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70331: Jaeckel S. sen. & Meise W., - Über Land- und Sü§wasserschnecken Jugoslawiens und Albaniens
71108: Jaeckel S.G., Klemm W. & Meise W., - Die Land- und Süsswasser-Mollusken der nördlichen Balkanhalbinsel
71464: Jaeckel S.G.A., - Die Molluskenfauna eines Flu§- und Seensystems im Kreise Plön, Ostholstein
74626: Jaeckel S.H., - Die Mollusken eines tropischen Flu§genistes aus Tonkin
71306: Jaeckel S.G.A., - Zur Molluskenfauna des nördlichen Schwedisch-Lappland
71791: Jaeckel S., - Diue Molluskenfauna eines Flu§- und Seensystems im Kreside Plön, Ostholstein
75851: Jaeckel S. & Schlesch H., - New land mollusca from the British Solomon Islands
18965: Jaeger P. & Jarovoy M., - Les grèes de Kita (Soudan occidentale): leur influence sur la répartition du peuplement végétal
277: Jaeger P. & Winkoun D., - Premier contact avec la flore et la végétation du plateau de Bandiagara [Afrique occ
317: Jaeger P., - Contribution à l'étude des forêts reliques du Soudan occidental
75239: Jagt J.W.M., - Some stratigraphical and faunal aspects of the
72946: Jagt J.W.M., Collins J.DS.H. & Fraaye R.H.B., - A new early Palaeocene genus of raninid crab (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Denmark, southern Sweden and The Netherlands
62852: Jain S.L., - Indocoelacanthus robustus n
64270: Jakes J., - Gli anni della turbina
56884: Jakowatz A., - Vergleichende Untersuchungen über Farnprothallien (I Reihe) - Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Prothalliums von Asplenium septentrionale Hoffm
15495: James B.L., - The effects of parasitism by larval Digenea on the digestive gland of the intertidal prosobranch Littorina saxatilis subsp
60039: James P.D., - Sangue innocente
34911: JAMES NORMAN, - pseudonimo di James Norman Schmidt, (1912-1983)
60008: James E.L., - Cinquanta sfumature di rosso
65261: James E.L., - Cinquanta sfumature di grigio
75587: Jameson H.L., - On the origin of pearls
65574: Jamison C., - La piccola Lady Jane
60745: Janse Brielle A.C. & A. W. Janssen. - The Molluscan Fauna of the Stemerdink Bed (Miocene, Reinbekian) from outcrops in the Slinge Brook at Winterswijk-Brinkeurne (The Netherlands, Province of Gelderland)
69729: Janse A.C., Moerdijk P.W. & Meijer T., - First records of Megayoldia thraciaeformis (Storer, 1838) (Bivalvia) form the Pleistocene of the North Sea Basin
69730: Jansen A.W. & Petit R., - Brocchinia gerdae, a new cancellariid gastropod from the Late Langhian (Miocene) of NW Germany In 4to, offp
69731: Jansen A.W., - Notes on the systematics, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca, 13
75539: Jansen A.W., Janssen R. & van der Voort J., - Spaniodontella Andrussow in Goloubiatnikow, 1902 - a critical survey of use and validity of the genus, and its relationship to the genus Alveinus Conrad, 1865 (Mollusca, Bivalvia: Glossoidea, Kelliellidae)
18607: Janssen A.W., - Notes on the systematics, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca, 6: Biostratigraphical interpretation of an assemblage from Poggio Musenna (Sicily, Italy) in comparison to northern Italiana and Maltese localities
75148: Janssen A.W., - Notes on systematic, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca /-)
16807: Janssen R., - Benthos-Mollusken aus dem Tiefwasser des östlichen Mittelmeeres, gesammelt während der "METEOR"-Fahrt 5 (1987)
75528: Janssen A.W. et al., - History of a marine, Cainozoic gastropod taxon, Conus antidiluvianus Bruguière, 1792 and its nomenclatural implications
20964: Janssen J., Pankhurst N.W. & Harbison G.R., - Swimming and body orientation of Notolepis rissoi in relation to lateral line and visual function
75544: Janssen A.W. Janssen & Peijnenburg K.T.C.A., - An overview of the fossil record of Pteropoda (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Heterobranchia)
75204: Janssen A.W., - Development of Cuvierinidae (Mollusca, Euthecosomata, Cavolinioidea) during the cainozoic : a non-cladistic approach with a re-interpretation of Recent taxa
75205: Janssen A.W., - A new species of Vaginella (Gastropoda, Euthecosomata, Cavoliniidae) from the Late Oligocene of the North Sea Basin and its bearing on Chattian biostratigraphy
38490: Janssen A. W., - Het profiel van de Bouwput onder het eerste kanaaldok Nabij Kallo, provincie oost Vlaanderen, België
68617: Janssen A.W., - Late Quaternary to Recent holoplanktonic Mollusca (Gastropoda) from bottom samples of the eastern Mediterranean Sea: systematics, morphology
65203: Janssen A.W., King C. & Steurbaut E., - Notes on the systematics, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca, 21: Early and Middle Eocene (Ypresian-Lutetian) holoplanktonic Mollusca (Gastropoda) from Uzbekistan
74555: Janssen A.W. & Van der Slik L., - De fossiele schelpen van de Nederlandse stranden en zeegaten tweede serie, 7 (Cardidae)
75260: Janssen A.W., - Notes on the systematics, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca, 4: A collection of euthesomatous pteropods form the Miocene of the Karaman Basin, Turkey
74930: Janssen A.W., - A Holocene mollusc faunule from a temporary excavation near Standdaaarbutten (The Netherlands, province of Noord Brabant)
64535: Janssen A.W. & Seapy R.R., - On the identity and distribution of Atlanta inflata Gray, 1850 (Gastropoda, Pterotracheioidea, Atlantidae) in the world oceans
68715: Janssen A.W., - Cyrenorita, a new genus for Erycina neglecta Nyst (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae)
72294: Janssen A.W. & Van der Slik L., - De Fossiele schelpen van de Nederlandse stranden en zeegaten tweede serie, 6 (Superfamilie Crassatellacea)
71268: Jantataeme S., Upatham E.S., Kunatham L. & Kruatrachue M., - Effects of some physico-chemical factors on the survival of Tricula aperta
73878: Janus H., - Das Watt - Reiseführer für Naturfreunde
54634: Jardim C., - Projecto de aerostato dirigivel
31385: Jareb P. & Ragonese S., - The Mediterranean teuthofauna: towards a biogeographical coverage by regional census
58904: Jarman C., - L'evoluzione della vita
18610: Jasim A.,K. & Brand A.R., - Observations on the reproduction of Modiolus modiolus in Isle of Man waters
62986: Jaubert J.B., - Troisième lettre sur l'ornithologie de la France
25224: Jávorka S., - Pteridophyta Herbarii Kitaibeliani (Fasciculus LX)
68442: Jay M. & Drivas J., - The Cerithiopsidae (Gastropoda) of Reunion Island (Indian Ocean)
18659: Jeaeger P., - Sur la présence dans les plateaux gréseux soudanais de l'Actiniopteris radiata - Fougère xérophile
58144: Jean - Charles, - La Scuola dei Furbi
58143: Jean - Charles, - Il riso in erba
71434: Jeannet A., - Les Trigonies fossiles originales conservées a l'institut de géologie de l'université de Neuchatel
6899: Jefferys C., - A complete catalogue of British mollusca compiled from Jeffreys' 'British Conchology' with alterations and additions to date
71474: Jeffreys, J. G., - On the Mollusca procured during the "Lightning" and "Porcupine"
75622: Jeffreys J.G., - Black Sea Mollusca
75624: Jeffreys J.G., - On the occurrence of marine shells of existing species at different heights above the present level of the sea
75618: Jeffreys J.G., - New and peculiar Mollusca of the order Solenoconchia procured in the 'Valorous' Expedition
75661: Jeffreys J.G., - On the concordance of the Mollusca inhabiting both sides of the North Atlantic and the intermendiate Seas
75640: Jeffreys J.G., - Report on the dredging among the Channel Isles
75634: Jeffreys J.G., - The Mollusca of St
75641: Jeffreys J.G., - On the Northern Species of Buccinum
50783: Jeffreys J.G., - On the Mollusca procured during the "Lightning" and "Porcupine"
67404: JEFFREYS J.G., 1862-1869 (1980) - British Conchology or an account of the mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas
416: Jeffreys M.D., - Neolithic stone implements (Bamenda, British Cameroons)
75702: Jeffreys J.G., 1879 (1878) - Notes on colonel Montagu's collection of British shells
66975: Jeffreys J.G., - On the mollusca procured during the 'Lightning' and 'Porcupine' expeditions, 1868-70
75625: Jeffreys J.G., - Mediterranean Mollusca (No 3) and other Invertebrata
73660: Jeffreys J.G., - British Conchology or an account of the mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas - Vol
73744: Jeffreys J.G., - British Conchology or an account of the mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas - Vol
73319: Jeletzky J.A., - Comparative morphology, phylogeny, and classification of fossil Coleoidea
39231: Jelnes J. E., et al., Russell P. J. C., - Isoenzyme taxonomy applied on four species of Cardium from Danish and British waters with a short description of the distribution of the species
32778: Jena W.B. - Der Kranke und seine Krankheit
20298: Jenkins B.W., - Siphonaria funiculata: a redescription making S virgulata a geographical variant of S funiculata
20441: Jenkins B.W., - A new siphonariid from southwestern Australia
63917: Jenkins A.C., - The Silver Haul - Trawling and deep-sea fishing
70307: Jenny F., - Die Fauna Susswasserkalkes von Diegten (Baselland)
20908: Jensen K.R., - Evolution of buccal apparatus and diet radiation in the Sacoglossa
63052: Jensen K.R., - Review of reproduction in the Sacoglossa (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia)
61561: Jensen, A.S., - Studier over nordiske Mollusker - I: Mya
73963: Jensen A.S., - Lamellibranchiata, part I
57074: Jensen, K.R. - Sublittoral Notaspidea and Nudibranchia from Hong Kong, with a description of a new species
58706: Jensen H.I., - Notes on the geology of the Mt Flinders and Fassifern districts, Queensland
68472: Jensen K.R., Knudsen J., - Annotated checklist of recent marine molluscs of danish waters
11434: Jensen K.R., - Three new species of Ascoglossa (Moll
51585: Jensen K.R., - Sacoglossernes Systematik, fylogeni og evolution (Mollusca, Opistobranchia) - Systematics, phylogeny and evolution of the Sacoglossa (Opisthobranchia)
69301: Jeppesen L.L. & NygOErd K., - The influence of photoperiod, temperature and internal factors on the hibernation of Helix pomatia L
15558: Jespersen P.H., - Sur la légitimité du nom de Linné Helix limosa
59183: Jevola F. & Pinti M., - Piccola enciclopedia della tecnica e della meccanica
72139: Jimi Hendrix - Jimi Hendrix - CD audio - 11 canzoni
74106: Jirapatrasilp P., Sutcharit C. & Somsak P., - Annotated checklist of the operculated land snails from Thailand (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda): the family Pupinidae, with descriptions of several new species and subspecies, and notes on classification of Pupina Vignard, 1829 and Pupinella Gray, 1850 from mainland Southeast Asia
60557: Jo‹o Miguel de Matos Nogueira and Alexandra Elaine Rizzo, - A new species of Branchiomaldane (Polychaeta: Arenicolidae) from the State of S‹o Paulo, south-eastern Brazil
43679: Jochmann, E. & Hermes, O. , - Grundriss der Experimentalphysik und Elemente der Astronomie und mathematischen Geographie
