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36081: TOURGUENIEV I., - Récits d'un Chasseur
71138: Tournouër R., - Note sur les coquilles des tufs quaternaires de la Celle, près Moret (Seine-et-Marne)
47952: Touschek B., - Sull'insegnamento della teoria dei quanti
34388: Tracy W.W., - Testing commercial varieties of vegetables
32605: Trainito E., - Mediterranean harlequins - A field guide to Mediterranean sea slugs
62624: Trainito E. & Doneddu M., - Contribution to the knowledge of the molluscan fauna in the Marine Protercted Area Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo: Sacoglossa, Umbraculida, Pleurobranchomorpha, Anaspidea, Cephalaspidea, Thecosomata (Gastropoda; Heterobranchia), In 4to, offp
57858: Traverso, P.G., Sampoli, M., Trabacchin, R., Cecchi, F., Avezzù, F., - Analisi dimensionale delle gocce emesse da ugelli di tipo hollow-cone
58723: Travis Jenkins J., - The Fishes of the British Isles Both River and Salt
47396: Trebitsch Siegfried & Kahlenberg Hans von, - Das verkaufte Lächeln + Jungfrau Marie - Novellen - Bibliothek moderner deutscher Autoren Doppelbd 5
69893: Trefaut Rodriguez M., Kasahara S. & Yonenaga-Yassuda Y., - Tropidurus psammonastes, uma nova espécie do grupo torquatus con notas sobr seu cariotipo e distrivuiç‹o (Sauria, Iguanidae)
62015: Tregubova E., - I mutanti del Cremlino
15794: Trevallion A. & Ansell A.D., - Studies on Tellina tenuis Da Costa II: preliminary experiments in enriched sea water
66661: Trevisan L., - Problemi relativi all'epirogenesi e all'eustatismo nel Pliocene e Pleistocene della Sicilia
65895: Trewhella S. & Hatcher J., - In the Company of Seahorses
58175: Trezel R., - I quaderni del bridge 3
23148: Tribalto G. & Amadei G., - Anomalie residue e derivate seconde nella interpretazione dei dati gravimetrici
61567: Triebskorn, R., - Ultrastructural changes in the digestive tract of Deroceras reticulatum (Miiller) induced by a carbamate molluscicide and by metaldehyde
66387: Trigo J.E. et al., - Guía de los Moluscos Marinos de Galicia
66727: Trilles J.P. & Justine J.L., - Une nouvelle espèce de Cymothoidae et trois Aegidae (Crustacea, Isopoda) récoltés sur des poissons de profondeur au large de la Nouvelle-Calédonie
62399: Trilussa, - Acqua e vino ommini e bestie libro muto
67485: Trilussa (Carlo Alberto Salustri), - Ommini e bestie
67487: Trilussa (Carlo Alberto Salustri), - Giove e le bestie
67513: Trilussa (Carlo Alberto Salustri), - Le favole
73075: Trilussa, - I sonetti
73076: Trilussa, - Lupi e agnelli
73077: Trilussa, - Giove e le bestie
73078: Trilussa, - Ommini e bestie
62507: Tringali L.P., - Nomenclatural notes on two Mediterranean gastropod species (Prosobranchia: Cerithiopsidae, and Heterobranchia: Pyramidellidae) In 4to, offp
63050: Tringali L. & Oliverio, - The Recent Mediterranean species of the genus Pyrunculus Pilsbry, 1895 (Opisthobranchia, Cephalaspidea, Retusidae)
65099: Tringali L., Gianolla D., Pernice S. & Crucitti P., - La malacofauna terrestre e dulcacquicola (Mollusca:Gastropoda, Bivalvia) dell'area 'Arcipelago Mentanese-Cornicolano' (Campagna Romana, Lazio)
61910: Tringali L., - Marine malacological records (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia, Heterobranchia, Opisthobranchia and Pulmonata) from Torres de Alcalà, Mediterranean Morocco, with the description of a new philinid species
8590: Tringali L. & Oliverio M., - First record of Palisadia subulata C
69566: Trizzino A., - Settembre nero
57826: Trojani M., - Nuovo ritratto di Antonino Pio da Leptis Magna
68449: Troncoso N., Van Goethem J.L. & Troncoso J.S., - Contribution to the marine mollusca fauna of Kerguelen Islands, South Indian Ocean
11421: Troncoso J.S. , Feal F., Reboreda P. & Urgorri V., - Distribucion y variacion estacional de los moluscos en el horizonte de Mastocarpus stellatus en las costas de Galicia
68422: Trondle J. & Houart R., - Les Muricidae de Polynésie Française
63005: Trono D., - Nuovi dati sulla malacofauna del Salento (Puglia meridionale)
74762: Trono D. & Albano P.G., - (Gastropoda: Cerithiidae) dell'Insenatura La Strea (Porto Cesareo - Lecce)
66441: Trotta A., - introduzione ai ragni italiani
24247: Trouessart E.L., - Die Geographische Verbreitung der Tiere
64245: Trowbridge C.D., Hirano Y.M. & Yoshiaki J. Hirano Y.J., - Inventory of Japanese Sacoglossan Opisthobranchs: Historical Review, Current Records, and Unresolved Issues
54518: True A.C., - Some types of American Agricultural colleges
12914: Trueman E.R., - The ligament of Tellina tenuis
12916: Trueman E.R., - Observations on certain mechanical properties of the ligament of Pecten
41140: Trueman E. R., - The mechanism of burrowing of some naticid gastropods in comparison with that of other molluscs
10805: TRUEMAN E.R., - A comparative account of the burrowing process of species of Mactra and of other bivalves
10806: Trueman E.R., - The locomotion of the freshwater clam Margaritifera margaritifera (Unionacea: Margaritanidae)
9178: Trueman E.R., - The structure and deposition of the shell of Tellina tenuis
62942: Truqui E., - Enumération des espèces mexicaines du genre Passalus avec un tableau synoptique de toutes le espèces et la description de celles qui sont nouvelles
27769: Try I., - Utilization of marine bivalves and gastropods in Cambodia
63120: Tröndle J. & R. Houart, - Les Muricidae de Polynésie Française
60369: Tschermak G., - Die Glimmergruppe - II Theil
62170: Tsuchida E. & T. Sasaki, - Discovery of live specimens of Sasamocochlis sasamorii (Kuroda, 1943) from Tsugaru Straits, Northern Japan (Gastropoda: Triphoroidea)
74609: Tsuchida E., - Six epitoniid gastropod collected from the Nijiga-hama beach, Inland Sea Japan
69916: Tsuchida E. & Tange K., - Two new records of terebrid gastropods dredged fro Southern Japan
69759: Tsuchida E. & Okamura S., - Some commercial mollusks collected at Shangai and Xiamen
65806: Tsuchida E. & Okutani T., - Two new species of the nuculanid bivalves (Protobranchia) from a bathyal depth in the Kii Channel, Japan
73310: Tsuchida E. & Kurozumi T., - Noteworthy molluscs dredged by the R/V Tansei-Maru near Okin-Yama bank off Boso Peninsula, Central Japan
73387: Tsuchida E., - Fauna of Marine Mollusks of the Sea around Otsuchi Bay, Iwate Prefecture (1) Archaeogastropoda and Mesogastropoda
67985: Tubb E.C., - Terrore nell'iperspazio
68030: Tubb E.C., - Il segreto delle porte spaziali
69606: Tubb E.C,., - Fuga dal labirinto
59534: Tubb E.C., - Fuga dal labirinto
72143: Tubb E.C., - Nati nello spazio
59568: Tucker W., - Il recupero ed altri racconti
68746: Tucker J.K. - The Crown Conch (Melongena: Melongenidae) in Florida and Alabama with the description of Melongena sprucecreekensis, n
70135: Tucker W., - Alla ricerca di Lincoln
67630: Tucker J.K., Mapes R.H. & Aronoff S.M., - New coiled nautiloids from the Wewoka Formation (Pennsylvanian) of Oklahoma
69624: Tucker W. - L'anno del sole quieto
69371: Tunnell J.W. jr., Andrews J., Barrera N.C. & Moretzsohn F., - Encyclopedia of Texas Seashells - Identification, Ecology, Distribution & History
55449: Turati A., - Una rivoluzione e un capo - Con prefazione di S E Mussolini
15340: Turk S., s.d. - Collecting British marine molluscs - papers for students No
41503: Turk S., (1978) - An annotated key to the British species of Cardiidae
66168: Turkay M., - Bermerkungen zu einigen Landkrabben (Crustacea, Decapoda)
61552: Turner, H.J. - Report on Investigation of Methods of Improving the Shellfish Resources of Massachusetts
15420: Turner R., - A survey and illustrated catalogue of the Teredinidae
61559: Turner H.J. - Report on Investigation of the Propagation of the Soft-shell Clam, Mya arenaria
53225: Turner H. & Simone L.R.L., - Austromitra maculosa, a new species of Costellariidae from South Africa (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Muricoidea)
18924: Turner H. & Salisbury R., - Three new costellariid species from Japan, Papua New Guinea, and other Indo-Pacific locations
74181: Turner H., - Four new large Mitra species from the Indo-Pacific (Neogastropoda: Muricoidea: Mitridae)
61504: Turner R., - A survey and illustrated catalogue of the Teredinidae
68387: Turner H., - Six new species of Mitridae from the Indian and Pacific Oceans, with remarks on Mitra abacophora Melvill, 1888 (Neogastropoda: Muricoidea)
66243: Turner R.D. & Santhakumaran L.N., - The genera Martesia and Lignopholas in the Indo-Pacific (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pholadidae)
5700: Turner R.D., - Nettastomella japonica Yokoyama in North America and notes on the Pholadidae
34477: Turner W., - On heredity
70963: Turner R.D., - Scaphopods of the Atlantis dredgings in the Western Atlantic with a catalogue of the scaphopod types in the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy
15429: Turner R.D., - The family Tonnidae in the Western Pacific
11070: Turner R.D., - A new genus and species of deep water wood-boring bivalve (Moll
18925: Turner H., - Description of Austromitra hayesi n sp from South Africa
5698: Turner R.D., - The genus Hemitrochus in Puerto Rico
68355: Turner H., - Katalog der familie Costellariidae Mac Donald 1860
70427: Turner H., - Mitra (Mitra) marmorea (Gastropoda, Mitridae), a new species from Madagascar
74180: Turner H. & Marrow M.P., - Five new Vexillum (Costellaria) species from various Indo-Pacific locations and remarks on Vexillum (Costellaria) perrieri (Dautzenberg, 1929) (Neogastropoda: Muricoidea: Costellariidae)
72317: Turner R.D., - Xyloredo, a new teredinid-like abyssal wood-borer (Moll
73304: Turner C.H., Ebert E.E. & Given R.R., - The marine environment offshore from Point Loma, San Diego County
67940: Turolla E. & Rossi T., - Studi sulla riproduzione controllata del tartufo di mare (Venus verrucosa)
67939: Turolla E., Gasteldelli G., Barbin L. & Rossi T., - Manuale - Guida alla riproduzione controllata di Modiolus barbatus
62470: Tursch B. & Greifeneder D., - OLIVA SHELLS - The genus Oliva and the Species problem
65035: Turton W., - Manual of the land and fresh-water shells of the British Islands, with figures of each of the kinds
72327: Turton W., - A conchological dictionary of the British Islands
18098: Tuwo A. & Conand C., - Reproductive biology of the holothurian Holothuria forskali
73892: Tuya F., Boyra A. & Haroun R.J., - Blanquizales en Canarias: la explosión demográfica del erizo "Diadema antillarum" en los fondos rocosos de Canarias
29752: Tuzson J., - Anatomische und Mykologische untersuchungen über den falschen kern und die zersetzung des Rotbuchenholzes
71262: Tweedie M.W.F., - On certain Mollusca of the Malayan limestone hills
40753: Twiesselmann F., - Méthode pour l'évaluation de l'épaisseur des parois cranniennes
60299: Tyler P. A., Pain S. L. & Gage J. D., - The reproductive biology of the deep-sea asteroid Bathybiaster vexillifer
60300: Tyler P. A. & Gage J. D., - The reproductive biology of Ophiacantha bidentata (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from the Rockall Trough
31850: Tyler P.A. & Pain S.L., - The reproductive biology of Plutonaster bifrons, Dytaster insignis and Psilaster andromeda (Asteroidea: Astropectinidae) from the Rockall Trough
63028: Tyler-Walters H. & Davenport J., - The relationship between the distribution of genetically distinct inbred lines and upper lethal temperature in Lasaea rubra
18790: Tyler P.A., Billett D.S. & Gage J.D., - Seasonal reproduction in the seastar Dytaster grandis from 4000 m in the North-east Atlantic Ocean
59065: Tyler P.A. & Gage J.D., - The reproductive biology of Ypsilothuria talismani from the NE Atlantic
64051: Tyler J.E., - Radiance distribution as a function of depth in an underwater environment
58059: Tyler C., - A study of the egg shells of the Gaviiformes, Procellariiformes, Podicipitiformes and Pelecaniformes
10925: Tyler P.A., Young C.M., Billett D.S. & Giles L.A., - Pairing behaviour, reproduction and diet in the deep-sea holothurian genus Paroriza (Holoth
18370: Tyler P.A., Billett D.S. & Gage J.D., - The ecology and reproductive biology of Cherbonniera utriculus and Molpadia blakei from the N
34348: Tylor E.B., - Stone age basis for oriental study
54802: Türck L., - Über sekundare Erkrankung einzelner Ruckenmarksstrange und ihrer Fortsetzungen zum Gehirne
54806: Türck L., - Beobachtungen über die Verminderung der Pulsfrequenz bei neuralgischen Anfällen und über den Rhythmus solcher Anfälle
