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55440: BARTLET J V - Early church history: a sketch of its first four centuries
24841: BARTLETT J R - First and Second Books of the Maccabees (Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible)
81511: BARTLETT D L - Shape of scriptural authority
74632: BARTLETT J R - Bible; faith and evidence: a critical enquiry into the nature of biblical history
33646: BARTLETT J - Familiar quotations: a collection of passages, phrases and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature
82569: BARTLETT J R - Jews in the Hellenistic World: Josephus, Aristeas, The Sybylline Oraces, Eupolemus
82570: BARTLETT J R - Jews in the Hellenistic World: Josephus, Aristeas, The Sybylline Oraces, Eupolemus
44282: BARTLETT A - Humane Christianity: arguing with the classic Christian spiritual disciplines in the light of Jesus of Nazareth
56575: BARTLEY W W - Morality and religion
83034: BARTOL C A - Discourses on the Christian spirit and life
1289: BARTON G A - Religion of Israel
58789: BARTON S C - Holiness past and present
1290: BARTON J - Amos's Oracles against the Nations: study of Amos 1.3-2.5 (Society for Old Testament Study Monograph Series 6) 6)
1292: BARTON J - People of the Book?: the authority of the Bible in Christianity (Bampton Lectures for 1988)
1293: BARTON J - Reading the Old Testament: method in biblical study (Revised and Enlarged)
31551: BARTON S C - Where shall wisdom be found?: wisdom in the bible, the church and the contemporary world (articles by S Weeks, C Rowland, J D G Dunn, C Gunton, J Astley et al)
57730: BALENTINE S E & BARTON J - Language theology and the Bible: essays in honour of James Barr
28502: BARTON J - Cambridge companion to Biblical interpretation
33880: BARTON W E - Moral challenge of Communism: some ethical aspects of Marxist-Leninist society (Swarthmore lecture 1966)
35494: BARTON J - Ethics and the Old Testament (The 1997 Diocese of British Columbia John Albert Hall Lectures at the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society in the University of Victoria)
1295: BARTON J - What is the Bible?
82413: BARTON S C - Discipleship and family ties in Mark and Matthew (SNTSMS 80)
1294: BARTON J - Spirit and the letter: studies in the biblical canon
81513: BARTSCH H W - Kerygma und Mythos: diskussionen und stimmen des in und auslandes (II Band)
40373: BARTSCH H W - Kerygma und Mythos: ein theologisches Gesprach
30986: BARWICK B - Married to a single life (inscription by author on tp)
39300: DE BARY R - Social paradise: a vade-mecum of the theocracy
39301: DE BARY R - Mystical fellowship: the science of Christliness. A Catholic eirenicon from the exponents of the mystical Gospel of Brotherliness
56708: BARYSHNIKOV M - Baryshnikov at work: Mikhael Baryshnikov discusses his work
1305: BARZ H - Divine Child (Guild of Pastoral Psychology Lecture 226)
11454: LE BAS C - Life of Archbishop Laud
28324: TURNER M & BASH L - Sharing expertise in teacher education
1314: BASLER A - Leonard De Vinci 1452-1519
53976: BASSET B - Priest in the piazza: touchline tribute to a council
6505: BASSET E - Beyond the Blue Mountains: wisdom and compassion on living and dying
1318: BASSETT B - Priest in the Presbytery: a psycho-ecclesiastical extravaganza
27023: FERRIS S & BASSETT P - Don't lean out of the window: the inter-rail experience
80534: BASTIN M et al - God day by day: A companion to the weekday missal Volume 1 Lent and the Easter season
80536: BASTIN M et al - God day by day: a companion to the weekday missal Volume 2 Ordinary Time Matthew
49637: BATCHELOR M - Lion Literature collection on the human and the divine
82107: BATCHELOR M - Cradle of Empire: a preparatory school through nine reigns
37812: BATE H N - Faith and order: proceedings of the World Conference, Lausanne, August 3-21, 1927
82662: BATE F - Declaration of Indulgence 1672: a study in the rise of organised dissent
43497: BATES S - God's own country: tales from the Bible belt
1328: BATEY R - New Testament issues
8797: HARVEY J & BATHER L - British Constitution
31336: BATIFFOL P - Anciennes litteratures Chretiennes: Vol I: La litterature Grecque (Bibliotheque de l'enseignement de l'histoire ecclesiastique)
30379: BATIFFOL P - Le Catholicisme de Saint Augustin
22030: BATSON CD, BEKER J C & CLARK - Commitment without ideology: the experience of Christian growth
1334: BATTIN M P - Ethics in the sanctuary: examining the practices of organized religion
1336: BATTY F De W - Australian proposals for Intercommunion
1337: BAUCKHAM R - The Book of Acts in its first century setting, volume 4: the Book of Acts in its Palestinian setting
11905: BAUCKHAM R - Jesus 2000: a major investigation into history's most intriguing figure [over 200 colour & black/white illus]
47149: DREWERY B & BAUCKHAM R J - Scripture tradition and reason: study in the criteria of Christian doctrine - essays in honour of Richard P C Hanson
54360: BAUCKHAM R - Apocrypha: revue internationale des litteratures apocryphes/International journal of apocryphal literatures 5, 1994 pp7-111 The Apocalypse of Peter
54286: BAUERSCHMIDT F C - Julian of Norwich and the mystical body politic of Christ
82959: FODOR J & BAUERSCHMIDT F C - Aquinas in dialogue: Thomas for the twenty-first century
57654: COLEMAN J & BAUM G - New religious movements (Concilium 161)
57655: BAUM G - Work and religion (Concilium 131)
60801: PETERS E H & BAUM G - CONSTITUTION ON THE CHURCH OF VATICAN COUNCIL II proclaimed by Pope Paul VI, November 21, 1964 (De Ecclesia) edited by E H Peters, commentary by Gregory Baum
57667: BAUM G - Neo-conservatism: social and religious phenomenon (Concilium 141)
1352: BAUMAN H - Living through grief: strength and hope in time of loss
40643: BAUMGARTEL F - Verheissung: zur Frage des evangelischen Verstandnisses des Alten Testaments
29692: BAUMGARTEN O et al - Die Schriften des Neuen Testaments neu übersetzt und für die Gegenwart erklärt von Otto Baumgarten, Wilhelm Bousset, Hermann Gunkel... Johannes Weiss Zweiter Band die Paulinischen Briefe und die Pastoralbriefe
80567: BAUMGARTEN M - Acts of the Apostles (Volume II); or the history of the church in the apostolic age
81909: KOEHLER L & BAUMGARTNER W - Supplementum ad Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros
1873: BAUMGARTNER W - Hebrew Daniel Esra Nehemia HH Schaeder & J Begrich (Biblia Hebraica)
38780: BAUMSTARK A - Konstantinopolitanische messliturgie vor dem ix Jahrhundert... (Liturgische Texte III)
39061: BAUSCH W J - Take heart, Father: a hope-filled vision for today's priest
1369: BAVIDGE N - Family at Easter
1382: BAXTER R - Reformed Pastor edited by Hugh Martin (Treasury of Christian Books)
56669: BAXTER R - Saints everlasting rest or a treatise of the blessed state of the saints in their enjoyment of God in glory...
1374: BAXTER K M - Speak what we feel: a christian look at the contemporary theatre
1381: BAXTER R - Gildas Salvianus: the reformed pastor 1656 edited with an introduction by John T Wilkinson
31334: BAXTER R - Call to the unconverted to turn and live and accept mercy while mercy may be had...
47735: BAXTER K M [arr le Fleming] - Pull devil pull baker [a verse mime with music arranged from traditional sources]
47443: BAXTER P - Sarum Use: development of a medieval code of liturgy and customs
80512: BAXTER J - Wounds that heal: theology, imagination and health
83578: BAXTER R - Royal Abbey of Reading [heavy volume, please request overseas postage cost]
81020: BAYER T I - Moral philosophy and moral education
40243: BAYFIELD T - Churban: the murder of the Jews of Europe
1385: BAYLDON J - Cyril Bardsley: evangelist
32448: BAYLEY M - Local church and mentally handicapped people
52347: BAYLEY A - One new humanity: the challenge of aids (SPCK International Study Guide 33: Applied Theology 3)
45490: BAYLEY J - Characters of love Study in the literature of personality
1386: BAYLEY M - Welfare - a moral issue? a Christian perspective
54026: BAYNE C G - Select cases in the Council of Henry VII (Selden Society volume 75 1956)
1390: BAYNE S - Mindful of the love: the Holy Communion & daily life
1391: BAYNE S - Now is the accepted time: writings & prayers
1389: BAYNE S - Making of a person (BBC Talks)
1392: BAYNE S F - Mutual responsibility and interdependence in the body of Christ with related background documents
46931: BAYNES N H - Hellenistic civilisation and East Rome (The James Bryce Memorial Lecture, Somerville College Oxford Saturday 17 November 1945)
31315: BAZALGETE J - Fredom, authority, and the young adult: a report to the Dept of Education & Science on the Young Adult Resource Project, in particular examining how the resources of adults are used by young people as they take up full adult roles in society
1399: BBC - Horizon: resurrecting the Dead Sea Scrolls: text adapted from the programme transmitted 22nd March 1993
1407: BCC - Consultative Group on ministry among children: report of the Working Party on 'The child in the church'
1424: BCC - Standing for the truth: Britain and South Africa
1421: BCC - Relations with people of other faiths: guidelines on dialogue in Britain
1430: BCC - World poverty and British responsibility
1427: BCC - Understanding equality: a handbook for local churches (BT&T 1)
1429: BCC - Violence in Southern Africa: a Christian assessment
1417: BCC - Joint pastoral care of interchurch marriages in England, Wales and Scotland recommendations by Joint working group of BCC & RC...
