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PAQ163709: BRUNTON, DEBORAH [ED] - Health, Disease and Society in Europe 1800-1930. A Source Book.
PAQ163708: BRUNTON, DEBORAH [ED] - Medicine Transformed. Health, Disease and Society in Europe 1800-1930.
PAQ112147: BUCHAN, JOHN - The Path of the King.
PAQ128613: BÜCHER, THEODOR ; SIES, HELMUT - Inhibitors Tools in Cell Research.
PAQ121646: BUCKERIDGE - Jennings Goes to School.
PAQ86947: BUDD, ALAN ; MINFORD, PATRICK ET AL - The 1982 Budget.
PAQ120349: BUDDE, K - The Books of Samuel. In Hebrew.
PAQ108339: BUDIN, M - Statistical Measurements for Economics and Administration.
PAQ64154: BULGANIN, N A - Directives of the Sixth 5 Year Plan of the USSR 1956-1960.
PAQ80762: BULL, DAVID [ED] - Family Poverty. Programme for the Seventies. Foreword by Peter Townsend.
PAQ119249: BURGE SMITH, F I - The White House on the Hill. How Much an Apple was Worth.
PAQ76763: BURKE, EDMUND - Selected Prose of Edmund Burke. Edited and Introduced by Sir Philip Magnus.
PAQ136815: BURKHARDT, FREDERICK [ED]; SMITH, SYDNEY [ED] - A Calendar of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, 1821 - 1882.
PAQ114841: BURKITT, M C - The Old Stone Age: A Study of Palaeolithic Times. First Edition.
PAQ95894: BÜRKNER, RICHARD - Herder. Sein Leben und Wirken.
PAQ100423: BURNS, W HAYWOOD - The Voices of Negro Protest in America.
PAQ125140: BUSHELL, W D - Hobson's Conduit: The New River At Cambridge Commonly Called Hobson's River.
PAQ18391: BUTLER, J A V - The Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics. Part 1: Elementary Theory and Applications.
PAQ113120: BUTLER, SAMUEL ; HOMER - The Authoress of the Odyssey. Where and When She Wrote, Who she was, the Use She Made of the Iliad, and How the Poem Grew under Her Hands.
PAQ146023: BUTLER, J A V ; NOBLE, D - Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology: Vol 19 Part 1: Molecular Biology.
PAQ138523: BUTLER, H E [ED]; SALLUST - The Jugurthine War. Partly in the Original and Partly in Translation.
PAQ162547: BUTT, JOHN ; BENJAMIN, CARMEN - A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish. Second Edition.
PAQ17657: BUTTERFIELD, HERBERT - The Origins of Modern Science, 1300 - 1800.
PAQ89314: CACIOPPO, JOHN ; TASSINARY, LOUIS - Principles of Psychophysiology: Physical, Social and Inferential Elements.
PAQ154146: CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY - Summer Class Schedule, 1974.
PAQ100457: CALLENDER, GUY - Selections from The Economic History of the United States 1765-1860. With Introductory Essays.
PAQ79104: CAMOES, LUIS DE - Os Lusiadas, Poema do Grande Luis de Camopes, Secundo o Legitimo Texto. 2 Vols.
PAQ128610: CAMPBELL, P N [ED] - A Symposium on the Interaction of Drugs and Subcellular Components in Animal Cells.
PAQ83446: CAPDEQUI, J M - El Estado Espanol en Las Indias.
PAQ140726: CAPES, W W [ED]; TITUS LIVIUS - Livy Books 21 and 22. Hannibal's First Campaign in Italy.
PAQ132414: CAPPER, LEONARD ; CASSIE, W FISHER - The Mechanics of Engineering and Soils.
PAQ117962: CAPPS, E - The Apostolic Fathers in two Volumes, Vol 2: The Shepherd of Hermas, The Martyrdom of Polycarp, The Epistle to Diognetus. With an English Translation by Kirsopp Lake.
PAQ117953: CAPPS, E [ED] - Achilles Tatius. With an English Translation by S. Gaselee.
PAQ122176: CARDUCCI, GIOSUE - Archeologia Poetica.
PAQ159783: CAREY, G V - The War List of the University of Cambridge 1914 - 1918.
PAQ157648: CARMEN, RAFF - Autonomous Development - Humanising the Landscape: An Excursion into Radical Thinking & Practice.
PAQ122018: CARMICHAEL, KAY - Ceremony of Innocence: Tears, Power and Protest.
PAQ87126: CARNAGHAN, ROBERT ; BRACEWELL-MILNES, BARRY - Testing the Market. Competitive Tendering for Government Services in Britain and Abroad.
PAQ109406: CARNWATH, TOM - Behavioural Psychotherapy in Primary Care: A Practice Manual.
PAQ152244: CARPENTER, R H S - Neurophysiology.
PAQ57824: CARR, CECIL - George James Turner, 1867 - 1946. (From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol 40)
PAQ117525: CARRICK, J D [ED] - The Laird of Logan. Anecdotes and Tales illustrative of the Wit and Humour of Scotland.
PAQ116347: CARROLL, JAMES ET AL - On Secularism and Religion. (= Daedalus. Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Summer 2003)
PAQ106041: CARSTENS, TORKILD ; MCCLIMANS, THOMAS - Stratified Flows. Second International IAHR Symposium, Trondheim June 1980.
PAQ144782: CARTAN, HENRI - Séminaire Henri Cartan. 10eme année, 1957 - 1958. Fonctions Automorphes. Volume 2 only.
PAQ131481: CARTAN, HENRI - Séminaire Henri Cartan. 11eme année, 1958-1959. Invariant de Hopf et Operations Cohomologiques Secondaires. Second Edition. Part 1 and 2.
PAQ131491: CARTAN, HENRI - Séminaire Henri Cartan. 1e année, 1948 - 1949. Topologie Algébraique. 2nd Edition.
PAQ157476: CARTER, JAMES - Inventing Vietnam: The United States and State Building, 1954-1968.
PAQ131131: CASAS, M B - Cinco Mujeres y un Loco.
PAQ111255: CASE, JOHN - Strength of Materials and Structures.
PAQ118553: CASSELL - Cassell's Encyclopaedia of General Information. Special Edition.
PAQ156812: CASSIRER, HEINZ - A Commentary on Kant's Critique of Judgement.
PAQ9791: CASSOU, JEAN ET AL - Kunst ist Revolution, oder: Der Künstler in der Konsumgesellschaft.
PAQ145618: CATO, MARCUS PORCIUS ; KEIL, HENRY [ED]; VARRO, TERENTIUS - M. Porci Catonis de Agri Cultura liber M. Terenti Varronis. Rerum Rusticarum Libri Tres Vol 1 and Vol 2 fasc. 1 Commentaris in Catonis de Agri Cultura Librum.
PAQ25114: CAUNT, G W - An Introduction to the Infinitesimal Calculus, with Applications to Mathematics and Physics. Corrected ed.
PAQ126956: CAVE, C J P - Clouds and Weather Phenomena.
PAQ134161: CAVENDISH, HENRY - Experiments on Air.
PAQ15248: CEDERBERG, ANN - Stil och Strategi i Riksdagsretoriken. En undersökning av debattsprakets utveckling i den svenska tvakammarriksdagen, 1867 - 1970.
PAQ87009: [CENTRAL BOARD OF FINANCE OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND] - Human Fertilisation and Embryology, The Response of the Board for Social Responsibility of the General Synod of the Church of England to the DHSS. Report of the Committee of Inquiry.
PAQ51193: CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION - The Disarmement Question 1945 - 1954.
PAQ136160: CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION - Britain 1981: An Official Handbook.
PAQ161533: CHADWICK, J W - Ballina: Local Study in Regional Economic Development.
PAQ112909: CHADWICK, NORA - The Druid. First Edition.
PAQ159280: CHAGAS, CARLOS ; LINDEN, RAFAEL - Working Group on: Developmental Neurobiology of Mammals: [Vatican City] June 3 - 7, 1985.
PAQ140467: CHALONER, W H - Vulcan. The History of One Hundred Years of Engineering and Insurance 1859 - 1959. Signed copy.
PAQ18627: [CHAMBERS, ROBERT] - Chambers's Miscellany. Instructive and Entertaining. Tracts 129 - 144. New and Revised Ed.
PAQ134174: CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER - Economic Survey for 1948 (Cmd. 7344), 1949 (Cmd. 7647), 1950 (Cmd. 7915), 1951 (Cmd. 8195)
PAQ141947: CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER - Statistical Material Presented during the Washington Negotiations.
PAQ156507: CHAPMAN, GARY - Hope for the Separated.
PAQ150471: CHAPMAN, A R O - Functional Diversity of Plants in the Sea and on Land.
PAQ57160: CHARLES JONES, BEN - Allegories Discourses Dissertations Disquisitions Episodes Legends Parables Problems & Proverbs On Fact and Fiction Past and Present and The World
PAQ15484: CHARNIAK, EUGENE ; MCDERMOTT, DREW - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.
PAQ130794: CHATZIDAKIS, MANOLIS - Das Byzantinisches Athen.
PAQ94314: CHÁVEZ ALVAREZ, FABIO ; HILDEGARD VON BINGEN - Die brennende Vernunft. Studien zur Semantik der rationalitas bei Hildegard von Bingen.
PAQ161936: CHEW, HELENA - The English Ecclesiastical Tenants-in-Chief and Knight Service: Especially in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries.
PAQ119818: CHEW, V K - Physics for Princes: The George III Collection.
PAQ120346: CHEYNE, T K - The Book of Isaiah. In Hebrew.
PAQ101: CHIRNSIDE, R C ; HAMENCE, J - The Practising Chemist. A History of the Society for Analytical Chemistry, 1874 - 1974.
PAQ39199: CHRISTIANSEN, WERNER - Kleiner kommunistischer Zitatenschatz.
PAQ147364: CHRISTOPHORY, JUL [FOREWORD] - Quatrième Forum International de Reliure d'Art.
PAQ163384: CHURCHILL, ROSEMARY - The King's Daughter.
PAQ113884: CHURCHILL, WINSTON - Proceedings of the Presentation of the Williamsburg Award to Sir Winston S. Churchill At Drapers' Hall, London, December 7, 1955.
PAQ162473: CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS - Cicéron. Correspondance. Ed. L A Constans.
PAQ87290: CLARK, COLIN [ED]; STUVEL, GEER - Income and Wealth. Series 10: Income Redistribution and the Statistical Foundations of Economic Policy.
PAQ143699: CLARK, R J [FOREWORD] - United Kingdom Banking and Monetary System 1964.
PAQ145754: CLARK, FELICIA - Hester of Pepper Tree Ranch.
PAQ27288: CLARK, R B ; PANCHEN, A L - Synopsis of Animal Classification.
PAQ66930: CLARK, R B ; PANCHEN, A L - Synopsis of Animal Classification.
PAQ149456: CLARK, COLIN ; GREENFIELDS, MARGARET - Here to Stay. The Gypsies and Travellers of Britain.
PAQ129897: CLARKE, MOLLIE - Number Play: Book Three.
PAQ92516: CLARKE, EDITH [PRINCIPAL] - Prospectus (1) of the National Training School of Cookery and other Branches of Domestic Economy. Rules and Syllabuses for Teachers. January 1914.
PAQ123281: CLARKE, HENRY - The Fairclough Family.
PAQ75599: CLAUDEL, PAUL - Cinq grandes odes, La cantate à trois voix.
PAQ67551: CLAUDEL, PAUL - L'Otage.
PAQ150910: CLEGG, WILLIAM ET AL; KALMAN, ARNOLD [EDS] - Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce. Vols 1-18 1972-1992.
PAQ112907: CLOCHE, PAUL - Histoire de la Macédoine jusqu' à L'avènement d'Alexandre le Grand, 336 avant J.-C.
PAQ14716: CLOWES, G S - Sailing Ships. Their History and Development as Illustrated by the Collection of Ship Models in the Science Museum. Part 1: Historical Notes.
PAQ104083: CLUNN, HAROLD - The Face of the Home Counties.
PAQ141909: CO-OPERATIVE MOVEMENT - The Co-operative Movement in a Collectivist Economy. Statement of Policy.
PAQ154858: COCHRAN, ROBERT ; [BECKETT, SAMUEL] - Samuel Beckett. A Study of the Short Fiction.
PAQ158245: COCKBURN, ALEXANDER - A Short, Meat-Orineted History of the World. From Eden to Mattole. Essay in New Left Review No 215.
PAQ138654: COCKLE, ERNEST ; PHIPSON, SIDNEY - Cases and Statutes on the Law of Evidence. With Notes, Explanatory and Connective Presenting a Systematic View of the Whole Subject. Fourth Edition.
PAQ157566: COHEN, GARY ; SZABO, FRANZ - Embodiments of Power: Building Baroque Cities in Europe.
PAQ162511: COHEN, JONATHAN - The Implications of Induction.
PAQ100022: COHEN, YOUSSEF - The Manipulation of Consent. The State and Working-Class Consciousness in Brazil.
PAQ151761: COLDSTREAM, JOHN - The University System of Germany.
PAQ101714: COLEMAN, G S ; FLOOD, G M - Civil Engineering Specifications and Quantities. Second Edition.
PAQ164084: COLLET, L - The Structure of the Alps.
PAQ108614: COLLETT, ANTHONY - The Heart of a Bird.
PAQ79327: COLLIER, J G - Conflict of Laws. Second Edition.
PAQ132568: COLLINS, RICHARD - Media, Culture and Society: A Critical Reader.
PAQ112092: COLMAN, E M - An Edgbaston Book of Poetry.
PAQ104558: COLNAGHI - Prospects of Town and Park.
PAQ71078: COMBINED FOOD BOARD - Food Consumption Levels in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Third Report of a Special Joint Committee Set Up by the Combined Food Board.
PAQ123085: COMMISSION ON DRUG SAFETY - Report of the Commision on Drug Safety.
PAQ115534: COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRY AND TRADE - Factors in Industrial Commercial Efficiency. Being Part 1 of a Survey of Industries with an Introduction by the Committee.
PAQ112142: CONAN DOYLE, ARTHUR - Uncle Bernac.
PAQ164548: CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH IN INCOME AND WEALTH - The Flow of Funds Approach to Social Accounting. Appraisals, Analysis and Applications.
PAQ164539: CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH IN INCOME AND WEALTH - Models of Income Determination. Studies in Income and Wealth. Volume 28.
PAQ129662: CONRAN, MARCELL - A Chaplet of Prayer. Sanctioned by the Bishops of London and Oxford. 3rd Ed.
