catholic International Commission Canterbury 1973 the official text, together with an introduction and commentary by the Rt
447: ANGLICAN - Anglican-Methodist Unity: comments on the Report of the Joint Working Group 1971
428: ANGLICAN - ACC-5: Anglican Consultative Council report on the fifth meeting Newcastle upon Tyne 1981
464: ANGLICAN - Ministry and Ordination: a statement on the Doctrine of the Ministry Agreed by the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission Canterbury 1973
467: ANGLICAN - Partners in Mission: Anglican Consultative Council Second Meeting Dublin 1973
453: ANGLICAN - Anglicans and Methodists: a study guide
454: ANGLICAN - Anglicans and methodists: is this the way? notes on the report on conversations between the C of E and the Methodist Church
460: ANGLICAN - Final Report: Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission Windsor Sept 1981
427: ANGLICAN - ACC-4: Anglican Consultative Council Report of the fourth meeting 1979
83630: ANGLICAN - Anglican-Methodist Conversations: speeches at the Convocations of Canterbury and York by the Bishop of Oxford, Prebendary G B Timms, the Bishop of Southwell and the Dean of Carlisle on the Final Report 15 May 1968
451: ANGLICAN - Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue: the Dublin agreed statement 1984
459: ANGLICAN - Conversations: between the C of E and the Methodist Church: a report Comments and Criticisms
456: ANGLICAN - Changing view of war and armed violence
15759: PRESBYTER ANGLICANUS - Private devotions: for the young in spirit of all ages
51: ANGUS S - Environment of early Christianity
504: ANGUS M - Modern stained glass in British Churches
507: ANNALS - Annals of public and cooperative economics: Vol 68 No 2 June 1997
82258: FITZPATRICK-MCKINLEY Anne - Transformation of Torah from Scribal Advice to Law (JSOTSS 287)
51231: ANNO - Anno 1503: das offizielle strategiebuch
60258: ANSCHUTZ, Marieke - BUT WHO MADE GOD? Religion and your growing child
54706: ANSELME - Saint Anselme d'Aoste le 'Docteur Magnifique (Dieu est amour No 183): 1st part Biographie 2nd part Doctrine
33251: ANSON P F - Bishops at large: some autocephalous churches of the past hundred years and their founders
82160: ANSON P F - Caravan pilgrim
49025: ANSON P F - Pilgrimage to Brittany (Pilgrim's Sketch Books No 3)
49024: ANSON P F - Pilgrimage in Italy (Pilgrim's Sketch Books No 5)
39844: CONLAY I & ANSON P F - Art of the church (Volume II in the New Library of Catholic Knowledge)
44812: ANSON P F - Building of Churches: (New library of Catholic knowledge Volume 10)
60261: ANTHONY, Susan B - GHOST OF MY LIFE special 'Before' and 'After' chapters by Catherine Marshall
44834: ANTINONE R J et al - Electrical overstress protection for electronic devices
83519: IGNATIUS of ANTIOCH - Resurrection and modern man tr S Bigham, foreword O Clement
47117: SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES - Archaeologia (Vols 100 - 105 and 107 - 109 covering 1966 - 1991): micsllaneous tracts relating to antiquity
47116: SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES - Antiquaries Journal (Vols XLIV - LXX covering 1965 - 1990)
60262: ANTONELLIS, James - JOURNALIST LOOKS AT THE LORD'S PRAYER: the Our Father in the mass media
82571: ANTONY C M - Saint Catherine of Siena: her life and times
573: ANVIL - Anglican Evangelical Journal for Theology and Mission: Vol 3 no 1
310: ANATOMY OF APARTHEID - Articles from The Times - 1960
576: APOCRYPHAL - Apocryphal New Testament being all the gospels epistles and other pieces now extant
40170: APOLLINAIRE G - Choix de Poésies
52536: APOLLODORUS - Argonauts and Heracles: reader for early Greek learners with introduction notes and vocabulary edited by Stanley Ireland
51543: APOTHECARY - Apothecary 2011
29621: APPIGNANESI L - Ideas from France: the legacy of French theory: ICA documents
590: APPLEFORD P - Clouds of Glory: a practical guide to worship with children especially at school eucharists and family services
34450: APPLETON G - One hundred personal prayers old and new
55273: APPLETON E R - Outline of religion for children
60285: APRILE, Dianne - MAKING A HEART FOR GOD: a week inside a Catholic monastery
19137: THOMAS AQUINAS [D'ARCY] - Selected writings edited by M C D'Arcy (EL P&T 953)
80576: THOMAS AQUINAS - Summa Theologica of St Thomas Aquinas Part III (4 volume set) Literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province (QQ.I-XXVI, QQ.XXVII-LIX, QQ.LX- LXXXIII, QQ.LXXXIV-SUPPL.XXXIII) No additional UK postage. For overseas please ask for a quotation.
