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Click on booknumber for full information
8016: ? - Le Rendez-vous de Madame Elisabeth, soeur du Roi avec l'Abbe de S. Martin aumonier de la Garde Nationale dans la Jardin des Tuileries
5937: N.A. - Teuerdank. Fahrten und Traume Deutscher Maler (5 Volumes: Volume 1 to 5)
10005: N.A. - USSR in Construction. The Eighteenth Year of the Revolution 3-4 March-April 1935
10007: N.A. - USSR in Construction. The Fourteenth Year of the Revolution 7-8
3527: AERIAL NAVIGATION - Mansfield, Charles Blachford
11786: Al-Sulami, Nusa - Kitab Tabaqat Al-Sufiyya
7111: ALDRICH, ROBERT - French Presence in the South Pacific 1842-1940
6552: ALEXANDER, HERBERT - Boyd Alexander's Last Journey. With a Memoir by Herbert Alexander
4990: AMERICO PALFREY MARRAS - The Secret Fraternities of the Middle Ages
11904: Anderson, William - The Pictorial Arts of Japan. With a brief historical sketch of the associated arts, and some remarks upon the pictorial art of the Chinese and Koreans - PROOF COPY SIGNED
9242: ANDERSON, JOHN; KOSELA, KRZYSZTOF; GORDON, ARVAN, SAPIETS, MARITE - Religion in Communist Lands. Vol. 18 no. 2 Summer 1990
7252: ANGELL, NORMAN - The Great Illusion 1933
8015: ANONYM - Les Causeries de Lucine. Etudes de Psychologie Sexuelle. Preface du Docteur Minime
6517: ANRETT, E.J.; ELPHINSTONE, K.V.; GOWERS, W.F.; FREMANTLE, J.M.; MIGEOD, C.O. - Six Publications on Africa: Notes on Nassarawa Province Nigeria (1920); Gazetteer of Zaria Province (1920); Gazetteer of Ilorin Province (1921); Gazetteer of Kano Province (1921); Gazetteer of Muri Province (1922); Gazetteer of Yola Province (1927)
9268: ATKINSON, THOMAS WITLAM - Oriental and Western Siberia: A narrative of Seven Years' Explorations and Adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and Part of Central Asia
6145: AUGOYAT, A.-M. - Instruction sur les campemens, avec tentes ou baraques
10569: AUGSBURGER, EDOUARD; SOLIER, REN? DE - Architectures de Sienne - 1/8 Hors Commerce avec extra epreuve + dedication Solier
5109: AURELIUS ANTONINUS, MARCUS; FLINT, RUSSELL (ILL.) - The Thoughts of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
11787: Barral, J.M. - Orientalia Hispanica Volumen I Arabica-Islamica Pars Prior
7436: BARRES, M - Greco ou Le secret de Tolede
8537: BEAUMONT, ANDRE - Mes Trois Grandes Courses
7247: BELL, ADRIAN - The Budding Morrow PLUS Seven (7) Other Books
3699: BELLOC, J. - Esto Perpetua Algerian Studies and Impressions
6550: BINDLOSS, HAROLD - In the Niger Country
1849: BLONDEL, SPIRE - L'Art Intime et le Gout en France (Grammaire de la Curiosite)
6588: BOAHEN, A. ADU - Britain, the Sahara and the Western Sudan 1788-1861
9452: BOGAERT, ABRAHAM - Historische Reizen door d'Oostersche Deelen van Asia
2388: BOON, MARTIN JAMES - The History of the Orange Free State
7275: BOULDING, KENNETH - Paths of Glory. A New Way With War
6523: BOVILL, E.W. - Missions to the Niger. The Journal of Friedrich Hornemann s Travels from Cairo to Murzuk in the Years 1797-98 and The Letters of Major Alexander Gordon Laing 1824-26. Volume 1.
