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Click on booknumber for full information
73353: King P.B., - Carta geológica de la parte septentrional de la Repoeblica Mexicana
68966: Kingsbury D., - Geta
69569: Kinkel T., - Il tocco di Venere
70222: Kinkelin F., - Die Tertiärletten end -Mergel in der Baugrube des Frankfurter Hafens
32125: Kinne O. (Ed.), - Marine Ecology, a Comprehensive, Integrated Treastise on Life in Oceans and Coastal Waters, volume 1, Environmental Factors, part 1
68740: Kinzelbach R., - Lesseps'sche Wanderung: neue Stationen von Muscheln
64773: Kinzelbach R., - Die Wassermollusken des Naturschutzgebietes "Hördter Rheinaue"
49703: Kipling C., - A salt spring in Borrowdale [Cumbria, England]
76286: Kirk E. & Amsden T.W., - Upper Silurian Brachiopods from Southeastern Alaska
72944: Kirk E., - Pycnodesma a new molluscan genus for Silurian of Alaska
73267: Kirkaldy J.F., - Geological Association Guide n
73883: Kirkaldy J.F., - Fossils in colour
60555: Kirkegaard, J. B. - Deep-sea polychaetes from north-west Africa, including a description of a new species of Neopolynoe (Polynoidae)
59066: Kirkegaard J.B., - Bathyal benthic polychaetes from the NE Atlantic Ocean, SW the British Isles
12306: Kisch B.S., - Astropecten irregularis precieux auxiliaire du malacologiste
10336: Kisselev G.N., - The systematic position of the early Paleozoic mollusk "Cyrtholithes" corniculum (Eichwald, 1860) (Xenoconchia, Toxeumophorida)
73975: Kitchin F.L., - The invertebrate fauna and palaeontological relations of the Uitenhage series
58762: Kitching, J. A. & Ebling, F. J., - Ecological studies at Lough Ine
15768: Kitikoon V., - Studies on Tricula aperta and related taxa, the snail intermediate hosts of Schistosoma mekongi
66388: Kittel K. & Hirschfelder H.J., - The Genus Albinaria Vest 1867 in Crete - a comprehensive and updated survey of all known taxa (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae)
73968: Kittel K. & Hirschfelder H.-J., - The family Clausiliidae on the Peloponnese Peninsula, Greece - a comprehensive and updated survey of all known taxa with description of seven new subspecies (Gastropoda: Pulmonata), In 4to, hardcover, pp
68419: Kittel K., - Die Weichtierfauna mittelalterlicher und frühneuzeitlicher Ruinen Unterfrankens
76051: Kittl E., - Ueber die miocenen Pteropoden von Oesterreich-Ungarn mit Berücksichtigung verwandter Vorkommnisse der Nachbarländer
61366: KJERSCHOW-AGERSBORG H.P., - The morphology of the nudibranchiate mollusc Melibe (syn
61695: KJERSCHOW-AGERSBORG H.P., - The sensory receptors and the structure of oral tentacles of the nudibranchiate mollusk Hermissenda crassicornis
70915: Klaappenbach M.A. & Olazarri J., 1965- - Notas sobre Streptocheilidae (Moll
71553: Klappenbach M.AS., - Uns nueva especie de Cyclodontina del Uruguay (Gastr
23564: Klappenbach M.A., - Consideraciones sobre el genero Olivancillaria y descripcion de dos neuvas especies de aguas Argentinas y Uruguayas
23588: Klappenbach M.A., - Nueva Olivella de la costa brasile–a del Estado de San Pablo
71368: Klappenbach M.A. & Olazarri J., - Notas sobre Strophocheilidae (Moll
72898: Klapper G. & Foster C.T. jr., - Shape analysis of Frasnian species of the late Devonian conodont genus Palmatolepis
54835: Klaptocz B., - Ergebnisse der mit Subvention aus der Erbschaft Treitl unternommenen zoologischen Forschungsreise Dr Franz Werner's in den ägyptischen Sudan und nach Nord-Uganda - Cestoden aus Fischen, aus Varanus und Hyrax In 8vo, no wrappers, pp 24 with 1 pl
71332: Klebs R., - Beitrag zur Kenntniss fossiler Conchylien Ostpreussens
74024: Kleemann K.K., - Lithophaga (bivalvia) from dead coral from the great barrier reef, Australia
62745: Kleemann K., - Coral Associations, Biocorrosion, and Space Competition in Pedum spondyloideum (Gmelin) (Pectinacea, Bivalvia)
57342: Kleemann K. & Maestrati P., - Pacific Lithophaga (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) from recent French expeditions with the description of two new species
60848: Kleier G., - L'ultimo giorno
26150: Klein H.I., - Handbuch der Allgemeinen Himmelbeschreibung nach dem Standpunkte der astronomischen Wissenschaft am Schlusse des 19 Jahrhunderts
60218: Klein G., - I signori della guerra
55916: Klein Ludwig, - Bau und Verzweigung einiger dorsiventral gebauter Polypodiaceen
62030: Klein J.C., - Campagne de la Calypso au large des côtes atlantiques de l'Amérique du Sud (1961-1962) - 11 - Mollusques lamellibranches : Lucinacea
74645: Klemm W., - Gastropodenfauna Kärntens
074: Klimas J.E. & Cunningham J.A., - Wildflowers of Eastern America
76566: Klinger H.C. & Kennedy W.J., - Cretaceous faunas from Zululand and Natal, South Africa
60055: Kluge A.G. & Farris J.S., - Quantitative phyletic and the evolution of anurans
54856: Knett J., - Verhalten der Karlsbader Thermen während des vogtländisch-westböhmischen Erdbebens im October-November 1897
60141: Knick, S. T. - Ecology of bobcats relative to exploitation and a prey decline in southeastern Idaho
60096: Knight, R. L. - The Sun River elk
59357: Knight D.M., - Natural science books in English, 1600-1900
68618: Knight-Jones P., Knight-Jones E.W., Kawahara T. & Heller J., - A review of the Genus Janua, including Dexiospira (Polychaeta : Spirorbinae)
58605: Knight-Jones P. & Knight-Jones E.W., - Taxonomy and ecology of British Spirorbidae (Polychaeta)
72200: Kniker H.T., - Comanchean and Cretaceous Pectinidae of Texas
64885: Knipper H. & Meyer K.O., - Biologische und anatomische Betrachtungen an ostafrikanischen Ellobiiden (Moll
69381: Knox G.A., - A rock bottom fauna from 80 fathoms off Banks Peninsula [New Zealand]
6945: Knudsen J., - Three Sepiolidae new to the Eastern Mediterranean (Mollusca: Cephalopoda)
61128: Knudsen J., - Marine prosobranchs of tropical West Africa (Stenoglossa)
75816: Knudsen J., - Three bathyal prosobranchs (Gastropoda) from the Southeast Asian waters
74686: Knudsen J., - Catalogue of main marine fouling organisms - vol
67931: Knudsen J., - Observations on Antisabia foliacea (Quoy & Gaimard, 1835) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Prosobranchia,Hipponicidae) from off Rottnest Island, Western Australia
52305: Knudsen, J., - Observations on Calyptraea calyptraeformis (Lamarck, 1822) (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda) from Rottnest Island, Western Australia
12114: Knudsen J., - Tremoctopus violaceus Delle Chiaje, 1830 new to the Eastern Mediterranean
71694: Kobayashi T. & Ichikawa K., - The Triassic fauna of the Heki formation in the province of Tamba (Kyoto Prefecture) Japan, In 8vo, offp
75371: Kobayashi T. & Horikoshi M., - Indigenous Aturia and some tropical gastropods from the Miocene of Wakasa in West Japan
71394: Kobayashi I., - Microscopical observations on the shell structure of Bivalvia part I Barbatia obtusoides (NYST)
71660: Kobayashi T. & Suzuki, K., - Non-marine shells of the Jurassic Tetori series in Japan
72202: Kobayashi T. & Inoue E., - Gigantic Aturia from the Karatsu coal-field in North Kyushu
72203: Kobayashi T., - On an Aturia from (?) Kusu County, Oita Prefecture, Kyushu
64474: Kobelt W., - Fauna Japonica Extramarina
70070: Kobelt W., - Cyclophoridae
74947: Kobelt W., - Illustriertes Conchylienbuch
66346: Kobelt W., - Land- und Süsswasserkonchylien [Indonesia]
62493: Kobelt W., - Fauna der Nassauischen Mollusken
70657: Kobelt W., - Die erdgeschichtliche Bedeutung der lebenden Najadeen
67422: Koch C., - Missione 1962 del Prof
66504: Koch F.R., - Die Tenebrioniden des Sudlichen Afrikas
74169: Koch H.J., - A review of the South African representatives of the genus Patella Linnaeus
73268: Koch Clausen C. & Wignall P.B., - Early Kimmeridgian bivalves of northern England
66864: Koehler J., Glaw F. & Vences M., - First record of Mabuya comorensis (Reptilia: Scincidae) for the Madagascan fauna, with notes on the reptile fauna of the offshore island Nosy Tanikely
25598: Koehler R., - Ophiurans of the Philippines seas and the adjacent waters
64995: Kohn A.J., - Venomous marine snails of the genus Conus
61426: Kohn A.J., - Type specimens and identity of the described species of Conus
76001: Kohn A.J. & Robertson R., - The Conidae (Gastropoda) of the Maldive and Chagos Archipelagoes
66167: Kohn A.J., - Evolutionary ecology of Conus on Indo-Pacific coral reefs
64930: Kohn A., - Tempo and mode of evolution in Conidae
5323: Kohn A.J., - Chronological analysis of the species of Conus described during the 18th century
28560: Kohn A.J., - Chemoreception in Gastropod molluscs
27096: Kohn A., - Paintings of paralectotypes? Conus of the Museum Ludovicae Ulricae
65868: Kohn A.J. & Orlans G.H., - Ecological data in the classification of closely related species
65077: Kohn A., - Microhabitat factors affecting abundance and diversity of Conus on coral reefs
74239: Kohn A.J., - Environmental complexity and species diversity in the gastropod genus Conus on Indo-West Pacific reef platforms
72656: Kohn A.J., - Environmental complexity and species diversity in the gastropod genus Conus on Indo-West Pacific reef platforms
74091: Kojima S., Fujikura K. & Okutani T., - Multiple trans-Pacific migrations of deep-seavent/seep-endemic bivalves in the family Vesicomyidae
72005: Koken E., - Eurydesma und der Eurydesmen-Horizont in der Saltrange
61557: Kollmann J., [1876] - Die Cephalopoden in der Zoologischen Station des Dr
72725: Kollmann H.A., - Gastropoden aus den Losensteiner Schichten der Umgebung von Losenstein (Oberösterreich)
65285: Kolosimo P., - Ombre sulle stelle
68952: Kolosimo P., - Cittadini delle tenebre
65357: Kolosimo C., - Interpreta i tuoi sogni
62361: Kon'no E., - Some Cycadocarpidium and Podozamites from the Upper Traissic formartions in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan
15379: Kondo Y., - Samoana of the Society Islands (Partulidae)
51112: Konrad Natterer - Chemische Untersuchungen im östlichen Mittelmeer
51128: Konrad Natterer - Chemische Untersuchungen im östlichen Mittelmeer
51229: Konrad Natterer - Chemische Untersuchung von Wasser- und Grundproben, welche Regierungsrath Prof
64870: Kool H.H., - Nassarius coriolis sp
75179: Kool H.H., - Nassarius tangaroai spec
75197: Kool H.H., - Nassarius cernohorskyi spec
64184: Kool S.P., - Phylogenetic analysis of the Rapaninae (Neogastropoda: Muricidae)
76526: Kool H.H., - On the identity of Nassarius vitiensis (Hombron & Jacquinot in Rousseau, 1854), N
75279: Kool H.H. - Nassarius boucheti spec
6953: Kool H.H., - Nassarius (Plicarcularia) moolenbeeki n
57971: Kool S.P., - Nassarius biendongensis spec nov from the South China Sea
59054: Koontz D.R., - Strangers
64263: Koontz D.R., - Carne nella fornace
59162: Koontz D.R., - Quando scendono le tenebre
61827: Koontz D., - L'uomo che amava le tenebre
74202: Kormos T., - Die pleistocäne Molluskenfauna des Kalktuffes von Konto
71140: Kormos T., - Zwei neue Gastropoden aus dem ungarischen pleistozän
71336: Kormos T., - Ueber die Fauna des Susswasserkalkes von Mencshely
71745: Kormos T., - Campylaea banatica (Partsch)
29217: Kornicker L.S. & Caraion F.E., - West Africa Myodocopid Ostracoda (Cyprinidae, Philomedidae)
16049: Korringa P., - On the nature and function of 'chalky' deposits in the shell of Ostrea edulis
12212: Kosuge S., - On an abnormal specimen of Unio japanensis Lea (Pelecypoda, Mollusca) with remarks on its generic position
64414: Kosuge S. & Oliverio M., - A new coralliophiline species from the Southwest Pacific (Neogastropoda, Muricidae, Coralliophilinae) In 8vo, original wrappers, pp
65047: Kosuge S., - Description of a new species of ecto-parasitic snail on fish + Report on the family Turridae collected along the North-western coast of Australia
10366: Kosuge S., - On the transfer of "Phymorhyncus?" tenuis Okutani, 1966 to the family Buccinidae
10375: Kosuge S. & Ishiyama S., - Description of a new subspecies of Buccinum from the East China Sea
65050: Kosuge S., - Descriptions of two new species of the genus Morum with remarks on the reent species from Philippine + Studies on the collection of Mr
65068: Kosuge S. & Dan V., - Illustrations of marine Mollusca from Philippines (2) - Family Conidae (II)
69917: Kosuge S. & Dan V., - Studies on the collection of Mr
70719: Kosuge S., - Anatomical study of Diala goniochila (A
