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73230: Di Geronimo I., - Geomorfologia del versante adriatico delle Murge di SE (zona di Ostuni, Brindisi), In 4to, offp
73349: Di Sterfano G. & Di Canzio E., - Pleistocene Artiodactyls from Vieste (Gargano, Italy)
73879: Di Geronimo I. & Robba E., - Metodologie qualitative e quantitative per lo studio delle biocenosi e paleocomunità marine bentoniche
23856: Dia M.G. & Aiello P., - Guida illustrata ai muschi della Sicilia
58676: Diamond J., - Armi, acciaio e malattie - Breve storia del mondo negli ultimi tredicimila anni
61614: Dias Pimenta A. & Silva Absalao R., 2001. - The genera Bacteridium Thiele, 1929 and Careliopsis Mörch, 1875 (Gastropoda: Pyramidellidae) from the east coast of South America
37487: Diaz-Paez H., Williams C. & Griffiths R. A., - Diversidad y abundancia de anfibios en el Parque Nacional Laguna San Rafael (XI Region, Chile)
57393: Diaz Ungria C., - Los diablos danzantes de San Francisco de Yare [Venezuela]
40970: Diaz J.M. & Velasquez L.E., - A new species of Pachybathron [Marginellidae] from the Caribbean coast of Colombia
10090: Diaz J.M. & Mittnacht P., - A new species of Anachis from the Caribbean coast of Colombia
64786: Dick P.K., - Mary e il gigante
69600: Dick P-K., - Labirinto di morte
64339: Dick P.K. - Il disco di fiamma
68961: Dick P.K., - Illusione di potere
28514: Dick R.D., - Conservation of the Soil
57510: Dick M.H, & Mazataro S.F., - Morphological and molecular concordance of Rhynchozoon clades (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) from Alaska
57509: Dick M.H,, Herrera-Cubilla A, & Jackson J.B., - Molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of free-living Bryozoa (Cupuladriidae) from both sides of the Isthmus of Panama
68137: Dick P.K., - Mr
67700: Dick P.K., - La svastica sul sole
65670: Dickens C., - La bottega dell'antiquario
72571: Dickins J.M., - Characters and relationships of the Mesozoic pelecypod Pseudavicula
72922: Dickins J.M., - The Permian Leiopteriid Merismopteria and the origin of the Pteriidae
72940: Dickins J.M., - Relationship of Mourlonia and Prychomphalina, upper Paleozoic Gastropoda
72990: Dickins J.M. & Shah S.C., - The pelecypods Undulomya, Cosmomya and Palaeocosmomya in the Permian of India and Western Austalia
59516: Dickson G., - L'impero degli eletti
59969: Dickson G., - L'uomo eterno
66665: Dickson G.R., - Il richiamo delle stelle
65931: Dickson G., - Lo spaziale
67990: Dickson G.R., - Il richiamo delle stelle
59937: Dickson G.R., - Soldato non chiedere
67984: Dickson G.R., - Il Mondo Dei Sonnambuli
59956: Dickson G.R., - Soldato non chiedere
58095: Dickson G.R., - Esche nello spazio
59949: Dickson G.R., - Tattica dell'errore
58069: Dickson G.R., - Lo spirito dei Dorsai
68032: Dickson G.R., - Sul pianeta degli orsi
59940: Dickson G.R., - Negromante
68208: Dickson G.R., - La massa di Pritcher
67901: Dickson G.R., - L'enciclopedia finale volumi 1 e 2
60522: Diener C., - Untersuchungen über die Wohnkammerlänge als Grundlage einer natürlichen Systematik der
47606: Diener C., - Neue Ammonoidea Leiostraca aus den Hallstätter Kalken des Salzkammergutes
59114: Dieni I. & Midddlemiss F; A., - Pygopid brachiopods from the Venetian Alps
54656: Diesing K.M., - Revision der Cephalocotyleen - Abtheilung: Cyclocotyleen
60373: Dietl M.G., - Untersuchungen über die Organisation des Gehirns wirbelloser Tiere
60553: Dietz R., - Color Japanese Bathymetric Chart of Northwest Pacific
63392: Dieuzeide R., - Sur un Crustace abyssal, Polycheles typhlops C
66052: Dijkstra H.H., - A new species of living scallop of the genus Anguipecten (Bivalvia, Pectinidae) from the tropical Indo-Pacific
66053: Dijkstra H.H. & Raines B.K. - Pascahinnites n gen for "Pecten (Chalmys)" (sic) pasca Dall, 1908, a cemented Easter Island scallop (Pectinidae)
64717: Dijkstra H.H., - A contribution to the knowledge of the pectinacean Mollusca (Propeamussidae, Entoliidae, Pectinidae) from the Indonesian Archipelago
13230: Dijkstra H.H. & Knudsen J., - The morphology and assignment of Pseudohinnites levii Dijkstra, 1989 (Pectinoidea)
53099: Dijkstra H.H. & Southgate P.C., - A new living scallop from the southwestern Pacific
67842: Dijkstra H.H., - Bathyal Pectinoidea (Bivalvia: Propeamussidae, Entoliidae and Pectinidae) from Wallis and Futuna Islands, Vanuatu Archipelago and New Caledonia
52195: Dijkstra H.H. & Knudsen J., - Some Pectinoidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae, Pectinidae) of the Red Sea
66062: Dijkstra H.H., - A new species of living glass-scallop, genus Similipecten (Bivalvia, Propeamussiidae), from the Bahama Islands (West Indies)
66063: Dijkstra H.H., - Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature of Pectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
66064: DIJKSTRA H.H., - Two new species of Pectinoidea (Propeamussidae and Pectinidae) from the Philippines
66061: Dijkstra H.H., - Results of the Rumphius Biohistorical Expedition to Ambon (1990)
66054: Dijkstra H.H., - Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature of Pectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
64532: Dijkstra H.H., - Type specimens of Pectinidae (Bivalvia) described by Ignaz von Born In 8vo, offp
64821: Dijkstra H.H., - Pseudohinnites levii gen
67137: Dijkstra H.H. & Matsukuma A., - Chlamys ('Hinnites') boninensis (Bivalvia: Pectinidae) from Osagawara Islands, Japan
66060: Dijkstra H.H. & Goud J., - Pectinoidea (Bivalvia, Propeamussidae & Pectinidae) collected during the Dutch CANCAP and MAURITANIA expeditions in the south-eastern region of the North Atlantic Ocean
52751: Dijkstra H.H. & Kastoro W.W., - Mollusca Bivalvia: Pectinoidea (Propeamussidae and Pectinidae) from eastern Indonesia
75108: Dijkstra H.H., - Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature of Pectinoidea 3 (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Propeamussiidae, Pectinidae)
11979: Dillon R.T. & Davis G.M., - The Goniobasis of Southern Virginia and nortwestern North Carolina: genetic and shell morphometric relationship
64290: Dillon Jr. R.T. & Robinson J.D., - The opposite of speciation: genetic relationships among the populations of Pleurocera (Gastropoda: Pleuroceridae) in Central Georgia
8354: Dimock R. jr., - Quantitative aspects of locomotion by the mud snail Ilyanassa obsoleta
70713: Dimon A.C., - The mud snail: Nassa obsoleta
55054: Dinamani P., - Variation in the stomach structure of the Bivalvia
73019: Dinamani P. & Beu A.G., - Description of a new species of incubatory oyster from northern New Zealand, with notes on its ecology and reproduction
71822: Dinesen I., - Una notte a Parigi e altri racconti gotici
55357: DIOGUARDI N., - The liver system: A non organicistic model
59972: Diolé P. & Falco A., - Qui "Calypso"
37328: Dirac G., - Cardinal-determining subgraphs of infinite graphs
59669: Dish T.M., 1977 (cur.) - Domani andrà meglio
60462: Disney W., - Paperino d'oro n
61777: Disney W., - Alice ne paese delle meraviglie - Il Mangiafiabe n
69244: Disney W., - Gli Albi di Topolino n
60461: Disney W., - Paperino d'oro n
60458: Disney W., - Paperino d'oro n
60460: Disney W., - Paperino d'oro n
61047: Disney W., - I sette nani e la miniera di diamanti - Il Mangiafiabe n
67224: Divakaruni C.B., - La maga delle spezie
10091: Diver C., - Aspects of the study of variation in snails
19702: Dix T.G., - Laboratory rearing of larval Ostrea angasi in Tasmania, Australia
69777: Dixon R., - Arca seconda
33849: Dixon D. R., - The energetics of tube production by Mercierella enigmatica (Polychaeta: Serpulidae)
57696: Dobzhansky T., - L'Evoluzione della specie umana
28983: Dodel A., - Ernst Haeckel als Erzieher
54507: Dodge M., - Steel-track wagon roads
11213: Dodge H., - A historical review of the mollusks of Linnaeus Part 4: The genera Buccinum and Strombus
28169: Dodge B.O., - A list of fungi, chiefly saprophytes, from the region of Kewaunee County, Wisconsin
11212: Dodge H., - A historical review of the mollusks of Linnaeus Part
62840: Dodson P., - Quantitative aspects of relative growth and sexual dimorphism in Protoceratops
39468: Doeberl M., - A new Psylliodes from Madeira: Psylliodes erberi nov
71719: Doello-Jurado M., - Presencia de moluscos marinos en los yacimientos arqueológicos de Santiago del
54791: Doelter G., - Uber die Schmelzpunkte der Silikate
47394: Doermann Felix , - Alle guten Dinge - Novellen - Bibliothek moderner deutscher Autoren Band 19
28089: Doflein H., - Die Pilzulturen der Termiten
72171: Dolce S. & Pichl E., - Le attuali conoscenze sulla diffusione del Proteus anguinus Laur,, 1768, in territorio italiano (Amphibia, Caudata, Proteidae)
71155: Dolfuss G.F., - Observations à la note de M
66324: Dolin L. & Lozouet P., - Nouvelle espèces de Gasteropodes de l'Oligocène et du Miocène Inférieur d'Aquitaine (Sud-Ouest de la France), partie 3
61137: Dolin L., - Les Triviidae (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda) de l'Indo-Pacifique: Révision des genres Trivia, Dolichupis et Trivellona
68515: Doll W., - Beobachtungen über Lebensweise und Fortpflanzung von Carychium tridentatum Risso im Oberrheingebiet (Pulmonata: Ellobiidae)
70317: Dollfus G.F., - The ancestral origin of the North American unionidae, or fresh-water mussels
63505: Dollfus, R. P. - D'un Eutetrarhynchus (Cestode Tétrarhynque) au stade pre-adulte chez us Urolophus (Selachii, Dasyatidae): Eutetrarhynchus geraschmidti + D'un cestode pseudophyllide parasite d'un Sebastes (Téléostéen, Scorpaenidae) de la côte Est du Groenland
70123: Dollfus G. & Dautzenberg P., - Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Chlamys des faluns de l'Anjou
69992: Dollfus G.F., - Le Terrain Quaternaire d'Ostende et le Corbicula fluminalis (Muller species)
63317: Dollfus R., - Première Contribution a L'etablissement d'un Fichier Ichthyologique du Maroc Atlantique de Tanger a L'Embouchure de L'Oued Dra
72000: Dollfus G.E., - Faune malacologique du miocène supérieur de Beaulieu (Mayenne)
69241: Dollfus R.P., - De l'Astropecten bonnieri R
70086: Dollfuss G.F., - Malaclogie du gisement fossilfère du Pont
60282: Domeneghini A.G., - La rosa di Bagdad
37494: Domenichini G., - Materiali per la morfologia comparata degli Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea
65492: Dominguez M., Moreira J. & Troncoso J. S., - Datos anat˜micos y morfol˜gicos de gaster˜podos opistobranquios de Papùa Nueva Guinea
58813: Dommergues J.L. & Merister C., - Succession des faunes d'Ammonites du Sinémurien supérieur dans le Chablais méridional et les Klippes de Savoie (Préalpes Médianes, Haute-Savoie, France)
57594: Donadoni Roveri A.M., - Civilta degli Egizi: Le arti della celebrazione
57592: Donadoni Roveri A.M., - Civilta degli Egizi Le credenze Religiose
65816: Donadoni E., - Torquato Tasso - Saggio critico
65817: Donadoni S., - Arte Egizia
55594: Donati G.B., - Le aurore boreali e la loro origine cosmica
31390: Doneddu M. & Manunza B., - Valutazione dell'impatto antropico relativo alla balneazione estiva su una popolazione di Patella ferruginea Gmelin, 1791 del litorale di Aglientu
61255: Doneddu M., - Perforazioni sulle conchiglie di Luria lurida (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae) ad opera di Octopus vulgaris (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae)
6660: Doneddu M. & Manunza B., - Osservazioni sulla biologia di Luria lurida mantenuta in acquario
63215: Doneddu M. & Manunza B., - Rinvenimento di Naticarius marochiensis (Gmelin in L
72083: Doody M., - Aristotele e il mistero della vita
40072: Dopter Ch. & Sacquepee E., - Precis de bactériologie
67056: Doria G., Salvidio S. & Tavano M.L., - Catalogo degli Anfibi del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "G
18765: Dorman J.A., - Belone svetovidovi Collette and Parin: a species of garefish new to Northern Europe
70174: Dos Passos J., - Il 42° parallelo
32860: Doss M. & Farr M., - Index Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology
57802: Douglas M., - Blood debts and Clientship among the Lele
70264: Douville H., - Les lamellibranches cavicoles on desmodontes