70340: tyrok P., Papp A. & Steininger F., - Spiratellacea (Gastropoda) aus dem Miozän der Paratethys
29424: U. S. Department Of Agriculture, - Twentieth Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Year 1903
58279: U. S. Department Of Agriculture, - Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Year 1899
58278: U. S. Department Of Agriculture, - Fifteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the Year 1898
72668: Ubukata T., - Architectural constraints on the morphogenesis of prismatic structure in Bivalvia
66457: Ugolini R., (1923) - L'Appenino Camerinese - Studio geomorfologico
66796: Ugolini R., (1923) - L'Appenino Camerinese Gruppo Occidentale - Studio geomorfologico
60118: Uiblein F. & He emstra P.C., - A taxonomic review of the Western Indian Ocean goatfishes of the genus Upeneus (Family Mullidae), with descriptions of four new species
68549: Ulbrick M.L., - Studies on Crucibulum spinosum (Sowerby)
24342: Ulrich E.O. & Bassler R.S., - New American Paleozoic Ostracoda - Preliminary revision of the Beyrichiidae, with descriptions of new genera
62590: Ulrico di Aichelburg, - Vita dei microbi
73410: Umbgrove J.H.F.., - Het genus Pellatispira in het Indo-Pacifische gebied
69820: Uminski T., - Taxonomy of Anguispira (?) marmorensis (H
5703: Uminski T., - Density of Vitrinidae and related problems
15524: Underwood A.J., - Observations on the reproductive cycles of Monodonta lineata, Gibbula umbilicalis and G
54026: Unger F., - Beiträge zur Physiologie der Pflanzen
59900: Unger L., - Sepolta nel buio
34476: Unset I., - Scandinavian Archaeology
18761: Upton N.P., - Gregarious larval settlement within a restricted intertidal zone and sex differences in subsequent mortality in the polyginous saltmarsh isopod Paragnathia formica
56223: Urban I. & Gilg E., - Monographiae Loasacearum
49138: Ureta E., - Lepidopteros de Chile (Rhopalocera) IV parte - Familia Lycaenidae
10814: Urgorri V. & Besteiro C., - La alimentacion de los moluscos nudibranquios de Galicia
11424: Urgorri V., - Algunos aspectos ineditos y complementarios sobre Doto verdicioi Ortea y Urgorri, 1978 (Moluscos, Opistobnaquios)
7383: Uriarte I., Farías A., Pe–a J.B. & Mestre S., - Efecto de diferentes dietas microalgales en la composicion de acidos grasos y aminoacidos de Ostrea edulis
46513: Usuelli F., s.d. - Del genotipo e degli inerenti problemi di zootecnia generale (Parte prima del Corso di Zootecnia Generale)
49312: Uyttenbroek F., - Passé et present de la chirurgie radicale en cancerologie gynecologique et mammaire
4397: Vaccarella R., Pastorelli A.M. & Marano G., - Studio sulla efficienza delle draghe turbosoffianti e loro effetto sulle comunità bentoniche
63650: Vaccarella, R., Marano, G. & Bello, G., - Eunicidi e Nereidi del bacino portuale di Bari
50955: Vachell H.A., - Sport and life on the Pacific slope
63476: Vachon M., - Remarques sur Withius piger (Simon, 1878) nov
65119: Vachon, M. - Etude des caractères utilisés pour classer les familles et les genres du Scorpions (Arachnides)
66251: Vachon P. & Verneau N., - Erronea caurica mayottensis: une nouvelle sous-espèce décrite de Mayotte
63436: Vachon M., - Grosphus griveaudi, nouvelle espèces de scorpion Buthidae malgache
8595: Vahl O., - Growth and density of Patina pellucida (L
69899: Vailati D., - Una nuova specie italiana del genere Aphaobius Abeille de Perrin, 1878 (Coleoptera Cholevidae Leptodirinae)
70257: Vaillant L., - Observations paléontologiques faites dans les sables éocénes landéniens aux environ d'Arras
5705: Vaillant L., - Recherches sur la famille des Tridacnides
36013: Vajda Stephan, - Reisen Anno 1900
64967: Valdés A., - Review of the genus Actinocyclus Ehrenberg, 1831 (Opisthobranchia : Doridoidea)
62749: Valdés A. & Templado J., - Indo-Pacific dorid nudibranchs collected in Lebanon (Eastern Mediterranean)
18324: Valdes L., Alvarez-Ossorio M.T. & Gonzalez-Gurriaran E., - Influence of temperature on embryonic and larval development in Necora puber (Brachyura, Portunidae)
63291: Valdés A., Gosliner T.M. & Warén A., - A new species of Parvaplustrum Powell, 1951 (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Aplustridae) form the northeastern Pacific
64456: Valdes A., - Deep-sea "cephalaspidean" heterobranchs (Gastropoda) from the tropical southwest Pacific
64286: Valdés A., Gatdula U., Sheridan N. & Herrera J., - Multi-Data set revision of two uncommon species of Chromodorididae (Nudibranchia) from the Gulf of Mexico
60475: Valdini G., - Civiltà antiche - Itinerari archeologici nella provincia di Trapani
39781: Valduga A., - Il Balucistan persiano; aspetti geomorfologici e biogeografici
51545: Vale Vouk - Kohle und Pflanzenwachstum 35 pages with 3 plates and 7 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 23
51379: Vale Vouk - Untersuchungen über die Bewegung der Plasmodien
47935: Valent T. & Bertin G., - On local existence, uniqueness, and analytic dependance on a parameter for the traction boundary problem in finite elastostatics
69732: Valentich-Scott P., Coan E. . & Zelaya D., - Bivalve Seashells of Western South America
9574: VALENTINE J.W. & LIPPS J. H., - Late cenozoic history of the southern California islands
58822: Valleri, G.; Bertoldi, R.; Bertini, A., - Studio delle associazioni a foraminiferi e a pollini del Pliocene di Ponte a Elsa (Valdarno Inferiore, Toscana)
67643: Vallès Y., Valdés A. & Ortea J., - On the phanerobranch dorids of Angola (Mollusca, Nudibranchia): a crossroads of temperate and tropical species
66934: Valli G. & Borgese E., - Osservazioni sulla riproduzione e la biometria in Ceratoderma glaucum (Poiret, 1789) (Bivalvia, Cardiidae) della laguna di Grado (Alto Adriatico)
4171: Valovirta I., - List of Finnish land gastropods and their distribution
74061: Van Benthem Jutting W.S.S., - Catalogue of the non-marine Mollusca of Sumatra and of its satellite islands
39660: van der Made J., - Sus nanus nov
74754: Van der Linden J., - Scacchia exserta spec
64838: Van Bruggen A.C., - The Dahomey Gap as evidenced by land molluscs, a preliminary report resulting from a reconnaissance of the literature
64876: Van Goethem, J.L., - Description of Pembatoxon insulare gen
64877: Van Goethem J.L., - Contribution a l'etude de Lehmannia valentiana (De Ferussac, 1821) (Mollusca, Pulmonata, Limacidae)
69099: Van Benthem Jutting W.S.S. - Van dder Veen B., - Dr
64873: Van Goethem J.L., - Contribution a l'étude de Boettgerilla vermiformis Wiktor, 1959 (Mollusca Pulmonata)
74644: Van Belle R.A., - The systematic classification of the chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora)
11508: Van der Bijl A.N. & Voskuil R.P., - Notes on the history of the malacological collection of the Nationaal Natuurhistorsich Museum, Leiden, The Netherlands, 1
42880: Van Goethem J. L., et al., - Quelques conclusions au sujet de l''Atlas provisoire des gastropodes terrestres de la Belgique'
65104: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - Vitrinellidae (Marine Mollusca Gastropoda) from Holocene deposits in Surinam (Dutch Guaiana)
12162: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - Notes sur les limaces 15 - Quelques limaces d'Israël
12149: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - Notes sur les limaces 3 - Sur la présence en France d'Arion lusitanicus Mabille
62092: Van Bruggen A.C., - Studies on the Streptaxidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonatsa) of Malawi 13: Gulella menkhorsti Van Bruggen, 2011 and Gulella proxima spec
64048: Van Vogt A.E., - Pianeti da vendere
74748: Van der Linden J., - Philine intricata, an overlooked species from the North-East and the Mediterranean Sea (Philinidae)
12153: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - Notes on some Surinam land snails
12156: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - Notes on land slugs, 24 - Redescription of Limax wohlberedti Simroth and Milax reuleauxi (Clessin) from Crna Gora (+Montenegro)
52979: Van der Schalie, H. & D.S. Dundee. - Transect distribution of eggs of Pomatiopsis lapidaria Say, an amphibious Prosobranch snail
68328: Van Aartsen J.J., Gittenberger E. & Goud J., - Pyramidellidae collected during the Dutch CANCAP and MAURITANIA expeditions in the south-eastern part of the North Atlantic Ocean (part 1)
61601: Van Urk R.M., - A method for the interpretation of polymorphic species (Systematical notes on Cardium edule L
71029: Van Bruggen A.C., - Biogeography and ecology of Southern Africa - Land molluscs
31424: Van Aartsen J.J. & Carrozza F., - Chrysallida fischeri (Hornung and Mermod, 1925): a Red Sea species found at the Israeli mediterranean coast
69104: Van Bruggen A.C., - An introduction to the pulmonate family Streptaxidae
61560: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - The Holocene and recent marine bivalve mollusca of Suriname
20071: Van Goethem J.L., - In memoriam William Adam, 1909-1988
71988: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - The Mollusca from the
58076: Van Vogt A.E., - Diamondia
12150: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - Notes sur les limaces 2 - Description d'une espèce nouvelle de Gigantomilax provenant des environs de Kouldja (Chine)
74747: Van der Linden J. & Eikenboom J.C.A., - On the taxonomy of the Recent species of the genus Chrysallida Carpenter from Europe, the Canary Islands and the Azores (Gastr
60782: Van Urk R.M., - A subspecies of Spisula elliptica (Brown) in southern Europe, Spisula elliptica gracilis (Locard)
60781: Van Urk R.M., - Systematical notes on Cardium edule L
53127: Van Goethem J.L. & De Wilde J.J., - On the taxonomic status of Deroceras caruanae (Pollonera 1891) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Agriolimacidae)
12186: van REGTEREN ALTENA C.O., - Notes sur les limaces 14 - Sur trois espèces de Deroceras de la Catalogne dont deux nouvelles
12221: Van Benthem Jutting W.S.S., - Lijst van Gemeenten als Vindplaatsen van Nederlandsche Mollusken
70766: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - Notes on land slugs, 11 - Arionidae, Milacidae and Limacidae from South Africa
31256: Van Aartsen J.J. & Giannuzzi Savelli R., - Note on Fusinus sanctaeluciae (Von Salis, 1793), the name to be used for Fusinus rostratus (Olivi, 1792) not Murex rostratus Solander in Brander, 1766
62701: Van Clean H.J., - A new genus of trematodes from the white bass
61196: Van Urk R., - Ensis americanus (Binnewy) (syn
61489: Van Winkle Palmer K., - Catalog of the first duplicate series of the Reigen collection of Mazatlan shells in the State Museum at Albany, New York
68333: van Aartsen J.J. & Fehr-de Wal M.C., - The subfamily Mangeliinae Fischer, 1887 in the Mediterranean
62993: Van Aartsen J.J., - Nomenclatural notes, 7
12062: Van der Schalie H., - People and their snail-borne diseases
18078: Van Aartsen J.J. & Corgan J.X., - South African pyramidellacean gastropod names
60336: Van Bruggen A.C. (D.), - Malacology in Netherlands
74297: Van Benthem Jutting W.S., - Non-marine mollusca of the North Moluccan Islands Halmahera, Ternate, Batjan and Obi
74298: Van Benthem Jutting W.S., - Annotated list of the non-marine Mollusca of the Moluccan Islands, Anbon, Haruku, Saparua and Nusa Laut
2951: Van der Linden J. & Wagner W.M., - Cingula antipolitana spec
12732: Van Bruggen A.C., - New data on recent Dutch Mollusca, a critical compilation, 1 & 2
71991: Van Straaten L.M.J.U., - Composition of shell beds formed in tidal flat environment in the Netherlands and the Bay of Arcachon
70756: Van der Schalie H., - The commercially valuable mussels of the Grand River in Michigan
75150: Van Aartsen J.J. & Corgan J.X., - Thiele's pyramidellacean gastropod names
64527: Van der Linden J. & Moolenbeek R., 2000. - Ex Africa semper aliquid novi I: - Caecidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from Mauritania
71900: Van Aartsen J.J. & Hori S., - Indo-Pacific migrants into the Mediterranean 2: Monotigma lauta (A
27002: VAN BRUGGEN A.C., - Notes on South African Marime Mollusca 6: Thysanoteuthis rhombus (Cephalopoda) in algoa Bay
15927: Van der Burg W.J., - Boreodrillia pliocenica nov
64253: Van Vogt A.E., - Dittatura 2200
69296: Van Goethem J.L., Muylaert A. & Tavernier W, - Trochoidea elegns (Gmelin, 1790) een nieuwe soort landslak voor de Belgische funa (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Helicidae)
75182: Van Bruggen A.C., - Range extensions of two streptaxids in Mozambique (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Streptaxidae)
