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8357: GUNNEWEG A H J - Understanding the Old Testament (Old Testament Library)
40284: GUNNING P - Paschal or Lent fast apostolical and perpetual, at first delivered in a sermon Lent, and since enlarged, wherein the judgment of antiquity is laid down with an appendix containing an answer to... the Presbyterians against the fast of Lent (Library of Anglo Catholic Theology)
27232: GUNSTON B - Jane's aerospace dictionary
38213: GUNSTONE J - Take heart: healing prayer for the whole of life
57292: GUNSTONE J - Advent and Christmas
35855: GUNSTONE J - Lord heal me: a personal prayer companion
35531: GUNSTONE J - Liturgy of penance (Studies in Christian Worship 7)
8369: GUNTER B - Media research methods: measuring audiences, reactions and impact
61276: BORNKAMM Gunther - PAUL
8371: GUNTON C E - Yesterday and today: a study of continuities in Christianity
46151: GUNTON C E - God and freedom: essays in historical and systematic theology
45842: GUNTON C E - Promise of Trinitarian theology
80666: GUNTON C E - Theology through the theologians: selected essays 1972 - 1995
45771: GUNTON C E - Promise of Trinitarian theology
44376: GUNTON C E - Actuality of atonement: a study of metaphor, rationality and the christian tradition
8372: GUNTRIP H - Facing life and death: a volume in commemoration of the late Leslie J Tizard
8373: GUNTRIP H - Facing life and death: a volume in commemoration of the late Rev. Leslie J Tizard
8375: GUNTRIP H - Psychology for ministers and social workers
29908: GUPTARA P - Indian spirituality (GS10)
58884: GURLITT W - Johann Sebastian Bach: the master and his work
45783: GURNEY A - Our Catholic inheritance in the larger hope
49474: GURTNER D M et al - Jesus, Matthew's gospel and early Christianity: studies in memory of Graham N Stanton edited by Daniel M Gurtner, Joel Willitts, Richard A Burridge
45782: GURY J P - Compendium theologiae morales (2 vol set)
55025: GUSHEE D P - Evangelical peacemakers: gospel engagement in a war-torn world
55026: GUSHEE D P - In the fray: contesting Christian public ethics 1994-2013
24219: GUSMER C W - Ministry of healing in the Church of England an ecumenical-liturgical study (ACC 56)
38650: GUSMER C - Wholesome worship
8382: GUSMORE C W - Ministry of healing in the Church of England: an ecumenical-liturgical study (Alcuin Club Collections no56)
57551: GUSTAFSON J M - Theology and ethics
32253: GUSTAFSON J M - Can ethics be Christian?
8386: GUSTIN M - Have you met the master?: discovering the person of Jesus
81713: GUTHRIE W K C - Greek Philosophers from Thales to Aristotle (University paperbacks)
65060: GUTHRIE D - Shorter life of Christ
52598: GUTHRIE D - Galatians (New Century Bible Commentary based on the RSV)
37761: GUTHRIE D - Pastoral epistles: an introduction and commentary (TNTC)
8394: GUTIERREZ G - God of life
81715: GUTIERREZ G - On Job: God-talk and the suffering of the innocent
81414: SCHOKEL L A & GUTIERREZ G - Moses: his mission (Biblical meditations)
82674: GUTIERREZ G - We drink from our own wells: spiritual journey of a people
32252: GUTIERREZ G - Sharing the word through the liturgical year
26311: GUTMANN J - Hebrew manuscript painting
22166: GUTMANN D - Psychoanalysis and management: the transformation
56416: GUY H A - Gospel of Mark
81716: GUY H A - Fourth Gospel: an introduction
45778: GUY H A - Earliest Christmas story: how it came to be told
65075: GUY H A - OUR RELIGIONS Hindus, Buddhists, Chinese, Shintoists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs
38045: GUY H A - Origin of the Gospel of Mark
56132: GUZIE T & GUZIE N M - About men and women: how your masculine and feminine archetypes shape your destiny
35503: GUZIE T W - Jesus and the eucharist
24746: GWATKIN H M - Arian Controversy
8417: GWATKIN H M - Selections from early Christian writers: illustrative of Church History to the time of Constantine (Greek & English on facing pages)
65078: GWATKIN H M - Church: past and present: a review of its history
51371: GWYNNE W - Five hundred stories and illustrations: adapted to the Christian year for the use of catechists teachers and preachers
49861: HAAFTEN E van - Refuge for my heart: trusting God even when things go wrong
40428: HAAG E et al - Gewalt und Gewaltlosigkeit im Alten Testament (Quaestiones disputatae 96)
48503: HOGEWEG-DE HAART H P - Characteristics of social science information: a selected review of the literature (FID studies in social science information and documentation)
81718: HAAS P - Recovering the role of women: power and authority in Rabbinic Jewish society (South Florida studies in the history of Judaism number 59)
81719: HABEL N - Book of Job (OTL)
33199: HABEL N C - Hi! Have a nice day: fresh thoughts from fresh kids (Open 6)
8422: HABEL N - Job (Knox preaching guide)
8423: HABEL N - Literary criticism of the Old Testament (OTS)
8424: HABEL N C - Interrobang?!: prayers and shouts illus by Patrick Mason
80993: BUXTON G & HABEL N - Nature of things: rediscovering the spiritual in God's creation
65090: HABERMAS J - NEW CONSERVATISIM: cultural criticism and the historians' debate
8429: HABGOOD J - Making sense
32308: HABGOOD J - Faith and uncertainty
32307: HABGOOD J - Concept of nature
82095: HABIB R - Contribution of Ancient Egypt in coptic art no imprint
42003: HABIB R - Coptic manuscripts
33198: HACKER G - Healing stream: Catholic insights into the ministry of healing
83626: HACKETT J - A history of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus from the coming of the apostles Paul and Barnabas to the commencement of the British occupation (A.D. 45 - A.D. 1878) together with some account of the Latin and other churches existing in the island [heavy volume, may need additional postage]
80883: MAVRODES G I & HACKETT S C - Problems and perspectives in the philosophy of religion
8436: HACKING R - On the boundary: a vision for non-stipendiary ministry
44206: HADDAL I - John Wesley: a biography
30161: HADDON C - Lovely is the rose: an anthology
71743: HADDON J - Four nativity plays
21952: HADFIELD J A - Psychology and mental health: a contribution to developmental psychology
8442: HADFIELD J A - Psychology and mental health: a contribution to developmental psychology
42275: HADIDIAN D Y - Intergerini parietis septum: (Eph. 2:14) essays presented to Markus Barth on his sixty-fifth birthday
33083: HADJIPHOTI L - In the footsteps of Paul the Apostle in Greece [colour illustrations throughout]
29224: HADLEY Y - Realising your full potential
28897: WHITE A & HADLEY E - Germany 1918-1949 (Twentieth Century World History)
27469: GORDON P & HADLEY J - Extending primary care: polyclinics resource centres hospitals-at-home
8447: HAECKEL E - Riddle of the universe at the close of the nineteenth century tr J McCabe, issued for the Rationalist Press Assn Ltd.
8450: HAENCHEN E - Weg Jesu: eine erklarung des Markus-Evangeliums und der kanonischen Parallelen (Sammlung Topelmann 2:6)
23866: HAENCHEN E - John 1 (Hermeneia)
36446: VON HAERING T - Ethics of the Christian life
65102: HAEZRAHI P - Price of morality
3623: CAUGHEY D A & HAFEX M M - Frontiers of computational fluid dynamics 1994
8453: HAFNER C - Post-modern electromagnetics using intelligent maXwell solvers
36875: O'HAGAN T - Philosophical theology (UEA papers in philosophy, new series 5) (3 articles: Is theology rational? by Basil Mitchell; Is rationality theological? by Martin Hollis; Quasi-Berkleyan idealism as perspicacious theism by Nicholas Everitt)
8455: HAGEMAN H G - Pulpit and table: some chapters in the history of worship in the Reformed churches
45789: HAGER W - Bauten des deutschen barocks 1690 - 1770
42863: CHAMPLIN J M & HAGGERTY B A - Together in peace for children
28261: HAGMAN A - Aesthetics for the therapist
65124: HAGSPIEL B - Convent readings and reflections
58890: HAGSTROM D G - Coherence of the Book of Micah: a literary analysis
65126: HAGUE E - Close encounters in the Nine Dragons Country
65127: HAGUE E - In the shadow of nine dragons
26505: HAGUE D - Through the prayer book: an exposition
8458: HAHN C A - Sexual paradox: creative tensions in our lives and in our congregations
8466: HAHN W - Worship and congregation: translated by Geoffrey Buswell (ESW 12)
8459: HAHN F - Historical investigations and New Testament Faith: two essays
8461: HAHN F - Titles of Jesus in Christology: their history in early christianity
49597: NUECHTERLEIN A M & HAHN C A - Male-female church staff: celebrating the gifts, confronting the challenges
81706: HAHN F - Mission in the New Testament (SBT47)
50518: HAHN F et al - Beginnings of the Church in the New Testament
48383: HAHNEMANN S - Materia medica pura (2 vol set)
82096: HAIGH M - Introduction to the amended lectionary for Sundays and Certain Holy Days (ed. 1947-8)
49175: HAIGH G - All year round: assemblies for special days and celebrations
58567: HAIGH C - Plain man's pathways to heaven: kinds of Christianity in post-reformation England 1570 - 1640
33500: HAIGH A - Rap, rhyme and reason: pieces to perform based on the gospels for schools and youth groups