19600: Downie J.E. & White J.P., - Balof Shelter, New Ireland - report on a small excavation
30219: Doyle J., - Studies on the chemical nature of the crystalline style
72119: Doyle A.C., - Sherlock Holmes: Uno studio in rosso, il segno dei quattro, il mastino dei Baskerville
57800: Dozier E.P., - The Pueblos of the South Western United States
51129: Dr. Hugo Zapalowicz - Das Rio Negro-Gebiet in Patagonien 34 pages with 1 geological map, 1 plate and 11 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 13
11954: Drake R.J., - Micrarionta (Moll
11998: Drake R.J., - Nonmarine molluscan remains from recent sediments in Matty Canyon, Pima County, Arizona
11956: Drake R.J., - Holospira kriegeri, new species, from Tamaulipas
66602: Dremière P.Y. & Nédélec C., - Donnees sur les bateaux et engins de peche en Mediterranee - Data on fishing vessels and gear in the Mediterranean
63427: Dresco E., - Recherches sur les Opilions du genre Ischyropsalis (Fam
19604: Dresser B.J., - Land use and farm practice in the parish of Dale
66026: Drinker Ballard E., - Il giardino in casa vostra
64521: Drivas J., Jay M. & Dijkstra H., - [Shells of] Réunion
73581: Drivas J. & Jay M., - Coquillages de La Réunion et del l'"le Maurice
69299: Drozdowski, A. - Quantitative Untersuchungen über die Schnecken (Gastropoda) eines beholtzen Hohlwegs und eines xerothermes Hanges bei Luszkowo (Kreis Swiecie nad Wisla)
65160: Drozdowski A., Burak I. & Marty ska D., - Zale no mi dzy wielko ci osobnika a budow tarki (radula) u Helix pomatia L
57135: DU CLEUZIOU E., - La creazione dell'uomo e i primi tempi dell'umanità - Opera pubblicata sotto la direzione di Camillo Flammarion - Traduzione con note del dott Diego Sant'Ambrogio
64693: Du Bois-Reymond Marcus E., - The opisthobranch Pseudovermis from Brazil
64593: Du Bois Reymond Marcus E. & Hughes H.P., - Opisthobranch mollusks from Barbados
12559: Du Bois Reymond Marcus E. & Marcus Er., - Flabellina engeli, a new nudibranch from Curaçao
61686: DU BOIS-REYMOND MARCUS E., - An annotated checklist of the western Atlantic warm water opisthobranchs
10103: DU BOIS-REYMOND MARCUS Ev. & MARCUS Er., - Some gastropods from Madagascar and West Mexico
63385: Dubois, A. - Liste commentée d'amphibiens récoltés au Nepal
51796: Dubois A., - Genera Avium : Picariae Fam Musophagidae
51795: Dubois A., - Genera Avium : Stegnopodes Fam Pelecanidae
27095: Dubos, R., - So human an animal
20665: Duchamps R., - Philippe Dautzenberg et son temps
34786: DUCHARTRE P., - Rapport sur les progrès de la botanique physiologique
62655: Duché J., - Le grandi vie commerciali
23307: Duché J., - La storia del mondo: 1 - L'animale verticale
29741: Ducke A., - O gênero Strychnos no Brasil
58937: Ducrocp A., - Il romanzo della vita
57493: Duerden J.E., - On Some New and Rare Irish Polyzoa
28513: Duff R., - Aspects of the cultural Succession in Canterbury-Marlborough, With Wider Reference to the New Zealand Area
72520: Duff K.L., - Bivalvia from the English Lower Oxford Clay (Middle Jurassic)
23296: Duffey E., - Difesa della natura
27001: DUFFUS J.H., - Associations of marine Mollusca and benthic algae in the Canary Island of Lanzarote
63452: Duguy R. & Cyrus J.L., - Note preliminaire a l'étude des Cétacés des cotes françaises de Méditerranée
69391: Duméril A.M., - Traité élémentaire d'histoire naturelle
62543: Dumézil G., - Il monaco nero in grigio dentro Varennes - Sotie nostradamica - Divertimento sulle ultime parole di Socrate
57531: Dumortier, M. & Van Beneden M., - Histoire Naturelle Des Polypes Composés d'eau douce - IIe partie
15865: Dumoulin E., - Cochlicella barbara herontdekt in België en nieuw voor Nederland
52524: Dunachie J.F., - The periostracum of Mytilus edulis
71657: Dunbar C.O., - New species of Devonian fossils from Western Tennessee
71730: Dundee D.S., - Introduced Gulf Coast molluscs
71729: Dundee D.S., - Subulinids and Veronicellids in the United States
14732: Dundee D.S., - Aspects of the Biology of Pomatiopsis lapidaria (Say)
69943: Dunker W., - Mollusca Japonica descripta et tabulis tribus iconum illustrata
60292: Dunn D.L., - Middle Carboniferous conodonts from western United States and phylogeny of the platform group
38202: Dunnill R. M. & Ellis D. V., - The distribution and ecology of sub-littoral species of Macoma (Bivalvia) off Moresby Island and in Satellite Channel near Victoria, British Columbia
13547: Dupuis P., - Note concernant Lithoglyphus naticoides de Férrusac
41247: Durand M. & Favard P., - La cellula, struttura e anatomia molecolare
59998: Duras M., - L'amante
11066: Durfort M., Amor M., Bozzo M., Ferrer J., Garcia-Valero J., Poquet M., Ribes E. & Sagrista E., - Caracterizacion ultraestructural del epitelio branquial de Tapes decussatus L
61438: DuShane H., - Gross anatomy and classification of the commensal gastropod, Caledoniella montrouzieri Souverbie, 1869
65781: Dushane H. & Poorman R., - A checklist of Mollusks for Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico
63609: Dussart B.H., - Données actuelles sur le lac Tchad et sa productivité
73521: Dutton C.E., - Hawaiian volcanoes
65281: Duval P. & Saua R., - La parapsicologia, l'avventura dello spiritismo, le facoltà medianiche, le capacità psi, la sensibilità paranormale
8977: DUVAL D.M., - The biology of Petricola pholadiformis Lamarck (Lamellibranchiata Petricolidae)
54954: Duvernois H., - Faubourg Montmartre
59531: Duvic P., - Pesce pilota
59758: Dvorkin D., - I figli della montagna lucente
30572: Dyar H.G., - Report on the mosquitoes of the coast region of California, with descriptions of new species
37348: Dührssen A., - Malattie psicogene dell'età evolutiva
73828: Dyne G.R. & Walton D.W. (eds.), - Fauna of Australia
54328: E. MAUCERI, - La Regia pinacoteca di Bologna
51109: E. Freiherr von Haerdtl - Über zwei langpersiodische Störungsglieder des Mondes verursacht durch die Anziehung des Planeten Venus 25 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 5
58888: E.N. da C. Andrade, - IL MECCANISMO DELLA NATURA
74624: E.F. García, - New records of Indo-Pacific Epitoniidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) with the description of nineteen new species
57728: E"hrenpreis S: (Ed.), - Cholinergic mechanisms
51342: E. Weiss - Untersuchunge über die Bahnelemente der Kometen 1907II und 1742 14 pages with 1 illustration, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung 6
51285: E. Weiss - Höhenberechnung der Sternschnuppen 102 pages with 14 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 3
51123: E. Weiss - Über die Bestimmung der Bahn eines Himmelskörpers aus drei Beobachtungen 50 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 4
51314: E. Kittl - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Triasbildungen der nordöstlichen Dobrudscha 86 pages with 1 geological map, 3 lithographierten plates and 17 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
60209: Eagle M.K., - A new asteroid (Forcipulatida: Zoroasteridae) frm the Eocene of Whangarei, Northland, New Zealand
12458: Eales N.B., - Lucernaria discoidea, a new species from the Channel Islands
10108: Eales N.B., - H
6668: Eales N.B., - The Aplysiidae from the Red Sea
34399: Earle F.S., - Development of the trucking interests
50968: East Africa High Commission - East African Agriculture and Forestry Research Organization - Annual Report 1950
32080: Eastman, C. R. - Mylostomid dentition
73426: Eaton A.E., - An Account of the Petrological, Botanical, and Zoological Collection Made in Kerguelen's Land and Rodriguez during the Transit of Venus Expeditions carried our by order of her Majesty's government in the year 1874-75
47407: Ebert G.D., - Carnegie Institution Of Washington - Report of the President 1982-1983
47405: Ebert G.D., - Carnegie Institution Of Washington - Report of the President 1980-1981
47406: Ebert G.D., - Carnegie Institution Of Washington - Report of the President 1981-1982
47404: Ebert G.D., - Carnegie Institution Of Washington - Report of the President 1978-1979
47403: Ebert G.D., - Carnegie Institution Of Washington - Report of the President 1977-1978
69979: Ebert Th., - Tulotoma degenhardti (Dunker "m
63007: Eckelbarger K.J. & Young C.M., - Ovarian ultrastructure and vitellogenesis in ten species of shallow-water and bathyal sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea)
57538: Eco U., - Sette anni di desiderio
62831: Eco U., - Baudolino
65364: Eco U., - L'isola del giorno prima
65363: Eco U., - Il secondo diario minimo
65408: Eco U., - L'isola del giorno prima
61931: Eco U., - Il pendolo di Foucault
68239: Eco U., - Sugli specchi e altri saggi
65409: Eco U., - L'isola del giorno prima
63446: Economidis P.S., - Catalogue des poissons de la Grèce
29959: Edgar E., - Studies in New Zealand Cotulas
62580: Editors of Fortune, - Il cancro
74984: Edmondson C.H., - Teredinidae of Hawaii
72720: Edmondson C.H., - Teredinidae, Ocean travelers
31925: Edmunds M., - Color of Opisthobranchs
64747: Edmunds M., - Eolid Mollusca from Jamaica, with descriptions of two new genera and three new species
61223: Edmunds M., Potts G.W., Swinfen R.C. & Waters V.L. - Defensive behaviour of sea anemones in response to predation by the opisthobranch mollusc Aeolidia papillosa (L
64689: Edmunds M., - Opisthobranchiate Mollusca from Ghana
64782: Edmunds M., - Protective mechanisms in the Eolidacea (Mollusca Nudibranchia)
64573: Edmunds M., - Opisthobranchiate Mollusca from Tanzania
12455: Edmunds M., - On the swimming and defensive response of Hexabranchus marginatus (Moll
64572: Edmunds M., - Opisthobranchiate Mollusca from Tanzania
64759: Edmunds M. & Just H., - Eolid nudibranchiate Mollusca from Barbados
64749: EDMUNDS M., - Eolid Mollusca from Ghana, with further details of west Atlantic species
32799: Edmunds M., Potts G.W., Swinfen R.C. & Waters V.L. - The feeding preferences of Aeolidia papillosa (L
51462: Eduard Mazelle - Die Windverhältnisse in der Mittleren Adria nach den Windmessungen auf der Insel Pelagosa
51130: Eduard Mazelle - Der jährliche und tägliche Gang und die Veränderlichkeit der Lufttemperatur
51409: Eduard Mazelle - Über die Windverhältnisse in den höheren Luftschichten nach den Pilotballonbeobachtungen in Triest
51365: Eduard Mazelle - Die tägliche Periode der Windrichtung und Windstärke nach den anemometrischen Aufzeichnungen auf der Klippe Porer 66 pages with 5 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 26
51143: Eduard Suess - Beiträge zur Stratigraphie Central-Asiens auf Grund der Aufsammlungen von F
51405: Eduard Mazelle - Flaschenposten in der Adria zur Bestimmung der Oberflächenströmungen
51159: Eduard Mazelle - Beziehungen zwischen den mittleren und wahrscheinlichten Werthen der Lufttemperatur 38 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
51170: Eduard Mahler - Zur Chronologie der Babylonier
51271: Eduard Mazelle - Einfluss der Bora auf die tägliche Periode einiger meteorologischen Elemente 34 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 23
30957: Edwards C., - The hydroid and the medusa Neoturris pileata
25152: Edwards C., - The hydroids and the medusae Podocoryne areolata, P borealis and P carnea
63115: Edwards C., - Aggregation behaviour of the brittle-star Ophiothrix fragilis
70683: Edwards C.L., - The abalones of California
42435: Edwards C., - On the hydroids and medusae Bougainvillia pyramidata and B
60959: Edwards C., - The hydroid and the medusa Bougainvillia principis, and a review of the british species of Bougainvillia
30312: Edwards C., - The hydroids and medusae Sarsia occulta sp
58256: Edwards D., Read J. & Duckett J.G., 2000 (Eds.) - Bryophyte phylogeny and interrelationships with early embryophytes - Papers of a discussion meeting
63116: Edwards C., - The medusa Modeeria rotunda and its hydroid Stegopoma fastigiatum, with a review of Stegopoma and Stegolaria
9334: Eertmann R.H.M. & Hailstone, - Zonation of intertidal epifauna on jetty piles in Moreton Bay, Queensland
68059: Effinger G.A., - La ragione per cui
66070: Egorov R., - On the distribution of introduced species of the genus Cepaea Held, 1838 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Helicidae) in European Russia
