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N18771: Bernhard, T.; Loe, T. - Collecting the New Naturalists
S56864: Bernhard, T.; Loe, T. - Collecting the New Naturalists
S50336: Bernhard, T.; Loe, T. - Collecting the New Naturalists
S50650: Bernhardt, P. - Wily Violets and Underground Orchids: Revelations of a Botanist
S31668: Bernhauer, M. - Die Staphyliniden der Paläarktischen Fauna I + II
N19434: Bernicchia, A.; Gorjon, S.P. - Corticiaceae s.l. Fungi Europaei 12
S35185: Berra, T.M. - An Atlas of Distribution of the Freshwater Fish Families of the World
S55901: Berrill, N.J. - Tunicata
S36153: Berrill, N.J. - The Tunicata with an account of the British Species
S36076: Berruti, A.; Sinclair, J.C. - Where to Watch Birds in Southern Africa
S45046: Berry, R.J. - Inheritance and Natural History (New Naturalist 61)
S34111: Berry, R.J. - The Natural History of Orkney (New Naturalist 70)
S54273: Berry, J. - The Status and Distribution of Wild Geese and Wild Duck in Scotland (International Wildfowl Inquiry Vol. II)
S47354: Berry. R.J. - Islands (New Naturalist 109)
S37644: Berry, R.J. - Inheritance and Natural History (New Naturalist 61)
S25410: Berry, R.J. - Inheritance and Natural History (New Naturalist 61)
S2433: Berry, J. - The Status and Distribution of Wild Geese and Wild Duck in Scotland (International Wildfowl Inquiry Vol. II)
S35656: Berry, C. - Trees and Shrubs of the Etosha National Park
S23050: Berry, R.J. - Inheritance and Natural History (New Naturalist 61)
S55242: Berry, R.J. - Orkney Nature
S48661: Berry, R.J. - Inheritance and Natural History (New Naturalist 61)
S30029: Berry, L.G.; Thompson, R.M. - X-Ray Powder Data for Ore Minerals: The Peacock Atlas
S48732: Berry, R.J. - Inheritance and Natural History (New Naturalist 61)
S41388: Berry, W.B.N.; Boucot, A.J. (Eds) - Correlation of the South American Silurian Rocks
S34989: Berry, R.J. - Orkney Nature
S41583: Berry, W.B.N.; Boucot, A.J. (Eds) - Correlation of the South American Silurian Rocks
N15042: Berry. R.J. - Islands (New Naturalist 109)
S46329: Berry, R.J. - Orkney Nature
N55327: Berta, A. - Sea Mammals: The Past and Present Lives of our Oceans' Cornerstone Species
N2370: Bertaccini, E.; Fiumi, G.; Provera, P. - Bombici e Sfingi d'Italia 1
N16085: Bertaccini, E.; Fiumi, G.; Parenzan, P.; Zilli, A. - Lepidotteri Eteroceri d'Italia: Noctuidae 1: Calpinae - Catocalinae I
S42795: Berthold, T. - Vergleichende Anatomie, Phylogenie und historische Biogeographie der Ampullariidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
A36611: Bertin, René Joseph Hyacinthe - Traité de la maladie vénérienne chez les enfans nouveau-nés, les femmes enceintes et les nourrices
S37086: Bertin, L. - Eels: A Biological Study
P25612: Bertkau, P. - Bericht über die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen im Gebiete der Entomologie, Jhr 1873/1874 [-1890]
S54911: Bertram, G.C.L. - British Graham Land Expedition, 1934-37. Scientific Reports. Vol. 1, No. 1: Biology of the Weddell and Crabeater Seals with a study of the comparative behaviour of the pinnipedia.
S31641: Bertrand, H. - Les Larves et Nymphes des Dytiscides, Hygrobiides et Haliplides
S8737: Bertrand, H. - Les Larves et Nymphes des Dytiscides, Hygrobiides et Haliplides
R59718: Bertrand, A. - Atlas Préliminaire de Répartition Geographique des Mollusques Stygobies de la Faune de France (Mollusca: Rissoidea: Caenogastropoda)
S34693: Bertrand, H. - Les Larves et Nymphes des Dytiscides, Hygrobiides et Haliplides
S21710: Bertrand, H. - Les Larves et Nymphes des Dytiscides, Hygrobiides et Haliplides
S29605: Berzins, B. - The Coming of the Strangers: Life in Australia 1788 - 1822
R50982: Bethune-Baker, G.T. - A Revision of the African species of the Lycaenesthes group of the Lycaenidae
R50979: Bethune-Baker, G.T. - A Revision of the Liphyrinae together with a description of the structure of the puparium of Liphyra brassolisand of the pupae of Aslauga vininga and A. lamborni (Lepidoptera)
S36637: Betjeman, J.; Rowse, A.L. - Victorian and Edwardian Cornwall from old photographs
S45425: Betjeman, J.; Hogarth, P. - In Praise of Churches
S28366: Bettany, G.T. - Life of Charles Darwin
S1188: Betten, C.; Mosely, M.E. - The Francis Walker Types of Trichoptera in the British Museum
N45187: Betton, K. - Where to Watch Birds in Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight:
S56001: Beuk, P.L. - Checklist of the Diptera of the Netherlands
S49047: Beuk, P.L. - Checklist of the Diptera of the Netherlands
S43893: van Beukering, P.J.H.; Papyrakis, E.; Bouma, J.; Brouwer, R. (Eds) - Nature's Wealth: the Economics of Ecosystem Services and Poverty
S10073: Bevan, D. - Forest Insects: A Guide to Insects Feeding on Trees in Britain
R56043: Beven, G. et al. - Survey of Bookham Common Twenty-sixth -[Forty-third] Year
S44036: Bevins, R.E. - Geological Field Study Guide to Southern Norway
S47604: Bevis, J; Kettell, R.; Shepard, B. - Flora of the Isle of Wight
S60351: Bevis, J; Kettell, R.; Shepard, B. - Flora of the Isle of Wight
A47495: Bewick, Thomas - A History of British Birds. Vol. I: Land Birds [and] Vol. II: Water Birds
S36902: Bewick, Thomas; Bain, I. - My Life
A53326: Bewick, Thomas - History of British Birds. Vol. I: Land Birds [and] Vol. II: Water Birds
A48567: Bewick, Thomas - A General History of Quadrupeds
S16276: Beyschlag, F.; Krusch, P.; Vogt, J.H.L. - Die Lagerstätten der nutzbaren Mineralien und Gesteine nach Form, Inhalt und Entstehung. Drei Bde. 1. Bd. Erzlagerstätten.I. Allgemeines, Magmatische Erzausscheidungen. Kontaktlagerstätten. Zinnsteinganggruppe und Quecksilbergang-gruppe.
N47100: Bezark, L.G.; Adlbauer, K.; Audureau, A. et al - Les Cahiers Magellanes NS no. 37
S55929: Bezzi, M. - Diptera Brachycera and Athericera of the Fiji Islands
S57481: Bezzi, M. - The Bombyliidae of the Ethiopian Region based on Material in the British Museum (Natural History)
S44443: Bezzi, M. - The Bombyliidae of the Ethiopian Region based on Material in the British Museum (Natural History)
S57787: Bezzi, M. - Ditteri Eritrei raccolti dal Dott. Andreini e dal Prof. Tellini. Parte Prima (Orthorrhapha) [and] Parte Seconda (Cyclorrhapha)
S56788: Bezzi, M. - The Bombyliidae of the Ethiopian Region based on Material in the British Museum (Natural History)
S57482: Bezzi, M. - The Syrphidae of the Ethiopian Region: based on material in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History), with descriptions of new genera and species
S56005: Bezzi, M. - The Syrphidae of the Ethiopian Region: based on material in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History), with descriptions of new genera and species
R57665: Bezzi, M. - On the Bombyliid Fauna of South Africa (Diptera) as represented in the South African Museum
S55994: Bezzi, M. - The Syrphidae of the Ethiopian Region: based on material in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History), with descriptions of new genera and species
S12295: Bezzi, M. - Diptera Brachycera and Athericera of the Fiji Islands
R31748: Bezzi, M. - Indian Trypaneids (Fruit-Flies) in the Collection of the Indian Museum
S20453: Bezzi, M. - Diptera Brachycera and Athericera of the Fiji Islands
S58000: Bezzi, M. - Diptera Brachycera and Athericera of the Fiji Islands
S44378: Bezzi, M. - The Bombyliidae of the Ethiopian Region based on Material in the British Museum (Natural History)
S43609: Bezzi, M. - On the Bombyliid Fauna of South Africa (Diptera) as represented in the South African Museum
S25325: Bhat, S.; Gupta, V.K. - Ichneumonologia Orientalis VI The Subfamily Agathidinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
S4709: Bhatia, B.L. - The Fauna of British India: Protozoa: Sporozoa
S44733: Bhattacharyya, S.K. - A Revision of the British Mites of the Genus Pergamasus Berlese S.Lat. (Acari: Mesostigmata)
S44734: Bhattacharyya, S.K. - A Revision of the British Mites of the Genus Pergamasus Berlese S.Lat. (Acari: Mesostigmata)
R34316: Bhullar, B.-A.S. - The power and utility of morphological characters in systematics: A fully resolved phylogeny of Xenosaurus and its fossil relatives (Squamata: Anguimorpha)
S54197: Bianucci, R. - Art and History of Jerusalem
S40002: Bick, H.; Breitig, G.; Grospietsch, T.; Holmquist, C.; Löffler, H.; Reisinger, E.; Ruttner-Kolisko, A.; Saether, O.A.; Schwoerbel, J.; Kiefer, F.; Fryer, G. - Das Zooplankton der Binnengewässer. Teil 1-2 (Die Binnengewässer Bd XXVI (1-2))
S37778: Biecheler, B. - Recherches sur les Péridiniens
S59089: Biedermann, R.; Niedringhaus, R. - Die Zikaden Deutschlands Bestimmungstafeln für alle Arten
N16629: Biedermann, R.; Niedringhaus, R. - The Plant- and Leafhoppers of Germany: Identification Keys for all species
S15393: Biedinger, N.; Barthlott, W.; Burr, B.; Rosen, D. - Untersuchungen zur Ultraviolettreflexion von Angiospermenblüten I-III
S43696: Bieman, K. den; Biedermann, R.; Nickel, H.; Niedringhaus, R. - The Planthoppers and Leafhoppers of Benelux Identification keys to all families and genera and all Benelux species not recorded from Germany
N20935: Bieman, K. den; Biedermann, R.; Nickel, H.; Niedringhaus, R. - The Planthoppers and Leafhoppers of Benelux Identification keys to all families and genera and all Benelux species not recorded from Germany
S16688: Bienert, T. - Lepidopterologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in Persien in den Jahren 1858 und 1859
S59340: Bienkowski, A.O. - Leaf-Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of the Eastern Europe: New key to subfamilies, genera, and species
S14748: Bigelow, H.B. - Hydromedusae, Siphonophores and Ctenophores of the 'Albatross' Philippine Expedition
S14963: Bigelow, Jacob - Florula Bostoniensis: A Collection of Plants of Boston and its Vicinity
N4167: Biggs, J.; Williams, P. - Ponds, Pools and Puddles (New Naturalist 148)
S59298: Biggs, J.; Williams, P. - Ponds, Pools and Puddles (New Naturalist 148)
S58873: Biggs, Matthew - RHS Lessons from Great Gardeners: Forty Gardening Icons and What They Teach Us
N11136: Biggs, K. - Common Dragonflies of the Southwest: A Beginner's Pocket Guide
N4168: Biggs, J.; Williams, P. - Ponds, Pools and Puddles (New Naturalist 148)
N4230: Biggs, K. - Common Dragonflies of California: A Beginner's Pocket Guide
S49746: Bight, D. - CABI: A Century of Scientific Endeavour
S46103: Bijleveld, M. - Birds of Prey in Europe
S59172: Bilderback, D.E. - Mount St. Helens 1980: Botanical Consequences of the Explosive Erruptions
S59427: Bily, S. - The Buprestidae (Coleoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark (Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 10)
S59428: Bily, S.; Mehl, O. - Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark (Fauna ent. Scand. 22)
N6250: Bily, S. - Summary of the Bionomy of the Buprestid Beetles of Central Europe (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)
S59323: Bily, S.; Mehl, O. - Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark (Fauna ent. Scand. 22)
S54728: Bily, S.; Mehl, O. - Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark (Fauna ent. Scand. 22)
S43218: Bilz, M.; Kell, S.; Maxted, N.; Lansdown, R.V. - European Red List of Vascular Plants
S58205: Binding, Paul - Imagined Corners: Exploring the World's First Atlas
N49560: Bingham, C. - The New Naturalists: Inside the Homes of Creative Collectors