41902: BEA A - Nouveau psautier latin
53638: BEACH M - Using Common Worship Holy Communion: a practical guide to the new services
27632: BEADLE W - Wrongly hanged? [John Dickman & Walter Rowland]
34343: BEALES W H - Children of God: chapters on conversion and its consequences
29827: BEALL P - Folk arts in God's family: fisherfolk resources for worship, teaching and festivity (rev ed of Folk arts in renewal)
1436: BEAMAN A H - M. Stambuloff: (Public Men of To-day) edited by S.H.Jeyes
12632: BEAMISH P W, DELIOS A & LECRAW - Japanese multinationals in the global economy (New horizons in international business)
39607: BEAMOND B - Genetic engineering: Christ and the cosmos No. 15
34813: BEAMOND B - Time: proceedings of the conference held at Westminster College Oxford from 28-30 April 2000 (Volume XIV in the 'Christ and the Cosmos' series)
39602: BEAMOND B - Building the cosmos: Christ and the cosmos No. 16
29474: CAMPION W M & BEAMONT W J - Prayer Book interleaved with historical illustrations and explanatory notes arranged parallel to the text (double column per page)
56905: BEARD M - Faith and fortune
1438: BEARD C - Reformation of the sixteenth century in its relation to modern thought and knowledge (Hibbert Lectures 1883)
1442: BEARDSMORE R W - Moral reasoning (SEPR)
31703: BEARE F W - Commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians (BNTC)
28762: BEARE F W - Earliest records of Jesus: companion to the ""Synopsis of the first three gospels"" A Huck
1447: BEARE F W - St Paul and his letters
1448: BEASLEY J R - Introduction to the Bible
32964: BEATON J et al - Family celebrations: Advent and Christmas
60848: BEAUCAMP E - BIBLE AND THE UNIVERSE: Israel and the theology of history
43362: BEAUMONT M - The One-stop Bible Guide
31313: BEAUMONT T - Modern religious verse (Pocket poets)
31004: BEAUMONT E et al - First steps: working with under-fives in the church
28061: ABBOTT G & BEAUMONT M - Development of ELT: the Dunford seminars 1978-1993
34375: DE BEAUSOBRE J - Flame in the snow: a Russian legend [Saint Serafim of Sarov]
1462: BEAUSOBRE I de - Creative suffering
25344: BEAVIS W - Escape to prosperity
52625: BEAVIS M A - Mark's Audience: the literary and social setting of Mark 4.11-12 (JSNTS 33)
58503: BEAZLEY C R - Note-book of mediaeval history A.D. 323 - A.D. 1453
46845: MCCLOUGHRY R & BEBAWI C - AIDS: a Christian response (GE 64)
29038: MCCLOUGHRY R & BEBAWI C - AIDS: a Christian response (GE 64)
34315: BEBB E D - Wesley: a man with a concern
1466: BEBBINGTON D W - Non conformist conscience: chapel and politics 1870-1914
47450: ABBAYE DU BEC - Amis du Bec-Hellouin No 148
81516: BECHER J - Women religion and sexuality: studies in the impact of religious teachings on women
59241: BECHTLER S R - Following in His Steps: suffering, community, and Christology in 1 Peter (SBL dissertation series 162)
80999: SCHWARTZ W A & BECHTOLD J M - Embracing the past-forging the future
27814: BECK J - Morality and citizenship in education
81515: BECKER J - Messianic expectation in the Old Testament
82434: BECKER K L - Unlikely companions: C G Jung on the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola
34627: BECKERLEGGE G - World religions reader
81514: BECKETT L - Returning wave: sonnets and other poems
22799: GILIKER P & BECKWITH S - Tort
59037: BECKWITH J - Early medieval art: Carolingian, Ottonian, Romanesque
1480: BECKWITH R T, BUCHANAN C O - Services of baptism and confirmation (Latimer Monographs II)
83841: BECKWITH I T - Apocalypse of John: studies in introduction with a critical and exegetical commentary [heavy book, pls request postal cost]
81844: BECKWITH R T - Thomas Cranmer after five hundred years
38319: BECKWITH R - Daily and weekly worship: Jewish to Christian (Alcuin/GROW JLS1)
46544: PARKER SOCIETY - BECON T - Early Works of Thomas Becon S.T.P. [being the Treatises - Volume 1 only of 3 volume set] Chaplain to Archbishop Cranmer Prebendary of Canterbury in the reign of King Henry VIII & Edward VI
53746: WIGMORE-BEDDOES D G - Yesterday's radicals: a study of the affinity between Unitarianism and broad church Anglicanism in the nineteenth century
38642: BEDE [Giles] - Miscellaneous works of Venerable Bede in the original Latin, collated with the manuscripts and various printed editions, accompanied by a new English translation of the historical works and a life of the author by J A Giles [12 VOLUME SET]
36981: CAMM Bede - Life of the Blessed John Wall, the Martyr of Harvington Hall
59243: BEDIAKO G M - Primal religion and the Bible (Journal for the study of the Old Testament supplement series 246)
58084: BEDNAROWSKI M F - Twentieth century global christianity (A People's History of Christianity Volume 7)
60872: DE LA BEDOYERE M - MEDDLESOME FRIAR: the story of the conflict between Savonarola and Alexander VI
60871: DE LA BEDOYERE M - FRANCIS: a biography of the Saint of Assisi
58456: BEDOYERE M DE LA - Catherine: Saint of Siena
44875: BEEBY H D - Grace abounding Commentary on the book of Hosea (International theological commentary)
35890: BEECHER H W - Day and thought: readings for every day in the year (pocket size)
58087: BEECHER W J - Prophets and the promise
56903: BEECHER E - Papal conspiracy exposed: or the Romish corporation dangerous to the political liberty and social interests of man
27686: BEECHING C L - Dictionary of dates
27861: BEECHING J - Chinese opium wars
43634: BEECROFT S G - What's it all about Sidney?
80544: BEEGLE D M - Moses the servant of Yahweh
42010: BEEK M A - Geschichte Israels: von Abraham bis bar kochba
1500: BEEMER M et al - Responsible faith: a course of study for confirmation education and the rite of confirmation prepared for Christian Education Division N.E. Wisconsin Asso. United Church of Christ
26247: BEER G - Iob et Proverbia praeparavit editio teria denuo elaborata (Biblia Hebraica)
7637: GILYARD-BEER R - Abbeys: intro to the religious houses of England & Wales
1501: BEER J - Who is Jesus? (Anselm Books)
52241: BEER D - Building a strategic church
56161: DE BEER D - Gospel: the unforgettable story
38451: BEERBOHM M - Works and more
82071: BEESING M et al - Enneagram: a journey of self discovery
80478: BEESON T - Church's other half: women's ministry
51248: BEESON T - Church's folk songs from Hymns Ancient and Modern to Common Praise 1861-2011
58462: BEESON T - Canons: Cathedral close encounters
31311: BEET J A - Last things
38637: BEET W E - Rise of the Papacy AD 385-461
35913: BEETHAM F - Introduction to New Testament Greek: a quick course in the reading of Koine Greek
39603: BEETHAM P A - Risk! Life is a risky business: Christ and the cosmos No. 13
39606: BEETHAM P A - Observing the cosmos: Christ and the cosmos No. 12
39605: BEETHAM P A - Members - one of another: Christ and the cosmos No. 9
41026: BEETHOVEN - Symphony No 3 in E flat Op. 55 with a biographical note by W McNaught and an introduction by Gordon Jacob (Penguin Scores 23)
47049: BEETHOVEN L van - 15 waltzes
8504: BEETHOVEN - Hallelujah Chorus (Mount of Olives) (Octavo Choruses 196)
47790: BEETHOVEN L van - Symphony No. 3 E flat major (Eroica) Op 55 miniature score [Donajowski's Miniature Scores No 5]]
47775: BEETHOVEN L van - Quartet F major for 2 violins, viola and cello Op 18 No 1 miniature score [Edition Eulenburg No 16]
36303: BEETON - Dictionary of universal biography: being the lives of eminent persons of all times with the pronuncian of every name
1511: BEETON I - Englishwomans cookery book: being a collection of upwards of six hundred economical recipes
57786: BEGG C - Josephus' account of the early divided monarchy (AJ 8212 - 420): rewriting the Bible (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium CVIII)
40436: BEGUERIE P et al - Etudes sur les prophetes d'Israel
53720: BEHM J - Offenbarung des Johannes (Neue Testament Deutsch Teilband 11)
55934: BEHMEN J - Thoughts on the spiritual life: translated from the German by Charlotte Ada Rainy
43071: KOHN-BEHRENS C - Eros at bay: the illusion of modern love
31308: BEIJER D de - En de vrouw die kiest een kind: op weg naar een feministische ethiek van de voortplanting (Op Reis)
43145: BEISNER E C - Psalms of promise: exploring the majesty and faithfulness of God
1518: BEKER J C - Heirs of Paul: Paul's legacy in the New Testament and in the church today
45272: BEKER J C - Paul the apostle: the triumph of God in life and thought
51333: BEKKERS W - God's people on the way
1523: BELDEN A D - One hundred tales worth telling
58366: BELDEN A D - Pax Christi the peace of Christ: a new policy for Christendom today
56901: BELFRAGE L - Clergy existence challenged: an existential psychological exploration of meaning-making and burnout related to the Church of Sweden
1541: BELL G K A - Kingship of Christ; story of the WCC
38958: BELL V - Steep ways and narrow: a layman's autobiography
46529: BELL M - Early work of Titian (Newnes Art Library)
54490: BELL J L - Innkeepers and light sleepers: seventeen new songs for Christmas (Iona Community)
31757: BELL A - Lives and legends of the Evangelists, Apostles, and other early Saints
31758: BELL A - Lives and legends of the English bishops and kings, mediaeval monks, and other later saints
38601: BELL C C - Work of an evangelist
46530: BELL M - Later work of Titian (Newnes Art Library)
1529: BELL B I - O men of God!