26004: HAIN P - Peking connection
53018: HAINES R M - Register of John de Stratford Bishop of Winchester 1323 - 1333 (Surrey Record Society Volumes XLII & XLIII 2 volume set)
23239: HAJDUCKI A M - Civil jury trials
56131: HAKOWSKI M - Vine and branches Volume 2 (Resources for youth retreats)
36343: HALDANE R - Epistle to the Romans (Geneva Series of Commentaries)
37490: HALDANE J B - Social Workers' guide: a handbook of information and counsel for all who are interested in public welfare
81711: HALDAR A - Studies in the Book of Nahum (Uppsala Universitets Arsskrift 1946:7)
8471: HALE J A G - From concepts to capabilities: understanding and exploiting change as a competitive advantage
48154: HALE W H - World of Rodin 1840 - 1917 (Time Life Library of Art)
65133: HALECKI O - Pius XII
65137: HALID-E B - Belief and Islam: Iman Islam
39894: SCHILLEBECKX E & HALKES C - Mary: yesterday, today, tomorrow
29896: HALL J - Riot (GPS40)
8489: HALL C W - Adventurers for God (Van Stone, Henry Holland, Emory Alvord, T Kagawa et al)
8490: HALL D B - Using the Bible with Children
82097: HALL H H - Proposed New Prayer Book (a layman's appeal)
65140: HALL D W - Welfare reformed: a compassionate approach
54274: ST EDMUND HALL - St Edmund Hall Oxford: Who's who 1995
28699: HALL H - Corporate video directing
27858: HALL S C & HALL A M - Book of the Thames, from its rise to its fall [facsimile of 1859 edition] preface R A Harris (signed)
25033: HALL J - Escalier: livre de l'etudiant 5
53231: HALL D J - What Christianity is not: an exercise in negative theology
58888: HALL A R - Henry More and the scientific revolution
65141: HALL H E - Catholic and Roman: a reply to Anglican criticisms
57163: HALL F J - Dogmatic Theology (Volumes I - IV): Vol I Introduction to dogmatic theology, Vol II Authority ecclesiastical and biblical, Vol III The being and attributes of God, Vol IV The Trinity
65142: HALL R L - Word and Spirit: a Kierkegaardian critique of modern age
28159: HALL R et al - Love off the shelf (a musical)
82279: HALL S G - Doctrine and practice in the early church
8498: HALL J - Epistles on subjects fit for consideration at all times but especially adapted for the time of trouble selected & edited by WH Hale
8499: HALL M - Impossible Dream: the spirituality of Dom Helder Camara
54046: HALL M - Offerings: prayers and meditations
80163: HALL H R - Ancient history of the Near East: from the earliest time to the Battle of Salamis
46733: HALL E - Practical Spanish book list (Hispanic Council booklets No 3)
64033: FORREST-HALL G M - Needles in haystacks
25814: HULTGREN A J & HALL B - Christ and His communities: essays in honour of Reginald H Fuller
58812: ARGYLE M & BEIT-HALLAHMI B - Social psychology of religion
42321: HALLAM H - Introduction to the literature of Europe in three volumes (Volumes I & II only): in the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
52697: HALLAM H - View of the state of Europe during the Middle Ages
80162: HALLAM H - History of England (3 volume set): Everyman 621,622 and 623)
8505: HALLENCREUTZ C F - New approaches to men of other faiths: 1938-1968 - a theological discussion (Research pamphlet 18)
38019: HALLER D M - Judentum: Geschichtsschreibung, Prophetie und Gesetzgebung nach dem Exil (Schriften des Alten Testaments 2/3)
8507: HALLER W - Rise of Puritanism or the way to the New Jerusalem as set forth in pulpit and press from Thomas Cartwright to John Lilburne and John Milton, 1570-1643
82864: HALLETT G L - Middle way to God
25322: HALLIDAY J - Back to good teaching: diversity within tradition
14661: O'HALLORAN J - Least of these: stories
82126: MORRIS S & HALLWOOD J - Living with Eagles: priest to publisher the life and times of Marcus Morris
56964: HALMAN T S - Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi and the whirling dervishes: Sufi philosophy, whirling rituals, poems of ecstasy, miniature paintings
81709: HALMOS P - Moral issues in the training of teachers and social workers (Sociological Review Monograph No. 3 edited by Paul Halmos)
54828: HALSALL J C - Sermons for children
54829: HALSALL J C - More sermons for children
8519: HALSBURY - Ecclesiastical law being a reprint of the title from Halsbury's ""Laws of England"" 3rd edition
51022: HALSEY A H - Idea of a university (Charles Carter Lecture 1984)
7900: GRAHAM E & HALSEY M - Life cycles: women and pastoral care
65148: HALVERSON M - Religious drama 1: five plays
81708: HAMBLIN C L - Elementary formal logic: a programmed course (University paperbacks)
9715: HAMEL C de - Book: history of the Bible
36515: HAMELINK C J - Cultural autonomy in global communications: planning national information policy (Communication & human values)
65152: HAMER J - Karl Barth
58769: HAMILTON A & HAMILTON K - John Updike: a critical essay
48526: HAMILTON K - God is dead: the anatomy of a slogan
83638: HAMILTON V P - Book of Genesis Chapters 1-17 (New International Commentary on the Old Testament)
8524: HAMILTON D G - Sunday school at a glance: Introduction to Sunday School Teaching Part 1
8531: HAMILTON H F - Discovery and revelation: study in comparative religion
8534: HAMILTON P - Living God and the modern world: [Christian theology based on the thought of A N Whitehead]
35022: HAMILTON M - This little planet
8538: HAMILTON W - Quest for the post-historical Jesus
81707: HAMILTON N Q - Holy Spirit and eschatology in Paul (Scottish Journal of Theology Occasional Paper No.6)
27258: HAMILTON N - Monty: the making of a general 1887 -1942
65178: HAMLIN J - Guide to Deuteronomy (SPCK international study guide 31)
31538: HAMLYN D W - Metaphysics
80989: HAMM J L - Turning the tables on apologetics: Helmut Thielicke's Reformation of Christian Conversation (Princeton Theological monograph series)
8542: HAMMAN A - How to read the Church Fathers
42378: HAMMER R - Japan's religious ferment: Christian presence amid faiths old and new
8544: HAMMERSLEY J - Group ministry in an urban area (CMS 11)
8545: HAMMERSLEY J - Tap handbook for teams and groups
45794: HAMMERTON J - Second Great War Vols 2 - 9 only (lacks Vol 1): standard history
53083: HAMMERTON J A - Modern encyclopedia: a new dictionary of universal knowledge
8547: HAMMERTON J A - Outline of English Literature: being a chronicle of our great writers from the time of Chaucer to the Present Day with a casual Commentary
8550: HAMMOND C E - Liturgies Eastern and Western: ed with intro, notes and liturgical glossary English introduction, texts in Greek and Latin
35825: HAMMOND P - Dean Stanley of Westminster: a life
30023: HAMMOND H - Thirty-one sermons preached on several occasions Part I Sermons 1-16 (Volume 3 Part I of Miscellaneous works - LACT)
8557: HAMON A - Vie de la bienheureuse Marguerite-Marie d'apres les manuscrits et les documents originaux
35051: HAMOND E W - Eighth century prophets (The development of religious thought from Moses to Christ)
35052: HAMOND E W - Seventh and sixth century prophets (The development of religious thought from Moses to Christ)
52054: HAMPSHIRE S - Spinoza
146: HAMPSHIRE S - Age of Reason the 17th sentury philosophers (The Mentor Philosophers)
21768: HAMPSON D - After Christianity
8561: HAMPSON D - Theology and feminism
80161: HAMPSON N - Social history of the French revolution
39267: HANAGHAN J - Poems to Mary [dedication by author on front flyleaf]
39617: HANAHGAN J - Society, evolution and revelation: an original insight into man's place in creation
34178: HANCOCK H N - Red letter days: a series of meditations on the Holy Days of the Christian year
41706: HAND C - Enchanting melodies for organ: thirty-five beautiful pieces arranged by Colin Hand
25095: TAVISTOCK HANDBOOK - Tavistock handbook and directory of business centres and managed workspace 1999 ed Jan Radovic
36306: BIBLE HANDBOOK - Bible handbook and A-Z bible encyclopedia
22116: HANDCOCK P - Babylonian penitential psalms (Texts for Students No 25)
49339: HANDEL G F - Where e'er you walk: (Cramer's descant series No 25: descant and accompaniment by Evelyn Sharpe)
47058: HANDEL G F [ed Dunstan] - Great Masters Series No 9 Handel (piano)
42765: HANDEL G F - Messiah: Oratorio [SATB]
57233: HANDEL G F - Water Music [Modern Transcriptions 17] for organ
21405: HANDEL G F - Worthy is the Lamb that was slain (Messiah): (Novello's Octavo Choruses no.134)
57241: HANDEL G F - Ten Handel arias: transcribed for organ by Vincent Knight
47712: HANDEL G F - Ten organ arrangements
8565: HANDEL - Zadok the priest: (Octavo Choruses no.149)
47029: HANDEL G F [arr Dunhill] - 3 lessons
41714: HANDEL [Arr Walker F G] - Air with variations (The harmonious blacksmith): Cramer's library of organ music by British and foreign composers arranged by Francis G Walker
41705: HANDEL G F [WILLNER A] - Concerto No. 1: arranged for oboe and piano
8568: HANDEL G F - Samson, an oratorio in vocal score: the pianoforte accompaniment revised from that of the German Handel Society
37030: HANDEL G F - Solomon: an oratorio, abridgesd & revised version edited by J Michael Diack
8564: HANDEL - Shine Out, Great Sun: arranged R Jacques (Old Masters 24)
