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Click on booknumber for full information
76431: Forcart L., - Alpine und nordische Arten der Gattung Lehmannia Heyenemann (Limacidae)
69192: Forcart L., - Systematische Stellung und Unterteilung der Gattung Sphincterophila Ancey
71780: Forcart L., - Systematisches Verzeichnis der von Herrn Klaus-Jürgen Götting 1960 in der Türkei gesammelten Mollusken und Neubeschreibung einer Paramastus-Art
11828: Forcart L., - Systématiques des mollusques en forme de Daudebardia et révision des espéces d'Anatolie et de l'ile de Créte
11826: Forcart L., - Révision des types de Vaginula maillardi Fischer et Vaginula gayi Fischer
76410: Forcart L., - Die systematische Stellung toskanischer Oxychilus-Artern und Neubeschreibung von Oxychilus (Ortizius) lanzai n
11804: Forcart L., - Die nordischen Arten der Gattung Vitrina
11810: Forcart L., - Revision of Bulimus carduchus Martens (Stylommatophora: Enidae)
58927: Forcart L., - Schnecken und Muscheln
66802: Ford D.B., - Il controllo totale
33494: Fordham B.G., - Geology and LowerMiddle Devonian coral conodont biostratigraphy of the Nogoa Anticline, Springsure District, Central Queensland
58708: Forel F.A., - Matériaux pour servir à l'étude de la faune profonde du Lac Léman - VIe Serie
76199: Forés M., - Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento de la fauna malacologica terrestre y de agua dulce de Baleares y Tarragona
72067: Foresti L., 1868- - Catalogo dei molluschi fossili pliocenici delle colline bolognesi
61256: Forli M., Dell'Angelo B., Sosso M. & Bonfitto A., - Note su alcune specie fossili di Williamia (Gastropoda: Siphonariidae) con descrizione di una nuova specie
74156: Forli M., Corti A. & Cresti M., - Further records of the Family Patellidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the Tuscan Pliocene
61850: Forli M., Dell'Angelo B., Bertini D. & Ciappelli F., - Segnalazione di gasteropodi poco frequenti per il Plioocene Toscano - Contributo II
61849: Forli M., Dell'Angelo B., Ciappelli F. & Taviani M., - A new species of Haliotidae (Mollusca, Vetigastropoda) in the Italian Plioocene
62960: Forli M. & Dell'Angelo B., - A new species of Marginella (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from the italian Pliocene
34785: FORNEY E., 1862-63 - Le Jardinier Fruitier, principes simplifies de la taille des arbres fruitiers expliques a l'aide de nombreuses figures dessinees par l'auteur, et augmentes d'une etude sur les bons fruits
23484: Forrer R., - Urgeschichte des Europäers von der Menschwerdung bis zum Anbruch der Geschichte; Stuttgart, Verlag Spemann
31594: Forster A., - Zur Morphologie der Muskeln des thorax
47080: Forster A., - Beitrag zur Morphologie des Scalenussytems und des M
33780: Forster A., - Zur morphologie der Muskeln des Thorax
29148: Forster A., - Zur Morphologie der Muskeln des Thorax - II Teil
27972: Forster A., - Beitrag zur Morphologie des Scalenussytems und des M
74599: Forsyth R.G., - Land snails of British Columbia
73928: Forteloeni G. & Eliá ová H., - I rapporti tra il bivalve Lithophaga alpina (Zittel, 1866) ed il corallo Actinastrea elongata Alloiteau, 1954, nel Cretaceo superiore dell'Itsalia nord-orientale
64143: Forti A., - Origine e svolgimento dei primi studi biologici sul mare in Italia
67550: Forti M., - Compsocephalus horsfieldianus czeppeli n
64216: Fortunato H., - Mollusks: Tools in Environmental and Climate Research
29342: Foscolo U., - Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis, Sonetti, Odi, Carmi
72245: Fossa-Mancini, E., - Las Venericardiae de Malargue y de Roca [Argentina] en la literatura geológica
58675: Fossier R., 1984- - Storia del Medioevo
60130: Foster A.D., - Viaggio alla città dei morti
67981: Foster A.D., - Krull
10152: FOSTER R.W., - The genus Mya in the Western Atlantic
31593: Foster A., - Zur Morphologie der Muskeln des thorax
58219: Foster M.A., - I guerrieri dell'alba
68211: Foster A.D., - La storia di Flinx
72096: Foster M.A., - Onde di un mare lontano
75986: Fouché B.A., - Personal names in Southern African Conchology
65457: Fournier A., - Il Grande Meaulnes
66106: Fowler O., - Seashells of the Kenya Coast
52355: Fowler T.G., - A new British Janthina
63393: Fowler, H.W., - The fishes obtained by the Pinchot South Seas Expedition of 1929, with description of one new genus and three new species
74855: Fox-Strangways C. - Woodward H.C., 1892- - The Jurassic rocks of Britain - 5 vols
18308: Foxton P., - A new species of the genus Acanthephyra (Crustacea: Natantia) fisrt discovered and described in ms notes by dr Stanley W Kemp
71941: Fraas O., - Über die neuesten Erfunde an der Schussenquelle bei Schussenried
57675: Frache H.A. & Bonaventura G.,, - Restauro filatelico
59107: Frade F., - Aves coligidas pela miss‹o zoologica de Moçambique
57741: Frade F. & Bacelar A., - Catálogo das aves de Moçambique
62617: France A., - Vie de Jeanne d'Arc
66075: Franceschi A., - Il padovano e i suoi presepi
56929: FRANCESCHINI P., - A Roma - Impressioni e ciarle di un fiorentino
64435: Francesco Pusateri, Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Stefano Bartolini & Marco Oliverio, - A revision of the Mediterranean Raphitomidae (Neogastropoda, Conoidea) 4: The species of the group of Raphitoma purpurea (Montagu, 1803) with the description of a new species
61921: Franchini D.A. & Franchini C., - Molluschi d'acqua dolce nelle torbe del Busatello - Ricerche stratigrafiche
6731: FRANCHINI D.A., 1976 - - Prima segnalazione di Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) nel fouling del Canale Virgilio (MN)
6730: Franchini D., - Potenzialità informativa della malacofauna
33675: Francis J., - James Cook and Robert Bakewell exploration and animal breeding in the Eighteenth century
67568: Franciscolo M.E., - The presence of Zeamordella Broun, 1886 in Wallacea
67038: Franciscolo M.E., - An updated look at Glipidiomorpha (Coleoptera, Mordellidae)
75058: Frank C., - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Molluskenfauna der östlichen Mittelmeerländer Teil I: Berichte über eine Gastropoden-Ausbweute aus Griechenland (Makedonien, Thrakien) vom Sommer 1981
72808: Frank C., - Malakologie auf Kolumbus' Spuren: Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Molluskenfauna Karibischer Inseln
62859: Frankel L., - Observations and speculations on the habitat and habits of Trochammina ochracea (Williamson) in subsurface sediments
71494: Frankenberger Z. - Die Molluskenfauna der böhmische Masse in ihren Entwicklungs- und Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen
71302: Franklin A., Pickett G.D. & Conner P.M., - The scallop [Pecten maximus] and its fishery in England and Wales
71819: Frantisek L., - I fanciulli e il pugnale
51509: Franz Werner - XVIII
51419: Franz Hertisch - Untersuchung zur Geologie des Paläozoikums von Graz
51108: Franz Steindachner - Über eine neue und seltene Fischarten aus der ichthyologischen Sammlung des k
51325: Franz Kossmat - Geologie des Wocheiner Tunnels und der südlichen Anschlusslinie
51256: Franz Baron Nopcsa - Dinosaurierreste aus Siebenbürgen II (Schädelreste von Mochlodon) mit einem Anhange: Zur Phylogenie der Ornithopodiden 28 pages with 2 plates and 11 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 7
51497: Franz Werner - Über Reptilien und Amphibien aus Südchina
51116: Franz Toula - Geologische Untersuchungen im östlichen Balkan und in anderen Theilen von Bulgarien und Ostrumelien (II
51111: Franz Ritter von Hauer - Cephalopoden aus der Trias von Bosnien I
51413: Franz Steindachner - Bericht über die ichthyologischen Aufsammlungen der Brüder Adolf und Albin Horn während einer im Sommer 1913 ausgeführten Reise nach Deutsch-Ostafrika 28 pages with 5 plates and 2 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 3
51230: Franz Eilhard Schulze - Hexactinelliden des Rothen Meeres Expedition S
51452: Franz Werner - III
51327: Franz von Höhnel - Eumycetes et Myxomycetes 45 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 25
51279: Franz Baron Nopcsa - Dinosaurierreste aus Siebenbürgen III (Weitere Schädelreste von Mochlodon) 36 pages with 2 plates and 21 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 7
66096: Franz V., - Viviparus menzelii Franz, die diluviale Paludine von Phöben bei Potsdam
54805: Franz Ritter von Hauer, - Ueber neue Verbindungen des Chlorcadmiums mit basischen Chlormetallen
51373: Franz E. Suess - Die Moravischen Fenster und ihre Beziehung zum Grundgebirge des Hohen Gesenkes 91 pages with 3 plates and 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 4
51407: Franz Maidl - Monographie der Gattung Synagris Latreille (Hymen
51261: Franz Hillebrand - Theorie der scheinbaren Grö§e bei binocularem Sehen 54 pages with 17 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 20
51523: Franz Heritsch - Das Tektonische Fenster von Fischbach 27 pages with 3 plates and 6 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 28
51425: Franz Steindachner - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Flussfische Südamerikas
51149: Franz Krasan - Die Pliocäan-Buche der Auvergne 4 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 14
51390: Franz Steindachner - Zur Fischfauna des Dscha, eines sekundären Nebenflusses des Kongo, im Bezirke Molundu, Kamerun 64 pages with 9 plates and 12 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 14
51506: Franz Maidl - XV
51246: Franz Steindachner - Fische aus dem stillen Ocean
51155: Franz Steindachner - Über einige Fischarten Mexico«s und die Seen, in welchen sie vorkommen von Prinzessin Therese von Bayern 14 pages with 3 plates and 1 map in the text, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 4
51221: Franz Baron Nopcsa - Dinosaurierreste aus Siebenbürgen
51178: Franz Steindachner - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Sü§wasserfische der Balkan-Halbinsel 8 pages with 2 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 10
70852: Franzen D. & Leonard A.B., - The Mollusca of the Wakarusa River Valley [Kansas]
11785: Franzen D.S., - Types of mollusks described by F
11774: Franzen D.S., - Anatomy of Succinea ovalis
71958: Frassineti A., - Il tubo e il cubo
66447: Frate T., - I problemi del Baltico
67572: Fratello ignoto, - L'epopea segreta della Massonieria - preghiera dei Massoni, i sette punti di iniziazione suprema
68974: Frattini A., - O sposarmi o niente
54070: Frauenfeld G., - Über eine neur Fliegengattung Raymondia, aus der familie der Coriacen, nebst Beschreibung zweier Arten derselben
60289: Fraunfelter G.H. & J. Utgaard J., - Middle Pennsylvanian edrioasteroid from southern Illinois
64869: Fraussen K., - A new Antillophos (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) from the Philippines
20156: Fraussen K. & Jakubzik H., - THe discovery of living specimens of Quasisipho torquatus (Buccinidae) and its transfer to the genus Plicifusus
75687: Fraussen K., - Two new deep water Buccinidae (Gastropoda) from western Pacific
20153: Fraussen K. & Hadron R., - A new and striking Fusinus (Fasciolariidae) from Chile
74495: Fraussen K. & Dekker H., - A new Euthria (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) from Java
43460: Fraussen K. & Hadorn R., - A new species of Buccinidae from the Philippine Islands
75726: Fraussen K., - The genus Afer Conrad, 1858 (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) with descriptions of a new subgenus and a new species from western Africa
64867: Fraussen K., Dharma B. & Stahlschmidt P., - Recent and fossil: Nassarius nebulonis sp
65567: Fraussen K., - Enigmaticolus, a new genus of deep water buccinids (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) with description of a new species from Madagascar
66339: Fraussen K., Monnier E. & Rosado J., - Two new Engina Gray, 1839 (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) from south-west Indian Ocean
66549: Fravega P. et al., - Significato degli episodi coralgali a Nord di Sassello
60146: Frederick, R. B., W. R. Clark, & E. E. Klaas, - Behavior, energetics, and management of refuging waterfowl: a simulation model
58107: Fredrick J.F. (Ed.), - Plant Growth Regulators
64983: Freeman, A.N.D., Marshall , B.A., Maxwell, P.A., Walker , M.W. and Nicholls , D.C. , - Recent molluscan name-bearing types in the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand
59051: Freeman R.F.H. & Shuttleworth T.J., - Distribution of dry matter between the tissues and coelom in Arenicola marina (L
58606: Freeman R.F. & Shuttleworth T.J., - Distribution of water in Arenicola marina (Polychaeta) equilibrated to diluted sea water
73807: Freess W.B., - Beitrage zur Kenntnis von Fauna und Flora des marinen Mitteloligozans bei Leipzig
76384: Freneix S. & Quesne G., - Une espèce nouvelle du Kimméridgien du Portugal (Estremadura): Aulacomyella abadiensis nov
76387: Freneix S., Grant-Mackie J.A. & Lozes J., - Presence de Malayomaorica (Bivalvia) dans le Jurassique supérieur de la Nouvelle-Calédonie
