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Title: Summary of the Art of War, or, A new Analytical Compend of the principal combinations of strategy, of grand tactics and of military policy
Description: New York, G.P. Putnam & Co, 1854. Hardcover (cloth). 353 pp. Black & White images. Conditie: Fair, Wear to binding, especially spine with some fraying. Gilt letters on spine, binding blind stamp decorated. Some pages loosening. Three folding plates/diagrams. With label "Library of Kit Carson Post, No. 2 G.A.R., Washington", inscription on blank end paper "Presented to the Library of Kit Carson Post No 2 Department of the Potomac G.A.R. with compliments of Mrs A.M. ? Nov. 2.1882." (? = name Jachtz?). . Rare edition. Book about militairy strategy and tactics.


Price: EUR 335.00 = appr. US$ 364.09 Seller: Art4Brains
- Book number: 6430