6012: BRAUER, GEORGE C. JR - Taras: Its History and Coinage
6835: BRAZ, MARCEL LE - Croisière merveilleuse du "Tourville" autour du monde
6745: BRESNIHAN, BRIAN J. & WOODWARD, KEITH (EDITORS) - Gavman, Tufala. Reminiscences from the Anglo-French Condominium of the New Hebrides
9784: BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT - Poetical Works - Binding
10396: BYVANCK, A.W; HOOGEWERFF, G.J. - La miniature Hollandaise dans les manuscrits des 14e, 15e et 16e siecles. Recueillie & decrite
6536: CARDINALL, A.W. - The Gold Coast, 1931. A Review of conditions in the Gold Coast in 1931 as compared with those of 1921, based on figures and facts collected by the Chief Census Officer of 1931, together with a Historical, Ethnographical and Sociological Survey of the People of that Country
9158: CAREME, MAURICE - La Lanterne Magique - Binding J. Mauhin
9450: CARVALHO, JOAO JORGE DE - Gaticanea, ou Cruelissima Guerra entre os Caes, e os Gatos, decidida em huma sunguinolenta batalha na grande praca da real villa de Mafra - 4th Conde de Mafra's Copy
9724: CASH, PHILIP - Medical Men at the Siege of Boston. April, 1775 April, 1776. Problems of the Massachusetts and Continental Armies
7274: CASSIUS (MICHAEL FOOT) - Brendan & Beverly. An Extravaganza
10291: Cazenave, P.L. Alph?e - Lecons sur les maladies de la peau, professees ? l ecole de medecine de Paris
9466: CHATEAUBRIANT, A. DE - Binding - Monsieur des Lourdines
7590: CHAUMETON, F.P. - Flore Medicale - 7 parts in 8 volumes
6754: CHEESMAN, EVELYN - Hunting Insects in the South Seas
10868: CHODERLOS DE LACLOS; BARBIER, GEORGE (ILL) - Les Liaisons Dangereuses
9693: CLAVEL, MAURICE - L'affaire Ben Barka suivi d'une lettre-postface de Maurice Clavel
4361: Cooper - The History of South America. Containing the discoveries of Columbus, the conquest of Mexico and Peru, and the other transactions of the Spaniards in the New World
11609: COULON, MARCEL - [Reliure] La Poesie Priapique dans l Antiquite et au Moyen Age SAMEN MET La Poesie Priapique au XVIe Siecle
9260: CRANKSHAW, EDWARD - Russia and Britain
9682: CRAWFORD, A.S. - Evacuations of Americans from Beirut 1828-1967
9155: CREBILLON, CLAUDE-PROSPER JOLYOT DE - Binding - La nuit et le moment ou les matines de Cythere
5696: CROISSET, FRANCIS DE - La Feerie cinghalaise. Ceylan avec les anglais PLUS Nous avons fait un beau voyage (Two Volumes)
4403: CUST, LIONEL - Anthony van Dyck: A Further Study by Lionel Cust with Twenty-Five Illustrations in colour executed under the supervision of the Medici Society
11105: DAUDET, ALPHONSE - Les contes du lundi
9161: DE GROODT-ADANT, JULIETTE - Binding - Terre d'Astarte. Souvenirs de Syrie
6430: DE JOMINI - Summary of the Art of War, or, A new Analytical Compend of the principal combinations of strategy, of grand tactics and of military policy
6236: DEANE, SHIRLEY - Feet in the Clouds: In the Mountains of Corsica - Copy from Patrick Garland with large inscription by him
6525: DEMOUGEOT, A. - Rene Caillie (1798-1838) PLUS La Vie de Rene Caillie: vainqueur de Tombouctou
10227: DEVIENNE, DOM - Histoire de la Ville de Bordeaux. Seconde et Troisieme Partie contenant l histoire de leglise de Bordeaux, et les moeurs et coutumes des Bordelais. Tome Second (2e & 3e partie)
9160: DICKENS, CHARLES - David Copperfield
2682: DIDEROT - Les Bijoux Indiscrets. Nouvelle Edition Augmentee d une notice et de notes et de figures gravees
6006: DIXON, CAPTAIN CLIVE - The Leaguer of Ladysmith Nov. 2nd 1899 to Feb 28th 1900
8726: DOUMAS, CHRISTOS G - Thera. Pompeii of the ancient Aegean. Excavations at Akrotiri 1967-79
6724: DOWNS, EVELYN A - Daughters of the Islands
8014: DULAURE, JACQUES-ANTOINE - Des Divinites Generatrices ou du Culte du Phallus chez les Anciens et les Modernes
10820: DUMAS, ALEXANDRE - The Borgias [Hatchards Binding]
8989: ELLIOT, DANIEL GIRAUD - The Gallinaceous Game Birds of North America - #84/100 Large Paper Copy Limited Edition Kellog Foundation
7040: ESPIRAT, JEAN-JACQUES; GUIART, JEAN; LAGRANGE, MARIE-SALOME; RENAUD, MONIQUE - Systeme des Titres dans les Nouvelles-Hebrides Centrales d
6558: FALCONER, J.D. - The Geology and Geography of Northern Nigeria
10430: FARRERE, CLAUDE - [Walletbinding] Shahra Sultane ou Les sanglantes amours authentiques et mirifiques de Sultan Shah riar, roi de la Perse et de la Chine et de Shahra sultane, heroine 1/100 ex.
