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Click on booknumber for full information
32773: RUDDUCK J - Learning through small group discussion: a study of seminar work in higher education
53867: RUDE G - French revolution
25124: RUDOLPH R L - European peasant family and society: historical studies
26248: RUDOLPH W - Jeremia praeparavit editio teria denuo elaborata (Biblia Hebraica)
40652: RUDOLPH W - Esra und Nehemia samt 3.Esra (Handbuch zum Alten Testament 20)
80423: RUDOLPH K - Gnosis
80424: RUDOLPH W - Esra und Nehemia samt 3.Esra (Handbuch zum Alten Testament 20)
58098: LOADES A & RUE L D - Contemporary classics in philosophy of religion
16888: RUEF J - Paul's First Letter to Corinth
60599: RUEF J - Paul's first letter to Corinth
54743: RUETHER R R - Women and redemption: a theological history
54744: RUETHER R R - Christianity and the making of the modern family
16890: RUETHER R R - Mary: the feminine face of the Church
59183: RUETHER R R - Disputed questions: on being a Christian
16892: RUETHER R R - To change the world: Christology and cultural criticism
16894: RUFFLE P - Go Then... a programme of meditation for Lent
80422: RUFFNER H - Fathers of the desert (2 volume set) or an account of the origin and practice of monkery among the heathen nations; its passage into the church and some wonderful stories of the fathers concerning the primitive monks and hermits
80419: RUFINO T - Commentarius in symbolum apostolorum
16895: RUHBACH G - Theologie und spiritualitat: beitrage zur Gestaltwerdung des christlichen Glaubens
80418: RULE M - Life and times of St Anselm (2 volume set)
71219: RUMENS A - BRIGHT ARRAY: a collection of forty-six Saints with the six greater festivals of the church. All picture in 2 colours. Saints are in black with a second colour
81622: RUMSCHEIDT M - Adolf van Harnack: liberal theology at its height (Making of modern theology)
47347: RUMSCHEIDT H M - Revelation and theology: analysis of the Barth-Harnack correspondence of 1923
16901: RUMSEY H, St - Speech Training: its science and art
39439: RUNCIE R - Reform, renewal and rehabilitation: some personal reflections on prison by Dr Robert Runcie, Archbishop of Canterbury
74589: PAWLEY M & RUNCIE R - Praying with the English tradition
34563: RUNCIE R - Theology, the university and the modern world (Contributors Paul Clarke, Andrew Linzey & John Moses)
54213: RUNCIMAN S - History of the Crusades (Volumes I & III only)
16908: RUNCIMAN S - History of the Crusades in 3 volumes Penguin Classics
46399: RUNCIMAN W G - Social science and political theory
80416: RUNES D D - Dictionary of philosophy
46451: RUNES D D - Dictionary of philosophy
71235: RUNYON T - Sanctification and Liberation: liberation theologies in light of the Wesleyan tradition
80415: RUPERT H - What's God about
44430: DAVIES R & RUPP G - History of the Methodist Church in Great Britain (4 volumes - complete set)
16920: RUPP J - Cup of our life: a guide for spiritual growth
80417: RUPP G - Luther's progress to the Diet of Worms 1521
16915: RUPP E G - Last things first: four lectures delivered in the University of Bristol Jan-Feb 1963
31414: RUPP E G - Is this a christian country?
58430: RUPP G - Thomas Jackson: Methodist patriarch
59178: RUPP E G - Martin Luther: Hitler's cause or cure (in reply to Peter F Wiener)
5396: DAVIES R & RUPP G - History of the Methodist Church in Great Britain (Vol 4)
44029: RUPP E G - Religion in England: 1688 - 1791 [Oxford History of the Christian church]
37352: RUPP E G - Principalities and powers: studies in the Christian conflict in history
35954: RUPP G - Patterns of Reformation
59180: RUPP E G - Luther's progress to the Diet of Worms
16922: RURAL - Rural church towards 2000
81582: RUSCH H G - Dudley's dog days: joining faith to life
51309: RUSCHE H - They lived by faith: women in the Bible
26127: RUSH R - Countrywise illus by Gavin Clowes
57581: RUSHBROOKE J H - Baptist movement in the continent of Europe
16924: RUSHTON G H - 1 Peter
80414: RUSKIN J - Sesame and lilies : two lectures 1. Of Kings' treasuries 2. Of Queens' gardens
32772: RUSKIN J - Time and tide by Weare and Tyne: twenty-five letters to a working man of Sunderland on the laws of work
16925: RUSKIN J - Ethics of the dust: ten lectures to little housewives on the elements of crystallization
24878: RUSKIN J, GRAY E & MILLAIS J E - Order of release: the story of John Ruskin, Effie Gray and John Everett Millais told for the first time in their unpublished letters ed Sir W James
29122: RUSKIN J [BURD & DEARDEN] - Tour to the lakes in Cumberland: John Ruskin's diary for 1830
80413: RUSSELL A T - Memorials of the life and works of Thomas Fulller D.D.
16965: RUSSELL J - God's lost cause: a study of the Church and the racial problem
49129: RUSSELL D S - Jews from Alexander to Herod (NCB)
51667: RUSSELL G W E - Pocketful of sixpences
59166: RUSSELL T - Autobiography of Thomas Russell: one of the pioneers of the primitive Methodist connexion
71255: RUSSELL D S - Old Testament pseudepigrapha: patriarchs and prophets in early Judaism
23132: RUSSELL G W E - One look back
55432: RUSSELL R - Christmas amongst the neighbours: thoughts on God coming down to earth
56291: RUSSELL W E - Edward King sixtieth Bishop of Lincoln: a memoir
8060: GREENHALGH J & RUSSELL E - Seek ye first: the gospel and moral choices
71256: RUSSELL D S - From early Judaism to early church discarded - perfet binding breaking down
16957: RUSSELL G - Men and women (RBC 64)
16936: RUSSELL A J - Village in myth and reality (Charles Coulson lectures 1975)
16968: RUSSELL L M - Church in the Round: feminist interpretation of the church
52959: RUSSELL G W E - Afterthoughts
81581: RUSSELL L M - Feminist interpretation of the Bible
16937: RUSSELL B - Authority and the individual (Reith lectures 1948-9)
16945: RUSSELL C A - Science and Religious Belief: a selection of recent historical studies readings edited by C A Russell for the Open University Course
16952: RUSSELL D S - Jews from Alexander to Herod (NCB)
29959: STAINER J & RUSSELL W - Cathedral prayer book being the Book of Common Prayer with the music necessary for the use of choirs together with the canticles & psalter...
16935: RUSSELL A - Groups and teams in the countryside
80410: RUSSELL J S - Eschatology and judgement (Fourth Gospel)
44771: RUSSELL B - Why I am not a christian
45227: RUSSELL D S - Poles apart: the gospel in creative tension
39876: RUSSELL B - Russell on religion: selections from the writings of Bertrant Russell edited by Jouis Greenspan and Stefan Andersson
16970: RUSSELL L M - Household of Freedom: authority in Feminist Theology (The 1986Annie Kinkead Warfield Lectures)
16964: RUSSELL H - Poverty close to home: a Christian understanding
59167: RUSSELL B - Marriage and morals
16959: RUSSELL G W E - Dr Liddon (Leaders of the church)
16955: RUSSELL D S - Two Refugees: Ezekiel and Second Isaiah with dramatised scenes by M.R.Bielby
28564: DALIN P & RUST V D - Towards schooling for the twenty-first century (School Development)
16975: RUST E C - Nature and man in Biblical Thought (Lutterworth Library Vol XL)
26642: RUSTON R - Nuclear deterrence - right or wrong?: a study of the morality of nuclear deterrence, prepared for the Commission for International Justice and Peace of England and Wales as a contribution to discussion
29205: RUSTON J - Alternative guide to the sixth form
73232: TUCKER Ruth - STRANGE GOSPELS: a comprehensive survey of cults, alternative religions and the New Age Movement
24899: RUTHERFORD M - Autobiography of Mark Rutherford with a memorial intro by H W Massingham (Travellers' library)
27735: RUTHERFORD J - Art of life: on living, love and death
16978: RUTHERFURD S - Selected Letters
52507: RUTTER J - Prayer Saint Patrick
16980: RUUSBROEC J V - Vanden seven sloten (Opera Omnia 2) Parallel text in Middle Dutch, Latin and English. editorial comment in Dutch and English
81578: RUXTON M - Norman Henry Snaith (1898-1982) Biblical Scholar and Methodist Preacher
25600: RYALS L et al - Customer relationship management: the business case for CRM (Management Research in Practice)
49415: RYAN C - Saint Martin de Porres
16987: RYAN D & J - Recovery from Loss: 6 studies for groups or individuals
27973: RYAN C - Tourist experience: a new introduction
71275: RYAN G T - Sourcebook for Sundays and Seasons [an Almanac of Parish Liturgy]
16985: RYAN D & J - Recovery from Addiction: 6 studies for groups or individuals
16499: RITZ E & RYCHLIK I - Nephropathy in type 2 Diabetes (Oxford Clinical Nephrology Series)
16992: RYCROFT C - Riech
16991: RYCROFT C - Psychoanalysis observed by G. Gorer et al
50392: RYDER A - Now you are God's sons
16994: RYELAND J - Prayer for Beginners
22091: RYELAND G - Beyond reasonable doubt: evidence for God in the 1990s
80032: RYKEN L - Christian imagination: essays on literature and the arts
17000: RYLE J C - Christian leaders of the last century: or England a hundred years ago