S33810: Binney, W.G.; Bland, T. - Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America. Part I. Pulmonata Geophila
S32985: Binney, W.G. - Catalogue of the Terrestrial Air-breathing Mollusks of North America, with Notes on their Geographical Range
S10698: Binns, B - A First Check List of the Herbaceous Flora of Malawi
S55294: Bintz, J.; Guerin-Franiatte, S.; Mouterde, R.; Muller, Ad.; Siedek, H.; Feuth-Siedex, I. - Contributions a la Connaissance du Lias inferieur au Grand-Duche de Luxembourg. Deuxieme Partie
N25499: Biondi, M.; d'Alessandro, P. - Afrotropical Flea Beetle Genera: A Key to their Identification, Updated Catalogue and Biogeographical Analysis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Alticini)
S5015: Biosis - Zoological Record: Pisces 1988/1989. Vol 125 Section 15
S5039: Biosis - Zoological Record: List of New Taxonomic Names 1997-1998. Vol. 134 Section 20
S5040: Biosis - Zoological Record: Comprehensive Zoology 1994-1998. Vols. 131, 133-134 Section 1
S50506: Bircham, P. - A History of Ornithology (New Naturalist 104)
S55529: Bircham, P.M.M. - The Birds of Cambridgeshire
N13439: Bircham, P. - A History of Ornithology (New Naturalist 104)
N13441: Bircham, P. - A History of Ornithology. (New Naturalist 104)
S28673: Bircham, P. - A History of Ornithology (New Naturalist 104 )
S53143: Birchley, S. - British Birds for Cages, Aviaries, and Exhibitions. Vol. I-II
S40306: Bird, E.C.F. - The Geomorphological Study of the Gippsland Lakes
S36330: Birdsall, J. - Moths in the Memory. A postwar Spring
S9604: Birdsall, J. - The Boys and the Butterflies: A wartime rural childhood
S57732: Birkby, Carel - In the Sun I'm Rich
S43574: Birkett, D. - Spinsters Abroad: Victorian Lady Explorers
S58527: Birkhead, T.R. - The Magpies: The Ecology and Behaviour of Black-billed and Yellow-billed Magpies
S58383: Birkhead, T.; Wimpenny, J.; Montgomerie, B. - Ten Thousand Birds: Ornithology since Darwin
S56713: Birkhead, T.; Wimpenny, J.; Montgomerie, B. - Ten Thousand Birds: Ornithology since Darwin
N34511: Birkhead, T. - The Wonderful Mr Willughby: The First True Ornithologist
S42598: Birkhead, T.R.; Møller, A.P. - Sperm Competition in Birds: Evolutionary Causes and Consequences
S32720: Birks, H.J.B.; West, R.G. (Eds) - Quaternary Plant Ecology
N30373: Birks, J.D.S.; Bullion, S.; Creswell, W.J.; Dean, M. (Eds) - UK BAP Mammals: Interim Guidance for Survey Methodologies, Impact Assessment and Mitigation
S18051: Birstein, Ya.A. - Fauna USSR Crustacea 7:5. Asellota
S39680: Birtwhistle, A. - Thomas Birch Freeman: West African Pioneer
S32625: Bisby, F.A.; Russell, G.F.; Pankhurst, R.J. (Eds) - Designs for a Global Plant Species Information System
S23865: Bisby, F.A.; Vaughan, J.G.; Wright, C.A. (Eds) - Chemosystematics: Principles and Practice
S59952: Bishop, T. - Field Guide to the Orchids of New South Wales and Victoria
S42595: Bishop, G. - Travels in Imperial China: The Explorations and Discoveries of Père David
N6427: Bishop, G. - The Ecology of the Rocky Shores of Sherkin Island: A Twenty-Year Perspective
S40911: Bishop, J.E. - Limnology of a Small Malayan River Sungai Gombak
S53946: Bisson, T. - A List of the Birds of Guernsey: Also Checklist of the Birds of the Channel Islands
N49371: Bitsch, J. et al. - Hyménoptères sphéciformes d’Europe. Vol. 3: Pemphredoninae & Philanthinae (Faune de France 103)
N41161: Bizarro, J.; Martin, A. - A Guide to the Butterflies of the Serra dos Orgaos South-eastern Brazil
S33538: Bizley, M.H. - Friendly Retreat: The Story of a Parish
R56990: Bjornberg, T.K.S.; Vannucci, M. - (1) On the Marine Free-Living Copepods off Brazil / (2)On the Ecology of the Brazilian Medusae at 25° Lat. S
S50007: Bjorndal, K.A. (Ed.) - Biology and Conservation of Sea Turtles
S40428: Blache, J.; Miton, F. - Première contribution à la connaissance de la pêche dans le bassin hydrographique Logone - Chari - Lac Tchad
S5472: Black, M. - British Lower Cretaceous Coccoliths: I. Gault Clay
S41684: Black, J.M.; Robertson, E.L.; Eichler, H. - Flora of South Australia. Pt 1-4+Supplement
N53720: Blackburn, T. - The Jewel Box: How Moths Illuminate Nature's Hidden Rules
S4911: Blackburne, H.W. - The Romance of St. George's Chapel Windsor Castle
S52989: Blackman, R. - Hemiptera: Aphids - Aphidinae (Macrosiphoni) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 2/7)
S57411: Blackman, R.L.; Eastop, V.F. - Aphids on the World's Trees: An Identification and Information Guide
S2268: Blackman, R.L.; Hewitt, G.M.; Ashburner, M. (Eds) - Insect Cytogenetics: 10th Symposium of the Royal Entomological Society of London
S53675: Blackman, R. - Aphids (Invertebrate Types)
N19798: Blackman, R. - Hemiptera: Aphids - Aphidinae (Macrosiphoni) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 2/7)
N39960: Blackman, R., Dransfield, R.D.; Brightwell, R. - Aphids Anoeciinae, Lachninae, Eriosomatinae, Phyloemyzinae, Thelazinae, Hormaphildinae, Mindarinae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 2/8)
S43907: Blackmore, S.; Oldfield, S. (Eds) - Plant Conservation Science and Practice: The Role of Botanic Gardens
S52882: Blackmore, R.D. - Lorna Doone: A Romance of Exmoor
S60164: Blackmore, S. - Bee Orchids (Shire Natural History 3)
S23249: Blackmore, S.; Cutler, D. (Eds) - Systematics Agenda 2000: the Challenge for Europe
S32427: Blackmore, S.; Barnes, S.H. (Eds) - Pollen and Spores: Patterns of Diversification
A59010: Blackwall, John - A History of the Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. Part I
A59009: Blackwall, John - A History of the Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland
A17555: Blackwall, John - A History of the Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland
S32556: Blackwelder, R.E. - Monograph of the West Indian Beetles of the Family Staphylinidae
S50460: Blackwelder, R.E. - Checklist of the Coleopterous Insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Parts 1
R31704: Blackwelder, R.E. - The Generic Names of the Beetle Family Staphylinidae: with an essay on genotypy
R11431: Blackwelder, R.E. - The Generic Names of the Beetle Family Staphylinidae with an essay on genotypy
S18111: Blackwelder, R.E. - Checklist of the Coleopterous Insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Parts 4-6
S13001: Blackwelder, R.E. - The Generic Names of the Beetle FamilyStaphylinidae: with an essay on Genotypy
N30045: Blackwell, S.H.; Johnson, K. (Eds) - Fine Lines: Vladimir Nabokov's Scientific Art
S44761: Bladen, W.W. - The North Staffordshire Field Club: Annual Report and Transactions 1911-1912. Vol XLVI
S39689: Blaikie, W.D. - The Personal Life of David Livingstone
S40000: Blainville, Henri-Marie Ducrotay de - Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles. Planches. 2e. Partie: Règne Organisé. Zoologie. Vers et Zoophytes.
S60568: Blair, J. - Building Anglo-Saxon England
S44481: Blair, W.F.; Blair, A.P.; Brodkorb, P.; Cagle, F.R.; Moore, G.A. - Vertebrates of the United States
S29210: Blair, K.G.; Maulik, S. - Insects of Samoa. Pt IV. Coleoptera: Fasc. 3: Throscidae and Chrysomelidae
S15633: Blaisdell, F.E. - A Monographic Revision of the Coleoptera belonging to the Tenebrionide tribe Eleodiini inhabiting the United States, Lower California, and adjacent Islands
N42424: Blaise, Misha Maynerick - Crazy for Birds: Fascinating and Fabulous Facts
S41942: Blake, J.F. - List of the Types and Figured Specimens Recognized by C.D. Sherborn, F.G.S., in the Collection of the Geological Society of London
R1516: Blake, D.H. - A Revision of the Beetles of the Genus Myochrous
S7372: Blake, J.F. - A Monograph of the Fauna of the Cornbrash. Pt 1
S668: Blake, E.R. - Manual of Neotropical Birds Vol 1 Spheniscidae (Penguins) to Laridae (Gulls and Allies)
S1515: Blake, D.H. - The Costate Species of Colaspis in the United States (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
S17723: Blake, D.H. - A Review of the Beetles of the Genus Neobrotica and some closely related Genera
S46853: Blamey, M.; Grey-Wilson, C. - Mediterranean Wild Flowers
N11141: Bland, R.G. - The Orthoptera of Michigan: Biology, Keys and Descriptions of Grasshoppers, Katydids and Crickets
S29551: Bland, D. - The Illustration of Books
S40726: Bland, B. - Silver Saxifrages: A Guide to Ligulatae Saxifrages and their Cultivars
R7180: Blandamer, J.S.; Burton, P.J.K. - Anatomical specimen of Birds in the collections of the British Museum (Natural History)
N55174: Blanke, I.; Fearnley, H. - The Sand Lizard: Between light and shadow
S45777: Blasche, P. - Raupenkalender für das mitteleuropäische Faunengebiet. Nach den Futterpflanzen geordnet
N56897: Blasco-Zumeta, J.; Heinze, G.-M. - Identification Atlas of the Continental Birds of Southwestern Europe
S43167: Blatchford, T. - The Geology of Portions of the Kimberley Division with Special Reference to the Fitzroy Basin and the Possibilities of the Occurrence of Mineral Oil (Western Australia Geological Survey. Bulletin No.93)
S52687: Blathwayt, F.L. - A Revised list of the Birds of Dorset
N46195: Blázquez, A.; Garretas, V.A.; Santamaria, M.T. - La familia Hesperiidae en la Península Ibérica
S51094: Blázquez, A.; Garretas, V.A.; Santamaria, M.T. - La familia Hesperiidae en la Península Ibérica
R59848: Bleszynski, S. - A Revision of the World Species of Chilo Zincken (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
R38385: Bleszynski, S. - Revision of the World Species of the family Crambidae (Lepidoptera). Part I. Genus Calamotropha Zell.
S60003: Bleszynski, S. - A Revision of the World Species of Chilo Zincken (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
S52388: Bleszynski, S. - Klucze do Oznaczania Owadów Polski XXVII: Motyle - Lepidoptera, 46a-c: Geometridae
S58175: Bliss, D.E.; Mantel, L.H. (Eds) - Biology of Crustacea Vol. 9: Integument, Pigments, and Hormonal Processes
S43664: Bliss, D.E.; Mantel, L.H. et al - Terrestrial Adaptations in Crustacea
N56493: Blöchlinger, H. - Die Wollschweber der Schweiz. Diptera: Bombyliidae Fauna Helvetica 34
S53878: Block, W. - An Annotated Bibliography of Antarctic Invertebrates (Terrestrial and Freshwater)
N27527: Blockeel, T.L.; Bosanquet, S.D.S.; Hill, M.D.; Preston, C.D. (Eds) - Atlas of British and Irish Bryophytes (2 vols)
S52375: Blockeel, T.L.; Long, D.G. - A Check-list and Census Catalogue of British and Irish Bryophytes
S55116: Blomdahl, A.; Breife, B.; Holmström, N. - Flight Identification of European Seabirds
S50668: Blome, Richard - Hawking or Faulconry
N7059: Blommers-Schlösser, R.M.A.; Blanc, C.P. - Amphibiens 2: (Faune de Madagascar 75(2))
N7060: Blommers-Schlösser, R.M.A.; Blanc, C.P. - Amphibiens 1 (Faune de Madagascar 75(1))
S6493: Blower, J.G. (Ed.) - Myriapoda
N28440: Blows, W.T. - British Polacanthid Dinosaurs: Observations on the history and palaeontology of the UK polacanthid armoured dinosaurs and their relatives
S47982: Blunt, W. - The Art of Botanical Illustration (New Naturalist 14)
S58951: Blunt, W. - The Compleat Naturalist: A Life of Linnaeus
S48371: Blunt, W. - The Art of Botanical Illustration (New Naturalist 14)
S53844: Blunt, W.; Stearn, W.T. - The Art of Botanical Illustration
S47555: Blüthgen, P. - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der paläarktischen Eumeniden (Hym. Vespidae.)
