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Click on booknumber for full information
428532: - Victorian Poetry: Volume 3, 1965
446491: - Phillips De Pury & Company: The Halsey Minor Collection, 13 May 2010, New York
446492: - Arne Quinze: Africa Electronica: Exhibition, 26 November - 20 December 2009, London
420232: - Chemical Engineering Education: 2nd: Conference Proceedings
432768: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 17, Part 1, 1903-1906
304104: - Chi E?: Dizionario Biografico Degli Italiani D'oggi
168162: - Improving Relationships : Better Relationships Between Indigenous Australians And the Wider Community
427840: - The Deloitte Art Collection: Thursday 10th January 2008, The Royal Academy of Arts
210564: - The World Economy: Global Tade Policy 2008
294003: - Christie's: Japanese Ivories, Prints, Porcelains and Other Works of Art, Tuesday, March 14, 1972
519489: - Henry Moore: Sculpture from the 40s and 50s
171684: - Neuroscience Volume 60 Number 4
171685: - Neuroscience Volume 60 Number 3
172761: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 440, Number 1910 (Pages 493-741)
281631: - Christie's: Post-War and Contemporary Art, Afternoon Session, New York, 15 November 2012
417960: - History of Philosophy Quarterly: Vol. 20, 2003
417962: - History of Philosophy Quarterly: Vol. 22, 2005
219127: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 61, No 4
219136: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 62, No 4
187300: - London Magazine Volume 5 Number 10, 1958
072089: - American Studies Library Newsletter #48
077045: - Congresos Internacionales Democrata-Cristianos
440731: - The Journal of Roman Studies, Volume 30, 1940
104457: - Practising Prevention
102188: - The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church According to the Use of the Church of England
490198: - Svenja Deinnger: Neue Arbeiten
494446p: - Priscian: Answers to King Khosroes of Persia (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle)
041794: - Napoleon: Thoughts on Love and Life
464235a: - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. For the Year MDCCCLXXVI. Vol. 166. - Part II.
464232A: - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. For the Year MDCCCLXIV. Vol. 154. - Part III.
417249: - 2009 Seoul Auction Hong Kong Sale: Modern & Contemporary Art: 15th May 2009, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong
464510: - SALE CATALOGUE: Old Master and British Paintings: Thursday 14 April 2011
422509: - William Gear, 1915 - 1997: Paintings from the 1950s
172713: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 456 Number 2004 (Pages 2823-3062)
172714: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 460 Number 2050 (Pages 2761-3064)
285348: - The Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal: A Weekly Gazette of Legal Postings and Miscellaneous Legal News and Information; to Which are Added The Irish Law Times Reports; Volume XXXVIII, 1904
222837: - Telequipment Laboratory Oscilloscopes D.43, D.43R, S.43: Manual
432715: - The Cornhill Magazine: Vol. XV. July to December, 1867
437005: - La Santa Biblia: Nueva Version Internacional
436098: - The Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Volume 98, 1947
436103: - Surrey Archeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, Volume XL
272704: - The Mariner's Mirror: Vol. 84 No. 2 (May 1998)
166494: - Britain: An Official Handbook
093257: - Redoubt 18: National Short Story Competition Issue
457016: - The Owston Collection: Friday 25 and Saturday 26 June 2010: Overseas Passenger Terminal, Sydney
470485: - The Hoard of Mrs. Likhachyova
173114: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 277 Numbers 1368-1371
431066: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. 63, 1955-59
421048: - Contemporary Art Day Auction: New York, 12 November 2014
463266: - Sotheby's: The Krug Collection of Glass, Part II: 7th December 1981
418818: - L'Europe Art Nouveau, 23 Septembre 2010
418820: - La Sculpture Du XIXe Siecle A Nos Jours, 6 Mai 2008
301957: - The British Museum Quarterly, Volume XXXVI, Nos. 3-4, Autumn 1972
439285: - Byron - Shelley - Keats: In Memoriam Endowed Yearly Prizes: Prize Essays By Competitors, 4th Set, with Life Incidents of the Foundress, Rose Mary Crawshay and "Domestic Economy"
075519: - The World Economy, Volume 26, Number 4
436049: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 188, 1979
156982: - North-West Devon
453058: - Anthony Caro - Bronze and Books Sculptures
169951: - Democratization, Volume 12 Number 4
534645: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 33
408523: - 20th Century Modern Weekend, 25-26 April 2009
408524: - Oxford Art Journal, Volume 21, Number 2, 1998
530756: - The Bookman Special Christmas Number 1922
495584: - The Photographic Blue Book: 1961/62 Edition
064771: - The Sixth Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society: Extended Abstracts (British Ceramic Proceedings)
279846: - The Play Pictorial: Volumes 44-45
478114: - Urban Freight for Livable Cities: How to Deal with Collaboration and Trade-Offs
052560: - Suse Linux 6.0; The Complete Resource of Your Linux Operating System!
520759: - Documents of the First International: 1866-1868: The General Council of the First International: Minutes
414234: - Functiones Et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici XXXV (2006)
160937: - Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine Volume 1: 1997
270764: - Paul Klee: 1879-1940
143969: - Miranda: Smart, Sexy, Dangerous (DVD)
272721: - The Mariner's Mirror: Vol. 89 No. 3 (August 2003)
275002: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome IX NumEro 35: Juin 1949
262426: - Olgemalde und Aquarelle des 19. Jahrhunderts: Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011, Palais Dorotheum
262425: - Olgemalde und Aquarelle des 19. Jahrhunderts: Dienstag, 13. Marz 2012, Palais Dorotheum
420971: - Robert Filliou: Genio Sin Talento
029435: - Christie's Impressionist and Modern Watercolours and Drawings
029434: - Christie's Contemporary Art: 2 December 1993
172768: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 452, Number 1945 (Pages 199-419)
264062: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 17 No. 4 Summer 2001
264063: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 18 No. 1 Autumn 2001
264064: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 18 No. 2 Winter 2001
273746: - Alberto Morrocco
210138: - Christie's Photographs Twenty Years: Celebrating Galerie Zur Stockeregg 4th October 1999
429472: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 84, 1846
487954: - Beatrix Potter, 1866-1943: Centenary Catalogue 1966
487945: - Antisemitism World Report 1995
111099: - The Balkan States I. Economic
146968: - Callaloo Volume 14 Number 4
146970: - Groundings, Forum for Black Readers and Writers (Winter 91) RHYTHM WRITERS
146971: - Groundings, Forum for Black Readers and Writers (Winter 91) RHYTHM WRITERS
444524: - Le Kama Sutra
508563: - Ampersand, Issue 2
172773: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 461 Number 2053 (Pages 1-304)
021854: - The 'Rapid' Pocket Pricer for Buyers & Sellers
506611: - Noise and Vibration: Advances in Research and Development
419957: - Art Planet: A Global View of Art Criticism, Vol. 1, No. 0, 1999
282991: - A Chronicle of London, From 1089 to 1483; Written in the Fifteenth Century, and for the First Time Printed from Mss. in the British Museum
263660: - Deutsche Akademie Fur Sprache Und Dichtung. Jahrbuch: 2009
407301: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 8: 1964-1965
431357: - Phillips: Evening & Day Editions, 22 January 2015
300723: - The National Gallery January 1969 - December 1970
264742: - Journal of Public and International Affairs 2011: Association of Professional Schools and International Affairs (AIPSIA) and The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Princeton University
172870: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 367 Numbers 1728-1731
181446: - International Peace Keeping Vol 5 No. 1, 1998
025872: - Kassel, May 21, 1970, a Documentation
249837: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (Sixth Series); Volume 15
270574: - Los Angeles Modern Auctions: California Design and Fine Art: October 14, 2007
270585: - Aguttes: Mercredi 24 Octobre 2012
419934: - Radical Philosophy 183: Jan/Feb 2014
049461: - An Anthology of Pieces from Early Editions of Encyclopaedia Britannica
225021: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Volume C Part 1 2000
225022: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Volume C Part 2 2000
282155: - Cornette De Saint Cyr: Estampes et Multiples, Lundi 10 Decembre 2012 a 13h30 - Hotel Drouot - Salle 14
464442: - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Containing Papers of a Biological Character. Vol. 191.
