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S48907: Andree, J. - Der Eiszeitliche Mensch in Deutschland und seine Kulturen
S39184: Andreeva, R.V. - Ecology of Horsefly Larvae and their Parasitoses
N49301: Andreone, F.; Rosa, G.M.; Raselimanana, A.P. - Les Amphibiens des zones arides de l'ouest et du sud de Madagascar
N49302: Andreone, F.; Crottini, A; Rosa, G.M.; Rakotoarison, A.; Scherz, M.D.; Raselimanana, A.P. - Les Amphibiens du nord de Madagascar
R18404: Andrewes, H.E. - Yale North India Expedition. Report on Coleoptera of the Family Carabidae
S45445: Andrewes, H.E. - The Fauna of British India: Coleoptera. Carabidae. Vol. I-II
S18405: Andrewes, H.E. - Extrait des Résultats Scientifiques du Voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL.AA.RR. le Prince et la Princesse Léopold de Belgique
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N8866: Andujar, A.; Serrano, J. - Revision y filogenia de los Zabrus Clairville, 1806 de la Peninsula Iberica (Coleoptera, Carabidae)
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S36175: Angel, M. (Ed.) - Voyage of Discovery: George Deacon 70th Anniversary Volume
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S35402: Angeli, N. - Relations entre le plancton et la qualite de l’eau: Incidence des pollutants sur le profil biologique de quelques canaux et étude comparative des interactions plancton/autoépurification en bassins expérimentaux de lagunage
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R14406: Angus, R.B. - Genetic Experiments on Helophorus F. (Coleoptera; Hydrophilidae)
S16182: Angus, R.B. - Pleistocene Helophorus (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) from Borislav and Starunia in the Western Ukraine, with a reinterpretation of M.Lomnicki's species, description of a new Siberian species, and comparison with British Weichselian faunas
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S34860: Annandale, N. - Fauna of British India: Freshwater Sponges, Hydroids & Polyzoa
S57873: Annecke, D.P.; Moran, V.C. - Insects and Mites of Cultivated Plants in Southern Africa
S28138: Annett, H.E.; Dutton, J.E.; Elliott, J.H. - Report of the Malaria Expedition to Nigeria of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Medical Parasitology. Part 2: Filariasis
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S8993: Ansari, M.A.R. - A Revision of the Bruelia (Mallophaga) Species infesting the Corvidae (I-II)
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S27254: Ansorge, E. - The Macrolepidoptera of Buckinghamshire
S7908: Ansorge, E. - The Macrolepidoptera of Buckinghamshire
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S60081: Antonopoulos, Z.; Tsiftsis, S. - The Atlas of the Greek Orchids. Vol. I-II
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S48277: Appleton, D.; Bryant, M.; Dickson, R.; Else, G. - The Insects and Plants of the Alver Estuary
S48276: Appleton, D.; Dickson, R.; Else, G. - The Insects of The Forest of Bere
S14219: Appleton, D.; Dickson, R.; Else, G. - The Insects of The Forest of Bere
S14221: Appleton, D.; Dickson, R.; Else, G. - The Insects of Oxenbourne Down: a provisional survey
S14217: Appleton, D. et al - The Insects and Plants of the Titchfield Haven
S48275: Appleton, D.; Dickson, R.; Else, G. - The Insects of Oxenbourne Down: a provisional survey
S39434: Appleton, C.C. - Freshwater molluscs of Southern Africa
N11585: Appleton, D. - Scarcer Coleoptera in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
S14216: Appleton, D.; Bryant, M.; Dickson, R.; Else, G. - The Insects and Plants of the Alver Estuary
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S23105: Arber, A. - Monocotyledons: A Morphological Study
S9841: Arber, A. - Water Plants: A Study of Aquatic Angiosperms
S34880: Arber, A. - Water Plants: A Study of Aquatic Angiosperms
S20408: Archangelsky, S. - New Gymnosperms from the Tico Flora, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina
S20950: Archangelsky, S. - A New Mesozoic Flora from Tico, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina
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S50017: Archer, M.E. (Ed.) - BWARS: Bees, Wasps and Ants Recording Society Members' Handbook
N21240: Archer, M.E. - People, Places and Species - a History of the Wasps, Ants and Bees in Watsonian Yorkshire
S52319: Archer, M.E. - Threatened Wasps, Ants and Bees (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) in Watsonian Yorkshire: A Red Data Book
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S54651: Archer, M.E. - Threatened Wasps, Ants and Bees (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) in Watsonian Yorkshire: A Red Data Book
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S48155: Archer, M.A. - Provisional Atlas of Insects of British Isles Part 9: Hymenoptera Vespidae
S54650: Archer, M.E. - The Wasps, Ants and Bees of Watsonian Yorkshire
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S50899: Archer, M.E. (Ed.) - BWARS: Bees, Wasps and Ants Recording Society Members' Handbook
S52268: Archer, M.E. - People, Places and Species - a History of the Wasps, Ants and Bees in Watsonian Yorkshire
S52495: Archer, M.E. - A Key to the World Species of the Vespinae (Hymenoptera). Pt. 1-2
S52274: Archer, M.E. - The Wasps, Ants and Bees of Watsonian Yorkshire
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S48156: Archer, M.A. - Provisional Atlas of Insects of British Isles Part 9: Hymenoptera Vespidae
N27002: Archer, M.E. - The Vespoid Wasps (Tiphiidae, Mutillidae, Sapygidae, Scoliidae and Vespidae) of the British Isles (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 6/6)
N36300: Archer-Thomson, J.; Cremona, J. - Rocky Shores
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S36398: D'Arcy, G. - Birds at Lough Beg
S34033: D'Arcy, G.; Hayward, J. - The Natural History of The Burren
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S43813: Arkell, W.J. - The Jurassic System in Great Britain
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N54437: Armstrong, P.H. - Richard Owen
S56353: Armstrong, P. - The English Parson-Naturalist: A Companionship between Science and Religion
S41675: Armytage, H. - Darwin and the Bible
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S8992: Arnaud, P.H. - Lists of the Scientific Publications and Insect Taxa Described by Francis Xavier Williams (1882-1967)
S39657: Arnaud, P.H. (Ed.) - Myia Vol. 6. A Publication on Entomology.
S22369: Arnaud, P.H. (Ed.) - Myia Vol. 6. A Publication on Entomology.
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N21687: Arndt, E.; Schnitter, P.; Sfenthourakis, S.; Wrase, D.W. - Ground Beetles (Carabidae) of Greece
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S31604: Arnold, V.; Baker, C.; Manning, D.; Woiwod, I. - The Butterflies and Moths of Bedfordshire
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S56351: Arnold, H.R. (Ed.) - Provisional Atlas of the Amphibians and Reptiles of the British Isles
S44955: Arnold, G. - A Monograph of the Formicidae of South Africa I-VI + Supplement
S38559: Arnold, V.; Baker, C.; Manning, D.; Woiwod, I. - The Butterflies and Moths of Bedfordshire
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S55676: Arnold, E.C. - British Waders
S55677: Arnold, E.C. - British Waders
S29156: Arnold, M. - Birds at the Top End
S48147: Arnold, E.N.; Burton, J.A. - A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Britain and Europe
S25114: Arnold, H.R. (Ed.) - Provisional Atlas of the Amphibians and Reptiles of the British Isles
S32694: Arnold, E.N.; Burton, J.A. - A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Britain and Europe
S47643: Arnold, F.H. - Flora of Sussex, or a List of the Flowering Plants & Ferns Found in the County of Sussex with Localities of the less Common Species
S41917: Arnold, M.L. - Reticulate Evolution and Humans: Origins and Ecology
S45361: Arnold, E.N.; Burton, J.A. - A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Britain and Europe
S37996: Arnold, E.N.; Burton, J.A. - A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Britain and Europe
S54058: Arnold, G.A.; Arnold, M.A. (Eds) - Birds of Alvecote Pools With a list of wild plants mainly 1946-1955
S32279: Arnold, E.N.; Burton, J.A. - A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Britain and Europe
S50667: Arnold, Edwin Lester - Bird Life in England
S36807: Arnoult, J.; Kiener, A.; Mauge, M. - (1) Poissons des Eaux Douces (Faune de Madagascar X) / (2) Contribution a l'Étude Systématique et Écologique des Poissons Cichlidae Endémiques de Madagascar
N31633: Arnscheid, W.R.; Weidlich, M. - Psychidae Microlepidoptera of Europe 8
N30982: Aronsen, A.; Læssøe, T. - The Genus Mycena s.l. (Fungi of Northern Europe 5)
S22153: arper, D.A.T. - Brachiopods from the Upper Ardmillan Succession (Ordovician), of the Girvan District, Scotland. Pts 1-2
S54570: Arrow, G.J. - Fauna of British India: Coleoptera Lamellicornia [Vol. I] (Cetoniidae and Dynastinae)
N10408: Arrow, G.J. - Horned Beetles: A Study of the Fantastic in Nature
S44369: Arrow, G.J. - Horned Beetles: A Study of the Fantastic in Nature
S27113: Freer Gallery of Art - A Descriptive and Illustrative Catalogue of Chinese Bronzes acquired during the Adminstration of John Ellerton Lodge
N59680: Arteaga, A.; Bustamante, L.; Guayasamin, J.M. - The Reptiles of Ecuador: Life in the middle of the world
N28906: Arthur, L.; Lemaire, M. - Les Chauves-souris de France, Belgique, Luxembourg et Suisse
S54837: Arthur, W. - The Origin of Animal Body Plans: A Study in Evolutionary Developmental Biology
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S35044: Arthus-Bertrand, Y. - The Earth from the Air
R56048: Artigas, J.N.; Palma, R.L - Los mididos de Chile y una especie Argentina (Diptera-Mydidae)
R57445: Artigas, J.N.; Palma, R.L - Los mididos de Chile y una especie Argentina (Diptera-Mydidae)
S6665: Artuykhin, Yu.B.; Sheyko, B.A. (Eds) - Catalog of Vertebrates of Kamchatka and Adjacent Waters [Katalog pozvonochnykh Kamchatki i sopredelynykh morskikh akvatoriy]
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S20342: Asgaard, U. - A Revision of Sahni's Types of the Brachiopod Subfamily Carneithyridinae
N2302: Ashe, P.; O'Connor, J.P.; Murray, D.A. - A Checklist of Irish Aquatic Insects
S44788: Ashe, J.S. - Structural Features and Phylogenetic Relationships Among Larvae of Genera of Gyrophaenine Staphylinids (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae)
S46069: Asher, J.; Warren, M.; Fox, R.; Harding, P. et al - The Millennium Atlas of Butterflies in Britain and Ireland
S33654: Asher, J. - The Butterflies of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
N50436: Asher, N. - Common Micro-moths of Berkshire: A Guide to Identification of Some Common Micro-moths
S45105: Asher, J.; Warren, M.; Fox, R.; Harding, P. et al - The Millennium Atlas of Butterflies in Britain and Ireland
S42709: Asher, J.; Warren, M.; Fox, R.; Harding, P. et al - The Millennium Atlas of Butterflies in Britain and Ireland
S48055: Asher, J.; Warren, M.; Fox, R.; Harding, P. et al - The Millennium Atlas of Butterflies in Britain and Ireland
S47091: Asher, J.; Warren, M.; Fox, R.; Harding, P. et al - The Millennium Atlas of Butterflies in Britain and Ireland
S45833: Asher, J.; Warren, M.; Fox, R.; Harding, P. et al - The Millennium Atlas of Butterflies in Britain and Ireland
N30921: Ashton, N. - Early Humans (New Naturalist 134)
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N30920: Ashton, N. - Early Humans (New Naturalist 134)
S59731: Ashworth, W.; Agar, J.; Hughes, J. - On Time: History, Science, and Commemoration
S18: Ashworth, J.H. - Catalogue of the Chaetopoda in the British Museum (Natural History). A. Polychaeta: Pt. 1. Arenicolidae
S51288: Askew, R.R. - Parasitic Insects
S35907: Askew, R.R. - The Dragonflies of Europe
N16458: Askew, R.R.; Stafford, P.A. van B. - Butterflies of the Cayman Islands
S40768: Askew, R.R. - The Dragonflies of Europe
N8350: Askew, R.R.; Blasco-Zumeta, J.; Pujade-Villar, J. - Chalcidoidea y Mymarommatoidea (Hymenoptera) de un sabinar de Juniperus thurifera L. en Los Monegros, Zaragoza:
S40689: Askew, R.R. - The Dragonflies of Europe
S42973: Askew, R.R. - The Dragonflies of Europe
R26813: Askew, R.R. - A Survey of leaf-miners and their Parasities on Laburnum
S35841: Askew, R.R.; Stafford, P.A. van B. - Butterflies of the Cayman Islands
S53981: Askew, R.R. - The Dragonflies of Europe
S38586: Askew, R.R. - The Dragonflies of Europe
S44712: Askew, R.R. - The Dragonflies of Europe
R15527: Aslam, N.A. - An Assessmemt of some Internal Characters in the Higher Classification of the Curculionidae s.l. (Coleoptera)
N3644: Aspöck, H.; Hölzel, H.; Aspöck, U. - Kommentierte Katalog der Neuropterida (Raphidioptera, Megaloptera, Neuroptera) der Westpalaearktis
S50761: Landscape Institute; Institute of Environmental Assessment - Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
S59506: D'Assis Fonseca, E.C.M. - Dolichopodidae (Diptera, Orthorrhapha, Brachycera) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 9/5)
S56818: D'Assis Fonseca, E.C.M. - Dolichopodidae (Diptera, Orthorrhapha, Brachycera) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 9/5)
S46916: D'Assis Fonseca, E.C.M. - Diptera Cyclorrhapha Calyptrata: Muscidae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/4b)
N38046: Cambodia Bird Guide Association - Birds of Cambodia
N35321: International Bee Research Association - Garden Plants Valuable to Bees
S56391: International Bee Research Association - Garden Plants Valuable to Bees
S34839: Aston, H.I. - Aquatic Plants of Australia: A Guide to the Identification of the Aquatic Ferns and Flowering Plants of Australia, both Native and Naturalized
S16327: Van Aswegen, P.I.M.; Loots, G.C. - A Taxonomic Study of the Genus Hypoaspis Canestrini sens. lat. (Acari: Laelapinae) in the Ethiopian Region
N40262: Atahan, A.; Atahan, G.; Gül, M.; Atahan, M. - Butterflies of Hatay Hatay'in Kelebekleri
S32434: Atchley, W.R.; Woodruff, D. (Eds) - Evolution and Speciation: Essays in Honor of M.J.D.White
N52469: Athanassiou, C.G; Nayak, M.K - Psocids as Global Pests of Stored Products
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S20051: Atkinson, A.E. - Manitoba Birds of Prey: and the small mammals destroyed by them
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S36263: Atkinson-Willes, G.L. (Ed.) - Wildfowl in Great Britain: a survey of the winter distribution of the Anatidae and their conservation in England, Scotland and Wales
S49420: Atkinson, J.C. - British Birds' Eggs & Nests Popularly Described
S54285: Atkinson, R. - Island Going to the remoter isles, chiefly uninhabited, off the north-west corner of Scotland
S21166: Atkinson G.E. - Insectivorous Birds in Manitoba
S55241: Atkinson, T. - The Empty Lands: A guidebook to the North of Scotland from Ullapool to Cape Wrath, and from Bonar Bridge to Bettyhill.