S54444: Blyth, Edward - Remarks on the Zoology of the Tenasserim Provinces: Designed for the Guidance of Investigators of the Natural History of that Region
S45322: Boal, C.W.; Dykstra, C.R. (Eds) - Urban Raptors: Ecology and Conservation of Birds of Prey in Cities
S53887: Nigeria Cotton Marketing Board - Sharar Gona Takan Kashe Kwari / Close Season Reduces Cotton Pests
S40540: Boardman, R.S., Cheetham, A.H., Blake, D.B. et al - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part G: Bryozoa Revised Volume 1: Introduction, Order Cystoporata, Order Cryptostomata
S45640: Boardman, R.S. - Mode of growth and functional morphology of autzooids in some recent and paleozoic tubular Bryozoa
N26125: Boardman, P. (Ed.) - A Provisional atlas of the shieldbugs and allies of Shropshire
S39975: boards a bit faded and marked, P.E.P. - The Pleistocene of Ceylon
S59859: Boase, G.C. - Collectanea Cornubiensia: A Collection of Biographical and Topographical Notes relating to the County of Cornwall
S13003: Bobb, M.L. - The Insects of Virginia: No 7: The Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Hemiptera of Virginia:
N31670: Bocak, L.; Bocakova, M. - Drilidae, Omalisidae, Lycidae, Lampyridae (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 5)
N42662: Boccardo, F.; Ostellari, C. - Fungi Non Delineati 75: Russule rari o interessante di Liguria - secondo contributo
S25734: Boccone, P. - Museo di Piante Rare della Sicilia, Malta, Corsica, Italia, Piemonte, e Germania : Didicato Ad Alcuni Nobili Patritii Veneti Protettori della Botanica, e delle Buone Lettere Con l'Appendix ad libros de plantis Andreae Caesalpini, e varie Osservazioni curi
N39267: Bochenski, Z.; Bochenski, Z.M.; Tomek, T. - A history of Polish birds
S42310: Böcher, T.W. - Floristic and Ecological Studies in Middle West Greenland
S21035: Bock, G.R.; Cardew, G. (Eds) - Olfaction in Mosquito-host Interactions
S34862: Bocquet, C.; Levi, C.; Teissier, G. - Recherches sur le polychromatisme de Sphaeroma serratum (F.)
S43213: Bocquet, C. - Recherches sur le Polymorphisme naturel des Jaera marina (Fabr.) (Isopodes Asellotes) Travaux de la station biologique de Roscoff XIX
R56847: Bocquet, C.; Stock, J.H.; Kleeton, G. - Copepodes Parasites D'Invertebres des Cotes de la Manche
S34870: Bocquet, C. - Recherches sur Tisbe (=Idyaea) reticulata, n. sp.
R56849: Bocquet, C.; Stock, J.H. - Copépodes Parasites d'invertébrés des Cotes de France
N56052: Boddy, L.; Ashby, A. - Fungi: Discover the Science and Secrets Behind the World of Mushrooms
S55066: Boddy, W. - The History of Brooklands Motor Course
N47481: Boddy, L. - Fungi and Trees: Their Complex Relationships
S34809: Boden, B.P.; Johnson, M.W.; Brinton, E. - The Euphausiacea (Crustacea) of the North Pacific
S33559: Bodi, E. - The Caterpillars of European Butterflies / Die Raupen der Europäischen Tagfalter / Les Chenilles des Papillons diurnes europeens
S36006: Bodi, E. - The Caterpillars of European Butterflies / Die Raupen der Europäischen Tagfalter / Les Chenilles des Papillons diurnes europeens
S29463: Bodin, P. - Les Peuplement de Copépodes Harpactïcoides (Crustacea) des Sédiments meubles de la Zone intertidale des Côtes Charentaises (Atlantique)
S20261: Bodin, P. - Catalogue des Nouveaux Copepodes Harpacticoides Marins (Edition 1988)
S19638: Bodin, P. - Les Copepodes Harpacticoides (Crustacea) des Sediments Meubles de la Zone Intertidale des Cotes Charentaises (Atlantique)
S36496: Bodin, P. - Catalogue des Nouveaux Copepodes Harpacticoides Marins (Edition 1988)
S51304: Bodmer, H. - Dürer
S33182: Bodson, L. (Ed.) - L'histoire de la connaissance du comportement animal / The History of the Knowledge of Animal Behaviour
S14230: Bodsworth, E.; Shepherd, P.; Plant, C. - Exotic Plant Species on Brownfield Land: their Value to Invertebrates of Nature Conservation Importance
S52146: Bodsworth, E.; Shepherd, P.; Plant, C. - Exotic Plant Species on Brownfield Land: their Value to Invertebrates of Nature Conservation Importance
N6128: Boehme, J. - Phytophage Käfer und Ihre Wirtspflanzen in Mitteleuropa: Ein Kompendium
N29553: Boer, P. - Mieren van de Benelux
S45356: Den Boer, P.J.; Luff, M.L.; Mossakowski, D.; Weber, F. (Eds) - Carabid Beetles: Their Adaptions and Dynamics
N28149: Boer, E.P. de; Hijum, E. van; Brochard, C.; Seijen, R.B van - Libellenrijk Fryslân: mei ljochtsjende wjukken oer it wetter
S7279: De Boer, A. - The Types of Carabidae (Coleoptera) in the Zoologisch Museum, Amsterdam predominantly the Collection "Oskar Vogt"
S47434: Boer, P.J. den; Thiele, H. U.; Weber, F. (Eds) - On the Evolution of Behaviour in Carabid Beetles
S34287: Boere, G.; Galbraith, C.; Stroud, D. (Eds) - Waterbirds around the World: A global overview of the conservation, management and research of the world's waterbird flyways
S37867: Boeseman, M. - The Fresh-Water Fishes of the Islands of Trinidad
S57740: Bogg, E. - Regal Richmond and the Land of the Swale
S33790: Bogon, K. - Landschnecken: Biologie, Ökologie, Biotopschutz
S46309: Bogsch, P.; Straka, J.; Kment, P. (Eds) - Annotated checklist of the Aculeata (Hymenoptera) of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
N31674: Bohac, J. - Staphylinidae: Omaliinae (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 24)
R10289: Bohart, R.M.; Horning, D.S. - California Bembicine Sand Wasps
R10340: Bohart, R.M.; Grissell, E.E. - California Wasps of the Subfamily Philanthinae (Hymenoptera: Specidae)
S43371: Bohart, R.M.; Grissell, E.E. - California Wasps of the Subfamily Philanthinae (Hymenoptera: Specidae)
S39650: Bohart, G.E.; Gressitt, J.L. - Filth-Inhabiting Flies of Guam
R38182: Bohart, R.M. - Review of Gorytini in the Neotropical Region (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Bembicinae)
S51379: Bohart, R.M.; Stange, L.A. - A Revision of the Genus Zethus Fabricus in the Western Hemisphere (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae)
S27537: Bohart, G.E.; Gressitt, J.L. - Filth-Inhabiting Flies of Guam
S23569: Boheman, C.H. - Insecta Caffraria annis 1838-1845 a J.A. Wahlberg collecta. Coleoptera
S21805: Boheman, C.H. - Insecta Caffraria Annis 1838-1845 a J.A. Wahlberg collecta. Pars. I. Fascic. I. Coleoptera (Carabici Hydrocanthari, Gyrinii et Staphylinii)
S40038: Bohlke, J. - Studies on Fishes of the Family Characidae. No. 14. A Report on Several Extensive Recent Collections from Ecuador
N8929: Bohn, H. - Revision of the carpetana-group of Phyllodromica Fieber from Spain, Portugal and France (Insecta, Blatellidae, Ectobiinae)
N19496: Boillat, H. - Les Hymenopteres Symphytes dans le Canton de Geneve hier et aujourd'hui (Miscellanea Faunistica Helvetiae 7)
S21572: Boisduval, J.A. - Essai sur l'Entomologie Horticole comprenant l'Histoire des Insectes nuisibles a l'Horticulture avec l'indication des moyens propres a les éloigner ou a les détruire et l'histoire des insectes et autres animaux utiles aux cultures
S42789: Boisen Bennike, S.A. - Contributions to the Ecology and Biology of Danish Fresh-Water Leeches (Hirudinea)
S54461: Bolam, George - Wild Life in Wales
S46037: Bolen, E.G.; Flores, D. - The Mississippi Kite: Portrait of a Southern Hawk
S56349: Bolger, P. - Liverpool Overhead Railway
S36177: Bolingbroke, Valezina - Frederick William Frohawk: A Memoir by his daughter
S56026: Bolis, L.; Zadunaisky, J.; Gilles, R. (Eds) - Toxins, Drugs, and Pollutants in Marine Animals
R27699: Bolivar, I. - Contribución al Conocimiento de la Fauna Índica Orthoptera (Locustidæ vel Acridiidæ)
N4954: Bolland, H.R.; Gutierrez, J.; Flechtmann, C.H.W. - World Catalogue of the Spider Mite Family (Acari: Tetranychydae) with reference to taxonomy, synonymy, host plants
S55304: Bolliger, W.; Burri, P. - Sedimentologie von Schelf-Carbonaten und Beckenablagerungen im Oxfordien des zentralen Schweizer Jura mit Beiträgen zu Stratigraphie und Ökologie
N28161: Bollingmo, T. - Norges humler: med Humleskolen
N4366: Bollino, M.; Onore, G. - Mariposas del Ecuador. Vol. 10a: Papilionidae
N23409: Bollino, M.; Racheli, T. - Butterflies of the World. Supplement 20: Parnassiinae (Partim), Parnassiini (Partim), Luehdorfiini, Zerynthiini (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)
R30488: Bolte, K.B. - Guide to Geometridae of Canada (Lepidoptera): VI Subfamily Larentiinae, 1. Revision of the Genus Eupithecia
S37803: Bolton, B. - A Revision of the Palaeotropical Arboreal Ant Genus Cataulacus F.Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
S52938: Bolton, B.; Collingwood, C.A. - Hymenoptera, Formicidae: (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 06/03c) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 6.3c)
S52312: Bolton, B.; Collingwood, C.A. - Hymenoptera, Formicidae: (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 06/03c) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 6.3c)
S5455: Bolton, H. - A Monograph of the Fossil Insects of the British Coal Measures
S37879: Bolton, B. - The Ant Tribe Tetramoriini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): The genus Tetramorium Mayr in the Malagasy region and in the New World
S54496: Bolton, M. - Ethiopian Wildlands
S5751: Bolton, B. - A Revision of the Ant Genus Leptogenys Roger (Hymenoptera : Formididae) in the Ethiopian Region
S6511: Bolton, B. - A Review of the Solenopsis Genus-Group and Revision of Afrotropical Monomorium Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
S57087: Bolton, Henry Carrington - A Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals (1665 to 1882) Together with Chronological Tables and a Library Check-List
S31035: Bolton, H. - Insects from the Coal Measures of Commentry
S8174: Bolton, B. - A Revision of the Ant Genera Meranoplus F.Smith, Dicroaspis Emery and Calyptomyrmex Emery (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Ethiopian zoogeographical region
S8066: Bolton, B. - A Revision of six minor genera of Myrmicinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Ethiopian zoogeographical region
S8058: Bolton, B. - The Afrotropical Dacetine Ants (Formicidae)
S8060: Bolton, B. - Afrotropical species of the myrmicine ant genera Cardiocondyla, Leptothorax, Melissotartsus, Messor amd Cataulacus (Formicidae)
S8047: Bolton, B. - A Revision of the Palaeotropical Arboreal Ant Genus Cataulacus F.Smith (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
S8039: Bolton, B. - The Ant Genus Polyrhachis F. Smith in the Ethiopian Region (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
S37405: Bolton, B. - The Ant Genus Polyrhachis F. Smith in the Ethiopian Region (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
S26887: Bolton, B.; Collingwood, C.A. - Hymenoptera, Formicidae: (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 06/03c) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 6.3c)
N6518: Bolton, B. - A Revision of the African Ponerine Ant Genus Psalidomyrmex Andre (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
N17154: Bonadona, P. - Les Anthicidae de la faune de France
S59444: Bonadona, P. - Catalogue des Coléoptères Carabiques de France
A50673: Bonaparte, Chalres Lucian - A Geographical and Comparative List of the Birds of Europe and North America
S44844: Bond, T. J. - Birds: The Paintings of Terance James Bond
S49676: Bond, J. - Birds of the West Indies
S47277: Bond, James - Birds of the West Indies
S27589: Bond, C.E. - Biology of Fishes
N10992: Bond, K.G.M.; Nash, R.; O'Connor, J.P. - An Annotated Checklist of the Irish Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera)
S49334: Bonhams - Printed books & maps: including a collection of Cornish maps
S50405: Bonhams - Printed books & maps: including the Enys collection of Cornish books
S39833: Bonhams - The Angling Library of Alan Jarvis [Auction Catalogue]
S23806: Bonheim, H. - Literary Systematics
S3413: Bonne, C.; Bonne-Wepster, J. - Mosquitoes of Surinam: A Study on Neotropical Mosquitoes
S55803: Bonner, W.N. - The Natural History of Seals
S20171: Bonner, A. - Plants of the Balearic Islands
S18844: Bonnet, P. - Bibliographia Araneorum Analyse Methodique de toute la Litterature Araneologique jusqu'en 1939. Tome 1-3
S57793: Bonnet, P. - Bibliographia Araneorum Analyse methodique de toute la Litterature Araneologique jusqu'en 1939. Tome 1
S17423: Bonnet, P. - Bibliographia Araneorum Analyse Methodique de toute la Litterature Araneologique jusqu'en 1939. Tome 1-3
S58743: Bonnet, P. - Bibliographia Araneorum Analyse méthodique de toute la Littérature Aranéologique jusqu'en 1939. Tome I
S44155: Bonney, T.G. - Cambridgeshire Geology: A Sketch for the Use of Students
S34721: Bonnier, J. - Contribution a l'etude des Epicardes. Les Bopyridae
S20853: Bonnier, J. - Contribution a l'etude des Epicardes. Les Bopyridae
S47717: Boon, C.R.; Outen, A.R. - Flora of Bedfordshire
S59931: Boon, C.R.; Outen, A.R. - Flora of Bedfordshire
S43892: Boon, P.J.; Pringle, C.M. (Eds) - Assessing the Conservation Value of Freshwaters: An International Perspective
S41568: Boone, D.R.; Castenholz, R.W.; Brenner, D.J.; Krieg, N.R.; Staley, J.T. - Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology Vol. 1-2(A+B)
S10933: Boorman, J. - The Nigerian Butterflies. Pt I: Papilionidae
S31042: Boorman, J. - The Nigerian Butterflies. Pt I: Papilionidae
S32936: Boorman, J.; Roche, P. - The Nigerian Butterflies. Pt I: Papilionidae
S25947: Boorman, J. - The Nigerian Butterflies. Pt I: Papilionidae
S37824: Boorman, J.; Roche, P. - The Nigerian Butterflies. Pt I: Papilionidae
S49672: Boorman, J. - West African Insects
S37826: Boorman, J.; Roche, P. - The Nigerian Butterflies. Pt I: Papilionidae
S43373: Boorman, J.; Roche, P. - The Nigerian Butterflies. Pt V: Nymphalidae (III)
S22920: Boorman, J.; Roche, P. - The Nigerian Butterflies. Pts I, III, V, VI 'Vol. 1'
S43374: Boorman, J. - The Nigerian Butterflies. Pt VI: Acraeidae
S16883: Boorman, J.; Roche, P. - The Nigerian Butterflies. Pt V: Nymphalidae (III)
S37828: Boorman, J. - Nigerian Butterflies III: Nymphalidae (Section 1)
S52809: Booth, R.G.; Cox, M.L.; Madge, R.B. - IIE Guides to Insects of Importance to Man 3. Coleoptera
S60174: Booth, E.M. - Flora of County Carlow
S55257: Booth, C. Gordon - Birds in Islay
S54284: Booth, C.; Cuthbert, M.; Reynolds, P. - The Birds of Orkney
S55256: Booth, C. Gordon - Birds in Islay
S48628: Booth, C.; Cuthbert, M.; Reynolds, P. - The Birds of Orkney
S47679: Booth, C.; Cuthbert, M.; Reynolds, P. - The Birds of Orkney
S58540: Booth, C. Gordon - Birds in Islay
S43436: Bor, E. - Adventures of a Botanist's Wife
S49641: Boratynski, A.; Browicz, K.; Zielinski, J. - Woody Flora of Chios
R26776: Borchmann, F. - Alleculidae Die Fauna Südwest-Australiens. Bd. 1, Lfg. 11
S21945: Borchmann, F. - Die Alleculiden-Fauna der Philippinen
S21949: Borchmann, F. - Die Lagriiden-Fauna der Philippinen
S38758: Borchsenius, N.S. - Identification of soft and armored scales (Coccoidea) of Armenia
N10532: Bordat, P.; Paulian, R.; Pittino,R. - Insectes Coleopteres Aphodiidae (Faune de Madagascar 74)
N17561: Bordy, B. - Coleopteres Chrysomelidae 3: Hispinae et Cassidinae Faune de France 85
N23603: Bordy, B.; Doguet, S.; Debreuil, M. - Les Donaciinae de France (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
S21367: Borel, E. - Les Moustiques de la Cochinchine et du Sud-Annam
S56744: Borer, A. - Rimbaud en Abyssinie
S54112: Borges, P.; Gabriel, R. - Predicting Extinctions on Oceanic Islands: Arthropods and Bryophytes / Estimar Extinções em Ilhas Oceânicas: Artrópodes e Briófitos
R26786: Borgmeier, T. - Bredin-Archbold-Smithsonian Biological Survey of Dominica: The Phoridae of Dominica (Diptera)
R28234: Borowiec, L. - 13 short papers on Bruchidae (Coleoptera)
N23782: Borowiec, L.; Swietojanska, J. - The Tortoise beetles of Madagascar (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Part 1: Basiprionotini, Aspidimorphini and Cassidini (except the genus Cassida)
N26033: Borowiec, L.; Swietojanska, J. - The Tortoise beetles of Madagascar (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Part 2: Cassidini, the genus Cassida L.