71291: RYLE J - Going though the dry times
17006: RYLE J C - Expository Thoughts on the Gospels Luke (Volume I & Volume II)
17019: RYLE M - Towards the nuclear holocaust
71296: RYRIE C C - Role of woman in the church
23197: RYZHENKOV A V - Unfolding the eco-wave: why renewal is pivotal
25897: SA A de - Electronics for scientists: physical principles with applications to instrumentation
17025: SABATIER P - Life of Saint Francis of Assisi: trans by LS Houghton
43337: SABBAH M - Faithful witness: on reconciliation and peace in the Holy Land
81577: SABBE M - L'evangile selon marc: tradition et redaction (nouvelle edition augmentee) (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium XXXIV) additional postage required for overseas orders - please ask
53865: SABERSKY H - Pocket dictionary of the French and English languages: giving the pronunciation according to the phonetic system of Toussaint-Langenscheidt
83520: SABEV T - Orthodox Churches in the World Council of Churches: towards the future
83817: SABEV T - Sofia Consultation: Orthodox involvement in the World Council of Churches
28197: SACHS W et al - Greening the North: a post-industrial blueprint for ecology and equity
23091: SACHS W et al - Greening the north: a post-industrial blueprint for ecoloby and equity
21778: SACHS W L - Transformation of Anglicanism: from state church to global communion
59165: SACKETT F C - Posnett of Medak
57504: SACKS J - Not in God's name: confronting religious violence
50004: SADLER K M - Book of daily prayer: morning and evening prayer 2002
8444: HADJEMICHALIS C & SADLER D - Europe at the margins: new mosaics of inequality
57900: SADLOWSKI M - Handbuch der Bundeswehr und der Verteidigungsindustrie 2011/2012
23544: SAEBO M - On the way to canon: creative tradition history in the Old Testament (JSOTSS 191)
41685: SAINT-SAENS C - Fantaisie: pour orgue
32762: SAGOVSKY N - Ecumenism, Christian origins and the practice of communion
17036: SAGOVSKY N - On God's Side: a life of George Tyrrell
29307: SAGOVSKY N - Modern Roman Catholic worship: the Mass (GMW34)
31087: SAGOVSKY N - Into the 1990s: (Clare College Sermons) No.2 The church and society in the 1990s (GE 78)
26240: SAGOVSKY N - Into the 1990s: (Clare College Sermons) No.1 The church in the 1990s
8243: SAGOVSKY N - Into the 1990s: (Clare College Sermons) No.3 Christian Spirituality in the 1990s (GS35)
51329: SAHLEY B J - Anxiety epidemic
57205: SAILER J M - Theologie Pastorale ouvrage traduit de l'allemand par M. L'Abbe P Belet precede d'une notice biographique
41325: SAILER A - Bayerns Marchenkonig: das Leben Ludvigs II in Bildern
59161: SAILS G - At the centre: the story of Methodism's central missions
53834: SAINT M - Flourish for the bishop [and] Brooke's friend Grant: two studies in Sarawak history 1848 - 1868
4334: CHURCH OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS - Doctrine and covenants...containing revelations given to Joseph Smith, the prophet with some additions by his successors in the Presidency of the Church
24925: SAINTSBURY G - Matthew Arnold (Modern English Writers)
17046: SAJJADI S G, NASH G B et al - Cardiovascular Flow Modelling and Measurement with Application to Clinical Medicine
17047: SAKENFELD K D - Faithfulness in action: loyalty in biblical perspectives (OBT)
52353: SALES F de - Selection from the spiritual letters of S Francis de Sales
27074: SALEVAO I - Legitimation in the Letter to the Hebrews (JSNTSS 219)
71314: SALIBA J A - Christian responses to the New Age Movement: a critical assessment
71315: SALIBA P - Feed my sheep: the thought and words of Philip Saliba, on the occasion of his twentieth year in the Episcopacy edited by J J Allen
24449: SALIERS D E - Worship come to its senses
54235: SALLIBY C - If the foundations be destroyed
50538: EADE J & SALLNOW M J - Contesting the sacred: the anthropology of Christian pilgrimage
52950: O'LEARY D J & SALLNOW T - Love and meaning in religious education: an incarnational approach to teaching Christianity
51643: SALLUST - Jugurthine war: the conspiracy of Catiline
46300: SALLUST [tr H Ogwan] - Jugurthine war (Kelly's keys to the classics)
39922: SALMON G B - Other child: a nativity play [Drama series] SET OF TEN COPIES
17072: SALMON D - Jungle Doctor: the story of Albert Schweitzer
71317: SALMON G - Gnosticism and Agnosticism: and other sermons
47395: SALVATORE R A - Nachtvogel: Damonendammerung 1
47396: SALVATORE R A - Juwelen des Himmels Damonendammerung 2
47397: SALVATORE R A - Verwunschene Tal Damonendammerung 3
34957: SALWEY R - Beloved Commander
23161: SAMBHI P S - Sikhism (World Religions series)
52215: SINGH SAMBHI P - Guru Granth Sahib (Discovering sacred texts)
26866: COLE W O & SINGH SAMBHI P - Sikhs: their religious beliefs and practices
55023: SAMPLE T - Human nature interest and power: a critique of Reinhold Niebuhr's social thought
44386: FRANCIS F O & SAMPLEY J P - Pauline parallels
82958: FRANCIS F O & SAMPLEY J P - Pauline parallels - 2nd edition
55503: SAMPSON W P - Meeting Jesus
71326: SAMPSON P et al - FAITH AND MODERNITY [Contributors include James D Hunter, Lesslie Newbigin, Elaine Storkey, Vinay Samuel, Os Guinness]
57337: SAMPSON G - In praise of teaching missions and how to conduct them
17084: SAMPSON G - Blessed sacrament & unity
51464: SAMPSON A - This war and christian ethics: a symposium
33682: SAMPSON H - Dumpty book of ships and the sea [over 1500 illustrations]
17082: SAMPSON A - Changing anatomy of Britain
81498: SAMSON J - Cambridge companion to Chopin
81499: SAMSON J - Cambridge companion to Chopin
83598: RINK J & SAMSON J - Chopin studies 2
49776: SAMUEL L - Personal witness
17086: SAMUEL D H - Threefold cord: philosophy, science, religion - a discussion between Viscount Samuel and Prof. H Dingle
57740: SAMUELSON N M - Revelation and the God of Israel
49849: SAMWAYS J - More to life: a model for mission for the local church in the 21st century (Ev 90)
54005: SANCTUARY - Sanctuary of our Mother of Good Counsel Genazzano
46792: SAND G - Mare au diable (preface de Louis Corniquet)
57438: SANDAY W - An examination of Harnack's 'What is Christianity?'
71341: SANDAY W - DIFFERENT CONCEPTIONS OF PRIESTHOOD AND SACRIFICE: a report of a conference held at Oxford, December 13 and 14, 189
39928: SANDAY W - Oracles of God: nine lectures on the nature and extent of biblical inspiration and on the special significance of the Old Testament scriptures at the present time
81496: SANDAY W - Essays in biblical criticism and exegesis (JSNTSS 225/Classics in Biblical and Theological studies 2)
17097: SANDAY W - Personality in Christ and in Ourselves
17095: SANDAY W - Life of Christ in Recent Research
39937: SANDAY W et al - Criticism of the New Testament: St Margaret's lectures 1902
17093: SANDAY W - Criticism of the Fourth Gospel: eight lectures on the Morse Foundation delivered in the Union Seminary New York in October & November 1904
17091: SANDAY W - Christology and personality containing I. Christologies ancient and modern II. Personality in Christ and in Ourselves
17090: SANDAY W - Christologies ancient and modern
81281: STRANGE K H & SANDBACH R G E - Psalm 23: an anthology - versions collected and annotated
81282: STRANGE K H & SANDBACH R G E - Psalm 23: an anthology - versions collected and annotated
17107: SANDERS E K - Vincent de Paul: Priest and Philanthropist: 1576-1660 with eight reproductions from engravings in the Bibliotheque Nationale
17121: SANDERS J - Ethics in the New Testament: change and development
32761: SANDERS J T - Ethics in the New Testament: change and development
44907: SANDERS J T - Charisma, converts, competitors: societal and sociological factors in the success of early Christianity
39973: SANDERS J N - Foundations of the Christian Faith: a study of the teaching of the New Testament in the light of historical criticism
40622: MASON M & SANDERS M - City companion
59159: SANDERS E P - Jewish and Christian Self-Definition (3 volume set): Vol 1 Shaping of Christianity in the 2nd and 3rd centuries; Volume 2 Aspects of Judaism in the Graeco-Roman period; Vol 3 Self-definition in the Graeco-Roman world
52736: SANDERS J T - Ethics in the New Testament: change and development
52737: SANDERS E P - Jewish and Christian self-definition: Volume One: The shaping of Christianity in the second and third centuries
17108: SANDERS E M - Holy Land: book II Background and customs
64587: GOODALL J & SANDERS K - Changing world - unchanging values: Christian faith in medical practice
81495: SANDERS J T - Ben Sira and demotic wisdom (SBL monograph series 28)
81494: SANDERS J A - Canon and community: a guide to canonical criticism (Guides to Biblical scholarship)
17105: SANDERS E K - Sainte Chantal 1572-1641: a study in vocation
17132: SANDERS J T - Schismatics, Sectarians, Dissidents, Deviants: the first one hundred years of Jewish-Christian relations
17115: SANDERS E P - Judaism: practice and belief 63 B.C.E - 66 C.E.