45787: HANDEL G F - Twelve songs for a soprano voice from the oratorios
81703: HANDS T - Thomas Hardy and Stinsford Church: a brief companion for the visitor
81828: HOLLOWAY S W & HANDY L K - The Pitcher is broken: memorial essays for Gosta W Ahlstrom (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 190)
8573: HANDY C - Future of work: a guide to a changing society
35878: HANES H - People and the churches: statistics of population and Baptish Church membership
44883: HANFLING O - Wittgenstein's later philosophy
8574: HANFLING O - Fundamental problems in philosophy
44380: HANFLING O - Life and meaning: a reader
51031: HANKEY D - Offensive; cross driven mission
8575: HANKEY D - Beloved captain based on selected essays ed with notes RS Wright
8577: HANKEY W B - Holy Week Addresses: edited by W J Birkbeck with short memoir by Viscount Halifax
55710: HANKEY P - Sign-posts on the Christian way: a guide to the devotional life
40570: HANKEY W B - Instructions on the Holy Communion
46872: TAYLOR N & HANKINSON A - Twelve miles from a lemon: selected wriitngs and saying of Sydney Smith
53230: HANKORE D - Abduction of Dinah: reading Genesis 28:10 - 35:15 as a votive narrative
44510: HANKS T - Subversive gospel: a New Testament commentary of liberation
14663: O'HANLON D - Features of the Abyssinian Church
80805: MARKS B & HANNA I G - Heat and light: a practical guide to energy conservation in church buildings
46483: HANNA T - With respect: authority in the Catholic Church
28935: HANNAFORD R - Church for the twenty-first century: agenda for the Church of England
8579: HANNAH I C - Christian Monasticism: a great force in history
8585: HANNAM C - Parents & mentally handicapped children
46910: HANNAM W L - Peril of the preoccupied: and other New Testament studies
47018: HANNAY R K - Rentale Sancti Andree : being the Chamberlain and Granitar accounts of the Archbishopric in the time of Cardinal Betoun 1538-1546 trans and edited by Robert Kerr Hannay [introduction and notes in English, Latin text followed by abbreviated English text (Second series Vol IV)
26655: HANNON D - Success in your pocket
50724: KLEIN Hans - Leben neu endecken: Entwurf einer Biblischen Theologie (CTB 23)
65974: HUBNER Hans - LAW IN PAUL'S THOUGHT: a contribution to the development of Pauline theology (Studies of the NT and its world)
81226: HANSEN S - Children's errors in mathematics (Transforming Primary QTS)
8594: HANSON A T - Church, sacraments and ministry
32980: HANSON A T - Pastoral Letters: commentary on the First and Second Letters to Timothy and the Letter to Titus
31198: HANSON R P C - II Corinthians (TBC)
55647: HANSON P D - People called: the growth of community in the Bible
58900: HANSON P D - Diversity of scripture: a theological interpretation (Overtures to Biblical Theology)
29623: HANSON A T - Studies in Paul's technique and theology
58883: HANSON J S - Endangered promises: conflict in Mark
53101: HANSON B - Grace that frees: the Lutheran tradition
29758: HANSON A T - Studies in the Pastoral Epistles
58886: HANSON J S - Endangered promises: conflict in Mark
22607: HANSON R P C - Acts: in the RSV with intro and commentary (NCB)
21654: HANSON A T & R P C - Reasonable belief: survey of the Christian faith
65213: HANSON A - Meaning of Unity: study of a Biblical Theme
8602: HANSON A T - Wrath of the lamb
33073: HANSON R P C - Summons to unity
8589: HANSON - Construction of personality
82541: HANSON R P C - Studies in Christian Antiquity
39659: HANSON A T - New Testament interpretation of scripture
44699: HANSON A T - Jesus Christ in the Old Testament
33368: HANSON J - Rape as bereavement (GP50)
8617: HANSON A T and HANSON R P C - Identity of the Church: a guide to recognising the contemporary church
8616: HANSON R P C - Groundwork for unity: plain facts about Christian ministry
81903: LEANEY A R C POSEN J & HANSON R P C - Guide to the Scrolls: Nottingham studies on the Qumran discoveries
39249: HANSON A T - Pastoral Epistles (New Century Bible Commentary based on the Revised Standard Version)
8611: HANSON R P C - Christian priesthood examined
8609: HANSON R P C - Attractiveness of God: essays in Christian doctrine
8599: HANSON A T - Pioneer ministry
8608: HANSON R P C - Acts: in the Revised Standard Version with intro and commentary (NCB)
8595: HANSON A T - Grace and truth: study in the doctrine of the incarnation
8597: HANSON A T - Living Utterances of God: New Testament exegesis of the Old
8624: HANSSON C - Moscow women: thirteen interviews
56064: O'HARA T - At home with the spirit: on retreat in daily life
83673: HARAKAS S S - For the health of body and soul: an Eastern Orthodox introduction to bioethics (originally published in 'Encyclopedia of Bioethics' olume 1, pages 347-355)
40054: HARAN M - Biblical research in Hebrew: a discussion of its character and trends: lecture delivered November 5, 1968 at the Inauguration of the Yehezkel Kaufmann chair of Bible studies
8630: HARBAUGH G L - Beyond the boundary: meeting the challenge of the first years of ministry
50371: HARBISON E H - Christian scholar in the age of the reformation
8631: HARCOURT M - Thirteen for Christ: (Pius XII, Schweizer, Huddleston, Tillich etc)
59410: HARDIMENT P - Methodism in Maidenhead 1829 - 1979
51618: HARDING N - All-age everything: all you ever wanted to know about all-age worship
52445: HARDING J - 1300 years: a history of the Catholic Church in Warminster
81070: HARDING J - Babylon and the Brethren: the use and influence of the Whore of Babylon motif in the Christian Brethren Movement 1829-1900
8635: HARDING G C - Lying down in church: stress in the city
47155: HARDINGE H - Letters of the first Viscount Hardinge of Lahore to Lady Hardinge and Sir Walter and Lady James 1844-1847 edited by B S Singh (Camden fourth series Volume 32)
8643: HARDMAN O - Resurrection of the body (White lectures St Paul's Cathedral 1933)
43560: HARDYMAN J - Maximum life: all for the glory of God
56773: HARE A J C - Studies in Russia
27077: HARE T - Spanning the century: the story of an ordinary man in extraordinary circumstances
53674: HARE A J C - Story of my life (3 volume set)
8654: HARE F K - Experiment of life: science & religion (Proceedings of conference at Trinity Coll, Toronto Aug 1981)
41102: HARE D - Salt of the earth: becoming a positive Christian
52681: HARE H - Swinburne: a biographical approach
47180: HARE S - The Bridge: uniting traditions in the worshipping church [Full music - Organ/Choir edition]
8659: HARGLEROAD B W - Struggle to be human: stories of urban-industrial mission
55054: HARGRAVE A - Almighty passion: meeting God in ordinary life
8666: HARGREAVES J - Guide to Genesis (TEF Study Guide 3)
37889: HARING B - Marriage in the modern world
35160: HARING B - Eucharist and our everyday life
65272: HARING B - Proclaiming joy
8672: HARING B - Prayer: the integration of faith & life
65284: HARING H - Hans Kung: breaking through
23996: HARINGTON J - Jesus of Nazareth
81931: HARKER A - Dom Denys Prideaux
8675: HARKER R - Digging up the Bible lands
74272: HARLE P - Glenans sailing manual
7785: GOLDSMITH M & HARLEY R - Who is my neighbour? world faiths and Christian witness
35294: HARLEY C D - Preparing to serve: training for cross-cultural mission
50746: HARNACK A [BUCHANAN N] - History of dogma in 7 volumes translated from the German 3rd edition (Theological translation library)
8677: HARNACK A VON - History of dogma tr from 3rd German ed by N Buchanan (1st 3volumes of 7 volume set)
34397: HARNACK A VON - History of dogma in seven volumes bound as four lacking volume I, unabridged reprint of the English translation of 3rd German edition
52785: HARNACK A - Mission and expansion of Christianity in the first three centuries (Volume I of 1908 edition)
35617: HARNED D B - Creed and personal identity: the meaning of the Apostles' Creed
44299: ADAMS R & HARNEY J - Freewheeling: how to let go a little, love a lot and discover life in all its fullness
43581: GROSS C & HARPER J - Jesus loves you: this I know: no matter who you are or what you've done...
53292: HARPER J - Hymns for prayer and praise (Full Music edition): a hymnal for use in the celebration of daily prayer in churches and communities throught the year
25277: HARPER K - Structure of accounts: a practical guide to financial reporting and accounting standards
50515: HARPUR J - Sacred tracks: 2000 years of Christian pilgrimage
43463: HARRELSON W J - Ten commandments for today
8705: HARRIES R - Samuel Beckett and Christian hope (Drawbridge Memorial lecture 1982)
58979: HARRIES R - Art and the beauty of God: a Christian understanding
32320: HARRIES R - Reinhold Niebuhr and the issues of our time (Contributors include J Gustafson, D Hampson, K Ward, R Preston J Childress)
41222: HARRINGTON W et al - Saving word: Sunday readings Year A
58878: HARRINGTON H K - Impurity systems of Qumran and the Rabbis: biblical foundations
58879: HARRINGTON D J - Maccabean Revolt: anatomy of a Biblical Revolution
65310: HARRINGTON W J - Record of the fulfillment of the New Testament
82294: HARRINGTON D - What is morality?
