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56425: FRANKENA W K - Ethics (Foundations of Philosophy Series)
44103: FRANKENBERRY N K - Faith of scientists: in their own words
7201: FRANKL G - Failure of the sexual revolution
37792: FRANKLIN M J - Cartulary of Daventry Priory (NRS Vol XXXV)
46170: FIELD F H & FRANKLIN J L - Electron impact phenomena and the properties of gaseous ions
24409: FRANKLIN B - Selected writings of Benjamin Franklin volume 1 Autobiography, early writings, scientific works
81543: FRANKLIN P - Life of Mahler
7203: FRANKS R S - Doctrine of the trinity (ST 51)
51251: ROEHRS W R & FRANZMANN M H - Concordia self-study commentary: an authoritative in-home resource for students of the Bible
52315: FRARY R - Really vicar
7214: FRASER J M - Psychology: general - industrial - social
7210: FRASER G S - Modern writer & his world
7208: FRASER A J A - I Remember I Remember: An autobiography of a nonagenerian
23102: FRASER I M - Salted with fire: life-stories, meditations, prayers
56701: FRASER J - Private view: inside Baryshnikov's American Ballet Theatre
27534: FRASER F - Beloved Emma: the life of Emma Lady Hamilton
53913: FRASER M - Companion into Somerset
41189: FRASER A C - Selections from Berkeley annotated: an introduction to the problems of modern philosophy for the use of students in colleges and universities
36936: FRASER A C - Berkeley
33177: FRAYLING N - Pardon and peace: a reflection on the making of peace in Ireland
57136: FRAZER J G - Passages of the Bible: chosen for their literary beauty and interest
22580: FRAZER H - Memorials by artists
64156: FRAZER J G - GOLDEN BOUGH: study in magic and religion abridged edition in one volume
82714: FRAZER J G - Golden bough: a study in magic & religion abridged in 2 volumes
66986: KNOOP Baroness Freda de - ALL HAIL: simple teachings on the Bible with illustrations from Old Masters by Annie Thynne [biblical quotations printed in red]
74680: ZEUNER Frederick E - DATING THE PAST: an introduction to Geochronology with 24 plates and numerous diagrams
29719: FREDERICK J B M - Future of liturgical reform
52427: FREDRIKSEN P - From Jesus to Christ: the origins of the New Testament images of Jesus
83420: FREEBURN R P - Hugh of Amiens and the Twelfth-Century Renaissance (Church, faith and culture in the Medieval West)
36775: FREED E D - Stories of Jesus' birth: a critical introduction (Biblical Seminar, 72)
81544: FREED E D - Stories of Jesus' birth: a critical introduction (Biblical Seminar, 72)
7222: FREED E D - New Testament: a critical introduction
7224: FREEDMAN R - Marx on economics
27877: ANDERSEN F I & FREEDMAN D N - Hosea: a new translation with introduction and commentary (Anchor Bible 24)
55920: FREEDMAN H S - How to get a headhunter to call
26128: FREEDMAN C - Japanese economic policy reconsidered published in assn with Centre for Japanese Economic Studies, Macquarie University Australia
82935: CROSS F M & FREEDMAN D N - Studies in ancient Yahwistic poetry (SBL Dissertation Series 21)
324: ANDERSEN F I & FREEDMAN D N - Amos: a new translation with introduction and commentary (Anchor Bible 24A)
80271: CAMPBELL E F & FREEDMAN D N - Biblical Archaeologist Reader IV
45657: FREEMAN E A - Studies of travel Italy
46722: FREEMAN E A - Studies of travel: Greece
34142: FREEMAN L - Selfless self
30061: FREEMAN F - Readiness for ministry through spiritual direction
25063: FREEMAN C - Offshore secrets: how to legally avoid excessive taxes, protect your assets and privacy adn live free from 'Big Brother' government
52370: FREEMAN M B - Belles heures du Duc de Berry: introduction by James J Rorimer issued to mark publishers tenth anniversary
37651: FREEMAN P - Principles of divine service: an enquiry concerning the true manner of understanding & using the order for morning/evening prayer, & for the administration o the Holy Communion in the English Church, in two volumes
35658: FREEMAN L - Jesus the teacher within
7232: FREEMAN L - Light within: the inner path of meditation
22016: FREER A S B - Early Franciscans and Jesuits: a study in contrasts
7236: FREESTONE W H - Sacrament Reserved: a survey of the practice of reserving the eucharist with special reference to the communion of the sick during the first twelve centuries (ACC XXI)
45182: FREETH E (ed) - Clapham County School: 1909 - 1959
38922: FREIN G H - Eight lesson plans on the constitution on the sacred liturgy of Vatican Council II
35523: FREMANTLE A - Social teachings of the church
38986: BRODRICK G C & FREMANTLE W H - Collection of the judgments of the Judicial Committee on the Privy Council in ecclesiastical cases relating to doctrine and discipline: with a preface... and an historical introduction
7240: FREMANTLE A - Desert Calling: Life of Charles de Foucauld
21903: FRENCH R M - Eastern Orthodox Church
52067: FRENCH A - Charles I and the puritan upheaval: a study of the causes of the great migration
81085: FRENCH T L - Early interracial oneness Pentecostalism
7244: FREND W H C - Archaeology of early christianity: a history
24360: FREND W H C - Early church from the beginnings to 461
81545: FREND W H C - Early church from the beginnings to 461
51480: FREND W H C - Rise of Christianity
7250: FRERE W H - Black letter saints' days: a companion to ""Collects, epistles, and gospels for the lesser feasts acc. to the calendar...1928
28840: FRERE W H - Collection of his papers on liturgical and historical subjects ed J H Arnold and E G P Wyatt (ACC XXXV)
64172: FRERE W H - SOME PRINCIPLES OF LITURGICAL REFORM: a contribution towards the revision of the Book of Common Prayer
22349: FRERE W H [JASPER] - Walter Howard Frere: His correspondence on liturgical revision and construction edited by RCD Jasper (ACC XXXIX)
7249: FRERE W H - Anaphora or Great Eucharistic Prayer: an eirenical study in liturgical history
7257: FRERE W H - Liturgical gospels (Alcuin prayer book revision pamphlet II)
40259: FRERE W H - Studies in early roman liturgy: I. The kalendar II. The Roman lectionary III. The Roman epistle-lectionary (Alcuin club collections XXVIII/XXX/XXXII)
53655: PROCTER F & FRERE W H - New history of the Book of Common Prayer with a rationale of its offices revised and rewritten by Walter Howard Frere
81752: BERTRAND Frere - Saint-Benoit-sur-Loire: les chapiteaux de la tour-porche (Bulletin trimestriel de 'Association Les Amis de Saint-Benoit)
47730: FRESCOBALDI G - Fiori musicali pour orgue [Edition Nationale de musique classique No 5313]
23817: FRETHEIM T E - Deuteronomic History (IBT)
81546: FRETHEIM T E - First and Second Kings (Westminster Bible Companion)
7268: FREUD S - Beyond the pleasure principle (IPL 4)
7267: FREUD S - Autobiographical study (IPL 26)
7278: FREUDENBERGER C D - Global dust bowl: can we stop the destruction of the land before it's too late?
44896: FREY R - Rights killing and suffering: moral vegetarianism and applied ethics
81548: FREYNE S - Ethics and the Christian (Trinity College Dublin-Studies in Theology)
64181: FREYTAG W - Spiritual revolution in the East
24728: FRIBERG T, FRIBERG B & MILLER N F - Analytical lexicon of the Greek New Testament (Baker's Greek Testament Library)
81553: FRICK F S - Formation of the State in Ancient Israel: a survey of models and theories (Social world of biblical antiquity series)
7736: GOOD FRIDAY - Good Friday: manual for the clergy
7282: FRIEBERGER K - Simon Peter the fisherman
20851: WIESEL E & FRIEDLANDER A H - Six days of destruction: meditations towards hope
81552: FRIEDMAN M - Martin Buber's Life and Work: the early years 1878-1923
53032: FRIEDMAN M S - Abraham Joshua Heschel philosopher of wonder: our thirty-year friendship and dialogue
58988: FRIEDMANN R - Theology of anabaptism (Studies in Ababaptist and Mennonite History No 15)
41989: FRIEDRICH J - Entzifferung verschollener schriften und sprachen: verstandliche wissenschaft
7292: FRIENDS - Friends of Reunion Bulletin No 48 Jan 1954 The Office of a Bishop: papers at a Conference at Ridley Hall Cambridge 29th Sept - 1st Oct 1953
7290: FRIENDS - Friends of Reunion Bulletin (No.43 June 1952)
55837: Religious Society of Friends - Extracts from the minutes and epistles of the yearly meeting of the Religious Society of Friends...relating to Christian doctrine, practice and discipline
29718: FRIES J F - Dialogues on morality and religion (Values and Philosophical Inquiry)
7293: FRIES H - Bultmann-Barth & Catholic theology trans & intro by L Swidler (Duquesne Studies TS 8)
64186: FRIESEN D - Critical choices: a journey with the Filipino people
25997: BARTL R & FRISCH B - Biopsy of bone in internal medicine: an atlas and sourcebook (Current Histopathology) [weight 1.5kg additional postage may be required]
42845: MAERTENS T & FRISQUE J - Guide for the Christian assembly: a background book of the mass day by day: volume II: septuagesima sunday through wednesday in holy week
7294: FRITSCH A J - Renew the face of the Earth
57723: FRITZ V - Introduction to biblical archaeology (JSOT Supplement Series 172)
23366: FRITZ R - Fast track: how to gain and keep momentum
23711: FROBENIUS N - De Sade's valet: a novel
49547: FROEHLE V A - Called into her presence: praying with feminine images of God
64192: FROLOV I T - Philosophy and history of Genetics: the inquiry and the debates
7297: FROMM E - Dogma of Christ and other essays on religion, psychology and culture
41239: FROST B - Citizen incognito
59447: FROST S B - Pattern of Methodism: an introduction to their Church for Methodist youth
7327: FROST S - Patriarchs and prophets
7308: FROST B - Ephesians - Colossians: a dogmatic and devotional commentary
57683: FROST S B - Beginning of the promise
36280: FROST R - Kids @ essence: a six-session activity-based programme for children, encouraging them to explore spirituality and the Christian faith, includes essential CD
7317: FROST B - Some modern substitutes for Christianity
41840: FROST B - Secular in the sacred
54502: FROUDE J A - History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth (Volumes I - VI only) UK postage £5. For overseas postage please ask for a quotation
80500: FRUEHWIRTH G - Words for silence: a year of contemplative meditations
16227: READ S & FRY W - Christian Theatre: a handbook for Church Groups
7332: FRY C - Firstborn: play in three acts
1332: BATSFORD H & FRY C - Cathedrals of England:
46660: FRY C - Three plays: The firstborn, Thor with angels and A sleep of prisoners
64219: FRYDENGER T & A - Stepfamily problems: how to solve them
81549: FRYE R M - Language for God and feminist language
82104: FU B - God's double agent: the true story of a Chinese Christian's fight for freedom
54143: FUCHS L - Women of destiny: the women of the Old Testament
56142: FUCHS L - We were there: women in the New Testament
36916: FUCHS A - Jesus in der Verkundingung der Kirche (Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt: Serie A Band 1)
40598: FULDA - Fuhrer durch Fulda und umgebung: mit 3 planskizzen und zahlreichen abbildungen
7341: FULFORD - The Liberal case
