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63504: Cherbonnier, G., - Sur une nouvelle espèce d'holothurie dendrochirote du Golfe de Guinéee: Hemioedema multipodia n
63479: Cherbonnier, G., - Nouvelles especes d'holothuries des cotes d'Afrique du sud et du Mozambique
63503: Cherbonnier, G., - Redescription de l'Holothurie Aspidochirote Holothuria (Thymiosycia) truncata Lamper + Présence de l'Holothurie apode Opheodesoma spectabilis Fischer sur la côte est de l'"le de Zanzibar
65118: Cherbonnier G. & Nataf G., 1973 (1974) - Astropecten des côtes occidentales d'Afrique
59337: Cherchi A. & Schroeder R., - Dictyorbitolina ichnusae n
67792: Cherchi M.A., - Note su Atractaspis scorteccii Parker (Ophidia)
67793: Cherchi M.A., - Note su Agama robecchi Blgr
67783: Cherchi M.A., - Note su Chiromantis petersi kelleri Boettger e sui suoi nidi (Amphibia)
59336: Cherhi A. & Schroeder R., - Eclusia decastroi n
35124: Chesnut V. K., - Some common poisonous plants
46937: Chestnut H. , - Influence of Technology on Modern World Evolution and Use of Dynamic Models of Macro-Economic Systems in Development Planning
62938: Chevrolat A. - Description de tros Longicornes nouveaux
69259: Chiang Chih Wei & Tseng Chih Ming, - Snakes of Taiwan
68900: Chiapponi M., Lorenz F. & Marshall S., - A new subspecies of Cribrarula fallax E
33371: Chiarelli S., Micali P. & Quadri P., - Note su alcune specie mediterranee del genere Mitrella Risso,1826
56854: Chiariglione A., - Flora del bacino della Stura di Lanzo: specie protette, rare o interessanti
73401: Child J., - Australian sea shells (III ed
22988: Childe V.G., - Il progresso nel mondo antico; Torino, Einaudi
73994: Chiplonkar G.W. & Tapaswi, P.M., - Comments on some pterioids (excluding Inoceramids and Ostreiids), Veneroids and Pholadomyids from the upper Cretaceous of Trichinopoly District, South India
72562: Chiplonkar G.W. & Badve R.M., - Palaeontology of the Bagh Beds - I-Bivalvia (excluding Inoceramidae and Ostreacee)
73058: Chiplonkar G.W. & Tapaswi P.M., - Bivalvia from the Upper Cretaceous of Trichinopoly District, South India - Part 1: Inoceramidae
75211: Chirli C., - Il genere Caecum Fleming, 1817 nel Pliocene toscano
61909: Chirli C. & Micali P., - Gibbula saeniensis n
74112: Chirli C., - Censimento della Malacofauna Calabriana Italiana Gasteropodi 1
68761: Chirli C. & Forli M., - Il Calabriano della Toscana
75374: Chirli C., - Censimento della Malacofauna Calabriana Italiana Gasteropodi 2
72148: Chirli C. & Forli M., - The family Rissoidae Gray, 1847 from Miocene to present day
69384: Chistikov S.D., - Modern mollusks of the family Entalinidae (Scaphopoda, Gadilida)
54509: Chittenden F.H., - Insects injurious to benas and peas
66009: Chittleborough G., - Puberty, physical maturity, and relative growth of the female humpback whale, Megaptera nodosa (Bonnaterre), on the Western Australian coast
74086: Choe B.L., & Park J.K., - Seven Unrecorded Mesogastropodous Species (Gastropoda: Mollusca) from Korean Waters - Superfamilies Littorinacea, Tornacea, Rissoinacea, and Cerithiacea
27421: Choquet M., - Biologie de Patella vulgata dans le Boulonnais
74130: Christ H.A., - Beiträge zur Stratigraphie und Paläontologie des Malm von Westsizilien
28997: Christ, H., - Die Rosen der Schweiz mit Berücksichtigung der umliegenden Gebiete Mittel- und Südeuropa's
74241: Christensen W.K., - Paleobiogeography and migration in the Late Cretaceous belemnite family Belemnitellidae
73610: Christensen W.K., - Upper Cretaceous belemnites from the Kristianstad area in Scania
33161: Christiaens J., - Les Fisurelles europeennes
72606: Christiaens J., - Nomenclatural list of all the patelliform genera arised from the genus Patella Linnaeus, 1758
59096: Christie G. - A comparative study of the reproductive cycles of three Northumberland populations of Chaetozone setosa (Polychaeta : Cirratulidae)
24795: Christow C.P., - Zur frage der Wirkung von Antifermente auf Trichomonas vaginalis
155: Christy T., - New commercial plants with directions how to grow them to the best advantage
63768: Chung-Cheng Lu Wen-Sung Chung, - Guide To The Cephalopods of Taiwan
62874: Churcher C.S. & Wilson M., - Quaternary mammals from the eastern Peace River District, Alberta
57540: Cialente F:, - Il vento sulla sabbia
50509: Ciampo G., - Alcuni ostracodi del Miocene superiore piemontese
60591: Ciampo G., - Ostracofaune plioceniche della Calabria ionica
59260: Ciampo G., - Su alcune Parakrithe del Miocene superiore italiano
59113: Ciampo G., - Ostracodi fossili (Oligocene superiore - Serravalliano) del monte Cammarata (Sicilia centro-occidentale) e del ragusano (Sicilia sud-orientale)
59022: Ciampo G., - Ostracodi del limite Tortoniano/Messiniano in alcune sezioni italiane
59020: Ciampo G., - Nuove specie di ostracodi pliocenici della Calabria ionica
68071: Cianfanelli S., Talenti E., Nardi G. & Bodon M., - Alzoniella cervarensis: un nuovo idrobiide freatobio del versante adriatico pugliese (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Hydrobiidae)
63212: Cianfanelli S., Calcagno M., Talenti E., - Emmericia patula (Brumati, 1838), nuovi dati sulla distribuzione in Italia
74935: Cianfanelli S., Talenti E., Innocenti G. & Bodon M., - Annotated catalogue of the types of Mollusc taxa described by the Marquise Marianna Panciatichi Ximenes d'Aragona Paulucci preserved at the Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence (Part two)
74940: Cianfanelli E. et al., - Etruscotricha folcoi gen
74478: Cianfanelli S., Manfanelli G. & Giusti F., - A new species of Schileykiella from Marettimo (Aegadian Islands, Itly) and discussion on relationship of cilielline hygromiids (Gastropods, Pulmonata, Hygromiidae)
72675: Cianfanelli S., Talenti E., Innocenti G. & Bodon M., - Annotated catalogue of the types of Mollusc taxa described by the Marquise Marianna Panciatichi Ximenes d'Aragona Paulucci preserved at the Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence (Part one)
46548: Ciaranfi E. & Di Marco A. (Eds.), - Fondamenti biochimici dei processi di crescita normale e neoplastica
59091: Cigala Fulgosi F., - Dicerorhinus helitoechus (Falconer) del post-Villafranchiano fliuvio-lacustre del T
56632: Cimino G., Sodano F. & Villani G., - Studio su basi chimiche dei comportamenti biologici dei molluschi opistobranchi
57963: Cimino G., 1878/79 - Sul porto di Palermo
34942: Cimmino F., - Vita quotidiana degli Egizi
9980: Cinelli F., - La vita del mare
30098: Cinotti M., - Arte del Rinascimento Barocco e Rococ˜
57382: Cisne J.L., - Paleoecology of trilobites of the Kaibab limestone (Permian) in Arizona, Utah, and Nevada In 8vo, stapled, pp
68555: Cisotto L. & Parisatti A., - Sul comportamento delle bocche lagunari - Contributo alla maggior conoscenza storica dei fenomeni lagunari nel quadro della salvaguardia di Venezia
466: Clamens R.P., - Essai de grammaire senufo tagwana
60603: Clancy T. & Greenberg M., - L'avversario - Giochi di potere
60607: Clancy T., - Il cardinale del Cremlino, Milano, Rizzoli
17165: Clapham A.R., Tutin T.G. & Warburg E.F., - Excursion Flora of the British Isles - Third edition
70648: Clapp W.F., - Notes on the stenomorphic form on the shipworm
71303: Clapp W.F., - Eggs and young of the river limpet, Ancylus fuscus C
59038: Clari P., Proto Decima F., Ricci B. & Samp˜ M., - Facies di piattaforma nell'Oligocene medio del Monferrato
35881: Claridge P. N. et al Williams C. V., - Abundance, life history and ligulosis in the gobies (Teleostei) of the Inner Severn estuary
60040: Clark M.H., - Uno sconosciuto nell'ombra
61854: Clark, R.N. - Three new chitons of the genus Lepidozona Pilsbry, 1892 (Polyplacophora: Ischnochitonidae) from the Aleutian Islands
43639: CLARK A.H., - A monograph of the existing crinoids: The Comatulids - Vol
43638: CLARK A.H., - A monograph of the existing crinoids: The Comatulids - Vol
60143: Clark R.J., - A field study of the short-eared owl, Asio flammeus (Pontoppidan), in North America
23113: Clark J.G., - L' Europa preistorica - Gli aspetti della vita materiale; Torino, Einaudi
63931: Clark A.H., - Ophiuroidea of the Hawaiian Islands
43640: CLARK A.H., - A monograph of the existing crinoids: The Comatulids - Vol
32707: Clark M.R., - Cephalopoda Collected on the Sond Cruise
15426: Clark, H. L. - Reports on the scientific results of the "Albatross" expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific, Oct
68708: Clark W.H. & Salisbury R., - New Land Snail Records for Baja California Sur, Mexico
43577: Clark K. B. & DeFreese D., - Population ecology of Caribbean Ascoglossa (Mollusca: Opithobranchia): a study of specialized algal herbivores
72085: Clark, R.N., - The chiton fauna of the Gulf of California rhodolith beds (with descriptions of four new species
72822: Clark II G.R., - Shell convexity in Argopecten gibbus: variation with depth in Harrington sound, Bermuda
73171: Clark B.L., - A new family and new genus from the Tertiary of the Pacific coast
60128: Clarke A.C., - Storie di terra e spazio
69840: Clarke A.H. jr., - A giant ultra-abyssal Cocculina (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from the Argentine basin
32798: Clarke M.R. & Stevens J.D. - Cephalopods, blue sharks and migration
61758: Clarke A.C., - Preludio allo spazio
71735: Clarke A.H. & Harinbtron C.R., - Asian freshwater mollusks from Pleistocene deposits in the Old Crow Basin, Yukon Territory
62760: Clarke A.H., - Arctic archibenthal and abyssal mollusks from drifting station Alpha
62882: Clarke M.J., - The Tasmanian Permian spiriferid brachiopods Trigonotreta stokesi, Koenig, 1825, Grantonia hobartensis, Brown, 1953 and Spirifer tasmaniensis, Morris, 1845
71488: Clarke A.H., Grant D.R. & Macpherson E., - The Relationship of Atractodon stonei (Pilsbry) (Mollusca, Buccinidae) to the Pleistocene Stratigraphy and Paleoecology of Southwestern Nova Scotia
68577: Clarke A.C., - Le sabbie di Marte
70718: Clarke A.H., - Catalogue and illustrations of mollusks described by Wesley Newcomb , with a biographical resume
64496: Clarke A.H., - On the composition, zoogeography, origin and age of the deep-sea mollusk fauna
30623: Clarke M.R. & Lu C.C., - Vertical distribution of Cephalopods at 30° N 23° W in the North Atlantic
31999: Clarke M.R., Fitch J.E., Kristensen T., Kuboderas T. & Maddock L., - Statoliths of one fossil and four living squids (Gonatidae: Cephalopoda)
71521: Clarke A.H. - The land snail fauna of Fundy National Park, New Brunswick
62144: Clarke A.C., - 2010 Odissea Due
71962: Clarke A.C., - All'Insegna Del Cervo Bianco
65634: Clarke A.H., - Arctic Archibenthal and Abyssal Molluscs - II: Molluscs dredged from drifting station Charlie (Alpha
59193: Clarke A., - Il tesoro della Grande Scogliera
60885: Clarke L., - La guerra di Troia: Le leggende degli eroi
65938: Clarke A.C., - Terra imperiale
63136: Clarke A.H., - The tribe Alasmidontini (Unionidae: Anodontinae), Part I: Pegias, Alasmidonta and Arcidens
71786: Clarke A.H., - On Acroloxus coloradensis (Henderson) (Gastropoda, Basommatophora) in Eastern Canada
71035: Clarke, A.A. Jr. - Two new subspecies of Neptunea decemcostata
61139: Clarke A.H., - Polymorphism in marine mollusks and biome development
8146: Clarke A.H., - New abyssal molluscs from off Bermuda collected by the Lamont Geological Observatory
8148: Clarke A.H., - Sublittoral molluscs and brachiopods from the Gulf of St
8955: Clarke A.H. jr., - The scallop superspecies Aequipecten irradians (Lamarck)
60870: Clarkson P.S. & Shepherd S.A., - Distribution and feeding of archaeogastropods in a boulder habitat at West Island, South Australia
63255: Claro, R., J. P. García-Arteaga, Y. Bouchon, M. Louis, & C. Bouchon, 1998. - La estructura de las comunidades de peces en los arrecifes de las Antillas Menores y Cuba In 8vo, offp
54583: Clasen G., - Die Muskeln und Nerven des proximalen Abschnittes der vorderen Extremität des Kaninchens
41035: Clavier J. & Richard O., - Growth of juvenile Haliotis tuberculata (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in their natural environment
57941: Clayton P.A. & Price M.J., - Le Sette Meraviglie del Mondo Torino, Giulio Einaudi
72333: Clayton J.M., - All colour book of seashells
23553: Clegg E.J., - Homo sapiens; Torino, Boringhieri
57048: Cleland John, - Memoires de Fanny Hill par John Cleland (XVIII siecle) entierement traduits de l'Anglais par Isidore Liseux
58170: Clemenceau G, - Grandezze e miserie di una vittoria
16487: Clench W.J. & Turner R.D., - The genus Truncatella in the Western Atlantic
16456: Clench W.J., - The genera Tectarius and Echininus in the Western Atlantic
70418: Clench W.J., - Monograph of the genus Spiroceramus (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Urocoptidae)
71760: Clench W.J., - A new Cerion from Bimini, Bahamas (Mollusca)
