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4985: CRAVEN T - Artistry and Faith in the Book of Judith (SBL Dissertation Series 70)
23387: CRAWFORD A - Local governance of crime: appeals to community and partnerships
44553: CRAWFORD R - God man world triangle: a dialogue between science and religion
48975: CRAY G - Postmodern culture and youth discipleship: commitment or looking cool? (GP76)
56625: CRAY G - Who's shaping you: 21st century disciples
52253: CRAY G - Disciples and citizens: a vision for distinctive living
46136: CREASEY J - Dr Williams's Library London. Catalogue of accessions Volume 3: being a catalogue of books published in the twentieth century and added to the library 1961 - 1970
54703: CREAVEN F - Winter and warm
29899: CREBER A - New approaches to ministry with older people (GPS43)
28022: CREED J M - Divinity of Jesus Christ: a study in the history of Christine doctrine since Kant (Hulsean lectures 1936)
23911: CREED J M - Gospel according to St Luke: Greek text with intro, notes & indices
4993: CREIGHTON M - Church and the Nation: charges and addresses
40707: CREIGHTON M - History of the Papacy from the Great Schism to the Sack of Rome, in six volumes, Volumes 1 to 5 ONLY UK Postage £5. For overseas please ask for a quote
37904: CREIGHTON M - Lessons from the cross: addresses delivered in St. Paul's Cathedral during Holy Week, 1898
54618: CREIGHTON M - Queen Elizabeth
35805: CREIGHTON L - Life and letters of Mandell Creighton by his wife, in two volumes [weight over 2 kg: overseas cost by mailbag £8.85]
4995: CREIGHTON M - Persecution & tolerance (Hulsean lectures 1893-4)
47469: DANDOIS T & CREISSON P - En territoire interdit
5001: CRENSHAW J L - Old Testament wisdom: an introduction revised and enlarged
82931: CRENSHAW J L - Prophetic conflict: its effect upon Israelite religion (BZAW 124)
82933: CRENSHAW J L - Theodicy in the Old Testament (IRT4)
52078: CREPIN G [DICKSON R M M-P] - La vie de Saint Herluin: fondateur et premier abbe du Bec
21409: CRESSWELL R H - Liturgy of the eighth book of 'The Apostolic Constitutions' commonly called The Clementine Liturgy translated into English with introduction and notes by R H Cresswell
62765: CREUSEN J - RELIGIOUS MEN AND WOMEN IN CHURCH LAW: the sixth English edition revised and edited to conform with the seventh French edition
5008: CRICHTON J D - Christian Celebration: understanding the prayer of the church
23749: CRICHTON J D - Ministry of reconciliation; commentary of the Order of Penance 1974
38968: CRICHTON J D - Once and the future liturgy
23212: CRICKARD F W et al - Multinational naval cooperation and foreign policy into the 21st century
28642: HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET - ASSOCIATION 1999 Hertfordshire cricket: the official handbook of the Hertfordshire County Cricket Association
58411: CRIPPS S - Towards Christian democracy
38732: CRIPPS A S - Lyra evangelistica: missionary verses of Mashonaland
62776: CRISFORD J - DIVINE MAN: what did He say about deserving happiness?
62777: CRISTIANI L - REVOLT AGAINST THE CHURCH (Faith & fact books 77)
57422: CRITCHLEY S et al - Deconstruction and pragmatism
38061: CRITCHLOW J - Preaching on the Common Worship Lectionary: a resource book
5019: CRITIQUE - Critique of Eucharistic agreement
74564: CRIX F - Taking a lead: a practical guide to leadership roles in your church
2491: CROCKETT W R - Eucharist: symbol of transformation
55457: CROCKFORD - Crockford's Clerical Directory 2010/2011
49887: CROFT S et al - Moving on in a mission shaped church
62673: COTTRELL S & CROFT S - TRAVELLING WELL: a companion guide to the Christian Faith
41692: CROFT W - Croft: 1678-1721: six voluntaries: No. 1 Andante in C major [Hinrichsen No. 221]
49472: CROFT S - Mission-shaped questions: defining issues for today's church
5029: CROFT P - Team ministry (CMS 5)
5027: CROFT P - Collaborative Church (Teams conference 1979)
52213: CROFT P - Rise of the Deanery
5028: CROFT P - Primer for Teams: a birdseye view of collaborative ministry
37271: CROFTS A M - Catholic social action: principles, purpose and practice
42157: CROISET J - Devotion to the sacred heart of Jesus: how to practice the sacred heart devotion
62783: CROMARTY J - Book of family worship
53075: CROMWELL T [CARLYLE T] - Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches with elucidations by Thomas Carlyle (Volume II only)
24540: COHEN M A & CRONER H - Christian mission - Jewish mission (Studies in Judaism and Christianity)
56501: CRONIN V - Calendar of saints
45361: CRONIN D P - Through the year with words of encouragement
42036: CRONIN D K - Holy ground: Celtic Christian spirituality
37278: CROOKS M - Standard typewriting course (Elementary)
37279: CROOKS M - Pivot keyboard course
62788: CROOKS M - BEYOND THE BLACKBOARD: Issues for parents, teachers and governors concerning Black children with education
38510: CROPPER M - Draw near: a book of prayers (Manuals of the inner life)
38733: LEWIS-CROSBY E H - Ancient books of Christ Church Cathedral (Christ Church series No 4)
47874: JOHN St of the Cross - ASCENT OF MOUNT CARMEL: translated, with a general introduction to the works of St John of the Cross and edited by E Allison Peers
22684: JOHN St of the Cross - Lover of God: selections arranged for daily devotional readings by RP Sidey
55215: HOLY CROSS - Holy Cross Liturgical Hymnal (Melody only)
57133: COMMUNITY OF THE HOLY CROSS - This sunrise of wonder
22698: JOHN St of the Cross - Dark night of the soul trans E Allison Peers
25859: CROSS F M - From epic to canon: history and literature in Ancient Israel
42180: JOHN St of the Cross - Poems of St John of the Cross: original Spanish texts and English translations by J F Nims
26877: CROSS C - Church and people 1450-1660: the triumph of the laity in the English church
5045: CROSS F L - Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
5044: CROSS F L - I Peter: a paschal liturgy
13729: MORE P E & CROSS F L - Anglicanism: the thought and practice of the C of E, illustrated from the religious literature of the seventeenth century (heavy volume, please ask for postage cost before ordering)
39041: JOHN St of the Cross - Song of love: Saint John of the Cross
43574: CROSS D - God's covering: a place of healing (Truth and freedom series)
82149: CROSS F L - Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
33299: CROSSAN J D - Excavating Jesus: Beneath the Stones, Behind the Texts
82936: CROSSAN J D - Fragile craft: the work of Amos Niven Wilder (Society of Biblical Literature number 3)
5059: CROSSE G - Short History of the English Church
82248: CROUCHER R - Rivers in the desert: meditations and prayers for refreshment
82476: CROUZEL H - Origen
21983: CROWE P - Strange design: exploring the ways of God in the world
46381: CROWHURST P O - Cassell's dictionary of French synonyms: arranged in groups for the convenience of English students
37032: CROWHURST N H - ABC's of electronic organs with a specially written chapter for the guidance of the English reader by W Oliver (G3XT)
5067: CROWLESMITH J - Religion and medicine: essays by members of the Methodist Society for Medical and Pastoral Psychology
40710: CROZIER J B - History of intellectual development on the lines of modern evolution: Vol 1 only: Greek and Hindoo thought; Graeco-Roman paganism; Judaism; and Christianity down to the closing of the Schools of Athens by Justinian
5068: CRUCIBLE - Warnock (Oct-Nov 1984): the quarterly journal of the BSR
24517: CRUDEN A - Complete Concordance to the Old & New Testament: or a dictionary and alphabetical index to the Bible
5069: CRUDEN A - Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testament: or a dictionary and alphabetical index to the Bible
56337: PAGET S & CRUM J M C - Francis Paget: Bishop of Oxford, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, honorary student and sometime Dean of Christ Church
83939: CRUMB L N - Oxford Movement and its leaders: a bibliography of secondary and lesser primary sources (ATLA Bibliography Series No 24) Heavy book, please request shipping cost before ordering for overseas
53956: CRUSEMANN F - Torah: theology and social history of Old Testament law
82937: CRUSEMANN F - Bewahrung der Freiheit: das Thema des Dekalogs in sozialgeschichtlicher Perspektive
81041: CRUTCHER R G - That He might be revealed: water imagery and the identity of Jesus in the Gospel of John
34353: CRUTTWELL C T - Literary history of early Christianity: including the Fathers and the chief heretical writers of the Ante-Nicene period (in 2 volumes)
5074: CRYER N B - Bible translation today: Drawbridge Memorial lecture 1978
36609: CRYSTAL D & H - Words on words: quotations about language and languages
47432: CSALA G P - Vienna 1850 - 1950: history through the eyes of one family
57045: CUDDESDON - Prayers in use at Cuddesdon College [bound with] Private prayers for a week compiled by William Bright
62817: CULLEN B - COLOURS OF HOPE AND PROMISE: personal stories of HIV and AIDS
28574: CULLEN L - Clocking ninety on the road to Cloughjordan, and other stories
38236: CULLHED A - Language of passion: the order of poetics and the construction of a lyric genre 1746-1806 (European University StudiesSeries XVIII Comparative literature)
48624: CULLING E - What is Celtic Christianity? (GS45)
45364: CULLMANN O - Baptism in the New Testament [Studies in Biblical Theology 1]
40716: CULLMANN O - Bapteme des enfants: et la doctrine biblique du bapteme (Cahiers theologiques de l'actualite protestante 19/20)
82015: CULLMANN O - Die okumenische Aufgabe heute im Lichte der Kirchengeschichte... (Rektoratsrede gehalten an der Jahresfeier der Universitat Basek 29. November 1968)
5083: CULLMANN O - Christology of the New Testament
5088: CULLMANN O - Johannine Circle: its place in Judaism, among the disciples of Jesus and in early Christianity, a study of the gospel of John
80688: CULPEPPER R A - 1 John 2 John 3 John (Knox Preaching Guides)
5096: CULSHAW W J - Missionary looks at his job
39236: TRINITY INSTITUTE FOR CHRISTIANITY AND CULTURE - Awareness, Issue 1 Rediscovering Christianity in a multi-cultural, multi-faith society [includes sermon wisdom of God by Rowan Williams]
25006: CULWIN F - X/motif programmer's primer
27815: CULWIN F - ADA: a developmental approach
40714: CUMING G J - Studies in church history, volume II: papers read at the second winter and summer meetings of the Ecclesiastical History Society
82586: CUMING G J - Mission of the Church and the propagation of the faith (Studies in Church History volume 6)
21759: CUMMINGS T et al - 20th century sex: the church and the new morality
62836: CUMMINGS G C L - COMMON JOURNEY: Black Theology (USA) and Latin American liberation theology
5104: CUNDALL A E - Proverbs-Isaiah 39 (BSB)
57004: CUNHA A et al - Cristo fonte de experanca: exposicao do grande jubileu do ano 2000
5113: CUNNINGHAM J W - Vanquished hope: the movement for church renewal in Russia, 1905-1906
62844: CUNNINGHAM J D - DIALOGUE WITH A MUSLIM FRIEND: a Christian searches for a ""meeting of meaning"" with Islam
62848: CUNNINGHAM P A - JESUS AND THE EVANGELISTS: the ministry of Jesus and its portrayal in the Synoptic Gospel
9481: CUNNINGHAM J - Sorrowful mysteries: five meditations
57605: CUNNINGHAM W - Reformers and the theology of the Reformation
45365: CUPITT D - Leap of reason [Studies in Philosophy and Religion 4]
5131: CUPITT D - Solar ethics
5127: CUPITT D - Only human
35610: CUPITT D - Meaning of it all in everyday speech
35611: CUPITT D - Philosophy's own religion
35612: CUPITT D - Kingdom come in everyday speech
24590: CUPITT D - Reforming Christianity
5135: CUPITT D - Worlds of science and religion (Issues in religious studies)
5126: CUPITT D - New Christian ethics
5134: CUPITT D - World to come
5123: CUPITT D - Leap of reason
5121: CUPITT D - Jesus & the gospel of God
39591: CUPITT D - Nature of man
5125: CUPITT D - Long legged fly
39255: CUPITT D - Crisis of moral authority: the dethronement of Christianity
37660: CUPITT D - Last philosophy
57044: CATHOLIC CURCH - Vesper-book: containing the complete order for vespers for the entire year according to the Roman Breviary...the ferial vespers and all the new offices of Lent and other seasons hitherto untranslated...with the Order for the Burial of the Dead...