60648: HARRINGTON W J - Understanding the apocalypse
8709: HARRINGTON M - Accidental century
8710: HARRINGTON W - Mark (NTM4)
8711: HARRINGTON W - New Guide to Reading and Studying the Bible
35218: HARRIOTT J F X - Empire of the heart
81724: HARRIS M J - Colossians and Philemon (Exegetical guide to the Greek New Testament)
37649: HARRIS M H - Thousand years of Jewish history from the days of Alexander the Great to the Moslem Conquest of Spain, with illustrations, maps and notes
37489: HARRIS C - Pro Fide: a defence of natural and revealed religion
55053: HARRIS J R - Guiding hand of god
10212: HARRIS L L - Shakespearean criticism: volume one Comedy of Errors, Hamlet Henry IV Pt I and Pt II, Timon of Athens, Twelfth Night: excerpts from the criticism of William Shakespeare's plays and poetry from the first published appraisals to current evaluations
81723: HARRIS S L - Proverbs 1-9: a study of inner-biblical interpretation (Dissertation series number 150)
48044: HARRIS P - Kingfisher's fire; story of hope for God's earth
81726: HARRIS H - Tubingen School: historical & theological investigation of the school of F C Baur
39720: HARRIS L C - In joy and in sorrow: travels among Sudanese Christians
49377: HARRIS H A - Fundamentalism and Evangelicals (Oxford Theological Monographs)
29925: HARRIS C - Faith-sharing teams (GEv7)
14048: HARRIS J - Hermes: or a philosophical inquiry concerning language and universal grammar by J H Woodfall for 1st ed
8727: HARRIS R - Early Christian Psalter
8729: HARRIS R - Lost tribes of Israel
8720: HARRIS J W - Magnetic South: living churches in London and the South East
8722: HARRIS M J - Easter in Durham: Bishop Jenkins and the resurrection of Jesus
8725: HARRIS P - Under the bright wings illus by Susan Rubira foreword by John Stott
8716: HARRIS J C - Stress, power and ministry: approach to current dilemmas of pastors and congregations
65320: HARRIS J T - Writings of the Apostle Paul: Vol. 1: 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Hebrews and Philippians
56054: HARRISON F - Theophano: the crusade of the tenth century: a romantic monopgraph
39454: HARRISON K C - Librarian's Odyssey: episodes of autobiography
35033: HARRISON F - Bible in Britain
23994: HARRISON R K - Dead Sea scrolls (TYB)
27459: HARRISON D - First-time investor: the complete guide to buying, owning and selling shares
48470: HARRISON K C - Prospects for British librarianship
58255: HARRISON A W et al - Methodist Church: its origin, divisions and reunion
58026: HARRISON E F - Baker's dictionary of theology
693: HARRISON H M - Voyager in time and space: the life of John Couch Adams, Cambridge Astronomer
56771: HARRISON A - Frederic Harrison: thoughts and memories
63819: HARRISON J - PHILOSOPHER'S NIGHTMARE: Monographs in the humanities
81993: MCLEOD-HARRISON M S - Repairing Eden: humility, mysticism, and the existential problem of religious diversity
8741: HARRISON F - Story of York Minister 10th edition
8742: HARRISON G B - Proclaiming the Word A Handbook for Church Speaking
8745: HARRISON P N - Problem of the Pastoral Epistles
8753: HARRISON T - Living with kidney failure: a personal story and practical guide
59169: HARRISVILLE R A - Fracture: the cross as irreconcilable in the language and thought of the Biblical writers
81722: HARRISVILLE R A - I Corinthians
8756: HART A T - Country Priest in English History
8759: HART B - Psychology of insanity
83365: HART D B - That all shall be saved: heaven, hell and universal salvation
33195: HART T - Coming down the mountain: how to turn your retreat into everyday living
65351: HART R van der - Theology of Angels and Devils
43544: HART W & L van der - Pregnancy book: spiritual and emotional survival for first-time parents
41708: HART - Hart's Sunday Album: one hundred and nine vocal and instrumental compositions
80150: HART E - Before I forget
81100: HART J - Cosmic Commons: spirit science and space
53418: HART A T - Ebor: a history of the Archbishops of York
8769: HARTE B - Poetical Works
8770: HARTILL P - Into the way of peace: by communicants of the English Church
8771: HARTILL P - Into the way of peace: by communicants of the English Church
8772: HARTILL P - Unity of God: a study in Christian Monotheism
61365: BRABANT FH & HARTILL P - FAITH AND TRUTH: short study of some problems in philosophy
41849: HARTILL R - National society's RE centre annual lecture 1995: reflections on a career in religious broadcasting
45793: HARTIN P J et al - Becoming a creative local church: theological reflections on a pastoral plan
25634: HARTLEY J E - Genesis (New International Biblical Commentary) based on the NIV
8773: HARTLEY A - Buried treasure (biblical word puzzles)
26985: HARTLEY A J - Novels of Charles Kingsley: a Christian social interpretation
35298: HARTLEY F - Growing pains: first aid for teenagers
8775: HARTLING P - Danish church (Denmark in print & pictures)
65359: HARTMAN O - Crucified answer
43035: HARTMAN B - Telling the gospel: 70 stories about Jesus to read out loud
27584: HARTMANN T - ADD success stories: a guide to fulfillment for families with attention deficit disorder
8778: HARTON S - Practice of Intercession
81778: HARTON S - Practice of Intercession
8779: HARTSHORNE C - Divine relativity: a social conception of God
36586: HARTSHORNE C - Anselm's discovery: a re-examination of the ontological proof for God's existence
47401: HARVEY V A - Historian and the believer: morality of historical knowledge & Christian belief
8800: HARVEY M M - Law of liberty (Swarthmore lecture 1942)
8803: HARVEY R - Hidden Word: 52 stories for ministers and their young listeners
65369: HARVEY, A E - Demanding peace: Christian responses to war and violence
10453: HARVEY A - Son of Man: the mystical path to Christ
8786: HARVEY A E - Alternative approaches to New Testament study: essays by Goulder, Drury et al
8785: HARVEY A - Theology in the city: a theological response to 'Faith in the city'
54629: HARVEY J - Man the builder
23979: HARVEY A E - Promise or pretence?: a Christian's guide to sexual morals
53058: HARVEY J H et al - Original papers published under the direction of the Council of the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society for the encouragement and prosecution of research into the early arts and monuments of the County of Norfolk (Vol XXVII Part I)
8792: HARVEY A E - New English Bible: companion to the New Testament
38521: HARVEY A E - Marriage, divorce and the church (Affirming Catholicism)
8793: HARVEY A E - Priest or president?
8795: HARVEY A E - Strenuous commands: the ethic of Jesus
65381: HARVEY M - St Thomas of Canterbury
27591: HASEL G F - New Testament theology: basic issues in the current debate
23064: HASELAGER W F G - Cognitive science and folk psychology: the right frame of mind
36962: HASKELL A L - Saints alive: a study of six saints for young people
28090: HASKIN D - Bruk multimedia! (Norwegian text without CD Rom)
8807: HASKINS S - Mary Magdalen: myth and metaphor
39832: HASLAM R - From decay to splendour: the repair of church treasures
8809: HASLEHURST R S T - Some account of the penitential discipline of the early church in the first four centuries
47700: HASSALL A - Balance of power 1715 - 1789
22461: HASTINGS M - Oxford book of military anecdotes
24604: HASTINGS A - Church and mission in modern Africa
8814: HASTINGS A - African Catholicism: essays in discovery
8822: HASTINGS A - In filial disobedience
8825: HASTINGS A - Robert Runcie
8829: HASTINGS J - Dictionary of the Bible (Volumes 1 & 2 ONLY) dealing with its language literature & contents including the biblical theology
8833: HASTINGS J - Great texts of the Bible: 1 Corinthians
8836: HASTINGS J - Dictionary of the Christ and the Gospels [complete in 2 volumes]
8838: HASTINGS S R - Passive solar commercial and institutional buildings: sourcebook of examples and design insights, International Energy Agency, France
65403: HATCH A - Pope Paul VI: Apostle on the move
45659: HATCH E M - Burgundy past and present
40216: HATCH J - Everyman's Africa
8839: HATCH A - His Name was John: Life of Pope John XXIII
8840: HATCH E - Growth of church institutions
43598: HATTAWAY P - China's Christian martyrs
55877: HATTERSLEY R - Blood and fire: William and Catherine Booth and their Salvation Army
82912: HATTON H E - The largest amount of good: Quaker relief in Ireland 1654-1921
58271: HATTS L - London's 100 best churches
8846: HATZFELD A D - Saint Augustine
57628: HAUERWAS S - Matthew
58206: HAUERWAS S et al - Wisdom of the cross: essays in honor of John Howard Yoder
32125: HAUERWAS S - Sanctify them in the truth: holiness exemplified
50513: HAUERWAS S - Cross-shattered Christ: reclaiming the theological heart of preaching
44918: HAUERWAS S M - Wilderness wanderings: probing twentieth-century theology and philosophy
43547: HAUGEN G A - Good news about injustice: a witness of courage in a hurting world
750: HAUGHT J F - God after Darwin: a theology of evolution
48230: HAUGHT J F - Making sense of evolution: Darwin, God and the drama of life
35176: HAUGHTON R - Act of love
35857: HAUGHTON R - Liberated heart: transactional analysis in religious experience
8852: HAUGHTON R - Love
8854: HAUGHTON R - Mystery of sexuality
38152: HAUPT P - Book of Nahum: a new metrical translation with an introduction, restoration of the Hebrew text and explanatory and critical notes
51589: RAHNER K & HAUSSLING A - Celebration of the eucharist
8859: HAVENSTEIN D - Democratizing Sir Thomas Browne: ""Religio Medici"" and its imitations
56769: HAWEIS H R - Broad church or what is coming
8863: HAWES G K - Atlas of Man & Religion
8865: HAWKER B - Spiritual pathways: guide-posts for an inner journey
65420: HAWKES J (ed) - World of the past [4 parts in one volume]: I Asia Minor, Greece and Italy; the classical world and its background II India, China and elsewhere III Britain and Europe IV America
58597: HAWKESWORTH C, HEPPELL M & NORRIS H - Religious quest and national identity in the Balkans
25584: HAWKEY R - Sport science
23981: HAWKIN D & E - Word of science: the religious & social thought of CA Coulson
82910: HAWKIN D J - Christ and Modernity: Christian self-understanding in a technological age (SR Supplements volume 17)
82909: HAWKINS P S - Civitas: religious interpretations of the city (Studies in the Humanities)
36901: HAWKINS T R - Potter and the clay: meditations on spiritual growth
8869: HAWKINS A B - Another 25 stories and readings
82956: ROBINS W S & HAWNEY G - Scandal of the cross: evangelism and mission today
42429: HAWORTH K W - Use of Sarum: the worship and organisation of Salisbury Cathedral in the Middle Ages
8873: HAWTHORNE N - Transformation: or, the romance of Monte Beni
40021: HAWTHORNE N - Popular tales: of Nathaniel Hawthorne
54624: HAWTING G - Moore (Sampson Low Library of the Past)
8875: HAY D - Europe in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
8877: HAY D - Religious experience today: studying the facts
65426: HAY C - Eucharist in the Churches
56768: HAY I - Lighter side of school life: with illustrations reproduced from pastel drawings by Lewis Baumer
80148: HAY D - Italian renaissance in its historical background: the Wiles Lectures given at Queen's University Belfast 1960
29384: TANSLEY D S W & HAYBALL C C - Knowledge-based systems analysis and design: a KADS developer's handbook
56661: HAYDN J - Trumpet concerto E flat major (Edition Eulenburg No 798)
58220: HAYDN J [PAYNE J B] - Haydn's universal index of biography from creation to the present time: for the use of the statesman, the historian and the journalist
47809: HAYDN J - Symphony 2 D major miniature score [Hawkes Pocket Scores No 146]
41023: HAYDN F J - Symphonie No 92 (16) Oxford Sol Majeur, G Major, G Dur
8881: HAYDN - Dictionary of dates relating to all ages and nations: for universal reference; comprehending remarkable occurrences, ancient & modern... particularly of the British Empire
47857: HAYDN J - Symphonie No 103 (No 1) E flat major miniature score [Edition Eulenburg No 469]
860: HAYDN - Achieved is the glorious work: second chorus (Novello's Octavo Choruses Chor 153)
57688: HAYES E et al - YARNS (9 volumes): Yarns on Wessex pioneers; women pioneers; servants of the church; human quest; christian torchbearers, social pioneers; more yarns on social pioneers, christian pioneers; more yarns on christian pioneers [no additional UK postage - 9 volumes for £2 postage!]