7342: FULFORD R - Glyn's 1753-1953: six generations in Lombard Street
37144: FULFORD R - Hanover to Windsor
7344: FULLER J - Model of a training scheme: a publication to mark the 10th Anniversary of The Southern Diocese Ministerial Training Scheme
7350: FULLER R H - Foundations of New Testament Christology
48512: FULLER T - Selections: with an introduction and notes by E K Broadus and essays by Charles Lamb, Leslie Stephen et al
40267: FULLER T - Abel redevivus; or Dead yet speaking: the lives and deaths of the modern divines (two volumes bound as one)
56663: FULLER R H - Interpreting the miracles
10298: FULLER T [JESSOPP] - Wise words and Quaint Counsels of Thomas Fuller: selected and arranged with a short sketch of the author's life
54339: FULLER T - History of the University of Cambridge and of Waltham Abbey with the appeal of injured innocence
57158: FULLER T - Holy and profane states: with some account of the author and his writings [Library of the Old English Prose Writers Volume I]
22077: FULLER R H - Lent with the liturgy
37450: FULLER L - Romance of a South African mission: an account of the Mission of the Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield, in the Transvaal
64222: FULLER C E - Ruth: a life of love and loyalty
7356: FULLER R H - Preaching the Lectionary: the word of God for the church today
56601: FULLER R H - Mission and achievement of Jesus (Studies in Biblical Theology First Series 12)
36891: FULLER J - Time: God's gift in a busy world
32270: FULLER P - Marches past
47985: FULLERTON W Y - Practice of Christ's presence
82651: FULLJAMES P - God and creation in intercultural perspective: dialogue between the theologies of Barth, Dickson, Pobee, Nyamiti and Pannenberg
50942: GEE P & FULTON J - Religion and power decline and growth: sociological anlyses of religion in Britain Poland and the Americas
40012: PALESTINE EXPLORATION FUND - Twenty-one years work in the Holy Land: (a record and summary) June 22, 1865 - June 22, 1886
7368: FUNG R Y K - Epistle to the Galatians (NICNT)
81030: WU SIU FUNG - Suffering in Romans
54338: FUNK M M - Thoughts matter: the practice of the spiritual life
54415: FUNK R W - Beginning-Intermediate Grammar of Hellenistic Greek: Volume III Appendices, paradigms, index (Society of Biblical Literature: Sources for Biblical study 2)
43077: FUNK F X - Opera patrum apostolicorum: textum recensuit, adnotationibus criticis, exegeticis, historicis illustravit, versionem latinam, prolegomena, indices addidit in 2 volumes
21572: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DIE - Zeitschrift fur die Alttestementliche Wissenschaft Herausgegeben von Georg Fohrer 80.Band 1968 Heft 1,2 and 3
21573: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DIE - Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft Herausgegeben von Otto Kaiser 96.Band 1984 Heft 3
21574: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DIE - Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (rpt of) Herausgegeben von Georg Fohrer 81.Band 1969 Heft 3 Sonderdruck The ""A"" text of the Greek Versions of the Book of Esther by HJ Cook
25711: FURBER S - ARM system architecture
7380: FURLONG M - Travelling In
23633: FURLONG M - Merton: a biography
7377: FURLONG M - God's a good man and other poems
64250: FURLONG M - Love unknown: women's prayers and poems down the ages
34547: FURLONG M - Mirror to the church: reflections on sexism
21849: FURNEAUX R - William Wilberforce
19673: UFF J & FURST S - Construction Law Yearbook 1995
51232: FUSSBALL - Fussball WM98
37060: FYALL R - Travelling hopefully: a spiritual pilgrimage
64255: FYFE G B - Prophetic profile: mainly the events of The Last Week
50818: ELPHINSTONE-FYFFE J - Prayers for today
7389: FYNN - Mister God this is Anna:
28551: FZK/TNO CONFERENCE, EDINBURGH - Contaminated soil '98: proceedings of the sixth international FZK/TNO conference on contaminated soil,17-21 May 1988, Edinburgh, UK in two volumes
81559: GABEL J B, WHEELER C B &YORK A D - Bible as literature: an introduction
64260: GABLE M Sr - They are people: modern short stories of Nuns, Monks & Priests
7392: GADE J A - Life of Cardinal Mercier
51436: GADE R E - Historical survey of anti-semitism
81565: GAEBELEIN F E - Expositor's Bible commentary (Volume 9 John - Acts): with the New International version of the Holy Bible
81566: GAEBELEIN F E - Expositor's Bible commentary (Volume 7 Daniel - Minor Prophets): with the New International version of the Holy Bible [Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Mahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi]
56951: GAILLARDETZ R R - Ecclesiology for a global church: a people called and sent
35849: GAIRDNER W H T - Reproach of Islam
66208: GAJARD J - Rhythm of plainsong: according to The Solesmes School translated by Dom Aldhelm Dean
80181: GALBRAITH V H - Introduction to the use of public records
71178: ROUSSEAU M & GALLAGHER C - Sex is holy
53027: GALLAGHER E J - Civil pleas of the Suffolk Eyre of 1240 (Suffolk Record Society Volume LII)
81556: GALLARES J A - Images of faith: spirituality of women in the Old Testament
51297: GALLARES J A - Praying with Job: reflection and prayer on human suffering
51296: GALLARES J - Prayers for people on the go
38950: GALLEN J - Eucharistic liturgies: studies in American pastoral liturgy, also containing 'The order of celebration and the liturgical year' by Peter E Fink, and 'The American days of celebration and eucharistic prayers' by John R Hogan
82014: Courtauld Institute Galleries - General catalogue of the Courtauld Institute Galleries
41990: GALLING K - Biblisches reallexikon: mit 133 abbildungen und einer zeitiasel [Handbuch zum Alten Testament]
40650: GALLING K - Bucher der Chronik Esra, Nehemia (Alte Testament Deutsch 12)
82156: GALLOWAY P - Henry Falconar Barclay Mackay (Oxford Prophets 4)
64274: GALLOWAY G - Principles of religious development: a psychological and philosophical study
7408: GALLOWAY A D - Wolfhart Pannenberg (Contemporary religious thinkers)
74203: GALLOWAY K - Dreaming of Eden: reflections on Christianity and sexuality
33189: GALLOWAY A D - Wolfhart Pannenberg (Contemporary religious thinkers)
7409: GALLOWAY K - Getting personal: sermons and meditations (1986-94)
49007: GALLOWAY G - Philosophy of religion (International Theological Library)
57172: GALSWORTHY J - Awakening [illustrated by R H Sauter]
81604: GAMBLE H Y - Books and readers in the early church: a history of early Christian texts
56789: GAMBOA P S de - History of the Incas
33692: GAMES A - Peter and Dud: an illustrated biography [with colour and b&w photography]
59443: GANDHI M K - Non-violent resistance (Satyagraha)
52884: O'GARA M - Ecumenical gift exchange
7418: GARAUDY R - From Anathema to dialogue: the challenge of Marxist-Christian cooperation
22476: GARBETT C R - Church of England today
7424: GARBETT C F - Church & modern problems
22475: GARBETT C F - Church and state in England
7427: GARBETT C F - We would see Jesus
7429: GARCIA M - Advances in optronics and avionics technologies
41240: GARDINER E A - Later Pauline Epistles: text of the Revised Version with introduction, notes and questions
64292: GARDINER E A - Earlier Pauline Epistles: text of the Revised Version with introduction and notes
37653: GARDINER E A - Acts of the Apostles: text of the Revised Version with introduction and notes
57543: GARDINER S R - Constitutional documents of the Puritan Revolution 1628-1660
40097: GARDINER R B - Registers of Wadham College, Oxford: (Part 1) from 1612 to 1719
64300: GARDNER H - Limits of literary criticism: reflections on the interpretation of poetry and scripture: (Riddell Memorial Lectures, twenty-eighth series)
64301: GARDNER P - Modernity and the churches
64298: GARDNER D E - God's ultimatum to the individual, to the nation, to the whole world
40315: GARDNER C - Risk management for financial institutions: advances in measurement and control
7441: GARDNER R F R - Abortion: the personal dilemma: a Christian gynaecologist examines the medical, social & spiritual issues
43472: GARDNER F - The Four Steps of Love
31842: GARDNER C - Vision and vesture: a study of William Blake in modern thought
7435: GARDNER A - Synesius of Cyrene, philosopher and bishop (Fathers for English readers)
31686: GARDNER L et al - Balthasar at the end of modernity
52250: GARDNER P - Revelation (Focus on the Bible)
7439: GARDNER H - Faber book of religious verse
40318: GARDNER P - Interpretation of religious experience
40316: GARDNER C - Risk management for financial institutions: advances in measurement and control
40317: GARDNER A - Theodore of Studium: his life and times, with illustrations
47703: GARDNER E A - Handbook of Greek sculpture Part II (Handbooks of archaeology and antiquities)
52192: GARFORTH F W - Scope of philosophy: an introductory study book
11671: LESTER-GARLAND L V - Idea of the Supernatural
80673: GARLINGTON D - Exposition on Galatians: a reading from a new perpective
18496: GARMANY G - Muscle relaxation as an aid to psychotherapy (Physical medicine series vol 1)
23484: GARMENDIA S - Memories of Altagracia
51373: GARNETT A C - Realistic philosophy of religion
7445: GARNETT A - Ethics: a critical introduction
45409: GARNETT - Mind in action: a study of motives and values
7446: GARNIER M C - Union or Disunion? (Problems of the Mission Field)
44655: CARPENTER-GARNIER M - Retreats and how to conduct them: report of a Conference of Retreat Conductors held in connection with the Association for Promoting Retreats September 1st-4th 1947
40320: GAROFALO S - Words of Mary
51372: GARRARD L A - Duty and the will of god
50526: GARRARD R - Time to pray: readings and prayers for daily life and worship
81600: GARRETT S R - Temptations of Jesus in Mark's Gospel
7449: GARRETT T - Worship in the Church of South India (ESW 2)
38924: GARRETT T S - Liturgy of the Church of South India: an introduction to and commentary on 'The Lord's Supper'. Second edition commenting on the 1954 revision
22712: GARRETT T S - Christian worship
42129: GOERGEN D J & GARRIDO A (ed.) - Theology of priesthood
7450: GARRISON J - Darkness of God: theology after Hiroshima
26012: LAWSON T & GARROD J - Complete A-Z sociology handbook
24209: GARROD G W - Epistle to the Colossians: analysis and examination notes
51292: GARRONE G - How to pray the psalms
7453: GARRONE C - Poor in Spirit: the spirituality of Jeanne Jugan
56359: CARRUTH S & GARSKY A - Q11:2b-4 [Lord's Prayer] (Documenta Q)
7455: GARSTANG J - Heritage of Solomon: an historical introduction to the sociology of ancient palestine
7457: GARTNER B - Theology of the Gospel of Thomas
7458: GARVEY J - Modern spirituality: an anthology
40307: GARVIE A E - Christian doctrine of the Godhead, or, the apostolic benediction as the Christian creed
56787: GARVIE A E - Ritschlian theology: critical and constructive: an exposition and an estimate
7460: GARVIE A E - Purpose of God in Christ: and fulfilment through the Holy Spirit considered in relation to the problems raised and the duties enforced by the war