S30753: Borradaile, L.A.; Potts, F.A.; Eastham, L.E.S.; Saunders, J.T. - The Invertebrata: A Manual for the use of Students
S54045: Borrer, W. - Birds of Sussex
S47159: Borrer, W. - Birds of Sussex
S48717: Borrer, W. - Birds of Sussex
S54044: Borrer, W. - Birds of Sussex
S45817: Borror, D.J.; White, R.E. - A Field Guide to the Insects of America North of Mexico (Peterson Field Guide)
N47469: Borrow, N.; Demey, R. - Field Guide to the Birds of Ghana
N47471: Borrow, N.; Demey, R. - Field Guide to the Birds of Ghana
N36065: Borrow, N.; Demey, R. - Birds of Western Africa
S56810: Borrow, N.; Demey, R. - Birds of Western Africa
N54799: Borrow, N.; Demey, R. - Field Guide to Birds of Senegal and The Gambia
S42385: Borutskii, E.V.; Stepanova, L.A.; Kos, M.S. - Opredelitel’ Calanoida presnykh vod SSSR [Identification Guide to Freshwater Calanoida of USSR]
S42422: Borutskii, E.V. - Opredelitel' svobodnozhivushchikh presnovodnykh veslonogikh rakov SSSR i sopredel'nykh stran po fragmentam v kishchnikakh ryb = [Key to the free-living freshwater copepods of the USSR and adjoining territories from fragments in the intestines of fishes]
S23192: Borzi, A. - Studia Algologici: Saggio di ricerche sulla Biologia delle Alghe (Fascicoli I e II)
S59741: Bosch, D.T.; Dance, S.P.; Moolenbeek, R.G.; Oliver, P.G. - Seashells of Eastern Arabia
N23331: Bosch, S.; Lurz, P.W.W. - The European Red Squirrel. Sciurus vulgaris
S51054: Bosch, J.; Kemp, W. - How to Manage the Blue Orchard Bee: As an Orchard Pollinator
S43546: Bosmans, R.; Chatzaki, M. - A catalogue of the spiders of Greece
S58729: Bosmans, R.; Chatzaki, M. - A catalogue of the spiders of Greece
N35056: De Bosschere, J. - La fleur et son parfum
N32560: Bosuang, S.; Audlebert, C.; Porion, T.; Chan, C.L. - A Guide to Lanternflies of Borneo
N32442: Bosuang, S.; Chung, A.Y.C.; Chan, C.L. - A Guide to Beetles of Borneo
S49261: Boswell, P.G.H. - Geology of The Country around Woodbridge, Felixstowe and Orford
S40375: Boswell, James; Pottle, F.A. (Ed.) - Boswell's London Journal 1762-63
A42483: Boswell, James - The life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: Comprehending an account of his studies, and numerous works, in chronological order, a series of his epistolary correspondence and conversations with many eminent persons and various original pieces of his composition ne
S30250: Bosworth, T.O. - Geology of the Tertiary and Quaternary Periods in the North-West Part of Peru
N53429: Bot, S.; Meutter, F. van de - Hoverflies of Britain and North-west Europe: A photographic guide
S31313: Centre for Economic Botany - Plants + People An exhibtion of items from the Economic Botany Collections
N51477: Bothwell, J. - Seaweeds of the World: A Guide to Every Order
S10414: Botosaneanu, L. - Trichoptera of the Levant - Imagines Fauna Palestina. Insecta VI
S58268: Botosaneanu, L. - Trichoptera of the Levant - Imagines Fauna Palestina. Insecta VI
S39391: Bott, R. - Die Süsswasserkrabben Süd-Amerikas und ihre Stammesgeschichte (Crustacea, Decapoda) [with] Die Süsswasserkrabben von Europa, Asien, Australien ...
S37515: Bott, R. - Die Süsswasserkrabben von Afrika (Crust., Decap.). und ihre Stammesgeschichte
S43657: Bott, R. - Die Süsswasserkrabben von Neu Guinea
S6590: Boucek, Z. - On European Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera): A Revision of Cleonymus, Eunotus and Spaniopus, with Descriptions of new Genera and Species
N6515: Boucek, Z. - A Revision of the Leucospidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of the World
N20364: Bouchard, P.; Bousquet, P. et al - Family-group names in Coleoptera (Insecta)
N20243: Bouchard, P.; Bousquet, P. et al - Family-group names in Coleoptera (Insecta)
S58355: Bouchard, P. - The Book of Beetles: A Life-Size Guide to Six Hundred of Natures Gems
A22555: Bouchard-Chantereaux, N.R. (1802-1864) - Catalogue des Crustacés observés jusqu'a ce jour a l'état vivant dans le Boulonnais
S23567: Bouché, P.F. - Naturgeschichte der Insekten, besonders in Hinsicht ihrer ersten Zustaende als Larven und Puppen
S27535: Bouché, P.F. - Naturgeschichte der Insekten, besonders in Hinsicht ihrer ersten Zustaende als Larven und Puppen
S46276: Bouchet, P.; Danrigal, F.; Huyghens, C.; Picton, B.E. (Ed.) - Living Seashells: Molluscs of the English Channel and Atlantic Coasts
S46311: Bouchner, M. - A Field Guide in Colour to Animal Tracks and Traces
S32641: Boucot, A.J.; Field, M.T.; Fletcher, R.; Forbes, W.H.; Naylor, R.S.; Pavlides, L. - Reconnaissance Bedrock Geology of the Presque Isle Quadrangle Maine
R37156: Boucot, A.J. - Lower Gedinnian Brachiopods of Belgium
R35188: Boucot, A.J.; Johnson, J.G. - Brachiopods of the Bois Blanc Formation in New York
N58110: Boudot, J.-P.; Grand, D.; Wildermuth, H.; Monnerat, C. - Les Libellules de France, Belgique, Luxembourg et Suisse [The Dragonflies of France, Belgium, Luxembourg & Switzerland]
N47238: Boudot, J.-P.; Borisov, S.; De Knijf, G.; van Grunsven, R.H.A.; Schroter, A.; Kalkman, V.J. - Atlas of the Dragonflies and Damselflies of West and Central Asia
N42848: Boudot, J.-P.; Doucet, G.; Grand, D. - Dragonflies and Damselflies of Britain and Western Europe: A Field Guide
N51490: Bouillard, N. - Big Bat Year: A Conservation Story
S40906: Bouillon, J. - Etude Monographique du Genre Limnocnida (Limnomeduse)
N31471: Boukal, M. - Coleoptera: Byrrhidae (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 16)
N32309: Boukal, M. - Beetles of the Family Haliplidae & Byrrhidae of Central Europe / Brouci celedí plavcíkovití (Haliplidae) a vyklenulcovití (Byrrhidae) strední Evropy
S55050: Boukal, M. - Beetles of the Family Haliplidae & Byrrhidae of Central Europe / Brouci celedí plavcíkovití (Haliplidae) a vyklenulcovití (Byrrhidae) strední Evropy
N25518: Boulard, M. - The Cicadas of Thailand. Vol. 1: General and Particular Characteristics
S12740: Boule, M. - Fossil Men; Elements of Human Palaeontology
S53050: Boulenger, G.A. - Les Poissons du Bassin du Congo
S58378: Boulenger, G.A. - On a Collection of Fishes from the Rio Paraguay
S58372: Boulenger, G.A. - Poissons recueillis dans la Région du Bas-Congo par M. le Dr W.J. Ansorge
S5485: Boulenger, G.A. - Catalogue of the Fresh-water Fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History)
S58368: Boulenger, G.A. - Matériaux pour la Faune du Congo. Tome I - Fascicule 1: Poissons nouveaux. Première Partie. Mormyres
S58373: Boulenger, G.A. - Poissons recueillis au Congo Belge par l'expédition du Dr C. Christy
S34576: Boulenger, G.A. - 'Fishes of Lake Tanganyika and Lake Ngami': (1) Report on the collection of fishes made by Mr J.E.S. Moore in Lake Tanganyika during his expedition 1895-96; (2) Second contribution to the Ichthyology of Lake Tanganyika, on the fishes obtained by the Congo
S7220: Boulter, C.A. - Four Dimensional Analysis of Geological Maps: Techniques of Interpretation
S20310: Boulter, M.C. - A Palynological Study of two of the Neogene Plant Beds in Derbyshire
S43720: Bourdon, R. - Les Bopyridae des Mers Européennes
S54158: De Bourg De Bozas, P.; Saint-Arroman, R.; Brumpt, E. - Mission Scientifique du Bourg de Bozas. De la Mer Rouge à l'Atlantique à travers l'Afrique tropicale (Octobre 1900 - Mai 1903)
S19819: Bourgeois, J. - Coleoptera: Malacodermata
N33948: Etude et Protection des Oiseaux en Bourgogne - Atlas des Oiseaux de Bourgogne
N31009: Bourke, G.; Nunn, R. - Australian Carnivorous Plants
S36397: Bourlière, F. - The Natural History of Mammals
S48652: Bourn, D. et al. - Environmental Changes and the Autonomous Control of Tsetse and Trypanosomosis in Sub-Sahara Africa
S41234: Bourn, N.A.D. - The Ecology, Conservation and Population Genetics of three species of Zygaenid moths, Zygaena lonicerae, Zygaena purpuralis and Zygaena filipendulae in North West Scotland
S15569: Bourne, G.C. - On the Postembryonic Development of Fungia
S870: Bourne, G.H. - The Mammalian Adrenal Gland
S11992: Bourne, G.H. - The Ape People
S60418: Bournérias, M.; Prat, D. (Eds) - Les Orchidées de France, Belgique et Luxembourg
S35682: Bournérias, M.; Pomerol, C.; Turquier, Y. - La Manche de Dunkerque au Havre: Flandre, Boulonnais, Picardie, Haute Normandie (Guides Naturalistes des Cotes de France I)
S36742: Bourrelly, P.; Couté, A. - Desmidiées de Madagascar (Chlorophyta, Zygophyceae)
S11983: Bourret, D. - Les "Racines" Canaques
S32602: Bourtzis, K.; Miller, T. - Insect Symbiosis
N5698: Bourtzis, K.; Miller, T. (Eds) - Insect Symbiosis
S35729: Bouseman, J.K.; Sternburg, J.G. - Field Guide to Butterflies of Illinois
N5126: Bouseman, J.K.; Sternburg, J.G. - Field Guide to Silkmoths of Illinois
S40605: Bousfield, E.C. - Guide to the Science of Photo-Micrography
N25926: Bousquet, Y.; Bouchard, P.; Davies, A.; Sikes, D.S. - Checklist of Beetles (Coleoptera) of Canada and Alaska
N34361: Bousquet, Y.; Thomas, D.B.; Bouchard, P.; Smith, A.D.; Aalbu, R.L.; Johnston, M.A.; Steiner, W.E. - Catalogue of Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera) of North America
N4479: Bousquet, Y. - Additions and Corrections to the World Catalogue of genus-group names of Geadephaga (Coleoptera) published by Lorenz (1998): Folia Heyrovskyana Suppl. 9
N18436: Bousquet, Y. - Illustrated Identification Guide to Adults and Larvae of Northeastern North American Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
N23745: Bousquet, Y. - Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico. Vol. 1-3
N3011: Bousquet, Y.; Laplante, S. - Les Coleopteres Histerides du Quebec
N34360: Bousquet, Y.; Thomas, D.B.; Bouchard, P.; Smith, A.D.; Aalbu, R.L.; Johnston, M.A.; Steiner, W.E. - Catalogue of Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera) of North America
N47602: Bousses, P.; Dehecq, J.-S.; Fontenille, D. - Les Moustiques de l’île de La Réunion