1542: BELL G K A - Meaning of the Creed: papers on the Apostle's creed
41126: BELL A [Hare] - Mantegna: illustrated with eight reproductions in colour (Masterpieces in colour) [lacks frontis of 'Madonna della Vittoria'+plate II 'Adoration of the Kings'
60905: BELL A - LEGENDS OF OUR LORD AND THE HOLY FAMILY with 32 illustrations
1528: BELL B I - Holy Week
1549: BELL G K A - Word and the sacraments: a charge delivered at his secondary visitation of the Diocese of Chichester October 1952
38638: BELLAH R N - Beyond belief: essays on religion in a post-traditional world
1554: BELLAMY P - Small corner: illus by the author
45568: BELLARMINI R [BELLARMINE R] - Ascensione mentis in Deum per scalas rerum creatarum liber singularis exacte recudendum curavit et annotationibus instruxit Dr F X Dieringer
1560: BELLENGER D A - Opening the Scrolls: essays in honour of Geofrey Anstruther
44835: GRATTAN-BELLEW P E - Concrete alkali-aggregate reactions
1411: BELLHOUSE G T - Bread from Heaven
59248: BELLINGER W H - Hermeneutic of curiosity and readings of Psalm 61 (Studies in Old Testament interpretation 1)
81097: BELLINGER C K - Jesus v. abortion: they know not what they do (Theopolitical visions)
59249: BELLINZONI A J - Two-source hypothesis: a critical appraisal
45052: BELLOC H - Hills and the sea
46747: BELLOC H - Avril: being essays on the poetry of the French renaissance
49284: BELLOC H - Path to Rome
81676: MOSES ISAAC BEN - Hymn for the thanksgiving for the creation of light on the sabbath preceding the New Year translated into English by Raphael Loewe
81913: BEN ZVI E, HANCOCK M & BEINERTN R - Readings in Biblical Hebrew: an intermediate textbook
80018: RUBINSTEIN S & BENARI B - Reader in modern Hebrew literature
51694: BENDA V - State Jewish Museum in Prague
46919: BENDER H et al - Moderne Erzahler 3
1570: BENDIT L J - Mysteries Today and other essays
81517: BENDIX R - Max Weber: an intellectual portrait
45743: BENEDETTO R - P T Forsyth bibliography and index (Bibliographies and indexes in religious studies Number 27)
57609: BENEDETTO R - New SCM dictionary of Church History Volume one
41851: BENEDICT [of Mount Athos] - Memorial services and the benefits of them by Hieromonk Benedict
40155: BENGTSON H - Einfurhrung in die alte Geschichte
1580: BENHAM W M - Catherine and Craufurd Tait: wife and son of Archbald Campbell Archbishop of Canterbury
30441: DAVIDSON R T & BENHAM W - Life of Archibald Campbell Tait: Archbishop of Canterbury in 2 vols
1578: BENHAM G - Benham's Book of Quotations: proverbs and household words
1579: BENHAM W - Old St Paul's Cathedral
49709: BENJAMIN P - How in the world?: principles for Christian Witness (American Church Growth Study Series)
83010: MATTHEWS V H & BENJAMIN D C - Social World of Ancient Israel 1250-587 BCE
1581: BENKO S - Meaning of Sanctorum Communio (SHT 3)
31683: BENN J - Memorials: an anthology of poetry and prose
10825: BENN A W - Early Greek philosophy
31301: BENNET W H - Primer of the bible
54771: BENNET B - Christian oratory: or The devotion of the closet displayed to which is added an appendix Volume I only of two volumes
53490: BENNET G - Progress through Lent: a course for pilgrims
40242: BENNET W J E - Anabaptism, the Independents and Quakerism (Church's Broken Unity Vol 3)
39063: BENNETT G - One fold' one shepherd: the challenge to the post-Reformation church
44616: BENNETT H L - Archbishop Rotherham: Lord High Chancellor of England and Chancellor of Cambridge University - a sketch of his life and environment
31299: BENNETT D - King without a crown: Albert, Prince Consort of England, 1819-1861
31300: BENNETT W H - Life of Christ according to St Mark
29454: BENNETT S - Real-time computer control: an introduction
27920: BENNETT C - In search of the sacred: anthropology and the study of religions
1593: BENNETT I L - Song & Service Book for ship & field: Army & Navy [USA] music edition
1594: BENNETT J C - Christian as citizen (WCB 5)
24480: BENNETT J C - Christian social ethics in a changing world: an ecumenical theological inquiry (Church & Society Vol 1)
57085: BENNETT J A W - Poetry of the Passion: studies in twelve centuries of English verse
53040: BENNETT N - Registers of Henry Burghersh 1320 - 1342 III (Lincoln Record Society 101)
81781: BENNETT N - Registers of Henry Burghersh 1320 - 1342 Volume II Institutions to benefices in the archdeaconries of Northampton, Oxfod, Bedford, Buckingham and Huntingon and collations of cathedral dignities and prebends (Lincoln Record Society 90)
1595: BENNETT J C - Christianity and communism
1597: BENNETT R - Emotionally Free
39827: BENNETT W J E - On Presbyterianism and Irvingism (Vol I of The Church's broken unity)
1596: BENNETT J C - Christianty and communism (RBC 70)
38164: BENNETTS H J T - Prayers for the sick, the dying and the departed from sources ancient and modern
47553: BENOIT P [tr Weatherhead] - Passion and resurrection of Jesus Christ
47582: BENOIT - Etre moine. Extraits de la regle de Saint Benoit
81839: BENOUNICHE F - Le Musee National des Antiquites D'Alger
59255: BENOVITZ M - Kol Nidre: studies in the development of Rabbinic Votive Institutions (Brown Judaic Studies 315)
38634: BENSLY R L - Epistles of S Clement to the Corinthians in Syriac edited from the manuscripts with notes
1608: BENSON A C - Ruskin: a study in personality
1619: BENSON M - Nelson Mandela
1604: BENSON A C - Father Payne
57244: BENSON C - On evidences of Christianity...twenty discourses preached before the University of Cambridge (Hulsean lectures 1820)
41057: BENSON J A - Christian Warrior: a sacred cantata, words by A Duncan Goody
55445: BENSON R H - Mystical body and its head
57257: BENSON C - On scripture difficulties: twenty discourses preached before the University of Cambridge in the year 1822 (Hulsean Lectures)
53008: BENSON E W - Seven gifts: addressed to the Diocese of Canterbury in nhis primary visitation
1607: BENSON A C - Ruskin: a study in personality
1612: BENSON E W - Cyprian: his life, his times, his work
49193: BENSUSAN S L - Titian: illustrated with 8 reproductions in colour (Masterpieces in Colour)
19787: VAN DER BENT A - Utopia of World Community: an interpretation of the World Council of Churches for outsiders
50908: BENTALL E - Soul aspirings
53644: BENTLEY J - Calendar of saints: the lives of the principal saints of the Christian year
48085: BENTLEY E et al - Theory of the modern stage: an introduction to modern theatre and drama
31938: BENTWICH N - Religious foundations of internationalism: a study in international relations through the ages
1647: BENTWICH N - Jews in our time:
1648: BENTZEN A - Introduction to the Old Testament 2 volumes bound as 1
1649: BENTZEN A - King and Messiah
81518: BENTZEN A - Daniel (Handbuch zum Alten Testament Erste Reihe 19
39386: BENTZEN A - Sakrale Kongedomme: Bemaerkninger i en Lobende Diskussion om de Gammerltestamentlige Salmer
52629: BENZ W - Judenfrage: schriften zur Begrundung des modernen Antisemitismus 1780 bis 1918/Jewish question: literature on the roots of antisemitism 1780 until 1918
43457: DI BERARDINO A - Encyclopedia of the early Church: in two volumes
59256: BERCHMAN R M - Mediators of the divine: horizons of prophecy divination dreams and theurgy in mediterranean antiquity
38984: BERDYAEV N - Slavery and freedom
82853: BERESFORD P, ADSHEAD L & CROFT S - Palliative care, social work and service users: making life possible
83112: BERESFORD Q - Our State of Mind
39234: BERESFORD E - Care in dying: a consideration of the practices of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide as commended by the General Synod for study in the Anglican Church of Canada
48449: BALANENKO Y & BEREZIN A - Moscow
10323: JOHANSEN-BERG J - Pilgrims for Peace: a discussion book for the church and other groups
10325: JOHANSEN-BERG J - Prayers of the Way: daily prayers and meditations for groups and individuals
9432: BERGANT D - Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament
59279: BERGANT D - What are they saying about wisdom literature?
33056: BERGEN K et al - Justice and the Intifida: Palestinians and Israelis speak out
1672: BERGER P L - Social reality of religion
30439: BERGER P L & B - Sociology: a biographical approach
82519: BERGER T - Gender differences and the making of liturgical history: lifting the veil on Liturgy's past (Liturgy, Worship and Society)
74592: BERGMANN W C - Nine Christmas carols
1678: BERGQUIST E H - Strangnas Domkyrka: en bilderbok (a picture book)
56568: BERKELEY G [FRASER] - Selections from Berkeley annotated: an introduction to the problems of modern philosophy for the use of students in colleges and universities
55987: BERKELEY G - New theory of vision and other writings
40149: BERKENBUSCH G - Zum Heulen: Kulturgeschichte unserer tranen
57062: BERKOUWER G C - Divine election [Studies in Dogmatics]
57471: BERKOUWER G C - General revelation (Studies in dogmatics)
46263: BERKOUWER G C - Triumph of grace in the theology of Karl Barth
55422: BERLIOZ H - Shephers' farewell (from L'enfance du Christ Opus 25) SSA version
56653: BERMAN R - Henry King and the seventeenth century
35120: BERMANT C - Jews
54022: BERMANT C - On the other hand
53962: BERMANT C - Genesis: a Latvian childhood
53963: BERMANT C - Lord Jakobovits: the authorised biography of the Chief Rabbi
1689: BERNADETTE Sr - Are you there God?: getting in touch with God for the over 10's
64953: BERNARD J H - Studia Sacra
60773: BASSET Bernard - GUILTY, MY LORD: yes, I still go to confession
54084: BERNARD H H - Guide of the Hebrew student, an epitome of sacred history with easy passages in Hebrew
65845: HOLMES J D & BERNARD W B - Short history of the Catholic church
49648: BERNARD G - Bastides of South-West France
37491: BERNARD J H - Prayer of the kingdom: studies in the Lord's Prayer
34564: BERNARD J H - Critical and exegetical commentary on the Gospel according to St. John (in two volumes) (International Critical Commentary)
42399: BERNARDIN J - Ministry of service: an introduction to ministry
30983: BERNARDO A - Lourdes then and now [A pilgrim's guide to know Lourdes better]
45738: BERNDT H - Non-violence in the world religions: vision and reality [includes Aung San Su Kyi]
8593: BERNHARDT R - Christianity without absolutes
40314: BERNIAKOVICH Z et al - Masterpieces of Russian culture and art: from the 15th to the early 20th centuries
28221: BERNSTEIN H - Agrarian question in South Africa [dedicated to Harold Wolpe 1926-96]
32428: BERNSTEIN R J - Beyond objectivism and relativism: science, hermeneutics, and praxis
82176: KAMPEN J & BERNSTEIN M J - Reading 4QMMT: new perspectives on Qumran law and history (Society of Biblical Literature Symposium Series Number 2)
27120: BERRIDGE G - International politics: states power and conflict since 1945
60777: BERRIDGE D M - Growing to maturity: moral development and Christian education
22014: BERRIGAN D - Consequences: truth and ...