27263: CURL M - Anagram dictionary
58479: CURNOCK N - Father of Methodism or the life of the Rev John Wesley M.A. (written for children)
58480: CURNOCK N - Father of Methodism or the life of the Rev John Wesley M.A. (written for children)
58481: CURNOCK N - Father of Methodism or the life of the Rev John Wesley M.A. (written for children)
81928: CURRAN T - Mind of Saint Therese of Lisieux (Living Flame Series no 1)
74292: CURRAN C E - Church and morality: an ecumenical and Catholic approach
58703: ROSENTHAL J M & CURRIE N - Being Anglican in the third milennium Panama 1996: the offocial report of the 10th meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council
6992: CURRIE J C et al - Follow through: a second teacher's handbook of stories and themes from the Bible: written for the Association of Christian Teachers, Scotland
5142: CURRIE R - Methodism divided: a study in the sociology of Ecumenicalism
5146: CURTAYNE A - Saint Catherine of Siena
5147: CURTEIS G H - Bishop Selwyn of New Zealand, and of Lichfield: a sketch of his life and work with some further gleanings from his letters, sermons and speeches
40727: CURTEIS G H - Dissent in its relation to the Church of England: eight lectures preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1871 (Bampton Lectures 1871)
40726: CURTIS A H - Vision and mission of Jesus: a literary and critical investigation based specially upon the Baptismal and Temptation Narratives and their Old Testament background
27271: CURTIS A - Pattern of Maugham: a critical portrait
55981: CURTIS L - Political repercussions of atomic power
40618: CURTIS J S - Devonshire: historical and pictorial, a complete story of Devon from the earliest times, together with views and reviews of all places of interest and a concise gazetteer of its cities, towns and villages
5151: CURTIS P - Hawk among Sparrows: a biography of Austin Farrer
5149: CURTIS G - Paul Couturier and Unity in Christ
5153: CURZON C E - Man (Exeter booklet v)
45367: CUSACK P - Interpretation of the second dialogue of Gregory the Great: Hagiography and St. Benedict [Studies in the Bible and Early Christianity Vol 31]
51980: CUSHMAN R E - Faith seeking understanding: essays theological and critical
54176: CUTTLE N - Prophets: who were they? What did they say and why? : a discussion by Dr Norman Cuttle
5159: CUTTLE C - Ministry without portfolio
29873: CUTTS D - Worship in small congregations (GW108)
29879: CUTTS D - Worship in the countryside: some comments on the worship aspects of the report of the Archbishops' Commission on Rural Areas (GW114)
54326: CUTTS E L - Scenes and characters of the Middle Ages
5161: CUTTS E L - Turning points of English church history
40721: CUTTS E L - Saint Jerome (Fathers for English readers)
5163: CUTTS E L - Turning points of general church history
62888: CUTTS E L - Saint Augustine (Fathers for English readers)
40722: CUTTS E L - Augustine of Canterbury (Leaders of religion)
8307: CUTTS D - Welcoming the Bishop (GBMW88)
49762: CUTTS E L - Turning points of English church history
60126: ALINGTON Cyril - DURHAM CATHEDRAL: the story of a thousand years torn dust jacket
47056: CZERNY C - Schule der Gelaufigkeit Opus 299: ecole de la velocite - school of velocity
48446: CZOBOR A - Budapest Museum of Fine Arts
13144: MCGREGOR D F M & THOMPSON DA - Geomorphology and Land Management in a Changing Environment
14978: PALESTRINA G P da - Dum ergo essent (When all disciples): motet for 6 voices for the feast of Pentecost edited by Anthony G. Petti
62896: DAANE J - PREACHING WITH CONFIDENCE: theological essay on the power of the pulpit
36707: DAEDALUS - Deadalus: religion in America (Winter 1967) (issued as Vol 96 No 1 of Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences)Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
82817: DAHL G - Trade, trust and networks: commercial culture in Late Medieval Italy
5176: DAHL M E - Christian materialist (sermons)
27876: DAICHES D - Companion to Scottish culture
59479: DAILLE J - Exposition of the Epistle to the Colossians
45368: DAINTY B - Parish Church of Saint Margaret of Antioch, Hollinwood, Oldham
62899: DAISENBERGER J A - PASSION PLAY AT OBERAMMERGAU 1960: a religious festival play in three sections with 20 tableaux vivants. Official text for 1960
5190: DAKIN A - Calvinism (ST45)
62904: DALBY M - Gospel and the priest
55951: DALBY M - Admission to communion: the approaches of the late medievals and the reformers (Joint Liturgical Studies 75)
5193: DALBY M - Open baptism
34061: DALDY D M - People of the New Covenant
31268: DALE P E - Send us out: a study in worship and mission (GM&W25)
5205: DALE W - Law of the parish church
40719: DALE B - Good Lord Wharton: his family, life and bible charity. New edition, much enlarged
57611: DALES D, HABGOOD J, ROWELL G & WILLIAMS R - Glory descending: Michael Ramsey and his writings
34209: DALES D - Living through dying: the spiritual experience of St Paul
47645: DALES D - Prayers of our faith: classic Christian prayers
38084: DALGAIRNS J B - Holy Communion, its philosophy, theology, and practice
27330: DALIN P et al - How schools improve: an international report (School development)
56829: DALLEN J - Dilemma of priestless Sundays
50058: DALLIMORE A A - George Whitefield: God's anointed servant in the great revival of the eighteenth century
53680: DALTON O M - Guide to the early Christian and Byzantine antiquities in the department of British and Mediaeval antiquities
32436: DALTON J N - Book of Common Prayer: an edition containing proposals and suggestions
58400: DALY M - Church and the second sex: with a new postchristian introduction by the author
83285: SISTER OF NOTRE DAME (de NAMUR) - Vigil
56828: DAMIAN T - Liturgy of the word (Liturghia Cuvintului)
80467: DANCY J C - Shorter Books of the Apocrypha: Tobit, Judith, rest of Esther, Baruch, letter of Jeremiah, additions to Daniel and prayer of Manasseh (Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible)
5224: DANCY J C - Shorter Books of the Apocrypha (Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible)
45452: DANIEL H - Adventures in art: guide to gallery-going
58403: DANIEL D M - Briefly: Aquinas' Summa Theologica (God, Part II)
23823: DANIEL E - Prayer Book: its history, language and contents
51854: DANIEL Fr - Poeme ceramique
44167: CARROLL R M Daniel et al - Bible in human society: essays in honour of John Rogerson edited by M Daniel Carrol R., David J A Clines and Philip R Davies (JSOT Supplement 200)
40740: DANIELL J J - Life of George Herbert of Bemerton, new edition with addenda and illustrations
35340: DANIELL D - Let there be light: William Tyndale and the making of the English Bible [WITH] 5 page offprint of William Tyndale Quicentenary Sermon by P D James (1994)
5244: DANIELOU J - Sacramentum Futuri: etudes sur les origines de la typologie biblique
54441: DANIELS M - Patchwork of blessings and graces
54951: DANIELS N - Just health care (Studies in Philosophy and Health Policy)
53248: DANIELS J W - Gossiping Jesus: the oral processing of Jesus in John's Gospel
38704: DANIELS G M - Guest-chamber or home?
82721: DANKER F W - II Corinthians (Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament)
57846: DANKER F W - Jesus and the new age: a commentary on St Luke's Gospel
40734: DANSEY W - Horae Decanicae Rurales in 2 vols: an attempt to illustrate, by a series of notes and extracts, the name and title, the origin, appointment and functions, personal and capitular of Rural Deans...