S57973: Boustead, Sir Hugh - The Wind of Morning
N40533: Le Bouteiller, D.; Ferretti, G. - Papillons des Alpes: 238 espèces de l'arc alpin
S37007: Bouvier, E.-L. - Decapodes marcheurs Faune de France 37
S39395: Bouvier, E.-L. - Recherches sur la morphologie, les variations, la distribution géographique des crevettes de la famille des Atyidés
S17548: Bouvier, E.-L. - Decapodes marcheurs Faune de France 37
S57651: Bovill, E.W. - The Niger Explored
S52896: Böving, A.G.; Craighead, F.C. - An Illustrated Synopsis of the Principal Larval Forms of the Order Coleoptera
S21780: Boving, A.G. - A Classification of Larvae and Adults of the Genus Phyllophaga
S52486: Böving, A.G.; Craighead, F.C. - An Illustrated Synopsis of the Principal Larval Forms of the Order Coleoptera
R37352: Bovingdon, H.H.S. - Report on the infestation of cured tobacco in London by the Cacao moth Ephestia elutella Hb
R57663: Bowden, J. - Studies in African Bombyliidae I-X
R57667: Bowden, J. - The Bombyliidae of Ghana
S47711: Bowen, H. - The Flora of Dorset
S33916: Bowen, Sian - Siân Bowen and Nova Zembla: Suspending the Ephemeral
S33917: Bowen, Sian - Siân Bowen Gaze: A Drawing Residency at the Victoria & Albert Museum
N35186: Bowen, S.; Goodwin, C.; Kipling, D.; Picton, B. - Sea Squirts and Sponges of Britain and Ireland
S42244: Bowen, D.Q. - Quaternary Geology: A Stratigraphic Framework for Multidisciplinary
S59891: Bowen, H. - The Flora of Dorset
S10091: Bower, F.O. - Studies in the Morphology of Spore-producing Members
S56613: Bower, F.O. - Plant-life on Land: Considered in some of its biological aspects
S31744: Bower, F.O. - Primitive Land Plants also Known as the Archegoniatae
S45539: Bowers, J.E. - Flowers and Shrubs of the Mojave Desert
S40746: Bowers, J. - The Dragonflies of Lesbos
S49252: Bowestead, S. - A Revision of the Corylophidae (Coleoptera) of the West Palaearctic Region
S39491: Bowie, S.H.U.; Webb, J.S. (Eds) - Environmental Geochemistry and Health
S54939: Bowler, P.J. - Evolution: The History of an Idea
S53383: Bowler, P.J. - Evolution: The History of an Idea
R57017: Bowles, E.A. - Books for a Gardener's Library
S49418: Bowles, E.A. - My Garden in Spring [... Summer] [Autumn and Winter]
S49419: Bowles, E.A. - A Handbook of Narcissus
S49449: Bowles, E.A. - A Handbook of Narcissus
N38532: Bowley, A. - The Great Fen: A Journey through Time
S52622: Bowman, J.R. - The Pselaphidae of North America
S36756: Bowman, T.E. - Pelagic Amphipods of the Genus Hyperia and Closely Related Genera (Hyperiidea : Hyperiidae)
S45017: Bowman, J.E. - Highlands and Islands: a Nineteenth Century Tour
R34662: Bowman, T.E.; Gruner, H.-E. - Families and Genera of Hyperiidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda)
S12945: Box, H.E. - List of Sugar-Cane Insects: A synonymic catalogue of the sugar-cane insects and mites of the world, and of their insect parasites and predators arranged systematically
S10136: Boxshall, G.A. - The planktonic copepods of the northeastern Atlantic Ocean: Harpacticoida, Siphonostomatoida and Mormonilloida
S7949: Boxshall, G.A. - Miscellanea
S23673: Boyce, R.; Evans, A.; Clarke, H.H. - Report on the Sanitation and Anti-Malarial Measures in Practice in Bathurst [The Gambia] Conakry [French Guinea] and Freetown [Sierra Leone]
S53065: Boyce, H. - A Field Guide to Harlequins and other Common Ladybirds of Britain and Ireland
S22169: Boyce, R. - Anti-malarial Measures at Ismaila 1902-4
N43085: Boyce, H. - A Field Guide to Harlequins and other Common Ladybirds of Britain and Ireland
S23674: Boyce, R.; Evans, A.; Clarke, H.H. - Report on the Sanitation and Anti-Malarial Measures in Practice in Bathurst [The Gambia] Conakry [French Guinea] and Freetown [Sierra Leone]
S48421: Boyd, A.W. - A Country Parish (New Naturalist 9)
S52177: Boyd, J.; Redfern, M. - Handbook for Recording British Plant Galls and their Inhabitants
S59270: Boyd, A.; van Rensburg, P. - An Atlas of African Affairs
S55531: Boyd, A.W. - The Country Diary of a Cheshire Man
S31940: Boyd, J. M. (Ed.) - Fraser Darling in Africa: A Rhino in the Whistling Thorn
S40057: Boyd, I.; Wanless, S.; Camphuysen, C.J. (Eds) - Top Predators in Marine Ecosystems: Their Role in Monitoring and Management
S50102: Boyd, A.W. - A Country Parish (New Naturalist 9)
N26607: Boyd, J.; Redfern, M. - Handbook for Recording British Plant Galls and their Inhabitants
N56924: Boyer, P. - Vom Leben der Wildbienen: Über Maurer, Blattschneider und Wollsammler [The life of wild bees: About mason bees, leaf cutters and wool carder bees]
N43054: Boyer, P. - Introduction à la connaissance des Pronophilini (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae, Satyrinae)
S22358: Boyes, J.W.; van Brink, J.M.; Boyes, B.C.; Vockeroth, J.R. - Chromosomes of Eristalinae and Microdontinae (Diptera: Syrphidae)
S47644: Boys, C.V. - Weeds, Weeds, Weeds
N1445: Bozano, G.C. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Satyridae 1: Subfamily Elymniinae, Tribe Lethini. Lasiommata, Pararge, Lopinga, Kirinia, Chonala, Tatinga, Rhaphicera, Ninguta, Neope, Lethe, Neorina
N14030: Bozano, G.C.; Weidenhoffer, Z. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Lycaenidae 3: Theclineae, tribes Tomarini, Aphnaeini and Theclini (partim)
N31402: Bozano, G.C.; Coutsis, J.G.; Herman, P.; Allegrucci, G.; Cesaroni, D.; Sbordoni, V. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Pieridae 3: Coliadinae: Rhodocerini, Euremini, Coliadini (Gonepteryx and others) & Dismorpiinae (Leptidea)
N46142: Bozano, G.C.; Churkin, S.; Ecweiler, W.; Sakai, S.; Verdecia, V. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Satyrinae 6: Tribe Satyrini, genus Karanasa
N46141: Bozano, G.C.; Tuzov, V.K. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Nymphalidae 2: genera Boloria, Proclossiana and Clossiana
N15240: Bozano, G.C. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Nymphalidae 3: Subfamily Limenitidinae, Tribe Neptini
N23293: Bozano, G.C.; Floriani, A. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Nymphalidae 5: Nymphalini, Kallimini, Junoniini
N5052: Bozano, G.C. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Satyrinae 3: Tribe Satyrini. Subtribes Melanargiina and Coenonymphina
N3699: Bozano, G.C.; Weidenhoffer, Z. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Lycaenidae 1: Subfamily Lycaeninae
S45742: Braack, L.E.O. - Fascinating Insects of Southeast Asia
S45808: Braack, L. - Field Guide to Insects of Kruger National Park
S23030: Ter-Braak, C.J.F. - Unimodal models to relate species to environment
N25731: Braby, M.F.; Olsen, P. - A Flutter of Butterflies
N30038: Braby, M.F. - The Complete Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia
S58984: Bracegirdle, B. - A History of Microtechnique: The evolution of the microtome and the development of tissue preparation
S58943: Bracegirdle, B. - A History of Photography with the Light Microscope
S58944: Bracegirdle, B. - A History of Photography with the Light Microscope
N50926: Bradbury, K. - Wildlife Gardening: For Everyone and Everything
S58923: Bradbury, S. - Evolution of the Microscope
S45441: Bradford, J.M.; Haakonssen, L.; Jillett, J.B. - The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Pelagic Calanoid Copepods: Families Euchaetidae, Phaennidae, Scolecithricidae, Diaixidae, and Tharybidae
S38266: Bradley, J.D. - Checklist of Lepidoptera recorded from The British Isles
S58961: Bradley, R.A.; Buchanan, S. (Illustrator) - Common Spiders of North America
S55033: Bradley, J.D.; Tremewan, W.G.; Smith, A. - British Tortricoid Moths [Vol. 1]: Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae
S59755: Bradley, J.D. - Records and descriptions of Microlepidoptera from Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island collected by the British Museum (Natural History) Rennell Island expedition, 1953
S41241: Bradley, J.D. - Checklist of Lepidoptera Recorded from The British Isles
S53847: Bradley, J.D. - Checklist of Lepidoptera recorded from The British Isles
N9812: Bradley, J.D.; Jacobs, S.N.A.; Tremewan, W.G. - A Key to the British and French Species of Phyllonorycter Hübner (Lithocolletis Huebner) (Lep., Gracillariidae)
S37258: Bradley, J.D.; Tremewan, W.G.; Smith, A. - British Tortricoid Moths [Vol. 1+2]
S43155: Bradley, J.D. - Microlepidoptera from the New Hebrides: Records and Descriptions of Microlepidoptera Collected on the Island of Aneityum by Miss Evelyn Cheesman, O.B.E.
S38332: Bradley, J.D.; Tremewan, W.G.; Smith, A. - British Tortricoid Moths [Vol. 1+2]
S55740: Bradley, J.D.; Tremewan, W.G.; Smith, A. - British Tortricoid Moths [Vol. 1+2]
S41752: Bradley, J.D. - Ruwenzori Expedition 1952. Vol. II(12): Microlepidoptera
S59773: Bradley, J.D. - Microlepidoptera from the Solomon Islands: Additional Records and Desctiptions of Microlepidoptera collected in the Solomon Islands by the Rennell Island Expedition 1953-54
S51335: Bradley, Jonathan - A Kaleidoscope of Butterflies: A celebration of Britain's 59 species
S15037: Bradley, J.D.; Martin, E.L. - An Illustrated List of the British Tortricidae. Part 1: Tortricidae & Sparganothinae; Part 2: Olethreutinae
S37093: Bradley, J.D. - Log Book of British Lepidoptera
S14073: Bradley, J.D.; Fletcher, D.S. - An Indexed List of British Butterflies and Moths Scientific & English names
S52387: Bradley, J.D.; Tremewan, W.G.; Smith, A. - British Tortricoid Moths [Vol. 1+2]
S8987: Bradley, J.D. - Ruwenzori Expedition 1952 Vol. II (12) Microlepidoptera
S29335: Bradley, A.; Watson, H. (Eds) - Stanley Spencer: Heaven in a Hell of War
S27512: Bradley, J.D. - Microlepidoptera from the New Hebrides: Records and Descriptions of Microlepidoptera Collected on the Island of Aneityum by Miss Evelyn Cheesman, O.B.E.
