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65798: HOLLINGS G S - Paradoxes of the love of God: especially as seen in the way of the Evangelical counsels
65797: HOLLINGS G S - Porta Regalis: or considerations on prayer
9413: HOLLINGS M - Wedding Prayer Book
9407: HOLLINGS M - Hearts not garments: Christ is our peace
47710: HOLLINS A et al - Selected pieces for the oragn Vol 2
9420: HOLLIS W S - Character of Christ: narrative presentation of the life and teachings of Jesus, with supporting scriptures
9418: HOLLIS G - How the Prayer Book came to us; a history for young people
65810: HOLLIS M - Significance of South India: [Ecumenical studies in History 5]
9417: HOLLIS G - Children's church kalendar book
83440: HOLLOWAY D R J - Episcopal oversight: a case for reform (Latimer Studies no 48)
56957: HOLLOWAY R - Gresham College annual lectures 1997, 1998 and 1999: Negotiating the ethical minefield, religion on the level, living theology (further details on request)
49145: HOLLOWAY E - Catholicism: a new synthesis
49763: HOLLOWAY D - Church and State in the new millennium: issues of belief and morality in the 21st century
9423: HOLLOWAY D - Where did Jesus go? meaning & truth of the Resurrection
9428: HOLLOWAY R - Consecretion: Risen life in Christ (Catholic Renewal Loughborough conference)
81816: HOLLY D - Complete categorized Greek-English New Testament vocabulary
47895: HOLM J - Keyguide to information sources on world religions
9440: HOLMBERG B - Paul and Power: the structure of authority in the primitive church as reflected in the Pauline Epistles
82626: HOLMBERG B - Paul and Power: the structure of authority in the primitive church as reflected in the Pauline Epistles
53213: HOLMER P L - On Kierkegaard and the truth (Paul L Holmer Papers Volume 1)
9571: HOLMES E - Friendship: guide to problems of human relationships
65843: HOLMES G - As thy days: a scripture portion, a meditation, a prayer for each day of the month form the Book of Revelation [Daily Portion Series]
9444: HOLMES E E - Joyful through hope
9445: HOLMES E E - Prayer & Action: or 'The Three Notable Duties'
82514: HOLMES J M - Text in a whirlwind: a critique of four exegetical devices at 1 Timothy 2.9-15 (JSNTSS 196/SNTG 7)
18745: SYKES S & HOLMES D - New studies in theology 1
80657: HOLMGREN F C - Old Testament and the significance of Jesus
9450: HOLROYD G H - Dramatic New Testament Reader
40374: HOLSCHER G - Geschichte der Israelitischen und Judischen religion
40654: HOLSCHER G - Buch Hiob (Handbuch zum Alten Testament 17)
57261: HOLST G - I vow to thee my country: unison song
12171: HOLST G - Lullay my liking (Carol): words from 'A Mediaeval Anthology'
47112: HOLT V M - Why not eat insects?
9451: HOLT M - Evaluating the evaluators (Studies in teaching & learning)
33105: HOLT S - Puppets in praise [a practical resource for children's ministry]
82605: HOLTBY R T - Daniel Waterland 1683-1740 a study in eighteenth century orthodoxy
65852: HOLTERMANN C - Released and radiant
9455: HOLZSCHUH P - Village on the hill: an event related by P Holzschuh written down by J Maarten
58600: HOMAN R - Art of the sublime: principles of Christian art and architecture
46095: HOME G - Yorkshire coast and moorland scenes: painted and described by Gordon Home
52487: HOMER [A C Price] - Iliad Book XXI: with introduction notes and vocabulary by A C Price
42516: HOMER [POPE] - Odyssey: with notes by Theodore Buckley
40462: HOMER - Iliad of Homer: done into English prose by Andrew Lang, Walter Leaf and Ernest Myers
821: AUTHOR OF ECCE HOMO - Natural religion
57499: HONDERICH T - Oxford companion to philosophy
34275: HONDERICH T - Punishment: the supposed justifications
9459: HONDERICH T - Violence for Equality
65860: HONINGS B - IL PRINCIPIO DI INSCINDIBILITA: estratto da Lateranum N.S. Anno XLIV 1978 n. 1
40991: AIKMAN R G & HONNIBALL J H M - Chapel of SS. Mary and George Guildford Grammar School: a history
27696: HONNINGSOY O G - Internett og E-Post: visuell guide
29241: HONNINGSOY O G - Windows 98 Visuell guide (Norwegian)
44893: HOOFT W V - Has the ecumenical movement a future?
39378: HOOFT W A V't - Memoirs
33212: HOOK W F - Church dictionary: a new and greatly enlarged edition
9468: HOOK N - Eucharist in the New Testament
39119: HOOK W F - Parish sermons
81832: HOOKE S H - Babylonian and Assyrian religion (University library)
9491: HOOKER R - Works of that learned and judicious divine Mr Richard Hooker with an account of his life and death by Isaac Walton in two volumes [£2 additional UK postage required: overseas mailbag £14]
9490: HOOKER R - Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity: (in 2 volumes) Vol 1 Bks I-IV vol 2 Bk V (EL201 & 202)
9482: HOOKER M D - From Adam to Christ
9483: HOOKER M D - Jesus and the servant: the influence of the servant concept of Deutero-Isaiah in the New Testament
81933: HOOKER R [POLLARD A] - Ecclesiastical Polity: Selections
57209: HOOKER R - Works of that learned and judicious divine Mr Richard Hooker with an account of his life and death by Isaac Walton arranged by John Keble in 3 volumes VOLUME II ONLY
55793: RAYNER J D & HOOKER B - Judaism for today: an ancient faith with a modern message
29303: HOOKER P - His other sheep (GP37)
28006: HOOKER M D - Continuity and discontinuity: early Christianity in its Jewish setting
23137: HOOKER M D - Commentary on the Gospel according to St Mark (Black's New testament Commentaries)
9493: HOOKER R - Works of that learned and judicious divine Mr Richard Hooker with an account of his life & death by Isaac Walton in two volumes [£2 additional UK postage required: overseas mailbag £14]
80055: HOOKER R - Works of that learned and judicious divine Mr Richard Hooker with an account of his life and death by Isaac Walton in 2 volumes [£2 additional UK postage required: overseas mailbag £14]
81772: HOOKER M D - Message of Mark
81774: HOOKER M D - Son of man in Mark: a study of the background of the term 'Son of Man' and its use in St Mark's Gospel
81829: HOOKER M D - Gospel according to Saint Mark (Black's New Testament Commentaries)
81830: HOOKER M D - Commentary on the Gospel according to St Mark (Black's New testament Commentaries)
57208: HOOKER R - Works of that learned and judicious divine Mr Richard Hooker with an account of his life and death by Isaac Walton in two volumes - Volume II ONLY
80054: HOOKER R - Works of that learned and judicious divine Mr Richard Hooker with an account of his life and death by Isaac Walton in 2 volumes [£2 additional UK postage required: overseas mailbag £14]
81934: HOOKER R [POLLARD A] - Ecclesiastical Polity: Selections
27357: HOOL R - Making it
23705: HOOL R - The bridge
54627: HOOPER J L - Bible Atlas including 'The land and people of the Bible
29913: HOOPER P - Being young in an old church (GS19)
9495: HOOPER R - Act Now: a report on race relations in Britain, following a survey August-September 1969: with special reference
9496: HOOPER R - Colour in Britain: based on a BBC radio series
50645: HOPE D - Nine eucharistic prayers with introductions by David Hope
9500: HOPE - News-sheet of the Baptismal Reform Movement January 1952 No 8
9501: HOPE D - Friendship with God
37484: HOPE A J B - Worship in the Church of England
9504: HOPING - Hoping for Women Priests: letters from two Roman Catholics
22975: HOPKINS L - Mental arithmetic: Key Stage 1 Scotland P1-P3 Ages 5-7
51865: HOPKINS C H G - Moving staircase: Sunderland 1939 - 1972
30155: HOPKINS A et al - Real Spain: Felices vacaciones
9507: HOPKINS H E - Charles Simeon of Cambridge: a biography
29926: HOPKINS B - Church planting: 2. Some experiences and challenges (GEv8)
9509: HOPKINS J - Towards a feminist Christology: Jesus of Nazareth, European women and the Christological crisis
81766: HOPKINS C H - John R. Mott 1865-1955: a biography (20th Century Ecumenical Statesman)
52164: HOPKINSON A - Religio militis
9512: HOPKINSON A S - God at work: the working world and the Kingdom of God
9514: HOPKINSON A W - About William Law: a running commentary on his works
9518: HOPKINSON S et al - Rev: Anglican, Roman Catholic and Methodist clergy unite to write of their work
65886: HOPPS J P - Teachings of Channing: concerning God, man, Jesus, Christianity, the Bible, and the future life
41238: HOPWOOD P G S - Religious experience of the primitive church: the period prior to the influence of Paul
74111: HORACE Q [Wickham] - POEMS OF QUINTUS HORATIUS FLACCUS: being a translation into English prose by E C Wickham
72210: SPENCE Horace - DECENTLY AND IN ORDER: practical hints for readers
44384: HORBURY W - Hebrew study from Ezra to Ben-Yehuda
82523: HORBURY W - Messianism among Jews and Christians: twelve biblical and historical studies
82515: HORBURY W - Templum Amicitiae: essays on the Second Temple presented to Ernst Bammel (JSNTSS 48)
65887: HORDERN W - Christianity, communism and history
28654: HOCKING C E & HORLOCK M - Day by day through the Old Testament
65889: HORMANN K - Introduction to moral theology: a Layman's guide to principles and practice in Modern life
49029: LODGE R & HORN D B - History of Europe: Period 1789 - 1920
81079: VAN HORN M A - Within my heart: the enlightenment epistemic reversal and the subjective justification of religious belief
52150: HORNE B, HALLIBURTON J & SMYTHE H R - Where do we go from here? issues in Anglican authority and communion
9528: HORNE L - Singing murmer: poems
9525: HORNE B - World to gain: incarnation & the hope of renewal
45608: HORNE R H - New spirit of the age (World's Classics)
59392: HORNE C S - Story of the L.M.S: with an appendix bringing the story up to the year 1904
32318: HORNE B - Question of priesthood (Tracts for the eighties)
56052: HORNUNG E W - Raffles: the amateur cracksman
9530: HORNUS J M - It is not lawful for me to fight: early Christian attitudes towards war, violence & the state
53920: HOROWITZ R - Bostoner Rebbetzin remembers (Artscroll History Series)
24694: HORR G E - Christian faith and eternal life (Ingersoll Lecture, 1923)
82960: HORRELL D G - Social-scientific approaches to New Testament interpretation
36852: HORRELL D - Epistles of Peter and Jude
51617: HORSBURGH E L S - Girolamo Savonarola
29264: HORSFALL P & U - Vocabulary for GCSE German
53232: HORSLEY R A - Text and tradition in performance and writing (Biblical performance criticism volume 9)
52854: van der HORST P W - Ancient Jewish epitaphs: an introductory survey of a millennium of Jewish funerary epigraphy (300 BCE - 700 CE)
52852: van der HORST P W - Hellenism-Judaism-Christianity: essays on their interaction
