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PAQ86821: - New Left Review, Special Issue: Breakthrough in Nicaragua.
PAQ121924: - Therapeutic Uses of Cannabis.
PAQ18904: - The Horn Book. Vol 25 (1949).
PAQ1905: - Deutsche Exil-Literatur (1933 - 1945) Littérature Allemande en Exil. Exhibition.
PAQ84015: - Vererbung (recto and verso) colour plate, b/w on back, Erklärung der Tafel, und Übersicht removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ84016: - Uniformen, colour plate, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ46642: - Yaroslavl: Monuments of Architecture and Art.
PAQ111127: - Which? 1-6: For the Person who Wants to Know what He is Buying.
PAQ41744: - Books and Periodicals in the Library of the Mathematical Association.
PAQ85234: - Survival. International Institute for Strategic Studies. A Batch.
PAQ39266: - The Golden Age of Spanish Painting.
PAQ84014: - Schmetterlinge (recto and verso) colour plate, b/w on back, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ119800: - Bicycling thru Evergreen State.
PAQ33033: - Erakollektsionide näitus Minu huviala: Katalog.
PAQ18722: - A Statement by the Executive Committee of the Association of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education on Teacher Education and Training by ATCDE.
PAQ153477: - La Vita Private a Pompei. 3a Edizione.
PAQ153479: - La Musica nell'Antica Grecia.
PAQ123270: - The Oxford Annual for Children. 23rd Year.
PAQ84013: - Illustration Moderne Heilverfahren (recto and verso) plate, b/w on font and back, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ18676: - Der Britische Ferienfuehrer. Edition (Paques) 1935.
PAQ115332: - One-inch Map of England & Wales. Taunton & Lyme Regis. Sheet 177. New Popular Edition.
PAQ115363: - Government Funding of the Scientific Learned Societies. Fifth Report of Session 2001-02. Volume 2.
PAQ104801: - Klio. Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte. Band 62, Heft 1, 1980.
PAQ12721: - Congreve: Love for Love. A Collection of Plays.
PAQ62456: - Abstracts: International Congress of Mathematicians, Berkeley, Aug 3 - 11, 1986.
PAQ56142: - Paintings by British Soldiers in Germany.
PAQ127153: - Ladies Aid Society, First M E Church, Marshalltown Iowa. Home Economist.
PAQ133643: - The British Sawmilling Classification of Timbers 1951.
PAQ114796: - Pollution in the Atmosphere: A Study Group Report.
PAQ153257: - Buddhas Leben und Wirken. Nach der chinesischen Bearbeitung von Acvagoshas Buddha-Carita und deren Übersetzung in das Englische durch Samuel Beal in deutsche Verse übertragen von Th. Schultze.
PAQ153187: - Journal of Roman Studies. Vol 50, 1960.
PAQ12160: - Women.
PAQ41741: - A First / Second / Third / Fourth List of Books in the Library of the Mathematical Association.
PAQ133641: - Wood Chemistry - La Chimie du Bois. Proceedings of the Wood Chemisty Symposium, Montreal 1961.
PAQ127040: - 20 St James's Square: This Publication Marks the Move of Grand Metropolitan Plc to 20 St James's Square London SW 1, April 1991.
PAQ53918: - Universities and Productivity. Background Papers.
PAQ133627: - Nils Heime Aktiebolag, 1911 - 1951.
PAQ90623: - Aarboger for nordisk Oldkyndighed of Historie, 1986.
PAQ53557: - Everybody's Book of Politics.
PAQ62158: - Education in the United Kingdom Dependencies.
PAQ148266: - Practical Directions for Wood Painting in Newinlac Brush Lacquer Colours.
PAQ121404: - London Palladium Souvenir Brochure.
PAQ148199: - Views from Port Isaac.
PAQ114733: - Centenaire De La Societe Chimique De France (1857-1957); 100 Years of the Chemical Society of France.
PAQ123178: - Ealing & District Green Guide. Where to Get it, Who can Do it. 1969/70.
PAQ114697: - Congrès International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques.
PAQ123104: - Selected Paintings from the State Museum Kroller-Muller Situated in the National Park, De Hoge Veluwe, Otterlo, The Netherlands.
PAQ53457: - Let us live in Peace and Friendship: The Visit of N S Khrushchov to the USA, September 15 - 27, 1959.
PAQ144871: - Iran Almanac and Book of Facts plus Who is Who in Iran 1991. Nineteenth Edition.
PAQ59443: - Trains of Britain.
PAQ84012: - Heimstätten (recto and verso) colour plate, b/w on back, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ130932: - Gospel Picture Book: Teaching. No 3.
PAQ148195: - Aurelias Sagenkreis. Die schönsten Gechichten, Sagen und Märchen von Baden-Baden und dem Schwarzwalde. 4te Auflage.
PAQ18632: - Weltausstellungen. Forum der Technik, Spiegel der Gesellschaft. Special issue of Ferrum, Nachrichten aus der Eisenbibliothek.
PAQ133624: - C I B - T R A D A. International Symposium of Joints in Timber Structures. Discussions held during the Sessions at Imperial Colege, 1965.
PAQ123099: - A Compendium of University Regulations for the Use of Persons in Statu Pupillari.
PAQ123102: - The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths of the City of London.
PAQ114695: - Measuring Behavior 2000. 3rd International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research. Program.
PAQ26866: - Notice sur l'Institut Pasteur d'Algérie Tome I: Recherches Scientifiques - Enseignment et Missions - Applications Pratiques, 1900 - 1934.
PAQ15459: - Alexie. Les Troubles de la Lecture. (= Langages, Vol 10, no 44).
PAQ125132: - Exempla Moralia: or, Third Book of New English Examples, to be Rendered into Latin: Adapted to The Rules of the Latin Grammar, Lately Printed For the Use of Youth. A New Edition, Revised.
PAQ104340: - Vitraux de France du XIeme au XVIeme siecle. (Exhibition Catalogue)
PAQ62138: - The Flow of Financial Resources to Less-Developed Countries 1956 - 1963.
PAQ152756: - Park West, Marble Arch, London W2.
PAQ127976: - Chapman's Point. Vol 1, No 1, Summer 1973.
PAQ114691: - Psion Series 3a. Programming Manual.
PAQ114694: - Measuring Behavior 1997. International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research. Program.
PAQ114690: - Psion Series 3a. User Guide.
PAQ114676: - Pursuit and Promotion of Science: The Indian Experience.
PAQ18557: - Women in Scotland. An Annotated Bibliography.
PAQ18494: - The AAA Guide to Light Railways. Canal, Steamers and Industrial Preservation.
PAQ84011: - Frauenfrage (Übersicht), 1 page, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ59041: - An Independent Inquiry into Summerhill School.
PAQ59075: - Pontefract Excavations: Maps, etc. (= Publications of the Thoresby Society, Supplement, Vol 49, No 110, 1962 - 64).
PAQ90060: - Official Rules of Sports and Games.
PAQ86146: - Chronology, Conquest and Conflict in Medieval England. (Camden Miscellany 34) Camden Fifth Series, 10.
PAQ86169: - Annuario statistico italiano Anno 1932, Vol 10 (Terza Serie, Vol 6)
PAQ144799: - The Way of Love. A Mystery. Order of the Holy Paraclete.
PAQ127931: - The Interstate Highway Trade-In Process. Vol 2: Synopsis of Trade-Ins.
PAQ144103: - Wood-based Panels in the 1980s: Proceedings of the Symposium Organized by the Timber Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Helsinki, Finland, 12-16 May 1980.
PAQ41717: - Our Treasury. International University Society, Letters expressing Appreciation and Satisfaction with International University Courses.
PAQ84725: - Ludlow. The Official Guide and History.
PAQ84851: - Studies in International Relations (Special Issue), Vol 14, No 3, February 1994.
PAQ18446: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Vol 73 (1984) to 91 (2002) plus Vol 94 (2005) plus Index Volume (1 - 80)
PAQ127925: - Considerations in Transportation Energy Contingency Planning (Special Report, Transportation Research Board)
PAQ126979: - George 3: Collector and Patron. An Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings, Furniture, Clocks, Porcelain, Silver, Scientific Instruments, Books, Miniatures, Gems.
PAQ135002: - Newer Methods of Preparative Organic Chemistry.
PAQ111472: - Writers Directory 1980 - 1982.
PAQ114675: - Score Annual 1976. Action-packed Soccer for Boys of All Ages!
PAQ91470: - Chettle House Dorset.
PAQ91798: - Journal de la Société des Américanistes. Vol 59 (1970)
PAQ91802: - International Health Exhibition, London 1884. The Health Exhibition Literature. Vol 15: Conference on Education. Section C: Organisation of University Education.
PAQ115816: - University of Oxford. Pitt Rivers Museum. Annual Report 1988-89.
PAQ13668: - Le Bureau: Une Situation Assise. Special No of the Journal: Milieux.
PAQ114658: - Recreation and Physical Fitness for Girls and Women. First Edition.
PAQ130247: - Nursery Rhymes.
PAQ137929: - Shipping Marks on Timber. 21st Edition.
PAQ7981: - Congres des Nationalités Européennes, Geneve 1926.
PAQ143714: - Linen Trade Circular. Vol 41, No 15, 1955.
PAQ84010: - Illustration Farben (recto only) colour plate, & Spektralanalyse, recto & verso, colour on one side, b/w on the other, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ26716: - Memorandum on Patents.
PAQ152691: - Manuscript Cookery Book with Excerpts of Early Modern Recipies.
PAQ84009: - Illustration Kraftwagen (recto and verso) plate, b/w on font and back, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ45615: - Today's Delinquent, Vol 6. Schools.
PAQ13500: - International Terrorism 1985. Hearings and Markup. House of Representatives, 99th Congress, Committee on Foreign Affairs, June 1985 (H R 2822).
PAQ114979: - Industry and Science.
PAQ123097: - Report of A Symposium on the Aetiology of Congenital Anomalies held at College House, University College of Swansea. 14 September 1963. Supplement Number 2 to Volume 8 of the Journal of the College of General Practitioners.
PAQ142737: - Sunnyhill Road School.
PAQ154516: - Amadis de Gaula. Ed. Victorino Lopez.
PAQ84690: - De Pianostemmer van Het Mosvezelsysteem. En Andere Teksten Over Kunst en Hersenen / Een Tentoonstelling Neuro - Artonomy van Kunstenaars en Hersenwetenschappers.
PAQ18307: - Industrial Handbook to Great Britain, 1939.
PAQ152396: - Jolly Stories for Girls.
PAQ25464: - Der Volksaufstand vom 17 June 1953.
PAQ84008: - Illustration Kriegswesen (recto and verso) plate, b/w on font and back, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ114352: - Manuel d'utilisation Pascal.
