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59613: TAIZE - Eucharist at Taize: with an introductory essay by Max Thurian
82101: ROGER OF TAIZE - Life from within: prayers by Brother Roger of Taize icons from the Church of Reconciliation in Taize
18786: TAIZE - Pilgrimage of trust on earth
18787: TAIZE - Praise in all our days: common prayer at Taize, liturgies for the entire year in modern English
60914: BENEDICTINES OF TALACRE - ST. PAULA: adapted from the tenth edition of the French of Mgr. F Lagrange
81107: TALBERT C H - What is a gospel? the genre of the Canonical Gospels
81106: TALBERT C H - Perspectives on Luke-Acts (Perspectives in Religious Studies)
37459: TALBOT C - Studying at a distance: guide for students
18801: TALBOT N S - Thoughts on unity
18800: TALBOT N S - Returning tide of faith
18796: TALBOT E S - Some Aspects of Christian Truth: Sermons preached by Edward Stuart Talbot D.D. Bishop of Rochester
18795: TALBOT E S - Sermons preached in the Leeds Parish Church 1889-1895
18793: TALBOT E K [MENZIES] - Retreat addresses of Edward Keble Talbot: edited with an introduction by Lucy Menzies
18791: TALBOT E - My people of the plains
51917: TALEC P - Annonce du bonheur: vie et beatitudes
30564: TALLEY T J - Worship: reforming tradition
29753: TALLEY T J - Origins of the liturgical year
51189: TALLEY T J - Kingdom of Priests: liturgical formation of the people of God papers read at the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation Brixen, North Italy 24-25 August 1987 (Alcuin/Grow Liturgical Study 5/Liturgical Study 53)
50783: TALLIS (BARNBY) - Preses and responses with litany according to Tallis arranged for four voices by Joseph Barnby
81109: TALMON S - Eschatology and history in biblical Judaism (Occasional papers No 2)
81110: TALSHIR Z - Alternative story of the division of the kingdom (3 kingdoms 12:24 A-Z) (Jerusalem Biblical Studies 6)
81111: TALSHIR Z - I Esdras from origin to translation (SBL Septuagint and Cognate studies series 47)
81108: TAMBASCO A J - Blessed are the peacemakers: biblical perspectives on peace and its social foundations
44576: FORSTER M & TAMBLING C - Singing dancing carpenter: a musical
28292: JORDAN B & MORGAN-TAMOSUNAS R - Contemporary Spanish cinema
25891: LU D & TANG Z - State intervention and business in China: the role of preferential policies
18812: TANGERMAN E J - Carving Religious Motifs in Wood
18813: TANNEHILL R C - Sword of his mouth (Semeia supplement no 1)
49883: TANNER G - Perils of getting up
49884: TANNER G - Panic stations
28588: VINCE M & TANNER J - Top Teen ingles 9 ano nivel 5 (Teacher's Book)
18816: TANNER M - Christian Feminism: a challenge to the Churches (Loughborough University and Colleges Anglican Chaplaincy)
56261: TANQUERAY A - Synopsis Theologiae Dogmaticae Ad Mentem S. Thomae Aquinatis; [3 Volumes] Fundamentalis: de vera religione, de Ecclesia & Specialis, Pars prima & secunda: I: De Fide, De Deo Uno Et Trino, De Deo Creante Et Elevanta, De Verbo Incarnato. II: De Deo Sanctificante Et Remuneratore Seu De Gratia, De Sacramentis Et De Novissimis.
29676: TANQUEREY A - Synopsis theologiae dogmaticae: Vol III De Deo sanctificante et remuneratore seu de gratia, de sacramentis et de novissimis
31458: TAPIA M D C - Beyond the threshold: a life in Opus Dei
25170: TAPP A - Principles of direct and database marketing
41308: TARSOULI G - Mystras Sparta
80950: TARVAINEN O - Faith and love in Ignatius of Antioch
35880: TASKER J G - Spiritual religion: a study of the relation of facts to faith, being the thirty-first Fernley Lecture 1901
29524: TASKER B - Prophecies for Church & State
18827: TASKER R V G - Narrow Way
18831: TASTARD T - Spark in the soul: spirituality & social justice
83832: TATFORD F A - Prophecy's last word: an exposition of the Revelation
72773: TATHAM J D - BOOK OF JEREMIAH: a study in hypocrisy
22107: TATHAM C - Yardstick
9805: TATHAM P - Being and seeing (Guild of Pastoral Psychology Lecture 291)
60571: TATLOCK R - Passion of Christ: a devotional service of nine lessons and hymns (or chorales) based on the St Matthew Passion narrative
41564: TATLOCK R - Indices to the Book of Common Prayer for the use of clergy, readers, and teachers in Day and Sunday Schools in the preparation of sermons, lessons and occasional services
18838: TATLOW T - Story of the Student Christian Movement of Great Britain and Ireland
51939: TATUM W B - In quest of Jesus: a guidebook
21172: TAULER J [Winkworth] - History and life of the Reverend Doctor John Tauler with twenty-five of his sermons, trans... Susannah Winkworth, preface by Charles Kingsley
57130: TAULER J - Nachfolgung des armen Lebens Christi
10084: TAUNT H W - Blenheim, Woodstock, &c: their story and some of the scenes round them illustrated with portraits and photographs
22125: SMITH D E & TAUSSIG H E - Many tables: the eucharist in the New Testament and liturgy today
51938: TAVARD G H - Two centuries of ecumenism
34466: TAVARD G H - Two centuries of ecumenism: the search for unity
72781: TAVARD G H - PROTESTANTISM (Faith & Fact Book 137)
34812: TAVARD G H - Church tomorrow
72783: TAVARD G H - MEDITATION ON THE WORD: perspectives for a renewed theology
26283: TAVINOR M - Tewkesbury illus Terry Hamaton (Pilgrim Guide)
28317: TAVISTOCK - Tavistock handbook and directory of business centres and managed workspace 1998
53792: TAYLER C B - Facts in a clergyman's life
81105: TAYLOR C - Sayings of the Jewish Fathers, comprising Pirqe Aboth in Hebrew and English with notes and excursuses
81112: TAYLOR B A - Lucianic manuscripts of 1 reigns Volume 1 Majority text (Harvard Semitic Monographs number 50)
81113: TAYLOR D B - Job: a rational exposition
32699: TAYLOR V - Gospel according to St Mark: the Greek text with introduction notes and indexes
47055: BRAHE M H & TAYLOR H - Song pictures: five songs
52368: TAYLOR R B - Ancient Hebrew literature (Vol 4): wisdom literature, homiletic narratives and apocalypses [Everyman's Library 256]
34464: TAYLOR D J - Explorations in assembly with children: suggestions for assembly in the junior school
4507: CLIFTON-TAYLOR A - Cathedrals of England: photos by Martin Hurlimann and others 203 plates 4 in colour
48000: CLATWORTHY J & TAYLOR D - Windsor report: a liberal response
27767: MACDONALD-TAYLOR M - Dictionary of marks: metalwork, furniture, ceramics
43813: TAYLOR M K - Remembering Esperanza: cultural-political theology for North American praxis
48048: TAYLOR B - River goes on
72802: TAYLOR J P - CHRISTIANITY IS BORN: a creative approach to the Acts of the Apostles
29475: TAYLOR T - European security and the former Soviet Union: dangers, opportunities and gambles
29233: TAYLOR N - More family walks in the White Peak
21901: TAYLOR V - Life and ministry of Jesus
59263: TAYLOR S - From Cranmer to Davidson: a miscellany (Church of England Record Society volume 7)
54545: TAYLOR S - From Cranmer to Davidson: a miscellany (Church of England Record Society 7)
25132: ARNOULD-TAYLOR W - Textbook of holistic aromatherapy (First pub 1981 as Aromatherapy for the whole person)
72907: TAYLOR J V - Uncancelled mandate: four bible studies on Christian mission for the approaching millennium
55490: TAYLOR A - Sharing: a book of readings and prayers for guides
56953: TAYLOR D E - In His Presence. A prayer book and guide to confirmation, communion and church teaching
23151: TAYLOR J - Pioneers' progress: 'West-Africa calling'
55551: TAYLOR A J P - English history 1914 - 1945 (Oxford History of England)
53732: TAYLOR A J P - Struggle for mastery in Europe 1848 - 1918
54288: TAYLOR K - Hans Urs Von Balthasar and the question of tragedy in the novels of Thomas Hardy
59476: TAYLOR T - Exposition of Titus
23579: CLORE J & TAYLOR C - Civil litigation
35451: TAYLOR H O - Ancient ideals, in two volumes: a study of intellectual and spiritual growth from early times to the establishment of Christianity
35452: TAYLOR C - Witness of Hermas to the Four Gospels
35453: TAYLOR C - Sayings of the Jewish Fathers, comprising Pirqe Aboth and Pereq R Meir in Hebrew & English with notes, & specimen pages of Cambridge University Mss of the Mishnah 'Jerushalmith'
81219: TAYLOR M H - Sermon on the Mount (Preach and study)
81220: TAYLOR J - As it was written: an introduction to the Bible
72821: TAYLOR M - POVERTY AND CHRISTIANITY: reflections at the interface between faith and experience (Bernard Gilpin pastoral theology lectures for 2000, University of Durham)
72800: TAYLOR H - UNION AND COMMUNION: meditations on the Song of Solomon
49066: TAYLOR K - Living story of Christ and his church
52361: TAYLOR T S - For parsons only: a study in the cure of souls
23468: TAYLOR B B - Preaching life
25882: TAYLOR L - Citizenship, participation and democracy: changing dynamics in Chile and Argentina
23430: TAYLOR B - Society & economy in early modern Europe 1450-1789: a bibliography of post-war research
50356: TAYLOR S - Out of bounds church: learning to create a community of faith in a culture of change
82328: TAYLOR J B - Telling good stories and other stories
83593: PARKE-TAYLOR G H - Formation of the Book of Jeremiah: doublets and recurring phrases (SBL Monograph Series Number 51)
27443: TAYLOR J B - Going on: guidelines for the newly confirmed
82574: TAYLOR J R - God loves like that: the theology of James Denney (Preacher's Library)
72806: TAYLOR J V et al - FACE TO FACE: essays on inter-faith dialogue
82354: TAYLOR J V - Go-between God: the holy spirit and the Christian Mission
72826: TAYLOR M - TELL IT AGAIN!: Helping children to discover and delight in the world through story (Family growth series)
50357: TAYLOR J V - Incarnate God
69171: TAYLOR B C - Setting the gospel free: experiential faith and contemplative practice
48086: TAYLOR T F - J Armitage Robinson
48088: TAYLOR N - For services rendered: an anthology in thanksgiving for the Book of Common Prayer
57579: ESLINGER L & TAYLOR G - Ascribe to the Lord: biblical and other studies in memory of Peter C Craigie (JSOT Supplement series 67)
41387: TAYLOR V - Personne due Christ dans le Nouveau Testament: (Lectio Divina 57)
44920: TAYLOR S R - Destiny or chance: our solar system and its place in the cosmos
44827: TAYLOR H - Toolbox for small churches: a spiritual and practical guide to small church life
35207: TAYLOR M S - Sharing prayer: simple formats for small groups
18924: TAYLOR V - Formation of the Gospel Tradition: eight lectures
18933: TAYLOR V - New Testament essays
18923: TAYLOR V - Forgiveness and reconciliation: a study in New Testament theology
18920: TAYLOR V - Apostolic Gospel: our message for 1953 being a paper read at the Ministerial Session of the Methodist Conference at Preston 23rd July 1952
18921: TAYLOR V - Atonement in the New Testament teaching
18918: TAYLOR R O P - Does science leave room for God?