40845: SANDERSON R - Bishop Sanderson's Lectures on conscience and human law: delivered in the Divinity school at Oxford edited in an English translation with a preface by Christopher Wordsworth
29258: SANDERSON I - Management of quality in local government
32198: SANDERSON D - Getting started in evangelism: some basic principles (GEv17)
33559: SANDERSON D - Work and office of an evangelist (GEv31)
48562: SANDERSON T - Making gay relationships work: a handbook for male couples
39919: SANDERSON R - Works of Robert Sanderson in 6 volumes: now first collected by William Jacobson [referenced edition]
17134: SANDERSONO R - Obligatione Conscientiae: praelectiones decem: Oxonii in schola theologica habitae AD MDCXLVII, bound with, De Juramenti promifforii Obligatione Pralectiones Septem. Habitae in Schola Theologica Oxon... AD MDCXLVI
71468: SANDFORD J & P - Elijah task: a call to today's prophets and intercessors
81493: SANDMEL S - Enjoyment of Scripture: the law the prophets and the writings
17142: SANDMEL S - Old Testament Issues
17143: SANDMEL S - Several Israels and an essay: Religion and modern man
17141: SANDMEL S - Enjoyment of Scripture: the law the prophets and the writings
81492: SANDMEL S - Hebrew Scriptures: an introduction to their literature and religious ideas
17147: SANDYS S - Embracing the mystery: prayerful responses to AIDS
56107: SANFORD W - Daily life in bible times: study course for youth and adults
17157: SANFORD J A - Ministry burnout
80257: SANGHARAKSHITA - Vison and transformation: an introduction to the Buddha's noble eightfold path
55566: SANGSTER W E - Craft of sermon construction
57341: SANGSTER W E - You can be a saint [Westminster Pamphlet No 6]
59154: SANGSTER W E - Sangster of Westminster
17161: SANGSTER P - Pity my simplicity: the evangelical revival and the religious education of children 1738-1800
17162: SANGSTER P E - Speech in the pulpit
71411: SANSBURY K - TRUTH, UNITY AND CONCORD: Anglican faith in an ecumenical setting
17181: SANSBURY K - Combating racism
17180: SANSBURY G R - Paul report: a study guide
8256: SANSOM M - Liturgy for Ordination: the Series 3 Services, intro and comm (GMW 60)
8736: HARRISON D E W & SANSOM M C - Worship in the Church of England
53831: SANTAYANA G - Reason in religion (Volume III of the life of reason or the phases of human progress)
30863: WILES M & SANTER M - Documents in early Christian thought
55502: SANTER M - Church's sacrifice
48151: SANTINI L - Michaelangelo: painter - sculptor - architect
47650: SANTINI L - Verona [Guide with plan]
57862: SANTOS N F - Slave of all: the paradox of authority and servanthood in the Gospel of Mark (JSNT Supplement Series 237)
71416: SAPIETS M - Unknown homeland: a Samizdat manuscript translated by Marite Sapiets [The true story of Father Pavel and his life during the Soviet Revolution]
23597: ELAYI J & SAPIN J - Beyond the river: new perspectives on transeuphratene (JSOTSS 250)
71417: SAPONARO M - Fishers of men translated from the Italian
43651: SAPPINGTON T J - Letting God be judge: recognizing the impact of ungodly judgements and dealing with them
22884: ABBOTT P & SAPSFORD R - Research into practice: a reader
39721: SARAM B de - Nile Harvest: the Anglican church in Egypt and the Sudan
17188: SARGANT T - These things shall be
44806: SARGEAUNT J - Poems of John Dryden
71419: SARGENT M - Sacrament of the altar
17191: SAROLEA C - Count L.N. Tolstoy: his life and work
46784: SAROLEA C - Anthologie des poetes lyriques francais
49274: SARTRE J P [ed Brereton] - Mains sales (Metheun twentieth century texts)
40010: SARUM - Sarum Missal: Missale, ad Usum, Insignis et Praeclarae Ecclesiae: done into English and abridged
39911: SARUM - Hymnale secundum usum insignis ac praeclarae ecclesiae Sarisburiensis: accedunt hymni quidam secundum usus matris eccleslae Eboracensis et isignis eccleslae Herford
17198: SASSOON S - Meredith
29831: DE SATGE - Letters to an Ordinand: a study in vocation
43540: SATYAVRATA I - Holy spirit: Lord and life-giver
35108: SAUNDERS K J - Gotama Buddha: a biography (based on the Canonical Books of the Theravadin) (Heritage of India)
35110: SAUNDERS K J - Buddhism in the modern world
35111: SAUNDERS K J - Story of Buddhism
71433: SAUNDERS J - Frontiers of Aquarious: the human situation: a new dimension
17208: SAUNDERS P - Singing games for Sunday: traditional tunes harmonised by W B Watson
17207: SAUNDERS I - Taxation Judicial Review and other Remedies
48486: SCHUR H & SAUNDERS W L - Education and training for scientific and technological library and information work
19784: VAN DE WEYER R & SAUNDERS P - Easter Spirit: an anthology
71431: SAUNDERS E - Lourdes
81434: SAUNDERS E W - Searching the scriptures: a history of the Society of Biblical Literature 1880-1980
71436: SAUNDERSON W - Just a thought: a Christian comment for each day of the month
80586: SAUTER G - Question of meaning: a theological and philosophical orientation
80587: SAUTER G - Eschatological rationality: theological issues in focus
17211: SAVAGE H E - Pastoral visitation (Handbooks for the clergy)
27870: SAVAGE G - Dictionary of 19th century antiques, and later objets d'art
71437: SAVAGE K - History of world religions: maps by Richard Natkiel
39622: SAVAGE H E - Gospel of the kingdom: or the sermon on the mount, considered in the light of contemporary Jewish thought and ideals
54688: SAVARY L M - Cycles: the third year: growing together in the spirit
83624: SAVAS S J - Hymnology of the Eastern Orthodox Church
49424: SAVILLE D - Called to the ministry
17216: SAVOIE P - Sketch map book of the Bible lands
49016: SAVONAROLA J - Sorrow and hope: a meditation on the thirty-first psalm
17221: SAWARD M - Anglican Church Today: Evangelicals on the move (Lambeth Series)
15941: QUEBEDEAUX R & SAWATSKY R - Evangelical-Unification dialogue
40079: SAWER G - Law in society
35914: SAWYER J F A - Modern introduction to biblical Hebrew
81433: SAWYER J F A - From Moses to Patmos: new perspectives in Old Testament study
81432: SAWYER J F A - Sacred languages and sacred texts (Religion in the first Christian centuries)
26182: ARESTIS P & SAWYER M - Political economy of economic policies
26702: SAXBEE J - Liberal evangelism: a flexible reponse to the decade
53857: SAYCE A H - Social life among the assyrians and babylonians (By-paths of Bible Knowledge XVIII)
39942: SAYEGH M - Eastern churches and Catholic unity
71457: SAYERS S - LIVING WATER a creative resource for the liturgy: Treasure seekers pre-school age children Year A
17249: SAYERS S - New intercessions for the Church year: weekly companion to the ASB
26950: SAYERS S - Springboard to worship: ideas and resources for Sundays and Festivals: a companion to ASB years 1 & 2
21777: SAYERS S - Growing: a comprehensive parish youth programme
48724: SAYERS R S - Bank rate in Keynes's century (from the proceedings of the British Academy London Volume LXV 1979)
51755: SAYERS E & R - Following in their steps: short biographies for the Holy Days of the Revised Common Lectionary
17251: SAYERS S - Springboard two: ideas and resources for all-age worship
81416: SAYLER G B - Have the promises failed?: a literary analysis of 2 Baruch (SBL Dissertation Series 72)
55565: SAYLES G O - Medieval foundations of England
47365: SAYLES G O - King's Parliament of England
27088: SCALIA J - Vitality of objects: exploring the work of Christopher Bollas
29222: GALE S & SCANLAN G - Family business
48563: EHRET C F & SCANLON L W - Overcoming jet lag
31030: SCANNELL V - How to enjoy poetry
48726: SCARFE B L - Cycles growth and inflation: a survey of contemporary macrodynamics (Advanced Book Program)
54496: SCHABERG J - Illegitimacy of Jesus: a feminist theological interpretation of the infancy narratives
36596: SCHADEL E - Bibliotheca trinitatiorum: internationale bibliographie trinitarischer literatur
58756: SCHAEFFER F A - Genesis in space and time: the flow of biblical history
71475: SCHAEFFER, Francis & Edith - EVERYBODY CAN KNOW Scripture Union
17268: SCHAEFFER F A - Church at the end of the twentieth century
17264: SCHAEFFER E - Lifelines: ten commandments for today
34961: SCHAEFFER F et al - Who is for peace?
17262: SCHAEFFER E - Affliction: compassionate practical help for all who suffer
58260: SCHAFER G - Swabian perspectives: the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wurttemberg its history and development
29856: SCHAFF P - Religious encyclopaedia, or dictionary of biblical, historical, doctrinal, and practical theology, in 3 volumes based on the Real-Encyklopadie of Herzog, Plitt and Hauck,
59152: SCHAMA S - Embarassment of riches: an interpretation of Dutch culture in the Golden Age
934: SCHAMA S - History of Britain in 3 volumes: complete hardback set Vol 1 At the edge of the world? 3000BC - AD1603, Vol 2 British Wars 1603-1776, Vol 3 Fate of Empire 1776-2000
37683: SCHAPER D - On tiptoes in expectation: prayers for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany
71489: SCHAPER D - Stripping down: the art of spiritual restoration
39329: SCHARBERT J - Solidaritat in segen und fluch im Alten Testament und in seiner umwelt: Band 1: Vaterfluch und Vatersegen [Bonner Biblische Beitrage 14]
44720: SCHARFSTEIN B A - Mystical experience
71490: SCHEFFBUCH W - Christians under the hammer and sickle
52687: SCHEFFCZYK L - Creation and providence
48710: PASINETTI L L & SCHEFOLD B - Impact of Keynes on economics in the 20th century
48953: DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD SCHEME - Guide to the Duke of Edinburgh's award scheme for girls
17289: SCHERER P - Word God Sent
80030: SCHERER J A - Justinian Welz: essays by an early prophet of mission
46098: SCHIEDERMAIR W & SCHERG J - Denkmalfibel: hinweise zu Denkmalschutz und Denkmalpflege in Bayern
81427: SCHIFFMAN L H - Eschatological community of the Dead Sea Scrolls: a study of the Rule of the Congregation (SBL Monograph Series 38)
80027: SCHILDER K - Christ and culture
36769: SCHILLEBEECKX E - God is new each moment by Edward Schillebeeckx in conversation with Huub Oosterhuis and Piet Hoogeveen
57652: IERSEL B van & SCHILLEBEECKX E - Heaven (Concilium 123)
29601: SCHILLEBEECKX E - Jesus: an experiment in Christology
10405: SCHILLEBEECKX E - Christ: Christian experience in the modern world
57840: SCHILLEBEECKX E - Jesus: an experiment in Christology
54741: SCHILLEBEECKX E - Christ: Christian experience in the modern world
21665: SCHILLEBEECKX E - Christ the sacrament of encounter with God
17306: SCHILLEBEECKX E - Revelation and theology
44284: SCHILLEBEECKX E - Understanding of faith: interpretation and criticism
