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279861: - The Works of William Shakspere, Volume 1-12
421646: - The Grand Magazine, Vol II, October 1905, No. 9
265500: - Contemporary Chinese Fables II
304187: - In Memoriam: Felix Otto Schuster (1854-1936); Govanni Bobba (1866-1935); Hans Lauper (1895-1936)
418884: - Klassische Moderne, 23 Juni 2009
418883: - Zeitgenossische Kunst, 13 Oktober 2009
418891: - 89. Auktion Zeitgenossische Kunst, 6 Marz 2012
418892: - Asian Contemporary Art Day Sale, 27 November 2011
418890: - 89. Auktion Zeitgenossische Kunst, 6 Marz 2012
418882: - Alte Meister, 13 Oktober 2009
418875: - South Asian + Contemporary Art, 16 September 2008
418867: - The Ullens Collection - The Nascene of Avant-Garde China, 3 April 2011
418871: - Modern and Contemporary Chinese Art, 2 June 2010
418876: - Arte Moderna E Contemporanea, 23-24 Novembre 2010
418878: - The 2nd Autumn-scape, 15 September 2009
281629: - Sotheby's: Prints, New York, 26 & 27 April 2012
418887: - Asian Contemporary Art Day Sale, 27 November 2011
418886: - Art Moderne, 16 Juin 2009
418885: - Arts Decoratifs Du XXe Siecle & Design, 22 Mars 2011
479485: - Courier: Volume 19: Number 2: August 1952
417325: - Contemporary Art Day Auction, 18 October 2014
140992: - Slag Dense Basecourses with Bitumen or Tar (BSF Slag for Roads)
172817: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 390 Numbers 1798-1799
172816: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 380 Numbers 1778-1779
172815: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 381 Numbers 1780-1781
172813: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 387 Numbers 1792-1793
172814: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 386 Numbers 1790-1791
172812: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 395 Numbers 1808-1809
172810: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 383 Numbers 1784-1785
172811: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 382 Numbers 1782-1783
172525: - Proceedings of Liverpool Singularities - Symposium II
172500: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 454, Number 1972 (Pages 997-1252)
414590: - The Wind and the Sun (Ready to Read)
414591: - The Hare and the Tortoise (Ready to Read)
414592z: - The Hare and the Tortoise (Ready to Read)
170444: - Board of Trade Working Party Reports : Furniture
440848: - Handbook on Irish Genealogy: How to Trace Your Ancestors and Relatives in Ireland
481103: - Traditional Chinese Culture in Taiwan
297762: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXV, Number 3-4, 1962
430684: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1918-1919: Volume LIII, Fifth Series, Volume 5
089383: - International Standards for Drinking Water
089332: - Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing: An International Journal
436122: - Surrey Archeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, Volume XLI
446158: - Kolekcja 04/Collection 04: 2001-2005
423211: - Bonell Silverman: New Paintings
423215: - Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Auction, Featuring the Gallery at Goldsmiths: Thursday 12 February 2015
292587: - Revue D'Histoire Litteraire De La France: No. 6: Novembre/Decembre 1977
431063: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. 60, Parts I-2, 1939-42
296484: - Chlorofluorocarbons and Their Effect on Stratospheric Ozone (Second Report)
205034: - Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Volume 67, Number 4)
205035: - Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Volume 71, Number 4)
173367: - Libraries in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland 2003
264149: - Japanese Works of Art: New York: Thursday, June 4, 1992
200581: - Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Vol. 109, No. 436
200582: - Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Vol. 109, No. 435
462209: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1944-1945, Volume LXXIX, Seventh Series, Volume 7
432763: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 12, 1890
094831: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XC Part 1
094832: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XC Part 2
425242: - A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch, the Avon Valley, Salisbury, Winchester, and the New Forest
270052: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 11(2): Conflict of Laws (Parts 1 - 6(3)
258021a: - The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society: Vol. 19: No. 2: June 1978
465991: - Past and Present: A Journal of Scientific History, Number 122, February 1989
423207: - Janet Nathan: Constructions 1979 - 1997
438791: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity: Volume LX. Part 2
438793: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity: Volume LXI. Part 2
144221: - Nursing and Residential Homes Organizational Standards and Criteria
144250: - London Monitor 2: Focusing on London's Health Services
273946: - MUzayede Auction: "Jessie Eskenazi Benardete" Koleksiyonu, "Property of a Lady": 06 Mart 2011, Pazar Esme Sultan Yalisi
534640: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 28
168250: - Impressionist & Modern Art
168251: - Japanese and Korean Art
168240: - Contemporary Art: 27th June 2002
168241: - Impressionist & Modern Art Part One
168249: - Impressionist & Modern Art
046342: - Energy Policies of IEA Countries 1996 Review
108057: - Sotheby's Voyages and Travels from the Library of David Parsons
161322: - Killer Diseases
069859: - WEISSEN BLAETTER,DIE. Eine Monatsschrift. Jg. 2, H. 4. April 1915
069860: - WEISSEN BLAETTER,DIE. Eine Monatsschrift. Jg. 2, H. 3. März 1915
210144: - Phillips Photographs 15th October 2009
531099: - Everyone to the Streets: Texts and Communiques from the Greek Uprising
255957: - Crowned Masterpieces of Eloquence: From the Earliest Period to the Present Time: Vol I: Abe - Ben
072998: - RSQ - Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Volume 32, Number 2 (Spring 2002)
029397: - Christie's European Works of Art, Sculpture, Carpets and Furniture: 31 March 1993
438929: - Blackwood Magazine, Number 1709, Volume 283, March 1958
181560: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 6 - Number 4. Nov 2004
301474: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXVI, No. 1-2, September1962
183125: - The Skeptic, Volume 6, Number 4 - Physics and the New Age Science or Hype?
183126: - The Skeptic, Volume 6, Number 5 - Vampires in Cumbria / The Man Who Died Twice
484718: - Opus International No 10/11, Avril 1969
408390: - Contemporary Art, Part One, 7 February 2001
428898: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London; Second Series, Volume XXXI, November 1918 - June 1919
163565: - The Register of Richard Fleming Bishop of Lincoln 1420-31 VOL I
187509: - The London Journal: A review of Metropolitan Society Past and Present Vol 14 #1
415791: - English Reprints Volume III
195115: - The Complete Stories of H. G. Wells
085932: - ABC: The Pharmacy Guide to Self-help Groups
431069: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. 66, 1963-67
189226: - Beijing Scenes
200935a: - Nature, A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science Volume CXLII (1938)
192518: - Creep of Engineering Materials and of the Earth: a Royal Society Discussion Organized By A. Kelly, Alan H. Cook, and G.W. Greenwood
205889: - Children from the National Gallery
189118: - Proceedings of the Second fisons food Allergy Work Shop: Harrogate 19-21 January 1983
189117: - Proceedings of the first food Allergy Work Shop: hasmlemere, Surrey 20th - 23rd January 1980
523328: - Judy: The Trouble with Mum (no.199)
292591: - Revue D'Histoire Litteraire De La France: No. 1: Janvier/Fevrier 1981
292593: - Revue D'Histoire Litteraire De La France: No.6: Novembre/Decembre 1981
292594: - Revue D'Histoire Litteraire De La France: No.1: Janvier/Fevrier 1982
164639: - Bristol Official Street Plan (1950)
418597: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1806
418598: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1808
453632: - Treatment and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes
172772: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 461 Number 2060 (Pages 2303-2651)
423077: - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society: Vol. 22, Part 2: April, 1947: No. 86
018266: - New Quilts: Interpretations & Innovations
428900: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London: General Index; Second Series, Vols. XXI - XXXII
029659: - St Michael Compact Atlas Set
172707: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 455 Number 1987 (Pages 2371-2756)
096934: - Sunday Hours, Vol I
466886: - The Harvard Advocate, Volume CV, Number 4, February 1972
535092: - The Apocrypha: The Revised Version with the Revised Marginal References
438143: - The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Volume 102, 1998
438139: - Illustrations of Byron
172877: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 355 Numbers 1680-1683
456326: - Li Songsong
094808: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XC Part 3
094809: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCIX Part 1
488647: - Birds and their Nests
300258: - The Letters From Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple
481140: - Demand for Artistic Freedom
438772: - Archaeologia: Or, Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, Volume 38, Part I
301473: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXV, No. 1-2, 1962
293247: - La Vagabonde L'Entrave Dans La Foule (Oeuvres Complètes De Colette De L'Academie Goncourt IV)
416368: - Cornette De Saint Cyr: Estampes & Multiples, Lundi 23 Juin 2014, Hotel Drouot
416371: - Prints and Multiples, Tuesday 15 July 2014, New Bond Street, London
416372: - A Rock & Roll History: Presley to Punk, New York, 24 June 2014
165310: - International Classification of Diseases: Basic Tabulation List with Alphabetical Index
407757: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 13: 1974-1975
179106: - Confidential Enquiry Into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy, Annual Report for 1 January - 31 December 1993, Part 2 (Additional Results and tables)
163938: - Zvezda 9 (1974)
408806: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History and Politics of the Year 1861.