67462: Kotsakis T., Palombo M.R. & Petronio C., - Mammuthus chosaricus e Cervus elaphus del Pleistocene superiore della Via Flaminia, Roma
59117: Kotsakis T., - Revisione sistematica e distribuzione stratigrafica e geografica del genere Cynodictis Bravard & Pomel (Carnivora, Mammalia)
59102: Kotsakis T., - Due nuovi Trionyx capellinii Negri (Testudinata, Trionychyidae) dell'Eocene di Monte Bolca (Verona, Italia)
61004: Kotsakis T., - Vertebrati insulari e Paleogeografia: alcuni esempi
61002: KOTSAKIS T., - Les Trionychidae (Testudinata, Reptilia) fossiles de l'Italie
18105: Koutsikopoulos C., Dorel D. & Desaunay Y., - Movement of sole (Solea solea) in the Bay of Biscay: coastal environment and spawning migration
61289: Koutsoubas D., Koukouras A., Karakassis I., Doumas C., 1992. - Contribution to the knowledge of Gastropoda and Bivalvia (Mollusca) of Crete Island (S
61922: Koutsoubas D. & Cinelli F., - Indo-Pacific origin gastropod species in the Aegean Sea
20910: Koutsoubas D. & Koukouras A., - An account of our knowledge on the opisthobranch mollusc fauna of the Aegean Sea
65515: Kovalis M., - The variability of Harpa amouretta (Rödingm 1798) (Gastropoda: Harpidae) in the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea)
64859: Kovalis M. & Korkos D., - Murex forskoehlii mediterranea: a new subspecies from the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea
65480: Kowalke T. & Reichenbacher B., - Early Miocene (Ottnangian) Mollusca of the Western Paratethys-ontogenetic strategies and palaeo-environments
64751: Kowalkowski A. Berger L., - Paleomalacological analysis in investigations on development of soils in Holocene
67684: Kowalkowski A. & Berger L., - Subfosylna malakofauna jako wskaznik pedogenezy w holocenie
66954: Koyré A., - Mystiques, spirituels, alchimistes: Schwenckfeld, Séb
31016: Krabbe K.H., - Histologische und embryologische untersuchungen uber die zirbeldruse des menschen
60060: Kraemer L.R. & CM. Swanson, - Functional morphology of 'eyespots' of mantle flaps of Lampsilis (Bivalvia: Unionacea): Evidence for their role as effectors, and basis for hypothesis regarding pigment distribution in bivalve mantle tissues
73128: Kramp P.L., - The Medusae of tropical west coast of Africa
29634: Krasa F.C., - Die Entwickelungsgeschichte des urogenitalsystems beim maulwurf (Talpa europaea)
50917: Krasser F., - Untersuchungen über das Vorkommen von Eiweiss in der pflanzlichen Zelhautm nenbst Bemerkungen über den microchemischen Nachweis deis Eiweisskörper
70145: Krassnoff P.N., - L'odio
70146: Krassnoff P.N., - Tutto passa
54049: Kratzmann E., - Zur physiologischen Wikung der Aluminium-salz auf die Pflanze
28730: Kraus B.S., - The Basis of Human Evolution
74203: Krause P.G., - Über einen neuen Fundpunkt jungdiluvialer Konchylien aus Ostpreu§en
60271: Krause, D. W. - Multituberculates from the Wasatchian Land-Mammal Age, early Eocene, of western North America
75517: Krause H., - Untersuchungen zur Anatomie und Ökologie von Lithoglyphus naticoides (C
70262: Krause P.G., - Über Fusus trilineatus Sow
60113: Kravitz M.J. & Jones H.R., - Systematics and Ecology of Benthic Phyllodocidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) off the Columbia River, U
57733: Kraybill H.F. (Ed.), - Biological Effects of Pesticides in Mammalian Systems
74221: Kreipl, K., Poppe, G., Man In't Veld, L. & De Turck, K., - A conchological iconography - Family Strombidae
75306: Kreipl K. & Lorenz F., - Carrier Shells - Garbage Collectors of the Oceans - A Portrait of the Gastropod Family Xenophoridae
70169: Krejci-Graf K. & Wenz W., - Landschnecken aus dem südrümanischen Pliocän
32954: Kreps J.P., - An annotated checklist of Northsea marine bivalve molluscs
32016: Kress A., - A structural analysis of the spermatophore of Runcina ferruginea Kress (Opisthobranchia: Cephalaspidea)
33799: Kress A., - A scanning electron microscope study of notum structures in some dorid nudibranchs (Gastropoda: Opistobranchia)
69630: Kress N., - Porta sullo spazio
65584: Krieg E., - La guerra nel deserto vol
72995: Kriwet J., - Pycnodont fishes (Neopterygii, fPycnodontiformes) from the Lower Cretaceous of U–a (E-Spain) with comments on branchial teeth in pycnodontid fishes
62851: Kriz J. & Lukes P., - Color patterns on Silurian Platyceras and Devonian Merista from the Barrandian area, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia
54045: Krner-Marilaun F., - Das Wärmebild der Quellen eines Bergabhangs in den Alpen
41429: Kroeber A. L., - Mission Indian basketry designs
74875: Kronenberg G.C. & Dekker H., - A new specie of Cotonopsis Olsson, 1942, from an unexpected locality (Gasropoda Prosobranchia: Columbellidae)
74512: Kronenberg G.C., - A review of the Personidae Gray, 1854, with the description of Distorsio ventricosa sp
70293: Kronenberg G.C., - Born's strombs (Mollusca: Gastropoda), with some notes on Strombus succinctus Linnaeus, 1767
70371: Kronenberg G. & Dharma B., - New distributional records for four species of Stromboidea (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Australasia
74886: Kronenberg G.C., - Distorsio perdistorta Fulton from Angola with some remarks on Atlantic Personidae (Gastropoda)
63578: Kronenberg G. & Berkhout J., - Strombidae
74915: Kronenberg G.C. & Dekker H., - Cotonopsis vanwalleghemi Kronenberg & Dekker, 1998, a junior synonym of Strombina phuketensis Kosuge, Roussy & Muangman, 1998, with some notes on the general position and colour patterns (Gastropoda Prosobranchia: Columbellidae)
70434: Kronenberg G.C., - Revision of Euprotomus Gill 1870 - 1
71398: Kronenberg G. & Vermeij G., - Terestrombus and Tridentarius, new genera of Indo-Pacific Strombidae, with comments on included taxa on shell characters in Strombidae
70396: Kronenberg G.C., - Revision of Euprotomus Gill, 1870
50915: Kronfeld M., - Ueber den Blüthenstand der Rohrkolben
68864: Kruglov N.D. & Soldatenko E.V., - A revision of the genus Segmentina (Planorbidae)
24672: Kruglov N.D. & Starobogatov Y.I., - Guide to recent molluscs of northern Eurasia 3: Annotated and illustrated catalogue of species of the familiy Lymnaeidae of Palearctic and adjacent river drainage areas - part 2
68866: Krylova E.M., - New taxa anf the system of recent representative of the family Poromyidae (Bivalvia, Septibranchia, Poromyoidea)
67845: Krylova E.M., - Septibranchiate molluscs of the family Poromyidae (Bivalvia: Poromyoidea) from the tropical western Pacific Ocean
35717: Krylova H.M. & Moskalev L.I., - Ectenagena extenta, a new species of vesicomyid bivalve from Monterey Bay, California
24676: Krylova H.M., - Bivalve mollusca of the genus Bathynearea(Cuspidariidae) of the world ocean
71558: Ku er L., - Prispevek k poznavanju podzemskih gastropodov Dalmacije in Hercegovine
70744: Ku er L., - Höhlen- und Quellenschnecken aus dem Flu§gebiet der Ljubljanica
54787: Kubart, B., - Die organische Ablösung der Korollen nebst
75982: Kubodera T., - Cephalopod fauna in Tosa Bay, western Japan
56276: Kues B.S., - Polyplacophora from the Salem Limestone (Mississippian) in central Indiana
63278: Kues B.S. & Kietzke K.K., - A large assemblage of a new eurypterid from the Red Tanks Member, Madera Formation (Late Pennsylvanian-Early Permian) of New Mexico
72501: Kues B.S. & Batten R.L., - Middle Pennsylvanian gastropods from the Flechado Formation , north - central New Mexico
68937: Kuhn O., - Die Ammoniten des fränkischen Calloviums
65919: Kuijper W.J., - Kwartaire land- en zoetwatermollusken uit een boring bij Brielle, Nederland
11512: Kuijper W.J., - De grondwaterslak Bythiospeum husmanni (Boettger, 1963) in Nederland (Gastr
65918: Kuijper W.J., - Palaeontological investigation of a brackish-marine late holocene deposit at Wervershoof (province of North-Holland, The Netherlands)
34297: Kuiper J.G., - Zwei neue boreale Pisidium-Arten: P
53283: Kuiper J.G., - Die Pisidien der Hochalpengewasser
20209: Kuiper J.G., - The Sphaeriidae of Australia
76420: Kuiper J.G.J., - Die spätpleistozänen Pisidien des ehemaligen Aschersiebener Sees In 8vo, offp
68516: Kuiper J.G. - Zur Frage der geographischen Unterarten bei Pisidien, insbesondere bei Pisidum personatum Malm
53001: Kuiper J.G., - Etude critique de Pisidium vincentianum
3767: Kuiper J.G., - Notesa sur le Pisidium rambottianum Adami et sur la presence de Pisidium pseudosphaerium Benthem Jutting & Kuiper en Italie
68896: Kuiper J.G. & Hinz W., - Zur Fauna der Kleinmuscheln in den
6959: Kuiper J.G., - De verspreiding der Sphaeriidae in Nederland
63461: Kuiter, R. H., - Seahorses and their Relatives
27785: Kumar B.A., - Foulers, borers, and parasites associated with Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston) cultured in Ashtamudi Lake, Kerala, India
64805: Kummel B., - The lower Triassic formations of the Salt Range and Trans-Indus ranges, West Pakistan
76329: Kummel B., - American Triassic coiled nautiloids
34107: KUNZE, C.F. , - Compendium der praktischen Medicin
63717: Kurc G., Faure L. & Laurent T., - Essais d'un nouveau type de chalut équipé d'un dispositif de sélectivité pour la pêche des crevettes
59535: Kurland M., - L'unicorno scomparso
69398: Kuroda T. (Ed.), - Illustrated catalogue of japanese shells
74038: Kurosawa Y., - Buprestid-fauna of Eastern Asia (4) (Coleoptera)
69519: Kurozumi T., Tsuchida E. & Sasaki T., - Brief observations of Patelloida chamorrorum on the Southern Mariana Islands
22675: Kurtén B., - Not from the apes
57384: Kurtz V.E., - Upper Cambrian Acrotretidae from Missouri
75468: Kurtz V.E., - Franconian (upper Cambrian) trilobite faunas from the Elvins Group of Southeast Missouri
67743: Kuster-Wendenburg E., - Die Gastropoden aus dem Meeressand (Rupelium) des Mainzer Tertiärbeckens
60719: Kuster H.C., 1853- - Die Gattung Littorina
59495: Kuttner H., - Furia
68865: Kuznetsov, A.G. & Schileyko, A.A., - New data on Enidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) of Nepal
30203: Kvicala B.A., Smrz J., AcostaL., - Algunos experimentos con el mosaico y el virus del sorgo blanco Sorghum volgare Pers
31754: Kvicala B., Smrz J. & Blanco N., - El virus del mosaico de la Vigna unguiculata, Walp
71696: Kühn O., - Das Alter der Prominaschichten [Croatia] und der innereozänen Gebirgsbildung
31647: Kühn O., - Das Austreiben der Holzgewächse und seine Beeinflussung durch äubere Faktoren
51026: Kühnelt W., - Die litorale Landtierwelt ostalpiner Gewässer
74205: Kühnelt W., - Versuch einer Deutung der Schalenformen der Congerien
72833: Kyle P.R. & Jezek P.A., - Compositions of three tephra layers from the Byrd station ice core, Antarctica
72834: Kyle P., Dibble R., Giggenbach W. & Keys J., 1982. - Volcanic activity associated with the anorthoclase phonolite lava lake, Mt
72838: Kyle P.R., - Volcanic geology of the Pleiades, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
71623: Künkel K., - Ein bisher unbekannter, grundlegender Faktor für die Auffindung eines Vererbungsgesetzes bei den Nacktschnecken
76366: Künkel K., - Zur Biologie von Eulota fruticum Müller
50703: KÄSTNER A., KRUMBIEGEL A. + KRENDL F., - Sekundäres Dickenwachstum von Spro§ und Wurzel bei annuellen Dicotylen
70289: Käufel F., - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der spanischen Clausiliiden, gesammelt von Dr
70237: Käufel F., - Beiträg zur Kenntnis der tertiären Clausiliiden des inneralpinen Wiener Beckens
39455: König, B. Emil (1920 ca) - Ausgeburten des Menschenwahns im Spiegel der Hexenprozesse und der Autodafés Eine Geschichte des After- und Aberglaubens bis auf die Gegenwart, historische Schandsäulen des Aberglaubens
28996: König J.K., - Johann Karl König's Droguerie-, Spezerei- und Farb-Waaren-Lexikon
63498: Körmendi F., - Incontrarsi e dirsi addio
68415: Körnig G., - Die Landschneckenfauna Mecklenburgs (Gastropoda)
51319: L. de Ball - Theorie der Drehung der Erde 58 pages 13 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 31
51283: L. Weinek - Die Lehre von der Aberration der Gestirne 68 pages with 34 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 18
51399: L. von Portheim - Über den Einfluss von Temperatur und Licht auf die Färbung des Anthokyans
58724: L.aurence Wells A., - The Observer's Book of Sea Fishes
61678: La Perna R., - On Asperarca Sacco, 1898 (Bivalvia, Arcidae) and two new Mediterranean species