9534: HORST J M - Paradise of the Christian soul, enriched with choicest delights of varied piety adapted to the use of the English Church, 7 parts (part 2 not included), two volumes in one
40371: HORST F - Gottes recht: Gesammelte Studien zum Recht im Alten Testament (Theologische Bucherie)
39875: HORT F J A - The way the truth the life (Hulsean lectures for 1871)
9541: HORT F J A - Judaistic Christianity: a course of lectures
9547: HORTON W M - Contemporary continental theology: interpretation for Anglo-Saxons
22980: HORTON F L - Melchizedek tradition: critical examination of the sources to the fifth century AD & in the Epistle to the Hebrews (SNTSMS 30)
82463: HORTON M S - Covenant and eschatology: the divine drama
35034: HORTON R F - Women of the Old Testament: studies in womanhood
52449: HOSFORD E - Called by a new name: a psycho-spritual exploration of personal vocation
55087: HOSKINS W G - Local history in England
55512: HOSKINS W G - Fieldwork in local history
24441: HOSPITAL C G - Breakthrough: insights of the great religious discoverers
50127: HOSTE W - Bishops, priests and deacons
58975: HOSTETLER J A - Amish society
23611: HOSTETTER E C - Elementary grammar of Biblical Hebrew
36168: HOSTETTER D - Prayers for the seasons of God's people: worship aids for the Revised Common Lectionary (Year C)
9558: HOSTLER P - Child's world
29199: HOUCHIN R - Death and the river: poems
39364: HOUDEK F J - Guided by the spirit: a Jesuit perspective on spiritual direction
27652: HOUGH R - Captain Bligh & Mr Christian: the men and the mutiny
40229: HOUGHTON D H - South African economy
65913: HOUGHTON H D - Fifth kingdom of Daniel
65910: HOUGHTON A - Power of agreement
46748: HOUGHTON F T S - Worcestershire (The Little Guides)
65912: HOUGHTON F - Fire burns on...: 1865 - 1965 C.I.M. anthology
29021: BYRNE P & HOULDEN L - Companion encyclopedia of theology
9567: HOULDEN J L - Explorations in theology 3
27963: HOULDEN J L - Pastoral Epistles: I & II Timothy, Titus
45621: WOODWARD J & HOULDEN J - Praying the lectionary: prayers and reflections for every week's readings
81638: COGGINS R J & HOULDEN J L - Dictionary of biblical interpretation
11767: L'HOUR J - Morale de L'Alliance (Cahiers de la Revue Biblique 5)
9579: HOURANI A - History of the Arab peoples
29113: BHASKAR K N & HOUSDEN R J W - Information technology management: stage 2 [replaces Accounting information systems and data processing]
9583: HOUSEHOLD - Household of God: the Ascot statement on Church & Ministry
26697: HOUSMAN L - Followers of St Francis: four plays of the early Franciscan legend
83025: HOUSMAN L - Little plays of St Francis: volumes I, II and III, [complete edition]
49737: HOUSTON T - life of James Renwick: a historical sketch of his life labours and martyrdom and a vindication of his character and testimony
56445: HOUSTON W - Purity and monotheism: clean and unclean animals in Biblical law JSOT Supplement Series 140)
31395: HOUSTON G - All in the mind [the making of an interpersonal group in a television series]
9599: HOW F D - Bishop John Selwyn: a memoir
9597: HOW F D - Archbishop Maclagan: being a memoir of ...William Dalrymple Maclagan, Abp of York & Primate of England
83362: HOW W W - Pastor in Parochia [some discolouration to endpapers, otherwise exceptional copy]
31067: HOW F D - Bishop Walsham How (Bishop of Wakefield)
51553: HOW W W - Holy Communion preparation and companion together with the Collects Epistles and Gospels
9605: HOWARD C - Women in society and the Church
28612: RICKETS S & HOWARD J - Accurate English: lower intermediate level, practice book 1
53225: HOWARD J K - Healing myth: a critique of the modern healing movement
53688: FITZALAN-HOWARD H et al - De libertate Universitates adeundi Catholicis Anglicis concedenda Memorandum Episcopis Angliae Catholicis inscriptum
27316: RICKETS S & HOWARD J - Accurate English: intermediate level practice book 2
61250: BOOTH Howard - PILGRIMS MAKE PROGRESS: devotional meditations illuminated by the Bible translations of Alan Dale and the Wisdom of Julian of Norwich
61592: HOWARD L - Mothers are people too
28584: PARKE G A R & HOWARD C M - Space structures 4: Volume 2
33635: HOWARD B - Midcentury
9610: HOWARD P - That man Frank Buchman
9612: HOWARD W F - Fourth Gospel in recent criticism and interpretation (Fernley Lecture Trust)
56518: HOWARD D - Sunsets: reflections for life's final journey
65956: HOWE J - HIGHWAYS AND HEDGES: Anglicanism and the Universal Church
83511: HOWELL R - Global Christian Forum: Transforming Ecumenism
26369: HOWELL J - China opens its doors: the politics of economic transition
9619: HOWELL A G F - S Bernardino of Siena
9620: HOWELL C - Preparing for Easter
82031: HOWELL D - Saints in worship: leaders manual [no cassettes]
32332: HOWELL P - Victorian churches (RIBA drawings series)
47762: HOWELLS H - Paean
9624: HOWELLS H - Magnificat and nunc dimittis: for the cathedral church of the Holy and Indivisible Trinity Gloucester (Parish Choir Book 1279)
83404: HOWLETT R - Monumenta Franciscana: Volume II being a further collection of original documents respecting the Franciscan Order in England (Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores)
82970: HOWSAM L - Cheap Bibles: Nineteenth-Century publishing and the British and Foreign Bible Society
22448: HOWSE D - Greenwich time and the discovery of the longitude
56635: HOWSE C - Best spiritual reading ever
65969: HOWSE E M - Lively oracles
9635: HOYLAND G - Sermons in short
37908: HOYT A S - Preacher: his person, message, and method. A book for the class-room and study
51267: ASCHHEIM J & HSIEH C-Y - Macroeconomics: income and monetary theory
27277: YONG L & HUA S - Pakistan: paintings with multi language titles calligraphy by S Yu
80656: HUBBARD R L et al - Studies in Old Testament theology
56608: HUBBARD N - Left of Matthew: exploring the great ideas of the Old Testament
82971: HUBBARD D A - Proverbs (Communicator's Commentary 15A)
83437: HUBBLING H G - Divine presence in ordinary life: Gerardus van der Leeuw's twofold method in his thinking on art and religion
45651: HUBENSTEINER B - Bayern
68724: MILLER S M & HUBER R - BIBLE: A HISTORY: the making and impact of the Bible
56120: HUBER C - Key and the name of the key is willingness
56119: HUBER C - That which you are seeking is cause to seek (also includes One less act of violence)
82963: HUBER W - Violence: the unrelenting assault on human dignity
27746: HUCHET U - Travers le Mexique et l'autre Amerique: notes de voyage
65975: HUCHET C - YESHU, CALLED JESUS illustrated by Donald Bolognese
48620: HUCK G et al - Toward ritual transformation: remembering Robert W Hovda
81911: HUCK A [Greeven H] - Synopsis of the first three Gospels with the addition of the Johannine parallels/Synopse der drei ersten Evangelien mit Beigabe der johanneischen Parallelstellen (main text Greek)
82844: HUDSON B - Justice through punishment: a critique of the 'Justice' model of corrections
44426: HUDSON W H - Hind in Richmond Park (uniform edition)
9651: HUDSON W H - Book of a Naturalist: wood engravings by Winifred Thridgould
9653: HUDSON W H - Lowell & his poetry (Poetry & Life)
59391: HUDSON C E - Preface to a Christian sociology
5657: DEWAR L & HUDSON C E - Christian morals: a study in first principles
9647: HUDSON C E - Recent psychology and the Christian religion: some points of contact and divergence
80519: HUEGEL F J - Bone of his bone
58626: HUEHNS G - Antinomianism in English history: with special reference to the perios 1640-1660
55385: HUELIN G - All in good faith: an anthology of western Christianity
45223: HUELIN G - Steep ascent of heaven: some characters in seventeenth and eighteenth century religious life
9657: HUELSMAN R J - Pray: Participant's handbook
80655: HUFFMAN J A - Joshua (The Communicator's Commentary)
56760: HUG W - Schone frauen des freiburger munsters: bildnisse aus acht jahrhunderten
65983: HUG J E (ed) - Tracing the spirit: communities, social action, and theological reflection
20012: VON HUGEL F - Selected Letters 1896-1924: ed B Holland
48028: VON HUGEL F - Letters from Baron Friedrich von Hugel to a niece: edited with intro by Gwendolen Greene
20010: VON HUGEL F - Readings from Friedrich Von Hugel: selected by Algar Thorold
20007: VON HUGEL F - Little book of Baron Von Hugel: selected by P Franklin Chambers
53895: VON HUGEL F - Essays and addresses on the philosophy of religion
47945: HUGGETT R - Wit of the Catholics
9668: HUGH Fr - Making and taking retreats
82412: GRADY Hugh - Jonne Donne and baroque allegory: the aesthetics of fragmentation
66806: STUDDERT KENNEDY Hugh A - The Visitor: of His coming and of His sojourning and concerning the manner of His going away
51703: HUGHES M A - Letters and recollections of Sir Walter Scott
82157: HUGHES P E - Paul's second epistle to the Corinthians: the English text with introduction, exposition and notes
9684: HUGHES J M - Book of English belief: Bede to Temple
9685: HUGHES J M - Coping with Grief
9682: HUGHES H T - Prophetic Prayer: a history of the Christian doctrine of prayer to the Reformation
58919: HUGHES C - Two sixteenth-century northern protestants: John Bradford and William Turner (reprinted from the Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, Vol 66, No 1, Autumn 1983)
27681: HUGHES T - Old English furniture
51169: HUGHES S - Discovering the way: vital steps to finding God
9687: HUGHES L - African treasury: articles, essays, stories, poems by Black Africans
9688: HUGHES P - Reformation in England: Volume II Religio Depopulata
45841: HUGHES R K - Mark Vol I & 2 [2 volume set]: Jesus, servant and savior (Preaching the word)
59389: HUGHES H P - Social Christianity: sermons delivered in St James's Hall London
54133: HUGHES E - Living faith: an introduction to the belief of Catholics today
58972: HUGHES P E - Creative minds in contemporary theology
54215: HUGHES P - History of the Church (3 volumes in one): to the eve of the Reformation
59390: HUGHES H P - Ethical Christianity: a series of sermons
58857: HUGHES H T - Piety of Jeremy Taylor
55690: HUGHES S - New short textbook of orthopaedics and traumatology
82965: HUGHES R - Red Dean: the life and riddle of Dr Hewlett Johnson 1874-1966
55539: HUGHES J J - AS levels: implications for schools, examining boards and universities
52716: HUGHES G W - God of surprises
66031: HUGHES P - Popular history of the Reformation
25221: HUGHES E - Religious education in the primary school: managing diversity
43637: HUGHES S - Personal encourager Bible: includes your personal encourager
43679: HUGHES K - Light for our path: 2009: a year's reflections with Bible extracts by writers from across the globe
82699: HUGHES K - Monk's Tale: a biography of Godfrey Diekmann, O.S.B.
