Author: DULAURE, JACQUES-ANTOINE Title: Des Divinites Generatrices ou du Culte du Phallus chez les Anciens et les Modernes
Description: Paris, Isodore Liseux & Theophile Belin, 1885. 23 cm, Hardcover. xvi+422+(2) pp. No images. Conditie: Good, Full bordeaux red marocco leather binding. Binding decorated in gilt with floral details. On spine four raised bands and decorated with two bees in gilt. Spine and top of upper board somewhat discoloured. Top edge of pages gilt. Edition uinique sur papier de Hollande. Original wrappers bound in, original front cover repaired. Curiosa erotica.
Price: EUR 300.00 = appr. US$ 326.05 Seller: Art4Brains
- Book number: 8014