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15903: PURDELL R - Fruits of the Earth: arranged for mixed voices (S.A.T.B. by Vere Harker (Wright Choral Edition no.123)
56966: PURDY W - Search for unity: relations between the Anglican and Catholic churches from the 1950s to the 1970s
15906: PURNELL P - Which Way Do I Choose?
51693: PURSCH K - St Cyprian, Bonn: Wille and Weg einer katholischen Pfaffei der Alt-Katholiken in der Gestalt ihres Gotteshauses
49044: PURSELL B - Benedict of Bavaria: an intimate portrait of the Pope and his homeland
52272: PURTON R - Dear God
31519: PURTON R - Festivals and celebrations
15907: PURTON R - Autumn and winter days
15911: PUSEY E B - Eirenicon: in a letter to the author of 'The Christian Year'
15915: PUSEY E B - Church of England leaves her children free to whom to open their griefs: letter to the Rev W U Richards with postscript in answer to the letters of the Rev W Maskell
52691: PUSHKIN A S et al - Short stories by Russian authors (Everyman's Library No 758)
83584: PUTMAN F C - Cumulative Rode index to the grammar and syntax of biblical hebrew
43595: PUTMAN J - Church is a team sport: a championship strategy for doing ministry together
15927: PUTTING - Putting our house in order: a sequel to men, money and the ministry
12116: LOUVEL F & PUTZ L J - Signs of Life
15929: PYE M - Language of the church: in higher & further education: an account of the Bradwell Consultation
26028: PYKH Y A & MALKINA-PYKH I G - Method of response function in ecology (Advances in ecological sciences 7)
32818: PYPER H S - Christian family: a concept in crisis (Contributors include J Habgood, G Jantzen, A McFadyen F Young et al)
52275: PYTCHES D - Can anyone be a leader?: identifying and developing potential
43360: PALAU L & QIZHENG Z - A Friendly Dialogue Between an Atheist and a Christian
58706: QUAIFE G R - Godly zeal and furious rage: the witch in early modern Europe
82419: QUAST K - Reading the Corinthian correspondence: an introduction
48952: QUEEN - Queen's Jubilee: Commemorative issue 1977
46116: QUEEN'S GALLERY - Royal children
15945: QUELL G et al - Sin (BKW)
26715: WOHLMEYER H & QUENDLER t - The WTO, agriculture and sustainable development
54552: QUENNELL M & QUENELL C H B - A history of everyday things in England done in two parts (2 volume set); first part 1066 - 1499, second part 1500 - 1799
15948: QUENNELL P - Four Portraits: studies of the 18th Century (Boswell, Gibbon, Sterne & Wilkes)
15949: QUENNELL P - Four Portraits: studies of the 18th Century (Boswell, Gibbon, Sterne & Wilkes)
82243: QUENOT M - Icon: window on the kingdom
82443: QUESNELL Q - Mind of Mark: interpretation and method through the exegesis of Mark 6,52 [English text] (Analecta Biblica 38)
36671: ROMAN QUESTION - Roman question: in letters to a friend, by an aged priest
15955: QUICK O C - Christianity and justice (Christian News-Letter Books 5)
15953: QUICK O C - Christian beliefs and modern questions
8293: QUICKE M J - 360 degree preaching
25169: QUIGLY I - The Royal Society of Literature: a portrait
15970: QUIN C - At the Lord's Table; a theological and devotional commentary on the Holy Communion Service according to the Anglican Rite of 1662
56493: MCKITTERRICK R & QUINAULT R - Edward Gibbon and empire
23281: DE QUINCEY T - Works of Thomas De Quincey: Volume 7, Articles from the Edinburgh Literary Gazette, Blackwood's Magazine 1829-1831 edited by R Morrison
27667: DUPPA R & DE QUINCY Q - Lives of the Italian painters: Michael Angelo & Raffaello
55508: QUINN B - Accompanying Luke
56710: QUINN B - Art of living: Chinese style:
15973: QUINN M & T - Parenting and sex: support for parents at all stages - from your child is born until beyond adolescence
57797: QUINTON A - Francis Bacon (Past Masters)
51897: QUOIST M - Parle moi d'amour
31650: QUOIST M - With open heart
33685: QUOTATION - Quotation guide (Longman pocket companion)
35778: RABEY S - In search of authentic faith: how emerging generations are transforming the church
54008: RABINOWICZ H - Hasidism and the State of Israel
83608: RABOW J - Lost Matriarch: finding Leah in the Bible and Midrash
22415: RABY F J E - Poetry of the eucharist (Studies in eucharistic faith & practice)
15984: RABY F J E - Poetry of the eucharist (Studies in eucharistic faith & practice)
15986: RACE A - Theology against the nuclear horizon
45521: RACINE J - Theatre complet de Jean Racine
49297: RACINE J [Eve] - Athalie: edited with introduction, notes and index by H W Eve (Pitt Press series] Play in French, notes etc in English
46786: RACINE J - Theatre complet: oeuvre poetique (texte etabli et annote par Antonin Debidour)
45122: RACINE J [BRAUNHOLTZ] - Plaideurs comedie with introduction and notes by E G W Braunholtz
45601: RACINE - Phaedra and other plays: Iphigenia, Phaedra, Athaliah
15989: RACK H - 20th Century Spirituality
46912: RACK H D - Future of John Wesley's Methodism (Ecumenical studies in history)
15996: RAD G von - Moses (WCB 32)
21859: RAD G von - Wisdom in Israel
15993: RAD G von - God at work in Israel
16002: RAD G von - Problem of the Hexateuch and other essays
58928: RAD G von - Prophet Jona [German text]
16001: RAD G von - Old Testament theology in 2 volumes: Vol 1 Theology of Israel's historical traditions Vol 2 Theology of Israel's prophetic traditions
15998: RAD G von - Old Testament theology Volume I and II [One and Two]: the theology of Israels historical traditions & theology of Israel's prophetic traditions
44674: RAD G von - Deuteronomy: a commentary (Old Testament Library
81925: GASSMANN G & RADANO J A - Unity of the Church as Koinonia: ecumenical perspectives on the 1991 Canberra Statement on Unity (Faith and Order paper No 163)
55016: RADCLIFF J R - Thomas F Torrance and the Church Fathers: a reformed, evangelical, and ecumenical reconstruction of the Patristic traditions
26786: RADCLIFFE T - I call you friends
48277: RADCLIFFE T - Take the plunge
82947: SINGH [translator] & RADHAKRISHNAN S [introdution] - Selections from the sacred writings of the Sikhs (Unesco colletion of representative works: Indian series)
23710: RADIGUEL R - Devil in the flesh: a novel
55757: RADIUS M - Tent of God: a journey through the Old Testament
33466: RADLEY S - Place: church and mission (GP70)
55756: RADMACHER E D - You and your thoughts: the power of right thinking
80951: RADNER E - Chasing the shadow: the world and its times (An introduction to Christian natural theology volume two)
57626: RADNER E - Leviticus
28729: JONES D & RAE A L - Wee guide to Robert the Bruce (Pocket Scottish History)
48246: RAE M - Science and theology: questions at the interface
36465: RAE S - Rapid response: poems from the Guardian 1991-1996
33134: RAFTERY W - Liturgy in the parish
55755: RAGG L - Book of books
55754: RAGUIN Y - Celibacy for our times (Religious Experience Series Volume 7)
83299: O'RAHILLY A - Gospel meditations foreword by M C D'Arcy
16041: RAHNER K - Watch and pray with me
16038: RAHNER K - Theological Investigations Volume XX: Concern for the church
55748: RAHNER K - Meditations on priestly life
10319: RAHNER K - Theological Investigations Volume V: Later writings
55747: RAHNER K - Watch and pray with me
55749: RAHNER K - Happiness through Prayer
55750: RAHNER K - Everyday faith
55751: RAHNER K - Christian of the future
62431: RAHNER K - Inspiration in the Bible (Quaestiones Disputatae, 1)
16024: RAHNER K - Mary mother of the Lord
33853: RAHNER K - Mission and grace, Volume 1: essays in pastoral theology
16028: RAHNER K - Opportunities for Faith: elements of a modern spirituality
52740: RAHNER K - Theological Investigations Volume VII: further theology of the spiritual life I
54753: RAHNER K - Spiritual Exercises: (Prayer and practice)
70514: RAHNER K - Theological investigations Volume II: Man in the Church
16014: RAHNER K - Bishops: their status and function
16017: RAHNER K - Encounters with silence
32771: RAHNER K - On heresy (Quaestiones disputatae)
42172: RAHNER H - Ignatius: the theologian
34546: RAHNER K - Christian at the crossroads
50398: RAID J - Tartu [text in Estonian] together with 12 page pamphlet Tartu Tapty [intro to book & list of illustrations in English & Estonian
55768: RAIKES H - Remarks on clerical education
16046: RAILTRACK - Engineering Safety Management Volume 3 Guidance Issue 2.0 Also Colloquially known as Yellow Book 2 (YB2)
39826: RAINBOW B - Choral revival in the Anglican church 1839-1872
55773: RAINES R A - New life in the church
55771: RAINY R - Ancient Catholic Church: from the accession of Trajan to the Fourth General Council [AD 98 - 451] (International Theological Library)
47983: RAINY R - Epistle to the Philippians
28747: RAISANEN H - Marcion, Muhammad and the Mahatma: exegetical perspectives on the encounter of cultures and faiths (Edward Cadbury lectures 1995/6)
82776: RAISANEN H - Messianic secret in Mark
83604: RAISANEN H - Messianic secret in Mark's gospel (Studies of the New Testament and its World)
80592: RAISANEN H et al - Reading the Bible in the global village: Helsinki
55770: RAISER K - Ecumenism in transition: a paradigm shift in the ecumenical movement
37912: RAITT J - Eucharistic theology of Theodore Beza: development of the Reformed Doctrine (AAR Studies in religion No 4 1972)
28363: FIELD D & RAITT F E - Law of evidence in Scotland: (Greens concise Scots law)
38049: RAITT J - Christian Spirituality: Vol 2 High Middle Ages and Reformation (World Spirituality)
16050: RAJENDRA C - Songs for the Unsung: poems on unpoetic issues like war, want and refugees
53359: RAJU A - Way of St James: Spain
50421: RALEIGH T - Annals of the church in Scotland