47851: HUGHES R - Music lovers' encyclopedia
9695: HUGHES T H - Psychology of Preaching and Pastoral Work
9693: HUGHES R O - Christianity (Religions through festivals)
9694: HUGHES T H - New psychology & religious experience
44765: HUGHES H S - United States and Italy
46192: HUGHES P E - Book of the Revelation: commentary
24538: HUGHES R - Red Dean: the life and riddle of Dr Hewlett Johnson 1874-1966
82964: HUGHES H T - Progress of pilgrims: seven Methodists 1814 - 1958
74334: HUGHES D A - Has God many names?: an introduction to religious studies
66028: HUGHES L - Christian church in the Epistles of St. Jerome
9700: HUGHSON S C - Spiritual letters of Father Hughson
65212: HUGHSON S C - Fundamentals of the religious state
9702: HUGO V - Hernani (French Text): revised edition by JE Matzke & DS Blondheim
9703: HUGO V - Miserables II chronologie et introduction par R Journet
80135: HUGUET F - Portraits et recits extraits des prosateurs due XVIe siecle
20635: HULBERT A - Contours of God from Old Testament stories
9704: HULL J - Sense and nonsense about God (Senior Study Series 1)
9706: HULL J M - Touching the rock: an experience of blindness
35133: HULL J M - What prevents Christian adults from learning?
34166: HULL J M - Touching the rock: an experience of blindness
66044: HULL W L - Israel: key to prophecy: the story from the regatherng to the Millennium as told by the prophet
9705: HULL J M - Hellenistic Magic and the Synoptic Tradition (SBT 2/28)
43147: HULME W E - Mid-life crises: (Christian care books)
39506: HULME F E - Symbolism in Christian art: the history principles and practice of
28566: HULSE P et al - Key questions in radiology
63132: D'HULST Mgr - Way of the heart: edited with introduction by A. Baudrill
82966: HULTGREN A J - Christ and his benefits: Christology and Redemption in the New Testament
52254: HULTKRANTZ A - Native religions of North America
48477: SPRY C & HUME R - Constance Spry cookery book
52055: HUME D [Green & Grose] - Treatise of human nature...and dialogues concerning natural religion edited with preliminary dissertations and notes by T H Green & T H Grose in 2 vols
66072: HUME E - David Livingstone: the man, the missionary, and the explorer
45839: HUME D - History of England Vol I & Vol III only of 6 volume set) from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1688
66064: HUME C R - Reading through Romans
46401: HUME D - Dialogues concerning natural religion and the natural history of religion: edited and with commentary by Nelson Pike
37036: HUMPHREYS G - Law relating to Parish Councils: being the Local Government Act 1894 with an Appendix of Statutes & an intro, notes, orders & circulars of the Local Government Board and a copious index
9741: HUMPHREYS C - Search within: a course in meditation
47641: HUMPHREYS A - Top 10 Marrakech [DK Eyewitness Travel]
9737: HUMPHREYS A J - Christian morals
73695: WARD Mrs Humphry - UNITARIANS and the future: the Essex Hall Lecture, 1894
37723: HUNKIN J W - Mercy of God (New library of devotion)
54691: HUNNARD H - Hinds' feet on high places: the original and complete allegory with a devotional for women by Darien Cooper
41111: HUNNEYSETT E - Christian congregations and mental illness: a survey of contemporary attitudes in their historical context (signed by author)
82575: HUNSINGER G - How to read Karl Barth: the shape of his theology
83436: HUNT N - Cluny under Saint Hugh 1049-1109
45606: HUNT L - Town: it's memorable characters and events
80702: HUNT W H - Pre-Raphaelitism and the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood These books weigh over 2 kilos. For postage please ask for a quotation.
59386: HUNT W H - Sermons on social subjects: preached at St Paul's Church, Covent Garden under the auspices of the Christian Social Union
26731: BEST A & HUNT J - Weddings: prayer, hymns and readings to help you plan the day
9754: HUNT P - Let the children come: children in the church
9758: HUNT W - English Church: vol 1 from its foundation to the Norman Conquest 597-1066
81223: HUNT P - Understanding children's literature (2nd edition)
1838: HUNT W - Bath and Wells (Diocesan Histories)
35134: HUNTER A M - According to John
22725: HUNTER A M - Fifth evangelist
26885: HUNTER A G - Christianity and other faiths in Britain
9761: HUNTER A M - Bible and Gospel
9777: HUNTER A M - Teaching and preaching the New Testament (Preacher's library)
9778: HUNTER A M - Teaching of Calvin: modern interpretation
9782: HUNTER D & HUNTER P - Christus victor: reflections in a believer's year
9783: HUNTER J - De Profundis Clamavi: and other sermons
9784: HUNTER L S - Christian morality and the standards of today: what should the Church do? a precis of five addresses together with questions for group discussions
9788: HUNTER L S - Parson's job: aspects of work in the English church
9791: HUNTER V - Beloved brother
66131: HUNTER J E - Let us go on to maturity
80160: HUNTER A G - Psalms (Old Testament Readings)
37287: HUNTER C & F - Angel book: personal encounters with God's messengers
56756: HUNTINGTON W - Posthumous letters of Mr W Huntington: Minister of the Gospel at Providence Chapel, Gray's Inn Lane
9792: HUNTINGTON W R - Peace of the Church (Bohlen Lectures for 1891)
26185: HUNTLEY J R - Pax democratica: a strategy for the 21st century
82968: HUPPER W G - Index to English Periodical Literature on the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Volume II (ATLA bibliography series No 21)
82967: HUPPER W G - Index to English Periodical Literature on the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Volume I (ATLA bibliography series No 21)
82385: HUPPER W G - Index to English Periodical Literature on the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Volume IV (ATLA bibliography series No 21)
56394: LE HURAY P et al - Anthems for men's voices: Volume II Tenors and Basses
44642: HURD R [Brewer S Ed] - Early Letters of Bishop Richard Hurd 1739-1762; Church of England Record Society Volume 3
23964: HURDING R - Restoring the image USA title 'Christian care and counseling'
46093: HURDING R F - Christian care and counselling: practical guide USA title of 'Restoring the image'
31678: HURLEY M - Ecumenical studies: baptism and marriage
31400: HURLEY M - Church and eucharist
9798: HURSTFIELD J - Elizabeth I and the Unity of England
9799: HURSTFIELD J - Reformation Crisis
83301: HURTER H - Sanctorum patrum. Opuscula selecta ad usum praesertim studiosorem theologiae: S. Th Caecilii Cypriani [bound with] In orationem Dominicam Tertulliani, St Cypriani et S. Thomae Aquinatis, edidit et commentariisauxit H Hurter
66141: HUSENBETH E C (trans) - Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary
25719: HUSSAIN D S & K M - Information management: organization, management and control of computer processing
46077: HUSSEY M - Chester mystery plays: sixteen pageant plays from the Chester craft cycle
3681: HUSSEY J M - Orthodox church in the Byzantine empire (Oxford history of the Christian Church)
39149: BEST M & HUSSEY P - Women making a difference
66143: HUTCHCROFT V - Visual talks: for children's groups: 23 talks
59477: HUTCHESON G - Exposition of the minor prophets
35645: HUTCHINGS A - Mozart der musiker with colour & black/white illustrations
29864: HUTCHINS C H - Preaching on special occasions (GW89)
54370: HUTCHINSON F E - Milton and the English mind
54843: ABRAMS R I & HUTCHINSON W A - Illustated life of Jesus from the National Gallery of Art Collection [Washington]
9804: HUTCHINSON M - Educating the intelligent
66144: HUTCHINSON G - Mary and inner healing: an armchair pilgrimage to Lourdes
66145: HUTCHINSON G - Praying the way: reflections on the Stations of the Cross
58995: HUTTER J - Brotherly faithfulness: epistles from a time of persecution
9811: HUTTON E - Franciscans in England 1224-1538
9814: HUTTON J A - Further guidance from Robert Browning in matters of faith: suggested by ""Ferishtah's fancies""
9819: HUTTON W H - Church and the barbarians... outline...from AD 461 to AD 1003 (Church Universal vol 3)
9821: HUTTON W H - English Reformation (CH 53)
9822: HUTTON W H - English Reformation: a lecture with a preface and notes
9826: HUTTON W H - William Laud (LR)
56047: HUTTON R H - Sir Walter Scott
59387: HUTTON R H - Theological essays
26499: HUTTON W - State we're in
37422: HUTTON W H - Church of the sixth century: six chapters in ecclesiastical history
39122: HUTTON A W - Ecclesia Discens (English text): occasional sermons and addresses
80607: MURPHY R & HUWILER E - Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (New International Biblical Commentary - Old Testament Series)
66154: HUXHOLD H N - Power for the Church in the midst of chaos
66155: HUXHOLD H N - Followers of the Cross: messages for Lent and Easter
9832: HUXLEY J - Humanist frame
9834: HUXLEY T - Lectures & lay sermons (EL)
9835: HUXLEY T H - Science and Education: (Collected Essays Volume 3)
48679: HUXLEY A - Do what you will: twelve essays
9836: HUXTABLE J - Bible says
9838: HUXTABLE J - Faith once for all delivered to the Saints: Drawbridge Memorial lecture 1974
9841: HUXTABLE J - Preaching the law (Joseph Smith memorial lecture Oct 1964)
9842: HUXTABLE J - Tradition of our fathers
66162: HUYGHE G - Growth in the Holy Spirit
17291: SCHIAVO-CAMPO S & SINGER HW - Perspectives of economic development
9843: HYATT J P - Bible in modern scholarship: papers read at 100th Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature Dec 1964
3896: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL - With seven hymns written by Revd Mary Baker Eddy
9851: HYMNAL - Companion to the BCP: with accompanying tunes ed C Vincent, DJ Wood assisted by J Stainer
3897: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL - With seven hymns written by Revd Mary Baker Eddy
82532: HYMNS - Ancient and modern: hymns and songs for refreshing worship - 4 copies of the words edition (UK postage £3)
24059: HYMNS - Hymns for today's church: words only 592 hymns + 30 song supplement, indices
32166: HYMNS - Traditional hymns - richly illustrated in the manner of an ancient psalter, medieval gold and coloured illuminations (100 familiar hymns in Anglican, Episcopal & Catholic traditions, with words, tunes & four-part harmonies)
26279: HYMNS - Hymns Ancient and Modern: for use in the services of the church with accompanying tunes (standard edition)
24628: HYMNS - Hymns and Psalms full music - pulpit edition
55414: HYMNS - Bristol tune book: a manual of tunes and chants
9852: HYMNS - Hymns Ancient and Modern Revised transposed tune book tunes transposed into a lower key suitable for Unison singing [heavy book, please check postage before ordering]