61724: Clench, W.J. - A biography of Andrew Garrett, early naturalist of Polynesia: Part 2: Catalogue of molluscan species and bibliography
62762: Clench W.J., - Land and freshwater mollusks of the Crooked Island group, Bahamas
62761: Clench W.J., - Land and freshwater mollusks of Great and Little Inagua, Bahamas Islands
62785: Clench W.J. & Aguayo C.G., - The genera Xenophora and Tugurium in the Western Atlantic
62784: Clench W.J. & Abbott R.T., - The genera Cypraecassis, Morum, Sconsia and Dalium in the Western Atlantic
62786: Clench W.J., - The genera Bathyaurinia, Rehderia and Scaphella in the Western Atlantic
9991: Clench W.J., - A catalogue of the Cerionidae (Moll
64601: Clench W.J., - The land mollusca of the Solomon Islands (Succinaeidae, Bulimulidae and Partulidae)
64188: Clench W.J., - The genera Purpura and Thais in the Western Atlantic
71928: Clench W.J., - Two new land and freshwater mollusks from New Guinea
20668: Clench W.J. & Abbott R.T., - The genera Gaza and Livona in the Western Atlantic
66085: Clench W.J., - New species of land mollusks with notes on other species from the Solomon Islands
64725: Clench, W. J., - Notes and descriptions of new Cerions from Hispaniola and the Bahama Islands, based mainly upon collections obtained during the Utowana Expedition of 1934
72184: Clench W.J. & Jacobson M.K., - Monograph of the Cuban genus Viana (Moll
8957: CLENCH W.J. & TURNER R.D., - The genus Bankia in the western Atlantic
9995: Clench W.J., - Notes and descriptions of new Urocoptidae from Cuba and Hispaniola (Moll
58262: Clerici E. & Villa M.L., - Immunologia generale - Seconda edizione
67988: Clessin S., - Die Molluskenfauna Oesterreich-Ungarns und der Schweiz
70071: Clessin S., - Alluviale Conchylien, welche bei der Ausbaggerung des Umschlaghafen bei Regensburg gefunden wurden
66815: Cleva R., - Les Bathypalaemonellidae de Saint-Laurent, 1985 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea) avec description d'une espèce nouvelle et définition d'un genre nouveau
72020: Clewes H., - Un marinaio ritorna
71944: Climo F.M., - Additions to the Land Snail Fauna of the Poor Knights Islands, New Zealand
71951: Climo F. M., - A New Species of Paryphanta (Mollusca: Paryphantidae) from South-West Fiordland, New Zealand
65666: Climo F.M., - The anatomy of Gegania valkyrie Powell (Mollusca: Heterogastropoda: Mathildidae) with notes on other Heterogastropoda
71946: Climo F.M., - Classification of New Zealand Arionacea (Mollusca: Pulmonata)
75407: Climo F.M., - Classification of New Zealand Arionacea: A review of the New Zealand charopine snails with lamellate apertures
71947: Climo F. M., - Classification of New Zealand Arionacea (Mollusca: Pulmonata)
70943: Climo F.M., - Venustilifer bountyensis (Powell) (Mollusca: Stiliferidae)
59642: Cloulas I., - Lorenzo il Magnifico - volume I
69485: Clovel P. & Touitou D., - Cônes de Martinique et de Guadeloupe - Cone Shells of Martinique & Guadeloupe
33193: Coaldrake J.E., - The coastal sand dunes of Southern Queensland
61407: Coan E.V., - The eastern Pacific Recent species of the bivalve genus Gari (Tellinoidea: Psammobiidae), with notes on western Atlantic and fossil taxa
61406: Coan, E.V. - A new species of Panacca from Chile (Bivalvia: Pholadomyoidea: Paralimyidae)
13090: Coan E.V., - A proposed reclassification of the family Marginellidae (Gastropoda)
61728: Coan, E.V. - Designation of a neotype for the pismo clam, Tivela stultorum (Mawe, 1823), and lectotypes for synymomous nominal taxa (Bivalvia: Veneridae)
75044: Coan E.V., - The tropical eastern Pacific species of the Condylocardiidae (Bivalvia)
72687: Coan E.V., - Recent Eastern Pacific species of Sanguinolaria and Psammotella (Bivalvia: Psammobidae)
72400: Cobban W.A. & Kennedy W.J., - Maastrichtian Ammonites Chiefly from the Prairie Bluff Chalk in Alabama and Mississippi
67654: Cobos A., - Nuevas especies de Buprestidae (Coleoptera) de Nueva Guinea
66540: Cocchi Genick D., - Testimonianze relative al tardo Neolitico dalle cave di sabbia di Massaciuccoli
28527: Cockayne L., - The Cockayne Memorial Lecture, 1965 - Leonard Cockayne, botanist
6565: Cockerell T.D. & Collinge W.E., - A checlist of the slugs with appendix and notes
71151: Cockerell, T.D. A. & Henderson, J., - Mollusca from the Tertiary strata of the West
65293: Coehlo P., - Come il fiume che scorre
65295: Coehlo P., - Il vincitore è solo
65307: Coehlo P., - Le valchirie
65308: Coehlo P., - La strega di Portobello
69526: Coehlo P., - L'alchimista
65301: Coelho P., - Sulla sponda del fiume Piedra mi sono seduta e ho pianto
65303: Coelho P., - Il diavolo e la signorina Prym
64386: Coelho P., - Biografia di un narratore
56196: Coelho, R. & Calado, G., - Spawn and early development of NE Atlantic species of Hypselodoris (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia)
62376: Coen G., - Sulla convenienza della unificazione delle raccolte sistematiche nei musei quando non vi ostino particolari ragioni
67877: Coen G., - Di una nuova forma mediterranea di Calliostoma
73247: Cognetti G. & Sarà M., - Biologia Marina
58900: Cohat Y., - Le balene - Giganti del mare
57780: Coiffait H., - Staphylinides récoltés par le Dr
57781: Coiffait H., - Contribution a la connaissance des Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) des ëles Andaman
67888: Coiffmann I., - Sul sistema nervoso della Vaginula solea
67887: Coiffmann I., - Su una nuova specie di Vaginula Sud-Americana
67499: Coifmann I., - Vaginulidi raccolti dal prof
7513: Coker R.E., - This great and wide sea
62130: Colacicchi P., - Il libro del whisky
39668: Colalongo M. L. & Pasini G., - Ostracofauna plio-pleistocenica batiale rinvenuta nel Pozzo 654A dell'ODP Leg 107 (Mare Tirreno occidentale)
73244: Cole W.S., - Names of and variation in certain American larger foraminifera, particularly the Eocene pseudophragminids - No
21627: COLEMAN N. & CUFF W., - The abundance, distribution and diversity of the molluscs of Western Port, Victoria, Australia
19701: Coleman N., - A survey of the molluscs of Crib Point, Western Port, Victoria
20440: Coleman N., - Molluscs from the diets of commercially exploited fish off the coast of Victoria, Australia
73644: Coleman N., - Discover Loloata Island: Sea Shore to Sea Floors, Marine Life Guide to Papua New Guinea
56934: Colerus E., - Il romanzo della geometria - Dal punto alla quarta dimensione
54962: Colgan DJ, Ponder WF, Beacham E, & Macaranas J., - Gastropod phylogeny based on six segments from four genes representing coding or non-coding and mitochondrial or nuclear DNA
67798: Colla A., - Anophthalmus fuartensis n
75438: Collegius Salmaticensis, - Cursus theologiae moralis tomus sextus, sex continens tractatus: 1
3436: Collier C.L. & Farmer W.M., - Additions to the nudibranch fauna of the East Pacific and the Gulf of California
63638: Collignon J., - la pêche au chalut sur les côtes d' A
62782: Collins A. & Ogilvie-Herald C., - La cospirazione di Tutankhamen
34338: Collins M.A., Burnell G.M. & Rodhouse P.G., - Age and growth of the squid Loligo forbesi in Irish waters
73824: Collins D., Ward P.F. & Westermann G.-E., - Function of cameral water in Nautilus
73017: Collinson C., - Collection and preparation of conodonts through mass production technique
41747: Colliver F. S. & Woolston F. P., - The aborigines of Stradbroke Island
69670: Colomba M.S., Gregorini A., Cilia D.P., Liberto F., Reitano A. & Sparacio I., - Molecular studies on the genus Muticaria Lindholm, 1925 (Pulmonata Clausiliidae) from the Maltese Islands
66501: Colomba M.S., Liberto F., Reitano A., Renda W., Pocaterra G., Gregorini A. & Sparacio I., - Molecular studies on the genus Medora H
65224: Colonna B., - Dizionario degli errori e dei dubbi della lingua italiana
34523: Colonnetti G. & Pugno G.M., - Su l'isteresi elastica dell'alluminio e delle sue leghe
68251: Colosi G., - Rapporti faunistici fra la Cirenaica, l'Egitto e le regioni limitrofi
71517: Colosi G., - Testacellidi conservati nel R
68249: Colosi G., - Carlo Pollonera
74193: Coltro J. & Coltro M., 1993- - Two illustrated price lists (02/1993 and 01/1994) of "Femorale"
74195: Coltro J. & Coltro M., 1995- - Two illustrated price lists (02/1994 and 02/1995) of "Femorale"
74196: Coltro J. & Coltro M., s.d. - An illustrate price list "Panipucci collection 1" of "Femorale"
65795: Colwell R.K. & Coddington J.A., - Estimating terrestrial biodiversity through extrapolation
73880: Coma Vidal P., - Fondo marino
42942: Combémorel R. & Mariotti N., - First record of Duvalia tithonica, a marker of Upper Tithonian in Central Apennines
55593: Comel A., - Osservazioni sulla flora dei prati naturali goriziani
53208: Comes O., - La luce e la traspirazione nelle piante
46434: Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica - Documento sulla sicurezza delle biotecnologie
46435: Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica - Problemi della raccolta e trattamento del liquido seminale umano per finalità diagnostiche
70927: Compton R.R., - A new Paleocene gastropod from Southern California
66082: Compton-Burnett I., - Madre e figlio
68180: Compton D.G., - Marte, colore di sangue
66211: Compton D.G., - Crononauti
58905: Compton J., - I fiori da giardino
63450: Conan G., - Description d'une actinie méditerranéenne: Ragactis pulchra Andres,
67457: Conci C., Ossiannilsson F. & Tamanini L., - Bactericera parastriola sp
67432: Conci C. & Tamanini L., - Twenty-six species of Psylloidea new for Italy
65779: Coney C.C., - Bellascintilla parmaleeana new genus and species from the Tropical Eastern Pacific, with a review of the other, ventrally notched galeommatid genera (Bivalvia: Galeommatidae)
68136: Coney M., - Rax
71285: Conklin E.G., - Disorientation of development in Crepidula plana produced by low temperatures
60042: Connelly M., - La bionda di cemento
62004: Connelly M., - L'ombra del coyote
74223: Connolly M., - Notes on South African Mollusca : I - Some South African Tiarinae; II - The genus Marinula, King with diagnosis of an undescribed species; III: A mnograph of the Dorcasiinae + Appendix - Undetermined vareties
62166: Conrad, T. A. 1832-1837 (1963 reprint) - Fossil Shells of The Tertiary Formations of North America
59364: Conrad J., - La linea d'ombra; Una confessione
470: Conrad W., - Sur les associations d'une source à Auderghem [Belgique]
60569: Conrad J., - Tifone
61656: Conrad J.,, - Romanzi e racconti d'avventura di terra e di mare
58592: CONRAD J., - Romanzi del mare - Il negro del Narciso
60670: Conroy P., - Il principe delle maree
59821: Consiglio A., - Lucky Luciano
68670: Consolo V., - Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio
51125: Constantin Freiherr von Ettingshausen - Über neue Pflanzenfossilien aus den Tertiärschichten Steiermarks 32 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 16
68257: Constantin R. & Liberti G., - Materiali per una fauna dell'arcipelago toscano XXIX: Un sorprendente Malachiidae dell'Isola di Pianosa: Planasiella aptera n
51172: Constantin Freiherr von Ettingshausen - Über die Nervation der Blätter bei der Gattung Quercus mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer vorweltlichen Arten 64 pages with 12 plates in Naturselbstdruck und 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 11
51156: Constantin Freiherr von Ettingshausen - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Kreideflora Australiens 57 pages with 4 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 18
64127: Contenau G., - La civiltà degli Assiri e dei babilonesi
56933: CONTI (Giusto de'), - La bella mano di Giusto de'Conti romano senatore e Una raccolta delle Rime antiche di diversi Toscani
43491: Conti S. & Serpagli E., - Bimineralic (calcareous and phosphatic) skeleton in Late Ordovician Bryozoa from Sardinia: geological implications
60974: Conti S. & Serpagli E., - Bimineralic (calcareous and phosphatic) skeleton in Late Ordovician Bryozoa from Sardinia: geological implications
41603: Conti S. & Serpagli E., - A new interpretation of the anthozoan Septodaeum Bischoff, 1978 as a bryozoan
34934: Conti, Lino, - Giuseppe Neri: un matematico aristotelico all'Accademia dei Lincei
73547: Conti M.A. & Fischer J.C., - Gasteropodi bajociani: Ecologia e paleobiogeografia
58358: Cook M.T., - Records of virus diseases of plants in Puerto Rico + Phloem necrosis in the stripe disease of corn + Descriptions of virus diseases of plants + First supplement to the Host Index of virus diseases of plants + First supplement to Index of vector of virus diseases of plants + Second supplement to Partial bibliography of virus diseases of plants
12500: Cook L.M. & Peake J.F., - A study of some populations of Cepaea nemoralis L
74997: Cook A.G., - Gastropods from the Burdekin Formation, Middle