66107: Egorov R.V., - About volume of the genus Geophorus (Gastropoda: Pectinibranchia: Helicinidae), characters and type species of subgenera its components
66108: Egorov R.V., - A redescription and new distributional record of Myxostoma petiverianum (Wood, 1828) ( Gastropoda, Cyclophoridae), poorly known species from South-East Asia
66837: Egorov R., - Trophoninae (Muricidae) of Russian and adjacent waters
66828: Egorov R., - Treasure of Russian Shells, Supplement 3, Part 4
73458: Egorov R. & Greke K., - The genus Cyclophorus Montfort, 1810: Systematics and Nomenclature
73549: Egorov R. & Barsukov S., - Recent Ancistrolepidinae (Buccinidae)
71169: Ehrmann P., - Land- und Sü§wasserschnecken aus den südl
72377: Eibl-Eibesfeldt I., - Galapagos
65949: Eichhorst T. E., - Neritidae of the World, Vol
25199: Eichler J., Gradmann R. & Meigen W., - Ergebnisse der pflanzengeographischen Durchforschung von Württemberg, Baden und Hohenzollern 6
61819: Eidmann H., - Entomologische Ergebnisse einer Reise nach Ostasien
63572: Einarsson H., - Frequency and distribution of post-larval stages of herring (Clupea harangus L
69879: Einarsson H., - The plaice (Pleuronecters platessa L
63346: Einarsson H., - The fry of Sebastes in Icelandic waters and adjacent seas
24793: Eiras J., - Un nouveau Synasellus (Isopoda) du Portugal
31848: Ekaratne S.U.K. & Crisp D.J., - A geometric analysis of growth in gastropod shells, with particular reference to turbinate forms
66526: Ekaratne S.U.K. & Crisp D.J., - A geometric analysis of growth in gastropod shells, with particular reference to turbinate forms
57287: Ekis, - Classification and evolution of the Central American beetle genus Colyphus (Cleridae)
57288: Ekis, G., & A. P. Gupta, - Digestive system of Cleridae (Coleoptera)
64303: Eklund G., - La sfera di Dyson
59558: Eklund G., - Tutti i tempi possibili
63728: El Khou A., Boukaici M., Kaaya A. & Moukrim A., - Sexual cycle of the two mussel species cohabitating in the Mirleft Bay (Southern Morocco): Perna perna (Linné, 1758) and Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819)
31245: El-Nakhal H.A., - On the occurrence of the gastropod Xenophora (Stellaria) chinensis chinensis (Philippi) in the sea shores of the Yemen Arab Republic
69672: Elder M., - Trist lo straniero
72547: Elder W.P. & Box S.E., - Late Cretaceous Inoceramid Bivalves of the Kuskokwim Basin, Southwestern Alaska, and Their Implications for Basin Evolution
54505: Elderidge M.O., - Construction of good country roads
57914: Eldredge N., - La vita in bilico - Il pianeta Terra sull'orlo dell'estinzione
18698: Elefetheriou A. & Basford D.J., - The macrobenthic infauna of the offshore Northern North Sea
59460: Elegant R.S., - Dinastia
37486: Elgueta M., Moncada J. & Vera A., - Fauna de coleopteros (Insecta: Coleoptera) del Parque Nacional Laguna San Rafael, Aisen-Chile
32519: Elias T.S. - Rare and Endangered Species of Plants - The Soviet Side
24990: Eliasson A.G., - Om Sekundära Förändrigar inom Fanerogamernas florala region
34905: Elio Robba, Italo Di Geronimo, Mauro Pietro Negri & Rossana Sanfilippo, - Holocene and Recent shallow soft-bottom mollusks from the northern Gulf of Thailand area: Scaphopoda, Gastropoda, additions to Bivalvia
27839: Elio Robba, Italo Di Geronimo, Mauro Pietro Negri & Rossana Sanfilippo, - Holocene and Recent shallow soft-bottom mollusks from the northern Gulf of Thailand area: Bivalvia
69500: Eliot C., - Notes on tectibranches and naked mollusks from Samoa
65459: Eliot G., - Silas Marner - Il tessitore di Raveloe
27842: Elkin A.P., - Pacific Science Association: itas history and role in international cooperation
58105: Elliot D.G., - A Check List Of Mammals Of The North American Continent, The West Indies And The Neighboring Seas
58104: Elliot D.G., - The Land and Sea Mammals of Middle America and the West Indies
57765: Elliott F.J & ,Brynmor T. - On the yields and composition of meadow hay from certain of the Palace Leas plots at Cockle Park
71981: Elliott G., - A Palaeocene teredinid (Molusca) from Iraq
60081: Ellis D.H., - Development of Behavior in the Golden Eagle
69105: Ellis A.E., - Agriolimax agrestis (L
44907: Ellis L.C., - Endocrine role of the pineal gland (Symposium held on December 27 in Tucson, Arizona as a part of meeting of the American Society of Zoologist)
73389: Ellis R., - The Search for the Giant Squid
26810: Ellison M., - Notas acerca de la crianza de aves de corral en Puerto Rico
58239: Ells S.C., - Rapport préliminaire sur les sables bitumineux de l'Alberta Nord
59040: Elmi S. & Benshili K., - Relations entre la structuration tectonique, la composition des peuplements l'évolution; exemple du Toarcien du Moyen-Atlas méridional (Maroc)
54578: Elsas A., - Untersuchungen über erzwungene Membranschwingungen [Investigations on the membranes oscillations]
54579: Elsas A., - Die skandinavischen Plagioklasgesteine und Phonolith aus dem mecklenburgischen Diluvium
74704: Elsen J., - Taxonomy of some Cape Verde Conidae with description of a novel species
69680: Elwood R., - Prove di maturità
51371: Emanuel Trojan - Das Auge von Palaemon Squilla
64957: Emberton, K.C. - Owengriffithsius, a new genus of cyclophorid land snails endemic to northern Madagascar
61537: Emberton K.C., - The genitalic, allozymic and conchological evolution of the Eastern North American Triodopsinae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Polygyridae)
60061: Emberton, K.C., - Seasonal changes in the reproductive gross anatomy of the land snail Triodopsis tridentata tridentata
61566: Emberton, K. C., - Retraction/extension and measurement error in land snail: effects on systematic characters
12459: Emberton K.C., - Morphology and aestivation behaviour in some Madagascan acavid land snails
12457: Emberton K.C., - Over-representation of rare alleles in juveniles and lack of pattern in geographic distrubutions of alleles in a land snail
52723: Emberton K.C., - New acavid land snails from Madagascar
70013: Emberton K.C. & Pearce T.A., - Small, High-Spired Pulmonates from Mounts Mahermana, Ilipary, and Vasiha, Southeastern Madagascar, with Description of a New Genus, and with Conservation Statuses of 15 Streptaxid Species
70014: Emberton K.C. & Pearce T.A., - Helicarionid Snails of Mounts Mahermana, Ilapiry, and Vasiha, Southeastern Madagascar
61084: Emberton, K.C. & Pearce, T.A. - Charopid snails of Mounts Mahermana, Ilapiry, and Vasiha, southeastern Madagascar, with description of a new genus and with conservation statuses of nine species
63585: Emerit M., - A propos de Gasteracantha nossibeana Strand, 1916, type d'un nouveau genre: Madacantha (Araneidae, Argiopidae) (un nouveau cas de vicariance malgache)
63372: Emerson W.K. & Sage W.E., - A new species of Vasum (Turbinellidae) from off Somalia
5080: Emerson W.K., - The gastropod genus Pterorytis
60105: Emerson R.R., - A New Species of Polychaetous Annelid (Arabellidae) Parasitic in Diopatra ornata (Onuphidae) from Southern California
6680: Emerson W. & Old, - Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to western Mexico
15501: Emerson W.K. & Piech B.J., - Remarks on Distorsio constricta and related species in Eastern Pacific Ocean, with the description of a new species (Personidae)
13646: Emerson W.K., - Nomenclatural notes on the scaphopod mollusca: The type species of Fustiaria ans Pseudantalis
68162: Emerson W.K. & Old W.E., - New records for Cypraea surinamensis In 8vo, offp
10128: EMERSON W.K. & HERTLEIN L.G., - Pliocene and Pleistocene invertebrates from Punta Rosalía, Baja California, Mexico
13645: Emerson W.K., - Notes on the scaphopod mollusks: Rectification of nomenclature
3528: Emerson W.K. & Puffer E.L., - Recent mollusks of the 1940 "E
69383: Emerson W.K, - The scaphopod mollusks collected by the first Johnson-Smithsonian deep-sea expedition
15336: Emerson W.K., - Galapagan records from Morum veleroae (Gastropoda: Tonnacea)
75023: Emerson W.K. & D'Attilio A., - Aspella myrakeenae, new species from Western Mexico
14553: Emerson W., - A review of Marks' subgenera of Busycon Röding with remarks pertaining to the genus
10130: EMERSON W.K. & OLD W.E., - An additional record for Cypraea teres in the Galapagos Islands
5092: Emerson W.K. & Puffer E.L., - A catalogue of the molluscan genus Distorsio (Gastropoda, Cymatiidae)
27224: Emerson W.K., - Pleistocene invertebrates from Punta China, Baja California, Mexico
5084: Emerson W.K., - New records of prosobranch gastropods from Pacific Panama
67933: Emerson W.K. & Chaney H.W., - A zoogeographic review of the Cypraeidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) occurring in the Eastern Pacific Ocean
10119: Emerson W.K., - A new species of Morum from Brazil, with remarks on related species (Gastropoda: Tonnacea)
10120: EMERSON W.K., - On the identity of Phos laevigatus A
10121: EMERSON W.K., - Taxonomic placement of Coralliophila incompta Berry, 1960, with the proposal of a new genus, Attiliosa
10122: EMERSON W.K., - Familial placement of Hanetia Jousseaume, 1880 (Muricidae) and Solenosteira Dall, 1890 (Buccinidae)
10123: EMERSON W.K., - A record of the Indo-Pacific cone, Conus ebraeus, in Guatemala
10126: EMERSON W.K. & D'ATTILIO A., - Three new species of muricacean gastropods from the Eastern Pacific
10127: EMERSON W.K. & HERTLEIN L.G., - Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to western Mexico
10131: EMERSON W.K. & OLD W.E., - On the identity of Murex phyllopterus Lamarck, 1822, a tropical western atlantic species
10132: EMERSON W.K. & RADWIN G.E., - A new species of Strombina from the Galapagos Islands
10134: EMERSON W.K. & RADWIN G.E., - Remarks on the taxonomic placement of Purpurellus Jousseaume, 1880, with the description of a new species (Gastropoda: Muricinae)
33613: Emerson W. K., - Pleistocene Invertebrates from near Punta San José, Baja California, Mexico
6675: Emerson W. & D'Attilio, - A new species of Latiaxis from the western Atlantic (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
6679: Emerson W. & Old W.E., - Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to western Mexico
13621: Emerson W.K. & Old W.E., - Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to western Mexico
64757: Emerson W. & Old, - A new subgenus and species of Cymatium (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
35825: Emerson W. K., - Conus kintoki Habe and Kosuge, 1970: a validly proposed taxon
72211: Emerson W., - Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to western Mexico
72700: Emerson W.K., - Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to western Mexico
72719: Emerson W. K., 1965 - - The eastern Pacific species of Niso (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
72722: Emerson W.K., - A new Scaphopod mollusk, Dentalium (Tesseracme) hancocki from the Eastern Pacific
18048: Emery C., - Studio sulla morfologia dei membri dei mammiferi
5093: Emig C.C., Babin C., Delance J.H. & Racheboeud P.R., - Braquiopods y bivalvos: ÀCompetencia o indiferencia? In 8vo, offp
47797: Emig C.C., - Lingula anatina Lamarck from Mutsu Bay, northern Japan
51259: Emil von Marenzeller - Südjapanische Anneliden III
51136: Emil von Marenzeller - Zoologische Ergebnisse
51137: Emil von Marenzeller - Zoologische Ergebnisse
51370: Emil Hellebrand - Über die günstigste Gewichtsverteilung bei Trigonometrischen Punktbestimmungen 56 pages with 6 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 30
51427: Emil Heinricher - Der Kampf zwischen Mistel und Brinbaum
51541: Emil Heinricher - Untersuchungen über die Nachkommenschaft der Primula Kewensis und ihre Vielgestaltigkeit 44 pages with 6 plates and 14 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 4
51292: Emil Heinricher - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Rafflesiaceae I 26 pages with 3 plates and 2 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 12
51293: Emil Hellebrand - Definitive Bahnbestimmung des Kometen 1883 I (Brooks) 78 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 6
51154: Emil von Marenzeller - Über eine neue Echinaster-Art von den Salomons-Inseln 2 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