50259: RALL H F - Religion as salvation
50261: RAMABAI P - Testimony of our inexhaustible treasure
50262: RAMACHANDRA V - Faiths in conflict? : Christian integrity in a multicultural world (London lectures in contemporary Christianity)
50263: RAMM T - Resurrection [poems by many contributors]
50243: RAMON A - Around the Holy City: Christian tourist routes between Jerusalem Bethlehem and Jericho
16060: RAMPERSAD H K - Integrated and Simultaneous Design for Robotic Assembly
55766: RAMSAY E B - Diversities of Christian character: illustrated in the lives of the four great apostles
16066: RAMSAY W M - St Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen
38189: RAMSAY W M - Cities of St Paul: their influence on his life and thought - the cities of Eastern Asia Minor (Dale Memorial Lectures in Mansfield College, Oxford 1907)
55769: RAMSBOTTOM V - Too many people (The World Today)
16113: RAMSEY I T - On Communicating Religion (Problems in Christian Education No.5)
32764: RAMSEY I T - Freedom and immortality: the Forwood Lectures in the University of Liverpool 1957
16112: RAMSEY I T - On being sure in religion
57215: RAMSEY I T - Miracles: an exercise in logical mapwork an inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on 7th December 1951
54752: RAMSEY P - Basic Christian ethics
55767: RAMSEY A M - Freedom faith and the future
16071: RAMSEY A M - Canterbury Pilgrim
16085: RAMSEY A M - Holy Spirit: a biblical study
16079: RAMSEY A M - F D Maurice and the conflicts of modern theology (Maurice lectures, 1948)
82076: RAMSEY A M - Christian priest today
22514: RAMSEY A M - Problems of Christian belief
48774: RAMSEY A M - Christianity and the supernatural: the Ethel M Wood lecture delivered before the University of London on 5 March 1963
16072: RAMSEY A M - Christ crucified for the World
58590: RAMSEY J B - Book of Revelation: an exposition of the first eleven chapters originally published under the title 'The Spiritual Kingdom' (The Geneva Series of Commentaries)
16110: RAMSEY I T - Freedom and immortality: the Forwood Lectures in the University of Liverpool 1957
16106: RAMSEY I T - Christian Discourse: some logical explorations (Riddell lectures 1963)
16124: RAMSEY V - Healing and the Vitamin Factor
16119: RAMSEY A M - Cross and this world
39837: RANDALL R H - Cloisters bestiary
25509: RANDELL K - Henry VIII and the Reformation in England (Access to History)
16129: RANDLE M - People power: the building of a new European home
55761: RANDOLPH B W - Virgin-birth of our Lord: a paper read (in substance) before the confraternity of the Holy Trinity at Cambridge
55762: RANDOLPH B W - Preparation for ordination: a paper read at Oxford March 3 1905
55763: RANDOLPH B W - Confession in the Church of England since the Reformation: a paper read at Cambridge Lent 1911
16134: RANDOLPH B W - Threshold of the Sanctuary: being short chapters on the inner preparation for the priesthood
41645: RANDOLPH W - Analytical notes on the first and three last of the Minor Prophets for the use of Hebrew students, with an appendix on Dan. IX 24-27
16131: RANDOLPH B W - Earthly life of our Lord
16133: RANDOLPH B W - Mind and work of Bishop King
43771: RANFT P - Woman's way: forgotten history of women spiritual directors
40065: RANKE L [FOSTER E] - History of the Popes: their church and state, and especially of their conflicts with Protestantism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries [3 Volume Set]
55778: RANKE L von - History of the Popes, their church and state in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries translated from the last edition of the German by Walter Keating Kelly
40232: RANSOM D J - Legal aspects of insurance
55777: RANSOME C - Advanced history of England: from earliest times to the present day
54113: RANSON S et al - Clergy ministers and priests
23543: RANSON S - Towards the learning society
55774: RANSTON H - Old Testament wisdom books and their teaching
33850: RANTISI A G - Blessed are the peacemakers: the story of a Palestinian Christian
55776: RANYARD L N [L N R] - Book and its story: a narrative for the young on the occasion of the Jubilee of the British and Foreign Bible Society
55925: DELARUE M & RAOUL J-C - Quatre saisons en Sologne
62858: FRANCIS RAPHAEL [WILBERFORCE] - Memoir of Mother Francis Raphael: with some of her spiritual notes and letters
57799: RAPHAEL D D - Adam Smith (Past Masters)
46794: MANGANEL E & RAPIN R - Lac Leman/Lake of Geneva (La Suisse vue par les peintres/Switzerland seen by painters
29992: RAPOPORT R & R N et al - Fathers, mothers and others: towards new alliances
39013: RAPPAPORT S - Fathers and children: collective and individual responsibility in Jewish thought
41036: RAPPOPORT A S - Russian history (Temple primers)
52223: RAPPOPORT A S - Psalms in life legend and literature
83325: RASCHKE C A - Critical theology: introducing an agenda for an age of global crisis
16146: RASHDALL H - Christus in Ecclesia: sermons on the church and its institutions
21682: RASHDALL H - God and man
16149: RASHDALL H - Idea of atonement in Christian theology: being the Bampton lectures for 1915
83621: RASHKOW I N - Phallacy of Genesis: a feminist-psychoanalytic approach (Literary Currents in Biblical Interpretation)
59217: RASMUSSEN D M - Symbol and interpretation
16152: RASMUSSEN L - Reinhold Niebuhr: theologian of public life (Making of Modern Theology)
55785: RASMUSSEN L - Reinhold Niebuhr: theologian of public life (Making of Modern Theology)
58162: RATABOUL L J - John Wesley: un anglican sans frontieres 1703 - 1791
53516: RATABOUL L-J - Anglicanisme (Que sais-je)
16154: RATAUL S S - Khalsa
16155: RATCLIFF E C - Booke of Common Prayer of the Churche of England its making and revisions 1549 - 1661 set forth in eighty illustrations with introduction and notes
83069: RATCLIFF E C - Coronation Service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II with a short historical introduction, explanatory notes and an appendix
48518: RATCLIFF E C - Booke of Common Prayer of the Churche of England: its making and revisions 1549 - 1661: set forth in eighty illustrations with introduction and notes
23737: RATCLIFFE D - Prisoners of limbo: a novel
48959: RATCLIFFE D - Bethlehem's babe: the Nativity in carol, scripture and verse for narrator, reader, choir and organ
36787: RATCLIFFE F W - Preservation policies and conservation in British libraries (library and information research report 25)
55783: RATTENBURY H M - Lively oracles: clues to reading the Bible
59215: RATTENBURY J E - Conversion of the Wesleys: a critical study
59216: RATTENBURY J E - Adoration of the Lamb: a series of studies for Lent and Holy Week
39512: RATTENBURY J E - Evangelical doctrines of Charles Wesley's hymns
16161: RATTENBURY J E - Seven windows of Calvary
16160: RATTENBURY J E - Sacrament of the Lord's Supper (Watchwords of Methodism Series 7)
55781: RATTEY B K - Growth and structure of the Gospels
23783: RATTEY B K - Short history of the Hebrews: from Moses to Herod the Great
16162: RATTEY B K - Making of the Synoptic Gospels
16163: RATTEY B K - Short history of the Hebrews: from Moses to Herod the Great
36687: RATTI F - Milan and the lakes (Eyewitness Travel Guides)
83835: RATTON J J L - Apocalypse of St. John: commentary on the Greek text
54241: RATZINGER J [BENEDICT XVI] - Church ecumenism and politics: new essays in ecclesiology
39940: RAUM E - Dietrich Bonhoeffer: called by God
70599: RAUSCHENBUSCH W - Theology for the social gospel
40181: RAVASI G - Qohelet
16175: RAVEN C E - Lessons of the Prince of Peace
40296: RAVEN C E - Palestine in pictures
55779: RAVEN C E - Christ and the modern opportunity: a series of five addresses delivered in Moyse Hall, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
59207: RAVEN C E - Wanderer's way
22121: RAVEN C E - Jesus and the gospel of love (Alexander Robertson lectures, Univ of Glasgow, 1931)
16180: RAVEN C E - Quest of religion
16182: RAVEN C E - Science, medicine and morals
37314: RAVEN C E - Christian Socialism 1848-1854
16172: RAVEN C E - Cross and the Crisis
16183: RAVEN C E - Science, religion and the future: course of eight lectures
16185: RAVEN C E - Theological basis of Christian Pacifism
16187: RAVEN C E - War and the Christian (RBC 4)
16189: RAVEN C F - Christ and the modern opportunity: five addresses delivered at McGill University
37807: RAVEN C E - Gospel and the church: a study of distortion and its remedy
16174: RAVEN C E - Good news of God: being eight letters dealing with present problems and based upon Romans I-VIII
82520: RAVENS D - Luke and the restoration of Israel (JSNTSS 119)
16190: RAVERA S - Due profili: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Primo Mazzolari
74652: ZACHARIAS Ravi - CRIES OF THE HEART: bringing God near when He feels so far
16193: RAWLINGS M - Before Death Comes
55788: RAWLINSON A E J - Historical Christianity
55789: RAWLINSON A E J - Church of South India: the Lichfield Cathedral divinity lectures 1950
21672: RAWLINSON A E J - Problems of Reunion
55790: RAWLINSON A E J - Church and the challenge of today: a primary visitation charge to the clergy of the Diocese of Derby
16196: RAWLINSON A E J - Authority and freedom (Bishop Paddock lectures 1923)
16204: RAWLINSON A E J - Problems of Reunion
55787: RAWLINSON G - Second Book of Moses called Exodus (Commentary for Schools)
16197: RAWLINSON A E J - Christ in the Gospels
16203: RAWLINSON A E J - New Testament Doctrine of the Christ (Bampton lectures 1926)
16205: RAWLINSON A E J - Study of Christian Doctrine
51588: RAWLINSON A E J - St Mark: with introduction commentary and additional notes
