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61359: Harasewych M.G., - A review of the Columbariinae (Gastropoda: Turbinellidae) of the Western Atlantic with notes on the anatomy and systematic relationships of the subfamily
62769: Harasewych M.G., Kantor Y.I. & Linse K., - Parabuccinum, a new genus of Magellanic buccinulid, with a description of a new species
46968: Harasewych M.G. & Sedberry G.R., - Rediscovery, range extension, and redescription of Calliostoma torrei Clench and Aguayo, 1940
69938: Harasewych, M.G. - Studies on bathyal and abyssal Buccinidae: 1
64187: Harasewych M.G. & Kantor Y.I., - A revision of the Antarctic genus Chlanidota (Buccinulidae)
65773: Harasewych M. G., - A revision of the genus Benthovoluta with notes on the evolution of the subfamily Ptychatractinae (Prosobranchia: Turbinellidae)
60936: Harasewych, M. G. - Systematics and phylogeography of Cerion sensu stricto (Pulmonata: Cerionidae) from Aruba, Curaçao and Bonaire
71046: Harasewych M.G., Oleinik A., & Zinsmeister W., - The Cretaceous and Paleocene pleurotomariid (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda) fauna of Seymour Island, Antarctica
34461: Harasewych M.G. & Kantor Y.I., - The deep-sea Buccinoidea (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda) of the Scotia Sea and adjacent abyssal plains and trenches
73379: Harasewych M.G. & Kantor Y.I., - Rediscovery of Marginellona gigas (Martens, 1904), with notes on the anatomy and systematic position of the subfamily Marginelloninae (Gastropoda: Marginellidae)
73393: Harasewych M.G., - Tractolira germonae, a new abyssal Antarctic volute
73399: Harasewych M.G. - Shells, Jewels from the Sea
59587: Hard T.W., - Sum VII
41745: Hardley R., - The social life of Stradbroke Island aborigines
30979: Hardy A.C., Kay R.H., - Experimental studies of plankton luminescence
60500: Harmelin Vi.M. & Petron C., - Guide Sous Marin de la Reunion et de li'le Maurice
63695: Harmelin J.G., - Contribution à l'étude des bryozoaires cyclostomes de Méditerranée: Les Crisia des côtes de Provence
73619: Harmer F.W., - The Crag of Essex (Waltonian) and its relations to that of Sufflok and Norfolk
62903: Harper C.W., - Phylogenetic inference in paleontology
68840: Harper E.M., - The molluscan periostracum: an important constraint in bivalve evolution
69724: Harper D.A.T. & Portell R.W., - Argyrotheca (Brachiopoda) form the Pliocene Bowden Shells Bed, parish of St
25970: Harrington H.D., - The woody plants of Iowa in winter condition
32762: Harris T. - Spirorbis species (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) from the isles of Scilly, including descriptions of two new species
64111: Harris S., - Engraved portrait of Isaac Lea (1792-1886), conchologist, geologist and publisher devoted to study of natural history especially interested in freshwater and land mollusks
73893: Harris G.D., 1893 (1963) - Republication of Conrad's fossil shells of the Tertiary formations of North America
62930: Harris R.R. & Jaccarini V., - Structure and function of the anal sacs of Bonellia viridis (Echiura: Bonelliidae)
21886: Harris R.P. & Paffenhofer G.A., - Feeding, growth and reproduction of the marine planktonic copepod Temora longicornis
28574: Harris T.M., - The Occurrence of the Fructification Carnoconites in New Zealand
65433: Harris R.P., - The distribution and ecology of the interstitial meiofauna of a sandy beach at Withsand Bay, East Cornwall
58303: Harris J. (Ed.), - Prospectives of PI-interactions in biological systems
56382: Harris S., - Age determination in the Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) - an evaluation of technique efficiency as applied to a sample of suburban foxes
57459: Harris G.D., - Preliminary Notes on Ocala Bivalves
43418: Harris C.L., - Primary production in the Ala Wai Canal, a small tropical estuary [Hawaii]
43575: Harris L. G., - Aeolid nudibranchs as predators and prey
70397: Harrison H., - Largo! Largo!
53392: Harrison A.D., - Identity of Ferrissia irrorata and Gundlachia radiata, Guilnding's species of Ancylidae from St Vincent, WI
64044: Harrison S., - Il falco delle nevi
35139: Harrison F. C., - The duration of the life of the tubercle bacillus in cheese
72026: Harrison H., - Bill, eroe galattico
71282: Harry H.W., - List of Mollusca of Grand Isle, Louisiana, recorded from the Louisiana State University Marine Laboratory 1929-1941
12526: Harry H.W., - Growth changes in the shell of Pythia scarabaeus (Linne)
10236: Hart J.L., - Pacific fishes of Canada
74638: Harte M.E., - Is Cyclininae a monophyletic subfamiliy of Veneridae (Bivalvia)?
60349: Hartley J.P., - The family Paraonidae (Polychaeta) in British waters: a new species and new records with a key to species
33800: Hartley J. P., - The family Paraonidae (Polychaeta) in British waters: a new species and new records with a key to species
71858: Hartman O. & Boss K.J., - Antonbruunia viridis, a new inquiline annelid with dwarf males, inhabiting a new species of pelecypod, Lucina fosteri, in the Mozambique Channel
68040: Hartman W.D. & Michener E., - Conchologia Cestrica
57687: Hartmann,L.M. & Kromayer,G., - Storia romana
69650: Hartwell D.G. (cur.), - Lo scudo di Marte
69648: Hartwell D.G. & Cramer K. (cur.), - Stelle che bruciano
54083: Harvey Gibson R.J.., - On cross- and self-fertilization among plants
70256: Harzhauser M, Mandic O, Piller WE, Reuter M, & Kroh A., - Tracing back the origin of the Indo-Pacific mollusc fauna: Basal Tridacninaef rom the Oligocene and Miocene of the Sultanate of Oman
74037: Hase K., - Geology of the Alluvial Plains of Miyagi Prefecture
61894: Hashimoto, J. & T. Okutani, - Four new mytilid mussels associated with deepsea chemosynthetic communities around Japan
31576: Haskell T.R., - Dinoflagellate species Dingodinium cerviculum, Odontochitina operculata, and Muderongia tetracantha in lower Cretaceus strata of the great artesian basin, Australia
74479: Haszprunar G., - New slit-limpets (Scissurellacea and Fissurellacea) from hydrothermal vents Part 2 - Anatomy and relationship
70731: Haszprunar G., - On the anatomy and relationship of the Choristellidae (Archaeogastropoda:Lepetelloidea)
74034: Hatai K, - On some fossils from the Oido Shell-Beds developed in Toda-gun Rikuzen Province, Japan
71704: Hatai K. & Nisiyama S., - Remarks on certain fossils from the Berderlnd of the Japan Sea
72678: Hatai K., Kotaka T. & Noda H., - Some Marine [Fossil] Mollusca from Shimanokoshi Harbor in Tanohata Cho, Shimohei Gun, Iwate Prefecture, Northeast Honshu, Japan
72679: Hatai K & Kotaka T., - Mollusca from Tatenokawa, Tadami-Cho, Minami-Aizu-Gun, Fukushima Prefecture, Northeast Japan
72885: Hatai K.M., - On some species of fossil Dosinia from Japan
73168: Hatai K., Kotaka T. & Noda H., - Some marine fossil from southwest of Shiroishi City, Miyagi Prefecture, Northeast Honshu, Japan
74835: Hatch F.H. & Corstorphine G.S., - The Geology of South Africa - Second edition
24896: Hatch E. & Balasubramanian A., - The Zoological Record Mollusca Section 9: 1966 - Volume 103, pp
47042: Hauge R., - Inkarnasjon og opstandelse
53240: Hausdorf B. , - Zur Kenntnis einiger Arten der Gattung Leiostyla Lowe aus NW- Anatolien (Gastropoda: Lauriinae)
53377: Hausdorf B., - Über zwei Candidula-Arten von der südlichen Balkanhalbinsel (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae)
3647: Hausdorf B., - Xeromunda alticola n
34042: Hausdorf B., - Zum Vorkommen der Gattung Orcula Held in Griechenland (Gastropoda: Orculidae)
68513: Hausdorf B., - Zur Kenntnis von Orculella templorum (Benoit 1862) aus Sizilien (Gastropoda: Orculidae)
53108: Hausdorf B., - Neue und weinig bekannte Clausilien aus Westmittelgriechenland
68482: Hausdorf B., - Zur Kenntnis der Beziehung einiger Taxa der Helicellinae Ihering 1909 (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae)
68485: Hausdorf B., - Die Xeromunda-Arten des griechischen Festlandes
71310: Hausdorf B., - Über die Verbreitung von Microxeromagna armillata (LOWE, 1852) und Xerotrichia conspurcata (DRAPARNAUD, 1801) in Griechenland und in der Türkei (Gastropoda, Pulmonata: Hygromiidae)
53239: Hausdorf B., - Zur Kenntnis einiger Arten der Gattung Helicopsis Fitzinger aus Griechenland und der Türkei (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae)
53312: Hausdorf B., - Die Gattung Thoanteus Lindholm in Kleinasien (Gastropoda: Buliminidae)
72047: Hausdorf B., - Additive typogenesis in Thoanteus (Gastropoda: Bulminidae)
59056: Havlí ek, V., K í , J. & Serpagli, E. - Upper Ordovician brachiopod assemblages of the Carnic Alps, Middle Carinthia and Sardinia
31710: Hawkins S.J. & Hartnoll R.G., - The influence of barnacle cover on the numbers, growth and behaviour of Patella vulgata on a vertical pier
33801: Hawkins S. J., - The influence of season and barnacles on the algal colonization of Patella vulgata exclusion areas
62709: Hay O.P., - Description of a New Fossil Sea Cow from Florida, Metaxytherium floridanum
72559: Hayami I. & Kase T., - A new cryptic species of Pycnodonte from Ryukyu Islands: a living fossil oyster
73527: Hayami I., - Lower Cretaceous marine Pelecypods of Japan - part I
73613: Hayami I., - On the Jurassic pelecypod fauna in Japan
73783: Hayami B. & Kase T., - Characteristics of Submarine Cave Bivalves in the Northwestern Pacific
72889: Hayasaka I., - Fossil occurrence of pelecypod shells bored by certain gastropods
31995: Hayashi I., - Structure and growth of a shore population of the ormer, Haliotis tuberculata
36701: HAYASHI I,, - Structure and growth of a shore population of the ormer, Haliotis tuberculata
31996: Hayashi I., - The reproductive biology of the ormer, Haliotis tuberculata
75370: Hayden F.V., - Preliminary report of the United States Geological Survey of Wyoming and portions of contiguous territories, (being a second annual report of progress)
73708: Hayden, F.V. , - Eleventh Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Embracing Idaho and Wyoming, Being a Report of Progress of the Exploration for the Year 1877
29522: Haydon W.T., - Inagural address on the seed production of Pinus sylvestris
38867: Hazlewood, Carlton F. (Ed.), - Physicochemical State of Ions and Water in Living Tissues and Model
70187: He Jing, - Families of Mollusks
66929: He Jing & Zhuang Zimin, - The Freshwater Bivalves of China
74569: Healy J., - Dimorphic spermatozoa of the hydrothermal vent prosobranch Alviniconcha hessleri: systematic importance and comparison with other caenogastropods
74649: Heard W.H. & Guckert R.H., - A re-evaluation of the recent Unionacea (Pelecypoda) of North America
12321: Heard W.H., - Distribution of Sphaeriidae (Pelecypoda) in Michigan U
12539: Heard W.H., - Distribution of Sphaeriidae (Pelecypoda) in Michigan, U
12525: Heard W.H., - The Sphaeriidae (Mollusca: Pelecypoda) of the North American Great Lakes
12506: Heard W.H., - The Unionidae of Ottawa county, Michigan
15874: Heath H., - Solenogastres from the eastern coast of North America
71339: Hecht F. & Matern H., - Zur Ökologie von Cardium edule
60787: Heckel J.J, - Bericht einer auf Kosten der kais
60176: Heckel J.J., - Über die zu den Gattungen Idus, Leuciscus und Squalius gehörigen Cyprinen
59847: Heckler J., - Circostanze ignote
73606: Hedgepeth J.W., - Treatise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology Volume 1 - Ecology
7894: Hedgpeth J.W., - Introduction to seashore life of the San Francisco Bay region and the coast of Northern California
14954: Heding S.G., - Deux nouvelles holothuries dendrochirotes du Congo et quelques remarques au sujet de Halodeima coluber
69074: Hedley C., - Mollusca from the Hope Islands, North Queensland
61394: Hedley C., - The mollusca of Funafuti - part I - Gasteropoda
14145: Hedley C., (1923) - The depths of the sea
14511: Hedley C., - A talk about shells
8020: HEDLEY C., - On a thalassoid element in the australian molluscan fauna
73129: Heegaard P., - Parasitic Copepods from Tropical West Africa
60175: Heeger E., - Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte der Physopoden (Blasenfüsse)
54804: Heeger E., - Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Insecten
63027: Heffernan P., - Ultrastructural studies of the elytra of Pholoe minuta with special reference to functional morphology
72418: Hegi G., - Flora alpina
27994: Heidenhain M., - Über die Noniusfelder der Muskelfaser