80198: DANTE A - Opere di Dante Alighieri: a cura del Dr E Moore
80201: DANTE A - Monarchy and three political letters (Library of Ideas)
82722: DANTE A [SINCLAIR J D] - Divine Comedy 1: Inferno,2: Purgatorio, 3: Paradiso: Italian text with translation and comment by John D Sinclair
66930: KIRK Daphne - HEIRS TOGETHER: establishing intergenerational Cell Church
67705: LOVE Daphne - CHRISTMAS WITH LOVE [Dedicated to the memory of Daisy Tuffen (my flower arranging 'mum')]
55399: DARBY J N - Notes of addresses (Volume II)
27121: DARBY J - Scorpions in a bottle: conflicting cultures in Northen Ireland
62950: DARBY J N [Kelly] - COLLECTED WRITINGS OF J. N. DARBY: Volume 30: Expository No. 2
62952: DARBY J N [Kelly] - COLLECTED WRITINGS OF J N Darby: Volume 32: Miscellaneous No. 1
62951: DARBY J N [Kelly] - COLLECTED WRITINGS OF J. N. DARBY: Volume 29: Doctrinal No. 8
53897: DARBYSHIRE J D [Ed Cameron] - Journal of the Rev James Dominic Darbyshire O.P. a worker-priest of the 18th century (South Western Catholic History No 16 1998)
37429: DARBYSHIRE J R - Our treasury of praise and prayer: chapters on the history and contents of the Book of Common Prayer
59505: DARK S - Red bible: an anthology
5273: DARK S - Twelve bad men
5271: DARK S - Seven Archbishops
5270: DARK S - Orthodoxy sees it through
5267: DARK S - If Christ came to London
5275: DARLINGTON C D - Genetics and man
34200: DARR K P - Isaiah's vision and the family of God
40733: DARRAGH J T - Ressurection of the flesh
42346: DARWIN F - Charles Darwin: his life told in an autobiographical chapter and in a selected series of his published letters
56526: DASAN V - His word lives: homilies for Sundays, Feast Days and Special Occasions for cycles A B and C
40730: DAUBENY C - Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanae: in which some of the false reasoning, incorrect statements, and palpable misrepresentations in a publication entitled ""The True Churchmen ascertained"" by John Overton, are pointed out
56827: DAUMONT O - Soleilmont: Abbaye Cistercienne du Pays de Charleroi
44778: DAUZAT A et al - Nouveau dictitionnaire etymologique et historique
51853: DAUZET D-M - Saint Martin de Tours
58828: DAVENANT J - Exposition to the Epistle of St Paul to the Colossians (2 VOLUME SET): translated from the original Latin with a life of the author and notes by Josiah Allport
74293: WILSON C R & DAVENPORT L - AGAINST ALL THE ODDS: ten stories of vitality in small churches
83886: DAVEY C - Pioneer for Unity: Metrophanes Kritopoulos (1569-1639) and relations between the Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Reformed Churches
5291: DAVEY R - Unfinished Journey:
1393: BAYNE S F & DAVEY F N - Word in print: two addresses delivered to the SPCK on its founder's days 1960 and 1961
62968: DAVEY R - TAKE AWAY THIS HATE: the story of a search for community
44236: PLEINS J David - Social visions of the Hebrew Bible: a theological introduction
58197: RUNIA David T - Studia Philonica Annual: studies in Hellenistic Judaism Volume VI 1994 (Brown Judaic studies 299)
60699: BARNHART David R - CHURCH'S DESPERATE NEED FOR REVIVAL [the book focuses primarily on the Lutheran Church]
53946: BEN-DAVID S - Travels of Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi
60834: BEALES David - JOURNEY TO THE EYE OF THE STORM: a training course for young people on the Holy Spirit (Mentor's guide)
56495: DAVID S - Homicidal Earl: the life of Lord Cardigan
82270: GLASS David H - Atheism's new clothes: exploring and exposing the claims of the new atheists
82233: KAUNDA Kenneth David - Kaunda on violence
82225: KNIGHT David - Humphry Davy: science and power
82383: INGRAM David - Hebermas and the dialectic of reason
26066: DAVIDS T W R - Early Buddhism (Religions ancient and modern)
26072: DAVIDS C A F R - Buddhist psychology: an inquiry into the analysis and theory of mind in Pali literature
53466: DAVIDS P - Commentary on James (New International Greek Testament Commentary)
82708: DAVIDS P - Epistle of James: a commentary on the Greek text (New International Greek Testament Commentary)
39978: DAVIDSON G O - Rachel Elfreda Fowler
5313: DAVIDSON R - Wisdom and worship: (Edward Cadbury lectures 1989)
5319: DAVIDSON S - Infant assemblies
5310: DAVIDSON R - Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon (DSB)
5305: DAVIDSON I - Here and now: an approach to Christian healing through Gestalt
5299: DAVIDSON A B - Introductory Hebrew grammar: with progressive exercises in reading writing and pointing revised throughout by J E McFadyen
5301: DAVIDSON B - Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon: an alphabetical arrangement of every word and inflection contained in the Old Testament scriptures... [heavy volume, please ask for postage cost]
42110: DAVIDSON A B - Hebrew syntax
31175: DAVIE P - Pastoral care and the parish
5322: DAVIE P - Pastoral care and the parish
58531: DAVIE D - New Oxford book of Christian verse
82830: DAVIE M - Guide to the Church of England
25459: DAVIE G - Europe: the exceptional case: parameters of faith in the modern world (Sarum Theological lectures)
5371: DAVIES J G - New dictionary of liturgy and worship
5352: DAVIES H - Worship and theology in England the ecumenical century 1900-1965: Volume V
40758: DAVIES J G - Social life of early Christians
82886: DAVIES G I - Hosea (New Century Bible Commentary based on the Revised Standard Version
45373: DAVIES J G - New dictionary of liturgy and worship
63016: DAVIES R E - JOHN SCOTT LIDGETT: a symposium
82732: DAVIES E W - Prophecy and ethics: Isaiah and the ethical traditions of Israel (JSOTSS16)
5375: DAVIES J G - Select liturgical lexicon (ESW 14)
82531: DAVIES J G - Subjectivity and objectivity in biblical exegesis reprinted from the Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library Vol 66, No 1, Autumn 1983
58064: DAVIES J et al - Words remembered texts renewed: essays in honour of John F A Sawyer (JSOT Supplement Series 195)
23922: DAVIES R E - Studies in 1 Corinthians
5344: DAVIES H - English free churches (HUL)
5345: DAVIES H - Varieties of English Preaching 1900-1960
32013: DAVIES P - God and the new physics
5400: DAVIES R E - Jehovah's witnesses: is their witness true?
55665: DAVIES H - Worship of the American Puritans 1629 - 1730
29589: DAVIES W D - Setting of the Sermon on the Mount
5395: DAVIES R E - What Methodists believe
46737: DAVIES W H - Farewell to poesy: and other poems
28414: DAVIES A - Stories for 2000, Wales and the world: a collection of stories over the centuries from the Bible to Bala, from Canaan to Wales
31610: DAVIES D et al - Church and religion in rural England
5335: DAVIES E T - Political ideas of Richard Hooker
5377: DAVIES J G - Spirit, the church and the sacraments
27067: HARBER C & DAVIES L - School management and effectiveness in developing countries: the post-bureaucratic school
5336: DAVIES E W - Numbers (NCB)
5369: DAVIES J G - Holy week: a short history (ESW 11)
5367: DAVIES J G - Every day God: encountering the Holy in world and worship
28352: DAVIES A - Storiau 2000 Cymru a'r Byd: Casgliad o storiau'r Canrifoedd, o'r Beibl i'r Bala, o Ganaan i Gymru
5387: DAVIES O - God Within: the mystical tradition of Northern Europe
58253: DAVIES R - Methodists and unity
5406: DAVIES W - Literary Works of James Smetham
56824: DAVIES F - Halifax: an affectionate portrait
24371: DAVIES O - Meister Eckhart: mystical theologian
5392: DAVIES P R - Daniel (Old Testament Guides)
2463: DAVIES P R - Prophets: a Sheffield reader (Biblical Seminar 42)
5381: DAVIES J T - Corner Pieces
53102: DAVIES D - Private passions: betraying discipleship on the journey to Jerusalem
5351: DAVIES H - Worship and theology in England from Newman to Martineau 1850-1900: Volume IV
5332: DAVIES D R - Reinhold Niebuhr: prophet from America (Modern Xn revolutionaries)
22775: DAVIES A - British politics and Europe [Access to Politics]
55332: DAVIES M - Matthew (Readings a new biblical commentary)
57724: FRITZ V & DAVIES P R - Origins of the ancient Israelite states (JSOT Supplement Series 228)
5356: DAVIES J - Family: is it just another lifestyle choice?
82871: DAVIES W D - Invitation to the New Testament: a guide to its main witnesses (Biblical Seminar No 19)
82885: DAVIES A - Double standards in Isaiah: re-evaluating prophetic ethics and divine justice (Biblical Interpretation Series Volume 46) [English text]
52712: DAVIES T - Plaited rainbow: poems
43300: DAVIES H - Worship and theology in England in 3 matching volumes paperback reissue in 3 volumes of the 6 volume hardback set published by Princeton UP in the 1960's
52819: DAVIES H - Worship and theology in England the ecumenical century 1900-1965: Volume V
44279: CLAYTON P & DAVIES P - Re-emergence of emergence: the emergentist hypothesis from science to religion
81776: BOWIE F & DAVIES O - Hildegard of Bingen: an anthology
83361: DAVIES W D - Paul and Rabbinic Judaism: some rabbinic elements in Pauline theology
40760: DAVIES H - Cathing the conscience: [religion and modern fiction - Hopkins, Laurence, Williams, Lewis, Greene, Golding...]
22425: DAVIES J G - Architectural setting of baptism
5408: DAVIES W D - Christian Origins and Judaism
40754: DAVIES D - Seven pillars of peace
5416: DAVIES W M - Introduction to FD Maurice's theology: based on 1st ed of 'Kingdom of Christ & Faith of the liturgy...'
40761: DAVIES D R - Sin of our age
37562: DAVIES W D - Invitation to the New Testament: a guide to its main witnesses
82873: DAVIES H - Plucked from the memory: the autobiography of a teacher and priest
38697: DAVIES J - Affirming confession (Affirming Catholicism)
5384: DAVIES M - Few Saints: from pictures in the national gallery Trustees of the National Gallery 1946
83635: DAVIES W D, ALLISON D C - Critical and exegetical commentary on the gospel according to Saint Matthew 3 volume set (International Critical Commentary) [default postage does not apply to this multi volume set. Please request postage cost for your country]
63021: DAVIES T - Road to the stars: a European pilgrimage
63000: DAVIES J - GOD AT WORK: Creation then and now - a practical exploration
80686: DAVIES O - Creativity of God
44353: DAVIES P R - Whose bible is it anyway?
5410: DAVIES W D - Invitation to the New Testament: a guide to its main witnesses
40753: DAVIES J L - Epistles of St Paul to the Ephesians, the Colossians, and Philemon with introduction and notes, and an essay on the traces of foreign elements in the theology of these epistles
39414: DAVIS S T - Risen indeed: making sense of the resurrection
27756: DAVIS W - Punch guide to good living
55247: DAVIS E L - Story of an ancient fishery (The town and manor of Hungerford in the royal county of Berkshire)
26315: DAVIS S T - Encountering evil: live options in theodicy by Stephen Davis, John Cobb, David Griffin, John Hick, John Roth &F Sontag
57676: DAVIS S T et al - Resurrection: interdisciplinary symposiumon the resurrection of Jesus
53121: STONE-DAVIS F J - Musical beauty: negotiating the boundary between subject and object
5425: DAVIS S T - Encountering Jesus: debate on Christology
27650: DAVIS L - Surgeon extraordinary: the life of J B Murphy
41078: DAVIS R - My journey into Alzheimer's disease [a true story]
54986: DAVIS T J - Devil likes to sing
4697: DAVIS J J - Let the Bible teach you Christian doctrine
52582: DAVIS C - Soft bodies: spirituality for the vulnerable
27754: DAVIS W - Punch book of travel
9168: DAVIS J J - Your wealth in God's world: does the Bible support the free market?
