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65419: Segrea A. & Jacobson M.K., - Gastéropodes de Cuba recueillis par les expéditions biospéleologiques cubano-roumaines (1969 et 1973)
55585: Seguenza L., - I Vertebrati fossili della provincia di Messina - parte seconda - Mammiferi e Geologia del Piano Pontico
73154: Seguenza G., - Paleontologia malacologica dei terreni terziari del distretto di Messina
71939: Seidl F., - Zur Molluskenfauna des Diessenleitenbach-Tales
64709: Seidl F., - Zur Molluskenfauna von Kreta: I
54862: Seidl F., - Mitteilungen der Erdbeben-Kommission der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien - Die Erderschütterungen Laibach in den Jahren 1855-1886
66740: Seifert B., - A taxonomic revision of the ants subgenus Coptoformica Mueller, 1923 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
63466: Sella M., - Sullo sviluppo dello scheletro assiale dei Murenoidi
59580: Sellier C.E. & Weverka R., - La miniera di Hatcher
20351: Sellmer G.P., - Functional morphology and ecological life history of the gem clam, Gemma gemma (Veneridae)
73665: Sen Gupta B.K., - Modern Foraminifera
74720: Senders J. & Senders R., - Conchiglie da collezione
68291: Seneca L.A., - Edipo
67159: Senglet A., - Pholucs nouveaux d'Iran (Araneae: Pholcidae)
70039: Senoner A., - Notes Conchyliologiques
42937: Senowbary-Daryan B. & Di Stefano P., - Amblysiphonella maxima n
65287: Sepulveda L., - Il mondo alla fine del mondo
59777: Sepulveda L., - Il vecchio che leggeva romanzi d'amore
66721: Serejo C.S. & Wakabara Y., - The genus Valettiopsis (Crustacea, Gammaridea, Lysianassoidea) from the southwestern Atlantic, collected by the RV Marion Dufresne
66693: Serejo C.S., - A new species of amphipod from the Brazilian coast, with description of Hyale spinidactyla Chevreux, 1925 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyalidae)
12058: Sergent E. & Forcart L., - Sur la présence d'oeufs de limace dans du lait régurgité par un nourrisson
66463: Sergi G., - La più antica umanità vivente
69953: Serpagli E. (editor), - Studies on conodonts - Proceedings of the Seventh European Conodont Symposium Bologna-Modena 1998
24605: Serpette M., - Contribution à l'étude des Cyanophicées de l'Afrique Occidentale
25120: Serrano L.A., - El negocio de hortaliza para laexportácion en Puerto Rico
67836: Servadei A., - Tavole inedite di Rincoti (= Hemiptera)
69493: Servain G., - Histoire des mollusques Acéphales des environs de Francfort
66629: Service R., - LENIN, L'uomo, il leader, il mito
54927: Service M.W., - The taxonomy and biology of two sympatric sibling species of Culex, C pipiens and C torrentium (Diptera, Culicidae)
66643: Sestini A., - Osservazioni geomorfologiche sull'Appennino Tosco-emiliano tra il Reno e il Bisenzio
73573: Settepassi F., 1971-72 - Atlante malacologico - I molluschi marini viventi nel Mediterraneo
36087: Setti G, - Esiodo
57609: Settis S., 1991 (Ed.) - Civiltà dei Romani - Il potere e l'esercito - Milano, Electa 1991] In 4to, leg
57610: Settis S., 1990 (Ed.) - Civiltà dei Romani - La città
28130: Setyobudiandi I., - Diversity of macrofauna associated with the green mussel Perna viridis (Linné) in rearing cages, Indonesia
66894: Severns M., - Shells of the Hawaiian Islands: The Sea Shells and The Land Shells
64129: Sgarbi V., - Ragione e passione
65593: Sgarbi V., - Le mani nei capelli
65594: Sgarbi V., - Onorevoli fantasmi
60602: Sgorlon C., - La fontana di Lorena
5633: Shaak G.D. & Nicol D., - A new plicatulid bivalve from the late cenozoic of Southern Florida
68578: Shaffer P. & Zim H., - Rocce e minerali
61315: Shakespeare W., - La bisbetica domata
28134: Shanthini C.F., Patterson J., - Smoke curing of Pleuroploca trapezium meat (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae
153: Shaplen R., - Toward the well-being of mankind - Fifty years of the Rockefeller Foundation
61900: Sharabati D., - Saudi Arabian Seashells
30710: Sharp A.J., - Some aspects of Mexican Phytogeography
64976: Shasky D.R., - Ten new species of Tropical Eastern Pacific Turridae
75445: Shattuck G.B., - The Mollusca of the Buda limestone [Austin, Texas] with an appendix on the corals of the Buda limestone by Thomas Wayland Vaughan
64202: Shaw J.A., D.J. Macey, P.L. Clode, L.R. Brooker, R.. Webb, E.J. Stockdale, & R.M. Binks, - Methods of sample preparation of radula epithelial tissue in chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora)
59555: Shaw B., - I figli di Medusa
71781: Shaw H.O., 1910-15 - 4 very short papers: A further note on the anatomical difference between the genera Cypraea and Trivia + Note on the referecnes to certain groups, etc
68964: Shaw B., - Un milione di domani
68061: Shaw B., - Locus-Alfa, Locus-Zeta
59595: Shaw B., - Antigravitazione per tutti
71961: Shaw B., - Una vergogna per l'Italia
68057: Shaw B., - Il cieco del non-spazio
57796: Shaw T., - Early Smoking Pipes : in Africa, Europe, and America
68191: Shaw B., - Una Magnum per Billy Gregg
64363: Shaw B., 197 - Quando i neutri emergono dalla Terra + Cronomoto
63010: Shchetinnikov A.S., - Feeding spectrum of squid Sthenoteuthis oulaniensis (Oegopsida) in the Eastern Pacific
59069: Sheader M., - The reproductive biology and ecology of Gammarus duebeni (Amphipoda) in southern England
68031: Sheckley R., - Fantasma cinque
58041: Sheffield C., - Progetto Proteo
60866: Sheldon F. & K.F. Walker - Shell variation in Australian Notopala (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Viviparidae)
65814: Sheldon S. - L'altra faccia di mezzanotte
69788: Shelley M., - Frankenstein ovvero il Prometeo moderno
59865: Shelley M., - Frankenstein
65297: Shemesh L., - Come predire scientificamente il futuro
58048: Shepard L., - Occhi verdi
8572: Shepherd S.A. & Cannon J., - Studies on southern Australian abalone (genus Haliotis) X
14019: Sherborn C.D. & Reynell A., - Notes on Swainson's "Exotic Conchology"
73969: Shi-Kuei W., - Comparative studies on a polyploid series of the African snail genus Bulinus (Basommatophora: Planorbidae)
68916: Shi Chiong, Gou Bingzhen & Peng Chao, - Collection of Global Cone Snails
68098: Shi Qiong & Gao Binsen, - Collection of Global Cone Snails
69641: Shi Haitao, - The Amphibia and Reptilia Fauna of Hainan Beijing, Huayu Nature Book Trade Co
48451: Shieh Y.T. & Chang C.H., - Study on the Proboscidea fossils of the National Taiwan Museum
74557: Shimek R.L. & Kohn A.J., - Functional morphology and evolution of the toxoglossan radula
69537: Shimek R., - The diets of alaskan Neptunea
73464: Shimek R.L. & Moreno G., - A new species of Eastern Pacific Fissidentalium (Mollusca: Scaphopoda) with a symbiotic sea anemone
73465: Shimek R.L., - Diet and habitat utlization in a northeastern Pacific Ocean scaphopod assemblage
70326: Shimoyama S., - Size-frequency Distributions of Living Population and Dead Shell Assemblages of Macoma (Macoma) incongrua (MARTENS) on an Intertidal Mud-Flat in North Kyushu
30334: Shin T., - Fissidentaceae of Japan
31618: Shin T., - Mosses of the Ryukyu islands IV
29239: Shin T., - Mosses of the Amami Islands (I)
29900: Shin T., - Mosses of the Ryukyu Islands III
29901: Shin T., - Mosses of the Ryukyu Islands II
29902: Shin T., - Mosses of the Ryukyu Inslands I
72564: Shirley J., - A review of recent Australian Conchology
72569: Shirley J., - The geographical distribution of Queensland Gasteropoda
19423: Shreeve T.G. & Smith A.G., - The role of weather-related habitat use on the impact of the European speckled wood Pararge aegeria on the endemic Pararge xiphia on the island of Madeira
70721: Shuto T., - Cardiids from the Miyazaki group (Palaeontological Study on the Miyazaki group VII)
74107: Sian Man N. et al, - Revision of the carnivorous land snail family Streptaxidae (Stylommatophora, Achatinina) in Myanmar, with description of four new species
29252: Sibley F.C., McFarlane R.W., - Gulls in the Central Pacific
69242: Sibuet M., - Echinodermes de la mer d'Alboran
60398: Sicard O.E., - Notas sobre el genero Anachis (H
60397: Sicard O.E., - Estudio preliminar sobre Adelomelon martensi (Strebel, 1906)
60396: Sicard O.E., - La influencia de las corrientes marinas sobre la malacofauna uruguaya
64446: Siciliano E., - La principessa e l'antiquario
18485: Siddall R., Pike A.W. & McVicar A.H., - Parasites of Buccinum undatum as biological indicators of sewage-sludge dispersal
58443: Sidgwick E.M., 1885 (as Mrs. H. Sidgwick) - Notes of the Evidence, Collected by the Society, for Phantasms of the Dead
54832: Siebenrock, C.F., - Über den Kehlkopf und die Luftröhre der Schildkröten, In 8vo, no wrappers, pp
51440: Siegmund von Schumacher - Histologische Untersuchung der äu§eren Haut eines Neugeborenen Hippopotamus Amphibius L
66800: Sienkiewicz H., - Quo vadis? Milano, Alberto Peruzzo editore
70624: Sieverts H., - Fossile Brechiten (Aspergillen), besonders aus dem ostindischen Tertiär
65009: Siewert W., - Schalenbau und Stammesgeschichte von Austern
64210: Signorelli J.H. & Carter J.G., - The Anatinellidae and Kymatoxinae: A Reassessment of Their Affinities within the Superfamily Mactroidea (Mollusca, Bivalvia)
70248: Signorelli J.H., - The Superfamily Mactroidea (Mollusca:Bivalvia) in American Waters
63793: Sigwart J.D. & McLean L., - Contribution of Caulerpa spp
64203: Sigwart J., - Gross anatomy and positional homology of gills, gonopores, and nephridiopores in 'basal' living chitons (Polyplacophora: Lepidopleurina)
72387: Silberling N.J., Grant-Mackie J.A., and Nichols KM., - The Late Triassic bivalve Monotis in accreted terranes of Alaska
71923: Sillanpää F.E., - Silja
59825: Silone I., - Severina
46536: Silva Neto, Carlos , - A flora e a vegetaç‹o do superdistrito Sadense (Portugal)
511: Silva L. & Tavares J., - Phenological cycles of Myrica faya Aiton (Myricaceae) on the Azores Islands
59326: Silverberg R., - Violare il cielo
65936: Silverberg R., - Invasori silenziosi
68496: Silverberg R., - Invasori terrestri
64278: Silverberg R., - Il tempo delle metamorfosi
67326: Silverberg R., - L'uomo stocastico
68037: Silverberg R., - Il tempo della terra
69621: Silverberg R. & Chambon J. (eds.), - Destinazione: 31 secolo
67705: Silverberg R., Vance J., Knight D., Simak C., - Terrestri e no - Selezione di fantascienza
72167: Silverberg R., - La ciivltà degli eccelsi
73315: Silverberg R., - Vertice di immortali
36082: SILVESTRE ARMAND, - Rose de Mai
70308: Silvestri A., - Sulla Patella cassis Oppenheim
58097: Silvestri M., - Isonzo 1917
48380: Silvestri F., - Myriopoda from Porto Rico and Culebra
62189: Simak C.D., - Pellegrinaggio vietato
68956: Simak C.D., - Tempo senza tempo
64307: Simak C.D., - L'ospite del senatore Horton
69601: Simak C.D., - Mondi senza fine
59726: Simak C., - Stranieri nell'universo
68232: Simak C., - Gli extraterrestri
62043: Simenon G., - Tre camere a Manhattan
58674: Simili M., - Cristoforo Colombo fu Domenico
58689: Simili M., - L'anticodice della strada
71333: Simionescu J. & Theodorescu V., - Note preliminaire sur une faune pontique de Moldavie
54606: Simkiss K. & Wada K., - Cultured pearls - commercialised biomineralisation
33190: Simmonds N.A., - The geology of some of the islands of the Cumberland group [Queensland]
28500: Simmons D.R., - Man, Moa and the Forest
54794: Simon E., - Ergebnisse der mit Subvention aus der Erbschaft Treitl unternommenen zoologischen Forschungsreise Dr F Werner's nach dem ägyptischen Sudan und Nord-Uganda VII: Araneida
65244: Simone L.R. & Gonçalves E.P., - Anatomical study on Myoforceps aristatus, an invasive boring bivalve in S