438171: - Revolyutsii 1848-1849 gg.; v 2 tomakh
418823: - Design & Architecture, 25 Novembre 2008
270065: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 10(1): Companies (Parts 2(14) - 2(28))
169946: - Democratization, Volume 11 Number 2
305906: - Organosilicon Chemistry
021145: - Pearl Cyclopaedia
148765: - Irish Historical Studies Volume XXIV No 93
066250: - Literatur Und Kritik: Juli 4 1966
066255: - Literatur Und Kritik: Sept 6 1966
140976: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 81, Part 3
281947: - The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 12, No. 3, September 2004
281948: - The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 12, No. 4, December 2004
224269: - African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society, Volume 103 Number 411 April 2004
205036: - Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Volume 71, Number 2)
168201: - Impressionist & Modern Art Part Two
145223: - Life at War
446979: - Christie's South Kensington: The Interior Sales: Auctions 9 - 13 December 2007
446983: - Christie's: Contemporary (Evening Sale), Thursday 15 November 2001, New York
274974: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome IV NumEro 14: Septembre 1947
072211: - British and Continental Oil Paintings
187308: - London Magazine Volume 5 Number 1, 1958
171695: - Neuroscience Volume 59 Number 2
171696: - Neuroscience Volume 53 Number 4
455242: - Current Financial Problems and The City of London: A Series of Lectures Delivered at The Institute of Bankers International Summer School, Christ Church Oxford, September 1948
171676: - Neuroscience Volume 49 Number 2
434141: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Vol. XX
183939: - Upside Down...nothing on the Colck... The RAF Benevolent Fund Book of After Dinner Stories
274967: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome VI NumEro 22: Mai 1948
274968: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome V NumEro 21: Avril 1948
284052: - Sotheby's: Catalogue of Private Press Books, Thursday 10th April 1980 and the Following Day
284053: - Sotheby's: Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books, Atlases and Maps, Including Important Manuscript Maps, Monday 26th March 1979, Tuesday 27th March 1979
306930: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal for July 1846. October 1846: Vol LXXXIV
225678: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 8 - Number 2. May 2006
225679: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 8 - Number 1. Feb 2006
225680: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 7 - Number 4. Nov 2005
225681: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 7 - Number 4. Nov 2005
264069: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 19 No. 3 Spring 2003
162189: - Collectaneous (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 373)
141169: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 73, Part 1
256398: - Baby's Book of Wild Animals
429817: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 26, July - December 1872
426275: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History and Politics of the Year 1857
426280: - L'Archiginnasio. Bollettino Della Biblioteca Comunale di Bologna
452100: - Economic Growth in a Nordic Perspective
107037: - The Practice of O & M / The Practice of Organization and Methods
219168: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 75 No.2
219169: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 75 No.4
219164: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 77 No.4
219166: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 75 No.3
407302: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 8: 1964-1965
187314: - London Magazine Volume 4 Number 8, 1957
411500: - Brian Horton
523320: - Bunty: A Pigeon Called Peg (no. 201)
161219: - Soviet Research on Complex and Coordination Compounds in English Translation Part III Thermodynamic and Kinetic Studies
532268: - Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru: The National Library of Wales: A brief summary of the progress of the Library from the granting of the charter to August 1928
298827: - The Child's Companion, and Juvenile Instructor.
175822: - Enquiry Into the Cost of Living and the Control of the Cost of Living in the Colony and the Protectorate of Nigeria: Parts 1 & 2
172779: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 414 Numbers 1846-1847
172780: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 376 Numbers 1764-1767
026731: - The Personnel Function in Further and Higher Education, A Discussion Document
026733: - Education: a Framework for Expansion
026685: - Drama in Education
026668: - The Musical Quarterly Volume 85, Number 2
460569: - Women and Health: Volume 39, Number 4
435956: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 126, 1956
418832: - Photographie, 25 November 2010
190370: - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society THIRD SERIES Volume 4 Part 3
432664: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. LXXVI, July-December 1854
484234: - Catalogue of the William Morris Collection
187247: - London Magazine Volume 6 Number 6, 1959
526845: - A Family Guide to Foredown Tower Countryside Centre: Water, Light and Optics
488706: - Amour A La BibliothEque / Liefde in De Bibliotek: JourneE Portes Ouvertes, Saint-Valentin 1999 / Opendeurdag, Valentijnsdag 1999
459993z: - Lectures on Education Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain
459994z: - Lectures on Education Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain
485753: - Multinational Corporations and United States Foreign Policy: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Ninety-third Congress: Parts 1 & 2
297764: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXVII, Number 1-2, Autumn 1963
211216: - Bonhams Fine Mechanical Music and Scientific Instruments 21st April 2010
269948: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 27(5): Income and Corporation Taxation (Parts 1 - 4(5))
144098: - Health Care U. K. 1995/96, an Annual Review of health Care Policy
144099: - Health Care U. K. 1995/96, An Annual Review of health Care Policy
071971: - Etudes Balkaniques 4
071969: - Etudes Balkaniques 2.3
071976: - Etudes Balkaniques 1
071985: - Etudes Balkaniques 4
172685: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 459 Number 2031 (Pages 527-797)
430681: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1915-1916: Volume L, Fifth Series, Volume 2
478977: - Bulthaup B3: The Kitchen Living Space
432712: - The Cornhill Magazine: Vol. XII. July to December, 1865
429813: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 22, July - December 1870
076226: - Father Payne
275854: - Beatrice
152120: - The Cultivation of the Cricket Willow
462430: - Architecture: Books and Drawings: Catalogue One
462434: - The Collection
104547: - Seizure, European Journal of Epilepsy: Volume 13 Number 3 April 2004
301592: - Seleccion De 500 Monedas, Medallas Y Billetes
301593: - En Sala Y Por Correo, 28 May 2013
418592: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1800
421042: - Arte Modernae Contemporanea: Milano, 25 e 26 Novembre 2014
421043: - Klassische Moderne/Modern Art: Dienstag, 25. November 2014, Palais Dorotheum
259752: - Christie's: Valuable Atlases, Travel & Natural History Books: Wednesday 26 April 1989
495948: - Bartholomew's Revised "Half-Inch" Contoured Maps: England Sheet 36. Dartmoor
478054: - 350 Livres IllustrEs, Illustratifs Ou Illustres Du dix-septiEme Au dix-neuviEme SiEcle
181453: - International Peace Keeping Vol 6 No. 4, 1999
181454: - International Peace Keeping Vol 7 No. 2, 2000
181455: - International Peace Keeping Vol 7 No. 3, 2000
045854: - Postgrad: the Directory of Graduate Studies: The Complete Directory of Over 11,500 Full-time and Part-time Postgraduate Research and Taught Programmes in the UK: 1996/1997
195339: - Unconditional Love? : The Views and Experiences of Parents Living with Children with Mental Health Problems
424353: - The Clinics of John B. Murphy, M.D. At Mercy Hospital, Chicago: Volume IV, Number 4, August, 1915
181576: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 10 - Number 2. May 2008
181575: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 10 - Number 2. May 2008
511436: - Titien, Le Pouvoir En France
511439: - Journal of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara: Anatolian Studies Vol. XXII
072787: - Camden Miscellany XXXI (camden fourth series; volume 44)
503970: - Figurations
282162: - Christie's Art Contemporain, Paris, Jeudi 31 Mai 2012 a 19h
534613: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 1
304242: - Art France 1960/1980
295106: - Carminum quae Chely vel Testudine
422358: - Shirley Kaneda: Soft Freeze
429733: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XXVII, 1816
191124a: - Active Tectonics: Studies in Geophysics
488011: - The Chaplet of Pearls: Or The White and Black Ribaumont
201748: - Promoting Consumer Education: Trends, Policies and Good Practices
410769: - Festival of Firsts: Shakespeare's Globe Opening Festival, 8 - 23 June 1997
464061: - The Walpole Society 1937-1938: Volume 26: Vertue V
410721: - British Book Illustration 1924 - 1936: From the Collection of Donald S. Klopfer, Class of 1922
295448: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1819.