38241: COOKE J & GARWOOD J - Time and a season: the story of St. Michael's House, Oxford
35366: GASELEE S - Uniats and their rites: a paper read before the Alciun Club on November 20, 1924 (Alcuin Club Tracts XVI)
58314: GASH N H - Reaction and reconstruction in English politics 1832 - 1852 (The Ford Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford in the Hilary Term 1964)
45503: GASKELL - Cousin Phillis and other tales
81527: GASQUE W W - History of the criticism of the Acts of the Apostles
50296: BAKER D W & GASQUE W W - Bible in world Christian perspective: studies in honor of Carl Edwin Armerding
7471: GASQUET F A - Last Abbot of Glastonbury & other essays
42221: GASQUET A - Parish life in mediaeval England
7470: GASQUET F A - Henry VIII and the English monasteries
81786: GASQUET F A - Greater abbeys of England: illustrations in colour after Warwick Goble
36972: GASQUET - Short history of the Catholic Church in England
7469: GASQUET F A - Henry the Third and the church: a study of his ecclesiastical policy and of the relations between England and Rome
46485: GASSMANN G - Documentary history of faith and order 1963 - 1993
40029: GASTER T H - Purim and Hanukkah in custom and tradition: Feast of Lots/Feast of Lights
82807: PEYTON N & GATRELL C - Managing clergy lives: obedience, sacrifice, intimacy
54172: GATTA J et al - Sewanee Theological Review: Easter 1992 Volume 35:2
7479: GATTA J - Pastoral Art: spiritual guidance in the English Mystics
25196: GATTORNA J - Handbook of logistics and distribution management
7485: GAUME L J - Manuel des confesseurs
41951: GAUSTAD E S - Documentary history of religion in America to the Civil War
80172: GAUTHIEZ P - Florence (The Picture Guides)
39184: GAUTIER L - Introduction a l'Ancien Testament [Tome I & II]
25331: GAVIGAN P B - Talking together: exploring the Christian year with under fives: themed dialogues, activities, music and prayers
59507: GAY P - My German Question: growing up in Nazi Berlin
40098: GAY L C - Counsels and precepts
41089: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GB - Memoirs illustrative of the history and antiquities of the County and City of Lincoln [appears to have been owned by Bp John Wordsworth]
58453: GEANAKOPLOS D J - Byzantine east and Latin west: two worlds of Christendom in Middle Ages and Renaissance (Studies in Ecclesiastical and Cultural History)
59440: GEARON L - English literature theology and the curriculum (Theology in Dialogue Series)
31330: MOULTON W F & GEDEN A S - Concordance to the Greek New Testament according to the texts of Westcott and Hort, Tischendorf and the English Revisers
40099: GEE H - Reformation period
58628: GEE H - Elizabethan clergy and the settlement of religion 1558-1564 with illustrative documents and lists
29202: JOSSUA J-P & GEFFRE C - Indifference to religion (Concilium 165)
38504: JOSSUA J-P & GEFFRE C - Is being human a criterion of being Christian? (Concilium 155)
7501: GEISELMANN J R - Meaning of tradition (Quaestiones Disputatae 15)
59426: GEISLER N L - Biblical errancy: an analysis of its philosophical roots
52226: GEISLER N L - Christian ethics: options and issues
22531: GEISSLER E S - Spirit Bible: compilation of all passages that mention the Spirit, the Spirit in the Church & a concordance to Spirit in the Bible
81598: GELANDER S - Good Creator: literature and theology in Genesis 1-11 (South Florida studies in the history of Judaism No 147)
81597: GELIN A - Poor of Yahweh
42045: GELIN A - Problemes d'Ancien Testament
7505: GELINEAU J - Liturgy today and tomorrow: trans by Dinah Livingstone
42223: GELL W - Topography of Rome and its vicinity
81596: GELLNER E - Words and things
55958: GELSTON A - Psalms in worship: patristic precedence and Anglican practice (Joint Liturgical Studies 66)
40101: GENOUDE M de - Nouvelle exposition du Dogme Catholique: la doctrine de l'église catholique par Bossuet: de la Regle Générale de la Foi Catholique par véro et des maximes de l'église sur le salut des hommes par M L'Eveque D'Hermopolis
81645: GENTRY P J - Asterisked materials in the Greek Job (Septuagint and Cognate studies 38)
7513: GEOGHEGAN W D - Platonism in recent religious thought
74607: YATES George A - IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH: aspects of Judaism and Christianity
44626: TOWNSEND George - Life and defence of the conduct and principles of the Venerable and Caluminiated Edmund Bonner, Bishop of London in the reins of Henry VIII Edward VI Mary and Elizabeth
58184: BOOBYER George H - Are the scriptures 'very precious' still?
28121: GEORGE B - Main bitch (crime novel)
7517: GEORGE R - Pocket Book of Prayers for Everyday
7516: GEORGE M D - England in Johnson's day
46587: GEORGE H B - Relations of geography and history
81650: GEORGI D - Opponents of Paul in Second Corinthians (Studies of the New Testament and it's world)
61398: BRAY Gerald - STEPS OF UNDERSTANDING: key events in Jesus' life
81651: GERBRANDT G E - Kingship according to the Deuteronomistic history (SBL Dissertation deries 87)
36926: GERHARDSSON B - Mighty acts of Jesus according to Matthew (Scripta Minora 1978-1979: 5)
82155: GERHARDSSON B - Tradition and transmission in early Christianity (Coniectanea Neotestamentica XX)
57881: GERLER W R - Executive's treasury of humor for every occasion
7534: GERTRUDE, Sr - Christian prayer (WCB 27)
64416: GETZ G A - Measures of a christian: Studies in Titus
40057: GEYER J - Oracles against the nations: in Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel in relation to the Ancient Hebrew Cult
55068: GHEZZI B - Times book of saints
7550: GHEZZI B - Build with the Lord: pastoral advice for prayer groups in the charismatic renewal
40517: GIACHETTI C - Goldoni (Novissima Enciclopedia Monografica Illustrata 15)
7555: GIBBARD M - Tomorrow's church: survey of the church's work among children with special reference to evangelism
7552: GIBBARD M - Dynamic of love: an exploration into believing, praying and being human
7559: GIBBENS T C N - Psychiatric studies of borstal lads (Institute of Psychiatry Maudsley Monograph 11)
7560: GIBBERD K - Teaching religion in schools
45506: GIBBON E - Life and letters of Edward Gibbon: with his history of the crusades with copious index by W J Day
7563: GIBBON E - Memoirs & a selection from his letters ed by H Morley
45412: GIBBONS S - Standard catalogue of postage stamps of the world: part 1: the British empire, part 2: foreign countries
60863: GIBBONS S - Stamps of the world 1978: an illustrated and priced guide to the postage stamps of the whole world, excluding changes of paper, perforation, shade and watermark: lists of 192,500 stamps & over 40,500 illustrations
36040: GIBBS E - Grow through groups (GM&W64)
33316: GIBBS P - Child sexual abuse: a concern for the church? (GP49)
47027: GIBBS J [arr Salter] - Sonatas for violin and harpsichord [No 1 in D minor]
7565: GIBBS C A - O Praise God in his holiness: for two part chorus Psalm CL (Choral Songs 2230)
57268: GIBBS A - Gaudeamus igitur (Sing aloud): mediaeval student song arranged with optional English text for SATB and organ or piano
8304: GIBBS E - Urban church growth: clues from South America and Britain (GMW 55)
64442: GIBBS W - Shadow of his wings: a message of hope to all suffering women
7573: GIBELLINI R - Paths of African theology
73345: GIBLET J et al - Birth of the church: a biblical study, essays by K Cerfaux, WC van Unnik et al
56784: GIBRALTAR - Gibraltar and its sieges: with a description of its natural features
7576: GIBRAN K - Self-portrait: translated from the Arabic and edited by A R Ferris
64447: GIBRAN K - Thoughts and meditations
47292: GIBSON J C L - Language and imagery in the Old Testament
43577: GIBSON J - Seasons of Womanhood: stories of despair and hope
40164: GIBSON P W - Sunday worship: a short answer to Seventh-Day Adventism
7578: GIBSON E C S - Book of Job with introduction and notes (Westminster Commentary)
24315: GIBSON A B - Theism and empiricism (Library of philosophy and theology)
53323: NEGEV A & GIBSON S - Archaeological encyclopedia of the Holy Land [2nd ed]
9760: GIBSON S - Final days of Jesus: the archaeological evidence
33126: GIBSON A - Biblical semantic logic: a preliminary analysis
81858: LEWIS A S & GIBSON M D - In the shadow of Sinai: stories of travel and biblical research one volume edition of 'In the shadow of Sinai' and 'How the Codex was found'
40103: GIBSON W R B - Rudolf Eucken's philosophy of life
40104: GIBSON E C S - Three creeds
7582: GIBSON J C L - Genesis (Volume I) (DSB)
50934: GIBSON A B - Religion of Dostoevsky
53414: HERZOG C & GICHON M - Battles of the Bible
27248: BOLD A & GIDDINGS R - True characters: real people in fiction (Longman pocket companion)
43102: GIDLEY - Notices of Exeter: comprising a history of royal visits to the ancient and loyal city, from A.D. 49, to A.D. 1863
51032: GIDNEY S - Reaching for the stars: the entertainer's prayer book
42201: GIERTYCH J - In defence of my country
30840: GIFFORD P - 2000 years and beyond: faith, identity and the 'Common Era': with essays by Moltmann, Gray, Ricoeur, Schacht, Girard, Comaroff & Thiselton
32292: GIFFORD D - Farther shore: a natural history of perception, 1798-1984
81595: GILBERT M - La Sagasse de l'ancien testament: nouvelle edition mise a jour (Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium LI)
25766: GILBERT D - Retail marketing management
7590: GILBERT W S - Fifty ""Bab"" ballads: much sound & little sense
7589: GILBERT T W - Reality of Christ: sermons
62612: COPE Gilbert - CHRISTIANITY AND THE VISUAL ARTS: studies in the art and architecture of the church
44125: GILBERT M - Letters to Auntie Fori: the 5,000-Year history of the Jewish People and their faith
35650: GILBERT C - Furniture at Temple Newsam House and Lotherton Hall: a catalogue of the Leeds collection in two volumes (few colour but mainly black/white plates throughout)
64476: GILBEY J - Milestones: and other poems
64477: GILBEY J - In all the signs...: and other poems
81593: GILEADI A - Israel's Apostasy and Restoration: essays in honor of Roland K Harrison
7596: GILES K - Patterns of ministry among first christians
73863: GILES G - MUSIC OF PRAISE: through the church year with the great hymns
42051: GILES B - Dead sparrow: poems
7598: GILFILLAN G - Bards of the Bible
7599: GILKEY L - Message and existence: an introduction to Christian theology
45414: GILL R - Reading in Modern Theology: Britain and America
7604: GILL J C - Parson Bull of Byerley
7605: GILL J C - Ten Hours Parson: Christian social action in the Eighteen-Thirties
7614: GILL R - Theology and sociology: a reader
64491: GILL R - Prophecy and praxis: the social function of the churches
7615: GILL S - Women and the Church of England from the eighteenth century to the present
31421: GILL R - Moral communities: the Prideaux Lectures for 1992
7613: GILL R - Theology and social structure
37328: GILL A - Bibliography of Baptist writings on baptism 1900-1968 (Bibliographical Aids No 1)
30841: GILL R - Changing worlds: can the church respond?