18917: TAYLOR R - Christians in an industrial society (RBC 142)
18915: TAYLOR N - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar (Penguin passnotes)
18913: TAYLOR M H - Christians and the future of social democracy [essays out of Consultation at Manchester March 1980]
18912: TAYLOR J W - Coming of the Saints: imaginations and studies in early church history and tradition
18911: TAYLOR J V - Sciences in search of a queen: an address given in the University, Southampton on Commemoration Day 1975
18908: TAYLOR J V - Kingdom come
18896: TAYLOR J B - Thinking about Islam
18900: TAYLOR J R S & TAYLOR F J - Baptism in the Church
18866: TAYLOR E J - Problems of Christian living
18865: TAYLOR E - Upon the types of the O T: edited by CW Mignon 2 vol set
18857: TAYLOR A E - Problem of evil: affirmations, God in the Modern World
18864: TAYLOR D E - Confirmation training: a handbook for those preparing candidates for confirmation
18855: TAYLOR A E - Human mind and will (Congress Books 22)
18853: TAYLOR A E - Faith of a moralist in one volume: (Gifford lectures 1926-1928) Series 1 The Theological Implications of Morality, Series 2 Natural Theology and the Positive Religions
18851: TAYLOR A E - Aristotle
55989: TCHAIKOVSKY P - Eugene Onegin [English version by Edward J Dent]
57760: TCHERIKOVER V - Hellenistic civilisation and the Jews
30894: SOCIETY OF PUBLIC TEACHERS - OF LAW Directory of members 1999
18937: TEACHING [Romestin] - Teaching of the twelve apostles: Greek text with intro trans notes and illustrative passages
22972: TEARE R et al - New directions in hospitality & tourism: a worldwide review
27917: TEARE R et al - Teamworking and quality improvement: lessons from British and North American organizations
25313: TEARE R - Managing and marketing services in the 1990s
18939: TEARE R et al - Virtual university: an action paradigm and process for workplace learning
81075: TEASDALE M R - Methodist evangelism, American salvation: the home missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church 1860-1920
82283: ENDACOTT Ted - Learning on the run: active Christian learning experiences for teenagers and adults
72841: TEELING W - POPE IN POLITICS: the life and work of Pope Pius XI
67337: LEE BEE TEIK - Building a love house...: is hard work
31616: DOWNIE R S & TELFER E - Caring and curing: a philosophy of medicine and social work
18942: TELFER W - Forgiveness of sins: an essay in the history of Christian doctrine and practice
41384: TELFORD M - Let's make models!: simple overseas models. Drawings by Leslie Dahl
59110: TELFORD J - Life of the Rev Charles Wesley M.A. (Revised and enlarged edition)
59112: TELFORD J - Wesley's chapel and Wesley's house
57765: TELFORD W R - Interpretation of Mark (Studies in New Testament Interpretation)
57766: TELFORD W R - Gospel of Mark (New Testament Theology)
59580: TELFORD J - Life of John Wesley
34853: TELFORD J - New Methodist hymn-book illustrated in history and experience
41385: TELFORD J - Methodist Hymn-book illustrated: in history and experience
58100: TELLENBACH G - Church in Western Europe from the tenth to the early twelfth century (Cambridge Medieval Textbooks)
18950: TELLENBACH G - Church state and christian society: at the time of the investiture contest translated by RF Bennett
18951: TELLENBACH G - Church state and christian society: at the time of the investiture contest translated by RF Bennett
18953: TEMPERLEY H N V - Scientist who believes in God
19002: TEMPLE W - Some Lambeth Letters 1942-1944: edited by FS Temple
19003: TEMPLE W - Some Lambeth Letters 1942-1944: edited by FS Temple
19001: TEMPLE W - Social witness and evangelism (The Social Service lecture 1943)
19000: TEMPLE W - Resources and influence of English Literature: introduction by Dr A Mansbridge
47836: TEMPLE W - Christianity as an interpretation of history [William Ainslie Memorial Lecture]; delivered at St. Martin-in-the-Fields on 6th June 1944
81245: TEMPLE W - Christianity and social order
18988: TEMPLE W - Issues of faith: a course of lectures
72876: TEMPLE W - Preacher's theme to-day: four lectures delivered at the College of Preachers, Washington
25257: TEMPLE P - Traded options - a private investigator's guide: how to invest more profitably
29923: TEMPLE B - Exclusive language - a hindrance to evangelism among women (GEv3)
72885: TEMPLE W - KINGDOM OF GOD a course of four lectures delivered at Cambridge during the Lent Term, 1912
72864: TEMPLE S - SERPENT IN EDEN and other stories from The Book
18972: TEMPLE W - Christ's revelation of God: three lectures
18971: TEMPLE W - Christianity in thought and practice
18969: TEMPLE W - Christianity and social order
18964: TEMPLE W - About Christ: the Archbishop's lectures in 1921 & 1925 on 'Universality of Christ' & 'Christ's revelation of God'
18961: TEMPLE F - Thoughts on the Divine Love
18963: TEMPLE S - Core of the Fourth Gospel
19008: TEMPLE W - William Temple and his Message: selections from his writings arranged by AE Baker
18973: TEMPLE W - Christus Veritas: an essay
19007: TEMPLE W - Universality of Christ
18993: TEMPLE W - Palm Sunday to Easter a series of addresses broadcast during Holy Week and Easter 1942
19004: TEMPLE W - Studies in the spirit and truth of Christianity: being University and School Sermons
49189: TEMPLE A - Hymns we love: stories of the hundred most popular hymns
41369: TEMPLE L - Shining brother, and the sequel, Francis speaks again
41370: TEMPLE W - Basic convictions
47548: TEMPLE W - Christian faith and life [Library of Anglican Spirituality]
21964: TEMPLE W - Christian faith and life
18958: TEMPLE F - Sermons Preached in Rugby School Chapel in 1858, 1859, 1860
30854: TEMPLETON J H - Christianity and the challenge of humansim (Sophie Taylor Prize Essay 1970)
37467: TENEBRAE - Tenebrae being Mattins of the last three days of Holy Week
72886: TENNANT F R - NATURE OF BELIEF (Christian Challenge series)
19015: TENNANT F R - Sources of the Doctrines of the Fall and Original Sin
45115: TENNANT E - Felony: the private history of the Aspern papers
83831: TENNEY M C - Interpreting Revelation
19021: TENNYSON A - Poems of Tennyson: (Oxford edition) including 'The Princess', 'In Memoriam', 'Maud', 'Idylls of the King' etc
19029: TERESA, Mother - Jesus, the word to be spoken: prayers and meditations for every day of the year compiled by Bro A Devananda
19026: TERESA, Mother - Best gift is love: meditations
82433: WEBBER Teresa - Scribes and scholars at Salisbury Cathedral c.1075-c1125 (Oxford Historical Monographs)
45748: TERRIEN S - Till the heart sings: biblical theology of manhood and womanhood
47257: TERRIEN S - Psalms and their meaning for today
31869: TERRILL R - R H Tawney and his times: Socialism as fellowship
38881: TERTULLIAN [Souter] - Tertullian against Praxeas by A Souter (Translations of Christian literature, series II, Latin texts)
45992: TERTULLIAN - Q. Septimi Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticus the text of Oehler annotated, with an introduction by John E B Mayor with a translation by Alex. Souter
80045: TERTULLIAN [BINDLEY] - Apologeticus adversus gentes pro christianis: edited with introduction and notes by T Herbert Bindley
40109: TERTULLIAN [LUPTON J M] - Q. Septimi Florentis Tertulliani de Baptismo Greek text edited with intro and notes [in English] by J M Lupton (Cambridge Patristic Texts)
19055: TESELLE S M [MCFAGUE S M] - Speaking in parables: a study in metaphor and theology by Sallie McFague TeSelle
59118: TESFAI Y - Liberation and orthodoxy: the promise and failures of Interconfessional dialogue
52847: TESSORE D - Fasting
53210: JOURNAL FOR THE EVANGELICAL STUDY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT - Journal for the evangelical study of the Old Testament (Volume 3 Issue 1)
53211: JOURNAL FOR THE EVANGELICAL STUDY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT - Journal for the evangelical study of the Old Testament (Volume 2 Issue 1)
58798: STUDENT'S ANALYTICAL GREEK TESTAMENT - Student's analytical Greek Testament: presenting at one view the text of Scholz and a grammatical analysis of the verbs
81733: JOURNAL FOR THE EVANGELICAL STUDY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT - Journal for the evangelical study of the Old Testament (Volume 5 Issue 2)
19922: VETUS TESTAMENTUM (Supplement) - Vetus Testamentum Volume XIII Numerical Sayings in the O T: a form-critical study
19919: VETUS TESTAMENTUM (Supplement) - Volume VIII Das problem der altorientalischen Konigs-Ideologie im Alten Testament unter besonderer berucksichtigung der geschichte der psalmenexegese...