70793: Jodot P., - Sur un gastéropode de type américain trouvé dans un calcaire lacustre du plateau steppien
70108: Jodot M.P., - Note sur la faune conchyliologique des tufs quaternaires de La Cell-sous-Moret (Seine-et-Marne)
70379: Jodot P., - Faune malacologique des limons de Romainville (Seine)
71573: Jodot, P, - Liste des coquilles lacustres du Pontien d'Andalousie, et remarques sur Bithinella (Belgrandia) deydieri Dep
70380: Jodot P., - Sur un gastéropode de type américain trouvé dans un calcaire lacustre du plateau steppien
70361: Jodot P., - Sur un gastéropode de type américain trouvé dans un calcaire lacustre du plateau steppien
51181: Johann Holetschek - Untersuchungen über die Grö§e und Helligkeit der Kometen und ihrer Schweife
51134: Johann N. Woldrich - Johann N
51434: Johann Holetschek - Untersuchungen über die Grö§e und Helligkeit der Kometen und ihrer Schweife
51380: Johann Holetschek - Untersuchungen über die Grö§e und Helligkeit der Kometen und ihrer Schweife
51290: Johann Holetschek - Untersuchungen über die Grö§e und Helligkeit der Kometen und ihrer Schweife
51443: Johann Holetschek - Untersuchungen über die Grö§e und Helligkeit der Kometen und ihrer Schweife
51211: Johann Palisa und Friedrich Bidschof - Katalog von 1238 Sternen, auf Grund der in den Bänden I und II der 'Publicationen der v
51106: Johannes Unterweger - Über die Beziehungen der Kometen und Meteorströme zu den Erscheinungen der Sonne 55 pages with 2 plates and 1 illustration, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 16
51426: Johannes Furlani - Das Lichtklima im Österreichischen Küstenlande 35 pages with 16 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 2
51186: Johannes Unterweger - Über zwei Trigonometrische Reihen für Sonnenflecken, Kometen und Klimaschwankungen 6 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
31418: Johansen R.M., - Revision de la tribu Humboldthripini Johansen, 1983 (Insecta, Thysanoptera: Thripinae)
65377: Johansson J., - On the genital organs of some mesogastropods: Cerithium vulgatum Brug
66156: Johansson, J., 1954 (1955) - On the pallial gonoduct of Actaeon tornatilis (L
64770: Johansson J., - Von den Geschlechtsorganen bei Turritella communis nebst Bemerkungen über die diaulen Geschlechtsorgane der Neritaceen
73147: Johansson J., - On the anatomy of Tympanotonus fuscatus (L
7487: Johansson K.E., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Polychaeten-Familien Hermellidae, Sabellidae und Serpulidae
61768: John T., - La storia del colonnello Lawrence
33682: Johnson C. R., - Thermal relations in some southern and eastern Australian anurans
61382: Johnson, R.I. 2003. - Molluscan taxa and bibliographies of William James Clench and Ruth Dixon Turner
61107: Johnson R.I., - The recent mollusca of August Addison Gould
27319: Johnson R.I., - Lampsilis cariosa Say and Lampsilis ochracea Say
15550: Johnson R., - Comments on "The final report" of a massive search for Lasmigona decorata (Lea, 1852) and Alasmidonta robusta Clarke, 1981 (Unionidae) from the Carolinas
66131: Johnson M.S., Murray J. & Calrke B., - High genetic similarities and low heterozysosities in land snails of the genus Samoana from the Society Islands
63055: Johnson R.F. & Gosliner T.M., - Two new species of Thorunna Bergh, 1878 (Mollusca: Nudibranchia: Chromodorididae) from the Indo-Pacific
27317: Johnson R.I., - Anodonta implicata Say
11295: Johnson C.W., - List of marine mollusca of the Atlantic coast from Labrador to Texas
76238: Johnson R.I., - Molluscan taxa of Addison Emery Verrill and Katharine Jeannette Bush, including those introduced by Sanderson Smith and Alpheus Hyatt Verrill
71692: Johnson R.I., 1975(1992) - Simpson's unionid types and miscellaneous unionid types in the National Museum of Natural History
59997: Johnson P., - Storia degli ebrei
62865: Johnson J.G., - Late early Devonian rhynchonelid genera from Arctic and western North America
75466: Johnson J.H., - Late early Devonian brachiopods from the Disappointment Bay Formation, Lowther Island, Arctic Canada
33621: Johnson R.W., - The Queensland Flora and its Collection
25621: Johnson, R. I. - The types of Naiades (Mollusca: Unionidae) in the Museum of Comparative Zoology
72193: Johnson R.I., - A hitherto overlooked Anodonta (Mollusca: Unionidae) from the Gulf drainage of Florida
72194: Johnson R.I., - Additions to the unionid fauna of the gulf drainage of Alabama, Georgia and Florida (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
73260: Johnson R.G., - Pelecypoda death assemblage in Tomales bay, California
9674: Johnson R.I., - Joseph Pitty Couthouy
34386: Johnston C.T. & Stannard J.D., - Practical irrigation
72201: Johnston M.R., - A New Nautiloid Species, Cimomia zelandica, from New Zealand
57739: Johnstone M.C. (Ed.), - Comparative Virology
72619: Johnstone K.Y., - Collecting seashells
71829: Jones B. & Coucot A.J., - Spiriferids from the Lower Devonian strata of Southwest Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada
15496: Jones G.F., - Brood protection in three Southern California species of the pelecypod Cardita
62881: Jones B., - Atrypoidea erebus n
15387: Jones D.L., - New upper Cretaceous ammonite, Protexanites thompsoni, from California
41674: Jones M.B. & Smaldon G., - On the genus Holophryxus (Isopoda: Epicaridea), with description of the male and redescription of the female of Holophryxus acanthephyrae
38062: Jones W. C., - Photographic records of living oscular tubes of Leucosolenia variabilis
61626: Jones M.B. & Depledge M.H., - The biology of Crustacea [Proceedings of a meeting held at the Plymouth University from 1-3 April 1996]
35134: Jones E. B., - The work against sheep scab in 1902
59637: Jones D.F., - Crociera nella catastrofe
76096: Jones D.L. & Gryc G., - Upper Cretaceous pelecypods of the genus Inoceramus from northern Alaska
76077: Jones D.L. & Grantz A., - Cretaceous ammonites from the lower part of the Matanuska Formation, southern Alaska
67628: Jones B., - Taxonomy and intraspecific variation of Protathyris praecursor Kozlowski, 1929 from the Upper Silurian of Somerset Island, Arctic Canada
67711: Jones R.F. & del Rey L., - Alieno in croce
58072: Jones R.F., - La fine del silenzio
67905: Jones D.F., - Xeno, l'abominio che ci aspetta
59975: Jones D., - Barbarossa Red
47880: Jones D.L., - Muscle attachement impressions in a Cretaceous ammonite
68205: Jones D.F., - Sarà un futuro d'inferno
25569: Jones J.L., - British littoral Mollusca (Paper for students n# 4 of The Conchological Society)
72461: Jones D.L. & Gryck G., - Upper Cretaceous Pelecypods of the genus Inoceramus from northern Alaska
73030: Jones B.G., - Paleontology and paleoecology of Pakaurangi Point, Kaipara, New Zealand
73146: Jones N.S., - Cumacea from the West coast of Africa
8874: Jones H.A., Simpson R.D. & Humphrey C.L., - The reproductive cycles and glochidia of fresh-water mussels (Biv
60074: Jonkel C.J. & Ian McT. Cowan, - The Black Bear in the Spruce-Fir Forest
73402: Jonkers A.H., - Late cenozoic-recent Pectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) of the Southern ocean and neighbouring regions
69091: Jooss C.H., - Vorläufige Mitteilungen über tertiäre Land- und Süsswasser-Mollusken
65250: Jooss, C.H., - Ueber Limnaea (Limnaea s
48028: Jord‹o A., - Estudos sobre a diabete - Terceiro estudo diagnostico e prognostico
52718: Jordaens Kurt, van Dongen Stefan, van Riel P., Geenen Sofie, Verhagen Ronald & Backeljau Thierry, - Multivariate morphometrics of soft body parts in terrestrial slugs: comparison between two datasets, error assessment and taxonomic implications
30492: Jordan D.S., - A review of the fishes of the family Gerridae found in the waters of Japan
61833: Jordan P., - La sindrome di Atlantide
70789: Jordan E.K. & Hertlein L.G., - Expedition to the Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico, in 1925, IV
71447: Jordan E.K., - Expedition to Guadalupe Island, Mexico, in 1922 - No
66685: Jorge A.R., - Contribution à l'étude des Chrysopétaliens
51133: Josef Luksch und Julius Wolf - Physikalische Untersuchungen im östlichen Mittelmeer
51141: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Über die verschiedenen Spectren des Quecksilbers 30 pages with 1 heliographic plate and 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 5
51140: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Über das Spectrum des Kaliums, Natriums und Cadmiums bei verschiedenen Temperaturen 18 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 7
51276: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Das Flammen- und Funkenspectrum des Magnesiums 10 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 2
51504: Josef Fahringer; F. Maidl; J. J. Kieffer; F. Ruschka - XIII
51260: Josef Maria Eder - Spectralanalytische Studien über photographischen Dreifarbendruck 32 pages with 2 plates and 5 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 2
51376: Josef Brunnthaler - Ergebnisse einer botanischen Forschungsreise nach Deutsch-Ostafrika und Südafrika (Kapland, Natal und Rhodesien)
51501: Josef Albrecht - Paläontologische und stratigraphische Ergebnisse der Forschungsreise nach Westserbien 1918 19 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
51138: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Absorptionsspectren von farblosen und gefärbten Gläsern mit Berücksichtigung des Ultraviolett 12 pages with 1 lithographc plate, 2 plates in the text and 1 illustration, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 12
51491: Josef Luksch - Untersuchungen über die Transparenz und Farbe des Seewassers Expedition S
51118: Josef Luksch und Julius Wolf - Physikalische Untersuchungen im östlichen Mittelmeer
51209: Josef Liznar - Die Vertheilung der Erdmagnetischen Kraft in Österreich-Ungarn zur Epoche 1890*0 nach den in den Jahren 1889 bis 1894 ausgeführten Messungen
51236: Josef Luksch - Untersuchungen über die Transparenz und Farbe des Seewassers
51127: Josef Maria Eder - Beiträge zur Spectralanalyse 12 pages with 2 heliographischen Spectralplates and 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 3
51392: Josef Müller - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Höhlenfauna der Ostalpen und der Balkanhalbinsel 10 pages with 1 map and 12 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 2
51393: Josef Müller - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Höhlenfauna der Ostalpen und der Balkanhalbinsel II 114 pages with 1 Stammbaum und 9 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 2
51234: Josef Luksch - Physikalische Untersuchungen
51222: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Normal-Spectren einiger Elemente zur Wellenlängebestimmung im äu§ersten Ultraviolett 24 pages with 1 doubleplate und 3 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 13