58291: Cook M.T., - Host index of viruses diseases of plants + Index of vectors of virus deseas of plants
74996: Cook A.G., - Gastropods from the Ukalunda beds and Douglas Creek, Early Devonian, North Queensland
25118: Cook M.T., - La ro–a de la toronja en Puerto Rico
66195: Cook R., - La cavia
60066: Cook A., - Functional aspects of trail following by the carnivorous snail Euglandina rosea
69804: Cooke C.M. & Kondo Y., 1960 [1971] - Revision of Tornatellinidae and Achatinellidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata)
57932: Cooke C.M. & Crampton H.E., - New species of Partula
37497: Cooke H. B. S., - The Pleistocene environment in Southern Africa
70785: Cooke C.W., - New Vicksburg (Oligocene) mollusks from Mexico
73837: Cooke A.H., Shipley M.A. & Reed F.R.C., 1895 (1968) - Molluscs, Brachiopods (recent), Brachiopods (fossil)
64710: Coomans H.E., Moolenbeek R.G. & Wils E., - Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae 1: abbas to adansoni
16334: Coomans H.E., - Abnormal sinistrorsity in the Marginellidae
25766: Coomans H.E., - Biological aspects of mangrove mollusks in the West Indies
64889: Coomans H.E., Moolenbeek R.G. & Wils E., - Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae 9: ebraeus to extraordinarius with the description of Conus elegans ramalhoi, nov subspecies
20127: Coomans H.E., Moolenbeek R.G. & Wils E., - Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae 3: albus to antillarum, with the description of Conus algoensis agulhasi, nov subspecies
20120: Coomans H.E., Moolenbeek R.G. & Wils E., - Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae 5: baccatus to byssinus, including Conus brettinghami nomen novum
16339: Coomans H.E. & Faber M.J., - Triforis barbadensis, a n
71215: Coomans H.E., - Histoire en systematiek van de Marginellidae
61812: Coomans H.E., Moolenbeek R.G. & Wils E., - Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae
64678: Coomans H.E., - The genus Pachybathron (Gastropoda)
14503: Coomans H.E., - Marginella orstomi, a new species from deeper water off the coast of West Africa
64779: Coomans H.E. , Moolenbeek R.G. & Wils E., - Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae 8
65089: Coomans H.E. , Moolenbeek R.G. & Wils E., - Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae 6
64774: Coomans H.E., Moolenbeek R.G. & Wils E., - Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae 7: cingulatus to cylindraceus, including Conus shikamai nomen novum
67052: Coomans H.E., Moolenbeek R.G. & Wils E., 1979- - Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae [from abbas to extraordinarius]
65117: Coomans H.E., Moolenbeek R.G. & Wils E., - Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae 4: aphrodite to azona with the description of Conus arenatus bizona, nov subspecies
71117: Coomans H.E., - The classification of Columbella dormitor with description of a new genus Minipyrene
64714: Coomans H.E., Moolenbeek R.G. & Wils E., - Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in recent Conidae 2: adansoni to albuquerquei
56391: Coombs W.P., - The bony eyelid of Euoplocephalus (Reptilia, Ornithischia)
55002: Coombs W.P., - Forelimb muscles of the Ankylosauria (Reptilia, Ornithischia)
18095: Coombs S.H., Nichols J.H., Conway D.V., Milligan S. & Halliday N.C., - Food availability for sprat larvae in the Irish Sea
57373: Cooper B.J., - Multielement conodonts from the St Clair Limestone (Silurian) of southern Illinois
60144: Cooper, J. A. - The History and Breeding Biology of the Canada Geese of Marshy Point, Manitoba
71490: Cooper J.G., - Catalogue of the land and fresh-water Mollusca of Lower California
57376: Cooper G.A., - Lower Cambrian brachiopods from the Rift Valley (Israel and Jordan)
71272: Cooper R.B., - Salinity tolerance of Rangia cuneata (Pelecypoda: Mactridae) in relation to its estuarine environment: a review
66271: Cooper M.R. & Kensley B., - Endemic South American Permian bivalve molluscs from the Ecca of South Africa
75467: Cooper B.J., - Multielement conodonts from the Brassfield Limestone (Silurian) of southern Ohio
72560: Cooper M.R., - Pycnodonteine oysters from the Upper Cretaceous of Zululand
72561: Cooper M.R., - Exogyrid oysters (Bivalvia: Gryphaeoidea) from the Cretaceous of southeast Africa
73316: Cooper E., - Transit
69585: Coovert G.A. & Coovert H.K., - Revision of the supraspecific classification of Marginelliform Gastropods
62359: Coppa M., - L'arte bonsai
62866: Copper P., - New Siluro-Devonian atrypoid brachiopods
62388: Coppini M., Cuneo F., Margelli A., Campani E., - Gastropoda e Scaphopoda del Porto di Livorno
53122: Copppis G. & De Vos L., - Hairy periostracal ornamentations on Galapagos land snail shells: S
19564: Corbeil R., - Les récents découvertes au Cap-Vert concernant le Paléolithique
67600: Corea L.F., - Reports on the collections obtained by the first Johnson-Smithsonian deep-sea expedition to the Puerto Rican deep
13009: Corgan J.X. & Van Aartsen J.J., - Saurin's pyramidellacean gastropod names
40050: Corgan J. X. & Van Aartsen J. J., - Notes on some European Turbonillid Gastropod names
52537: Corlett J., - The ecology of Morecambe Bay [Northwest England]
68245: Cormaci M., - Indagine statistica sulla sessualità di Fissurella nubecula L
66590: Cornaggia Castiglioni O & Calegari G., - Gli arpioni preistorici italiani
66821: Cornaggia Castiglioni O. & Calegari G., - I pendagli "a busto ginemorfo" del Paleolitico superiore centro - occidentale europeo, con un inventario ragionato dei reperti italiani
38010: Corner E. D., Head R.N., Kilvington C.C. & Pennycuick L., - On the nutrition and metabolism of zooplankton
63085: Cornwell B., - Il cavaliere nero
63620: Cornwell P., - L'ultimo distretto
65359: Cornwell P.D., - Il nido dei calabroni
60595: Cornwell P., - Predatore
64126: Corona M., - La civiltà dell'antica Cina
59429: Correnti S. (cur.), - Canti D'Amore Del Popolo Siciliano
6059: Corselli C. & Bernocchi A., - A revision of the Mediterranean Plio-Pleistocene Dimyidae Fischer, 1886
67561: Corselli C. & Grecchi G., - Considerazioni su una popolazione di Cavolinia gibbosa gibbosa del Mediterraneo orientale
6576: CORSELLI C., 1981 - - La tanatocenosi di un fondo SGCF
6060: Corselli C. & Bernocchi A., - On the presence of Puncturella (Craniopsis) granulata (Seguenza, 1862) in the Pliocene of Northern Italy
60895: Corselli C. & Grecchi G., - Considerazioni sui Thecosomata attuali del bacino del Mediterraneo
66626: Corsi G., G. Gaspari & A.M. Pagni, - L'uso delle piante nell'economia domestica della Versilia collinare e montana
69229: Corsi G. & Pagni A.M., - Studi sulla flora e vegetazione del Monte Pisano (Toscana Nord-occientale) V: Le piante spontanee nella alimentazione popolare
32277: Cort, W.W., - Some North American Larval Trematodes
67080: Cortesi P., - Manoscritti segreti
57999: Corti E., - Ercolano e Pompei: Morte e rinascita di due citta
68580: Corti C. & Lo Cascio P., - I lacertidi italiani
72975: Coryell H.N. & Salmon E.S., - A molluscan faunule from the Pierre Formation in eastern Montana
68437: Cosel R. Von, - The razor shells of the eastern Atlantic
68327: Cosel R. von, - Fifty-one new species of marine bivalves from tropical West Africa
65850: Cossignani T., - South American Landshells - Atlas 2300 colour photos
62798: Cossignani T., - African Landshells - Atlas
55919: Cossignani T. & R. Ardovini, - Malacologia Mediterranea - Atlante delle conchiglie del Mediterraneo
59964: Cossignani T., - Marginellidae and Cystiscidae of the World
74781: Cossignani T. & R. Ardovini, - Malacologia Mediterranea - Atlante delle conchiglie del Mediterraneo
62494: Cossignani T., Cossignani V., Di Nisio A. e Passamonti M., - Atlante delle conchiglie del Medio Adriatico
8053: Cossignani T. & Poppe G., - Conchiglie ed arte primitiva
8745: Cossignani T. & Cossignani V., - Atlante delle conchiglie terrestri e dulciacquicole italiane
70321: Cossmann M., - Appendice n° 1 au Catalogue Illustré des coquilles fossiles de l'Eocéne des environs de Paris
63157: Cossmann M., - Sur quelques pélécypodes du Jurassique français
69223: Costa G., - Il comportamento in acqua di un Ortottero Acridide, Omocestus panteli Bolivar
69212: Costa G., - Prime osservazioni sull'orientamento di Sphingonotus candidus personatus Zanon (Orthoptera, Acrididae)
75110: Costa P.M. & Absal‹o R.S., - Nassarina thetys, sp nov
75219: Costa O.G., 1829 (1980) - Catalogo sistematico e ragionato dei testacei delle Due Sicilie
73362: Costa P.M.S. & De Souza P.J.S., - Two new species of Mitrella Risso, 1826 (Gastropoda, Columbellidae) from west Atlantic
67492: Costantino G., - Elenco delle cocciniglie osservate in Sicilia (Hemiptera - Homoptera, Fam
59867: Cotler G., - Operazione sfinge
65340: Cotterell M.M., - Le Profezie Di Tutankhamon
28782: Cotti G., - Bibliografia ragionata 1930-1961 del gruppo Formica rufa in Italiano, Deutsch, English
70910: Cotton B.C., - Royal Society of South Australia, Malacological Section, Publication
67442: Cotton B.C., - South Australian Mollusca, Archaeogastropoda
56370: Cotton L.A., - Metasomatic processes in a cassiterite vein from New England
70752: Cotton B.C., - Australian Recent and Tertiary Species of the Molluscan family Pyrenidae
29926: Cotton C.A., - Dissection and redissection of the Wellington Landscape
11107: Cotton B.C., - The Molluscs of South Australia
72830: Cotton B.C., - Royal Society of South Australia, Malacological Section, Publication
72900: Cotton C.A., - Review of the Notocenozoic, or Cretaceo-Tertiary of New Zealand
18665: Coursin A., - Observations et experiences faites en avril et mai 1956 sur les barkhanes du Souehel el Abiodh (region est de Port-Etienne)
64123: Courtillier G., - Le antiche civiltà dell'India - precedute da "Quaranta Secoli d'Indianità" a cura di Guy Annequin
72747: Cousteau J.M. & Richards M., - Papua Nuova Guinea
72756: Cousteau J., - L'Amazzonia
7769: Cousteau J.Y. & Diolé P., - The whale mighty monarch of the Sea
72761: Covacevich V. & Frassinetti D., - El genero Cancellaria en el Mioceno de Chile con descripcion de cuatro especies nuevas (Gaastropoda: Cancellariidae)
72846: Covacevich V. & Frassinetti D., - El genero Ficus en el Mioceno de Chile Central con descripcion de F
15610: Cowan I.M. & McLean J.H., - A new species of Puncturella (Cranopsis) form the Northeastern Pacific
60839: Cowan J., - Terre incontaminate
60145: Cowardinm L.M., Gilmer D.S. & Shaiffer C.W., - Mallard Recruitment in the Agricultural Environment of North Dakota
8345: COWELL E.B. - & CROTHERS J.H., - On the occurrence of multiple rows of 'teeth' in the shell of the dog-whelk Nucella lapillus
75021: Cowie R., - The life-cycle and productivity of the land snail Theba pisana (Mollusca: Helicidae)
66329: Cowie R.H., Evenhuis N.L. Christensen C.C., - Catalog of the native land and freshwater molluscs of the Hawaiian Islands
66754: Cowie R.H., - Catalog of the Nonmarine Snails and Slugs of the Samoan Islands
63070: Cowie R.H., Cazzaniga N.J. & Glaubrecht M., - The South American Mollusca of Johann Baptist Ritter von Spix and their publication by Johann Andreas Wagner
73844: Cowie J.W., - Life in Pre-Cambrian and early Cambrian times
72160: Cowper R., - Un uomo chiamato Magobion
70003: Cox L.R., - Tertiary Bivalvia from Libya
70115: Cox L.R., - Eocene mollusca from North-Western India
71722: Cox L.R., - Further mollusca from the Lualaba beds of the Belgian Congo
32637: Cox L.R., - The lamellibranch family Cyprinidae in the Lower Oolites of England
67081: Cox S., - I segreti del simbolo perduto
49143: Cox R.A., - Dominant Ideas in the Works of Guy De Maupassant
72758: Cox L.R., - Contributions on the paleontology of Afghanistan - Oligocene (?) Mollusca
73023: Cox L.R., - Notes concerning the taxonomy and nomenclature of fossil Bivalvia (mainly Mesozoic)
69712: Coyne J., - L'occio di Bel
56936: Cozzugli E., - Francesco Balducci, ricrche e studi
62910: Cragg S.M., - Swimming behaviour of the larvae of Pecten maximus (L
72191: Cragin F.W., - Paleontology of the Malone Jurassic Formation of Texas
60536: Craig G.Y. & Hallam A., - Size-frequency and growth-ring analyses of Mytilus edulis and Cardium edule, and their palaeoecological significance
60076: Craighead, J.J.., Atwell, G.& O'Gara,B.W., 1972. - Elk Migrations In and Near Yellowstone National Park
18750: Craik J.C. & Harvey S.M., - The causes of buoyancy in eggs of marine teleosts
62086: Crais R., - L
73913: Crame J.A., - Lower Cretaceous inoceramid bivalves from the Antarctic Peninsula region
72483: Crame J.A., - Occurrence of the bivalve genus Manticula in the Early Cretaceous of Antarctica
73087: Crame J.A. & Kelly R.A., - Composition and distribution of the inoceramid bivalve genus Anopaea