56190: BERRIGAN D - Love love at the end: parables prayers and meditations
58370: BERRIGAN D - Bow in the clouds
1718: BERRIGAN D - Book of Parables
59048: BERRY W - Standing on earth: selected essays
57566: BERRY D K - The Psalms and their readers: interpretive strategies for Psalm 18 (JSOT Supplement series 153)
22352: BERRY C L - Plea for the Prayer of Oblation (ACT XXVI)
55633: BERRY J - Discovering Swallows and Ransomes: an autobiography inspired by Arthur Ransome and his real-life characters
43305: BERRY D L E - Structures for the Church: reshaping the christian missions to our ancient western nations
60513: BERRY R J - God's book of works: nature and theology of nature (Gifford lectures 1997/8)
3809: BERRY W - Citizenship papers
44266: JEEVES M A & BERRY R J - Science, life and Christian belief: a survey and assessment
59155: BERRYMAN P - Stubborn hope: religion, politics and revolution in Central America
23836: BERRYMAN P - Religion in the Megacity: Catholic and Protestant portraits from Latin America
48781: BERTELSMANN - Bertelsmann universal lexikon (20 volume set)
44402: BERTENS H - Idea of the postmodern: a history
40447: BERTHOLET A - Histoire de la civilisation d'Israel
1725: BERTHOLET A - History of Hebrew Civilization
51354: BERTOCCI P A - Introduction to the philosophy of religion
30232: BERTOCCI P A - Person God is (Muirhead Library of Philosophy)
82102: BERTOLINI D - 1 and 2 Corinthians (Smart guide to the Bible series)
1728: BERTRAM - Nativity
26336: BERWICK G - Auto examen B: teachers' resource book (without cassettes)
51817: BESNARD A M - If faut que j'aille demeurer chez oi
51869: MATHEY G & BESNARD A M - Laisse-moi me retourner et te voir
40435: VUILLEUMIER-BESSARD R - Tradition cultuelle d'Israel: dans la prophétie d'Amos et d'Osée (Cahiers Théologiques 45)
46584: BEST G - War and society in revolutionary Europe 1770 - 1870
23765: BEST E - Temptation and the passion: the Markan soteriology (SNTSMS 2)
55377: BEST E - Mark: the gospel as story
6698: BEST E - Mark: the gospel as story
28345: BEST - Best of '99: competition winners from the 19th Annual Writers' Conference
1738: BEST G F A - Temporal pillars: Queen Anne's bounty, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, & the C of E
33341: BEST E E - Christian faith and cultural crisis: the Japanese case
51816: BETHGE E - Bonhoeffer: exile and martyr
1745: BETJEMAN J - John Betjeman's collected poems
81845: BETJEMAN J - West Country Churches: four essays
55632: BETT H - Hymns of Methodism
1749: BETTELHEIM B - Children of the Dream: communal child-rearing and its implications for society
23895: BETTENSON H - Documents of the Christian Church
1752: BETTEY J H - Church and community: parish church in English life
32658: BETTS R - Harmonised analysis of the four gospels
49820: BETUNGURA A - Beginnings of prosperity
23860: BETZ H D - 2 Corinthians 8 and 9: (Hermeneia)
19785: VAN DEN BEUKEL A - More things in heaven and earth: God and the scientists
8615: BEUKEN W, FREYNE S & WEILER A - Truth and its victims (Concilium 200)
54912: BEUMER J - Henri Nouwen: a restless seeking for God
40245: BEUMER J - Zo de ouden zongen...: leraar en leering zijn in de theologie beoefening (tussen 1945 en 2000)
24433: BEVAN A A - Short commentary on the Book of Daniel: for the use of students
1766: BEVAN G M - Portraits of the Archbishops of Canterbury
1765: BEVAN G M - Portraits of the Archbishops of Canterbury
1760: BEVAN E - Jerusalem under the High-Priests: 5 lectures on the period between Nehemiah and the New Testament
1756: BEVAN E - Christians in a world at war (RBC16)
1767: BEVANS S - John Oman and his doctrine of God
59035: BEVERSLUIS N H - Toward a theology of education (Occasional papers from Calvin College)
1769: BEWER J A - Literature of the Old Testament in its historical development
51264: BEYEN J W - Money in a maelstrom
83953: BEYER W - Seven Churches in London with thirteen illustrations and two views of the Apostles' Chapel at Albury
43630: BEYNON G - Jesus @ work: being a disciple for Christ in the workplace
43545: BEYNON G - Last things first: living in the light of the future
43541: BEYNON G - Experiencing the spirit: New Testament essentials for every Christian
43535: BEYNON G - Mirror: discover your true identity in Christ
82021: FFRENCH-BEYTAGH G - Law of Christ
1774: BEZANCON J N - Man called Jesus
35836: BHATNAGAR R S - Dimensions of classsical Sufi thought
82303: BHOGAL I S - On the hoof: theology in transit
82823: BIANCHI U - Origins of Gnosticism: colloquium of Messina 13-18 April 1966 texts and discussions published with the help of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche dekka Repubblica Italiana (Studies in the history of religions - supplements to 'Numen' XII)
56947: BIANCHI E - What spirituality does monastic life offer the church
63907: FIELD-BIBB J - WOMEN TOWARDS PRIESTHOOD: ministerial politics and feminist praxis
1777: BIBBY R W - Fragmented Gods: the poverty and potential of Religion in Canada
40165: NIO BIBELBOCKER - Nio Bibelbocker: Gamla Testamentet 2
41887: BIBLE: BIBELEN [Swedish] - Bibeln - texterna: Gamla Testamentet I and II, Nya Testamentet and Tillagg Till Gamla Testament
83955: BIBER G E - Seven voices of the Spirit: promises given by Christ through the Spirit to the Church Universal, extracts from The Apocalyptic Epistles addressed to the Seven Churches in Asia, interpreted in a series of sermons
1927: BIBLE - English: NT: Matthew: Good News Gospel
81588: BIBLE - New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books edited by Metzger and Murphy
50723: BIBLE [Kittel] - Biblia Hebraica
52498: BIBLE - Oxford annotated Bible: Revised Standard version containing the old and new testaments [edited by H G May & B M Metzger]
1824: BIBLE - English NT Book of books; a translation of the NT complete & unabridged
1831: BIBLE - English RSV Readers Bible: condensed version by Reader's Digest
57278: BIBLE - General letters: a Greek-English diglot for the use of translators
57387: BIBLE - Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version containing the Old and New Testaments...
80235: BIBLE - Good news every day: Bible readings for every day of the year
58492: BIBLE - New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books editor Michael D Coogan New Revised Standard Version (an Ecumenical Study Bible)
57270: BIBLE - Romans and 1 and 2 Corinthians: a Greek-English diglot for the use of translators
46146: BIBLE [BERRY] - Interlinear literal translation of the Greek New Testament with the authorized the margins for ready reference with the various readings of the editions of Elzevir 1624, Griesbach, Lachmann, Tischendorf, Tregelles, Alford and Wordsworth [&] new Greek-English New Testament Lexicon...with complete index to the synonyms by George Ricker Berry
57274: BIBLE - Mark: a Greek-English diglot for the use of translators
55395: BIBLE - Psalter: newly pointed
31140: BIBLE - Holy Bible Authorised King James Version containing the Old and New Testaments ...
29774: BIBLE - Good News New Testament: Today's English Version
29775: BIBLE - Holy Bible [NIV] New International Version Reference edition with concordance and maps [Anglicanised edition]
55396: BIBLE - Psalmi selecti cum canticulis in usum stoicorum editi
54483: BIBLE - Revised English Bible: New Testament
26308: BIBLE - Hebrew/English Pentateuch and Haftorahs, Hebrew text English translation and commentary ed by J H Hertz
24856: BIBLE - Greek NT: in the original Greek text revised by Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort
1826: BIBLE - English Phillips N T: Epistles letters to young churches, tran by JB Phillips
1827: BIBLE - English Phillips N T: Acts of the Apostles Young church in action, trans into modern English by JB Phillips
37940: BIBLE - Greek N T: with critical apparatus [ordination inscription on epp]
55394: BIBLE - Psalms said daily or weekly with canticles (Jerusalem Bible Version)
55389: BIBLE - Book of Psalms: Hebrew and English arranged in parallel columns
55383: BIBLE [BENHAM] - Johannine Books (Temple Bible)
55386: BIBLE - Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments according to the authorised version...the parallel passages of Scott, Canne, Brown, Adam Clarke and the English version of Bagster's polyglot Bible...philological and explanatory notes
55380: BIBLE [PARKER] - Pulpit Bible No additional UK postage. For overseas postage please ask for a quote
57381: BIBLE - New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ according to the Authorised Version with a brief commentary by various authors: the Acts, Epistles and Revelation
21094: BIBLE [ALFORD] - Greek Testament with English notes: abridged edition by Bradley H Alford
56184: BIBLE - God's word for students (Green bonded leather edition)
37181: DAILY STUDY BIBLE - Daily Study Bible - Old Testament: 24 volume set No additional UK postage. Books weigh about 7 kilos. For overseas please ask for a quotation
80518: BIBLE [MARSHALL] - R.S.V. Interlinear Greek-English Interlinear New Testament Nestle Greek text with a literal English translation by A Marshall and a forward by J B Phillips also a marginal text of the Revised Standard Version
57279: BIBLE - Pastoral letters and Hebrews: a Greek-English diglot for the use of translators
42424: BIBLE - Triglot bible: comprising the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in the original tongues: the Septuagint, the Syriac (of the New Testament) and the Vulgate versions arranged in parallel columns - Volume 2: New Testament [Greek, Syriac and Latin]
82553: BIBLE - Giant Print King James version New Testament [KJ600:N
80464: BIBLE [VAUGHAN] - New Testament from 26 translations
57277: BIBLE - Matthew: a Greek-English diglot for the use of translators
37431: BIBLE - English New International Version: Schools edition [NIV] with Bible guide and Bible words index
52474: BIBLE [LATIN VULGATE] - Biblia Sacra vulgatae editionis sixti V pontificis maximi jussu recognita et Clementis VIII auctoritate edita
52518: BIBLE - Jerusalem Bible: (School edition) in modern English [uses only the text from the Standard edition] with new concise historical introductions and new short footnotes to clarify the literal meaning of the text
17548: BIBLE [Rahlfs] - Septuaginta: id est Vetus Testamentum Graece iuxta LXX interpretes edidit Alfred Rahlfs in 2 volumes
39929: BIBLE [Kittel] - Biblia Hebraica
35300: BIBLE - English: Revised Standard Version containing the Old and New Testaments: Catholic edition
50090: BIBLE [Rahlfs] - Septuaginta: id est Vetus Testamentum Graece iuxta LXX interpretes edidit Alfred Rahlfs in 2 volumes [no additional UK postage/ please ask for overseas cost]
49101: BIBLE - Revised Standard Version with the apocrypha/deuterocanonical books expanded/ecumenical edition
1905: BIBLE - English: OT: Genesis: Jerusalem Bible: The first book of Moses, wood engravings by Hermann Fechenbach
37018: BIBLE [D'OYLY & MANT] - Holy Bible according to the authorized version with notes... together with appropriate introductions, tables, indexes and maps in 3 volumes
82724: BIBLE [MOFFATT J] - New Testament: a new translation by James Moffatt
82034: BIBLE [WESTCOTT B F & HORT F J A] - New Testament in the original Greek text revised by Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort [DE REUTER EGGAR'S] gilt tooled on front board]
50203: BIBLE - New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs: New International Version inclusive language edition
1786: BIBLE - Catholic Study Bible: the new American Bible including the revised New Testament trans from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources
55382: BIBLE [ORR] - New Testament Apocryphal writings (Temple Bible)
39910: BIBLE - New Testament: the Authorised Version, corrected, text prepared by Edward Clarke
83359: BIBLE [WESTCOTT B F & HORT F J A] - New Testament in the original Greek text revised by Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort volume 1 - Text ONLY
83360: BIBLE [WESTCOTT B F & HORT F J A] - New Testament in the original Greek text revised by Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort volume II Introduction and Appendix ONLY
82725: BIBLE [MOFFATT J] - New Translation of the Bible containing the Old and New Testaments by James Moffatt
49071: BIBLE - New world translation of the Holy Scriptures (1981 new edition): rendered from the original languages by the New World Bible TRanslation Committee
42111: BIBLE [MARDERSTEIG] - New Testament: of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ [Authorised version] The book was designed by Hands Mardersteig, text printed in Match 1958 by the Stamperia Valdonega. The gravure illustrations were printed by Draeger Freres. Binding of the cloth edition is by Van Rijmenam and the illustrations reproduced by Musee Conde
48476: BIBLE - Story of Jephthah told in the twelfth chapters of the Book of Judges with a commentary (illustrated by Peter Rudland)
1797: BIBLE - English TEV OT Job for modern man
39130: BIBLE - New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ according to the Authorised Version, with a brief commentary by various authors: the Four Gospels with maps and plans
1871: BIBLE [Marshall] - Revised Standard Version interlinear Greek-English New testament: Nestle Greek text with a literal English translation by A Marshall also a marginal text of the RSV
30469: BICKERSTETH C - Ministry of absolution: an appeal for its more general use with due regard to the liberty of the individual
25921: SOLITY J & BICKLER G - Support services: issues for education, health and social service professionals (Introduction to Education)
22483: BICKNELL E J - First and second epistles to the Thessalonians
1937: BICKNELL E J - In Defence of Christian Prayer: a consideration of some of the intellectual difficulties that surround petition
49420: BICKNELL E J - Bishops in the early church (Church problems of today)
1939: BICKNELL E J - Theological introduction to the Thirty Nine Articles of the Church of England
10103: BIDDELL B - Napoleonic prisoners of war in and around Bishop's Waltham
83579: BIDDLE M E - Missing the mark: sin and its consequences in biblical theology
1941: BIEDERMANN H M - Passion: trans by Hans Rosenwald (PLECA Vol 2)
28933: BIEHAL N et al - Home or away? supporting young people and families
1942: BIELBY A R - Education through worship
1943: BIELER A - Architecture in worship: the Christian place of worship, a sketch of the relationships between the theology of worship and the architectural conception...