19388: Van Bruggen A.C. & Gittenberger E., - In memoriam Dr F E Loosjes 1913-1994
71984: Van der Heide S., - Einige Bemerkungen zur Molluskenfauna des Dollart - Ems-Gebietes
12163: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - Notes sur les limaces 10 - A propos d'une petite collection de Succineidae, Phylomycidae et Limacidae de l'ile Maurice
65387: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - On some species of the buccinid genus Babylonia (Moll
65388: Van der Spoel S., - A new forma of the species Clio pyramidata L
31225: Van Aartsen J.J. & Carrozza F., - Two more Red Sea species recorded for the first time from the Mediterranean coast of Israel
15677: Van Benthem Jutting W.S., - A snail farm in the Netherlands
64920: Van der Burg W.J., - The stratigraphic distribution of Pliocene molluscs from deposits of the northern Peel district in the Netherlands
12030: Van der Schalie H., - Vector snail control in Qalyub, Egypt
63709: Van Lustbader E., - Mokoi
71930: Van Regtreren Altena & Smith B.J., - Notes on introduced slugs of the families Limacidae and Milacidae in Australia, with two new records
5714: Van der Linden J. & Wagner W.M., - Alvania multiquadrata spec
33755: Van Aartsen J. J., - Nomenclatural notes I; on Actaeopyramis as related to Monoptygma, Monotygma and Monotygma
71717: Van Straaten L.M.J.U., - Micro-malacological investigation of cores from the Southeastern Adriatic Sea
64328: Van Devender A.S., Van Devender R.W., Rivera-García A., Jimenez-Maldonado R.E. & Van Devender M.N., - Report on the terrestrial mollusks of the Sierra de la Madera (Oposura), Sonora, Mexico - The Caracoleros
5722: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - On the occurrence of a species of Xeropicta in France
58168: Van Lierde P.C., - Dietro il portone di bronzo: il governo centrale della Chiesa
74067: Van Winkle Palmer K., - Catalog of the first duplicate series of the Reigen collection of Mazatlan shells in the State Museum at Albany, New York
12549: Van der Horst C.J., - Balanophyllias from the Cape of Good Hope
13975: van REGTEREN ALTENA C.O. , - Systematic catalogue of the paleontological collection - Sixth supplement (Teuthoidea) [Teyler's Museum]
33534: Van Aartsen J.J. & Bogi C., - Anekes gittenbergeri and Anekes nofronii, two new gastropods from the Mediterranean
20253: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - Notes sur les limaces 17: Sur deux espèces de Deroceras
58446: Van de Velde T.H., - Il matrimonio perfetto - fisiologia e tecnica
11915: Van der Schalie H. & Getz L.L., - Comparisons of adult and young Pomatiopsis cincinnatensis (Lea) in respect to moisture requirements
11916: Van der Schalie H. & Dundee D.S., - The distribution, ecology and life history of Pomatiopsis cincinnatiensis (Lea) an amphibious operculate snail
55397: Van Beneden P.J., - Anatomie du Pneumodermon violaceum + Note sur une nouvelle espèce de Pneumodermon [P
18119: Van Aartsen J.J., - Review of Cyclodostomia Sacco, 1892 and Marginodostomia Nomura, 1936, two taxa of the Pyramidellacea
32608: Van Benthem Jutting W.S.S., - Dr
30640: Van Aartsen J.J. & Carrozza F., - European marine mollusca: notes on less well-known species
20248: Van Benthem Jutting W.S. & Van Bruggen A.C., - Carel Octavius van Regteren Altena een schets van zijn leven en werken
10909: Van der Spoel S. & Troost D.G., - Atlanta tokiokai, a new heteropod (Gastr
31223: Van Aartsen J.J. & Giannuzzi-Savelli R., - On the dates of publication of Aradas & Maggiore's "Catalogo ragionatoÉ" and its malacological implication
16676: Van Osselaer C., - Counting shell whorls - Remarks
63918: Van Slyke L., - Fertilizers and Crop Production
11488: Van der Schalie H. & Davis G.M., - Culturing Oncomelania snail for studies of oriental schistosomiasis
11498: Van Belle R.A., - A propos d'une anomalie exceptionnelle chez Chaetopleura angulata (Spengler, 1797)
10839: van REGTEREN ALTENA C.O., - Notes sur les limaces
10840: van REGTEREN ALTENA C.O. , - Idasola argentea (Jeffreys) washed ashore on the Dutch coast
10841: van REGTEREN ALTENA C.O., - A new Lyratellina from off the coast of Surinam
10844: van Regteren Altena C.O. , - The land Prosobranchia of Suriname with the description of two new species of Neocyclotus
10837: van Regteren Altena C.O., - Old tertiary Mollusca from Curaçao
71591: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - Renamed Mollusca from the Dutch East Indian Tertiaries
11511: Van Bruggen A.C. & Verdcourt B., - Notes on a sinistral specimen of Nesopupa bisulcata (Jickeli) (Gastr
12152: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - On a small collection of land mollusca from Surinam (Dutch Guyana)
63210: Van Aartsen J.J. & Giannuzzi-Savelli R., - New names for well-known european marine Mollusca
11390: Van Bruggen A.C., - Additional notes on Gulella (Gastr
70186: Van Regteren Altena C.O., - A revision of Cerithidea (Cerithideopsilla) cingulata (Gmelin) and some related species (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
75275: Van der Spoel S. & Newman L., - Juveniles of the pteropod Hyalocylis striata (Gastropoda, Pteropoda) In 8vo, bross
75264: Van Bruggen A.C., - Maizaniella iterum n
75272: Van Bruggen A.C., - Notes on the genus Maizaniella, with the description of a new species from West Africa
75236: Van Bruggen A.C. & Rolán E., - Report on a collection of terrestrial molluscs (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) from central/north-western Namibia with the description of a new species of Sculptaria (Sculptariidae)
75235: Van Bruggen A.C., - Gulella udzungwensis spec
75203: Van Aartsen J.J. & Wesselingh F.P., - Iolaea amazonica sp
15779: Van Aartsen J.J. & Menkhorst H.P., - European marine Mollusca: notes on less well-known species XII: Alvania gittenbergeri spec
14587: Van der Schalie H. & Getz L.L., - Morphology and development of sex organs in the snail Pomatiopsis cincinnatensis (Lea)
74865: van Ofwegen L.P., - A new genus of nephtheid soft corals (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea: Nephtheidae) from the Indo-Pacific
71604: Van der Schalie H. & Getz L.L., - Distribution and natural history of the snail Pomatiopsis cincinnatensis (Lea)
64542: Van Bruggen A.C., - A contribution to the knowledge of non-marine mollusca of South West Africa
64563: Van Broeck E., - Observations Malacologiques
71535: Van Bruggen A.C., - New data on Cylindrella cumingiana Pfeiffer, 1845, type species of the genus Diaphera Albers, 1850 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Streptaxidae)
20348: Van der Schalie H. & Davis G.M., - Culturing Oncomelania snails (Hydrobiidae) for studies of oriental schistosomiasis
64824: Van der Spoel S. & Pafort-Van Iersel T., - Note on the taxonomy of the family Notobranchaeidae and description of Notobranchaea bleekerae n
64825: Van Bruggen A.C., - Distribution and size of Gulella viae Bnp
64832: Van Aartsen J.J., - Nomenclatural notes 2: The genus Nuculana+Nomenclatural notes 3: On the genera Ichnusa and Ishnula+Nomenclatural notes 4: Melania scalaris+Nomenclatural notes 5: Trivia pullicina
65168: Van Aartsen J.K. & Hoenselaar H.J., - European marine Mollusca: notes on less well-known species VIII: Caecum armoricum
69636: Van Vogt A.E. & Anderson K., - Slan hunter
69011: Van Hagen V., - L'impero degli Incas
75117: Van Bruggen A.C., - An interesting achatinid (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Achatinidae) and other land snails from Benguera Island off central Mozambique
68207: Van Vogt A.E., - Invasione di immortali
68325: van Aartsen J. J., - European Pyramidellidae: I
61669: van Aartsen J.J., Carrozza F., Menkhorst H.P.M.G., - Tornus mienisi, a new species of Tornus from the Eastern Mediterranean (Mollusca: Prosobranchia)
64161: Van Dingenen F., Ceulemans L., Landau B.M. & Marques Da Silva C., - The family Nassariidae (Gastropoda: Buccinoidea) from the late Neogene of northwestern France
27580: Van Aartsen J.J. & Bogi C., - Daronia monterosatoi, a new Mediterranean gastropod
12161: van REGTEREN ALTENA C.O., - Notes sur les limaces
75151: Van Aartsen J.J. & Fehr-de Wal M.C., - European marine Mollusca: notes on less well-known species XI: Scacchia zorni spec nov (Erycinidae) from the Atlantic coast of Portugal
72146: Van Vogy A.E., - Pendulum
72243: Van W(inkle) Palmer K., - Nomenclatural notes on Eocene Mollusca
72244: Van Winkle Palmer K., - Fossil fresh-water mollusca from the State of Monagas
7390: Van der Linden J., - A new marine gastropod species from S
7391: Van der Linden J., - Scacchia exserta spec
7392: Van der Linden J., - On Scacchia maura spec
8841: Van der Schalie H. & Davis G.M., - Growth and stunting in Oncomelania (Gastr
8898: Van der Spoel S., - Groei en ouderdom bij Viviparus contectus (Millet, 1813) en Viviparus viviparus (Linné, 1758)
9580: VAN BENTHEM JUTTING W.S.S. , - On the fossil occurence of Mya arenaria L
9704: Van der Veen B., - List of scientific publications by professor dr
54301: Vanadia A., - Tesori naturali in provincia di Agrigento: Paradisi ritrovati, il mare, la terra, il cielo
67733: Vance J., - La perla verde
64281: Vance J., - Crepuscolo di un mondo
65946: Vance J., - Le insidie di Tschai
67721: Vance J., - Gli Amaranto
59672: Vance J., - Crociata spaziale
59952: Vance J., - Asutra
70106: Vance J., - Wyst: Alastor 1716
72142: Vance J., - I linguaggi di Pao
68976: Vandeberg P., - La maledizione dei faraoni
59288: Vandenberg P., - Tutankhamen: il faraone dimenticato
60884: Vandenberg P,., - La maledizione dei faraoni
75446: Vaney C., - L'adaptation des gastropodes au parasitisme
67003: Vanni S. & Lanza B., - Note di erpetologia della Toscana: Salamandrina, Rana catesbiana, Rana temporaria, Phyllodactylus, Coluber, Natrix natrix, Vipera
66596: Vanni S., - Cataloghi del Museo Zoologico "La Specola" dell'università di Firenze - VIII
66597: Vanni S., Agnelli P. & Azzaroli M.L. - Cataloghi del Museo Zoologico "La Specola" dell'università di Firenze - IX
67507: Vanni S., - Note di erpetologia della Toscana: Salamandrina terdigitata, Rana graeca, Coluber viridiflavus, Natrix natrix
63646: Vannini M. & Chelazzi G., - Adattamenti comportamentali alla vita intertidale tropicale
68063: Vannozzi A., - Mauroceras, a new genus for Indo-West Pacific species hitherto assigned to Meioceras (Gastropoda: Caecidae)
57361: VANNUCCI A., - I primi tempi della libertà fiorentina - Terza edizione con aggiunte e correzioni
61645: Varaldo A., - La signorina Lohengrin
66403: Vardabasso S., - Profili geologici attraverso le Dolomiti Occidentali
31489: Vardala-Theodorou E., Giamas P. & Dimitropoulos A., - A short notice on occurence of a pair of Thysanotethis rhombus Troschel, 1857 in southern Euboic Gulf
74399: Vardy C.R., - The New World Tarantula-hawk Wasp Genus Pepsis Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae)
69297: Varga A. & Pintér L., - Zur Problematik der Gattung Hygromia Risso 1826
69080: Varga A., - A Helicigona (Arianta) arbustorum, aethiops, és hessei csigafajok anatómiai vizsgálata
59648: Varley J., - Linea calda Ophiucus
59953: Varley J., - Millenium
69653: Varley J., - Titano
75243: Varvaro A., - Vocabolario Etimologico Siciliano - Volume I (A-L)
65453: Vasari G., - Vite
67616: Vassalli S., - La chimera
59988: Vassalli S., - Il cigno
16675: Vassart A. & Tursch B., - Taxonomic implications of syntopy: the status of Oliva truncata Marrat, 1867 (Olividae)
15403: Vaughan, T. W. - Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the Eastern Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U
29081: Vaughan T.W., - Recent Madreporaria of the Hawaiian Islands and Laysan Contained in Smithsonian Institution United States (National Museum Bulletin 59) Government Printing Office, Washington, 1907
15830: Vaughan T.W., - A new species of Coenocyathus from California and the Brazilian astrangid corals
65528: Vaught K.C., - A classification of the living Mollusca
74088: Vayssière A. & Germain L., - Mollusques de la France et des regions voisines
66552: Vazirani T.G., - Contribution to the study of aquatic beetles (Coleoptera)
59194: Vazquez Montalban M., - Assassinio al Comitato Centrale
61920: Vazzana A., - Benthonellania benestarensis sp
59333: Vazzana A., - Biodiversità marina lungo le coste della provincia di Reggio Calabria
7752: Vazzana A., - Malacofauna batiale del Pleistocene inferiore del Vallone Catrica (Reggio Calabria, Italia)