19057: TETLEY J - Sunday by Sunday: ASB year 2
29558: TEXTBRIDGE - Textbridge pro 98: user's guide, turns your paper into pc documents without retyping
33611: CONSULTATION ON COMMON TEXTS - Revised Common Lectionary: consultation on common texts, includes complete list of lections for Years A, B, and C
47953: LATIN TEXTS - Hints on translation from Latin into English (Helps for students of history 20) [Souter]; Tome of Pope Leo the Great (Texts for Students 29) [Blakeney]; Selections from the Vulgate (Texts for students 6) [White]; God and his works (No 40) [Hebert]
36719: THACKER H - Instant art for teaching Christianity (copyright free for schools and churches)
57020: THACKERAY W M - Newcomes: memoirs of a most respectable family [Volume III of The works of William Makepeace Thackeray]
32697: THATCHER A - Daily Telegraph guide to Christian marriage and to getting married in church
28247: FRANCIS L & THATCHER A - Christian perspectives for education: a reader in the theology of education
54723: STUART E & THATCHER A - People of passion: what the churches teach about sex
58289: THATCHER A - Spirituality and the curriculum (Theology in Dialogue Series)
21837: THATCHER A - Marriage after modernity: Christian marriage in postmodern time (Studies in theology and sexuality 3)
52348: FRANCIS L & THATCHER A - Christian perspectives for education: a reader in the theology of education
19061: THATCHER A - Truly a person truly God: a post-mythical view of Jesus
56044: THEKLA, Mother - George Herbert: idea and image - a study of 'The Temple'
25115: GLORIOUS THEMES - Glorious themes (208 hymns, words only) J Smith & G Fyffe
4523: CLINICAL THEOLOGY - News Letter no.10 October 1967 (Clinical Theological Training & Care)
54491: FEMINIST THEOLOGY - Feminist Theology: set of 56 issues (Volume 1 September 1992 - Volume 19 (2) January 2011) No additional postage will be charged
82920: STUDIES IN BIBLICAL THEOLOGY - 21 books bound into 6 hardback volumes titles of each available on request
4517: CLINICAL THEOLOGY - Clinical Pastoral Care in Depression First Year Syllabus (Clinical Theology Training and Care 1)
4516: CLINICAL THEOLOGY - Assessment of Clinical Theological Training by Brian Lake & Leslie W Harman
53938: SAINT THERESA - History of her foundations
72917: THEW J - RADIANT HOPE: a memorial volume of sermons
81216: THEXTON S C - Isaiah 40-66
35901: THIEDE C - Emmaus mystery: discovering evidence for the risen Christ
19090: THIEDE C P - Jesus papyrus
35796: THIEDE C - Jesus life or legend
40146: THIEL H - Im Spiegel der Kirchen: ein Bilderbuch evangelischer Dorfkirchen in Bayern
19091: THIELE E R - Pekah to Hezekiah (reprinted from Vetus Testamentum Vol XVI, No.1)
19098: THIELICKE H - Theological ethics: Vol 1 Foundations
58554: THIELICKE H - Evangelical faith (Volumes 1 & 2 only): Vol 1 Prolegomena; the relation of theology to modern forms of thought: Vol 2 The doctrine of God and of Christ
19099: THIELICKE H - Waiting Father: sermons on the parables of Jesus
37320: THIELICKE H - Theological ethics: Vol 2 Politics
19092: THIELICKE H - Between heaven and earth; conversations with American Christians
72921: THIELICKE H - AFRICAN DIARY: my search for understanding
81218: THIELMAN F - Law and the New Testament: the question of continuity (Companions to the New Testament)
41352: THIERING B - Created second?: aspects of women's liberation in Australia
22155: THIERRY A - Recits des temps Merovingiens (edition Lutetia)
50354: THIESSEN G - Signs of life: sermons and meditations
35692: THIESSEN G - Gospels in context: social and political history in the synoptic tradition
22106: THIESSEN G - Traces of light: sermons & bible studies
19066: THIESSEN - On having critical faith
19069: THIESSEN G - Social Reality and the Early Christians: theology, ethics and the world of the New Testament
46074: THIESSEN G - First followers of Jesus: sociological analysis of the earliest Christianity
19067: THIESSEN G - Open door: variations on biblical themes
81215: THIESSEN G - Studien zur Soziologie des Urchchristentums (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 19)
1372: THILS G - Diocesan Priest: the nature and spirituality of the diocesan clergy
55727: THIMAN E H - Christmas carol sequence: five songs for SATB and piano or string orchestra [Same postal cost for up to 21 copies]
8766: HART T A & THIMELL D P - Christ in our place: the humanity of God in Christ for the reconciliation of the world, essays presented to Prof James Torrance (Princeton Theological Monograph Series)
56251: THIRLWALL C - Letters literary and theological: with annotations and preliminary memoirs by the Rev. Louis Stokes
48670: THIRLWALL A P - Keynes as a policy adviser: the fifth Keynes Seminar held at the University of Kent at Canterbury 1980
56249: THIRLWALL C - Letters to a friend
56252: THIRLWALL C - Remains literary and theological of Connop Thirlwall: Vol II Essays, speeches, sermons
52723: THISELTON A C - Interpreting God and the postmodern self: on meaning, manipulation and promise (SJT: Current issued in theology)
21774: THISTLETHWAITE S B - Sex, race, and God: Christian feminism in black and white
25266: THODY A - Leadership of schools: chief executives in education (Management & Leadership ibn Education)
43146: THOLE S J - Ministry of parents to teen-agers
72942: THOMAS D - HELP FOR HURTING CHRISTIANS: reflections on the Psalms
19155: THOMAS D W - Archaeology and Old Testament Study Jubilee volume of Society of Old Testament Study 1917-1967
39048: THOMAS T - How to study religion, bound with, Hinduism in the village setting [A228 Units 1A and 1B2 of Open University Arts: A second level course. The religious quest]
50429: SMITH Thomas [DEWAR Mary] - De Republica Anglorum
37542: THOMAS S - Come to the feast, Book 1: all-age services for the church year based on the Revised Common Lectionary
80214: THOMAS R M - Teaching ethics: Volume One Government ethics (Cambridg Conference Proceedings 1989 - 1993)
81755: THOMAS R - Daniel Williams ""Presbyterian Bishop"" (Friends of Dr William's Library sixteenth lecture 1962)
42002: AP-THOMAS D R - Primer of Old Testament text criticism
49385: THOMAS T - Religion of the Sikhs [A228 Units 8-9]
58806: AP-THOMAS D R - Society for Old Testament Study: a short history 1917-1967
2896: BULMER-THOMAS I - St Paul: teacher and traveller
28873: THOMAS R - Word perfect 6 (Step-by-step guides)
43652: THOMAS G - Pure pleasure: why do Christians feel so bad about feeling good?
28521: THOMAS R - Microsoft works for windows (Version 3) (Step by Step Guide)
27853: THOMAS D - Cardigan: a life of Lord Cardigan of Balaclava
7359: FULLER Thomas - Church History of Britain from the Birth of Jesus Christ until the year MDCXLVIII [1648] 3 vol set
72951: THOMAS J - HERALD OF THE KINGDOM AND AGE TO COME: a periodical devoted to the interpretation of the ""Law and the testimony"", and to the defence of the ""Faith once delivered to the saints""
53131: THOMAS J H - Legacy of Kierkegaard
80048: THOMAS D W - Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: Liber Jesaiae
52846: THOMAS R S - Later poems: 1972 - 1982
72963: THOMAS V - SECOND CHOICE: embracing life as it is
19166: THOMAS K - Religion and the decline of magic: studies in popular beliefs in sixteenth and seventeenth century England
35425: THOMAS D - Face of Christ
45466: GRAY Thomas [Collins] - Poems of Thomas Gray edited by A J F Collins
19175: THOMAS W H T - Work of the ministry
19108: THOMAS A - Life of Christ: twenty-four paintings
19159: THOMAS E E - Political aspect of religious development
58475: STAPLETON B & THOMAS J H - Portsmouth region
25885: TOBIAS J S & THOMAS P R M - Current radiation oncology Volume 3
51987: THOMAS R S - Later poems: 1972 - 1982
45254: AP-THOMAS D R - Primer of Old Testament text criticism
9626: HOWELL-THOMAS D - Mutual Understanding: social services and Christian Belief
38798: THOMAS N L - Story of Swansea's districts and villages
81787: DALE Thomas - Pocket edition of the Companion to the Altar with preparatory considerations addressed to those who are about to communicate and prayers suitable to be used during the solemnity
72964: THOMAS V - FUTURE LEADER: spirituality, mentors, context and style for leaders of the future
40542: THOMAS S - Christian services for schools
19168: THOMAS O C - William Temple's philosophy of religion
9625: HOWELL-THOMAS D - Mutual Understanding: social services and Christian Belief
43657: SHILSON-THOMAS A - Live simply: a CAFOD resource for living simply, sustainably and in solidarity
72937: THOMAS A - PAGANISM AND CHRISTIANITY or the victory of the cross
81256: THOMAS F - Christina Rossetti
82556: THOMAS M M - Acknowledged Christ of the Indian Renaissance
9157: THOMAS A - New Paganism: and other present-day perils and problems
25179: THOMAS D - Flexible learning strategies in Higher and Further Education
48671: THOMAS S E - Banking and exchange
71310: SALAMAN G & THOMPSON K - Control and ideology in organizations
36022: BOCKMUEHL & THOMPSON - Vision for the church: studies in early Christian ecclesiology in honour of J P M Sweet
81260: THOMPSON M E W - Situation and theology: Old Testament interpretations of the Syro-Ephraimite war
81258: THOMPSON M E W - I have heard your prayer: the Old Testament and prayer
81259: THOMPSON M - Isaiah 40-66
36840: THOMPSON J - Horse-drawn farm implements: Part IV - Harvesting
19194: THOMPSON J A - Bible and archaeology
82493: THOMPSON J - SCM studyguide to theological reflection
32692: THOMPSON D - Readings chosen and edited by Denys Thompson
43596: COLLINS D & THOMPSON D - Trust unwrapped: a story of ethics, integrity and chocolate
34052: THOMPSON T L - Origin tradition of Ancient Israel: literary tradition of Ancient Israel I The literary formation of Genesis and Exodus 1-23 (JSOTSS 55)
50022: THOMPSON G B - How to get along with your church: creating cultural capital for doing ministry
19180: THOMPSON D - Priest and Pioneer: A memoir of Father Osmund Victor CR of South Africa
19184: THOMPSON F - Saint Ignatius Loyola with 100 illustrations
37740: THOMPSON J - Reflecting: complete assemblies for secondary schools
22854: THOMPSON R - Industrial inorganic chemicals: production and uses
19203: THOMPSON M - Cancer and the God of Love
54720: THOMPSON R - Is there an Anglican way? Scripture church and reason: new approaches to an old triad (Affirming Catholicism)
30503: THOMPSON J - Good morning: a decade of thoughts for the day
30040: THOMPSON J A - Book of Jeremiah (NICOT)
28765: THOMPSON A H - Cathedral churches of England
43650: THOMPSON G - What's it all about?: an overview of the Bible
28202: LACY-THOMPSON T - INFORMIX-SQL: a tutorial and reference
53128: THOMPSON P M - Returning to reality: Thomas Merton's wisdom for a technological world
57783: CRYER F H & THOMPSON T L - Qumran between the Old and New Testaments (JSOT Supplement Series 290 - Copenhagen International Seminar 6)
19177: THOMPSON B - Chance to change: women and men in the church
44589: THOMPSON D - Loose Canon: portrait of Brian Brindley
19187: THOMPSON H P - Worship in Other Lands: a study of racial characteristics in Christian worship
19192: THOMPSON J - Praise for creatures great and small
19185: THOMPSON F - Works of Francis Thompson: Poems Volume 1 & 2, Prose Volume 3
38626: THOMPSON A H - English clergy and their organization in the Later Middle Ages (Ford lectures for 1933)
81038: THOMPSON M E W - Greatly to be praised: the Old Testament and worship
19198: THOMPSON J M - Synoptic Gospels: arranged in parallel columns
38615: CARGILL THOMPSON W D J - Studies in the Reformation: Luther to Hooker
72968: THOMPSON D W - DICTIONARY OF BIBLE PLACES (Illustrations by William Duncan)
48523: THOMPSON F - Selected poems of Francis Thompson: edited with an introduction by Paul Beard
19213: THOMPSON R H T - Church's understanding of itself: a study of four Birmingham parishes (SMW)
19206: THOMPSON N - John Wesley Child of Fire: a musical drama
19204: THOMPSON M J - Soul feast: an invitation to the Christian spiritual life
81253: THOMPSON D W - Mountain Road: an autobiography
34819: THOMPSON P - Direction in prayer: studies in ascetic method edited by Patrick Thompson for the Society of Retreat Conductors
39330: THOMPSON J A - Hirten, Handler und Propheten: die lebendige Welt der Bibel
36838: THOMPSON J - Horse-drawn farm implements: Part II - Preparing the soil
46305: THOMPSON F - Poems of Francis Thompson
50950: THOMPSON K - Beliefs and ideology
39110: THOMPSON J D - God's redemption of man, being the report of the Birmingham Diocesan Convention for the deepending of the spiritual life, held in Birmingham, 1908...