68000: Freneix S., Saint Martin J.P. & Moissette P., - Hu"tres du Messinien d'Oranie (Algérie occidentale) et paléobiologie de l'ensemble de la faune de bivalves
72518: Freneix S., - Bivalves neocretaces de Nouvelle-Caledonie
72721: Freneix, S. & J. Sornay - Artigesia, genre nouveau de Monopleuridae du Maestrichtien de Royan (Charente-Maritime)
72776: Freneix S., - Au sujet du phylum Neopycnodonte navicularis - Neopycnodonte cochlear
73035: Freneix S., - Daonella indica (Bivalvia) de la région d`Antalya (Bordure sud du Taurus, Turquie)
73036: Freneix S. & Cubaynes R., - Biofaciès à Cuneigervillia-Pteromya et biofaciès à Eomiodon dans l'Hettangien du Quercy (Aquitaine orientale), In 4to, offp
73037: Freneix S., Breton G. & Dubus B., - Le Kimmeridgien de Merrey-sur-Arce (Aube) et sa faune oligospecifique à Placunopsis radiata arcensis nov
73064: Freneix S. & Grant-Mackie J.A., - New Upper Cretaceous Cardiidae (Bivalvia) from New Zealand and New Caledonia
73602: Freneix S., - Etude complémentaire des Lamellibranches du Crétacé de Nouvelle-Calédonie
55905: Frenguelli G., - Resti silicei di microrganismi dei travertini della Somalia
54959: Frenzel W., - Ernährung und Farbstoffbildung von Chlorosplenium aeruginosum
68339: Fretter V. & Graham A., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark
52991: Fretter V. & Pilkington M.C., - Veliger larvae of Taenioglossa and Stenoglossa
68334: Fretter V. & Graham A., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark
68338: Fretter V. & Graham A., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark - Part
10160: Fretter V. & Graham A., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark
64620: Fretter V., - Studies on the functional morphology and embryology of Onchidella celtica and their bearing on its relationship
68386: Fretter V. & Graham A., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark
6732: Fretter V., - Interrelations of the monotocardian gastropods
68336: Fretter V., Graham A. & Andrews E.B., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark part 9 - Pyramidellacea
76163: Fretter V., - Turbonilla elegantissima (Montagu), a parasitic opisthobranch
75767: Fretter V. & Graham A., - British Prosobranch Molluscs
65436: Fretter V., - Metamorphic changes in the velar musculature, head and shell of some prosobranch veligers
37165: Fretter V., - The genital ducts of Theodoxus, Lamellaria and Trivia, and a discussion on their evolution in the prosobranchs
61572: Fretter V. & Bun Hian K., - Observations on the reproductive system of the aplysiid Dolabella auricularia
32760: Fretter V. & Montgomery M.C. - The treatment of food by prosobranch veligers
61230: Fretter V. & Manly R., - Algal associations of Tricolia pullus, Lacuna vincta and Cerithiopsis tubercularis with special reference to the settlement of their larvae
63086: Fretter V. & Shale D., - Select Seasonal Changes in Population Density and Vertical Distribution of prosobranch veligers in offshore Plankton at Plymouth
10956: Fretter V., - The anatomy of the prosobranch Circulus striatus (Philippi) and a review of its systematic position
11782: Fretter V., - Experiments with P32 and I131 on species of Helix, Arion, and Agriolimax
41680: Fretter V. & Pilkington M.C., - The larval shell of some prosobranch gastropods
68357: Fretter V. & Graham A., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark
72802: Fretter V., - The anatomy and feeding of the volutacean prosobranch Volvarina taeniolata Mörch
8372: FRETTER V., - Observations on the anatomy of Mikadotrochus amabilis Bayer
8373: Fretter V., Graham A. & McLean J.H., - The anatomy of the Galapagos rift limpet, Neomphalus fretterae
60841: Freud S., - Sessualita' e vita amorosa
67542: Freud S., - Sulla cocaina
60647: Freud S., - Psicoanalisi della società moderna
62814: Freud S., - Introduzione allo studio della psicoanalisi (Prima Serie e Nuova Seire)
69042: Freud S., - L'interpretazione dei sogni
65210: Freud S., - Psicopatologia della vita quotidiana: Dimenticanze, lapsus, sbadataggini, superstizioni ed errori
63440: Freud S., - L'interpretazione dei sogni
59985: Freud S., - Psicopatologia della vita quotidiana
60963: Freud S., - Totem e tabù ed altri saggi di antropologia
60886: Freud S., - La psicoanalisi infantile
59986: Freud S., - Leonardo
67658: Freude H., - Revision der zur (?) Gattung'Zabrus' Clairville, 1806 gehörenden Arten mit Bestimmungstabellen (Col
67659: Freude H., - Revision der zur (?) Gattung'Zabrus' Clairville, 1806 gehörenden Arten mit Bestimmungstabellen (Col
76262: Frey R.C., - Middle and Upper Ordovician nautiloid cephalopods of the Cincinnati arch region of Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio
70287: Frey H. & Leuckart R., - Beiträge zur Kenntniss wirbelloser Thiere: mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Fauna des norddeutschen Meeres
73640: Frias Martins A.M., - Oxychilus (Drouetia) agostinhoi new species (Stylommatophora: Zonitidae) from the Azores Islands, its anatomy and phylogenetic relationships
51297: Fridolin Krasser - Fossile Pflanzen aus Transbaikalien, der Mongolei und Mandschurei 46 pages with 4 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 13
51477: Fridolin Krasser - Studien über die fertile Region der Cycadophyten aus den Lunzer Schichten: Makrospophyle 32 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 8
51432: Fridolin Krasser - Männliche Williamsonien aus dem Sandsteinschiefer des unteren Lias von Steirerdorf im Banat 14 pages with 3 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 128
51442: Fridolin Krasser - Studien über die fertile Region der Cycadophyten aus den Lunzerschichten: Mikroskophylle und männliche Zapfen 66 pages with 4 plates, 1 map 13 illustratrions, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 14
51244: Fridolin Krasser - Die von W
69785: Friedman P., - La notte del furore
51132: Friedrich Brauer und Julius Edlen von Bergenstamm - Die Zweiflügler des kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien
51336: Friedrich Wesely - Definitive Bahnbestimmung für den Kometen 1864 V 16 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung 2
51516: Friedrich Trauth - Geologie der nördlichen Radstätter Tauern und ihres Vorlandes (1
51539: Friedrich Markgraf - Friedrich Markgraf Pflanzen aus Albanien 1928 44 pages with 1 plate and 1 map, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 30
51324: Friedrich Teller - Geologie des Karawankentunnels 108 pages with 3 plates and 29 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 7
51510: Friedrich Querner - XX
51448: Friedrich Pilcher - Das Aeroplankton von Wien 26 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 12
51291: Friedrich Katzer - Beitrag zur Geologie von Ceará (Brasilien) 36 pages with 20 illustrations and 1 geological map, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 8
29189: Friedrich E., - Die Dichte der Bevölkerung im Regierungsbezirk Danzig
51525: Friedrich Trauth - Geologie der nördlichen Radstätter Tauern und ihres Vorlandes (2
51490: Friedrich Zimmermann - IX
51152: Friedrich Brauer und Julius Edlen von Bergenstamm - Die Zweiflügler des kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien VII
51196: Friedrich Heinrich Junker - Die symmetrischen Functionen der gemeinschaftlichen Variablenpaare ternärer Formen
51189: Friedrich Brauer - Beiträge zur Kenntnis Au§ereuropäischer Oestriden und parasitischer Muscarien 24 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 8
64340: Friend H., - The Story of British Annelids (Oligochaeta)
71144: Frierson L.S., - A new pearly freshwater mussel of the genus Hyria from Brazil
67196: Frilli F., - Studi sugli Imenotteri Icneumonidi
54905: Fritsch E., - Zur Kenntnis der Camelina rumelica Velenovsky
54783: Fritsch K., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gesneriaceen III: Der Blütenstand von Haberlea rhodopensis Friv
54973: Fritsch, K. - Beobachtungen uber blutenbesuchende Insekten in Steiermark, 1906
54117: Fritsche K., - Untersuchungen über die Bestäubungsverhältnisse südeuropäischer Pflanzenarten, insbesondere solcher aus dem österreischen Küstenlande
49750: Fritsche K., - Untersuchungen Über die Bestäubungsverhältnisse südeuropäischer Pflanzenarten, insbesondere solcher aus dem österreichischen Küstenlande
60150: Fritts S.H.. & Mech D., - Dynamics, movements, and feeding ecology of a newly protected wolf population in northwestern Minnesota
51444: Fritz Heritsch - Untersuchungen zur Geologie des Paläozoikums von Graz
51343: Fritz Kerner von Marilaun - Untersuchungen über die Veränderlichkeit der jährlichen Niederschlagsperiode im Gebiete zwischen der Donau und nördlichen Adria 58 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung 2
51451: Fritz Kerner von Marilaun - Geologische Beschreibung des Valbonatales in Nordost-Albanien
51445: Fritz Heritsch - Untersuchungen zur Geologie des Paläozoikums von Graz
70301: Frizzell D.L., - A study of two arcid pelecypod species from western South America
72537: Frizzell D.L., - Preliminary reclassification of veneracean pelecypods
3013: Frolov A. & Pankov S., - The effect of starvation on the biochemical composition of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis
62047: Fromm E., - Personalità, libertà, amore - La missione di Sigmund Freud
38714: Frontier S., - Zooplancton de la région de Nosy-Bé
6734: Frontier S., - Liste complémentaire des ptéropodes du plancton de Nosy Bé (Madagascar)
56479: Fry W.E.& Gustafson E.P., - Cervids from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of central Washington
64526: Frydman F., - Harpa kawamurai and Harpa kajiyamai: a critical re-evaluation (Gastropoda: Harpidae)
71437: Frye J.C. et al., - The late Woodfordian Jules soil and associated Molluscan faunas
71543: Frye J.C., Swinford A. & Leonard A.B., - Correlation of Pleistocene deposits of the central Great Plains with the glacial sections
71599: Frye J.C., Leonardo A.B., Swineford A., - Stratigraphy of the late Pleistocene loesses of Kansas + Petrography of the Peoria loess in Kansas + Stratigraphic zonation of the Peoria loess in Kansas
52844: Fryer, G., P.H. Greenwood, & J.F. Peake. - Punctuated equilibria, morphological stasis and the palaeontological documentation of speciation: A biological appraisal of a case history in an African lake
31072: Fröhlich I., - Experimentelle erforschung und theoretische deutung der allgemeinen gesetzmassigkeiten der polarisation des von glasgittern gebeugten lichtes
65163: Frömming E., - Beiträge zur Lebensweise unserer Deckelsumpfschecke Viviparus viviparus L
60372: Fuchs T., - Studien über die Gliederung der jüngeren Tertiärbildungen Ober-Italiens
70369: Fuchs T., - Ueber die während der schwedischen geologischen Expedition nach Spitzbergen im Jahre 1882 gesammelten Tertiärconchylien
76337: Fuchs C.W.C., - L'isola d'Ischia, monografia geologica
59984: Fuentes C., - L'ombelico della luna
63281: Fuersich F.T. & Hust J.M., - Autecology of the Silurian brachiopod Sphaerirhynchia wilsoni (J
75454: Fujikura, K., Fujiwara Y., Kojima S. & Okutani T., - Micro-scale distribution of mollusks occurring in Deep-Sea chemosynthesis-based communities in the Japan Trench
74090: Fujikura K., Kojima S., Tamaki K., Maki Y., Hunt J. & Okutani T., 1999. - The deepest chemosynthesis-based community yet discovered in the hadal zone, 7326 m deep, in the Japan Trench
74076: Fujikura K., Kojima S., Fujiwara Y., Hashimoto J. & Okutani T., - New distribution records of vesicomyid bivalves from Deep-Sea Chemosynthesis-based communities in Japanese waters
60071: Fujioka Y., - Population ecological aspects of the eulimd gastropod Vitreobalcis temnopleuricola
27997: Fujioka M., - Studien über den anatomischen Bau des Holzes der japanischen Nadelbäume
72917: Fukuta O., - Upper Cretaceous foraminifera from the
66971: Fulino G. & Dal Piaz G., - I chirotteri italiani - Elenco delle specie con annotazioni sulla loro distribuzione geografica e fequenza nella Penisola
75887: Fulton H.C., - Notes on Thersites (Hadra) bellendenkerensis Braz
75834: Fulton H., - Figures and descriptions of supposed new species and varieties of Ennea, Macrochlamys, Cochlostyla, Strophocheilus (Borus), Odontostomus (Moricandia), Leptopoma, Cataulus, Coptocheilus and Tropidophora
60879: Fumagalli C., - La vita domestica e pubblica dei greci e dei romani
58286: Fumagalli Z., - Ricerche morfologiche sull'apparato di trasmissione del suono
51215: Funke R., - Über die Schwankungen des Fettgehaltes der fettführenden Organe im Kreislaufe des Jahres
64935: Furet F. & Richet D., - La rivoluzione francese
19073: Furman E.R. & Crisp D.J., - Biometrical changes during growth of isolated individuals of Balanus improvisus
63606: Furnestin M.L., - Deuxiéme note dur les Chartognathes récoltés en Méditerranée Occidentale par le Navire Océanographique "Presidnet Théodore-Tissier"
66423: Furon R., - Causes de la répartition des êtres vivants
57898: Furon R., - Manuale di preistoria