PAQ136649: COOK, MICHAEL - Archives Administration. A Manual for Intermediate and Smaller Organizations and for Local Government.
PAQ144003: COOKE, DOUGLAS [ED] - Youth Organisations of Great Britain. 2nd Issue.
PAQ161521: COOKE, A J D - A Guide to Laboratory Law.
PAQ158880: COOKE, GREVILLE - Thus Saith the Lord. Some Helpful Passages from the English Bible, Selected and Arranged Relevantly to Differeing Circumstances and Personal Problems.
PAQ123366: COOKE, MARJORIE B - The Dual Alliance and Titania.
PAQ156496: COOPER, ANNE - Le Peuple du Coran.
PAQ159633: COOPER, DAVID - Human Gene Evolution.
PAQ120342: CORNILL, C H - The Book of Jeremiah. In Hebrew.
PAQ61772: COSTECALDE, CLAUDE-BERNARD [ED] - Dorling Kindersley Illustrated Family Bible: Based on Original Texts.
PAQ35725: COSTIN, W C ; WATSON, J S - The Law and Working of the Constitution: Documents 1660 - 1914. Vol 1: 1660 - 1783. [only].
PAQ144928: COULAND, JACQUES - L'éveil du monde arabe.
PAQ70826: COULTON, G G - The Meaning of Medieval Moneys.
PAQ131568: COWLING, G H - The Dialect of Hackness (North East Yorkshire)
PAQ141633: COWPER, WILLIAM ; PHILLIPS, WATTS [ILLUSTR] - The Diverting History of John Gilpin, Shewing How he Went Farther than he Intended, and Came Safe Home Again. With Six Illustrations by Watts Phillips.
PAQ144123: COXE, L O ; [BEDDOES, THOMAS] - Beddoes: The Mask of Parody.
PAQ113128: CRAFER, T W [ED] - The Epistle of Barnabas.
PAQ113127: CRAFTER, T W [ED] - The Epistles of St. Ignatius.
PAQ110199: CRAIG, R F - Soil Mechanics. Third Edition.
PAQ124605: CRAIK, MRS - John Dietrich and other Stories from The Fairy Book.
PAQ158772: CRARY, JONATHAN - Techniques of the Observer. On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century.
PAQ64694: CROKER, B M - A Rolling Stone.
PAQ161977: CRONIN, J B ; GRIME, ROBERT - Labour Law.
PAQ64618: CROSSMAN, R H S - Socialist Values in a Changing Civilisation. Fifth in the Series of Fabian Autumn Lectures, 1950. Whither Socialism? - Values in a Changing Civilisation.
PAQ142086: CROWTHER, GEOFFREY - Ways and Means. A Study of the Economic Structure of Great Britain To-day.
PAQ161763: CROWTHER, J G - An Outline of the Universe.
PAQ101669: CRUSIUS, OTTO [ED]; HERONDAS - Herondae Mimiambi. Accedunt Phoenicis Coronistae Mattii Mimiamborum Fragmenta. Edidit Otto Crusius.
PAQ163757: CUETO, MARCUS - The Return of Epidemics - Health and Society in Peru during the Twentieth Century.
PAQ108502: CUNNINGHAM, ANDREW ; FRENCH, ROGER - The Medical Enlightenment of the Eighteenth Century.
PAQ157203: CURETON, WILLIAM - Vindiciae Ignatianae; Or the genuine writings of St. Ignatius, as exhibited in the antient Syriac version, Vindicated from the Charge of Heresy.
PAQ65088: CURTIS, MICHAEL - The Press.
PAQ93207: CURZI, CANDIDA ; DE MARIA, BIMBA - Scrivere contro. Esperienze riflessioni e analisi delle giornaliste presentate al convegno Donna e Informazione - 1977.
PAQ31842: CUST, LIONEL [ED] - The National Portrait Gallery. Vol 2.
PAQ89516: CUSTANCE, ARTHUR - Flood Traditions of the World . Doorway Papers No 18.
PAQ89526: CUSTANCE, ARTHUR - The Meaning of Sweat as Part of the Curse. Doorway Papers No 50.
PAQ89529: CUSTANCE, ARTHUR - Medieval Synthesis, Modern Fragmentation, Part 1 & 2. Doorway Papers No 12.
PAQ158878: CUTHBERT, FATHER - A Tuscan Penitent: The Life and Legend of St. Margaret of Cortona.
PAQ138177: DAHL, W S - Woodflour.
PAQ130831: DAHL, ROALD - Switch Bitch. First Edition. Signed.
PAQ63431: DAHL, ÖSTEN [ED] - Logic, Pragmatics and Grammar.
PAQ154582: DAILEADER, PHILIP ; WHALEN, PHILIP [EDS] - French Historians 1900 - 2000: New Historical Writing in Twentieth-century France.
PAQ109889: DALI, SALVADOR - Dali by Dali.
PAQ143593: DALTON, HUGH ET AL - Unbalanced Budgets: A Study of the Financial Crisis in Fifteen Countries.
PAQ126238: DANA, EDWARD - A Text Book of Mineralogy: with an Extended Treatise on Crystallography and Physical Mineralogy.
PAQ73417: DANBY, MARY [ED] - The Seventh Armada Ghost Book. Illustrated by Peter Archer.
PAQ121109: DANIELLI, J F ; BROWN, R - Nucleic Acid.
PAQ57366: DARBISHIRE, A D - An Introduction To A Biology And Other Papers.
PAQ145456: DARESTE, F R ; DARESTE, P - Les Constitutions Modernes: Receuil des Constitutions en Vigeur dans les divers Etats d'Europe d'Amerique et du Monde Civilise. Volumes 1 and 2.
PAQ152292: DARGYAY [ED] - Le Livre Tibetain des Morts. Bardo-Thödol.
PAQ51080: DARMESTETER, ARSÈNE - La Vie des Mots étudiée dans leurs Significations. 4ième Édition.
PAQ139700: DASENT, W E - Inorganic Energetics: An Introduction.
PAQ151563: DAUNT, J G - Electrons in Action.
PAQ94928: DAUVEN-VAN KNIPPENBERG, CARLA ; BIRKHAN, HELMUT [EDS] - Sô wold ich in Fröiden singen: Festgabe für Anthonius H. Touber.
PAQ152463: DAVALL GEARS - Davall Gears. The Power Transmission Engineers. Catalogue.
PAQ155422: DAVEY, KEITH - Our Arid Environment. Animals of Australia's Desert Regions.
PAQ116337: DAVIDOFF, LEONORE [ED] - Gender and History. Volume 2. Number 2. Summer 1990.
PAQ107783: DAVIES, ELEANOR - Nonlinear Differential Equations.
PAQ122214: DAVIES, GILBERT - The Electra of Sophocles. With a commentary abridged from the larger edition of Richard Jebb by G Davies.
PAQ134162: DAVY, HUMPHRY - The Decomposition of the Fixed Alkalies and Alkaline Earth.
PAQ154352: DAWKINS, RICHARD - The Ancestor's Tale. A Pilgramage to the Dawn of Life.
PAQ156500: DAWN, MARVA - Keeping the Sabbath Wholly. Ceasing, Resting, Embracing, Feasting.
PAQ57258: DAY, JOHN PATRICK - Inductive Probability.
PAQ61984: DAY, CHRISTINE ; BOWLER, JANE [PHOTOG] - Miss Massie is a Librarian.
PAQ86557: DE WAAL MALEFIJT, ANNEMARIE - Religion and Culture. An Introduction to Anthropology of Religion.
PAQ135296: DE GUERIN, MAURICE - Pages Choisies. Avec une Introduction de Dominique Secretan.
PAQ90535: DE LA MARE, WALTER ; CLARK, LEONARD - Walter De La Mare - A Bodley Head Monograph.
PAQ144870: DE CUSA, NICOLAS ; REY, ABEL [INTRODUCTION] - De la docte Ignorance.
PAQ159005: DE FREITAS, GEOFFREY - The Slighter Side of a Long Public Life.
PAQ144730: DE SAINT ROBERT, PHILIPPE - Le jeu de la France en Méditerranée.
PAQ17698: DE LA VALLÉE POUSSIN, CH J - Cours d'Analyse Infinitesimale. Cinquieme edition.
PAQ135306: DE KOCK, PAUL - Gustave ou le Mauvais Sujet. Suivi de une Soirée Bourgeoise, une Partie de Plaisir, un Bal Costumé, une Fête aux Environs de Paris, un Bal de Grisettes, le Signe Secret, les Petites Voitures Jaunes.
PAQ127254: DE LERMA, B ; GOTTSCHEWSKI, G ET AL - Handbuch der Histochemie, Vol 1: Allgemeine Methodik, Teil 1: Gefriertrocknung, Fluoreszenzmikroskopie, Polarisationsmikroskopie, Mikrospektrophtometrie, Mikroradiographie, Autoradiographie, Immunhistologie.
PAQ92501: DEAN, H R [PREFACE] - Catalogue of an Exhibition of Silver Plate Belonging to the Universities and Colleges of Cambridge.
PAQ87291: DEANE, PHYLLIS [ED] - Income and Wealth. Series 9: Studies in Social and Financial Accounting.
PAQ164167: DEANE, PHYLLIS - Contemporary Estimates of National Income in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century.
PAQ89940: DEANESLY, MARGARET - The Pre-Conquest Church in England. (An Ecclesiastical History of England)
PAQ109256: DEARLOVE, JOHN - The Reorganisation of British Local Government: Old Orthodoxies and a Political Perspective.
PAQ37379: DECKER, HORST ET AL - Politische Kommunikation: Eine Einführung. (Begleitbuch zum Fernsehkurs Einführung in die Kommunikationswissenschaft)
PAQ87389: DEJUNG, CHRISTOPH - Philosophie aus der Schweiz.
PAQ163345: DEL CONDE, TERESA ; HIJAR, ALBERTO [EDS] - Aparicion de lo Invisible. Pintura Abstracta Contemporanea en Mexico.
PAQ123280: DELAND, MARGARET - Dr. Lavendar's People.
PAQ163635: DELAPORTE, FRANCOIS ; GOLDHAMMER, ARTHUR [TRANSL] - Disease and Civilization. The Cholera in Paris, 1832.
PAQ159805: DEMAINE, JACK ; ENTWHISTLE, HAROLD [EDS] - Beyond Communitarianism. Citizenship, Politics and Education.
PAQ145979: DENINGTON, R F ; MORGAN, S ; CATLING, H W - The Middle Thames in Antiquity.
PAQ154256: DEPARRIE, PAUL ; PRIDE, MARY - Ancient Empires of the New Age.
PAQ159890: DEROCHE, EDWARD ; WILLIAMS, MARY - Educating Hearts and Minds. A Comprehensive Character Education Framework.
PAQ104125: DEWAR, GEORGE - This Realm, This England.
PAQ65104: DIALEGO - Philosophy and Class Struggle: The Basic Principles of Marxism as seen in the Context of the South African Liberation Struggle.
PAQ159610: DIAMOND, R [ED] - Molecular Structures in Biology.
PAQ132456: DICEY, A V - Lectures on the Relation Between Law and Public Opinion in England During the 19th Century.
PAQ16094: DICKENS - Contemporary Historians of the German Reformation.
PAQ111688: DICKENS, CHARLES - Hard Times.
PAQ112035: DICKINSON, WILLIAM CROFT - Volume 1: Scotland from the Earliest Times to 1603. Volume 2: Scotland from 1603 to the Present Day.
PAQ67647: DIETZE, GABRIELE [ED] - Die Überwindung der Sprachlosigkeit Texte aus der neuen Frauenbewegung.
PAQ142821: DIMAND, MAURICE - Persian Miniatures.
PAQ157221: DINNEEN, PATRICK - A Concise English Irish Dictionary for the Use of Schools.
PAQ139928: DOMACK, EUGENE ; DOMACK, CYNTHIA - Cenozoic Glaciation. The Marine Record Established by Ocean Drilling.
PAQ87017: DONALD, IAN ; SCOTT, JAMES ET AL - Test Tube Babies - A Christian View. Foreword by Sir John Peel.
PAQ47033: DONNAN, GEOFFREY ; NORRVING, BO [EDS] - Lacunar and Other Subcortical Infarctions.
PAQ106140: DONOVAN, B T ; VAN DER WERFF DEN BOSCH, J J - Physiology of Puberty.
PAQ163820: DORAY, BERNARD ; MACEY, DAVID [TRANSL] - From Taylorism to Fordism. A Rational Madness.
PAQ114786: DORNSEIFF, FRANZ - Antike und Alter Orient: Interpretationen.
PAQ74573: DOSTOYEVSKY, FYODOR - Polnoe sobranie sochinenii v tridtsati tomakh. (Collected Works in Russian) Vol 6, 7, 9, 12, 16, 17, 18 - 27. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut russkoi literatury.
PAQ111652: DOWDEN, JOHN - Celtic Church in Scotland: Being an Introduction to the History of the Christian Church in Scotland Down to the Death of Saint Margaret.
PAQ132624: DREVER, JAMES ; DRUMMOND, MARGARET - The Psychology of the pre-School Child.
PAQ30696: DRIEL, ROELAND VAN - Relationship Between Structure and Function of 'Helix pomatia' alpha-Hemocyanin.
PAQ159862: DUBE, ALISON - Fire With Water. Generations and Genders of Western Political Thought.
PAQ149781: DUGUIT, LÉON - Law in the Modern State. Translated by Frida & Harold Laski. First Edition.
PAQ115375: DUMAZEDIER, JOFFRE - Sociology of Leisure.
PAQ142661: DUNN, CYRIL - Central African Witness.
PAQ99470: DURAN, MANUEL - Esa Sopa, Ese Pastel Immenso, Esa Caja de Herramientas Esa Literatura.
PAQ163555: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - A Private Country.
PAQ122413: E - Planning: An Annual Notebook 1936. By E. and O.E.
PAQ150263: EAGLETON, TERRY - Marxism and Literary Criticism.
PAQ161772: EASTERN ARTS ASSOCIATION - The Arts and Post School Education.
PAQ137704: EBELING, H - Lexicon Homericum. Volumen II.
PAQ158364: ECKSTEIN, HARRY - Presure Group Politics. The Case of the British Medical Association.
PAQ119532: EDGEWORTH, MARIA - Moral Tales for Young People.
PAQ90098: EDHOLM, OTTO - Man - Hot and Cold.
PAQ160338: EDMOND, E - Scottish Metaphysics. Reconstructed in Accordance with the Principles of Physical Science.
PAQ145679: EDMONDSON, T W - Key to Briggs and Bryan's The Right Line and Circle (Coordinate Geometry) Second Impression.