24214: GILL R - Cross against the bomb
59471: GILL J - Exposition of the Song of Solomon
54282: GILL D M - Illuminated manuscripts: the life times and work of the world's greatest artists
42199: GILL J - Notices of the Jews and their country: by the classic writers of antiquity
7607: GILL R - Competing convictions
34386: GILL M - Free to love: sexuality and pastoral care
7606: GILL R - Beyond decline: a challenge to the churches
82597: GILL R - Health care and Christian ethics (New Studies in Christian Ethics No 26)
58984: GILLESPIE G - Aaron's rod blossoming or the divine ordinance of church government vindicated
83687: GILLET L - In thy presence
7621: GILLETT C S - Three Talks on Religion
82024: GILLETT G - Mother of God Incarnate being a brief answer to some objections commonly raised against Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
36061: GILLETT D et al - Place in the family: the single person in the local church (GP6)
32315: HARRE R & GILLETT G - Discursive mind
57594: GILLETTE A D - Minutes of the Philadelphia Baptist Association from A.D. 1707 - A.D. 1807 being the first one hundred years of its existence
35179: GILLEY S - Newman and his age
57411: GILLEY S - History of religion in Britain: practice and belief from Pre-Roman times to the present
42217: GILLIAT E - Champions of the right
23070: GILLIES R A - Healing: broader and deeper with biblical study notes
80672: GILLILAND D S - Pauline theology and mission practice
81626: GILLINGHAM S E - The image, the depths and the surface: multivalent approaches to Biblical study (JSOTSS 354)
8193: GILLINGHAM B - Christian student and the local church (GP15)
81628: GILMER H W - The if-you form in Israelite law (SBL Dissertation Series 15)
7630: GILMORE A - Baptism & Christian unity
35591: GILMORE, A - Aid matters: a book of cries, questions and prayers
26259: GILMORE A - Agenda for development: the future of Third World Christian publishing
25238: GILMOUR M - Shakespeare for all: Volume 2 The Secondary School an account of the RSA Shakespeare in Schools Project
82164: GILSON E - Elements of Christian philosophy
49381: GILSON E - Thomisme: introduction au systeme de Saint Thomas d'Aquin (Etudes de philosophie medievale I)
53030: GILSON E - Medieval essays translated by James Colbert
42215: GILSON E - Christian philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas
58785: ALTMAN I & GINAT J - Polygamous families in contemporary society
83175: MILLER M E & GINGERICH B N - Church's peace witness
1346: BAUER W ARNDT W F & GINGRICH F W - Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and other early Christian literature: a trans and adaptation of the fourth revised and augmented edition of Walter Bauers 1952...
36278: GINK K & J et al - Matthias Church of Budapest contains 71 colour photographs
42203: GINSBERG M - On the diversity of morals
41844: GINSBERG M - Moral progress: being the Frazer lecture delivered within the University of Glasgow on 18th April 1944
55065: GIRARD R - Violence and the sacred
49263: GIRAUDOUX J - Bella
42213: GIRDLESTONE R B - Synonyms of the Old Testament: their bearing on Christian doctrine
58804: GISPEN W H - Exodus (Bible Student's Commentary)
34107: GITARI D - Anglican liturgical inculturation in Africa: the Kanamai Statement 'African culture and Anglican liturgy' (JLS28)
64517: GITTELSOHN R B - Modern meaning of Judaism
7644: GITTINS A - Heart Of Prayer: African, Jewish and Biblical Prayers
47201: GIVEN M - Modern family cook book: for daily use in the home. Menus for one week in every month of the year and a simple recipe for every cooked food listed in the menus
32290: GJERTSEN D - Science and philosophy: past and present
39390: GJORGJEVSKI G - Enigma degli enigmi: un contributo allo studio della composizione della raccolta salomonica (Pr 10, 1-22, 16) [Tesi Gregoriana Series Teologie 72]
42767: GLADSTONE W E - Gleanings of past years: 1851-1875 Ecclesiastical Vol II and 1843-78 Ecclesiatical Vol VI
42204: GLADSTONE W E - Church principles: considered in their results
24289: GLADWIN J - In the circumstances (GE29)
36050: GLADWIN J - Conscience (GE18)
40962: GLANFIELD F G - Beginners .....please: an introduction to the cultivation of chrysanthemums
7651: GLASNER P E - Sociology of secularisation: a critique of a concept
46155: LINES M E & GLASS A M - Principles and applications of ferroelectrics and related materials International series of monographs on physics
7652: GLASS B - Science and ethical values: John Calvin McNair Lectures
25838: GLASSER B L - Economic development and political reform: the impact of external capital on the Middle East
82154: GRIMSCHITZ B & SCHMIDT-GLASSNER H - St Florian Wilhering Kremsmunster
35574: GLASSON T F - Revelation of John (CBC)
82153: GLASSPOOL J - Holy Orders: an ecclesiastical cookery book compiled by John Glasspool
81630: GLATT D A - Chronological displacement in biblical and related literatures (SBL Dissertation series 139)
42206: GLAZEBROOK M G - Studies in the Book of Isaiah
81632: GLAZOV G Y - Bridling of the tongue and the opening of the mouth in biblical prophecy (JSOTSS 311)
42207: GLEASON R W - Contemporary spirituality: 20 leading Catholic thinkers offer challenging new perspectives on current problems in the religious life
49878: GLEDDIESMITH S - Welcoming the stranger: readying ourselves for Christmas (Regent College Advent reflections)
42035: GLEDHILL R - Times book of prayers: illustrations by the pupils of Rugby School
39103: GLEDHILL J - Leading a local church in the Age of the Spirit
51621: GLEDSTONE J P - George Whitefield M.A. field-preacher
64532: GLICKMAN S C - Song for Lovers: including both a new paraphrase and a new translation of the Song of Solomon
29006: GLIDDON C P - Story of the first Christmass: a play for Christmass or Epiphany in which only the words of scripture are spoken
7664: GLOEGE G - Day of His Coming: the man in the gospels
7672: GLOVER T R - Disciple
45622: GNAYALLOOR J - Augustine saint for today
45643: GNEIST R - Institutionum et regularum iuris romani syntagma
81635: GNUSE R - Authority of the Bible: theories of inspiration, revelation and the canon of scripture
81636: GNUSE R - You shall not steal: community and property in the biblical tradition
64538: GOAD H E - Franciscan Italy: with 27 illustration and two maps
38849: JOURNEY TO GOD - Journey to God: Anglican essays on the Benedictine Way
7685: GOD - God who created me: a book for the quiet time SPCK on behalf of Federation of University Women's
21360: WORD OF GOD - Word of God in the Life of Man: sermon outlines with related studies (Advent to Trinity) Contributors include: EF Carpenter, L Dewar, CFD Moule]
7680: GOD - God's festivals and holy days
7692: GOD'S SEASONS - God's season, harvest sevice for reader, narrator, choir and organ readings selected by Laurence Swinyard music Desmond Ratcliffe
36828: GODAL O - Eivind Berggrav: leader of Christian resistance
51159: GODDEN P - Saints divided
57497: GODET F - Commentary on John's Gospel [complete in one volume]
39851: GODET F - Commentary on St Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians translated from the French by A Cusin (Volume 1 only of 2-part set)
23992: GODET F - Commentary on the Gospel of St Luke [complete in 2 volumes]: trans from the 2nd French ed by EW Shalders & MD Cusin (2 vol set)
56140: GODFREY M - Stepping stones
48144: GODLEY W - Sensibility of contemporary institutions: sermon before the University, King's College Chapel 31 May 1987
43106: GODWIN W - Enquiry concerning political justice and its influence on morals and happiness in 2 volumes: [Weight 1.5kg additional postage required - please ask for a quotation]
50737: GOEHRING J E et al - Gnosticism and the early Christian world: in honor of James M Robinson (Forum fascicles No 2)
45669: GOETHE J W - Iphigenie auf Tauris
56782: GOETZ J W - Mirrors of God
4584: GOGAN B - We bring good news: guide to preaching & the celebration of the word
7702: GOGARTEN F - Demythologizing and history
41779: GOGARTEN F - Die Berfundigung Jesu Christi: Grundlagen und Ausgabe [printed in gothic script]
81568: GOGEL S L - Grammar of epigraphic Hebrew (SBL Resources for Biblical Study Number 23)
35744: VAN GOGH V - Van Gogh by Vincent edited by Rachel Barnes (Artists by themselves)
7703: GOLB N - Who wrote the dead sea scrolls? the search for the secret of Qumran
64553: GOLDBRUNNER J - Cure of mind and cure of soul: depth psychology and pastoral care
7705: GOLDHAWK N P - On hymns and hymn-books
48548: GOLDIN G - To love that well: more poems of aging
81647: GOLDINGAY J - Theological diversity and the authority of the Old Testament
81623: GOLDINGAY J - Approaches to Old Testament interpretation
7713: GOLDMAN R - Religious thinking from childhood to adolescence
40593: GOLDONI C - Il ventaglio (Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli 110)
45427: GOLDSMITH O - Poems of Oliver Goldsmith
45465: GOLDSMITH O - Poetical works of Oliver Goldsmith
29441: GOLDSMITH S - Practical guide to real-time systems development
46981: GOLDSMITH O - Poems of Oliver Goldsmith (edited with introduction and notes by Austin Dobson)
7715: GOLDSMITH O - Vicar of Wakefield ed with intro by S Coote (PC)
7716: GOLDSTEIN A - Exploring the Bible: Founders to Judges
7717: GOLDSTEIN D - Major source-books of Judaism
54074: GOLDSTEIN D - Hebrew manuscript painting
49386: GOLDSTEIN D - Religion of the Jews [A228 Units 10-11]
52922: GOLDSWORTHY G - According to plan: the unfolding revelation of God in the Bible
9862: GOLEMAN D - Vital lies, simple truths: psychology of self-deception
44874: KNIGHT G A F & GOLKA F W - Revelation of God: song of songs and Jonah (International theological commentary)