37468: La Greca M., - Il differenziamento specifico e subspecifico delle popolazioni appenniniche di Cophopodisma
74499: La Perna R., - Limopsis tenuis Seguenza, 1876, a poorly known mediterranean bivalve (Arcoida, Limopsidae)
74533: La Perna R., - A new Mediterranean Skeneoides (Gastropoda, Skeneidae) from a shallow-water cave
74538: La Perna R., - Taxonomy of the family Neilonellidae (Bivalvia, Protobranchia): Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene species of Pseudoneilonella Laghi, 1986 from Italy
74539: La Perna R., - Tube-dwelling in Gastrochaena dubia (Bivalvia): ecological requirements, functional morphology and structure of the crypt
67333: La Greca M., - Le Sphodromantis propriamente dette dell'Africa Occidentale e Centrale (Insecta, Mantodea)
67334: La Greca M., - Sulle Sphodromantis del gruppo viridis dell'Africa Settentrionale e Occidentale (Mantoidea)
57605: La Rosa U., - I Fenici in Sicilia
69321: La Greca M., - Punti di vista sulla storia del popolamento animale e vegetale delle Apuane, emersi in occasione del XVI Congresso della Società Italiana di Biogeografia
58958: La Duca R. (cur.), - Sicilia - Vespro: VII centenario (1282-1982): ristampa anastatica dell'edizione del 1882 a cura di G
71779: La Rocque A., - Tertiary Mollusks of Central Utah
54015: La Piana F. & Sparacio I., - Le dune e gli ambienti umidi costieri della Sicilia tra passato, presente e futuro
23571: LA ROCQUE A., - The molluscan fauna of Meach Lake, Quebec
69319: La Greca M., - Considerazioni sulla origine del popolamento faunistico pugliese
69214: La Greca M., - Su alcuni Blarttoidei ed Ortotteri di Tripolitania
69215: La Greca M., - Su alcuni Mantodei dell'Australia e delle Filippine
74480: La Perna R., - Crenella rosariae sp
69222: La Greca M., - Nuovo contributo alla conoscenza delle Sphodromantis dell'Africa Occidentale e Centrale (Insecta, Mantodea)
69221: La Greca M., - Su alcuni Mantodei dell'Africa centrale con descrizione di una prima specie aficana di Hierodula
69219: La Greca M., - Su due specie di Mantodei dell'Australia
57683: La Duca R., - Memoria iconografica del '700 palermitano - La città rivisitata in stampe d'epoica - Catalogo della mostra 6-11 aprole 1991
72353: La Perna R., - Revision of Leda erctensis, Leda striatella, Leda trigona, Leda gibba, with taxonomic and biogeographic comments on Jupiteria (Bivalvi, Protobranchia)
69320: La Greca M., - Considerazioni sul popolamento faunistico della Sila
55599: La Mantia V., - Sulla legislazione e giurisprudenza di Sicilia nel secolo XIX
66261: La Perna R., Ceregato A. & Tabanelli C., - Mediterranean Pliocene protobranchs: the genera Jupiteria Bellardi, 1875, Ledella Verril & Bush, 1897 and Zealeda Marwick, 1924 (Mollusca, Bivalvia)
61674: La Perna R., - Pleistocene and Recent Mediterranean species of Granulina (Gastropoda, Marginellidae), with description of four new species
61919: La Perna R., - Pteromeris jozinae van Aartsen, 1985 (Bivalvia, Carditidae) from the Lower Pleistocene of Sicily
61580: La Perna R., - The identity of Nucula perminima Monterosato, 1875 and Yoldia striolata Brugnone, 1876 (Bivalvia: Protobranchia)
58781: La Duca R. (ed.), - Memoria iconografica del '700 palermitano, la citta rivisitata in stampe d'epoca
69081: Lacaze-Duthiers H., - Mémoire sur l'anatomie et l'embryologie des vermets (Vermetus triqueter et V
62118: Lacordaire A.L., - Notice sur l'origine et les travaux des manufacture de tapisserie et de tapis réunies aux gobelins et catalogue des tapisseries qui y sont exposées
16887: LACOURT A.W., - Die marine mollusken van Ameland
61667: Lacroce L. & Repetto G., - Prima segnalazione di Euspira grossularia (Marche-Marchad, 1957) per il Pliocene Piemontese
65283: Lad V., - Ayurveda
75769: Ladd H.S., - Eocene mollusks from Eua, Tonga
64611: Ladd H. S., - Brackish-water and marine assemblages of the Texas Coast, with special reference to mollusks
70558: Ladd H.S., - Chitons and gastropods (Haliotidae through Adeorbidae) from the Western Pacific Islands
62880: Laerm J., - On the origin of rhipidistian vertebrae
67978: Lafferty R.A., - Dieci storie dell'altro mondo
63350: Lagabrielle J., - Contribution à l'étude anatomique, histologique et embryologique du thymus chez les téléostéens
59213: Laghi G. & Russo F., - Struttura ed architettura delle piastre di Chiton olivaceus Spengler (Polyplacophora Mollusca)
67093: Laghi G.F., - Sorprendente densità di Chiton saeniensis n
63878: Lagler K.F., Bardach J.E. & Miller R.R., - Ichthyology: the study of fishes
10390: Laidlaw F.F., - Notes on species of the genus Amphidromus (Moll
10391: Laidlaw F.F., - Notes on the collection of land-mollusca made by dr
19269: Laing I., Child A.R. & Janke A., - Nutritional value of dried algae diets for larvae of Manila clam (Tapes philippinarum)
71308: Lais R., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der badischen Molluskenfauna
18756: Lake N.C., Jones M.B. & Paul J.D., - Crab predation on scallop (Pecten maximus) and its implication for scallop cultivation
29764: Lal Sethi M., - Contributions to the Life-history of Equisetum debile, Roxb
64519: Lalli C., - Morphology of Crucibranchaea macrochira (Meisenheimer), a gymnosomatous pteropod
66093: Lalouette C., - Il romanzo di Thutmosis, il grande faraone
52390: Lam, K. & B. Morton - Hong Kong's subtidal oysters (Bivalvia: Ostreidae and Gryphaeidae)
58510: Lamberton C., - L'amour parental et l'istinct de la perennité de l'espèce chew les vertébrés
63886: Lameere A., - Précis de zoologie - Tome VI, fasc
63885: Lameere A., - Précis de zoologie - Tome VI, fasc
57977: LAMMENS J.J., - The morphology of the centrral nervous system of Macoma balthica
76440: Lamotte M. & Valdez M., - Hipotesis sobre el mantenimento del polimorfismo en las poblaciones naturales del mollusco gasteropodo terrestre Cepaea nemoralis
64554: Lamotte M., - Distribution en France des divers systèmes de bandes chez Cepaea nemoralis L
66742: Lamotte M. & Ohler A., - Révision des espèces du groupe de Ptychadena stenocephala (Amphibia, Anura)
74165: Lamprell K.L. & Kilburn R.N., - The recent Spondylidae of South Africa and Mozambique, with the description of a new species (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Pectinoidea)
67844: Lamprell K.L. & Healy J.M., - Spondylidae (Bivalvia) from New Caledonian and adjacent waters
73488: Lamprell K. & Whitehead T., - Bivalves of Australia - Volume 1
74912: Lamprell K.L. & Kilburn R.N., - The genera Lioconcha and Pitar in South Africa and Mozambique, with descriptions of three new species (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Veneridae) + Lioconcha and Pitar species from the Mascarene and Andaman Islands, with a note on Pitar bucculentus (Roemer, 1862) (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Veneridae)
63746: Lamprell K., - Spiny oyster shells of the world - Spondylus
72759: Lamprell K.L. & Healy J.M., - A revision of the Scaphopoda from Australian waters
64865: Lams H., - Les globes polaires de l'oeuf d'Arion empiricorum (Fér
54500: Lamson-Scribner F., - Sand-binding grasses
6973: Lamy E. & Fischer-Piette E., - Notes sur les espèces lamarckienne de Venus s
6974: Lamy E. & Fischer-Piette E., - Note sur les espèces lamarckienne de Paratapes et de Tapes s
6977: Lamy E. & Fischer-Piette E., - Notes sur les espèces lamarckiennes d'Amygdala et de Pullastra
69152: Lamy E., - Voyage de M
65296: Lamy D. & Pointier J.-P., - Marine and Freshwater Molluscs of the French Caribbean
37034: Lamy E., - Notes sur les espèces Lamarckiennes de Katelysia (Moll
64555: Lamy E., - Quelques mots sur la lithophagie ches le gastéropodes
9046: Lamy E. & Fischer-Piette E., - Notes sur les espèces lamarckiennes de Callista
9047: Lamy E. & Fischer-Piette E., - Notes sur les espèces lamarckiennes d'Amiantis, d'Hysteroconcha et de Lioconcha (Moll
63024: Lancaster I. & Wigham G.D., - Influences on movement and migration in the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus
19331: Lance J.R., - New Panamic nudibranchs from the Gulf of California
58290: LANCISI Johannis Mariae. - De motu cordis et aneurysmatibus
18108: Land M.F., Marsahall N.J. & Diebel C., - Tracking of blue lights by hyperiid amphipods
47686: Land, Hans & Hauptmann, Carl, - Ja - die Liebe und Einfältige - Eine Studie im Doppelbd
64844: Landau, B., Kronenberg, G.C. & Da Silva, C.M., - A new species of Lobatus (Caenogastropoda, Strombidae) from the Neogene of the Dominican Republic, with notes on further species from the Dominican assemblages
64845: Landau B., - The Nassariidae (Mollusca: Buccinoidea) from the Lower Miocene Cantaure Formation of Venezuela
64167: Landau B., Beu A. & Marquet R., - The Early Pliocene Gastropoda (Mollusca) of Estepona, Southern Spain Part 5: Tonnoidea, Ficoidea
75537: Landau B.M., van der Voort J. & Janssen A.W., - Notes on gastropod taxa (Mollusca) introduced by Millet de la Turtaudière (1827-1866), with an analysis of their possible validity today, with an additional note on the publication date of Nyst ('1881')
68925: Landau B.M. & Marquet R., - "The genus Cymbium (Gastropoda, Volutidae) in the Iberian Neogene
67592: Landau B. & Marques da Silva C., - The Early Pliocene Gastropoda (Mollusca) of Estepona, Southern Spain Part 10: Marginellidae, Cystiscidae
67593: Landau B. & Marques da Silva C., - The Early Pliocene Gastropoda (Mollusca) of Estepona, Southern Spain Part 12: Cancellarioidea
64165: Landau B.M. & LaFollette P.I., - The Pyramidellidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Miocene Cantaure Formation of Venezuela
69350: Landau B. M., Ceulemans L. & Van Dingenen F., - The upper Miocene gastropods of northwestern France, 4
33233: LANDAU, TAYLOR & WRIGHT EDS,, - The mosaic of economic growth
69725: Landau B. & Lozouet P., - The genus Heteroninella (Gastropoda, Turbinidae) from the Lower Pliocene of Estepona, southern Spain
75535: Landau B.M. et al., - Additions to the gastropods of the middle Miocene (Serravallian) Karaman Basin, Turkey
76210: Landau B., Beu A. & Marquet R., - The early Pliocene Gastropoda (Mollusca) of Estepona, southern Spain
75637: Landau B.M.,Van Dingenen F. & Ceulemans L., - The Upper Miocene gastropods of northwestern France
65443: Landau B.M. & Jansen A., - Additions to the gastropod fauna of ther Pliocene of Estepona, southwestern Spain, 1 - Two new vetigastropod records
62517: Landau B., - Sincola (Sinaxila) isabelae nov
74944: Landau B. Harzhauser M. & Giannuzzi-Savelli R., - The Pliocene Gastropoda (Mollusca) of Estepona, southern Spain
67591: Landau B. & Marques da Silva C., - The Early Pliocene Gastropoda (Mollusca) of Estepona, Southern Spain Part 8: Olividae
75536: Landau B.M., Van Dingenen F. & Ceulemans L., - The upper Miocene gastropods of northwestern France 1
75538: Landau B.M. & Jansen A., - Additions to the gastropod fauna of the Pliocene of Estepona, southwestern Spain, 3
68367: Landau B.M., Merle D., Ceulemans L. & Van Dingenen F., - The Upper Miocene gastropods of northwestern France, 3
70012: Landau B.M., Ceulemans L. & Van Dingenen F., - The upper Miocene gastropods of northwestern France, 6
72114: Landau B. & Da Silva C.M., - Early Pliocene gastropods of Cubagua, Venezuela: Taxonomy, Palaeobiogeography and Ecostratigraphy
72175: Landau B.M., Micali P., Van Dingenen F. & Ceulemans L., - The upper Miocene gastropods of northwestern France, 7
72999: Landau B., La Perna R. & Marquet R., - The Early Pliocene Gastropoda (Moll) of Estepona, southern Spain, Part 6: Triphoroidea, Epitonioidea, Eulimoidea
73001: Landau B., Da Silva C.M. & Gili C., - The Early Pliocene Gastropoda (Mollusca) of Estepona,Southern Spain - Part 8: Nassariidae
73004: Landau B., Marquet R. & Grigis M., - The Early Pliocene Gastropoda (Mollusca) of Estepona, Southern Spain
73005: Landau B., Marquet R. & Grigis M., - The Early Pliocene Gastropoda (Mollusca) of Estepona, Southern Spain
73007: Landau B., da Silva C.M. & Mayoral E., - The Lower Pliocene gastropods of the Huelva Sands Formation, Guadalquivir Basin, Southwestern Spain
24524: Landim A.D., Brandft S.A., Paniago E., Texeira E.C. & Santos H., - Elasticidade de substituiç‹o no comercio internacional de cacau