55786: RAWSON M W - Gospels according to St Matthew, St Mark, St Luke, St John: with the Old Testament references printed on parallel pages
55851: RAY J - Wisdom of God manifested in the works of the creation (in two parts)
55020: PHAN P C & RAY J S - Understanding religious pluralism: perspectives from religious studies and theology
35164: RAYMOND M - Mother of God's way
42768: RAYMOND V - Spiritual director and physician: spiritual treatment of sufferers from nerves and scruples
47215: RAYMOND E T - Disraeli: the alien patriot
55806: RAYMOND M - Now
83488: CHAPMAN Raymond - Leading intercessions [enlarged edition] prayers for Sundays, Holy Days and Festivals - Years A, B and C - and for Special Services
16214: RAYMOND E - In the steps of St Francis
53877: RAYNER R M - European history 1648 - 1789
3756: CHARIF R & RAZ S - Jerusalem the eternal bond: an unbroken link with the Jewish people
55807: REA L - Enthusiasts of Port-Royal
16224: READ D H C - Holy Common Sense: the Lord's Prayer for today
16225: READ D H C - I am persuaded (scholar as preacher)
30350: READ D H C - Christian faith
24231: READ C - Religion, revolution & the Russian Intelligentsia, 1900-1912 then Vekhi Debate & its intellectual background
53146: READ J - Catherine Booth: laying the theological foundations of a radical movement
55802: READ D H C - Sons of Anak: the Gospel and the modern giants
55804: READ D H C - Grace thus far
16222: READ D - Press and People 1790-1850: opinons in three English cities
16223: READ D H C - Christian ethics (Knowing Christianity)
32194: READ C - Revising weddings (GW128)
46653: READ C - Bibliography of British History: Tudor period 1485-1603
16230: READE W H V - Christian challenge to philosophy
16229: READE C - Cloister and the hearth
24958: READER J - Local theology: church and community in dialogue
16235: REAL - Real aid: a strategy for Britain, report of the Independent Group on British Aid
57290: REAR M - Facing the people
57291: REAR M - Reservation
57288: REAR M - Kneeling sitting and standing
57289: REAR M - Vestments
16237: REAR M - One Step More: between Rome and Canterbury
16236: REAR M - John Henry Newman
33994: REAR M - Ceremonial
30669: REARDON M - Christian initiation - a policy for the Church of England: a discussion paper (GS Misc 365)
54839: REARDON J P - Threads of creation: a resource book of words and pictures
16239: REARDON B M G - Liberal Protestantism
16241: REARDON B M G - Religious thought in the Reformation
16238: REARDON B M G - From Coleridge to Gore: century of religious thought in Britain
82415: REARDON B M G - Kant as philosophical theologian (Library of philosophy and religion)
59206: REASON W - Social problem for Christian citizens
16244: REASON J - Deep-sea Doctor (Eagle Books 40)
39517: REBERA R - We cannot dream alone: a story of women in development
55813: RECKER C - All the days of Lent
58325: RECKITT M B - Religion in social action
59203: RECKITT M B - Militant here in earth: considerations on the prophetic function of the Church in the twentieth century
33993: RECKITT M B - Christian in politics
55812: RECKITT M B - Social teaching of the sacraments: being the report of the second Anglo-Catholic summer school of sociology held at Keble College Oxford July 1926
22617: RECKITT M B - P.E.T. Widdrington: a study in vocation and versatility
9648: HUDSON C E & RECKITT M B - Church and the World: being materials for the historical study of Christian Sociology Volume I, Volume II The foundations of the modern world, Volume III Church and society in England from 1800
55811: REDDING G - Prayer and the priesthood of Christ in the reformed tradition
83622: REDDITT P L - Daniel (New Century Bible Commentary based on the New Revised Standard Version)
25120: REDDY M - Manager's guide to counselling at work
28479: KHALEMA-REDEBY L et al - Planning and management in the African power sector
22786: REDFERN A - Ministry and priesthood (Exploring faith: Theology for life)
82330: REDFERN A - Being Anglican (Exploring faith: theology for life)
36819: REED H & REDHEAD J - Riding and stable management (Stage one): a complete guide to the BHS Stage One examination
16253: REDINGTON M - About religion: an anthology [from ATV's weekly programme]
51241: REDLICH E B - Introduction to Old Testament study for teachers and students
22971: REDMAYNE A - Divided heart
55835: REDPATH H A - Book of the prophet Ezekiel
55827: REDWOOD H - Practical prayer
55828: REDWOOD H - Lay sermons and parables
55832: REDWOOD H - Bristol fashion
55833: REDWOOD H - Bristol fashion
52738: REDWOOD J - Reason ridicule and religion: the age of enlightenment in England 1660 - 1750
59201: REED E D - Genesis of ethics: on the authority of God as the origin of Christian ethics
55826: REED B H - For teenagers only
55824: REED C - Development matters: Christian perspectives on globalization
16259: REED A - Challenge of second marriage
32464: REED B - Christian counselling: a guide to training and study (Things we face together No 5)
55817: REEDY W J - Story of salvation :Teacher's annotated edition (Life and light series)
33567: REES M - Celebrating the millennium in the local church (GEv39)
43609: REES D - Pointers to eternity
54750: REES C - Voices of this calling: experiences of the first generation of women priests
37198: REES H - Rules of printed English
55847: REES P S - Radiant cross
55844: REES T - Church marches in
55846: REES P - Pictures that probe the present
55848: REES J A - God wondered
49034: REES D et al - Consider your call: a theology of monastic life today
16265: REES A H - Faith in England (Signposts)
16275: REEVE P - Every Good Gift: a History of S.James' Vancouver 1881-1981
26107: MICHALOVE S D & REEVES A C - Estrangement enterprise and education in fifteenth-century England
64939: REEVES J - St. Matthew Passion: a text for voices
43563: REEVES M - Unquenchable flame: introducing the reformation
41015: LISTON D & REEVES N - Business studies, languages and overseas trade: a study of activities in education and training
48038: REEVES D - Poems by Dudley Reeves
43677: REEVES E - Jesus and me: every day: book 3
47330: REEVES W - Legends of Moonie Jarl; retold by Moonie Jarl (Wilf Reeves), illustrated by Wandi (Olga Miller)
16280: REEVES M - Growing up in a modern society (Educational issues of to-day)
16277: REEVES D - For God's sake
16285: REFFOLD A E - Audacity to Live: a résumé of the Life and Work of Wilson Carlile
22731: REFLECTING - Reflecting the word: exploration of the Sunday themes of the ASB lectionary
56191: REFLECTIONS - Reflections: Benedictine Centre for Spirituality 1995 - 1998
7681: ANGLICAN-REFORMED - God's reign and our unity: the report of the Anglican-Reformed International Commission 1981-1984
56721: LAURET B & REFOULE F - Initiation a la pratique de la theologie: tome III Dogmatique II
16286: REGAMEY P - Non-violence & the Christian conscience
24353: LINZEY A & REGAN T - Animals and Christianity: a book of readings
55843: REGAN G M - New trends in moral theology
24208: REGENSTEIN L G - Replenish the earth: a history of organized religion's treatment of animals & nature...
16288: REGNARD J-F - Oeuvres volume 4
57129: REHM W - Geschichte des deutschen Romans. Bd. II: Vom Naturalismus bis zur Gegenwart
25107: REHM R - People in charge: creating self managing workplaces
37099: REICH E - Foundations of modern Europe: twelve lectures delivered in the University of London
57131: KOCHANOWSKA-REICHE M - Galerie der mittelalterlichen kunst
55923: REICHEL E - Meditations chretiennes: Montmirail et Peseux 1868 - 1878
36451: REICHENBACK D - La visite memorable: [Le Pape Jean-Paul II: Une vie d'homme d'action]
40147: REICKE B - Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte
16294: REICKE B - Epistles of James Peter & Jude: translated with an introduction and notes by B Reicke (AB)
50186: REID C H - Why I belong
50188: REID M S B - Strategic level spiritual warfare: a modern mythology?: a detailed evaluation of the biblical, theological and historical bases of spiritual warfare in contemporary thought
50185: REID C - Discover Israel
65170: HAMILTON M & REID H - Hospice handbook: new way to care for the dying
54749: REID I - Meditations from the Iona Community
54817: REID A - Postcard from Palestine
21860: REID G - Gagging of God: the failure of the Church to communicate...
50414: REID H - Outside verdict: an old kirk in a new Scotland
57344: REID T - Inquiry into the human mind on the principles of common sense
16298: REID G - Hope for the Church of England?
83013: MAYNARD-REID P U - Poverty and wealth in James
40529: CROWLEY J & REID A - Poor law in Norfolk 1700-1850
71877: SIMONS J & REIDY J - Risk of loving
55838: REIMANN B - Ankunft im alltag roman
83498: REIMARUS H S [Talbert] - Fragments ed by Charles H Talbert (Lives of Jesus)
30229: KATES J A & REIMER G T - Reading Ruth: contemporary women reclaim a sacred story
83179: REIMER D J - Political prophets? political exegesis and prophetic theology (offprint of pages 126-142 from 'Intertextuality in Ugarit and Israel' papers read at Oxford 1997
43460: REIMER K S - Living l'Arche: stories of compassion, love and disability
41226: REINARD R D - More sermons from the mystery box: object lessons for children
53145: REINHART D L - Prayer as memory: toward the comparative study of prayer as apocalyptic language and thought
80024: REIS P T - Reading the lines: a fresh look at the Hebrew Bible
50198: REISER W E - Into the needle's eye: becoming poor and hopeful under the care of a gracious God
50189: REISER W - Potter's touch: God calls us to life
16320: REISER W E - What are they saying about dogma?