40154: GOLKA F W - Die Atiologien im Alten Testament: Inaugural - Dissertation zur Erlangung der Wurde eines Doktors der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultat zu Heidelberg
7728: GOLLWITZER H - Europe in the Age of Imperialism 1880-1914
7726: GOLLWITZER H - The demands of freedom: papers by a Christian in west Germany
36401: GOMES P J - Growing up and other sermons preached at Harvard 2001-2002
56781: GOMME G L - Gentleman's Magazine Library: Ecclesiology edited by F A Milne (being a classified collection of the chief contents of the Gentleman's Magazine from 1731 - 1868
47422: JACOME B & GONZALEZ A - Santiago de Compostela [Colleccion Guias Everest]
26034: BHATTA G & GONZALEZ J L - Governance innovations in the Asia-Pacific region: trends, cases and issues
80169: GOOCH G P - Annals of politics and culture (1492 - 1899)
53812: GOOD D et al - Let the reader understand: a statement of interpretative principles by which we understand the Holy Scriptures (Developed at the request of the Bishop Of New York in response to actions at the Lambeth Conference 1998
81573: GOOD E M - Irony in the Old Testament (Bible and Literature Series)
81574: GOOD E M - In turns of tempest: a reading of Job with a translation
64581: GOOD J - Church of England and the ecumenical movement
7738: GOODACRE N W - Prayers for Today: contemporary material for worship
59428: GOODALL N - Christian missions and social ferment
41774: GOODALL N - With all thy mind: a study in the relation of doctrine to experience
7741: GOODALL N - The ecumenical movement: what it is and what it does
32287: GOODALL N - Ecumenical progress: a decade of change in the Ecumenical Movement 1961-71
43648: GOODBURN R - Pilgrim's guide to Oberammergau: and its passion play
25156: LEMOS G & GOODBY G - New spirit of community: developing mutual aid at Byron Street, Bradford 3
81569: GOODE W J - Readings on the family and society
33618: GOODENOUGH S - Citizens of Rome [a fascinating insight into everyday life 2,000 years ago]
52473: GOODER P - Heaven
7753: GOODING D - According to Luke: a new exposition of the third gospel
80977: BLYTH M & GOODLIFE A - Gathering disciples: essays in honor of Christopher J Ellis
46930: GOODMAN G - Seventy lessons in teaching and preaching Christ
29705: GOODMAN G - Seventy lessons in teaching and preaching Christ
7757: GOODMAN P - History of the Jews
57181: GOODMAN J - Winter-evening conference between neighbours in three parts
42344: GOODRICH H S - Thomas Field: a memoir
42211: GOODRICK A T S - Book of wisdom: with introduction and notes (Oxford Church Bible Commentary)
44391: GOODRICK E W - Do it yourself Hebrew and Greek: everybody's guide to the language tools
54162: GOODSPEED E J - Apostolic fathers: an American translation
55663: GOODWIN E C - Baptists in the balance: the tension between freedom and resposibility
7763: GOODWIN H - Plain sermons on Ordination and the Ministry of the Church: preached on divers occasions
54140: GOODWIN H - Foundations of the Creed
64595: GOODWIN G (ed) - Ethics and nuclear deterrence
55988: GOODWORTH W G W - Musicians of all times
7768: GOPPELT L - Theology of the New Testament: Volume 1 and 2 Ministry of Jesus in its theological significance and The variety and unity of the apostolic witness to Christ
58892: GOPPELT L - Typos: the typological interpretation of the Old Testament in the New
81463: GOPPELT L - Commentary on I Peter
46477: GORAINOV I - Message of Saint Seraphim:
81461: GORDIS R - Koheleth - the man and his world: a study of Ecclesiastes
31100: GORDON E - Wholetime: a handbook for workshops
41770: GORDON A R - Early traditions of Genesis
7770: GORDON A - Norman Vincent Peale: minister to millions a biography
7964: GRAY M HODSON N & GORDON G - Teleworking explained
81457: GORDON C H - Pennsylvania tradition of semitics: a century of Near Eastern and Biblical studies at the University of Pennsylvania) (SBL centennial publications - Biblical scholarship in North America 13)
81458: GORDON C H - Scholar's odyssey (Biblical scholarship in North America 20)
64605: GORDON S D - Trysting time
45423: GORE C - Permanent creed and the Christian idea of sin: being two sermons preached before the University of Oxford on November 13, 1904 and December 13, 1903
49289: GORE C - Church and the ministry: new edition revised by C H Turner, with Appendix [Dr Lightfoot 'Christian Ministry']
45425: GORE C - Lux mundi: series of studies in the religion of the incarnation
57410: GORE C - The creed of the Christian
7788: GORE C - Dominant ideas and corrective principles (addresses)
41773: GORE C - Basis of Anglican fellowship in faith and organization: an open letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of Oxford
7815: GORE C - St Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians: a practical exposition
33953: GORE C - Holy communion: the gift: the offering: the fellowship Lectures delivered in Westminster Abbey, together with a sermon on 'The church in the world'
7809: GORE C - Reservation: addresses to the Clergy of the Diocese of Chelmsford together with a series of questions and answers
7806: GORE C - Reflections on the litany
7797: GORE C - Mission of the church: four lectures St Asaph Cathedral June 1892
7782: GORE C - Creed of the Christian
32086: GORE C - Essays in aid of the reform of the Church
7799: GORE C - New theology and the old religion being eight lectures, together with five sermons
7800: GORE C - Philosophy of the good life being the Gifford Lectures 1929-30
25316: GORE C et al - Strategic decision-making
7774: GORE C - Anglo-Catholic Movement to-day
7802: GORE C - The question of divorce
7803: GORE C - Question of divorce
64614: GORE C - CHRIST AND SOCIETY: Halley Stewart lectures 1927
32286: GORE C - The Epistles of St John
45422: GORELL - He walked in light: the story of our Lord
54080: GORING R - Chambers dictionary of beliefs and religions
32824: O'GORMAN F - Rationality and relativity: the quest for objective knowledge
81044: GORMAN H M - Interweaving innocence: a rhetorical analysis of Luke's Passion Narrative
7822: GORREE G - Memories of Charles de Foucauld: Explorer and Hermit seen in his letters
29704: GORRINGE T J - Redeeming time: atonement through education
52786: GORRINGE T J - Alan Ecclestone: priest as revolutionary
59427: GORRY J - Cold war Christians and the spectre of nuclear deterrence 1945 - 1959 (Histories of the Sacred and Secular)
49408: GORSKY J - Shabbat: the Jewish Sabbath
82152: GORSKY J - Teaching the Holocaust
83441: GOSLING P - Fatal flaws: notes from a perverse society
80259: GOSLING D et al - Youth Emmaus 2: big issues an holy spaces
54895: GOSPEL - Gospel picture book: Resurrection and Pentecost No 6
54849: GOSPEL - Gospel picture book: Teaching No 3
54892: GOSPEL - Gospel picture book: Passion No 5
51126: GOSS B - Futures markets: their establishment and performance
57263: GOSS J [WILLCOCKS] - See amid the winter's snow SATB with organ accompaniment
7831: GOSSE E - Father & son: a study of two temperaments
60958: BERGSTEN Gote - PASTORAL PSYCHOLOGY: a study in the cure of souls
7833: GOTOFF H C - Transmission of the text of Lucan in the ninth century
7834: GOTT J - Parish priest of the town: lectures delivered in the Divinity School, Cambridge
64637: GOTT K - Anointed or annoying?: searching for the fruit of revival
72807: GOTT L - Glory of his presence: reaping the harvest of the Sunderland Refreshing
40195: GOTTGEWEIHTEN - Gottgeweihten in der Ulttestamentlichen religion Bortrag von B Duhm
30458: GOTTWALD N K - Studies in the Book of Lamentations (SBT No 14)
81437: GOTTWALD N K - Hebrew Bible: a socio-literary introduction
81438: GOTTWALD N K - Hebrew Bible in it's social world and in ours (SBL Semeia Studies)
81049: GOTTWALD N K - Social justice and the Hebrew Bible Volume one
7837: GOTTWALD N K - Hebrew Bible: a socio-literary introduction
7838: GOTTWALD N K - Light to the Nations: an introduction to the Old Testament
7854: GOUDGE H L - Church of England and reunion
7855: GOUDGE H L - Conflicting tendencies in the Church of England reprinted with additions from the ""Contemporary Review""
37453: GOUDGE H L - Sin and redemption: thirty sermons including many for the principal church seasons
45429: GOUDGE H L - Christian teaching and the Christian year: subjects for sermons for two years
45428: GOUDGE H L - Church and the Bible
7852: GOUDGE H L - C of E & reunion
7848: GOUDGE H L - Admission of nonconformists to communion: paper read to Oxford Branch of English Church Union 27/4/32
7849: GOUDGE H L - Apocalypse and the present age
7856: GOUDGE H L - First Epistle to the Corinthians (WC)
43814: GOUDZWAARD B - Beyond poverty and affluence: toward an economy of care with a twelve-step program for economic recovery
45430: GOUGH A W - Service and sacrament: manual for communicants in two parts
27063: GOUGH L - How the stock market really works: The guerrilla investor's secret handbook
7865: GOUGH B C - Man behind the ministry
37416: GOULBURN E M - Thoughts on personal religion, being a treatise on the Christian life in its two chief elements, devotion and practice
61703: GOULBURN E M - Farewell counsels of a pastor to his flock: nine sermons, preached at St. John's
37417: GOULBURN E M - Commentary expository and devotional on the order of the Administration of the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion according to the use of the Church of England
40892: GOULD A E - For the facing of this hour: an address from the chair of the congregational union of England and Wales
43115: GOULD F J - Funeral services without theology: a series of addresses adapted to various occasions
56680: GOULDER M D - Luke: a new paradigm (JSNTSS 20)
53932: GOULDER L - Church life in medieval England and Wales: Part 1 The Parishes (Pilgrimage Pamphlets No 8)