52887: THOMAS AQUINAS - Summa Theologiae Vol 8: Creation, variety and evil (Ia.44-49) Latin text and English translation, introductions, notes, appendices and glossary [by] Thomas Gilby
83063: THOMAS AQUINAS - Selected philosophical writings: selected and translated by Timothy McDermott (World's Classics)
45511: THOMAS Aquinas - Divi Thomae Aquinatis de duobus praeceptis charitatis et decem legis praeceptis ejusdemque de venerabili sacramento altaris: textum accurate recognovit Canradus Martin
19139: THOMAS AQUINAS - Summa theologiae Vol 1 Christian theology (Ia. I)
19142: THOMAS AQUINAS - Summa Theologiae Vol 50 (3a. 16.26) The One Mediator: Latin text English [on facing pages] translation, intro, notes, appendices & glossary by Colman E O'Neill
3411: ARABIAN - Arabian nights entertainments with over one hundred illustrations and decorations by Louis Rhead
57424: ARBERRY A J - Oriental essays: portraits of seven scholars
41118: ARBERRY A J - Religion in the Middle East: three religions in concord and conflict, Volume 1 Judaism and Christianity available
35317: ARBICKLE G A - Strategies for growth in religious life
16736: ROOKE P & ARCH G - That's the spirit: words by P Rooke, music by G Arch
83885: DMITR R Archbishop - Parables: Biblical, Patristic and Liturgical Interpretation
38806: DIGGLE Archdeacon - Sunday observance: its principles and practice: a paper read at the Church Congress, Bradford, September 27th 1898
6593: ARCHER M et al - Exalt His Name: 12 anthems for parish choirs
21681: GINER S & ARCHER M S - Contemporary Europe: social structures and cultural patterns
17987: ARCHER M et al - So long's my soul: anthems for SATB
41093: ARCHER K - Towards a people's Europe: relections on Europe's soul based on a bilateral study in two European cities
45255: ARCHER L - Vincent Louise Ozanam [Vincent de Paul]
57251: ARCHER M - Hush my dear lie still and Love came down at Christmas (SATB)
40731: D'ARCY C F - Providence and the world-order
5171: D`ARCY M C - Mirage and Truth
50653: D'ARCY M C - Sense of history: secular and sacred
5261: D'ARCY M C - Christian morals
5259: D'ARCY C F - Christian Outlook in the Modern World
5260: D'ARCY C F - Science and Creation: the Christian interpretation
37048: D'ARCY M C - Catholicism (Sixpenny Library No 166)
27432: ARDAGH J - Writers' France: a regional panorama photographs by Mayotte Magnus
625: ARDREY R - Territorial imperative: a personal inquiry into the animal origins of property and nations
82598: ARENS E - Haoon [Ethon] sayings in the synoptic tradition: a historico-critical investigation (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 10)
83873: DIONYSIUS the Areopagite [Rolt] - Divine names and the mystical theology translated by C E Rolt, with an estimated of Dionysis' influence on religious history by W J Sparrow-Simpson
58807: ARGENT A - Isaac Watts: poet thinker pastor (Congregational lecture 1999)
31867: ARGYLE M - Social psychology of work
38827: ARGYLE A W - Introductory grammar of New Testament Greek with exercises
631: ARGYLE M - Religious behaviour (International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction)
5122: ARIARAJAH W - Bible and people of other faiths (Risk book 26)
26816: ARIARAJAH S W - Gospel and culture: an ongoing discussion within the Ecumenical Movement (Gospel and Cultures 1)
33116: ARIAS J - Ultimate dimension
60303: ARISTOTLE - DE ANIMA: books II & III (with certain passages from book
60769: ARISTOTLE - ARISTOTLE'S ETHICS, books l, ll, lll, lV, & X trans with notes analyses and questions by Rev Basford-de-Wilson
640: ARISTOTLE - Nicomachean ethics: trans by Terence Irwin
56588: ARISTOTLE - Treatise on government (tranlated from the Greek by William Ellis)
60301: ARISTOTLE - POLITICS & The Arthenian Constitution tr by John Warrington (Everyman' library 605)
46967: ARISTOTLE [Bywater] - On the art of poetry [translated by Ingram Bywater with a preface by Gilbert Murray]
81690: ARISTOTLE [JOACHIM H H] - Nicomachean ethics: a commentary by...H H Joachim edited by D A Rees
83358: ARISTOTLE - Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle: translated with an introduction by Sir David Ross (WC 546)
54211: ARMOUR T - How to play your best golf all the time
59042: ARMOUR R S - Anabaptist baptism: a representative study (Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite history No 11)
50300: ARMSTRONG R S - Service evangelism
650: ARMSTRONG K - Gospel according to Woman: Christianity's creation of the sex war in the West
37699: ARMSTRONG J - Kitty Langdon's girlhood: a story (illustrated by Caroline Manning)
23079: ARMSTRONG H - Taking care: a response to children, adults & abuse for churches & other faith communities
44408: ARMSTRONG C - Evelyn Underhill: an introduction to her life and writings
58814: ARMSTRONG T A, BUSBY D L, CARR C F - Reader's Hebrew-English lexicon of the Old Testament [complete in 3 volumes] [No additional postage for UK: EU/ROW Priority airmail 14GBP]
51225: ARMSTRONG P - Passion play
50099: MARTIN C B & ARMSTRONG D M - Locke and Berkeley: a collection of critical essays
44224: ARMSTRONG K - In the beginning: a new reading of the Book of Genesis
55873: SALVATION ARMY - Salvation Army: its origin and development
17078: SALVATION ARMY - This is their life: report on some of the social activities
652: ARMYTAGE D - Christianity in the Roman World
54362: ARNAL W E - Jesus and the village scribes: Galilean conflicts and the setting of Q
46139: ARNDT E J F - Font and the table (Ecumenical studies in worship no.16)
653: ARNDT E J F - Font and the table (ESW16)
654: ARNDT J - True Christianity (CWS)
35206: ARNOLD E - God's revolution: the witness of Eberhard Arnold, edited by the Hutterian Society of Brothers and John Howard Yoder
51522: ARNOLD E - Early Christians in their own words
659: ARNOLD D W H - Prayers of the Martyrs
52367: ARNOLD J C - Cries from the heart: stories of struggle and hope
80254: ARNOLD M - Poems of Matthew Arnold: edited by Kenneth Allcott
31762: ARNOLD M - St Paul and Protestantism with an essay on Puritanism and the Church of England
31765: ARNOLD T - Fragment on the church, and, Fragments on church and state written in 1827-1840, and published as appendices to the first ed of Fragment on the church (non-matching)
31023: ARNOLD J C - Endangered: your child in a hostile world
58797: ARNOLD E - Salt and light: talks and writings on the Sermon on the Mount
31760: ARNOLD T - Islamic faith (Ben's Sixpenny Library No 42)
18257: ARNOLD T [STANLEY A P] - Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold: ...late Head-master of Rugby School... [ed by AP Stanley] in two volumes + supp to the first five editions 1847 95pp cardbd bds tatty sl fx ow g
56590: ARNOLD M - Poetical works of Matthew Arnold
664: ARNOLD M - Matthew Arnold's Merope: to which is appended the Electra of Sophocles edited by JC Collins
662: ARNOLD M - Discourses in America
661: ARNOLD J C - Plea for purity: sex, marriage and God
656: ARNOLD B - Song of the nightingale (Coppinger Chronicles)
26518: ARNOLD T - Sermons, with an essay on the right interpretation and understanding of the scriptures
23899: ARNOLD T [STANLEY A P] - Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold: [2 volumes] ...late Head-master of Rugby School... [ed by AP Stanley] in original green cloth
27445: ARNOLD M - Essays in criticism: 2nd series (New Eversley series)
46774: ARNOLD M [ed Macaulay] - Poems by Matthew Arnold
36314: ARNOLD M - Poems of Matthew Arnold 1849-1867 with an introduction by Arthur Quiller-Couch
58306: ARNOT W - Illustrations of the Book of Proverbs (Laws from heaven for life on earth)
47141: ARON R - Philosophie critique de l'histoire: essai sur une theorie allemand de l'histoire
670: ARREGUI A M - Summarium Theologiae Moralis: ad recentem codicem iuris canonici accommodatum
24952: ARTHUR G - Life of Lord Kitchener: volumes 1 & 2 of a 3 volume set
81239: CREMIN T & ARTHUR J - Learning to teach in primary school
53542: ARTHUR C - Globalization of communications: some religious implications
56924: ARTHUR C - Religion and the media: an introductory reader
58279: ARTHUR W - Tongue of fire: or the true power of Christianity
673: ARTHURIAN - Book of the Order of the Fellowship of the Knights of the Round Table of King Arthur
58367: ARTINGSTALL L - Towards a Christian economic
48123: VARIOUS ARTISTS - Fine romance
48127: VARIOUS ARTISTS - Bumper book of film music
32640: VIDEO ARTS - So you think you can manage?