PAQ133547: - Native Woods for Construction Purposes in the Western Pacific Region. Revised Edition. Restricted.
PAQ41698: - Substance. Revue de Theorie et Critique litteraires. Numero zero.
PAQ114328: - Steam Tables and Other Data for Steam Enthusiasts. In British Thermal and SI Units.
PAQ114342: - Museum Professional Training and Career Structure. Report by a Working Party 1987.
PAQ114293: - Alpha 96: Basic Education & Work.
PAQ130989: - Classical Antiquity: The Early Church, Middle Ages, Renaissance. Catalogue 94.
PAQ84007: - Kleintierzucht (recto and verso) colour plate, b/w on back, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ114290: - European Glossary on Education: Examinations, Qualifications and Titles. Volume 1 Only.
PAQ115985: - Problems of a Growing City: Belfast, 1780-1870.
PAQ32170: - The Planning of Shopping Centres.
PAQ114256: - Development in Conflict: The Experience of ACORD in Uganda, Sudan, Mali and Angola.
PAQ114257: - Seed Provision During and After Emergencies.
PAQ84006: - Jugendbewegung und Jugendpflege in Deutschland. Übersicht, 1 page, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ84005: - Vornamen Übersicht, 1 page, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ130234: - How to Choose Toys and Books For Ages Up to Fourteen Years.
PAQ147774: - Strassenführer 1908 [für Berlin und Vororte].
PAQ46362: - L'Atome Pour la Paix / Atoms for Peace. 2nd International Exhibition of the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva.
PAQ144743: - Yr Effengyl yn ol Sant Marc. (The Gospel According to Saint Mark)
PAQ114162: - Helping People in Poor Countries Develop Fuel-Saving Cookstoves.
PAQ18223: - Vyroncni Zprava. Organisace Socialnich Pracovnic za rok 1935. [Association of Social Workers, Annual report].
PAQ18133: - SubStance, No 48.
PAQ124943: - Wien (Edwardian souvenir photo album)
PAQ121080: - Selected Papers from the Institute of Cancer Research: Royal Cancer Hospital and from the Royal Marsden Hospital. Vol 8 - Vol 18. 1953 - 1963.
PAQ18036: - Picturesque Edinburgh.
PAQ18132: - Determinism. SubStance, No 40.
PAQ114147: - At Ease with E-mail: A Handbook on Using Electronic Mail for NGOs in Developing Countries.
PAQ123086: - United Kingdom Postgraduate Awards 1964-66.
PAQ123088: - Second Annual Supplement to the 1964 List of the Fellows and Members of the Royal College of Physicians of London.
PAQ130110: - The Beauties of the Spectators, Tatlers and Guardians. Connected and Digested Under Alphabetical Heads. In Two Volumes, Volume 2 Only.
PAQ41137: - A Walk around Leominster Priory.
PAQ41099: - Begriffe in abendländischer und kommunistischer Schau.
PAQ84004: - Illustration Volkstrachten (recto and verso) colour plate, b/w on back, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ10292: - Fragments de Chrestomathie de la Langue Algonquine.
PAQ134565: - Action and Military Comic Magazine Collection, all released on October 2nd 1976.
PAQ114072: - Sectional Maps of the British Railways. As at December 1947.
PAQ134448: - Georgian Court College. Alumnae / Alumni Directory 1993.
PAQ114050: - International Conference of the Council of Europe on Ethical Issues Arising from the Application of Biotechnologies: Proceedings, Oviedo, May 1999. Part 2. Speakers' Contributions.
PAQ39183: - News Services and the Press in the GDR.
PAQ141693: - Vocational Qualifications and Standards.
PAQ102681: - Harvard Classics No. 30: Scientific Papers - Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology - Faraday, Helmholtz, Kelvin, Geikie etc.
PAQ53225: - Participation of Ethnic Minorities in the General Election, October 1974.
PAQ25232: - Rejected Addresses: or, The New Theatrum Poetarum. 20th rev ed.
PAQ13436: - The Book of Humorous Poetry.
PAQ147639: - The English Historical Review. 44 issues from Vol 89 (1974) - Vol 99 (1984), complete run.
PAQ58995: - The Stanitz Collection of Science & Technology, Important Printed Books and Manuscripts, Auction - Wednesday, April 25, 1984.
PAQ143662: ? - Selections from the English Poets. With Steel Engravings.
PAQ115368: - Visions in Biodiversity Research. Towards a New Integrative Biodiversity Science.
PAQ115484: - One-Inch Map of Great Britain. Weston-Super-Mare.
PAQ11552: - Conversations-Lexikon des Witzes, Humors und der Satire. Herausgegeben von einer Gesellschaft Humoristen. 1. Band.
PAQ11555: - Der Seemann. Organ für die Interessen der seemännischen Arbeiter. No 1 (Hamburg Nov 1897) to No 16, Dec 1898.
PAQ115552: - The Swedish University of ABO. 'ABO Akademi'. Foundation and Development.
PAQ115564: - A Handbook to the Cases Illustrating Simple Means of Travel & Transport by Land and Water.
PAQ115572: - Roma. 32 Vedute a Colori Naturali.
PAQ115573: - La Scuola Grande e la Chiesa di San Rocco in Venezia.
PAQ115574: - La Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca' D'oro.
PAQ115591: - Leisure and Pleasure in Italy.
PAQ11565: - Dokumente zur Geschichte der Frankfurter Juden, 1933 - 1945. Ed. Kommission zur Erforschung der Geschichte der Frankfurter Juden.
PAQ11568: - The Rehabilitation of Frankfort on Main.
PAQ25203: - The Development of Caribbean Land Resources: The Role of Surveying and Land Economy.
PAQ30899: - Ferdinand Franck; An Autobiographical Sketch of the Youthful Days of a Musical Student.
PAQ7947: - L'Episcopat belge à l'Episcopat allemand (24 Nov 1915).
PAQ7948: - Lettre Collective de l'Episcopat Belge: Paix et Fraternite (Purification 1925).
PAQ30681: - An Account of the Borders. (Chambers's Miscellany of Instructive and Entertaining Tracts, No 37).
PAQ121672: - Card Tricks and Conjuring up to Date.
PAQ153480: - I Misteri di Eleusi. 3a Edizione.
PAQ84003: - Sozialismus Übersicht, 8 pages in small print, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ139792: - Simple Thoughts for Ascension and Whitsuntide by the author of Simple Thoughts for Eastertide, etc., etc.
PAQ75200: - 93rd Report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue for the year ended 31st March 1950.
PAQ58979: - Clare College Cambridge: The Clare Association Annual, 1954, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1961.
PAQ53221: - Manifesto for the Future.
PAQ41004: - Leeds City Art Gallery: a Selection of the Paintings, Sculpture, Drawings, Watercolours and Prints.
PAQ75198: - 99th Report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue for the year ended 31st March 1956.
PAQ114049: - 12th International Congress on Animal Reproduction. 1992. Programme Book.
PAQ39141: - Die nationale Aufgabe der deutschen Akademie der Künste zu Berlin.
PAQ84001: - Illustration Bakterien (recto and verso) colour plate, b/w on back, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ130929: - Gospel Picture Book: Parables 2. No 8.
PAQ83999: - Illustration Buch (recto and verso) Black and white plate, Removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ84000: - Illustration Blut (recto only) colour plate, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ120277: - New Topical Concordance. First Edition.
PAQ152073: - Children's Book of Puzzles.
PAQ152061: - Happy Xmas Annual.
PAQ83998: - Illustration Affen (recto and verso) Black and white, Removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ117397: - Mansfield College, Oxford: Its Origin and Opening. October 14-16 1889.
PAQ75197: - 96th Report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue for the year ended 31st March 1953.
PAQ39024: - Länder der Bibel: Archäologische Funde aus dem Vorderen Orient. (Ausstellungskatalog)
PAQ110502: - Ialcut Majazot. Antología del teatro hebreo.
PAQ75196: - 95th Report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue for the year ended 31st March 1952.
PAQ15677: - Lectures delivered in a Course before the Lowell Institute in Boston by Members of the Massachusetts Historical Society on the Early History of Massachusetts.
PAQ110333: - Importance of Being Witty.
PAQ56139: - Everyman. (Fifteenth Century Morality Play)
PAQ12307: - Ancient Britain. A Map of the Major Visible Antiquities of Great Britain older than AD 1066.
PAQ115954: - District Bank Review. September 1949. Number 91.
PAQ115977: - Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis. Magne Britannie, Franciae & Hiberniae, Tricesimo Secundo. 1757.
PAQ55930: - Chocolate. Russian Language.
PAQ55969: - Scandinavia. (Catalogue no 12)
PAQ75195: - 92nd Report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue for the year ended 31st March 1949.
PAQ75194: - 98th Report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue for the year ended 31st March 1955.
PAQ38840: - Handbook of the Cleveland Museum of Art.
PAQ1784: - Catalogue des Éditions des Bibliothèques Nationales de France.
PAQ17841: - Die Deutsche Demokratische Republik auf der Genfer Aussenministerkonferenz 1959. Dokumente.
PAQ142507: - XXXV Congreso Internacional de Americanistas. Mexico 1962. Vol 1 & 2: Actas y Memorias.
PAQ58894: - Llames: Línguas Indígenas Americanas, Vol 2.
PAQ58903: - Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, Vol 75, Part 2 only.
PAQ38827: - Human Biology: An Exhibition of Ourselves.
PAQ38826: - Man's Place in Evolution.
PAQ17776: - 12th World Congress of Sociology, Madrid 1990: Yugoslav Papers. (= Sociologija. Journal of Sociology, Social Psychology and Social Anthropology. Vol 32, 1990, Supplement)
PAQ17750: - Elizabethan Poetry. (Stratford-upon-Avon Studies, 2).
PAQ53082: - Die Wahrheit über Oberländer: Braunbuch über die verbrecherische faschistische Vergangenheit des Bonner Ministers. Heraugegeben vom Ausschuss für Deutsche Einheit.
PAQ132353: - The Harleian Miscellany; or a Collection of Scarce, Curious and Entertaining Pamphlets and Tracts. Vol 11 only.
PAQ61254: - Daedalus Forty-Year Index. (= Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Supplement to Vol 128, 1999)
PAQ61341: - Human Biology: An Exhibition of Ourselves.
PAQ61634: - Their Majesties' Silver Wedding Pictorial Souvenir.
PAQ52942: - Standing Reference on the Pay of University Teachers in Great Britain. First Report. (National Board for Prices and Incomes, Report 98) (Cmnd 3866)
PAQ52995: - Constitucion Politica de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos; Political Constitution of the Mexican United States.
PAQ124728: - People and the New World of Work. A Conference Report.
PAQ28828: - The Tate Gallery Collections. British Painting; Modern Painting and Sculpture. 8th ed.