11441: FARRERE, CLAUDE - La Bataille - Les Civilises - Mademoiselle Dax. Jeaune Fille - Fumee d
5944: FAVIER, ALPHONSE - Péking. Histoire et description
6644: FEA, ALLAN (EDITOR) - Memoirs of Count Gramont by Anthony, Count Hamilton. Illustrated with over one hundred portraits from original paintings by Lely, Riley Wissing, Cooper, Petitot, etc. (BINDING by Charles E. Lauriat Co. Boston)
10511: FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE; COURBOULEIX, LEON (ILL.) - Hérodias. 1 of 20 copies with original drawing by Leon Courbouleix and 2 extra suites of plates
11610: FLORIAN, J.-P. CLARIS DE - [Reliure] Fables Choisies de J.-P. Claris de Florian illustrrees par des artistes Japonais sous la direction de P. Barboutau Tokio. 1 ere et deuxieme serie
9516: FRITSCH, K.E.O. - Denkmäler Deutscher Renaissance
6852: GARDINER, MARGARET - Footprints on Malekula: a memoir of Bernard Deacon
6756: GARRISON, RITCHIE - Task Force 9156 and III Island Command. A Story of South Pacific Advanced Base During World War II Efate, New Hebrides
9152: GIANNINI, GIUSEPPE - De la nature des fievres, et de la meilleure methode de les traiter
9993: GIDE, ANDRE - La Tentative Amoureuse ou le Traite du vain desir
9157: GOGH, VINCENT VAN - Binding - Lettres de Vincent van Gogh a son frere Theo
7273: GRACCHUS - Your M.P.
9153: GRANDVAL, N. RACOT DE - Cartouche, of de booswigt. Waar in de konst van beurzen snyden (door Cartouche onderweezen) verhandelt wert. Nog is hier agter aangeplaatst, twee woorden boekjes, namentlyk het eenen met het Nederduitsch voor, en het Bargoens er teegen over, en het andere met het Bargoens voor, en het Nederduitsch er over
6849: GRIMSHAW, BEATRICE - From Fiji to the Cannibal Islands
9694: GROSVENOR, R - Extracts from the Journal of Lord R. Grosvenor. Being an account of his visit to the Barbary Regencies in the spring of 1830
7109: GUNN, WILLIAM; EDIN, P.; MRS. GUNN - Heralds of Dawn: Early Converts in the New Hebrides
6526: HAILEY - An African Survey. A Study of Problems Arising in Africa South of the Sahara
6539: HAILEY, LORD - An African Survey. Revised
7266: HANNIBAL - The Price We Pay! or ?7,600,000,000 of Morphia. What the Atlantic Charter means, with some comments on the past and the future
5597: HARE, AUGUSTUS J.C. - Cities of Northern and Central Italy. In three volumes
6004: HAY, LEITH - A Narrative of the Peninsular War. In two volumes
6611: HEAD, MAJOR F.B. - The Life of Bruce, the African Traveller
9551: HEADLY, LAWRANCE C. - The Queen - Rare Play King Arthur and Queen Guinevere
9762: HINDLEY, CHARLES - The Old Book Collector's Miscellany or, a collection of readable reprints of literary rarities illustrative of the history, literature, manners and biography of the English nation during the sixteenth and the Seventeenth centuries
9746: HODGES, SHEILA - Gollancz. The Story of a Publishing House 1928-1978
6354: HOLE, WILLIAM - Quasi Cursores. Portraits of the High Officers and Professors of the University of Edinburgh at its Tercentenary Festival. Drawn and etched by William Hole
9686: HOLMBOE, KNUD - Desert Encounter. An Adventurous Journey Through Italian Africa
6643: HOOD, THOMAS - The Headlong Career and Woful Ending of Precocious Piggy
5621: HOOKE, N. - The Roman History from the Building of Rome to the Ruin of the Commonwealth
3426: HORNE, R.H. - The History of Napoleon. Illustrated with many hundred engravings on wood, from design by Faffet and Horace Vernet
9695: HORNEMAN, FREDERICK - The Journal of Frederick Hornemans travels, from Cairo to Mourzouk, the Capital of the Kingdom of Fezzan, in Africa, in the Years 1797-8
6481: HOVGAARD, G.W. - Submarine Boats
5938-5939: HUC, EVARISTE - Souvenirs d'un voyage dans la Tartarie et le Thibet pendant les annees 1844, 1845 et 1846 TOGETHER WITH L'Empire chinois faisant suite à l'ouvrage intitulé Souvenirs d'un voyage dans la Tartarie et le Thibet
8990: HUDSON, PETER J. - Grouse in Space and Time: The Population Biology of a Managed Gamebird LIMITED EDITION #6 of 200 Leather binding
5691: HUGO, VICTOR - Les Contemplations. Two volumes
9209: ILYIN, M.A. - Zagorsk, Trinity-Sergius Monastery
9798: IMFELD, XAVIER - Titlis-Panorama
10433: JACQUES, H., NIELSEN, KAY (ILL) - Sous le signe du Rossignol [Fine Binding, 1/1500 ex.]