51226: Emil Zuckerkandl - Emil Zuckerkandl Zur Anatomie von Chiromys madagascarensis 112 pages with 10 plates and 9 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 14
51167: Emil von Marenzeller - Zoologische Ergebnisse V
51388: Emma Jacobsson-Stiasny - Die spezielle Embryologie der Gattung Sempervivum im Vergleich zu den Befunden bei den anderen Rosales 19 pages with 2 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 8
51456: Emma Jacobsson-Stiasny - Zur Embryologie der Aristolochiaceae 14 pages with 2 plates and 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 26
73100: Emmons E., 1858(1969) - Report of the North Carolina geological survey
29571: Emson R.H., Crump R.G., - Description of a new species of Asterina (Asteroidea), with an account of its ecology
48545: Endler, J.A. 1993. - The color of light in forests and its implications
14076: Engel H., - Westindische Opisthobranchiate Mollusken
19926: Engel H., - Die Gattung Paraplysia Pilsbry, 1895
19839: Engel H. & Nijssen-Meyer J., - On Glossodoris quadricolor (Rüppell & Leuckart, 1828)
21378: Engel H., - Résultats Scientifiques du Voyage aux Index Orientales Néederlandaises de LL AA RR le Prince et la Princesse Léopold de Belgique - Holothuries
66110: ENGEL H., VAN DER FEEN P.J., VAN REGTEREN ALTENA C.O., - The life of Woutera S
59760: Enghoff H., - The millipedes of Turkey (Diplopoda)
64872: Engl W., Gomez R., Pe–as A., Swinnen F. & Rolan E., - New records of molluscs for thr Canary Islands 2
61236: Engl W., 1995. - Specie prevalentemente lessepsiane attestate lungo le coste turche
67821: Engl W. & Rolan E., - Two new species of Putzeysia (Prosobranchia, Chilodontidae) from the Canary Islands
33276: Engl W., - Parviturbo rolani n
67863: Engl W ., - Shells of Antarctica
68706: Engl W., - Additions and Corrections to "Shells of Antarctica" (Engl 2012)
70258: English W.A., - The Agasoma-like gastropods of the California Tertiary
70740: English W.A., - The Fernando group near Newhall, California [Plio-Pleistocene]
63548: engraving - Coloured lithograph from Abhandl
56530: engraving - Chromolithograph from Calwert, Kaferbuch, 1916 depicting 30 species of Dytiscidae and Hydrophilidae
56528: engraving - Chromolithograph from Calwert, Kaferbuch, 1916 depicting 36 species of Cleroidea and Bostrichoidea
56523: engraving - Two Chromolithographs from Calwert, Kaferbuch, 1916 depicting 35+36 species of Cucujoidea and Tenebrionidae
56522: engraving - Three Chromolithographs from Calwert, Kaferbuch, 1916 depicting 40+36+36 species of Staphylinidae
56521: engraving - 2 Chromolithographs from Calwert, Kaferbuch, 1916 depicting 30+30 species of Chrysomelidae
56519: engraving - Chromolithograph from Calwert, Kaferbuch, 1916 depicting 25 species of Scarabaeidae (Bubas, Copris, Aphodius)
56518: engraving - Chromolithograph from Calwert, Kaferbuch, 1916 depicting 36 Coleoptera (Curculionidea, Bostrichoidea, Tenebrionoidea)
67494: engraving - Nice lithograph of Cyclophoridae taken from Godwin-Austen H
56529: engraving - Chromolithograph from Calwert, Kaferbuch, 1916 depicting 36 species of Cleroidea and Bostrichoidea
63202: engraving - Reeve, 1857: Plate n
63092: engravings - Pair of original lithographs taken from Jenyns R
69509: engravings - View of Old China Street, Canton
63287: engravings - Nice lithograph from Journal de Conchyliologie, 1869 - pl
69463: engravings - Reeve, L
63081: engravings - Original lithographs taken from Alder J
69489: engravings - Reeve, L
69490: engravings - Reeve, L
63103: engravings - Original lithograph (pl
63089: engravings - Original lithograph taken from Charpentier J
69313: engravings - Nice lithograph (about 1880) of land snails
74105: engravings - 6 plates from Vorläufiger Bericht über geologische Forschungen auf Java
69431: engravings - Reeve, L
58537: engravings - Hakodadi from the Bay
58539: engravings - Japanese Kitchen, Hakodadi
58548: engravings - Fishing at Hakodadi
58552: engravings - Fac-simile, Japanese painting [boat]
58551: engravings - Ship-yard
58553: engravings - Crossing the Oho-E-Ga-Wa (Province Suraga]) Original color lithograph taken from Perry Expedtion to Japan (Tucker printing, 1856)
58561: engravings - From an original Japanese drawing, obtained in Simoda
58562: engravings - Chart showing the 1853 - 1854 track of the flagship U
63494: engravings - Journal de Conchyliologie, 1852 - pl
63091: engravings - Original lithograph taken from D'Orbigny A
69505: engravings - Valley above Simoda
33244: engravings - Abraham Rees, Copper engraved plates on molluscs from Cyclopaedia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature published by Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme in 1819
63107: engravings - Original coloured lithograph (pl
63201: engravings - Original lithograph from Journal de Conchyliologie, 1853
63284: engravings - Two original lithographs taken from Malakozool
63106: engravings - Original lithograph (pl
69430: engravings - Reeve, L
66351: engravings - Pair of numbered and signed engraving by Giusti Di Massa for the for participants in the 11th World Congress of Malacology held in Siena (Italy) from 30 August to 5 September 1992
57984: engravings - Small (cm 11,5 x 18,5) lithograph depicting freshwater molluscs (about 1870)
63080: engravings - Pair of original lithographs taken from J
69582: engravings - Reeve, L
63100: engravings - Original lithograph (pl
64916: Enzenro§ L. & Enzenro§ R., - Untersuchungen über das Vorkommen mariner Mollusken in tunesischen Gewässern
39265: Enzo Biagi, - Noi c'eravamo
69274: ephemera - SEM series of 6 photos of the radula of Cantrainea peloritana
69252: ephemera - Serie di 4 cromo fine'800 della cioccolatteria D'Aiguebelle sul mondo sottomarino
69251: ephemera - Serie di 4 cromo fine'800 della cioccolatteria D'Aiguebelle sul mondo sottomarino
74882: Ephemera - Flowers into shells
74883: Ephemera - J
74909: Ephemera - Album with 99 ex libris on the theme "The balance" (1910-1990)
69250: ephemera - Serie di 6 cromo fine'800 della cioccolatteria D'Aiguebelle sui crostacei
74833: Ephemera - Pair of Christmas greeting cards
74870: Ephemera - Flowers into shells
74832: Ephemera - Valentine card die cut pierced embossed
52259: ephemera - Shells price list from Shinyo Koeki Co from Osaka, Japan dated Januari 29, 1965
74853: ephemera - Cinderella stamps issued by the "Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano" in the '90
74854: ephemera - Set of 9 marked stamps with shells
66450: Erba, - Le origini della politica dell'asse
58106: Erdös E.F., - Structure and Function of Biologically Active Peptides, Bradykinin, Kallidin and Congeners
73817: Erickson J.M., - Bivalve mollusk range extensions in the Fox Hills Formation (Maestrichtian) of North and South Dakota and their implications for the Late Cretaceous geologic history of the Williston Basin
51502: Erwin Lohr - Wärmestrahlung und Kontinuitätstheorie 27 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 9
51430: Erwin Lohr - Entropieprinzip und geschlossenes Gleichungssystem 84 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 20
51527: Erwin Biel - Klimatographie des ehemaligen österreichischen Küstenlandes 59 pages with 12 maps and 11 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 17
29158: Espanol F, - Notas sobre an˜bidos (Cole˜pteros)
63235: Espinosa J. &b Ortea J., - Una nueva especie del género Olivella (Mollusca: Neogastropoda) del Mar Caribe cubano
70571: Espinosa J. & Ortea J., - Moluscos Terrestres de Cuba
63272: Espinosa J. & Ortea J., - Una nueva especies del género Olivella (Mollusca: Neogastropoda) del Mar Caribe cubano
49140: Espinosa Bustos M.R., - Estudios botanicos
72107: Espinosa J., Ortea J., Caballer M. & Moro L., - Moluscos marinos de la península de Guanahacabibes, Pinar del Río, Cuba, con la descripción de nuevos taxones)
7570: Espinosa J., Herrera A., Brito R., Ibarzábal D., González G., Díaz E. & Gotera G., - Los moluscos en la dieta de la langosta del Caribe Panulirus argus (Crustace: Dacapoda)
66690: Esposito S., - Il grande libro della smorfia
71850: Essenberg C., - The pteropod Desmopterus pacificus sp
6685: Essink K., - On the occurrence of the american jack-knife clam Ensis directus (Conrad,1843) (Bivalvia, Cultellidae) in the Dutch Wadden Sea
69715: Esu D. & Girotti O., - Cenozoic Non-Marine and Brackish Water Gastropods from Italy
68051: Etheridge R.E., - A new psammophilus lizard of the genus Liolaemus (Squamata: Tropiduridae) from Northwestern Argentina
67298: Etheridge R., - Lizards of the Liolaemus darwinii complex (Squamata: Iguania: Tropiduridae) in Northern Argentina
73101: Etheridge R., - Small Gasteropoda from the Lower Cretaceous of Queensland
73264: Etheridge R., - Lower Cretaceous fossils from the sources of the Barcoo, Ward and Nive Rivers, south central Queensland
73273: Etheridge R., - Ctenostreon pectiniformis Schlotheim an Australian fossil
73274: Etheridge R., - Two undescribed Pelecypoda from the Lower Cretaceous of Queensland in the collection of the Australian Museum
73467: Etheridge R., - Cretaceous fossil of Natal Part I - The Umkwelane hill deposit, Zululand
73468: Etheridge R., - Cretaceous fossil of Natal Part II - The Umsinene river deposit, Zululand
67707: Etonti M. & Mateu J., - Cryptocharidus mandibularis: nuovo genere e nuova specie di Anillini delle ande peruviane (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Anillini)
67860: Etonti M. & Mateu J., - Nuove specie peruviane del genere Trechisibus Motschoulsky, 1863 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae)
50910: Ettingshausen C.F., - Vorläufige Mittheilungen über phyto-phylogenetische Untersuchungen
51146: Eugen von Halacsy - Botanische Ergebnisse einer im Auftrage der hohen kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften unternommenen Forschungsreise in Griechenland: 4
51145: Eugen von Halacsy - Botanische Ergebnisse einer im Auftrage der hohen kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften unternommenen Forschungsreise in Griechenland: 3
51144: Eugen von Halacsy - Botanische Ergebnisse einer im Auftrage der hohen kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften unternommenen Forschungsreise in Griechenland: 2
49147: Eugene Haanel, - Progrès récents dans la Construction des fours électriques pour la production de la fonte, de l'acier et du zinc
31540: Evans J.W., - A new species of Peloridiidae (Homoptera, Coleorrhyncha) from North Queensland
61163: Evans N., - L'uomo che sussurrava ai cavalli
39534: Evans J. W., - The biogeographical significance of the Peloridiidae (Homoptera: Coleorrhyncha) and a new species from Lord Howe Island
57797: Evans-Pritchard, E.E. - Zande Cannibalism
65404: Evans N., - Insieme con i lupi
66266: Evans C.R., Lockwood A.P.M., Evans A.J. & Free E., - Field studies of the reproductive biology of the spiny lobsters Panulirus argus (Latreille) and P
69923: Eversole A.G. & Anderson W.D., (1993) - A guide to common whelks
33168: Ewer T.K., - Queensland's second century - Scientist and citizen in a shrinking world
64125: Eydoux H.P., - Realtà ed enigmi dell'archeologia
51449: F. Trauth - Das Eozänvorkommen bei Radstadt im Pongau und seine Beziehungen zu den Gleichalterigen Ablagerungen bei Kirchberg am Wechsel und Wimpassing am Leithagebirge 108 pages with 5 plates and 5 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 15
51453: F. Becke - Petrographische Beobachtungen an den von F
33374: F. BOYER, J. PELORCE & A. HOARAU, - Le genre Granulina sur le littoral de la Côte d'Azur: récoltes et observations
51368: F. W. Dafert und R. Miklauz - Untersuchungen über die Kohleähnliche Masse der Kompositen 10 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 13
51313: F. Hochstetter - Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der europäischen Sumpfschildkröte (Emys Lutaria Marsili) Untersuchungen, ausgeführt mit Unterstützung der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, aus dem Legate Weidl
60913: F. Wells (Ed.), - Abstracts of World Congress of Malacology - Perth W
57834: Fabbri R., - La pagina " senecana " di Tacito (Ann