452824: - Dimitri & Wenlop
515180: - The Police Journal: Volume II No. 3
094821: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCVII Part 2
094822: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCVIII Part 1
094820: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCII Part 2
076169: - Decade, 1931 - 1941: A Commemorative Anthology
436037: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 176, 1975
183266: - Better Reception: Practical Advice on How to Obtain It
097898: - British Society for the History of Philosophy Newsletter, No. 4
097899: - British Society for the History of Philosophy Newsletter, No. 2
408271: - Sotheby's: Contemporary Art Morning Auction: London 22 June 2007
099519: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XXXIII, Part 1 February 1980
432853: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 75: Documentos para la Historia de la Iglesia Colonial en Venezuela: Tomo II
252566: - Insect Architecture
441030: - Export Trade Directory of South Africa 1965
029415: - Christie's Impressionist and Modern Paintngs, Drawings and Sculpture (Part I)
297780: - The British Museum Quarterly: Volumes XXXVI, Number 3-4, Autumn 1972
297781: - The British Museum Quarterly: Volumes XXXVI, Number 3-4, Autumn 1972
429878: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. XXXIII, January-June 1833
429879: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. XXXIV, July-December 1833
429880: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. XXXV, January-June 1834
429881: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. XXXVII, July-December 1834
429482: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 136, 1872
046912: - Proceedings of ISPD'05: 2005 International Symposium on Physical Design
Am1335: - Opportunities and Threats in European Integration and Turkey-EU-Relations after Brexit
447898: - Kiefer, Auktion 96: Bucher & Antiquitaten; Alte Und Moderne Kunst: Freitag 29. Und Samstag 30. April 2016
266904: - The New World Comprehensive Korean-English Dictionary
091262: - The World Bank Economic Review: Volume 13, Number 3, Sept 1999
436811: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Session MDCCCXCVIII. Volume XXXIII.
418495: - Zeitgenossische Kunst 86. Kunstauktion, 27 September 2011
455178: - Pennsylvania Avenue: Report of the President's Council on Pennsylvania Avenue
498588: - First World War and Army of Occupation War Diary, France Belgium and Germany: 2 Division Headquarters, Branches and Services General Staff - 28 June 1916 - 2 July 1916 (First World War, War Diary, WO95/1291)
030735: - The Decameron of Boccaccio
027607: - The Nuffield Foundation Triennial Report: The 37th Report of the Foundation for the Years 1983-5
072996: - RSQ - Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Volume 32, Number 4 (Fall 2002)
432969: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 28, 1953-1956
267541: - Agnew's 1917-1967
281938: - The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 10, No. 2, June 2002
281939: - The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 10, No. 3, September 2002
289309: - Post-War and Contemporary Art
446485: - Phillips De Pury & Company: Jewels, 8 December 2010, New York
458182: - Sotheby's: In Its Own Light: Property from the Collection of Ed Cohen and Victoria Shaw: 2 March 2017
281392: - Christie's: Modern British Art Evening Sale, London, Wednesday 12 December 2012
281391: - Swann: Old Master Drawings, January 29, 2013
490463: - Socialist Revolution: Number 33 (Vol. 7, No.3): May-June 1977
255115: - Groucho: A Life in Revue (Theatre Programme)
428448: - Langages: Pathologie du Langages; Nos. 5-8, Mars 1967
428449: - Langages: Les Modeles En Linguistique; Nos. 9-12, Mars 1968
428450: - Langages: Analyse Du Discours; Nos. 13-16, Mars 1969
482778: - Oxoniensia: A Journal Dealing with the Archaeology, History and Architecture of Oxford and Its Neighbourhood: Volume LIII: 1988
301760: - Fr. Chopin's Sammtliche Pianoforte-Werke: Nocturnes and Preludes Und Rondos
154840: - Old Master Paintings / Day Sale
154855: - Tableaux XIXe Siecle, Orientalistes et Modernes, 19 December 2002
154856: - Arts Decoratifs du XXeme, 14 April 2008
508796: - Saga of Resistance to Japanese Invasion
508793: - Drawings from 16th to 20th Century
447624: - Rheology and Textue of Foodstuffs
507394: - Robert Hudson
492295: - Digital Design: Principles & Practice
492268: - Achieving Social Cohesion in a Multicultural Europe: Concepts, Situation and Developments
492183: - Childhood and Nation in Contemporary World Cinema: Borders and Encounters
492181: - States, the Law and Access to Refugee Protection: Fortresses and Fairness (Studies in International Law)
290585: - 20 Century British History; Volume 3, Numbers 1-3, 1992
492144: - Body & Eros
481706: - PyrEnEes Gascogne (Les Guides Bleus)
415501: - Fine Continental Books and Manuscripts, Science and Medicine: London, Thursday 5th December 1991
425436: - Language in Society: Vol. 23, 1994
271743: - The Albatross Book of English Letters: from The Selection by The first Earl of Birkenhead
296785: - Val De Loire: Maine; Orleanais; Touraine; Anjou (Les Guides Bleus)
483294: - Abridgments of Patent Specifications: Published Between 1st June 1977 and 1st February 1978 Inclusive
483264: - Gonzalo PAramo: Tierra Escrita
483261: - Gonzalo PAramo: Babel
432714: - The Cornhill Magazine: Vol. XIV. July to December, 1866
421557: - Clio, Patria: Caderno SESC_Videobrasil 05
181587: - Foreign Policy Analysis : Volume 3 - Number 2. April 2007
504598: - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (B.) For the Year MDCCCLXXXVIII, Vol. 179
452581: - En Serie
437843: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. XXXVIII. Part I. - for the Session 1894 - 95.