42034: BIELOVICH F - NIP: beyond the barrier
1944: BIER W C - Human life: problems of birth, of living, and of dying (PPS 9)
23259: MULDER H A J & BIESIOT W - Transition to a sustainable society: a backcasting approach to modelling energy and ecology
45276: BIFFI I - Liturgia III: le stagioni della salvezza: 1 Tempo d'avvento e di Natale
83580: BIGAOUETTE F - Cri de dereliction de Jesus en croix: densite existentielle et salvifique (French text)
1951: BIGG C - Wayside sketches in ecclesiastical history: nine lectures with notes and preface
1950: BIGG C - Origins of christianity: edited by T B Strong
32353: BIGGAR N - Good life: reflections on what we value today
37343: BIGGS W W - Introduction to the history of the Christian church
1956: BILES T - Windows on the Sudan: a story of pain and pride
82357: MERRINGTON Bill - Suffering love: coping with the death of a child
1957: BILL E G W - Anglican Initiatives in Chritian Unity: Lectures delivered in Lambeth Palace library 1966
49860: BILLINGHAM E - Seeing Luke's whole Gospel
50580: BILLY D J - There is a season: living the liturgical year
34371: BILSBOROUGH A - Kenneth Polack: Fellow, Tutor, Director of Studies and University Lecturer in Law, first Bursar
59294: BINDER D D - Into the Temple Courts: the place of the Synagogues in the Second Temple Period
29768: BINDLEY T H - Oecumenical documents of the faith: the Creed of Nicaea, Three epistles of Cyril, The Tomb of Leo, The Chalcedonian definition
58182: BINFIELD C - Belmont's Portias: Victorian Nonconformists and Middle-class education for girls
58512: HILDEGARD OF BINGEN - Singing the mystery: 28 liturgical pieces translated by June Boyce-Tillman
1967: BINGHAM J - Origines Ecclesiasticae: Antiquities of the Christian Church with 2 sermons & 2 letters...rptd from original ed with an enlarged analytical index in 2 imp 8vo vols in orig cloth & printed in double columns with notes
61037: BINGHAM J - COURAGE TO CHANGE: an introduction to the life and thought of Reinhold Niebuhr
1968: BINGHAM J - Origines Ecclesiasticae: Antiquities of the Christian Church & other works in 9 vols (vol 8 Lay baptism, absolution, 8th Canon Council of Nice, Mercy of God, Vol 9 French Church's Apology, prefaces, indices, maps, tps for all 9 vols (1 map torn into two)
37050: BINGHAM J - Do cows have neuroses? (First published, in its original form, in the US by the Mental Hygiene Council of Westchester County)
51359: PEART-BINNS J S - Graham Leonard Bishop of London
35820: ELLIOTT-BINNS L E - Development of English theology in the later nineteenth century, being the Burroughs Memorial Lectures for 1950`
15280: PEART-BINNS J S - Ambrose Reeves (Bp of Johannesburg)
59235: PEART-BINNS J S - Maurice B Reckitt: a life
58542: BINNS L E - Erasmus the reformer: a study in restatement being the Hulsean Lectures delivered before the University of Cambridge for 1921 - 1922
15285: PEART-BINNS J S - Wand of London
63585: ELLIOTT-BINNS L E - ENGLISH THOUGHT 1860-1900: the theological aspect
22202: ELLIOTT-BINNS L E - Beginnings of Western Christendom
82723: PEART-BINNS J S - Graham Leonard Bishop of London
15281: PEART-BINNS J S - Bishop Hugh Montefiore
58447: BINNS L E - Innocent III
6370: ELLIOT-BINNS L E - Jeremiah: a prophet for a time of war (RBC 22)
82108: ELLIOTT-BINNS L E - Religion in the Victorian Era
26646: BINYON G C - Prayers for the city of God
27812: INTERNATIONAL BIOGRAPHICAL - First five hundred: at the new millennium
81045: CLAASSENS L J & BIRCH B C - Restorative readings: the Old Testament, Ethics and Human Dignity
55153: BIRCH B C - Let justice roll down: the Old Testament, ethics and Christian life
19316: TILLER & BIRCHALL - Gospel community and its leadership
25577: BIRD P - Taking a year out: making the most of your gap year
56182: BIRD E - Introducing tablet weaving
56183: BIRD A - Colour me spiritual
38440: BIRD A - English furniture for the private collector
40663: BIRKELAND H - Feinde des Individuums in der Israelitischen Psalmenliteratur: ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Semitischen Literatur- und Religionsgeschichte
47169: BIRKETT - New Newgate calendar
31939: BIRKS T R - Modern utilitarianism, or the systems of Paley, Bentham, and Mill examined and compared
26113: SEN P & BIRMINGHAM R - Sixth International Marine Design Conference 23-25 June 1997, Vol 1: Proceedings
39616: BIRMINGHAM W - Cross currents: exploring the implications of Christianity for our times: an anthology of forty years of Cross Currents
25247: SEN P & BIRMINGHAM R - Sixth International Marine Design Conference 23-25 June 1997, Vol 2: State of the Art Reports
40704: BIRNBAUM P - Birnbaum Haggadah in Hebrew and English on facing pages
59312: BIRNBAUM E - Place of Judaism in Philo's thought: Israel, Jews and Proselytes
48551: BIRNBAUM P - Treasury of Judaism
1982: BIRNIE I H - Religious education in intergrated studies: a symposium
1980: BIRNIE I - Encounter
1981: BIRNIE I H - Religious education in intergrated studies: a symposium
39296: BIROAT M J - Eucharistic life of Jesus Christ, preached during the Octave of the Holy Sacrament, in the church of S Andre des Arcs, in the year 1657
1983: BIRRELL A - Selected Essays 1884-1907
39294: BIRRELL A - John Wesley: some aspects of the eighteenth century in England (Wesley Bi-Centenary Manuals 5)
1985: BIRTHDAY - Birthday of Christ
1986: BISAGNO J - Power of Positive Praying
1993: BISHOP P - Christian and people of other faiths (Thinking things through 3)
1990: BISHOP H - Passion Drama
51037: BISHOP G - Darkest England and the way back in
37537: BISHOP T - Errors and absurdities of the Arian and Semiarian, and especially the polytheism and idolatry by which they have corrupted the Christian faith, represented in eight sermons preached in St Paul's Cathedral in 1724 & 1725...
16974: BISHOP G B H - Religion of Russia: a study of the Ortho dox Church in Russia from the point of view of the Church in England....Woodcuts engraved by W M R Quick
1994: BISHOPS - Bishops on the Bible: eight Bishops on the role and relevance of the Bible today
45391: CATHOLIC BISHOPS' CONFERENCE - Transformation of the ministry [Pastoral Action 1]
64344: GAYDOS M & BIXLER R - Eyes to behold him
52117: BLACK M - Essene problem
1997: BLACK C C - Disciples according to Mark; Markan redaction in current debate (JSNT SS 27)
58904: BLACK D - Learn to read New Testament Greek
2003: BLACK M - Romans (New Century Bible Commentary) DELETED ALL SITES
59311: BLACK F C, BOER R, RUNIONS E - Labour of reading: desire, alienation, and biblical interpretation (Essays...presented in honour of Robert C Culley at the time of his retirement)
54967: BLACK C C - Reading scripture with the saints
57139: BLACK G - Way of understanding
59301: BLACK M - Aramaic approach to the Gospels and Acts with an appendix on The Son of Man by Geza Vermes
1998: BLACK F - On Suffering: letters to a friend
52501: BLACK M - Dead Sea scrolls and Christian doctrine: the Ethel M Wood lecture delivered before the University of London on 8 February 1966
40246: BLACK A et al - Pathways to Christian unity: a free church view
1999: BLACK H - Culture and restraint
3827: CHEYNE T K & BLACK J S - Encyclopaedia Biblica: critical dictionary of the literary political and religious history the archaeology geography and natural history of the Bible
28920: BLACKBURN J S - Shew us The Father
56944: BLACKBURN J - Centenary retrospect of the Book Society for promoting religious knowledge among the poor: from its formation to the present time
25234: BOUTALL T & BLACKBURN B - Solicitor's guide to good management: practical checklists for the management of law firms
2010: BLACKHAM H J - Humanism
2014: BLACKMAN E C - Epistle to James (TBC)
34238: BLACKMAN E C - Biblical interpretation: the old difficulties and the new opportunity
59264: BLACKMORE H - Beginning of women's ministry: the revival of the deaconess in the nineteenth-century Church of England (Church of England Record Society volume 14)
33581: BLACKMORE V - Using your church web site for evangelism (GEv53)
55984: BLACKMORE R D - Springhaven: a tale of the great war (illustrated by Alfred Parsons and F Barnard)
42849: MAKOWER S V & BLACKWELL B - Book of English essays: 1600-1900
2019: BLAIKIE W G - Personal life of David Livingstone
58803: BLAIKIE W G - First Book of Samuel (Expositor's Bible)
49924: BLAIKLOCK E M - Rome in the New Testament
2021: BLAIKLOCK E M - Acts of the Apostles: an historical commentary (TNTC)
23319: ROCHE E M & BLAINE M J - Information technology in multinational enterprises (New horizons in international business)
2027: BLAIR P - What on Earth?: the church in the World and the Call of Christ
31153: BLAIR E P - Deuteronomy, Joshua (LBC)
2024: BLAIR H A - Creed before the creeds
2032: BLAKE W - Poetical works in 2 vols edited & annotated by Edwin J Ellis
24890: BLAKE W - Poetry selected and edited by Michael Mason (Oxford Authors)
26542: BLAKEBROUGH E - Called to be giants: the faith which inspired a city mission
83330: BLAKELY C - Christian Thinkers: a beginner's guide to over seventy leading theologians through the ages
35403: BLAKEMORE C - Mind machine
2035: BLAKENEY E H - Praises of wisdom: being part 1 of the Book of Wisdom, a revised trans with notes by author
2513: BLAKESLEY J - Paths of the heart: prayers of medieval Christians with foreword by Brother Ramon
24875: BLAKISTON G - Lord William Russell and his wife 1815 - 1846
45277: BLAMEY N - Royal academy illustrated 1986: a souvenir of the 218th summer exhibition
2042: BLAMIRES N - Looking on Glass: thoughts for every day
45644: BLANC E - Dictionnaire de philosophie ancienne moderne et contemporaine supplement au dictionnaire de philosophie (annees 1906, 1907, 1908)
2044: BLANCH S - Burning Bush: signs of our times
24789: BLANCH S - Christian militant: Lent with St Mark's Gospel
2049: BLANCH S - Way of Blessedness: [study of the Beatitudes]
2046: BLANCH S - Living by faith
5454: DE BLANK J - Life of Jesus, a series of talksbroadcast in BBC Home Service 12-17 April 1965 (Lift up your hearts No 25)
5456: DE BLANK J - Out of Africa
5455: DE BLANK J - Members of Christ
5451: DE BLANK J - Address and Charges 1957-60:
5461: DE BLANK J - Working Faith: sermons for the man in the street
5452: DE BLANK J - Call of duty: church membership considered
57748: BLANK S H - Of a truth the Lord hath sent me : an inquiry into the source of the prophet's authority (Goldenson Lecture for 1955)
59156: BLANKE F - Brothers in Christ: the history of the oldest Anabaptist congregation, Zollikon, near Zurich, Switzerland
22927: BLATCHFORD R - Shorties [very short stories for English & English literature classes of mixed ability from13-16]
2053: BLAXLAND B - Struggle with Puritanism (Handbooks of English Church history)
2055: BLEAKLEY D - Beyond work - free to be
2056: BLEAKLEY D - In place of Work....the sufficient society: a study of technology from the point of view of people
39905: BLEEK J - Einleitung in das Alte Testament: herausgegeben von Johannes Bleek und Adolf Kamphausen (Einleitung in die Heilige Schrift)
2058: BLEEKER C J - Christ in modern Athens: confrontation of Christianity with modern culture & the non-Christian religions
35729: BLEIER E - Thanksgiving ceremony: new traditions for America's family feast
45278: BLENKIN G B - In the spirit on the Lord's day
42044: BLENKINSOPP J - Promise to David: the anointed King in God's plan (Where we stand series)
61450: BLENKINSOPP J - PENTATEUCH: Genesis & Deuteronomy by Joseph Blenkinsopp, Exodus by John Challenor (Scripture discussion commentary 1)
2062: BLENKINSOPP J - History of prophecy in Israel from the settlement in the land to the Hellenistic period
59310: BLENKINSOPP J - Sage, Priest, Prophet religious and intellectual leadership in Ancient Israel
2066: BLESSED - Blessed are the peacemakers [sermons and articles]
2067: BLESSED - Blessed Sacrament & the Life of Communion: a meditation
35493: BLIGH J - Our Divine Master (Scripture for meditation: 3)
2071: BLISS K - Can we teach religion?: being the third Vaughan Memorial Lecture given in Doncaster Grammar School May 18th 1955
80232: BLOCH M - Feudal society
80211: BLOESCH D G - God the Almighty; power, wisdom, holiness, love (Christian Foundations)
41548: BLOESCH D G - Theology of word and spirit: authority and method in theology (Christian Foundations)
30250: BLOESCH D G - Evangelical renaissance
39926: BLOESCH D G - Holy scripture: revelation, inspiration and interpretation (Christian foundations)
41169: BLOESCH D G - God the Almighty; power, wisdom, holiness, love (Christian Foundations)
83581: BLOMME R - Doctrine du peche dans les ecoles theologiques de la premiere moitie due XII siecle (Dissertationes Series III- Tomus 6) - French text
38610: BLOOM U - Pilate's wife
49234: BLOOM P M - Modern conraception: a practical guide to birth control
2088: BLOOM A - What is good news in the Gospel?: (Drawbridge Memorial lecture)
25846: BLOOMFIELD D - Political dialogue in Northern Ireland: the Brooke initiative 1989-92
80399: BLOUNT C - Magister Adest: Who is like unto God?
