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290186: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 54, Part 3, December 1996
291134: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 56, Part 1, August 1997
291117: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 50, Part 1, August 1994
291121: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 51, Part 2, April 1995
291122: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 51, Part 3, June 1995
291130: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 54, Part 2, October 1996
291132: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 55, Part 2, April 1997
291133: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 55, Part 3, June 1997
291126: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 53, Part 1, February 1996
291131: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 55, Part 1, February 1997
291127: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 53, Part 2, April 1996
291115: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 49, Part 2, April 1994
291116: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 49, Part 3, June 1994
291119: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 50, Part 3, December 1994
291120: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 51, Part 1, February 1995
291123: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 52, Part 1, August 1995
291129: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 54, Part 1, August 1996
229496: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society (Second Series); Volume 49, 1994
229497: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society (Second Series); Volume 50, 1994
229498: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society (Second Series); Volume 51, 1995
229499: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society (Second Series); Volume 52, 1995
291118: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 50, Part 2, October 1994
291124: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 52, Part 2, October 1995
291125: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 52, Part 3, December 1995
291128: BUSHELL, P. J.; FENN, R. A. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 53, Part 3, June 1996
022141: BUSHNELL, G.H.S; DIGBY, ADRIAN - Ancient American Pottery
548349: BUSHNELL, DAVID - The Making of Modern Colombia: A Nation in Spite of Itself
548348: BUSHNELL, DAVID - The Santander Regime in Gran Colombia
445402: BUSHOFF, BRUNHILD (ED.) - Developing Interactive Narrative Content
511346: BUSHRUI, SUHEIL; JENKINS, JOE - Kahlil Gibran: Man and Poet
269160: BUSHRUI, SUHEIL BADI; GOTCH, PAUL (EDS.) - Gibran of Lebanon
537017: BUSHRUI, SIHEIL - A Defense of Poetry
548371: BUSI, ALDO (AUTHOR); HOOD, STUART (TRANSLATOR) - Sodomies in Eleven Point
531849: BUSI, ALDO; HOOD, STUART (TRANS.) - Seminar on Youth
257270: BUSINELLO, GIANLUCA - Prego Sorrida... Diciasette Famosi Satirici in Preda a Furore Autocelebrativo e a Delirio Autografico Ritratti Da Gianluca Businello
494142: BUSINO, GIOVANNI - Ecrits sociologiques mineurs
430895: BUSK, GEORGE; LANKESTER, EDWIN (EDS.) - Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Volume 2, 1854
530725: BUSK, H.G. - Earth Flexures: Their Geometry and Their Representation and Analysis in Geological Section with Special Reference to the Problem of Oil Finding
531728: BUSKES, GERARD; VAN ROOIJ, ARNOUD - Topological Spaces: From Distance to Neighborhood
517984: BUSS, ROBIN - Italian Films
602408: BUSS, ROBIN - The French Through Their Films
228233: BUSSAGLI, MARCO - Piero della Francesca
531321: BUSSANICH, JOHN; SMITH, NICHOLAS D. (EDS.) - The Bloomsbury Companion to Socrates
488330: BUSSBY, FREDERICK - Winchester Cathedral, 1079-1979
017830: BUSSE, EWALD W.; PFEIFFER, ERIC - Behavior and Adaptation in Late Life
222320: BUSSE, GISELA VON; PLASSMANN, ENGELBERT ;ERNESTUS, HORST - Libraries in the Federal Republic of Germany
018055: BUSSELLE, MICHAEL - Take Better Pictures
017913: BUSSELLE, MICHAEL - Master Photography: Take and Make Perfect Pictures
012301: BUSSELLE, MICHEAL - The Photgrapher's Question and Answer Book
283143: BUSSEMAKER, JET - Citizenship and Welfare State Reform in Europe
248151: BUSSMANN, KLAUS - DuMont Guide to Paris and the Ile de France (DuMont Guides)
211814: (ED.) BUSSOLO, MAURIZIO & DE HOYOS, RAFAEL E. - Gender Aspects of the Trade and Poverty Nexus: a Macro-Micro Approach
540738: BUSST, ALAN J.L. - L'ORPHEE de Ballanche: GENESE et Signification: Contribution A L'ETUDE du Rayonnement de la PENSEE de Giambattista Vico: Romanticism and After in France: Vol. 4
608295: BUSTANI, EMILE - March Arabesque
525858: BUSTANI, HISHAM; TABET, MAIA (TRANS.) - The Monotonous Chaos of Existence
415888: BUSTARD, BRUCE I.; KATO, KENNETH - Treasures of Congress
473785: BUSTARD, ROBERT - Sea Turtles of Australia
521764: BUSVINE, J.R. - Insects and Hygiene: The Biology and Control of Insect Pests of Medical and General Importance in Britain
488670: BUSZEK, MARIA ELENA; KIHM, CHRISTOPHE - Ghada Amer: Breathe Into Me
467809: BUTAZZI, GRAZIETTA; ET AL - I Mestieri Della Moda a Venezia: The Arts and Crafts of Fashion in Venice, from the 13th to the 18th Century: 1797-1997: Bicentenary of the Overthrow of the Serenissima
197896: BUTCHART, REUBEN - The Ballad of the Royal visit, 1939; and Other Verses
545500: BUTCHER, TIM - Chasing the Devil: The Search for Africa's Fighting Spirit
497595: BUTCHER, KEVIN - Roman Syria and the Near East
442076: BUTCHER, LARRY L. (ED.) - Cholinergic-Monoaminergic Interactions in the Brain
439604: BUTCHER, D. W. (ED.) - On-Line Monitoring of Continuous Process Plants
440300: BUTCHER, DAVID - Official Publications in Britain
605217: BUTCHER, ALAN C - Railways Restored 2011
472414: BUTCHINS, ADAIR - The Numinous Legacy: Modern Cosmology and Religion
469217: BUTI, MARCO; MARTINEZ-MONGAY, CARLOS; VON HAGEN, JURGEN (EDS.) - The Behaviour of Fiscal Authorities: Stabilization, Growth and Institutions
469543: BUTI, MARCO; FRANCO, DANIELE; PENCH, LUCIO R. (EDS.) - The Welfare State in Europe: Challenges and Reforms
469436: BUTI, MARCO; SESTITO, PAOLO; WIJKANDER, HANS (EDS.) - Taxation, Welfare and the Crisis of Unemployment in Europe
443750: BUTIKOFER, ALFRED; MICHEL, REGULA; SCHNELLER, DANIEL - Die Altstadt Winterthur: Eine Kulturgeschichtliche Entdeckungsreise
466976: BUTLER, BEVERLEY; LITTLEWOOD, KEVIN - Of Ships and Stars: Maritime Heritage and the Founding of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
471670: BUTLER, LANCE ST. JOHN - Alternative Hardy
465813: BUTLER, DAVID; KAVANAGH, DENNIS - The British General Election of February 1974
461272: BUTLER, J. R.; COGHLAN, H. H.; PARKER, GEORGE - Ores and Metals: A Report of the Ancient Mining and Metallurgy Committee, Royal Anthropological Institute (Royal Anthropological Institute Occasional Paper No. 17)
608084: BUTLER, GWENDOLINE - Coffin in the Black Museum
538312: BUTLER, H.E. (TRANS.) - The Chronicles of Jocelin of Brakelond Concerning the Acts of Samson, Abbot of the Monastery of St Edmund
198060: BUTLER, N.R. (ED.); GOLDING, JEAN (ED.) - From Birth to Five : A Study of the Health and Behaviour of Britain's Five Year Olds
437737: BUTLER, DAVID; SARLVIK, BO (EDS.) - Electoral Studies: An International Journal; Volume 11, Number 1-4 & Volume 12, Number 1-4, March 1992-1993
280571: BUTLER, SAMUEL - The Fair Haven
457588: BUTLER, DAVID; BUTLER, GARETH - Twentieth-Century British Political Facts, 1900-2000
521860: BUTLER, DAVID; BOGDANOR, VERNON; SUMMERS, ROBERT (EDS.) - The Law, Politics, and the Constitution: Essays in Honor of Geoffrey Marshall
519672: BUTLER, ROHAN - Choiseul: Volume 1, Father and Son 1719-1754
528067: BUTLER, STEPHEN - The Fausts of GERARD de Nerval: Intertextuality, Translation, Adaptation (European Connections: Studies in Comparative Literature, Intermediality and Aesthetics, Volume 40)
418701: BUTLER, D. E. - The Study of Political Behaviour (Politics)
501175: BUTLER, G.; HETHERINGTON, K. - Around The Kent Coast: Photographic Memories
409980: BUTLER, N. R.; CORNER, B. D. (EDS.) - Stress and Disability in Childhood
109679: BUTLER, WILLIAM - Mr Three
264403: BUTLER, DAVID; BUTLER, GARETH - British Political Facts, 1900-1985
517679: BUTLER, PHIL - Liverpool Airport: An Illustrated History
608155: BUTLER, OCTAVIA E. - Imago: Xenogenesis III
536948: BUTLER, DAVID; BUTLER, GARETH - The Men Who Mastered Time
254507: BUTLER, H.E. (ED.) - The Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond
522587: BUTLER, EDWIN; JONES, S.G. - Plant Pathology
437740: BUTLER, DAVID; SARLVIK, BO (EDS.) - Electoral Studies: An International Journal; Volume 16, Numbers 1-4, June 1997
005818: BUTLER, SAMUEL - The Poetical Works of Samuel Butler, Volume 2
600124: BUTLER, THOMAS - The Case of Thomas Butler, Bookseller and Stationer in Pall-Mall, London, Who Was Most Cruelly Treated at New-Market, October 6, 1753
437738: BUTLER, DAVID; SARLVIK, BO (EDS.) - Electoral Studies: An International Journal; Volume 13, Number 1-4 & Volume 14, Number 1-4, March 1994-1995
175422: BUTLER, SUSAN BULKELEY - Become the CEO of You, Inc. : A Pioneering Executive Shares Her Secrets for Career Success
601365: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - The Star of Istanbul
462916: BUTLER, DAVID; HALSEY, A.H. (EDS.) - Policy and Politics: Essays in Honour of Norman Chester
190017: BUTLER, SAMUEL - Unconscious Memory
112384: BUTLER, SAMUEL - Erewhon Revisited
055332: BUTLER, SAMUEL - The Humour of Homer and Other Essays
171391: BUTLER, WINIFRED - Home Furnishings
501314: BUTLER, DAVID R. - Zoogeomorphology: Animals as Geomorphic Agents
522628: BUTLER, NICKOLAS - Godspeed
Am2195: BUTLER, MATTHEW - Faith and Impiety n Revolutionary Mexico
299029: BUTLER, G. P. G.; FORSTER, L. W.; GANZ, P. F.; MIDDLETON, J. C.; RITCHIE, J. M.; WHITE J. J. (EDS.) - German Life & Letters, New Series, Volume XXXIII No. 4, July 1980
297396: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - A Small Hotel
170652: BUTLER, EWAN - The Cecils
294199: BUTLER, NOLA; FRICK, THOMAS; MACNAIR, JENNIFER (EDS.) - The Broad Contemporary Art Museum at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2008
550188: BUTLER, J.R.M.; BUTTERFIELD, H.; CLARK, GEORGE; CRAWLEY, C.W.; KNOWLES, M.C.; PLUMB, J.H.; WALKER, ERIC; BURY, J.P.T. (EDITORS) - The Cambridge Historical Journal
601213: BUTLER, ROBERT OLEN - Paris in the Dark
230163a: BUTLER, HEINZ - Was Geht Mich Der Fruhling an...
