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Title: De Mengelpoezy van Katharyne Lescailje
Description: Amsteldam (Amsterdam), De Erfgenaamen van J. Lescailje en D. Rank op de Beurssluis, 1731. 21 cm, Hardcover. (14, including frontispice)+36+375+(1), (2)+424, (2)+558+(2) pp. Engravings. Conditie: Very good, Bound in contemporary full vellum bindings. Title, author and volumenumbers written in ink on spines. Volume one with frontispiece (N. Vercolje pin. – L. Surugue fec.). Frontispiece dated in plate 1729. Page 57 up to 60 of volume one bound after page 64. Titlepages printed in red and black with vignets. Bindings in good condition considering their age. Contents with some foxing, some pages a little browned, and some spots here and there, overall contents in good condition. Katharyne Lescailje (1649-1711) was a remarkable woman. She was a poet, translator, publisher and bookdealer in a time when women did rarely see their work published. The first two volumes are filled with her poetry, the third and last volume contains the seven plays she translated, six of which where staged in the Amsterdam theater.


Price: EUR 1050.00 = appr. US$ 1141.19 Seller: Art4Brains
- Book number: 9470