PAQ13659: - Détournements d'Avions et Prises d'Otages. (Special No of Etudes Polemologiques, 48 1988).
PAQ13661: - LIFE. The First Decade.
PAQ127646: - Cuban Family Code.
PAQ134335: - Winning at Craps.
PAQ134338: - Bienvenido a Buenos Aires.
PAQ52906: - Blasius Spritzfährtli: Genf - Hamburg - Schwarzwald - Basel. Mit Zeichnungen vom jungen Blasius. Zweite Auflage.
PAQ131028: - Time off in Rome, Venice, and Florence. First Edition.
PAQ142494: - The High Commission Territories and the Union of South Africa.
PAQ45286: - The Everyday Uses of Portland Cement. Third Edition.
PAQ46270: - What Peking Keeps Silent About.
PAQ46355: - The Church of St Peter and St Paul, Wisbech.
PAQ115367: - Understanding the Future: Musuems and 21st Century Life. The Value of Museums.
PAQ15664: - Manual Bibliografico da Geografia Paulista.
PAQ130055: - Year Book of the Royal Society.
PAQ154408: - Furniture Repair and Renovation.
PAQ31875: ? - A Working Handbook of the Analysis of Sentences.
PAQ114043: - Closed Shop Agreements and Arrangements.
PAQ115215: - Les Religions en Chine.
PAQ17706: - Harvard College Observatory. The First Century.
PAQ56844: - Storyteller Presents Science Fiction, No 3.
PAQ38741: - Connecticut: A Picture Book to Remember Her By.
PAQ134331: - King Edward VII School Magazine, No 99, 1962.
PAQ129582: - The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: To which are added various readings, references to parallel passages and explanatory notes. With maps illustrative of the sacred text.
PAQ122987: - Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (with Amendments). Edition April 1974.
PAQ129972: - Pitman's Book of Synonyms and Antonyms.
PAQ83559: - Humoresken. Der Auerochs, die Liebesgabe, Eine gute Lehre. (Unterhaltungsbibliothek für Einigungs-Stenographen)
PAQ147404: - Manuscript Christmas Letter.
PAQ13429: - Restauration of Baroque Gardens. Unesco Conference 1995. = Tuinkunst.
PAQ143993: - Linen Trade Circular. Vol 41, No 11, 1955.
PAQ138271: - International Charter of Workers' Education.
PAQ23954: - Abstracts of Papers Contributed for the Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society of Parasitologists, New Orleans, 1931. Offprint, Journal of Parasitology, Vol 18.
PAQ110015: - Manual of Driving and Maintenance for Mechanical Vehicles ( Wheeled) 1937.
PAQ17702: - Reports on Progress in Physics. Vol 11, 1946 - 47.
PAQ114038: - Dictionarium Museologicum: Museological Word Index.
PAQ114040: - Museum Studies. A Guide to Library Resources in Leicester University.
PAQ114010: - The Web of Life. A Strategy for Systematic Biology in the United Kingdom.
PAQ113985: - Civiltà. Rivista della Esposizione Universale di Roma. June 1940 Volume 18. Number 2.
PAQ73987: - Slavery Today. Special 4p pull-out of Baptist Times.
PAQ73989: - Atlantic Monthly Advertiser. Riverside Bulletin. September 1907.
PAQ73986: - Medical Association for the Prevention of War. Bulletin 1, 1951.
PAQ40516: - How Things Work: The Universal Encyclopedia of Machines.
PAQ38448: - Camden Miscellany, Vol 29.
PAQ151461: - Le Lien. Revue du Patriarcat Grec-Melkite Catholique. Vol 52, No 1, 1987.
PAQ15647: - Annals de la Société Belge de Médecine Tropical. Vol 13 & 14,.
PAQ10950: - Schaffhauser Kunst und Kultur im 18. Jahrhundert.
PAQ151447: - Which is the Old Church?
PAQ151458: - Le Lien. Revue du Patriarcat Grec-Melkite Catholique. Vol 52, No 4, 1987.
PAQ121700: - Aerial Archaeology. Volume 2, 1978.
PAQ113856: - One-Inch Map of Great Britain. Bournemouth. Sheet 179. Mounted on Cloth.
PAQ113872: - Exeter. The Centre for Tours in Devon.
PAQ113855: - One-Inch Map of Great Britain. Winchester. Sheet 168.
PAQ120685: - Fashion through the Ages: Instant Picture Books. First Series Number 4.
PAQ46257: - Gaelic-Speaking Children in Highland Schools.
PAQ40486: - Science. (=Granta 16. The Magazine of New Writing)
PAQ130927: - Campcraft for Girls.
PAQ108908: - The Story of Noah. A privately Bound collection of 20 lino cuts of animals and lettered text. And the Lord Said unto Noah.
PAQ38434: - Camden Miscellany, Vol 27.
PAQ115217: - People's Life.
PAQ238: - Statuts de l'Hôpital d'arrondissement de Sierre.
PAQ23948: - Offprints, Notizen aus der Tropenpraxis und Briefkasten des Instituts für Schiffs- und Tropenkrankheiten zu Hamburg, 1908 nos 4 & 7, 1909 nos 3 & 4, 1911 no 3.
PAQ17658: - Science and Public Affairs. No 1 (1986).
PAQ113827: - The Journal of Documentation. Devoted to the Recording, Organization, and Dissemination of Specialized Knowledge. Volume 34. 1978.
PAQ115272: - The U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe.
PAQ126438: - The Polarizing Microscope: Part 1 and 2 - Colour Film. (Film not included)
PAQ133497: - The Journal of Hellenic Studies. Vol 56 (1936) to Vol 58 (1938)
PAQ108696: - The Magazine of Art. (Fragment with contents page and list of illustrations) Volume 5. October 1882.
PAQ108704: - Look-in Television Annual 1974.
PAQ108765: - Great Historic Events: Selected from Chambers's Miscellany.
PAQ144632: - Building for Peace: An American Strategy for the Middle East.
PAQ52868: - Londres en Poche et ses Environs. Illustré par Uzès. 4ième Édition.
PAQ141502: - Universities Council for Adult Education. Proposals for a Centre for Broadcast Adult Education.
PAQ141431: - China and Japan.
PAQ23642: - The Cathedral Church of St. Michael, Coventry.
PAQ143992: - Linen Trade Circular. Vol 41, No 14, 1955.
PAQ128268: - Modern Technique in Treatment: Volume Four.
PAQ52862: - The Oxford and Cambridge Geography. Expressly compiled as a Text Book for Secondary Schools and for Pupils preparing for the Oxford and Cambridge Local and Other Examinations.
PAQ38327: - Tasty Dishes, Simple and Economical, Made from Tested Recipes.
PAQ38355: - Burrow's Guide to the Lake District: A Practical Handbook for the Visitor and Tourist. 8th Edition.
PAQ40072: - Charles Vernon Boys, 1855 - 1944. [Obituary].
PAQ122887: - International Bibliography of Historical Demography. 1979 to 1982.
PAQ113823: - Museums Association. Codes of Ethics. Third Edition 1999.
PAQ113826: - The Journal of Documentation. Devoted to the Recording, Organization, and Dissemination of Specialized Knowledge. Volume 35. 1979.
PAQ113822: - Museums Briefing. Essential Information for Members. Number 12-19. January 1997 to May 1998.
PAQ146284: - A Key to Esperanto.
PAQ14635: - Pharmaceutical Society of GB, Calendar, 1935/36.
PAQ73296: - Nature in Cambridgeshire No. 28 (1986) - No. 40 (1998).
PAQ151439: - Der kleine Lehrer, or First Steps to German Conversation for the Use of Young Beginners on the plan of Le Petit Precepteur. 6th Edition, Revised.
PAQ151421: - The Decoration of Chip Boxes.
PAQ151427: - The Death of King Arthur. Translated by James Cable.
PAQ113820: - The Importance of Museums as a Source of Spiritual Refreshment, Enlightenment and Aesthetic Pleasure Cannot be Overrated. Annual Review 1998-99.
PAQ141427: - Statistical Abstract for the United Kingdom in Each of the Last Fifteen Years from 1871 to 1885.
PAQ113819: - Creative Industry.
PAQ113814: - Pay in Museums.
PAQ113784: - The Rise of the Symphony. Part 2. Scores B. Unit 17b.
PAQ113785: - The Rise of the Symphony. Part 2. Scores A. Unit 17a.
PAQ113805: - European Museums Beyond the Millennium.
PAQ52793: - Scottish Poetry Index, Vol 2: Verse 1984 - 1995. An Index to Poetry and Poetry-Related Material in Scottish Literary Magazines, 1952 - .
PAQ143991: - Linen Trade Circular. Vol 41, No 10, 1955.
PAQ113612: - Refugees in Somalia: Policies, Needs and Projects.
PAQ12634: - A History of Shakespearean Production.
PAQ518: - Elizabethan Art.
PAQ40034: - American Naive Painting of the 18th and 19th Centuries from the Collection Chrysler Garbisch.
PAQ113597: - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack. 1995. 132nd Year.
PAQ113610: - Estudio de Factibilidad de un Plan Educativo para Refugiados en Mexico y Costa Rica.
PAQ115214: - Providing Jobs for Millions of Chinese.
PAQ108651: - Son of Man: Pictures and Carvings by Indian, African and Chinese Artists.
PAQ23641: - Russell's Graphic Guide to the New Forest.
PAQ154306: - The Better Side of Death.
PAQ38277: - The City of Chichester: The Sole Official Guide Issued by the Corporation of Chichester.
PAQ113551: - What to Do if You're Worried A Child is Being Abused: Summary.
PAQ113471: - Peace, Development and Conflict Resolution in Uganda. Report of an International Mission to Uganda. January 1989.
PAQ113510: - Archeologia Industriale. Rivista Quadrimestrale. Anno 1 Numero 1 Giugno 1983.
PAQ11525: - Preussen. Versuch einer Bilanz. Ausstellungsführer.
PAQ71618: - Postcard: The Opening of Parliament by the King; Arrival of the Royal Procession at the Houses of Parliament.
PAQ130894: - The Day-Hours of the Church of England.
PAQ133362: - Mountain Men. Sketches and News of the Missionary Work Carried on by the Church in Burma. January 1933 Issue.
PAQ141355: - Industrial Training Act 1964: Chapter 16.
PAQ46211: - American Armed Intervention in Korea. 3rd edition with new material.
PAQ71570: - Progrès dans la Paix, Régression dans la Guerre: Un Modèle d'Interprétation du 22ième siècle. (= 17ième Congrès International des Sciences Historiques, 2: Sections Chronologiques 2; Organismes Affilés; etc: Rapports et Abregés, 4)
PAQ23491: - La Fête de Jeanne.
PAQ151420: - Leatherwork as a School Handicraft.
PAQ151419: - The Decoration of Cork Bases.
