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8296: EDMONDSON C - Strategies for rural evangelism: (GEv5)
33379: EDMONDSON C - How shall they hear? (GEv25)
83487: CALAMY Edmund [RUTT] - Historical account of my own life with some reflections on the times I have lived in (1671-1731 edited and illustrated with notes historical and biographical by John Towill Rutt in two matching volumes [shipping cost/photos on request]
6248: EDMUNDS V - Ideals in medicine: a Christian approach to medical practice
3024: BURY ST EDMUNDS - Bury St Edmunds: the official guide
50408: VILDE Eduard - Mahtra soda: romaan [Estonian text]
55552: GREAT BRITAIN: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION - Teaching history (Ministry of Education pamphlet No 23)
43125: GREAT BRITAIN: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION - 15 to 18 Report of the Central Advisory Council for Education - England England: Volume 1 (Report)
70976: ROBINSON Edward - ICONS OF THE PRESENT: some reflections on art, the sacred and the holy
82483: MEADORS Edward P - Jesus the Messianic Herald of Salvation (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament '2. Reihe 72)
6257: EDWARD H - Eternal priesthood
82191: LEESON Edward - Macmillan anthology of English Prose: a unique introduction to four centuries of English writing
58398: EDWARDS M - Church and society
52159: EDWARDS D L et al - Unity: the next step
48829: EDWARDS M - Journey to life: ideas for meditation and worship during Lent, Holy Week and at Easter with prayers and songs from the World Church
51363: EDWARDS D M - Christianity and philosophy
34431: EDWARDS R B - Reason and religion: an introduction to the philosophy of religion
40817: EDWARDS A G - Hand book on Welsh church defence
58533: EDWARDS M - One increasing purpose (The Social Service Lecture 1947)
35615: EDWARDS M - Methodism and England: a study of Methodism in its social and political aspects during the period 1850-1932
58923: EDWARDS R B - Xapin anti xapito (John 1.16) Grace and the law in the Johannine prologue (JSNT 32 (1988) 3-15)
6279: EDWARDS D L - Priests and workers: an Anglo-French discussion
51850: EDWARDS D L - Yes: a positive faith
6261: EDWARDS D - Virgin birth in history and faith
20178: EDWARDS P - Practical preacher: handy hints for hesitant homilists
56641: EDWARDS W Le C - Epworth: the home of the Wesleys
63530: EDWARDS O C Jr - Elements of homiletic: a method for preparing to preach
6303: EDWARDS W - Medieval Scrap-heap
6300: EDWARDS R A - Sign of Jonah: in the theology of the Evangelists and Q (Studies in Biblical Theology Second Series 18)
56152: EDWARDS J C - Gospels for prayer
82879: EDWARDS R A - Matthew's story of Jesus
82878: EDWARDS O C - Luke's story of Jesus
80078: LEWIS C & EDWARDS G E - Historical records of the Church of the Province of South Africa
33550: CHARLES-EDWARDS M - Saints alive [sermons on various saints]
39983: EDWARDS D L - Great gospel for a great day: the William Ainslie memorial lecture 1959 delivered in St Martin-in-the-fields
58532: EDWARDS M - After Wesley: a study of the social and political influence of Methodism in the middle period (1791 - 1849)
49038: EDWARDS T - Worlds apart: a tour of European monasteries
58388: EDWARDS M - S. E. Keeble: pioneer and prophet
82665: EDWARDS K - English secular cathedrals in the Middle Ages: a constitution study with special reference to the fourteenth century (Historical Series No LXXXII)
61021: BIGGART Frank Edwin - FIVE SORROWFUL MYSTERIES OF THE PASSION OF OUR MOST HOLY REDEEMER: a gathering together of some reflections thereon for consideration during the season of Lent
40735: BROWN J E & EELES F C - Edwardian inventories for Bedfordshire (Alcuin Clun Collections VI)
40823: EELES F C - Prayer book revision and Christian reunion: some essentials discussed in the light of liturgical facts and principles
30167: EFIRD J M - Daniel and Revelation: a study of two extraordinary visions
82749: EFIRD J M - Grammar for New Testament Greek
39206: EFIRD J M - These things are written: an introduction to the religious ideas of the Bible
29255: EGAN D - Elegies
55448: EHRLICH E L - Geschichte Israels: von den anfangen bis zur zerstorung des tempels
58391: EHRLICH E - Concise history of Israel: from the earliest times to the destruction of the Temple in AD70
29787: EICHHOLZ G - Das Ratsel des historischen Jesus und die Gegenwart Jesu Christi: herausgegeben su seinem 75. Geburtstag am 6. April 1984 von Gerhard Sauter (Theolgische Bucherei 72)
45393: EICHRODT W - Ezekiel: a commentary (Old Testament library)
6325: EICHRODT W - Theologie des Alten Testaments: (3 vols bound as 2)
6323: EICHRODT W - Der prophet Hesekiel: Kapitel 19-48 (Alte Testament Deutsch 22/2)
58564: EILERS K - Faithful to save: Pannenberg on God's reconciling action (T & T Clark Studies in Systematic Theology)
56521: EIMS L - Daily discipleship: a devotional
6329: EINIG P - Institutiones Theologiae Dogmaticae: De Gratia Divina, De Deo Uno et Trino, De Deo Creante bd with De Deo Consummante, De Verbo Incarnato, De Sacramentis, De Poenitentia 5 volume set
6330: EINIG P - Tractatus de SS. Eucharistiae mysterio...
51183: EINZIG P - Dynamic theory of forward exchange
63550: EISENMAN T - Temptations men face: straight talk on power, money, affairs, perfectionism, insensitivity
40826: EISSFELDT O - Einleitung in das Alte Testament: unter Einschluss der Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen sowie der apokryphen- und pseudepigraphenartigan Qumran-Schriften
82877: EISSFELDT O - Old Testament: an introduction including the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, and also the works of similar type from Qumran - the history of the formation of the Old Testament [1.5kg overseas postage 20.00 GBP]
42056: EISSFELDT O - Geschichtsschreibung im Alten Testament: ein kritischer berlicht uber die neueste literatur dazu
40184: EISSFELDT O - Gottesknecht bei Deuterojesaja
40376: EISSFELDT O - Die Genesis, Der Genesis: vom werdegang ersten buches der bibel
14948: PAGET EK - Henry Luke Paget: portraits and frame (Bp Stepney & Chester)
6336: EKARDT W - Metal clusters
63555: ELCHINGER L A et al - Challenge to the church
6339: ELDER J - Archaeology & the Bible: scientific proof of bible history
23042: MANSON J D & ELEY B M - Outline of periodontics
26764: JONES H & ELEY J - European equity investor: markets companies culture
44839: ELEY D D - Adhesion
27924: BOR R & ELFORD J - Family and HIV today: recent research and practice
24422: ELFORD R J - Pastoral nature of theology: an upholding presence
23066: BOR R & ELFORD J - Family and HIV
53518: ELFORD R J - Foundation of hope: turning dreams into reality
50772: ELFORD R J - Ethics of uncertainty: a new Christian approach to moral decision-making
57239: ELGAR E - Chanson de matin: transcribed for organ by A Herbert Brewer
49323: ELGAR E - Kingdom
82405: ELIADE M - From primitives to Zen: thematic sourcebook of the history of religions
82404: ELIADE M - Patterns in comparative religion
46129: ELIOT T S - Collected plays 1935 - 1958: Murder in the cathedral/The family reunion/The cocktail party/The confidential clerk/The elder statesman
6348: ELIOT G - Scenes of clerical life in 2 vols
47693: ELIOT G - Scenes of clerical life (illustrated by A H Buckland)
45648: ELIOT T S - Selected essays
39463: ELIOVSON S - Flowering shrubs, trees and climbers for Southern Africa
58168: ELIZABETH C - Protestant annual 1841
51868: ELIZABETH - Living stones
82410: CLARKE Elizabeth - Theory and theology in George Herbert's poetry: 'Divinitie, and Poesie, Met' (Oxford Theological Monographs)
42546: JOHNICE M & ELIZABETH M - Come Lord Jesus (Bible, life and worship series Book2)
10040: GEFFRE C GUTIERREZ G ELIZONDO - Different theologies, common responsibility: Babel or Pentecost? (Concilium 171) February 1984 contributors J-B Metz, E S Fiorenza, E Kasemann, E Dussel N Lash et al
2146: BOFF L & ELIZONDO V - Voice of the victims 1492-1992 (Concilium special)
61186: BOFF L & ELIZONDO V - THEOLOGIES OF THE THIRD WORLD: convergences and differences (Concilium 199 (5/1988)
61188: BOFF L & ELIZONDO V - People of God amidst the poor [La Iglesia popular: between fear and hope](Concilium 176 (6/1984): Third World theology)
32257: GREINACHER N & ELIZONDO V - Transmission of the faith to the next generation (Concilium 174 (4/1984)
82750: ELLER V - Beloved disciple: his name, his story, his thought
44658: ELLER M F - Beginnings of the Christian religion: a guide to the history and literature of Judaism and Christianity
40411: ELLERMEIER F - Qohelet: teil 1, abschnitt 2: einzelfrage nr. 7
40519: ELLERMEIER F - Qohelet: Teil 1: Abschnitt 1: Untersuchungen zum Buche Qohelet
40520: ELLERMEIER F - Qohelet: Teil 1: Abschnitt 2: Einzelfrage Nr 7
57354: ELLICOTT C J - Pastoral epistles of St Paul: with a critical and grammatical commentary and a revised translation
74335: ELLICOTT C J - Sermons at Gloucester (Church pulpit library)
82746: ELLIGER K - Liber XII Prophetarum (Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia...10)
83560: PETER-CONTESSE ELLINGTON J - Translator's handbook on Leviticus (Helps for translators)
44270: ELLIOT E - History of congregationalism in Shropshire edited on behalf of the Salop Association of Independent Ministers and Churches
6376: ELLIOTT C - Signs of Our Times: prayer and action to change the world
59582: ELLIOTT I - Dr Williams's Library London. Catalogue of accessions Volume 2: being a catalogue of books published in the twentieth century and added to the library 1951 - 1960
43402: ELLIOTT N - Liberating Paul: the justice of God and the politics of the Apostle
40352: ELLIOTT W H - Here be dragons: a book of sermons
6373: ELLIOTT C - Inflation and the compromised Church
82747: ELLIOTT J H - Home for the homeless: a social-scientific criticism of I Peter, its situation and strategy
26001: ELLIOTT J - Social-scientific criticism of the New Testament
50265: ELLIOTT M - Why the homeless don't have homes and what to do about it
6380: ELLIOTT J H - Home for the homeless: a social-scientific criticism of I Peter, its situation and strategy
58256: ELLIOTT C et al - Christian faith and political hopes: a reply to E Norman
58198: ELLIOTT J K - Bibliography of Greek New Testament manuscripts (SNTS Mono series 109)
63566: ELLIOTT A B - HEBREWS: introduction and commentary (Christian Students' Library 11)
42272: ELLIS E E - Gospel of Luke (based on the Revised Standard Version): New Century Bible Commentary
50037: ELLIS M H - Ending Auschwitz: the future of Jewish and Christian life
82578: ELLIS J - Russian Orthodox Church: a contemporary history
22688: ELLIS P F - Matthew: his mind and his message
6391: ELLIS E E - Paul's use of the Old Testament
35347: ELLIS E E - Gospel of Luke based on the Revised Standard Version (NCB)
81972: ELLIS E E - Paul and his recent interpreters
63594: ELLIS M H - ESSAYS by Marc H Ellis, Nos 2 and 4 - No 2: Reflection on the Jewish exile and the New Diaspora/Finding the Lost Agenda; No 4: On the fiftieth anniversary of Israel/Reading Goldhagen in the time of Netanyahu
82748: ELLIS P B - H Rider Haggard: a voice from the infinite
56612: ELLISON H L - Prophets of Israel
63600: ELLISON H L - The mystery of Israel: exposition of Romans 9 - 11
82278: ELLISON H L - Prophets of Israel
51885: ELLISON S - Truth defended in a supposed trial between infant affusion and believer's baptism [bound with] Letter to Joseph John Gurney on Baptism and the Supper
25623: ELLSBERGER J ET AL - SDL: formal object-oriented language for communicating systems
57841: ELLSWORTH R - Samuel: encountering Samuel the king-maker
58764: ELMEN P - William Golding: a critical essay (Contemporary Writers in Christian Perspective)
82188: LESLIE Elmer A - Psalms: translated and interpreted in the light of Hebrew life and worship
82836: ELMS A C - Uncovering lives: the uneasy alliance of biography and psychology
6406: ELMSLIE W T - European churches
37461: ELNES E - Phoenix affirmations: a new vision for the future of Christianity
24314: ELPHINSTONE A - Freedom, suffering and love
36308: ELSDALE D T W - S John the Divine, Kennington: earliest years (from 1866-1871)
46211: ELTON G R - Tudor constitution: documents and commentary
5632: ELTON G R - England 1200-1640 (Sources of history: studies in the uses of historical evidence)
44930: ELTON G R - Reform and reformation
37803: ELVEY G R - Luffield Priory Charters, Part II (NRS Vol 26)
47914: ELWELL W A - Evangelical dictionary of theology
41250: CARY-ELWES C - Law, liberty and love: a study in Christian obedience. Foundation of European Civilization
57580: ELWYN T S H - Northamptonshire Baptists Association
51849: EMERY P-Y - Priere au coeur de la vie (edition augmentee)
51848: EMERY P-Y - Unite des croyants au ciel et sur la terre (Verbum Caro 63, 1962)
61659: BRUNNER Emil - CHRISTIANITY AND CIVILISATION in two volumes: First part (Gifford lectures 1947) Second part (Gifford lectures 1948)
30435: EMMERSON G I - Isaiah 56-66 (OT Guide)
54042: EMMERSON G - Nahum to Malachi: the people's Bible commentary
54372: EMMET D - Philosophers and friends: reminiscences of seventy years in philosophy
6428: EMMET C W - St Paul's Epistle to the Galatians with index and map (Readers' commentary)
53038: EMMRICH M - At the heart of Luke: wisdom and reversal of fortune
6431: EMPEREUR J - Worship: exploring the sacred
6433: ENCYCLOPEDIA - Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedents Volume 19 Industrial and Provident Societies, Industrial Assurance, Jointly Owned and Matrimonial Property and Joint Ventures (Fifth edition) ISBN 0 406 02388 3
40616: ENDL P F - Stift Altenburg
26385: SOCIETY FOR ENDOCRINOLOGY - Handbook 1999-2000
6437: ENERGY - Energy modelling and the management of uncertainty
82751: ENGELKEN K - Frauen im Alte Israel: eine begriffsgeschichtliche und sozialrechtliche Studie zur Stellung der Frau im Alten Testament
51192: ENGELS - Wages system: articles from 'The Labour Standard'
59120: VAN ENGEN C et al - Good news of the kingdom: mission theology for the Third Millennium
26678: INSTITUTE OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - Structures to withstand disasters ed by David Key
3941: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - (Clauses 44-64 and 77, schedule 5 and the title are as amended by the committee appointed at the spring session, 1965 the remainder of the measure is as amended by the assembly at the summer session 1966)
80053: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments...rites and ceremonies...according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland together with the Psalter or Psalms of David pointed...bound with New Testament [Revised edition] [spine title: Church Services]
42370: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Offices: according to the use of the Church of England