73825: Crame J.A., - A new oxytomid bivalve from the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous of Antarctica
74976: Crampton J.S. et al., - The ark was full! Constant to declining Cenozoic shallow marine biodiversity on an isolated midlatitude continent
73932: Crampton J.S., - Ontogenetic variation and inoceramid morphology: a note on early Coniacian Cremnoceramus bicorrugatus (Cretaceous Bivalvia)
73966: Crampton J.S., - Shell composition, cryptic costae, complex composite molds and taphonomic chicanery in Mytiloides (Inoceramidae, Bivalvia)
73967: Crampton J.S., - Revised inoceramid bivalve zonation and correlations for the Cenomanian to Santonian stages (Late Cretaceous) in New Zealand
64600: Crampton H.E., - New species of land snail of the genus Partula from Raiatea, Society Island
72535: Crampton J.S. , - Comparative taxonomy of the bivalve families Isognomonidae, Inoceramidae, and Retroceramidae
73034: Crampton J.S., - A new species of Late Cretaceous wood-boring bivalve from New Zealand
73531: Crampton J.S., - Inoceramid bivalves from the Late Cretaceous of New Zealand
73678: Crampton J. et al., - Revision of the Piripauan and Haumurian local stages and correlation of the Santonian-Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) in New Zealand
73846: Crampton J.S. & Gale A.S., - A Plastic Boomerang: Speciation and Intraspecific Evolution in the Cretaceous Bivalve Actinoceramus
6582: Craven A.E., - Liste d'une collection malacologique provenant de Landana près de l'embouchure du Congo (Afrique occidentale)
66484: Crema C., - Sul Pecten subclavatus Cantraine ed il Pecten estheris Crema
70081: Crema C., - Nuova specie fossile di Dentalium
22957: Crema C., - Vittorio Novarese
68582: Cremaschi I., - Futuro
34733: Cremonese G., - Saggio di una teoria fisica della vita (immunità fisica)
34511: Cremonese G., - Radiazioni della materia vivente e loro fotografia
73217: Cremonini G., Elmi C. & Monesi A., - Osservazioni geologiche e sedimentologiche su alcune sezioni plio-pleistoceniche dell'Appennino romagnolo
58129: Crepax G., - La casa matta
64132: Crepet P., - Sull'amore - Innamoramento, gelosia, eros, abbandono - Il coraggio dei sentimenti
18701: Crescitelli F., - The visual pigments of a deep-water malacosteid fish
23641: Cressey R., - Revision of Indo-West Pacific lizardfishes of the genus Synodus
23646: Cressey R. & Cressey H.B., - Parasitic copepods of mackarel and Tuna-like fishes (Scombridae) of the world
31189: Cretella M., Scillitani G., Toscano F., Turella P., Picariello O, - Comparative morphology of soft parts of Patella L
60779: Cretella, M., Scillitani, G. & Picariello, O., - The systematic position of "Trochus" miliaris Brocchi, 1814 (Gastropoda: Trochidae) morphological and biochemical evidences
41638: Cretella M., et al., - L'opera malacologica di Arcangelo Scacchi (1810-1893)
66312: Cretella M., Crovato C., Crovato P., Fasulo G., Toscano F., - The malacological work of Arcangelo Scacchi (1810-1893)
59457: Crichton M., - Punto critico
69577: Crichton M., - Punto critico
64381: Crichton M., - Preda
62876: Crick R.E., - A pteroscaphitid (Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea) from the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) of Kansas
73993: Crickmay C.H., - A note on two of Hyatt's Liassic ammonitrs
62927: Crisp D.J., A.J. Southward & E.C. Southward, - On the distribution of the intertidal barnacles Chthamalus stellatus, Chthamalus montagui and Euraphia depressa
62928: Crisp M., Gill C.W. & Thompson M.C., - Ammonia excretion by Nassarius reticulatus and Buccinum undatum (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) during starvation and after feeding
53426: Crisp M., Davenport J. & Shumway S.E., - Effects of feeding and of chemical stimulation on the oxygen uptake of Nassarius reticulatus (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)
60351: Crisp M., - Epithelial sensory structures of trochids
32482: Crisp M. - Structure and abundance of receptors of the unspecialized external epithelium of Nassarius reticulatus (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia)
56808: Crisp M.,, - Effects of feeding on the behaviour of Nassarius species (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)
41337: Crisp M., - Photoreceptive function of an epithelial receptor in Nassarius reticulatus (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia)
19101: Crisp D.J. & Maclean F.J., - The relation between the dimensions of the cirral net, the beat frequency and the size and age of the animal in Balanus balanoides and Elminius modestus
7977: Cristobo Rodriguez F.J., Troncoso J.S., Urgorri V. & Rios Lopez P., - Malacofauna en la alimentacion de Astropecten irregularis (Link, 1807) (Echinodermata: Asteriodea) en la ria de Ares (Galicia) por analisis de contenidos estomacales
62779: Croce B., - Il concetto della storia - Antologia
62817: Croce B., 1947- - La letteratura della Nuova Italia - Saggi critici
61205: Croce B., - Teoria e storia della storiografia - filosofia dello spirito, IV
68222: Croce V., - Riccardo cuor di leone
61793: Croce B., - Ariosto
60954: Croce B., - Il concetto della storia
68968: Crocetta F. & Russo P., - The alien spreading of Chama pacifica Broderip, 1835 (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Chamidae) in the Mediterranean Sea
61259: Crocetta F. & Renda W. & Vazzana A., - Alien Mollusca along the Calabrian Shores of the Messina Strait area and a review of their distribution in the Italian seas
62953: Crocetta F., - Marine alien Mollusca in the gulf of Trieste and neighbouring areas: a critical review and state of knowledge (updated in 2011)
68805: Crocetta F. & Turolla E., - Mya arenaria Linné, 1758 (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Mediterranean Sea: its distribution revisited
64584: Croneis C., - New cephalopods from the Fayetteville Shale
19422: Cronk Q.C., - Relict floras of Atlantic islands: patterns assessed
58454: Crosia S., s.d. (1962?) - Specchio degli asini
63416: Crosnier A., - Sur quelques Portunidae, Grapsidae et Ocypodidae (Crustacea Decapoda Brachyura) de Madagascar ou des "les avoisinantes, nouveaux, rares ou non encore signalés + Sur les Caphyra (Crustacea Decapoda Portunidae) de l'océan Indien occidental et de la mer Rouge
64055: Crosnier A. & Thomassin B., - Sur des crabes de la famille des Portunidae (Crustacea Decapoda) nouveaux pour Madagascar ou rares
66722: Crosnier A., - Sicyonia (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeoidea, Sicyoniidae) de l'Indo-ouest Pacifique
66816: Crosnier A., - Grapsidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) d'eau profonde du Pacifique sud-ouest
62946: Crosse H., - Observations sur le genre Cone et description de trois espèces nouvelles, avec un catalogue alphabétique des Cônes actuellement connus
65191: Crosse H. - Suter H., - Crosse H
65193: Crosse H., - Contribution à la faune malacologique de Nossi-Bé et de Nossi-Comba
65194: Crosse H. & Marie E., - Catalogue des cones de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et des iles qui en dépendent
60202: Crossland M.R., Alford E.A. & Collins J.D., - Population dynamics of an ectoparasitic gastropod, Hypermastus sp
42251: Crothers J. H., - Further observations on the occurrence of 'teeth' in the dog-whelk Nucella lapillus
52920: Crothers J.H., - Further observations on a population of dog-whelks, Nucella lapillus (Gastropoda) recolonizing a site following amelioration of tributyltin (TBT) pollution
32711: Crothers J.H. - On variation in Nucella Lapillus (L
74272: Crouch E.A., - An Illustrated Introduction to Lamarck's Conchology; contained in his Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres: being a literal translation of the descriptions of the Recent and fossil Genera
60914: Crovato P. & Maio N., - Abstracts of IV International Congress of the European Malacological Societies - Naples 10-14 Oct
61299: Crovato P., Taviani M., - Nystiella atlantis Clench & Turner, 1952, from the Pleistocene of Archi (Reggio Calabria, southern Italy): first fossil record of the subfamily Nystiellinae (Gastropoda Epitoniidae)
38434: Crozier M., - New Zealand occurrences of the Sydney Mud Cockle, Anadara trapezia (Deshayes)
61582: Crozier, W.J. - Notes on some problems of adaptation
68850: Crozier M.A., - New species and records of Mollusca from off Three Kings Islands, New Zealand
63271: Crucitti P. & Rotella G., - Una popolazione di Strombus (Conomurex) decorus del Golfo di Iskenderun: biometria e osservazioni ecologiche
30708: Cuatrecasas J., - El genero Sorocea (Moraceae) en la costa occidental de Colombia
67190: Cuccodoro G. & Löbl I., - Revision of the Afrotropical rove-beetles of the genus Megarthus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Proteininae)
21224: Cuezzo M.G., - Cryptostrakon corcovadensis a new species of semislug from Costar Rica (Helicoidea) th comments on the systematic position of the genus
70920: Cumber R.A., - A revision of the genus Phenacohelix Suter 1892 (Mollusca: Flammulinidae) with description of a new species and studies on variation, distributiom, and ecology
66100: Cumber R.A., - Variation in Laoma (Phrixgnathus) mariae (Gray) (Gastropoda: Laomidae)
72666: Cumber R.A., - The genus Therasiella (Mollusca: Flammulinidae) in the North Island mainland with descriptions of three new species
70134: Cummings R., - La ragazza ombra
73376: Cummings K.S. & Mayer C.A., - Field guide to freshwater mussels of the Midwest
73895: Cummins W.A. & Rundle A.J., - Sedimentary and faunal facies associated with the draining of Cropston Reservoir [Leicestershire, UK)
63277: Cuneo F., Margelli A., Campani E., Coppini M., - Gastropoda e Scaphopoda dei fanghi litorali di Livorno
74031: CURINI GALLETTI M., - Note ai Trochidae
74026: Curini Galletti M. & Palazzi S., - Note sui trochidi I: Riscoperta del "Trochus pumilio" Philippi, 1844
5013: CURINI GALLETTI M., PALAZZI S., - Note ai Trochidae
64778: Curini-Galletti M.C., - Taxonomic notes on Trochidae (Mollusca, Prosobranchia): two new species of Jujubinus from the Canary Islands
31226: Curini Galletti M., - Note ai Trochidae: VII - Jujubinus elenchoides (Monts
67802: Curletti G. & Magnani G., - Due nuovi Bupresitdi di Sardegna (Coleoptera, Buprestidae)
67185: Currado I., - Nuovo genere e nuova specie di Gonatopodinae della Spagna: Acrodontochelys bouceki (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae)
57375: Curran H.A., - A trace fossil brood structure of probable callianassid origin
16537: Currey J.D., - A comparison of the strength of echinoderm spines and mollusc shells
57866: Currie R.I., J. H. S. Blaxter and J. Joyce, - The aquarium at the Dunstaffnage Marine Research Laboratory
6586: Curtis L.A., - The influence of sex and trematode parasites on carrion response of the estuarine snail Ilyanassa obsoleta
73955: Curtis J.S., - Abstract of a Report on the Mining Geology of the Eureka District, Nevada
57892: Curto S., - L'arte militare presso gli antichi egizi
35905: Cushing, J.E. & Campbell D.H., - Principles of Immunology
62790: Cushman R.A., - On the Ashmead manuscript species of Ichneumonidae of Mrs
59273: Cussler C., - VORTICE
68977: Cussler C., - Sahara
65354: Cussler C. & Kemprecos P., - Il serpente dei Maya
65396: Cusumano A., (cur.), - Dialoghi mediterranei - Monotesimo e dialogo
29830: Cutler E.B., - New species of Sipuncula from the Western north Atlantic
31993: Cutler E.B. & Cutler N.J., - Deep-water Sipuncula from the gulf of Gascogne
74411: Cvancara A.M., Erickson J.M.- & Delimata J.J., - Present and past mollusks of the Forest River , North Dakota
47659: Cvancara A.M., Norby R.D. & Van Alstine J.B., - Mollusks of the Sheyenne River, North Dakota, USA: Present and past
71616: Cvancara A.M., - Aquatic malacogeography of North Dakota
73867: Cvancara A.M., - Revision of the Fauna of the Cannonball Formation (Paleocene) of North and South Dakota
62595: D'Annunzio G., - Maia: Laudi del cielo, del mare, della terra e degli eroi
65372: D'Asaro C., - The spawn of the Emperor helmet shell, Cassis madagascariensis Lamarck from South Florida
64758: D'Asaro C.N., - The egg capsules, embryogenesis, and early organogenesis of a common oyster predator, Thais haemastoma floridana (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)
50950: D'Ors E., - Los Diálogos de la Pasión Meditabunda
57572: D'ANNUNZIO G., - Cantico per l'ottava della vittoria
43611: D. ALFONSI, M.I. BALLA, F. DE SANTIS, G. GIORGI e M. SCHAERF, - Struttura di un sistema informativo per un servizio di documentazione scientifica
62596: D'Annunzio G., - Il verso è tutto
63851: D'Attilio A. & Hertz C.M., - An illustrated catalogue of the family Typhidae Cossmann, 1903
54543: D'Annunzio G., - Il fuoco
62619: D'Annunzio G., - Solus ad solam