S45313: Bradley, J.D. - Checklist of Lepidoptera recorded from The British Isles [and] Log Book of British Lepidoptera
S38550: Bradley, J.D.; Tremewan, W.G.; Smith, A. - British Tortricoid Moths [Vol. 1]: Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae
S32417: Bradley, J.D.; Tremewan, W.G.; Smith, A. - British Tortricoid Moths [Vol. 1+2]
S39654: Bradley, R.S. - Quaternary Paleoclimatology: Methods of Paleoclimatic Reconstruction
S27725: Bradley, J.D.; Tremewan, W.G.; Smith, A. - British Tortricoid Moths [Vol. 1]: Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae
S26158: Bradley, J.D. - Records and descriptions of Microlepidoptera from Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island collected by the British Museum (Natural History) Rennell Island expedition, 1953
S30128: Bradley, R.S.; Jones, P.D. (Eds) - Climate since A.D. 1500
S54352: Bradley, J.D.; Tremewan, W.G.; Smith, A. - British Tortricoid Moths [Vol. 1+2]
N39710: Bradley, R.A.; Buchanan, S. (Illustrator) - Common Spiders of North America
N53602: Bradshaw, M.E. - Teesdale's Special Flora: Places, Plants and People
S42294: Bradshaw, M. - Earth, Past Present and Future: An Introduction to Geology
S5413: Brady, G.S.; Crosskey, H.W.; Robertson, D. - A Monograph of the Post-Tertiary Entomostraca of Scotland including species from England and Ireland
R59701: Brady, G.S. - On the British Species of Entomostraca belonging to Daphnia and other Allied genera
S32191: Bragg, W.H.; von Laue, M.; Hermann, C. (Eds) - Internationale Tabellen zur Bestimmung von Kristallstrukturen. Band 1: Gruppentheoretische Tafeln (Tables on the Theory of Groups); Band 2: Mathematische und physikalische Tafeln (Mathematical and Physical Tables)
S14480: Brailovsky, H. - Revision del Complejo Althos con Descripcion de Generos Nuevos y Especies Nuevas (Hemiptera-Heteroptera-Coreidae-Coreini)
S47778: Braithwaite, M.E.; Ellis, R.W.; Preston, C.D. - Change in the British Flora 1987-2004
S48694: Braithwaite, M.; Walker, K. - 50 Years of Mapping the British and Irish Flora 1962-2012
N21834: Brake, I. - Phylogenetic systematics of the Milichiidae (Diptera, Schizophora)
S57779: Bramwell, M. (Ed.) - Atlas of the Oceans
S34863: Bramwell, D. (Ed.) - Plants and Islands
S59872: Bramwell, D.; Bramwell, Z. - Wild Flowers of the Canary Islands
S20266: Bramwell, C.D.; Whitfield, G.R. - Biomechanics of Pteranodon
S34628: Brancelj, A.; De Meester, L.; Spaak, P. (Eds) - Cladocera: the Biology of Model Organisms
S36448: Branch, M.; Branch, G. - The Living Shores of Southern Africa
S21688: Brancsik, C. - Die Käfer der Steiermark
S35298: Brandenburg, J. - Natur im Licht
S47405: Brandmayr, P.; Lovei, G.; Zetto Brandmayr, T.; Casale, A.; Vigna Taglianti, A. (Eds) - Natural History and Applied Ecology of Carabid Beetles
S55717: Brandon-Cox, H. - Summer of a Million Wings: Arctic Quest for the Sea Eagle
S55613: Brandon-Cox, H. - Softly Wakes the Dawn: An East Anglian Year of Nature
S55623: Brandon-Cox, H. - Mud on my Boots: The Estuaries and Countryside of the Norfolk Heritage Coast
S41433: Brandt, A. von - Fish Catching Methods of the World
S39009: Brandt, A; Ebbe, B. - ANtarctic benthic DEEP-sea biodiversity: colonisation history and recent community patterns (ANDEEP III)
S55710: Bratby, M. - Grey Goose
S48399: Bratton, J. (Ed.) - British Red Data Books 3: Invertebrates other than Insects
S56136: Bratton, J. - A review of the scarcer Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera of Great Britain
S39431: Brauer, A. (Ed.) - Die Süsswasserfauna Deutschlands. Heft 14: Rotatoria, Gastrotricha
S30912: Braun, Uwe - A Monograph of the Erysiphales (powdery mildews)
S25639: Braun, Uwe - The Powdery mildews (Erysiphales) of Europe
S30452: Brauns, R. - Die Mineralien der niederrheinischen Vulkangebiete: Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Bildung und Umbildung
S30077: Brauns, A. - Terricole Dipterenlarven
N9436: Braunwalder, M.E. - Scorpiones Fauna Helvetica 13
S38364: Braunwalder, M.E. - Scorpiones Fauna Helvetica 13
N48417: Brazil, M. - Japan: The Natural History of an Asian Archipelago
N46021: Brazil, A.; Dawson, A.P.; Dawson, C.M. - Thirty Years of Norfolk Butterflies: An Altas of Distribution
N35219: Brazil, M. - Birds of Japan(South Siberia)
S53268: Breed, M.D.; Michener, C.D.; Evans, H.E. (Eds) - The Biology of Social Insects
S46166: Breed, M.D.; Michener, C.D.; Evans, H.E. (Eds) - The Biology of Social Insects
S44339: Breed, M.D.; Michener, C.D.; Evans, H.E. (Eds) - The Biology of Social Insects
S57309: Breeds, M. - Wild Flowers of Braunton Burrows
S21098: Breemen, P.J. van - Plankton van Noordzee en Zuiderzee
S50543: Brehm, V. - Die Cladoceren der Deutschen Limnologischen Sunda-Expedition
S36586: Brehm, V.; Ruttner, F. - Die Biocönosen der Lunzer Gewässer [bound together with] Das Plankton des Lunzer Untersees: seine Verteilung in Raum und Zeit wahrend der Jahre 1908-1913
S21574: Breidenstein, W. - Mikroskopische Pflanzenbilder in sehr starker Vergrösserung zum Gebrauche bei dem Unterrichte in der Botanik nebst einen Grundriss der Anatomie und Physiologie der Pflanzen zur Erläuterung der Abbildungen
S49392: Bremer, T.; Wegener, P. - Alligators and Astrolabes: Treasures of University Collections in Europe
S54987: Brenan, J.P.M. (Ed.) - Flora Zambesiaca. Vol. 3, Part 1: Leguminosae (Mimosoideae)
S7223: Brenchley, P.J.; Williams, B.P.J. - Sedimentology: Recent developments and applied aspects
S49477: Brendell, T. - Willows of the British Isles (Shire Natural History 8)
S59473: Brendell, M.J.D. - Tenebrionidae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/10)
S49551: Brendell, M.J.D. - Tenebrionidae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/10)
S47396: Brendell, M.J.D. - Tenebrionidae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/10)
S41347: Brent, P. - Charles Darwin: "A Man of Enlarged Curiosity"
S42537: Brett, C.E.; Baird, G.C. (Eds) - Paleontological Events: Stratigraphic, Ecological, and Evolutionary Implications
R41222: Brett, U.K. - August Kappel (1840-1915)
N41005: Breugel, Peter van - Basisgids wilde bijen
S49358: Breuil, H. - Beyond the Bounds of History: Scenes from the Old Stone Age
R29175: Breuning, S. - Revision der Pteropliini der australischen Region (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
R54130: Breuning, S.; Villiers, S. - Coléoptéres Cerambycidae de L'Afrique Orientale
S4352: Breuning, S. - Monographie der Gattung Carabus, L. Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren. Heft 104-110
S59942: Brewis, A; Bowman, P; Rose, F. - The Flora of Hampshire
S47594: Brewis, A; Bowman, P; Rose, F. - The Flora of Hampshire
A31955: Brewster, D. - The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. Vol. 1-18
S23820: Brey, P.T.; Hultmark, D. (Eds) - Molecular Mechanisms of Immune Responses in Insects
S46154: Brian, M.V. (Ed.) - Production Ecology of Ants and Termites
S53275: Brian, M.V. - Social Insects: Ecology and Behavioural Biology
S28054: Brian, M.; Abbott, A.; Pearson, B.; Wardlaw, J. - Ant Research 1954-76
S55476: Brian, M.V. - Social Insects: Ecology and Behavioural Biology
S47586: Brian, M.V. - Social Insect Populations
S29690: Brian, A. - Copepodi Harpacticoidi del Golfo di Genova
S37401: Brian, M.V. - Social Insect Populations
R47222: Briceno, R.D.; Eberhard, W.G. - The Functional Morphology of Male Cerci and Associated Characters in 13 Species of Tropical Earwigs (Dermaptera: Forficulidae, Labiidae, Carcinophoridae, Pygidicranidae)
S41929: Brichard, P. - Fishes of Lake Tanganyika
N39105: Brichetti, P.; Fracasso, G. - The Birds of Italy 1: Anatidae-Alcidae
N54099: Brichetti, P.; Fracasso, G. - The Birds of Italy 3: Cisticolidae-Icteridae
N41994: Brichetti, P.; Fracasso, G. - The Birds of Italy 2: Pteroclidae-Locustellidae
S41687: Brickell, N.; Shirley, R.M. - Ducks, Geese and Swans of Africa and its outlying islands
S57325: Brickhill, Paul - Reach for the Sky: The Story of Douglas Bader
S53355: Bridges, C.B.; Brehme, K.S. - The Mutants of Drosophila melanogaster
S40951: Bridson, G.D.R.; Phillips, V.C.; Harvey, A.P. - Natural History Manuscript Resources in the British Isles
S36406: Brierley, J.K. - Biology & the Social Crisis: A Social Biology for Everyman
S38826: Brierley, J.K. - Natural history of man: a biologists view of birth, death, nature and nurture, man and society, health and disease, immigration and emigration, history and heredity, war and peace
S34888: Brierley, J. - Science in its ContextA symposium with special reference to sixth-form students
S49269: Briggs, M. (Ed.) - The Sussex Rare Plant Register of Scarce & Threatened Vascular Plants, Charophytes, Bryophytes and Lichens
N2532: Bright, D.E.; Skidmore, R.E. - A Catalogue of Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera): Supplement 1 (1990-1994)
S55713: Brightwell, L.R. - Sea-Shore Life of Britain
S47455: Brinck, P. - Coleoptera of Tristan da Cunha
S45093: Brinkhuis, H.; Smit, J. (Eds) - The Geulhemmerberg Cretaceous /Tertiary boundary section (Maastrichtian type area, SE Netherlands)
N43061: Brinkhuizen, D.M.; Nilsson, J. - Birds and Mammals of the Galapagos
N43060: Brinkhuizen, D.M.; Nilsson, J. - Birds and Mammals of the Galapagos
S35431: Brinkhurst, R.O. - Guide for the Identification of British Aquatic Oligochaeta
S48802: Brinkhurst, R.O. - Guide for the Identification of British Aquatic Oligochaeta
S44017: Bristow, H.W. - A Glossary of Mineralogy
S17547: Bristowe, W.S. - More about Eleanor Glanville (1654-1708)
S58965: Bristowe, W.S. - The World of Spiders (New Naturalist 38)
S22863: Bristowe, W.S. - A Book of Islands
S59029: Bristowe, W.S. - The Comity of Spiders. Vol. I-II
S44677: Bristowe, W.S. - A Book of Islands
S57397: Bristowe, W.S. - A Book of Spiders (King Penguin 35)
S14436: Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain - Penicillin its Properties, Uses and Preparations
S42425: Brittain, H. - Rambles in East Anglia or Holiday Excursions among the Rivers and Broads
S34196: Britten, J.; Boulger, G.S. - A Biographical Index of Deceased British and Irish Botanists
S52972: Britten, J. - European Ferns
S39435: Britten, J.; Baker, E.G.; Rendle, A.B.; Gepp, A. - The Plants of Milanji, Nyasa-Land, Collected by Mr. Alexander Whyte, and described by Messrs. Britten, E. G. Baker, Rendle, Gepp, and others
A47648: Britten, J. - European Ferns
S9776: Britton, W.E. - The Hemiptera or Sucking Insects of Connecticut Guide to the Insects of Connecticut. Pt IV
S50368: Britton, E.B. - A Revision of the Australian Chafers (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae). Vol. 1
S27119: Britton, W.E.; Kaston, B.J. - Additions to the Checklist of the Insects of Connecticut/Check-list of the Spiders of Connecticut
S25927: Britton, E.B. - Domestic Wood-Boring Beetles
A39100: Britton, J.; Brayley, E.W. - Devonshire and Cornwall Illustrated, from original drawings by Thomas Allom, W.H. Bartlett, &c. With Historical and Topographical Descriptions
S47763: Britton, P.L. (Ed.) - Birds of East Africa: their habitat, status and distribution
S49960: Broad, K. - Caring for Small Woods: A practical guide for woodland owners, woodland managers, woodland craftsmen, foresters, land agents, project officers, conservationists, teachers and students
N36452: Broad, G.R.; Shaw, M.R.; Fitton, M.G. - Ichneumonid Wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae): their Classification and Biology (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 7/12)
S17945: Broadbent, L. - An analysis of captures of Aphididae (Hemiptera) in a light trap
S9443: Broadhead, E.; Richards, A.M. - The Psocoptera of East Africa a taxonomic and ecological survey
S45589: Broadley, D.G.; Howell, K.M. - A Checklist of the Reptiles of Tanzania, with Synoptic Keys
S49326: Broadley, D.G.; Cock, E.V. - Snakes of Zimbabwe
N55326: Broberg, G.; Paterson, A. (trans.) - The Man Who Organized Nature: The Life of Linnaeus
S40188: Broberg, G. (Ed.) - Svenska Linnésällskapets årsskrift. Årgång 1978. Yearbook of the Swedish Linnaeus Society: Commemorative Volume