34265: DAVIS M - I am a Jew
27757: DAVIS W - Punch bedside book
45584: DAVIS H W C - England under the Normans and Angevins 1066 - 1272
38249: MAZAR B & DAVIS M - Illustrated history of the Jews
39996: BIGGS-DAVISON J et al - Catholic companion to the Houses of Parliament
45125: DAVISON P - George Orwell: a literary life
44085: DAVY M-M - Nicolas Berdyaev: man of the eighth day
82778: DAWES G W - Historical Jesus quest: a foundational anthology (Tools for Biblical Study, 2)
51753: DAWES S B - Looking on: reflections around the cross
37152: DAWKINS R - God delusion
54949: DAWN M J - I'm lonely Lord - how long? : the psalms for today
82779: DAWSEY J - Scholar's Guide to Academic Journals in Religion (ATLA Bibliography Series No 23)
322: ANDELSON R V & DAWSEY J M - From Wasteland to Promised Land: liberation theology for a post-Marxist World
82780: DAWSON S - Appointment on Sunday: the calling and craft of a Preacher
5438: DAWSON E C - James Hannington First Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa: A History of his Life and Work 1847-1885
5434: DAWSON C - Mediaeval Religion and other essays (The Forwood Lectures 1934)
80186: DAWSON C - Medieval essays
80187: DAWSON C - Revolt of Asia
52306: DAWSON V et al - Blessings beliefs and buildings: 2000 years of Christianity in Wessex
63053: DAWSON H - Through analogy to reality
63052: DAWSON G S - Called by a new name: becoming what God has promised
47946: DAY C - Brother Sebastian
39459: DAY A - Inside the British Library
45406: FRANCIS AND DAY - Popular and community song book: for all occasions
34417: DAY J P - Inductive probability (International library of philosophy & scientific method)
30452: DAY J, GORDON R P & WILLIAMSON - Wisdom in Ancient Israel: essays in honour of J A Emerton
5442: DAY E H - S. Francis and the Greyfriars
26356: DAY T - GCSE geographical enquiry
53464: DAY P - Liturgical dictionary of Eastern Christianity
56617: DAY M - Expecting Jesus: Advent reflections and prayers for personal and group use
82760: DAY P L - Gender and difference in Ancient Israel
82761: DAY J, GORDON R P & WILLIAMSON H G M - Wisdom in honour of J A Emerton
82762: DAY J - King and Messiah in Israel and the Anient Near East Proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar (JSOTSS 270)
48978: DAY J - Baptism in early Byzantine Palestine 325 - 451 (Joint Liturgical Studies 43)
36310: DAY K - Special child ['The special child' is a TV series produced by Yorkshire TV for the ITV Network]
51233: DAY T - Mensch: wissen fur kinder
46857: DAY J - Proclus on baptism in Constantinople (Joint Liturgical Studies 59)
10069: DAY L - Three faces of a Queen: characterization in the Books of Esther (Journal for the study of the Old Testament supplement series 186)
40750: DAY E H - Ministry of the church (St Paul's handbooks)
53085: DAYSPRING - Daysping 1892
26366: DEALY N - Derivatives and other financial instruments - disclosures: a commentary on FRS 13
80997: DEAN R J - For the life of the world: Jesus Christ and the Church in the theologies of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Stanley Hauerwas
14240: DEAN S - New songs of celebration (Vocal/guitar edition)
56158: DEANE S - Selected poems
56159: DEANE J F - Christ with urban fox
55412: DEANE A C - Rabboni: a study of Jesus Christ the teacher
5533: DEANE A C - World Christ knew: social personal & political conditions of his time
5532: DEANE A C - Time Remembered
54459: DEANESLY M - History of the Medieval Church 590-1500
5539: DEANESLY M - Sidelights on the Anglo-Saxon Church
5536: DEANESLY M - History of the Medieval Church 590-1500
58404: DEANESLY M - History of early medieval Europe 476 - 911
53463: DEARING T - Supernatural healing today
5543: DEARING T - Wesleyan and Tractarian worship: an ecumenical study
27040: DEARLOVE D - Key management decisions: tools and techniques of the executive decision maker
82752: DEARMAN J A - Property rights in the eighth-century prophets (Society of Biblical Literature number 106)
10066: DEARMAN J A - Religion and culture in Ancient Israel
25654: DEARMER P - Ornaments of the ministers
5545: DEARMER P - Art of public worship
29532: DEARMER G - Pilgrim's song: selected poems to mark the poet's 100th birthday
5556: DEARMER P - Story of the Prayer Book in the old and new world and throughout the Anglican church based on ""Everyman's history of the Prayer Book"", with 97 illustrations
5553: DEARMER P - Ornaments of the ministers with 41 plates and 34 figures in the text (Arts of the church)
2204: DEARMER P - Linen ornaments of the church (Alcuin Club Tracts XVII)
80409: DEARMER P et al - Russian Church: lectures on its history constitution doctrine and ceremonial
5554: DEARMER P - Parsons handbook containing practical directions both for parsons and others as to the management of the parish church....rewritten with additional material & 16 illustrations
5560: DEARNLEY C - English Church Music 1650-1750 in royal chapel, cathedral and parish church (Studies in Church Music)
38644: MATTHEWS G & DEARY I J - Personality traits
39800: DEBRETT - Debrett's People of today
41726: DEBUSSY C - Clair de lune: de la suite bergamasque: pour piano: edition simplifiee
24437: DECK A F - Frontiers of Hispanic theology in the United States
15647: POLITICAL DECLARATION OF THE - Political declaration of the States parties to the Warsaw Treaty January 1983
26523: DECLOUX S - Ignatian way
82758: DECONICK A D - Voices of the mystics: early Christian discourse in the Gospels of John and Thomas and other Ancient Christian Literature (JSNTSS 157)
83067: DEDDO G W & DEDDO C A - George MacDonald: a devotional guide to his writings
29192: LEJK M & DEEKS D - Introduction to systems analysis techniques
46983: DEFOE D - Fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders
56450: DEFOE D - Life and surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, mariner
58474: DEFOE D - Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (with 24 colour plates by A E Jackson)
28843: ECCE AGNUS DEI - Ecce Agnus Dei or, Christianity without mystery
45378: DEISS L - Persons in liturgical celebrations [Deiss living liturgy series]
30631: DEISS L - Early sources of the liturgy
5566: DEISS L - It's the Lord's Supper: the eucharist of Christians
22917: DEISS L - Christian celebration
40775: DEISSMANN A - Bibelstudien: beitrage, zumeist aus den Papyri und Inschriften, zur Geschichte der Sprache, des Schrifttums und der Religion des hellenistischen Judentums und des Urchristentums, bound with, Neue Bibelstudien
5568: DEISSMANN A - Light from the Ancient East: New Testament illustrated by recently discovered texts of the Graeco-Roman world
5570: DEISSMANN A - St Paul: a study in social and religious history
34129: DEISSMANN A - New Testament in the light of modern research: the Haskell Lectures, 1929
82675: DEIST F E - Material culture of the Bible: an introduction (Biblical Seminar 70)
43439: DEKAR P R - Community of the transfiguration: journey of a new monastic community
49784: DEKOSTER L - Communism and the Christian faith
73395: VASTO L del - RETURN TO THE SOURCE (a translation of 'Le Pelerinage aux Sources by Jean Sidgwick)
80871: MEDICO H E Del - Riddle of the scrolls
55859: DELACROIX E - Painter of passion: the journal of Eugene Delacroix a selection edited by Hubert Wellington, translated from the French by Lucy Norton, introduction by Timothy Wilson-Smith
22918: DELANEY S P - Value of confession
5577: DELARUE J - Holiness of Vincent de Paul
5579: DELFGAAUW B - Concise history of philosophy
22920: DELHAAS S - Feministische theologie: een 'dwaalweg'
42938: DELITZSCH F - Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews [COMPLETE IN 2 VOLUMES] [postage cost is for two volumes please]
57563: DELITZSCH F - Biblical commentary on the Psalms in 3 volumes
63093: DELL K - SEEKING A LIFE THAT MATTERS: wisdom for today from the Book of Proverbs
47125: DELUMEAU J - Christianisme va-t-il mourir? Collection 'Pluriel' dirigee par Georges Liebert (French text)
80683: DELUZ G - Companion to I Corinthians
45380: DEMANT V A - Christian polity
82887: DEMANT V A - Religion and the decline of capitalism (Holland lectures 1949)
48167: DEMARAY J G - Milton's theatrical epic: the invention and design of Paradise Lost
39701: LEWIS G R & DEMAREST B A - Integrative theology (Volume 2): our primary need Christ's atoning provisions
39700: LEWIS G R & DEMAREST B A - Integrative theology (Volume 1): knowing ultimate reality the living god
80634: LEWIS G R & DEMAREST B A - Integrative theology (Volume 3): spirit-given life God's people present and future
5589: DEMERS P - Women as interpreters of the Bible
80682: DEMSON D E - Hans Frei and Karl Barth: different ways of reading scripture
22842: DENISON H P - Thoughts on penance
5598: DENISON E - Letters and other writings ed by Sir Baldwyn Leighton
5600: DENNEY A - Children in need
5604: DENNEY J - Death of Christ:
36324: DENNEY J - Atonement and the modern mind
51534: DENNEY J - Death of Christ
4191: DENNIS T - Book of books: Bible retold [for children]
61033: BILLY Dennis - SOLILOQUY PRAYER: unfolding our hearts to God
5608: DENNIS T - Sarah laughed: women's voices in the Old Testament
61034: BILLY Dennis - Under the starry night: a wayfarer's guide through an uncertain world
5612: DENNISTON R - Partly living: some understanding of experience
24585: DENNY E - Anglican orders and jurisdiction
43798: DENNY B - Kings Bishop: The Lords Spiritual of London
22480: DEWAR L & DENT P - Training in worship (Needs of Today series)
53546: DENT C M - Protestant reformers in Elizabethan Oxford
5615: DENTAN R C - Holy Scriptures: a survey (vol 1)
22846: DENTON W - Commentary on the gospels for the Sundays & other holy days of the Christian Year: Easter to sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
4703: COMMUNITY OF ST DENYS - Closer Walk with God: a workbook course in Spirituality, the interaction of prayer & life
58794: BAGNALL R S & DEROW P - Greek historical documents: the Hellenistic period (SBL sources for biblical study 16)