33991: Furst C. M., - Dess stiftare Anders Jahan Retzius
62367: Fusilli R., - L'isola senza nome
11680: Fuster de Plaza M.L. & Boschi E., - Areas de migración y Ecología de la anchoa Lycengraulis olidus (Günther) en las aguas argentinas (Pisces, fam
58938: Futuyma D., - IProcesso alla scienza - In difesa dell'evoluzione
58000: G˜rski K., - L'Ordine teutonico: Alle origini dello Stato Prussiano
51454: G. Jaumann - Physik der kontinuierlichen Medien 102 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 24
51295: G. Antipa - Die Clupeinen des westlichen Teiles des schwarzen Meeres und der Donaumündungen 56 pages with 3 plates and 6 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 12
66222: G. Buzzurro & P. Russo, - Fusinus del Mediterraneo / Mediterranean Fusinus
51322: G. Geyer - Die Aufschlie§ungen des Bosrucktunnels und deren Bedeutung für den Bau des Gebirges 40 pages with 3 plates and 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 13
59058: G. Brambilla and A. Lualdi, - Il Pliocene della provincia di Bergamo (Italia settentrionale)
51166: G. Niessl - Untersuchungen über der räumlichen Bewegung des Sonnensystems auf die Vertheilung der nachweisbaren Meteorbahnen 30 pages with 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 7
60645: Gaarder J., - Il castello dei Pirenei
69423: Gabriel C.J., - Additions to the marine molluscan fauna of South Eastern Australia including descriptions of new genus Pillarginella, six new species and two sub-species
65356: Gabrielli F.G., - Il cavallo da sella - allevamento - addestramento - cura
74965: Gadeau de Kerville H., - Recherches sur les faunes marine et maritime de la Normandie - 3e voyage - Région d'Omonville-la-Rogue (Manche) et Fosse de la Hague
62911: Gaffney P.M., - On the number of Patella species in South-West England
60038: Gage E., - La sfida di Francie
67869: Gage J., - The life-histories of the bivalves Montacuta substriata and M
59095: Gage J.D. - New Synaptidae (Holothuroidea : Apoda) from the Rockall Trough
28505: Gage M., - Some Characteristics of Pleistocene Cold Climates in New Zealand
60199: Gage J.D., - Skeletal growth bands in brittle stars: microstructure and significance as age markers
65439: Gage J., - A preliminary survey of the benthic macrofauna and sediments in Lochs Etive and Creran, sea-lochs along the west coast of Scotland
32033: Gage J., - Experiments with the behaviour of the bivalves Montacuta substriata and
57325: Gagliano A., - Mille miliardi di stelle
13172: Gaglini A., - Ridescrizione di Setia globulinus e Microsetia celata Monterosato, 1884 (Rissoidea)
31393: Gaglini A., - Qualcosa di antico, qualcosa di nuovo: brevi considerazioni su Rissoa scillae, Rissoa sciutiana, Nesis prima, Chauvetia candidissima, Pinctada radiata
31389: Gaglini A. & Villari A., - Priorità di Peracle diversa Monterosato, 1875 su Peracle apicifulva Meisenheimer, 1906
31235: Gaglini A., - Eulima cionella Monterosato, 1878
30793: Gaillard J.M., - Note sur la ponte de Gibbula pennanti Philippi (Gastéropode Diotocarde)
30792: Gaillard J.M., - Sur quelques points d'anatomie et de biologie de Gibbula umbilicalis Da Costa
69766: Gaillard J.M., - Aspects qualitatifs et quantitatifs de la croissance de la coquille de quelques espèces de mollusques prosobranches en fonction de la latitude et des conditions écologique
8069: Gaillard J.M., - Conchiglie viventi
69164: Gainey jr. L., - The use of the foot and the captacula in feeding of Dentalium (Mollusca: Scaphopoda)
64102: Gaiotti De Biase P., - Il potere logorato - La lunga fine della DC
63334: Galahano M.H., - Two new interstitial Ameiridae (Copepoda Harpacticoidea) from Portugal
30213: Gale V.E., - Eficiencia en la reproduccion del ganado lechero
73231: Gale A.S., - Phylogeny and classification of the Asteroidea (Echinodermata)
26204: Galhano M.H., - Preliminary data about seasonal variations of pigments in the Douro estuary (Cabedelo)
26205: Galhano M.H. & Eiras J., - Nouvelle données sur les Asellides (Isopoda) du Portugal
66694: Galil B., - The Calappidae of the Marquesas Islands with a description of a new species of Mursia (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura)
60089: Galilei G., - Il Saggiatore
69970: Gall H., - Eine Gastropodenfauna aus dem Landshuter Schotter der Oberen Sü§wassermolasse (Westliche Paratethys, Badenien) von Gündlkofen/Niederbayern [Miocene]
59618: Gallagher S., - Saturno tre
68056: Gallagher D.S. & Dixon J.R. - Taxonomic revision of the South American lizard genus Kentropyx Spix (Sauria: Teiidae)
70088: Gallardo C., - Crepidula philippiana n
58307: Galletto D., - Lagrange e la Mécanique Analytique
42472: Galli L., - Teilhard de Chardin, scienziato e filosofo
57567: Gallo A., - Notizie intorno agli incisori siciliani diligentemente raccolte da Agostino Gallo
487: Gallo L.M. , Piervittori R. & Montacchini F., - Rapporti con il substrato litologico degli esemplari del genere Rhizocarpon presenti nelle collezioni crittogamiche del Museum Botanicum Horti Taurinensis (Torino)
65319: Galloni C., - Dizionario universale di astrologia
35145: Galloway B. T., & Woods A. F., - Diseases of shade and ornamental trees
32190: Galston A.W., - The Life of the Green Plant
71821: Galsworthy J., - Ancella
70730: Galsworthy J., - Oltre il fiume
70729: Galsworthy J., - Landa in fiore
58366: Galten F. - Bierbaum O.J., - Der Schrei der Liebe + Das höllische Automobil - Novellen
70883: Galtsoff P.S,., - The Story of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Massachusetts 1885-1958
28615: Galtsoff P.S., - Physiology of reproduction in molluscs
66825: Gambetta L., - Osservazioni sull'apparato riproduttore dell'Arion (Mesarion) subfuscus Drap
63648: Gambi, M.C. & Giangrande, A., - Analisi della struttura trofica del popolamento dei policheti nei fondi mobili di due aree del Mar Tirreno
63649: Gambi, M.C. & Giangrande, A., - Caratterizzazione e distribuzione delle categorie trofiche dei policheti nei fondi mobili del Golfo di Salerno
73164: Gamulin-Brida H., Giaccome G. & Golubi S., - Contribution aux études des biocoenoses subtidales, In 8vo, offp
67963: Gandhi M.K., - La mia vita per la libertà
75638: Gantier F., Pacaud J.M., Landau B.M. & Merle D., - Les spécimens-types de gastéropodes fossiles du Miocène Supérieur de la collection Millet de la Turtaudière conservés au Muséum d'Angers : révision systématique et statut nomenclatural
67401: Garassino A., De Angeli A., Gallo L.M. & Pasini G., - Brachyuran and anomuran fauna from the Cenozoic of Piedmont (NW Italy)
68267: Garassino A. & Schweigert G., - Cretasergestes sahelalmaensis n
67889: Garassino A., Pasini G. & Dutheil D.B., - Cretapenaeus berberus n
69227: Garassino A., De Angeli A., Pasini G. & Tangocci F., - Ocypode italica n
67274: Garassino A. & Teruzzi G., - The genus Aeger Münster, 1839 in the Sinemurian of Osteno in Lombardy (Crustacea, Decapoda), In 8vo, offp
69894: Garassino A. & Gironi B., - Coleia boboi n
69896: Garassino A. & Gironi B., - New decapod crustaceans from the Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) of Lebanon
69897: Garassino A. & Novati M., - Justitia desmaresti (Massalongo, 1854) (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the Lutetian (Middle Eocene) of Monte Bolca (Verona, N Italy)
67774: Garassino A., Teruzzi G. & Dalla Vecchia M., - The macruran decapod crusteaceans of the Dolomia di Forni (Norian, Upper Triassic) of Carnia (Udine, NE Italy),
67666: Garassino A. & De Angeli A., - Decapoda crustacean fauna from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of Arda, Stirone and Enza Rivers (Piacenza, Parma and Reggio Emilia Provinces, N Italy)
67665: Garassino A. & De Angeli A., - Parthenope angulifrons Latreille, 1825, and Atelecyclus rotundatus (Olivi, 1782) from the Sicilian (upper Pleistocene) of Favignana Island (Egadi Islands, Sicily, S Italy)
69898: Garassino A. & Novati M., - Liocarcinus lancetidactylus (Smirnov, 1929) and Platymaia lethaeus (Smirnov, 1929) (Crustacea, Brachyura) from the Lower Miocene of N Caucasus (Russia)
058: Garau M., Gigliana Merolo E., Rosso M. & Traverso M., - I Funghi
58364: Garavaglia N., - L'Opera Completa Del Mantegna
31488: Garcia Gomez J.C., Lopez de le Cuadra C.M. & Balbuena Marcilla M.B., - Adiciones al conocimiento de Doto furva Garcia Gomez y Ortea Rato, 1983 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia: Dendronotacea)
63257: Garcia-Parrado, P. & Alcolado P.M., - Nuevos registros de Octocorales (Cnidaria) para la plataforma cubana
74642: Garcia-Gomez J. C. & Cervera J. L., - A new species and genus of aeolid nudibranch [Algarvia alba] (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from the Iberian coasts
64107: Garcia C., - Mille anni del mio sangue
32970: Garcia E.F., - A new species of Latirus (Fasciolariidae) from the southern Philippines
18926: Garcia E.F., - Three new gastropod species from the New World
33910: Garcia E. F., - New record of Opalia-like mollusks (Gastropoda: Epitoniidae) from the Indo-Pacific, with the description of fourteen new species
43463: Garcia E. F., - Three new deep-water epitoniid (Mollusca: Gastropoda) species from the southern Philippines
26808: Garcia R.F., - Datos sobre hierbas forrajeras importadas recientemente [Puerto Rico]
53590: Garcia J. C. & Garcia F. J., - Sobre la presencia de Chelidonura africana Pruvot-Fol (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia) en el litoral iberico
6738: García-Flor J. & Robles F., - Estudio mediante M
61290: Garcia F.J., Perez-Hurtado A., Garcia-Gomez J.C., 1992. - Variabilidad morfologica de dos poblaciones de Siphonaria pectinata (L
29316: Garcia Gomez J.C., - El genero Flabellina Voigt, 1834 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) en el litoral iberico
68405: Garcia-Alvarez O. & Salvini-Plawen L., - Species and diagnosis of the families and genera of Solenogastres
11405: Garcia F.J., Garcia J.C. & Cervera J.L., - Estudio morfologico de las espiculas de Doriopsilla areolata (Gastr
75656: García E.F., - Four new buccinid species (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) from the western Atlantic
75566: Garcia E.F., - Three new deep-water species of mollusks (Gastropoda: Calliostomatidae, Cystiscidae) form the southeastern Gulf of Medico
60184: Garcia Lorca F., - Poesie
75549: Garcia E.F., - A new species of Cosmioconcha (Gastropoda : Columbellidae) from the northern Gulf of Mexico
63258: Garcia-Parrado, P. & Alcolado P.M., - Revalidacion de Plexaura kuekenthali Moser, 1921 (Octocorallia, Gorgonacea)
63259: García, N., and A. Coy. - Nuevo género, nueva especie y nuevos registros de thelastomátidos (Oxyurida; Thelastomatidae) parásitos de Byrsotria sp
10171: Garcia J.C., Garcia F.J. & Cervera J.L., - Adiciones al conocimiento de Lamellaria perspicua (L
56199: García-çlvarez, O., Zamarro, M. & Urgorri, V., - New species of Mollusca Solenogastres from the Bellingshausen Sea and the Antarctic Peninsula (Bentart-2006 Expedition)
66613: Garcia Rios C.I., - Los quitones de Puerto Rico
62896: Garcia Lorca F., - Poesie d'amore
67813: Garcia-Alvarez O., Zamarro M. & Urgorri V., - Proneomeniidae (Solenogastres, Cavibelonia) from the Bentart-2006 Expedition, with description of a new species
56670: Garcia Talavera F., - Fauna tropical en el Neotirreniense de Santa Maria (Azores)
25372: Garcia J.C. & Bobo A., - Un nuevo doridaceo para el litoral iberico: Polycerela emertoni
22054: Garcia E.F., - Description of a very distinct Cirsotrema (Epitoniidae) from New Caledonia
66281: Garcia F.J., Urgorri V. & Lopez González P.J., - Redescripcion de Corambe testudinaria Fischer, 1889 (Nudibranchia)
25971: Garcia R.F. & Del Valle M.A., - Notas sobre la industria azucarera de Java - informe sobre el Tercer Congreso de la Asociacion Internacional de Tecnólogos Azucareros celebrado en Sourabaya, Java
73332: Garcia-Alvarez O. & Urgorri V., - Solenogastres molluscs from the Bentart Collection (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica), with a description of a new species
73363: Garcia-Alvarez O., Salvini-Plawen L. & Urgorri V., - The presence of Simrothiella borealis (Odhner, 1921) (Mollusca, Solenogastres: Simrothiellidae) in waters off the Iberian Peninsula
8647: Garcia F.J., Garcia J.C. & Cervera J.L., - Ridescrizione di Aldisa banyulensis Pruvot-Fol, 1951 (Moll
12864: Gardiner A.P., - Engel's paper on "The English species of the family Pleurobranchidae"
52152: Gardiner A., - Marked preference of certain Mollusca for special algae or zones
28813: Gardiner L.F., - The systematics, postmarsupial development, and ecology of Deep-Sea Family Neotanaidae (Crustacea: Tanaidacea)
58001: Gardiner A., - La Civilta Egizia
19334: Gardner N.W., - Four new species of land snails from New Zealand
62173: Gardner J., - Mollusca from the Miocene and Lower Plocene of Virginia and North Carolina - Part 2: Scaphopoda and Gastropoda
65989: Gardner J., - The molluscan fauna of the Alum Bluff group of Florida part IX: Index to chapters A-H
