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PAQ160537: PURCELL, HENRY - Henry Purcell Popular Pieces. Popular Edition of the Selected Works. No 1: Fifteen Songs and Airs.
PAQ102085: QUIGGIN, A H - The Fishing Devices of Central and Southern Africa.
PAQ12381: QUILLER-COUCH, ARTHUR [ED] - Old Ballads.
PAQ80544: RACINE, JEAN - Oeuvres de J Racine. Nouvelle Edition. Revue sur les Plus Anciennes Impressions et les Autographes par M Paul Mesnard. Tomo Deuxieme.
PAQ53535: RADFORD, J D - The Engineer and Society: An Introduction to Engineering Management.
PAQ63293: RADIO INVENTIONS INC - National Research Council Committee on Sensory Devices. The Development of The Faximile Visagraph.
PAQ164066: RADZINOWICZ, L - English Criminal Policy. An Attempt at Intepretation.
PAQ45833: RAMSAY GREEN, T M - Mass Production: Magazine of Modern Manufacturing Vol 42 No 12.
PAQ63437: RANKE, LEOPOLD VON - The History of the Popes, Their Church and State and especially their Conflicts with Protestantism in the 16th and 17th Cent. Transl E Foster. Vol 3 - Appendix [only].
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PAQ82453: RAYMOND, MARCEL - De Baudelaire au Surrealisme. Essai sur le Mouvement Poetique Contemporain.
PAQ86264: RE, GIGLIOLA ; DEROSSI, GRAZIELLA - L'occupazione fu bellissima. 600 famiglie occupano la Falchera.
PAQ157764: READING, BRIAN - Government by Deceit.
PAQ131871: REDDAWAY, W B [ED] - London and Cambridge Economic Service. New Series Bulletin 1 - 56.
PAQ126284: REDDAWAY, W F - Problems of the Baltic.
PAQ85662: REGE, UDAYAN - Cases in Canadian Financial Management.
PAQ164403: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the The Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending 31st December 1917. Part D. Building Societies.
PAQ164399: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the The Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending 31st December 1913. Part A. General Report.
PAQ164398: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the The Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending 31st December 1913. Part C. Trade Unions.
PAQ164156: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ended 31st December 1900. Part A: Appendix (K.) List of Friendly Societies with Summaries of Returns, Valuations etc.
PAQ164397: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the The Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending 31st December 1913. Part D. Building Societies.
PAQ164155: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ended 31st December 1919. Part D: Building Societies.
PAQ164383: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the The Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending 31st December 1915. Part A. General Report.
PAQ164382: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the The Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending 31st December 1916. Parts B and C. Industrial and Provident Societies and Trade Unions.
PAQ164379: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the The Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending 31st December 1915. Part A App B.
PAQ164153: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ended 31st December 1898. Part B Industrial and Provident Societies.
PAQ164331: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Reports of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies For the Year Ending 31st December 1896 Part B Industrial and Provident Societies.
PAQ164330: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Reports of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies For the Year Ending 31st December 1894 Part A.
PAQ164165: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Building Societies: Return to an Order of the House of Commons of an Abstract of the Accounts Furnished by Building Societies Incorporated to the 31st Day of December 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, under the Building Societies Acts.
PAQ164329: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Reports of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies For the Year Ending 31st December 1887 Part A.
PAQ164327: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Seventeenth Annual Report by the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies of the Proceedings of the Registrars Under the Building Societies Acts with an Abstract of the Statements of Societies for the Year 1911.
PAQ164323: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Reports of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ended 31st December 1904. Part B: Industrial and Provident Societies.
PAQ164322: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Reports of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ended 31st December 1916. Part A: General Report.
PAQ164319: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ended 31st December 1912. Part A.
PAQ164164: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending December 31st 1917. Part A.
PAQ164315: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Thirteenth Annual Report by the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies of the Proceedings of the Registrars Under the Building Societies Acts With An Abstract of the Annual Accounts and Statements of Societies For the Year 1907.
PAQ164314: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending December 31st 1913. Part B: Industrial and Provident Societies.
PAQ164312: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Seventh Annual Report by the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies of the Proceedings of the Registrars Under the Building Societies Acts With An Abstract of the Annual Accounts and Statements of Societies For the Year 1901.
PAQ164161: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending December 31st 1922. Complete Set.
PAQ164240: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending December 31st 1886, Part 2.
PAQ164238: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending December 31st 1900, Part A List of Friendly Societies with Summaries of Returns, Valuations etc.
PAQ164233: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Thirteenth Annual Report by the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies of the Proceedings of the Registrars under the Building Societies Acts with an Abstract of the Accounts and Statements of Societies for the Year 1907.
PAQ164230: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies For The Year Ending December 1914. Part D Building Societies.
PAQ164229: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies Building Societies Report.
PAQ164158: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending December 31st 1923. Complete Set.
PAQ164226: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending December 31st 1893, Part B Appendix Industrial and Provident Societies.
PAQ164225: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending December 31st 1895, Part B.
PAQ164224: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending December 31st 1897, Part A.
PAQ164220: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending December 31st 1890, Part A, Part B Appendix Industrial and Provident Societies, Part C Appendix Trade Unions.
PAQ164157: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending December 31st 1917. Part D: Building Societies.
PAQ164218: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending 31st December 1892. Part B Industrial and Provident Societies.
PAQ164169: REGISTRY OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Report of the Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies for the Year Ending December 31st 1922, Part D: Building Societies.
PAQ114936: REID, C N - Excited States in Chemistry and Biology.
PAQ76741: REMY, PIERRE-JEAN - La Vie d'Adrian Putney, Poete. La Memoire.
PAQ157256: RESCH, ALFRED - Agrapha. Aussercanonische Evangelienfragmente gesammelt und untersucht.
PAQ99441: RETALLICK, MARTHA - Ride Over the Mountain.
PAQ120710: REY, H A - See the Circus.