6491: JACQUES, WILLIAM H. - Ericsson's Destroyer and Submarine Gun. Being a consideration of their application to naval warfare, the advantages of the system, together with a short history of submarine artillery
5605: JAMESON - Sacred and Legendary Art. Containing Legends of the Angels and Archangels, the Evangelists, the Apostles, the Doctors of the Church, and St. Mary Magdalene, as represented in the fine arts. Two Volumes
9294: JEFFERSON, R.L - Roughing it in Siberia with some account of the Trans-Siberian Railway, and the Gold-mining industry of Asicatic Russia
9739: JOHN MARQUIESS OF BUTE (= JOHN CRICHTON-STUART, 3RD MARQUIESS OF BUTE) - On the Ancient Language of the Natives of Tenerife
9296: JOHNSON, HEWLETT - Soviet Strength. Its source and challenge
8019: JOHNSTON, R - Travels through part of the Russian empire and the country of Poland; along the Southern shores of the Baltic
7268: JONES, J.D. - The Power to Endure
5592: JOSEPHUS - The Works of Flavius Josephus
2761: JUEL-HANSEN, N. - De Japanneezen: Vertelling voor de Jeugd
11782: Kamer, H.N. - Het VOC-retourschip. Een panorama van de 17de- en 18de-eeuwse Nederlandse scheepsbouw
7656: KEATS, JOHN - The Poems
6051: KEMPIS, THOMAS A - De Imitatione Christi Libri Quatuor
7269: KENNEDY, G.A. STUDDERT - Why Aren't All the Best Chaps Christians?
11075: Khayyam, Omar - Rubaiyat
7267: KIDD, RONALD - The Fight for a Free Press
9275: KOROSTOVETZ, VLADIMIR - Seed and Harvest
8582: LANCE, ADOLPHE - Dictionnaire des Architectes Francais
6605: LANDER, RICHARD - Records of Captain Clapperton's Last Expedition to Africa: By Richard Lander, his faithful attendant, and the only surviving member of the expedition: with the subsequent adventures of the author. In two volumes
6594: LANOYE, FERDINAND DE - Le Niger et les Explorations de l Afrique Centrale depuis Mungo-Park jusqu au docteur Barth
6574: LARYMORE, CONSTANCE - A Resident s Wife in Nigeria. With Forty-one illustrations and a portrait of the author
7403: LAVER, JAMES - Women's Dress in the Jazz Age
9043: LAWRENCE, ALEXANDER - Aliunde (with inscription by the author)
10375: LEBRUN, HENRI - Voyages en Abyssinie et en Nubie
9523: LEFOL, GASTON - Librairie Generale de l'architecture et des arts decoratifs
3867: LEGH, THOMAS - Narrative of a Journey in Egypt and the Country Beyond the Cataracts
11518: LENOIR, MARCELLE - Lumieres et Tenebres
9470: LESCAILJE, KATHARYNE - De Mengelpoezy van Katharyne Lescailje
9521: LEWIS, WILLIAM G.B.; PITE, WILLIAM A. - The Architectural Association Sketch Book. Third Series Vol. VIII
6584: LEWIS, I.M. - A Pastoral Democracy. A study of pastoralism and politics among the Northern Somali of the Horn of Africa PLUS Pastoralism in Tropical Africa PLUS Savannah Nomads: A study of the Woodaase Pastoral Fulani of Western Bornu Province Northern Region, Nigeria
6566: LEYLAND, J. - Adventures in the Far Interior of South Africa including a Journey to Lake Ngami and Rambles in Honduras to which is appended a short treatise on the best mode of skinning and preserving birds, animals, & c; also receipts for making preservatives