269955: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 27(1): Husband and Wife and Matrimonial Law (Parts 1-2 (8))
254795: - Guide Du Pneu Michelin: Vosges: Lorraine, Alsace
195154: - Ivon Hitchens
479479: - Courier: Volume 18: Number 2: February 1952
479480: - Courier: Volume 18: Number 3: March 1952
534642: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 30
306980: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics., And Literature, for the Year 1782
181491: - Defence Analysis : Volume 5 Number 2. June 1989
407758: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 13: 1974-1975
187302: - London Magazine Volume 5 Number 8, 1958
030605: - Scenes of Hanoverian Times (Oxford Supplementary Histories)
258034: - Eire: Achtanna An Oireachtais/Acts of the Oireachtas 1940
432662: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. LXXIV, July-December, 1853
289459: - Contemporary Art: 14th & 15th May 2009, New York
092792: - Flow Measurement By the Differential-Pressure Method
486676: - Resolutions Adopted by the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly on the Cyprus Problem, 1964-1983
419654: - Bruno Pacheco: Galeria Quadrado Azul, Porto Marco 2006
430230: - Faraday
178151: - Journal of Audiological Technique Vol. 15.
417256: - American Private Art Institution Chinese Paintings Collection: Nov. 21, 2009, Poly Plaza Hotel
433159: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 129: El Oriente Venezolano a Mediados del Siglo XVIII: A Traves de la Visita del Gobernador Diguja
228014: - IICHIKO, A Journal for Transdisciplinary Studies of Practiques. No 72, Autumn 2001. The Culture if Place I / Hideo Kobayashi
172619: - Quality, Standards and Proffessional Accreditation: A Mapping Exercise
097218: - Art in Bavaria
096406: - Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Summer 1989): Living with AIDS, Part II
465964: - Past and Present: A Journal of Scientific History, Number 95, May 1982
465967: - Past and Present: A Journal of Scientific History, Number 98, February 1983
108092: - The Medical Register 2000 in Pursuance of the Medical Act 1983
272741: - The Mariner's Mirror: Vol. 91 No. 4 (November 2005)
544783: - Bernhard Prinz: 10 September - 9 October 1988
436813: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Session MDCCCCIII-MDCCCCIV. Vol. XXXVIII.
418899: - The Annual Register or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature For the Year 1816
428856: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal; July - October, 1880, Volume CLII
106187: - Itamaraty in Brazilian Culture
187499: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Fifth Series Vol 28
187500: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Fifth Series Vol 27
162067: - The British Journal of Surgery 1972 (volume 59)
161727: - The Journal of Silly No. 4
030332: - Golden Days Picture Book
144485: - How to Read a Balance Sheet
161375: - Artists of Fame and Promise
161381: - R.I.L.E.M. International Symposium on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete in Hot Countries, Part 1: Materials
161382: - R.I.L.E.M. International Symposium on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete in Hot Countries, Part 2: Structures and Foundations and Pavements
275570: - Impressionist & Modern Art Evening Sale: London 8 February 2011
275572a: - Contemporary Art: 15 February 2011
479114: - AmEliorer Le VEcu Sensoriel: Du Handicap A La Restauration
486955: - Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 134, 1960
281339: - Sala Retiro: Subasta Extraordinaria, 6 y 7 Junio De 2012
421440: - Tribal Art, 23 June 1992
023747: - The Role of 'Primitive' People in Identifying and Approaching Human Problems
468233: - Obiter Dicta
432868: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 77: Relato de las Misiones
436115: - Surrey Archeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, General Index to Volume I - XX
436116: - Surrey Archeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, Volume XXI
258922a: - The Irish Jurist: Vol 16: 1950
172804: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 378 Numbers 1772-1775
428452: - Langages: Philosophie Du Langage; Nos. 21-24, Mars 1971
263954: - Quittenbaum Kunstauktionen Munchen: Design und Alltagskultur-Die Sammlung Engelhardt: 60. Auktion: 18. September 2006
172742: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 460 Number 2047 (Pages 1849-2151)
301611: - The Whitechapel Auction: Defining the Contemporary, 13 October 2006
301613: - Weihnachtsauktion, 19-21 November 2013
301614: - Olgemalde Und Aquarelle Des 19. Jahrhunderts, 11 December 2013
187109: - Oecd Economic Surveys 1985 - Sweden
299798: - Studia Kognitywne T. 1: Semantyka Kategorii Aspektu I Czasu
181569: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 9 - Number 4. Nov 2007
297777: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXXIV, Number 3-4, 1970
297778: - The British Museum Quarterly: Volumes XXXV, Numbers 1-4, Spring 1971
297779: - The British Museum Quarterly: Volumes XXXVI, Number 1-2, Autumn 1971
495920: - Bartholomew's New Reduced Survey Sheet 7: York and Scarborough: Scale 2 Miles to an Inch. Coloured For Tourists & Cyclists
495919: - Bartholomew's New Reduced Survey Sheet 6: Harrogate: Scale 2 Miles to an Inch. Coloured For Tourists & Cyclists
484766: - Human Interest: Fifty Years of British Art About People
141175: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 79, Part 1
460566: - Women and Health: Volume 39, Number 1
460567: - Women and Health: Volume 39, Number 2
418462: - Art Moderne - Art Contemporain - Design, 2 Aout 2011
469600: - Income Inequality: Issues and Policy Options: A Symposium Sponsored By The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
600278: - Revue Internationale De Philosophie, Tome II: 1939-1948
074128: - Water Quality Criteria: Report of the National Technical Advisory Committee to the Secretary of the Interior. April 1, 1968
172871: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 360 Numbers 1700-1703
461689: - Bibliotheca Mejicana
450866: - Fantasio 1907-08
071898: - The Civil Court Practice 1999
071881: - The Civil Court Practice 2000
189456: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 79, Part 3
189457: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 80, Part 3
189458: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 77, Part 2
189461: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 81, Part 2
189459: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 79, Part 4
189460: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 81, Part 3
154421: - Bust Book the People V. Regina .... (About Law)
181523: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 1 - Number 1. April 1999
181524: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 1 - Number 3. Oct 1999
479455: - Les AnnEes 30
423088: - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society: Vol. 25, Part 1: January, 1950: No. 97
423094: - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society: Vol. 26, Part 3: July, 1951: No. 103
470801: - Gravures sur Bois: Clairs-Obscurs de 1500 a 1800: Exposition Paris et Rotterdam 1965-1966
099544: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XXVI, Part 3 August 1973
495448: - Sights and Scenes in The King's Empire
269949: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 27(5): Income and Corporation Taxation (Parts 1 - 4(5))
173087: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 274 Numbers 1356-1359
441101: - Literary Allsorts: An Anthology of the Works of Eastwood Writers, East Renfrewshire
029340: - Christie's 19th Century Continental Pictures Watercolours and Drawings
459938: - Women and Health: Volume 23, Number 1
459937: - Women and Health: Volume 22, Number 2
187278: - London Magazine Volume 3 Number 10, 1956
254797: - Guide Du Pneu Michelin: Auvergne
224237: - Journal of Economic Literature: March 2007 Volume XLV Number 1
209808: - Edmund Teske
209810: - Framing Sight
219173: - Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society NEW SERIES Volume VI
291490: - Wallace Collection Catalogues: Pictures and Drawings (Illustrations)
148137z: - Venezuela en Oxford: 25 anos de la Catedra Andres Bello en El St. Antony's College de la Universidad de Oxford
148020: - NTQ New Theatre Quarterly 14 (Volume IV, Number 14)
148019: - NTQ New Theatre Quarterly 13 (Volume IV, Number 13)
148017: - NTQ New Theatre Quarterly 21 (Volume VI, Number 21)
148015: - NTQ New Theatre Quarterly 24 (Volume VI, Number 24)
072199: - Spain in Pictures (Visual Geography Series)
092227: - Quintus Horatius Flaccus
094810: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCVIII Part 3
516921: - Ninety-Fourth Report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue for the Year Ended 31st March 1951
516922: - Ninety-Second Report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue for the Year Ended 31st March 1949
145143: - Advanced Technology in Commerce, Offices and Health Services
433023: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LI, 1930-1931
163958: - Oxford Volume VI, Number 2
163959: - Oxford Volume IX, Number 2 (1946-47)
029298: - Sotheby's Mobili, Dipinti Antichi e del XIX Secolo, Ceramiche, Oggetti d' Arte e Tappeti
425176: - Indian Art and Letters: New Series, Vol. VII. No. 2. Second Issue for 1933
096411: - Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Summer 2001): Italy: Resilient and Vulnerable
029713: - Key Note Report, a Merket Sector Overview: Sports Clothing & Footwear
029725: - The Great March, a Commermorative Collection of Pictures and Impressions of the TUV Demonstration Against the Industrial Relations Bill Held in London on February 21st 1971
436041: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 180, 1976
464619: - Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls on the Manufactures, Commerce, &., Of Their Consular Districts. Part VI. (Commercial No. 26 (1884).