32060: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Common worship: initiation services
4192: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Order for Holy Communion: with music for the president by Christopher Dearnley, organist of St Paul's Cathedral. and Allan Wicks organist of Canterbury Cathedral
4287: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Theological training in the C of E: ...for condidates for ordained & accredited lay ministry
26728: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Canons of the Church of England: canons ecclesiastical promulged by the Convocations of Canterbury and York in 1964 & 1969
4020: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Church and the law of nullity of marriage: the report of a Commission appointed by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in 1949 at the request of the Convocations
4189: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Ordained Ministry: Numbers, Cost and Deployment: a discussion paper from the Ministry Co-ordinating Group (GS 858)
3943: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Acts of the Convocations of Canterbury and York (together with certain other resolutions) passed since the reform of the Convocations in 1921
49740: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Repair the tear: the Windsor Report: an assessment and call for action
39912: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Livre prieres publiques de l'administration des sacrements, et des autres rites et ceremonies de l'eglise, selon l'usage de l'eglise d'angleterre: avec le psautier, ou les psaumes de David...
4267: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Sharing church: the finances of the Church of England 1983-86 (GS693)
4147: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Let justice flow: a contribution to the debate about development
4059: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Deacons in the ministry of the church: report to House of Bishops (GS 802)
81804: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Lent Holy Week Easter: services and prayers commended by the House of Bishops of the General Synod of the Church of England
81802: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Lent Holy Week Easter: services and prayers commended by the House of Bishops of the General Synod of the Church of England
81803: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Lent Holy Week Easter: services and prayers commended by the House of Bishops of the General Synod of the Church of England
4283: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Teaching of the BCP: a syllabus of instruction intended to be used in conjunction with an agreed syllabus
38477: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical: (made in the year 1603, and amended in the years 1865, 1887, 1936, and 1946)
51725: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Promise of his glory: services and prayers for the season from All Saints to Candlemas
3945: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Ageing: report of the Social Polity Committee of the Board for Social Responsibility
35339: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - First and Second Prayer Books of King Edward VI: (Everyman Library) introduction by Bishop Gibson
4235: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Promise of his glory: services and prayers for the season from All Saints to Candlemas [People's book]
4109: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Getting to Know God 2: a year's teaching course for children 5-7 illus by Terry Jones
36664: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Anglicans and racism: the Balsall Heath Consultation 1986 - address, reports, and recommendations
4083: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Faith in the countryside: a report presented to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York
56542: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Second prayer-book of King Edward VI 1549: reprinted from a copy in the British Museum
4041: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Collects, Epistles and Gospels of the Lesser Feasts and Fasts and other days which it is permitted to observe from the Book of 1928
52104: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Homilies 1562: against strife and contention, against whoredom and adultery, of Christian love and charity
36753: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Being human: a Christian understanding of personhood illustrated with reference to power, money, sex & time. Report of the Doctrine Commission of the General Synod of the Church of England (GS 1494)
4023: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Church commissioners: a guide for the staff 1962
83829: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Order of the Administration of the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion with the additions and deviations proposed in 1928: Spine title 'Altar Services as proposed in 1928' quarto leather hardback, head/tail bands, slight rub top corners/spine head, marbled endpapers, dentelles, all edges gold, gilt cross on front board, inscription on free endpaper ""To John Kingsmill Gardiner in memory of Owen Peter Hannington...
3998: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Children in the way: new directions for the Church's children
4003: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Christian Initation: a discussion paper
4130: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Human rights: our understanding and our responsibilities: a report by the BSR (GS 324)
4177: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Multi-faith worship?: questions and suggestions from the Inter-Faith Consultation Group
4199: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Order of the administration of the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion with the additions and deviations proposed in 1928
4027: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Church of England and the WCC: the record of an official visit by members of the Church of England to the headquarters of the WCC in March 1979
46873: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Promise of his glory: services and prayers for the season from All Saints to Candlemas [People's book]
31579: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Time to heal: the development of good practice in the healing ministry: a handbook
4316: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Worship and Education: report on a conference convened by the National Society the Central Council of the Church for Religious Education at Elfinsward, Haywards Heath 1939
4198: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Order of the administration of the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion with the additions and deviations proposed in 1928
4196: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Order of Divine Service for Trinity Sunday 31 May 1953 being the Sunday preceding Her Majesty's Coronation recommended for use in all churches of the C of E
4221: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Prayer Book of Queen Elizabeth 1559: to which are appended some occasional forms of prayer issued in her reign...with an historical introduction (Ancient and modern library)
4096: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Form and order of service recommended for use in Churches on Thursday 26th June 1902 being the coronation day of... King Edward and Queen Alexandra
4248: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Report of the committee appointed by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to consider the findings of the Lausanne Conference on Faith and Order pursuant to....together with various memoranda....1928, presented February 1930
48840: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Common worship: services and prayers for the Church of England
42037: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Christians and alchohol: a Christian response to alchohol misuse in society
52174: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Book of Common Prayer and administrations of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church...[large type edition]
4182: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - No just cause: the law of affinity in England and Wales, some suggestions for change
3987: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Camberwell Papers: being a background document along with the Child in the Church and the Language of the Church in Higher and Further Education for a GS debate (GS M60)
33005: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Mission and ministry: the churches' validation framework for theological education
39562: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Good news people: recognizing diocesan Evangelists [GS Misc 565]
4110: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Giving Church: a report on the finances of the Church of England 1978-81 (GS 456)
31223: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Tenth assembly of the Conference of European Churches: a report by the Council for Christian Unity (GS Misc 402)
58692: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Prayer for all seasons: the collects of the book of Common Prayer
30720: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Common worship: services and prayers for the Church of England
30670: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Growing partnership: the Church of England and World Mission The report of a Working Group to the Board of Mission on the Church of England's structures and relationships in world mission (GS Misc 439)
44691: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Church of England year book 2000
57971: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Lent Holy Week Easter: services and prayers commended by House of Bishops of the General Synod of the Church of England
29669: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Book of Common Prayer and administrations of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church...[ENLARGED TYPE FACE]
56737: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Resourcing mission for a 21st century church: final report of the Resourcing Mission Group established by the Archbishops
4113: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Government's Education Reform Bill: a report by the Board of Education (GS 809)
31654: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Growth, justice and work: the report of the Industrial and Economic Affairs Committee of the General Synod Board for Social Responsibility
54531: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Companion to the daily services of the Church in England
26085: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Book of Common Prayer & administrations of the sacraments & other rites & ceremonies of the church according to the use of the Church of England together with the psalter or the Psalms of David
53610: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Believing in the Church: the corporate nature of faith
57973: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Lent Holy Week Easter: services and prayers commended by House of Bishops of GS of C of E
54151: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Sunday service book
57034: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England together with the Psalter or Psalms of David pointed as they are to be said or sung in churches
56539: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Ministry at the time of death: forms of service and prayers commended by the House of Bishops of the General Synod of the Church of England
24792: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Patterns for worship
55420: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Presentation of the Eucharist: the report of a joint working party (Church of England Liturgical Commission: Council for the Care of Churches)
57109: [CHAMBERS trans] CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Psalter or seven ordinary hours of prayer according to the use of the illustrious and excellent Church of Sarum and the hymns, antiphons, orisons or collects for the principal festivals and seasons...the litany and vigils of the dead images on request/please supply destination for overseas postage quotation
55418: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Holy Communion commonly called the Mass: according to the rite of Alternative Services Series I
23949: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Revised canons of the Church of England further considered
22095: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Private sector involvement in prisons prepared for the GS/BSR by Adrian Speller (GS Misc 479)
22074: CHURCHES TOGETHER IN ENGLAND - Called to be one
22075: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Intercommunion to-day being the Report of the Archbishops' Commission on Intercommunion
22045: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Ordination of women to the priesthood (GS Misc 336) Reference of Draft Legislation to Diocesan Synods 1990
4077: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Excellent enterprise: the Church of England and its colleges of Higher Education (GS 1134)
80701: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Lent Holy Week Easter: services and prayers commended by House of Bishops of the General Synod of the Church of England
4263: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Servants of the Lord: roles of women and men in the Church of England (GS Misc 224)
4256: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Roots and Wings: report of the Black Anglican Celebration for the Decade of Evangelism, U of York 22nd-24th July 1994
4129: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Human fertilisation and embryology: (GS678) report by BSR
51717: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Revised Common Lectionary in NRSV: Sundays and festivals, Principal service lectionary of the Church of England - Pew edition
4259: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - School worship
39117: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Worship of the church being the Report of the Archbishops' Second Committee of Inquiry
49430: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Housing and homelessness: report of the Social Policy Committee of the Board for Social Responsiblity
52175: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Book of Common Prayer and administrations of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church according to the use of the Church of England [larger type face] together with the psalter or the Psalms of David...