17299: SCHILLEBEECKX E - God among us: the Gospel proclaimed
35547: SCHILLEBEECKX E - God the future of man (Theological soundings 5/1)
53855: SCHILLER F - Erlauterungen zu schillers wilhelm tell
50632: KEENE R & SCHILLER E - World champion combinations
56288: SCHILLING H K - New consciousness in science and religion
17309: SCHILLING S P - Contemporary continental theologians
53137: SCHINDLER D C - Perfection of freedom: Schiller, Schelling and Hegel between the ancients and the moderns
32639: SCHLAFER D J - Your way with God's word: discovering your distinctive preaching voice
17311: SCHLAFER D J - Surviving the sermon: a guide to preaching for those who have to listen
44116: SCHLAGEL R H - Vanquished Gods: science religion and the nature of belief (Prometheus Lecture Series)
71506: SCHLATTER V - Where is the body?: discovering the Church in the heart of Israel
21824: SCHLEIERMACHER F - Christian faith: English translation of 2nd German edition edited by H R Mackintosh and J S Stewart
17313: SCHLEIERMACHER F - On religion: speeches to its cultured despisers: introduction, translation, and notes by Richard Crouter (Texts in German philosophy)
71507: SCHLEIERMACHER F - On religion: speeches to its cultured despisers
24820: SCHLESINGER R - Marx: his time and ours (ILSSR)
71516: SCHLINK B - Holy Land today
17318: SCHLINK M B - Israel my chosen people: a German confession before God and the Jews (ESMD 1)
71521: SCHLITT D M - Divine subjectivity: understanding Hegel's philosophy of religion
73170: TOWNSEND C & SCHLUTER M - WHY KEEP SUNDAY SPECIAL: (Jubilee Centre Paper No. 5)
54243: SCHMEMANN A - Presence of Mary (Saint Athanasius Study Series): Part I With humanity; Part II in Orthodox worship; Part III Through the Holy Spirit
83490: SCHMEMANN A - For the life of the world: sacraments and orthodoxy
17332: SCHMIDII E - Novi Testamenti Graeci Tameion: aliis Concordantiae
80983: SUTTON G W & SCHMIDLY B - Christian morality: an interdisciplinary framework for thinking about contemporary moral issues (Frameworks)
42013: SCHMIDT H - Psalmen: [Handbuch zum Alten Testament 15]
57336: SCHMIDT K L - Church
22691: SCHMIDT W H - Faith of the Old Testament: a history
56285: LABAHN M & SCHMIDT A - Jesus Mark and Q: the teaching of Jesus and its earliest records (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series 214)
40512: SCHMIDT W H - Alttestamentlicher Glaube in seiner Geschichte
35259: SCHMIDT A-M - John Calvin and the Calvinistic tradition (Men of wisdom)
30831: SCHMIDT J F - Praying with Therese of Lisieux (Companions for the journey)
39759: KUNG H & SCHMIDT H - Global ethic and global responsibilities: two declarations
81420: SCHMIDT W H - Faith of the Old Testament: a history
39221: SCHMIDT H - Eyxapiethpion: studien zur religion und literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments: Herman Gunkel zum 60 Geburtstage, dem 23 Mai 1922 dargebracht von seinen Schulern und freunden
81419: SCHMIEDEL P W - Johanine writings
71536: SCHMIERER D - Ounce of prevention: preventing the homosexual condition in today's youth
17336: SCHMITHALS W - Introduction to the theology of Rudolf Bultmann
81418: SCHMITHALS W - Theology of the first Christians
52081: SOUTHERN R W & SCHMITT F S - Memorials of St Anselm (Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi I)
48213: SCHMITT J J - Isaiah and his interpreters
17340: SCHMITT P - Isenheim Altar (Orbis Pictus 3)
54076: SCHMOLLER O - Handkonkordanz zum griechischen Neuen Testament (Text nach Nestle):Concordantiae Novi Testamenti graeci in augustum deductae (Greek Text)
37086: SCHMOLLER O - Concordantiae Novi Testamenti graeci in augustum deductae (Pocket size)
44096: SCHNACKENBURG R - All things are possible to believers: reflections on the Lord's Prayer and the Sermon on the Mount
82624: SCHNACKENBURG R - Baptism in the Thought of St Paul; a study of Pauline theology trans by P Beasley-Murray
17348: SCHNACKENBURG R - Will to Believe: meditation on N T themes
44685: SCHNACKENBURG R - Christ present and coming
58215: SCHNACKENBURG R - Ephesians: a commentary
17341: SCHNACKENBURG R - Baptism in the Thought of St Paul; a study of Pauline theology trans by P Beasley-Murray
56342: SCHNEEMELCHER W - New Testament Apocrypha Volume I and Volume II: Volume I Gospels and related writings Volume II Writings relating to the Apostles, Apocalypses and related subjects revised edition of the collection initiated by Edgar Hennecke, English translation edited by R McL Wilson
58037: SCHNEIDER J R - Good of affluence: seeking God in a culture of wealth
57985: SCHNEIDER J - Baptism and church in the New Testament
71542: SCHNEIDERS S M - NEW WINE-SKINS: re-imaging religious life today
43275: SCHNELLE U - History and theology of the New Testament Writings
50819: STRECKER G & SCHNELLE U - Einfuhrung in die Neutesamentliche Exegese
80434: WEBSTER J & SCHNER G P - Theology after liberalism: a reader
45210: SCHNITZLER A [MACPHERSON] - Zwei tiroler novellen: I. Der blinde Geronimo und sein bruder and II. Die weissagung
81417: SCHOCHET E J - Animal life in Jewish tradition: attitudes and relationships
40591: SCHOEPS H-J - Judenchristentum: untersuchungen uber gruppenbildungen und parteikampfe in der fruhen Christenheit
28465: SCHOFIELD I - Aspects of Huddersfield: discovering local history
71550: SCHOFIELD J N - LAW PROPHETS AND WRITINGS: religion of the books of the Old Testament
71545: SCHOFIELD G - Why was He killed?: the Jewish people and the death of Jesus
17358: SCHOFIELD J N - Historical Background of the Bible
71544: SCHOFIELD C E - Gospel of opportunity: ventures in interpretation of the Gospel of Jesus
71551: SCHOKEL L A - Inspired word: scripture in the light of language and literature
81415: SCHOKEL L A - Manual of hermeneutics (Biblical Seminar 54)
27533: SCHOLES P A - Concise Oxford dictionary of music
60119: SCHOLES A K - What Christianity is all about: how you can know and enjoy God
49364: SCHOLES P A - Radio Times music handbook: being a complete reference giving both meaning and pronunciation of the technical words found in programmes
55499: SCHOLFIELD R - Bordering on faith: developing orthopraxis in response to spiritual need
17366: SCHONFIELD H J - Those Incredible Christians: a new look at the early church
33677: SCHOOLGIRLS - Schoolgirls' story book
52274: SCHORI K J - Wing and a prayer: a message of faith and hope
17369: SCHOTTROFF L - Lydia's impatient sisters: a feminist social history of early christianity
56341: SCHOTTROFF L - Itinerant prophetesses: a feminist analysis of the sayings source Q (Occasional paper of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity No 21)
41426: SCHOUPPE F X - Elementa theologiae dogmaticae e probatis auctoribus collecta et divini verbi ministerio, in two volujes
40183: SCHOUSBOE J - Secte juive de l'allinace nouvelle au pays de damas et le Christianisme naissant
41415: SCHRADER E - Cuneiform inscriptions and the Old Testament translated from the second enlarged German edition by O C Whitehouse, in two volumes
40200: SCHREIDEN J - Enigmes des manuscrits de la Mer Morte
81412: SCHREINER J - Theologie des Alten Testaments (Die neue Echter Bibel Erganzungsband 1 zum Alten Testament)
39319: SCHREY H-H et al - Biblical doctrine of justice and law (Ecumenical Biblical Studies 3)
29786: LUDEMANN G & SCHRODER M - Die religionsgeschichtliche Schule in Gottingen eine Dokumentation mit 80 Abbildungen
71563: SCHRODER A - Catherine: (The Saints in Legend and Art Vol 17)
47811: SCHUBERT F - VIII symphonie (inachevee) miniature score
17376: SCHUBERT K - Dead Sea Community: its origin and teachings
12079: SCHUBERT F - Lord is my shepherd: (Octavo Anthems 594)
71565: SCHUBERT E S - Time for God: personal retreat
49124: SCHULER P L - Genre for the gospels: the biographical character of Matthew
59016: KUGLER R A & SCHULLER E M - Dead Sea Scrolls at fifty: Proceedings of the 1997 Society of Biblical Literature Qumran Section Meetings
53828: SCHULTZ R L - Church and the city: a social history of 150 years at Saint James Chicago
17378: SCHULTZ H J - Jesus in his time (essays by B Reicke, K Koch, R Schnackenburg et al)
22557: SCHURER E - History of the Jewish people in the age of Jesus Christ rev & trans G Vermes, F Millar & M Black Volume I and II ONLY lacks Vol III Pt I and Pt II
80014: SCHURER E - History of the Jewish people in the age of Jesus Christ (175 BC-AD 135 a new English version revised and edited by G Vermes and F Millar
81441: SCHURER E - History of the Jewish people in the age of Jesus Christ Volume I, II, III.1 and III.2 new English version rev & trans G Vermes, F Millar & M Black [heavy books extra postage will apply-please ask for quotation]
17384: SCHURMANN H - Jesu Abendmahlshandlung als Zeichen fur die Welt; drei vortrage (Die Botschaft Gottes II:27)
17385: SCHURMANN H - Jesu ureigener Tod: exegetische Besinnungen und Ausblick
17386: SCHUSTER G - Christianity and human relations in industry
34027: BERGAN J S & SCHWAN S M - Love: a guide for prayer (Take and receive series)
47093: SCHWARTZ S - Day by day (Godspell)
24125: SCHWARTZ G - Bets and scams: a novel of the art world
71576: SCHWARZ H - SEARCH FOR GOD: Christianity - Atheism - Secularism - World religions
54297: SCHWARZ H - Eschatology
54298: SCHWARZ H - Christology
17393: SCHWARZ W - Updating God
81409: SCHWARZ H - Die biblische Urgeschichte Gottes Traum von Mensch und Welt
47384: ANDREAS M & SCHWEIKART E & H - Mein erstes Kinderlexikon
30833: SCHWEIKER W - Responsibility and Christian ethics (New studies in Christian ethics)
17403: SCHWEITZER A - Paul and his interpreters: a critical history
17398: SCHWEITZER A - My life and thought: an autobiography translated by C T Campion
17394: SCHWEITZER A - Anthology: edited by Charles R Joy
81408: SCHWEITZER A - Quest of the Historical Jesus: the first complete edition translation by Susan Cupitt and edited by John Bowden [heavy volume-additional postage required for overseas, quotation available]
17413: SCHWEIZER E - Jesus
17410: SCHWEIZER E - Good News According to Luke
17411: SCHWEIZER E - Good News according to Mark: commentary on the Gospel
17420: SCHWEIZER E - Theological Introduction to the New Testament
17417: SCHWEIZER E - Luke: a challenge to present theology
17416: SCHWEIZER E - Lordship and discipleship
22132: SCHWEIZER E - Church order in the New Testament
26979: SCHWEIZER E - Jesus (New Testament Library)
17409: SCHWEIZER E - Church as the body of Christ
17414: SCHWEIZER E - Jesus Christ: the man from Nazareth and the Exalted Lord
43295: SCHWEIZER E - Jesus: the Parable of God: what do we really know about Jesus?