029746: - Discover North America
295836: - The Windsor Magazine, An Illustrated Monthly for Men and Women, Vol IX, December 1898 to May 1899
483673: - European Journal of Philosophy: Volume 4, 1996
483674: - European Journal of Philosophy: Volume 6, 1998
417607: - Business Englsih DVD
417608: - The Language of Meetings, Home User Edition
417609: - The Times Education Series GCSE French
512144: - The Journal of Transport History: Third Series, Volume 29, Number 1, March 2008
109481: - Students: To Develop A World
512085: - Peasant Paintings from Huhsien County
172821: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 388 Numbers 1794-1795
172822: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 397 Numbers 1812-1813
418844: - The Marino Golinelli Collection, 13 October 2007
418845: - 20-21st Century Design Art, 8 December 2005
418848: - 20-21st Century Design Art - Contemporary Ar - Photographs, 17 September 2005
418850: - Art D'Apres-Guerre Et Contemporain - Vente Du Soir, 27-28 Novembre 2007
418851: - Kunstnerleksikon
494545p: - Anton Marty and Contemporary Philosophy (History of Analytic Philosophy)
494493p: - Plato: Laws 1 and 2 (Clarendon Plato Series)
494489p: - Eighteenth-Century Thought: Volume 5
494482p: - Kant, Fichte, and the Legacy of Transcendental Idealism
523326: - Judy: Rag-and-Bone Rose (no. 216)
523327: - Judy: Dangerous Days for Betsy Brown (no. 221)
523324: - Mandy: Where is My Sister (no. 20)
523325: - Mandy: Connie and Kim, Big Eggo (no. 41)
523323: - Mandy: The Door to Yesterday (no. 40)
523322: - Mandy: Mystery of the Manor (no. 36)
523317: - Bunty: Kay King Ship's Nurse, No. 200
482831: - Muslims in Rotterdam
482832: - Muslims in Hamburg
482829: - Muslims in Amsterdam
482830: - Muslime in Berlin
482827: - Muslims in Marseille
482795: - Adolf Hitler in Bilddokumenten Seinerzeit: Bands I - III
423473: - Handbook of the Austin Lifeboat Engine
297759: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXV, Number 1-2, 1962
154859: - Tableaux Modernes. Ecoles Etrangeres, 3 October 2008
154860: - The Racing Sale
154857: - Livres Anciens et Modernes: Provenant de Deux Bibliotheques de Renom
159424: - Digest of Environmental Statistics; No. 20
255810: - SALE CATALOGUE: Sotheby's: Contemporary Art Evening Auction, London, 13 October 2011
257075: - Music: 21 November 2009, London
257083: - The Pre-Raphaelites
189983: - Illustrated Case Reports in Gastroenterology, Volume 3, Number 2
190012: - A Commemoration Fo the Tercentenary of the Birth of Samuel Richardson
030751: - Illustrated, Special Memorial Edition
030791: - International Directory of Arts Volume 1
030792: - International Directory of Arts Volume 2
154861: - Modern Sporting Guns, Rifles and Vintage Firearms
154863: - Bonhams: Medals, Bonds, Banknotes and Coins
045918: - Graduate Medical Education Directory 1997-1998
045929: - Andalucia
457699: - British Poets: Grainger, Boyse
429398: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 141: Obras Escogidas del P. Fray Benito Jeronimo Feijoo y Montenegro: II
421038: - Modern British and Irish Art: Evening and Day Sale, New Bond Street, London, 17 and 18 November 2014
499674: - Arctic Triumph: Northern Innovation and Persistence (Springer Polar Sciences)
284165: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society; Fifth Series, Volume 10
102669: - Visions of Tomorrow: Improving the Quality of Life Through Technology - 150th Anniversary Symposium 7-8 July
500229: - Il Sogno Ad Occhi Aperti: Testi Inediti Di 90 Poeti; Premio Cavallina - Anno I
511125: - Let's go Letter Hunting: a Field Guide for Typographic Expeditions
473799: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London: Session 1872-73 Continued
493304: - Pink Floyd: Shine On
293796: - Fine Japanese Works of Art on Tuesday, November 6, 1973
281406: - African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Socirty, Volume 102 Number 408 July 2003
418705: - Impact Gala Dinner in Aid of PAC, Monday 7th November 2011
418708: - Poly Auction; 2011
418710: - Art Forum Berlin 2003: Die internationale Messe fur Gegenwartskunst: Katalog/The Internatioanl Fair for Contemporary Art: Catalogue
181459: - International Peace Keeping Vol 8, No. 4, 2001
181460: - International Peace Keeping Vol 9, No. 1, 2002
181461: - International Peace Keeping Vol 9, No. 2, 2002
181462: - International Peace Keeping Vol 9, No. 3, 2002
181463: - International Peace Keeping Vol 9, No. 4, 2002
181464: - Politics: Volume 19. Number 3. September 1999
181465: - Politics: Volume 27. Number 3. October 2007
463026: - The First Fifty Years of The Rhodes Trust and The Rhodes Scholarships, 1903 - 1953
154846: - A Distinguished Private Collection from Corsica
099798: - The Magdalen College Record 1966 (Sixth Issue)
493609: - Mimmo Paladino: Skulptur Og Tegning
425039: - Philip Hughes - Scotland
485356: - Eddie Peake
485291: - Hotei: Japanese Prints: 16
101209: - Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, VOLS 102-104 (1976-78)
101210: - Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, VOLS 100-101 (1974-75)
101211: - Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, VOLS 96-97 (1970-71)
101212: - Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, VOLS 98-99 (1972-73)
101213: - Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, VOLS 83-89 (1957-63)
520644: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society - Fifth Series, Volume 23
484611: - La Technique Der Travaux: Revue Mensuelle Des ProcEdEs De Construction Modernes: 6e AnnEe, No 6, Juin 1930
484609: - La Technique Der Travaux: Revue Mensuelle Des ProcEdEs De Construction Modernes: 6e AnnEe, No 2, FEvrier 1930
414598: - The Wind and the Sun (Ready to Read)
493938: - Leica Handbook of the Leica System
493855: - Housing, Housing Finance, and Monetary Policy: A Symposium Sponsored By The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City: Jackson Hole, Wyoming. August 30-September 1, 2007
260106: - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XXXVIII, No. 10, Oktyabr' 1962
426268: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History and Politics of the Year 1848
092223: - Publius Terentius Afer
092224: - Quintus Horatius Flaccus
415315: - Tenniel's Alice: Drawings By Sir John Tenniel for Alices' Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass
431458: - The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, Third Series, Volume 38, 1975
429882: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. XXXVI, January-June 1835
438907: - Reasons: Six Debates
484502: - Philosophy: The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy: Volume 34, 1959
458858: - Modern and Contemporary Asian Art: Evening Sale: 4 October 2008
495674: - Storia Della Sinistra Communista I, 1912 - 1919: Dalle Origini, Attraverso Il Primo Conflitto Imperialistico, All'immediato Dopoguerra
283258: - Deslocamentos: 14th International Electronic Art Festival: Videobrasil
055342: - Secretarial Practice; the Manual of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries
055346: - Early Detection of Occupational Diseases
494632: - David Hockney: Paintings, Prints and Drawings, 1960 - 1970
493103: - Contemporary Polish Cinematography
186343: - London Magazine Vol 6 No 3
494960: - Tim Witherspoon versus Frank Bruno: Souvenir Programme: Wembley Stadium, Saturday July 19th 1986
494941c: - Impossible is Nothing: China's Theater of Consumerism
494948: - Cahier d'Artistes: Elodie Pong by Pro Helvetia Schweizer Kulturstiftung; Burc...
494941b: - Impossible is Nothing: China's Theater of Consumerism
494740: - Ouvrages De Lecture En Editions agrEables, Utiles Ou Excellentes
022405a: - Anuario Industrial De Cataluna 1944
022406: - Annuaire Des Produits Chimiques et De La Droguerie
429551: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. 68: October 1838 - January 1839
168566: - (mid'l seks) Middlesex Fine Art Degree Show 2001
251108: - Households Below Average Income : A Statistical Analysis, 1979-1993/94
458771: - Qi Zhi Long
458774: - Valode & Pistre
458770: - Qi Zhi Long
417321: - Post-War and Contemporary Art Evening Auction, 16 October 2014
417322: - ESSL: 44 Works Evening Auction, 13 October 2014
037870: - Health and Life Styles: Black and Minority Ethnic Groups in England
301460: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XII, No 4, 1938
495192: - Nice: A One Shot Magazine: Vol. I, No. 1
495147: - Slice: A One Shot Magazine: Vol. I, No. 1
256354: - Looking Closely; A Private Collection: Evening Auction in London, 10 February, 2011
182406: - The Art of Dying : In Two Parts
495403: - Glamour International 4 Magazine: Variety Show
488004: - Catalogue of the Printed Books and Pamphlets in the Library of the Linnean Society of London
433039: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LXIV, Section A (Mathematical and Physical Sciences), 1953-1957
295449: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, of the Year 1820.