52587: HYMNS - Power praise 3: updated edition - a collection of the most popular songs and hymns for today's church
57879: HYMNS - Hymns for today's church: full music and words edition 612 hymns, 32 Songs + lxxxi ppages of indices
51218: HYMNS - Worship songs: ancient and modern
49188: HYMNS - New hymns and worship songs (words only): a supplementary collection
9854: HYMNS - Hymns Ancient and Modern Revised - Melody edition with words
52109: HYSLOP H et al - Resurrection: historical and true
29922: HYSON P - Beggar to beggar: evangelism and the theology of conversion (GEv1)
60638: BARCLAY William & REID Iain - ARGUING ABOUT CHRISTIANITY: seven discussions
52344: IBBS S - Church computing: taking the next step
58045: WITHERINGTON B III & ICE L M - Shadow of the almighty: Father Son and Spirit in biblical perspective
9866: IDEAL - IDEAL COMMONWEALTHS Plutarch's Lycurgus, More's Utopia, Bacon's New Atlantis, Campanella's City of the Sun and a fragment of Hall's Mundus Alter et Idem
41994: IDESTROM R G S - From Biblical theology to Biblical criticism: Old Testament scholarsip at Uppsala University 1866-1922 [Coniectanea Biblica, Old Testament Series 47]
23340: IDORN G M - Concrete progress from antiquity to third millenium
61714: IGNATIUS - Epistles of St Ignatius: English translation (Texts for students, No. 10A)
26164: MBAKU J M & IHONVBERE J O - Multiparty democracy and political change: constraints to democratization in Africa
55317: IHSSEN B L - They who give from evil: the response of the Eastern Church to moneylending in the Early Church Era
71652: VENITE ADOREMUS II - VENITE ADOREMUS II: prayers and services for students
20833: WICKERSHAM G II - How can you believe?: for those who seek
58437: PIUS II - Memoirs of a Renaissance Pope: the commentaries of Pius II an abridgement translated by Florence A Cragg, edited by Leona C Gabel
35558: JOHN PAUL II [Beyer] - John Paul II speaks to religious, Book IV: principal messages and allocutions from January 1985 to November 1986
35327: JOHN PAUL II - Idea of movement: three speeches of Pope John Paul II to Communion and Liberation [A supplement to '30 days' - September 1989]
82118: LONGMAN T III - Literary approaches to Biblical Interpretation (Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation Vol 3)
39952: WITHERINGTON B III - Gospel code: novel claims about Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Da Vinci
43762: ROLSTON H III - Genes Genesis and God: values and their origins in natural and human history (Gifford lectures 1997-1998)
53817: SHENOUDA III H H P - Life of faith
53816: SHENOUDA III H H P - One hundred words of spiritual benefit (Volume One)
53818: SHENOUDA III H H P - Divinity of Christ
22149: WITHERINGTON B III - Paul's narrative thought world: the tapestry of tragedy and triumph
43345: WITHERINGTON B III - Jesus the Seer: the progress of prophecy
82969: HURLBUTT R H III - Hume, Newton and the design argument
80922: WITHERINGTON B III - Women in the earliest churches (Society for New Testament Studies: monograph series 58)
60716: LONGMAN T III - How to read the Psalms
74358: HUNTER G G III - How to reach secular people
57632: LONGMAN T III - Book of Ecclesiastes (New International commentary on the Old Testament)
44258: KOHLENBERGER J R III - NIV Nave's Topical Bible
64230: WITHERINGTON B III et al - New Proclamation: Year B 2003: Easter through Pentecost (essential lectionary preaching aid in a reader-friendly format)
17867: SMITH E P & IKIN A G - Morality old & new rev ed of 'Sex problems & personal relationships'
9879: IKIN A G - New concepts of healing: medical psychological and religious
9880: IKIN A G - Religion and pschotherapy: a plea for co-operation
9878: IKIN A G - Great Awakening: glimpses of hope
57731: BAR-ILAN M - Some Jewish women in antiquity
9882: ILES R H - Gospel imperative in the midst of Aids: towards a prophetic pastoral theology
36691: ILES P - Waking with praise: meditations and prayers for Holy Week, Easter and the Great Fifty Days
66220: ILIFF F - Salam Alekum!: understanding Muslim Culture
39036: PERRY M & ILIFF D - Psalms for today and Songs from the psalms: combined words edition
54348: ILLINGWORTH J R - Life and work of John Richardson Illingworth
9890: ILLINGWORTH J R - Personality human and divine (Bampton lectures 1894)
9886: ILLINGWORTH J R - Christian character being some lectures on the elements of Christian ethics
25887: TAYLOR T & IMAI R - Defence trade: demand, supply and control: Vol 3 of Security challenges for Japan and Europe in a post-Cold War world
40395: IMBERT J - Est-ce Pilate qui a condamné N.S.J.C?: a paraitre dans le memorial du cinquantenaire de la Faculté de Droit Canonique de Paris
66225: IMBIORSKI W J - Basic Cana manual [Cana Conference of Chicago]
57712: IMSCHOOT P van - Theologie de l'ancien testament (2 volumes): Tome I Dieu; Tome II L'homme (Bibliotheque de Theologie Serie III)
56415: INCE R - Dictionary of religion and religions: including theological and ecc;esiastical terms
53405: INCH M A - Understanding Bible prophecy
5695: DICTIONARY-INDEX - guide to selected Christian topics (New library of Catholic knowledge vol 12)
4335: CHURCH OF NORTH INDIA - Transfer of vision: a leadership development programme 1984-86
4329: CHURCH OF INDIA - Heritage of the Indian Christian by a member of the Church: the story of the Christian Church and the relation to it of the Church of India
9906: INFALLIBILITY - Infallibility in the Church: an Anglican-Catholic dialogue by MD Goulder, A Farrer, R Murray, JC Dickinson, CS Dessain
9911: INGE W R - Church and the Age
9910: INGE W R - Christian ethics and modern problems
59378: INGE W R - Social teaching of the church (Social Service Lecture 1930)
9935: INGE W R - Story of Paula (reprinted from ""Personal religion & the life of devotion"")
9931: INGE W R - Rustic Moralist
9934: INGE W R - Speculum Animae: four devotional addresses given in the Chapel of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, Jan 14/15 1911
9915: INGE W R - Diary of a Dean: St Pauls 1911 - 1934
28160: INGHAM R - Ski whizz (a comedy)
9940: INGLE G - Lord's Creed
22874: INGLESON R - Chicken Island
58598: INGLIS T, MACH Z & MAZANEK R - Religion and politics: East-West contrasts from contemporary Europe
9942: INGLIS B - Paranormal: an encyclopedia of psychic phenomena
9944: INGRAHAM J H - Throne of David: from the consecration of the Shepherd of Bethlehem to the Rebellion of Prince Absalom
53220: INGRAM P O - Passing over and returning: a pluralist theology of religions
21182: WINNINGTON-INGRAM A F - Messengers, watchmen, and stewards: being three addresses delivered delivered to clergy at Loughton, in September 1895
35286: WINNINGTON-INGRAM A J - Hereford and the English bible: local contributions to its translation, 1384-1611 (reprinted from the Woolthope Club Trandsactions Vol XXXVI)
21181: WINNINGTON-INGRAM A F - Fifty Years' Work in London 1889-1939 (Bishop of London)
39121: WINNINGTON-INGRAM A F - Love of the trinity
49109: INGRAM K - John Keble
9951: INNES K E - Bible as literature
33461: MITCHELL-INNES J - God's special people: ministry with the 'handicapped' (GP62)
9953: INSIGHT J - Country Parson
26522: INTERNATIONAL MEDIEVAL INST - International medieval bibliography Volume 32 Part 2 July - December 1998
48557: JAPANESE BIBLICAL INSTITUTE - Annual of the Japanese Biblical Institute Volume VI 1980 (in German)
47118: ROYAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE - Archaeological Journal (Vols CXV -CXIX, CXXII - CXXIV, CXXVI - CXXVII covering 1958 - 1970)
17948: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE - Scrolls from the Wilderness of the Dead Sea
25215: ROYAL INSTITUTION OF - CHARTERED SURVEYORS Regional Directory 1999: West
32182: BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION - Quality management handbook part 2: Volume I - reliability (formerly Handbook 22)
306: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL - Prisoners of conscience in the USSR: their treatment & conditions
51698: INTERPRETERS - Interpreter's Bible: complete 12 volume set [AVAILABLE TO UK ONLY WEIGHT 26 KG POSTAGE £15]
51726: INTERPRETERS - Interpreter's Bible: Volumes 1-6 Old Testament
59515: INTERPRETERS - Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible: an illustrated encyclopedia - SUPPLEMENTARY VOLUME ONLY
56989: INTERPRETERS - Interpreter's Bible Volume 3: First and Second Book of Kings, First and Second Book of Chronicles, Book of Exra, Book of Nehemiah, Book of Esther, Book of Job
56991: INTERPRETERS - Interpreter's Bible Volume 2: Book of Leviticus, Book of Numbers, Book of Deuteronomy, Book of Joshua, Book of Judges, Book of Ruth, First and Second Books of Samuel
56992: INTERPRETERS - Interpreter's Bible Volume 1: General articles on the Bible, general articles on the Old Testament, Bookf of Genesis, Books of Exodus
56994: INTERPRETERS - Interpreter's Bible Volume 6: Books of Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
56995: INTERPRETERS - Interpreter's Bible Volume 7: Books of Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
10001: INTERPRETERS - Interpreter's Bible: complete 12 volume set [AVAILABLE TO UK ONLY weight 26 kg postage £15]
40399: ATTI DEL SEMINARIO INVERNALE - In Principio: Prato, Villa san Leonardo al Palco 23-26 gennaio 1986
28621: NATIONWIDE INVESTIGATIONS - GROUP Process servers guide 2000: includes Woolf Reforms
33380: INWOOD R - Biblical perspectives on counselling (GP1)
10003: IONA - Book of photographs
57981: IQBAL M - Islam and science (Ashgate Science and Religion Series)
52102: BISE G & IRBICH E - Illuminated Naples Bible (Old Testament) 14th Century Manuscript [Austrian National Library, Ms.1191]
10010: IREMONGER F A - Way to God: broadcast talks
83518: IRENAEUS - Treatise of Irenaeus of Lugdunum against the heresies: translation of the principal passages, with notes and arguments by F R M Hitchcock complete in 2 vols (Early Church Classics)
83355: IRENAEUS, Saint, Bishop of Lyon [SPARKS] - St. Irenaios The Preaching of the Apostles (Fathers of the church)
10013: IRESON G W - How shall they hear?: principles and practice of present day preaching
59375: IRIGARAY L - Elemental passions
80559: IRONS J - Jazer: assistance for the weak in faith addressed to young Christians
11888: IRVIN, D T & SUNQUIST S W - History of the World Christian Movement Volume I: Earliest Christianity to 1453
39205: IRVINE C - Making present: the practice of Catholic life and liturgy (Affirming Catholicism)
10017: IRVINE C - Worship church and society: an exposition of the work of Arthur Gabriel Hebert