16322: REITH M - God in Our Midst: prayers & devotions chiefly from Northern Scotland
44360: REITHMAYR X - Patrum Apostolicorum: S Clementis Rom, S Barnabae, S Ignatii and S Polycarpi: Epistolae accedunt S Ignatii & S Polycarpi Martyria [Greek and Latin on opposite pages]
16323: REJOICE - Rejoice in the Lord alway: by Henry G Ley
51565: PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION - International journal for philosophy of religion (Volume VI No 4 Winter 1975): Barnette (Anselm and the fool), Marsh (Freedom receptivity and God), Spade (What is proof for the existence of God), Wainwright (Christian theism and the free will defence) La Croix (Swinburne on omnipotence)
40868: CONFERENCE ON THE RELIGIOUS - Notes: a Quarterly Review for Religious 4 Issues (April, Dec 1965, Sept, Dec 1966)
33992: RELTON H M - Messages from a troubled church to a world in trouble (Scholar in the pulpit)
54096: REMBRANDT - Old Testament
64867: GROS J & REMPEL J D - Fragmentation of the church and its unity in peacemaking
50413: RENA S - All things give God glory: a catholic anthology
16332: RENAISSANCE - Renaissance and modern studies: reprinted from Volume VIII 1964
16333: RENAISSANCE - Renasissance painting in manuscripts: treasures from the British Library
83287: OSIANDER J E & RENAN E - Apologie des Lebens Jesu gegen den neuesten Versuch, es in mythen aufzulosen BOUND WITH Les Apotres [Apologie printed in German Gothic text/Apotres in modern French text
37944: RENAN E - Lectures on the influence of the institutions, thought and culture of Rome, on Christianity and the development of the Catholic Church (Hibbert Lectures 1880)
50174: RENAUDON P - St Vincent de Paul
50175: RENDALL R - Greatness and glory of Christ: as set forth in certain key passages of the New Testament with some additional papers on the good life
81064: GREENSPAHN F E & RENDSBURG G A - Le-ma'an Ziony: essays in honor of Ziony Zevit
83619: RENDSBURG G A - Linguistic evidence for the northern origin of selected Psalms (SBL Monograph Series Number 43)
81459: RENDSBURG G et al [GORDON C H] - Bible World: essays in honor of Cyrus H Gordon
27760: RENDTORFF R - Old Testament: an introduction
58242: RENDTORFF R - Das uberlieferungsgeschichtliche Problem des Pentateuch
83618: RENDTORFF R - Covenant formula: an exegetical and theological investigation
18056: SONGS OF RENEWAL - Songs of renewal 1: (Music Edition)
40139: RENGSTORF K H - Charis Kai Sophia
50177: RENGSTORF K H - Apostleship (Bible Key Words)
2918: BULTMANN R & RENGSTORF K H - Hope (BKW 12)
37946: RENGSTORF K H - Evangelium nach Lukas: (Neue Testament Deutsch 3)
55858: RENOUF P Le P - Condemnation of Pope Honorius
16341: RENOWDEN R - New patterns of ministry
19803: VAN RENSBURG P - Guilty land
25061: REPORTS - Reports on progress in physics: a journal recognized by the European Physical Society edited by L J Challis, Volume 61 Part 1 1998
25060: REPORTS - Reports on progress in physics: a journal recognized by the European Physical Society edited by L J Challis, Volume 60 part 4 1997 pp1025-1788
26059: REPS P - Zen Flesh, Zen Bones: a collection of Zen and pre-Zen writings
57465: TYNDALE FELLOWSHIP FOR BIBLICAL RESEARCH - A goodly heritage: the Puritan Conference 1958 [J I Packer, P Cook et al]
57383: INSTITUTE FOR ECUMENICAL RESEARCH - Crisis and challenge of the ecumenical movement: integrity and indivisibility
55825: RESSEGUIE J L - Strange Gospel: narrative design and point of view in John
70769: RETREATS - RETREATS - OUR COMMON CONCERN: Ecumenical Retreat Conductors' Conference 1969 Hulme Hall Manchester University
50179: REUMANN J - Jesus in the Church's Gospel: modern scholarship and the earliest sources
30390: REUMANN J - Variety and unity in New Testament thought
39368: REUMANN J - Church emerging: a US Lutheran case study (Contributors: James A Bergquist, Philip Hefner, Donald G Luck, Lee E Snook)
80349: REUSS J - First Epistle to Timothy; the Second Epistle to Timothy
37947: REUSS E - History of Christian theology in the Apostolic Age, Volume One ONLY
83620: REVELL E J - VIII International Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies Chicago 1988 (SBL Masoretic Studies Number 6)
12343: REVENTLOW H G - Amt des Propheten bei Amos: [Forschungen zur religion und literatur des alten und neuen testamentes]
16353: REVENTLOW H G - Problems of biblical theology in the twentieth century
30697: INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF - MISSION San Antonio Conference Volume LXXVIII Nos 311/312 July/October 1989
4348: CHURCH QUARTERLY REVIEW - Articles on liturgical subjects selected from issues between 1880-1922 (by FG Lee AW Hutton et al)
83182: WORD AND SPIRIT: A MONASTIC REVIEW - Monastic Profession (18)
52394: CHURCH QUARTERLY REVIEW - Liturgical papers 1880-1922: Lee - C of E and prayers for the departed: Aleardo Aleardi: Liturgy and ritual of the Celtic Church: C C Rolfe Ancient use of liturgical colours: English liturgical colours: Sign of the cross in Christian ceremonial:... Primitive form of consecration of the Holy Eucharist: W C Bishop - Special forms of prayer: Early Persian liturgy: Early Roman liturgy
16356: REVIEW - Review of African Political Economy ROAPE No.74 1997
16358: REVIEWS - Reviews in Religion and Theology: (quarterley journal) 1995/1
49716: CRUSADE FOR WORLD REVIVAL - Building a people of power: prayer diary
58161: REVUE - Revue de l'histoire de Versailles et des Yvelines (Tome 86 2002)
16359: REX J - Key problems of sociological theory (ILS&SR)
80221: BRATCHER R & REYBURN W D - Handbook on Psalms (Helps for translators)
50181: REYNALDS D - Holy stillness
50363: REYNOLDS J S - Providence Chapel Chichester (Chichester papers no 19)
50170: REYNOLDS R - John Woolman and the 20th century (Pendle Hill Pamphlet No 96)
54112: REYNOLDS A - English sects: an historical handbook
37936: REYNOLDS B - Handbook to the Book of Common Prayer for the use of teachers and students
37937: REYNOLDS E E - Introduction to heraldry
58158: REYNOLDS R - Cleanliness and godliness or further metamorphosis
23164: REYNOLDS V - Practical guide to child development: Volume 1 The child
50183: REYNOLDS B - Project sainthood your business: God's reason for creating the universe
47768: RHEINBERGER J - Monolgues (Opus 162, Nos 1 - 12)
24246: RHINELANDER P M - Faith of the cross (Bishop Paddock lectures, New York 1914)
50169: RHODE E - Generations of Adam
38848: RHODES D - Lenten adventure: daily reflections from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day
37713: MACQUIBAN T & RHODES D - Human sexuality and the churches (Sarum Consultation)
50168: RHODES M G - Little book of saints
23396: RHODES J P - Wicca unveiled: complete rituals of modern witchcraft
39728: RHODES W S - Christian God
44598: RHYMER J - Illustrated life of Jesus
33085: LASH N & RHYMER J - Christian priesthood (9th Downside symposium)
16372: RHYMES D - Time past to time future: the church - my past experience and future hopes
36485: RHYN M van - Treasures of the dust: the New Testament in the light of recent excavations
82848: RHYNE C T - Faith establishes the law (SBL Dissertation Series number 55)
25335: PASCAL C & RIBBINS P - Understanding primary headteachers (Management and Leadership in Education)
25236: RIBBINS P - Leaders and leadership in the school, college and university (Management and Leadership in Education)
27923: PASCAL C & RIBBINS P - Understanding primary headteachers: conversations on characters, careers and characteristics
51125: RICCARDI A - Living together
40412: RICCIOTTI G - Histoire d'Israel: Tome 1: des origines a l'exil
16382: RICE M & V - When can I say I love you?
16383: RICE M A - Story of St Marys Abbots Bromley
27096: RICE H A L - Prayer book heritage: an introduction to the history and development of Anglican worship
58459: RICE D - New Testament: a pictorial archive fron nineteenth-century sources (311 Copyright-Free Illustrations)
22606: RICE H S - Book of blessings
81032: RICE P H - Behold, your house is left to you: the theological and narrative place of the Jerusalem temple in Luke's Gospel
16379: RICE H A L - Bridge Builders: biographical studies in the History of Anglicanism
39936: RICE T T - Icons: art and devotion
26402: RICE L O - VMS systems management (BCS Practitioner Series)
56798: UFFICIO DIOCESANO DI DOCUMENTAZIONE E DI RICERCA - Chiesa Fiorentina: storia, arte, vita pastorale
16387: RICH E C - Spiritual authority in the Church of England: an enquiry
16386: RICH A - Of woman born: motherhood as experience and institution
16388: RICHARD E - Acts 6:1 - 8:4: the author's method of composition (SBL DS41)
58621: RICHARD J W - Philip Melanchthon: the protestant preceptor of Germany 1497-1560
22028: BAXTER Richard - Poetical fragments
50163: RICHARD R L - Secularization theology
68926: MORGAN Richard L - WITH FACES TO THE EVENING SUN: faith stories from the nursing home
16399: RICHARDS J - Question of healing services (Daybreak)
16390: RICHARDS A - God-alive (inherited Christian ideas rethought in cartoon form)
50160: RICHARDS M - Church of Christ
43772: RICHARDS S P & RICHARDS L O - Women of the Bible: life and times of every woman in the Bible arranged A to Z for easy study... topic and scripture indexes...
33001: RICHARDS A - Transparencies: pictures of mission through prayer and reflection - an accompaniment to Presence and Prophecy, by Mission Theological Advisory Group (GS Misc 690)
55854: RICHARDS H J - Worship anthology on the creed
27571: RICHARDS A J - Birdwatcher's A-Z
48560: RICHARDS J M - Castles on the ground (illustrated by John Piper)
29295: RICHARDS C - Under my feet: the prayers of a busy mother
28115: RICHARDS B et al - Current perspectives in healthcare computing - Part 1: Conference Harrogate 17-19 March 1997
22935: RICHARDS J - Films & British national identity: from Dickens to Dad's Army
24229: RICHARDS T - Puritan Movement in Wales, 1639-1653
50158: RICHARDS L O - Christian education: seeking to become like Jesus Christ
38227: RICHARDS H J - Anthology for the church year: 500 readings and prayers for worship and reflection
16392: RICHARDS G A - Teaching of Christian Doctrine: a scheme for Secondary Schools and Training Colleges
16391: RICHARDS B - Current Perspectives in Healthcare Computing Conference Harrogate 17-19 March 1997 Part II Keynote addresses and satellite sessions
61691: RICHARDS M - Church 2001
50161: RICHARDS R - Moment with God for single parents: prayers for every single parent
35205: RICHARDS H - What the Spirit says to the churches: a key to the Apocalypse of John
38490: RICHARDS M P M - Integration of a child into a social world
39271: RICHARDS R - Patchwork of a life
3914: ANDERS-RICHARDS D - Drama of the Psalms
39189: RICHARDS J R - Jesus - Son of God and Son of Man: a Marcan study (Pantyfedwen Trust Lectures)
49186: RICHARDSON S Y - Sing all 4: an aid to choosing fromHymns & Psalms following the readings set in the 4 year lectionary of the Methodist Church
16438: RICHARDSON R D - Theology for a new world
16411: RICHARDSON A - Genesis 1-11 (TBC)
82641: RICHARDSON N - Paul's language about God (JSNTSS 99)
16423: RICHARDSON A - Science and Existence: two ways of knowing (Technics and Purpose)
31171: RICHARDSON C C - Early Christian fathers newly translated and edited (Library of Christian Classics Volume 1)
54748: RICHARDSON P T - Four spiritualities: expressions of self, expressions of spirit: a psychology of contemporary spiritual choice
24076: RICHARDSON N - Was Jesus divine?