60650: Vega L.E., - Ecologia trofica de Liolaemus multimaculatus (Sauria: Tropiduridae)
72964: Vega F.J. et al., - New middle Eocene decapods (Crustacea) from Chiapas, México
24779: Veglia F., - Chemotherapy of haemonchosis in sheep
71505: Veitenheimer I.L. & Mansur M.C.D., - Primeiras observaç›es de bivalves dulciaquicolas como salimneto de "Armado amarillo" Rhinodoras dorbignyi (Kröyer, 1855)
56191: Veldmeijer A.J., Meijer H.-J.M. & Signore M., - Description of Pterosaurian (Pterodactyloidea: Anhangueridae, Brasileodactylus) remains from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil
63737: Veldsman, S. G., - Taxonomic notes and discussion on the genus Marginella
73042: Veldsman S.G. & Veldsman J.H., - A Taxonomic Revision of the Volutidae of Southern Africa, Including the Description of Three New Genera and Several New Species
21944: Velitzelos E. & Schneider H.E., - Jungtertiare Pflanzenfunde aus dem Becken von Vegora in West-Mazedonien (Griechenland)
67286: Veloso A. & Navarro J., - Lista sistematica y distribucion geografica de anfibios y reptiles de Chile
67204: Veloso A., Nunez H. & Cei J.M., - Fixation and description of a neotype for Lacerta palluma Molina 1782 (currently) - (Squamata: Teiidae)
69093: Venmans L.A.W.C., - Description of the jaw and radula of two Ariophantidae
15327: Venmans L.A. & Verdcourt B., - Bibliography of radulae figures of the British and Dutch non-marine Mollusca
68110: Ventura G., - I riti massonici di Misraïm e Memphis
57555: Venturella G., - L'iconografia micologica di Giuseppe Inzenga
50826: Venturella G., Saitta A. & Tamburello M., - La biodiversità fungina della provincia di Palermo - II Carte di distribuzione
471: Venturella G., - Nuove stazioni di macromiceti in Sicilia
72532: Venturella G., - Funghi di Sicilia
59339: Venturi F., - Rarenodia, nuovo genere di ammoniti (sottofam
59132: Venturi F., - Ammoniti della "Corniola" del monte Catria (Appennino Marchigiano)
59111: Venturi F., - Hammatoceratinae, Buckman 1887, nel Toarciano medio "Rosso Ammonitico" umbro-marchigiano
70975: Venturi F., Nannarone C. & Bilotta M., - Eoderoceratidae (Mollusca, Ammonoidea) from the 'Corniola' of the Central Apennines, related to the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary in the Mediterranean area
37463: Venturi F., - Le vie seguite dai ditteri nella riduzione della venatura alare
57795: Venturini L., - Alcuni appunti intorno alla donna in Senofonte
4663: Venzo S., - I molluschi fossili
66505: Venzo S., - Ammoniti e vegetali Albiano-Cenomaniani nel flysch del Bergamasco occidentale
66472: Venzo S., - Revisione del glaciale nella bassa Val Cavallina (Bergamo) - Distinzione del Mindel e dei terrazzi Anaglaciali: parallelismi colla Francia, Svizzera, Germania-Austria; colla curva di Milankoviç e coi livelli marini padani
19375: Vera-Peláez J.L. & Vega-Luz R., - Tritonoturris poppei: neuva specie de la subfamilia Daphnellinae (Turridae) del Mar de Visayas (Filipinas)
68797: Vera-Peláez J.L., - Tatcherina carminis: nueva especie y nuevo género de la subfamilia Tathcheriinae Charig, 1963 (Gastropoda, Turridae) del Plioceno inferior de Málaga
68590: Vera-Pelaez J. L., et al., - Estudio preliminar de la malacofauna del Plioceno de Estepona (Malaga, Espa–a)
72241: Verástegui P., - The pelecypod genus Venericardia in the Paleocene and Eocene of Western North America
61807: Vercors, 1950 (Jean Marcel Adolphe Bruller) - Il silenzio del mare
52626: Verdcourt B., - Miscellaneous notes on tropical African non-marine Mollusca
70645: Verdcourt B., - The Genus Maizania Bgt
70663: Verdcourt B., - A contribution to the mollusc fauna of Northern Somaliland
54064: Verdcourt B., - A new genus and species of land snails, Micractaeon kakamegaensi, from Kakamega Forest, Kenya (Pulmonata, Ferrussacidae)
75180: Verdcourt B., - Two new taxa of land snails of the genera Kalidos and Ampelita from Madagascar (Gastropoda, Pulmonata)
75200: Verdcourt B., - A new species of Vitrina (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Vitrinidae) from Kenya with a discussion of the genus in East Africa
14948: Verdcourt B., - The effect of change of environment on Lymnaea peregra
64712: Verduin A., - Rissoa (Turgidina) testudae subg nov, sp nov, a marine gastropods from the Straits of Gibraltar
64777: Verduin A., - On the taxonomy and variability of Recent European and North African species of the subgenera Apicularia and Goniostoma of the genus Rissoa (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia)
64788: Verduin A., - On the systematics of some Recent Rissoa (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia)
64789: Verduin A., - Alvania cimex (L
5731: Verduin A., - Differences in shell morphology between fossil and recent Gibbula ditropis (Wood, 1848) a marine gastropod from the Coralline Crag in England, and the coast of S
64713: Verduin A., - Conchological evidence for the separate specific identity of Mytilus edulis and M galloprovincialis
8005: Verduin A., - How complete are diagnoses of coiled shells of regular build? A mathematical approach
59469: Verga G., - Tutte le novelle
74217: Verhaege M. & Poppe G.T., - A conchological iconography - Family Ficidae
74348: Verhaege M. & Poppe G.T., - A conchological iconography - Family Ficidae
64946: Verhecken A. - The Recent Cancellariidae of Indonesia (Neogastropoda, Cancellariacea)
64947: Verhecken A. - A Revision of the Cancellariidae (Neogastropoda, Cancellariacea) of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
61600: Verhecken A., 1986. - Admete dregeri: valid name for Babylonella nassiformis; with notes on Babylonella (Neogastropoda: Cancellariidae)
74893: Verhecken A., - Description of two new species of bathyal Cancellariidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from off Brazil
67894: Verhecken A., - The Cancellariidae of the Panglao 2004 and 2005 and the Aurora 2007 deep sea cruises in the Philippines, with descriptions of 6 new species
74409: Verhecken A., - Notes on Cancellaria minims Reeve (Mollusca: Neogastropoda: Cancellariacea)
57367: Verhecken, A. - An update of GB Sowerby's "Monograph of the Genus Cancellaria" - Tehesaurus Conchyliorum, vol 2 p 439-461, pls 92-96 (1849)
66738: Vermeij G.J. & Bouchet P., - New Pisaniinae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Buccinidae) from New Caledonia, with remarks on Cantharus and related genera
67134: Vermeij G.J. & Houart R., - Description of Africanella n
13007: Vermeij G.J., - The systematic position of Tritonoidea dentata Schepman, 1911 (Buccinidae)
62090: Vermeulen J.J. & Marzuki M.RE., - 'Charopa' lafargei (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Charopidae), a new, presumed narrowly endemic species from Peninsular Malaysia
74278: Vermeulen J.J. & Raven J.G., - A note on the genera Costigo and Pupisoma (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Vertiginidae)
66068: Vermeulen J.J., - Notes on the non-marine molluscs of the island of Borneo 4
74190: Vermeulen J.J., - Notes on the non-marine molluscs of the island of Borneo
74279: Vermeulen J.J., - Notes on the non-marine molluscs of the island of Borneo 1: The genus Diaphera (Streptaxidae)
75161: Vermeulen J.J., Phung L.C., & Truong Q.T., - New species of terrestrial molluscs (Caenogastropoda, Pupinidae & Pulmonata, Vertiginidae) of the Hon Chong - Ha Tien limestone hills, Southern Vietnam
74284: Vermeulen J.J., - Notes on the non-marine molluscs of the island of Borneo 9: The genera Cyclophorus, Leptopoma, and Craspedotropis (Cyclophoridae)
74282: Vermeulen J.J., - Notes on the non-marine molluscs of the island of Borneo 7: The genus Niahia gen nov (Gastropoda Prosobranchia: Diplommatinidae)
74283: Vermeulen J.J., - Notes on the non-marine molluscs of the island of Borneo 8: The genus Arinia; additions to the genera Diplommatina and Opisthostoma (Gastropoda Prosobranchia: Diplommatinidae)
74285: Vermeulen J. J., - Notes on the non-marine molluscs of Borneo 10
74286: Vermeulen. J. & Junau D.J., - Bukit Sarang (Sarawak, Malaysia), an isolated limestone hill with an extraordinary snail fauna
74281: Vermeulen J.J., - Notes on the non-marine molluscs of the island of Borneo 5: The genus Diplommatina
8844: Vermeulen J.J., - Two species of the genus Enteroplax (Gastropoda Pulmonata: Strobilopsidae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia
63976: Verne G., - Ventimila leghe sotto i mari
65627: Verne G., - I figli del capitano Grant
65628: Verne G., - Un capitano di quindici anni
65070: Verne G., - Ventimila leghe sotto i mari
65455: Veronesi S., - Brucia Troia
65215: Verrico F., - Magia delle carte - cartomanzia e futuro
65264: Verrico F. e Verrico M., - Magia del pendolo - rabdomanzia e radiestesia
74685: Verrill A.H., - Strane conchiglie marine e loro storie
72457: Verrill A.H., - Strani uccelli e loro storie
72460: Verrill A.H., - Strani insetti e loro storie
73715: Verrill A.H., - Strane conchiglie marine e loro storie
48500: Verschaffelt J., - Le poids moléculaire de l'eau et de l'iode
40509: Versmann F. & Oppenheim A., - On the comparative value of certain salts for rendering fibrous substances non-inflammable
55363: Vesentini E., - Semigroups of linear contractions for an indefinite metric
47939: Vesentini E., - Semigroups on Krein spaces
11379: Vialli M., - Primi dati per una valutazione biologica delle Holothuriae nel mare di Rovigno
4195: Vialli M., - Disidratazione in molluschi gasteropodi marini
64008: Vialli M., - Ricerche fisiologiche sulla Aplysia punctata (Emolinfa - Disidratazione)
66503: Vialli V., - I foraminiferi Luteziano-Priaboniani del Monte Orobio (Adda di Paderno)
66471: Vialli V., - Nuova fauna ad ammoniti del Barremiano superiore lombardo
32551: Viana A., Da Veiga Ferreira O. & Freire De Andrade R. - Monumentos megalítico dos arredores de Ourique [Alentejo, Pçrtugal]
51266: Victor Conrad - Über den Wassergehalt der Wolken 18 pages with 5 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 13
27789: Victor, A.C.C. - Recent development in pearl culture research in India
51254: Victor Uhlig - Beiträge zur Geologie des Fatrakriván-Gebirges 44 pages with 1 geological map, 9 illustrations and 3 Profilplates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 16
51350: Victor Uhlig - Die Fauna der Spiti-Schiefer des Himalaya, ihr geologisches alter und ihre Weltstellung 79 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung 7
51252: Victor Uhlig - Über die Cephalopodenfauna der Teschener und Grodischter Schichten 88 pages with 9 plates and 3 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 8
51245: Victor Schiffner - Expositio Plantarum in itinere sui indico annis 1893/94 suscepto collectarum speciminibusque exsiccatis distributarum, adjectis descriptionibus novarum
51219: Victor Uhlig - Die Geologie des Tatragebirges
51210: Victor Schiffner - Expositio Plantarum in itinere suo indico annis 1893/94 succepto collectarum speciminibusque exsiccatis distributarum, adjectis descriptionibus novarum
51194: Victor Uhlig - Die Geologie des Tatragebirges I
68621: Vidal J., - A review of the genus Fulvia Gray, 1853 (Mollusca, Cardiidae)
66112: Vidal J., - Problèmes taxonomiques du complexe Laevicardium oblongum-crassum (Bivalvia: Cardiidae); In 4to, original wrappers, pp
66767: Vidal J., - Taxonomic revision of the Indo-Pacific Vasticardium flavum species group (Bivalvia, Cardiidae)
67129: Vidal J., - Taxonomic revision of the Indo-Pacific Vasticardium assimile species group (Cardiidae)
73318: Vidal Abarca C.V. & Suarez M.L., - Lista faunistica y bibliografica de los moluscos (Gastropoda & Bivalvia) de las aguas continentales de la Peninsula Ibérica e Islas Baleares
67304: Videla F. & Cei J.M., - A new peculiar Liolaemus species of the "chiliensis" phyletic group from the volcanic cordilleran landscapes of Southern Mendoza Provice, Argentina ( Iguania: Lacertilia, Reptilia) in Northern Argentina
72543: video gioco pc - Mystery Legends: The Phantom Of The Opera
72544: video gioco pc - Uru - Ages beyond Myst - Ubisoft
56574: Viejo Montesinos J.L. (Ed.), - Biodiversidad - Aproximacion a la diversidad botanica y zoologica de Espa–a
66925: Vienna P., - Nuove specie di Histeridae (Coleoptera) appartenenti alla fauna afrotropicale
25227: Vieweger T., - Sur la production des réserves non-azotées pendant l'assimilation des protéines chez les animaux poïkilothermes
57039: Viglieri A., - 48 Giorni Sul Pack
43506: Vigna Taglianti A., - Studi sui dermatteri
