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Title: Seed and Harvest
Description: London, Faber and Faber Limited, 1931. Hardcover (cloth). 387 pp. No images. Conditie: Good, Some dents at the head of the spine. Gilt letters on spine. With dedication by the author to Sir John Wardlaw-Milne: "To Sir John Wardlaw-Milne as a small token of a great admiration the Ukrainian author of these modest memoirs has for Scotland, in which country he has spent so many happy hours, and with many thanks to Sir John for all the kind intrest shown by him toward the Ukraninian cause, a couse which stands for ... (word(s) unreadable) ... this latter being a happy amalgamation of tradition and progress. Vladimir de Korostovetz London 1935".


Price: EUR 150.00 = appr. US$ 163.03 Seller: Art4Brains
- Book number: 9275