PAQ120560: - Eden Baptist Church. Cambridge. Members List February 2004.
PAQ58185: - The Public View: A Look at How the Public View Some Key Issues Confronting Britain Today.
PAQ128266: - Modern Technique in Treatment: Volume Two.
PAQ133321: - Training Made Easier. A Review of Four Recent Studies.
PAQ128848: - Dinner to meet Members of the Delegation of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. The Right Hon the Lord Mayor (Sir Bracewell Smith), The Mansion House, 2nd April 1947.
PAQ31815: - Le Mouchoir Rouge. Traduit parl M*** Traducteur des Ruines du Chateau de Dunismoyle, La Femme Criminelle, Necromancien Irlandaise, etc. Vol II. (only)
PAQ51483: - The Family Economist; and Entertaining Companion for Town and Country. To which is added the Boys and Girls Treasury. New Illustrated Series. Vol 3 and 4, January to December 1855.
PAQ23442: - Elsevier Catalogue 1970: Physics.
PAQ55864: - Studies in the Government and Control of Education since 1860. (History of Education Society)
PAQ140960: - Royal Commission on Local Government in Greater London 1957-60. (Cmnd 1164)
PAQ44914: - Natural Science in Education. Being the Report of the Committee on the Position of Natural Science in the Educational System of Great Britain.
PAQ71536: - The Queen's College Record, Vol 3, No 2; Vol 4, Nos 3, 4, 6, 7, 10 - 15; Vol 5 Nos 1, 5 - 7; Vol 6 Nos 1, 3.
PAQ55860: - Friends' Education Council: A Report on the Structure, Activities, Administration and Finance of the Friends' Schools, and their Relationship to the National Provision for Education.
PAQ113461: - University Correspondence Education in Japan.
PAQ51229: - Social Services in Britain.
PAQ119345: - List of the Fellows and Members of the Royal College of Physicians of London and of the Licentiates and Diplomates Admitted during the Year 1962.
PAQ113457: - Stop Using Child Soldiers!
PAQ23287: - New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation. Index to Volumes 3 and 4 (1971 - 1973), 5 & 6 (1973 - 1975): contents, Selected Names, Subjects, Terms.
PAQ151417: - Bookbinding as a School Handicraft.
PAQ151418: - Some Suggestions for Stick Printing and Paper Applique Work.
PAQ124527: - Beiträge zur Kinder- und Juigendliteratur. 13 Issues.
PAQ38000: - British Journal for Eighteenth Century Studies. Vol 22, Nos 1 and 2.
PAQ119342: - Illustrations Treasures of Cambridge. Goldsmiths' Hall London 1959.
PAQ122749: - RDOS/DOS Command Line Interpreter: User's Manual.
PAQ113450: - The Global Cash Crunch: An Examination of Debt and Development.
PAQ17555: - The Penny Post. Vol 27, 1877.
PAQ51194: - Disarmement: The Intensified Effort, 1955 - 1958.
PAQ17554: - The Penny Post. Vol 27, 1877.
PAQ17464: - Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference. Chicago 1955, Vol 11.
PAQ51159: - Exhibition of Soviet Books and Periodicals.
PAQ128265: - Modern Technique in Treatment: Volume One.
PAQ122737: - What Can I Bring Back Through the Customs? Hints for U.K. Residents Making a Short Visit Abroad.
PAQ122742: - The Dedication of the New Buildings of Washington University Medical School (St. Louis).
PAQ133296: - Through the Ages. 1939 - 1945: Cax, The Warren - Beaumanor - Hut 15 - Block D - Block G. Your Friends' Addresses.
PAQ113417: - The English Experience, Its Record in Early Printed Books, Published in Facsimile. Catalogue of the First Group Published in 1968.
PAQ113446: - What Peace Means to Me.
PAQ12826: - Rejected Addresses, or, The New Theatrum Poetarum.
PAQ28650: - A Picture Book of English Porcelain Figures.
PAQ122721: - Dedication of the New Buildings of the Harvard Medical School.
PAQ111364: - Board of Agriculture and Fisheries: Leaflets Nos. 1 to 100.
PAQ140958: - Local Government in England: Government Proposals for Reorganisation.
PAQ31573: - Le Syllabaire / The Primer. With Grammar Appendices.
PAQ28646: - Scandinavian Silver.
PAQ140954: - Local Government Act, 1929.
PAQ71264: - Wahrhafte und ausführliche Beschreibung, Kaiserl. Haupt- und Residenz-Stadt Wien in Österreich: Von dessen Alter und Herkommen. . .
PAQ27638: - A Picture Book of Roman Alphabets.
PAQ122576: - Lifelines the Worlds Great Rivers.
PAQ14625: - The [Otto] Beit Memorial Fellowships for Medical Research, 1909 - 1059.
PAQ122563: - Culture Media: Difco Dehydrated Culture Media and Reagents for Microbiological and Clinical Laboratory Procedure. Sterile Culture Media: Solid and Liquid.
PAQ122564: - The 1979/80 Catalogue of Britains Leading Supplier of Reptiles and Amphibians.
PAQ61106: - Original Printmaking in Britain 1600 - 1900, 2 Nov - 1 Dec 1972.
PAQ122553: - A Catalogue Descriptive of Hardy Stock: Grown by Geo. Jackman and Son (Working Nurseries) LTD. Season 1950-51.
PAQ113102: - A Catalogue of Drugs and Chemicals from the New London Pharmacopoeia.
PAQ137481: - Pixie's Playtime.
PAQ39962: - Small Electrical Measuring Instruments: How To Make and Use Them. A Practical Handbook. 6th Edition.
PAQ122544: - The Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland: Constitution, Rules and List of Members. June 1976.
PAQ23035: - Insel-Almanach auf das Jahr 1952.
PAQ51000: - Searchlight on Society: The WEA in Action. A Report of the Central Council of the Workers' Educational Association 1960 to 1962.
PAQ28642: - Irish Silver.
PAQ28643: - Italian Secular Silver.
PAQ124470: - Manual of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death. Volume 2: Alphabetical Index.
PAQ124402: - Cambridge Graduates' Medical Club: Officers of the Club, Rules, List of Members.
PAQ115004: - Set for Success. The Supply of People with Science, Technology, Erngineering and Mathematics Skills. The Report of Sir Gareth Roberts' Review.
PAQ115005: - Government Funding of the Scientific Learned Societies. Fifth Report of Session 2001-02. Volume 1.
PAQ17458: - Bericht über den 3. Östereichischen Mathematikerkongress, Salzburg 1952.
PAQ124302: - 90th Report of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Inland Revenue for the Year ended 31st March 1947.
PAQ124391: - Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Pamphlet for the Spring Meeting of the Session 1975-6 in Cambridge.
PAQ124271: - Fuller Theological Seminary: With the Word to the World. 1989-90 Catalog.
PAQ124254: - Congregational Hymnary. Part 1: Hymns with Tunes.
PAQ124225: - The Child's Companion Annual (Formerly Chickabiddies' Annual): Pretty Pictures, Stories and Rhymes for Little Girls and Boys.
PAQ17456: - Dokumentation / Information. 3. Kolloquium des Instituts für Dokumentation, Patentwesen und Recht der TH Ilmenau, 1964. Heft 1: Gesamtstaatliche Informationssysteme und Fragen der Informationspraxis.
PAQ50998: - Adult Education and Working Life: Conference Addresses 1955.
PAQ120117: - Diana for Girls 1970.
PAQ120118: - Tiny Tots Annual 1954.
PAQ17391: - Die Englischen Jungenklubs.
PAQ17373: - Achema Tagung 1958. 12. Ausstellungstagung für Chemisches Apparatewesen. Frankfurt 1958.
PAQ124061: - Tiny Tots Annual 1956: A Picture Story Book for Little People.
PAQ124069: - Through the British Commonwealth: India Ceylon Burma & Singapore.
PAQ120557: - Spokes. Year 1991-1992. Number 19-22.
PAQ39801: - Chambers's Pocket Miscellany Vol 23.
PAQ37620: - Viersprachen - Länderverzeichnis mit Kurz- und Vollformen sowie den davon abgeleiteten Adjektiven und Einwohnerbezeichnungen. (D., Engl., Frz., Span.) Sonderdruck aus Lebende Sprachen.
PAQ71061: - Wellington Guide April 1967.
PAQ82416: - Deutscher Ärzte-Kalender. Taschenbuch für die tägliche Praxis. 18. Jahrgang 1944.
PAQ17323: - Queen Anne Domestic Silver.
PAQ119336: - A Compendium of University Regulations. For the Use of Persons in Statu Pupillari. 1963.
PAQ39799: - The Mechanical World Electrical Pocket Book 1927: A Collection of Electrical Engineering Notes, Rules, Tables and Data.
PAQ11918: - Dublin. Official Guide and Maps.
PAQ119226: - Cambridge University Statutes Supplement and Index 1972.
PAQ119178: - The Student's Handbook to the University and Colleges of Cambridge 1963-64. Revised to 30 June 1963.
PAQ124047: - Rainbow Annual 1956.
PAQ70654: - Kissinger Chronik. Ein Handbuch für den Kurgast.
PAQ133167: - The Charm. A Book for Boys and Girls. Illustrated with more than one hundred Engravings.
PAQ82401: - Handanleitung fur den Gebrauch der Castell Präzisions-Rechenstäbe.
PAQ82400: - Anleitung zum Gebrauch der A W Castell Präzisions-Rechenstäbe. 9te Auflage.
PAQ118975: - Seventh International Economic History Congress Edinburgh 1978: Four 'A' Themes.
PAQ118964: - Alphabetical Catalogue of Columbia Records. Including All Records Issued up to 30th June 1949. Supplement No. 455.
PAQ11888: - Ulster's Protestant Working Class. A Community Exploration.
PAQ118819: - The Charter and Bye-laws of the Royal College of Physicians of London and the Acts of Parliament Especially Relating Thereto.
PAQ128243: - Flag of Treachery. War Picture Library No. 16.
PAQ146190: - Saudi Arabia: Official Standard Names approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names.
PAQ118772: - Uniform Probate Code. Sixth Edition. Official 1982 Text with Comments: Index.
PAQ118816: - First Annual Supplement to the 1973 List of the Fellows and Members of the Royal College of Physicians of London.
PAQ27394: - Persons in Whose Name Awards are Made to Junior Members of the College.
PAQ37396: - Kinderfernsehen - Fernsehkinder: Vorträge und Materialien einer medienpädagogischen Fachtagung mit Programmachern, Pädagogen und Medienforschern im September 1989 in Mainz.
PAQ120530: - Congress of Europe 1973.
PAQ120533: - Commission of the European Communities. 1972.
PAQ120552: - The Elizabethan. July 1972. Volume 31. Number 1. Issue Number 677.