PAQ145727: EDWARDES, MICHAEL - Glorious Sahibs. The romantic as empire-builder 1799-1838.
PAQ138652: EDWARDS, WILLIAM DOUGLAS - A Compendium of the Law of Property in Land and of Conveyancing Relating to Such Property. Fifth Edition.
PAQ49937: EGGLESTON, JOHN - Adolescence and Community: The Youth Service in Britain.
PAQ57707: EHRENREICH, BARBARA ; ENGLISH, DEIRDRE - For Her Own Good: 150 Years of the Experts' Advice to Women.
PAQ97559: EICH, GÜNTER - Ausgewählte Gedichte. Ed. Walter Höllerer.
PAQ64850: EKELAND, IVAR - Zufall, Glück und Chaos: Mathematische Expeditionen.
PAQ161909: ELAM, DIANE ; WIEGMAN, ROBYN [EDS] - Feminism Beside Itself.
PAQ123279: ELLIOT, H B [ED] - The Golden Lattice.
PAQ102022: ELLIOTT, JOHN ; PAIN, ERIC - Education, Work and Death.
PAQ163653: ELLIS, WILLIAM - Aristotles Politics: A Treatise on Government.Translated from the Greek of Aristotle.
PAQ163261: ELLISON, GABRIEL [ILLUSTR]; OLSTHOORN, B [ILLUSTR] - Zambian Wildlife Viewer.
PAQ163710: ELMER, PETER [ED] - The Healing Arts. Health, Disease and Society in Europe 11500-1800.
PAQ65739: ELSNER, GISELA - Offside.
PAQ163800: ELTERTON, JOHN - The Twilight of Life. Words of Counsel and Comfort for the Aged.
PAQ128129: ELTOM, M E A - Developing Mathematics in Third World Countries.
PAQ132540: ELTON, OLIVER - Modern Studies.
PAQ120711: ELTON, OLIVER - The Story of Francis Drake.
PAQ74844: ELWIN, MALCOLM - Savage Landor.
PAQ99962: EMANUEL, PERICLES ; LEFF, EDWARD - Introductoin to Feedback Control Systems.
PAQ113137: EMELEUS, H J - Advances in Inorganic Chemistry and Radiochemistry. Volume 21. 1978.
PAQ107802: ENNS, R H ; HAERING, R R [EDS] - Modern Solid State Physics. Volume 2: Phonons and Their Interactions.
PAQ134374: ENSCHEDE, JUST - 100% De Best Verzorgde Boeken 1998 The Best Dutch Book Designs.
PAQ73114: ENTWISLE, BARBARA ; HENDERSON, GAIL [EDS] - Re - Drawing Boundaries: Work, Households and Gender in China.
PAQ160398: EPICTETUS - Epiktet: Unterredungen und Handbüchlein der Moral.
PAQ145312: ERIKSONAS, LINAS ; MULLER, LEOS [EDS] - Statehood Before and Beyond Ethnicity: Minor States in Northern And Eastern Europe, 1600 - 2000.
PAQ136196: ERNST, CARL [FOREWORD]; BUSHNAQ, SUSHAN [ILLUSTR]; AL-FURAIH, SIHAM - Creativity and Exuberance in Arab Women's Poetry (From the Sixth to the Twentieth Centuries)
PAQ77794: ERVINE, ST JOHN - Parnell.
PAQ161182: EVANS, ROBERT - An Introduction to Crystal Chemistry. 2nd Edition.
PAQ162277: EVANS, D MORIER - Facts, Failures, and Frauds Revelations Financial, Mercantile, Criminal.
PAQ149577: EVANS, IFOR - The Agrarian Revolution in Roumania.
PAQ106085: EVANS, RAYMOND LESLIE - Les Romantiques Français et la Musique.
PAQ119780: EVERETT-GREEN, ELIZABETH - A Hero of the Highlands.
PAQ133247: ÉVREINOFF, NICOLAS - Histoire du Théatre Russe.
PAQ97181: EXETER UNIVERSITY - University of Exeter Development Programme.
PAQ129622: F D - Sofort Französisch sprechen ohne Mühe: Konversations- und Wörterbuch mit Aussprache. Komplette neue Ausgabe mit Zeichnungen von Jones.
PAQ133508: FAESSLER, CARL - Cross-index to the Maps and Illustrations of the Geological Survey and the Mines Branche (Bureau of Mines) of Canada, 1843 - 1946.
PAQ71387: FAPOHUNDA, OLANREWAJU - Lagos: Urban Development and Employment.
PAQ79872: FARADAY SOCIETY - Structure and Molecular forces in (a) pure liquids and (b) solutions. A General Discussion held by the Faraday Society, September 1936.
PAQ144317: FARADAY, MICHAEL - The Liquefaction of Gases. Papers by Michael Faraday. With an Appendix.
PAQ156985: FASCHER, ERICH - PROPHETES. Eine sprach- und religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung.
PAQ118250: FAULKNER, WILLIAM ; MILLGATE, MICHAEL [ED] - New Essays on Light in August.
PAQ146132: FAURE, DAVID ; SIU, HELEN [EDS] - Down to Earth. The Territorial Bond in South China.
PAQ42256: [FAYED, MOHAMED] - A Hero From Zero: The Story of Kleinwort Benson and Mohamed Fayed.
PAQ129759: FEAVER, WILLIAM - Joseph Beuys (=London Magazine, Vol 14, No 3)
PAQ158999: FEBVRE, LUCIEN - Au Coeur Religieux du XVIe siècle.
PAQ75312: FEDIN, KONSTANTIN ALEKSANDROVICH - Brat'ia [Brothers] (Works Vol 4) Russian Language.
PAQ142014: FEDOROV, A - Lermontov i literatura ego vremeni. (Russian Language)
PAQ116319: FEINSTEIN, ELAINE - The Ecstasy of Dr Miriam Garner.
PAQ15107: FELDBERG, W S - Fifty Years on: Looking back on some Developments on Neurohumoral Physiology.
PAQ148781: FÉNELON, FRANCOIS DE SALIGNAC - The Spiritual Letters of Archbishop Fénelon: Letters to Women. Translated by H L Sidney Lear.
PAQ131067: FENNER POWER TRANSMISSION - Fenner V-Belt Drives.
PAQ110102: FERAMISCO, JAMES [ED]; OZANNE, BRAD [ED]; STILES, CHARLES [ED] - Growth Factors and Transformation. (Cancer Cells)
PAQ156072: FEYNMAN, RICHARD - Six Not-So-Easy Pieces. Einstein's Relativity, Symmetry and Space-Time.
PAQ117224: FIELD, FRANK - Unequal Britain: A Report on the Cycle of Inequality.
PAQ117792: FISCHER, PAUL - Arithmetik.
PAQ150184: FISHER, ROBERT [ED] - Problem Solving in Primary Schools.
PAQ79873: FITZMAURICE-KELLY, JAMES - Spanish Bibliography.
PAQ124075: FLANNERY, BRIAN ; PRESS, WILLIAM - Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing.
PAQ117105: FLETCHER, R B - Treffpunkt Köln. Illustrated by Lucien Lowen.
PAQ122820: FLORKIN, MARCEL - L'Évolution Biochimique. 2ième édition.
PAQ11263: FLOWER, DESMOND [ED] - The Pursuit of Poetry. A Book of Letters about Poetry written by English Poets, 1550 - 1930.
PAQ97993: FLUCK, E ; GOLDANSKII, V I [EDS] - Modern Physics in Chemistry. Vol 1.
PAQ49452: FOGG, G E [PREF] - Cell Differentiation. = Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology, 17.
PAQ17256: FORBES, GEORGE - Digital Differential Analyzers. An Application Manual for Digital and Bush Type Differential Analyzers. Part 1: Elements. Second Edition, plus Part 2 [Applications].
PAQ24004: [FORSTER, E M] - The Twentieth Century, No 936 (Vol 157): A Cambridge Number.
PAQ129898: FORSTER, J E ; GARTLAND, R [ILLUSTR] - Think & Do: Book One. Merry and Bright.
PAQ9359: FORSTER, LEONARD - The Man Who Wanted to know Everything.
PAQ39782: FORSYTH, ANDREW RUSSELL - A Treatise on Differential Equations. Second Edition.
PAQ141839: FOSTER, HELEN - Geology of Ishigaki-shima Ryukyu-retto.
PAQ88702: FOSTER, JOHN - Mystery and Suspense Stories.
PAQ158406: FOSTER, NORMAN ; JENCKS, CHARLES ET AL; JENCKS, CHARLES ; [JAGGER, MICK] - New Architecture. The New Moderns and the Super Moderns.
PAQ125053: FOSTER, K ; BRAND, C P - Italian Studies presented to E. R. Vincent on his Retirement from the Chair of Italian at Cambridge.
PAQ129489: FOSTER-MELLAR, A - The Book of the Rose. Third Edition with Illustrations.
PAQ88699: FOSTER, JOHN - Animal Stories.
PAQ88701: FOSTER, JOHN - Crime Stories.
PAQ67579: FOUQUET-PLÜMACHER, DORIS [ED]; WOLTER, MICHAEL [ED] - Aus dem Archiv des Verlages Walter de Gruyter. Briefe, Urkunden, Dokumente.
PAQ111362: FOWLER, FRANK [ED] - English Goethe Society Publications: Papers Read Before the Society 1973-81. In 8 Volumes.
PAQ35970: FOWLER, L & H - Cambridge Commemorated. An Anthology of University Life.
PAQ99992: FOX-DAVIES, ARTHUR - A Complete Guide to Heraldry. Revised edition.
PAQ112793: FOX-DAVIES, ARTHUR - A Complete Guide to Heraldry.
PAQ155550: FRANCIS, GEORGE - A Topological Picturebook.
PAQ38988: FRANK, HENNING - 20 Jahre Zone.
PAQ164048: FRANK, H - Beiträge zur Methodik des mathematischen und physikalischen Unterrichts.
PAQ46967: FRANK, JOSEF - Satyre Ménippée de la vertu du catholicon d'Espagne et de la tenue des estats de Paris: Kritisch revidierter Text mit Einleitung und erklärenden Anmerkungen.
PAQ36821: FRAZER, JAMES GEORGE - Folk-Lore in the Old Testament: Studies in Comparative Religion, Legend and Law. Abridged Edition.
PAQ135893: FREAM, W - Soils and their Properties.
PAQ108297: FREDRICKSON, ARNOLD - Principles and Applications of Rheology.
PAQ107804: FREDRICKSON, ARNOLD - Principles and Applications of Rheology.
PAQ162529: FREELY, JOHN - Sinan: Architect of Suleyman the Magnificent and the Ottoman Golden Age.
PAQ157064: FREEMAN, EDWARD - The Chief Periods of European History. Six Lectures, with an essay on Greek Cities under Roman Rule.
PAQ129673: FRERE, W H ; LONGRIDGE, G ; BULL, PAUL - Methods of Meditation; Christian Teaching.
PAQ46431: FROHOCK, W M - Style and Temper: Studies in French Fiction 1925 - 1960.
PAQ127422: FROST, JOHN - The Cell in Health and Disease.
PAQ84540: FRYDE, E B ; MIILER, EDWARD [ED] - Historical Studies of the English Parliament. Volume 1: Origins to 1399.
PAQ63308: FUCHS, GÜNTHER BRUNO - Zwischen Kopf und Kragen. 32 wahre Geschichten und 13 Bilder.
PAQ159897: FULLAN, MICHAEL - The New Meaning of Educational Change. Third Edition.
PAQ126822: FYFE, ROBERT - Relay Races.
PAQ141200: GAFFIKIN, FRANK - Jobs Crisis and the Multi-Nationals. De-Industrialisation in the West Midlands.
PAQ161870: GAGE, JOHN - Colour and Culture. Practice and Meaning from Antiquity to Abstraction.
PAQ138527: GAIUS IULIUS CAESAR ; ALLCROFT, A H [ED]; PLAISTOWE, F G - Caesar Gallic War, Book 1.
PAQ128361: GALABIN, ALFRED - A Manual of Midwifery. Illustrated with 329 Engravings. 6th Edition.
PAQ84638: GALENSON, WALTER ; PYATT, GRAHAM - The Quality of Labour and Economic Development in Certain Countries. A Preliminary Study.
PAQ150354: GALILEO - Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo. Ed. Stillman Drake.
PAQ15970: GALLET, PAUL - Freedom to Starve.
PAQ108901: GALTON, ARTHUR - Urbana Scripta: Studies of Five Living Poets, and Other Essays.
PAQ30679: GANDHI, INDIRA - Indira Gandhi on Science, Technology and Self-Reliance, with a tribute from T N Khoshoo.
PAQ140590: GANNETT, WILLIAM ; COUNTESS OF ABERDEEN [PREFACE] - Blessed be Drudgery and Other Papers.
PAQ98787: GARCIA, JUAN [ED] - 20 Decimas a lo Humano.
PAQ98788: GARCIA, JUAN - Documentos de la Esclavitud. Esmeraldas 8.
PAQ98789: GARCIA, JUAN [ED] - Boletin Informativo Afro-Ecuatoriano, 5.
PAQ98793: GARCIA, JUAN - Cuento del Pescadito. Cuadernos Infantiles.
PAQ31182: GARCIASOL, RAMÓN DE - Segunda Selección de mis Poemas.
PAQ163090: GARDINER, STANLEY - The Coral Reefs of Funafuti, Rotuma and Fiji, together with some Notes on the Structure and Formation of Coral Reefs in General.
PAQ135935: GARDINER, STEPHEN - A Machiavellian Treatise.
PAQ111635: GARDINER, A - Many Furrows by Alpha of the Plough. Second Impression.
PAQ30376: GARLAND, H B - Schiller, The Dramatic Writer: A Study of Style in the Plays.
PAQ146260: GARRIGOU, MARCEL [FOREWORD] - Troisième Forum International de la Reliure d'Art.
PAQ153208: GARSHIN, V M - Sobranie sochinenii.
PAQ30230: GAULTIER, PAUL - The Meaning of Art: Its Nature, Role and Value. Transl H & E Baldwin.
PAQ159426: GEFFROY, GUSTAVE - Cecile Pommier. Edited by Agnes Anderson.
PAQ107592: GEKELER, ECKART - Discretization Methods for Stable Initial Value Problems.
PAQ155277: GELZER, HEINRICH [ED] - Leontios' von Neapolis: Leben des Heiligen Johannes des Barmherzigen, Erzbischofs von Alexandrien.
PAQ140157: GEORGE, H B - The Relations of Geography and History. First Edition.