S35250: Attal, S.; Crosson du Cormier, A. - The Genus Perisama
S57: Attems, C.; Arcangeli, A. - Memoires sur les Myriopodes et les Isopodes recoltes pendant ce voyage
S25849: Attems, C.; Handlirsch, A. (Eds) - Progoneata, Chilopoda, Insecta 1 Handbuch der Zoologie. Bd. 4(1)
S19923: Attems, C.; Handlirsch, A. (Eds) - Progoneata, Chilopoda, Insecta 1 Handbuch der Zoologie. Bd. 4(1)
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S47065: Attenborough, D. - Journeys to the Other Side of the World: Adventures of a Young Naturalist
S48429: Attenborough, David - Life on Air: Memoirs of a Broadcaster
S56632: Attenborough, D. - Zoo Quest to Madagascar
S53052: Attenborough, D. - The Zoo Quest Expeditions: Travels in Guyana, Indonesia, and Paraguay
S48428: Attenborough, D. - Life Stories
S53139: Attenborough, D. - The Life of Birds
S59935: Attila, M.V. (Ed.) - Magyarország orchideáinak atlasza
S56234: Attwood, M. - The Reds and the Blacks
S47313: Atty, D.B. - Coleoptera of Gloucestershire
S45458: Atty, D.B. - Coleoptera of Gloucestershire
S26782: Atty, D.B. - Coleoptera of Gloucestershire
S49618: Atty, D.B. - Coleoptera of Gloucestershire
S38401: Atyeo, W.T.; Braasch, N.L. - The Feather Mite Genus Proctophyllodes (Sarcoptiformes: Proctophyllodidae)
S52295: Auber, L. - Atlas des Coléoptères de France, Belgique, Suisse. Tome I
S40001: Aubert De La Rue, E.; Bourliere, F.; Harroy, J.-P. - The Tropics
S51306: Aubert, M.; Coulton, G.C. - Stained Glass of the XIIth and XIIIth Centuries from French Cathedrals
S40376: Aubrey, J.; Barber, R. (Ed.) - Aubrey's Brief lives
S50453: Bloomsbury Book Auctions - John Lyle Collection of books on food and drink
S50454: Bloomsbury Book Auctions - Angling library of Jeffrey Norton British & European II (L-Z)
N42432: Audevard, A. - s les Oiseaux de France de Belgique, de Suisse et du Luxembourg
S16711: Audy, J.R.; Nadchatram, R.; Loomis, R.B. - Trombicula minor Berlese (Acarina, Trombiculidae): Designation of Neotype with Larval and Post-larval Stages from Malayan Bats, and new name, Myotrombicula dilarami for T. Minor, Cooreman 1960 NEC Berlese 1905
S22825: Auerbach, M. - Die Cnidosporidien (Myxosporidien, Actinomyxidien, Microsporidien): Eine monographische Studie
S36425: Augerot, X. - Atlas of Pacific Salmon: The First Map-Based Status Assessment of Salmon in the North Pacific
N39121: Augros, S. (Ed.) - Atlas des amphibiens et reptiles terrestres de l'archipel des Comores
S7946: Augustin, H.; Foissner, W.; Adam, H. - Revision of the genera Acineria, Trimyema and Trochiliopsis (Protozoa, Ciliophora)
N2526: Aukema, B.; Rieger, C. (Ed.) - Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region, vol. 3: Miridae
S48865: Aukema, B. - Annotated checklist of Hemiptera-Heteroptera of the Netherlands
S52633: Aurivillius, C. - Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pt 1: Chrysopolomidae
R22608: Aurivillius, C. - Results of Dr E. Mjöberg's Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia 1910-1913. 21. Macrolepidoptera
R50792: Aurivillius, P.O.C. - Recensio critica Lepidopterorum Musei Ludovicae Ulricae quae descripsit Carolus A. Linné
S28309: Aurivillius, C. - Rhopalocera Aethiopica. Die Tagfalter des aethiopischen Faunengebietes: Eine systematisch-geographische Studie
A26952: Aurivillius, C. - Rhopalocera Aethiopica. Die Tagfalter des aethiopischen Faunengebietes: Eine systematisch-geographische Studie
S57471: Austen, E.E. - Bombyliidae of Palestine
S53083: Austen, E.E.; Hughes, A.W.M. - Clothes Moths and House Moths: their Life-history, Habits and Control
S28393: Austen, E.E. - A Handbook of the Tsetse-Flies (Genus Glossina)
S44954: Austen, E.E. - Illustrations of African Blood-Sucking Flies other than Mosquitoes and Tsetse-Flies
S42189: Austen, E.E. - The House-fly: Its life-history, importance as a disease carrier, and practical measures for its suppression
S58911: Austen, E.E. - Bombyliidae of Palestine
S31389: Austen, E.E. - Illustrations of African Blood-Sucking Flies other than Mosquitoes and Tsetse-Flies
S14550: Austen, E.E. - A Handbook of the Tsetse-Flies (Genus Glossina)
S14551: Austen, E.E. - A Monograph of the Tsetse-Flies
S43412: Austen, E.E. - Illustrations of African Blood-Sucking Flies other than Mosquitoes and Tsetse-Flies
S44404: Austen, E.E. - Bombyliidae of Palestine
S28050: Austen, E.E.; Hughes, A.W.M. - Clothes Moths and House Moths: their Life-history, Habits and Control
S42187: Austen, E.E. - The House-fly: as a danger to health, its life history and how to deal with it
S26857: Austen, E.E. - Tsetse-Flies. Their Characteristics, Distribution and Bionomics with some account of Possible Methods for their Control
S38383: Austen, E.E. - A Handbook of the Tsetse-Flies (Genus Glossina)
S21161: Austen, E.E. - Tsetse-Flies. Their Characteristics, Distribution and Bionomics with some account of Possible Methods for their Control
S14535: Austen, E.E. - A Monograph of the Tsetse-Flies (Genus Glossina, Westwood) based on the Collection in the British Museum
S19954: Austen, E.E. - The House-fly: as a danger to health, its life history and how to deal with it
S21264: Austen, E.E. - A Handbook of the Tsetse-Flies (Genus Glossina)
S21807: Austen, E.E. - A Monograph of the Tsetse-Flies (Genus Glossina, Westwood) based on the Collection in the British Museum
S19959: Austen, E.E.; Hughes, A.W.M. - Clothes Moths and House Moths: their Life-history, Habits and Control
S57444: Austen, E.E. - Bombyliidae of Palestine
S21160: Austen, E.E. - Tsetse-Flies. Their Characteristics, Distribution and Bionomics with some account of Possible Methods for their Control
S38504: Austin, G. et al - Notes on Neotropical Skippers 2 (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) Tropical Lepidoptera 9, Supplement 2
S51443: Austin, R.S. - Surrey: A Sketch Book
R37039: Austin, G.T.; Austin, A.T. - Butterflies of Clark County, Nevada
S23596: Austin, R. - The Crypt School Gloucester Established as a Free Grammar School and the first known as Christ School
S42407: Geological Survey Western Australia - Miscellaneous Reports for 1954 (Western Australia Geological Survey. Bulletin No.109)
S57794: Geological Survey of Western Australia - Maps, Plans, and Sections to accompany report on The Mining Groups of the Yilgarn Goldfield North of the Great Eastern Railway (Western Australia Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 101)ttie Yilgarn Gold1leld north of the Great Eastern Railway (Western Austra
S56399: Various authors - The Time of the Singing of Birds
R31418: Various authors - Transactions of the Eastbourne Natural History, Scientific & Literary Society 4(2-3)
S16228: Various authors - Beetles Larvae (17 papers)
S44161: Various authors - Studies on Mollusca
R29168: Various authors - 20 short papers on Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera)
R52995: Various authors - Collection of 60 short papers on Anthomyiidae 1880-1997
S48735: Various authors - Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica Vol. 1-27
S43219: Various authors - Les Dinosaures de la Chine a la France
S41056: Autran, A.; Dercourt, J. (Eds) - Evolutions géologiques de la France
S55859: Avebury, Lord [Lubbock, J.] - Scientific Lectures
S53169: Avebury, Lord [Lubbock, J.] - On British Wild Flowers considered in relation to Insects
R13930: Averill, A.W. - Supplement to Food-Plant Catalogue of the Aphids of the World including the Phylloxeridae Index to genera and species of Food-Plants
S41127: Averill, M. - The Dragonflies of Worcestershire
S53237: Averis, A. - Springs & Flushes: Scotland's Living Landscapes
N25353: Averis, B. - Plants and Habitats: An Introduction to Common Plants and Their Habitats in Britain and Ireland
S58508: Avery, M.; Leslie, R. - Birds and Forestry
S46547: Avery, M.; Leslie, R. - Birds and Forestry
S40882: Avila, I.G. - Fauna Cubana de Mosquitos
S21262: Avila, I.G. - Fauna Cubana de Mosquitos
S23718: Avise, J.C. - Captivating Life A Naturalist in the Age of Genetics
S51396: Avise, J.C. - Evolutionary Pathways in Nature. A Phylogenetic Approach
S37848: Ax, P. - Monographie der Otoplanidae (Turbellaria): Morphology und Systematik
S44707: Axell, H.; Hosking, E. (Illus.) - Minsmere: Portrait of a Bird Reserve
S53134: Axell, H. - Of Birds and Men
S53910: Axell, H.; Hosking, E. (Illus.) - Minsmere: Portrait of a Bird Reserve
S53912: Axell, H.; Hosking, E. (Illus.) - Minsmere: Portrait of a Bird Reserve
S11878: Ayers,J.C. et al - Currents and Water Masses of Lake Huron (1954 Synoptic Surveys)
S57699: Ayliff, John - The Journal of "Harry Hastings" Albany Settler
S38640: Azizkhodjayev, A. (Ed.) - Light from the Depth of Centuries
S30628: Babault, G. - Mission Guy Babault dans les Provinces Centrales de l'Inde, dans la Région Occidentale de l'Himalaya et Ceylan, 1914 Résultats Scientifiques: Oiseaux
S10209: Babin, C. - Mollusques Bivalves et Cephalopodes du Paleozoique Armoricain: Etude systematique - Essai sur la Phylogenie des Bivalves - Esquisse paleoecologique
A38767: Babington, C.C. - Flora Bathoniensis: or, a Catalogue of the Plants Indigenous to the Vicinity of Bath
S54013: Babington, C.C. - Catalogue of the Birds of Suffolk; with an Introduction and Remarks on their Distribution
S48647: Babington, C.C. - Catalogue of the Birds of Suffolk; with an Introduction and Remarks on their Distribution
A47755: Babington, C.C. - Flora of Cambridgeshire: or, a Catalogue of the Plants Found in the County of Cambridge, with References to Former Catalogues, and the Localities of the Rarer Species
A32184: Babington, C.C. - The British Rubi: An Attempt to Discriminate the Species of Rubus Known to Inhabit the British Isles
S5321: Bacchus, M.E. - A Catalogue of the Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) described by G.J. Arrow with a complete bibliography of his entomological works
S42865: Bacescu, M. - Cumacei Mediteraneeni Modificati de Mediul Pontic
S39816: Bacescu, M. - Cumacea Fauna Republicii Populare Române: Crustacea Vol. IV, Fasc. 1
S39394: Bacescu, M. - Crustaceorum Catalogus Pars 7-8. Cumacea I-II
S9895: Bachrach, W.; Gilmour, D. - The First Real Butterfly Craft Book
N40743: Back, W. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Pieridae 4: Pierinae (partim) Tribe Anthocharidini
S27847: Back, E.A. - Biology of the Saw-Toothed Grain Beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis Linne
S54835: Backhaus, D. - Beobachtungen an Giraffen in zoologischen Gärten in freier Wildbahn