PAQ120553: - The Elizabethan. April 1970. Volume 30. Number 7. Issue Number 671.
PAQ43215: - Bunreacht Na hEireann. Constitution of Ireland.
PAQ118674: - Serving the European Union. A Citizen's Guide to the Institutions of the European Union. Second Edition.
PAQ120528: - Trends in Population, Housing and Occupancy Rates, 1861-1961.
PAQ8208: - Zentraljustizblatt für die Britische Zone (Amtliches Blatt für Rechtspflege). Vol 1 (1947) - Vol 3 (1949)
PAQ69951: - The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine, Vol 1, 1898 -1899.
PAQ120513: - An Illustrated Atlas of Pests and Diseases Affecting Citrus Fruits. In Chinese.
PAQ46165: - The Infants' Magazine 1920.
PAQ129954: - The Marriage Bill, 1937: collection of offprints and letters.
PAQ121937: - AIDS and Drug Misuse: Report by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs: Part 2.
PAQ121988: - Human Tissue: Ethical and Legal Issues.
PAQ37394: - Sprachbarrieren: Beiträge zum Thema Sprache und Schichten. (Written and edited by members of the seminar: Studentisches Seminar Soziolinguistik, Bochum, Wintersemester 1969/ 70)
PAQ122515: - The Slang Dictionary, Etymological, Historical, and Anecdotal.
PAQ23034: - Insel-Almanach auf das Jahr 1937.
PAQ43131: - Account Book, Capital and Counties Bank, 1920/1930.
PAQ145986: - Symposium on Cell Membrane Biophysics.
PAQ120477: - Hymns for the Young. Third Edition.
PAQ127408: - Descriptive Catalogue of the Anatomical and Pathological Museum of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Addenda for the Years 1881 - 1893.
PAQ140941: - Royal Commission on Local Government in Greater London 1957-60: Maps.
PAQ140930: - Second United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (London, 8-20 August 1960). New Forms of Juvenile Delinquency: Their Origin, Prevention and Treatment.
PAQ140657: - The Education Authorities Directory and Annual 1997. 94th Year of Publication.
PAQ121866: - The Solid Nucleus and Its Gaseous Wrappings: Historical Aspects of Teaching Physiology. An Exhibition.
PAQ128211: - Die am häufigsten vorkommenden Essbaren Pilze in Taschenformat. 95 Abbildungen nach der Natur gemalt, in vielen Farben naturgetreu reproduziert, mit Angabe der deutschen & lateinischen Namen.
PAQ69119: - The Eclectic Review 1854. January - June. New Series, Volume 7.
PAQ50527: - Compulsory Education in the Arab States. With Special Reference to the Cairo Conference, Dec 1954.
PAQ131756: - Ribe Dokirke eller vor Frue i Ribe. Vejledning for Besogende.
PAQ43130: - Masonic, Lodge 411 (Cambridge), The 100th Year of Installation (1936) Menu; Centenary Meeting (Table Plan, Toast List); Installation of Master 1938, A Century in 441
PAQ69031: - Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society. A run of off 10 issues.
PAQ43129: - Masonic, Kynaston Lodge 5810, Consecration 1939.
PAQ137474: - Ideal Book for Girls.
PAQ154163: - Jack and Jill and the Friendly Badger.
PAQ122499: - Emmanuel College Cambridge: List of Past and Present Members 1954.
PAQ131540: - The Russian Constitution, Adopted July 10, 1918.
PAQ14579: - University College Ibadan, Nigeria. [Prospectus].
PAQ28518: - Offprints on animal parasites in America: Medical Treatment of Parasitic Diseases; Dog Parasites in Michigan; Parasitic Diseases in Relation to the Livestock Industry; Parasites of Fur-Bearing Animals; Protozoa of American Cattle.
PAQ23013: - Quelle Université? Quelle Société? Textes réunis par le Centre de Regroupement des Informations Universitaires.
PAQ45883: - Near and Far. A Scripture Text Book with Poetical Extracts for each Day in the Month. Illus Alice, Lydia and Corby Price. Printed in Germany.
PAQ123298: - Trümmelbachfälle und Umgebung.
PAQ129669: - Facts & Figures: Tables and General Knowledge containing Arithmetical Tables, Decimals, Weights and Measures, Metric System, General Knowledge Data including Astronomical and Geographical Facts etc.
PAQ150456: - Guerra de Oriente, o el paso del Danubio por los Rusos. Curiosa Relacion en la cual de declara las horrorosas batallas que han tenido lugar […] en preciosas decimas y octavas, por un aficionado Militar de la Reserva de Monforte.
PAQ122488: - Referendum.
PAQ28495: - Treasures of Cambridge: Goldsmiths' Hall London 1959. Illustrations.
PAQ37363: - Grundriss der Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung. 3. Auflage.
PAQ13085: - William Hazlitt.
PAQ50060: - The Masque of Hope. Presented for the Entertainment of H R H Princess Elizabeth on the occasion of her visit to University College, 25 May 1948.
PAQ28445: - Saas-Fee.
PAQ22765: - Problemas Sociales y Economicos de Mexico.
PAQ129420: - The Magdalen College Record. Sixth Issue. 1966.
PAQ61071: - Reports of Restrictive Practices Cases, Vol 1 only, March 1957 - Dec 1959. Heard in the Restrictive Practices Court and on Appeal therefrom and other Cases arising under the Restrictive Trade Act, 1956, in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
PAQ60810: - House of Commons Second Report from the Environment Committee Session 1980 - 81: Council House Sales, Volume 1.
PAQ130930: - Gospel Picture Book: Ministry. No 4.
PAQ66014: - Master Your Future. The Easy Way With Tarot Cards.
PAQ28435: - Ciliata Reprints. Authors A - Z, 1897 - 1919. Collected by Nuttall and bound for him.
PAQ122454: - Criminal Law Revision Committee Working Paper: Section 16 of The Theft Act 1968. August 1974.
PAQ122487: ? - The Lost Melody and Other Verses.
PAQ134156: - Adult Education in Europe. Studies and Documents. Published by the European Centre for Leisure and Education. Vol 1 - 25, 1977- 1989.
PAQ116278: - The Forster and Dyce Collections from the National Art Library at the Victoria and Albert Museum: An Inventory to the Harvester Microform Collection: Pts. 1 & 2.
PAQ144469: - Directions for Advisory Committees on Justices of the Peace.
PAQ137468: - The British Boy's Annual.
PAQ115898: - Rothamsted Experimental Station. Guide to the Work of the Departments.
PAQ112454: - Watoto wa ungu 5.
PAQ133980: - Simple Lessons on Health and Habits with Elementary Lessons in First Aid.
PAQ56655: - First Report from the Select Committee on Violence in the Family, Session 1976 - 77: Violence to Children, Vol 1: Report (together with the Proceedings of the Committee).
PAQ56654: - Children and Young Persons Act 1969. Chapter 54.
PAQ22407: - Souvenir de l'Oberland Bernois.
PAQ57846: - Der deutsch-französische Krieg 1870 - 71, erster Theil, Vols 1 - 2: Geschichte des Krieges bis zum Sturz des Kaiserreichs. Redigiert von der Kriegsgeschichtlichen Abtheilung des Grossen Generalstabes.
PAQ145746: - Here's to Adventure: A Book of Stories.
PAQ130793: - Five Hundred Years of Martin Luther and the Reformation. A Handlist of an Exhibition at Cambridge University Library December 1983 - March 1984.
PAQ56574: - The Origins and Development of Operational Research in the Royal Air Force.
PAQ56648: - The College of St Paul & St Mary Old Students' Association Year Book 1989.
PAQ56567: - Aerodynamics Division: Report for the Year 1962, National Physical Laboratory; Engineering Design.
PAQ56565: - Landing and Taking-Off of Aircraft in Bad Weather. Being the Report of the Inquiry into the relative Responsibilities of the Captain of an Aircraft, the Operator and the Aerodrome Authority etc.
PAQ31506: - Il Diritto d'Italia su Trieste e l'Istria: Documenti.
PAQ31359: - Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, Vol 12 no 3.
PAQ133935: - The Flower Garden, Its Arrangement, Cultivation and General Management. Carefully Revised.
PAQ36691: - A Book of the Household: A True Briton, and Other Tales. Seventh Thousand. No date.
PAQ56516: - Neue Deutsche Literatur: 1. Jahrgang, Heft 3.
PAQ42880: - Marxism and History: The British Contribution. (Radical History Review, Vol 19, Winter 1978 - 79)
PAQ14572: - Arbeiten aus dem Städtischen Krankenhause zu Frankfurt am Main. Festschrift zu der 68th Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte.
PAQ145709: - The Coventry Standard Chain Drives (Catalogue)
PAQ128210: - Schmetterlings-Atlas in Taschenformat. 129 Abbildungen in Farbendruck, mit Angabe der deutschen & lateinischen Namen.
PAQ49905: - Rights and Freedoms in the Capitalist World.
PAQ144460: - Questions and Answers for Justices.
PAQ35976: - Conservacao da Natureza. Colectanea de Textos de Publicacoes da Liga para a Proteccao da Natureza
PAQ57835: - The Stage; or Actors of the Present Day, Vol 1.
PAQ35804: - Arcades. Cahiers des lettres et des arts. No 2, 1947.
PAQ35803: - The Niarchos Collection of Paintings.
PAQ145700: - Prevention of Failure of Metals Under Repeated Stress by The Staff Battelle Memorial Institute.
PAQ129896: - Corticosteroid Therapy: The First Hundred Years.
PAQ128172: - Official Organ of the Judicial Commission and of the International Committee on Bacteriological Nomenclature. Volume 8, 1958.
PAQ128193: - Tell the World.
PAQ31358: - Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, Vol 12 no 1.
PAQ49698: - World Poverty and British Responsibility. A Report recommended by the British Council of Churches. 2nd Edition.
PAQ35789: - The Impressionists in London.
PAQ35800: - Arcades. Cahiers des lettres et des arts. No 6, 1949.
PAQ154128: - Norman Mede Hotel, Winchester.
PAQ42770: - The Taishukan Dictionary of Familiar Quotations.
PAQ116245: - The John Rylands Library. Manchester. A Brief Descriptive Account.
PAQ127377: - The Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1819 - 1969. (Programme of the Sequicentennial Celebrations 1969)
PAQ49669: - South West Africa: A Political Backgrounder.
PAQ128846: - Where German Wine Grows.
PAQ128822: - Who was Who. Volume 5, 1951 - 1960. Second Edition: A Companion to Who's Who Containing the Biographies of Those Who Died During the Decade 1951 - 1960.
PAQ128756: - English Language and Medieval English Literature: A Select Reading-List for Students.
PAQ42672: - Transactions of the International Engineering Congress, 1915: Miscellany. (San Francisco, California, Sept 20 - 25, 1915)
PAQ28034: - Tudor Domestic Silver.