39054: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church... together with the Psalter or Psalms of David...
4180: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - National Church and the Social Order: an inquiry into the principles that have governed the attitude of the Anglican Church towards the State and the Secular Order
3958: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Appointment of Bishops Act 1533: proposals for its reform (GS 517)
37364: CHURCHES TOGETHER IN ENGLAND - Let there be... praying the new millennium
58103: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - At all times and in all places: a syllabus for liturgical formation in the Church of England
4206: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Our responsibility for the living environment (GS 718) report of BSR
4173: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Modern war: what can Christians do together?
4286: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Theological Training a Way Ahead: a report to the House of Bishops of the General Synod of the Church of England (GS Misc 401)
4249: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Report of the Joint Committee on the Administration of the Sacrament of Holy Baptism
4163: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Measure of Mission: report of the Mission Theological Advisory Group of the Board for Mission and Unity of the General Synod of the Chuch of England.... (GS 780A)
49427: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Marriage and the doctrine of the Church of England: study extracts from the reports of two recent Marriage Commissions
4170: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Missionary commitments of the Anglican communion
3993: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Certain sermons or homilies: appointed to be read in churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth [with text and marginal references]
4274: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Submission of the C of E BSR to the Royal Commission on Criminal Justice (GS misc 385)
81922: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Issues in human sexuality: a statement by the House of Bishops (GS Misc 382)
81800: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Lent Holy Week Easter: services and prayers commended by the House of Bishops of the General Synod of the Church of England [17 x 11.5 cms]
81799: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Lent Holy Week Easter: services and prayers commended by the House of Bishops of the General Synod of the Church of England
4046: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Communication of the Christian Faith: report by the C of E Board of Education (CA 1654)
52583: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Marriage divorce and the Church: the report of the comission on the Christian doctrine of marriage
52563: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Common worship: services and prayers for the Church of England
4024: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Church of England and politics: reflections on Christian social engagement (report by BSR - GS 457)
52662: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Form of prayer to Almighty God at this time of war to be used in all churches and chapels in the rovinces of Canterbury and York on Sunday the first of October 1939
4095: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Force in the modern world: a document prepared by the BSR (GS 168)
4089: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - First and Second Prayer Books of King Edward VI (EL) introduction by Bishop Gibson
4078: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Facing the facts: the United Kingdom and South Africa
52235: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Synodical government in the Church of England: a review
52219: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Good news for young people: the Church of England's national youth strategy (GS 1481) joint report by the Board of Education and the Board of Mission
4092: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - First Prayer Book of King Edward VI (Library of Liturgiology and Ecclesiology for English Readers Vol II)
4028: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Church of England and the World Council of Churches: record of an official the headquarters of the WCC in March 1979 (GS 412)
44789: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Diocese in Europe Development Report 2005; A look back at life and activities in the diocese
58917: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Diocese in Europe handbook 2001
4013: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Church and State: a summary of the report of the Archbishops' Commission together with GS misc 4 Reference to the Dioceses...
39935: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Book of common prayer: and administration of the sacraments, other rites and ceremonies of the church...with Psalter or Psalms of David pointed...making, ordaining and consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons
51691: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments...rites and ceremonies...according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland together with the Psalter or Psalms of David pointed...bound with New Testament [Revised edition] [spine title: Church Services]
4164: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Meissen Common Statement: On the way to visible unity - report by House of Bishops (GS 931)
4166: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Ministry and mission examined: stories and reflections on Industrial Mission today
4327: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Your Sunday in danger: schedule to the reports of joint committees on Sunday observance...1947
4184: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - On dying well: an Anglican contribution to the debate on euthanasia (GS 247)
3966: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Birth and belonging: a handbook on Baptism (Seeds for the Growing)
82360: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Fresh expressions in the mission of the Church: report of an Angican-Methodist working party (GS 1870)
37371: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Ministry to the sick - Authorized Alternative Services
36665: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Church among deaf people: a report prepared by a Working Party of the Committee for Ministry among Deaf People for the GS of the C of E's Advisory Board of Ministry (GS 1247)
56543: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland together with the psalter or psalms of David
4106: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Gambling: an ethical discussion: a report of the Social and Industrial Commission of the Church Assembly (CA 972)
3967: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Blasphemy during broadcasting programmes: correspondence between the Archbishop of York, the Chairman of the Governors of the BBC, and the Chairman of the Independent Broadcasting Authority (GS misc 61)
4251: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Responding church: the finaces of the Church of England 1980-1983 (GS 543)
3995: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Changing Britain: social diversity and moral unity: a study for the Board of Social Diversity
44774: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Called to witness and service: the Reuilly common statement with essays on church, eucharist and ministry conversations between the British and Irish Anglican Churches and the French Lutheran and Reformed Churches
24800: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Dear Mr Green: responses to the BSR report 'Industrial Mission-an appraisal'
4026: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Church of England and the World Council of Churches: The Church of England and the Conference of European Churches: report of an official visit January 1990 (GS 942)
4060: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Decisions about life and death: a problem in modern medicine
32999: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Some issues in human sexuality: a guide to the debate: a discussion document from the House of Bishops' Group on Issues in Human Sexuality (GS 1519)
4047: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Communion before confirmation?: the report of the General Synod Board of Education Working Party on Christian initiation and participation in the Eucharist
49429: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Church of England and politics: reflections on Christian social engagement (report by BSR - GS 457)
4209: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Partners in education, role of the Diocese: (Carlisle report) a report on the Diocesan Director of Education and the Diocesan Education Committee....
56540: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical: to which are added the thirty-nine articles of the Church of England
38649: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Book of Offices with the additions and deviations proposed in 1928
4134: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Intercommunion to-day being the report of the Archbishop's Commission on Intercommunion
4246: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Report of the Archbishops' committee on Church & State, with appendices
45559: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - First prayer book of 1549 the order of the Holy Communion: the earliest English Eucharist in modern spelling complete and unabridged
80568: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Certain sermons appointed by the Queen's Majesty to be declared and read by all parsons, vicars and curates every Sunday and holiday in their churches and by her Grace's advice perused and overseen for the better understanding of the simple people
4133: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Industrial mission - an appraisal: the church's response to the changing industrial and economic order
4236: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Prosecution of alleged war criminals (GS misc 373)
29798: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Promise of his glory: services and prayers for the season from All Saints to Candlemas [People's book]
4183: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Not just for the poor: Christian perspectives on the welfare state (GS756)
4086: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Finland and Rumania (reprint from the Church Quarterly Review January 1937)
81801: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Lent Holy Week Easter: services and prayers commended by the House of Bishops of the General Synod of the Church of England
46720: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church together with the psalms of David (bound with) proper lessons to be read at morning and evening prayer, the New Testament and a new version of the psalms of David fitted to the tunes used in churches
4176: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Moving Spirit: a survey of the life and work of the Churches of the Anglican Communion
4215: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Peacemaking in a nuclear age: a report of a working party of the BSR
42383: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Call from the Moslem world: being a comprehensive statement of the facts which constitute the call from the Moslem world to the Church of England prepared by a commission appointed by the Missionary Council of the Church Assembly (World call to the church)
42384: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Call from Africa: being a comprehensive statement of the facts which constitute the call from Africa to the Church of England prepared by a Commission appointed by the Missionary Council of the Church Assembly (Word call to the Church)