S48133: Bacon, L. - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Provisional Mammal Atlas
N29966: Bacon, J. - Identification Guide to Mushrooms of Britain and Northern Europe
N40847: Bacon, J.; Sterry, P.; Merrick, A. - An Identification Guide to Mushrooms of Britain and Northern Europe
S13158: Bacon, Francis - Essays, Moral, Economical and Political
S51321: Bacon, Francis - The Essays of Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam
S58252: Bacon, J.A. - A Taxonomic Study of the Genus Rhagovelia (Hemiptera, Veliidae) of the Western Hemisphere
S54244: Badcock, J.C. - In the Countryside of South Leicestershire
N55208: Badon, J.A.T. - Naturalist's Guide to the Butterflies of the Philippines
N33222: Badon, J.A.T. - Butterflies of the Philippines
S59374: Baechli, G.; Vilela, C.R.; Andersson Escher, S.; Saura, A. - The Drosophilidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark (Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 39)
S53015: Baerg, W.J. - The Tarantula
S58885: Baerg, W.J. - The Tarantula
S51420: Baez, M. - Mariposas de Canarias
S56072: Baez Fumero, M. - Los Sírfidos de las Islas Canarias (Diptera, Syrphidae)
N30: Baez, M. - Mariposas de Canarias
S55889: Bagenal, T.B. - Fauna of the Clyde Sea Area. Fishes
S15109: Bagir-Zade, F.M.; Burjakovsky, L.A. - [Principles of Marine Petroleum Geology]
S40604: Bagshaw, W. - Elementary Photo-Micrography
S54388: Baikie, W.B.; Heddle, Robert - Historia Naturalis Orcadensis. Zoology. Part I. Being a Catalogue of the Mammalia and Birds Hitherto observed in the Orkney Islands
S48009: Bailey, R.G.; Jose, P.V.; Sherwood, B.R. (Eds) - United Kingdom Floodplains
S36721: Bailey, R.G.; Jose, P.V.; Sherwood, B.R. (Eds) - United Kingdom Floodplains
S41293: Bailey, W.J.; Ridsdill-Smith, J. (Eds) - Reproductive Behaviour of Insects: Individuals and Populations
S41035: Bailey, D.K.; MacDonald, R. (Eds) - The Evolution of the Crystalline Rocks
S43272: Bailey, N.T.J. - Statistical Methods in Biology
S41317: Bailey, D. K.; J. Tarney; Dunham, K. - The evidence for chemical heterogeneity in the Earth's mantle
S32518: Bailey, W.J.; Ridsdill-Smith, J. (Eds) - Reproductive Behaviour of Insects: Individuals and Populations
S32606: Bailey, W.J. - Acoustic Behaviour of Insects: An Evolutionary Perspective
S44060: Bailey, E. - The Christmas Island Story
S48601: Baillie, J. (Foreword by) - Going, Going, Gone: 100 Animals and Plants on the Verge of Extinction
S26683: Bailowitz, R.A.; Brock, J.P. - Butterflies of Southeastern Arizona
S28502: Bailowitz, R.A.; Brock, J.P. - Butterflies of Southeastern Arizona
N46866: Bain, C. - The Peatlands of Britain and Ireland: A Traveller's Guide
S36932: Bain, I. - Thomas Bewick: An Illustrated Record of His Life and Work
P51310: Bain, C., Eversham, B. (Eds) - Thorne and Hatfield Moors Papers. Vol. II-III, 6 +8
S16191: Bainbridge, C. - Pavilions on the Sea: A History of the Seaside Pleasure Pier
S60736: Baine, M.; Harasti, D. - The Marine Life of Bootless Bay, Papua New Guinea
S42045: Baird, W.J. - The Scenery of Scotland: The Structure Beneath
S22170: Baisas, F.E. - The Mosquito Fauna of Subic Bay Naval Reservation. Republic of the Philippines
S34564: Baker, H. Burrington - Land and Freshwater Molluscs of the Dutch Leeward Islands
S32685: Baker, E.W.; Wharton, G.W. - An Introduction to Acarology
S51417: Baker, B.R. - The Butterflies and Moths of Berkshire
v40937: Baker, Samuel W. - Wild Beasts and Their Ways: Reminiscences of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Vol. I-II
S58541: Baker, A.N. - New Zealand Whales and Dolphins
S3245: Baker, B.R. - The Butterflies and Moths of Berkshire
S50430: Baker, R.R. - The Evolutionary Ecology of Animal Migration
S54288: Baker, K. - Identification Guide to European Non-Passerines
N6099: Baker, A.S. - Mites and ticks of domestic animals: an identification guide and information source
S48730: Baker, E.C.S. - Indian Pigeons and Doves
R29052: Baker, C.F. - A Revision of American Siphonaptera, or Fleas, together with a Complete List and Bibliography of the Group
S53133: Baker, R.R. - Bird Navigation: the solution of a mystery?
S1293: Baker, C.F. (Ed.) - Invertebrata Pacifica. Vol. 1
R53046: Baker, D.B. - Alfred Russel Wallace’s record of his consignmentsto Samuel Stevens, 1854-1861
A50669: Baker, T.B.L. - An Ornithological Index, arranged according to The Synopsis Avium of Mr. Vigors
A58613: Baker, E.C.S. - The Birds of North Cachar
S50469: Baker, S.K. - A Week on the Broads: four Victorian gents at sail on a Norfolk gaffer in 1889
S55101: Baker, K. - Warblers of Europe, Asia and North Africa
S57885: Baker, S.W. - Ismailïa: A Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade organized by Ismail, Khedive of Egypt. Vol. I-II
N45: Baker, B.R. - The Butterflies and Moths of Berkshire
S20488: Baker, M.; Corringham, R.; Dark, J. - Native Plants of the Sydney Region
S42351: Baker, H.A.; Oliver, E.G.H. - Ericas in Southern Africa
S47281: Baker, E.C.S. - The Game birds of India, Burma and Ceylon [Partridges]
S38128: Baker, F.C. - The Fresh Water Mollusca of Wisconsin. Pt I-II
N28778: Bakker, W.; Bouwman, J.; Brekelmans, F.; Colijn, E.; Felix, R.; Grutters, M.; Kerkhof, W.; Kleukers, R. - De Nederlandse sprinkhanen en krekels (Orthoptera)
S11364: Balachowsky, A.; Mesnil, L. - Les Insectes Nuisibles aux Plantes Cultivees: Leurs moeurs Leur destruction. Traite d'Entomologie agricole concernant la France, la Corse, l'Afrique du Nord et les Regions limitrophes
S33194: Balarin, J.D.; Hatton, J.P - Tilapia: A guide to their biology & culture in Africa
S35030: Balcer, M.D.; Korda, N.L.; Dodson, S.I. - Zooplankton of the Great Lakes: A Guide to the Identification and Ecology of the Common Crustacean Species
S41786: Baldi, E. - Ricerche Idrobiologiche sul Lago di Tovel
N38467: Baldizzone, G. - Lepidoptera Coleophoridae (Fauna d'Italia 53)
N8347: Baldizzone, G. - I Microlepidotteri del Parco Naturale Alpi Marittime (Italia, Piemonte) (Lepidoptera)
N902: Baldock, D.W. - Grasshoppers and Crickets of Surrey
N29184: Baldock, D.W.; Earley, J. - Soldierflies, their allies and Conopidae of Surrey
N34762: Baldock, D.; Wood T.; Cross, I.; Smit, J. - Bees of Portugal (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Anthophila)
S58574: Baldock, D.W.; Earley, J. - Soldierflies, their allies and Conopidae of Surrey
S45431: Baldock, D.W. - Grasshoppers and Crickets of Surrey
N53622: Baldock, L.; Dipper, F. - Inshore Fishes of Britain and Ireland
S15517: Balduf, W.V, - The Bionomics of Entomophagous Coleoptera
S25332: Balduf, W.V, - The Bionomics of Entomophagous Coleoptera
S9958: Balduf, W.V, - The Bionomics of Entomophagous Insects. Pt 2
S57290: Baldwin, A.W. - Trains of the World Picture book
S36997: Baldwin, S.A. - John Ray (1627-1705) Essex Naturalist: A summary of his life, work and scientific significance
S29710: Baldwin, S.A. - John Ray (1627-1705) Essex Naturalist: A summary of his life, work and scientific significance
S44686: Baldwin, S.A. - John Ray (1627-1705) Essex Naturalist: A summary of his life, work and scientific significance
S54828: Bale, W.M. - Catalogue of the Australian Hydroid Zoophytes
S20872: Bale, W.M. - Catalogue of the Australian Hydroid Zoophytes
S59165: Van Balen, J.H. - De Dierenwereld van Insulinde in Woord en Beeld. Vol. I-II
S59482: Balfour-Browne, F. - Coleoptera Hydradephaga (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 4/3)
S54525: Balfour, R.H. - Orkney Birds Status and Guide
S43531: Balfour-Browne, F. - A Text-book of Practical Entomology
S19292: Balfour-Browne, F. - British Water Beetles. Volume 2
S54155: Balfour-Browne, F. - British Water Beetles
S16157: Balfour-Browne, F. - The Aquatic Coleoptera of Ireland: with some remarks on the causes of their distribution
R15611: Balfour-Browne, F. - The Aquatic Coleoptera of the Orkney Islands, with some remarks on Water Beetle Faunas of the Scottish Islands
S32823: Balfour-Browne, F. - Coleoptera Hydradephaga (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 4/3)
S52613: Balfour-Browne, F. - British Water Beetles. Volume 2
S35387: Balfour-Browne, F. - Coleoptera Hydradephaga (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 4/3)
S53068: Balfour-Browne, F. - British Water Beetles. Vol. I-III
S9819: Balfour-Browne, F. - Water Beetles and Other Things Half a Century's Work
S13875: Balfour-Browne, F. - Coleoptera Hydradephaga (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 4/3)
S45407: Balfour-Browne, F. - Coleoptera Hydradephaga (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 4/3)
S52564: Balfour-Browne, F. - British Water Beetles. Vol. I-III
S47423: Balfour-Browne, F. - Coleoptera Hydradephaga (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 4/3)
S7971: Balfour-Browne, F. - Fungi of Recent Nepal Expeditions
S21881: Balfour-Browne, F. - Coleoptera Hydradephaga (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 4/3)
S19820: Balfour-Browne, F. - British Water Beetles. Volume 2
S22818: Balfour-Browne, F. - Coleoptera Hydradephaga (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 4/3)
S28051: Balfour-Browne, F. - Keys to the Orders of Insects
R52860: Balfour-Browne, F. - Collection of 25 offprints on water beetles, zoological nomenclature and one on fish
S17943: Balfour-Browne, F. - A revision of the genus Bidessonotus régimbart (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)
S55809: Balfour-Browne, F. - A Text-book of Practical Entomology
S54779: Balfour-Browne, F. - British Water Beetles. Vol. I-III
N29440: van Balgooy, M.M.J.; Low, Y.W.; Wong, K.M. - Spot-characters for the Identification of Malesian Seed Plants: A Guide
N9984: Balinsky, B.I. - A Study of African Phycitinae in the Transvaal Museum
S55307: Balinsky, B.I. - A Study of African Phycitinae in Transvaal Museum
S49811: Bálint, Z.; Pál, J. - A világ pillangói 1. rész: Apollók, Böngörök, Csillangók és rokonaik [Butterflies of the World Pt 1: Apollos, Swallowtails, Birdwings and their relatives]
N49176: Balint, Z. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Lycaenidae 5: Tribe Polyommatini
S30522: Balk, R. - Structural and Petrologic Studies in Dutchess County, New York Pt. 1: Geologic Structure of Sedimentary Rocks
S56025: Ball, S.G.; Morris, R.K.A. - Provisional Atlas of British Hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae)
S53660: Ball, P. - Curiosity: How Science became interested in everything
N53970: Ball, Sarah - Wild Flowers of Coastal Andalucia: A photographic field guide