55356: Landini D., Rolla F., Penso M. Maia A., & Albanese D., - Phase transfer catalysis (PTC): a powerful tool for the organic synthesis
59211: Landini W. & Menesini E., - Una nuova forma di Teleosteo (Tavania crotonensis n
59210: Landini W. & Menesini E.. - L'ittiofauna plio-pleistocenica della sezione della Vrica (Crotone-Calabria)
66702: Landini P., - Il tè - Monografia geografico-economica
72884: Landman N.H., - Exceptionally well-preserved ammonites from the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian-Santonian) of North America : implications for ammonite early ontogeny
73904: Landra G., Cecca F. & Vasicek Z., - Early Aptian ammonites from the top of the Maiolica and the anoxic "Selli level" (Lombardy, Southern Alps)
48498: Landsberg G., - Sur un nouveau dévelopment de la fonction gamma qui contient la série de Stirling et celle de Kummer
57959: Lane Fox R., - Alessandro Magno
62878: Lane N.G., - Upper Permian crinoids from Djebel Tebaga, Tunisia
31708: Lane D.J.W., Nott J.A. & Crisp D.J., - Enlarged stem glands in the foot of the post-larval mussel, Mytilus edulis: adaptation for bysso-pelagic migration
58672: Lane C.F., - I mercanti di Venezia
73130: Lang K., - Tanaidacea from Tropical West Africa
22768: Lange J.E., Lange M., Duperrex A. & Hansen L., - Guide des champignons
64094: Lange M., - I platani
63113: Langton R.W., - Synchrony in the digestive diverticula of Mytilus edulis L
34403: Langworthy C.F., - The value of potatoes as food
54928: Lansdown A.B.G., - The origin and early development of the clavicle in the quail (Coturnix c
75727: Lanza B. (cur.), - Dizionario del Regno Animale
67891: Lanza B. et al., - Vertebral number in Batrachuperus persicus, genus Neurergus and Turkish Triturus (Amphibia Caudata)
68092: Lanza B., Arntzen J.W. & Gentile E., - Vertebral numbers in the Caudata of the Western Palaerctic (Amphibia)
67609: Lanza B., - Il genere Coluber in Somalia e descizione di una nuova specie (Reptilia, Serpentes), In 8vo, offp
66926: Lanza B., Pastorelli C. & Cimmaruta R., - A review of systematics, taxonomy, genetics, biogeography and natural history of the genus Speleomantes Dubois, 1984 (Amphibia Caudata Plethodontidae)
66774: Lanza B. & Brizzi R., - The lizard of Piana di Cavallo Island (Southeastern Corsica) Podarcis muralis contii subsp
66735: Lanza B. & Brizzi R., - On two new Corsican microinsular subspecies of Podarcis tiliguerta (Gmelin, 1789)
66935: Lanza B., Lotti S. & Catelani T., - Amphibia Anura donated by Benedetto Lanza to the Museo di Storia Naturale, University of Florence
68507: Lanzer R., - Rasterelektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an Gundlachia crequii (Bavay, 1904) (Basommatophora: Ancyiidae)
62117: Lanzoni P., - Geografia economica commerciale universale
57546: LAPIERRE D. & COLLINS L., - Gerusalemme
59615: Lapierre D. & Collins L., - Il quinto cavaliere
49119: LaPointe J., - Neurohypophysial hormone action
66157: Laporte B., - Nouvelles espèces de noctuelles trifides africaines
39268: Larcher W. & Tisi F., - Bioclima invernale e rendimento carbonico di Quercus ilex al limite settentrionale delle leccete prealpine
66392: Larraz Azcarate M.L. et al., - Nuevos datos sobre la distribucion de la poblacion de Melanopsis cf
19118: Larson R.J., Madin L.P. & Harbison G.R., - In situ observations of deepwater medusae in the genus Deepstaria, with a description of D reticulum, sp nov
73973: Laseron C.F., - Revision of the new South Wales Cerithiopsidae
62006: Lashner W., - L'ultimo cliente
31992: Laskaridou Nott P., - Reproduction in Abra alba (Wood) and Abra tenuis (Montagu) (Tellinacea: Scrobiculariidae)
60843: Latifa, - Viso negato - Avere vent'anni a Kabul: la mia vita rubata dai talebani
57685: Latini F,, - Tempo reale e calcolatore elettronico
62664: Latronico N., 1950 circa - Medici illustri
65978: Lattes Coifmann I., - L'amore? Gli animali lo fanno cos"
60821: Lattes Coifmann I., - Le libellule hanno anche un cuore
68552: Lauer J.M., - Chronological analysis of the Conus gradatus complex (Gastr
68576: Laumer K., - Retief ambasciatore spaziale
69666: Laumer K., - Minaccia dagli Hukk
64276: Laumer K., - Odissea galattica
68028: Laumer K., - Il clandestino dei mondi
64128: Launay O., - La civiltà dei Celti
63306: Laurier L. & Ramos J., - Paraonidae (Polychètes sédentaires) de Méditerranée
6982: Laursen S., - Taxonomy and distribution of teleplanic prosobranch larva in the North Atlantic
33653: Lavarack P. S. & Stanton J. P., - Vegetation of the Jardine River Catchment and Adjacent Coastal Areas
58840: Laviano, A. & Guarnieri, G., - Vaccinites vredenburgi Kuhn, 1932, from the Upper Cretaceous of Apulia southern Italy
68077: Lavilla E.O. & Lobo F., - Osteological notes on Hylorina sylvatica (Anura: Leptodactylidae)
67892: Lavilla E.O., Ponssa M.L. & Saleme S., - Caracterización de las larvas de Bufo fernandezae Gallardo, 1957 y Bufo granulosus major Müller & Hellmich, 1936 (Anura: Bufonidae) y clave para la identificación de las larvas de Bufo que habitan el Chaco Argentino
68074: Lavilla E.O., - The tadpole of Dermatonotus muelleri (Anura: Microhylidae)
28585: Lawden D.F., - The rise of the concept of a Physical Model
63319: Lawrence B. & Schevill W.E., - The functional anatomy of the delphinid nose
69783: Lawrence H.D., - L'amante di Lady Chatterley
34913: LAWRENCE David Herbert, - L'amante di Lady Chatterley
72031: Lawrence D.H., - Libri di viaggio
59425: LAWRENCE D.H., - L'amante di Lady Chatterley
34920: LAWRENCE David Herbert., - LA VERGA D'ARONNE (Aaron's rod)
56606: Laws C.R., 1937- - Review of the Tertiary and Recent Neozelanic Pyramidellid Molluscs
56605: Laws C.R., 1938- - The Molluscan Faunule at Pakaurangi Point, Kaipara, parts 1-3, pp
62901: Lawson D.A., - Tyrannosaurus and Torosaurus, Maestrichtian dinosaurs from Trans-Pecos, Texas
64645: Laxton J.H., - Shell growth in some New Zealand Cymatiidae (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)
64520: Laxton J.H., - Feeding in some Australasian Cymatiidae (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)
31401: Lazzari G. & Rinaldi E., - Alcune considerazioni sulla presenza di specie extra mediterranee nelle lagune salmastre di Ravenna
66703: Lazzarotto A. & Mazzanti R., - Geologia dell'alta Val di Cècina
59617: Le Carré J., - Il direttore di notte
59284: Le Carrè J., - Single & Single
63701: Le Borgne-David A., - Activité mécanique comparée des huitres portugaises et des ciones, épibiontes In 4to, original wrappers, pp
69370: Le Pennec M., - The larval and post-larval hinge of some families of bivalve molluscs
63420: Le Danois E., - Description d'un embryon de Grampus griseus Gray
63226: Le Renard J. & Bouchet P., - New species and genera of the family Pickworthiidae (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda)
59612: Le Carré J., - La casa Russia
28136: Le Duc Minh, - Preliminary results on the artificial breeding of the abalone Haliotis asinina Linné, 1758 in Vietnam
28137: Le Duc Minh, - Reproductive characteristics the abalone of Haliotis ovina Gmelin, 1791 in South Central Vietnam
62539: Le Guin U., - Le tombe di Atuan
63608: Le Danois Y., - La famille des Lophiidae (Poisson Pédiculates Haploptérygiens) et sa répartition géographique
63422: Le Danois E., - Recherches sur les viscères et le squelette de Kogia breviceps Blainv
66276: Le Béon R., - Une nouvelle Persicula de la Mer Rouge
58371: Le Dentu J., - Bridge dei campioni
57978: Le Souef A.S. & Allan J.K., - Habits of the Sydney Octopus (O
72161: Le Guin U., - Pianeta dell'esilio
73400: Lea I., - A synopsis of the family Unionidae
18304: Leach J.H., - Hydrology of the Ythan estuary with reference to distribution of major nutrients and detritus
57699: LEAKEY R. & LEWIN R., - Le origini dell'uomo - Lo stato attuale delle ricerche e dell'interpretazione
22966: Leakey L.S., - The stone age cultures of Kenya colony; Cambridge, University Press
64955: Leal J.H. & Rios E.C., - Nanomelon vossi, a new deep-water Zidoninae from off Southern Brazil (Volutidae)
62564: Leal J.H. & Harasewych M.G., - Morphology and systematics of the enigmatic volutid Plicoliva zelindae (Petuch, 1979) (Gastropoda)
64518: Leal J.H. & Simone L.R., - Copulabyssia riosi, a new deep-sea limpet (Gastropoda: Pseudococculinidae) from the continental slope off Brazil with comments on the systematics of the genus
66333: Leal J.H., - Marine Prosobranch gastropods from oceanic islands off Brazil
56490: Leal J.H. & Simone L.R., - Propilidium curumim, a new species of Lepetidae (Gastropoda, Patellogastropoda) from off southern and southeastern Brazil
56485: Leal J., - Arene boucheti, a new intertidal liotiine turbinid (Trochoidea) from Trinidade Island, South Atlantic Ocean
20369: Leal J.H. & Dos Santos Coelho, - Arene flexispina, a new species (Liotiidae) from off Eastern Brazil
61138: Leal J.H. & Harasewych M.G., - Deepest Atlantic mollusks: hadal limpets (Mollusca, Neogastropoda, Cocculiniformia) from the northern boundary of the Caribbean Plate
64695: Leal J.H. & Moore D.R., - Rissoina indiscreta, a new rissoid species from the Tropical Southwestern Atlantic with Indo-West Pacific affinities
65058: Leal J.H., - Endemism and modes of development of marine prosobranch gastropods from oceanic island off Brazil: In 8vo, original wrappers, pp
64806: Leal J.H. & Bouchet P., - New deep-water Volutidae from off Southeastern Brazil
72882: Leanza H.A. & Casadio S., - Descripcion de dos nuevas especies de Pacitrigonia Marwick y Austrotrigonia Skwarko (Trigoniidae; Bivalvia) en el Cretacico Superior del occidente de la Provincia de La Pampa, Argentina
61794: Leavell U.W., Breckinridge E.G., Browning M. & Follis H., - The Friendly Hour Book Four: Trails of Adventure
64621: Lebour M.V., - The larvae of the genus Porcellana (Crustacea Decapoda) and related forms
74289: Lebour M.V., - The importance of larval Mollusca in the plankton
65125: Lebour M., - The echinospira larvae (Mollusca) of Plymouth, In 8vo, blind wrappers, pp
72723: Lebour M.V., - The life history of Kellia suborbicularis
72775: Lebour M.V., - On variation in the radulae of certain Buccinidae
68821: Leckie R., - Hannibal
66469: Ledon D., - Description d'une espèce nouvelle de Cypraeidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) du Bartonien supérieur (Marinésien, Eocène moyen) du bassin de Paris
67968: Lee T., - Non mordere il sole
12016: Lee C.B., - Ecological aspects of Stenotrema hirsutum (Say) in the region of Ann Arbor, Michigan
64144: Lee B.H., - Etude de la fauna Coréenne des Insects Collemboles
70138: Lefèvre T., - Note sur le Bulimus ellipticus, Sow
63507: Legendre R., - La concentration en ions hydrogènes dans l'eau de mer, le pH - méthodes de mesure, importance océanographique, géologique, biologique
64350: Legendre R., - Les Archaea (Aranéides, Archaeidae) du massif de l'Andringitra (Madagascar)
58886: Lehamn J.P., - Le prove paleontologiche dell'evoluzione : Dalla comparsa della vita sulla erra ai livelli più complessi del mondo vegetale e animale
70029: Lehmann R., - Die lebenden Schnecken und Muscheln der Umgegend Stettins und in Pommern mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihres anatomischen Baues
65939: Leiber F., - Il verde millennio
65910: Leiber F., - Cronache dallo spazio
69688: Leifsdóttir O.E. & Simonarson L.A., - The mesogastropod Littorina littorea (Linné, 1758) in Iceland: palaeobiogeography and migration
64357: Leinster M., - L'orrore di Gow Island
64356: Leinster M., - Questo è un Gizmo
62550: Leinster M., - S
69616: Leinster M., - Eroi su commissione
75111: Leistikov A. & Janssen R., - A record of the bivalve Guianadesma sinuosum Morrison from the central Amazon basin (Bivalvia: Corbulidae)
30021: Leitch J.L., - The water exchanges of living cells
56842: Leitgeb, H., - Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pflanzenorgane
54109: Leitgeb H., - Über kugelförmige Zellverdickungen in der Wurzelhülle einiger Orchideen
54125: Leitgeb H., - Die Entwicklung der Kapsel von Anthoceros
28233: Leitgeb H., - Morphologie der Metzgeria furcata
68408: Lellák J., - Muscheln und Wasserschnecken
74462: Leloup E., - Caractères anatomiques de certains amphineures du genre Squamopleura
74457: Leloup E., - A propos de deux callochitons: castaneus et inornatus
74463: Leloup E., - Contributions a l'étude de la faune belge
