Author: RABOISSON, ANTOINE Title: En Orient. Recits et notes d un voyage en Palestine et en Syrie par l Egypte et le Sinai
Description: Paris, Librairie Catholique de l Oeuvre de Saint-Paul, 1886. Hardcover. Black & White images. Conditie: Good, Modern red leather bindings. Leather gilt, edges pages gilt. In slipcase. Set of 2 volumes with maps and plates Binding and contents good.. Signed and with dedication by the author to Pere Lapidi: Au Reverendissime Pere Lepidi O.P. Maitre du Sacre Palais Apostolique Hommage de profond respect et de religieuse et filiale affection. Rare, especially signed by the author. Beautiful set with lots of plates. About a voyage through Egypt, Palestine and Syria.
Price: EUR 2500.00 = appr. US$ 2717.12 Seller: Art4Brains
- Book number: 7237