S52889: Ball, S.G.; Morris, R.K.A. - Provisional Atlas of British Hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae)
S41662: Ball, S.G.; Morris, R.K.A. - Provisional Atlas of British Hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae)
S59538: Ball, S.; Morris, R.; Rotheray, G. & Watt, K. - Atlas of the Hoverflies of Great Britain (Diptera, Syrphidae)
S40731: Ball, S.G.; Morris, R.K.A. - Provisional Atlas of British Hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae)
S55167: Ballance, D.K. - Birds in Counties: An Ornithological Bibliography for the Counties of England, Wales, Scotland and for the Isle of Man
S53504: Ballance, D.K.; Gibbs, B.D. - The Birds of Exmoor and the Quantocks
S5386: Ballantyne, G.H. - The Flowering Plants of Kinross: A checklist, with locations, of past and present species
C19517: Ballerio, A.; Rey, A.; Uliana, M.; Rastelli, M. et al - Coleotteri Scarabeoidei d'Italia (DVD)
N30854: Ballesteros, E.; Llobet, T. - Faune et flore de la mer Méditerranée: Guide Visuel
N53333: Balletto, E.; Barbero, F.; Bonelli, S.; Casacci, L.P.; Dapporto, L. - Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea - Butterflies [Papilionidae, Hesperidae and Pieridae] (Fauna d'Italia 54)
N28190: Balletto, E.; Barbero, F.; Casacci, L.; Chakira, H.; Dafine, A.; Ouledi, A. - Les Papillons diurnes des Iles Comores/Butterflies of the Comoros
S10816: Balls, M.; Bownes, M. - Metamorphosis
S50049: Balmer, D.; Gillings, S.; Caffrey, B.; Swann, B.; Downie, I.; Fuller, R. - Bird Atlas 2007-11: The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland
S50282: Balmer, D.; Gillings, S.; Caffrey, B.; Swann, B.; Downie, I.; Fuller, R. - Bird Atlas 2007-11: The breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland
R49091: Balogh, J. - A Synopsis of the World Oribatid (Acari) Genera
S58161: Balon, E.K.; Coche, A.G. (Eds) - Lake Kariba: A Man-Made Tropical Ecosystem in Central Africa
S36860: Balsamo, M. - Gastrotrichi (Gastrotricha) Guide per il riconoscimento delle specie animali delle acque interne italiane 20
S48727: Balston, R.J.; Shepherd, C.W.; Bartlett, E. - Notes on the Birds of Kent
A56880: Baltzer, R.A. - De Anatomia Sphingidarum: Dissertatio Zoologica (Dissert. Resp. G. Fuelles, J. Berendes, H. Finzelberg)
S21960: Baly, J.S. - Three Short Papers: Descriptions of New Genera, and sone Recently Discovered Species of Australian Phytophaga/Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Phytophaga/ Descriptions of New Genera and of Uncharacterized Species of Halticinae
S41210: Bamber, J.E. - The Skull of Wardley Hall [together with a set of photographs of the skull of Bl. Miles Gerard]
N19332: Bamber, R.N. - Sea Spiders (Pycnogonida) of the North-East Atlantic Synopses of the British Fauna 5
N2679: Banaszak, J. (Ed.) - Ecology of Forest Islands
S52125: Banaszak, J. - Changes in Fauna of Wild Bees in Europe
R52556: Bandel, K. - Palökologie und Paläogeographie im Devon und Unterkarbon der Zentralen Karnischen Alpen
S41425: Banister, K.E. - On the cyprinid Fish Barbus alluaudi Pellegrin: A possible intergeneric hybrid from Africa. Studies on African Cyprinidae Pt. 1
S32938: Banks, J.; Banks, J. - A Selection of the Butterflies of Sri Lanka
V8798: Banks, J. - Butterflies of Kenya: A penetrating analysis of Africa's butterflies
V29030: Banks, J. - Ghana's other Gold: Butterflies of the Ghanaian rainforest (DVD)
V25813: Banks, J. - Gilded Butterflies and the Secrets of their Scales (DVD)
V21179: Banks, J. - Butterflies in Close-up. In the Valley of the Lower Rio Grande, Texas (DVD)
V19494: Banks, J. - Butterflies of Malaysia - Wonders of the East (DVD)
V17961: Banks, J. - Palawan. Butterfly Paradise
V15163: Banks, J. - In the Shadow of Kangchenjunga
V14442: Banks, J. - Beauty for Survival
V12873: Banks, J. - Diversity in the Rainforest
V10844: Banks, J. - O Que Passa? What's Going on Here? An Introduction to the Butterflies of the Amazon forest (DVD)
S8049: Banks, H.J.; Holloway, J.D.; Barlow, H.S. - A revision of the genus Ptychandra (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
S49721: Banks, R.E.R.; Elliott, B.; Hawkes, J.G.; King-Hele, D.; Lucas, G.Ll. (Eds) - Sir Joseph Banks: A Global Perspective
S34984: Banner, A.H.; Banner, D.M. - The Alpheid Shrimp of Thailand
S34770: Banner, F.T; Lord, A.R. (Eds) - Aspects of Micropalaeontology: Papers presented to Professor Tom Barnard
S39919: Banner, A.H. - The Crangonidae, or Snapping Shrimp, of Hawaii
S44076: Bannerman, D.A.; Lodge, G.E. - The Birds of the British Isles. Vol. VI
S49039: Bannerman, W.B. (Ed.) - Serum Therapy of Plague in India
S51383: Bannerman, D.A. - The Birds of West and Equatorial Africa. Vol. 1-2
S47955: Bannerman, D.A.; Vella-Gaffiero, J.A. - Birds of the Maltese Archipelago
S52243: Bannerman, D.A. - The Birds of West and Equatorial Africa. Vol. 1-2
S48703: Bannerman, D.A.; Vella-Gaffiero, J.A. - Birds of the Maltese Archipelago
S47103: Bannerman, D.A. - The Canary Islands: Their History, Natural History and Scenery
S46192: Bannerman, D.A.; Lodge, G.E. - The Birds of the British Isles
S29768: Bannerman, D.A.; Bannerman, W.M. - Birds of the Atlantic Islands. Vol. III: A History fo the Birds of the Azores
S34403: Bannerman, D.A.; Bannerman, W.M. - The Birds of the Balearics
R52245: Bannerman, D.A. - On a Collection of Birds made by Mr. Willoughby P. Lowe on the West Coast of Africa and outlying Islands; with Field-notes by the Collector
S22707: Bannerman, D.A.; Bannerman, W.M. - Birds of Cyprus
R8345: Banse, K.; Hobson, K.D. - Benthic Polychaetes from Puget Sound, Washington with Remarks on Four other Species
S17739: Banse, K.; Hobson, K.D. - Benthic Polychaetes from Puget Sound Washington, with Remarks on Four Other Species
N46934: Banziger, H. - Vampire Moths: Behaviour, Ecology and Taxonomy of Blood-sucking Calyptra
N46441: Bar, A.; Haimovitch, G.; Meiri, S. - Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Israel
S40739: Baracetti, M. - Guia de plantes d'Andorra: Estatges montà, subalpí i alpí
N17252: Barash, A. - Annotated list of Mediterranean Mollusca of Israel & Sinai Fauna Palaestina. Mollusca I
N42128: Barataud, M. - Acoustic Ecology of European Bats: Species Identification, Study of their Habitats and Foraging Behaviour
N26172: Barataud, M. - Écologie Acoustique des Chiroptères d’Europe: Identification des espèces, étude de leurs habitats et comportements de chasse
R27036: Barbagallo, S.; Stroyan, H.L.G. - Osservazioni biologiche, ecologiche e tassinomiche sull'Afidofauna della Sicilia / Biological, ecological and Taxonomic Notes on the Aphid Fauna of Sicily
S45466: Barbanti, L.; Calderoni, A.; Carollo, A. - Indagini idrologiche e chimiche dei principali tributari piemontesi del Lago Maggiore in relazione alle sue modificazioni trofiche
S35279: Barber, L. - The Heyday of Natural History 1820-1870
N16910: Barber, A.D. - Key to the identification of British Centipedes
S44373: Barber, A.D.; Keay, A.N. - Provisional Atlas of the Centipedes of the British Isles
S35625: Barber, A.D.; Keay, A.N. - Provisional Atlas of the Centipedes of the British Isles
N16553: Barber, A.D. - Centipedes Synopses of the British Fauna 58
S48018: Barber, A.D.; Keay, A.N. - Provisional Atlas of the Centipedes of the British Isles
S51076: Barber, L. - The Heyday of Natural History 1820-1870
N53471: Barber, A.D. - Atlas of the Centipedes of Britain and Ireland
S15531: Barbosa, O. - Resumo da Geologica do Estado de Minas-Gerais
S841: Barbosa, P.; Letourneau, D.K. (Eds) - Novel Aspects of Insect-Plant Interactions
S25260: Barbosa, P.; Schultz, J.C. - Insect Outbreaks
N23072: Barbosa, P.; Letourneau, D.; Agrawal, A. (Eds) - Insect Outbreaks Revisited
S43248: Barbour, T. - Naturalist at Large
A53461: Barbut, J. - The Genera Insectorum of Linnaeus exemplified by various specimens of English Insects drawn from Nature: Les Genres des Insectes de Linne... [with] The Genera Vermium exemplified by various specimens of the Animals contained in the orders of the Intestina
S59087: Barcant, M. - Butterflies of Trinidad and Tobago
N29495: Barclay, M.V.L.; Garner, B.H.; Hammond, M.; Marshall, J.E.; Cos, M.; Jessop, L.; - British Coleoptera Larvae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects Vol. 4, pt 1a)
N54606: Barclay, M.V.L.; Bouchard, P. - Beetles of the World: A Natural History
N47482: Barclay, K.; Harris, C.; Lewis, M.; Rodgers, K. - Features of the Gwent Levels (Identification Chart)
S40237: Barclay, J. - Havana: Portrait of a City
S53554: Barclay, V. - Darwin is not for Children
N60466: Barden, Phil - The Moths of the Bere Peninsula. Including part of the Tamar Valley and the surrounding area
S43934: Bardgett, R.D.; Usher, M.B.; Hopkins, D.W. (Eds) - Biological Diversity and Function in Soils
N32973: Barendregt, A. - Zweefvliegentabel
S32436: Barigozzi, C. (Ed.) - Mechanisms of Speciation
R1124: De Barjac, H.; Sutherland, D.J. (Eds) - Bacterial Control of Mosquitoes and Black Flies Biochemistry, Genetics & Applications of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis and Bacillus sphaericus
S51299: Barker, L.F. - Anatomical Terminology, with special reference to the [BNA]
S29625: Barker, N. (Ed.) - Treasures of the British Library
S49352: Barker, F. - Greenwich and Blackheath Past
S15092: Barker, J.S.F.; Starmer, W.T., MacIntyre, R.J. (Eds) - Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics of Drosophila
S43692: Barker, F.; Jackson, P. - The History of London in Maps
S53360: Barker, N. - Hortus Eystettensis: The Bishop's Garden and Besler's Magnificent Book
S52866: Barker, A.J. - The Civilizing Mission: A History of the Italo-Ethiopian War 1935-6
S41136: Barley, N. - Smashing Pots: Feats of Clay from Africa
S59233: Barlow, N. - Darwin's Ornithological Notes
S34318: Barlow, C.; Wacher, T.; Disley, T. - A Field Guide to Birds of the Gambia and Senegal
S28764: Barlow, N. (ed.) - Charles Darwin and the Voyage of the Beagle
S58682: Barlow, N. (Ed.) - Darwin and Henslow: The Growth of an Idea. Letters 1831-1860
S36171: Barlow, G. - The Cichlid Fishes: Natures Grand Experiment in Evolution
A50716: Barlow, T.W. - A Chart of British Ornithology, Designed for Popular Use. Compiled, and most respectfully dedicated to his Fellow-Members of the Wernerian Club
S32088: Barnaby, D. (Ed.) - Letters to Mr Tegetmeier from J. Cossar Ewart and others to the Editor of 'The Field' at the turn of the nineteenth century
S53440: Barnaby, D. (Ed.) - Letters to Mr Tegetmeier from J. Cossar Ewart and others to the Editor of 'The Field' at the turn of the nineteenth century