25726: ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS - Explorations in science and theology: lectures sponsored by John Templeton A Peacocke, J Polkinghorne, K Ward et al
674: ARTSOURCE - Artsource Volume 4 Phrases and Verses (Clip Art)
82235: KAPELRUD Arvid S - Joel studies [English text] (Uppsala Universitete Arsskrift 1948: 4)
80207: ASCHKENASY N - journey: feminine images in Hebraic literary tradition
83019: MARTIN-ASENSIO G - Transitivity-based foregrounding in the Acts of the Apostles: functional-grammatical approach to the Lukan perspective (JSNTSS 202)
80183: DOUGLAS M A & ASH C R - Godolphin School 1726 - 1926
31350: ASHBROOK J B - In human presence - Hope
46725: ASHBY D - Things seen in Switzerland in summer
44858: ASHBY G - Go out and meet God commentary on the book of Exodus (International theological commentary)
54854: ASHBY G - Sacrifice: its nature and purpose
60344: ASHTON, Joan - PEOPLE'S MADONNA: an account of the visions of Mary at Medjugorje
36730: ASHTON M et al - Growing more like Jesus: the Youth Group Nurture Course
695: ASHTON J - Studying John: approaches to the Fourth Gospel
24389: ASHTON C - Threshold God: discovering Christ in the margins of life
26575: ASHWIN A - Book of a thousand prayers
81834: ANGLICAN CHURCH IN SOUTH EAST ASIA - Inauguration of the Province of the Anglican Church in South East Asia 2 February 1996 Order of Service and installation of the Rt Revd Moses Tay Leng Kong as the first Revd and Rt. Hon. George Carey
38823: ASKEW R - Muskets and altars: Jeremy Taylor and the last of the Anglicans
43681: ASKEW E - Facing the storm: a collection of meditations and prayers
55321: ASKOWITH D - Toleration of the Jews under Julius Casesar and Augustus Part 1
34301: ASKWITH E H - Christian conception of holiness
49801: ASLET C - War Memorial: the story of one village's sacrifice from 1914 to 2003
18954: ASLETT D - Office clutter cure: how to get out from under it all!
83030: ASPLAND R - Sermons on various subjects, chiefly practical
26269: ASSEMBLIES - Assemblies address book: useful addresses and other information for Christmas
40689: FRANCIS Saint of Assisi - Little flowers translated by T Okey
706: ASSOCIATED T V - About religion: five years of religious broadcasting
35237: GERMAN CATECHETICAL ASSOCIATIO - Credo: a Catholic catechism (English trans & adaptation by Sister Benedict Davies)
36352: GREGORIAN ASSOCIATION - Order of Evensong: ninetieth anniversary 1960
35086: BRITISH ASSOCIATION - British Association of Dermatology: Summer meeting London 17, 18, 19 July 1969
81840: BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - Divine healing and co-operation between doctors and clergy memorandum of the Archbishop' Commission on Divine Healing
25164: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION - International association of Seed Crushers, Kyoto Congress October 21st-23rd, 1998
54063: AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION - Program of the one hundredth annual meeting December 27-30 1985 New York City
2113: BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - Aids and you: an illustrated guide
83601: JEWISH LAW ASSOCIATION - Paris Conference volume edited by S M Passamaneck and M Finley (Jewish Law Association Papers and Proceedings VII)
36625: CHARTERED ASSOCIATION - ACCA practice and revision kit: 1.4 Law (by) the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants
48488: LIBRARY ASSOCIATION - Some problems of a general classification scheme. Report of a conference held in London June 1963
36639: CHARTERED ASSOCIATION - Cima workbook for practice and revision: management accounting techniques Stage 3 Paper 9.....Chartered Association of Certified Accountants...
46994: SCOUT ASSOCIATION - Scouting 76: the annual of the monthly magazine. The official review of scouting
9905: INDUSTRIAL MISSION ASSOCIATION - Working papers from Industrial Mission: One: Theology and politics
25067: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION - International association of Seed Crushers, London Congress May 17th-19th 2000
48496: AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCN - Reports of the American Psychological Association's Project on Scientific Information Exchange in Psychology (Volume 1 December 1963): reports of work performed under NSF Grant G-18494 from the Office of Science Information Service of the National Science Foundation
60361: ASTIN, Howard - BODY AND CELL: making the transition to cell church - a first-hand account
24491: ASTLEY H J D - Biblical anthropology compared with & illus by folklore of Europe & customs of primitive peoples
37176: ASTLEY J - Choosing life?: Christianity and moral problems (Exploring faith: theology for life)
31349: ASTLEY H J D - Prehistoric archaeology and the Old Testament being the Donnellan Lectures, University of Dublin, 1906-07
40944: ASTON M - Fifteenth century: the prospect of Europe: with 153 illustrations, 21 in colour
31348: ATCHLEY C - He that readeth the epistle, being a cheap reissue with frontispiece of Tract IV, The parish clerk and his right to read the liturgical epistle (Alcuin Club Prayer Book Revision IX)
56923: ATCHLEY C - Parish clerk and his right to read the epistle (Alcuin Club Tracts IV)
31255: ATCHLEY E G C - On the epiclesis of the eucharistic liturgy and the consecration of the font (ACC XXXI)
33129: ATEEK N S et al - Faith and the Intifida: Palestinian Christian voices
45362: ATHANASIUS [CROSS] - Athanasius de incarnatione: an edition of the Greek text (Texts for students no 50)
55954: ATHERSTONE A - Charles Simeon on the excellence of the liturgy (Joint Liturgical Studies 72)
723: ATHERTON J R - Feasible alternatives to a Two-Nations Policy (OICS)
60813: ATHERTON R - Praying the Sunday Psalms: Year A [A comprehensive resource for each liturgical year]
46968: ATKINS J W H - English literary criticism: 17th and 18th centuries
39307: ATKINS P - Worship 2000 resources to celebrate the new millennium: reasons and resources... from twenty Christian leaders and scholars from around the world