9293: LOCKHART, J.G - Babel Visited. A Churchman in Soviet Russia
6614: LORD, W.B. & BAINES, THOMAS - Shifts and expedients of camp life, travel, and exploration
3701: LORIMER, NORMA - By the Waters of Carthage
10831: LOUYS, PIERRE - Leda ou la louange des bienheureuses tenebres PLUS suite of 10 plates printed on Whatman Turkey Mill 1896
3288: MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON - Lays of Ancient Rome - Morocco Binding by Hayday
9159: MACHIAVEL - Le Prince
7536: MACLEOD, MARY - Tiny True Tales of Animals
9685: MACNAB, FRANCES - A Ride in Morocco. Among believers and traders
6857: MARKHAM, ALBERT HASTINGS - The Cruise of the 'Rosario' amongst the New Hebrides and Santa Cruz Islands, exposing the recent atrocities connected with the kidnapping of natives in the South Seas
3591: MARONIS, P. VERGILI - Opera Omnia Exx Recensione Henrici Nettleship A Joanne P. Postgate relecta
11351: MASCLET, DANIEL - Nus. La Beaute de la Femme. Album du premier salon international du nu photographique (with glassine wrapper)
6241: MATTEI, FRANCESCU - Febre Maligne
9064: MAUCLAIR, CAMILLE - Le Poison des Pierreries [Kieffer Binding Limited Edition]
9463: MAUROIS, ANDRE - Binding - Byron - Signed by author
9461: MAUROIS, ANDRE - Climats
9462: MAUROIS, ANDRE - Binding - Un Essai sur Dickens
9459: MAUROIS, ANDRE - Le Cercle de Famille
7276: MAXTON, JAMES - If I Were Dictator
7091: MCGEE, T.G., WARD, R.G. & DRAKAKIS-SMITH, D.W. - Food distribution in the New Hebrides
6658: MEDHURST, G - Calculations and Remarks, tending to prove the Practicability, Effects and Advantages of a Plan for the Rapid Conveyance of Goods and Passengers upon an Iron Road through a Tube of 30 Feet in Area, by the Power and Velocity of Air
6529: MEEK, C.K. - The Northern Tribes of Nigeria. An Ethnographical Account of the Northern Provinces of Nigeria Together With a Report on the 1921 Decennial Census
9415: MEIDINGER, KARL VON - Des Hrn. Anton Gouan Geschichte der Fische, welche derselben äussere und innere Beschaffenheit und in Klassen und Ordnungen abgetheilte Gattungen enthält
6509: MIESSNER, B.F. - Radiodynamics. The Wireless Control of Torpedoes and Other Mechanisms + 2 photo's
6543: MILLER, W.R.S. - Reflections of a Pioneer
8486: MILNE, J. HOGARTH - Great Britain in the Coronation Year. Being a historical record of the crowning of Their Imperial Majesties King George the Fifth and Queen Mary together with a chronicle of the various clerical noble naval military diplomatic and civil personages attendant thereat illustrated by scenes and portraits from contemporary photographs
6573: MISS TUCKER - Abbeokuta; or, Sunrise within the Tropics: an outline of the origin and progress of the Yoruba mission
6545: MITCHELL, PHILIP - African Afterthoughts
7407: MONEY, D.C - Introduction to Human Geography
6606: MOORE, DECIMA & GUGGISBERG, MAJOR F.G. - We Two in West Africa
6610: MOREL, E.D. - Nigeria. Its Peoples and its Problems
6607: MOREL, EDMUND D. - Affairs of West Africa