186341: - London Magazine Vol 6 No 6
418160: - Modern and Contemporary Southeast Asian Paintings: Hong Kong, 5 April 2009
407296: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 5: 1959-1960
407297: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 6: 1961
484933: - Barbro BAckstrOm: Skulptur i offentlig miljO
281338: - Millon: Art Contemporain, 4 Avril 2012, Hotel Drouot, Paris
145991: - Willings Press Guide 2007 V2: Western Europe
146000a: - Directory of Acquisitions Librarians in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
163933: - Zvezda 4 (1974)
146612: - His Masters Voice catalogue 1956-1957 Recorded Entertainment
186287: - London Magazine Vol 22 No 11
429822: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 31, January - June 1875
035707: - Ultraviolet Radiation: An Authoritative Scientific Review of Environmental and Health Effects of Uv, With Reference to Global Ozone Layer Depletion
191044: - The Annals of Probability. An Official Journal of The Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Volume 4
027487: - Handicrafts, Reader's Digest Manual
020840: - The Gospel According to St. John
600282: - Revue Internationale De Philosophie, Tome XI: 1957
600280: - Revue Internationale De Philosophie, Tome IX: 1955
424069: - Sotheby's: Contemporary Art Day, 27 June 2002
266213y: - Langenscheidt's Pocket Dictionary: Vietnamese
172836: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 335 Numbers 1600-1603
301618: - Fine Books & Manuscripts Including Historical Photographs, 16 October 2013
301616: - Olgemalde Und Aquarelle Des 19. Jahrhunderts, 17 February 2014
224279: - African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society, Volume 105 Number 420 July 2006
224282: - African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society, Volume 106 Number 423 April 2007
224234: - Journal of Economic Literature: June 2006 Volume XLIV Number 2
424960: - Little Folk's Treasure Book
066378: - WEISSEN BLAETTER,DIE. Eine Monatsschrift. Jg. 2, H. 6. Juni 1915
066374: - WEISSEN BLAETTER,DIE. Eine Monatsschrift. Jg. 3, H. 2. Februar 1916
066377: - WEISSEN BLAETTER,DIE. Eine Monatsschrift. Jg. 2, H. 9. september 1915
201542: - Mental Health (Amendment) Act 1982, Chapter 51
536042: - Common Lives: Lesbian Lives: A Lesbian Quarterly: No. 39: Summer 1991
508577: - Zeichnungen FUR BUCHER
490162: - Mediaeval German Studies Presented to Frederick Norman, Professor of German in the University of London By His Students, Colleagues and Friends on the Occasion of His Retirement
429571: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. 43: November 1825 - February 1826
254454: - Flash Forward: Arabic Vocabulary
173113: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 255 Numbers 1280-1283
467815: - Rafael Font Vaillant: Words, Colors, Shapes - and a World That May be Dying Out
490639: - Towards Low Carbon Cities in China: Urban Form and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Routledge Studies in Low Carbon Development)
495928: - Bartholomew's New Reduced Survey, Sheet 15. Norfolk: Scale 2 Miles to an Inch, Coloured for Tourists & Cyclists
495929: - Bartholomew's Revised "Half-inch" Contoured Maps: England Sheet 16. Central Wales
495930: - Bartholomew's Revised "Half-inch" Contoured Maps: England Sheet 17. Shropshire
186294: - London Magazine Vol 21 Nos 9 & 10
429910: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 19, 1826
153545: - Two Wheeler Care : A Handbook on the Workings of the Modern Two-Wheeler
055385: - The Good Shopping Guide: Your Guide to Shopping with a Clear Conscience
439701: - London's Dockland: Glimpses of the Past
422489: - Stephen Finer: 2nd - 27th May 1995
214319: - International Journal of Green Economics, Volume 1, Numbers 3 and 4, 2007
260409: - Enrique Metinides
460565: - Women and Health: Volume 38, Number 4
460564: - Women and Health: Volume 38, Number 3
144769: - Memories of Northampton
432672: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. LXXXIV, July-December 1858
261252: - Hans Holbein d.J.: Bildnisse: 24 Farbige Handzeichnungen
205208: - Art et Civilisation du Peuple Juif. Tome I & II
100796: - Political Communication: Volume 18, Number 2, April-June 2001
POMaster: - The Master and Margarita Book Covers 59x84cm Poster
203157: - Nature, A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science Volume 392 (Mar-Apr 1998)
211218: - Bonhams Printed Books, Maps & Manuscripts 10th Nov 2009
211219: - Bonhams Printed Books, Maps and Photographs Including Selected Books from Oxfam 29th June 2010
191938: - Incorporated Society of Planters, 1919-1994 : A Miscellany of 75 Years
474336: - The Civilian's South India: Some Places and People in Madras
189262: - Readings in Professional Personnel Assessment
143339: - Short Stories from the New Yorker
435598: - Christie's: Post-war and Contemporary Art Evening Auction: London, Wednesday 13 February 2013
260192: - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XXXIX, No. 6, Iyun', 1963 g.
260193: - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XXXIX, No. 7, Iyul', 1963 g.
495193: - Slice: A One Shot Magazine: Vol. I, No. 2
187653: - Annals of the Archive of 'Ferran Valls I Taberner's Library' Number 5
256947: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1807
429676: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 185, 1897
101796: - Forum Collection (Vol 2, No 1) Special Valentine's Edition
447640: - British Columbia Official Centennial Record: 1858 - 1958, A Century of Progress
489511: - Advances in Inorganic Chemistry: Volume 43
172806: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 398 Numbers 1814-1815
172555: - Wonders of the World
281944: - The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 11, No. 4, December 2003
281945: - The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 12, No. 1, March 2004
281946: - The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 12, No. 2, June 2004
224991: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume XLV 9-11 July 1971
224992: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume XLVI 7-9 July 1972
169145: - Tables Statistiques : Centre De Formation Aux Applications Industrielles De La Statistique
418835: - Kunst Og Design, 15-17 Agust 2006
225008: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Volume XCII Part 1 1992
072082: - American Studies Library Newsletter #48
463298: - Italian Book Exhibition 1963, November at the National Book League, London
268189: - Fine Japanese Ceramics: Tuesday, 26 February, 1974
268190: - Fine Japanese Works of Art: Tuesday 23 June 1987
429394: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 136: Obras de Fernan Caballero: I
432851: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 142: La Defensa de la Integridad Territorial de Guayana en Tiempos de Carlos III
147168: - Philosophy and Education : Proceedings of the International Seminar, March 23-25, 1966, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education; Monograph Series No. 3)
485054: - Ancient Painted Glass in Merton College, Oxford
455818: - Xu Zhongmin
520761: - Documents of the First International: 1870-1871: The General Council of the First International: Minutes
520760: - Documents of the First International: 1868-1870: The General Council of the First International: Minutes
417967: - Contemporary Chinese Art, Part I & Part II: Hong Kong: April 7, 2007
301742: - Fergus Martin
289646: - Post-war and Contemporary Evening Sale; Wednesday 9 February 2005
141667: - Archbold 2008, First Supplement to the 2008 Edition, Up-to-Date to October 20, 2007
255959: - Crowned Masterpieces of Eloquence: From the Earliest Period to the Present Time: Vol 7: Hen - Lyt
224283: - African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society, Volume 106 Number 424 July 2007
491779: - World of the Child
488485: - Some Paintings of the Barbizon School II
488486: - Adam Gray
418873: - 83. Auktion Alte Meister Aus Der Sammlung Leopold II Sowie Aus Anderem Besitz, 29 Marz 2011
430673: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1932-1933: Volume LXVII, Sixth Series, Volume 7
438796: - Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity: Volume LXIV, 1912-13
423411: - Plastics (Gaps in Technology)
096376: - Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Fall 1992): Immobile Democracy
423407a: - Education in Sexuality: Some Guidelines for Techers and Governors in Catholic Schools
420929: - Sussex Archaeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County: Vol. LIV.
436072: - The Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society; Volume 99
457923: - Varietes Dramatiques; Ou Recueil De Comedies et Tragedies. Le Tout Tire Des Plus Celebres Auteurs Francois
429487: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 144, 1876
429488: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 145, 1877
429489: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 139, 1874
429490: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 140, 1874
433041: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LXV, Section A (Mathematical and Physical Sciences), 1957-1961
046586: - Tiphook PLC and Trailerent Ltd : Monopolies and Mergers Commission Report
160216: - The Annual Register 1882: A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad , for the Year 1882
440732: - The Journal of Roman Studies, Volume 21-22, 1931-1932
206693: - Scrutiny: A Quarterly Review - Reissued in 20 Volumes with an Index and Retrospect. Volume 7 1938-39
456005: - Carlos Carle' Opere, 1963-1993
296571: - Autobiographies of Boyhood
187303: - London Magazine Volume 5 Number 7, 1958
187305: - London Magazine Volume 5 Number 4, 1958
473062: - The Nomenclature of Disease
462629: - Winkles's Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales. Vol. II
541787: - In Memorium Fernand Bossier
163937: - Zvezda 8 (1974)
093078: - Argosy (July 1954)
093079: - Argosy (January 1953)
089542: - Hydraulics and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age: Volume 2
440729: - The Journal of Roman Studies, Volume 28, 1938
464899: - Trinity College Cambridge Annual Record: 1947-1948
534648: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 36
428881: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London; Second Series, Volume X, November 1883 - July 1885
187307: - London Magazine Volume 5 Number 2, 1958
157554: - The Right Joyous and Pleasant History of the Feats, Gests & Prowesses of The Chevalier Bayard the Good Night Without Fear and Without Reproach
029270: - Sotheby's Modern British and Irish Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture
418583: - Kunst des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts: Auktion 16. Juni 2011: Teil II
227166: - SALE CATALOGUE: Christie's: Post-War and Contemporary Art: Day Auction: Friday 15 October 2010
172793: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 418 Numbers 1854-1855
197603: - Sotheby's Scottish Pictures, 14th April 2003
488926: - Brain and Mind (Ciba Foundation Symposium; 69 (New Series))
172682: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 459 Number 2034 (Pages 1325-1579)
080506: - Technological Economics of Crop Protection and Pest Control
435957: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 163, 1971
085462: - Fine Oriental Miniatures and Manuscripts
277369: - Romanian Poets of Our Time
275001: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome IX NumEro 37: Aout 1949
181529: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 4 - Number 2. June 2002
534654: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 44
150932: - Wooden Containers : British Standard Packaging Code (British Standard 1133; Section 8: 1950)
181519: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 5 - Number 2. May 2003
181520: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 5 - Number 2. May 2003
216414: - Laws of Malaysia: Pensions Laws of Malaysia (as at 1st July 2004)
091669: - The West Indian Reports: Volume 11, 1967-1968
260206: - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XL, No. 8, Avgust, 1964 g.