10018: IRVINE G et al - Christianity in its Social Context (TC 8)
53404: IRVINE C - Use of symbols in worship (Alcuin Liturgy Guides)
82908: HAYES J H & IRVINE S A - Isaiah the eighth-century prophet: his times and his preaching
38871: IRVINE C - Anglican liturgical identity: papers from the Prague meeting of the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation (Joint Liturgical Studies 65)
45375: DAWTRY A & IRVINE C - Art and worship [Alcuin liturgy guides 2]
23015: IRVING R - Law is an ass
48531: IRVING H - Drama addresses
10020: IRWIN A C - Eros toward the world: Paul Tillich and the theology of the erotic
66262: ISAACSON B - Dictionary of the Jewish religion: a unique illustrated compendium of Jewish life, history and tradition
74653: ZACHERT Christel & Isabell - WE WILL MEET AGAIN IN PARADISE: one family's remarkable struggle with death and life
44068: ISARD W - Commonalities in Art Science and Religion: an evolutionary perspective
56115: ISHPRIYAJI S - Kalkalnadini: the singing of the stream
56116: ISHPRIYAJI S - In a flash of vision
66142: HUSEYN HILMI ISIK - Religion reformers in Islam
35859: ISLAM S - Exploring the other half: field research with rural women in Bangladesh
51015: ISLAM - Why Islam
66266: ISLER B - I'm still here, Lord!: [Poems]
27153: ISON D - Exeter (pilgrim guide)
10044: ISRAEL M - Power of the Spirit in everyday living: three lectures delivered in the Chapter House of Guildford Cathedral by permission of the Dean and Chapter
25084: HODKINSON P & ISSITT M - Challenge of competence: professionalism through vocational education and training
43561: MORELAND J P & ISSLER K - In search of a confident faith: overcoming barriers to trusting in God
24934: BURNING ISSUES - Burning issues (first series) Nos 1-4 1. Prolongation of life 2. Violence 3. Divorce 4. Television standards
58471: IVES A G - Kingswood School in Wesley's day and since
48120: IVES C - Eleven songs and two harmonisation [ed John Kirkpatrick]
52992: IVES E W - Anne Boleyn
48118: IVES C - Thirty-four songs (New music edition)
35551: IVES M - Women of the Passion: the women of the New Testament tell their stories
28570: IVIMY J - Psycho-electrics: a theory offering rational explanations for paranormal phenomena
67419: LESBAUPIN Ivo - BLESSED ARE THE PERSECUTED: the Early Church under siege
43701: IVORY L D - Rhythm of Discipleship
25421: IWOBI A - Essential trusts
29547: SMALLWOOD JA et al - European surgical research: clinical and experimental surgery 31st Congress of ESSR 1-3 April 1996 Southampton England
54304: JACK B - Woman reader
35042: JACK J W - Samaria in Ahab's time: Harvard excavations and their results, with chapters on the political and religious situation
59536: ROYAL GREEN JACKETS - Royal Green Jackets chronicle 1983: an annual record (Volume 18 January to December 1983)
59526: ROYAL GREEN JACKETS - Royal Green Jackets chronicle 1968: an annual record (Volume 3 January to December 1968)
59527: ROYAL GREEN JACKETS - Royal Green Jackets chronicle 1969: an annual record (Volume 4 January to December 1969)
10058: JACKS L P - Constructive Citizenship
47273: JACKS L P - Hibbert Journal Vol II No 3 April 1904
6979: FOAKES-JACKSON F J - Faith and the War: a series of essays by members of the Churchmen's Union and others on the religious difficulities aroused by the present condition of the world
56444: JACKSON B S - Studies in the semiotics of Biblical law (JSOT Supplement Series 314)
59374: JACKSON G - Collier of Manchester: a friend's tribute
6980: FOAKES-JACKSON F J - History of the Christian Church from Earliest Times to 461
66297: JACKSON G - Promised end: a century of observation on the philosophy and pattern of story, and the parables of Jesus
6973: FOAKES-JACKSON F J - Josephus and the Jews: the religion and history of the Jews as explained by Flavius Josephus
23277: ROBARDS K HADDAD P R & JACKSON - Principles and practice of modern chromatographic methods
81689: JACKSON E M - Red tape and the gospel: a study of the significance of the ecumenical missionary struggle of William Paton (1886-1943) [published for the Paton family by Phlogiston Publishing in association with The Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham]
33064: HUMBLE-JACKSON S - Testament: the animated bible: stories from the Old Testament [companion to the BBC and S4C TV series]
33387: JACKSON B - Government economic policy and concern for my neighbour (GP12)
41657: JACKSON T - Works in 12 vols: sometime President of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and Dean of Peterborough a new edition in twelve [matching] volumes with a copious index (heavy set please ask for postage cost before ordering)
6975: FOAKES-JACKSON F J - Acts of the Apostles (Moffat New Testament Commentary)
37652: FOAKES-JACKSON F J - St Luke and a modern writer: a study in criticism. A praelection delivered before the Council of the Senate
44937: JACKSON T - Stories about animals
24009: JACKSON H L - Problem of the fourth gospel
40441: JACOB E - Tradition historique en Israel: revue publiee par la Faculte libre de Theologie Protestante de Montpellier (Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses)
35824: JACOB E F - Essays in the Conciliar Epoch
10072: JACOB E - Theology of the Old Testament
10075: JACOB W U - Three Hours' Devotion: meditation on the Seven Words from the Cross
57355: JACOB E - Divine society or the Church's care of large populations: six lectures on pastoral theology delivered in the Divinity School, Cambridge May term 1890
52355: JACOB G A - Ecclesiastical polity of the new testament: a study for the present crisis of the Church of England
50087: JACOBS L - Jewish law (Chain of tradition series volume 1)
50731: JACOBSON A D - The First Gospel: an introduction to Q (Foundations and facets reference series)
28348: LYONS T P & JACQUES K A - Biotechnology in the feed industry: proceedings of Alltech's Thirteenth Annual Symposium
45563: JAEGER O [JAGER O] - Otto Jaeger Bildnisse: sonderausstellung Februar bis Marz 1948 Stadt und Bergbaumuseum
66323: JAEGER L - Stand on Ecumenism: the council's decree
49170: JAEGER W - Paideia: the ideals of Greek culture in 3 volumes translated from 2nd German edition by Gilbert Highet
81685: JAEGER W - Theology of the early Greek Philosophers (Gifford Lectures 1936)
46156: JAFFE B, COOK W R & JAFFE H - Piezoelectric ceramics: Non-metallic solids: a series of monographs No 3
10092: JAGGER P J - Christian Initiation 1552-1969: rites of Baptism and Confirmation since the reformation period
10093: JAGGER P J - Clouded witness: initiation in the C of E in the Mid-Victorian Period 1850-1875
15031: JALABERT D - L'art Normand au moyen age (a travers l'art francais)
65396: HASTINGS James - SPEAKER'S BIBLE: The Acts of the Apostles, Volume 2
43629: JAMES S - Pawn: a bowers files
10122: JAMES E O - Marriage and society
10131: JAMES H - Lord Beaupre, The visits, The Wheel of time & other tales
32754: SCOTT-JAMES R A - Lytton Strachey (Writers and their work: No 65)
31055: JAMES P D - Death in Holy Orders
80131: JAMES E O - Comparative religion: an introduction and historical study
80130: JAMES H - Turn of the screw: the Aspern papers and other stories
82821: JAMES H [EDEL L] - Letters, volume 1 - 1843-1875
10116: JAMES E O - Christianity and other religions (Knowing Christianity)
60945: BENTLEY James - CRY GOD FOR ENGLAND: the survival and mission of the British Churches
10107: JAMES E - Odd man out? the shape of the ministry today
28059: JAMES D - Medicine (teacher's book) English for academic purposes series
28097: JAMES D - Medicine: teacher's book (English for academic purposes series)
10145: JAMES W - Temples and faiths
10133: JAMES L - Songs of Zion: a new approach to the psalms in the prayer book wording arranged in groups with other lyrics of the Old Testament
10126: JAMES E O - Origins of religion
10130: JAMES F - Personalities of the Old Testament
10121: JAMES E O - Jerusalem: a history
10114: JAMES E O - Christian faith in the modern world study in scientific theology
61062: BLACK James - NEW FORMS OF THE OLD FAITH being the Baird Lecture delivered in 1946-47 under the title 'Extra-church systems'
24559: JAMES E - Collected thoughts: fifty scripts for BBC's 'Thought for the day' between March 1988 and September 1990 and one script that was censored and not delivered
44597: JAMES E - House of my friends: memories and reflections
10117: JAMES E O - Comparative religion: introductory & historical study
65397: HASTINGS James - SPEAKER'S BIBLE: The Acts of the Apostles, Volume 1
25521: JAMES M A - Michael: the story of a young Christian musician
66338: JAMES J C - Hebrew and English: some likenesses, psychic and linguistic
25213: JAMES D - Managing people in organizations: applying modern management theory to the financial services
36590: JAMES G - At the centre yet on the margins: a paper delivered by The Rt Revd Graham James, Bishop of Norwich at the Bishop's Day for the Clergy and Licensed Lay Workers on Wednesday March 7th 2001, with three responses
49241: JAMES H - Tragic Muse
81687: JAMES E - A last eccentric: a symposium concerning The Reverend Canon F A Simpson Historian, Preacher and Eccentric
48853: JAMES S - Worship Book (The Mothers' Union)
47631: JAMES P D - Proie pour l'ombre
82366: EDWARDS James R - Gospel according to Mark (Pillar New Testament Commentary)
47145: JAMES M - Society politics and culture: studies in early modern England
45590: JAMES H - Little tour in France
61064: BLACK James A - OLD TESTAMENT: God's word to His people
34105: JAMES P - Liturgical presidency (Alcuin/Grow Liturgical Study 24)
65398: HASTINGS James - SPEAKER'S BIBLE: the First and Second Epistles of St Peter, the Epistle of St Jude
10148: JAMESON R & F - Christian doctor in the house
10147: JAMESON Mrs (Anna) - Legends of the Madonna: as represented in the fine arts illustrated by eychings and woodcuts
52500: JAMESON - Legends of the monastic orders: as represented in the fine arts
81669: JAMIESON B - Constitution to destroy Europe: the EU constitution briefing paper number 2
30186: JAMIESON I - German wines
58934: JAMIESON R - Critical and explanatory pocket Bible (4 volume set): the Holy Bible accordign to the authorised version with original and selected parallel references and marginal readings and an original and copious critical and explanatory commentary
55207: JAMIESON R, FAUSSET A R & BROWN D - Commentary critical and explanatory on the Old and New Testaments volumes I & II bound as one volume
39107: JAMIESON J - Dictionary of the Scottish language in which the words are explained in their different senses... abridged from the dictionary & supplement...