475239: - I. R. E. International Convention Record: Volume 10, 1962, Nos. 6 - 10
466883: - Low Again: A Pageant of Politics
422216: - Impressionist & Modern Art, 6 May 2014
429413: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 21: Historiadores de Sucesos Particulares: I
016672: - The Smoking Problem and the Family Doctor
173061: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 312 Numbers 1508-1511
173062: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 311 Numbers 1504-1507
028478: - The Student's Romanised Practical Dictionary Hindustani-English and English-Hindustani
181427: - International Political Sociology : Vol 2 No. 2, 2008
435518: - History of Philosophy Quarterly, Volume 23, 2006
480662: - Principles of Radar By Members of the Staff of the Radar School Massachusetts Institute of Technology
410420: - Memoria De Las Fiestas Inaugurales Del Nuevo Edificio De La Universidad De Yucatan
410953: - Israeli Socialism: A Reality or Myth?
282172: - Sotheby's Contemporary Art, Evening Auction, New York, 9 May 2012
428857: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal; January - April, 1857, Volume CV
544786: - Le Compagnonnage, chemin de L'excellence
418052: - Contemporary Art, Part Two, Afternoon; New York, November 13, 2002
199701: - Science and Future Choice: Building on Scientific Achievement Vol. 1.
436193: - The Air Almanac: January - April 1971
028161: - Take Your Pal on Holiday, 1400 Places for Owners and Their Pets to Stay
102563: - Latin America
102566: - Meeting the Social Debt
199633: - Alphonse Mucha: Pastels, Posters, Drawings and Photographs
534616: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 4
301444: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. VI, No. 2, 1931
449896: - La Biennale De Venezia, Next 8.: Mostra Internazionale Di Architettura
224981: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume XLV 9-11 July 1971
306963: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1817
436172: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London; Volume 190
108934: - Report on the National Seminar on Radioimmunoassays, January 16-20, 1978, Radiation Medicine Centre, B.A.R.C., Bombay
534649: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 37
047433: - 1998 Atlas of Town Plans
053820: - Tutorial Notes; Tutorial D; Introduction to Multi-Agent Systems, 1995 International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems
028324: - Swami Suddhasatwananda
163939: - Zvezda 10 (1974)
432885: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 105: Las Obras Pias en la Iglesia Colonial Venezolana
468728: - Bourgogne Morvan Nivernais Lyonnais
460568: - Women and Health: Volume 39, Number 3
470534: - SALE CATALOGUE: Phillips: Valencia Contemporary Art Collection: Friday 18 February 2011
458234: - Patriarchal Basilica in Assisi: Saint Francis: Artistic Testimony, Evangelical Message
053814: - Monitor, Journal for the CTI Centre for Computing
053815: - Monitor, Journal for the CTI Centre for Computing
053817: - Tutorial Notes; Tutorial E; Theoretical Foundations for Multi-Agents Systems, 1995 International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems
501578: - Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Volume 64, 2014
501579: - Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Volume 65, 2014
501580: - Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Volume 66, 2015
161387: - L'avant Scene Cinema No. 53
258907a: - The Irish Jurist: Vol 14: 1948
498308: - Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan: Proposals for Enhanced Autonomy and Empowerment
478459: - Communist China Yearbook 1962
189463: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 75, Part 4
189464: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 76, Part 1
189465: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 79, Part 2
429929: - The Cornhill Magazine; New Series Vol. 5, July - December 1885
439633: - Sampling and Analysis of Toxic Organics in the Atmosphere
185707: - Asphalt Paving Technology 2008, Volume 77
028373: - Annual Report of the Commissioner of Railroads, Made to the Secretary of the Interior, for the Year Ending June 30, 1884
407759: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 13: 1974-1975
414713: - Langlands & Bell 1-6
429922: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 41, January - June 1880
264143: - Oak Furniture, Textiles, Metalwork, Works of Art, Glass, Ceramics, Carpets and Rugs, Books, Prints, Dolls and Toys: Sussex: Tuesday 19th September 1989 to Thursday 28th September 1989
278349: - National Heritage Act, 1983; Chapter 47
456635: - "Maegtige Schweiz"..: Inspirationer fra Schweiz, 1750-1850
456640: - The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume 128 (2008)
216738: - Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports. Vol 7
216739: - Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports. Vol 8
216740: - Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports. Vol 11
433268: - Coke in Ironmaking (ISI P127)
056399: - Finite Element Analysis of Degraded Concrete Structures
056408: - Governance, Equity and Global Markets
054965: - Brief, ASCA Report 2003
512224: - Camden Miscellany XXXII
278989: - Notes and Queries for Readers and Writers, Collectors and Librarians; Volume CCXXV, 1980
520471: - Literature in Singapore
417955: - History of Philosophy Quarterly: Vol. 15, 1998
424450: - USSR Science
424379: - Art Basel Conversations
485306: - Social Research and Rural Life in Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean Region
453707: - Lohner: Carlson: Silences: Active Images 1990 - 2012
409088: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History and Politics of the Year 1847
409091: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History and Politics of the Year 1850
408234: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume XLIII: 1969
451962: - Studi per il Ventesimo Anniversario Dell'assemblea Costituente, Volume 6: Autonomie e Garanzie Costituzionali
295828: - The Windsor Magazine, An Illustrated Monthly for Men and Women, Vol XI, December 1899 to May 1900
531677: - The Locomotive Railway Carriage and Wagon Review: No. 468
531676: - The Locomotive Railway Carriage and Wagon Review: No. 467
511625: - A Hand-book for Visitors to Oxford
172739: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 460 Number 2044 (Pages 939-1241)
172740: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 460 Number 2043 (Pages 667-938)
166356: - True Greats: London: An Important Auction of British & Continental Sports and Touring Cars, Motorcycles and Collectors Items: Thursday 30 November 2006
166355: - Fine Motor Cars & The Jaguar Legend Chiswick House: July 3rd 2004
520252: - Code: des Marches Publics
078199: - Health and Personal Social Service Statistics for England 1994
278990: - Notes and Queries for Readers and Writers, Collectors and Librarians; Volume CCXII, January - December, 1967
488393: - Womens Work: An Anthology of Womens Poetry
488394: - Womens Work is Never Done: Womens Poetry - Anthology II
186184: - Inspiring Individuals: Ten People Making a Better World: The 13th Rolex Awards for Enterprise
494444p: - Husserl and Analytic Philosophy
095092: - The Worldwide Bibliography of Art Exhibition Catalogues, 1963-1987; Volume 3: Topical Section - Monograph Section - Title Index
095093: - The Worldwide Bibliography of Art Exhibition Catalogues, 1963-1987; Volume 3: Topical Section - Monograph Section - Title Index
525756: - MMXX: A Photography of Britain, A Documentary Work
534624: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 12
511857: - The Mantua Series of Raphaelesque Tapestries
409317: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1807.
409318: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1818.
409320: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, of the Year 1820.