4307: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Unfermented Wine: a report published at the request of the Abp of Canterbury
4143: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Layman in Church Government: being a guide to the representation of the Laity Measure, 1956 and the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure, 1956
4250: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Report of the Joint Committees in consultation with members of the Commission appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury to prepare a statement on the Christian Doctrine of Marriage* *(report) Marriage divorce and the Church 1971 (York 561)
4128: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - How should the Church pay its way?: a report of a consultation on possible future financial policies of the Church of England (GS Misc 128)
57317: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - First and second prayer books of Edward VI
32994: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Prisons: a study in vulnerability: a collection of essays from the Board for Social Responsibility (GSMisc 557)
36474: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Common Worship: Times and Seasons services and prayers for the Church of England
57972: CHURCH OF ENGLAND - Lent Holy Week Easter: services and prayers commended by House of Bishops of GS of C of E
83839: ENGLEMANN D E - Ultimate things: an Orthodox Christian perspective on the end times
6451: ENGLISH D - Christian Discipleship: the hard way - Studies in St Marks Gospel
24040: ENGLISH D - Windows on salvation
6449: ENGLISH - English poetry: a bibliography of the English poetry full-text database
81695: TALMUD: HULLIN: ENGLISH [ZAHAVY] - Talmud of Babylonia: an American translation Volume XXX.A: Tractate Hullin Chapters 1-2 translated by Tzvee Zahavy
45473: English - English lyrics
31066: ENGLISHMAN'S [WIGRAM G V] - Englishman's Greek concordance of the New Testament... including a concordance to the proper names with indexes in which is added a concordance of various readings
82755: ENGNELL I - Call of Isaiah: an exegetical and comparative study (Uppsala Universitets Arsskrift 1949:4)
39220: ENGNELL I - Critical essays on the Old Testament
58918: ENOCH S I - Jesus in the twentieth century: the D J James Lecture for 1979 (The Catherine and Lady Grace James Foundation)
63649: ENROTH R M et al - Story of the Jesus people: a factual survey
45199: ENSOR R C K - Miniature history of the war: down to the liberation of paris
45100: ENSOR R C K - England 1870 - 1914
41267: ENSOR R C K - Hedge leaves
47349: EPSTEIN J J - Francis Bacon: a political biography
53088: FREEDMAN H & EPSTEIN I - Pesahim: Hebrew-English edition of the Babylonian Talmud
44822: EPSTEIN L J - Harvard medical guide to a good night's sleep
4700: COMMISSION FOR RACIAL EQUALITY - Youth in multi-racial society
25062: EQUIPMENT - Equipment leasing in the UK: a report and guide to the UK equipment leasing industry
53498: ROSENTHAL J M & ERDEY S T - Living Communion: Anglican Consultative Council XIII Nottingham
63661: ERDMANN, J E - HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY in three volumes English translation by W S HOUGH
80178: ERGANG R - Europe from the Renaissance to Waterloo
18818: TANTUM ERGO - Holy Spirit: (Enoch two-part songs No.247) music Cesar Franck
58187: MAYNARD Eric - Path of a preacher
50835: KLOSTERMANN Erich - Apocrypha I: Reste des Petrusevangeliums, der Petrus-Apokalypse und des Kerygma Petri [bound with] Apocrypha II; Evangelien [&] Apocrypha III: Agrapha, Slavische Josephusstucke Oxyrhynchos-Fragment [&] Apocrypha IV: die Apokryphen Briefe des Paulus an die Laodicener und Korinther by Adolf Harnack
6478: ERICKSON M J - Christian Theology
54227: ERICKSON J H - Challenge of our past: studies in Orthodox Canon Law and church history
59612: TENNYSON G B & ERICSON E E - Religion and modern literature: essays in theory and criticism
32991: ERIKSON E H - Life cycle completed extended version with new chapters on the ninth stage of development by J M Erikson
47222: ERLICHMSN J - Whole truth
46835: ERNST P - Heitere Welt
29039: ERNST C - Multiple echo: explorations in theology
54661: ERNST J - Johannes der Taufer: Interpretation - Geschichte - Wirkungsgeschichte [German text]
41104: ERRICKER C et al - Education of the whole child (Issues in education)
31935: ERRICKER C & ERRICKER J - Contemporary spiritualities: social and religious contexts
58526: ERSKINE T - Spiritual order and other papers
27952: LANE J & ERSSON S - Comparative political economy: a developmental approach
37038: ERVIN T - Hollo Laszlo
7530: GERSTENBERGER ES - Leviticus: a commentary (OTL)
46963: BENTLEY N & ESAR E - Treasury of humorous quotations
19797: VAN ESCHENBACH W - Parzival (PC) tr AT Hatto
15347: PEREZ-ESCLARIN A - Atheism and liberation
37905: ESCOTT H - P T Forsyth and the cure of souls: an appraisement and anthology of his practical writings
30454: ESKENAZI T C - In an age of prose: literary approach to Ezra-Nehemiah (SBLMS 36)
44497: ESLER P F - Christianity for the twenty-first century
31129: ESLER P F - Modelling early Christianity: social-scientific studies of the New Testament in its context
82639: ESLINGER L - House of God or House of David: the rhetoric of 2 Samuel 7 (JSOTSS 164)
82712: ESLINGER L M - Kingship of God in Crisis: a close reading of 1 Samuel 1-12
82716: ESLINGER L M - Kingship of God in Crisis: a close reading of 1 Samuel 1-12
38201: ESSAYS - Essays and reviews
6497: ESSAYS - Essays and reviews
20524: WEDGE P & ESSEN J - Children in adversity
25611: ESSER A, OVERZEE AH & ROLL S - Re-visioning our sources: women's spirituality in European perspectives
25876: ENGLER H & ESSINGER J - Future of banking
30641: COLLIER J & ESTEBAN R - From complicity to encounter: the church and the culture of economism (Christian mission and modern culture)
57613: ESTES D J - Handbook on the Wisdom books and Psalms: Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Songs
6504: ETCHELLS R - Selection of poems by George Herbert (Poets and prophets)
81664: ETHERIDGE J W - Jerusalem and Tiberias, Sora and Cordova: a survey of the religious and scholastic learning of the Jews; designed as an introduction to the study of Hebrew literature
42987: ETHERIDGE J W - Jerusalem and Tiberias, Sora and Cordova: a survey of the religious and scholastic learning of the Jews; designed as an introduction to the study of Hebrew literature
14239: NEW PROBLEMS IN MEDICAL ETHICS - Third series trans from 'Cahiers Laennec'
6507: EUCHARISTIC - theology then & now (TC9): essays by RE Clements, A Farrer, G Lampe, C Dugmore et al
42989: EUCHARISTICA - Eucharistica: meditations and prayers on the most Holy Eucharist from old English divines with an introduction by Samuel Lord Bishop of Oxford
63676: EUCKEN, R - Life of the spirit: an introduction to philosophy
67260: LAVERDIERE Eugene - WHEN WE PRAY: meditations on the Lord's Prayer
37647: EURIPIDES [Freeman] - Scenes from the Trojan War: (Greek) passages chosen from the Iphigenia in Aulis, Rhesus, and Trojan Women, edited by C E Freeman
35860: ISLAMIC COUNCIL OF EUROPE - Jerusalem: key to world peace
36593: PAPER EUROPE - Print and paper buyer's handbook of terms (now with key words given in German and French)
38540: EUROPEAN - European biographical directory 1989-1990
40871: CONFERENCE EUROPEENNE - Aux commencements de la Foi: pastorale catechumenale en Europe aujourd'hui preface Cardinal Martini,
26683: COMISIA COMUNITATILOR EUROPENE - Actiuni pentru dezvoltare: manual practic
56336: EUSEBIUS - Ecclesiastical history [Greek text] according to the text of Burton with an [English] introduction by William Bright
6522: EUSTACE C J - Infinity of questions: a study of art & of the art of religion in the lives of 5 women, Helen Foley, Katherine Mansfield, France Pastorelli, Elizabeth Leseur & St Theresa of Lisieux
55728: EVAGRIUS - History of the church in six books from A.D. 431 to A.D. 594
50302: PREACHING EVANGELISTS - Mission of an evangelist (Amsterdam 2000 A conference of preaching evangelists)
38109: EVANS R H - Quakers of Leicestershire 1660-1714 [reprinted from the transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological Society Volume XXVIII 1952]
45417: EVANS C F et al - God and the universe: a course of sermons preached in the Chapel of Pusey House, Oxford
6540: EVANS G R - Authority in the church; a challenge for Anglicans
57322: EVANS D E - Universities past and present: a lecture delivered at the college on 8 October 1953
82790: PORTER S E & EVANS C A - New Testament Interpretation and Methods - A Sheffield Reader (Biblical Seminar 45)
57321: EVANS D E - University of Wales: a historical sketch
27727: BORT E & EVANS N - Networking Europe: essays on regionalism and social democracy
6528: EVANS C F - Resurrection and the New Testament (SBT SS 2/12)
6544: EVANS G R - History of Christian theology, volume 1: the science of theology
20081: WALKER A H & EVANS M - Biblical models: and how to make them
6554: EVANS R A - Christian theology: case method approach
58543: EVANS C S - Historical Christ and the Jesus of faith
57362: EVANS M - Model engineering
58695: PORTER S E & EVANS C A - New Testament text and language (A Sheffield Reader) Biblical Seminar 44
54655: EVANS C A - Life of Jesus research: an annotated bibliography
57297: EVANS J - English Art 1307-1461
57437: EVANS C F - Saint Luke (TPI New Testament commentaries)
24623: EVANS R - Using the Bible: studying the text (Exploring faith - theology for life)
24397: EVANS G R - Anselm (Outstanding Christian Thinkers)
57998: EVANS J F - Guide to biblical commentaries and reference works for students and pastors (9th edition)
29961: JOHNSTONE V & EVANS E - Story of the Prayer Book
56810: EVANS J H - Memoir and remains of the Rev. James Harington Evans: late minister of John Street Chapel
22033: EVANS T - English in the Primary School
6543: EVANS G R - Doing theology together: inside an ecumenical conversation
63691: EVANS G R - RECEPTION OF THE FAITH: reinterpreting the Gospel for today
44356: EVANS G R - Method in Ecumenical theology: the lessons so far
7310: EVANS G R - Church and the Churches: toward an ecumenical ecclesiology
6531: EVANS C F - Saint Luke (NTC)
51181: EVANS D M - History of the comercial crisis 1857 - 1858 and the stock exchange panic of 1859
82464: EVANS C A - World of Jesus and the Early Church: identity and interpretation in early communities of faith
43659: EVANS B F - Vote Catholic?: beyond the political din
6529: EVANS C F - Parable and dogma (The Ethel M Wood Lecture delivered before the University of London on 24 February 1976)
82486: EVANS M J - Judges and Ruth: an introduction and commentary (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries 7)
24447: EVANS A F - Pedagogies for the non-poor
80330: EVANS C A - Noncanonical writings and New Testament interpretation
80329: EVANS C A - Interpretation of scripture in early Judaism and Christianity: studies in language and tradition (Journal for the Study of Pseudepigrapha Supplement Series 33)
37714: EVANS E - New illustrated British history
6526: EVANS C F - Explorations in theology 2
63695: EVANS I - VOICE OF LOURDES: a pilgrimage in vision and recorded sound with two 7"" EPs record in sleeves
24808: EVANS J H - Churchman militant: George Augustus Selwyn, Bishop of New Zealand and Lichfield
6563: EVANS T - Bevin
34519: EVANS C S - Philosophy of religion: thinking about faith (Contours of Christian philosophy)
58902: EVANS C - Is Holy Scripture Christian? and other questions
63709: EVELY L - In his presence
63708: EVELY L - CREDO (Stag books)
63704: EVELY L - Lovers in marriage
63712: EVELY L - Love your neighbour
6573: EVENING M - Approaches to religious education
22032: EVENING M - Who walk alone: a consideration of the single life