74465: Leloup E., - Diagnoses de six nouvelles espèces d'amphineures polyplacophores de la région Indo-Pacifique
74459: Leloup E., - Chitons de Simonstown et de l'ocean Antarctique
14252: Leloup E., - Sur la présence d'aesthètes chez Cryptochiton stelleri (Middendorff, 1846)
74449: Leloup E., - A propos de quelques Acanthochitons peu connus ou nouveaux, III Région Pacifique, Côtes américaines
74455: Leloup E., - A propos des Amphineures Liolophura japonica (Lischke, 1873( et L
74456: Leloup E., - A propos des deux Amphineures, Squamopleura miles (Pilsbry, 1892) et Enoplochiton niger (Barnes, 1824)
71212: Leloup E., - Cheatopleura unilineata n
74466: Leloup E., - Trois anomalies chez des amphineures
74454: Leloup E., - A propos de deux ischnochitons de l'Atlantique occidental: I
74468: Leloup E., - A propos d'Ischnoradsia australis
74467: Leloup E., - Chitons des Iles Philippines et Celébes
68284: Leloup E., - Resultats scientifiques des croisières du navire-ecole belge "Mercator"
68285: Leloup E., - Caractères anatomiques de certains chitons de la côte californienne
74452: Leloup E., - A propos de certains chitons du genre Tonicella Carpenter, 1873
74453: Leloup E., - Chitons recoltés au cours de la croisiére (1934-1935) du navire-école belge "Mercator"
74430: Leloup E., - Quelques espèces du genre Onithochiton Gray, 1847
74436: Leloup E., - A propos de quelques Acanthochitons peu connus ou nouveaux, I Région Indo-Pacifique
74451: Leloup E., - A propos de quelques Acanthochitons peu connus ou nouveaux, IV Région Pacifique occidentale
74469: Leloup E., - A propos de Notoplax violaceus (Quoy & Gaiamrd, 1835) et de N
74445: Leloup E., - Deux nouvelle espèces de polyplacophores, Cryptoconchus ashbyi et Cryptoconchus roseus
74472: Leloup E., - Caractères anatomiques de certains Callistochitons
74473: Leloup E., - Caractères anatomiques de Ischnochiton winckworthii Leloup, 1936
64937: Lemaire J., - Table de développement embryonnaire de Sepia officinals L
68332: Lemche H., - The zoology of Iceland part 61 - Gastropoda Opisthobranchiata
12014: Lemche H. & Thompson T.E., - Three opistobranch gastropods new to the British fauna
70587: Lemche H., - The Godthaab Expedition 1928
10427: Lemche H., - New British species of Doto Oken, 1815 (Moll
10426: Lemche H., - Rhinodiaphana g
72625: Lemche H., - The anatomy and histology of Cylichna (Gastropoda Tectibranchia)
62623: Lemmi F., - Le origini del Risorgimento italiano (1748-1815)
51492: Lene Kofend - V
43659: Lennis J., - Synopsis der Pflanzenkunde
58597: Lentini F. (Ed.), - tti del Convegno su: Sistemi Avanfossa Avampaese lungo la catena Appeninico Maghrebide Naxos Pergusa 22 25 Aprile 1987
64336: Lenz T.M., Elias N.H., Leite T.S.& Vidal .A.G., - First description of the eggs and paralarvae of the tropical octopus, Octopus insularis, under culture conditions
51248: Leo Brenner - Jupiter-Beobachtungen auf der Manora-Sternwarte 1896 - 1898 24 pages with 7 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 1
51198: Leo Brenner - Jupiter-Beobachtungen an der Manora-Sternwarte 1895 - 1896 24 pages with 8 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 19
46441: Léon Daudet, - I due abbracci - Prima edizione italiana, traduzione di E
70887: Leonard A.B. & Goble C.R., - Mollusca of the University of Kansas Natural History Reservation
70888: Leonard A.B. & Franzen D.S., - Mollusca of the Laverne formation (Lower Pliocene) of Beaver County, Oklahoma
70886: Leonard A.B. & Franzen D.S., - A Review of the Genus Calipyrgula (Amnicolidae)
70889: Leonard A.B. & Leonard A.E., - Mollusca from Greenwood County, Kansas
71544: Leonard A.B., & Frye J.C., - Ecological conditions accompanying loess deposition in the Great Plains region of the United States
70631: Leonard A.B. & Frye J.C., - Wisconsinan molluscan faunas of the Illinois Valley region
72021: Leonard A.B., Frye J.C. & Johnson W.H., - IIlinoian and Kansan molluscan faunas of Illinois
65851: Leonard A.B., - Handbook of Gastropods in Kansas
71280: Leonard A.E., - The Mollusca of Meade and Clark Counties, Kansas
70366: Leonard A.B., - Types of late cenozoic gastropods in the Frank Collins Baker collection, Illinois State Geological Survey
71438: Leonard A.B., - Chronology and molluscan paleontology of two post-Woodfordian bogs in northeastern Illinois
67851: Leonardi C., - Materiali per uno studi filogenetico del genere Psylliodes (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae)
67740: Leonardi C., - Note corologiche e tassonomiche su Longitarsus con citazione di due specie nuove per l'Italia (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae)
67180: Leonardi C. & Doguet S., - Studio critico sui Longitarsus del gruppo pratensis (Panzer) (Coleoptera
48007: Leonardi P., - Observations critiques sur la frise magdalénienne sculptée de la Chaire-à-Calvin, près de Mouthiers (Charente, France)
48088: Leonardi P., - New geomorphological observations on Mercury drawn from photographs transmitted by Mariner 10 and various planetological considerations
67653: Leonardi C., - Descrizione di quattro nuovi Longitarsus della regione mediterranea (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae)
67394: Leonardi C., - Note su alcuni Longitarsus con descrizione di due nuove specie e citazione di quattro entità nuove per la fauna europea (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)
72170: Leonardi P., - Incisioni e segni vari paleolitici del Riparo Tagliente a Stallavena nei Monti Lessini presso Verona (Italia) - Campagne discavo 1979-82
69041: Leopardi G., - I Canti
51372: Leopold Kober - Der Deckenbau der östlichen Nordalpen 52 pages with 1 plate, 2 maps and 7 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 23
51120: Leopold Gegenbauer - Arithmetische Untersuchungen 38 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 5
51463: Leopold Kober - Geologische Forschungen in Vorderasien
51406: Leopold Kober - Geologische Forschungen in Vorderasien
51481: Leopold Kober - Das östliche Tauernfenster 42 pages with 3 plates, 24 illustrations, 1 map and 1 Tektonogramm, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 4
40529: Lepneva S., - Sur la faune des trichoptères du bassin du fleuve Donetz du Nord
66669: Lepre A., - Mussolini l'italiano
30201: Lerch G., Muntz K., Bergmann H., Ramon J., - Cafe "caturra" - crecimiento y desarrollo en el vivero experimental del Wajay
57615: Leroi-Gourhan A, /Ed.), - Dizionario di Preistoria: Culture, vita quotidiana, metodologe
63097: Leroux G., - Il fantasma dell'opera
63387: Lesbre F.X., - Eléments d'histologie et de technique micrscopique
63399: Lescure J., - Contribution à l'étude des Amphibiens de Guyane française VI: Liste préliminaire des Anoures
65109: Lescure J., 1974 (1973). - Presence d'une sous-espèce d'Atelopus pulcher (Amphibien, Anoure) dans les Guyanes: Atelopus pulcher hoogmoedi
65437: Lesh-Laurie G.E., - Cordylophora morphogenesis: precocious sporosac development in non-sessile colonies [Hydrozoa Anthoathecata]
60077: Leslie D. M. and Douglas C. L. - Desert bighorn sheep of the River Mountains, Nevada
65353: Leslie A., - Francis Chichester
61665: Leslie D., - Confucio, la vita il pensiero i testi esemplari
72998: Lesport J.F., Cluzaud A.& Verhecken A. / Pacaud J.M., Ledon D. & Loubry P., - The Cenozoic Plesiotritoninae (Mollusca: Neogastropoda: Cancellarioidea: Cancellariidae) of the Aquitaine basin, southwestern France + Les Plesiotritoninae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Cancellariidae) de l'Eocène du bassin de Paris, du Cotentin, de Loire-Atlantique et d'Aquitaine
63468: Lessertisseur, J. & Robineau, D., - Le mode d'alimentation des premiers Vertébrés et l'origine des mâchoires - II: Les correéltions et les consequences
69279: Lessona M., - Studi sugli anfib" anuri del Piemonte
68203: Leuci G. & Scorziello R., - Il Mammuthus meridionalis (Nesti) di contrada "Tratturo" Giuliano Teatino (Chieti)
52939: Leung K.F. & Morton B. - Effects of long-term anthropogenic perturbations on three subtidal epibenthic molluscan communities in Hong Kong
60329: Levi C., - Cristo si è fermato a Eboli
65314: Levi E., - I misteri della cabala
65328: Levi E., - Chiavi maggiori e clavicole di Salomone
58703: Lévi-Strauss C., - La vasaia gelosa - Il pensiero mitico nelle due Americhe
58008: Levi C., - Cristo si è fermato a Eboli
61033: Levi Setti F. & Pinna G., - Platystrophites, nuovo genere nella serie toarciana ad ammoniti del Passo del Furlo (Pesaro)
61030: Levi Setti F., - Nuovi rinvenimenti di ammoniti toarciane del genere Leukadiella nell'Appennino Centrale e nelle Prealpi lombarde
63588: Lévi C., - Spongiaires du Vema Seamount (Atlantique Sud)
67433: Levi Setti F., - Ammoniti del genere Dumortiera nella serie toarciana del Passo del Furlo (Appennino Centrale)
64093: Lewald F., - Il diavolo dell'arte
27556: Lewejohann K. & Lorenzen H., - Annotated check-list of vascular plants in the Abisko-area of Lake Torneträsk, Sweden
39131: LEWES, G.H., - Sea-side studies at Ilfracombe, Tenby, the Scilly-Isles, and Jersey; 1"nd ediiton
57703: Lewin R., - Le ossa della discordia - L'enigma dell'origine dell'uomo
61322: Lewis R., - Il più grande uomo scimmia del Pleistocene
58872: Lewis R., - Il più grande uomo scimmia del Pleistocene
59178: Lewis C.S., - Le cronache di Narnia: Il leone, la strega e l'armadio
75376: Lewis H. & Beu A., - An unnamed species of Ranularia (Cymatiidae) from Australia
68218: Lewis C.S., - Perelandra
63901: Lewis W.M., - Maintaining fishes for experimental and instructional purposes
68219: Lewis C.S., - Lontano dal pianeta silenzioso
63726: Li Fenglan & Lin Minyu, - Fauna Sinica, Invertebrata Vol
64215: Li J. & î Foighil D., - Multiple Losses of Planktotrophic Development in the Cosmopolitan Bivalve Genus Lasaea
67228: Liberti G., - Revisione delle specie italiane del genere Danaceaea, primo gruppo (Coleoptera Dasytidae)
68088: Liberti G. - Il genere Dasytes in Italia
37312: Liberto M., - Valle del Sosio
55173: Liberto F., Giglio S., Reitano A., Colomba M.S. & Sparacio I., - Molluschi terrestri e dulciacquicoli di Sicilia della collezione F Minà Palumbo di Castelbuono
38868: LIBOFF, A. R. & R. A. RINALDI (Ed.), 1974ED - Electrically Mediated Growth Mechanisms In Living Systems
32040: Lidforss B., - Die Wintergrüne flora
72507: Lieberman,B.S., Warren A.D. & Eldredge N., - Levels of selection and macroevolutionary patterns in the turritellid gastropods
61634: Liew, T.-S., Vermeulen, J. J., Effendi bin Marzuki, M. & Schilthuizen, M., - A Cybertaxonomic Revision of the Micro-Landsnail Genus Plecostoma Adam (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda, Diplommatinidae), from Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Indochina
74022: Light J.M., - The status of Chlamys varia (L
73530: Liljedahl L., - Silurian Nuculoid and Modiomorphid Bivalves from Sweden
75890: Liltveld W.R., - Cowries and their relative of Southern Africa - A study of the southern African Cypreacean and Velutinacean gastropod fauna - Firs edition
75644: Liltveld W.R., - Cowries and their relative of Southern Africa - A study of the southern African Cypreacean and Velutinacean gastropod fauna - Second enlarged edition
63031: Lima G.M. & Lutz R.A., - The relationship of larval shell morphology to mode of development in marine prosobranch gastropods
65794: Limondin-Lozouet N., - Une malacofaune nouvelle du Pléistocène moyen à Soucy (Yonne - France): Biogéographie et paléoécologie
74306: Limpalaër L. & Monnier E., - Pionoconus robinii (Gastropoda, Conidae) new species from the South Western Philippines
69276: Lin Meiying, - A Photographic Guide to Longhorn Beetles of China
30959: Lindau G., - Beobachtungen über Hyphomyceten I
63520: Lindauer M., - Messaggio senza parole - Come comunicano gli animali
69135: Lindberg D.R. & McLean J.H., - Tropical Eastern Pacific limpets of the family Acmaeidae (Mollusca: Archaeogastropoda): generic criteria and descriptions of six new species from the mainland and the Galapagos islands
60110: Lindberg, David R., - On the Taxonomic Affinities of Collisella edmitchelli (Lipps) (Gastropoda: Acmaeidae) a Late Pleistocene Limpet from San Nicolas Island, California