PAQ112049: GERHARD, GUSTAV - Anton Chehov: A Critical Study.
PAQ155791: GERNET, JACQUES - Chine et Christianisme: Action et Réaction.
PAQ105142: GERTSEN, A I - Izbrannye Sochineniia. Russian Language.
PAQ131590: GIBBON, FIONA ; WATSON, COLIN - Papers from the European Seminar on ELG and EPG, Edinburgh July 1994. (European Journal of Disorders of Communication, Special Issue)
PAQ81076: GIBBON, EDWARD - Gibbon's Autobiography. Ed. M M Reese.
PAQ130003: GILBERT, NIGEL - Analyzing Tabular Data: Liglinear and Logistic Models for Social Researchers.
PAQ30330: GILBOA, R - Intercourses in the Book of Genesis: Mythic Motifs in Creator-Created Relationships.
PAQ12469: GILES, J A - The Anglo Saxon Chronicle. transl James Ingram.
PAQ162481: GIRAUDOUX, JEAN - Suzanne et le Pacifique. Edited by Roy Lewis.
PAQ39528: GIRAUDOUX, JEAN - La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu. Pièce en deux actes.
PAQ146261: GIVAUDAN, LEON ; LOUDMER, GUY - Bibliothèque Léon Givaudan. Livres Illustrés Modernes Reliures 1900-1950.
PAQ28820: GLEISBERG, DIETER [ED] - Holzschnitt im Bezirk Leipzig.
PAQ28819: GLEISBERG, DIETER - Lithografie im Bezirk Leipzig.
PAQ71075: GLOVER, JOHN DESMOND ; HOWER, RALPH - Some Notes. . . On the Use of the Administrator. Cases on Human Relations in Business.
PAQ146080: GLYNN, JERRY - Exploring Math from Algebra to Calculus with Derive, a Mathematical Assistant. Second edition.
PAQ93850: GNEDENKO, BORIS ; KHINCHIN, ALEXANDER - Elementary Introduction to the Theory of Probability.
PAQ162826: GODART, JUSTIN - L'Albanie en 1921.
PAQ155771: GODDARD, HAZEL - Can I Hope Again?
PAQ107482: GODINO, CHARLES - Understanding Elementary Calculus: Principles, Problems and Solutions.
PAQ112708: GODLEY, A D - The Fables of Orbilius. Part One.
PAQ117311: GODWIN, GEORGE - The Great Revivalists.
PAQ143886: GOGOL', NIKOLAI - Shinel'. (RUSSIAN)
PAQ151711: GOGOL, NIKOLAI - Noch pered Rozhdestvom.
PAQ103547: GOLD, V - pH Measurements: Their Theory and Practice.
PAQ86932: GOLDBERG, SIMON ; DEANE, PHYLLIS [ED] - Income and Wealth. Series 11: Studies in Short Term National Accounts and Long - Term Economic Growth.
PAQ147517: GOLDSMITH, OLIVER - Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B. and Professor of Ancient History in the Royal Academy of Arts, with Wood Engravings from the Designs of Corps, Creswick, Horsley, Redgrave, Tayler.
PAQ77310: GOLDTHORPE, JOHN ; LOCKWOOD, DAVID ET AL; BECHHOFER, FRANK - The Affluent Worker in the Class Structure.
PAQ138762: GOLSAN, RICHARD - French Writers and the Politics of Complicity. Crises of Democracy in the 1940s and 1990s.
PAQ120937: GONCHAROV, IVAN - Oblomov.
PAQ50804: GOODHART, PHILIP - The Moderate Alliance. (CPC No 172)
PAQ126957: GOODIER, J N ; GHEY, G - Electromagnetism: An Introductory Text-Book Based on the Rationalised M.K.S of Units.
PAQ154789: GOODISON ET AL - Catalogue of Paintings. Volume 1: Dutch & Flemish, French, German, Spanish. Volume 2: Italian Schools. Volume 3: British School.
PAQ124183: GOODISON ET AL - Catalogue of Paintings. Volume 1: Dutch & Flemish, French, German, Spanish. Volume 2: Italian Schools. Volume 3: British School.
PAQ124177: GOODISON - Catalogue of the Portraits in Christ's, Clare and Sidney Sussex Colleges.
PAQ154370: GOODWIN, KEN ; LAWSON, ALAN [EDS] - The Macmillan Anthology of Australian Literature.
PAQ54058: GOPNIK, IRWIN - A Theory of Style and Richardson's Clarissa.
PAQ147940: GORDON, CYRUS - Ugaritic Handbook (1) Revised Grammar, Paradigms, (2) Texts in Transliteration, (3) Comprehensive Glossary. Three parts.
PAQ161401: GORDON-ASHWORTH, FIONA - International Commodity Control.
PAQ148732: GORE, CHARLES - St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. 2 Vols.
PAQ12692: GORE-BROWN, ROBERT - Gay was the Pit. The Life and Times of Ann Oldfield, Actress, 1683 - 1730.
PAQ25195: GÖRNER, RÜDIGER - Schubert's Unanswered Question: Literary Reflections on a Musical Theme.
PAQ160684: GOSCINNY, RENÉ ; UDERZO, ALBERT [ILLUSTR] - Asterix Operation Getafix. The Book of the Film.
PAQ123282: GOWANS-WHYTE, CHRISTINA - The Story Book Girls.
PAQ137564: GRACHEV, ANDREI ; BLENGINO, CHIARA ; STIEVANO, ROSSELA [EDS] - The World Political Forum 1985-2005 Twenty Years that Changed the World. [Percorsi PL 90].
PAQ155510: GRAHAM, BILLY - Peace with God.
PAQ91257: GRANT, JAMES - The Romance of War or the Highlanders in Spain.
PAQ156743: GRANT, JAMES - A Practical Treatise on the Law of Corporations in General, as well Aggregate as Sole.
PAQ31117: [GRASS, GÜNTER]; ARNOLD, HEINZ LUDWIG [ED] - Text und Kritik: Zeitschrift für Literatur Vol 1/1a. Günter Grass.
PAQ104129: GRAVES, CHARLES - The Black Beret. A Real Life Novel of the Royal Armoured Corps.
PAQ116348: GRAY, JOHN ET AL - On Progress. (= Daedalus. Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Summer 2004)
PAQ116349: GRAY, JOHN ET AL - On Science. (= Daedalus. Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Fall 2003)
PAQ159472: GRAY, J M - The School of Pythagoras (Merton Hall)
PAQ116350: GRAY, JOHN ET AL - On Imperialism. (= Daedalus. Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Spring 2005)
PAQ56171: GRAY, RONALD [ED] - Kafka. A Collection of Critical Essays.
PAQ31034: GREAT BRITAIN - Précis of Official Papers, Being Abstracts of all Parliamentary Papers Directed to be Printed by Both Houses of Parliament. Session 1880. Parts I & II.
PAQ107803: GREEN, H S ; HURST, C A - Series of Monographs in Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics. Volume 5: Order-Disorder Phenomena.
PAQ149346: GREEN, JOHN RICHARD - Stray Studies from England and Italy.
PAQ127352: GREEN, HORACE - Observations on the Pathology of Croup: With Remarks on its Treatment by Tropical Medications.
PAQ147955: [GREENLAND] - Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse. Geological Survey of Greenland. Report of Activities, 1967.
PAQ162439: GREENWOOD, N N - Ionic Crystals, Lattice defects and Nonstoichiometry.
PAQ115643: GREGOROVIUS, FERDINAND ; ROBERTS, DOROTHEA [TRANSL] - Latian Summers and an Excursion in Umbria.
PAQ163720: GREY, ASA ; DUPREE, A [ED] - Darwiniana.
PAQ112858: GRIERSON, H J C ; BULLOUGH, GEOFFREY [EDS] - The Oxford Book of Seventeenth Century Verse. Second Impression.
PAQ70198: GRIEVE, D W ; MILLER, DORIS ET AL - Techniques for the Analysis of Human Movement.
PAQ125569: GRIFFIN & GEORGE - Physical Optics. A Guide to the Use of: L50-250 Physical Optics Kit, L53-255/070 Air Pressure Cell, L54-380 Parallel Beam Projector, L55-840 Concave Reflection Grating, L56-800 Multiple Light Source.
PAQ130000: GRIFFITH, D D - A Bibliography of Chaucer: 1908-1924.
PAQ157942: GRIFFITH, J S - A View of the Brain.
PAQ14109: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY [ED] - The Mint. A Miscellany of Literature, Art and Critcism.
PAQ104155: GROOME, W H C [ILLUSTR]; LE FEUVRE, AMY - A Little Listener.
PAQ163355: GROUNDWATER, ANNA - The Scottish Middle March 1573-1625.
PAQ153119: GROUSSET, RENÉ - Histoire de l'Asie.
PAQ154973: GROUSSET, RENÉ - Conqueror of the World.
PAQ92454: GUENAULT, PAUL ; JACKSON, M - Control of Monopoly in United Kingdom.
PAQ87030: GUNNING, K F - The Scientific Concept of Man.
PAQ83449: GUYOT, CHARLY - Ecrivains de Suisse Francaise. Textes Choisis et Presentes.
PAQ1069: GWATKIN, HENRY MELVILL - Studies of Arianism, chiefly referring to the Character and the Chronology of the Reactions which followed the Council of Nicaea. Second Edition.
PAQ149480: GWYNN, STEPHEN - Irish Books and Irish People.
PAQ163358: GYWNFOR JONES, JOHN - The Dialogue of the Government of Wales 1594: Updated Text and Commentary.
PAQ92168: H M SIGNAL SCHOOL PORTSMOUTH - Practical Signalling.
PAQ159054: HADATH, GUNBY ; MILLS, REGINALD [ILLUSTR] - The New School at Shropp. A Public School Story.
PAQ152877: HAFIZ ; LADINSKY, DANIEL [TRANSL] - I Heard God Laughing. Renderings of Hafiz.
PAQ150182: HAIGH, GERALD [ED] - On Our Side: Order, Authority and Interaction in School.
PAQ130266: HAISSINSKY, M - Actions Chimiques et Biologiques des Radiations. (The Chemical and Biological Actions of Radiations). Treizième Série.
PAQ126825: HALE, G E - The New Heavens.
PAQ126820: HALE, G E - Signals from the Stars.
PAQ131897: HALL, ROBERT - Planning. The Rede Lecture 1962.
PAQ126954: HALL, W ; MATHEWS, O M - Sound.
PAQ124632: HALL, H R - Aegean Archaeology: An Introduction to the Archaeology of Prehistoric Greece. With many illustrations and a map.
PAQ150181: HALLAM, SUSAN - Improving School Attendance.
PAQ103762: HALLIDAY, M A K - On Language and Linguistics. Volume 3.
PAQ131912: HALSBAND, ROBERT - The Life of Lady Mary Wortley Montague.
PAQ67329: HAMILL, WILLIAM ; WILLIAMS, RUSSELL - Principles of Physical Chemistry.
PAQ141836: HAMILTON, WARREN - Diabase Sheets of the Taylor Glacier Region, Victoria Land, Antarctica.
PAQ141835: HAMILTON, WARREN - Geology and Petrogenesis of the Island Park Caldera of Rhyolite and Basalt, Eastern Idaho.
PAQ113348: HAMILTON, MARY ; DADD, S T [ILLUSTR] - The Story of Abraham Lincoln.
PAQ96147: HANDTKE, F - Post- Reise- und Eisenbahnkarte von Deutschland, der Schweiz, den Niederlanden und Belgien nebst Theilen der angrenzenden Länder bis Kopenhagen, Yarmouth, Dover, Rouen, Paris, Lyon, Rurin, Ferrara, Venedig, Pesth, Kaschau, Warschau, Tauroggen etc.
PAQ111779: HANKS, D A - The Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright.
PAQ69820: HANNA, FRANK [INTRODUCTION] - Studies in Income and Wealth. Volume 21: Regional Income.
PAQ131553: HANOTEAU, A - Essai de Grammaire Kabyle, Renfermant les Principes du Language Parle par les Populations du versant Nord du Jurjura etc.
PAQ111478: HANSON, J L - Economics for Students. First Edition.
PAQ112309: HARDY, ROBINA - The Story of A Coral Necklace.
PAQ111640: HARE, RICHARD - Russian Literature from Pushkin to the Present Day.
PAQ160044: HARGREAVES, ANDY ; FULLAN, MICHAEL - What's Worth Fighting For in Education?
PAQ159802: HARGREAVES, ANDY ; EVANS, ROY - Beyond Educational Reform. Bringing Teachers Back In.
PAQ49962: HARMAN, PETER ; MITTON, SIMON [EDS] - Cambridge Scientific Minds.
PAQ85546: HARPER, RALPH - The World of the Thriller.
PAQ161655: HARPER, JOHN - Population Biology of Plants.
PAQ28354: HARRÉ, ROM - Scientific Thought 1900 - 1960: A Selective Survey.
PAQ163381: HARRIS, JOE CHANDLER ; ROUNTREE, HARRY - Uncle Remus or, The Story of Mr Fox and Brer Rabbit. With Eight Coloured Plates by Harry Rountree.
PAQ128599: HARRISON, G A - Chemical Methods in Clinical Medicine: Their Application and Interpretation with the Technique of the Simple Tests.
PAQ147595: HARROD, R F - The Life of John Maynard Keynes.
PAQ86562: HART, DAVID - Faith in Doubt. Non - Realism and Christian Belief.
PAQ136344: HARTMAN, G H - Andre Malraux.
PAQ163577: HAUGBOLLE, SUNNE - War and Memory in Lebanon.
PAQ151816: HAUGHTON, J L - Constitution of Alloys Bibliography.
PAQ159544: HAULER, E [ED] - Wiener Studien. Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie. Vol 40, 1918, Zweites Heft.
PAQ155105: HAUPTMANN, GERHART - Die Weber. Schauspiel aus der vierziger Jahren.
PAQ84227: HAUSNER, VICTOR ; ROBSON, BRIAN - Changing Cities. An Introduction to the Economic and Social Research Council Inner Cities Research Programme.
PAQ154954: HAWKINS, GERALD - Beyond Stonehenge.
PAQ129941: HEATH, STEPHEN - Representing Television.
PAQ154939: HEBBEL, FRIEDRICH - Hebbels Werke in zwei Bänden. Ausgewählt und mit einem Nachwort versehen van Walther Vontin. 2 Vols.
PAQ120355: HEDLEY, JOHN - The Holy Eucharist.
PAQ92161: HEELIS, FREDERICK - Pitman's Theory and Practice of Commerce: A Complete Guide to Methods and Machinery of Business. Part 1.