PAQ92953: REYNOLDS, PATRICK - A Stroll in Old Iffley. Illustrated by Diana Heeks,.
PAQ87054: RICHARDSON, J HENRY - Economic and Financial Aspects of Social Security. An International Survey.
PAQ134952: RICKARD, PETER - The Rivalry of M(a), S(a), and Mon, Ton, Son Before Feminine Nouns in Old and Middle French.
PAQ163377: RIDGE, BENJAMIN - Ourselves, Our Food and Our Physic. Fifth edition .
PAQ60473: RIETTY, ROBERT [ED] - Gambit. An International Drama Quarterly. No 1, 2 and 3.
PAQ99587: RIETZ, MAGNUS [ED] - Sweden.
PAQ36386: RILEY, RAYMOND - Belgium.
PAQ92345: RILKE, RAINER MARIA - Das Stunden-Buch enthaltend die drei Bücher: Vom moenchischen Leben / Von der Pilgerschaft / Von der Armuth und vom Tode. Missing title page.
PAQ118625: RILKE, RAINER MARIA - Das Stunden-Buch. Enthaltend die drei Bücher: Vom mönchischen Leben. Von der Pilgerschaft. Von der Urmuth und vom Tode.
PAQ139669: RITTER, HEINRICH ; MORRISON, ALEXANDER [TRANSL] - The History of Ancient Philosophy. First English Edition. Vol 2. (History of the Socratic Schools - Socrates and the Imperfect Socratists; Plato and the Old Academy)
PAQ63317: ROACH, JOAN - Public Examinations in England 1850-1900.
PAQ148660: ROBERTS, A [ED]; SAINT CLEMENT - The Clementine Homilies, The Apostolical Constitutions.
PAQ120865: ROBERTS, SIMON ; CLANCHY, M T ET AL - Law and Human Relations.
PAQ49451: ROBERTS, A [PREF] - Neural Origin of Rhythmic Movements. = Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology, 37.
PAQ163190: ROBERTSON, HECTOR MENTEITH - Aspects of the Rise of Economic Individualism: A Criticism of Max Weber and his School.
PAQ58115: ROBINSON, PHILIP - Perspectives on the Sociology of Education: An Introduction.
PAQ57890: ROCHE, MARCEL [ED] - Mechanisms of Vision. Symposium held at Caracas, Venezuela, July 31 - Aug 3, 1959. (Supplement to The Journal of General Physiology, Vol 43, No 6, Part 2, July 1960, Second Supplement)
PAQ143522: ROGERS, THOROLD - Six Centuries of Work and Wages. The History of English Labour.
PAQ139610: ROLLAND, ROMAIN - Jean-Christophe a Paris. 3 vols (complete). 1 - La Foire sur la Place. 2 - Antoinette. 3 - Dans la Maison.
PAQ139609: ROLLAND, ROMAIN - Jean-Christophe. 4 vols (complete). 1 - L'Aube. 2 - Le Matin. 3 - L'Adolescent. 4 - La Revolte.
PAQ156718: ROLT, L T C - The Making of a Railway.
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PAQ130023: ROSE, MICHAEL JOHN - MOS Integrated Circuits and their Applications.
PAQ111298: ROSE, F D - Civil Liability Statutes.
PAQ117307: ROTHSCHILD, JOAN [ED] - Machina Ex Dea: Feminist Perspectives on Technology.
PAQ107740: ROY, MAURICE [ED] - Dynamics of Satellites: Symposium Paris.
PAQ152708: ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MONUMENTS - An Inventory of Historical Monuments in the County of Cambridgeshire. Vol 1: West Cambridgeshire.
PAQ116330: RUDRA, ARUP - Modernism's Romantic Journey.
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PAQ13310: RUSKIN, JOHN - Sesame and Lilies. Three Lectures. 13th Complete Edition.
PAQ13163: RUSKIN, JOHN - Sesame and Lilies. Complete Ed. 52nd thousand.
PAQ161578: RUSSELL, ERIC - Astrology and Prediction.
PAQ151570: RUSSELL, CHARLES - Elements of Energy Conversion.
PAQ112036: RUTTER, R H ; HAYES, J G - Wade's Causeway: A Roman Road In North-East Yorkshire.
PAQ121669: SAAVEDRA, MIGUEL - Second Part of El Ingenioso Hidalgo: Don Quixote de la Mancha.
PAQ155693: SABRI, REZA - Reza. A Moslem Sees Christ.
PAQ131339: SAIKO, GEORGE - Der Opferblock.
PAQ148088: SAINT THERESA - The Way of Perfection.
PAQ76732: SAINT-GIL, PHILIPPE - Dialogues a Une Voix.
PAQ46955: SALI, AVNI ; KUNE, GABRIEL - The Practice of Biliary Surgery. Second edition.
PAQ45672: SALISBURY, H E - To Peking and Beyond: A Report on the New Asia.
PAQ163707: SALMON, FERNANDO ; GARCIA BALLESTER, LUIS ET AL - La Casa de Salud Valdecilla. Origen y Antecedentes.
PAQ82710: SALOMON, NOËL - La Campagne de Nouvelle Castille a la Fin Du XVI Siecle d'apres les Relaciones Topograficas.
PAQ46222: SALTER, F R - St Paul's School 1909 - 1959.
PAQ88705: SAMUDA, MIKE - Western Stories.
PAQ149098: SANDAY, WILLIAM - Christologies Ancient and Modern.
PAQ160957: SANDERS, DANIEL - Wörterbuch der Hauptschwierigkeiten in der deutschen Sprache. Neubearbeitet von Dr. Julius Dumcke.
PAQ113133: SANDRAS, MATHILDE - Mémoires d'un Lapin Blanc. Ouvrage illustré de 20 gravures par E Bayard.
PAQ120667: SANTORO, MARIO - Pietro Bembo.
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PAQ53752: SARGENT, JOHN - Society, Schools and Progress in India.
PAQ92037: SARGENT, GEORGE - The Crooked Sixpence.