73961: Lindberg D.R. & Ponder W.F., - An evolutionary tree for the Mollusca: Branches or roots? In 8vo, offp
74999: Lindberg D.R. & Ponder W.F., - The influence of classification on the evolutionary interpretation of structure a re-evaluation of the evolution of the pallial cavity of gastropod molluscs
69928: Lindberg D.R., - Acmaeidae Gastropoda Mollusca
73625: Lindberg D.R. & McLean J.H., - Tropical Eastern Pacific limpets of the family Acmaeidae (Mollusca: Archaeogastropoda): generic criteria and descriptions of six new species from the mainland and the Galapagos islands
26888: Lindbergh A., - Scimmie come noi - Vita con le scimmie urlatrici
74749: Linden J. Van der, - Philinidae dredged by the CANCAP expeditions (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia)
69287: Lindholm W.A., - Studien an palaearktischen Vertigo-Arten
71226: Lindholm W.A., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Nassauischen Molluskenfauna
71789: Lindholm W. , - Mollusken aus der Stadt Alt-Buchara und ihrer nachsten Umgebung
71611: Lindinger L., - Verzeichnis der in und um Erlangen beobachteten Mollusken
73957: Lindner G., - Snäckor och musslor i världshaven [Shells and mussels of the world seas]
68329: Lindner G., - Muscheln und Schnecken
73572: Lindner G., - Seashells of the world
70674: Lindsay B., - On the boring Mollusca of St
58965: Lindsay W., - Barosauro
51849: LINK, A. - Über Ringbildung bei einigen Tropenholzern
70168: Linklater E., - Angelo buon diavolo
73149: Linné C., 1758 (1956) - Systema Naturae
72436: Linse K., - Die Verbreitung epibenthischer Mollusken im chilenischen Beagle-Kanal [Distribution of epibenthic mollusca from the Chilean Beagle Channel]
72551: Linse K. & Brandt A., - Distribution of epibenthic Mollusca on a transect through the Beagle Channel (southern Chile)
72556: Linse K., - Mollusca of the Magellan region
72567: Linse K., - Abundance and diversity of Mollusca in the Beagle Channel
63059: Linsley R.M., - Locomotion rates and shell form in the Gastropoda
62704: Linton E., - A New Cestode from the Maneater and Mackerel Sharks
62412: Lipe R., - Marginellas
63125: Lipe, R.E. & R.T. Abbott, - Living Shells of the Caribbean and Florida Keys
66875: lipinski S.A., - A review of the Passandridae of the world (Coleoptera, Cucujoidea) I: Genus Passandra Dalman
73703: Lipparini G.Z. & Negra O., - Conchiglie
27786: Lipton A.P., Selvakku M., - Tagging and recapture experiments in the Indian sacred chank, Turbinella pyrum along the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay, India
74250: Lisicky M., - Mollusca Slovenska
63492: Lison L., - Recherches sur la forme et la mécanique de développement des coquilles des lamellibranches
39901: Lissoni O. & Fara M., - IL CASTELLO DI MILANO
63292: Littizetto L., - La principessa sul pisello
64227: Little C., Pilling G.M., Trowbridge C.D. & Stirling P., - Osilinus lineatus: Incursion and Proliferation in Lough Hyne Marine Reserve, SW Ireland
18278: Little C., Partridge J.C. & Teagle L., - Foraging activity of limpets in normal and abnormal tidal regimes
60200: Little C., Morrit D., Paterson D.M., Stirling P. and Williams G.A., - Preliminary observations on factors affecting foraging activity in the limpet Patella vulgata
33707: Littlewood D. T. J., - A bibliography of literature on the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae (Guilding, 1828)
31637: Liversidge M.J.H., - On the distribution of Cypraea (Erosaria) marginalis along the east coast of Africa
22985: Livi R., - Antropologia nei suoi rapporti con la medicina sociale; Milano, Vallardi
60062: LIVSHITS G.M., - Ecology of the terrestrial snail Brephulopsis bidens (Pulmonata: Enidae): mortality, burrowing and migratory activity
31186: Llera Gonzales E.M., & Ortea Rato J., - Una nueva espece de Eubranchus (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) del norte de Espa–a
24263: Llop Castellà I., - Aportacion al estudio de la variabilidad - Bittium reticulatum s l, analisis de la periferia
63789: Lo Cascio P., - Luoghi e natura di Sicilia 1: Le isole Eolie
74343: Lo C.T., - Compatibility and host-parasite relationship between species of the genus Bulinus (Basommatophora: Planorbidae) and an egyptian strain of Schistosoma haematobium (Trematoda: Digenea)
63143: Lo Valvo M., Faraone F.P., Giacalone G. & Lillo F., - Fauna di Sicilia: Anfibi
71311: Lo ek V., - Nov pl rodu Chondrina v SR
71742: Lobato-Paraense W. & Deslandes N., - Diagnostic characters of the Brazilian species os "Australorbis" (Pulmonata, Planorbidae)
71740: Lobato-Paraense W. & Deslandes N., - Observations on "Australorbis janeirensis" (Clessin, 1884)
71741: Lobato-Paraense W. & Deslandes N., - "Australorbis inflexus" sp
71524: Lobato-Paraense W., - One-sided reproductive isolation between geographically remote populations of a planorbid snail
71743: Lobato-Paraense W., - The genera "Australorbis", "Tropicorbis", "Biomphalaria", "Platytaphius" and "Taphius" (Pulmonata, Planorbidae)
71595: Lobato-Paraense W. & Deslandes N., - The type species of the genus "Tropicorbis" (Pulmonata, Planorbidae)
71577: Lobato-Paraense W., - A genetic approach to the systematic of planorbid molluscs
71561: Lobato-Paraense W. & Deslandes N., - Isolamento reprodutivo entre Australorbis glabratus e Australorbis nigricans
71560: Lobato-Paraense W., - Autofecundaç‹o e fecundaç‹o cruzada em Australorbis glabratus
71395: Lobato-Paraense W. & Deslandes N., - Biomphalaria boissyi synonyme probable de Taphius nigricans, In 8vo, original wrappers, pp
71396: Lobato-Paraense W., Ferreira O. & Pinto B., - Um aspecto da ecologia do "Australorbis glabratus" que favorece s reintregaç‹o dos criadouros
329: Lobreau D., Guers J., Assemien O., Bou G., Guinet P. & Potier L., - Palinologie africaine IX
488: Lobreau D., - Le pollen des Malpigihacées d'Afrique et de Madagascar - Etude sur la systématique des genres à la lumière de nouvelles observations palynologiques
70320: Locard A., - Note sur les coquilles terrestres de la faune quaternaire de la Baume d'Nostun (Drôme)
70140: Locard A., - Faunule malacologique des sables quaternaires de l'Etang de Capestang (Hérault)
70240: Locard A., - Description des Mollusques Quaternaires Nouveaux recueillis aux environs de Crémieu (Isère) par M
64561: Lockwood Thompson E., - An Analysis of the learning Process in the Snail, Physa gyrina Say
35135: Lodeman E. G., - Pruning and training of grapes; In 8vo, offp
34486: Lodge O.J., - The modern theory of light
57378: Loeblich A.R. & H. Tappan - Some new and revised organic-walled phytoplankton microfossil genera
34986: LOEg J. (Ed.) , - Basis of Accounts for Norway's Natural Resources
26638: Loew O., - The physiological rôle of mineral nutrients
54594: Loewy A., - Ueber die Transformationen einer quadratischen Form in sich selbst, mit Anwendung auf Linien- und Kugelgeometrie
50690: Loffler H. & Streissler E.W., - Sozialpolitik und Ökologieprobleme der Zukunft (Festsymposium der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften anlässlich ihres 150jährigen Jubiläums, 14
66807: Logan A., - Recent Brachiopoda from the oceanographic expedition SEAMOUNT 2 to the north-eastern Atlantic in 1993
34515: Lombardi L., - L'induzione elettromagnetica e l'opera scientifica di Michele Faraday
73150: Lombardi A., - Acquari e terrari
57949: Lona F., - La forma del nomofillo come indice del passaggio alla fase riproduttiva in Chenopodium amaranticolor
38037: Lona F., - Esperienze sull'antoinibizione fotoperiodica e sulla fioritura delle brevidiurne a notte continua
37524: Lona F., - La fioritura della brevidiurna Chenopodium amaranticolor Coste et Reyn
38036: Lona F., - Il significato dei glucidi e del fattore antiflorigeno nel meccanismo di fioritura delle piante erbacee ed in particolare delle brevidiurne
36382: Lona F., - Il frumento autunnale e primaverile in alta montagna
66635: Lona F., - Contributi alla storia della vegetazione e del clima nella Val Padana
66079: London J., - Il richiamo della foresta
73341: Long J.A., - New placoderm fishes from the early Devonian Buchan Group, Eastern Victoria
69560: Longo A., - La conservazione dell'uva
72655: Longstaff J., - A revision of the British Carboniferous members of the family Loxonematidae with descriptions of new forms
64837: Loosijes F.E. & Loosjes-Van Bemmel C.W., - Descriptions of new Peruvian Neninae (Clausiliidae), with some notes on the nomenclature
74334: Loosjes F.E. & Loosjes-Van Bemmel A., - Some anatomical systematical and geographical data on Neniinae (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae)
74102: Loosjes F.E., - Monograph of the Indo-Australian Clausiliidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae Phaedusinae)
75772: Loosjes F.E., - Supplement to a monograph of the Indo-Australian Clausiliidae
76381: Loosjes F.E., - Einiges über Armenica O
74625: Loosjes F.E. & Loosjes-Van Bemmel A., - Das System der Clausiliiden (Gastropoda: Euthyneura)
65254: Lopes De Simone L.R., - Addisonia enodis, a new species of Addisoniidae from the southern Brazilian coast
20376: Lopes De Simone L.R., - Anatomical study on Tonna galea and Tonna maculosa from Brazilian region
64209: López-Galán A. and Alejo-Plata M-C., - Sexual Differentiation of Octopus hubbsorum (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) Using Body Dimensions and the Shape and Size of the Stylets: A Traditional and Geometric Morphometric Analysis
60556: Lopez E., Britayev T.A., Martin D. & Guillermo San Martin G., - New symbiotic associations involving Syllidae (Annelida: Polychaeta), with taxonomic and biological remarks on Pionosyllis magnifica and Syllis cf
68798: López Armengol M.F. & Darrigran G., - Distribución del género neotropical Potamolithus (Hydrobidae) en el estuario del Río de la Plata
70233: Lórenthey E., - Die pontische Stufe und deren Fauna bei Nagy-Mänyok im comitate Tolna
64853: Lorenz jun. F. & Wiese V., - A new subspecies of Erosaria marginalis with a note on Erosaria pseudocellata (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae)
64891: Lorenz F., - Notes on some species of Conidae and Cypraeidae from Indonesis with the description of Conus empressae sp
64892: Lorenz F., - News on Sri Lankan Gastropods of the families Triviidae and Cypraeidae (Mollusca: Prosobranchia) In 8vo, offp
64897: Lorenz jun. F., - A new subspecies of Zoila marginata (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae)
64898: Lorenz jun. F., - Pleistocene Cypraeacea from the vicinity of Hurghada, Egypt
64901: Lorenz jun. F. & Barbier J.P., - A new subspecies of Talostolida rashleighana (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae)
64908: Lorenz F., - Another new species of Cypraeidae from Madagascar
64911: Lorenz F., - Eine pliozäne Mauritia aus Tansania (Cypraeidae)
64748: Lorenz F., - Cowries - A Guide to the Gastropod Family Cypraeidae
68901: Lorenz F. & Morrison H., - The eastern Tasmanian subspecies of Notocypraea declivis (G
68891: Lorenz F. & Beals M., - The subspecies of Umbilia armeniaca (Verco, 1912) (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae)
68888: Lorenz F., - A new species of Pedicularia from Lord Howe Island (Gastropoda: Pediculariidae)
64346: Lorenz F., - Conus (Sciteconus) algoensis norpothi n
68651: Lorenz F. & Stahlschmidt P., - An Overlooked Second Species of Thatcheria from Western Australia (Gastropoda: Conoidea: Raphitomidae)
68613: Lorenz F., 2015 + Aiken R., - Conus (Sciteconus) algoensis norpothi n
75894: Lorenz F., - Two New Subspecies in the Genus Zoila (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae) In 4to, offp
65760: Lorenz F. & Bouchet P., - A New Species of Lunovula from the South Pacific (Gastropoda: Ovulidae, Pediculariinae)
67957: Lorenz F., - A new subspecies of Zoila eludens Raybaudi 1991 (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae)
68702: Lorenz F., - A new subspecies of Zoila eludens Raybaudi 1991 (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae)
65187: Lorenz F., - Cowries - A Guide to the Gastropod Family Cypraeidae Volume 2: Shells and Animals
54834: Lorenz L., - Gazella salmi n sp
66370: Lorenz K., - E l'uomo incontr˜ il cane
62578: Lorenz F., - Creatori del mondo meccanico
66663: Lorenz F., - Monograph of the Genus Pustularia (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae)