205860: BUTLER, J.A.V. - The Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics
198068: BUTLER, N.R. (ED.); CORNER, B.D. (ED.) - Stress and Disability in Childhood
547706: BUTLER, SAMUEL (AUTHOR); FESTING JONES, HENRY (EDITOR) - The Note-Books of Samuel Butler
442265: BUTLER, SUZANNE; MITCHELL, REBECCA (EDS.) - Halsbury's Statutory Instruments Citator 2010
294200: BUTLER, NOLA; FRICK, THOMAS; MACNAIR, JENNIFER (EDS.) - The Broad Contemporary Art Museum at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2008
251712: BUTLER, WILLIAM ELLIOTT - Russian Law: Second Edition
608172: BUTLER, GWENDOLINE - Coffin and the Paper Man
493041: BUTLER, BILL - Byrne's Atlas
171484: BUTLER, ALAN; PRITCHARD, COLIN - Social Work and Mental Illness (Practical Social Work)
484894: BUTLER, DAVID; SLOMAN, ANNE - British Political Facts 1900-1979
541559: BUTLER, W.E. (INTRODUCTION) - The Dostoyevsky Suite
457621: BUTLER, CHARLES - The Life of Erasmus: With Historical Remarks on the State of Literature Between the Tenth and Sixteenth Centuries
285770: BUTLER, SARAH - Ten Things I've Learnt About Love
542487: BUTLER, JACK - Hawk Gumbo and Other Stories
603322: BUTLER, IVAN - Cinema in Britain: An Illustrated Survey
607751: BUTLER, BILL - A Cheyenne Legend
511611: BUTLIN, MARTIN (ED.) - William Blake
093940: BUTLIN, RON - The Tilting Room
460589: BUTOR, MICHEL - Des Images Pour La Paix
251288: BUTSCH, CARSTEN. - Zugang Zu Gesundheitsdienstleistungen: Barrieren Und Anreize In Pune, Indien (Megacities and Global Change/Megastadte Und Globaler Wande)
512428: BUTT, GERALD - A Rock and a Hard Place: Origins of Arab-Western Conflict in the Middle East
170890: BUTT, JOHN; BENJAMIN, CARMEN - A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish
484126: BUTT, JOHN - The Mid-Eighteenth Century
036030: BUTT, JABEER - Same Service or Equal Service?: Second Report on Social Services Departments' Development, Implementation and Monitoring of Services for the Black and Minority Ethnic Community
262049: BUTT, JOHN (ED.) - Of Books and Humankind: Essays and Poems Presented to Bonamy Dobrée
411207: BUTTERFIELD, W. J. H. - Priorities in Medicine
495740: BUTTERS, HUMFREY (ED.); DE' MEDICI, LORENZO - Lorenzo De' Medici: Lettere IX (1485 - 1486)
535741: BUTTERS, SHAAN - The Book of Kingston
535249: BUTTERS, SHAAN - A 'House of Prayer': The History of St Peter's Church, Norbiton, 1842-1992
540879: BUTTERWORTH, MICHAEL - A Virgin on the Rocks
525112: BUTTERWORTH, EMILY; ROBSON, KATHRYN (EDS.) - Shifting Borders: Theory and Identity in French Literature
002998: BUTTERWORTH, CHARLES A.; SKIDMORE, DAVID - Caring for the Mentally Ill in the Community
095039: BUTTERWORTH, GEORGE; BRYANT, PETER - Causes of Development : Interdisciplinary Perspectives
216568: BUTTERWORTH, GEORGE L. (ED.); HARRIS, PAUL L. (ED.); LESLIE, ALAN M. (ED.); WELLMAN, HENRY M. - Perspectives on The Child's Theory of Mind
608053: BUTTERWORTH, MICHAEL - Remains to be Seen (The diamond jubilee collection)
142601: BUTTERY, P. J.; LINDSAY, D. B. - Protein Deposition in Animals
035467: BUTTERY, YVETTE; WALSHE, KIERAN; RUMSEY, MOIRA; AMESS, MOYRA; BENNETT, JENNIFER & COLES, JAMES - Evaluating Audit: Provider Audit in England, a Review of Twenty-nine Programmes
521880: BUTTIGIEG, EUGENE - Competition Law: Safeguarding the Consumer Interest - A Comparative Analysis of US Antitrust Law and EC Competition Law
494689: BUTTINGER, JOSEPH - The Smaller Dragon: A Political History of Vietnam
086358: BUTTLE, FRANCIS - Hotel and Food Service Marketing: A Managerial Approach
018169: BUTTLE, FRANCIS - Hotel and Food Service Marketing: A Managerial Approach
491913: BUTTLE, MYRA - The Sweeniad
085582: BUTTLE, FRANCIS - Hotel and Food Service Marketing: A Managerial Approach
158224: BUTTNER, GOTTFRIED - Samuel Becketts Roman Watt: Eine Untersuchung Des Gnoseologischen Grundzuges
529502: BUTTNER, WERNER; HUNT, DAVID - Werner BUTTNER: Pour Souls, Marlborogh Chelsea, 2016
521842: BUTTON, CATHERINE - The Power to Protect: Trade, Health and Uncertainty in the WTO (Studies in International Trade Law, no. 2)
524019: BUTTON, VIRGINIA; ESCHE, CHARLES - Intelligence: New British Art 2000
104401: BUTTON, K.J.; PEARMAN, A.D. - The Practice of Transport Investment Appraisal
236182: BUTTON, K.J. (ED.); GILLINGWATER, D. (ED.) - Transport, Location and Spatial Policy
251408: BUTTON, KENNETH; VEGA, HENRY; NIJKAMP, PETER (EDS.) - A Dictionary of Transport Analysis
011227: BUTTON, ERIC - Psychological Problems in Primary Health Care
524616: BUTTON, VIRGINIA - The Turner Prize: Revised Edition 2007
451445: BUTTRICK, J. (ED.) - The Review of Economic Studies: Volume XVIII, 1950-51
465192: BUTTURA, DI A. - I Quattro Poeti Italiani: Dante, Petrarca, Ariosto, Tasso
302986: BUURMAN, MARLIES; KLOOS, MAARTEN (EDS.) - Amsterdamse Architectuur/Amsterdam Architecture 2000-2002
240569: BUXANI, SHYAM D. - Salam : Divine Revelations from the Actual God
465477: BUXTON, DAVID; GIRVAN, JOHN (EDS.) - A Devizes Camera
170842: BUXTON, PATRICK A. - Researches in Polynesia and Melanesia: An Account of Investigations in Samoa, tonga, The Ellice Group, and the New Hebrides, in 1924, 1925: Parts I-IV
170843: BUXTON, PATRICK A. - Researches in Polynesia and Melanesia: An Account of Investigations in Samoa, tonga, The Ellice Group, and the New Hebrides, in 1924, 1925: Parts V-VII
547179: BUXTON HILTON, JOHN - The Sunset Law
505002: BUXTON, SIDNEY - Finance and Politics: An Historical Study 1789-1885
521427: BUXTON, PATRICK A. - The Louse: An account of the lice which infest man, their medical importance and control
458265: BUXTON, DAVID - Devizes Voices: Recollections of Local Peop;le
521419: BUYSE, MARC E.; STAQUET, MAURICE J.; SYLVESTER, RICHARD J. (EDS.) - Cancer Clinical Trials: Methods and Practice
452003: BUYSE, MARC E.; STAQUET, MAURICE J.; SYLVESTER, RICHARD J. (EDS.) - Cancer Clinical Trials: Methods and Practice
545933: BYARS, BETSY - The Moon and Me
433931: BYATT, A. S. - The Game
466983: BYATT, A. S. - The Children's Book
545223: BYATT, A.S. - Babel Tower
432841: BYATT, A. S. - Elementals: Stories of Fire and Ice
544880: BYATT, A.S. - A Whistling Woman
288191a: BYATT, A.S. - Babel Tower
433933: BYATT, A. S. - The Virgin in the Garden
514263: BYATT, A. S. - Babel Tower
300400: BYATT, A. S. - The Biographer's Tale
433934: BYATT, A. S. - Still Life
275028b: BYATT, A. S. - Babel Tower
275028a: BYATT, A. S. - Babel Tower
603575: BYATT, A. S. - A Whistling Woman
269616: BYBEE, JOAN; FLEISCHMAN, SUZANNE (EDS.) - Modality in Grammar and Discourse
079621: BYCHEK, N.R.; CHISTYAKOV, M.I. - Metodologiya Razrabotki Pyatiletnego Plana
303616: BYCHKOVA, N.; LAVROV, R.; RUSANOVA, I. - Lenin: Comrade and Man
608192: BYDÉN, BÖRJE; RADOVIC, FILIP - The Parva naturalia in Greek, Arabic and Latin Aristotelianism: Supplementing the Science of the Soul: 17 (Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind, 17)
Am1959: BYE, VEGARD - Cuba, from Fidel to Raul and Beyond
539649: BYERS, IRENE - Jewel of the Jungle
426237: BYGATE, MARTIN; KRAMSCH, CLAIRE (EDS.) - Applied Linguistics: Volume 24, Number 2, June 2003
426238: BYGATE, MARTIN; KASPER, GABRIELE (EDS.) - Applied Linguistics: Volume 24, Number 3, September 2003
426239: BYGATE, MARTIN; KASPER, GABRIELE (EDS.) - Applied Linguistics: Volume 24, Number 4, December 2003
426240: BYGATE, MARTIN; KASPER, GABRIELE (EDS.) - Applied Linguistics: Volume 25, Number 1, March 2004
426236: BYGATE, MARTIN; KRAMSCH, CLAIRE (EDS.) - Applied Linguistics: Volume 24, Number 1, March 2003
245650: BYLES, A. T. P. (ED.) - The Book of Fayettes of Armes and of Chyvalrye
245651: BYLES, A. T. P. (ED.) - The Book of Fayettes of Armes and of Chyvalrye
414096: BYLES, C. B. - The First Principles of Railway Signalling
447362: BYNG, RICHARD; SINGLE, HELEN - Developing Primary Care for Patients with Long-term Mental Illness: Your Guide to Improving Services
176290: BYNNER, J (ED.); - Adversity and Challenge in Life in the New Germany and in England
163063: BYRAM, MICHAEL - Minority Education and Ethnic Survival: Case Study of a German School in Denmark
250348: BYRD, BOBBY - Places Is & Memphis Poems
462370: BYRD, WILLIAM; GUPTA, S. P.; HUSSAIN, ATHAR; STERN, NICHOLAS (EDS.) - Development Experiences in China and India: Reforms and Modernisation
022028: BYRD, MARTHA - A World in Flames: A Concise History of World War II
535964: BYRES, T.J.; MUKHIA, HARBANS (EDITORS) - Feudalism and Non-European Societies: Library of Peasant Studies No.8
112325: BYRNE, DONN - The Foolish Matrons
524892: BYRNE, RICHARD; WHITEN, ANDREW (EDS.) - Machiavellian Intelligence: Social Expertise and the Evolution of Intellect in Monkeys, Apes, and Humans
075278: BYRNE, KEVIN P. - Understanding and Managing Cholesterol: A Guide for Wellness Professionals
444444: BYRNE, LAVINIA (ED.) - The Hidden Tradition: Women's Spiritual Writings Rediscovered
499758: BYRNE, EUGENE; BURLTON, CLIVE - Bravo, Bristol!: The City at War, 1914-1918
144066: BYRNE, PETER (EDITED BY) - Health, Rights and Resources, King's College Studies 1987-8
197780: BYRNE, ELEANOR J. - Confusional States in Older People
144064: BYRNE, PETER (EDITED BY) - Health, Rights and Resources, King's College Studies 1987-8
144065: BYRNE, PETER (EDITED BY) - Health, Rights and Resources, King's College Studies 1987-8
187732: BYRNE, BRENDAN; MULLALLY, ALAN; ROTHERY, BRIAN - The Art Of Systems Analysis
029932: BYRNE, BARBARA - Able to ... Prepare and Bake Food
268726: BYRNE, FRANCIS - Grammatical Relations in a Radical Creole: Verb Complementation in Saramaccan (Creole Language Library; v. 3)
144006: BYRNE, PETER (EDITED BY) - Health, Rights and Resources, King's College Studies 1987-8
418130: BYRNE, KATHRYN - St Mary's Cathedral, Wrexham: The Story of a Catholic Community
021027: BYRNE, DONN - Crusade
531393: BYRNE, MICHAEL; BUSH, G.R. (EDS.) - St Mary-le-Bow: A History
606693: BYRNE, SEAMUS - Little City
447285: BYRNES, DENNIS L.; WINGFIELD, ARTHUR - The Psychology of Human Memory
526499: BYRNES, DEIRDRE - Rereading Monika Maron: Text, Counter-Text and Context (British and Irish Studies in German Language and Literature, Volume 50)
550192: BYRON, GEORGE GORDAN - The Love Poems of Lord Byron
296015a: BYRON, GEORGE GORDON; BARON BYRON; MARCHAND, LESLIE A. (ED.) - In My Hot Youth (Byron's Letters and Journals; Volume 1: 1798-1810)
519462: BYRON, GEORGE GORDON; BETTELONI, VITTORIO (TRANSL.) - Don Giovanni (volumes 1&2)
462099: BYRON, CATHERINE - The Fat-Hen Field Hospital: Poems 1985 - 1992
506114: BYRON PRESS POETS - Continuities: New Poems By the Byron Press Poets
023742: BYRON, KEVIN - Inventions and Inventing: Finding Solutions to Practical Problems
061507: BYSOUTH, PETER T - End-user Searching
408417: BYTHEWAY, BEV; CRADDOCK, SACHA (EDS.) - Newcontemporaries 98
010562: BYTHEWAY, BILL [EDITOR] - Ageing and Society, Volume 21, Part 1
207383: BYUNGRYULL, KIM - The History of Imperial Japan's Seizure of Dokdo
063159: C. WORDSWORTH - Scholae Academiae: Studies at the English Universities in the 18th century
190010: C.O.L. - The Guildhall of the City of London. Together with s Short Account of Its Historic Associations, and the Municipal Work Carried on Therein
170225: C. R. N. STROUTS, J. H. GILFILLAN (ED) - Analytical Chemistry. The Working Tools. Volume I and II.