24986: D'Erasmo G., - Giuseppe De Lorenzo
54625: D'Ocagne M. - Sur certaines courbes qu'on peut adjoindre aux courbes planes pour l'étude de leurs propriétés infinitésimales
65200: D'Asaro, C.N., - Gunnar Thorson's world-wide collection of Prosobranch egg capsules: Fasciolariidae
63478: d'Hondt, J-L. & Redier, L., - Polymorphisme et affinités de Fenestrulina mutabilis (Hastings, 1932) (Bryozoaire Chilostome)
29792: D'Hondt J.-L., - Bryozoaires de la Campagne de la "Thalassa" (3-12 aout 1967)
59951: D'Ambra L., - Il fascino slavo
61661: D'Ambra L., - Il guscio e il mondo
59099: D'Onofrio S., et al., - Planktonic foraminifera of the Upper Miocene from some Italian sections and the problem of the lower boundary of the Messinian
29791: D'Hondt J.-L., - Bryozoaires récoltés par la "Thalassa" dans le Golfe de Gascogne (Compagnes de 1968 à 1972)
63600: D'Annunzio G., - Giovanni Episcopo - Isaotta Guttadauro
63708: D'Angelo G. & Gargiullo S., - Guida alle conchiglie mediterranee
57544: D'Annunzio, G., - Le Primavere della Mala Pianta: Terra Vergine; Giovanni Episcopo
65157: d'Hondt, J.-L., 1974 (1973) - Bryozoaires et Brachiopodes de la Campagne Noratlante
67126: D'Attilio A. & Myers B.W., - Observations on Pteropurpura bequaerti (Clench & Pérez Farfante, 1945)
67127: D'Attilio A. & Bertsch H., - Preliminary account of three generic taxa in the Muricacean Family Coralliophilidae
6588: D'Onghia G., Maiorano P. & Panetta P., - Octopoteuthis sicula (Rüppell, 1844) and Brachioteuthis riisei (Steenstrup, 1822) (Cephalopoda: Teuthoidea) from the North-Western Ionian Sea
67120: D'Attilio A. & B. W. Myers B.W., - Favartia brevicula (Sowerby, 1834) and two new species of Favartia from the western Pacific (Gastropoda: Muricidae)
67132: D'Asaro C. N. - Egg capsules of prosobranch mollusks from South Florida and the Bahamas and notes on spawning in the laboratory
67125: D'Attilio A. & Myers B.W., - Redescription of Favartia cyclostoma (Sowerby, 1841) and selection of a lectotype, with illustrations of some related species (Muricidae)
63276: D'Antonio C. & Bravi S., - Ricderche naturalistiche nella tenuta Astroni (Napoli) e la malacofauna acquatica
72172: D'Ambrosi C. et al., - Guida naturalistica alla conca di Percedol (Carso triestino)
73797: D'Angelo G. & Gargiullo S., - Guida alle conchiglie mediterranee
8348: D'Anna G., - Studio sulla distribuzione di Littorina punctata (Gmelin) e Littorina neritoides (L
6589: Da Motta A.J. & Raybaudi G., - A new Conus (Gastropoda: Conidae) species found in Martinique
60413: da Vinci L., - Aforismi, novelle e profezie
63332: Da Silva Cruz M.A. & Gonçalves T., - Nota lepidopterológicas - contribuiç‹o sistématica o inventário dos Heteróceros de Portugal
63480: da Franca P., - Merluccius merluccius (L
26209: Da Silva Cruz M.A. & Gonçalves T., - Imigraç‹o ou sobrevivência - Lepidópteros aclimatados ou naturalizados em Potugal
65535: Da Motta A.J. & P. Lenavat, - Cone shells of Thailand
64807: Da Motta A.J., - Two new species for the genus Conus
64811: Da Motta A.J., - Five new taxa for the genus Conus
24223: Da Silva Cruz M.A. & Gonçalves T., - Macrolepidopteros da Regi‹o do Alto Douro
49448: da Costa Alvarenga P.F., - Elementos de thermometria clinica geral
67331: Daccordi M., - Nuove specie di Crisomeline della Regione Afrotropicale (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae)
57782: Daccordi M., - Nuovi taxa di Chrysomelinae afrotropicali
67206: Daccordi M., - New Australian Chrysomelinae taxa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae)
57854: Daccordi M. & Ruffo S., - Le Chrysolina italiane del sottogenere Threnosoma (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)
69237: Dajoz R., - Description de coléoptères nouveaux de la famille des Cerylonidae + Notes sur le genre Holoparamecus (Coléoptères, Lathridiidae) et description d'une espèce appartenant à un nouveau sous-genre
71279: Dakin W.J. & Colefax A.N., - A pelagic nudibranch of the familiy Phyllirhoidae from the waters of New South Wales: a note on the subgenera Ctilopsis and Cephalopyge
67551: Dal Sasso C. & Pasini G., - First record of pterosaurs (Diapsida, Archosauromorpha, Pterosauria) oin the Middle Jurassic if Madagascar
31990: Dales R.P. & Warren L.M., - Survival of hypoxic conditions by the polychaete Cirriformia tentaculata
61606: Dalfreddo C., Giovannelli M.M., Bodon M. & Cianfanelli S., 2004. - Sulla distribuzione di Neostyriaca corynodes (Held, 1836) in Italia (Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) In 4to, offp
74063: Dall W.H., - Diagnoses of new species of mollusks from the west coast of America
74066: Dall W.H., - Preliminary descriptions of new species of mollusks from the northwest coast of America
70335: Dall W.H., - Report of the Canadiana Arctic Expedition 1913-18
65371: Dall W.H. & Bartsch P., - New species of shells from Bermuda
74354: Dall W. H., - Descriptions of new species of mollusca from the North Pacific ocean in the collection of the United States National Museum
71919: Dall W.H., 1918- - 7 short or very short papers on marine molluscs published in the "Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington"
70919: Dall W.H., - On Turbinella pyrum, Lamarck, and its dentition
70381: Dall W.H., - Diagnoses of new Tertiary fossils from the southern United States
2577: Dall W.H., - Notes on the nomenclature of the mollusks of the family Turritidae
62766: Dall W.H., - Descriptions and figures of some land and fresh-water shells from Mexico, believed to be new
6280: Dall W.H., - Supplementary notes on Martyn's Universal Conchologist
19639: Dall W.H., - Annotated list of the recent Brachiopoda in the collection of the United States National Museum, with descriptions of thirty-three new forms
69933: Dall W.H., - Synopsis of the recent and Tertiary Leptonacea of North America and the West Indies
33218: Dall W.H., - Notes on the relations of the molluscan fauna of the Peruvian zoological province
74365: Dall W.H., - Descriptions of new species of chitons from the Pacific coast of America
72524: Dall W.H., - Small shells from dredgings off the southeast coast of the United States by the United States Fisheries Steamer "Albatross" in 1885 and 1886
65052: Dall W.H., - Descriptions and figures of some land and fresh-water shells from Mexico, believed to be new
10040: DALL W. H., - Synopsis of the Solenidae of North America and the Antilles
6600: Dall W.H. & Bartsch P., - The pyramidellid molluscs of the Oregonian Faunal Area
64587: Dall W.H. & Bartsch P., - Synopsis of the genera, subgenera and sections of the family Pyramidellidae
64490: Dall W.H. , - On certain limpets and chitons from the deep waters off the eastern coasts of the United States
62344: Dall W.H., Bartsch P. & Rehder H.A., - A manual of the recent and fossil marine pelecypod mollusks of the Hawaiian islands
62292: Dall W.H. & Bartsch P., - Notes on Japanese, Indopacific and American Pyramidellidae
70634: Dall W.H., - Monograph of the genus Gnathodon, Gray (Rangia, Desmoulins)
71174: Dall W.H., - Synopsis of the recent and Tertiary Leptonacea of North America and the West Indies
67929: Dall W.H., - Contributions to the history of the Commander Islands
63187: Dall W. H., - Descriptions of new species of mollusca from the North Pacific ocean in the collection of the United States National Museum
70129: Dall W.H., - A review of the American Volutidae
70835: Dall W.H., - On a brackish water Pliocene fauna of the southern coastal plain
68755: Dall W.H., - Descriptions of new species of mollusks from the Pacific coast of the United States, with notes on other mollusks from the same region
67210: Dall W. H., - Descriptions of new species of mollusca from the North Pacific ocean in the collection of the United States National Museum
66755: Dall W.H., - Report on a collection of shells from Peru, with a summary of the littoral marine mollusca of the Peruvian zoological province
47302: Dall W. H., - The mollusca of the Arctic Coast of America collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition west from Bathurst Inlet with an appended report an a collection of pleistocene fossil mollusca
71034: Dall W.H., - Notes on Chrysodomus and other mollusks from the North Pacific Ocean
71047: Dall W.H., - Report on Tertiary and Quaternary fossils from the Canadian Arctic coast
71645: Dall W. H., - A contribution to the invertebrate fauna of the Oligocene beds of Flint River, Georgia
72523: Dall W.H., - Diagnoses of new shells from the Pacific Ocean
72531: Dall W.H., - Descriptions of new species of mollusks from the Pacific coast of the United States, with notes on other mollusks from the same region
72738: Dall W.H., - Mollusk fauna of Northwest America
73378: Dall W.H., - Diagnoses of new species of marine bivalve mollusks from the Northwest coast of America in the collection of the United States National Museum
73483: Dall W.H. & Bartsch P., - A monograph of West American Pyramidellid mollusks
73623: Dall W.H., - Instructions for collecting mollusks, and othet useful hints for the conchologist
8056: DALL W.H., - Changes in and additions to molluscan nomenclature
8058: Dall W.H., - Diagnoses of undescribed new species of mollusks in the collection of the United States National Museum
8163: DALL W.H., - Description of new species of shells chiefly from Magdalena Bay, Lower California
8351: DALL W.H., - Prodrome of a revision of the Chrysodomoid whelks of the boreal and arctic regions
8352: DALL W.H., - Summary of the mollusks of the family Alectrionidae of the west coast of America
68156: Dallai R., - Ricerche sui Collemboli XXII - Le piccole isole dell'arcipelago toscano (Studi sulla Riserva Naturale dell'Isola di Montecristo XI)
66921: Dallai R., - Ricerche sui Collemboli XVII: Le isole Eolie
63444: Dallot, S., - L'anatomie du tube digestif dans la phylogénie et la systématique des chaetognathes
59044: Daly J. & Golding D.W., - A description of the spermatheca of Spirorbis spirorbis (L
63088: Daly J.M., - Behavioural and secretory activity during tube construction by Platynereis dumerilii Aud & M
72887: Damborenea S.E. & Mance–ido M.O., - A comparison of Jurassic marine benthonic faunas from
72954: Damborenea S.E. & Mancenido M.O., - Primer Glypheidae (Crustacea, Decapoda) de America del Sur en el Toarciano de la Provincia de Mendoza, Argentina
57596: Damiano-Appia M., - Dizionario enciclopedico dell'antico Egitto e delle civiltà nubiane
65373: Dan J., - La cabbalà - Breve introduzione
10042: Dance S.P., - Trumpet Ram's horn snail in North Wales [Menetus dilatatus]
69103: Dance S.P., - Pisidium collected by the 1924 Mount Everest expedition, with descriptions of two new species (Bivalvia: Sphaeridae)
68417: Dance S.P., - Shells and shell collecting
65585: Dance P., - Conchiglie - Guida fotografica a oltre 500 specie di conchiglie marine di tutto il mondo
10046: DANCE S.P. & EMERSON W.K., - Notes on Morum dennisoni (Reeve) and related species (Gastropoda: Tonnacea)
72612: Dance S.P., - The Encyclopedia of shells
73248: Dance S. P. - The Encyclopedia of Shells, Poole, Brandford Press
40752: Danckwortt P. W. & Pfau E., - The use of the analytic Quartz Lamp for testing drugs
62915: Dando P.R. & Southward A.J. - A new species of Chthamalus (Crustacea : Cirripedia) Characterized by enzyme electrophoresis and shell morphology: with a revision of other species of Chthamalus from the Western Shores of the Atlantic ocean
59308: Daniel B.A., - Incas - La scelta di Anamaya
68811: Dantart L. & Luque A.A., - Notas sobre Homalopoma sanguineum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda, Archaeogastropoda, Turbinidae)
56694: DANTONI G., - I livelli musteriani con strumenti su valva di Callista (Callista) chione (L) nel Salento
59880: Daring T., - Sfruttatori della natura
62571: Daring T., - Sfruttatori della natura
69769: Darnay A., - La fisica del karma (prima parte)
62479: Darragh T.A., - Revision of the Australian Tertiary Volutidae 1: The subfamiliy Athletinae
72886: Darragh T.A. & Kendrick G.W., - Zenatiopsis ultima Sp
73111: Darragh T.A., - A revision of the Australian genus Umbilia (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae)
73357: Darragh T.A., - Hinge transposition in Eucrassatella (Pelecypoda: Crassatellidae)
57471: Darrell J.G. & Taylor P.D., - Scleractinian symbionts of hermit crabs in the Pliocene of Florida
71484: Dartevelle-Puissant E., - Notes Conchyliologiques Africaines (II)
70918: Dartnall A.J. & Kershaw R.C., - Description of a new species of Helicarion (Stylommatophora: Helicarionidae) in Tasmania
58868: Darwin C., - Autobiografia (1809-1882)
61875: Darwin C., - L'origine delle specie
62400: Darwin C., - L'origine delle specie
57697: Darwin C., - L'origine delle specie
60421: Darwin C., - L'origine della specie