71908: Simone L.R.L., - Morphology of the Western Atlantic Haliotidae (Gastropoda, Vetigastropoda) with description of a new species from Brazil
66556: Simone L.R.L. & Zelaya D.G., - A new Orbitestella (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Orbitesttelidae) from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
65635: Simone L.R.L., - Comparative morphology and systematics of Brazilian Terebridae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Conoidea) with descriptions of three new species
56870: Simone L.R., - Phylogeny of the Caenogastropoda (Mollusca) based on comparative morphology
71598: Simone L.R.L., - Land and Freshwater Molluscs of Brazil
69522: Simone L.R.L., - Anatomy and Systematics of Anticorbula fluviatilis (H
64738: Simone L.R.L., - Anatomy and systematics of Buccinanops gradatus (Deshayes, 1844) and Buccinanops moniliferus (Kiener, 1834) ( Neogastropoda, Muricoidea) from the southeastern coast of Brazil
60611: Simonelli L., - Cento miliardi di dollari
65812: Simoni L., - Dizionario della seconda guerra mondiale volume 2 (M-Z)
27778: Simonsen V.Kittiwattanawong K., - Marine molluscs: hybridisation and introgression In 8vo, offp
60871: Simpson R.D. & Harrington S.A., - Egg masses of three gastropods, Kerguelenella lateralis (Siphonaria), Laevilittorina caliginosa and Macquariella hamiltoni (Littorinidae) from Macquarie Island (sub-Antarctic)
23097: Simpson G.G., - Some principles of historical biology bearing on human origins
64466: Simroth H., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Nacktschnecken
61431: Simroth, H. 1892-4. - Dr
64559: Simroth H., - Über da System der Gastropoden
34908: Sinclair Lewis, - Avventura al Canada
65782: Sindermann, C.J. & Rosenfield, A., - Principal diseases of commercially important marine bivalve mollusca and crustacea
53466: Singer B.S., Mienis H.K. & Geiger D.L., - Clanculus korkosi sp noc frm the Red Sea (Trochidae)
16555: Singh B.N. & Choudhury A., - A new record of Protankyra similis (Semper) (Holothurioidea, Apodida) from Indian brackish water environment
70378: Singleton F.A., - An Eocene mollusca fauna from Victoria
70072: Singleton F.A. & Hooper Woods N., - On the occurrence of the pelecypod genus Miltha in the Australian Tertiary
47883: Sintes D.M., Dantart L. & Ballesteros M., - Moluscos de las concreciones de algas calcareas del litoral catalan
64312: Siodmak C., - Città nel cielo
61564: Sirenko B.I., - Revision of the system of the order Chitonida (Polyplacophora) on the basis of correlation between the type of gills arrangement and the shape of the chorion processes (in russian with english abstract)
67841: Sirenko B.I., - Deep-sea chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) from sunken wood off New Caledonia and Vanuatu
74518: Sirenko B. & Schwabe E., - Taxonomic status of chitons of the Ischnochiton oniscus group
20705: Sirenko B.I., - Shells of molluscs in the ontogeny: its significance for taxonomy and the mistakes in classification (in russian with english abstract)
64457: Sirenko B., - Bathyal chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from off New Caledonia and Vanuatu: families Callochitonidae, Ischnochitonidae and Loricidae
68862: Sirenko B.I., - Position in the system and the origin of deep-water chitons of the family Ferreiraellidae (Mollusca: Polyplacophora)
69016: Sirenko B. & Schwabe E., - An abyssal-ultraabyssal chiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) with a wide distribution
69795: Siriboon T. et al., - Revision of the carnivorous snail genus Discartemon Pfeiffer, 1856, with description of twelve new species (Pulmonata, Streptaxidae)
63296: Sironi V.A., - Ospedali e medicamenti
20704: Sitnikov T.Y., Fialkov V.A. & Starobogatov Y.I., - Gastropoda from underwater hydrothermal vent of Baikal Lake
9787: Sitnikova T., - Gastropods of Baikal Lake
72355: Sitwell S., Buchanan H. & Fisher J., - Grandi libri di uccelli : 1700-1900 i secoli d'oro dell'illustrazione ornitologica
72748: Sitwell S., - Grandi Libri Di Fiori 1700 - 1900 - I Secoli D'Oro Dell'Illustrazione Botanica
24981: Sjöstedt Y., - Säugetiere aus Kamerun - West Afrika
61752: Skif H., - La paura
68176: Skinner, B.J. (ed)., - Paleontology and Paleoenvironments
30590: Skogen A., - Phytogeographical and ecological studies on Carex paniculata L
49141: Skottsberg C., - Flora de las islas San Felix y San Ambrosio [Desventuradas Islands off coast of Chile]
69778: Sladek J., - Bugs
7315: Sleurs W., - Marine microgastropods from the Republic of Maldives
11720: Slicher A.M., - Endocrinological and hematological studies in Fundulus heteroclitus (Linn
74567: Slik F., - Collecting shells between the elephant seals
68390: Slimming D. & Jarrett A., - The cone shells of Seychelles
59175: Sloan R., - Il segreto della libreria sempre aperta
72853: Slugina Z.V. & Starobogatov Y.I., -
58302: SLUITER C., - Catalogus der bibliotheek van de Koninklijke Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch-Indië
18371: Sluys R., - The taxonomy of three species of the genus Procerodes (Platyhelminthes: Tricladia: Maricola)
61953: Smaal A.C., A.P.M.A. Vonck, & M. Bakker, - Seasonal Variation in Physiological Energetics of Mytilus edulis and Cerastoderma edule of Different Size Classes
69821: Smith jr. K.L., - Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Mussels: Nutritional State and Distribution at the Galapagos Rift
10704: Smith S.M., - Key to the British Marine Gastropoda
35147: Smith J. G., - Cowpeas (Vigna catjang)
34375: Smith C.B., - Agricultural education in France
63087: Smith D.A., - The population biology of Lacuna pallidula (Da Costa) and Lacuna vincta (Montagu) in North-East England
59476: Smith E.E., - Pattuglia galattica
62679: Smith G.N. jr., - Regeneration in the sea cucumber Leptosynapta
32683: Smith L.S. - New species of and notes on Queensland Plants-III
62114: Smith E.A., - Set of 5 original photos used for the subsequent preparation of the table lithographic XI of the paper: On the recent species of the genus Vulsella
26759: Smith A.C., - Studies on Pacific plants, XX: Notes on some Fijian species of Readea and Psychotria (Rubiaceae)
73375: Smith M., - A review of Volutidae - synonymy, nomenclature, range and illustrations
64252: Smith C., - Giù nei vecchi mondi
26760: Smith A.C., - Studies on Pacific plants, XXI: New and noteworthy flowering plant from Fiji
34376: Smith J.G., - Commercial plant introduction
60347: Smith, J. E., - The natural history and taxonomy of shell variation in the periwinkles Littorina saxatilis and Littorina rudis
11894: Smith J.E., - The natural history and taxonomy of shell variation in the periwinkles Littorina saxatilis and Littorina rudis
64264: Smith E.E. "Doc", - Triplanetario
64271: Smith E.E. "Doc", - Il dono del pianeta segreto
59596: Smith G.H., - Il ponte di quattro giorni
19739: Smith A. & Kenny R., - Reproduction and development of Onchidium damelii
59848: Smith L.J., - Il diario del vampiro - La messa nera
69146: Smith E., - Studies in the Stewart Island Mollusca No
510: Smith C.W., Lutzow-Felling C. & Gardner D.E., - Myrica faya: one man's meat is another man's poison
59931: Smith C.S., - Il trattamento all'acido a scopo decorativo e la scienza dei metalli
57392: Smith jr. F.D., - La Avifauna de Anzoategui Central [Venezuela]
20284: Smith B.J., - Notes on the anatomy of Victaphanta atramentaria and V compacta, and the designation of a neotype for V atramentaria
59166: Smith W., - Un'aquila nel cielo
59167: Smith W., - Orizzonte
59163: Smith W., - Dove finisce l'arcobaleno
11893: Smith J.E. & Newell G.E., - The dynamics of the zonation of the common periwinkle (Littorina littorea L
61995: Smith B., - Observations on gastropod protoconchs part III: Some protoconchs in Busycon, Fusinus, Heilprinia, Hesperisternia, and Urosalpinx
38136: Smith D. G., - The stomach anatomy of some eastern north American Margariitiferidae (Unionoida: Unionacea)
26629: Smith E.F., - Wakker's Hyacinth germ, Pseudomonas haycinthi
23386: Smith L.A., - Revision of the Clavagellacea
15956: Smith B.J., - Further notes on the Clavagellidae, with speculation on the process of tube growth
32697: Smith L.S. - New species of and notes on Queensland Plants
71335: Smith B., - A new species of Athleta and a note on the morphology of Athleta petrosa
48541: Smith H.I., - Preliminary list of the sites of aboriginal remains in Michigan
48542: Smith H.I., - The insect galls of Michigan
47072: Smith H., Dorman C.J., Dougan G., Holden D.W. & Williams P. (Eds), - The activities of bacterial pathogens in vivo - Papers of a discussion meeting
72462: Smith A.G., Sohl M.F. & Yocherlson E.L., - New Upper Cretaceous Amphineura (Mollusca)
73097: Smith J.T., - Taxonomy, distribution, and phylogeny of the cymatiid gastropods Argobuccinum, Fusitriton, Mediargo and Priene
47081: Smithsonian Institution - Report on the Progress and Condition of the United States National Museum for the Year Ending June 30, 1922
57501: Smitt, F.A., - Recensio animalium Bryozoorum e mari arctico, quse ad paminsulam Kola, in itinera anno 1877, duce H
57492: Smitt, F.A., - Nagra drag ur Bryozoernas (Mossdjurens) lif
57464: Smitt F.A., - Bidrag till kännedomen om Hafs-Bryozoernas utveckling
57487: Smitt, F.A., - Om Hafsbryozoernas Utvikling Och Fettkroppar
57486: Smitt, F.A., - Bryozoa marina in regionibus arcticis et borealibus viventia
62508: Smriglio C. & Mariottini P., - Molluschi del mar Tirreno centrale
74753: Smriglio C. & Mariottini P., - Central Thyrrenian sea Mollusca XI: Description of Callostracon thyrrenucum sp nov (Actenoidae) and remarks on the other Mediterranean species of the family Acteonidae
75201: Smriglio V. & Mariottini P., - On the occurrence of Eudolium crosseanum (Monterosato, 1869) and Eudolium bairdii (Verrill & Smith, 1881) in the Mediterranean Sea (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Tonnidae)
61279: Smriglio C., Mariottini P., Gravina F., - Nota su alcune specie del genere Gibbula Risso, 1826 ex Leach ms
61240: Smriglio C. & Mariottini P., 1994. - Descrizione di una nuova specie di Rissoidae Gray, 1847 per il Mar Mediterraneo: Rissoa multicincta n
75156: Smriglio C., Di Giulio A.,, Gubbioli F. & Mariottini P., - Brachycythara atlantidea (Knudsen, 1952) (Gastropoda, Neogastropoda, Conidae), first report form the Western Mediterranean Sea
61235: Smriglio C., Ciommei C., Mariottini P., 1995. - Molluschi del Mar Tirreno Centrale
31383: Smriglio C., Mariotti P. & Ciomelli C., - Molluschi del mar Tirreno centrale, contributo IX: segnalazione di un consistente spiaggiamento di Lutraria lutraria (Linné, 1758)
22006: SMRIGLIO C., MARIOTTINI P., GRAVINA F., - Molluschi del Mar Tirreno Centrale: segnalazione di alcuni Turridi provenienti da una biocenosi a coralli bianchi (Contributo II)
62994: Smriglio C., Mariottini P., Gravina F., - Molluschi del Mar Tirreno Centrale: segnalazione di Amygdalum luteum (Jeffreys, 1880)
39817: Smriglio C., Mariottini P. & Gravina F., - Molluschi del Mar Tirreno centrale: ritrovamento di Putzeysia wiseri (Calcara, 1842), Ischnochiton vanbellei Kaas, 1985 e Neopilina zografi (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896)
75166: Smriglio C.& Mariottini P., - On the occurrence of Spirolaxis lamellifer (Rehder, 1935) in the Mediterranean Sea (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia, Architectonicidae)
65201: Smriglio C. & Mariottini P., - Coralliophila luglii spec
