Author: PETITOT, M. Title: Répertoire du Théatre François ou recueil des tragédies et comédies restées au théatre depuis Rotrou pour faire suite aux éditions in-octavo de Corneille, Moliere, Racine, Regnard, Crébillon, et au théatre de Voltaire. Nouvelle édition. 25 Volumes
Description: Paris, Foucault, 1817-1818. 20,8 cm, Hardcover. No images. Conditie: Very good, Red calf on spine with gilt details, two mor. letterpieces. Marbled boards. Signed by printer. A little bit of wear to the bindings. Contents with a little foxing but overall in good/very good condition. Books measure 79 cm on bookshelf and weigh about 13,35 kg.
Price: EUR 500.00 = appr. US$ 543.42 Seller: Art4Brains
- Book number: 9832