PAQ123090: HEFFER & SONS - Heffer Science Catalogue 777. New and Forthcoming Books Autumn 1965.
PAQ98364: HEITLAND, WILLIAM - The Roman Republic. Vol 2.
PAQ39196: HEITZER, HEINZ - DDR: Geschichtlicher Überblick.
PAQ139190: HELD, JUTTA ; SCHNEIDER, NORBERT - Sozialgeschichte der Malerei. Vom Spätmittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert.
PAQ133183: HÉMON, LOUIS - Maria Chapdelaine. Récit du Canada Français.
PAQ131893: HENDERSON, HUBERT DOUGLAS - The Uses and Abuses of Economic Planning.
PAQ91030: HENGEL, MARTIN - Property and Riches in the Early Church: Aspects of a Social History of Early Christianity.
PAQ71257: HERAEUS, W [ED] - Petronii cena Trimalchionis nebst Pompejanischen Wandinschriften.
PAQ106911: HERBERT, A P - A.T.I.: There is No Need for Alarm.
PAQ111661: HERBERT, A P - Wisdom for the Wise. Being 'Tinker, Tailor ' and 'The Wherefore and the Why'. First Edition.
PAQ104661: HERODOTUS ; STEIN, HEINRICH - Herodotos. Erster Band, Zweiter Band.
PAQ76643: HERRICK, ROBERT - Poems. With an Introduction by Alice Meynell.
PAQ107771: HERTZ, DAVID [ED] - Progress in Operations Research. Volume 2.
PAQ130371: HESSE, HERMANN - Vom Baum des Lebens. Ausgewählte Gedichte.
PAQ136656: HEY, MAX - Appendix to the Second Edition of an Index of Mineral Species and Varieties Arranged Chemically.
PAQ34582: HIBBARD, GEORGE [ED] - Three Elizabethan Pamphlets.
PAQ87124: HICKMAN, BERT [ED] - Econometric Models of Cyclical Behaviour.
PAQ142212: HILL, PATRICK ARTHUR - The Gossans of Minas Carlota, Cuba.
PAQ158527: HILLS, E C ; DONDO, M [EDS] - Contes Dramatiques. With French Songs Exercises, Directions for Acting and Vocabulary.
PAQ91450: HILLS, JOHN [ED] - New Inequalities. Changing Distribution of Income and Wealth in the United Kingdom.
PAQ112903: HISCOCK, W G - A Christ Church Miscellany: New Chapters on The Architects, Craftsmen, Statuary Plate, Bells, Furniture, Clocks, Plays, The Library and Other Buildings.
PAQ148461: HITCHCOCK, F R M - Irenaeus of Lugdunum. A Study of His Teaching.
PAQ147953: HMSO - Documents concerning German-Polish Relations and the Outbreak of Hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on September 3, 1939 [Cmd. 6106].
PAQ131288: HOARE, F E - A Textbook of Thermodynamics.
PAQ7782: HOBBS, WILLIAM - The Earth Generated and Anatomized. Ed. Roy Porter.
PAQ57442: HÖBER, RUDOLF - Physical Chemistry of Cells and Tissues.
PAQ155402: HOBSON, JOHN - The Evolution of Modern Capitalism. A Study of Machine Production. New and Revised Edition.
PAQ156505: HOCKING, DAVID - The Rise and Fall of Civilization. From Creation through the Flood.
PAQ155808: HOETINK, H [PREFACE] - Dutch Painting of the Golden Age from the Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis.
PAQ158775: HOFFMAN, DONALD - Visual Intelligence. How We Create What We See.
PAQ96847: HOFFMEISTER, GERHART [ED] - The Renaissance and Reformation in Germany. An Introduction.
PAQ134385: HOLBROOK, TOM [FOREWORD] - Compendium. The Work of the University of Cambridge Department of Architecture.
PAQ164080: HOLLAND, W [ED] - Commodity Control in the Pacific.
PAQ154369: HOLLANDS, DAVID - Eagles, Hawks and Falcons of Australia.
PAQ131591: HOLLIS, GERTRUDE - What the Church Did for England. Being the Story of England from A.D. 690 to A.D. 1215.
PAQ46590: HOLMES, ARTHUR - Petrographic Methods and Calculations.
PAQ142549: HOLMES, R - Characteristics of Mechanical Engineering Systems.
PAQ131584: HOLMES, ERNEST EDWARD - Joyful through Hope.
PAQ154859: HOLMES, KENNETH [ED] - Covered Wagon Women. Diaries and Letters from the Western Trails, 1864-1868 Volume 9.
PAQ147760: HOLT, EMILY SARAH - The King's Daughters. How Two Girls Kept the Faith.
PAQ57674: HOLTON, GERALD - The Scientific Imagination: Case Studies.
PAQ160909: HOLY, MILOS - Erosion and Environment.
PAQ158802: HOMER ; LEAF, WALTER - The Iliad. Edited with English Notes and Introduction. 2 Volumes.
PAQ143590: HOOVER, THOMAS - Zen Culture.
PAQ111691: HORACE - The Complete Works of Horace.
PAQ126099: HOSALI, PRIYA ; NIHALANI, PAROO - Indian and British English: A Handbook of Usage and Pronunciation.
PAQ133312: HOUSE OF COMMONS - Report from the Select Committee on Nationalised Industries Together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence. (Cmd 235)
PAQ17240: HOWELLS, WILLIAM - The Heathens. Primitive Man and his Religions.
PAQ145862: HSIUNG, S I ; PEI-HUNG, HSU [ILLUSTR] - Lady Precious Stream. An old Chinese play done into English according to its traditional style. Second edition.
PAQ153569: HU CHIA - Peking Today and Yesterday.
PAQ120359: HUDSON, C N [ED] - AIDS and Obstetrics and Gynecology.
PAQ27303: HUGHES, GEORGE [ED] - Nervous and Hormonal Mechanisms of Integration. = Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology, Vol 20.
PAQ112149: HUGHES, THERLE - The Pocket Book of Furniture. First Edition.
PAQ135298: HUGO, VICTOR ; PALMER, R E [ED] - Marie Tudor. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by R E Palmer.
PAQ133001: HULL, CORDELL [FOREWORD] - Peace and War. United States Foreign Policy 1931-1941. The Official American Document issued by the Department of State, Washington reprinted by His Majesty's Stationary Office, London.
PAQ154218: HUNT, A S ; EDGAR, C C - Select Papyri. Volume 1: Non Literary Papyri, Private Affairs. English Translation by A S Hunt and C C Edgar.
PAQ140047: HUNT, TIM [ED] - Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TiBS). Reference Edition 1998 including author and subject index.
PAQ141764: HUNTER, G K [ED]; RAWSON, C J [ED] - The Yearbook of English Studies. Theatrical Literature Special Number. Vol. 9, 1979.
PAQ130113: HUNTER, JOANNIS [ED] - Titi Livii Historiarum Belli Punici Secudni Libri Quinque Priores: ad Optimas Editiones Castigati. Edition Quarta Emendatior.
PAQ151614: HUNTER, LESLIE - Electricity.
PAQ50996: HUNTER, GUY - Residential Colleges: Some New Developments in British Adult Education.
PAQ91160: HURST, MICHAEL - Parnell and Irish Nationalism.
PAQ163872: HURST, ARTHUR - Medical Diseases of War.
PAQ117363: HUTTON - Assisi and Umbria Revisited. First Edition.
PAQ138147: HUTTON, GRAHAM [ED]; HENNESSY, JOSSELYN [ED] - Source-Book on Restrictive Practices in Britain.
PAQ80465: HUXLEY, ALDOUS - Time Must Have A Stop.
PAQ135297: HUYSMANS, J K ; GOTTA, ITALO [ED] - A Vau-l'eau. Deuxieme Edition Revue. (French)
PAQ160688: HYMERS, J - The Elements of the Theory of Astronomy. Second Edition.
PAQ160372: HYMNS - Hymns Ancient and Modern. Revised 1950. Full Music and Words.
PAQ104121: ILFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL ; HARRIS, EDGAR [FOREWORD] - The Borough of Ilford. Official Handbook.
PAQ154821: ILIFFE, R O ; VISWA NATH, B - The Conduct of Field Experiments.
PAQ120714: IMLACH, GLADYS - The Story of Columbus.
PAQ162186: INGLE, R W - Carcinology in the Natural Histry Museum, Lodon: The Brachyrian Crab Collections and their Curation from 1813 - 1904 (Leach to Calman)
PAQ11262: INGLIS, FRED - Ideology and the Imagination.
PAQ152514: INSKIPP, FRANCESCA - Skills Training for Counselling.
PAQ67291: INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS - Conference on Heat and Fluid Flow in Water Reactor Safety. Sponsored by the Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics Group of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Manchester 13 - 15 September 1977.
PAQ101771: INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - Report of the Committee on Engineering Quantities.
PAQ63025: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS - Abstracts of Reports on Invitation.
PAQ136695: IORGA, N - La Roumanie Pittoresque.
PAQ65217: [IRVING, JAMES]; SCHAUDER, C E - James Irving. Rhodes University 1946 - 1969. A Commmorative Record.
PAQ11807: IVANISSEVICH, OSCAR ; D'ONOFRIO, ROMULO - Historia de la Primera Catedra de Clinica Quirurgica.
PAQ31142: JACINI, STEFANO - Il Tramonto del Potere Temporale nelle Relazioni degli Ambasciatori Austriaci a Roma (1860 - 1870).
PAQ67228: JACKSON, DAN - Going Places. Outgoings For the Family Around Cambridge Suggested by Dan Jackson in the Cambridge Evening News.
PAQ142082: JACKSON, HAMPDEN - The Baltic. Revised Edition.
PAQ13198: JACKSON, HOLBROOK - Dreamer of Dreams. The Rise and Fall of 19th Century Idealism.
PAQ64923: JACOBSEN, HOWARD - Coming from Behind.
PAQ126250: JAMES, LIONEL - Jubilate Deo: A Sequence of Daily Prayers for Schools.
PAQ36526: JARRETT, H R - Tropical Geography.
PAQ101132: JEANGROS-IMMER, LEONIE - Feinbürgerliche Küche, 1. Teil: 50 zusammengestellte, erprobte Menus für Mittag- und Nachtessen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Restenverwendung, mit 265 dazugehörenden Rezepten.
PAQ151944: JERRAM, C S [ED] - Anglice Reddenda, or Extracts for Unseen Translation for the use of Middle Forms. Fifth Edition.
PAQ110748: JOG, N G - Judge or Judas?
PAQ138970: JOHANSSON, ÖSTEN - The Gross Domestic Product of Sweden and its Compostion 1861-1955.
PAQ145393: [JOHN, WESLEY]; GIBSON, WILLIAM [ED] - Wesley and Methodist Studies, Vol 2.
PAQ134531: JOHNSON, M R W - The British Caledonides.
PAQ10792: JOHNSON, SAMUEL - Lives of Dryden and Pope. Ed. A Milnes.
PAQ104135: JOHNSTON, HARRY - Pioneers in Tropical America.
PAQ25375: JOHNSTONE, JAMES - Life in the Sea.
PAQ111358: JONES, MAX - Jazz Music. Volume 3, Number 1.
PAQ111356: JONES, MAX - Jazz Music. Volume 3, Number 2.
PAQ102015: JONES, RHODRI - Weather.
PAQ102013: JONES, RHODRI - Five Senses.
PAQ81550: JONES, W H S - Disciplina.
PAQ150628: JOUBERT, CARL - Russia as it Really is. 4th Edition.
PAQ162758: JOÜON DES LONGRAIS, F - La Conception Anglaise de la Saisine du XII au XIVème Siècle.
PAQ130002: JOWELL, ROGER [ED] - International Social Attitudes: The 10th BSA Report.
PAQ91272: JUDE, R H ; SATTERLY, JOHN - Matriculation Electricity and Magnetism. Third Edition.
PAQ79049: JUDGE AHLUWALIA, ISHER ; WILLIAMSON, JOHN [EDS] - The South Asian Experience with Growth.
PAQ164406: JUSTER, THOMAS [ED] - The Distribution of Economic Well-Being.
PAQ57331: KAHN, SHOLOM - Science and Aesthetic Judgment: A Study in Taine's Critical Method.
PAQ98849: KALBFLEISCH, J G - Probability and Statistical Inference. Vol 2.
PAQ163733: KARIKAS, EFSTRATIVE - Elegy. Efstrative Karitas. April 7th 1921 - June 20, 1977.
PAQ153314: KARINTHY, FRIGYES - Grave and Gay. Selections from his Work.
PAQ141587: KASTELER, JOHN ; HILD, JOHN - Lead, Zinc, Silver, Copper, Bismuth Deposits, South Hecla Mine, Alta, Salt Lake County, Utah.
PAQ158827: KÄSTNER, ERICH - Doktor Erich Kästners lyrische Hausapotheke.
PAQ150434: KAUNDA, KENNETH [FOREWORD] - The African Society of International and Comparative Law. Proceedings of the First Annual Conference Lusaka 1989.
PAQ122998: KEDHANE, R D - The New European Community: Decisionmaking And Institutional Change
PAQ126943: KEEBLE, FREDERICK - Science Lends a Hand in the Garden.
PAQ122196: KEITH, ARTHUR - Human Embryology and Morphology. Third Edition.
PAQ98815: KELLY, A V - The Curriculum. Theory and Practice.
PAQ102957: KELLY - Kelly's Handbook of the Titled, Landed and Official Classes, 1930. 56th Annual Edition.
PAQ13208: KELMAN, JOHN - The Faith of Robert Louis Stevenson.
PAQ88616: KELMAN, ISRAEL ; WEINER, JOEL - The PLO. An Analysis of Tactics and Objectives.
PAQ121621: KENDALL, M G - A Course in Multivariate Analysis.
PAQ112374: KENDALL, M G - The Advanced Theory of Statistics. Volume 2. First Edition.
PAQ63087: KENNEDY, JOHN - The Behaviour of the Desert Locust (Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk) (Orthopt) in an outbreak Centre. (= Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Vol 89, Part 10, pp 385 - 542, Sep 1939).
PAQ129712: KER, N - Medieval Libraries of Great Britain: A List of Surviving Books.
PAQ86441: KERR, ANTHONY - Schools of Scotland.
PAQ107969: KERRIDGE, DAVID [ED] - Biochemical Reasoning: Numerical Examples for Students.
PAQ150585: KEYNES, JOHN MAYNARD - A Treatise on Money. First Edition. Volume 1. The Pure Theory of Money.