61419: Gardner J., - Mollusca from the Miocene and Lower Plocene of Virginia and North Carolina - Part 1: Pelecypoda
27703: Gardner J. & Bowles E., - The Venericardia planicosta group in the Gulf Province
65985: Gardner J., - The Molluscan fauna of the Alum Bluff Group of Florida, Part V
65988: Gardner J., - The molluscan fauna of the Alum Bluff group of Florida part VIII: Ctenobranchia (remainder), Aspidobranchia, and Scaphopoda
66242: Gardner J.P.A., - Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lmk) (Bivalvia, Mollusca): the taxonomic status of the Mediterranean mussel
75760: Gardner J., 1943-48 - Mollusca from the Miocene and Lower Pliocene of Virginia and North Carolina
66142: Gardner J., - Mollusca from the Miocene and Lower Plocene of Virginia and North Carolina - Part 1: Pelecypoda
67582: Gardner J., 1943-48 - Mollusca from the Miocene and Lower Pliocene of Virginia and North Carolina
75606: Gardner J., 1943-48 - Mollusca from the Miocene and Lower Pliocene of Virginia and North Carolina
60208: Gardner R. & Pawley A., - Annotated list of local plant names from Waya Island, Fiji
68168: Gardner J., - The molluscan fauna of the Alum Bluff Group of Florida
75124: Gardner J., - Additions to the Molluscan Fauna of the Alum Bluff Group of Florida
69860: Gardner J., - Mollusca of the Tertiary formations of Northeastern Mexico
72485: Gardner J., - The molluscan fauna of the Alum Bluff group of Florida part II: Astartacea, Carditacea, Chamacea [Miocene]
72487: Gardner J., - The molluscan fauna of the Alum Bluff group of Florida part VI: Pteropoda, Opisthobranchia, and Ctenobranchia (in part) [Miocene]
72972: Gardner J., - The Molluscan fauna of the Alum Bluff Group of Florida, Part IV
57128: Gargiullo S. & Gargiullo C., - I Pesci Del Mediterraneo
69232: Gargiulo R., - The uncommon Terebras of Oman (Study and Revision)
69231: Gargiulo R., - The endemic Terebras of Australia
31203: Garilli V., - Segnalazione di Trichotropis borealis Broderip & Sowerby, 1829 (Mollusca Gastropoda) nella sezione pleistocenica di "Case Catarinicchia" (Sicilia sud occidentale)
58817: Garilli V. & Parrinello D., - Two similar new species of Alvania Risso, 1826 (Caenogastropoda: Rissoidae) from th late Cenozoic of Italy
41391: Garilli V. & Caruso T., - Records of Cerithium scabridum Philippi, 1848 (Caenogastropoda, Cerithiidae) from northwestern Sicily
75181: Garilli V. & Galletti L., - Taxonomical characters for distinguishing Cerithium lividulum Risso, 1826, and C
41393: Garilli V., - A new species of Ersilia (Caenogastropoda, Eulimidae) from the Plio-Pleistocene of the central Mediterranean area
57838: Garino E., - Testamento e famiglia a Venezia nel '700: prime approssimazioni
42294: Garlaschelli E., - Gruppo 'Tra scienza e fede'; Corso di aggiornamento: 'Storia della scienza'; Riassunto delle tematiche emerse e dei problemi affrontati
67366: Garlini A., - La legge dell'odio
68858: Garman S. - Report on the fishes collected by the Bahama Expedition, of the State University of Iowa, under Professor C
558: Garnier B.J., - Maps of the water balance in West Africa
059: Garovaglio S., - Descrizione di una nuova specie di sensitiva arborea che si coltiva nell'Orto Botanico della R
74932: Garrard T.A., - The genus Pervicacia (Terebridae: Gastropoda) in South-Eastern Australia
59676: Garrett R., - Lord Darcy
37470: Garrido Gonzalez & Regil Cueto J. A., - Faune acuatica de la Cordillera Cantabrica
63252: Garrido O.H. & Moreno L.V., - A new species of Anolis (Lacertilia: Iguanidae) from Pico Turquino, Sierra Maestra, Cuba
31707: Garwood P.R., - The life-cycle and population dynamics of Streptosyllis websteri (Polychaeta: Syllidae) from a Northumberland beach
35882: Garwood P. R. & Kendall M. A., - The reproductive cycles of Monodonta lineata and Gibbula umbilicalis on the coast of mid-Wales
60148: Gasaway, W. C., R. O. Stephenson, J. L. Davis, P. E. K. Shepherd, and O. E. Burris, - Interrelationships of wolves, prey, and man in interior Alaska
31422: Gascoigne T., - Stylets, styles, and other cuticular extensions of the male duct in the order Sacoglossa (Gastropoda)
52550: Gascoigne T., - Fine dissection of Ascoglossans
19704: Gascoigne T., - The reproductive systems and classification of the Stiligeridae (Sacoglossa)
68308: Gasparo F., - I disderidi delle Isole Tremiti (Araneae, Dysderidae)
57536: Gassmann V. et al., 1962 (eds.) - Cinque modi per conoscere il teatro ; illustrato da Guccione, Luzzati, Clerici, Vespignani, Maccari
57998: Gaster T., - Le più antiche storie del mondo
22016: Gasull L., - Presencia de la helicella Cernuella (Microxeromagna) vestita (Rambur) en las isla de Mallorca
37310: Gatto A., Massa G., Meda P., Metelli M., Turibio D., - Guida agli uccelli della Riserva Naturale di Vendicari
37323: Gatto R., - Interazioni elettromagnetiche
31004: Gaub P., - Vegetation und Anbau im Stromberg [Germany, Rhineland-Palatinate] und Zabergäugebiet
31182: Gaudiat D., Violi B., - Presence de Conus centurio Born, 1778 en Guadeloupe (Antilles francaises)
34795: Gaumann, Ernst, - Vergleichende Morphologie Der Pilze
75573: Gautier A., - Fossil Fresh Water Mollusca of the Lake Albert - Lake Edward Rift (Uganda)
69528: Gautier T., - Capitan Fracassa
57666: Gavallotti C. & Sacconi A., - Inscriptiones Pyliae : Ad Mycenaeam Aetatem Pertinentes
73734: Gavetti E., Birindelli S., Bodon M. & Manganelli G., - Molluschi terrestri e d'acqua dolce della Valle di Susa
34468: Gawronski E., - Soluble fractions of the humus of the excreta of Allolobophora caliginosa
55420: Geddes P., - On the mechanism of the odontophore in certain Mollusca
20765: Geiger D.L., - Description of Haliotis fatui new species from the Tropical western Pacific
67862: Geiger D.L. & Owen B., - Abalone: Worldwide Haliotidae
57307: Geiger D.L. & Owen B., - The identity of Haliotis stomatiaeformis Reeve, 1846, from the Mediterranean Sea (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda: Haliotidae)
74551: Geiger D.L. & Groves L.T., - Review of fossil abalone (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda: Haliotidae) with comparison to Recent species
61018: Geiger D.L. & Poppe G.T., - A conchological iconography - The family Haliotidae
65093: Geiger D.L., - Four new Vetigastropoda (Anatomidae, Seguenziidae) from the northeastern Pacific
70906: Geijskes D.C. & Pain T., - Suriname Freshwater Snails of the Genus Pomacea
64074: Geistdoerfer P., - Histologie du tube digestif de Coelorhynchus coelorhynchus et de Chalinura mediterranea (Macrouridae, Gadiformes, Pisces)
63447: Geistdoerfer, P., J.-C. Hureau & M. Rannou, - Deux poissons abyssaux nouveaux capturés dans l'Atlantique nord et est: Bathytyphlops azorensis n
63569: Geistdoerfer P., - Régime alimentaire de macrouridae (Teleosteens, Gadiformes) atlantiques et mediterraneens, en relation avee la morphologie du tube digestif
51131: Gejza von Bukowski - Die levantische Molluskenfauna der Insel Rhodus (I
51179: Gejza von Bukowski - Die levantische Molluskenfauna der Insel Rhodus
31589: Gelfan S., - The electrical conductivity of protoplasm and a new method of the determination
57463: Gellert G., - Die Wunder des Meeres - Allgemeinverständliche Darstellung des Lebens und Treibens im Meere, der Tier- und Pflanzenwelt, der maritimen Einrichtungen und der Eroberung und Nutzbarmachung des Meeres durch den Menschen
57406: Gemmellaro G.G., - Sopra alcune faune giuresi e liasiche della Sicilia - Seconda ristampa anastatica delle tavole con aggiornamento nomenclaturale dei taxa figurati di ammoniti Brachiopodi, gasteropodi e bivalvi
57829: Gentilini, G., - L'ultima commedia umanistica veneziana: la " Dolotechne " di Bartolomeo Zamberti
51503: Georg Ulmer - XII
32029: George S.G. & Pirie B.J.S., - Metabolism of zinc in the mussel, Mytilus edulis (L
37349: George Ohnet, - Il re di Parigi
66422: George P., - Les migrations internationales
74575: Georges K.E., - Ausführliches lateinisch - deutsches Handwörterbuch: Aus den Quellen zusammengetragen und mit besonderer Bezugnahme auf Synonymik und Antiquitäten unter Berücksichtigung der besten Hilfsmittel
54496: Georgeson C.C., - Agricultural Experiments In Alaska
71812: Gerber E., - Eine neue Poiretia aus dem untersten kohleführenden Horizont der Emmentaler Molasse
61232: Geret P., - Liste des genres, sections et espèces décrits par C
66331: Gerlach J., - Terrestrial and freshwater Mollusca of the Seychelles islands
66332: Gerlach, J. & A.C. van Bruggen, - Streptaxidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pulmonata) of the Seychelles Islands, western Indian Ocean
62909: GERLACH J., - The shell-less slugs of Seychelles
50773: Germain L., 1922- - Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de Syrie (AND) Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles d'Asie-Mineure
75643: Germain L., - Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles d'Asie-Mineure
68053: Germain L., - Les Helicidae de la Faune Francaise
6758: Germain L., - Contribution à la faune malacologique de l'Afrique Equatoriale
6757: Germain L., - Contribution à la faune malacologique de l'Afrique Equatoriale
70470: Germain L., - Contributions à l'ètude de la Faune du Mozambique
70286: Germain L, - Note complémentaire sur quelques mollusques quaternaires terrestres et fluviatiles de Saint-Pierre-lès-Elbeuf
8753: Germain L., - Contributions à la faune malacologique de l'Afrique Equatoriale
59007: Gerosa G., - Il Generale - Vita di Giuseppe Garibaldi
69649: Gerrold D., Stith J.E., Reynoldos R., - Missione nell'universo
61298: Gerrold D., - Superbestia
70874: Gertman R.L., - Cenozoic Typhinae (Mollusca: Gastrooda) of the Western Atlantic region
60084: Gervaso R., - I Borgia
59644: Gervaso R., - La monaca di Monza - venere in convento
61874: Gervaso R., - Nerone
59965: Gervaso R., - La monaca di Monza - venere in convento
18963: Géry R., - Une industrie autochtone nigérienne: les sauniers du Manga
71529: Getz L. & Hibbard C., - A molluskan faunule from the Seymour Formation of Baylor and Knox Counties, Texas
73258: Getz L.L. & Hibbard C.W., - A molluscan faunule from the Seymour formation of Baylor and Knox counties, Texas
71452: Geyer D., - Ueber die im Laufe des Quartärs in Mittel- und Süddeutschland erloschenen Mollusken
70974: Geyer D., - Helix (Arianta) arbustorum L
70453: Geyer D., - Die Mollusken des Urwaldes von Bialowies [Poland]
71211: Geyer D., - Über einige Schnecken aus dem Diluvium und ihre Bedeutung für die Ermittlung des Klimas
63651: Gherardi M., Lepore E. & Sciscioli M., - Ricolonizzazione di substrati duri da parte di anellidi policheti (Serpruolidei esclusi)
63019: Ghione S., - L'isola delle tartarughe - Viaggio ad Ascensione
42473: Ghirelli P., - L'umanità e il silicio: vite parallele
74985: Ghiselin M.T. et al., - A phylogenetic survey of molluscan shell matrix proteins
71098: Ghiselin M.Y. & Wilson B.R., - On the anatomy, natural history, and reproduction of Cyphoma, a marine prosobranch gastropod
71625: Ghiselin M.T., - The adaptive significance of gastropod torsion
71626: Ghiselin M.T., - On Psychologism in the Logic of Taxonomic Controversies
74033: Ghisotti F. & Melone G., 1969- - Catalogo illustrato delle conchiglie marine del Mediterraneo parts 1-5
60155: Ghisotti F. & Rinaldi E., - Osservazioni sulla popolazione di Scapharca insediatasi in questi ultimi anni su un tratto del litorale romagnolo
31257: Ghisotti F., - Jacobus J
60281: Ghisotti F., - Ritrovamento di Acesta (Acesta) excavata (Fabricius, 1779) vivente in Mediterraneo
60532: Ghisotti F. & Melone G., - Catalogo illustrato delle conchiglie marine del Mediterraneo [parte 2]
63267: Ghisotti F. & Perego C., - Rinvenimento di Tylodina perversa nelle acque di Portofino e osservazioni sulla ovatura e la schiusa
74275: Ghisotti F. & Melone G., 1969- - Catalogo illustrato delle conchiglie marine del Mediterraneo parts 1-5
63418: Ghisotti A., - Mediterranean Fish, the World's most beautiful sea
60534: Ghisotti F. & Melone G., - Catalogo illustrato delle conchiglie marine del Mediterraneo 5
68728: Ghisotti F. & Melone G., 1969- - Catalogo illustrato delle conchiglie marine del Mediterraneo parts 1-5
20985: GHISOTTI F., & GIANNINI F., - Considerazioni sul genere Fissurisepta
6761: Ghisotti F., - La frenesia della nuova specie
58869: Ghisotti F., - Dall'alchimia alla chimica, Fenice 2000, Milano
69681: Gholston H.N., - La missione delle navi sovietiche
8997: Ghosh B. & Pal S.G., - Studies on the seasonal variations of major tissue components of digestive diverticula of Meretrix meretrix (Moll
73754: Giaccone G., - Contributo allo studio dei popolamenti algali del basso Tirreno
73755: Giaccone G., - Struttura, ecologia e corologia dei popolamenti a Laminarie dello Stretto di Messina e del Mare di Alboran
73756: Giaccone G., 1970 (1969) - Raccolte di fitobenthos sulla banchina continentale Italiana
73758: Giaccone G., - Popolamenti a Laminaria rodriguezii Bornet sul Banco Apollo dell'isola di Ustica (Mar Tirreno)