51218: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Das Spectrum des Chlors 12 pages with 1 doubleplate, 2 plates and 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 13
51217: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Das Spectrum des Brom 8 pages with 1 doubleplate, 2 plates and 2 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 6
51212: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Spectralanalyse der Leuchtgasflamme 12 pages with 1 illustration, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 7
51208: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Die Spectren des Schwefels 56 pages with 3 plates and 2 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 3
51201: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Spectralanalystische Untersuchung des Argons 40 pages with 3 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
51161: Josef Lartschneider - Die Stei§beinmuskeln des Menschen und ihre Beziehung zum M
51173: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Über die Spectren von Kupfer, Silber und Gold 48 pages with 4 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 7
51171: Josef Wentzel - Zur Kenntniss der Zoantharia Tabulata 38 pages with 5 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 14
51162: Josef Liznar - Die Vertheilung der erdmagnetischen Kraft in Österreich-Ungarn zur Epoche 1890*0 nach den in den Jahren 1889 bis 1894 ausgeführten Messungen
51121: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Über das Emissions-Spectrum des Kohlenstoffes und Siliciums 24 pages with 1 plate and 6 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 19
51122: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Über das Ultraviolette Linienspectrum des elementaren Bor 6 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 13
52579: Joseph C. Britton & Brian Morton, - Convective cooling by the tropical intertidal chiton, Acanthopleura spinosa (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from rocky intertidal habitats at Watering Cove, Burrup Peninsula, Western Australia, Australia
63314: Jouan H., - Notes sur quelques animaux et quelques végétaux rencontrés dans les mers australes et dans les "les du grand-océan, considérés au point de vue de leur classification et de leurs rapports avec l'industrie
74059: journal - The Nautilus - vols
71627: Journal - The Transactions of the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union part 4 (1882)
68949: journal - Beautifulcowries Magazine No
60431: journal - Basteria vol
65170: Journal - Documents Malacologiques 4 (2003)
60573: journal - Geoarcheologia
76639: journal - Basteria vol
76294: Journal - Gloria Maris, vol 27 n
60626: journal - Bollettino Malacologico vol
71164: Journal - Bollettino del R
67555: Journal - American Malacological Bulletin 2004, vol
75287: Journal - Bollettino Malalacogico, vol
66610: journal - Beautifulcowries Magazine No
65103: Journal - Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 45(4) (1913)
60625: journal - Basteria 2010, vol
73043: journal - Beautifulcowries Magazine No
73291: journal - Iberus - Revista de la Sociedad Espa–ola de Malacologia
73320: journal - Iberus - Revista de la Sociedad Espa–ola de Malacologia
58483: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58481: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58480: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58479: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
59373: journals - Filatelia n
59372: journals - Filatelia n
59378: journals - Filatelia n
59375: journals - Filatelia n
59374: journals - Filatelia n
59390: journals - Filatelia n
59389: journals - Filatelia n
59382: journals - Filatelia n
59381: journals - Filatelia n
59386: journals - Filatelia n
59385: journals - Filatelia n
75411: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
60278: journals - Southern California Academy of Sciences Bulletin
59380: journals - Filatelia n
59379: journals - Filatelia n
60272: journals - Southern California Academy of Sciences Bulletin 1974
69021: Journals - Club Conchylia Informationen
60275: journals - Southern California Academy of Sciences Bulletin
58230: journals - Italia Filatelica - Rivista mensile illustrata n
61074: journals - The Nautilus
64810: Journals - Issue n
57445: journals - Basteria - year 1987 (vol
75334: Journals - Venus - The Japanese Journal of Malacology - vol
75337: Journals - The Veliger - Volume 42 (1999)
75341: Journals - Mollusc World - The magazine of the Conchological Sociery of Great Britain and Ireland issues 7-9 (2005)
58492: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58493: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58494: journals - Bollettino della Società Regionale contro la Malaria nella provincia di Cagliari
58354: Journals - Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico vol XXI n 1 (January 1937)
58353: Journals - Journal of Agriculture of thje University of Puerto Rico vol XXI n 2 (April 1937)
59384: journals - Filatelia n
59383: journals - Filatelia n
76620: Journals - The Veliger - Volume 16 (1973-1974)
61102: journals - Notiziario SIM 1987 - Year 5 issues 1-12
61096: journals - Notiziario CISMA Journal of "Centro Italiano Studi Malacologici" - Anno XI n
61100: journals - Notiziario SIM 1985 - Year 3 issues 1-12
61101: journals - Notiziario SIM 1986 - Year 4 issues 1-12
74594: Journals - Bull
75495: journals - Notiziario CISMA - Anno IX n
75491: Journals - Novapex vol
68027: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
69539: journals - Basteria - year 1981 (vol
59371: journals - Filatelia n
74515: Journals - Vita Marina - International magazine on sea and shells - vol
69409: journals - Journal of Paleontology vol
65066: Journals - Malacologia Mostra Mondiale n
58464: journals - Bollettino della R
58461: journals - Bollettino della R
58460: journals - Bollettino della R
58357: journals - The University of Colorado Studies vol 18 n 1-4 (1930-1931)
69078: Journals - Journal de Conchyliologie
68013: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
65849: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
66550: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
76662: Journals - The Nautilus vol
76663: Journals - The Nautilus vol
61073: journals - The Nautilus
58363: Journals - Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico vol XX n 4 (October 1936)
58361: Journals - Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico vol X n 3-4 (July-october 1927)
57441: journals - Basteria year 1996 (vol
57442: journals - Basteria - year 1990 (vol
69434: journals - Journal of Paleontology vol
74970: Journals - Vita Marina - issue 47(2) [2001]
74020: journals - The Journal of Conchology
74651: Journals - The Nautilus
35414: journals - Der Pflanzer - Zeitsschrift fur Land und Forstwirtschaft - in Deutsch-Ost-Afrika
75461: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
61079: journals - The Nautilus
75105: journals - The Nautilus
69797: Journals - American Malacological Bulletin vol
58457: journals - Boletin de Fomento - Organo del Ministerio de Fomento [Costa Rica]
51627: journals - Of Sea and Shore
58413: Journals - Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico vol IX n 1(January 1925)
74987: journals - Notiziario CISMA - Anno X n
60279: journals - Southern California Academy of Sciences Bulletin
69262: journals - Conchological Notes - The Conchological Club of Southern California
76623: Journals - The Veliger - Volume 18 (1975-1976)
59393: journals - Filatelia n
59392: journals - Filatelia n
75490: journals - World Shells, issue n
59391: journals - Filatelia n
65923: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
68680: journals - Malacologia - International Journal of Malacology
33294: journals - "The Strandloper" Bulletin of the Conchological Society of Southern Africa Durban South Africa continued (1972) from Circular, the Conchological Society of Southern Africa
72743: journals - Bulletin of the Institute of Malacology Tokyo
74650: Journals - The Nautilus
67521: Journals - Hawaiian Shell News
69536: journals - Argonauta
41523: journals - Opisthobranch - A monthly publication on mollusks and marine life
57446: journals - Basteria - year 1986 (vol
57447: journals - Basteria - year 1985 (vol
69408: journals - Journal of Paleontology vol
75488: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
75489: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
67585: journals - "Leaflets in malacology" published by S
75435: journals - World Shells, issue n
61070: journals - The Nautilus
74000: journals - Of Sea and Shore
74595: Journals - Bull
60274: journals - Southern California Academy of Sciences Bulletin
74856: journals - Vita Marina - International magazine on sea and shells
65891: journals - Malacologia - Mostra Mondiale - Cupra Marittima
58322: journals - Zapiski Noworossiiskago obszestwa Estestwoispitatelei [Memoirs de la Societé des Naturalistes de la Nouvelle-Russie] vol
58359: Journals - Sarsia vol
58367: Journals - King Kong
58387: journals - Journal of the College of Agriculture, Imperial University of Tokyo vol
58327: journals - Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli - Volume 22 supplemento
61077: journals - The Nautilus
75037: Journals - Apex - Journal of Societé Belge de Malacologie
68996: Journals - Club Conchylia Informationen
74318: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkunde - volume 68 (1936)
74322: Journals - Cainozoic Research vol
74159: journals - Visaya Vol
61071: journals - The Nautilus
61072: journals - The Nautilus
75505: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
74040: Journals - The Nautilus - vols
74897: journals - The Veliger
74902: journals - World Shells, issue n
74908: Journals - Journal of Molluscan Studies vol
70873: journals - Iberus - Revista de la Sociedad Espanola de Malacologia - Vol
73937: Journals - The Nautilus - vols
73939: Journals - Bollettino Malacologico vol
73980: journals - The Journal of Conchology
73981: journals - The Journal of Conchology
73982: journals - The Journal of Conchology
73983: journals - The Journal of Conchology
73984: journals - The Journal of Conchology
73985: journals - The Journal of Conchology
73986: journals - The Journal of Conchology
73992: journals - Australasian shell news - Newsletter of the Malacological Society of Australasia, issue 105 (2000)
73997: journals - Malacologia - International Journal of Malacology
73998: journals - Shells and Sea Life
55609: journals - Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science vol 58 (1949)
55635: journals - Revue Suisse de Zoologie Tome 80 fascicule 3
74135: journals - Iberus - Revista de la Sociedad Espa–ola de Malacologia vol
74143: Journals - Xenophora Taxonomy, 23
74145: journals - Visaya Vol
74148: journals - Visaya Vol
74150: journals - Visaya Vol
74151: journals - Visaya Vol
74152: journals - Visaya Vol
74153: journals - Visaya Vol
75479: Journals - Apex - Société Belge de Malacologie