27990: Heiderich F., - Beiträge zur Gehirn-schädel-topographie 1; Die Seitenkammern und Stammganglien der erwachsenen Menschen
67006: Heikertinger F., - Die Mimikry der Tagfalter Südamerikas: Die Dismorphiinen
58531: Heiman E.L.,. - A guide to cowry names and terms
69508: Heine W., - Devotions in the Great Temple Simoda
65175: Heine W., - Simoda from Vandalia Bluff
58540: Heine W., - Chief Temple at Hakodadi
58541: Heine W., - Street in Hakodadi
58543: Heine W., - Hakotadi from telegraph hill
58555: Heine W., - Conference Room Hakodadil
58560: Heine W., - Com
69507: Heine W., - Temple of Hat-Chi-Mana-Ya-Chû-Ro Simoda
58534: Heine W., - Simoda from the American Grave Yard
58536: Heine W., - View of Hakodadi from Snow Peak
58535: Heine W., - Japanese funeral at Simoda Original tinted lithograph taken from Perry Expedtion to Japan (Tucker printing)
69503: Heine W., - Mariners temple at Simoda
62455: Heinlein R.A., - La via delle stelle
67670: Heinlein R., - Straniero in terra straniera
68260: Heinlein R., - Vortice nero
71006: Heinrich, H., - Uber den Schlundkopf einiger dibranchiaten Cephalopoden
51484: Heinrich Balss - Decapoden des Roten Meeres IV
51550: Heinrich Wagner - Die Trockenrasengesellschaften am Alpenostrand
51416: Heinrich Micoletzky - Ergebnisse einer botanischen Forschungsreise nach Deutsch-Ostafrika und Südafrika (Kapland, Natal und Rhodesien): Sü§wasser - Nematoden aus Südafrika 24 pages with 4 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 21
51110: Heinrich Hartl - Bestimmung von Polhöhe und Azimut auf der Sternwarte in Athen 26 pages with 1 illustration, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 21
51480: Heinrich von Ficker - Untersuchungen über die meteorologischen Verhältnisse der Pamirgebiete
51360: Heinrich Reichel - Beobachtungen über Luftionisation 8 pages with 2 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 18
51483: Heinrich Balss - Decapoden des Roten Meeres III
51359: Heinrich Reichel - Über die Dauer einfacher psychischer Vorgänge unter dem Einflusse des Höhenklimas und über die psychische Alkoholwirkung in gro§en Höhen 36 pages with 4 Tabellen und 4 plates , format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 18
51280: Heinrich Ducke - Höhenberechnung corespondierender Meteore der Augustperiode 1877 26 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 9
51526: Heinrich Handel-Mazzetti und Norbert Lichtenecker - Kartenaufnahmen in Hunan und ihre geographischen Ergebnisse Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der mit Unterstützung der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien aus der Erbschaft Treitl von F
51498: Heinrich Balss - Decapoden des Roten Meeres III
51534: Heinrich Balss - Decapoden des Roten Meeres IV
51352: Heinrich von Ficker - Innsbrucker Föhnstudien IV
51474: Heinrich Handel-Mazzetti - Neue Aufnahmen in Nw-Yünnan und S-Setschuan
31110: Heinricher E., - Die Krümmungsbewegungen des Hypokotyls von Viscum album, ihre zeitliche Folge, insbesonders der Nachweis seiner negativ geotropischen Reaktion
49521: Heinz I.C., (1739) - Dissertatio inauguralis medica de asaro
51320: Heinz von Ficker - Zur Meteorologie von West-Turkestan 35 pages with 1 map, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 12
51308: Heinz von Ficker - Der Transport kalter Luftmassen über die Zentralalpen 70 pages with 33 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 26
51299: Heinz von Ficker - Innsbrucker Föhnstudien
70318: Heinzelin J. de, - Estimation de la durée du Pleistocène basée sur l'évolution des faunes de mollusques du bassin de la mer du Nord
62689: Helama S., Kresten Nielsen J. & Valovirta I., 2007. - Conchology of endangered freshwater pear mussel: conservation palaeobiology applied to museum shells originating from northern Finland
51446: Helene Jacobi - Wachstumsreaktionen von Keimlingen, hervorgerufen durch monochromatisches Licht
57529: Heller C., - Die Bryozoen des Adriatischen Meeres
70313: Heller J., - Land snails of the land of Israel
18283: Helm M.M., Holland D.L., Utting S.D. & East J., - Fatty acid composition of early non-feeding larvae of the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis
65284: Hemingway E., - Fiesta - Il sole sorge ancora
63601: Hemingway E., - Fiesta
64849: Hemmen J. & Groh K., - Preliminary list of corrections and additions for R
64893: Hemmen J. & Hemmen C., - Aktualiserte Liste der terrestrischen Gastropoden Thailands
19374: Hemmen J., Hemmen C. & Pathamakanthin S., - Rhiostoma (The genus Rhiostoma and catalogue of Rhiostoma species)
57430: Hemmen J. & Groh K., - Bibliographia Atlantica - Eine Malakozoologische Bibliographie der gemässigten Mittelatlantischen Inseln
71603: Hemphill H., - Studies among mollusks
19264: Henderson P.A., Seaby R. & Marsh S.J., - The population zoogeography of the common shrimp (Crangon crangon) in British waters
64249: Henderson Z., - Il libro del popolo
68936: Henderson R.A., - Ammonoidea from the Mata Series (Santonian-Maastrichtian) of New Zealand
6861: Henderson J.B. & Bartsch P., - A classification of the american operculate land mollusks of the family Annulariidae
71476: Henderson J.B., - A list of the land and fresh-water shells of the Isle of Pines
15011: Henderson J.B. & Bartsch P., - Littoral marine mollusks of Chincoteague Island, Virginia
19044: Henley W.F. & Neves R.J., - Recovery status of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) in the North Fork Holston river, Virginia
29273: Henneberg B., - Die verbreitung der sinushaare bei den säugern und die sinushaarreste beim Menschen
29636: Hennerberg B., - Beitrag zurentwickelung der Äusseren genitalorgane beim Säuger
73617: Hennig A., - Faunan i SkOEnes Yngre Krita II: Lamellibranchiaterna
58305: HENRI LOUIS, - Sur les nitriles-alcools aliphatiques et leurs dérives
34912: Henrietta Buckmaster, - Deep River (Black-Related Novel)
34374: Henry A.J., - Amplification of weather forecasts
10247: Heppell D., - The dates of publication of J
18055: Heppell D., - Obituary - Charles John Gabriel 1879-1963
52247: Herbert D.G., - Gulella salpinx sp n, a new critically endangered holoendemic species from the limestone deposits of the Marble Dleta, KwaZulu - Natal, South Africa (Streptaxida)
51486: Herbert Graf - Die Cypridinidae des Roten Meeres
33174: Herbert D.A., - A story of the Queensland's scientific acheviement, 1859 to 1959
74173: Herbert D., - A new species of Thysanodontinae from South Africa (Mollusca: Trochoidea)
52232: Herbert D.G., - Trochus kotschyi Philippi, 1849, the first Indian Ocean record of the genus Osilinus (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochidae)
26793: Herbert D.G., - A new species of Priotrochus from south-east Africa
59942: Herbert F., - Creatori di dei
51535: Herbert Graf - Die Cypridinidae des Roten Meeres
39536: Herbert D. A., - Ecological segregation and Australian phytogeographic elements
20777: Herbert D.G. & Warén A., - South African Mollusca described by Ferdinand Krauss: their current status and notes on type material housed in the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm
71906: Herbert D.G., - Notes on synonymy with the genus Priotrochus Fischer, 1879 (Prosobranchia: Trochidae)
66095: Herbert B. & Anderson K.J., - Il preludio a Dune - I ribelli dell'impero
67885: Herbert D.G., - A revision of the southern African Scissurellidae
58092: Herbert F., - Der Einfluss Verschiedener Dungungsmassnahmen Auf Die Bodenfauna
5210: Herbert D.G., - Designation of lectotype and type locality for Haliotis rugosa Lamarck, 1822 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochidae)
64656: Herbert D.G., - A new species of Thysadontinae from South Africa (Mollusca: Trochoidea)
64658: Herbert D.G., - Observations on the southern African fissurellids Cosmetalepas africana and Macroschisma africana
15968: Herbert D.G., - Molluscan conservation in South Africa: diversity, issues and priorities
15182: Herbert D.G., - Comment on the southern African limpets described from the Demidoff collection by Fischer von Waldheim (1807)
51554: Herbert Franz; E. Lindner; O. Wettstein - Herbert Franz; E
72494: Herbert D.G., - A note on Calliostoma multiliratum (Gastropoda: Trochidae)
72495: Herbert D.G., - A remarkable new species of Diodora Gray, 1821 from south-east Africa (Fissurellidae)
73683: Herbert D.G., - Revision of the Umboniinae (Mollusca: Prosobranchia: Trochidae) in southern Africa and Mozambique
71196: Herbst R., - Subfossile Schnecken und Muscheln im Gebiete der oberen und mittleren Leine
70647: Herdman W.A., - The pearl fisheries of Ceylon
71904: Hergueta,E., Luque ç.A. & Templado J., - On the taxonomy and biology of Chauvetia mamillata (Risso, 1826) (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) in South East Spain
60363: Heritsch F., - Neue Versteinerungen aus den Na§feldschichten der Karnischen Alpen
71817: Herm D., - Bostryx variabilis n
68323: Herm D., - Marines Pliozän und Pleistozän in Nord- und Mittel-Chile unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung der Mollusken-Faunen
60080: Herman, S.G. & J.B. Bulger, - Effects of a Forest Application of DDT on Nontarget Organisms
58788: Herman A., - Metternich
54960: Hermann H., - Ueber das verhalten der froschlymphe gegen artfremdes blut
51508: Hermann Spandl - XVII
51341: Hermann Tertsch - Kristalltrachten des Zinnsteines 62 pages with 3 plates and 28 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung 15
51485: Hermann Spandl - Die Amphipoden des Roten Meeres
51500: Hermann Spandl - Die Amphipoden des Roten Meeres
51349: Hermann Vetters - Beiträge zur Geologie des Zjargebirges und des angrenzenden Teils der Mala Magura in Oberungarn 52 pages with 2 maps, 6 plates and 4 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung 18
56192: Hermans J.J., Kompanje E.J.O.,Krestin G.P. & Moeliker C.W., - First Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of a complete specimen of Bruijn's brush-turkey Aepypodius bruijnii (Aves, Megapodiidae)
70300: Hermite H., - Note sur le genre Trochotoma
31756: Hernandez O.J., - La zoologia en Cuba (Desde 1868 a 1968)
71734: Heron G.C., - On the land and freshwater shells of the Ottawa
46281: Herring P. J., Clarke M.R. & Von Boletzky S., - The light organs of Sepiola atlantica and Spirula spirula (Mollusca: Cephalopoda): bacterial and intrinsic systems in the order Sepioidea
57867: Herring P.J., - Bioluminescence in decapod Crustacea
60353: Herring P.J., - Studies on bioluminescent marine amphipods
63117: Herring P.J., - Depth Distribution of the carotenoid pigments and lipids of some oceanic animals
70692: Herrington H.B., - A revision of the Sphaeriidae of North
12348: Herrington H.B. & Taylor D.W., - Pliocene and Pleistocene Sphaeriidae (Pelecypoda) from the central United States
65506: Herrmann M., - A New Neocancilla Species (Gastropoda: Mitridae) from the Indian Ocean and Remarks on Neocancilla clathrus (Gmelin, 1791) and Domiporta carnicolor (Reeve, 1844)
68024: Herrmannsen A.N., 1846- - Indicis generum Malacozoorum primordia - Nomina sugenerum, generyum, familiarum, tribuum, ordinum, classium: adjectis auctoribus, temporibus, locis systematicis atque literariis, etymis, synonymis
35009: Hershler R. , - Systematics of the North and Central American aquatic snail genus Tryonia (Rissooidea: Hydrobiidae)
71873: Hershler R. & Davis G. M., - The morphology of Hydrobia truncata (Gastropoda: Hydrobiinae): relevance to systematics of Hydrobia
66133: Hershler R. & Longley G., - Phreatic hydrobiids (Gastr
35965: Hershler R. & Ponder W.F., - A review of morphological characters of hydrobioid snails
74206: Hertlein L.G., - Three late cenozoic molluscan faunules from Baja California, with a note on diatomite from west of San Felipe
74213: Hertlein L.G. & Allison E.C., - Pliocene marine deposits in northwestern Baja California, Mexico, with the description of a new species of Acanthina (Gastropoda)
74561: Hertlein L.G., - Haliotis koticki, a new species from the lower miocene of California
70769: Hertlein L.G. & Strong A.M., - Marine pleistocene mollusks from the Galapagos Islands
72769: Hertlein L.G. & Allison E.C., - Descriptions of new species of gastropods from Clipperton Island
73444: Hertlein L.G., - The Templeton Crocker Expedition [in the Galapagos Islands] of the California Academy of Sciences, 1932 - n 25
9024: HERTLEIN L.G., - Description of a new pelecypod of the genus Lima from deep water off Central California