27647: RICHARDSON J - Harvey's exhortation: (The Harveian Oration of 1978)
16414: RICHARDSON A - Gospel According to St John: introduction and commentary (Torch Bible Commentary)
16407: RICHARDSON A - Christian Belief and Modern Philosophy: being the fourth Vaughan Memorial lecture
16410: RICHARDSON A - Four anchors from the stern: Nottingham reactions to recent Cambridge essays
35580: RICHARDSON A - Creeds in the making: short introduction to the history of Christian doctrine
16433: RICHARDSON H W - Theology for a new world
16435: RICHARDSON M K - Family liturgy book
37473: RICHARDSON R D - Gospel of modernism; new edition with appendices [half title page signed by authot]
82033: RICHARDSON A - Genesis 1-11 (TBC)
82627: RICHARDSON P - Anti-Judaism in early Christianity: Volume 1 Paul and the Gospels (Studies in Christianity and Judaism Number 2)
46543: RICHARDSON P - My Jesus book
83447: RICHE P - Sur les pas de Saint Philibert [38 photographs d'Andre Renaudin]
55900: RICHES J, TELFORD W R & TUCKETT C M - Synoptic Gospels with an introduction by Scot McKnight
16439: RICHES - Riches of prayer by the author of The Splendour of God with a preface by Canon Joyce
16441: RICHMOND A H - Colour problem: study of racial relations
16445: RICHMOND J - Ritschl: a reappraisal - a study in systematic theology
16446: RICHMOND J - Theology & metaphysics (LPT)
38603: RICHMOND W - Philosophy and the Christian experience being the Pringle Stewart Lectures for 1921-1922
16447: RICHMOND K D - Preaching to sufferers: God and the problem of pain
16448: RICHTER K - Meaning of sacramental symbols: answers to today's questions
30992: RICHTER P - God's here and now: social contexts of the ministry of the people of God
35774: PORTER S E & RICHTER P J - Toronto blessing - or is it?
1563: BELLIVEAU F & RICHTER L - Understanding Human Sexual Inadequacy
40137: RICHTER W - Die bearbeitungen des ""Retterbuches"" in der Deuteronomischen Epoche: (Bonner Biblische Beitrage)
50925: FRANCIS L J & RICHTER P - Gone for good? Church-leaving and returning in the 21st Century
16449: RICKABY J - Aquinas Ethicus in 2 vols : or the moral teaching of St Thomas Aquinas a trans of the principal portions of the second part of the Summa Theologica
50153: RICKEN F - Philosophy of the ancients
57548: DE KLERK P & DE RIDDER R R - Perspectives on the Christian Reformed Church: studies in its history, theology and ecumenicity presented in honor of John Henry Kromminga at his retirement as President of Calvin Theological Seminary
16458: RIDDERBOS H - Paul: an outline of his theology
83595: RIDDERBOS J - Isaiah (Bible Student's Commentary)
39217: RIDDERBOS H N - Epistle of Paul to the Churches of Galatia: the English text with introduction, exposition and notes (NICNT)
83483: RIDDLE J E - History of the Papacy to the period of the Reformation in two volumes [heavy set please ask for postage quotation]
80067: RIDEMAN P - Account of our religion, doctrine and faith given by Peter Rideman of the Brothers whom men call Hutterians [Spine and wrapper title is 'Confession of faith']
22597: RIDLEY J G - Thomas Cranmer
41673: RIDOUT A - The organist's collection 9: for manuals and pedals: book nine: music from across the centuries
41678: RIDOUT A - The organist's collection 14: for manuals and pedals: book fourteen: music from across the centuries
57254: RIDOUT A - Pilgrim carol (SATB); song of the Shaker sect arranged by Alan Ridout
57256: RIDOUT A - Sleep holy child (SATB): traditional English melody arranged by Alan Ridout
41672: RIDOUT A - The organist's collection 8: for manuals and pedals: book eight: music from across the centuries
41670: RIDOUT A - The organist's collection 6: for manuals and pedals: book six: music from across the centuries
41679: RIDOUT A - The organist's collection 15: for manuals and pedals: book fifteen: music from across the centuries
41669: RIDOUT A - The organist's collection 5: for manuals and pedals: book five: music from across the centuries
50150: RIEHM E - Messianic prophecy: its origin, historical growth and relation to New Testament fulfilment
16469: RIENSTRA M V - Swallow's nest: feminine reading of the Psalms
57036: RIENTSMA M C - Studies in John presented to Professor Dr J N Sevenster on the occasion of his seventieth birthday
40451: RIEPL C - Sind David und Saul berechenbar?: von der sprachlichen analyse zur literarischen struktur von 1 Sam 21 und 22
47268: STUHLER W & RIEPLE M - Lindau Bodensee
83596: RIESEN R A - Criticism and faith in late Victorian Scotland
39413: RIESENFELD H - Gospel Tradition
56301: RIESENFELD H - Gospel tradition and its beginnings: a study in the limits of 'formgeschichte': address delivered at the Congress on 'The Four Gospels in 1957'
39393: RIESENFELD H - Svensk Exegetisk Arsbok: Pa uppdrag av Uppsala Exegetiska Sallskap utgiven av Harald Riesenfeld [XXXV]
25869: CAPINERI C & RIETVELD P - Networks in transport and communications: a policy approach
37901: RIGBY C - Lift up your hearts: a parish priest speaks with his people. Further selected sermons
16472: RIGBY F F - Can we imitate Jesus Christ?
59200: RIGG J H - Living Wesley
38624: RIGG J H - Oxford High Anglicanism and its chief leaders
59199: RIGG J H - Modern Anglican theology: chapters on Coleridge, Hare, Maurice, Kingsley and Jowett and on the doctrine of sacrifice and atonement
16476: RIGG W H - Fourth Gospel and its message for to-day
16478: RIGGANS W - Numbers (DSB)
16479: RIGHTMYER N W - Maryland's Established Church
56297: RIGHTON P - Counselling homosexuals: a study of personal needs and public attitudes
55442: RIGNEY J - Weariness: the retreat journal
50141: RILEY W - Men and morals: the story of ethics
58376: WEBB J QUAIL S HASKELL P & RILEY R - Spirit of Portsmouth: a history
36745: RILEY A - Guide to the divine liturgy in the East being a manual for the use of English churchmen attending the celebration of the eucharist according to the rites of the Holy Orthodox Eastern Church
52057: RILEY W - Men of Mawm
22388: RILEY A - Prayer book revision: the 'Irreducible Minimum' of the Hickleton Conference showing the proposed re-arrangement of the Order for Holy Communion...appendix containing the Canons or Anaphorae of other rites (ACT IX)
50143: RILEY G J - One Jesus many Christs: how Jesus inspired not one true Christianity but many
83432: RILEY I W - Founder of Mormonism: a psyhological study of Joseph Smith Jr
16481: RILEY W - Bible Group: an owners manual drawings by Theo Payne
56647: RILKE R M - Selected poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke
28572: RIMA I H - Development of economic analysis
32568: RINALDI S - Trend: a pattern of life
24442: TIFFANY F C & RINGE S H - Biblical interpretation: a roadmap
83597: RINGGREN H - Prophetetical conception of holiness
30007: RINGGREN H - Word and wisdom studies in the hypostatization of divine qualities and functions in the Ancient Near East
16484: RINGGREN H - Israelite religion
50962: RINPOCHE L N et al - Assisi declarations: messages on man and nature from Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism
54767: O RIORDAIN J J - Music of what happens: Celtic spirituality a view from inside
50135: RIPLEY J - I found the answer but what was the question
50137: RIPLEY F J - Priest for ever
16489: RIPLEY F J - Christian Unity
57687: VRIJDAGHS P & RIPMAN W - Short stories by modern German authors (Dents Treasuries of German Literature)
40192: RIPOLL L - Collection de bois graves majorquins
22611: RIPPIN B - Christian juggler
55507: RIPPLE P - Growing strong at broken places
50132: RIPPLE P - Walking with loneliness (Linford Inspirational Library large print edition)
43591: RISDON B - Maze of deception: an autobiography of a journey
82358: RISO D R - Understanding the Enneagram: the practical guide to personality types
57157: RIST J M - Augustine: ancient thought baptized
72128: SNOWDEN Rita F - WHEN MY VISITORS GO: a book for one sick in hospital or at home
72119: SNOWDEN Rita - CHRISTMAS - AND ALWAYS: celebrating through the year
72152: SNOWDEN Rita F - SUN IS HIGH: an autobiography
72138: SNOWDEN Rita F - BELLS FROM MANY A STEEPLE: a book for the dawning and the closing of the day
50128: RITCHIE A - Spiritual studies in St Luke's Gospel (Volumes 1 and 2)
83433: RITCHIE D - Stroke: a diary of recovery
38702: RITSCHL A - Theology of Albrecht Ritschl, together with instruction, translated by A M Swing
56299: RITTER G - Luther: his life and work
22747: RITTNER C - Holocaust and the Christian world: reflections on the past, challenges for the future
20850: RITTNER C - Elie Wiesel: between memory and hope
37365: RIVIERE L La - Creative and Christian: biblical principles
319: ANCREN RIWLE - Nun's Rule: modernised by James Morton
16500: ROAD - Road to Damascus: kairos and conversion
57888: BREED W J & ROAT E C - Geology of the Grand Canyon
16502: ROBB I G - Century of Lowestoft
82702: ROBB A - Boring Bible: instant lesson material - New Testament Heroes
16504: ROBBINS W L - Christian apologetic (HC)
46596: ROBBINS K - First World War
56426: FRANCIS L J & ROBBINS M - Rural life and the rural church: theological and empirical perspectives
56316: MACK B L & ROBBINS V K - Patterns of persuasion in the gospels
55648: ROBBINS K - England Ireland Scotland Wales: the Christian Church 1900 - 2000 (Oxford History of the Christian Church)
34019: ROBBINS N E - Not forgetting to sing
16505: ROBECK N de - Christmas Crib
25917: ROBERSON B A - International society and the development of international relations theory
51108: SOUTH Robert - Posthumous works of the late Reverend Robert South containing sermons on several subjects [companion volume to Several 6 volumes]
53874: ROBERT - Robert de poche: langue francaise et noms propres
61042: BIRD Robert - PAUL OF TARSUS
60451: BACKHOUSE Robert - CHRISTIAN MARTYRS: a handbook of believers who have dared to die for God
51107: SOUTH Robert - Twelve sermons and discourses on several subjects and occasions - 6 volumes (xiv/500,xx/480,xxii/476,x/542,xvi/564,x/511) printed from his original manuscripts
65980: HUDSON Robert R - COMPANIONS FOR THE SOUL: a year long journey of miracles, prayers, and epiphanies. 366 classic Christian readings
74648: YOUNGSON Robert - COPING SUCCESSFULLY WITH HAY FEVER (Overcoming common problems)