736: ATKINSON J - Martin Luther and the Birth of Protestantism
24960: ATKINSON D - Pastoral ethics: a guide to the key issues of daily living
730: ATKINSON D - Tasks for the Church in the marriage debate: a study guide
734: ATKINSON H V - Reading the Bible in Public
58832: ATKINSON J - Christianity and Judaism: new understanding : new relationship (Latimer studies 17)
54852: ATKINSON C W et al - Immaculate and powerful: the female in sacred image and social reality
25456: ATKINSON D - Radical urban solutions: urban renaissance for city schools and communities
742: ATKINSON T D - Glossary of terms used in English Architecture
23898: ATKINSON D J - Homosexuals in the Christian fellowship (Latimer Studies 5/6)
741: ATKINSON T D - English Architecture
732: ATKINSON E D - ""Science and health"" and Holy Scripture: a contrast
22012: ATLAS - Atlas of the Bible lands
743: ATTERBURY F - Sermons and discourses on several subjects and occasions Vol 1 [xlii] 373pp ex lib lth bdg poor 235mm x 140mm lacks bottom of bk epp v slightly discolouration of text, Vol II Christian Bowyer 1730 3rd ed 373pp ex lib lth bdg poor 200mm x 125mm
39853: ATTERBURY F - Sermons and discourses on several subjects and occasions in four volumes
39854: ATTERBURY L - Sermons on select subjects, in two volumes, now first published from the originals, with a brief account ofthe author by Edward Hardley
58825: ATTRIDGE H W, COLLINS J J & TOBIN T H - Of scribes and scrolls: studies on the Hebrew Bible, Intertestamental Judaism and Christian origins presented to John Strugnell on...his sixtieth birthday
749: ATTWATER D - Saints of the East
44445: ATTWOOD D - Changing values: how to find moral truth in modern times
31091: WATSON P & ATTWOOD D - Researching embryonic values - a debate (GE83)
53278: ATTWOOD J E - America and its guns: a theological expose
81591: ATWELL J E - Sources of the Old Testament: a guide to religious thought of the Hebrew Bible
48289: ATWELL R - Spiritual classics from the early church: an anthology
751: AU W - By way of the heart: toward a holistic Christian spirituality
30473: AUBREY E E - Present theological tendencies
51558: AUBREY W H S - National and domestic history of England (3 volumes set No increase in postage for UK orders
53833: ST AUBYN G - Souls in torment: the conflict between science and religion in Victorian England
45479: ST AUBYN G - Queen Victoria: a portrait
56534: AUCLAIR M - Vie de sainte Therese d'Avila
32221: AUDEN W H - Some poems
50299: AUDERSET A - Conventional wisdom
755: AUDLEY R J et al - Decision making
60395: AUGENSTEIN, Leroy - HONEST TO MAN: human responsibility in the biological revolution
60397: AUGSBURGER, David - WHEN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: discovering true hope when all hope seems lost (with Leader's guide prepared by Jim Larson)
59211: AUGUSTIJN C - Erasmus: his life, works, and influence
82636: AULD A G - Amos (OT guide)
58056: AULD A G - Understanding poets and prophets: essays in honour of George Wishart Anderson (JSOT Supplement Series 152)
58841: AULD A G - Joshua Moses and the land: Tetrateuch-Pentateuch-Hexateuch in a generation since 1938
806: AULEN G - Christus Victor: an historical study of the three main types of the idea of the atonement
808: AULEN G - Christus Victor: an historical study of the three main types of the idea of the atonement
812: AULT N - Poets Life of Christ
51080: AUNE D E - Prophecy in early Christianity and the mediterranean world
44479: AURELIO J R - Earth stories: signs of God's love and mystery
31386: AUSTEN J - Three Evening Prayers
815: AUSTERBERRY D - Celebrating the liturgy: a guide for priest & people
816: AUSTIN G - Affairs of State: study in leadership, religion and society
819: AUSTIN M - Free to dance with the lord of the dance
39064: AUSTIN W H - Relevance of natural science to theology (Library of philosophy and religion)
41724: AUSTIN F - Twelve days of Christmas [in G]: traditional song arranged by Frederic Austin
820: AUSTRALIAN - Australian economic review: Vol 30 No 4 December 1997
39039: LEICESTER EDUCATION AUTHORITY - GATHERED TOGETHER, Melody edition: a service book for senior schools
66195: LEICESTER EDUCATION AUTHORITY - GATHERED TOGETHER: readings on religious themes [from non Biblical sources suitable for adults and young people]
836: AUTTON N - When Sickness Comes: a simple guide
24788: AUTTON N - Watch with the sick
31913: AUTTON N - Handbook of sick visiting
55498: SENS-AUXERRE (DIOCESE DE) - Livret de preparation au sacrement de confirmation (Pentecote 2004 Cathedrale de Sens)
12925: MATTHEW AV - Message of the Rshis: studies in the Upanishads from the standpoint of a Christian reader
841: AVERY M - Teaching scripture: a book on method
840: AVERY M - St Paul's Letter to the Philippians (ATB)
37516: TERESA of Avila [Backhouse] - Interior castle edited by Halcyon Backhouse
81612: TERESA of Avila - Way of Perfection translated from the autograph of St Teresa of Jesus by a Benedictine of Stanbrook with annotation of the variants from the Escorial and Valladolid versions revised with notes and an introduction by Very Rev. Father Benedict Zimmerman
81611: TERESA of Avila - Way of Perfection translated from the autograph of St Teresa of Jesus by a Benedictine of Stanbrook with annotation of the variants from the Escorial and Valladolid versions revised with notes and an introduction by Rev. Benedict Zimmerman
49225: TERESA OF AVILA - Mind of Saint Teresa of Avila
19040: TERESA of Avila - Living water: daily readings with Saint Teresa of Avila
33957: TERESA of Avila - Complete Works of Saint Teresa of Avila (3 volume set) translated and edited by E Allison Peers from the critical edition of P Silverio de Santa Teresa)
3394: TERESA of Avila - Interior castle (The Mansions)
19042: TERESA of Avila - Way of Perfection translated by a Benedictine of Stanbrook with annotation of the variants from the Escorial and Valladolid versions revised with notes and an introduction by F B Zimmerman
83064: AVINERI S - Arlosoroff (Jewish Thinkers)