9340: HERTLEIN L.G. & EMERSON W.K., - Additional notes on the invertebrate fauna of Clipperton Island
40124: Hertwig, O., - Der Kampf Um Kernfragen Der Entwicklungs-Und Vererbungslehre
64047: Hesse H., - Siddharta
60187: Hesse H., - Le stagioni della vita
67672: Hesse R., - Siddharta + Il lupo della steppa
60407: Hesse H., - Knulp - Storia di un vagabondo
60416: Hesse H., - Amore
60409: Hesse H., - Francesco d'Assisi
60408: Hesse H., - L'ultima estate di Klingsor
61581: Hesse H., - Narciso e Boccadoro
63604: Hesse H., - Leggende e fiabe
65280: Hesse H., - Siddharta
66230: Hesse H., - Taedium vitae
66366: Hesse H., - Dall'Italia e racconti italiani
62891: Hesse H., - Leggende e racconti
71587: Hesse, R. - Ueber die Retina des Gastropodenauges
63776: Hesse H., - Siddharta
60619: Hesse H., - Narciso e Boccadoro - Il lupo della steppa
12875: Hetz L.L., - Notes on the ecology of slugs: Arion circumscriptus, Deroceras reticulatum and D
73143: Heuer R.J. jr., - Exploring for sea shells on Martha's Vineyard
64351: Heurtault J., - Simonobisium, genre nouveau pour l'espèce Neobisium myops Simon, 1881 (Arachnides, Pseudoscorpions, Neobisiidae)
74184: Hewish D.R. & Gowlett-Holmes K.L., - Mollusc type specimens in the South Australia Museum
59875: Hewitt S.J., - Checklist of marine molluscs from the island of Sint Eustatius, Leeward Islands, Westi Indies
72406: Hewitt R.A. & Westermann G.E.G., - Function of complexly fluted septa in ammonoid shells
62569: Hickman, C.S. - Bathyal gastropods of the family Turridae in the Early Oligocene Keasey Formation in Oregon, with a review of some deep-water genera in the Paleogene of the eastern Pacific
66766: Hickman C.S., - Pleurotomaria (Archaeogastropoda) in the Eocene of the northeastern Pacific; a review of Cenozoic biogeography and ecology of the genus
66612: Hickman C.P. & Finet Y., - A field guide to marine molluscs of Galápagos
72774: Hickman C.S., - Phylogeny and patterns of evolutionary radiation in trochoidean
72825: Hickman C.S. - The genus Parvilucina in the Eastern Pacific: making evolutionary sense of a chemosymbiotic species complex
72829: Hickman C.D., - Asynchronous construction of the protoconch/teleoconch Boundary: Evidence for staged metamorphosis in a marine gastropod larva
73487: Hickman C.S. & McLean J.H., - Systematic revision and suprageneric classification of trochacean gastropods
35148: Hicks G. H., & Dabney J. C., - The superior value of large, heavy seed
54497: Hicks G.H., - Grass seed and its impurities
17187: Hicks J.B., - On the nerve proceeding to the vesicles at the base of the halteres, and on the sub-costal nervure in the wings of insects
70865: Hidalgo J.G., - Distinción de dos nuevas especies de moluscos gastrópodos
57860: Hieke-Merlin O., Menegazzo Vitturi L. & Semenzato G.,, - Contributo alla conoscenza dei sedimenti superficiali delle lagune veneta
68062: High P.E., - Il metodo degli Asdrake
59483: High P.E., - Fuga nei mondi accanto
72617: Hikuroa D. & Grant-Mackie J., - New species of the late Jurassic Australobuchis (Bivalvia) from the Mirihiku Terrane, Port Waikato-Kawhia region, New Zealand
70376: Hilber V., - Zwei neue miocäne Pleurotomarien
71688: Hilbert R. - Ergebnisse neuer Feststellungen zur Molluskenfauna Altpreu§ens
71689: Hilbert R. - Neues zur Altpreu§ischen Molluskenfauna
71539: Hilbert R. - Über neue Weichtierfund in Ost- und Westpreu§en
71566: Hilbert R. - Malakozoologische Beobachtung in Ost- und Westpreu§en während des Krieges
70459: Hilbert R. - Über neue Molluskenfunde in Altpreu§en
71565: Hilbert R. - Zur Kenntnis der Weichtierfwelt Altpreu§en
72061: Hilbert R. 1909- - Neues zur Altpreu§ischen Molluskenfauna + Ergebnisse neuer Feststellungen zur Molluskenfauna Altpreu§ens
71549: Hildebrandt H., - Beitrag zur Molluskenfauna des Osterlandes
21883: Hildreth D.I., - The influence of water flow rate on pumping rate in Mytilus edulis using a refined direct measurement apparatus
38042: Hildreth D. I. & Crisp D. J., - A corrected formula for calculation of filtration rate of bivalve molluscs in an experimental flowing system
69264: Hill H.R., - Family Naticidae
73454: Hill R.T. & Vaughan T.W., - The lower Cretaceous Gryphaeas of the Texas region
16912: Hillier M., - Il giardino in vaso
60034: Hillman J., - La forza del carattere - La vita che dura
28155: Hilzheimer M., - Aphoristische Gedanken über einen Zusammenhang zwischen Erdgeschichte, Biologie, Menschheitsgeschichte und Kulturgeschichte
54795: Himmelbauer A., - Uber Lievrit und die Datolithgruppe (funfte Mitteilung uber die Darstellung der Kieselsauren) In 8vo, no wrappers, pp
21350: Hind W., - Les faunes conchyliologiques du terrain houiller de la Belgique etudiées dans leurs rapports avec les faunes homotaxiales du houiller de l'Angleterre
62558: Hinton A., - Shells of New Guinea and the Central Indo-Pacific
72648: Hinton A., - Guide to shells of Papua New Guinea
54590: Hintz R., - Ueber den mechanischen Bau des Blattrandes mit Berücksichtigung einiger Anpassungserscheinungen zur Verminderung der localen Verdunstung
65112: Hinz W. & Scheil H.G., - Substraatwahlversuche an Pisidium casertanum und Pisidium amnicum
71465: Hirayma K. & Andô Y., - A new subspecies of Venerupis from the Pleistocene deposits in the Souther Kwantô Area, Japan
71491: Hire D., - Die Mollusken-Fauna des liburnischen Karstes
71492: Hire D., - Malacologische Mittheilung
57543: Hirschfeld G., - Erlebnis und andere Novellen
57752: Hjelte C., - Wildlife Willie
72181: Hjort C. & Funder S., - The subfossil occurrence of Mytilus edulis L
66726: HO Y SKA M. & Dahms H.U., - New diagnostic microcharacters of the cephalothoracic appendages in Cyclops O
63076: Hoagland K.E., - Protandry and the evolution of environmentally-mediated sex changes: A study of the Mollusca
6867: Hoagland K.E., - Ecology and larval development of Crepidula protea (Prosobranchia: Crepidulidae) from Southern Brasil: a new type of egg capsule for the genus
15231: Hoagland K.E., - Use of the terms protandry, protogyny, and hermaphroditism in malacology
15233: Hoagland K.E., - Aerial exposure in the genus Crepidula with comparisons to other taxa
61709: Hoagland, K.E. - Characters, character states, and taxa used in multivariate analysis of the Pholadacea
72354: Hoagland K.E. & Turner R.D., - Evolution and adaptive radiation of wood-boring bivalves (Pholadacea)
69512: Hoarau A. & Horst D., - Les genres Cyrillia, Leufroyia & Raphitoma vivants de Méditerranée française
62884: Hoare R.D. & Sturgeon M.T., - Echinoid remains from the Pennsylvanian Vanport Limestone (Allegheny Group), Ohio
73055: Hoare R.D., - Annotated bibliography on preservation of color patterns on invertebrate fossils
73061: Hoare R.D., Mapes R.H. & Yancey T.E., - Structure, taxonomy, and epifauna of Pennsylvanian rostroconchs (Mollusca)
73283: Hoare R.D. & Mapes R.H., - Ostracodes from the Imo Formation (Mississippian, Chesterian) of northcentral Arkansas
73308: Hoare R.D. & Sturgeon M.T., - Small fusulinids from the Pennsylvanian of Ohio
26006: Hobden D.J., - Iron metabolism in Mytilus edulis II: Uptake and distribution of radioactive iron
62109: Hobson B., - Le monete - il sistema per diventare buoni collezionisti
59661: Hoch E.D., - La fabbrica di Frankenstein
51333: Hochstetter F., - Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der europäischen Sumpfschildkröten (Emys Lutaria Marsili) 2
50909: Hochstetter F., - Prähistoriche Ansiedelungwn und Begräbnissstätten in Niederösterreich und in Krain
28512: Hockey K.C., - The Changing Face of Horticulture
73463: Hodgkinson K.A., - Stone City and Cook Mountain (middle Eocene) scaphopods from southwest Texas
41034: Hodgson A. N. & Bernard R. T. F., - Observations on the ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of two mytilids from the south-west coast of England
30567: Hoek P.P.C., - Bericht ueber die Zoologische Station der Niederländischen Zoologischen Gesellschaft
75167: Hoeksema D.F. & Janse A.C., - Microgloma pusilla (Jeffreys, 1879) (Bivalvia, Protobranchia, Nuculanidae) and Notolimea clandestina Salas, 1994 (Bivalvia, Pteriomorpha, Limidae), new for the southern North Sea Basin
65138: Hoeksema D.F. & Simons, G.F., - Bornia canariensis, a new marine species from the Canary Islands (Bivalvia, Heterodonta, Veneroida, Kelliidae)
11344: Hoeksema D.F., - Phaseolus guilonardi n
11505: Hoeksema B.W. & Achituv Y., - First Indonesian record of Fungiacava eilatensis Goreau et al
65167: Hoeksema D.F. & Janssen A.W., - Rediscovery of the marine gastropod Spiricella unguiculus Rang, 1827 (Umbraculidae) in Miocene deposits of the North Sea Bassin and in the recent fauna of South West Europe
64835: Hoenselaar H.J. & Hoenselaar J., - Musculista senhousia (Benson in Cantor, 1842) in the western Mediterranean (Bivalvia, Mytilidae)
74750: Hoenselaar H.J. & Hoenselaar J., - Conchological differences between Crisilla marioni and Crisilla cristallinula
5229: Hoenselaar H.J. & Moolenbeek R.G., - The identity of Nassarius vaucheri (Pallary, 1906)
31236: Hoenselaar H.J. & Moolenbeck R.G., - A new Macromphalus species from the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania (Gastropoda; Vanikoridae)
75271: Hoenselaar H.J. & Hoenselaar J., - On the identification of protoconchs of some European Caecidae (Gastr
61943: Hoenselaar H.J. & Moolenbeck R.G., - Barleeia seminulum (Monterosato, 1877) recorded from the tunisian coast (Gastropoda: Barleeidae)
20041: Hoenselaar H.J. & Hoenselaar J., - A new Setia species from southern Spain
66412: Hoernes M., - L'uomo storia naturale e preistoria
69736: Hoffman P., - La mano sinistra di Dio
74007: Hoffman L, Gofas S. & Freiwald A., - Two new species in Papuliscala de Boury, 1911 (Gastropoda, Epitoniidae) from the South Azorean Seamount Chain
74044: Hoffman L. & Freiwald A., - Anatoma occidentalis n
31343: HOFFMAN A., - Shell growth in Turritella badensis from the Badenian (Miocene) Korytnica Clays, Poland
68919: Hoffman L, Gofas S. & Freiwald A., - New and little-known Seguenziidae (Vetigastropoda, Gastropoda) from the South Azorean Seamount Chain
69941: Hoffman L., Gofas S. & Freiwald A., - A large biodiversity of "skeneimorph" (Gastropoda, Vetigastropoda) species from the South Azorean Seamount Chain, with the description of seventeen new species
69771: Hoffman P., - Il battito delle sue ali
64053: Hoffmann G.I. & Sindermann C.J., - Common parasite of fishes
61873: Hoffmann E.T.A., - Racconti
58396: Hofmann, Fr. & G. Schwalbe (Eds.). - Jahresberichte über die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie - Sechster Band - Literatur 1878 - Zweite Abtheilung:Entwicklungsgeschichte - Anatomie de wirbellosen Theire
73929: Hofmann A., - Tafeln zur Benützung beim Studium der Palaeontologie
54771: Hofmann E., - Uber die anatomie des
50025: Hofmann Fr. & Schwalbe, G., - Jahresberichte über die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie - Siebenter Band: Literature 1878 - Zweite Abtheilung: Entwcklungsgeschichte: Anatomie der Wirbellose Thiere
54792: Hohnel, F. von, - Revision von 292 der von J Feltgen aufgestellten Ascomycetenformen auf Grund der originalexemplare
60335: Hoie S., - History of Lake Biwa [Japan, Honshu]
63430: Hoiffstetter R., - Nuapua, un gisement de vertébrés pleistocenes dans le Chaco Bolivien
417: Holas B., - Deux haches polies de grande taille de la Basse Côte d'Ivoire
47402: Hollaender F. & Busse-Palma G., - Der Pflegesohn + Das gro§e Glück
32804: Holland D.L. & Hannant P.J. - Biochemical changes during growth of the spat of the oyster, Ostrea edulis L
62985: Hollard H., - Etudes zoologiques sur le genre Actinia
58430: Hollard, A., - Les principes de la Chimie moderne
70178: Holler A., - Uber die fauna der meeresbildungen von Wetzelsdorf bei preding in Steiermark
35884: Holme N. A. & Wilson J. B., - Faunas associated with longitudinal furrow and sand ribbons in a tide-swept area in the English channel
67526: Holme N.A. - The biology of Loligo forbesi Steenstrup (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in the Plymouth area
24360: Holmes S.J., - The Amphipoda collected by the US Bureau of Fisheries steamer "Albatross" off the West coast of North America in 1903 and 1904, with descriptions of a new family and several new genera and species
60153: Holt, S. J., and L. M. Talbot. - New principles for the conservation of wild living resources