19228: THOMSON W M - Land and the Book
19224: THOMSON J S - Hope of the gospel (Alexander Robertson lectures 1954)
19223: THOMSON J A - What is man?
19218: THOMSON D P - Beginning with the ministry (New approach to evangelism-1)
48524: THOMSON J - Complete poetical works of James Thomson: edited with notes by J Logie Robertson
51631: THOMSON P D - Parish and the parish church: their place and influence in history (being the Baird lecture for 1935)
22090: THOMSON J A - Wonder of life
19215: THOMSON A - New Movements - Reform: Rationalism: Revolution 1500-1800 (TEFSG14)
41884: THOMSON D P - David Inglis Cowan: man and minister: 1892 - 1950
82323: THOMSON J B - Doxa: a discipleship course
25502: LOTZE M T & THOMSON A W - Dendritic cells: biology and clinical applications
57890: THORBURN A - Thorburn's birds
23652: THORN E A - Effective bookstall
26660: THORNBURY S - Highlight Beginner Workbook (Without Key edition)
19235: THORNE N - Repossession (Large print novel)
48672: THORNEYCROFT P et al - Not unanimous: a rival verdict to Radcliffe's on money
19255: THORNTON M - Pastoral Theology: a reorientation
19253: THORNTON M - Joyful heart: Lenten meditations
19239: THORNTON L S - Conduct and the supernatural: being the Norrisian Prize Essay for the Year 1913
35178: THORNTON M - Do we have free will? (Mind matters)
73007: THORNTON M - PRAYER: a new encounter
52949: THORNTON L S - Doctrine of the atonement (The Christian Challenge Series)
48703: THORNYCROFT L B - Story of the Doones: in fact, fiction and photo
19263: THOROGOOD B - Looking at leisure: a European view (a sketchbook)
19262: THOROGOOD B - Guide to the Book of Amos (TEF Study Guide 4) with theme discussions on Judgement, Social Justice & Priest and Prophet
35495: THOROGOOD B - Judging Caesar
73014: THOROGOOD B - FLAG AND THE CROSS: national limits and church universal
36758: THOROLD H - Collins guide to cathedrals, abbeys and priories of England and Wales. Photographs by Peter Butron
24879: THOROLD A L - Life of Henry Labouchere
36517: THORP E - Swelling of Jordan (Nigeria)
33568: THORPE K - Doing things differently: changing the heart of the church (GEv40)
55556: THORPE W - Equipping the saints: the moderation of reader training 1999 -2003
26274: ROWE D & THORPE T - Implementing the law Citizenship for Key Stage 4: Law in education project (Understanding the Law 2)
19267: THORTON M - Essays in Pastoral Reconstruction
19270: THOULESS R H - Control of the mind: a handbook of applied psychology for the ordinary man
19268: THOULESS R H - Authority and freedom: some psychological problems of religious belief (Hulsean lectures 1952)
29340: THOULESS R H - Experimental physical research
83032: THREE - Three stages of Unitarian theology and other essays
19279: THROCKMORTON B H - Gospel Parallels: comparison of the Synoptic Gospels with alternative readings from manuscripts and noncanonical parallels text used is the New Revised Standard Version, 1989
81116: THROCKMORTON B H - Jesus Christ: the message of the gospels, the hope of the church
19280: THROCKMORTON B H - Gospel Parallels: a synopsis of the first three gospels...based on the RSV arrangement follows the Huck-Lietzmann synopsis
39219: THROCKMORTON B H - Gospel Parallels: based on the RSV arrangement follows the Huck-Lietzmann synopsis
24778: THUMMA A - Voices of the victims: movements and models of people's theology
24779: THUMMA A - Wisdom of the weak: foundations of people's theology
51902: THURIAN M - Sacerdoce et ministere: recherche oecumenique
74011: THURIAN M - Churches respond to BEM (Volume III) (F&O135) official responses to the ""Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry"" text
73138: THURIAN M - Churches respond to BEM (Volume IV)(F&O137): official responses to the ""Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry"" text
60246: THURIAN M - Churches respond to BEM (Volume V) (F&O143): official responses to the ""Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry"" text
22599: THURIAN M - Confession (SMW)
51903: THURIAN M - Joie du ciel sur la terre: introduction a la vie liturgique
51904: THURIAN M - Homme moderne et la vie spirituelle
51905: THURIAN M - Confirmation: consecrations des laics
19292: THURIAN M - Mystery of the Eucharist: an ecumenical approach
19287: THURIAN M - Confession (SMW)
19289: THURIAN M - Marriage and celibacy (Studies in Ministry and Worship)
19291: THURIAN M - Modern Man and Spiritual Life (WCB No 46)
19295: THURLOW G - All Colour Book of Biblical Myths & Mysteries DISCARD
29678: THURSTON H - No popery: chapters on anti-papal prejudice
19302: TIBBENHAM D C - Apart with Jesus: short sermons for Lent and Easter
35648: TIBILETTI G - Monumenti e Cimeli Dell'Ateneo Pavese (black/white illustrations throughout)
49061: TIDBALL D - Reality is Christ: the message of Colossians for today
59103: TIDBALL D - Social context of the New Testament: a sociological analysis
24551: TIEDE D - Jesus and the future (Understanding Jesus Today)
56372: AMSTERDAMS SOCIOLOGISCH TIJDSCHRIFT - Amsterdams sociologisch tijdschrift: Dilemma's in vrouwenlevens - de sociologie van emoties [Jaargang 15, nr. 2, oktober 1988]
54445: TILBY A - Little office book
19938: TILBY A - Science and the soul: new cosmology. the self and God
24839: TILBY A W - Lord John Russell: a study in civil and religious liberty
19308: TILBY A - Let There Be Light: praying with Genesis
37735: TILBY A - He made the stars also... the Eighth Eric Symes Abbott Memorial Lecture delivered at Westminster Abbey on 24 May 1993
30281: TILESTON M W - Great Souls at Prayer
82479: TILESTON M W - Great souls at prayer: fourteen centuries of prayer, praise and aspiration, from St Augustine to Christina Rossetti and Robert Louis Stevenson
19312: TILL B - Change and exchange: mutual responsibility and the C of E
19313: TILL B - Churches search for unity
73042: TILLAPAUGH F R - UNLEASHING THE CHURCH: getting people out of the fortress and into ministry
19314: TILLARD J M R - Bishop of Rome
31267: TILLER J - Modern liturgical bibliography (GM&W23)
8303: TILLER J - Tiller ten years on: changing prospects for the Church's ministry (GP 55)
30932: TILLICH P - Systematic Theology: volume 3
19334: TILLICH P - Eucharist and institution narrative:
19320: TILLICH P - Biblical Religion and the Search for Ultimate Reality
21818: TILLICH P - Systematic Theology: three volumes combined as one
59033: BOYCE-TILLMAN J - Unconventional wisdom
58514: BOYCE-TILLMAN J - Reflecting praise (Music edition)
58148: BOYCE-TILLMAN J - In praise of all-encircling love: inclusive language hymns and songs
44304: TILSLEY V - Holy night
54900: TIGER TIM - Tiger Tim's annual 1941
6838: FINANCIAL TIMES - Financial Times energy yearbook: Mining 1999
6837: FINANCIAL TIMES - Financial times energy yearbook: Who's Who in world oil and gas 1999
19351: TIMES, The - Living nobly: through the Christian year from the pages of The Times 1946-47
27580: TIMMERMAN J J - Through a glass lightly
30746: HOLDRIGHT D & TIMMIS A - Key advances in the effective management of Myocardial Infarction
19354: TIMMS N - Talking about welfare: readings in philosophy and social policy (International Lib of Welfare & Philosophy)
82246: JONES Timothy K - Mentor and friend: building friendships that point to God
73067: TIMPSON G F - JAMAICAN INTERLUDE 1821-1941 [an heroic episode from Colonial history]
39727: TIMUR M - Theory of morals
57015: DAL TIN M - Melodie tradizioanli patriarchine di Venezia
19356: TINDALE W - William Tindale a biography: being a contribution to the Early History of the English Bible by R Demaus
19359: TINDALL F C - Music in Theological Colleges on addresses given to the Church Music Society (fifty-eighth annual report 1963)
19358: TINDALL F C - Christian Initiation: Anglican principles & practice a paper read at the Friends of Reunion Conference at High Leigh on December 13th 1950 (rptd from Church Quartley Review April-June 1951)
19360: TINGLE R - Another gospel?: an account of the growing involvement of the Anglican Church in secular politics
19361: TINKER D - Message from the Falklands: the life and gallant death from his letters and poems compiled by Hugh Tinker
73070: TINKER M - RESTORING THE VISION: Anglican Evangelicals speak out
29978: TINSLEY E J - Karl Barth 1886-1968 (Modern theology 1)
29979: TINSLEY E J - Rudolf Bultmann 1884- (Modern theology, Volume 2)
53824: TINSLEY E J - Paul Tillich 1886 - 1965 (Modern theology, Volume 3)
19370: TISCHENDORF C D - Synopsis Evangelica
34840: TISCHENDORF C - Evangelia Apocrypha: adhibitis plurimis codicibus Graecis et Latinis maximam partem nunc primum consultis atque ineditorum copia insignibus
82332: TISDALE L T - Preaching as local theology and folk art
23262: KAY J W & TITTERINGTON D M - Statistics and neural networks: advances at the interface
19372: TITTERTON C H - Five great non-Christian Religions: an introduction to Mohammedanism-Hinduism-Buddhism-Confucianism and Shintoism
19373: TITTLE E F - Lord's Prayer
73074: TITUS P J - UNTIL ALL HAVE HEARD: the Primacy of Proclamation in Missions
19376: TIZARD L J - More excellent way
19377: TIZARD L J - Preaching: the art of communication