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PAQ63045: SCHLUTER, MICHAEL - Christianity in a Changing World. Biblical Insight on Contemporary Issues.
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PAQ17409: SCHMIDT-SCHMIEDEBACH, HEINRICH - Schnaddegatz vergrössert sich. Komödie.
PAQ140035: SCHMIDT, ERICH - Lessing. Geschichte seines Lebens und seiner Schriften. Volumes 1 and 2 (complete). Dritte durchgesehene Auflage.
PAQ94317: SCHMIDT, MARGOT [ED] - Grundfragen christlicher Mystik.
PAQ94315: SCHMIDTKE, DIETRICH [ED] - Minnichlichiu gotes erkennusse. Studien zur frühen abendländischen Mystiktradition. Heidelberger Mystiksymposium vom 16. Januar 1989.
PAQ108665: SCHMIEDEL, PAUL - The Johannine Writings. First Edition.
PAQ140259: SCHMUTZ, HEINZ [ED] - The Peace Agreement of July 19th, 1937, in the Swiss engineering and metalworking industries. Swiss Pioneers of Economics and Technology. No. 2. Konrad Ilg, Ernst Dubi.
PAQ154505: SCHODDE, RICHARD [FOREWORD] - Complete Book of Australian Birds.
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PAQ111683: SCOTT, SIR WALTER ; LOCKHART, JOHN GIBSON - Narrative of the Life of Sir Walter Scott Bart: Begun By Himself and Continued By J.G. Lockhart.
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PAQ65745: SEARLE, CHRIS - The Black Man of Shadwell. Four Stories.
PAQ142254: SECRETARY OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Documents Concerning the German-Polish Relations and the Outbreak of Hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on Sept 3, 1939. (Cmd 6106)
PAQ11658: SECRETARY OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Documents concerning the German-Polish Relations and the Outbreak of Hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on Sept 3, 1939. (Cmd 6106)
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PAQ129548: SEIDENSTICKER, EDWARD - Low City, High City: Tokyo from Edo to the Earthquake, 1867-1923.
PAQ91846: SEIGNOBOS, CHARLES ; POINCARÉ, HENRI ; BOREL, ÉMILE ; MAROTTE, F ; PELLISSON, MAURICE - La Regime de 'Enseignement Superieur des Lettres: Analyse et Critique.
PAQ154104: SEITZ, FREDERICK ; [MAXWELL, J CLERK] - James Clerk Maxwell (1831 - 1879); Member APS 1875.
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PAQ112160: SELLAR, EDMUND - The Story of Lord Roberts.
PAQ112153: SELLAR, EDMUND - The Story of Nelson.
PAQ61965: SELLMAN, R R - The Elizabethan Seamen. Second Edition.
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PAQ161293: SETON, FRANCIS - Cost, Use and Value: The Evaluation of Performance, Structure and Prices Across Time, Space and Economic Systems.
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PAQ134875: SHAFFER, RICHARD ; HOFSTADTER, ALBERT [FOREWORD] - Richard Shaffer: Selected Work 1979-1983. May 25-June 30, 1984.
PAQ159479: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM ; NICOLL, ALLARDYCE [ED] - Holinshed's Chronicles as used in Shakespeare's Plays.
PAQ140477: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM ; WRIGHT, WILLIAM [ED] - Shakespeare Select Plays: King Lear.
PAQ140468: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM - The Famous History of King Henry the Eighth. The Pocket Falstaff Edition of Shakespeare's Complete Works. First Edition.
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PAQ97950: SHARP, DERRICK - English at School: The Wood and the Trees: A Manual for Teachers of English as a Mother Tongue.
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PAQ156336: SHEDLOVSKY, THEODORE - Electrochemistry in Biology and Medicine.
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PAQ132002: SHERIDAN, RICHARD - The Dramatic Works of the Right Honorable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
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PAQ140479: SIDGWICK, ARTHUR - A First Greek Reading Book.
PAQ77688: SIMEY, T S - Social Science and Social Purpose.
PAQ151291: SIMMONS, W C ; HARWOOD, H F - Petrology of the Kilembe Copper Deposits.
PAQ152993: SIMON, WALTER - Structure Drill in Chinese. First Fifty Patterns.
PAQ121858: SIMON, JOHN - On the Aims and Philosophic Method of Pathological Research. An Inaugural Address delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, Dec 15th, 1847.
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PAQ141497: SIMPSON, DOUGLAS - The House-Planets at Edzell Castle, Edzell, Scottland.
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PAQ96640: SINHA, R ET AL - Income Distribution, Growth, and Basic Needs in India.
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PAQ135184: SMITH, H P - What is the History of Adult Education? Documentary No. 9.
PAQ132992: SMITH, C [ED]; UPSON, LENT [FOREWORD] - A Book of Ballots. Representative Facsimile Ballots of Local, State and National Governments. (Report No. 148)
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PAQ160939: SMITH, NELSON ; BRIDGES, E M [EDS] - Problems of a Small Estuary: Proceedings of the Symposium on the Burry Inlet (South Wales) Held at the University College of Swansea.
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PAQ84580: SMITH, A C H - Extra Cover.
PAQ111651: SMITH, S G - A Choice of Burns's Poems and Songs.
PAQ159551: SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE - Daily Readings on the Expansion of the Church.
PAQ158141: SOLDEVILA, FERRAN - Història de Catalunya.
PAQ121851: SOLLY, SAMUEL - Address of the President to the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society at the Annual Meeting, March 2nd, 1868.
PAQ65518: SOMETON, ALICE - The Torn Bible or Hubert's Best Friend.
PAQ35573: SONNENSCHEIN, WILLIAM - A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literature. Being a first supplement to The Best Books.
PAQ132633: SOREL, GEORGES - Reflections On Violence.
PAQ161559: SOUTHERNS, L - Electricity and the Structure of Matter.
PAQ86965: SPEIGHT, H - Economics and Industrial Efficiency.
PAQ135864: SPORNE, K R - The Morphology of Pteridophytes.