58399: DERR T S - Ecology and human liberation: a theological critique of the use and abuse of our birthright (Volume III No 1 1973 Serial Number 7)
82633: DERRETT J D M - Studies in the New Testament Volume three Midrash, Haggadah, and the character of the community
63110: DESCARTES - Philosophical works of Descartes in 2 volumes rendered into English by Elizabeth S Haldane
36577: DESCARTES R - Regulae ad Directionem Ingenii (Bibliotheque des Textes Philosophiques)
5625: DESCHNER J et al - Our common history as Christians: essays in honour of AC Outler
5633: DESIDERI J, HIRSCH C, TALLEC P - Computational Fluid Dynamics '96: proceedings of the Third ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 9-13 September 1996, Paris, France
6196: DESIDERI J-A et al - Computational methods in applied sciences '96: Invited lectures and special technological sessions of the 3rd Eccomas Computational fluid dynamics conference and the 2nd Eccomas Conference on numerical methods in engineering, 9-13 Sept 1996, Paris (Eccomas conference)
53245: DESILVA D A - Letter to the Hebrews: in social and scientific perspective (Cascade Companions)
57838: DESILVAN D A - Despising shame: honor discourse and community maintenance in the Epistle to the Hebrews (SBL Dissertation series 152)
54363: ARNAL W E & DESJARDINS M - Whose historical Jesus? (Studies in Christianity and Judaism 7) [edited papers presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies June 1993 and June 1994]
22847: DESMOND C - Discarded people: account of African resettlement in South Africa
45382: DESMOND C - Christians or capitalists?: christianity and politics in South Africa
56821: DESPLAND M - Kant on history and religion: with a translation of Kant's 'On the failure of all attempted philosophical theodicies'
31125: DESPORTES E L - Congregations in change: a project test pattern book in parish development
63115: DESROCHERS J - Christ the liberator: (Vital issues from Todays India No.17)
5636: DESSAIN C S - John Henry Newman
44273: DETTONI J M - Introduction to Youth Ministry
44856: OGDEN G S & DEUTSCH R R - Promise of hope - a call to obedience: commentary on the books of Joel (International theological commentary)
54009: DEUTSCHER I - Non-Jewish Jew and other essays
42940: DEVINE M - Religion of the Beatitudes: a study of Christ's teaching based on addresses delivered at the Church of all Hallows, Lombard Street, E.C. during Lent 1917
40765: DEVINE G - World more human, a church more Christian
63119: DEVINE A - Commentary on the decree Quemadmodum, of the sacred congregation of Bishops and regulars on manifestation of conscience, Holy Communion, and extraordinary confessors ( a supplement to 'Convent life')
5510: DEVRIES S J - Yesterday today and tomorrow: time and history in the Old Testament
48268: DEWAR L - Thoughts on the psalms
5651: DEWAR L - Moral conduct of a Christian
5645: DEWAR D - Backward Christian soldiers
31430: DEWAR D - Saint of Auschwitz: the story of Maksymilian Kolbe
5649: DEWAR L - Holy spirit and modern thought
5652: DEWAR L - Moral theology in the modern world
40764: DEWAR L - Magic and grace
44717: DEWAR L - Man and God: essay in the psychology and philosophy of religious experience
56820: DEWART L - Future of belief: theism in a world come of age
63127: DEWART J - Signs of the times
55350: DEWEY J - Markan public debate: literary technique, concentric structure and theology in Mark 2:1-3:6 (SBL Dissertation series No 48)
51339: DEWICK E C - Indwelling God: a historical study of the Christian conception of divine immanence and incarnation with special reference to Indian thought
40763: DEWICK E C - Primitive Christian eschatology: the Hulsean prize essay for 1908
35542: ALEXANDER Z & DEWJEE A - Wonderful adventures of Mrs Seacole in many lands
40782: DEXTER H M & M - England and Holland of the Pilgrims
56996: DEYRULZAFARAN - Deyrulzafaran manistri bakim onarim ve yasatma dernegi
45383: DHAL A M - Possible root causes of 1st-3rd August crisis related to the death of Dr John Garang De Mabior
35210: DHOERTY C de H - Doubts, loneliness, rejection
42012: DHORME P - Religion Assyro-Babylonienne: conferences donnees a l'institut Catholique de paris
38244: DIAMOND L - Bible story [suitable for children] illustrated by C & H Brock and I Mountford
40781: DIBBLE R F - Mohammed
37646: FOWELL R W & DIBDIN L G - Welsh Disestablishment Bill 1912 with explanatory notes and compared with the previous Bills and with the Irish Disestablishment Act of 1869 [also included two different one-page leaflets entitled 'Endowments of the Church in Wales']
5667: DIBELIUS O - Our understanding of Christian social witness
81771: DIBELIUS M - James: a commentary on the Epistle of James (Hermeneia)
45384: DIBELIUS M - Gospel criticism and christology
52139: DICHARRY W - Mark Matthew and Luke (Human authors of the New Testament Volume I0
82824: DICK J A - Malines conversations revisited (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium LXXXV)
49293: DICKENS C - Personal history of David Copperfield (His Majesty's Theatre edition)
5677: DICKENS A G - English Reformation
56449: DICKENS C - Life of Our Lord: written expressly for his children by Charles Dickens
53753: DICKENS C - Great expectations (large print edition)
5676: DICKENS A G - Counter Reformation
5674: DICKENS A G - Age of humanism and reformation Europe in the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries
5685: DICKENS C - Posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club (Charles Dickens edition)
5678: DICKENS A G - German nation and Martin Luther
45656: DICKENS C - Bleak house (2 Vol set)
44387: DICKENS A G - Reformation studies
82198: DICKENS A G - English Reformation
36612: DICKENS C - Life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit with illustrations by Phiz (Authentic edition: Works of Charles Dickens Vol VI)
45135: DICKENS C - Dombey and son: introduction by G K Chesterton
5687: DICKIE E P - God is Light: studies in revelation and personal convinction
63150: DICKIE E P - Remembrance
63149: DICKIE E P - Unchanging gospel [annotated bible readings]
44577: DICKINSON R - God does heal today
82534: DICKINSON J C - Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham
30153: DICKINSON L - Filming the impossible
63153: DICKINSON R D N - POOR, YET MAKING MANY RICH: the poor agents of creative justice
43567: DICKSON J - Jesus: a short life
29560: DICKSON J - Sneaking suspicion
63154: DICKSON D B - Dawn of belief: religion in the upper Paleolithic of Southwestern Europe
5694: DICTIONARY - of Ancient Greek civilisation
54830: DICTIONARY - Simple church dictionary
41067: DICTIONARY - Dictionary of International Biography complete in 2 volumes: Volume 10 - 1974
25306: ECKSTUT-DIDIER S - Finishing touches: a complete high intermediate course in English
40780: DIDON Fr - Belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ
40779: DIDON Fr - Jesus Christ, in two volumes
82632: ARIUS DIDYMUS [POMEROY] - Epitome of Stoic Ethics - English and Greek edited by Arthur J Pomeroy (Texts and Translations 44 Graeco-Roman Series 44)
5698: DIEKMANN G - Personal prayer and the liturgy
40778: DIEPERINK M - Vrouwen op zoek naar God: Wat is er gaande in de feministische theologie?
61225: BONHOEFFER Dietrich - MARTYRED CHRISTIAN: 160 readings from Dietrich Bonhoeffer
63162: DIEZ M - Putting out into deep waters
16233: READERS DIGEST - Mysteries of the Bible: the enduring questions of the scriptures
19079: THEOLOGY DIGEST - Vol 38, Nos 1,3,&4: Vol 39, Nos 1,2,3,&4
29482: DIGEST - Digest: annotated British, Commonwealth and European cases: Index A-Z in two volumes
82916: READERS DIGEST - Reader's Digest Condensed books 27 hardbacks available as a clearance line [no additional UK postage]
5704: DIGGLE J W - Quiet Hours with the Ordinal: a series of addresses
5703: DIGGLE J W - Lancashire Life of Bishop Fraser
35474: DIJK B van ET AL - Katholieke vrouwen eh het feminisme: een onderzoek door de Acht Mei Beweging
40742: DECKERS-DIJS M - Begeerte in Bijbelse liefdespoezie: een semiotische analyse van het Hooglied. Desire in biblical poetry. A semiotic analysis of the Song of Songs (with a summary in English)
49927: DILL S - Roman society: from Nero to Marcus Aurelius
40294: DILL S - Roman society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius
5709: DILLENBERGER J - Protestant thought and natural science: a historical interpretation
5733: DILLISTONE F W - Traditional symbols and the contemporary world (Bampton lectures 1968)
5720: DILLISTONE F W - Christianity and symbolism
5721: DILLISTONE F W - Dramas of Salvation
5722: DILLISTONE F W - Into all the world: a biography of Max Warren
5718: DILLISTONE F W - Christianity and communication
5726: DILLISTONE F W - Myth & symbol (TC7) essays by P Tillich, M Eliade, D Cox, A Bridge, IT Ramsey, M Stancliffe & FW Dillistone
5730: DILLISTONE F W - Significance of the cross
22485: DILLISTONE F W - Christianity and symbolism [original hardback volume: text is identical to later paperback reprints published SCM]
5727: DILLISTONE F W - Novelist and the passion story
39585: DILLISTONE F W - Structure of the divine society
22416: DILLISTONE F W - Power of symbols
5715: DILLISTONE F W - Christian understanding of atonement
14236: NEW DIMENSIONS - New dimensions: report of the Bishop of Willesden' s Commissionon the objects & policy of the Mother's Union
12479: MAGNIFICATAND NUNC DIMITTIS - Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis: set to simple phrases for voices in unison and intended for congregational singing by C. Hylton Stewart
5737: DIMOND S G - Heart and mind: studies in the philosophy of Christian experience
80184: DIMONT E - Godolphin family portraits 1610 - 1781
5740: DINSHAW N - Wide-Open Heart: interfaith anthology of Christian comment
40796: DINSMORE C A - Atonement in literature and life
17068: SALISBURY DIOCESE - Order Of Service for a Festival of Church Music held in Salisbury Cathedral on Thursday May 25th 1950 at 3.30 p.m.