22197: EVEREST W F - Gift of the keys and other essays
6577: EVERY G - Baptismal sacrifice (SM&W)
6576: EVERY G - Baptismal sacrifice (SM&W)
6585: EVERY G - Poetry and personal responsibility: an interim report on contemporary literature [especially important discussion of Herbert Read and of Charles Williams] (Viewpoints 14)
22029: EVERY G - Lamb to the slaughter
6581: EVERY G - Christian mythology
6582: EVERY G - Christian mythology
56431: EWARD S - Gloucester Cathedral Chapter Act Book 1616 - 1687 (Volume 21)
32053: EWART G - Other people's clerihews
53036: EWELL S - Building up the church: live experiments in faith hope and love
35926: ORR-EWING F & A - Holy warriors: a fresh look at the face of extreme Islam
6595: EXETER, Diocese - Acts of the Diocesan Synod held in Exeter Cathedral by Henry, Lord Bp on June 25,26,27 1851
6596: EXLEY R - Missionary myth: agnostic view of contemporary missionaries
45196: EXLEY H - A toi maman, ces petits mots d'amour
46788: EXLEY H - A toi mon pere
37943: REVIEW AND EXPOSITOR - Baptist theological journal Vol LXVII No 4 Fall 1970: the Johannine Epistles
37942: REVIEW AND EXPOSITOR - Baptist theological journal Vol LXXII No 1 Winter 1975: Women and the church
11641: LENT EXTRA - Lent Extra Magazine
57725: EXUM J C - Plotted shot and painted: cultural representations of biblical women (JSOT Supplement Series 215)
80326: EXUM J C - Historical books (Biblical Seminar 40)
50535: EYRE C - History of St Cuthbert: or an account of his life, decease and miracles
6599: EYRE D - Reform in the C of E (rev ed of ""Essays in aid of the reform of the church)
63736: EYRICH H A - Three to get ready: a Christian premarital Counseling Manual
72733: SYMONDS FA - CHRISTIANITY IN ACTION: real life stories of ordinary people who have demonstrated the power of the Christian faith in practice
73121: TORRES S & FABELLA V - EMERGENT GOSPEL: theology from the developing world
30581: FABELLA V - We dare to dream: doing theology as Asian women
60063: FABER F W [ADDINGTON, Raleigh] - FABER: POET AND PRIEST: selected letters by Frederick William Faber from 1833 - 1863
56808: FABER G S - Many mansions of the house of the father: scripturally discussed and practically considered
24823: FABER R - Beaconsfield and Bolingbroke
34765: FABER G - Jowett: a portrait with background
49378: FABER F W - Life of S. Alphonso Maria de Ligouri Vol III: Bishop of St. Agatha of the Goths and founder of the Most Holy Redeemer
29643: FABER G - Oxford Apostles: a character study of the Oxford Movement
63827: FABER F W - Bethlehem
81660: FABER H - Psychology of religion
57051: FACKRE G - Church: signs of the spirit and signs of the times: the Christian story - a pastoral systematics Volume 5
80176: FAGE J D - History of West Africa: an introductory survey
63745: FAGER J A - Land tenure and the Biblical Jubilee: uncovering Hebrew ethics through the sociology of knowledge (JSOT Supplement series 155)
53651: BURNS J P & FAGIN G M - Holy Spirit (Message of the Fathers of the Church 3)
82924: FAHLBUSCH E - Taschenlexikon Religion und Theologie complete 5 volume matching paperback set
9425: FAHLBUSCH E et al - Encyclopedia of Christianity Volume 1 A-D
81967: MULLER-FAHRENHOLZ G - Art of forgiveness: theological reflections on healing and reconciliation
25128: FAILLA D - Wie sie einen erfolgreichen strukturvertrieb aufbauen
35151: CHELSEA ANTIQUES FAIR - Chelsea Antiques Fair [69th] catalogue September 12-23 1989
58810: FAIRBAIRN P - Commentary on the pastoral epistles: I and II Timothy, Titus and Philemon (Classic Commentary Library
59473: FAIRBAIRN P - Exposition of Ezekiel
6617: FAIRBAIRN A M - Catholicism: Roman and Anglican
6623: FAIRLEY P - Conquest of pain
82701: FAIRWEATHER J - Bishop Osmund: a missionary to Sweden in the late Viking Age (Skara Stiftshistoriska Sallskap Skriftserie, volume 71) [heavy book, please check what extra postage may be required]
63759: FALATURI A et al - Three ways to the one God: the Faith Experience in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
32277: FALCONER A - Man alone: meditations on the seven last words of Jesus on the cross
6634: FALCONI C - Pope John and the ecumenical council: diary of the Second Vatican Council, Sept - Dec 1962
58140: FALK P - Growth of the church in Africa
46822: FALLOUX A - Correspondance du R P Lacordaire et de Madame Swetchine (onzieme edition)
6635: FALLOWS W G - Mandell Creighton [Bishop of Peterborough and London] and the English Church
7691: GOD'S DESIGN FOR THE FAMILY - God's design for the family 4 book set, Bk 1 Husbands & wives, Bk 2 Parents & children,Bk 3 Living with God, Bk 4 Influencing society. All with guidelines for group discussion
29847: WHITE B & FANCUTT W - Story of Andover Baptist Church 1824-1974
50837: RIGUTINI G & FANFANI P - Vocabolario Italiano della Lingua Parlata
63762: FANNON P - Let there be life: the promise of the Holy Spirit [Where we stand series]
14654: O'FAOLAIN S - Newman's way
52185: GORDON B & FARDOULY D - Master builders: developing life and leadership in the body of Christ today
63766: FARGUES M - God of Christians
63773: FARICY E - Lord's dealing: the primacy of the feminine in Christian spirituality
38910: FARINDON A - LXXX Sermons preached at the Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene Milk Street, London whereof nine of them not till now published in two continuously paginated volumes with a large table to both, second ed, revised and corrected...[includes re-issue of XXXII Sermons-Wing F437]
43620: FARLEY J R - Tsedeqh: and other sermons
47197: FARLEY J - London art of cookery and Housekeeper's complete assistant on a new plan made plain and easy...appendix Considerations of culinary poisons, broths for the sick...bill of fare for every month of the year...
74509: FARLEY D - Seasons of grace: reflections on the Orthodox church year
6646: FARLEY F A - Faith
66912: KING-FARLOW J - Reason and religion: philosophy and religion in a scientific age
6657: FARMER K A - Who Knows What is Good?: commentary on the book of Proverbs & Ecclesiastes (International theological commentary)
6658: FARMER L - We saw the Holy City
39422: FARMER D H - Saint Hugh of Lincoln
12086: FARMER J - Lord's Prayer: SATB (Windsor series of polyphonic music)
10059: FARMER W R - Maccabees, Zealots and Josephus: an inquiry into Jewish Nationalism in the Greco-Roman period
24260: FARMER D - Oxford dictionary of saints
57258: FARMER J - In the fields with their flocks abiding
6651: FARMER H H - Revelation and religion: studies in the theological interpretation of religious types
6659: FARMER W R - Christian history & interpretation: studies presented to John Knox
6650: FARMER H H - Healing cross: further studies in the Christian interpretation of life
36298: FARMER P - Two, or The book of twins and doubles: an autobiographical anthology
24532: FARMER W R - Synoptic problem: a critical analysis
44223: FARMER W R - Gospel of Jesus: the pastoral relevance of the synoptic problem
36746: FARNCOMBE B - Words for contemplation compiled 1978-1982
6664: FARQUHAR J N N - Primer of Hinduism
25906: FARR A - Sartre's radicalism and Oakeshott's conservatism: the duplicity of freedom
6672: FARRAR F W - Our English Minsters
63794: FARRAR F W - Gathering clouds: a tale of the days of St. Chrysostom
30154: O'FARRELL J - Best a man can get
6676: FARRELL W - Companion to the Summa Vol II Pursuit of happiness (Corresponding to the ""Summa Theologica"" IA IIAE)
6675: FARRELL C - Sacraments today: their meaning & celebration
6678: FARRER A - Celebration of faith
6685: FARRER A - Freedom of the will (Gifford lectures delivered in the U of Edinburgh 1957)
6677: FARRER A - Brink of mystery
6688: FARRER A - Lord I believe: suggestions for turning the creed into prayer
38656: FARRER A - Essential sermons edited and introduced by Leslie Houlden
33335: O'COLLINS G & FARRUGIA E G - Concise dictionary of theology
6712: FASCICULE H - Bibliotheque de l'ecole Des Hautes Études publiée sous les auspices du ministere de l'instruction publique sciences philologiques et histoiriques
27655: FASTNEDGE R - Sheraton furniture
63833: JAMES Father - Mother of Jesus
584: APOSTOLIC FATHERS - Part II, S. Ignatius. S. Polycarp: revised texts with intro, notes, dissertations, and trans by J B Lightfoot Vol 1
587: APOSTOLIC FATHERS - Promise of Good Things: edited by Oliver Davies, trans by AI Jones & O Davies
582: APOSTOLIC FATHERS - Part I, S. Clement of Rome: a revised text with intro, notes, dissertations, and trans by the late JB Lightfoot Vol 1
52193: APOSTOLIC FATHERS - Fathers not papists: or, six discourses by the most eloquent Fathers of the Church with numerous extracts from their writings
51976: APOSTOLIC FATHERS [BURTON E] - Apostolic fathers: the epistles of SS Clement of Rome and Barnabas and the shepherd of Hermas with a History of the Christian church in the first century
38034: APOSTOLIC FATHERS - Epistles of SS. Clement of Rome and Barnabas, and the Shepherd of Hermas, with an intro comprising a history of the Christian church in the first century by the Late Dr Burton, in two volumes
82150: APOSTOLIC FATHERS - Apostolic Fathers with an English trans by Kirsopp Lake volume I and volume II (Loeb Classical Library)
45660: FATTORUSSO J & M-L - Rome: monuments of antiquity, the churches, the palaces, the treasures of art. A handbook for students and travellers with 1045 illustrations
25187: MUNRO-FAURE L et al - Quality improvement: teamwork solutions from the UK and North America
6725: FAWCETT T - Symbolic language of religion: introductory study
6727: FAWCETT T J - Liturgy of Comprehension 1689: an abortive attempt to revise The BCP (Alcuin Club Collections 54)
25275: FAWCETT P - Managing information: understanding the impact of IT on the financial services
6726: FAWCETT T - Symbolic language of religion: introductory study
44603: FAWCETT N - Resourcing the Christian Seasons Book 2
44281: FAWCETT N - Resourcing the Christian Seasons Book 1
6733: FEARON M - No place like home: Christians and the scandal of homelessness
6734: FEARON W A - Parish Registers and Parochial Documents in the Archdeaconry of Winchester
6735: FEASEY J E - Religion, morals and manners: course of Bible teaching for the school and home
82019: FEAVER D R - And not to faint [collect and reflection for each Sunday in the church year]
44036: FEBRUAR M D von et al - Globalisation and human dignity: sources and challenges in Catholic social thought
45519: EUROPEAN BAPTIST FEDERATION - EBF anti-trafficking resource book 2: what can churches do
50639: FEDERICI R S - Hope for the hopeless child: a guide for families with special discussion for assessing and treating the post-institutionalized child
6738: FEDOROVA N - Children
6743: FEE G D - Paul, the spirit and the people of God
41223: FEEHAN J A - Stories for preachers
63849: FEIDER P A - Arise and walk: the Christian search for meaning in suffering
32416: BURG D & FEIFER G - Solzhenitsyn: a biography
60523: FEILD R - Collector's guide to buying antique silver
31790: FEILER B - Walking the bible: a journey by land through the five books of Moses
6748: FEILING K - History of England: from the coming of the English to 1918
26664: GARDEN F L & FEIN K J - Apple Pie Teacher's Book
58996: EHRENPREIS A & FELBINGER C - Brotherly community: the highest command of love
6752: FELICITY MARY, Sister - Mother Millicent of the Will of God: Mother Foundress of the Society of the Precious Blood 1869-1956
55715: FELLOWES W D - Visit to the monastery of La Trappe in 1817: with notes taken on a tour through Le Perche, Normandy, Bretagne, Poitou, Anjou, Le Bocage, Touraine, Orleanois and environs of Paris
43585: FELLOWS S - God's great mystery trip: from atheist to Chaplain in fourteen days
25549: BUCHAN I E & FELLOWS S - Arcus quickstat biomedical: statistical software for Microsoft Windows: user guide
47175: SONGS OF FELLOWSHIP - Songs of Fellowship: combined words edition
24034: DOHNAVUR FELLOWSHIP - His thoughts said... His Father said...