S17095: Broch, H. - Stylasteridae (Hydrocorals) of the John Murray Expedition to the Indian Ocean. The John Murray Expedition 1933-34 Scientific Reports Vol. VIII, No. 2
S19921: Broch, H.; Hartmann, M.; Hentschel, E.; Jollos, V.; Kükenthal, W.; Krumbach, T.; Moser, F.; Pax, F.; Rhumbler, L. (Eds) - Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Mesozoa Handbuch der Zoologie. Bd. 1
S21566: Broch, H. - The Danish Ingolf-Expedition. Vol. V. 6-7. Hydroida (Parts I-II)
S54891: Brock, P.D. - The Phasmid Rearer's Handbook
S52793: Brock, P.D. - Rearing and Studying Stick and Leaf Insects
S52804: Brock, P. - Stick Insects of Britain, Europe and the Mediterranean
N38320: Brock, P.D. - A Comprehensive Guide to Insects of Britain & Ireland
S54897: Brock, C.L. - Dr William Hunter's Papers and Drawings in the Hunterian Collection of Glasgow Univeristy Library: A Handlist
N39643: Brock, P.D. - Britain's Insects: A field guide to the insects of Great Britain and Ireland
N33164: Brock, J.P. - The Banchine Wasps (Ichneumonidae: Banchinae) of the British Isles (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 7/4)
S13866: Brock, J.F.; Autret, M. - Kwashiorkor in Africa
N29099: Brock, P.D. - A photographic guide to Insects of southern Europe and the Mediterranean
N51308: Brock, P.; Büscher, T.H. - Stick and leaf-insects of the world - Phasmids
S12002: Brock, W.H.; Meadows, A.J. - The Lamp of Learning: Taylor & Francis and the Development of Science Publishing
N6302: Brock, P.D. - Rearing and Studying Stick and Leaf Insects
S12571: Brockbank, W. - The Honorary Medical Staff of the Manchester Royal Infirmary 1830-1948
N11639: Brockhaus, T.; Fischer, U. - Die Libellenfauna Sachsens
S53982: Brockie, Keith - Drawn from Nature
S43598: Brockmann, C.; Lundbeck, J.; Klie, W. et al - Der Wollingster See
N51070: Brockmann, E.; Mielke, C.G.C.; Mielke, O.H.H. - Butterflies of the World 50: Hesperiidae III. New World Pyrrhopyginae (short text and plates)
S16017: Brockmann, E. - Kommentierte Bibliographie zur Faunistik der hessischen Lepidopteren An annotated bibliography of the faunistic publications about Ledipotera in Hesse (West Germany)
S55672: Broderip, W.J. - Zoological Recreations
S55122: Brodie, I. - Gamebirds of the Northern Hemisphere
S26061: Brodie, Peter Bellinger - A History of the Fossil Insects in the Secondary Rocks of England
S10876: Brodie, J.W. - Bathymetry of the New Zealand Region
S51170: Brodo, I.M.; Hawksworth, D.L. - Alectoria and Allied Genera in North America
S32125: Broghammer, S. - Ball Pythons: Habitats, Care and Breeding
S32124: Broghammer, S. - Albinos: Color and Pattern Mutations of Snakes and Other Reptiles
A50269: Bronn, H.G. - Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Their-Reichs … von H.G. Bronn. Bd III: Weichthiere (Malacozoa), Abt I: Kopflose Weichthiere (Malacozoa Acephala) [and] II. Abt.: Kopftragende Weichthiere (Malacozoa cephalophora)
A50271: Bronn, H.G.; Gerstaecker, A.; Ortmann, A.E. - Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Their-Reichs … von H.G. Bronn. Bd V: Arthropoden, Abt I: Crustacea (Erste Hälfte) [Entomostraca] [and] II. Abt.: Crustacea (Zweite Hälfte: Malacostraca) [Text + Plates]
S42387: Bronstein, Z.S. - Fauna SSSR Rakoobraznye Tom II(1): Ostracoda presnyh vod/ Ostracodes des eaux douces [Fauna of the USSR Crustacea Vol. II(1): Ostrocoda]
S51122: Bronte, Charlotte; Bronte, Anne; Bronte, Emily - Charlotte, Emily & Anne Bronte. The Complete Novels. Jane Eyre, The Professor, Shirley, Agnes Grey, Villette, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Wuthering Heights
S60150: Brook, J.; Brook, G. - Dragonflies of Kent: An Account of their Biology, History and Distribution
S32571: Brook, G. - Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 1
S45893: Brook, J.; Brook, G. - Dragonflies of Kent: An Account of Their Biology, History and Distribution
S58221: Brook, A.J. - The Biology of Desmids
S58509: Brooke, M. - The Manx Shearwater
S4851: Brookes, M.H. et al - Managing Trees and Stands Susceptible to Western Spruce Budworm
R57398: Brookes, C.J. - A revision of the genus Tenaris Hübner (Lepidoptera: Amathusiidae)
S42427: Brooks, S. - A Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Britain (Identification Chart)
S11482: Brooks, F.T. - Plant Diseases
S58918: Brooks, S.J. (Ed.) - Unity of Purpose for Invertebrate Conservation: Maintaining the Biodiversity of British Invertebrates
S23398: Brooks, D.R.; McLennan, D.A. - Phylogeny, Ecology, and Behavior: A Research Program in Comparative Biology
S48789: Brooks, S.; Lewington, R. (Illus.) - Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Great Britain and Ireland
S43161: Brooks, M.; Knight, C. - A Complete Guide to British Butterflies
S46102: Brooks, M. - A Complete Guide to British Moths
S40554: Brooks, H.K., Carpenter, F.M., Glaessner, M.F. et al - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part R: Arthropoda 4 Vol. 1-2: Crustacea (except Ostracoda) Myriapoda-Hexapoda
S48224: Brooks, S.; Lewington, R. (Illus.) - Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Great Britain and Ireland
S40741: Brooks, S. - Dragonflies
S3898: Brooks, H.K., Carpenter, F.M., Glaessner, M.F. et al - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part R: Arthropoda 4 Vol. 1-2: Crustacea (except Ostracoda) Myriapoda-Hexapoda
S44640: Brooks, A.R.; Kelton, L.A. - Aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba (Hemiptera)
N36312: Brooks, S.; Cham, S.; Lewington, R. (Illus) - Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Great Britain and Ireland
S58913: Brooks, S.J.; Nellist, D. (Eds) - How to Give Invertebrates a Higher Profile in Conservation
S34961: Brooksby, J.B. (Ed.) - The Aerial Transmission of Disease
S50427: Broom, R. - Finding the Missing Link
S5143: Broomfield, P.S. - A Revision of the Genus Amastris (Homoptera: Membracidae)
S37440: Broomfield, P.S. - Taxonomy of Neotropical Derbidae in the new tribe Mysidiini (Homoptera)
S15223: Broomfield, P.S. - Taxonomy of Neotropical Derbidae in the new tribe Mysidiini (Homoptera)
S5324: Broomfield, P.S. - A Catalogue of the Membracid types (Homoptera: Membracidae) in the British Museum (Natural History)
S60494: Maggs Bros - Bibliotheca Americana. Part I [and] Part II
S46723: Brothers, D.J. - Phylogeny and Classification of the Aculeate Hymenoptera, with Special Reference to Mutillidae
R52333: Brothers, D.J. - Phylogeny and classification of the Aculeate Hymenoptera with special reference to Mutillidae
S48303: Elliott Brothers - The Anscühtz Gyro-Compass History. Description. Theory. Practical Use
S44084: Brothwell, D.R. - Digging up Bones: the excavation, treatment and study of human skeletal remains
S45386: Broughton, W.B. (Ed.) - Colour and Life
S57869: Broughton, J.G.; Fisher, D.W.; Isachsen, Y.W.; Rickard, W.B. - Geologic Map of New York, 1961 / The Geology of New York State (New York State Museum and Science Service Geological Survey. Map and Chart Series: No. 5 (Maps & Text))
S21779: Broun, T. - Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Parts V, VI, VII
S31415: Broun, T. - Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. [Part I]
S55019: Brown, L. - British Birds of Prey (New Naturalist 60)
S55136: Brown, L. - The African Fish Eagle
S44896: Brown, L. - Encounters with Nature
S36859: Brown, L. - British Birds of Prey (New Naturalist 60)
N15437: Brown, B.V.; Borkent, A.; Cumming, J.M. et al - Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 1
N19235: Brown, B.V.; Borkent, A.; Cumming, J.M. et al - Manual of Central American Diptera. Vol. 2
S58092: Brown, L. - African Birds of Prey
S50266: Brown, L. - Ethiopian Episode
S45736: Brown, C.G. - The Larger Moths of Warwickshire
S32894: Brown, F.M.; Heineman, B. - Jamaica and its Butterflies
S58549: Brown, A.; Grice, P. - Birds in England
S45851: Brown, D.H.; Hawksworth, D.L.; Bailey, R.H. (Eds) - Lichenology: Progress and Problems
S16050: Brown, F.M.; Heineman, B. - Jamaica and its Butterflies
S53034: Brown, V.K. - Grasshoppers (Naturalists' Handbooks 2)
S57705: Brown, L. - Ethiopian Episode
S36424: Brown, D.E. - Arizona Wetlands and Waterfowl
S58715: Brown, V.K. - Grasshoppers (Naturalists' Handbooks 2)
S51193: Brown, C.G. - The Larger Moths of Warwickshire
A11072: Brown, Peter - New Illustrations of Zoology; containing fifty coloured plates of new, curious and non-descript Birds, with a few Quadrupeds, Reptiles and Insects...
N40828: Brown, L.; Elliman, T.; Jenkins, J. - Grasses, Sedges, Rushes: An Identification Guide
S9894: Brown, F.M.; Heineman, B. - Jamaica and its Butterflies
S985: Brown, F.M.; Heineman, B. - Jamaica and its Butterflies
S37603: Brown, M.; Cave, J. - A Touch of Genius: The Life of T.E. Lawrence
S60246: Brown, P.M. - Wild Orchids of the Northeastern United States: A Field Guide
S11605: Brown, A.H.D. et al (Eds) - The Use of Plant Genetic Resources
S28758: Brown, L. - British Birds of Prey (New Naturalist 60)
S36615: Brown, M. (Ed.) - The Letters of T.E. Lawrence
S27044: Brown, F.M.; Heineman, B. - Jamaica and its Butterflies
S60784: Brown, R. - Strangford Lough: The Wildlife of an Irish Sea Lough
S57117: Brown, V.K. - Grasshoppers (Naturalists' Handbooks 2)
S55698: Brown, R.; Ferguson, J.; Lawrence, M.; Lees, J. - Tracks and Signs of the Birds of Britain and Europe: An Identification Guide
S20962: Brown, D.S. - The English Upper Jurassic Plesiosauriodea (Reptilia) and a review of the phylogeny and classification of the Plesiosauria
S16051: Brown, F.M.; Heineman, B. - Jamaica and its Butterflies
S4187: Brown, P.M.; Miller, J.A.; Swain, F.M. - Structural and Stratigraphic Framework, and Spatial Distribution of Permeability of the Atlantic Coastal Plain, North Carolina to New York
S55171: Brown, R.H. - Lakeland Birdlife 1920-1970
S18204: Brown, F.M.; Heineman, B. - Jamaica and its Butterflies
S8026: Brown, D.S. - The English Upper Jurassic Plesiosauriodea (Reptilia) and a review of the phylogeny and classification of the Plesiosauria
S60394: Brown, P.M. - Wild Orchids of the Pacific Northwest and Canadian Rockies
S60204: Brown, P.M. - Wild Orchids of Florida: with References to the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains
S48129: Brown, R.W.; Lawrence, M.J.; Pope, J. - Animals Tracks, Trails and Signs (Hamlyn Guide)
S18692: Brown, L. - British Birds of Prey (New Naturalist 60)
S46322: Brown, P. - The Scottish Ospreys: from extinction to survival
S21791: Brown, F.M.; Heineman, B. - Jamaica and its Butterflies
S28792: Brown, L. - East African Mountain and Lakes
S20491: Brown, D.A. - The Tertiary Cheilostomatous Polyzoa of New Zealand
S50800: Brown, E.S. - The African Army Worm Spodoptera exempta (Walker) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae): A Review of the Literature
S48231: Brown, V.K. - Grasshoppers (Naturalists' Handbooks 2)
S18411: Brown, J.M. - Some Points in the Anatomy of the Larva of Tipula Maxima: A contribution to our knowledge of the respiration and circulation of insects
N23178: Brown, P.; Roy, H.; Comont, R.; Poland, R. - Ladybird larvae of the British Isles (Identification Chart)
S51268: Brown, L.; Amadon, D. - Eagles, Hawks and Falcons of the World
S46131: Brown, L. - The African Fish Eagle
S58749: Browne, J. - Charles Darwin: A Biography. Vol. I: Voyaging; Vol II: The Power of Place
S55678: Browne, Montagu - Practical Taxidermy: A Manual of Instruction to the Amateur in Collecting, Preserving, and Setting Up Natural History Specimens of All Kinds
S55708: Browne, Montagu - Practical Taxidermy: A Manual of Instruction to the Amateur in Collecting, Preserving, and Setting up Natural History Specimens of all Kinds
S59693: Browne, J. - Presidential address: Commemorating Darwin
S53768: Browne, Thomas - Notes and Letters on the Natural History of Norfolk More Especially on the Birds and Fishes
S55370: Browne, Montagu - The Vertebrate Animals of Leicestershire and Rutland
R47090: Browning, E. - On a collection of Arachnida and Myriapoda from Jersey, Channel Islands, with a check list of the Araneae
S235: De Broyer, C.; Jazdzewski, K. - Contribution to the marine biodiveristy inventory. A checklist of the Amphipoda (Crustacea) of the Southern Ocean.