61282: Smriglio C., Mariottini P., Gravina F., - Molluschi del Mar Tirreno centrale: ritrovamento di Umbraculum mediterraneum (Lamarck, 1819) e osservazioni in acquario
67559: Smriglio C., Mariottini P., & Gravina F., - Molluschi del Mar Tirreno Centrale: ritrovamento di Typhlomangelia nivalis (Loven, 1846)
61923: Smriglio C., Mariottini P., Bonfitto A., - Description of Houartiella n gen, Trophoninae Cossmann, 1903, and H alboranensis n sp from the Mediterranean Sea
61673: Smriglio C., Mariottini P., Calascibetta S., - Description of a new species of Conidae Fleming, 1822 from the Mediterranean Sea: Conopleura aliena n
64677: Smriglio C., Mariottini P. & Gravina F., - New data on Spirolaxis clenchi Jaume & Borro, 1946 from the Mediterranean Sea (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia: Architectonicidae)
61941: Smriglio C., Mariottini P., Ciommei C., 1995. - Conferma di Bittium watsoni (Jeffreys, 1885) per il Mare di Alboran, Mediterraneo occidentale
66069: Smriglio C., Mariottini P. & Gravina F., - On Cantrainea peloritana (Cantraine, 1835) from the Mediterranean Sea (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia: Colloniidae)
61968: Smriglio C., Mariottini P., Gravina F., - Molluschi del Mar Tirreno Centrale: ritrovamento di Adeuomphalus ammoniformis G
61666: Smriglio C., Mariottini P. & Buzzurro G., - The Trivia spongicola complex, with the description of a new species (Caenogastropoda; Triviidae)
59488: Smythe R., - Andy Capp a grappoli
11895: Smythe K.R., - Salinator fragilis (Lamarck) - habitat and behaviour
11896: Smythe K.R., - On the occurrence of Salinator fragilis (Lamarck) in the Arabian Gulf
65675: Smythe K.A. & Houart R., - Favartia (Favartia) paulboschi (Muricidae: Muricopsinae) a new muricids from Oman
64637: Smythe K.R. & Chatfield J., - New species of Fusinus (Sinistralia) and Bullia from Masirah, Oman (Prosobranchia: Buccinacea)
65069: Smythe R., - Andy Capp - Smog
64377: Smythe R., - Scende la bruma, Andy Capp
64242: Smythe R., - Un soffio di Andy Capp
20684: Sneli J.A., - A collection of marine Mollusca from More and Romsdal, Northwestern Norway
57942: Snouck Hurgronje C., - Il pellegrinaggio alla Mecca
18305: Snow N.B. & Williams P,J, - A simple method to determine the O:N ratio of small marine animals
63065: Snyder M.A. & Vermeij G.J., - Hesperaptyxis, a new genus for some western American Fasciolariidae (Gastropoda), with the description of a new species
62712: Snyder T.E., - New Termites from Hawaii, Central and South America, and the Antilles
68322: Snyder M.A., - Catalogue of the Marine Gastropod Family Fasciolariidae
73329: Snyder M. A., - Four new species of Latirus (Gastropoda: Fasciolariidae) from the Philippine Islands and the southern Caribbean
61272: Soavi G., - Il conte
62080: Soavi G., - Guardando i quadri dei pittori contemporanei
73432: Sobetsky V.A., - Bivalvia of the late Cretaceous platformc seas of thr SE od the USSR
58410: Societa lombarda per la pesca e l' acquicoltura, - Rivista mensile di pesca lacustre, fluviale, marina - Anno VIII n
27771: Soekendarsi E., Paonganan Y., - The algal community at Samalona Island, South Sulawesi, Indonesia In 8°, offp
64477: Sohl N.F. & Kauffman E.G., - Giant upper cretaceous oysters from the Gulf Coast and Caribbean
20821: Soldano A., - Paternità del nome e tipificazione di Galactites elegans (Dycotiledoneae, Asteraceae)
20822: Soldano A., - Novità floristiche, specialmente in siti significativi, per il Vercellese
59421: Soldati M., - El Paseo de Gracia
66300: Soldati M., - Le lettere da Capri
10722: Solem A., - The land snail genus Afrodonta (Moll
52796: Solem A., - New and little-known Mexican Helicidae
70983: Solem A., - Marine mollusks from Bougainville and Florida, Solomon Islands
70984: Solem A., - Philippine snails of the family Endodontidae
69588: Solem, A., 1976- - Endodontoid Land Snails From Pacific Islands (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Sigmurethra)
70586: Solem A., - The Neotropical land snail genera Labyrinthus and Isomeria (Pulmonata, Camaenidae)
68409: Solem A., - Systematics and zoogeography of the land and fresh-water mollusca of the New Hebrides
70982: Solem A., - Marine and fresh-water mollusks of the Solomon Islands
71953: Solem A., - Mollusks from prehistoric sites in Afghanistan
68605: Solem A., - The shell makers
64585: Solem A., - Some non-marine mollusks from Thailand, with notes on the classification of the Helicarionidae
13818: Solem A., - Notes on Mexican mollusks II
60070: SOLEM A. & F. M. CLIMO, - Structure and habitat correlation of sympatric New Zealand land snail species
64550: Solem A., - Craterodiscus - A caemenid land snail from Queensland
64549: Solem A., - Tekoulina, a new viviparous tornatellinid land snail from Rarotonga, Cook Islands
64551: Solem A., - The subantarctic land snail, Notodiscus hookeri (Reeve, 1854) (Endodontidae)
66521: Solem A., - Notes on South American non-marine Mollusca I-III
69589: Solem A., - Endodontoid Land Snails From Pacific Islands (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Sigmurethra) Part 1: Family Endodontidae,
72820: Solem A., - Non-marine mollusca from Salobra, Matto Grosso, Brazil and a collection of South Brazilian Artemon
8815: Solem A., - Maximum in the minimum: Biogeography of land snails from the Ningbing Ranges and Jeremiah Hills, northeast Kimberley, Western Australia
33232: Solomos Solomou, - Themes in Macroeconomic History The UK Economy 1919-1939
67477: Solustri C., Morello E. & Froglia C., - Musculista senhousia (Benson in Cantor, 1842) (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) in the coastal waters of the Adriatic Sea (Italy)
61611: Solustri C. & Micali P., 2004. - Pyramidellidae (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) di un'area costiera del Medio Adriatico ed ipotesi di associazione con i possibili ospiti
31651: Solustri C. & Micali P., - Nuovi ritrovamenti malacologici e segnalazione di Thyasira granulosa (Monterosato, 1874) al largo delle coste romagnole (Medio Adriatico)
67371: Song Daxiang Zhu Mingsheng & Chen Jun, - The Spiders of China
66047: Soos L., - Öcsi felsö-Pontusi Mollusca-fauna
70505: Soós L. & Schlesch H., - Notes on some arctic Mollusca form Greenland [land snails]
71157: Soós L., - Die präglaziale Molluskenfauna des Fortyogóberges bei Brassó
71165: Soot-Ryen T., - New records on the distribution of marine Mollusca in Northern Norway
70667: Soot-Ryen T., - Notes on some Mollusca and Brachiopoda from Spitzbergen
62775: Soppelsa O., Crocetta F. & Fasulo G., - Prime segnalazioni di Nodolittorina punctata (Gmelin, 1791) per il golfo di Salerno, il golfo di Napoli e i litorali laziali (Tirreno centro-meridionale)
62776: Soppelsa O., Biddittu A., Battaglini P. & Crocetta F., - Un esemplare teratologico di Rissoa variabilis (von Muehlfeldt, 1824) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Rissoidae) con doppio peristoma
68806: Soppelsa O., Crocetta F. & Fasulo G., - Prime segnalazioni di Nodilittorina punctata (Gmelin, 1791) per il golfo di Salerno, il golfo di Napoli ed i litorali laziali (Tirreno centro-meridionale)
68807: Soppelsa O., Biddittu A., Battaglini P, & Crocetta F., - Un esemplare teratologico di Rissoa variabilis (von Muehlfeldt, 1824) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Rissoidae) con doppio peristoma
57380: Sorauf J.E. & W. A. Oliver, - Septal carinae and microstructure in middle Devonian Heliophyllum (Rugosa) from New York State
59154: Sorbini L., - L'ittiofauna fossile di Bolca e le sue relazioni biogeografiche con i pesci attuali: vicarianza o dispersione? In 4to, offp
66603: Sordi M., - Una nuova specie di Aglajidae (Gastropoda Opistobranchia) vivente del mare Tirreno: Chelidonura italica Sordi
67826: Sordi M., - Biologia delle Secche della Meloria II: Gasteropodi opistobranchi
73333: Soriano S., Sanchez Lizaso J. L. & Guerra A., - Cephalopod species collected in the upper continental slope off Alicante (Western Mediterranean)
48549: SORRENSEN-COTHERN K. A. , FORD E. D. & SPRUGEL D.G., - A model of competition incorporating plasticity through modular foliage and crown development
25116: Soska T., - Zur Flora des Krcin (Südl Korab) bei Debar
25115: Soska T., - Zur Flora des Berges Bukovic bei Gostivar in Südserbien
5889: Sotto F.B., Young J.G. & Baumgartner F.J., 1995 (Eds.) - Proceedings of the 3rd National Symposium in Marine Science
35141: Soule A. M. & Barnes S. E., - The relative value of protein in cotton-seed meal, cowpea hay, and wheat bran
35144: Soule A. M., & Fain J. R., - Feeding native steers
29812: Sourie R., - Etude ecologique sommaire des fonds sableux en Baie de Dakar
74104: Southgate P.C. & Roberts M., - A new species of Austrocypraea (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Cypraeidae) from the Pliocene of Flinders Island, Tasmania
31142: Southward E.C., - Bacterial symbionts in Pogonophora
57868: Southward A.J., - On the taxonomic status and distribution of Chthamalus stellatus (Cirripedia) in the north-east Atlantic region: with a key to the common intertidal barnacles of Britain
18285: Southward E.C. & Southward A.J., - Virus-like particles in bacteria symbiotic in bivalve gills
60393: Southward, A.J ., - On the behaviour of barnacles
60392: Southward, A.J ., - On the behaviour of barnacles II
60307: Southward, E.C. - Some new and little-known serpulid Polychaetes from the continental slope
49125: Southward, A. J., Southward, E. C., Brattegard, T., Bakke, T,, - Further experiments on the value of dissolved organic matter as food for Siboglinum fiordicum (Pogonophora)
58761: Southward A & Crisp D., - The Distribution of Certain Intertidal Animals around the Irish Coast
13913: Sowerby G.B., - Notes on Magilus and its allies, substituting the generic name Magilopsis for Leptoconchus lamarcki, Deshayes
74516: Sowerby G.B., 1862 (1982) - Thesaurus Conchyliorum
60803: Sowerby, G.B. II, - Monograph of the genus Rissoa
51652: Sowerby G.B. & Fulton H., - August 1902 - Mollusca - A catalogue (with prices) of a few of the species of recent shells for sale by Sowerby & Fulton - 15, Station Parade Kew Gardens near London
64438: Sowerby G.B., - Thesaurus conchyliorum, Monograph of Genera of shells - Monograph of the genus Marginella
68425: Sowerby G.B., 1847 (1981) - Thesaurus Conchyliorum
68426: Sowerby G.B., 1847 (1981) - Thesaurus Conchyliorum
74271: Sowerby G.B., - Popular british conchology
60953: Sowerby G.B. & Fulton H., - November 1899 - Recent Mollusca - A catalogue of Cephalopoda, Pteropoda, Heteropoda and marine Gastropoda to be had of Sowerby & Fulton - 15, Station Parade Kew Gardens near London
68296: Sowerby G.B., - Descriptions of eight new species of shells
72336: Sowerby G.B., 1847 (1981) - Thesaurus Conchyliorum
66576: Soyer J., - Harpacticoïdes (Crustacés Copépodes) de l'archipel de Kerguelen
74861: Spada G., Sabelli B. & Giannuzzi-Savelli R., - Mangelia Risso, 1826 and allied genera in the Mediterranean with the description of a new genus and three new species (Gastropoda: Mangeliidae)
74532: Spada G., - Osservazioni sulla validità specifica e sull'habitat di Venerupis lucens (Locard, 1886)
56256: Spada G. & Della Bella G., - Identification and neotype designation of Mangelia striolata, type species of Mangelia Risso, 1826 (Neogastropoda, Conoidea)
74531: Spada G., - Osservazioni sull'habitat preferenziale, la morfologia conchigliare e l'anatomia di Gibbula leucophaea (Philippi, 1836)