27352: AVIS J et al - Knowledge and nationhood: education, politics and work
845: AVIS P - Eros and the Sacred
33976: AVIS P - Anglican orders and the priesting of women (Affirming Catholicism)
55223: AVIS P - Divine revelation
82606: AVIS P - Foundations of modern historical thought: from Machiavelli to Vico
26332: AVISON J et al - Science scene: investigations and assessment book
81318: MISHNAH AVOT [STERN C] - Pirke Avot: wisdom of the Jewish Sages [text of Avot in Hebrew and English translation; notes in English]
58191: HENRY Avril - Pilgrimage of the lyfe of the manhode: volume I and volume II [no additional postage]
852: AXLING W - Kagawa
46501: AYER A J - Thomas Paine
855: AYERST D - Records of Christianity Vol II: Christendon
26054: AYLETT J F - Hitler's Germany: GCSE edition
27549: AYLING S - The Elder Pitt, Earl of Chatham
48027: AYMARD P - Coeur a Coeur avec Marie; le rosaire
857: AYRES L - Imagining Jesus: an introduction to the Incarnate
56671: AYRTON M - Rudiments of paradise: various essays on various arts
41087: AYTOUN R A - City centres of early Christianity
36019: AZARIAH M - Witnessing in India today
24505: AZZAM A - Eternal message of Muhammad trans from Arabic by Caesar E Farah
24485: BAAB O J - Theology of the Old Testament
60444: BAAR, Marius - UNHOLY WAR: oil, Islam, and Armageddon
49755: BABBAGE S B - Mark of Cain (The Christian Student's Library)
47732: BACH J S - Magnificat D-dur BWV 243 Orgel
28126: BACH E - Plantas sandoras de Edward Bach (translation of Healing herbs of Edward Bach) edited J Y M Barnard
47798: BACH J S - Concerto for 2 violins D minor BWV 1043 miniature score [Edition Eulenburg No 727]
47808: BACH J S - Piano concerto in D minor miniature score [Hawkes Pocket Scores No 267]
50637: BACH J S - Eight short preludes and fugues (Book I)
865: BACH J S - Jesu, priceless treasure; motet for five voices
863: BACH J S - Gracious Lord of all our being: chorale from Cantana no 147 'Herz und Mund und that und Leben' arranged as an anthem with organ accompaniment by John E West
47872: BACH J S - Bach Suite No 4 D major miniature score [Edition Eulenburg 861]
49324: BACH J S - Sing ye to the Lord: motet for double choir
42060: BACH J S [arr MANSFIELD P J] - Organist's Bach Book 2: Book 2
41720: BACH J S [TAYLOR V] - Slumber Now (Schlummert ein): lullaby from the Anna Magdalena Bach book: arranged by Virginia du plat Taylor
41718: BACH J C [Arr Mansfield P J] - Presto from Sinfonia: Cramer's library of organ music by British and foreign composers arranged by Purcell J Mansfield
34079: BACH J S - Organ Works Book 3: Preludes & fugues in A major, & C major; Fugues in B minor, & G minor; Five-part Fantasia in C minor; Fantasia & fugue in C minor
872: BACH J S - When will God recall my spirit (Cantana no.8) for the 16th Sunday after Trinity
47797: BACH J S - Suite No 3 D major miniature score [Edition Eulenburg No 818]
47796: BACH J S - Suite No 2 B minor miniature score [Edition Eulenburg No 821]
47860: BACH J S - Suite No 3 D major miniature score [Edition Eulenburg No 818]
42062: BACH J S - Five transcriptions of famous pieces for Organ: Slumber song/In thy love let us perish/Jesu, my joy for ever/In peace your sheep may graze/Air (from Suite for Orchestra in D)
47786: BACH J S - Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 G major miniature score [Edition Eulenburg No 254]
54906: BACH A - Women in the Hebrew Bible
83035: BACHE S - Lectures in exposition of Unitarian views of Christianity delivered in the new meeting house, Birmingham
37216: BACIK J - Contemporary theologians
55506: BACKEMEYER S - Eric Fraser designer and illustrator with an essay by Wendy Coates-Smith
52947: BACKSTROM A - Report from a Conference concerning Formation in Education: religion as an example
53009: BACKSTROM A - Report from a Conference concerning occupational choice questions and role formation processes in theological education held in Uppsala May 1984
880: BACON F - Essays or counsels civil and moral: the colours of good and evil, and apophthegms (Nonpareil Series of English Classics)
30956: ROGERS P & BACON M - Costs law reports 1997 Volume 2 only
80898: BACON E W - Pilgrim and dreamer: John Bunyan his life and work
879: BACON F - Essays or Counsels Civil & Moral, with, the Wisdom of the Ancients
882: BACON F - Two Books of Francis Lord Verulam of the Proficience and advancement of Learning Divine & Human, To the King
37215: BACON B W - Chronological scheme of Acts [reprinted from the Harvard Theological Review Vol XIV April 1921]
881: BACON F - Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral first published in 1597 and as he left them newly written
36629: BACON F - Essays of Francis Bacon; with an introduction by Sir Henry Newbolt
39528: BADER R S - Second look: reading the Bible again for the first time
60973: BERRIE W W Badger - THEOLOGY OF GENEROSITY: principles and practice of giving based on bible teaching
59195: BADHAM P - Christian beliefs about life after death
24251: BADHAM P - Christian beliefs about life after death (Library of Philosophy and Religion)
890: BADHAM P - Religion, state and society in modern Britain (Texts and Studies in Religion Vol 43)
891: BADLEY J H - Bible as seen to-day: Old Testament Vols 1 & 2 vols 1 & 2: The OT
37212: BAECK L - God and man in Judaism
895: BAELZ P - Prayer and providence (Hulsean Lectures for 1966)
894: BAELZ P - Forgotten dream: experience, hope and God (Bampton Lectures 1974)
83933: BAETA C G - Prophetism in Ghana: a study of some 'Spiritual' Churches (World Mission Studies)
26000: BAEV P K - Russian Army in a time of troubles
55937: BAGEHOT W [ST JOHN-STEVAS N] - Collected works of Walter Bagehot: the literary essays (VOLUME 2 ONLY)
899: BAGGALLAY F W - Letter to those who, having been divorced, cannot be married in Church
900: BAGGLEY J - Doors of Perception: icons and their spiritual significance
60793: BAGGLEY J - Festival icons for the Christian Year
83033: PORTER J S & BAGOT D - Authentic report of the discussion on the Unitarian Controversy between John Scott Porter and Daniel Bagot held on April 14th 1834...