219170: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 75 No.4
219175: - Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society NEW SERIES Volume IV
420069: - Slavonic Manuscripts From the British Musem and Library
477015: - Josephine Meckseper - 10 Minutes After ( Paris Show )
187252: - London Magazine Volume 3 Number 1, 1956
187254: - London Magazine Volume 4 Number 3, 1957
441314: - John Sloan: An American View
431065: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. 62, 1942-49
421352: - Antiguas Obras Hidraulicas en America: Actas del Seminario Mexico, 1988
172841: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 343 Numbers 1632-1635
442147: - Resident Portfolio Seven Fall 1978
423065: - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society: Vol. 19, Part 2: April, 1944: No. 74
270055: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 12(2): Contract (Parts 5(2) - 8(2))
270056: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 12(1): Contract (Parts 1 - 5(1))
417240: - 82. Kunstauktion, 30. November 2010: Zeitgenossische Kunst
413346: - Cartas Morales Militares, Civiles, I Literarias De Various Autores Espanoles, Volume 4
429012: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. XVIII, May 1811 - Aug. 1811
429011: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. XVII, Nov. 1810 - Feb. 1811
429010: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. XVI, April 1810 - August 1810
269950: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 27(4): Husband and Wife and Matrimonial Law (Parts 6(3) - 10(7))
088732: - European Economy No 3 1999
294939: - Wallace Collection Catalogues: Pictures and Drawings: Text with Historical Notes and Illustrations
429008: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. XIII, October 1808 - January 1809
439577: - Fuhrer Durch Die Stadt St. Gallen
279608: - European Journal of Philosophy: Volume 6, 1998
438775: - Archaeologia: Or, Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, Volume 39, Part II
174007: - Staff Studies for the World Economic Outlook
523331: - Debbie: Make Me a Lady! (no.37)
432769: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 17, Part 2, 1903-1906
432770: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 18, 1907-1911
460293: - Aloof from the Struggle & Aside from the Hubbub - Wang Chuan's Works
421023: - CINOA Worldwide Members' Directory/Annuaire Des Membres Adherents 2013
292655: - Journal of the History of Philosophy: Vol. 20: 1982
424582: - Lunatic Ideas: or, A lesson in what school is all about, or to be more precise, An analysis of the way the newspapers dealt with the subjects of education, young people and schools during the summer 1977
424586: - The Impressionists in London: Hayward Gallery, 3 January to 11 March 1973
418920: - Impressionist & Modern Art Part One, 7 November 2001
155317: - Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering : Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Stockholm, 15-19th June 1981 (4 VOLUME SET)
428453: - Langages: Neurolinguistique Et Neuropsychologie Par Henry Hecaen; Nos. 25-28, Mars 1972
455128: - Ling Jian: Red Vanitas
467494: - SALE CATALOGUE: Deutscher and Hackett: Important Fine Art & Aboriginal Art: Sydney, 30 November 2016
429920: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 39, January - June 1879
071751: - We Celebrate Worship Resource, Volume 1 (People's Edition)
422001: - Loyal Issue #6
265023: - Philosophy of Photography: Volume 1 Number 2
418712: - Bukowskis Moderna + Contemporary & Design; No. 527, 28-30 April 2003
429732: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XXVI, 1816
429737: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XXXII, 1819
429738: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XXXIII, 1820
429739: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XXXIV, 1820
429740: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XXXV, 1821
429741: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XXXVI, 1822
429743: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume II, 1810
429745: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XXXVII, 1822
429747: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XXXIX, 1824
429748: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XLVII, 1828
429751: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 73, 1841
432872: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 104: Materiales para la Historia de las Artes Decorativas en Venezuela
418839: - 87. Auktion Bilder Des 19. Jahrhunderts, 8 November 2011
281267: - Christie's: The Hillman Family Collection, New York, Wednesday 5 November 2008
439623: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XXXIV Part 2, May 1981
297754: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXII, Number 1/2, 1960
112182: - FORUM: Europe & the Far East: Printed Books, Atlases Maps, Manuscripts & Drawings on India, Indonesia, Southwest Asia the Phillippines, China & Japan
112183: - Sworders Fine Art & Furniture, 30 March 2004
272533: - Spezial-Auktion: Photographica & Film: 22. September 2012
482270: - Highway Structures Design Handbook: Volume II: Application Examples
250889: - Evidence Taken Before Her Majesty's Commissioners Of Inquiry Into The Endowed Schools In Ireland, Volume I & 2
140975: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 75, Part 4
408196: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 7: 1963
216002: - Feminist Review No.43 : Spring 1993
215995: - Feminist Review 5 : 1980
181577: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 10 - Number 3. Aug 2008
429815: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 24, July - December 1871
234036: - Fine Furniture, Tapestries, Ceramics, Clocks, Silver and Carpets, 18 November 2009
429868: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. XXIII, January-June 1828
497339: - Francisco Goya: La Tauromaquia
141159: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 73, Part 2
141130: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 72, Number 3
141136: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 72, Number 2
141145: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 80, Part 1
141148: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 86, Part 1
141151: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 81, Part 2
141158: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 73, Part 3
436105: - Surrey Archeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, Volume XLVII
490649: - James Joyce in Context (Literature in Context)
288188: - Svetova Literatura 3: Rocnik XXXVII: 1992
172770: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 461 Number 2061 (Pages 2653-3004)
166051: - Re-Reading English
417257: - Contemporary Chinese Art Auction: Zurich, 8 December 2007
417258: - Orfevrerie, Ceramique, Mobilier et Objets d'Art Des XVIIIe et XIXe Siecles/Grande Decoration: Paris, Vendredi 21 September 2007
429014: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. XIX, Nov. 1811 - Feb. 1812
431070: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. 67, 1967-68
181430: - International Peace Keeping Vol 1 No. 1, 1994
414616: - The Three Little Pigs (Ready to Read)
512595: - Royal Doulton Bunykins Nursery Ware Painting Book
423067: - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society: Vol. 19, Part 4: October, 1944: No. 76
169945: - Democratization, Volume 11 Number 3
429563: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. 98: July 1853 - October 1853
290584: - 20 Century British History; Volume 2, Numbers 1-3, 1991
022921: - World Markets Directory: The International Trade Index of Importers & Exporters
010075: - Kelly's Handbook to the Titled, Landed & Official Classes for 1900.