73022: Holt P.G., Paterson R.A. & Hubbard J.P. (eds.) , - The distributional history of the Biota od the Southern Applachians part III: Vertebrates
66697: Holthuis L.B., - The Indo-Pacific scyllarine lobsters (Crustacea, Decapoda, Scyllaridae)
74398: Holthuys L.B., - A revision of the family Scyllaridae (Crustacea Decapoda Macrura)
74043: Holyoak D.T., Martín çlvarez J.F. & da Costa Mendes R., - New species of Pruvotininae (Solenogastres, Cavibelonia) from bathyal bottoms off the NW Iberian Peninsula, with a taxonomical discussion about the family Pruvotinidae
66393: Holyoak D.T. & Holyoak G.A., - A new genus Zenobiellina for Helix subrufescens Miller, 1822 (Hygromiida), with description of a new congeneric species from northern Spain
67295: Holyoak D.T., Holyoak G.A. & da Costa Mendes R.M., - Revised check-list of the land and freshwater Mollusca (Gastropoda and Bivalvia) of mainland Portugal
75423: Holyoak D.T. & Holyoak G.A., - A review of species-limits in some Cryptazeca (Gastropoda: Azecidae)
74042: Holyoak D.T., Martín çlvarez J.F. & da Costa Mendes R., - Descriptions of two new species of Oxychilus (Gastropoda: Oxychilidae) from Portugal and Spain, with notes on variability of O
75470: Holyoak G.A. & Holyoak D.T., - An undescribed species of Cryptosaccus (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae) from the south-west of the province of León, NW Spain
75419: Holyoak D.T. & Holyoak G.A., - A taxonomic revision of Oestophora barbula (Rossmässler, 1838) an O barbella (Servain, 1880), two Iberian endemic land-snail species (Gastropoda: Trissexodontidae)
75426: Holyoak D.T., Holyoak G.A. & Torres S., - A reassessment of the species of Truncatellina (Gastropoda: Vertiginidae) in the Iberian Peninsula and North-west Africa
63078: Holyoak G.A., Holyoak D.T. & Da Costa Mendes R., - Descriptions of two new species of Belgrandia (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) from Central Portugal
68628: Holyoak G.A. & Holyoak D.T., - A new species of Candidula (Hygromiidae) from central Portugal
63735: Holyoak D.T., Holyoak H. & da Costa Mendes R.M., - Distribution and ecology of Mercuria tachoensis (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) in Portugal and evidence thtat M
59078: Holyoak D.T., Holoyoak G.A., - A taxonomic review of Cecilioides (Gastropoda: Ferussaciidae) in continental Portugal
67817: Holyoak D.T. & Holyoak G.A., - A new species of Lauria (Gastropoda, Lauriidae) from the Canary Islands
57917: Holyoak D.T., Holoyoak G.A., Torres J.S., Da Coasta Menes R. & Quinonero Salgado S., 2013 - Succinea (Calcisuccinea) sp, an American land-snail newly established in Portugal and Spain )Gastropoda: Succineidae)
74264: Honda Y., - Paleobiogeographic significance of Trominina hokkaidoensis (Hayasaka and Uozumi) (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) from the basal part of the Tanami Formation (Oligocene) of the Kii Peninsula, southern Japan
73105: Honda Y., - History of the Paleogene molluscan fauna of Japan: a paleobiogeographic approach
73262: Honda Y., - A new Chlamys from the Shitakara formation of the Urahoro gropu, Kushito coal filed, Eastern Hokkaido
73263: Honda Y., - Molluscan fossils from the Atsunai Group, Kushiro Coal Field, Eastern Hokkaido, Northern Japan,
69286: Honigmann H.L.,. - Beitrag zur Molluskenfsuna Rumäniens
74396: Hoogmoed M.S. & Cadle J E., - Natural history and distribution of Agalychnis craspedopus (Funkhouser, 1957) (Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae)
55878: Hook R.W. & Donald Baird - Ichthycanthus platypus Cope, 1877, reidentified as the dissorophoid amphibian Amphibamus lyelli
57377: Hook S.C. & R. H. Flower, - Tajaroceras and the origin of the Troedssonellidae
72339: Hook P., - The World of Seashells : A Fully Illustrated Guide to These Fascinating Gifts from the Ocean
59050: Hopkins C.C & Machin D., - Patterns of spermatophore distribution and placement in Euchaeta norvegica (Copepoda: Calanoida)
42430: Hopkins J. T., - A study of the diatoms of the Ouse estuary, Sussex III: The seasonal variation in the littoral epiphyte flora and the shore plankton
54038: Hornstein K., - Über die Bahn der Calliope
68689: Horro J., Schönherr C. & Rolán E., - Two New Nassariidae (Gastropoda) from West Africa with the substitution of Adinopsis Odhner, 1923 by Adinassa n
69997: Horro J., Gori S., Rosado J. & Rolán E., - Little Conoidean Shells from Dhofar, Oman, with Description of 35 New Species
68666: Horro J., Ryall P. & Rolán E., - Bela schoenherri (Gastropoda: Mangeliidae), a New Species from West Africa
64862: Horro J., Ryall P. & Rolan E., - Anacithara (Conoidea, Turridae): a new genus to West Africa
63731: Horro J. & Rolan E., - Two new species of Teretia (Gastropoda: Raphitomidae) from West Africa
56200: Horro J., Gori S. & Rolán E., - Haedropleura ryalli, a new species from S‹o Tomé island (Gastropoda, Turridae) In 8vo, offp
67292: Horro J., Gori S. & Rolán E., - Raphitoma zamponorum a new species from S‹o Tome Island (Gastropoda: Raphitomidae)
60137: Horst E., - Cesare
57799: Horton R., - A Definition of Religion, and its Uses
71998: Horusitzky H., - Über die diluvialen fauna von Szeged
71334: Horusitzky H., - Neuere Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Lösses und der diluvialen Molluskenfauna
54903: Horvath G., - Rhynchoten aus Palästina und Syrien
71982: Horvath A., - Mollusca-periods in the sediments of the Hungarian Pleistocene
63026: Horwood J.W., - Fecundity and maturity of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) form Cardigan Bay
75007: Hoskins C.W., - Molluscan biofacies in calcareous sediments, Gulf of Batabano, Cuba
69567: Hosseini K., - Mille splendidi soli
63724: Houart R., - Living Muricidae of the World - Muricinae - Murex, Promurex, Haustellum, Bolinus, Vokesimurex and Siratus
18923: Houart R., - Review of the Indo-West Pacific species of Haustellum and comments on Vokesimurex Petuch, 1994 (Muricidae) with the description of H
25729: Houart R. & Trondle J., - Additions to 'Les Muricidae de Polynésie Française' and description of a new species of Morula from French Polynesia
66633: Houart R., - Mollusca Gastropoda: Noteworthy Muricidae from the Pacific Ocean, with description of seven new species
66762: Houart R., - Description of three new species and one new subspecies of Muricidae (Muricinae and Muricopsinae) from West Africa
66656: Houart R., - Pterymarchia n
68682: Houart R., - Description of Pterynotus laurae n
70091: Houart R., - Mollusca Gastropoda: the Typhinae (Muricidae) from the New Caledonian region with description of five new species
68177: Houart R., - Trophon maltzani Kobelt & Küster, 1878, an earlier name for Trophon subserratus Sowery, 1880 (Gastropoda: Muricidae)
68420: Houart R., - Les Muricidae d'Afrique Occidentale II - Ocenebrinae, Ergalataxinae, Tripterotyphinae, Typhinae, Trophoninae & Rapaninae
64412: Houart R., - On some Indo-West Pacific species of Favartia sensu strictu (Gastropoda: Muricidae: Muricopsinae) wit the description of three new species from thev Indian Ocean and comments on related species
74183: Houart R., - Description of two new species of Muricopsis (Risomurex) from Angola, Western Africa
11935: Houart R. & Pain T., - On the designation of a neotype for Chichoreus (Chicoreus) torrefactus (Sow
67554: Houart R. & Lan T.C., - Description of a new species of Pagodula (Gastropoda: Muricidae) from Northeast Taiwan
75418: Houart R. & Rolan E., - The genus Pradoxa Fernandes & Rolan, 1993 (Gastropoda: Muricidae) en S‹o Tomém Principe and Annobon
66786: Houart R., - Poiriera (Pazinotus) philcloveri, a new species from the Philippine Islands
14506: Houart R., - Trophon fraseri Knudsen, 1956 une espèce d'Afrique occidentale récemment trouvée en Europe
31808: Houart R., - New data on the Trophoninae (Gastropoda: Muricidae) in southern Africa with the description of two new species
20157: Houart R., - Description of Pterymachia elatica n sp (Muricidae) from the Gulf of Aqaba
66764: Houart R., - Some notes on the genus Spinidrupa Habe and Kosuge, 1966 (Muricidae: Ergalataxinae), with the description of Habromorula gen
12378: Houart R. & Trondle J., - Additions to "Les Muricidae de Polynésie Française" and description of a new species of Morula Schumacher, 1817 (Muricidae, Rapaninae) from French Polynesia
67495: Houart R., - Ocenebra isaacsi sp
33293: Houart R., - A review of Gemixystus Iredale, 1929 (Muricidae) from Australia and New Zealand
32969: Houart R., - Chichoreus setionoi n
66648: Houart R. & Abreu A.D., - The Muricidae (Gastropoda) from Madeira with the description of a new species of Ocenebra (Ocinebrina) (Muricidae: Ocinebrinae)
66649: Houart R., - Description of Trophon iarae n
68612: Houart R. & Lorenz F., - Description of a New Species of Naquetia (Gastropoda, Muricidae) from the Red Sea and Redefinition of Naquetia jickelii (Tapparone Canefri, 1875)
68676: Houart R., - Rehabilitation de Chicoreus (Phyllonotus) oculatus (Reeve, 1845) (Gastropoda: Muricidae)
68683: Houart R., - Description of a new muricopsine species from the Southwestern Indian Ocean
68684: Houart R., - A new Dermomurex species and a record of Dermomurex angustus (Verco) (Gastropoda: Muricidae) from Western Australia, In 8vo, offp
68736: Houart R., - Description of a new species of Muricopsis (Gastropoda: Muricidae: Muricopsinae) from S‹o Tome, West Africa
67493: Houart R., - Three new tropical muricacean species (Gastropoda: Muricidae)
69209: Houart R. & Scaillet R., - Index des auteurs et des pulbications de la Société Belge de Malacologie 1966-2015 + Index alphabetique des nouveaux taxa introduits dans les publications de la Société Belge de Malacologie de 1966 to 2015
70955: Houart R., - Description of two new species of Muricidae from Mozambique, East Africa, and range extension of Chicoreus (Triplex) elisae
61512: Houart, R. 1991. - Description fo four new species of Muricidae from southern Africa with range extensions and a review of the subgenus Poropteron Jousseaume, 1880 (Ocenebrinae)
67897: Houart R., Zuccon D. & Puillandre N., - Description of new genera and new species of Ergalataxinae (Gastropoda: Muricidae)
67846: Houart R., - Ingensia gen
14497: Houart R., - Description et illustration d'une nouvelle espèce de Mer Rouge: Homalocantha dovepeledi sp
22052: Houart R., - Morula rodgersi n sp, a new muricid (Rapaninae) from Guam
68262: Houart R., - A new Trophon form southern Africa (Gastropoda: Muricidae: Trophoninae)
22053: Houart R., - Description of two new species of Chichoreus (Siratus) (Muricidae) from Honduras and Nicaragua
24706: Houart R., - A review of the recent Mediterranean and Northeast Atlantic species of Muricidae
68675: Houart R., - Description of a New Species of Muricidae (Mollusca : Gastropoda) from the Eastern African Coast : Chicoreus (Chicoreus) dovi n
66765: Houart R., - Three new species of Muricinae and Muricopsinae (Gastropoda: Muricidae) from Somalia, Christmas (Line Islands) and the Philippine Island
65092: Houart R., Moe C. & Chen C., - Description of three new muricids (Gastropoda: Muricidae: Muricinae) from The Philippines and Fiji
66737: Houart R., - Description of a New Typhine (Gastropoda : Muricidae) from New Caledonia with Comments on Some Generic Classifications within the Subfamily
66616: Houart R., - Description of two new species of Haustellum (Muricidae) from the Western Indian Ocean
66617: Houart R., - Two new muricids from West Africa
66621: Houart R., - Description of a new species of Favartia (Gastropoda: Muricidae: Muricopsinae) from Brazil
66623: Houart R., - Ponderia gen
66624: Houart R. & Wranik W., - Description of two new species of the genus Pygmaepterys Vokes, 1978 and report of Typhis (Talityphis) bengalensis (Radwin & D'Attilio, 1976) (Gastropoda: Muricidae), from the Gulf of Aden
66657: Houart R., - Description of a new species of Haustellum (Muricidae) from the western Indian Ocean
68120: Houart R., - Description of a new species of Ocenebra (Muricidae: Ocenebrinae) from Western Africa
66757: Houbrick R.S., - The Family Cerithiidae in the Indo-Pacific
61855: Houbrick R.S., - Aspects of the anatomy of Plesiotrochus (Plesiotrochidae, fam
61859: Houbrick R.S. & Fretter V., - Some aspects of the functional anatomy and biology of Cymatium and Bursa
61268: Houbrick R.S., - Genus Clypeomorus Jousseaume (Cerithiidae: Prosobranchia)