084539: C. J. G. - In Palace and Faubourg
028707: C.C.I.T.T - Economic and Technical Aspects of the Choice of Telephone Switching Systems
536050: C. BERNERI - Peter Kropotkin: His Federalist Ideas
454828: C. BAKER, MARK - Incorporation: A Theory of Grammatical Function Changing
051839: C C ADDISON (EDITOR) - Inorganic Chemistry of the Main Group Elements. Volume 4. Specialist Periodical Papers
Am240: C. Y. LOH - South East Asia Writes Back: No. 1: Skoob Pacifica Anthology
SAm240: C. Y. LOH - South East Asia Writes Back: No. 1: Skoob Pacifica Anthology
449846: CABADA, LADISLAV - Intelektualove a Idea Komunismu v Ceskych Zemich 1900 - 1939
526780: CABALL, MARC; FORD, DAVID F. (EDS.) - Musics of Belonging: The Poetry of Micheal O'Siadhail
299891: CABALLERO, CARLOS - La Pasion De Gobernar: La Administracion Betancur 10 Anos Despues
548313: CABALLERO, MANUEL - Latin America and the Comintern, 1919-1943
168505: CABBIE NO. 42629 - A London Cabbie: In a Year of a London Cabbie, Everyone Has a Story
509049: CABELL, CRAIG - Operation Big Ben: The Anti-V2 Spitfire Missions
472715: CABLE, RALPH - Audio-Visual Handbook
447722: CABLE, VINCENT; HENDERSON, DAVID (EDS.) - Trade Blocs?: The Future of Regional Integration
495914: CABOT, DAVID; GOODWILLIE, ROGER; VINEY, MICHAEL - Irish Expedition to North-East Greenland 1987
452392z: CABRERA INFANTE, G. - Three Trapped Tigers
529849: CABRERA, MIQUEL A.; MCMAHON, MARIE (TRANS.) - Postsocial History: An Introduction
452392y: CABRERA INFANTE, G. - Three Trapped Tigers
295623z: CABRERA INFANTE, G. - Infante's Inferno
295624: CABRERA INFANTE, G. - Infante's Inferno
602895: CABRERA INFANTE, G.; LEVINE, SUZANNE JILL (TRANS.) - Infante's Inferno
421548: CABRERO, FERRAN - La Revolucion Pactada: Globalizacion y Tranformacion de la Guerrilla en America Latina
545800: CACHIA, PIERRE, (COMPILATION) - The Monitor: A Dictionary of Arabic Grammatical Terms: Arabic-English: English-Arabic
151621: CACUTT, LEN (ROSS, BERNARD) - The Old Sessions House: Its Setting and Its History
527961: CADDEL, RICHARD (ED.) - Sharp Study and Long Toil: Basin Bunting Special Issue
058571: CADDOCK, PATRICIA & HAY, CARLA - Studies in Eighteenth-century Culture Vol 21
547796: CADELL, H.M. - The Story of the Forth
540440: CADIGAN, PAT - Synners
460042: CADITZ, JUDITH - White Liberals in Transition: Current Dilemmas of Ethnic Integration
505621: CADMAN, TIMOTHY (ED.) - Climate Change and Global Policy Regimes: Towards Institutional Legitimacy
541332: CADOGAN, MARY (INTRODUCTION) - Teddy Tail: The Nostalgia Collection
295795: CADOGAN, ADELAIDE - Illustrated Games of Patience
295796: CADOGAN, ADELAIDE - Illustrated Games of Patience: Second Series
604357: CADOGAN, MARY - Women with Wings: Female Flyers in Fact and Fiction
549084: CADWELL, MICHAEL - Strange Details
547317: CADY, EDWIN H.; CADY, NORMA W. - Critical Essays on W.D. Howells, 1866-1920
103841: CADY, EDWIN H. - The Realist at War: The Mature Years 1885-1920 of William Dean Howells
507331: CAEIRO, RUI - Acabamentos De Primeira
419250: CAESARIS, C. JULII - Bello Gallico: Commentariorum: Libri V
465038: CAFA ART MUSEUM - 100 Vintage Prints: Exhibition Tour of the Collection of Charles Jin: 20th Century Works of Western Photographers in China
522004: CAFAGGI, FABRIZIO; MUIR-WATT, HORATIA (EDS.) - Making European Private Law: Governance Design
521963: CAFAGGI, FABRIZIO; LAW, STEPHANIE (EDS.) - Judicial Cooperation in European Private Law
497522: CAFFREY, HELEN - Almshouses in the West Riding of Yorkshire, 1600 - 1900
487342: CAFIERO, GIUSEPPE - Theatre: The Advertisement, Nursery Rhyme in the Time of Silence (A Play in Two Parts)
158170: CAGNAT,R. - L'anee Epigrapheique 1894
158172: CAGNAT, RENE. - L'annee Epigraphique 1898
158173: CAGNAT, RENE. & BESNIER, M. - L'annee Epigraphique 1901
158171: CAGNAT, RENE. - L'annee Epigraphique 1892
443799: CAHEN, MICHEL - Le Portugal Bilingue: Histoire et Droits Politiques d'une Minorite Linguistique: La Communaute Mirandaise
085698: CAHILL, TIM - Jaguars Ripped My Flesh: Adventure is a Risky Business
526562: CAHILL, SUSAN; FLANNERY, EOIN (EDS.) - This Side of Brightness: Essays on the Fiction of Colum McCann (Reimagining Ireland, Volume 17)
435735: CAHILL, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Recorder: A Journal of the American Irish Historical Society: A Tribute to Benedict Kiely: Volume 7, No. 1, Summer 1994
534595: CAHILL, LISA SOWLE - Global Justice, Christology and Christian Ethics: New Studies in Christian Ethics
546611: CAHN, JOSEPH M. - The Teenie Weenies Book: The Life and Art of William Donahey
525807: CAHN, SAMMY - I Should Care
454208: CAHN, JEAN-PAUL; MULLER, KLAUS-JURGEN - La Republique Federale d'Allemagne et la Guerre d'Algerie, 1954-1962
533738: CAHOONE, LAWRENCE E. - The Ends of Philosophy: Pragmatism, Foundationalism and Postmodernism
541924: CAI, LIPING A., ALAEDINI, POOYA. (EDS) - Quality Services and Experiences in Hospitality and Tourism (Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice): 9
541856: CAIDIN, MARTIN - Operation Nuke
178257: CAILLEUX, ANDRE - La Geologie : Collection Que Sais-Je?
431650: CAIN, MAUREEN (ED.) - International Journal of the Sociology of Law, Volume 11, 1983
547483: CAIN, JAMES M.; HOOPES, ROY, (ED.) - The Baby in the Icebox and Other Short Stories
608061: CAIN, PAUL - Seven Slayers
431648: CAIN, MAUREEN; MCBARNET, D. (EDS.) - International Journal of the Sociology of Law, Volume 9, 1981
431649: CAIN, MAUREEN; MCBARNET, D. (EDS.) - International Journal of the Sociology of Law, Volume 10, 1982
431652: CAIN, MAUREEN (ED.) - International Journal of the Sociology of Law, Volume 13, 1985
431651: CAIN, MAUREEN (ED.) - International Journal of the Sociology of Law, Volume 12, 1984
521675: CAIN, P.J.; HOPKINS, A.G. - British Imperialism: Crisis and Deconstruction 1914-1990
508140: CAIN, WILLIAM E. - F.O. Matthiessen and the Politics of Criticism
431653: CAIN, MAUREEN (ED.) - International Journal of the Sociology of Law, Volume 14, 1986
431647: CAIN, MAUREEN; MCBARNET, D. (EDS.) - International Journal of the Sociology of Law, Volume 8, 1980
533616: CAIN, STEPHEN; MILLAR, JAY - Double Helix
209197: CAIN, TOM - The Accident Man
546561: CAINE, MICHAEL - Deadly Game
545693: CAINE, HALL - The Christian
073798: CAINE, TOM; WIJESINGHE, BRIAN; WINTER, DAVID - Personal Styles in Neurosis : Implications for Small Group Psychotherapy and Behavior Therapy
482884: CAIRD, F. I.; EVANS, J. GRIMPLEY (EDS.) - Advanced Geriatric Medicine 7
258723: CAIRD, JOHN - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
252837: CAIRD, EDWARD - The Philosophy of Kant
414690: CAIRNCROSS, ALEC - Years of Recovery: British Economic Policy 1945-51
016463: CAIRNCROSS, A. K. - Wicksell Lectures 1960: Monetary Policy in Amixed Economy
607618: CAIRNCROSS, ALEC (ED.) - The Robert Hall Diaries, 1947-53
528218: CAIRNS, LUCILLE; FOUZ-HERNANDEZ, SANTIAGO (EDS.) - Rethinking "Identities": Cultural Articulations of Alterity and Resistance in the New Millennium (Cultural Identity Studies, Volume 20)
527887: CAIRNS, LUCILLE; FOUZ-HERNANDEZ, SANTIAGO (EDS.) - Rethinking 'Identities': Cultural Articulations of Alterity and Resistance in the New Millennium (Cultural Identity Studies, Volume 20)
541565: CAIRNS, FRANCIS; HEATH, MALCOLM (EDITORS) - Papers of the Leeds International Latin Seminar, Seventh Volume 1993: Roman Poetry and Prose, Greek Rhetoric and Poetry
550009: CAIRNS, CHRISTOPHER - Pietro Aretino and The Republic of Venice: Researches on Aretino and His Circle in Venice, 1527-1556
541564: CAIRNS, FRANCIS (EDITOR) - Papers of the Liverpool Latin Seminar: Fourth Volume 1983
236594: CAIROLI, M. LAITITIA - Girls of the Factory: a Year with the Garment Workers of Morocco
524075: CAJORI, FLORIAN - A History of the Conceptions of Limits and Fluxions in Great Britain from Newton to Woodhouse (1911)
530524: CAKIRLAR, CUNEYT; DELICE, SERKAN (TEXT) - Taner Ceylan: The Lost Paintings
530524a: CAKIRLAR, CUNEYT; DELICE, SERKAN (TEXT) - Taner Ceylan: The Lost Paintings
483853: CAL, ERNESTO GUERRA DA - Lengua y estilo de ECa de Queiroz: bibliografIa queirociana sistemAtica y anotada e iconografIa artIstica del hombre y la Obra: ApEndice, Tomo 2
160929: CALAM, JOHN - A Clinicians' Guide to Helicobacter Pylori
209150: CALAM, JOHN - Clinicians' Guide to Helicobacter Pylori
504704: CALAS, PHILIPPE - Le Canal Du Midi: Memoire en Images
209746: CALASSO, ROBERTO - La Letteratura E Gli Dei
452989: CALATRAVA, SANTIAGO - Conversaciones Con Estudiantes
439398: CALCUTT, DAVID - Lady Macbeth (Oxford Playscripts)
544527: CALCUTT, DOROTHY - The Salt of the Earth: Diary of a Poor Family in Woodstock, 1900
168780: CALDAS, STEPHEN J.; BANKSTON, CARL L.; BANKSTON, CARL L., III - Forced to Fail : The Paradox of School Desegregation
546867: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH - John Gilpin and Other Stories
520873: CALDECOTT, R.; COWPER, WILLIAM - R. Caldecott's Picture Book Containing the Diverting History of John Gilpin, the House That Jack Built, The Babes in the Wood and an Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog
540956: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (ILLUS.) - The Diverting History of John Gilpin: The Babes in the Wood
465837: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH - The Panjandrum Picture Book
005901: CALDER-MARSHALL, ARTHUR [EDITOR] - Tobias Smollet: Selected Writings
167159: CALDER, JOHN & ROPER, ROBERT (EDS.) - Gambit International Theatre Review No. 38
260690: CALDER, ANDREW - Molière: The Theory and Practice of Comedy
430136: CALDER-MARSHALL, ARTHUR (ED.) - Jack London
420952z: CALDER, JOHN - Being - Seeing - Feeling - Healing - Meaning: New Poems 1999 - 2009
020776: CALDER-MARSHALL, ARTHUR - About Levy
012300: CALDER, JULIAN; GARRETT, JOHN - The 35mm Photgrapher's Handbook
022021: CALDERA, RAFAEL - Andres Bello: Philosopher, Poet, Philologist, Educator, Legislator, Statesman
247099: CALDERARA, MARIA - Maria Calderara
275504: CALDERON DE LA BARCA, PEDRO; MCCARTHY, DENIS FLORENCE - Dramas Of Calderon V2: Tragic, Comic, and Legendary (1853)
162757: CALDERON, DON PEDRO - Eine Auswahl Deutsche Ubertragungen Erster Band
085465: CALDERON-MADRID, ANGEL - The Role of Private Financial Wealth in a Portfolio Model : A Study of the Effects of Fiscal Deficits on the Real Exchange Rate
275496: CALDERON DE LA BARCA, PEDRO; MACCARTHY, DENIS FLORENCE - The Two Lovers of Heaven, Chrysanthus and Daria: A Drama of Early Christian Rome (1870)
075735: CALDERON, E CABALLERO - Historia Privada De Los Colombianos
426123: CALDICOTT, CAROLYN - Rosehips on a Kitchen Table: Seasonal Recipes for Foragers and Foodies
526318: CALDICOTT, EDRIC; FUCHS, ANNE (EDS.) - Cultural Memory: Essays on European Literature and History
286141: CALDWELL, IAN; THOMASON, DUSTIN - The Rule of Four
522550: CALDWELL, RAYMOND - Agency and Change: Rethinking Change Agency in Organizations
542276: CALDWELL, IAN; THOMASON, DUSTIN - The Rule of Four
270881: CALDWELL, SARAH J. G. - Mémoires De La Société Néophilologique De Helsinki: XLII: The Relative Pronoun in Early Scots
531220: CALDWELL, DORIGEN; CALDWELL, LESLEY (EDS.) - Rome: Continuing Encounters Between Past and Present
525923: CALDWELL, CONOR; BYERS, EAMON (EDS.) - New Crops, Old Fields: Reimagining Irish Folklore (Reimagining Ireland, 80)
445092: CALDWELL, ERSKINE - Episode in Palmetto
253198: CALDWELL, BRIAN J.; SPINKS, JIM M. - Beyond the Self-Managing School
507150: CALDWELL, HELEN; BIRD, JAMES - Teaching with Tablets
606905: CALDWELL, TAYLOR - The Late Clara Beame
302883: CALEGARI, NINIVE (ED.) - Be Honest and Other Advice from Students Across the Country
523835: CALERO, MANUEL CHUST - America En Las Cortes De CADIZ (Prisma historico. Viejos documentos, nuevas lecturas)
544035: CALERO, LUIS, F. - Chiefdoms Under Siege: Spain's Rule and Native Adaptation in the Southern Colombian Andes: 1535-1700
525955: CALESHU, ANTHONY - Reconfiguring the Modern American Lyric: The Poetry of James Tate (Modern Poetry, 5)
021263: CALHOUN, DAVID (ED.) - Yearbook of Science and the Future, 1983
532481: CALHOUN, CRAIG - Nationalism
021264: CALHOUN, DAVID (ED.) - Yearbook of Science and the Future, 1984
021262: CALHOUN, DAVID (ED.) - Yearbook of Science and the Future, 1982
021261: CALHOUN, DAVID (ED.) - Yearbook of Science and the Future, 1981
528610: CALIFANO, JOSEPH A. - The Triumph and Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson: The White House Years
483321: CALISHER, HORTENSE - Textures of Life
519712: CALKINS, DICK; NOWLAN, PHIL - Buck Rogers in the Twenty-Fifth Century, A.D. (Big Little Book Series)
476476: CALLAGHAN, TOM - A Spring Betrayal
514549: CALLAGHAN, MORLEY - That Summer in Paris: Memories of Tangled friendships with Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Some Others
086138: CALLAGHAN, P.M., ELLISON, J.R.M., HARRISON, T., WATKIN, J.S. - The Business Environment
459416: CALLAGHAN, HELEN - Dear Amy
242636: CALLAHAN, ASHLEY (ED.) - Georgia Inside and Out : Architecture, Landscape, and Decorative Arts : Proceedings from the Second Henry D. Green Symposium of the Decorative Arts
424217: CALLAHAN, BARBARA ET AL. - Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine; No 397, December, 1976, Vol 68, No 6
500314: CALLAHAN, TIM - Bible Prophecy: Failure or Fulfillment?