81443: GOULDER M D - Psalms of Asaph and the Pentateuch: studies in the Psalter III (Journal for the study of the Old Testament supplement series 233
26241: GOULDER M D - Luke: a new paradigm - Volume I and Volume II (JSNTSS 20)
83439: GOURAUD P - La gloire et la glorification de l'univers chez Saint Jea de la Croix (Theologie Historique 107) French text
47676: GOUZES A - Eglise condamnee a renaitre: entretiens avec Philippe Baud
45222: GOUZES A - Sainte nuit de paques: Vigile Pascale
45216: GOUZES A - Celebration Pascale de Dimanches: office des vigiles
45217: GOUZES A - Evening prayer for Lent: a fully-sung setting: music for 4 mixed voices: a capella
53279: GOVAERTS R - Cosmic prayer and guided transformation: key elements of the emergent Christian cosmology
44470: GOW M D - Book of Ruth: its structure, theme and purpose
29496: GOWAN D E - Bridge between the Testaments: a reappraisal of Judaism from the exile to the birth of Christianity (Pittsburgh TMS 14)
48769: GOWAN D E - Reclaiming the Old Testament for the Christian pulpit
7879: GOWAN D E - Eschatology in the Old Testament
80670: GOWAN D E - Ezekiel (Knox Preaching Guides)
49176: GOWER C - Over the top: 20 descants to well known hymn tunes
26637: GOWER R - Frontiers
7883: GOWERS E - ABC of plain words
58203: GRABBE L L - Can a 'History of Israel' be written? (JSOT SS 245/European Seminar in Historical methodology 1)
56139: GRACE M M - Adoration and reparation
22520: GRACE H - Organ works of Bach with intro by Ernest Newman (Handbooks for musicians)
11616: GRACE H - Organ works of Bach with intro by Ernest Newman (Handbooks for musicians)
5407: DAVIES W & GRACE H - Music and worship
66183: GRACE - Grace Hymns: [Full music]
63715: EVERARD Grace - GLEANINGS: pocket size
24120: O'GRADY D - Victory of the cross: a history of the early church in Rome
58734: O''GRADY C et al - Challenge to religious life today
14660: O'GRADY R - Song of Jesus: reflections on the life of Jesus of Nazareth
83675: O'GRADY K et al - Bodies, lives, voices: gender in theology
33334: O'GRADY D - Eat from God's hand: Paul Gauthier and the church of the poor
64656: GRAF E - In Christ's own country
48766: FREEDMAN D N & GRAF D F - Palestine in transition: the emergence of ancient Israel (Social World of Biblical Antiquity Series, 2)
45438: GRAHAM J W - Faith of a Quaker
64676: GRAHAM S - Way of Martha and the way of Mary
55061: GRAHAM E - Making the difference: gender personhood and theology
61040: BIRD Graham - PHILOSOPHICAL TASKS: an introduction to some aims and methods in recent philosophy
82381: KINGS Graham - Christianity connected: Hindus, Muslims and the World in the letters of Max Warren and Roger Hooker (No 31 Mission Series)
36408: GRAHAM M P et al - Worship and the Hebrew Bible: essays in honour of John T Willis (JSOT SS284)
58981: GRAHAM G - Re-enchantment of the world: art versus religion (Stanton lectures on the philosophy of religion delivered at the University of Cambridge)
7908: GRAHAM Y M - Church Hesitant: a portrait of the Church of England today
81982: MCKENZIE S L & GRAHAM M P - Hebrew Bible today: an introduction to critical issues
74340: CRAGO G & GRAHAM J - Safe and sound?: a guide to church security
33578: GRAHAM M - On the move: getting the church out (GEv48)
7909: GRAINGER R - Message of the Rite: the significance of Christian Rites of Passage
7910: GRAINGER R - Place like this: a guide to life in a psychiatric hospital
24215: GRAINGER R - Presenting drama in church
45436: GRAINGER R - Any ward, any hospital: practical and personal reflections
64679: GRAINGER R - Family forest: healing across time
64680: GRAINGER R - Unburied
56780: GRAINGER R - Educating Anglicans: investigating groupwork in the Church of England
24217: GRAINGER R - Watching for wings: theology & mental illness in a pastoral setting
30244: GRAMENZ S - How you can heal the sick: the believers do it yourself guide to divine healing
83681: ALBERT-LE-GRAND LE B - De l'union avec Dieu translated to French by P J J Berthier
7913: GRANDMAISON L de - Religion Personnelle
52010: GRANE L - Peter Abelard: philosophy and Christianity in the Middle Ages
28602: THOMAS G & GRANT J - New mind for the new Millennium: understanding the concept of change leading to financial independence and freedom
64697: GRANT R M - Bible in the Church: a short history of interpretation
64687: GRANT F C - Nelson's bible commentary based on the RSV Volume 7 - Romans-Revelation
64684: GRANT F C - TRANSLATING THE BIBLE [published to commemorate the 350th anniversary of the King James Version of the Holy Bible]
7926: GRANT N - Benjamin Disraeli: Prime Minister Extraordinary
52499: GRANT M - History of ancient Israel
24308: GRANT P - Reading the New Testament
45435: GRANT F C - New horizons of the Christian faith
81456: GRANT R M - Gods and the one God: Christian theology in the Gracco-Roman World
81452: GRANT R M - Heresy and criticism: the search for authenticity in Early Christian Literature
43570: GRANT P - Poor no more: be part of a miracle
64686: GRANT F C - Nelson's Bible commentary based on the revised standard version: Volume 6: New Testament, Matthew - Acts
7930: GRANT R M - Early Christianity and society: seven studies
26837: GRANT R M - Short history of the interpretation of the bible
39248: GRANT F C - Ancient Judaism and the New Testament
7917: GRANT C D - God the centre of value: value theory in the theology of HR Niebuhr
7919: GRANT F C - Gospels: their origin and their growth
7920: GRANT F C - Introduction to New Testament thought
7921: GRANT F C - Roman Hellenism and the New Testament
7924: GRANT M - Jesus
7925: GRANT M - Saint Paul
44837: GRANT M A et al - Geothermal reservoir engineering
50955: GWINNER P & GRANT M - What's your poison: how to enjoy drinking
82028: GRANT R M - Short history of the interpretation of the bible
57001: GRASCOEUR D - Eveques de Versailles: bicentenaire du Diocese 1802 - 2002
7943: GRATRY A - Henri Perreyve (Christian Biographies - Series ed H.L.Sidney Lear)
45768: GRATZER W - Undergrowth of science: delusion, self-deception and human frailty
53830: GRAVES R L G - Sketches from the diaries of Rose Lady Graves Sawle 1833 - 1896
51620: GRAVES C L - Mr Punch's history of modern England (Volume I & volume II only)
7946: GRAVES R - Greek myths: 1
37709: GRAY D - Memorial services (Alcuin Liturgy Guide 1)
26129: GRAY J et al - Merging traditions: the future of research on school effectiveness and school improvement
55962: GRAY D - 1927 - 28 prayer book crisis: 1. Ritual, Royal Commissions and reply to the royal letters of business (Joint Liturgical Studies 60)
29075: GRAY J - Moral foundations of market institutions
64703: GRAY C - Epistles of St Paul to the Colossians and Philemon: a Lutterworth commentary
55446: GRAY G B - Critical introduction to the Old Testament
73437: GRAY D - Ronald Jasper: his life, his work, and the ASB
48625: GRAY D - 1927 - 28 prayer book crisis: 2 The cul-de-sac of the 'Deposited Book...until further order be taken (Joint Liturgical Studies 61)
46971: GRAY T - Letters of Thomas Gray: selected with an introduction by John Beresford
7958: GRAY G B - Sacrifice in the Old Testament: its theory & practice
55356: GRAY D - Percy Dearmer: a parson's pilgrimage
36588: BLACK M & GRAY P - Coping successfully with RSI: an essential guide for computer users (Overcoming common problems)
81464: GRAY J - Joshua, Judges and Ruth (New Century Bible Commentary based on the RSV)
33185: GRAY J - I and II Kings: a commentary (OTL)
81448: GRAY J - Biblical doctrine of the reign of God
29501: GRAYSTON K - Gospel of John
7971: GRAYSTON K - Johannine Epistles (NCBC)
7972: GRAYSTON K - Letters of Paul to the Philippians & to the Thessalonians (CBCNEB)
7970: GRAYSTON K - Dying, we live: a new enquiry into the death of Christ in the New Testament
64724: GRAZULIS N B - Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania: underground journal of human rights violations
56136: GREACEN R - Even without Irene: an autobiography
11643: LEO the Great - Eighteen Sermons on the Incarnation: translated with notes and with the 'Tome' of S.Leo in the Original by W Bright
11644: LEO the Great - Select sermons of S.Leo the Great on the Incarnation: with his twenty-eighth epistle called the 'Tome' translated with notes by W. Bright
60639: CANON LAW SOCIETY OF GREAT - BRITIAN AND IRELAND Newsletter - Silver Jubilee Conference September 1982
61938: CANON LAW SOCIETY OF GREAT - BRITAIN AND IRELAND CANON LAW ABSTRACTS: a half yearly review of Periodical Literature in Canon Law numbers 49 (1982),57,58,59,60,62 (1989)
61947: CANON LAW SOCIETY OF GREAT - BRITAIN AND IRELAND Preparing for marriage...a report
38105: DIONYSIUS the Great [FELTOE] - St Dionysius of Alexandria: letters and treatises (Translations of Christian literature)
44776: GREAVES H R G - Foundations of political theory
55024: GREBE M - Election, Atonement and the Holy Spirit: through and beyond Barth's theological interpretation of scripture
45747: DE GREEF W - Writings of John Calvin: an introductory guide
34926: GREELEY A - Family in crisis or in transition: a sociological and theological perspective (Concilium 121)
64733: GREELEY A M - Catholic experience: an interpretation of the history
35818: GREEN B - English Benedictine congregation: a short history
8037: GREEN P - Town parson: his life & work being the substance of the Pastoral Theology Lectures delivered before the University of Cambridge, and at King's College London, 1914
47400: GREEN W M - One mystery - four clues
8053: GREEN W - Christian and unemployment: parish study guide...questions for group discussion
8039: GREEN R - God's catalyst
8043: GREEN R H - Journeying home
27700: GREEN W - Greens Mercantile Statutes 1999/2000 Reprinted from Division H (Bankruptcy & Mercantile) and I (Companies) of the Parliament House Book