54467: JAMISON - Finding sanctuary: monastic steps for everyday life
22929: JANDAMIT H - Path to peace within: a guide to insight meditation
57260: JANES O - Lord's my shepherd: hymn anthem based on Crimond arranged for SATB by Oliver janes
80487: JANEWAY J - Heaven upon earth or Jesus the best friend of man
57016: JANICIJEVIC J - Serbia: between the east and west
83516: JANIN R - Separated Eastern Churches
33691: JANITCH V - Storybook dolls [with diagrams for pattern making] with photographs by Rob Matheson
69094: MURK-JANSEN S - Brides in the desert: the spirituality of the Beguines
42007: JANSSEN E - Juda in der Exilsziet: ein beitrag zur frage der Entstehung des Judentums
29073: LUDEMANN G & JANSSEN M - Suppressed prayers: Gnostic spirituality in early Christianity
5723: JANZ D - Reformation Reader primary Texts with Introductions
43471: JANZ P D - Command of grace: a new theological apologetics
44475: JAPHET S - I & II Chronicles: a commentary (Old Testament Library)
81700: JARICK J - Gregory Thaumaturgos' paraphrase of Ecclesiastes (Septuagint and Cognate Studies Series number 29)
27434: GIBSON-JARVIE R - City of London: a financial and commercial history
27168: JARVIE G - Scottish short stories
10166: JARVIS A F - Charles Baring Young of Daylesford 1850-1928: his life and work
66360: JARVIS P G - Come to terms
41796: JARVIS J - Place: setting the scene for worship (God's people at worship)
82275: GARDNER Jason - Mend the gap: can the Church reconnect the generations?
10172: JASPER R C D - George Bell: Bishop of Chichester
55344: JASPER R C D - Eucharist today: studies on Series 3
10424: JASPER R C D - Renewal of worship: essays by members of the Joint Liturgical Group edited by R C D Jasper
10182: JASPERS T - Thank God: prayers for teenagers
29595: JASPERT B - Rudolf Bultmanns werk und wirkung
49775: JAUNCEY J H - Science returns to God
56751: JAY W - Domestic minister's assistant or prayers for the use of families
42527: JAY E G - Church: its changing image through twenty centuries in 2 volumes
80480: JAY W - Works of William Jay (Volume VI): the Christian contemplated in a course of lectures
10185: JAY E G - Christ died for us (Little books on religion 220)
27207: PRIESTLEY JB - Victoria's heyday
55092: JEACOCK R - Christmas legends
56750: JEAFFRESON J C - Book about the clergy (Volume II only)
38013: JEAFFRESON J C - Annals of Oxford, in two volumes
10190: JEAL T - Livingstone
81699: JEANROND W G - Theological hermeneutics: development and significance
10193: JEANS J - New Background of Science
10194: JEANS J - Stars in their courses
57722: JEANSONNE S P - Women of Genesis: from Sarah to Potiphar's wife
37439: JEBB J - Thirty years' correspondence between John Jebb and Alexander Knox, in two volumes
49267: JEDLICKA G - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
82458: MCMAHAN Jeff - Ethics of killing: problems at the margins of life
29133: JEFFERS I R - I'd like to tell you: more friendly talks
10200: JEFFERSON H A L - Hymns in Christian worship
10201: JEFFERY G - Barnabas
10202: JEFFERY G - Handle with Prayer: a church cleaner's notebook
82767: JEFFNER A - Study of religious language (Library of philosophy and theology)
61780: BURNS Jeffrey M - DISTURBING THE PEACE: a history of the Christian Family Movement, 1949-1974
28091: JELASSI T - Competing through information technology: strategy and implementation (European Casebook )
81698: JELLICOE S - Septuagint and modern study
10224: JENKINS D E - God Jesus and life in the spirit
10225: JENKINS D E - God, miracle and the Church of England
81670: JENKINS C - Ecclesiastical records (Helps for students of history No 18)
80127: JENKINS T A - Chanson de Roland (Oxford Version)
30657: JENKINS G - Byzantine mass
10241: JENKINS R - What the churches can do about Human rights
10236: JENKINS D T - Educated society
10215: JENKINS C - Episcopacy ancient & modern
10217: JENKINS D - Gift of Ministry
66414: JENKINS G - Last Judge: the story of Samuel
10242: JENKINS S - Bible Mapbook
10220: JENKINS D - Parson at work: practical points of Pastoralia
33122: JENKINS C - Frederick Denison Maurice and the New Reformation (Maurice lectures 1938)
39817: FLOOD R G & JENKINS J B - Teaching the word, reaching the world
46320: JENKINS E - Elizabeth the Great
10243: JENKINSON E J - Unwritten sayings of Jesus
23257: HELM D & JENKINSON T - Competiton in regulated industries
60650: JENKS D - Six great missionaries: of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
10250: JENNINGS P - Living village: a report on rural life in England and Wales based on actual village scrapbooks
81697: JENNINGS E - Picture talk: spirit, symbols and science
38974: JENNINGS A C - Ecclesia Anglicana: a history of the Church of Christ in England from the earliest to the present times
34898: JENNINGS A C - Mediaeval church and the Papacy (Handbooks of English Church History)
10252: JENNISON G - Noah's Cargo: some curious chapters of natural history
1028: JENSEN P - Revelation of God (Contours of Christian theology)
58438: JENSON R W - Ezekiel (SCM theological commentary on the Bible)
32352: BRAATEN C E & JENSON R W - Marks of the body of Christ
53214: JEON Y H - Impeccable Solomon?: a study of Solomon's faults in Chronicles
81035: JEON P S - 1 Timothy: a charge to God's missional household
81036: JEON P S - 1 Timothy: a charge to God's missional household
81037: JEON P S - 1 Timothy: a charge to God's missional household
40639: JEPSEN A - Wissenschaft vom Alten Testament
10262: JEREMIAS J - Jesus' promise to the nations: the Franz Delitzsch lectures for 1953 (SBT 24)
82162: JEREMIAS J - Parables of Jesus
45454: JEREMIAS J - Parables of Jesus
50718: JEREMIAS J - Sprache des Lukasevangeliums (Meyers Kritisch-Exegetischer Kommentar)
10270: JEREMIAS J - Sermon on the Mount (Ethel M Wood lecture 1961)
10264: JEREMIAS J - New Testament Theology Vol l: proclamation of Jesus (NTL Study ed) (vol 2 never published)
82550: JEREMIAS J - Prayers of Jesus (SBT2/6)
50717: JEREMIAS A - Babylonisches im Neuen Testament
81696: JEREMIAS J - Central message of the New Testament
50759: JEREMIAS J - Jerusalem in the time of Jesus: an investigation into economic and social conditions during the New Testament period
32424: JEREMIAS J - New Testament Theology Vol l: proclamation of Jesus (NTL) (vol 2 never published)
51655: TAYLOR Jeremy - Ductor dubitantium or the rule of conscience in all her generall measures; serving as a great instrument for the determination of cases of conscience in four books (small folio)
52365: TAYLOR Jeremy - Holy living and dying with prayers containing the whole duty of a Christian: and the parts of devotion fitted to all occasions and furnished for all necessities
74633: YOUNG Jeremy - COST OF UNCERTAINTY: how religious conviction betrays the human psyche
52690: TAYLOR Jeremy - Whole works of the Right Rev Jeremy Taylor with a life of the author and a critical examination of his writings by the Right Rev Reginald Heber in 15 vols:
10272: JEREZ C - Church and the Nicaraguan revolution (CIIR Justice papers No 5)
10273: JEROME F T H - Catholic Plea for Reunion
55426: JERROLD W - Shakespeare-land
80125: JERROLD M F - Italy in the renaissance: a sketch of Italian life and civilization in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries
10276: JERSILD P - Making Moral Decisions: a christian approach to personal and social ethics
83342: SOURCES VIVES La revue des Fraternites Monastiques de Jerusalem - no 126 - Fevrier 2006: Le silence [together with] Nouvelles de la communion de Jerusalem 46pp colour supplement
83343: SOURCES VIVES La revue des Fraternites Monastiques de Jerusalem - no 121 - Avril 2005: Prier les Psaumes [together with] Nouvelles de la communion de Jerusalem 34pp colour supplement
10280: JERVIS W H - Gallican Church and the Revolution: a sequel to the 'History of the Church of France from the concordat of Bologna A.D.1516 to the revolution'
10281: JERVIS W H - History of the Church of France: from the concordat of Bologna A.D.1516 to the revolution (in 2 vols)
39672: JESSEL C - Anthology of inner silence
10294: JESSOP T E - Why religion?