210284: CALLAHAN, KENNON L. - Twelve Keys to an Effective Church : Strategic Planning for Mission
466003: CALLAN, EDWARD - Auden: A Carnival of Intellect
429892: CALLAN, H. G.; GRIMSTONE, A. V. (EDS.) - Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Volume 106, 1965
422183: CALLAWAY, H. G. (ED.); DALLAS, ALEXANDER JAMES - Alexander James Dallas: An Exposition of the Causes and Character of the War: An Annotated Edition with an Introduction and Notes
548558: CALLENDER, TIMOTHY - It So Happen
476659: CALLEO, DAVID P. - Rethinking Europe's Future
519342: CALLERY, B. & MOSIMANN, E.A. (COMPILERS) - The Tradition of Fine Bookbinding in the Twentieth Century: Catalogue of an Exhibition 12 November 1979 to 15 February 1980
542904: CALLIL, CARMEN - Bad Faith: A Forgotten History of Family and Fatherland
538651: CALLINAN, DAVID - Fortress Manhattan
085441: CALLINAN, DAVID - Fortress Manhattan
536775: CALLINICOS, ALEX; MAUNDER, JONATHAN - International Socialism 135: The Second Coming of the Radical Left
472786: CALLINICOS, ALEX - Against the Third Way
547037: CALLINICOS, ALEX; MARFLEET, PHILIP; MNASRI, CHAMSEDDINE - The Return of the Arab Revolution (International Socialism 130)
186806: CALLISTER, FRANK - One World Not Two: An Examination of Bible Wonders in the Old and New Testaments
494838: CALLOW, PHILIP - Walt Whitman: From Noon to Starry Night
522710: CALLOW, SIMON - Orson Welles: The Road to Xanadu
508847: CALLOW, PHILIP - Black Rainbow
508856: CALLOW, PHILIP - Testimonies New and Selected Poems
154690: CALLOW, PHILIP - New York Insomnia
602267: CALLOW, SIMON - Henry IV, Part I (Actors on Shakespeare)
260159: CALLOWAY, STEVEN - English Prints for the Collector
152283: CALLUM, EUAN; JOHNSTONE, RONA; SHRYANE, DOMINIC - Is It in Force? 1995 : A Guide to the Commencement of the Statutes of England and Wales and of Scotland Passed since 1st January 1970
526026: CALLUS, ANNE-MARIE - Becoming Self-Advocates: People with intellectual Disability Seeking a Voice
549258: CALMAN, MEL - Boxes
542994: CALMANN, MARIANNE - The CARRIERE of Carpentras
094697: CALMET, JACQUES & CAMPBELL, JOHN A. (EDS.) - Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Mathematical Computing: International Conference AISMC-1 Karlsruhe, Germany, August 3-6, 1992 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 737)
521692: CALMETTE, ALBERT; SOPER, WILLARD B. (TRANS.); SMITH, GEORGE H. (TRANS.) - Tubercle Bacillus Infection and Tuberculosis in Man and Animals: Processes of Infection and Resistance, A Biological and Experimental Study
166538: CALNAN, JAMES - Recent Advances in Plastic Surgery
521757: CALNAN, JAMES - The Hammersmith: The First Fifty Years of The Postgraduate Medical School at Hammersmith Hospital
074574: CALNAN, MICHAEL - Preventing Coronary Heart Disease: Prospects, Policies and Politics
199291: CALNAN, MICHAEL W. - Preventing Coronary Heart Disease : Prospects, Policies, and Politics
435230a: CALOGERO, FRANCESCO - Isochronous Systems
531389: CALON, SIGRID - Sigrid Calon Memory Game
451851: CALORI, ROLAND; LAWRENCE, PETER (EDS.) - The Business of Europe: Managing Change
439578: CALTHROP, KENYON (ED.) - Christmas: Anthology of Prose and Poetry
476080: CALVERA, ANNA - Antoni Morillas: De Grafista DiseNador GrAfico
220052: CALVERT, PETER - A Political and Economic Dictionary of Latin America
434880: CALVERT, PETER - Politics, Power and Revolution: An Introduction to Comparative Politics
446791: CALVERT, ALBERT F. - The Spanish Royal Tapestries
192901: CALVERT, PETER; CALVERT, SUSAN - Latin America in the Twentieth Century
278683: CALVERT, PETER - The Mexican Revolution, 1910-1914: The Diplomacy of Anglo-American Conflict (Cambridge Latin American Studies; 3)
273567: CALVERT, JOHN - Liquid Gold: Energy Privatization in British Columbia
529039: CALVESI, MAURIZIO - Piero Della Francesca
472338: CALVET, E.; PRAT, H. - Recent Progress in Microcalorimetry
460013: CALVET, LOUIS-JEAN - Roland Barthes: A Biography
407249: CALVIJO, R - English-Armenian and Armenian-English Dictionary
407516: CALVIJO, R - English-Armenian and Armenian-English Dictionary
476332: CALVIN, WILLIAM H. - The Cerebral Symphony: Seashore Reflections on the Structure of Consciousness
480930: CALVOCORESSI, PETER - Freedom to Publish
452443: CALWELL, BRIAN - Sea Lawyer: A Guide for Yachtsmen
607974: CALZAVARINI, FABRIZIO; VIOLA, MARCO - Neural Mechanisms: New Challenges in the Philosophy of Neuroscience (Studies in Brain and Mind, 17)
608000: CALZAVARINI, FABRIZIO - Brain and the Lexicon: The Neural Basis of Inferential and Referential Competence (Studies in Brain and Mind, 15)
183033: CAMACHO, PAULINE ; GHARIB, HOSSEIN; SIZEMORE, GLEN W. - Evidence-Based Endocrinology
239252: CAMARD ET ASSOCIÉS - Camard, Paris, 14 Juin 2005: Sculptures Tableux Modernes
605084: CAMARTIN, ISO; ELSASSER, KILIAN T.; VON ARX, HEINZ (ED.) - Gotthardbahn: Ferrovia Del San Gottardo
473891: CAMATINI, EZIO - Progress in Electro-Optics: Reviews of Recent Developments
201198: CAMBELL, J. L. - The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England. Vol. IV
201199: CAMBELL, J. L. - The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England. Vol. V
201195: CAMBELL, J. L. - The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England. Vol. I
201196: CAMBELL, J. L. - The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England. Vol. II
201197: CAMBELL, J. L. - The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England. Vol. III
531057: CAMBI, NENAD; CAMBI, MAJA (TRANS.) - The Good Shepherd Sarcophagus and Its Group
085302: CAMBRIDGE, ALRICK X. AND FEUCHTWANG, STEPHAN - Antiracist Strategies
473499: CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY - The Cambridge University Handbook 1968-69
424339: CAMDEN ENGLAND - Twelve Views of Camden 1733 - 1875
463315: CAMERON, IAN - Lodestone and Evening Star: The Saga of Exploration By Sea
008934: CAMERON, JOHN S. - Solvent Abuse: a Guide for the Carer
521850: CAMERON, IAIN; SIMONI, ALESSANDRO (EDS.) - Dealing with Integration: Perspectives from Seminars on European Law 1995-1996 (Skrifter FRAN Juridiska Fakulteten I Uppsala, No. 52)
544718: CAMERON, EUAN - Enchanted Europe: Superstition, Reason and Religion: 1250-1750
487158: CAMERON, ANNE - Earth Witch
541624: CAMERON, JAMES, (INTRO) - The World of Trog
451446: CAMERON, B. - The Review of Economic Studies: Volume XIX, 1951-1952
419049: CAMERON, LYNNE; LOW, GRAHAM (EDS.) - Researching and Applying Metaphor
523623: CAMERON, HECTOR CHARLES - Joseph Lister: The Friend of Man
485219: CAMERON, JANET - Paranormal Eastbourne
246130: CAMERON, ERIC - Divine Comedy : Installation and Essay
085695: CAMERON, CHRISTINA - Charles Baillairge: Architect & Engineer
521841: CAMERON, JAMES; CAMPBELL, KAREN (EDS.) - Dispute Resolution in the World Trade Organisation
535646: CAMERON, THOMAS W.M. - The Internal Parasites of Domestic Animals: A Manual for Veterinary Surgeons
445368: CAMERON, JAMES - Point of Departure: Experiment in Autobiography
032146: CAMERON-SMYTH - The Freezer Book
047010: CAMERON, J STEWART - Dialysis and Renal Transplantation
151456: CAMERON, MARSAILI - Community Renewal and Mental Health : Strengthening the Links
300404: CAMERON, NORMAN - The Winter House: And Other Poems
435816: CAMERON, P. J.; VAN LINT, J. H. - Graphs, Codes and Designs (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
008970: CAMERON, JOHN S. - Solvent Abuse: a Guide for the Carer
453762: CAMERON, LIZ; ET AL - Pioneering Painters: The Glasgow Boys
441981: CAMERON, BURGESS - Input-Output Analysis and Resource Allocation
094978: CAMERON-JONES, MARGOT - Training Teachers: A Practical Guide
019772: CAMERON, JOE - The Football Quiz Book
518328: CAMERON, EDWIN; DE WALL, MARIUS; WUNSH, BASIL - HONORE'S South African Law of Trusts