PAQ154336: SPURGEON, C H - The Best of C. H. Spurgeon.
PAQ49569: SPURR, FREDERIC - The Man who holds the Keys. (A Book for the present World-Confusion)
PAQ104858: ST FRANCIS ; PASSERINI, G L - I Fioretti del glorioso messere Santo Francesco e de'suoi Frati. Terza Editione con 23 Illus.
PAQ126369: ST JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION - Home Nursing Arranged According to the Revised Syllabus of the St John Ambulance Association.
PAQ113126: ST CLEMENT - The Epistle of St. Clement of Rome.
PAQ162077: ST ATHANASIUS ; ROBERTSON, ARCHIBALD [ED] - St Athanasius on the Incarnation. The Greek Text edited by Arechibald Robertson. Third Edition, based on the Codex Seguerianus.
PAQ149951: ST FRANCIS DE SALES - Introduction to the Devout Life. From the French of S Francis de Sales. Edited by W H Hutchings.
PAQ120350: STADE, B ; SCHWAFFY, F - The Books of Rings. In Hebrew.
PAQ116456: STAHL, E L - Heinrich von Kleist's Dramas.
PAQ62725: STAHMER, ANNE [ED] - Frauen. Frauenjahrbuch '77.
PAQ164529: STANBACK JR, THOMAS - Tax Changes and Modernization in the Textile Industry.
PAQ85673: STANKIWICZ, W J [ED] - British Government in an Era of Reform.
PAQ162931: STANSTED CHAMBER OF TRADE - Stansted and District Guide to Shops and Services 1979.
PAQ46101: STANTON, VINCENT HENRY - The Gospels as Historical Documents. Part I: The Early Use of the Gospels.
PAQ63015: STEEGMAN, JOHN - Victorian Tastes.
PAQ94878: STEINHAUS, HUBERT - Mathematical Snapshots.
PAQ117833: STEINMÜLLER, PAUL - Trosteinsamkeit: Wander-Weisen.
PAQ92427: STENHOUSE, DAVID - Crisis in Abundance.
PAQ136536: STEPHEN, DAVID [INTRODUCTION] - A Race Relations Audit. An Independent Survey of Industrial Race Relations in a Major Company.
PAQ142425: STERN, LEO [ED] - Der Kampf der Deutschen Sozialdemokratie in der Zeit des Sozialistengesetzes 1878-1890. Die Tätigkeit der Reichs-Commission.
PAQ134042: STERNBERG, FRITZ - Capitalism and Socialism on Trial.
PAQ117169: STERNBERGER, DOLF - Über die Verbindlichkeit des Schrifttums.
PAQ123323: STEUART, JOHN A - The Book of Ravens.
PAQ56839: STEVENS, JOAN - The New Zealand Novel 1860 - 1965. (Second Edition Revised to 1965)
PAQ153311: STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS - The Master of Ballantrae. A Winter's Tale.
PAQ98975: STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS ; BROCK, H M [ILLUSTR] - Black Arrow. A Tale of the Two Roses. 1stI llustrated Classics Edition.
PAQ136650: STIBBE, HUGO - Cartographic Materials. A Manual of Interpretation for AACR2. Prepared by the Anglo-American Cataloguing Committee for Cartographic Materials.
PAQ119802: STILES, ED ; SOLOT, MORT - Bike Tours in Southern Arizona.
PAQ123285: STOCKTON, FRANK - Rudder Grange.
PAQ159737: STOKES, H P - The Esquire Bedells of the University of Cambridge from the 13th Century to the 20th Century.
PAQ71418: STOKKE, OLAV ; WIDSTRAND, CARL - Southern Africa. The UN - OAU Conference Oslo 9 - 14 April 1973. Volume 1: Programme of Action and Conference Proceedings.
PAQ143481: STOREY, EDWARD ; MCDONALD, JOHN [EDS] - Home and Other Places.
PAQ136659: STOUT, WILLIAM - Dinosaur Sketchbook. Vol 3.
PAQ5572: STRACHEY, LYTTON - Books and Characters, English and French.
PAQ111679: STRACHEY, LYTTON - Characters and Commentaries. Second Impression.
PAQ161902: STRASSMANN, DIANA [ED]; SEGUINO, STEPHANIE ; STEVENS, THOMAS ; LUTZ, MARK - Gender and Cooperative Behaviour: Economic Man Rides Alone (Feminist Economics Volume 2 Number 1 Spring 1996)
PAQ132159: STRATHERN, MARILYN - Kinship at the Core: An Anthropology of Elmdon, a Village in North-west Essex in the Nineteen-Sixties.
PAQ143422: STRAVINSKY, IGOR - Symphony of Psalms (Symphonie de Psaumes). Vocal Score.
PAQ71506: STRAY, CHRISTOPHER ; ISSITT, JOHN [EDS] - Paradigm. Journal of the Textbook Colloquium. Collection of approx. 10 issues from 1995 - 2002.
PAQ142709: STREET, ALAN - Music Analysis. Volume 14 (1995) - Vol 26 (2007)
PAQ119778: STRETTON - No Place like Home.
PAQ97875: STRINDBERG, AUGUST - Svenska Öden och Äfventyr, Vol 1 Medeltiden. Berättelser Från Alla Tidevarv.
PAQ112313: STRONG, L A G - King Richard's Land: A Story for Boys. First Edition.
PAQ156242: SUAREZ, THOMAS - Early Mapping of Southeast Asia.
PAQ160799: SUMMERS, WALTER COVENTRY ; TACITUS - Conelii Taciti Historiarum Liber 3.
PAQ154358: SUTHERLAND, STRUAN - Venomous Creatures of Australia. A Field Guide with Notes on First Aid.
PAQ109106: SUTHERLAND, N S - Breakdown: A Personal Crisis and a Medical Dilemma.
PAQ60592: SUTHERLAND, JAMES - The Medium of Poetry.
PAQ122145: SUTTON, JOHN - Ligaments: Their Nature and Morphology. First Edition.