75474: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
75477: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
41876: journals - Argonauta vol
58476: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58472: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58473: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58474: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58475: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
69210: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
74975: Journals - Notiziario S
57809: journals - Atti Reale Accademia d'Italia - Rendiconti Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matmatiche e Naturali, ser
57710: Journals - Notiziario della Societ˜ Lichenologica Italiana
57824: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 15 fasc
57825: Journals - Chronobiologia 1974 1975 1976, 1977
57823: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 15 fasc
57789: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 13 fasc
57790: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 13 fasc
57817: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 13 fasc
57818: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 14 fasc
57793: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 14 fasc
57810: journals - Atti Reale Accademia d'Italia - Rendiconti Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matmatiche e Naturali, ser
57721: Journals - RIVISTA EX LIBRIS - Arte, Storia e Cultura del libro, fondata e diretta da Giuseppe Mirasbella
57804: Journals - Rendiconti Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Letter
57803: Journals - Rendiconti Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Letter
57822: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 14 fasc
57722: Journals - RIVISTA EX LIBRIS - Arte, Storia e Cultura del libro, fondata e diretta da Giuseppe Mirasbella
57816: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 13 fasc
57815: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 13 fasc
57821: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 14 fasc
57813: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 13 fasc
58484: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58370: Journals - Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection - Peabody Museum of Natural Historyb Yale University - vol
55604: journals - Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science vol 53 (1943)
74390: Journals - Conchiglie (1965-1978) + Bollettino Malacologico (1979-2023)
69791: Journals - Basteria vol
76022: Journals - Conchylia 55 (1-2) (2024): In 4to, broch
63353: Journals - "Science et Pêche" Bulletin de l'Institut Scientifique et techniques des pêches maritimes
57410: journals - The Western Society of Malacologists - Annual Report
69001: journals - The Nautilus vol
68999: journals - The Nautilus vol
69000: journals - The Nautilus vol
69022: Journals - Club Conchylia Informationen
74386: Journals - Conchiglie (forerunner of Bollettino Malacologico)
60524: journals - Southern California Academy of Sciences Bulletin
75103: journals - Visaya Vol
65947: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
65917: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
76635: journals - Iberus - Revista de la Sociedad Espa–ola de Malacología
65865: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
40317: journals - Geo-Archeologia
40320: journals - The Veliger vol
68268: Journals - The Festivus vol
75168: Journals - Bollettino Malacologico from vol
75169: Journals - Bollettino Malacologico from vol
75185: Journals - Informations de la Societé Belge de Malacologie, numero special, 1982: Dixième anniversaire
60788: journals - Malacologia - Mostra Mondiale - Cupra Marittima
65797: Journals - Conchylia vol 40 n
65796: Journals - Malacologia Mostra Mondiale n
60530: journals - Malacologia - Mostra Mondiale - Cupra Marittima
75503: journals - World Shells - Issue n
75126: Journals - Malacologia Mostra Mondiale n
75508: journals - World Shells - Issue n
70545: journals - Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society [in russian]
69247: journals - The Nautilus vol
73899: Journals - The Nautilus - vols
68528: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
61069: journals - The Nautilus
67949: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
59388: journals - Filatelia n
59387: journals - Filatelia n
55544: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55546: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55539: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55542: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55537: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55533: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55528: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55532: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55522: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55519: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55520: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55517: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55507: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55506: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55505: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55500: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55496: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55491: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55472: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55470: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
75014: Journals - Informativo SBM [Newsletter of Sociedad Brasileira de Malacologia]
75004: journals - Malacologia - International Journal of Malacology
74992: journals - Notiziario CISMA - Anno XII-XIII n
74993: journals - Malacologia - International Journal of Malacology
76213: journals - Bulletin of the Institute of Malacology Tokyo
76211: journals - World Shells - Issue n
76209: Journals - The Nautilus
76205: Journals - Basteria vol
76182: journals - Molluscan Research, vol
76173: journals - The Nautilus vol
76135: journals - The Nautilus vol
76136: journals - The Nautilus vol
76134: journals - The Nautilus vol
76132: journals - The Nautilus vol
76133: journals - The Nautilus vol
76044: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
75901: journals - World Shells complete collection from n
75736: journals - World Shells - Issue n
75735: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
75720: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin del 'Association Française de Conchyliologie
75721: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin del 'Association Française de Conchyliologie
75719: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
75694: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
75690: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin del 'Association Française de Conchyliologie
75688: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin del 'Association Française de Conchyliologie
76212: journals - Bulletin of the Institute of Malacology Tokyo
76183: journals - Molluscan Research, vol
60158: journals - The Nautilus
58348: Journals - Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Porto Rico vol XIV n 2 (april 1930)
74700: journals - The Nautilus
74701: Journals - The Nautilus
58408: Journals - Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico vol XIII n 2 (April 1929)
58407: journals - Journal of Madras University - Section B vol XVIII
58412: Journals - Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico vol XV n 4 (October 1931)
58411: journals - Rivista di pesca e idrobiologia - Anno XIV n
60574: journals - Malacologia - Mostra Mondiale - Cupra Marittima
74014: journals - Malacologia - International Journal of Malacology
57814: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 13 fasc
69813: Journals - The Journal of Molluscan Studies
76616: Journals - The Journal of American Conidae, Wesern Atlantic, Caribbean and Panamic Province
64918: Journals - Malacologia Mostra Mondiale n
66488: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
66438: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
63634: journals - HAWAIIAN SHELL NEWS - This Journal has been published from 1953 to December 1996
63629: journals - HAWAIIAN SHELL NEWS - This Journal has been published from 1953 to December 1996
55605: journals - Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science vol 54 (1944)
55606: journals - Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science vol 55 (1945)
55608: journals - Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science vol 58 (1948)
55607: journals - Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science vol 56 (1946)
55634: journals - Fragmenta Faunistica Hungarica - Tome X - Fascicule 1 (1947)
55560: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
55558: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
76633: Journals - The Veliger - Volume 48 (2006-2007)
75504: journals - World Shells - Issue n
65238: Journals - Hystrix - Rivista di teriologia
65239: Journals - Hystrix - Rivista di teriologia
65237: Journals - Hystrix - Rivista di teriologia
58515: journals - Bollettino della R
58516: journals - Pacific Science - A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region, vol 16 no 1 (1962)
58517: journals - Pacific Science - A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region, vol 16 no 3 (1962)
58519: journals - Pacific Science - A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region, vol 17 no 4 (1963)
58520: journals - Pacific Science - A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region, vol 19 no 1 (1965)
58521: journals - Pacific Science - A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region, vol 19 no 2 (1965)
58601: journals - Journal of Paleontology vol 51 n 3 (1977)
58602: journals - Journal of Paleontology vol 51 n 2 (1977)
58661: Journals - Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico vol XX n 2(April 1936)
58659: journals - Conchologists of America Bulletin vol
58660: journals - Underwater Naturalist: Bulletin of the American Littoral Society - Vol
58686: journals - L'acquicoltura lombarda - Bollettino mensile della Società Lombarda per la Pesca e l'Acquicoltura
58691: journals - Morsk Fiskeritidende - issue n
58692: Journals - Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico vol XIII n 1(January 1930)
58704: Journals - Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico vol XV n 2(April 1931)
75315: Journals - Bollettino Malacologico vol
75394: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
75402: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
58346: Journals - Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
58347: Journals - The Journal of the Linnean Society: Vol XLVI, No 309: Botany (January 1924)
58323: journals - RIONS!