458721: - 50 Apuntes De Eduardo Vernazza
264043: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 12 No. 3 Spring 1996
264044: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 12 No. 4 Summer 1996
264045: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 13 No. 1 Autumn 1996
418843: - Photographs, 19 May 2011
467485: - SALE CATALOGUE: Venator & Hanstein: Moderne Und Zeitgenossische Graphik & Moderne Kunstliteratur: Auktion 119, 26. Marz 2011, Koln
467488: - OZ No. 45, November 1972
467490: - OZ 24, October/November 1969
270290: - Destroying Ethnic Identity: The Persecution of Gypsies in Romania
305980: - Revue d'Histoire Litteraire De La France: 21e Annee, 1914, I
076107: - Persönliche Entschaedigungen aus Deutschland
434129: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Vol. VII
521674: - La Biennale Di Venezia: 56. Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte 2015
520640: - Transactions of The Royal Historical Society - Fifth Series, Volume 37
520641: - Transactions of The Royal Historical Society - Fifth Series, Volume 28
520642: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society - Fifth Series, Volume 27
520643: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society - Fifth Series, Volume 40: Index to Series 1-5
419358: - Ancient Philosophy: Vol. 26, 2006
507810: - Sight and Sound, 1957-58
507811: - Sight and Sound, 1958-60
488487: - Michael Sandle: Recent Drawings and Bronzes, May-June 1985
479486: - Courier: Volume 19: Number 3: September 1952
479487: - Courier: Volume 19: Number 4: October 1952
479488: - Courier: Volume 19: Number 5: November 1952
301945: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXX, No. 1-2, Autumn 1965
429565: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. 100: July 1854 - October 1854
200731: - Identification of Drugs and Poisons
168214: - Impressionist and Modern Art Part II
168190: - Contemporary Art Evening Sale
168191: - Contemporary Art Evening Sale
037564: - Smoking and the Young: A Report of a Working Party of the Royal College of Physicians
491978: - Magnetospheric Plasma Sources and Losses: Final Report of the Issi Study Project on Source and Loss Processes: Final Report of the ISSI Study Project ... Plasma (Space Sciences Series of ISSI)
292309: - Sotheby's: Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Parte I, Milano, 25 Maggio 2011
292310: - Sotheby's: Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Parte II, Milano, 26 Maggio 2011
507446: - Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1957, 11 June - 13 August - Programme Book
507448: - Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1934-1959, 28 May - 16 August
225023: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Volume C Part 3 2000
225024: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Volume CI Part 1 2001
472056: - La LEgende De Pierre Faifeu
429823: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 32, July - December 1875
507969: - Special Educational Needs: A Response to the Report of the Committee of Enquiry into The Education of Handicapped Children and Young People (Warnock Report)
477809: - Foreign Office Historical Section Handbooks Nos. 134, 134A, 135, 136 & 137
495931: - Bartholomew's New Reduced Survey, Sheet 18. Birmingham District: Scale 2 Miles to an Inch. Coloured for Tourists & Cyclists
169932: - Democratization, Volume 11 Number 1
493910: - Exploring Materials: The Work of Peter Rice: Royal Gold Medallist 1992
178164: - Journal of Audiological Technique Vol. 7.
178165: - Journal of Audiological Technique Vol. 6.
178166: - Journal of Audiological Technique Vol. 5.
178167: - Journal of Audiological Technique Vol. 16.
263655: - Deutsche Akademie Fur Sprache Und Dichtung. Jahrbuch: 2003
491786: - Midwifery Research at the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit: Report February 1988 - September 1991
491787: - Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Volume 13, Supplement No. 1, May 1992
295059: - Shepherds Edinburgh
434127: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Vol. V
434128: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Vol. VI
096499: - Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Summer 1987): Futures
520762: - Documents of the First International: 1871-1872: The General Council of the First International: Minutes
446393: - The Next Generation of Diesel Engines for Rail Traction
099670: - Pardagogica Evropaea 1966, Volume II
099671: - Pardagogica Evropaea 1967, Volume III
516865: - Grantfinder: The Complete Guide to Postgraduate Funding Worldwide
421952a: - Les Francais Peints Par Eux - Memes, Encyclopedie Morale Du Dix-Neuvieme Siecle, Tome Cinquieme
046913: - SPAA 2005: Seventeenth Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures
077107: - Homelessness and Ill Health: Report on a Working Party of the Royal College of Physicians
165096: - Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports : Consolidated Tables and Index, Volumes 1 to 30
416351: - Limited Edition: Mardi 20 Mail 2014 a 20h, Paris - 7, Rond-Point Des Champs-Elysees
181428: - International Political Sociology : Vol 2 No. 3, 2008
181429: - International Political Sociology : Vol 2 No. 4, 2008
296103: - Bollettino di Demografia Storica: n. 30/31 - 1999
172686: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 458 Number 2025 (Pages 2039-2306)
490043: - Fifteen Years of Catholic-Jewish Dialogue 1970-1985
151735: - Citizens of To-Morrow : A Study of the Influences Affecting the Upbringing of Young People
272696: - Engelsk Dansk: Dansk Engelsk
433042: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LXV, Section B (Biology), 1952-1955
431181: - Iris, No. 1, 1981-83
260639: - The Journal of Southern History: November 2002: Vol. LXVIII: No: 4
156247: - Climate Activities in Australia 1999
156248: - Climate Activities in Australia 1999
430677: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1936-1937: Volume LXXI, Sixth Series, Volume 11
416341: - Moderne Und Zeitgenossische Druckgrafik/Modern and Contemporary Prints: Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2014, Palais Dorotheum
273009: - Bolshoi orfograficheskii slovar: S grammaticheskimi prilozheniyami, okolo 70 000 Slov
436435: - Spisok Politzaklyuchennykh SSSR po sostoyaniyu na 1.5.1981 (Vesti iz SSSR)
146464: - Operations Management (Taiwanese)
458294: - The Forty-Second Volume of the Walpole Society 1968 - 1970
423069: - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society: Vol. 20, Part 2: April, 1945: No. 78
441109: - Songs from Aldermaston
277680: - The South Atlantic Quarterly: Contemporary Perspectives on Romanticism (Summer 1989, Volume 88, No. 3)
295546: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, of the Year 1824.
021843: - Bottin Mondial International Directory 1948
021844: - Prodei 1964
090380: - Studies in Eighteenth-century Culture: Volume 21
172700: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 455 Number 1986 (Pages 1957-2370)
471711: - Bulletin & Memoires de la Societe Archeologique de Touraine: Memoires: Tome XLI
301953: - The British Museum Quarterly, Volume XXXIII, No. 3-4, Spring 1969
301954: - The British Museum Quarterly, Volume XXXIV, No. 3-4, 1970
096240: - Tom and Jerry Annual 1979
425228: - Guide to Penzance and West Cornwall, Including St. Ives, Land's End, The Isles of Scilly
270049: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 20(4): European Union Law
180834: - Sacramental Services
100797: - Political Communication: Volume 18, Number 3, July-September 2001
484942: - Giulio Paolini
086029: - British Book Design and Production 1991
169925: - Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society NEW SERIES Volume VI
169931: - Democratization, Volume 8 Number 4
534615: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 3
279616: - European Journal of Philosophy: Volume 1, 1993
426270: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History and Politics of the Year 1852
426271: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History and Politics of the Year 1853
426272: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History and Politics of the Year 1854
426273: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History and Politics of the Year 1855
418593: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1801
257693: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (Mathematical and Physical Sciences) (Volume 67)
250405: - Oxford Economic Papers Volume 48
250407: - Oxford Economic Papers Volume 32
438839: - Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity: Volume LXXVII, 1927
430671: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1930-1931: Volume LXV, Sixth Series, Volume 5
268216: - Fine Japanese Works of Art: Wednesday, 20th October 1982 and Thursday, 21st October 1982
431425: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: Vol. 73, 1973
431426: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: Vol. 74, 1973
157337: - Estimating for Printers
601804: - Biff: The Early Years - Edited Highlights from the Original Biff Comics
281941: - The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 11, No. 1, March 2003
281940: - The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 10, No. 4, December 2002
601815: - Botero
449935: - Racism in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond: Origins, Responses, Strategies - Report
449934: - Racism in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond: Origins, Responses, Strategies - Report
431428: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: Vol. 76, 1974
100785: - Political Communication: Featuring International News After the Cold War: Volume 12, Number 4, October-December 1995
418489: - Design Auction / Art Auction Show , 14 December 2010
POStreet: - A Streetcar Named Desire Book Covers Art 59x84cm Poster
028032: - The Hiscox Annual 2002
496346: - The Official History of the Ministry of Munitions: Volume I: Industrial Mobilisation, 1914-15
022809: - Summary Guide to the Northamptonshire Record Office
176065: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society Volume 16 : Sixth Series
269944: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 29 (2): Insurance (Parts 4 - 15), Interpleader
100809: - Political Communication: Volume 21, Number 4, October-December 2004
157601: - Douglas Allsop
183624: - The Skeptic, Volume 10, Numbers 5 & 6 - Music from Beyond the Grave?