50564: CHURCHES FELLOWSHIP (CFPSS) - Parapsychology in education: a short introduction to psychical and spiritual studies for all who work in the educational field
58282: INDUSTRIAL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP [Published by] - Christian doctrine and social order
22035: EVANGELICAL FELLOWSHIP - Evangelical and congregational: 'The Principles of Congregational independents' prepared by the Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches from a draft by G T Booth
52580: FENELON F De [Francois de Salignac de La Mothe] - Adventures de Telemaque nouvelle edition avec figures; l'eloge de l'auteur par la harpe; table des matieres; et notes illustratives in 2 volumes
82572: FENELON F [Francois de Salignac de La Mothe] - Spiritual letters of Archbishop Fenelon: letters to women translated by H L Sidney Lear in Davotional Works Series
6756: FENELON F De [Francois de Salignac de La Mothe] - Letters to men and women selected with an introduction by Derek Stanford [from English text of H L Sidney Lear]
30318: FENHAGEN J C - Invitation to holiness
32043: FENN R K - End of time: religion, ritual, and the forging of the soul
56430: FENN R K - Liturgies and trials: the secularization of religious language
59467: FENN J E et al - How Christian worship: broadcast talks by Archbishop of Canterbury, Neville Davidson, Margaret Deanesley, Adam Fox, Eric Hayman, F Iremonger, Francis James, B McElligott, E Micklem, E Ratcliff, A Reeve and R Williams
32279: FENN R - Dream of the perfect act: an inquiry into the fate of religion in a secular world
1834: FENTON J C - Gospel according to John in the Revised Standard Version with introduction and commentary
33178: FENTON J - Matthew passion: a Lenten journey to the cross and resurrection
28320: FENTON J - Handbook of automotive body & systems design
28218: FENTON N et al - Mediating social science
6763: FENTON J C - Passion according to John: with intro, notes & meditations
33179: FENTON J - Affirmations based on the Sunday and principal Holy Day readings: ASB year one and two
24277: FENWICK J R K - Eucharistic concelebration (GW82)
6766: FENWICK H - Civil Liberties (Lecture notes)
22937: FENWICK J - Eastern Orthodox liturgy (GMW56)
8266: FENWICK J R K - Missing obligation: the contents of the early antiochene anaphora (Alcuin/Grow Liturgical Study 11) (Grove Liturgical Study 59)
63864: FERDER F - WORDS MADE FLESH: scripture, psychology and human communication
6776: FERGUSON R - George MacLeod: Founder of the Iona Community
25119: NICHOLLS D G & FERGUSON S J - Bioenergetics 2
6770: FERGUSON E - Encyclopedia of Early Christianity
63866: FERGUSON T - Love of the divine healer: an approach to the Ministry of Healing
6774: FERGUSON J - War and peace in the world's religions
53034: FERGUSON D S - Lovescapes - mapping the geography of love: an invitation to the love-centered life
53035: FERGUSON E - Early Church at work and worship: Volume one - Ministry, ordination, covenant, and canon
52594: FERGUSON J - Place of suffering
47610: FERGUSON J - Prayers for common worship: morning and evening every Lord's Day throughout the course of the Christian year
44326: FERGUSON R - George MacLeod: founder of the Iona Community
6771: FERGUSON J - Give peace a chance
46168: FERGUSSON J E - Inorganic chemistry and the earth [Pergamon series on environmental science volume 6]: chemical resources, their extraction, use and environmental impact
59474: FERGUSSON J - Exposition of the epistles of Paul to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians
43734: FERGUSSON R - Chambers Book of Days: miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar
63879: FERGUSSON D - Bultmann (Outstanding Christian Thinkers series)
32280: FERGUSSON D - Community, liberalism and Christian ethics (New studies in Christian ethics)
6780: FERM V - Encyclopedia of religion
6779: FERM D W - Third world theologies; an introductory survey
44237: FERM D W - Third world liberation theologies: a reader
57003: FERNANDES C V et al - Sea: artistic works of King D Carlos
43553: FERNANDO A - Call to joy and pain: embracing suffering in your ministry
6784: FERNANDO A - Buddhism made plain: intro for Christians, rev ed of Buddhism & Xianity
28360: FERNYHOUGH M et al - Biddulph Players 1950-2000:
54334: FERRAR N - Story books of Little Gidding: the religious dialogues recited in the great room 1631 - 2
56166: FERRAR W J - Ladder of the Cross: meditations for Holy Week, including addresses on the seven last words
33532: FERRAR M L [SIMMS] - Addresses and papers of Michael Lloyd Ferrar 1909-1960: Warden of the Divinity Hostel, Dublin, 1939-1960 edited with a memoir by G O Simms, Archbishop of Dublin
43032: FERRAR W J - Apocalypse explained: for readers of today
41435: SMITH A E & FERRAR W J - Sundays of man's life: an anthology for the Sundays and Holy Days of the Christian year
28183: FERRE F - Language, logic and God
24272: FERRE N F S - Making religion real
6795: FERRE N F S - Strengthening the spiritual life
6793: FERRE N F S - Know your faith
6791: FERRE N F S - Christ & the Christian
6790: FERRE N - Know your faith
6787: FERRE F - Basic modern philosophy of religion
24317: FERRE N F S - Living God of nowhere and nothing
24439: FERRE F - Hellfire and lightning rods: liberating science, technology, and religion
63885: FERRIER F - What is incarnation?: [Faith and Fact book 24]
6807: FFORDE A - Christmas poems 1932-1971
81653: GERLEMAN G & FICHTNER J - Iob et Proverbia (Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia fascicle 12)
35830: FIDDES V H - Science and the Gospel (Theology and science at the frontiers of knowledge)
57718: FIDDES P S - Freedom and limit: a dialogue between literature and Christian doctrine
47978: CLARKE A J & FIDDES P S - Flickering images: (Regent's Study Guides 12) theology and film in dialogue
6817: FIELD J E - Apostolic Liturgy and the Epistle to the Hebrews: being a commentary on the Epistle in its relation to the Holy Eucharist, with appendices on the Liturgy of the primitive church
82093: FIELD A M - Monastic Hours: directory for the celebration of the work of God and directive norms for the celebration of the Monastic Liturgy of the Hours
44295: FIELD M - John Nelson Darby: prophetic pioneer
63899: FIELD B - Students handbook of christian theology
8231: FIELD D - Homosexual Way: a Christian Option? (GE 9)
58336: FIELD H M - On the desert: a narrative of travel from Egypt through the wilderness of Sinai to Palestine
37039: FIELD R - Of the church (Five books in four volumes) (Ecclesiastical History Society)
47736: FIELD J - Rondo in E flat (Polka Rondo) piano solo
82022: FIELD F - Opting out: an opportunity for Church Schools
6818: FIELD J E - English liturgies of 1549 and 1661 compared with each other and with the ancient liturgies
51242: FIELDING H - Tom Jones (Oxford World's Classics)
56801: FIELDING H - History of the adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his friend Mr Abraham Adams (Volume I only): written in imitation of the manner of Cervantes, author of Don Quixote
81520: FIELDING R C - Music resource for a Service of the Word
32785: FIELDS D - Purpose driven youth ministry: 9 essential foundations for healthy growth
52788: FIERRO A - Militant gospel: an analysis of contemporary political theologies
6834: FILSON F V - Three crucial decades: studies in the Book of Acts
82883: FILSON F V - New Testament against its environment: the gospel of Christ the Risen Lord (Studies in Biblical Theology No. 3)
6831: FILSON F V - Commentary on the Gospel According to St Matthew (BNTC)
6836: FILTHAUT T - Learning to worship
18127: SPENCER H & FINCH E - Constitutional practice and discipline of the Methodist Church: prepared by author the Methodist Conference
6839: FINCH A - Journey to the light: spirituality as we mature
21829: FINCH R G - Synagogue lectionary and the New Testament: a study of the three-year cycle of readings from the law and the prophets as a contribution to New Testament chronology
6840: FINCHAM K - Visitation articles and injunctions of the early Stuart Church 1603-1642 Vol I & Vol II (Church of England Record Society)
54654: FINCHER J - Great parable
22025: FINDLAY J A - Trustworthiness of the Gospels (Christian beliefs)
29134: FINE M J - Parents vs. children: making the relationship work
25437: FINE A - Granny project (Plays Plus)
6844: FINE R - Freud: a critical re-evaluation of his theories
6848: FINEGAN J - Light from the Ancient Past: archaeological background to the Hebrew-Christian religion
80318: FINEGAN J - Myth and mystery: an introduction to the pagan religions of the Biblical World
39191: FINEGAN J - Archaeology of the New Testament: the life of Jesus and the beginning of the early church
23664: FINLAY A - Without day: proposals for a new Scottish Parliament together compact disc
44363: FINLAYSON R A - Reformed theological writings
6855: FINLEY M I - World of Odysseus
24450: FINN D - Just trading: on the ethics and economics of international trade
29884: FINNEY J - Groups: asking the right questions (GP23)
82362: FINNEY J - Well Church Book: a practical guide to mission audit
6867: FIORENZA E S - Sharing her words: feminist biblical interpretation in context
40539: PUI-LAN K & FIORENZA E S - Woman's sacred scriptures (Concilium 1998/3)
6874: FIRTH P - Love that moves the sun: searching for God
6878: FISCHER E - Necessity of art: a Marxist approach
25792: FISCHER K - Moving on: a spiritual journey for women of maturity
6880: FISH R L - Pursuit: a novel
58089: BRETTLER M & FISHBANE M - Minhah le-Nahum: biblical and other studies presented to Nahum M Sarna in honour of his 70th birthday (JSOT Supplement Series 154)
40361: FISHER G F - Redeeming the situation: occasional sermons, 1947
6895: FISHER H A L - Our new religion: an examination of Christian science
6900: FISHER P J - Universe, life & man
6889: FISHER G F - Covenant and reconciliation: critical examination of ""Covenanting for Union"" & ""Towards reconciliation""
6886: FISHER G F - Anglican-Methodist conversations & problems of church unity : some personal reflections
564: KNAPP-FISHER E G - Catholic and reformed: an essay in the understanding of Anglicanism
53438: FISHER P - Unpacking the gift: Anglican resources for theological reflecti0on on the gift of authority
54468: FISHER P - Outside Eden: finding hope in an imperfect world
11041: KNAPP-FISHER E G - Towards recovery of belief
11040: KNAPP-FISHER E G - Infant Baptism (GS Misc 59)
11038: KNAPP-FISHER E G - Churchman's heritage: a study in the Ethos of the English Church
11037: KNAPP-FISHER E G - Belief and prayer
63937: FISHER G P - Reformation
41201: FISHER R - Assembly year
39530: FISHER M - For the time being: a memoir
37389: FISHER G - Feeling our way: three sermons preached in Jerusalem, Instanbul and Rome
6883: FISHER G - Standards of morality: Christian and Humanist
41080: FISHER G F - Convocation of Canterbury: text of the Presidential Address to the Canterbury Convocation delivered by the Archbishop of Canterbury in church House, Westminster, on 11 October, 1955
26625: BARRETT R & FISHER J S - Journeymen: essays on male spirituality
63936: FISHER D - Church in transition
42395: KNAPP-FISHER E G - To be or not to be? (Archbishop of Cape Town's Lent Book 1968)
38802: FISHER N - Harold Macmillan: a biography
11036: KNAPP-FISHER E - Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue: and three Archiepiscopal visits to Rome
49974: FISK G - Paley's view of the evidences of Christianity: comprising the text of Paley verbatim with examination questions
81618: FISON J E - Fire Upon the Earth