68704: MILLER J M & HAYES J H - History of Ancient Israel and Judah
25194: HAYES R - Systematic networking: a guide for personal and corporate success
8883: HAYES E H - Yarns on Christian pioneers for workers among young adolescents
8885: HAYES J H - Introduction to the Bible
82110: HAYES K - Journey with friends: exploring community (Individual or small group bible resources)
57920: HAYES J H - Old Testament form criticism
35031: HAYMAN E - Hidden life of the body of Christ
8889: HAYS P - New horizons in psychiatry
8892: HAYTER M - New Eve in Christ: the use and abuse of the Bible in the debate about women in the church
46215: BARTLETT T & HAYTON D W - Penal era and golden age: essays in Irish history 1690-1800
15725: HAZEL D - Witness: gay and lesbian clergy report from the front
37242: THURMAN J & HAZLEWOOD R - Scout camps: a book for scouters (
57693: HEAD P M - Christology and the synoptic problem: an argument for Markan priority (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 94)
23128: HEAD R E - Royal supremacy and the trials of bishops 1558-1725
35027: HEAD D - Seek a city saint: [12] letters to Joe [divided into 40 sections suitable for Lent]
47839: HEADLAM A C - Building of the Church of Christ; university and other sermons
8905: HEADLAM M - Bishop and friend: Nugent Hicks, sixty-fourth Bishop of Lincolm
65456: HEADLAM A C - Fourth gospel as history
47970: SANDAY W & HEADLAM A C - Critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (ICC)
8900: HEADLAM A C - Church of England
9972: SANDAY W & HEADLAM A C - Critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (International Critical Commentary)
37428: HEADLAM A C - New prayer book being a charge delivered to the clergy and churchwardens of the Diocese of Gloucester on the occasion of his second visitation
8283: HEADLEY C - Readers and worship in the Church of England a look at the liturgical role of readers in the 1990's (GMW115)
8249: HEADLEY C - Laying on of hands: in the parish healing ministry (GW104)
14590: O’DAY R & HEAL E - Princes and paupers in the English Church: 1500-1800
8906: HEALEY F G - Religion & reality: theology of John Oman
8907: HEALEY F G - Rooted in Faith: Three Centuries of Non-conformity 1662-1962
24309: HEALEY F G - Prospect for theology: essays in honour of HH Farmer
54966: HEANEY J J - Beyond the body: an antitheology of the eucharist
65463: HEANEY J J (ed) - Faith, reason, and the gospels: a magnificent summary of modern thought on a vital question
23684: O'HEAR A - Beyond evolution: human nature and the limits of evolutionary explanation
82907: HEARD R C - Dynamics of diselection: ambiguity in Genesis 12-36 and ethnic boundaries in Post-Exilic Judah (Society of Biblical Literature: Semeia Studies Number 39)
8914: HEARD G - Wishing well: outline of the evolution of the mammals, told as a series of stories about how the animals got their wishes illus S Suba
8915: HEARD R - Introduction to the New Testament
80146: HEARDER H - Italy: a short history
14909: HEARNE T [Doble] - Remarks and collections of Thomas Hearne: Suum cuique, Vol I-III (1705-1712) edited by C E Doble
28896: WEST J & HEARNS C - American bravo! Beginner Teacher's book
55532: SOCIETY OF SACRED HEART - Spiritual journey: religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 20 October 1999 - 21 November 2000
8918: HEASMAN K - Army of the church
8921: HEASMAN K - Home family and community
52524: HEATH S H - Parts of a church
8927: HEATH S - In the steps of the pilgrims (73 illustrations)
82282: PAYNE Heather - Justice just as God requires: learning resource book 1 [with multimedia DVD]
25955: HEATHER K - Modern applied economics: a problem-oriented approach to economic theory
46461: HEATHFIELD S - DIY Worship: will help energise your youth group with 100 themed Bible outlines, 200 worship ideas, 11 quality music tracks on CD, worship visuals to photocopy, complete text and graphics on CD
49893: HEATON E W - For questioning Christians: a selection of sermons
8936: HEATON E W - His servants the Prophets (RBC72)
8938: HEATON E W - Short introduction to the Old Testament prophets (rpt of OT prophets pub DLT)
48901: HEATON E W - School tradition of the Old Testament
8935: HEATON E W - Hebrew kingdoms (NCLB)
8943: HEBBLETHWAITE B - Evil, suffering and religion
8945: HEBBLETHWAITE B - Ocean of truth: defence of objective theism
50512: HEBBLETHWAITE M - Living spirit: prayers and readings for the Christian year
24387: HEBBLETHWAITE B - Incarnation: collected essays in Christology
65487: HEBBLETHWAITE P - Faith in question [Part 1]
813: HEBBLETHWAITE B - Essence of Christianity: fresh look at the Nicene Creed
9186: HICK J & HEBBLETHWAITE B - Christianity and other religions: selected readings
45795: HEBBLETHWAITE B - Ethics and religion in a pluralistic age: collected essays
8960: HEBER R [James Cooper engravings] - Heber's Hymns: illustrated by steel engravings
8973: HEBERT A G - When Israel came out of Egypt
8974: HEBERT C - Neology not true and truth not new: three short treatises concerning FD Maurice's Vere St. Sermons, Jowett's Righteousness of God, Davies' reply to Atonement by Propitiation, with that treatise & a summary of the atonement controversy with postscript & concise account of Essays and Reviews
8972: HEBERT A G - Throne of David: study of the fulfilment of the Old Testament in Jesus Christ and his church
8967: HEBERT A G - God's kingdom and ours
8971: HEBERT A G - Parish Communion: a book of essays
8961: HEBERT A G - Apostle and Bishop: a study of the gospel, the ministry and the church-community
8964: HEBERT A G - Christ of faith and the Jesus of history
26617: HEBERT A G - Memorandum on the report of the Archbishops' Commission on Christian doctrine
80662: HEBERT G - When Israel came out of Egypt (Religious Book Club 143)
38622: HEBERT C - Lord's Supper: uninspired teaching, in two volumes. Vol 1: From Clement of Rome to Photius, and the Fathers of Toledo (from AD 74-891); Vol 2: from Alfric to Canon Liddon of St Paul's, London (AD 969-1875)
65491: HEBERT A G [THOMAS AQUINAS] - God and his works being selections from Part I of the Summa Theologica and Studies in St. Thomas, notes on the Doctrine of God...Part 1 of Summa Theologica in 'God and his works'
83052: HEDGE F H - Reason in religion
55106: HEDRICK C W - Wisdom of Jesus: between the Sages of Israel and the Apostles of the Church
58359: HEDRICK C W - Many things in parables: Jesus and his modern day critics
50749: HEDRICK C W - Apocalypse of Adam: a literary and source analysis (SBL Dissertation Series 46)
82687: WOODHEAD L & HEELAS P - Religion in modern times: an interpretive anthology (Religion and modernity)
52267: HEENAN J C - Unity and peace: some espects of the Vatican Council
53980: HEENAN J C - Crown of thorns: an autobiography 1951 - 1963
8984: HEER F - Milestones of History: 2 The Fires of Faith
82906: HEESOM A - Founding of the University of Durham (Durham Cathedral lecture 1982)
41316: SCHWEEDER-HEFEL A - Plastik aus Afrika
22218: HEFLING C C - Jacob's ladder: theology and spirituality in the thought of Austin Farrer
42444: HEGEL - Science of logic in 2 vols: translated by W H Johnston and L G Struthers
38001: HEHN J - Biblische und die babylonische Gottesidee: die israelitische Gottesauffassung im Lichte der altorientalischen Religionsgeschichte
50750: HEICK O W - History of Christian thought in 2 volumes
50336: HEIDEMAN E P - Our song of hope: provisional confession of faith of the reformed church in America
8991: HEIDT J H - Believe it or not: a sceptic's guide to Christian faith
47661: HEIJN A V [tr Haughan] - Rembrandt (with 60 colour illustrations from the works of the master, his teachers, pupils, firends and contemporaries
56361: GARSKY A HEIL C et al - Q 12:49-59 Children against parents; Judging the time; Settling out of court
81054: HEIL J P - Gospel of John: worship for divine life
53221: HEIL J P - 1 Peter 2 Peter and Jude: worship matters
56364: HOFFMAN P & HEIL C - Rekonstruktion der Logienquelle: griechisch-deutsch nach der 'Critical Edition of Q'
8704: HEIM K - New divine order
41928: HEIM K - Weltanichauung der Bibel
65513: HEIM K - World: Its creation and consummation: the end of the present age and the future of the world in the light of the ressurection
65515: HEIM K - Transformation of the scientific world view
82467: HEIM S M - Depth of the riches: a Trinitarian theology of religious ends (Sacra Doctrina)
40052: HEIMSATH C H - Genius of public worship
80957: HEIN H - Doors in the fairy tale world of George MacDonald
41927: HEINE S - Matriarchs, Goddesses and images of God: a critique of a feminist theology
65517: HEINE S - Women and early Christianity: are the feminist scholars right?
8999: HEINISCH P - Theology of the Old Testament (English edition by William Heidt)
80661: HEINISCH P - History of the Old Testament
61176: BOEHMER Heinrich - LUTHER AND THE REFORMATION in the light of modern research
57049: HEINZE R W - Reform and conflict: from the medieval world to the Wars of Religion AD 1350-1648 [Baker History of Church Volume 4]
9001: HELD G - Token-ring networks: characteristics, operation, construction and management
9002: HELD G - Understanding data communications from fundamentals to networking
82238: KENIK Helen A - Design for Kingship: the Deuteronomistic narrative technique in 1 Kings 3:4-15 (SBL Dissertation series 69)
61393: BRATTGARD Helge - GOD'S STEWARDS: a theological study of principles and practices of stewardship
26714: HELLARD R B - Project partnering: principle and practice
47059: HELLER S - Arte di fraseggiare (piano) Ventisei studi melodici per pianoforte Op. 16
81539: FORNBERG T & HELLHOLM D - Texts and contexts: Biblical texts in their textual and situational contexts - Essays in honor of Lars Hartman
42058: HELLING F - Fruhgeschichte des Judischen volkes
58506: GLAZIER M & HELLWIG M K - Modern Catholic encyclopedia
27229: HELLYER A - The Shell guide to gardens: the finest British and Irish gardens open to the public
55113: HELM P - Faith form and fashion: classical reformed theology and its postmodern critics
37939: HELM P - Divine revelation: the basic issues
27553: HELM P - Providence of God (Contours of Christian theology)
28957: HELMAN C G - Culture, health and illness: an introduction for health professionals
55738: HEMANS [R A S Rankin] - Selections from Mrs Hemans
39472: HEMINGWAY E - Selected stories
9011: HEMMING C H - Bells of Bramleigh Beauchamp: a play in one act
9012: HEMMING J - Instead of God: pragmatic reconsideration of beliefs & values
27729: HEMMINGS R - Liberty or death: the story of Thomas Hardy, shoemaker, and John Cartwright, landowner, in the early struggles for parliamentary democracy
65528: HEMPEL C - Damascus texts: companion to the Qumran scrolls
40404: HEMPEL J - Glaube, Mythos und Geschichte im Alten Testament
9014: HEMPHILL B - Early Vicars Apostolic of England 1685-1750
59406: HENDERSON H F - Erskine of Linlathen: selections and biography
9017: HENDERSON G D - Church & ministry; a study in Scottish experience (Baird lecture 1950)
9020: HENDERSON I - Power without glory: study in ecumenical politics
50027: HENDERSON D W - Culture shift: communicating God's truth to our changing world
52661: HENDERSON I H - Jesus rhetoric and law (Biblical Interpretation Series 20)
46761: HENDERSON P - Shorter novels of the eighteenth century
55262: HENDRICK B J - Life and letters of Walter H Page
33388: HENDRICKSE C - One inner urban church and lay ministry (GP13)
31826: HENDRICKX H - Miracle stories of the synoptic gospels (Studies in the synoptic gospels)
31314: HENDRIKSEN W - More than conquerors: an interpretation of the Book of Revelation
9029: HENDRY G S - Holy spirit in Christian theology (Preacher's Library) (revised and enlarged edition)
65554: HENDRY G S - Westminster confession for today: [Library of History and Doctrine]
50032: HENDRY G S - Westminster confession for today: a contemporary interpretation
37873: HENDRY K - Who would be a minister?