73759: Giaccone G. & Pignatti S., - La vegetazione del Golfo di Trieste
68200: Giachino P.M., - Canavesiella, nuovo genere di Leptodirinae delle Alpi Occidentali, con due nuove specie (Coleoptera Cholevidae)
67315: Giachino P.M., Scaramozzino P.ç. & Vailati D., - Osservazioni biologiche e etologiche su Acinopus ammophilus (Dej
57059: Giachino P.M. & Vailati D., - Review of the Anillina of Greece (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Bembidiini)
67800: Giachino P.M. & Vailati D., - Un nuovo Apocatops della fauna italiana (Coleoptera, Catopidae)
67205: Giachino P.M. & Vailati D. - Specie nuove di Cholevidae (Coleoptera) del Turkmenistan e del Pakistan
67026: Giachino P.M., - Note sulle Bathysciola di Sardegna
67092: Giachino P.M., - Morfologia larvale nei Trechus del "gruppo strigipennis" Coleoptera, Carabidae)
67151: Giachino P.M., - Nuove specie di Bathysciola Jeannel, 1910, delle Alpi Occidentali (Col
46387: Giacobbe S., - Studio biometrico di una popolazione mediterranea di Arcopagia crassa (Pennant, 1777) (Mollusca, Bivalvia)
20984: GIACOBBE S., 1984 - - Studio biometrico di una popolazione mediterranea di Mactra glauca (Born)In 8vo, offp
66496: Giacobbe S., - Biodiversity loss in Sicily transitional waters: the molluscs of Faro Lake [Messina]
57366: Giacobbe S. & Leonardi M., - Descrizione di un morfotipo lagunare e confronto con una popolazione tipica di Naticarius hebraeus (Martyn)
61957: Giangrande A., - Behaviour, irrigation and respiration in Eudistylia vancouveri (Polichaeta: Sabellidae)
59085: Giannelli L. & Salvatorini G., - Due nuove specie di foraminiferi planctonici del Miocene
58154: Giannini M., - Il fanciullo che venne dal mare
65214: Giannone M., - La caduta di Krune
69767: Giannuzzi-Savelli R. et al., - Revision of Mediterranean and NE Atlantic Raphitomidae (Gastropoda, Conoidea) 8: The genus Leufroyia Monterosato, 1884
75128: Giannuzzi Savelli R. et al., - Atlante delle conchiglie marine del Mediterraneo - Atlas of the Mediterranean seashells - vol
31248: Giannuzzi Savelli R., - La sistematica del gruppo dei gasteropodi mitriformi alla luce dei recenti studi
31394: Giannuzzi Savelli R., - Osservazioni su Vexillum (Pusia) tricolor e Vexillum (Pusia) savignyi
9773: Giannuzzi-SavelliR. , F. Pusateri, A., Palmeri e C. Ebreo, - Atlante delle conchiglie marine del mediterraneo - Atlas of Mediterranean seashells
35989: Giannuzzi Savelli R. & Reina M., - Una nuova specie di Jujubinus nel Pliocene di Altavilla
32052: Giannuzzi-Savelli, Pusateri, Palmeri & Ebreo, - Atlas of Mediterranean seashells vol
30633: Giannuzzi Savelli R. & Reina M., - Thala obsoleta (Brocchi, 1814) nel Pliocene di Altavilla ed alcune considerazioni evolutive e paleoecologiche sul genere
51004: Giannuzzi-Savelli R., Sparacio I & Oliva N., - I tipi dei molluschi terrestri della collezione Pirajno del Museo Mandralisca di Cefalù
26247: Giannuzzi-Savelli, Pusateri, Palmeri & Ebreo, - Atlas of Mediterranean seashells vol
56292: Giannuzzi-Savelli R., - La superfamiglia Mitroidea nel Mediterraneo
35988: GIANNUZZI SAVELLI R., - Elencazione e sinonimia dei taxa supraspecifici nella superfamiglia Mitroidea
35987: GIANNUZZI SAVELLI R., - Sull'uso del "nomen nudum" e delle sue conseguenze sulla nomenclatura
8378: Giannuzzi-Savelli R., & Pusateri F., - Ripristino validità del taxon generico Haedropleura Monterosato in BDD, 1883
43508: Giardini G., - Roncus caprai n
62530: Gibbon E., - Memorie di Edoardo Gibbon scritte da lui medesimo
18322: Gibbs P.E., Spencer B.E. & Pascoe P.L., - The American oyster drill, Urosalpinx cinerea: evidence of decline in an imposex-affected population (R
18590: Gibbs P.E., Pascoe P.L. & Burt G.R., - Sex change in the female dog-whelk, Nucella lapillus, induced by tributyltin from antifouling paints
18464: Gibbs P.E., - A male genital defect in the dog-whelk, Nucella lapillus (Neogastropoda), favouring survival in a TBT-polluted area
63032: Gibbs P.E., Bryan G.W., Pascoe P.L. & Burt G.R., - Reproductive abnormalities in female Ocenebra erinacea resulting from tributyltin-induced imposex
18617: Gibbs P.E. & Bryan G.W., - Reproductive failure in populations of the dog-whelk, Nucella lapillus, caused by imposex induced by tributyltin from antifouling paints
41671: Gibbs P.E., - The taxonomy of some little-known Sipuncula from the North-east Atlantic region including new records
19272: Gibbs P.E., Bryan G.W., Pascoe P.L. & Burt G.R., - The use of the dog-whelk, Nucella lapillus, as indicator of tributyltin (TBT) contamination
75791: Gibson Smith J., Gibson Smith W. - New Recent gastropod species from Venezuela and a bivalve range extension
75790: Gibson Smith J., Gibson Smith W. and Vermeij G., - Pacific Mexican affinities of new species of the gastropod genera Macron (Pseudolividae) and Neorapana (Muricidae) from the Cantaure Formation (Early Miocene) of Venezuela
75822: Gibson Smith J., - On two new member of te family Ovulidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from rghe Cantaure formation, Venezuela
75821: Gibson Smith J. & Gibson Smith W., - The genus Strombina (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Venezuela, with description of a new recent and some fossil species
75788: Gibson Smith J. & Gibson Smith W., - The genus Arcinella (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in Venezuela and some associated faunas
75789: Gibson-Smith J. & Gibson-Smith W., - Lucina s
65651: Gibson-Smith J. & Gibson-Smith W., - The genus Arcinella (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in Venezuela and some associated faunas
15432: Gibson T.G., - Revision of the Turridae of the Miocene St
32732: Gibson P.H. & Clark R.B. - Reproduction of Dodecacerina caulleryi (Polychaeta: Cirratulidae)
65693: Gibson-Smith J., - The genus Voluta (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Venezuela, with description of two new species
72176: Gide A., - I sotterranei del Vaticano
71972: Giebel C., - Tertiäre Conchylien von Latdorf im Bernburglschen
31011: Giesenhagen K., - Entwickelungsgeschichte einer Milbengalle an Nephrolepis biserrata Schott
60428: Giglio C., - Partito e Impero
68250: Giglio-Tos E., - Missione zoologica de Dr
69556: Gignoux M., - Géologie stratigraphique
75192: Gil-Mansilla E., Garcia-Alvarez O. & Urgorri V., (2008) - Metodología para la recolección, conservación y estudio de los Moluscos Solenogastros
15418: Gilbert, C. H. - Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U
63781: Gilbert A., - Segni celesti
58880: Gilbert B., - Il linguaggio degli animali
67248: Gilbert M., - Churchill
10976: Gilchrist B.M. & Lee W.L., - Carotenoids and carotenoid metabolism in Carcinus maenas (Crustacea: Decapoda)
74164: Giles E. & Gosliner T., - Primary type specimens of marine mollusca (excluding Cephalopoda) in the South African Museum
61286: Gili C. & Martinell J., - Stratigraphical and geographical distribution of Nassarius catulloi in the Mediterranean Neogene
74046: Gili C. & Kool, H.H. - Revalidation of the species Demoulia tryoni (Crosse, 1869) (Gastropoda, Nassariidae)
75652: Gili C., - Nassarius hafunensis n
60210: Gill B.J., - A catalogue of Moa eggs (Aves: Dinorhithiformes)
65991: Gill E.D. & Darragh T.A., - Evolution of the Zenatiinae (Mactridae: Lamellibranchiata)
72671: Gill E.D., - Past and Present Distribution in Australia of the Gasteropod Tylospira
73494: Gill T., - Arrangement of the families of mollusks
33201: Gillham M.E., - Coral Cay vegetation Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef
62698: Gilmore C., - The smallest known horned dinosaur Brachyceratops
63685: Gilmore J., - L'albergo sulla tana dei crotali
30381: Gilmour T.H.J., - A note on the tentacles of Lima hians (Gmelin) (Bivalvia)
12856: Gilmour T.H., - The structure, ciliation and function of the lip-apparatus of Lima and Pecten
57388: Gines, H., Marcuzzi G. & Martin F., - Observaciones sobre las condiciones de vida de la trucha en los Andes de Merida (Observations on the living conditions of the trout in the Meridan Andes, Venezuela)
60484: Gino & Michele, - Anche le formiche nel loro piccolo s'incazzano
63590: Ginsburg L., - Le plus ancien morse du mode
59206: Ginzburg N., - La citta e la casa
66374: Ginzburg N., - Lessico famigliare
58093: Ginzburg C., - 1 Il formaggio e i vermi Il cosmo di un mugnaio del '500
51011: Ginzenberger A., - Friedrich Vierhapper [1876-1932]
66919: Giordani Soika A., - Revisione degli Eumenidi neotropicali appartenenti ai generi Eumenes Latr
19683: Giordani Soika A., - Su alcuni tipi di distribuzione geografica interessanti l'Italia
67073: Giordani Soika A., - Revisione del genere Stellepipona G
66923: Giordani Soika A., - Revisione delle specie afrotropicali del genere Antepipona Sauss
66906: Giordani Soika A., - Ricerche sistematiche su alcuni generi di eumenidi della regione orientale e della Papuasia (Hymenoptera Vespoidea)
68570: Giordani Soika A., - Revisione della sottofamiglia Raphiglossinae (Hym
68568: Giordani Soika A., - Eumenidi di Socotra ed Abd-el-Kuri
68569: Giordani Soika A., - Revisione della sottofamiglia Gayellinae (Hym
65484: Giordano D., Bottari T. & Rinelli P., - Cephalopod assemblages caught by trawling along the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Central Mediterranean)
6769: Giordano T. & Nardi P.A., - Indagine preliminare sul consumo d'ossigeno in Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) (Bivalvia) del Lago di Garda
37977: Giovanni ARPINO, - La sposa segreta
64060: Giovannoni V., - Les pecheurs de l'etang de Thau: Ecologie humaine et ethnologie des techniques
34731: Giovannozzi P. G., - Un capitolo inedito della "Storia del metodo sperimentale in Italia" di Raffaello Caverni
11413: Giovine F., - Giuseppe Seguenza (1833-1889)
34791: Girard M. (Ed.), - L'INSECTOLOGIE AGRICOLE
68803: Giribet G., - Molluscs as evolving constructions and phylogenetic deconstructivism
68802: Giribet G. & Pe–as A., - A new Epilepton species (Bivalvia, Montacutidae) from the western Mediterranean
6771: Girod A., - Il problema di Helicigona (Chilostoma) cingulata gobanzi (Fraunfeld)
67622: Girod A., - Lavorazioni su conchiglia di Pseudunio auricularius (Mollusca, Bivalvia) nel Neolitico antico a Isorella (BS), Italia Settentrionale
5149: Girod A. & Bianchi I., - La malacofauna del Lago di Muzzano (Canton Ticino) dal 1845 al 1973
31840: Girod A., Bona E. & Freddi A., - Nuovi dati sulla distribuzione di Ferrissia wautieri (Mirolli) in Lombardia e nel Canton Ticino
64560: Girod A., - La malacofauna della breccia ossifera pre-würmiana di Zandobbio (Bergamo)
46715: Giroux J., - Recherches biologiques sur les ericacées languedociennes
32729: Girsch S.J., Herring P.J. & McCapra F. - Structure and preliminary biochemical characterization of the bioluminescent system of Ommastrephes pteropus (Steenstrup) (Mollusca: Cephalopoda)
76473: Girty G.H., - The fauna of the phosphate beds of the Park City formation in Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah
76328: Girty G.H., - The fauna of the Caney Shale of Oklahoma [Mississippian]
76330: Girty G.H., - The fauna of the Batesville sandstone of Northern Arkansas [late Mississippian]
76472: Girty G.H., - Fauna of the so-called Boone Chert near Batesville, Arkansas
67172: Gisin H. - Da Gama M.M., 1962- - Collection of 16 papers on Collembola published in the "Revue Suisse de Zoologie"
73131: Gislen T., - West African Crinoids
75147: Gittemberger E., - Alternative pathways in the development of the clausilial apparatus in shells of Albinaria and Isabellaria (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae)
53189: Gittenberger, E. & P. Subai, - Zur näheren Kenntnis von Cernuella (Xerosecta) graja Westerlund, einer griechischen gekielten Art der Helicellinae (Pulmonata: Helicidae)
64840: Gittenberger E., Alonso M.R. & Iba–ez M., - Helix pavida Mousson, 1872, and H
64841: Gittenberger E. & Neuteboom W.H., - The Cyprian Albinaria species, keywise descriptions, illustrations and an annotated check-list (Gastropoa Pulmonata: Clausiliidae)
61266: Gittenberger E. - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pupillacea III
40973: GITTENBERGER E. & Pieper H., - Eine neue Pagodulina-Unterart aus dem Iran
40974: GITTENBERGER E. & Menkhorst H.P., - Die türkischen Enidae: die Gattung Turanena
59877: Gittenberger E., - Caving for snails in northern Albania
46952: Gittenberger, E., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pupillacea XI: Speleodentorcula beroni gen
66201: Gittenberger E., - Neue Taxa der sogenannten Gattung Isabellaria (Clausiliidae) vom Peloponnes
5153: Gittenberger E., Flach E.C. & Reitsma N., - Drei neue Albinaria-Arten von Kreta, Nomos Lasithiou (Gastropoda, Pulmonata: Clausiliidae)
75162: Gittenberger, E., & P. Mordan, - The urocoptid closing device, rare and remarkable (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Urocoptidae)
61168: Gittenberger E. & Goud J. (eds.), - Proceedings of the Ninth International Malacological Congress - Edinburgh, 1986