7482: MORTON, JUNE - Creatures of the Frozen North
9424: MRAZ, BOHUMIR - Francouzsti Impresioniste
7272: MUMFORD, PHILIP S. - An Introduction ot Pacifism
9464: MUSSET, ALFRED DE - Binding - Contes et Nouvelles
11057: MUSSOLINI, BENITO - Édition définitive des oeuvres et discours de Benito Mussolini. La question d'Autriche L'accord franco-italien Préparatifs et débuts de la guerre d'Éthiopie
11182: N.A. - Fourire. Nouvelle s?rie. Nummer 1 t/m 20
11302: N.A. - USSR in Construction.The Eighteenth Year of the Revolution. Nr. 11 November 1934
7441: N.A. - Japanese Ehon about the Chinese-Japanese war of 1894-5
7799: N.A. - Anleitung zum Betrieb und zur Instandhaltung des 2.0 Ltr. Opel - Ausgabe Februar 1935
9831: N.A. - Souvenir de St. Petersbourg
9750: N.A. - Beeches Press Prospectus Six
7653: N.A. - Le Livre des mille nuits et une nuit - 8 parts in 4 volumes
5703: N.A. - Eerste
6144: N.A. - Ecole du Soldat et de Peloton Destinée à lusage et à l'instruction des milices du Canton de Vaud, ensuite de l'Arrête du Petit Conseil du 17 Novembre 1803
11245: N.A. - Dix Eaux-fortes pour illustrer Le Jardin des Supplices dOctave Mirbeau
7125: N.A. - Report on the Trade of the New Hebrides for 1905. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of his Majesty. January, 1907
9154: N.A. -
9734: N.O. = CUOQ, JEAN-ANDRE - Etudes philosophiques sur quelques Langues Sauvages de l Amerique
11300: N.A. - USSR in Construction.The Seventeenth Year of the Revolution. Nr. 10 October 1934
11303: N.A. - USSR in Construction. The Seventeenth Year of the Revolution. Nr. 12 October 1934
11321: N.A. - Commandemens pour faire executer toutes les manoevres de l ordonnance d exercice des troupes a cheval, du premier Mai 1779. Dont on se servira dans le Regiment de Dragons D U R O I, pour faire executer les mouvemens de detail dans les Manoeuvres ou l Ordonnance ne donne que les Commandemens generaux, sans regler les Commandemens particuliers que doivent faire les Chefs d Escadron, Pelotons ou Sections, pour les Manoeuvres que l Ordonnance ne fait qu indiquer, sans en prescrire les Commandemens.
7672: N.A. - Soldatenleben im Kriege Bilder aus dem Deutsch-Franzosischen Feldzuge
11304: N.A. - USSR in Construction 1937 Nr. 3
11509: N.A. - Office de la Semaine Sainte Latin-Francois, a l usage de Rome et de Paris
9967: N.A. - Nieuw vermeerdert kort en grondig onderwys, van het Al-om-Vermaard en zeer Vermakelyk Volte-spel. Als mede van het a l hombre en piketten (&) Espadille force (&) Piket spel
11223: NADOLNY, STEN - De ontdekking van het langzame leven
9973: NAGTGLAS, F. - Iets over volksvermaken
5711: NASO, P. OVIDIUS - De gedaant-wisselingen van P. Ovidius Naso, in het Latyn en Nederduitsch, nieulyx vertaald, en te zamen in het licht gegeven, door Isaak Verburg, nevens omstandige aantekeningen tot opheldering der verdichtselen, door Antonius Banier, Lidt van de Academie der Opschriften en beschaafde Wetenschappen te Parys. Met een groot aantal keurlyke prentverbeeldingen, door B. Picart en andere voorname Meesters gesneden, vercierd. Large Paper copy!