82057: HENGEL M - Christ and power
82056: HENGEL M - Atonement: a study of the origins of the doctrine in the New Testament
52657: HENGEL M - Paulus und Jakobus: Kleine Schriften III (WUNT 141)
82058: HENGEL M - Cross of the Son of God: containing 'The Son of God', 'Crucifixion' and 'The Atonement'
82060: HENGEL M - Earliest Christianity: containing ""Acts & the history of earliest christianity'. & ""Property & riches in the early church""
82426: HENGEL M - Charismatic leader and his followers (Studies of the New Testament and its World)
82063: HENGEL M - Son of God: the origin of Christology & the history of Jewish-Hellenistic religion
9037: HENGEL M - Nachfolge und Charisma: eine exegetisch-religionsgeschichtlich Studie su Mt 8.21f. und Jesu Ruf in die Nachfolge (BZ NW 34)
82062: HENGEL M - Judaism and Hellenism (Volume 1 Text and Volume 2 Notes and Bibliography): studies in their encounter in Palestine during the early Hellenistic period)
82513: HENGEL M - Studies in early Christology
82055: HENGEL M - Acts and the history of earliest christianity
26177: HENN M - Opinion polls and volatile electorates: problems and issues in polling European societies
53415: HENNECKE E - New Testament Apocrypha [Volume 1 ONLY] Gospels and related writings ed by Wilhelm Schneemelcher, English translation edited by R McL Wilson
42268: HENNECKE E - New Testament Apocrypha in 2 vols: VOLUME 2 ONLY writings relating to the Apostles, apocalypses and related subjects edited by W Schneemelcher, English translation edited by R McL Wilson
82054: HENNECKE E - New Testament Apocrypha in two volumes (Vol 1 Gospels and related writings; Vol 2 writings relating to the Apostles, apocalypses and related subjects) ed by Wilhelm Schneemelcher, English tr ed by R McL Wilson
9045: HENNELL M - Sons of the prophets: evangelical leaders of the Victorian Church [Buxton, Bickersteth, Shaftesbury, Venn, Stephen & Close]
58464: HENNESSY P - Prime minister: the office and its holders since 1945
9048: HENNIG F - Cheerio Frank Cheerio Everybody: the gardening world of Fred Streeter
61326: BOURGEOIS Henri - ON BECOMING CHRISTIAN: Christian initiation and its sacraments
32973: REGNIER Henri de - Divertissement provincial (Roman litteraire) [Issued as 317 of 330 copies]
58415: HENRY M - Exposition of the Old and New Testament (3 volume set): wherein each chapter is summed up in its contents, the sacred text inserted at large in distinct paragraphs...the sense given and largely illustrated with practical remarks and observations No additional UK postage. For overseas postage please ask for a quote. Photographs on request
40407: HENRY M-L - Tier im religiosen bewusstsein des Alttestamentlichen menschen (Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher vortrage und schriften aus dem gebiet der theologie und religionsgeschichte 220/221)
69266: HENRY M - MATTHEW HENRY'S COMMENTARY FOR THE NIV GENESIS TO REVELATION based on Broad Oak ed ed by L F Church, revising editor Gerald Peterman:
48219: HENRY J - Scientific revolution and the origins of modern science
48907: HENRY C F H - Jesus of Nazareth, Saviour and Lord (Contemporary evangelical thought)
82904: HENRY C F H - Confessions of a theologian: an autobiography
41929: HENSHAW T - Writings: the third division of Old Testament canon
9054: HENSHAW T - Latter prophets
9055: HENSLOWE D I - Papuan Post
65575: HENSON H H - National church: essays on history and constitution and criticisms of its present administration
47823: HENSON H H - Oxford groups; the charge delivered at the third quadrennial visitation of his diocese
57311: HENSON H - Robertson of Brighton 1816 - 1853
9058: HENSON H H - Anglicanism: lectures on the Olaus Petri foundation in Upsala Sept 1920
9060: HENSON H H - Bishoprick papers
82903: HENTSCHKE R - Die Stellung der Vorexilischen Shriftpropheten zum kultus (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die Alttesttamentliche Wissenschaft 75)
9077: HEPHER C - Revelation of Love
36690: HEPPER F N - Planting a bible garden: a practical reference guide for the home gardenen, schools, colleges and churches in all climates of the world
31150: HERBERT C - Pocket prayers
55734: HERBERT G et al - Clergyman's instructor: or a collection of tracts on the ministerial duties
55351: HERBERT G [Willmott] - Works of George Herbert in prose and verse
56954: HERBERT G [GILFILLAN] - Poetical works of George Herbert with life, critical dissertation and explanatory notes by G Gilfillan
21657: HERBERT G - Works of George Herbert: in prose and verse with a memoir by Izaak Walton
43754: HERBERT C - Pocket prayers for children
42456: HERBERT G - George Herbert of Bemerton: a selection from ""The Temple"": With introduction by Frances Forrest
83592: HERBERT G - Complete English works: [Everyman's Library 204]
40484: HERBERT G - English poems of George Herbert: together with his collection of proverbs entitled Jacula Prudentum
52442: HERBERT G - Works of George Herbert in prose and verse
82207: WORKMAN Herbert B - Place of Methodism in the Catholic Church
52280: HERBERT M - Social and antisocial development (Parent Adolescent and Child Training Skills 2)
9089: HERBERT G - Poetical works with life, critical dissertation & explanatory notes by G Gilfillan
9094: HERBERT G - Works of George Herbert: in prose and verse Bell & Daldy 1859 438pp/384pp epp disc otherwise vg set £45
47587: HERBERT G - Works of George Herbert in prose and verse
32486: HERBERT A S - Genesis 12-50 (TBC)
9091: HERBERT G - Selection from 'The Temple'
9086: HERBERT G - Masters of prayer
9088: HERBERT G - Poems of George Herbert: to which are added selections from his prose and Walton's 'Life'
9081: HERBERT A S - Worship in Ancient Israel (Ecumenical Studies in Worship 5)
39404: HERBERT G - Temple: sacred poems and private ejaculations
32317: HENCHER J & HERBERT C - Place to dream: a new way of looking at churches and cathedrals, photographs by A Talbot-Ponsonby
81040: HERBST J W - Development of an Icon: Soloman before and after King David
26026: HERD D - John Ashbery and American poetry
46837: MALLARME & HEREDIA J-M de - Poesies (Mallarme) : trophees (J-M de Heredia) (Editions Barnard Volume 5)
9099: HERFORD R T - Pharisaism: its aim and its method
24822: HERFORD C H - Robert Browning (Modern English writers)
41850: HERFORD R T - Unitarian affirmations: six lectures
9101: HERING J - First Epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians
9100: HERING J - Epistle to the Hebrews
9108: HERKLOTS H G G - Church of England and the American Episcopal Church: from the first voyages of discovery to the first Lambeth Conference
24307: HERKLOTS H G G - How our bible came to us: a literary pilgrimage
9110: HERKLOTS H G G - Fresh approach to the New Testament
9109: HERKLOTS H G G - For such a time as this
9117: HERMAN S - Rebirth of the German church with intro by Martin Niemoller
82826: HERMAN M - Intelligence power in peace and war (Royal Institute of International Affairs)
9118: HERMANN E - Eucken and Bergson: their significance for Christian thought
30101: HERMANS L - Bible on the chuildhood of Jesus
40607: HERMAS [GARCET] - Similtudes
63159: DIEMER Hermine [Manning] - OBERAMMERGAU and its Passion Play (1922): a survey of the history of Oberammergau & its Passion Plays, from their origin to the present day...(includes 8 loose b&w photographs from the 1920 production) English edition by Walter S Manning
9119: HERNANDEZ J M M - Advances in acoustics technology (European commission aeronautics research series)
41079: HERNIMAN R G - Syllabus for study in the parish: report on conversations between the Church of England and the Methodist Church
45804: HERODOTUS - Stories of the east from Herodotus
82902: HERODOTUS [MACAULAY] - History of Herodotus translated into English by G C Macaulay complete in 2 volumes [postage as per 2 books]
9124: HEROES - Of the Faith: a series of addresses on the movement of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church
26067: HEROLD A F - Life of Buddha according to the legends of Ancient India
47462: HEROLD A B - Mysterious Passover visitors
31377: HERON A - Table and tradition: towards an ecumenical understanding of the eucharist
24660: HERON A - Century of protestant theology [from the Enlightenment to Ecumenism & Science & Religion]
56126: HERRAD I R - Woman who loved an octopus and other saints' tales
65779: HOFFMANN-HERREROS J - Your hand God: Praying with Children
81821: HOFFMANN-HERREROS J - Your hand God: Praying with Children
52441: HERRICK R - Poetical works of Robert Herrick
52998: HERRICK J A - Radical rhetoric of the English deists: the discourse of skepticism 1680 - 1750
26656: HERRINGTON S - Simon's tax cases - cumulative tables and index 1973 -1998
9128: HERRIOT J - Vets Might Fly
41934: HERRMANN W - Faith and morals: I - Faith, II - The moral law
32161: HERRMANN W - Communion of the Christian with God: described on the basis of Luther's statements
59409: HARNACK A & HERRMANN W - Essays on the social gospel (Crown Theological Library Vol XVIII)
65611: HERRMANN W - Communion of the Christian with God desribed on the basis of Luther's statements
40644: HERRMANN S - Gechichte Israels in alttestamentlicher Zeit
39397: HERRMANN J - Festschrift: Friedrich Baumgartel zum 70 geburtstag 14 Januar 1958: gewidmet von den Mitarbeitern am Kommentar zum Alten Testament
9130: HERRMANN S - Israel in Egypt (SBT2/27)
53219: HERRSTROM D S - Book of unknowing: a poet's response to the Gospel of John
58977: HERSHBERGER G F - Recovery of the Anabaptist vision: a sixtieth anniversary tribute to Harold S Bender
41935: HERSHON P I - Treasures of the Talmud: being a series of classified subjects in alphabetical order from A to L
26306: HERTZ J H - Book of Jewish thoughts selected and arranged by the Chief Rabbi
45803: HERTZBERG H W - I and II Samuel (Old Testament Library)