58317: journals - Pacific Science - A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region
58318: journals - Pacific Science - A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region
58316: journals - Pacific Science - A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region
58289: journals - Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Agraria e Bachicoltura del R
58243: journals - Bollettino della R
66273: Journals - Journal of Shellfish Research volume 8 number 2 (1989)
58237: journals - Filatelia n
58238: journals - Filatelia n
57281: journals - World Shells; In 4to, all in color (about 100 pages) with many interesting articles on most popular families (cowries, conids, marginellids, volutids ecc
58236: journals - Filatelia n
75045: journals - The Nautilus
75067: Journals - Iberus - Revista de la Sociedad Espa–ola de Malacología
65898: journals - Venus - The Japanese Journal of Malacology vol
57439: journals - Journal de Conchyliologie
66294: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
76599: journals - Texas Conchologist, volume XX n
76600: journals - Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 1961, vol
76295: journals - The Nautilus vol
61251: journals - Argonauta published by Associazione Malacologica Internazionale
66186: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
66231: Journals - Xenophora Taxonomy - Suppl
67501: journals - La Conchiglia - The Shells
67935: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
67947: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
58477: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
74813: Journals - Miscellanea Malacologica vol
69883: journals - HAWAIIAN SHELL NEWS - This Journal has been published from 1953 to December 1996
69882: journals - HAWAIIAN SHELL NEWS - This Journal has been published from 1953 to December 1996
58458: journals - Boletin de Fomento - Organo del Ministerio de Fomento [Costa Rica]
60277: journals - Southern California Academy of Sciences Bulletin
60276: journals - Southern California Academy of Sciences Bulletin
56702: Journals - University of Colorado Bulletin vol
56705: journals - The Jersey Sheller - published by Garden State Shell Club
58434: journals - Boletim Biologico - Org‹o do Clubo Zooloigco de Brasil
58435: journals - Boletim Biologico - Org‹o do Clubo Zooloigco de Brasil
58436: journals - Boletim Biologico - Org‹o do Clubo Zooloigco de Brasil
58437: journals - Boletim Biologico - Org‹o do Clubo Zooloigco de Brasil
58439: journals - L'acquicoltura lombarda - bollettino mensile
69004: journals - The Nautilus vol
69002: journals - The Nautilus vol
69003: journals - The Nautilus vol
76536: Journals - Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vol 1 n
56922: Journals - Proceedings of the Bournemouth Natural Science Society vol
70745: Journals - Visaya Vol
74994: journals - Notiziario CISMA - Anno XIV (1992)
58471: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58470: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58429: journals - Proceedings of the Onondaga Academy of Science vol 1 (1903)
73769: journals - Notiziario CISMA Journal of "Centro Italiano Studi Malacologici" - Anno I n
76657: journals - The Nautilus vol
76658: journals - The Nautilus vol
61076: journals - The Nautilus
75515: Journals - Apex - Société Belge de Malacologie
75516: Journals - The Veliger - Volume 45 (2002)
61103: journals - Notiziario SIM 1987 - Year 6 issues 1-12
58491: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58489: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58488: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58487: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58485: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58231: journals - Filatelia n
58381: journals - Bollettino della R
11092: journals - Bulletin of the American Malacological Union for 1981
36064: journals - The Veliger vol
61041: journals - Issues 1, 3 and 4 of "Leaflets in malacology" a journal published by S
64672: journals - The Nautilus vol
65564: Journals - Argonauta - Journal of Malacology year 1 n
65984: Journals - Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 37(1-2) (1905)
74814: Journals - Miscellanea Malacologica vol
74819: journals - Visaya Vol
66236: Journals - Xenophora Taxonomy - Suppl
75381: Journals - The Veliger - Volume 44 (2001)
75378: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
75373: Journals - Miscellanea Malacologica vol
75368: Journals - Novapex - Trimestriel de la Société Belge de Malacologie
75365: Journals - Apex - Informations scientifiques de la Société Belge de Malacologie
75362: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
75363: Journals - Apex - Informations scientifiques de la Société Belge de Malacologie
75355: Journals - The Veliger - Volume 43 (2000)
75356: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
75358: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
75332: Journals - Novapex vol
75328: journals - Bollettino Malacologico
75326: journals - The Journal of Molluscan Studies
75327: journals - The Journal of Molluscan Studies
75321: journals - The Nautilus
75313: Journals - Basteria, vol
75312: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
75311: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
75245: journals - The Nautilus
75246: journals - The Nautilus
75305: Journals - Basteria, vol
75297: Journals - Iberus, vol
75298: Journals - Basteria, Suppl
75304: Journals - Basteria, vol
75293: Journals - Basteria, vol
75258: journals - World Shells, issue n
75330: journals - Iberus - Revista de la Sociedad Espa–ola de Malacología
75238: journals - World Shells, issue n
75230: journals - The Nautilus
75218: journals - World Shells, issue n
75220: Journals - 4 spare issue of "Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom": vol
75242: journals - Notiziario CISMA - Anno XVII (1995)
57792: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 13 fasc
75510: journals - World Shells - Issue n
75511: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
15253: journals - The Nautilus - vol
65679: Journals - Argonauta - Journal of Malacology year 1 n
60168: journals - The Nautilus
75703: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin del 'Association Française de Conchyliologie
74926: journals - American Malacological Bulletin from vol
58459: journals - Boletin de Fomento - Organo del Ministerio de Fomento [Costa Rica]
66793: Journals - Vita Malacologica No
65516: Journals - Venus - The Japanese Journal of Malacology, vol
64819: Journals - Malacologia Mostra Mondiale n
64813: Journals - Issue n
64817: Journals - Malacologia Mostra Mondiale n
64818: Journals - Malacologia Mostra Mondiale n
71462: Journals - Xenophora Taxonomy 32 (2021)
71463: Journals - Xenophora Taxonomy 33 (2021)
67269: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
65704: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
47759: journals - Shells for you - Issue n 9 (Aug 1986)
60164: journals - The Nautilus
70010: Journals - Vita Malacologica No
48348: journals - Bullettino Malacologico Italiano - Anno I - 1868 - n 6
76043: Journals - Xenophora Taxonomy 43 (April 2024)
63625: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 13 fasc
75465: Journals - Apex - Informations scientifiques de la Société Belge de Malacologie
57808: journals - Atti Reale Accademia d'Italia - Rendiconti Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matmatiche e Naturali, ser
57807: journals - Atti Reale Accademia d'Italia - Rendiconti Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matmatiche e Naturali, ser
75116: journals - Notiziario CISMA - Anno XVI (1994)
58603: journals - Journal of Paleontology vol 51 n 5 (1977)
76371: journals - The Nautilus vol
76372: journals - The Nautilus vol
65067: Journals - Malacologia Mostra Mondiale n
74257: journals - Visaya Vol
58360: Journals - Report of Imperial Bureau of Fisheries - Scientific Investigations volume II (1913)
58383: journals - Bollettino della R
68175: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
58329: journals - Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie Band 41 Heft 3, Leipzig, Hirzel, 1924
58330: journals - Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie Band 49 Heft 2, Leipzig, Hirzel, 1932
58333: journals - The University of Colorado Studies vol 27 n 4 (General Series n
65151: Journals - Club Conchylia Informationen 38(3-4) (2006)
74971: Journals - Vita Marina - issue 47(1) [2001]
61294: journals - Notiziario SIM 1984 - Year 2 issues 1-12
69718: journals - Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana, vol
70001: Journals - Conchylia 51 (3-4) (2021): 112 pp
75039: Journals - Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia, anno VIII issue IV
74797: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
73999: journals - Of Sea and Shore
60273: journals - Southern California Academy of Sciences Bulletin
69246: journals - The Nautilus vol
60030: journals - Conchiglie - Notiziario del Conchiglia Club - Unione Malacologica Italiana
57820: Journals - Alexanor - Revue des Lépidoptéristes français tome 14 fasc
64715: journals - Club Conchylia Informationen 39 (1/2)
57444: journals - Basteria - year 1988 (vol
61067: journals - The Nautilus
25592: journals - The Nautilus vol
75514: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
72757: journals - The Journal of Molluscan Studies - vol
72942: Journals - Vita Malacologica No
73256: journals - Malacologia - International Journal of Malacology