547663: CAMERON, SAMUEL, (ED.) - A Research Agenda for Cultural Economics
435813: CAMERON, P. J.; VAN LINT, J. H. - Graph Theory, Coding Theory and Block Designs (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
543645: CAMERON, JEREMY - Vinnie Got Blown Away
605767: CAMERON, JAMES - Cameron in the Guardian, 1974-1984
607138: CAMERON, EDWIN - Justice: A Personal Account
607291: CAMERON, THOMAS W. M. - The Principles of Parasite Control
533407: CAMEROTA, MICHELE; HELBING, MARIO OTTO - All'alba della scienza galileiana : Michel Varro e il suo De motu tractatus : un importante capitolo nella storia della meccanica di fine Cinquecento
284239: CAMESASCA, ETTORE - The Sao Paulo Collection: From Manet To Matisse
495603: CAMFIELD, GREGG - Necessary Madness: The Humor of Domesticity in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
419703: CAMHI, REBECCA; PAPAVASILIOU, ANGELICA (EDS.) - Opening Hours, 2007. Rebecca Camhi Gallery, Athens, Greece
297723: CAMIC, PAUL; CLIFT, STEPHEN; DAYKIN, NORMA (EDS.) - Arts & Health: Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2009
493139: CAMILLA GREBE - After She's Gone
518944: CAMILLERI, ADREA; SARTARELLI, STEPHEN (TRANSL.) - The Other End of the Line (An Inspector Montalbano Mystery)
550076: CAMILLERI, GEORGE - Realms of Fantasy: Folk Tales From Gozo
534809: CAMMAERTS, BART - The Circulation of Anti-Austerity Protest
164116: CAMMANN, KARL - Das Arbeitan Mit Ionenselektiven Elektroden: Eine Einfuhrung
530488: CAMMETT, JOHN M. - Antonio Gramsci and the Origins of Italian Communism
209990: CAMMETT, MELANI CLAIRE - Globalization and Business Politics in Arab North Africa: A Comparative Perspective
297024: CAMP, JAMES - Carnal Refreshment
193176: CAMP, RODERIC A. - Memoirs of a Mexican Politician
523700: CAMP, WILLIAM - Two Schools of Thought
608222: CAMP, LINDSAY - The Midnight Feast
538443: CAMPANA, MICHELE - European Carpets
468188: CAMPANA, D.; CRABTREE, P.; DEFRANCE, S.D.; LEV-TOV, J.; CHOYKE, A.M. (EDS.) - Anthropological Approaches to Zooarchaeology: Colonialism, Complexity and Animal Transformations
533221: CAMPANELLA, TOMMASO; FIRPO, LUIGI (ED.) - Apologia Di Galileo
531113: CAMPANINI, ZEFIRINO - Istruzioni pratiche ad un novello capo-stampa o sia regolamento per la direzione di una tipografica officina (1789)
508896: CAMPBELL, DAVID G. - A Land of Ghosts: The Braided Lives of People and the Forest in Far Western Amazonia
040880: CAMPBELL, IAN M. - Energy and the Atmosphere: A Physical-Chemical Approach
460349: CAMPBELL, BERGHAHN - Creating our Common Future: Educating for Unity in Diversity
215785: CAMPBELL, J. A.; CUENA, J. (ED.) - Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence, Volume I. Expert Systems: Applications and Technical Foundations
525072: CAMPBELL, ALISTAIR - Blue Rain
437907: CAMPBELL, MARIAN - Decorative Ironwork
540372: CAMPBELL, ROBERT - Sweet La-la Land
543953: CAMPBELL, BRUCE - The Secret of Hangman's Inn
179706a: CAMPBELL, ADRIAN; WARNER, MALCOLM - New Technology Skills and Management : Human Resources in the Market Economy
539962: CAMPBELL, RAMSEY - The Doll Who Ate His Mother
549237: CAMPBELL, HELEN - Two to Begin With: The True Story of Identical Twins
540504: CAMPBELL, RAMSEY - Needing Ghosts
541089: CAMPBELL, PATRICK - Come Here Till I Tell You
408226: CAMPBELL, BRYN - Reports & Rumours: Photographs by Bryn Campbell
463951: CAMPBELL, STEPHEN J.; COLE, MICHAEL W. (EDS.) - A New History of Italian Renaissance Art
467249: CAMPBELL, JOHN - Past, Space and Self
533345: CAMPBELL, THOMAS - The Pleasures of Hope; with Other Poems
026406: CAMPBELL, ANGELA; COLE, MICHAEL (EDS.) - Modern First Editions (International Rare Book Prices)
524301: CAMPBELL, DAVID; COLDICOTT, TIM; KINSELLA, KEITH - Systemic Work with Organizations: A New Model for Managers and Change Agents (Systemic Thinking and Practice Series)
507075: CAMPBELL, LILY B. - Divine Poetry and Drama in Sixteenth-Century England
237084: CAMPBELL, J. A.; CUENA, J. - Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence : Volume II : Machine Translation, NLP, Databases and Computer-Aided Instruction
526843: CAMPBELL, ALISTAIR - Mine Eyes Dazzle: New Zealand Poets, 1
511593: CAMPBELL, P. N.; MARSHALL, R. D. (EDS.) - Essays in Biochemistry: Vol. 20, 1985
506031: CAMPBELL-KEASE, JOHN - Second Chorus: Poems & Translations
482658: CAMPBELL, DUNCAN ANDREW - Unlikely Allies: Britain, America and the Victorian Origins of the Special Relationship
512515: CAMPBELL, MALCOM - The Romance of Motor-Racing
549580: CAMPBELL, JOHN LORD - The Lives of The Chief Justices of England, From the Norman Conquest Till the Death of Lord Tenterden: Volume I
253926: CAMPBELL, JAMES - Excursions, Adventures and Field-Sports in Ceylon: Its Commercial and Military Importance; In Two Volumes, Vol. I
505940: CAMPBELL, KATIE - Let Us Leave Them Believing
447280: CAMPBELL, HOPE - Legend of Lost Earth
535747: CAMPBELL, A. (ED.) - The Chronicles of Æthelweard
179153: CAMPBELL, DENNIS; MEEK, SUSAN (EDS.) - The Arbitration Process : Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business - Special Issue 2001
538811: CAMPBELL, RAMSEY - The Face That Must Die
522555: CAMPBELL, THOMAS - The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell
532456: CAMPBELL, IAN - The Addis Ababa Massacre: Italy's National Shame
549581: CAMPBELL, JOHN LORD - The Lives of the Chief Justices of England, from the Norman Conquest Till the Death of Lord Tenterden, Volume IV
530615: CAMPBELL, MARGARET - Dolmetsch: The Man and His Work
544155: CAMPBELL, KAREN - Paper Cup
002482: CAMPBELL, H.J. - Correlative Physiology of the Nervous System
540860: CAMPBELL, ROBERT - Juice
540916: CAMPBELL, A. (ED.) - International Rare Book Prices: Modern First Editions 1988
017687: CAMPBELL, HELEN - Turnip Blues
499602: CAMPBELL, CLARE - Bonzo's War: Animals Under Fire, 1939-1945
528931: CAMPBELL, ALISTAIR - Alastair Campbell Diaries: Volume 6: From Blair to Brown, 2005 - 2007 (Campbell Diaries Vol 6)
549081: CAMPBELL, DAVID; DRAPER, ROS; HUFFINGTON, CLAIRE - A Systemic Approach to Consultation
487252: CAMPBELL, JOCK - The New Africa: Pride and Prejudice: Sense and Sensibility
528222: CAMPBELL, DUNCAN - The Beautiful Oblique: Conceptions of Temporality in Tristram Shandy
026821: CAMPBELL, P. N. & MARSHALL, R. D. (EDS.) - Essays in Biochemistry, Volume 19, 1983
608315: CAMPBELL, SAM - The Island Sanctuary
535128: CAMPBELL, JOSEPH - The Masks of God: Occidental Mythology
528114: CAMPBELL, JOHN - Pistols at Dawn: Two Hundred Years of Political Rivalry from Pitt & Fox to Blair & Brown
535724: CAMPBELL, STEVEN - On Form & Fiction
022020: CAMPBELL, IAN (ED.) - Thomas and Jane: Selected letters from the Edinburgh University Library Collection
543640: CAMPBELL, RAMSEY - The Face That Must Die
465266: CAMPBELL, ROY - Sons of the Mistral: Selected Poems
535124: CAMPBELL, JOSEPH - The Masks of God: Creative Mythology
032035: CAMPBELL, BEATRIX - Goliath: Britain's Dangerous Places
482635: CAMPBELL, KURT M. - Soviet Policy Towards South Africa
026822: CAMPBELL, P. N. & MARSHALL, R. D. (EDS.) - Essays in Biochemistry, Volume 18, 1982
275477: CAMPBELL, OSCAR JAMES, JR. - Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature: Volume III: The Comedies of Holberg
151643: CAMPBELL, GORDON - Disablement : Problems and Prospects in the United Kingdom
527754: CAMPBELL, MENZIES - Menzies Campbell: My Autobiography
021211: CAMPBELL, R. J. - The Life of Christ
434732: CAMPBELL, ALASTAIR V. - Medicine, Health and Justice: The Problem of Priorities
070910: CAMPBELL, RONA - Organisation of Maternity Care: A Guide to Evaluation
546263: CAMPBELL, MILDRED - The English Yeoman Under Elizabeth and the Early Stuarts
510545: CAMPBELL, ROD - I Won't Bite!