51827: BAGOT J P - Petit dictionnaire de la catechese
51823: BAGOT J P - Dire Dieu enfin
51825: BAGOT J P - Propos intempestifs sur l'eucharistie
51828: BAGOT J P - Christianisme (50 mots)
54159: BAIKIE J - Romance of the Bible
83366: BAILEY D - Beyond the shades of gray because homosexuality is a symptom not a solution
56877: BAILEY K E - Jesus through Middle Eastern eyes: cultural studies in the Gospels
58788: BAILEY I - Prate, prattle or preach
80453: BAILEY L R - Leviticus (Knox Preaching guides)
921: BAILEY R - What is existentialism?: the creed of commitment and action
36605: BAILEY E - Folk religion of the English people for 'Religion, state and society in modern Britain' edited by Paul Badham
36602: BAILEY E - Civil religion in Britain for Religion des Burgers: Zivilreligion in Amerika und Europe. Heinz Kleger & Alois Muller-Herold (eds)
82770: BAILEY D R S - Profile of Horace
46456: BAILEY E - Small is cosmic: millenial issues in parochial perspective. Celebrating the octocentenary of St Michael's Church, Winterbourne, South Gloucestershire
928: BAILLIE D M - Theology of the Sacraments: and other papers with a biographical essay by John Baillie
926: BAILLIE D M - God was in Christ: an essay on incarnation and atonement
49866: BAILLIE J - Baptism and conversion
58793: BAILLIE J - What is Christian civilization? (Riddell Lectures 1945)
39084: BAIN R - Fools rush in: a call to Christian clowning
32657: BAIN R - Playing the fool
26156: GILES F A & BAIN D R - Materials and development of plastics packaging for the consumer market
52270: BAIN A - Nazarenes: an enquiry into Christian origins
56915: BAIN P - St Swithun's: a centenary history
942: BAINES N - Hungry for hope
51039: BAINES N - Scandal of grace: the danger of following Jesus
50297: BAIRD J A - Justice in the teaching of Jesus (New Testament Library)
37211: BAIRD R - Religion in the United States of America, or an account of the origin, progress, relations to the State, and present condition of the Evangelical Churches in the United States with notes of the unevangelical denominations
40557: BAKER J A - Reconstruction of belief Then and Now (Gore Memorial Lecture)
38090: BAKER D - Bibliography of the Reform 1450-1648 relating to the United Kingdom and Ireland for the years 1955-70
969: BAKER J A - Whole family of God
967: BAKER J A - Right Time
970: BAKER J A - Whole family of God
31251: BAKER T - Ordained ministry in a layperson's church
53641: BAKER J et al - Who is this man?: Christ in the renewal of the church
26443: BAKER T G A - Reflections from Worcester Cathedral: some sermons preached during 1975-1986
59209: BAKER W J - Beyond port and prejudice: Charles Lloyd of Oxford, 1784-1829
29954: BAKER J A - Evidence for the resurrection (CES)
60528: BAKER A E - JESUS
37303: BAKER D - Renaissance and renewal in Christial history: papers read at the Fifteenth Summer Meeting & Sixteenth Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society (Studies in church history 14)
34321: BAKER E - Neglected factor: the ethical element in the gospel
36718: BAKER A et al - Instant art cartoons for the church magazine (copyright free)
963: BAKER J - Christian and Aids: a pastoral letter from the Bishop of Salisbury
956: BAKER A E - Prophets for a day of judgement: (Abp. Canterbury Lent Book 1944)
41725: BAKER K - Complete organ player songbook: contains 21 hit songs arranged in the modern style: with suggested registrations to each song: volume 4
43573: BAKER B D - Abingdon children's sermon library: volume 3
60992: BETHUNE-BAKER J F - NEW VIEW OF CHRISTIANITY edited and abridged by W Norman Pittinger
35579: BAKER F - Charles Wesley as revealed by his letters (Wesley Historical Society Lectures No 14)
12758: BAKEWELL C M - Source book in ancient philosopy
976: BALADO J L G - Story of Taize
977: BALCH A E - An introducton to the study of Christian Ethics
81430: BALDERMANN I - Einfuhrung in die Bibel
55248: BALDICK R - Dinner at Magny's
55976: BALDOVIN J F - Liturgy in ancient Jerusalem (Alcuin/Grow Liturgical Study 9) (Grove Liturgical Study 57)
33624: BALDRY D - Hamlyn history of aviation [outsize book: 250cms x 285cms]
46533: BALDRY A L - Velasquez (Newnes Art Library)
46534: BALDRY A L - Sir Anthony van Dyck (Newnes Art Library)
60561: BALDUCCI, Ernesto - JOHN: the transitional Pope
30011: BALDWIN J G - Message of Genesis 12-50: from Abraham to Joseph (BST)
57928: BALDWIN A B - Catherine of Siena: a biography
56578: BALDWIN M - I leap over the wall: a return to the world after 28 years in a convent
37350: BALDWIN M W - Christianity through the thirteenth century (Documentary history of Western civilization)
20136: WALTERS P & BALENGARTH J - Light through the curtain (Poland, Czechoslovakia, USSR, Romania - testaments of faith & courage)
50959: BALFOUR G - Life of Robert Louis Stevenson (in 2 volumes)
43515: BALIA D - Make corruption history:
33592: HOW J C H & BALL E R - That last night: a series of liturgical devotions on the events of Maundy Thursday (for use on the evenings of Holy Week) priest's edition
27072: BALL R - Performance review in local government
31296: BALL P - Journey into faith
50779: BALL P - Anglican spiritual direction
35733: BALL P - Journey into truth: spiritual direction in the Anglican tradition
989: BALLANCE E R - Sex in human life
58317: BALLANTYNE R M - Ungava: a tale of Esquimau land
51355: BALLARD F - Miracles of unbelief
28485: THOMAS R & BALLARD M - Business information: technologies and strategies
51821: BALLARD R - Believing and trusting
59039: BALLARD P - Church at the centre of the city
60574: BALLARD, Frank - CHRISTIAN ESSENTIALS: a re-statement for the people of today
60576: BALLEINE G R - SING WITH UNDERSTANDING: some hymn problems unravelled
31295: BALMER R - Mine eyes have seen the glory: a journey into the evangelical subculture in America (expanded ed)
49714: BALMFORTH H - Is Christian experience an illusion: an essay in the philosophy of religion
1000: BALMFORTH H et al - Introduction to pastoral theology
24528: BALMFORTH H - Christ of God
997: BALMFORTH H - Christian religion
42046: BALSCHEIT B - Der Gottesbund: Einfuhrung in das Alte Testament
24643: BALTHASAR H U von - Mysterium Paschale: the mystery of Easter
83576: BALTHASAR H U von - Le Chretien Bernanos: traduit de l'allemand par Maurice de Gandillac [Frennch text]
83577: BALTHASAR H U von - Parole et mystere chez Origene (French text)
1009: BALY D - Besieged city: church in the world
80249: BALZAC H de - Rise and fall of Cesar Birotteau (Everyman's Library)
57964: BALZAC H de - Village Cure
49270: BALZAC H de [ed Payen-Payne] - Medecin de campagne
47690: BALZAC H de - Eugenie Grandet [English text]
49203: BALZAC H de - Sur Catherine de Medicis
81431: BALZAC H de - Cure de Tours - Colonel Chabert - Chef d'oeuvre inconnu - El verdugo - Jesus-Christ en Flandre - Messe de l'athee avec une introduction par Denis Stuart
47511: BALZAC H de - Droll stories collected in the monasteries of Touraine... translated into modern English by Alec Brown with drawings by Mervyn Peake
45105: BALZAC H de [Spiers] - Eugenie Grandet - French text abridged and edited with intro notes and vocabulary by A G H Spiers
1014: BAMMEL E - Jesu Nachfolger: Nachfolgeuberlieferungen in der Zeit des fruhen Christentums
23236: BANDARAGE A - Women, population & global crisis: a political-economic analysis
60588: BANG, Kirsten - YOUGGA FINDS MOTHER TERESA: the adventures of a beggar boy in India
49216: BANKES V - Why not?