73114: Lorenz F., - The most bizarre Cowry that ever lived: Gisortia megaloptera n
60789: Losacco U., - Notizie e considerazioni sulle inondazioni d'Arno in Firenze
70084: Losi M., - Tendenze evolutive nei veneridi (Lamellibranchi) terziari delle Venezie
66636: Lotti B., - I terreni secondari dei dintorni di Narni e di Terni
66770: Lourenço W.R. & Vaxhon M., - Un nouveau genre et quatre nouvelles espèces de scorpions (Buthidae) du Moyen Orient
69776: Lovecraft H.P., - I racconti del Necronomicon
19301: Lovelock J.E., - The first Leslie Cooper memorial lecture given at Plymouth on 10 april 1989: Gaia
34485: Lovering J., - Michelson's recent researches on light
64243: Lovin R., - Ci˜ che usc" dal lago Michigan
60296: Lowe D. M., Moore M. N. & Bayne B. L., - Aspects of gametogenesis in the marine mussel Mytilus edulis L
70161: Lowry R., - Mi troverai nel fuoco
59309: Loy R., - Le strade di polvere
63034: Loy R., - Le strade di polvere
76388: Lozek V., - Neue Mollusken aus dem Altpleistozan Mitteleuropas
76389: Lozek V. & Brtek J., - Neue Belgrandiella aus den Westkarpaten
65017: Lozet J.B. & Pétron C., - Coquillages des Antilles
72662: Lozouet P., - Benthonellania nouveau genre de Rissoidae du bathyal atlantique
72082: Lozouet P., - Les Conoidea de l'Oligocène supérieur (Chattien) du bassin de l'Adour (Sud-Ouest de la France)
72444: Lozouet P., - Turbinelloidea, Mitroidea, Olivoidea, Babyloniidae et Harpidae (Gastropoda, Neogastropoda) de l'Oligocène supérieur (Chattien) du bassin de l'Adour (Sud-Ouest de la France)
73490: Lozouet P., Lesport J.F. & Renard P., - Révision des Gastropoda (Mollusca) du Stratotype de l'Aquitanien (Miocène inf): site de Saucats "Lariey", Gironde, France
67850: Lu C. & Boucher-Rodoni R., - Cephalopods from the waters around Wallis and Futuna Islands in the central South Pacific
48449: Lu L.S., Yang C.M. & Chen Y.R., - Structural changes of chloroplast in green cotyledons before and after germination of black bean seeds
9239: Lu C.C. & Roper C.F., - Cephalopods from deepwater Dumpsite 106 (Western Atlantic): Vertical distribution and seasonal abundance
58352: Lualdi A., - La guerra segreta: Misteri e avventure della Seconda Guerra Mondiale
29271: Luban, S. - Uber eigentumliche Vorgange in den Flimmerzellen des menschlichen Uteruskorpers
17183: Lubbock J., - On the distribution of the tracheae in insects
67701: Lucarelli C., - Il giorno del lupo
65291: Lucarelli C., - Falange armata
61635: Lucarelli C., - Mistero in blu
62949: Lucas M.H., - Observations sur la manière de vivre d'une nouvelle espèce de Carpocapsa, et remarques sur les mouvements que la chenille de ce Lépidoptère imprime à des graines d'un euphorbe du Mexique, dans lesquelles elles se métamorphose
75817: Lucas A., - Les mollusques des dunes de Bretagne
63283: Lucas S.G., Scoch R.M. & Mannig E., - The systematics of Forstercooperia, a middle to late Eocene hyracodontid (Perissodactyla: Rhinocerotoidea) from Asia and western North America
57831: Lucchetta G.A. - Componenti scientifiche e teologiche nella discussione sul movimento in Ghazâl"
73415: Lucifora D., - Marvellous World of Shells
72141: Lucio Battisti - Lucio Battisti (Blu) - CD audio - 16 canzoni - edizione per Sorrisi e Canzoni
73958: Ludbrook N.H., 1 - Non-marine molluscs from dolomitic limestones in the North of South Australia
11000: Ludbrook N.H., - Revision of the Tate molluscan types: Pelecypoda - Nuculidae and Nuculanidae
72570: Ludbrook N.H. & Steel T.M., - A late tertiary bivalve gastropod from South Australia
62022: Ludlum R. & Larkin P., - Lazarus vendetta
59287: Ludlum R.-, - Il grido degli Halidon
59697: Ludlum R., - L'eredità Scarlatti
61156: Ludlum R., - I guardiani dell'apocalisse
65429: Ludlum R., - Il dossier Matlock
59857: Ludlum R. & Lynds G., - Laboratorio mortale
72123: Ludlum R., - Il patto
51472: Ludwig Lämmermayr - Legföhrenwald und Grünerlengebüsch
28071: Ludwig E., - Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Leber, des Pankreas und des Vorderdarms bei der Ente und beim Maulwurf
51395: Ludwig Lämmermayr - Die grüne Pflanzenwelt der Höhlen 1
51414: Ludwig Lämmermayr - Die grüne Pflanzenwelt der Höhlen 1
51363: Ludwig Lämmermayr - Die grüne Pflanzenwelt der Höhlen
51287: Ludwig Ritter Lorenz von Liburnau - Ludwig Ritter Lorenz von Liburnau Megaladapis Edwardsi G
51311: Ludwig Ritter Lorenz von Liburnau - Zur Kenntnis der Steinböcke Innerasiens 24 pages with 2 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 8
51253: Ludwig Lorenz von Liburnau - Über Hadropithecus stenognathus Lz
51239: Ludwig Ritter Lorenz von Liburnau - Ludwig Ritter Lorenz von Liburnau Über einige Reste ausgestorbener Primaten von Madagaskar 16 pages with 3 plates and 6 illustratrions, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 4
59783: Lugli R., - Le formiche sotto la fronte
51309: Lujo Adamovic - Die Pflanzengeographische Stellung und Gliederung der Balkanhalbinsel 96 pages with 3 (gro§en) pflanzengeographischen maps, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 5
51338: Lujo Adamovic - Die Verbreitung der Holzgewächse in Bugarien und Ostrumelien 15 pages with 1 map, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung 2
51126: Luka Dimitrov - Beiträge zur geologischen und petrographischen Kenntnis des Vitosa-Gebietes in Bulgarien 54 pages with 1 geological map and 3 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 12
57750: Luna de Carvalho E., - Paussideos de Moçambique
49700: Lund J.W., - The algae of the Malham Tarn district [Yorkshire Dales]
70353: Lundelius E.L., - Post Pleistocene [vertebrates] faunal succession in Western Australia and its climatic interpretation
69165: Lundgren G., - The land mollusca of Värmland and remarks on their ecology
75856: Lundman H., - Maps of the racial geography of some Partulae of the Society Islands based upon the material published by H
75858: Lundqvist G., - Norrländska mollusklokaler
56545: Lunghini D. & Timpone L., - Insediamenti campignani sulle praterie d'altitudine del Genzana (Abruzzo)
64244: Lupoff R., - Trenta milioni bruceranno vivi
74374: Luque A. et al., - Cyphoma aureocinctum (Dall, 1889) (Gastropoda: Ovulidae) in the Canary Islands, with notes on the type locality
25376: Luque A.A., - El genero Mitrella Risso, 1826 (Gastropoda, Columbellidae) en las costas ibericas
75985: Lussi M. & Smith G., - Cystiscidae in South Africa
76216: Lussi M. & Smith G., - Marginellidae in South Africa part 1-3 - Genera Volvarina; Dentimargo & Alaginella; Hydroginella, Prunum & Hyalina
75813: Lussi M. & Smith G., - Marginellidae in South Africa part 1-3 - Genera Volvarina; Dentimargo & Alaginella; Hydroginella, Prunum & Hyalina
65507: Lussi M., - Description of Nine New Species of Columbellidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Columbellidae) from South African Waters
63408: Luther, A., - Untersuchungen an Rhabdocoelen Turbellarien
38521: Lutz R. A. & Jablonski D., - Cretaceous bivalve larvae
29573: Lutz R.A., Hidu H., - Hinge morphogenesis in the shells of larval and early post-larval mussels (Mytilus edulis L
21879: Lutz R.A., - Annual growth patterns in the inner shell layer of Mytilus edulis
57044: Luyigi Amedeo di Savoia, Cagni U. & Cavaslli-Molinelli P.A., - La "Stella polare" nel Mare Artico
29642: Luzzato G., - Un'escursione fitogeografica internazionale in Marocco e nel Sud-Oranese fino al Sahara
40082: Luzzatto-Bilitz O., - Antiche giade
63891: Lwandowski H., - Costumi sessuali dei popoli extraeuropei
75049: Lüders K. &Trusheim F., - Beiträge zur Ablagerung mariner Mollusken in der Flachsee
75050: Lüders K. &Trusheim F., - Beiträge zur Ablagerung mariner Mollusken in der Flachsee II: Versuche über Transport und Ablagerung von Mollusken
31582: Lynch J.E. & Noble A.E., - Notes on the genus Endosphaera engelmann and on its occasional host Opisthonecta henneguyi Fauré-Fremiet
18315: Lynn D.H., Montagnes D.J., Dale T., Gilron G.L. & Strom S.L., - A reassessment of the genus Strombidinopsis (Ciliophora, Choreotrichida) with descriptions of four new planktonic species and remarks on its taxonomy and phylogeny
10445: Lyons A. & Spight T.M., - Diversity of feeding mechanisms among embryos of Pacific Northwest Thais
66165: Lyons W.G., - An Atlantic molluscan assemblage dominated by two species of Crassinella (Bivalvia: Crassatellidae)
65076: Lyons W.G., - New Turridae (Gastropoda: Toxoglossa) from South Florida and the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
72708: Lyons W.G., - Post-Miocene species of Latirus Montfort, 1810 (Mollusca: Fasciolariidae) of Southern Florida, with a review of regional marine biostratigraphy
67552: Lüttig G., - Die Mollusken des Interglazials von Elze
56246: LÜTZEN, J., - Studies on parasitic gastropods from Echinoderms II: On Stilifer broderip, with a special reference to the structure of the sexual apparatus and the reproduction
54127: Lämmermayr L., - Vergleichende Studien über die Pflanzendecke oststeirischer Basalte und Basaltttuffe
62572: Löbel J., - Salvatori di vite
69435: Löbl I., - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Scaphidiidae Australiens
69442: Löbl I., - Scaphidiidae von Ceylon (Coleoptera)
69327: Löbl I. & Leschen R.A.B., - Phylogeny of Scaphidiinae with redefinition of tribal and generic limits (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
69326: Löbl I., - The Scaphidiidae (Coleoptera) du nord-est de l'Inde et du Bhoutan II
69325: Löbl I., - The Scaphidiidae (Coleoptera) of the Nepal
69328: Löbl I. & Stephan K., - A review of the species of Baeocera Erichson (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scaphidiinae) of America north of Mexico
67178: Löbl I., - Review of the Scaphidiidae (Coleoptera) of Thailand
69329: Löbl I., - Die Scaphidiidae (Coleoptera) Südindiens
71427: Lörenthey E., - Über die pannonischen Schichten des Fehérpart bei Tihany
71430: Lörenthey E., - Beiträge zur oberpontischen Fauna von Hidasd im Comitate Baranya
51107: M. Neumayr M. & Uhlig V., - Über die von H
51367: M. Holl - Mikroskopische Darstellung des atrioventrikularen Verbindungsbündels am menschlichen und tierischen Herzen 28 pages with 3 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
51375: M. Aquina - Sigl Die Thaliaceen und Pyrosomen des Mittelmeeres und der Adria Gesammelt während der fünf Expeditionen S
20042: Maassen W.J. & Riedel A., - Uber eine Zwergrasse von Oxychilus (Schistophallus) minoicus (Zonitidae)
16017: Maassen W.J., - Vitrea meijeri n
75135: Maassen W.J., - Observations on the genus Mastus from Crete (Greece) with descriptions of twelve new species (Gastropoda Pulmonata: Buliminidae)
75149: Maassen W.J. & Kittel K., - Noets on terrestrial molluscs of the island of Sulawesi 1: The Pupinidae
75172: Maassen W.J.M., - Four new species of terrestrial gastropods from Tonkin, North Vietnam (Gastropoda, Diplommatinidae, Strobilopsidae and Ariophantidae)
75398: Maassen W.J.M., - A preliminary checklist of the terrestrial molluscs of Sulawesi, Indonesia
71312: Maassen W.J., - Helicodonta gyria wilhelminae nov subspec von der griechischen Insel Kreta (Gastropoda Pulmonata: Helicidae)
70928: Mac Gillavry H.J., - The rudist fauna of Seroe Teintje Limestone (Northern Curaçao)
70926: Mac Gillavry H.J., - Some rudists from the
67928: Macbride T.H. &v Allin N., - The saprophytic fungi of Eastern Iowa - The puff-balls
68265: Maccagni T., - Sopra i caratteri della sottofamiglia Halophiloscinae Kess (Isopodi terrestri)
57806: Maccagno A.M., - Zoantari maestrichtiani della Tripolitania
23126: Maccagno A.M., - Carlo Petrocchi (1898-1956)
67032: Maccagno T., - I Dermatteri italiani
67017: Maccagno T. & Cucchiari B., - Revisione delle Palaemoninae del Museo di Torino
66959: Maccagno T., - Isopodi terrestri delle Isole della Società
66839: Maccagno T., - Crostacei Decapodi
71846: MacClintock C., - Shell structure of Patelloid and Bellerophontoid Gastropods
66206: Macdonald J.A. & Burke Maino C., - Observations on the epipodium, digestive tract, coelomic derivatives, and nervous system of the trochid gastropod Tegula funebralis (A
73083: Macellari C.E., - Paleobiogeografia y edad de la fauna de Maorites-Gunnarites (Ammonoidea) del Cretácico Superiór de la Antártida y Patagonia