008551: CAMPBELL, PETER N. & SMITH, ANTHONY D. - Biochemistry Illustrated
439196: CAMPBELL, TONY (ED.) - Weinreb & Douwma Ltd, Catalogue 17: The British Isles Part I
549761: CAMPBELL, IAN - The Plot to Kill Graziani: The Attempted Assassination of Mussolini's Viceroy
085211: CAMPBELL, J. A. (EDITOR); CUENA, J. (EDITOR) - Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1- Expert Systems: Applications and Technical Foundations
420646: CAMPBELL, JAMES N.; ET AL - Emerging Strategies for the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain
177510: CAMPBELL, TOM D. - Justice
301427: CAMPBELL, ALASTAIR - All in the Mind: A Novel
535617: CAMPBELL, FLANN; LORD BROCKWAY (FOREWORD) - The Orange Card: Racism, Religion and Politics in Northern Ireland
602753: CAMPBELL, RAMSEY - Ancient Images
541446: CAMPBELL, LEROY A. - Mithraic Iconography and Ideology
540243: CAMPBELL, JOHN W. (ED.) - Analog 8
540508: CAMPBELL, RAMSEY (EDITOR) - Superhorror
Am1964: CAMPBELL, YONIQUE - Citizenship on the Margins: State Power, Security and Precariousness in 21st-Century Jamaica
237248: CAMPE, JOACHIM - Der Programmatische Roman: Von Wielands 'Agathon' Zu Jean Pauls 'Hesperus'
153056: CAMPERT, REMCO - Het Bijzettafeltje
524946: CAMPION, EDITH - A Place to Pass Through and Other Stories
187561: CAMPION, GILBERT - British Government Since 1918
189324: CAMPISI, GABRIEL - The Independent Filmmaker's Guide to Writing a Business Plan for Investors
533652: CAMPITELLI, ALBERTA - Ville e Giardini D'Italia: Tra Natura e Artificio
256916: CAMPLING, E. A.; DEVLIN, H. B.; HOILE, R. W.; LUNN, J. N. - The Report of the Confidential Enquiry Into Perioperative Deaths 1990
254718: CAMPLING, E. A.; DEVLIN, H. B.; HOILE, R. W.; INGRAM, G. S.; LUNN, J. N. - Who Operates When? A Report By the National Confidential Enquiry Into Perioperative Deaths: 1 April 1995 to 31 March 1996
254690: CAMPLING, E. A.; DEVLIN, H. B.; HOILE, R. W.; LUNN, J. N. - The Report of the National Confidential Enquiry Into Perioperative Deaths 1992/1993
257136: CAMPLING, E. A; DEVLIN, H. B; HOILE, R. W; LUNN, J. N. - The Report of the National Confidential Enquiry Into Perioperative Deaths, 1991/1992 (1 April 1991 to 31 March 1992)
433689: CAMPO DEL POZO, FERNANDO - Historia Documentada de los Agustinos en Venezuela Durante la Epoca Colonial (Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia; 91)
295191: CAMPOAMOR, RAMON DE - El Personalismo: Apuntes Para Una Filosofia
197879: CAMPODONICO, LUIS - Falla
285561: CAMPOPIANO, MICHELE; GORI, LUCA; MARTINICO, GIUSEPPE; STRADELLA, ELETTRA (EDS.) - Dialoghi Con Il Presidente: Allievi Ed Ex Allievi Delle Scuole D'Eccellenza Pisane A Colloquio Con Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
429270: CAMPOS, D. JORGE (ED.) - Biblioteca De Autores Espanoles; Tomo 83: Obras Escogidas De D. Antonio Algala Galiano, I
430284: CAMPOS, JORGE (ED.) - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles; Vol. 100: Obras Completas Del Duque De Rivas, Tomo 1. Poesias
430286: CAMPOS, JORGE (ED.) - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles; Vol. 102: Obras Completas Del Duque De Rivas, Tomo 3. Teatro y Prosa
430285: CAMPOS, JORGE (ED.) - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles; Vol. 101: Obras Completas Del Duque De Rivas, Tomo 2. Teatro
093121: CAMPOS, MARIA HENRIQUETA COSTA - Dever E Poder: Um Subsistema Model Do Portugues
248052: CAMPOSANO, RAUL; WOLF, WAYNE (EDS.) - High-Level VLSI Synthesis
547487: CAMPS, MIRIAM - Britain and the European Community: 1955-1963
415821: CAMPS, TERESA - Josep Busquets: L'escultor De Valls
174184: CAMPSIE, ALISTAIR KEITH - The Clarinda Conspiracy
536996: CAMUS, ALBERT; GILBERT, STUART (TRANSLATOR) - Carnets: Janvier 1942-Mars 1951
514394: CAMUS, CATHERINE (ED.) - Albert Camus: Solitude and Solidarity
519389: CAMUS, ALBERT; O'BRIEN, JUSTIN (TRANSL.) - Exile and the Kingdom
487028: CAMUS, ALBERT - El Extranjero (Grandes Novelistas)
433606: CAMUS, ALBERT - Theatre, Recits, Nouvelles; Essais
072794: CANADIAN UNIVERSITY SERVICE OVERSEAS - Newstate-ments: Development and Underdevelopment
237410: CANADIAN GOVERNMENT STAFF - Canada and the Early Cold War, 1943-1957
225667a: CANAL, RUDIGER VON (ED.); WEISS, GUNTHER (ED.) - Die Musik Und Ihr Preis: Die Internationale Ernst Von Siemens Stiftung: eine Dokumentation uber 20 Jahre Ernst Von Siemens Musikpreis, 1973-1993
438590: CANAL DE ISABEL II - Tesoros de las Culturas Del Mundo / Treasures of the World's Cultures
008489: CANALE, S. TERRY [EDITOR] - Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics (Volume 3)
283618: CANALS, JORDI (ED.) - Leadership Development in a Global World: The Role of Companies and Business Schools
025941: CANALS, JOSEP - All Montserrat
528294: CANAPARO, CLAUDIO - Geo-Epistemology: Latin America and the Location of Knowledge (Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas, Volume 23)
528289: CANAPARO, CLAUDIO - El imaginario Patagonia: Ensayo acerca de la EVOLUCION conceptual del espacio (Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas, Volume 39)
459274: CANAPARO, CLAUDIO - El Mundo Ingaramo
540890: CANAPARO, CLAUDIO - El Pensamiento Basura: Transitoriedad, Materia, Viaje y Mundo Periferico
527160: CANAPARO, CLAUDIO - El mundo Ingaramo (Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas, Volume 69)
526493: CANAPARO, CLAUDIO - El mundo de ATRAS: Efecto antropoceno y ESPECULACION en Los AMBITOS PERIFERICOS
542386: CANAVAN, TRUDI - The Novice
542384: CANAVAN, TRUDI - Priestess of the White: Age of the Five: Book One
549253: CANBY MONK, ANNA (EDITOR); GORDON, LINDA; KIRK, MONICA (ASSISTANT EDITORS) - The Land of Light and Promise, 50 Years Painting Jerusalem and Beyone, Ludwig Blum 1891-1974
285001z: CANCEL MIRANDA, RAFAEL - Puerto Rico: La Independencia Es Una Necesidad
285000z: CANCEL MIRANDA, RAFAEL - Puerto Rico: La Independencia Es Una Necesidad
460773: CANCIAN, FRANK - The Decline of Community in Zinacantan: Economy, Public Life, and Social Stratification, 1960-1987
460794: CANCIAN, FRANCESCA M. - Love in America: Gender and Self-Development
461637: CANCIAN, FRANK - The Innovator's Situation: Upper-Middle-Class Conservatism in Agricultural Communities
240296: CANCRO, ROBERT (ED.) - Annual review of the Schizophrenic Syndrome: 1972 (Volume 2)
240298: CANCRO, ROBERT (ED.) - Annual review of the Schizophrenic Syndrome: 1974-1975 (volume 4)
240299: CANCRO, ROBERT (ED.) - Annual review of the Schizophrenic Syndrome: 1976-77 (volume 5)
240297: CANCRO, ROBERT (ED.) - Annual review of the Schizophrenic Syndrome: 1973 (volume 3)
461225: CANDEA, MATEI - Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute: Incorporating Man: Issue 22.4 (December 2016)
601336: CANDELA, IRIA - Art in Latin America
514064: CANDELL, JAUME; CASTELL, JOAN; AGUADE, SANTIAGO - Miocardio en riesgo y miocardio viable: DIAGNOSTICO mediante SPET
522638: CANDLISH, LOUISE - The Heights
516239: CANE, PETER - An Introduction to Administrative Law
516413: CANE, PETER; TUSHNET, MARK (EDS.) - The Oxford Handbook of Legal Studies
518366: CANE, PETER - Responsibility in Law and Morality
178635: CANE, PETER - Atiyah's Accidents : Compensation and the Law
546513: CANELL, NINA - Tendrils
519730: CANELL, NINA - Tendrils
527421: CANEPARI-LABIB, MICHELA - Old Myths - Modern Empires: Power, Language and Identity in J.M. Coetzee's Work
525484: CANEPARI-LABIB, MICHELA - Word-Worlds: Language, Identity and Reality in the Work of Christine Brooke-Rose (European Connections, Volume 4)
162731: CANETTI, E. - Nachtrage Aus Hampstead
466312: CANEVA, ISABELLA; ROCCATI, ALESSANDRO (EDS.) - Acta Nubica: Proceedings of the X International Conference of Nubian Studies: Rome 9-14 September 2002
304116: CANFIELD, JACK; HANSEN, MARK VICTOR; ROGERSON, MAIDA; RUTTE, MARTIN; CLAUSS, TIM - Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work: 101 Stories of Courage, Compassion and Creativity in the Workplace
239570: CANGIULLO, FRANCESCO - Futurista
507712: CANGUILHEM, GEORGES; FAWCETT, CAROLYN R. (TRANS.) - On the Normal and the Pathological
196558: CANIN, ETHAN - America America
494901: CANIZARES, LUIS - Luis CaNizares: Illustrations
486798: CANNAN, EDWIN - A Review of Economic Theory
538943: CANNAN, JOANNE - Hamish
516659: CANNATA, CARLO AUGUSTO (ET.AL.) - Studi in Onore Di Franca De Marini Avonzo
157986: CANNELL, B. - The Sand and Gravel Resources of the Country East of solihull, Warwickshire
157991: CANNELL, B. & CROFTS, R, G. - The Sand and Gravel Resources of the Country Around Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire
537750: CANNING, VICTOR - Raven's Wind
008397: CANNING, JOHN [EDITOR] - 100 Great Kings, Queens And Rulers of the World
546035: CANNING, VICTOR - The Kingsford Mark
541513: CANNING, VICTOR - The Doomsday Carrier
541533: CANNING, VICTOR - Table Number Seven
608481: CANNING, VICTOR - The Immortal Wound
540711: CANNING, VICTOR - The Circle of the Gods
465200: CANNING, VICTOR - A Handful of Silver
548868: CANNING, VICTOR - The Crimson Chalice
546405: CANNING, VICTOR - The Man From the Turkish Slave
539202: CANNING, VICTOR - The Python Project
546196: CANNING, VICTOR - Young Man On A Bicycle, and Other Stories
542403: CANNING, VICTOR - The Rainbird Pattern
203598: CANNINGS, C.; THOMPSON, E. A. - Genealogical and Genetic Structure
463870: CANNIZZO, JEANNE - Into the Heart of Africa
416098y: CANNON, JAMES P. - Wall Street Enjuicia al Socialismo
098246: CANNON, DOLORES - Legacy from the Stars: Personal Testimonies of Humanity's Extraterrestrial Origins
260792: CANNON, TOM - Basic Marketing: Principles and Practice
Am1859: CANNON, JAMES P. - La Historia Del Trotskismo Americano 1928-1938
185945: CANNON, MICHAEL - Lachlan's War
514015: CANNON, JAMES P. - La Historia Del Trotskismo Americano 1928-1938
497175: CANNON, GARLAND; PFEFFER, J. ALAN - German Loanwords in English: An Historical Dictionary
462337: CANNON, TOM - Advertising: The Economic Implications
270247: CANNON, MARGARET - The Invisible Empire: Racism in Canada
191858: CANNON, GLYN - On Blindness
055308: CANNON, LAWRENCE O. & ELICH, JOSEPH - Precalculus
254573z: CANNON, JAMES P.; WEISSMAN, GEORGE (ED.) - Speeches for Socialism
600063: CANNON, JOSEPH G. (ED.) - Advances in CNS Drug-Receptor Interactions: A Research Annual, Volume 1, 1991
478215: CANNON, J - Lord North: The Nobel Lord in the Blue Ribbon
012751: CANNON, TOM - Basic Marketing: Principles and Practice
487553: CANNON-BROOKES, PETER - Czech Sculpture, 1800 - 1938
290053: CANNON, JOHN; SHIVAMOGGI, BHIMSEN (EDS.) - Mathematical and Physical Theory of Turbulence, Volume 250 (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
191856z: CANNON, GLYN - On Blindness
416098z: CANNON, JAMES P. - Wall Street Enjuicia al Socialismo
545491: CANNON, JAMES P. - Notebook of an Agitator
531104: CANONE, EUGENIO (ED.) - Brunus Redivivus : momenti della fortuna di Giordano Bruno nel XIX Secolo
531886: CANONE, EUGENIO (ED.) - Bibliothecae Selectae: Da Cusano a Leopardi (Lessico Intelletuale Europeo)
442342: CANSDALE, GEORGE - George Cansdale's Zoo Book
548503: CANTACUZINO, SHERBAN - Modern Houses of the World
480365: CANTACUZINO, SHERBAN - What Makes a Good Building?
450970: CANTACUZINO, SHERBAN - What Makes A Good Building? An Inquiry by the Royal Fine Art Commission
470196: CANTILLON, BEA; VANDAMME, JACQUES (EDS.) - The Open Method of Coordination and Minimum Income Protection in Europe: Liber Memorialis Herman Deleeck
421008: CANTINOTTI, SOPHIA; PAPILLOUD, JEAN-HENRY - Sculptures En Lumiere Au Fil Des Saisons
522102: CANTLIE, THOMPSON - Prize Essays on Leprosy
521074: CANTLIE, JAMES - British Red Cross Society, Nursing Manual No. 2
434172: CANTO ORTIZ, JESUS M. - Psicologia de los Grupos: Estructura y Procesos
456330: CANTON, WILLIAM - Kenach's Little Woman
279123: CANTONE, DOMENICO; FERRO, ALFREDO; OMODEO, EUGENIO - Computable Set Theory; Volume 1 (The International Series of Monographs on Computer Science; No. 6)
094506a: CANTONI, V.; CREUTZBURG, R.; LEVIALDI, S. & WOLF, G. (EDS.) - Recent Issues in Pattern Analysis and Recognition (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 399)
297425: CANTOR, LEONARD M. - A World Geography of Irrigation
258874: CANTOR, STEVEN L. - Contemporary Trends in Landscape Architecture
478842: CANTOR, MORITZ - Vorlesungen Uber Geschichte Der Mathematik, Zweiter Band: Von 1200 - 1668.
478841: CANTOR, MORITZ - Vorlesungen Uber Geschichte Der Mathematik, Erster Band: Von Den Altesten Zeiten Bis Zum Jahre 1200 N. Chr.
544174: CANTU, FRANCISCO - The Line Becomes A River
445048: CANTU, CESARE - Novelle Lombarde
445050: CANTU, CESARE - Margherita Pusterla
167999: CANTWELL, JOHN D. - Images of War: British Posters 1939-45
268776: CANTY, KEVIN - A Stranger in This World
293255: CANUTO, CLAUDIO; QUARTERONI, ALFIO (EDS.) - Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of the Icosahom 89 Conference Villa Olmo, Como (Italy 26-29 June 19)
258235: CANVANE, PETER - A Dissertation on the oleum Palmae Christi, sive oleum Ricini, or, (as it is commonly called) Castor Oil : In Which its History is Illustrated; Its Properties and Virtues Explained; and Its Uses in Bilious, Calculous, and Other Disorders, Recommended.