54528: FISON J E - Understanding the Old Testament: the way of holiness
6907: FISON J E - On the move to unity: Cambridge sermons on the Anglican approach by CFD Moule, RN Whybray, GWH Lampe et al
44015: FITCHETT W H - Wesley and his century; a study in spiritual forces with a portrait and facsimiles
54653: FITZGERALD J T - Greco-Roman perspectives on friendship (Resources for Biblical Study 25)
38868: FITZJAMES R - Famous missal of Richard Fitzjames, vicar of the parish church of Saint Michael, Minehead, AD 1485-1497 compiled by Cecil D Bullivant (Minehead's Great Treasure)
54650: FITZMYER J A - Wandering Aramean: collected Aramaic essays (Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series No 25)
80319: FITZMYER J A - Dead Sea Scrolls: major publications and tools for study (SBL resources for Biblical Study 20)
82880: FITZMYER J A - Essays on the Semitic background of the New Testament
82625: FITZMYER J A - To advance the Gospel: New Testament Studies (Biblical Resource Series)
12999: FITZMYER J A - Letter to Philemon: a new translation with introduction and commentary (Anchor Bible 34C)
45518: FITZPATRICK P - Fullness of life: seven studies in evangelism
23820: FITZPATRICK P J - In breaking of bread: the eucharist and ritual
80509: FITZPATRICK J M - Prayers for the journey
23616: FITZSIMONS D et al - Economic & social impact of AIDS in Europe
63948: FLAMAN P - Genetic engineering: Christian values and Catholic teaching
6914: FLANAGAN N M - Salvation history: an introduction to biblical theology
6916: FLANDERS H J et al - People of the Covenant: introduction to the Old Testament
43061: FLANNERY A - Vatican Council II: the conciliar and post conciliar documents
6919: FLATH D - Japanese economy
55241: FLECKER J E - James Elroy Flecker
6921: FLECKER W H - British Church History to AD 1000
47164: FLECKER J E - Hassan: the story of Hassan of Bagdad and how he came to make the golden journey to Samarkand
54651: FLEDDERMANN H T - Mark and Q: a study of the overlap texts (Bibiotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium CXXII)
63958: FLEETWOOD J - LIFE OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST: containing an accurate & universal history... from His birth to ascension into which is added, The evidences of Christianity briefly stated, and the New Testament proved to be genuine; in three judicious & excellent sermons by P Doddridge
6929: FLEMING J D - Redemption: Christian doctrine set in the light of history
29732: FLEMING D L - Christian ministry of spiritual direction (Best of the review 3)
6924: FLEMING A - Science & C of E doctrine: discussion on report of Commission on Xn Doctrine apptd 1922
6928: FLEMING D J - Christian Symbols in a World Community
6926: FLEMING C M - Adolescence: its social psychology with an introduction to recent findings from the fields of anthropology, physiology, medicine, psychometrics and sociometry (ILS&SR)
82252: FLEMINGTON W F - New Testament doctrine of baptism
23934: FLENDER H - St Luke: theologian of redemptive history
44999: FLENLEY R - Modern German history
60259: FLESSATI V - PRAYERS FOR PEACEMAKERS: a handbook of worship resources
51361: FLETCHER J - William Temple: twentieth-century Christian
30648: FLETCHER J S - Reformation in Northern England: six lectures
43764: FLETCHER R - Conversion of Europe: from Paganism to Christianity 371-1386
28086: FLETCHER K - Marketing management and information technology
56794: FLETCHER J - Five checks to antinomianism (Two volumes in one)
55940: FLETCHER N - Where to see wildlife in Sussex: a visitor's guide to our best nature sites
24292: FLETCHER C - Banning the bomb?: an argument from the 'Just War' position (GE49)
35808: BELLENGER D A & FLETCHER S - Mitre and the crown: a history of the Archbishops of Canterbury
24885: FLETCHER R - John Stuart Mill: a logical critique of sociology
8893: HAYWARD M & FLETCHER W C - Religion & the Soviet State: dilemma of power Pall Mall Pr for
63963: FLETCHER J - Bearing witness to Christ: a handbook for catechists and other teachers of religion
32268: FLETCHER G P - Loyalty: an essay on the morality of relationships
6946: FLEW A - Body mind and death
32641: FLEW A - Introduction to Western philosphy: ideas and argument from Plato to Sartre
57176: FLEW A - Self-improvement and social action [Moral aspects of social problems]
6950: FLEW A N - God and philosophy
55612: FLEW R N - Hymns of Charles Wesley: a study of their structure
6953: FLEW R N - Idea of perfection in Christian theology: an historical study of the Christian ideal for the present life
58185: FLEW R N - Forgiveness of sins (Manual of Fellowship no 20
6948: FLEW A G N - Evolutionary ethics (New studies in ethics)
6955: FLICOTEAUX E - Our Lady in the liturgy
6956: FLINDALL R P - Church of England 1815-1948: a documentary history
56793: FLINT R - Agnosticism (The Croall Lecture for 1887 - 88)
82952: FLOOD G - Blackwell companion to Hinduism
63976: FLOOD E - No small plan: God's friendship for man
63977: FLOOD E - Jesus story
30636: DUQUOC C & FLORISTAN C - Job and the silence of God (Concilium 169)
57671: DUQUOC C & FLORISTAN C - Models of holiness (Concilium 129)
39373: FLORISTAN C - Parish: eucharistic community
83821: FLOROVSKY G - Ecumenism I: a doctrinal approach volume thirteen in the Collected Works [500gr overseas shipping 23 GBP]
37120: FLOROVSKY G - Byzantine Fathers of the Sixth to Eighth Century: volume nine in the Collected Works [750gr overseas shipping 25 GBP]
6962: FLOROVSKY G - Ways of Russian Theology: part one (Volume 5 in the collected works of Georges Florovsky)
83823: FLOROVSKY G - Philosophy: philosophical problems and movements volume twelve in the Collected Works [500gr overseas shipping 23 GBP]
83824: FLOROVSKY G - Eastern Fathers of the Fourth Century volume seven in the Collected Works [750gr overseas shipping 25 GBP]
83828: FLOROVSKY G - Bible, Church, Tradition: an Eastern Orthodox View volume one in the Collected Works [750gr overseas shipping 23 GBP]
83825: FLOROVSKY G - Byzantine Fathers of the Fifth Century volume eight in the Collected Works [750gr overseas shipping 25 GBP]
83826: FLOROVSKY G - Ways of Russian Theology: Part two volume six in the Collected Works [750gr overseas shipping 25 GBP]
83827: FLOROVSKY G - Aspects of Church History volume four in the Collected Works [750gr overseas shipping 23 GBP]
83822: FLOROVSKY G - Theology and Literature volume eleven in the Collected Works [500gr overseas shipping 23 GBP]
83819: FLOROVSKY G - Byzantine Asceti and the Spiritual Fathers: volume ten in the Collected Works [750gr overseas shipping 25 GBP]
83820: FLOROVSKY G - Ecumenism II: a historical approach volume fourteen in the Collected Works [500gr overseas shipping 23 GBP]
6964: FLOWER N - George Frideric Handel: his personality and his times
30182: BUSH FLOWERS - Bush flowers of Australia
6966: FLUGEL J C - Hundred years of psychology: 1833-1933: with additional part on developments 1933-1947
39496: FLYNN E P - Catholicism: Agenda for renewal
6971: FLYNN N - Miracle to meltdown in Asia: business, government and society
35530: O'FLYNN T - Prayer patterns on the rosary: a first book on mental prayer
63984: FLYNN R M - And holy is his name: meditative essays on the holiness of Christ
56960: FOERSTER H - Autoritat des kirchlichen amtes und der synodalen konsensusbildung im zeitalter der demokratie: veroffentlichungen der Luther-Akademie e. V. Ratzeburg Band 5
39760: FOGARTY M - Motorways merge: the new challenge to Christian democracy
53936: FOGELMAN E - Conscience and courage: rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust
40256: FOGG N - We murder men everywhere: the dehumanisation of mankind
6988: FOHRER G - History of Israelite Religion
6990: FOHRER G - Introduction to the Old Testament
40657: FOHRER G - Elia (Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten and Neuen Testaments 31)
27082: PIGDEN J & FOLEY J - Marketing: the foundation of successful business
63990: FOLEY R - God 2000
63987: FOLEY G - Empowering the Laity
14095: FOLLIARD C - Gentle yoga for health longevity and rehabilitation
63991: FONCK L - PARABLES OF THE GOSPELS: an exegetical and practical explanation... translated from the third German edition by E Leahy
46789: LA FONTAINE J - Fables (2 volume set): nouvelle edition revue avec soin at accompagnee d'une vie de La Fontaine s'un avant propos et de notes explicatives par Pilon et Dauphin
40594: RAUZIER-FONTAYNE L - Monsieur Paul [Rabuau]
54872: BRENNER A & FONYAINE C - Wisdom and psalms (A Feminist Companion to the Bible Second Series)
6995: FOR - For all God's People: Ecumenical prayer cycle
3643: COUNCIL OF CHURCHES FOR - BRITAIN AND IRELAND Have another look: Lent 94 -a booklet for planners and group leaders
63992: FORAN D J - Living with ambiguity: discerning God in a complex society
33106: BAIN R & FORBES P - Clowning glory
7000: FORBES P - Gospel of folly
54837: FORBES M - Great British lorry: the history of road transport in Britain
58782: ANDERSEN F I & FORBES A D - Linguistic concordance of Ruth and Jonah: Hebrew vocabulary and idiom (Computer Bible volume IX)
63996: FORBES J T - GOD'S MEASURE and other sermons
63995: FORBES F A - SAINT JOHN BOSCO: seeker of souls
53001: FORBES A P - Short explanation of the Nicene Creed for the use of persons beginning the study of theology
53002: FORBES A P - Theological defence for the Right Rev A P Forbes Bishop of Brechin on a presentment by Rev W Henderson and others on certain points concerning the doctrine of the Holy Eucharist
50532: FORBES C - Notes of a reluctant pilgrim: the idea of pilgrimage in everyday life
58473: ROYAL AIR FORCE - Our Air Force (with 16 plates in colour and over 100 photographs of activities and life in The Royal Air Force)
16875: ROYAL AIR FORCE - Chaplains Conference: Amport House 1964
16876: ROYAL AIR FORCE - Chaplains Conference: Amport House 1960
16874: ROYAL AIR FORCE - Chaplains Conference: Oxford 1963
44210: FORD M - Wounded Prophet: a portrait of Henri J M Nouwen
41853: HARDY D W & FORD D F - Praising and knowing God
44694: FORD D W C - Preaching on the sayings of Jesus
7003: FORD D - Children, courts & caring: a study of Children & Young Persons Act 1969
50812: FORD C M - Rosary of thoughts
25298: HENDY J & FORD M - Redgrave's health and safety: 1999 supplement
54144: FORD R Q - Parables of Jesus: recovering the art of listening
7022: FORD D W C - Preaching what we believe DISCARD 07/10/2020
21841: FORD D W C - Christian faith explained
21538: YOUNG F M & FORD D F - Meaning and Truth in 2 Corinthians
25462: HARDY D & FORD D F - Jubilate: theology in praise
81538: FORD S D - Sins of omission: a primer on moral indifference
7005: FORD D W C - Expository Preacher's Notebook
7028: FORDER C R - Parish priest at work: an introduction to systematic pastoralia
7027: FORDER C R - Churchwardens in Church and in Parish
54413: FORELL G W - History of Christian ethics: Volume I From the New Testament to Augustine
21826: FOREST J H - Thomas Merton: a pictorial biography
54660: FORESTELL J T - Targumic traditions and the New Testament: an annotated bibliography with a New Testament index (Aramaic studies 4)
47620: HILAIRE C & FORGET C - Cuisine des vins de Bergerac
39031: FORMAN K L - Discovering the New Century Hymnal: a discussion guide for church musicians, pastors, and congregations
35078: FORMAN M - Praying with the Desert Mothers
56144: FORNBERG T - Jewish-Christian dialogue and biblical exegesis (Studia Missionalia Upsaliensia 47)
81540: FORREST J - History of Morris Dancing 1458-1750
46115: FORREST S J - Our man at Saint Withits
7038: FORREST E W - What's the use?