75160: Gittenberger E., - Corrections in Cochlodina (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae)
75278: Gittenberger E. & Uit de Weerd D.R., - Polytypic Carinigera buresi in NE Greece (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae)
68712: Gittenberger E., & Ripken T.E.J., - Zwei wenig bekannte Clausilien aus Süd-Frankreich (Clausiliidae: Clausiliinae)
68466: Gittenberger E. & Groh K., - Zum Status der Ferussac'schen taxa Helix lens und Helix barbata (Pulmonata: Helicidae)
68512: Gittenberger E. & Pieper H., - Eine neue Leiostyla-Art aus dem Iran (Pulmonata: Pupillidae)
74395: Gittenberger E., - On Cyprian Helicellinae (Mollusca: Gastropoda, Pulmonata: Helicidae), making a new start
75134: Gittenberger E. & Bank R.A., - A new start in Pyramidula (Gastropoda Pulmonata: Pyramidulidae)
66030: Giudice D., - Col "Krassin" alla tenda rossa
63006: Giunchi L., Rinaldi E., Tabanelli C. & Tisselli M., - Considerazioni su Lepton subtrigonum Fischer, de Folin & Périer ex Jeffreys ms
64372: Giussani M., - Antonio Pigafetta nel primo viaggio intorno al mondo
64371: Giussani M., - Il duca esploratore
6801: Giusti F., Holyoak D.T. & Manganelli G., - Oxychilus (Ortizius ?) clarus (Held) on Corsica and new data on the systematic position of Helix hydatina Rossmässler (Pulmonata: Zonitidae)
6817: Giusti F. & Pezzoli E., - Primo contributo alla revisione del genere Bythinella in Italia
6819: Giusti F. & Pezzoli E., - Notulae Malacologicae, XXIX - Gli Hydrobiidae salmastri delle acque costiere italiane: Primi cenni sulla sistematica del gruppo e sui caratteri distintivi delle singole morfospecie
56549: Giusti M., - La grotta di Capelvenere a S Caterina - Nard˜ (Campagna di scavo 1974)
74608: Giusti F., Manganelli G. & Schembri P.J., - The non-marine molluscs of the Maltese Islands
61167: Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae X
6804: Giusti F. & Manganelli G., - Notulae Malacologicae, XXXIII
6798: Giusti F., Castagnolo L. & Manganelli G., - La fauna malacologica delle faggete italiane: brevi cenni di ecologia, elenco delle specie e chiavi per il riconoscimento dei generi e delle entità più comuni
6792: Giusti F., - On the exact state of Helix lineata Olivi 1792 (Pulmonata: Helicidae)
35724: Giusti F., - Isole minori
6799: Giusti F., Castagnolo L., Moretti Farina L. & Renzoni A., - The reproductive cycle and the glochidium of Anodonta cygnea L
6802: Giusti F. & Lepri A., - Aspetti morfologici ed etologici dell'accoppiamento in alcune specie della famiglia Helicidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata)
57709: Giusti F. (Ed.), - Gli Invertebrati - Catalogo e bibliografia delle specie viventi in Provincia di Siena
6820: Giusti F. & Pezzoli E., - Molluschi cavernicoli italiani (Notulae Malacologicae, XXVII)
6814: Giusti F. & Mazzini M., - The spermatozoon of Truncatella (s
67454: Giusti F., Manganelli G. & Schembri P.J., - The non-marine molluscs of the Maltese Islands
75115: Giusti F. & Manganelli G., - How to distinguish Oxychilus cellarius (Müller, 1774) easily from Oxychilus draparnaudi (Beck, 1837) (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Zonitidae)
6797: Giusti F. & Castagnolo L., - Notulae Malacologicae, XXX
6779: Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae VIII
6793: Giusti F., - La torsione nella storia evolutiva dei molluschi gasteropodi
75811: Giusti F., Fiorentino V., Benocci A. & Manganelli G., - A Survey of Vitrinid Land Snails (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Limacoidea)
6778: Giusti F., - Oxychilus (Ortizius) alliarius (Miller) nuovo reperto per l'Italia appenninica
6783: Giusti F., - The minute shell structure of the glochidium of some species of the genera Unio, Potomida and Anodonta (Bivalvia, Unionacea)
6776: Giusti F., - Nuovi dati sulla posizione sistematica e sulla distribuzione geografica in Italia del genere Pleuropunctum (Germain, 1929) In 8vo, original wrappers, pp
6785: Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae XIX
6794: Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae, XXXIV
6795: Giusti F., Boato A. & Bodon M., - Two small species of the genus Retinella from the western Alps (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Zonitidae)
6806: Giusti F. & Manganelli G., - Notulae Malacologicae, XLIV
6815: Giusti F. & Pezzoli E., - Notulae Malacologicae, XVII
6816: Giusti F. & Pezzoli E., - Notulae Malacologicae, XXII: Un nuovo Hydrobioidea delle acque sotterranee dell'Italia settentrionale (Mollusca: Prosobranchia)
66859: Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae XVI
6786: Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae XXI
6775: Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae - I
6813: Giusti F. & Mazzini M., 1970 (1971) - Notulae Malacologicae XIV
6818: Giusti F. & Pezzoli E., - Notulae malacologicae XXV
6807: Giusti F. & Manganelli G., - Notulae Malacologicae, XLIV
6805: Giusti F. & Manganelli G., - Notulae Malacologicae, XXXVI
6791: Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae, XXIV
6790: Giusti F., - Sull'origine del popolamento malacologico dell'Arcipelago Toscano
6782: Giusti F., - Primo contributo alla revisione del genere Cochlostoma Jan e descrizione di Toffolettia n
6780: Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae
6777: Giusti F., - Due nuove specie di Oxychilus in grotte della Toscana: Oxychilus (Ortizius) tongiorgii n
56693: GIUSTI M., - La Grotta di Capelvenere a Santa Caterina- Nard˜ (campagna di scavo 1975)
75261: Giusti F. & Manganelli G., - Redescription of two problematic Alpine Oxychilus: O
69017: Giusti F., & Micali P., - Emarginula lorenzoi n
66850: Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae XII
66680: Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae - IV
66681: Giusti F., - Notulae Malacologicae II: Il genere Oxychilus nell'arcipelago Toscano
74663: Giusti F. & Pezzoli E., - Gasteropodi 2
6811: Giusti F., Manganelli G. & Crisci, J. V., - A new problematical Hygromiidae from the Aeolian Islands (Pulmonata: Hygromiidae)
6812: Giusti F., Manganelli G. & Selmi M. G., - Phylogenetical implications of spermatozoa fine structure in the Onchidiidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
6823: Giusti F. & Pezzoli E., - Pauluccinella nomen novum pro Pauluccia Giusti & Pezzoli, 1980 (Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae)
6824: Giusti F., Pezzoli E. & Bodon M., - Notulae Malacologicae, XXVIII
43502: Giusto C., - Aspidapion (S
68247: Giusto C., - Revisione del genere Oryxolaemus Alonso-Zarazaga, 1990 (Coleoptera: Apionidae: Apioninae)
58216: Giustolisi V., - Hikkara
140: Given D.R., - Principles and practice of plant conservation; London, Chapman & Hall
68832: Givens C.R. - The gastropod genus Volutocristata Gardner and Bowles (Eocene; California, Mexico): a synonym of Lyrischapa Aldrich (Eocene; Gulf Coast)
73876: Givens C.R., - First Record of the Tethyan Genus Volutilithes (Gastropoda: Volutidae) in the Paleogene of the Gulf Coastal Plain, with a Discussion of Tethyan Molluscan Assemblages in the Gulf Coastal Plain and Florida
65219: Glaubrecht M. & Von Rintelen T., (eds.), - "Molluscs as models in evolutionary biology" Proceedings of a symposium of American Malacological Bulletin
68786: Glaubrecht M., - Evolutionsökologie und Systematik am Beispiel von Süss- und Brackwasserschnecken (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda: Cerithiodea): Ontogenese-Strategien, paläontologische Befunde und Historische Zoogeographie
64292: Glaubrecht M., - Towards solving Darwin's 'mystery': speciation and radiation in lacustrine and riverine freshwater gastropods
57454: Glawe L.N., - Pecten perplanus stock (Oligocene) of the southeastern United States
54957: Gleispach M., - Uber einfluss von dampfen und gasen auf den laubfall und andere organblosungen
74224: Glibert M., - Quelques Turbinoliidae Cenozoiques des collections de l'lnstitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, I: Turbinolia Lamarck, 1816
72983: Glibert M., - Les Volutacea fossiles du Cénozoique étranger des collections de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique
73635: Glibet M., - Les Bivalvia du Ledien de la Belgique (Eocene moyen superieur) II Heterodonta et Anomalodesmata
75012: Gliozzi E. & Russo A. (eds.), - Proceedings of 1st meeting of the Italian ostracodologists "In memory of Giuliano Ruggieri" - Rimini February 12-14, 2003
61000: Gliozzi E., - Alcune ossa appendicolari di lontra fossile del Quaternario di Alghero (Sardegna)
71508: Gloer P., - Die Molluskenfauna der Elbe bei Hamburg und angrenzender Gewässer vor 100 Jahren und heute
54924: Glover T.D. & J. B. Sale - The reproductive system of male rock hyrax (Procavia and Heterohyrax)
65738: Gloyne C.P., - Notes sur le mode de station, les moeurs et les habitudes des mollusques terrestres de la Jamaïque, avec la description dune espèce nouvelle
1851: Glynn P.W., - On the ecology of the Caribbean chitons Acanthopleura granulata Gmelin and Chiton tuberculatus Linné: Density, mortality, feeding, reproduction, and growth
64617: Glöer P. & Meier-Brook C., - Süsswassermollusken
73275: Glöer P., - The Freshwater Gastropods of the West-Palaearctis Volume 3: Hydrobiidae - Identification key, anatomy, ecology, distribution
39664: Gnoli M., Leone F., Olivieri R. & Serpagli E., - The Mason Porcus Section as reference section for Uppermost Silurian-Lower Devonian in SW Sardinia
58838: Gnoli M., et al., - Lithostratigraphic units and biostratigraphy of the Silurian and early Devonian of southwest Sardinia
35852: Gnoli M., - Revision and autecological remarks of the species Columenoceras grande (Meneghini, 1875) (Nautiloidea, Orthocerida)
59105: Gnoli M. & Serpagli E., - Silurian cephalopods of the Meneghini collection (1857) with reproduction of the original plate
58821: Gnoli M. - New evidence for faunal links between Sardinia and Bohemia in Silurian time on the basis of Nautiloids
73903: Gnoli M., Histon K. & Serventi P., - Revision of Silurian cephalopods from the Carnic alps: The Gortani and Vinassa de Regny collection, 1909
40520: Gnoli M., - Lower Devonian orthocone cephalopods from Iglesiente and Sulcis regions (Southwestern Sardinia)
64597: Godan D., - Common names von Schadgastropoden: In 12 Sprachen
66290: Goddard J.H.R. & Foster N.R., - Range extensions of sacoglossan and nudibranch mollusks (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) to Alaska
29122: Godley E.J., - A Century of Botany in Canterbury
57588: Goethe J.W., - Faust Urfaust
65915: Goethem, J. Van, - Atoxonoides aberrans gen
74741: Gofas S. & Jabaud A., - The relationships of the Mediterranean trochid gastropods 'Monodonta' mutabilis (Philippi, 1846) and 'Gibbula' richardi (Payraudeau, 1826)
62032: Gofas S. & Delemarre J.L., - Notes on the protoconchs of Mediterranean and West African Cabestana specimens (Gastropoda: Ranellidae)
53124: Gofas S., - A new Trivia from Southern Angola
26124: Gofas S., - Two new species of Alvania from the Azores
74021: Gofas S. & Fernandes F., - The marginellids of S‹o Tomé, West Africa
65778: Gofas S., - A remarkable species richness of the Barleeidae (Gastropoda: Rissoacea) in the Eastern Atlantic
75428: Gofas S., - A new species of Bornia (Bivalvia: Galeommatoidea) from southern Spain
74892: Gofas S., Ortea J. & Rodriguez G., - Una nueva especie de Runcina (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia, Cephalaspidea) del litoral de Angola
75471: Gofas S., Kantor Y. & Luque ç.A., - A new Aforia (Gastropoda: Conoidea: Cochlespiridae) from Galicia Bank (NW Iberian Peninsula)
62516: Gofas S., Garilli V. & Boisselier-Dubayle M. C. - Nomenclature of the smaller Mediterranean Cerithium species
76200: Gofas S. & Fernandes F., - The Marginellidae of Angola: the genus Volvarina
50524: Gofas S. & Ponder W., - The habitat and relationship of Plagiostyla asturiana (Rissoidae)
76230: Gofas S., - Cassiella nov
76220: Gofas S., - Marginellidae of Angola: The genus Gibberula
42824: Gofas S., - Description de deu42824x Clanculus nouveaux du sud de l'Angola
68631: Gofas S., - A new Manzonia (Rissoidae) from northwestern Morocco
56788: Gofas S., - Taxonomie des Tricolia Mediterranéennes
74415: Gofas S. & Beckeljau T., - Cochlostoma gigas spec
74669: Gofas S., - Notes on some ibero-moroccan and mediterranen Tricolia (Gastropoda, Tricoliidae), with descriptions of new specis
65787: Gogol N., - Le anime morte
37496: Goidanich A., - Una smarrita plejade della letteratura entomografica italiana del primo ottocento
061: Gola G., - La vita delle piante
59627: Goldin S., - La carovana
60255: Goldoni L., - Vai tranquillo
62667: Goldoni L., - Messalina, una spudorata innocenza
59198: Goldoni L., - Viaggio in provincia - Roma inclusa
68171: Goldring W., - Handbook of paleontology for beginners and amateurs
57944: Goldschmidt T., - Lo strano caso del Lago Vittoria - Storia naturale di un microcosmo in bilico[Torino, Einaudi, Collana Saggi 824
66805: Goldstein P., - Errori e omissioni