517128: CAPALDI, NICHOLAS; KELLY, EUGENE,; NAVIA, LUIS E. (EDS.) - Journeys Through Philosophy: A Classical Introduction
435440: CAPDEVILA, LAURO - Espagnol 2e Nuevos Rumbos
421178: CAPE, JONATHAN - Imaginary Conversations
542345: CAPEK, KAREL; SELVER, P. (TRANS.) - R.U.R. A Play (Rossum's Universal Robots): A Play in Three Acts and an Epilogue
537990: CAPEK, JOSEF; SELVER, PAUL, (TRANS.) - The Land of Many Names
420635: CAPEL, HORACIO; LINTEAU, PAUL-ANDRE - Barcelona-Montreal: Desarrollo Urbano Comparado/Developpement Urbain Compare
274117: CAPELLA, ANTHONY - The Wedding Officer
545013: CAPIE, FORREST; WEBBER, ALAN - A Monetary History of The United Kingdom, 1870-1982: Volume 1, Data, Sources, Methods
219498: CAPIE, FORREST (ED.) HATCHER, JOHN (ED.) - The Economic History Review: A Journal of Economic and Social History. Volume 48 No.4 November 1995
049011: CAPITAL PLANNING INFORMATION LTD - Local Initiatives in Business Information Provision
175201: CAPITANI, ANTONIO; PARISI, M. GRAZIA - Il tuo segno, la tua salute. Conoscere più a fondo il proprio segno zodiacale per stare meglio nel corpo e nella psiche
296106: CAPITANUCCI, MARIA VITTORIA - Dominique Perrault: Recent Works
000888: CAPLAN, G & LEBOVICI, S [EDITORS] - Psychiatric Approaches to Adolescence
177709: CAPLAN, RICHARD (ED.); FEFFER, JOHN (ED.) - State of the Union : The Clinton Administration and the National in Profile
507455: CAPLAT, MORAN (ED.) - Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1964, 21 May - 16 August
507452: CAPLAT, MORAN (ED.) - Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1962, 21 May - 19 August
507453: CAPLAT, MORAN (ED.) - Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1963, 22 May - 18 August
507456: CAPLAT, MORAN (ED.) - Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1965, 16 May - 15 August
507457: CAPLAT, MORAN (ED.) - Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1967, 21 May - 31 July
507459: CAPLAT, MORAN (ED.) - Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1969, 25 May - 4 August
507462: CAPLAT, MORAN (ED.) - Glyndebourne Festival Programme Book 1971
507458: CAPLAT, MORAN (ED.) - Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1968, 23 May - 4 August
507461: CAPLAT, MORAN (ED.) - Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1970, 25 May - 9 August
604190: CAPLAT, MORAN - Dinghies to Divas
187354: CAPLEN, R.H. - A Practical Approach to Reliability
206062: CAPLOVITZ, DAVID; SHERROW, FRED - The Religious Drop-Outs : Apostasy among College Graduates (Sage Library of Graduate Research; v. 44)
439493: CAPONIGRI, A.ROBERT - A History of Western Philosophy; Volume 5: Philosophy from the Age of Positivism to the Age of Analysis
490241: CAPOTE, TRUMAN - The Grass Harp
495987: CAPOTE, TRUMAN - The Early Stories of Truman Capote
497336: CAPPER, JAMES - Parts Manual 2014: Earth-Marking and Offshore: An Unabridged Catalogue of Unique Sculpture Components 2014
080569: CAPPER, P. LEONARD; CASSIE, W. FISHER - The Mechanics of Engineering Soils
273789: CAPPONI, GINO - Storia Della Repubblica Di Firenze
144635: CAPTAIN ALASKA - The Dawn Was Red
430217: CAPTAIN MARRYAT - The Pirate and the Three Cutters
238409: CAPUANA, LUIGI ; OLIVA, GIANNI (ED.) - Ribelli : Dramma Inedito (Pubblicazioni dell'Instituto Di Studi Pirandelliani)
238413: CAPUANA, LUIGI - Versi Giovanili
543611: CAPUSSELA, ANDREA LORENZO - The Political Economy of Italy's Decline
006673: CAPUTI, ANTHONY - Modern Drama
465564: CAPUTO, PAOLO; FIORESE, GIORGIO - Politecnico Bovisa: Progetti Per L'area Dei Gasometri
603123: CAPUTO, PHILIP - Horn of Africa
603364: CAPUTO, PHILIP - Indian Country
537603: CARACI, ILARIA LUZZANA - Gli Ultimi Giorni dell' Ammiraglio
093656: CARAFOLI, ERNESTO; CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE (ITALY); MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATIONS OF AMERICA - Calcium Transport in Contraction and Secretion: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Calcium Transport in Contraction and Secretion, Bressanone, Italy, 12-16 May, 1975
072071: CARALEY, DEMETRIOS; EPSTEIN, MARY ANN - The Making of American Foreign and Domestic Policy: Essays from the Political Science Quarterly
522042: CARANTA, ROBERTO (ED.) - Interest Representation in Administrative Proceedings
521856: CARANTA, ROBERTO; GERBRANDY, ANNA (EDS.) - Traditions and Change in European Administrative Law (European Administrative Law Series 5)
457947a: CARAVAGGI, ROBERTO - The Patriarchal Basilica in Venice: San Marco: The Mosaics: The Inscriptions: The Pala D'Oro
458724: CARAVAGGI, ROBERTO; PICARI, ORESTE (EDS.) - The Patriarchal Basilica in Venice: San Marco: The Mosaics; The Inscriptions; The Pala D'Oro
478276: CARAVALE, MARIO (ED.) - Dizionario Biografico Degli Italiani, Vol. 53: Gelati - Ghisalberti
478282: CARAVALE, MARIO (ED.) - Dizionario Biografico Degli Italiani, Vol. 59: Graziano - Grossi Gondi
301783: CARBALLO, ROBERTO; SANTIN, JOSE A. MORAL; TEMPRANO, ANTONIO G. - Crecimiento Economico y Crisis Estructural En Espana (1959-1980)
276090: CARBERRY, SANDRA - Plan Recognition in Natural Language Dialogue
479269: CARCANO, GIULIO (ED.); SALVAGNOLI, VINCENZO; VERRI, PIETRO - Scritti Vari Di Pietro Verri: Volume Primo
479270: CARCANO, GIULIO (ED.); SALVAGNOLI, VINCENZO; VERRI, PIETRO - Scritti Vari Di Pietro Verri: Volume Secondo
540502: CARD, ORSON SCOTT - The Folk of the Fringe
541653: CARD, ORSON SCOTT - Prentice Alvin: The Tales of Alvin Maker 3
538671: CARD, ORSON SCOTT - Seventh Son: First Volume of the Tales of Alvin Maker
536680: CARDELLA, VALENTINA; GANGEMI, AMELIA (EDITORS) - Psychopathology and Philosophy of Mind: What Mental Disorders Can Tell Us About Our Minds
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440921: CARDENAS, JUAN MANUEL FERNANDEZ; CARRANZA, CARMEN CARRION - Escenarios Virtuales y Comunidades De Practica: La Participacion Docente En La Red De Escuelas Asociades a la UNESCO
214661: CARDENAS SOLORZANO, CUAUHTEMOC - No a La Venta De La Petroquimica!: Una Politica Petrolera Patriotica
526976: CARDEW, CONELIUS; PREVOST, EDWIN (ED.) - Cornelius Cardew (1936-1981): A Reader
545036: CARDIM DE CARVALHO, FERNANDO J. - My Keynes and the Post Keynesians: Principles of Macroeconomics for a Monetary Production Economy
215076: CARDINAL, ROGER - The Landscape Vision of Paul Nash
235649: CARDINAL, AGNES; GOLDMAN, DOROTHY; HATTAWAY, JUDITH (EDS.) - Women's Writing on the First World War
546902: CARDINI, FRANCO; VALZANIA, SERGIO, (INTRO) - L'invenzione Del Nemico
180838: CARDONELL, J.; DOMERGUE, R.;BONNEVILLE, JEA; CHAIGNE, H.;POIRIER, M. - Socialisme & Christianisme
233205: CARDOSO, CATARINA A. S. - Extractive Reserves in the Brazilian Amazonia: Local Resource Management and the Global Political Economy
481382: CARDOZA-KON, JAVIER - Heidegger's Politics of Enframing: Technology and Responsibility
427097: CARDUCCI, GIOSUE - Antica Lirica Italiana
533369: CARDUCCI, GIOSUE; SACCENTI, MARIO (ED.) - Opere Scelte, Volume One
533366: CARDUCCI, GIOSUE; SACCENTI, MARIO (ED.) - Opere Scelte, Volume II
547956: CARDUS, NEVILLE - Neville Cardus: Autobiography
526571: CARDY, MICHAEL; CONNON, DEREK (EDS.) - Aspects of Twentieth-Century Theatre in French
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447315: CARENZA, L.; ZICHELLA, L. (EDS.) - Emotion and Reproduction: Volume 20B
544828: CARETTE, NEE BOUVET, MDE. - My Mistress, The Empress EUGENIE or, Court Life at the Tuileries
159169: CARETTE - Madame La Comtesse De Genlis
478454: CARETTI, LANFRANCO (ED.); PARINI, GIUSEPPE - Poesie e Prose, Con Appendice Di Poeti Satirici e Didascalici Del Settecento (La Letteratura Italiana: Storia e Testi)
475769: CAREW, KEGGIE - Dadland
547196: CAREW, RIVERS; BROWNLOW; TIMOTHY (EDS.); O'FLAHERTY, GERARD, (ASSOCIATE ED.) - The Dublin Magazine, Formerly 'The Dubliner': Vol.5, No. 2: Summer 1966
549600: CAREY, PETER - The Fat Man in History
537623: CAREY, PETER - Bliss
284824: CAREY, MARK; STULZ, RENE M. (EDS.) - The Risks of Financial Institutions
421194: CAREY, PATRICK W. (ED.) - The Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson: Volume I: The Universalist Years, 1826-29
519594: CAREY-THOMAS, LIZZIE (ED.) - Migrations: Journeys Into British Art
452584: CAREY, PETER - Parrot and Olivier in America
545896: CAREY, PETER - My Life as a Fake
031150: CAREY, GEORGE - The Gate of Glory
514625: CAREY, BRIAN TODD - Hannibal's Last Battle: Zama and the Fall of Carthage
519613: CAREY-THOMAS, LIZZIE - Now and Then: Art Now at Tate Britain
247265: CAREY, PETER - The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith
507098: CAREY, PETER - Theft
466514: CAREY, PETER - The Fat Man in History
440645: CAREY, PETER - Theft: A Love Story
540065: CAREY, PETER - The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith
472463: CAREY, PETER - His Illegal Self
287984: CAREY, MICHAEL; PETERSON, CRAIG; SMALE, STEPHEN - Transcriptuional Regulation in Eukaryotes: Concepts, Strategies, and Techniques
541475: CAREY, CHRISTOPHER (EDITOR AND TRANSLATOR) - Greek Orators Volume VI: Apollodoros Against Neaira [Demosthenes] 59
549359: CAREY, PETER - The Big Bazoohley
541204: CAREY, PETER - Illywhacker
454192: CAREY, MEGAN (ED.) - Tom Kundig: Houses 2
416397: CAREY, HELEN; DALY, JOHN; WARREN, MICHAEL (EDS.) - Michael Warren: Those Who Stay/Those Who Go
457417: CAREY-KENT, PAUL - Piers Secunda: A Retrospective
218141: CAREY TAYLOR, A. - French Studies : Suppl. 2 : Bibliography of Unpublished Theses on French Subjects Deposited in University Libraries of the United Kingdom (1905-1950)
537431: CAREY, PETER - Jack Maggs
Am1941: CAREY-THOMAS, LIZZIE - Keep on Onnin': Contemporary Art at Tate Britain
436839b: CARIFI, ROBERTO - Lettera Sugli Angeli e Altri Racconti
486760: CARIM, ENVER (ED.) - Africa Guide 1984
486763: CARIM, ENVER (ED.) - Latin America & Caribbean 1983
414198: CARINA, E.; KESKITALO, H. - Climate Change and Globalization in the Arctic: An Integrated Approach to Vulnerability Assessment
414656: CARINCROSS, ALEX - The Price of War
242438: CARISON, DONALD E. (ED.) - Journal of Elasticity; Volume 34, No. 1, January 1994
242432: CARISON, DONALD E. (ED.) - Journal of Elasticity; Volume 28, No. 2, July 1992
242436: CARISON, DONALD E. (ED.) - Journal of Elasticity; Volume 33, No. 2, November 1993
242433: CARISON, DONALD E. (ED.) - Journal of Elasticity; Volume 28, No. 3, September 1992
242434: CARISON, DONALD E. (ED.) - Journal of Elasticity; Volume 32, No. 3, September 1993
242435: CARISON, DONALD E. (ED.) - Journal of Elasticity; Volume 33, No. 1, October 1993