56181: BLOWERS J - Call to surrender
52652: BLOWERS P M - Bible in Greek Christian antiquity edited and translated based on Bible de tous les temps (Bible through the ages volume 1)
40362: BLOXAM M H - Companion to the principles of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture: being a brief account of the vestments in use in the chuch, prior to, and the changes therein in and from, the reign of Edward VI, with numerous illustrations on wood mostly by the late T O S Jewitt
36521: BLOY P P - Aspects of the growth of industrial, urban and agricultural life in Nigeria
28824: BLUCK J - Can you take the everyday ecumenism world church home? (Risk book series 35)
2093: BLUCK J - Canberra take-aways: what the assembly offers a local congregation
47291: BLUE L - Backdoor to heaven
28870: BLUE R - To heaven with Scribes and Pharisees: the Lord of Hosts in Suburbia, the Jewish path to God
2095: BLUE L - Backdoor to heaven: an autobiography
28823: BLUM F - Ethics of industrial man: an empirical study of religious awareness and the experience of society
36992: BLUNDELL N - Blundell's diary and letter book 1702-1728 edited by Margaret Blundell
40218: BLUNSUM T - Libya: the country and its people
36748: BLUNT J J - Christian church during the first three centuries
30238: BLUNT A W F - Faith of the Catholic Church
23780: BLUNT J H - Annotated Book of Common Prayer: (Part II only) being an historical, ritual and theological commentary on the devotional system of the Church of England
2106: BLUNT J H - Book of Church Law: being an exposition of the legal rights and duties of the parochial clergy and the laity of the C of E
2101: BLUNT A W F - C of E: what does it stand for?: a primary visitation charge to the clergy of the Diocese of Bradford
58801: BLUNT H - Lectures on the history of Elisha
2103: BLUNT A W F - Goodly fellowship: studies in the Hebrew prophets
38454: BLUNT H - Practical exposition of the epistles to the Seven Churches of Asia
2104: BLUNT I J - Sketch of the Reformation in England
36947: BLUNT J J - Parish priest: his acquirements, principal obligations, and duties
2102: BLUNT A W F - For beginners in prayer
19715: BLYTHE R et al - Ink and spirit introduced and edited by Stephen Platten
47387: BLYTON E - Grosse Enid Blyton Geschichtenbuch
2112: BLYTON E - Greatest book in the world: illus by Mabel Peacock
47740: ASSOCIATED BOARD - Graded pianoforte pieces Grade 2
53930: BOARDMAN B M - Life of Thomas More
54206: BOBOSH T - Am I saved? Scriptural thoughts on salvation (Know your faith series)
2119: BOCHER O - Neue Testament und die damonischen Machte (Stuttgarter Bibelstudien 58)
51834: BOCKEL P - Temps de naitre
2124: BODLEY M - Don Vesuvio: The story of Father Borrelli
43420: BODY A - Growing Together: A Guide for Couples Getting Married
2128: BOEGNER M - Long Road to Unity: memories and anticipations
31053: BOEHME J - Way to Christ, described in the following treatises: Of true repentance, Of true resignation, Of regeneration, Of the super-sensual life written in the year 1622
82819: BOEHME J - Signature of all things with other writings
2132: BOEHMER H - Martin Luther: Road to Reformation
58024: BOER H - Brief history of Islam: a Christian interpretation
28812: DE BOER E A et al - Vrouw Taal en Liturgie
26040: BOER R - Last stop before Antarctica: Bible and postcolonialism in Australia (Bible and postcolonialism 6)
59307: BOER R - Novel histories: the fiction of Biblical criticism
38500: BOER J H - Missionary messengers of liberation in a colonial context: a case study of the Sudan United Mission (Amsterdam studies in theology, Vol 1)
39060: BOERMA C - Poor side of Europe: the church and the (new) poor of Western Europe (Risk Book 42)
83905: BOERSMA H - Heavenly participation: the weaving of a sacramental tapestry
50011: BOERSMA H - Richard Baxters understanding of infant baptism (Studies in Reformed theology and history New Series number 7)
83582: BOERSMA H - Nouvelle theologie and sacramental ontology: a return to mystery
2142: BOFF L - Path to hope: fragments from a theologian's journey
50278: BOFF L - Trinity and society (Theology and liberation 2)
81956: BOFF L & C - Introducing liberation theology: (Liberation and theology 1)
82244: BOFF L - Trinity and society
59305: BOGAERT P-M - Livre de Jeremie: le prophete et son milieu les oracles et leur transmission
4718: BOGART J - Orthodox and heretical perfectionism in the Johannine Community as evident in the First Epistle of John (SBLDS 33)
59326: BOGGIA G et al - Gesu e la sua morte: Atti della XXVII settimana biblica
2150: BOGO M de C - Led by Love: a missionary war of the cross
83948: BOGOLEPOV A A - Orthodox Hymns of Christmas, Holy Week and Easter [this is not a Hymn Book but a monograph of the subject]
30348: BOGUE C - Hole in the dike: critical aspects of Berkouwer's theology
59324: BOHAK G - Joseph and Aseneth and the jewish temple in Heliopolis
39179: BOHL F M T de L - Opera Minora: studies en bijdragen op assyriologisch en Oudtestamentisch terrein
46928: BOISSIER G - Nouvelles promenades archeologiques: Horace et Virgil
45496: BOISSIER G - L'opposition sous les cesars
53266: BOLGER R - Kneeling at the altar of science: the mistaken path of contemporary religious scientism
82768: BOLING R G - Early Biblical Community in Transjordan (Social World of Biblical Antiquitys Series, 6)
56565: BOLITHO H - Jinnah: creator of Pakistan
50803: BOLT P - Mission minded: a tool for planning your ministry around Christ's mission
42004: BOLZ D P - Prophetengestalten: des Alten Testaments: gendung under botschaft der alttesramentlichen Gotteszeugen
28821: BONA C - Fr. Joseph Allamano: a master of missionary life and a father of missionaries
56898: BONAR A A - Andrew A Bonar: diary and letters
2162: BONAR A A - Commentary on Leviticus (Geneva Series of Commentaries)
58800: BONAR H - Hymns of faith and hope [Words only]
31941: BONAR J - Moral sense (Library of philosophy)
2172: BOND F - Dedications and Patron Saints of English Churches: ecclesiastical symbolism Saints and their emblems with 252 illustrations (white lettering on pale blue binding)
82788: BOND G I - Paul and the religious experience of reconciliation: diasporic community and Creole consciousness
49402: GREENSLADE S L & BONE G D - Work of William Tindale: with an essay on Tindale and the English language by G D Bone
28005: BONHOEFFER D - Letters and papers from prison: the enlarged edition edited by Eberhard Bethge
2192: BONHOEFFER D - Prayers from prison: prayers and poems
2183: BONHOEFFER D - Ethics
2180: BONHOEFFER D - Christology
52377: BONHOEFFER D - Christology (Fontana Library of Theology and Philosophy)
82301: BONHOEFFER D - Life together
52249: BONHOEFFER D - Witness to Jesus Christ (Making of modern theology)
50635: BONHOEFFER D - Letters and papers from prison: the enlarged edition edited by Eberhard Bethge
43104: BONIFACE [GILES J A] - Sancti Bonifacii archiepiscopi et martyris opera quae extant omnia in 2 vols: Vol I Epitolae Vol II Opuscula No additional UK postage. Photographs available on request.