6882: Houbrick R., - Simulathena papuensis, a new planaxid genus and species from the Indo-West Pacific
61718: Houbrick R.S., - Anatomy, reproductive biology and phylogeny of the Planaxidae (Cerithiacea: Prosobranchia)
10273: Houbrick R.S., - Review of the deep-sea genus Argyropeza (Gastropoda :Prosobranchia: Cerithiidae)
67577: Houbrick R.S., - Clavocerithium (Indocerithium) taeniatum, a little-known and unusual cerithiid from New Guinea
61860: Houbrick R.S., - Revision of higher taxa in genus Cerithidea (Mesogastropoda: Potamididae) based on comparative morphology and biological data
73726: Houbrick R.S., - Campanile revisited: implications for cerithioidean phylogeny
73728: Houbrick R.S., - Anatomy, biology and systematics of Campanile symbolicum with reference to adaptive radiation of the Cerithiacea (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)
18092: Hough A.R. & Naylor E., - Distribution and position maintenance behaviour of the estuarine mysid Neomysis integer
19445: Hough W., - Exploration of a pit house village at Luna, New Mexico, In 8vo, offp
67367: Houot G. & Willm G., - Col batiscafo a 4050 metri di profondità
74982: House M.R., - Major Features of Cephalopod Evolution
59899: House R., - Sutler
73819: House M.R., - Extinction and survival in the cephalopoda
73820: House M.R., - Geographic distribution of Nautilus shells
64220: Hove M.C., - Early Life History of the Winged Mapleleaf Mussel (Quadrula fragosa)
35127: Howard L. O., - The use of steam apparatus for spraying
62845: Howard J.H., - Lebensspuren produced by insect wings In 8vo, pp
54515: Howard L.O., - The principal insects affecting the tobacco plant
65383: Howard Williams J., - Tutto quello che deve fare e non fare l'equipaggio in regata d'altura
10288: Howard D.W. & Smith C.S., - Histological techniques for marine bivalve mollusks
34387: Howard L.O., - Smyrna fig culture in the United States
22701: Howells W., - Mankind so far; Doubleday, Garden City
10289: Howie D.I., - The spawning of Arenicola marina
58873: Hoyle F., - Galassie Nuclei e Quasar
47241: Hoyle F., - Frontiers of Astronomy
71112: Hoyle W.E., - The Cephalopoda
34595: Hrdlicka A., - Brains and brain preservatives
24827: Hrdlicka A., - Catalogue of human crania in the United States National Museum collections
30493: Hrdlicka A., - Measurements of the cranial fossae
34626: Hrdlicka A., - New examples of American indian skulls with low forehead
73496: Hu C.H. & Tao H.J., - Shells of Taiwan illustrated in color
28142: Hua N.P., Nguyen T.X.T., Mai D.M., Phan D.H., Kieu T.Y., - Spawning characteristics of Babylonia areolata (Neogastropoda: Buccinidae)
69275: Huang Hao & Chen Chang Chin, - Stag Beetles of China I
74307: Huang S.I & Huang Y.F., - One new species of Caupuls from Taiwan with remarks on C
74308: Huang S.I, - Notes on the Taiwanese Fossarinae species with description of one new species (Gastropoda: Planaxidae)
69331: Huang Hao & Chen Chang Chin, - Stag Beetles of China II [in English]
58508: Huard P. & Théodorides J., - Cinq parasitologistes méconnus [Reamut, Draparnaud, Laennec, Raspail and Dijardin]
58503: Huard P. & Ohya Z., - Panorama de la médecine japonaise traditionnelle
66557: Huarte C., - Sphaeriidae (Bivalvia) from Peruvian Amazon floodplains, with the description of Pisidium iquito new species
67962: Hubbard R.L., - Schiavi del sonno
59992: Hubbard L.R., - Dianetics
63465: Hubbs C.L. & Miller R.R., - Dionda Erimyzonops, a New, Dwarf Cyprinid Fish Inhabiting the Gulf Coastal Plain of Mexico
68603: Hubendick B., - Studies on Ancylidae
14482: Hubendick B., - Phylogenetic relations between the higher limnic Basommatophora
12344: Hubendick B., - On the male copulatory organ in Anisus
12502: Hubendick B., - Sur les variations de la taille du rein chez Lymnaea limosa (L
70935: Hubendick B., - A note on Acroloxus coloradensis (Henderson)
13717: Hubendick B., - On northern isolated occurrences of certain terrestrial molluscs in the Baltic area
70524: Hubendick B., - Fresh-Water Gastropods of Sierra Leone
64721: Hubendick B., - On the genus Camptoceras (Pulm
35734: Hubendick B., - The male copulatory organ in Planorbarius metidjensis
8433: HUBENDICK B. & WAREN A., - SmOEsnackor vid svenska västkusten 1: Släktet Alvania
8651: Hubendick B., - Geographical variation of Siphonaria pectinata
68681: Huber M., - Formal description and designation of holotypes for 23 bivalve species and type species for 2 bivalve genera (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
70064: Huber M., - Compendium of Bivalves 2
70063: Huber M., - Compendium of Bivalves
60108: Hubricht L., - Thirteen new species of land snails from the Southeastern United States with notes on other species
70338: Huckriede R. & Venzlaff H., - Über eine pluvialzeitliche Molluskenfauna aus Kordofan (Sudan)
69195: Hudec V., - Was ist eigentlich Chondrus pupoides Krynicki, 1833?
12355: Huggins H.C., - The Limnaeae of the alpine lakes in the Glengarriff district, West Cork
12551: Huggins H.C., - The south Devon race of Hygromia limbata
18625: Hughes R.G., - Dispersal by benthic invertebrates: The in situ swimming behaviour of the amphipod Corophium volutator
67723: Hughes H., - Il morbo di San Francesco 1978
62912: Hughes R.N. & Roberts D.J., - Growth and reproductive rates of Littorina neritoides (L
19288: Hughes R.G. & Henderson D.H., - Morphological adaptations of Aglaophenia harpago (Plumulariidae) to enhance feeding efficiency
68163: Hughes R.N. & Hughes H.P.I., - A study of the gastropod Cassis tuberosa (L
65674: Hughes F., - Un amico in affitto
66162: Hughes R.N. & Lewis A.H., - On the spatial distribution, feeding and reproduction of the vermetid gastropod Dendropoma maximum
67904: Hughes Z., - Segnali da Giove
32494: Hughes R.N. - A study of feeding in Scrobicularia plana
51284: Hugo Buchholz - Fortgesetzte Untersuchung der Bewegung vom Typus 2/3 im Problem der drei Körper auf Grund der Gylden«schen Störungstheorie 130 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 17
51262: Hugo Buchholz - Untersuchung der Bewegung vom Typus 2/3 im Problem der drei Körper und der 'Hilda-Lücke" im System der kleinen Planeten auf Grund der Gyldén«schen Störungstheorie 167 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am13
60112: Hui C.A. & Ridgway S.H., - Survivorship Patterns in Captive Killer Whales (Orcinus orca)
69995: Huisman D., 1978 (cur.) - Psicologia dell'età evolutiva
63898: Huisman D., 1973 (cur.) - Psicanalisi e Psicologia medica
63899: Huisman D., 1973 (cur.) - Psicologia generale
63897: Huisman D., 1972 (cur.) - Psicologia sociale
59698: Huizinga J., - Autunno del Medioevo
62583: Humbert P., - Da Mercurio a Plutone
34525: Humbert P., - Les cartes lunaires et leur interprétation
28974: Humboldt A.V. , - Ansichten Der Natur
29778: Hume H.H., - Cohering keels in Amaryllids and related plants
26101: Humes A.G. & Stock J.H., - A revision of the family Lichomolgidae Kossmann, 1877, cyclopoid copepods mainly associated with marine invertebrates
68502: Humfrey M., - Sea shells of the West Indies - A guide to the marine molluscs of the Caribbean
72035: Hummel K. & Wenz W., - Eine Maar-Ausfüllung mit obermiozäner Schneckenfauna bei Homberg a
37687: Humphreys W.F. & Lützen J., - Studies on parasitic gastropods from echinoderms I: On the structure and biology of the parasitic gastropod Megadenus cantharelloides n
24139: HUMPHREYS J., - The land and freshwater Mollusca of St Ives, Cornwall - Part 1: shell-bearing species
30563: Hunter T. J., - Flora of the Santa Cruz mountains of California
69675: Hunter Holly J., - L'uomo che correva
69658: Hunter Holly J., - Supernormale
62983: Hupé H., - Note sur un nouveau genre de mollusques acéphale, genre Blanvillie (Blainvillia)
66305: Hureau J.C., - Les possibilités d'exploitation des resources marines dans les Iles australes francaises
72827: Hurley D.E., - Ttiles of selected scientiifc periodicals and expedition reports dealing with marine sciences, New Zeland and the Antarctic
6890: Hurst A., - A description of a new species of Dirona [Nudibranchia] from the North-East Pacific
66400: Hurst H.E., - Le Nil - description générale du fleuve, utilisation des eaux
64314: Hurwood B., - L'attacco delle tarantole
18415: Hussain N.A. & Knight-Jones E.W., - Fish and fish-leeches on rocky shores around Britain
64531: Hutchings P. & Glasby C., - The Amphitritinae (Polychaeta: Terebellidae) from Australia
74667: Hutsell K.C. et al,, 1999- - Registry of World Record Size Shells; 2 vols (Second and third edition)
68739: Hutterer R., - Recent and fossil slugs of the genus Parmacella in the Canary Islands, with the description of three new species
69149: Hutton F.W., - Revision of the recent Lamellibranchiata of New Zealand
56469: Hutton F.W., - Notes on some branchiate Gastropoda
56468: Hutton F.W., - Notes on some branchiate Mollusca In 4to, pp
56467: Hutton F.W., - Revision on the land Mollusca of New Zealand
70149: Huxley A., - Tutto il mondo è paese
70148: Huxley A., - L'eminenza grigia
62629: Huxley J., - Darwin
58257: Huxley A. & Simmons R.M., 2000 (Eds.) - The molecular physics of biological movement - Papers of a discussion meeting
62939: Huzard J.B., - Note sur les accouplements entre consanguins dans les familles ou races des principaux animaux domestiques
63349: Hvass H., - Pesci nel mondo
67005: Hy n M. & Müller P.M., - Leorenthopluma Beschin et al
61428: Hylleberg, J., A. Nateewathana, and P.Tantichodok (eds.). - Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop of the Tropical Marine Mollusc Programme (TMMP) at Prince of Songkla University, Thailand & Phuket Marine Biological Center, Thailand October 27-November 2 1993
63678: Hyman, L. H. - Some Polyclads of the New England Coast, Especially of the Woods Hole Region
63714: Hyman L.H., - Further notes on the turbellarian fauna of the Atlantic coast of the United States
63321: Hyman L.H., - The Polyclad Flatworms of the Pacific Coast of North America
63329: Hyman L.H., - Some polyclad flatworms from the Galapagos Islands
66444: Hyman L.H., - The Invertebrates: Echinodermata: The coelomate Bilateria Vol IV
72620: Hä§lein L., - Weichtierfauna der Landschaften an der Pegnitz
61617: Hägg R., - Die Mollusken und Brachiopoden der schwedischen Kreide IV
70116: Hägg R., - A new Tertiary fauna from Spitsbergen
71877: Hägg R., - Svenska kritbrachiopoder och kritmollusker i Hisingers samling [Brachiopods and molluscs from Swedish chalk in the Hisinger collection]
71658: Hägg R., - Svenska Kvartära Mollusker I Hisingers samling
56243: HÄGG, R., - Die Mollusken und Brachiopoden der schwedischen Kreide I
72299: Hägg R., - Interglaziale und postglaziale Meeresmollusken aus Feuerland und Südpatagonien als Beweis für ein wärmeres Klima als das jetzige
72745: Hägg R., - Land and Fresh-water Mollusca from the Upper Nile (Shendy-Fashoda)
72746: Hägg R., - Västra Sveriges nordligaste och högst belägna skalbank [western Sweden's northernmost and highest situated shell bank]
72850: Hägg R., - Die Mollusken und Brachiopoden der Kreide bei Tormarp in Schweden
72878: Hägg R., - Die Mollusken und Brachiopoden der schwedischen Kreide - Die Schreibkreide (Mucronatenkreide)
72888: Hägg R., - Über relikte und fossile nördliche Binnenmollusken in Schweden
72893: Hägg R., - Helix hortensis fossil in Wiesenkalk in Jämtland
72735: Hähnel W., - Muscheln und Schnecken
55362: HÖCHLI U.T., - Spin, dipole and quadrupole glasses
50557: Höhnel F.R., - Über die Art des Auftretens einiger vegetabilischer Rohstoffe in den Stammpflanzen
50556: Höhnel F.R., - Über stockwerkartig aufgebaute Holzkörper - Ein Beitrag zur Holzanatomie
54124: Höhnel F., - Morphologische Untersuchungen über die Samenschalen de Cucurbitaceen und einiger verwandter Familien I Teil: Cucurbita peo, Lagenaria vulgaris, Cucumis sativus
60366: Höhnel F., - Über kork und verkorkte Gewebe überhaupt
49748: Höhnel F., - Fragmente zur Mycologie (XVI Mitteilung nr 813 bis 875)
65012: Hölder H., - Über die Muschelgattung Placunopsis (Pectinacea, Placunopsidae) in Trias und Jura
71999: Hölzl O., - Molluskenfaunen der subalpinen Molasse Oberbayerns
52231: Høpner Petersen G., - The distribution of Eulota fruticum and Arianta arbustorum in Denmark
62538: Iachino A., - Tramonto di una grande marina
51630: Iannattoni L., - Roma e gli Inglesi
59296: Iba–ez B., - Mare Nostrum
53102: Ibá–ez M., Morales P & Alonso MR., - La familia Vitrinidae en Canarias