9150: NEFZAOUI, CHEIKH - Le Jardin Parfume. Manuel d Erotologie Arabe (XVIe siecle)
9386: NEVINSON, HENRY W. - The Dawn in Russia or Scenes in the Russian Revolution
9329: NEWMAN, BERNARD - Ride to Russia (Review Copy)
6033: NICHOLS, PETER - Ruffo in Calabria: a true novel
5100: [NODIER, CHARLES] - Histoire des societes secretes de l
7043: O'REILLY, PATRICK - La Nouvelle Calédonie au temps des cartes postales
9764: OREND, KARL; MORRILL, CONSTANCE - A Short History of Carrefour Press and Archives
9992: ORLAN, PIERRE MAC - Les Clients du Bon Chien Jaune
5708: OVIDIUS NASO, P. - Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide, en Latin et Francois divis?es en XV Livres ... de la traduction de Mr. Pierre Du-Ryer
6907: PAGE, JESSE - Bishop Patteson the Martyr of Melanesia
6553: PARK, MUNGO - Travels in the Interior of Africa
6721: PATON, MAGGIE WHITECROSS - Letters and Sketches from the New Hebrides
9023: PERKINS, HENRY; SWANTON, E.W.; RAYVERN, ALLEN - Scores of the Cricket Matches Between Oxford & Cambridge from the Commencement up to Date TOGETHER WITH The Test Matches of 1953 TOGETHER WITH The Second Lord s Cricket Ground, Home of MCC 1811-1813 (Lot of three (3) publications
9832: PETITOT, M. - Répertoire du Théatre François ou recueil des tragédies et comédies restées au théatre depuis Rotrou pour faire suite aux éditions in-octavo de Corneille, Moliere, Racine, Regnard, Crébillon, et au théatre de Voltaire. Nouvelle édition. 25 Volumes
7666: PETRARCH - Thoughts from the letters of Petrarch
11785: Piamenta, Moshe - Dictionary of Post-Classical Yemeni Arabic. Part 2
9761: PILCHER, LEWIS STEPHEN - A list of books by some of the old masters of medicine and surgery together with books on the history of medicine and on medical biography in the possession of Lewis Stephen Pilcher. With biographical and bibliographical notes and reproductions of some title pages and captions
8524: PILON, EDMOND - La Vie de Famille au Dix-huitieme Siecle - Art Deco binding
6591: PROTHERO, R. MANSELL - Migrant Labour from Sokoto Province Northern Nigeria
5966: PURCELL, THEOBALD ANDREW - Our Neighbourhood or sketches in the Suburbs of Yedo
7237: RABOISSON, ANTOINE - En Orient. Recits et notes d un voyage en Palestine et en Syrie par l Egypte et le Sinai
4960: REAUMUR, R.A.F. - Konst om tamme-vogelen van allerhande soort in alle jaartijden uittebroeijen en optebrengen, zo door t middel van mest als van t gewoone vuur. Verrykt met verscheide kunstplaaten. Door den Heer de Reaumur
9465: REGNIER, HENRI DE - Binding - La Pecheresse
9449: REGNIER, HENRI DE - La Pecheresse
10512: RENARD, JULES; TOULOUSE-LAUTREC, H. DE (ILL.) - Histoires naturelles
5955: REVEREND DOMINIQUE (ABB?) - Memoires Historiques du Comte Betlem-Niklos, contenant l Histoire des derniers troubles de Transilvanie
5624: ROBERTSON, WILLIAM - The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V with a view of the progress of society in Europe, from the subversion of the Roman Empire, to the beginning of the sixteenth century. In three volumes
6744: RODMAN, MARGARET & KRAEMER, DANIELA & BOLTON, LISSANT & TARISESEI, JEAN - House-Girls Remember. Domestic Workers in Vanuatu
7721: ROPER, EDWARD - Ice-Bound or the Anticosti Crusoes
7430: ROSTAND, EDMOND - La Princesse Lointaine. Piece en quatre Actes en vers
11128: SAINT-MOR, GUY DE - Peches Mortels - Limited numbered edition (1 of 30 printed on Japon - signed)
9624: SAND, MAURICE - Masques et Bouffons (Comedie Italienne)
6597: SCHLIPPE, PIERRE DE - Shifting Cultivation in Africa. The Zande System of Agriculture
8622: SCHOONHOVIUS, FLORENTII - Emblemata. Cum latiori eorundem ejusdem auctoris interpretatione. Accedunt et alia quaedam poematia in aljis Poema tum suorum libris non contenta
9720: SEYMOUR, WILLIAM KEAN - A Jackdaw in Georgia. A Book of Polite Parodies and Imitations of Contemporaries and Others - With an inscription by the author
11772: Sezgin, Fuat - Geschichte des Arabischen Schrifttums. Band VI. Astronomie Bis ca. 430 H.
11771: Sezgin, Fuat - Geschichte des Arabischen Schrifttums. Band III. Medizin - Pharmazie - Zoologie - Tierheilkunde Bis ca. 430 H.
6435: SHERRARD, O.A - Lord Chatham Volume I. A Minister in the Making (1952) Volume II. Pitt and the Seven Years' War (1955) Volume III. Lord Chatham and America (1958)
6000: SHERVINTON, KATHLEEN - The Shervintons: Soldiers of Fortune. Shervinton of Madagascar, Shervinton of Salvador and Tom Shervinton
10979: SILVESTRE, ARMAND; THOM?, FRANCIS, CHERET, JULES (ILL) - La Fee du Rocher Ballet-Pantomime en deux actes & six tableaux 1/100 ex.