7339: Spada G., - Contributo alla conoscenza della malacofauna della biocenosi a Posidonia oceanica (L
31241: Spadini V., - Ritrovamento di Gibbula (Phorcus) distefanoi Crema, 1903 nei sedimenti pliocenici del Senese
20992: Spadini V., - Nota ai trochidi del senese: Gibbula (Colliculus) turbinoides e Gibbula (Tumulus) umbilicaris [Pliocene]
31373: Spadini V., - The Ranellidae (Gasteropoda: Caenogastropoda) in the Sienese Pliocene
71185: Spadini V., - The genus Gibbula Risso, 1826 (Trochidae: Cantharidinae) from the Pliocene of Siena
66524: Spagnolini A., - Catalogo sistematico degli Acalefi del Mediterraneo - Sifonofori e Meduse craspedote
64875: Spamer E.E. & Bogan A.E., - Recovery of the Etheldred Benett collection of fossils mostly from Jurassic-Cretaceous strata of Wilthshire, England, analysis of the taxonomic nomenclature of Benett (1831), and notes and figures of type specimens contained in the collection
17151: Sparacio I., - Coleotteri di Sicilia parte 2
75096: Sparacio I., - Brevi note su alcuni molluschi terrestri dell'Iran (collezione Domenico Gianasso)
68256: Sparacio I., La Mantia T., Reitano A., Colomba M.S., & Liberto F., - Nuovi dati biologici e geonemici su Lehmannia melitensis (Lessona & Pollonera, 1882) e Ambigolimax valentianus (A
18519: Sparacio I., - Coleotteri di Sicilia parte 3
69025: Sparacio I., Liberto F. & Crovato P., - Osservazioni sull'Helix (Helix) melanostoma Draparnaud, 1801 in Tunisia (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Helicidae)
68255: Sparacio I., Liberto F. & Colomba M.S., - Contributo alla conoscenza di Mauritanica tristrami tristrami (L
67382: Spath L.F., - A monograph of the Ammonoidea of the Gault part XV
41001: Spaul E. A. & Myddleton W. W., - The phosphate content and the biological activity of the anterior lobe pituitary
28180: Spaulding N.G., - Some observations on the nesting habits of Adelaide's warbler
65667: Speden I.G., Fleming G.A., Beu A.G. & Marwick J., - Notes non New Zealand fossil Mollusca - 2
73692: Speden I.J., - Three new inoceramid species from the Jurassic of New Zealand
30419: Spencer Davies P., - Physiological ecology of Patella
30217: Spencer Davies P., - Physiological ecology of Patella
30149: Spencer Davies P., - Physiological ecology of Patella
66398: Speranza F., - L'isola di Salina e le sue condizioni geografiche (seconda edizione riveduta)
31948: Sphon G.G., - An annotated checklist of the nudibranchs and their allies from the west coast of North America
10733: Sphon G. & Mulliner D.K., - A preliminary list of known opisthobranchs from the Galápagos Islands collected by the Ameripagos Expedition
8668: SPHON G. G. -& LANCE J.R., - An annotated list of nudibranchs and their allies from Santa Barbara county, California
71049: Spight T.M., - Factors extending gastropod embryonic development and their selective cost
65770: Spight T.M., - Colors and patterns of an intertidal snail, Thais lamellosa
66018: Spight T.M., - Ecology of hatching size for marine snails
10742: Spight T.M., - Censuses of rocky shore prosobranchs from Washington and Costa Rica
66013: Spight T.M., - Hatching size and the distribution of nurse eggs among prosobranch embryos
71048: Spight T.M., - Factors extending gastropod embryonic development and their selective cost
74011: Spinosa C., Furnish W.M. & Glenister B.F., - The Xenodiscidae, Permian ceratitoid ammonoids
61965: Spinosa A., - Augusto
65883: Spinrad N., - Il re druido
72149: Spinrad N., - La civiltà dei Solari
397: Spirlet M., - Etude taxonomique des épidermes foliaires des Hyperciacées et des Guttiféracées du bassin du fleuve Congo
68939: Sprague De Camp L., - La torre di Goblin
68583: Sprague De Camp L. & Schuyler Miller P., - Gorilla sapiens
62697: Springer F., - Crinoids from the Upper Cretaceous of Tamaulipas, Mexico
15353: Springer V.G., - Synopsis of the tribe Omobranchini with descriptions of three new genera and two new species (Blenniidae)
13289: Springer V.G., - Additions to revisions of the blenniid fish genera Ecsenius and Entomacrodus, with descriptions of three new species of Ecsenius
15245: Springer V.G., Lavett Smith C. & Fraser T.H., - Anisochromis straussi, new species of protagynous hermaphroditic fish, and synonymy of Anisochromidae, Pseudoplesiopidae, and Pseudochromidae
7827: Springer V.G., - The Indo-Pacific Blenniid fish
72650: Springsteen F.J. & Leobrera F.M., - Shells of the Philippines
66587: Springsteen F.J. & Leobrera F.M., - Shells of the Philippines
59128: Sprovieri R., - Distribuzione dei foraminiferi bentonici nei trubi di Bonfornello (Palermo)
62977: Spry J.F., - The seas shells of Dar es Salaam - Gastropods
65536: Spry J.F., - The seas shells of Dar es Salaam - Gastropods
73765: Spörli K.B. & Grant-Mackie J., - Upper jurassic fossils from the Waipapa group of Tawharanui Peninsula, North Auckland, New Zealand
67165: Squires R.L., - Catalog of the taxonomic updates of northeastern Pacific Late Cretaceous shallow marine bivalves and gastropods named from 1874 to 1966
54932: Squires R.L., - Middle Pliocene dragonfly nymphs, Ridge Basin, Transverse Ranges, California In 8vo, offp
73396: Squires R.L. & Saul L.R., - Cretaceous corbulid bivalves of the Pacific slope of North America
63428: Sreenivasa-Reddy, R. P., - Contribution à la connaissance des Scorpions de l'Inde
18280: Srilakshmi G., - The hyprobanchial gland in Morula granulata (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia)
63290: Srinivasan M.S., Kennett J.P. & Rodda P., - Late Neogene planktonic foraminifgeral biostratigraphy, Suva, Fiji, In 8vo, offp
69207: Srivastava G.K., - Notes on some Borelli's types of Dermaptera
67040: Srivastava G.K., - Notes on Bormans' some material of Dermaptera (Insecta)
29250: St. John H., - Revisio of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 23: Three Australian Species of Pandanus
29251: St. John H., - Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 28: The Australian Species Published by Robert Brown
28203: St. John H., - Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 21: The Pandanus monticola Group in Queensland, Australia + Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 22: A new species (Section Hombronia) from New Caledonia
26672: St. John H., - Revision of the genus Pandanus Stickman, part 34: Four species from the Philippines
26708: St. John H., - Revision of the genus Pandanus Stickman, part 33: Further accounts of Australian species, and a key to the section Microstigma
59475: Stableford B.M., - Dark Nebula
63680: Stacquez H.I.J., - Conférences sur l'électro-thérapie données à l'hôpital militaire de Liége
65241: Staff Of Fisherman's Encyclopedia, - Salt Water Game Fishes - Authoritative guide to the species commonly found in US and Canadian coastal waters
57150: Stagnigtta A., - La fondazione medievale della psicologia
34464: Stahl E.H., - Rabbits for profit and pleasure
64419: Stahlschmidt P., Poppe G.T. & Chino M., - Description of seven new shallow water Daphnella species from the Philippines (Gastropoda: Raphitomidae)
73342: Stait B., - Ordovician nautiloids of Tasmania - Gouldoceraridae fa
67220: Stancanelli E., - Le attrici
62686: Stanic R. & Schiaparelli S., - New finding of living specimens of the rare architectonicid Heliacus (Gyriscus) jeffreysianus (Tiberi, 1867)
51337: Stanislav Hanzlik - Die räumliche Verteilung der meteorologischen Elemente in den Antizyklonen
51269: Stanislav Kostlivy - Der tägliche Temperaturgang von Wien Hohe Warte für die Gesammtheit aller Tage, sowie an heiteren und trüben Tagen 36 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 4
51374: Stanislav Hanzlik - Die räumliche Verteilung der meteorologischen Elemente in den Zyklonen
57698: Stanley S.M., - L'evoluzione dell'evoluzione - un nuovo calendario per l'origine delle specie
72712: Stanley S.M., - Coadaptation in the Trigoniidae, a remarkable family of burrowing bivalves
73306: Stanley G.D. et al., - Upper Triassic Invertebrates from the Antimonio Formation, Sonora, Mexico
72398: Stanton T.W., - Chondrodonta, a new genus of ostreiform mollusks from the Cretaceous with descriptions of the genotype and a new species
72434: Stanton T.W. & Vaughan T.W., - The fauna of the Cannonball marine member of the Lance formation
64197: Stapleton P. de S., - Bifaced stone implements from South Eastern South Australia
31073: Stark P., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Traumatotropismus
31112: Stark P., - Experimentelle untersuchungen über das Wesen und die Verbreitung der Kontaktreizbarkeit
27992: Stark P., - Das Resultantengesetz beim Haptotropismus
15824: Starks E.C., - On a collection of fishes made by P
61399: Starmuehlner F. & Therezien Y., - Résultats de la Mission Hydrobiologique Austro-Francaise de 1979 aux Iles de la Guadelopue, de la Dominique et de la Martinique (Petites Antilles) - Part IA: Rapport prèliminaire: Introduction, Méthodes et situation général de l'Ile de Guadeloupe
70399: Starmühlner F., 191 - Einle kleine Molluskenausbeute aus Nord- und Ostiran
66562: Starnazzi C., - Un'industria musteriana di tipo La Quina presso Ceciliano (Arezzo)
15215: Starnes L.B. & Bogan A.E., - The mussels (Unionidae) of Tennessee
73598: Starobogatov Y.I., 1985 (Ed.) - New data on the taxonomy and ecology of molluscs
73858: Starobogatov Ya.I. & A.A. Shileiko (Eds.), - Morphological and ecological bases of the molluscan taxonomy
30578: Starr Jordan D., - A review of the fishes of the family Histiopteridae, found in the waters of Japan; with a note on Tephritis günther
72741: Stasek C.R., - Type specimens in the California Academy of Sciences, Department of Invertebrate Zoology
69471: Statuti A., - Sugli studi malacologici nel Lazio
71371: Staub W., - Über die Verbreitung einiger lebender und versteinerter Lamellibranchier und Gastropodenarten am Ausgange der Sangkulirangbai (Ost-Borneo), einem Aestuarium der tropischen Zone
70951: Staub W., - Über die Verbreitung einiger lebender und versteinter Lamellibranchier und Gastropodenarten am Ausgange der Sangkulirangbai (Ost Borneo), einem Aestuarium der tropischen Zone
29775: Staub M., - Die geschichte des genus Cinnamomum
18529: Stauder A., - Survey of the Madeiran limnological fauna and their zoogeographical distribution
60099: Stauffer J.R., Dickson K.L., Cairn J. & Cherry D.S., - The Potential And Realized Influences Of Temperature On The Distribution Of Fishes IN The New River, Glen Lyn, Virginia
60147: Stauffer J.R., Dickson K.L., Cairns J. & Cherry D.S., - The Potential and realized influences of temperature on the distribution of fishes in the New River, Glen Lyn, Virginia
33587: Stauffert I., - Vergleichend anatomisch-physiologische Untersuchungen an Chelidonium majus und seiner laciniaten Mutationsform
70299: Stchepinsky V., - Quelques espèces et variétés nouvelles du Sahélien de Tunisie
444: Stearn W.T. & Ozhatay N., - Allium sphaerocephalon and an allied species of European Turkey, Allium proponticum
27847: Stearns H.T., - Quaternary shorelines in the Hawaiian Islands
74358: Stearns R.E.C., - Notes on Cytherea (Tivela) crassatelloides Conrad, with descriptions of many varieties
64676: Stearns R.E.C., - Notes on recent collection of North American land, freshwater, and marine shells received from the U
7744: Stearns R.E., - The fossil fresh-water shells of the Colorado desert, their distribution, environment, and variation
63912: Steel J.H., 1973 (Eds.) - Marine Food Chains
61148: Steel D., - La casa di Hope Street
54501: Steele E.S., - Can perfumery farming succeed in the United States?