48190: KILLY J & BONNET H - Ski
58128: BONNEY T G - Cathedrals Abbeys and Churches of England and Wales: descriptive historical pictorial in 6 volumes subscription edition nd many black/white plates and textual illustrations [No additional postage for UK orders, overseas please ask for quotation]
2207: BONNEY T G - Present Relations of Science and Religion (Library of Historic Theology)
2209: BONNKE R - Evangelism by fire
2210: BONOMELLI G - On religious worship & some defects in popular devotions
40589: BONSIRVEN J - Bible apocryphe: en marge de l'Ancien Testament (Textes pour l'histoire sacree)
2214: BOOK - Book of J trans from the Hebrew by D Rosenberg interpreted by H Bloom
2218: BOOK - Book of Prayers for Schools: a collection of Litanies & Prayers, ancient & modern suitable for use in all assemblies of young people
29289: DOMESDAY BOOK [LOYN] - Domesday Book (Studies), Sussex Domesday, and Sussex Domesday (Folios and maps - Sussex: Folios 16-29) in slipcase. Limited to 1000 copies. This set No. 324
29469: MISSIONARY HYMN BOOK - Missionary hymn-book with tunes [Full music]
54676: BOOK - Book of Christmas carols
2216: BOOK - Book of Maccabees trans by S Tedesche illus by J Shacham
54705: HYMN BOOK - Glory and Praise Volume 2: songs for Christian assembly (melody only)
82408: OXFORD & CAMBRIDGE OFFICE BOOK - Oxford and Cambridge Office Book (NEBAS01)
2219: BOOK - Book of Prayers: for use in connection with work for Social Purity
40171: BOOKER H S - Problem of Britain's overseas trade
55739: SARUM BOOKS - Life and passion of our saviour from the paradisus animae (Sarum Books 1)
54011: MARKET HOUSE BOOKS - Macmillan dictionary of contemporary phrase and fable
55286: BOOMERSHINE T E - Messiah of peace: a performance-criticism commentary on Mark's Passion-Resurrection narrative (Biblical performance criticism volume 12)
44357: BOOMERSHINE T E - Story journey: an invitation to the gospel as storytelling
83954: BOOSALIS H M - Joy of the Holy: Saint Seraphim of Sarov and Orthodox Spiritual Life with new translations of the ""Conversation with Motovilov"" and the ""Spiritual Instructions""
55874: BOOTH W - Sergeant-Major Do-Your-Best of Darkington No 1: sketches of the inner life of a Salvation Army Corps
8871: HAWORTH-BOOTH M - Effective flowering shrubs
55883: BOOTH C M - Salvation Army in relation to the Church and State
58278: BOOTH G - Primitive Methodist hymnal with supplement: with accompanying tunes
55916: BOOTH C M [STEELE D] - Godliness being reports of a series of addresses delivered at Jame's Hall, London, W, during 1881
2232: BOOTH H - Stepping stones to Christian maturity
2233: BOOTH H - Stepping stones to Christian maturity
2230: BOOTH H - Healing Experiences: a devotional and study guide
2228: BOOTH A - Not only peace: Christian realism and the conflicts of the twentieth century
55884: BOOTH W - In darkest England and The way out
17617: BOOTH W et al - Themes familiar: research and display in the primary school using everyday objects
42946: BOOTH C - Popular Christianity [spine title Writings of Catherine Booth Popular Christianity]
41592: BOOTH E P - New Testament studies: critical essays in New Testament interpretation, with special reference to the meaning and worth of Jesus
52047: BOOTHROYD B - Shoulder to laugh on: an autobiography
39243: BOOTY J - Christ we know
18744: SYKES S & BOOTY J - Study of Anglicanism
25787: BORCHARD T J - Woman, why are you weeping? a lenten companion for women
2314: CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE BORDEAUX - Palais De La Bourse Les Oeuvres D'Interest Historique Ou Artistique Qui S'y Trouvent
43365: BORDEN L R - Approaching God
63144: BORDES J - Lourdes: in Bernadette's footsteps
80228: BOREL J - Bond
41048: BORENIUS T - Sienese paintings with an introduction and notes by Tancred Borenius (Faber Gallery)
44921: BORG M J - Jesus in contemporary scholarship
44520: BORG M J - Conflict holiness and politics in the teachings of Jesus (Studies in the Bible and Early Christianity volume 5)
58659: BORGEN O E - Johnh Wesley on the sacraments
44862: BORGMAN E et al - New Pontificate: a time for change (Concilium 2006/1)
29586: BORNKAMM H - Luther in mid-career 1521-1530
2248: BORNKAMM G - Geschichte und Glaube Vol 2 (Beitrage zur evangelischen Theologie 53)
2253: BORNKAMM H - Luther in mid-career 1521-1530
81705: HAHN F LOHFF W & BORNKAMM G - What can we know about Jesus?
81563: BOROS L - Meeting God in man
46264: KEE H C & BOROWSKY I J - Removing anti-Judaism from the pulpit
46787: BORROW G - Bible in Spain: or the journeys, adventures and imprisonments of an englishman, in an attempt to circulate the scriptures in the peninsula
2265: BORROWDALE A - Distorted Images: Christian attitudes to women, men and sex
74268: BORSCH F H et al - New proclamation: Year B 2002-2003: the essential lectionary preaching aid in a reader-friendly format
46140: BORSCH F H - Son of man in myth and history (NTL)
53648: BORSCH F H - Day by day: meditations on Richard of Chichester's prayer
54317: BORSCH F H - Many things in parables: extravagant stories of new community
2266: BORSCH F H - Christian and gnostic son of man: (Studies in Biblical Theology 2/14)
2268: BORSCH F H - Son of man in myth and history (NTL)
56949: BORSICH W - Lanzarote and Cesar Manrique: 7 monumentos 7 bauwerke 7 buidings
36829: BORTHWICK P - Youth and missions: expanding your students' world view
81184: VAN WIJK-BOS J W H - Ezra Nehemiah and Esther
2269: BOS J W H - Ruth, Esther, Jonah (Knox Preaching guides)
47087: BOSANQUET J - From the asparagus castle and other stories
2270: BOSANQUET M - Bonhoeffer: a true patriot
50277: BOSCH D J - Believing in the future: towards a missiology of western culture [Christian Mission and Modern Culture]
42260: COMUNITA DI BOSE - Il libro dei testimoni: martirologio ecumenico: introduzione di Enzo Bianchi priore di Bose
32127: DU BOSE W P - Ecumenical councils with an intro by T F Gailor (Ten Epochs of church history)
23729: BOSLEY D - Kind of warfare: portrait of a serial seducer
53960: BOSSUET J-B - Selections from the funeral orations (french text with introduction and notes by F M Warren)
36594: BOSSUET - De la connaissance de dieu et de soi-meme, bound with, Traites de logique et de morale
43466: BOSTOM K L - Finding calm in the chaos: Christian devotions for busy women
59047: BOSTON T - Human nature in its four-fold state of primitive integrity subsisting in the parents of mankind in paradise: entire depravation in the irregenerate; begun recovery in the regenerate; consummate happiness of misery in all mankind in the future state
56894: BOSWELL J - Life of Dr Johnson (Dent's Double Volumes)
49687: BOSWELL J - Everybody's Boswell: being the life of Samuel Johnson abridged from James Boswell's complete text and from the Tour of the Hebrides
39340: BOSWELL J - Life of Johnson: with an introduction by Mowbray Morris
43364: SEED M & BOTHAM N - Sinners and Saints: the irreverent diaries of Britain's most controversial priest
46097: BOTTCHER J - Insel rugen: mit einfuhrenden worten von Dr. Hartmann Goertz
2284: BOTTING M - More for all the family: illustrated talks for family services
27269: BOTTING D - Pirates
31604: BOTTOMORE T B - Classes in modern society
42142: BOUGAUD E - Life of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
26168: BOUILLON H - Libertarians and liberalism essays in honour of Gerard Radnitzky
30351: BOUQUET A C - World we live in (Modern handbooks on religion)
24432: BOUQUET A C - Hinduism
2297: BOUQUET A - History of the Diocese of Chichester: from the foundation of the Diocese until the end of the Eighteenth Century
31942: BOUQUET A C - Study of the ordinary arguments for the existence and nature of God (Modern handbooks on religion I)
32359: BOUQUET A C - Lectionary of Christian prose: from the 2nd to the 20th Century for public and private use
2305: BOURDEAUX M - Patriarch and prophets: persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church today
2304: BOURDEAUX M - Patriarch and prophets: persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church today
2311: BOURDILLON F W - Gerard & Isabel: a romance in form of Cantefable
82016: DESSOY M & BOURGEOIS F - Saint Hubert D'Ardenne: sa vie - L'Abbaye et sa Basilique
46746: BOURGET P - Le demon de midi
40036: BOURKE D J - Origin and significance of the idea of the day of Yahweh in the Prophets: with special reference to Amos V 19-20, Zephaniah I, and Joel I-IV
39634: BOURKE V J - Augustine's quest of wisdom: his life, thought and works
83458: TORRELL J-P & BOUTHILLIER D - Pierre le Venerable et sa vision du monde: sa vie - son oeuvre, l'homme et le demon
82876: BOUYER L - Spirituality of the New Testament and the Fathers (History of Christian Spirituality Volume I of 3 volume set)
22223: BOUYER L - Cistercian heritage
82436: BOUYER L - Spirit and forms of Protestantism
61334: BOVATI P - Re-establishing justice: legal terms, concepts and procedures in the Hebrew Bible (JSOT Supplement series 105)
81528: BOVET T - That they may have life: handbook on Pastoral Care for Christian Ministers and Laymen
82769: BOVON F - Luke the Theologian: thirty-three years of Research (1950-1983) (Princeton Theological Monograph Series - 12)
60788: BOWATER C A - Swing wide the gates (Music edition)
82643: BOWDEN J W - Life and Pontificate of Gregory the Seventh in two volumes, Volume I and Volume II [please check cost of postage before ordering - heavier than automated postage]
537: BOWDEN J - Christianity: the complete guide
38972: BOWE B et al - Silent voices, sacred lives: women's readings for the liturgical year
2349: BOWEN R - Guide to Romans (TEF Study Guide 11)
29112: BARLOW R A & BOWEN H V - Dear and noble boy: the life and letters of Louis Stokes 1897-1916 [Rugby schoolboy, & Royal Marine in First World War]
37441: BOWER G S - Hartley and James Mill (English philosophers)
17538: BOWER T - Primary prayers: how your school group can talk with God
17508: BOWER T - Final act: reflections on Easter
2351: BOWERS F - Who's this sitting in my pew? mentally handicapped people in the church
32180: O'RIORDAN T & BOWERS V - Integrated pollution control: a practical guide for managers
53564: BOWERS A J - Christianity in thirty days
26379: BOWES E - Way from home: the housing and care needs of black & minority ethnic elders in Tower Hamlets
58263: BOWIE F - Beguine spirituality: an anthology
32399: BOWKER J - Sense of God: sociological, anthropological and psychological approaches to the origin of the sense of God
27780: BOWKER J - Meanings of death
30402: HOLM J & BOWKER J - Worship (Themes in Religious Studies)
21748: BOWKER J - Year to live (cycle of meditations on the transforming power of the Christian story)
2355: BOWKER J - Hallowed ground: religions and the poetry of place
33060: BOWKER J - Oxford dictionary of world religions
2354: BOWKER J - Aids and Christian action
2360: BOWKER J - Religious imagination and the sense of God
36762: HOLM J & BOWKER J - Picturing God (Themes in religious studies)
39168: BOWKER J - Targums and Rabbinic literature: an introduction to Jewish interpretations of scripture
32390: BOWLBY R - Carried away: the invention of modern shopping
46308: BOWLE J - Politics and opinion in the 19th century: historical introduction