PAQ149132: KIERKEGAARD, SØREN - For Self - Examination, and Judge for Yourselves! and Three Discourses (1851). Translated by Walter Lowrie.
PAQ126180: KILLIAN, J - Crystals, Secrets of the Inorganic.
PAQ107578: KILMISTER, C W - Environment in Modern Physics: Study in Relativistic Mechanics.
PAQ99431: KILPATRICK, ADMIRAL - A Veteran Communist Speaks. On the Struggle Against Revisionism.
PAQ123164: KIRK, GEORGE - The Short History of the Middle East: From the Rise of Islam to Modern Times. First Edition.
PAQ131603: KIRKALDY, H S - Industrial Relations in Conditions of Full Employment. Inaugural Lecture.
PAQ120344: KITTEL, RUDOLF - The Book of Chronicles. In Hebrew.
PAQ134990: KLEEMAN, R D - Papers on the Properties of the Molecule (collection of 10 offprints from the Philosophical Magazine, 1909-1910)
PAQ67719: KLOCKE, PETER - Irre bis wolkig in Höhenlagen.
PAQ11145: KNIGHTS, L C - Further Explorations. Essays in Criticism.
PAQ142282: KNOWLES, M D - Archbishop Thomas Becket. A Character Study.
PAQ47264: KOCH, HERBERT - Der Wortschatz der spanischen Buchdrucker.
PAQ143049: KODÁLY, ZOLTÁN - Folk Music of Hungary.
PAQ87040: KOHN, RICHARD - The Church in a Democracy. Who Governs?
PAQ128718: KOLLE, WILHELM ; WASSERMANN, AUGUST [ED] - Handbuch der pathogenen Mikroorganismen. Zweite vermehrte Auflage. Vol 4.
PAQ92141: KÖNIGLICHES STATISTISCHES LANDESAMT - Statistisches Jahrbuch für den Preussischen Staat. Sechster Jahrgang 1908.
PAQ129514: KÖNIGSFELD, G A - Lateinische Hymnen und Gesänge aus dem Mittelalter deutsch, unter Beibehaltung der Versmaße: mit beigedrucktem lateinischen Urtexte. Neue Sammlung.
PAQ32967: KÕPP, JOHAN - Mälestuste Radadel I: Kodu ja kool & II: Tartus 1896 - 1906.
PAQ159444: KOPP, HERMANN - Theoretische Chemie und Beziehungen zwischen chemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften. (Graham-Otto's ausführliches Lehrbuch der Chemie)
PAQ107756: KORN, GRANINO - Random-process Simulation and Measurements.
PAQ161871: KORNBLATT, MARC - Izzy's Place.
PAQ71269: KOTTLER, FRIEDRICH - Zur Theorie der Beugung an schwarzen Schirmen.
PAQ106758: KRABBE, GREGERS - Operational Calculus.
PAQ155948: KRAUSE, CARL - Helius Eobanus Hessus. Sein Leben und seine Werke: Ein Beitrag zur Cultur- und Gelehrtengeschichte des 16. Jahrhunderts. 2 Volumes.
PAQ159127: KRÜGER, FRANZ - Alt Berliner Typen. Handzeichnungen aus dem Besitze der Kgl. National-Galerie zu Berlin.
PAQ113720: KULTURELLER TONBANDDIENST - Inter Nationes. Deutsche Literatur Die große Szene.
PAQ71267: KURT WOLFF VERLAG - H G Wells: Hoffnung auf Frieden. Buchankündigung.
PAQ136950: KURTZ, JOHANN - Church History. Vol 2 & 3 only.
PAQ124170: LA BRUYÈRE, JEAN DE - Caractères.
PAQ31472: LACLOS, CHODERLOS DE - Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Texte Établi sur le Manuscrit Autographe. Ed. Yves Le Hir.
PAQ39488: LACLOS, CHODERLOS DE - Les liaisons dangereuses. (Établissement du texte, introduction et notes par Jean Mistler)
PAQ87003: LAGRANGE, EMERENTIENNE DE ; LAGRANGE, MARGUERITE-MARIE DE ET AL - Un Complot Contre la Vie. L'Avortement. Preface de Professeur Pierre - P Grasse.
PAQ33572: LAIDLER, KEITH - Squirrels in Britain.
PAQ161010: LAKEMAN, ENID - How Democracies Vote: Study of Majority and Proportional Electoral Systems.
PAQ110712: LAMBERT, H M ; WOOD, ELSIE [ILLUSTR] - My First English Book: John, and other Friends: Teacher's Scheme Book.
PAQ38976: LÄMMERT, EBERHARD ET AL - Germanistik: eine deutsche Wissenschaft.
PAQ30099: LANCZKOWSKI, C ; HEILER, GEORG - Frankfurt 2000: Paradise Regained.... Illustr Rolf A. Burkart.
PAQ164023: LANE, J - John Hall and His Patients. The Medical practice of Shakespeare's Son In Law.
PAQ116537: LANE, MICHAEL [ED] - Introduction to Structuralism.
PAQ130264: LANGERON, MAURICE - Précis de Microscopie. Technique - Expérimentation - Diagnostic. Third Edition.
PAQ114463: LANKESTER, RAY ET AL - Studies of Great Authors: Philosophers and Scientists.
PAQ74546: LAUDER, WILLIAM ; HALL, FITZEDWARD - Ane Compendious and Breue Tractate Concernyng Ye Office and Dewtie of Kyngis Spirituall Pastoris, and Temporall Iugis. Latlie Compylit Be William Lauder, for the Faithfull Instructioun of Kyngis and Prencis.
PAQ113647: LAURIE, A P - The Materials of the Painter's Craft in Europe and Egypt, from the Earliest Times to the End of the 17th Century, with Some Account of Their Preparation and Use.
PAQ84228: LAVERY, P - Patterns of Holidaymaking in the Northern Region.
PAQ87510: LAVINIO, CRISTINA ; SOBRERO, ALBERTO - La lingua degli studenti universitari.
PAQ87025: [LAW COMMISSION] - The Law Commission Published Working Paper No 47: Injuries to Unborn Children.
PAQ76771: [LAWRENCE, D H]; ALDINGTON, RICHARD - D H Lawrence 1885 to 1930, An Appreciation.
PAQ27783: LAWRENCE, D H - The White Peacock.
PAQ102121: LAWRIE, JENN - The Marriage of Gor. The True Account of a White Girl's Life with a Black Man.
PAQ119798: LE FEUVRE, AMY - A Little Maid. Second Impression.
PAQ119795: LE FEUVRE, AMY - Legend Led.
PAQ119790: LE FEUVRE, AMY - Dwell Deep. Or Hilda Thorn's Life Story.
PAQ119794: LE FEUVRE, AMY - Martin and Margot.
PAQ119784: LE FEUVRE, AMY - Dreamikins. Second Impression.
PAQ119771: LE FEUVRE, AMY - Jill's Red Bag.
PAQ119766: LE FEUVRE, AMY - Bulbs and Blossoms. Fourth Impression.
PAQ30640: LEACH, EDMUND - Lévi-Strauss.
PAQ130893: LEAR, H L S - Five Minutes: Daily Readings of Poetry.
PAQ122238: LEAR, EDWARD - The Complete Nonsense of Edward Lear.
PAQ129702: LEAVIS, F R - Nor Shall My Sword.
PAQ73959: LEE, A ROBERT - Black American Fiction Since Richard Wright.
PAQ151754: LEECH, E B - Some Impressions of the Continent, Medical and Otherwise.
PAQ87141: LEEWES, W - Auld Robin Gray. A Favorite Scotch Song. Set to the Orginal Favorite Air.
PAQ70286: LEHMAN, HUGH - Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics.
PAQ112128: LEMON, MARK [ED] - The Jest Book: The Choicest Anecdotes And Sayings.
PAQ136346: LENORMAND, H R ; ORNA, D L [TRANSL]; DUKES, ASHLEY [FOREWORD] - Three Plays: The Dream Doctor, Man and His Phantoms, The Coward.
PAQ70223: LEONHART, T J - Open Channels for the Adolescent. A Survey and Solution.
PAQ141500: LERNER, FRANZ - Handel, Hausfrau und Hausbäckerei.
PAQ60607: LERNER, LAURENCE - The Truest Poetry. An Essay on the Question What is Literature?
PAQ144293: LÉVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - Totemism.
PAQ114198: LEWIS, WILLIAM - A System of Physical Chemistry. In Two Volumes. Volume 1 Only: Kinetic Theory. First Edition.
PAQ163787: LEWIS, C S - Beyond Personality.
PAQ39558: LIAIS, E ; SOCIÉTÉ DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE CHERBOURG - Sur la mesure de la radiation solaire et du rayonnement vers les espaces célestes. Analyse des Travaux de la Societe.
PAQ39987: LIBRARY RULES - Guille-Allès Library. Front board of book with shelfmark 767J with library label on front and library rules / lending schedule on verso.
PAQ119538: LIENHARD, FRIEDRICH - Meisters Vermächtnis. Ein Roman vom heimlichen König.
PAQ149120: LIGHTFOOT, J B - Essays on the work entitled Supernatural Religion. Reprinted from The Contemporary Review.
PAQ30796: LILJESTRÖM, RITA ; NORÉN-BJÖRN, EVA ET AL - Young Children in China, transl Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Robert Phillipson.
PAQ156370: LINDERSTROM-LANG, KAJ - Proteins and Enzymes.
PAQ104917: LINDLEY, AUGUSTUS - Adamantia. The Truth about the South African Diamond Fields.
PAQ139250: LINDOP, CHRISTINE ; FISHER, DOMINIC - Hidden Pictures and other Pieces.
PAQ132254: LINDSAY, A D - The Modern Democratic State.
PAQ123831: LISTER, ELLEN [ED] - The Loveliness of Christ from the Letters of Samuel Rutherford 1600-1661.
PAQ88656: LITTMAN, DAVID ; GILBERT, MARTIN - Statements made by the Representatives of WUFPJ (Human Rights and Human Wrongs. No 2.)
PAQ71270: LIVIA, ANNA - Accomodation Offered.
PAQ23171: LOBEL, E - The Medieval Latin 'Poetics'. Offprint, Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol 17.
PAQ111846: LOCKLEY, R M ; WILLOCK, COLIN [ED] - Grey Seal, Common Seal: An Account of Life Histories of British Seals. A Survival Book. First Edition.
PAQ149683: LODGE, DAVID ; [BURROUGHS, WILLIAM] - Objections to William Borroughs.
PAQ105486: LODGE, OLIVER - Life and Matter. An Exposition of Part of the Philosophy of Science, with Special Reference to the Influence of Professor Haeckel. 2nd edition.
PAQ40298: LOECKX, JACQUES ; SIEBER, KURT - The Foundations of Program Verification. 2nd ed.
PAQ160192: LOFT, JOHANNES - Den unge Religionslærer.
PAQ149395: LOFTHOUSE, W F - Ethics and Atonement.
PAQ115562: LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL - A Handbook to the Cases Illustrating Stages in the Evolution of the Domestic Arts. Part 1: Agriculture, the Preparation of Food, and Fire-making. Including Notes on the Andaman Collection. Second Edition.
PAQ115563: LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL - A Handbook to the Cases Illustrating Stages in the Evolution of the Domestic Arts. Part 2: Basketry, Pottery, Spinning, and Weaving, etc. Second Edition.
PAQ87331: LONDON TRANSPORT - How to Get There. Addresses, Hours of Opening, Prices of Admission, Routes.
PAQ124408: LONG, GEORGE - Journey into Troubled Iran (=The National Geographic Magazine)
PAQ85015: LORD DIAMOND - Royal Commission on the Distribution of Income and Wealth. Report No 3: Higher Incomes from Employment.
PAQ131894: LORD RADCLIFFE - Censors. Rede Lecture 1961.
PAQ136514: LORD DAVIES - The Seven Pillars of Peace.
PAQ63901: LORD BAKER OF WINDRUSH - Enterprise Versus Bureaucracy. The Development of Structural Air - Raid Precautions During the 2nd World War.
PAQ158405: LOSHAK, DAVID ; [MUNCH, EDVARD]; [DEGAS, EDGAR] - Space, Time and Edvard Munch. Burlington Magazine April 1989.
PAQ129890: LOUDON, JANE - The Amateur Gardener: Being a Guide as to what should be done in a Garden in each Month of the Year. Revised and edited by W Robinson.
PAQ106257: LOUGY, ROBERT - Inaugural Wounds. The Shaping of Desire in Five Nineteenth-Century English Narratives.
PAQ59510: LOVE, A E H - Some Problems of Geodynamics. Being an Essay to which the Adams Prize in the University of Cambridge was adjudged in 1911.
PAQ151305: LOVETT, DAVID - Demonstrating Science with Soap Films.
PAQ71392: LOWE-MCCONNELL, R H [ED] - Man - Made Lakes. Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the Royal Geographical Society, London on 30 September and 1 October 1965.
PAQ45829: LOWE & BROOKES LTD - L & B Brand Malleable Tube Fittings for Good Pipe Lines. List no 17.
PAQ163159: LUCAN ; POSTGATE, JOHANNES PERCIVAL [ED] - M. Annaei Lucani. De Bello Civili. Liber VII. With Introduction, Notes and Critical Appendix. Revised edition.
PAQ7849: LUKACS, YEHUDA - Documents on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 1967 - 1983. First Edition.
PAQ56762: LUNACHARSKI, A V - Three Plays of A V Lunacharski: Faust and The City, Vasilisa the Wise, The Magi. (Translated by L A Magnus and K Walter).
PAQ11468: LUXEMBURG, ROSA - Ich umarme Sie in grosser Sehnsucht. Briefe aus dem Gefängnis 1915 - 1918.
PAQ131310: LYMAN, THEODORE - The Spectroscopy of the Extreme Ultra-Violet. Second Edition.
PAQ114416: LYONS, JOHN - Ny Lingvistik.
PAQ113899: LYONS, JOHN - Bahasa dan Linguistik: Suatu Pengenalan.
PAQ113905: LYONS, JOHN - Pengenalan Linguistik Teoretis.
PAQ113898: LYONS, JOHN - Introdução à Linguística Teórica.
PAQ123504: LYONS, JOHN - Language and Linguistics. (GREEK TRANSLATION)
PAQ158740: M'NEILE, ALAN HUGH [ED] - The Gospel According to St. Matthew. The Greek Text with Introduction, Notes, and Indices.
PAQ101616: MA'OZ, MOSHE - Palestinian Leadership on the West Bank. The Changing Role of the Mayors Under Jordan and Israel.