73104: GREEN M - Asian tigers for Christ: the dynamic growth of the church in south east Asia
35163: GREEN T H - Prayer and common sense
39743: GREEN H B - Lay presidency at the Eucharist? (Affirming catholicism)
8021: GREEN M - To Corinth with Love: the vital relevance today of Paul's advice to the Corinthian church
56513: MATHEWES-GREEN F - Jesus prayer: the ancient desert prayer that tunes the heart of god
44622: GREEN V H H - Bishop Reginald Pecock; Study in ecclesiatical history and thought
64736: GREEN A - Retreat for religious
41114: GREEN L - Impact of the global: an urban theology
52167: GREEN P - Profession of a Christian: a booklet for those who have been confirmed
29025: GREEN S G - Handbook to the grammar of the Greek Testament together with complete vocabulary and an examination of the chief New Testament synonyms
30893: GREEN W - Greens solicitors professional handbook 1998/99 reprinted from Division F (Solicitors) of the Parliament House Book
58342: MATHEWES-GREEN F - First fruits of prayer: a forty-day journey through the Canon of St Andrew
29539: GREEN W - Greens conveyancing statutes 1998/99 reprinted from Division J (Conveyancing, land tenure, and registration) of the Parliament House Book
29201: GREEN J A - Cry from the street
59153: GREEN L - Power to the powerless: theology brought to life
26349: GREEN J - Listening 2 (Foundation Skills)
81474: GREEN F P - Later hymns and ballads and fifty poems
81472: GREEN R J - Catherine Booth: a biography of the co-founder of the Salvation Army
81473: GREEN F P - Old couple: poems new and selected
24218: GREEN H B - Matthew, poet of the Beatitudes (JSNTSS 203)
27701: GREEN W - Greens Family Law Statutes 1998/1999 with Succession, Trusts, Liferents and Judicial Factors (Reprinted from Division K (Family Law) and M (Succession, Trusts, Liferents & Judicial Factors) of the Parliament House Book
8041: GREEN R - Step too far: explorations into reconciliation
36635: GREEN W - Greens Mercantile Statutes 1998/99 Reprinted from Division H (Bankruptcy & Mercantile) and I (Companies) of the Parliament House Book
83543: NEUSNER J & GREEN W S - Dictionary of Judaism in the Biblical Period 450 BCE to 600 CE (heavy volume, overseas customers please ask for postage cost before ordering)
25365: GREEN W - Greens Conveyancing Statutes 1999/2000 (Reprinted from Division J of the Parliament House Book)
80970: GREEN C E W - Surprised by God: how and why what we think about the Divine matters
32181: GREEN W - Greens Scottish Licensing Handbook 1999/2000 reprinted from Division E (Licensing) of the Parliament House Book
82199: GREEN L - Let's do theology: a pastoral cycle resource book
34043: GREEN M - Empty cross of Jesus (Jesus library)
7988: GREEN A - Jewish spirituality: from the Bible through the Middle Ages (World Spirituality 13)
7991: GREEN B - Saints Alive!
7994: GREEN E M B - Meaning of salvation
64743: GREEN J - Christ in glory: as seen by St. John the Divine, and by him shown to the church
59425: GREEN J B - John Wesley and William Law
8003: GREEN J R - Short History of English People in 2 volumes (Everyman library) nos 727 and 728
59424: GREEN M - Women and godesses in the Celtic world (British Association for the Study of Religions - occasional papers)
37035: GREEN E T - Eucharist: devotional addresses on its chief aspects
64776: GREEN T H - Prolegomena to ethics
39769: GREEN S V - With Peter to Calvary: Good Friday talks
80166: GREEN M J - Dictionary of Celtic myth and legend
81476: GREEN F P - Hymns and ballads
81475: GREEN F P - Last lap: a sequence in verse on the theme of old age
80056: CROWTHER-GREEN M [HALL D J ] - Steward: a biblical symbol for today (with study guide by Keith Lamdin)
8045: GREEN R W - Protestant and capitalism: the Weber Thesis and its crisis (Problems in European Civilization)
45632: GREEN V H H - From St Augustine to William Temple: eight studies in Christian leadership
82438: TYRRELL-GREEN E - Baptismal fonts: classified and illustrated (Historic Monuments of England)
36733: GREENAWAY D - Guide to effective evangelism through the local church
45072: GREENAWAY K - Under the window
64781: GREENBANK A J - THIS IS THE LORD'S DOING!: an account of 150 years of open-air evangelism through the work of The Open Air Mission 1853-2003
82588: RAPOPORT-ALBERT A & GREENBERG G - Biblical Hebrews, biblical texts: essays in memory of Michael P.Weitzman (JSOTSS 333 - The Hebrew Bibe and its Versions 2)
8055: GREENBERG M - Ezekiel 1-20: a new translation with introduction and commentary (Anchor Bible 22)
81471: GREENE J T - Role of the messenger and message in the Ancient Near East: oral and written communication ... (Brown Judaic Studies 169)
26614: GREENE B - God of a hundred names: prayers of many peoples and creeds
48217: GREENE J C - Debating Darwin: adventures of a scholar
41703: GREENER J H - Organ music for all occasions: 76 selections associated with holidays and events including easter, christmas, lent, nuptuals and solemn occations [World's favorite 18]
82026: GREENGROSS W - Jewish and homosexual
60394: RUSSELL E & GREENHALGH J - IF CHRIST BE NOT RISEN: essays in resurrection and survival. St Mary's Annual for 1986 edited by Elizabeth Russell II & John Greenhalgh (Tracts for our times Vol 3)
33680: GREENHOWE G - Making costume dolls
8062: GREENING - Church Campaign 1990-1991: Christians and the Planet, how green is our Church?
35429: GREENLAW B A - New England furniture at Williamsburg
35852: GREENLEE D - Global passion: marking George Verwer's contribution to world missions
29554: GREENS - Greens Sheriff Court rules 1999/2000: reprinted from Division D (Courts, Lower) of the Parliament House Book
57541: HARGREAVES C & GREENSHIELDS M - Catalogue of The Bunyan Meeting Library and Museum, Bedford
58623: GREENSLADE S L - Church and State from Constantine to Theodosius
81468: GREENSPOON L - Max Leopold Margolis: a scholar's scholar (SBL Centennial publications - Biblical Scholarship in North America No 15)
58023: GREENWAY R S - Calling our cities to Christ
37062: GREENWELL D - Selections from the prose of Dora Greenwell compiled, with a biographical introduction by W G Hanson
37064: GREENWELL D - Two friends
37065: GREENWELL D - Liber humanitatis: a series of essays on various aspects of spiritual and social life
37066: GREENWELL D - Patience of hope
37067: GREENWELL D - Colloquia crucis: a sequel to 'Two friends'
37068: GREENWELL D - Covenant of life and peace or a present heaven: addressed to a friend
34952: GREENWELL D - Present heaven: letters to a friend
32071: GREENWOOD R - Transforming church: liberating structures for ministry
52527: LUTYENS R & GREENWOOD H - Understanding of architecture
8071: GREENWOOD R - Reclaiming the church
45636: GREENWOOD W O - Christianity and the mechanists
45631: GREENWOOD A D - History of the people of England: Vol I 55 B.C. to A.D. 1485
27304: GREER A - First course in statistics
8075: GREER J E - Evolution and God: guide to the debate
8079: GREET K G - Under the rainbow arch: six studies on World peace
23973: GREET K G - Lion from a thicket
23974: GREET K G - What shall I cry?
8076: GREET K G - Art of moral judgement
59422: GREETHAM M & P - Samuel Wesley
82271: DEYOUNG Kevin & GILBERT Greg - What is the mission of the church? making sense of social justice, shalom, and the great commission
56775: GREGERSON J - Transfigured cosmos: four essays in Eastern Orthodox Christianity
26249: GREGG D - Ministry to the sick: an introduction (GMW58)
8085: GREGORIOS P M - Meaning and nature of diakonia (Risk book 38)
45226: GREGORIOS [OAKES M R] - Gregorios, Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain (Volume 2) twenty years as Archbishop: 1988 - 2008 speeches encyclicals and articles: volume 2
83629: GREGORIOS P et al - Does Chalcedon divide or unite?: towards convergence in Orthodox Christology
59421: GREGORY B - Side lights on the conflicts of Methodism: during the second quarter of the nineteenth century 1827 - 1852 taken chiefly form the notes of the late Rev Joseph Fowler of the debates in the Wesleyan conference
57137: GREGORY E C - Horae mysticae: a day book from the writings of mystics of many nations (Library of Devotion)
8093: GREGORY R - Robert Gregory 1819-1911: autobiography of Robert Gregory, D.D. Dean of St Paul's with portraits and illus edited with notes by WH Hutton
45709: GREGORY C R - Canon and text of the New Testament (International Theological Library)
83510: GREGORY Fr - Unity, Holy Tradition and Contemplation: understanding the Holy Spirit in the Church
8097: GREGORY, St of Nyssa - Life of Moses: (CWS) trans intro & notes by AJ Malherbe & E Ferguson pref by J Meyendorff
80116: GREIMAS A J - Dictionnaire de l'ancien francais jusqu'au milieu du XIVe siecle
58081: ELIZONDO V & GREINACHER N - Women in a men's church (Concilium 134)
57658: ELIZONDO V & GREINACHER N - Church and peace (Concilium 164)
8752: ELIZONDO V & GREINACHER N - Tensions between the churches of the first world and the third world (Concilium 144)
81467: GRELOT P - What are the Targums? selected texts translated and presented by Pierre Grelot (Old Testament Studies volume 7)
81466: GRENHOLM C - Romans interpreted: a comparative analysis of the commentaries of Barth, Nygren, Cranfield and Wilckens on Paul's Epistle to the Romans (Studia Doctrinae Christianae Upsaliensia 30)
8101: GRENSTED L W - Atonement in history and in life: essays
8107: GRENSTED L W - Psychology and God: a study of the implications of recent psychology for religious belief and practice (Bampton lectures 1930)
82733: GRENZ S J - Reason for hope: the systematic theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg
82285: GREY M C - Spirit of peace: Pentecost and affliction in the Middle East
8113: GREY E - Sir Edward Grey, K.G.