S11851: Barnard, P.C. - Identifying British Insects and Arachnids: An annotated bibliography of key works
N20751: Barnard, P. - The Royal Entomological Society Book of British Insects
N22142: Barnard, P.; Ross, E. - The Adult Trichoptera (caddisflies) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects)
R60716: Barnard, K.H. - Descriptive Catalogue of South African Decapod Crustacea (Crabs and Shrimps) / Descriptive List of South African Stomatopod Crustacea (Mantis Shrimps)
N17036: Barnard, P.; Ross, E. - Guide to the adult caddisflies or sedge flies (Trichoptera)
S36755: Barnard, J.L. - Revision of Corophiidae and related families (Amphipoda)
S38450: Barnard, K.H. - Amphipoda Discovery Reports V
S49086: Barnard, P.C. - Identifying British Insects and Arachnids: An annotated bibliography of key works
S26206: Barnard, P.C. (Ed.) - Identifying British Insects and Arachnids: An annotated bibliography of key works
S17958: Barnard, P.C. - Identifying British Insects and Arachnids: An annotated bibliography of key works
S39917: Barnard, J.L. - Index to the families, genera, species of the Gammaridean Amphipoda (Crustacea)
S58206: Barnes, I; Hudson, R. - Historical Atlas of Asia
N54857: Barnes, K.; Stevenson, T.; Fanshawe, J. - Field Guide to Birds of Greater Southern Africa
S45335: Barnes, J.K. - Asa Fitch and the Emergence of American Entomology
S44772: Barnes, J.A.G. (Ed.); Coward, T.A. - Birds of the British Isles and their Eggs
N49762: Barnes, G.; Williamson, T. - English Orchards: A Landscape History
S55308: Barnes, E.F. - Flora of Devon. Vol. II. Part 2: The Mosses and Liverworts (Bryophyta)
S9954: Barnes, H.F. - Gall Midges of Economic Importance. Vol. 4 Gall Midges of Ornamental Plants and Shrubs
S9953: Barnes, H.F. - Gall Midges of Economic Importance. Vol. 1 Gall Midges of Root and Vegetable Crops
S9952: Barnes, H.F. - Gall Midges of Economic Importance. Vol. 3: Gall Midges of Fruit
S9950: Barnes, H.F. - Gall Midges of Economic Importance. Vol. 7 Gall Midges of Cereal Crops
S33593: Barnes, R.S.K. (Ed.) - The Coastline: A contribution to our understanding of its ecology and physiography in relation to land-use and management and the pressures to which it is subject
S38326: Barnes, R.S.K. - The Brackish-Water Fauna of Northwestern Europe
S9951: Barnes, H.F. - Gall Midges of Economic Importance. Vol. 2: Gall Midges of Fodder Crops
N54856: Barnes, K.; Stevenson, T.; Fanshawe, J. - Field Guide to Birds of Greater Southern Africa
S51189: Barnett, R.J.; Andrews, R.M.; Bailey, M.A.; Corner, T.; Higgins, R.J.; Martin, J.P. - Moths of the Bristol Region
S49985: Barnett, A.; Dutton, J. - Expedition Field Techniques: Small Mammals: (excluding bats)
S45730: Barnett, R.J.; Andrews, R.M.; Bailey, M.A.; Corner, T.; Higgins, R.J.; Martin, J.P. - Moths of the Bristol Region
S49927: Barnett, R.J.; Andrews, R.M.; Corner, T.; Higgins, R.J.; Martin, J.P.; Pedlow, A. - Dragonflies and Damselflies of the Bristol Region
S34214: Barnett, S.A. (Ed.) - A Century of Darwin
S33441: Barnett, R.J.; Andrews, R.M.; Bailey, M.A.; Corner, T.; Higgins, R.J.; Martin, J.P. - Moths of the Bristol Region
S40762: Barnett, R.J.; Andrews, R.M.; Bailey, M.A.; Corner, T.; Higgins, R.J.; Martin, J.P. - Moths of the Bristol Region
S56327: Barnham. M.; Foggitt, G.T. - Butterflies in the Harrogate District
S50170: Baroli, M. - L'Ethiopie
S38621: Baron, S. - The Desert Locust
N5838: Baroni Urbani, C.; Andrade, M.L. de (Eds) - The Ant Genus Proceratium in the extant and fossil record (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
N14521: Barr, T.C. - A Classification and Checklist of the Genus Pseudanophthalamus Jeannel (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae)
S52219: Barr, C.J.; Britt, C.P.; Sparks, T.H.; Churchward, J.M. (Eds) - Hedgerow management and wildlife
S53235: Barraud, P.J. - The Fauna of British India. Diptera V: Culicidae. Tribes Megarhinini & Culicini
S16391: Barre, O. - L'Architecture du Sol de la France: Essai de Geographie Tectonique
S52679: Barrett, C.G. - The Lepidoptera of the British Islands. Vol. VIII: Heterocera Geometrina
S29888: Barrett, C.G. - The Lepidoptera of the British Islands. Vol. I-XI
S41285: Barrett, P.M.; Milner, A.R. (Eds) - Studies on Fossil Tetrapods
S54118: Barrett, C. - Koala: The Story of the Native Bear
S6312: Barrett, C.G. - The Lepidoptera of the British Islands. Vol.3: Heterocera, Bombyces, Noctuae
S9896: Barrett, C.G. - The Lepidoptera of the British Islands Vol. 3: Heterocera,Bombyces, Noctuae
S22175: Barrett, C.G. - The Lepidoptera of the British Islands. Vol. IX: Heterocera Geometrina-Pyralidina
S18485: Barrett, C.G. - The Lepidoptera of the British Islands. Vol.4: Heterocera Noctuae
S38746: Barrett, P.H.; Gautrey, P.J.; Herbert, S.; Kohn, D.; Smith, S. (Eds) - Charles Darwin's Notebooks, 1836-1844: Geology, Transmutation of Species, Metaphysical Enquiries
S29259: Barrett, C.G. - The Lepidoptera of the British Islands. Vol. I-XI
P44168: Barrett, C.G.; Fowler, W.W.; Champion, G.C. et al. (Eds) - The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine Vol. 37 (1901)
S60765: Barrett, J.; Younge, C.M. - Collins Pocket Guide to the Sea Shore
S15820: Barrett, C.G. - The Lepidoptera of the British Islands. Vol. 4: Heterocera Noctuae
S15821: Barrett, C.G. - The Lepidoptera of the British Islands. Vol.5: Heterocera Noctuae
S15822: Barrett, C.G. - The Lepidoptera of the British Islands. Vol.5: Heterocera Noctuae
S52680: Barrett, C.G. - The Lepidoptera of the British Islands. Vol. IX: Heterocera Geometrina-Pyralidina
S150: Barrington, E.J.W.; Jefferies, R.P.S. (Eds) - Protochordates
S37837: Barrington, E.J.W. - Introduction to general and comparative endocrinology
P40610: Barron, A.L.E. (Ed.) - The Microscope: The British Journal of Microscopy and Photomicrography. Vol. 2
S49888: Barrow, R. - Birds of Trinidad and Tobago: A Photographic Atlas
S42729: Barrow, J.D. - Cosmic Imagery: Key Images in the History of Science
S49429: Barrow, J.D. - The Constants of Nature: From Alpha to Omega
R16485: Barrows, H.R. - The Histological Basis of the Different Shank Colours in the Domestic Fowl
N25273: Barta, D.; Dolny, A. - Dragonflies of Sungai Wain
N6699: Bartak, M.; Vanhara, J. (Eds) - Diptera in an Industrially Affected Region (North-Western Bohemia, Bilina and Duchcov Environs) I + II
N6698: Bartak, M. - Nearctic species of Rhamphymyia subgenus Megacyttarus (Diptera: Empididae)
S58186: Barter, Richard - The Siege of Delhi Mutiny Memories of an Old Officer
S50657: Barth, F.G. - Insects and Flowers: The Biology of a Partnership
S58957: Barth, F.G. - A Spider's World: Senses and Behavior
S39677: Bartholomew, J.G.; Clarke, W.E.; Grimshaw, P.H. - Atlas of Zoogeography: A Series of Maps illustrating the Distribution of over Seven Hundred Families, Genera, and Species of Existing Animals
S54294: Bartlett, T.L. - Bird Sanctuary The Story of the Gilbert White Memorial Bird Sanctuary at Perivale, Middlesex
N7574: Bartolozzi, L.; Werner, K. - Illustrated Catalogue of the Lucanidae from Africa and Madagascar
N33438: Bartolozzi, L.; Zilioli, M.; de Keyzer, R. - The Stag Beetles of Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia and Fiji
S41586: Barton, K.J. - Pottery in England from 3500 BC - AD 1730
S48031: Barton, R.M. - Waterfalls of the World: A pictorial survey
S41053: Barton, L.L. - Structural and Functional Relationships in Prokaryotes
N18401: Bartsch, H. - Syrphidae / Tvåvingar: Blomflugor. Vol. 2 Eristalinae & Microdontinae (Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges Flora och Fauna)
N18035: Bartsch, H. - Syrphidae / Tvåvingar: Blomflugor. Vol.1 Syrphinae (Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges Flora och Fauna)
S43681: Basch, P.F. - Anatomy of Laevapex fuscus, a Freshwater Limpet (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)
S18507: Basden, E.B. - The Distribution and Biology of Drosophilidae (Diptera) in Scotland, including a New Species of "Drosophila"
S33120: Basey, H.E. - Discovering Sierra Reptiles and Amphibians
S19876: Basilewsky, P. - Carabidae (Coleoptera) de l'Angola. Parts 1-2
S27414: Basilova, J. - Biosystematic Study of the Aphid (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae) Genus Cryptomyzus Oestlund, 1922 in Lithuania
N45769: Bass, M.A.; Goldgar, A.; Grootenboer, H.; Swan, C. - Conchophilia: Shells, Art, and Curiosity in Early Modern Europe
N38725: Bass, M.A. - Insect Artifice: Nature and Art in the Dutch Revolt
S54949: Basset-Smith, P.W. - China Sea. Report on the Results of Dredgings obtained on the Macclesfield Bank, by H.M.S. Penguin [with] Report on the Results of Dredgings obtained on the Macclesfield Bank, by H.M.S. Rambler, H.M.S. Penguin, H.M.S., and H.M.S. Egeria
S46709: Bassett, M.G. - The Articulate Brachiopods from the Wenlock Series of the Welsh Borderland and South Wales, Part 4
S46708: Bassett, M.G. - The Articulate Brachiopods from the Wenlock Series of the Welsh Borderland and South Wales, Part 1
S20038: Bassett, M.G.; Dean, W.T. (Eds) - The Cambrian-Ordovician Boundary: Sections, Fossil Distributions, and Correlations
S3907: Bassett, M.G.; Dean, W.T. (Eds) - The Cambrian-Ordovician Boundary: Sections, Fossil Distributions, and Correlations
S16015: Bassindale, R. - British Barnacles: With Keys and Notes for the Identification of the Species
S38412: Bassindale, R.; Ebling, F.J.; Kitching, J.A. et al. - The Ecology of Lough Ine. Pt I-IX, XI
S56631: Bassindale, R. - British Barnacles: With Keys and Notes for the Identification of the Species
N19247: Basso, M.T. - Lactarius Fungi Europaei 7
S38341: Bastin, J.; Moore, D.T. - The Geological Researches of Dr Thomas Horsfield in Indonesia 1801-1819
S6534: Bastin, J.; Moore, D.T. - The Geological Researches of Dr Thomas Horsfield in Indonesia 1801-1819
S36192: Basu, R.C.; Raychaudhuri, D.N. - A Study on the Sexuales of Aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) in India
S49543: Bate, R.H. - Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography of the Yorkshire Oolites and their Relationships with the Lincolnshire Limestone
S37238: Bate, C.S.; Westwood, J.O.; Bell, Thomas - A History of the British Sessile-Eyed Crustacea Vol. I-II [with] A History of the British Stalk-Eyed Crustacea
S20385: Bate, R.H. - Ostracods from Callovian to Tithonian Sediments of Tanzania, East Africa
S25134: Bate, R.H. - Bathonian Upper Estuarine series of eastern England I :Ostracoda