PAQ28039: - Österreiches Barockmuseum in Wien: Katalog 1958.
PAQ117029: - The Gospel Herald or Poor Christian's Magazine: Volume 12.
PAQ49532: - Russia with our own Eyes: Full Report of the British Workers' Delegation to the Soviet Union, 1950.
PAQ126187: - Experiments on Force and Motion Using the Griffin Air Pucks.
PAQ155427: - Australian Road Atlas.
PAQ42618: - Internationale Zeitschrift für Fachsprachenforschung, -didaktik und Terminologie, Vol 22, issues 1 - 2, 3 - 4, 2000.
PAQ14043: - [Exile] Arena 16 (1963?). Published by Pen Center for Writers in Exile
PAQ42599: - Internationale Zeitschrift für Fachsprachenforschung, -Didaktik und Terminologie, Vol 21, issue 3 - 4, 1999.
PAQ42440: - The Naval Review.
PAQ130508: - Time Off in Greece. The Observer Guide to Resorts and Hotels.
PAQ11691: - La France Libre (London) Zwei einzelne Blätter (20*50cm) mit auszugsweisen engl Übersetzungen aus La France Libre vom 15 Oktober 1942 und 15 April 1943.
PAQ22402: - Revue Chronologique de l'Histoire de France depuis la Première Convocation des Notables jusqu'au Départ des Troupes Étrangères. 1787-1818. 2nd ed.
PAQ60456: - Rhodent. Student Journal of Rhodes University, South Africa. Issues for 1971, 1972.
PAQ60461: - Flying Duties as Pilots, Navigators, Air Signallers, Air Engineers and Air Gunners in the Royal Air Force. (Pamphlet 96)
PAQ31338: - Studi di Estetica. 3rd serie, vol 18, no. 1.
PAQ22328: - The Thing USA: Views of American Objects. ( = SubStance, No 31)
PAQ39786: - Catalogue of Lewis's Medical and Scientific Lending Library. New Edition Revised to December 31st 1949.
PAQ65414: - The Illustrated Pronouncing Pocket Dictionary of the English Language on the Basis of Webster, Worcester, Walker, Johnson etc With an Appendix Containing Abbreviations, Foreign Words and Phrases, and Forms of Address.
PAQ140083: - Directory of Official Architecture and Planning.
PAQ138010: - Coal Mining. Report of the Technical Advisory Committee (Ministry of Fuel and Power)
PAQ13804: - (IRE) Institute of Radio Engineers. National Convention, 1947 - 1956.
PAQ115364: - The Journal of the Foundation for Science and Technology. Volume 17 Number 2 July 2001.
PAQ115365: - The Journal of the Foundation for Science and Technology. Volume 17 Number 1 May 2001.
PAQ121865: - Beyond Containment: the Penal Response to Sex Offending.
PAQ131747: - Gateway to Chinese. Supplement to China Reconstructs.
PAQ116796: - Columbia New Process Record. The Only Records without Scratch. Catalogue. Up to and Including Supplement No. 102.
PAQ121761: - AIDS and You: An Illustrated Guide.
PAQ121736: - Immunology of the Gut. In Memory of the late Joseph Heremans.
PAQ121727: - Guidelines on the Use of Living Animals in Scientific Investigations.
PAQ121734: - Ontogeny of Acquired Immunity: A Ciba Foundation Symposium.
PAQ111944: - Picture Jokes for Kids.
PAQ129214: - Goulden's Canterbury Guide; containing an Account of Whatever is Curious or Worthy of Observation in and about that Ancient City, including the History and Description of the Cathedral, and St Augustine's Monastery.
PAQ35613: - Penguin Film Review 9.
PAQ131610: - Canaries. Their Varieties and Management.
PAQ107350: - Technology, Scholarship and the Humanities: The Implications of Electronic Information: September 30-October 2, 1992: Summary of Proceedings.
PAQ65386: - Saved From the Wreck. With Illustrations by Zwecker.
PAQ12614: - VI. Internationaler Kongress der Theater-Bibliotheken und Museen.
PAQ31330: - Retorica e Retoriche. ( = Rivista di Estetica 25, anno 27)
PAQ11666: - Grossherzoglich Badisches Regierungsblatt, Vol 12, 1814, Nr 3 - 22.
PAQ115212: - Development of China's Aeronautics Industry.
PAQ115213: - China: From Oil Poor to Oil Rich.
PAQ11582: - Munich. A Guide and Handbook for those who intend to make a prolonged Visit.
PAQ107326: - Documentation and Information: ISO Standards Handbook.
PAQ11189: - Numbers. 92 Poems from Sevenoaks School 1957 - 1959. Ed. L C Taylor.
PAQ42411: - Strategic Survey.
PAQ42419: - Writers' and Artists' Yearbook 1999.
PAQ35197: - Perspectives Vol 1: The Rutter Research.
PAQ60455: - Lunicorn. Student Journal of Rhodes University, South Africa. Issue for 1971, 1972.
PAQ56490: - Independent Schools: The Facts.
PAQ56493: - A Plan for Private Schools.
PAQ14969: - ICI: Equipment of an Industry.
PAQ118523: - Tutta Milano. Tourist Guide.
PAQ11837: - Memoria del Governo Italiano circa la situazione in Etiopia. Vol 1: Relazione.
PAQ12613: - Transactions of the International Conference on Theatre History, London 1955.
PAQ126098: - Papers of British Churchmen, 1780-1940.
PAQ126097: - Private Papers of British Colonial Governors, 1782-1900.
PAQ11815: - Guia das Bibliotecas Brasileiras. 4th Edition.
PAQ120060: - The Facts About Margarine.
PAQ125871: - The Royal and Ancient Borough of Caernarvon, Official Guide.
PAQ129176: - Lion Brand Newswrappers with strip-easy opening device.
PAQ155127: - Railway Map of the British Isles, For Satchel Guide.
PAQ49340: - The Round World Annual: A Book of Stories, Pictures, Puzzles, and Things to Make.
PAQ39785: - Catalogue of Lewis's Medical and Scientific Circulating Library. New Edition Revised to the End of 1927.
PAQ107103: - The Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Molecules. (Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society No. 54)
PAQ7960: - History and Antiquities of County and City of Lincoln.
PAQ16059: - Essays, Mock-Essays and Character Sketches. Reprinted from the Journal of Education.
PAQ122408: - Butterworths Landlord and Tenant Handbook. Third Edition 1989.
PAQ65120: - Britain's Labour Movement. A Four Lesson Study Syllabus.
PAQ2136: - The Library. Transactions of the Bibliographical Society. Vol 23, No 4, 1943.
PAQ12576: - Theater 1965. Chronik und Bilanz eines Bühnenjahres. Annual Supplement to Theater Heute.
PAQ122394: - Whiteman on Capital Gains Tax: 1st Supplement to the Fourth Edition. Up to Date to August 15, 1989.
PAQ116015: - Students' Resource Book.
PAQ116122: - Konark Colour Album Picture Post Cards.
PAQ49324: - On Islam and the Muslim World. (New Books Quarterly, Vol 1, No 1, Autumn 1980)
PAQ155015: - Tales of Long Ago. With Numerous Illustrations.
PAQ116478: - British Literary Manuscripts from the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C.: English Renaissance, c.1500-1700. Parts 1 and 2.
PAQ34840: - Instruction sur le Défilement des Ouvrages de Campgne a l'usage de l'école d'application du Corps Impérial d'Etat-Major. Nouvelle Edition.
PAQ10666: - Le Directoire: De Thermidor a Brumaire. La Documentation Photographique.
PAQ31288: - Artists at the Serpentine Gallery Summer Show 3: Christopher LeBrun, Stephen Farthing, Jeff Hellyer, Paul Gopal-Chowdhury, Gary Woodley.
PAQ10652: - Beasts. (=Granta 63. The Magazine of New Writing)
PAQ20848: - Knights Bachelor 1965 -1973: A List of the Existing Recipients of the Honour of Knighthood as on 1st January 1973.
PAQ138489: - Guide to Faculty and Departmental Libraries in the University of Cambridge: With an appendix containing the Libraries of certain Institutes, etc. that offer facilities to Members of the University.
PAQ131262: - Thai Rice. English and Thai Texts.
PAQ2061: - Bodleian Library Record. Vol 9, No 2 (Mar 1974) to Vol 10, No1 (Dec 1978).
PAQ84017: - Strategie, colour plate 2, recto and verso, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ49110: - Namibia in the 1980s.
PAQ42244: - Radical History Review 22, Winter 1979 - 80.
PAQ49097: - Apartheid's Army in Namibia: South Africa's Illegal Military Occupation. (Fact Paper on Southern Africa No 10)
PAQ30694: - Harvard Review, Vol 3 no 2: A New Psychology?
PAQ140013: - Klingende Kostbarkeiten. Tischglocken aus 5 Jahrhunderten in Bronze, Porzellan, Silber, Glas.
PAQ140012: - Southern California and National Defense.
PAQ137069: - Finland to-day. 100 Pictures and a Map. Illustrated by Aleksi Gallen-Kallela.
PAQ122374: - A Guide to the Historical Records of the Royal Bank of Scotland.
PAQ60114: - The Alpine Journal: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation. Vol 56, No 274, May 1947.
PAQ154949: - Legends of Badenoch. A Collection of Traditional Tales.
PAQ42049: - True to His Vow: The Story of a Manchester Lad.
PAQ9218: - Great Britons: Nelson, Thos Cook & Sons, Burns, Nightingale, Marlborough, Lloyd George.
PAQ92295: - Yorkshire Union of Educational Institutes and Yorkshire Village Library. Annual Report and Directory, 1905 - 1906.
PAQ55667: - German Life and Letters, New Series Vol 43, No 4: Special Translation Number.
PAQ138486: - Building Societies Who's Who 1975-76: A Biographical Directory of the Home-Owning and Savings Movement throughout the World.
PAQ138483: - Coventry Evening Telegraph Year Book and Who's Who 1979: A Reference Book for Coventry and Warwickshire, including Warwich and Leamington Spa. Kenilworth, Rugby, Nuneaton, Bedworth and Stratford-on-Avon.
PAQ11806: - Anais de la Biblioteca Nacional. (a bibliographical journal), Vol 102, 1982.
PAQ125561: - An Introduction to Wave Motion.
PAQ159638: - Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community and Connected Documents.
PAQ31263: - Whistler Pastels and Related Works in the Hunterian Art Gallery, 25 May - 3 Nov 1984.
PAQ31285: - Statutes of the United Kingdom: 4 & 5 George V. Cap 1 - 91, 5 George V, Cap 1 - 20. The Law Times 1914.
PAQ138481: - The Birmingham Post Year Book and Who's Who 1980-81.