31913: Golikov A.N., Sirenko B.I., Gulbin V.V. & Chaban E.M., - Checklist of shell-bearing gastropods of the northwestern Pacific
10195: Golikov A.N. & Sirenko B.I., - New species of the genus Trophonopsis (Gastropoda: Muricidae) from shelf and slope of Kurile Islands
73554: Golikov A.N., - Shell-bearing gastropods of the Arctic
63156: Golzio S., - L'industria dei metalli in Italia
57748: Gomes Alves M.L., - Contrubuiçao para o esudo dos crismelideos de Moçambique [Hispinae, Clyrinae, Galerucinae, Cryptocephalinae]
54633: Gomes G., - Agua sulfurosa do Cabo Mondego [Portugal]
57851: Gomes Alves M.L., - Licídeos e buprestídeos de Moçambique
58482: Gomez J., - Notas sobre la vegetacion del valle del Marca, (Afluente del Fortaleza)
40977: Gomez B.J., - Description of a new species of the genus Cryptazeca from the North of the Iberian Peninsula
30636: Gomez R., - Primera cita para el Atlantico (Islas Canarias) de Bedeva paivae (Crosse, 1864) [Muricidae]
34041: Gomez B. J., & Angulo E., - On the systematic of the genus Cryptazeca (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)
61220: Gomez G. & Moreno D., - Primera cita de Martesia fragilis (Bivalvia, Pholadidae) en la peninsula iberica
30638: Gomez J.C.G. & Rato J.O., - Una nueva especie de Doto Oken, 1815 (Mollusca: Nudibranchiata) del estrecho de Gibraltar
6826: Gómez B.J., - Estudio anatomico y conquiologico de las especies ibericas de Hypnophila (Pulmonata, Stylommathopora)
40567: Gon O., - The cardinal fishes (Perciformes; Apogonidae) collected in the Maldive Island during the Xarifa Expedition (1957/58)
29157: Gonzales M, - Contribucion al conocimiento de los curculionidos del Mediterraneo occidental V: Revision del género Aubeonymus
66043: Gonzalez E., - The genus Hyale in Chile
66246: Gonzalez K.A. & Gallardo C.S., - Embryonic and larval development of the muricid snail Chorus giganteus (Lesson, 1829) with an assessment of the developmental nutrition source
71053: Gonzalez V.L. & Giribet G., - A new cryptic species of carditid bivalve from the Gulf of California (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Archiheterodonta, Carditidae)
68592: González-Guillén A., - Cuba - the Landshells Paradise
62545: Goode W.J. & Hatt P.K., - Metodologia della ricerca sociale
76282: Goodrich C., - Three new species of Pleuroceriidae
69760: Goodrich C. & Vander Schalie H., - I
61951: Gorbushin A.M., - Field Evidence of Trematode-Induced Gigantism in Hydrobia spp
57484: Gordon D.P. & Taylor, P.D., - New Zealand Recent Densiporidae and Lichenoporidae (Bryozoa: Cyclostomata)
57517: Gordon, D.P. & Taylor, P.D. - Latest Paleocene to earliest Eocene bryozoans from Chatham Island, New Zealand
57516: Gordon D.P., & Braga G., - Bryozoa: living and fossil species of the catenicellid subfamilies Ditaxiporinae Stach and Vasignyellinae nov
57515: Gordon D.P., Stuart I.G. & Collen J.D., - Bryozoan fauna of the Kaipuke Siltstone, northwest Nelson : a Miocene homologue of the modern Tasman Bay coralline bryozoan grounds
62820: Gordon W.A., - Ammonoid provincialism in space and time
76300: Gordon M., Jr., - An early Reticuloceras Zone fauna from the Hale Formation in northwestern Arkansas
69673: Gordon R., - Caverna nel tempo
57472: GORDON D.P. & TAYLOR P.D., - The cheilostomatous genera of Alcide d'Orbigny - nomenclatural and taxonomic status
76261: Gordon M., Jr., - Mississippian cephalopods of Northern and Eastern Alaska
76613: Gordon M., Jr., - Early Pennsylvanian ammonoids from southern Nevada
69674: Gordon R., - Caverna nel tempo
59609: Gordon S., - Un occhio
73269: Gordon M. jr., Herny T.W. & Treworgy J.D., - Late Mississippian productoid brachiopods Inflatia, Keokukia, and Adairia, Ozark region of Oklahoma and Arkansas
9468: Gordon M., - Mississippian cephalopods of Northern and Eastern Alaska
57503: Gordson D.P., - Microarchitecture and function of the lophophore in the bryozoan Cryptosula pallasiana
57504: Gordson D.P., Mawatari S.F. & H. Kajihara. - New taxa of Japanese and New Zealand Eurystomellidae (Phylum Bryozoa) and their phylogenetic relationships
57505: Gordson D.P., - Bryozoa: The ascophorine infraorders Cribriomorpha, Hippothoomorpha and Umbonulomorpha mainly from New Caledonian waters
62743: Goreau T.F. & Goreau N.I., - On the mode of boring in Fungiacava eilatensis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae)
12827: Goreau T.F., Goreau N.I., Soot-Ryen T. & Yonge C.M., - On a new commensal mytilid (Moll
12854: Goreau T.F., Goreau N.I., Yonge C.M. & Neumann Y., - On feeding and nutrition in Fungiacava eilatensis (Mytilidae), a commensal livi,ng in fungiid corals
72112: Goret B., Ledon D. & Pons J. / Goret B. & Pons J., - Les Muricidae (Gastropoda, Muricoidea) du Pliocène Inférieur de Catalogne (France, Espagne) / Les Muricidae (Gastropoda, Muricoidea) du Miocène de Montpeyroux (Languedoc, France)
39783: Gorham E., - Factors influencing supply of major Ions to Inland waters, with special reference to the atmosphere
70184: Gorjanovi -Kramberger D., - Die Fauna der oberpontischen Bildungen von Podgradje und Vizanovec in Kroatien
67105: Gorodiski A., - Étude sur les Ostreidae du Nummulitique du Sénégal
22450: Gortani M., - Commemorazione del socio Gaetano Rovereto
67218: Gosh A., - Il cromosoma Calcutta
58711: Gosline W.A., - The Osteology and Relationships of Certain Gobioid Fishes, with Particular Reference to the Genera Kraemeria and Microdesmus
63056: Gosliner T.M., - Aposematic coloration and mimicry in opisthobranch mollusks: new phylogenetic and experimental data
65625: Gosliner T., - Origins and Relationships of primitive members of the Opisthobranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
15234: Gosliner T.M., - Biogeography of the opisthobranch gastropod fauna of Southern Africa
69031: Gosling E., - Marine Bivalve Molluscs, 2nd edition
18546: Gosling E.M. & Burnell G.M., - Evidence for selective mortality in Chlamys varia transplant experiments
58763: Goss-Custard, S., Jones J., Kitching J.A. & Norton T.A., - Tide Pools of Carrigathorna and Barloge Creek
59215: Gossart E., - Notes pour Servir a l'Histoire du Regne de Charles-Quint
60414: Gotama Buddha, - Aforismi e discorsi
24593: Gotschlich B., - Vida i obras de don Federico Philippi
73850: Gotshall D. & Laurent L., - Pacific Coast Subtidal Marine Invertebrates: A Fishwatcher's Guide
61642: Gotta S., - Amina
53184: Gotting K.J., - Wulf Emmo Ankel (1897-1983)
74204: Gottschick F., - Die Umbildung der Sü§wasserschnecken des Tertiärbeckens von Steinheim a
59620: Goulart R., - Il perfido cyborg
68189: Goulart R., - Motore rotto blues
59554: Goulart R., - L'angelo di latta
65979: Goulart R., - Uomini macchine e guai
59628: Goulart R., - La grande clessidra
59629: Goulart R., - L'enigma di Hawkshaw
64305: Goulart R., - I super-alieni di Lemuria
67979: Goulart R., - I pericoli di Hellquad
62649: Goulart R., - La minaccia degli Esmeraldiani
68060: Goulart R., - Nel sistema della follia
62653: Goulart R., - Heil Hibbler
64315: Goulart R., - Nemo
74103: Gould A.A., - Results of an examination of the shells of Massachusetts and their geographical distribution
67765: Gould S.J., - Muscular mechanics and the ontogeny of swimming in scallops
58854: Gould S.J., - Quando i cavalli avevano le dita - Misteri e stranezze della natura
69934: Gould S.J., - Constraint and the square snail: life at the limits of a covariance set
65425: Gould S.J., - The molluscan fauna of an unusual Bermudian pond: a natural experiment in form and composition
65722: Gould S.J., - The byssus of trigonian clams: phylogenetic vestige or functional organ?
57387: Gould S.J., 1971l - Precise but fortuitous convergence in Pleistocene land snails from Bermuda In 8vo, stapled, pp
59776: Gould S.J., - Risplendi grande lucciola
63532: Gould, S.J. - Exaptation: A crucial tool for an Evolutionary Phsychology
72068: Gould A., - Report on the invertebrates of Massachussetts, comprising Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida and Radiata
26577: Goulletquer P. & Wolowicz M., - The shell of Cardium edule, Cardium glaucum and Ruditapes philippinarum: organic content, composition and energy value, as determined by different methods
58975: Governali G., - santi santini e tradizioni religiose di Corleone
73113: Gowlett-Holmes K.L., - A review of the endemic Australian chiton genus Bassethullia Pislby 1928 (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Acanthochitonidae)
76629: Grabau A.W., 1902- - Studies of Gastropoda
71093: Grabau A.W., - Studies of Gastropoda V - The significance of the so-called ornamental characters in the molluscan shell
70412: Grabau A.W., - Phylogeny of Fusus and its allies
50932: Graber V., - Bemerkungen über die "Gehör- und Stimmorgane" der Heuschrecken und Cikaden
65490: Gracia A., Ardila N. E. & Diaz J. M., - Gastropods collected along the continental slope of the Colombian Carribean during the INVEMAR-Macrofauna campaigns (1998-2001)
66015: Graf D.L. 2000. - The Etherioidea revisited: a phylogenetic analysis of hyriid relationships (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Paleoheterodonta: Unionoida) In 8vo, offp
15545: Graf D.L. & Underhill J.C., - The western Lake Superior freshwater mussel (Unionidae) community and its origin
15547: Graf D.L., - The effect of breeding period on the biogeography of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) in the Minnesota region of North America
69873: Graf D.L. & î Foighil D., - The evolution of brooding characters among the freshwater pearly mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoidea) of North America
36004: Graham A., - Form and function in the molluscs
12821: Graham A., - On a ciliary process of food collecting in the gastropod Turritella communis Risso
68388: Graham A., - British prosobranchs and other operculate gastropod molluscs - Key and notes for the identification of the species
39846: Graham A., - Dealing with the raw material (animals)
13424: Graham A., - The functional anatomy of the buccal mass of the limpet (Patella vulgata)
42114: Graham A., - The anatomical basis of function in the buccal mass of prosobranch and amphineuran molluscs
63598: Graham M.W.R. de V., - Notes on the type-material of some European Elasmus (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) and description of a new species from Madeira
75324: Graham Oliver P. & Morgenroth H., - Additional type and other notable specimens of Mollusca from the Montagu Collection in the Royal Albert Memorial Museum & Art Gallery, Exeter
52544: Graham A., - The fore-gut of some marginellid and cancellariid prosobranch
52794: Grahame J. & Mill P.J., - Shell shape variation in Littorina saxatilis and L arcana: a case of character displacement? In 8°, offp
62588: Grancelli U., - Gli ominidi alla conquista del mondo
62129: Granger B., - Scisma
63312: Granger A., (1884) - Histoire naturelle de France - 6» partie: Mollusques (Cephalopodes, Gastéropodes)
73411: Granger A. s.d. (1886) - Histoire Naturelle de la France
76460: Grano M. & Sparacio I., - Sulla presenza di Otala punctata (O
74770: Granpoder G., Anseeuw B. & Robin A., - Compendium of Chitons
71960: Grant A., - Terroristi e mostro a Stonehalt
73270: Grant R.E., - Permian Brachiopods from Khios Island, Greece
60807: Granzotto G., - Carlo Magno
67466: Grasso M., Lentini F. & Vezzani L., - Lineamenti stratigrafico-strutturali delle Madonie (SiciIia centro-settentrionale)
6835: Gratacap L.P., - An unusual specimen of Mytilus middendorffi Grewingk from Alaska
66599: Gravina M.F. & Somaschini A., - Censimento dei policheti dei mari italiani: Capitellidae Grube, 1862
63653: Gravina M.F., - Ecology and distribution of Polychaetes in two lagoons of centraI Italy (Latium): Fondi and Lungo
63871: Graziadei D., - Note malacologiche trentine
57118: Graziano V., - Ciminna - memorie e documenti
22446: Graziosi P., - Leo Frobenius, necrologio
22445: Graziosi P., - Un giacimento paleolitico a Quinzano presso Verona
34383: Greathouse C.H.., - Free delivery of rural mails
31183: Grecchi G., - Dispersione larvale dei molluschi
67030: Grecchi G. & Bertolotti M., -
73721: Greco A., - Repertorio dei molluschi marini plio-pleistocenici della Sicilia parte II
54576: Greeff R,., - Untersuchungen uber die Alciopiden
69623: Green J., - Chi à intelligente? Milano, Mondadori, Urania n
10975: Green J. - The distribution and variation of Daphnia lumholtzi (Crustacea: Cladocera) in relation to fish predation in Lake Albert, East Africa
71582: Green E.E., - The wanderings of a gigantic African snail
52647: Greene J.L. & Kohn A.J., - Functional morphology of the Conus proboscis (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
57923: Greene B., - L'universo elegante - Superstringhe, dimensioni nascoste e la ricerca della teoria ultima
70619: Greene G., - Un campo di battaglia
59592: Greenfield I.A., - Le acque della morte
66417: Greenhalgh P.A.L., - Early Greek Warfare: Horsemen and Chariots in the Homeric and Archaic Ages