38890: ROBERTS B J - Old Testament text and versions: the Hebrew text in transmission and the history of the ancient versions
32776: ROBERTS R H - Religion, theology and the human sciences
81682: ROBERTS B C - Delors versus 1992? a review of the cost of social harmonisation in the European Community
16515: ROBERTS L G A - Druidism in Britain: a preparation for the Gospel
31660: COCKSWORTH C & ROBERTS P - Renewing daily prayer: an introduction to Clebrating Common Prayer (GW123)
43742: ROBERTS J - Walter Benjamin: theoretical traditions in the social sciences (Contemporary Social Theory)
38943: ROBERTS J D - Philosophical introduction to theology
58097: ROBERTS E - In and around Alresford in old photographs
58763: ROBERTS E - Wall paintings of St Albans Abbey
26121: ROBERTS J - Multinational business service firms: development of multinational organisational structures in the UK business services sector
70942: ROBERTS O - Baptism with the Holy Spirit: and the value of speaking in tongues today
53144: ROBERTS K - Emerging prophet: Kierkegaard and the postmodern people of God
56716: ROBERTS J R - Critical anthology of English recusant devotional prose 1558 - 1603
16513: ROBERTS J - Beverly Hills International Party Planner: the international directory for party services
28027: SUTHERLAND S R & ROBERTS T A - Religion, reason and the self: essays in honour of Hywel D Lewis
83431: ROBERTS G B - Papal question (St Paul's Handbooks)
16507: ROBERTS - New life in spirit: a study outline (Foundary Pamplets No 16)
16522: ROBERTS T A - History and Christian apolgetic
70945: ROBERTS T D - Diary of Bathsheeba
51000: ROBERTS D - Mountain of my fear
48567: ROBERTS M - Behaviour of nations: an essay in the conduct of national organisms in the nutritional field
36294: ROBERTS H E - Notes on the medieval monasteries and minsters of England and Wales
59197: ROBERTS C A - These Christian commando campaigns: an interpretation
16523: ROBERTSON A - Contrasts: the arts and religion
58107: ROBERTSON O P - Books of Nahum Habakkuk and Zephaniah (NICOT)
30425: ROBERTSON J - Mary of Nazareth
27034: ROBERTSON B A - International society and the development of international relations theory
25409: VINCE M & ROBERTSON R - Winner: Workbook C
22519: ROBERTSON E - Text of the Old Testament and the methods of textual criticism (Lectio No. 1)
16533: ROBERTSON E - Pentateuchal Studies: rpt from the Bulletin of John Rylands Library
16535: ROBERTSON E H - Man's estimate of man
16536: ROBERTSON E H - Paul Schneider: pastor of Buchenwald (a free translation of the story told by his widow, with many quotations from his diary and letters)
55452: ROBERTSON J G - Literature of Germany 950 - 1913 (Home University Library)
80066: ROBERTSON F W - Sermons Preached at Brighton: fourth series
34958: ROBERTSON J - Windows to eternity [a personal exploration of Russian Orthodoxy]
16546: ROBERTSON J A - Concerning the Soul
32781: ROBERTSON F W - Sermons preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton (First, second and fifth series only in matching bindings [spine title says fourth series on fifth series] - quality reprints)
16540: ROBERTSON F W - Life and Letters of Frederick W Robertson M.A. vol II only: incumbent of Trinity Chapel, Brighton 1847-1853 edition by Stopford A Brooke
16538: ROBERTSON E H - Take and Read: a guide to group Bible study
16531: ROBERTSON E - Biblical bases of healing
16532: ROBERTSON E - Chiara (Lubich)
16527: ROBERTSON A et al - Authority in Matters of Faith (Church Historical Society lectures Series II)
22432: ROBERTSON C - Singing the faith: essays by members of the Joint Liturgical Group on the use of hymns in liturgy
82955: ROBERTSON J - Be our voice: the story of Michael Bourdeaux and Keston College
82957: ROBERTSON E A S - He is become my song: Carmen Jesu Nazareni
46541: ROBERTSON F W - Life and Letters of Frederick W Robertson M.A.: incumbent of Trinity Chapel, Brighton 1847-1853 edition by Stopford A Brooke
83465: ROBERTSON J A - Spiritual pilgrimage of Jesus (Bruce lectures 1917)
47147: ROBERTSON J - Scottish Enlightenment and Militia issue
25410: VINCE M & ROBERTSON R - Winner: Workbook B
83485: ROBERTSON E - Old Testament problem: a re-investigation together with two other essays
82942: ROBERTSON W - Key to the Hebrew Bible by which most of the words in all the Historical Books, together with many (if not all) of the most used words, thorow all the Prophecies, are unlocked and opened in an Alphabetical Praxis, Upon the Psalms of David and Jeremiah's Lamentations
83312: ROBERTSON F W - Sermons Preached at Brighton (5 volumes) : first, second, third, fourth and fifth series [UK postage £6. For overseas please ask for a quotation]
35253: ROBERTSON E - Bonhoeffer's heritage
31111: ROBINS M - Desert flowers: a journey into the feminine in women, men and God
16551: ROBINS H C - Guide to spiritual healing: practical advice and information with some spiritual guidance on the church's ministry of healing (Forms for the laying on of hands and the anointing of the sick/The administration of holy unction and the laying-on of hands)
38831: ROBINSON J A - Somerset historical essays
16631: ROBINSON J - Soccer: the European Championships 1958-1996
16634: ROBINSON P S - Layman's guide to the Old Testament
16645: ROBINSON T H - Poetry of the Old Testament
16552: ROBINSON A W - Christianity of the Epistles
16593: ROBINSON J A T - Body: a study in Pauline theology (Studies in Biblical Theology 5)
32915: LEALMAN B & ROBINSON E - Image of life (Exploration into experience)
16638: ROBINSON T H - Epistle to the Hebrews (Moffatt New Testament Library)
71760: ROBINSON M - World apart: creating a church for the unchurched: learning from Willow Creek
83607: ROBINSON T A et al - Early Church: an annotated bibliography of literature in English
16636: ROBINSON T H - Book of Amos: translated into colloquial English (Books of the Old Testament in colloquial speech)
47071: ROBINSON H W - Christian experience of the Holy Spirit
44191: ROBINSON J - First book of Kings (Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible)
24977: ROBINSON J A T - Priority of John
28364: ROBINSON C - Voting behaviour and electoral systems (Access to politics)
43653: ROBINSON D - Three wise men and a baby: and other seasonal sketches
26666: ROBINSON C - Proficiency insight: Teacher's Book
24015: ROBINSON A W - Studies in the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount
54195: ROBINSON J M - Secrets of Judas: the story of the misunderstood disciple and his lost gospel
55198: ROBINSON J A - St Paul's epistle to the Ephesians: a revised text and translation with exposition and notes
57342: ROBINSON F D - Driven by the spirit: a manual for Lent
71046: ROBINSON W E - ON SPIRITUAL READING: a short practical guide from the Early Fathers to contemporary writers
55906: ROBINSON J M - Manuscript discoveries of the future with an appendix: titlepage, table of contents, introduction and sample plates from a facsimile edition ot the Dead Sea Scrolls (Institute for Antiquity and Christianity Occasional paper number 23)
55907: ROBINSON J M - Pachomian Monastic Library at the Chester Beatty Library and the Bibliotheque Bodmer (Institute for Antiquity and Christianity Occasional paper number 23)
50412: ROBINSON J A - Some thoughts on the Athanasian creed
22471: ROBINSON C H - Studies in Christian worship
22344: ROBINSON J - On the Lord's appearing: essay on prayer and tradition
54097: ROBINSON D - Concordance to the Good News Bible
56356: CARRUTH S & ROBINSON J M - Q4:1-13,16: Temptations of Jesus Nazara (Documenta Q)
80699: ROBINSON N H G - Faith and duty
16581: ROBINSON H W - History of Israel: its facts & factors (ST42)
16569: ROBINSON F - Sympathy of God
16572: ROBINSON H W - Bible in its ancient and English versions
16579: ROBINSON H W - Cross in the Old Testament
16820: ROWAN-ROBINSON M - Nine Numbers of the Cosmos
16582: ROBINSON H W - Inspiration and revelation in the Old Testament
16630: ROBINSON J M - Problem of history in Mark (SBT21)
16555: ROBINSON A W - Holy Spirit & the Individual: an appeal to experience
16599: ROBINSON J A T - Christian freedom in a permissive society
16557: ROBINSON B - Israel's mysterious God: an analysis of some Old Testament narratives
83181: MITCHELL B & ROBINSON F C - Guide to Old English
83270: ROBINSON J A - Gilbert Crispin Abbot of Westminster: a study of the Abbey under Norman Rule
16646: ROBINSON T H - Prophecy and the Prophets in Ancient Israel (ST28)
37474: ROBINSON C H - Studies in the passion of Jesus Christ
27421: ROBINSON J A T - Human face of God
16566: ROBINSON F - College and Ordination Addresses
47974: ROBINSON H W - Baptist principles
82344: ROBINSON J A T - Honest to God
16588: ROBINSON H W - Two Hebrew Prophets: studies in Hosea and Ezekiel
16592: ROBINSON J A - Vision of unity
83605: ROBINSON J A T - Redating the New Testament
16640: ROBINSON T H - Gospel of Matthew (Moffatt New Testament Commentary)
16556: ROBINSON A W (ed) - Personal life of the Christian (originally published by Longman in 1902 as 'Personal life of the clergy'
16641: ROBINSON T H - Introduction to the O T (Merlin books)
16643: ROBINSON T H - Outline introduction to the history of religions
49906: ROBINSON J A T et al - Layman's church
82940: ROBINSON E - Living the questions: studies in the childhood of religious experience
16622: ROBINSON J A T - Twelve New Testament studies (SBT 34)
35197: ROBINSON H W - Inspiration and revelation in the Old Testament
14649: OESTERLEY W O E & ROBINSON T H - History of Israel complete in 2 volumes
16558: ROBINSON C H - How the Gospel spread through Europe
16656: ROBINSON W H - Christian Doctrine of Man
16618: ROBINSON J A T - Roots of a radical
82691: ROBINSON J A T - Redating the New Testament
16563: ROBINSON E - Power of art (Guild of Pastoral Psychology Lecture 236)
48719: ROBINSON A - John Maynard Keynes: economist, author, statesman: inaugural Keynes lecturer 22 April 1971
16620: ROBINSON J A T - St Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians: an exposition
16621: ROBINSON J A T - Truth is two eyed
16652: ROBINSON W - Sounding stones reflections on the mystery of the feminine