60339: Faber M., - Studies on West Indian marine mollusks 13: The malacological taxa of Gordon W
64241: Fabietti A,, - Stanley alla ricerca d Emin Pascià
63219: Fabre J.H., - Il cielo, la terra, la pianta
57424: Fabre J.H., - La Vie des Insectes
40362: Fabre F., - Le présent et le passé du climat de la végétation dans la Vallée de l'Arc (Bouches-du-Rhone)
19023: Fabris C., - Risultati di lanci di palloni piloti eseguiti alla Stazione Aerologica di Vigna di Valle (giugno 1910 - maggio 1911)
31200: Fabris C., - Lanci contemporanei di palloni piloti dal 1 maggio al 6 luglio 1912 - Parte I: - Osservazioni
31199: Fabris C., - Risultati di lanci di palloni piloti eseguiti alla Stazione Aerologica di Vigna di Valle
42483: Fabris C., - Lanci contemporanei di palloni piloti dall'11 luglio al 19 ottobre 1912
72101: Fabrizio De André, - Le nuvole
64439: Faccioli E., - Il teatro italiano 1 : Dalle origini al Quattrocento - Tomo secondo
3537: Fadda G., - Origine, sviluppo e funzione degli pseudospermatozoi di Murex trunculus
65221: Fage L., - Pêches planctonique â la lumière effectuées â Banyuls-sur-Mer et â Concarneau
63051: Fahey S.J. & Gosliner T.M., - On the genus Halgerda (Nudibranchia: Halgerdidae) from Western Australia with descriptions of four new species
66739: Fahey J.S. & Gosliner T.M., - New records of Halgerda Bergh, 1880 (Opisthobranchia, Nudibranchia) from the deep western Pacific Ocean, with descriptions of four new species
69224: Failla M.C., - Morfologia del capo d Tetrix subulata (L
70686: Fainzilber M., Mienis H.K. & Heller J., - The Conidae of the shallow waters of the East coast of Sinai, Gulf of Elat, Northern Red Sea
65525: Fair R.H., - The Murex book: an illustrated catalogue of recent Muricidae (Muricinae, Muricopsinae, Ocenebrinae)
18462: Fairbrother J.E. & Beaumont A.R., - Heterozygote deficiences in a cohort of newly settled Mytilus edulis spat
60485: Falci A., Russo D. & Russo L., - Parco delle Madonie
62694: Falcone N., - Almanaccu sicilianu
60734: Faletti G., - Fuori da un evidente destino
64783: Falkner G., - Trichia (Trichia) graminicola n
53265: Falkner G., - Über Acanthinulinae aus dem Obermiozän Süddeutschlands (Gastropoda: Pupillacea)
60340: Falkner G. et al., - Beitrage zur Nomenklature der europäischen Binnenmollusken, X-XII:
71507: Falkner M., Groh K. & Speight M.C.D. [ed.], - Collectanea Malacologica - Festschrift für Gerhard Falkner
64623: Falkner G., - Molluskenfunde aus den bronzezeitlichen Siedlungen von Monachil und Purullena (Provinz Granada)
71444: Falkner G., - Studien über Trichia Hartmann, I
70247: Falkner, G., Ripken, T. E. J. & Falkner, M., - Mollusques continentaux de France
70192: Fallada H., - Chi c'è stato una volta
70175: Fallada H., - E adesso pover'uomo? Milano, Mondadori, coll
70191: Fallada H., - Vecchio cuore, va alla ventura
65447: Falniowski A. & Szarowska, M., - Shell SEM outer and inner structure and rissoacean phylogeny: V
65444: Falniowski A., - Bythinella metarubra n sp
53109: Falniowski A., - A new species of Bythinella from Poland (Prosobranchia: Hydrobioidea)
65906: Falniowski A. & Szarowska M., - Shell SEM outer and inner structure and rissoacean phylogeny
65445: Falniowski A. & Szarowska, M., - Shell SEM outer and inner structures and rissoacean phylogeny I: Bythiospeum neglectissimum Falniowski et Steffek 1989 (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia, Rissoacea, Hydrobioidea)
65446: Falniowski, A., - Shell outer and inner structures and rissoacean phylogeny II: Truncatella subcylindrica (Linnaeus, 1767) (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia, Rissoacea: Truncatellidae)
11494: Falniowski A., - Notes on the variability of Marstionopsis scholtzi (A
65905: Falniowski A., Szarowska M. & Mazan K., - Shell SEM outer and inner structure and rissoacean phylogeny
65904: Falniowski A., - Female reproductive organs of Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant, 1777) and H
65903: Falniowski A., - Convergent evolution in the Baltic rissoid radulae
72933: Fantini Sestini N., - Il genere Phricodoceras (Polymorphitidae Ammonoidea) nel Pliensbachiano italiano
73292: Fantini Sestini N., - Gastropods and bivalves of the Middle Anisian form Kokaeli Peninsula (Turkey)
60514: FARACI F. & RIZZOTTI VLACH M., - I Leptopodomorpha italiani
66791: Faraci F. & Rizzotti Vlach M., - I Leptopodomorpha italiani
74058: Faraoni P., - Ammoniti cretaciche e altri fossili dell'Appennino Umbo-Marchigiano
23114: Farb P., - L' ascesa dell' uomo alla civiltà com'é dimostrata dagli indiani del Nordamerica, dall' epoca primitiva all' avvento della società industriale; Milano, Mondadori
61502: Farfan, C. (ed). - Resumenes III Congreso Latinoamericano de Malacologica (III Clama) y VI Reunion Nacional de Malacologia y Conquiliologia (VI Renamac) 13 al 17 de Octubre de 1997
11069: Farias A., Uriarte I., Pe–a J.B., Paredes F. & Pareja O., - Variacion del contenido calorico de Ostrea edulis L
67463: Farinacci A., Lord S.R., Pallini G. & Schiavinotto F., - The depositional environment of the Domerian-Toarcian sequence of Strettura (Umbria)
62131: Farinacci R., - Storia del Fascismo
59083: Farinacci A., Mariotti N., Matteucci R., Nicosia U. & Pallini G., - Structural features of some Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Aptychi
59958: Farmer P.J., - Primo contatto
59734: Farmer P.J., - Pianeta in via di sviluppo, Libra, Bologna, 1968 - Collana Gli Slan
59730: Farmer P.J., - Gli dei del fiume
67969: Farmer P.J., - Il segreto del tempo
59539: Farmer P.J., - Il mondo di Philip José Farmer
59733: Farmer P.J., - Pianeta in via di sviluppo, Libra, Bologna, 1976
59941: Farmer P.J., - Alle sorgenti del fiume
64269: Farmer P.J., - Lord Tyger
68955: Farmer P.J., - Roger Two Hawks l'uomo venuto dall'impossibile
59947: Farmer P.J., - Il labirinto magico
58065: Farmer P.J-. - Il sole nero
59926: Farmer P.J., - Il distruttore
67770: Farmer P.J., - Notte di luce
67735: Farmer P.J., - Un amore a Siddo
72144: Farmer P.J., - Roger Two Hawks l'uomo venuto dall'impossibile
69735: Fassio G. et al., - An assessment of Raphitoma and allied genera (Neogastropoda: Raphitomidae)
65218: Fassio A., - Il segreto del sigillo
31244: Fasulo G., Izzillo F., Russo G.F., Toscano F. & Villani G., - Nota su Petalifera petalifera (Rang, 1828) (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia, Aplysiomorpha), specie mediterranea poco conosciuta
42563: Fasulo G., Izzillo F. & Villani G., - Ritrovamento di Aglaja depicta Renier, 1807 nel golfo di Napoli
31232: Fasulo G. & Sorbi E., - Nota sul ritrovamento di esemplari di Zeidora naufraga Watson, 1883 (Gasteropoda, Fissurellidae) in un sedimento marino della Sardegna Nord-Occidentale
31231: Fasulo G., Izzillo F. & Villani G., - Ritrovamento di Aglaja depicta Renier, 1807 nel golfo di Napoli
63158: Fatton É. & M. Bongrain, - Stades juvéniles de coquilles de pectinidés (Bivalves): observations au microscope électronique à balayage
48407: Fauchald K., - A Review of the Genus Eunice (Polychaeta: Eunicidae) Based Upon Type Material
53374: Fauer W., - Eine neue Chilostoma aus Griechisch-Ostmakedonien
75472: Fauer W., - Eine neue Unterart von Charpentieria (Itala) stenzii (Rossmässler 1836) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata Clausiliidae)
68534: Fauer W., - Neue Albinarien aus Griechenland
57862: Fava G., - Variabilità genetica in habitat salmastri
71197: Favre J., - Contribution à l'histoire malacologique du Lac de Burgäschi
72604: Fechter R. & Falkner G., - Die farbigen Naturführer: Weichtiere
74735: Federico C., - Guida illustrata della flora dello Zingaro
73089: Federighi H., - Studies on the Oyster Drill (Urosalpinx cinerea, Say)
081: Fedrizzi G., - I litobi italiani
61629: Fehér Z. & Szekeres M., - Taxonomic Revision of the Rock-Dwelling Door Snail Genus Montenegrina Boettger, 1877 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Clausiliidae)
64915: Fehse D., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Ovulidae V: Drei neue Arten vom östlichen und westlichen Indopazifik + Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Ovulidae VI: Zwei neue Cyphoma-Pseudocyphoma Komplex und eine neue Simnialena aus dem südwestlichen Atlantik
68657: Fehse D., Lorenz F., Hawke A. & Kovacs K., - A Peculiar Cypraeidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Eocene of Australia
68692: Fehse D., - A New Type Specimen for Transovula schefferi de Gregorio, 1880 and Notes on the Validity of Oxycypraea F
68690: Fehse D., - Contribution to the knowledge of the Ovulidae, XXIX
68691: Fehse D., - Contribution to the knowledge of the Eratoidae, XXI
74511: Fehse D., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Triviidae V: Kritische Beurteilung der Genera und Beschreibung einer neuen Art der Gattung Semitrivia Cossmann, 1903
68663: Fehse D. & Villacampa Y., - Contributions to the Knowledge of the Eratoidae, XX: A new Archierato F
16316: Fehse D., - A new species of Trivirostra from Mozambique (Mollusca: Triviidae)
62735: Fehse, D. & B. Landau, - Contributions to eratoid systematics (Mollusca, Gastropoda),3
62734: Fehse, D. & B. Landau, - Contributions to eratoid systematics (Mollusca, Gastropoda), 2
65759: Fehse D., - Contributions to the knowledge of the Eratoidae, XVII
65761: Fehse D., - Contributions to the Knowledge of the Ovulidae, XXVI: A New Species of the Genus Aclyvolva C
65767: Fehse D., - A New Species of the Genus Willungia Powell 1938 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Cypraeoidea) from Tasmania [Miocene]
65368: Fehse D. & Wiese V., - A new subspecies of Phenacovola (P
30083: Fehse D., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Ovulidae VIII: Einleitung zur Familie sowie Katalog, Taxonomie und Bibliographie und Bemerkungen zu verwandten Gruppen
65503: Fehse D. & Grego J., - Contributions to the knowledge of the Triviidae, XXXV
68642: Fehse D., - Contributions to the knowledge of the Ovulidae, XXVII
68644: Fehse D., - Contributions to the knowledge of the Ovulidae, XXVIII
68664: Fehse D. & Grego J., - Contributions to the knowledge of the Triviidae, XXXVI: New fossil species in the genus Triviella Jousseaume, 1884 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trivioidea) from South Australia
68709: Fehse D., - A New Species in the Genus Niveria Jousseaume, 1884 from Brazil (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
68734: Fehse D., - A type locality for Simnia aperta (G
68892: Fehse D. & Lorenz F., - A new species in the genus Cuspivolva Cate, 1973 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Ovulidae)
68704: Fehse D. & Koh R., - A new Cuspivolva C
68703: Fehse D. & Grego J., - A New Species in the Genus Niveria Jousseaume, 1884 from W Florida (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
66747: Fehse, D., - Revision of the Genus Triviella Jousseaume, 1884 (Mollusca, Gastropoda) (Contributions to the knowledge of the Triviidae, XXX)
70052: Fehse D. & Grego, J., - Contributions to the knowledge of the Triviidae, XLI
61991: Fehse D. & Landau B., - Contributions to eratoid systematics (Mollusca, Gastropoda), 1
69273: Fei Liang, - An Illustrated key to Chinese Amphibians
69258: Fei Lang, Ye Changyuan & Jiang Jianping, - Colored Atlas of Chinese Amphibians and Their Distributions
69255: Fei Liang & Ye Changyuan, - Amphibians of China Volume (I)
62839: Feldmann R.M., E.B. Awotua & J. Welshenbaugh, - Necrocarcinus siouxensis, a new species of calappid crab (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the Fox Hills Formation (Cretaceous, Maastrichtian) of North Dakota
63280: Feldmann R.M., Grande L., Birkhimer C.O., Hannibal J.T. & McCoy D.L., - Decapod fauna of the Green River Formation (Eocene) of Wyoming In 8vo, offp
72947: Feldmann R.M. et al., - Decapod Crustaceans from the Eocene Castle Hayne Limestone, North Carolina
72948: Feldmann R.M., - The genus Lyreidus de Haan, 1839 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Raninidae): systematics and biogeography
72949: Feldmann R.M. & Martins-Neto R.G., - Costacopluma nordestina n