82352: FORRESTER D - On human worth
29725: FORRESTER D B - Theology and practice
24979: FORRESTER D B - Christian justice and public policy
36033: FORRESTER D - Listening with the heart
81533: FORRESTER D B - Theology and politics
81535: FORRESTER D et al - Encounter with God: an introduction to Christian worship and practice (2nd edition)
81536: FORRESTER D - Young Doctor Pusey: a study in development
7044: FORSTER C - Life of John Jebb, Bishop of Limerick, Ardfert and Aghadoe with a selection from his letters
29724: FORSTER R - Ten new churches
24291: FORSTER G - Cultural patterns and moral laws (GE17)
24286: FORSTER G - Sin, structure and responsibility (GE24)
24287: FORSTER G - To live good - the police and community (GE47)
7045: FORSTER E M - Aspects of the novel
7047: MAWBY C & FORSTER M - Communion Songs
41208: FORSTER M - Good night, God bless: a family bedtime book
8232: FORSTER G - Hope in the city (GE 61)
36848: MARSTON P & FORSTER R - Reason and faith
11217: KUHN H & FORSTERLING H-D - Principles of Physical Chemistry understanding molecules, molecular assemblies, supramolecular machines
31858: FORSYTH P T - Principle of authority in relation to certainty, sanctity and society: an essay in the philosophy of experimental religion
44208: FORSYTH P T - Church the gospel and society
29156: FORSYTH P T - Soul of prayer
7054: FORSYTH P T - Person and place of Jesus Christ
7051: FORSYTH P T - Charter of the church: six lectures on the spiritual principle of nonconformity
22399: FORSYTH P T - Lectures on the church and the sacraments
51575: FORSYTH P T - Religion in recent art: being expository lectures on Rosetti, Burne Jones, Watts, Holman Hunt and Wagner
51574: FORSYTH P T - This life and the next
51570: FORSYTH P T - Christ on Parnassus
59373: BOURDILLON M F C & FORTES M - Sacrifice: [based on the Proceedings of a Conference...Windsor...Feb 23rd-25th 1979]
55695: FORTIS U - Jews and synagogues: Venice Florence Rome Leghorn: a practical guide
7065: FORTNA R T - Fourth Gospel and its predecessor: from narrative source to present gospel (Studies of the New Testament and its world)
49771: FORTUNATUS V - Personal and political poems
28693: FORWARD - Forward book of poetry 2001
45765: FORWARD M - Bag of needments: Geoffrey Parrinder and the study of religion
81532: FORWARD M - Bag of needments: Geoffrey Parrinder and the study of religion
43052: FOSBROKE T D - British monachism: or manners and customs of the monks and nuns of England
59456: FOSDICK H E - Dear Mr Brown: letters to a person perplexed about religion
59455: FOSDICK H E - Manhood of the Master
7071: FOSDICK H E - Living of these days: an autobiography
59454: FOSDICK H E - Meaning of prayer
64057: FOSDICK H E - Great voices of the reformation: an anthology
7075: FOSDICK H E - Meaning of prayer
7076: FOSDICK H E - Meaning of Service
7072: FOSDICK H E - Living of these days: an autobiography
49829: FOSTER C - Jesus inquest
27278: FOSTER T - Pictorial history of sea battles
25383: FOSTER J - Lifelines: book 5
56791: FOSTER P - Eric James Mellon: ceramic artist (Otter Memorial Paper No 11)
25750: FOSTER J - Lifelines: book 3
7081: FOSTER B - Blackleg range (large print)
23186: FOSTER J - Hot heads, warm hearts, cold streets: poetry for teenagers
22856: FOSTER J - Autobiography
22017: FOSTER J - Silence of God
23713: FOSTER B - Bullets for a badman: a large print western
7100: FOSTER R S - Restoration of Israel: study in exile and return
22592: FOULKES F - Guide to St Matthew's gospel (ISG37)
51099: FOUND J - Basic Greek in 30 minutes a day: New Testament Greek workbook for laymen
80063: JOHN TEMPLETON FOUNDATION - 2008 capabilities report
57585: HOUGHTON S M & FOUNTAIN D G - Word for all time being articles on The inspiration and authority of scripture
64086: FOUREZ G - Sacraments and passages: celebrating tensions of modern life
24267: FOWKE R - Beginning pastoral counselling (GP24)
82456: FOWL S E - Story of Christ in the ethics of Paul: an analysis of the functions of the Hymnic material in the Pauline Corpus (JSNTSS 36)
57423: FOWLER D C - The Bible in early English literature
64090: FOWLER S - That nothing be lost
36843: FOX S - Project Thessalonians: eight studies in 1 & 2 Thessalonians: For small group study: Leader's guidance & background notes: Suggestions for prayer & worship: Linked Sunday service ideas
7134: FOX P - Daughters of Jairus
81541: FOX M J - Time to tear down and a time to build up: a rereading of Ecclesiastes
32045: FOX R L - Pagans and Christians [in the Mediterranean world from the second century AD to the conversion of Constantine]
7125: FOX A H P - Church's ministry of healing
56143: FOX A - Meet the Greek Testament: two essays and a dialogue intended for those who have little or no Greek
32232: CURNOW B & FOX J M - Chance to live more than once: developing future lives and careers
5828: FOX R L - Pagans and Christians
7129: FOX M - Original Blessing: a primer in creation spirituality
7127: FOX E - Ten commandments: master key to life
7126: FOX E - Now these are the names
7124: FOX A - Thomas More: History and Providence
57697: FOX M V - Qohelet and his contradictions
82765: FOX G [NEWMAN H S] - Autobiography of George Fox from his Journal edited by Henry Stanley Newman (heavy volume please request shipping cost for overseas)
7123: FOX A - Sacred and secular: a companion [over 440 readings grouped under weekly themes of Church's year]
81425: FOX M V - Redation of the Books of Esther: on reading composite texts (Society of Biblical Literature, Monograph Series No 40)
32046: FOX R W - Reinhold Niebuhr: a biography
35675: FOX C E - Lord of the Southern Isles: being the story of the Anglican Mission of Melanesia 1849-1949
40211: FOX F - 14 Africans vs one American: a thin, white American discovers what the new Africans think of themselves-- and of us
39142: FOX A - Aileen: a pioneering archaeologist
41540: FOXE J - Annals of Christian martyrdom: ancient martyrs
10928: FOXE [King] - Foxe's Book of Martyrs: edited by Marie Gentert King
58913: FOXE J - Acts and monuments of John Foxe (Vol II) with a preliminary dissertation by George Townsend
56626: FOXE J - Foxe's annals of martyrs
72840: FOXE [Taylor] - FOXE'S BOOK OF MARTYRS: an abridged edition with certain changes, chiefly in the tense, to ensure conformity of the text, edited by W St Clair Taylor
39370: FOXE J - Acts and monuments of John Foxe (Vol IV) with a preliminary dissertation by George Townsend
43606: FOYLE M - Can it be me?: an inspiring insight into an extraordinary life
82394: WEAVER Darlene Fozard - Self love and Christian ethics (New studies in Christian ethics no. 23)
64110: FRAGOMENI R N - Come to the light: an invitation to baptism and confirmation
29369: FRAIN J - Starting business studies
64111: FRAINE J de - Praying with the Bible: the Biblical bases of great Christian prayers
40180: FRAINE J de - Bible et l'origine de l'homme (Museum Lessianum section biblique no. 3)
34579: FRAME J E - Critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistles of St Paul to the Thessalonians (International Critical Commentary)
82590: FRANCE P - Hermits: the insights of solitude
7144: FRANCE R T - Gospel Perspectives: Volume III: studies in Midrash & Historiography
35473: PINXTEREN A van & FRANCESCO Z - Al gaande zal je kracht vermeerderen
82538: SOCIETY OF ST FRANCIS [David Stancliffe & Bro Tristam] - Celebrating Common Prayer: the new pocket edition incorporating Common Worship Texts
31894: FRANCIS, St of Sales - [A selection from] TArtist [H L Sidney Lear]
7165: FRANCIS, St of Assisi [Karrer] - Legends and Lauds: edited selected and annotated by Otto Karrer trans by N Wydenbruck
7155: FRANCIS L J - Religion in the primary school: partnership between church and state?
22506: FRANCIS L R - Christ incognito and the church myth: the way towards Christian unity in the UK
69668: PAGET Francis - CHRIST THE WAY: four addresses given at Haileybury, January 1902
7169: FRANCIS, St of Assisi - Little Flowers of Saint Francis of Assisi
7153: FRANCIS L J - Making contact: Christian nurture, family worship and church growth
33155: FRANCIS L J et al - Fast-moving currents in youth culture
59452: FRANCIS L J - Sociology theology and the curriculum (Theology in Dialogue)
41116: KAY W K & FRANCIS L J - Religion in education, Volumes 1-4
82421: SOCIETY OF ST FRANCIS - Celebrating Common Prayer: a version of 'The Daily Office' SSF
81099: FRANCIS A - Oikos God's big work for a small planet: a theology of economy ecology and ecumeny
47521: FRANCIS P - Rebuilding communion: who pays the price? from the Lambeth Conference 1998 to the Lambeth Conference 2008 and beyond
26396: ASTLEY J & FRANCIS L - Christian perspectives on faith development: a reader
82688: ASTLEY J & FRANCIS L J - Christian theology and religious education: connections and contraditions edited by Jeff Astley and Leslie J Francis
41101: FRANCIS L J et al - Research in religious education
64115: FRANCIS D - Treasures of darkness: a Gospel for the day of trouble
64131: FRANCISCO C T - Introducing the Old Testament
49340: FRANCK C [Arr Geehl] - Tantum ergo: Holy Spirit (Enoch two-part songs No 247)
49316: FRANCK C [HICKS M] - Five transcriptions of sacred songs: for small organ with Hammond registration
47765: FRANCK C - Pastorale Opus 19 (Organ music)
46279: FRANCO J - Spanish short stories 1: Cuentos Hispanicos 1
2877: FRANK M - Sermons in two volumes (LACT)
73106: TOPPING Frank - ACT YOUR AGE: a lively collection of easy to act sketches
73103: TOPPING Frank - GRAPPLING WITH GOD ON THE M25: a theology for everyday life
55714: FRANK H T - Archaeological companion to the Bible
7195: FRANK H T - Archaeological companion to the Bible
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