35687: LONDON DIOCESE - Church's healing ministry: a resource book (Willesden Area Booklet No 1)
49328: SALISBURY DIOCESE - order of service for a festival of church music to be held in salisbury cathedral on Thursday May 25th 1950
32765: ROCHESTER DIOCESE - Christ in the community: the report of the Bishop of Rochester's Commission on the Mission on the Church in the Diocese into the 90's [Turnbull Report]
18199: ST ALBANS DIOCESE - Guidelines for healing service
51622: CHELMSFORD DIOCESE - Missing children: a resource for the Diocese of Chelmsford
31567: NORWICH DIOCESE - In sure and certain hope: a Norwich Diocesan report on best funeral practice
30617: TRURO DIOCESE - Directions for the celebration of the Holy Communion by three sacred ministers in accordance with the alternative order published in 1928
29330: YORK DIOCESE - Hymn guide for the Sunday themes of the New Lectionary... with an intro by Ronald Jasper
31102: SOUTHWARK DIOCESE - Caught and taught: Christian nurture in the homes of Church families
28947: NORWICH DIOCESE - Worship in small church communities: recommendations to the parishes produced by Norwich Diocesan Liturgical Committee
12046: LONDON DIOCESE - Abortion: a discussion brief
30005: WINCHESTER DIOCESE - Faith in the city: theological and moral challenges: an occasional paper prepared by the Theology & Social Values consider the report of the Archbishop's Commission on Urban Priority areas
40567: CANTERBURY DIOCESE - Special forms of service: sanctioned for use in the Diocese of Canterbury
17606: SHEFFIELD DIOCESE - Couples in Ministry
9097: HEREFORD DIOCESE - People, the land and the church: the second Hereford Rural consultation 1986
17060: SALISBURY DIOCESE - Form of Institution: to a cure of souls and induction of a rector or vicar
37014: BATH & WELLS DIOCESE - Suggestions for worship at Association and Branch Meetings and an Order for the dedication of bells
70755: BIRMINGHAM DIOCESE - FAITH IN THE CITY OF BIRMINGHAM: an examination of problems and opportunities facing a city: the report of a Commission set up by the Bishop's Council of the Diocese of Birmingham
56736: BATH AND WELLS DIOCESE - Love for the future: a resource for 2010: respect, compassion, justice, simplicity, repentance, hope
81737: WINCHESTER DIOCESE - Form of Service for Institution to a Cure of Souls and Induction of a Rector or Vicar authorized by the Bishop
81738: WINCHESTER DIOCESE - Religious education guidelines for Church of England Aided Schools...
31361: SOUTHWARK DIOCESE - Single homeless people: a handbook for parish clergy in Southwark
46970: DIRCKS W H - Cavalier and courtier lyrists: an anthology of 17th century minor verse with an introduction by W H Dircks and notes by E Sharwood Smith
22026: FENTON J discard - Commentary on the Sunday and principal Holy Day readings ASB year one and two
40292: DISCOVERY - Discovery and romance for girls and boys: 2
58921: DITCHFIELD G M - Dr Johnson and the dissenters (Reprinted from the Bulletin of John Rylands University Library of Manchester Vol 68, No2, Spring 1986)
20370: WATTS-DITCHFIELD J E - Church in Action: lectures delivered in the Divinity School of the University of Cambridge 1913
83945: DiTOMMASO L - Bibliography of Pseudepigrapha Research 1850-1999 (Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplement Series 39)
27839: DIVINE D - Mutiny at Invergordon
5760: DIX G H - Illustrations for teaching the catechism... (for scholars of 9-11)
63178: DIXON M - Crucifixion and resurrection of the Jews
42945: DIXON R W - History of the Church of England: from the abolition of the Roman Jurisdiction in 6 vols [VOLS 1 AND 2 ONLY]
58257: DIXON N - At your service: a commentary on the Methodist Service Book
29186: DIXON J C - Tolley's trading in the European union
25447: DIXON M - Equity and trusts (Q & A)
5764: DIXON W M - Human situation (Gifford Lectures 1935-37)
41730: DIXON J H R - Berceuse for Organ: a charming restful piece, suitable either as a quiet voluntary or as a recital item [Hinrichsen No. 592b]
26268: DJIDONU C - Beginner's and expert's guide to computer networks, data communications and telecommunications jargon
63189: DOAN E - New speakers sourcebook
81052: GILES T & DOAN W J - Story of Naomi-the Book of Ruth: from gender to politics (Biblical performance criticism volume 13)
37528: DOBLE G H - Saint Teilo (Welsh Saints No 3)
40794: DOBSCHUTZ E von - Christian life in the primitive church
61702: DOBSCHUTZ E von - Eschatology of the gospels
40795: DOBSCHUTZ E von - Influence of the bible on civilisation
63196: DOBSON J F - Greek Orators: beginnings of Oratory
23451: DOBSON J H - Guide to Exodus (TEF 13)
5769: DOBSON J H - Guide to Exodus: (TEF Study Guide 13)
39131: DOBSON W A C H - Civilizations of the Orient: prepared by the Association of British Orientalists
21638: DOBZHANSKY T - Biology of ultimate concern
25688: DOCKRAY M - Cases and materials on the carriage of goods by sea
48507: JOURNAL OF DOCUMENTATION - Journal of documentation (in memory of Herbert Coblans) Vol 34 No 4 December 1978
5780: DODD C H - Authority of the Bible
63213: DODD W M - Most valuable thing in the world printed scripture references in wide margins:
29771: DODD C H - Authority of the Bible do not discard
5775: DODD C - Called to mission: a workbook for the decade of evangelization
5785: DODD C H - Christianity and the reconciliation of the nations (Burge memorial lecture 1951)
5803: DODD C H - Three Sermons: 1-The Incarnation 2-The Meaning of the Cross 3-The Resurrection of Christ
5800: DODD C H - Parables of the Kingdom
82631: DODD C H - Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel
5791: DODD C H - Historical tradition in the fourth gospel
5807: DODDRIDGE P - Rise and progress of religion in the soul: illustrated in a course of serious and practical addresses suited to persons of every character and circumstance with a devout meditation or prayer added to each chapter
44104: DODGEN E C - Glimpses of God through the ages: a collectiong of personal expressions of faith from the Bible to the present complete with CD rom
8198: DODHIA H K - Crossing the cultures: living, sharing and communicating the gospel (GEv9)
5810: DODS M - Introduction to the New Testament (Theological educator)
5811: DODS M - Prayer that teaches us to Pray
41624: DODS M - Bible: its origin and nature
40790: DODS M - Parables of our Lord (the parables record by Saint Matthew)
58821: DODS M - Isaac Jacob and Joseph
40789: DODS M - Post-exilian prophets: Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi with introduction and notes (Handbooks for Bible classes)
63218: DODSON G R - Bergson and the modern spirit: essay in constructive thought
52371: DOE N - Anglican covenant: theological and legal considerations for a global debate
5814: DOERNBERG E - Henry VIII and Luther: an account of their personal relations
35171: O'DOHERTY E F - Consecration and vows: psychological aspects
63227: DOHERTY C de H - Sobornost: Eastern unity of mind and heart for Western man
63220: DOHERTY C de H - Gospel of a poor woman
63222: DOHERTY C de H - Strannik: the call to pilgrimage for Western man
36406: DOLAMORE A - Essential olive oil companion
26375: GRIFFIN J & DOLDEN B - Information technology in context
82452: DOLING J, FINER C J & MALTBY T - Ageing matters: European policy lessons from the East (Social policy in modern Asia)
34396: DOLLINGER J J I - First age of Christianity and the church translated by H N Oxenham
40906: DOLLINGER J J I von - Prophecies and the Prophetic spirit in the Christian era: an historical essay trans with intro, notes and appendices by Alfred Plummer
53903: DOLPHIN F J - Indian bishop of the west: Vital Justin Grandin 1829 - 1902
27629: DOMEIJ P, NYSTROM, J-P & M - Kyrkstaden Lulea Gammelstad
80862: MARY DOMENICA - Talking of the love of God: a prayer of the fourteenth century
26381: DOMINGUEZ P C et al - Vision: teacher's book 1
63241: DOMINIAN J - CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE: the challenge of change
82325: DOMINIAN J - Guide to loving for young and old
33522: DOMINIAN J - Growth of love and sex (National Children's Home Convocation Lecture)
36457: DOMINIAN J - Living love: restoring hope in the church
53852: LACORDAIRE Henri-Dominique - Conferences de Notre-Dame de Paris 5 volumes
40803: DONALDSON S A - Church life and thought in North Africa A.D. 200
81018: DONALDSON A M - We want to believe: faith and gospel in the X-files
63248: DONALDSON B - Does life make sense?: a flight of discovery [poems]
63252: DONDERS J D - Jesus community: reflections on the Gospel for the B-cycle
36257: VESEY S & DONEY M - Christmas activity book plus your own Advent calendar, illustrated by Patricia Cresswell
58343: DONFRIED K P - Paul, Thessalonica and early Christianity
54961: DONIHUE A C - When I'm on my knees: devotional thoughts on prayer for women
57921: DONNAN G - King's highway: a journey through 10000 years of civilisation in the land of Jordan
55871: DONNE J - Poems of love
55238: DONNE J [Ed Bewley] - Selected poetry (Signet Classic Poetry Series)
5865: DONNE J - Poetry & prose with Izaac Walton's Life appreciations by Ben Jonson, Dryden, Coleridge & others into & notes HW Garrod
56439: DONNE J - Poems (Everyman's Library No 867)
5866: DONNE J - Selected poems edited with an intro, notes and commentary by James Reeves
58605: DONNE J [MOSES J] - One equall light: an anthology of the writings of John Donne compiled and edited and with introductory essays by John Moses
56000: LE DONNE A - Wife of Jesus: ancient texts and modern scandals
49921: O'DONNELL K - Crossing over: the hope of heaven
63258: DONNELLAN M - What to believe: changing patterns in Religious Education
32819: O'DONOVAN O - Common objects of love: moral reflection and the shaping of community (Stob Lectures 2001)
36939: DONOVAN M - Science of the soul: sermon outlines based on the 'Spiritual exercises' of S Ignatius
40804: DONOVAN M S - Women priests in the Episcopal Church: the experience of the first decade
25723: DOOLAN C - Applying numbers and IT in health and social care
25717: DOOLAN C - Applying numbers and IT in leisure and tourism
44614: DENTON J H & DOOLEY J P - Representatives of the lower clergy in Parliament 1295-1340 (Royal Historical Society studies in church history 50)
83326: SCRUTON R & DOOLEY M - Conversations with Roger Scruton
63264: DOPFNER J C - Questioning church
82753: DORAISAMY T R - Oldham called of God: profile of a pioneer - Bishop William Fitzjames Oldham
82754: DORAN R - Birth of a worldview: early Christianity in its Jewish and pagan context
52028: DORCY M J - Saint Dominic