017805: - Staff Development for Open Learning Tutors
432892: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 128: Materiales Para la Historia Provincial de Aragua
022984: - Warne's Efficient Reckoner
534614: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 2
261281: - Souvenirs Historiques: Familles Royales: Militaria: Mercredi 25 Avril 2012
169944: - Democratization, Volume 6 Number 2
168192: - Impressionist & Modern Art Evening Sale
430100: - Saga=Book of the Viking Society for Northern Research: Vol. VIII. Proceedings 1912-1913
104545: - Seizure, European Journal of Epilepsy: Volume 12 Number 8 December 2003
479688: - Ordnance Survey: Aldershot: Sheet 285
479689: - Ordnance Survey: Beaconsfield: Sheet 255
479691: - Ordnance Survey: Contoured Road Map of Clacton on Sea and Harwich: Sheet 98
488258: - Blackies's Girls' Annual
172863: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 403 Numbers 1824-1825
141810: - Navigator South West
264066: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 19 No. 1 Autumn 2002
264067: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 19 No. 4 Summer 2003
451735: - Museo Nacional Del Prado: Memoria De Actividades 2006
272790: - Surrey Archaeological Collections: Vol. 89 (2002)
486232: - The Musical Times and Singing-Class Circular. Volume XLIII.
274987: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome X NumEro 40: Novembre 1949
301466: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XVII, No. 1, 1952
155689: - Edinburgh International: Reason and Emotion in Contemporary Art
155711: - Royal Academy of Arts: Year Book 1981-1982
Am1755: - The Kentish Town Panorama
187287: - London Magazine Volume 6 Number 10, 1959
421116: - World Directory of Non-Official Statistical Sources
094829: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol CIII Part 2
221275: - Livres Badins: Erudits, Curieux, Devots, Libidineux, etc. : Catalogue 84
519493: - Mimmo Paladino: Bronze and Iron: Sculpture 1987-2000
199684: - Art to Hear: Georges Seurat
106406: - Central Nervous System : Clinical Algorithms
173096: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 296 Numbers 1444-1447
181495: - Defence Analysis : Volume 8 Number 2. Aug 1992
453078: - Mick Finch: Engrams
431423: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: Vol. 71, 1972
172867: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 361 Numbers 1704-1707
439426: - Cornette De Saint Cyr: Estampes & Multiples: 15 Juin 2015, 6, Avenue Hoche
439427: - Cornette De Saint Cyr: Estampes & Multiples: 15 Juin 2015, 6, Avenue Hoche
526803: - CESKE Poesie XIX VEKU: Dil I.
197708: - Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry: June 13-16, 1999 Miami Beach, Florida
171951: - Alloy Metals Review Vol 8 No 61
141193: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 77, Part 1
430680: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1914-1915: Volume XLIX, Fifth Series, Volume I
187995: - Language in Society. Vol 22
534646: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 34
292586: - Revue D'Histoire Litteraire De La France: No. 5: Septembre/Octobre 1977
519494: - Mimmo Paladino: Bronze and Iron: Sculpture 1987-2000
600281: - Revue Internationale De Philosophie, Tome X: 1956
295063: - Schools Inquiry Commission: Volume 13: Eastern Division
224370: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute: Volume 79, Number 1, 2009
224371: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute: Volume 79, Number 1, 2009
415789: - English Reprints Volume I
036215: - The Crisis of Public Health: Reflections for the Debate (Scientific Publication No. 540)
200589: - Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Vol. 111, No. 443
200590: - Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Vol. 111, No. 444
200591: - Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Vol. 112, No. 445
113989: - A Brief Record of the Advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force under the Command of General Sir Edmund H. H. Allenby, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., July 1917 to October 1918, Compiled from Official Sources
463433: - The Album of the Third Beijing International Art Biennale, China 2008
256019: - Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Auction, London, 15 February 2012
160217: - The Annual Register 1872: A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad , for the Year 1872
181552: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 7 - Number 2. May 2005
416339: - Klassische Moderne/Modern Art: Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014, Palais Dorotheum
023308: - Life in the Age of Exploration (Journeys into the Past Series)
451097: - Stanley Gibbons' Simplified Stamp Catalogue 1958 (Twenty-Third Edition)
289052: - Emil Nolde: Aquarelle Aus Den Jahren 1894-1956
Am2047: - With a Wink and a Nod: Cartoonists of the Gilded Age
263661: - Deutsche Akademie Fur Sprache Und Dichtung. Jahrbuch: 2005
431467: - The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, Third Series, Volume XXIII, 1960
141199: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 76, Part 3
189467: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 80, Part 2
102791: - Recommendations for the Construction and Surfacing of Paved Areas for Recreation and Sport
022541: - Media, Culture & Society, Volume 15, Number 2
439681: - Bonhams: Impresionist & Modern Art, 4 April 2012
439682: - Bonhams: British & Continental Pictures, 29 November 2011
485061: - Peasant Perceptions: Famine, Credit Needs, Sanitation
165061: - Franzosisches Theater Der Avantgarde
099516: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XXXI, Part 3 August 1978
411960: - Greece & Rome: Volume V: 1935-36
141651: - Feminist Review, Number 56, Summer 1997: Debating Discourses, Practising Feminisms
189428: - London Magazine Volume 7 Number 2, 1960
025008: - Music & Letters, Volume 82, Number 4
279672: - Notes and Queries for Readers and Writers, Collectors and Librarians; New Series Volume CCXXX, 1985
052537: - Microsoft Word User's Guide, Apple MacIntosh Series
462701: - Upfront and Personal: Three Decades of Political Graphics from the United Kingdom plus Southern African Political Graphics
029681: - Super Cinema, Annual 1955
418866: - Photographs, 15 May 2008
280471: - Snowdrop; Or, The Adventures of a White Rabbit
407661: - Christie's London: Old Master, Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Prints: Tuesday 22 June 1999
407662: - Christie's Important Old Master, Modern and Contemporary Prints, London, Tuesday, Wednesday 3-4 December 1996
407660: - Christie's London: Important Old Master, Modern and Contemporary Prints: Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 December 1997
407654: - Christie's Important Old Master, Modern and Contemporary Prints: Thursday, 27 June and Friday, 28 June 1996
021113: - Skinner's Wool Trade Directory of the World 1958-59
171692: - Neuroscience Volume 56 Number 1
171693: - Neuroscience Volume 59 Number 4
POOne: - One Hundred Years of Solitude Book Covers Art 59x84cm Poster
467571: - SALE CATALOGUE: Phillips: Jewels: 7 June 2011
146953: - Master Paintings from the Wetziar Collection
146956: - Old Master Paintings Part Two
146964: - Contemporary Art: 13 May 2008
411852: - Entwicklung des Deutschen Buch- und Schriftmuseums der Deutschen Bucherei Leipzig
172808: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 354 Numbers 1676-1679
016795: - Community Life: A Code of Practice for Community Care
433438: - Drouot 1990: Art Auctions in France
183619: - The Skeptic, Volume 8, Number 3 - Vivisection : Science or Pseudoscience?
183620: - The Skeptic, Volume 9, Number 3 - Fighting Creation 'Science'
416344: - Moderne Graphik, Moderne & Zeitgenossische Kunst: Freitag, 22. Juni 2012
099410: - Dictionnaire Des Terms Officiels De La Langue Francaise, Edition Janvier 1994
146506: - Chiswick Press Keyboard Typeface
026386: - 1994 Report, Freedom of the Press Throughout the World
223550: - Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Vol. 37. 1960
223551: - Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Vol. 38. 1961
462414: - Ketterer Kunst: 449. Auktion: Klassische Moderne - Teil I: 10. Juni 2017
223552: - Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Vol. 38. 1961
023682: - Rafael Valls Limited: Old Master Paintings, Recent Acquisitions 1998
023684: - The Royal West of England Academy: 144th Annual Autumn Exhibition, 3rd November to 7th December 1996
058488: - Crew Directory '98
223554: - Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Vol. 42. 1965
223555: - Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Vol. 43. 1966
223556: - Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Vol. 43. 1966
223559: - Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Vol. 47. 1970
223561: - Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Vol. 51. 1974
223566: - Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Vol. 60. 1983
223568: - Bulletin of spanish Studies Vol. 1. Nos. 1- 4 Dec, 1923; March 1924; June, 1924; September, 1924
205041: - Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Volume 69, Number 2)
223569: - Bulletin of spanish Studies Vol. 2. Nos. 5-8 Dec, 1924; March 1925; June, 1925; September, 1925
416198: - Contemporary Art Day Auction, New York 15 May 2014
182393: - Dali
181425: - International Political Sociology : Vol 1 No. 2, 2007
296757: - Sotheby's At Auction: Worldwide Highlights, Volume 3 Issue 6, 6 September-26 October 2012
475833: - 'Gladly Wolde She Lerne and Gladly Teche': Felicitation Volume for Professor Yasmine Gooneratne AO. D.Litt.