51329: Viktor Ferdinand Brotherus - Musci
73776: Vilas C.N. & Vilas N.R., - Florida marine shells
57953: Vilela H. & Nümann W., - Estudios de biologia maritima
55636: Villa A., (s.d. 1946?) - La prostituzione sacra
58599: Villa L., - La insufficienza epatica
57570: Villa U., (1904) - La città Marinara
4197: Villani G. & Martinez E., - Some observations on the opisthobranch fauna from the Fusaro Lake, a brackish-water lagoon near Naples
49639: Villari A., - Contributo alla conoscenza della malacofauna di "Isola Bella" Taormina, Sicilia
54877: Villemain A.F., - Storia di Oliviero Cromwell compilata sulle memorie dei suoi tempi e sugli Atti del Parlamento
27484: Villiers A., - Faune de l'Empire Français IX: Hémiptères réduviides de l'Afrique Noire
65267: Villiers E., - Amuleti, talismani ed altre cose misteriose
58416: Villiger, E., - Gehirn und Rückenmark
64498: Vilvens C., - New species and new records of Calliostomatidae (Gastropoda: Trochoidea) from Madagascar
63268: Vilvens C., - New species and new records of Chilodontidae (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda: Seguenzioidea) from the Pacific Ocean
54636: Vilvens C. & Sellanes J., - Description of Calliotropis ceciliae new species (Gastropoda: Chilodontidae: Calliotropinae) from off Chile
69521: Vilvens C., - New species and new records of Calliotropis (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda: Seguenzioidea: Eucyclidae) from the Western Pacific
20154: Vilvens C., - Description of three new species of Calliostoma (Trochidae) from the Philippine Islands
32931: Vilvens C., - Description of a new species of Cantrainea (Turbinidae) from Guadeloupe
34429: Vilvens C., - Description of Spectamen rikae n sp (Trochidae: Solariellinae) from the Philippine Islands
22051: Vilvens C., - Description of a new species of Clanculus (Trochidae) from the New Caledonia
22050: Vilvens C., - Description of a new species of Calliostoma (Trochidae) from the Philippine Ilsands
74657: Vilvens C. - New species and new records of Calliotropis (Gastropoda: Chilodontidae: Calliotropinae) from Indo-Pacific
66731: Vinaj G.S. & Pinali R., 1916- - Le acque minerali e gli stabilimenti termali idropinici ed idroterapici d'Italia
62442: Vincent É., - Les Mytilidées des Sables de Wemmel (Eocène Supérieur)
62441: Vincent É., - Les erycines des sables de Wemmel (Éocène supérieur)
73805: Vincent G., - Note sur la faune Bruxellienne des environs de Bruxelles
53065: Vincenzo Bertolino - Le orchidee di Monte Pellegrino
62618: Vincenzoni G. (cur.), - Donne della Rivoluzione: dalle storie di A
67214: Vinci S., - Stanza 411
73497: Vine P., - Red Sea Invertebrates
58051: Vinge V., - I naufraghi del tempo
69568: Vinge V., - Universo incostante
68551: Vink D.L.N. & Röckel D., - Conus bahamensis n
7753: Vinyas L., - The Wurm beds of the coast of Gerona (Spain)
66955: Vio E. & De Min R., - Contributo alla conoscenza dei molluschi marini del golfo di Trieste
68567: Violani C., - Ecologia di un'estinzione: L'Alca impenne
72369: Violani C. (ed.), - Un Bestiario Barocco: Quadri di piume del Seicento Milanese - Catalogo della Mostra
67288: Violanti D., Loi B. & Melis R., - Distribution of Recent Foraminifera from the Strait of Magellan
67289: Violanti D., - I Foraminiferi plio-pleistocenici di Capo Milazzo
28416: Viraktamath C.A., - A new species of Austroagallia Evans from the Galapagos Islands (Cicadellidae) In 8vo, original wrappers, pp
39530: Vischer A.L., - ABC della terza età
69218: Viscuso R., - Studio morfologico ed istologico della parete epifaringea di Eyprepocnemis plorans (Charp
66383: Visentini O., - L'ombra sulla strada - Romanzo per giovinetti
34780: Visiani R. de, - Della Vita e Degli Scritti di Francesco Bonafede
68080: Vittorini E., - Uomini e no
54168: Vittorio Aliqu˜ & Fabien Soldati, - Coleotteri tenebrionidi di Sicilia
65334: Vivekananda S, - Yoga pratici
75152: Viviano R., - Nuovi dati morfologici, biologici e geonemici sull'Oxyloma elegans elegans (Risso, 1826) (Gastropoda: Succineidae) in Sicilia
69234: Vivien M.L., - Etude d'un Labridae tropical, Cheilinus bimaculatus Valenciennes, 1840: description des stades juvéniles, évolution morphologique, écologie
59445: Vizinczey S., - Il candido miliardario
63316: Vladykov, V.D. And R.A. McKenzie, - The Marine Fishes of Nova Scotia
34983: Vn Hagen V., - L'impero degli Incas
60217: Voake S., - Le tre lune di Aurobon
60198: Vogdes A.W., - A Catalogue of North American Palaeozoic Crustacea Confined to the Non-Trilobitic Genera and Species
38241: Vogel A., - Ueber die Entwicklung der Agrikulturchemie
66174: Voglino A., - Il grande libro della fantasy classica
73109: Voked H.E., - Notes on the genus Agnocardia (Cardiidae) with the description of a new species from the Pliocene of Florida
64960: Vokes E. H., - On the identity of Murex triqueter Born (Gastropoda: Muricidae)
62175: Vokes, E. H. - Catalogue of the genus Murex Linné (Mollusca: Gastropoda); Muricinae, Ocenebrinae
19715: Vokes H.E., - On the occurence of the genus Callocardia in Australian waters, with the description of a new species
5750: Vokes E.H. & D'Attilio A., - Pygmaepterys, a newly described taxon of Muricidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda), with the description of three new species from the cenozoic of the Western Atlantic
70218: Vokes H.E., - Notes on the variation and synonymy of Ostrea idriaensis Gabb
29440: Vokes E.H., - Comments on the nomenclature of Hadriania craticulatus
70217: Vokes H.E., - The genus Velates in the eocene of California
75066: Vokes H.E., - A new subgenus of Crassatellidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from Natal
65908: Vokes E.H., - On the identity of Murex trigonulus of Authors (Gastropoda: Muricidae)
68521: Vokes H.E., 1980-90 - Genera of the Bivalvia: A Systematic and Bibliographic Catalogue (Revised and Updated)
11381: Vokes H.E., - Contributions to the paleontology of the Lebanon Mountains, Republic of Lebanon
64511: Vokes H.E., - Notes on Tertiary and recent Solemyacidae
72220: Vokes H.E., - Cardiidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from the Chipola formation, Calhoun County, Florida
72664: Vokes H.E., - Distribution of Shallow-Water Marine Mollusca, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
73107: Vokes H.E., - Contributions to the paleontology of the Lebanon Mountains, Republic of Lebanon
73266: Vokes H.E., - Eocene Mollusca from the Subathu Group (Lutetian) Simal Hills State, India
73297: Vokes H.E., - Some primitive fossil pelecypods and their possible significance
73299: Vokes H.E., - Geological observations in the Lebanon mountains of Western Asia
68780: Volova G., Scarlato O.A., 1980. - Bivalvian mollusks of the Peter the Great Bay
61913: Volpi C., Callea A., Martignoni R., Borri M., - I columbellidi delle coste somale (Gastropoda: Columbellidae)
64299: Volponi P., - Memoriale
62923: Voltaire F.M.A., - Dizionario filosofico
69976: Volz E., - Beiträge zur Molluskenfauna des Ober-Elsass (Fossile Schnecken und Muscheln der Umgebung von Mülhausen
59447: Von Lustbader E., - Il guerriero del tramonto
64953: von Cosel R. & Marshall B.A., - Two new species of large mussels (Bivalvia: Mytlidae) from active submarine volcanoes and a cold seep off the eastern North Island of New Zealand, with description of a new genus
74641: Von Cosel R., - Taxonomy of tropical West African bivalves
57573: Von Bertalanffy L., - Venetia 1390-1797: Commerce and Sea Mail of the Venetian Republic
70074: Von Martens E., - Fossile Süsswasser-Conchylien aus Sibirien II
70475: Von Ihering H., - Las especies de Ampullaria de la Argentina y la historia del Río de la Plata
72033: Von Scholz W., - Perpetua
70788: von Ammon L., - Ueber das vorkommen von 'Steinschrauben' (Daemonhelix) in der Oligcänen Molasse Obernbayerns
26834: Von Schrenk H., - Two diseases of red cedar, caused by Polyporus juniperinus and Polyporus carneus
69310: Von Proschwitz T., - Växthussnäckan Hawaiia minuscola (Binney) funnen i Sverige, samt nOEgot om tänkbara efterföljare
25451: Von Cosel R. & Blöcher M., - Eine neue Lyria aus Madagaskar
61511: Von Cosel R., Metivier B. & Hashimoto J., - Three new species of Bathymodiolus (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) from hydrothermal vents in the Lau Basin and North Fiji Basin, Western Pacific, and the Snake Pit area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
71621: Von Martens E., - Esplorazione del Giuba e dei Suoi Affluenti compiuta dal Cap
64483: Von Cosel R. & Bouchet P., - Tropical deep-water lucinids (Mollusca
74728: Von Cosel R., - Seven new species of Solen (Bivalvia: Solenidae) from the tropical Western Pacific, with remarks on other species
52199: Von Proschwitz T., - Intraspecific variation in Nesovitrea hammonis (Zonitidae) in Sweden, with special reference to colour dimorphism
58344: Von Niemeyer F., - Lehrbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Physiologie und pathologische Anatomie - Neu bearbeitet von Dr Eugen Seitz
68695: von Cosel R. & Gofas S., - Marine Bivalves of Tropical West Africa from Rio de Oro to southern Angola
63421: Von Bonde C., - The reproduction, embryology and metamorphosis of the Cape Crawfish (Jasus lalandii) (Milne Edwards) Ortmann
28662: Von Möllendorff W., - Die Dispersität der Farbstoffe, ihre beziehungen zu ausscheidung und speicherung in der niere
68508: von Proschwitz T., - The identity of Pupa daliaca Westerlund 1887, with notes on intraspecific variation in and ecology of Vertigo ronnebyensis (Westerlund 1871) (Pulmonata: Pupillacea: Vertiginidae)
51148: Von Constantin Freiherr Ettinghausen - Die Formelemente der europäischen Tertiärbuche (Fagus feroniae Ung
57988: Von Wickede A., - Symmetry in archaeology: Application of group theory for the classification of prehistoric stamp seals in the Near East
74448: Von Cosel R. & Salas C., - Vesicomydae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) of the genera Vesicomya, Waisiuconcha, Isorropodon and Callogonia in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean
25394: Von Cosel R., - Die Gattung Polymesoda an der Nordküste Südamerikas
68297: von Hofmannsthal H., - Il cavaliere della rosa
65132: Von Cosel R. & Gofas S., - Description of a new genus and twelve new species of marine bivalves from tropical West Africa, with comments on other taxa from the area
68238: Von Hagen. V., - Alla ricerca dei Maya - I viaggi di Stephens e Catherwood
66910: Von Cosel R., - A new species of bathymodioline mussel (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Mytilidae) from Mauritania (West Africa), with comments on the genus Bathymodiolus Kenk & Wilson, 1985
60177: von Ettingshausen C., - Beitrag zur Kenntniss der fossilen Flora von Wildshut in Oberösterreich
68358: von Ihering H., - Phylogenie und System der Mollusken
40989: Von Cosel & Pisani Burnay L., - A new Euthria from the deeper shelf of the Cape Verde Islands
69910: Von Martens E., - List of the Shells of Mergui and its Archipelago, collected for the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by Dr
70497: Von Vest W., - Ueber die Bildung und Entwicklung des Bivalven-Schlosses
25682: Von Cosel R., - Zwei neue Euthria-Arten von den Kapverdischen Inseln
13592: Von Martens E., - Ueber die Abgrenzung zoogeographische Reiche
73334: von Salvini-Plawen L., - On the phylogenetic significance of the aplacophoran Mollusca
63579: Voskuil R.P.A. & Onverwagt W.J.H., - Inventarisation of the recent European and West African Cardiidae (Mollusca, Bivalvia)
75277: Voskuil R.P. & Onverwagt W.J., - Studies on Cardiidae
75265: Voskuil R.P. & Onverwagt W.J., - Studies on Cardiidae
52633: Voss G., - Biologist collects shells
74979: VOSS G.L., - List of the Types and Species of Cephalopods in the Collections of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
61999: Voss G.L., - Cephalopods collected by the R/V John Elliott Pillsbury in the Gulf of Panama in 1967
75068: Voss-Foucart M.F. & Grégoire C., - Experimental alteration of the Nautilus shell by factors of diagenesis snd metamorphism Part II - Amino acid patterns in the conchiolin matrix of the pyrolysed modern mother-of-pearl
70456: Voss G.L., 1955. - The cephalopoda obtained by the Harvard-Havana expedition off the coast of Cuba in 1938-39
71160: Voss G.L., - A checklist of the cephalopods of Florida
66306: Vranckx R., - Evolution du stock de langoustes sur les fonds de peche des iles Saint Paul et Nouvelle-Amsterdam de 1962 a 1970