56602: DORE J et al - Christologie French text
63265: DORE C - On the existance and relevance of God
83633: DORE J - Le Peche: [Colloque a Oxford, du 11 au 16 septembre 1999] (Academie internationale des Sciences religieuses)
58027: DORMEYER D - New Testament among the writings of antiquity (Biblical Seminar 55)
82510: DORRIEN G - Barthian revolt in modern theology: theology without weapons
5886: DORSET - Choice of Dorset Churches offered by the Dorset Historic Churches Trust
38499: DOTY W G - Contemporary New Testament interpretation
40819: DOUGALL L - Lord of thought: a study of the problems which confronted Jesus Christ and the solution He offered
37731: DOUGALL L - Practice of Christianity ascribed to Lily Dougall
63274: DOUGHERTY J J - Searching the scriptures
58407: DOUGHTY W L - John Wesley: his conferences and his preachers (Wesley Historical Society Lectures No 10)
63275: DOUGHTY W L - John Wesley: Preacher
40821: DOUGLAS J D - New international dictionary of the Christian Church
50008: DOUGLAS J D - Work of an evangelist: International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists Amsterdam [heavy volume, please ask for postal quote]
56438: DOUGLAS E W - Laughing Christ
5899: DOUGLAS M - Leviticus as literature
74460: WOODRUFF Douglas - CHURCH AND STATE IN HISTORY (Faith and Fact Book 88)
82224: KNIGHT Douglas A - Tradition and theology in the Old Testament, with contributions by W Harrelson, H Ringgren, W Zimmerli, P R Ackroyd, J L Crenshaw et at
40711: DOUGLAS M - In Lionland: the story of Livingstone and Stanley
82291: DOUGLAS D & D - Pilgrims in the kingdom: travels in Christian Britain
16130: DOUGLAS A [Randolph] - Arthur Douglas: missionary on Lake Nyasa: the story of his life
25612: FATHER DOUGLASS - Father Douglass of Behala by some of his friends
80700: JORDAN C & DOULOS B L - Cotton patch parables of liberation
57173: BEN-DOV M - In the shadow of the temple: the discovery of ancient Jerusalem
36236: DOVE A - Beginning with me: meditations with a challenge
49344: DOVER K - Greeks: from the BBC television series by Christopher Burstall and Kenneth Dover
33381: DOW G - Local church's political responsibility (GP2)
33369: DOW G - Christian renewal in Aurope: lessons for Christians in Britain (GP52)
870: DOWD S E - Prayer, power and the problem of suffering: Mark 11:22-25 in the context of Markan theology (SBL/DS 105)
5909: DOWELL G - Heart has seasons: travelling through the christian year
82847: DOWLAND D A - Nineteenth-Century Anglican Theological Training: the Redbrick Challenge
5911: DOWLEY T - Bible in stained glass: photos by S Halliday & L Lushington descriptive text by L Lushington
40807: DOWN E A - Our life in paradise
37042: DOWN B - On course together: the churches' ministry in the maritime world today
49638: DOWNEY M - Worship: at the margins - spirituality and liturgy
37821: DOWNEY M - New dictionary of Catholic spirituality
5916: DOWNIE R S - Governement action and morality: some principles and concepts of Liberal-Democracy
36786: DOWNING F G - Making sense in (and of) the first Christian century (JSNTSS197)
5919: DOWNING F G - Church and Jesus: a study in history, philosophy and theology (SBT 2/10)
63287: DOWNING F G - DOING THEOLOGY THOUGHTFULLY is really very like thoughtfully doing all sorts of other things (The Theologians' Craft)
45389: DOWNING F G - Strangely familiar: an introductory reader to the first century
82739: DOWNING F G - Doing things with words in the first Christian Century (JSNTSS 200)
57472: DOWNS H L - The distinction between power-word and text-word in recent reformed thought: the view of scripture set forth by some representatives of the philosophy of law-idea
49028: DOWSE I R - Pilgrim shrines of England
5927: DOWSE E - Christian doctrine: the virgin birth & the resurrection of Jesus Christ
28268: DOYLE S - Information systems for you
82740: DOZEMAN T B - God on the mountain (Society of Biblical Literature: Monograph Series number 37)
49707: DRANE J - Evangelism for a new age: creating churches for the next century
50034: DRANE J - Early Christians: life in the first years of the Church
5939: DRANE J - Introduction to the Bible
40706: DRANE A T - History of St Catherine of Siena and her companions with a translation of her treatise on consummate perfection: in two vols, VOLUME I ONLY
42100: DRANE A T - History of St Catherine of Siena and her companions in two volumes with a translation of her treatise on consummate perfection: (Vol I & II)
29716: DRAPER M - Cloud of witnesses: a companion to the Lesser Festivals and Holydays of the ASB 1980
82896: DRAPER M - Cloud of witnesses: a companion to the Lesser Festivals and Holydays of the ASB 1980
42379: DRAPER J - Communion and episcopacy: essays to mark the centenary of the Chicago-Lambeth quadrilateral
48224: DREES W B - Religion science and naturalism
56429: DRELINCOURT C - Christian's defence against the fears of death with seasonal directions How to preparte ourseves to die well translated into English by Marius D'Assigny, twenty-second edition new corrected with an account of the author and his last minutes
55362: DREW M - Catherine Gladstone
51855: DALAI LAMA & DREWERMANN E - Voies du coeur: non-violence et dialogue entre les religions
56819: DREWERMANN E - Dieu guerisseur: la legende de tobit ou le perilleux chemin de la redemption: interpretation psychanalytique d'un livre de la bible
34237: DREWERY B - Origen and the doctrine of grace
5948: DREWETT J - Why missionary societies? their place in the C of E
82741: DRINKARD J F et al - Benchmarks in time and culture: an introduction to Palestinian archaeology essays in honor of Joseph A Callaway edited by J F Drinkard, G L Mattingly, J Maxwell Miller
39007: DRINKWATER J - Midsummer Eve: a play primarily intended for Wireless
5950: DRINKWATER J - Muse in council
5951: DRINKWATER J - Shakespeare (Great lives)
50931: DRINKWATER N - The Old Deanery Salisbury reprinted from the Antiquaries Journal 1964 Volume XLIV Part I pp41-pp59
46442: O'DRISCOLL H - Word among us: reflections on the readings of the Revised Common Lectionary: Year A Volume 1
46438: O'DRISCOLL H - Word among us: reflections on the readings of the Revised Common Lectionary: Year C Volume 3
46435: O'DRISCOLL H - Word among us: reflections on the readings of the Revised Common Lectionary: Year A Volume 3
82949: DRIVER S R - Introduction to the literature of the Old Testament (International Theological Library)
33548: DRIVER S R - Book of the prophet Jeremiah revised translation with introductions and short explanations
40405: DRIVER G R - L'Interprétation du texte masorétique a la lumiere de la lexicographie hébraique
40812: DRIVER S R - Ideals of the Prophet: sermons, together with a bibliography of his published writings
58318: DRIVER A H - Carrs Lane 1748 - 1948
5952: DRIVER G R - Canaanite Myths and Legends (OT Studies No.3)
5954: DRIVER S R - Book of Genesis: with intro and notes (WC)
21811: DRIVER S R - Notes on the Hebrew text and the topography of the books of Samuel with intro on Hebrew palaeography and the ancient versions and facsimiles of inscriptions
5957: DRIVER T F - Christ in a changing world: toward an ethical Christology
51554: DRIVER S R - Introduction to the literature of the Old Testament
63309: DRIVER S R - Modern research as illustrating the bible (Schweich lectures 1908)
83913: BRUGGINK D J & DROPPERS C H - Christ and Architecture: building Presbyterian / Reformed churches (volume has slight musty odour) additional postage required for this over 2kg volume-please ask for quotation
63316: DROUIN F M - Sounding solitude: meditations for religious women
47004: BALAN P & DRUCK V - Moldavian art 14th - 19th centuries
5969: DRUMMOND R J - Relation of the apostolic teaching to the teaching of Christ being the Kerr lectures for 1900
36759: DRUMMOND H - Selections of quotations from the writings of Professor Henr Drummond (A companion to a slide-tape presentation about his life and work)
63328: DRUMMOND L - What the bible says: a systematic guide to biblical docrines
11599: LEECH K & DRUMMOND T - Letters from Seven Churches: addresses to the Archbishop's Commission on Urban Priority Areas The Jubilee (London) Lent Lectures 1984
63327: DRUMMOND J - SOME THOUGHTS ON CHRISTOLOGY (Essex Hall Lecture 1902)
58541: DRUMMOND A L - German protestantism since Luther
40756: DRUMMOND J - Inquiry into the character and authorship of the Fourth Gospel
5966: DRUMMOND H - Ideal life and other unpublished addresses:
5973: DRURY J - Parables in the gospels: history and allegory
5974: DRURY J - Pot & the Knife
55038: WINN C T C & DRURY J L - Karl Barth and the future of evangelical theology
27457: DRURY M - Practice receptionist: book 2
41520: DRYDEN W - Overcoming jealousy (Overcoming common problem series)
46972: DRYDEN J - Dramatic poesy and other essays
52711: DRYDEN J - Poetical works of John Dryden (Sir John Lubbock's Hundred Books)
34414: DRYSDALE A H - History of the Presbyterians in England: their rise, decline, and revival
63340: DUBAY W - Human church
81658: DUBLY H L - Life of Cardinal Mercier: Primate of Belgium trans H Wilson
80481: DUBOIS J A - Hindu manners customs and ceremonies: translated from the author's later French MS and edited with notes, corrections and biography by Henry K Beauchamp
51822: BAGOT J P & DUBS J C - Pour lire la Bible
40491: DUBY G - Saint Bernard l'Art Cistercien
83457: DUBY G - La société aux XIe et XIIe siècles dans la région mâconnaise - Editions Jean Touzot (Librairie Ancienne et Moderne)
63343: DUCAN J - Parish the thought:
32571: DUCHESNE L - Early History of the Christian Church (3 volumes): from its foundation to the end of the fifth century [heavy set, Overseas:-please ask for postage quotation]
5991: DUCHESNE L - Churches separated from Rome
82946: DUCHESNE - Holy Week in Jerusalem in the fourth century (Being a translation of the portion of the ""Peregrinatio Etheriae (Silviae)"" printed in Mgr. Duchesne's ""Christian Worship"")
26120: DUCKWORTH C - Steps to the high garden
22670: DUCKWORTH R - This is the word of the Lord: Year A: The year of Matthew
33175: DUCKWORTH R T - Gospel in the making: a study of Mark, Matthew and Luke
71456: DUDLEY M - Risen, ascended, glorified: meditations for the days from Easter to Trinity
58408: DUDLEY M R - Collect in Anglican liturgy: texts and sources 1549 - 1989 (Alcuin Club Collection No 72)
46481: DUDLEY M - Humanity and healing: ministering to the sick in the Catholic tradition
63349: DUDLEY S F - Four pillars of wisdom: a rational approach to a healthy education