18318: Steele D.H. & Whittick A., - Seasonal variation in Pilayella littoralis (Phaeophyceae) and its consequences as a food source for the amphipod, Gammarus lawrencianus, in the intertidal of Newfoundland
64745: Steenberg C.M., - Études sur l'anatomie et la systématique du genre Eremina (gastéropodes pulmonés)
69610: Steene A., - La fortezza sulla Luna
47395: Steenstrup K.J., - Beretning om Undersøgelsesrejserne i Nord-Grønland i Aarene 1878-80 + Om Forekomsten af Forsteninger i Kulførende Dannelser i Nord-Grønland
51304: Stefan Kreutz - Über die Ausbildung der Kristallform bei Calcitzwillingen 68 pages with 5 plates and 10 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 15
55904: Stefanini G., - Molluschi del Giuralias della Somalia, Introduzione - Cefalopodi
23699: Stefanini G., - Terre eduli esistenti nel Museo Nazionale d'Antropologia di Firenze
55753: STEFANINI G., - Premessa: Notizie sulle formazioni plioceniche e pleistoceniche della Somalia, pag
57383: Stehli F.G. & R. E. Grant, - Permian brachiopods from Axel Heiberg island, Canada, and an index of sampling efficiency, Utah, and Nevada In 8vo, stapled, pp
57535: Steibeck J., - La battaglia
34919: STEINBECK JOHN, - I pascoli del cielo
45105: STEINDACHNER, F., - Fische aus dem Stillen Ocean
51394: Steindachner F., - Bericht über die von Hans Sauter auf Formosa gesammelten Schlangenarten
54874: Steindachner F., - Ichtthyologische Beiträge (XIX) - Uber die Arten der Gattung Plagioscion Gill (= Diplolepis Steind
51228: Steindachner F., - Bericht über die herpetologischen Aufsammlungen Expedition S
31295: Steiner G., - Scaphopoda from the Spanish coasts
74110: Steiner G., - Larval and juvenile shells of four North Atlantic scaphopod species
58283: Steiner O, - 100 Jahre Österreichischer Touristenklub 1869 - 1969
66692: Steiner G. & Kabat A. R., - Catalogue of supraspecific taxa of Scaphopoda (Mollusca)
72311: Steiner G. & Linse K., - Systematics and distribution of the Scaphopoda in the Beagle Channel (Chile)
72566: Steiner G., - A new genus and species of the family Anulidentaliidae and its systematic implications
72003: Steininger F., - Die Molluskenfauna aus dem Burdigal (U-Miozän) von Fels am Wagram in Niederösterreich
73849: Steinmann G., - Zur Phylogenie der Belemnoidea
10758: Stelfox A.W., - Some notes on the land and freshwater mollusca of Galway and district [Ireland]
57812: Stella P. & Rodin˜ E., - Ricerche sulla variabilità genetica del bivalve Chamelea (Venus) gallina (L)
6001: Stella Starrabba F., - Osservazioni sulla costituzione geologica dell'"isola d'Ustica
60785: Stempfer S.R., - Über die am 28
65595: Stendhal, - La certosa di Parma
34101: Stepan Eduard, - Wiener Museen - - Sonderausgabe der Zeitschrift Deutsches Vaterland, 1925
51487: Stephanie Herzfeld - Ephedra Campylopoda Mey
51398: Stephanie Herzfeld - Studien über die Juglandaceen und Julianiaceen 18 pages with 7 plates and 1 illustration, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 3
9174: Stephen A.C., - Notes on the rate of growth of Tellina tenuis da Costa in the Firth of Clyde
9175: STEPHEN A.C., - Notes on the biology of some lamellibranchs in the Clyde area
62872: Stephenson D.G. - The trimerous stage in echinoderm evolution; an unnecessary hypothesis
70771: Stephenson L.W., - Two new mollusks of the genera Ostrea and Exogyra from the Austin chalk, Texas
57975: Stephenson L.Z., - Some Upper Cretaceous shells of the rudistid group from Tamaulipas, Mexico
72546: Stephenson L.W., - A new Upper Cretaceous rudistid from the Kemp Clay of Texas
74563: Sterki V., - A preliminary catalog of the North American Sphaeriidae
14241: Sterki V., - A new mollusk of the genus Pisidium from Alaska, with field notes by G
64784: Sterpellone L., - I Nobel della medicina (1901-1990)
65678: Sterpellone L., - Cristoforo Colombo
58804: Sterpellone L., - Pazienti illustrissimi (2)
23486: Stetson H., - Terra e radio nel cosmo; Milano, Mondadori In 8vo, tela edit
74198: Steuer A., - Marine Conchylien aus dem Mainzer Becken 1
67944: Steuer A., - Die Fischereigründe vor Alexandrien XIX: Mollusca
73862: Steusloff U., - Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Verbreitung und Lebensanspruche der Vertigo genesii parcedentata im Diluvium und alluvium (Polyploidie Wahrend des Periglaziais)
70389: Stevanovic P., - Sure les coquilles perforés des mollusques du Sarmatien, Méotien et de ceus de Bouglowka en Serbie
62871: Stevens C.H., Wagner D.B. & Sumsion R.S, - Permian fusulinid biostratigraphy, central Cordilleran miogeosyncline
65673: Stevenson R.L., - L'isola del tesoro
60568: Stevenson R.L., - L'isola del tesoro
59442: Stevenson R.L., - L'isola del tesoro
63896: Stevenson R.L., - lo strano caso del dottor Jekyll e del signor Hyde
15505: Stewart K. & Geiger D.L., - Designation of lectotype for Haliotis crebrisculpta Sowerby, 1914, with a discussion of H
70514: Stewart R.B., - Gabb's California Cretaceous and Tertiary type lamellibranchs
72492: Stewart R.B., - Gabb's California Cretaceous and Tertiary type lamellibranchs
65896: Steyn D.G. & Lussi M., - Offshore shells of Southern Africa
58936: Steyn D.G. & Lussi M., - CD-Rom: Sea shells on the South African shore
73582: Steyn D.G. & Steyn E.J., - The sea shells of Jeffreys Bay
43610: Stignani A., - La marca e le politiche commerciali nel settore ortofrutticolo
74977: Stilwell J.D., - A rare, late Paleocene molluscan faunule from the Kings Park Formation, Perth Basin, Western Australia
72393: Stilwell J., - Eocene Mollusca (Bivalvia, Gastropoda and Scaphopoda) from McMurdo Sound: systematics and paleoecologic significance
73629: Stilwell J.D., - The paleoaustral genus Protodolium Wilckens, 1922 (Mollusca: Gastropoda), and a new species from the Late Cretaceous of Chatham Islands, New Zealand
73634: Stilwell J.D., - Geological exploration of Cockburn Island, Antarctic Peninsula
73674: Stilwell J.D. & Zinsmeister W.J., - A new, large acteonid gastropod (Mollusca) from the latest Cretaceous of Antarctica
73675: Stilwell J.D. & Zinsmeister W.J., - Paleobiogeographic synthesis of the Eocene macrofauna from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
73676: Stilwell J.D. & Gazdzicki A., - A new limid bivalve from the La Meseta Formation (Eocene) of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula
73677: Stilwell J.D., - New Early Paleocene Mollusca from the Wangaloa Formation of South Island, New Zealand
73679: Stilwell J.D. & Zinsmeister W.J., - A new gastropod mollusca, Antarctissitys austrodela gen
73450: Stimpson W., - A revision of the synonymy of the testaceous mollusks of New England with notes on their structure, and their geographical and bathymetrical distribution
59860: Stivers V., - Il sangue nero del vampiro
74039: Stix H., Stix M. & Abbott R.T., (1968) - The shells
65556: Stix H., Stix M. & Abbott R.T., - Le conchiglie
58950: Stix H. & Abbott R.T., - LE CONCHIGLIE
72628: Stix H., Stix M. & Abbott R.T., - Die Muscheln
7347: Stix H. & Stix M., - The shells
24881: Stocker O., Rehm S. & Schmidt H., - Der Wasser und Assimilationshaushalt dürreresistenter und dürrempffindlicher Sorten landwirtschaftlicher Kulturpflanzen
19714: Stoddart J.A., - Analysis of species lineages of some Australian thiarids using the evolutionary species concept
23048: Stoduti P., - Un giacimento del Paleolitico Medio scoperto nella valle del torrente Popogna presso Livorno
23047: Stoduti P., - Nuovi ritrovamenti preistorici sulle colline livornesi
56690: STODUTI P., - La stazione litica del riparo sotto roccia "Qa-Disi" (Giordania Meridonale)
59177: Stoker B., - Dracula
60801: Stolz Picchio T., - La Leptodora del lago di Varese
54786: Stoppani A., 1908- - Il bel paese
39762: Storch P. & Serpagli E., - Lower Silurian graptolites from southwestern Sardinia
60375: Stossich M., - Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Chaetopoden
41377: Stouge S. & Bagnoli Stouge G., - An upper Llandovery conodont fauna from eastern Hall Land, North Greenland
24768: Strack H.L., - In memoriam Pieter Kaas (1915-1996)
5655: Strack H.L., - Notes on New Caledonian chitons I
74200: Strand Petersen K., - An Outline on the Present Stage of Study on Late Quaternary Marine Molluscs in the Nordic Realm
74201: Strand Petersen K., - Holocene Marine Molluscan Faunas and Shellfish from Køkkenmøddinger in the Limfjord Region, Northern Jutland, Denmark
74214: Strand Petersen K., - Marine Molluscs as Indicators of Former Sea-level Stands
34509: Straneo P., - Intorno alla teoria dei quanti
67046: Straneo S.L., - Nuove specie del genere Ogmopleura Tschitscherine (Coleóptera,Carabidae, Pterostichini) del Peroe e dell'Ecuador e chiave per la loro determinazione
58112: Strange T.A., 1(903) - Historical Guide to French Interiors, Furniture, Decoration Woodwork & Allied Arts during the last half of the Seventeenth Century, the whole of the Eighteenth Century, and the earlier part of the Nineteenth, In 4to Hardback red cloth with gilt title to front board, spine with small lacking in low, pp
67380: Strasser C., - Uber Diplopoda-Chilognatha Griechlands
67303: Strasser C., - Diplopodi delle isole Eolie, d'Ustica ed Egadi
4128: Stratton L.W., - The non-marine mollusca of the parish of Dale
64571: Strauch F., - Determination of Cenozoic sea-temperatures using Hiatella arctica (Linné)
74248: Strayer D.L. & Jirka K.J., - The Pearly Mussles of New York State
74805: Strazzera A., - Le Ammoniti, testimoni fossili dell storia geologica del Monte Erice
15109: Streiff W., - Etude endocrinologique du déterminisme du cycle sexuel chez un mollusque hermaphrodite protandre Calyptraea sinensis (L) - I - Mise en évidence par culture in vitro de facteurs hormonaux conditionnant l'évolution du tractus génital mâle
15108: Streiff W., - Etude endocrinologique du déterminisme du cycle sexuel chez un mollusque hermaphrodite protandre Calyptraea sinensis (L) - III - Mise en évidence par culture in vitro de facteurs hormonaux conditionnant l'évolution de la gonade
73854: Stridsberg S., - Silurian Oncocerid Cephalopods from Gotland
60731: Strindberg A., - Gli abitanti di Hemso - Il capro espiatorio
66468: Strobel P. - Sordelli F., - Ulteriori cenni sulla polimelia nelle rane + Descrizione di una rana polimelica nel Museo Civico di Milano
31091: Stromgren T., - Growth rates of Modiolus modiolus (L
31095: Stromgren T., - Growth patterns of Mytilus edulis in relation to individual variation, light conditions, feeding, and starvation
31090: Stromgren T., - Length growth of Mytilus edulis (Bivalvia) in relation to photoperiod, irradiance, and spectral distribution of light
27927: Strong A.M., Hanna G.D. & Hertlein L.G., - The Templeton Crocker Expedition [in the Galapagos Islands] of the California Academy of Sciences, 1932 - n° 10 - Marine mollusca from Acapulco, Mexico with notes on other species
8274: STRONG A.M., - Marine mollusca of San Martin Island, Mexico
8275: STRONG A.M., - New species of West American shells
68012: Strougo A., - Le ''Biarritzien'' et le Priabonien en Egypte et leurs faunes de Bivalves
63852: Strougo A. - Les Corbulidae de l'Éocène supérieur d'Égypte
65010: Strougo A., - Carolia lefevrei Fischer, 1880 (Bivalvia, Anomiidae)
58052: Strugstski A. & B., - Passi nel tempo
64119: Struther J., - La Signora Miniver
70777: Strübin K., - Über jurassische und tertiäre Bohrmuscheln im Basler Jura
69150: Stuardo J., - On Solen gaudichaudi Chenu, 1843 and S
14686: Stuardo J., - Ensayo de una clave para familias y generos chilenos de Polyplacophora, con generalidades del grupo e inclusion de algunas especies comunes
69853: Stuart H.G., - A new cephalopod mollusk collected on the presidential cruise of 1938
74950: Studencka B., & Jasoniowski M., - Bivalves from the Middle Miocene reefs of Poland and Ukraine: A new approach to Badenian/Sarmatian boundary in the Paratethys
72557: Studencka B. & Popov S.V., - Genus Acanthocardia (Bivalvia) from the Middle Miocene of the Paratethys
73272: Studencka B., - The occurrence of the genus Kelliella (Bivalvia, Kelliellidae) in shallow-water, Middle Miocene deposits of Poland
73180: Stumm E.C., - Revision of R
69534: Stupakoff I., - Observations on the feeding behavior of the gastropod Pleuroploca princeps (Fasciolariidae) in the Galapagos Islands
57670: Sturani E., - Curarsi con le cartoline
57407: Sturany R., - W A Obrutschew's Mollusken-Ausbiete aus Hochasien
58055: Sturany R., - Ergebnisse einer von Prof