70306: Vredenburg E., - Note on the Marine Fossils collected by Mr
62688: Vrusoni F. & Basso D., 2007. - Canonical morphometry versus statistical treatment of outlines throught Fourier shape analysis: an empirical comparison
60104: Vyas A., - The Cheliceral Muscles of the Scorpion Heterometrus fulvipes
51518: W. Adensamer - XXII
51470: W. Michaelsen - Ascidiae Krikobranchiae des Roten Meeres: Clavelinidae und Synoicidae Expedition S
51383: W. Kükenthal - Alcyonaria des Roten Meeres
51296: W. Ebert - Eine einfache Methode zur Bestimmung elliptischer Bahnen aus drei Beobachtungen 40 pages with 5 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 26
63491: Wade B., - The fauna of the Ripley Formation on Coon Creek, Tennessee
72382: Wade M., - New Kelaenida and Vampyromorpha: Cretaceous squid from Queensland
4204: Wagele H., - New results on the systematics of Nudibranchia from the southern polar seas
66098: Wagenaar Hummelinck P. & Roos P.J., - Een natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek gericht op het behoud van het Lac op Bonaire
31592: Wagener E.H. & Thomson M.D., - Experimental amoebiasis in cats from acute and chronic human cases
12254: Wagge L.E., - Quantitative studies of calcium metabolism in Helix aspersa
50929: Wagner R., - Die Mediansympodien der Lecanorchis malaccensis Ridl
51401: Wagner A. J. - Beiträge zur Anatomie und Systematik der Stylomatophoren aus dem Gebiete der Monarchie und der angrenzenden Balkanländer
51298: Wagner A.J., - Helicinenstudien
64552: Wagner J., - Uber die Ernährungsbiologie der Schnecken (Erwerb und aufnahme der nahrung in der klasse der Gastropoden)
61513: Wagner H.P., - Review of the European Pectinidae
70043: Wagner A.J., - Beiträge zur Anatomie und Systematik der Stylomatophoren aus dem Gebiete der Monarchie und der angrenzenden Balkanländer
62899: Wagner H., - A new species of Pliotaxidea (Mustelidae; Carnivora) from California
65088: Wagner H.P., - Notes on type material of the family Pectinidae 2
50930: Wagner R., - Über den Richtungswechsel der Schraubelzweige von Hydnophytum angustifolium Merr
40525: Wagner J., - Über neue palaearktische Flo-Arten (Aphaniptera) II
67791: Wagner E., - Zwei neue Miriden aus dem Museo Civico di Storia Naturale in Mailand (Herm Het
65774: Wagner R., - World size record 1990
62349: Wagner A. J., - Monographie der Gattung Pomatias Studer
51286: Wagner A. J. - Helicinenstudien 94 pages 9 plates, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 7
5759: Wagner H.P., - Notes on type material of the family Pectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) 3
75380: Wagner R.J.L. & Abbott R.T., 1978-90 - Standard catalog of shells
15781: Wagner H.P., - The status of four scallop species (Pectinidae) with description of a new genus [Karnekampia]
15780: Wagner H.P., - A new scallop species (Pectinidae) from the southern Philippines
65166: Wagner H.P., - Chlamys (Chlamys) liltvedi (Pectinidae), a new species from South Africa
64754: Wagner H.P. & Coomans H.E., - Review of the Perotrochus africanus - complex, with a note on the nomenclature of the Western Australian species
56885: Wagner R., - Über den Bau und die Aufblühfolge der Rispen von Phlox paniculata L
8112: Wagner R.J.L. & Abbott R.T., - Van Nostrand's standard catalog of shells
40852: Wainstein B.A. (Ed.), - Biology and systematics of freshwater invertebrates
54513: Waite M.B., - Pollination of pomaceous fruits
64484: Wakefield A. & McCleery T., - Descriptions of new species of Pacific Cystiscus Stimpson, 1865 (Gastropoda: Cystiscidae) Pat 1: species with banded mantle patterns
43421: Walcott C., - Report upon the condition and progress of the U
58425: Walcott C.D., - Twenty Third Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey 190-2
58424: Walcott C.D., - Twenty-Second Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior 1900-01
58423: Walcott C.D., - Twenty-Second Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior 1900-1901 Part IV Hydrography
70892: Waldén H.W., - The land Gastropoda of the vicinity of Stockholm
12263: Waldén H.W., - Om ett par för Sverige nya, anthropochroa landmollusker, Limax valentianus Férussac och Deroceras caruanae (Pollonera), jämte nOEgra andra, kulturbundna arter
15560: Waldén H.W., - Helix hammonis Strøm, 1765: proposed addition to the Official List of species names
12251: Waldén H.W., - Communities and diversity of land molluscs in Scandinavian woodlands
28778: Walford L.A., - On the natural history of George Sprague Myers
10865: Walker B., - A new fresh-water mollusk from Indiana
60683: Wallace S., - L'imperatrice
68015: Wallace I., - Pan Sagittarius
68212: Wallace I., - Viaggio a Dari
61725: WALLER T. R. , - The Pectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) of Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands
61571: Waller T.R., - The ctenolium of scallop shells: functional morphology and evolution of a key family-level character in the Pectinacea
71127: Waller T.R., - Morphology, morphoclines and a new classification of the Pteriomorphia (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
72663: Waller T.R., - The Evolution of Ligament Systems in the Bivalvia
61702: Waller T.R., - Scanning electron microscopy of shell and mantle in the order Arcoida
73603: Waller T.R. & Stanley G.D., - Middle Triassic pteriomorphian Bivalvia (Mollusca) from the New Pass Range, West-Central Nevada: systematics, biostratigraphy, paleoecology, and paleobiogeography
59944: Walling W,, - Civiltà di prova
69781: Walling W., - La Terra che ho lasciato dietro di me
50672: WALLNÖFER, Bruno, - Die Polyacetylene in der Artemisia-"Vulgares"-Gruppe (Anthemideae-Compositae)
65559: Walls J.G., - Conchs, Tibias and Harps
25659: Walls, - Diagnoses of four new cones [Conus axelrodi, C cloveri, C kerstitichi, C sandwichensis]
60303: Walne P.R., - Observations on the food value of seven species of algae to the larvae of Ostrea edulis I: Feeding experiments
38061: Walne P. R., - Observations on the fertility of the oyster (Ostrea edulis)
68770: Walo§ek D., - Zur Verbreitung, Variabilität, Taxonomie, Biologie und Nutzbarkeit von Chlamys patagonica, dissertation
59924: Walter Disney, - Paperi e Paperi
59921: Walter Disney, - Forza Topolino
59918: Walter Disney, - Paperone il Magnifico
59919: Walter Disney, - Paperone il Magnifico
60320: Walter Disney, - Gran Gala di Paperone
12247: Walter H.J. & Burch J.B., - Key to the genera of freshwater gastropods (snails and limpets) occurring in Michigan
68987: Walter J.E., - Lebenszyklen von Lymnaea peregra im Zürichsee (Gastropoda: Basommatophora)
59922: Walter Disney, - Paperone Natale
60174: Walter Disney, - Topolino Estate Collana: CLASSICI WALT DISNEY 1 serie - Prima edizione
71142: Walter H.E., - The behavior of the pond snail Lymnaeus elodes Say
51499: Walter Schmidt (Leoben) - Der Bau der westlichen Radstädter Tauern 30 pages with 1 map, 3 Profilplates and 11 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 12
37460: Walter B., - Defranciopora et Reptomulticava (Bryozoa - Cyclostoma) valanginiens du Jura
60173: Walter Disney, - Topolino '76
51521: Walter Leopold - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattung Cardamine mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Hybridenfrage in der Sektion Dentaria 37 pages with 1 plate, 2 illustrations and 7 maps, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 12
43634: Walton Smith F.C. (Ed.), - Report of marine borer conference
4211: Walton M.V., - A provisional atlas of the slugs and snails of Warwickshire (Mollusca: Gastropoda: 4700)
58297: Waltritsch M., - Posojilnice na nabrezinskem Krasu
68099: Wang Haiyan & Zhang Tao, - Mollusks of the Intertidal Zone of Beibu Gulf, China [Tonkin Gulf]
62823: Ward P.D., - Upper Cretaceous ammonites (Santonian-Campanian) from Orcas Island, Washington
63273: Ward J.E., - Studies on the feeding behavior and host specificity of a tropical ectoparasitic snail in the genus Odosotmia (Pyramidellidae)
30500: Ward Lyon M. Jr., - Remarks on the giant squirrels of Sumatra, With descriptions of two new species
30584: Ward W.H., - Imaginative thought and the Eyes
30513: Ward Lyon M. Jr., - A specimen of typical Burchell's zebra in the Unated States National Museum
30520: Ward Lyon M. Jr., - Notes on the porcupines of the Malay Peninsula and archipelago
35122: Wardell Stiles C., - The country slaughterhouse as a factor in the spread of disease
35136: Wardell Stiles C., - Voges's description of mal de caderas
28132: Wardiatno Y., Aktani U., Yulianda F., - Variability of mollusc assemblages in an area affected by a costal power plant in East Java, Indonesia
4217: Warén A., - On the identity of Eulima piriformis Brugnone,1873 (Eulimidae)
31187: Warén A., - The identity of Turbo politus Linnaeus, 1758 (Prosobranchia, Eulimidae)
21925: Warèn A. & Carney R., - Ophiolamia armigeri gen et sp n parasitic on the abyssal ophiuroid Ophiomusium armigerum
60767: Warén A., Burch B. L. & Burch T. A., - Description of five new species of Hawaiian Eulimidae
60766: Warén A. & Bouchet P., - Laevipilina rolani, a new monoplacophoran from off Southwestern Europe
61744: Waren A. & Di Paco G., - Redescription of Anidolyta duebeni (Lovén), a little known notaspidean gastropod
61248: Warén A. & Carrozza F., - Arculus sykesi, a leptonacean bivalve living on a tanaids crustacea in the Gulf of Genova
26797: Warén A. & Carrozza F., - Idas ghisottii sp
56374: Waren A., Carrozza F., Rocchini R., - Description of two new species of Hyalogyrinidae (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia) from the Mediterranean
12227: Warén A., - Neopilina goesi, a new Caribbean monoplacophoran mollusk dredged in 1869
12290: Warén A., - Ontogenetic changes in the trochoidean (Archaeogastropoda) radula, with some phylogenetic interpretations
61202: Warén A., - Designation of neotypes of 'Melanella alba (Da Costa, 1778)' and 'Eulima glabra (Da Costa, 1778)
73898: Waren A. & Gofas S., - Kaiparapelta askewi McLean & Harasewych, 1995 (Gastropoda: Pseudococculinidae) a spongivorous cocculiniform limpet and a case of remarkable convergence in radular morphology
29299: Warén A., - Systematic position and validity of Ebala Gray, 1847
5768: Warén A., - New and little known mollusca from Iceland
12278: Warén A., - Spirotropis sarsi, new name for Spirotropis carinata Sars, 1878
12292: Warén A., Arnaud P.M. & Cantera J.R., - Descriptions of two new gastropods of the Trichotropidae from Kerguelen and Crozet Islands (South Indian Ocean)
15309: Warén A. & Di Paco G., - Redescription of Anidolyta duebeni (Lovén), a little known notaspidean gastropod
40015: Warén A., - On the systematic position of Benthonella nisonis Dall, 1889 (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia)
60760: Waren A. & Klitgaard A., - Hanleya nagelfar, a sponge-feeding ecotype of H
60772: Warén A., - Comments on and description of eulimid gastropods from Tropical West America
12234: Warén A., - Molluscs from East and North of Svalbard, collected by the Swedish YMER-80 Expedition
60537: Warén A., - Marine Mollusca Described by John Gwyn Jeffreys, with the Location of the Type Material; 62 p
20899: Warén A. & Mifsud C, - Nanobalcis a new eulimid genus (Prosobranchia) parasitic on Cidaroid sea urchins, with two new species and comments on Sabinella bonifaciae (Nordsieck)
12223: Warén A., - New and little known Mollusca from Iceland and Scandinavia
12229: Warén A. & Moolenbeek R., - A new eulimd gastropod, Trochostilifer eucidaricola, parasitic on the pencil urchin Eucidaris tribuloides from the Southern Caribbean
15310: Warén A., - Description of Bathysciadium xylophagum Warén & Carrozza, sp
15119: Warén A. & Sibuet M., - Ophieulima, a new genus of ophiuroid parasites
2214: Warén A. & Bouchet P., - A new species of Vanikoridae from the Western Mediterranean, with remarks on the Northeast Atlantic species of the family
67128: Warén A. & Bouchet P., - Mollusca Gastropoda: Systematic position and revision of Haloceras Dall, 1889 (Caenogastropoda, Haloceratidae fam
16896: Warén A., - New and little known 'skeneimorph' gastropods from Mediterranean sea and the adjiacent Atlantic ocean
72370: Warén A. & Gofas S. & Schander C., - Systematic position of three European heterobranch gastropods
72669: Warén A. & Lewis L.M., - Two new species of eulimid gastropods endoparasitic in asteroids