71595: SCHWENCK R L - Digging deep: penetrating our inner selves through dream symbols
80584: SCHWIEBERT E G - Luther and his times
56049: SCHWOBEL C - Trinitarian theology today: essays on divine being and act
54794: SCHWOEBEL R - Renaissance men and ideas
3895: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE - Challenge to morality reprinted from the Christian Science Monitor
48472: NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - Behavioral sciences and the federal government: advisory committee on government programs in the behavioral sciences National Research Council
28409: HARCOURT HEALTH SCIENCES - Guide for authors
17423: SCIOMACHEN A - Optimization in Industry 3 mathematics programming and modeling techniques in practice
58754: SCIPIONE G C - Timothy Titus and you: a workbook for church leaders
58753: SCORER C G - Contemporary thought on healing in the light of the New Testament
6250: EDMUNDS V & SCORER C G - Ethical responsibilty in medicine: a Christian approach
71603: SCOTLAND N A D - RECOVERING THE GROUND: towards radical planting for the Church of England
17427: SCOTLAND N - Can We trust the Gospels
17428: SCOTLAND N - John Bird Sumner: evangelical archbishop
57175: CHURCH OF SCOTLAND - A B C with the shorter catechism agreed upon by the assembly of divines at Westminster and appointed by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland: to be a directory for catechising such as are of weaker capacity
54933: CHURCH OF SCOTLAND - Pray now: daily devotions with the Church of Scotland 1998 - 99
4224: CHURCH OF SCOTLAND - Prayers for Contemporary Worship
46909: CHURCH OF SCOTLAND - Prayers for the Christian year
4344: CHURCH OF SCOTLAND - Report to the Religious instruction of youth by its special commission on the communist challenge to Christian youth
32339: CHURCH OF SCOTLAND - Agreement and disagreement: the common ground and major differences in belief between the Church of Scotland and the Roman Catholic Church
25363: SCOTS - Scots Law Times: Index 1991-1998
17457: SCOTT W - Rokeby: a poem (second edition)
41395: SCOTT E F - Gospel and its tributaries (Kerr Lectures delivered in the United Free Church College, Glasgow, during the session 1927-28)
41394: SCOTT E F - Lord's prayer: its character, purpose and interpretation
41398: SCOTT C A A - Foot-notes to St Paul
41397: SCOTT C A A - Saint Paul: the man and the teacher
41399: SCOTT C A A - Evangelical doctrine, bible truth
17436: SCOTT E F - Epistle of Paul to the Colossians to Philemon & to the Ephesians (MNTC)
17443: SCOTT G - R.C.'s: a report on Roman Catholics in Britain today
17442: SCOTT E F - Varieties of New Testament religion
17438: SCOTT E F - Fourth gospel: its purpose and theology (Literature of the New Testament)
17452: SCOTT R P - What is Secondary Education? and other short essays: by writers of practical experience on various aspects of the problem of organisation...
53827: SCOTT W - Journal of Sir Walter Scott 1825 - 32 (from the original manuscript at Abbotsford)
28384: SCOTT M - Dying to live
24846: SCOTT C A A - Christianity according to St Paul
71623: SCOTT W - BRING FORTH JUSTICE: a contemporary perspective on mission
57684: SCOTT C A A - New Testament ethics: an introduction
56282: SCOTT W - Poetical works of Sir Walter Scott (Volume III)
5887: DORSETT S B & SCOTT J B - Gleanings from the Apocrypha
26039: SCOTT A J - Regions and the world economy: the coming shape of global production, competition, and political order
47685: SCOTT W - Kenilworth [Collins Classics 611]
45602: SCOTT W - Redgauntlet
17448: SCOTT P - Coloured Key to the Wildfowl of the World
51970: SCOTT P M et al - Remoralizing Britain: political ethical and theological perpectives on new Labour
41419: SCOTT A B - Christ: the wisdom of man
53078: SCOTT E F - First age of Christianity
17456: SCOTT W - Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
17455: SCOTT W - Lord of the isles: a poem (third edition)
39934: SCOTT B - Atlas of British birdlife
82070: LIDDELL H G & SCOTT R - Greek-English Lexicon in 2 volumes: new ed rev and H S Jones with assistance of R McKenzie... [Books weigh 5kg NO ADDITIONAL UK POSTAL CHARGE. Pls ask for cost of Oversea post] -
47689: SCOTT W - Quentin Durward [Collins Classics 613]
41003: SCOTT H J - View of Yorkshire photographs by G Bernard Wood
47686: SCOTT W - Heart of Midlothian [Collins Classics 614]
81407: SCOTT D - Michael Polanyi
42359: SCOTT E J L [GAUDEN] - Eikon Basilike: the pourtraicture of his Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings: a reprint of the edition of 1648 and a facsimile of the original frontispiece...
44398: SCOTT W - Bring forth justice
41416: SCOTT C A A - Dominus Noster: a study in the progressive recognition of Jesus Christ our Lord
41417: SCOTT C A A - Church: its worship and sacraments: a Free Church interpretation
38022: SCOTT E F - Purpose of the gospels [an enquiry into why they were written]
51552: SCOTT W - Poems of Sir Walter Scott: Marmion
41390: SCOTT J H - God immortality and science
41393: SCOTT E F - Man and society in the New Testament
17459: SCOTTISH - Journal of Theology: various, Vol 2 Nos 2&3 Vol 8 No.1, Vol 15 No.4, Vol 17 Nos.1&2, Vol 19 Nos.1,2&3, Vol 20 Nos.1&2, Vol 51 Nos 3&4
80563: SCOUGAL H - Life of God in the soul of man: or the nature and excellency of the Christian Religion with the methods of attaining the happiness which it proposes with a prefae by Gilbert Burnet
54739: SCRASE L - Coping with death
10310: JEWISH SCRIPTURES - Living Talmud: wisdom of the fathers & its classical commentaries selected & tr with essay by J Goldin
2859: BUDDHIST SCRIPTURES - Buddhist birth-stories (Jataka tales) tr from V. Fausboll's ed by TW Rhys Davids
2860: BUDDHIST SCRIPTURES - selected and translated by Edward Conze
61715: BUDDHIST SCRIPTURES - TEACHING OF BUDDHA Japanese/English interlinear
36721: SCRIVENER A - Instant art for festivals (copyright free artwork for 36 projects)
42973: SCROGGIE W - Know your bible: brief introducton to the scriptures volume I Analytical: the Old Testament
53945: SCRUTON R - Dictionary of political thought
17470: SCUDAMORE W E - Notitia Eucharistica: a commentary, explanatory, doctrinal, and historical on the Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion
17471: SCUDDER D L - Tennants Philosophical Theology
59145: SCUDDER V D - Socialism and character
60247: SCUFFHAM F L - Kingdoms in conflict: the gospel for an industrial world (Drawbridge Memorial Lecture 1979)
17473: SCULLION - Genesis: a commentary for students teachers and preachers
34480: SCULLION J - Theology of inspiration (Theology today 10)
35550: SCULLY K - Women on the way: meditations for Lent
52206: SCUPIN R - Religion and culture: an anthropological focus
13517: MISSIONS TO SEAMEN - Caring across the seas: the story of the missions to seamen
82230: KEALY Sean P - Jesus and politics (Zacchaeus Studies: New Testament)
27225: SEARIGHT S - British in the Middle East
82313: SEARS B - Famous prayers unpacked: 26 five minute stories exploring the Lord's Prayer and the prayer of St Francis (Ideal for KS2)
49105: SEATON J - Bishop Seaton of Wakefield: addresses and a memoir
52299: ELLIS R & SEATON C - New Celts: following Jesus into Millennium 3
17489: SECCOMBE C E - Basis of Christian marriage
56281: SECOR P B - Richard Hooker: prophet of Anglicanism
17490: SECRETAN C F - Memoirs of the life and times of the pious Robert Nelson
71647: SEDDING E D - GLORY TO GOD ON HIGH: instructions on the Holy Eucharist for teachers and children of the church
35181: SEDDON P - Whole Christ: the spirituality of ministry
8270: SEDDON P - New age - an assessment: (GS34)
50224: SEDDON M S et al - British Muslims: loyalty and belonging
28864: SEDGWICK P - God in the city: essays and reflections from the Archbishop's Urban Theology Group[
50573: BROWN M & SEDGWICK P - Putting theology to work: a theological symposium on unemployment and the future of work
32333: HARDY D W & SEDGWICK P H - Weight of glory: a vision and practice for Christian faith: the future of liberal theology: essays for Peter Baelz
17492: SEDGWICK J - Why women priests?: the ordination of Women and the Apostolic Ministry
17495: SEDGWICK S N - Years teaching on the church catechism: after the method of S. Sulpice
43816: SCLAFER D J & SEDGWICK T F - Preaching what we practice: proclamation and moral discernment
17496: SEE - See to us a child is born S.A.T.B. music Alan Ridout
81405: SEERVELD C G - Balaams's apocalyptic prohecies: a study in reading scripture
58751: SEERVELD C - Take hold of God and pull: moments in a college chapel (translations of scripture with accompanying meditations)
58752: SEERVELD C - Greatest song in critique of Solomon: freshly and literally translated formt the Hebrew and arranged for oratorio performance (Melody and music by Ina Lohr)
80023: SEERVELD C - Telltale statues in Watteau's painting
23355: SEFTON H R - John Knox: an account of the development of his spirituality
81404: SEGAL R A - Religion and the social sciences: essays on the confrontation (Brown studies on religion 2)
54810: VAN SEGBROECK F et al - Four Gospels 1992: festshrift Frans Neirynck Volume III (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium)
17505: SEGELBERG E - Valsignelsens Kalik
17504: SEGELBERG E - Bedjen Oavlatligen:
71661: SEGUNDO J L - EVOLUTIONARY APPROACH TO JESUS OF NAZARETH (Jesus of Nazareth yesterday and today, volume V)
36619: SEGUNDO J L - Theology for artisans of a new humanity, Volumes 1-5: The community called Church; Grace and the human condition; Our idea of God; The sacraments today; Evolution and guilt
80021: SEGUNDO J L - Sacraments today: (Theology for Artisans of a New Humanity vol 4)
35060: SEGUNDO J L - Community called church: (Theology for a new humanity Vol 1)
52658: HELLHOLM D MOXNES H & SEIM T K - Mighty minorities? minorities in early Christianity - positions and strategies: essays in honour of Jacob Jervell on his 70th birthday
81402: SEKKI A E - Meaning of Ruah at Qumran (SBL Dissertation Series 110)
17520: SELBIE W B - Servant of God: and other sermons
17518: SELBIE W B - Psychology of Religion
17514: SELBIE W B - Aspects of Christ
30944: SELBY P - Rescue: Jesus and salvation today