80755: HERTZBERG H W - I & II Samuel (Old Testament Library)
9135: HERTZBERG H W - I & II Samuel (OTL)
80564: HERVEY J - Meditations and contemplations (Volume II only): Contemplations on the night, contemplations on the starry heavens and a winter piece
9136: HERVEY J - Meditations and Contemplations
38784: HERWEGEN I - Taufe und Firmung nach dem Romischen: Missale, Rituale und Pontificale (Liturgische Texte XI)
59403: HERZEL S - Voice for women: the women's department of the World Council of Churches
45806: HERZOG J J - Real-encyclopadie (part set of 6 books containing volumes 1-2 A - Col, 3-4 Com-Gem, 5-6 Gim-Jon, 13-14 Rhe-Sta,19-20 Aat-Schup, 21 Schw-Zwi) fur protestantische theologie und kirche
65620: HESELTINE G C - English cardinals: with some account ofthose other English-speaking countries
30901: HESEMANN M - Cosmic connection: worldwide crop formations and ET contacts
39747: HESLAM P - Globalization and the good
58132: HESSELGRAVE D J - New horizons in world mission: evangelicals and the Christian mission in the 1980's Papers and responses prepared for the Consultation on Theology and Mission Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, School of World Mission and Evangelism March 19 - 22 1979
57880: HESSION R - Calvary road
9139: HESSION B - Alone To Pray
31576: HESTENES R - Using the bible in groups (formerly published in the Using the bible series)
9143: HETHERINGTON H J W - Life and Letters of Sir Henry Jones: professor of moral philosophy in the U of Glasgow
53413: HEUFELDER E - Way to God: according to the rule of St Benedict
57449: L'HEUREUX C E - In and out of paradise: the Bookf of Genesis from Adam and Eve to the Tower of Babel
81784: HEURTLEY C A - De fide et symbolo: documenta quedam nec non aliquorum SS Patrum Tractatus [Greek/Latin texts with intro notes in English]
81783: HEURTLEY C A - On faith & the creed: dogmatic teaching of the church of the fourth & fifth centuries: trans of ""De fide et symbolo""
43761: HEUSER A - Shaping vision of Gerard Manley Hopkins
65629: HEUSS J - Have a lively faith
55467: HEWETT S J - Cave of living streams: sixteen songs based on the spiritual exercises of St Ignatius (Reprinted from The Way supplement 22 Summer 1974)
55468: HEWETT W - Where new winds blow: twelve songs based on the spiritual exercises of St Ignatius: introduction and text
50083: HEWITT H - Searching for God in America: the companion volume to the acclaimed public television series
53322: HEWITT G - Strategist for the spirit: Leslie Hunter, Bishop of Sheffield 1939-1962
9149: HEWITT G - Problems of success: a history of the Church Missionary Society 1910-1942 in two volumes
74539: HEWITT G - Towards the dawn: a journey through Easter to Pentecost
9152: HEWITT T - Epistle to the Hebrews: an intro & commentary (TNTC)
45817: HEWITT G - Candle of hope: journey through Advent, Christmas and the New Year to Bethlehem
22464: HEY D - Oxford guide to family history
24129: HEYER G S - Signs of our times: theological essays on art in the twentieth century
8649: HARDY M AND HEYES S - Beginning psychology
80528: HEYWARD C - Keep your courage: a radical Christian feminist speaks
55047: HEYWARD C - Priest forever
34277: HEYWOOD R - Infinite hive: a personal record of extra-sensory experiences
9160: HEYWOOD B - Harry Woollcombe Bishop, a memoir by his friends
9161: HEYWOOD J S - Casework and pastoral care (LPC)
9159: HEYWOOD B - Church marriage and divorce: a charge addressed to members of his diocesan synod on Tuesday October 26th 1937
46824: HIBBERT C - English: a social history 1066 - 1945
50920: HICK J - Truth and dialogue: the relationship between world religions
81805: HICK J - God has many names: Britain's new religious pluralism
36849: HICK J - Faith and knowledge
28013: HICK J - Evil and the God of love
57965: HICK J - Evil and the God of love
9182: HICK J - Philosophy of religion
9183: HICK J - Rainbow of faiths: critical dialogues on religious pluralism
81447: HICK J - Death and eternal life
9164: HICK J - Biology and the soul: Twenty-fifth Arthur Stanley Eddington lecture 1/2/72
53412: HICK J - Myth of God incarnate
39643: HICK J - John Hick reader:
32563: HICKFORD A - Essential youth: why your church needs young people
51116: HICKS J - Critical essays in monetary theory
9191: HICKS K N - From Rock to Tower: Memories with Reflections
65655: HICKSON J M - Behold the bridegroom cometh: addresses given at the services of healing in Christ Church Westminster
80144: HIDEN J - Germany and Europe 1919 - 1939
81815: HIEBERT T - Yahwist's landscape: nature and religion in Early Israel
56357: HIEKE T - Q6:20-21: Beatitudes for the poor, hungry and mourning (Documenta Q)
58863: HIELEMA J S - Pastoral or Christian counseling: a confrontation with American pastoral theology in particular Seward Hiltner and Jay E Adams
52664: HIERS R H - Jesus and the future: unresolved questions
37796: HIGDON L G - Simply preaching: a programme for clergy and readers
43594: HIGGINS B & D - I would die for you: one student's story of passion, service and faith
52665: HIGGINS A J B - Son of Man in the teaching of Jesus (SNTS MS 39)
28569: ODAMS A M & HIGGINS J - Commercial dispute resolution
56516: LETSON D & HIGGINS M - Jesuit mystique
24366: HIGGINS A J B - Tradition about Jesus: three studies (SJT OP 15)
9194: HIGGINS A J B - Lord's Supper in the New Testament (SBT6)
9193: HIGGINS A J B - Historicity of the fourth gospel
65658: HIGGINS T J - Perfection is for you: reflections on how to live in union
51045: O'HIGGINS P & N - Fresh bread: manna for kingdom living today
8287: HIGGINSON R - Reply to Warnock (GE 63)
9198: HIGGINSON R - Dilemmas: a Christian approach to moral decision-making
81814: HIGGS C - Ghost of equality: the public lives of D D T Jabavu of South Africa, 1885-1959
9201: HIGH S - Billy Graham: the personal story of the man his message and his mission
9207: HIGHAM F M G - Lord Shaftesbury: a portrait
81007: DATE C M & HIGHFIELD R - Consuming passion: essays on hell and immortaity in honor of Edward Fudge
54058: FORD D F & HIGTON M - Jesus
44578: BARTHELEMY-SAINT HILAIRE J - La philosophie dans ses rapports avec les sciences et la religion
51739: HILARY P - Precious lives
81813: HILDEBRANDT W - Old Testament theology of the Spirit of God
42471: HILDEBRANDT F - Melanchthon: alien or ally?
52480: HILL D F - Essential words: a basic vocabulary of New testament Greek with notes
44799: HILL J M - Walk with God
65680: HILL D M O - Saints in secret: short stories and poems
9240: HILL R - Pulpit and the children: addresses to the young
27986: HILL B et al - Perspectives on childhood: a resource book for teachers
56035: HILL F - Short history of Lincoln
56764: HILL M - Religious liberty and human rights
56765: HILL M - Faithful discipleship: clergy discipline in Anglican and Roman Catholic canon law: the acts of the Second Colloquium of Anglican and Roan Catholic lawyers held at St George's House, Windsor Castle 31 may to 3 June 2001
53411: HILL D - Gospel of Matthew (New Century Bible Commentary)
65687: HILL R M T - Scale of perfection: Maynard-Chapman Divinity Lecture delivered on 3rd November 1982
45816: HILL E F F - Apocalypse and other essays: crisis of spirit in a demonic age
9220: HILL C - Century of Revolution 1603 - 1714
9225: HILL C - Reformation to Industrial Revolution
23703: HILL D A - Singing to seals
25949: HILL N - Napoleon Hill's unlimited success: 52 steps to personal and financial reward
9228: HILL C - Turbulent, seditious, and factious people: John Bunyan and his Church, 1628-1688
9230: HILL D - Gospel of Matthew (New Century Bible)
9227: HILL C - Tinker and a Poor Man: John Bunyan and his Church 1628-1688
67033: HILL R C - Wisdom's many faces
37003: HILL A - Notes to the pocket volume of selections from the poems of Robert Browning with essays on sevral aspects of Browning's genius by C E Vaughan, M R Pridham et al
46330: HILL C - Society and puritanism in pre-revolutionary England
9242: HILLER F - Song of victory for soprano solo, chorus and orchestra: the English adaptation by Rev J Troutbeck
65688: HILLER G I - Essays of a poor parson
82811: HILLERBRAND H J - Reformation in its own words [Heavy volume, may need postal surcharge]
23865: HILLERS D R - Micah (Hermeneia)
9251: HILLIARD F H - Teacher and religion
65690: HILLMAN E - Wider Ecumenism: anonymous christianity and the church
65691: HILLYARD E A - Lent and a retreat: being notes of twelve lent lectures and eleven parochial retreat meditations
53343: MATT L Von & HILPISCH S - Saint Benedict
9254: HILTNER S - Pastoral Counseling
3733: CHAPMAN R & HILTON D - Prayers for the Church Community
9264: HILTON W - Scale of Perfection: with an essay on the Spiritual Life of Mediaeval England by the Rev J B Dalgairns
9256: HILTON A C - Works of Arthur Clement Hilton: together with his life and letters
32185: HILTON W - Scale of perfection: abridged and presented by Illtyd Trethowan
82100: HILTON A [Horner A illustrator] - This England 1965-1968 selections from the 'This England' column of the New Statesman
24911: HIMBURY D M - British Baptists: a short history
25643: HINCHLIFF P - Frederick Temple Archbishop of Canterbury: a life
9266: HINCHLIFF P - History, tradition and change: Church History and the development of doctrine (Affirming Catholicism)
9267: HINCHLIFF P - Holiness and politics
9271: HINCHLIFF P - South African Rite and the 1928 Prayer Book (Alcuin Club Pamphlet XVII)
44660: HINCHLIFF P B - Ecclesiatical history its nature and purpose Inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University
9272: HINCHLIFFE A - Chemical modeling from atoms to liquids
49192: HIND C L - Watteau: illustrated with 8 reproductions in colour (Masterpieces in Colour)
30811: HINDLEY B - Transatlantic free trade and multilateralism: Issue Paper No 5
9277: HINDRY L F-J - Is demon possession a reality? ...its bearing upon the divinity of...Jesus...