19379: TO - To find God
73076: TOAL M F - PATRISTIC HOMILIES ON THE GOSPELS: Volume 1 from the first Sunday of Advent to Quinquagesima, translated and edited by M F Toal
31016: FACING TODAY - Facing today, volume 1 [5 study resources for home groups]
62291: BIBLE TODAY - Bible today: historical, social, and literary aspects of the Old and New Testaments described by Christian Scholars
49139: TODD J M - Martin Luther: a biographical study
53783: TODD J M - Work: an enquiry into Christian thought and practice
73079: TODD J - RACE FOR THE WORLD [The first person to visit every country in the world]
29120: TODD N - Thing called Aston: an experiment in reflective learning
34810: TODD J M - John Wesley and the Catholic church
993: BALLARD Todhunter - Roundup (large print western)
81118: TOEWS W I - Monarchy and religious institution in Israel under Jeroboam I (Society of Biblical Literature Monograph series 47)
39543: CHURCHES TOGETHER - Who is my neighbour?: the report of an ecumenical visit to the Middle East March 2001
42075: DU TOIT C W - Nature, God and humanity: proceedings of the third seminar of the South African Science and Religion Forum of the Research Institute for Theology and Religion held at Unisa on 1 & 2 June 1995
44911: TOLHURST J - Church - a communion: in the preaching and thought of John Henry Newman
19390: TOLHURST J et al - Man woman and priesthood contributors include Graham Leonardm Mary Kenny, Andrew McGowan, Roman Cholij, J I Packer, and Joyce Little
54290: TOLIVER H - George Herbert's Christian narrative
46779: TOLLER T N - Outlines of the history of the English language
25214: TOLLEY'S - Tolley's international handbook of financial reporting ed by Yvonne Goodhead
26412: TOLLEY - Tolley's taper relief 2000-01: a tax practitioner's guide to the principles of taper relief for capital gains tax purposes ed by F Michael Cochrane
22779: TOLLEY'S - Tolley's employment handbook by EA Slade Thirteenth edition supplement
46165: TOLLIVER D L - Handbook of contamination control in microelectronics: principles, applications and technology
19398: TOMKINS O - Guarded by faith
44940: TOMKINS O S - Church in the purpose of God: introduction to the work of the Commission on faith and order of the World Council of Churches
34441: TOMKINSON R - Come to me: a resource for weary Christians and those who care about them
36895: TOMKINSON R - God's Advent people: contemplating God in a busy life - reflections for group use
48594: TOMLIN J - Hollyhocks from the Holy Land
49363: SPENCER N & TOMLIN G - Responsive church: listening to our world: listening to God
81761: TOMLINSON J T - Misprinted Catechism or the definition of ""This word Sacrament"" as now substituted by 'privileded' printers for that of the Church of England
81762: TOMLINSON J T - Misprinted Catechism Part II being a reply to Mr Dimock's strictures in the ""Churchman""
73090: TONDEUR K - YOUR MONEY AND YOUR LIFE: learning how to handle money God's way
49664: TONER J J - Studies in the spirituality of Jesuits: A method for communal discernment of God's will (Vol III September 1971 No 4)
19404: TONGUE A S - Investigations: essays on Church and Society
53515: DICKENS A G & TONKIN J - Reformation in historical thought
60825: BAYFIELD Tony et al - HE KISSED HIM AND THEY WEPT: towards a theology of Jewish-Catholic partnership
44910: TOOLE D - Waiting for Godot in Sarajevo: theological reflections on nihilism, tragedy and apocalypse
26337: TOOLE G & S - A Level biology (Letts study guide)
73091: TOOLEY R - WE CANNOT BUT TELL: a practical guide to heart to heart evangelism
73092: TOOLEY W - NEW DIRECTIONS IN WORSHIP: an account of developments in all-age worship and education
26753: TING-TOOMEY S - Communicating across cultures
48831: TOON P - Emergence of Hyper-Calvanism in English Nonconformity 1689-1765
42080: TOON P - Anglican way: Evangelical and Catholic
20069: TOON P - Guidebook to the spiritual life
73101: TOON P & V - ISAIAH 1 - 39 (Kingsway bible studies)
19411: TOON P - What's the difference? what are the doctrines of the Catholic and Protestant churches, do they matter?
73100: TOON P & V - LETTERS OF JOHN (Kingsway bible studies)
19409: TOON P - John Charles Ryle: evangelical bishop
81158: VAN DER TOORN K - From her cradle to her grave: the role of religion in the life of the Israelite and Babylonian woman
19412: TOPPING F - God bless you - Spoonbill: letters to a young minister
19415: TOPPING F - Lord of the evening: illus by Noeline Kelly
73108: TOPPING F - HERE I STAND: anthology of of opinions and moral dilemmas
23576: WOLFENDALE S &TOPPING K - Family involvement in literacy: effective partnerships in education
47588: TOPPING A - Least thing: anthology of Christian writings
35539: TOPPING F - Lord of life illus by Noeline Kelly and Alexander S Grenfell
35281: TOPPING F - Pause for thought including Lord of the morning, Lord of my days, Lord of the evening
19416: TOPPING F - Lord of the morning: illus by Noeline Kelly
19417: TOPPING F - Lord of time illus by Carol MacMahon
37855: TORELTSCH E - Protestantism and progress: a historical study of the relation of Protestantism to the modern world
32687: TORRANCE T F - Belief in science and in Christian life: the relevance of Michael Polanyi
83830: TORRANCE T F - Apocalypse today: sermons on Revelation
29584: TORRANCE T F - Ground and grammar of theology
58646: TORRANCE T F - Theology in reconciliation: essays towards Evangelical and Catholic unity in East and West
73118: TORRE E de la - TOUCHING GROUND, TAKING ROOT: theological and political reflections on the Philippine struggle
73123: TORREY R A - HOW TO FIND FULNESS OF POWER in Christian life and service
28235: TOSSELL D - Inside the caring services
41377: TOSTI L - Saint Benedict: an historical discourse on his life translated by W R Woods with prefact by J C Hedley
26099: TOTON S C - World hunger: the responsibility of Christian education
46157: TOUR J M - Molecular electronics: Commercial insights, chemistry, devices, architecture and programming
19455: TOURNIER P - Secrets (A doctor reflects)
19459: TOURNIER P - What's in a name?
83627: GREGORY OF TOURS - Vita Patrum: life of the Fathers: introduction by Fr Seraphim Rose
52845: TOURVILLE H de - STREAMS OF GRACE: a new selection from the letters of Abbe de Tourville with a biographical introduction by Robin Waterfield
53729: TOUT T F - Empire and the Papacy 918 - 1273 (Period II)
40193: TOUZARD J - Grammaire Hebraique: abregee: nouvelle edition refondue pa A. Robert
81275: TOV E - Textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible
55947: TOVEY P - Eighteenth-century Anglican confirmation: Renewing the covenant of grace (Joint Liturgical Studies 79)
29921: TOVEY P - Praying to God as Mother (GS38)
59099: TOVEY P - Theory and practice of extended communion
34106: TOVEY P - Communion outside the Eucharist (Joint Liturgical Studies 26)
81276: TOVEY D F - Companion to Beethoven's pianoforte sonatas (Bar-to-bar analysis)
8235: TOVEY P - Inculturation: the eucharist in Africa (Alcuin/Grow Liturgical Study 7) (Grove Liturgical Study 55)
46856: LLOYD T & TOVEY P - Celebrating forgiveness: an original text drafted by Michael Vasey (Joint Liturgical Studies 58)
37293: TOVEY P - Inculturation of Christian worship: exploring the eucharist (Liturgy, worship and society)
82934: CRESSWELL A S & TOW M G - Dr Franz Hildebrandt: Mr Valiant-for-truth
19464: TOWARDS - Towards a united church 1913-1947: by JJ Willis, JW Arthur, SC Neill, GW Broomfield & RK Orchard
19467: TOWARDS - Towards reunion: being contributions to mutual understanding by C of E & Free Church writers
19468: TOWARDS - Towards a Christian order: by Bishop of Chelmsford SJ Marriot, AE Baker et al
19469: TOWER B - Devotion and doctrine: or preparation of the Heart and Intellect for Confirmation and Holy Communion
73164: TOWER H B - PREPARING FOR HOLY COMMUNION: preparations and thanksgivings for the Sundays and feast days of the church's year
52024: TOWERS B - Concerning Teilhard and other writings on science and religion
19472: TOWLE E A - John Mason Neale: a memoir with portraits and other illustrations
41344: TOWLER R - Homo religiosus: sociological problems in the study of religion (Sociology and social welfare series)
19475: TOWNER W S - Daniel (Interpretation: a bible commentary for teaching and preaching)
48271: TOWNROE J - Christian spirituality and the future of man (S.S.J.E. centenary lecture Friday 6 May 1966)
2364: BOWLEY A H & TOWNROE M - Spiritual development of the child
32674: TOWNSEND R - Faith, prayer and devotion (Faith and the future)
73169: TOWNSEND A - DEAR DIARY: my daughter's pregnant
36551: TOWNSEND M J - Worship (Thinking things through: 2)
36550: TOWNSEND M J - Story: a way of preaching in all-age worship (God's people at worship)
19476: TOWNSEND A J - Adolescence: a survival guide for parents
34808: TOWNSEND H - Claims of the Free Churches
19478: TOWNSEND S - Secret Diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 3/4
19481: TOY J - Jesus man for God: contemporary issues in Theology
54489: TOY J - What are apocryphal writings?