60341: Darwin C., - L'origine delle specie - abbozzo del 1842
58859: Darwin C., - Introduzione all'evoluzionismo
61888: Darwin C., - Viaggio di un naturalista intorno al mondo
74627: Dathe H., - Über Schulp-Mi§bildungen bei Sepia officinalis
65668: Daudet A., - Tartarin di Tarascona
68890: Daughenbaugh, J. D. & Beals, M., - Two new subspecies of Talostolida pellucens (Melvill, 1888) from the Tropical Eastern Pacific (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Cypraeidae)
59265: Dauphin Y., - Microstructure des coquilles de Cephalopodes; III Michelinoceratidae (Nautiloidea - Orthocerida) triasiques
63999: Dautzenberg P., - Mollusques provenant des Campagnes scientifiques du Prince Albert Ier de Monaco dans l'Océan Atlantique et dans le Golfe de Gascogne
63992: Dautzenberg P., - Résultats Scientifiques du Voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises
74535: Dautzenberg P. & De Boury E., - Diagnoses d'espèces nouvelles appartenant aux genres Scalaria et Mathildia
13528: Dautzenberg P., - Description d'une espèce nouvelle appartenant au genre Hemicardium
64688: Dautzenberg P. & Fischer P.H., - Récolte malacologique au Spitzberg
26061: DAUTZENBERG P. & FISCHER H., - Sur quelques types de Garidés [=Psammobiidae] de Lamarck
70076: Dautzenberg P., - Sur l'identité du grand cone du Pleistocène méditerranéen et du C testudinarius
66129: Dautzenberg P., - Helix chaixi monstr
13959: Dautzenberg P., - Observations sur quelques mollusques rapportés par M
26940: DAUTZENBERG P. & Fischer H., - & al
75399: Dautzenberg P., - Résultats Scientifiques du Voyage aux Index OrientalesNéederlandaises de LL
6619: Dautzenberg P., - Déformations chez quelques mollusques pulmonés
71571: Dautzenberg P., - Visible variation in the dog-whelk, Nucella lapillus
71214: Dautzenberg P., - Observations sur quelques coquilles fossiles recueillies au Congo par M
73639: Dautzenberg P., - Olividés de la Nouvelle Calédonie et de ses dépendances
66437: Davadie C., - Etude des balanes d'Europe et d'Afrique
59052: Davenport J., - A study of the effects of copper applied continuously and discontinuously to specimens of Mytilus edulis (L
63009: Davenport J., Spikes M., Thornton S.M. & Kelly B.O., - Crab-eating in the diamondback terrapin Malaclemys terrapin: dealing with dangerous prey
29574: Davenport J., - The isolation response of Mussels (Mytilus edulis L
56291: Davenport J. & John S. Fletcher, - The effects of simulated estuarine mantle cavity conditions upon the activity of the frontal gill cilia of Mytilus edulis
19193: Davenport J., - Observations on swimming, posture and buoyancy in the giant oceanic ostracods, Gigantocypris mulleri and Macrocypridina castanea
71096: Davenport C.B., - Comparison of Some Pectens from the East and West Coasts of the United States
57530: Davey E.C., - The Neocomian sponges,: Bryozoa, Foraminifera and other fossils of the sponge-gravel beds at Little Coxwell, near Faringdon
47397: David J.J. & Kahlenberg Hans von, - Wunderliche heilige - Erzählungen + Ein Mann von Geist
57623: David A.R.,, - I costruttori delle Piramidi: Un'indagine sugli operai del faraone
10051: Davidson T., - Tree snails, gems of the Everglades
74572: Davie P.J.F., - Deepwater Xanthid crabs from French Polynesia (Crustacea, Decapoda, Xanthoidea)
11984: Davies P.S., - Physiological ecology of Patella IV
47333: Davies N., - Gli Aztechi - Storia di un impero
64923: Davis, G. M. & Rao S., - Discovery of Erhaia (Gastropoda: Pomatiopsidae) in northern India with description of a new genus of Erhaiini from China
61603: Davis G.M. (Ed.), - Proceedings of Second International Symposium on Molluscan Genetics - American Malacological Union 20-22 July 1982
11983: Davis G.M., - Genetic relationship among some North American Unionidae (Bivalvia): sibling species, convergence, and cladistic relationships
71949: Davis G.M.. - Geographic variation in Semisulcospira libertina (Mesogastropoda: Pleuroceridae)
11995: Davis G.M.n Moose J.W. & Williams J.E., - Abnormal development in hybrid Oncomelania (Gastr
11996: Davis G.M. & Lindsay G.K., - Disc electrophoretic analysis of molluscan individuals and populations
11982: Davis G.M. & Pons da Silva M.C., - Potamolithus: morphology, convergence, and relationship among hydrobioid snails
52206: Davis G.M., Forbes V. & Lopez G., - Species status of Northeastern America Hydrobia: Ecology, morphology and molecular genetics
18715: Davis G.M. & Fuller S.L., - Genetic relationships among recent Unionacea (Bivalvia) of North America
11987: Davis G.M. - A systematic study of Oncomelania hupensis chiui (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae)
11964: Davis G.M., Chen C., Zeng X., Yu S.H. & Li L., - Molecular genetic and anatomical relationship among pomatiopsid (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) genera from Southern China
72064: Davis G.M., Kitikoon V. & Temcharoen P. - Monograph on "Lithoglyphopsis" aperta, the snail host of Mekong River Schistosomiasis
8862: DAVIS G.M., - Shell regeneration in Oncomelania formosana (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae)
70656: Dawley C., - Distribution of aquatic mollusks in Minnesota
69140: Dawson E.W., - An Interpretation of the Molluscan genus Amphidesma in New Zealand
41669: Dawson W.A., - Changes in western mackerel (Scomber scombrus) spawning stock composition during the spawning season
7477: Dawson E.Y., - Seashore plants of Northern California
28696: Day A.G. & Moran R., - Acanthogilia, a new genus of Polemoniaceae from Baja California, Mexico
60207: Day K., - The Maori artefact collection of Arthur Hoby (1852-1947)
67848: Dayrat B., - Indo-Pacific deep-water Pleurobranchaeidae (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia: Notaspidea): New records and new species
58955: Dayton P.K., - Competition, disturbance, and community organization: the provision and subsequent utilization of space in a rocky intertidal community
11991: Dazo B. & Moreno R.C., - Studies on the food and feeding habits of Oncomelania quadrasi, the snail intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum in the Philippines
71796: De Barros Araujo J.L., Barboda de Resende H.E. & De Fraga Rodrigues P.A., - Sobre "Bulimuls tenuissimum" (Orbigny, 1835) (Gastropoda, Pulmonata)
64973: De Maintenon M.J., Mikkelsen P.M., - Late Reproductive System Development in two cephalaspideans (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia): Bulla striata Bruguière, 1792, and Acteocina atrata Mikkelsen & Mikkelsen, 1984
67853: De Lerma B., - Endocrinologia degli insetti
65458: De Lamartine A., - Graziella - Raphael
72017: De Lacretelle J., - Lisa
72018: De Lacretelle J., - Alessio
65072: De Grada R. & Ruotolo R., - Dizionario dei grandi disegnatori
16674: De Longueville C. & Scaillet R., - Relevé de l'association de Epilepton clarkiae (W
61879: De Jong K.M. & Kristensen I., 1965- - Gegevens over Mariene Gastropoden van Curacao
62097: De La Torre C., Bartsch P. & Morrison J.P., - The cyclophorid operculate land mollusks of America
65235: De Mattia W., Neiber M.T. & Groh K., - Revision of the genus-group Hystricella R
62366: De Foe D., - Robinson Crusoe
65338: De Chirico T., - Omeopatia
71823: De La Roche M., - La famiglia Whiteoak
61325: De Roberto F., - I Vicerè
70294: De Fez S., - Contribucion a la fauna malacologica en Cuenca
66628: De Felice R., - Breve storia del fascismo
75154: De Mattia W., - Xeropicta derbentina (Krynicky, 1836) (Gastropoda, Hygromiidae) in Italy and along the Croatian coast, with notes on its systematics and nomenclature
64311: De Mattia C., - I fiocinieri delle Isole del Sole
60262: De Ruggiero G., - Storia della filosofia X: Filosofi del Novecento
34489: De Schweinitz E.A., - The bacillus of tuberculosis
67623: De Angeli A., Guinot D. & Garassino A., - New hexapodid crabs from the Eocene of Vicenza (NE Italy) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Hexapodidae)
57566: De Sade D.A., - La filosofia nel boudoir ovvero i precettori immorali
62937: De Saussure H., - Note carcinologique sur la famille des Thalassides et sur celle des Astacides
16014: De Winter A.J., - Six new species of Streptaxidae from West Africa
70770: de Lamothe [L.J.] & Dautzenberg P., - Description d'une espèce nouvelle de Pliocène Inferieur algérien
20588: De Renzi M., - La concha de los moluscos y su relacion con el animal y con el medio
66797: De Lorenzo G., - Venosa e la Regione del Volture
65942: De Heredia C.M., - Le frodi dello spiritismo
69217: De Luca V., - Struttura della spermateca di Eyprepocnemis plorans (Charp
74571: De Ridder C., Bruno D. & Larrain A., - Antarctic and Subantarctic echinoids from 'Marion Dufresne' expeditions MD03, MD04, MD08 and from the 'Polarstern' expedition Epos III
12242: De Wit W.F., - The life cycle and some other biological details of the fresh-water snail Physa fontinalis
74108: De Mattia W., Reier S. & Haring E., - Morphological investigation of genital organs and first insights into the phylogeny of the genus Siciliaria Vest, 1867 as a basis for a taxonomic revision (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Clausiliidae)
21013: De Winter A.J. 1 Vermeulen J.J., - A first record of Truncatellina (Vertiginidae) from SE Asia: Truncatellina cf insulivaga on Java, Indonesia
54516: De Schweinitz E.A., - The preparation and use of tuberculine
71668: De Laubrière L. & Carez L., - Sur les Sables de Brasles (Aisne)
40055: de Boer T. W., - The American Jackknife Clam Ensis directus (Conrad, 1843) in Europa
039: De Heldreich T., - Tre nuove specie di piante scoverte nella Sicilia
60749: de Civrieux M., - Leyendas Maquiritares
60735: De Castris A.L., - Storia di Pirandello
61870: De Filippo E., - Tommaso d'Amalfi
34391: de Tunzelmann G.W., - Hertz's researches on electrical oscillations
71618: De Souza Lopes H., - Sobre Entodina lundi (Mörch, 1871) (Mollusca, Pulmonata, Systrophiidae)
11358: De Milost P., - Modificazioni tecniche al processo clorometrico di Knudsen nell'analisi delle acque salate e salamstre
65289: De Carlo A., - Uccelli da gabbia e da voliera
71728: De La Torre A., - Tres nuevas formas de moluscos del genero Liguus
65385: de Saint Ferréol F., - Le evocazioni magiche
57967: De Spuches G., 1878/79 - D'alcuni oggetti archeologici
53114: De Wilde J.J.A., - Notes on the Arion hortensis complex in Belgium (Mollusca, Pulmonata: Arionidae)
32673: De Albuquerque E Castro L., Da Veiga Ferreira O. & Viana A. - O dólmen pintado de Antelas (Oliveira de Frades)
60733: De Roberto F., - I Viceré
66646: De Guidi G., - Nuovi resti di Mastodon arvernensis Croiz
6644: De Winter A.J. & Butot L.J.M., - Three new Deroceras species from Greece (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Agriolimacidae)
55592: De Rossi M., - De Rossi M
61644: De Ruggiero G., - Storia della filosofia I: La filosofia greca volume secondo
67468: De Angeli A. & Marangon S., - Contributo alla conoscenza dei Decapodi oligocenici del Bacino Ligure Piemontese (Italia settentrionale)
58343: De Rosa E. (cur.), - Come riconoscere - ricci e stelle di mare
58169: De Ruggiero G., - Scritti politici 1912-1926
5044: De Rooij-Schuiling L.A., - A new subgenus in the Mesodesmatidae (Mactracea)
63384: de Saint Laurent M. - Révision des genres Catapaguroides et Cestopagurus et description de quatre genres nouveaux
63477: de Saint Laurent M. - Révision des genres Catapaguroides et Cestopagurus et description de quatre genres nouveaux
65274: de Saint Robert D., - Astrologia del sesso
66077: De Vincentiis D., - XXV Mostra del Presepe - Grottaglie Natale 2004, Catalogo
67534: De Beauvoir S., - Quando tutte le donne del mondo
68287: De Filippo E., - Il matrimonio di Figaro
25197: De Oliveira Mateus E. & Afonso O., - Etude d'une collection d' Amphipoda des Açores avec la description d'une nouvelle espèce
66448: De Francisci P., - Civiltà Romana
57046: De Pinedo Francesco, - Un Volo di 55 000 Chilometri
57034: De La Brète J., - UN CARACTERE DE FRANCAISE Un caractère de française
57035: De Sade D.A., - Le 120 giornate di Sodoma ovvero La scuola del libertinaggio
15862: De Winter A.J., - Remarks on the non-marine molluscan fauna of the Azores 1-2
34358: De Varigny H., - The air and life
64626: De Lys F.J., - Il labirinto sepolto di Babele
64638: De Bartolomé J.F., - Some thoughts about Marmorana
34799: De Marchi A., - Alcuni pensieri sull'agricoltura
11491: De Boer J.H., - Description of two new Cuspidariidae (Bivalvia, Septibranchia) from the Atlantic Ocean
56198: De Oliveira A., - Fauna malacologica de cidade de Coimbra (Beira Litoral) - Moluscos urbanos de Portugal 1
61791: De Angelis R.M., - La brutta bestia
60948: De Crescenzo L., - Storia della filosofia greca - i presocratici
63188: De Filippo E., - Napoli milionaria!