65703: HINDSLEY L P - Mystics of Engelthal: writings from a medieval monastery
56124: HINE A - Soul speak
27157: HINE L - Court of protection practice
49337: COOTE C & HINGSTON E M - Tonight (vesper hymn)
83031: HINKS W - Illustrations of Unitarian Christianity consisting chiefly of practical and moral applications of its principles in a series of discourses
82079: HINNELLS J R - New handbook of living religions
81765: HINNELLS J R - New handbook of living religions [over 1.5 kg overseas orders subject to additional postage - please ask for quotation
37778: HINTON J - Tapestry of stories: a new way of being church, edited by Jeanne Hinton with a reflection by Kathy Galloway (Resource booklet 5)
9289: HINTON M - Comprehensive schools: a Christian's view
82378: HIPPOLYTUS [DIX] - Treatise on the apostolic tradition of St Hippolytus of Rome edited by Gregory Dix: volume I Historical introduction, textual materials and translation with apparatus criticus and some critical notes
38665: HIPPOLYTUS [DIX] - Treatise on the apostolic tradition of St Hippolytus of Rome ed G Dix: reissued with corrections preface and bibliography by H Chadwick
50021: HIRD E - Battle for the soul of Canada: raising up the emerging generation of leaders
80154: HIRSCHFELD Y - Qumran in context: reassessing the archaeological evidence
80155: HIRSHMAN M - Rivalry of Genius: Jewish and Christian biblical interpretation in late antiquity
9296: HIRST R J - Problems of perception (Muirhead library of Philosophy)
9297: HISCOX R - Eager to learn: a review of Christian adult learning materials
82334: HISCOX R - Celebrating reader ministry: 125 years of lay ministry in the Church of England
74621: HISCOX R - Women in the church
65732: HISLOP D H - OUR HERITAGE IN PUBLIC WORSHIP (The Kerr lectures delivered in Trinity College, Glasgow in 1933)
51560: JOURNAL OF ECCLESIASTICAL HIST - Journal of Ecclesiastical History: Volume 43 No 1 January 1992 through to Vol 64 No 4 October 2013 with Cumulative Index to Volumes 1-50 1950-1999
9300: HISTORICITY - Historicity & Chronology in the N T (SPCK Theological Collection )
22915: ENVIRONMENT & HISTORY - Volume 4 Number 3 October 1998
47394: HITCHCOCK A - Drei ??? und der Zauberspiegel
57313: HITCHCOCK F R M - Clement of Alexandria
53215: HITCHCOCK N - Karl Barth and the resurrection of the flesh: the loss of the body in participatory eschatology
24693: HITCHCOCK F R M - Atonement and modern thought: being the Donnellan lectures preached before the University of Dublin
48139: HOAK D E - King's Council in the reign of Edward VI
9305: HOARE R - Final witness: evidence of Nicodemus
81808: HOBBS T R - Time for war: a study of warfare in the Old Testament (Old Testament Studies 4)
29901: HOBBS M - Better will come: a pastoral response to institutional racism in British churches (GPS48)
9311: HOBDEN S M - Further explorations in worship: suggestions and services for the senior school assembly
57012: HOBEL T - Laity and participation: a theology of being the Church [submitted for the degree of Doctor of theology, University of Durham 2002]
9312: HOBHOUSE W - Church and the World: in Idea and in History (Bampton Lectures 1909)
32662: HOBSBAWM E - New century: in conversation with Antonio Polito
31734: HOBSBAWM E - New century: in conversation with Antonio Polito
57569: HALPERN B & HOBSON D W - Law, politics and society in the Ancient Mediterranean World
57570: HALPERN B & HOBSON D W - Law and ideology in Monarchic Israel (JSOT Supplement series 124)
65738: HOBSON P - Christian deliverance in 2 vols: Book 1: Make yourselves ready, Book 2: Engaging the enemy
17666: HOBSON A - Symbols of transformation in poetry (Guild of Pastoral Psychology Lecture 120)
24930: HOBSON R F - Hell (Guild of Pastoral Psychology Lecture 93)
49909: HOBSON R - What hath God wrought: an autobiography
8713: HOBSON E W - Domain of natural science (Gifford lectures 1921 and 1922)
16564: HOBSON A - Shakespeare looks at man (Guild of Pastoral Psychology Lecture 147)
9317: HODDER E - Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. with portraits (in 3 vols)
58858: HODGE C - Commentary on the first Epistle to the Corinthians (Geneva Series Commentary)
58861: HODGE C - Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans
36699: HODGES D M - Story of hymns
9322: HODGES D - Simple guide to the history and meaning of the psalms
33215: HODGES H A - God beyond knowledge (Library of philosophy and religion)
2811: BRYANT M D & HODGES S - Exploring unification theology
9324: HODGES G F - Roman Catholic doctrine of intention & Anglican Orders
9327: HODGES H A - Pattern of atonement
55853: HODGKIN L V - Book of Quaker saints [illustrations by F Cayley-Robinson]
45808: HODGKIN L V - Happy world: notes on the mystic imagery of the ""Paradiso"" of Dante
54291: HODGKINS C - Authority church and society in George Herbert: return to the middle way
47814: HODGSON L - Christian teaching about sex: arranged in fifty paragraphs
81807: HODGSON P C - Theology in the fiction of George Eliot
65769: HODGSON L - Essays in Christian philosophy
65765: HODGSON L - Bible and the training of the clergy
9331: HODGSON l - Church Study Group: a manual for group leaders and members, with material for a year's work for study groups
9332: HODGSON L - And Was Made Man: an introduction to the study of the Gospels
9333: HODGSON L - Apostolic succession and Christian unity: a lecture delivered in 1947
9336: HODGSON L - Doctrine of the church as held & taught in the C of E
9338: HODGSON L - Ecumenical movement: three lectures at University of the South March 1950
9339: HODGSON L - For faith and freedom [two volumes in one] (Gifford lectures 1955-1957)
9343: HODGSON L - Lord's prayer: six sermons...Winchester Cathedral...Advent, Christmastide 1933
9344: HODGSON L - Place of reason in Christian apologetic: four lectures, General Theological Seminary NY, tog with a paper on Experience, Religious Experience & Xn Experience
9345: HODGSON L - Progress towards church unity: address given at Vacation Term for BS, Oxford 1955
9346: HODGSON L - Sex and Christian freedom
9351: HODGSON P C - Winds of the spirit: constructive Christian theology
23440: HODNETT B K et al - Supported reagents and catalysts in chemistry
59395: HODSON M J & HODSON M R - Cherishing the earth: how to care for God's creation
81819: HOEHNER H W - Herod Antipas (Re-issue of SNTSMS17)
9356: HOEKEMA A A - What about tongue-speaking?
43503: REGAN P & HOEKSMA L - Fighting chance: tackling Britain's gang culture
51544: HOEKSMA S - Hope: the heartbeat of mission: inspiration ideas and resources so you and your church can spread hope in villages towns and cities
38054: HOSIER J & HOEKSMA L - Entertaining angels [an inspiring story of compassion and miracles of provision]
50159: RICHARDS L O & HOELDTKE C - Church leadership: following the example of Jesus Christ
81820: HOERTH A J et al - Peoples of the Old Testament World
35502: HOFFMAN E - Liturgy documents: a parish resource
55993: HOFFMAN M - White Magic
56362: HOFFMANN P et al - Q 22:28, 30: You will judge the twelve tribes of Israel (Documenta Q)
52670: HOFFMANN P - Das Erbe Jesu und die Macht in der Kirche: Ruckbesinnung auf das Neue Testament
52671: HOFFMANN P - Tradition und Situation: Studien zur Jesusuberlieferung in der Logienquelle und den synoptischen Evangelien (NTA New Series 28)
81823: HOFFNER H A - Hittite myths
65783: HOFINGER J et al - Worship: The Life of the Missions: Josef Kellner, Paul Brunner, Johannes Seffer
40206: HOFMANNSTHAL H von - Gedichte und klienen Dramen
64913: HOGAN M - Seeking Jesus of Nazareth: an introduction to the christology of the four gospels
53941: HOGAN J F - Do-it-yourself retreat: how to bring out the real good in you
26277: HOGARTH A - Understanding the world of work
81824: HOGENHAVEN J - Problems and prospects of Old Testament theology (Biblical Seminar)
24896: HOGG T J - Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley with an introduction by Edward Dowden
33488: HOGGART R - Speaking to each other: essays Volume One: About society
81825: HOGLUND K G - Achaemenid imperial administration in Syria-Palestine and the missions of Ezra and Nehemiah (Dissertation Series 125)
47366: HOHLBEIN W & H - Dreizehn: eine phantastische Geschichte
47378: HOHLBEIN W & H - Marchenmond
47368: HOHLBEIN W & H - Unterland: eine phantastische Geschichte
47361: HOHLBEIN W & H - Grief: eine phantastische Geschichte
45807: HOILE D - Farce majeure: Clinton administration's Sudan policy 1993 - 2000
41236: VOWELL J alias HOKER [HOOKER J] - Description of the Citie of Excester: Vols II and III (Devon and Cornwall Record Society) [Title on spine: Hooker's History of Exeter] Note on inside front board stating vols II and III is complete text, vol I in preparation to contain ""Life of Hooker, Bibliography and Index""]
82634: D'HOLBACH P T - Ecce Homo! an eighteenth century life of Jesus critical edition and revision of George Houston's translation from the French by Andrew Hunwick (editor)
54033: HOLCZLER M - Late shadows (The Holocaust Diaries)
9368: HOLDEN P G - Pascal: a short introduction to a study of the Pensees (Little Books on Religion No.214)
65788: HOLDEN P - WOMEN'S RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE: cross-cultural perspectives
33489: HOLDEN T - Explaining icons: an explanation of the meaning and history of the icons of the Orthodox Christian Church
40676: HOLDEN T - People, churches and multi-racial projects: an account of English Methodism's response to plural Britain
57578: HOLDEN L - Forms of deformity (JSOT Supplement series 131)
45790: HOLDER R - Klosterkirche Zweifalten
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9376: HOLETON D R - Revising the eucharist: groundwork for Anglican Communion (Joint Liturgical Studies 27)
34116: HOLETON D R et al - Anglican orders and ordinations: essays and reports from the Interim Conference at Jarvenpaa, Finland, of the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation, 4-9 August 1997 (Joint Liturgical Studies 39)
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