81279: TOYNBEE P - Christians: then and now (1979 Essex Hall lecture)
19485: TOYNBEE A J - Christianity among the Religions of the World
19486: TOYNBEE A J - Christianity and Civilization: being the Burge Memorial Lecture for the Year 1940 delivered in the Sheldonian Theatre Oxford, 23 May
55036: TOYOHIKO K - Cosmic purpose
29362: TOZER R - At the double: supporting families with two or more severely disabled children
57656: ELIADE M & TRACY D - What is religion? an enquiry for Christian theology (Concilium 136)
23538: TRAEGER J et al - Navigator: men's development workbook
34236: TRAHERNE T - Poems, centuries and three thanksgivings edited by Anne Ridler
73184: TRAIN K - TRAIN ON CHURCHES: a study of fifty-four churches within reach of Nottingham
18728: TRANT B [Arr] - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot: (Choral Songs W.34SSA)
19512: TRAPP M A - Yesterday today and forever
19513: TRASLER G - Shaping of social behaviour: an inaugural lecture delivered at the University on the 6th December 1966
50349: TRASLER G et al - Northumbria Christian pilgrimage
73185: TRAUT E - TRUTH ABOUT PROPHECY: (1) The Biblical facts of prophecy
19514: TRAVELL J - Doctor of Souls: Leslie Dixon Weatherhead 1893-1976
19516: TRAVIS S H - Getting to know the New Testament
49717: TRAVIS D - Healing power voice activated
49724: Travis S et al - All things to all people: mission beyond 2000
14169: NEIL W & TRAVIS S H - More difficult sayings of Jesus
73192: TREANOR O - THIS IS MY BELOVED SON: aspects of the Passion
19517: TREASURE C - Walking on glass: women Deacons speak out
56384: LITTLE TREASURY - Little treasury of religious verse
30613: CHRISTIAN TREASURY - Christian treasury: a selection of standard treatises... containing articles by Magee, Witherspoon, Boston, Stuart, Guild & Less, edited by T S Memes
25249: TREBY A - Introduction to information technology
19519: TREE M - Those weaker glories
58877: TREGELLES S P - Heads of Hebrew grammar: containing all the principles needed by a learner
28392: GREGORY L & TREISSMAN G - Handbook of the aura
27782: TRELAWNY E J - Records of Shelley, Byron, and the author edited by David Wright
81277: TREMBATH K R - Evangelical theories of biblical inspiration: a review and proposal
19528: TRENCH R C - Notes on the Miracles of Our Lord
19524: TRENCH R C - Commentary on the Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia: Revelation II . III
21898: TRENCH R C - Notes on the Parables of Our Lord enq
38969: TRENCH R C - Synonyms of the New Testament with some etymological notes by A L Mayhew
3555: GAFFNEY C & TRENCHARD J - Illustrated Catechism: Catholic belief in words and pictures
81272: TRENCHARD W C - Ben Sira's view of women: a literary analysis (Brown Judaic Studies 38)
39748: TREPP L - Eternal faith, eternal people: a journey into Judaism
37922: TREPP L - Judaism: development and life
19538: TREVELYAN G - Vision of the Aquarian age: the emerging spiritual World view
57399: TREVELYAN G P - Meditations on the Revelation of St John: otherwise called the Apocalypse
36318: TREVELYAN W B - Sunday (OLPT)
19546: TREVELYAN G M - Garibaldi and the making of Italy
19547: TREVELYAN G M - Garibaldi and the thousand May 1860
58615: POWELL E & TREVELYAN G M - Peasants' rising and the Lollards: a collection of unpublished documents forming an appendix to 'England in the age of Wycliffe
19550: TREVELYAN G M - Poetry and philosophy of George Meredith
46375: TREVELYAN G - Magic moments: use of poetry in the expanding of consciousness
19554: TREVETT C - Womens speaking justified and other seventeenth-century writings about women
31629: MARINS J & TREVISAN T M - Base ecclesial communities: the church on a small scale
73206: TREVOR M - PROPHETS AND GUARDIANS: renewal and tradition in the Church
19555: TREVOR C - Rough Hewing: a marriage and a ministry
19561: TRIAL - Trial of Beyers Naude: Christian witness and the rule of law, edited by the International Commission of Jurists, Geneva preface by Lord Ramsey of Canterbury
19562: TRIBE R - Christian Social Tradition
30743: TRICKETT J - Prevention of food poisoning [including 1995 food hygiene regulations]
19565: TRICKETT J - Christian faith in the secondary school: a scheme of work for schools
33893: WATSON R & TRICKETT K - Companion to Hymns and Psalms
49422: TRICKEY M - Your marriage
28591: TRIGG R - Reason and commitment
44580: TRIGG R - Rationality and religion: does faith need a reason?
81273: TRIGG R - Shaping of man: philosophical aspects of sociobiology
81919: TRIGG M - Introduction to Western Rite Orthodoxy
21947: ELIZABETH OF THE TRINITY - Always believe in love selected spiritual writings edited by Marian T Murphy
43534: TRIPP P D - Shelter in the time of storm: meditations on God and trouble
34112: TRIPP D K - Daily prayer in the Reformed tradition: an initial survey (Joint Liturgical Studies 35)
81923: TRISTRAM H - Cardinal Newman and the Church of the Birmingham Oratory: a history and a guide
29012: TRITON A N - Living and loving
35112: TRITTON A S - Islam: belief and practices
46011: MEYER-WILMES H & TROCH L - Over hoeren taarten en vrouwen die voorbijgaan
37930: TROCH L - Wie alleen gaat, raakt de weg kwijt: vrouwen ontmoeten vrouwen in Azie, Latijns Amerika en Afrika (Serie Op Reis)
19570: TROCHU F - Saint Jeanne Antide Thouret (1765-1826): Foundress of Sister of Charity under St Vincent de Paul
19571: TROCME E - Formation of the Gospel according to Mark
29976: TROCQUER R Le - What is man? (Faith and Fact Books 31)
59095: TROELTSCH E - Protestantism and progress: a historical study of the relation of protestantism to the modern world
82897: JOHNSON P & TROIANO E M - Roads from Bethlehem: Christmas literature from writers ancient and modern
37856: TROLLER A - Law and order: an introduction to thinking about the nature of law
47997: TROLLOPE A - Barchester Towers
4919: TROLLOPE A - Clergymen of the Church of England with an introduction by Ruth apRoberts (Victorian library)
51433: TROMMIUS A - Concordantiae Graecae versionis vulgo dictae LXX interpretum, cujus voces secundum ordinem elementorum sermonis Graeci digestae recensentur, contra atque in opere Kircheriano factum fuerat (Tomus I & II) Leguntur hic praeterea voces Graecae pro Hebraicis redditae ab antiquis omnibus Veteris Testamenti interpretibus, quorum nonnisi fragmenta extant, Aquila, Symmacho, Theodotione & aliis quorum maximam partem nuper in lucem edidit Bernardus de Montfaucon
19585: TROUT J M - Kagawa Japanese Prophet: his witness in life and word (World Christian Books 30)
82757: DE TROYER K - End of the Alpha text of Esther: translation and narrative technique in Mt 8:1-17, LXX 8:1-17, and AT 7:14-41
73225: TRUCHSES D D - FROM FEAR TO FREEDOM: choosing high self-esteem
19588: TRUEBLOOD E - Signs of hope: in a century of despair (RBC 79)
19589: TRUEBLOOD E - Yoke of Christ: and other sermons
19590: TRUEMAN A E - Geology and Scenery in England and Wales
61949: CANON LAW SOCIETY TRUST - CHURCH'S MATRIMONIAL JURISPRUDENCE: a statement on the current position
31981: TRUSTED J - Physics and metaphysics: theories of space and time
56657: TSCHAIKOWSKY P - Symphony 4 F minor Opus 36 (Pocket score)
47061: TSCHAIKOWSKY P - Concerto No 1 in B flat minor Op23: edition for two pianoforte
53780: TSCHUY T - Ethnic conflict and religion: challenge to the churches
57397: TSIRINTANES A N - Discourses on faith and life Vols 1 - 5: Vol 1 Faith in our times, Living as a Christian, Inner life; Vol 2 Perfect man, Sincerity, Moral rule; Vol 3 Love, Inner peace and joy, Prayer; Vol 4 Self criticism, Turning inwards; Vol 5 Value of the holy... in human life, Constellation of virtues
57398: TSIRINTANES A N - Modern times in the light of Christianity: essays and articles
82901: HESS R S & TSUMURA D T - ""I studied inscriptions from before the flood"": Ancient Near Eastern, literary, and linguistic approaches to Genesis 1-11 (Sources for Biblical and Theological Study - Volume 4)
48675: TSUTSUI W M - Banking policy in Japan: American efforts at reform during the occupation
19594: TUBBS N - South India Church Union (Reprint from The Church of England Newspaper)
53779: TUCK R C - Gothic dreams: the architecture of William Critchlow Harris 1854 - 1913
80961: TUCKER J B - Reading 1 Corinthians
19596: TUCKER G M - Form criticism of the O T (OTS)
44849: TUCKER R - Philosophy and myth in Karl Marx
23310: TUCKER J T - Example stories: perspectives on four parables in the Gospel of Luke (JSNTSS 162)
44148: MILLER J M & TUCKER G M - Book of Joshua (Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible)
55096: TUCKETT C M - Reading the New Testament: methods of interpretation
54400: TUCKETT C M - Revival of the Griesbach hypothesis: an analysis and appraisal (SNTS monograph series 44)
82603: TUCKETT C M - Nag Hammadi and the Gospel Tradition: synoptic tradition in the Nag Hammadi Library (Studies of the Old Testament and its world
8238: TUDGE P - Initiating Adults: lessons from the Roman Catholic Rite (GMW102)
19611: TUGWELL S - Way of the preacher
19610: TUGWELL S - Reflections on the Beatitudes: soundings in Christian traditions
19608: TUGWELL S - Human Immortality and the Redemption of Death
34818: TUKER M A R - Past and future of ethics
34984: TULLOCH J - Rational theology and Christian philosophy in England in the seventeenth century, in two volumes (originally from the library of J W Rowntree & signed by him)
59094: TULLOCH J - Movements of religious thought in Britain during the nineteenth century (Victorian library)
19615: TULLOCH J - Some Facts of Religion and of Life: sermons preached before Her Majesty the Queen in Scotland 1866-76
52509: TULLOCK J H - Old Testament story
57008: VLCKOVA S V & TUMA M - Biblical landscapes [Biblicke Krajiny]
56997: TUMANOVSKY V - Kizhi
27817: TELE TUNES - Tele tunes music reference book: January to September 1999 (supplement update to tele-tunes 1999 book)
26671: TELE TUNES - Tele Tunes January to September 1997: supplement update to Tele-Tunes 1997 main book
80829: MAO TSE-TUNG - On the U.S. white paper
80825: MAO TSE-TUNG - Reform our study
80826: MAO TSE-TUNG - For the mobilization of all the nation's forces for victory in the war of resistance
80824: MAO TSE-TUNG - On some important problems of the party's present policy
80822: MAO TSE-TUNG - On strengthening the party committee system
19620: TUPPER E F - Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg
81248: TURBERFIELD A - John Scott Lidgett: Archbishop of British Methodism?