57757: Greenhill A.W. & a Page H.J.. - Investigations into the Intensive System of Grassland Management
74146: Grego J. & Szekeres M., - New taxa of asiatic Clausiliidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
71670: Grégoire C., - A study on the remains of organic components in fossil mother-of-pearl
35397: Grégoire C., - Topography of the organic components in mother-of-pearl
57910: Gregorovius F., - Storia della città di Roma nel medioevo
29756: Gregory F.G., - Studies in the Energy Relations of Plants
68468: Greifeneder D. & Blöcher M., - Eine neue Oliva-Art von den Philippinen
6837: Greotti P., - Sul ritrovamento di Tylodina perversa (Gmelin, 1791) nel Mar Egeo (Penisola calcidica)
63315: Grey M., - The Distribution of Fishes Found Below a Depth of 2000
67237: Gribodo G., - Missione zoologica de Dr
71107: Grieg J.A,, - Pteropoda frs Nordatlanteren
22868: Griffin D.J., - Spider crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura: Majidae) from the International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1963-1964
76377: Griffin M., - Eocene bivalves from the Río Turbio Formation, southwestern Patagonia (Argentina)
73029: Griffin M., - Modiomytilus, a new mytilid bivalve from the Tertiary of southern Patagonia
73605: Griffin M., Casadío S. & Parras A., - Maastrichtian and Danian species of Turkostreini (Ostreidae, Crassostreinae) from the Neuquén Basin, Argentina
64168: Griffith L.M., - The intertidal univalves of British Columbia
74842: Griffiths O.L. & Herbert D.G., - New species of land snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from two isolated karst formations in central western Madagascar: Tsingy Beanka and Antsingimavo, with additional notes on other regional endemics
112: Griggs B., - Green Pharmacy: The History and Evolution of Western Herbal Medicine
64450: Grigorief M., - Donne terribili
60085: Grillandi M., - Lucrezia Borgia
59292: Grimaldi C., - Le tre magie - la magia diabolica, artificiale, naturale
69888: Grimm F.W., Forsyth R.G., Schueler F.W. & Karstad A., - Identifying Land Snails and Slugs in Canada
69864: Grinnell D., - Messaggio per Plutone
69602: Grinnell D., - Il gradino di Venere
71778: Gripp K., - Marines Pliocän und Hipparion gracile Kaup vom Morsumkliff auf Sylt
57506: Grischenko A.V,, Taylor P.D, & Mawatari S.F., - A new cheilostome bryozoan with gigantic zooids from the North-West Pacific
57508: Grischenko A.V., Taylor P.D. & Mawatari S.F., - Doryporella smirnovi sp nov (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata) and its impact on phylogeny and classification
57513: Grischenko, A. V., Mawatari, S. F. & Taylor, P. D., - Systematics and phylogeny of the cheilostome bryozoan Doryporella
69573: Grisham J., - La convocazione
60045: Grisham J., - Il rapporto Pelican
59269: Grisham J., - Innocente
64452: Grisham J., - Ultima sentenza
60639: Grisham J., - La casa dipinta
63975: Grisham J., - L'avvocato di strada
65248: Griveaud P., 1974 (1973) - Contribution à l'étude des Lépidoptères Hétérocères du massif de l'Andringitra (Madagascar centre) RCP 225 - campagne 1970-1971 (Insecta Lepidoptera Sphingidae, Saturniidae, Amatidae, Lymantriidae)
58502: Grmek M.F., - Les conditions sanitaires et la médecine en Dalmatie sous Napoléon Ier 1806-1813
58504: Grmek M.D., - Les reflets de la sphygmologie chinoise dans la medecine occidentale
72128: Grognot ainé [O.A.], - Mollusques testacés (fluviatiles et terrestres) du département de Saône-et- Loire ou qui y sont déposés par les rivières qui s'y rendent, avec des tableaux synoptiques pur faciliter la détermination des familles, des genres et des espèces et les caractères abrégés de toutes les divisions établies
64896: Groh K., Alonso M.E., Iba–ez M. & Henriquez F.C., - Rediscovery of Hemicycla salcyi (d'Orboigny, 1839), a revision of its fossil allies (Gastropoda: Helicidae), and a description of a new species of Napaeus (Eindae), both from La Isleta, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
65798: Groh K., Alonso M.R., Iba–ez M. & Henriquez F.C., - Rediscovery of Hemicycla saulcyi (d'Orbigny, 1839), a revision of its fossil allies (Gastropoda: Helicidae), and a description of a new species of Napaeus (Enidae), both from La Isleta, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
54057: Groh K., Alonso M.R. & Iba–ez M., - Studies on Parmacella (Cryptella) from Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (Canary Islands)
68488: Groh K. & Hemmen J., - Revision der Gattung Boettgeria (Clausilidae)
34036: Groh K. & Hemmen J., - Geomitra (Serratorotula) gerberi n
68819: Groh K., Ponte-Lima C.E., Alonso M.R. & Iba–ez M., - Revision of the genus Canariella P
68655: Groh K. & Henkel H., - Description of a new Ferussacia from Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain (Gastropoda, Pulmonata: Ferussaciidae)
53343: Groh K., - Revision der Land- und Su§wassergastropoden der Kapverdischen Inseln
67951: Gromova A., - Il pianeta dei virus
31567: Gron F., - Om Kostholden i Norge fra omkring 1500 - Tallet og op til vOEr tid
53287: Grossu A.V. & Tesio C., - Revision der Arten der Unterfamilien Alopiinae (Gastropoda) aus den südlichen Karpathen nebst Beschreibung einere neuen Art
70356: Grossu A., 1981- - Gastropoda Romaniae
60426: Grossu A., - Le genre Pseudamnicola Paulai, 1868 [sic!] en Roumanie et description de quelques nouvelle espèces (Prosobranchia, Hydrobiidae)
71540: Grossu A.V., - Revizuirea speciilor genului Arion Férussac din Romania (Gastropoda, Arionidae)
70372: Grossu A. & Riedel A., - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Zonitidae (Gastropoda) Rumäniens
75741: Grossu A.V. & Lupu D., - Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Deroceras
12824: Grossu A.V. & Lupu D., - Contributions à la connaissance des limacides de la faune roumaine
12873: Grossu A.V., - Noi contributii la cunosterea gasteropodelor din R
66099: Grossu A.V., - Beschreibung einiger neuer Deroceras-Arten (Gastropoda: Limacidae)
70367: Grossu A.V., - Fünf neue Arten der Gattung Deroceras von der Balkanhalbinsel in der Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien (Gastropoda, Limacidae)
72044: Grossu A.V. & Tesio C., - Suggestions for species grouping within the family Limacidae by biochemical methods
72045: Grossu A. & Tesio C., - Contributions biochimiques (électrophorèse) à la détermination de l'unité du genre Deroceras (Gastropoda, Limacomorpha)
72046: Grossu A.V., - Caracteristica si asocia ile de moluste din sudul Moldovei
8762: Grossu A. & Tesio C., - Etudes biochimiques pour la taxonomie et la systèmatique du genre Limax
29333: Grouven H, - Vorträge über Agricultur-Chemie mit besonderer Rudficht auf Thier-Physiologie
30062: Groves L.T. & Weil A., - Authors in Cypraeidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
27498: Gruet Y., - Morphologie, croissance et faune associée des récifs de Sabellaria alveolata de la Bernerie-en-Reta (Loire Atlantique)
27496: Gruet Y., Marchand J. & Baudet J., - Les vers polychètes et l'estuaire de la Loire au début du 20ème siècle par G
27493: Gruet Y. & Lana P.C., - Remarks on the opercular paleae of Sabellaria bella and Sabellaria bellis (Polychaeta) from the Southeast coast of Brazil
27492: Gruet Y., - Loss of opercular paleae in the polychaete annelid Sabellaria alveolata
27494: Gruet Y., - Granulometric evolution of the sand tube in relation to growth of the polychaete annelid Sabellaria alveolata
27495: Gruet Y., & Bodeur Y., - Sélection des grains de sable selon leur nature et leur forme par Sabellaria alveolata lors de la reconstruction expérimentale de son tube
62929: Gruffydd LL.D., - Observations on the rate of production of external ridges on the shell of Pecten maximus in the laboratory
59075: Gruffydd L.D., Budiman A. & Nott J.A., - The ultrastructure of the byssus and the byssus glands in Chlamys varia
72324: Grulke W., - Adorned by Nature
27971: Grunewald J., - Über Torsionserscheinungen an den langen Röhrenknochen des Menschen
75013: Gruppo Malacologico Livornese, - La famiglia Thyasiridae nel Mediterraneo
63506: Gruvel A., - Contribution à l'étude générale systématique et économique des Palinuridae
22213: Gruvel A., - Les Etats De Syrie Richesses Marines et Fluviales Exploitation Actuelle- Avenir; Paris: Societe D'Editions Geographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales, 1931
69332: Gründel J., - Archaeo- und Caenogastropoda aus dem Dogger Deutschlands und Nordpolens
73086: Gründel J., - Heterostropha (Gastropoda) aus dem Dogger Norddeutschland ind Nordpolens III
29280: Grünwald L., - Die nasenmuscheln des Menschen dargestellt auf grund der Entwickelung und des Vergleichs
62029: Guallart J. & Templado J., - Distribucion, abundancia y selección del hábitat de Patella ferruginea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) en las islas Chafarinas (Mediterraneo suroccidental)
74049: Guarino C., - Note sistematiche sulla Famiglia Pectinidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Bivalvia), contributo 7: genere Decatopecten G
76459: Guarino C., - Note sistematiche sulla Famiglia Pectinidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Bivalvia), contributo 10: genere Mirapecten Dall, Bartsch & Rehder, 1938
18506: Guarino S.M., Gambardella C:, Ianniruberto M. & De Nicola M., - Colour polymorphism in Idotea baltica from the Bay of Naples and its ecological significance
71233: Guarino C., - Note sistematiche sulla Famiglia Pectinidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Bivalvia), contributo 6: genere Euvola Dall, 1898, genere Leopecten Masuda, 1971 e genere Austrochlamys Jonkers, 2003
57129: Guasparri G., - L'Accademia Dei Fisiocritici Di Siena: Guida Ai Musei
59068: Gubbay S., - Compressive and adhesive strenghts of a variety of British barnacles
35410: Guberlet M.L., - Animals of the Seashore
75969: Gude G.K., - Additions to the genus Streptaxis
71519: Gude G.K., 1906- - On the land molluscan subgenus Coelorus, Pilsbry + Description of a new specis of Eulota from Formosa
59097: Gudmundsson H. - Life history patterns of polychaete species of the family Spionidae
51353: Gudrun Simmler - Monographie der Gattung Saponaria 78 pages with 2 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung 10
62945: Guérin-Méneville F.E., - Matériaux pour une Monographie des Coléoptères du group des Eumorphides et plus spécialement du genre Eumorphus [only part 2 and 3] In 8vo, stapled, pp
66729: Guerra-Garcia J.M., - Deep-sea Caprellidea (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from Azores with the description of three new species, In 8vo, offp
57916: Guerra A., Cario M.B., Sealey M.J. & Lozano Soldevilla F., - Two new records of octopods in Canary Islands: Amphioctopud burry (Voss, 1959) ans Macrotritopus defilippi (Vérany, 1851) [Cephalopoda: Octopodidae]
9007: Guerra A., Gabin C. & Andres M.C., - Analisis de crecimiento, mortalidad y produccion de ostra plana (O
63398: Guibé J., - Batraciens nouveaux de Madagascar
65110: Guibé J., 1974 (1973) - Batraciens nouveaux de Madagascar
33567: Guidastri R., Melone G. & Taviani M., - Systematic position of "Trochus" wiseri (Trochidae)
67739: Guidi G., - Le acque minerali - Cosa sono, Come agiscono, Come vanno impiegate - Trattato elementare di Idrologia Medica per medici e studenti con particolare riguardo alle acque italiane
51278: Guido Horn - Definitive Bestimmung der Bahn des Kometen 1889 IV
61809: Guido da Verona, - Cléo Robes et Manteaux
51345: Guido Voghera - Zusammenstellung der irreduziblen complexen Zahlensysteme in sechs Einheiten 60 pages with 1 illustration, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung 19
66515: Guiglia D., - Contributo alla conoscenza delle Myzininae del Nord Africa
67645: Guilbert E., - Two new species of Dicysta (Hemiptera, Tingidae) from New Caledonia
63575: Guillaumet J.L. et al., - Etude des écosystèmes montagnards dans la région malgache
31640: Guillaumin A., - Recherches sur la constitution de l'ovaire des géraniacées a fruit rostré
62116: Guillemin A., - Le feu souterraine - volcans et tremblements de terre:
31134: Guilliermond A., - Monographie des levures rapportees d'Afrique occidentale par la mission Chevalier
20155: Guillot de Suduirat E., - Description de Mitra (Nebularia) poppei des Philippines
16300: Guillot de Suduirat E., - Description de Vexillum (Costellaria) alvinobalani n
66771: Guinot D. & Richer de Forges B., - Affinités entre les Hymenosomatidae MacLeay, 1838 et les Inachoididae Dana, 1851 (Crustacea Decapoda Brachyura)
63691: Guinot D., - Recherches prèliminaires sur les groupments naturels chez les crustacés décapodes brachyoures - VI: Les Carpilinae
63435: Guinot D., - Recherches préliminaires sur le groupments naturels chez les crustacés décapodes brachyoures VII
66810: Guinot D. & Bouchard J.M., - Evolution of the abdominal holding systems of brachyuran crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Bachyura)
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