73695: journals - Gloria Maris vol 43(4) [Sept
73696: journals - Gloria Maris vol 42(4-5) [Nov
73698: journals - Gloria Maris vol 40(6) [Apr
73770: journals - Notiziario CISMA Journal of "Centro Italiano Studi Malacologici" - Anno 2 n
73771: journals - Notiziario CISMA Journal of "Centro Italiano Studi Malacologici" - Anno 2 n
73772: journals - Notiziario CISMA Journal of "Centro Italiano Studi Malacologici" - Anno 3 n
73773: journals - Notiziario CISMA Journal of "Centro Italiano Studi Malacologici" - Anno 6 n
73839: journals - World Shells; In 4to, all in color, pp
73840: journals - World Shells; In 4to, all in color, pp
7867c: journals - Argamon
7867d: journals - Argamon
60563: Joyce J., - Dedalus
61789: Joyce J., - Dedalus
63778: Joyce J.A., - Gente di Dublino
64032: Józwiak P., Rewicz T. & Pabis K., - Taxonomic etymology - in search of inspiration
60056: Jsrdine N., - A logical basis for biological classification
34875: Juan Ramon Jimenez, - La stagione totale con le canzoni della nuova luce
29644: Jucci C., - Contributi critici alla storia della sericoltura
34401: Judd S.D., - The food of nestling birds
54510: Judd S.D., - Birds as weed destroyers
23353: Judson S., - Archaeology and the natural sciences
23352: Judson S., - William Morris Davis - an appraisal
74215: Jukes-Browne A.J., - The Fossils of the Warminster Greensand
72195: Jukes-Browne A.J., - Synopsis of the family Veneridae (part 1 & 2)
51305: Julius Wiesner - Beiträge zur Kenntnis des photochemischen Klimas des Yellowstone-Gebietes und einiger anderer Gegenden Nordamerikas
51307: Julius Hann - Der tägliche Gang der Temperatur in der äu§eren Tropenzone
51258: Julius Wiesner - Julius Wiesner Mikroskopische Untersuchung alter ostturkestanischer und anderer asiatischer Papiere nebst histologischen Beiträgen zur mikroskopischen Papieruntersuchung
51202: Julius Wiesner - Untersuchungen über das photochemische Klima von Wien, Cairo und Buitenzorg (Java) 94 pages with 3 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 2
51294: Julius Hann - Der tägliche Gang der Temperatur in der Inneren Tropenzone 118 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
51315: Julius Hann - Der tägliche Gang der Temperatur in der äu§eren Tropenzone
51455: Julius Hann - Untersuchungen über die tägliche Oszillation des Barometers
51214: Julius Tandler - Zur Vergleichenden Anatomie der Kopfarterien bei den Mammalia 108 pages with 8 plates and 17 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 14
51205: Julius Wiesner - Beiträge zur Kenntnis des photochemischen Klimas im arktischen Gebiete 34 pages with 4 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 23
51270: Julius Hann - Die Meteorologie von Wien nach den Beobachtungen an der K
62826: Jull R.K., - Septal development during hystero-ontogeny in the Ordovician tabulate coral Foerstephyllum
73595: Jun-yuan C., Si-ping T. & Ting-en C., - Late Cambrian cephalopods of North China - Plectronocerida, Protactinocerida (ord
70302: Jung P., - Fossil Pleurotomaria and Haliotis from Barbados and Carriacou, West Indies
70837: Jung P., - Zwei Miocaene Arten von Aturia (Nautilaceae)
62897: Jung C.G., - La psicologia dell'inconscio
61690: Jung, P. - Judaphos, a new genus of buccinid gastropod from the Neogene of Costa Rica
66674: Jung C., - Psicologia dei fenomeni occulti
6118: Jung P., - Der Status zweier von Peter Merian beschriebener Arten von Gastropoden
72555: Jung P., - Revision of the Strombina-group (Gastropoda: Columbellidae), Fossil and Living: Distribution, Biostratigraphy, and Systematics
73437: Jung P., - Neogene paleontology in the northern Dominican Republic
73438: Jung P. & R. E. Petit, - Neogene Paleontology in the northern Dominican Republic 10
71826: Jungbluth J.H., - Deutsche Namen für einheimische Schnecken und Muscheln
69499: Jungbluth J.H. & Wiese V., - Bibliographie der Arbeiten über die Binnenmollusken von Schleswig-Holstein
53775: Jungbluth J.H., Likharev I.M. & Wiktor A., - Vergleichend morphologische Untersuchungen an der Radula der Landnacktschnecke
76137: Jungbluth J.H., Coomans H.E. & Grohs H., - Bibliographie der Flussperlmuschel Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus 1758)
75859: Jungbluth J.H., Willecke S. & Haldemann R., - Bibliographie der Arbeiten über die
71754: Jungbluth J.H. & Bürk R., - Bibliographie der Arbeiten über die Mollusken in Baden-Württemberg mit Artenindex und biographischen Notizen - Malakozoologische Landesbibliographien II
53116: Jungbluth H. , Likharev I. M. & Wiktot A., - Vergleichend morphologische Untersuchungen an der Radula der Landnacktschnecken
49519: Junge G.C., - Colymbus admasii Gray, een nieuwe volge voor Nederland
29392: Jurasek V., Hernandez N.L., Castellanos M.A., - Eficacia de algunos cesticidas en aves
75062: Jurberg P., - The shell structure of Astraea olfersi (Gastropoda, Turbinidae)
70728: Jurberg P., - Sobre Auris bilabiata melanostoma (Moricand, 1836) (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Bulimulidae)
76582: Jäger M., - Das Maastricht in Nordwestdeutschland
51433: K. Linsbauer - Studien über die Regeneration des Sprossvegetationspunktes 32 pages with 6 plates and 2 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 21
37585: K. Ramakrishna Rao, - Parapsicologia sperimentale - Esposizione e interpretazione
19827: Kaas P., - Chitons procured by the CANCAP I-VII expeditions, 1976 - 1986, [Est Atlantic]
19830: Kaas P., - A new species of Leptochiton Gray 1847 from the South Barbados accretionary prism
5290: Kaas P., - Notes on Loricata 16
5288: Kaas P., - Notes on Loricata 10
15450: Kaas P., - Notes on Loricata 15: A remarkable anomaly in Tonicella lineata
66330: Kaas P. & Van Belle R., - Catalogue of living chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora)
5291: Kaas P., - New species and further records of known species of Polyplacophora from the tropical western Pacific
69086: Kaas P., - Chitons (Mollusca:Polyplacophora) from the Seychells with description of a new species
69085: Kaas P., - Notes on Loricata 11-14
17221: Kaas P., - New species and a new genus of chitons from Polynesian coral reefs
65176: Kaas P., - Leptochiton species of the Musorstom 1 (1976) and 2 (1980) Philippines expeditions
67884: Kaas P., - Chitons procured by the French Benthédi-Expédition, 1977 and the MD 32-Réunion-Expédition, 1982 in the southwestern Indian Ocean
11506: Kaas P., - Particulazona milnei gen
65114: Kaas P., - Notes Loricata 8
69057: Kabasakal H., Demircan B. & Kabasakal O., - A photographic survey of opisthobranch gastropods (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia) from the northeatsen Marmaric littoral
67920: Kabat A., - Molluscan types of the Albatross Expeditions to the eastern Pacific described by W
69373: Kabat A., Finet Y., - Catalogue of the Neritidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) described by Constant A
65032: Kabat A. R., - Predatory ecology of naticid gastropods with a review of shell boring predation
61739: Kabat A., Finet Y. & Way K., - Catalogue of the Naticidae described by C A Recluz, including the location of the type specimens
65033: Kabat A.R., - Species of Naticidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) described by Linnaeus in the Systema Naturae (1758)
60334: Kabat A.R., - Maurice Cossmann, paleontologist: a bibliography
65030: Kabat A.R., - The classification of the Naticidae: review and analysis of the supraspecific taxa
67576: Kabat A.R., - Biogeography of the genera of Naticidae (Gastropoda) in the Indo-Pacific
15548: Kabat A., - Correct family names for the freshwater "muteloid" bivalves (Unionoida: Etheroidea)
65081: Kabat A., - Biogeography of the genera of Naticidae (Gastropoda) in the Indo-Pacific
60241: Kabata Z., - Ecology of the genus Acanthochondria Oakley (Copepoda Parasitica)
68451: Kadolsky D., - Die vorpliozänen Littorinidae und Lacunidae Mitteleuropas
61409: Kafanov, A.I., K. Ogasawara and Y. Noda. - Neogene and Paleogene molluscan (Bivalvia) cenozones of the Russian northeast
61408: Kafanov, A.I., K. Ogasawara and Y. Noda. - Cenozoic molluscan (Bivalvia) cenozone of Hokkaido, northern Japan
35716: Kafanov A.I. & Lutaenko K.A., - New data on the bivalve mollusc fauna of the North Pacific Ocean
68867: Kafanov A.I. & Lutaenko K.A., - New data on the bivalve mollusc fauna of the North Pacific Ocean
73671: Kafanov A.I., - Paleogene-Neogene bivalves of the Far East and Eastern Paratethys
62677: Kafka F., - I racconti di Kafka
69786: Kafka F., - La metamorfosi
62070: Kafka F., - Il processo
66180: Kafka F., - Le metamorfosi
58245: Kagawa F., - A study of the phylogeny of some species in Triticum and Aegilops, based upon the comparison of chromosomes
68653: Kahlbrock S. & Lorenz F., - Spindelkauris des nördlichen Roten Meeres (Gastropoda: Ovulidae)
59586: Kahn J., - Poltergeist
58680: Kahn D., - La guerra dei codici
65005: Kaicher s.d. - Card catalogue of world-wide shells
76638: Kaicher S.D., 1984- - Kaicher Cards
69907: Kaicher S.D., 1979- - Card catalogue of world-wide shells
65004: Kaicher s.d. - Card catalogue of world-wide shells
76358: Kaicher S.D., 1973- - Card catalogue of world-wide shells
21385: Kain J.M., - The biology of Laminaria hyperborea IX: Growth pattern of fronds
21882: Kain J.M., - The biology of Laminaria hyperborea - VIII: Growth on cleared areas
31209: Kain J. M. & Svendsen P., - A note on the behaviour of Patina pellucida in Britain and Norway
38064: Kain J. M., - Aspects of the biology of Laminaria hyperborea