160374a: - Rotuli Scotiae in Turri Londinensi et in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi Asservati VOL II Temporibus Regum Angliae Rec II, Hen IV, V, VI, Ed IV, RIC III, HEN VII, VIII
160742: - Domesday Book Seu Liber Censualis Willelmi Primi Regis Angliae - Volume 1
187721: - The Life of the Marquis of Dalhousie, Volume 2
482599: - La Science FranCaise: Tomes Premier et Second (Exposition Universelle et Internationale De San Francisco)
182426: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (Fifth Series; Volume 19)
182425: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (Fifth Series; Volume 27)
030959: - Flügel der Zeit - Deutsche Gedichte 1900-1950
439572: - St. Mark's: A Parish Church and Cathedral
083008: - Patents Act, 1949: 12, 13 & 14 Geo. 6. Ch. 87
178460: - Antiquity, Review of Archaeology (VOLUME XLIV) 1972
178464: - Antiquity, Review of Archaeology (VOLUME XXIX) 1955
178465: - Antiquity, Review of Archaeology (VOLUME XXXV) 1961
178470: - Antiquity, Review of Archaeology (VOLUME XXII) 1948
178472: - Antiquity, Review of Archaeology (VOLUME VIII) 1934
178473: - Antiquity, Review of Archaeology (VOLUME II) 1928
294718: - Das Schweizerische Landesmuseum 1898-1948: Kunst, Handwerk Und Geschichte, Festbuch Zum 50. Jahrestag Der Eroffnung
436173: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London; Volume 191
459891: - Women and Health: Volume 20, Number 1
459895: - Women and Health: Volume 21, Numbers 2/3
054294: - Research Involving Patients
051758: - Watershed Management
436635: - Records of Fort George: Anjengo Consultations, 1749-50, Volume 2-B
087704: - Exhibition of Portuguese Art, 800-1800: Winter Exhibition, 1955-56
407069: - 25th Report of the Commissioners for Inquiring Concerning Charities
260207: - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XL, No. 9, Sentyabr', 1964 g.
172589: - Wertvolle Bucher 353
173097: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 305 Numbers 1480-1481
173104: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 299 Numbers 1456-1459
173045: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 332 Numbers 1588-1591
173046: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 336 Numbers 1604-1607
173047: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 339 Numbers 1616-1619
173049: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 329 Numbers 1576-1579
173053: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 327 Numbers 1568-1571
173059: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 345 Numbers 1640-1643
173086: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 297 Numbers 1448-1449
173094: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 304 Numbers 1476-1479
204997: - Nature, A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science, Index to Volume 300 (Nov-Dec 1982)
408808: - The Annual Register; A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad, for the Year 1863.
254661: - Japanese Tradition in Color & Form - Dress
534651: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 40
214609: - The Effective Principle: A Research Theory
170599: - Trecentale Bodleianum : a Memorial Volume for the Three Hundredth Anniversary of the Public Funeral of Sir Thomas Bodley
306949: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal for June 1826. September 1826: Vol XLIV
430701: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1947-1948: Volume LXXXII, Seventh Series, Volume 10
474199: - Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships 1973
434139: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Vol. XVIII
294974: - Schools Enquiry Commission. Vol. XXI. Tables
416373: - Post-war and Contemporary Art Evening Auction: Tuesday 1 July 2014
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423196: - Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Auction, Featuring the Gallery at Goldsmiths: Thursday 12 February 2015
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423199: - Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Auction, Featuring the Goldsmiths Gallery: Thursday 12 February 2015
102941: - The Classical Review, Volume X
235705: - Future Map 01
439687: - Bonhams: Asian Works of Art, 30 August 2011
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260189: - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XXXIX, No. 3, Mart, 1963 g.
260190: - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XXXIX, No. 4, Aprel', 1963 g.
423200: - Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Auction, Featuring the Goldsmiths Gallery: Thursday 12 February 2015
423204: - Contemporary Art London Evening & Day Sales, 12 & 13 February 2015
181542: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 8 - Number 2. May 2006
181543: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 8 - Number 2. May 2006
099475: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XIV, Part 1 February 1961
099472: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XV, Part 2 May 1962
099483: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XI, Part 1 February 1958
099477: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XIII, Part 1 February 1960
099478: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XIII, Part 3 August 1960
099476: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XIV, Part 4 November 1961
482707: - Cahiers D'Etudes Africaines: t 158
277554: - Daedalus, Spring 1997: Human Diversity (Vol. 126, No. 2 of the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences)
277553: - Daedalus, Fall 1997: The American Academic Profession (Vol. 126, No. 4 of the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences)
423262: - David Taborn: New Work
102176: - The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church According to the Use of the Church of England
423256: - Takashi Naraha: Mandala
029384: - Christie's British and Continental Pictures
029389: - Christie's Continental Pictures of the 19th and 20th Century
423254: - Sean Scully
183641: - The Skeptic, Volume 14, Number 3 - Why are People Still Threatened By Darwinism?
431533: - Christie's: Asian and Western 20th Century & Contemporary Art: Shanghai Spring Evening Sale, 25th April 2015
295663: - Catalogue of Twentieth Century Paintings, Drawings and Ceramics: Tuesday 23rd April 1968
105766: - The Rural Economy : Implications for Further, Higher and Adult Education : An FEU View
423253: - Joe Goode
046332: - Energy Policies of IEA Countries 1998 Review
146735: - Incons and Artifacts from the Orthodox World
224366: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute: Volume 77, Number 3, 2007
224367: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute: Volume 78, Number 1, 2008
163945: - Oxford Volume III, Number 2
025650: - Stuart Essex
036070: - Eurosource Volume II - 2005
436197: - The Air Almanac: May - August 1972
423247: - Important Turner Watercolours from the Guy and Myriam Ullens Collection: Wednesday 4th July 2007
284698: - Environment, Heredity, and Intelligence (Reprint Series No. 2)
141040: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 74, Part 2
407741: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 9: 1966-1967
407742: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 9: 1966-1967
407740: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 8: 1964-1965
407739: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 7: 1963
423244: - Tim Scott: Skulpturen
200592: - Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Vol. 112, No. 446
212329: - State of Human Rights in 2005
423223: - Donald Sultan: Recent Works
423230: - Erik Oldenhof: Schilderijen 2006 - 2009
264071: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 20 No. 2 Winter 2003
264072: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 20 No. 3 Spring 2004
110937: - BMJ Publishing Group Catalogue 2000: Books and Journals
445937: - La Photographie Du 20e Siecle: Museum Ludwig Cologne
534626: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 14
418896: - The Annual Register or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature For the Year 1813
418898: - The Annual Register or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature For the Year 1815
029394: - Christie's European Works of Art, Decorative Objects, Carpets and Furniture: 29 November 1995
426303: - Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Volume V., No. 17, January 1928
451757: - Breaking Step / U Raskoraku: Displacement, Compassion and Humour in Recent Art from Britain
025116: - Popular Plants
432767: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 16, 1903
303615: - New Poets - 1973: An Anthology of Contemporary Verse
176961: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Fourth Series Volume 31
177016: - Numerical Methods in Transient and Coupled Problems
486024: - Reviews in American History: Volume 30, Number 1, March 2002
509275: - The Light of the Dhamma, Vol. V, No. 3, 2502 B.E., July 1958 C.E.