PAQ89535: SWINBURNE, RICHARD - Evidence for God.
PAQ60840: SYMONS, ARTHUR - Studies in Two Literatures.
PAQ45631: SYNGE, PATRICK [ED] - Index to the Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society and List of Awards. Supplement for 1946 - 1955.
PAQ62680: [SYNGE, J M]; HENN, T R [ED] - The Plays and Poems of J M Synge. Edited by T R Henn.
PAQ134919: TABER, I W ; KIPLING, RUDYARD [ILLUSTR] - Captains Courageous. A Story of the Grand Banks.
PAQ163505: TAGORE - Tagore Greets Death. (A Diary of Gurundeva's Last Days)
PAQ163503: TAGORE - Deenabandhu. (A Brief Biographical Sketch f C F Andrews)
PAQ163504: TAGORE - Tagore's Friend. (Irish Poet - William Butler Yeats)
PAQ163501: TAGORE - What They Say. (Gurudev in the Eyes of the World)
PAQ163500: TAGORE - Tagore's Father. (A Life Sketch of Maharashi Devendranth Tagore)
PAQ163499: TAGORE - Tagore's Message. (A Thrilling Message to Modern Civilisation)
PAQ163497: TAGORE - Heart of Tagore. (An Overflowing Stream of the Poet's Thoughts)
PAQ163498: TAGORE - Five P's for Tagore. (Prince Poet Philosopher Prophet Patriot)
PAQ163475: TAGORE - Bid Me Farewell. (Last Poem, Last Article, Last Song, Last Message)
PAQ118277: TAGORE - Der Gärtner.
PAQ102020: TAIT, GEORGE ; TAYLOR, JIM [ILLUSTR] - Heartbeats. Poems in English and Scots.
PAQ129481: TAIT, ARTHUR - Lecture Outlines on the Thirty-Nine Articles.
PAQ162913: TALBOT, C H - Res Polonicae Elisabetha I Angliae Regnante Conscriptae ex Archivis Publicis Londoniarum.
PAQ127394: TALMAGE, ROY ; MUNSON, PAUL [EDS] - Calcium, Parathyroid Hormone and the Calcitonins: Proceedings of the Fourth Parathyroid Conference, Chapel Hill, N.C., U.S.A., March 15-19, 1971.
PAQ144869: TARDIEU, JEAN - Le Professeur Froeppel.
PAQ87050: TARLING, ROGER [ED] - Flexibility in Labour Markets.
PAQ157779: TAYLOR, ANN ; FYRTH, JIM - Political Action.
PAQ143651: TAYLOR, G W - New Techniques in British Banking.
PAQ159021: TEICHOVA, ALICE [ED]; COTTRELL, P L - International Business and Central Europe, 1918 - 1939.
PAQ137044: TELLENBACK, STEN - The Logic of Development in Socialist Poland [Social Forces. An International Journal of Social Research December 1978 vol 57.2 Special Issue]. Signed by the author.
PAQ16095: TEMPLEMAN, GEOFFREY - The Neglect of the Past and the Price it Extracts.
PAQ124179: TENNYSON, ALFRED - In Memoriam.
PAQ139725: TERENCE ; CORNISH, F W [ED] - Scenes from the Andria. Edited for the use of Schools.
PAQ88222: TERLECKYJ, NESTER - Household Production and Consumption.
PAQ46729: TERTULLIANUS - The Writings of Quintus Sept Flor Tertullianus, Vol 1. Ed. Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson.
PAQ65099: TEWSON, VINCENT [FOREW] - Two Centuries of Trade Unionism.
PAQ164016: TEXACO - The Story of the Penetron.
PAQ17842: THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE - Contributions to Punch, etc. (Works of W M Thackeray, Vol 14)
PAQ92430: THACKRAY, R M - Creative Music In Education.
PAQ36198: THACKRAY, R M - Creative Music in Education.
PAQ162523: THE RADIOCHEMICAL CENTRE - The Radioactive Manual. Part 1. Physical Data.
PAQ161891: THE STAFF OF THE MOTOR - How to Drive a Car. Nineteenth Edition.
PAQ13705: THE ECONOMIST - Britain into Europe.
PAQ160405: THELEN, ALBERT - The Island of Second Sight.
PAQ155796: THILO, ERIC ; STEFFAN, ERNEST - La Sarine Die Saane.
PAQ85951: THOMAS, LEWIS - The Youngest Science.
PAQ162224: THOMAS À KEMPIS - On the Imitation of Christ in Four Books.
PAQ129862: THOMAS COOK - Cook's Tourist's Handbook for Southern Italy (Includng Rome) and Sicily. With Maps and Plans.
PAQ110455: THOMPSON, R B - Short Textbook of Haematology.
PAQ144569: THOMPSON, KENNETH - Farm Fragmentation in Greece. The Problem and its Setting. With 11 Village Case Studies.
PAQ156824: THORZEVSKIJ, IVAN - Russkaia literatura.
PAQ112794: THUMB, ALBERT - Handbook of the Modern Greek Vernacular.
PAQ95759: THUNECKE, JORG - Formen Realistischer Erzahlkunst: Festschrift for Charlotte Jolles.
PAQ136342: TILLEY, ARTHUR [ED] - Cambridge Readings in French Literature.
PAQ131583: TILLYARD, AELFRIDA - Can I Be A Mystic? Letters to a Stranger in Answer to His Questions.
PAQ101852: TILLYARD, E M W - Myth and the English Mind: From Piers Plowman to Edward Gibbon.
PAQ60129: TIMBS, JOHN - Popular Errors: Explained and Illustrated.
PAQ86002: TIMMERMANS, FELIX - Beim Krabbenkocher. Erzählung.
PAQ144921: TIMPANARO, SEBASTIANO ET AL - Bolletino Storico Piacentino. Anno 76, fasc 1. 1981.
PAQ156145: TISHER, R P - Fundamental Issues in Science Education.
PAQ161437: TITUS LIVIUS - Livy Book 5. Ed. J E Pickstone.