PAQ131593: - Peace of Mind. Essays and Reflections, August 1914 - September 1917. Second (Revised) Edition.
PAQ14950: - Strasse - Wasser - Schiene; Transporttechnik und Industrialisierung. Special issue of Ferrum, Nachrichten aus der Eisenbibliothek. No 62.
PAQ19699: - New Comparison. A Journal of Comparative and General Literary Studies. No 1 (1986) - No 11 ( 1991). Published by the British Comparative Literature Association.
PAQ11803: - Anais de la Biblioteca Nacional. (a bibliographical journal), Vol 90, 1970.
PAQ8459: - Negro Crisis (=Encounter, No 119, Aug 1963)
PAQ11802: - Anais de la Biblioteca Nacional. (a bibliographical journal), Vol 88, 1968.
PAQ88692: - Zeitschrift für Untersuchung der Nahrungs und Genussmittel, sowie der Gebrauchsgegenstände. Vol 38, 1919.
PAQ8654: - Le Chomage de la Jeunesse. Memoir du Comité d'Entente des Grandes Associations Internationales.
PAQ56475: - The Soviet Union after 35 Years. (= The Twentieth Century, Vol 152 No 909, Nov 1952)
PAQ139967: - Museum fur Kunst der Zeit Brinkoveanus Mogosoaia.
PAQ7943: - Swedish Archaeological Bibliography. 1939 - 1975.
PAQ143335: - Souvenir de las Palmas.
PAQ149459: - Eighteenth Century Literature: An Oxford Miscellany.
PAQ125446: - Maggie: Birthday and Memorandum Book with a History of the Name.
PAQ116419: - Dutch Pictures 1450-1750. Volume 1.
PAQ149425: - The Hierarchy of the St Thomas Christians in Malabar under his Holiness the Pope.
PAQ31240: - Analogimaskiner. Konferenz den 22/23 Mai 1950. (= Forskarnas Kontaktorgan vid Ingeniösvetenskapsakademien)
PAQ42047: - Violence in Southern Africa: A Christian Assessment. Report of a Working Party Appointed by the Department of International Affairs, British Council of Churches and the Conference of British Missionary Societies.
PAQ42009: - The Script to Cursive Copy Book.
PAQ41786: - A History of English Furniture.
PAQ55520: - Ricordo di Roma.
PAQ55608: - Verzeichnis der lieferbaren Buecher des Verlages Georg Müller, 1924 - 1925.
PAQ10089: - US Catholic Historical Society. Historical Records and Studies. Vol 16.
PAQ115049: - Illustrations. National Gallery of Scotland.
PAQ133823: - Little Eversden. Account Book for Village Church.
PAQ13380: - Das Britische Weltreich.
PAQ45699: - International Bibliography of Historical Sciences, First Year 1926.
PAQ88693: - Zeitschrift für Untersuchung der Nahrungs und Genussmittel, sowie der Gebrauchsgegenstände. Vol 39, 1920.
PAQ149178: - The Orthodox Liturgy: Being the Divine Liturgy of S. John Chrysostom and S. Basil the Great according to the Use of the Church of Russia.
PAQ79162: - The Rape of Europa by Jupiter; Acis and Galatea by Motteux & Eccles. Ed. Lucyle Hook.
PAQ16058: - The Connoisseur. An Illustrated Magazine for Collectors. Vol 13 (1905) and Vol 14 (1906).
PAQ49071: - The Avon Domestic Economy, Standard 4. (Class Subject)
PAQ47876: - Hulton's Girls' Stories: The Best Annual for Girls.
PAQ48035: - Contemporary Theatre. (Stratford-upon-Avon Studies, 4)
PAQ49027: - Modern English Masters.
PAQ59486: - Interim Report of the Committee on House of Commons Personnel and Politics 1264 - 1832.
PAQ115048: - Manuscripts and Autograph Letters from the 12th to the 20th Century and Two Oil Paintings. Catalogue Number 200.
PAQ84028: - Wynham Lewis in Canada. Special Issue (No 35) of Canadian Literature.
PAQ63860: - Fifty Years with the Cambridge University Press 1882 - 1932.
PAQ41770: - Dew Yew Keep a'Troshin! Old Barney's Broadcasts. Vol 1. Ed. Keith Skipper, Illus Chad.
PAQ115043: - Toy Soldiers and Figures. Auction Catalogue.
PAQ115044: - All World Stamps and Postal History. Auction Catalogue.
PAQ115045: - All World Stamps and Postal History. Auction Catalogue.
PAQ84026: - Jugoslawien, Albanien etc. Colour Map, and Jugoslavien 2 (Landschaften), recto and verso, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ128708: - Transactions of the Congress of American Physicians and Surgeons. Sixth Triennal Session, Held at Washington, D.C.
PAQ144163: - Plywood Constuction Manual. Third Edition.
PAQ139943: - A Catedral de Evora. Arte e Historia. Guia Para o Visitante (Resumo em Lingua Francesa)
PAQ153853: - Cameo Bedside Biographies. Cameo A Bedside Book. Vol 1. ( No 1, No 2, No 3)
PAQ153910: - Rivingtons' Single Term Greek Readers. Second Term. Book 3.
PAQ115042: - Staffordshire Figures. Auction Catalogue.
PAQ84024: - Obst, colour plate with black and white plate on back, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ84025: - Notgeldscheine, 2 b/w plates, recto and verso, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ129123: - Tithe Act 1925: Fourth Report by the Tithe Committee of the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty on the Collection and Administration of the Ecclesiastical Tithe of England, being Report for the year 1931.
PAQ47839: - The Child's Companion. 99th Annual Volume: Interesting Stories, Instructive Articles.
PAQ57463: - Tissue Culture Studies in Japan. The Annual Bibliography, 1979 - 80.
PAQ139932: - Minnesänger (Postkartenserie Nr. 60)
PAQ59481: - Chronological Table and Index of the Statutes, Sixth Edition, to the End of the Session 42 & 43 Vict. (1879).
PAQ84022: - Preussen, dictionary entry, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ138302: - University Intercommunication: The Nine Universities Research Project: A Final Report by the Research Unit of the National Extension College presented to The Inter-University Working Party on 4 August 1966.
PAQ131057: - Metrigrams.
PAQ145130: - Mahanidana Suttanta. Sammaditthi Sutta. (Early Buddhist Text No 3)
PAQ131926: - The State of Trade, Winter 1948.
PAQ143284: - From Russia With Laughter. Cartoons.
PAQ143313: - Everybody's Pocket Lawyer.
PAQ115041: - Staffordshire Figures. Auction Catalogue.
PAQ88150: - Northern Universities Matriculation and School Certificate Papers in Mathematics. With Answers. Tenth Issue, 1931 - 1935.
PAQ122197: - Treasures of Oxford: Exhibition Catalogue.
PAQ122203: - Coronation Year. Treasures of Oxford. Illustrations.
PAQ27834: - St Martin's Church Canterbury.
PAQ59446: - Revue universelle des mines, de la métallurgie, des travaux publics, des sciences et des arts appliqués à l'industrie. Vol 58 (5th Series), 1914.
PAQ130944: - Thoughts and Prayers for Young Communicants.
PAQ63382: - Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. Consolidated Revisions to the Second Edition.
PAQ14901: - Review of five titles on Warming, Ventilating, Domestic Architecture in Quarterly Review 1854, No 191, Vol 96.
PAQ47321: - Cambridge University Coxswains' Society, 1953 - 1955.
PAQ47331: - The Air Almanac 1955: January - April.
PAQ87304: - The Autonomy of the Women's Movement.
PAQ84021: - Postwertzeichen, colour plate with see-through text explaining each, recto and verso, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ145030: - Final Documents. Seventh Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries. New Delhi, March 1983.
PAQ45698: - The Soviet Union in Europe and the Near East: Her Capabilities and Intentions. A Report of a Seminar Sponsored Jointly by Southampton University and the Royal United Service Institution and Held at Milford-on-Sea Between 23rd & 25th March 1970.
PAQ84020: - Luftfahrt, 2 b/w plates, recto and verso, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ10009: - Tercer Congreso Indigenista Interamericano, La Paz, 1954. Acta Final.
PAQ47316: - Cambridge University South African Association.
PAQ47318: - Cambridge Forward, Organ of the University Labour Club, Vol 1 No 2, New Series, January 1954.
PAQ63303: - Service of the Synagogue. A New Edition of the Festival Prayers with an English Translation in Prose and Verse: Pentecost.
PAQ47265: - Die Schrift im schönen Buch: Überreicht anlässlich der Frankfurter Buchmesse 1949 in der Paulskirche.
PAQ63061: - The Journal, No 21, Report for 1965. (Birkenhead School Natural History Society and Field Club).
PAQ115038: - Postcards, Cigarette Cards and Trade Cards of the World. Auction Catalogue.
PAQ115040: - The Boxted Library. Auction Catalogue.
PAQ30674: - Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina 1652 - 1977. (Acta Historica Leopoldina, Supplementum 1)
PAQ88454: - The Turkish Constitution.
PAQ9798: - Preussen. Versuch einer Bilanz. Ausstellung Berlin 1981.
PAQ92055: - Annuaire de l'enseignement libre pour 1887. 12ieme Annee.
PAQ91803: - International Health Exhibition, London 1884. The Health Exhibition Literature. Vol 13: Conference on Education. Opening Meeting and Introductory Address. Section A: Organisation of Elementary Education.
PAQ119887: - The Tip-Top Puzzle Book.
PAQ47069: - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, held in London on sept 9 - 13, 1963.
PAQ154806: - Ex-Libris Medicorum.
PAQ54418: - Der Oberländer Prozess. Gekürztes Protokoll der Verhandlung vor dem Obersten Gericht der DDR vom 20 - 27 und 29. April 1960. Herausgegeben vom Ausschuss für Deutsche Einheit.
PAQ55437: - The People's Education. ULF [University Labour Federation] Pamphlet, No 11.
PAQ84019: - Weltkrieg (Übersicht), 20p text in small type, include colour map plate, recto and verso, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ115027: - Printed Books, Atlases and Maps and the Nancy Mortimer Collection of Coloured Sheet Music 1830-1970. Auction Catalogue.
PAQ84018: - Strassenbahnen, 2 b/w plates, recto and verso, removed from Brockhaus Handbuch des Wissens 1922.
PAQ115998: - Readings in Human Performance.
PAQ125206: - British Jewry in Battle and Blitz.
PAQ129812: - User Manual for Dr. Pascal. Version 2.
PAQ129819: - English Popular Ballads.
PAQ131902: - Britain's Trade in the Post-War World.
PAQ139838: - Annuaire des Traditions Populaires. Deuxieme Annee.
PAQ46954: - Timethrift; or All Hours turned to Good Account, Vol 1 No 1.
PAQ115218: - Social Security.