80698: ROBINSON J M - Problem of history in Mark (Studies in Biblical Theology 21)
16619: ROBINSON J A - St Pauls Epistle to the Ephesians: revised text & translation with exposition & notes [Greek text]
16607: ROBINSON J A T - Human face of God
16604: ROBINSON J A - Giving and Receiving: six plain sermons on the Holy Eucharist
25998: WILDEY K B & ROBINSON W H - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Insect Pests in the Urban Environment: St John's College, Cambridge 30 June-3 July 1993
82941: ROBINSON E - Biblical researches in Palestine and the adjacent regions: a journal of travels in the years 1838 and 1852 drawn up from the original diaries, with historical illustrations [volume 1 ONLY of 3 volume set]
16554: ROBINSON A W - God and the World: a survey of thought
47478: CAIN T G S & ROBINSON K - Into another mould: change and continuity in English culture 1625-1700
61453: MACPHERSON D LASH N & ROBINSON - LUKE, ACTS, 1 PETER (Scripture discussion commentary 8)
42335: ROBINSON J A - Some thoughts on the incarnation: with a prefatory letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury
53928: ROCHE A - In the track of the Gospel: an outline of the Christian Apostolate from pentecost to the present
71051: ROCHE A - LIGHT OF THE ANXIOUS HEART: spiritual reflections for war-time
47246: ROCHE M de la - Centenary at Jalna
16664: RODD C - Pastor's opportunities
16666: RODD C S - Book of Job (Epworth Commentaries)
57739: RODD C S - Glimpses of a strange land (Studies in Old Testament Ethics)
40574: SHEPHERD M H & RODENMAYER R N - Our prayers and praise: the Order for daily morning prayer and the Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper/Holy Communion with simplified rubrics & explanatory notes.. illus by a Sister of the Community of the Holy Spirit. Notes on Morning Prayer/Holy Communion prepared by MH Shepherd & RN Rodenmayer
56015: RODERA G - Menorca (Mini Guides)
80947: RODRIGUEZ R - If you call yourself a Jew: reappraising Paul's Letter to the Romans
54376: RODWELL R - Chruch archaeology
16671: ROE W G - Lamennais ad England: the reception of Lamennais's religious ideas in England in the 19th Century
71057: ROEBUCK S et al - Time and again: East Anglian reflections on the Christian life
40565: GOWLAND D & ROEBUCK S - Taking the initiative: studies in science and religion. Extracts from the writings of the 'Christ and the Cosmos Initiative'
39174: ROEBUCK S - Interpreting the cosmos: a report on the Conference held at Westminster College, Oxford from 3-5 April 1992 (Volume V in the 'Christ and the Cosmos' series)
39604: ROEBUCK S - Being human in a cosmic context: Christ and the cosmos No. 7
39601: ROEBUCK S - Being responsible in a cosmic context: Christ and the cosmos No. 8
9861: ROEDIGER E [DAVIES B] - Gesenius's Hebrew grammar specially prepared and improved...with reading book and exercises
83256: ROERTSON F W - Sermons on Bible Subjects [2 volumes] Sermons on Christian Doctrine [2 volumes] Sermons on Religion & Life [1 volume] (Everyman Library - no series numbers) overseas additional postage required, please enquire, no increase for UK
16675: ROETZEL C J - Letters of Paul: conversations in context
40430: ROFE A - Storie di profeti: la narrativa sui profeti nella Bibbia ebraica: generi letterari e storia (Biblioteca di storia e storiografia dei tempi biblici 8)
41958: ROGER F - Lutte et contemplation: journal 1970-1972
82382: MOHRLANG Roger - Matthew and Paul: a comparison of ethical perspectives (SNTSMS 48)
47573: ROGERS B - Man who went into the west: life of R S Thomas
16685: ROGERS A K - Student's history of philosophy
16696: ROGERS E - Christian faith and Communism: the William Ainslie Memorial Lecture 1952
48499: ROGERS M - Museums and galleries of London (Blue guide)
26233: ROGERS A - Adults learning for development
71076: ROGERS P V - COLOSSIANS (New Testament message 15)
71075: ROGERS P - SOWING THE WORD: biblical-liturgical essays
23185: ROGERS D - Politics, prayer and parliament
66714: KEELEY-ROGERS D M - Tears and triumphs
16691: ROGERS C F - Question time in Hyde Park: series I-V
51019: ROGERS R A P - Short history of ethics: Greek and modern
58155: ROGERS J G - Church systems in the nineteenth century (The Sixth Congregational Union Lecture|)
16704: ROGERS P - Guide to nuclear weapons 1984-85
44285: JUPP P C & ROGERS T - Interpreting death: christian theology and pastoral practice
16690: ROGERS C F - Parson Preaching
16699: ROGERS E - That they might have life
16702: ROGERS J - Adults learning
16705: ROGERSON J - Beginning Old Testament study
83616: ROGERSON J W - Pentateuch (Biblical Seminar 39)
83615: ROGERSON J - Theory and practice of Old Testament ethics edited and with an introduction by M Daniel Carroll R (JSOT SS 405)
44166: ROGERSON J W - Bible and criticism in Victorian Britain: profiles of F D Maurice and William Robertson Smith
16710: ROGET P M - Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: new edition completely revised, modernized and abridged by RA Dutch
26477: ROGET P M - Roget's international thesaurus fifth edition revised by Robert L Chapman
34587: ROGET P - Everyman's thesaurus of English words and phrases revised from Peter Roget by D C Browning
24393: ROHDE P - Soren Kierkegaard: an introduction to his life and philosophy
48659: ROHDE J - Rediscovering the teaching of the evangelists (New Testament Library)
16713: ROHDE J - Rediscovering the teaching of the evangelists (NTL)
16715: ROHR H - Set me free
71084: ROHR J von - Profile of Protestantism: introduction to its faith and life
83614: ROHRBAUGH R L - Social sciences and New Testament interpretation
16716: ROKACH L - Catholic Church and the Question of Palestine
44751: ROLAND [Ed R Hague] - Song of Roland: text of the Oxford ms English translation
71087: ROLDAN A - Personality types and holiness
26501: ROLLE R - English Writings
16723: ROLLE R - Selected Writings of Richard Rolle: trans by John G Harrell
71094: ROLLE R - Some minor works of Richard Rolle: with the privity of the passion by S Bonaventura, translated and edited by Geraldine E Hodgson
16726: ROLPH C H - Common sense about crime & punishment
43552: ROLSTON H - Beyond the edge: one woman's journey out of post-natal depression and anxiety
31155: ROLSTON H - Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon (LBC)
71097: ROLT M F - PAUL: hero and Saint
50547: DIONYSIUS the Areopagite [Rolt - Divine names and the mystical theology translated by C E Rolt
53914: ROMAIN J A - Renewing the vision: Rabbis speak out on modern Jewish issues
80561: ROMAINE W - Treatise upon the life of faith
16734: ROMBERG T, BLACK J & LEDWIDGE - Signal Processing for Industrial Diagnostics
49304: ROME - Handbook to Rome and its environs: with three section plans showing every street and building of importance
69365: ROME - ROMA E LE VIE CONSOLARI: paesaggi storici e artistici. Black & white/colour illustrations, text in Italian
37633: CLEMENT of Rome [CLARKE] - First epistle of Clement to the Corinthians edited by W K Lowther Clarke (Translations of early documents)
30733: ROMER J - Testament: the Bible & history
57784: CURTIS A H W & ROMER T - Book of Jeremiah and its reception: le Livre de Jeremie et sa reception (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium CXXVIII)
57939: RONCALLI A G [POPE JOHN XXIII] - Mission to France 1944 - 1953
71121: RONCO D D - Risorgimento and the Free Italian Churches now Churches of the Brethren
53139: RONG L - Forgotten and forsaken by God: the community in pain in Lamentations and related Old Testament texts
51742: VAN ROO W - Mystery
39581: CARROLL J & ROOF W C - Beyond establishment: protest identity in a post-protestant age
53141: ROOK R D - Rhyming hope and history: theology and culture in the work of Robert Jenson
80037: ROOKMAAKER H R - Creative gift: essays on art and Christian life
27238: ROOM A - Room's classical dictionary: the origins of the names of characters in classical mythology
27490: ROOM A - Dictionary of place-names in the British Isles
27079: PARK J & ROOME N - Ecology of the new economy: sustainable transformation of global information, communications and electronics industries
63776: FARICY R & ROONEY L - Medjugorje unfolds in peace and in war
45533: FACKRE G & ROOT M - Affirmations and admonitions: Lutheran decisions and dialogue with reformed, episcopal and Roman Catholic churches
80494: ROOTMENSEN B - 40 woorden in de woestijn: werkboek voor de gemeente bij de crisis van kirk geloof en cultur
56292: ROPE H E G - Benedict XV: the Pope of peace
82838: TREVOR-ROPER H - Europe's physician: the various life of Sir Theodore de Mayerne (1573-1655)
16737: ROPER A - Fifteenth Station: epilogue by Karl Rahner
31513: TREVOR-ROPER H - From Counter-Reformation to glorious revolution
19560: TREVOR-ROPER H R - Archbishop Laud 1573-1645
58556: ROPER L - Martin Luther: renegade and prophet
37891: BEBB A & ROPER A - Painful process:
62937: DANIEL-ROPS H - LIFE OF OUR LORD (Faith & Fact books no. 68)
35161: ROSA P de - God our Saviour: a study of the Atonement
70829: RICHARDS H & ROSA P de - CHRIST IN OUR WORLD: a study of baptism, eucharist, penance and marriage
71131: ROSADI G - TRIAL OF JESUS translated from the third Italian edition
55451: ROSAGE D E - Praying with scripture in the Holy Land: daily meditations with the risen Jesus
83617: ROSCOE E S - Bishop of Lincoln's case: reportof the proceedings of the Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury on the objections to the Jurisdiction... with appendix containing the pleadings, and a selection from the authorities cited
16743: ROSCOE W - Life and Pontification of Leo the Tenth (revised by his son Thomas Roscoe 7th ed) in 2 vols
33386: ROSE J - Sunday learning for all ages (GP11)
71139: ROSE S C - Grass roots church: a manifesto for Protestant Renewal
15844: ROSE M E - Problem of suffering: a collection of essays based on a series of broadcast talks for sixth forms, provided by the BBC under the general title The Christian Religion and its Philosophy
83613: ROSE W H - Zemah and Zerubbabel: Messianic expectations in the early postexilic period (JSOT SS 304)
83522: ROSE S - Place of blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church (Orthodox Theological Text No 3)