70433: Kaiser P., - Über den Fund einer neuen Buccinidae (Mollusca), Echinosipho aculeatum gen
68366: Kakabadze M.V. & Thieuloy J.P., - Ammonites hétéromorphes du Barrémien et de l'Aptien de Colombie (Amérique du Sud)
74630: Kaltenbach H., - Ergebnisse zoologisch-geologischer Sammelreisen in NO-Afrika
70765: Kaltenbach H., - Ergebnisse zoologisch-geologischer Sammelreisen in NO-Afrika
64544: Kaltenbach H., - Die Salzseen (Sebecken) und ihre Mollusken-Faunen, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Cardien
70422: Kaltenbach H., - Die Conchylienfauna des Heiligenstädter Mergellagers
72918: Kambe N., - On the Myophorians from the Miharai-yama Group in Hyogo Prefecture
51513: Kametaro Ohara - Über die Verwendung des Aschenbildes für die Bestimmung technisch verwendeter Hölzer 20 pages with 2 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 8
64246: Kamiya S., Shimamoto M. & Takashi Hashimoto T., - Allozyme Analysis of Japanese Semisulcospira Species (Gastropoda: Pleuroceridae) Reveals That Lake Biwa Endemic Species are not Monophyletic
60305: Kampa, E.M., Abbott, B.C. & Boden B.P., - Some aspects of vision in the lobster, Homarus vulgaris, in relation to the structure of its eye
71133: Kanakoff G.P. & McLean J.H., - Recognition of the cancellariid genus Neadmete Habe, 1961, in the west American fauna, with description of a new species from the Lomita Marl of Los Angeles County, California
72396: Kanie Y., - Succession of the cretaceous patelliform gastropods in the northern Pacific region
27733: Kanna B., - Genetic Studies in Impatiens Balsamina L
71802: Kanno S., - Fossil and Recent Species of the Cultellid Molluscs from Japan
71425: Kanno S., - Faunal analysis of the molluscan fauna from the raised beach deposits of Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture
66761: Kantor Y. & Bouchet P., - Anatomy and systematics of Ceratoxancus a genus of deep-water Ptychatractinae (Gastropoda: Turbinellidae) with labral spine
15508: Kantor Y.I. & Harasewych M.G., - Morphology of the digestive system of Volutomitra alaskana Dall, 1902, with notes on a possible mechanism of feeding
64195: Kantor Y.I. & Harasewych M.G., - Obscuranella papyroides, a new genus and species of abyssal tonnoidean Gastropod from Antarctica
76605: Kantor Y. & Bouchet, P., - A deep-sea Amalda (Gastropoda: Olividae) in the north-eastern Atlantic
72860: Kantor Y.I. & Harasewych M.G., - Antarctica, where turrids and whelks converge: A revision of Falsimohnia Powell, 1951 (Neogastropoda: Buccinoidea)
75869: Kaplan U., Kennedy W.J. & Wright C.W., - Turonian and Coniacian Scaphitidae from England and North-Western Germany
59936: Kapp C., - La memoria dello spazio
58035: Kapp C., - L'arma del Caos
64320: Kapp C., - Gli orrori del transfinito
66808: Karaytug S. & Boxshall G.A., - The Paracyclops fimbriatus-complex (Copepoda,
51450: Karl Höfler - Eine plasmolytisch-volumetrische Methode zur Bestimmung des Osmotischen Wertes von Pflanzenzellen 72 pages with 2 plates and 5 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 12
51340: Karl Rechinger - II
51377: Karl Rechinger - IV
51438: Karl Schnarf - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Samenentwicklung der Labiaten 64 pages with 2 Doppelplates and 34 illustratrions, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 25
51410: Karl Toldt - Äu§erliche Untersuchung eines Neugebornen Hippopotamus Amphibius L
51362: Karl Holdhaus - Über die Colepteren- und Molluskenfauna des Monte Gargano
51391: Karl Toldt - Über die äuszere Körpergestalt eines Fetus von Elephas Maximus (=Indicus) L
51408: Karl Rechinger - VI
51302: Karl Rudolph - Psaronien und Marattiaceen
51317: Karl Rechinger - I
51351: Karl Rechinger - III
51387: Karl Hillebrand - Die dynamische Theorie der Gezeiten auf einem maclaurin«schen Ellipsoid 42 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 19
51249: Karl Koss und Emerich Graf Thun-Hohenstein - Kimmtiefen-Beobachtungen zu Verdulla 82 pages with 13 plates and 6 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 4
51237: Karl Koss - Zeit- und Orts-Bestimmungen
51231: Karl Koss - Kimmtiefen-Beobachtungen Expedition S
69302: Karlin E.J. & Naegele J.A., - Biology of the Mollusca of Greenhouses in New York State
65456: Karmadharaya, - Chiromanzia
51826: Karny, H., - Dodecas Conocephalidarum novarum
71489: Karrow P.F., Clarke A.H., & Herrington H.B., - Pleistocene Molluscs from Lake Iroquois deposits in Ontario
63454: Kartas F., - Regime alimentaire des especes du genre Lepidotrigla Gunther 1860 (Pisces, Osteichthyes) de la Mer Catalane
54790: Karzel R., - Experimentelle Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Heterotrophie von Holz und Rinde bei Tilia sp
72938: Kase T., - Mode of life of the Silurian uncoiled gastropod semitubina sakoi n
73782: Kase T., - Reinterpretation of Brunonia annulata (Yokoyama) as an Early Cretaceous Carinariid Mesogastropod (Mollusca): In 4to, offp
73784: Kase T. & Shigeta Y., - New Species of Patellogastropoda (Mollusca) from the Cretaceous of Hokkaido, Japan and Sakhalin, Russia
56621: Kaser P., - Eduard Degner (1886-1979)
72701: Kasi T., Miyauchi T. & Amano K., - A new specie of the family Ungulinidae from Wakkanai, Hokkaido, Japanm
16573: Kasyanov V.L. - Reproductive strategies of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) and Echinodermata
66132: Kat P.W., - Hybridization in a unionid faunal suture zone
12121: Kat P.W. & Davis G.M., - Molecular genetics of peripheral populations of Nova Scotian Unionidae (Moll
62362: Kataoka J., - Bryozoan fauna from the "Ryukyu Limestone" of Kiksi-jima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan
65299: Katz D.S., - La tradizione occulta - dal Rinascimento a oggi: templari, massoni, rosacroce, teosofi, seguaci della New Age, fondamentalisti
72381: Kauffman E.G. & Pope J.K., - New species of Ringicula from the upper Cretaceous of Huerfano County, Colorado, and remarks on the "Pugnellus sandstone" (Codell Sandstone member, Carlile Shale)
73024: Kauffman E. & Buddenhangen C., - Protandric sexual dimorphism in Paleocene Astarte (Bivalvia) of Maryland
73472: Kauffman E.G., - Middle and late Turonian oysters of the Lopha lugubris group
4570: Kaufmann R., - Beitrag zur subfossilen Molluskenfauna der Islas del Rosario, Kolumbien
71978: Kautsky F., - Die Bivalven des niederösterreichischen Miocäns (Taxodonta und Veneridae): mit einem Beitrag zur Frage der Entstehung der Arten
60547: Kay E.A. & Schoenberg-Dole O., - Shells of the Hawaii
71192: Kay A.E., - The littoral marine Mollusca of Fanning Island
12120: Kay E.A., - The Aplysiidae of the Hawaiian Islands
59977: Kaye M.M., - Padiglioni lontani
74568: Kazmi Q.B. & Tirmizi N.M., - On two species of Armina: A
28139: ke Granmo, Hernroth B., Lindahl O., - Marine bivalve farming - a sustainable food production
61948: Keable S.J. & Bruce N.L., - Redescription of the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Species of Natatolana (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae)
18320: Keats D.W., - Refugial Laminaria abundance and reduction in urchin grazing in communities in the nort-west Atlantic
11270: Keble R.A. & Benson W.N., - Graptolites of Australia: Bibliography and history of research
39568: Keeble L. B., - Structure of the City
63464: Keeley L.S. & Newman W.A., - The Indo-West Pacific Genus Pagurolepas (Cirripedia, Poecilasmatidae) in Floridan Waters
3196: KEEN A.M., - West American mollusk types in the British Museum (Natural History)
3197: KEEN A.M., - West american mollusk types at the British Museum (Natural History)
29403: Keen A. M., - Outline of a proposed classification of the pelecypod family Cardidae
6926: Keen M., - New mollusks from Tropical West America
70884: Keen A.M. & Doty C.L., - An annotated chek list of gastropods of Cape Arago, Oregon
27468: Keen M., - Marine Molluscan genera of Western North America - An illustrated key
6921: Keen A.M., - A new gastropod of the genus Episcyna Mörch
23388: Keen M. & Campbell G.B., - Ten new species of Typhinae
70082: Keen M., - Catalogue and revision of the gastropod subfamily Typhinae
10324: Keen A.M., - Notes on the history of Nemocardium (family Cardiidae)
10325: Keen A.M., - The molluscan names in Renier's "Tavole"
2488: KEEN A.M., - West american mollusk types at the British Museum (Natural History)
60928: Keen A.M. & Morton J.E., - Some new African species of Dendropoma (Vermetidae)
70598: Keen M., - Five new species and a new subgenus in the pelecypod family Cardiidae
6923: Keen A.M. & Frizzell D.L., - Illustrated key to West North American pelecypod genera
72807: Keen A.M., - A quantitative analysis of molluscan collections from Isla Espiritu Santo, Baja California, Mexico
73204: Keen M., - Marine Molluscan genera of Western North America - An illustrated key
35142: Keffer C. A., - Tree planting in waste places on the farm
71391: Keilhack K., - Die Gastropodenfauna einiger kalkhaltiger Alluvialbildungen Norddeutschland
73307: Keli H., - Illustrated Handbook of Marine Mollusks in China
66592: Kellas J.G., - Nazionalismi ed etnie
34782: Keller A., - Cenni generali sull'agro padovano
34781: Keller A., - Del sale comune ossia cloruro di sodio nei terreni agrarj, Padova, Coi tipi di G B
29038: Kellerer H., , - Il libro della statistica
23168: Kelley H. & Kelley A.,, - Gisement moustiéren nouvellement découvert a La Cave
62706: Kellogg R., - Description of the Skull op Megaptera miocaena, a Fossil Humpback Whale from the Miocene Diatomaceous Earth of Lompoc, California
58544: Kellogg M. - Japanese Junk (Longitudinal Section)