46527: BOWLE J - Unity of European history: political and cultural survey
59359: BOWLER M G - Claude Montefiore and Christianity (Brown Judaic Studies no 157)
31012: BOWMAN J W - Hebrews, James, I and II Peter (Layman's Bible commentaries)
41597: BOWMAN R D - Seventy times seven: a guided study program for young people and adults
2368: BOWMER J C - Sacrament of the Lord's supper in early Methodism
2372: BOX G H - Short introduction to the literature of the O T
38571: BOX G H - Early Christianity and its rivals: a study of the conflict of religions in the early Roman Empire at the beginning of our era
44169: BOXALL I - Revelation: vision and insight
59357: BOYCE R N - Cry of God in the Old Testament
41721: BOYCE W [Ed PEARSON W] - Two voluntaries for organ: edited by William Pearson [Hinrichsen No. 336]
54393: MORSE-BOYCOTT D - Secret story of the Oxford Movement
80218: BOYD G A - God at war: the Bible and spiritual conflict
2384: BOYD M - Crisis in communication: a Christian examination of the mass media
2385: BOYD M - Malcolm Boyd's book of Days
2382: BOYD M - Am I running with You God
45099: BOYD W - History of Western education
82551: BOYER P - Religion explained: the human instincts that fashion gods, spirits and ancestors
2388: BOYLAN A B - Living liturgy: a report to the Bishops of England and Wales
2393: BOYLE N S S - Gospel of salvation: notes of addresses on spiritual healing
2397: BRABANT F H - Neville Stuart Talbot 1879-1943: a memoir
60407: BRABHAM M W - Planning modern church buildings
24451: BRACKLEY D - Divine revolution: salvation and liberation in Catholic thought
55658: BRACKNEY W H - Baptists in North America
27341: BRADBROOK M C - English dramatic form: a history of its development
2401: BRADBURY N - City of God?: pastoral care in the inner city (NLPC)
46656: BRADBURY M - Modern British novel
2407: BRADFORD E - Paul the Traveller
2408: BRADLAUGH C - Charles Bradlaugh :a record of his life & work by his daughter Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner with an account of his parliamentary struggle, politics and teachings, by John M Robertson (2 vols)
24730: BRADLEY R - Not for the wise: prayer texts from Julian of Norwich
24563: BRADLEY I - Call to seriousness: the evangelical impact on the Victorians
53264: BRADLEY M C - Who is Phaedrus?: keys to Plato's Dyad masterpiece
46969: BRADLEY A C - Shakespearean Tragedy: lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth
39091: BRADLEY G G - Lectures on the Book of Job delivered in Westminster Abbey
41585: BRADNER J - Symbols of church seasons and days illustrations by Betty Wolfe and Kerry Dexter
35839: BRADSHAW T - Grace and truth in the secular age (Contributors include T Bradshaw, P Brierley, J Fenwick, M Green, J I Packer, G Bray)
51381: BRADSHAW P F - Early Christian worship: a basic introduction to ideas and practice
2416: BRADSHAW J - Eight major religions in Britain
10175: JASPER R C D & BRADSHAW P F - Companion to the Alternative Service Book
31736: BRADSHAW T - Way forward?: Christian voices on homosexuality and the church (Contributors include: A Thiselton, M Vasey, R Williams, J John et al)
82078: BRADSHAW P F - Two ways of praying: introducing liturgical spirituality
24342: BRADSHAW P F - Early Christian worship: a basic introduction to ideas and practice
43710: BRADSHAW P F - Essays in Early Eastern initiation (Alcuin/Grow Liturgical Study 8) (Grove Liturgical Study 56)
39885: BRADSTOCK A - Faith in the Revolution: the political theologies of Muntzer and Winstanley
2421: BRADSTOCK A - Saints and Sandinistas: the Catholic Church in Nicaragua and its response to the Revolution
56893: BRADY D - Contribution of British writers between 1560 and 1830 to the interpretation of Revelation 13.16-18 (The number of the Beast): a study in the history of exegesis (Beitrage zur Geschichte der Biblischen Exegese 27)
53992: BRADY G K - Saint Dominic: pilgrim of light
58038: EDGAR W & BRAGDON J - Genesis: Journal of the Society of Christians in the Arts Inc June 1976 Vol 2 No 1 (articles by T Howard, C Kimball, P Miles, B K Moss, W Edgar and E M Catich)
58039: EDGAR W & BRAGDON J - Genesis: Journal of the Society of Christians in the Arts Inc April 1975 Vol 1 No 1 (articles by H R Rookmaaker, B Klein, W Edgar, J Bragdon, S Gross,and B Hannah)
83898: BRAGHT T J van [UNDERHILL E B] - Martyrology of the Churhes of Christ, commonly called Baptists during the era of the Reformation translated from the Dutch of van Braght edited for the Hanserd Knollys Society by Edward Bean Underhill in 2 volumes [please ask for price for overseas postage weight 1.6kg]
47863: BRAHMS J - Variations on a theme by Haydn Opus 56A miniature score [Hawkes Pocket Scores No 144]
47748: BRAHMS J - Walzer Opus 39
43672: BRAIN F L - Poems by Florence: volume II
24645: BRAKE G T - Policy and politics in British Methodism 1932-1982
30614: JOCELIN OF BRAKELOND - Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond: a picture of monastic life in the days of Abbot Samson newly edited by Ernest Clarke (Kings Classics Series)
58725: BRALEY B - Hymnwriters 2: (John Newton, James Montgomery, Henry Baker, Albert Bayly)
2424: BRALEY B - Hymnwriters 1: (Thomas Ken, Wm Cowper, Reginald Heber, Walsham How, John Ellerton)
40578: BRALEY B - Churches' copyright directory: October 1992 Edition
36804: BRALEY B - Thanks be to God: an act of worship based on the general thanksgiving
28616: BRAMWELL R et al - Taxation of companies and company reconstructions: first supplement to the seventh edition (up to date August 1, 1999)
22781: BRAMWELL R et al - Taxation of companies & company reconstructions 2nd Supplement to 7th edition
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2430: BRANDON O - Pastor and his ministry (LPC)
26442: BRANDRETH H R T - Unity and reunion: a bibliography
2434: BRANDRETH H R T - Episcopi Vagantes and the Anglican Church
40531: BRANDRETH H R T - Oecumenical ideals of the Oxford movement
53647: BRANDT L F - Lord rules - let's serve Him: meditations on the psalms
2436: BRANDT W - World armament & world hunger: a call for action
61388: BRANDT R L - CHARISMATICS: are we missing something? [Also published as Tongues, the greatest gift?]
23285: BRANNAN T - Effective advertiser
2437: BRANSCOMB B H - Gospel of Mark (MNTC)
41579: BRANSON G - Church of England: its way, truth and life
52382: BRANT J - Downloading the Bible: a rough guide to the Old Testament (Youth specialties)
82705: BRANT J - Youthalpha: leaders' guide includes CD ROM
52008: BRANTL G - Catholicism
37294: BRASCH R - Unknown sanctuary: the story of Judaism, its teachings, philosophy and symbols
58276: BRASH W B - Methodism
22904: BRASSEY'S - Brassey's Defence Yearbook 1998
58720: BRAUN J - Die Musikkultur Altisraels/Palastinas: Studien zu archaologischen, schriftlichen und vergleichenden Quellen (Orbis biblicus et orientalis 164)
30215: BRAUN H - Introduction to English Mediaeval architecture
38996: BRAVER B - I have called you friends: reflections on reconciliation in honor of Frank T Griswold
2438: BRAWLEY R L - Centering on God: method and message in Luke-Acts (Literary currents in Biblical interpretion)
40697: BRAY G - Biblical interpretation past and present
59260: BRAY G - Anglical Canons 1529-1947 (Church of England Record Society volume 6)
2440: BRAY G - Creeds, councils and Christ
57180: BRAY G L - Christian theological language [Latimer Studies 32]
32242: BRAY G L - Holiness and the will of God: perspectives on the theology of Tertullian
45764: BRAYBROOKE M - 1000 world prayers
15259: BRAYBROOKE M - Explorer's guide to Christianity
41577: BRAYBROOKE M - Jews and Christians: can Jesus draw us together? (Forewards 19)
26857: BRAYBROOKE M - Stepping stones to a global ethic
2443: BRAYBROOKE M - Time to meet: towards a deeper relationship between Jews and Christians
22661: BAYFIELD T & BRAYBROOKE M - Dialogue with a difference: Manor House Group experience
22266: BRAYBROOKE M - How to understand Judaism
41578: BRAYBROOKE M - Be reconciled: a selection of sermons
56563: BRAYBROOKE P - Some Victorian and Georgian Catholics
34530: BRAYBROOKE M - Christian Jewish relations: a new look
56952: BREACH B - Melbury Abbas: a narrative history of a Dorset parish
52343: BREALEY M - Bedford's victorian pilgrim: William Hale White in ontext (Studies in Christian history and thought)
43621: BREARLEY C - Does God approve of war?
43699: BREARLEY C - Reclaiming church: applying 1st century principles to 21st century church problems
43568: BREAUX M - Identity theft: reclaiming who God created you to be
27031: RAHMAN M VERHOEVEN R & BREBBIA - Advances in fluid mechanics IV (Fourth international conference 2002 in Ghent)
26757: BREBBIA C A, TADEU A & POPOV V - Boundary elements XXIV: Twenty-fourth International Conference on Boundary Element method incorporating Meshless Solution Seminar
30707: BRECHT B - Caucasian chalk circle (A modern play)
34338: BRECHT M - Martin Luther: the preservation of the church 1532-1546 (Vol 3 of biography)
51733: BRECKNELL D - This is Holy Week
2448: BREDERO A H - Bernard of Clairvaux: between cult and history
53646: BREESE H - Recollections: Henry Breese (1894 - 1972) with contributions from Frederick (1866 - 1945) his father, James (1924 - ) his son and the Revd Bernard Snell (1856 - 1934)
37197: BREIER M A - Aleph-zero
2456: BREMNER J G - Infancy
56889: BREMOND H - Histoire litteraire du sentiment religieux en France: Volume I L'humanisme devot (1580 - 1660)
56890: BREMOND H - Histoire litteraire du sentiment religieux en France: Volume II L'invasion mystique (1590 - 1620)
45579: BRENAN G - Spanish labyrinth: an account of the social and political background of the Spanish civil war
61080: BLAIR M & BRENDEL D - CHILD OF WOE: an autobiography (title page signed by author)
27253: BRENDON P - Motoring century: the story of the Royal Automobile Club
41795: BRENNAN P - Power in rite: celebrating RCIA
80996: BRENNAN R - Describing the hand of God: divine agency and Augustinian obstacles to the dialogue between theology and science
80194: BRENNER A - Feminist companion to the Latter Prophets
80195: BRENNER A - Feminist companion to Exodus to Deuteronomy
80196: BRENNER A - Feminist companion to the Hebrew Bible in the New Testament
80190: BRENNER A - Feminist companion to Ruth
80193: BRENNER A - Feminist companion to Samuel and Kings
80199: BRENNER A - Judges: Feminist companion to the Bible (Second series)
83903: BRENON A - Les Archipels Cathares: Dissidence chrétienne dans l'Europe médiévale [French text]
37457: BRENT C H - With God in the world: a series of papers by Charles Brent, Bishop of the Philippine Islands
37725: BRENT C H - Adventure for God (Bishop Paddock lectures 1904) by Rt Rev Charles H Brent [Bishop of the Philippine Islands]
2461: BRENT C H - Inspiration of Responsibility: and other papers
2462: BRENT C H - Mount of Vision: being a study of life in terms of the whole
7367: FUNCK-BRENTANO F - Luther: translated from the French by EF Buckley
27198: BRERETON J - The British soldier: a social history from 1661 to the present day
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2464: BRETHERTON J - Purpose of prayer: popular treatment of the philosophy of prayer
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