421554: - Gender & Popular Culture, 1650-1750: A Reader of Primary Textual Sources
471165: - The Bookman: Victor Hugo Number: No. 155. Vol. XXVI. August, 1904.
418719: - Arts D'Asie; Paris, 6 December 2007
426980: - The Song Folio No. 2. Standard Vocal Music, with Accompaniment for Piano or Organ, by Favorite Foreign and American Composers
436039: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 178, 1976
428840: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1896-97; Third Series, Volume VII
305661: - Old Master Paintings, 29 October 2001
451978: - Henry Moore: Stone Carvings - Bronze Sculptures - Drawings
432880: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 66: Noticias Historiales de Venezuela: Tomo I
433034: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LXI, Section B (Biology), 1941-1943
433038: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LXIII, Section B (Biology), 1947-1949
429019: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. CXC: July, 1899 - October, 1899
495927: - Bartholomew's New Reduced Survey, Sheet 14. Lincoln Fens: Scale 2 Miles to an Inch, Coloured for Tourists & Cyclists
495925: - Bartholomew's Revised "Half-inch" Contoured Maps: England Sheet 12. Cheshire
495926: - Bartholomew's New Reduced Survey, Sheet 13. Derby & Notts: Scale 2 Miles to an Inch, Coloured for Tourists & Cyclists
086744: - Modern Water Treatment Plant
030689: - The City of London, A Book Reprinted from the Special Number of Times
511425: - Lowell Lisbon LTD: British Paintings Watercolours and Drawings
188175: - London Magazine Volume 1 Number 9, 1954
188176: - London Magazine Volume 1 Number 8, 1954
429572: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. 44: June 1826 - September 1826
429677: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 186, 1897
434142: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Vol. XXIII
279617: - European Journal of Philosophy: Volume 5, 1997
182002: - The Numismatic Chronicle, Volume 152
433043: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LXVI, Section A (Mathematical and Physical Sciences), 1961-1964
433024: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LII, 1931-1932
433025: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LIII, 1932-1933
433026: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LIV, 1933-1934
433020: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XLVIII, 1927-1928
091305: - Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Fifth Series - Volume 927 - House of Commons Session 1976-77 (28th February-11th March 1977)
250668: - Juxtapositions: Recent Sculpture from England and Germany
221837: - Romantic Interiors at Country Seat
221841: - The International Directory of Architecture and Design
282160: - Lyon & Turnbull: Contemporary and Modern Paintings, Prints and Sculpture, Thursday 5th April 2007 at 11am
455233: - Phillips De Pury & Company: Design Masters, 15 December 2010, New York
433201: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LXIX, Section B (Biology), 1963-1965
508773: - Bauhaus Weimar: Werkstattarbeiten 1919-1925
163931: - Zvezda 2 (1974)
487832: - Five Seasons of The Old Vic Theatre Company: A Scrap-book Record of Production for 1944-49
437565: - Su Xiaobai
437566: - Christie's: Post-war and Contemporary Art Evening Auction, London, Tuesday 30 June 2015
063937: - The Japan of Today
273434: - Catalogue of the Remarkable Collection of Japanese Pottery: Also Japanese Lacquer and Works of Art: Monday, May 20th, 1968
181420: - International Political Sociology : Vol 1 No. 2, June 2007
181421: - International Political Sociology : Vol 1 No. 3, 2007 - The Journal of the International Studies Association.
181565: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 9 - Number 1.Feb 2007
181564: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 9 - Number 1.Feb 2007
460461: - Birth Control and the Medical Practitioner
490423: - Wilf Roberts: First London Solo Show
163930: - Zvezda 1 (1974)
418744: - Arts Decoratifs Du XXe Siecle: Mercredi 8 Decembre 2010, Drouot Richelieu
301627: - Wissenschaft & Technik, Buro-Antik, Spielzeug, 16 November 2013
297753: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XX, Number 3, 1956
438790: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity: Volume LX. Part 1
468106: - New Testament
281370: - Sotheby's: Impressionist & Modern Art Day Sale, Afternoon, New York, 8 May 2013
277859: - Literature, Manuscripts, Travel and Natural History Books
163948: - Oxford Volume IV, Number 2
163949: - Oxford Volume IV, Number 1
G1693: - Wagner: Selections for Orchestra (Toscanini's Farewell Concert)
408449: - Contemporary Art - Morning Auction; New York, 12 November 2008
024998: - Journal of the Royal Musical Association, Volume 129, Part 2
478423: - Latin American Research Review: Volume 37, Number 3, 2002
281943: - The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 11, No. 3, September 2003
030385: - Universalbilbliethek, diverse Titel
076823: - The Financing of Long-Term Development: Papers and Group Discussions from the 32nd International Banking Summer School Held at St John's College, Cambridge, August 1979
429475: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 126, 1867
431424: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: Vol. 72, 1972
431296: - Phillips: Cotemporary Art: New York Evening Sale, 14 May 2015
431298: - Koller Zurich: Schweizer Kunst Auktion: Freitag, 26. Juni 2015
106964: - The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ According to the Douay Version
025034: - American Music, Volume 19, Number 3
145819: - Conference des chefs d'etat et de gouvernement des pays actes de la conference e
017748: - Household Food Consumption and Expenditure 1989
076263: - Basic Electronics, Book 4: G. Meters. H. Voltage-dividers
160373a: - Rotuli Scotiae in Turri Londinensi et in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi Asservati VOL I Temporibus Regum Angliae Edwardi I Edwardi II Edwardi III
435958: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 164, 1971
169098: - Square Measurement from 1 3/4 By 1 3/4 to 12 By 12: For the Use of Printers, Publishers, Engravers, Electrotypers, and Kindred Trades
219148: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 64 No.2
225683: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 7 - Number 2. May 2005
420923: - Contemporary Art, Part 2: London, Friday 10 December 1999
279610: - European Journal of Philosophy: Volume 3, 1995
429503: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 166, 1887
434663: - Art Chicago: April 25-28, 2008 at The Merchandise Mart, Chicago
434665: - The International Guide to Art Fairs and Antiques Shows, September 2007 - August 2008
475164: - Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers (Incorporated): Volume 22, 1934
408231: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume XXXIV: 1960
408232: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume XLI: 1967
408233: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume XLII: 1968
431431: - Mainichi Auction: Paintings, Prints and Sculpture 465 Main Sale II, 14 March 2015
431432: - Mainichi Auction: 465 Main Sale I, 14 March 2015
541960: - The Cold War: Czechoslovak-Latin America Engagements: Volume 7, Issue 3
262496: - A Book of Poems
492321: - Statutes of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath: May, 1915
104429: - How to Do It
486149: - Index of Fungi: Volume 3, 1961-70
534622: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 10
272546: - Aguttes: Vendredi 10 Decembre 2010
272550: - Fine Fishing Tackle: Thursday 23rd January 1997
304292: - Thinking Big: Major Contemporary Sculpture and Installation Sold to Benefit the Saatchi Gallery's Foundation; 17 October 2013
172711: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 457 Number 2006 (Pages 257-510)
168374: - Proceedings of the British Ceramic Society No. 4: Load Bearing Brickwork
534638: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 26
534639: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 27
431417: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: Vol. 65, 1969
186291: - London Magazine Vol 22 Nos 1 & 2
481824: - Songs Presented to Rowley Marriott by his loving children Jane, Richard, Charles & Oliver on the Occasion of his Ninetieth Birthday, 6th April 1989
037113: - Order of Service for the Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Wellington Cathedral By Her Majesty the Queen
472362: - Spectrophotometric Data for Colorimetric Analysis
423847: - Wonderful London: Maps and Guide
426997: - Michael J Austin: 22nd October - 8th November 2008
422847: - Manual of Map Reading, Photo Reading and Field Sketching
275006: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome I NumEro 5: DEcembre 1946
275004: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome II NumEro 6: Janvier 1947
286285: - Tieteidenvälisyys ja rajanylitykset taidehistoriassa: Annika Waenebergin Juhlakirja
289686: - Lipo-Proteins: A General Discussion of The Faraday Society No. 6
436200: - The Air Almanac: May - August 1973
459944: - Women and Health: Volume 24, Number 4
034331: - Westminster Studies in Education (Volume 26, Number 2)
034327: - Sotheby's Belgravia - Fine Victorian Watercolours and Drawings
200584: - Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Vol. 110, No. 438
200585: - Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Vol. 110, No. 439
421446: - Post-War and Contemporary Evening Sale, 26 June 2003
421447: - Art Impressionniste + Moderne, 20 Mai 2011
421449: - Modern and Contemporary Indian Art, 20 September 2006
150664: - Industrial Relations in Britain : An Industrial Relations Services Guide
102474: - University College Record, October 2001
024370: - The Shorter Book of Offices
044154: - New Life in Christ
165304: - Health-Based Recommended Occupational Exposure Limit for ARC Welding Fume Particles Not Containing Chromium and Nickel
419357: - Ancient Philosophy: Vol. 25, 2005
251004: - Strategic Environmental Assessment in Policy and Sector Reform: Conceptual Model and Operational Guidance
431534: - Editions Bloomsbury: Modern & Contemporary Prints: London, Thursday 26th March 2015
437812: - Phillips: Contemporary Art Day Sale, London, 15 October 2015