31246: BANKS J - Is there a word from the Lord? (Sermons for today)
1024: BANKS R & J - Home church: regrouping the people of God for community and mission
1020: BANKS J - Story so far: first 100 years of the Manchester and Salford Methodist Mission
31244: BANKSON M Z - Braided streams: Esther and a woman's way of growing
31612: BANNER M - Christian ethics and contemporary moral problems
36327: BANNERMAN J - Church of Christ: a treatise on the nature, powers, ordinances, discipline, and government of the Christian Church TWO VOLUME SET
59204: BANTON M - Anthropological approaches to the study of religion
1026: BANYARD E - Straws in the wind
82533: BLAIN John Baptist - Mind and heart of St. John Baptist de la Salle a translation with introduction and notes by Edwin Bannon
1030: BAPTIST - Church Hymnal
53275: BAR S - God's first king: the story of Saul
61812: BUTLER Barbara - WINDOWS INTO THE WORLD CHURCH: Christ at work in Africa, Asia and the Middle East
58268: BARBER B A - Methodist pageant: a souvenir of the Primitive Methodist Church
40928: BARBER A C - Annual flowers: a guide to the best species and garden varieties of annual flowers, including also perennial plants which can be grown as annuals, with chapters describing their cultivation and uses
82704: BARBER W et al [TnT Ministries] - On the way Book 1 for 11-14 year olds (licence to copy visual aids and activity pages for class material only)
40001: BARBOUR R W - Homer and other papers
39466: BARBOUR R W - Letters, poems, and Pensees: collected for private circulation
29585: BARBOUR R - Kingdom of God and human society: essays by members of the Scripture, Theology and Society Group
1040: BARBOUR I G - Science and religion: new perspectives on the dialogue
40037: BARBOUR R W - Thoughts: from the writings of R. W. Barbour
38866: BARBOUR G F - Essays and addresses edited with a biographical introduction by A F Giles
1041: BARBOUR R S - Traditio-historical criticism of the Gospels (SCC4)
1105: BARCLAY W - Seen in the passing
1090: BARCLAY W - New Testament word book
1080: BARCLAY W - Lord's supper
59227: BARCLAY J - Obeying the truth: a study of Paul's ethics in Galatians (Studies of the New Testament and its world)
1045: BARCLAY W - Ambassador for Christ
1042: BARCLAY W - Daily Study Bible New Testament (whole set) 17 volumes + index volume revised edition
33151: BARCLAY W - Gospels and Acts in 2 volumes
8245: SUGDEN C & BARCLAY O - Kingdom and creation in social ethics (GE 79)
51171: BARCLAY W - What the Bible tells us about the Christmas story (Insights)
51172: BARCLAY W - What the Bible tells us about wealth and possessions: money (Insights)
34322: BARCLAY W - Ethics in a permissive society
48041: BARCLAY W - Plain Man's Book of Prayers
1052: BARCLAY W - Every day with William Barclay: devotional readings for every day
26909: BARCLAY W - Great themes of the New Testament
58712: BRASH W Bardsley - STORY OF OUR COLLEGES 1835-1935: a centenary record of ministerial training in the Methodist Church
1113: BARDSLEY C K N - Changing church: a lecture given by the Bishop of Coventry in Canterbury Cathedral, 19th October, 1966
82257: BARDSLEY C C B - Revival: the need and the possibilities
82254: BARDSLEY J W - Many mansions and other sermons
55933: BARFOOT E - Witness of Edith Barfoot: the joyful vocation to suffering
80244: BARING M - Puppet show of memory
80247: BARING M - Dead letters
46728: BARING M - Coat without seam
8185: BARING M - Puppet show of memory
46719: BARING M - Darby and Joan
46702: BARING M - Friday's business
29111: BARK C V - Dry fly: progress since Halford
82560: BARKER M - Great angel: study of Israel's second god
57162: BARKER E et al - European inheritance (Volume II only)
1134: BARKER P - Sociological portrait
46986: GRANVILLE-BARKER H - Prefaces to Shakespeare: Othello
52032: BARKER W P - Everyone in the Bible
57353: BARKER E et al - Christianity and communism
1128: BARKER J - Grace
1435: BEALL P & BARKER M K - Folk arts in renewal: Fisherfolk resources
55534: BARKER A - Civil war in America
1126: BARKER E - Responsible Church [including separate study guide pamphlet]
38441: BARKER J - Sacrificial priesthood: historical origins and developments
55450: BARKERLEY R - Road to Mayerling: life and death of Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria
46869: BARLEY L - Churchgoing today
52068: BARLOW F - Feudal kingdom of England 1042-1216 (History of England)
25963: BARLOW A et al - Advising gay and lesbian clients
45637: BARMBY J - Gregory the Great (Fathers for English readers)
36615: BARNA G - Second coming of the church
47094: BARNARD W E - Nursery song and picture book: for home and school
1145: BARNARD T D - Progress of doctrine in the New Testament: (Bampton lectures 1864)
1141: BARNARD A - Tell us the story: using the Old Testament today
23477: BARNARD G - Cross-cultural communication: a practical guide
59224: BARNARD L W - Thomas Secker: an eighteenth century primate
52705: BARNARD L W - History of the early church to AD 325 (Mowbray's Grammar Series in Religious Knowledge)
56577: BARNES R L - Priest and his priesthood: a devotional commentary on the principles of the sacred ministry
39052: BARNES J E - We offer and present testimonies to Anglican teaching on the eucharistic oblation by XII Classical Theologians of the Church of England
58790: BARNES A - Notes explanatory and practical on the first epistle of Paul to the Corinthians
57830: BARNES W - Poems of rural life in the Dorset dialect with a dissertation and glossary
55639: BARNES M J - Politics and personality 1760 - 1827
1148: BARNES B H - Johnson of Nyasaland: a study of the Life and Work of William Percival Johnson Archdeacon of Nyasa, Missionary Pioneer 1876-1928
57834: BARNES W [JONES B] - Poems of William Barnes edited by Bernard Jones Volume 1 and 2
57828: BARNES W - Folklore
52373: BARNES J - To be a Christian
37220: BARNES W E - Canonical and uncanonical gospels with a translation of the recently discovered fragment of the Gospel of Peter, and a selection from the Sayings of Our Lord not found in the Four Gospels
81502: BARNES W - Views of labour and gold: a reprint of a book on political and moral economy
26946: BARNES W E - Gospel criticism and form criticism
1153: BARNES G - Television Broadcasting: address to the British Council of Churches on 24th September 1952
35245: MORRISON C & BARNES D H - New Testament word lists for rapid reading of the Greek Testament
49407: ROSENBERG L & BARNETT V - Synagogue
1160: BARNETT R D - Illustrations of Old Testament history
1158: BARNETT L - Challenge to commitment: fifty two discussion topics on the Christian faith for young people's groups
1162: BARNETT T R - Makers of the Kirk
24482: BARNETT J - Theology at 16+: papers from the Eleventh Downside Symposium
1157: BARNETT L - Challenge to commitment: fifty two discussion topics on the Christian faith for young people's groups
56209: BARON S W - Social and religious history of the Jews: Late Middle Ages and era of European expansion 1200 - 1650: Vol XII Economic catalyst
56208: BARON S W - Social and religious history of the Jews: Late Middle Ages and era of European expansion 1200 - 1650: Vol IX Under church and empire
56576: BARON S W - Social and religious history of the Jews: Ancient Time and High Middle Ages 200 - 1200: Volumes I - VIII No addtitonal UK postage. For overseas please ask for a quotation.