472379: - The National Arts Treasures of Korea
472380: - The Bulletin of the Cleveland: Museum of Art for October 1960
482126: - Previously, On.: Guess the TV Series (Magma for Laurence King)
429951: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles; Vol. 61: Poetas Liricos Del Siglo XVIII, Tomo 1
182567: - Eva Grottum
298943: - The Annual Register: A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad for the Year 1884
455508: - OZ 41
102989: - Walking Again with Fieldfare (For the Goodly Company of Fieldfarers)
444752: - Heritage: Modern & Contemporary Art, Part II: Dallas, November 14, 2015
444753: - Phillips: Evening & Day Editions, 21 January 2016
190721: - The London Labour Plan
482196: - Photonuclear Reactions
431482: - The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, Third Series, Volume XXXVIII, 1975
460305: - Fragments Collection: Blake 2007/08
418053: - Contemporary Art, Day; London, 7 February 2003
148592: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 66, No 2
148593: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 64, No 2
222236: - Work, Employment and Society. A Journal of the British Socialogical Association Volume 21. No. 1. March 2007
222237: - Work, Employment and Society. A Journal of the British Socialogical Association Volume 23. No. 2. June 2009
419359: - Ancient Philosophy: Vol. 27, 2007
029461: - Christie's Impressionist and Modern Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture
436775: - Bonhams: Old Master Paintings, Wednesday 5 December 2007, London
408206: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 11: 1970-1971
276444a: - Lines of Discovery: 225 Years of American Drawings
487233: - Mystery of Form: Architecture of Alvar Aalto
487234: - Mystery of Form: Architecture of Alvar Aalto
465630: - SALE CATALOGUE: Sotheby & Co.: Catalogue of a Collection of Works By Cubist and Futurist Artists: The Property of a Californian Private Collector: Wednesday 7th July 1971
487294: - The Bangkok Massacres: A Call for Accountability - A White Paper By Amsterdam & Peroff LLP
438843: - Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity: Volume LXXXIII, 1933
468676: - Memorandum on: An Agenda for Peace
146817: - Collections III: Philatelie Photographies, Documents, Numismatique, 7 Juin 2008
419930: - Radical Philosophy 177: Jan/Feb 2013
429422: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 220: Obras Escogidas de Don Francisco Martinez Marina: III
250517: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Sixth Series, 1991. Volume 1
296758: - Sotheby's At Auction: Worldwide Highlights, Volume 3 Issue 7, 27 October-20 November 2012
481037: - Oman: A Seafaring Nation
455378: - The Twelfth Man: 27th Annual Magazine, Including a Tribute to Brian Close
151774: - Mengs: Die Erfindung Des Klassizismus
060184: - Royal Commission on the Distribution of Income and Wealth, Report No. 5: Third Report on the Standing Reference
438838: - Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity: Volume LXXVI, 1926-27
414348: - Bentley's Miscellany, Volume XVI
524371: - Catalogue of Valuable Hebrew Printed Books and an Important Illustrated Manuscript Scroll of Esther
429930: - The Cornhill Magazine; New Series Vol. 6, January - June 1886
429931: - The Cornhill Magazine; New Series Vol. 9, July - December 1887
601077: - Children's Rooms (Home Series)
292585: - Revue D'Histoire Litteraire De La France: No. 2: Mars/Avril 1977
292584: - Revue D'Histoire Litteraire De La France: No. 1: Janvier/Fevrier 1977
429883: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. XXXVIII, July-December 1835
516111: - Justices of the Peace Through Six Hundred Years
439421: - Artcurial: Photographie: 29 Juin 2015 - Paris
439425: - Heritage: 20th & 21st Century Design Auction: October 10, 2015, Dallas
438744: - Sotheby's: Master Paintings Part I, 29 January 2015
438764: - Archaeologia: Or, Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, Volume 29, Part I
438771: - Archaeologia: Or, Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, Volume 37, Part II
298384: - Karl Friedrich Schinkel: Sein Wirken Als Architekt
172413: - 11th International Conference on Computer-Aided Production Engineering, 20-21 September 1995 (IMechE Conference Transactions)
301538: - Tercentenary Handlist of English and Welsh Newspapers, Magazines & Reviews, Section I-II
269958: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 26(2): Highways, Streets and Bridges, Hire Purchase and Consumer Credit, Housing
489976: - Dantes Werke: Das Neue Leben: Die GOttliche KomOdie: La Vita Nuova: La Divina Commedia: Italienisch und Deutsch
414962: - Reconstruction 2, Sudeley Castle
486234: - The Musical Times and Singing-Class Circular. Volume XLV
216003: - Feminist Review Number 54: Autumn 1996: Contesting Feminist Orthodoxies
281169: - Kaupp 12/12: Bucher Und Autographen, Abendauktion Mit 170 Erlesenen Sammlerobjekten, 07.12.2012
173119: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 263 Numbers 1312-1315
431123: - The Library: Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, Sixth Series, Volume 4, Number 1, March 1982
432879: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 64: Actas del Cabildo Eclesiastico de Caracas: Tomo I (1580-1770)
269940: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 28 (4): Infamts. Children and Young Persons (Parts 4 - 13), Injunctions (Part 1 (1 )
429789: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1894-95, Vol. XXIX
495725: - Storia Della Sinistra Communista, 1919 - 1920: Dal Congresso Di Bologna Del PSI al Secondo Congresso dell'Internazionale Comunista
484443: - Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought: Vol I: No.4: October 1952
423062: - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society: Vol. 16, Part 1: January, 1941: No. 61
254448: - Flash Forward: American Idioms
254452: - Flash Forward: German Vocabulary
254453: - Flash Forward: German Vocabulary
600182: - An Account of the Roman Antiquities Preserved in the Museum at Chesters, Northumberland, to Which is Added a Series of Chapters Describing the Excavations Made By the Late John Clayton at Cilurnum, Procolitia, Borcovicus, and Other Sites on the Roman Wal
029396: - Christie's European Works of Art, Carpets and Furniture
520636: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society - Fifth Series, Volume 39
520637: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society - Fifth Series, Volume 34
415824: - Gemini Numismatic Auctions: Auction VII, Sunday, January 9, 2011
223864: - Nature: A Weekly Journal of Science : Volume 183,2 April 4, 1959, to June 27, 1959
223869: - Nature: A Weekly Journal of Science : Volume 189,1 January 7, 1961, to February 11, 1961
488044: - Enzo Plazzotta
534058: - Motoring in Scotland
096775: - The Falklands War: The Official History
205049: - Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Volume 63, Number 2)
205050: - Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Volume 66, Number 3)
432713: - The Cornhill Magazine: Vol. XIII. January to June, 1866
442677: - The Lord Slynn of Hadley European Law Foundation: The First Ten Years
497187: - Study Guide - Chemical Warfare: Questions, Answers and Practical Exercises (Pamphlet No. 2, September 1943)
448736: - Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, New Series, Volume 5
258068: - Saorstat Eireann: Reachtanna An Oireachtais 1930/Statutes of the Oireachtas 1930
487778: - Rock's Views of Cambridge 1851
277585: - Stminaire Bourbaki - Vol. 1971/72. Exposes 400-417 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics; 310)
187130: - Evening Sale Contemporary Art, 18 October 2008 London
191023: - Sam Taylor Wood
172927: - A Report to Industry: By Loughborough University of Technology
099484: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XI, Part 2 May 1958
099485: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XI, Part 3 August 1958
436117: - Surrey Archeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, Volume XXIV
165863: - Sputtering and Ion Plating
163951: - Oxford Volume VI, Number 1
432663: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. LXXV, January-June, 1854
418486: - Art Impressioniste & Moderne 2, Dont Un Ensemble De Ceramiques De Picasso, 31 Mai 2012
446314: - Microbal Genetics, Tenth Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology Held at the Royal Institution, London April 1960
419608: - Rhetoric Works & Vanity Works & Other Works
425692: - My New Train Book
306970: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics., And Literature, for the Year 1758
036160: - Tackling Health Inequalities - Consultation on a Plan for Delivery
425406: - Developments in Industrial Microbiology, Volume 8
417739: - Scene 21.2, Lundi 27 Octobre 2014
163952: - Oxford Volume V, Number 3
082674: - Surgical Competence : Chalenges of Assessment in Training and Practice.
520655: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society - Sixth Series, Volume VI
417260: - Arts Decoratifs Du XXe Siecle: Paris, Mercredi 10 Decembre 2008
264049: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 14 No. 1 Autumn 1997
264050: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 14 No. 2 Winter 1997
264051: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 14 No. 3 Spring1998
264052: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 14 No. 4 Summer 1998
264053: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 15 No. 1 Autunm 1998
492266: - De mooiste verhalen en legenden van hindoeIsme & Boeddhisme
306962: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1816
417252: - Ravenel Autumn Auction 2011 Taipei: Modern and Contemporary Asian Art, 4 December 2011
417253: - Modern and Contemporary Chinese Art Evening Sale, December 1st , 2010
417251: - Ravenel Autumn Auction 2011 Hong Kong: Modern and Contemporary Art, 28 November 2011
490122: - The Annual Register 2003: A Records of World Events: 245
187536: - The Victorian Poor: Fourth Conference Report
187537: - Victorian Seaport: Fifth Conference Report
POToKill: - To Kill a Mockingbird Book Covers 59x84cm Poster
431061: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. 57, Parts I b-3, 1931-33
482488: - The International Review of Missions: Volume XCI: No. 360: January 2002
482485: - The International Review of Missions: Volume LXXXVIII: Nos. 348/349: January/April 1999
266807: - Routledge German Dictionary of Environmental Technology Worterbuch Umwelttechnologie Deutsch Englisch/Englisch Deutsch
416196: - Contemporary Art Evening Auction, New York 14 May 2014
431060: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. 56, Parts I-3, 1928-31
169952: - Democratization, Volume 12 Number 3
438803: - Archaeologia: Or, Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, Volume 58, Part II
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