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Title: Nader Openinge van eenige stucken in de Cartesiaensche Philosophie Raeckende de H. Theologie, door Suetonius Tranquillus
Description: Leyden, Cornelis Banheining, 1656. Paperback. 16 pp. No images. Conditie: Fair, Later wrappers (with on the inside of the back wrapper a title page of a later work published in 1881 in Leuven: Analectes pour servir a l'histoire ecclésiastiques de la Belgique). Author and year of publication in ink on front warpper, another inscription with red pencil on front wrapper. On title page some stamps (ex libris R.D.-E. Gelin and another one), and an inscription with red pencil. On last page another stamp. Waterstain in lower corner. Title page lacks part of top corner without loss of text. Small hole in tite page affecting first letter of author's name. Some dog-ears (folded corners). On title page printer's device with the text Haec Libertatis ergo. Bannheining was active between 1647 and 1657. First letter decorated, printed in a variety of fonts. Rare publication. More photo's available upon request.


Price: EUR 180.00 = appr. US$ 195.63 Seller: Art4Brains
- Book number: 5522