S20948: Bate, R.H. - Middle Jurassic Ostracoda from North Lincolnshire
S20900: Bate, R.H. - Upper Cretaceous Ostracoda from the Carnavon Basin, Western Australia Special Papers in Palaeontology 10
S20353: Bate, R.H. - Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography of the Yorkshire Oolites and their Relationships with the Lincolnshire Limestone
N31667: Batelka, J. - Ripiphoridae (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 7)
S45842: Bateman, J.; McKenna, G.; Timberlake, S. (Eds) - Register of Natural Science Collections in South East Britain Guide to the project
S44897: Bates, H.E. - O More than Happy Countryman
S39276: Bates, J.W.; Ashton, N.W.; Duckett, J.G. (Eds) - Bryology for the Twenty-First Century
S48842: Bates, M.; Humphrey, P.S. (Eds) - The Darwin Reader
N40390: Bates, Henry Walter - A Naturalist in the Amazon: The Journals & Writings of Henry Walter Bates
S52432: Bates, H.E. - The White Admiral
S55557: Bates, F.A. - Dingle Stalk
S696: Bates, R.S.P.; Lowther, E.H.N. - Breeding Birds of Kashmir
N32885: Bates, M.F.; Branch, W.R.; Bauer, A.M.; Burger, M.; Marais, J.; Alexander, G.J.; de Villiers, M.S. - Atlas and Red List of the Reptiles of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland
S20292: Bates, D.E.B. - The Lower Palaezoic Brachiopod and Trilobite Faunas of Anglesey
S55487: Bates, M. - The Natural History of Mosquitoes
A43958: Bateson, W.; Saunders, E.R.; Punnett, R.C.; Wheldale, M.; Marryat, D.C.E.; Sollas, I.B.J. - Reports to the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society. Reports I-V. 1902-1909
S53647: Bath, W.H. - The Young Collector's Handbook of Ants, Bees, Dragon-flies, Earwigs, Crickets, and Flies (Hymenoptera, Neuroptera, Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera)
S58403: Battarbee, R.W.; Mason, J.; Renberg, I.; Talling, J.F. (Eds) - Palaeolimnology and Lake Acidification
S58507: Batten, L.; Bibby, C.J.; Clement, P.; Elliott, G.D.; Porter, R.F. - Red Data Birds in Britain: Action for Rare, Threatened and Important Species
S46623: Batten, L.; Flegg, J.; Sorensen, J.; Wareing, M.J.; Watson, D.; Wright, M. - Birdwatchers' Year
S49951: Batten, L.; Bibby, C.J.; Clement, P.; Elliott, G.D.; Porter, R.F. - Red Data Birds in Britain: Action for Rare, Threatened and Important Species
S58469: Batten, L.; Flegg, J.; Sorensen, J.; Wareing, M.J.; Watson, D.; Wright, M. - Birdwatchers' Year
S20485: Batten, D.J.; Briggs, D.E.G. - Studies in Palaeobotany and Palynology in Honour of N.F. Hughes: Special Papers in Palaeontology 35
N18730: Battiston, R.; Piciau, L.; Fontana, P.; Marshall, J. - Mantids of the Euro-Mediterranean Area
S29299: Batty, J.; Batty, M. (Eds) - Poultry Houses and Appliances: A D.I.Y. Guide
S29415: Batty, J. - The Sussex & Dorking Fowls
S29300: Batty, J.; Francis, C. - Poultry Colour Guide: Covering Large Fowl, Natural Bantams, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys and Guinea Fowl
N55317: Baudraz, V.; Baudraz, M. - Tagfalter der Schweiz bestimmen: ein Feldführer
N54144: Baudraz, V.; Baudraz, M. - Guide d'identification des papillons de jour de Suisse [Identification Guide to Butterflies of Switzerland]
P30568: Bauer, M.; Frech, F.; Liebisch, L. - Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie 1914. Bd I+II
S54491: Baum, James E. - Savage Abyssinia
S60096: Baumann, H.; Künkele, S.; Lorenz, R. - Die Orchideen Europas: mit angrenzenden gebieten
S39141: Baumann, H.; Künkele, S.; Lorenz, R. - Die Orchideen Europas mit angrenzenden gebieten
S59721: Baumann, H.; Künkele, S. - Die Orchideen Europas
S25843: Baumunk, B.-M.; Riess, J. (Eds) - Darwin und Darwinismus : Eine Ausstellung zur Kultur- und Naturgeschichte
S36517: Baur, E. - Einführung in die experimentelle Vererbungslehre
S51065: Bawa, K.S.; Hadley, M. (Eds) - Reproductive Ecology of Tropical Forest Plants
S41833: Baxandall, D. - Catalogue of the Collections in the Science Museum, South Kensington, with Descriptive and Historical Notes and Illustrations. Mathematics I: Calculating Machines and Instruments
S53086: Baxter, R.N. - Rearing Wild Silkmoths
S33716: Baxter, S. - Revolutions in the Earth: James Hutton and the True Age of the World
S55273: Baxter, E.V.; Rintoul, L.J. - Some Scottish Breeding Duck: Their Arrival and Dispersal
S52839: Baxter, R.N. - Rearing Stick and Leaf Insects
S43927: Baxter, J.M.; Usher, M.B. (Eds) - The Islands of Scotland: A Living Marine Heritage
S60742: Bayer, F.M. - The Shallow-Water Octocorallia of the West Indian Region: A Manual for Marine Biologists
S43624: Bayer - Färbungen auf Sisalgarn / The Dyeing of Sisal Yarn / Teintures sur Filé de Sisal
S353: Baylis, H.A.; Daubney, R. - A Synopsis of the Families and Genera of Nematoda
S55863: Baylis, H.A.; Monro, C.C.A. - Instructions for Collectors No 9a: Invertebrate Animals other than Insects
S57353: Bayly, Ian - Rock of Ages: human use and natural history of Australian Granites
N10527: Baynes, E.S.A. - A Revised Catalogue of Irish Macrolepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
S977: Baynes, E.S.A. - A Revised Catalogue of Irish Macrolepidoptera (Butterflies & Moths)
S10528: Baynes, E.S.A. - A Revised Catalogue of Irish Macrolepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths) [+ Supplement]
S10529: Baynes, E.S.A. - A Revised Catalogue of Irish Macrolepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
S20176: Beach, S.A.; Lowe, V.H.; Stewart, F.C. - Common Diseases and Insects Injurious to Fruits
S54208: Beadell, A. - Nature Notes of Warlingham and Chelsham
S54207: Beadell, A. - Nature Notes of Warlingham and Chelsham
S58155: Beadle, L.C. - The inland waters of tropical Africa: An introduction to tropical limnology
S41133: Beal, E. - Railway Modelling in Plan and Perspective
S30340: Beale, W.P. - An Amateur's Introduction to Crystallography (From Morphological Observations)
S22004: Beale, L.S. - How to Work with the Microscope
S43091: Beament, J.W.L.; Treherne, J.E. (Ed.) - Insects and Physiology. Essays presented to Sir Vincent Wigglesworth on his retirement...
S34764: Beament, J.; Bradshaw, A.D.; Chester, P.F.; Holdgate, M.W.; Sugden, M.; Thrush, B.A. (Eds) - The Ecological Effects of Deposited Sulphur and Nitrogen Compounds
S47811: Bean, W.J. - Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles. Vol. 1-3
S47559: Beard, Peter - The End of the Game
P41362: Beard, E.H. (Ed.) - Colonial Geology and Mineral Resources: The quarterly bulletin of the Colonial Geological Surveys. Vol. 1-6 [continued as] Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources. Vol. 7-10
S13420: Beare, T.H. - A Catalogue of the recorded Coleoptera of the British Isles
S13681: Beare, T.H. - A Catalogue of the recorded Coleoptera of the British Isles
S31314: Beare, T.H. - A Catalogue of the recorded Coleoptera of the British Isles
S6464: Beare, T.H. - A Catalogue of the recorded Coleoptera of the British Isles
S18197: Beattie, J.R. - Rhopalocera Directory A comprehensive index to Butterfly names found in the Systematic Index of the Zoological Record 1864-1971 and in Berichte uber die wissenschaftlichen Lesitungen im Gebiete der Entomologie 1834-1863
S22047: Beaty, B.J.; Marquardt, W.C. (Eds) - Biology of Disease Vectors
N1653: Beaucournu, J-C.; Launay, H. - Siphonapteres (Puces) de France et du Bassin mediterraneen occidental Faune de France 76
S43446: Beaufort, L.F. de - Zoogeography of the Land and the Inland Waters
S54931: Beaufort, L.F. de - The Fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago XI: Scleroparei, Hypostomides, Pediculati, Plectognathi, Opisthomi, Discocephali, Xenopterygii
S55402: Beaufoy, S. - Butterfly Lives
S60353: Beausejour, S. - Les Orchidées indigènes du Québec/Labrador
S33630: Beavis, I.C. - The Butteflies of Tunbridge Wells and District
N19238: Bebbington, A. & J. - Bugs on Bushes (Identification Chart) An invertebrate name trail
N9344: Bebbington, A. & J.; Tilling, S. - Woodland Name Trail (Identification Chart)
N4976: Bebbington, J.; Lewington, R. (Illustrator) - Caterpillars of the Butterflies of Britain and Ireland (Identification Chart)
N12863: Bebbington, J.; Lewington, R. (Illustrator) - Guide to the Hawkmoths of the British Isles (Identification Chart)
N60545: Bebbington, A.; Bebbington, J. - Describing Flowers: a guide to the structure of flowers and to their identification features (Identification chart)
N41156: Bebbington, J. - A Guide to the Butterflies of Britain (Identification Chart)
S59060: Beccaloni, J. - Arachnids
N15108: Beccaloni, G.W.; Viloria, A.L.; Hall, S.K.; Robinson, G.S. - Catalogue of the hostplants of the Neotropical butterflies / Catalogo de las plantas huesped de las mariposas neotropicales
S45418: Beck, C. - The Microscope Part II: An Advanced Handbook
S54005: Beck, H.M. - Wild Flowers of Yorkshire
S40630: Beck, C. - The Microscope Part I: A Simple Handbook
S40631: Beck, C. - The Microscope Part II: An Advanced Handbook
S52729: Beck, H. - Die Larvalsystematik der Eulen (Noctuidae)
N25516: Beck, H. - Die Larven der europaeischen Noctuidae. Revision der Systematik der Noctuidae. Vol. I - Text; Vol. II - Zeichnungen
N13497: Beckage, N.E. (Ed.) - Insect Immunology
N6823: Becker, V.O. - Stenomine moths of the Neotropical genus Timocratica (Oecophoridae)
N8974: Becker, V.O.; Carcasson, R.H.; Heppner, J.B.; Lemaire, C. - Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera Checklist: Part 4B: Drepanoidea, Bombycoidea, Sphingoidea
S36632: Becker, P. - Hill of Destiny: The Life and Times of Moshesh, Founder of the Basotho
S36633: Becker, P. - Pathfinders: A Saga of Exploration in Southern Africa
S36629: Becker, P. - Path of Blood: The Rise and Conquests of Mzilikazi, Founder of the Matabele Tribe of Southern Africa
R40192: Becker, V.O.; Miller, S.E. - The Butterflies of Guana Island, British Virgin Islands
S39316: Becker, P. - Beobachtungen an paläarktischen Zugvögeln in ihrem Winterquartier Südwestafrika
S12323: Becker, Th. - Dipteres: Brachyceres
N30251: Becker, H.J.; Eberhardt, U.; Vesterholt, J. - Hebeloma (Fr.) P. Kumm.Fungi Europaei 14
S47750: Beckett, G.; Bull, A.; Stevenson, R. - A Flora of Norfolk
S40467: Beckett, K. (Ed.) - Encyclopaedia of Alpines. Vol. I-II
S49904: /Beckett, G.; Bull, A.; Stevenson, R. - A Flora of Norfolk
S36540: Beckmann, K.-H. - Land- und Süßwassermollusken der Maltesischen Inseln
S12622: Beddard, F.E. - The Structure and Classification of Birds
S27896: Bedel, L. - Faune des Coléoptères du Bassin de la Seine. Pt 1: Carnivora - Palpicornia