64681: Iba–ez M. & Alonso M,.R., - Observaciones anatomicas sobre Tudorella ferruginea (Lamarck, 1822) (Mollusca, Prosobranchia, Pomatiasidae)
73654: Iba–ez M. et al., - Distribution of land snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) on the island of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) in relation to protected natural areas
68483: Ibanez M., Groh K., Cavero E, & Alonso M.R., - Revision of the genus Hemicycla Swainson, 1840 in Tenerife: The group of Hemicycla plicaria (Lamarck 1816) (Mollusca: Helicidae)
59071: Icely J.D., Nott J.A., - The general morphology and fine structure of the antennary gland of Corophium volutator (Amphipoda: crustacea)
70410: ICZN, - International code of zoological nomenclature - Fourth Edition
21636: IDATO E., FRESI E., RUSSO G.F., - Zonazione verticale della fauna vagile di strato foliare in una prateria di Posidonia oceanica - I: molluschi
56311: Ientile R., La Mantia T., Massa B. & Ruhl J., - I cambiamenti nell'ecosistema della Riserva Naturale di Vendicari e gli effetti sull'avifauna
74834: Ihering H. von, - Les Mollusques Fossiles du Tertiaire et du terrain crétacé superieur de l` Argentine
73419: Ihering H. Von, 1892 (1893) - Zur Kenntniss der Sacoglossen
69686: Ijspert C., - Monographie der Miozänen Taxodonten Bivalven aus dem Peelgebiete (Die Nerderlande)
69966: Ikeda H., Omi Y. & Hirota Y, - Cowries of Japan [2nd ed]
66344: Ilyukhin I.V., - Shells and Mollusks on World Coins and Banknotes
28000: Imai Y., - Bud variation in a flaked strain of Rhododendron obtusum
64482: Imlay R.W. , - Marine jurassic pelecypods from central and southern Utah
72430: Imlay R.W., - Succession and speciation of the pelecypod Aucella
72479: Imlay R.W., - Characteristic Lower Cretaceous Megafossils from northern Alaska
73537: Imlay R.V., - The Mesozoic pelecypods Otapiria Marwick and Lupherella Imlay, new genus in the United States
71230: ïmori M., - Conchocele compacta Ishizaki and its subspecies minor from the Tertiary of Japan
15491: Inaba A., - Cytotaxonomic studies of lymnaeid snails
47414: Incandela L., - L'urlo di Palermo
72831: Ineson J.R., - Coarse-grained submarine fan and slope apron deposits in a Cretaceous back-arc basin, Antarctica
72832: Ineson J.R., - Trace fossils from a submarine fan-slope apron complex in the Cretaceous of James Ross Island, Antarctica
61816: Inger R.F., - A revision of the fishes of the genus Plesiops Cuvier
69421: Ingram W.M., - Check list of the Cypraeidae occurring in the Western hemisphere
61485: Ingram W.M., - The living Cypraeidae of the western hemisphere
21669: Ingram W.M., - Aquarium behavior of Eunaticina oldroydii
67882: Ingram W.M. & Lotz C., - Land mollusks of the San Francisco Bay counties
70936: Ingram W.M., - The larger freshwater clams of California, Oregon, and Washington
72063: Ingram W.M., - Additions to the knowledge of the Cypraeidae based on the collections of the American Museum of Natural History
65892: Ingrao D.A., Mikkelsen P.M. & Hicks D.W., - Another introduced marine mollusk in the Gulf of Mexico: the Indo-Pacific green mussel, Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758), in Tampa Bay, Florida
62656: Inkeles A., - Introduzione alla sociologia
69661: Inkhavilay K. et al., - Annotated checklist of the terrestrial molluscs from Laos (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
60792: Innes C., - Cacti and other succulents [ ¹ ]
46515: Introzzi P. & Esposito S., - Su alcuni aspetti della biologia degli acidi nucleici nella patologia sperimentale ed umana
65397: Inzerillo G., - Nino Sammartano - Un pezzo di diavolone olivastro
69969: Ionescu-Argetoaia I.P., - Ueber die Pontische Stufe in der Oltenia (Rumänien) [Miocene]
66436: Ippolito F., - Saggi e studi di geologia
56449: Iredale T., 1925- - Mollusca from the continental shelf of Eastern Auastralia {No 1 and 2}
72259: Iredale T., - New molluscs from Vanikoro
6896: Iredale T. & O'Donoghue C.H., - List of British Nudibranchiate Mollusca
72257: Iredale T., - Notes on neozelanic deepwater marine Mollusca
72258: Iredale T., - Caloundra shells
72261: Iredale T., - Queensland molluscan notes, No
72451: Iredale T., - Molluscan generic names
72452: Iredale T., - Some more misused molluscan generic names
72453: Iredale T., - Invalid molluscan generic names + A new species of Cassidea
72454: Iredale T., - Fatal "sting" by a Cone In 8vo,original wrappers, pp
57341: Irmisch Th., (1870?) - Morphologische Beobachtungen an einigen Gewächsen aus den natürlichen familien der Melanthaceen, Irideen und Aroideen
74261: Isaac M.J., Moore P.R. & Joass Y.J., - Tahora Formation: The basal facies of a Late Cretaceous transgressive sequence, northeastern New Zealand
62346: Isberg O., - Studien über Lamellibranchiaten des Leptaenakalkes in Dalarna
71885: Isom B.G., - Aquatic inveretebrates in the Tennessee Valley region - A partial annotated bibliography
62186: Issel A., - Dei molluschi raccolti nella provincia di Pisa
60498: Istituto di studi romani, - Le chiese di Roma XXIII: San Marco, cenni religiosi, storici, artistici
60507: Istituto di studi romani, - Le chiese di Roma XXV: Santa Maria dell'Orto, cenni religiosi, storici, artistici
60508: Istituto di studi romani, - Le chiese di Roma XXVI: Santa Maria della Consolazione, cenni religiosi, storici, artistici
60496: Istituto di studi romani, - Le chiese di Roma XVIII: San Silvestro al Quirinale, cenni religiosi, storici, artistici
60493: Istituto di studi romani, - Le chiese di Roma X: SS
60501: Istituto di studi romani, - Le chiese di Roma XIV: San Lorenzo in Lucina, cenni religiosi, storici, artistici
60510: Istituto di studi romani, - Le chiese di Roma XIII: Santa Maria in Campitelli, cenni religiosi, storici, artistici
60506: Istituto di studi romani, - Le chiese di Roma XX: San Giovanni Calibita, cenni religiosi, storici, artistici
60503: Istituto di studi romani, - Le chiese di Roma XVI: Il Gesù, cenni religiosi, storici, artistici
60504: Istituto di studi romani, - Le chiese di Roma XVII: San Carlo a' Catinari, cenni religiosi, storici, artistici
60502: Istituto di studi romani, - Le chiese di Roma XV: Sant'Agostino, cenni religiosi, storici, artistici
58384: Istitutoi Sieroterapico Milanese, - Cenni di opoterapia infantile
58314: Istitutoi Sieroterapico Milanese, - Cenni generali di opoterapia
42069: Istitutoi Sieroterapico Milanese, - Cenni di opoterapia e fermentoterapia infantile
65402: Istuituto Geografico D'Agostini, - Alberi, arbusti e frutti delle nostre regioni
70773: Itoigawa J., - Molluscan fauna of the Mizunami group in the Iwamura Basin
21318: Ituarte C.F., - Chilina megastoma: a study on topotypic specimens
66749: Ituarte C.F., - Pisidium chilense (d'Orbigny, 1846) and new species of Pisidium C
67840: Ivanov D.L. & Scheltema A.H., - Prochaetodermatidae of the Western Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea (Mollusca: Aplacophora)
29506: Ivimey Cook W.R., - The Methods of Nuclear Division in the Plasmodiophorales
68783: Iwanow A.W., - Die organisation und die lebens-wiese der parasitischen molluske Paedophoropus dicoelobius [Eulimidae] A
72278: Izawa N. & Matsuoka K., - Catalogue of shell collection by Mr
51268: J. Valentin - Der tägliche Gang der Lufttemperatur in Österreich 98 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 4
51519: J. Weise - XXIII
56365: J H Maiden J.H. & E Betche, - Notes from the Botanic Gardens, Sydney
51273: J. Pernter - Untersuchungen über die Polarisation des Lichtes in trüben Medien und des Himmelslichtes mit Rücksicht auf die Erklärung der blauen Farbe des Himmels 28 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
51281: J. Neumann - Über die an den Altperuanischen Keramiken und anthropomorphen Tongefä§en dargestellten Hautveränderungenmit besonderer Rücksicht auf das Alter der Syphilis und anderer Dermatosen 12 pages with 3 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 1
51267: J. Pircher - Über die Haarhygrometer 34 Seitenmit 4 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 4
51119: J. Hann - Weitere Untersuchungen über die tägliche Oscillation des Barometers 61 pages with 1 illustration, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 5
49508: J. Klinge. - Die Honigbaume des Ostbaltikums und die Beutkiefern Westpreussens
51397: J. Erdheim - J
51507: J. D. Alfken - XVI
51505: J. J. Kieffer; O. Sustera; H. Bischoff - XIV
51251: J.R. (Sen.) Ritter von Liburnau - Zur Deutung der fossilen Fucoiden-Gattungen Taenidium und Gyrophyllites 62 pages with 4 plates and 21 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 29
57520: Jablonski, D., S. Lidgard, & P. D. Taylor. - Comparative ecology of bryozoan radiations: origin of novelties in cyclostomes and cheilostomes
74225: Jablonski D., - Geographic variation inthe molluscan recovery from the end-cretaceous extinction
73991: Jablonski D. & Valemtine J.W., - From regional to total geographic ranges: testing the relationship in Recent bivalves
69935: Jablonski D. & Flessa K., - The taxonomic structure of shallow-water marine faunas: implications for Phanerozoic extinctions
74919: Jack L.R. & Etheridge R., - The geology and palaeontology of Queensland and New Guinea, with sixty-eight plates and a geological map of Queensland
52642: Jackie Van Goethem, - Description of Pembatoxon insulare gen n, sp n from Pemba Island [Zanzibar] (Mollusca Pulmonata, Urocyclidae)
71929: Jackiewiczówna M., - Z badan anatomiczno-porownawczych nad niektorymi gatunkami z rodzaju Radix Montfort na terenie Wielkopolski [Anatomical-comparative investigations on lymnaeids of the genus Radix Montofrt in Great Poland], In 8vo, offp
74288: Jackson R.T., - Phylogeny of the Pelecypoda - The Aviculidae and their allies
49529: Jackson M.T., - Forest communities and tree species of the lower Wabash river basin [Indiana, USA]
32046: Jacobs W.P., - The development of the gynophore of the peanut plant, Arachis hypogaea L I - The distribution of mitoses, the region of greatest elongation, and the maintenance of vascular continuity in the intercalary meristem
74120: Jacobson M.K. & Emerson W.K., - Shells from Cape Cod to Cape May with special reference to the New York city area
71950: Jacobson M.K., - On a collection of terrestrial mollusks from Nicaragua
10308: Jacobson M.K., - Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to Western Mexico
58054: Jacobsson-Stiasny E., - Versuch einer phylogenetischen Verwertung der Endosperm- und Haustorialbildung bei den Angiospermen
59772: Jacovitti, - Jacovitti
59420: Jacq C., - Per amore di Iside
64516: Jacq C., - Alla scoperta di Ramses
65350: Jacq C., - Nefer
63297: Jacq C., - Il faraone nero
59769: Jacq C., - Nefertiti
70332: Jaeckel S. sen. & Schmidt H.A.., - Beitrag zur Molluskenfauna von Albanien
71776: Jaeckel S., - Zur Kenntnis der Molluskenfauna Rumäniens
70331: Jaeckel S. sen. & Meise W., - Über Land- und Sü§wasserschnecken Jugoslawiens und Albaniens
71108: Jaeckel S.G., Klemm W. & Meise W., - Die Land- und Süsswasser-Mollusken der nördlichen Balkanhalbinsel
71464: Jaeckel S.G.A., - Die Molluskenfauna eines Flu§- und Seensystems im Kreise Plön, Ostholstein
74626: Jaeckel S.H., - Die Mollusken eines tropischen Flu§genistes aus Tonkin
71306: Jaeckel S.G.A., - Zur Molluskenfauna des nördlichen Schwedisch-Lappland
71791: Jaeckel S., - Diue Molluskenfauna eines Flu§- und Seensystems im Kreside Plön, Ostholstein
18965: Jaeger P. & Jarovoy M., - Les grèes de Kita (Soudan occidentale): leur influence sur la répartition du peuplement végétal
277: Jaeger P. & Winkoun D., - Premier contact avec la flore et la végétation du plateau de Bandiagara [Afrique occ
317: Jaeger P., - Contribution à l'étude des forêts reliques du Soudan occidental
75239: Jagt J.W.M., - Some stratigraphical and faunal aspects of the
72946: Jagt J.W.M., Collins J.DS.H. & Fraaye R.H.B., - A new early Palaeocene genus of raninid crab (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Denmark, southern Sweden and The Netherlands
62852: Jain S.L., - Indocoelacanthus robustus n
64270: Jakes J., - Gli anni della turbina
56884: Jakowatz A., - Vergleichende Untersuchungen über Farnprothallien (I Reihe) - Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Prothalliums von Asplenium septentrionale Hoffm
15495: James B.L., - The effects of parasitism by larval Digenea on the digestive gland of the intertidal prosobranch Littorina saxatilis subsp