51400: Sturany R. & Wagner A.J., - Über Schalentragende Landmollusken aus Albanien und Nachbargebieten
51183: Sturany R., - Rudolf Sturany Zoologische Ergebnisse VII
67736: Sturgeon T., - Medusa e altri dei
60131: Sturgeon T., - Luci e nebbie
67734: Sturgeon T., - Profumo d'infinito
62737: Sturz-Köwing I., - Variationsstatische Untersuchungen an Belemniten des Lias zeta
48495: Stuyvaert M., - Sur la courbure des lignes et des surfaces
68525: Styron W., - Le confessioni di Nat Turner
54134: Stöhr A., - Über Vorkommen von Chlorophyll in der Epidermis der Phanerogamen-Laubblätter
73279: Su i -Proti Z., - Mesozoic brachiopoda of Yugoslavia : Middle Liassic brachiopoda of the Yugoslav Carpatho-Balkanids (Part III)
40986: SUBAI P., - Beschreibung einer neuen Chilostoma aus Griechisch-Makedonien
64909: Subal P., - Beschreibung einer neuen Art Argna thracica, sowie Angaben über die griechischen Argnidae
60115: Sucharitkul S., - Aquiliade
34987: Sudermann H., - L'isola dell'amicizia
57362: Suess E., - Einige Bermerkungen über den Mond
46289: Sundet J. H. & Vahl O., - Seasonal changes in dry weight and biochemical composition of the tissues of sexually mature and immature Iceland scallops, Chlamys islandica
61832: Suping, Z. & Peng, W., - Cowries and their relatives of China [in Chinese]
30211: Surdan C.T., - Contribucion rumana al estudio de rickettsiae y para-rickettsiae
73869: Surlyk F. & Zakharov V.A., - Buchiid bivalves from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of East Greenland
72027: Sussmilch C.A. & Jensen H.I., - The geology of the Canobolas Mountains
68985: Sutcharit C, Ablett J., Tongkerd P., Naggs F. & Panha S., - Illustrated type catalogue of Amphidromus Albers, 1850 in the Natural History Museum, London, and descriptions of two new species
69702: Sutcharit C. et al., - Annotated checklist of the land snail fauna from southern Cambodia (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
68872: Suter H., - Revision of New Zealand Athoracophoridae + The land Mollusca of Stewart Island + Notes on some New Zealand Flammulina, with F
68871: Suter H., - Revision of the New Zealand Trochidae
62759: Suter, H. - Descriptions of new species of New Zealand Land and Fresh-water Shells
73731: Suter H., - Manual of the New Zealand Mollusca
69772: Sutera M., - Storie tossiche
73285: Sutherland P.K., - Ardmosteges orchamus new genus, new species, in the early Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma - possible ancestor to the Permian richthofenoid brachiopods
69679: Sutton J., - Secolo XXIII
58197: Sutton R.J., - A Stamp Collector's Encyclopaedia
72166: Sutton J., - L'atomo stagnante
20716: Suvorov A.N., - Some aspects of functional morphology of the aperture in the Pupillina suborder (Pulmonata) (in russian with english abstracts)
14707: Suvorov A.N. & Schileyko A.A., - Functional morphology of the apertural armature in the Lauriinae subfamily (Orculidae) and some problems of the systematics of the group
27996: Suzuki U., Shimamura T. & Odake S., - Ueber Oryzanin, ein Bestandteil der Reiskleie und seine physiologische Bedeutung
59771: Svevo I., - La coscienza di Zeno
72093: Svevo I., - La coscienza di Zeno
67014: Swainson W., - Exotic Conchology; or figures and descriptions of rare, beautiful, or undescribed shells, drawn on stone from the most selected specimens; the descriptions systematically arranged on the principles of the natural system
61551: Sweeney M., Roper C., Mangold K., Clarke M. & Boletzky S., 1992 - - Larval and juvenile cephalopods: A manual for their identification
71569: Sweeney M.J. & Roper C.F.E., - Gilbert L
20095: Swennen C., - In memoriam dr Ingvar Kristensen, 1918-1996
5664: Swennen C., - The Netherlands coastal waters as an environment for Nudibranchia
60101: Swenson J.E., Alt K. & Eng R.L., - Ecology of bald eagles in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem
61842: Swift J., - I viaggi di Gulliver Edizioni CDC
11890: Switzer-Dunlap M., - Larval biology and metamorphosis of aplysiid gastropods
58150: Sylvain C. - Il Mago di Villa Fiorita
67847: Sysoev A. & Bouchet P., - New and uncommon turriform gastropods (Conoidea) from the South-West Pacific
69802: Sysoev A. & Schileyko,A., - Land Snails and Slugs of Russia and Adjacent Countries
71907: Sysoev A. & Bouchet P., - Taxonomic reevalution of Gemmuloborsonia Shuto, 1989 (Gastropoda: Conoidea), with a description of new recent deep-water species
66208: Szelényi G., - In memoriam Dr Lajos Soós (1879-1972)
71292: Söderström A., - Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Mollusken
513: Søndergaard P., - A European community arboretum in Madeira? In 8vo, offp
51369: T. F. Hanausek - Untersuchungen über die kohleähnliche Masse der Kompositen
38100: Taasen J. P. & Saugestad T., - A list of plankton algae, collected in net hauls from Raunefjorden, Western Norway
40816: Tabanelli C., - II contributo alla conoscenza della malacofauna batiale del Pliocene di Romagna: segnalazione del genere Microstelma Adams A
67075: Tabanelli C., - Il problema del Creseis cyathus De Cristofori & Jan, 1832 (Gastropoda: Scaphopoda: Gadilidae)
66209: Tabanelli C., - Sulla presenza di Leda mendax Meneghini in Appelius, 1871 nella serie marina plio-pleistocenica romagnola e descrizione di Yoldiella ragazzinii n
61967: Tabanelli C., - Presenza e variabilità di Alvania diadema (Doderlein in De Stefani, 1874) (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) nella serie marina plio-pleistocenica della Romagna
60724: Tabucchi A., - Si sta facendo sempre più tardi
75442: Taburiaux J., - Pearls, Their Origin, Treatment and Indentification
51182: Tad. Garbowski - Zoologische Ergebnisse IX
50508: Taddei Ruggieri E. & Ungaro T., - Sardorhynchia crassa gen nov, sp nov (Brachiopoda) from Jurassic of Sardinia
59259: Taddei Ruggiero E., - Ultrastruttura del guscio di alcuni Spiriferidi triassici
70757: Tadic A., - The most important representatives of the mussels of the genus Unio from the Sava, the Danube and Kopacko Jezero Lake + The collection of Unionidae in the Museum of Natural Science, Belgrade
67490: Tagliani G., - Contributo statistico-biometrico allo studio delle conchiglie di Cepaea nemoralis var
68292: Tahar B.J., - Lo scrivano
64112: Tahar Ben Jelloun, - Corrotto
63683: Taine I., 1912- - La Rivoluzione parte terza: Il governo rivoluzionario
28637: Takahashi T., Abé G., - On the Chemical Composition of Saké
69460: Takashige H. & Takei S., - Japanese Seashells Illustrated
74273: Taki I., - Japonactaeon, a new genus of Pupidae (Opisthobranchia, Gastropoda)
69515: Taki I., - Anatomical study of Volutopsius deformis (Gastropoda)
39467: Talavera J.A., - Redescription and chorology of Dendrobaena lusitana (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in Macaronesia
49704: Talling J.F., - Photosynthesis under natural conditions
67451: Tamanini L., - Descrizione di due nuovi Dimorphocoris montani utilizzando anche i caratteri delle armature endofalliche (Hemiptera Heteroptera, Miridae)
64443: Tamaro S., - Anima mundi
56459: Tamaro, S., - Ascolta la mia Voce
74428: Tamayo Goya J.C., - Catalogo de los bivalvos marinos del sector central del Golfo de Valencia (Espa–a)
35415: Tamino G., - Notizie sui cetacei italiani V: Rinvenimento di due esemplari di capodoglio (Physeter macrocephalus L
34018: Tamino G., - Note sui cetacei italiani
34020: Tamino G., - Note sui cetacei VI: Sullo scheletro di una Globicephala del Museo di Roma, con particolari considerazioni sul cranio di questa e di altre specie di cetacei e di diversi mammiferi
34022: Tamino G., - Rinvenimento di una Globicephala nel lido di Castelporziano (Roma)
34023: Tamino G., - Note anatomo-funzionali sui Cetacei
34288: Tamino G., - Sulla locomozione dei canguri
34285: Tamino G., - Osservazioni sulla bio-meccanica dell'arto anteriore dei Primati
70932: Tan K., - On two species of Pholadomya from Taiwan
60368: Tangl E., - Die Protoplasma der Erbse - Zweitr Abhandlung
54104: Tangl E., - Die Protoplasma der Erbse
60367: Tangl E., - Die Protoplasma der Erbse
19378: Tanner E.V., - Species diversity and reproductive mechanisms in Jamaican trees
7359: Tapia G., Martínez-López F., Carbonell-Baldoví & Pujante A., - Localizacion anatomica y alteraciones producidas por esporocistos y redias de digenidos en Melanopss dufouri
64914: Tappert A. & Korniushin A., - Zur Molluskenfauna von Kiew, Lwiw und dem Norden der Ukraine
51013: Taramelli E., Chimenz C., Mussino A., Battaglini G. & Bianchi F., - I molluschi del porto di Civitavecchia
12899: Tardy J., - Etude systématique et biologique sur trois espèces d'Aeolidiennes des côtes européennes
37495: Tassi F., - Problemi di conservazione nel campo dell'entemologia
65708: Tasso T., - Gerusalemme liberata
16238: Tattersal W.M., - A review of the Mysidacea of the United States National Museum
8585: TATTERSALL W.M., - Notes on the breeding habits and life history of the Periwinkle
65422: Tattersfield P. & Rowson B., - Tanzartemon gen
66660: Tavani G., - Osservazioni geologiche sull'alto Appennino modenese
24662: Tavares J.S., - Primeiro appendice a Synopse das Zoocecidias Portoguezas
24641: Tavares J.S., - Contributio prima ad cognitionem cecidologiae Regionis Zambeziae
15291: Taviani M., - Tridacne nel Pliocene Italiano? In 8vo, offp
62746: Taviani M. & Sabelli B., - Iphitus (Mollusca, Gastropoda) a deep-water genus new to the Mediterranean Sea
65901: Taviani M. & Beu A.G., - The paleoclimatic significance of Cenozoic marine macrofossil assemblages from Cape Roberts Project drillholes, McMurdo Sound, Victoria Land Basin, East Antarctica
31482: Taviani M. & Taviani N., - Remarks on Coralliophila richardi (P
30641: Taviani M., - On the systematic position of Cerithiopsis concinna Sykes, 1925 with description of the new genus Narrimania (Gastropoda: Epitoniidae)
7360: Taviani M., - I molluschi marini raccolti dalla spedizione 'L
64525: Tax C.J., - Strombidae in Art part 1
68111: Taxil L., - La più grande mistificazione antimassonica
38525: Taylor D. W., - The study of Pleistocene nonmarine mollusks in North America
65808: Taylor J.D. & Glover E.A., - Functional anatomy, chemosymbiosis and evolution of the Lucinidae
57470: Taylor P.D., - A Jurassic ctenostome bryozoan from Yorkshire
57481: Taylor, P.D., - Bryozoa from the Jurassic Portland Beds of England
57864: Taylor A. C., - Burrowing behaviour and anaerobiosis in the bivalve Arctica islandica (L
57479: TAYLOR P.D., - Cyclostome systematics: Phylogeny, suborders and the problem of skeletal organization
65848: Taylor J.D. & Reid D.G., - The abundance and trophic classification of molluscs upon coral reefs in the Sudanese Red Sea
57467: Taylor P.D., - The inference of extrazooidal feeding currents in fossil bryozoan colonies
12933: Taylor D.W., Walter H.J. & Burch J.B., - Freshwater snails of the subgenus Hinkleyia (Lymnaeidae: Stagnicola) from the Western United States
15546: Taylor D.W., - A new mussel Disconaias conchos (Unionidae) from Rio Conchos of the Rio Grande system, Mexico
57466: Taylor P.D. & Voigt E., - Hoeverella krauseae gen
57527: Taylor P.D., Weedon M.J. & Jones C.G. - Skeletal ultrastructure in some cyclostome bryozoans of the family Lichenoporidae
57528: Taylor P.D., & Foster T.S., - Bryozoa from the Plio-Pleistocene of Tobago, West Indies
69957: Taylor JH. & Glover E., - Biology, evolution and generic review of the chemosymbiotic bivalve family Lucinidae
34381: Taylor W.A., - The influence of refrigeration on the fruit industry
70825: Taylor D.W. & Smith G.R., - Pliocene Molluscs and Fishes from Northeastern California and Northwestern Nevada
57483: Taylor, P.D. & Badve R.M., - A new cheilostome bryozoan from the Cretaceous of India and Europe: a cyclostome homeomorph
57473: TAYLOR P.D., & Mawatari S.G., - Preliminary overview of the cheilostome bryozoan Microporella
65743: Taylor J., - Reef associated molluscan assemblages in the Western Indian Ocean
57474: TAYLOR P.D.,, - Colony growth pattern and astogenetic gradients in the Cretaceous cheilostome bryozoan Herpetopora
57475: TAYLOR P.D.,, - Bioimmured ctenostomes from the Jurassic and the origin of the Cheilostome Bryozoa
57485: Taylor, P.D. & Gordon D.P., - Taxonomy of the Cyclostome Bryozoan Liripora McGillivray and Some Related Australasian Taxa
57477: TAYLOR P.D., - Probable predatory borings in late Cretaceous bryozoans