58545: Kellogg M. - Japanese Junk (Two view)
58546: Kellogg M. - Japanese boat
75945: Kellum L.B., - Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Castle Hayne and Trent marls in North Carolina
48554: Kelly Jones & Kamal Islam, - Selection of song perches by Cerulean Warblers
72438: Kelly S.R.A., - Bivalvia of the Spilsby Sandstone and Sandringham Sands (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) of Eastern England
37466: Kelner-Pillaut S., - Les abeilles fossiles
67099: Kemper E., - Einige neue, biostratigraphisch bedeutsame Arten der Ammoniten-Gattung Dichotomites (Nordwest-Deutschland, Obervalangin)
76305: Kemperman T.C. & Coomans H.E., - Studies on West Indian marine molluscs 1: Risomurex mosquitensis, a new Caribbean species, with remarks on the status of the genus Risomurex (Muricidae)
8774: Kemperman C.M. & Gittenberger E., - New subspecies of Albinaria contaminata (Rossmässler, 1835) (Gastropoda Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) from the Ionian island of Kephallinia, Greece
15861: Kempermann T.C. & Gittenberger E., - On morphology, function and taxonomic importance of the shell ribs in Clausiliidae with special reference to those in Albinaria
18865: Kempf S.C. & Todd C.D., - Feeding potential in the lecithotrophic larvae of Adalaria proxima and Tritonia hombergi: an evolutionary perspective
76419: Kempf E.K., - Mollusken aus dem Holstein-Interglazial des Niederrheingebietes
75410: Kendrick G.W., Sedwick H. & Smith B.I., - The rediscovery of Helix georgiana Quoy and Gaimard, 1832 (Mollusca: Gastropoda) at Pemberton and the discovery of a related species in the Stirling Range, Western Australia
60058: Kenk V.C. & Wilson B.R., - A new mussel (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) from hydrothermal vents in the Galapagos rift zone
5309: Kennard A.S., - List of the British non-marine mollusca
6934: Kennard A.S. & Woodward B.B., - List of British non-marine mollusca
6933: Kennard A.S., - List of the British non-marine mollusca
76594: Kennedy W.J., Cooper M.R. & Wright C W., - On Ammonites galliennei d'Orbigny, 1850
76547: Kennedy W.J., Cobban W.A. & Landman N.H., - Two species of Placenticeras (Ammonitina) from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) of the Western Interior of the United States
73965: Kennedy W.J. & Hancock J.M., - Towards a correlation of the Cenomanian sequences of Japan with this of North-West Europe
76596: Kennedy W.J. & Klinger H.C., - Cretaceous faunas from Zululand and Natal, South Africa
76609: Kennedy W.J. & Henderson R.A., - Heteromorph ammonites from the Upper Maastrichtian of Pondicherry, south India
76610: Kennedy W.J. & Henderson R.A., - Non-heteromorph ammonites from the Upper Maastrichtian of Pondicherry, south India
76573: Kennedy W.J. & Klinger H.C., - Cretaceous faunas from Zululand and Natal, South Africa
76574: Kennedy W.J., Klinger H.C. & Summesberger H. - Cretaceous faunas from Zululand and Natal, South Africa
76567: Kennedy W.J., Wright C.W. & Klinger H.C., - Cretaceous faunas from Zululand and Natal, South Africa
76548: Kennedy W.J., Landman N.H. & Cobban W.A., - The Maastrichtian ammonites Coahuilites sheltoni Böse, 1928, and Sphenodiscus pleurisepta (Conrad, 1857), from the uppermost Pierre shale and basal Fox Hills formation of Colorado and Wyoming
76576: Kennedy W.J. & Klinger H.C., - A new genus and species of Gastroplitinae from the Mzinene Formation (Albian)
18097: Kennedy J.J. & Keegan B.F., - The encapsular developmental sequence of the mesogastropod Turritella communis
76570: Kennedy W.J., Hancock J.M. & Christensen W.K., - Albian and Cenomanian ammonites from the island of Bornholm (Denmark)
72198: Kennedy G.L., - A marine invertebrate faunule from the Lindavista formation, San Diego, California
73739: Kennelly D.H., - Marine shells of Southern Africa
73808: Kennett J.P., - Recognition and correlation of the Kapitean Stage (Upper Miocene, New Zealand)
72646: Kensley B., - Seashells of Southern Africa
52318: Kensley B. & Penrith M.L., - New records of Mytilidae from the Northern south west african coast
75054: Kensley B. & Penrith M-L., - The constitution of the intertidal fauna of rocky shores of Moçamedes, southern Angola
72192: Kensley B., - The status of the Plio-Pleistocene Panopea in Southern Africa (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Hiatellidae)
75588: Kent B.W., - Patterns of coexistence in busyconine whelks
68201: Keqing C., - A note on the findings of fossil Cetacea in China
39553: Kerkin N., - The social needs of the City
62646: Kern G., - Le missioni d Capitan Ken libero agente spaziale
53351: Kerney M.P., - European distribution maps of Pomatias elegans (Müller), Discus ruderatus (Ferussac), Eobania vermiculata (Müller) and Margaritifera margaritifera (Linné)
64700: Kerney M.P., - Snails and man in Britain
64115: Kerouac J., - Il dottor Sax
60971: Kerouac J., - Sulla strada
58350: Kerr J.G., - Presidential address, 1909 - I: Remarks upon certain points connected with evolutionary thery: II: The devolopment of the peripheral nerves of vertebrates
19763: Kershaw R.C., - Redescription of Cystopelta petterdi and Cystyopelta bicolor (Pulmonata: Cystopeltidae)
54644: Kessel, J. F. - Methods of Obtaining Amoeba-Free Rats for Experimental Infection with Intestinal Amoebae + Experimental infection of culture rats and mice with the common intestinal amoeba of man
56368: Kesteven H.L., - Studies on Tunicata No 1
12133: Khan H.R. & Saleuddin A.S.M., - Neurofilaments of the neurosecretory cells of a snail
6939: Kiauta B. & Butot J.M., - Notes on cytology of Rissoacea II
72182: Kiel S., Bandel K., & Perrilliat M.C., - New gastropods from the Maastrichtian of Mexcala Formation in Guerrero, southern Mexico, part II: Archaeogastropoda, Nerithimorpha and Heterostropha
72777: Kiel S., - Shell structures of selected gastropods from hydrothermal vents and seeps
72877: Kiel S. & Aranda-Manteca F.J., - The gastropods of the Coralliochama beds on Punta Banda (Late Cretaceous, northwestern Mexico) and a reconstruction of their paleoenvironment
63739: Kiener, A., - Les mangroves du globe
63403: Kiener A. & Schachter D. - Polymorphisme d'Aphanius fasciatus Nardo, 1827, (Poisson Cyprinodontidae) des eaux saumatres (populations de Corse et de la lagune italienne de Comacchio)
24245: Kienitz-Gerloff F., - Methodik des Botanischen Unterrichts
73682: Kilburn R.N., - Turridae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of southern Africa and Mozambique
74484: Kilburn R., - Taxonomic studies on the marine Mollusca of southern Africa and Mozambique
56162: Kilburn R.N., - Turridae (s l) (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Southern Africa and Mozambique - Part
74160: Kilburn R. N. & Dijkstra H. H., - A new species of Pecten Müller, 1776, from South Africa , with a note on 'Pecten sulcicostatus var
73684: Kilburn R.N., - Turridae of southern Africa and Mozambique - Part 3: Subfamily Borsoniinae
74246: Kilburn R.N., - Turridae (s
60777: Kilburn R.N., - The genus Limea Bronn, 1831 in southern Africa (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Limidae)
75926: Kilburn R.N., - The protobranch genera Jupiteria, Ledella, Yoldiella and Neilo in South Africa, with the description of a new genus (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Nuculanoidea)
75806: Kilburn R.N., - Turridae (s
51713: Kilburn R.N., - Turridae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of southern Africa and Mozambique
60769: Kilburn R.N., - The genus Canalispira Jousseaume, 1875 in southern Africa (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Marginellidae)
14700: Kilburn R.N., - Description of four new neogastropods of superfamilies Muricoidea and Conoidea from South Africa
56684: Kilburn R.N., - E
69162: Kilburn R.N., - The Limidae of South Africa and Mozambique genera Limaria, Limatula, Divarilima, Ctenoides and Fukama
64569: Kilburn R.N., - Notes on some South African Ancillinae with descriptions of five new species of Amalda (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Olividae)
73522: Kilburn R.N., - The family Epitoniidae in southern Africa and Mozambique
73502: Kilburn R. & Rippey E., - Sea Shells of Southern Africa
73864: Kilburn R.N., - Notes on some deep-water Volutidae, Turbinellidae and Turridae chiefly from off southern Moçambique and Natal, with descriptions of two new species (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
75584: Kilias R., - Sonderdruck aus dem Urania Tierreich, Band: Wirbellose Tiere 1 - Stamm Mollusca - Weichtiere
75857: Kilias R., - Originalmaterial im Zoologischen Museum Berlin zu den von S
73669: Killeen I.J., Seddon M.B. & Holmes A.M., 1998 (Eds.) - Molluscan conservation: A strategy for the 21st century
409: Killian C. - Mesures écologiques sur des végétaux types du Fouta-Djallon (Guinée Française) et sur leur milieu, en saison sèche
72022: Kilpper K., - Xenohelix Mansfield 1927 aus der miozänen Niederrheinischen Braunkohlenformation
59622: Kilworth G., - La legge dei Soal
72837: Kim Y., Jin Y.K. & Nam S.H., - Crustal structure of the Shackleton Fracture Zone in the Southern Drake Passage, Antarctica
76474: Kindle E.M., - The Devonian fauna of the Ouray limestone
66785: King S., - I lupi del calla
18609: King P.A., McGrath D. & Gosling E.M., - Reproduction and settlement of Mytilus edulis on a exposed rocky shores in Galway Bay, Wedst coast of Ireland
67245: King M.L., - Autobiografia
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