63190: De Filippo E., - Natale in casa Cupiello
63191: De Filippo E., - Filumena Marturano
5042: De La Torre A., - Caribbean species of Truncatella
75198: De Heij A. & Baayen R.P., - Seasonal distribution of cephalopod species living in the central and southern North Sea
15083: De Morgan J., - Lettre adressée à M
58177: De Filiippi F., - Solitari con le carte
69324: De Barros Araujo J.L., - Sobre a morfologia de Simpulopsis citrino-vitrea (Moricand, 1836) (Mollusca: Gastropoda, Pulmonata)
15750: De Winter A.J., - Verrucarion demeryi, a new semi-slug from Sierra Leone (Urocyclidae)
61936: De Boury E., - Etude sur les sous genres de Scalidae du Bassin de Paris
22293: De Stefani T., - Sopra alcune Graminacee del Terziario italiano
43481: De Castro P., - Thaumatoporelle: conoscenze attuali e approccio all'interpretazione
51927: De La Vergne de Tressan M., - Du language descriptif en Peul
66675: De Angeli A. & Garassino A., - Galatheid, chirostylid and porcellanid decapods (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) from the Eocene and Oligocene of Vicenza (N
6641: De Schweinitz E.H. & Lutz R.A., - Larval development of the northern horse mussel, Modiolus modiolus (L
66425: De Jong K.M. & Coomans H.E., - Marine Gastropods from Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire
19211: De Kluijver M.J., - Sublittoral hard-substratum communities off Orkney and St Abbs (Scotland)
65102: De Bruyne R.H. , Bank R.A., Adema J.P. & Perk F.A., - Nederlandse naamlijst van weekdieren (Mollusca) van Nederland en België
67033: De Marzo L., - Coleotterofauna dei depositi di Posidonia: morfologia larvale in alcune specie caratteristiche (Sphaeridiinae, Histeridae, Ptiliidae, Staphylinidae
6638: De Bruyne R.H., De Graaf A. & Hoeksema D.F., - Marine molluscs new for The Netherlands, washed ashore at the beaches of Ouddorp (Goeree-Overflakkee, Province of Zui-Holland), with some remarks on the occurrence of Altenaeum dawsoni
65136: De winter A.J. & Van Nieulande F.A., - Testacella haliotidea Draparnaud, 1801 in the Netherlands (Gastropoda Pulmonata, Testacellidae) In 8vo, offp
65815: De Amicis E., - Nel regno dell'amore
47950: De Luca A., - La teoria generale dei codici
48092: De giorgi E., - Convergenza in energia di operatori ellittici
48496: DE HEMPTINNE A. - Action des vibrations électriques sur quelques substances
48497: DE HEMPTINNE A. - Sur l'action chimique des effluves électriques et des rayons de Röntgen
48499: DE DROOG Emile, - Contribution à l'étude de la localisation microchimique des alcaloïdes dans la famille des orchidacées
57747: De Gamboa Amaral L., - Alguns mantideos de Moçambique
63309: de Miranda y Rivera A., - Ensayo de un catálogo de los crustáceos decápodos marinos de Espa–a y Marruecos espa–ol
63310: de Buen F., - Fauna ictiológica: Catálogo de los peces ibéricos: de la planicie continental, aguas dulces, pelágicos y de los abismos próximos
26816: De Almeida Correia M.L., - Etude morphologique et morphométrique des pièces buccales des principaux genres d'Apoidea
66724: De Raincourt, - Note sur des gisements fossilifères des sables moyens
67035: De Maddalena A., - Sui reperti di 28 esemplari di squalo bianco, Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758), conservati in musei italiani
71620: De Souza Lopes H. & De Sá Cardoso P., - Sobre um novo gastrópodo brasileiro do gênero Solariella Wood, 1842 (Trochidae)
66986: De Angeli A., Garassino A. & Ceccon L., - New report of the coral-associated decapods from the "Formazione di Castelgomberto" (early Oligocene) (Vicenza, NE Italy)
54951: De Mori A., - Materie concianti vegetali - nozioni tecniche per gli industriali e artigiani conciatori e per i lavoranti di cuoi e pellami
35845: De Castro P., - Le facies di piattaforma carbonatica del Giurassico italiano: diffusione areale e lineamenti biostratigrafici
59057: De Giuli C., Masini F., Torre D. & Boddi V., - Endemism and bio-chronological reconstructions: the Gargano case history
72602: de Haas W. & Knorr F., - Was lebt im Meer? Mittelmeer, Atlantik, Nordsee, Ostsee, Kosmos Naturführer
72753: De Michele V., - Il mondo dei cristalli
73339: De Mattia W. & Mascia F., - Otala punctata (O
65690: Dean B., - Success in causing the pearl oyster to secrete spherical pearls
71607: Dean G.W., - Catalogue of the Shell-Bearing Mollusca of Portage County, Ohio
69096: Dean J.D., - Notes on the Scandinavian molluscan fauna
33196: Deanmead A.K., - The present status of geology in Queensland
73609: Deas W., - Seashells of Australia
59456: Deaver J., - La sedia vuota
60572: Deaver J., - La luna fredda
64382: Deaver J., - La luna fredda
72130: Debeaux O., - Notice sur la malacologie de quelques points du littoral chinois + Note sur quelques espèces nouvelles ou peu connues du littoral de l'empire chinois + Description d'une hélicine nouvelle
64105: Debenedetti A., - Un gioved", dopo le cinque
63904: Debierre C., - Manuel d'embryologie humaine et comparée
522: Decloitre L., - Matériaux pour une faune rhizopodique d'AOF (suite): Faune du lac Tamna (Sénégal)
523: Decloitre L., - Matériaux pour une faune rhizopodique d'AOF (4e note)
42428: Deevey G. B., - Annual variations in length of copepods in the Sargasso Sea off Bermuda
60660: Defoe D., - Fortune e sfortune della famosa Moll Flanders
32259: Defretin-Lefranc S., - Etude sur les Phyllopodes du Bassin du Congo
71340: Degner E., - Über das Höhen-Breitenverhältnis der Schneckenschalen (nebst einigen variationsstatistischen Angaben über Cepaea und Zebrina)
71432: Dehm R., - Die Landschnecke Discus ruderatus im Postglazial Suddeutschlands
66446: Dei Sabelli L., - Il controllo sui traffici marittimi e l'Italia
63475: Dejoux C., - Contribution à l'étude des premiers états des chironomides du Tchad (Insectes, Diptères) (3ème note) : Description comparée des nymphes de Chironomus (Nilodorum) brevibucca, Ch
74513: Dekker H. & Goud J., - Review of the living Indo-West-Pacific species of Divaricella sensu auct
63039: Dekker R. & Beukema J.J., - Dynamics and growth of a bivalve, Abra tenuis, at the northern edge of its distribution
24134: DEKKER H., Moolenbeek R.G. & Dance S.P., - Turbo jonathani, a new turbinid species from the southern coast of Oman
74913: Dekker H. & Kool H.H., - A re-evaluation of the Nassarius albescens (Dunker, 1846) species-group (Gastropoda: Nassariidae)
64420: Dekkers A.M., Herrmann M., Poppe G.T. & Tagaro S.P., - Three new species of Subcancilla from the Pacific Ocean (Gastropoda: Mitridae)
65691: Dekobra M., - La principessa
59515: Del Rey L., - Incidente nucleare
59226: Del Re S., - Walter Veltroni: La bella politica
59671: Del Rey J.L., - Stellar
60657: Del Guasta M., - La dieta del barbagianni (Tyto alba) nel Mugello (Firenze) in relazione ai fattori ambientali
68259: Del Rey J.L., - Stellar
69677: Del Prete R., - Lista di Del Prete (11
71959: Del Rey L., - Psicoscacco
20999: Del Gaudio F., - Terminologia relativa a conchiglie normalmente turbinate
65930: Del Rey L., - Invasori e invasati
72120: Del Toro G. & Hogan C., - La progenie
72214: Del Rio C.J., - Sexual dimorphism in the tertiary carditid Venericardia inaequalis (Philippi, 1887) (Argentina)
72266: Del Rio C.J., - Composicion, origen y significado paleoclimatico de la malacofauna "Entrerriense" (Mioceno medio) de la Argentina
72572: Del Rio C.J., 198 - Primera mención de la Subfamilia Architectonicinae
72578: del Rio C.J., - Cenozoic Biogeographic History of the Eurythermal Genus Retrotapes, New Genus (Subfamily Tapetinae) from Southern South America and Antárctica
47798: Delance J. H. & C. C. Emig, 2004. - Drilling predation on Gryphus vitreus (Brachiopoda) off the French Mediterranean coasts
58712: deLaubenfels M.W., - Sponges of Onotoa
57054: Delavigne C.J.F., - Oeuvres complètes
24801: Delevoryas T. & Taylor T.N., - A probable pteridosperm with eremopterid foliage from the Allegheny group of Northern Pennsylvania
69061: Delille J., - Les trois règnes de la Nature
61680: Dell'Angelo B. & Mifsud C., - Callochiton jeareyae, a new species from South Africa (Mollusca, Polyplacophora)
71843: Dell R.K., - Native shells - Nature in New Zealand
75496: Dell'Angelo B., Sosso M. & Bonfitto A., - First records of Cocculinella (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Cocculiniformia) from the Lower Pleistocene of Southern Italy with the description of two new species
61916: Dell'Angelo B., Forli M., Lombardi C., - I Polyplacophora plio-pleistocenici della Toscana
10078: Dell R.K., - Marine Mollusca from Macquarie and Heard Islands
10076: Dell R.K., - The littoral marine Mollusca of the Snares Islands
31251: Dell'Angelo B. & Palazzi S., - Considerazioni sulla famiglia Leptochitonidae Dall, 1889 (Mollusca: Polyplacophora)
31252: Dell'Angelo B. & Palazzi S., - Considerazioni sulla famiglia Leptochitonidae Dall
41639: Dell'Angelo B. & Palazzi S., - Prima segnalazione di Connexochiton platynomenus Kaas, 1979 nel Pleistocene calabro
62687: Dell'Angelo B., Piccioli Resta G. & Bonfitto A., 2007. - Notes on Fossil Chitons
70856: Dell R.K., - A revision of the molluscan fauna of the Hurupi beds, southern Wairarapa
5054: DELL'ANGELO B. & PALAZZI S., - Descrizione di un nuovo peculiare chitone mediterraneo
69088: Dell R.K., - The identity of Yoldia (Aequiyoldia) eightsi (Couthouy in Jay, 1839)
61608: Dell'Angelo B. & da Silva M., 2003. - Polyplacophora from the Pliocene of Vale de Freixo: Central-west Portugal
74549: Dell'Angelo B. (ed.), - Systematics
40018: Dell R. K., - Additions to the New Zealand recent molluscan fauna with notes on Pachymelon (Palomelon)
60381: Dell'Angelo B. & Palazzi S., - Considerazioni sulla famiglia Leptochitonidae Dall, 1889 (Mollusca: Polyplacophora)
13224: Dell'Angelo B. & Oliverio M., - A new polyplacophoran subgenus for the Northeast Atlantic (Ischnochitonidae: Callistoplacinae)
65659: Dell R.K., - Notes on nomenclature of some Mollusca from Antarctica and southern South America
10083: Dell R.K., - The rediscovery of Montfortula (Mollusca: Fissurellidae) in New Zealand
10080: DELL R.K. , - The forms of Capulus known from New Zealand
10079: DELL R.K., - Some notes on the gastropod, Zelippistes benhami (Suter)
10069: Dell R.K., - Otoconcha and its allies in New Zealand
10071: DELL R.K., - A recent species of Galeodea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in New Zealand
10067: Dell R.K., - New species and genera of New Zealand land snails with a revision of the genus Cavellia