57478: TAYLOR P.D., - Adaptations for spatial competition and utilization in Silurian encrusting bryozoans
59074: Taylor A.C. & Venn T.J., - Seasonal variation in weight and biochemical composition of the tissues of the Queen scallop, Chlamys opercularis, from the Clyde Sea area
57476: TAYLOR P.D., - Charixa Lang and Spinicharixa gen
10776: Taylor D.L., - Chloroplasts as symbiotic organelles in the digestive gland of Elysia viridis (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia)
61060: Taylor A.J.P., - Le origini della seconda guerra mondiale
57480: Taylor, P.D. & Sequeiros, L., - Toarcian bryozoans from Belchite in north-east Spain
57525: Taylor, P. D. & Weedon, M. J. - Skeletal ultrastructure and affinities of eleid (melicerititid) cyclostomate bryozoans
71477: Taylor D.W., - Freshwater mollusks of California: a distributional checklist
71367: Taylor D.W., - Nonmarine mollusks from Barstow Formation of Southern /California - Descriptions and illustrations of new and already-described mollusks of late Miocene age, and a discussion of their environment
65807: Taylor J.D., - The food of coral-reef Drupa (Gastropoda)
57526: Taylor P.D. & Foster T.S. - Bryozoans from the Pliocene Bowden Shell Bed of Jamaica
70006: Taylor J.D., Morris N.J. & Taylor C.N., - Food specialization and the evolution of predatory prosobranch gastropods
63622: Taylor J.DS. & Glover E.A., - A ne species of Lucinoma from 240-500 m on the continental shelf break off Newfoundland (Bivalvia: Lucinidae)
71384: Taylor D.W., - Later Tertiary Mollusks from the Lower Colorado River Valley
8109: Taylor D.W. & Sohl N.F. , - An outline of gastropod classification
73826: Tchorszevsky E.S. & Radulovic V., - New data of Middle Jurassic Terebratulids (Brachiopoda) of the Carpathians (USSR) and Carpatho-Balkanides (Yugoslavia)
62857: Tchudinova I.I., Churkin M. & Eberlein G.D., - Devonian syringoporoid corals from southeastern Alaska
56616: Te G.T., - New classification system for the family Physidae (Pulmonata: Basommatophora)
61430: Tebble N., - British bivalve seashells
73809: Tebble N., - British bivalve seashells
59452: Tecchi B., - L'isola appassionata - Con tre nuovi racconti
67004: Tedesco M.E. & Cei J.M., - Note di erpetologia della Toscana: Salamandrina, Rana catesbiana, Rana temporaria, Phyllodactylus, Coluber, Natrix natrix, Vipera
60649: Tedesco M.E. & Cei J.M., - Remarks on the taxonomic status of the Argentine subspecies of Pantodactylus schreibersii (Wiegmann, 1834) (Gymnophthalmidae, Scleroglossa, Squamata)
68931: Tegland N.M., - Correlation and affinities of certain species of Pitaria
14377: Teichert C., - On the systematic position of the genus Discosorus Hall and related genera [Cephalopoda]
62883: Teichert C., - From Karpinsky to Schindewolf; memories of some great paleontologists
66109: Teichert C. & Kummel B.& A. Sweet A., - Permian-Triassic strata, Kuh-E-Ali Bashi, northwestern Iran
64576: Teichert C. & Kummel B., - Nautiloid cephalopods from the Julfa beds, Upper Permian, Northwest Iran
37485: Teillier S. & Marticorena C., - Riqueza floristica del Parque National Laguna San Rafael, XI Region, Chile
70276: Tembrock M.L., - Erläuterungen zur Gattung Streptochetus Cossmann (Gastropoda)
75430: Templado J. & Rolan E., - A new species of Phorcus (Vetigastropoda, Trochidae) form the Cape Verde Islands
68796: Templado J., Luque A. & Moreno D., - Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento de los opistobranquios (Gastr
20593: Templado J. & Rolan E., - Las especies del género Crisilla y afines (Rissoidae) en el archipiélago de Cabo Verde
56627: Templado J., Luque A.A. & Ortra J., - A commented check-list of the amphiatlantic Ascoglossa and Nudibranchia (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia)
73681: Templado J. et al., - Fauna marina circalitoral del Sur de la Peninsula iberica
57749: Tendeiro J., - Subsidios para vo conhecimento da entomofauna parasitaria de Moçambique
57745: Tendeiro J., - Alguns Ixodideos recolhidos pela Miss‹o Zoologica de Guiné
68758: Tenekidis N.S., - ¹ [A collection of seashells from the greek seas]
62879: Tenery J.H. & Rowett C.L., - New specimens of Prodentalium raymondi Young (Scaphopoda) from the Pennsylvanian of Texas
70424: Teng-Chien Y., - Paleocene freshwater mollusks from Sheridan County, Wyoming
4672: Teng-Chien Y., - Fossil fresh-water mollusks and ecological interpretations
72056: Teng-Chien Y., - A molluscan fauna from the type section of the Truckee formation [Western Nevada]
72545: Teng-Chien Y., - Fresh-Water Mollusks of Cretaceous Age From Montana and Wyoming
66309: Tenorio M., - A new deep water species from the Philippines : Profundiconus limpalaeri sp
74191: Tenorio M. & Monteiro A., - A Conchological Iconography [15] - The family Conidae - The South African species of Conus
65719: Tenorio M. & Monteiro A., - A Conchological Iconography [15] - The family Conidae - The South African species of Conus
65721: Tenorio M.J., Tucker J.K. & Chaney H.W., - A Conchological Iconography [180] - The Families Conilithidae and Conidae - The Conus of the Eastern Pacific
66286: Tenorio M., - Note on Profundiconus smirna with description of a new species : Profundiconus smirnoides n
66381: Tenorio M., Lorenz G. & Dominguez M., - New insights into Conus jourdani, an endemic species from Saint Helena Island
37473: Teobaldelli A., - Nuovi rinvenimenti di Macrolepidotteri nel territorio marchigiano
75114: Ter Poorten J.J., - Acrosterigma sewelli (Prashad, 1932), a valid species from the central Indo-Pacific, compared with Acrosterigma flava (Linnaeus, 1758) (Bivalvia, Cardiidae)
65228: Ter Porten J.J., - Fulvia (Fulvia) nienkae spec
63405: Terao, A. - On the embryonic development of the spiny lobster, Panulirus japonicus (v
68288: Terenzio P.A., - Heautontimorumenos (La commedia dell'autopunizione)
28504: Terrell J. - Galatea Bay - The excavation of a beach-stream midden site on Ponui Island in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand
74662: Terreni G., - Molluschi conchiferi del mare antistante la costa toscana
74316: Terryn Y. & Holford M., - The Terebridae of Vanuatu with a revision of the genus Granuliterebra Oyama, 1961
67937: Terryn Y., - A new species of Hastula from Negros, Philippines
68733: Terryn Y., - Impages escondida n
47102: Terryn Y., - A Collectors Guide to Recent Terebridae
67450: Teruzzi G., - Nota sulle ammoniti dei generi Frechiella, Paroniceras, Oxyparoniceras del Toarciano mediterraneo
67275: Teruzzi G., - The genus Coleia Broderip, 1835 (Crustacea, Decapoda) in the Sinemurian of Osteno in Lombardy
62383: Terzer G. & Ryall P., - Riscoperta e posizione sistematica di Oliva ancillarioides Reeve, 1850 ed Oliva zenopira Duclos, 1835 (Gastropoda: Olividae)
75079: Terzer G., - Ordinamento sistematico della Famiglia Olividae Latreille, 1825 su base morfologica
70060: Tesch J.J. - Thiele J,, - Pteropoda + Solenogastres
66116: Tesch J.J., - Dana Report 30: The thecosomatous pteropods II The Indo-Pacific
62458: Tesch P., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der marinen Mollusken im West-Europäischen Pliocänbecken
71985: Tesch P., - Een vraagstuk betreffende onze Paludina-soorten opgelost
66117: Tesch J.J., - Dana Report 28: The thecosomatous pteropods I The Atlantic
67729: Tessier T., - Una creatura della notte
59572: Tessier T., - I fuochi azzurri
69876: Test F., Sexton O. & Heatwole H., - Reptiles of Rancho Grande and vicinty, Estado Aragua, Venezuela
60855: Testud A. M., - Campagne de la Calypso au large des côtes atlantiques de l'Amérique du Sud (1961-1962) - 7 - Mollusques lamellibranches: Arcidae
58679: Tetens T.H., - La nuova Germania e i vecchi nazisti - Prefazione di Segio Segre - Traduzione di Romano Giachetti
72219: Teusch K., Jones D. & Allmon W.D., - Morphological variation in turritellid gastropods from the Pleistocene to Recent of Chile: Association with upwelling intensity
62877: Tevesz M.J. & McCall P.L., - Evolution of substratum preference in bivalves (Mollusca)
32889: Texeira C., - Flora fóssil do Pliocénico do Alfeite [Portugal]
51493: Th. Becker - VI
30085: Thach N.N., - A checklist of the Vietnamese shelled molluscs
66277: Thach N.N., - Fulgoraria callomoni, a new species (Gastropoda: Volutidae) from Vietnam
62921: Thach N.N., - Recently collected shells of Vietnam
73498: Thach N.N., - Shells of Vietnam
31014: Thaysen E.H., - Uber den bau und die entstehung der Haustra coli
56700: The Institute for Cancer Research and the Lankenau Hospital Research Institute, 1950- - Scientific Report
72421: Thein M.L. & Nitecki M.H., - Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) Gastropoda of the Illinois basin
31895: theler J.L., - The prehistoric freshwater mussels (Naiades) from Brogley rockshelter in southwestern Wisconsis
51164: Theodor Fuchs - Studien über Fucoiden und Hieroglyphen 80 pages with 9 plates and 22 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 10
27259: Theroux R.B. & Wigley R.L., - Distribution and abundance of East coast bivalve molluks based on specimens in the National Marine Fisheries Service Woods Hole Collection
58828: Thiele J., - Die systematische Stellung der Solenogastren und die phylogenie der Mollusken
72309: Thielens A. - Nyst H., - Relation de l'excursion faite par la Société Malacologique de Belgique à Orp-Le-Grand, Polz-Les-Caves, Wansin et autres localités voisines [Thielens] + Description de deux espéces nouvelles [Nyst]
63400: Thireau, M., - L'encephalisation chez les urodeles
63567: Thireau M., - :L'encephale de Triturus helveticus helveticus (Razoumowsky
65154: Thireau M., 1974 (1973) - L'encéphale de l'Euprocte des Pyrénées, Euproctus asper (Dugès, 1852) (Amphibia, Caudata, Salamandridae)
34488: Thiselton-Dyer W.T., - Botanical biology
48550: THOMAS S.C. & BAZZAZ F.A., - The genetic component in plant size hierarchies: norms of reaction to density in a Polygonum speciesIn 8vo, offp
59061: Thomas M.L.H. & Page F.H., - Grazing by the gastropod, Lacuna vincta, in the lower intertidal area at Musquash Head, New Brunswick, Canada
62821: Thomas R.D.K., - Gastropod predation on sympatric Neogene species of Glycymeris (Bivalvia) from the eastern United States
69758: Thomas F.I.M. & Kohn A.J., - Trophic roles of co-occurring species of Drupa (Gastropoda: Muricidae) at Enewetak Atoll
64361: Thomas T. & Wilhelm K., - Il giorno della nuvola
75003: Thomas R.D.K. et al., - Growth patterns of noetiid ligaments: implications of developmental models for the origin of an evolutionary novelty among arcoid bivalves
351: Thomas J.D., - Some preliminary observations on the fauna and flora of a small man made lake in the West African savanna
117: Thomas -Domenech J.M., - Tavole di botanica
7365: Thomas J.D., Powles M. & Lodge R., - The chemical ecology of Biomphalaria glabrata: the effects of ammonia on the growth rate of juvenile snails
69230: Thomasson M., - Essai sur la physionomie de la végétation des environs de Tuléar (sud-ouest Malgache)
71784: Thompson F.G., - Some hydrobiid snail from Georgia and Florida
62363: THOMPSON J.E., - La civiltà Maya
12894: Thompson F.G., - The land snail genus Microconus
12889: Thompson T.E., - Observations on the life history of the nudibranch Onchidoris muricata (Muller)
41746: Thompson C. H., - Coastal areas of southern Queensland some land-use conflicts
19621: Thompson B.M. & Ayers R.A., - Laboratory studies on the development of Nephrops norvegicus larvae
12888: Thompson T.E., - On a disputed feature of the anatomy of the nudibranch Dendronotus frondosus Ascanius
12909: Thompson T.E., - Defensive acid-secretion in marine gastropods
61575: Thompson F.G., - North American freshwater snail genera of the hydrobiid subfamily Lithoglyphinae
63126: Thompson, F.G. - The hollow-ribbed land snails of the genus Coelostemma of the southwestern United States and Mexico [Urocoptidae]
53110: Thompson F.G., - A new prosobranch land snail from eastern Mexico (Archaeogastropoda: Ceresidae)
13264: Thompson T.E., - Euthyneuran and other molluscan spermatozoa
13265: Thompson T.E., - Sacoglossan gastropods molluscs from Eastern Australia
12925: Thompson T.E., - The structure and mode of functioning of the reproductive organs of Tritonia hombergi
64485: Thompson T.E., - Studies on the reproduction of Archidoris pseudoargus (Rapp) (Opisthobranchia)
16155: Thompson T.E., - Redescription of a rare North Atlantic doridacean nudibranch, Aegires sublaevis