242439: CARISON, DONALD E. (ED.) - Journal of Elasticity; Volume 34, No. 2, February 1994
242437: CARISON, DONALD E. (ED.) - Journal of Elasticity; Volume 33, No. 3, Decemeber 1993
469087: CARLBERG, MICHAEL - Intertemporal Macroeconomics: Deficits, Unemployment, and Growth
469221: CARLBERG, MICHAEL - Public Debt, Taxation and Government Expenditures in a Growing Economy (Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften)
485482: CARLE, GLENN L. - The Interrogator: An Education
549429: CARLE, ERIC - Papa, Please Get the Moon For Me
541763: CARLE, ERIC - Friends
221142: CARLEN, PAT; GLEESON, DENNIS; WARDHAUGH, JULIA - Truancy : The Politics of Compulsory Schooling
494009: CARLES, C. - COdigos Postal y TelegrAfico
524131: CARLETON, DUDLEY; CHAMBERLAIN, JOHN; LEE, MAURICE (ED.&INTRO.) - Dudley Carleton to John Chamberlain 1603-1624, Jacobean Letters
258542: CARLETON, JOHN WILLIAM (ED.) - Irish Reports: 1872-73: Common Law: Vol. VI
258906: CARLETON, JOHN WILLIAM (ED.) - Irish Reports 1870-71: Common Law: Vol. V
258537: CARLETON, JOHN WILLIAM (ED.) - Irish Reports: 1876-77: Equity: Vol. X
153549: CARLETON, A.P. - Society : Natural and Divine
154768: CARLETON, WILLIAM - Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry; Volume 2
249052: CARLEY, RICHARD; GYURCSIK, RONALD S. (EDS.) - Computer-Aided Design of Analog Circuits and Systems
538341: CARLIER, SYLVIE, (ED.); CHANTRENNE, DAMIEN, (ED.) - Les Lyonnais Rencontrent L'Orient 1840-1930
156588: CARLIER, ROBERT;JOSSERAND, PIERRE;SACY, SAMUEL S. DE - Larousse Des Citations Francaises Et etrangeres
464944: CARLIN, MIKE (ED.) - The Death of Superman
517278: CARLIN, MATTHEW; WALLIN, JASON (EDS.) - Deleuze and Guattari, Politics and Education: For a People-Yet-To-Come
521123: CARLIN, BRADLEY P.; LOUIS, THOMAS A. - Bayes and Empirical Bayes Methods for Data Analysis
517279: CARLIN, MATTHEW; WALLIN, JASON (EDS.) - Deleuze and Guattari; Politics and Education: For a People-Yet-to-Come
170863: CARLING, FINN - Under the Evening Sky: A Novel Set in Greece
296003: CARLISLE, CAROL JONES - Shakespeare from the Greenroom: Actors' Criticisms of Four Major Tragedies
510931: CARLISLE, ROBERT - Preserved Engines in Steam
542630: CARLOTTO, MASSIMO - The Colombian Mule
608379: CARLSEN, CHRIS - Berserker: Shadow of the Wolf
539854: CARLSON, DALE - Baby Needs Shoes
533670: CARLSON, ZACH; CONNOLLY, BRYAN (EDS.) - Destroy All Movies!! The Complete Guide to Punks on Film
602104: CARLSON, JULIE A. - England's First Family of Writers: Mary Wollstonecraft, William Godwin, Mary Shelley
477616: CARLSSON, ARVID; DAHLSTROM, ANNICA; ENGEL, JORGEN; USDIN, EARL (EDS.) - Catecholamines, Part B: Neuropharmacology and Central Nervous System - Theoretical Aspects (Neaurology and Neurobiology)
441553: CARLSSON, ANNI - Die Deutsche Buchkritik Von Der Reformation Bis Zur Gegenwart
477615: CARLSSON, ARVID; DAHLSTROM, ANNICA; ENGEL, JORGEN; USDIN, EARL (EDS.) - Catecholamines, Part A: Basic and Peripheral Mechanisms (Neaurology and Neurobiology)
288314: CARLSSON, MARTIN - Phylogeography of the Adder, Vipera Berus (Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology; 849)
472831: CARLTON, HAROLD - The Handsomest Sons in the World!: A Memoir
078640: CARLTON, DAVID; SCHAERF, CARLO (EDS.) - The Dynamics of the Arms Race
534486: CARLTON, TERENCE R. - Introduction to the Phonological History of the Slavic Languages
079071: CARLTON, DAVID; SCHAERF, CARLO (EDS) - The Hazards of the International Energy Crisis
299007: CARLYLE, THOMAS - Sartor Resartus and One Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History
422873: CARLYLE, THOMAS; WHERRY, GEORGE (ED.) - Thomas Carlyle on Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History
522194: CARLYLE, ANGUS; LANE, CATHY (EDS.) - On Listening
168297: CARLYLE, THOMAS - The French Revolution : A History
205225: CARLYLE, T. - Sartor Resartus. The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh in Three Books
097319: CARLYLE, THOMAS - Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh
005836: CARLYLE, THOMAS - Oliver Cromwell's Letters & Speeches with Elucidations, Volume 2
417755: CARLYLE, THOMAS - The French Revolution: A History
091073: CARLYLE, THOMAS - Translations from the German in Three Volumes
604975: CARMAGO LAWRANCE, MARTHA - Thread of Silk - The Silk Road: Contemporary Responses
440397: CARMAN, PATRICK - Beyond the Valley of Thorns
440396: CARMAN, PATRICK - Beyond the Valley of Thorns
440517: CARMAN, PATRICK - The Land of Elyon #1: The Dark Hills Divide
530128: CARMAN, CHARLES H. - Leon Battista Alberti and Nicholas Cusanus: Towards an Epistemology of Vision for Italian Renaissance Art and Culture (Visual Culture in Early Modernity)
Am757: CARMEN POSADAS - Child's Play
294581: CARMENT-LANFRY, ANNE-MARIE - La Cathedrale de Ruen
534542: CARMICHAEL, CATHIE - Slovenia (World Bibliographical Series Volume 186)
426609: CARMICHAEL, CALUM - The Book of Numbers: A Critique of Genesis
606663: CARMICHAEL, ROBERT D. - The Theory of Relativity
543937: CARMONA, JOSE IGNACIO - La ESPANA MAGICA: Mitos, Leyendas y Curiosidades Pintorescas
525526: CARMONA, ALBA - Las Reescrituras FILMICAS De La Comedia Nueva: Un Siglo En La Gran Pantalla
456996: CARNABY, STEVEN - Designs for Living: A Comparative Approach to Normalisation for the New Millennium
194208: CARNE, E. BRYAN - Telecommunications Primer : Signals, Building Blocks and Networks
173036: CARNE, P.H - Discovering Wessex
055017: CARNE, MARCEL; PREVERT, JACQUES - Le Jour Se Leve: A Film
222271: CARNEGIE COUNCIL STAFF; DELONE, RICHARD - Small Futures : Children, Inequality and the Limits of Liberal Reform
459863: CARNEGIE, ANDREW - The Negro in America: An Address: Delivered Before the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh, 16th October 1907
492648: CARNEGY, PATRICK - KachahrI Technicalities or a Glossary of Terms Rural, Official and General in Daily Use in the Courts of Law and in Illustration of the Tenures, Customs, Arts and Manufactures of HindustAn
545691: CARNELL, JENNIFER - Murder, Mystery and Mayhem
238994: CARNELL, EILEEN - 'It's Like Mixing colours': How Young People View Their Learning Within the Context of the Key Stage 3 national Strategy
549367: CARNELL, JOHN (EDITOR) - New Writings in SF (21)
209133: CARNEVALE, ANTHONY PATRICK; STONE, SUSAN CAROL - The American Mosaic : An In-Depth Report on the Future of Diversity at Work
277836: CARNEY, OTIS - When the Bough Breaks
231391: CARNEY, RICHARD (ED.) - Lessons from the Asian Financial Crisis
033414: CARNOT, MAURUS - Der kleine Otto der Große
065884: CARNWELL, ROS - Women and Distance Learning: Approaches to Study and the Learning Experience
508762: CARO, MANUEL J.; MURPHY, JOHN W. (EDS.) - The World of Quantum Culture
544318: CAROCCI, MAX & PRATT, STEPHANIE - Native American Adoption, Captivity, and Slavery in Changing Contexts
Am1970: CAROCCI, MAX & PRATT, STEPHANIE - Native American Adoption, Captivity, and Slavery in Changing Contexts
547525: CAROE, GWENDY (AUTHOR); CAROE, ALBAN (CONTRIBUTOR) - The Royal Institution: An Informal History
520566: CAROL BIRCH - Cold Boy's Wood
520567: CAROL BIRCH - Cold Boy's Wood
497759: CAROL LOVEJOY EDWARDS - Nottingham in the Great War (Your Towns and Cities in the Great War)
160225: CAROL, MARIUS;ALGUERSUARI, JOSEP MA - Montjuic: La Muntanya Encantada
535735: CAROLAN, MICHAEL S. - Embodied Food Politics (Critical Food Studies)
Am176: CAROLE MORIN - Penniless in Park Lane
033694: CAROSSA, HANS - Geschichte einer Jugend
545446: CAROSSA, HANS - Wirkungen Goethes in Der Gegernwart
545774: CAROSSA, HANS - Die Frau Vom Guten Rat Eine ERZAHLUNG Aus Dem SPATSOMMER 1947
535183: CAROTI, STEFANO - L'Astrologia in Italia
466207: CARPELAN, BO - Axel
145664: CARPELAN - Mental Disorders in Thyroidectomized Patients a Psychosomatic Study of 53 Cases
537230: CARPENTER, W. BOYD - Footprints of the Saviour
180999: CARPENTER, HUMPHREY - Robert Runcie
545697: CARPENTER, HUMPHREY - Benjamin Britten: A Biography
533930: CARPENTER, HUMPHREY - The Angry Young Men
426584: CARPENTER, PADDY - Unsafe: The Script of One-Zero-Three
236617: CARPENTER, T. G. - Construction in the Landscape: A Handbook for Civil Engineering to Conserve Global Land Resources
004947: CARPENTER, S.C. - Politics And Society In The Old Testament
523452: CARPENTER, J.E. (ED.) - Penny Readings in Prose and Verse
497841: CARPENTER, A. F. B. - The Blocking of Zeebrugge
527185: CARPENTER, KIRSTY - The Novels of Madame de Souza in Social and Political Perspective
525916: CARPENTER, VICTORIA (ED.) - A World in Words, A Life in Texts: Revisiting Latin American Cultural Heritage; Festschrift in Honour of Peter R. Beardsell
291328: CARPENTER, WILLIAM M.; WIENCEK, DAVID G. (EDS.) - Asian Security Handbook: Terrorism and the New Security Evironment
527880: CARPENTER, VICTORIA (ED.) - A World Torn Apart: Representations of Violence in Latin American Narrative (Cultural Identity Studies, Volume 9)
412796: CARPENTER, VICTORIA (ED) - (Re)Collecting the Past: History and Collective Memory in Latin American Narrative, Volume 31
222969: CARPENTER, SUSAN; JONES, PETER (EDS.) - Recent Advances in Travel Demand Analysis
536426: CARPENTER, STANLEY D.M. (EDITOR) - The English Civil War (The International Library of Essays on Military History)
008911: CARPENTER, DAVID & TURNBULL, JOHN - Mental Health and Mental Handicap
436498: CARPENTER, C.R. (ED.) - Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Primatology, Atlanta, GA 1968: Vol. 1: Behaviour
602514: CARPENTER, RHYS - Greek Sculpture: A Critical Review
607369: CARPENTER, PETER - The Black-Out Book
607915: CARPENTIER, ALEJO - War of Time
494130: CARPINO, F. BRANCACCIO DI - The Fight for Freedom: Palermo, 1860
304387: CARPOVICH, DR. EUGENE A. - Russian-English Atomic Dictionary
424213: CARR, A. H. Z. ET AL. - Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine; July 1953, Vol 2, No 2
273736: CARR, R.H., B.A. (ED.) - Plutarch's Life of Julius Caesar in North's Translation
085146: CARR, THOMAS SWINBURNE - The Classical Pronunciation of Proper Names
465043: CARR, E. - Whittington and His Cat: The Story of Sir Richard Whittington, Lord Mayor of London in the Years 1397, 1406-7, & 1419
537648: CARR, TERRY (EDITOR) - Universe 4
512790: CARR, J. L. - How Steeple Sinderby Wanderers Won the FA Cup
505951: CARR, SAMUEL (ED.) - The Poetry of Railways
528157: CARR, WILLIAM H.A. - The Du Ponts of Delaware
511782: CARR, SAMUEL (ED.) - The Poetry of Railways

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