71674: SELBY T G - UNHEEDING GOD and other sermons
37689: SELF D - Somebody once said: an anthology of quotations for preachers and speakers
24133: SELFE P - Education, training & policy (Access to sociology)
17525: SELFE P L - Sociology: introductory course
40419: SELFRIDGE - Selfridge's decorations for the Coronation
47013: SELINCOURT E de - Letters of William and Dorothy Wordworth (6 volume set): Vol I The early letters, Vol II 1806 - 1811, Vol III 1811 - 1920, Vol IV 1821 - 1830, Vol V 1831 - 1840, Vol IV 1841 - 1850
71679: SELL A P F - COMMEMORATIONS: studies in Christian thought and history
31583: SELL A P F - Philosophical idealism and Christian belief
26401: SELL R D - Literature throughout foreign language education: the implications of pragmatics (Review of ELT V5 No 1 1995)
53133: SELL A P F - Great ejectment of 1662: its antecedents, aftermath and ecumenical significance
53135: SELL A P F - Confessing the faith yesterday and today: essays reformed, dissenting and catholic
44526: SELL A P F - God our Father: doctrine and devotion
39272: SELL A P F - Robert Mackintosh: theologian of integrity (European University Papers XXIII/95)
43442: SELL A P F - Spirit our life: doctrine and devotion
81015: SELLARS J - God only knows: faith hope love and the Beach Boys
17529: SELLERS R V - Two ancient Christologies: B001P0HH78 a study in the christological thought of the schools of Alexandria and Antioch in the early history of Christian Doctrine
59144: SELLICK G G - William Penn: Quaker and colonist
17530: SELLIN E - Einleitung in das Alte Testament
37758: SELLING J A - Embracing sexuality: authority and experience in the Catholic Church
38832: SELLMAN R R - Illustrations of Devon history
25315: HUNTER C & SELMAN A - Compulsory competitive tendering of housing management: law and practice in the management of social housing
81401: VAN SELMS A - Job: a practical commentary, text and interpretation
39944: SELVIDGE M J - Notorious voices: feminist biblical interpretations 1500-1920
52232: SELWOOD M & SELWOOD A - SLSA: Socio-Legal Studies Association directory 2000
17539: SELWYN E G - History of Christian Thought: a volume of essays
17540: SELWYN E G - Short history of Christian thought: a volume of essays
53822: SEMES R L - Of these stones: an historical sketch of the Church of St Matthew San Mateo California 1865 - 1990
71684: SEMLYEN M de - ECUMENISM: where is it leading us? Unity, peace and Rome
24190: SEMMEL B - Methodist revolution
17542: SEMPER C - Intercessions at worship: a guide for those who lead them
30510: SENARCLENS J de - Heirs of the Reformation (Library of history and doctrine)
17545: SENCOURT R - Saint Paul Envoy of Grace
17544: SENCOURT R - Life of Newman
17543: SENCOURT R - Carmelite and poet: a framed portrait of St John of the Cross with his Poems in Spanish
81400: SENIOR G R - China experience: a study of the Methodist mission in China
30381: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SENTINEL - Christian Science Sentinel: December 12, 1964, Volume 66, Number 50 (Airmail to US £1.50)
25112: CLIFTON J & SERDAR H - Bully off: recognising and tackling workplace bullying
80091: SERMONS [LEEDS PARISH CHURCH] - Seven sermons preached at the consecration and re-opening of the Parish Church of Leeds: with an introduction by W H Teale
37245: SERULLAZ M - Phaidon encyclopedia of impressionism
12664: MARRIAGE SERVICE - Marriage service with music: series 1 and ASB 1980
29478: SOCIAL SERVICES - Social Services year book 1999
27646: JS PATHOLOGY SERVICES - Common parasites
50830: FUNERAL SERVICES - Funeral services of the Christian churches in England
32281: FUNERAL SERVICES - Funeral services of the Christian churches in England: including additional hymn section
81398: VAN SETERS - In search of history: historiography in the Ancient World and the origins of biblical history
57334: SETH J - Study of ethical principles
47086: SETRIGHT R - Get well: an A - Z of natural medecine for everyday illness
23565: GRADY K M & SEVERN A M - Key topics in chronic pain
71702: SEWELL B - VATICAN ORACLE [Humanae Vitae and the Church's stance on artificial birth control]
74363: SEWELL W - Introduction to the dialogues of Plato
41837: SEXTON W J - Catholic and evangelical courses of addresses published for the Committee of the Anglo-Catholic Congress
81389: SEYBOLD K - Introducing the Psalms
55211: SEYFFERT O [NETTLESHIP & SANDYS] - Dictionary of classical antiquities: mythology, religion, literature and art
17561: SEYZINGER E - Glory of the priesthood
46679: SHADOWS - The Shadows by themselves edited by Royston Ellis
56160: SHADWELL A - Drink temperance and legislation
33607: SHAFFER P - Royal hunt of the sun: a play concerning the Conquest of Peru
40138: SHAGEDH M - Hommage a Wilhelm Vischer
9867: IDRIES SHAH - Exploits of the incomparable Mulla Nasrudin
83422: SHAHOVSKOY J - Orthodox pastor: outline of pastoral theology (Library of Orthodox Theology - 3)
56280: SHAIL W F - Psalms canticles and hymns: Psalms of the Old Testament, Canticles of the New Testament, Hymns of the Church
21781: SHAKERS - Shakers: two centuries of spiritual reflection edited with intro by R E Whitson (CWS)
17566: SHAKERS - Shakers: two centuries of spiritual reflection edited with intro by R E Whitson (CWS)
46701: SHAKESPEARE W - Poems (Arden edition of the works of William Shakespeare)
50640: SHAND R et al - New southern harmonies: four emerging fiction writers
17570: SHANDS A R - Liturgical movement and the local church (RBC 129)
39431: SHANKS H - Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls: a reader from the Biblical Archaeology Review
24373: SHANKS H - Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism: a parallel history of their origins & early development
58031: SHANKS A - Other calling: theology intellectual vocation and truth
83503: SHANN G V - Euchology: a manual of prayers of the Holy Orthodox Church done into English by G V Shann (pocket size hardback without wrapper, black binding slightly edge-rubbed, spine little faded but front board highly decorated in gilt, patterned end papers)
71708: SHANNON W H - SILENT LAMP: the Thomas Merton story
71711: SHAPIRO H L - JEWISH PEOPLE: a biological history (Race question in modern science series)
48513: SHAPLEN R - Free love and heavenly sinners: the story of the great Henry Ward Beecger scandal
56279: SHARP M - Traveller's guide to saints in Europe
17575: SHARP E M - China Painting: the soft look technique
7682: SHARPE E - God rest ye merry gentlemen: (Cramer's Descant Series no.37)
17580: SHARPE S - History of the Hebrew Nation and its Literature: with an appendix on the Hebrew Chronology
7734: SHARPE E - Good King Wenceslas: (Cramer's Descant Series no.43)
57264: SHARPE E - It came upon a midnight clear: accompaniment and descant by Evelyn Sharpe [Cramer's Descant Series]
26091: AL-SHARQAWI A R - Egyptian earth
35121: SHARROCK J A - Hinduism: ancient and modern viewed in the light of the Incarnation
82557: SHARROCK R et al - John Bunyan lectures 1978: [contributors R Sharrock, C Hill P Bell E James] to mark the 350th anniversary of the birth of John Bunyan and the Tercentenary of the publiationof 'The Pilgrim's Progress'
52936: HEFLING C & SHATTUCK C - Oxford guide to the Book of Common Prayer: a worldwide survey
80959: SHATZER J - Spreading and abiding hope: a vision for Evangelical Theopolitics (Theopolitical visions)
39024: SHAW B - Music in London 1890-94 in three volumes
35492: SHAW G - Seeds of love: being the Glastonbury series of short prayers
47716: SHAW G - Fantasia on Adeste Fideles for the organ: original compositions for the organ No 19
49833: SHAW L - Widening light: poems of the incarnation
55253: SHAW I - Selected short stories of Irwin Shaw
28943: HAGELL A & SHAW C - Opportunity and disadvantage at age 16
40114: SHAW T - E M Blaiklock: Christian scholar
57769: SHAW G P - Patriarch and patriot: William Grant Broughton 1788 - 1853 Colonial statesman and ecclesiastic
31916: SHAW G - Sitio: I thirst prayers of intercession
71729: SHAW R D - PAULINE EPISTLES: introductory and expository studies
54164: HARRIS H & SHAW J - Women and episcopacy
17595: SHAW W - Spying in Furu land: inside Britain's cults
17594: SHAW W - Never a Young Man: extracts from letters and journals compiled by Celia Sadler
17591: SHAW G - Pilgrim's Book of Prayers
48791: SHAW W A - Gospel of Luke
46987: SHAW G B - Doctor's dilemma, getting married and the shewing-up of blanco posnet
41719: SHAW G [ed SHAW M] - Two organ choral preludes: Cramer's library of organ music by British composers edited by Martin Shaw
81387: SHAW D W D - Dimensions: literary and theological incorporating the St Mary's lectures 1991-1992
81954: SHAW G - Cost of Authority: manipulation and freedom in the New Testament
51740: SHEAIL P - Downland village: the story of a Hampshire parish in the 1850's
28470: SHEALY C N - Self-healing workbook: your personal plan for stress free living
59285: SHEARER W R - Century of service 1872-1972: a brief history of the Methodist Insurance Company Ltd
47606: SHEARLOCK D - When words fail: God and the world of beauty
52686: SHEARS W S - King: the story and splendour of British monarchy
17598: SHEBBEARE C J - Problems of Providence
26131: SHEE A H L - Legal protection of children against sexual exploitation in Taiwan: a socio-legal perspective
17600: SHEED F J - God and the human condition: Vol 1 - God and the human mind
50389: SHEEHAN B A - Partners in covenant: the art of spiritual companionship
28889: SHEEN J - Decorating with flowers
71773: SHEERIN J B - SACRAMENT OF FREEDOM: a book on confession
31115: SHELDRAKE P - Befriending our desires
10451: SHELDRAKE P - Spiritual city: theology, spirituality, and the urban
37503: SHELDRAKE P - New SCM dictionary of Christian spirituality
17610: SHELDRAKE P - Images of Holiness: explorations in contemporary spirituality
74366: SHELLENBERGER S - How to help your hurting friend: clear guidance for messy problems
17616: SHELLEY P B - Poetry and Prose: with essays by Browning, Bagehot, Swinburne and reminiscences by others intro and notes by AMD Hughes
44450: SHELTON C M - Morality of the Heart: a psychology for the Christian moral life
17619: SHELTON D - Remedies in International Human Rights Law