PAQ99945: MABLEKOS, VAN E - Electric Machine Theory for Power Engineers.
PAQ154259: MACARTHUR, JOHN - Saved Without a Doubt. How to Be Sure of Your Salvation.
PAQ132258: MACAULAY, ROSE - They Went to Portugal.
PAQ113132: MACCARTNEY, THOMAS - The Scottish Covenanters: A Fifty Years' Struggle for Religious Liberty.
PAQ148846: MACDONALD, GEORGE - Phantastes, A Faerie Romance.
PAQ133516: MACDOUGALL FERGUSON, J M ; WOOD, ELSIE - Look upon a Little Child: A First Prayer Book for Home and School.
PAQ91909: MACHLUP, FRITZ - International Trade and the National Income Multiplier.
PAQ83585: MACHLUP, FRITZ - The Cloakroom Rule of International Reserves: Reserve Creation and Resources Transfer.
PAQ162949: MACK, DONALD [ED] - James Hogg, Selected Poems.
PAQ83623: MACKENZIE, G A ; KUMAR, MANMOHAN ET AL - International Monetary Fund, Staff Papers. Vol 36, No 4, December 1989.
PAQ115708: MACKINTOSH, H R - The Doctrine of the Person of Jesus Christ. Second Edition.
PAQ162335: MACKINTOSH, ROBERT - Christian Ethics.
PAQ121664: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - The Satan Bug.
PAQ13948: MACNEICE, LOUIS - Springboard. Poems 1941 - 1944. First edition.
PAQ136683: MAGEE, BRYAN - Os Grandes Filosofos. (Portuguese)
PAQ155437: MAGOFFIN, RICHARD - Waltzing Matilda. Second Edition Commemorating our Song's 110th Anniversary.
PAQ136092: MAITLAND, F W ; GWATKIN, HENRY MELVILL ; POOLE, R L - Essays on the Teaching of History.
PAQ112928: MAIURI, AMEDEO - Herculaneum: Itineraries of the Museums, Galleries and Monuments in Italy.
PAQ137640: MALCOLMSON, PATRICIA ; MALCOLMSON, ROBERT [EDS]; TIPPER, KATHLEEN - A Woman in Wartime London. The Diary of Kathleen Tipper 1941-1945 [London Record Society vol 41].
PAQ162997: MALCOLMSON, ROBERT - Popular Recreations in English Society 1700-1850.
PAQ56861: [MANDELSHTAM, OSIP] - Homage to Mandelstam: An Anthology of Poems, Edited by Richard Burns and George Gomori.
PAQ62302: MANZONI, ALESSANDRO - I Promessi Sposi. A Cura di Eurialo de Michelis.
PAQ147544: MARESCA, MARIANO - Tommaso d'Aquino e la Scolastica.
PAQ83437: MARIA RILKE, RAINER - Ausgewählte Werke. Erster Band: Gedichte. Zweiter Band: Prosa und Übertragungen. Edited Ernst Zinn.
PAQ102033: MARKHAM, E A - Games and Penalties.
PAQ161200: MARSH, JOHN - The Changing Role of Common Agricultural Policy: The Future of Farming in Europe.
PAQ160935: MARTIN, RONALD - Tacitus.
PAQ107753: MARTIN, J J - Bayesian Decision Problems and Markov Chains.
PAQ36276: MARTIN, S J - Numerical Control of Machine Tools.
PAQ143869: MARTINET, ANDRÉ - Elements of General Linguistics.
PAQ102073: [MARX, KARL]; EVANS, MICHAEL - Karl Marx.
PAQ65085: MARX, KARL ; ENGELS, FRIEDRICH - Marx and Engels on Reactionary Prussianism.
PAQ150541: MASEREEL, FRANS - Das Gemeinsame. Übertragen von Friderike Maria Zweig. Illus Frans Masereel.
PAQ125141: MASKELL, WILLIAM - The Ancient Liturgy of The Church of England According to the Uses of Sarum Bangor York & Hereford and the Modern Roman Liturgy Arranged in Parallel Columns.
PAQ137935: MASON, DUANE [ED] - Sawmill Techniques For Southeast Asia: Proceedings of the First Southeast Asia Sawmill Seminar Singapore, June 1975.
PAQ16305: MASON, S C [ED] - A Selection of Children's Verse from Junior Schools in the County of Leicester.
PAQ106160: MASSEY, B S - Mechanics of Fluids. 4th Edition.
PAQ112154: MASSON, GUSTAVE - La Lyre Francaise.
PAQ70899: MATTHEW, J E - The Literature of Music.
PAQ111614: MAUND, TRACEY - Invariant. No. 11. October 1984.
PAQ78873: MAUROIS, ANDRÉ - Le Chapitre suivant.
PAQ112606: MAVROGORDATO, JOHN [ED] - Digenes Akrites.
PAQ123096: MAW, GEORGE - Organic Chemistry for Medical Students.
PAQ49839: MAXIMOV, VLADIMIR [ED] - Kontinent 1: The Alternative Voice of Russia and Eastern Europe.
PAQ159832: MAYER, DAN - Essential Evidence-Based Medicine.
PAQ145725: MAYHEW, ARTHUR - Christianity and the Government of India. An examination of the Christian forces at work in the administration of India and of the mutual relations of the British Government and Christian Missions 1600-1920.
PAQ116336: MAYNARD, JOHN [ED] - Victorian Literature and Culture. Volume 32. Number 1. Editors' Topic: Victorian Ireland.
PAQ63569: MAYNE, PETER - The Alleys of Marrakesh. (The Cornhill, No 996, Summer 1953).
PAQ36770: MAYO, JOHN FREDERICK - From One Generation to Another: The Story of the Church in the Kiwitea Since the Early Eighties.
PAQ159372: MAYOR, JOSEPH [ED] - The Epistle of James. Greek Text with Introduction Notes and Comments. Second Edition.
PAQ127402: MCCANN, FREDERICK JOHN - The Treatment of Common Female Ailments. 3rd Edition.
PAQ111359: MCCARTHY, ALBERT ; JONES, MAX [EDS] - Piano Jazz. Number 2.
PAQ111357: MCCARTHY, ALBERT ; JONES, MAX [EDS] - Piano Jazz. Number 1.
PAQ45053: MCCARTHY, JUSTIN - Pope Leo 13.
PAQ98031: MCCAUSLAND, N K ; BRETTINGHAM, SYLVIA [ILLUSTR] - The Cunning Chemist and Other Rhymes.
PAQ141703: MCDOWALL, S A - Biology and Mankind.
PAQ144858: MCELWEE, WILLIAM - Final Objective.
PAQ64892: MCFARKAND, H S N - Psychology and Teaching. Second Edition Enlarged.
PAQ73963: MCLAUGHLIN GREEN, CONSTANCE - The Rise of Urban America.
PAQ163808: MCLOUGHLIN, G - A Short History of the First Liverpool Infirmary 1749 - 1824.
PAQ147861: MCNEILL, F M [ED] - An Iona Anthology.
PAQ103933: MEADE, J E ; STONE, RICHARD - National Income and Expenditure. Second Edition.
PAQ131896: MEADE, J E ; STONE, RICHARD - National Income and Expenditure. Fourth Edition.
PAQ131895: MEADE, J E ; STONE, RICHARD - National Income and Expenditure. Second Edition.
PAQ56422: MEISTER, ERNST [ED] - Der Einzelne und die Gemeinschaft.
PAQ123935: MEITNER, LISE ; WATKINS, SALLIE A - Set of Articles: Angewandte Chemie, Lise Meitner and the beta-ray energy controversy: An historical perspective, Lise Meitner: The making of a physicist, Lise Meitner's escape from Germany, Discovery in Physics.
PAQ145149: MEJCHER, HELMUT - The Struggle for a New Middle East in the 20th Century. Studies in Imperial Design and National Politics.
PAQ134713: MENÉNDEZ PIDAL, RAMÓN - Antología de Prosistas Castellanos. (Spanish)
PAQ64899: MEREDITH, MARTIN - The First Dance of Freedom. Black Africa in the Postwar Era.
PAQ124649: METASTASIO, PIETRO - Opere di Pietro Metastasio, Vols 1 - 14.
PAQ94325: METZNER, ERNST ERICH - Zur frühesten Geschichte der europäischen Balladendichtung. Der Tanz in Kölbigk. Legendarische Nachrichten - Gesellschaftlicher Hintergrund - Historische Voraussetzungen.
PAQ1922: MEYNELL, FRANCIS - English Printed Books.
PAQ63494: MIDDLETON, THOMAS - Thomas Middleton Three Plays. Edited by Kenneth Muir.
PAQ88452: MIKUSCH, DAGOBERT VON - Mustapha Kemal: Between Europe and Asia.
PAQ133739: MILL, JOHN STUART - An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy. Fifth Edition.
PAQ133738: MILL, JOHN STUART - Dissertations and Discussions. Political, Philosophical and Historical.
PAQ160936: MILLS, MALDWYN [ED] - Six Middle English Romances.
PAQ100162: MILLS, C WRIGHT - The New Men of Power. America's Labor Leaders.
PAQ136329: MILONE, FERNANDO ; CLEGG, M J [ED] - The Economy of the Regions of Italy.
PAQ117073: MILTON, JOHN - The Poetical Works of John Milton. In three Volumes.
PAQ138298: MINISTER OF EDUCATION - Technical Education: Presented to Parliament by the Minister of Education and the Secretary of State for Scotland by Command of Her Majesty February 1956. (Cmnd 9703)
PAQ138299: MINISTER OF EDUCATION - Better Opportunities in Technical Education: Presented to Parliament by the Minister of Education by Command of Her Majesty January, 1961. (Cmnd 1254)
PAQ92246: MINISTÈRE DE L'INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE - Statistique de l'Enseignment Primaire. Tome Cinquieme, 1891 - 1892.
PAQ91580: MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION NACIONAL - Aspectos de la Labor del Nuevo Estado en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas.
PAQ115917: MINISTRY OF INFORMATION - The Battle of Britain. An Air Ministry Account of the Great Days from 8th August to 31st October 1940.
PAQ38402: MITTON, C LESLIE - The Formation of the Pauline Corpus of Letters.
PAQ98048: MOENKE, H ; MOENKE-BLANKENBURG, L - Laser Micro-Spectrochemical Analysis.
PAQ87981: MOLE, JOHN - The Instruments.
PAQ81138: MOLIÈRE - Les Précieuses Ridicules. With Introduction and Notes by E G W Braunholtz. Abridge Edition, edited fro the Syndics of the University Press.
PAQ134350: MOLINIER, A - Les Sources de l'Histoire de France des Origines aux Guerres d' Italie (1494). 1 Époque Primitive, Mérovingiens et Carolingiens. 2 Époque Féodale, les Capétiens Jusqu'en 1180.
PAQ157047: MOLLOY, JOANNE [ED] - Building Societies Yearbook 1994 - 1995. The Official Handbook of the Buildings Societies Association and Council of Mortgage Lenders Yearbook.
PAQ144983: MOMMSEN, KATHARINA - Hofmannsthal und Fontane.
PAQ120409: MONMARCHÉ, MARCEL [ED] - Algérie, Tunisie.
PAQ133039: MONMARCHÉ, MARCEL - Normandie.
PAQ88282: MONOPOLIES AND RESTRICTIVE PRACTICES COMMISSION - Monopolies and Restrictive Practices Commission: Collective Discrimination. A Report on Exclusive Dealing, Collective Boycotts, Aggregated Rebated and other Discriminatory Trade Practices. (Cmd 9504)
PAQ111676: MONRO, HAROLD - Twentieth Century Poetry: An Anthology Chosen. Second Impression.
PAQ114846: MONTAGU, M F A - An Introduction to Physical Anthropology. First Edition.
PAQ96583: MOODY, PEGGIE - Gold and some Others.
PAQ56841: MOOR, GEORGE - Fox Gold, Nightingale Island, Bowl of Roses.
PAQ62756: MOORE, GEORGE - George Moore: Letters 1895 - 1933 To Lady Cunard.
PAQ110: MOORE, G E - Philosophical Studies.
PAQ126819: MORGAN, D F - Standing Camps: A Manual of Camping for Scout Troops. With a Preface by the Chief Scout Sir Robert Baden-Powell.
PAQ161393: MORGAN, ANN - British Imports of Consumer Goods: A Study of Import Penetration 1974 - 1985.
PAQ117024: MORGAN, IRVONWY - Prince Charles's Puritan Chaplain.
PAQ107760: MORLEY, ARTHUR - Theory of Structures, by Arthur Morley with 320 Diagrams and Numerous Examples.
PAQ145586: MORONEY, M J - Facts from Figures.
PAQ70214: MORRIS, P R ; WHITING, H T A - Motor Impairment and Compensatory Education.
PAQ129648: MORRIS, RICHARD - Specimens of Early English: Part 1 - From Old English Homilies to King Horn, A.D. 1150- A.D. 1300.
PAQ31164: MORRIS, BAYARD [ED] - Spanish Lyrics.
PAQ75664: MORRISON, TONI - Tar Baby.
PAQ98185: MORRISON, TONI - Beloved, Sula & Song of Solomon.
PAQ120706: MORTIMER, PETER [ED] - Iron: From the North East. Issue 68. November 1992-February 1993.
PAQ161168: MORTON, J B ; BEACHCOMBER - Sideways through Borneo ( An Unconventional Journey)
PAQ26720: MOURGUES, ODETTE DE - L'Hortensia Bleu: Roman.
PAQ140091: MOUTON, JAMES HOPE - Two Lectures on the Science of Language.
PAQ112057: MUNRO, NEIL - The Daft Days. Third Impression.
PAQ129530: MURRAY, LINDLEY - The English Reader: Or Pieces in Prose and Poetry, Selected From the Best Writers. Designed to Assist Young Persons to Read with Propriety and Effect:….
PAQ56913: MURRAY, KATHLEEN ; WILKINSON, ERIC [EDS] - Children's Rights in a Scottish Context.
PAQ130065: MURRAY, LINDLEY - English Grammar, Adapted to the Different Classes of Learners. With Appendix, Containing Rules and Observations, for Assisting the More Advanced Students to Write with Perspicuity and Accuracy.
PAQ107612: MYERS, W R - Theoretical Electromagnetism.
PAQ114103: MYRES, JOHN - Mediterranean Culture. The Frazer Lecture 1943. First Edition.
PAQ160194: N'SANDA, WAMENKA [ED] - Kotanga pe Kokoma Lingala 1.
PAQ155526: NAAMAN, GHULAM MASIH - The Unexpected Enemy. A Muslim Freedom Fighter Encounters Christ.