16745: ROSE B - Versicles, responses, and the Lord's Prayer: as sung at Magdalen College, Oxford (Parish Choir Book no.1395)
16747: ROSE V - Studies on the Gospels: Authorised English Version by Robert Fraser
16746: ROSE H - Science & society
16748: ROSEMARY, Sr - Kabir: the way of love and paradox
32770: ROSEN S - Ancients and the moderns: rethinking modernity
41100: ROSENBERG D - Abraham: the first historical biography
42538: MACKENZIE K D & ROSENTHAL G D - Sunday, and how to keep it (John Bull Tracts No 8)
56705: ROSENTHAL H - Opera annual No 3
52960: ROSENTHAL J - Essential guide to the Anglican communion
16754: ROSENTHAL G D - Survival
16752: ROSENTHAL G D - Ageless Stories
58355: FARMER S & ROSENWEIN B H - Monks and nuns, saints and outcasts: religion in medieval society (Essays in honor of Lester K Little)
26945: ROSEZWEIG F - On Jewish learning
27205: ROSIGNOLI G - Ribbons of orders, decorations and medals
27776: ROSIGNOLI G - Air Force badges and insignia of World War 2: Great Britain, Norway, Netherlands, USSR, Denmark, France, Belgium,Yugoslavia,USA,Italy,China,Bulgaria,Germany, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Poland, Japan, Rumania, Hungary
52962: ROSMAN D - Evangelicals and culture
50007: WEISS-ROSMARIN T - Judaism and Christianity: the differences
58153: ROSMINI A - Anthropology as an aid to moral science
53496: ROSMINI A - Conscience
16762: ROSMINI A - Philosophy of politics vol 2: society and its purpose
58154: ROSMINI A - Origin of thought
83610: ROSS J C & ROSS J - Gifted touch: a biography of Agnes Jones
83611: ROSS D - Plato's theory of ideas
54242: ROSS J E - Christian ethics
56603: ROSS C - Inner sanctuary: an exposition of John 13 - 17
71162: ROSS K E - Sorrowful mysteries
16776: ROSS K N - Spiritualism
83612: ROSS A P - Creation and blessing: a guide to the study and exposition of the Book of Genesis [heavy book may require extra postage]
39129: ROSS P - Way of the cross [poems and illustrations] Engravings by Phillip Ross
52475: ROSS K N - What the spirit says to the churches (Bishop of London's Lent book)
25296: JOHNS N & LEE-ROSS D - Research methods in service industry management
49164: ROSS S K - Roman Edessa: politics and culture on the eastern fringes of the Roman Empire 114-242 CE
16770: ROSS J S - Basic psychology
71164: ROSS K N - Christian mysteries
34335: ROSS K - Hearing confessions
16772: ROSS K N - Astrology
16773: ROSS K N - Christian Science
40606: ROSSELLO et al - Pintura Gotica Mallorquina: exposicion de las obras restauradas por la fundacion juan march
38056: ROSSETTI C - Poems: feasts and fasts
47778: ROSSINI G - Overture to the opera Gillaume Tell miniature score [Edition Eulenburg No 616]
25295: ROSSITER J - Total quality management: mastering your small business
40592: ROST L - Damaskusschrift (Kleine texte fur Vorlesungen und Ubungen 167)
48942: ROST L - Succession to the throne of David
83609: ROTH M T - Law collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor (SBL Writings from the Ancient World Volume 6)
71169: ROTH C - Short history of the Jewish people revised and enlarged illustrated edition
35935: ROTH R P - Story and reality: an essay on truth
41502: ROTH D - Promise of green in the season of grief
16883: RUBENSTEIN R L & ROTH J K - Approaches to Auschwitz: the legacy of the holocaust
48721: ROTHWELL W T - Bimetallism explained
57006: PIKILUK J & ROTTERMUND A - As you enter the Cathedral: the Archcathedral of St John the baptist in Warsaw, the capital of Poland [Gdy wchodzisz w progi Katedry... Archikatedra sw Jana Chrzciciela w Warszawie Stolicy Polski] No additional postage for UK or overseas
31380: ROUBICZEK P - Misinterpretation of man: studies in European thought of the nineteenth century
71173: ROUBICZEK P - Existentialism: for and against
16792: ROUGEMONT D - Passion and Society
71176: ROUNDHILL J - Meeting Jehovah's witnesses
53512: ROUNDING V - Awaiting an epiphany: poems for St Bartholmew the Great
82834: DUDLEY M & ROUNDING V - Parish survival guide
31985: O'ROURKE D K - Demons by definition: social idealism, religious nationalism, and the demonizing of dissent (Berkeley insights in linguistics and semiotics)
58700: ROUSCHAUSSE J - La vie et l'oeuvre de John Fisher Eveque de Rochester 1469 - 1535
42366: ROUSE R, NEILL S C & FEY H E - History of the ecumenical movement in 2 volumes Volume 1 1517-1948 hardback (1967) and Volume 2 Ecumenical advance: 1948-1968 paperback (1986) non-matching set
71177: ROUSE R - Studies in the Epistle to the Philippians
59190: ROUSE R - World's Student Christian Federation: a history of the first thirty years
80458: ROUSE G H - Old Testament criticism in New Testament light
48722: ROUSSEAS S - Post Keynsian monetary economics
80447: ROUSSEAU J J - Living thoughts of Rousseau; presented by Romain Rolland (Living Thoughts Library)
16798: ROUSSEAU J-J - Confessions: trans with intro by JM Cohen (PC)
71180: ROUSSEIL C - Glories of Lourdes
80442: ROUTH M J - Reliquiae sacrae (Vol IV only); sive auctorum fere jam perditorum secundi tertiique saeculi fragmenta quae supersunt accedunt epistolae synodicae et canonicae nicaeno concilio antiquiores
80444: ROUTH M J - Reliquiae sacrae (Vol I only); sive auctorum fere jam perditorum secundi tertiique saeculi fragmenta quae supersunt accedunt epistolae synodicae et canonicae nicaeno concilio antiquiores
80439: ROUTH M J - Scriptorum ecclesiaticorum opuscula precipua quaedam (2 volume set) Overseas postage £14
54371: ROUTLEY E - English religious dissent
58041: ROUTLEY E - Words music and the Church
16802: ROUTLEY E - Behold Your King: a devotion for lent and passiontide for choir and congregation
16807: ROUTLEY E - Gift of Conversion
16809: ROUTLEY E - Hymns and the faith
83337: ROVEREDO R de - Conversations entre le Moi et le Soi: essais, preface de Tristan Klingsor
24869: HEATH S & ROW P - Our homeland cathedrals: Vol II: Cathedrals of the South, East and West of England
16819: ROWAN E [REFFOLD A E] - Wilson Carlile and the Church Army revised by A E Reffold
57953: ROWAN E - Wilson Carlile and the Church Army
16827: ROWE J - Priests and Workers: a rejoinder
24225: ROWE T - An easier yoke? a perspective on Christian ministry
2308: BOURDEAUX M & ROWE M - May one believe in Russia?: violations of Religious liberty in the Soviet Union
16830: ROWE T T - Lord's Supper (Worship Today Series 1)
16832: ROWELL G - Liturgy of Christian burial: an introductory survey of the historical development of Christian burial rites (Alcuin Club Collection no 59)
16834: ROWLAND C - Christian Origins: an account of the setting & character of the most important Messianic Sect of Judaism
31729: ROWLAND C - Radical Christianity: a reading of recovery
29435: ROWLAND C - Revelation
16839: ROWLAND E J - To be or not to be: talks about the christian religion
16840: ROWLAND J - One Man’s Mind an autobiographical record (RBC 88)
80432: ROWLAND T H - People and places in Newcastle and Northumberland
82247: ROWLAND C - Liberating exegesis: the challenge of liberating theology to biblical studies (BFT)
16842: ROWLEDGE L, BARTON R & BRADY K - Mapping the Journey case studies in Strategy and Action toward Sustainable Development
16841: ROWLEDGE L, BARTON R & BRADY K - Mapping the Journey case studies in Strategy and Action toward Sustainable Development
32768: ROWLEY H H - Job: based on the Revised Standard Version (NCBC)
80430: ROWLEY H H - Dictionary of Bible personal names
80429: ROWLEY H H - Darius the Mede and the four world empires in the Book of Daniel
80428: ROWLEY H H - Early prophecies of Jeremiah in their setting (reprinted from the 'Bulletin of the John Rylands Library' Vol 45, No 1 September 1962
16858: ROWLEY H H - Relevance of Apocalyptic: a study of Jewish and Christian Apocalypses from Daniel to the Revelation
30019: ROWLEY H H - Job (NCBC)
47714: ROWLEY A [Arr] - Wedding and funeral marches for the organ Mendelssohn Wedding March, Wagner Bridal March (Lohengrin), Chopin Marche Funebre, Handel Dead March (Saul)
22287: ROWLEY H H - Worship in ancient Israel: its form and meaning (The Cadbury Lectures 1965)
58930: ROWLEY H H - Jewish apocalyptic and the Dead Sea scrolls (The Ethel M Wood lecture delivered before the University of London on 12 March 1957)
81523: ROWLEY H H - Faith of Israel: aspects of Old Testament thought (James Sprunt lectures Union Theological Seminary...1955)
58699: ROWLEY H H - Submission in suffering and other essays on Eastern thought
33038: ROWLEY H H - Zadokite fragments and the Dead Sea Scrolls
38977: ROWLEY H H - Dead Sea Scrolls from Qumran
16845: ROWLEY H H - Biblical Doctrine of Election: the Louisa Curtis lectures delivered in Spurgeon's College, September 1948
16844: ROWLEY H H - Bible Atlas (TYB)
81529: ROWLEY H H - Faith of Israel: aspects of Old Testament thought (James Sprunt lectures Union Theological Seminary...1955)
16856: ROWLEY H H - Old Testament and modern study: a generation of discovery and research
16850: ROWLEY H H - From Joseph to Joshua: Biblical traditions in the light of archaeology (Schweich lectures 1948)
16864: ROWNTREE J S - Silence as a Basis for Worship: an explanation of the Quaker meeting
32778: ROWSE A L - Jonathan Swift: major prophet, with 25 illustrations
71206: ROWSE A L - Man of singular virtue: being a life of Sir Thomas More by his son-in-law William Roper and a selection of More's letters
52093: ROWSE A L - Oxford in the history of the nation
16865: ROWSE A L - Elizabethan Renaissance: the life of the society
16866: ROWSE A L - England of Elizabeth: the structure of society
16867: ROWSE A L - Four Caroline Portraits: Thomas Hobbes, Henry Marten, Hugh Peters & John Selden
68903: PENSTONE M M & ROWTON K L M - Foundation of the Church of Christ: a course of lessons on the Acts of the Apostles, with illustrations from the epistles of St. Paul (intended for use with scholars over 14 years of age)
52082: ROWTON K L M - Builders of the church and prayer book
16868: ROXBURGH M J - Womens' ministry in the Church of England: notes on the past and present position with questions for the future
16869: ROXBURGH M J - Womens work in the Church of England: a consideration of the last hundred years

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