19622: TURBERVILLE A S - Mediaeval heresy and the inquisition
53120: TURNBULL N - Radical orthodoxy: annual review 4
37829: TURNER R - Jewish living: drawings by Freda Miller, edited by Meir Persoff
27359: TURNER C - Financial freedom: the principles of networking: the right and wrong way
44417: TURNER N - Christian words
58478: TURNER B C - History of Winchester
28264: TURNER D - Information Technology: (GNVQ core skills level 3 core text)
10645: TURNER G - That other voice: in search of a God who speaks
55191: TURNER C H - History and use of creeds and anathemas in the early centuries of the Church
73246: TURNER G A - NEW AND LIVING WAY: a fresh exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews
22808: ROBERTSON R & TURNER B S - Talcott Parsons: theorist of modernity
18623: TURNER E - Sun of my soul: anthem for eventide (No 15)
40494: TURNER J - Thy neighbour's wife: twelve original variations on a theme by DV Baker, R Blythe, J Bratby, R Duncan, E Hyams, D Lessing, J Pudney, F Raphael, J Stubbs, R Timperley, F Urquhart, W Woods
53927: TURNER E S - Court of St James's
73243: TURNER C H - CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC: collected papers edited with a memoir by Herbert Newell Bate
48537: TURNER E - Young man's companion or friendly adviser to educatioanl knowledge, worldly council and gentlemanley deportment
49850: TURNER H E W - Historicity and the Gospels
37833: TURNER E H - Studies in early church history
81251: TURNER J M - Queen's essays: Queen's College 1828-1970, Handsworth College 1880-1970, Queen's College as an Ecumenical Institution inaugurated 1970
81252: TURNER L A - Genesis (Readings: a new biblical commentary)
34111: TURNER T J - Welcoming the baptized: Anglican hospitality within the ecumenical enterprise (Joint Liturgical Studies 34)
58926: TURNER P W - This is the word and the word made flesh
19644: TURNER N - Handbook for biblical studies
19641: TURNER J E - Revelation of deity
19642: TURNER J M - Conflict and reconciliation: studies in methodism and ecumenism in England 1740-1982
19637: TURNER H E W - Why Bishops? their origin functions and traditions
19639: TURNER H J M - Ordination and vocation, yesterday and today: current questions about ministries in the light of theology and history
19633: TURNER H E W - Jesus master and Lord: a study in the historical truth of the Gospels
53951: EUROSEMINAR '2000 VELIKO TURNOVO - Role of Christian ethics in the Armed Forces: a collection from Euroseminar '2000 ""Agape-Bulgaria"" in cooperation with AMCF, Veliko Turnovo diocese and the Bulgarian Army Academy
73254: TURPIN J - CATHOLIC TREASURES NEW AND OLD: traditions, customs and practices
57554: TURRETTIN F - Atonement of Christ
19651: TUTU D - Rainbow people of God
57007: TVEIT O F - Mutual accountability as ecumenical attitude: a study in Ecumenical Ecclesiology based on faith and order texts 1948 - 1998
80545: SPANGLER A & TVERBERG L - Sitting at the feet of Rabbi Jesus: how the jewishness of Jesus can transform your faith
23363: TWINCH C - Poultry: a guide to management
73255: TWINING A G - CHILDREN'S CREED being a simple explanation of the Apostles' Creed
40964: TWINING L - Symbols and emblems of early and Medieval Christian art
81759: TWISLETON J - Baptism: some questions answered
81760: TWISLETON J - Confession: some questions answered
45027: TWYMAN J F - Prayer of St Francis
29675: TYACK G S - Cross in ritual architecture and Art
39505: TYACK G S - Historic dress of the clergy
19660: TYACK G S - Cross in ritual architecture and Art
56238: TYACKE N - England's long reformation 1500 - 1800
14583: TYE C - O Come, ye servants of the Lord:
59092: TYERMAN L - Life and times of John Wesley (Volume III)
59093: TYERMAN L - Life and times of John Wesley (Volume I)
33086: TYLER J - Shade of his hand [48 short poems on characters & situations in the bible] inscribed by author
51088: TYMMS T V - Christian idea of atonement: lectures delivered at Regent's Park College, London in 1903
38799: TYRELL F - Swansea: a story of the city over one thousand years (illustrations by the author)
29820: TYRRELL G - Hard sayings: a selection of meditations and studies
29210: TYRRELL G - Much-abused letter
29211: TYRRELL G - Medievalism: a reply to Cardinal Mercier
29213: TYRRELL G - External religion: its use and abuse
19670: TYRRELL G - Lex Orandi: or prayer and creed
19668: TYRRELL G - Christianity at the cross-roads
53777: TYRRELL S - Once upon a town: Susan Tyrrell about Stavanger
51608: TYRRELL G - Faith of the millions (Second Series)
19669: TYRRELL G - Lex Credendi: a sequel to Lex Orandi
59091: TYSON J R - Charles Wesley: a reader
30501: TYSSEN A D - Sermons on natural religion pen notes on front flyleaf
29537: DENYER-GREEN B & UBHI N - Planning law reports 1997
29466: DENYER-GREEN B & UBHI N - Planning law reports 1999: Volume 2
24542: UCKO H - People of God, peoples of God a Jewish-Christian conversation in Asia
24541: UCKO H - Common roots new horizons: learning about Christian faith from dialogue with Jews (Risk book 61)
81019: UDE J - You shall not kill
41115: UDO D E - King of love and justice: an account of the life and contribution of Martin Luther King Jr, and the state of race relations in Britain
56718: ULANOV B - Death: a book of preparation and consolation
80479: ULANOV B - Prayers of St Augustine
73290: ULEYN A - RECOGNITION OF GUILT: a study in pastoral psychology
24578: ULLMANN W - Short history of the papacy in the Middle Ages
43774: ULTERINO G - Walking with wisdom's daughters: twelve celebrations and stories of women of passion and faith
45510: UNAIDS - Report of a theological workshop focusing on HIV- and AIDS-related stigma
37826: UNDERHILL F - Christian life in the modern world
19724: UNDERHILL F - Saint Peter
37716: UNDERHILL E - Worship
43467: UNDERHILL E - Worship
19716: UNDERHILL F - Aids to the life of prayer
19717: UNDERHILL F - Art of Intercession
27601: UNDERHILL E - Given to God: daily readings selected and arranged by Delroy Oberg
19718: UNDERHILL F - Can we enjoy religion?
19720: UNDERHILL F - Liberty
19699: UNDERHILL E - Life of the Spirit and The Life of Today
53823: UNDERHILL E - Feed my sheep
2043: UNDERHILL E - Heaven a dance: an Evelyn Underhill anthology compiled by Brenda & Stuart Blanch
19683: UNDERHILL E - Anthology of the Love of God: edited by the Right Rev. Lumsden Barkway & Lucy Menzies
32225: UNDERHILL E - Mysticism: a study in the nature and development of man's spiritual consciousness
80538: UNDY H - Somewhere to start: prayers by Harry Undy
40638: UNGNAD A - Altesten Volkerwanderungen Vorderasiens: ein Beitrag zur Gechichte und Kultur der Semiten, Arier, Hethiter und Subaraer
4370: CHURCH UNION - Interim statement on the report 'Marriage divorce and the Church'
56082: MOTHERS UNION - Time to pray: aselection of prayers and meditations contributed by the members of the Mothers' Union in the deaneries of the Salisbury Diocese
70762: JOINT COMMISSION CHURCH UNION - Church: its nature, function and ordering and proposed basis of union: the second report... presented to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, Sept 1964
7219: FREE CHURCH CHOIR UNION - Book of music for the 46th Annual Festival Concert: to be held at The Alexandra Palace Saturday, June 24th 1939 at 6.15 p.m.
52542: MODERN CHURCHPEOPLES UNION - Modern Believing: Volume 50:3 July 2009
51736: MOTHERS UNION - More time to pray: a further selection of prayers and meditations contributed by the members of the Mothers' Union in the deaneries of the Salisbury Diocese
41243: CHRISTIAN DEMOCRACTIC UNION - Christians and the Church in the German Democratic Republic
4369: CHURCH UNION - Church Marriage and Divorce: some comments on the report of the joint committee of convocations on marriage
19734: UNITY - Unity Book of Prayers
81754: TOWARDS VISIBLE UNITY - Towards visible unity: proposals for a covenant: the report of the Churches' Council for Covenanting
14742: ORDER OF CHRISTIAN UNITY - Children & contraception: failure of a policy
14743: ORDER OF CHRISTIAN UNITY - Test tube babies: papers from the conference’ In Vitro Fertilisation & the quality of life’ 1983
83451: ENCYCLOPAEDIA UNIVERSALIS [ALBIN MICHEL] - Dictionnaire du Moyan Age: litterature et philosophie
83450: ENCYCLOPAEDIA UNIVERSALIS [ALBIN MICHEL] - Dictionnaire du Moyan Age: histoire et societe
46838: OXFORD UNIVERSITY - Excerpta e statutis: titulus XIV de vestitu et habitu scholastico; titulus XV de moribus conformandis; titlulus XXII of women students
56986: MEMBERS OF OXFORD UNIVERSITY - Studia Biblica et Ecclesiatica Volume III with facsimiles: essays chiefly in biblical and patristic criticism
23258: UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY - Restructuring the global military sector: Volume II The end of military Fordism edited by M Kaldor et al
56984: MEMBERS OF OXFORD UNIVERSITY - Studia Biblica et Ecclesiatica Volume II: essays chiefly in biblical and patristic criticism
56985: MEMBERS OF OXFORD UNIVERSITY - Studia Biblica et Ecclesiatica Volume IV: essays chiefly in biblical and patristic criticism
48467: OXFORD UNIVERSITY - Annual report for the curators of the Bodleian Library for 1966-7: supplement No 4 to the University Gazette vol xcviii (March 1968)
40063: OXFORD UNIVERSITY - Report of the Committee on University Libraries
19807: VAN UNNIK W C - New Testament: its history and message
37816: UNTERMAN A - Jews: their religious beliefs and practices
37817: UNTERMANN A - Jews: their religious beliefs and practices
19736: UNWIN F O - These things are worth believing
11401: UNWIN G G - Humorists of the eighteenth century: selections ed G G Unwin [Swift, Fielding, Smollett, Sterne, Goldsmith, Austen]
51545: UNWIN R - Defeat of John Hawkins
25560: UPHAM M - Tempered - not quenched: the history of ISTC 1951-1997
19740: UPJOHN S - In search of Julian of Norwich
19741: UPPSALA - Uppsala Arkesate 800 AR: the see of Uppsala 800th Anniversary 1164-1964
73315: UPRICHARD H - SON IS PROMISED: Christ in the Psalms
27377: FERGUSON J & UPSDELL M - Key advances in the effective management of contraception
35265: UPSDELL J - Baptism that unites: a key to Christian unity
81747: UPTON W P - Reservation: unscriptural, uncatholic, unlawful - the 'Anglo-Catholic' case examined
38346: UPTON R - Reaching those affected by prison (GEv62)
34825: UPTON C B - Dr Martineau's philosophy: a survey