PAQ121616: NACHMANSOHN, DAVID - Chemical and Molecular Basis of Nerve Activity.
PAQ124659: NACHMANSOHN, D [ED] - Metabolism and Function. A Collection of Papers Dedicated to Otto Meyerhof on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday.
PAQ160801: NALL, G H ; XENOPHON - Xenophon's Anabasis. Book 3.
PAQ118005: NALL, G H ; XENOPHON - Xenophon's Anabasis. Book 3.
PAQ134829: NASH, ROY - North from Granada.
PAQ164546: NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH ; HANNA, FRANK - Studies in Income and Wealth. Conference on Research in Income and Wealth. Analysis of Wisconsin Income. Volume 9.
PAQ164536: NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH - Studies in InFreight Transportation in the Soviet Union.h. Conference on Research in Income and Wealth. Volume 12.
PAQ142279: NEEDHAM, JOSEPH - Abstract of the Material Presented to the International Maritime History Commission at Beirut.
PAQ132136: NEILL, STEPHEN - The Interpretation of the New Testament, 1861-1961.
PAQ135141: NELSON, G A - A Flora of Leeds and District.
PAQ151226: NEUMANN, HENRICH - Armenite: A new Mineral; Armenite: A Water-Bearing Barium-Calcium-Alumsilicate.
PAQ154811: NEUMANN, HENRICH - X-Ray Powder Patterns for Mineral Identification. Part 2: Oxydes and Hydroxides.
PAQ62531: NEWBY, P H - The Novel 1945 - 1950.
PAQ161580: NEWMAN, F H - The Production and Measurement of Low Pressures.
PAQ125319: NICOLSON, BENEDICT [ED] - The Burlington Magazine. Special Issue in Honour of Professor Johannes Wilde. June 1961. With Contributions form his Pupils: Jean Pucelle: A re-examination of the evidence by Kathleen Morand, A Note on Masaccio in Pisa by Eve Borsook, etc.
PAQ111639: NIEL, WILLIAM - William Niel's One Volume Bible Commentary.
PAQ146271: NIELSEN, ERLAND KOLDING - Europaeiske Bogbind '93 European Bookbindings '93 Det kongelige Bibliotek.
PAQ163982: NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH ; GOLFFING, FRANCIS [TRANSL] - The Birth of Tragedy and The Genealogy of Morals.
PAQ123774: (NO AUTHOR) - Cavalcade of Painting. A Book for the Student or the Connoisseur of Art, Illustrated by Reproductions of Masterpieces of the Famous London Collections.
PAQ42394: (NO AUTHOR) - Brown's Nautical Almanac 1967.
PAQ41764: (NO AUTHOR) - Rubber in Engineering.
PAQ158349: NOEVER, PETER [FOREWORD]; NERAY, KATALIN [FOREWORD] - Art and Revolution. Russian and Soviet Art 1910 - 1932. Kunst und Revolution. Russische und Sowjetische Kunst 1910-1932.
PAQ109910: NOJORKAM - Nous Grecs. Signed by the author.
PAQ146163: NÖLDEKE, THEODORE ; BLACK, J S [TRANSL] - Sketches from Eastern History.
PAQ83425: NORDSTROM, JOHAN - Moyen Age et Renaissance. Essai Historique. Traduit du Suedois par T Hammar.
PAQ7622: NORRIS, CHRISTOPHER - Deconstruction and the Interests of Theory.
PAQ114720: NORTH, M A - Greek Prose Composition for Schools. Ninth Edition, Thirteenth Impression.
PAQ164301: NORTHCOTT, JIM - Britain in 2010. The PSI Report.
PAQ154845: NUERNBERGK, ERICH - Untersuchungen über die Lichtverteilung in Avena-Koleoptilen und anderen phototropisch reizbaren Pflanzenorganen bei einseitiger Beleuchtung. Ein Beitrag zur Kritik der Beweisführung der Blaauwschen Theorie.
PAQ161276: O'LOUGHLIN, CARLEEN - The Economics of Sea Transport.
PAQ121912: O'CONNOR, W J - Renal Function. First Edition.
PAQ155423: O'CONNOR, COLIN - Spanning Two Centuries. Historic Bridges of Australia.
PAQ155106: O'NEIL, CURREY - Ripley's Believe it or Not! Book of Australia and New Zealand.
PAQ137990: ODELL, PETER - An Economic Geography of Oil.
PAQ151497: OECD ; FIELD, NANCY - Biotechnology and the Changing Role of Government.
PAQ84094: OECD - Greece: Reviews of National Policies for Education.
PAQ163610: OHNUKI-TIERNEY, EMIKO - Illness and Culture in Contemporary Japan. An Anthropological View.
PAQ115086: OLIVIER, CHARLES - Meteors. First Edition.
PAQ36753: OMAN, JOHN - Grace and Personality.
PAQ92107: OSBORNE, CHARLES - Giving It Away: The Memoirs of an Uncivil Servant.
PAQ153083: PACHECO, CLAUDIA BERNHARDT - Women on the Couch. An Analysis of Female Psychopathology.
PAQ75125: PAGANO, MADDALENA [INTRODUCTION] - The Teaching of Handicrafts in Secondary Schools. (13th International Conference on Public Education Convened by UNESCO and the IBE)
PAQ75124: PAGANO, MADDALENA [INTRODUCTION] - School Meals and Clothing. From Information Supplied by the Ministries of Education. (14th International Conference on Public Education Convened by UNESCO and the IBE)
PAQ31535: PAGÈS, GEORGES - La Guerre de Trente Ans, 1618 - 1648.
PAQ106082: PAINTER, GEORGE - Chateaubriand. A Biography: Vol 1: The Longed-for Tempest.
PAQ39206: PANORAMA DDR - The peace movement in the GDR: Background and Traditions, Initiatives and Efforts, Purposes and Objectives.
PAQ39205: PANORAMA DDR - Wissenschaft zum Nutzen der Gesellschaft: Informationen aus der DDR.
PAQ39204: PANORAMA DDR - Gesundheitswesen in der DDR: Informationen, Berichte, Interviews.
PAQ39202: PANORAMA DDR - Volksbildung in der DDR: Informationen über Ziele, Inhalte, Ergebnisse.
PAQ39200: PANORAMA DDR - Recht, Gesetz, Justiz: Eine Information aus der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
PAQ39195: PANORAMA DDR - Stabile Wirtschaft - Soziale Sicherheit: Die DDR im 35. Jahr.
PAQ39146: PANORAMA DDR - Was haben die Gewerkschaften zu sagen? Informationen aus der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
PAQ39147: PANORAMA DDR - Die Familie in der DDR: Was ist anders und warum? Eine Information.
PAQ116979: PANSY - Spun From Fact.
PAQ116977: PANSY - Christie's Christmas.
PAQ121044: PANTON, P N ; MARRACK, J R - Clinical Pathology. Third Edition.
PAQ162609: PAPPWORTH, M H - A Primer of Medicine.
PAQ120213: PARABOSCO, G ; ERIZZO, S - Novellieri minori del cinquecento. A cura di Giuseppe Gigli e Fausto Nicolini.
PAQ104911: PARKER, GEOFFREY - The General Crisis of the Seventeenth Centuy.
PAQ81703: PARKER, DOROTHY ; SAKI - Contrast II. Short Stories. Compiled by Roger Mansfield and Keith Newson.
PAQ64900: PARKER, CLIFF - How to Avoid DIY.
PAQ137066: PARKER, ALEXANDER ; CRUICKSHANK, DON - Edward Meryon Wilson 1906 - 1977.
PAQ45595: PARKINSON, G H R - Spinoza's Theory of Knowledge.
PAQ107910: PARKINSON, S - A Treatise on Optics. Second Edition.
PAQ150198: PARKMAN, FRANCIS - Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV.
PAQ131771: PASCAL, BLAISE - The Provincial Letters of Blaise Pascal.
PAQ16096: PASCAL, ROY - Brecht's Misgivings.
PAQ31546: PASTON, GEORGE - George Romney.
PAQ143610: PASTRÉ, OLIVIER - Les Nouveaux Piliers de la Finance: Essai.
PAQ59445: PATEFIELD, JEAN - East Anglia Teashop Walks.
PAQ147470: PATON, W R [ED] - The Greek Anthology in Five Volumes, Vol 2 [only]. With an English Translation by W R Paton.
PAQ147468: PATON, W R [ED] - The Greek Anthology in Five Volumes, Vol 5 [only]. With an English Translation by W R Paton.
PAQ147469: PATON, W R [ED] - The Greek Anthology in Five Volumes, Vol 3 [only]. With an English Translation by W R Paton.
PAQ98659: PATTERSON, E M - Vector Algebra.
PAQ131281: PAULING, LINUS ; GOUDSMIT, SAMUEL - The Structure of Line Spectra. First Edition, Second Impression.
PAQ111299: PEARCE, D W - Cost-benefit Analysis.
PAQ112066: PEARMAN, A J - History of Ashford.
PAQ54340: PEDRETTI, ERICA - Valerie oder Das unerzogene Auge.
PAQ145084: PEERS, ALLISON ET AL; [CERVANTES, MIGUEL DE] - Actas de la Asamblea Cervantina de la Lengua Española.
PAQ116883: PERETS, J - Joodsche Volksverhalen uit het jiddiesj vertaald door C J Hildesheim.
PAQ159314: PEREZ, JIZCHOK LEJB - Jüdische Geschichten. Aus dem Jidischen übertragen von Alexander Eliasberg.
PAQ102380: PERLA, RONALD ; MARTINELLI JR, M - Avalanche Handbook.
PAQ49936: PERLO, VICTOR - The Unstable Economy: Booms and Recessions in the United States since 1945.
PAQ109949: PERRY, WALTER - The Women of Homer. First Edition.
PAQ154248: PETERSON, ROBERT - Hell on Trial. The Case for Eternal Punishment. Signed by Author.
PAQ133954: PFLAUM, BARBARA ; MAUTHE, JÖRG - This is Vienna.
PAQ113129: PHILLIMORE, J S [TRANSL] - Philostratus in Honor of Apollonius of Tyana. Volume 2. First Edition.
PAQ85136: PHILLIPS, THOMAS [FOREWORD] - Report of the Committee on the Economic and Financial Problems of the Provision for Old Age, Presented to Parliament by the Chancellor of the Exchequer by Command of Her Majesty December 1954. (Cmd 9333)
PAQ163871: PHILLIPS, CLAUDE - Sir Joshua Reynolds.
PAQ129879: PHILLIPS, SIDNEY ; IREMONGER, F A - The Communion of the Sick: With plain instructions and devostions; A Sunday Evening Service: Some explanatory notes.
PAQ53840: PIAGET, JEAN - Ls Psychologie de l'Intelligence. 4th Ed.
PAQ87018: PICCOLI, PAOLO - Libro Bianco Sull'Aborto. Cronaca di un Dramma Della Coscienza Italiana. Documenti dei Dibattiti Parlamentari Nella VI e Nella VII Legislatura.
PAQ84647: PICKERING, J F ; HARRISON, J A - Identification and Measurement of Consumer Confidence: Methodolgy and Some Preliminary Results.
PAQ122013: PICKFORD, LESLIE - A Student Handbook on Note-taking, Essay-writing, Special Study and Thesis Presentation.
PAQ73876: PIETTRE, ANDRE - L'Economie Allemande Contemporaine (Allemagne Occidentale) 1945-1952.
PAQ140809: PIKE, LUKE OWEN - A Constitutional History of the House of Lords from Original Sources. First Edition.
PAQ162514: PINDAR ; PUECH, AIMÉ - Pindare. Volume 1 - 4.
PAQ36387: PINDER, DAVID - The Netherlands.
PAQ108513: PINGAUD, BERNARD ; LÉVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE ; GENETTE, GÉRARD - Claude Lévi-Strauss. Special Issue of L'Arc. (= L'Arc No 26)
PAQ104946: PINION, F B - A Tennyson Chronology.
PAQ143938: PINNOCK, W H - Pinnock's History and Topography of England and Wales. In Six Volumes. Vol 1 Containing: Bedford, Berkshire, Buckingham, Cambridge, Cheshire, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derby.
PAQ126100: PLAIN, WILLIAM - Awareness Training in Learning and Teaching.
PAQ159305: PLATO - The Republic of Plato - Edited with Critical Notes and an Introduction on the Text by James Adam.
PAQ142037: PLOTKIN, A - D I Pisarev i literaturno-obshchestvennoe dvizhenie 60-kh godov. (RUSSIAN LANGUAGE)
PAQ132114: PLUCKNETT, T F T - A Concise History of the Common Law. Fifth Edition.
PAQ139605: PLUMPTRE, E H [TRANSL]; DANTE ALIGHIERI - The Divina Commedia and Canzoniere. Vol 2: Purgatory. With notes, studies and estimates.
PAQ143986: POHL, HANS [ED] - Die Daimler Benz AG. 100 Jahre Automobil. Merzedes Benz - In Aller Welt, No 199.
PAQ91905: POLAK, JACQUES - An International Economic System.
PAQ113121: POLIT, AURELIO - Vithilio. El Poeta y su Mision Providencial. First Edition Author Inscribed.
PAQ45585: POLKINGHORNE, R K ; POLKINGHORNE, M I R - Weaving and Other Pleasant Occupations as Training for Hand and Eye in the Schoolroom. New Edition.
PAQ123283: POLLARD, M M - His Grandchild: A Tale of North Harbour.
PAQ15781: POOLE, AUSTIN - Obligations of Society in the 12. and 13. Centuries.
PAQ122944: POOLE, AUSTIN - Obligations of Society: In the XII and XIII Centuries. First Edition.
PAQ135001: POPE, F G - Modern Research in Organic Chemistry.
PAQ57598: POPE - The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. Edited by H F Cary.
PAQ164423: POPKIN, JOEL - Analysis of Inflation: 1965-1974.
PAQ145085: PORRAS TROCONIS, GABRIEL - Historia de la Cultura en el Nuevo Reino de Granada.
PAQ152360: PORTER, MARY - Making Religion Real: Some Practical Suggestions.
PAQ90160: POWELL, ANTHONY - Casanova's Chinese Restaurant.
PAQ163467: POWELL, KERRY - Oscar Wilde and the Theatre of the 1890s.
PAQ74272: POWELL, ANTHONY - The Kindly Ones.
PAQ124167: POWELL, ANTHONY - The Valley of Bones. (A Dance to the Music of Time, Vol 7)
PAQ130425: POWELL, ANTHONY - Temporary Kings.
PAQ92463: PRATTEN, C F - Destocking in the Recession.
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