PAQ128920: TITUS LIVIUS ; ALLCROFT, A H [ED]; MASOM, W F - Livy: Book 1.
PAQ147966: TJALVE, E ; ANDREASEN, M M - Engineering Graphic Modelling. A Workbook for Design Engineers.
PAQ121975: TOW, ABRAHAM - Diseases of the Newborn.
PAQ120341: TOY, C H - The Book of Ezekiel. In Hebrew.
PAQ154338: TOZER, A W - Men Who Met God.
PAQ137526: TRACY, JAMES ; RAGNOW, MARGUERITE [EDS] - Religion and the Early Modern State. Views from China, Russia, and the West.
PAQ87031: [TRANSNATIONAL FAMILY RESEARCH INSTITUTE] - Guide to the 1968 - 1972 International Abortion Research Literature.
PAQ114588: TREPTOW, OTTO - John Siberch, Johann Lair von Siegburg.
PAQ58330: TREVELYAN, G M [ED] - Select Documents For Queen Anne's Reign Down to the Union with Scotland 1702-7.
PAQ127789: TREVES, FREDERICK - A German-English Dictionary of Medical Terms.
PAQ87111: TRIPLETT, JACK [ED] - The Measurement of Labor Cost.
PAQ123820: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - Phineas Finn: The Irish Member. In Two Volumes Complete Set.
PAQ112125: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - He Knew He Was Right.
PAQ19502: TROLLOPE, ANTHONY - Phineas Finn: The Irish Member.
PAQ110638: TROTSKY, LEON - The History of the Russian Revolution. 3 Volumes in One.
PAQ147558: TROTSKY, LEON - Where is Britain Going? Introduction by H N Brailsford.
PAQ76264: TROYAT, HENRI - La Neige en Deuil. Edited by W D Howarth.
PAQ75734: TRUEBA Y COSSIO - Espana Romantica (Leydenas) 1 y 2.
PAQ57256: TRUSTED, JENNIFER - The Logic of Scientific Inference - an Introduction. Foreword Peter Medawar.
PAQ14881: TUNSTALL, JEREMY [ED] - The Open University Opens.
PAQ104101: TURNBULL, CLIVE ; JACK, KENNETH [ILLUSTR] - The Charm of Hobart.
PAQ19705: TURNELL, MARTIN - Poetry and Crisis.
PAQ163816: TURNER, ANTHONY - Le Café Essai Historique.Coffee An Essay.
PAQ98547: TURNER, P R [ED] - Topics in Numerical Analysis. Proceedings, Lancaster, 1981.
PAQ84680: TWITCHETT, KENNETH [ED] - European Cooperation Today.
PAQ129487: TYRRELL, ELEANOR - South African Snapshots for English Girls. With Illustrations from Photographs.
PAQ96566: UFFORD, QUARLES VAN - Grenzen Van Internationale Hulpverlening.
PAQ114851: UNDERWOOD, E A - Before and After Morton. A Historical Survey of Anaesthesia. A Reprint.
PAQ162947: UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC - Le Problème des Réfugiés Arabes de Palestine.
PAQ149851: UNITED KINGDOM - Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Chapter 48.
PAQ30935: UNIVERSITAT WIEN - Die Sechshundertjahrfeier der Universität Wien. Offizieller Festbericht.
PAQ164453: UNIVERSITY OF IOWA - University of Iowa. Monographs in Education. Research Studies in Commercial Education. Part 4.
PAQ164452: UNIVERSITY OF IOWA - University of Iowa. Monographs in Education. Research Studies in Commercial Education. Part 3.
PAQ164451: UNIVERSITY OF IOWA - University of Iowa. Monographs in Education. Research Studies in Commercial Education. Part 2.
PAQ164448: UNIVERSITY OF IOWA - University of Iowa. Monographs in Education. Research Studies in Commercial Education. Part 1.
PAQ17637: URMSON, J O - Philosophical Analysis. Its Development between the Two World Wars.
PAQ144410: URRY, WILLIAM - Radioactivity of Ocean Sediments 6: Concentrations of the Radio Elements in Marine Sediments of the Southern Hemisphere.
PAQ22673: URSUS RARE BOOKS - Ursus Rare Books Catalogue 150: Humanism. Art & Architecture, Literature, Gardening, Music, Philosophy, Science & Theater.
PAQ87055: USHER, DAN - The Price Mechanism and the Meaning of National Income Statistics.
PAQ155018: USHER, STEPHEN - The Historians of Greece and Rome.
PAQ27274: USHERWOOD, PETER - Nervous Systems.
PAQ76735: VAILLARD, PIERRE-JEAN - Je Vous Salue Mesdames!
PAQ164347: VAN DER PLOEG, FREDERICK - Mathematical Methods in Economics.
PAQ158984: VAN DER MOLEN, GESINA [ED] - The United Nations. Ten Years' Legal Progress. Collection of Essays. Les Nations Unies. Quelques Problemes Juridiques.
PAQ33034: VANATOA, ENDEL [ED] - A Statistical Profile of the Estonian SSR. Transl Aia Strogonovs.
PAQ114848: VARIOUS - Folk-Lore: Being the Quarterly Transactions of the Folk-Lore Society. Volume 62. September 1951.
PAQ85667: VATIKIOTIS, P J - Conflict in the Middle East.
PAQ155830: VAZQUEZ OTERO, DIEGO - Castillos y Paisajes Malaguenos; Historia de los de la Provincia.
PAQ162305: VENTURA, FRANCISCO - Filho Sozinho. Peca em 3 Actos.
PAQ64915: VERNE, JULES - Cinq Semaines en Ballon. Illustrations de G. Dutriac.
PAQ74065: VEYSEY, LAURENCE - Discipline and Punish. The Birth of the Prison.
PAQ120106: VILLIGER, EMIL - Brain and Spinal Cord a Manual for the Study of the Morphology nd Fibre-Tracts of Thecentral Nervous System.
PAQ155699: VINS, GEORGI [ED] - Let the Waters Roar. Evangelists in the Gulag.