63352: DUFF J - Illuminative flashes: illustrations for preachers and teachers
63353: DUFF L D - RAMSEY COVENANT: a story about Evelyn Ramsey, MD
63354: DUFF R A - Spinoza's political and ethical philosophy
6001: DUFFIELD G E - Admission to Holy Communion: two essays in the historical tradition of the C of E and its underlying theology
52121: DUFFIELD G - Bunyan of Bedford
27830: DUFFY J H - Reading between the lines: Claude Simon and the visual arts
53616: BRADSHAW B & DUFFY E - Humanism reform and the Reformation: the career of Bishop John Fisher
82018: DUFFY E - 'Over the wall': converts from popery in eighteenth-century England (reprinted from the Downside Review vol 94 no 314 January 1976
11660: LEON-DUFOUR X - Resurrection and the Message of Easter
45900: LEON-DUFOUR X - Sharing the Eucharistic bread: the witness of the New Testament
80484: DUFRASNE D - Dom Anselme Le Bail Abbot of Scourmont 1913 - 1956: a monk, an abbot, a community
48748: DUGGAN L G - Bishop and Chapter: governance of the Bishopric of Speyer to 1552
37360: DUGMORE C W & DUGGAN C - Studies in church history, Volume 1: papers read at the first winter and summer meetings of the Ecclesiastical History Society
6015: DUGMORE C W - Interpretation of the Bible (Edward Alleyn lectures 1943)
42008: DUHM B - Buch Jesaia: ubersetzt und erklart [Handkommentar zum Alten Testament]
51546: DUHOURCAU F - Saint Bernadette of Lourdes: a saint of the golden legend
15381: PERRIN N & DULING D C - New Testament: an introduction
63364: DULLES A - Resilient church: the necessity and limits of adaptation
82317: DULLES A - Models of the Church (Second edition)
44927: DUMBRELL W J - Covenant and creation: theology of Old Testament covenants
63371: DUN A - Not by bread alone
6036: DUNBABIN J - Hound of God: Pierre de la Palud and the Fourteenth-Century Church
56436: DUNBAR W [KINSLEY] - Poems (Clarendon Medieval and Tudor Series)
80537: DUNCAN G - World of blessing: benedictions from every continent and many cultures
30706: DUNCAN A - Noble heritage: Jerusalem and Christianity: a portrait of the Church of the Resurrection
6043: DUNCAN G S - Epistle of Paul to the Galatians (MNTC)
23793: DUNCAN C - Pastoral care: antiracist/multicultural perspective
47279: DUNCAN D - Day at a time [Part Two January - June]: thought and a prayer for each day of the year
46370: DUNCAN D - Day at a time [Part One July - December]: thought and a prayer for each day of the year
27025: DUNCAN S - Guide to careers and training in the performing arts
3453: CARTLIDGE D R & DUNGAN D L - Documents for the study of the gospels
6053: DUNHAM B - Heretics
47709: DUNHILL T F - In Weston's yard No 1 (from Four original pieces for organ)
6056: DUNKER R - Advances in Techniques for Engine Applications (European Commission Aeronautics Research Series)
6054: DUNKER R - Advances in Engine Technology European Commission Aeronautics Research Series
6057: DUNKERLEY R - At the House of the Interpreter
40828: DUNKERLEY R - Hope of Jesus: a study in moral eschatology
27283: DUNKLING L - Guinness book of names
31679: DUNLOP F - Scheler (Thinkers of our time)
22378: DUNLOP C - What is the English use? inquiry into the principles underlying the conduct of Public Worship in the Church of England (ACPBRP XI)
6061: DUNLOP I - Thinking It Out: Christianity in thin slices
28119: DUNMORE S - Actor's guide to getting work
6067: DUNN J D G - Baptism in the holy spirit: a re-examination of the New Testament teaching on the gift of the spirit in the relation to pentacostalism today (SBT 2/15)
82561: DUNN J D G - Unity and diversity in the New Testament: an inquiry into the character of earliest Christianity
82161: DUNN J D G - Christology in the making: a New Testament inquiry into the origins of the doctrine of the incarnation
49503: DUNN J D G - Jesus' call to discipleship: (Understanding Jesus today) [Japanese text throughout]
82380: DUNN J D G - Partings of the ways between Christianity & Judaism and their significance for the character of Christianity
49487: DUNN J D G - Gli albori del cristianesimo 2: Gli inizi a Gerusalemme Volume 1 La prima fase (Introduzione allo studio della bibbia - supplementi 52)
49488: DUNN J D G - Gli albori del cristianesimo 2: Gli inizi a Gerusalemme Volume 2 Paolo, apostolo dei gentili (Introduzione allo studio della bibbia - supplementi 53)
32020: DUNN J D G - Jesus and the spirit: a study of the religious and charismatic experience of Jesus and the first Christians as reflected in the NT (NTL)
49506: DUNN J D G - Authority of scripture according to scripture (Part 1 & Part 2) together with articles by A P F Sell, A F Munden, R T France & Richard Sturch
6072: DUNN J D G - Christology in the making: a New Testament inquiry into the origins of the doctrine of the incarnation
31491: DUNN J D G - Christian liberty: a New testament perspective (Didsbury Lectures 1991)
49494: DUNN J D G - El Cristianismo en sus Comienzos II: Comenzando desde Jerusalén Volume 2
49495: DUNN J D G - El Cristianismo en sus Comienzos II: Comenzando desde Jerusalén Volume 1
49496: DUNN J D G - Dal Vangelo ai Vangeli: storia di una continuita ininterrotta Italian translation of 'Jesus, Paul and the Gospels
49499: DUNN J D G - New perspective on Jesus [Russian text throughout]
49500: DUNN J D G - Romans Chapters 5-8 - through death to life: 5 boxed cassette tape recordings of Lent course lectures 1999 with photo reduced copies of handouts provided for the course
30170: DUNN J D G - Theology of Paul the Apostle
6086: DUNN T - Step by step approach to world peace: region by region
55361: DUNN J D G - Did the first Christians worship Jesus?: the New Testament evidence
56839: DUNN J D G - Unity and diversity in the New Testament: an inquiry into the character of earliest Christianity
49460: DUNN J D G - Jesus and the spirit: study of the relgious and charismatic experience of Jesus and the first Christians as reflected in the NT
6076: DUNN J D G - Jesus and the spirit: study of the relgious and charismatic experience of Jesus and the first Christians as reflected in the New Testament
6073: DUNN J D G - Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon: a commentary on the Greek text (NIGTC)
82891: DUNN J D G - Christ and the Spirit: Vol 2 Pneumatology collected essays of James Dunn
49490: DUNN J D G - Gli albori del cristianesimo 2: Gli inizi a Gerusalemme Volume 3 La fine degli inizi (Introduzione allo studio della bibbia - supplementi 54)
49505: DUNN J D G et al - Enitoayto: studies in honour of Petr Pokorny on his sixty-fifth birthday essays in English and German with one in Italian, authors include J M Court, J K Elliott, M Goulder, J H Charlesworth et al
49484: DUNN J D G - Gli albori del cristianesimo 1: la memoria di Gesu tomo 1 Fede e Gesu storico (Introduzione allo studio della bibbia - supplementi 29)
49486: DUNN J D G - Gli albori del cristianesimo 1: la memoria di Gesu tomo 3 L'acme della missione di Gesu (Introduzione allo studio della bibbia - supplementi 31)
49485: DUNN J D G - Gli albori del cristianesimo 1: la memoria di Gesu tomo 2 La missione di Gesu (Introduzione allo studio della bibbia - supplementi 30)
49489: DUNN J D G - Gli albori del cristianesimo 2: Gli inizi a Gerusalemme Volume 3 La fine degli inizi (Introduzione allo studio della bibbia - supplementi 54)
49481: DUNN J D G - Paul and the Mosaic law: third Durham-Tubingen Research Symposium on Earliest Christianity and Judaism (Durham September 1994) [in honour of C E B Cranfield on his 80th birthday] (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 89)
49501: DUNN J D G - New perspective on Jesus: what the quest for the historical Jesus missed [Chinese text throughout]
56435: DUNSTAN J L - Protestantism
6107: DUNSTAN G R - Not yet the epitaph: some ethical dilemmas of 1968 (Bishop John Prideaux lectures 1968)
63406: DUNSTAN V - Faith factor or Life in a new dimension
52792: DUNSTAN G R - Dury and discernment
52793: DUNSTAN G R - Artifice of ethics (Moorhouse Lectures 1973)
21726: DUNSTAN A - Use of hymns: a practical exploration of the place of hymnody within the liturgy
46294: BITHELL J & DUNSTAN A C - Modern German course: for students of history, geography, economics and literature
6110: DUPANLOUP F - Ministry of catechising (Books I-VI)
6111: DUPANLOUP F - Ministry of cathechising (Book I & II)
6112: DUPANLOUP F - Ministry of Preaching: an essay on pastoral and popular oratory
40837: DUPONT J - Jesus aux origines de la Christologie (Biblotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium XL)
41696: DUPRE M et al - Christmas album for organ
55360: DUPUIS J - Christianity and the religions: from confrontation to dialogue
82389: DUPUIS J - Toward a Christian theology of religious pluralism
82785: DURAN N W, OKURE T & PATTE D M - Mark (Texts @ contexts)
39830: DURANDUS W - Sacred vestments: an English rendering of the third book of the 'Rationale Divinorum Officiorum' of Durandus, Bishop of Mende, AD 1287, with notes by T H Passmore
46771: DURANT G M - Journey into Roman Britain
36146: WALTON H & DURBER S - Silence in heaven: a book of women's preaching
40838: DURET D - Mobilier: vases, objets et vetements liturgiques
41028: DUREY L - Soirees de Valfere pour quintette a vent: Collection Pierre Pierlot oeuvres classiques and modernes pour hautbois (oboe)
39981: DURHAM J I - Southeastern studies: volume 1: Towards A.D. 2000: emerging directions in christian ministy: incl essays by Sallie McFague TeSelle and Rosemary Radford Ruether et al
52634: DURHAM F H - English history illustrated from original sources 1399 - 1485
63416: DURIEZ C - Poetic Bible:
51034: DURIEZ C - C S Lewis chronicles: the indispensable biography of the creator of Narnia full of little-known facts, events and miscellany
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34830: VAN DUSEN H P - World Christianity: yesterday, today, tomorrow
19796: VAN DUSEN H P - What is the Church Doing?
38165: DUSSEL E - Ethics and community (Liberation and theology 3)
6126: DUTHIE C - Resurrection and immortality: aspects of twentieth-century Christian belief
45635: DUTHY J - Sketches of Hampshire: the architectural antiquities and topography of the County adjacent to the River Itchen from Alresford to Southampton
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41715: DVORAK A [Arr Williams P] - Largo: Cramer's library of organ music by British and foreign composers from the New World Symphony Op. 95: arranged by Patrick Williams: edited by Martin Shaw and Henry Coleman
81613: DWYER J J - The Popes from St Peter to Paul VI revised by J J Dwyer
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