52217: SHENK W R - Write the vision: the church renewed (Christian Mission and modern culture)
80017: SHENK W R - Henry Venn - missionary statesman (American Society of Missiology Series No 6)
58134: SHENK W R - Exploring church growth
48210: SHENNAN J H - Parlement of Paris
51005: SHEPHERD C - Blended learning cookbook
28891: SHEPHERD J - Multilevel English grammar programme: level 4 student's book, with answers
28003: SHEPHERD J J - Experience, inference and God (Library of Philosophy and Religion)
59143: SHEPHERD T B - Methodism and the literature of the eighteenth century
22473: SHEPHERD M H - Living liturgy
28127: SHEPHERD E T - Moments with God: sermonettes
17622: SHEPHERD M H - Liturgy and Christian Faith
37690: SHEPHERD D - Cordon bleu Christianity
51213: SHEPHERD B - Inspiring women: created as a woman
33161: SHEPHERD M H - Holy Communion: an anthology of Christian devotion
17635: SHEPPARD G - Aspect of fear
49354: SHEPPARD G - Living with dying
31781: SHEPPARD G - Pits and pedestals: a journey towards self-respect
54958: SHEPPARD H R L - We say No! the plain man's guide to pacifism
17642: SHEPPARD W J L - Swedenborgianism
17641: SHEPPARD L C - Curé d'Ars: portrait of a parish priest
17631: SHEPPARD D - Other Britain (Richard Dimbleby lecture April 1984)
71798: SHEPPARD L - TRUE WORSHIP: the fifth Downside Symposium (Contributors: I-H Dalmais, Gabriel Herbert, L Bouyer, JD Crichton, Paul Grammont, Basil Minchin)
66750: KELLY G & SHEPPARD L - Their future, our passion
36932: SHEPPARD L - New liturgy: a comprehensive introduction to the New Liturgy as a whole and to its New Calendar, Order of Mass, Eucharistic Prayers, the Roman Canon, prefaces & the New Sunday Lectionary
82731: COHN-SHERBOK D - Glimpses of God
30955: LINZEY A & COHN-SHERBOK D - After Noah: animals and the liberation of theology
4615: COHN-SHERBOK D - Canterbury papers: essays on religion & society
54323: COHN-SHERBOK D - Jews of Canterbury 1760 - 1931
24402: COHN-SHERBOK D - Jewish mysticism: an anthology
44506: COHN-SHERBOK D - Hebrew Bible
43274: COHN-SHERBOK D - Future of Judaism
52815: COHN-SHERBOK D - Jewish Heritage
39355: COHN-SHERBOK D - Many mansions: interfaith and religious intolerance (Canterbury Papers)
73374: ROTHSCHILD S & SHERIDAN S - Taking up the timbrel: the challenge of creating ritual for Jewish women today
25739: SHERIFF J P - How to write advertising features: a practical guide on writing advertising features for your local newspaper
59498: SHERINGHAM J - Jonah and the bony-finned asteroid fish
23392: SHERMAN M - Despots, democrats and the determinants of international conflict
22507: JENKINS C & SHERMAN B - Collapse of work
23040: MANLEY I & SHERR A - Advising clients with HIV and AIDS
48438: SHERR J - Homoeopathic proving of chocolate
83857: SHERRARD P - The sacred in life and art
83856: SHERRARD P - Greek East and the Latin West: a study in the Christian Tradition
83425: SHERRARD P - Human image: world image the death and resurrection of sacred cosmology
83426: SHERRARD P - Rape of man and nature: an enquiry into the origins an consequences of modern science
29465: SHERRATT N et al - Introduction to the social sciences: understanding social change (Workbook 1) [Part of Open University course DD100]
31794: SHERRY P - Spirit and beauty: an introduction to theological aesthetics
81666: SHERRY P - What is liberation theology? (S377)
33562: SHERWIN D R et al - Evangelism across the diocese: two diocesan initiatives in evangelism (GEv34)
17651: SHEVILL I - Half time (autobiography of The Right Reverend The Bishop of North Queensland)
71459: SCANLAN M & SHIELDS A T - And their eyes were opened: encountering Jesus in the sacraments
71808: SHIELDS J A - Guide to Lourdes
17653: SHILLITO E - Outline of Church History: From the Acts of the Apostles to the Reformation (Contributions by CH Dodd CE Raven EG Selwyn et al)
48198: SHILLITOE R - Counselling people with diabetes: (Communication and counselling in health care series)
71810: SHINN R L - LIFE, DEATH AND DESTINY (Layman's theological Library)
17656: SHIPLEY O - Tracts for the day [5]: essays on theological subjects (1) Priestly absolution; (2) Purgatory; (3) Seven sacraments; (4) Miracles & prayer; (5) Real presence
57333: SHIRLEY W W - Some account of the Church in the apostolic age to which is added an essay on dogmatic preaching
7452: GARRISON J & SHIVPURI P - Russian threat: its myths & realities
17660: SHLEMON B L - Healing prayer
71816: SHOEMAKER S - And they neighbor: talk about creative living
71818: SHORT A R - ARCHAEOLOGY GIVES EVIDENCE: Bible history and Eastern discovery, revised & edited by Alan Millard
54165: SHORT A R - Rock beneath
59142: SHORT R H - Methodism and Christian experience
6247: EDMONDSON V & SHORT D - Czech Republic (World Bibliographical Series 219)
44355: SHORT E H - History of religious architecture
59116: SHORTER A - Evangelization and culture
17669: SHORTER A - Revelation and its interpretation (Introducing Catholic Theology)
45593: SHORTHOUSE J H - John Inglesant: a romance
52119: SHORTT C De L - Who was the first Bishop of Rome
31413: SHOTTER E F - Matters of life and death by Cicely Saunders, J Dominian, C Murray Parkes, G R Dunstant et al
71833: SHRIMPTON M - No time for tears:
71834: SHRISUNDER D S - Miracles all miracles [signed by author]
39726: SHRISUNDER D S - Pocket guide to Asian religions in Britain
82825: SHRIVER D W - Ethic for enemies: forgiveness in politics
17674: SHROPSHIRE D W T - Church and the primitive peoples: the religious institutions and beliefs of the Southern Bantu and their bearing on the Problems of the Christian Missionary
40096: SHROPSHIRE D W T - Primitive marriage and European law: a South African investigation
42038: BOYD W & SHUFFREY W A - Littondale: Past and present: Limited Edition No. 7 of 250: Part 1: Fifty years in Arncliffe, and Part 2: Halton Gill in the Olden time. , Leeds 155pp 6 etchings/13 text woodcuts, hardback, original light blue/cream gilt decorated binding,
71837: SHULMAN D D - King and the clown in South Indian myth and poetry
82652: SHULTS F L - Postfoundationalist task of theology: Wolfhart Pannenberg and the new theological rationality
22906: SHUTTLEWORTH V - Special educational needs coordinator: maximising your potential
17282: SCHARLIER M & SIBLY F A - Youth & Sex: dangers and safeguards for girls and boys
51683: SICHEL E - Life and letters of Alfred Ainger
51342: SIDEBOTTOM E M - Good news of God : the teaching of the Gospel tradition
42081: SIDEBOTTOM E M - Christ of the fourth Gospel: in the light of first-century thought
38043: SIDEBOTTOM E M - James, Jude and 2 Peter: based on the Revised Standard Version (Century Bible new edition)
81384: SIDEBOTTOM E M - James, Jude and 2 Peter based on the Revised Standard Version (Century Bible new edition)
59140: SIDER R - Evangelicals and development: towards a theology of social change (Contemporary Issues in Social Ethics Volume 2)
49731: SIDER R - Evangelism and social action: uniting the Church to heal a lost and broken world
71849: SIDEY R P - Lover of God: select's from St.John of Cross; daily readings
81385: SIDGWICK H - Outlines of the history of ethics
53848: SIDNEY P - Apologie for poetrie
41439: SIEBENS A-R - L'Origine du code Deuteronomique: examen historique et litteraire du sujet a la lumiere de la critique contemporaine
83411: SIEGELMAN E Y - Metaphor and meaning in psychotherapy
17693: SIGGINS I D K - Luther
82948: SIHLER E G - From Augustus to Augustine: essays and studies dealing with the contact and conflict of Classic Paganism and Christianity
81383: SIKER J S - Scripture and ethics: twentieth-century portraits
27446: SILBERMAN N A - Hidden scrolls: Christianity Judaism & the war for the Dead Sea Scrolls
30226: SILF M - Soul space: making a retreat in the Christian tradition
50385: SILF M - On prayer
31804: SILF M - Miller's tale and other parables
82241: SILF M - Landmarks: an Ignatian journey
34491: SILLEM E - Ways of thinking about God: Thomas Aquinas and some recent problems
17701: SILLITOE A F - Britain in figures: handbook of social statistics
27331: SILVER H - Good schools effective schools: judgements and their histories (School development)
33673: NEAMAN J S & SILVER C G - Dictionary of euphemisms
29885: SILVERSIDES M - Folk religion: friend or foe? (GP25)
71860: SIMCOX C E - Promises of God: an exercise in Biblical thinking
71858: SIMCOX C E - Living the Lord's Prayer
82953: SIMCOX C E - Understanding the sacraments
52577: SIMCOX C E - Treasury of quotations on Christian themes
30091: SIMCOX C E - Living the Ten Commandments: a guide to Christian obedience
17706: SIMMONS A H - Order or Chaos?: the Anglo-methodist report
37074: SIMMONS V G - Reform in Judaism
25692: SIMMONS M - Street credo: churches in the community
23103: SIMMONS M - Landscapes - of poverty: aspects of rural England in the late 1990s
46625: SIMMS G - In my understanding
28562: ETHERIDGE D & SIMON E - Information networks: planning and design
59139: SIMON J S - John Wesley and the Methodist societies
17726: SIMON W G H - First Epistle to the Corinthians (TBC)
17724: SIMON U - Theology of crisis
17719: SIMON U - Theology observed
17720: SIMON U - Theology of Auschwitz
17711: SIMON G - Church, State and Opposition in the U.S.S.R
17709: SIMON B - Ragman's city
15746: SIMPER C - Praise the Lord: harvest anthem
41443: SIMPLE - Simple form of compline: with additional prayers as used in Westcott House, Cambridge
41448: SIMPSON J G - What is the Gospel? or redemption: a study in the doctrine of Atonement
22128: SIMPSON H L - Let us worship God: a book of prayers for divine service
41446: SIMPSON P - Marguerite Bourgeoys and Montreal, 1640-1665
24128: SIMPSON D - Pressure groups (Access to politics)
28707: SIMPSON T - Cartoonist's bible
24269: SIMPSON R - How we grew a local ecumenical project (GP17)
22773: SIMPSON D - Political parties [Access to Politics]
22439: SPARROW SIMPSON W J - Celebrant of the eucharist
71896: SIMPSON W D - Perth and the Celtic church
71885: SIMPSON J A - There is a time to....: a down to earth presentation of Christianity as a way of life. It is primarily intended for people who hunger for meaning in life, people who would like to ""believe and find it hard to do so.