PAQ87665: VOLLENWEIDER, ALICE [ED] - Schweizer Reise. Ein literarischer Reiseführer durch die heutige Schweiz.
PAQ39203: VORSTAND DER SPD - Grundsätze sozialdemokratischer Wehrpolitik.
PAQ158840: VOSS, GEORG [ED] - Bilder aus der Brandenburg-Preussischen Geschichte. Radierungen von Daniel Chodowiecki.
PAQ150189: VULLIAMY, GRAHAM ; WEBB, ROSEMARY - Teacher Research and Special Educationalal Needs.
PAQ157667: WAAGENAAR, SAM - The Little Five, De kleine Vijf, Les Cinq Petits, Die kleinen Fünf.
PAQ79669: WAHL, JEAN - Tableau de la Philosophie Francaise.
PAQ143000: WALKER, ERIC - Britain and South Africa.
PAQ134528: WALKER, G W - Modern Seismology.
PAQ66975: WALLACE, ROBERT ; CAMPBELL SMITH, J - George Buchanan.
PAQ114218: WALLING, R A J - The Charm of Brittany. First Edition.
PAQ129757: WALSER, MARTIN - Experience (=London Magazine, Vol 11, No 3)
PAQ163326: WALSH, LORENA - Motives of Honor, Pleasure and Profit: Plantation Management in the Colonial Chesapeake, 1607-1763.
PAQ148154: WANDSCHNEIDER, MARC - Core Web Application Development with PHP and MYSQL.
PAQ130240: WARD, WINFRIED [ED] - The Registers of St Margaret's, Westminster. Part 3.
PAQ134376: WARD, PHILIP - Bahrain: A Travel Guide.
PAQ119158: WARD LOCK & CO - A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to Belfast and Northern Ireland including the Mourne Mountains, Carlingford Lough, The Antrim Coast, Armagh, Londonderry, and the Erne Lakes. Seventh Edition.
PAQ36365: WARD, JAMES - The Realm of Ends, or Pluralism and Theism. The Gifford Lectures Delivered in the University of St Andrews 1907 - 1910.
PAQ139948: WARD, ALGERNON - The Transfiguration of Christ. First impression [Oxford Booklets No. 7].
PAQ145396: WARDE, PAUL - Ecology, Economy and State Formation in Early Modern Germany.
PAQ85708: WARNER, PHILIP - British Battlefields 2: The North. Where Battles Were Fought, Why They Were Fought, How They Were Won and Lost.
PAQ85289: WARREN EVANS, J R - Cambridge University Sociological Society Study of Academic Careers of Entrants of 1955. (Tripos Results June 1956 - June 1958)
PAQ117340: WARREN, C H - England is a Village. Third Impression.
PAQ133919: WATERWORTH, E M - Lady Betty's Twins.
PAQ156874: WATSON, JOHN - The Philosophy of Kant Explained.
PAQ163806: WATTS, S - Epidemics and History. Disease, Power and Imperialism.
PAQ86827: WEBER, HENRI ; HABERMAS, JÜRGEN ; VAN PARIJS, PHILIPPE ; DEBRAY, RÉGIS - New Left Review No 115, Special Issue: The Legacy of Mai '68.
PAQ122698: WEED, LEWIS [ED] - The William H Welch Medical Library of the Johns Hopkins University.
PAQ97056: WERTZ, JOHN - Nuclear and Electronic Spin Magnetic Resonance. Offprint from Chemical Reviews.
PAQ44701: WEST, E G - The Welding of Non-Ferrous Metals. With a Foreword by Leslie Aitchison.
PAQ128049: WEST, CHARLES - Lectures on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. 3rd edition, enlarged.
PAQ96769: WESTRA, HAIJO [INTRODUCTION]; BATE, A ET AL - Le Roman De Renard. On The Beast Epic. Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies, Special Issue, No 4 Vol 1 May 1983.
PAQ147615: WHALE, BARRETT - Joint Stock Banking in Germany: A Study of the German Creditbanks Before & After the War.
PAQ62710: WHARTON, EDITH - Visibility in Fiction. (Life and Letters, Edited by Desmond MacCarthy. Volume 2, No 11, April 1929).
PAQ164096: WHEATON, HENRY ; LAWRENCE, WILLIAM [ED] - Elements of International Law. Sixth Edition.
PAQ140242: WHEELER, WILLIAM MORTON - Social Life Among the Insects.
PAQ89532: WHEELWRIGHT, E L - The Socio-Economic Roots of the Environmental Problem.
PAQ63071: WHETHAM, EDITH ; CURRIE, JEAN [EDS] - Readings in the Applied Economics of Africa. Volume 2: Macro - Economics.
PAQ97680: WHETTEN, LAWRENCE - The Arab-Israeli Dispute. Great Power Behaviour. (Adelphi Papers 128)
PAQ87049: WHITE, MICHAEL ; MCRAE, SUSAN - Young Adults and Long Term Unemployment.
PAQ17942: WHITE, GILBERT - The Natural History of Selborne, with notes by R Kearton and 123 Photographic Plates.
PAQ113124: WHITE, H J [ED] - Select Passages from Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, Dio Cassius. Illustrative of Christianity in the First Century.
PAQ154251: WHITEHEAD, JOHN - Christians Involved in the Political Process.
PAQ154250: WHITEHEAD, JOHN - Censored on the Job. Your Religious Rights.
PAQ154249: WHITEHEAD, JOHN - Church vs. State.
PAQ161978: WHITEHEAD, TONY - Mental Illness and the Law.
PAQ60602: WHITMAN, WALT ; BAILEY, JOHN - Walt Whitman.
PAQ120208: WICKSTEED, PHILIP - Dante: Six Sermons.
PAQ18478: WIESE, BENNO VON - Die Dramen Schillers. Politik und Tragödie.
PAQ87983: WILKES, M V - A Short Introduction to Numerical Analysis.
PAQ129535: WILKINSON, GEORGE HOWARD - How to keep Lent and other Papers.