73445: Warén A. & Gofas S., - A new species of Monoplacophora, redescription of the genera Veleropilina and Rokopella, and new information on three species of the class
73596: Warén A., - Revision of the Genera Apicalia A
7438: Warén A., Carrozza F., Rocchini R., - Elachisina versiliensis, a new mediterranean species of the family Elachisinidae (Prosobranchia: Truncatelloidea)
65153: Waring Buck M., - Along the seashore
61270: Warmke G.L. & Abbott R.T., - Caribbean seashells - A guide to the Marine Mollusks of Puerto Rico and other West Indian Islands, Bermuda and the Lower Florida Keys
49605: Warner G.F. & Woodley J.D., - Suspension-feeding in the brittle-star Ophiotrix fragilis
59048: Warren LO.M., - The ecology of Capitella capitata in British waters
47649: Warren B. Ballard, Jackson S. Whitman, and Craig L. Gardner, - Ecology of an exploited wolf population in south-central Alaska
63289: Warshauer S.M., - Cincinnitaconcha, Pseudoprimitiella and Edenopsis: New generic names for Ordovician ostracodes
10869: WARWICK T., - Potamopyrgus jenkinsi (Smith) in recent deposits in Suffolk
23297: Washburn S.K., - Vita sociale dell' uomo preistorico
66409: Washington H.S., - The chemical analysis of rocks
34512: Wataghin G., - Dissertazione critica sulla teoria dei quanti
65886: Watanabe R. & Noda H., - Notes on Polydora-like borings in the shells of Cyclocardia crebricostata (Mollusca, Bivalvia) from the Pliocene Yuchi Formation in the northern part of Hokkaido, Japan
26655: Watari S., - Anatomical studies on the leaves of some Saxifragaceous plants, with special reference to the vascular system
73962: Waterhouse J.B., - Permian Bivalves from New Zealand
71633: Waterhouse J.B., - New Zealand species of the Permian bivalve Atomodesma Beyrich
10882: WATERHOUSE J.B. & Shah S.C., - Costalosia a new strophalosiid genus (Brachiopoda) from of Permian of South Asia
72316: Waterhouse J.B., - A new species of Worthenia from the Triassic of Southland, New Zealand
72367: Waterhouse J.B., - Note on New Zealand species of Atomodesma
72374: Waterhouse J.B. & Vella P., - A Permian fauna from North-West Nelson, New Zealand
72508: Waterhouse J.B., - Permian gastropods of New Zealand Part 3 - Pleurotomariacea (concluded)
72661: Waterhouse J.B., - The relationship between the living genus Pholadomya Sowerby and upper Paleozoic pelecypods
73059: Waterhouse J.B., - Mellarium , a new Triassic Pleurotomariid Gastropod from New Zealand
57489: Waters A.W., - Note from Davos Dörfli, In 8vo, original wrappers, pp
57490: Waters A.W., - Influence of the weather on the body temperature, as shown by figures collected in Davos
57491: Waters A.W., - Some Meteorological Conditions of Davos, reduced to average curves
57488: Waters A.W., - Notes on fossil Lithothamnia (so-called Nulliporae)
63639: Watkins, W.A., K.E. Moore, J. Sigurjonsson, D. Wartzok,& G.Notarbartolo di Sciara, - Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) tracked by radio in the Irminger Sea
57767: Watson S.J. & Horton E.A., - Composition, digestibility and nutritive value of samples of grassland products
64313: Watson I., - La doppia faccia degli UFO
60221: Watson I., - L'enigma dei visitatori
70478: Watson H., - The South African species of the molluscan genus Onchidella
57761: Watson S.J., - Investigations into the Intensive System of Grassland Management By the Agricultural Research Staff of Imperial Chemical Industries, Limited - VI: The Digestibility and Feeding value of Grass Silage made in a Stack
57760: Watson S.J., - Investigations into the Intensive System of Grassland Management By the Agricultural Research Staff of Imperial Chemical Industries, Limited - V: The Digestibility and feeding value of grass silage made in a tower and the digestibilty and comparative yield of artificially dried grass obtained from the same source
57759: Watson S.J., - Investigations into the Intensive System of Grassland Management By the Agricultural Research Staff of Imperial Chemical Industries, Limited - IV: The Digestibility and Feeding Value of Artificially Dried Grass
59604: Watson I.,. - Cronomacchina molto lenta
57762: Watson S.J., - Investigations into the Intensive System of Grassland Management By the Agricultural Research Staff of Imperial Chemical Industries, Limited - VII: TThe Digestibility and Feeding Value of Grass Silage Made in a Pit
69607: Watson I., - Superuomo legittimo
57763: Watson S.J. & Ferguson W.S., - The nutritive value of artificially dried grass and its effect on the quality of milk produced by cows of the main dairy breeds
66585: Watters G.T., - A Preliminary Review of the Nominal Genus Villosa of Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia, Unionidae) in North America
46167: Weaver C.S., - Hawaiian Marine Mollusks - Recent species - The genera Terebra and Hastula
13078: Weaver C.S., - A new subspecies of Volutoconus hargreavesi (Angas, 1872) from Central Western Australia
72581: Weaver C.S., - 2nd provisional species list of living Volutidae (Gastropoda)
72622: Weaver C.S. & Du Pont J.E., - The living volutes
73861: Weaver C.E., - The Oligocene of Kitsap County, Washington
70678: Webb W.M., (1920) - The Microscope and its uses
63246: Webb W.F., - List od operculate land shells for sale
69846: Webb W.F., - Shells and other invertebrates of the United States
73947: Webb W.F., - Handbook for shell collectors
27150: Webb G.R., - Sexological notes on the landsnail Orohelix
33169: Webb L.J., - Some new records of medicinal plants used by the aborigines of Tropical Queensland and New Guinea
72410: Webb W.F., - Handbook for shell collectors - illustrations and descriptions of shells from all parts of the world
72053: Webb M., - Tornata alla terra
72519: Webb P.B. & Berthelot S., - Historia natural de las Islas Canarias
7443: Webb A., - Handbook for shell collectors (XV ed
7444: Webb W.F., - United States Mollusca
54502: Webber H.J., - Improvement of plants by selection
50905: Weber F., - Studien über die Ruheperiode der Holzgewächse
30971: Weber G. & Weber F., - Wirkung der Schwerkraft auf die Plasmaviskositat
31461: Webster H.C., - Energy and the future of mankind
60290: WEBSTER G D. & LANE N. G., - Carboniferous echinoderms from the southwestern United States
70954: Wedl C., - Uber die Bedeutung der in den Schalen von manchen Acephalen und Gasteropoden workommenden Canale
57524: Weedon M.J. & Taylor P.D., - Calcitic Nacreous Ultrastructures in Bryozoans: Implications for Comparative Biomineralization of Lophophorates and Molluscs
27970: Wegner R.N., - Zur Kenntnis des Gaumenbeins der Anthropoiden
23301: Weidenrecih F., - Scimmie, giganti e uomini; Pavia, Cortina ed
14699: Weil A., - Shells shocked! In 8°, bross
63565: Weinberg, M. & Tsacas, L., - Les espèces du genre Habropogon de l'Afrique du Nord (Diptera-Asilidae)
71613: Weinland D.F., - Zur Molluskenfauna von Württembergisch Franken
63974: Weisberger L., - Il diavolo veste Prada
71362: Weisbord N., 1962- - Late Cenozoic Gastropods from Northern Venezuela + Late Cenozoic Pelecypods from Northern Venezuela
126: Weiser H.H., Mountney G.J. & Gould W.A., - Practical food microbiology and technology
56844: Weiss A., - Zum Baue und der Natur der Diatomaceen
71979: Weiss A., - Ueber die Conchylien-Fauna der interglacialen Travertine des Weimar-Taubacher Kalktuffbeckens
72414: Weiss H.M., - Marine animals of southern New England and New York: Identification keys to common nearshore and shallow water macrofauna
62699: Weld C.J., - Studies on Chalcid-Flies of the Subfamily Leucospidinae, with Descriptions of New Species
69806: Wellen E., - Cosa Nostra che sei nei cieli
58044: Wellman M.W., - Non svegliare il Fram che dorme
68033: Wellman M.W. & Sellman W., - La guerra dei mondi di Sherlock Holmes
72528: Wellman H.W., - Divisions of the New Zealand Cretaceous
58233: Wells R., - Imitazione biologica
21285: Wells F.E., - A redescription of the sea hare Aplysia gigantea
66291: Wells F.E. & Kilburn R.N., - Three temperate-water species of South African gastropods recorded for the fist time in Southwetern Australia
19736: Wells F.E. & Sellers R.J., - Reproductive periodicity of the chiton Acanthopleura hirtosa on intertidal platforms in the Perth area of Western Australia
2973: Wells F., - A revision of Australian Teramachia
74622: Wells F.E., - A revision of the drilliid genera Splendrillia nad Plagiostropha (Gastropoda: Conoidea) from New Caledonia, with additional records from other areas
19732: Wells F.E. & Threlfall T.J., - Reproductive strategies of Hydrococcus brazieri and Arthritica semen in Peel Inlet, Western Australia
60862: Wells F.E. - New records of Splendrillia (Gastropoda: Turridae) from northwestern Australia, with the description of a new species
19740: Wells F.E. & Keesing J.K., - Population characteristics of the gastropod Cantharidus pulcherrimus on intertidal platforms in the Perth area of Western Australia
20343: Wells F.E. & Threlfall T.J., - Molluscs of the Peel-Harvey estuarine system, with a comparison with other south-western Australian estuaries
75048: Wen S.X., - Cretaceous bivalve biogeography in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
73887: Wen S.H., - Cretaceous bivalves of Kangpa Group, South Xizang, China and their biogeography
64698: Wendt J., - Discohelix (Archeogastropoda Euomphalacea) as an index fossil in the Tethyan Jurassic
69971: Wenz W., - Über das Vorkommen von Cepaea evera larteti (Boissy) in den schwäbischen Silvanaschichten und seine edeutung für deren Gliederung
70038: Wenz W., - Helicites sylvestrinus Schlotheim
23633: Wenz W., - Zwei neue landschnecken aus süddeutschem Burdigal
68947: Wenz W., - Die Mollusken des Pliozäns der rumänischen Erdöl-Gebiete als Leitversteinerungen für die Aufschluss-Arbeiten
71881: Wenz W., - Obermiozän und Unterpliozän bei Okarben
71880: Wenz W., - Die Molluskenfauna der Mergel von Paulhiac (Lot-et-Garonne)
71882: Wenz W., - Land- und Sü§wassermollusken aus der eozänen Braunkohle des Geiseltales
71884: Wenz W., - Sü§wassermollusken aus den Mediterranablagerungen des Mecsekgebirges (Südwestungarn)
69973: Wenz W., - Die Eliobiiden des Mainzer Beckens [Oligocene]
72034: Wenz W., - Weltere Beiträge zur Fauna der pontischen Schichten von Leobersdorf
71554: Wenz W., - Die Hydrobienschichten von Hochstadt bei Hanau und ihre Fauna
69972: Wenz W., - Landschnecken aus den marinen Sanden der tortonischen Stufe des Wiener Beckens von Vöslau
70018: Wenz W., - Neue Zonitiden aus den Landschneckenkalken von Hochheim
71585: Wenz W., - Zur Fauna der pontischen Schichten von Leobersdorf und Eichkogel bei Mödling
65101: Wenz W., - Die ältesten Stylommatophoren des europäischen Raumes
71294: Wenz W., - Brotia escheri inornata n
72037: Wenz W., - Über zwei fossile Helicodontinae: Canariella disciformis(Wenz) und Caracollina noerdlingensis
72038: Wenz W., - Pinna hassiaca Steuer aus den Meeressanden von Weinheim b
72040: Wenz W., 1933-35 - Zur Land- und Sü§wassermolluskenfauna der subalpinen Molasse des Pfändergebiets + Weitere Beiträge
72054: Werfel F., - I quaranta giorni del Mussa Dagh vol
62044: Werner H. & Kaplan B., - La formazione del simbolo vol
55572: Werner C., - Emerico Amari in relazione a GB Vico - traduzione dal tedesco di G Vadalà Papale
63699: Werner E., (1910) - Einh held der Feder
54778: Werner,F. - Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Forschungsreise nach Marokko - Unternommen 1930 mit Unterstützung der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien von Franz Werner und Richard Ebner
54821: Werner F., - Ergebnisse einer von Prof Franz Werner im Sommer 1910 mit Unterstützung aus dem Legate Wedl ausgeführten zoologischen Forschungsreise nach Algerien - III: Orthopteren
56985: Werner F., - Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tierwelt der Ägäischen Inseln
71813: Wernert P., - Un fossile-directeur de la faune malacologique interglaciaire dans les limons loessiques de la station paléolithique d'Achenheim : Zonites Acieformis Klein
71989: Wernert P. & Geissert F., - Mollusques glanés à Achenheim dans les alluvions rhénanes et vosgiennes comparés à la faune malacologique récoltée par Andreae à Hangenbieten
68303: Wesker A., - Sei domeniche di gennaio
75251: Wesselingh F.P., - On relict hydrobiid species in Brazilian Amazonia (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia, Hydrobiidae)
54504: West M., - The public domain in the United States