437813: - Phillips: In Pursuit of Beauty: Property from the Estate of Dr. Fredric S. Brandt, Miami
215992: - Feminist Review 21 : Winter 1985
016833: - Whitaker's Almanack, 1988
423595: - It's a Still Life
520020: - Anri Sala: Why the Lions Roar - Forecasts
421480: - Arte Moderna e Contemporanea: Milano, 23 e 24 Novembre 2011
280231: - The Studio: Volume 135: January - June, 1948
280232: - The Studio: Volume 137: January - June 1949
260087a: - Joan Miro: 1893-1993
520645: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society - Fifth Series, Volume 26
520646: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society - Fifth Series, Volume 25
446472: - The Whitehall Companion 2002
276404: - Camden Miscellany XXXI
600199: - Takamatsu Jiro: Mysteries
428876: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London; Second Series, Volume V, November 1870 - April 1873
432658: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. LXX, July-December 1851
430696: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1941-1942: Volume LXXVI, Seventh Series, Volume 4
288894: - The House of Whitbread: Volume 12, Number 2, Summer 1952
034045: - The Psalter in Metre and Scripture Paraphrases with Tunes
468551: - Phillip King: Living with Colour
176259: - Judicial Capacity
176260: - Corruption and Anti-Corruption Policy
100949: - Livres Hebdo, Livres Du Mois Janvier 200 (1)
487642: - Thomas Rowlandson and his Constant Friend Mr Ackermann: an exhibition of watercolours, drawings and prints
089524: - Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Fifth Series - Volume 850 - House of Commons Session 1972-73 (5th-16th February 1973)
089531: - Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Fifth Series - Volume 815 - House of Commons Session 1970-71 (5th-23rd Apriil 1971)
418595: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1803
418596: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1804
069856: - WEISSEN BLAETTER,DIE. Eine Monatsschrift. Jg. 3, H. 11. November 1916
069857: - WEISSEN BLAETTER,DIE. Eine Monatsschrift. Jg. 3, H. 5. Mai 1916
172859: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 417 Numbers 1852-1853
172860: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 408 Numbers 1834-1835
172862: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 433 Numbers 1887-1889
289344: - Seleccion de 500 Monedas, Medallas y Billetes
478638: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. Biological Sciences: Volume 181, Number 1064, Pp. 211-351, 6 June 1974: A Discussion on Disease Resistance in Plants
423078: - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society: Vol. 22, Part 3: July, 1947: No. 87
149253: - Modelling of Dynamical Systems
181480: - Politics: Volume 24. Number 3. September 2004
181481: - Politics: Volume 22. Number 1. Feb 2002
140849: - Military Engineering (Technical Training) Volume I, Mechanical Engineering
464205: - Forever England: The Battle for Britain and the men who fight it
079146: - Tradition and Change in Documentation: Conference Proceedings September 1999, New Orleans
420037: - The Subject Index to Periodicals 1922, A. Theology and Philosophy
108790: - 3rd Joint Meeting of British Endocrine Societies, 27th to 30th March 1984, University of Edinburgh : Programme and Abstracts of Papers
434063: - Victor Newsome: Paintings and Drawings
188253: - Sotheby's 19th Century Paintings: 25th November 1997
433021: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XLIX, 1928-1929
Am1524: - Hope and the Future of Man
029392: - Christie's European Works of Art, Decorative Objects, Carpets and Furniture: 30 November 1994
447667: - Bulletin of The Geological Society of America: Volume 70 (January - June)
473756: - Political Systems and the Distribution of Power (A.S.A. Monographs)
477351: - Anselm Kiefer: Bilder 1986 > 1980
072085: - American Studies Library Newsletter #55
285358: - The Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal: A Weekly Gazette of Legal News and Information; to Which are Added The Irish Law Times Reports; Volume XLVII, 1913
102796: - Hot Process Asphalts
487714: - Terra Cotta of the Italian Renaissance
467788: - Ljerka Njers: Retrospektiva/Retrospective 1957 - 2007
215464: - The Journal of Aesthetics and Art criticisim. Volume 65, Number 3, Summer 2007
072090: - American Studies Library Newsletter #51
071964: - Etudes Balkaniques 2
071967: - Etudes Balkaniques 2
215461: - The Journal of Aesthetics and Art criticisim. Volume 64, Number 4, Fall 2006
215458: - The Journal of Aesthetics and Art criticisim. Volume 63, Number 4, Fall 2005
163957: - Oxford Volume VI, Number 3
215456: - The Journal of Aesthetics and Art criticisim. Volume 63, Number 3, Summer 2005
173080: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 252 Numbers 1268-1271
491965: - New Directions in Elite Studies (Routledge Advances in Sociology)
491966: - Expertise, Communication, and Organizing
409095: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1759.
436812: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Session MDCCCCII-MDCCCCIII. Vol. XXXVII.
428428: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland; One Hundred and Second Session, 1881-82, Volume IV, New Series
096364: - Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Winter 1998):Science in Culture
215455: - The Journal of Aesthetics and Art criticisim. Volume 63, Number 3, Summer 2004
493459: - Proceedings of the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Held in Geneva, 8 August - 20 August, Volume 1: The World's Requirements for Energy: The Role of Nuclear Energy
492858: - Irma Salo Jaeger
181578: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 10 - Number 3. Aug 2008
181579: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 11 - Number 1. Feb 2009
181580: - Foreign Policy Analysis : Volume 1 - Number 3. Nov 2005
441052: - Verdi: La Traviata
200598: - Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Vol. 113, No. 452
200599: - Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Vol. 114, No. 453
485130: - Henri De Toulouse - Lautrec 1864-1901
215453: - The Journal of Aesthetics and Art criticisim. Volume 63, Number 1, Winter 2005
433019: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XLVII, 1926-1927
173168: - National Physical Laboratory : Notes on Applied Science No. 16 - Modern Computing Methods
432716: - The Cornhill Magazine: Vol. XXXVIII. July to December, 1878
187313: - London Magazine Volume 4 Number 9, 1957
416225: - Cornette De Saint Cyr: Estampes & Multiples, Lundi 23 Juin 2014, Hotel Drouot
416226: - Schweizer Kunst, Freitag, 27. Juni 2014
480821: - The University of Liverpool: Report of the Development Committee to the Council and Senate of the University on Building Progress, 1949 - 1954
266874: - ESOL Examinations Past Paper Pack, December 2009: Key English Test
212577: - Ambit 198 - Autumn 2009
277145: - Modern Arab Stories
407754: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 13: 1974-1975
429478: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 129, 1869
462815: - Opus International No 26, Juin 1971
411583: - Catalogue of the Manuscript Maps, Charts, and Plans, and of the Topographical Drawings in the British Museum; Volume I
411584: - Catalogue of the Manuscript Maps, Charts, and Plans, and of the Topographical Drawings in the British Museum; Volume II
407305: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 11: 1970-1971
293805: - Fine Japanese Works of Art on Tuesday, March 16, 1976
293808: - Revue d'Histoire Litteraire De La France: 45e Annee, No. 1, Janvier - Mars 1938
205039: - Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Volume 68, Number 4)
205038: - Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Volume 68, Number 1)
301737: - Images En Flagrant Delit
225003: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume LXII July 1988
225006: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume LXV July 1991
289317: - Mechanical Music, Cameras, Scientific & Collectors Items
460426: - Hate Crimes in the OSCE Region: Incidents and Responses: Annual Report for 2006
066281: - KulturStiftung Der Laender: Taetigkeitsbericht I: 1988 - 1991
181457: - International Peace Keeping Vol 8, No. 2, 2001
181458: - International Peace Keeping Vol 8, No. 3, 2001
Am1309: - Cooperation and Hegemony in US-Latin American Relations (Studies of the Americas)
224265: - African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society, Volume 102 Number 407 April 2003
066257: - The Modern Language Review: Volume LIX Number 1 January 1964
534099: - A Grandparents Book: The Story of Our Life (Gift Book)
100804: - Political Communication: Volume 20, Number 3, July-September 2003
431461: - The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, Third Series, Volume XIII, 1950
423566: - The Great Painters: Giotto
099197: - Passengers at Airports in Scotland and the North West: Origin and Destination Survey 8 June-4 October 1970
294719: - The Rocky Horror Show
164284: - Clean Steel
488586: - The First Votyak Grammar (Indiana University Publications: Uralic and Altaic Series)
472397: - The Book of the Fete, Queen's College, Belfast, May 29th, 30th, and 31st, and June 1st, 1907
458181: - Sotheby's: Impressionist and Modern Art Day Sale: 2 March 2017
458180: - Sotheby's: Master Paintings and Sculpture Day Sale: 26 January 2017
274965: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome VI NumEro 24: Juillet 1948
306938: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal for October 1804. January 1805: Vol V
256016: - Art Impressioniste et Modern, Paris, Mercredi 6 Juillet 2011
484288: - Nicolai Rubinstein: In Memoriam
187521: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Sixth Series Vol 9
436125: - Surrey Archeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, Volume XLVI
431059: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. 55, Parts I-3, 1926-28
447077: - A Review of Hospital Catering
417230: - Saffronart Contemporary: Spring Online Auction, March 7 -8, 2007
417231: - Aus Zeit: Auktion Antiquitaten & Gemalde, 14. Mai 2009
495148: - Frice: A One Shot Magazine: Vol. I, No. 1
495149: - Vice: A One Shot Magazine: Vol. I, No. 1
473576: - Consumer's Car Glossary
421080: - Sussex Archaeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, Vol. LXXII.