S57819: Bruce, James - Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile
S6193: Bruch, A.; Elvers, H.; Pohl, C. et al - Die Vögel in Berlin (West) Eine Übersicht
S45434: Brucker, J.W.; Gosler, A.G.; Heryet, A.R. - Birds of Oxfordshire
S41801: Brudenell-Bruce, P.G.C. - The Birds of New Providence and the Bahama Islands
N29978: Bruens, A.; Drews, A.; Haacks, M.; Winkler, C. et al - Die Libellen Schleswig-Holsteins
S55980: Brues, C.T.; Melander, A.L.; Carpenter, F.M. - Classification of Insects: A Key to the Known Families of Insects and Other Terrestrial Arthropods
S33195: Brues, C.T. - Insect Dietary: an account of the food habits of insects
R49322: Brues, C.T. - Studies on the fauna of hot springs in the western United States and the biology of thermophilous animals
R34731: van Bruggen, H.W.E. - Monograph of the Genus Aponogeton (Aponogetonaceae)
S15253: Bruhns, W.; Ramdohr, P. - Petrographie (Gesteinskunde)
S16656: Brummer, Johannes - Anatomische und Histologische Untersuchungen über den Zusammengesetzten Magen verschiedener Säugethiere
S32659: Brummitt, R.K. - Vascular Plant Families and Genera
S16549: Brummitt, R.K. - Vascular Plant Families and Genera
R56988: Brunberg, L. - On the Nemertean fauna of Danish Waters
S39585: Brundin, L. - Chironomiden und andere Bodentiere der Südschwedischen Urgebirgsseen: Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bodenfaunistischen Charakterzüge Schwedischer Oligotropher Seen
S38655: Brunel, J. - Le Phytoplancton de la Baie des Chaleurs
S41788: Brunelli, G.; Trener, G.B.; Morandini, G.; Maldura, C.M.; Poda, E.; Baldi, E.; Rizzo, L.; Lombardi, D. - Ricerche Limnologiche sugli Alti Laghi Alpini della Venezia Tridentina: Geofisica, Chimica, Biologia
S58956: Brunetta, L.; Craig, C.L.; - Spider Silk Evolution and 400 Million Years of Spinning, Waiting, Snagging, and Mating
R57668: Brunetti, E. - Oriental and Indian Leptidae, Bombyliidae, etc. (Diptera)
S57771: Brunetti, E. - The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Diptera Brachycera Vol. I
S44383: Brunetti, E. - Fauna of British India: Diptera Brachycera Vol. I [and] Diptera Vol. III: Pipunculidae, Syrphidae, Conopidae, Oestridae
N5990: Brunhes, J.; Hervy, J.-P. - Dipteres Culicidae Culicinae, genre Orthopodomyia (Faune de Madagascar 85)
S60014: Brunker, J.P. - Flora of the County Wicklow: Flowering plants, Higher Cryptograms, and Characeae
S16382: Brunner v. Wattenwyl, C. - Ueber Hypertelische Nachhmungen bei den Orthopteren
S16383: Brunner, C. - Nonnulla Orthoptera Europaea nova vel minus cognita
S49264: Brunsden, D. - The Official Guide to the Jurassic Coast: Dorset and East Devon's World Heritage Coast
N33688: Bruse, F.; Schmidt, W.; Meyer, M. - Live Food
N13962: Brusseaux, G.; Nel, J. - Révision de la liste-inventaire de Charles E.E. Rungs des Lépidoptères de Corse
S49156: Brustel, H. - Coléoptères saproxyliques et valeur biologique des forêts françaises: perspectives pour la conservation du patrimoine naturel
R27703: Brusven, M.A. - Differentiation, Ecology and Distribution of Immature Slant-faced Grasshoppers (Acridinae) in Kansas
S42181: Bruun, B.; Baha el Din, S. - Common Birds of Egypt
S45027: Bruun, B.; Baha el Din, S. - Common Birds of Egypt
S58926: Bruun, B.; Baha el Din, S. - Common Birds of Egypt
S46473: Bryan, M. - John Ray (1627-1705) Pioneer in the Natural Sciences: A Celebration and Appreciation of His Life and Work
S28439: Bryan, M. - John Ray (1627-1705) Pioneer in the Natural Sciences
R55069: Bryan, Margaret A. - A Linguistic No-Man's Land
N10627: Bryce, D.; Hobart, A. - The Biology and Identification of the Larvae of the Chironomidae (Diptera): Introduction and Key to Subfamilies
S54055: Bryce, J. - The Geology of Arran and the other Clyde Islands
S58406: Bryce, D.; Caffoor, I.M.; Dale, C.R.; Jarrett, A.F. - Macro-Invertebrates and the Bioassay of Water Quality: A Report based on a Survey of the River Lee
R21964: Bryk, F. - Entomological Results from the Swedish Expedition 1934 to Burma and British India. Lepidoptera: Drepanidae gesammelt von Rene Malaise
S50277: Bryk, F.Bryk, F. - Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pt 62: Lymantriidae
S52627: Bryk, F. - Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pt 42: Dioptidae
S52591: Bryk, F. - Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pt 45: Pericopinae
S50225: Bryk, F.Bryk, F. - Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pt 27: Baronidae, Teinopalpidae, Parnassiidae
S57063: Bryn, H. - Troms Fylkes Antropologi
S49431: Bryson, B. (Ed.) - Seeing Further: The Story of Science and the Royal Society
S29212: Buchanan-Wollaston, H.J. - On Statistical Treatment of the Results of Parallel Trials with Special Reference to Fishery Research
S29462: Buchanan, H. - Nature into Art: A Treasury of Great Natural History Books
S58807: Buchar, J.; Ruzicka, V. - Catalogue of Spiders of the Czech Republic
S59141: Buchar, J.; Ruzicka, V. - Catalogue of Spiders of the Czech Republic
S50654: Buchmann, S.; Nabhan, G. - Forgotten Pollinators
S52239: Buchmann, S.; Nabhan, G. - Forgotten Pollinators
S52262: Buchmann, S. - The reason for flowers: their history, culture, biology, and how they change our lives
S52263: Buchmann, S. - The reason for flowers: their history, culture, biology, and how they change our lives
S14: Buchsbaum, R.; Milne, L. - Les Invertebres Vivants du Monde
R31213: Buck, F.D. - Coleoptera Anthicidae. Mission zoologique de l’I.R.S.A.C. en Afrique orientale (P. Basilewsky et N. Leleup, 1957). XCVI
S59472: Buck, F.D. - Coleoptera (Lagriidae, Aleculidae, Tetratomidae, Melandryidae, Salpingidae, Pythidae, Mycteridae, Oedemeridae, Mordellidae, Scraptiidae, Pyrochroidae, Rhipiphoridae, Anthicidae, Aderidae and Meloidae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5
S53545: Buckland, F.T.; Martin, W.C.L.; Kidd, W. - Birds and Bird-Life
S38003: Buckland, F. - Notes and Jottings From Animal Life
S18625: Buckland, F. - Log-book of a Fisherman and Zoologist
S20151: Buckland, F.T. - Curiosities of Natural History
S55647: Buckland, F.T.; Martin, W.C.L.; Kidd, W. - Birds and Bird-Life
S54356: Buckler, W.; Stainton, H.T.; Porritt, G.T. - The Larvae of the British Butterflies and Moths. Vol. I-IX
A25691: Buckler, W.; Stainton, H.T. (Ed.); Porritt, G.T. (Ed.) - The Larvae of the British Butterflies and Moths. Vol. I-IX
S55668: Bucknell, N.; Clews, B.; Righelato, R.; Robinson, C. - Birds of Berkshire: Atlas and Avifauna
A50532: Buckton, G.B. - Monograph of the British Cicadae or Tettigidae. Vol. I-II
N23651: Bucsek, K. - Erebidae, Arctiinae (Lithosiini, Arctiini) of Malay Peninsula - Malaysia
N27992: Bucsek, K. - Erebidae, Arctiinae (Lithosiini, Arctiini) of Malay Peninsula - Malaysia Supplementum
S50504: Buczacki, S. - Garden Natural History (New Naturalist 102)
S46696: Buczacki, S. - Garden Natural History (New Naturalist 102)
S32790: Buczacki, S.; Harris, K.M. - Collins Guide to the Pests, Diseases and Disorders of Garden Plants
N11058: Buczacki, S. - Garden Natural History (New Naturalist 102)
N11059: Buczacki, S. - Garden Natural History. (New Naturalist 102)
S49748: Buczacki, S.; Harris, K. - Taimekahjurite ja -haiguste käsiraamat
S54110: Buczacki, S.; Attenborough, D. (Ed.) - Collins New Generation Guide to the Fungi of Britain and Europe
S14005: Buczacki, S.; Harris, K.M. - Collins Guide to the Pests, Diseases and Disorders of Garden Plants
S37763: Buczacki, S.; Harris, K.M. - Collins Guide to the Pests, Diseases and Disorders of Garden Plants
S33303: Bud, R. - Penicillin: Triumph and Tragedy
S54418: Budde-Lund, G. - Prospectus generum specierumque Crustaceorum Isopodum Terrestrium
S50890: Budgen, C. - West Surrey Architecture: 1840-2000
S58374: Budgett, J.S. - On the Breeding-habits of some West-African Fishes, with an account of the External Features in Development of Protopterus annectens, and a Description of the Larva of Polypterus lapradei
S34141: Budker, P. - The Life of Sharks
S36235: Bueler, L.E. - Wild Dogs of the World
N17820: Buffagni, A.; Cazzola, M.; Lopez-Rodriguez, M.J. et al - Distribution and Ecological Preferences of European Freshwater Organisms. Vol. 3: Ephemeroptera
S17726: Bugbee, R.E. - Revision of Chalcid Wasps of the Genus Eurytoma in America North of Mexico
S16632: Bugnion, E. - L'Ankylostome duodénal et l'Anémie du Saint-Gothard
S39974: Buijse, J.A.; Dekker, H.; Verbinnen, G. - On the identity of Casmaria species with descriptions of two new species
S42481: Bulakh, A.G.; Abakumova, N.B.; Romanaovsky, J.V. - St Peterburg: A History in Stone
S19710: Bull, H.O. - The Anthozoa of the Cullercoats District
S20623: Bullard, E.R.; Butler, J.K.; Gunn, J.M.; Hewison, V. - The Wild Flowers of Caithness: A Checklist
S59239: Bullard, F.M. - Volcanoes: In History, In Theory, In Eruption
S48972: Bullen, R.A. - Harlyn Bay and the discoveries of its Prehistoric Remains
S57937: Bullen, F.T. - The Cruise of the "Cachalot": Round the World after Sperm Whales
N9356: Bullion, S. - Guide to British Mammal Tracks and Signs (Identification Chart)
S44232: Bullock, D.J.; Harvey, H.J. (Eds) - National Trust and Nature Conservation 100 years on
S42430: Bullock, C. - Britain's Gurkhas
S7678: Bullock, J.A.; Medway, Lord et al - Observations on the Fauna of Pulau Tioman and Pulau Tulai
S31222: Bullough, W.S. - Practical Zoological Illustrations Invertebrates
S13632: Bulman, O.M. - A Monograph of the Caradoc (Balclatchie) Graptolites from Limestones in Laggan Burn, Ayrshire Part III
S5462: Bulman, O.M. - A Monograph of the Caradoc (Balclatchie) Graptolites from Limestones in Laggan Burn, Ayrshire
S40662: Bulman, O.M. - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Pt V: Graptolithina with sections on Enteropneusta and Pterobranchia
S40663: Bulman, O.M. - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Pt V 2nd edition: Graptolithina with sections on Enteropneusta and Pterobranchia
S42182: Bulmer, M. - The Theory of Natural Selection of Alfred Russel Wallace FRS
S59800: Bulmer, M. - Did Jenkin's swamping argument invalidate Darwin's theory of Natural Selection?
N563: Bunalski, M. - Die Blatthornkäfer Mitteleuropas (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea): Bestimmung, Verbreitung, Oekologie
S52886: Bunce, R.G.H. - A Field Key for Classifying British Woodland Vegetation: Part1
S50005: Bunce, R.G.H.; Smart, S.M.; van de Poll, H.M.; Watkins, J.W.; Scott, W.A. - Measuring change in British vegetation ECOFACT Vol. 2
S52137: Bunce, R.G.H.; Crawley, R.V.; Gibson, R.A.; Pilling, R. - Composition of Enclosed Grasslands
S31606: Bunce, R.G.H.; Howard, D.C. (Eds) - Species Dispersal in Agricultural Habitats
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