72950: Feldmann R.M. & Maxwell P.A., - Late Eocene decapod Crustacea from North Westland, South Island, New Zealand
72951: Feldmann R.M. & Duncan P.W., - Eocene decapod crustaceans from Snowdrift Quarry, South Otago, New Zealand
72952: Feldmann R.M. et al., - Fossil Penaeidae (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Loyola Formation, Ecuador
72953: Feldmann R.M. & Maxwell P.A., - A new species of glypheid lobster, Glyphea christeyi (Decapoda: Palinura), from the Eocene (Bortonian) Waihao Greensand, South Canterbury, New Zealand
72957: Feldmann R.M., Casadío S., Chirino-Galvez L. & Aguirre-Urreta M., - Fossil decapod crustaceans from the Jagüel and Roca formations (Maastrichtian-Danian) of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina
72958: Feldmann R.M. et al., - A New Species of Meyeria (Decapoda: Mecochiridae) from the San Juan Raya Formation (Aptian: Cretaceous), Puebla State, Mexico
72959: Feldmann R.M. & Gazdzicki A., - Cuticular ultrastructure of fossil and living homolodromid crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura)
72960: Feldmann R.M., - Additions to the fossil decapod crustacean fauna of New Zealand
72961: Feldmann R.M., - Decapod Crustacea from the Tapui Glauconitic Sandstone (Bortonian: middle Eocene) in the Waitaki valley, South Island, New Zealand
72963: Feldmann R.M., - Antarctomithrax thomsoni, a New Genus and Species of Crab (Brachyura; Majidae) from the La Meseta Formation (Eocene) of Seymour Island, Antarctica
72397: Feldtmann F.R., - Some pelecypods from the Cretaceous Gingin Chalk, Western Australia, together with descriptions of the principal chalk exposures
28530: Felföldy L., - Soziologisch-cytogeographische undersuchungen über die Pannonische ruderalvegetation
11796: Feliksiak S., - Die Molluskenfauna der Warschauer Filterstation
11795: Feliksiak S., - Über einen Fall anormaler Ausbildung bei der Flussmuschel Unio tumidus
11778: Feliksiak S., - Essai sur la régéneration de la tête chez Physa acuta Drap
11777: Feliksiak S., - Anomalies and deformations of the genital organs in Helicigona (Arianta) arbustorum (L
11779: Feliksiak S., - Physa acuta Draparnaud in den Fabrikteichen von Lódz« und ihre allgemeine Verbreitung
63566: Felt E., - A new cecidomyiid parasite of the white fly
047: Fenaroli L., - Vegetazione e flora delle Alpi in funzione dell'ambiente
58917: Fenaroli L., - I Funghi
63043: Fenaux R., - A new genus of midwater appendicularian: Mesoikopleura with four species
63945: Fenaux R., - Ecologie et biologie des Appendiculaires méditerranéens
70949: Fenton C.L. & Fenton M.A., - Studies on the genus Atrypa
51424: Ferdinand Hochstetter - Über die Vaskularisation der Haut des Schädeldaches menschlicher Embryonen 16 pages with 2 plates and 5 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
51330: Ferdinand S. J. Theiszen - Polyporaceae Austro-Brasilienses Imprimis Rio Grandenses 38 pages with 7 plates and 8 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung 15
51331: Ferdinand Theiszen - Xylariaceae Austro-Brasilienses
50046: Féré C., - Essai sur la physiologie des mouvements des doigts
57758: Ferguson W.S., - Investigations into the Intensive System of Grassland Management
27780: Fermin A.C., Buen S.M.A., - Photoperiod effects on feeding, food conversion, growth, and survival of abalone (Haliotis asinina Linné) during nursery rearing In 8vo, offp
34805: Fermo Roggiani, - "A l'ombra de la Madonina"
71809: Fernandes F. & Rolan E., - Moluscos marinos de Sao Tomé y Principe: actualizacion bibliografica y nuevas aportaciones
20903: Fernandes F. & Rolan Mosquera E., - Nuevo género y nuevas especies de la familia Buccinidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Mollusca: Neogastropoda) de la Isla de Sao Tomé
42010: Fernandes F. & Rolan E., - Nuevo genero y nueva especies de la familia Buccinidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Mollusca, Neogastropoda) de la isla de Sao Tomé
71818: Fernandez Garcés R. et al., - A new species of Scissurella (Gastropoda, Scissurellidae) from Cuba
68095: Fernández-Garcés R., Rubio F. & Rolán E., - A new species of the genus Emiliotia (Gastropoda, Trochoidea) from deep water of Cuba
63253: Fernández García I. & Lozada Pi–a A., - Description of two new species of Ignelater (Coleoptera: Elateridae: Pyrophorinae) of Cuba
73381: Fernández Milera J.M., - Polymita,forma Y Color Integrados a La Naturaleza
65247: Ferragu M., 1974 (1973) - Curculionides nouveaux ou peu connus du massif de l'Andringitra (Madagascar Centrale) [Col
66057: Ferraiuolo P., - Il presepe della Basilica di Sant'Antonino a Sorrento
58118: Ferrari A., - La vita che si ignora: Dal diario di un commissario di polizia
74659: Ferrario M., - Conchiglie
16176: Ferreira A.J., - The Genus Callistochiton in the Eastern Pacific, with the description of a new species
30686: Ferreira A.J., Bertsch H., - Anatomical and Distributional observations of some Opisthobranchs from the Panamic Faunal Province
73548: Ferreira Soares A. & Da Silva G.H., - Contribuiç‹o para o estudo da geologia do Maputo
73959: Ferrer J., - Revision des especes Africaines et Europeennes appartenant au genre Gonocephalum Solier (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Opatrini)
67790: Ferrer J., - Essai de revision des espèces africaines et européennes appartenant au genre Gonocephalum Soleir (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae)
68123: Ferrer J., - Tenebrionidos nuevos o interesantes del Museo de Génova
6696: Ferrer J., Durfourt M., Amr M.J., Bozzo M.G., García Valero J., Poquet M., Ribes E. & Sagrista E., - Presencia de digenidos bucefalidos en bivalvos, estrategias morfologicas de la superficie de absorcion en el esporocisto
62027: Ferrero E. & Merlino B., - Ricostruzione paleoecologica di una malacofauna del bacino pliocenico astigiano (Italia NW)
59037: Ferrero Mortara E., - Miogypsinidi della serie oligo-miocenica della Collina di Torino (Italia Nord-occidentale)
67972: Ferro P., - La superfamiglia Pectinoidea (Mollusca Bivalvia) nel Mediterraneo e nel Golfo di Napoli - Aspetti ecologici e biogeografici
31233: Ferro R. & Russo G.F., - Aspetti di particolare interesse nella malacofauna del Lago Fusaro
6697: Ferro R. & Cretella M., - Osservazioni sulla biologia di Calliostoma granulatum (Gastropoda: Trochidae)
57432: Ferson S. & Burgman M.A., - Quantitative Methods for Conservation Biology
66890: Festa E., - Missione zoologica de Dr
67232: Festa E., - Missione zoologica de Dr
65468: Festa Campanile P., - Per amore, solo per amore
70173: Feuchtwanger L., - Il giudeo di Roma
56941: Feuillet, Octave, - Le Roman D'Un Jeune Homme Pauvre
71470: Fez, de S., - Dos nuevos ascoglosos y un Doto en el puerto de la Valencia
64062: Ficalbi E., - Unicità di specie delle due forme di Cefalopodi pelagici chiamate"Chiroteuthis Veranyi" e "Doratopsis vermicularis"
48006: Fichera G., Sneider M.A. & Wyman J., - On the existence of a steady state in a biological system
18757: Field L.H., Evans A. & Macmillan D.L., - Sound production and stridulatory structures in hermit crabs of the genus Trizopagurus
59332: Fielding K., - Vuoto profondo
71037: Fields W.G., - The Structure, Development, Food Relations, Reproduction and Life History of the Squid, Loligo opalescens Berry
73355: Fields F.W., - Geology of the La Venta Badlands, Colombia, South America
71673: Fierstien J.F. & Rollins H.B., - Observations on intertidal organism associations of St
60684: Fiesta Campanile P., - Il ladrone
54857: Figdor W., - Untersuchungen über die Erscheinung des Blutungsdruckes in den Tropen
49461: Figueira. C.M., - Memoria sobre as injecç›es sub-cutaneas
61199: Figuier L., - La terre et les mers, ou Description physique du globe - Troisième édition
67448: Figuier L., - Molluschi e zoofiti - Quarta edizione italiana
72145: Filast˜ N., - La proposta
40527: Filipjev N., - Lepidopterologische Notizen - VI: Pereonea (Acalla auct
72542: Film DVD - Il riccio
32708: Fincham A.A., - Amphipods of the shallow-water sand community in the Northern Irish Sea
28661: Fineman G., - Kenntnis der Entwickelung des Ductus Endolymphaticus bei dem menschen und einigen wirbeltieren
26693: Finet Y., - Permanence et actualité de la systèmatique: le cladisme, face aux autres ècoles en taxonomie
74435: Finet Y., Wüest J. & Mareda K., - Gastropods of the Channel and Atlantic Ocean: Shells and Radulas
69964: Finger I., - Gastropoden der kleini-Schichten des Steinheimer Beckens (Miozän, Süddeutschland)
65681: Finger I., - Gastropoden der kleini-Schichten des Steinheimer Beckens (Miozän, Süddeutschland)
34560: Fink, Humbert , - Auf den Spuren des Doppeladlers - Ein altösterreichischer Bilderbogen
24693: Fink B. & Richard C.A., - The Ascomycetes of Ohio I and II (Preliminary consideration of classification + The Collemacee)
70482: Finlay H.J., - Revision of the New Zealand Shells Referred to Fusinus
70483: Finlay H.J., - Notes on recent papers dealing with the Mollusca of New Zeland
56356: Finlay H.J., - The Recent Mollusca of the Chatham Islands
70195: Finlay H.J., - The family Liotiidae, Iredale, in the New Zealand Tertiary part 1: The genus Brookula
58306: Finotello P.L., - I parchi faunistici
41249: Finzi G., - Le Esotubercoline in medicina umana e veterinaria
56630: Fiorito G., Capuano C. & Bergamo P., - Analisi preliminare delle relazioni filogenetiche delle specie di Aplysia
70790: Firby J.R., - New non-marine Mollusca from the Esmeralda formation, Nevada
72892: Firby J.R., - Pliocene non-marine mollusks from Contra Costa County, California
69075: Fischer P., - Remarques sur la coloration générale des coquilles de la côte occidentale de l'Amerique + Des anomalies de l'opercule dans le genres Volutoharpa et Buccinum
60854: FISCHER-PIETTE E. & Testud A.M., - Campagne de la Calypso au large des côtes atlantiques de l'Amérique du Sud (1961-1962) - 9: Pectinidae
14810: Fischer-Piette E. & Bedoucha J., - Mollusques terrestres operculés de Madagascar
70327: Fischer K. & Wenz W., - Prososthenienschichten von Frankfurt a
69417: Fischer-Piette E., Kempf M. & Testud A.M., - Nouvelles donnés sur les Veneridae du Brésil
71715: Fischer P.H., - Sur les traces buccales de gastéropodes
67775: Fischer M., - Ergànzungen zur kenntnis der palaarktischen Opius-arten (Hymenoptera, Braconidae)
29315: Fischer-Piette E., - Revision des Aviculidae (Pinctada excl
74578: Fischer-Piette E., Blanc F. & Salvat F., - Faune de Madagascar - Gasteropodes terrestres prosobranches
29317: Fischer-Piette E., - Revision des Aviculidae (Pinctada excl
29332: Fischer-Piette E., - Revision des Aviculidae (Pinctada excl
69991: Fischer P., - Monographie du genre Halia Risso (Priamus Beck)
71714: Fischer P.H., - Coquilles récoltées par M
74177: Fischer H., - Notes sur la Faune du Haut Tonkin
64151: Fischer-Piette E., - Oncidiella celtica Cuv
58281: Fischer H., - König Ortler und die Landschaft zwischen Vintschgau und Judikarien
67838: Fischer-Piette E. & Vukadinovic, - Les mollusques terrestres des Iles Comores
21764: Fischer P., - Mélanges de conchyliologie
63599: Fischer M., - Genauere Wiederbeschreilbungen dreier Alysiinen aus Madagaskar (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae)
66519: Fischer M., - Die europaischen Arten der Gattung Opius Wesm
6707: Fischer P.H. & Fischer E., - Edouard Lamy 1866-1942
65182: Fischer P., - Sur la faune malacologique abyssale de la Méditerranée
65183: Fischer P., - Sur les espèces de mollusques arctiques trouvées dans les grandes profondeurs de l'océan Atlantique intertropical
6703: Fischer P., - Des phénomènes qui accompagnent l'immersion des mollusques terrestres
6713: Fischer-Piette E., - Révision des Venerinae s
14753: Fischer-Piette E., Bedoucha J. & Salvat F., - Mollusques terrestres de Madagascar: Ariophantidae
63448: Fischer-Piette, E. & Testud, A.-M., - Veneridae du Surinam communiquées par M
68363: Fischer-Piette E. & Métivier B., - Sur divers Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de Somalie et d'Abyssinie
68498: Fischer-Piette E. & Vukadinovic D., - Révision des Circinae du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
71168: Fischer-Piette E. & Vukadinovic D., - Sur les mollusques fluviatiles de Madagascar