10288: JESSOP T E - Ideals and realities
10293: JESSOP T E - Social ethics: Christian and natural
10284: JESSOP T E - Christian Institutions (Christian Faith and Action vol IV)
10286: JESSOP T E - Effective religion
10287: JESSOP T E - Evangelism & education: the presentation of religion to adults
10283: JESSOP T E - Christian Faith (Christian Faith and Action vol III)
33535: JESSOP T E - Christian morality
10296: JESSOPP A - Coming of the Friars
55696: JESSUP F W - History of Kent
54704: SAINT LOUIS JESUITS - Songs of the Saint Louis Jesuits: comprehensive edition (melody only)
80807: MARGARET OF JESUS Sr - Heralding Christ: the spirit of modern cathechesis
42530: JEURISSEN R - Peace and religion: an empirical-theology study of the motivational effect of religious peace attitudes on peace action
10302: JEVONS F B - Idea of God in early religions: (Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature)
10301: JEVONS F B - Idea of God in early ages: (Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature)
51150: JEWELL D H - Escaping the devil's bedroom
66453: JEWELL H M - English local administration in the Middle Ages
49391: JEWERS A J - Wells cathedral: its monumental inscriptions and heraldry together with the heraldry of the palace, deanery and vicar's close with annotations from wills, registers etc., and illustrations of arms
10311: JEWS - Authorised Prayer Book of the Hebrew Congregations of the British Commonwealth of Nations with a new trans by the late Rev S Singer
67431: JEWS [LEVY I] - Morning services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur for young children arranged for young children
56096: PURVES Jim - Triune God and the Charismatic movement: a critical appraisal of Trinitarian theology and charismatic experience from a Scottish perspective
65795: HOLLAND Jim - MODERN LITURGY: planning guide
23704: PINSON L & JINNETT J - Business plans for small companies
40458: JIRKU A - Ausgrabungen in Palastina und Syrien
58613: JIRKU A - Die welt der Bibel: funf jahrtausende in Palestina-Syrien
61559: BROTHERS Joan - RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS (Aspects of modern sociology: the social structure of modern Britain)
61189: BOGLE Joanna - CELEBRATING OUR HERITAGE: a journey through Christian England
61190: BOGLE Joanna - FAMILIES FOR TOMORROW: papers from the XVIth International Congress for the family
51722: GERHARDI B Joannis - Commentarius super posteriorem D. Petri Epistolam: in quo textus declaratur, quaestiones dubiae solvuntur, observationes eruuntur & loca in speciem pugnantia conciliantur opera et studio [bound with] Commentarius super Epistolam Ad Ebraeos...
51451: GERHARDI B Joannis - Commentarius super priorem D. Petri Epistolam : in quo textus declaratur, quaestiones dubiae solvuntur, observationes eruuntur et loca in speciem pugnantia conciliantur
57174: JOBE J - Ecce homo: the Christ of all the world
27889: FEDDEN R & JOEKES R - National Trust guide
43527: JOHN J - Happiness secret: finding true contentment
72338: ST JOHN H - Essays in Christian unity
61134: BLIGH John - OUR DIVINE MASTER (Scripture for meditation: 3)
61135: BLIGH John - SIGN OF THE CROSS: the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus according to St John
57207: CHRYSOSTOM John - Homilies of S John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople on the Statues, or To the people of Antioch translated with notes and indices (Library of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church)
60930: BENNETT John C - RADICAL IMPERATIVE: from theology to social ethics
61520: JOHN, Bro of Taizé - Way of the Lord: a New Testament Pilgrimage
59191: CHRYSOSTOM John - Homilies of S John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople on the First Epistle of St Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians Part I Hom. I-XXIV translated with notes and indices (Library of the Fathers...)
57195: CHRYSOSTOM John - Homilies of S John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople on the Epistles of St Paul the Apostle to Timothy, Titus and Philemon translated with notes and indices (Library of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church)
56981: JOHN J - Permanent, faithful, stable: Christian same-sex partnerships [Affirming Catholicism]
57187: CHRYSOSTOM John - Homilies of S John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople on the First Epistle of St Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians Part I Hom. I-XXIV, Part II Hom. XXV-XLIV, translated with notes and indices (Library of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church)
25902: ST JOHN M J - Advertising and the promotion industry (Professional Reading Skills)
58944: CHRYSOSTOM John - Homilies of S John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople on Epistles of St Paul the Apostle to the Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians translated with notes and indices (Library of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church)
61127: BLIGH John - INFANCY NARRATIVES (Scripture for meditation 1)
57190: CHRYSOSTOM John - Homilies of S John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople on the Second Epistle of St Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians translated with notes and indices (Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church)
54799: JOHN PAUL II, Pope - Pope Teaches including speeches made in the United States of America
63659: EPPSTEIN John - DOES GOD SAY KILL? investigation of the justice of current fighting in Africa
58838: CHRYSOSTOM John - Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians (Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church Volume XII)
3762: JOHN CHARLES, Bro - One Mans Journey
61477: BROADHURST John - QUO VADITIS: the State Churches of Northern Europe
44562: KILNER John F - Dignity and dying: Christian appraisal
80972: JOHN OF TAIZE, Brother - Life on the edge: Holy Saturday and the recovery of the End Time
49712: JOHN J - At Christmas time
12742: GURNEY Joseph John - Letter to a friend on the authority purpose and effects of Christianity and especially on the Doctrine of Redemption
82213: LAIRD John - No mere chance
80804: MARKUS R & JOHN E - Papacy and hierarchy
57192: CHRYSOSTOM John - Homilies of S John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople on the Gospel of John Part I Hom. I-XLI, Part II Hom. XLII-LXXXVIII translated with notes and indices (Library of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church)
32413: JOHN J - Living the mystery: affirming Catholicism and the future of Anglicanism
18013: SOCIETY OF ST JOHN - Evangelist
79: ALLEN John - Spiritual exposition of the Old and New Testament or the Christian's Gospel-treasure wherein each chapter is summed up in its contents and the sacred text inserted at large with notes, spiritual, practical and 2 volumes [Postage on request]
44797: ST JOHN'S ABBEY - Novena to St. Benedict
80052: JOHNSON C - Memling (born about 1458: died 1494): with an introduction and notes by Charles Johnson (The Faber Gallery)
42362: JOHNSON H - Soviet strength: its source and challenge
35886: JOHNSON S K - Talking with God: prayers and activities based on the Lord's Prayer (Pull-out game inside)
66427: JOHNSON M D - New Proclamation: Year C 2000-2001: the essential lectionary preaching aid in a reader-friendly format
42547: JOHNSON A R - Vitality of the individual in the thought of ancient Israel
37996: JOHNSON C - Hugh the Chantor: the history of the Church of York 1066-1127, in English & Latin text on facing pages
44238: JOHNSON W, LEITH J & STROUP G - Reformed reader: a source book in Christian theology, Volume 1: Classical Beginnings 1519 - 1799, Volume 2: Contemporary Trajectories 1799 - Present [2 volume set]
10384: JOHNSON P - Wake Up Britain!: a latter-day pamphlet
10393: JOHNSON S - Theology of the Gospels (Studies in Theology 56)
10395: JOHNSON S E - Jesus in his own times
10378: JOHNSON L T - Writings of the New Testament an interpretation
10372: JOHNSON L - Legends of Israel: essays in interpretation of some famous stories from the O T
10362: JOHNSON A C - Viscount Halifax: a biography (tp signed by author)
10365: JOHNSON A R - One and the many in the Israelite conception of God
17978: SNOW M & JOHNSON M - Conversation on a Friday evening: poems
27704: JOHNSON H - Determining cost of capital: the key to firm value (Corporate Finance Manual) includes decision-support software
82517: JOHNSON L T - Creed: what Christians believe and why it matters
81090: HARKER R D & JOHNSON J B - Rooted and grounded: essays on land and Christian discipleship
82484: JOHNSON A F - 1 Corinthians (IVP New Testament Commentary Series 7)
48916: JOHNSON M D - Making sense of the Bible: literary type as an approach to understanding
80650: JOHNSON L T - 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus (Knox Preaching Guides)
83306: JOHNSON R J A - Jonah (Little books of the kindly light - second series No. 26)
80123: JOHNSON S E - Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Mark (Black's New Testament Commentary)
81667: JOHNSON B C - British Museum legend: the extraordinary death of Henry Symons, sometime Deputy Superintendent of the Reading Room
51153: JOHNSON M D - Apostles' creed: a user's guide
39246: GUNDRY S N & JOHNSON A F - Tensions in contemporary theology
10380: JOHNSON P - History of Christianity
786: JOHNSON M D - Evolution of Christianity: twelve crises that shaped the church
60166: JOHNSON M D - New proclamation: Year A 2002: the essential lectionary preaching aid in a reader-friendly format
59583: JOHNSON D M - Dr Williams's Library London. Catalogue of accessions 1900 - 1950 being a catalogue of books published and added to the library during that period
55089: JOHNSTON W - Christian mysticism today
10417: JOHNSTON W - Wounded Stag
59372: JOHNSTON G - Ephesians Philippians Colossians and Philemon (Century Bible new edition based on the Revised Standard Version)
66513: JOHNSTON O R - Who needs the family: a survey and a Christian assessment
42553: JOHNSTON A - Presbyterians awake: an expatriate looks across the border
48576: JOHNSTON D - Brief history of theology: from the New Testament to feminist theology
81606: JOHNSTON J O - Life and Letters of Henry Parry Liddon: Canon of St Paul's Cathedral, and sometime Ireland professor of Exegesis in the University of Oxford
47617: JOHNSTON M - Gays under grace: a gay christian's response to homosexuality
41854: JOHNSTONE V - Learning to pray with the church
10418: JOHNSTONE W - Exodus (OTG)
58871: JOHNSTONE R - First Epistle of Peter: revised text with introduction and commentary
56016: JOINES S et al - Performance analysis for Java websites
33629: JOLLIFFE G - Christmas already again yet
35907: JONES N - Vestments (Church Needlework 4)
81103: JONES L E - Enjoying historic churches
43522: JONES K - Adam's dream: human longings and the love of God
26159: JONES N - Contemporary stories
57250: JONES P - Glory to God Choir/Organ: for assembly, SATB choir, descant, cantor and organ [St Thomas More Choral Series]
82638: JONES G H - Nathan narratives (JSOTS 80)
45915: LLOYD-JONES D M - Romans: an exposition of chapter 8:5-17: the sons of God
52040: BALLARD P H & JONES D H - This land and people: a symposium on Christian and Welsh National identity
80237: BENCE-JONES M - Catholic families
81683: JONES G - Critical theology: questions of truth and method
50499: JONES C A - Saints of the Prayer Book: outlines of the lives of the saints in the calendar
41952: JONES A - Living the truth
42565: JONES E S - Conversion: what is conversion? how does it happen?
29646: HORROX R & JONES S R - Pragmatic utopias: ideals and communities, 1200-1630
10434: JONES C - Study of Liturgy
30659: JONES A - Thousand years of the English parish: medieval patterns and modern interpretations
30461: JONES D R - Jeremiah based on the RSV (New Century Bible Commentary)
3021: BURTON-JONES J - Caring for carers
29515: JONES R G - Groundwork of worship and preaching
56410: JONES E R - Selected English speeches from Burke to Gladstone
29065: JONES J L - But which bible?