71912: Dell R.K., - The molluscan genus Monodilepas in New Zealand
68851: Dell R.K. , - A molluscan fauna from the Chatham Rise, New Zealand
57052: Dell'Aquila Prospero , - Dizionario portatile della Bibbia
67273: Dell'Angelo B. & Palazzi S., - Recenti ritrovamenti di Polyplacophora anomali in Sardegna
14096: Dell R.K., - Some New Zealand subfossil land Mollusca
69087: Dell R.K., - A new species of squid, Histioteuhis cookiana from New Zeland waters
10084: Dell R.K., - A new genus of antarctic buccinid gastropod
10086: Dell R.K., - Some Mollusca from the vicinity of Mawson Base, Antarctica, resulting from Anare collections
71189: Dell R.K., - Land snails from Subantarctic Islands
30854: Dell R.K., - A deep water molluscan fauna from the Tasman Sea
68055: Dell'Angelo B., Sosso M. & Bonfitto A., - A new species of Ischnochiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from the Pleistocene of Southern Italy
75206: Dell'Angelo B. & Forli M., - I Polyplacophora del Pleistocene inferiore di Riparbella (Pisa) con elenco dei molluschi rinvenuti
61939: Dell'Angelo B. & Forli M., - Rinvenimenti di piastre anomale di Chiton saeniensis Laghi, 1884 (Mollusca: Polyplacophora)
31485: Dell'Angelo B. & Van Belle R.A., - On the rediscovery of Chaetopleura sowerbyana (Reeve, 1847) (Mollusca: Polyplacophora)
64815: Dell'Angelo B. & Smriglio C., - Chitoni viventi del Mediterraneo
30868: Dell R.K., - Additional archibenthal Mollusca from New Zealand
72383: Dell R.K., - Notes on some New Zealand Mollusca in the British Museum
72553: Dell R.K., - Chatham Island Marine Mollusca based upon the collections of the Chatham Islands Expedition, 1954
72869: Dell R.K., - Notes on the taxonomy and distribution of some New Zealand Mollusca with description of four new species
72870: Dell R.K., - A Tertiary molluscan fauna from Waikowhai, Manukau Harbour, Auckland
73157: Dell'Angelo B., - Ipermeria in Acanthochitona delle coste livornesi
73162: Dell'Angelo B. & Tursi A., - Guida bibliografica ai Chitoni (Polyplacophora) : 1970 - 1978
73485: Dell R.K., - Antarctic mollusca
73576: Dell R.K., - Native shells - Nature in New Zealand
73653: Dell'Angelo B. & Smriglio C., - Chitoni viventi del Mediterraneo
61241: Della Bella G. & Tabanelli C., 1994. - Qualche considerazione du Mitra ebenus Lk
68400: Della Bella G., Naldi F. & Scarponi D. - Molluschi marini del Plio-Pleistocene dell'Emilia Romagna e della Toscana, Superfamiglia Conoidea - Mangeliidae II - vol
73236: Della Bella G. & Scarponi D., - Una nuova specie di Alvania (Rissoidae) nel Pliocene dei Mediterraneo
73240: Della Bella G. & Tabanelli C., - Entalina expolita n
67636: Dellacasa G., - Systematic redefinition of Aphodius subgenera Aphodiellus A
67527: Dellacasa G., - Studi di sistematica sugli Aphodiinae
66492: Dellacasa M. & Dellacasa G., - Comments on some systematic and nomenclatural questions in Aphodiinae with descriptions of new genera and on Italian taxa (Coleoptera Aphodiidae)
66419: Dellacasa M., - Contribution to a World-Wide Catalogue of Aegialiidae, Aphodiidae, Aulonocnemidae, Termitotrogidae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
67058: Dellacasa M. & Dellacasa G., - Revision of the sibling species of Mendidaphodius linearis group (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea: Aphodiidae)
66899: Dellacasa G., - Sistematica e nomenclatura degli Aphodiini italiani
68234: Dellacasa G. & Dellacasa M., - Pseudoahermodontus benesi : a new genus and new species of Aphodiini with large scutellum, and systematic redefinition of the genus-group Ahermodontus Baguena, 1930 (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae) In 8vo, offp
42949: Delle Cave L., - Monodaeus bortolottii, a new species of Brachyyura (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the Pliocene of Tuscany (Italy)
42938: Delle Cave L., - Jaxea cf
42944: Delogu D. & Nicosia U., - Hoyacrinus sincerus n
63269: Delongueville C. & Scaillet R., - Les espèces invasives de mollusques en Méditerranée
68523: Delongueville C. & Scaillet R., - Xyloredo ingolfia Turner, 1972 (Bivalvia: Xylophagidae) in Icelandic waters
20774: Delongueville C. & Scaillet R., - Euspira notabilis (Naticidae) dans le golfe de Gascogne + Malacofaune associée aux colonies de Lophelia pertusa récoltes au large des "les Féroé
59700: Delort R., - La vita quotidiana nel Medioevo
68927: Delpey G., - Trajanella Popovici-Hatzeg, genre méditerranéen du Crétacé supérieur
62799: Delsaerdt A.G.J., - Land snails on the Solomon Islands vol
74554: Delsaerdt A., - Conus patamakanthini a new species from Thailand
70100: Delvaux E., - Description d'une nouvelle huitre wemmelienne suivie d'un coup d'oeil sur la constitution géologique de la colline St-Pierre et sur les alluvions qui forment le substratum de la ville de Gand
62864: DeMar R., - The functional implications of the geometrical organization of dentitions
13285: Demian E.S. & Yousif F., - Embryonic development and organogenesis in the snail Marisa cornuarietis (Mesogastropoda: Ampullariidae) - II Development of the alimentary system
11922: Demian E.S. & Lufty R.G., - Prospects of the use of Marisa cornuarietis in the biological control of Limnaea caillaudi in the U
60723: Demille N., - L'ora del leone
62126: DeMille N., - Missione al nord
62073: DeMille N., - L'ospite pericoloso
15816: Demond J., - Micronesian reef-associated Gastropods
15782: Den Hartog J.C., - An unusual phenomenon observed in Epitonium clathratulum: live snails becoming separated from their shells
6649: Den Hartog J.G., - The Queen Scallop, Chlamys opercularis (L
69270: Deng Huiqing, - Amphibians & Reptiles of Maolan, China
75017: Denizot G., - Atlas des fossiles
66270: Dennant J., - Descriptions of new species of corals from the Australian Tertiaires
59849: Denning T., - Il passaggio smeraldo - Pentalogia del Prisma - libro I
62914: Denton E.J. & Gray J.A., - Receptor activity in the utriculus of the sprat
64868: Deprez J. & Govaert F., - Zonaria pyrum nigromarginata: A new subspecies of Zonaria pyrum (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae) from the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula
63692: Dérijard R., - Description de Lissocarinus echinodisci sp
61363: DEROUX G., - Rapports taxonomiques d'un Leptonacé non décrit "Lepton subtrigonum" Jeffreys (nomen-nudum - 1873)
63330: Derscheid, J. M. - Structure de l'organe olfactif chez les poissons - Première partie - Osteichthyes, Teleostei, Malacopterygii
521: Des Abbayes H., Alston A.H. & Tardieu-Blot M.L., - Contribution à la flore des Ptéridophytes de AOF (Guinée et Côte d'Ivoire)
64078: Descamps. - Diagnoses et signalisations d'Eumastacoidea (Orthoptera)
63431: Descarpentries A. & Villiers A., - Sur une collection d'oiseaux du sahel sénégalais
69047: Desmars J., - Essai d'un catalogue méthodique et descriptif des mollusques terrestres, fluviatiles et marins observés dans l'Ille-et-Vilaine, les départements limitrophes de l'Ouest de la France, et sur les côtes de la Manche de Brest à Cherbourg
60678: Dess" G., - La scelta
64073: Detti T. (cur.) - La terra dei musei: paesaggio arte storia del territorio senese
66695: Deuve T., - Le genre Eustra Schmidt-Goebel, 1846, insectes (Coleoptera, Paussidae, Ozaeninae) à genitalia femelles orthotopiques
71816: Devillers C. & Pérès J.M., - Notes sur quelques gisements de coquilles fluviatiles du Sahara central
63064: DeVries T.J., - Latest Oligocene and Miocene whelks (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: Buccinidae) from Peru
35906: Dewaide J.H., - Metabolism of xenobiotics
69963: Dewalque G., Cornet J., Malaise C., Lohest,M. & Forir H., - Les Coquilles du Limon Hesbayen
71890: Dexter R.W. , - Cape Ann Visits of the Great Sea Serpent 1639-1886
73752: Dezi R. & Ridolfi S., - Fauna ammonitica del Toarciano superiore di Monte Carcatora (Cingoli - Marche)
73753: Dezi R. & Ridolfi S., - Ammoniti Toarciane della "facies non rossa" del Romitorio S
68929: Dhondt A.V., - Late Cretaceous Limea (Pseudolimea) species of Europe
68837: Dhondt A.V. & J.W.M. Jagt J.W.M., - Upper Cretaceous Liopistha species in North Western Europe
72437: Dhondt A.V. & Dieni I., - Unusual Inoceramid-Spondylid association from the Cretaceous Scaglia Rossa of Passo del Brocon (Trento, N
72707: Dhondt A.V., - Systematic revision of the Chlamydinae (Pectinidae, Bivalvia, Mollusca) of the European Cretaceous
73480: Dhondt A.V., - Systematic revision of Entolium, Propeamussium (Amusiidae) and Syncyclonema (Pectinidae, Bivalvia, Mollusca) of European Boreal Cretaceous
66799: Di Maggio M.T., - Collana di Bibliografie Geografiche delle Regioni Italiane - Volume IV - Sicilia
31246: Di Geronimo I. & Robba E., - Contributo alla conoscenza della malacofauna del Benadir (Somalia meridionale)
62991: Di Geronimo I., - La malacofauna siciliana del Ciaramitaio (Grammichele, Catania) [Pleistocene]
59013: Di Natale C., - Il tesoro dei vescovi nel Museo Diocesano di Mazara del Vallo
61823: Di Simone V., - Vittorio Emanuele Orlando: una biografia quasi un romanzo
67057: Di Marco C., Osella G. & Zuppa,A.M., - Contributi alla conoscenza dei Coleoptera Curculionoidea delle piccole isole italiane con descrizione di Otiorhynchus (Arammichnus) poggii n
58962: Di Matteo S., - Iconografia storica della provincia di Palermo
60681: Di Stefano A., - Signor giudice, mi sento tra l'anguria e il martello
57966: Di Giovanni V., 1878/79 - Il P
57577: Di Bartolo S., - Sugli studi sacri in Sicilia nel presente secolo
60576: di Stefano G., - I calcari cretacei con orbitoidi dei dintorni di Termini-Imerese e di Bagheria (Palermo)
55600: Di Giovanni V., - Sugli studi filosofici in Sicilia nel secolo XIX
55597: Di Maggio L., - Saggio storico-critico sul quarto volume degli Annali di Pietro Ranzano
55595: Di Giovanni V., - Degli eruditi siciliani del secolo XV e di alcune opere lessicografiche latine e volgari
55591: Di Menza G.,, - Il duello leale e il duello sleale
57827: Di Filippo Balestrazzi E., - Lucerne di tradizione ellenistica nel Museo di Aquileia,
60999: DI GERONIMO I. & BELLAGAMBA M., - Malacofaune dei dragaggi BS 77-1 e BS 77-2 (Sardegna Nord orientale) [Würm]
5063: DI GERONIMO I., 1979 - - La malacofauna di Punta Penne (Brindisi)
72658: Di Geronimo I., - Significato paleoecologico di Cylichna alba nuovo "ospite nordico" del Pleistocene della Sicilia
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