N27260: Bedjanic, M.; Conniff, K.; van der Poorten, N.; Salamun, A. - Dragonfly Fauna of Sri Lanka: Distribution and Biology, with Threat Status of its Endemics
S43277: Bedot, M. - Hydroids provenant des Campagnes des yachts Hirondelle et Princesse-Alice (1887-1912) (Résultats des Campagnes Scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par Albert Ier, Prince Souverain de Monaco, Fascicule LX)
S29831: Bedot, M. - Matériaux pour servir a l'histoire des Hydroïdes 1re Période; 2me Période (1821-1850)
R56983: Bedot, M. - Notes systématiques sur les Plumularides Pts. 1-3
S28539: Bédoyère, G. de la - The Golden Age of Roman Britain
N4975: Bee, L.; Lewington, R. (Illustrator) - House and Garden Spiders (Identification Chart)
N41228: Bee, L.; Oxford, G.; Smith, H. - Britain's Spiders: A Field Guide
S39887: Beebe, W. - The Edge of the Jungle
S43843: Beebe, W. - Book of Bays
S39933: Beebe, W. - Pheasant Jungles
S60363: Beebe, W. (Ed.) - The Book of Naturalists: An Anthology of the Best Natural History
S57362: Beebe, W. - Nonsuch: Land of Water
S39930: Beebe, W. - A Naturalist's Life in New York
S39934: Beebe, W. - Jungle Days
S42243: Beebe, W. - Jungle Peace
S42227: Beebe, W. - The Log of the Sun: A Chronicle of Nature's Year
N36240: Beebee, T. - Climate Change and British Wildlife
S52106: Beebee, T.; Griffiths, R. - Amphibians and Reptiles A Natural History of the British Herpetofauna (New Naturalist 87)
S48541: Beebee, T.; Griffiths, R. - Amphibians and Reptiles A Natural History of the British Herpetofauna (New Naturalist 87)
S45480: Beedham, G.E. - Identification of the British Mollusca: Hulton Group Keys
S55168: Beehler, B.M.; Pratt, T.K.; Zimmerman, D.A. - Birds of New Guinea
S47170: Beehler, B.M.; Pratt, T.K.; Zimmerman, D.A. - Birds of New Guinea
S38566: Beehler, B.M.; Pratt, T.K.; Zimmerman, D.A. - Birds of New Guinea
S5818: Beehler, B.M. - Upland Birds of Northeastern New Guinea: A guide to the Hill and Mountain Birds of Morobe Province
N41600: Beehler, B.M.; Laman, T. - New Guinea: Nature and Culture of Earth's Grandest Island
S48437: De Beer, G. - Darwin-Wallace Centenary
S54109: Beer, T.; Beer, E. - Wild Flowers of Cornwall
S37408: de Beer, G.R. - Sir Hans Sloane and the British Museum
N38321: Beer, A-J. - RSPB Spotlight Sparrows
S21387: De Beer, G. - Archaeopteryx lithographica: A study based upon the British Museum specimen
S41348: De Beer, G. - Reflections of a Darwinian: Essays and Addresses
S42107: De Beer, G. (Ed.) - Autobiographies: Charles Darwin and Thomas Henry Huxley
S25712: De Beer, G. - Darwin's Notebooks on Transmutation of Species. Part I: First Notebook (July 1837 to February 1838)
S25713: De Beer, G. - Darwin's Notebooks on Transmutation of Species. Part II: Second Notebook (February to July 1838)
S44229: de Beer, G.R. (Ed.) - Evolution: Essays on Aspects of Evolutionary Biology Presented to Professor E.S. Goodrich on his Seventieth Birthday
S41314: De Beer, G. - Charles Darwin: evolution by natural selection
S36625: de Beer, G.R. - Sir Hans Sloane and the British Museum
S54935: De Beer, G. (Ed.) - Autobiographies: Charles Darwin and Thomas Henry Huxley
S48440: De Beer, G. - Il Centenarion della teoria dell'evoluzione
S48439: De Beer, G. - Darwin und Wallace, eine Ruckschau über hundert Jahre
S60598: Beer, T. - Environmental Oceanography: An Introduction to the Behaviour of Coastal Waters
S52191: Beer, S. - An Exaltation of Skylarks in prose and poetry
S8004: De Beer, G. - Archaeopteryx lithographica: A study based upon the British Museum specimen
S59137: De Beer, G.; Rowlands, M.J.; Skramovsky, B.M. (Eds) - Darwin's Notebooks on Transmutation of Species. Parts 1-6
S48438: De Beer, G. - Darwin et Wallace , il y a un siècle...
S36203: Beer, A. - Milton:Poet, Pamphleteer and Patriot
S21189: Beer, T. - Ueber primitive Sehorgane
S29647: de Beer, G.R. - Sir Hans Sloane and the British Museum
S54913: de Beer, G.R. (Ed.) - Evolution: Essays on Aspects of Evolutionary Biology Presented to Professor E.S. Goodrich on his Seventieth Birthday
S29209: Beeson, C.F.C. - Insects of Samoa. Pt IV. Coleoptera: Fasc. 4: Platypodidae and Scolytidae
S45544: Behle, W.H. - Bird life of Great Salt Lake The Life History, Ecology and Population Trends of the California Gulls, White Pelicans, Double-crested Cormorants, Together with an Account of the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge
N19195: Behounek, G.; Ronkay, L.; Ronkay, G. - The Witt Catalogue Vol. 4: A Taxonomic Atlas of the Eurasian and North African Noctuoidea: Plusiinae 2
N32064: Behrens, K.; Barnes, K. - Wildlife of Madagascar
S35476: Behrman, D.; Isaacs, J. D. - John Isaacs and his Oceans
S31781: Bei-Bienko, G.Ya. - Opredelitel Nasekomykh Evropeyskoy Chasti CCCR 1: Nizshie, Drevnekrylye, c Nepolnym Prevrascheniem [Keys to the Insects of the European Part of the USSR I: Apterygota, Palaeoptera, Hemimetabola]
S6490: Bei-Bienko, G.Ya. - Opredelitel Nasekomykh Evropeyskoy Chasti CCCR 1: [Keys to the Insects of the European Part of the USSR] Nizshie, Drevnekrylye, c Nepolnym Prevrascheniem [Apterygota, Palaeoptera, Hemimetabola]
S18352: Beier, M. - Dr. H.G. Bronns Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs. Bd. 5, Abt. III: Insecta. 6: Pt. 1-3. Embioidea und Orthopteroidea
S32227: Beijerinck, W. - Rubi Neerlandici, Bramen en Frambozen in Nederlandeerlandici: Hun Bouw, Levenswijze, Verwantschap, Verspreiding en Gebruik
N56158: Beinhundner, G.; Ricchiardi, E.; De Palma, M. et al. - Cetoniimania No. 17
S30463: Beirne, B.P. - A List of the Microlepidoptera of Ireland
S16507: Beirne, B.P. - British Pyralid and Plume Moths
S20770: Beirne, B.P. - British Pyralid and Plume Moths
S55013: Beirne, B.P. - British Pyralid and Plume Moths
S48497: Beirne, B.P. - British Pyralid and Plume Moths
S53756: Beirne, B.P. - British Pyralid and Plume Moths
R26808: Beirne, B.P. - The Origin and History of the British Macro-Lepidoptera
S52430: Beirne, B.P. - British Pyralid and Plume Moths
C14619: Beirne, B.P. - British Pyralid and Plume Moths
R27455: Beirne, B.P. - The Origin and History of the British Macro-Lepidoptera
S31410: Beirne, B.P. - British Pyralid and Plume Moths
S26495: Beirne, B.P. - British Pyralid and Plume Moths
S26924: Beirne, B.P. - British Pyralid and Plume Moths
R48654: Beirne, B.P. - British species of Diplazonini (Bassini auctt.) with a study of the genital and postgenital abdominal sclerites in the male (Hym: Ichneum.)
S4306: Beirne, B.P. - British Pyralid and Plume Moths (Wayside & Woodland)
R17947: Beirne, B.P. - The Origin and History of the British Macro-Lepidoptera
S48832: Beirne, B.P. - Collecting, Preparing and Preserving Insects
S22749: Beirne, B.P. - British Pyralid and Plume Moths
S46506: Beishir, L. - Microbiology In Practice: Individualized Instruction for the Allied Health Service
S16654: Bekker, E.G.; Smirnov, E.S. (Ed.) - Teoriya morfologicheskoy evolyutsii nasekomykh[Theory of the Morphological Evolution of Insects]
S49880: Bekker, H. et al. - Natuur over wegen [Nature across Motorways]
R32573: Belanski, C.H. - Pentameracea / Terebratulacea of the Devonian of Northern Iowa. 2 Pts
S57112: Belcher, H.; Swale, E. - A Beginner's Guide to Freshwater Algae
S50987: Belcher, H.; Swale, E. - A Beginner's Guide to Freshwater Algae
S41068: Belgrano, A.; Scharler, U.M.; Dunne, J.; Ulanowicz, R.E. - Aquatic Food Webs: an Ecosystem Approach
N4462: Belin, V. - Nocni motyli Ceske a Slovenske republiky: Die Nachtfalter der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Republik
N1321: Belin, V. - Motili Ceske a Slovenske Republiky aktivni ve dne: Tagfalter, Widderchen und Glasfluegler der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Republik
S3911: Belkin, J.N.; Hogue, C.L. - A Review of the Crabhole Mosquitoes of the Genus Deinocerites (Diptera, Culicidae)
S36416: Bell, P.R. (Ed.); Challinor, J.; Haldane, J.B.S.; Marler, P.; Whitehouse, H.L.K.; Wilkie, J.S. - Darwin's Biological Work: some aspects reconsidered
S14091: Bell, F.J. - Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the British Museum (Natural History):
S43109: Bell, J.H. - Days with a Butterfly Net
S54010: Bell, D.B. (Ed.) - Bardsey Bird and Field Observatory Report 12
A41804: Bell, Thomas - A History of British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea
S42180: Bell, A.S. - The Scottish Antiquarian Tradition: Essays to mark the bicentenary of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 1780-1980
S39818: Bell W.J.; Adiyodi, K.G. (Eds) - The American Cockroach
A46832: Bell, Thomas - A History of British Reptiles
N28289: Bell, C.; Shields, C. (Illus) - Guide to chalk rivers of England (Identification Chart)
S6552: Bell, Thomas - A History of British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea
S16430: Bell, G. - Pacific Salmon from Egg to Exit
S50108: Bell, T.H. - Thunderstorms
S20882: Bell, J. - A New Comprehensive Gazetteer of England and Wales
S34917: Bell, W.J.; Carde, R.T. (Eds) - Chemical Ecology of Insects
A55569: Bell, Thomas - History of British Reptiles
S47270: Bell, Thomas - A History of the British Stalk-Eyed Crustacea
S30162: Bell, F.J. - Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the British Museum (Natural History)
S54105: Bellamy, J.C. - The Natural History of South Devon
N5996: Belles, X. - Insectes. Coleopteres Ptinidae (Faune de Madagascar 77)
S54689: Belling, J. - The Use of the Microscope
S49943: Bellman, H. - A Field Guide to the Grasshoppers and Crickets of Britain and Northern Europe
S55489: Bellman, H. - A Field Guide to the Grasshoppers and Crickets of Britain and Northern Europe
S50250: Bellman, H. - A Field Guide to the Grasshoppers and Crickets of Britain and Northern Europe
S52457: Bellman, H. - A Field Guide to the Grasshoppers and Crickets of Britain and Northern Europe
S47088: Bellman, H. - A Field Guide to the Grasshoppers and Crickets of Britain and Northern Europe
N42072: Bellmann, H. - Bienen, Wespen, Ameisen (Kosmos Naturführer)
S42842: Bellmann, H.; Luquet, G. - Guide des sauterelles, grillons et criquets d'Europe occidentale
S19125: Bellmann, H. - Spinnen beobachten, bestimmen
N40552: Bellmann, H. - Der Kosmos Libellenführer: Die Arten Mitteleuropas sicher bestimmen
S45419: Bellmann, H.; Rutschmann, F.; Roesti, C.; Hochkirch, A. - Sauterelles, grillons et criquets d'Europe occidentale
S45955: Bellmann, H. - Guide des Abeilles, Bourdons, Guêpes et Fourmis d'Europe. L'identification, le comportement, l'habitat