73587: Fischer P.H., 1880-1887. - Manuel de Conchyliologie et de Paleontologie Conchyliologique
8981: Fischer P.H. & Fischer-Piette E., - Sur quelques espèces de Tivela (Veneridae) et sur l'extension géographique de cen genre
59045: Fish J.D. & Fish S., - The effects of temperature and salinity on the embryonic development of Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant)
32470: Fish J.D. & Fish S. - The breeding cycle and growth of Hydrobia ulvae in the Dovey Estuary
34345: Fish J.D., - The breeding cycle and growth of open coast and estuarine populations of Littorina littorea
24738: Fisher W.K., - The holothurians of the Hawaiian Islands
64061: Fisher W.K., Lyman Clark H., Treadwell A.L., Cushman J.A. & Edmondson C.H., - Marine Zoology Of Tropical Central Pacific
42433: Fisher L. R., Kon S. K. & Thompson S. Y., - Vitamin A and carotenoids in certain invertebrates (Crustacea: Copepoda)
62700: Fisher W.S., - New buprestid beetles from Borneo and the Philippine Island
73322: Fisher D.J., Erdmann C.E., & Reeside Jr. J.B., - Cretaceous and Tertiary formations of the Book Cliffs, Carbon, Emery, and Grand Counties, Utah, and Garfield and Mesa Counties, Colorado
40845: Fitch J.E., - The pismo clam
25541: Fitch J.E., - Common marine bivalves of California
72459: Fitch W.H. & Smith W.G., - Illustrations of the British flora : a series of wood engravings, with dissectionns, of British plants drawn by W
31114: Fitting H., - Untersuchungen über isotonische Koeffizienten und ihren Nutzen für Permeabilitätsbestimmungen
59448: Fitzgerald F.S., - Il grande Gatsby
60989: Fitzgerald F.S., - Il grande Gatsby
57661: Fitzgerald C.P., - La civiltà cinese
32486: Fives J.M. - An account of the eggs and developmental stages of Montagu's blenny, Coryphoblennius galerita (L
61198: Flammarion C., - L'Astronomia Popolare - Traduzione e note del Prof
57133: FLAMMARION C., - Il mondo prima della creazione dell' uomo
40712: FLAMMARION C., - Il mondo prima della creazione dell' uomo
52606: FLASAR, J. & V. KROUPOVA , - Die Malakofauna der Gewächshäuser in Bratislava (Tschechoslowakei)
65971: Flasar I., - Recent molluscs of the Little Carpathians
11793: Flasar I., - Der Innere bau der Befruchtungstasche bei Oxychilus draparnaudi (Beck) und die Geschichte ihrer Entdeckund und Erforschung bei anderen Pulmonaten
65107: Flasar I. & V. Kroupova, - Die Malakofauna der Gewächshäuser in Bratislava
73514: Flattely F.W. & Walton C.L., - The biology of the sea-shore
66373: Flaubert G., - Dizionario dei luoghi comuni-Album della marchesa-Catalogo delle idee chic
68671: Flaubert G., - La signora Bovary
60791: Fleischer Z. & Schutz B., 1/983 - Gajenje kaktusa [Growing cactus]
62900: Fleischer G., - Hearing in extinct cetaceans as determined by cochlear structure
61845: Fleischer L., - Rain Man, l'uomo della pioggia
64618: Fleischmann A., - Morphologische Studien über Mollusken
71229: Fleming C.A., - A new subspecies of scallop from Byron Bay, New South Wales
71297: Fleming C.A. & Powell A.W.B., - Three radiocarbon dates for quaternary Mollusca from Northland
49579: Fleming C.A., - The Kermadec Islands Cicada and its relatives (Hemiptera: Homoptera)
28499: Fleming C.A., - J
62616: Fleming I., - Il dottor No
62609: Fleming I., - A 007, dalla Russia con amore
62615: Fleming I., - Agente 007 missione Goldfinger
62063: Fleming, C.A., - The geology of the Wanganui Subdivision
62607: Fleming I., - Operazione tuono
70251: Fleming C.A., - A new species of Sigapatella (Gastropoda) from Cape Maria Van Diemen, Northalnd, New Zealand
70334: Fleming, C.A., - Tertiary Mollusca from Dannevirke Subdivision
26642: Fleming C.A., - Radiocarbon dating and pollen analyses from Otiran Perilacial Fans in Western Wellington
68773: Fleming C.A., - The genus Pecten in New Zealand
70556: Fleming C.A., - Some Australasian Mollusca in the British Museum
72233: Fleming C.A., - A triassic lamellibranch Torastarte bensoni Marwick
72234: Fleming C.A., - Lower Devonian Pelecypoda from Reefton, New Zealand
72235: Fleming C.A., - New Zealand recent Thyasiridae (Mollusca)
72236: Fleming C.A., - Lowe Jurassic fossils from Taneatua, bay of Plenty, New Zealand
72945: Fleming C.A., - Buchia plicata (Zittel) and its allies, with a description of a new species, Buchia hochstetteri
73051: Fleming C.A., Maxwell P.A. & Beu A.G., - Notes non New Zealand fossil Mollusca - 1
9318: Fleming C.A., - The nomenclature of biogeographic elements in the New Zealand biota
9456: Fleming C.A., - Kapitean (Upper Miocene) Mollusca from Te Waewae Bay, Southland, New Zealand
9462: Fleming C.A., - Cenozoic history of Indo-Pacific and other warm-water elements in the marine Mollusca of New Zealand
63516: Fleminger, A. & K. Hulsemann, - Systematics and distribution of the four sibling species comprising the genus Pontellina Dana (Copepoda, Calanoida)
30939: Fletcher W.W., Martin D.J., - The flora of Great Cumbrae Island (Firth of Clyde)
30286: Flint L.H., - Studies of freshwater red algae
61057: Flokkia, - Nudibranch
64664: Flores C., - La familia Littorinidae (Mollusca: Mesogastropoda) en las aguas costeras de Venezuela
29505: Flower R.H., - Saltations in Bacteria
72690: Flower R.H., - Saltations in nautiloid coiling
72691: Flower R.H. & Kummel B. jr., - A classification of the Nautiloidea
58013: Flügel H.W., - Catalogus Fossilium Austriae HeftIVc/1a: Anthozoa palaeozoica: rugosa
58994: Foa V. - Lavori in corso 1943-1946
67413: Focarile A., - Ricerche coleotterologiche sul litorale ionico della Puglia, Lucania e Calabria campagna 1956 - 1
37254: Focarile A., 1957? - Revisione dei coleotteri Helodidae conservati nel Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano
70585: Fog K., - Zoology of the Faroes - Land and Freshwater Mollusca
67222: Fogato W., - Note sui Luperus bicolori italiani e descrizione di L
58115: Fogliani T., - Scuola militare - Appunti di storia generale
21319: Folino N.C., - The role of prey mobility in the population ecology of the nudibranch Cuthona nana
64394: Follett K., - La grande rapina di Nizza
65211: Follett K., - L'uomo di Pietroburgo
64266: Follett K., - La colonna di fuoco
59664: Follett K., - Sulle ali delle aquile
25998: Follieri M., - Evidence on the Plio-Pleistocene palaeofloristic evolution in Central Italy
25994: Follieri M., - I legni dell'abitato palustre di Polada
25993: Follieri M. & Napoleone I., - Pollens fossiles dan les argiles marines pres de Mazzano (Rome)
26002: Follieri M., - La foresta colchica fossile di Riano Romano 1: Studio dei fossili vegetali macroscopici
26001: Follieri M. & Magr" G., - I legni fossili della via Flaminia (Cava Bianca) presso Roma
63013: Fondi R., Scala C. & Castagnolo L., - The genus Unio Philipsson, 1788, (Mollusca, Bivalvia) in Italy
63704: Fontaine B., L'Herrou R., Decamps P. & Paturel B., - Prospection et peche de la crevette profonde Pandalus borealis au large des cotes de Terre-Neuve et de Nouvelle-Ecosse
25913: Fontaine A.R., - The colours of Ophiocomina nigra 1: Colour variation and its relation to distribution
69268: Fontana P. & Massa B., - Volume in memoria di Marcello La Greca
60651: Fontana P., - The type specimens of Forficula described by Gené in 1832, at present belonging to the genus Chelidura Latreille, 1825 (Insecta Dermaptera)
63168: Fontenelle B., - Trattenimenti su' la pluralità de' mondi
63254: Fontenia Rizo J.L., - New species of Leptothorax (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Cuba
27779: Fontje Kaligis G.J.Kittiwattanawong K., - Oxygen uptake of Littorina littorea (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) at different levels of oxygen tension and temperature In 8vo, offp
69799: Foon J.K. & Liew T.S., - A review of the land snail genus Alycaeus (Gastropoda, Alycaeidae) in Peninsular Malaysia
60036: Forattini G., - Oltre la FIFA
74197: Forbes E. & Hanley S., - A history of British Mollusca, and their shells
74841: Forbes E. - Hull., 1856- - Two "Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Practical Geology" bound into one book, being the 'Tertiary Fluvio-Marine Formation of the Isle of Wight' by Edward Forbes, and 'The geology of the country around Cheltenham, (Sheet 44 of the Geological Survey) by Edward Hull
74839: Forbes E. - Bristow H.W., 1856- - Two "Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Practical Geology" bound into one book, being the 'Tertiary Fluvio-Marine Formation of the Isle of Wight' by Edward Forbes, and 'The Geology of the Isle of Wight' by Henry William Bristow
69192: Forcart L., - Systematische Stellung und Unterteilung der Gattung Sphincterophila Ancey
71780: Forcart L., - Systematisches Verzeichnis der von Herrn Klaus-Jürgen Götting 1960 in der Türkei gesammelten Mollusken und Neubeschreibung einer Paramastus-Art
11828: Forcart L., - Systématiques des mollusques en forme de Daudebardia et révision des espéces d'Anatolie et de l'ile de Créte
11826: Forcart L., - Révision des types de Vaginula maillardi Fischer et Vaginula gayi Fischer
11804: Forcart L., - Die nordischen Arten der Gattung Vitrina
11810: Forcart L., - Revision of Bulimus carduchus Martens (Stylommatophora: Enidae)
58927: Forcart L., - Schnecken und Muscheln
65111: Forcart L., - Monacha (Monacha) crispulata und Monacha merssinae
66802: Ford D.B., - Il controllo totale
33494: Fordham B.G., - Geology and LowerMiddle Devonian coral conodont biostratigraphy of the Nogoa Anticline, Springsure District, Central Queensland
58708: Forel F.A., - Matériaux pour servir à l'étude de la faune profonde du Lac Léman - VIe Serie
72067: Foresti L., 1868- - Catalogo dei molluschi fossili pliocenici delle colline bolognesi
61256: Forli M., Dell'Angelo B., Sosso M. & Bonfitto A., - Note su alcune specie fossili di Williamia (Gastropoda: Siphonariidae) con descrizione di una nuova specie
74156: Forli M., Corti A. & Cresti M., - Further records of the Family Patellidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the Tuscan Pliocene
61850: Forli M., Dell'Angelo B., Bertini D. & Ciappelli F., - Segnalazione di gasteropodi poco frequenti per il Plioocene Toscano - Contributo II
61849: Forli M., Dell'Angelo B., Ciappelli F. & Taviani M., - A new species of Haliotidae (Mollusca, Vetigastropoda) in the Italian Plioocene
62960: Forli M. & Dell'Angelo B., - A new species of Marginella (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from the italian Pliocene
34785: FORNEY E., 1862-63 - Le Jardinier Fruitier, principes simplifies de la taille des arbres fruitiers expliques a l'aide de nombreuses figures dessinees par l'auteur, et augmentes d'une etude sur les bons fruits
23484: Forrer R., - Urgeschichte des Europäers von der Menschwerdung bis zum Anbruch der Geschichte; Stuttgart, Verlag Spemann
31594: Forster A., - Zur Morphologie der Muskeln des thorax
47080: Forster A., - Beitrag zur Morphologie des Scalenussytems und des M
33780: Forster A., - Zur morphologie der Muskeln des Thorax
29148: Forster A., - Zur Morphologie der Muskeln des Thorax - II Teil
27972: Forster A., - Beitrag zur Morphologie des Scalenussytems und des M
74599: Forsyth R.G., - Land snails of British Columbia
73928: Forteloeni G. & Eliá ová H., - I rapporti tra il bivalve Lithophaga alpina (Zittel, 1866) ed il corallo Actinastrea elongata Alloiteau, 1954, nel Cretaceo superiore dell'Itsalia nord-orientale
64143: Forti A., - Origine e svolgimento dei primi studi biologici sul mare in Italia
67550: Forti M., - Compsocephalus horsfieldianus czeppeli n
64216: Fortunato H., - Mollusks: Tools in Environmental and Climate Research
29342: Foscolo U., - Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis, Sonetti, Odi, Carmi
72245: Fossa-Mancini, E., - Las Venericardiae de Malargue y de Roca [Argentina] en la literatura geológica
58675: Fossier R., 1984- - Storia del Medioevo
60130: Foster A.D., - Viaggio alla città dei morti
67981: Foster A.D., - Krull
10152: FOSTER R.W., - The genus Mya in the Western Atlantic
31593: Foster A., - Zur Morphologie der Muskeln des thorax
58219: Foster M.A., - I guerrieri dell'alba
68211: Foster A.D., - La storia di Flinx