45712: GREY M C - In search of the sacred: the sacraments and parish renewal
30653: GREY M - Wisdom of fools: seeking revelation for today
55059: GREY M - Introducing feminist images of God
35758: GREY M C - Outrageous pursuit of hope: prophetic dreams for the twenty-first century
52304: GREY M C - Beyond the dark night: a way forward for the church?
41785: GREY H G - St Paul's Epistle to the Romans (Reader's Commentary)
468: GREY D - Internet in school
46409: COHN-SHERBOK D & GREY M - Pursuing the dream: Jewish-Christian conversation
35759: GREY M et al - Scope of salvation: theatres of God's drama (Lincoln lectures in theology 1998)
56135: GREZARD M et al - Vignerons des portes d'or
47060: GRIEG E - Peer Gynt Suite (piano) Trolddans, Ases Dod, Morgenstemning, Anitra's Dans & Solveig's Sant (Guildhall edition No 13)
47025: GRIEG - Peer Gynt Suite I Opus 46 (for piano)
58608: GRIERSON E W - Story of S. Francis of Assisi
8117: GRIERSON H - English Bible: with 8 plates in colour and 21 illus in b&w
28923: GRIEVE V - Trial of Jesus
22947: GRIEVE J - Fundraising for churches
81102: GRIFFIN M - Politics of penance: proposing an ethic for social repair
43580: GRIFFIN P & L - Hope and healing for the abused: (Truth and freedom series)
47892: GRIFFIN E - Doors into prayer; an invitation
35605: FOSTER R & GRIFFIN E - Spiritual classics: reading with the heart
33498: GRIFFIN G - Praying with seniors written and compiled by Gilbert Griffin
8120: GRIFFIN W - Fleetwood Correspondence: a devilish tale of temptation
21847: GRIFFISS J E - Church, ministry and unity: a divine commission
32076: GRIFFISS J E - Church, ministry and unity: a divine commission
55607: GRIFFITH W - British Civil Service 1854 - 1954
64829: GRIFFITH L - Reactions to God: mans response to God's activity in the Psalms
64828: GRIFFITH L - Need to preach
8127: GRIFFITH G O - Racialism & world faith: a study of the Epistle to the Galatians
8128: GRIFFITH G O - St Pauls Gospel to the Romans
8131: GRIFFITH L - Eternal legacy from an upper room
59397: GRIFFITH G O - Theology of P T Forsyth
36498: HUME-GRIFFITH M E - Behind the veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia: an account of an Englishwoman's eight years residence amongst the women of the East, with narratives of experience in both countries by A Hume-Griffith (37 illustrations & a map)
36046: GRIFFITHS R - Censorship and the arts (GE11)
43589: GRIFFITHS M - Ripped apart
24281: GRIFFITHS R - Hard choices: an approach to the problem of conflict of duties (GE37)
44591: GRIFFITHS R - Poetry and prayer; (Mowbray Lent book)
45720: GRIFFITHS D R - New Testament and the Roman State (Pantyfedwen Trust Lectures)
81003: FRAYER-GRIGGS D - Saved through fire: the fiery ordeal in New Testament Eschatology
33499: GRIGOR J C - Grow to love: developing caring relationships (A resource book for groups)
8145: GRILLMEIER A - Christ in Christian tradition, Volume 1: from the Apostolic Age to Chalcedon (451) [Second revised edition]
27484: GRIMBLE I - Clans and chiefs
33214: HOLLINS S & GRIMER M - Going somewhere: people with mental handicaps and their pastoral care (NLPC)
8147: GRIMER M - Making families work: a new search for Christian family values
40532: GRIMM H J - Reformation Era: 1500-1650
38885: GRINDE O - Cruising Norwegian waters photography by Per Eide
59420: GRINDROD E - Compendium of the laws and regulations of Wesleyan Methodism: with notes and an appendix
82092: GRISBROOKE W J - Liturgical portions of the apostolic constitutions: a text for students (Alcuin/Grow Liturgical Study 13 - 14/ Grove Liturgical Study 61)
38192: BAINTON R H & GRITSCH E W - Bibliography of the Continental Reformation. Materials available in English
48981: GROESCHEL B J - Heaven in our hands: receiving the blessings we long for
24851: GREGG R C & GROH D E - Early Arianism: a view of salvation
80669: GROOM S - Linguistic analysis of biblical Hebrew
8158: GROOME C - Question of Faith
8159: GROOME T - Christian religious education: sharing our story and vision
64865: GROOT A T de - Nature of the church: and other studies in Christian unity
39198: GROSHEIDE F W - Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians (New London Commentary on the New Testament)
60447: GROSS D C - 1001 questions and answers about Judaism
57308: GROSS J - Oxford book of essays chosen & edited by John Gross
64868: GROSS H - Biblical introduction to the Old Testament contemporary Catechetics series
81483: GROSSBERG D - Centripetal and centrifugal structures in Biblical poetry (SBL Monograph Series 39)
8161: GROSSET P - Things that matter
64869: GROSSMANN S - Stewards of God's grace
83185: GROTE G - History of Greece from the earliest period to the close of the generation contemporary with Alexander the Great [new edition in 10 volumes, lacks volumes 6,8 and 10]
8163: GROTE G - History of Greece from the earliest period to the close of the generation contemporary with Alexander the Great in 8 vols lacks vol 1
56133: GROUNDSELL M - Drinking the cup: a journey through cancer
37415: HOW TO LEAD SMALL GROUP - How to lead small group bible studies: a Navigator guide
40220: PHOENIX GROUP - Planning the development of the Wealth of Three Nations: an examination of economic possibilities in the Rhodesias and Nyasaland after the Monckton report
20703: WESTMINSTER GROUP - Statement of the Aims and Constitution together with a list of members and associates (7th edition)
28469: EUROMEDIA RESEARCH GROUP - Media in Western Europe: the Euromedia handbook
66525: JOINT LITURGICAL GROUP - Confirmation and re-affirmation of Baptismal faith
83183: RAISE LANGUAGE GROUP - The Raise specification language (BCS Practitioner Series)
27455: JOINT LITURGICAL GROUP - Order of marriage: for Christians from different churches
26376: MINORITY RIGHTS GROUP - INTERNATIONAL War: the impact on minority and indigenous children (Report)
8310: WALKINGTON GROUP - Who am I? (GS33)
19402: TOMORROW'S CHURCH GROUP - Kingdom and Ministry: a work book on lay ministry
73521: WADDERTON GROUP - WE ARE HIS PEOPLE: a years programme of learning & worship
35942: JUBILEE POLICY GROUP - Political Christians in a plural society: a new strategy for a biblical contribution
8316: GROVE E J - Where & when? the integration of British & French nuclear forces with the Arms Control process
51001: GROVE G - Beethoven and his nine symphonies
81482: GROVES J W - Actualization and interpretation in the Old Testament (SBL Dissertation series 86)
60643: GRUBB N P - Leap of faith
8317: GRUBB E - True way of life: reply to Mr J St. Loe Strachey
8318: GRUBB E - What is Quakerism? exposition of the leading principles & practices of Society of Friends, based on... ""Inward Light""
81481: GRUBE G M A - Plato's thought (University paperback)
57252: GRUBER M [MAWBY] - Silent night (SATB) arranged by Colin Mawby
8320: DE GRUCHY J - Dietrich Bonhoeffer: witness to Jesus Christ (Making of modern theology 4)
49365: BUTLER C & GRUCHY I de - On the road to the cross: walking with Jesus in daily meditations
56524: DE GRUCHY J W - Daring trusting spirit: Bonhoeffer's friend Eberhard Bethge
53246: GRUCHY J W de - John Calvin: Christian humanist and evangelical reformer
2197: DE GRUCHY J - Dietrich Bonhoeffer: witness to Jesus Christ (Making of modern theology)
46259: DE GRUCHY J W - Christianity and democracy: theology for a just world order
58112: GRUENLER R G - New approaches to Jesus and the gospels: a phenomenological and exegetical study of synoptic christology
8321: GRUETZNER H - Alzheimers: a caregivers guide and sourcebook
81479: GRUNDMANN W - Das Evangelium nach Markus (Theologischer Handkommentar sum Neuen Testament II)
39535: GRUNDY M - What they don't teach you at theological college: a practical guide to life in the ministry
45715: GRUNDY M - Woodbine Willie: fiery glow in the darkness
29928: GRUNDY M - Evangelization through the adult catechumenate (GEv15)
8323: GRUNDY M - Light in the city: stories of the Church Urban Fund
8324: GRUNEBAUM G E von - Muhammadan festivals
52438: GRZIMEK B - Such agreeable friends
26848: GUARDINI R - Sacred signs
53422: GUDGEON M - Story of St Richard Bishop of Chichester
21760: GUELZO A C - Ambitious to be well-pleasing: festschrift for Centennial of the Theological Seminary of Reformed Episcopal Church 1886/87-1986/87
8327: GUENEE B - Between church and state: the lives of 4 French prelates in the Late Middle Ages
82075: GUENTHER M - Toward Holy Ground: spiritual directions for the second half of life
8330: GUENVREDE - Gleanings: being extracts from the writings of Mother Guenvrede Society of the Sacred Cross Foundress of Tymawr Convent
40471: GUERDAN R - Sérénissime: histoire de la République de Venise
64998: GUERIN P - I believe: our faith for today
54426: GUEST G - Please leave quietly: people power and purpose at work
80164: GUICCIARDINI F - Storia d'Italia: Volume secondo libri VII - XIII
80165: GUICCIARDINI F - Storia d'Italia: Volume terzo libri XIV - XX
81006: GUICHARD R H Jr - Niebuhr in Egypt: European science in a biblical world
29562: COMPLETE GUIDE - Complete guide to personal success, wealth, health and happiness, volume 1
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45735: GUILLEBAUD H E - Some moral difficulties of the Bible
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