60039: James P.D., - Sangue innocente
34911: JAMES NORMAN, - pseudonimo di James Norman Schmidt, (1912-1983)
60008: James E.L., - Cinquanta sfumature di rosso
65261: James E.L., - Cinquanta sfumature di grigio
65574: Jamison C., - La piccola Lady Jane
60745: Janse Brielle A.C. & A. W. Janssen. - The Molluscan Fauna of the Stemerdink Bed (Miocene, Reinbekian) from outcrops in the Slinge Brook at Winterswijk-Brinkeurne (The Netherlands, Province of Gelderland)
69729: Janse A.C., Moerdijk P.W. & Meijer T., - First records of Megayoldia thraciaeformis (Storer, 1838) (Bivalvia) form the Pleistocene of the North Sea Basin
69730: Jansen A.W. & Petit R., - Brocchinia gerdae, a new cancellariid gastropod from the Late Langhian (Miocene) of NW Germany In 4to, offp
69731: Jansen A.W., - Notes on the systematics, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca, 13
18607: Janssen A.W., - Notes on the systematics, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca, 6: Biostratigraphical interpretation of an assemblage from Poggio Musenna (Sicily, Italy) in comparison to northern Italiana and Maltese localities
75148: Janssen A.W., - Notes on systematic, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca /-)
16807: Janssen R., - Benthos-Mollusken aus dem Tiefwasser des östlichen Mittelmeeres, gesammelt während der "METEOR"-Fahrt 5 (1987)
68824: Janssen R., - Die Gattung Bathybembix im deutschen Oligozan (Trochidae)
20964: Janssen J., Pankhurst N.W. & Harbison G.R., - Swimming and body orientation of Notolepis rissoi in relation to lateral line and visual function
75204: Janssen A.W., - Development of Cuvierinidae (Mollusca, Euthecosomata, Cavolinioidea) during the cainozoic : a non-cladistic approach with a re-interpretation of Recent taxa
75205: Janssen A.W., - A new species of Vaginella (Gastropoda, Euthecosomata, Cavoliniidae) from the Late Oligocene of the North Sea Basin and its bearing on Chattian biostratigraphy
38490: Janssen A. W., - Het profiel van de Bouwput onder het eerste kanaaldok Nabij Kallo, provincie oost Vlaanderen, België
68617: Janssen A.W., - Late Quaternary to Recent holoplanktonic Mollusca (Gastropoda) from bottom samples of the eastern Mediterranean Sea: systematics, morphology
65203: Janssen A.W., King C. & Steurbaut E., - Notes on the systematics, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca, 21: Early and Middle Eocene (Ypresian-Lutetian) holoplanktonic Mollusca (Gastropoda) from Uzbekistan
74555: Janssen A.W. & Van der Slik L., - De fossiele schelpen van de Nederlandse stranden en zeegaten tweede serie, 7 (Cardidae)
75260: Janssen A.W., - Notes on the systematics, morphology and biostratigraphy of fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca, 4: A collection of euthesomatous pteropods form the Miocene of the Karaman Basin, Turkey
74930: Janssen A.W., - A Holocene mollusc faunule from a temporary excavation near Standdaaarbutten (The Netherlands, province of Noord Brabant)
64535: Janssen A.W. & Seapy R.R., - On the identity and distribution of Atlanta inflata Gray, 1850 (Gastropoda, Pterotracheioidea, Atlantidae) in the world oceans
68715: Janssen A.W., - Cyrenorita, a new genus for Erycina neglecta Nyst (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae)
72294: Janssen A.W. & Van der Slik L., - De Fossiele schelpen van de Nederlandse stranden en zeegaten tweede serie, 6 (Superfamilie Crassatellacea)
71268: Jantataeme S., Upatham E.S., Kunatham L. & Kruatrachue M., - Effects of some physico-chemical factors on the survival of Tricula aperta
73878: Janus H., - Das Watt - Reiseführer für Naturfreunde
54634: Jardim C., - Projecto de aerostato dirigivel
31385: Jareb P. & Ragonese S., - The Mediterranean teuthofauna: towards a biogeographical coverage by regional census
58904: Jarman C., - L'evoluzione della vita
18610: Jasim A.,K. & Brand A.R., - Observations on the reproduction of Modiolus modiolus in Isle of Man waters
62986: Jaubert J.B., - Troisième lettre sur l'ornithologie de la France
25224: Jávorka S., - Pteridophyta Herbarii Kitaibeliani (Fasciculus LX)
68442: Jay M. & Drivas J., - The Cerithiopsidae (Gastropoda) of Reunion Island (Indian Ocean)
18659: Jeaeger P., - Sur la présence dans les plateaux gréseux soudanais de l'Actiniopteris radiata - Fougère xérophile
58144: Jean - Charles, - La Scuola dei Furbi
58143: Jean - Charles, - Il riso in erba
71434: Jeannet A., - Les Trigonies fossiles originales conservées a l'institut de géologie de l'université de Neuchatel
6899: Jefferys C., - A complete catalogue of British mollusca compiled from Jeffreys' 'British Conchology' with alterations and additions to date
67404: JEFFREYS J.G., 1862-1869 (1980) - British Conchology or an account of the mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas
416: Jeffreys M.D., - Neolithic stone implements (Bamenda, British Cameroons)
66975: Jeffreys J.G., - On the mollusca procured during the 'Lightning' and 'Porcupine' expeditions, 1868-70
73660: Jeffreys J.G., - British Conchology or an account of the mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas - Vol
73744: Jeffreys J.G., - British Conchology or an account of the mollusca which now inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas - Vol
73319: Jeletzky J.A., - Comparative morphology, phylogeny, and classification of fossil Coleoidea
39231: Jelnes J. E., et al., Russell P. J. C., - Isoenzyme taxonomy applied on four species of Cardium from Danish and British waters with a short description of the distribution of the species
32778: Jena W.B. - Der Kranke und seine Krankheit
20298: Jenkins B.W., - Siphonaria funiculata: a redescription making S virgulata a geographical variant of S funiculata
20441: Jenkins B.W., - A new siphonariid from southwestern Australia
63917: Jenkins A.C., - The Silver Haul - Trawling and deep-sea fishing
70307: Jenny F., - Die Fauna Susswasserkalkes von Diegten (Baselland)
20908: Jensen K.R., - Evolution of buccal apparatus and diet radiation in the Sacoglossa
63052: Jensen K.R., - Review of reproduction in the Sacoglossa (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia)
61561: Jensen, A.S., - Studier over nordiske Mollusker - I: Mya
73963: Jensen A.S., - Lamellibranchiata, part I
57074: Jensen, K.R. - Sublittoral Notaspidea and Nudibranchia from Hong Kong, with a description of a new species
58706: Jensen H.I., - Notes on the geology of the Mt Flinders and Fassifern districts, Queensland
68472: Jensen K.R., Knudsen J., - Annotated checklist of recent marine molluscs of danish waters
11434: Jensen K.R., - Three new species of Ascoglossa (Moll
51585: Jensen K.R., - Sacoglossernes Systematik, fylogeni og evolution (Mollusca, Opistobranchia) - Systematics, phylogeny and evolution of the Sacoglossa (Opisthobranchia)
69301: Jeppesen L.L. & NygOErd K., - The influence of photoperiod, temperature and internal factors on the hibernation of Helix pomatia L
15558: Jespersen P.H., - Sur la légitimité du nom de Linné Helix limosa
59183: Jevola F. & Pinti M., - Piccola enciclopedia della tecnica e della meccanica
72139: Jimi Hendrix - Jimi Hendrix - CD audio - 11 canzoni
74106: Jirapatrasilp P., Sutcharit C. & Somsak P., - Annotated checklist of the operculated land snails from Thailand (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda): the family Pupinidae, with descriptions of several new species and subspecies, and notes on classification of Pupina Vignard, 1829 and Pupinella Gray, 1850 from mainland Southeast Asia
60557: Jo‹o Miguel de Matos Nogueira and Alexandra Elaine Rizzo, - A new species of Branchiomaldane (Polychaeta: Arenicolidae) from the State of S‹o Paulo, south-eastern Brazil
43679: Jochmann, E. & Hermes, O. , - Grundriss der Experimentalphysik und Elemente der Astronomie und mathematischen Geographie
70793: Jodot P., - Sur un gastéropode de type américain trouvé dans un calcaire lacustre du plateau steppien
70108: Jodot M.P., - Note sur la faune conchyliologique des tufs quaternaires de La Cell-sous-Moret (Seine-et-Marne)
70379: Jodot P., - Faune malacologique des limons de Romainville (Seine)
71573: Jodot, P, - Liste des coquilles lacustres du Pontien d'Andalousie, et remarques sur Bithinella (Belgrandia) deydieri Dep
70380: Jodot P., - Sur un gastéropode de type américain trouvé dans un calcaire lacustre du plateau steppien
70361: Jodot P., - Sur un gastéropode de type américain trouvé dans un calcaire lacustre du plateau steppien
51181: Johann Holetschek - Untersuchungen über die Grö§e und Helligkeit der Kometen und ihrer Schweife
51134: Johann N. Woldrich - Johann N
51434: Johann Holetschek - Untersuchungen über die Grö§e und Helligkeit der Kometen und ihrer Schweife
51380: Johann Holetschek - Untersuchungen über die Grö§e und Helligkeit der Kometen und ihrer Schweife
51290: Johann Holetschek - Untersuchungen über die Grö§e und Helligkeit der Kometen und ihrer Schweife
51443: Johann Holetschek - Untersuchungen über die Grö§e und Helligkeit der Kometen und ihrer Schweife
51211: Johann Palisa und Friedrich Bidschof - Katalog von 1238 Sternen, auf Grund der in den Bänden I und II der 'Publicationen der v
51106: Johannes Unterweger - Über die Beziehungen der Kometen und Meteorströme zu den Erscheinungen der Sonne 55 pages with 2 plates and 1 illustration, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 16
51426: Johannes Furlani - Das Lichtklima im Österreichischen Küstenlande 35 pages with 16 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 2
51186: Johannes Unterweger - Über zwei Trigonometrische Reihen für Sonnenflecken, Kometen und Klimaschwankungen 6 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
31418: Johansen R.M., - Revision de la tribu Humboldthripini Johansen, 1983 (Insecta, Thysanoptera: Thripinae)
65377: Johansson J., - On the genital organs of some mesogastropods: Cerithium vulgatum Brug
66156: Johansson, J., 1954 (1955) - On the pallial gonoduct of Actaeon tornatilis (L
64770: Johansson J., - Von den Geschlechtsorganen bei Turritella communis nebst Bemerkungen über die diaulen Geschlechtsorgane der Neritaceen
73147: Johansson J., - On the anatomy of Tympanotonus fuscatus (L
7487: Johansson K.E., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Polychaeten-Familien Hermellidae, Sabellidae und Serpulidae
61768: John T., - La storia del colonnello Lawrence
33682: Johnson C. R., - Thermal relations in some southern and eastern Australian anurans
61382: Johnson, R.I. 2003. - Molluscan taxa and bibliographies of William James Clench and Ruth Dixon Turner
61107: Johnson R.I., - The recent mollusca of August Addison Gould
27319: Johnson R.I., - Lampsilis cariosa Say and Lampsilis ochracea Say
15550: Johnson R., - Comments on "The final report" of a massive search for Lasmigona decorata (Lea, 1852) and Alasmidonta robusta Clarke, 1981 (Unionidae) from the Carolinas
66131: Johnson M.S., Murray J. & Calrke B., - High genetic similarities and low heterozysosities in land snails of the genus Samoana from the Society Islands
63055: Johnson R.F. & Gosliner T.M., - Two new species of Thorunna Bergh, 1878 (Mollusca: Nudibranchia: Chromodorididae) from the Indo-Pacific
27317: Johnson R.I., - Anodonta implicata Say
11295: Johnson C.W., - List of marine mollusca of the Atlantic coast from Labrador to Texas
71692: Johnson R.I., 1975(1992) - Simpson's unionid types and miscellaneous unionid types in the National Museum of Natural History
59997: Johnson P., - Storia degli ebrei
62865: Johnson J.G., - Late early Devonian rhynchonelid genera from Arctic and western North America
75466: Johnson J.H., - Late early Devonian brachiopods from the Disappointment Bay Formation, Lowther Island, Arctic Canada
33621: Johnson R.W., - The Queensland Flora and its Collection
25621: Johnson, R. I. - The types of Naiades (Mollusca: Unionidae) in the Museum of Comparative Zoology
72193: Johnson R.I., - A hitherto overlooked Anodonta (Mollusca: Unionidae) from the Gulf drainage of Florida
72194: Johnson R.I., - Additions to the unionid fauna of the gulf drainage of Alabama, Georgia and Florida (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
73260: Johnson R.G., - Pelecypoda death assemblage in Tomales bay, California
9674: Johnson R.I., - Joseph Pitty Couthouy
34386: Johnston C.T. & Stannard J.D., - Practical irrigation
72201: Johnston M.R., - A New Nautiloid Species, Cimomia zelandica, from New Zealand