69438: Westermann G.E.G. & Riccardi A.C., - Ammonoid fauna from the early Middle Jurassic of Mendoza Province, Argentina
74331: Westermann G.E.G., Riccardi A.C., Palacios G. & Rangel C., - Jurásico Medio en el Peroe
69439: Westermann G.E.G. & Riccardi A.C., - Ammonoid fauna from the early Middle Jurassic of Mendoza Province, Argentina
72991: Westermann G.E.G., - Bajocian ammonoid fauna of Tethysn affinties from the Kambe Limestone Series of Kenya and implication to plate tectonics
75087: Westermark T. et al., - Elemental content in shells of ocean quahog Arctica islandica L
59569: WETANSON B. & HOOBLER T., - I cacciatori
54172: Wetterwald X., - Blatt- und Sprossbildung bei Euphorbien und Cacteen
50555: Wettstein R., - Untersuchungen ilber die Wachsthumsgesetze der Pflanzenorgane -II: Reihe - Wurzeln
50912: Wettstein R., - Fungi novi Austriaci Series I
57737: Weyer E M . (Ed.). - Molecular Biology of Gram Negative Bacterial Lipopolysaccharides
70838: Weymouth F.W., - The life-history and growth of the Pismo clam (Tivela stultorum Mawe)
70799: Weymouth F.W., - The edible clams, mussels and scallops of California
51631: Wharton, Edith And Ogden Codman, - The Decoration of Houses
71143: Wheat S.I., - A Long Island Acmaea, and a new variety of Urosaplix cinera
72590: Wheelock A.K., - A Collector's Cabinet
57732: Whipple H.E. (Ed.), - Mucus in Invertebrates - Collected Papers
57735: Whipple H.E. (Ed.), - Viral Diseases of Poikilothermic Vertebrates
57738: Whipple H.E. (Ed.), - The Staphylococci: Ecologic Perspectives
57730: Whipple H.E. (Ed.), - Forms of Water in Biologic Systems
32861: Whipple H.E. (Ed.), - Unusual Forms and Aspects of Cancer in Man
70629: White C.A., - On marine Eocene freshwater Mocene and other fossil Mollusca of Western North America
60078: White S.B., Dolbeer, R.A. Bookhout, T.A., - Ecology, bioenergetics, and agricultural impacts of a winter-roosting population of blackbirds and starlings
63686: White J., - Chirurgia per la Terra
62962: White K.N. & Walker G., - The barnacle excretory organo
19297: White M.E., Powell E.N., Wilson E.A. & Ray S.M., - The spatial distribution of Perkinsus marinus, a protozoan parasite, in relation to its oyster host (Crassostrea virginica) and an ectoparasitic gastropod (Boonea impressa)
66787: White C.A., - A review of the non-marine fossil Mollusca of North America
40559: White C.A., - The relation of biology to geological investigation - A series of essays discussing the nature and scientific uses of fossil remains and the necessity for their systematic collection and permanent conservation in public museums
59575: White T., - La seconda missione di Bob Tanner
64316: White J., - Partenza da zero
71290: White W.A., - The geomorphology of the Florida Peninsula
59946: White J., - Il sogno del millennio
62546: White L.D., - Introduzione allo studio della pubblica amministrazione
31548: White C.T., - F
58208: Whitehead D., - La Storia Dello FBI
72916: Whitehouse F.W., - The Queensland Inocerami collected b y M
72919: Whitehouse F.W., - A marine early Cretaceous fauna from Stanwell (Rockhampton District)
24214: Whitlock H.P., - Jade and the antique use of gems
23306: Whitney G.D., - La vita e lo sviluppo del linguaggio; Milano, Dumolard
61963: Whyte J., - Il sogno di Ginevra - Io Lancillotto
73300: Wicander R., Playford G. & Robertson E.B., - Stratigraphic and paleogeographic significance of an Upper Ordovician acritarch flora from the Maquoketa Shale, Northeastern Missouri, U
30564: Widtsoe J.A., - Le dry-farming culture des terres seches
72836: Wiedman L.A., Feldmann R.M., Lee D.E. & Zinsmeister W.J., - Brachiopoda from the La Meseta Formation (Eocene), Seymour Island, Antarctica
72404: Wierzbowski A., - Oxfordian ammonites of the Pinar del Rio province (western Cuba); their revision and stratigraphical significance
65255: Wiese V., - Liste der Molluskenfunde der Meteor-Nordatlantikfahrten 13/I-13/II im Sommer 1990
53383: Wiese V., - Siegfried Gustav Anton Jaeckel (1907-1986)
18110: Wiese K. & Ebina Y., - The propulsion jet of Euphausia superba (Antarctic krill) as a potential communication signal amog conspecifics
54041: Wiesner J. & Baar H., - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Anatomie des Agave-Blattes, In 8vo, offp
50552: Wiesner J., - Untersuchungen über die Wachsthumsbewegungen der Wurzeln (Darwin'sche und geotropische Wurzelkrümmung)
54121: Wiesner J., - Studien über den Einflu§ der Luftbewegung auf die Beleuchtung des Laubes
49745: Wiesner J., - Untersuchungen über die Beziehungen des Lichtes zum Chlorophyll
48040: Wigham G.D., - The biology and ecology of Rissoa parva (Da Costa)
68116: Wigham G. D. & Graham A., - Marine Gastropods 3: Neogastropoda
60424: Wijdenes J., - A comparative study on the neuro-endocrine control growth and reproduction in pulmonate snails and slugs
64686: Wiktor A., - New slug species (Pulmonata: Milacidae and Limacidae) from the Balkan Peninsula
68436: Wiktor A., - Contribution to the knowledge of the slugs of Turkey (Gastropoda terrestria nuda)
64752: Wiktor A., - The slugs of Bulgaria (Arionidae, Milacidae, Limacidae, Agriolimacidae - Gastropoda, Stylommatophora)
67690: Wiktor A., - New for science Milacidae
34483: Wilcox E.V., - Plant poisoning of stock in Montana (Washington, 1901), pp
59212: Wild R., - Die Flugsaurier (Reptilia, Pterosauria) aus der Oberen Trias von Cene bei Bergamo, Italien
60417: Wilde O., - Aforismi
60222: Wilde O., - Il ritratto di Dorian Gray
35125: Wiley H. W., - Potash and its function in agriculture
51402: Wilhelm Bouvier - Beiträge zur Vergleichenden Anatomie der Asphodeloideae
51459: Wilhelm von Kesslitz - Die Gezeitenerscheinungen in der Adria
51318: Wilhelm Trabert - Innsbrucker Föhnstudien III
51113: Wilhelm Trabert - Der tägliche Gang der Temperatur und des Sonnenscheins auf dem Sonnblickgipfel 75 pages, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 16
51488: Wilhelm Hammer und Otto Ampferer - Ergebnisse der geologischen Forschungsreisen in Westserbien
39469: Wilhelm E.A., - Trabalhos de zoólogos germânicos sobre a Madeira (1815-1915)
51255: Wilhelm von Hillmayr - Bestimmung der Bahn des Kometen 1854 II
51114: Wilhelm Mörth (Fregatten-Capitän und Commandant des Schiffes) - Die Ausrüstung S
67759: Wilhelm K., - Il tempo del ginepro
51347: Wilhelm Wirtinger - Über die Konforme Abbildung der Riemann«schen Fläche durch Abel«sche Integrale, besonders bei p=1,2 22 pages with 26 illustrations, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung 29
51153: Wilhelm Kesslitz und Siegmund Schluet von Schluetenberg - Magnetische Aufnahme von Bosnien und der Herzogowina 42 pages with 1 map, format 4° Wien, Staatsdruckerei, vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 30
52169: Wilkins G.L., - Report on the Mollusca found during excavations at Rang Mahal [India]
58805: Wilkins H., - Al Polo Nord in sottomarino (Spedizione Wilkins-Ellsworth)
24422: Wilkinson M. & Burrows E.M., - An experimental taxonomic study of the algae confused under the name Gomontia polyrhiza
24421: Wilkinson M. & Burrows E.M., - The distribution of marine shell-boring green algae
64843: Willan R.C., - Intraspecific aggression in the nudibranch Chromodoris annae Berfh, 1877: nove 'fighting' behaviour for the Chromodorididae (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia)
74328: Willan R.C., - Taxonomic re-evaluation and description of Gari radiata (Dunker in Philippi, 1845) (Bivalvia: Tellinoidea: Psammobidae)
61460: Willan R.C., - Taxonomic Revision of the Family Psammobiidae in the Australian and New Zealand Region; In 4to
72667: Willan R.C., - A re-evaluation of Gari lineolata (Gray in Yate, 1835) (Bivalvia: Psammobiidae)
7452: Willan R.C., 1984 - - A review of diets in the Notaspidea (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia)
69284: Willecke S., - Zur Verteilung von Gehäuseschnecken in Weinbergen und angrenzenden Flächen
69263: Willett G., - West American Trochidae
72873: Willey L.E., - Upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous Grammatodontinae (Bivalvia) from southern Alexander Island
54508: William T.A., - Millets
69295: Williams E.E., - The growth and distribution of Gibbula umbilicalis (Da Costa) on a rocky shore in Wales
68188: Williams G., - La colonia dei micronauti
38056: Williams G. B., - The effect of extracts of Fucus serratus in promoting the settlement of larvae of Spirorbis borealis (Polichaeta)
73974: Williams jr. A., - Popular Fallacies Regarding Precious-Metal Ore Deposits
71828: Williams S.H. & Lockley M.G., - Ordovician inarticulate brachiopods from graptolitic shales at Dob's Linn, Scotland; their morphology and significance
71968: Williams R.M., - Jongor, il terrroe della jungla
59583: Williams G., - Micronauti in giardino
35123: Williams T. A., - Timothy in the prairie region
34346: Williams R.B., - Notes on the history and invertebrate fauna of a poikilohaline lagoon in Norfolk
74249: Williams J.D., - Freshwater Mussels of Florida
7454: Williams J.W., - On the morphology of the gonads in Limnaea stagnalis and L
8614: Williams E.E., - The growth and distribution of Littorina littorea (L
8615: WILLIAMS E.E., - The growth and distribution of Monodonta lineata (da Costa) on a rocky shore in Wales
59738: Williamson J., - L'isola del drago
64247: Williamson J., - I figli della luna
64362: Williamson J., - Compratemi tutta
59590: Williamson J.N. - Gli emarginati
71965: Williamson J., - Il popolo d'oro
38697: Williamson P. & Kendall M. A., - Population age structure and growth of the trochid Monodonta lineata determined from shell rings
59910: Williamson J., - Il ritorno degli umanoidi
71286: Williamson P.G., - Punctuated equilibrium, morphological stasis and the palaeontological documentation of speciation: a reply to Fryer, Greenwood and Peake's critique of the Turkana Basin mollusc sequence
69628: Williamson J., - Servocittà
68940: Williamson J., - L'ombra del futuro
7455: Williamson M.B. & Dall W.H., - An annotated list of the shells of San Pedro Bay and vicinity
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59214: Wilmotte M., - Les passions allemandes du Rhin dans leur rapport avec l'ancien theatre français
75361: Wils E. & Delsaerdt A., - Conus lemuriensis a new species form Reunion
72084: Wils E & Verbinnen G., - Red Sea Mollusca part 11: Mitridae and part 12: Costellariidae
71849: Wilson B.R., - Survival and reproduction of the mussel Xenostrobus securis (Lamarck) (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) in a Western Australian estuary
68759: Wilson B.R. & Gillett K., - Australian shells illustrating and describing 600 species of marine gastropods from Australian waters
32032: Wilson J.G. & Shelley C., - The distribution of Nucula turgida (Bivalvia: Protobranchia) from Dublin bay, Ireland, and the effect of sediment organic content
34495: Wilson J. & Hill G.G., - International live stock Exposition of 1900
33986: Wilson T., - The golden Patera of Rennes
35168: Wilson C.B., - Additional notes on the development of the Argulidae, with description of a new species
16237: Wilson C.B., - Copepods gathered by the United States Fisheries steamer "Albatross" from 1887 to 1909, chiefly in the Pacific Ocean
27742: Wilson C.B., - North American parasitic copepods belonging to the family Caligidae - parts 3 and 4 - A revision of the Pandarinae and Cecropinae
12277: Wilson B.R., - Survival and reproduction of the mussel Xenostrobus securis (Lamarck) (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) in a Western Australian estuary
15557: Wilson D.P., - Oyster rearing on the river Yealm
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24786: Wilson C.B., - North American parasitic copepods: a list of those found upond the fishes of the Pacific coast, with descriptions of new genera and species
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34362: Wilson T., - Minute stone implements from India
29576: Wilson J.B., - 'Patch' development of the deep-water coral Lophelia pertusa (L
21875: Wilson J.B., - Attachment of the coral Caryophyllia smithii to tubes of the polychaete Ditrupa arietina and other substrates
21874: Wilson D.P., - Sabellaria alveolata at Duckpool, North Cornwall, 1975
72772: Wilson B.R., - A new generic name for three recent and one fossil species of Mytilidae Mollusca Bivalvia in southern Australasia, with redescription of the species
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