26508: JONES D et al - Guidelines on baptism
24011: JONES D R - Isaiah 56-66 and Joel: introduction and commentary (TBC)
11946: LLEWELLYN-JONES D - People populating
54303: JONES G - Blackwell companion to modern theology
10476: JONES J - Servant
10461: JONES E S - Christian Maturity
10466: JONES G H - 1 and 2 Kings Volume I and Volume II (NCBC)
10467: JONES H - Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher
10469: JONES H K - Towards a Christian understanding of the homosexual
10472: JONES I H - Prayers: to use with young people
10441: JONES C P M - Manual for Holy Week essays by J G Davies, J D Crichton, Basil Minchin, David M Paton et al
10444: JONES D - Outline Sketch of the history of the Jews: in relation to foreign powers & the influence of the Prophets from the disruption of the kingdom to the reign of Herod B.C.930...
10431: JONES A L - Problem of the adolescent
57975: CUNLIFFE-JONES H - Technology community and church
25290: MERRICKS P & JONES P - Management of catering operations: an innovative approach to food and beverage management
24653: JONES A - Passion for pilgrimage: notes for the journey home: meditations on the Easter mystery
55343: JONES O W - Saint Michael's College Llandaff 1892 - 1992
59371: JONES D A - Christianity: an introduction to the Catholic faith
29970: LLOYD-JONES D M - Cross: the vindication of God
54678: JONES C E - Way of the cross for children
6052: DUNCAN-JONES C M - Story of Christendom: in 3 parts bound as one
21892: JONES H - Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher
32429: JONES C - Study of Spirituality
27785: JONES F A - Emergence of gastroenterology: (The Harveian Oration of 1980)
52988: JONES W - Course of lectures on the figurative language of the Holy Scripture and the interpretation of it from the scripture itself delivered in the parish church of Nayland in Suffolk in the year 1786
51438: TUDOR JONES R - Great reformation
5110: CUNLIFFE-JONES - Jeremiah (TBC)
59370: JONES D M - Charles Wesley: a study
82180: JONES F S - Ancient Jewish Christian source on the history of Christianity: Pseudo-Clementine 'Recognitions' 1.27-71 (Society of Biblical Literature Texts and Translations 37/Christian Apocrypha Series 2)
27411: LOCKWOOD A & JONES P - People and the hotel and catering industry
28727: JONES D - Wee guide to the Picts (Pocket Scottish History)
10433: JONES B R - Industrial relations in contemporary society (Arthur Rank lecture 11th June 1975 at Luton Industrial College)
51384: JONES R M - Church the gospel and war
83452: JONES D R - Jeremiah based on the RSV (New Century Bible Commentary)
66552: JONES H D - Brother Mack the frontier preacher
47704: JONES C - African tales for Canterbury
10493: JONES S - Catholic reunion
10496: JONES W S H - Priest and the siren: and other literary studies
80122: JONES F W - Life and living
42563: JONES M - Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians: four lectures
81668: JONES C P M - Christ and Christianity: a study in origins in the light of St Paul (Bampton lectures 1970) edited by Canon Frank Hawkins
43704: JONES M - One God, one plan, one family...: Living the message
80649: JONES D G - Teilhard de Chardin: an analysis and assessment
43285: WATKIN-JONES H - Holy Spirit in the Mediaeval church: a study of Christian teaching concerning the Holy Spirit and his place in the trinity from the post-patristic age to counter-reformation
82182: JONES B A - Formation of the Book of the Twelve: a study in text and canon (Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series Number 149)
82181: JONES B C - Howling over Moab: irony and rhetoric in Isaiah 15-16 (Society of Biblical Literature: Dissertation series Number 157)
10485: JONES R - From Pharoah to Freedom: a drama (to accompany musical)
10436: JONES C - Study of Spirituality
45914: LLOYD-JONES D M - Romans: an exposition of chapter 8:17-39: the final perseverance of the Saints
26643: JONES D G et al - Respect for life: a symposium
58822: DE JONG J A - As the waters cover the sea: millennial expectations in the rise of Anglo-American missions 1640 -1810
47474: VAN GOGH V & JONG C de - Vincent van Gogh paintings and drawing: a selection from the collection of the Vincent van Gogh Foundation
82628: JONGE M de - Outside the Old Testament (Cambridge commentaries on writings of the Jewish and Christian world 200BC to AD200 4)
44531: JONGE M de - God's final envoy: early Christology and Jesus' own view of his mission
48569: JOPLIN B - Next train's gone: comic icons in British cinema 1930 to 1953
41321: JORDAN F - In den Tagen des Tammuz: Altbabylonische Mythen: Mit 18 Abbildungen
11600: LEECH K & JORDAN B - Drugs for young people: their use & misuse
25619: JORDAN T - Cyberpower: the culture and politics of cyberspace and the internet
42567: JORDAN C - Cotton patch version of Paul's epistles
10502: JORGENSEN J - St. Francis of Assisi: a biography
61560: BROUCKER Jose de - SUENENS DOSSIER: the case for collegiality
52287: JOSEPH A - Through the devil's gateway: women religion and taboo
48795: JOSEPH J - Muslim-Christian Relations and Inter-Christian Rivalries in the Middle East: the case of the Jacobites in an age of transition
60815: BAX Josephine - TIME TO REBUILD: a study in the Book of Nehemiah for today's church
42030: JOSEPHUS F - Works: translated by William Whiston
82919: JOSEPHUS F [Marcus] - Works volume VII Jewish Antiquities, Books XII-XIV [volume 7 ONLY of 9 volumes] (Loeb Classical Library with an English translation by Ralph Marcus [Greek/English on facing pages]
10504: JOSEPHUS (Thackeray) - Selections trans by H St J Thackeray (TED-II-Hellenistic-Jewish texts)
10510: JOSEPHUS F (Whiston) - Works of... trans W. Whiston
61610: JOSHUA - Book of Joshua: the revised version edited for the use of schools
28874: JOSHUA A - Maths challenge: graded problems for 9-12 year olds
66591: JOSLIN R - URBAN HARVEST [Biblical perspectives on Christian mission in the inner cities]
64350: GEFFRE C & JOSSUA J-P - True and false universality of Christianity (Concilium 135)
57661: GEFFRE C & JOSSUA J-P - Nietzsche and Christianity (Concilium 145)
10513: JOSSUA J P - Condition of the Witness
56409: JOULIN M - Petite vie de Jean-Marie Vianney, Cure d'Ars
41134: JOURJON M - Ambroise de Milan (Eglise d'hier et d'aujourd'hui)
57459: JOURNAL [NORTH G] - Journal of Christian reconstruction: Vol V, Winter 1978 - 79, No. 2: Symposium on puritanism and law
53156: OTHER JOURNAL - Evil (The other journal): an intersection of theology and culture
10523: JOURNAL - Legal Studies Volume 17 No.3 November 1997 (Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law)
10524: JOURNAL - Linguistic Abstracts Volume 13 No.4 1997
10521: JOURNAL - Journal of Development Studies Vol 33 No.6 August 1997
10520: JOURNAL - Journal of Development Studies Vol 33 No.3 February 1997
69402: JOURNAL [NORTH G] - Journal of Christian reconstruction: Vol 2, Winter 1975, No. 2: Symposium: Biblical law
81051: JOUSSE M - Memory, memorization, and memories: the Galilean oral-style tradition and its traditionists (Biblical performance criticism volume 15)
26183: BON JOVI - Crossroad [words and music for guitar]: authentic transcriptions with notes & tabulature trans by Andy Robyns
10534: JOWETT J H - Passion for souls
37721: JOWETT B - Select passages from the theological writings of Benjamin Jowett edited by Lewis Campbell
10535: JOWITT R L P - Salisbury (British Cities)
35128: JOY E T - English furniture 1800-1851
24131: JOYCE P - Law, order & the judiciary (Access to politics)
10538: JOYCE F W - Diocesan synods: essential to the full organization of the Church, a paper
22862: JOYCE B et al - New structure of school improvement: inquiring schools and achieving students
82314: RUPP Joyce - Praying our Goodbyes (Exploring prayer series)
54818: JUDD A - Ford Madox Ford
58444: JUDD A - Life of Thomas Bekynton: secretary to King Henry VI and Bishop of Bath and Wells 1443 - 1465
83373: ERSKINE A & JUDD D - Imaginative body (Psychodynamic therapy in health care)
47745: JUDE W H - Christian World. Album of sacred songs
47731: JUDE W H - Christian World. Album of sacred and standard compositions for the pianoforte
10547: JUEL D - Luke - Acts
10546: JUEL D - Introduction to the New Testament Literature
54825: JUKES A - Law of the offerings
37718: JULIAN H - Road to Emmaus (Companions for the journey through Lent)
83026: JULIAN J - Dictionary of Hymnology: setting forth the origin and history of Christian hymns of all ages and nations 2 VOLUME SET (unabridged & unaltered reprint of 1907 edition)
10558: JULIAN, of Norwich - Revelations of Divine Love: trans by E Spearing with an introduction and notes by A C Spearing
83419: FRAIGNE-JULIEN B - Les sens spirituels et la vision de Dieu selon Symeon le nouveau theologien (Theologie Historique 67)
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10585: JUNGMANN J A - Early Liturgy to the time of Gregory the Great
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10587: JUNGMANN J A - Public Worship
55086: JUNGMANN J A - Christian prayer through the centuries (Alcuin Club Collections 83)
66615: JUNGMANN J A - EARLY LITURGY to the time of Gregory the Great
41792: JUNIUS [Sir Philip Francis] - Stat nominis umbra in 2 vols
71569: SCHULTZ Hans Jurgen - CONVERSION TO THE WORLD: perspectives for church of tomorrow
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23209: JUSS S S - Judicial discretion and the right to property
37540: JUSTICE B - Different kind of health: finding well-being despite illness (personal inscription but the author on front epp)
29084: COMMISSION ON SOCIAL JUSTICE - Social justice: strategies for national renewal
82316: TOMKINS Justin - Better people or enhanced humans? what it might mean to be fully alive in the context of human enhancement
45692: JUSTINIAN [MOYLE J B] - Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum: libri quattor
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10590: JUVENAL - Thirteen satires of Juvenal
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56745: KAARIAINEN K et al - Religion in Finland: decline change and transformation of Finnish religiosity (Publication 54)
56746: KAARIAINEN K et al - Facing diversity: the Evangelical Lutheran Church from 2004 to 2007 (Publication 60)
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