57734: Johnstone M.C. (Ed.) , - Tumor immunity
57739: Johnstone M.C. (Ed.), - Comparative Virology
72619: Johnstone K.Y., - Collecting seashells
71829: Jones B. & Coucot A.J., - Spiriferids from the Lower Devonian strata of Southwest Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada
15496: Jones G.F., - Brood protection in three Southern California species of the pelecypod Cardita
62881: Jones B., - Atrypoidea erebus n
15387: Jones D.L., - New upper Cretaceous ammonite, Protexanites thompsoni, from California
41674: Jones M.B. & Smaldon G., - On the genus Holophryxus (Isopoda: Epicaridea), with description of the male and redescription of the female of Holophryxus acanthephyrae
38062: Jones W. C., - Photographic records of living oscular tubes of Leucosolenia variabilis
61626: Jones M.B. & Depledge M.H., - The biology of Crustacea [Proceedings of a meeting held at the Plymouth University from 1-3 April 1996]
35134: Jones E. B., - The work against sheep scab in 1902
59637: Jones D.F., - Crociera nella catastrofe
67628: Jones B., - Taxonomy and intraspecific variation of Protathyris praecursor Kozlowski, 1929 from the Upper Silurian of Somerset Island, Arctic Canada
67711: Jones R.F. & del Rey L., - Alieno in croce
58072: Jones R.F., - La fine del silenzio
67905: Jones D.F., - Xeno, l'abominio che ci aspetta
59975: Jones D., - Barbarossa Red
47880: Jones D.L., - Muscle attachement impressions in a Cretaceous ammonite
68205: Jones D.F., - Sarà un futuro d'inferno
25569: Jones J.L., - British littoral Mollusca (Paper for students n# 4 of The Conchological Society)
72461: Jones D.L. & Gryck G., - Upper Cretaceous Pelecypods of the genus Inoceramus from northern Alaska
73030: Jones B.G., - Paleontology and paleoecology of Pakaurangi Point, Kaipara, New Zealand
73146: Jones N.S., - Cumacea from the West coast of Africa
8874: Jones H.A., Simpson R.D. & Humphrey C.L., - The reproductive cycles and glochidia of fresh-water mussels (Biv
60074: Jonkel C.J. & Ian McT. Cowan, - The Black Bear in the Spruce-Fir Forest
73402: Jonkers A.H., - Late cenozoic-recent Pectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) of the Southern ocean and neighbouring regions
69091: Jooss C.H., - Vorläufige Mitteilungen über tertiäre Land- und Süsswasser-Mollusken
65250: Jooss, C.H., - Ueber Limnaea (Limnaea s
48028: Jord‹o A., - Estudos sobre a diabete - Terceiro estudo diagnostico e prognostico
52718: Jordaens Kurt, van Dongen Stefan, van Riel P., Geenen Sofie, Verhagen Ronald & Backeljau Thierry, - Multivariate morphometrics of soft body parts in terrestrial slugs: comparison between two datasets, error assessment and taxonomic implications
30492: Jordan D.S., - A review of the fishes of the family Gerridae found in the waters of Japan
61833: Jordan P., - La sindrome di Atlantide
70789: Jordan E.K. & Hertlein L.G., - Expedition to the Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico, in 1925, IV
71447: Jordan E.K., - Expedition to Guadalupe Island, Mexico, in 1922 - No
66685: Jorge A.R., - Contribution à l'étude des Chrysopétaliens
51133: Josef Luksch und Julius Wolf - Physikalische Untersuchungen im östlichen Mittelmeer
51141: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Über die verschiedenen Spectren des Quecksilbers 30 pages with 1 heliographic plate and 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 5
51140: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Über das Spectrum des Kaliums, Natriums und Cadmiums bei verschiedenen Temperaturen 18 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 7
51276: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Das Flammen- und Funkenspectrum des Magnesiums 10 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 2
51504: Josef Fahringer; F. Maidl; J. J. Kieffer; F. Ruschka - XIII
51260: Josef Maria Eder - Spectralanalytische Studien über photographischen Dreifarbendruck 32 pages with 2 plates and 5 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 2
51376: Josef Brunnthaler - Ergebnisse einer botanischen Forschungsreise nach Deutsch-Ostafrika und Südafrika (Kapland, Natal und Rhodesien)
51501: Josef Albrecht - Paläontologische und stratigraphische Ergebnisse der Forschungsreise nach Westserbien 1918 19 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
51138: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Absorptionsspectren von farblosen und gefärbten Gläsern mit Berücksichtigung des Ultraviolett 12 pages with 1 lithographc plate, 2 plates in the text and 1 illustration, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 12
51491: Josef Luksch - Untersuchungen über die Transparenz und Farbe des Seewassers Expedition S
51118: Josef Luksch und Julius Wolf - Physikalische Untersuchungen im östlichen Mittelmeer
51209: Josef Liznar - Die Vertheilung der Erdmagnetischen Kraft in Österreich-Ungarn zur Epoche 1890*0 nach den in den Jahren 1889 bis 1894 ausgeführten Messungen
51236: Josef Luksch - Untersuchungen über die Transparenz und Farbe des Seewassers
51127: Josef Maria Eder - Beiträge zur Spectralanalyse 12 pages with 2 heliographischen Spectralplates and 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 3
51392: Josef Müller - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Höhlenfauna der Ostalpen und der Balkanhalbinsel 10 pages with 1 map and 12 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 2
51393: Josef Müller - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Höhlenfauna der Ostalpen und der Balkanhalbinsel II 114 pages with 1 Stammbaum und 9 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 2
51234: Josef Luksch - Physikalische Untersuchungen
51222: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Normal-Spectren einiger Elemente zur Wellenlängebestimmung im äu§ersten Ultraviolett 24 pages with 1 doubleplate und 3 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 13
51218: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Das Spectrum des Chlors 12 pages with 1 doubleplate, 2 plates and 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 13
51217: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Das Spectrum des Brom 8 pages with 1 doubleplate, 2 plates and 2 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 6
51212: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Spectralanalyse der Leuchtgasflamme 12 pages with 1 illustration, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 7
51208: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Die Spectren des Schwefels 56 pages with 3 plates and 2 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 3
51201: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Spectralanalystische Untersuchung des Argons 40 pages with 3 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
51161: Josef Lartschneider - Die Stei§beinmuskeln des Menschen und ihre Beziehung zum M
51173: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Über die Spectren von Kupfer, Silber und Gold 48 pages with 4 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 7
51171: Josef Wentzel - Zur Kenntniss der Zoantharia Tabulata 38 pages with 5 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 14
51162: Josef Liznar - Die Vertheilung der erdmagnetischen Kraft in Österreich-Ungarn zur Epoche 1890*0 nach den in den Jahren 1889 bis 1894 ausgeführten Messungen
51121: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Über das Emissions-Spectrum des Kohlenstoffes und Siliciums 24 pages with 1 plate and 6 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 19
51122: Josef Maria Eder und Eduard Valenta - Über das Ultraviolette Linienspectrum des elementaren Bor 6 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 13
52579: Joseph C. Britton & Brian Morton, - Convective cooling by the tropical intertidal chiton, Acanthopleura spinosa (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from rocky intertidal habitats at Watering Cove, Burrup Peninsula, Western Australia, Australia
63314: Jouan H., - Notes sur quelques animaux et quelques végétaux rencontrés dans les mers australes et dans les "les du grand-océan, considérés au point de vue de leur classification et de leurs rapports avec l'industrie
74059: journal - The Nautilus - vols
71627: Journal - The Transactions of the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union part 4 (1882)
68949: journal - Beautifulcowries Magazine No
60431: journal - Basteria vol
65170: Journal - Documents Malacologiques 4 (2003)
60573: journal - Geoarcheologia
60626: journal - Bollettino Malacologico vol
71164: Journal - Bollettino del R
67555: Journal - American Malacological Bulletin 2004, vol
75287: Journal - Bollettino Malalacogico, vol
66610: journal - Beautifulcowries Magazine No
65103: Journal - Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 45(4) (1913)
60625: journal - Basteria 2010, vol
73043: journal - Beautifulcowries Magazine No
73291: journal - Iberus - Revista de la Sociedad Espa–ola de Malacologia
73320: journal - Iberus - Revista de la Sociedad Espa–ola de Malacologia
58483: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58481: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58480: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58479: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
59373: journals - Filatelia n
59372: journals - Filatelia n
59378: journals - Filatelia n
59375: journals - Filatelia n
59374: journals - Filatelia n
59390: journals - Filatelia n
59389: journals - Filatelia n
59382: journals - Filatelia n
59381: journals - Filatelia n
59386: journals - Filatelia n
59385: journals - Filatelia n
75411: Journals - Archiv für Molluskenkund vol
60278: journals - Southern California Academy of Sciences Bulletin
59380: journals - Filatelia n
59379: journals - Filatelia n
60272: journals - Southern California Academy of Sciences Bulletin 1974
69021: Journals - Club Conchylia Informationen
60275: journals - Southern California Academy of Sciences Bulletin
58230: journals - Italia Filatelica - Rivista mensile illustrata n
61074: journals - The Nautilus
64810: Journals - Issue n
57445: journals - Basteria - year 1987 (vol
75334: Journals - Venus - The Japanese Journal of Malacology - vol
75337: Journals - The Veliger - Volume 42 (1999)
75341: Journals - Mollusc World - The magazine of the Conchological Sociery of Great Britain and Ireland issues 7-9 (2005)
58492: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58493: journals - Biota - Colegio Salesiano Lima
58494: journals - Bollettino della Società Regionale contro la Malaria nella provincia di Cagliari
58354: Journals - Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico vol XXI n 1 (January 1937)
58353: Journals - Journal of Agriculture of thje University of Puerto Rico vol XXI n 2 (April 1937)
59384: journals - Filatelia n
59383: journals - Filatelia n
61102: journals - Notiziario SIM 1987 - Year 5 issues 1-12
61096: journals - Notiziario CISMA Journal of "Centro Italiano Studi Malacologici" - Anno XI n
61100: journals - Notiziario SIM 1985 - Year 3 issues 1-12
61101: journals - Notiziario SIM 1986 - Year 4 issues 1-12
74594: Journals - Bull
75492: journals - Notiziario CISMA Journal of "Centro Italiano Studi Malacologici" - Anno IV n
75495: journals - Notiziario CISMA - Anno IX n
75491: Journals - Novapex vol
68027: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
69539: journals - Basteria - year 1981 (vol
59371: journals - Filatelia n
74515: Journals - Vita Marina - International magazine on sea and shells - vol
69409: journals - Journal of Paleontology vol
65066: Journals - Malacologia Mostra Mondiale n
58464: journals - Bollettino della R
58461: journals - Bollettino della R
58460: journals - Bollettino della R
58357: journals - The University of Colorado Studies vol 18 n 1-4 (1930-1931)
69078: Journals - Journal de Conchyliologie
68013: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
65849: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
66550: Journals - Xenophora - Bulletin de l'Association Française de Conchyliologie, n
61073: journals - The Nautilus
58363: Journals - Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico vol XX n 4 (October 1936)
58361: Journals - Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico vol X n 3-4 (July-october 1927)
57441: journals - Basteria year 1996 (vol

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