71881: SIMPSON H L - Nameless longing
22778: SIMPSON D - UK Government and politics in context [Access to Politics]
41447: SIMPSON J Y - Man and the attainment of immortality
51281: SIMPSON F A - Louis Napoleon and the recovery of France1848-1856
17744: SPARROW SIMPSON W J - Ministry and the eucharist
17740: SIMPSON P C - Problem of Pain
17741: SPARROW SIMPSON W J - Church and the Bible
17738: SIMPSON M M - Ordination of Women in the American Episcopal Church - the present situation (Occasional Paper 6)
17739: SIMPSON P C - Evangelical Church Catholic: the thirteenth series of the Chalmers Lectures
17735: SIMPSON J A - Master Mind: Jesus according to his enemies
17734: SIMPSON D C - Pentateuchal criticism
17732: SIMPSON A H - Short Retreats for Beginners: a handbook for conductors
17731: SIMPSON A E - Reformation, Protestant-Romanist English (LBR)
82797: SIMPSON P C - Life of Principal Rainy with portraits in two volumes [2 heavy volumes, please enquire postal cost]
68443: SPARROW SIMPSON W J - Christian Doctrine of God: lectures delivered to the members of the S. Paul's lecture society
8290: BYWORTH C H B & SIMPSON J A - Service of thanksgiving and blessing (GBMW5)
41442: SIMPSON A E - So god loved: the place of the cross in the Christian religion
47312: SIMPSON W W - Jewish prayer and worship: an introduction for Christians
47523: SIMPSON A - Blooming Dublin: choice change and contradictions
41328: SPARROW SIMPSON W J - Roman Catholic opposition to Papal infallibility
71889: SIMPSON J H - Garment of the living God: studies in the relations of science and religion
46594: SIMPSON F A - Rise of Louis Napoleon
39004: SPARROW SIMPSON W J - St Augustine's episcopate: a brief introduction to his writings as a Christian
39524: POLACK A I & SIMPSON W W - Jesus in the background of history
17736: SIMPSON J B - Long Shadows of Lambeth X: a critical eye witness account of the tenth decennial conference of 462 Bishops of the Anglican Communion
50036: GOMEZ D W & SINCLAIR M W - To mend the net: Anglican faith and order for renewed mission
27110: VERNON J & SINCLAIR R - Maintaining children in school: the contribution of social services departments
17754: SINCLAIR R - When we pray: a method of prayer taught by G A Studdert Kennedy
17753: SINCLAIR R - Victim Victorious: a message for war-time
17752: SINCLAIR R - Except we turn
28339: SINCLAIR J H - Handbook of conveyancing practice in Scotland
28726: SINCLAIR C - Wee guide to the Jacobites (Pocket Scottish History)
35990: FAULL V & SINCLAIR J - Count us in - inclusive language in liturgy (GL46)
41444: SINCLAIR J - Sermons and Charges: including Essay on Church Patronage; Sermon on divisions in the church; Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Middlesex, bound in one volume. [Very attractive binding - image available]
47030: SINDING C - Frühlingsrauschen op. 32 Nr. 3: Gazouillement du printemps - Rustle of Spring. Klavier / Piano
71907: SINE T - Wild hope: crises facing the human community on the threshold of the 21st century: a rallying call to take charge and live creatively in a changing world
24444: SINETAR M - Spiritual intelligence: what we can learn from the early awakening child
25327: SINGH B R - Improving gender and ethnic relations: strategies for schools and further education
39375: SINGLEHURST L - Loving the lost: the principles and practice of cell church
57071: SINGLETON M W - God's courier: configuring a different grace in George Herbert's Temple
82945: SINWELL J P - Come Follow Me: Resources for the Period of Inquiry in the Rcia
49726: SIRE J W - Discipleship of the mind: learning to love God in the ways we think
58748: SIRE J W - Jeremiah meet the 20th century; 12 studies in Jeremiah
41486: SIRR W - Watchman, what of the night?: the way of deliverance at hand for the prisoners of hope
48177: SISLEY - Chef d'oeuvre de l'art grands peintres: Sisley [in French]
80980: SISON A D - Sacred foodways of film: theological servings in 11 food films
30973: JANE Sister - Hidden joy
70794: RIAIN I M N Sister - WINGS OF PRAYER: meditating on scripture by Sister Ide M Ni Riain and Brother Kenneth
26599: EILEEN MARY Sister - Pilgrimage and possession: conversion in the writings of St Teresa and St John of the Cross
38503: JANE Sister - Surprised by joy: a history of the Community of the Servants of the Cross 1882-2004
50173: RELIGIOUS SISTERS - Religious sisters: being the English version of Directoire des Superieures and Les adaptations de la vie religieuse
48663: SITWELL O - Left hand right hand (Vol 4: Laughter in the next room)
52486: SITWELL S - Homing of the winds and other passages in prose
21770: SIVARAMAN K - Hindu spirituality: Vedas through Vedanta (World Spirituality)
71933: SIWEK P - Riddle of Konnersreuth: a psychological & religious study [Theresa Neumann]
71934: SIX J-F - Light of the Night: the last eighteen months in the life of Therese of Lisieux
55893: SIZMUR S - Just between friends
82088: SJOGREN P-O - Jesus prayer
34478: SJOGREN P-O - Jesus prayer
81367: SJOLANDER P - Some aspects of style in twentieth-century English Bible translation: one-man versions of Mark and the Psalms
17770: SKEAT W W - Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman: by William Langland
17771: SKEATS H S - History of the Free Churches of England 1688-1851
71935: SKELLINGTON R - ""Race"" in Britain today
17774: SKELTON K - Overseas Bishoprics' Fund 1941-1991 a short history of its third half-century
7043: FORRESTER D B & SKENE D - Just sharing: Christian approach to the distribution of wealth income & benefits
55496: SKEVINGTON A - Pilgrim spirit
32744: SKINNER J - Journal of a Somerset rector 1803-1834: parochial affairs of the parish of Cmerton
25430: SKINNER M et al - Complete A-Z geography coursework handbook
27290: SKINNER M et al - Complete A-Z geography handbook
24224: WALROND-SKINNER S - Fulcrum and the fire: wrestling with family life
52735: SKINNER R - Invocations: calling on the God in all
34540: WALROND-SKINNER S - Crossing the boundary: what will women priests mean?
17778: SKINNER J - Prophecy and religion: studies in the life of Jeremiah
32522: WALROND-SKINNER S - Family matters: the pastoral care of personal relationships (New library of pastoral care)
52865: SKINNER J - Echoing the silence
52864: SKINNER R - Logic of whistling
32530: WALROND-SKINNER S - Double blessing: clergy marriage since the ordination of women as priests
82943: SKINNER J - Ecclesiastical history of Scotland from the first appearance of christianity in that country to the present time...Volume I & II [This order consists of two volumes so postage needs to be for 2 books please]
82944: SKINNER M J - This is Christianity: a companion to the catechism
44848: SKINNER Q - Machiavelli: very short introduction
49107: SKIPTON H P K - Life and times of Nicholas Ferrar
34972: SKLAIR L - Sociology of progress (International Library of Sociology & Social Resonstruction)
83390: SKRINE R - Blocks and freedoms in sexual life: a handbook of psychosexual medicine
71942: SKRINE J H - Creed and the creeds: their function in religion, being the Bampton Lectures of 1911
71943: SKRINE J H - Hymns, litanies, and prayers for a village
17781: SKRINE J H - Pastor Ovium: the day-book of a country parson
71945: SKYRME B - Martial arts and yoga: a Christian viewpoint
82954: SLADEN D - Carthage and Tunis: the old and new gates of the Orient with 6 maps and 68 illustrations including six coloured plates by Benton Fletcher Volume II ONLY
34973: SLATER P - Dynamics of religion: continuity and change in patterns of faith
25328: SLATER J - Teaching history in the new Europe
71959: SLATER T - Points of church law, mysticism and morality
41997: SLAVITT D R - Book of the twelve Prophets
59138: SLEEMAN J F - Economic crisis: a Christian perspective
49932: SLEEPER C F - Victorious Christ: a study of the Book of Revelation
83427: SLESINSKI R - Pavel Florensky: a metaphysics of love
55588: SLINGERLAND H D - Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: a critical history of research (Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series volume 21)
81691: SLOAN R B Jr - Favourable year of the Lord: a study of Jubilary theology in the Gospel of Luke
82670: SLOCUM R B - Light in a burning-glass: a systematic presentation of Austin Farrer's theology
71965: SLOSSER G J - Christian unity: its history and challenge in all communions, in all lands
71966: SLOSSON E E - Sermons of a chemist
81366: SLOYAN G S - What are they saying about John?
50677: SMALL M - Messages from Luke: Key stage 2 assembly outlines on Luke's Gospel
59034: BLACK M & SMALLEY W A - On language, culture and religion: in honor of Eugene A Nida
11866: LINDARS B & SMALLEY S S - Christ and spirit in the New Testament studies in honour of Charles Francis Digby Moule
81397: SMART N - World philosophies
54485: SMART S - Deeper: contemplative prayer for charismatic Christians
27612: SMART N - Philosophy of religion
59137: SMART N - Phenomenon of religion
22126: SMART N - Beyond ideology: religion and the future of Western civilization (Gifford Lectures 1979-1980)
82173: SMART J D - Interpretation of scripture
17824: SMART N - Philosophers and religious truth
17821: SMART N - Historical selections in the philosophy of religion
17819: SMART N - Concept of worship (New studies in the philosophy of religion)
39047: SMART N - Making of early Hinduism, bound with, Classical Hindu philosophy and theology [A228 Units 3 and 4 of Open University Arts: A second level course. The religious quest]
82183: SMART J D - Interpretation of scripture (Preacher's Library)
81078: SMART J D - Past, present and future of biblical theology
51468: SMART N - Religion and the western mind
80010: SMEDES L B - All things made new: a theology of man's union with Christ
49870: SMEDES L B - Ministry and the miraculous: a case study at Fuller Theological Seminary
40744: SMEDT P C de - Introductio generalis ad Historiam Ecclesiasticam: critice tractandam
17829: SMELIK K A D - Writings from Ancient Israel: a handbook of historical and religious documents
27915: POTTER E & SMELLIE D - Questions & answers: common employment problems
40602: SMEND R - Elemente alttestamentlichen Geschichtsdenkens (Theologische Studien: Herausgegeben von Karl Barth und Max Geiger: Heft 95)
29865: SMETHURST D - Extended communion: an experiment in Cumbria (GW96)
17834: SMILES S - Self-Help: with illustrations of conduct and perseverance (unabridged)
42360: GRIGG-SMITH T - Intinction: and the administration of the chalice
69282: NEWLAND-SMITH J N - CHURCH TEACHING FOR CHURCH CHILDREN: instructions on the church catechism for catechists, parents, and Sunday School teachers
41454: SMITH S - Essays: social and political
17896: SMITH J - Synoptic tables: showing the relationship of the first three Gospels
17897: SMITH J B - Guadalupe Madonna: myth or miracle?
49694: SMITH E C - Balanced church growth
7442: GARDNER-SMITH P - Expansion of the Christian church (Christian religion Vol 2)
41412: SMITH G - Bishop Heber: poet and chief missionary to the East, Second Lord Bishop of Calcutta 1783-1826
72044: SMITH H M - Pre-Reformation England
17847: SMITH B A - Dean Church - the Anglican response to Newman
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