432527: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal; Volume LXXVIII
183325: - The Skeptic, Volume 7, Number 2 - The Myths of Meditation
183326: - The Skeptic, Volume 7, Number 1 - TheTruth About Tarot
183362: - Stehlen Ist Oft Seliger Als Nehmen. Nietzche Zum Vergnugen
110343: - Industrial Innovation Through Contract Research
455394: - South African Cricket Tour 1951
269947: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 28(1): Income and Corporation Taxation (Parts 4(5) - 11(6))
163900: - Zvezda 1 (1986)
520648: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society - Fifth Series, Volume 33
472963: - Sun Liang
429904: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 13, 1823
430754: - The Library; Fifth Series, Volume 31, Number 3, September 1976
491524: - Sidney Nolan: 102 Works from the First Fifteen Years (1939-53): 25 July - 7 August 1979
181972: (ANONYM) - Wilhelmine, ein prosaisch komisches Gedicht.
181902: - Wolfenbutteler Studien Zur Aufklarung. Band 1, 1975
181903: - Wolfenbutteler Studien Zur Aufklarung. Band 2, 1975
163360: - Dodssynderna
299956: - Papeles Para La Paz: No. 42: En Pie De Paz: No. 21: Escenarios de Posguerra
186535: - London Magazine Vol 3 No 10
186530: - London Magazine Vol 3 No 7
186531: - London Magazine Vol 3 No 6
082614: - Raw Recruits
186525: - London Magazine Volume 1 Number 7, 1961
160194: - Dialog 75 Positionen Und Tendenzen
163950: - Oxford Volume III, Number 3
407750: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 12: 1972-1973
407749: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 12: 1972-1973
448745: - Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, New Series, Volume 14, 1966-67
301697: - Ghada Amer & Reza Farkhondeh: Collaborative Drawings
301702: - Walter Stohrer: Arbeiten 1962-1983
030750: - The King and Queen in Canada and the U.S.A.
187310: - London Magazine Volume 4 Number 12, 1957
187311: - London Magazine Volume 4 Number 11, 1957
170402: - Bibliotheca Hymnologia
029395: - Christie's European Works of Art, Sculpture, Carpets and Furniture: 13 April 1994
Am884: - Beckett Short: Three Novellas v.10: Three Novellas Vol 10 (Beckett Shorts Vol 10)
190031: - The East London College (University of London) Calendar Session 1928-1929
190033: - The East London College (University of London) Calendar Session 1929-1930
162592: - Domestic Service (Reconstruction Problems 22)
192853: - Nursing Practice and Health Care
264056: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 15 No. 4 Summer 1999
306939: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal for October 1805. January 1806: Vol VII
306946: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal for July 1819. October 1819: Vol XXXII
468684: - Terry Frost
171806: - The Fine Crystal Palace the Prince Built
178549: - The Jubilee Of the Chemical Society of London : Record of the Proceedings
172858: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 409 Numbers 1836-1837
431416: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: Vol. 64, 1968
447551: - Magnum 62
433155: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 90: Mision de los Capuchinos en Cumana: Tomo III
171846: - Crufts Dog Show 1968
223024: - Philips De Pury & Company: Design. June 3, 2009 New York
108914: - Final Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Governance of the University of London
431930: - Modern Fiction Studies: Volume 11, 1965 - 66
429924: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 44, July - December 1881
301067: - Christie's: Old Master Paintings Part II
301062: - Russian Art
301053: - British and European Paintings and Drawings
435998: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, Vol. I
416352: - Modern British Art 2011
416353: - Highlights of American Modernism, Thursday 22 May 2014
301071: - Art Contemporain Vente Du Jour
301069: - Modern & Post-War British Art
301070: - Contemporary East
173676: - Encounter 49 - October 1957
417244: - Arts Decoratifs Du XXe Siecle: Vendredi 9 Avril 2010, Drought Richelieu
270046: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 23(1): Executors and Administrators (Parts 1-3)
427696: - The Library: Transactions of the Bibliographical Society; Sixth Series, Volume XIX
301080: - European Sculpture and Works of Art, Medieval to Modern
301083: - Art Contemporain Vente Du Soir
416388: - Twentieth Century Britsh & Irish Art, Tuesday 5th October 1999, London
416387: - 20th Century British & Irish Art, Tuesday 7th March 2000, London
431422: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: Vol. 70, 1971
413228: - Entwicklung des Deutschen Buch- und Schriftmuseums der Deutschen Bucherei Leipzig
173063: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 313 Numbers 1512-1515
173064: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 309 Numbers 1496-1499
173065: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 262 Numbers 1308-1311
431401: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: Vol. 46, 1950
485021: - Birds on Coll and Tiree: Status, Habitats and Conservation
258035: - Eire: Achtanna An Oireachtais/Acts of the Oireachtas 1941
429473: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 95, 1852
418836: - Gemalde - Garfik - Skulpturen - Druckgrafik - Fotografien, 23-25 Mai 2011
197682: (ANONYM) - Antiquariato Internazionale 1996. Quattordicesima Edizone
103370: - Lone Parent Handbook 2004/05: The Comprehensive Advice Guide to Lone Parents' Rights
103477: - Multicultural Matters: Minority Ethnic Communities in Britain
431402: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: Vol. 47, 1951
097897: - British Society for the History of Philosophy Newsletter, No. 3
199752: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Sixth series, XIX, 2009
434136: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Vol. XIV
181449: - International Peace Keeping Vol 5 No. 4, 1998
181450: - International Peace Keeping Vol 6 No. 1, 1999
173070: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 307 Numbers 1488-1491
223602: - Christie's: Southern Barbarians Come to Trade: A Magnificent Pair of Japanese Nanban Screens
428882: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London; Second Series, Volume XI, November 1885 - June 1887
428888: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London; Second Series, Volume XVII, November 1897 - June 1899
431281: - Lyon & Turnbull: Contemporary & Post-War Art: Wednesday, 18th March, 2015, Edinburgh
431284: - Phillips: Property from a Private American Collection
409328: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, of the Year 1827.
409326: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, of the Year 1825.
534610: - Intimacy
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