PAQ115219: - Potted Landscapes.
PAQ46643: - Vendée: Aspect géographique, historique, touristique, économique et administrative du département.
PAQ133771: - Sammlung aus den besten prosaischen und poetischen Schriften zur Uebung im emphatischen Lesen und Deklamiren nebst einem Anhange von geschäftlichen Aufsätzen zum Gebrauche in Schulen.
PAQ91343: - The Practitioner. Special Number on Chemotherapy.
PAQ9597: - African World and Cape Cairo Express.
PAQ96215: - Was Feiert der Deutsche? Altstadtfest.
PAQ96498: - De Wereldraad van Kerken in New Delhi.
PAQ96601: - A Treatise on Mensuration for the Use of Schools. (Irish National School Books)
PAQ96876: - Zachodnia Agencja Prasowa; Western Press Agency. Information Bulletin 1, January 1965.
PAQ93247: - Lotta Feminista e Lotta di Classe. Piattaforma e Documenti Proposti al Congresso Nazionale del Movimento per la Liberazione ella Donna, Milano 1975.
PAQ9346: - Corsi Estivi per Stranieri (Istituto Interuniversitario Italiano).
PAQ9356: - El Seguro Social Espanol.
PAQ90631: - A Debreceni Déri Múzeum Evkönyve - Annales Musei Debreceniensis de Friderico Déri nominati. 1982.
PAQ90648: - A Debreceni Déri Múzeum Evkönyve - Annales Musei Debreceniensis de Friderico Déri nominati. 1980.
PAQ131027: A L O E - My Neighbour's Shoes: Or Feeling For Others.
PAQ60079: ABBOTT, EDWIN - Light on the Gospel from an Ancient Poet.
PAQ130395: ABBOTT, EVELYN - A History of Greece. Complete in 3 Volumes. Part 1: From the Earliest Times to the Ionian Revolt, Part 2: From the Ionian Revolt to the Thirty Years' Peace, Part 3: From the Thirty Years' Peace to the Fall of the Thirty at Athens, 445-403 B.C.
PAQ148340: ABDALLAH, MOHAMMED BEN - Ananse and the Golden Drum. A Play for Children.
PAQ135295: ABRAHAM, PIERRE - Balzac. Recherches sur la Création Intellectuelle. (French)
PAQ139238: ABTEILUNG FÜR KRIEGSGESCHICHTE - Des grossen Kurfürsten Afrikanische Kolonien. Verfasst vom Grossen Generalstabe Abteilung für Kriegsgeschichte. Mit Zwei Kartchen und einer Skizze.
PAQ92521: ACKROYD, PETER - Continuity: A Contribution to the Study of the Old Testament Religious Tradition. Inaugural Lecture.
PAQ104400: ACTES DU COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL - Sources Archéologiques de la Civilisation Européenne.
PAQ153313: ADAM, JAMES [ED]; PLATO - The Republic of Plato Edited with Critical Notes and an Introduction on the text by James Adam. Stereotyped Edition.
PAQ88704: ADAMS, RICHARD - Stories of Adolescence.
PAQ149498: ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY - Shakespearean Playhouses. A History of English Theatres from the Beginnings to the Restoration.
PAQ110885: ADOLFS, GERRIT [ILLUSTR] - Bali and Java.
PAQ161461: ADRIAANSE, PIETER - Confiscation in Private International Law.
PAQ141643: ADULT EDUCATION COMMITTEE - Adult Education Committeee (Board of Education) Papers 1 - 11 (1922 - 1933). The Development of Adult Education for Women … British Music … Drama in Adult Education …etc.
PAQ84662: ADY, P H ; COURCIER, MICHEL - Systems of National Accounts in Africa.
PAQ144649: AEBISCHER, PAUL - Etudes sur Otinel. De la chanson de geste à la saga Norroise et aux origines de la légende.
PAQ57447: AGAR, W E - Cytology. With Special Reference to the Metazoan Nucleus.
PAQ69560: AGGER, L T - Principles of Electronics.
PAQ163464: AGOSTA, WILLIAM - Thieves Deceivers and Killers. Tales of Chemistry in Nature.
PAQ31186: AGUIRRE, J M [ED] - Antologia de la Poesia Española Contemporanea. 2nd ed.
PAQ107912: AIRY, GEORGE - On the Undulatory Theory of Optics: Designed for the Use of Students in the University.
PAQ87046: ALBERMAN, EVA ; DENNIS, K J - Late Abortions in England and Wales. Report of a National Confidential Study.
PAQ129880: ALBRECHT, DIETER - Regensburg--Stadt der Reichstage: Vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit.
PAQ143227: ALDERTON, DAVID ; BOOKER, JOHN - Industrial Archaeology of East Anglia.
PAQ159041: ALEXANDER, W F - Cloisonné Extraordinaire.
PAQ107552: ALEXITS, G - Convergence Problems of Orthogonal Series.
PAQ49087: ALLBUTT, THOMAS CLIFFORD ; ROLLESTON, HUMPHRY [EDS] - A System of Medicine by many Writers, Vol 1 only. Second Edition.
PAQ120055: ALLBUTT, THOMAS CLIFFORD - Notes on the Composition of Scientific Papers. Third Edition.
PAQ89341: ALLOTT, STEPHEN - Three Plays from Plautus adapted by Stephen Allott.
PAQ60831: ALPINE CLUB - The Alpine Journal: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation. Vol 54, No 275, November 1947.
PAQ163462: ALTIERI, CHARLES - Self and Sensibility in Contemporary American Poetry.
PAQ110974: AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION - Surveys of Economic Theory: Resource Allocation. Volume 3.
PAQ15998: AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY - Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, 1950.
PAQ85666: AMIS, KINGSLEY [ED] - Harold's Years. Impressions from the New Statesman and the Spectator.
PAQ87019: [AMUR ET FAMILLE] - Amur et Famille 87 Septembre - Octobre 1974: 30 Ans D'Experience: L'Avortement Dans le Monde. Une Evolution Regressive!
PAQ124872: ANDERSON, P J - Record of the Celebration of the Quatercentenary of the University of Aberdeen. From 25th to 28th September, 1906.
PAQ160879: ANDERSON, JAMES - The Rise of the Modern State.
PAQ67645: ANDESCH, ALFRED - Geister und Leute.
PAQ122113: ANFINSEN, CHRISTIAN - The Molecular Basis of Evolution.
PAQ101747: ANFINSEN, CHRISTIAN - Characterization of Staphylococcal Nuclears and the Status of Studies on its Chemical Synthesis.
PAQ133780: ANGLICAN CHURCH [ED] - Church Commissioners for England 1960 Twelfth Annual Report of the Board of Governers and Accounts for the year to 31st March 1960.
PAQ149121: ANWYL, EDWARD - Celtic Religion in Pre-Christian Times.
PAQ128450: APPLETON, A B ; HAMILTON, W J - Surface and Radiological Anatomy for Students and General Practitioners.
PAQ157853: ARGUEDAS, JOSÉ MARÍA - Relatos Completos. Introduccion Mario Vargas Llosa.
PAQ64947: ARIETI, SILVANO - Schizophrenie: Ursachen, Verlauf,Therapie. Hilfen für Betroffene. Vorwort von Asmus Finzen.
PAQ139622: ARISTOTLE ; BYWATER, I [ED] - Aristotle on the Art of Poetry. A Revised Text with Critical Introduction, Translation and Commentary.
PAQ53379: ARMAJANI, YAHYA - Middle East: Past and Present.
PAQ145970: ARNOLD, THOMAS - The First Greek Book, on the plan of Henry's First Latin Book by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A. Fouth Edition.
PAQ125241: ARNOLD, HEINZ LUDWIG # - Eckhard Henscheid.
PAQ107779: ARONOFSKY, JULIUS [ED] - Progress in Operations Research. Volume 3: Relationship Between Operations Research and the Computer.
PAQ149910: ARTS COUNCIL - Paper as Image.
PAQ86458: ASCOLI, GIULIETTA ; CAMBRIA, ADELE - La Parola Elettorale. Viaggio nell'universo politico elettorale.
PAQ49639: ASHBY, ERIC - Community of Universities: An Informal Portrait of the Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth 1913 - 1963.
PAQ84099: ATKINS, S H - A Select Check - List of Printed Material On Education. Published in English to 1800.
PAQ30619: ATWOOD, E B - A Survey of Verb Forms in the Eastern United States.
PAQ41169: AUGIER, ÉMILE - Le Gendre de Monsieur Poirier. Comédie en quatre actes, en prose.
PAQ38975: AUGSTEIN, RUDOLF - Meinungen zu Deutschland.
PAQ157175: AYLES, H H B - A Critical Commentary on Genesis II, 2 - III, 25.
PAQ111885: AZZALINI, A ; PARPINEL, F [EDS] - Atti del convegno in onore di Oliviero Lessi, Padova, 25 - 26 marzo 1996.
PAQ71276: BACK, E - Zur Kenntnis des Zeemaneffekts.
PAQ73254: BACKLUND, HELGE ; MALMQVIST, D - Zur Geologie und Petrographie der Nordostgrönländischen Basaltformation. Teil 1: Die Basische Reihe.
PAQ128111: BACQ, ZENON-MARCEL ; ALEXANDER, PETER - Fundamentals of Radiobiology.
PAQ91590: BADISCHES STATISTISCHES LANDESAMT - Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Land Baden. Hrsg. vom Badischen Statistischen Landesamt. Vol 43.
PAQ132273: BAEDEKER, KARL - Baedeker: The Rhine, Including the Black Forest and thew Vosges. Handbook for Travellers. 17th Edition.
PAQ8006: BAEDEKER, KARL - Baedeker Switzerland and the Adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy, and Tyrol. Handbook for Travellers. 24th Edition.
PAQ98792: BAEZ PORTILLA, LUISA RAQUEL - Fecha del Descubrimento de Esmeraldas. 25 Julio de 1525.
PAQ137495: BAILLOUD, GERARD ; BURNEZ, CLAUDE [EDS] - La grotte sépulcrale d'Artenac à Saint-Mary (Charente): révision du gisement éponyme.
PAQ147856: BAIN, JOHN - The Developments of Roman Catholicism.
PAQ112164: BAIN, GEORGE - Celtic Art. The Methods of Construction. Book 3: Spirals. Minibook Edition.
PAQ133434: BAKER, J S - Prince Metric Timber Ready Reckoner.
PAQ95614: BAKER, H F - Principles of Geometry. Vol 2: Plane Geometry: Conics, Circles, Non-Euclidian Geometry. Second Edition.
PAQ69607: BALE, DAVID - Computer Science.
PAQ121440: BALL, WILLIAM - Lincoln's Inn: It's History and Traditions.
PAQ56968: BALL, W W ROUSE - Cambridge Papers.
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