56210: BARON S W - Social and religious history of the Jews: Late Middle Ages and era of European expansion 1200 - 1650: Vol XIII Inquisition renaissance and reformation
42011: BARON S W - Histoire d'Israel: vie sociale et religieuse: tome premier des origines jusqu'au debut de l'ere chretienne
56207: BARON S W - Social and religious history of the Jews: High Middle Ages 200 - 1200: Vol VIII philosophy and science
42019: BARR J - Fundamentalism
56934: BARR J - Anglican church architecture with some remarks upon ecclesiastical furniture
1171: BARR J - Explorations in theology 7: the scope and authority of the Bible
57736: BARR J - History and ideology in the Old Testament: Biblical studies at the end of a millennium: the Hensley Hanson lectures for 1997 delivered to the University of Oxford
59223: BARR J - Does Biblical study still belong to theology? an inaugural lecture before University of Oxford 26th May 1977
59222: BARR J - Bible as a political document (reprinted from the 'Bulletin of the John Rylands library vol 62, no 2 Spring 1980)
1174: BARR J - Old and New Interpretation: study of the two testaments
1169: BARR J - Comparative philology and the text of the Old Testament
60463: BARR J - EXPLORATIONS IN THEOLOGY 7: Scope and authority of the Bible
58304: BARR J - Garden of Eden and the hope of immortality
33125: BARR J - Bible in the modern world
34186: BARR J - Biblical faith and natural theology (Gifford lectures for 1991)
1176: BARR O S - Christian new morality: a biblical study of situation ethics
1170: BARR J - Escaping from fundamentalism
81503: BARR J - Old and New Interpretation: study of the two testaments
33030: BARR J - Biblical words for time - Revised edition (SBT 1/33)
46492: BARRACLOUGH G - History in a changing world
46696: ALEXANDER W & BARRACLOUGH F - County and voluntary schools
59238: BARRE M L - Wisdom, you are my sister: studies in honor of Roland E Murphy, O. Carm., on the occasion of his eightieth birthday (Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series 29)
59221: BARRE L M - Rhetoric of political persuasion: the narrative artistry and political intentions of 2 Kings 9-11 (Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph series 20)
81506: BARRETT L - Doing what is right: what the Bible says about covenant and justice (Peace and Justice Series 7)
81505: BARRETT L - Way God fights: war and peace in the Old Testament (Peace and Justice Series 1)
30236: BARRETT E B - Absolution
56913: BARRETT W A - English church composers (The Great Musicians)
29967: BARRETT C K - New Testament background: selected documents
53585: BARRETT D B - World Christian encyclopedia: a comparative survey of churches and religions in the modern world AD 1900 - 2000 No additional UK postage
18750: BARRETT W F - Psychical research (Home University Library)
43783: BARRETTE M J - That we may love: Biblical studies for STD 10
43786: BARRETTE M J - That we may live: Biblical studies for STD 7
43785: BARRETTE M J - That we may share: Biblical Studies for STD 9
1211: BARRIE J M - Courage: Rectorial address delivered at St.Andrews University May 3rd 1922
81504: BARRITT G E - Thomas Bowman Stephenson (No 14 People Called Methodists)
81508: BARROIS A G - Manuel d'archeologie biblique (Tome II)
47353: BARRON T A - Merlin und die Feuerproben [3 buch]
47350: BARRON T A - Merlin und die sieben Schritte zur Weisheit [2 buch]
47352: BARRON T A - Merlin und der Zauberspiegel [4 buch]
47355: BARRON T A - Merlin wie alles begann
25233: BARROW C - Complete small business guide sources of information for new and small businesses
952: BARROW J D - Between inner space and outer space: essays on science, art, and philosophy
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7895: BARROWS C - Greater London Crusade Song Book: Empire Stadium Wembley 1955
43085: WORDSWORTH J & BARRY A - Representative church council: Speeches ...on Thursday July 9, 1903 at Church House, Westminster (Church Historical Society publication no. 75)
1226: BARRY F R - Relevance of Christianity
1214: BARRY A - Some light of science on the faith: eight lectures preached before the U of Oxford in the Year 1892 on the foundation of the late Revd. John Bampton M.A. Canon of Salisbury
21895: BARRY F R - Christian ethics and secular society
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1221: BARRY F R - Period of my life: (Bishop of Southwell)
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1232: BARRY F R - What has Christianity to say?
52619: BARTCHY S S - First-century slavery and the interpretation of 1 Corinthians 7:21 (SBL Dissertation series No 11)
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1244: BARTH K - Church and state
36929: BARTH M et al - Foi et salut selon S Paul (Epitre aux Romains 1.16) Colloque Oecumenique a L'Abbaye de S Paul Hors les Murs, 16-21 Avril 1968 (Analecta Biblica 42)
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50018: BARTH M - Jesus the Jew: Israel and the Palestinians, what does it mean that Jesus is a Jew?
1262: BARTH K - Faith of the Church; a commentary on the Apostles' creed according to Calvin's catechism
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