72096: Foster M.A., - Onde di un mare lontano
65457: Fournier A., - Il Grande Meaulnes
66106: Fowler O., - Seashells of the Kenya Coast
52355: Fowler T.G., - A new British Janthina
63393: Fowler, H.W., - The fishes obtained by the Pinchot South Seas Expedition of 1929, with description of one new genus and three new species
74855: Fox-Strangways C. - Woodward H.C., 1892- - The Jurassic rocks of Britain - 5 vols
18308: Foxton P., - A new species of the genus Acanthephyra (Crustacea: Natantia) fisrt discovered and described in ms notes by dr Stanley W Kemp
71941: Fraas O., - Über die neuesten Erfunde an der Schussenquelle bei Schussenried
57675: Frache H.A. & Bonaventura G.,, - Restauro filatelico
59107: Frade F., - Aves coligidas pela miss‹o zoologica de Moçambique
57741: Frade F. & Bacelar A., - Catálogo das aves de Moçambique
62617: France A., - Vie de Jeanne d'Arc
66075: Franceschi A., - Il padovano e i suoi presepi
56929: FRANCESCHINI P., - A Roma - Impressioni e ciarle di un fiorentino
64435: Francesco Pusateri, Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli, Stefano Bartolini & Marco Oliverio, - A revision of the Mediterranean Raphitomidae (Neogastropoda, Conoidea) 4: The species of the group of Raphitoma purpurea (Montagu, 1803) with the description of a new species
61921: Franchini D.A. & Franchini C., - Molluschi d'acqua dolce nelle torbe del Busatello - Ricerche stratigrafiche
6731: FRANCHINI D.A., 1976 - - Prima segnalazione di Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) nel fouling del Canale Virgilio (MN)
6730: Franchini D., - Potenzialità informativa della malacofauna
33675: Francis J., - James Cook and Robert Bakewell exploration and animal breeding in the Eighteenth century
67568: Franciscolo M.E., - The presence of Zeamordella Broun, 1886 in Wallacea
67038: Franciscolo M.E., - An updated look at Glipidiomorpha (Coleoptera, Mordellidae)
75058: Frank C., - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Molluskenfauna der östlichen Mittelmeerländer Teil I: Berichte über eine Gastropoden-Ausbweute aus Griechenland (Makedonien, Thrakien) vom Sommer 1981
72808: Frank C., - Malakologie auf Kolumbus' Spuren: Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Molluskenfauna Karibischer Inseln
62859: Frankel L., - Observations and speculations on the habitat and habits of Trochammina ochracea (Williamson) in subsurface sediments
71494: Frankenberger Z. - Die Molluskenfauna der böhmische Masse in ihren Entwicklungs- und Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen
71302: Franklin A., Pickett G.D. & Conner P.M., - The scallop [Pecten maximus] and its fishery in England and Wales
71819: Frantisek L., - I fanciulli e il pugnale
51509: Franz Werner - XVIII
51419: Franz Hertisch - Untersuchung zur Geologie des Paläozoikums von Graz
51108: Franz Steindachner - Über eine neue und seltene Fischarten aus der ichthyologischen Sammlung des k
51325: Franz Kossmat - Geologie des Wocheiner Tunnels und der südlichen Anschlusslinie
51256: Franz Baron Nopcsa - Dinosaurierreste aus Siebenbürgen II (Schädelreste von Mochlodon) mit einem Anhange: Zur Phylogenie der Ornithopodiden 28 pages with 2 plates and 11 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 7
51497: Franz Werner - Über Reptilien und Amphibien aus Südchina
51116: Franz Toula - Geologische Untersuchungen im östlichen Balkan und in anderen Theilen von Bulgarien und Ostrumelien (II
51111: Franz Ritter von Hauer - Cephalopoden aus der Trias von Bosnien I
51413: Franz Steindachner - Bericht über die ichthyologischen Aufsammlungen der Brüder Adolf und Albin Horn während einer im Sommer 1913 ausgeführten Reise nach Deutsch-Ostafrika 28 pages with 5 plates and 2 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 3
51230: Franz Eilhard Schulze - Hexactinelliden des Rothen Meeres Expedition S
51452: Franz Werner - III
51327: Franz von Höhnel - Eumycetes et Myxomycetes 45 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 25
51279: Franz Baron Nopcsa - Dinosaurierreste aus Siebenbürgen III (Weitere Schädelreste von Mochlodon) 36 pages with 2 plates and 21 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 7
66096: Franz V., - Viviparus menzelii Franz, die diluviale Paludine von Phöben bei Potsdam
54805: Franz Ritter von Hauer, - Ueber neue Verbindungen des Chlorcadmiums mit basischen Chlormetallen
51373: Franz E. Suess - Die Moravischen Fenster und ihre Beziehung zum Grundgebirge des Hohen Gesenkes 91 pages with 3 plates and 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 4
51407: Franz Maidl - Monographie der Gattung Synagris Latreille (Hymen
51261: Franz Hillebrand - Theorie der scheinbaren Grö§e bei binocularem Sehen 54 pages with 17 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 20
51523: Franz Heritsch - Das Tektonische Fenster von Fischbach 27 pages with 3 plates and 6 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 28
51425: Franz Steindachner - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Flussfische Südamerikas
51149: Franz Krasan - Die Pliocäan-Buche der Auvergne 4 pages with 1 plate, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 14
51390: Franz Steindachner - Zur Fischfauna des Dscha, eines sekundären Nebenflusses des Kongo, im Bezirke Molundu, Kamerun 64 pages with 9 plates and 12 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 14
51506: Franz Maidl - XV
51246: Franz Steindachner - Fische aus dem stillen Ocean
51155: Franz Steindachner - Über einige Fischarten Mexico«s und die Seen, in welchen sie vorkommen von Prinzessin Therese von Bayern 14 pages with 3 plates and 1 map in the text, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 4
51221: Franz Baron Nopcsa - Dinosaurierreste aus Siebenbürgen
51178: Franz Steindachner - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Sü§wasserfische der Balkan-Halbinsel 8 pages with 2 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 10
70852: Franzen D. & Leonard A.B., - The Mollusca of the Wakarusa River Valley [Kansas]
11785: Franzen D.S., - Types of mollusks described by F
11774: Franzen D.S., - Anatomy of Succinea ovalis
71958: Frassineti A., - Il tubo e il cubo
66447: Frate T., - I problemi del Baltico
67572: Fratello ignoto, - L'epopea segreta della Massonieria - preghiera dei Massoni, i sette punti di iniziazione suprema
68974: Frattini A., - O sposarmi o niente
54070: Frauenfeld G., - Über eine neur Fliegengattung Raymondia, aus der familie der Coriacen, nebst Beschreibung zweier Arten derselben
60289: Fraunfelter G.H. & J. Utgaard J., - Middle Pennsylvanian edrioasteroid from southern Illinois
64869: Fraussen K., - A new Antillophos (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) from the Philippines
20156: Fraussen K. & Jakubzik H., - THe discovery of living specimens of Quasisipho torquatus (Buccinidae) and its transfer to the genus Plicifusus
20153: Fraussen K. & Hadron R., - A new and striking Fusinus (Fasciolariidae) from Chile
74495: Fraussen K. & Dekker H., - A new Euthria (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) from Java
43460: Fraussen K. & Hadorn R., - A new species of Buccinidae from the Philippine Islands
64867: Fraussen K., Dharma B. & Stahlschmidt P., - Recent and fossil: Nassarius nebulonis sp
65567: Fraussen K., - Enigmaticolus, a new genus of deep water buccinids (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) with description of a new species from Madagascar
66339: Fraussen K., Monnier E. & Rosado J., - Two new Engina Gray, 1839 (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) from south-west Indian Ocean
66549: Fravega P. et al., - Significato degli episodi coralgali a Nord di Sassello
60146: Frederick, R. B., W. R. Clark, & E. E. Klaas, - Behavior, energetics, and management of refuging waterfowl: a simulation model
58107: Fredrick J.F. (Ed.), - Plant Growth Regulators
64983: Freeman, A.N.D., Marshall , B.A., Maxwell, P.A., Walker , M.W. and Nicholls , D.C. , - Recent molluscan name-bearing types in the Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand
59051: Freeman R.F.H. & Shuttleworth T.J., - Distribution of dry matter between the tissues and coelom in Arenicola marina (L
58606: Freeman R.F. & Shuttleworth T.J., - Distribution of water in Arenicola marina (Polychaeta) equilibrated to diluted sea water
73807: Freess W.B., - Beitrage zur Kenntnis von Fauna und Flora des marinen Mitteloligozans bei Leipzig
68000: Freneix S., Saint Martin J.P. & Moissette P., - Hu"tres du Messinien d'Oranie (Algérie occidentale) et paléobiologie de l'ensemble de la faune de bivalves
72518: Freneix S., - Bivalves neocretaces de Nouvelle-Caledonie
72721: Freneix, S. & J. Sornay - Artigesia, genre nouveau de Monopleuridae du Maestrichtien de Royan (Charente-Maritime)
72776: Freneix S., - Au sujet du phylum Neopycnodonte navicularis - Neopycnodonte cochlear
73035: Freneix S., - Daonella indica (Bivalvia) de la région d`Antalya (Bordure sud du Taurus, Turquie)
73036: Freneix S. & Cubaynes R., - Biofaciès à Cuneigervillia-Pteromya et biofaciès à Eomiodon dans l'Hettangien du Quercy (Aquitaine orientale), In 4to, offp
73037: Freneix S., Breton G. & Dubus B., - Le Kimmeridgien de Merrey-sur-Arce (Aube) et sa faune oligospecifique à Placunopsis radiata arcensis nov
73064: Freneix S. & Grant-Mackie J.A., - New Upper Cretaceous Cardiidae (Bivalvia) from New Zealand and New Caledonia
73602: Freneix S., - Etude complémentaire des Lamellibranches du Crétacé de Nouvelle-Calédonie
55905: Frenguelli G., - Resti silicei di microrganismi dei travertini della Somalia
54959: Frenzel W., - Ernährung und Farbstoffbildung von Chlorosplenium aeruginosum
68339: Fretter V. & Graham A., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark
52991: Fretter V. & Pilkington M.C., - Veliger larvae of Taenioglossa and Stenoglossa
68331: Fretter V. & Graham A., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark
68334: Fretter V. & Graham A., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark
68338: Fretter V. & Graham A., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark - Part
10160: Fretter V. & Graham A., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark
64620: Fretter V., - Studies on the functional morphology and embryology of Onchidella celtica and their bearing on its relationship
68386: Fretter V. & Graham A., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark
6732: Fretter V., - Interrelations of the monotocardian gastropods
68336: Fretter V., Graham A. & Andrews E.B., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark part 9 - Pyramidellacea
65436: Fretter V., - Metamorphic changes in the velar musculature, head and shell of some prosobranch veligers
37165: Fretter V., - The genital ducts of Theodoxus, Lamellaria and Trivia, and a discussion on their evolution in the prosobranchs
61572: Fretter V. & Bun Hian K., - Observations on the reproductive system of the aplysiid Dolabella auricularia
32760: Fretter V. & Montgomery M.C. - The treatment of food by prosobranch veligers
61230: Fretter V. & Manly R., - Algal associations of Tricolia pullus, Lacuna vincta and Cerithiopsis tubercularis with special reference to the settlement of their larvae
63086: Fretter V. & Shale D., - Select Seasonal Changes in Population Density and Vertical Distribution of prosobranch veligers in offshore Plankton at Plymouth
10956: Fretter V., - The anatomy of the prosobranch Circulus striatus (Philippi) and a review of its systematic position
11782: Fretter V., - Experiments with P32 and I131 on species of Helix, Arion, and Agriolimax
41680: Fretter V. & Pilkington M.C., - The larval shell of some prosobranch gastropods
68357: Fretter V. & Graham A., - The prosobranch molluscs of Britain and Denmark
72802: Fretter V., - The anatomy and feeding of the volutacean prosobranch Volvarina taeniolata Mörch
8372: FRETTER V., - Observations on the anatomy of Mikadotrochus amabilis Bayer
8373: Fretter V., Graham A. & McLean J.H., - The anatomy of the Galapagos rift limpet, Neomphalus fretterae
60841: Freud S., - Sessualita' e vita amorosa

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