3814: MacFarland F.M., - Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences to the Gulf of California in 1921
61447: MacFARLAND F.M., - A preliminary account of the Dorididae of Monterey Bay, California
3815: MacFarland F.M., - Drepania a genus of nudibranchiate Mollusks new to California
5392: MacFarland F.M. & O'Donoghue C.H., - A new species of Corambe from the Pacific coast of North America
74070: MacGinitie N., - Marine mollusca of Point Barrow, Alaska
27660: MacGinitie, G.E., - Distribution and Ecology of the Marine Invertebrates of Point Barrow, Alaska
63331: Machado Cruz J.A., - About the histochemical detection of iron pollution in oyters Crassostrea angulata (Lmk
67856: Macintyre I.G., Rützler K., Norris J.N., Smith K.P., Cairns S.D., Bucher K.E. & Steneck R.S., - An early Holocene reef in the western Atlantic: submersible investigations of a deep relict reef off the west coast of Barbados, W
60087: Mack Smith D., - Cavour
33683: Mack G., - Settlement and the aborigines of Australia and Tasmania
60185: Mack Smith D., - Garibaldi
66784: Mack Smith D., - I Savoia - Storia dei re d'Italia
18103: Mackie G.O., - On the 'Visceral nervous system' of Ciona
75329: MacKinnon D.I. & Smirnova T.N., - Scanning electron microscopy study of Cretaceous brachiopods of the new family Praeargyrothecidae; implications for megathyroid systematics and terebratulide phylogeny
59461: MacLean A., - Il Golden Gate - Piattaforma infernale
65706: MacLean A., - I cannoni di Navarone
72939: MacLeod K.G. & Orr W.N., - The taphonomy of Maastrichtian inoceramids in the Basque region of France and Spain and the pattern of their decline and disappearance
69682: MacMillan I., 193 - Virus Cepha
71493: MacMillan G.K., - A preliminary survey of the land and freshwater Gastropoda of Cape Breton
10452: MACNAE W., - On four Sacoglossan molluscs new to South Africa
72463: MacNeil F.S., - Species and genera of Tertiary Noetinae
68166: Macneil F.S., - Tertiary and Quaternary Gastropoda of Okinawa
69552: MacNeil F.S., - Evolution and distribution of the genus Mya, and Tertiary migrations of Mollusca
72431: MacNeil F.S., - Cenozoic pectinids of Alaska, Iceland, and other northern regions
72509: MacNeil F.S. - Miller D.J., - Lituyapecten (New Subgenus of Patinopecten) From Alaska and California + Stratigraphic Occurrence of Lituyapecten in Alaska
76272: Macpherson J.H., - Land mollusca of the Russel Grimwade expedition [Australia]
69416: Macpherson J.H. & Chapple E.H., - A systematic list of the marine and estuarine Mollusca of Victoria
67098: MacPherson J.H. & Gabriel C.J., - Marine molluscs of Victoria
66819: Macpherson E., - New species and new records of lithodid crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the southwestern and central Pacific Ocean
73579: MacPherson J.H. & Gabriel C.J., - Marine molluscs of Victoria
67070: Macr" G., - Secondo contributo alla conoscenza della malacofauna di Cava Signorella (Lecce) [Calabrian]
26218: Macself A.J., - The Chrysanthemum grower's treasury - Revised edition
70150: Madelin L., - Napoleone
71506: Madge E.H., - The conchological manuscripts of the late E
65632: Madsen F.J., - The zoology of Iceland part 63 - Marine Bivalvia
75357: Madsen F.J., - The Echinoderms collected by the Atlantide Expedition 1945-46
62850: Madsen J.H., - A new theropod dinosaur from the upper Jurassic of Utah
72923: Maeda S. & Kawabe T., - Some Myophorella from the Tetori Group in the
72924: Maeda S., - Trigonioides from the Late Mesozoic Tetori Group, central Japan
72925: Maeda S. & Kawabe T., - Two Jurassic Trigoniids from the Tetori Group in the Arimine District, Central Japan In 8vo, offp
72926: Maeda S. & Kawabe T., - Apiotrigonia from the Futaba group in the Joban District, North Japan
61186: Maes V. O. & Raeihle D., - Systematics and biology of Thala floridana (Gastropoda: Vexillidae)
61459: Maes V.O., - The littoral marine mollusks of Cocos-Keeling Islands (Indian Ocean)
63199: Maeterlinck M., - La vita delle api
63200: Maeterlinck M., - L'intelligenza dei fiori
63295: Maffei P., - I mostri del cielo - Comete, quasar, buchi neri
66625: Magagnini FG., - Archianellidi della Meloria (Livorno)
67890: Maganuco S., Dal Sasso C., Pasini G., - A new large predatory archosaur from the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) of Madagascar
33578: Magee C.J., - Some aspects of the bunchy top deisease of Banana and other Musa spp
57794: Maggi L., - Omologie craniali fra ittiosauri e feti dell'uomo ed altri mammiferi
57768: Maggi L., - Il canale cranio-faringeo negli ittiosauri omologo a quello dell'uomo e d'altri mammiferi
57770: Maggi L., - Serie di ossicini mediani del tegmen cranii in alcuni cani (Canis) e loro omologhi ed omotipi in alcuni storioni (Aoipenser)
57327: Maggiore Perni F., - I censimenti della popolazione di Palermo del 1861 e del 1871 e i movimenti del decennio
55598: Maggiore Perni F., - L'economia politica in Sicilia nel secolo XIX
66561: Maggiori M., - Nuove scoperte nella valle del Pescara
33616: Maggs T.M. & Michael M.A., - Ntshekane: an early iron age site in the Tugela Basin, Natal
58304: MAGNETTE F. , - Joseph II et la liberté de l'Escaut - La France et l'Europe
149: Magno E., - Nel Parco - La storia, la terra, le leggi, gli itinerari
68087: Magrini P., Meoli C., Abbazzi P., - Tre nuove specie Italiane di Otiorhynchus del sottogenere Lixorrhynchus Reitter, 1914 e note su O
66235: Magrini G., - Alberi funghi e frutti in Valtellina e Valchiavenna
68122: Magrini P., Meoli C. & Abbazzii P., - Un nuovo genere della regione ionia appartenente alla tribù Otiorhynchini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae)
58376: Magrini G., - Guida Verde
69007: Mahéo B. & R., - Les coquillages
66709: Mahnert V., 1973- - Collection of 14 offprints on Pseudoscorpionidae published by Revue Suisse de Zoologie
40337: Mahony D.J., - An artefact, probably of Pleistocene age, from Keilor, Victoria
59340: Mainelli M., - Requienia pietrarojensis n
59098: Mainelli M., - Requienia tortilis n
68306: Maio N., Psomadakis P.N. & Vacchi M., - I Condritti del Museo Zoologico dell'Università di Napoli Federico II
62778: Maiorca G., - Numismatica sicula - Le monete di corso sino al 1860
74498: Majima R., Rsuchida E. & Ohshima H., - Two rare species of Amalda (Gastropoda: Olividae: Ancillinae) collected by the R
72694: Majima R., - Life positions of fossil naticid opercula (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
73413: Majima R., - Cenozoic fossil Naticidae (Moll
58117: Majocchi A., - Vita di chirurgo
58116: Majocchi A., - Tra bistori e forbici - Nuove pagine dall'albo di un chirurgo
62082: Majocco F., - Il Coniglio
63946: Major H., - Basic Fishing From the Worm to the Fly
63915: Major H., - Salt Water Fishing Tackle - The Complete Book of Equipment and Its Use
67314: Makarow K.V., - A key to the genera of the Ground-beetle larvae (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the Paleartic region
56855: Makowsky A., - Über einen neuen Labyrinthodonten: "Archegosaurus austriacus nov
76131: Malaise C., - Description du terrain silurien du centre de la Belgique
58682: Malaparte C., - Due anni di battibecco - 1953 - 1955
62522: Malaparte C., - Tecnica del colpo di stato
68464: Malaquias M.A., Cervera J.L., Abreu A.D. & Lopez-Gonzalez P.J., - The Opisthobranch molluscs from Porto Santo Island (Madeira Archipelago, NE Atlantic)
68461: Malaquias M.A., - Updated and annotated checklist of the opisthobranch molluscs (excluding Thecosomata and Gymnosomata) from the Azores archipelago (NE Atlantic Ocean, Portugal)
62961: Malaquias M. A. E. & Morenito P. M., - The opisthobranchs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of the Coastal Lagoon "Rio Formosa" in Southern Portugal
69754: Malard A.F., - Sur la structure des glandes salivaires sécrétrices d'acide sulfurique chez les Ténioglosses carnassiers
59041: Malaroda R., - I fossili del Flysch di Annot e la nuova località fossilifera di Col de Turini (Alpi Marittime)
61003: Malatesta A., - Cause e meccanismi delle variazioni di taglia e delle modificazioni strutturali nei mammiferi quaternari delle isole mediterranee
67615: Malatesta A., - Malacofauna pliocenica umbra
76382: Malatesta A., - Über einige pleistozäne Sü§wassermollusken aus Mittel-Italien, I
74410: Maldonado-Koerdell M., - Faunas del Alto Cretácico superior, del Paleoceno y del Eoceno inferior y medio de Chiapas, México
11363: Maldura C.M., - Sulla determinazione dei nitriti nell'acqua di mare
57575: Malignani D. (ed.), - Immagine e testo
60270: Malinky J.M. & Mapes R.H., - A new ferganoceratin ammonoid from the Mississippian (Lower Chesterian) of Arkansas
66662: Mallard D. & Robin, A., - Recent Fasciolariidae
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28987: Maly J.K., - Flora von Deutschland nach der analytischen methode
67989: Malzberg B.N., - Nella gabbia
64321: Malzberg B., - Il giorno del cosmo
20488: Manahan D.T. & Crisp D.J., - Autoradiographic studies on the uptake of dissolved amino acids from sea water by bivalve larvae
66464: Manasse E., - Contribuzioni allo studio petrografico della Colonia Eritrea
58324: Mancini V., - Il servzio postale nel Regno delle Due Sicilie
68148: Mancini C. - Emitteri Eterotteri della Liguria
40593: Mandenhall T.C., - Fundamental units of measure
42471: Manfredi P., - Contributo alla conoscenza della florula algale (Bacillariophiceae) nel tratto terminale del fiume Trebbia
65355: Manfredi V.M., - Le paludi di Hesperia
69206: Manfredi P., - Miriapodi della Libia
67008: Manfredi P., - I Miriapodi italiani (III contributo) - Miriapodi del Parco Nazionale del Gran Parasdiso
7016: Manganelli G., Bodon M. & Giusti F., - A new species of Oxychilus from the Ligurian Apennines (Italy) (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Zonitidae)
61908: Manganelli G., Favilli L. & Giusti F., - The Oxychilus species endemic to the Tuscan Archipelago: O
7021: Manganelli G. & Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae, XXXVIII
7015: Manganelli G., 1990). - Two additional records for Leiostyla in Turkey (Pulmonata, Orculidae/Pupillidae)
61911: Manganelli G. & Giusti F., - Redescription of Oxychilus meridionalis (Paulucci, 1881) (Pulmonata: Zonitidae)
7022: Manganelli G. & Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae, XLIII
33960: Manganelli G. & Giusti F., - New data on the distribution of Oxychilus uziellii (Issel, 1872) (Pulmonata, Zonitidae) with a redescription of the species
33964: Manganelli G., Bodon M. & Giusti F., - Checklist delle specie della fauna d'Italia, molluschi terrestri e d'acqua dolce
7019: Manganelli G. & Giusti F., - First contribution to the revision of the Oxychilus-species living in the Italian Apennine regions: Zonites uziellii Issel
54059: Manganelli G. & Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae XLIX: Third contribution to the revision of the Oxychilus-species living in the Italian Apennine regions: new data on the systematics and distribution of O
7017: Manganelli G., Castagnolo L. & Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae, XXXIX
7018: Manganelli G., Delle Cave L. & Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae, XLVI
76221: Manganelli G., Sparacio I. & Giusti F., - New data on the systematics of two sicilian land snails, Helix parlatoris Bivona, 1839 and Helix reinae L
7020: Manganelli G. & Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae, XXXVII
75802: Manganelli G. & Giusti F., - Status and relationships of Vitrina musignani Pirajno, 1842, and Vitrina paulucciae Fischer in Paulucci, 1878 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Vitrinidae)
7023: Manganelli G., Giusti F. & Delle Cave L., - Notulae Malacologicae, XLVII
54056: Manganelli G. & Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae XLV: Fossil Parmacellidae from Italy
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34290: Mangili G., - Ricerche dietologiche sui serpenti in cattività nel Giardino Zoologico di Roma
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64882: Mania D. & H. Stechemesser, - Eine weichselspätglaziale Molluskensukzession aus dem mitteleuropäischen Periglazialgebied südlich der Elbe und ihre Bedeutung für die Landschaftsgeschichte
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