7036: SINAIS, BERTRAND; VENOT, GUY - Catalogue des Obliterations des Colonies Francaises. Tome 1: Les Possessions du Pacifique. Oceanie Nouvelle-Caledonie Nouvelles-Hebrides Wallis et Futuna Clipperton
9985: SINGER, SAMUEL WELLER - Researches into the history of playing cards. With illustrations of the origin of printing and engraving on wood
8740: SLADEN, DOUGLAS - Segesta, Selinunte, and the West of Sicily. Embracing Segesta, Selinunte, Castelvetrano, Marsala, Motya, Trapani and Mt. Eryx
2474: SMART, CHRISTOPHER - A Poetical Translation of the Fables of Phaedrus, with The Appendix of Gudius and an accurate Edition of the Original on the opposite Page. To which is added, a parsing index for the use of Learners
6581: SMUTS, GENERAL J.C. - Africa and Some World Problems. Including the Rhodes Memorial Lectures delivered in Michaelmas Term
6217: SOUTHWELL-COLUCCI, EDITH - Chants populaires corses PLUS Anthologie des expressions corses (Ettori, Fernand) PLUS Pruverbii e detti corsi
9766: ST. JOHN, JOHN - William Heinemann. A Century of Publishing 1890-1990
10504: STADLER, MARGIT - Das Stalten-Kochbuch. Neue Rezepte fur die fleischlose Kuche
9334: STEAD, W.T. - Truth About Russia
6315: STEEL, DAVID - Steel's Naval Chronologist of the Late War, from its Commencement in February 1793, to its Conclusion in 1801. The Third Edition, Corrected and Greatly Enlarged
8458: STR?MGREN, HEDVIG LIDFORSS - Index of Dental and Adjacent Topics in Medical and Surgical Works before 1800
10230: TAINE, H.; DORE, GUSTAVE - Voyage aux Pyrenees
7695: TASSIN, CHRISTOPHE - Les plans et profils de toutes les principales villes et lieux considerables de France, Ensemble les Cartes generales de chacune Province:& les particulieres de chaque Gouvernement d icelles.
11439: THARAUD, JÉRÔME; THARAUD, JEAN - L'An Prochain a Jérusalem! - Un Royaume de Dieu - Marrakech ou les Seigneurs de l'Atlas - Fez ou les Bourgeois de l'Islam
6546: TREMEARNE, MAJOR A.J.N. - The Tailed Head-Hunters of Nigeria. An account of an official s seven years experiences in the Norther Nigerian Pagan Belt, and a description of the manners, habits, and customs of the native tribes
8522: Tschaikowsky - Romeo and Juliet. Album for Piano. Album f?r Klavier
11170: Ullman, Manfred - Worterbuch der Klassischen Arabischen Sprache. Band I; Band II,1; Band II,2; Band II,3
10540: UZANNE, OCTAVE - La Chronique Scandaleuse
10559: VAN DER HORST, TILEMAN; POLLEY, JACOB - Theatrum Machinarum Universale: of Keurige Verzameling van verscheide grote en zeer fraaie Waterwerken, Schutsluizen, Waterkeringen, Ophaal- en Draaibruggen - 1736-1737
7668: VERLAINE, PAUL - Poemes Saturniens - Binding Jacques Weckesser #44/50 sur Japon
7669: VERLAINE, PAUL - Oeuvres completes - set of eight volumes (8)
10383: VERTEUIL, L.A.A. - Trinidad. Its Geography, Natural Resources, Administation, Present Condition, and Prospects
10484: VISSER, M.W. DE - The Dragon in China and Japan
5522: VOETIUS, GIJSBERTUS - Nader Openinge van eenige stucken in de Cartesiaensche Philosophie Raeckende de H. Theologie, door Suetonius Tranquillus
7119: WARD, JOHN M. - British Policy in the South Pacific 1786-1893
8444: WHITEHOUSE, DAVID - Excavations at Siraf. Fifth Interim Report. Reprinted from IRAN, Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies. Volume X
12075: Wijdeveld, Paul - Ludwig Wittgenstein, Architekt
10191: Wilczynski, K. - Der Untergang der Stadt Sandschuh. Eine Senfonie in Rot Nr 2/110 ex SIGNED
5623: WILSON, WHITWELL WILSON (EDITOR) - The Greville Diary: Including Passages Hitherto Withheld from Publication
10506: YADEUN, JUAN - Tonina El laberinto del inframundo
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