PAQ158659: WILKINSON, SUE ; KITZINGER, CELIA - Heterosexuality: A Feminism and Psychology Reader.
PAQ16324: WILLEY, BASIL - Tendencies in Renaissance Literary Theory.
PAQ11216: WILLEY, BASIL ; QUILLER-COUCH, ARTHUR - The 'Q' Tradition. An Inaugural Lecture.
PAQ99438: WILLEY, R G - Bike America in 30 Days.
PAQ79749: WILLIAMS, JOHN ; HARRIS, CHARLES [EDS] - Amistad 1. Writings on Black History and Culture.
PAQ164550: WILLIAMS JR, ERNEST - Freight Transportation in the Soviet Union.
PAQ161965: WILLIAMS, GEOFFREY LEE - The Neutralist Tendency: Defence and the Left in Britain and West Germany.
PAQ84515: WILLIAMSON, JOHN - The Failure of World Monetary Reform 1971 - 1974.
PAQ131574: WILSON, WOODROW ; BROWNING, OSCAR [INTRODUCTION] - The State: Elements of Historical and Practical Politics.
PAQ71108: WILSON ROSS, NANCY - Hinduism, Buddhism and Zen. An Introduction to Their Meaning and Their Arts.
PAQ126229: WILSON, H A - Modern Physics. Fourth Edition.
PAQ118130: WINGLER, HANS - Introduction to Kokoschka. 64 Plates in Colour and Monochrome.
PAQ164022: WINSLOW, C - The Conquest of Epidemic Disease. A Chapter in the History of Ideas.
PAQ126108: WINTER, WERNER [ED] - On Languages and Language: The Presidential Addresses of the 1991 Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea.
PAQ136812: WISBEY, ROY - A Complete Word-Index to the Speculum Ecclesiae (Early Middle High German and Latin). With a Reverse Index to the Graphic Forms.
PAQ132625: WISDOM, JOHN - Problems of Mind and Matter.
PAQ120315: WOLF, GUNTHER [ED] - Friedrich Barbarossa.
PAQ47663: WOLF, STEWART [ED] - The Artery and the Process of Arteriosclerosis. Measurement and Modification.
PAQ22206: WOLFE, BERTRAM - Three Who Made a Revolution: A Biographical History. Rev ed.
PAQ133079: WOOD, ELSIE [ILLUSTR] - [The Prodigal Son: Siamese]. ( Pictured by Elsie Anna Wood)
PAQ111783: WOODCOCK, JOHN - Binding Your Own Books.
PAQ142952: WOODMAN, DOROTHY - India in Crisis.
PAQ58277: WOODRUFF, LORANDE - Animal Biology. Second Edition.
PAQ41738: WOODWORKERS - Rules. Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers.
PAQ141398: WOOLCOCK, WILLIAM - Gaseous Equilibria.
PAQ123094: WOOLLAM - The Cambridge School of Physiology 1850-1900. Reprinted from A.J.Rook (Ed) Cambridge and its Contribution to Medicine.
PAQ117902: WRAXALL, LASCELLES ; MAITLAND, J A - Wild Oats by Lascelles Wraxall (published in London by Brown & Co) bound together with The Watchman: A Tale by J A Maitland, Published by Routledge.
PAQ131748: WRENN, C L - The Idea of Comparative Literature.
PAQ22435: WRIGHT, GEORGE - Archaeologic and Historic Fragments.
PAQ137362: WRIGHT, W B - The Quaternary Ice Age. First Edition.
PAQ135404: YAGI, TORU [ED] - Memorial Ojihara Yutaka. Studia Indologica.
PAQ155692: YAMAMOTO, J - Beyond Buddhism. A Basic Introduction to the Buddhist Tradition.
PAQ130792: YAMANOUCHI, HISAAKI - The Search for Authenticity in Modern Japanese Literature.
PAQ148525: YCAS, MARTYNAS - The Biological Code.
PAQ111342: YEVTUSHENKO, YEVGENY - Almost at the End. Author Inscribed Hardcover.
PAQ112126: YONGE, CHARLOTTE - A Book of Golden Deeds of All Time and All Lands.
PAQ62765: YOUNG, DOUGLAS [ED]; FORBES, DUNCAN ET AL - Edinburgh in the Age of Reason.
PAQ59845: YUGOSLAVIA - Yugoslavia, Education for Economic and Social Development. (OECD Mediterranean Regional Project).
PAQ15041: YULE, C J F - On the Action of Urari on the Central Nervous System.
PAQ27086: ZAKHARINE, G A - Leçons Cliniques sur les Maladies Abdominales et sur l'Emploi Interne des Eaux Minerales.
PAQ155176: ZEILLER, JACQUES ; LABRETON, JULES - L’Eglise Primitive.
PAQ155175: ZEILLER, JACQUES ; LABRETON, JULES - De la Fin du deuxième Siècle à la Paix Constantinienne.
PAQ39168: ZEIT IM BILD - Tagung des Politischen Beratenden Ausschusses der Teilnehmerstaaten des Warschauer Vertrages, Berlin 28./ 29. Mai 1987.
PAQ47118: ZÉPHIR, JACQUES - La personalité humaine dans l'oeuvre de Marcel Proust. Essay de psychologie littéraire. Préface de Pierre-Henri Simon.
PAQ164363: ZGRADIC-ZIRNHELT, ELIZABETH - Glossaire Compatable et Financier.
PAQ80804: ZHENG, LIU ; JIAN, SONG ET AL - China's Population: Problems and Prospects.
PAQ62099: ZIFERSTEIN, D G - Sequential Analysis of Two Types of Conversational Disruption.
PAQ23210: ZINKIN, TAYA - India Changes!
PAQ143048: ZONIS, ELLA - Classical Persian Music: An Introduction.
PAQ127412: ZOPF, W - Die Spaltpilze: Nach dem neuesten Standpunkte bearbeitet. Separatabdruck aus der Encyklopaedie der Naturwissenschaften.
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