53776: URANTIA - Urantia Book: Part I The central and superuniverses, Part II The local universe, Part III The history of Urantia, Part IV The life and teachings of Jesus
19742: URBAN W M - Fundamentals of ethics: an introduction to moral philosophy
52191: URBEL J P de - Saint Paul: the Apostle of the Gentiles
42389: URCH E - Be still my soul
27390: URDANG L - Timetables of American history
52859: URO R - Sheep among the wolves: a study on the mission instructions of Q
66911: KING Ursula - CHRIST IN ALL THINGS: exploring sprituality with Teilhard de Chardin
59086: URWIN E C - Religion in planned society (The Social Service Lecture 1942)
53724: URWIN D R - Western Europe since 1945: a short political history
51627: EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE USA - Book of Common Prayer: [DESK/CHANCEL EDITION] and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church
34190: EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE USA - Proper for the lesser feasts and fasts together with the fixed Holy Days
51629: EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE USA - Proposed Book of Common Prayer: and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church
19730: UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH USA - Relation of Christian Faith to health: adopted by the 172nd General Assembly May 1960
82535: SARUM USE - Compline after Sarum Use arranged by Philip Baxter celebrating the ninth centenary of the Sarum Use
19753: UTTON A G - Christmas Story: a dramatic presentation in the words of Holy Scripture arranged in three episodes
58382: VAIDYA A - Mills and millers of Hampshire: Volume 1- Central including the rivers Itchen, Hamble and Meon a Compendium of current and historical information about the Watermills and their Occupants over the ages
29135: VALE E - Churches illus by John Mansbridge (Junior Heritage Books)
19760: VALENTINE C H - Modern psychology and the validity of Christian experience
19763: VALENTINE C W - Normal child and some of his abnormalities
19765: VALENTINE F - Apostolate of Chastity: a treatise for religious sisters
43564: VALENTINE J - Follow me: becoming a liberated disciple
19766: VALENTINE F - Art of Preaching: a practical guide
73337: VALENTINE F - WHATSOEVER HE SHALL SAY: the first Theophila Correspondence
19767: VALENTINE F - All for the King's Delight: a treatise on Christian Chastity, principally for Religious sisters
19768: VALID R - Nonlinear theory of shells through variational principles from elementary algebra to differential geometry
55482: VALLELY P - Pope Francis: untying the knots
81142: VALLER S - Women and womanhood in the Talmud (Brown Judaic Studies number 321)
43542: VALLER P - Get a life: winning choices for working people
55703: VALLES C G - Art of choosing
82297: VALLES C G - Unencumbered by Baggage: Anthony de Mello - A Prophet for Our Times
19769: VALLES C - Mastering Sadhana: on retreat with Anthony de Mello
48056: VALLINS G H - Wesleys and the English language: four essays
40587: VALSECCHI M - Caravaggio (Astra - Arengarium, painters)
36060: VANDANA - Gurus Ashrams and Christians
53533: GALLAGHER C A & VANDENBERG T L - Celibacy myth: loving for life
19821: VANDERKAM J C - Dead Sea Scrolls today
81164: VANDERKAM J C - 'No one spoke ill of her': essays on Judith (SBL Early Judaism and its literature number 02)
83005: KESSLER R & VANDERMEERSCH P - God, Biblical Stories and Psychoanalytic Understanding
47439: VANDERWILT J - Communion with non-Catholic Christians: risks, challenges and opportunities
48668: SNOWDON B & VANE H R - Encyclopedia of macroeconomics
25178: SNOWDON B & VANE H R - Reflections on the development of modern macroeconomics
44361: VANGEMEREN W - Progress of redemption: from creation to the New Jerusalem
57903: MEIER A & VANKATWYK P - Challenge of forgiveness (Saint Paul University Research Series: Pastoral Counselling)
73366: VANN G - OF HIS FULLNESS: a Christian Review
19845: VANN G - Two Trees
19837: VANN G - Eagle's word: presentation of the Gospel according to St John
19843: VANN G - Son's course
58669: VANNOY J R - Covenant renewal at Gilgal: a study of I Samuel 11:14-12:25
47453: VANTAGGI R - Siena suburbs and province: every useful information for the tourist
57396: VAPORIS N M - Orthodox Christians and Muslims
73379: VARDEY L - BELONGING: a questioning Catholic comes to terms with the church
81562: VARDY P - Kierkegaard (Fount Christian thinkers)
49315: VARENDONCK J - Evolution of the conscious faculties
73385: VARILLON F - ANNOUNCING CHRIST: through scripture to the church
51916: VARILLON F - Chretien devant les grandes religions (texte etabli et presente par Charles Ehlinger
4582: COEURET-VARIN C E J - Cathechisme du Diocese d'Agen
81166: VARLEY E A - Last of the Prince Bishops: the episcopate of William Van Mildert (1826-1836 (Durham Cathedral lecture 1986)
8207: VASEY M et al - Family festivals: an approach to worship in the home (GW73)
19860: VASEY M - Strangers and friends: a new exploration of homosexuality and the Bible
8292: VASEY M - Intercessions in worship (GW77)
32211: VASEY M et al - Introducing the New Lectionary: getting the bible into worship (GW141)
81176: VASSADY B - Limping along...:confessions of a pilgrim theologian
57395: VASSILIADIS P - Eucharist and witness: Orthodox perspectives on the unity and mission of the Church
73397: VASWANI J P - WAY OF ABHYASA: meditation in practice
7345: FULLER J & VAUGHAN P - Working for the kingdom: the story of the ministers in secular employment
49311: VAUGHAN C J - Lectures on the Revelation of St John
54644: VAUGHAN C J - Sundays in the Temple
49312: VAUGHAN C J - Epistle to the Hebrews (with notes)
57356: VAUGHAN C J - Last words in the parish church of Doncaster
19865: VAUGHAN P H - Training for diversity of ministry: a symposium to mark the tenth anniversary of East Midlands Ministry Training Course (Nottingham working papers in the education of adults)
73398: VAUGHAN B N Y - STRUCTURES FOR RENEWAL: a search for the renewal of Church's mission of the world
49314: VAUGHAN E T - Calvinistic clergy defended and the doctrines of Calvin maintained in a letter to the Rev James Beresford occasioned by his sermon preached in St Martin's Church at...last visitation... [bound with] Vaughan E T 'Baptism: the basis of Christian education' sermon preached in Parish Church of St Mary, Leicester Easter Day April 19, 1829 published Combe & Son 1830 35pp
34826: VAUGHAN R - English Nonconformity
80369: DE VAUX, R - Early history of Israel complete in 2 volumes
30221: VAWTER B - Job and Jonah: questioning the hidden God
19874: VAWTER B - This man Jesus: essay toward a New Testament Christology
5075: CRYER N S & VAYHINGER J M - Casebook in pastoral counseling
27069: ROSKA T & RODRIGUEZ-VAZQUEZ A - Towards the visual microprocessor: VLSI design and the use of cellular neural network universal machines
39145: VEEN H-J - Arguements for Peace and Freedom: incls articles by Wolfhart Pannenberg, Walter Schmithals (Research Report 25)
35472: VEKEN J van der - God en wereld: basisteksten uit de proces-theologie/gekozen, vertaald en toegelicht (Sleutelteksten in godsdienst en theologie, Dee 7)
24600: MARIA VELA - Third mystic: the self revelation of Maria Vela, a sixteenth-century Spanish nun (trans FP Keyes)
57391: VELIMIROVICH N - Serbian people as a servant of God [A Treasury of Serbian Orthodox Spirituality]
19878: VENABLES E - Counselling: National Marriage Guidance Council
36710: ACTA DERMATO-VENEREOLOGICA - Symposium: the Langerhan's Cell and Contact Dermatitis GIMO 1-2 October 1977 (ACTA Dermato-Venereologica Vol 58 Supplementum 79)
28220: VENN C - Occidentalism: modernity and subjectivity (Theory culture & society)
53774: VENN H - Complete duty of man: or a system of doctrinal and practical Christianity to which are added forms of prayer and offices of devotion for the various circumstances of life
49458: VENN J - Caius college (University of Cambridge college histories)
58666: VENN H - Life and a selection from the letters of the late Rev Henry Venn M. A.: the memoir of his life drawn up by the late Rev John Venn M. A.
58465: VENNIS - Lifetime in education: Philip Vennis - from pupil to principal in post-war Britain
55982: VERCORS - Marche a l'etoile
41025: VERDI G - Othello: a lyrical drama in four acts. Libretto by Arrigo Boito. Orchestra score
63931: VERDON T - Art, faith, history: a guide to Christian Florence
73407: VERENE D P - MAN AND CULTURE: a philosophical anthology
53721: VERGIL - Opera
56511: VERHALEN P A - Expansive prayer: reflections for all seasons
36441: VERHEECKE M - Dieu et l'homme dialogue et combat (Collection Cerfaux-Lefort 6)
54299: VERHEY A - Remembering Jesus
59606: VERHEYDEN A L E - Anabaptism in Flanders 1530 - 1650: a century of struggle (Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite History)
58141: VERKUYL J - Contemporary missiology: an introduction
51915: VERLINDE J M - Christianisme au defi des nouvelles religiosites (Conferences Notre-Dame de Paris 2002)
19895: VERMES G - Jesus and the World of Judaism
19892: VERMES G - Dead Sea Scrolls in English
57607: VERMES G - Introduction to the complete Dead Sea Scrolls
81178: VERMES G - Dead Sea Scrolls in English
39392: VERMES G - Manuscrits du desert de Juda
32636: VERMES G - Gospel of Jesus the Jew (The Riddell Memorial Lectures 48th series, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1981)
82086: VERMES G - Dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran in perspective
19890: VERMES G - Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English
19891: VERMES G - Dead Sea Scrolls in English
82087: VERMES G - Dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran in perspective
81210: VERMES G - Dead Sea Scrolls in English
81594: CALDUCH-BENAGES N & VERMEYLAN J - Treasures of Wisdom: studies in Ben Sira and the Book of Wisdom (Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium CXLIII Festschrift M Gilbert
59523: VERNEY U - Rifle Brigade chronicle for 1965 (seventy-sixth year)
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73422: VERRYN T D - VANISHING CLERGYMAN: a sociological study of the priestly role in South Africa
44675: VERRYN T D - Penance and discipline; a reassessment
38453: BOOK OF MODERN VERSE - Book of modern verse [WB Yeates, W de la Mere, DH Lawrence, S Sassoon, TS Eliot, WD Auden, D Thomas et al)
73424: VERTEUIL M de - LET ALL THE PEOPLES PRAISE HIM: Lectio Divina and the psalms
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