S27209: Bellmann, H. - Spinnen beobachten, bestimmen
S59020: Bellmann, H. - Kosmos-Atlas Spinnentiere Europas
N39158: Bellmann, H. - Abeilles, bourdons, guêpes et fourmis d'Europe: Identification, comportement, habitat
N56222: Bello, C.; Caldara, R.; Colonnelli, E.; Dal Cortivo, M.; Forbicioni, L.; Giusto, C.; Osella, G.; Pedroni, G.; Ruzzier, E.; Sacco, F.; Tedeschi, M. - Biodiversity of the Mediterranean Basin. II: Weevils of Monte Grappa: Biosphere Reserve, Italy (Coleoptera Curculionoidea)
N29087: Bellocq, A; Maly, J. - Astounding Mushrooms
S43581: Bellotti, F. - Fabulous Congo
S36252: Bellrose, F.C. - Ducks, Geese & Swans of North America
N18950: Belokobylskij, S.A.; Maeto, K. - Doryctinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) of Japan
N21105: Belorustseva, S.; Sochivko, A. - Photographing the Microworld: The World through a Photographer's Eyes
S54451: Belsey, D. - Birds around Surrey
N2452: Belshaw, R. - Tachinid Flies (Tachinidae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/4ai)
S59513: Belshaw, R. - Tachinid Flies (Diptera: Tachinidae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/4ai)
S32033: Beltz, E. - Care in Captivity: Husbandry Techniques for Amphibians and Reptiles
S5: Bemert, G.; Ormond, R. - Red Sea Coral Reefs
S59798: Ben-Chaim, M. - The Discovery of Natural Goods: Newton's Vocation as an 'Experimental Philosopher' [and] Hidden Truths of Creation: Newton's Methods of Fluxions
S57535: Ben-Dov, Y.; Hodgson, C.J. (Eds) - Soft Scale Insects: Their Biology, Natural Enemies, and Control World Crop Pests 7A-B
N45325: Bence, S.; Richaud, S. (Eds) - Atlas des papillons de jour et zygènes. Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
S58771: Benda, P.; Nasher, A.K.; Van Damme, K.; Vallo, P.; Peiter, A. - Bats of the Easter Meditteranean and Middle East. Part 14. Bat fauna of the Socotra Archipelago, Yemen
S52863: Benda, P.; Sevcik, M.; Bego, F.; Sachanowicz, K.; Spitzenberger, F. Tajek, P.; Tajkova, P.; Uhrin, M. - Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. Part 15. The fauna of bats and bat ectoparasites of Albania with a catalogue of bats from the western Balkans in the collection of the National Museum, Prague
S41450: Bendall, D.S. (Ed.) - Evolution from Molecules to Men
N2819: Bender, R. - Heterocera Sumatrana, vol. 5: Notodontidae (of Sumatra)
S49999: Bending, N.A.D.; McRae, S.G.; Moffat, A.J. - Soil-forming Materials: Their Use in Land Reclamation
S21561: Beneden, L. van - Recherches sur la Faune Littorale de Belgique (Polypes); Recherches sur l'Anatomie, la Physiologie et le Developpement des Bryozoaires qui habitent la Cote d'Ostende; Memoire sur les Campanulaires de la Cote d'Ostende; Recherches sur l'Embryogenie des Tub
N46933: Benedetto, L. - Mammalia V: Chiroptera (Fauna d'Italia 47)
S19270: Bengtson, P. - The Cenomanian-Coniacian of the Sergipe Basin Brazil
S58222: Bengtsson, L.; Herschy, R.W.; Fairbridge, R.W. (Eds) - Encyclopedia of Lakes and Reservoirs
N2055: Bengtsson, B.A. - The Scythrididae (Lepidoptera) of Northern Europe (Fauna ent. scand. 13)
N15103: Bengtsson, B.A.; Palmqvist, G. - Lepidoptera: Micropterigidae - Psychidae: Fjärilar: Käkmalar - säckspinnare (Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges Flora och Fauna)
N63: Bengtsson, B.A. - Scythrididae Microlepidoptera of Europe 2
N49588: Benito, J.; Pous, R.O. - Birds of the Mesozoic: An Illustrated Field Guide
S58411: Benke, A.C.; Cushing, C.E. (Eds) - Rivers of North America
S46410: Bennett, N.C.; Faulkes, C.G. - African Mole-Rats: Ecology and Eusociality
S41458: Bennett, I. - Shores of Macquarie Island
S43688: Bennett, E.W. - The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Crustacea Brachyura
S36964: Bennett, N.C.; Faulkes, C.G. - African Mole-Rats: Ecology and Eusociality
S42610: Bennett, M.R.; Doyle, P.; Larwood, J.G.; Prosser, C.D. (Eds) - Geology on Your Doorstep: The Role of Urban Geology in Earth Heritage Conservation
S55314: Bennett, C.J. - A Study of the Breeding Cycle of the Mayfly (Ephemera danica) on the River Test at Leckford, Hants
N39232: Bennett, E.L. - Orang-Utan: The Natural History of an Endangered Ape
N39233: Bennett, E.L. - The Natural History of the Proboscis Monkey
S59970: Benoit, P.; Richards, M. - A Contribution to a Flora of Merioneth
R27706: Benoit, P.L.G. - Monographie des Bethylidae D'Afrique Noire (Hymenoptera): I. Sous-Famille Pristocerinae Tribu Dicrogeniini Tribu Pristocerini, Gen. Pristocera
S59489: Benson, R.B. - Hymenoptera (Symphyta). Section (b) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 6/2b)
S59585: Benson, R.B. - Hymenoptera (Symphyta). Section (a) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 6/2a)
P46784: Benson, R.B.; Blair, K.G.; Champion, H.G. et al. (Eds) - Entomologist's Monthly Magazine Vols 84-85 (1947-48)
S37741: Benson-Evans, K.; Antoine, R. - Guide to the Freshwater, Brackish and Marine Algae of South Wales, UK
P55982: Benson, R.B. et al - Entomologist's Monthly Magazine Vol. LXXXII-LXXXV (Fourth Series VII-X)
P46803: Benson, R.B.; Blair, K.G.; Champion, H.G. et al. (Eds) - Entomologist's Monthly Magazine Vol. 81 (1945)
P46783: Benson, R.B.; Blair, K.G.; Champion, H.G. et al. (Eds) - Entomologist's Monthly Magazine Vols 82-83 (1946-47)
S42620: Benson, D.; Miles, D.; Balkwill, C.J.; Clayton, N. - The Upper Thames Valley: An Archaeological Survey of the River Gravels
S45638: Benson, R.H. - New Cenozoic deep-sea genus, Abyssocythere (Crustacea: Ostracoda: Trachyleberididae) with descriptions of five new species
S40547: Benson, R.H., Berdan, J.M., van den Bold, W.A. et al - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part Q: Arthropoda 3: Crustacea, Ostracoda
S19189: Benson, L. - The Native Cacti of California
S46066: Benson, R.H. - The Bradleya Problem with Descriptions of Two New Psychrospheric Ostracode Genera Agrenocythere and Poseidonamicius (Ostracoda: Crustacea)
S59488: Benson, R.B. - Hymenoptera (Symphyta). Section (c) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 6/2c)
S57725: Bensusan, S.L. - The Life Story of the Partridge
S3835: Bent, A.C. - Life Histories of North American Wood Warblers: Order Passerifermes
S30763: Bent, A.C. - Life Histories of North American Jays, Crows and Titmice: Order Passerifomes
S3626: Bent, A.C. - Life Histories of North American Woodpeckers: Order Piciformes
S721: Bent, A.C. - Life Histories of North American Wagtails, Shrikes, Vireos and their Allies: Order Passeriformes
N15535: Bentanachs, J.; Vives, E.; Juhel, P. - Revision du genre Anubis Thompson, 1864 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae)
N44826: Bentanachs, J.; Jiroux, E.; Niisato, T.; Yokoi, Y. et al - Les Cahiers Magellanes NS no. 35
N23079: Bentanachs, J.; Vives, E.; Bosuang, S. - Cerambycinae de Bornéo: Cerambycinae (I)
S25412: Bentham, G.; Hooker, J.D. - Genera Plantarum: ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis Kewensibus servata definita. Vol. 1-3
S38416: Van Benthem Jutting, W.S.S. - Systematic Studies on the Non-Marine Mollusca of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Pt IV: Critical Revision of the Freshwater Bivalves of Java [and] Pt V: Critical Revision of the Javanese Freshwater Gastropods
S7340: Bentley, S.P. - Engineering Geology of Waste Disposal
S42183: Benton, M.J.; Norman, D.B. (Eds) - Vertebrate Palaeobiology: Essays in honour of Professor R.J.G. Savage F.L.S.
S52174: Benton, T. - Alfred Russel Wallace: Explorer Evolutionist Public Intellectual - A Thinker for Our Own Times?
S45415: Benton, T. - The Bumblebees of Essex
S50352: Benton, E. - Grasshoppers and Crickets (New Naturalist 120)
S45741: Benton, E. - The Dragonflies of Essex
S54640: Benton, E. - Grasshoppers and Crickets (New Naturalist 120)
S44231: Benton, T.G.; Spencer, T. (Eds) - The Pitcairn Islands: biogeography, ecology and prehistory
S48455: Benton, T. - The Bumblebees of Essex
N48850: Benton, T.; Owens, N. - Solitary Bees (New Naturalist 146 )
N5077: Benton, T.; Firmin, J. - The Butterflies of Colchester and North East Essex: A History, Natural History and Guide
N31651: Benton, T. - Naturalist's Guide to the Butterflies of Great Britain & Northern Europe
S36103: Benton, T.; Firmin, J. - The Butterflies of Colchester and North East Essex: A History, Natural History and Guide
S43405: Benton, T. - The Bumblebees of Essex
N31654: Benton, T. - Solitary Bees (Naturalists' Handbooks 33)
S50287: Benton, E. - Grasshoppers and Crickets (New Naturalist 120)
N54367: Benton, M.J. - Dinosaur Behavior: An Illustrated Guide
S40679: Benton, T. - The Bumblebees of Essex
S40735: Benton, E. - The Dragonflies of Essex
S50498: Benton, E. - Grasshoppers and Crickets (New Naturalist 120)
N48849: Benton, T.; Owens, N. - Solitary Bees (New Naturalist 146 )
S52108: Benton, E. - Grasshoppers and Crickets (New Naturalist 120)
S55482: Benton, T. - The Bumblebees of Essex
S4540: Benum, P. - The Flora of Troms Fylke: A Floristic and Phytogeographical Survey of the Vascular Flora of Troms Fylke in Northern Norway
N47179: Benyamini, D. - Butterflies of the Levant and Neighbouring Areas (Southern Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, North-west Saudi Arabia & Cyprus). Vol. IV: Lycaenidae
N26162: Benyamini, D. - Butterfly Gardening in Israel and the Middle East
N40854: Benyamini, D.; John, E. - Butterflies of the Levant and Neighbouring Areas (Southern Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, North-west Saudi Arabia & Cyprus). Vol. II: Papilionidae, Pieridae, Hesperiidae
N51467: Benyamini, D. - A New Field Guide to the Butterflies of Israel
N45880: Benyamini, D. - Butterflies of the Levant and Neighbouring Areas (Southern Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, North-west Saudi Arabia & Cyprus). Vol. III: Nymphalidae
S47582: Bequaert, J. - A Revision of the Vespidae of the Belgian Congo Based on the Collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition, with a List of Ethiopian Diplopterous Wasps
S41526: Berckhemer, F.; Holder, H. - Ammoniten aus dem Oberen Weissen Jura Süddeutschlands
R37157: Berdan, J.M. - Brachiopoda and Ostracoda of the Cobleskill Limestone (Upper Silurian) of central New York
S4745: De La Bere, I. - The Queen's Orders of Chivalry
S46136: Bere, R. - The Nature of Cornwall The Wildlife and Ecology of the County
S51180: Berenbaum, M. - Bugs in the System: Insects and their Impact on Human Affairs
S56374: Beresford, M.W.; Jones, G.R.J. - Leeds and its Region
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