70851: Thompson F.G., - The hydrobiid snail genus Marstonia
16156: Thompson T.E., - Tritoniidae from the North American Pacific coast
52813: Thompson T.E., - The development of Neomenia carinata Tullberg
69810: Thompson F.G., - An Annotated Checklist and Bibliography of the Land and Freshwater Snails of México and Central America
12932: Thompson T.E. & Slinn D.J., - On the biology of the opisthobranch Pleurobranchus membranaceus
10783: Thompson T.E., - Feeding in nudibranch larvae
10784: THOMPSON T.E., - The importance of the larval shell in the classification of the Sacoglossa and the Acoela (Gastropoda Opisthobranchia)
10785: THOMPSON T.E., - Experiments with molluscs on the shore and in a laboratory tide-model
10787: THOMPSON T.E. & BEBBINGTON A. , - Structure and function of the reproductive organs of three species of Aplysia (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia)
10790: THOMPSON T.E. , TYRELL SMITH S., JENKINS M., BENSON-EVANS K., FISK D., MORGAN G. , DELHANTY J.E., WADE A.E. , - Contributions to the biology of the Inner Farne [Northumberland, UK]
52503: THOMPSON T.E., - The influence of temperature on spawning in Adalaria proxima) (Gastropoda Nudibranchia)
67587: Thompson T.E. & Brown G.H., - British Opisthobranch Molluscs
16068: Thompson T.E., - Eastern Australian Dendronotoidea
15793: Thompson T.E. & Bebbington A., - A new interpretation of the structure of the aplysiid spermatozoon
66426: Thompson T.E., 1988 (2ND ENLARGED ED.) - Molluscs: Benthic Opisthobranchs
12903: Thompson F.G., - The land and freshwater snails of Campeche [Yucatan - Mexico]
12908: Thompson T.E., - Direct development in a nudibranch, Cadlina laevis, with a discussion of developmental processes in Opisthobranchia
58005: Thompson L., - 1940: Londra brucia
74974: Thompson D.L. & Jeffrey D. Stilwell J.F., - Early Aptian (Early Cretaceous) freshwater bivalves from the Australian-Antarctic rift, southeast Victoria
7367: Thompson T.E. & Brown G.H., - British Opisthobranch Molluscs
12878: Thompson F.G., - A collection of mollusks from Northern Venezuela
12876: Thompson F.G., - Two new pleurocerid snails from Eastern Mexico
12877: Thompson F.G., - A new helicid snail from México
13145: Thompson T.E., - Studies on the ontogeny of Tritonia hombergi Cuvier (Opisthobranchia)
8671: THOMPSON T.E., - Observations on the radula of Adalaria proxima (A
60259: Thomson R., - Aria e fuoco Milano, Bompiani
4687: Thomson J.A.,, - On the structure of Suberites domuncula Olivi (O
28591: Thomson G., - Rutherford in 19th Century Cambridge
28515: Thomson A.P., - Forestry in Canterbury 100 Years Hence
66479: Thorell T., - Etudes scorpiologiques
60558: Thorin S., T. Robinet , P. Laffaille & B. Vincent, - Shape and surface variations of syphon openings during complete tidal cycles in Mya arenaria in the intertidal zone
39097: Thorson G., - Parasitism in the marine gastropod-family Scalidae
63236: Thorson G. - Bottom Communities (Sublittoral or Shallow Shelf)
69309: Thorson G. & Tuxen S.L., - Die Variabilitat von Carychium minimum Müll
75443: Thorson G., - The zoology of Iceland: volume IV part 60: Marine Gastropoda Prosobranchiata
75351: Thorson G., - The zoology of Iceland: volume IV part 60: Marine Gastropoda Prosobranchiata
72600: Thorson G., - Erforschung des Meeres, Eine Bestandsaufnahme
58338: Thuronyi G.T., (Ed.), - Antarctic Bibliography; Indexes to Volumes 1-7
58339: Thuronyi G.T., (Ed.), - Antarctic Bibliography; Indexes to Volumes 8-12
21387: Thurston M.H., - The vertical distribution and diurnal migration of the Crustacea Amphipoda collected during the Sond Cruise, 1965
61224: Thurston M. H., - New pelagic amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda) collected on the Sond Cruise
21896: Thurston M.H., - The vertical distribution and diurnal migration of the Crustacea Amphipoda collected during the Sond Cruise, 1965 - I: The Gammaridea
72724: Thöni-Vogt E., - Muscheln
65551: Tiba R. & Kosuge S., - [North Pacific Shells 5] Genus Volutharpa Fischer, 1856
65002: Tibaldi E., - Come riconoscere squali e mammiferi marini
69211: Tigano C., - La maturazione dell'ovario in femmine isolate di Eyprepocnemis plorans (Charp
32907: Tilia Zuccari A., - Relazione stratigrafica sul pozzo "Oristano 2" (Riola Sardo) - Sardegna occidentale
65028: Tillier S. & Ponder W.F., - New species of Smeagol from Australia and New Zealand, with a discussion of the affinities of the genus (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)
48544: Tinker A.D., - The birds of School Girl's Glen, Ann Arbor, Michigan: a study in local ornithology
58818: Tintori, A., and S. Renesto. - A new Lariosaurus from the Kalkschieferzone (Uppermost Ladinian) of Valceresio (Varese, Northern Italy)
59104: Tintori A., - Toarcian fishes from the lombardian basin
68375: Tippett D. L., - Taxonomic notes on some Indo-Pacific and West African Drillia species (Conoidea: Drilliidae)
60935: Tippett, D. L. - Taxonomic notes on the western Atlantic Turridae (Gastropoda: Conoidea)
61314: Tisselli M., Agamennone F. & Giunchi L., 2009. - Una nuova specie di Gibberula (Gastropoda: Cystiscidae) per il Mediterraneo
63879: Tisselli M. & Giunchi L., - Bittium, Cassiella e Cerithidium: chiave di determinazione e tavole
72345: Titlow B., - Seashells - Jewels from the Ocean
74914: Titselaar F.F.L.M., - Observations in the Canary Islands
63386: Tixier-Durivault, A. & D'Hondt, M. J. - Les Octocoralliaires de la campagne Biaçores
63383: Tixier-Durivault, A. & Lafargue, F., - Quelques Octocoralliaires des côtes françaises
68825: Tiziano & Vincenzo Cossignani, - Atlante delle conchiglie terrestri e dulciacquicole italiane, Ancona, L'Informatore Piceno
74736: Toccaceli" M., Vaccaro M. & Favaloro E., - Gli ambienti marini e costieri della provincia di Palermo
63054: Todd C.D., Lambert W.J. & Davies J., - Some perspectives on the biology and ecology of nudibranch molluscs: generalisations and variations on the theme that prove the rule
57521: Todd J.A., Taylor, P.D,. & Favorskaya, T.A., - A bioimmured ctenostome bryozoan from the early Cretaceous of the Crimea and the new genus Simplicidium
43518: Todd C.D., Bentley M.G. & Havenhand J.N., - Larval metamorphosis of the opisthobranch mollusc Adalaria proxima (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia): the effects of choline and elevated potassium ion concentration
56811: Todd M.E., - Osmotic Balance in Littorina littorea, L littoralis, and L saxatilis (Littorinidae)
67697: Tofte A., - Naufragio sul pianeta Iduna
68141: Tofte A.., - La città di sotto
37317: Tognoli A., - Introduzione alla teoria degli spazi analitici reali
60123: Tolkien J.R.R., - Il Silmarillion
62368: Tolman G., - The Tonna collector
60044: Tomasi di Lampedusa G., - Il Gattopardo
65312: Tomaso d'Aquino, - Trattato della Pietra Filosofale
72118: Tomerlin J., - La torre dei dannati
65805: Tomiyama K., - Studies on intraspecific variation in a landsnail, Satsuma tanegashimae(Pilsbry) (Stylommatophora;Camaenidae) - II
67618: Tomiyama K., - Courtship behaviour of the Giant African Snail, Achatina fulica (Ferussac) (Stylommatophora: Achatinidae) in the field
67619: Tomiyama K., - Homing behaviour of the Giant African Snail, Achatina fulica (Ferussac) Gastropoda: Pulmonata)
64451: Tomizza F., - Dal luogo del sequestro
59458: Tomizza F., - La miglior vita
13760: Tomlin J.R., - Report on the marine Mollusca in the collections of the South African Museum - XI Buccinidae
13761: Tomlin J.R., - Report on the marine Mollusca in the collections of the South African Museum - X Family Verticordiidae
13768: Tomlin J.R. & Schilder F.A., - Reports on the marine Mollusca in the collection of the South African Museum IX Family Triviidae
13754: Tomlin J.R., - Notes on Nassarius
73421: Tomlin J.R., - The Mollusca of Macquarie Island - Gastropods and bivalves
72375: Tommasi A., - Il nostro arcipelago
72376: Tommasi A., 1 - Istanti dal blu
69842: Tompa A.S., - Oviparity, egg retention and ovoviviparity in pulmonates
54023: Tondera F., - Über der sympodialen Bau des Stengeld von Sycios angulata L
69902: Tong H., Hirayama R., Makhoul E. & Escuillé F., - Rhinochelys (Chelonioidea: Protostegida) from the late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of Nammoura, Lebanon
41218: Tongiorgi M. & Palyford G., - Studies in Palaeozoic Palynology
58836: TONGIORGI M. & RIBECAI C., - Late Cambrian and Tremadocian Phytoplankton (Acritarchs) communities from Oland (Sweden)
66074: Tonin I., - Il presepio di Villa del Conte [Padova]
19813: Tonini L., - La fillossera e le viti americane
63021: Toniolo G., - Cent'anni, 1894-1994 - La Banca Commerciale e l'economia italiana
65393: Tonkin P., - Impatto
37519: Tonzig S., - Osservazioni sopra le oscillazioni giornaliere della CO2 dell'aria a disposizione delle piante superiori nei diversi periodi dell'anno
37520: Tonzig S., - Ricerche sulla fisiologia dell'acido ascorbico
57951: Tonzig S. & Trezzi F., - Ricerche sulla fisiologia dell'acido ascorbico
37525: Tonzig S. & Trezzi F., - Ricerche sulla fisiologia dell'acido ascorbico
37523: Tonzig S. & Trezzi F., - Ricerche sulla fisiologia dell'acido ascorbico
37521: Tonzig S., - Funzioni ormoniche nelle piante
34473: Topinard P., - The last steps in the genealogy of man
63347: Torchio M. & Michrlangeli M., - Prima segnalazione in acque italiane di uno squalide del genere Centroscymnus
63513: Torchio M., - Considerazioni biologiche su alcuni cefalopodi olopelagici
39818: Torchio M., - Considerazioni biologiche su alcuni cefalopodi olopelagici
69225: Torchio M., - Nota ecologica sull'attuale popolamento dei soleidi nel Mar Ligure Occidentale
66956: Torchio M., - Osservazioni eco-etologiche su taluni cefalopodi del Mar Ligure
27804: Torchio M., - Elenco dei cefelopodi del Mediterraneo con considerazioni biogeografiche ed ecologiche
66897: Torchio M., - Attribuzione del genere Strinsia Raf
7375: Torchio M., - Lo studio dei molluschi prima che natura muoia
7533: Torchio D., - Migrazioni del necton in acque costiere mediterranee
57849: Tordo G.C., - Insectos prejudiciais aos produtos armazenados em Moçambique
68557: Torelli A.R., - Bionomia di Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) (Gastropoda Prosobranchia) nella laguna di Venezia
51016: Torelli A.R., - Distribuzione di Littorina saxatilis nella laguna di Venezia
30265: Tornquist A., - Über die Wanderung von Blöcken und sand am ostpreubischen Ostseestrand
59039: Torrens H., - Ammonites and stratigraphy of the Bathonian rocks in the Digne-Barrême area (South-Eastern France, Dept
63738: Torres Alba J.S., Vazquez Toro F.E. & Ripoll J., - Primera cita de Ceciliodes raphidia (Bourguignat, 1856) para la Peninsula Ibérica (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Ferussaciidae), In 8vo, offp
66391: Torres Alba J.S. et al., - An undescribed genus and species of Geomitridae (Gastropoda: Helicacea) from peridotite hills in Malaga Province, Spain
67002: Tortonese E., - Ricerche ed osservazioni sui Caracidi delle sottofamiglie Tetragonopterinae, Glandulocaudinae e Stethaprioninae (Teleostei Plectospondyli)
66998: Tortonese E., - Contributo alla conoscenza dell'ittiofauna marina dell'Africa occidentale
61773: Tortonese E. & L. Rossi, - Il mondo vivente nei mari italiani
68877: Tortonese E., - Gli echinodermi del Museo di Torino - Part III - Asteroidi
69205: Tortonese E., - Su alcuni Plagiostomi e Teleostei raccolti dal dott E
68266: Tortonese E., - Intorno ad alcuni Pesci del Mar Rosso
66885: Tortonese E., - Gli Echinodermi viventi presso le coste dello Stato di Israele
66887: Tortonese E., - Gli Echinodermi del Museo di Torino - Part I - Echinoidi
66891: Tortonese E., - Gli Echinodermi del Museo di Torino - Part IV - Oloturoidi e crinoidi
63610: Tortonese E., - Contributo allo studio degli
68727: Tortonese E., - Note di ittliologia
67595: Tortonese E., - Contributo allo studio sistematico e biogeografico dei pesci della Nuova Guinea
66996: Tortonese E., - Studio di una collezione di pesci proveniente da Valparaiso (Cile)
66842: Tortonese E., - Viaggio del dott
67231: Tortonese E., - Echinodermi americani raccolti dal Dr
66902: Tortonese E., - I Pesci del Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso
66871: Tortonese E., - L'ittiofauna mediterranea in rapporto alla zoogeografia
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